#vowrawn has 2
Some Darth Vowrawn headcanons
Feel free to use them for your own stuff if you’d like.
1) He’s a very educated and smart Sith. Has an MA degree (or the Empire equivalent of it) in Economics and a BA degree in General Medicine; he’s never specialized in any particular field, though, he can best use this knowledge as a field medic, for example
2) Also an expert of Sith sorcery, rituals, and Sith history
3) They’re best friends with Darth Malgus and Darth Marr, in fact, Marr and Vow share a Force-bond no one in the Galaxy knows about
4) Vow is a true extrovert, he feels the best (and safest) with his friends, and he’s a social person in general who likes good parties and delicious food. The only reason Marr or Malgus doesn’t go with him to these parties to keep their eyes on him is that they know that Vow practically can’t get drunk due to his highly developed sorcery skills. He can purge every and any kind of poison from his system in no time
5) Vow is a chill, friendly Sith, he’s easy to get along with but make no mistake: he can and will murder anyone to death if needed; however, he’s much more the political plays and plots type of Sith, he’s not into straight-up murder
6) He’s not a lightsaber-expert by any means, and both Marr and Malgus had given up long ago to teach him
7) He’s a fan of warm, soft, comfy things, be it clothes, pillows or any kind of furniture; his bed is a great example, for it’s enough for 4 people at least and is stuffed with a dozen of fluffy pillows and warm blankets. It’s Vow’s favourite place on his free days
8) He’s filthy rich, coming from an old, influential Sith family
9) Sometimes he goes back to the Korriban Academy ,both for research and to run a course or two in advanced Sith sorcery for the students
10) He most probably has a few kids on different planets of the Galaxy, and even in Kaas City, since he’s not the one to turn down an offer of a fun one-night stand, but no one has ever tried to approach him for child support. Ironically enough, he’s one of the very few Sith Lords who would pay it without a complaint, feeling genuinely responsible for the well-being of his kid
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angstmongertina · 8 months
WIP Wednesday Sentences
I'm over a day late but it's fine. Real life got a little hectic, so I'm late, but I have sentences, at least!
As always, accountability sentences after the cut!
Oh Brother: Nadia/Thomas shenanigans (2 sentences but have some extra as a belated celebration of their 1 year anniversary)
Her brother is, ostensibly, the most socially inclined of her siblings. He has always been the most outgoing, the most sociable. The most likely to recognize these societal clues. And yet…
Dinghun Zhou: Camyon Cinderella AU (1 sentence with an extra bit of dialogue)
When she gave no reply, her mother let out a quiet breath. “You are disconcerted.”
That Which Binds Us: Chrobin slowburn (1 sentence)
He swallowed, feeling his stomach twist at the thought.
Officium et Honestas: SWTOR Regency AU (6 sentences with a bonus because I started one before Wednesday)
Through such advantages, they were able to survive the journey to the Malcom family box with minimal casualties, just in time for the attention to turn towards the stage. Or so she had thought, but it was not quite to be so. The fashionably late arrival of Lord and Lady Kallan, further accompanied by what could only be described by a small entourage of their own, had drawn eyes from throughout the audience. The lady seemed pleased enough by the attention, and one of the lord’s companions as well, his lighthearted chuckle bright enough to be heard over the opening strains of the overture. “That man would be Marquess Vowrawn.” She turned, sniffing, towards her friend. “I see your proclivity for interjecting yourself when not asked has not improved in recent years.”
Law of Attraction: ArtemRosa AU (1 sentence for Lavi <3)
The case itself is a lost cause—that is, of course, why she is the one assigned to argue it in court, rather than risk any of the more senior attorneys’ success rates against Themis Law Firm dropping any lower—but that doesn’t mean she intends to go down without a fight.
Anyway, thanks for reading! I am going to go to sleep now lol.
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jb-nonsense · 2 years
For writing research
if you say 9 or more, please comment with how many
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diazuk-legacy · 2 years
Remember when i mention about bringing in some new characters last week. Well here they are. This will be split into two part. Part 2
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Arbilsh Laverton. A purple sith female Torguta with a bit of a bloodlust but cares dearly for the Empire. Kioral is her Husband and together those two destoryed Taris’ reconstruction.
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Shaarla Misa. A Red female Sith Torgruta with an extreme bloodlust. She will go through a very dark sided play through. She is one of Yosha’mer’s apprentices. She is sort of the evil version of Jaesa in my canon, since my cannon Jaesa stayed on the light side.
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Kioral Phaahi. A purple male Togruta Imperial Agent. Formally a slave who killed someone of high authority. Was brainwashed into committing genocide on his formal rebels. Is likely still under mind control since he has never felt remorse for his actions. Now he serves the Empire loyally but he has slowly regained some of his old personality. But for now he is still an asshole and a coward. Close friend with Le’vine
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Mudo Nal. Daughter of Goldsawkin Nal and Aric Jorgan. Unlike the rest of her siblings she ended up being force sensitive. Although not strong enough to be a Jedi she does know a few tricks.
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Tigerihak Jorgan. He the son of Goldsawkin Nal and Aric Jorgan. He a good tiger boy and a excellent baster shooter. Hopefully I’ll expand his personality beyond that.
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Lizik Jorgan. Son of Goldswakin Nal and Aric Jorgan. He not the strongest of the litter but he got the genius to make up for it.
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Misar Nal. Daughter of Goldsawkin Nal and Aric Jorgan. A Dark blue female Cathar who really good with a sniper.
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Cashor Jorgan. Son of Goldsawkin Nal and Aric Jorgan. He’s basically the cat version of Homelander although he’s less of a psycho and more of an asshole.
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Sathysh Nal. Daughter of Goldsawkin Nal and Aric Jorgan. She became the leader of her litter. Being the first daughter she does take up a lot from her mother.
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Wrojkai Jairyon. He is a cross between Warrior and Inquisitor. He is Vowrawn’s Nephew. As the last surviving member of Vowarawn’s family his uncle is very protective of him. He will likely become Theron’s canon lover.
