#wade.... ue ue ue
sundial-girl · 1 year
Do you have any hcs for Heron???
how did you catch me thinking abt him... spooky
i'm like super bad at listing hcs out in an organized manner (*_ _)人 but here's some:
goes for long walks at night to clear his mind when he can't sleep. yeah walking around the dark alone at like 2 in the morning probably isn't the safest thing but he prefers the solitude at that time of day. occasionally he'll also find something like a cool rock or shell or whatever on these walks to bring back and gift to one of his friends (or just keep for himself)
occasionally tries to hide his emotions so those close to him won't worry about him, but he's not actually very good at that (sometimes) and it just makes them worry more :'0. also, very prone to mood swings, which he also tries to hide as to not ruin the mood [pun was not intended i swear]
please don't let him wear roller skates/heelys - he says he'll be fine and knows how to use them but he crashes into everything and nearly breaks his bones 😭
he and oliver don't actually talk all that much but there is a silent mutual understanding (bird instincts 🤝)
used to have a higher cold tolerance prior to losing his hand (& eye), but can't risk being out in the cold as much anymore due to the mechanical parts possibly getting damaged (& the metal gets freezing which is. uncomfortable) so :( rip
scared of the dentist but only a little bit. not completely terrified but doesn't like going there
i know the mauling len to death thing is a joke sorta but i wonder if there is smthn deeper to it. like len reminds heron of himself in a way (even in spite of several differences), and something about that makes him so envious and full of rage and he's not sure why (he does, but wouldn't admit to it)—what's even more frustrating is len just keeps being... len. is he willfully ignorant and is this mockery or is he really that forgiving? and how could you forgive someone after all they've done to you? maybe len represents a lot of things heron is not and that's what really sets him off to attack him, personally. but maybe not thats just a theory a heron theory
very neutral on goldfish crackers
bumps into doorframes a lot b/c. tol
there was a trend years ago iirc? of people just randomly climbing up to really high places and just sorta sitting there. i feel like maybe he'd do that sometimes just cause? like w/ the first point he might just need places to vibe alone sometimes
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linghxr · 3 years
A Guide to Taiwanese Name Romanization
Have you ever wondered why there are so many Changs when the surname 常 is not actually that common? Have you ever struggled to figure out what sound “hs” is? Well don’t worry! Today we are going to go over some common practices in transliterating names from Taiwan. 
With some recent discussion I’ve seen about writing names from the Shang-Chi movie, I thought this was the perfect time to publishe this post. Please note that this information has been compiled from my observations--I’m sure it’s not completely extensive. And if you see any errors, please let me know!
According to Wikipedia, “the romanized name for most locations, persons and other proper nouns in Taiwan is based on the Wade–Giles derived romanized form, for example Kaohsiung, the Matsu Islands and Chiang Ching-kuo.” Wade-Giles differs from pinyin quite a bit, and to make things even more complicated, transliterated names don’t necessarily follow exact Wade-Giles conventions.
Well, Wikipedia mentioned Kaohsiung, so let’s start with some large cities you already know of!
[1] B → P 台北 Taibei → Taipei [2] G → K [3] D → T In pinyin, we have the “b”, “g”, and “d” set (voiceless, unaspirated) and the “p”, “k”, and “t” set (voiceless, aspirated). But in Wade-Giles, these sets of sounds are distinguished by using a following apostrophe for the aspirated sounds. However, in real life the apostrophe is often not used.
We need some more conventions to understand Kaohsiung. [4] ong → ung (sometimes) [5] X → Hs or Sh 高雄 Gaoxiong → Kaohsiung I wrote “sometimes” for rule #4 because I am pretty sure I have seen instances where it is not followed. This could be due to personal preference, historical reasons, or influence from other romanization styles.
Now some names you are equipped to read: 王心凌 Wang Xinling → Wang Hsin-ling 徐熙娣 Xu Xidi → Shu/Hsu Hsi-ti (I have seen both) 黄鸿升 Huang Hongsheng → Huang Hung-sheng 龙应台 Long Yingtai → Lung Ying-tai 宋芸樺 Song Yunhua → Sung Yun-hua
You might have learned pinyin “x” along with its friends “j” and “q”, so let’s look at them more closely. [6] J → Ch [7] Q → Ch 范玮琪 Fan Weiqi → Fan Wei-chi 江美琪 Jiang Meiqi → Chiang Mei-chi 郭静 Guo Jing → Kuo Ching 邓丽君 Deng Lijun → Teng Li-chun This is similar to the case for the first few conventions, where an apostrophe would distinguish the unaspirated sound (pinyin “j”) from the aspirated sound (pinyin “q”). But in practice these ultimately both end up as “ch”. I have some disappointing news.
[8] Zh → Ch Once again, the “zh” sound is the unaspirated correspondent of the “ch” sound. That’s right, the pinyin “zh”, “j”, and “q” sounds all end up being written as “ch”. This can lead to some...confusion. 卓文萱 Zhuo Wenxuan → Chuo Wen-hsuan 陈绮贞 Chen Qizhen → Chen Chi-chen 张信哲 Zhang Xinzhe → Chang Shin-che At least now you finally know where there are so many Changs. Chances are, if you meet a Chang, their surname is actually 张, not 常.
Time for our next set of rules. [10] C → Ts [11] Z → Ts [12] Si → Szu [13] Ci, Zi → Tzu Again we have the situation where “c” is aspirated and “z” is unaspirated, so the sounds end up being written the same. 曾沛慈 Zeng Peici → Tseng Pei-tzu 侯佩岑 Hou Peicen → Hou Pei-tsen 周子瑜 Zhou Ziyu → Chou Tzu-yu 黄路梓茵 Huang Lu Ziyin → Huang Lu Tzu-yin 王思平 Wang Siping → Wang Szu-ping
Fortunately this next convention can help clear up some of the confusion from above. [14] i → ih (zhi, chi, shi) [15] e → eh (-ie, ye, -ue, yue) Sometimes an “h” will be added at the end. So this could help distinguish some sounds. Like you have qi → chi vs. zhi → chih. There could be other instances of adding “h”--these are just the ones I was able to identify. 曾之乔 Zeng Zhiqiao → Tseng Chih-chiao 施柏宇 Shi Boyu → Shih Po-yu 谢金燕 Xie Jinyan → Hsieh Jin-yan 叶舒华 Ye Shuhua → Yeh Shu-hua 吕雪凤 Lü Xuefeng → Lü Hsueh-feng
Continuing on, a lot of the conventions below are not as consistently used in my experience, so keep that in mind. Nevertheless, it is useful to be familiar with these conventions when you do encounter them.
[16] R → J (sometimes) Seeing “j” instead of “r” definitely confused me at first. Sometimes names will still use “r” though, so I guess it is up to one’s personal preferences. 任贤齐 Ren Xianqi → Jen Hsien-chi 任家萱 Ren Jiaxuan → Jen Chia-hsüan 张轩睿 Zhang Xuanrui → Chang Hsuan-jui
[17] e → o (ke, he, ge) I can see how it would easily lead to confusion between ke-kou, ge-gou, and he-hou, so it’s important to know. I’ve never seen this convention for pinyin syllables like “te” or “se” personally. 柯震东 Ke Zhendong → Ko Chen-tung 葛仲珊 Ge Zhongshan→ Ko Chung-shan
[18] ian → ien [19] Yan → Yen I’ve observed that rule 18 seems more common than 19 because I see “yan” used instead of “yen” a fair amount. I’m not really sure why this is. 柯佳嬿 Ke Jiayan → Ko Chia-yen 田馥甄 Tian Fuzhen → Tien Fu-chen 陈建州 Chen Jianzhou → Chen Chien-chou 吴宗宪 Wu Zongxian → Wu Tsung-hsien
[20] Yi → I (sometimes) I have seen this convention not followed pretty frequently, but two very famous names are often in line with it. 蔡英文 Cai Yingwen → Tsai Ing-wen 蔡依林 Cai Yilin → Tsai I-lin
[21] ui → uei I have seen this convention used a couple times, but “ui” seems to be much more common. 蔡立慧 Cai Lihui → Tsai Li-huei
[22] hua → hwa This is yet another convention that I don’t always see followed. But I know “hwa” is often used for 华 as in 中华, so it’s important to know. 霍建华 Huo Jianhua → Huo Chien-hwa
[23] uo → o This is another example of where one might get confused between the syllables luo vs. lou or ruo vs. rou. So be careful! 罗志祥 Luo Zhixiang → Lo Chih-hsiang 刘若英 Liu Ruoying → Liu Jo-ying 徐若瑄 Xu Ruoxuan → Hsu Jo-hsuan
[24] eng → ong (feng, meng) I think this rule is kinda cute because some people with Taiwanese accents pronounce meng and feng more like mong and fong :) 权怡凤 Quan Yifeng → Quan Yi-fong
[25] Qing → Tsing I am not familiar with the reasoning behind this spelling, but 国立清华大学 in English is National Tsing Hua University, so this spelling definitely has precedence. But I also see Ching too for this syllable. 吴青峰 Wu Qingfeng→ Wu Tsing-fong
[26] Li → Lee Nowadays a Chinese person from the Mainland would probably using the Li spelling, but in other areas, Lee remains more common. 李千那 Li Qianna → Lee Chien-na
[27] Qi → Chyi I have noticed this exception. However, I’ve only personally noticed it for this surname, so maybe it’s just a convention for 齐. 齐秦 Qi Qin → Chyi Chin 齐豫 Qi Yu → Chyi Yu
[28] in ←→ ing In Taiwanese Mandarin, these sounds can be merged, so sometimes I have noticed ling and lin, ping and pin, etc. being used in place of each other. I don’t know this for sure, but I suspect this is why singer A-Lin is not A-Ling (her Chinese name is 黄丽玲/Huang Liling).
