#tord prey
predsworld · 2 years
Future!Edd vore
First fanfic on the blogs let’s gooo
⚠️ CW for vore, digestion, unwilling prey, cruel pred, teasing/humiliation, weight gain and fatal ⚠️
Edd slinked around the back alleys behind tord’s base as he tended to do, he huffed as he walked through the cold and suprisingly quiet night. He sat down, but was disturbed when he heard footsteps.. he whipped his head around to see Red Leader, or tord as he knew him, walking towards him.
“it was foolish of you to come here.”
Tord would growl out in an annoyed tone,
Edd stood up, to his full height. He was tall, and quite large. Much bigger than tord. Tord tried to hide his fear as he stared up at the man with a feirce expression.
Edd simply laughed.
“You’re the dangerous pred everyone fears? Someone should put you in your place..~”
Tord was unsure what he meant, but he didn’t have much time to think it over. Edd would soon grab him by the shirt, pushing his face into his flat stomach as he lifted up his hoodie. Tord shivered in a sudden realization.
“your reign of terror ends here.”
before tord could protest much, Edd brought him to his face, shoving him inbetween his jaws as he began to push him back and down his throat..
tord gripped onto him, begging for him to stop.
edd just swallowed a little.. It wasn’t so bad at first, but Tord was coated with thick saliva in the tight space.. and it didn’t get much better.
He was soon pushed into the brunette’s stomach, it was extremly cramped, and boiling hot, and it stung.. tears pricked at the poor norski’s eyes as he began to get worked on by the acids.
edd simply smirked, feeling his now bulged out stomach..
“Mhhn.. not bad~ try not to cause me too much trouble..”
The Brit’s gut let out an ominous growl, starting to pick up pace..
tord whined, begging for Edd’s mercy and he squirmed inside his gut.
“Cut out that whining. I thought you were all tough and powerful~ it’s not like anyone can hear you now anyways..”
“just hurry up and digest.”
Edd seemed almost careless as he leaned his back against the alley’s wall, rubbing his belly with one hand as he made a slightly annoyed gesture with the other.. as he pressed on his tummy, he stopped, belching loudly..
“Uggghh..” Tord continued to struggle but it was no use, his futile attempts at escape only seemed to make edd have more of a sense of power over him.
This was really it..
This was the end for him.
“p-please.. edd..”
After that final plea, he sniffled, giving a weak and halfhearted shove to the stomach walls. but still it was all for nothing as he felt the stinging liquids rise.. he felt himself grow softer, and smaller with each moment, becoming weaker. Soon he passed out..
Edd’s stomach merely gurgled, using up the man’s body as if he was nothing but nutrients. He had been reduced to a useless meal.
Edd let out another quiet burp, feeling his stomach one last time.. it was a little smaller, and felt softer and pudgier.
“is that all? Geez, I guess you didn’t put up a fight after all..”
“ah well~ I’m sure no one will mind your disappearance.. you’re just food now anyways.”
his stomach growled more, as if to respond.
“Aw c’mon, no need to protest..~”
he laughed, lifting his hoodie over his gut and tightening his trench coat, squeezing his belly down..
he turned his back and left before anyone could find him (or what was left of tord) and began to walk away.
“See ya, commie~”
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lubotomies · 6 months
Tumblr media
how i feel knowing eddsworld is preying on its neurodivergent fanbase that they frequently mock and make fun of selling merchandise they ethically shouldnt be because the man in question doesnt want to be involved with the series and odds of them being in contact with him whatsoever for permission to release it are next to null because he’s been in hiding for the last 13 years but at least i get the ugly tord figurine next to my edd
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baconcolacan · 1 year
please the fluff, how would tom and AK play in their full on shifted forms, would it be like a little jaw sparring or a little ruff and tough pushing around?
You know how cubs and pups practice their hunting, stalking, and pouncing skills on their parents??
Yeah that hahahaha, though it’s pretty hard to miss Tom when he’s fully monstrous but at least that means AK gets to learn how to fight and target someone bigger than him.
Jaw sparring is also something they do, as well as Tom pushing him around like a little ball while he’s snarling and yapping at him lmao. AK lets out tiny little barks at Tom and tries to nip at him, but Tom just chuffs him with his snout and he rolls away HAHAAHAHA
Tord gets in on this when he has the time, at least when AK plays with him he could actually genuinely learn how to stalk and incapacitate prey around his size.
I also like the visual of Tom picking him up by the scruff when he’s being too rowdy, and he’s just an angry fluffy eldritch ball of yowling hellhound puppy lmao.
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tommyxxtemmy · 2 months
More info abt my au bc my ask blog is open.
The red army still technically exists in this au, yet it’s main purpose is to eradicate any mixed species (I.e humans + animal, or just demons or otherly beings in general) tord often found them annoying, and a waste of space. No matter how much contribution and positive effects they had in their existing world.
The rebellion was started by Tom in order to keep his people safe (in this au he is half demon ,his mother passed that down, and half human.) the masks that the main three wear resemble their abilities and weaknesses,
Tom wears the mask of a hare which resembles his vigilantes and fast pace and quick thinking. He is able to outrun most dangerous situations, but the downside to this is that he is often tricked and viewed as a easy target or so to say prey.
Matt wears the mask of a snake, showing his quick pacing when it comes to attack and how he is able to camouflage/hose himslef in the best of situations, he is also able to deal with trading efficiently. The downside is that he is not as strong as he seems and relys on weapons as his only defence
Edd wears the mask of a cat, this was mainly chosen because of ringo. This shows his intelligence when it comes to solving puzzles and being able to make weaponry out of simple appliances. Edd doesn’t need to rely on weapons but he has them on him at all times. The downside is that he’s quite stubborn at times and likes to work alone stressful or serious situations. Making him an easy target due to how easily startled he can get.
There are ships in this au, mattxtom being the main one. A lot will be said abt their relationship due to it being fresh, so that is expected. Sadly tord does not get paired with anyone, due to him being aromantic, he originally had feelings for edd but those faded quickly and he was put off about the whole thing leaving him to not necessarily like anyone within the recent times, edd however is dating the waitress from the restaurant! (I think her name was piper Or honey.) they are quite close despite her not enjoying the fact of edd being within the rebellion, she understands why and supports the idea but is just overall worried edds health
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myrammmortal · 4 months
Chapter 30, watch out for the Dork Mark!
AN: stop flaming da story ok u dnot no wutz even gona happen ok!1111 so FUL U!111 if u flam u wil be a prep so al flamerz kan kiss muh ass!111 soz 4 soz 4 sayin alzhimers is dongerous but datz da mysteries opinin koz sosiety basically sux. fangz 2 raven u rok bich!111
“No!11” we screamed sadly. Snap stated loafing meanly. He took out a kamera anvilly. Then…………………… he came tords Richard!1! He took sum stones out of his poket. He put da stones around Richard and nit a candle.
“What the fuck r u doing!” I shooted arngrily. Snoop laughed meanly. He polled down his pants. I gasped- there was a Dork Mark on his you-know-wut!11!
He waved his wand and a nife came. He gave da knife 2 me.
“U must stab Vrompire.” he said to me. “If u don’t then I’ll rap Richard!1”
“No you fucking bastrad!1” I yielded.
But den Richard looked at me sadly with his evil goffik red eyes dat looked so depressant and sexy. He lookd exactly like a pentragram (lol geddit koz im a satanist) between Kurt Cobain and Gerard. But then I looked at Vampire and he looked so smexy too wif his goffik black hair. I thought of da time when we screwed and the time I did it with Richard and Daddy Till came and the tame where Richard almost commited suicide and Vampire wuz so sportive.
