ofglories · 10 months
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It's very important to keep in mind that even ignoring what history I slapped together to combine the Pendragons and...whatever Vortigern called his clan, Emrys will still always, always be deeply loyal to Vortigern.
After all, he was borderline an automaton following whatever orders he was given as a soldier in the Roman legion. But when he met Vortigern? When Vortigern offered him a way out by joining his side?
Emrys felt alive for the first time in his entire life.
So to him, Vortigern is his personal savior. Someone who saved him from that monotony that was slowly wearing down Emrys' spirit.
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follow-freeman · 11 months
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Gordon Freeman / Black Mesa mural found in Half Life: Alyx. Presumably drawn by Gary, an ex-vortigant slave.
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pistachi0art · 7 months
in this au, are the monsters from black Mesa still there (headcrabs, vortigants, etc)?
And if so, would they be able to get infected?
YES actually there is! The au is few days post res-cas with the only change being the addition of the parasite so all the Xen creatures and such that got through are still there.
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And a handful of them can get infected, with the exception of headcrabs bc both trying to occupy one host often leads to the worm not being able to survive.
BUT It’s common for 2-3 parasites to infect a host but more than that are referred to as Full Clew Infected. A dozen or more parasites find residence in one host, commonly Houndeyes and the occasional unlucky Vortigaunt, which has a slew of side effects.
but short answer is yes, the xen creatures are still there and minus the headcrab, pretty much all are susceptible to infection.
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cai-tan · 1 year
Hot take: The Half-Life series was NEVER about zombies.
Overall, zombies make up, like, 20% of encounters between both Half-Life 1 and 2.
The majority of Half-Life 1 was battling aliens of all types; more commonly things like Vortigants, Grunts, and the like. It was also about trying to escape from an active military coverup operation hell-bent on killing you. Your major antagonists were human military units and Very Alive Aliens That Are Not Zombies.
Half-Life 2 only ever showed you zombies that were a direct result of a dystopian fascist regime using biological weaponry to wage bloody war on the humans. The overwhelming majority of Half-Life 2 was a story about fighting back against literal fascist cop aliens. You got one or two chapters dedicated to zombies, with maybe a handful of encounters with them afterwards. Your first few combats in Half-Life 2 are with Civil Protection.
Calling the Resistance Crossbow a "weapon for hunting the undead" is incredibly insulting. No sane HL2 player ever uses the fucking thing for zombies anyways; it's a ranged sniper weapon for taking out the motherfucking space cops. It's a waste of ammo to use against primarily melee enemies that go down to a single shotgun altfire.
Gordon Freeman is not your Walking Dead or Last of Us protagonist, he is canonically an anti-military, anti-cop, anti-fascist Right Dude in the Wrong Place.
Half-Life was never about fucking zombies.
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Oberon Vortiger’s Final Ascension, full art.
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audioslavedragon13 · 2 years
In my version of what happens to Adrian after he is placed back on a Combine-dominated Earth, Adrian makes some new "friends".
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Ayxen is a seasoned shock trooper that survived both Black Mesa and an encounter with Adrian. Adrian is infamous among the shock troopers similar to Gordon and the vortigants, but generally view Adrian as a terrifying monster or Boogeyman (and for good reason). Thanks to Ben, Ayxen warms up to Adrian and the two become friends. Ayxen is a mishevious old bastard though, and will pester the crap out of Adrian any chance he gets.
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Dyanyx is one of the last shock troopers trained before the Combine conquered Race X, and is generally more inexperienced in combat situations than Ayxen. Dyanyx is also kind of a dunce, but is still intelligent enough to be scary.
Both Ayxen and Dyanyx are learning to speak English and other human languages and vice versa with Adrian and the language of the shock troopers.
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phyriks · 1 year
I feel like I would’ve survived the Black Mesa Incident
This isn’t a joke. You always hear about those 1 in a million odds where people drive off a cliff and had 0.0000001% chance to survive but they miraculously did. Well I feel like I’m that girl. There’s no real stats to back this up, I just know I’ve always been built different. Perhaps the Vortigants would be attracted to my feminine wiles and would’ve left me an safe magic bubble while I slowly floated to the surface after mating. Or I escape just in time through a vent and climb up quickly.
