#vylad x reader
starhvney · 29 days
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mystreet vylad x fem!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: you’ve jokingly given vylad small flowers since you’ve known him, but as newly weds he surprises you with a leather bound journal, the scent of flowers pressed into the pages.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: tooth-rotting fluff, vylad actually being sickeningly romantic, established relationship, vylad and reader are married
𝐂𝐖: none
𝐀/𝐍: vylad the man that you are
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“where are you going?” you ask, turning to your husband as he leaves your side from the swinging daybed, his feet padding across the back patio to the door.
“don’t worry, i’ll be back in a second. i just have something i want to show you.”
you wrap the knitted blanket around your body, the apple cider in your cup still steaming as it keeps your cold hands warm. your wedding with vylad couldn’t have been set for a more perfect time of year. it was at the prime time of autumn, when the leaves had all turned into beautiful shades of red to yellow, yet hadn’t begun to fall to the ground. it was now two weeks later, and the both of you had officially settled into your new home.
the evening air was chilly, rustling and carrying leaves across the ground and invoking more evening coos from the last waking birds of the day. you’re not sure what could make you feel more at peace and utterly happy in this moment, yet the stunning man you married never ceases to give you more reasons.
he’s soon snuggled back next to you, placing a thick, tied, leather-bound journal in your hands with an eager smile. for a moment you see that eager young boy you had met so long ago, round cheeks squishing against those beautiful green eyes.
“what is this?” you ask, gingerly taking the book in your hands and smelling a faint whiff of dried flowers from between the worn pages.
he holds your mug for you, cheekily taking a sip before nodding down at the journal.
“just take a look.”
you stare at him in awe for a moment, before turning your attention down to his gift. unbinding the tweed rope that kept the journal from flopping open, you crack open the worn leather to the first page.
a small pressed dandelion is preserved under a cleanly placed sheet of clear tape, displayed under a small entry written in vylad’s elegant writing.
thursday, 8/13
i don’t know what’s wrong with me. i’ve always been a quiet person, but when i’m with her i’m not quiet out of choice. how can i feel so comfortable and happy around someone yet be so nervous?
she gave me this flower today, with the most beautiful smile i’ve ever seen on her face as she told me to cheer up. she’s as sweet as ever.
your head whips back to your husband, who merely smiles and presses a soft kiss against your cheek. he rests his head against your shoulder, a contented sigh leaving his lips as you turn to the next page. then the next. then the next.
each page was about you, from simply fawning over every detail of how beautiful he found you, to describing the days that you had spent together. you remember starting to give vylad flowers as a cute inside joke between the two of you–but then it grew to simply be a habit of expressing your love for him.
while he had given you flowers too, you hadn’t taken the time to neatly press each one into a journal, writing it down to engrave each occasion into your memory like he did.
the sweet scent of the dried flowers wafts into your face with every crinkle of the next page turning, but you don’t think they’re the culprit for the dizzying surge you feel in your throat. 
“vylad…” tears prick your eyes, an overwhelming feeling clouding swelling your heart in your chest.
“just keep reading, love.”
saturday, 2/5
she wouldn’t stop apologizing, saying she couldn’t afford a “real” gift for me on my birthday. she laughed and gave me a flower instead, saying she’d make up for it in the future. how do i tell her this was the best thing she could’ve given me, that her presence is the greatest gift that i cherish?
you remember that day. you were both freshly young adults, and while trying to stabilize yourself in this world you struggled to get the funds to spare for anyone but yourself. you felt so guilty that you couldn’t get one of your closest friends something nice for his birthday, but you can’t forget the bright smile you love so much when you had given him a singular flower instead.
he had insisted it was the best gift he had gotten yet, and while you had shaken your head disbelievingly at the time, you’re starting to realize he may have been telling the truth.
friday, 6/14
i gathered the courage to ask her to be mine today. i was the one who gave her a bouquet this time, and yet she insisted on giving me back the singular rose that was in the entire selection. her soul is sweeter and lovelier than any of the flowers i could give her. i’m so lucky.
more pages. more entries. you read every one like they were sacred artifacts. like they were the answer to why you should take your next breath.
small pictures of you and him. and so many flowers. had you really given him this many? you suppose you did. always running off into fields and tripping over fences anytime you saw one, bringing it back to him with a stupid goofy grin. you always remember he’d slip it carefully into his pocket or bag, but you assumed it was just him being too kind-hearted to toss them away in front of you.
wednesday, 3/24
we went to that beautiful field, the one that blooms with tons of different kinds of flowers during spring. of course she was so excited, my sweet girl. we made each other flower crowns and rings, and after slipping on the flower ring on her ring finger i pulled out the real one i bought a couple months ago. i was so nervous, i thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest. she said yes, though, tackling me into the grass and accidentally squishing our flower crowns underneath us. i don’t think that really mattered to her anymore though. i’m the happiest man alive. 
saturday, 9/22
she’s so beautiful. i thought i might be able to stop myself from crying, but i knew it was over when i saw her walking down the aisle. i stole a flower from her bridal bouquet, but we’re preserving the rest of it and i don’t think she’ll be too upset. i love you, my sweet flower.
underneath it was one of the flowers from the theme of your wedding, it’s white petals only just beginning to fade in its liveliness under it’s neat confines. scribbled underneath it is one more line of writing, vylad’s cursive scribbles once again beautifully decorating the page. 
your beauty is everlasting, the flowers you gave me could never compare. my love for you is forever and eternal. it will out live any petal this earth can produce.
tears stream down your face, and once you gently set the journal shit next to you, your arms are tightly wrapped around vylad, who startles at the sudden movement as the swinging daybed jolts with your movements.
“woah,” he laughs, lifting away the cup of cider from spilling on either of you as his other hand pulls you to him. “careful, love.”
“i love you.” your voice is thick, throat tight as you cry into his shoulder. 
“i love you too, my beautiful flower,” he laughs, finally finding a place to set down the cup and earnestly pulling you snuggle into his lap. “you know, the goal was not to make you cry.”
“how could you think that i wouldn’t?”
“well, i cried when i completed the last page, so i guess we’re even.”
you laugh, melting against him as he presses sweet kisses along your forehead and cheeks, wiping away the tears from under your eyes.
“i guess you liked it, then?” he laughs, and you erupt in giggles again.
you didn’t just like it, you loved it enough to dedicate a whole shelf in your house to neatly display the thick journal, right next to the framed resin preservation of your wedding bouquet.
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal, copy, or repost my works as your own.
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chackyxyooj · 13 days
Cold Showers
Description: Showering with MS boys, but you turn the water cold - drabbles. Included: Laurance, Zenix, Gene, Vylad CW: Slightly provocative themes (Looking at you, Zvahl) - nothing explicit.
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Laurance Zvahl
Laurance slips his arms around your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest. You can tell from the way he leans forward to press a kiss against your shoulder that he wants more. You’ve become accustomed to his tricks, but you don’t have time to indulge him today.
“Laurance…” You begin to untangle yourself from the boy’s embrace but he tightens his grip.
“Yes, My Love?” He presses another kiss against your shoulder, this time letting his lips linger as one of his hands wander up your side.
