#vsa answers
vsa-pieldepapel · 1 year
I love your art of charisk, your style is cute i wanna eat it. You literally drew biblically accurate chara and frisk. Here have some awesome sauce 🔥🔥🔥
Biblically accurate charisk… <3
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Thank you!
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constable · 2 years
spock: “Emotions are alien to me. I’m a scientist.”
"I know that's not the case," Lifal responded, insisting on emoting visibly with a smile and a crinkling around the eyes just because of how he knew it annoyed most vulcans. "And I know you are aware of that too. It would certainly be interesting, if Vulcans were all as honest as they like the rest of the galaxy to believe."
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bonesibegyou · 5 months
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I would pay all the money I have (which is not much but you get what I mean) to have a scene in Star Trek 4 where they rescue a stranded ship with a bunch of Vulkan children on board (maybe headed to New Vulcan idk) and Spock sees how scared and sad they are (because well their planet is now a handful of space rubble and maybe some of their parents are gone now) so he just starts showing them around the Enterprise to cheer them up a little because Vulcan children are nothing but curious. And suddenly efficiency plummets and nothing gets done anymore because there's a First Officer surrounded by a group of tiny somber children calmly explaining to them how a starship works and no one can focus on their work anymore. Just imagine Spock showing them the bridge and answering their questions with endless patience and Jim just cannot stop smiling because of how darn cute it is. Bones is unable to pick his jaw off the floor when they ask to see the medbay. Sulu almost flies them into an asteroid because he is unable to cope with this level of cuteness. Scotty lets them pick apart a tricorder or two while on the verge of tears.
Bonus points if their Vulcan teachers or caretakers or whatever ask Spock to back off because they consider him a bad example (because of the stunt he pulled in front of VSA) and the crew gets a very uncomfortable glimpse of the way Spock is/was perceived back on Vulcan. Which causes them to Lose Their Shit (tm) in a very polite manner and leads to a very exasperated Spock wondering why he suddenly gets showered with praise everywhere he goes
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ai-art-ocs · 30 days
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OC- Lyra/T’Lyra
As a human: she’s raised in a mixed community on earth where she is influenced by many earth and alien cultures that have settled in the big city she grew up in. She attended inner city public schools for her entire education which gave her a quick eye for social cues and how to avoid a fight and tread carefully. Despite not going to the most prestigious schools as a child, the education system overall in the world has improved in the 2300s allowing for personalized courses and access to higher learning methods with better ease. It many not be on the same level as the Vulcan learning pods, but Lyra advances through courses and finds her way through math and science much faster than her peers, somewhat of a prodigy. She begins computer science and engineering courses as soon as they are available to her and finds her niche in theoretical transwarp physics as a junior in high school. She begins to research and learn all she can about the subject and explore all she can. Eventually, this curiosity leads to questions about the impact of warp on life and her interests turn back to the blue sciences rather than the reds of engineering. By the time she enters Starfleet to conduct further research (because every one of the best papers she’s read has come either from the VSA or a tenured Starfleet officer) she is ready to do whatever it takes to find the answers to all her burning questions about space travel. How to improve it, how it changes humanity, what it means to be human, what it means to be alien, what it means to be from somewhere at all. She wants to expand the known universe and her mind - to confront the stars and herself among them as she ventures into the great unknown.
As a Vulcan/Human hybrid: she’s raised on Vulcan until it is destroyed when she is six. She remembers the day clearly with her eidetic memory. Her family was together in a park in ShiKahr when the attack started and when the evacuation began, they were able to board a shuttle and get off planet safely. They became some of the only surviving Vulcans. Post-destruction of Vulcan, T’Lyra and her family moved to earth, her father’s home world (her mother being her Vulcan parent). Despite growing up mostly on earth, her family lives nearby the Vulcan embassy and her mother is very devoted to retaining her Vulcan roots, especially in light of the destruction of Vulcan. T’Lyra does her best to emulate her mother in every way, including being as Vulcan as she can be, despite her red blood and how tempting it is to smile or blush or tuck her hair behind her ear and respond to the social cues of the human boys around her as she ages. Her mother has less difficulty conceiving a human child than Amanda did conceiving a Vulcan child, and T’Lyra has a younger brother, V’Luk who was born after the family arrived on earth. Her brother is much more human in his tendencies than she is, though she does all she can to encourage him to act in the Vulcan way. They are both more biologically human than Vulcan, somewhere around 60% Vulcan in large part due to their blood being human rather than the green of a Vulcan, though their hearts are still located where they would be on a Vulcan. It seems that though there are now more Vulcan/human hybrids, the data does not help cross-case. Even the siblings are dissimilar to each other in their biology in some ways that make their health distinctive. As T’Lyra gets older, she goes to school with the other Vulcan children who stay on earth at the embassy. She spends her life looking up to Commander Spock who was part of the command team to save the Vulcan high council and Earth from its destruction and who is notably one of the only other Vulcan/human hybrids. Inspired by his efforts in Starfleet, she makes strides to follow his path and join Starfleet someday.
