#vrains episode 5
guardiandamned · 4 months
OKAY DON'T JUDGE ME TOO HARD but i made a sideblog for miyu. yes despite the fact that i haven't watched any vrains. i'm so sorry :')
i'm gonna try writing her using a zexal verse/au though, as if she's set in the zexal universe instead of the vrains one! you can find her at @umilost if you're interested, though no worries if not. thank youuuuu ;w;
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hellohimawarihana · 2 months
Yu-Gi-Oh Transformations, ranked by me
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I did say in this post that Yu-Gi-Oh is no stranger to transformation sequence, but the more you look at it, it's like that all series had this in some degree, so I decided to rank them from least appealing to the most mind-blowing. It was inspired to this post, by the way. Unlike the protagonists ending post before, I'll include Go Rush!! as well, but I'll only include those from the protagonists and their main anime, so no Capsule Monsters or special episodes like Bonds Beyond Time, or supporting characters in that matter.
We'll start with the series that stood out the least, which is...
8. ARC-V
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Yes, it’s pretty unappealing even for me. The Awakened version (left) are just him surrounded with aura and his mutated Z-ARC (right) is… not on my book.
7. Original / Duel Monsters
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I ranked DM version a bit higher than ARC-V for this list. Yes, it’s the first and longest Yu-Gi-Oh series and therefore it’s iconic but Yami Yugi a.k.a. Atem didn’t really change clothes outside of making a cape jacket from his host. It’s still good that he manages to split into two selves for his partner later in the story.
6. Duel Monsters GX
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It’s like Yami Yugi and Awakened Yuya because he spent some time being possessed by Haou / Supreme King (right), but Judai does had a control of his powers after gaining that and Yubel’s (left) powers and abilities, after that he doesn’t actually transforms outside the eye changes so I can’t rank him higher.
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From demonic look to Sentai hero... Though unlike other series (except number 4 that will be explained later) these came off as one-off forms as he only wears the costumes in one duel with the process akin to early Metal Heroes series. But his roll call of The Yugaman (right) is cool, by the way.
4. 5DS
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While the usual preparation before Riding Duel is pretty cool, this part stands out among my brother's favorite Yu-Gi-Oh series. Yusei just turns gold for his ultimate Synchro Summon technique, but it’s still cool. There’s even non-Riding Duel version on his Duel Links portrait too.
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3. Go Rush!!
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This recently airing series has the protagonist surrounded by blue (sometimes green) aura to turn back into his real, alien form. But it’s just “casual *flash* battle form” so I can’t rank him too high. But I like how he keeps doing this before his own duel, even when he doesn’t use this stock footage anymore starting in Season 2. And he’s unique among the protagonists as he’s one of the two capable of transforming on his own without outside source.
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The concept is similar to DM and GX, only this time Yuma merges with Astral and can de-fuse anytime unlike the latter series. Dark ZEXAL (top right) isn’t in my book and just a palette swap between the first ZEXAL form (top left), which is my favorite. But the other ZEXAL forms (bottom) are awesome too, evolving through Yuma and Astral’s bond. I just wish that the other forms appeared in Duel Links as a skill and not just his first form. Normally, this will be all-time favorite for transformation fans for Yu-Gi-Oh, but he’s ranked here because...
Well, you know who will be my top pick:
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While I grew up with DM series, my interest took at peak after seeing Yusaku’s transformation sequence when he logs into LINK VRAINS or any cyberworld. It’s cool and flashy, and I like the blue background, even though his Playmaker form has barely any blue on it. The pocket dimension where Yusaku transforms fits its technology theme too. I especially like the hair part, just look of his cool face! And he can transform by himself, just like Go Rush!! series!
The only downside is like Go Rush!!, he doesn’t do this stock footage anymore after Season 1 Episode 30, any login after that is just offscreen or the intro survives but he’s just do the login in blue flash of light, which is disappointing, he even lack the double henshin with Takeru! (his adventuring partner who has the same animation when he individually transforms) But I do like the fact that the world unlock scene in Duel Links has this transformation sequence, which is a nice callback for the first episode where Playmaker’s transformation was shown for the first time, especially for the players who had finished the anime since spoiler alert: Duel Links’s VRAINS World takes place after the end of the series.
See more of VRAINS' henshin here.
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 3 months
My current all series ranking (Before Go Rush Season 3 drops later today)
1 GX 9/10 (Do I really need to explain this one? It's the Judai Yuki show. Judai Yuki is my all time favourite Yugioh character. Enough said.)
2 VRAINS 8/10 (Exciting and interesting with great lore and the duels have grown on me but its theming issues hold it back for me.)
3 Zexal 8/10 (Interchangeable with VRAINS. The central dynamic carries this one. It's entertaining and endearing and makes even the non epic plotlines fun to watch.)
4 Sevens 8/10 (Doesn't quite hit the highs of other series but is overall consistent as what it lacks in overarching plot it makes up for in charm, wit, and character.)
5 Go Rush (Currently ongoing so this could change. At the moment though, the highs are peak Yugioh and the lows are better than the lows of the series I put below it.)
6 5Ds 7/10 (The ultimate peaks and valleys show. The highs are peak Yugioh amazing and the lows are "forcing an abuse victim to forgive her abuser" bad.)
7 DM 7/10 (Mostly dry cast and overly long duels make me not as interested in this one but the general fun silliness, great final arcs and characters I do like still make it good overall.)
8 Arc V 6/10 (Went to shit in Synchro and never fully recovered for me, though there was still the occasional great episode/character.)
9 Season 0 (I haven't finished this one but while there's nothing inherently wrong with it, it's at the bottom by default because it's just not the kind of show I generally like and really hasn't hooked me.)
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vrains-rewrite · 5 months
Okay, so I have a few questions and a few suggestions:
Will Blue Angel/Maiden win more and will she get more fleshed out than in canon?
Seeing Ghost Gal/Girl win more would be better for her to see.
Seeing more of The Shepherd/Blood SHepherd and more dive in with his relationship with Emma would be better to see to flesh him out.
Will we finally see the Wind Ignis origin?
Will we find out who is the Hanoi spy?
1) will blue maiden win more and get more duels?