You grasp his wandering hand with a stern look. “We’re going to be late if you don’t control yourself.” From the way Laurance laughs you know he’s caught the look on your face and that he’s choosing to ignore it.
“They can wait a few minutes for us. Come on, please?”
You sigh as you lean back against Laurance’s embrace, giving the boy a false sense of security as he peppers kisses along your jaw. Just as his hands creep further up your body the water of the shower turns cold. Just like that Laurance is snapped out of his lustful daze and begins attempting to use you as a shield from the cold water.
“Hey! Why’d you do that?” The boy inquires as you slip away from his grasp.
You turn to him with a coy smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, My Love.”
He pouts, rubbing a hand over the goosebumps now covering his skin on one of his arms to try and get them to settle. As you lean past him his eyes flit, staring down at your naked form for only a moment before he lets out an annoyed huff again.
You roll your eyes as an amused smile pulls at your lips. “If you promise to behave yourself I'll turn up the heat… but only a little bit!”
Laurance gives you a firm nod, his expression determined. "Fine, deal. But I’m not happy about it." He shifts to grab the soap, keeping his eyes firmly away from you so he can avoid getting distracted. If you weren’t so right about being tight for time, he knows you would’ve let him get away with more. So for now he’ll settle for having you by his side.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
“Just get in the shower with me.” You can’t help but laugh at the stubbornness of the boy who stands outside of the shower.
“It was so hot today and yet you’re still taking a hot shower? No way.” Zenix has his arms crossed and a less-than-amused look on his face. “And I know how hot you like your showers, so no, I will not be showering with you.”
“It’s not that hot.”
“I can literally see steam coming out from the top of the shower!”
You laugh at being caught red handed. Though you do like your hot showers, you’re willing to compromise. “Fine, fine. If I turn down the heat will you come shower with me?”
Zenix’s gaze flickers up and down your body for a brief moment. To your delight he begins to shed his clothes. “I’m not taking a single step in the shower until you turn it down though.”
“Yeah yeah, I know.” You muse as you adjust the temperature of the water. You can hear Zenix grumbling to himself as he steps into the shower behind you. The moment the boy steps in he looks at you with furrowed brows.
“Did you even turn it down?”
“Is the water still too hot for you, my tender little frog?” You catch the irritation on Zenix’s face from your choice of nickname but you can’t help but laugh. Between your fits of laughter you grab the boy’s hand and hold him in the shower, reaching over to the faucet and turning down the heat even more. “There, I turned it down. Stay and shower with me. Please?”
Zenix stares down at you with words bubbling on the tip of his tongue but he suppresses the urge to say any of them. Instead he rolls his eyes as he takes his shampoo and hands it to you.
Wordlessly the boy leans down toward you so that you can more easily scrub the shampoo into his hair for him. You do, of course, and Zenix finds himself leaning in toward your touch. Maybe one of these days he’ll build up enough resistance to your shower temperatures to join you more often, but today is not that day.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
When Gene steps into the bathroom you pull the shower curtains back to catch a glance at him. He’s already removed his top layer of clothes and is working on the rest. 
“I’m almost done showering. Did you want me to leave the water on for you?”
In response to your question Gene flashes you a grin. “You’re almost done already? I just assumed that you would still be mid-shower when I came to join you.”
You roll your eyes and return to the water. “My showers aren’t even that long! You’re just being dramatic.”
“I never said long showers were a bad thing, Doll.” Gene snickers to himself as he pulls back the curtain and steps into the shower with you. He knows that you were almost done, but he wanted to jump in anyway.
Gene leans forward to pull your body against his but you swat his hands away. “You’re still dirty!” You frown. The only thing you have left to do is rinse out your conditioner and you’re not about to let Gene get any of his dirt or grime on you now.
“All I want is to hold you close. Is that so much to ask for?”
Though you roll your eyes, amusement pulls at your lips. “Next time you want to hold me in the shower, get in at the same time as me.”
“I am in the shower at the same time as you.”
“You know what I mean!”
As Gene reaches out to grab you again you step back out of the flow of the water. With a coy smile you reach behind your back and turn the temperature of the water down as much as it goes. Being the only one under the faucet, Gene is hit with an abrupt change in temperature.
A short string of curses escape Gene’s lips as he recoils from the stream of water. Before you have a chance to escape out of the shower Gene gets a hand on yours and pulls you into his arms.
“Gene!” You gasp as the boy wraps his arms around your waist and holds you against himself. The longer you stand there the more the frigid water snuffs out any warmth you once had. “What are you doing? Let me go!”
“You made your bed, Doll. Now it’s time to lay in it.”
You can hardly think of a way to wipe Gene’s cocky grin off his face, so you give in and pull yourself closer to the boy’s chest. “If I didn’t like you so much I’d leave you high and dry.”
“Is that so?” Gene laughs in a satisfied manner as he feels you shift closer. “Then I guess I’ll count myself lucky.”
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Vylad Ro'Meave
Vylad enjoys the feeling of your hands against his face as you gently scrub your new cleanser on him. He’s usually one for trying new things and today you looked particularly excited to try it with him. What else could he do but happily oblige?
“Okay, you can open your eyes now. Careful not to rinse it off too quickly though!” You caution, rinsing your hands before applying cleanser to your own face.
“What’s the point of applying it in the shower if we’re supposed to let it sit?” Vylad inquires. He doesn’t bother trying to hide his lingering gaze from you, though in the name of being decent he mostly keeps his eyes above your shoulders. Mostly.
Your eyes carefully flutter open once you’ve applied cleanser to your own face. “I guess we didn’t have to apply it in the shower, but… I don't know. I wanted to, I guess.”
“How long until we can rinse it off?”
“The instructions say to let the cleanser sit for a minute or two, so it should be fine if you rinse yours off now.” You say, stepping aside and allowing Vylad greater access to the water.
Just as Vylad is about to step under the water it gets significantly colder - so much so that the boy nearly backs up into you just to avoid it. “Is it just me or did the water get colder?” Asks Vylad, his eyes turning to meet yours curiously.
“Sorry! That was me.” You admit, barely holding back a laugh from the reaction you unintentionally provoked. “I should’ve warned you that you’re supposed to rinse it off with cold water.” 
Vylad isn’t quite as amused as you are but he takes it in good stride. As Vylad rinses what remains of the cleanser he can’t help but appreciate the feeling of cold water against his skin after taking such a hot shower. “You know, I’ve actually heard that cold showers help build immunity to sickness and increase blood circulation.”
“Are you saying that in hopes of getting me to take colder showers?” You ask as Vylad steps out of the shower.
He chuckles to himself. “Maybe.”
“Vylad Ro’Meave, what am I ever going to do with you?” Despite how you sigh there’s an air of amusement in your words, so of course Vylad is willing to play along. As you shut off the water and step out of the shower, Vylad hands you your towel and places a kiss against your cheek.
“Help me apply moisturizer, I hope.”