Snipe laughed angrily. He started to prey to Volxemort. He started to do an incapacitation dancing around the stokes whipping Richard and Vampire. Suddenly an idea I had. I clozd my eyes and using my vampire powers I sent a telepathetic massage to Richard and Vampire so they would destruct Snape.
“Daddy Till will get u!” Richard shooted.
“Yah just wait ubtil da Mystery find out!11” Vampire yelled. Meanwhile I took out my wand.
“You ridiculus dondderhed!111” Snoop yielded. He took off all of Richard’s clothes. Just as he was about to rape him…………………….
“Crosio!” I shited pointing my wound. Snoop scremed and started running around da room screming. Meanwhile I grabed my blak mobile and sent a txt 2 Serious. I stopped doing crucio.
“You dunderhed!111 Im going to kill-” shooted Snape but suddenly Flake came.
Snake put the whip behind his bak. “Oh hello Flake I wuz just teaching them sumthing.” he lied. "You do know I have been here all this time eating the delicious caramels, right?" Flake said. "I know this might be confusing to the reader so I will explain. I happen to have an evil twin and his name is Snape/Snake/Snoop (not that one). I'm just here and snacking on things because Till has told me I need to put on some weight. I do not condone whatever my evil twin is up to but I will just leave him to it." (Editors note: I'm sorry for that part but honest to the gods the story got very confusing here and this would be less confusing than the original where Snape is about to rape Draco and all that shit you just read but suddenly Severus came in. Somehow. I have questions too but at least now I have a chance to make Flake not a horrible person because he deserves better!).
But suddenly Lusian and Profesor Trevolry came in2 da room and they and Serious unlocked the chains and put dem around Snap. Then Profesor Trevolry said ‘Come on Paul Darkness Omnipotentia Alzheimer Birdflu Grand Mal Landers let’s go.” 
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s1desn4cks · 5 months
So- I’m not dead! And I come back with fic ideas! I now have a list of fics I’m going to write and post here, maybe including some art as well!
*MHA, Aizawa protective noms, G/T.
*Random OCs that a friend and I share, G/T
*Spooky Month, Kevin and Streber, aftermath and reconciling from these fics:
*Stanley Vorable, a series of unfortunate noms.
*Spooky Month, Bob and y/n, dinner date
*Eddsworld, probably some borrower stuff with Pred!Tord, definitely some Pred!Tom.
*Digital Circus, Prey!Jax, he’s just done with everything and used to getting nommed due to Caine’s shenanigans.
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new-preddsworld · 2 years
Preddsworld headcannons
Tom - 1
I have so many ideas and yet so little ideas simultaneously…
He’s usually a pred, and usually isn’t willing prey, but there are some cases where he is.
He's a sizeshifter!! Woooo!!
You guessed it, he has a storage and he purrs!! It’s no surprise when you see my other preddcanons.
Tom can be a bit of a cruel pred sometimes. He likes a bit of fearplay. He doesn’t like to take his time, however.
When Tom is in his full monster form, he becomes very instinctual, both as a pred and as a prey.
As a pred, it’s pretty self explanatory. Someone will be safely nommed, despite the obvious lack of communication.
Oooo~ but as a prey.. often if he falls asleep in his monster form, he’ll wake up in the night really cold, and will shrink down to be nommed. Usually he’d go to Edd because Tom trusts him the most, but if that’s not possible for whatever reason, then Tord is the next choice due to his room being the closest to his, and also Tord's willingness to give noms. (Ik I said Tord would never safely nom Tom, but I lied. Also fic about this in progress~) However, Tom never remembers this happening.
Tom often goes for a nice taste in noms, hence why he barely ever goes for Tord (because he barely ever fucking showers).
If he’s bored, then sometimes he'll just nom Matt to irritate him.
He might not admit it, but he’s a sucker for a belly rub.
He doesn’t usually go for smaller prey, because he knows all too well how it feels to be the prey in that situation.
Tom was unwillingly eaten and digested by Edd once, though Edd didn’t realise it at the time. Tom still holds a grudge against Edd for it.
When he’s drunk, he’s quite the cuddly pred, nomming his prey then curling into a ball, purring comfortingly.
He can be good at providing comfort, but only when he wants to be. It also depends on who the prey is.
Has a very long, purple tinted tongue. With very sharp teef.
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someonemultifandom · 2 years
Some random idea I have for my fanfic in Wattpad , I will surely wrote it. The song is not mine, it's from Dhmis 3, I just thought it would fit. I realized that even if Inside Job Part 2 hasn't launched yet, I like Ron and adding him will may give more protagonism to Reagan. So let's start!
-Here! Those are 10 dollars, now go away and buy something, I don't know, said Edd pushing the Inside Job characters outside the house
-Huh? Strange, said Reagan
-What are they gonna do to him?, asked Gigi
-Sing, probably, answered Andre
-But those songs are horrible!, said Gigi
-C'mon, guys! It's not that bad!, said Brett
-When we arrived they sang a song about our death, said Reagan
-And then they sang a song of how worthless we are, said Myc
-Yeah, but they can't do worse, right?, asked Brett
-Yes, said Reagan looking the inside of the house from a window
Meanwhile, the rest of characters were inside the house with Ron
-Umm, hello?, said Ron
-Have you ever wondered why we're here?, started to sang Edd
What's it all about, you've no idea
And everywhere you look all you see is hatred, and darkness, death and fear
But you know it doesn't have to be
That i don't know, and you don't know me
Cause even though we're different, it doesn't make a difference
And we can live in harmony
No, you don't know where you are
But together we will get far
And together we can understand about friendship!
-Emmm, no thanks, answered Ron
-No excuses, said Edd
And do you ever feel like life's unfair?, continue to sang
Cause everybody hates you, and no one cares!
But if you follow me
Maybe you'll see
That friends will be everywhere
-Can't I just go home?, asked Ron
-This is your new home, answered Edd, - Come with me, let's met the others!
So here we are with all my friends, and they love you, all of them, sang Edd pointing the other characters
-Yes we do!, sang Sayori
-Is it true!, sang Tord
-We are friends and it will never end!, sang Boyfriend
-What are you talking about? I don't even know you!, said Ron
-To love each other, is to care
To be kind, and to share!, sang Edd
-I love my friend so I give him a hug, said Chalice hugging Void
-I made this for you, cause I love you so much, sang Michelle giving Ron a cake
-I love my pet, 'cause she's now my daughter , sang Shaun grabbing Moonpie hands
-Okay?, said Ron confused
-Our hearts asked night and day, sang Edd
-To have a new friend which we can play
-So be happy, sang Sayori
-Because all perfect is here!, sang all the characters
-We don't have taxes!, sang Brock
-Food is free!, sang Darlene
-And lots of money come here!, sang Griff
-That's how we live in this house, sang Tom
-We are happy like those mouses!, sang Bruno
-And it's for forever, and forever, sang John
-And now we all worship the readers!, sang Edd, then everyone started to be in a prey pose, Ron was pretty confused with all of that
-There are readers, sang Yuri
-We are inside a fanfic, sang Colette
-We must entertain them, sang Jack
-We must entertain them with our pain, sang Peter
-Wait, what?, said Ron
-Or they will forget about us, sang Edd, the pushing Ron into a chair, - So, dear Ron, let's make a deal
Because none of us is actually real
-You don't even exist, sang Yuri
-And you're only fiction from a large list!, sang James while the others were tying Ron to the chair
-And we need you here to live with us here, sang Edd with a creepy smile
-And your heart will find it's home, sang Grom
-And our friendship will never go, sang Monika
-Now give us your hair!, sang Edd with a pair of scissors
-For that reviving machine from there!, sang the others characters
-And you will be forever with us here, continue to sang Edd
-So, how was the song?, asked Glenn outside the house
-Weird, answered Reagan
Thank you so much for reading, tell me if I write right or should I improve.
