#voltage fanfic requests open
Imagine being a young teenager in this case an orphan Christian girl full of dreams who’s exiting from what’s essentially a cult who’s raised to be slaughter. You get sent to a new house excited for the future just to end up tortured, abused, raped, and killed in a mansion by six vampires…. No cap let’s make these bad boys, S U F F E R 💖
Ahhh That's exactly the vision I've had for a full fanfic. It works for most of, maybe not all of, the boys either separately or all at once. Maybe a series that's occuring in overlapping timelines but for writing sake is in different parts.
But isn't that exactly what gets the most angst and depth and all the good stuff? You were an orphan from the same place as the Mukamis, you've been through hell and wether or not you're still buying the cult's nonsense is very open to interpretation. Of course anything is better then that hell hole right? Well, yes but also no.
So one route that I play with, really only for the Sakamakis, is they did like you and were like how they are in the games except their mothers are still alive. Obviously not happy at the human fondness they stage something to make it look like, or actually force, you to start sleeping with someone. The boys are too busy being hurt and either they kill you or the mother's play the "I will help" and have you killed. Except Karl has noticed your utility. So one by one the girl who has that effect on one of his sons is revived. You're not a vampire though.
~ With Shu's I imagine Beatrix would have fun with having you hunted down in the woods and tore limb from limb, so you revived leads to you have new metal limbs much more useful for your job.
~Reiji would of course go poison, so your skin may be preserved but your veins are black, the blood vessels in your eyes unable to hold in the black poison burst and so your eyes are coals. Your skin is gray. You have some modifications like your "older sister" but they're mostly just for skeletal additions to make sure everything is getting signals fast.
~Ayato, you were burnt, the inspiration for Cordelia's fate. Yours burns leading to artificial fingers to ensure sensation while you work. As well as a voice modulator from your vocal cords being fried beyond repair.
~Laito, you were drowned. He held you under bringing you up demanding you confess to your sin. You refused to lie and professed you innocence. Except you got held down too long. Minor strengthening to the lungs as well as some new gils for your new life.
~Kanato, it's clear you became a doll. Stitch marks holding you together and a lot of voltage keeping you a hard hitter.
~Subaru, he had taken time to calm himself down. He knew you probably weren't with anyone, but the rumours still upset him. But Christa is hardly stable so you were pushed off the castle balcony only to be impaled on an iron fence spike. Your midriff is rebuilt and legs get similar skeletal adjustments to your sister made by Reiji.
So that's the Sakamakis and to quickly shelf them we turn to the Mukamis. You were killed fast here I feel them having to address you come from the orphanage too would be to easy a solution. So you did fast.
~Ruki it's talking back or escaping. It is very clear you know what your doing in escaping but how he doesn't know. Needless to say you are held by your ankle to taunt you. When you refuse to give up your sister's location you are dropped. Your entire spine was rebuilt, with wings added at your request.
~Yuma, during the escape from the Mukamis you are found expertly hiding in some tree roots. You're left impaled for your sisterly loyalty. Karl can't seem to find you and it takes your sister killed by Ruki to locate you. By then the roots have grown into you. It saves Karl the metal, you are sustained by the tree roots weaving in and out of your body.
~Kou blinded you, you kept throwing rocks at him in anger after being separated while scrambling from spot to spot. When he does catch you he takes the eye you held open as you lined up a shot leaving the other to watch as he ties you to a tree to be left for the wolves. You are rescued alive but amaciated and near delirious from blood loss. A new eye and the gift of eternal life without fangs are your prize.
~Azusa probably tried to show you how fun his home is. By showing you his knives...too much. You're covered in stitches similar to Kanato's doll brought back. You now know exactly which stabs hurt most.
So these 10 plus maybe Carla and Shins' main murder, are brought under Karl's wing at the castle. Maybe you don't even know they're related. You get more advanced tech as you all age, you are Karl's daughters he always wanted but never had and amazing assassin's and political powerhouses. All kept from his son's due to their limited involvement in his life.
Until one day it's impossible to keep you all separated. Maybe they don't recognise you, it's been so long. Maybe they do immediately or it's revealed later on. But they learn quickly what they gave up.
~Shu, you are a natural big sister and a good leader. Having become somewhat jaded but still caring towards the innocent you have no time for Shu. Being sent as his temporary guard sees him so baffled and upset that you aren't angry or trying to hurt him. Hearing only "oh please I'm well above that by this stage," only pisses him off more. You've also grown your body tight uniform showing exactly what his missed out on, especially after your innocence is proven.
~Reiji, this bitch wouldn't ever look into the truth after your death. So you're just as guilty as when he killed you to him, only to then be read to filth as you use what he says of his own mother against him to show how he just blindly followed like a sheep. You are elegant whenever he sees you, refined and able to have men kneel from threats so we'll concealed you'd almost think you were best of friends with those you manipulate. Then he sees you with your sister's, having the bond he may wish for deep down. But you're too above him now to even look his way.
~The triplets see a bond healthier than their own in your trio. Seeing you complement each others skills and move so cohesively. Realising how chosing their mother over you left them without what they would now probably describe as a dream come true to them. But all the smiles, laughs, and performance is dropped the minute they are left alone with you and all you give are glares or simple ignoring.
~Subaru spends the first few weeks trying to work up the nerve to apologise. When he does you only say you forgave him years ago but without therapy you would not be getting burnt again. He's hurt and now has to navigate a system he's never had any experience with alone if his brothers aren't so desperate to attone for you.
~Ruki, you are close with Reiji's kill. You two and Carla's playing an integral roll as three of the 4 underhands of your leader, providing different areas of expertise. Your's lies in grouping and typing, the emotional strategy, in large part. You refuse to even look at him, and when you do those wings seem to get sharper and sharper with each second you glare.
~Yuma you are also one of the underhands. Your powerhouse of a form due to the natural improvements and gift lead to a terrifying enemy. Yuma sees a girl so fucking tough, and you eyes never changed. You were this spitfire back then and he just ignores it and tossed you. Plus your part plant that's his dream, and he's fucked up everything.
~Kou, head sniper, having been determined to have equally strong eyes after struggling when the cameras used to make your current prosthetic did not exist. You are fucking cold, kind to so many until they show themselves to be two faces of cruel. Kou's never had a girl not fawn over him and he hates it.
~Azusa, you are equal parts helpful medic and terrifying assassin. Knowing extensive knowledge on where you bleed most, where you bleed fastest, quietest, cleanest etc. Except you get tense the minute he's in a room.
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mylittleotomecorner · 5 years
If you're still taking requests "87, Keith Alford" please😉😉
Confession is Good for SomethingKeith Alford x MCRating: G
Since working for the Alford family, things have been pretty nice. If you could call Keith’s rude comments and constant shouting pretty nice. But, it’s just the way he’s always been. Guess I’ve been here long enough to sort of become immune to it. It helps that his sister Catherine sees me as an important person in her brother’s life. She’s, at times, wise beyond her tender years.
Today, I’m in the garden. Catherine asked me to have lunch with her so how could I refuse? It was a lovely day, Summer hasn’t taken full effect yet so the dress I wore was just right for staying cool while having lunch with a princess.
When I reach the spot she’s told me to go to, I see Keith ahead of me. “Hey,” I call out to him. “What are you doing here?”
“Catherine asked me to join her for lunch,” the prince said matter of factly. The breeze tousled his hair a bit and sun hit his eyes, making them sparkle like emeralds. “What are you…”
“Oh, good,” Catherine smiles as she clapped her hands together. “You’re both here. Luke is almost finished setting things up.”
Looking at Keith, he did the same to me and we both followed her to the spot set up for a summertime luncheon outdoors. A large table was set with all kinds of light looking foods from sandwiches to salad to lemonade on ice. Simple but still something anyone could enjoy. That’s when Keith noticed something. “Hey… there’s only two settings.”
“That’s right!” Catherine looked everything over, seeming very pleased. “I so happened to forget that I need to be somewhere else so you two are going to have to enjoy this all yourself.”
“What? No way!” Keith is yelling now. “I came here to have lunch with you, Cat. What’s the big deal?”
“The big deal is that you suck at expressing your feeling and emotion, brother. So now is your chance to do so while everyone else is at the main house doing whatever it is they’re doing in preparation for the Summer Festival.” She looked between us and I just felt parent trapped somehow.
But, she’s right. This year, it was decided that a festival would be held in celebration of the people of Liberty. So a week long celebration is being planned which included invitations to the other nations. And when that happens, that means the other princes will be here as well.
Catherine took on a serious tone when she spoke again. “I’m in charge of making the invitations for the other kingdoms and bring the prince’s here for the week of fun in the sun. Last time they were here, they were all very happy to see [___] so I’m sure they will be when they’re here. I heard there’s going to be a beach appearance at the sand castle event, too.”
I gasped. “That means…”
“Yes!” Catherine squealed and grabbed my hands in glee. “Fan service with them all, including my brother,” whom she stuck her tongue out at,” will be in nothing but swim trunks! I can’t wait! Anyway,” she waved at us as a nervous Luke stood in the distance. “ I’ll leave you to lunch and discuss whatever you like. Bye now~” And they were gone in a flash.
“Wow, she is really into the festival, isn’t she,” I say as I walk to the table and take a seat. “Shouldn’t let her trouble in making this lunch go to waste, right?” I look up and see Prince Keith internally struggling with something. “Your highness?”
“I told you not to call me that,” he gritted his teeth as he hesitantly stepped to the other seat before taking it. He had a look of worry on his face as he opened his napkin.
“Sorry, Keith.” I’d been here only a short while, but I’ve been accepted by Catherine as her best friend. That lead to being on more familiar terms with the crown prince and being on a first name basis. Whenever I get nervous, I instantly go back to being formal and I know how much he hates his royal duties.
He plops down in the seat opposite me with a huff. “Eh, just forget about it.” Looking over the table, it began with some sandwiches and I went and followed suit.
The atmosphere was awkward. We both anticipated having lunch with Catherine, but now we’re having this silent meal together. I can’t take it anymore and start some small talk.
“So, how was your day?” We spoke in unison and I can see Keith’s eyes were as wide as mine. I start to laugh but his cheeks began to flush.
“What’s so funny,” he said, irritation lacing his voice.
I catch my breath and wipe the tears from my eyes. “Nothing. Just that we asked about each other’s day at the same time.” I smile at him, the last bubbles of laughter leave me. “We haven’t had lunch alone before so it’s kind of awkward.”
He looked at me with those emerald eyes and I could get lost in them again. “If you want …we can have lunch more often.”
Did my ears deceive me? I blinked to see if the man before me was someone else but… “Are you sure? I don’t wish to take time away from -“
“Look…” I could see he was struggling with his words. I dared not interrupt him. “I don’t care about whether you’re taking up my time or not… I’d rather it be with you than some boring meeting or luncheon with some stuffed shirts I hardly know.
He really did hate the fact he had to have those duties of his. It was what he said next that hit me. “As long as you’re by my side, nothing else matters.”
Am I hearing this right? Sitting there stunned, I wasn’t sure what he was saying. “Y-you’re just saying that because I’m friends with Catherine, right? I’m just a commoner that’s sort of a friend to you by proxy of your sister, after all.”
“Stop talking.” The words hung in the air with a tone of seriousness. I instantly shut my mouth. “Listen carefully. I’m only going to say it once.” He started turning red and I began to wonder if he was holding his breath. “I like you.” Eh?! I can feel my own cheeks burning as I looked at the prince before me. I think he turned even more red. “Stop. Staring.” I quickly averted my gaze to the plate before me, food being the last thing on my mind now. “Ugh! Come on…” I look up and see his brows knit in worry, lips frowning a bit. “I’m serious…”
“About me?” My cheeks heated up again and like my heart was hammering at my chest.
“Do you see any other commoners around?” He smiled as he dropped his gaze for a moment, those fierce emeralds back looking at my own. He ran a hand through his locks and sighed. “Catherine has one thing right: talking about my feelings is not my thing.”
It got awkward again. Not sure what to do with my hands, I’m wringing my napkin on my lap. “The closest I had someone confess their feelings for me was at some office gathering and I think he was drunk.” Looking to Keith, I see him sour at that.
“I don’t need to be drunk to tell someone I like them,” he said, then realized the situation we were in and laughed. “But I did need my sister to make me say it.”
At that I couldn’t help the laugh that followed and we both shared in the moment. “So,” I said after catching my breath, “what now?”
“Stay by my side and I’ll make you more happy than some drunken fool that hit on you. I mean it.” Keith wore a genuine smile and I couldn’t deny that it was the best smile I’ve ever seen him wear in a while.
“I’d like that very much,” I smile back, feeling so happy at this surprise that was sprung on me. A delightful lunch with the sweetest treat of all.
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trashcatsnark · 4 years
Questions For An Author
Tagged by the always lovely @shallow-gravy
Tagging: @enchantedbythebidders @tender-wounds @rosyibby
Name: Mariah
Top 5 Fandoms Written: Far Cry 5, Kissed By The Baddest Bidder, Cyberpunk 2077, Boyfriend To Death, uhhhh Mystic Messenger? That feels like a cheat.
Top 5 Fandoms You Want To Write For/More: Mystic Messenger, I really loved that otome, and wrote for it but never finished anyting for some reason. Fallout 4, I fell in love with Danse but struggled to fall in love with the lore (i hate the 50’s aesthetic shit ngl, but thats just me) so nothing ever took off. Supernatural, ironically most popular fic on AO3 is for Supernatural but I never sunk my teeth into writing for it like I thought I would. Boyfriend to Death, I actually have like lots of my one shots and some series ideas for BtD, but never really have found the time or energy to write them. Stardew Valley is a big one too, I adore Shane, but for some reason that fic has yet to catch it’s vibe.
Stories You Wish More People Knew About: Granted, Can You Feel The Sun? My cyberpunk 2077 fic is still very much in it’s infancy, so it’s understandable but I still sometimes am like wahhh i wish it was doing better. But, I know its just a time thing, i mean, it took about a year for This Is Love to do as well as it is rn.
Ship(s) Written The Most: Dahlia x Polyseed, Tsuneko x hinted with all bidders, Aidan x Johnny. Im an oc simp, what do you want from me.