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sunnified · 15 days
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synopsis. the idea of meeting your rich boyfriend's rich family is nerve wracking, but at least he's there to hold your hand.
pairing. mystreet!vylad x gn!reader
content. non-descriptive reader =), comfort/fluff, one reference of the endearment “baby” at the very start, reader is nervous, anxiety about not fitting in, garte doesn't make an appearance
word count. 2.0k
a/n. i’ve been super busy recently so hopefully this little piece makes up for the lack of content? anyway, this piece is for this lovely anon <3
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your eyes traced over your own features once more, looking for any imperfections or problems. from where he sat in the passenger seat, vylad threw an odd look in your direction, “you look fine, baby.”
his reassurance did little to calm the quivering of your nerves, and your gaze was quick to dart back to the sun visor mirror in front of your face. there was a small frown threatening to tug at the corner of your painted lips, “‘fine’ isn’t enough.” you sighed, prodding at a crease between your brows.
your boyfriend, who was dressed in clothes far nicer than his usual attire, only blinked in response. then, his hand came to rest upon your mid-thigh, stopping the consistent and annoying jittering. vylad was much calmer, offering a gentle smile, “you look perfect, really. they’re going to love you.”
“hm.” you’d spent several hours tearing apart your wardrobe for something suitable to wear, dirty looks being shot at vylad every time he offered a positive response to an outfit that was clearly horrible. right down to your shoes and the bag of choice, everything had been meticulously curated and laid out for after a long, scorching shower where you could think about what to say and how to say it.
“besides, you already know zane, and he’s the hardest part of the entire night.” vylad grinned as though he had just made a very funny joke, tousling his brown hair with one comb of careless fingers. “dad is on a business trip, so you don’t have to stress over him,” he looks a bit crestfallen for a moment, before perking back up, “and mum hasn’t even met you, but she already loves you — why’re you so worried?”
you scoffed in response.
at least, with the added comfort of zane being there you could relax a little more tonight. it had been a stroke of luck that you had even managed to get to know the monochromatic man, having accidentally met him in the middle of a supermarket one time a year ago.
for the past fifteen minutes, the pair of you had been parked at the end of the street where vylad grew up. your car had seen better days and looked out of place in comparison to the sleek sports cars and large family homes lining the sides of the road. vylad’s father, as you had come to learn, owned the ro’meave corporation and therefore was extremely wealthy. you were just lucky that none of his extravagant tastes had filtered down into his youngest son, who preferred to order take out and snuggle on the couch as a ‘date.’
irene, you were nervous.
“oh, i dunno, maybe because this is your family we’re talking about?” you replied in a huff, about to continue examining your own appearance before vylad promptly snapped the sun visor shut, “seriously, these people might end up being my in-laws some day!”
“might?” at that, his nose scrunched and he shook his head adamantly, “no, no, they will be your in-laws some day. which is why, we’re going to get out of the car, walk to the house, and happily greet my family.”
he beamed.
you sighed.
noticing the worry covering your expression, he leaned over and pressed a single kiss to the round of your cheek, “trust me,” he murmured, “you’ll fit right in.”
“okay.” your agreement followed shortly, “i’ll trust you.”
stepping into the cold evening air, you instinctively looked down at your outfit once more. it was a little fancier than what you’d usually wear, but most of your clothes were designed for comfort whilst travelling for long hours. despite having scoured half of the world with your long-term boyfriend, you’d yet to meet his rambunctious family face-to-face, instead only offering to sign your name on postcards from different regions and extending your wishes during birthdays.
maybe most of your nerves stemmed from the idea that vylad’s parents would hate you for taking their son around the world without knowing much more than your name. in fact, a big part of you was scared that they’d blame you for his lack of presence in phoenix drop.
the man in question walked around the model of your car, his fingers curling around yours as he began to pull you in the direction of his childhood home. it was a little way down the street, a brisk walk at best, before you were both stood on the front door step. your hand fell from his, and vylad was offering the crook of his elbow in a gentlemanly fashion with a proud look on his face, “i wouldn’t hear the end of it if i didn’t escort you.”
you laughed quietly in response, the huff coming out as something of a nervous chuckle. both of you know that’s probably not true, since he uses your interlocked arms as a subtle way to pull you closer. curious eyes watched with mild uncertainty as his hand came up to push at the doorbell, a faint tune playing from behind the red painted door before it abruptly swings open and your face to face with a man; he’s not much older than yourself and appears the complete opposite to your boyfriend. he grins at you both, exclaiming happily, “baby brother!” before tugging vylad from your grasp and into a tight, welcoming hug.
vylad laughs, too, reciprocating the hug just as fiercely, “garroth, hey.”
when the pair pull away from one another, you’re able to get a good look at the one ro’meave brother you had yet to meet. he was tall, much taller than his younger two brothers, and had much sharper features. his hair was a jealous shade of blonde, curling in pretty swirls that had seemingly been made to sit neatly atop his head; like vylad, the button up shirt he wore was expensive and you faintly caught a glimpse of the embroidery initials woven firmly into the cuff.
the man, garroth, turns to face you, “you must be the person keeping my brother so busy.” he mused, sweeping you over once before you were pulled into the same crushing hug. you nearly yelped, had it not been for your merciful release only a moment later, “it’s great to finally meet you, i was feeling a little left out with both vylad and zane knowing you.”
you attempted to laugh along with garroth, albeit a little awkward as you nodded your head and agreed, “yeah, i was wondering when i could meet you, too.”
garroth brightens at the sound of your voice, “vylad was just scared i’d steal you away.” he muses, to which the younger of the two brothers huffs an equally amused chuckle out. you don’t miss how his arm encircles your waist.
“you wish.” he snickers in a quick response and your hand covers the entertained smile creeping across your lips.
the brothers shared a look, before garroth was talking to you again, “come on, mum’s dying to meet you.” he waved you further into the house, turning to venture off down the hallway and giving just a split second of privacy between you and vylad.
your brunette boyfriend leaned in, his words coming out as a mere whisper meant only for you to hear, “garroth’s always been a hugger — try to get used to it, ‘cause there’s a lot more of those in your future.”
you snorted softly, “right.” you hummed, “baby brother.” the teasing words were followed by a light shove of vylad’s shoulder bumping against yours, shining green eyes rolling to the back of his head as he lead the way into the family room.
“hey mum, zane.” his charismatic greeting was met with a muffled acknowledgement from the middle child of the three brothers.
his mother, on the other hand, was quick to stand from where she had been poised on the edge of the couch and engulf you into a hug. it seems vylad had forgotten to mention that his mother, too, was an advocate of hugs, “oh, darling! it’s so lovely to finally meet you, i’ve heard so much about you from vylad.” she gushed, holding you by the shoulders with a gentle grip, seeming to take you in all at once.