Omg yesss! She’s meant to be one of the top duellists in the Vrains, let her act as one of the top duellists in Vrains! In the cases where we are making changes to duels, giving her more wins, *important wins*, is a top priority. I worry that a lot of people trying to rewrite the sexism in yugioh duelling would just make up minor characters for her to beat, off screen wins, that is not something we intend to do. We have massive plans :) especially for in season 2 and 3
2) will Ghost Gal win more?
literally she needs to win somethingggg, does she even have a single big win? I dont think shes going to end up with as many duels as Blue Angel, but, wholeheartedly, she is going to have as much *plot significance*. Her canon character really felt like a plot device, or a means to flesh out another character. Sure, she was Akira’s little hacker and she was Blood Shephard’s sister, but her personal goals that were just too simple for my liking, which will be much more fleshed out (and I have just thought of something for this which i’ll actually go speak to the others about right after I’ve posted this)
3) Will we see more of Blood Shephard?
We will! Hes often forgotten, and quite frankly that’s because there was hardly anything to him in canon. I want to delve mode specifically into why his backstory is affecting his actions at the moment. We know his sad backstory, but it doesn’t seem to translate into anything interesting in the way he acts in canon present-day. This will change
4) Will we finally see Wind Ignis Origin?
Yknow here’s where I have to admit, we haven’t thought about this. I dont want to spoil anything, but I doubt he’s going to be alive in the series. The impact it had, finding out that Windy killed his own origin, could never be replicated as strongly if he was alive. That being said, giving the wind ignis origin a backstory, a name and design, from before he died, would be something really interesting to explore. We’re a little afraid to add ocs in major roles because its rare that people like to read about others people’s ocs, but in cases like the wind ignis origin, I think it’ll be fun and worthwhile. Like a flashback situation
5) Will we find out who is the Hanoi Spy?
Im so sorry i can’t remember what this is referring to (its been a while since i watched the show in its entirety, I mostly jump to just my favorite episodes) but if its a plothole i can promise you when we get there we’ll figure something out
- Teal
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beybladefanboy · 1 year
A brief(ish) review of every Beyblade Metal Fury episode
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Well, this was a long time coming. Let me be absolutely clear: I did not put this off or abandon this rewatch because I dislike Fury. Not at all. Fury is actually my favourite of the three seasons. The reason I stopped this rewatch was two main factors: 1: it was around this time that I got really sucked into Yugioh VRAINS and with how chaotic my life had been during that time, I decided I would rather spend my free time watching new content than rewatch a show I’d rewatched many times at that point. And 2: I didn’t want to rewatch Ryuga’s death. Yeah… I mean I’m not gonna lie about it.
So after a certain episode, which I will say, the reviews are mostly from memory/rewatching specified scenes/skimming the YouTube uploads and episode descriptions. (Most of these however were written at the time I finished rewatching each episode.) Trust me that I’ve seen this show enough for me to be able to do that and I just didn’t have the time to rewatch all these episodes. However, it bothered me leaving this incomplete so today, I had some time and was thinking of Beyblade so I figured I could finally do it. Now, without further ado, my at first brief, but later not so brief at all because I have so many thoughts on and defenses of Fury, reviews of every Fury episode.
Episode 1: Star Fragment 8.5/10
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The best first episode of a season. I love Kyoya and Gingka’s battles in general and seeing them go all out against each other, using the environment itself as weapons against each other is really damn fun. It also sets up the star fragment thing beautifully, instantly showing off their power and hinting at the greater story very early.
Episode 2: Legendary Bladers 7/10
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A lot of this episode is exposition but it’s at least interesting. I can’t get over the fact that Beyblade took a real life end of the world prediction and made it part of their plot. The battle portion of this episode is also fine. I can’t tell if I like or hate Johannes based on this episode.
Episode 3: Lynx, The Monster Cat 8/10
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Okay, I like Johannes now. He’s funny. And he miraculously gave Gingka a good fight, establishing him early on as a competent blader. Still a little silly that Gingka followed Johannes to a place where he should’ve known his bey would’ve been weaker though.
Episode 4: L-Drago Destructor 8.5/10
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I don’t really have much to say on this episode outside of “I like it.” I like the scenes of them play-battling with the little kid, it’s the most light-hearted the show has been in a while, and I love Ryuga so obviously I love his presence in this episode.
Episode 5: Awaken, Anubius! 9.5/10
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Ryuga slays three fools in a row and roasts people non-stop in this episode. Well, Yuki’s not a fool, he’s kind of a boss actually: shedding his anxious demeanour in a fit of rage to stand up for his friends. These characters are both amazing, they really shine in this episode.
Episode 6: Requirements of a Warrior 9/10
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Having Gingka, Kyoya, and Yuki acknowledge that they need to actually master their beys and working to do so is really good and needed to be brought up. Also, that fire escape scene is really intense. The idea of being trapped in a fire really freaks me out so this could just be a me thing but it’s legitimately a well crafted scene. And Yuki, Kyoya, and Gingka fighting a volcano is the silly yet epic fun I expect from this show.
Episode 7: Kenta’s Determination 7/10
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Oh boy, this episode. I both love and hate this episode. Well, not hate. I hate one scene of it that lasts a minute and really doesn’t affect the episode. The stalking though… I don’t know, it could just be me but it bugs me. Not as much as it used to, I’m willing to give this episode a fair score because it is really cute. Ryuga is a boss like usual and he shows a hint of his softer side for the first time in his scenes with Kenta. It’s pretty subtle, and easy to miss if you don’t know Ryuga all that well, which I like. This episode trusts that the audience knows Ryuga well enough at this point to know that him waiting on Kenta in the desert and later giving him food and letting him stick with him isn’t something he would do for just anyone. They’re small hints, which is all they needed to be, and they make the second half of this episode for me. It’s honestly one of my favourites to talk about and analyse, even if I feel that there are some… unwanted implications.
Episode 8: The Crimson Flash 7.5/10
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The first half of the episode is pretty typical but still fun. Then we get to the second half and the moment they said that someone challenged the entire school to a battle, I was already dying of laughter and the rest of this episode straight up killed me. Johannes is so funny, I can’t take it.
Episode 9: The Greatest Tag-Team Tournament 9/10
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The first half of this episode had me cry-laughing, between Johannes’s utter ridiculousness and the absurdity of some of these other opponents. Then the second half of this episode is Yuki depicting an accurate representation of one of my anxiety episodes which makes me instinctively want to shield him from all harm. Great episode overall.