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prettyswellaus · 2 years
(Farm Sim AU) Movie Theater
The movie theater is one of the establishments of the town of Cordia. It has it's roots as a old-timey theater both for plays and movies.
Edd can purchase a ticket for 1,000g and can even buy another ticket for the same price to give to one of the townsfolk in the same way gifts are given.
Bringing a townsfolk to a loved movie will grant a good amount of friendship points, bringing them to a liked movie grants a small amount of friendship points, and bringing them to a disliked movie decreases their friendship points a little bit.
Watching a movie takes an hour of game time, and Edd can only watch a movie twice a week
Bing likes all movies, due to his love for film, regardless of genre.
The movie shown changes out every season over the course of 3 years (repeating once third year's lineup is over), there is a schedule outside near the entrance to the theater to keep track of what movie is showing and which one is coming up.
Cola is Forever
"A tight-knit group of spies are tasked with saving the world from a global cola conspiracy."
Season: Spring Year 1
Genres: Action and Comedy
Love: Tord, Blaze, and Blade.
Like: Tom, Matt, Dusk, Jon, Jordan, Dawn, Laurel, Paul, Patryck, Larry, Kim, Katya, Diwi, Vince, and Emilia.
Dislike: Eduardo and Mark.
Sugar Sugar
"The familiar and the fantastic collide as an bond that's sweet as sugar forms between a simple gardener and an outcast who's more than meets the eye."
Available: Summer Year 1
Genre: Romance
Love: Matt, Jon, Jordan, Kim, and Katya.
Like: Blaze, Dusk, Mark, Laurel, Patryck, Bing, Diwi, Vince, and Emilia.
Dislike: Tom*, Tord, Eduardo, Blade, Dawn, Paul, and Larry.
(*Tom will later love the film if Edd gives him a bouquet when he reaches 8 hearts of friendship with him, which indicates romantic interest for the bachelor/bachelorette who is given the bouquet.)
Dawn of The Edd
"Five friends are caught in the midst of an outbreak of the ravenous undead, but what happens when a prey becomes a predator?"
Available: Fall Year 1
Genre: Action and Horror
Love: Tord, Dawn, Blade
Like: Tom, Eduardo, Bing, Paul, Patryck, Diwi, Laurel, and Katya
Dislike: Matt, Blaze, Dusk, Jon, Mark, Jordan, Larry, Kim, Vince, Emilia.
The Year Without Christmas
"The king of a holly jolly kingdom has grown disillusioned with his duties and decides to venture out to find his true calling."
Available: Winter Year 1
Genres: Fantasy and Adventure
Love: Matt, Dusk, Jon, Jordan, Laurel, Kim, Vince, Emilia
Like: Tord, Blaze, Mark, Paul, Patryck, Bing, Larry, Katya, Diwi
Dislike: Tom, Eduardo, Blade, Dawn
Somnians: Dream On
"A race of magical dream defenders must protect their world from the nightmarish forces of Umbriel and his Tantabi minions."
Available: Spring Year 2
Genres: Fantasy and Adventure
Love: Matt, Blaze, Dusk, Jon, Jordan, Laurel
Like: Blade, Bing, Larry, Kim, Katya, Diwi, Vince, and Emilia
Dislike: Tom, Tord, Eduardo, Dawn, Paul
Red Edd Redemption
"Detective Edward Gold enlists the help of the local sheriff of Spitbucket, USA to find the missing prince of the London royal family. But as crime rates rise in town, the detective must prove his worth."
Available: Summer Year 2
Genre: Western
Love: Tom, Tord, Eduardo, Mark, Blade, Paul, Patryck, Diwi, Vince
Like: Jon, Jordan, Laurel, Bing, Larry, Emilia
Dislike: Blaze and Dusk
The London Axe Massacre
"A fun night at home becomes a bloodbath for five roommates when an axe wielding maniac comes in to bury the hatchet...in their skulls!"
Available: Fall Year 2
Genre: Horror
Love: Tord, Eduardo, Dawn, Katya
Like: Tom, Blaze, Blade, Paul, Patryck, Bing,
Dislike: Matt, Dusk, Jon, Mark, Jordan, Laurel, Larry, Kim, Diwi, Vince, Emilia
Every Time a Bell Rings
"What if there was a world where you never existed? Thanks to his guardian angel, a young man finds out the answer just as his hope starts to run dry during the most wonderful time of the year."
Available: Winter Year 2
Genres: Fantasy and Drama
Love: Jon, Jordan, Laurel, Vince, Emilia
Like: Matt, Blaze, Dusk, Patryck, Bing, Larry, Kim, Diwi
Dislike: Tom, Tord, Eduardo, Blade, Dawn, Paul, Katya
A Toy's Life
“There's no time like playtime as a new plushie comes into the ownership of a young kid named Danny. But not everyone's happy about the new addition to the home..."
Available: Spring Year 3
Genre: Comedy
Love: Matt, Dusk, Jon, Jordan, Diwi, Emilia, Vince
Like: Tom, Tord, Blaze, Eduardo, Mark, Paul, Patryck, Bing, Kim, Larry, Katya
Dislike: Dawn
The Big Named Monster
“Tough Hero Guy and his sidekick Nerd must brave the apocalypse to take down the Super Powerful Demon Mutant Zombie Pirate Magic Ninja Evil Overlord from Hell and Outer Space and the army of giant crabs that plague the land.”
Available: Summer Year 3
Genres: Action and Comedy
Love: Tom, Matt, Tord, Blaze, Bing
Like: Laurel, and Diwi
Dislike: Dusk, Eduardo, Jon, Mark, Jordan, Dawn, Larry, Paul, Patryck, Kim, Katya, Vince, Emilia
A London Vampire in America
“It was supposed to be a regular trip from Britain to America for a group of friends. That is until one of them ends up getting bitten by a vampire! Now a vampire himself, can he curb the craving for blood? Or will his friends’ blood banks run dry?”
Available: Fall Year 3
Genre: Horror and Comedy
Love: Blaze, Eduardo, Blade, Laurel, Larry, Katya, Diwi
Like: Tom, Tord, Matt, Dawn, Mark, Paul, Patryck, Bing, Kim
Dislike: Dusk, Jon, Jordan, Vince, Emilia
Zanta’s Slay
“You better watch out and you better not cry. For when Zanta Claws comes to to town, lumps of coal will be the least of your worries…”
Available: Winter Year 3
Genre: Horror
Love: Tord, Eduardo, Blade
Like: Tom, Blaze, Paul, Patryck, Bing, Katya, Diwi
Dislike: Matt, Dusk, Jon, Mark, Jordan, Larry, Kim, Vince, Emilia
Edd can purchase snacks and drinks from the concession counter for his guest. Purchasing a loved snack/drink of the guest gives 50 friendship points, purchasing a liked snack/drink of the guest gives 25 friendship points, and getting a disliked snack/drink decreases 10 friendship points.