“it’s lovely to meet you, too, mrs. ro’meave.” you replied, a smile gracing your lips at her soft demeanour. you’d heard a lot about vylad’s mother, from his favourite childhood memories to how he recently described her soft personality.
the older woman giggled quietly, shaking her head, “oh, honey,” her emphasis on the little nickname was almost deceiving, “you don’t have to call me that — it makes me feel old!” she was anything but, “call me zianna, we’re family, after all.”
your heart surges at the word family, jaw going slack, “r-right.” your stuttering is met by a muffled laugh across the room, and you throw a halfhearted glare at zane, whose snickering to himself, “family.”
there’s a loud whine from behind you, before vylad is draping himself across your back. his chin sits on your shoulder, arms holding you flush against him — in front of his brothers and mother. he huffs, “don’t spoil the surprise!” he all but scolds zianna, who squeals at the scene in front of her. your face blooms with heat, and you can feel the warmth trickling from your cheeks down your neck.
vylad’s never been one to shy from affection, but now you know he’s really playing up since you’re in the presence of his family; whether he’s purposefully embarrassing you or attempting to create the perfect image of a devoted boyfriend, you’re not quite sure.
your small embarrassed protest of his name goes unnoticed, as zianna reaches for her phone to snap a picture of the two of you. she gushes, fawning over the image of her youngest son holding his partner in such a loving way, only to gasp when the sound of an egg-timer dings from the kitchen. she takes off to tend to the cooking dinner, leaving you to deal with the three ro’meave brothers.
the silence doesn’t last long, with vylad tugging your body in the direction of a cute armchair. it’s snug, how he sits down and you’re practically sitting on top of him, but he doesn’t mind the added weight in the slightest — especially since one hand rests on your waist whilst the other is used as a support to your back.
“so, how did you guys meet?” garroth asks, having since taken a seat at the opposite end of the curved couch from zane. he muses with his blonde hair, before eventually giving up and letting his arm fall to rest on the back of the seat.
“travelling,” you say at the same time vylad sarcastically replies with “a dating app.”
garroth raises a brow, and zane looks up from what he’d been doing on his phone to look at the pair of you. laughing awkwardly, you reiterate, “we met whilst travelling, he walked right into me in a coffee shop.”
garroth gasps as though just hearing something scandalous, a scolding tone taking on his voice. it’s proof he’s the oldest of the three. zane snorts from beneath his mask, before covering it up with a cough.
vylad groans from behind you, “i said i was sorry!”
“he bought me another coffee afterwards.”
garroth nods in approval at that, “good.” he doubles down, “i’m glad to know my baby brother is taking care of you.”
“shut up garroth, you’re only saying that because you’re single right now.” zane retorts, scoffing when garroth splutters.
“wh— hey! they didn’t need to know that, zane!”
“it’s true, though.” he shrugs.
vylad is laughing again, resting his face in your neck to hide for a moment. you sigh and lean back into him, watching as garroth and zane squabble. it makes you smile.
there’s a feminine call from the kitchen, as well as the sound of a small bell ringing. zianna’s voice carries through to the living room, “kids, dinner’s ready!”
when both the eldest and middle child scramble to sit at the dining table, vylad makes a point of holding you for just a second longer, smiling to himself, “welcome home.”
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melloraconteur · 1 year
[Listen to the silent scream of (It was never heard)] Zane Ro'Meave
What you should expect -> Child abuse [mentioned], Character death [mentioned].
Synopsis -> The little boy who was afraid of his shadow had to grow, says the storyteller, he grew into something he thought he was and didn't think he could change his ways. No one bothered to prove otherwise . . .
Word count -> 1.2K
When his brother Vylad is born, he is allowed into the delivery room with his older brother Garroth and he takes a look at the boy and immediately can tell in his mind that Vylad will only ever be his brother through his mother's line by the way she holds him. 
(He can never recall a time she held him like that.)
He is 5 years old when he watches with envy filled eyes at the love his mother gives so easily to her youngest and never to him. 
He is 10 years old when is first introduced to the cruelty of his father and the unfair treatment between him and his brothers given by his mother. 
It goes something like this. 
He's running, running and weaving between important party guests with the intent of catching his brother Garroth. He's running too fast with his skinny legs to move out of the way of the noble woman and he knocks straight into her skirt, nearly bowling her over and makes her drop a glass of wine that has to be expensive by the sound it makes as it shatters on the wooden flooring.
He steps away from the woman's dress and into the sight of everyone who had turned to see what the disturbance was. He sees Garroth turn and stop when he hears the shattering of glass, he sees the easy going grin of his father turn into a tight lipped one and one of his mother's hands covers her mouth in shock (and maybe in shame.) 
His father motions him to come to him. He cannot help but follow his command on autopilot, hoping and wishing his father will overlook this (he likely won't, you know this). He feels the heavy hand of his father set itself on his shoulder, an inch too close to his neck to be comfortable. He cannot help but turn to his mother, begging with his eyes for her to help him, for her to extend the loving hand she gives his siblings and prove that she loves him as much as Garroth or Vylad.
But she does not look at him, does not even give him a look of pity or anything. No, she is holding Vlyad in one arm and plastering Garroth to her side with the other, rubbing his arm and trying to be a comforting mother. The soft and delicate look in her eyes is not for him, it is for the children who she treasures. 
And despite the heavy hand of his father an inch too close to his neck to be comfortable, despite the heated gazes glaring down on the interactions of his family, he feels like he's been thrown in an ice bath headfirst.
(Fine, if she won't love him, he won't waste effort on it either)  
He is 15 years old when he starts dealing with his father's work. He has learned what his brothers have not. That you must learn when he wants to hear you and when you should remain silent. 
He is 15 when he meets many men who he knows he would need to flay his skin from bone to get their stench off his skin. 
(He is but a boy when an eye patch covers his right eye along with the bangs he carefully grew out (see mother, I can be nurturing too, he wants to scream at her))  
Truth: Zane's father, Lord Gante, has always told him that to give him anything other than success is failure. Anything other than success is weakness. The man burned that into his memory, into his bones and told him he'd do his best not to forget. 
He is a little older now. He has gained the title of High Priest from the Faith of Lady Irene. He sets forward to form his fractions. 
His father 'gifts' him a friend of sorts that he thought would help him. It is a girl of a nobleman whose name he can't be bothered with.  
She introduces herself with her first name and doesn't bother to give him her last. She doesn't wear a dress, she wears a beginner mage's robes with a necklace of a silver crane around her neck.  
It is a strange meeting nonetheless. One where he begrudgingly gives answers to her and gives out questions in a bossy harsh voice. He half expects her to yell at him, half expects her to break down and leave him alone in one of the parlor rooms.
Instead she does none of these things. She grins warmly at his blatant rudeness and offers to take him on a walk through the market, a place he doesn't go too often. 
(There is a small warmth in his chest. He hopes this girl of a nobleman will not leave him as everyone else did. He hopes to keep her as his own, to call her his and not have to worry about if he was wrong yet again.)
(Zane is a little older than 15 and is a very tired boy. He wants somewhere to rest his tired body. That's all.)   
Truth: Zane has always been too aware. To put simply, he's playing chess while others are busy playing checkers and whenever this is brought up, he will grin something cold with teeth ready to bite. 
(A child never given a childhood and raised by a monster can only be one thing.)
Confession: Zane has learned to be this way from his father, Lord Gante. Lord Gante always played nice with Garroth and regarded Vylad with a cold politeness but Zane had always seen the monster in the depths of his father. He can only remember seeing the monster take the place of his father when dealing out Zane's discipline. 
(He does not know how to undo this way of life. He doesn't think he can even if he tried.)
Things can change within a few months. 
Garroth, his eldest brother only through blood and title and nothing else, runs away and deserts his role as heir of  O'Khasis. 
( See? He could not handle what came with his title the voice that sounds like his father whispers, reminding him the consequences of faltering under pressure) 
Vylad, the youngest brother connected to him through his mother and nothing else, dies at the hands of an assassin. 