Episode 10: A New Roar! 8/10
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I love Kyoya, and this is a Kyoya episode. A Kyoya episode where he slays a fool and creates a new special move. His opponent is Johannes, who I've grown to love on this rewatch and find to be really entertaining. So why didn’t I give this episode a higher rating? Easy: the Motti stuff makes me uncomfortable. Johannes snapping at her and knocking both her and Benkei out (in the most cat-like way he could) was a good pay-off but that entire stretch of them kinda sexualizing (or at least romanticising) this underaged girl was really uncomfortable. It wasn’t as bad as I remembered (for some reason I remembered Johannes acting creepy during this and was exceedingly relieved and glad that he actually didn’t), but it does detract from an otherwise great episode.
Episode 11: Cosmic Tornado 8/10
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This episode is ten times worse than the Gingka vs Ryuga Fusion battle for people with a fear of heights (me). At least in that one you could see the bottom. This is a bottomless pit full of mist that two teenagers are constantly dangling over. Like jeez, do you wanna give me a heart attack?!
Other than that, it’s fine, I like most of the characters and the ending is chilling but man does this episode give me anxiety.
Episode 12: The God of Saturn, Kronos 8.5/10
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The title of this episode is so dumb, but the episode itself is good. The Beylin Fist are an interesting group and this battle is so back and forth I genuinely wasn’t sure who would win. Cool ass episode.
Episode 13: Showdown at the Tower of Babel 10/10
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Ryuga, Kenta, and Tsubasa all in one episode battling in and eventually destroying a historical building? This should be my favourite episode ever! :D And I do love it, definitely the most out of the Fury episodes so far. It’s got a hint of Johannes toward the beginning, a nice treat, shows that Kenta has already grown a ton since he started following Ryuga (despite his loss he still gave Tsubasa a hard fight), has Tsubasa as basically the main character we follow throughout the tower, and has Ryuga make a new ultimate move, kick Tsubasa’s ass, and knock over the Tower of Babel (the symbol of humanity’s arrogance and pride from what I understand) like the total badass he is. I love everything about this episode.
Episode 14: New Team Dungeon! 7.5/10
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The opening of this episode is a bit spooky. I forgot how much of a cult the followers of Nemesis really are. I actually 100% see how these characters fell for this stuff. “The world is a constant cycle of destruction and rebirth, only through great darkness will a new dawn occur.” Does actually sound legit. Villains are far scarier to me when you can see their reasoning and how people can fall prey to it…
The rest of this episode is mainly set up and exposition but it’s interesting stuff that brings Masamune, Toby, Zeo, and Tsubasa into the main plot, giving Toby and Zeo new beys, and even giving Team Excalibur a bit of screen time. Good stuff.
Episode 15: Destroyer Dome 8/10
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This is my favourite stadium in all of Beyblade. That seems like a weird thing to draw attention to, but the Destroyer Dome itself is so damn cool. The way the beys circle around the whole thing like comets, sticking to the ceiling and walls and looping around in every possible direction. It’s a stadium Captain Capri would’ve loved- OH MY GOD THEY BROUGHT HIM BACK JUST TO BATTLE IN THIS COOL ASS STADIUM?! HELL YEAH! I love this episode.
I do have one major gripe with this episode though: the Garcias faking a fight was… well, kind of a waste of both time and potential. It would’ve been so much more interesting both as a story and for them as characters if the fighting was genuine.
Episode 16: The New Striker is Complete! 8.5/10
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Oh yeah and the Russian team and Masamune and some other people are there I guess. It’s a fun battle royale. I really like the part where Lera reveals she has a special move and it makes Jigsaw visible again. Good stuff, even if it ends too quickly.
Episode 17: I Am the Champion! 9.5/10
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Also, the destroyer dome becomes a giant hamster ball and King and Masamune run with it like they’re on a treadmill. I dunno how the others got out when it was made clear by Blader DJ last episode that there’s no way to get out of the stadium once you get in but it’s cool so I’ll let it pass. But yeah anyways, King’s backstory gives him an honestly really uplifting reason that he’s so arrogant and reckless, which does lower the annoyingness of his previous and future actions a lot. He’s excited to be battling and not thinking of anything else in that excitement. He acknowledges that Masamune is someone he can use his full strength against and he respects him as an opponent. It’s nice and very sweet and all that mushy stuff. I love it.
Episode 18: The Maze of Mist Mountain 7/10
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Half of this episode is just the main characters, and returning side characters Nile and Demure (nice to see them again) wandering around some mist. … okay then. The other half is a decent battle between Gingka and Ryuto. It’s a decent introduction to this story arc. I like the new character, Ryuto, even if he doesn’t really add much.
Episode 19: The Lion’s Pride 9/10
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The travelling segments of this one are a lot more interesting than last time, being more than the characters just wandering around in some mist. And the battle portion is just really damn good. Team Wild Fang is back! Heck yeah! And Kyoya vs Aguma is a constant explosion match (both literally and figuratively) and Nile, Demure, and Benkei taking on Johannes, Bao, and the Beylin Fist bladers is also a fun side battle.
Also, while I was disappointed with how this character arc was resolved and the way it starts is a little weird (I’ll get to that later), it was still a really interesting idea to have Kyoya basing his self-worth on his independence, and seeing it as a weakness to rely on others. It’s a very toxic mindset that fits his character and would’ve been great had it been properly addressed. But I’ll get to that when I get to that.
Episode 20: Guardian of the Temple, Dynamis 8/10
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Dynamis has probably the best introduction out of all the legendary bladers. All the others just kinda walk in like “hey I’m so and so and this is my goal.” Dynamis though? He speaks to the group when they’re lost in the mist as if he’s speaking from the sky like a god or something, then when they finally get into his temple he challenges them to a battle, smirking like a sassy little shit as he wins. Also, he literally can hear the stars talk, I forgot this detail. My point is Dynamis is hecking cool.
Episode 21: The Legend of Nemesis’ Revival 8/10
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Gingka vs Dynamis is a good battle but then it gets cut off without an outcome and then the rest of this episode is exposition. Out of all the exposition dump episodes in this show, I do think this one is the best as it’s the most interesting and action-packed but there is too much information in this spiel. If there’s any part of Fury that I can agree is rushed, it’s this. I wish the exposition in this episode had been shortened and maybe some of it spread out to other episodes so it’s not all dumped on the audience at once. The main things we really needed going forward from this episode was the origin of Nemesis, the way they were defeated long ago, and the fact one of the remaining legendary bladers is the Venus blader with a Quetzalcoatl.