I started initially just wanting to do a Starfleet officer, hence Lyra. Then I decided to see how the ai could handle a Vulcan with the ears and all. It did not do well with prompts to copy Spock’s facial pattern or Vulcan ears. It struggled with the idea of Vulcan eyebrows and I gave up. I eventually had to use a prompt with elf ears instead, which is why the shape is off - not quite to my liking but close enough when given context. I realized halfway through that Vulcans have green blood and Lyra had a red blush so I tried some prompts to see if I could get a green tinge to the skin instead and…. AI was super confused and only did like one slightly correct generation of the prompt. AI still struggles with fantastical ideas. It can do normal skin tones, but not odd ones. Maybe it doesn’t have any samples of that? Makes sense if it doesn’t have access to that kind of imaginative art to sample.
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fictionkinfessions · 6 months
Something to get off my chest: I will never understand the general fandom interpretation of Sarek and Amanda. Yes, Sarek failed quite a few times at being a father, but he wasn't a horrible abusive dad. Amanda wasn't the perfect mother either, she had all the same faults he did, honestly probably more.
Neither of them were prepared to raise a half-human half-vulcan child. They obviously never discussed it, and all it ever did was leave me severely isolated, confused, and angry. They raised me in a city where it wasn't safe at all to express anything (they didn't even have to leave Vulcan! There were other, less traditionalist areas!!) but still my mother acted sad when I wasn't human enough for her. They always gave conflicting advice and tried to raise me in two different ways so I felt like any answer I picked would be the wrong one. "Child of two worlds" was only because they made it that way. It didn't have to be.
My father was angry when I left for Starfleet after everything I had worked towards for the VSA, but I had to just get out and figure out life for myself. If I stayed I would have drowned. And my mother was so happy because she thought I was choosing to be more human, like I was going to throw my culture away, like it wasn't a part of me. It took me so many years to find myself and untangle the web they had unintentionally made.
They loved each other, they both loved me, and they were both probably doing what they thought was best. I just wish they had agreed on what the best was before I was born.
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mymarifae · 1 year
you were right about vsa-pieldepapel. they admitted on the kriselle discord to drawing porn of the deltarune kids for 4chan, a 15 year old in chat said they'd seen it, and vsa was only worried about making sure "tumblrinas" didn't find out. not that a minor had seen it.
ohbmy god WHAT i haven't heard that name in a hot second and didn't think i would ever again WHATTTTTTTT
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context: vsa-pieldepapel is a user i namedropped in a post i made like... months ago idfk but i was talking about how fucking bullshit it is when people get asked "hey are you a proshipper?" and respond with like, "i don't want to answer this question because no matter what i say i'll get harassed. this doesn't affect how you should view me or my art" like ... yes it quite literally does. and the only people that would harass you for Not being proship are pedophiles do you really care what they think about you. at the end of the day it's just code for "yes and i actively make and/or consume disgusting content but don't want to get #cancelled so i'm going to be vague and hope no one catches onto this"
i namedropped vsa because i saw them saying exactly that ^
idr why i was on their blog long enough to catch that - i think i might have been trying to figure out the same thing abadbdbsjfjjfk because their art of the kids is... it has bad vibes. why are you as a 24 year old creating suggestive art of teenagers. what's going on here
among other things they have made some very strange insinuations about kris being nonbinary like, because they're autistic-coded they're not really nonbinary they're just nonconformative and when they grow up they'll no longer be nonbinary. (???????) also they talk a lot about kris's "agab" and it's like why are you thinking about this so much why why WHY does it matter SHUT UP. i could not be arsed to summarize it coherently atm but they had a lot of strange things to say about autism in general like ok we get it... your internalized ableism is insane. stop projecting it onto everyone who tries to ask you about your autism headcanons
idk. basically i had already determined they were a fuckin' weirdo who only cares about not being publicly "proship" or what the fuck ever to maintain their follower count not because they have morals SOOOOOOO not particularly surprised. figured they were drawing worse things in private. but still
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swoobatte · 6 months
Another question about a vampire trait that's actually very common: Do you have faster-than-normal healing? Actually, that's a lycanthrope trait too, so Traveller can answer too :)
Faster-than-normal can mean anywhere from slightly faster to nigh-instant depending on the story
I do heal very quickly! The speed at which I heal depends on a few things. Healing instantly ist a very large use of energy, the only way to offset the energy loss ist… consumption. Blood ist fuel in an almost literal sense that way. I need it much the same way a car needs gasoline.