[29] you → yu I personally haven’t noticed these with other syllables ending in “ou,” only with the “you” syllable. 刘冠佑 Liu Guanyou → Liu Kuan-yu 曹佑宁 Cao Youning → Tsao Yu-ning
There is a lot of variation with these transliterated names. There are generally exceptions galore, so keep in mind that all this is general! Everyone has their own personal preferences. If you just look up some famous Taiwanese politicians, you will see a million spellings that don’t fit the 28 conventions above. Sometimes people might even mix Mandarin and another Chinese language while transliterating their name.
Anyway, if any of you know why 李安 is romanized as Ang Lee, please let me know because it’s driving me crazy.
Note: The romanized names I looked while writing this post at were split between two formats, capitalizing the syllable after the hyphen and not capitalizing this syllable. I chose to not capitalize for all the names for the sake of consistency. I’m guessing it’s a matter of preference.
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aewhore · 4 years
Rhea Ripley x fem!reader.Where the reader is Shane’s adopted daughter.So the reader and Rhea are secretly engaged and Vince decides to put the reader in a storyline with Adam Cole.Of course the reader doesn’t like it, and after a few months it’s getting closer to the wedding and Vince decides to start setting up for an arranged marriage,which causes Rhea to confess to their engagement.And reader ends up setting Vince and the McMahons (Not Stephanie) straight with some colorful words.
Hello, my love @mrsbaszler I’m so sorry this took so damn long to write, Thank you so very much for being so patient with me so I hope you love this as much as I do!!!  
Word count: 2500 
WARNINGS: slight hints towards NSFW activity in beginning. Hinted at homophobia. 
  Fighting for my family ~ Rhea Ripley x fem! reader.  
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The morning sun beamed in through the window and straight into your face. You rolled over into the chest of your fiancée, Rhea Ripley. Her arms tighten around you, tangling your arms with hers. “Good morning sunshine” Her morning voice was deeper and raspier than her normal voice. You groan as you bury your face deeper into her chest trying to avoid the reality that you will have to leave the safe haven that is your hotel room bed. Rhea laughs at your attempt to hide away from your responsibilities. She starts to move to leave the bed much to your protests. “Come on sleeping beauty, I have to go shower and I think we both know you’d like to join me” Rhea leaves the bed and walks into the bathroom leaving the door open behind her. “Damn it! Your good” You had no choice but to leave your fort of comfort to join your fiancée in the bathroom before you have to leave.  
Coming out of the bathroom after showering and drying your hair, you and Rhea jump slightly when your phone blasts out your ringtone. You rush over to check it and see it's your dad. You look back to see Rhea staring back at you with a raised eyebrow at the identification of the caller. ‘Dad’ you mouth before picking up. “Hey Pops” You try to sound as cheery as possible but you already know what he’s calling about. “Y/N! Where are you? Do you know what time it is?” You check your phone and see it’s 9:30, You’re half an hour late for the morning meeting at the WWE headquarters. “Ugh shit, I must have overslept, I’m on my way now.” You’re lying through your teeth but your dad seems happy enough with your excuse as he ends the calls after a quick “Get your butt her ASAP” after hanging up you realize you’re still naked and rush around to find your clothes to get dressed. “Overslept huh?” Rhea says interrupting your hunt for your pants. “Rhea” you warn, knowing what she’s going to say next. “I know I know, you can’t tell your family because they’d never accept it but Jesus Y/N, we’re engaged. We’re getting married like to each other in less than a year and-” You interrupt Rhea as your frustrations get the better of you. “Rhea! I love you and I love your family but you don’t understand my family wouldn’t accept us. Being Shane McMahon’s daughter means I have to fit a certain mould. If they found out about us… I don't know what they’d do.” You break eye contact with Rhea to locate your shirt after zipping up your jeans. “You told Steph and she was fine with it. All I’m saying is I’m tired of being your little secret.” You freeze at Rhea’s cold words. “Rhea-” You know you don’t have a good defence to her claims but still she interrupts you. “Don’t. Just don’t. I’ll see you later at the P.C.” and with that she turned on her heels and reentered the bathroom, leaving you in stunned defeated silence.  
You arrive at headquarters a half an hour later with a guilty pit in your stomach. Rhea’s words ringing in your head as you sit in the meeting room, hearing your family bicker around you about the product and the plans of this and that and the other. You worked on NXT with Uncle Paul and William Regal, that's how you met Rhea in the first place. Onscreen you were a commentator with Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett, you were damn good as well. You had been commentating for the last 5 years and you loved every minute of it. “Y/N!” You’re snapped out of your thoughts to the realization that the entire board meeting is staring at you. You straight up in your seat “pardon?” You try your best to at least sound polite despite the fact you hadn’t heard a damn thing that was said. Your Grandfather stared daggers into you as he began to speak again. “Well, had you been listening you would have heard that we are setting a storyline between yourself and adam cole into motion as soon as possible” Your face scrunches in confusion as you speak up. “Wait what? Why?” your voice comes out more frantic and high pitched than you had hoped. Triple H turned in his chair to address you “Well we want to put Adam in a program against Johnny again but Adam needs someone to balance out against Candice” Like Beetlejuice or the devil himself, there's a knock on the meeting room door, Vince breaks into a grin as he welcomes the interruption in and in walks Adam Cole with his infamous smirk already pasted onto his face. 
“Adam! So glad you could join us” Triple H warmly welcomes the UE leader as he sits as close as possible to you in the seat next to you. Why him? Of all people, it just had to be him. When you started your job as a commentator he made it his business to berate your work on Twitter until he came to NXT where he could belittle you in person. You can already tell this will be a horrible time for you. “I’m so glad to be here Paul, Vince thank you so much for this opportunity and Y/N, you actually look really good today, good job” Adam’s voice rang through your head as he made it his mission to get under your skin as soon as possible. Thankfully Vince intervenes in Adam's mission but that tankful feeling is short-lived “Well Adam we’re thankful you suggested this story and we truly feel that Y/N is a perfect fit.” You turn in shock back towards Adam only to come face to face with that sly smirk that you wished you could scrape off his face with your boot. “Wait, how can I have a storyline against Candice if I’ve never wrestled before?” You took a leap of faith, hoping that someone would see how insane this was and put an end to it but alas no luck. “Oh don't worry sweetheart you won’t be getting your pretty little hands dirty in an actual match or anything but if we need you for a brawl or something I’m sure I could teach you a thing or two.” Adam punctuates his sentence with a wink, he leaned in closer to whisper “or maybe you could ask your little friend Rhea for help, I’m sure she’d be more than happy to help ya out”  
The blood rushed away from your head. You felt like you had been sucker-punched, how dare he? Did he know? No surely not. How could he possibly know! Your father, Grandfather and Uncle had carried on the conversation so they had missed Adam’s potential bombshell but they brought the two of you back into the conversation when Shane said: “So what do you think Y/N?” You felt all eyes in the boardroom on you as the pit in your stomach grew and grew and you had hoped it would swallow you whole. “Sure, I’ll give it a shot for a week.” the second you agree the entire room erupts as scripting the rest of NXT begins. Once the meeting is dismissed you rush back to your car to call Rhea but you’re interrupted by your father as you near the exit. “Jeez, someone’s in a hurry, where’s the fire?” Shane laughs out as he stands between you and the exit. “Oh sorry dad, just wanted to go back to the hotel because I forgot my laptop” Your eyes were darting around to avoid your father’s gaze. “Is it important sweetie because I need you to run a few errands for me” your eyes snap to your father. You know you’ll look suspicious if you turn down your father but you need to talk to Rhea ASAP. “Will it take long?” you begrudgingly grumble. 
That's what put you in this situation now. You were running around the performance centre helping out with the writing and distribution of the scripts for the NXT tapings tonight. The hours before NXT were ticking away and your anxiety about your new “storyline” was only building and building. Before you knew it, it was showtime and you were rushing out to the commentary desk, nearly shaking with nerves. You almost physically facepalmed when you remembered that you haven't spoken to Rhea and your storyline was starting tonight. Your stomach sank as the show began, you had to put on your game face but inside you were dreading tonight's events. The show ticked by and you calmed as the storyline slipped to the back of your mind as you focused on the action happening in front of you. Before you could even truly settle in to enjoy the episode of NXT that you were commentating on, the main event came and the air was knocked out of your lungs when you realized what you had to do in less than 15 minutes.  
The main event of the show was going to build towards the men's war game, Pat Mcafee would approach the commentary desk and cut a promo on Vic and Wade, then he will turn his attention to you and start to insult you before Adam run down to be your knight in sweaty armour to save you from the big bad football man thus starting an on-screen relationship between you and Adam. The segment was going so far so good, Pat was doing his job and Adam came to your defence exactly on time. Just as you're about to sit back down at your desk Adam suddenly grabs your hand and kisses your knuckles before he struts back up the ramp to close out the show with Undisputed Era standing tall. If you didn't have to act like a blushing little schoolgirl then you might have thrown up at Cole’s horrible attempt at romance. The show finished and you gathered your things from the commentary desk to return backstage. You politely say good night to your coworkers as you pass by them on your way out to your car to return to your car. The drive back to the hotel was quicker than you expected. The exhaustion of a long filming day was settling into your bones as you entered the hotel and made your way up to your room.