Character(s) Written The Most: Dahlia at this point. As far as canon characters, maybe Pratt since he’s her shit head sidekick.
How Many OCs Do You Have: An amount. Dahlia for FC5, Tsuneko for KBTBB, Aidan or CP2077, Regan for SPN, Scout for FO4, Haejin for Mystic Messenger, Jude for SDV. Unnamed ocs for BtD and Monster Prom. And if you go far enough back i had like a billion shitty ocs for OHSHC, Fruits Basket, Naruto, YYH, One Piece, Digimon, Pokemon, etc etc.
How Many Series Do You Have: Publicly; I have 3. This Is Love (FC5), Black Market Wonderland (KBTBB), and Can You Feel The Sun? (CP2077). Though, unfinished, I did have Blossoming which was gonna be my Mystic Messenger fic and Mad To Live which was gonna be my supernatural fic. And I never named them but I was gonna do one for SDV and FO4, maybe someday, or not at all.
What Do You Do With Fics You’re No Longer Interested In?: I don’t really like to like abandon fics, but like it is a struggle especially when I lose interest in the fandom it’s for. Black Market Wonderland has been on a very long hiatus, but I definitely do wanna come back to it whenever my love for KBTBB is back and Im less frustrated with Voltage as well as some shit that went down in the fandom. I know drama and personal shit shoudn’t impact feelings on a game, but its hard for it not to for me.And what happened in voltage stuff was like, the most personal I’ve ever been involved in stuff so, its hard. But i still love the characters, so hopefully I’ll rekindle that flame. So, i guess I just wait and pray for my energy to return.
Coming Soon: The next update I do, that I have planned for next month is chapter 11 for This Is Love.
Line From A WIP: From Can You Feel The Sun? Chapter 2. (accidentally wrote can you feel the love, smashing fic titles together omg) Also, spoilers for Jackie's backstory in Cyberpunk 2077, so skip over if you don't want.
“I meant what I said before, Night City ain’t the kind of place to let you get by without family, but…” He trails off and chews his lip as he considers his next words. Then they seem to die in his throat.
“But…?” She prompts, trying to encourage him to finish his thought. Jackie then grabs a belt from his nightstand table, stretching worn leather over his fingers.
“Do you know what this is?”
It’s clear it has some significant value to him, but she has no way of knowing what, to her it’s just a belt. So, she merely shakes her head no, deciding not to be a smartass and allow him the chance to get the weight off his chest.
“This belt belonged to my dad, if you can call him that, Raul Welles. He, uh, use it to beat on us.. Go to school overed in welts, have to watch like a coward when he’d go after my ma.”
“You weren’t a coward,” V signs and gets up from her chair, sitting next to him, touching his shoulders, “you were a child.”
“Yeah…well, one day I ripped the belt right out of his hand and showed him what it felt like, turns out he couldn’t take his own medicine. Haven’t seen him since, but keep it on hand, just in case.”
V squeezes his shoulder, not sure what to say or do, how to comfort someone after that. The pains of a shitty dad is one she knows all too well, even when her own wasn’t trying to kill her, he was fixated on making her and her sister strong; training them. She knows all too well that you can’t take away the memories or the pain, but she hopes, being here can be enough. That the comfort of touch can act as a temporary salve for the heart, even if it’s all she can offer.
“Look, chica,” he takes a deep breath, “I don’t know your story, when and if you tell it is up to you. But, my point is. You need a family to get along in Night City, but family don’t end or start with blood. My old man will never be family to me. But, I got…people… who don’t share a drop of blood of with me and I’d take a bullet for ‘em”
“I think…I get what you mean, family you choose is what matters most.”
She agrees, but choosing her family is it’s own beast. Letting people in, breaking down walls, finding a family that chooses her as much as she chooses them. It’s all a terrifying prospect, being alone is easier, more convenient, less effort… Though it has a cost too, of course.
“So, make a choice.”
“Work with me, V.”
Do You Accept Prompts?: I accept questions and ideas; I’m always open to talking about my oc’s and their bullsit. But as far as prompts go, if I'm in a mood which is rare and don’t really take requests. I just personally have always found that if I accept requests or prompts; writing because a duty/obligation and not a hobby which drains a lot of the fun for me.
How Do You Feel About Kudos?: They’re nice and I really appreciate them. Comments and bookmarks will make me the happiest!~ That being said I’m really bad about doing that myself so I get it.
Do You Read Fic As Well?: Not that much actually, I’m very particular with what I read regularly and even then, maybe once a week I go on a reading binge. I love fanfic, greatly, but I’m someone who’s like I need to write
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lys-lilac · 4 years
Info Desk.
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I hope you have a good visit here. Leave your worries and explore our mall~
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Newest Arrivals-
✧[RMD Fanfic] A surprise proposal
✧[RMD Fanfic] I am okay with any of your flaws
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The floor map to our stores-
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First Floor ||  IDOLiSH7 
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Second floor || Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice
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Third floor || Romance MD: Always on Call
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Fourth floor || Fruits Basket
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Fifth floor || Mystic Messenger 
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Sixth floor || Tears of Themis
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Resting Area || Other Reviews
Tired? Let me accompany you to a special store...
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New || for every MC
        || MC’s wardrobe series
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I would like to thank @cheri-cheri​​ for this thought! Please visit her café... I love her coffee there!
For smaller stores and stalls, grab your tea or coffee, and take a nice walk by the mall. If you want to relax, listen to the soothing soundtracks added and let the music seep through you.  We hope for your next visit!
🍀About me 
Hi! I am Lys, currently a medical student who has just completed high school! 
🍀Why did you start this blog? 
It was totally on a random whim. I think it was around the time I came to read a story here, and decided to open an account.
🍀What made you think to convert it into an inspo blog?
I have loved anime series since I had entered high school. Just to keep the quotes and moments I loved for myself as well as for inspiring you all, I decided to turn this into an inspo blog.
🍀 Your bias? 
Jumin Han (Mystic Messenger), Victor and Gavin (MLQC), Artem Wing (Tears of Themis), Toshiki Kasumi (Voltage Inc.)
🍀Can I ask you questions related to game story? 
I don’t have much knowledge about MLQC as well as ToT. I just love the dates and moments of these games. And currently, I don’t have the time to read the main stories... There are many more talented bloggers out there, so feel free to drop your questions there!
🍀Are you taking any requests? 
Hmm, as long as it’s related to analysis of a character, or any other related ones, I can answer those! You can also drop some fanfic requests from RMD! (I will try my best to answer, as long as they are not too mature.)
That’s all! If you want to talk to me, feel free to hit my personal message!  
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new2otomelol · 4 years
What if... I don’t know what to do? (A KBTBB Fanfic) Part 5
Hello! Every time I write I really don’t know where the story is going to lead, but I let it take shape. I’m doing this for fun and stress relief, so I hope you enjoy it. If you guys have requests, let me know. Here’s another part of this fanfiction I created, hope you enjoy. Voltage owns all the rights to its characters.
"Aaari...where are you?" I hear distant yelling from a small boy, but I can't respond. for some reason there is smoke all around me. I feel as if I am suffocating slowly and the burning feeling in my lungs is so intense that I can pass out at any moment. I am crying, but my tears evaporate in the heat as I crawl through the floor. Little hands and arms work hard to slither on the burning floor in an effort to make it outside. Unbeknownst to me, there is a latch on the basement floor door that is extremely hot and it scorches my chest as I slither over it. I attempt to cry out in pain, but no sound escapes me as the hot metal burns on impact.
Darkness surrounds me once more and suddenly I am back at the warehouse but it looks desolate... wait... am I dreaming?... what happened to me? Last thing I remember is the pain in my back. I've been shot, but where am I? My surroundings begin to lighten. I try to focus on something, a sound, a feeling, a touch, anything.
"It's been a week boss, do you think the princess will wake up?" that sounds like Inui. "She barely made it out alive. She lost so much blood and the bullet hit near her spinal chord. She's beaten all odds, I think she'll make it. Now go, help Samejima in preparing for the next auction." I can hear the shuffling of feet and other noises, beeping noises, doors opening and closing.
I can hear Soryu sigh quite loudly. "Why would you help us woman?" I try to open my eyes, but they feel so heavy. I then try to move my mouth, it feels like I can muster through it. "Because I was...taught to always help others... in need." I manage to whisper out. I can hear an audible gasp from the man called Soryu, "can you open your eyes?"
I try once more and slowly they follow my will. "It's so hard..." Is all I manage to say before my mouth becomes completely dry. I see him reach for some pillows that were left on a small couch next to my bed. "Excuse me for this." He says as reaches for me and props me up slowly so that he can support my back. He then gets a cup of water, places a straw in it and brings it to my lips. I immediately drink as much water as I can, feeling the cooling relief soothe my throat.
"We all got out of the warehouse safely. Inui is doing a lot better as well." He says, taking the now empty cup and placing it on the small serving table and sits on a chair next to me. "I'm glad everyone is safe, now can you all leave me be?" He huffs in frustration. "Woman, it's not so simple. We didn't buy you so that we could use you, we tried protecting you from those that would do unspeakable horrors to you." I close my eyes and think back on everything that has happened.
"I understand that now. But what did you all expect would happen? That I would be subservient when asked to choose someone and then follow that person's every whim? How could you think it'd be okay? Yes, now I know about your auctions, couldn't you all have started from there? Maybe talk to me about it? I would have probably helped and kept your secret if I knew the reason for them."
"You could have, but how do we know that? We have to protect ourselves. These auctions mean so much to us, especially Eisuke. But I won't discuss that right now. I want to know how you learned to shoot the way you did. I'll give you more information if you answer my questions as well."
"Fine! My father taught me to shoot since I was a little girl. He used to be an American soldier and felt that I should always be prepared. He put me through rigorous courses to obtain my license and then proceeded to teach me all other weaponry. Now, your turn, why are the auctions so important to that man?"
"He's looking for someone he lost long ago, that's all I can tell you for now because that's his story to tell. What do you intend to do with the information you know about us?
That's a funny question to ask, but I can see why he feels he needs to ask it. "Nothing. What you do is your business, not mine. All I wanted to do was to have a steady job so that I could start my life somehow. After my parents' death, I was lost, for the first time ever I was starting to get my life in order."
"We wanted to keep an eye on you initially, that's why we wanted you to choose one of us. Now that things have come to this, I would like to take care of you at my place. Not to monitor, but to help. One of the men escaped from the warehouse and he knows what you look like."
Figures, I knew nothing would be so easy. "Fine, I'll go with you, on the condition that I can visit the bar every once in a while and help my friend Rafa. Also, I need to work, I can be a maid..."
"No! Not until you recover. You took a bullet for me and I won't let you hurt yourself any longer. You can do whatever you want later, clean, heck, you can be my bodyguard, but you need to get well first."
I nod in response, I can't believe he is being so supportive. "I'll start the paperwork to get you discharged by tonight. We'll take you home right after that. For now rest, I'll be back in a couple of hours."
My eyes had been fighting to close for a while during our conversation, so as soon as he said that, they shut automatically, I'm so tired. So much is going on and I don't know what the future has in store, but all I can do is forge ahead.
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dear-mrs-otome · 5 years
I’ve seen an influx of new followers the last week or so, and wanted to take a minute to say hi to all of you, and share a bit more about my blog. I realized I haven’t done a post like this in awhile, and figured it was about time.
Some basic things you should know:
- My blog is for those over the age of 18. If you are a minor, please unfollow me.
- I blog about otome, and mainly mobile games, although I play all sorts. My primary fandoms are Voltage (with a focus on SLBP), Cybird, and the occasional one-off like MLQC or Obey Me!
- I write fanfic for all of the above. I have a masterlist, and I DO accept what I like to call ‘Suggestions’ - I hesitate to call them requests because I can never guarantee that any idea will spark my interest and I don’t feel obligated to guilt myself over something that goes unfulfilled. That said, I am closed for the month of February because I am participating in this fantastic charity project which I encourage you all to check out.
- I am NOT a spoiler-free blog, although I will always tag them and do my best to put them under cuts. My current spoiler tags are as follows - please blacklist them accordingly if you don’t wish to see any.
*fandom name* spoilers (for example, ‘ikemen vampire spoilers’ or ‘obey me spoilers’)
*abbreviated fandom name* spoilers (i.e. ‘ikerev spoilers’ or ‘mlqc spoilers’)
- All of my asks are also tagged ‘mrs o talks’ in case you ever wish to blacklist the blather as well.
- My inbox and DMs are always open, if you want to talk about anything! I’m also on discord, mainly in the servers in my blog desc, and on twitter as well, although I’m not as active there, but sometimes it’s easier for chatting - @MrsOtome
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some-ikemen-snob · 4 years
Pee Pee Poo Poo (Masaharu x MC) Fanfic
Proofread by: @the-voltage-diaries​ :D
Yes the MC has a name, I’m sorry to those that prefer (Y/N)
I was going to make a version w/ (Y/N) and w/o commentary but I just could not be bothered
“Please come with me to a party!” Rina’s hands are clasped tightly together in front of her. A look of nervousness covers her face. When she told me she had something serious to ask of me after work, I wasn’t expecting this. She knows how much of a risk it is for me to go outside, being a wanted fugitive and all. I don’t care about what would happen to me, I just don’t want her getting caught up in any of my problems. 
“You do know how ridiculous of a request that is right?”
“Yea… but it was worth an ask.” She sulks dejectedly, whatever the reason may be, I want to hear it. 
“Why do you need me for some party?”
“A few days ago, some new recruits were talking behind my back. They were poking fun at how I didn’t have a boyfriend at my age and claimed I was just into hook-ups.” If only they knew who she was dating, they would shut their traps. The thought amuses me but I know Rina wouldn’t like it if I threatened them to shut up. 
