ask-brad-bakshi · 6 months
I know. about vrad. you cannot escape the whiteness.
the white cishet guy is coming for you.
he will force you to work at his charity. to donate your money. be scared. watch your back.
vrad lurks around every corner.
Vrad??? Ugh. That dude can't do shit. He sucks ASS at manipulating people. He's too "pure" or whatever
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ask-pavid-picklespee · 3 months
@ask-vrad-fastkey hey bitch. Gonna murder you or whatever, vradina
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ask-vrad-fastkey · 6 months
This is an official coming out as a trans woman statement! I now use she/her!
I am now vradina fastkey. Still vrad for short.
please respect my identity!
I've been on estrogen for 3 hours. the results came in quick. estrogen is so powerful. one dosage of it and suddenly you've got double ds and the urge to wear pink.
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Me and the fam, except we retook the photo now im on estrogen. not photoshopped. Please ignore the red blob that is nothing. and nothing to do with my now divorce.
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lentilmento · 8 months
i was on hold with an insurance company for 2.5 hours today so I'm sorry to say this but when I call vRad today and they tell me they'll call me back for the fifth time (they have yet to call back once) I will either burst into tears or start screaming
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materialki77-blog · 2 years
One of the things I really like about the questline of Lost Ark, is where some of the Arks are hidden. They’re in the continents that you wouldn’t expect, places where even the people who live there are like “there’s no way an Ark could be here”. Arthetine, a “cold land of cold machines”, has an Ark. Shushire, the frozen country terrorized by Vrad and where people are barely scraping by. Feiton, where the earth itself is tainted by Thaemine’s darkness and Delains live because other places won’t accept them. Even Tortoyk, home to the tiniest of creatures, was trusted by Nineveh to hide an Ark. 
Idk I just really like the idea that, everybody is a part of the affairs of their world even if they don’t know it, or even if others tell them they’re not worthy (looking at you, Sacria). That no place has truly been abandoned, and has a light worth protecting. Everyone matters. It’s a really nice sentiment. 
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arinawilson · 7 months
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irl-l-l-o-y-d · 8 months
what'd your mom do when she found out vrad stayed over again?
At this point, I think she expects it to happen.
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hizokucycles · 5 years
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Reposted from @engelhai - CANYON VRAD * 1/25 MADE . .. ... .... ..... #radrace #radtravels #critlife #germancritseries #veloberlin #canyonradpack #stopracismstartraceism #abuscycling #abushelmets #gamechanger #oakley #oakleybike #dtswiss #rc55track #canyonbikes #vrad #friendsonbikes #auroracollective #custombike #fixed #fxd #fixedgear #trackbike #savethetrackbike #fxdbike #sellesanmarco @canyon @dtswiss @sellesanmarco @abus_cycling @oakleybike #hizokucycles HizokuCycles.com https://www.instagram.com/p/BwxVeztHPr-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s7krarw9n7nw
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pedalhero · 6 years
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dswcp · 3 years
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It’s Luke Week again!
Jealous mustachioed 80s man Vrad Dodonna (son of Leia’s boss) really hands it to Luke here. After a thrilling homosexual adventure and betrayal, loyal badboy Han saves our helpless hero’s butt. I love the cowboy lean. This one’s for the gays!
Star Wars Newspaper Comic Strip: “Doom Mission.” March 1 and April 3, 1983. Writer: Archie Goodwin. Illustrator: Al Williamson.
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fixiegirls · 7 years
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Repost from @tamikahingst in a few weeks it's time to pack again for my second @redhookcrit London No.3 with @jansfahrradwelt 🚀💛🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 • • • #canyonradpack #canyonbikes #vrad #abuscycling #goreapparel #dtswiss #mycanyon #redhookcrit #london
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astridkoa · 5 years
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Vrad and Te’al, aliens
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beanmaster-pika · 3 years
Wish my parents wouldn’t take it personally whenever I don’t eat. Like my inability to muster up an appetite when I’m stressed is my business, not theirs. The fact that I’m stressed 70% of the time is also my business and not theirs.