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izmagicallulu · 2 years
Here’s some facts about my main 3 Swtor Ocs.
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Fact 1: Kailani means “sea and sky” in Hawaiian.
Fact 2: Kailani found out she was a Lesbian at the age of 15 and she previously dated a fellow Padawan at the ages of 19 and 20, before they decided to break things off on good terms.
Fact 3: Kailani loves to cook and she learned how to cook during the days when she was a youngling training to become a Jedi.
Fact 4: Kailani sometimes cooked meals for her dates with Kira and she loves making Kira's favorite foods.
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Fact 1: Matilda means “Mighty in battle” in German.
Fact 2: Matilda’s bio father is Darth Vowrawn and she found out that he is her father during the Nathema Conspiracy arc.
Fact 3: Matilda has dated another Jedi for a year, but things has ended badly for them. Which lead her to be pretty wary of getting into another relationship, but Arcann had surprisingly swept her off her feet.
Fact 4: Matilda was abandoned on Shili, but she was taken in by a family of Torgutas and she was taken by the Jedi a few years later. She was also a part of Lani’s crew a few years after she joined the order.
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Fact 1: Osamu means “Discipline, Study” in Japanese.
Fact 2: Osamu was manipulated by a Sith Lord to join the Empire as a Padawan and sometimes he regretted it, but it also made him view that not all imperials are evil.
Fact 3: Osamu has met Ashara when he joined Adelaide’s crew as Adelaide’s apprentice and they’ve begun dating after a year they’ve met.
Fact 4: Osamu owns a Mouse Droid named “MC-71” and had it since he joined the empire.
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
Shakkai: I’m going out to find someone to fight me, want to come?
F’eiyaa (Bodyguard/Girlfriend): Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?
Shakkai: Yes. And that’s never stopped me before.
F’eiyaa, who knows this first hand: *sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose*
Shakkai: So you don’t want to come, then?
Source: whygodohgodwhy
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detritusvortex · 3 years
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finished my catch-up list for 7.0! explanations (and accompanying spoilers) for their routes under the cut.
1-- inquisitor. official Alliance Commander. usually goes first through the new content because any unexpected bad decisions are probably in-character. "loyalist" but not happy about it and won't take extra choices to support the empire. independent alliance. gets along okay with most of the npcs. Arcann romance.
2-- consular. runs late because i like to think about where she fits in to the story, usually outside of the gameplay route. not officially part of the alliance but hangs out with them sometimes. definitely the most involved in the jedi and order-restoration plots.
3-- agent. official saboteur route. i spend way too long thinking about his dialogue options and he doesn't always take the sabotage choices. probably going to make everyone unhappy in the end. Theron romance (but doesn't always take those choices either)
4-- smuggler. independent "loyalist". DEFINITELY going to make everyone unhappy. takes a lot of flirt options, mixed bag of LS/DS choices. doesn't always have a lot to do in the updates as commanderly decision-making is really none of her business. gets to hang out with Akaavi again!
5-- bounty hunter. "saboteur" but really shouldn't be and i'm mostly just coasting along until something character-relevant comes up. absolutely terrible to Rivix and Jonas. Koth romance if that ever matters again.
6-- trooper. official leader of havoc squad. returned to the republic. had a great time in jedi under siege and onslaught with all the actual military stuff, gets along great with Tau and company, slightly lost in echoes of vengeance. Elara romance if we have our way.
7-- jedi knight. returned former battlemaster and newly designated first run through the republic content as she fits in well with stuff aimed at the 'Commander'. Kira romance.
8-- sith warrior. official DS loyalist route. i steal stuff from the other imperial routes for her as in-game she's under emperor Vowrawn but really should be hanging with Acina outside of the alliance. took back the Wrath title and plans to use it. also takes a bunch of flirt options.
9-- agent (again). shares the official saboteur route as a supporting character. mostly just here to rep the Lana romance.
10-- trooper (again). official republic saboteur route. makes very mixed LS/DS decisions and generally has a miserable time. outside the gameplay she's a supporting character in alliance intelligence.
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
So given how bizarre the writing for SWTOR has become, my predictions for 7.1/7/2/whatever the fuck they manage before EA finally puts this game out of its palpable misery or fires everyone. I actually think they'd go there with every single one of these. Of course my main one is that Rivix is going to try to make a wedge between the Commander and their advisor(s), and turn the base against them too, because he can't charm any of you.
1. Lana is Darth Nul.
2. Or a disciple of Darth Nul.
3. Or Malgus's former apprentice.
4. All of the Dark Council and moffs Acina/Vowrawn send out on assignment are people she's trying to kill, a la Baras. Including you.
5. There's going to be a Silence of the Lambs style scene between the PC and Malgus. Hello Clarisse...have your chains stopped screaming?
6. The restraints they're working on for Malgus are a test run to see if they will contain the PC and/or Lana, too.
7. Syl's going to save the day.
8. Heta Kol is Shae's twin sister, because we have not milked the good twin/bad twin trope quite enough yet.
9. Someone who was dead is not dead anymore and the entire Alliance will be shocked by this, because it never happens.
10. Someone remembered Theron and Koth still exist and then forgot again.
11. The saboteur will screw up 10 more things on every mission and will not be suspected or rooted out, ever.
12. Arn will turn to the Dark Side. Oh come on, we all see this one coming. It would be nice if he had a middle ground to just leave the Jedi and join Satele/the Alliance without going ham, but we know Bioware doesn't dig middle ground.
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
SWTOR Alliance Commander Ask Game
@dishonored-pendletwin came up with this ask game, so I figured I’d give it a try with my Sith Warrior Tyrrnith
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1) Who’s your Alliance Commander? What class are they? Alignment? Random other facts you wanna share? Tyrrnith Zarmahan is my Alliance Commander. Sith Warrior, neutral (leaning slightly on the dark side), and generally a strict but honorable-type of leader
2) What’s a reason or two you like that this character is your Commander? Tyr’s been my oldest and favorite character of my SWTOR bunch. In universe, he also has the most leadership experience and arguably the closest ties to the Emperor, apart from Yulizzia.