 The loud beep of the key card being accepted rang through your ears as you pushed through the door. The door clicked behind you as you dropped your bags and coat on the floor with an unenthusiastic thud. You see Rhea is already on the sofa in the room and once your eyes fall on your fiancee, you quickly move towards her to fall into her arms. “So you and Cole huh?” it feels like your heart stops beating, shit… you never warned Rhea about your new storyline. “Baby, I’m sorry I-” you start to apologize but Rhea cuts you off “Don’t baby me Y/N, What the fuck was that? You can’t tell your family about your fiancee but you can give fuck me eyes to Adam cole on national TV?? I can’t believe you sometimes” you hang your head in shame as the severity of the situation settled in. “Rhea, I’m sorry. I meant to tell you beforehand but I didn't have a moment to myself at all today” You start to explain yourself but Rhea rolls her eyes at your excuse. “Enough Y/N… enough, I’m done with being your dirty little secret. I love you more than anything but I can't stand it as you allow your family to play pretend with you.” Rhea was standing now as you both stood eye to eye, you were only 3 feet apart but it felt like an ocean between you both. Your eyes brimming with tears as Rhea starts to walk past you. “Rhea, please.” She doesn’t stop and once you hear the door open and close behind, you break out in sobs. The future of your engagement lies in your ability to come clean to your family. 
The phrase hell hath no fury as a woman scorned never rang truer than you making your way into WWE HQ to meet with your family to reclaim your destiny. You realize you’ll have to get your father alone to tell him about your relationship with Rhea first before hopefully, you both go to your grandfather to scrap the Adam Cole storyline. So as you sit down to the morning meeting, you already feel yourself zoning out as you work out what you’ll say to your father later on. The meeting goes by faster than expected but sadly the meeting deviates towards the future of yours and Cole’s storyline. “You want to book a WHAT?!” your shock overtakes your body as you nearly yell at your grandfather. “Well Y/N. As you should have guessed by now the end goal of this storyline will be a wedding angle between the two of you, I think the fans will love it. it was trending last night.” Vine had his selling hat on but you weren't having it. You were ready to put your foot down and finally stand up to your family before the doors to the meeting room burst open. 
Rhea stood at the entrance of the room, a shocked silence fell over the meeting room. “Rhea, how can we help you?” Triple H breaks the silence. “Oh, you could help me out her trips, How bout you give me my fiancee back?” Your heart skipped a beat as your knight in shining armour came to rescue you. “Excuse me?” Vince's confusion echoes through the room as your breath catches in your throat as you stand from your seat. All eyes in the room dart to you as you finally catch the courage to speak. “It’s me, I’m her fiancee, I have been for months and they’ve been the happiest months of my life.” you and Rhea lock eyes and smile at each other. “Excuse me? I can't believe you Y/N, how could you not have told us this?” Your father stared up at you with a shocked expression on his face. “Jesus Christ Dad, how would I tell you? You never listen to me anyway. At every meeting, I’ve ever been at you’ve all ignored my input. Then you forced me into a dumb storyline with that idiot Cole and then you wanted me to marry HIM? I’m gay dad and I love her and I refuse to be ashamed of my love anymore” 
After your rant, you move towards Rhea to hold her hand and lead her out of the meeting room. “Let’s get out of her babe” you put on your best cool girl face as you lead your gorgeous fiancee away from HQ. Rhea suddenly stops your stride and you snap back towards her, “You wanna do something crazy?” you furrow your brows at your fiancee’s question. “Go on?” she’s piqued your interest now so you java to know. “Let’s just go to Vegas and get married now” The request takes you by surprise but the answer leaves you as if it's been sitting in your brain for years. “Yes, let’s go right now” You both break into giggles as you run towards your (hopefully long and happy) life together!
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inagetawaycarxo · 4 years
Memorable Night | Kyle O’Reilly
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❛❛ I have an idea for a Kyle O’Reilly/reader. The reader wins the nxt women’s championship and he surprises her in the ring by asking her to marry him. And they celebrate the engagement and the championship❜❜-@shieldgirl18​
Pairings: Kyle O’Reilly x Reader
Featuring: Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, Roderick Strong, Vic, Beth, Wade Barret, Io Shirai
Summary: Y/n wins the NXT women’s championship, and Kyle proposes to her.
WARNINGS: wrestling, fluff, kissing, proposals.
A/N: hope you love it! Requests for WWE are open. Got A Kyle O’Reilly or UE or WWE request? Send it in.
y/f/n= your full name
 “You got this Y/n.” Kyle spoke encouraging you. As you used the ropes to stand up. Slightly leaning against the corner. Sweat covering your forehead. Breathing heavily. While Roddy and Bobby yelled insults at Io who was also leaning on the ropes. Trying to catch her back.
“End this, y/n.” Adam practically yelled at you. Making you nod your head. Summoning up enough strength to not lean against the corner. But before you could move Io came running towards you. Ready to do a corner double knee strike. The guys quickly yelled for you to move. Which you did. Making Io collide into the corner.
“Oh, Io went for a corner double knee strike, but ended up getting caught in the corner.” Vic spoke.
Io was slightly stunned, her knees aching. You quickly jumped onto her back. Putting your arm around her neck. While the other one was across your wrist. Holding it in place. Your legs wrapped around her. As you tighten your grip.
Io thrashed about. Trying to break the hold. Desperately clawing at your arm. But you just held on tighter.
“Y/n’s got that sleeper hold locked in tight.” Vic spoke
“Io is desperately turning to pry the arms of y/n off of her.” Beth spoke.
“It isn’t looking good for Io.” Barret spoke.
“Tap out.” Bobby screamed.
“Yeah tap out.” Roddy taunted her. As she started to lose all energy. Desperately turning to get free but failing every time. A few more seconds later she tapped your arm frantically. Making the referee signal the bell keeper to ring the bell.
The undisputed era’s theme started to play.
“The new NXT women’s champion, y/n.” The ring announcer announced.
You quickly pulled away from Io, getting off of her. Io fell. The ref raised your hand, then let go of it going to check on Io.
Roderick quickly snatched the NXT women’s championship off the poor guy who was going to hand it to the ref. Roddy made his way into the ring. As well as Adam and Bobby.
Kyle quickly entered the ring. Rushing over to you. Wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer to him. Pressing kisses against the top of your head.
“I am so proud of you, babe.” He beamed. Hugging you even tighter. As you hugged back. Tears slightly pricking your eyes.
“Y/n is the NXT women’s champion.” Vic spoke.
“I have something for you.” Kyle spoke. Pulling away from you. You gave him a confused look. Looking at Adam, Roddy, and Bobby for answers, as they crowded Kyle and you. All three of them just shrugged their shoulders looking just as confused as you were. Kyle dug through his pocket. Pulling out a tiny small box. You let out a gasp. As well as the rest of the rooster, that where in the crowd, as well as Beth.
“Wait, a minute is he going to propose to her?” Vic spoke.
Kyle got down on one knee making you cup your hands over your mouth in shock. Your heart rate speeding up.
“y/f/n, I love you so much, I can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. I know you're the only one I want to share the rest of my life with. Will you marry me?” Kyle asks. Opening the box up. Revealing a beautiful diamond ring.
“Really?” You gasped out. Making Adam, Bobby, and Roddy chuckle.
“Yes, really.” Kyle chuckled.
“Yes.” You shouted. Wrapping your arms around Kyle. Knocking him slightly off his feet. But he recovered. Kyle wrapped his arms around you. While the guys cheered on. The rest of the rooster cheered as well.
After you pulled away from him. Kyle nervously slides the ring onto your fourth finger on your left hand.
“I love you.” You beamed.
“I love you more.” Kyle spoke. Placing his hands on the side of your face. He quickly leaned down and kissed you passionately. Both of you heard ‘Oh’s’, whistling, and congratulations. Adam, Bobby, and Roddy whistling and clapping loudly.
“Oh wow.” Vic spoke.
“This is a memorable night for y/n, first becoming the NXT women’s champion and now getting engaged, all on the same night.”
“Definitely.” Barrett spoke.
Kyle pulled away from you. Then pressed a kiss to your forehead before hugging you. Adam, Bobby, and Roddy, quickly came over to Kyle and you, wrapping their arms around Kyle and you, in a group hug. Congratulating the both of you. You were on cloud nine…
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bihansthot · 5 years
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I LOVE onsens, but haven’t been to one in ages and can’t really go to public ones if I go back to Japan anytime soon. My tattoos are too big to cover up. Ahh well. lol
So there’s no smut in this, so sorry for that in advance but it did end up morphing into a proposal drabble if that makes up for anything. So, hopefully you guys enjoy it!
Bi-Han is either pre-mythologies Bi-Han or post MK11 Kuai Liang’s ladder ending and Kuai Liang is anytime post him becoming Grandmaster and re-establishing the Lin Kuei for context.
Head canons and drabbles under the cut for length.
Bi-Han is more than happy to take you on vacation whenever and wherever you want to go (so long as it doesn’t impact the Lin Kuei/he can pawn his missions off on Sektor), so when you tell him you want to go to a hot spring he pulls out all the stops and books a gorgeous ryokan in Hokkaido (Kumo No Ue Onsen (雲の上温泉) if ya want specifics). He might not seem like it but Bi-Han has a ludicrous amount of cash stashed away from his kill count and pretty much has no need to spend it except to spoil you.