So while this episode wasn’t the best way to convey most of its information, it’s still interesting and important information for the story, which I do think is a good story. So I’m giving this episode a somewhat higher score than what it probably deserves. I just enjoy Fury’s lore and Dynamis and the commentary on humanity and its history that much. I can see how this episode could bore and there were times the over-explaining bogged me down while watching but overall it was still a delight.
Episode 22: The Four Season Bladers 8.5/10
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Okay, this exposition is a lot simpler and easier to follow. It takes up far less of the episode and cuts to the chase much quicker. Then the rest of this episode is the craziest battle royale of the entire show so far, ending when Kyoya reaches his breaking point which has been building over the past few episodes. He allowed what may have been just a small feeling at first to fester on the inside since he refused to tell anyone what he was going through until he eventually just snapped, which is pretty relatable to me personally. Kyoya’s arc in these episodes is well done. I understand the criticism that it’s strange he took Aguma’s words to heart so much when Kyoya doesn’t really know him and normally wouldn’t care about taunts like that. I want to argue it wasn’t specifically Aguma, or even what he said, it was Kyoya’s own internal realisation that he wasn’t living up to his own standards of strength. He internalised the idea that relying on others was showing weakness, an idea he carried yet simultaneously seemed to have been contradicting even before the start of the show. That kind of life shattering realisation is going to cause a huge reaction, no matter what prompted it. If Kyoya’s character arc this season had been resolved better (which again I’ll get to), it would be one of my favourite arcs of the show. I cannot stress enough how good of a setup this really was and how much potential this had.
Episode 23: The Battle of Beyster Island 8.5/10
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“tHaT gUy lOoKs iNtErEsTiNg.”
I love King, oh my god. He is so freaking excited and happy to be battling that even when Aguma reveals a move that could defeat him, King just goes “that is so awesome!” I love his energy so much, he’s basically an excited fanboy and I love it. This episode was fun overall but King is the one who shines the brightest in my opinion.
Episode 24: Two Big, Fierce Battles! 9.5/10
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I can totally understand how the back and forth switching between two unrelated battles might be off-putting… but I don’t have that issue. I love all these characters. I love seeing Kenta’s growth and Gingka acknowledging him. I love getting more of those subtle hints that Ryuga has grown to care about Kenta, and of course, the banter between Ryuga and King. There’s a reason I created a ship between these two. Even though they only met once in this battle, King not knowing who he is and just being excited to battle a strong opponent and Ryuga being confused/annoyed with him is really fun. Kenta and Gingka’s battle is definitely the more plot relevant one (and oh my gosh I love that scene on the beach) while Ryuga vs King could definitely be called fan service, but it’s great fan service that fits right in perfectly dammit! It’s something kid-me wanted to see ever since King’s reverse rotation was introduced and it’s great!
Episode 25: The Unseen Opponent 7.5/10
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Chris’s introduction episode. It still annoys me how insistent the characters are that Masamune has to be the Legendary Blader and ignore Chris entirely and Chris’s bey’s physics are impossible but the battle in this episode is still good. And my god do I love Chris. He’s already a huge mood with the way he talks about his job. “I’ve dealt with much worse than this!” “If I lose, I will not be able to survive in this world!”
Episode 26: Orion’s Whereabouts 8.5/10
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This episode is so chaotic, I love it. Everyone is just in a mosh pit of madness, with King defending his friend, Gingka trying to get him to chill, Chris instantly sucking up to his new boss, Ryuga showing up to wreak havoc, it’s all so damn fun. Stand out moments from this episode definitely include Kenta hugging the evil out of Ryuga, King cheering Masamune up, and that chilling ending. It’s great fun, and could be the last really fun episode of Fury as soon we get into the emotionally intense stuff…
Episode 27: The Lion in the Wilderness 7/10
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Yu is such a brat but in a charming way. I can’t stay mad at the little guy, especially when he’s the one to call out Kyoya for not knowing shit about lions. Haha if only that weren’t the closest thing to resolving this character arc. Overall, fine episode. I like Tithi just fine and Kyoya and Yu are at least funny. Next episode though…
Episode 28: The God of Venus: Quetzalcoatl! 5/10
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Yu and Tithi’s battle is pretty fun, it’s a good official introduction to Tithi. The first half of this episode is fine, fairly enjoyable if a bit standard. The second half though… ugh. I wrote a whole fanfiction rewriting this which… should explain how I feel about it. What Kyoya does here feels so out of character at this point and even if it’s not, it’s just irritating and the destiny moral is really fumbled here. Every other episode says the choices of the legendary bladers will decide the fate of the world and the narrative of this very episode even supports that: Kyoya chose to leave the heroes and then chose to return. Destiny didn’t actually force him to do anything. Kyoya just claims it’s his destiny out of nowhere. It fumbles the “destiny is a choice” idea and feels like an excuse to get him to return quickly without acknowledging the reason he left in the first place. Yu saying lions hunt in groups isn’t good enough because Kyoya doesn’t even acknowledge that or think about it… at all. So yeah it’s lazy writing and really disappointing considering how much potential Kyoya’s arc had. The final scene is pretty cool though, good setup for the next episode.
Episode 29: The God of Destruction’s Revival! 10/10
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(This is the point where I start reviewing the episodes based on memory/episode descriptions.)
I’ll be honest, most of the episodes that were originally two 11 minute episodes flow pretty seamlessly as one put together episode. This is the only one where I can tell this was originally two episodes, as the two halves follow two completely different sets of characters. The first half is the revival of Nemesis, a chilling, tense spectacle, while the first half almost exclusively, and a little out of nowhere, is a battle between Kenta and Ryuga. That being said, while I definitely prefer the second half, both halves are fantastic. A little odd when put together, but tonally they mesh well enough and I love how much Kenta has grown in this episode and his plan to beat Ryuga is so good that even though I knew it wouldn’t work, I see how it could have worked. Plus, y’all know I love their friendship, it’s just so damn wholesome, I can’t-
Episode 30: The Child of Nemesis 7/10
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Hello, obviously Doji in a top hat and trench coat. Why are you here exactly? Yeah I know his first appearance was in the last episode but I have less to say about this episode than I did that one so I’m gonna talk about the Doji thing here. Bringing Doji back was almost completely unnecessary and weird but honestly, after seeing how much more poor and ill-fitting his presence in Shogun Steel was, his appearance in Fury feels pretty inoffensive and just… whatever. He’s pointless but not unbearable.
