#vrains brainrot
tubbytarchia · 8 months
I've been in a little Vrains phase recently. Vrains my love... Vrains my love thoughts...
if you asked me what my favorite episode was then I'd say the one where Kusanagi and Yusaku fuck around doing that one puzzle in Vrains. I love them as a duo so much, Kusanagi being such a cute father/older bro figure to Yusaku yet Playmaker dragging his ass along in Vrains, only made better given what Kusanagi's Vrains sona looks like. Vrains Kusanagi is a stupid nerd (I love him) while irl Yusaku is a stupid edgy little hoodie guy (I love him also). They are soooo cute I will give my life for them
Also the way that, despite being arguably the most botched Yugioh in production, and despite the very obvious quality drops depending on who (I'm guessing) animated the keyframes from episode to episode, I swear to god Yusaku gets the most pretty shots. The amount of screenshots I had to take of his pretty face as I skimmed through every single episode for AMV purposes, is significantly larger than my collection for any other protag. I need to make a compilation of just him looking pretty, but also I'm so excited to work on an AMV again. Finally, I get to almost remember what it's like to be happy. That said, I do wanna draw him too... even though I'm trying to force myself away from fandom fanart to some degree, seeing how unhappy it tends to make me
Ryoken still fave though even though Kusanagi has risen up in my fave ranks so much. You cant beat bullet jewelry gun dude. I hope Yusaku gets a kiss from him (and everyone else too)
Also wow someone read all of my Vrains thoughts wowza. Here's a short preview for the currently very unfinished and unpolished AMV (this is minor spoilers at most) (fast switching lights warning)
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villabella12 · 4 months
Been thinking of making a Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V Magical Girl Au, but not like the one's like Madoka, but where people can still duel AND only transform into a Magical Girl to hide their identity (Cus Pretty Cure brainrot is REAL) and their transformation style and attack is similar to precure too so...
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creepfactors · 10 months
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I'm a hunting breed And bird is all they eat If they sniff you out, they gnash their teeth I'm a coward scared of living outside Even if it means I crush you at my side
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kcuf-ad · 3 months
So I have this idea that is in my head for a while. That is a VRAINS, GX and Black Clover Crossover idea and it basically goes like this:
During the Duel against Paradox, while Jaden, Yusei and Yugi are holding him off for a couple of minutes, Paradox's control over the very timeline himself becomes so great that it makes the entire Multiverse shake from the sheer power as Jaden was the only one to not be knocked out due to him having a Single Hero Barrier to save himself, as then a bright light appeared over the two as it quickly began to encouver the entire world.
In the same time, Ryoken notices the signals of the data material becoming more and more unstable the more it goes worse each and every second, as he calls for everyone he knows to try and stop it as it is being filled data material from every part of internet that it begins to shake the entire plain.
In the meantime, Lucius, who was gathering information and even mana around him, realized what is going on in the Multiverse as he realizes the power coming from it and could even merge the strongest spell in the entire Multiverse, Rewrite, as the VRAINS and GX crew are in Black Clover with several of its set pieces are in the same Universe as they try to stop Lucius and Paradox, and their partnership with SOL Tech.
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yu-gi-overload · 2 years
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So… can anyone guess which two anime I grew up with (and never grew out of)?
|| Part 1/? ||
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shifuto · 2 months
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help me.. t-the characters......no.......
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abyssmalice · 7 months
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"If my brother doesn't give me the mora to buy the world's supply of slime cards, I should send him to the Shadow Realm."
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valmeme · 2 years
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pocketsonny · 2 years
vrains has me on a chokehold it’s been five years <3
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lunar-lair · 2 years
everyone Breath i just finished the first season of vrains (first 46 episodes? maybe 47) for the first time since middle school and im still reeling
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the-shy-shade · 6 months
When I say favorite, I don't mean the best. I mean whichever vibes and gives the brainrot. For example, while I'm partial to original YGO I voted for GX because I like some of the tropes, plot beats, and especially the characters better even though YGO's plot overall was more solid and better executed without being so blantly rushed in parts.
(Also before anyone asks, I didn't add Go Rush!! as an option because a. It's still on-going and thus not fair to judge it in its entirety yet and b. I don't consider it different enough from Sevens to be a completely different series. Season 0 and Zexal 2 didn't get individual choices for the same reason.)