“I got fed up with their remarks and told them I’d bring my boyfriend to one of their parties.” Hachiko has always been the brave but stupid type. “I didn’t want to bring some random guy because I felt as if I would be betraying you..” God, the expression on her face was adorable. A fugitive like me doesn’t deserve someone as precious as her. “It’s okay, I’ll just tell them he was too late to make it.” I know what I’m about to say defies all rationality and common sense. But hey, a man’s gotta trust his gut, especially when it comes to his girl. “Alright, you win. I’ll come to the stupid party, but I’ll be in full disguise mode and lounging around in a corner.” A smile that is worth ignoring all the rationality in the world erupts on her face. “THANK YOU! THANK YOU!” Rina looks as if she just chugged a pack of Red Bull down. She gives me a peck on the cheek, much to my surprise. “I’ll text you the location and time when I get my hands on it!” Picking up her feet, she turns around and heads for her room. “Wait.” I grab her right sleeve. Confused, she turns her head around to face me and at that moment, I plant a kiss on her cheeks. “That’s payback for what you did,” I give her a smirk. She mumbles something underneath her breath but it’s inaudible to me. However, judging by her slight wobble back to her room, I can tell she enjoyed it.
The day of the party, Rina has instructed me to come meet her by the bookstore in front of the station. As I stare at my perfectly put disguise laid out on my bed, I get a knock on the door. Inui peeks his head into my room. “Can you go pick up some groceries?” “Sure.” I can make it back in time to change into my disguise then head to the party. “The least you could do is pick up ingredients since you don’t know how to cook a meal even if your life depended on it.” A mischievous Hino peaks his head in. As much as I would love to blast his head for making that comment, I could never while Inui was here. “What’s with the get-up?” Hino turns his gaze over to the disguise on the bed. “Nothing much, just don’t touch it, I’ll be leaving now.” I leave the base with a very clear feeling that Hino would definitely touch it. 
Moments later, I’m walking through the streets as strangers stride past by me. That took forever. I grumble with my hands full of groceries, making my way back to the car. The last item on the list were these stupid tapioca balls that I basically searched the entire city for. “She better make something good with them.” I tuck the list back into my shirt pocket, the name of the preparator was written right next to the desired ingredient. Rina’s scribbled name looks petite and rushed. She probably had the idea to make bubble tea at the last minute. I put the load of paper bags into the trunk and slam it down sturdy. “Now let’s go home and-” “Masaharu Ryuzaki?” What? “I think you have the wrong person, sir.” “Then turn around and let us see your face.” Crap, I don’t have time for this. Best thing I can do right now is… RUN! I break out into a sprint, hoping to get these men off my track. 
“There’s nowhere for you to go.” In the midst of the chase, I find myself face to face with an inescapable path. How did they manage to find me? This is the first time I’ve ever been recognized with my disguise in. These sunglasses should have hidden my identity completely! (No shade but that is actually his in-game “disguise.” A pair of sunglasses.) “Hear me out gentleman, I don’t want to fight you or anything.” “Do you not remember what you did to us?” “I don’t even remember who you are.” 
< Insert the mysterious men explaining a crime Masaharu committed against their group as he shows Masaharu a scar he gave him during their previous encounter. I can’t be bothered to write this up >
Finally, he finishes explaining. I look up at the sun which has already begun its descent. I’m going to be late at this rate. I wasn’t planning on shedding any blood today but my girl’s going to be waiting for me soon. 
I stuff the gun back into my pocket, the men lay in anguish on the floor. (Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor). I didn’t kill them, just immobilized their movement. I look at my watch which has bits of blood splattered on it. Agh, damn! That fight took a hell load of time. If I didn’t have my gun on me, it’d have taken even longer. Rina won’t mind me being 15 minutes late to the party...right? I steer the car through the bustling city, not even making time to get home. The groceries and disguise can wait, hopefully they don’t mind seeing bits of blood on my outfit. I park my car outside of the train station, getting out to look around for Rina. Damn, she’s not in front of the book store, probably already at the party. The building is of walking distance from the station and with a parking spot already found, I begin my walk to the party. Entering the party alone must have taken her a lot of guts, even after what she told her co-workers. Plus, I don’t want to look like I just ghosted her on this meeting. I grab my phone out, I already told Rina that I would be late but she hasn’t seen my message yet. Rustling my hair in frustration, random thoughts enter my brain. Maybe forcing them to shut up wouldn’t be so bad an idea? (LET IT ALL OUT LET YOUR FEELINGS OUT, LET THE WORLD KNOW WHAT YOU'RE ALL ABOUT - Zela) No, get it together, Rina wouldn’t want you to do that. As I’m walking through the area, I hear a conversation that perks my ears. “We’re now officially husband and wife.” A couple snuggles together, leaving the marriage bureau.
“I can’t wait to see my lovely husband when I get home from work.” While their PDA makes me stay away from them, it makes me think. If Rina and I were married… when she came home from work, I would be able to welcome her home with a warm (yet deadly) meal, we could take a bath together and afterwards (insert something definitely NSFW). These fuzzy imaginative thoughts fill my head for the remainder of the walk.
This should be the right apartment number, I study the text Rina had sent me a few days ago. Light emits from underneath the door and I can hear chattering from inside. However, none of the voices belong to Rina. I knock on the door before opening it with caution. “Hello, I’m Rina’s husband, Rasaharu Myuzaki.” (can you tell I put much effort into creating the name?) 
“Husband?!” I can hear the shock come from a couple of girls. Crap! I got it mixed up with the couple’s conversation. (SPY X FAMILY REFERENCE, IF YOU GET IT, I LOVE YOU)
Before I could clarify the mix up, Rina speaks up on my behalf. 
“Yes, Masa- Rasaharu is my husband, so with this, can you stop talking bad behind my back, Chisaki?” I glance at who I assume is Chisaki, the one who started all of this. 
“Myuzaki, you’re covered in blood.” A gentleman offers me a towel which I kindly accept. “Thank you. I work as a butcher so I often deal with chopping up pigs, especially pigs that think it is okay to talk shit about my wife.” I give Chisaki a look that tells her she better leave this country or she’ll be dead by midnight. My plan works and Chisaki immediately gets down on her knees in front of Rina and begs for her forgiveness. Three other women who I can assume to be part of her posse also do the same. Rina looks relieved, having this situation come to a close, however, there’s a hint of unrest on her face. “Now that we’re done here-” I tug at her waist. “I will be taking my lovely wife away, I hope you all don’t mind.” The confusion on Rina’s face is clear as day but she still leaves with me after saying her farewells. 
The ride to the spot was a silent one, where Rina just spent the entire time trying to rub the blood off my clothing and face. (omg girlfriend goals <3) “Where is this place?” I stop the car near the edge of a cliff, the both of us get out and walk closer towards the edge. Before us is the city and the night sky. The lights create an orange like hue over the city, making it almost impossible to take my eyes off it. Compared to the noise and bustle of the city, the deafening silence here almost sounds unreal. “Found this place a while ago, thought you might want to blow some steam off here.” 
“How did you know I was stressed?” 
“As if you would be satisfied enough with just an apology from Chisaki.” Rina gives me a warm smile. “You’re right.” She cups her hands over her mouth and inhales. “EAT (doodoo) HONEY! I BET YOU CAN’T EVEN GET A DECENT BOYFRIEND WITH YOUR RAT ASS A T T I T U D E!” At the end, there’s a quick silence but then we both burst out into laughter. “That’s my girl!” I cup my hands over my mouth just like what Rina did. “TALK (doodoo), GET HIT.” At this point, Rina is doubling over with laughter. This little screaming session continued on for a while until our lungs could not scream anymore. 
“...I’m glad you came.” “Why wouldn’t I?” 
“Well...before I even entered the room, I could hear them berating insults about me. I felt really down thinking that maybe you weren't really coming.”
“I sent you a text that I would be late.” Rina checks her phone and looks at me with a sheepish smile, “sorry,” she laughs.
“But luckily, your amazing husband was here to save the day, right?” “Husband? That is a very bold thing for you to say.” 
“Why? You can’t see me giving you a ring one day?” I throw a little joke at Rina but her reaction is completely different from what I expected. With her face beat red, she punches my arm. 
“Anyways, didn’t you say you were going to wear a ‘disguise?’” I can tell she’s embarrassed by my joke so I let it slide. “You’re not going to question the blood?” 
“I trust that you didn’t kill anyone?” 
“You’re correct, just had to deal with some guys from the past.” 
“Oooh, look at my hubby acting so brave and strange.” “Now look who’s saying husband.”
We spend the rest of the night just bantering as I think, ‘she’d make a lovely wife one day.’ 
“Shouldn’t we be going home soon? I’m hungry.” Rina asks me. 
Home? Hungry? Food? OH CRAP. I left the groceries in the car. I think of how much the car is going to stink because of the fish that was left in there for at least an hour. Fuck my life.
When I get home, I remember that I left my disguise on my bed. Entering my room, my disguise is missing. Instead, there’s a clown costume on my bed and all the clothes in my closet are missing. “What the ever loving fuck?” And there’s only one person on this damn earth who knew about this and would do it. “H I N O.” 
Rina’s POV: 
I come into work with a bright and cheery face. On my way to work, I got a free coffee for being the one millionth customer and got to pet an adorable puppy. So, tell me why, do I hear Chisaki blasting her mouth off first thing in the morning? “I heard Rina was spotted in the red light district with someone.” 
“And he looked younger than her, is she planning on being a cougar?” 
This isn’t the first time I heard this from them. I did not want to start a fight right then and there. 
“I was not in the red light district yesterday and I do have a boyfriend who is older than me, in fact. If you want to see him, I’m willing to bring him to a party.” 
“Really now?” Chisaki looks me up and down suspiciously.
“Then bring him. We’ll all bring our boyfriends too so they can all talk.”
“Oh how considerate of you, make sure to text me the details.” As I walk away from Chisaki and her grouper, I begin screaming in my head. IDIOT, IDIOT, IDIOT, I D I O T. Ahhhhh, how am I supposed to ask Masaharu?
After Masaharu gives me a surprise kiss on the cheek, my face instantly reddens. “That’s payback for what you did.” 
“I didn’t know revenge was supposed to be this sweet.” I mumble under my breath, hoping he didn’t hear me. My heart’s pounding a mile a minute.
Ah fuck, Masaharu didn’t show up at our designated spot. I’m standing in front of the door. I’m already late and even worse, my boyfriend isn’t here with me. What was I expectating? More than this being dangerous, it was plain stupid.
When Masaharu called himself my husband, my brain went full on meltdown. H-h-husband? Is he into marriage roleplay? Anyways, I can use this chance to finally shut Chisaki up once and for all.
“Why? You can’t see me giving you a ring one day?” YOU DON’T JUST RANDOMLY PROPOSE TO A GIRL LIKE THAT!!!!! DJDLDSSDF. I punch Masaharu on the arm to hide my embarrassment, THAT’S THE SECOND TIME ALREADY IN THIS FANFIC (yes I just threw a 4th wall moment in like that)
“Hey Masaharu?” “Hm?” “Why does the car smell like rotten fish?”
When I get to work the next morning, Chisaki comes up to me. “I’m so sorry for talking shit behind your back for a while now!” 
“It’s okay, let’s put it behind us now.” 
“But I do have to say, how come you never told me you had such a sexy husband?” Wait what, excuse the fuck me? You wanna fucking fight for my mans?  
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tentoriwrites · 4 years
Voltage Otome Trope Bingo #1
Eons ago @hifftn​ came up with this idea to do Trope Bingo for the various Voltage fandoms. I finally finished my first piece! Circled in blue below you will see the tropes featured in this fanfic!  2,600+ words of pure indulgence with only a vague touch of plot to keep it from being too cluttered! XD Also, sorry about Atlas being a bit OOC, I haven’t really read his route in like a year now... ^_^;
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“You’re the only person I know that sprains their ankle running in a straight line on level ground!” Atlas shouted as he looked over the park planter to eye our assailants. A hail of bullets ricocheted off the planter throwing up sparks and chips of concrete. He immediately ducked back down.
“To my credit, I was being shot at!” I quipped back fearfully as I clutched my throbbing ankle.
“Which makes the running in a straight line bit EVEN better.” He grumbled as he checked his ammunition.
“Well... some of us aren’t used to being shot at every day!”
“Only every other day…”
“HEY!” It’s not like I wanted to be a criminal… I pouted for a brief moment until I felt the ground rumbling. I looked around in horror as I saw everyone rushing to clear the streets. Even our assailants were booking it out of Dodge.
“What’s going on?” Atlas looked around in disbelief.
“Oh stars…” It occurred to me then what planet we were on. “Atlas… We need to get inside!”
“Yeah, like I’m just going to sit on my hands and wait for them to come back!” He was already on his feet offering me a hand.
“You don’t understand you should just leave me here!” I took his hand and gave him a quick shove towards a nearby laundry once I was upright.
Atlas let out a long suffering sigh before hefting me into his arms bridal style. “Would you make yourself useful and shut up!” He took off at a pace much faster than I imagined he could while carrying so much physical and emotional baggage around. The closer we got to the door, the more the rumbling intensified. A good Samaritan threw the door open and yanked us in. Without explanation, they slammed it shut and hit a switch on the wall. Heavy sounding metal plates slid down and locked firmly into place.
“You just made it!” An old woman standing near a basin of sudsy water chimed over the intensifying rumble. She pulled the plug to drain the water. “Another moment or two longer and you would have been cooked!” The nonchalant way she said that last line was deeply unsettling…
“Is anyone going to tell me what’s going on here or do you just expect me to hack into the Union database and figure out?” Atlas huffed as he finally put me back on my feet.
The old woman eyed me a moment when I winced.
“This whole planet is covered in huge underground springs.” I pulled out my tablet and showed him a geologic map of the area. “This town is right next to one of the largest. It’s famous throughout the Union for going off once a month and spews millions of gallons of super-heated water into the air.”
“Darn right, Missy!” The old woman interjected as everyone started looking up to the ceiling. The rumbling had stopped. Suddenly, it felt like the whole world was splitting in two just before the deluge. A deafening roar of water filled the air and vibrated the building in a wholly different way than before.  The old woman met my anxiety driven expression with a serene smile. “I built this place specially to harness the mineral water and turn it into a luxury hot spring!”
Atlas and I both looked around dubious of that comment. The laundry was small, cramped, and extremely dirty. The old woman seemed to pick up on this immediately, donning a huge grin. “Follow me…”
Atlas and I both looked at each other.