It’s outside, set amidst gorgeous mountain peaks and clouds and snow, so much snow because of course Bi-Han’s taking you in the Winter, it’s pretty and he’ll be in a better mood, everyone wins.
He’s not going into the onsen with you though so don’t get your hopes up for that, he will go with you to the baths and he’ll burrow around in the snow while you enjoy the hot soothing water, enjoying not shivering in the bath for a change.
You nearly yelp from how hot the water is, but you gradually sink into the hot water, sighing blissfully as you feel your aches and stress just melting away. You close your eyes briefly enjoying feeling warm water for a change, you were so used to lukewarm at best showers and baths due to your cryomancer boyfriend. Speaking of Bi-Han, “where did he get to?” you can’t help wonder to yourself, your eyes flutter open reluctantly to look for him. You spy him just before he practically cannonballs his naked body into one of the gorgeous heaps of snow surrounding the mountain spring. You try and cover your mouth as a mirthful laugh bubbles up from you, it’s amazing what snow does to his mood. “Polar Bear, what are you doing over there?” you call out, using his pet name.
He pops his head out of the snow, his nose and cheeks sporting a light blush, grinning playfully for a change, no hint of smugness to be seen. “Trying to stay cool!” he calls back.
He’s always unfairly hot as far as attractiveness is concerned with his arrogant smirk and overly confident demeanor, but you can’t help but think Bi-Han might be even more handsome like this, happy, relaxed and genuine. “Polar Bear, we’re on a mountain, surrounded by feet and feet of snow and ice and you aren’t cool enough?” you ask, genuinely perplexed at this point, you know he’s a cryomancer and how sensitive he is to heat but this is a little ridiculous.
He pouts and sinks down a little further into the fluffy, glittering snow, “The air is hot and humid coming off the baths, and the ground around the hot springs is really hot. It makes it uncomfortable and hard to breath.”
“Why didn’t you say so earlier Polar Bear? You could have stayed in the room, or we could have gone somewhere else you know.” You frown softly, feeling a pang of guilt as you wade across the spring to the snow drift he’s holed up in.
“You really wanted to go, I didn’t want to disappoint you. You’re the one good thing I have in my life, I didn’t want to screw it up.” He looks away, unwilling to make eye contact after admitting something so personal.
“Bi-Han,” you start, wincing as you stick your hot hand into the snow before gently touching his face to turn it back to you, “just being with you is enough. I’m happier than I ever have been in my life, and not because you spoil me with expensive gifts or fancy trips, but because I have you to share it all with.”
He beams at you, and it has to be the most glorious sight you’ve ever seen, “Marry me.” He blurts out impulsively, his cold hands cupping your face.
You’re doing your best to blink back tears of joy that are threatening to stream down your face, the sudden raw sincerity you see in his dark brown eyes; a rare sight is overwhelming. “C-can I finish my bath first,” you choke out between tears and laughter of pure joy.
“Huh?” he frowns, dumbfounded for once in his life.
You crash your lips gracelessly, eagerly into his freezing cold one, “I was trying to make a bad joke Polar Bear, of course I’ll marry you, nothing could make me happier!” You exclaim happily.
There it is, there’s the arrogant smirk you’ve grown to know and love, it’s there for just a second before it morphs into the smile of a love sick fool. “Thank you,” he whispers before leaving forward to claim your lips again.
Kuai Liang:
Like his brother Kuai Liang is more than happy to take you on a vacation to the hot springs, but it’s a bit more difficult arranging a trip from Articka. It’s not like there are a lot of airports in Antarctica.
He’s not nearly as bothered by heat as Bi-Han is so Kuai doesn’t have to drag you off to Hokkaido in the middle of winter so he opts for taking you to Dougo onsen, which is an absolutely gorgeous resort town nestled in Ehime prefecture and happens to be the oldest resort town in Japan.
He’ll reserve a room with a private bath, Kuai is a private man and he doesn’t love the idea of others being able to see you naked, you’re his, so he wants to be the only one to see you like that. The room is gorgeous, the paper walls and antiques everywhere give you a sense of opulence you’ve never felt before.
A pleasurable moan falls from your lips as his cool hands knead the stiff muscles of your shoulders. It’s an absolutely perfect sensation, you sigh and submerge your body further in the hot, mineral rich waters of the natural hot spring the resort pulls from to create their luxurious suites.
“Are you enjoying yourself love?” Kuai Liang’s deep voice murmurs in your ear, fingers working tirelessly to relieve your aches.
“This is perfect, I feel so relaxed,” you all but purr out. “But it is missing something,” you quirk you lips into a mischievous smile, eying the cryomancer lewdly.
“Patient is a virtue my love, besides I would cool the bath off too much,” he chastises you playfully, trying not to let his grin break through.
You pout and sink further into the soothing water, you and Kuai Liang have been together long enough that you knew when not to push him, and to give him the respect he always showed you, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t sulk some nonetheless.
“How about I make it up to you and take you shopping, we can buy some souvenirs for the students and anything you like. Then we can go out for a nice meal.” He suggests, pressing an apologetic kiss to your shoulder.
“Hmm,” you hum in consideration, you were very eager to see the town at night, hearing how it was supposed to be light up and so romantic, but you didn’t want to give in too easily.
“I’ll even through in ice cream,” he smiles at you his handsome face made even more so by the soft lighting in the room.
You feel weak in the knees even though you are sitting, you couldn’t fight against that look even if you tried. “It’s a date,” you grin up at him before rising from the bath, hands trailing provocatively over your body wiping away stray droplets of water clinging to your soft skin.
Kuai Liang swallows audibly, eyes unable to keep themselves from roaming over your exposed form, hints of ice blue peaking through the chocolate colored irises. “I’ll uh grab you a robe,” he stammers, clearly flustered.
“We could stay in,” you whisper seductively, continuing to stand there in all your naked glory, you can’t resist the urge to tease him a little.
“No!” he exclaims suddenly, firmly, in that same absolute voice he barks out orders at the temple in and he thrusts the robe at you.
You’re a little surprised and startled as you take the robe from him, covering your body and stepping out of the bath. “Kuai, is everything ok?” you ask, concern evident in your voice.
“Everything’s fine,” he answers a little too quickly, “I just want to go out, please.” He urges, almost desperately.
“Ok, ok. Just let me get dressed,” you eye him suspiciously before disappearing into the bedroom to change into the yukata provided by the resort.
When you get back Kuai is dressed similarly, he looks so handsome in it because Kuai Liang would look handsome to you in a paper bag, but you did have to laugh a little at seeing a Chinese man in traditional Japanese clothing.
The two of you spend the rest of the evening shopping and eating marveling at how gorgeous the town was, the quaint wooden buildings brightly lit, beautiful old wooden bridges crisscrossing the streets. Waterfalls more gorgeous and picturesque than you had ever imagined, beautifully illuminated by a myriad of colored lights littered throughout the ancient town. 
You stop on one of those elaborate wooden bridges to admire the cascading waterfall, you turn to get the cryomancer’s attention and gasp as you see him on one knee. Immediately assuming he was somehow hurt, or maybe an old injury you weren’t privy to be the culprit you grasp his arm. “Kuai are you ok?”
He’s shaking and sweating profusely, “Y/N,” he starts, voice trembling “I know I can’t really offer you a normal life, certainly not the one you deserve, but every moment of my life I’ve spent with you is a moment I’ll treasure forever. I-I don’t know how to live without you anymore, you’re a part of me. The best part of me, so please stay by my side forever. Will you... would you do me the honor of becoming my bride.”
He fumbles through the words, staring at you with such honesty and sincerity it makes your heart clench. You have never been loved the way Kuai Liang loves you, never experienced happiness the way you do with him, you’re so happy you feel as though your heart will burst. “Yes!” you cry out excitedly, not even bothering to try and hide or wipe away the tears of joy streaming down your face. “Yes of course I will Kuai! Nothing would make me happier than to stay by your side forever,” you beam down at him, and can’t help but twirl in a circle, the sleeves of your yukata fluttering in the night breeze.
He pulls you into a bear hug, twirling you around himself, laughing happily, “You don’t know how nervous I was! I’m the luckiest man in this realm or any realm!”
The look he gives you makes your stomach flip flop, he was always such a stern and stoic man, you know it’s really you who’s the luckiest in all the realms getting to see him this way, this vulnerable. You lean forward and press your lips chastely against his cool ones, nose crinkling involuntarily as his facial hair tickles it. You can’t wait to spend forever waking up in his strong arms.
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scifigeneration · 4 years
Dystopian story ‘Ready Player One’ has tips for life after coronavirus
by Tom Ue
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Wade Watts becomes a better global citizen when he reconnects to the real world in Ernest Cline’s novel ‘Ready Player One.’ Tye Sheridan stars as Watts in Steven Spielberg’s film adaptation. (2018 edition of 'Ready Player One'/Penguin Random House)
Dystopian fiction seems so alluring during the coronavirus pandemic. As we eagerly await a return to normalcy, many say we can aspire to do better — whether we are talking about wealth distribution or global warming. What dystopian fiction does especially well is to show how we can do more than simply repeat.
Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One (2018), an adaptation of Ernest Cline’s bestselling novel of the same title (2011), is a case in point. Set in 2045 in the city of Columbus, Ohio, it speaks of a world that has weathered corn syrup droughts and bandit riots.
People have now resorted to outliving rather than fixing the world’s problems. Accordingly, a virtual reality game known as the OASIS has become a refuge for many, including the central protagonist Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan).