Otherwise, cool ass raid episode, I like evil Dynamis and Kyoya showing up at the end. Nothing else really sticks out about this episode but it’s not bad. It’s just… not one that I can instantly point to and go “ah yes, the episode where this happened!” The main battle is Gingka vs Evil Dynamis. We’ve already seen Gingka vs Dynamis and they don’t even get to finish their battle. The episode is still fun but… feels like it could’ve been trimmed back to tighten the pacing.
Episode 31: Four Hearts 8/10
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Okay, this episode is much more memorable. Kyoya vs Dynamis and Aguma vs Tithi are both fun battles (even if I don’t get why the Planet bladers were descendants rather than reincarnations when the latter makes way more sense with what’s presented in this episode, is that just a dub thing?) and the bulk of Gingka vs Chris actually happens in this episode. I could’ve sworn that happened in its own episode but��� yeah this episode and the previous and following one kind of blend together in my mind because all of them take place in this temple and flow directly into each other. That’s not a knock against the episodes, it’s just how my memory works. This one moves the plot along more than the last one and I love Chris so most of the episode being focused on his battle with Gingka is good in my books.
Episode 32: Come Together, Legendary Bladers! 9/10
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Also known as the episode where Ryuga fucks everything up. And every battle from the last episode also ends. A lot of Ls were taken in this episode. By the characters, the episode itself is damn fun. This episode also has two halves that feel a bit pasted together, with the first half focusing on the fallout of the three battles and the second half being the part everyone remembers where all the Legendary Bladers attempt to join together only for the aforementioned Ryuga hecking up everything but these halves mesh much better as it focuses on all the same characters as the first half so there’s no random sudden shift in focus, it’s just the next logical event in the plot.
This episode also features the scene where King and Masamune pose like magical girls. I’m just bringing that up because it’s cute not because it’s relevant.
Episode 33: Diablo Nemesis 8.5/10
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The temple getting wrecked took up more time than I remembered but oh well, the first half of this episode is a good display of Rago’s power and while the second half is tonally different, it’s the most logical direction for the plot to go. Plus it’s a nice chance to see the Legendary Bladers interact, in some cases meet, in a way that’s more low-key. As much as I love Fury, I do wish it had more scenes like that, more chances for the characters to just breathe or establish bonds.
Episode 34: To The Final Battle Ground 7.5/10
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So for some reason, the official source for Beyblade on YouTube incorrectly titled this and the next episode and also put them out of order. Episode 136 is titled “To The Final Battle Ground” and has that episode’s description but the episode is actually “Episode 137 The Lost Kingdom” and vice versa for the next episode. While I’m not fully rewatching these last eleven episodes due to time constraints, I did check my DVD for Metal Fury (which is an official release) and it didn’t make that mistake, the episodes are titled correctly and in the correct order so this was a mistake the YouTube channel made and I don’t know why it happened or why they haven’t fixed it even 7 years later. For anyone watching Fury, be sure to get the correct order! The show didn’t skip over Aguma’s redemption, the channel just put the episodes in the wrong order!
Anyways, the episode itself. Yeah, it has Aguma’s big redemption moment and… I actually do think it works pretty well. It’s nothing super deep, but he comes to the logical conclusion that saving the world comes before the Beylin Fist’s feud with Beylin and shows his commitment to the group by helping them fight off Johannes and his goons and save their helicopter. The rest of this episode before the battle is just the characters training to prepare for the final confrontation as they don’t know the whereabouts of Nemesis before they get a clue to said whereabouts and decide to go there. Not the most eventful episode but it works well enough. Besides… the next episode is… more eventful to say the least.
Episode 35: The Lost Kingdom 8.5/10
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Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have pure pain directly injected into your heart? I don’t have to, I watched this episode.
Try as I might, I cannot get through this episode, or the following one, without crying. Some movies or shows that try to depict a character fighting to their very last breath with every ounce of their strength before ultimately fighting to their last breath, cannot convince me that the character gave it their all. This is not one of those moments. This battle is as long as it needs to be and every moment is there to further the struggle, the slow fall of the once invincible-seeming Dragon Emperor, and I feel every bit of it. It’s the reason I… couldn’t bring myself to rewatch these episodes again at the point in my life I was at when this rewatch occurred. I was already getting my heart violently ripped out by a new show (and general life events that I won’t go into) and didn’t want my comfort show also causing me pain. So while this episode is great, phenomenal even, it’s… the second hardest episode for me to revisit. Entrusted Emotions only barely edges it out because that episode literally traumatised me to the point of developing a phobia. This one… is just a really sad episode that I always grab tissues before.
Doji’s also in this episode and while I don’t feel like his presence in this season was necessary (and in retrospect, it may have just been there to set up Shogun Steel, which I overall didn’t care for), I will say having him specifically there to mock and enrage Ryuga makes it more painful, at least to me.
Episode 36: The Missing Star of the Four Seasons 10/10
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Most of the episode, after the gang reacts to the death of Ryuga which is… also… really damn painful… is them struggling against Nemesis, unable to form the barrier to seal him away due to the passing of Ryuga and… yeah it captures that struggle well. The weight of the world is on the group’s shoulders and it is a hopeless impossible battle and you can feel that in the way they get knocked around despite their teamwork and despite them fighting at their hardest. Maybe it goes on a little too long but this is essentially the final battle and the feels are all there throughout and… the scene everyone remembers from this episode…
I did rewatch that scene (and a couple other scenes in the next episode), and my god is it still just as impactful all this time later. The build up, the atmosphere, the feels, the ANIMATION, holy fuck the animation. And the sound design, Ryuga’s harsh breathing, those final words. I don’t even know what to say, this moment is just phenomenal, my favourite in the entire series without question. Really, when I put Flash Sagittario in my top five Fury episodes all that time ago, it included this episode. Both are such a tense fantastic emotional spectacle that flow into each other beautifully.
Episode 37: Flash Sagittario 10/10
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Everything I said about last episode applies to this episode, only now the tides have turned in the heroes’ favour with Kenta’s evolution into a legendary blader, with his new Flash Sagittario, which the episode shows off very well. That moment where he defeats Pluto with Diving Arrow gives me all the feels. If I have one gripe in this episode, it’s that there are more flashback sequences than they probably needed but it’s a final battle and the flashbacks don’t take away from or affect the pacing in any major way for me.