In other words, I just feel like my odds, personally, would’ve been different.
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joetheweird · 2 years
I remembered this weird dream I never wrote down. I was in a strange dark place filled with intersections of wet concrete pipes . I think I was trying to avoid a creature or something. But then a vortigant from half life was their in one of the concrete pipes he charged my nonexistent HEV suit for me and I can’t remember what happened next. The dream was not half life themed .
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sovereignsoulseries · 2 years
Lamont & the world of Vortiger - Blog #60, December 10th, 2022
Lamont & the world of Vortiger – Blog #60, December 10th, 2022
Hello all! Today I wanted to talk about a character who came into Sovereign Soul late into development, and the crazy world he hails from. One of Sovereign Soul’s greatest themes is the various worlds of vastly differing qualities, and how even those seem to be transcending into something else altogether. Lamont hails from Vortiger, a world that fluctuates each day between extreme heat and cold.…
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sunf1ower-k0 · 3 years
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Don’t be fooled by a monster…
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matsunaga1825 · 4 years
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Vortiger. Leader of the Black Prior's.
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umbral-fantome · 4 years
I still jam to this banger. Tho if you ignore a few lines you can also picture this as a redeemed Bi-Han (thinking face). 
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reddream14 · 5 years
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Heeey happy holidays! Here, have my little fanart of Black Prior from For Honor. Last year I carefully put Gladiator on presents and this year I just smashed BP on the pile of boxes XD And that's my holiday card for For Honor Community, hope you'll enjoy Also you can see some progress shots at my Instagram.  Wish you all the best, and see you next decade
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bonusdragons · 4 years
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August 25, 2020:
Hickory Primary, Guardian, Safari.
Vortiger of Archdevil's clan!
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eisendraches-blog · 5 years
All For Honor Combat Translations [Hitokiri Update]
Back at it again with some more translations. The last posts that I made here needed some updating as it’s 2 years old, so here we go. [Disclaimer: I speak none of the following languages fluently. The following translations were found on the For Honor wiki, Reddit, and TheMajorN on Youtube, and this post is for the convenience of the For Honor community. I won’t include emotes, executions, or feats either for the sake of brevity.]
M- Male
F- Female
E- Enemy
None of the above mean that all say the same thing.
So it’s as followed:
Character name:
M/F/E/ None (Move name): “Line in original language” - English translation 
So let’s get started.
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M(Shoulder bash): “Miserum!” - Pitiful
F(Shoulder bash): “Te secabo!” - “I’ll cut you!”
M(Crushing counterstrike): “Incumbe!” - Fall upon my sword! 
F(Crushing counterstrike): “Peri!” - Die!/Perish!
Full Shield Stance: “Te affligam!”- I’ll crush you! 
Shield Bash: “Te occidam!” - I’ll kill you!
Stab: “Peri!” - Die!/Perish!
Deflect + Light: “Tu moriturus!” - You’re going to die!
Unblockable: “Ad mortem, inimicus!”- Death to the enemy!
 [Removed from the game] E(Unblockable): “Ad mortem!” - To death!
Long arm: “Nolo superstes!”: No survivors!
[Removed from the game] E(Long arm): “Mors pro te venit!” - Death comes for you!
Charged heavy: “Incontinens!”: [I am] Uncontrollable
Charged jab:  “Incredibilis!”: [I am] Incredible 
Leap: “Infirmus!”: Weakling
“Etaim!”:  Do it again!
Bamboozle: “Tubae carrissimus!”: Favorite of the crowd!
Fuscina Ictus: “Audaces fortuna iuvat”: Fortune favors the brave!
Skewer: “Mars me adituvat!”: Mars favors me!
Fuscina Ictus (Opponent has no stamina left) “Demisse manete”: Stay down!
Shield bash: “Tenebris!” - For darkness!