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cornerstorebitch · 3 years
sorry this is probably tmi, but i have nightmares about bra shopping too. i've kept the b cups i wore in high school and they still fit, but what's sold as b cups now are too big, and nobody carries a cups anymore. but it's just big enough that i can't get away with not wearing a bra (wouldn't that be nice). your troubles are definitely more difficult but i hate all of this too. (also i don't wear sports bras if i can help it but i despise those padded underwire contraptions that make breasts look like formula mounds, and that's almost entirely what is sold at any store. how many variations do people need of the standardised blob shape. is it too much to ask for a few fabric bras that are stitched into a natural breast shape without wires (which i think are implicated in breast cancer but they're uncomfortable and ugly besides)? after three hours of visiting every other store in a huge shopping district i finally found bras that fit me at an expensive ~italian botique~. what a headache. if any one of my four functional bras shrank in the wash i would probably cry. i hope you find something suitable without too much hunting
god they dont sell a cups anymore?? estrogen in milk etc (is that real? i just remember it being talked about)
i feel for you :^[ ive never understood what the point of underwire or padding in a bra is. im. top heavy or whatever. and cup bras were 1000x more uncomfortable than the sweatiest stickiest spandex sports bra
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rebelontheroad · 4 years
🎥#AcademyAwards 2020: il clamoroso trionfo di “Parasite”
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Sfilata di stelle ieri sul Red Carpet del Dolby Theatre di Los Angeles per la 92esima edizione egli Academy Awards, Notte degli Oscar. Non un Red Carpet memorabile con abiti molto belli ma nessuno particolarmente mozzafiato. Non eccelle nemmeno Billy Porter, noto per i suoi look eccentrici e stravaganti, mai banali: un corsetto golden con una ampia gonna, non supera il magnifico tuxedo/gown dello scorso anno di Christian Siriano. Eè molto più notevole il look purple che ha sfoggiato all’after party di Vanity Fair.
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Spike Lee veste ancora una volta il viola: lo scorso anno in tributo a Prince, quest’anno omaggia la leggenda del basket recentemente scomparsa Kobe Bryant col suo completo Gucci rifinito in oro con i numeri di maglia del Mamba. Bello il Versace indossato dal premio Oscar Regina King, ma più di tutti ha osato Natalie Portman che ha scelto Dior per il suo “abito/protesta” con un mantello nero lungo fino ai piedi dove sono stati ricamati i nomi delle registe donne che non hanno ricevuto la nomination degli Academy.
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Bellissima la performance che apre la cerimonia di questa 92esima edizione. Energia e dinamicità con Janelle Monae Flawlessly e Billy Porter.
Brad Pitt si porta a casa la statuetta della categoria Miglior Attore Non Protagonista per il suo ruole nel film di Quentin Tarantino che, invece, torna a casa a mani vuote: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood vince solo due premi si dieci nomination, oltre quello conferito a Brad Pitt, si aggiudica quello per la Miglior Scenografia.
Momento Top della serata in fatto di esibizioni la mega sorpresa sul palco di Eminem con Love Yourself con la quale vinse l’Oscar nel 2002 per 8 Mile.
La Judy Garland di Renée Zellweger le aggiudica l’Oscar come Miglior Attrice Protagonista, mentre per gli uomini, ancora una volta, è il Joker di Joaquin Phoenix a primeggiare, che commosso ricorda il fratello River durante il suo discorso.
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Il momento Memoriam di quest’anno è semplicemente unico: un pianoforte e una voce... quella di Billie Eilish che intona Yesterday dei The Beathes da brividi, mentre sullo schermo passano le foto degli artisti che ci hanno lasciato quest’anno, ricordando anche il premio Oscar Kobe Bryant (che vince nel 2018 col cortometraggio animato Dear Basketball) e il regista italiano, il Maestro Franco Zeffirelli, venuto a mancare lo scorso Giugno.
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Ma la storia di questi Academy 2020 l’ha indubbiamente scritta il regista sud-coreano Bong Joon Ho con Parasite. La pellicola è un vero e proprio trionfo: superfavorito come Miglior Film Straniero, Parasite primeggia anche per lo screenplay e per la Miglior Regia (durante lo speech, Bong Joon Ho tira in ballo il collega Martin Scorsese che si becca pure una standing ovation di tutta la platea), ma soprattutto Parasite vince la statuetta più ambita dell’evento, quella come Miglior Film.
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terasterrace · 5 years
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Character Introduction: Dhragada “Gad” Vrad
Dhragada "Gad" Vrad—or just "Gad" to nir friends—is a resident of Teras Terrace who works as a general laborer, nir two strong anterior appendages equal to most any task. (Like many of the monstrous residents of the Terrace, Gad is neither male nor female, and uses gender-neutral pronouns; Gad's favored pronouns are ne/nem/nir.) This does not mean that Gad is all brawn and no brains; far from it—in nir spare time, Gad is working on an epic novel series that ne has made no attempt to publish yet only because it keeps expanding and isn't finished. As Gad explains it, it helps that ne has two brains, one in each of nir two posterior body segments, because it allows nem to keep thinking about and plotting out nir novels with one brain while the other coördinates the physical labor.
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