3) What’s a reason or two you don’t like about them being Commander. Tyr can seem rather aloof and distant, and isn’t the best with understanding people on an emotional level. He tries, but he isn’t that good at it.
4) Why did this character of all your OCs become Commander? See 2.
5) Who did they side with? Did they stay loyal or go saboteur? Or maybe you headcanon they defect properly? Tyrrnith still remains loyal to the Empire. However, he doesn’t trust the new administration fully. He’s even slightly cautious around Vowrawn and Acina, his friends. However, he is still loyal to his homeland and remains dedicated...for now.
6) Are there any NPC’s from the class stories you’d like to see/HC join the Alliance? Ex: Master Timmns, Ardun Kothe, Watcher One, etc. Wouldn’t mind seeing Lord Rathari, since Tyr did spare him. And he became friends with Timmns.
7) How’s your OC feeling about the current Malgus situation? Tyr is definitely not the biggest fan of Malgus, and wants him to at least be restrained. He might’ve seen eye-to-eye with Malgus during his New Empire Revolt years back, but now, Tyr is convinced that good ol’ Mal is just insane by now.
8) Are any of your other OC’s part of the Alliance? If yes what do they do for the Alliance? Do they get along with your Commander? Let’s say all of them are. Yulizzia (Knight) is the Alliance’s Deputy Commander and  A'vash'l (Agent) works as the Alliance’s Spymaster alongside his husband Theron.  Baduenda (Trooper) and Hadisha (Hunter) act as frontline commanders and/or enforcers, Ascillan (Consular) and Lavissia (Inquisitor) are advisors to the Force Enclave, and Aellisu (Smuggler) works in the underworld with Hylo. Tyr gets along with some better (Yuli, Ael, A’vash’l), but is a tad bit distant with others (Badu, Lavi). 
9) How does your OC feel about Odessen? (Bonus: how do you feel about it) Tyr’s not a real big nature guy, and tends to prefer civilization to wilderness. Despite this, he has grown fond of the planet, even considering it to be a home.
10) How does your Commander feel about being the Commander? He’s had his doubts, absolutely, but for the most part, he’s been able to keep them underneath a confident exterior.
11) Favorite place in the Alliance base? Tyr really likes the cliffs just above the personal starship landing pad (the one connecting to the hangar) as a good meditation spot.
12) Favorite mission in KotFE? Why? The Hunt, because it gets across the tone of the expansion perfectly and acts as a great opening.
13) Favorite mission in KotET? Why? The Dragon’s Maw, mainly due to just how different it is from other missions in the game.
14) Least favorite mission in either? Why? Anarchy in Paradise, because good GOD those fucking Skytroopers and Knights.
15) Is your Commander successful because they’re skilled? Or are they perhaps just really lucky? Definitely because of skill and his ability to inspire people, though I like to imagine Tyr’s been lucky on occasion
16) From our OC’s point of view, SoR -> KotET wasn’t a fun experience, did they develop any fears as a result? Tyr lost his homeworld of Ziost, which killed off a lot of his family, too. One of his biggest concerns is losing anymore members of his family (especially his brother Aellisu), or any world in the Empire suffering the same level of destruction as Ziost.
17) AU time! If your Commander wasn’t Commander, which of your other OCs would have likely taken their place? Quite a few. The best contenders would be Yulizzia, Baduenda, Lavissia, or A’vash’l. Wouldn’t imagine the Alliance lasting long under Lavi’s rule, though.
18) Who’s someone your Commander hopes they never have to deal with again? Valkorion. Hands down. As well as any former member of the Dark Council that’s not Vowrawn or Acina.
19) Does your Commander hold on to/still use any titles they earned before KotET? (Darth Nox/Jedi Battlemaster/Cipher 9/Wrath/etc) Or have they completely replaced them with the Commander title? He still uses his Empire’s Wrath title from time to time.
20) Share something, anything at all, you want about your Commander that you’ve not really gotten the chance to share before but really want to! Tyrrnith doesn’t admit it, but he’s quite fond of animals and caring for them. His Whitefang, Mal, has been one of his most trusted companions, and the Alliance’s official mascot.
Tagging @swtorpadawan​ , @vexa-legacy​ , and @starknstarwars​ if this interests them and they wanna give it a try
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serenscarlett-moved · 2 years
titbits about this verse's main class stories:
- Sith Warrior: Kritanta (Wrath OC) and Vowrawn are the main characters. They have Vaylin and Preeti the Jawa within the crew as secondary/supporting characters, they replaced Jaesa and Broomark. Quinn and Pierce and Vette were temporary crew members and they don't stay with the Vathraki during or after class story (example: Quinn was killed as result of betrayal). note: Vowrawn is not running the Sphere of Logistics but does run the Sphere of Special Operations alongside with Kritanta as his SIC in this verse.
- Jedi Knight with dosage of Consular's chapter 3 arc: Jazz (Jedi OC) and Tau are main characters. Blizz, Eleena, Nadia and Pharen are supporting characters acting as crew members. Jazz and Blizz were recruited into Task Force Nova after Jazz completed her Jedi trials, while Tau and the others were established members. Chapter 3 centers around stopping the Emperor's Sleeper Agents and finding the missing Jedi Masters rather than 'stop the Emperor from consuming/destroying the worlds' arc. Darth Lachris is one of the villain in this.
- Imperial Agent: Aris (Cipher Nine OC) as the main protag with Marr as secondary main character starting from chapter 2 onwards. Aris did not have any crew members as she works alone with Shara Jenn as her handler until thst changed when Marr stepped in and took over to coordinate with Shara. Marr has more involvement in her story throughout and is joined with their team, Lana Beniko, Xarion, and Krovos, at the end of chapter 2 and chapter 3 in a bid to stop the Star Cabal. Aris and Jadus had an established dark history together before prologue and Jadus remains as the villain in this. Aris and Marr are in arranged marriage as of chapter 1 so the romance between was a bit of slow burn.