(Note: Some choices for likes and dislikes are a bit random or based on "I think this character would like/dislike this" stuff I made up.)
"The fizzy drink perfect for any occasion!"
Love: Tord, Blaze, Laurel, Katya
Like: Tom, Matt, Dusk, Jon, Jordan, Blade, Paul, Patryck, Bing, Diwi, Vince, Emilia
Dislike: Eduardo, Mark, Dawn, Larry
Diet Cola
"The fizzy drink for any occasion, now with fewer calories!"
Love: Eduardo
Like: Tom, Matt, Blaze, Dusk, Jon, Jordan, Blade, Paul, Patryck, Bing, Diwi, Vince, Emilia
Dislike: Mark, Dawn, Larry
"A refreshing glass of sweetened lemon juice, perfect on warm summer days."
Love: Blaze, Patryck, Diwi
Like: Tom, Matt, Tord, Dusk, Eduardo, Mark, Jon, Jordan, Paul, Bing, Vince, Emilia
Dislike: Blade Dawn
"A warm cup of tea, flavors include black, earl grey, green, white chamomile, black, and matcha."
Love: Mark, Larry, Kim, Vince, Emilia
Like: Matt, Dusk, Jon, Jordan, Blade, Laurel, Patryck, Katya, Diwi
Dislike: Tom, Tord, Blaze, Eduardo, Dawn, Paul, Bing
Iced Tea
"A cold refreshing beverage those who prefer their tea on the colder side."
Love: Mark, Blade, Larry, Vince, Emilia, Patryck
Like: Tom, Matt, Tord, Eduardo, Jon, Jordan, Laurel, Paul, Kim, Katya, Diwi
Dislike: Blaze, Dawn, Bing
"A chilling concotion of ice and a flavor of choice. Flavors include cherry, blue raspberry, cola, orange, lemonade, green apple, root beer, grape, and watermelon"
Love: Tom, Tord, Blaze, Dusk, Jon, Laurel, Paul, Katya, Kim, Diwi, Vince
Like: Matt, Eduardo, Mark, Jordan, Blade, Patryck, Bing, Larry, Emilia
Dislike: Dawn
Kale Smoothie
"For the more health conscious crowd, it's packed with vitamins and fiber"
Love: Jordan
Like: Eduardo, Jon, Mark, Larry, Kim, Vince, Emilia
Dislike: Tom, Tord, Matt, Blaze, Dusk, Blade, Dawn, Laurel, Paul, Patryck, Bing, Katya, Diwi
"A blend of milk and ice cream served in a glass. Flavors include vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, mint chocolate, neapolitan, cookies and cream, banana, and salted caramel."
Love: Blaze, Dusk, Jon, Jordan, Laurel, Bing, Kim, Katya, Diwi, Vince, Emilia
Like: Tom, Tord, Matt, Eduardo, Mark, Blade, Paul, Patryck, Larry
Dislike: Dawn
Apple Slices
"Crisp and sweet slices of honeycrisp and granny smith apples"
Love: Jon, Jordan
Like: Tom, Matt, Tord, Matt, Blaze, Eduardo, Mark, Blade, Paul, Laurel, Patryck, Bing, Larry, Kim, Katya, Diwi, Vince, Emilia
Dislike: Dusk, Dawn
Chips n' Hummus
"A pack of pita chips served with hearty hummus dip."
Love: Mark, Jordan, Blade, Patryck, Kim, Vince
Like: Tom, Tord, Eduardo, Jon, Laurel, Katya, Diwi, Emilia
Dislike: Matt, Blaze, Dusk, Dawn, Paul, Bing, Larry
Panzanella Salad
"A healthy blend of tomatoes, bread, bell pepper, and cucumber all in one bowl."
Love: Mark, Jordan, Blade, Kim, Vince, Emilia
Like: Tom, Matt, Eduardo, Jon, Laurel, Paul, Patryck, Larry, Katya, Diwi
Dislike: Tord, Blaze, Dusk, Dawn, Bing,
Salted Peanuts
"A classic healthy treat"
Love: Jordan, Blade, Patryck
Like: Tom, Tord, Jon, Mark, Laurel, Paul, Bing, Larry, Kim, Katya, Diwi, Vince, Emilia
Dislike: Matt, Blaze, Dusk, Eduardo, Dawn
"The classic movie snack, now seasoned with garlic butter!"
Love: Pretty much everyone else
Like: N/A
Dislike: Matt
Cheddar Corn
"The classic movie snack infused with cheddar cheese flavor."
Love: Pretty much everyone
Like: N/A
Dislike: No One
Chocolate Popcorn
"The classic movie snack coated with sweet milk chocolate."
Love: Pretty much everyone else
Like: N/A
Dislike: Dawn
"A basket of crispy crunchy tortilla ships. Comes with guacamole, salsa, or nacho cheese!"
Love: Tord, Blaze, Eduardo, Jordan, Dawn, Katya
Like: Tom, Matt, Dusk, Jon, Blade, Laurel, Paul, Patryck, Bing, Kim, Vince
Dislike: Mark, Larry, Emilia*
*They don't dislike it because of the taste, but because it's notoriously messy.
French Fries
"Thin slices of fried potatoes seasoned generously with salt."
Love: Blaze
Like: Everyone Else
Dislike: N/A
Personal Pizza
"A pizza small enough to enjoy as a snack."
Love: Tom, Tord, Blaze, Dusk, Eduardo, Jon, Mark, Blade, Dawn, Laurel, Paul, Patryck, Bing, Larry, Kim, Katya, Diwi, Vince, Emilia
Like: N/A
Dislike: Matt*, Jordan
*He does not like it because the crust is seasoned with garlic
Vegetarian Personal Pizza
"A veggie loaded pizza small enough to enjoy as a snack."
Love: Tom, Tord, Eduardo, Jon, Mark, Blade, Laurel, Paul, Patryck, Bing, Larry, Kim, Katya, Diwi, Vince, Emilia
Like: Blaze
Dislike: Dusk, Dawn
"A beef patty, lettuce, cheese, tomato, onions, ketchup, and mustard sandwiched between two sesame buns."
Love: Matt, Tord, Blaze, Laurel, Paul, Katya, Vince
Like: Tom, Eduardo, Jon, Blade, Dawn, Patryck, Bing, Kim, Diwi, Emilia
Dislike: Dusk* Mark, Jordan, Larry
*Does not like the onion in the burger
Salmon Burger
"A salmon fillet, lettuce, mayonaise, and mustard sandwiched between two brioche buns."
Love: Tom, Jordan, Blade, Patryck, Kim, Vince
Like: Tord, Blaze, Dusk, Eduardo, Jon, Mark, Laurel, Paul, Bing, Larry, Katya, Diwi, Emilia
Dislike: Matt, Dawn
Hot Dog
"A beef frank tucked in a wheat bun topped with ketchup, mustard, and relish."
Love: Tord, Dusk, Eduardo, Jon, Blade, Patryck, Kim, Vince, Emilia, Diwi
Like: Tom, Matt, Blaze, Mark, Dawn, Laurel, Paul, Bing, Larry, Katya,
Dislike: Jordan
Sea Dog
"A salmon "sausage" tucked in a wheat bun, topped with tartar sauce, shredded lettuce, and paprika."