Ohhh okayso yeah I do heal kinda fast! Notas wquick as Vladamir orangthing but its still prettuy fast! A small cut can disappear completely in like 45 minutes :D
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myfaveisnormal · 2 years
heyy, I saw you rb a post about ocs and was wondering if you wanted to share about them possibly? I love hearing about people's ocs, but if not that's totally cool!
ogbbhh sure!! ill put a readmore so it doesnt fuck up anyones dash lmao
basically the ss taresh-kar is a vulcan science academy ship and they go from planet to planet researching things (usually checking if some planets are good to be terraformed or checking planetary anomalies)
this is the crew i have for now:
- Michael Miriam: human, transgener and jewish, works as the ships repairman. has a power rangers holodeck program w his beautiful wife salem (hes the red ranger btw ofc)
- Jaris Kahn: joined trill, yes kahn as in lenara kahn i didnt feel like making a new symbiont name, has trill autism, doctorate in xenobiology, bug enthusiast and fanfiction writer. works in missions w animals and bugs bc they always warm up to him for some reason
- Salem: vulcan, transgener and space jewish. married to mike. especializes in anomalies. kind of a rebellious vulcan, drawing inspiration from the human punk movement (if anyone fights her abt jt she goes "i find your aversion to my choice of clothing illogical". queen) she also plays the blue ranger in her and miriams holoprogram
- Arastrata: from a planet i havent named yet, and a species i also havent named yet. his planet is getting things ready to join the federation, and he, as the current head of states son, was sent to study at the vsa as kind of a peace token or smth. he specializes in mathematics and star charting bc his planets culture are centered around those things. has to wear mobility aids bc his body is adjusted to lighter gravity. i rlly should name his planet
- K'dal: klingon, intersex. typical klingon Qapla'! warrior trope but shes in sciences. uses any pronouns bc hasnt reached what i call the "age of choosing" (basically like klingon intersex folks can pick what to be called as once theyve reached a certain age at least thats my awesome hc). has a bunch of scars that he says he got in epic battles and stuff but it was actually for shit reasons like falling and hitting her head as a baby. loves luzia more than anything
- Luzia: castro type android. made by a brazilian engineer. she has the physical appearance of an 8 year old bc the planet she was built in didnt have many resources. has goofy features like if you keep her at a cool temperature and snap any part od her body her eyes start glowing like a glowstick. but shes also nore fragile than soong type androids, unable to carry heavy things and cant stand too much pressure. she has gravity controls tho and can adapt to every planet/planetoid w lighter atmosphere than Qo'noS (anything else is too heavy for her and she might break)
- Toni: vulcan cringefail man raised on earth. tries to act tough bc hes a vulcan and shit but he always fails. straight up crybaby i love him
there are more bc i also made a crew for the cargo ship that delivers their cargo and a starfleet ship that often crosses path w the taresh-kar, but ive procrastinated answering this ask for long enough so! ty for asking
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vaughnsportsacademy · 3 months
Is 15 Too Old to Start Training to Be a Baseball Player?
Star athletes often start playing and training in their sport at a young age. In fact, many players in the MLB picked up a bat or glove before they turned 10. With their years of training, they can hone their bodies and skills to compete at the highest level. 
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But what if you start playing baseball at, say, 15 years old? Is it too late to pursue a dream of becoming a professional baseball player?
The short answer is no. It is possible for players who pick up their sport much later than their peers to catch up and be able to compete at the top. One example proving this is Jackie Robinson, who played several sports in high school and college before joining the MLB. It's said he started playing baseball during his teens.
However, it's also important to be realistic and set the right expectations. Players who start late typically struggle to compete with peers who have been in the sport for much longer. It often takes dedication, a ton of hard work, and the guidance of an excellent coach to level the playing field.
The advantage of starting young
Many players start so early that you'll likely find a baseball coach for young kids wherever you may live. Their early foray into the sport gives these kids a headstart in mastering the foundations of baseball. Especially if they receive baseball training, youths are better able to develop muscle memory, speed, agility, and the other physical qualities required to excel as athletes.