There's no Bounty Hunter, Sith Inquisitor, Jedi Consular, Smuggler and Republic Trooper stories in this verse as I'm not overly invested in these classes except for the three where my main OCs were apart of.
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fluffynexu · 4 years
and the Korribani Calendar System
Before the arrival of the Exiles the native Sith on Korriban had their own system of keeping track of time. Over the years, this became standardized and refined and is still in use by a large portion of the modern Pureblood community. Since the ancient Sith were observant beings of their world, many of the names and symbols reflected their natural environment. All of these aspects go into what is known as a Sith’s astralignment (astro-alignment).
Since the Empire runs on Imperial Standard Time (IST), anything relating to Korriban or any other Imperial world is referred by the local time of that planet.
Compare a year on  Dromund Kaas to Korriban:
Dromund Kaas (everything in standard)
24 hours/day
312 days/year
7,488 hours/year
60 minutes = 1 hour
24 hours = 1 day
5 days = 1 week
7 weeks = 1 month
35 days = 1 month
8 months (+4 weeks and 4 holidays) = 1 year
312 (standard)days = 1 year
28 (standard) hours/day
780 (local) days/year
21,840 (standard) hours/year
70 (standard and local) minutes = 1 hour
24 (local) hours = 1 day
10 (local) days = 1 week
6.5 (local) weeks = 1 month
65 (local) days = 1 month
12 (local) months = 1 year
780 (local) days = 1 year
This roughly makes 1 Korribani year approximately 2.9 [Dromund] Kaasi years.
The days on Korriban are annotated on some versions of the Imperial calendar alongside the standard days.
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In this example, names of the days on the calendar reflect the IST. The black numbers indicate the date in IST, the red numbers represent the date of the Korribani calendar. Placement of the Korribani date indicate when that day begins in relation to the Kaasi one.
A. 00:00 is the same for both. B. 00:00 K starts at 04:00 DK. C. 00:00 K starts at 08:00 DK. D. 00:00 K starts at 12:00 DK. E. 00:00 K starts at 16:00 DK. F. 00:00 K starts at 20:00 DK. G. Loops back around and 00:00 K lines up 00:00 DK .
While seemingly complicated to some, most Sith have grown with this system of overlapping calendars and can easily tell the date by the positioning of the numbers in this format. 
There are of course, electronic versions where the date is shown simply:
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Since the Korribani month is longer than the Kaasi one, the dates will continue through the Kaasi months. These next two pictures show how long 1 Korribani month is in relation to a Kaasi one.
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There is also a version of the Korribani calendar that does not overlap with IST. These are used locally on the planet.
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The days of the Korribani week were named after major gods from the most widespread pantheon on the planet:
Ahmuriq, from Ahmurn: the creator god.
Marseriq, from Marserha: mother goddess of the Sith.
Bashariq, from Bashara: goddess of passion.
Teraiq, from Teral: god of protection and justice.
Iskarliq, from Iskarln: god(dess) of conflict and war.
Marduriq, from Mardur: patron god of the Massassi and strength.
Rusaniq, from Rusanel: goddess of knowledge.
Zefiriq, from Zefir: goddess of the hunt.
Shumariq, from Shumari: god of the harvest.
Goruiq, from Gorul: the trickster god(dess).
There are numerous constellations in the Korribani sky. Twelves of these mark the months of the year as well as going into the astalignment. The 12 major, monthly constellations all depict local fauna from ancient fables and have certain characteristics that are commonly associated with them.
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1. Yuninchâtsutuyok, the jiminat and agzonûboj engaged in eternal conflict. Dedicated, ambitious, and insightful.
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2. Qyalatuyok, the qyalak. Calm, sentimental, and inquisitive.
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3. Badzuriqatuyok, the badzuriqash. Tenacious, practical, and direct.
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4. Kaarjontuyok, the kaarjontû. Spontaneous, contemplative, and observant.
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5. Tukatatuyok, the tukata. Loyal, respectful, and staunch.
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6. Hatyatuyok, the hatya. Articulate, perceptive, and adaptable.
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7. Lomaituyok, the lomait. Disciplined, fearless, and competitive.
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8. Dzushatuyok, the dzushaj. Private, calculating, and flexible.
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9. Mowhetuyok, the mowhef. Stern, traditional, and ruthless.
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10. Dyaltituyok, the dyaltir. Mischievous, studious, and charismatic.
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11. Jhan’dikanatuyok, the lost dikana. Creative, sociable, and resourceful.
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12. Niqoituyok, the niqoit. Erudite, cunning, and free-spirited.
The years are also represented by local animals. No one, not even Sith scholars or historians, are sure of the origin of how these animals came to represent the years on Korriban’s calendar. It is one of the many parts of Sith culture that have been lost since it is believed this particular record has been passed down through oral tellings.
The years are kept track of in a 6-year cycle with each year emphasizing a likely success for the ones born in that year.
Chiroik - Wealth
Wokinai - Knowledge
Natûsh - Fame
Dzenal - Influence
Litskoj - Power
Sulemish - Longevity
(ie. Those born in the year of the Sulemish will have a long life.) This again factors into a Sith’s astralignment.
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In addition to the years, these 6 animals are also used for the hours on Korriban. But time is not conveyed in the same manner as Basic. While in Basic one would simply say “14:25” (or two twenty-five in the afternoon) the Sith have a much more involved way to convey time.
For example: Shyracks screech and return to their caves as the priestess prepares the altar in the hour of the wokinai.
Translates to: 07:15 local time (or seven fifteen in the morning).
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As a side note, a few centuries ago Darth Feras domesticated and bred wrats within the Empire. At first they weren’t seen with much interest by her peers. But popular rumor has it that she pointed out her creations embody the physical traits of the yearly beasts.