Love: Tom, Jon, Mark, Jordan, Blade, Patryck, Larry, Kim, Vince, Emilia, Diwi
Like: Tord, Blaze, Dusk, Eduardo, Laurel, Paul, Bing, Katya
Dislike: Matt, Dawn
Black Licorice
"A chewy candy with a pungent taste, only one person seems to like this..."
Love: Larry
Like: No one else on the face of this earth
Dislike: Literally everyone else
Pucker-Up Youngsters
"Gummies resembling little children in assorted flavors coated in sour sugar crystals."
Love: Blaze, Dusk, Eduardo, Blade, Dawn, Katya, Diwi
Like: Tom, Tord, Jon, Laurel, Paul, Patryck, Bing, Kim, Vince, Emilia
Dislike: Matt, Mark, Jordan, Larry
"A sphere of hard candy with a bubblegum center that can last the entire movie!"
Love: Tom, Jon, Laurel, Katya
Like: Matt, Tord, Blaze, Dusk, Eduardo, Jordan, Blade, Paul, Bing, Diwi, Vince
Dislike: Mark, Dawn, Patryck, Larry, Kim, Emilia
Rock Candy
"Flavored sugar crystals attached to a stick. Available in cherry, orange, lemon, green apple, blue raspberry, grape, and watermelon flavors!"
Love: Tord, Dusk, Eduardo, Blade, Laurel, Paul, Katya, Diwi
Like: Tom, Matt, Blaze, Jon, Mark, Jordan, Patryck, Bing, Larry, Kim, Vince, Emilia
Dislike: Dawn
Cotton Candy
"A whispy cloud of sugar suspended on a paper cone. Available in pink or blue!"
Love: Matt, Dusk, Jon, Jordan, Laurel, Kim, Katya, Diwi
Like: Tom, Tord, Blaze, Eduardo, Mark, Blade, Paul, Patryck, Bing, Larry, Vince, Emilia
Dislike: Dawn
Ice Cream Sandwich
"A slab of vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two chocolate cookies."
Love: Dusk, Jon, Laurel, Katya, Diwi
Like: Tom, Tord, Blaze, Eduardo, Jordan, Mark, Blade, Paul, Patryck, Bing, Larry, Kim Vince, Emilia
Dislike: Matt, Dawn
Shaved Ice
"Crushed ice piled together and flavored with syrup. Available syrups include cherry, orange, lemon, green apple, blue raspberry, grape, watermelon, cola, and root beer."
Love: Tom, Tord, Blaze, Dusk, Jon, Laurel, Paul, Katya, Kim, Diwi, Vince
Like: Matt, Eduardo, Mark, Jordan, Blade, Patryck, Bing, Larry, Emilia
Dislike: Dawn
Kindleberry Sorbet
"Just a bit of kindleberry extract turns this sorbet into a tantalizing treat!"
Love: Everyone except Matt and Dawn
Like: N/A
Dislike: Matt and Dawn
The theatre houses a small arcade with four arcade games. Edd can play these games to earn prize tickets, which he can trade for prizes that switch out every season.
Claw Machine
Maneuver the claw to grab prizes, ranging from decor items, ticket rings, and even rare items. Each the scene inside of claw machine changes each season. Each play costs 500g
Bang, Boom, Splat!
A shooting gallery type game, which essentially plays the same as the flash game. Each play costs 100g
Sway Sway Revolution
A dancing game ala Dance Dance Revolution, player chooses a song and tries to play in time with the arrows. Each play costs 100g
Skee Ball
Roll the balls in the holes to accumulate a high score. Each play costs 100g.
Theater Boat Movies
The Theater Boat appears during the Starlit Market. The Theater Boat shows two movies, one on the first three days of the Starlit Market, and the other on the remaining days of the event.
Return of The Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell
“All hell breaks loose as the Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell are back, and they’re back for seconds!”
Available: Summer 22nd through Summer 24th
Genre: Horror
Love: Tord, Blade, Dawn,
Like: Tom, Eduardo, Laurel, Bing, Diwi, Katya
Dislike: Matt, Blaze, Dusk, Jon, Mark, Jordan, Larry, Kim, Vince, Emilia.
Star Journeys: The Wrath of Red
"A space ranger's mission to find the captured prince of an alien planet ends up unraveling an even greater conspiracy."
Available: Summer 25th and 26th
Genre: Sci-fi and Adventure
Love: Tom, Tord, Mark, Larry, Katya
Like: Matt, Blaze, Dusk, Eduardo, Jon, Jordan, Blade, Laurel, Paul, Patryck, Bing, Kim, Vince, Emilia
Dislike: Dawn
Each of the films are based on and reference to either other AU's, Eddisodes, or actual films from said Eddisodes.
Cola is Forever: Spy AU, title from "Diamonds are Forever"
Sugar Sugar: Candy AU, title from the The Archies song
Dawn of The Edd: Zombeh Attack Trilogy, title from "Dawn of The Dead"
The Year Without Christmas: Holiday AU
Somnians: Dream On: Dream AU
Red Edd Redemption: Saloonantics, title from "Red Dead Redemption"
The London Axe Massacre: Halloween 2007 Special, title from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"
Every Time a Bell Rings: Christmas 2005 Special, title from the line from "It's a Wonderful Life"
A Toy's Life: Toy AU, title from "A Bug's Life"
The Big Named Monster: Movie from "Spares" eddisode
A London Vampire in America: Matt Sucks, title from "An American Werewolf in London"
Zanta's Slay: Zanta Claws, title from "Santa's Slay"
Return of The Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell: Movie mentioned in Hello Hellhole and The End
Star Journeys: The Wrath of Red: Space AU, title from "Star Trek: The Wrath of Kahn
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eddswrold-fandicc · 2 years
MattTord Smut
Vampire Matt
It was nighttime, Halloween night. The boys were sitting in the living room, eating popcorn and telling scary stories.
"Oh! Oh! I got one!" Matt raised his hand in excitement.
"Okay, Matt. But if this one isn't scary, then I'm putting spiders up your ass while you're sleeping tonight," Tom shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth.
"No, this one is REALLY scary!"
Tord's Norwegian accent broke through, "Okay, then start."
"Okay, Okay. Once upon a time..."
Two men sat on an empty train, riding through the night. They had nothing to do with each other, just two people taking the train.
One man wore a black trench coat. He had light brown hair, and a nice jawline. He kept his gaze low and out the window, looking at the dark forest. He was on a mission, a secret mission. Though he worked in the army, his secret identity was a vampire hunter. He had been hearing rumors of people mysteriously disappearing on this very train, so he decided to check it out.
The other man wore a black tuxedo. He had bright ginger hair, and a pale face. He kept his gaze on the other man. He controlled this train, using it to catch his prey. The ginger man could feel his fangs poking out as he was getting hungrier.
He made his move. The pale ginger stood from his seat, making his way, and sitting beside the mysterious man who kept to himself. He was uncomfortably close.
"Hello, good mate! My name is Matt," the ginger left his hand out for a proper greeting.
The nameless man took his hand, firmly shaking it. He noted how cold the hand was, "Tord. How are you?"
"Doing good, Tord. Feeling a little hungry. Might I ask, do you have a family or a special someone?" Matt beamed innocently. But he wasn't completely pulling through.
Tord narrowed his eyes, feeling as if he's got his target. He casually reached his hand in his pocket, grabbing a knife coated in garlic.
"I have a special someone, yes. But not a family."
"Aww, that sucks!" Matt chuckled.
"Why?" Tord tightened his grip, ready to pull out his garlic knife.
"Because," Matt smiled widely, showing the large pointed canines, "It sucks that you'll never see him again."
