#vore moment
windandheartbeat · 2 months
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Look at my incredibly diverse and intricate opinions
(credit to @the-fazbearcafe for da template!!)
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teal-fiend · 9 days
observers helping preds recover after eating prey
taking the pred on a short walk, to help stimulate digestion
guiding them through yoga poses to help relax the pred's muscles
hosing the pred down if they got a little bloody during the meal
or giving the pred a bath if the observer is gentler
giving the pred a glass of water, or a cup of tea to help their stomach settle
giving the pred fresh, clean clothes that fit comfortably even with an unusually large stomach
belly rub
putting the pred to bed, putting the covers over their tired body
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makothegayyburrito · 10 months
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softcitrus2345 · 6 months
The anon was just asking if I had any early encounters with media that influenced my interest in certain kinks, as well as what my favorite kink trope in general is, and this was my response- Oh boy, there are so many instances but I can only really remember/find a few of 'em- But these were the main ones that stuck with me for years-
I grew up watching MLP. Like, it was my SHOW for years, so it was the main source of media/fandom that I sought out this kind of content in my early days of unsupervised internet access-
I remember watching these scenes and having a neuron activation moment but I didn't know why. Then a few years later I got access to the internet and I'd find myself looking up shit like "fat mlp characters" and even I didn't really understand why either- 💀
I guess I know now XD
There was also this one scene from some Disney thing where Mickey and Minnie were in a sorta Hansel and Gretel situation and got fed a ton of food (I remember being disappointed when they didn't get fat from it for "some reason" XDD)
But there was also this book. From when my age was still in the single digits I feel like had at least a part of the blame for these kinks snowballing into what they are today-
It was called "The Very Greedy Bee"
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Basically this one bee drinks so much nectar that it gets really big, eventually SO big that it can't even fly
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I remember rereading these pages a lot on my own- ⬇⬇⬇
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So ye, this is one of the earliest instances I remember feeling "weird" from a piece of media.
I VIVIDLY remember this one toy I used to have that I can't remember what it was called FOR THE LIFE OF ME-
It was this big dog-looking thing that was advertised as a fun way for kids to put their things away. You'd put your things away by "feeding" your stuff to it and it would fit a pretty good amount in there
I remember when I would play with it, I would always take all of my stuffed animals and try to stuff as many as I could into its mouth and make it as big and round as I could- I guess this counts as both an introduction to stuffing and soft vore huh-
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But yeah, those are all the main things I can remember-
As for your second question, I'd say my favorite trope has got to be stuffing paired with instant weight gain, it's just really fun and I love drawing stuff of that nature
Usually the instant weight gain/extreme stuffing would go hand in hand by using some kind of potion/enhancer kind of thing with it, but ye >;3
I just like when characters get really big really fast from eating a lot- O/////O
Hope this answers your question, anon XP
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alexcutecolly · 9 months
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Inspired from this among other things lol
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thefanciestborrower · 25 days
Cookies and Comics
“Hey Zane?” 
“Did you know you’re all glowy inside?” 
Zane laughed at the muffled question, carefully rolling little balls of cookie dough and placing them on the baking tray exactly two inches apart. “Jay has mentioned it before yes. Why do you ask, is it too bright?”
“No,” came the nonchalant reply, “Actually it’s perfect comic reading light. I was just wondering.” 
A smile tugged at Zane’s lips as he felt Lloyd stretch and flop onto his back against the pliable silicone lining of his ‘stomach’. It technically was nothing like the organ it resembled, only being good for storage really, but due to its placement and interior his brothers had all taken to calling it such. Not that he minded; the term was endearing, if not entirely accurate. “Comic reading? Well in that case, I simply must ask what sort adventure Fritz Donnegan has gone off on now.” He tilted his head, now counting out the balls of dough to make sure he’d rolled out the right amount. It wouldn’t do if he ended up making too few. 
Lloyd’s smile practically beamed through his metallic chest plate. “He’s going to a lava planet to fight the evil Volcano Lord!” He all but squealed, kicking his feet excitedly against Zane’s silicone interior. “Which is gonna be hard cause he lost the cannon he got from that water planet back in issue 37 to a galactic space beetle in issue 53, but I KNOW he’ll think of something! He always does!” There was a heavy sigh as Lloyd paused in his rant, shifting onto his side. “When I get bigger, I wanna be just like him.” 