Heavy cancel + bash: “Sindon cadit!” - Fine linen decays!
Bulwark stance + heavy: “Tace cor tuum!” - Silence your heart.
Shield flip: “Ad profundis!” - To the void/To the abyss.
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M(Unlockable Fury): “Ég ríf ykkur í bita!” - I’ll tear you to pieces! [plural]
F(Unlockable Fury): “Ég ríf Þig í bita!” - I’ll tear you to pieces! [singular]
Stun tap: “Þú ert dauður!” - You’re dead
Heavy Leap: “Þú ert dauður!” - You’re dead
Deflect: “Náði þér!” - Caught you!
Shield Stance: HORFÐU Á MIG! - Look at me!
Headsplitter Leap: “Þú ert dauður!” - You’re dead
Leg Sweep: “ÉG DREP ÞIG!” - I’ll kill you!
Shield Charge: “Dauðastund!”- Time to die!
Offensive stance:  “Dunmaghlas!”. An old Scottish warcry, translating to “Don’t touch the cat without the glove.” [Basically, don’t f*ck with me.] 
Offensive Strike: “Kryfja Hann! “ - Dissect him!
Celtic curse: “ Til Orrustu!“ - To battle!
Kick: “Fjallabrjótur!“ - Mountain breaker!
Predator’s Hunger: “Hægur dauðdagi!” - A slow death!
Zone attack: “Andar vísi veginn!” - Spirits guide me!
Predator’s Mercy: “Bölvuð sé ætt þín!” - Cursed be your kin!
Wild Cat’s Rage: “Éttu skít!” - Eat sh*t!
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When grabbed: “何?” (Nani?) - What?
Kensei (剣聖) - Means “Sword Saint” or “Sword master”. 
M(Top unblockable heavy):  “尋常に勝負” (Jinjyo ni shoubu) - Let’s have an honorable showdown!
F(Top unblockable heavy) - “これで終いだ “(Korede shimaida) - This will be the end
M(Side heavy) -  “これで終いだ” (Korede shimaida) - This will be the end.
F(Side heavy) - “死ね”  (Shine) - Die!
Parry: “まだまだ” (Mada mada) - Not good enough!
Parry/Block: “甘い” (Amai) - Naive!
Orochi (大蛇) means “serpent”.
F(Riptide Strike):  “逃がしはせぬ” (Nigashi wa senu) - I will not let you escape!
M (Riptide Strike): “尋常に勝負” (Jinjou ni shoubu) - Let’s have an honorable showdown!
Deflect + counter: “死ね” (Shine) - Die!
Shugoki (守護鬼) translates literally to “guardian demon”.
Charged heavy:  “ 我が手中にあり” (Waga shuchuu ni ari) - It’s within my hands!
Demon’s Embrace:  “ 潔く死ね” (Isagiyoku shine) - Accept it and die!
[Removed from the game] Taking damage w/ hyper armor: “ぬるいわ” (Nuruiwa) - Weak.
[Removed from the game] Taking damage w/ hyper armor: “甘い” (Amai!) - Naive
Nobushi (野武士) translates to “Outside/Wilderness/Civilian Warrior”.
Poke the Nest/Light attack chain: “ 其方に死を” (Sonata ni shi wo) - I give you death.
Cobra strike: “ 推して参る” (Oshite mairu) - Here we go!
Shinobi (忍び) means “patience”, “endure”, or “conceal”. 
F(Ranged guard break):  “お覚悟” (Okakugo) - Prepare yourself!
M(Ranged guard break): “覚悟” (Kakugo) - Ready yourself!
Slide kick:  “遅い” (Osoi) - Too slow!
Deflect: “必殺” (Hissatsu) - Critical hit!
Death: “ここまでか” (Kokomadeka) - This seems to be my undoing.
Death: “無念” (Munen) - Regretful.
Aramusha (荒武者) roughly translates to “Rough/Wild Warrior”, possibly referring to a Ronin.
Zone:  “喰らえ” (Kurae) - Take this!/Eat this!
Kick:  “ぬるい” (Nurui) - Easy!