Matt lunged forward, hissing as he went for Tord's neck.
Tord pulled out his knife, only to drop it from the garlic being so slippery. He felt the fangs pierce his neck. He made a noise of pain, letting it ripple through the train cart. Tord wiped his garlic fingers on the vampire's face, causing him to trample back.
"Gah, ouch! It burns!" Matt held his face where a burn mark could be seen.
He looked at Tord, anger setting in.
"That's it, buddy."
Tord quickly stood, holding his ground as the vampire lunged at him again. The two men wrestled for dominance, and whoever subbed lost their life.
Tord kicked the back of Matt's knees, sending him to the ground, and pinning his hands above his head. He sat on top of him, keeping the vampire to the ground of the moving train.
Matt thrashed around, trying to get his hunter off of him. Eventually giving out, running out of breath, he looked at Tord. He really looked at him this time, instead of looking at him like a meal.
He noticed Tord's chiseled features. The way Tord glared down at him, and the way he pinned him down.
Matt's pale face turned pink.
Tord furrowed his brows, "What? Can't take it anymore?"
Matt stayed silent.
Tord looked at their surroundings, looking for his weapon. A noticeable twitch was felt underneath him, making him look back at the vampire.
"Seriously? What the hell is wrong with you?" His accent was thick, like a musical note. Despite the hate in it.
"Sorry, mate. This has never happened before." Matt smirked, gaining his confidence back. He looked the Norwegian up and down, looking hungry for something else now.
"You're. Gross." Tord tightened his grip, not letting Matt's erection get to him. He reached for his knife.
The ginger vampire took action, rolling the two over and pinning Tord to the ground. He used one hand to hold the weaponized hands above the head, and used his other cold hand to free roam.
Tord growled at the sudden defeat.
Matt smiled, his eyelids dropping low and seductive, "We don't need that now, do we, pretty boy~?"
He took the knife from Tord's grip and tossed it aside, not letting the garlic burn bother him. He let his free hand caress Tord's hard jawline, trailing down to his neck, and eventually to his chest.
"Let's make a deal, hmm?"
"I'm not making a deal with you, vampire!" Tord spat, trying to break Matt's cold iron grip.
Matt trailed his hand back to Tord's neck, wrapping his fingers around it. He leaned in close, sharing breaths. "Then I guess you'll be my dinner," Matt licked Tord's lips.
Tord closes his eyes tightly, trying not to let the beast seduce him. He bets Matt has a seduction power or something. Another lick was felt on Tord, but this time on his bite mark. It was really getting to him, having his neck be a sensitive area.
He growled, "What the hell do you want, beast?!"
"Easy," Matt spoke in a low, seductive tone, "I want to suck your dick."
Tord's eyes widened and a blush spread across his face. Now, he'd rather become dinner.
"You pervy monster, let go of me!" He jerked his body, once again trying to break free. A cold hand wrapped tightly around his neck, closing his airways. Tears pricked at the corners of Tord's eyes.
"Let's make a deal, little slayer," Matt loosened his grip a little when he noticed Tord's lips going off color. "Let me indulge you with my sexiness, or you indulge me with dinner."
The boy choked out a 'fine' with a thousand year glare. The pale vamp had seen that glare before, years ago before he took someone's life with the same deal. He wasn't going to do it to this young man, though. He thought he'd let him go back to whoever cared about him.
Matt took his cold hand off of Tord's throat and immediately pulled out his cock. It was just as pale as him. The only color it had to it was the slight shade of pink at the tip. He'd have to sort put his sexual frustrations soon.
"Suck," Matt ordered.
"You suck, or I suck." Matt was implementing death or sex at this point. He made it easier for Tord and got off his chest, sitting beside him.
Tord took the cock in his hand. It was cold. He looked up at the vampire, noting that he liked the warmth of his hand. Tord's warm hand started stroking. Sighs and relaxed breathing were heard from Matt.
Another level of warmth was felt on the cold cock. Lips were wrapped around it, and warm hands were groping balls. Matt let his head fall back, fluttering his eyes shut as pleasure engulfed him.
Tord, on the other hand, was starting to enjoy this as well. He enjoyed the coldness of Matt's cock for some reason. It was soothing to him. He left the cold hands tangle in his hair, holding his head still as Matt slowly fucked his mouth. He softly moaned and groped himself through his pants.
Matt picked up the pace, groaning and whimpering. God, he just wanted to cum. It's been a couple hundred years since anything like this has happened. Maybe he could make an ongoing deal with this hunter.
The vampire's body started to shake. Not from it being deadly cold, but because he was about to cum. The hunter taking his cock sucked harder.
With one last thrust hitting the back of Tord's throat, he tasted the saltiness of cum filling his mouth. It was surprisingly warm. His hair was in massive tangles from the cold fingers gripping him.
Matt groaned and panted, pulling out of his hunter's mouth and fully sitting down to take a breather. He looked at Tord weakly and smiled, "Thanks for that, mate. It's been a while."
Tord hummed in response, wiping his mouth and adjusting his own raging stiffy.
"What do you say about an ongoing deal?" Matt put his own cock away, immediately shifting back into a serious mode.
Tord looked at him as he picked up his garlic knife and putting it in his pocket, "What kind of deal?"
"How about you do your wonderful works with me, and I only kill as minimal as possible to survive."
"How much is the minimum?" Tord squinted his eyes. This vampire has been the major hunt of centuries, killing thousands of innocent people for food. And yet, nobody could beat him. So maybe this deal could do something.
"In order for us vampires to survive, we have to consume about 5-10 bodies a month. I'll stop killing hundreds of people if you meet me and suck me off at least every other week." Matt looked at his nails, making sure to admire them before looking at Tord.
Tord thought for a moment. He didn't want to be a cheater with his current lover, "How about this?"
Matt looked at him with a perked brow. He never thought someone would try to overpower him.
Tord continued, "I don't want to sneak off and cheat on my current lover. So instead of me sneaking off to come find you, how about you come to our home and have fun with both of us?"
Stars twinkled in the vampire's eyes. What a negotiation to immediately agree on. Maybe, maybe they could become a poly relationship-
"But you also have to hide that you're a vampire, for as long as you can." Tord finished.
"Deal. I'll try my best. What's your address, how can I contact you?" Matt stumbled with questions. He was desperate for food, but even more desperate with his sexual health.
Tord wrote down his contacts before heading off, sending Matt a wave before exiting the train. He'd have to go home and talk with his own lover.
Matt proudly finished his story, looking at the others for praise.
But everybody had different faces, mostly faced of confusion and horror.
"Oh, it worked! You're all scared!" Matt stimmed his hands as he cheered himself.
Edd spoke first, "Who's the vampire hunter's lover in this story?"
Edd started to cry of laughter, choking and coughing over his own breaths. He looked over to Tom, who was bottoming up on half a bottle of alcohol.
"Is this..." Tord cleared his throat, "Is this just a way of saying you want to fuck me?"
Panic immediately settled in Matt's stomach, realizing what he had said, "W-What? No! Of course not!"
"I think it does, Matt. What do you think, Edd?" Tom teased.
Edd was too busy laughing to respond.
Tord blushed, looking away, "Okay, then."