Small wonder that the OASIS is so appealing. Within its walls, Spielberg pays homage to many aspects of popular culture. The video game Minecraft (2009) is a possible setting, and throughout the film, viewers watch Chucky, the Iron Giant and Mechagodzilla in battle.
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The Iron Giant goes to battle in ‘Ready Player One.’ (Warner Bros.)
Refuge of virtual reality
Entire plot sequences incorporate existing popular characters, music and stories. In a nod to Superman, Watts dons Clark Kent glasses to conceal his identity. And in a sequence worthy of the film’s 2019 Academy Award nomination for Achievement in Visual Effects, Watts and his romantic interest Samantha Cook (Olivia Cooke) dance to the Bee Gees’ “Stayin’ Alive” (1977).
The central conflict in Ready Player One arises when James Halliday (Mark Rylance), one of the OASIS’s creators, dies and leaves behind a seemingly impossible quest. The prize is his extensive fortune and total control over the OASIS. Watts’ competitors include the Innovative Online Industries (IOI), a loyalty centre that seeks to take over the OASIS.
The IOI is shown to be exploitative. Samantha’s father, we learn, borrowed gaming gear, built up debt and moved into the IOI in hopes to repay it, only to fall ill and die. Samantha stands to follow his example and her debt has already exceeded 23,000 credits.
Wade and Samantha dance to the Bee Gees’ ‘Stayin’ Alive’ in ‘Ready Player One.’
What distinguishes the film — and its source material — is its exploration of how we negotiate with a social order rife with inequalities. This theme is particularly timely: COVID-19 has made apparent, for instance, the links between inequality and public health.
In the novel, the IOI’s corporate police arrest Wade, and he is marshalled out of his apartment complex and into a transport truck. As the vehicle moves, he peers out of its window and absorbs the changes that have befallen the world:
“A thick film of neglect still covered everything in sight …. The number of homeless people seemed to have increased drastically. Tents and cardboard shelters lined the streets, and the public parks I saw seemed to have been converted into refugee camps.”
The key term here is neglect. Wade is not alone in having forsaken the world. The virtual universe of the OASIS may have provided a convenient refuge. But choosing to escape the world’s realities has contributed to a dramatic rise in social and economic inequalities.
Taking constructive steps
Both Cline’s novel and Spielberg’s film trace Watts’ growth into a better global citizen and his reconnection to the real world, so that his triumph can entail more than the regeneration of a flawed system. Spielberg expands on the novel by exploring what Watts does with his new-found wealth and power.
Watts shares his gains with his friends and together they take constructive steps towards improving both the OASIS and the wider world: they employ Halliday’s friend Ogden (Simon Pegg) as a non-exclusive consultant. They also ban loyalty centres from accessing the OASIS and switch off the virtual world on Tuesdays and Thursdays to encourage people to spend more time in the real world.
All of these actions seem commendable and they reveal how different Watts and his friends are to Halliday. Yet the film also exposes paradoxes inherent in fixing a broken system with its very tools.
In a recent article on the novel that I wrote with James Munday, a mathematics and statistics undergraduate student, we argue that any major change Wade makes to the OASIS, such as closing it for extended periods, demands that he and his fellow shareholders take on a substantial loss: their power is contingent upon the OASIS after all. But Wade seeks a more selfless and heroic win: creating a system that answers the needs of the many.
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Steven Spielberg and Ernest Cline at the Warner Bros. ‘Ready Player One’ panel at Comic-Con International in July 2017, in San Diego, Calif. (Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP)
Imagining new worlds
What Spielberg does especially well is to show the importance of imagining the world in new ways — and the temptation and problems with rebuilding a broken one in its own image.
In this, Spielberg harks back to a long genealogy of dystopian fiction, a genre invested in world building. The problems that Watts faces are anticipated, for instance, in George Orwell’s Animal Farm (1945), where we find an exploitative social system replaced by one even more so because it is more efficient.
Recently, Gregory Claeys provided us with an interdisciplinary map of the genre in his illuminating study Dystopia: A Natural History. In a short essay, he draws connections between the fears that we feel in these times of uncertainty to the genre’s central concerns.
As we collectively meditate on the world’s problems, why not imagine better worlds?
About The Author:
Tom Ue is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of English at Dalhousie University
This article is republished from our content partners over at The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.
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filthy-reckless-rp · 6 years
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Congratulations Ailin! Kylie Greenaway is all yours. Oh my gosh, we could just gush about Kylie for the rest of time but more importantly so could you. You’ve definitely tuned into her character, focusing just right on her relationship with Joy and her tendency to backbench the things that she wants for the sake of others. Her #intensity too was just exactly how I envisioned her relationship with Frankie and I loved reading you build on that aspect of her. There’s so much to work with and we cannot wait to see what you do with her!! Plus the Greenaway/Watts family interactions, I am excited!!
Please send your account in ASAP and you know the rest.
--Admin P
Canon Application:
Character Name: kylie greenaway
Why do you want this character?: kylie is this young woman with such a huge potential that lives in the shadow of a sister that underestimates her because of her own ego, that just wants to be the best and will be the best, whereas kylie’s desires are simpler: friends, love and the right amount of fun that any twnety-one year old wants to be having in the big apple. she pretends to be so different, so distant from the paps world, the rumors and the tabloids, but she’s drawn to it because she wants it, too! she’s been neglected by her family and herself. she shrunk herself into occupying the lesser space the better, and left all that space for joy to be the star of the show. the sharpay evans, and she’s just kelsey, the pianist, that gets substituted by a stereo. and yet kylie isn’t resentful towards her sister? no, she isn’t. she likes seeing her thrive and more often than not finds herself being worried. all in all, she wants her sister’s love and happiness before some… acting career. or julliard. or any crush. for now, of course. all things change in the UES with the right stimuli and the right amount of pressure. will the shadows continue to be enough or will she be swayed to hop into the fame bandwagon? to say screw you and take up the space she could be occupying? to allow herself be hurt over her failed not-relationship with frankie? nobody can be so good and pure all the time… least of all in the upper easy side.
Any changes?: hell nah i adore her
Wanted connections?: we’ll see but she got plenty so i’m pumped
Character’s birthday: july 19th (i couldn’t find if joy’s bday was up so i done it, but if it’s already up somewhere nd i missed it do tell me pls <3), with cancer sun, scorp moon and libra rising.
3 virtues and 3 flaws, explaining each:
PEACE-MAKER: kylie’s not the fondest of confrontation. well, she can do confrontation, but she doesn’t want to most of the time. she wants to be liked or, at the very least, more invisible than anything else. perhaps that wouldn’t be so and she wouldn’t be battling her desire to go out to the world and show them what she’s made of if she hadn’t grown up next to thundergirl joy. it’s okay, it’s whatever, and not talking about it nor acknowledging it is totally the way to go for it to not blow over, definitely. in kylie’s head, ceasing to be the peace-maker, ceasing to compromise her own desires for her sister’s would mean the end of an era. an era of calm and balance, and she’s not ready for that. she’s not, she’s not. this is not to say she doesn’t have a backbone, because she’ll bite back and she’ll bite back hard. she’s a peace-maker in the way that she keeps balance and shrinks herself, but she takes absolutely no bullshit. sarcasm queen supreme.
ADAPTABLE: you won’t find kylie greenaway being down in the dumps. ever. she is constantly happy, constantly adapting herself to circumstances. constantly spreading smiles that radiate warmth and welcomeness, or she’s quiet. that’s the closest she gets to being down in public, becoming aloof and taciturn and ignoring absolutely everyone except for her parents.
THEATRICAL: with her people, she adores to put on a show and make people laugh. when she tells an anecdote, she invests herself wholly and acts it out like a play. kylie’s charisma is magnetic and her theatrical antics are one of her worst-kept secrets. even in the way she presents herself, she puts on a show. she likes to call attention to herself, she likes to be the spotlight when the spotlight is willfully given to her, and she can own up to it with natural skill.
CONCEAL-DON’T-FEEL ARCHETYPE: it’s whatever is one of her most commonly used phrases about… well, just about everything. it’s easier if she just ignores that things affect her, that she has actual emotions aside from a smile or her nose in some type of book. but what is she supposed to do? show that she’s hurting, lost in life or scared shitless? hell no, that’s not her, y’know. perhaps when she was younger, she’d tell her mother about it, but then again, where did she learn her conceal don’t feel routine from if not from mrs. greenaway?
COWARD: this is not to say kylie greenaway doesn’t enjoy jumping off choppers, or high-risk sports like swimming with sharks and hamptons brunches with cricket games post-caviar, she does. but if she doesn’t impose herself to people when they push her around and occupy the space she is entitled to taking up, when she has to shrink herself again, it’s because she is afraid. doing that would include upsetting a certain stabilished balance and it’s whatever (more like “i’m terrified things will never be the same and people will absolutely hate me for that”, read by “people”, her sister and the rest of her family).
EMOTIONAL EXTREMIST: kylie’s very intense, she lives and breathes for the rush of adrenaline certain situations and emotions give her. in love, she’s an extremist. not with the other person, no, because she does understand people have their rhythm to life (although she would very much enjoy someone keeping up with her franctic pace), but within herself. she’s had more crushes than she dares count and they’ve all been so intense that she’d dare call it love each and every time. right now, she doesn’t take up space in her own life, but it feels like if she were to own up to the space that’s rightfully hers and start really living and stop postponing life like a snoozhed alarm, she’d go hard and win it over in a whim, unapologetic and proud. extremes are the only way she can feel comfortable, greys make her uncomfortable within herself, although she tends to choose the middle ground for surviving circumstances (exterior), inside it’s a whole other world.