Additionally, starting young gives players more time to improve and refine technical skills like batting or pitching. Thanks to years of consistent practice, they can fine-tune their techniques, giving them an edge and making them more likely to perform well in their respective roles inside the field.
Catching up is possible
Despite the steep learning curve they're likely to face, players who start late can still excel and surpass their peers if they have the right attitude and support system. One way to catch up is by enrolling in a baseball youth academy. Such schools have professional coaches who can teach the fundamentals of the sport, help players bolster their strengths, and address any weaknesses in their performance.
As an older first-time player, time is of the essence if you want to catch up with your peers, and a coach's guidance cannot be understated in this regard. A coach can provide a clear path so you don't waste precious time second-guessing your next steps. Instead, you focus only on improving your game.
Additionally, having a mentor minimizes the risk of committing mistakes that can quickly become counterproductive habits. For instance, a dedicated youth batting coach can assess your swing and provide feedback on improving it. They can also help you develop a training plan that addresses relevant areas for improvement.
The best baseball training for youths
If you're searching for the best youth baseball camps, Florida has undoubtedly some of the best in the country. Vaughn Sports Academy (VSA) stands out because of its coaching staff, all with professional baseball experience. Led by MLB star Mo Vaughn, VSA's coaches are among the most qualified in the country to help players become bona fide baseball athletes.
And because consistency is especially critical for any baseball player, VSA offers online training programs developed by Mo Vaughn himself to help athletes improve even if they cannot attend in-person training. If you want to learn more about VSA's programs and how they can help players unlock their potential, visit their website today!
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holybridget · 5 months
Pourquoi la présentation du Cybertruck a été un échec?
Indication/Right answer : Parce que ce véhicule est censé être très résistent aux attaques extérieurs mais sa vitre a été cassée par l'envoi d'une balle d'acier.
(Cmar Paca).
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arihantpub · 1 year
With the start of the new academic session, New Class & New Books along with pumped-up speeches from teachers must have given you an adrenalin rush to work hard and achieve your decided goals.
But as time passes by, the JOSH does not stay high for a long time and procrastination takes over your mind. And…at the end, all you can think of is just to pass the exam and move.
But My dear friends, Preparation is not just a one-day game, rather it is to make constant efforts of understanding, practicing, and assessing things on a regular interval.
As a famous American Football coach Joe Gibbs says, “A winning effort begins with preparation.”
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So, in this new academic session, make new but effective changes in your study routine with Arihant’s All in One Series for CBSE Boards. The 2023-24 editions are designed on the 3 pillars of Complete Study, Complete Practice and Complete Assessment. 
You will find that the books in this series have been made in such a way that students will be fully guided to prepare for the exam in the most effective manner. The material is presented in a Clear & Concise manner and there are good number of questions for you to practice.
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Here we have listed 7 big reasons to get this series.
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The All in one series help students to dig a little deeper into the concepts and understand the terms better. Every chapter of this series is provided with Complete, easy-to-understand and simplified theories covering the latest syllabus.
To make students understand the chapter really well, Topical Exercises or checkpoints have been provided in between the chapters. These in-text exercises help students to assess what they are learning. These in-between questionnaires also help students to access the understanding of the related concept at regular intervals.
Be absolutely prepared for the examination with Exam Practice Questions. Each chapter is provided with an exercise containing exam pattern questions. These exercises cover all types of questions like MCQs, Case-based questions, Reasoning & Assertions, VSA, SA & LA-type questions. All these questions are fully explained helping students to understand how to write the answers to get full marks in the exam.
Along with fully solved exam pattern questions, this series is also equipped with unsolved questions under the name Chapter Assessment to help you check your level of preparation. In addition to it, all these exercises help students to assess their understanding of the chapter.
To get a real feel of the examination, This All In One series has sample question papers that are exactly prepared on the latest syllabus and pattern of examination.
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At Arihant, we have always believed, that there is no shortcut to success. To ace your exam, you will have to burn the midnight oil, but we assure you that we are ready to be the fuel to Your Fire, with all new “All – in – One” series, preferred by students and teachers across India, give this Bestselling series a chance to win, This Board Exam Battle for You.
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vsa-pieldepapel · 1 year
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( @tashidelashi colored this keke)
I was thinking about this recently and sperged about it in the kriselle fanclub lol
Kris goes to church every Sunday since they were a kid and Noelle clearly did too, even if kris grows up to be atheistic I think they’d marry both legally and by the church because it just comes naturally to them. The fits are snow/winter themed and Noelle funnels a chunk of politician mom money to the wedding proceedings. Noelle has snowflake accents on her hairdo, it’s really cute. Susie is the best man and she wears a tux to the ceremony. Noelle probably paid for that, too
It is a bit stiff and awkward for kris but they endure it for her sake. In the end it’s a pretty, satisfactory wedding. Susie does a best man speech and it sucks but everyone cries. It’s cute.