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predsworld · 1 year
You can make a fanfic vore of tom plis Ú_Ù
here's a fic where Matt, Edd and Tord feed themselves to tom eagerly to his shock and dismay. whether they regret that choice or not is up to the reader~ you could ask but erm.. i don't think they'd give much of a response~ ⚠ this fic contains vore, digestion, weight gain, unwilling/reluctant pred, willing prey, Fatal/Perma vore, this one gets kinda dark?? this is your warning ⚠
Tom was sitting with his roommates, the four of them were good friends. they were all staring up at him with pleading eyes.. how did he get into this mess? the three had asked tom to eat them, and seemed desperate. Tom couldn't believe it.. why would they WANT to be eaten? They had caught Tom eating someone in his monster form a few days ago and Tom was ashamed, but the three didn't seem to mind. it was just now that tom was realizing perhaps they DID mind.. just.. in a different way. Tom was lost in thought, shocked at their request before Edd spoke up. "Tom, you look like you saw a ghost.. whats the matter?~" He asked teasingly in a horny voice, tom backed up from the three but they only came closer. "ugh! what has gotten into you three? for the last time i'm not going to eat you! i doubt i could fit the three of you at once anyways.." Tord chuckled, placing a hand under tom's chin.
"that's fine, go one at a time~ ill go first, ill last the longest after all.." He bragged, sure he'd survive for a while in tom's gut.
"what the fu-- no!! that's not what i mean--" Tord shushed him. "less talking more devouring~ i have a job to do and it's adding to that waistline of yours~"
before tom could respond, tord forced his head into tom's maw, forcing him to swallow as well. although tom couldn't help but admit how amazing he tasted.. "mmhhh..~" he got a little carried away.. he wanted to spit tord out but he tasted so damn good! he wiggled down his throat and tom gulped him down to his now swollen belly.
"see? was that so hard?" Matt chuckled, amazed.. Edd and Matt immediately started rubbing tom's belly. "wow! hes really squirming in there.." Edd said excitedly, Tom groaned. "maybe hes finally regretting his choice.." Edd just shrugged, the two of them by tom's side eager to watch tord slowly digest. Edd pressed down on tom's belly curiously, causing him to belch loudly. "fuck, will he be ok in there? god, tord can you hear me??" no response.. he just struggled and squirmed, causing tom to wince a little.
"ah cmon, he'll be fineee... he can handle a little bit of digestion, right tord?" Matt poked tom's belly, it growled loudly and morbidly in response. "see? he's alright."
it growled more and more as time went on, picking up more and more. the growls soon turned into ominous, wet gurgles from deep inside him..
and eventually tom's stomach got softed and rounder over time.. Edd felt his belly, causing tom to burp again. "man, for someone so confident about this he sure digested quick." Tom's eyes went went white. "what!? fuck, tord are you alright in there??" Grrrowl... "like i said, hes fine. he'll live on as a part of you, anyways~" Matt giggled, sitting on tom's lap pressed up against his belly.
"fuck.. i.. i feel sick. no more please, i'm full. don't you feel bad for him?? why would you want this-- he-- i--" Matt soon forced his hands into tom's mouth in a simalir fashion to tord, Tom tried to get him out this time. but it was no use.. he was sure of his decision. he swallowed him down into his tummy, and soon edd joined him. Edd slid his head inbetween tom's jaws, going down one way or another.. as soon as they were both inside a gross burp went past tom's lips. "god, oh god are you guys ok??" "...guys?" they squirmed in a simalir fashion to tord.. it hurt. tom's stomach ached and he felt guilty. maybe they were just trying to get comfy.. but maybe they regretted what they had done. "fuck ow.!~ god no.. get out! i want you OUT of me!" Tom groaned, pressing on his belly to try and get them out from his insides, but this only caused them to digest faster..
tom felt so bad.. yeah they wanted this but he'd never see the three in one peice again. he kinda wished he could have talked them out of it.. He sighed and pressed his back against the couch, sitting on the floor as he rubbed his belly.
"hope you guys are enjoying this more than me.. urrp.." it didn't take long for matt and edd to digest, tom had gained a lot of weight.. his belly was fat and round as a constant reminder as his roommates fate within him, not to mention his hips.
but tom had a new feeling.. an overwhelming hunger. he needed more, even though he still felt guilty in the end.
he rubbed his belly and tried to stand, feeling so heavy.. "thanks i suppose.. at least you were tasty" he sighed, forcing his clothes to fit over the remains of his ex-friends., and walked off to the bathroom.
sorry if this was a bit more morbid than usual.. i like dark vore and think stuff with guilty preds is cool, or perhaps the prey regretted what they asked for. whatever it may be i hope you enjoyed this fic!~
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obsessivelyloved · 3 years
Sinsworld Masterlist
This took me forever but I hunted all of these down and added a bunch of fics to the sfw masterlists.
Minors do not interact with any of these posts or you WILL be blocked.
Tord/Red leader
ꨄ︎ Headcanons + drabble with short fem s/o
ꨄ︎ Jealous headcanons
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: “You’re mine. All mine.” + “Tell me you love me as I fuck you into the mattress.”
ꨄ︎ Dry humping + making out
ꨄ︎ (CW: predator/prey) Tord hunts reader down
ꨄ︎ Tord teases male reader
ꨄ︎ Self indulgent Red Leader overstims reader idea (+Future Edd)
ꨄ︎ Not sinsworld but Tord spanks reader as punishment
ꨄ︎ Tord lovingly takes care of his spouse
ꨄ︎ (CW: stalking) Tord jerks off to the thought of reader
ꨄ︎ Reader's first time with Tord
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: "Oh god Tord, please harder."
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: "C'mon baby please..I'm desperate."
ꨄ︎ Tord baby traps reader
ꨄ︎ Kinktober day 4: Dry humping
ꨄ︎ Kinktober day 5: Office sex (+Future Tom)
ꨄ︎ Alternate day 5 drabble from Future Tom's pov
ꨄ︎ Kinktober day 10: Size kink
ꨄ︎ Tord continuously finds reader self pleasuring and rails them drabble
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: “I want to know what makes you squirm, what sounds you make if I touched you here—”
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: “Oh, can’t find your clothes? Wear mine, they look better on you anyway.” (+Edd)
ꨄ︎ (CW: somnophilia) Tord fucks reader's thighs
Edd/Future Edd
ꨄ︎ (CW: Consensual somnophilia) Edd gives reader a sweet wake up
ꨄ︎ Future Edd with past reader
ꨄ︎ Edd learns he has a breeding kink
ꨄ︎ Edd promises reader that he'll breed them (+Tord)
ꨄ︎ Self indulgent Future Edd overstims reader idea (+Red Leader)
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: "you've been behaving so well lately. i think a reward should be given, don't you?"
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: “Oh, can’t find your clothes? Wear mine, they look better on you anyway.” (+Tord)
Matt/Future Matt
ꨄ︎ General headcanons
ꨄ︎ Vampire and Zombie drabbles
Tom/Future Tom/Monster Tom
ꨄ︎ Headcanons with fem s/o
ꨄ︎ Jealous headcanons
ꨄ︎ Sub headcanons
ꨄ︎ Tom's reaction to his s/o self pleasuring and moaning his name
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: "fuck babygirl, just a little taste. Can't stand not having you on my lips. Just spread your legs a little and I'll do the rest, Sweetheart."