Eyes - Chiroik
Ears - Wokinai
Body - Natûsh
Hands - Dzenal
Feet - Litskoj
Tail - Sulemish
Afterwards they quickly became a favored pet and companion among the Sith, being seen as an auspicious animal.
While not related to their calendar there is a tradition of being assigned a birth flower. For this, the Sith do not look to their skies but rather, when a child is born the placenta is buried in a pot with 12 seeds. The first of these seeds to sprout becomes that Sith’s birth flower. These 12 flowers are also used in medicine, therapeutic or preventive, for some common ailments.
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Serla for headaches.
Roshal for good eyesight.
Nashkir for sore throats.
Atsudqâ for heart health.
Hyaranjat for good digestion.
Mûyoin for muscle pain.
Shasâyar for fertility.
Jûzon for blood circulation.
Ashanin for bone mending.
Qoyo for fevers.
Chisiqsanu for irritated ridge skin.
Kûsk’inti for fatigue and replenishing energy.
The last two parts that go into a Sith’s astalignment are their energies. The weekly energies correspond with 4 classic “elements” of earth, fire, air, and water. While the daily energy simply refers to day or night (d/n) in regards to when the person was born.
Combined with all aspects mentioned in this document, year, month, weekly energy, day (+energy), and flower, one can study a Sith’s astalignment.  ex. Darth Vowrawn’s astalignment factors:
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The study of these astralignments is a complicated field on to its own while the findings can be very important to some among the Sith. There are specialized scholars who offer their services to the old families so that the “perfect matches” (marriage, business, or otherwise) can be set up.
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aaaaahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT’S DONE. i feel like frodo at mt. doom after the ring is destroyed omg... ;-;
SOOOO. i wanted, and i mean REALLY wanted, to finish this for lunar new year (for pretty obvious reasons lol)...... :,) welp. then i was like “i can do may 4″ lol NOPE. but here we are! still technically sith day? whatever. imma say I Did It. :D
also pls don’t laugh at my stupid drawings. i already know i can’t art. ok??? >,<
special thanks to @snootysith​ for giving me a bunch of sithy names and words for me to use. c: like y’all... coming up with fake words, that look and sound ok is really HARD (for my dumbass anyway)
other worldbuilding posts that are... sorta mentioned/used in this:
@inquisitorhotpants​‘s dk calendar
BOOS! x3
and some other stuff ....
but uh, yea. if you’re wondering “hang on there fluffy... did you really make a big, dumbass zodiac/astrology post??” the answer is...
yes i did... xU
but also i imagine the ancient sith had a lot of special and important dates for you know... religious things? *shrug* and over the many, many years all of this was passed down and prob altered in some way to fit into modern sith society? idk...
now imma say some things here bc i know For A Fact!!! that ppl don’t go onto original posts to read op tags on this hellsite lol.
and this isn’t me trying to sound like an arrogant asshole... but these are for some common questions that’ll undoubtedly come up:
yes, you can use this in any extent or manner.
no, you obvs don’t have to. ignore it if you want. i’ll be ok lol.
no, i’m not gonna write a long ass book with all the little details on every aspect of all the traits and then assign these things for your character(s). just make something up. that’s what i did here xD (plus my brain is d e a d from this)
yes, this is seen as a mostly(!) tomato pureblood sith thing but obvs attitudes are different between individuals. some are super into it, some could careless and think it’s all fake news, some have parents that care too much about it which is annoying and interfering with their life so they lowkey hate it lol.
no, i couldn’t do a read more bc it wouldn’t look as nice and i worked hard ok? ;-; i apologize for clogged dashes in advance.
i think that’s it? ofc feel free to hmu if you’re ok with a reply that can take anywhere from a few min to 3 business days ^-^;
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pineaberry · 4 years
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Kaasi Wasp Pie
4 oz Cream Cheese
245g Puff Pastry
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup fig jam
1 tsp Vanilla extract
1/2 tsp Powdered Cinnamon
1/4 tsp Powdered Ginger
6 figs sliced thinly
1 egg
1) Sweeten the Cream Cheese with about 1/4 cup of fig jam. Add vanilla extract. Mix until smooth.
2) Mix the chopped walnuts with cinnamon, ginger, and remaining fig jam until all the pieces are coated.
3) Roll out puff pastry to a 9″x9″ square. Cut into 3″x3″ pieces.
4) Add a dollop of cream cheese to each square. Top with walnuts and fig slices.
5) Arrange in rosettes, mini turnovers, or rolls. Brush the tops with egg wash.
6) Preheat Oven to 400° F. Bake in a parchment lined sheet for 15 minutes or until golden and crispy.
STORY TIME (see SWTOR HCs below the cut):
It’s started. I’m literally baking headcanons!
This started when I stared at an old jar of fig jam I had in the fridge and thought: “Huh. That’s probably something you’d find in a humid tropical planet like Dromund Kaas.” It then morphed into: “I can make something delicious with this.”
Per @sith-shenanigans inside every fig is a dead wasp (although not really). Therefore, these are called: Wasp Pies.
If Mince Meat Pies don’t have to have meat in them, then Wasp Pies don’t have to contain wasps!
Now for the HC:
Wasp Pies are a pastry made of various combinations of fruit preserves and nuts. While every family has their own preferred recipe, it invariably includes some form of spreadable cheese, walnuts, Kaasi figs and puff pastry. Wasp pies are particularly popular in winter around Life Day or the Imperial Holidays. Despite their name, they contain no wasps and come in pie form or a variety of shapes and sizes.
Darth Vowrawn is said to order over five thousand Wasp Pies from Kaasi bakers for his Life Day parties.
While there are an assortment of party foods associated with Imperial Celebrations, Wasp Pies are considered traditional in Dromund Kaas and they are often given as gifts or treats for children.
