#digestion sequence
ilikebigbellydotnom · 2 years
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Mr.Jiji got hungry and ate someone who got too close to the voraious criminal, oh well they look better on his gut anyways
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predsworld · 2 years
Future!Edd vore
First fanfic on the blogs let’s gooo
⚠️ CW for vore, digestion, unwilling prey, cruel pred, teasing/humiliation, weight gain and fatal ⚠️
Edd slinked around the back alleys behind tord’s base as he tended to do, he huffed as he walked through the cold and suprisingly quiet night. He sat down, but was disturbed when he heard footsteps.. he whipped his head around to see Red Leader, or tord as he knew him, walking towards him.
“it was foolish of you to come here.”
Tord would growl out in an annoyed tone,
Edd stood up, to his full height. He was tall, and quite large. Much bigger than tord. Tord tried to hide his fear as he stared up at the man with a feirce expression.
Edd simply laughed.
“You’re the dangerous pred everyone fears? Someone should put you in your place..~”
Tord was unsure what he meant, but he didn’t have much time to think it over. Edd would soon grab him by the shirt, pushing his face into his flat stomach as he lifted up his hoodie. Tord shivered in a sudden realization.
“your reign of terror ends here.”
before tord could protest much, Edd brought him to his face, shoving him inbetween his jaws as he began to push him back and down his throat..
tord gripped onto him, begging for him to stop.
edd just swallowed a little.. It wasn’t so bad at first, but Tord was coated with thick saliva in the tight space.. and it didn’t get much better.
He was soon pushed into the brunette’s stomach, it was extremly cramped, and boiling hot, and it stung.. tears pricked at the poor norski’s eyes as he began to get worked on by the acids.
edd simply smirked, feeling his now bulged out stomach..
“Mhhn.. not bad~ try not to cause me too much trouble..”
The Brit’s gut let out an ominous growl, starting to pick up pace..
tord whined, begging for Edd’s mercy and he squirmed inside his gut.
“Cut out that whining. I thought you were all tough and powerful~ it’s not like anyone can hear you now anyways..”
“just hurry up and digest.”
Edd seemed almost careless as he leaned his back against the alley’s wall, rubbing his belly with one hand as he made a slightly annoyed gesture with the other.. as he pressed on his tummy, he stopped, belching loudly..
“Uggghh..” Tord continued to struggle but it was no use, his futile attempts at escape only seemed to make edd have more of a sense of power over him.
This was really it..
This was the end for him.
“p-please.. edd..”
After that final plea, he sniffled, giving a weak and halfhearted shove to the stomach walls. but still it was all for nothing as he felt the stinging liquids rise.. he felt himself grow softer, and smaller with each moment, becoming weaker. Soon he passed out..
Edd’s stomach merely gurgled, using up the man’s body as if he was nothing but nutrients. He had been reduced to a useless meal.
Edd let out another quiet burp, feeling his stomach one last time.. it was a little smaller, and felt softer and pudgier.
“is that all? Geez, I guess you didn’t put up a fight after all..”
“ah well~ I’m sure no one will mind your disappearance.. you’re just food now anyways.”
his stomach growled more, as if to respond.
“Aw c’mon, no need to protest..~”
he laughed, lifting his hoodie over his gut and tightening his trench coat, squeezing his belly down..
he turned his back and left before anyone could find him (or what was left of tord) and began to walk away.
“See ya, commie~”
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dvorrak · 1 month
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bobby-turner · 2 months
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lesbianoms · 6 months
Sorry for bitching about this a lot but sometimes I do feel left out for not liking male preds. It seems to be the norm in this website. Seeing horny digestion sequences with guys taunting their belly always makes me uncomfortable and I wish it didn’t. Like I wish I could just agree with everybody who says it’s hot but uhhhhh the idea of any woman being forcefully dominated in that way by some guy and having her life snuffed out is incredibly distressing to me
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vornyfernz · 1 year
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Prey who are unsure at first, but who melt into you willingly are the best~
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teal-fiend · 3 months
you know when you get clay and water it down and it gets mushy etc.
a prey species made out of a clay-like substance. They are still nutritious, at least to their natural predators.