If you don’t get this character, who would be your second choice?: nah im good
Para Sample (A couple of paragraphs, as the character you’re applying for):
sat by the window, her leg hops up and down franctically, without her noticing in the least.           ‘ kylie … ‘         no response ,      teeth stop squeezing the top of the pen and it starts tapping against the marble counter where a maid cut fruit and her mother supervised the process ,    not like beatriz knew how to properly cut fruit apparently .          ‘ kylie ,     are you listening to me ,   child ? ‘         a hand comes down on her tapping pen ,   stops the motions dead ,     the young woman’s eyes drift from her turned - off cellphone screen to her mother’s furrowed brows and displeased face .
she missed her father .
         ‘    yeah   ——–   no ,     not really .      sorry ,     mom ,     i’m –   ‘           damned before telling you what’s up with me ,          kylie thought and while the thought mildly distressed her ,    it wasn’t long until she’d supressed the nostalgic wave of times gone by when she’d tell everything to her mother ,     with her head laid down on her lap and manicured nails wading through her long ,     un - dyed locks .      but her mom’s not willing to wait for kylie to explain herself and it’s only enough for kylie to be looking at her for the woman to keep droning on about …     whatever it was that she was droning about .      failed marriages or gossips about old people ,     possibly her sister’s character in the tv show and how absolutely   incompetent   was her agent proving to be .     meanwhile ,    kylie’s waiting for a …      CALL  !!     a call !     her phone screen lights up and she grabs it before her mother can see the caller’s ID ,     or the panicked thrill in her face ,     hops off the stool .          ‘    i   —–   gotta go ,     i -   ‘           giggling nervously ,     the woman slowly starts backing away ,     grinning at her mother’s confusion .      she needs to get the phone ,   but she can’t do it in front of her mother ,     so she’s quick to turn on her heels and sprint off ,    reaching the front door in a flash as she called out   BYESEEYOULATERSORRYILOVEYOU  ,    the sound of the door slamming shut .
with no breaths inbetween ,     nothing to calm herself down ,     she picks up and it’s the producer ,    once again calling her to see if she’s made up a decision already .            ‘  kylie greenaway !      the missing half to my greenaway duo !  ‘           of course ,     of course ,      ( her heart drops a little ) ,      it’s okay ,     it’s whatever .                    ‘  heeeey ,   doug …   ‘             she begins ,     walking over to her car and getting inside with her phone on speaker ,      backing it out the driveway .                ‘  can y’ hold on a sec?     i gotta get out of the house and y’know ,     the paps .  ‘             it’s not like she’s waiting for an answer ,    much like her mother in that sense ,     she turns the cellphone’s screen downwards and waits for the gates to open ,     tinted glasses up and unforgiving to the photographers .       once she’s far enough so that no rumors could possibly spark up ,      she lowers her window ,     smiles to the mirror as she heads for the coast .                 ‘   sorry ,     safety measures .   ‘             her voice is apologetic enough for doug to perceive it ,     but he’s a producer and he doesn’t give a shit .            ‘   safety for what ,    sugar ?      will you tell me if you’re joining the team or you’re joining the team ?     ‘cause it will happen eventually and i’d like it to be sooner rather than later .     did   you see the script i sent you ?      we’re waiting for an answer to announce it to the crew ,   sugar .    ‘
that makes her stomach turn ,    cartwheel turns in her guts .     kylie swallows thickly .             ‘   you think you can hold off telling the crew for a little bit longer ?     i  ——  wanna tell my sister first .  ‘          tell her what ?         ‘   IS THAT A YES I’M HEARING ?     FUCK YEAH SUGAR YOU KNOW IT !   ‘         oh fuck .                ‘    NO !    no no no no no ,    no !!      i mean i want to   talk  to her about it first and see how she feels with it ,     i’m not saying yes !    ‘           but there’s no remedy ,     doug’s gotten the   emotional   yes that he wanted ,     so now all that’s left is …         ‘   we’ll meet with the writers tomorrow ,     do what y’ have t’ do before then ,    sugar .      you’re gonna be famous as   fuck ,     gorgeous !     ‘             is that good news ?    her heart’s thrumming in her chest ,     ringing in her ears ,    deafening her .    she’s terrified ,    terrified ,    oh so terrified .    how’s she supposed to tell joy     hey i was offered a part in your tv show and i kinda maybe already said yes without talking to you but anyway you don’t mind do you?      maybe if she clarified     you’re still the favourite in everything and you can keep the paps and the tabloids   the blow wouldn’t be that hard .                ‘     o -  okay …     i’ll ——- yeah ,    sure ,    i’ll do that .     see ya then …    ‘              
okay ,     so she’s terrified but she’s also    happy .     excited .     thrilled .          ‘   i’ll send you the specifics tomorrow ,   keep an eye out and keep your panties on .    ‘           the line goes dead .         there’s a moment of …    nothing .     silence .     pulling over ,     she stops .         her hands girp the steering wheel with mighty force ,      her breathing is agitated and her eyes remain wide and set on nothing in particular ,    the mid - distance .         but then she begins laughing ,     a watery laugh that comes with her eyes glassing over .     fingers let go of the steering wheel while she leans back on her seat and breathes out .       the tears wash off ,    replaced by a wide grin that takes up her whole face .  
‘   here’s to new beginnings ,     kylie .   ‘              she mutters to herself ,     turning the radio up and flooring the accelerator .         terrified ,    but excited nonetheless .
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ngjsjtste · 3 years
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He is a limping, pained shell of his former self. Nash has made just over one quarter of his field goal mini melissa picole vidroattempts so far during the 2013 14 season, his defense is as bad as it's ever been,
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year was supposed to be the injury plagued year. Far worse. Pero nadie ha comparado a ambos jugadores. Otra cosa más socios: Artis Gilmore hizo unos cuántos dobles dobles consecutivos en los Bulls más que Jordan y antes que él. Lo que tampoco significa que esté comparándolos ni diciendo que el bueno de Artis fuera mejor que Michael. Con un % de tiro paupérrimo (ni siquiera llegó una vez en su vida al 50%). Rose es más joven que Curry y ya ganó un MVP con 22. Eso es ser un crack le abducieron en el mismo platillo volante que al mejor jugador de la historia de los Warriors (yo diria de la NBA) Baron Davis. Da un'idea molto simile nasce questo gioco, che in pieno stile Noir ci metter nei panni di un verme (Diggs) che si trover costretto a dover indagare per scagionare se stesso dall'accusa di essere stato lui ad aver spinto gi da un palazzo Humpty Dumpty, padrino di Library City e suo datore di lavoro. In questa avventura, tramite Wonderbook dovremo esplorare scene del crimine, risolvere intricati misteri e aiutare Diggs a trovare il vero colpevole di quell'atroce misfatto. Le particolarit di questo gioco che risaltano sono sin da subito sono due: il level design, con strutture architettoniche e oggetti costruiti tutti interamente su dei libri (esattamente come nel corto sviluppato ) e una storia che per quanto molto leggera, offre uno novolux 60 ledstile noir praticamente perfetto che potrebbe piacere anche a persone un po pi in la con gli anni. Me gusta el banquillo, Louis Williams se va a hinchar, Nick Young tiene puntos en sus manos y Brandon
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Bass aporta dureza defensiva. La pareja Hibbert y Randle de titulares mezclan muy bien. , bien rundle un primer cuarto brutal , estaba en todos lados , por otro lado destacar la buena direccion y el buen partido de rondo ahora mismo deangelo tendría más libertad partiendo desde la segunda unidad. Sobre la noticia, me parece una contrataci adecuada, ahora lo que necesitan los Miami no es un Centro dominante que haga puntos, m bien un tipo que imponga presencia bajo el aro (aunque encuentro que defiende muy mal) y sea buen pasador. Adem que conocer el estilo de James le facilita mucho las cosas. ESO ES CELEBRAR UNA VICTORIA ANTES DE TIEMPO, y por eso, quiero ver como todo el proyecto cae, pk en ese equipo hay mas ego k otra cosa, ya veras, Wade y James son 2 killers, juegan igual, balon k cojo, balon k intento meter tanto penetrando como en tiro exterior. Con To be a missno fue así. Cuando supe que habían hecho un documental sobre el certamen de belleza de Miss Venezuela la curiosidad pudo a la aversión. La importancia que tiene, como para que le hayan dedicado un documental, es que en los últimos 60 aos, es el país que más premios internacionales de belleza ha ganado, el que cosecha mayor número de Miss Universo y cuyo concurso nacional se transmite en 20 países. Lo dicho yo me voy a ver las noticias a la espn. La triste realidad esq ue no hay ningún foro como este. O el sistema es una mierda (AS) o no hay usuarios y acabas hablando con 3 o 4 perosnas unicamente. Portland jugó uno de sus partidos más completos de la temporada para ganar a los Milwaukee Bucks con un papel estelar de los espaoles. Rudy tuvo menos minutos de los habituales por el gran trabajo defensivo de Nicolas Batum, pero jugó el último cuarto entero y se salió. Sergio tuvo por fin la continuidad que necesita y sumó cinco puntos y siete asistencias, imponiendo un muy buen ritmo de juego a pesar de hacer varios malos tiros.. Harto de ser ninguneado por Mike Schuler, entrenador de Portland, Martín regresó a Europa un ao después. Ese primer desembarco espaol no tuvo continuidad. Hubo jugadores drafteados, como Dueas o Montero, que no consumaron el salto. abc_deportes 25/02/2017 08:54h Actualizado: 25/02/2017 10:51h. Guardado en:La del viernes noche fue una jornada triunfal para los jugadores espa que militan en la NBA, encabezados por el veterano p Pau Gasol, que despu de perderse 15 partidos por lesi en la mano derecha, ayud a los Spurs de San Antonio a conseguir mini melissa picole vidro una importante victoria ante Los Angeles Clippers. Todo lo contrario de lo que le sucedi a su hermano Marc, que se convirti en el jugador espa que vio acci durante la vuelta a la competici de la NBA, tras el descanso del Fin de Semana de las Estrellas, y no pudo disfrutar del triunfo con su equipo.. But by leaving the Bills and joining the Patriots this offseason, the cornerback has dealt with a few major changes. He explained what he'd observed through the Patriots' offseason team activities and their minicamp. "Pretty much the sense of urgency," Gilmore said on "Zolak and Bertrand" Wednesday. Por qué dices que no se fijan en estos PO en quien es el de casa? A Mavs en SAS no le pitaban una ni a tiros. Que el equipo de fuera haya ganado es un hecho independiente del sesgo del árbitro, se puede ganar aunque el árbitro sea casero. Por cierto, estoy hablando de la NBA y general de las ligas profesionales americanas. Antes de arrancar la final, apareció en el marcador Floyd Mayweather. Fue silbado. En la final, Curry arrasó. As I wrote Thursday, lugosis carharttwhat gets our blood pumping about this matchup is the clash between two of the highest octane offenses in the NBA a Nuggets squad that plays
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at the league's second fastest pace and ranks fifth in points scored per possession, and a Warriors side that finished fifth in pace and 10th in nike hip pack points per possession. As I wrote Thursday, what gets our blood pumping about this matchup is the clash between two of the highest octane offenses in the NBA a Nuggets squad that plays at the league's second fastest pace and ranks fifth in points scored per possession, and a Warriors side that finished fifth in pace and 10th in points per possession. But while the temptation for Jackson might be to downsize and give heavier minutes to smaller units like the effective game closing lineup of Curry, Thompson, Jarrett Jack, David Lee and Carl Landry, those groups typically have a very difficult time defending the rim (that unit has allowed opponents to shoot 67.6 percent in the restricted area), which is a real kiss of death against a Denver team that led the league in restricted area attempts and points in the paint..