Episode 38: Hades’ Persistence 7/10
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Oh, right, the last two episodes weren't the final battle. Honestly, could’ve fooled me, with a proper epilogue afterwards, that battle would’ve worked perfectly as the final battle, it shows the Legendary Bladers all working together and while it excludes a few older characters, the setup is cool and unique and fits the teamwork themes even better than Masters’ ending did and the battle itself is entertaining enough for me to forgive its shortcomings.
This… is just the fate of the world coming down to Gingka again. And everyone giving him their power. Again. Fusion did this first and did this better. Because that coming down to Gingka made sense, he was the one with the greatest connection to the villain, Fusion was very much his story and while he’s still the protagonist, he isn’t more important than anyone else in Masters’ final battle of the previous battle of Fury. This… ruins that, it feels really generic and phoned in. It’s not bad though, I do love Kyoya’s speech to Gingka before he and the others give Gingka their power. That does bring everything together really well and makes this otherwise pointless battle more forgivable for me. It’s a slip up for sure but it’s still entertaining.
Episode 39: A Ray of Hope 8/10
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“Every bey has a Star Fragment in it so we can all contribute”… okay…? Well, that’s not incorrect or anything, it does fit the lore of the series and brings everyone together for the final climax in a way that episodes 36 and 37 didn’t but… eh, this never did much for me.
Now the epilogue post battle though? That’s some nice stuff. The gang have been through hell but now that it’s over, they pick themselves back up and start to heal. Enough so that Gingka and Kyoya are even willing to have a battle, a no stakes fun battle to see who the true victor between them is, just like old times. A great final note to a great show.
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
Ranking the female leads on how good of a duelist they are. I Might do this for the Rivals, Best Friends and the Protags.
6. Tori Meadows/Kotori Mizuki (Do I even NEED to explain this one? She didn't win a single duel and was there to look at the duels)
5. Tea Gardner/ Anzu Mazaki (One of the only characters with a 100% win rate, hilarious. She does have pretty decent monsters for her time and a combination of DM and DMG is pretty deadly, however her deck is pretty inconstent.)
4. Zuzu Boyle/Yuzu Hiragi (A character that hadn't dueled for like the last 80 episodes of Arc V and is the Princess Peach of Yugioh. Has a decent deck with an okay ace, but to my knowledge, doesn't have a searcher.)
3. Alexis Rhodes/Asuka Tenjoin (An honestly the hardest Pick to make of this list since her and Akiza could be changed. She has a pretty decent win rate ratio, her combination of her Fusion monsters and Cyber Angela Works so much, not to mention her New support in Arc V makes even Number 1 and 2 give a run for their money with Vrash, and stops any Fusion attempt.)
2. Akiza Izinski/Aki Izayoi (Ahh yes, the benchwarmer of Team 5ds. Has an actual amazing deck for her time, has probably the most experience as a duelist and even has one of the most used Tuners in the game. Has the most splashable Signer Dragon, Black Rose Dragon, and even had Stardust Dragon for a short period of time so beating her would be extremely hard to do.)
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Skye Zaizen/ Aoi Zaizen. (The biggest disappointment in Vrains honestly. She has 2 decks, and both of them style on them, dominate them, destroys them. Hell, I don't think a 5 v 1 would be fair against her. She has pretty much the only deck that can OTK her opponents on her opponent's own turn with Reincarnation and probably FTK them. All she has to do is activate Dark Room and pop off. That Is only talking about Trickstars, Marincess shits on all of them combined as her deck that could be even considered Meta by these days and her monsters can get to massive heights in one turn and has so many card advantages in one turn. It is hard for me to think otherwise.)
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miko-honey · 7 months
I think Duel Monsters to Zexal is how peak Yugioh dub dialogue got I don't know about Arc-V since I don't care enough about it and I only saw 4 episodes of it and Vrains is ehhh I mean its hit or miss sometimes you'll have decent dialogue but then you have "The writers are trying too hard to be hip with the kids" I genuinely died after hearing the line "Top 5 memes"
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aliothbuzzsawshark · 7 months
Sevens writing is weird (and also kinda like Arc V)
(Lots of rambling about Sevens writing choices)
The thing is with Sevens and me is that Season one is genuinely great. I adore the first arc and how it introduces the characters. The second arc has great worldbuilding and shows the threatening-ness of Goha. The third arc shows that the people running these corporations are people that are struggling. The fourth arc wraps everything in a little bow and gets you so fucking excited for what’s to come.
Season one does a lot right. I have my problems with it (worldbuilding is kinda weird and the third arc is just random stuff for a while) but over it’s great. 7.7/10 (no pun intended)
Season two is the period every Yugioh goes through where the writing gets odd. The fifth arc has Goha being as threatening as possible, but they aren’t the final fight. The sixth arc is just a work comedy with no real plot happing.
And then the seventh is a reflection of the show. Some characters get lots of focus even though other need it (Roa you’re my favorite besides Yuo but you took up a lot of space) to the point that Otes didn’t get an explanation until episode 90 of 92. It’s an overall 5/10 for me, and would probably be lower if Yuo and Roa weren’t my favorites.
I feel like a lot of my problem could’ve been fixed with better pacing or more episodes in general. The pacing with arc three and six especially. I’m almost willing to give Sevens a pass on that though. The team wasn’t allowed to work for a while (unfortunately can’t find exact days) and they lost the time for 10 episodes, and in a show with 13 per arc that’s a really heavy hit. However, Yugioh has been able to tie itself up before (Vrains season 3) so this should be an excuse for all problems.
The thing is is that Sevens suffer with a lot of Arc V’s problems of pacing. They spend too much time fucking around so they had to rush the end and a lot of characters conclusions.
However, one still remains my favorite while the other doesn’t, and that’s because of the characters. (Arc V mutuals who like the show I’m sorry for what I’m gonna say) Lots of Arc V character do not have canonical traits due to there being to many characters and plots and the characters ends up almost 2-dimensional and canon doing a lot for their personality. Lots of Sevens characters have a lot of personality, but it’s not explored because of the time and pacing.
Ultimately, in my opinion, both have a lot of problems and mediocre endings, but Sevens is overall a more likeable show to me because the characters are more fleshed out, even though the story goes almost down the drain.