“That wasn’t a request…” Her sweet old woman demeanor dropped in an instant as she shot us a death glare from the doorway.
“Listen lady.” Atlas started to give her a piece of his mind.
“I assure you, criminal, I’m no lady.” A devious smile crept across her lips as everyone in the laundry pulled out guns and aimed them at us.
My heart hammered in my chest as I eyed the still locked doors and windows. My mind was trying desperately to figure out if I could hack into the system with my tablet.
“We’re all criminals like you!” The old man chimed very pleased with herself. “Hate those Union bastards! So any enemy of theirs is a friend of mine. Come on now and have a nice soak. It’ll fix that ankle right up!”
“It’s not like we can really leave right now…” Atlas vaguely motioned to the windows on one side of the building.
“Even if I lifted the metal plates you still couldn’t waltz out there right now anyways.” The old woman started tottering down a hall.
“The water has to drain and the surface has to cool down.” I explained as I glanced at Atlas.
“Guess we really have no choice then…” Atlas holstered his gun and started for the door. He offered me a hand when he noticed me hopping along awkwardly.
The old woman was standing in the middle of a lavish, wide hall. It looked like we had stepped into a whole other world. “Nice, no?” She grinned wide as she pulled out a key ring. Pulling a key out immediately, she unlocked the door in front of her. “Have a nice rest, on the house. Once everything settles down, you can give those Unions idiots the slip.” She seemed pretty genuine in the offer, but Atlas still gripped my hand tightly.
“Give me one good reason why we should trust you.”
The old woman laughed long and hard. “We clean a lot of things here for a lot of people, Sonny. Including items for people very much opposed to the Union. You’re in good hands.” She donned a cheesy smile and stuck out her pinkie. “I promise.”
“A pinkie promise is pretty serious.”
“You have got to be kidding me…” Atlas smacked his forehead.
“Well say what you want but I take them very seriously!” I hobbled over to the old woman and linked my pinkie with hers.
“Atta girl!” She shook her hand up and down while our pinkies were still locked. Then she shoved the door open revealing the most lavish room I had ever seen. “I’ll have some food brought by soon, enjoy the bath in the meantime!” With that she tottered away leaving me to ogle the room.
Atlas finally joined me at the door, but he seemed just as dumbfounded as me. After a long moment of stunned silence, he muttered under his breath. “Smugglers…” A faint smile he took a tentative step into the room. “Well they definitely aren’t going to bring the Union here…”
“Well that’s a relief…” I wandered in behind him and closed the door. The whole room was full of rich and plush fabrics from the blankets on the bed to the upholstery on the furniture. I sank into an over-sized chair and sighed in satisfaction. “This is nice…”
“Yeah but where is this bath?” Atlas very cautiously opened the only other door in the room. “That’s not a bath…”
“What is it?” I sat up and craned my neck to look into the room.
“A damn swimming pool…”
I knew I looked completely confused as I got up and walked up behind him. Swimming pool was an exaggeration but it was definitely not a bath tub. 5 or 6 people could comfortably sit in the steaming water.
“That looks wonderful…”
“Then get in.” Atlas started to move to leave. He must have seen the pout on my face because he stopped and faced me. He was so close I could feel his breath on my face. “You look like you have something to say…” Even though his voice had a gruff edge there was a fire in his eyes.
“Well…” My eyes darted to the pooltub as I scrambled for an excuse to get him to join me. “I was just thinking I might need some help getting in and out. What if I slip and get hurt even worse?” Yes play to your strengths! Even if those strengths include being a total klutz…
Atlas rolled his eyes as if he were completely put off by the whole thing. “Fine, fine…” He offered me his hand again. “It’d be a pain in the pass if I had to carry you all the way back to the ship.”
I sat down on a chair near the “bath” and started taking my jacket off. I looked over and Atlas was on the complete opposite side of the room taking his jacket off. Well he did agree to take a bath with me so I guess I can’t be too mad. Except he stopped after taking off his jacket…
“I thought you were going to take a bath too…”
He gave me a smug look. “I said I would help you in and out. I never said I was taking one with you.”
Not… technically… wrong… I sighed inwardly before taking off the rest of my clothes. Gentleman that he was, Atlas didn’t look the whole time. Which filled me with one part relief, one part odd disappointment. With a towel wrapped around me, told him I was ready.
I took the hand he offered me and a ginger stepped to the edge of the bath. Just as I was about to step in, a sharp pain in my ankle made me jump. Small though it may have been, it was enough to make me slip and start falling. I watched as the water seemed to come ever closer, in slow motion, that is until something completely different filled my vision. After the water cleared, I realized that Atlas had broke my fall and was now blowing bubbles at me from under the water. As if in a horror movie with one jump scare after another, the towel lazily floated between us…
“Sorry!” I hurriedly grasped the towel and moved to get off the very unamused looking Atlas. I barely covered myself and scurried to a corner of the spacious bath to cower in mortified shame and embarrassment. Atlas looked at me completely exasperated as half his face remained below the surface, then quickly looked away.
“You gonna do something with that towel or you gonna pretend to be a bathhouse lady?” His head now fully above the water, I could see his cheeks turning a bit red. I stared at him agape for a minute while my brain argued with itself as to whether the water caused his red cheeks or he was blushing. Atlas Molniya absolutely doesn’t blush. Can we make Atlas Molniya blush? I’m certainly willing to try!
“Since you’re already all wet…”I smiled awkwardly at Atlas hoping the heat of the water would explain away my red cheeks too.
“Do you know where we are…?” There was a dangerous lilt to his voice that completely threw me off.
“In… a… bathtub…?” I was pretty sure that wasn’t the answer he was looking for but the look he was giving me made it REALLY hard to think straight. The only thing louder than my racing heart was the slow slosh of the water every time he moved closer.
“We’re in an underworld bathhouse… You do know what kinds of things happen in underworld bathhouses, right?”
“I’m… guessing more than just nice, relaxing baths?” It was more a squeak than anything.
“So much more…”
He was so close now I would have been able to feel his breath if it weren’t for the steam rising from the water. “TOO CLOSE!” I thrust out my hand and connected with his forehead
“Finally starting to understand the completely ridiculous situation we’ve managed to get ourselves in?” Atlas was back, but he still looked off.
“Well yes… But… Are you feeling all right?” I tried to sound more concerned than nervous but the shark in the water routine had been a bit much. In fact, I was feeling a little dizzy between my racing heart and the hot water.
“Never better. Why?” He stood up as he said this and immediately started wobbling. “Ok, maybe not…” He managed to get half way down again before he passed out… right on top of me…
“Oh, stars…”
Somehow I managed to get us both out of the bath and on to the floor. I had to get him out of these soaking wet clothes. And well… that was… certainly… something…
“Please don’t wake up right now… Please don’t wake up right now.” Red-faced I fumbled with the fastener on Atlas’s pants, with my eyes closed. The same quiet prayer escaping my lips on repeat.
“Ya know, consent goes both ways.” An irritated voice muttered as a clammy hand grasped mine.
“Oh stars! It wasn’t like that!” I feel as though my face got even redder at that moment. “I just thought if I couldn’t get you into the bed I could at least get most of your wet clothes off!” I huffed and turned away pouting.
“Uh huh…” I couldn’t tell if he was teasing me or truly skeptical of my motives.
“Are you feeling any better than that you’re out of the hot water?”
“Yeah.” Without saying much else he got to his feet, soggy shirt in hand.
“I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for this day to be over.”
“Oh…” I tried to hide my disappointment. It had been a really long day after all, what with the being chased and shot at, harbored by some crazy old lady in the criminal underworld, bathtub shenanigans… I came to an immediate stop next to Atlas, coming to the same realization at about the same time.
“I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“Oh no! You just passed out! Take the bed and I’ll take the couch!”
“What kind of man would I be if I made a woman sleep on a couch when there’s a perfectly good bed?” He gave me a glare, but it was half-hearted at best.
“We could…” Oh stars… should I really say it?
“What? We could what?” Atlas flopped down on the couch and looked up at me.
“We could… just sleep together… in the bed… since there’s only one…”
His eyebrow quirked up ever so slightly. A blush started creeping up his neck. “I was trying to be a gentleman… But you’re making it real damn hard, I hope you’re aware of that.”
“I just don’t want you to sleep on the couch if you aren’t well.”
“It’s hard to think you have anything but bad intentions when I wake up to you in nothing but a towel trying to take my pants off…”
Oh… that is not a good look for my heart… I watched as he push the button on the wall to turn off the lights.
“What? Do you really want to have sex with the lights on?” I could hear shuffling as he moved closer. “I lived with Jaxson long enough that I refuse to have sex with the lights on.”
That’s fair. Jaxson does seem like the type to just… burst in at random times…
“Well no... it’s just I didn’t think you’d actually take me up on it?” There was just enough light in the room for me to see him get close. “What about you passing out?”
“I had to carry you halfway across town while being shot at. I was just overheated from that is all.”
“Ugh… I really should go on a diet…”
“Why? You’re fine just as you are…” His cool fingers worked their way under the towel until they found the flesh of my sides and gave it a firm squeeze.
“Oh stars…” Before I knew what was happening I was in the bed.
“Tonight, let’s get some rest. Tomorrow, we can take our time…” Much like the name of his ship, there was so much promise in his voice.
“Uh… are you at least going to let me put some clothes on first?”
“Oh… all right…” Unable to get up through the tangle of his body of mine, I opted to snuggle up next to him and fall asleep instead.
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casualpastelgay · 5 years
I did this for Fanfic Writer’s Appreciation Day back in August (and an additional time, I just felt like copy-pasting the whole post bc I don’t want to rewrite the same info again) and I’ve decided to do it again, same premise as last time, Quick Writes. They can be SFW or NSFW, please specify which you want. They will probably be between 200-500 words per request and I will do as many as I can. Please send only one request per ask, but you can send in as many asks as you like, anon or not. I only write reader x canon character, please specify pronouns you want used. If you don’t request pronouns I’ll default to giving the reader she/her pronouns. Only one character per request. These will be open until 10:00pm EST (2/12/2020)
Note - I will not write things to do with pregnancy/babies, there are also extreme kinks that I won’t do. Use your own judgement on kink scenarios if you choose to send them.
Requestable Series/Characters: Utapri - (STARISH members, Quartet Night members, HEAVENS members(other than Eiichi and Nagi)) Mystic Messenger - (Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin, Seven, V, Vanderwood) Diabolik Lovers - (Sakamaki brothers(other than Kanato)/Mukami brothers) Voltage Inc - (Scandal in the Spotlight boys, Ryoichi Hirose) Amnesia - (Ukyo, Shin, Ikki, Kent) Hakuouki - (All romance options) Dandelion - (Jihae, Jiwoo, Jiuen, The Wizard) Nameless - (Lance, Yuri)
[Request here]!
If you’re interested in fics/quick writes I’ve already written you can check out my [masterpost] or my [ao3]!
Want something more specific? You can also check out my [commissions post]!
I have a [ko-fi] if you’d like to show support for the writing that I do!
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somekidnamedkai · 4 years
Requets Update
Alright yall! So Voltage and Lovestrucks writers are going on strike (it’s a game I play), so I’m going on strike for writing fanfics.
So I apologize to all of you guys who requested something for Lovestruck, it’ll have to wait, because I’m going on strike for my lovestruck writings as well.
That said. I am opening my requests back up, because I do love writing, but I won’t take any for Lovestruck. I do other fandoms and other games than lovestruck. And if you just want to request a writing that isn’t from a fandom, and is just a random short story, feel free!
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smile-smile-ichthys · 5 years
Hi, hello, long time!
Wow it's been a long time since I've been on tumblr, no clue to if people who followed me still do or what haha.
Been missing my past recently, my old friends on here, the fun times we used to have so I've been reading a lot of my old fics, their old fics and enjoying every single second of it <3 I've even been tempted to upload all the fics I finished when I stopped posting on here. I may do that but I know and understand the Voltage fandom is pretty much dead so probably wont get much of a response but I'll see how I feel over the next few days.
Anyway I did want to post here to say hi but also to say if anyone wants to follow me I am way more active on Twitter on @/Tcisbestpony, I tweet crap btw but I am more active and approachable there :) I'll still reblog the odd few posts on here from time to time and like I said, depending on how I feel I may post the last of my fanfic just to round everything off, i hate leaving stories unfinished like i did.
So hello to anyone listening :) if anyone does want to give me any last requests to write my inbox is open to anyone and everyone.
Much love!
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
REQUEST: Discipline (Shunichiro’s smut)
rougepetale-blog said:Have you read Irresistible Mistake yet? If you have… would you do a smut of either Shun or Toshi?
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Fandom: Irresistible Mistake Category: Smut Character: Shunichiro Tachibana Notes: My first IM’s fanfic, hopefully this isn’t too bad.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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You receive a message from your boss saying that he wants to see you immediately. While on the way up to his office, you wonder what it could be. Is it about the presentation this morning? You knock on his door and soon hear his grunt and permission for you to enter. “You wanted to see me, sir?”
It’s already been five months, you are rather proud of yourself for getting better and better at pretending. No one ever suspects a thing, you and Shunichiro manage to maintain a professional relationship at work, well most of the time anyway.
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“Yes, Miss _______.” He grins with that charming and yet devilish smile before walking towards you and locking his office door. “Your performance this morning was a little disappointing.”
“I know what the problem is, you need to be disciplined.” His hot breath tickles your ear.
“Shun, what are you going on about?”
“It’s sir.” He corrects you sharply.
You look at him blankly until the next two words escape his lips. “Turn around.” He instructs in his commander voice.
You feel your arousal start to flow through you from the tone of his voice and the anticipation of what’s to come. You turn around obediently and feel him standing behind you, his breath on your neck causing a shiver down your spine. He brushes your hair from your neck to one of your shoulders and places a gentle kiss along your neck. You let out a soft moan, the feeling of his warm lips and moist tongue testing your limits. His hands slowly slide down from your shoulder to your sides until they reach your wrists. He grabs both of them, pulls them behind your back and ties them together.
“Shhhhhh!” He whispers, “Discipline.”