His mother, Lady Zianna, has shut herself away from the world, allowing herself to wallow in grief after losing two out of three sons.
 ( I'm here mother, your second son is still alive. Shouldn't that mean something to you? He wonders (screams) within his own head, never letting the words slip past gritted teeth.)
Fight. Survive. The voice demands when he is given the news that he is appointed the heir of O'Khasis, prove that you are more than the cards destiny gave you, it demands.
He was a monster before he was a child.  
A weapon made up of blood and bones that was ready to tear into the world at a simple command.
Weapon, his father grins.
Monster, his mother wails.
He has never been a child loved by a mother and father. 
He never had anyone love him without conditions. 
The little boy who was afraid of his shadow had to grow, Says the storyteller, he grew into something he thought he was and didn't think he could change his ways. No one bothered to prove otherwise . . .
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dan-i-am21 · 2 years
I have seen a lot of people saying to just post your story on AO3 but the stories I wrote were x reader… I haven’t seen much of those on AO3 and they’re cringe worthy but maybe someone would enjoy them on there idk. People on Wattpad do. They’re also Aphmau Mystreet fanfics…
Any advice?
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yanderelore · 1 year
welcome, this is a new blog – it's all aphmau related but it's yandere, I take x readers only !! my requests are open and I take about anyone and any type of story. just don't be afraid to submit one !!
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lovelaurs · 13 days
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MASTERLIST : you can find my fic request box here!
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ONGOING FICS it took me by surprise (aphmau x laurance/garroth)
As Aphmau struggles to control her powers, Laurance suggests sword training to help give her more confidence in her strength. But as time goes on, the two become closer. What happens when Garroth returns from the Irene Dimension only to learn about their relationship from Aphmau's pregnancy? An alternative take of what happened throughout Season 2, specifically the training sessions and how got Aphmau pregnant. A love triangle fic between Aphmau, Garroth, and Laurance!
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a declaration of love (laurance x reader)
After returning from a long journey, all you could think about was just relaxing at home. But when a mischievous Laurance has other plans, it seems like it won't be just another ordinary day back in Phoenix Drop.
training together (garroth, laurance x reader)
After deciding to train to be a guard, you seek the help of none other then a knight from phoenix drop. Yet, after a tough training session, things begin to get a bit out of hand...
None yet!
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taking your time (travis x reader)
It was long day filled with stress, and you come home absolutely riddled with anxiety. Luckily, your boyfriend Travis is there to comfort you through it as you're overwhelmed by life.
None yet!
None yet!
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(can be read seperately from each other or as a series!)
your stupid (kissable) face (garroth x laurance)
After Laurance suggests something between him and Aphmau, she & Dante leave to go scope out the area. Meanwhile, Garroth gets jealous, and the two have a squabble in the woods!
i do adore (dante x laurance)
Garroth leaves Laurance and Dante alone in the guard tower, and as Laurance teaches Dante some tips and tricks, they get a bit too close...
the boy is mine (garroth x laurance)
After a long morning of training, Garroth and Laurance head back to the guard tower to freshen up. What could possibly occur between two sweaty men? All alone? In a tower? Where no one can see? Oh, I wonder!
accidentally in love (travis x laurance)
As Laurance wanders the island of the Enki Warrior Tribe, he eventually runs into Travis, a cocky white haired stranger. As Travis promises him help, Laurance reluctantly agrees. What happens when the two grow close all alone in the middle of the woods?
ghost of chicago (sasha x laurance)
As Laurance goes to interrogate Sasha, past feelings are abruptly brought up and he has to face his past. What happens when during the interrogation things get a bit too heated?
we are infinite (vylad x laurance)
After Vylad takes Laurance over to a private area to calm down after getting enraged, the newer Shadow Knight expresses his jealousy over the other. What happens when just a simple plan to cool down fails and things start to heat up?
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MCD TALES i shine only with the light you gave me (aphmau x laurance)
After Laurance kills almost every werewolf at the wedding, Aphmau finds a way to try and bring him to his senses. (Basically “Look at me, this isn’t you!” the fic.)
anything (laurance & cadenza angst)
Cadenza takes care of a newly blind and injured Laurance.
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MYSTREET SHENANIGANS the red means i love you (aphmau x laurance x garroth)
Aphmau, Garroth, and Laurance are all on their period! As the three lovers suffer together, they struggle through their second day of cramps all on the couch tangled up with each other! What shenanigans shall ensue?
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deadguydeathmatch · 1 year
Welcome to the Dead Guy Death Match Elimination Round!
Due to the broad nature of death as a concept, most of the submitted characters only received a few votes each causing a massive tie. I figured the fairest way to sort out this issue would be to hold an elimination round to let you guys vote on who you want to make it into the bracket.
There will be two elimination rounds the first of which will start on Monday the 3rd of April at 3pm BST and the second will start on Saturday the 8th of April at 3pm BST.
Elimination Round 1 will feature polls of 5 or 6 unrelated characters (all of the matchups were generated randomly) for you to vote on. The lowest voted character will be eliminated and all of the remaining options will progress to the bracket.
Elimination Round 2 will feature polls of differing numbers of characters from the same or similar media and only the highest ranked character among them will progress to the bracket, all of the others will be eliminated.
Both sets of polls will last 24 hours.
I've tried my best to only include official images for all of the characters on the polls but I'm not familiar with every series listed so, when the polls go up, if you notice I've used a fanart or cosplay image without permission or credit please let me know and I'll add credit and correct it for any future appearances of that character.
The matchups are listed under the read more and hyperlinked to the polls
I apologise if I’ve accidentally spelled something wrong or used a wrong name for something, I’m not familiar with every series listed.
There will be spoilers for many series ahead.