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the-tubort · 1 year
I'm now remembering that almost every Yugioh season uses the trope of one or multiple women are mind controlled by some evil force and have to fight the protagonist and lose in order to get better
DM at first implied Mai was mind controlled by the Orichalcos although it wasn't the case it still was not a good look for them
Gx had Asuka literally be BRAINWASHED BY A CULT
5Ds to my knowledge Akizu was mind controlled for a bit before Yusei dueled her and I think Carly was also turned evil as well
Zexal had Kotoris one and only duel on screen be through evil mind control which was SO RUDE AND it was with the cat girl as well what even is the poiiiiint
Arc V literally had all 4 Bracelet Girls get mind controlled by a parasite invading their brains that was implanted by some insane old man
Vrains had Blue Angel's FIRST DUEL IN THE ENTIRE SHOW WHICH WAS LIKE EPISODE 5 (?) Have her being turned insane by a card that contained a virus which was the sign of terrible things for Blue Angel and her future career in this show
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magpieddd · 4 months
2, 3, 7, 9, 12
2. How long have you had this account?
8 or 9 years, tumblr was my first social media!! Oh how time flies
3. Favourite food.
WHY IS THIS ALWAYS SUCH A DIFFICULT QUESTION uhhh red velvet cupcakes i don't know
7. How old are you?
20-25 range
9. What's your all time favourite movie/tv show?
I'd say Yugioh Vrains purely because of how it helped me to go through a horrible period of my life, was i consistently pissed every single wednesday when a new episode dropped? Yes. But it was good escapism.
12. Your favourite music genres?
Of my top 5 genres on spotify, 4 of them were variations of pop, so.
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itsashowtime · 2 years
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⋆「VRAINS 2.0 ☾ UPDATE」⋆ 
The Chapter 8 finale is up! This was the most ambitious episode to draw after Chapter 5! Now would be the perfect time to binge the entire chapter <3
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autismgirl4998 · 2 years
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Since I did the one for Ai about a year ago, I thought I might do the same thing with Ryoken in the canon version of season 3 of VRAINS and in the two part season 3 fanon version in Father Thy Blood and it's sequel to it as well. Canon Season 3 Ryoken 1. Ryoken is still not trusting Ai even after what he said back in episode 98 of VRAINS 2. Ryoken loses the duel to Takeru 3. Ryoken will watch over the network under Takeru's request 4. Ryoken gave Borreload Furious Dragon to Yusaku Fanon Season 3 Ryoken 1. Ryoken will slowly begin to trust Ai a little bit under Kanata's words 2. Ryoken will comfort Miyu and Hibiki, two of the Lost Incident victims, due to their problems 3. Ryoken will win the duel against Takeru 4. Ryoken will watch over the network under Kanata's request 5. Ryoken didn't give away Borreload Furious Dragon to Yusaku Similarities of both Canon and Fanon Season 3 Ryoken 1. Ryoken will still create Pandor 2. Ryoken will still help Akira out 3. Ryoken will still plan on sending him and his Knights of Hanoi to prison 4. Ryoken will still move on from the past and break the curse from the Lost Incident 5. Ryoken will watch over the network of Link VRAINS 6. Ryoken's mask will still break 7. The duel of Ryoken and Takeru will still happen
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ryxkenkxgami · 2 years
Hi! top 5 anime series?
oh boy thank you!!!! this is harder than i thought it would be for the first 3 lol
5. 86. i did not expect to love it as much as i did but it is genuinely one of the best series i've ever read and the anime adaption is flawless. the respect it gives the source material makes my heart soar i can't even handle it
4. d.n. angel! an old classic near and dear to my heart.... it's got everything. it's the shoujo of my very dreams. a phantom thief angel that has to share a body with a high school kid. his very interesting relationship with his rival. the two sisters who act as love interests and their very interesting relationships with everyone.... truly, a shoujo of the times
3. princess tutu! another shoujo of my heart. a very genuine show with so much love for story telling and the way characters can break out of their fate, the relationship they have with the author, and-- hey wait a second... but really, a classic magic girl show that i will never get over
2. code geass. listen. i know. i know. i can't help it. it's got mechas. the english dub has my favorite eng VA of all time. it's got chess allegories. it's got mechas. it's got political drama. it's got high school drama. it came out when i was like 12 and so it etched itself into my very pliable brain and i've had no choice ever since but to love it
yugioh vrains. no i don't know how this happened to me either. all i know is one day i wanted to catch up on the newest ygo out at the time and next thing i know it was 8 days later and i'd watched 72 episodes in that span of time and couldn't shut up about it. i have a yugioh vrains tattoo. i have basically something from every merch line they've ever made. it's the nearest and dearest ygo to my heart and the characters mean everything to me. we love healing from trauma in this household!!!
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Yugioh Protags Ranked on Hair Plausibility
( I haven’t seen Sevens or Go Rush yet but I know what their protagonists look like so I included them. Also, I’ve only seen a couple episodes of VRAINS so no spoilers)
1 Judai Yuki
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Brown’s a real hair colour. Heck, besides the overly spiked back part of his hair, Judai could almost pass for a real person.
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2 Yudias
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Not seen Go Rush but I know Yudias is an alien and honestly anything’s possible when you’re an alien with laser beam eyes so I’m suspending all my disbelief on this one. He can be a messy bunny rabbit if that’s what his home planet permits.
3 Yusei
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Besides the pointy headlights, Yusei’s hair looks so normal it’s boring. Huh, good representation of his character.
4 Yuya
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Natural red hair does exist but it’s not that bright so Yuya is a faker! And the combined green makes it look more like a strawberry than hair. The style is fine but the colour is… strawberry.
5 Yuga
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Same as above, only you’d need either a crappy wig or the world’s most amazing bottle of hair gel in order to hold your hair up like that all time. Probably the latter. No parents would ever buy their kid that much hair gel.
6 Yusaku
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I’m suspending all my disbelief on The Playmaker’s hair. It’s an avatar in a game, it can look however you want it to look, even if that means it’s completely ridiculous. His real world hair though? It looks like a stained glass window fell on his head and he just decided it would be easier to wear it rather than seek help.
7 Yugi
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The cover image of Yugioh… uses magical hair gel to make his hair stick out like the star on top of a Christmas tree, only without any of the beauty. He also gave up on those blond bits and just let ‘em do whatever, which is probably the only realistic thing about this hair.