A sharp spank to your round bum before he leads you over to his desk and bends you over. Your face press against your proposal from earlier, Shunichiro pulls up the bottom of your skirt and exposes your heated area to the cool air of his office.
“Wet already?” He chuckles darkly, “Such a naughty girl.”
You lift your head slightly to speak but you’re cut off by another sudden impact of his hand on your ass cheeks. The second smack causes more arousal and you have to fight back a moan and the urge to wiggle.
Bending down there in silence, trying to decide if you should say something else to keep getting spanked or await his further instructions. But you’re too turned on right now and the better you behave, the quicker you get to be fucked.
Whack! You gasp as your boss’s palm connects with another cheek as he begins to count along, it stings a bit but quickly becomes pleasurable. You moan and wiggle at the sensation while imagining what else those long fingers of his could be doing but he knows you too well and doesn’t satisfy you until you beg for it.
Shunichiro pulls you up and spins you around to face him, his hands on your shoulder and you immediately get the hint and go on your knees. You bite and lick your lips as you stare at the bulge in his pants. He tilts your head back and runs his fingers through your hair before caressing your cheek. “Unzip.”
His hands move lower and undo the top half of your blouse to have the perfect view of your breasts, sliding his hands further into your bra and pulling your breasts out and frame them by your bra, exposing your harden nipples to the air. He gives them a quick pinch and you whimper in response. “That’s what I like to hear.”
You proceed to undo his belt and unzip his trousers, he moves his hands back to your head and pushes your face into his groin. Darting your tongue out and make small licks across his dick, Shunichiro hisses lightly so you repeat again and again and lick off his delicious pre cum eagerly. Lastly, you make one long lick from the base to his head and his grip on your hair tightens. You look up through your eyelashes and you can see that his eyes are closed and that he’s breathing heavy. He groans as you take him further into your mouth, sucking as much as possible to hear he moans of pure pleasure.
His hips jerk upwards as you draw the flat of your tongue along his underside, licking your way back up, you give a deep suck before your tongue swirled along his glistening cockhead. He bucks his hips and hits the back of your throat, you couldn’t gag with his hands keeping your head in place. Shunichiro begins thrusting in and out of your mouth, gagging you as he does. He picks up the pace until his input is furious, seeking his own release.
Shunichiro stops and pulls you up to your feet crashing two lips and lets his hands roam all over your body before spinning you around and bending you over the desk once more. He lifts your skirt up again to leave your ass expose to him. His quickly enters two long fingers into you, thrusting them in and out of you, quickening his pace to hear you moan his name. You push your body back against his hand with every thrust, trying to push yourself closer to release. He places his hand on the small of your back to stop you from wiggling.
“You’re ruining the carpet.” He taunts, “Do you want your boss to fuck you like this?” He questions you before biting your earlobe.
“Yes… Uhhhhhh… please…fuck..fuck me, sir.” You can barely speak but he stops and pulls out his finger, you whine from the loss of contact. He slaps your ass again, a grunt of pleasure comes out of your mouth. His hand grasps your chin and turns your head so you are forced to look at him. Staring directly into his eyes, he lets out a low growl from his throat. His other hand slides down your body and begins to rub your clit.
“Ahhhh…. pl.. please.” You beg again, knowing he couldn’t resist your moan.
“Good girl.” He strokes your swollen buttcheeks and pushes you back onto the desk, gesturing your ass towards him, rubbing his hot erection against your entrance. With one short, brutal thrust, he enters you and your back arches as you cry out his name from pleasure but your loud moan is soon muffled by his wet kisses. He lifts one of your legs up to brace on the desk while the other stays planted on the floor. Placing one hand firmly in the middle of your back while the other tangles into your hair as he re-enters you just as roughly as before, setting a rough, bruising rhythm in and out of you. His hips slam against your bare ass, the sound of his skin slapping against yours echoes throughout his office.
Anybody who walks by can hear you two but at this moment you don’t care, your eyes roll back from the pleasure your boss is offering. You don’t know how much longer of his brutal pace you can take but it feels amazing, sex with Shunichiro is simply perfect!
His thrusts become more erratic as he’s close, the hand in your hair leaves and comes down to stroke your clit. His voice is rough and breathless in your ear, “ahhhhhh fuckkkkkkk fuckkkkkkk fuckkkkkkk!” You moan, lifting your upper body to look at him with desperate gasps as endless pleasure with rough stroke against your walls. His moans becoming louder and his hands holding you tight as he throws his head back, his cock twitches and with a deep groan, he pulls your hips as close to him as possible and spurts deep inside you.
“Fuck yes!” You moan as you lose control, riding out the wave of your orgasm rip through your entire body. You collapse onto the desk and lay there for a moment till your breathing returns to normal, you stand back up as your boss releases your wrists.
You turn around and look at him to see the satisfaction in his eyes and gives you a deep, long kiss while massaging your still exposed breasts before slowly dressing you up again. “My place tonight?” He asks, tucking his shirt back into his trousers. “And stay the night?”
Five whole months with Shunichiro, he has never asked you stay over as the first rule of friends with benefit. It has worked so well, both of you “seeing” each other twice a week and allow to date whoever you want. The truth is you’re too occupied to be seeing anyone, sex with your boss is the closest kind of intimate relationship you’d afford but will staying over at his place change everything?
“I’d liked to fuck you all night long.” He licks your earlobe and leaves a mark on your neck, “And also making breakfast for you the next morning.” He pulls away slightly and he’d see all the questions and worries in your eyes. “We’ll figure things out but for now, why don’t we enjoy it one step at a time.”
You’re not sure what’s ahead for the both of you but you’re willing to explore the possibility with Shunichiro, the man you’ve admired for years.
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GAMES I’VE PLAYED (click here)
Voltage Writing Prompts (Master Ideas) #2 “Am I supposed to be scared of you?” [ Eisuke ]  #7 “Could you ever be happy here with me?“ [ Request: Zyglavis ] #9 “Do you think it’s possible that I..might be…pregnant?“ [ Request: Zyglavis ] #13 “Either ask her out or I will do it for you!” [ REQUEST Itchys/Leon: ] #15 “Everyone keeps telling me you’re … gay.” [ Ota ] #16 “For some reason I’m attracted to you.” [ Tsumugu ] #18 “H-how long have you been standing there?” [ Request: Shuichi ] #31 “It’s a mistake.“[ Natsume ] #36 “I trusted you!” [ Request: Eisuke & Soryu ]    #39 “I deserve better!“ [ Taru ] #45 Daichi Katsuragi “Take It Off” [ Request: Daichi ] #47 “Why are you pushing me away” [ Request: Hikaru ] #48 “Are you flirting with me?” [ Request: Scorpio ]
Request is open and current no. of request- 5
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mylittleotomecorner · 5 years
Oh yes! I’ve switched my Ask box to OPEN FOR ANYTHING!
Somewhere in the pile of things I have quite a few still waiting for me to strike that iron, but I am now accepting requests. I feel the need to be creative since writing actual books have been a struggle and I’ve started reading routes again so might as well go ahead and ask away.
My bias list needs major updating so, if you want to ask if I have any of the new stuff, please do so before requesting a fic for someone specific :)
Basically, I just need to write so please ask away!
Oh! Also, I am playing Mr. Love, Queen’s Choice so I can accept fic for them as well.
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jubilantgamer27 · 5 years
Hello everyone, I’m back again. I know earlier in the year I said I’d post more but one of the things I was going to post crashed in the process. So, I gave up for a while and lost motivation. Good news is that I have fanfic drafts and during my time off I brushed them up slightly. The writing comes from Voltage titles that are no longer being updated. So I wanted to ask - what do you want to see first?
Screenshots from the routes I play
Opinions on routes or Voltage men.
Summaries (kinda have always wanted to do this but sure if I could commit to taking requests)
I’d appreciate the feedback.
Might leave my ask open for a while (just to talk to people about characters or my thoughts on some routes) for ideas of characters to discuss I have them listed (probably needs updated). Part 1. part 2
With that being said request is closed
Low key might’ve given up on the master post too, I can post it but I can’t promise that it’ll work. If I do end up posting it I’d someone to inform me of any errors or missing writing that I need to add. I won’t be able to update it often but I will be able to post the headcanons without problem.
Also realized that I have 200 + followers and I want to thank you guys so much! After all this time I didn’t realize that people would stick around with my inconsistency but thank you so much ❤️.
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This is the entry by @voltage-fanfictions​ for the fanfic giveaway! Remember, in order to vote you must COMMENT on this post! All the voting rules and the master post can be found under #fanficgiveawaymaster, or here. Other submissions can be found on the master post, or under #fanficsubmissions
Christmas Miracle [Kissed by the Baddest Bidder x Star Crossed Myth crossover] [Reader Insert] [Giveaway Entry]
Huffing, you lifted yourself from your position at the bedside, checking no-one was around before cracking your back upon standing. With Chisato and Sakiko having been called off to cover work elsewhere in the hotel you were left to fend for yourself until they were complete whatever tasks they were assigned, so with a quick once over of the room hoping that your pager stayed quiet, unfortunately for you, as it always did, the pager in your pocket started buzzing. Of course, you were left with no choice but to drop your equipment and made a mad dash for the penthouse.
“You’re late.” Eisuke’s announcement was anything but a shock to you, only on one or two occasions in which you happened to be close by to the penthouse anyway had you managed to be on time. You simply gave a small smile.
“I’m assuming you would like coffee.” You didn’t even bother to wait for a response as you made your way over to the coffee machine and began creating the in demand beverages, placing them in front if the corresponding bidders. You went to leave the room but Eisuke’s voice behind you stopped you in your tracks.
“There’s a business meeting this Saturday. You’re coming with me.” Your heart dropped to your stomach.
“Um, Mr. Ichinomiya, I’m really sorry but I can’t.” You didn’t even need to look at him to know you were being pierced with an icy glare. Mamoru whistled under his breath.
“Damn kid, finally grow a backbone?” Shrinking back, you could only stutter out.
“I’m so sorry, but I already have plans and I can’t get out of them. Even for you.” Before you had to endure to wrath that would come from your refusal you turned leave again, only to run smack into someone in the doorway. Losing your balance, you expected to fall face first to the ground only to be caught by someone.
“Good grief, keep your eyes forward and look where you’re going!” You glanced up and gave a sheepish smile to a rather annoyed looking Shuichi who was still supporting your frame against him. Wordlessly, he steadied you on your feet before stepping around you and moving into the room, giving you your chance to escape.
It’s not that you didn’t want to help Eisuke, honestly you were terrified to go against their wishes, but the people you were agreeing to meet were even more powerful, and you weren’t sure which group to be more afraid of, the bidders or the gods. The bidders may be powerful, but even they couldn’t compare to divine beings, and you’d thought your life couldn’t possibly get more chaotic, but as if to prove you wrong life had dumped this in your lap.
Your meeting with the gods had been far from expected, but then again who goes to a planetarium expecting to fall off the room, be saved by gods, told you’re a reincarnated goddess and that you were needed to absolve their sins. I mean it’s hardly a typical Saturday, yet that was exactly what had happened to you the previous January.
As you could imagine those interesting relationships got off to a rocky start, the gods weren’t participating kind to begin with, fighting over who got use of you first only to then be furious to find you couldn’t just snap your fingers and remove their marks of sin. You almost slapped them at that point, did then honestly expect to just show up in front of you and for you to tell them that you knew exactly what they needed? For gods, they were a little dumb in that sense. So being the almighty beings they were they decided they were going to ruin the little time you had off. Great.
This has been going on for about eleven months now, you’d spent equally with each god and somehow their marks of sin had faded, only recently did the final one fade and even though you were happy to be getting the time back, you couldn’t help but be a little sad that you wouldn’t see them again, until of course you received the message yesterday from Altair that you needed to go to the mansion on Saturday because the gods had news for you. By some miracle over the past twelve months you had somehow avoided clashing diaries with the two, but you guessed your luck had to run out at some point and although the bidders could make your life hell, they were not divine beings with powers that could be used to harass you until you did as they asked, and the arrangement was made with them first so for the first time you turned down Eisuke Ichinomiya, I mean he had to understand his one time in the entire time they held ownership over you, right? Still, knowing Mr. Ichinomiya it would probably be safer to ask the gods to use the sofa in the mansion for the night before, so when the next day had passed you did just that.
The journey to the mansion gave time for the exhaustion of the week to set in. The Christmas period, which was pretty much from the end of Halloween now, was always busy in any form of service or retail work, but there seemed to be a lot of guests who had yet to feel the festive cheer. You knew you weren’t the only one who noticed, many of the staff were commenting on how some of the guests seemed meaner, and you had to agree. Sure, it wasn’t odd to deal with a complaint or two, but the sheer volume of upset customers you were dealing with was completely abnormal especially for the time of year.
Reaching the mansion, you forewent knocking because you were freezing and stepped inside, removing the gloves from your hand and rubbing the cold appendages together. No doubt hearing the door close, Dui emerged into the hallway. He looked slightly shocked for a moment before running up to you.
“What’re you doing here? Is there a problem?” You shook your head in response.
“No Dui, no problems as such.” Noticing your reddened fingers, with a slight blush he took your hands in his own, allowing the warmth of his hands to bleed into your own.
“Is there something we can do for you then, there must be something to bring you here this late and in this weather.”
“Well actually, I do have a bit of a strange request.”
“Oh? What’s that?” You thought for a moment about the phrasing before just deciding being blunt about it would be easier.
“I was wondering if I could perhaps stay the night.” If you though his blush couldn’t deepen more you were wrong. His entire face was practically the same shade as the cherries he so adored. His widened eyes met yours and you realised at that point exactly what he was thinking, but before you got the chance to correct him another voice joined the conversation.
“Staying the night? Well you’re always welcome in my room.” Partheno gave that flirty smirk he always did, you could practically feel him undressing you with his eyes and he slid next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and discreetly pulling your hands from within Dui’s grasp.  “If you want me, just say the word and I will show you quite the night.” The hand at you waist crept lower and lower. Just as his hand was creeping low enough to be deemed socially inappropriate and you could see Dui getting ready to intervene, yet another voice was heard.