Ralsei and Susie dont get married : ) they’re married in everything but ceremony, really. They prefer it that way. More life partners than anything. La creatura is a very crack headcanon, I don’t think they ever marry or have children! Maybe pets though, I can really see rals enjoying caring for an animal
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springfieldvtpd · 1 year
Arrest - Luring a Child
Offenses: Luring a Child; 13 VSA, Section 2828
Incident Number: 23SF001815
Investigating Officer: Foucher, S
Date/Time of Incident/Arrest: 04/30/2023 @ 10:33 AM
Defendant: Cliff E. Lokey
Summary of Incident:
On April 30, 2023 at approximately 10:33 AM, Officers of the Springfield Police Department responded to 50 Clinton Street; Penguin Mart for the report of a juvenile in distress.
Over the course of the investigation, Officers found probable cause that the defendant, Cliff Lokey, committed the felony offense of Luring a Child.
Lokey was taken into custody and released from the Springfield Police Department with a criminal citation to appear at the Windsor County Superior Court-Criminal Division in White River Junction for May 1st, 2023 at 12:30 PM to answer to the aforementioned charges.
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eltypstats · 2 years
What does solarwinds do
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What does solarwinds do Patch#
I don't think those things are critical for most MSPs. Close enough to be worth considering for most MSPs as an alternative to Automate, but you'll notice some things lacking. I would not say Datto is on-par with Automate, but a close 2nd. Support answers quickly and almost always fixes me on the first contact. When I do, the problem is almost always because of me, not the tool. Most importantly: most tickets were a result of the program itself not working properly. Hours long waits, no resolution on first contact, weeks to close out tickets. I could do this in Automate, but not in Datto." But that's less common each year.Ĭan I speak about support for a minute? In my experience, getting a competent support tech at Automate was always painful. Every so often something comes up that I think, "huh. I was an Automate user for many, many years. Support is certainly better than Automate, and that alone was worth the switch for me. That said, I feel Datto is very capable, and they continue to develop it. I can't speak about SolarWinds, or Kaseya VSA, but in comparing Datto to Automate, I feel like Automate is more advanced over Datto. So before throwing it out and rolling the dice on something that will probably be even worse, it might be worth investing the time and effort into seeing if an overhaul would be a better option. Replacing an RMM, for any reasonably sized MSP, is as massive undertaking. Now that we are, we've had a ten-fold improvement in operations. And while it had a lot of problems in the past, most of those were due to our fault in not using it properly. To sum it up, N-Central is far from perfect, but no RMM product is.
What does solarwinds do Patch#
99.9% of things are standardized, doing as much as we can with automation policies and scripts, keeping the product up to date with new features and functionality, automated monitoring rules and deployment policies, streamlined patch management, etc. With the help of Picon (an N-Central consulting firm), we basically rebuilt everything from scratch. etc.Ībout a year ago, the NOC Manager retired and I stepped in to help get things cleaned up. Up until last year, it was horribly managed, barely maintained, nothing was very automated, hundreds of custom one-offs that no one could keep track of, etc. We have been using N-Central for a long time - prior to its purchase by Solarwinds (N-Able). Any RMM is only going to be as good as it is managed and maintained.
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sagarrachnagrp · 2 years
Best Question Bank Political Science for class 12
The students searching for CBSE Class 12 best Question Bank Political Science 2022-23 based on latest & full syllabus. The CBSE Books Class 12 for Political Science focusses on latest Board exam Pattern consists of Chapter wise & Category wise Question and Answers 2022 -23 also includes New Typology of Questions: MCQs, NCERT Exercises, Practice Papers, VSA ,SA & LA including case based questions.
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mymarifae · 2 years
i love when someone is asked a simple question like "are you proship" and they respond with "um... i don't want to be dragged into internet discourse... i come on here to have fun and share content. my perspective isn't important. i'm subjecting myself to harassment regardless of how i answer so i'm not going to say anything" like oooooh ok so you are proship or you're ambivalent towards the topic and you're just not brave enough to say it 💕 because if you found it disgusting - as you SHOULD - you would not be so cagey about it and would speak out against it, rather than curating a space in which proshippers feel free to engage with your content. great job, dumbass
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