Defectors in the Republic often find it difficult to replicate the pastry due the lack of Kaasian figs at their disposal. Substitutions abound, utilizing various fruit preserves instead of Kaasi fig jam. While tasty, none of these are considered true Wasp pies but are instead named for different vespiform insects: Bee Pie (Honey), Bumble Pie (various fruit preserves), Killik Pie (dust-corn syrup), Colicoid pie (Sugar syrup).
Expensive purple skinned figs were shipped in from  Ecclessis to any ex-imperial with enough credits to afford them. However, even these were considered too sweet and had to be diluted in order to approximate the delicate flavor of a Kaasian fig. As a result the closest thing to a Wasp Pie available to a Republic citizen was a Hornet Pie made with Ecclessis figs.
Wasp Pie bars are also a popular dessert option in Imperial premium ration packs. Republic rations have something resembling a Fig Newton which they alternatively label as a “Wasp Bar” much to the chagrin of any Kaasian who has the misfortune of encountering one.
Imperials who join the Alliance enjoy trolling Republic soldiers and Jedi by claiming that powdered wasps are essential for the Wasp Pie to have that “crunchy zing”. More than one Padawan has ended up in the infirmary because they attempted to “harvest wasps for pie since the Imperials are so stingy with theirs”.
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
For the past/present/future asks - past 6, present 14, future 2 for Jaaide?
past 6. Did the location they grew up in affect them significantly? Do they still go there?
To an extent? She's born and raised Kaas City, parents were both in the Imperial military, and that definitely affected her education opportunities, and was part of what got her noticed and selected for Intelligence work. Also gave prompt access to superior medical services after the speeder crash responsible for all her scars + hearing loss. It would definitely have been worse if she were on another planet, or even a different city on Dromund Kaas.
She now only goes there when she has to for Alliance business; her parents were both killed by the Eternal Fleet bombardment after Vaylin died, so there's not really anything there for her except painful memories and increased odds of running into someone who might figure out she's a double agent.
present 14. What matters most to them right now?
Theron and the Alliance, in that order, and she refuses to feel guilty for that. (one she asked for, the other she didn't /cough)
future 2. Are they content with their future situation? Is there anything they would change?
Well. Depends. If we're talking her actual game where she's currently, yet again, playing deep cover double agent for the Republic for who knows how franging long, she is not content. She's so tired of being a double agent. Exhausted from playing pretend. She hates this. She's been doing it for EIGHTEEN KRIFFING YEARS, JONAS JUST LET HER DEFECT ALREADY. she's begging. She's one bad day away from comming Vowrawn, telling him she's out, and taking the Alliance independent. Maybe handing it over to Lana, taking Theron with her, and peacing out from that, too if it's a bad enough day. Girl is done. (honestly, if you had the option, she'd have said "hah, no, been there done that, never again." to playing double agent in Jedi Under Siege, and been doing the Pub side stuff in that and everything following. I'm still salty about her having to fight Gnost-Dural ngl)
But I have considered slotting her in as an "Alliance Asset" in one of my other canons, probably Tragen's(can't be Vica's lol), who joins during KotFE, still winds up with Theron bc she's in Intelligence work so she'd be working with him etc, but doesn't have to do all the double agent bs for the third time in her life. In that case, she'd probably be pretty happy with how things look for her at this point.
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darth-bagel · 4 years
OC Interview -- Graz'zt Tenar'ri (2/4)
This is a continuation from yesterday so, enjoy! 💙✨
Well, Sylvas is definitely an interesting personality, but so is our next guest-- a Lord of the Sith known best for his clever machinations and unending love for his daughter. Give him a warm welcome~
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(Screenshots by me 💕✨)
► Name? ➔ The corner of his mouth twitches as he rights the seat, Sylvas left it askew, and finally sits down comfortably to answer. “Graz’zt Tenar’ri-- although I’m mostly known just as Lord Graz’zt. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Bagel.”
► Are you single? ➔ He blinks surprised. “Right to the point, huh? It’s complicated… but I’d say no.”
► Are you happy? ➔ “I’m comfortable, no pressing emergencies”
► Are you angry? ➔   He leans a bit propping his chin on hand. “Should I be?”
► Are your parents still married? ➔ His eyes harden a bit as he retreats back into the seat “They were, but they passed within few years from each other-- doubt the arrangement would stay up after that”
► Birth place ➔   “Dromund Kaas, about half an hour travel from Kaas City in Tenar’ri Estate”
► Hair color ➔  He wraps the small braid from the side of his head around his finger “Black. Mostly, there’s some graying happening here and there”
► Eye color ➔  “Gold, as you can see” He smiles lightly to himself.
► Birthday ➔   “3rd day of 9th month”
► Mood ➔  “I’m better now” He shifts a bit to sit with one leg over the other and leans back more comfortably.
► Gender ➔   “Male”
► Summer or winter? ➔  “I like winter, not that Dromund Kaas gets actual snow but the temperature is much more tolerable then”
► Morning or afternoon? ➔  “I’m very much a morning person, so morning-- I like watching sunrises with a tea before tackling work”
EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE  -- He picks up a cup of tea from the table beside his seat “This will be interesting…”
► Are you in love? ➔  He just smiles into the tea “Yes”
► Do you believe in love at first sight? ➔  “No, not really. Love is slow and patient and then hits you like a train. I would know” He takes a sip.
► Who ended your last relationship? ➔  He sighs and sets the tea down. “Until recently-- I thought a successful attempt on their life. Considering one of my rivals, now deceased, forwarded the evidence it was by his ‘design’, low blow even for him. But they are alive, just decided to drop, wisely, from the grid for the time being. We will have a conversation about it, but I’m glad to see them in one piece all the same.”
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ He chuckles. “I wouldn’t be surprised, considering my youth”
► Are you afraid of commitments? ➔   “Not really. No”
► Have you hugged someone within last week? ➔ He smiles and his eyes seem to shine brighter for few moments “So that’s the reason why Rev-” he cuts himself off, “Sylvas ran out and decided to jump me backstage, everything’s becoming clear. But besides that? Yes. My daughter. When she’s around, she hugs me, and vice versa, at least once a day”
► Have you ever had a secret admirer? ➔  “Not that secret, but yes, it happened a few times” He nods reaching back for the tea.