Round 1-
Poll 1-
Leif- Bug Fables
Claire Foley- Professor Layton
Magne- My Hero Academia
Koki Kariya- The World Ends With You
Matsuri Kanroji- Demon Slayer
Tiso- Hollow Knight
Poll 2-
Polly Geist- Monster Prom
Beetlejuice- Beetlejuice
Kim Namwoon- Omnicient Reader’s Viewpoint
King Arthur- King Arthur
Chidi Anagonye- The Good Place
Duncan- Dragon Age
Poll 3-
Breakdown- Transformers
Varl- Horizon
Captain Orimar Vale- Skyjacks Podcast
Deep Throat- The X-Files
Connor Murphy- Dear Evan Hansen
Poll 4-
Catherine Earnshaw- Wurthering Heights
Johannes Cabal- Horst Cabal
Mr Boddy- Clue
Galivar Kholin- Stormlight Archive
Seth Gordon- All For The Game
Poll 5-
Jay Gatsby- The Great Gatsby
Billy Loomis- Scream
Esmeralda- The Hunchback of Norte Dame Novel
Kili- The Hobbit
Charles Vane- Black Sails
Poll 6-
Ned Stark- Game of Thrones
Hua Cheng- Heaven’s Official Blessing
Skelly- Hades
Nate- Levarage
Owen Carvour- Spies Are Forever
Poll 7-
Andre Grandier- Rose Of Versailles
Ash Lynx- Banana Fish
Jade Irinka- Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish Granting Engine
Hugo Oak- Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Evelyn Hooper- Less is Morgue
Poll 8-
Pandora Hearts- Xerxes Break
Bow- Inanimate Insanity
Sam Cortland- Throne of Glass
Matoro- Bionicle
Tigerstar- Warrior Cats
Poll 9-
Deadman- DC Comics
Bunny Corcoran- The Secret History
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight- Saw
Tobias Tattersall Hawthorne- The Inheritance Games
La Signora- Genshin Impact
Poll 10-
Erik- The Phantom of the Opera
Diggory Graves- Hello from the Hallowoods
Max- Sam and Max
Nicholas D Wolfwood- Trigun
Pip Pirrip- South Park
Poll 11-
Pedro Madrigal- Encanto
Midori- Your Turn To Die
Charles Foster Kane- Citizen Kane
Rufus Emeterio- They Both Die at the End
Tuuri- Stand Still Stay Silent
Poll 12-
Manny Calavera- Grim Fandango
Howard Hamlin- Better Call Saul
Tanya McQuoid- White Lotus
Diallos Hoslow- Elden Ring
Sayaka Miki- Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Poll 13-
Meiji “Menma” Honma- Anoha: The Flower We Saw That Day
Chiyoko Fujiwara- Millenium Actress
Mari- Omori
Simon Karin- Pathologic
Lee Everett- The Walking Dead
Poll 14-
Rachel Amber- Life is Strange
Jason Grace- Riordanverse
Violet Harmon- American Horror Story
Vylad Ro’Meave- Minecraft Diaries
Chara- Undertale
Poll 15-
River Song- Doctor Who
Queen Serenity- Sailor Moon
Sliver of Straw- Rain World
Manny- Swiss Army Man
Mr Nobody- Transistor
Poll 16-
Shizu- Slime Tensei
Michael Afton- Five Nights at Freddy’s
Neil Perry- Dead Poet’s Society
Silhouette- Watchmen comics
Garret Jacob Hobbs- Hannibal
Poll 17-
Junpei Yoshino- Jujitsu Kaisen
Okudera- Yakuza 5
Shinichiro Sano- Tokyo Revengers
Yuri Nakamura- Angel Beats
Emily- Corpse Bride
Round 2-
The Owl House-
Caleb Wittebane
Star Wars-
Kanan Jarrus
Obi Wan Kenobi
Owen Harper
Ianto Jones
Ace Attorney-
Mia Fey
Deid Mann
Critical Role-
Mollymauk Tealeaf
Star Trek-
Jennifer Sisko
Tasha Yar
Quincey Morris
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Final Fantasy-
Aerith Gainsborough
Ysale Dangulain
The Last Of Us-
Joel Miller
Sarah Miller
Riley Abel
The Vampire Diaries-
Nora Hildegard
Stefan Salvatore
Klaus Mikaelson
Avatar: The Last Airbender-
Avatar Kyoshi
Avatar Roku
Hatoful Boyfriend-
Nageki Fujishiro
Ryuuji Kawara
Black Butler-
Grelle Sutcliffe
Angelina Dalles
How To Train Your Dragon-
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock 2
Stoick The Vast
Les Miserables-
Gavroche Thenardier
Eponine Thenardier
John Winchester
Buffy The Vampire Slayer-
Jenny Calender
Tara Maclay
Infinity Train-
Simon Laurant
Sally Face-
Sal Fisher
Larry Johnson
Pat Butcher
Pete Martino
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mcd-brainrot-hours · 1 year
anyone have any good mcd fic recs on wattpad? i have consumed nearly all mcd (and vylad) fics on ao3 and all i can find on wattpad is x readers ;-;
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arienic · 29 days
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i will not be entertaining any NSFW requests.
whenever requesting, observe proper manners! don’t boss me (or any other writers) around while requesting. if you're rude, i won't even consider writing your request.
if my requests are closed, do not send any asks in that discuss scenarios. i consider these as requests and my answers to your ask will be short.
if you have a fandom/character in mind that i haven't already written for, send an ask in about that before actually requesting please. it'll save us both the time and hassle if it turns out i won't actually write for that character.
please note that though i do write romantic x readers for girl characters, if you'll request one, there's a low chance i'll write it
NOTE: if you have any questions, send an ask in! i don't bite i promise
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Laurance (ALL SERIES')
Garroth (ALL SERIES')
Zenix (MYS)
Travis (ALL SERIES')
Vylad (MYS & MCD)
Katelyn (MYS & MCD)
KC/Nana (MYS)
Sasha (MYS)
Genshin Impact: All characters currently on the GI masterlist. (Send an ask if you have a character in mind that isn't on it.)
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starhvney · 3 months
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𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 | you can find the request page here! | more utc
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𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝟑 | a mystreet reader insert fanfic
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there's nothing here for now!
murder: straight to the heart | ft. blaze, garroth, gene, & laurance
pipsqueak | zenix x short!reader
slumber party! | aphmau & reader | fluff, platonic
unlikely protector | gene x reader | hurt/comfort, hidden feelings
good game | katelyn & reader | fluff, slice of life, platonic
me? | zenix x reader | fluff, friends to more
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fluff alphabets | garroth ☆ laurance ☆ gene ☆ travis ☆ zenix
road trip headcanons | ft. garroth, laurance, travis, dante, zane, katelyn, & nana
character face claims
type of drunks they are
kinks | ft. blaze, garroth, gene, & laurance | nsfw
honeymoon | ft. blaze, dante, garroth, gene, & laurance | nsfw
just a kiss | part one ☆ part two | fluff and making out
late night study | garroth x reader | fluff, romantic tension
not a big deal | garroth x reader | fluff, romantic tension
positive | garroth x reader | fluff to smut/nsfw, married
fire drill | garroth x reader | fluff, established relationship
rooftop date | gene x reader | fluff, romantic tension
mission cupid! | gene x reader | fluff, confession, friends to more
young love | gene x reader | fluff, established relationship
you're alive | gene x reader | angst, hurt/comfort, confession?, friends to more
home cooked meal | laurance x reader | fluff, married, suggestive
five minutes | laurance x reader | angst, hurt/comfort, established relationship
really, really? | nana & reader | fluff, slice of life, platonic
the coolest | sasha & reader | fluff, slice of life, platonic
pressed flowers | vylad x reader | fluff, married
adore you | zane x reader | fluff, hurt/comfort. established relationship
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there's nothing here for now!
patching them up | ft. garroth, gene, laurance, travis
stay | laurance x reader | angst, hurt/comfort, hidden feelings
couldn't compare | laurance x reader | fluff, established relationship
for you | laurance x reader | angst, hurt/comfort
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laurance | prompt: while waiting for laurance to get out of soccer practice, you get hit on, causing your boyfriend to get a little jealous.
gene | prompt: at the school’s annual halloween festival for the students, you get dared to wander through the dark, blocked-off part of the school. just when you think you’re safe, a certain tall student with a ghostface costume on finds you…
zenix | prompt: it's another skip day with your friends at the river, and you realize you're not the only one who thinks the lines and scars across your skin are cool
laurance | prompt: on a dare, you and laurance were paired to go through a haunted house together.
gene | prompt: after a long day, you want nothing more than to relax in your boyfriend’s presence
zenix | prompt: the two of you get ready for your next shift at the night club bar, and you've made a cute change to your appearance. will your edgy friend dislike it... or does he actually have a preference for the color pink?
laurance | prompt: after the group has to flee phoenix drop through the cursed forest, laurance is on edge and anxious for your safety.
laurance | prompt: the man you had been curiously observing from off the shore is deathly injured. going against the warnings of your kind, you decide to rescue him.
garroth | prompt: as you curiously tried to observe humankind, you were snatched out of the water by a pirate captain named garroth ro'meave. will you be able to convince him to release you back into the sea?