Zane chuckled, opening the oven and gently placing the tray in as the preheated air toasted his skin. “You know what Lloyd? I think you’ll be even better.”
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sillylilprey · 2 months
Big scary-looking monster preds that are just cuddly little goobers who want to eat you so you're comfy yayyy!!!! :3
Also purring because big scary preds purring when they're happy is such an adorable trope like KASDJKOPAWKOPD-
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windandheartbeat · 29 days
I love how real life is icky and terrible, and there's so much drama and just blatantly mean people wherever I go who either claim to not be mean or relish in it, or just generally sad, morbid stuff everywhere…
…and then I hop on in the vore communities I'm in and all we care about is "mmmmm, tummy nice"
All we care about is a nice and cozy stomach and some (optionally) kind preds 😌
Who would've guessed that an interest we have that's inherently about comfort and safety would be such a good escape from the world? /lh /s
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gtbutterfly · 2 months
Gt con last Saturday was great, but I made a vore-ish joke that basically felt like this:
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lovelymlem · 3 months
On a scale of 1-Overprotective, how gentle is the Narrator with eating Stanley?
Hmm, a 7 at best. He does his best to make sure Stanley gets down safely and is non harmed, but he does on the occasion like to toy with Stanley as if he's candy before getting to the point.
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cyncerity · 2 days
decided that the best way to get myself out of writers block was to write short things that expanded on stories i’d already written so that’s what i did
anyway take this little thing for the Store Shifter au; this takes place almost immediately after the Sapnap & Bbh Hawk Incident™ (this but it does have v*re), so it takes place years before the main story and Sap and Q are still teens at this point.
btw it’s angst again i’m not sorry i’m not letting Sapnap catch a break in this au
“We need to go” was all Sapnap had been repeating for the past half an hour, and Quackity was mildly really fucking tired of it. “Slow the fuck down. Explain. What the fuck happened.” He grabbed Sapnap’s arm, stopping the boy’s tirade through his bedroom as he threw Quackity’s various clothes and items into the largest bag he owned. And this seemingly wasn’t the first time he’d done this, as he had entered Q’s home holding a massive pack of his own things. “We were thinking about moving, right? No better time than the present, so let’s go.” “Sap, Karls not even here.” “We’ll let him know when he gets back.”
“Sapnap, stop.” He pleaded, grabbing his boyfriend harshly, forcing him to drop the now overflowing pack he was holding. He wouldn’t look Quackity in the eyes. “What brought this on? Why so sudden, talk to me!” He nearly shouted. Sapnap didn’t answer, but took a few moments before he sucked in a breath and lifted his head.
Quackity found people easy to read, Sapnap especially. They’d been friends for so long, even lovers at this point, and Sapnap had always worn his heart proudly on his sleeve.
Which made the fact that he couldn’t quite read the expression painting his boyfriend’s face as worrisome as it was heartbreaking.
He was tired and stressed, the deep bags that had seemingly formed overnight staining his already permanently bruised face, and that near constant fire in his eyes seeming to have been smoldered. But beyond that, there was…well, Quackity didn’t quite know what to call it. Hatred, guilt, exhaustion, all things that he had seen on any face but his Sapnap’s. He couldn’t even be sure that’s what it was, but something was wrong. And it wasn’t even just his expression. His downcast eyes, the was his hands minutely shook, the soft and unsure way he spoke, and the reluctance to look in any sort of reflective surface had all been things he’s noticed when Sapnap had come in his room. Every single one of these things was so uncharacteristic of Sapnap that he had half a mind to drag him down to Sam to talk since he knew he wouldn’t be able to fix whatever had done this alone.
But he couldn’t. He couldn’t because of the one last thing on his face, the part of his expression that would plague Quackity’s mind for years after as he tried to figure out what could have happened to the boy he loved so much.
Sapnap was afraid. Afraid of what, he couldn’t say, but he saw the way the fear blocked the light from his eyes and knew he couldn’t convince someone that afraid to do anything logical.
Q sighed and took the bag that Sapnap had dropped, beginning to take the items out and fold and organize them neatly. “Go tell my dad and sis we’re leaving. I’ll go say goodbye to them when i’m finished.” He said calmly, and pretended not to feel even more lost when Sapnap’s whole frame relaxed. “Thank you.” He practically whimpered, tears clear in his voice. “Thank you, Q, thank you so much.”