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eclipse-moon96 · 9 months
Hello! I just got back into Yugioh! My current brainrot right now is Yugioh Vrains mostly Yusaku! Last Yugioh series i saw was 5d's and bits of zexal and arc v
(still kicking myself for missing Vrains when it aired)
Hope to interact more here with fellow vrains (or Yusaku )lovers
Main blog is @lucymidnight96
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 3 months
Guys... we need to talk.
Being misunderstood is one of the most distressing yet common occurrences for me, especially offline. So... having people believe what they did about my take on episode 98 of Go Rush is still actively distressing me.
So... warning for discussion of su*cide below the cut once again.
Because not at least attempting to clear the air is just leaving me really freaked out.
Just to be clear, this is not a targeted post. It's just me trying to be more coherent about why episode 98 made me as uncomfortable as it did.
First of all, and probably something I should've stated in my original post: I have been suicidal in the past. I don't want to go into detail but just know that this is firmly in the past and I am safe. I do not mind a character being depicted as suicidal so long as it's presented respectfully. My problem with episode 98 isn't that they made Zwijo suicidal. They didn't. I could tell that absolutely was not the intention of the writers. And the episode doesn't have that implication as much as I felt it did on my first two viewings.
My problem, and the reason I still don't like the episode, is a more complex issue that admittedly later episodes can rectify which is why I didn't initially want to say it. However, after wracking my mind trying to figure out why exactly this episode was still bothering me so much, this was the only answer that made sense: I don't want it to be the end of Zwijo's character arc.
He was, at least at one point recency bias admittedly confuses this for me, a character I liked and his character arc, in my eyes, was about him not valuing his life because he wasn't a "real being." It was logic I never fully wrapped my head around admittedly but that's not a flaw in the writing by any means.
My point though is that killing him off permanently after he finally did value his life... wouldn't exactly be a flaw either it would just be... Miserable? Maybe it would be realistic but it's a card game show, dammit! I don't want "realism", I want satisfying character arcs and... I know a lot of people were satisfied with how episode 98 handled Zwijo and while I definitely see where they're coming from and get what the writers were going for, it really just doesn't work for me as Zwijo's final appearance. If that's what the episode is.
Because yes, I'm one of those people who thinks there's a non zero chance that Yudias will go into season 3 as the final Velgearian, much like Ai was the final Ignis in season 3 of VRAINS. It's not confirmed at the time of writing so it feels unfair to judge the episode for that, hence why I didn't bring it up initially. However, because of that, along with other outside factors, this is an episode I just don't think I can really have a concrete opinion on, at least until the arc is over.
Basically what I'm saying is that the original review I wrote was a mistake and the result of me staying up way too late brainrotting over this show. All I can really say for sure about the episode right now is "stop using Soul Galaxy at the ends of episodes, I beg you. I get what you were going for and that it may have been necessary for the runtime because of the duel being longer but holy shit please stop-"
And that the episode just depresses me, but not in a way that makes me enjoy watching it like episodes 34, 90, or 95, all of which I'd personally consider more sad (and are also three of my favourite episodes...)
I just personally find episode 98 unsatisfying as a final Zwijo episode, which I pray it's not but we'll have to see...
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
This is basically Miyu X Ryoken in a nutshell.
Ryoken: What is this?
Miyu: Love and affection.
Ryoken: Disgusting.
Ryoken: ...
Ryoken: Do it again.
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yu-gi-overload · 2 years
Me: *waxes poetic about every insignificant detail in YGO, has memorized the entire crazy lore of the franchise down to the tiniest bit of info, and can accurately recite the effects of countless cards word-for-word if asked to*
Also Me: Wait, where did I put my house keys?
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shifuto · 2 months
me: oh nooo I can feel the Vrains brainrot fading away...... what am I supposed to do noooooo 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
episode 47:
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☑ long haired introverted guy tormented by The Agonies ☑ the guy's hot older brother ☑ big bad monster ☑ indirect kiss 🥺👉👈 ☑ vore ☑ noncon (mind break, same thing different) ☑ you learn later that guy and monster have A Story Together TM and that's how the guy got fucked up ☑ monster dude is a sadist who tortured the guy since he was a kid ☑ monster spends the whole show controlling the guy's body
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oh my goodness I love this episode so much 😭💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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