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔  “I very nearly did-- but let’s continue” He inclines with his head, closing the topic.
► Love or lust? ➔  “Lust is a younger man’s game-- so love, most definitely. They usually are a package deal through. 
► Lemonade or ice-tea? ➔  “I probably would vastly prefer a hot tea” He inclines with his steaming cup “But lemonade is enjoyable”
► Cats or dogs? ➔  “Cats” He smiles to himself, as if to a private joke.
► A few best friends or many regular friends? ➔  “Few best friends-- keeping the trusted circle as small as possible”
► Wild night out or romantic night in? ➔  “I can be persuaded to a wild night out-- but I’d stay in, make dinner, all that” His smile turns wistful at the end.
► Day or night? ➔  “I would say night, I tend to not work too long into the night, to keep it a time for rest without additional worrying. Or at least I try to.”
► Been caught sneaking out? ➔  “Not really, I kept sneaking out to a minimum-- usually to the in-estate library when I was young”
► Fallen down/up the stairs? ➔   His eyes narrow “No. I did not”
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “I… yes”
► Wanted to disappear? ➔   “I’m a father and a Sith I can’t just disappear”
► Smile or eyes? ➔  “Smile, but I appreciate both”
► Shorter or taller? ➔   He chuckles softly into his tea. “I’m 6’ 5”. Taller would be hard-- so shorter it is”
► Intelligence or attraction? ➔   “Both most definitely-- attraction is important but it’s the rest that makes it work. For me at least.”
► Hook-up or relationship? ➔   “I’ve had my fair share of hook-ups, but I vastly prefer relationships at this point”
► Do you and your family get along? ➔   “Me and my daughter get along swimmingly, thank you”
► Would you say you have a ‘messed up life’? ➔  “My life’s… pretty standard as Sith go, so no, not really”
► Have you ever ran away from home? ➔  “Crossed my mind a few times but I wasn’t about to do it to my mother only to spite the father-- but getting to leave for my apprenticeship was so much better in the end.”
► Have you ever got kicked out? ➔  “No”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends?➔  “No, I don’t think so. Wouldn’t be much of a friend then, honestly” He smirks.
► Do you consider all your friends good friends? ➔  “It’s a tight circle, so yes”
► Who is your best friend? ➔   “Darth Vowrawn actually, you might know him. We go way back”
► Who knows everything about you? ➔  “I, hah. My daughter probably, and Vowrawn as well. Those two known me for the longest after all.”
“That’s all of them? Well, it was a pleasure. Truly-- now I have a question. Are you really a Darth or is it just a moniker?...” Music cuts into the footage, Bagel, and Graz’zt shake hands, or rather Graz’zt has to bend down a bit to do so-- and smile. Eventually, he says something with a wink that makes Bagel blush furiously and shoo him to the backstage, but they are smiling all during.
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Your character has been granted 3 wishes; what would they wish for and why? - for Amarra? 👀
Oooo. That’s an interesting question. @shanfamilydrama also asked the same thing. Amarra is a popular lady it seems.
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1. Amarra would want her mother, Serra, to still be alive. While Amarra has been a successful Wrath she struggles with bringing substantial change to the Empire through policy. Put simply, she isn’t a politician and wishes that she could have someone she could believe in and trust to direct things.
2. That Vowrawn had not driven the final wedge between her and the agents of the Hand. While Amarra admits that she would not have known about the Opticron droids without him, she believes that she could have feigned her loyalty long enough to track Servant One back to Vitiate’s true body and kill him (she did not know Vitiate was her father at the time but she still wanted him dead because he had done nothing for the Empire or the war effort). She might not have been able to actually track and kill Vitiate but she wishes that she had been able to try.
3. That she and Ryscha had been able to grow up together. She sees the damage that the Jedi caused Ryscha and it hurts knowing that she wasn’t there to help her little sister. Her mother had drilled into Amarra that as the eldest she had to care for her younger sister. It constantly bothered Amarra that she had survived the assault on her home and failed to defend her baby sister. It didn’t matter that she was six and the Jedi and Republic soldiers were fully grown, she believed that she should have been able to stand and fight alongside her mother to defend their home.
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
OC Worldbuilding Tag Pt 2!
...electric boogaloo! I’m sorry I know this joke is old now but I cannot help it, it’s ingrained in my brain XD
I got another tag for this from @a-master-procrastinator , thank you! :D
I think all my friends & mutuals have already been tagged for this one? But I’ll throw a couple out here if you want to, no pressure as always!: @mercurypilgrim​ , @actualanxiousswampwitch and @sleepswithvillains maybe?
Some more Saarai, because I love her. Some very slight spoilers for some of the differences in the Subterfugeverse plot points but nothing major! ;3 Long post warning again, as well as some brief mentions of Valkorion being a dick and causing a mass-genocide but all on the same level as the presented game canon.
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- Saarai is psychometric and has been since she was pretty young, a Force power she inherited from D’leah’s mother, Saa’thri, because it “skipped” D’leah and Saarai got it instead. Though she didn’t realise it at the time and it wasn’t until she brought it up to her mother and D’leah went “oh yeah, your grandma had that too :)” that she realised it was actually A Thing.
- She’s not always good at recognising when a vision is from the Psychometry and when it’s just “her imagination”, particularly when she’s younger (which gets her into some trouble, see: the whole Tsâhis thing). Even after she gets used to it, sometimes it still hits her out of nowhere and if it’s a particularly nasty vision she’ll sometimes lose her footing and hit the deck - thankfully, because of their Force bond, Ni’kasi can usually figure out what’s happening and react fast enough to catch her before she smacks her head on something.