“Partheno. I think it’s best you stop now.” You turned to see Karno descending down the stairs with his normal calm expression. “You wouldn’t want to be accused of sexual harassment, would you?” Partheno smiled in return, looking at you.
“Harassment? I’m just inviting her to join me in bed tonight.”
“Partheno!” Dui’s cheeks exploded into redness again as Karno shook his head with a chuckle.
“I don’t think you’ll have the time. Zyglavis is calling you two, you should probably head back to the heavens.”
“What a shame.” Partheno sighed. “But my offer if always open. I’d be more than happy to spend the night pleasuring you beyond your wildest dreams.”
“Partheno! We should go now!” And before he could say anymore, Dui grabbed Partheno and steered him back into the mansion. Once the hall fell silent again, Karno turned to face you.
“I’m sorry, how rude of me to leave you standing out here.” He offered you his hand with a smile. “Please, come inside. It’s much warmer in there.” You took his outstretched hand, and he clasped it gently, lacing his fingers through yours as he began to walk you through the mansion. “I’m surprised you’re here so late.”
“Yeah, I was just asking a favour. Are Zyglavis or Leon here?”
“No, it’s pretty empty. There’s a bit of a problem right now. I’m sure you’ll find out about it soon enough.”
“Oh..” You wanted to dig further, but his tone told you you wouldn’t get anything from him anyway, even if you did ask. So you simply settled on your original question. “Then I guess you’re the next person to ask.” He looked towards you, curiosity clear on his face.
“And what might your question be?”
“I was wondering if I could sleep here tonight, on one of the sofas.” He froze for a moment, before shaking his head and continuing to walk.
“Why would you need to? Are you in trouble?” You laughed and shook your head.
“Nothing like that. You see I was asked to come and speak to Zyglavis tomorrow by Altair, but my boss wanted me to attend some meeting with him. He wasn’t particularly happy when I said no and I have no doubt he’ll try something to get me to attend with him. It wouldn’t be the first time he pulls a ridiculous stunt like that.”
“Is he really that bad?” He looked slightly shocked. “Can’t you raise it with your management?”
“Karno, the ‘boss’ I’m referring to is the CEO. I literally have no-one to go to.” He went silent for a moment.
“If you wish for it, I might be able to do something.”
“Unfortunately I think my wish would end up falling to the Punishments Department. Thanks all the same though.”
“If you insist.” He sighed. “But back to your original question, I don’t have a problem with you staying, but I’m not sure I’m comfortable letting you sleep on the sofa. You’ll be very out in the open.”
“Karno, you guys are gods! Why on Earth would I be in danger when you guys have goddesses falling all over each other to talk to you all.”
“Gods we may be, but we are still men. And when something special is defenceless it can be hard to resist. Although I don’t think anyone would truly lay a hand on you, I would much prefer in you used my bed for the night. I will be in the heavens so you don’t need to worry about me joining you, no matter what I might like to do.” You decided to ignore the end of his statement.
“Are you sure?”
“I insist, it’s the only way I’ll allowed it. Would you like to rest now? There aren’t many others here and those that are will be coming and going.”
“Well it is late, and I am tired, so I think I’ll take you up on that offer Karno.” He gave a small nod, leading you down the corridor towards the bedrooms before stopping in front of his own, opening the door and stepping to the side to allow you to pass, you turned back to face him and he smiled.
“I should be going now, but sleep well, ok?” He didn’t wait for a response, leaning forward he gave your forehead a small peck before he closed the door.
As asked, your sleep was deep and peaceful and you awoke to light leaking in through the window. In your foggy state it took you a little while to realise where you were, but it soon came back to you when you looked around the room. Pulling yourself from the bed you quickly moved to rummage through your bag for the shirt and underwear you had brought with you. Blinking the sleep from your eyes you noticed there was a sink in the corner of the room that wasn’t there before and you silently thanked Karno as you brushed your teeth and used the flannel to give yourself a quick wash. With a quick sweep of a brush your hair looked as it always did, and you decided you were presentable.
You emerged from Karno’s room as quietly as you could, but as always luck wasn’t on your side.
“Well hello little lady, fancy seeing you here.”
“…Hi Lou.”
“Karno? Not a bad choice, however I can almost guarantee that I can offer more in that department.” He walked forward, locking his eyes with yours and placing his hand lightly on your cheek. “Would you let me prove it?”
“Um…I’m not that kind of person.”  He held your gaze, expression not moving from the sultry smirk he had for a good thirty seconds before he laughed, patting your cheek. “I’m joking, Karno told us you were staying.” He looked past you to the door. “However, he didn’t say you were staying in his room. But Zyglavis will be down from the heavens any minute now, so you should probably head down.”
“Oh, ok. Thanks for letting me know.”
“Not a problem, little lady.”
Following his advice, you made your way to the lounge, finding it empty you sat yourself on the sofa. As Tauxolouve said, Zyglavis stepped into the room shortly after yourself. He looked mildly surprised to see you but composed himself fast.
“You’re already here, how punctual.”
“I try my hardest.” He appeared slightly awkward for a moment, and as you stood to face him he sighed.
“My apologies for this, but I don’t think dancing around this matter is going to help anything. I’m going to be honest with you, your life is in danger.” You couldn’t conceal your shock.
“I’m sure you’re aware of the current upheaval in the heavens. The reason the gods have not been as present on earth is because there has been a gradual yet disturbing increase in dark energy. We’ve come to find the reason for this is the revival of a being called The Dark King,”
“A name like that is never a good thing.”
“No, it isn’t. The Dark King has been the cause of deadly conflicts before and somehow he has been revived. His followers have somehow amassed enough power to bring him back but at this point he is still weak, which is where you come in. Your soul contains a huge amount of power, which although currently dormant can still be harnessed. We believe he will try to target you to obtain the power of your soul, and return himself to full strength.”
“…I’m assuming this would kill me.” He gave a solemn nod.
“Yes, the only way to use them would be to remove your soul from your body to awaken its dormant powers and absorb them, if he succeeded The Dark King would be as powerful as the King of the Heavens. We can’t let that happen, it would mean another war which would put every living thing at risk.” Noticing your quietness, Zyglavis apologised. “I’m sorry to be the one to reveal this to you, but don’t worry.” He stepped forward, resting a hand on your shoulder. “We won’t let The Dark King take you. The twelve of us have been tasked with protecting you.”
“I see, that’s comforting to hear.”
“I’m glad. One of us will remain at your side whenever possible, if we cannot for any reason be with you physically then I will send my shadows to watch over you, and your assigned guard will watch from the reflecting pool to monitor your safety.”
“Thank you Zyglavis.” You smiles softly at him. “Also thank you for telling me, I know it probably wasn’t something that was easy for you to do.” He looked slightly shy at your words.
“I was only doing as asked by the King.”
The next day you were back in your apartment, and as you opened the door to leave you nearly jumped out of your skin when Teorus popped out from behind the wall.
“Good morning Goldie!”
“Christ Teorus, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” He laughed at your frazzled exclamation.
“Well you did know one of us would be showing up!”
“Yeah, but I was expecting to be approached like a normal person!” He smiled and grabbed your wrist.
“Oh well, let’s get you to work, from what you’ve said your boss is scary and you don’t want to be late.”
“Yeah, you have a point.”
The walk to the Tres Spades was quiet, even now you had t exactly processed what you were told, I mean finding out your life is at risk isn’t something particularly easy to stomach. Before you even realised, you were stood outside the hotel where you snapped back to yourself.
“Oh, sorry Teorus, guess I spaced out. That was rude of me, but I really need to be going.” You apologised, but just before you slipped your wrist from his hand to enter the building he spoke.
“Goldie.” His voice had lost its playful edge. “ I know you’re scared. You don’t need to pretend, but just know that you look prettiest when you smile. So keep your head up, ok?”
“I’ll try, I guess.” Realising that was the best he was going to get, he dropped a kiss on the top of your hair.
“I’ll be back to pick you up when your shift is finished.” Before he walked away to no doubt teleport to the heavens.
Walking inside you were met with a character who honestly you didn’t have the energy to deal with right now, and the look on his face just screamed trouble for you. The corners of Ota’s lips were downturned and his brow was furrowed, it was easy to tell he was far from happy. You were about to give your normal greeting when he grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you to the side, covering the spot where Teorus’ hand had been.
“Koro. Who was that guy?” A sickly sweet tone left him and you couldn’t help but gulp.
“He’s just a friend, Ota.” The grip on your wrist tightened.
“Oh? Do you let all of your friends kiss you like that?”
“Ota! You make it sound like he made out with me or something, it was just an affectionate peck on the head!”
“I don’t care what it was.” His eyes narrowed. “You let another man kiss you, and this will be your last warning. You don’t get to find another master, Koro. You’ll be punished if you try to.”
He walked away, leaving you staring at his back for a while before you got your legs to move again.
As expected, Mr. Ichinomiya wasn’t particularly happy about you escaping his clutches for the previous weekend. He assigned you task after task as punishment for disobeying him and you were left exhausted, barely having the energy to manage the walk home with Teorus and the pattern continued like this over the next few days. One of the gods would escort you to and from work but apart from that things didn’t feel all too different normal. For a few days at least.
The Thursday of the following week you were waiting outside for Ichthys, but you could see Zyglavis’ shadows standing guard a few feet away. From under the canopy of the building you stepped towards the side of the road, itching to get home.
“What’re you waiting out here for?” Turning around, you came to see Mamoru making his way out of the hotel. You gave him a tired smile.
“Oh, a friend of mine is going to be walking home.”
“You got a lot of friends suddenly. They doing this for any reason?”
“What do you mean?”
“Look kid, if something’s wrong you cause more hassle for us when you keep quiet. Is something going on?” Before you could even think to respond, you saw his eyes widen, the cigarette fell from his mouth as he grabbed you harshly, holding you against his chest as he leapt out of the way of something. You met the concrete with a thud but that was soon overpowered by a horrendous shriek of metal against concrete before there was an explosive sound. Still a bit dazed, you looked up from your place beneath Mamoru, only for your eyes to meet the sight of a car crumpled again the next door building. Right where you had been standing. Your blood ran cold and you gulped as Mamoru pulled you to your feet. “Kid, don’t even think of lying to me right now. What’s. Going. On.” His tone was serious and as you struggled to find the words there was the sound of footsteps behind you.
“Are you ok?!” The familiar voice of Ichthys rang in your ears and you were pulled from Mamoru, being spun to face the clearly concerned god.
“I’m fine Ichthys, I’m fine.” Running his hands down your arms, he let out a small sigh of relief.
“I thought it was going to be too late.” He pulled you into his arms. “Thank heavens you’re safe.”
“And who the hell are you?” Mamoru’s brought you back to yourself. You jumped out of Ichthys’ arms like you’d had cold water thrown over you.
“I’m Ichthys!” Mamoru looked him up and down.
“Sounds like a stripper name.” You blanched at his words.
“Kishi! You can’t just say stuff like that to people!” His frown didn’t lessen.
“I think this asshole knows his name ain’t what I’m after. Who are you to her?” He jutted his chin in your direction. “And I ain’t gonna buy that you’re ‘just a friend’. I’m not stupid.”
“Ok, I’m her boyfriend!”
“Ichthys this isn’t the time for jokes!” You yelled, noticing the look of anger on Mamoru’s face.
“No, it isn’t.” All three of you turned to see Krioff approaching.
“Another one? Where are these assholes coming from?” You ignored Mamoru’s mutter.
“Circumstances have changed. I think we should go inside to talk about this.” He gave a pointed look to you and Mamoru. Huffing a sigh out when he looked at you, the cop motioned with his hand, taking the three of you back into the hotel.
When you reached the penthouse, the bidders automatically turned to look at the entrance and Eisuke scowled at the unknown people.
“Would you two care to explain why these men are in my penthouse without permission?”
“They’re here to explain what’s going on with the kid. Whether they want to or not.” Without knowing what to say you looked at the gods pleadingly, and Krioff gave a small shrug.
“It’s fine. The King has given permission for them to know. I’m just relaying a message.”
“King?” Soryu didn’t look impressed. “What kind of nonsense are you talking.”
“How much? How much do we need to tell them?” Your couldn’t help but admit you were slightly scared of how the bidders would react.
“All of it.” Noticing your discomfort he carried on. “Want me to tell them?” You could only nod, refusing to meet their eyes.
“Tell us what?” Eisuke seethed. “Unless you want a harsh punishment, you better start talking.”
“Hey, leave her alone.” Ichthys came to put a comforting arm around your shoulder. “She’s having a hard enough time right now without you guys being mean!”
“Your employee is a reincarnated goddess.” When Krioff said that, silence encased the room, sharp eyes fixing in on him. Honestly, what did you expect when you let Krioff speak for you other than blunt honesty?
“Do you honestly think we’re going to believe that?” Shuichi hissed. Krioff simply looked bored, like he was expecting that.
“Believe it or not, it’s the truth. She was a goddess in her previous life. Currently her life is in danger, and I’m here to take her, and all of you, to the heavens for better protection.”
“Wait, they’re coming too?”
“The King believes that if they are here on Earth the Dark King could use them as a means to draw you out. We would rather a few more humans know about us then risk the entire world.”
“This is like a plot ripped out of a kids book.” Ota muttered. “Try to be a bit more creative at least.”
“And don’t think we’ll be going anywhere with you, including my employee. Now leave my hotel, I’m already sick of looking at you two.” Krioff and Ichthys looked at each other.
“Well, I guess it’s a good thing we don’t need you to move to get you where we’re going.”
Before the bidders could speak, Krioff snapped his fingers and you felt that horrid lightheaded feeling and your vision went black, only to fade back into view with you all stood in the throne room. Appearing stunned beyond words, the bidders just stared as you gave a small bow the the King.
“Your Highness.”
“The former goddess, it has been a while since we last spoke.”
“Yes, I’m sorry about that.”
“There’s no need to apologise. Circumstances haven’t lent us to free time recently. But for now we can communicate with ease. As I asked Krioff to tell you, you will be staying in the heavens for the time being. The Dark King’s power is continuing to grow at an alarming rate, we can’t risk him taking your soul.”