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athenasilver7 · 4 years
alright!!! may i request just some general headcanons of Vylad with an s/o? (honestly thank you for still writing for this fandom-)
Coming right up! I’m very quick when it comes to headcanons.💖🦋🌸
Vylad x GN Reader
He’s a soft boy
Please give him cuddles and attention, he lowkey needs to know he’s loved
Holding each other during the night, huddled under the blankets
Oh god, please bake with him
He wants to bake a cake with you
He doesn’t even care if it turns out good, he just wants to have you there
When you go to dinners with his family, please please please hold his hand under the table
It helps him feel more at ease
He may seem very social, and he is, but sometimes he just needs alone time. With you.
Try on different clothes together
He wants to try out flowing things like long skirts and dresses (it’s canon that he mixes male and female clothing together)
He’s dubious at first, so you have to hype him up
Go get ears piercings with him! He’s never gotten a chance to get them
He’ll ask you were you’ve always wanted to travel to
Once you tell him, he’s set on going there with you during the summer
You two have a blast travelling, although it does get tiring sometimes
What’s this? You’re cooking dinner? Not alone! Scoot over, let him help
He has a habit of cupping your face in his hands and just peppering it with kisses
He honestly can’t imagine life without you
Let him hold your hands and just gaze into your eyes
Your eyes are so beautiful to him
He never wants to let this moment go. He never wants to let you go.
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sunnified · 25 days
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synopsis. the worst part about life is growing up, but vylad is willing to forget about it all when it's just you, him, and the stars.
pairing. pdh!vylad x gn!reader
content. slight angst/fluff, from vylad’s perspective, weighted with a teeny bit of ro’meave law, bordering on end of pdh/beginning of mystreet.
word count. 0.8k
a/n. based on this request!! this was super fun to write <3
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grass tickles vylad’s sensitive skin, a present reminder of the earthy bed beneath him. attempting to be subtle, he shifts his torso, only to groan when you huffed in protest.
“stop moving so much.” you pouted, sending a tiny glare his way, “‘m trying to look at the stars.” he flashed you an apologetic grin, hand on your head to soothe you whilst you continued observing the night sky.
it was funny to think that there had been a time in which he had been scared to break curfew, too afraid of his mother finding out or his adoptive father scolding him for being reckless. now, lounging in an open field, eyes on the universe, he couldn’t care less about if his parents found out.
at home, with garroth already well into college life and zane being too busy with all the exam prep, vylad had never felt more like an outsider. his mother was adoring, she doted on him like with his brothers, but he could see the regret in her eyes anytime she looked his way. she was a delicate flower, getting overly emotional as she was reminded of her own infidelity. vylad’s father, whilst not biological, was kind enough to acknowledge his existence when he was around the family home, despite the obvious lack of similarity between them.
he’d never been all that close with zane, either.
time was a cruel thing, and ageing was worse. he would of liked to remain young and naïve forever, given the chance, but as a child prodigy he was forced to grow up faster than most.
“can you believe we start college once summer is over?” your voice carries through the night, and vylad wonders if you could sense his inner turmoil.
he hums in response, “it feels like i’m still a little kid.”
your laughter is prominent, and he already knows what you’re going to say before you say it, “you are a little kid.” despite the scoff of annoyance he responds with, vylad is smiling, as he always is when he’s around you.
“you’re only a year older than me.”
“yeah, i’m a year older. you’re a baby.”
the wind carries your snickers, and he resists the urge to confess everything he’s ever felt. instead, vylad pokes your cheek with his free hand, before settling against the grass once more.
a comfortable silence blooms between the two of you, lulling you both into a sense of peace. the sky sparkles overhead, twinkling against the darkness of space. he can’t pull his eyes away, even if he wanted to. he’s always been fascinated by the way the universe works, how everything in history had to align for him to be here right now, with you, under a sky full of stars.
“one day, i want to travel the world.” vylad reveals out of the blue, “i want to see all the big cities— like paris, london, barcelona.”
sitting up from where you had previously been resting on his stomach, you furrow your brows at vylad, “that’s gonna cost a lot of money.”
his lips twist, “i’m sure my dad has some to spare.”
giggling, you lean forward on your knees, “i’m sure he does.”
“is that something you’d be interested in?”
your head tilts, and, irene, vylad thinks you just look so cute. “your dad’s money?” you ask, “because that is something i’m very interested in.”
your legs are touching, and vylad can feel the way your body jolts with small huffs of laughter at your own words. he’s smitten, “i mean travelling.”
“with you?”
“with me.”
he finally builds up the courage to look away from the sky and towards you. your eyes are blown wide with awe, mouth parted in an ‘o’ shape. vylad continues, and he doesn’t think his voice has ever carried so much emotion, “after college, i mean. i don’t want to stop your dreams.”
“vylad, i. . .”
he tenses up, “you don’t have to answer now! i can wait until we finish college, or until you’re ready to give me an answer.”
you don’t respond this time and silence overtakes once more, with him returning his gaze to the sky; compared to it, he’s never seemed so small. you move, laying down beside him, your hands brushing against one another, and your head inclined towards his.
thoughts run amuck through his mind, and he briefly wonders if he should of said anything at all. you’re still here — that’s a good sign, right?
“what’s that star called?” your words ring through the air, and although you don’t point to it, vylad knows which star you’re referring to.
“sirius.” he answers, “it’s apart of the canis major constellation.”
“it’s bright.” your hand intertwines with his.
“the brightest.” he squeezes.
high school is over, summer is nearing an end, and adulthood is on the horizon. life is moving quickly, almost too fast for him to keep up, and vylad is scared.
you squeeze back.
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melloraconteur · 5 months
That boy is a monster! (Destruction is in his nature) | Zane Ro'Meave
Cont. Child abuse (Implied and mentioned), Character death (mentioned), Reader is called "Crane"
Synopthesis-> And the boy wondered, what is a monster to do when backed into a corner? what is a monster to do when his birds want to spread their wings. Says the storyteller, their voice becoming mournful, He had decided to do what monsters do best, destroy. The boy didn't know what would become of them, of himself...
Zane has always hated his brothers. He hated them with everything he had and would ever be. That's what he whispers at night, with Crane, the daughter of the nobleman curled beside him, her warm soft hands wiping away the tears that wet his cheeks. 
He hates his brothers with everything he is and will ever be.
Confession: Zane doesn't hate his brothers but wearing your heart on your sleeve is asking someone to stab it. 
Vylad used to be his, one of Zane's people despite the jealousy the arose in him whenever their mother made it clear on which child she loved.  
(That was before Zane was the one to find his brother, assassinated in his own bed. That was before Zane could see his brother's mangled corpse when he was too tired, when the shadows played mind games and played him like a puppet.) 