ꨄ︎ (CW: public sex) Future Tom possessively rails fem reader against a wall
ꨄ︎ Body swaps with reader
Main Four
ꨄ︎ Poly headcanons after reader confesses
ꨄ︎ Catching their s/o self pleasuring
ꨄ︎ Polyworld keeping Tom locked in their home
ꨄ︎ Kinktober Day 2: Overstimulation (w/ saloonatics guys)
ꨄ︎ Polyworld 'breeds' Tom
ꨄ︎ Aftercare
ꨄ︎ headcanons
ꨄ︎ headcanons
Four Robots au
ꨄ︎ Tord and Tom overstim reader (with Edd and Matt joining in later)
ꨄ︎ Scheduled pounding
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pantakichi · 2 years
Matt so your gonna sucky wucky Tord?
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Hard to do that when your preys talkative 😅
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i Kno it May Look like a Stupid Pop tard - Ad ! 
BUT ! 
This is How fairy/Insectoid Woman Brain’s Work ! 
This is how thay are tord’s male fae and or just Prey n General ! 
aka the Alien Hybrid Women ! 
Aka the Very Larger Eye’s ! 
Look Kinda Like a Anime Woman but n time will end up looking them them n the real world ! 
with Giant Bug eye’s but Mixed with the human eye AKA the Anime Eye ! 
. . . 
Very Much Like her ! 
Aka Maria Oz ! 
OH ! !!! 
And ! 
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Also, Thank You, Mason’s ! 
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. . .
OH ! 
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The 2 are Connected ! 
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And Insect eating Another Insect, ... is Cannibalism !  
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HAY ! LOOK ! A GINATESS ! ... Gee i Wonder how n the fuck that got there .... 
Aka it’s n NATURE ! .... Now Size that Shit up n you got Giant Women, Size of 20 feet and Hard Core Omni Vore’s ... that are Battle Bitch’s and Ready for Combat, no matter where thay are... n Alwasy Looking for a fight .... 
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s1desn4cks · 2 years
hii I LOVE ur Stanley Voreable stuff :]!! got any vore headcanons for any of the Eddsworld boys?
First of all, thank you! I didn’t think so many people would take an interest in my Au and I truly appreciate it! Second of all, I have predcannons for all of ‘em actually! So it’s masterlist time! :D
* Always makes sure his prey is willing, he would never eat someone without permission.
* That being said, he would 100% nom someone to protect them, then get their permission afterwards if the situation was dire.
* He loves having someone in his belly, it makes him feel like he’s protecting them.
* If you’ve been nommed by Edd, expect some cola to join you soon after.
* His stomach is really soft, and feels almost like jelly.
* He’s nommed his friends on occasion during their adventures
* He is also willing to be nommed by someone else if they ask him or he sees they’re having a bad day.
* If a pred is struggling with instincts, he’s willing to chill in their tum until it passes.
* Fun Dead was the first time he nommed someone unwillingly to protect them, and he felt guilty for WEEKS after. (Fic in progress~)
*After The End he’s very hesitant to nom anyone, because it reminds him of the time he spent with Tord. (Both good and bad)
*He enjoys mild foodplay, usually with his favorite soda.
* He’s usually the one getting nommed rather than nomming anyone.
* If you swallow him, prepare for a very pouty prey that will complain bout being soggy.
* He’s nommed one of the others once when he was a zombie, but he doesn’t really remember it.
* He’ll often go to Edd if he wants to be nommed, and feels safe with Edd if he’s having a bad day.
* After The End, he was frightened and went to Edd for comfort.
* If he’s drunk, it’s likely someone is going to be nommed.
* He likes mild fearplay and mouth play.
* If he’s in his monster form, it’s guaranteed someone is going to be nommed.
* Tom’s a constant pred. He hates being prey and is very unwilling to be swallowed.
* He has stronger instincts to swallow the others because of his monster form.
* He thinks it’s funny to drunk while someone’s in his stomach, much to his prey’s dismay. He won’t do this with Edd, however, unless he’s had a VERY bad day and Edd approves.
* His stomach is rougher textured than Edd’s, and a little more solid.
* In his monster form, his stomach is a dark purple and glows slightly. It’s puffier and a bit softer than normal as well.
* He will fall asleep easier if there’s someone in his stomach, especially if they’’re giving him internal belly rubs.
*After The End he will seek out both Edd and Matt to nom at the same time, because it reminds him that they’re safe.
*In his monster form, he will let out small purrs if there’s someone in his belly.
* He’s both a pred and a prey.
* Tord has been nommed by Edd on occasion, one such being the Fun Dead.
* Tom loves teasing Tord with fearplay before swallowing him, so Tord tries to avoid him whenever he’s in a pred mood.
* Tord didn’t used to like fearplay and was at one point a nervous pred. That has since changed.
* Tord also used to ignore his urges as a pred, refusing to swallow anyone even when it was really intense. Edd had to practically bribe Tord so he would listen to his instincts every once in a while.
* Tord’s stomach is covered in scars. He refuses to talk about why an this worries Edd.
A lot changed after The End, so all of the following are predcannons for Tord afterwards:
* His pred instincts are stronger, and he refuses to be anyone’s prey.
* He loves fearplay, and chasing down prey. It makes him feel powerful.
* He loves the feeling of someone in his stomach and will give it rubs and poke at the person, making it very obvious.
* He won’t always tell a prey that they are safe, sometimes he likes to feel them struggle for a while.
* Tord secretly loves having someone close to him in his stomach because it reminds him that he’s not alone.
* He often forgets to eat when he’s working, so Paul or Patrick will offer to chill in his stomach for a while.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
What are the preferred swallowing method for the boys (feet first or headfirst) (prey on there back or belly) ,dose it change depending the situation and size of prey? Why do they prefer this way?
Preddsworld headcannons
✨BONUS✨ - 2
Im glad I received this because I have a lot of unfinished drafts I need to finish, and this reminded me 🤩
Edd - feet first, usually. This is because he likes to see the facial expressions of the person he's swallowing, and since he normally only eats willing people, if he sees that they’re worried or having second thoughts, he won’t hesitate to stop swallowing and throw the rest of them up. However, on the off-chance that he knows that the prey will be unwilling, he'll do it headfirst instead, so that he doesn’t regret it too much later.
Tord - headfirst. His logic is that if his prey's head is already inside his mouth or throat, they won’t be able to see, meaning that if they want to attempt to attack him, it’ll be more difficult for them to see where they should be hitting. They’d kinda just have to flail their limbs around in the early stages of being swallowed and hope for the best. Another reason is simply because it’d be near impossible for his prey to pull themselves out that way. You can tell Tord gave this a lot of thought.
Tom - feet first. Same reason as Edd: he wants to see the facial expressions, but for a slightly different purpose. He’s cruel. He wants to watch his prey cry, and he wants to hear every plea to be released, spared, properly, rather than through the stomach walls. Even if it be the case that the prey is willing, he'll still do feet first, mainly because he is a creature of routine and can’t be bothered to put more effort into eating people than he has to.
Matt - headfirst. Although, it is a very rare occasion that he eats anyone. The reason is simply because it’s just easier for him. Grabbing the prey and stuffing them in headfirst is so much quicker and easier than going through all of that effort just to pick the prey up, and gradually lower them in as they writhe.
Eduardo - feet first. You guessed it, exact same reason as Tom. Cruel bastard.
Mark - either way. He just doesn’t really mind. If he wants a quick meal, then it’s headfirst, but otherwise feet first.
Jon - neither. Does not eat people.
Paul - either way. Just like Mark, he really just doesn’t care, but he has the sorta mentality of 'food is food, so why does it matter so much? It doesn’t need that much thought, really.'
Patryck - headfirst. He likes things efficient and quick, and feet first doesn’t do that for him.
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