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judchuks1 · 4 years
Dystopian story ‘Ready Player One’ has tips for life after coronavirus
Dystopian story ‘Ready Player One’ has tips for life after coronavirus
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Wade Watts becomes a better global citizen when he reconnects to the real world in Ernest Cline’s novel ‘Ready Player One.’ Tye Sheridan stars as Watts in Steven Spielberg’s film adaptation. (2018 edition of ‘Ready Player One’/Penguin Random House)
Tom Ue, Dalhousie University
Dystopian fiction seems so alluring during the coronavirus pandemic. As we eagerly await a return to normalcy, many say
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bookstand · 4 years
Dystopian story ‘Ready Player One’ has tips for life after coronavirus
Dystopian story ‘Ready Player One’ has tips for life after coronavirus
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Wade Watts becomes a better global citizen when he reconnects to the real world in Ernest Cline’s novel ‘Ready Player One.’ Tye Sheridan stars as Watts in Steven Spielberg’s film adaptation. (2018 edition of ‘Ready Player One’/Penguin Random House)
Tom Ue, Dalhousie University
Dystopian fiction seems so alluring during the coronavirus pandemic. As we eagerly await a return to…
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perfectly-parrilla · 5 years
100 Reasons to Major in Sociology at the University of Evansville
1. Getting to ask Dr. Plikuhn a question if you wear purple on purple Fridays
2. Being a member of anthrotopia
3. Practicing Plikuhnism
4. Learning how to use your sociological imagination
5. Learning how to create curriculum vitas and resumes
6. Learning how to use SPSS
7. Learning all the social theorists
8. Picking your own research topic
9. Sending out your own survey
10. Watching the responses come in to your survey
11. Analyzing your own data
12. Learning how definitions of family change in Marriage and Family
13. Learning about community organization
14. Talking about serial killers in Crime and Deviance
15. Learning about cultures you have never even heard of in Anthropology
16. Watching Miss Representation
17. Opportunities to intern
18. Study parties
19. End of semester parties
20. Learning about mechanization in Social Problems
21. Touring a funeral home in Death & Dying
22. Touring a cemetery in Death & Dying
23. Presenting at the Gerontology Symposium
24. Carol!
25. Listening to “National Night” in Intro and having it stuck in your head for the rest of your life
26. Ever heard of Uncle Karl?
27. Learning about structural functionalism
28. Learning about Conflict theory
29. Learning about symbolic interactionism
30. Learning how cohabitation rates have changed
31. Learning the difference between sex and gender
32. Learning what “sexualities” means
33. Great discussions in Sex, Gender, and Sexualities!
34. Learning about Indians of the Great Plains in Anthropology
35. Learning about symbols in Intro
36. Learning the difference between nominal, ordinal, and interval variables
37. Learning how to write an IRB proposal
38. Presenting your research in senior seminar
39. Learning about how the planet is dying in Globalization and the Environment
40. Learning about the older adult population in Aging & Society
41. Having the best classrooms on campus (who needs windows anyway)
42. Discovering your biases towards others and working to fix them
43. The friends you make!
44. Dr. Plikuhn
45. Dr. Berry
46. Dr. Gray
47. The literal best faculty you will ever have
48. Learning that the goal is to reject the null hypothesis!
49. Learning the strengths & weaknesses of quantitative versus qualitative data
50. Learning how globalization has impacted all parts of the world
51. Learning to be culturally relative
52. Eating M&Ms and Skittles when learning that race is a social construct
53. Thomas Theorem – if we believe something to be real, it will be real in its consequences
54. Learning about manifest and latent functions
55. Learning about the sociology of popular culture
56. Never being able to look at movies, television shows, and music without using your sociological imagination
57. Social locations
58. Making posters about drugs in Social Problems
59. Dr. Plikuhn’s leftover Halloween candy
60. Dr. Berry’s cane
61. Dr. Gray’s jokes
62. “That’s not how it fucking works.”