The predator will swallow their prey whole as usual. But the digestion just makes the prey like a mushy clay (as mentioned earlier). and the stomach will take off a few layers of this clay creature.
Maybe when the prey has been reduced in size by half (or until the predator feels like they've gotten enough sustenance), they'll spit up the now smaller prey creature.
The reason why the pred doesn't completely absorb the prey might be because the prey takes a while to grow. Or maybe it happened this way, because by letting their prey survive, the concept of survival of the fittest is subverted. Because the prey doesn't need to be able to escape the predator - they will survive either way.
And therefore, the predator's food source will always be easy to catch
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skiitter · 1 year
Took 90 hours but I finally beat BG3. I have no clue what to do with my time now.
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dvorrak · 5 months
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Something for #EatYourFriendsDay on Twitter
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i hope the team working on the dragon prince knows that they gave me a FUCKING HEART ATTACK WITH THAT EARLY RELEASE
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eternal-reverie · 1 year
I almost didn’t believe in the spiderverse hype but no it’s just that good.
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lesbianoms · 7 months
You all know how I LOVE my human preds but sometimes I have the feminine urge to disappear feet first down the hungry, gaping jaws of a dragongirl or a wolfgirl and get absolutely gurgled by her beast of a belly <3
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in-viro-veritas · 9 months
I'm personally gonna fight whoever is responsible for sending out the university's Oxford Nanopore sequencing because WHY HAVE DEADLINES TO DROP OFF SAMPLES IF YOU'RE JUST GOING TO SHIP THEM OUT AT YOUR LEISURE.
It used to be: sample drop off deadlines on W/F, samples shipped overnight, sequencing company gets them in the morning and runs them, so data is normally available within 24 hours of dropoff. Like *clockwork*. I could plan my week around it. But, starting last semester, it's been more erratic- sometimes it's bang on, sometimes it's shipped a day late, sometimes 2-5 DAYS late (and not because of holidays/inclement weather). I can check the carrier's tracking to see exactly when stuff gets sent out and it's a mess. And this is the only dropbox for AN ENTIRE LARGE UNIVERSITY. So everyone on campus who uses this company is at the mercy of this mysterious figure.
I'm gonna throw hands.
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cipheramnesia · 1 year
I'm stuck on thinking about the person saying, "Why are they shooting at that dog?" during the opening scenes of The Thing. It's a funny story, but I can't help realizing how many modern movie producers think the same way.
The modern producer would watch that sequence and have notes. Put in an explainer, he'd say, and have the Norwegian lines in English or at least subtitled so the audience can understand what's happening. The dog should get hit by a bullet with a close up so we can see it heal, that way the audience really knows what's up! And he'd pat himself on the back for how much better he made it.
I find myself connecting this to movies more and more trying to keep the plot under wraps, so secret even the actors don't know what they're filming! The audience will really be wowed with the surprise of learning what happens in the plot! That's what suspense and mystery are, after all - not knowing a thing and finding it out. Nothing to it.
There's something to it, this new idea that keeping the plot secret is suddenly hugely important while simultaneously insisting everything is always explained. There can't be a moment anyone knows what's happening before paying for the movie, and there cannot be a single second a paying customer is unsure, or even a little worried, by anything the second they've parted with their money. If you pay your shot and punch your ticket you get everything delivered to the base of your brain in a cup of easily digestible slurry.
Anyway, not all movies and all that, but I think a whole bunch of producers are pleased as punch these days at how much better they are at suspense and mystery.
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tabbytums · 5 months
started off as a sketch page of my oc Shane and then ended up kinda being a short digestion sequence.
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he had some breakfast in bed but then had to lug his huge digesting gut around all day at work 🙄 they seriously need to make those desks bigger to accommodate preds
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supernormalblogname · 2 months
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on some kinda drawing wave today for reals.... silly doodle digestion sequence . really just to figure out how id draw this kinda thing
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