- Nathema was...not fun for Saarai thanks to the Psychometry. She’d wanted to go with them to protect them and ended up having to be dragged back to the ship and wait there because the moment she tried to touch anything there the Force went “Oh hey!! would you like some Detailed Flashbacks About What Happened Here!!” and yeah...she did not have a good time. Going to Nathema was kind of a mistake for her. Woops. (She gets through it though, Lana gets her back to the ship and she gets a handle on things but definitely doesn’t go all the way into the facility with Vano and Lana. Probably a good thing, too, if she’d picked up that toy of Vaylin’s I think she would’ve found those visions quite upsetting to watch, too.)
- She and Lana don’t share a Force bond, only because she has one with her sister, Ni’kasi instead. Neither of the twins are exactly sure when it formed, but they’ve had the connection for as long as they can remember. When they’re separated while Saarai and Ty are on Rishii, it’s harder for them to communicate because of the distance between them and Kas putting up barriers “just in case” the Sith tried to interrogate her at any point, she didn’t want to give Saarai away. They knew enough to know the other twin was probably still alive, but not to know exactly what was going on with each other until they finally reunite with the first Coalition on Yavin IV. That was the final relief for the twins, actually getting to see the other one standing there and definitely very much alive, there were hugs and a lot of tears, absolutely. <3
- Saarai is very much a “reluctant leader”, she never wanted to be a figurehead in the Alliance nor did she want to be telling people what to do, but circumstances “forced” her into the role and she had to stumble around awkwardly and adapt. With Vano gone and stuck in carbonite, somone had to step up and make sure the people that were working with Vano stuck together and didn’t fall apart (Not all of Vano’s crew disperse, Broonmark, Pierce and Jaesa always remain with the Alliance. Quinn ends up in jail after the Quinncident and Vette goes missing during one of their attempts to search for Vano’s whereabouts only to reappear as in canon later ;)) With Marr dead and the rest of the Dark Council under Zakuul’s heel or missing, that left Lana, Ni’kasi and Aria as alternative “leadership” figures. Lana lacked the ambition for it and was more tooled to be an advisor and while both Ni’kasi and Aria are bossy enough to delegate tasks, they’re abrasive and people don’t like them. But they like Saarai and they listen to her. So everyone kinda went “Okay cool you’re in charge now :)” I’m sorry, Saarai, you’re symultaneously the most and least qualified for this job but you got it anyway :P She settles into it eventually, though, but will be the first one to adamantly insist that it’s a team effort between not only herself and Vano once they have her back, but Lana, Koth, Theron and all the other trusted members of the Alliance acting as advisors in their respective fields of interest.
- In Subterfugeverse, I headcanon that Vano and Saarai share the command of the Alliance once Vano returns. Vano has the Commander title and handles most of the battle tactics and strategy, whereas Saarai handles things like conflict resolution and public relations, as well as controlling the Eternal Fleet. Things work very differently in Subterfugeverse in terms of the Throne so I’ll try to keep it brief but essentially:
Valkorion “took over” the Sith Empire from the Ahaszaai, Saarai’s ancestors. It was a very hostile takeover and currently Saarai, Ni’kasi, Ty, eventually Ni’kasi’s kids, and their uncle Vowrawn are the only four Ahaszaai left in the entire galaxy.
While they didn’t technically have claim to the Zakuulan throne, the original Sith homeworld before Valkorion’s bullshit was Medriaas (which is canon, I’m just borrowing this part because it fits in nicely ;)), which became Nathema after Valkorion did his whole “planet eating” thing.
Vano is initially the only one who can control the Throne and the Fleet via the whole “Valkorion is in her head” loophole. However, that loophole becomes defunct once Valkorion gets yanked out of her mind since it was Valkorion that gave her the ability to control it in the first place.
I’m assuming for the sake of plot flow that it’s based upon two specific “checks” and that’s 1) direct blood ties to the Emperor(ess) in power and/or 2) said Emperor(ess) currently controlling the throne directly and willingly passing their authority over the throne to a successor - which is how Valkorion is able to give the Outlander/Vano control of the Fleet while he’s in her mind, even though she’s not blood related to him.
They’re able to, with some research, deduce that they can exploit this apparent loophole in the system, to avoid losing control of the Fleet entirely and risking any of the GEMINI droids turning into another SCORPIO; and Vano essentially rescinds control of the Throne/Fleet to Saarai, everyone (including Ni’kasi herself) agrees that Saarai is the responsible choice because she’s not going to get a bee in her bonnet and with an errant thought accidentally set the Eternal Fleet on the Jedi or something of the sort.
Since Saarai has direct blood ties to the original ruling Sith before Valkorion userped the title from them, and Vano willingly gave the Throne up to her, the Throne can’t throw a tantrum about it and just has to deal with it. XD
- Once they do manage to track down where Vano is, before Lana and Koth head to Zakuul to actually break her out, Lana comes to Saarai for help with that. Ni’kasi has to stay to watch Ty and also try and keep a tenuous line with the other Sith thanks to her position on the Dark Council, Aria’s too emotionally charged to think straight and Lana is rightfully worried she might make a mistake that puts the whole rescue mission in jeapordy, so they ask Saarai instead. It’s kind of awkward and she and Koth rub each other the wrong way at first, they bicker for two thirds of the entire trip there and Lana almost throws them both out of the airlock for it, but eventually do find a way to bury the hatchet before they actually arrive at Zakuul to rescue Vano.
- By the time they find the Gravestone, Saarai and Koth have made up and though they are not yet involved with eachother at that time, have both agreed that fighting over Lana is stupid and they can make this work without making things difficult for anyone else, so the whole interruption in the Gravestone’s cargo hold, for Subterfugeverse, is genuinely an accident. Saarai heads up to check on him afterwards and they have another amicable and productive conversation and end up growing a little closer. Their side of the relationship is a little slower to form, but they do eventually end up developing deeper feelings for each other, though it’s strictly non-sexual between Rai and Koth and they are both 100% happy and okay with that.
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