8 Yuma
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Hey Yuma, did you take your brain out of your head to make room for that ridiculous helmet? No? Oh so you’re just crazy looking on top of being an idiot? Huh… no wonder only aliens with similarly crazy hair will date you.
Okay this started kind of serious then just devolved into me roasting them mercilessly.
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magpiejay1234 · 1 day
Before we move onto the Dark Signers arc, which has lots of stuff to talk, all of which we will not cover here, we might need to stop and talk about the 5D's main set releases a bit.
5D's main set releases begin with The Duelist Genesis, though 5D's cards themselves start at the end of Series 5, with Duel Terminal sets beginning, and the first 5D's Starter Deck.
Duel Terminals are hugely important for 5D's, and first two years of ZEXAL, but we will not discuss them here.
First, we need to explain what a "Series" is. In Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Official Card Name™, that is, Japanese original of YGO TCG (for those wondering, YGO TCG was trademarked in Japan for earlier Bandai version of the card game for the previous YGO animé, popularly known as Season 0 in the West, current version is the one by Konami, this is why it is not merely called Japanese TCG, but has a different name), each main set since the original Volume 1 belong to a dedicated "Series".
The first three Series never made it to TCG, instead they were repurposed for International Sets. Only after Series 4, Japanese releases, and Western releases started being concurrent. (Korean releases, Traditional Chinese, and Asian English releases are completely different stories, that are more complicated North American releases.)
Effectively, this means each group of main sets are their own closed group, with its own unique.
So, why this is important for 5D's?
5D's was the first YGO animé Series that started with the start of a new OCG Series, Series 6, and was the first one to showcase a new Extra Deck Summoning method, and new Master Rule (as well as several card text format changes in Japanese). It is also the first one to drop "Duel Monsters" title in Japan.
However, since Series 4 (late DM), each OCG Series lasted for two years, so the default logical expectation of the staff would be that ZEXAL would not start in the middle of a new Series, that being Series 7 (therefore 5D's would get an additional year, if not a full set of 52 episodes), and even if it wouldn't be too radically different. Except of course, it did, and it was a soft reboot.
Later series, most notably ARC-V, Ono's next show would avoid this, and with it, each OCG Series would now last three years instead of two, roughly matching the runtime of each show in theory (not so much in practice, since this is still YGO). This wouldn't really avoid the planning issue in ARC-V (VRAINS would have much bigger production issues), but it would avoid making it more severe.
This would also technically affect ZEXAL, but ZEXAL has bigger issues, haha. In the case of ZEXAL, exact opposite issue happened for Yoshida, he assumed ARC-V would arrive in the middle of Series 8 like ZEXAL, not the start of it, and would not be different, and he would actually be part of it. Though to be fair, he was correct about Yuya continuing Yuma's Xyz theming, and initial cast having the same character designer as ZEXAL.
This is a fundamentally microscopic issue, but this is why the first half of ZEXAL is different than 5D's, in terms of actual production, and why ARC-V, and VRAINS went with longer Seasonal structure (ie. around 48-52 episodes), while keeping the half-Season production cycles (ie. around 23-26 episodes) that were present since GX.
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capcavan · 1 month
flattered to be villain expert anon. i just want to finish up that the anon is objectively wrong (and i'm sorry but i learned so much about writing dissecting ygo when you go beyond oh silly cards games because there is so much talent and craft there, they don't actually pull in hack writers, they good writers in and then tie their hands) zexal is not the worst it just has a bad reputation. vrains is objectively the worst, do you know how bad a ygo spinoff cashcow has to be to be cancelled a third of the way into its run and get ygo pulled off air for 2 years? all the seasons have pros and cons and honestly solid writing in various areas that sync really well with some of the stuff that aftg really sucks at discussing (go sit and the corner and think about what you've done aftg fandom when ygo fandom is more mature and better at nuance than you):
DM: mostly filler and iffy animations but amazing once it gets to egypt several hundred episodes in (aka the bit the mangaka was actually invested in)
GX: fun school romp, fascinating descent into madness for the mc, rushed ending because the mc's voice actor wasn't booked properly so had to rush the important scenes and cut everything else.
5Ds: the older edgier darker atmosphere that doesn't stick the landing, wanted to be about cults and inequality (if you want cults 5Ds arcadia is great, they actually attempt to sympathetically tackle what it's like to leave a cult when you were their poster child) and does a really good job in the first half (also just everything about the dark signers is peak ygo fanservice), before the director got sick of the board forcing product placement over story and changing things last second so he couldn't even adjust properly so left to do symphogear (a show mostly unknown over in english fandoms but is one of the most anime anime ever and regularly goes toe to toe with giants like HQ, AOT, YoI and MHA for ratings), and also the tokyo subway cult attack happened and one of the voice actresses was in said cult, so a quick rewrite was done that made no sense.
Zexal: is the best villain writing in the series, pick a villain type it's got it and it's written it pretty damn well, has the best rating for any spinoff in japan and the only one of the first run of spinoffs not to have controversy, making it more cohesive as a whole, but it has a brighter style to hide the darker themes, and a younger protagonist, used as a jumping on point for new younger fans and even fans suggest skipping to episode 12/13 to avoid the worst of that and get into the plot when the real villains start appearing.
Arc-V: (pronounced 5, which sucks because Zexal spent its entire run telling us V= vee) the 5Ds director returns, then has the same issue of the board interfering just as a new season of symphogear is confirmed so leaves half way again, and once again you can tell (ygo fandom loves to blame director ono for shit he wasn't even there for), but if you want a decently good story about forcing yourself to bury your emotions and just be happy, the horrors of war and the realities of making children save the world, it's a pretty good one until about episode 80, honestly does a great job of tackling child soldiers and their cult mindset and what happens when that is challenged and the various reactions from rejection all the way up to well i've done too much shit to change paths now to the ygo equivalent of suicide.
Vrains: so much potential absolutely wasted, a really good attempt to tackle childhood trauma and abuse and ptsd and the need for revenge on your abusers and how far it can take you but plagued by behind the scenes drama that left the show itself a mess that got cancelled only a third of the way in.
all to say ygo gets written off as a dumb show about a dumb card game but its got some real writing talent hidden in there the same way aftg has if you're willing to pay attention and have some media literacy. and i am sorry for forcing my ygo has good writing once you get through the bullshit opinions on you
been distracted sorry it's okay ! appreciate expert's helps with navigating this !!!
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