Twin Vipers:  “詰まらん” (Tsumaran) - Tasteless!
Hitokiri (人斬り) means “manslayer” or “murder”.
F(Magetsu Rift):  “我は影なり!” (Ware wa kage nari) - I am the shadow itself.
M(Magetsu Rift): “我は影!” (Ware wa kage) - I am the shadow.
F(Mekai Rift): “斬る!” (Kiru) - [I’ll] cut [you down]!/ [I’ll] behead [you]!
M (Mekai Rift): “食らえ!” (Kurae) - Take this!/Eat this!
F (Kick):  “我は死神!” (Ware wa shinigami) - I am the reaper/I am the god of death! 
M (Kick):  “我は死!” (Ware wa shi) - I am death!
F (Sweep): “我に委ねよ!” (Ware ni yudane yo) - Entrust [your soul] to me!
M (Sweep): “委ねよ!” (Yudane yo) - Entrust [your soul to me]!
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Tiandi ( 天地) means “Heaven and Earth”. 
M(Dodge + Heavy):  “疯狂就是力量” (Fēngkuáng jiùshì lìliàng) - Insanity/Madness is power!
F (Dodge + Heavy) “让你灰飞烟灭” (ràng nî huīfeīyānmiè) - You’ll vanish into dust!
M (Dodge + Light):  “吾乃天地” (Wú nǎi tiāndì) - I am Tiandi!
F (Dodge + Light):  “害虫去死” (hàichóng qù sǐ) - Die, you pest!
M (Palm Strike):  “吃我一刀” (Chī wǒ yīdāo) - Eat my blade!
F (Palm Strike): “我所向无敌” (Wǒ suǒxiàng wúdí) - I am invincible!
M (Kick): “你已败矣” (Nǐ yǐ bài yǐ) - You’ve lost!
F (Kick): “乱臣贼子” (Luànchén zéizǐ) - You scoundrel! 
Nuxia (女侠) means “female hero” or “female warrior”.
Jade Ballet: “女侠在此” (Nǚxiá zài cǐ) - Nuxia is here!
Trapped enemy: “你中招了” (Nǐ zhōng zhāole) - I got you!
Mirror Raid: “送你一程” (Sòng nǐ yī chéng) - I’ll take you away
Jiang Jun ( 将军) means “General”.
Might Sanction + guard break cancel:  “无能之辈” (Wúnéng zhī bèi) - You’re incompetent. 
Sifu Swirl: “不学无术” (Bù xué wú shù) - You’re unlearned!
Dou Shi Swirl: “好生愚钝” (Hàoshēng yúdùn) - So dull/
Dou Shi Choke:  “认真点儿” (Rènzhēn diǎn er) - Be serious.
Block: “雕虫小技” (Diāochóngxiǎojì) - You have no skill.
Block: “百无一用” (Bǎi wú yī yòng) - So useless
Block: “ 浪费时间 (Làngfèi shíjiān) - You’re wasting my time 
Death Point Strike: “就让我超度你吧” (Jiù ràng wǒ chāodù nǐ ba) - Head my prayers and die.
Leap:  “金刚伏魔” (Jīngāng fú mó) - Vajra conquers the demon! [Vajra = Buddhist warriors]
Kick:  “南无阿弥陀佛” (Ná mó ēmítuófó) - Buddha blesses you/Amen.
Qi Stance “金刚不坏” (Jīngāng bù huài) - Vajra is invincible!
And that’s all of them until Ubisoft decides to add more characters.
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sabrerine911 · 6 years
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Edgy AND jacked(For Honor)Since yesterday I unlocked rep 1 with the Black Prior I could have a slot for the brother and the sister.I introduce to you 2 new cast members of my dumb For Honor Fanfic.Caligo and Obscura(edgiest thing I could think of for names was latin synonyms of darkness and dark XD).Caligo will be the slightly older brother that low-key babysits Obscura and they are terribly edgy and broody characters.Saw that both their models are pretty swole in their sleeveless variants so I decided to make this dumb thing.
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