“What is this nonsense!” The yell of pure irritation drew your attention back to Eisuke. He looked far from impressed, if looks could kill the entire room would be dead. You simply looked towards your feet.
“It’s not nonsense Mr. Ichinomiya. I’m a reincarnated goddess.”
“You, a goddess?” Hikaru smirked. “Are you trying to make me laugh?”
“I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true!”
“That’s enough.” Eisuke spoke, grabbing you by the wrist. “We’re going back to the Tres Spades, where you can explain to me fully what lies these people have filled your head with.” As he made to leave the throne room with you in tow, the King of the Heavens snapped his fingers, freezing Eisuke where he stood. The billionaire looked shocked only for a moment, before anger you had never seen flared in his eyes.
“Eisuke Ichinomiya, none of you will be leaving the heavens for the foreseeable future. As I’m sure was explained to you by Krioff, going back to Earth right now puts both yourself and the world at risk. I do not care whether you believe in us or not, but you will do as I command. Everything, every part of your life is in my hands. You would do well to remember this while you are here.” Another snap later and he was free once more. Looking hesitantly over at him, the fury in his eyes was clear. Eisuke was used to winning, and not being top of the food chain clearly didn’t sit well with him.
“If we’re staying here, where exactly are we staying?” Baba queried.
“I will have the gods show you to your temporary rooms, Krioff please see that our former goddess is settled. I need to speak with her acquaintances.” With a gentle hand on your back, Krioff lead you from the room.
“Thank you for this Krioff. I know this is probably the last thing you all need.”
“This is about protecting the world.”
“I know that.”
“No, you don’t.” He turned to meet your eyes. “I’m saying that the world that has you in it is worth protecting.”
The rest of the walk to your room was in silence, and after a few questions about the room, Krioff left you in peace. You settled on the bed, holding one of the pillows to your chest and hugging it against you. You were scared, of both the Dark King and the bidders. Of course the threat of death was never to be taken lightly, but the reactions from the bidders caused a very different fear to bloom in your heart. You never planned to tell them of your origins, it’d taken you months to accept it yourself. Yet here they were, being faced with not only the reality of who you were, but also the entirety of the heavens on top of the fact that they could be in danger because of you. You feared they still wouldn’t believe you, that they would brand you a liar or accuse you of betraying them. You were scared they would abandon you.
A light knock at the door drew you from your thoughts, and you gave a small noise to allow the person to enter. Baba’s face appeared around the edge of the door, and he gave you a small smile.
“Hi princess, how are you feeling?” You sighed.
“About as well as expected considering everything.” He slipped around the door, closing it gently behind him and came to sit on the bed next to you, as he chuckled, you looked at him quizzically.
“I’m sorry, I just remembered how I often called you my goddess. I guess I wasn’t wrong, was I?” You joined his amusement with a grin before his smile dropped ever so slightly. “Say, how long have you known that you weren’t human?”
“I am human, Baba.”
“Princess, you know what I mean. How long have you known about this?” For a moment you considered whether you should lie or be honest, but deciding you’d had enough of being deceitful around it, you opted with telling the truth.
“I’ve known for about a year.” You didn’t miss the look of hurt that passed the thief’s face.
“…And you never thought to tell me?”
“Baba, would you have believed me If I had?”
“Perhaps for a while I would’ve thought you were joking, but I know you. You’re not a liar. After a few months…I think I would’ve. I’m sorry that you didn’t see me as trustworthy for your secret.”
“Oh Baba, it’s not like-“ he placed a finger over your lips.
“You didn’t think I would believe you. That in itself shows I haven’t proven myself to you yet.” He gave you another sad smile. “I’ll prove myself to you. It may take me years, a lifetime even. But I swear that I’ll show that you can share anything you need to with me.” Running the thumb from your lip over your cheek, he stood from the bed. “It’s getting late, and from what I’ve heard you’ve had a very long day. Sleep now princess, we don’t want your beauty marred by exhaustion.” Following his words of comfort, he quietly left the room. With the darkness feeling comfortable for the first time since this began, you fell into a guilt ridden sleep.
The next day you awoke feeling just as groggy, and without any particular thing to do you simply made yourself presentable and left your room, hoping to find anything to alleviate your stress and boredom. You headed out into the hallway, and the silence was unnerving to you. The normally bustling palace was so quiet it almost felt dead. So you were relieved when you saw Soryu emerge into the corridor.
“Good morning Soryu.” He nodded at you. “Is everything ok with your room?”
“Is there a point to your questions? If there is, just say so.” You looked away, taking a small gulp before working up the courage to say what you wanted to.
“I just…I just wanted to apologise for putting you through all this. For causing you all so many problems. I should’ve been more careful about being around you all-“
“Did you know this was going to happen?” You froze in shock.
“Of course not, how could you ask that?!”
“Then why are you sorry? You didn’t know this was going to happen just as we didn’t. There was nothing you could’ve done to prevent this, don’t apologise for something you had no say in.”
“…Right. Thanks for that Soryu.” You went to walk away only to be stopped by a loud popping noise. Almost instinctually Soryu pulled the gun from his blazer and pulled you against his chest as he brandished the weapon in the direction of the noise.
“Show yourselves!” Laughter rung around the two of you, and despite looking you couldn’t find the source. With a final guess as to who was behind it, you looked upwards to see Ichthys hovering next to one of the pillars, waving down at you innocently.
“Ichthys, what have you done this time?”
“Nothing, nothing. That’ll just be Dui falling for my prank!” You couldn’t help but sigh.
“I’m not even going to ask…”
“Is this really the time for pranks?” Surprisingly, Soryu spoke up to the god above him. “You say yourself that her life is in danger, don’t you think you should be working like the other gods to trying and stop this and keep her safe?” At his words, Ichthys rolled his eyes.
“Maaaannn, you are just like Ziggles. You’re no fun! Especially at times like this you need a bit of life around the place or it just gets so boring!”
“ICHTHYS!” The familiar roar of the minister echoed through the halls. Following which the male in question quickly fled the corridor with nothing but a wave. You and Soryu were left in silence once again.
“Soryu…you can let go of me now.” You didn’t think you’d ever seen the mobster turn so red before.
“Am I interrupting something?” Looking towards the other end of the corridor, the click of the male’s heels against the tiled floor became louder as he approached.
“No Hue, there’s nothing to interrupt.”
“Is that so?” The blue haired god gave a closed eyed smile to Soryu. “It didn’t seem that way.” At the insinuating tone, Soryu clicked his tongue and walked back the way he came.
“Hue, you are mean.”
“Mean? I’m simply stating what I see. Besides, I actually came to ask you for assistance.”
“How can I help?” He held up the sheets of parchment in his hand.
“With my missing eye and the volume of work we’re all taking on right now, I’m running very low on energy, even with being in the heavens. Would you care to help me work by lending me your power?”
“Like I did on Earth? Sure, I don’t see a problem with that.”
After helping Huedhaut for the majority of the day, he bid you a farewell telling you that you’d helped him immensely. You weren’t particularly tired at this point but with Hue’s dismissing you no doubt to make sure you weren’t overworked you were left to once again wander the palace. Contemplating whether or not to take a walk in the gardens, you couldn’t stop the squeak of surprise that left you when you were thrust against the wall.
Looking up towards the face of your captor, Eisuke’s expression certainly erred in the side or irritation. The nerves that had slowly been ebbing away over the course of the day swelled back up and he pinned you to the wall with his arm.
“You kept a secret from me.” He was practically glowering, a mix of damaged pride and annoyance, no doubt it was your fault with the way he was looking at you.
“Mr. Ichinomiya, I-“
“There are only two answers you can give me. Or have you forgotten that?” You deflated.
“No sir, I haven’t.”
“And what are those answers?”
“Yes and ok…”
“Now let’s try this again, did you keep a secret from me?”
“There. It was a simple answer. I don’t care what you think is best for me, what you think is important for me to know or what you think I‘ll believe. You tell me everything, then it is up to me to draw my own conclusion. Do you understand?”
“…Yes sir.”
“When we get back to the Tres Spades, you are going to be-“ He didn’t even get to finish his sentence. The billionaire was torn from you body and you were looking at the back of the Punishments’ uniform before you could blink.
“Listen here.” Scorpio’s tone was low and threatening. “You don’t treat her like that while you’re here. If I see you making her uncomfortable one more damn time, then I will not hesitate to clean this floor with your face. Understand me, human?” Without a word of acknowledgement, Eisuke plucked the rough god’s hands from his lapels with his normal grace and elegance, dusting himself off as he looked over Scorpio’s shoulder to meet your gaze.
“This conversation isn’t done.” He spoke, before turning and leaving.
Once he was out of sight, Scorpio turned back towards you and fixed you with a glare.
“You can’t let a piece of shit like that walk all over you! Stand up for yourself woman! I protect you when I can, but I’m not always going to be there to stop it!” You didn’t even get a chance to thank him as he walked away before you could speak.
Trying to shake off the earlier events for the day, you decided to do as you were planning originally and headed out into the garden. In a rather expected turn of events, you found Aignorus napping on one of the benches. You sighed to yourself knowing he was probably slacking off on work again, so to try and help him in the long run, you approached him and gave him a light shake.
“Aigonorus…Aigo…you need to wake up now.” He groaned, moving slightly only to throw his arms around your waist and nuzzle into your side.
“I don’t want to. Just let me sleep, you’re comfy.”
“As comfortable as I am Aigo, Leon and Karno are probably looking for you.”
“That we are.” As if by some trick of fate that seemed to keep happening recently, Leon strolled into the gardens looking wholly unamused. “We may not have many wishes to be granting right now, however there is still enough work for you to be required.” The sleeping god simply groaned in response, for a moment Leon looked frustrated, until his eyes fell on you and a smirk overcame his features, walking up to your form that was caged in Aigonorous’ arms, he placed his fingers on your cheek, forcing you to let out a squeak as you felt his power surge through your body.
“Cut it out Leon!”
“Oh? You tell me to stop, and yet you look like you enjoy it so much. Think of this as my thanks for assisting my department today. Hard work should always be rewarded after all.” At this statement and the insinuation behind it, Aigonorous’ face screwed up in bother, sitting up he flung Leon’s hand from your body and stood up lethargically.
“Leave her alone. I’ll do the work if you do that.” You didn’t miss Leon’s look of triumph.
Once the two of them were gone, you decided you’d finally had enough for the day, and began to head back to your room. Your small prayer of getting there without interruption went unanswered however. The moment you set foot in the building you came face to face with Luke who looks bedraggled as usual. He came stumbling over, and automatically began groping your collarbones. You couldn’t help but sigh.
“What is it Sexy?”
“We are in the heavens. There are gods around. Surely you can find someone else to do this to right now.” The Doctor almost looked offended, shaking his head.
“I’ve already looked. Even here, I can’t find a pair of collarbone as sexy as Sexy’s.” Just as he went to, what looked like press his face into them, a hand pulled you from him, a seemingly common occurrence today. Looking over your shoulder you found Hikaru.
“Sorry to interrupt Doctor Foster, but we need her right now. Urgently.” Ignoring his whine of dissatisfaction, Hikaru began leading you down the corridor back towards the bedrooms.
“Hikaru, did you do that just to get me away from Luke?”
“No actually. Rhion is refusing to open his door for food, you’re the only one that can get through to him when he gets like this.”
“So you need me to get a plate of food in there?”
“Yeah, he hasn’t eaten for a few days at least, he’ll collapse if he doesn’t get something in him soon.”
“Sure, I can do that at least.”
When you came to stop in front of Rhion’s door that was close to your own, you saw the plate of food on the floor next to it. But just before you knocked on the door Hikaru spoke again.
“By the way.” You turned to look at him. “The King explained everything to us. I’m still having a hard time believing it all, but I just wanted to tell you…you don’t need to worry so much. I know you do that by yourself a lot. Whatever is going to happen will happen, and it’s best you just try and relax. I’ll be here to help keep you safe. Now I better go, he’s less likely to reject that food if you’re here alone.” He spun on his heels and walked down the hall, but you swore you saw him blush.
With Hikaru now out of the way, you focused on the task at hand. Picking up the plate, you gave a few knocks to the door. Not receiving a response you decided to try calling for him.
“Rhion.” Your voice was soft as you spoke, knocking again for emphasis. “Rhion, it’s me.” For a few minutes there was still silence, and you thought that perhaps you would have to try something else. However, from inside the room you heard a quiet shuffling noise, indicating some sort of movement, before the door cracked open.
“Alice?” He didn’t open it all the way and you were greeted by his messy mop of hair and wide, dark eyes.
“Yup, it’s me. Is it ok if I come in?” He seemed to hesitate for a moment, before he opened the door just enough for you to slip inside. Once in the room you noticed that he had drawn the curtains to block out the light, and that he was cocooned in the blanket from the bed. “How are you feeling?”
“…I want to go home, Alice. This place is too bright. I don’t like it, I want to go back to the Tres Spades.” His words were so innocent, and he sounded so vulnerable that your heart clenched. Placing the plate of food down of the bedside table you lead him back to the bed, where you sat him down and wrapped your arms around him.
“Rhion, it’s going to be ok. We’ll go back to the Tres Spades. But we need to make sure the Dark King is taken care of before we do, otherwise you could end up getting hurt. That’s the last thing I want.” From within the blanket, his hand reached out and latched onto your sleeve.
“You’ll be here with me, right? You won’t abandon me here, will you?” With a slight shake of your head, you brought the hand he wasn’t limiting the movement to up to stroke his hair.
“No, I’m not going to abandon you. As long as you’re here, I will be too.”  At your words, his expression seemed to settle slightly. “Now, how about we have something to eat before we both rest, ok?”
Your days carried on like this for weeks, filled with nothing but chaos, even more so than normal. The bidders and gods just couldn’t seem to get on and were constantly in competition. Your days were mainly spent breaking up fights, fetching missing gods and relaying messages. But with what followed you almost wish that unbridled chaos had carried on.
It was sudden, sudden enough that you weren’t really prepared for it. The explosion that rang out around the heavens was deafening, and the entire structure of the palace shook. Following the people you did see, you headed out of the palace into the fields, and you froze in place. On the horizon was the Dark King, and he seemed to find you in the crowd instantly. A disgusting smirk stretched across his face as he singled you out, pointing into the crowd to your exact location.