Q swiped a few stray tears from his own cheeks as Sapnap sprinted from his room. It hurt, knowing he was leaving his family and community with such short notice, he wouldn’t deny that. But more so, it hurt seeing his boyfriend in so much pain, and it hurt worse knowing that he wasn’t privy to what even caused it. But whatever it was, whatever caused the fear he saw, he’d travel for the rest of his life to get away from it if it brought the joy back to Sapnap’s eyes. He’d do anything to avoid whatever caused that unexplainable, hollowing look in the boy he loved.
He just hopes that one day Sapnap will tell him what exactly to avoid.
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novorehere · 3 months
Beelzebub and Belphegor’s birthday revival just went live, which means I can finally get Belphie’s 2022 birthday UR. And with it, I will finally have EVERY single card in Obey Me and Nightbringer that has G/t (and vore, cough) in it.
I’ve been saving up resources for an entire year to get this card. Every demon voucher I’ve ever spent has led up to this point. This is my moment.
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ermwhatsup · 11 months
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understatement of the fucking century
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thefanciestborrower · 3 months
Man,,,I’m so tired
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vargaslovinghours · 1 year
Vargas IX, now with touch screen capabilities! (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8)
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That’s what it says on the tin....right?
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And that’s what we like about him
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He wins Rudest, 20th year in a row!
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No Russian endearments, this is bullying >:0
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Can you tell I was out and about lol, all I had were kids menu crayons and he still turned out cute <3
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Their bunnies! It really is lucky that their colours are easy to find in crayons haha
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Some vent :( They are always good for it ♥
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Don’t want closeness, the hurt is too overwhelming to even touch
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Always bothering him when he’s trying to sleep
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That could be taken a lot of different ways honestly. Edgar just so done haha
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Ahh, that way ♪ I like how the blanket pulled over his head turned out haha, that won’t muffle him at all!
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Return of the Style Challenge! An Edgar off the heels of my KoiBo studies, extra hair floof ♫
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A quick and silly Fairy!Edgar as a spacefiller; had a glimpse of an AU idea after rewatching Ferngully lol, Zak looks a bit like Jake I think
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I actually doodled this one last year but didn’t scan it in until recently :0 - I’d planned to turn it into a minicomic but the page got away from me and turned into something else unrelated haha
Uh oh, Nny brainrot, here it comes
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As if he would be worried~
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God can’t save me now ♪ Your Boyfriend gives me so many Nny ideas, how dare <3 This song was already Edgar’s (so much) but now it’s his too! How dare!!
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More ideas from that^ video, what’s a bit of casual dismemberment intention among friends
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That felt-tip makes him twitchy
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Uh oh
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His nails are so sharp he barely needs to grip to pierce flesh
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That was very on-purpose though. His harsh word bubbles really are fun to draw, like they're bolted and nailed together ♪
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Poor Edgar :( Not that this would've ended well for him either way, but it's not like he was trying to make it worse! Though, this is probably better, maybe
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Ew, gross >:|
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Probably nothing that would de-escalate, so. No.
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Kinda free-bleeding over here, ow, please stop :(
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Oddly gentle touch, considering the literal blood on his hands
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Just gonna lightly dig around in your arm, don't worry about it. He's really barely touching him, blood giving his fingertips a smooth glide
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He tapped back into his mind and got a bit stuck there, words kinda sorta. Surprisingly it’s not that comforting!
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Scriabin is not having a fun day :( Edgar, no, stop excusing him!
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"Why did I do that??" Maybe something to do with a waste-lock? :3c
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Haha, as soon as they're directly out of danger, Scriabin's right back to sassing him, not so scared or small now huh
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"Since you have a habit of collecting scars from him. Stop that, by the way."
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Drawing his arm bandaged was just too fun! Bleeding through it, poor lad <3
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More missing words, he meant to ask "What are you reading?" but Edgar told him anyway haha. Founder of the modern-day emoticon!
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Sad Edgar for some comfort doodles <3 Seems backwards sometimes lol, but if it works!
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"Pay attention to me instead of whatever's making you upset." Poor thing, even Scriabin just coming up to him makes him jump
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Kisses <3 I really like the one of Edgar trying to dodge him hehe, no kiss! Yes kiss
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Always a surprise, somehow
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Something nice?? Who is this??? It was all a trick and ploy, don't flatter yourself >:0
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Haha, the original Extremely scuffed doodle for this year's personal Vargasversary - as long as Edgar's squished, it all works out!