(Zane doesn't acknowledge that he is now the eldest of his brothers at age 19. He doesn't acknowledge that his brothers, Garroth and Vylad, will never age past 17 and 15 respectively.) 
He has a favorite memory of the three of them. When Garroth isn't raging, when he and Vylad aren't the objects of his ire. When they were just that, brothers. 
It goes like this. 
They are in Garroth's room, Zane on Garroth's bed with Vylad curled up beside him. The two of them are waiting for Garroth to finish up his classes with the other school boys. 
He looks over to Garroth as he enters, not expecting to see his brother look so lost with his hand poking at his cheek. His eyes turn icy when he sees the hand-shaped bruise that mars otherwise perfect tan skin. 
He is quick to unravel himself from Vylad, the younger boy making a sound of protest only to be hushed by Zane. 
Zane pulls Garroth into his bed, being gentle as he wipes the tears that wet Garroth's cheeks. Vylad moves to the other side of Garroth to comfort him. Zane lets him cling to his clothes, lets him cry softly though it is unbecoming of the Ro'Meave heir to cry for so little.  
A spark of anger makes itself known inside of Zane, that he cannot do anything to ease his brother's sorrows aside from offering his room as a sanctuary. He loves his brothers, loves them with his bleeding heart despite the difference love they receive from either parent. He loves them enough to burn the world to ash for them, just so that they would be warmed by the flames.  
For now, he lets the anger slide away and focuses on Garroth, who has fallen asleep from crying though it is the middle of the day. He looks over to Vylad, wondering if he should teach him the lesson they have known since they could talk. 
(Vylad has not yet learned this skill that his older brothers have known since birth. He will learn by the time he is ten how to obey a heavy-hand just like they had to.)
Love will kill you, love is giving someone a blade and turning your back to them. the voice hisses in his ear, reminding him of what he has to lose 
Zane has always wore his heart on his sleeve, he gave people the blade and hoped it wouldn't kill him. 
(Zane is tired of rotting from the inside out, he is tired of being a monster, a weapon. (He wants to rest where he won't taste blood and earth in his mouth, where the sun will be loving instead of painful) 
(He wants his Crane, his best friend to be his place of rest.)
By the time Zane is 19, the amount of people in his corner had dwindled down to one. 
Crane, the daughter of the nobleman who stood by his side for the last 8 years. 
He will not let her be taken too, he refuses. 
(So, the boy in the body of a monster does a thing, a terrible thing to the girl with the soul of a bird.) 
(He chains her to the earth, where her wings cannot be spread to take flight.) 
Zane sends a marriage proposal to her father. He will not let his Crane leave. 
Not when he loves her, needs her.  
Remember, ten steps ahead is how you win. the voice reminds him, arrogant like his father. 
Careful, do not push too far. another voice warns him, sounding gentle and warm (almost like his mother.) 
And the boy wondered, what is a monster to do when backed into a corner? what is a monster to do when his birds want to spread their wings. Says the storyteller, their voice becoming mournful, He had decided to do what monsters do best, destroy. The boy didn't know what would become of them, of himself...
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rose-lord-of-simps · 3 years
My Simp List
If you want to make a normal request for something else here is the link to my rules!
Ha- until I can get obey me again I’m opening my simp list. All of these people are the people I very highly simp for.
Pick a character and an emoji and I will deliver.
X reader stuffs
🍫 chocolate - whats something sweet they’d do in a relationship?
🌵 cactus - what’s something not to like about them?
🌻 sunflower - are they the light in my life or do they have their own light?
🪀 yo yo - what’s something special they’d share with me?
🥀 wilted rose - hurt me. (Sad head cannons)
💔 broken heart - how did they break my heart?
🌷 tulip - general romantic head cannon
Not x reader stuffs
✨ stars - Why do you simp for them?
☃️ snowman - I guess they’re cute but what about *insert character of your choosing*?
🌪 twister - call me out. Look at a character on this list and call me the fuck out.
🐚 sea shell - general head cannon
My Simp List
Hawks (MHA)
Adult Denki Calamari (MHA)
707 (mystic messenger)
Baehee (mystic Messenger)
Jumin Han (mystic messenger)
Kenma Kozume (Haikyuu!)
Yamaguchi (Haikyuu!)
Nishinoya (Haikyuu!)
Mammon (Obey me)
Beelzebub (Obey me)
Barbatos (Obey Me)
Asra (The Arcana)
Nadia (The Arcana)
Lucio (The Arcana)
Muriel (The Arcana)
Portia (The Arcana)
Garroth (MCD)
Travis (MCD)
Vylad (MCD)
Lloyd (Ninjago)
Kai (Ninjago)
Cole (Ninjago)
💙 Jay (Ninjago)
Zane (Ninjago)
Nya (Ninjago)
Harumi (Ninjago)
Skylor (Ninjago)
Note: there are 100% more characters I simp for these are just a small portion of my favorites.
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thursdaydawn · 3 years
Top ten mystreet characters that could beat me to a pulp just by looking at me in disgust.
10. Michi
Miss girl kinda hot to me ngl. She could tell me I’m stupid and I’d frown and feel a little bad but probably get over it after a while.
9. Vylad
I find him pretty chill and he probably wouldn’t say anything to me, but if he called me dumb, or anything like that, I’d be thinking about it for the rest of the day and racking my brain figuring out if it’s true.
8. Garroth
He’s too sweet to say anything bad to me, but I know 100% his PDH self would make me shed a few tears by berating me on how I should be better as a person.
7. Lucinda
She’s literally so hot and I had (still sorta have) a huge crush on her when I was 12. I looked up to her ngl, so hearing her look at me in disgust would make me sad for like 2 days or less- maybe even cry a bit.
6. Kawaii Chan
She’s also really sweet and kind but would definitely berate me. If I were to steal something she baked, would 100% do that btw, she’d call me selfish or greedy and I’d cry myself to sleep and maybe think about it for a week.
5. Laurence
Mans was my first crush, he was literally so hot to me when I was a kid. His PDH and MCD self would make me simp so hard and I wrote like 10 cringe fanfics about him on an old wattpad account that I sadly lost. If he said anything insulting or bad to me I’d cry for days.
4. Ein
I am ashamed to say that I was 100% an Ein simp even after Emerald Secret. :( He was just that mysterious edgy boi that I really liked for some disturbing reason that I regret realizing when I was 13 or 14. He could and would definitely call me an absolute imbecile and a waste of a perfectly good soul that could’ve existed in my place, and I would sob every night for a week.
3. Zane
I always wished I could be his friend because he lowkey seemed cool. I also had a huge crush on him and would sometimes read those x reader fanfics of him. I wanted to give him a big hug during that one arc where he was really jealous of Aaron. He could tell me to never speak to him ever again and I’d absolutely break down.
2. Derek
Reminds me of my dad, that’s all I’ll say. He could simply look at me in disgust or yell at me and I’d absolutely break down.
1. Aaron
I always wished he could be my dad. He seemed so respectful and comforting to me and I would always daydream that he was my friend or dad or even partner ahshhs. If he lectured me on my behaviour or told me I needed to be better or just looked at me like I did something really bad I’d shut down for a week straight, maybe even two.
Okay now time for me to go back to sleep bye :)
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