“Bring her to me.”
Those words were all it took for anarchy to ensue. The Dark King’s men charged at the crowd, some gods scattered, running to hide from the oncoming attack while others stood frozen or prepared to battle. You yourself turned to run, knowing that if they got you it could be the end of everything you cared for, but you found yourself surrounded before you could think to move. Desperately searching for a gap in their encirclement, you didn’t have room to react when one began to charge an energy attack in his hand. But luckily before he could release it, there was a sickening crack and scream of pain. Behind the man with a now broken arm stood Dui, looking extremely annoyed and face twisting into a sadistic smirk.
“Bad move. You’ll be paying for trying a stunt like that, you idiot.” With the immediate threat disabled, you stood from your crouched position and to force his to move, landing a punch right into the man’s nose. The crunch was unmistakeable and with Dui quickly pulling you from them he was quickly able to take care of them, soon handing you over to Partheno, the closest god, so that he could deal with more of the surrounding threats. That’s how the battle progressed, you were thrown from god to god, allowing each one time to destroy the men who came after you immediately without putting you in too much danger. From Partheno you went to Karno, from Karno to Teorus, Teorus to Scorpio, Scorpio to Huedhaut and then back to Scorpio before being handed to Ichthys.
The heavens were a mess by that point. There were deep gouges in the ground, scars of a battle that would take years to fade naturally, mighty structures were crumbling, fires consumed the surrounding nature, trees were torn from their roots, and bodies lay still where they fell, staining the floors with the blood of their sacrifice. A place of pure beauty now a spectacle of war. But there was one group that caught your attention. The bidders were being surrounded themselves, with only a few guns between them and no divine powers, they were sorely losing against the powers of the Dark King and his men. They didn’t have long and you knew it, when one of the attackers raised their arm, about to release an attack you knew they wouldn’t survive your body moved on autopilot.
“Guys!” With a yell of exertion you ripped yourself from Icthtys’ side, dodging attacks left and right only to throw yourself in front of the energy blast aimed at your friends. You expected to die, you expected to be nothing more than a willing sacrifice.
However, when the dark energy touched your skin, something inside you broke. From your body an unfamiliar light began to glow, and despite never having experienced it before, you seemed to already know exactly what it was and what to do with it.
“What the hell?!” You ignored the shocked mutters on the bidders and gods around you, focusing your anger on the being that had started this whole thing. The turmoil, your pain, the suffering was all down to the Dark King, he may have looked angry, but it couldn’t compare to the burning rage in your soul.
“No! This isn’t meant to happen! You can’t use your powers! I won’t let you stop me!” He raised his hand to try and attack once more, but you simply allowed your own powers to meet his, pushing it back inside his body.
“I’m sorry, but that’s not your choice. You’ve caused enough suffering, and I think it’s time you go back to where you belong, in oblivion.” The light around you grew to a blinding level, and the yells of the bidders and gods were lost to the drumming of your pulse in your ears, as you allowed your energy to completely consume your form, and the world around you.
The screams of the dark king faded with your power, and as the light dimmed  enough for those present to uncover their eyes, the surroundings were calm once more, restored to their previous state, as if the battle had never happened, even the fallen began to move again. Your heavy breath was all that was heard. That was until you collapsed. With their closer proximity to you, the bidders were first to your side, Luke crouching next to you and gently rolling you onto your back to examine you. His hands poked and prodded at your body, checking your pulse, breathing and for any sign of physically injury, of which none seemed to be an issue, he was murmuring to himself so quietly no-one could make out what he was saying, and they didn’t want to disturb his trance in examining you.
“You’ll find nothing wrong with her, physically that is.” The voice of the King cut through the group, and they all turned to look at him. Eisuke’s scowl depended at his words.
“What do you mean physically.”
“Her soul is what is causing this. She reawakened powers her body is not built to handle to save us all.”
“She’ll be ok though, right?” Baba’s inquisitive tone didn’t hide his concern.
“She can be, but you need to let us through. Now.” The bidders looked unhappy at the idea, but begrudgingly moved, wanting to be the ones to help you but knowing that at this moment it was beyond their power they begrudgingly stepped aside to allow the gods to take their place. The King of the Heavens moved first, motioning to the gods who circled around your form before raising his hand. The appendage began glowing a beautiful golden hue, seeming to understand what he was doing, the other gods followed suite, their hands glowing their signature colours.
“Come on.” Dui whispered, closing his eyes and focusing.
“Little lady, you’ve got to fight.”
“Don’t give up on us now.”
The words of encouragement were by no means loud, but they didn’t need to be. The determination to keep you alive could almost be tasted, a burning feeling that physically would not allow them to stop until they succeeded. The bidders watched on from the sideline, all anxiously awaiting some shift in the atmosphere, the tension of not knowing gnawing at them. They didn’t have to wait to much longer. The cocoon of coloured energy around your body brightened suddenly, almost pulsing, before it slowly seemed to sink into your skin. The moment felt frozen, until a slight sigh of a breath escaped you, and the gods followed suit.
The King knelt down, taking your fragile form in his arms and standing again, raking his eyes over your form, looking for any signs of trouble.
“We’ve done all we can.” He spoke, turning to the rest of the gods. “The rest is up to her. This is no longer something we can affect.”
As he went to make his way back into the palace, he was forced to halt as Eisuke stepped into his path with his arms crossed.
“And where are you taking my employee?” The King looked him up and down before giving an amused smile.
“Back to the palace. She needs to rest.”
“She will do that at the Tres Spades.”
“She will do no such thing.” Zyglavis stepped forward, a deep furrow in his brow. “Her soul is still unstable, she is still in danger of losing her life. By remaining here until she wakes up we will be close by if something goes wrong. Those few moments could make all the difference.”
“Then I’ll be staying here.” The other bidders nodded in agreement.
“Staying?” Leon looked offended at the mere mention of the word. “You will be going back to Earth, where you goldfish belong. You have no need to stay now the Dark King is gone.” Baba stepped between the two seething men.
“He just means that taking her away from both her job and life could be questioned, and we would like to be nearby when she wakes up.” Leon simply glared.
“That isn’t going to happen.”
“I’m not asking.” Eisuke returned the expression, standing full height in front of the King. But to the surprise of everyone present, the royal simply started laughing.
“Eisuke Ichinomiya, I commend your bravery! No god, let alone human is brave enough to challenge me besides a select few. Very well, you’ve entertained me enough. I shall allow you to stay in the heavens until she wakes.”
“Your Highness-!
“No matter your opinion of them, these men have clearly proven their care for our goddess. I’m sure that if she wakes, she would like for them to be near as well. Can you deny this?” And uncomfortable silence fell over the gods. “I didn’t think so. You may continue using your assigned rooms for the time being. We don’t know if she will awaken, or if she does how long it will take. You must be prepared for any result.”
“She’ll make it.” Soryu spoke. “She’s strong enough to, for a woman.”
“Be that as it may, stress, pain or any negative emotion or injury can affect whether or not a soul heals.” He looked back down at your body. “Let us hope she can overcome this.”
You were placed back into your room after that. Tucked under the covers those close to you could almost pretend you were simply sleeping, but reality began to sink in as day after day passed. Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to a month yet you still showed no sign of stirring, yet even now you were rarely alone. Every spare moment that was had by someone was spent at your bedside. Some speaking with you as if you were still awake, the others simply watching your form, thinking back over your shared times and contemplating whether they could cope in a world without you. Their answer was quickly found.
Perhaps that was the reason that they still refused to give up hope. The thought of you no longer being in their lives was something many of them had yet to consider, but this situation placed them face to face with the reality of losing you, and that was not something they were ready to face just yet. The gods may grant the wishes of humans, but what if the gods’ wishes were the same as the humans? Could they grant a wish to save a soul they too wished to stay alive? Wishes of life and death were not something within the powers of the twelve gods, which meant all they could do is pray themselves, hoping that there were indeed some entity out there who heard the wishes of the gods. Perhaps, that love and longing for having you back in their lives was enough to influence whatever powers controlled what the gods could not.
It had started as any other day. The somber state of the palace had not diminished, even with it being Christmas Day on Earth.
“Look at them.” Scorpio had hissed as he looked into the reflection pool that day. “Completely oblivious to what has been done for them.”
To add to the frustration, with it being Christmas. The gods were buried under seasonal wishes and punishments, and even the bidders had needed to go back to Earth, with corporate parties, mafia get togethers, art exhibitions and lax security, every bidder had something they required leaving the heavens to do. No-one was around to hear the yell of surprise let out by Altair, or the crash of the ceramic dish on the floor he had brought in to help clean your face. But the small god ignored the water pooling around his feet, he could only focus on you. You, who were sat up in bed, completely conscious.
His cry brought your attention to him, and you sluggishly pulled yourself from the bed on unsteady feet. Holding the frame to support yourself after a month of inactivity.
“Altair…what…what happened?” You didn’t receive an answer as the small boy threw himself and you, hugging your waist as he cried, you could only pick out the odd word but were somehow able to piece together that he was excited about you being awake. Realising you probably weren’t going to get a straight answer out of him anytime soon, you knelt down slightly so he could hold you in a more comfortable position. “Should we go and see the King?” He just nodded against your stomach.
When you entered the throne room, the King looked mildly shocked before you approached him.
“My, my. How very interesting.”
“Your Highness, I’ll go and tell the others right away!” However the King raised his hand to stop Altair in his tracks.
“No, don’t tell them yet.” He smirked. “I have a far more entertaining idea. Bring me those ‘bidders’.”
The gods were all groaning by the time they were summoned by the King. Everyone was tired, it was late, and the obvious issue of your state meant none of them were particularly excited to be called like this. With a sigh of resignation, Zyglavis and Leon opened the doors to the throne room. Zyglavis bowed upon entry and Leon simply strutted in as normal.
“At Your Highness’ request.” Zyglavis spoke as the gods all made their way into the room. Most of them already looking as if they wanted to leave. He could only smile, knowing the reaction that his news would bring.
“Now, why do my dear gods look so glum? Today is Christmas, a day of giving, joy and love.”
“We already fucking know that. Can we just get on with it.”
“Scorpio, watch your tongue.”
“Zyg, he already knows what I’m like. No point in hiding it now.”
“As much as I enjoy watching your quarrels.” The King interjected. I do have some news that might be of interest to all of you, and with it being Christmas, I won’t hold it from you. Come out now.”
They looked mildly interested at his call to someone they were yet to see, but the moment you came into view, their jaws all dropped. No longer were you unresponsive, your bright smile was back on your face as you stepped out from behind the throne, and the gods had never felt such relief as in that moment. A unanimous cry of your name filled the room, and to avoid them getting embarrassed and to greet your friends after learning what had happened from the King, you ran towards to group, hugging each god in turn.
“Does this perhaps make you all feel a bit more jolly?” The King joked. He was met with stares, head shaking and the odd blush, but he was far from done. “But you see, it appears a Christmas miracle has happened. You appear to not have noticed that our little goddess does in fact now live up to her title.”
The god closest to you glanced down, only to inhale sharply in shock when he saw the bright stars shining in your eyes.
“That’s impossible…”
“Not impossible.” The King corrected. “But highly improbable. A human turning back into a god once releasing their abilities has a probability of less than 0.001%. A completely negligible figure, and it was a feat that I have never witnessed. However it appears that through sheer determination and willpower, our goddess has managed to resume her rightful place.” He allowed them a moment to let the information sink in, but he was personally looking forward to the next reveal most of all. Clapping his hands to draw attention back to himself.
“Now, as the universe granted you all your Christmas miracle. I decided to grant the goddess’ wish. I would hardly think it fair to force her away from everyone she knows and loves because she wanted to save her world, would you? So, after discussing their options with me, I would like to introduce you all to our newest department. The Department of Judgement.”
“The what now?” Leon frowned, and all of the gods couldn’t stop their eyes widening in shock when they saw who else emerged into their line of sight.
“Why are they here?” Huedhaut asked, a closed eyes smile not hiding his irritation.
“I would suggest you watch your tone.” Eisuke smirked, glaring down his nose at the gods. It was then the divine beings took in what they were wearing. Crisp white uniforms with gold trimmings, boots, and a deeply coloured armband that could been seen as either blue of purple. It was then that dread settled in their stomachs.
“You didn’t. These humans-“
“They are human no longer.” The King confirmed their greatest fears. “This is the Department of Judgements. I will be personally helping them master their powers. They will be working closely with you both of your departments, they will collect and interpret trends in various human fields and judge whether or not intervention is needed, working either on their own or collaboratively with your two departments. They will also be the heavens’ ‘human specialists’, they will be the first to be contacted if there are questions around human customs and activities.” He began motioning to the various people. “Eisuke will be their minister, and take care of businesses and corporations, Soryu will be vice-minister and handle underground organisations and criminal empires, Baba will be focusing on love and relationships, Ota on the arts, Mamoru on the various police forces, Shuichi on politics, Luke on medication, health services and epidemics and Hikaru on technology. Rhion, Samejima and Inui will work as extra hands in the department at the request of Eisuke and Soryu.” He wasn’t able to hide the smirk at the looks on the gods faces. “For the time being they will also live their human lives, until the point they would naturally pass away to avoid an interruptions, considering their positions in the human world, but after that they shall live solely in the heavens, alongside all of you. Treat them well, for our goddess will be working for all three departments, a week at a time, until she herself chooses one to work for.”
Eisuke smirked, eyes challenging as he glared at the other gods.
“I think it’s obvious who she’s going to end up choosing.” Leon all but snarled in response.
“I think not, new boy.”
“Now. I think she would fare quite well in our department.”
The King could only chuckle at the chaos that was beginning to unfold as each department grew more rambunctious. He could only applaud himself for a job well done, for all Christmas wishes were granted among this group. Even his own, he had a feeling the next year was going to be much more entertaining.  
Right, apologies this took so long to post, everything kept screwing up and I didn’t realise the entry date so this is far more rushed than I would’ve liked. I didn’t even get a chance to proofread! 
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