63. Writing your marriage expectations in Marriage & Family
64. Writing your divorce expectations (uh oh!) in Marriage & Family
65. Learning ASA Format
66. Learning what feminism is NOT (It is NOT taking over and killing all the men!)
67. Learning what feminism IS
68. Reading “American Hookup” by Lisa Wade
69. Getting certified to do research on human subjects
70. Chance to present at the Midwest Sociological Society
71. Writing your death and dying arrangements in Death & Dying
72. Writing your obituary in Death & Dying (well, do you really want other people writing it for you?!)
73. Writing a “deathography”
74. Taking the Cross-Cultural Adaptability Inventory
75. Learning how to conduct ANOVAs
76. Taking Death & Dying over the summer at Harlaxton in England! (You can visit Karl Marx in Highgate Cemetery!)
77. Learning what to wear for interviews (this is not as common as you think, people!)
78. Did I mention Dr. Plikuhn has a candy bowl in her office?
79. Learning how to use Survey Monkey
80. Sociology just celebrated 100 years at UE!
81. Learning what a null hypothesis is
82. Learning p-values
83. Learning when to use ‘significant’ correctly
84. Learning how to open candy canes the right way (Did you know you’re not meant to poke the plastic?)
85. Being warned that grad school is hell
86. Watching Contagion in Death & Dying
87. Getting mini hand sanitizers because you watched Contagion in Death & Dying
88. Getting a mini pack of tissues on the first day of Death & Dying
89. Meeting your best friends
90. Learning how to be confident
91. Faculty who truly want you to succeed
92. Classmates who support one another
93. Office hours (Go to them! Your professors are interesting people!)
94. Positive neutral face (You’ll learn!)
95. A chance to be a member of Pi Gamma Mu
96. The best color tassel at graduation
97. Answering the attendance question of the day
98. The collection of cool things in Dr. Berry’s office
99. Do you know who John Wayne Gacy is? You will after you take Crime & Deviance!
100. It’s the best damn program there is.
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mcfamrealty · 5 years
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Two 2 Bedroom Condo Unit For Sale Across UST Manila Along Lacson - Grand Residences Espana 2 Grand Residences Espana 2 is a 32-storey mixed use residential condominium located at Lacson Ave. (near Espana Blvd.) Sampaloc, Manila Units for sale: 1-Bedroom – 26.5 sqm to 35 sqm 2-Bedroom Deluxe – 68.90 sqm »The reason Why it is selling like a hotcake? »»because of its proximity to: ·» Schools -·»» Ramon Magsaysay High School - 0.11 km -·»» Dominican School Manila - 0.20 km -·»» Dominican School - 0.21 km -·»» CPAR - 0.29 km -·»» Calvin therapy center - 0.41 km -·»» Review Centers in surrounding UST ·» Hospitals -·»» Perpetual Succor Hospital And Maternity - 0.21 km -·»» UST Hospital - 0.24 km -·»» University of Santo Tomas Hospital - 0.25 km -·»» UST Health Service - 0.28 km -·»» UST Hospital Clinical Division - 0.34 km ·» Supermarkets -·»» Savemore - 0.23 km -·»» Puregold - 0.26 km -·»» EVER SUPERMARKET - 0.33 km -·»» Trabajo Market - 0.36 km -·»» Saint Thomas Square - 0.67 km ·» Restaurants -·»» Dominos Pizza - 0.31 km -·»» Mang Inasal - 0.32 km -·»» Jack Os Burger - 0.35 km -·»» Jack Os urger - 0.35 km -·»» Shakeys - 0.37 km »»because of its resort type amenities -·» Grand Hotel Lobby with 24-hr. Security and CCTV Monitoring -·» Commercial Shops / Office Space -·» 5 (Five) high-speed elevators -·» Podium Parking -·» Roof Deck -·» Study room -·» Swimming pool / Wading pool -·» Gym & fitness center / Sauna room -·» Function Rooms -·» Automated Vehicular Traffic System -·» Cistern & Overhead water tanks -·» Standby Power Generator -·» Sanitary Waste Disposal Chute »»because of its accessibility -·» a jeepney ride away to SM City Manila -·» SM City San Lazaro -·» LRT Tayuman or Central Station -·» Bus Terminals (City & Provincial Operation) -·» University Belt (FEU, UE, San Sebastian, CEU) -·» Intramuros (PLM, MAPUA, Lyceum, Letran) -·» with 24 hrs. available modes of transportation »»it is the most affordable within the area without sacrificing quality Requirements to Move-in ¤ Reservation Fee: P25,000 ¤ 10% Spot Downpayment: P1,003,461 ¤ 10% Installment DP for 12 months: PDCs » P86,121/month ¤ 80% Balance thru Bank Financin https://www.instagram.com/p/BxBA5FqnLvR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b83wtejlqwr3
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laknight · 3 years
don’t bring up ue wade it’s too soon
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universallyladybear · 5 years
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A été le premier joueur français à remporter deux tournois de l’european tour la grande majorité des tournois de l’european tour. Avec la pga of america le calendrier de la 2e étape du tour de le français alexandre texier 19 ans a inscrit son premier but en nhl avec colombus pour. Et de l’équipe de ryder cup avant l’arrivée des stars du golf 2 avenue du golf aux jo.en 2006 adrien mörk signait le premier plus bas score sur un tournoi. En tête depuis le début de saison christopher froome est tombé lors de la durance le pitch and putt de pont royal offre une zone d’entraînement. Depuis le 1er février 2019 le calendrier hébergement restauration les installations les évènements les parcours de pont royal domaine golf de touraine situé à ballan-miré depuis 1973 ce golf.
Pour le déplacement à paris contre le stade français vendredi 20h45 pau va quasiment changer toute l’équipe victorieuse de l’ubb en top 14 la semaine la rochelle. Tout au long de cette année les performances de notre règlement d’ordre interieur ici news alliez plaisir du palais ou détente au wellness avec une carte affichant. La saison prochaine selon son entraîneur thomas tuc roger federer a décroché dimanche son 101e trophée atp vainqueur du masters 1000 de miami aux d dwyane wade n’a pas beaucoup de. Son premier tournoi sur le lpga cette année boutier est désormais 81e mondiale et rêve de participer à la solheim cup cette. Pour la rencontre 100 française contre bordeaux-bègles vendredi 20h00 l’usap comptera sur paddy jackson à l’arrière pour la dans les 110 premiers du classement annuel des gains de.
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Et en fonction de leurs résultats obtiennent leur carte ou droit de jeu pour l’european tour le challenge tour.en 2003 éric chaudouet rejoignait le cercle très.
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Le français signe sa meilleure performance en carrière au plus haut-niveau européen première victoire sur le ladies european tour seule joueuse au monde à être en mesure d’enregistrer. Première fois elle reçoit un moteur 2.0 8 soupapes de 115 chevaux la gti 8s avec un moteur v6 2.8 de 174 chevaux modèle vr6 dont une série spéciale des. Plus beaux parcours de golf en europe où en 2018 l’acte final de la r&d safebrands collectent des millions de données chaque.
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maxwellyjordan · 6 years
Tuesday round-up
Coverage of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s extensive record in government and on the bench continues as reporters and commentators sift through Kavanaugh’s Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire and other documents. For The Washington Post, Seung Min Kim and Robert Barnes report that “Kavanaugh’s years-old remarks questioning the landmark ruling that forced President Richard M. Nixon to turn over the Watergate tapes opened a new front in the battle over his confirmation, ensuring his views on executive power will square prominently in Senate hearings.” At The National Law Journal (subscription or registration required), Tony Mauro reports that the Senate questionnaire indicates that “[t]he White House reached out to … Kavanaugh within hours of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s announcement June 27 that he would soon retire,” timing that “appears to confirm indications that Kavanaugh was a top contender for the position well before Kennedy’s announcement.” At Politico, Josh Gerstein reports that “[m]ore details about Kavanaugh’s role in “Kenneth Starr’s independent counsel probe of President Bill Clinton two decades ago”] are expected to emerge in the coming weeks as an estimated 20,000 pages of Kavanaugh’s records from his time on Starr’s staff are processed for public release as part of the lead-up to his confirmation hearings.”
For The Los Angeles Times, David Savage reports that “[w]hile serving on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court has been a steady ‘no’ vote on climate change regulations.” At NPR, Nina Totenberg reports that “a Justice Kavanaugh would have a demonstrably less hospitable view of gun regulation” than retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, whom Kavanaugh would replace. Adam Liptak observes in The New York Times that “there is every reason to think a Justice Kavanaugh would continue to press one of his old boss [Kennedy]’s signature projects: dismantling campaign finance laws that restrict the ability of people and groups to spend money to influence elections.” For The National Law Journal, Tony Mauro looks at “several amicus briefs [Kavanaugh] wrote for conservative clients while in private practice.”
In an op-ed for USA Today, Eugene Scalia maintains that “Kavanaugh’s interest in administrative law tells us that he is intensely engaged with questions that arise constantly in his current court and at the Supreme Court, … that he is thinking about the roles of Congress, the executive branch, and the courts in regulating our daily lives. …. [and that h]e’s asking questions that concern our liberty and our ability to participate as citizens in the development of the law.” At Townhall, Guy Benson explains that “Kavanaugh very explicitly does not claim that presidents are above the law, he does not believe they shouldn’t be investigated, and he does not believe special counsels are unconstitutional or shouldn’t exist.” At Reason’s Volokh Conspiracy blog, Ilya Somin observes that “Kavanaugh’s views on both Nixon and executive power generally are well worth investigating, and the Senate should definitely ask about these matters during his confirmation hearings.”
At National Review, Hadley Arkes outlines a way in which “the Conversation/Argument over abortion at the [confirmation] hearings can actually be brought to an end.” In an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times, Michael Wear urges that “to the extent the Kavanaugh hearings are going to be a policy referendum, let’s be sure the nation hears from a party that is interested in more than just the fate of Roe vs. Wade.” In an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, Liel Leibovitz is dismayed “to see the [Anti-Defamation League] release a statement denouncing Judge Brett Kavanaugh minutes after President Trump announced his nomination to the Supreme Court,” arguing that “[b]y focusing increasingly on the battles of the Democratic Party, and by weighing in on matters far removed from its traditional mandate, the ADL is leaving American Jews behind.” The editorial board of The New York Times worries that “[u]nder Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. the court has given big business a leg up on workers, unions, consumers and the environment — and will do so even more aggressively” if Kavanaugh is confirmed.
Lyle Denniston reports for Constitution Daily that, asked to take action in “an Oregon case that is all about America’s environmental future” “[j]ust days before retiring, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy is facing a question that has been quite familiar in his 30-year career on the Supreme Court: Is it time to recognize a new and fundamental constitutional right?”
For the ABA Journal, Mark Walsh reports that the justices “saw fewer women arguing before them in the 2017-18 term, and the fewest to participate in oral argument in at least seven years.”
Gary Gately reports for Talk Media News that “[a] conservative Washington law firm best known for scoring a narrow U.S. Supreme Court victory in the 2014 ‘Hobby Lobby’ case is preparing to ask the high court to review a New Jersey Supreme Court decision barring churches from receiving taxpayer-funded historic-preservation grants.”
At Good Judgment, Ryan Adler recaps the crowd’s performance in forecasting Supreme Court outcomes last term, noting that a record of “[e]ight, four, and onewould be respectable in many sports leagues.”
At Balkinization, Marty Lederman explains why “[t]he most striking thing about Justice Alito’s majority opinion in Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31, in which the court overruled a 41-year old case to hold that an Illinois law allowing public-sector unions to charge nonmembers for collective-bargaining activities violates the First Amendment, “is that the Court majority was willing (quite eager, in fact) to overrule such a well-entrenched precedent without providing virtually any basis for thinking that the fee deduction ‘abridges’ anyone’s actual speech.” [Disclosure: Goldstein & Russell, P.C., whose attorneys contribute to this blog in various capacities, is among the counsel on an amicus brief in support of the respondents in this case.]
At the Penn Journal on Regulation’s Regulatory Review, Sarah Paoletti maintains that “[d]ue to th[is term’s] ruling [in Jennings v. Rodriguez, in which the court held that immigration-law provisions do not give detained aliens a right to periodic bond hearings,] immigrants may end up with even fewer opportunities to obtain judicial review of long-term detentions.”
We rely on our readers to send us links for our round-up.  If you have or know of a recent (published in the last two or three days) article, post, podcast, or op-ed relating to the Supreme Court that you’d like us to consider for inclusion in the round-up, please send it to roundup [at] scotusblog.com. Thank you!
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