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Wanted to draw Edgar as a pierrot clown out of the blue, he looks so cute! The big fluffy buttons and the floofy collar and eye makeup :D Cute!!
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He's no simple clown! He's an complete comedy routine, straightman and fool in one!
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But I mean, what does that say towards Scriabin's taste lol, he's already confirmed morosexual so ♪
Back to the Nnyspam, don't mind me
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A reasonable request, he's skin and bones anyhow
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A reasonable reply! Not an opposition exactly, just would prefer to know what to expect
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As much as I can get to Poor Nny haha, he’s just so confused. "How did I get here." Meanwhile, Edgar tries really hard to not get his hopes up lol
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Chatting about the weird exchange with Scriabin later - is this something they experienced together and are just talking about now, or did he go to Nny's alone?? Doesn't matter, Scriabin's gonna monologue about it
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Haha, Edgar having some kind of Awakening thanks to Nny, again
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He's always talking
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More blobs! Scriablobin being annoying, of course <3
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Went through a Tamagotchi-interest and decided to try and make some 32x32 resolution lads <3 Would take care of them, even if we all know Scriabin would beep even when he doesn’t need anything, he’d definitely run on the Devilgotchi OS lol
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Back to the crying-kissing idea, set it down and picked it back up. Both just exchanging mini-barbs, sweet-nothings laced in thorns <3
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Hehe they turned out so cute here ♥ Tastes like [soggy bread] and [affection]
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An odd one of Edgar telling Scriabin off and manhandling him. Though maybe the latter isn’t as odd haha
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I just wanted to doodle Edgar swearing at him haha. What would get him so riled to do so!
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Family time, snuggles on the couch <3 Todd's completely enraptured by the glow of the television screen, ignoring cuddle time
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*You hear the sound of canoodling in the background
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Got a little too loud and got shut down haha
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What happened?? Could've sworn they were just all over each other! That was the problem!
Welp, there's February through May again :) It's an ever-slowing momentum, but dang if it wasn't a powerful initial force lol
#💟#Doodles#Art#Edgar#Scriabin#Nny#Todd#Shmee#Sketchdump#Blood#It's a very Edgar-heavy sketchdump this time! I mean. Other than how much Nny appears there's just so much Nny#So look out for that - especially on the blood front lol#Other warnings uhhh mostly just Nny weirdness - no it's not a vore thing don't look at me like that#Little bit of vent - And the usual Edgar/Scriabin silliness <3#There's also like a Bunch more minicomics this time and I actually edited them seperately! Woah!#The big Nny one in the middle is a complete thought - though I would love to return to Scriabin sassing Edgar when he feels safe haha#The kiss one still has some missing panels - it was split into two sections for what I think are interesting reasons#The initial inspiration came from when I woke up horribly anxious for some reason and y'know - they're comfort characters so#But I couldn't touch a thought with them other than Scriabin being gentle and comforting Edgar it was extremely strange#Afterwards I was fine! But for a moment that's all I could handle so I gave it to Edgar lol#Lots of other silliness ♪ I actually really love clown motifs but only if they're Pierrot lol Pierrot is perfect!#And then the Gotchi stuff hhhhh <3 <3 Yes I know 32x32 isn't the correct resolution shhh look don't worry about it#I have since learned as I've delved deeper into the fixation lol - and I got myself an actual Devilgotch <3 <3 <3 I'm so excited about it <#Absolutely going to be thinking of Scriabin when it prank-beeps at me lol#Oh yeah and for Edgar swearing at Scriabin? I made an initial panel but it was a little too vague :P#It's You Can't Live Like This themed if that's any indication except Scriabin's being a self-destructive brat#So y'know - the usual lol#Finishing off with more silliness - it's been a very gentle last several months (other than the Nnyspam shh) lots of silly soft ideas :)#Cute things abound ♪
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shroompunk · 3 months
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uhhhh, something something the night swallowing burning daylight.
ID: ID: Digital illustration of a long blueblack feathered dragon coiled in a knot with an equally long silvery white scaled dragon, like they're wrestling, but the feathered dragon is swallowing the white dragon, whose head is no longer visible.
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