#wait huh do you hear something- *Sun Wukong hits me in the back of the head with a steal chair*
imminent-danger-came · 9 months
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They're so fucking mean
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skellebonez · 3 years
I really like the way you write Mei and Macaque's interaction! Is it okey if I ask you to write something with those two from Winterpower's swap au and the prompts 17 and 30? Thank you!
I think this is my first time writing the actual proper Swap AU from Winter? This feels like a good time to post this since @winterpower98 has posted some pretty great stuff for it in the last few days too! This is probably not what you expected since I used this scene as inspiration due to the prompts, but it’s also a bit different so it isn’t just that scene written in fic form. (and now I think the only aus I haven't written for are Stone Monkey and Actor. HUH.)
I can’t do this even though everyone says I can./I already tried talking to them! They won’t listen!
Macaque wasn’t entirely sure what he had expected after the fight with the newly released Sun Wukong, and his discussion with Mei about just how dangerous that was and how proud he was of her for being alright after hadn’t been one he’d planned out in advance. But he had hoped that things would have gone smoother than this.
He had hoped that after he promised her that she would never have to fight the Monkey King herself again... that... well...
“I can’t do this!” Mei had snapped as he tried to explain, anger and betrayal clear on her face to anyone who could see it. “Even though everyone thinks I can, I can’t! You lied to me!”
He hadn’t wanted to lie. Truly he hadn’t. He just... he didn’t want to hurt her.
“Mei, please, I-”
“You promised me I wouldn’t have to fight him ever again!” She snapped again, turning away from her mentor and clutching her pigtails in frustration. “I trusted you! And you lied to me!”
Macaque could hear the tears starting from her voice and how it hitched, his ears hanging low and feeling something sink in his chest even lower. “Mei, I didn’t lie to you... I...”
“I quit.”
The words hit Macaque like a train, causing him to pause and look at Mei as she turned to him and pulled out her spear and plunged it into the ground, repeating that affirmation one last time before turning and leaving him behind.
On the wind he almost heard an angry “if I have to do it again I’ll do it my way”.
He chose to believe he had misheard.
It was later. Much later, after... after the second time.
Mei was back, along with MK in tow after her little rescue mission with Red. Macaque wasn’t happy about that, if things had gone just a little worse just a little lopsided... he might not have a student left to reprimand.
But he did and as upset as he was for her reckless behavior he was happy she was home and safe and alive.
“I’m sorry,” he finally said after they sat in silence for a while, eating buns that he had back on Flower Fruit Mountain, and he waited for Mei to react before continuing. “For promising you that you wouldn’t face Wukong again. I wasn’t trying to lie, but it lead to it becoming one. And I’m sorry.”
“I know,” she said after a while, washing down a bite of food with water. “I can tell... I’m sorry for running off the way I did.”
“I can tell that too,” Macaque said with the smallest smile he could manage, sighing as he watched the horizon line. “I’ve been meaning to ask... about your parents.”
“I already tried talking to them!” Mei groaned out, shaking her head and shoving the rest of her bun in her mouth angrily. “They won’t listen!”
“I feared as much,” Macaque said with another sigh, ears falling back once again as he gently placed one hand on his student’s shoulder. “Listen... I won’t promise you anything this time. But you have my word that I will try to listen to you better myself... and I will do my best to keep you out of our plans. No promises, but I will try. Alright?”
Mei was quiet for a moment, chewing the last of her bun before swallowing it and nodding. “I’ll try too. With... a lot of stuff. We can try together.”
“I think that will work just fine.”
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
i don’t wanna fight alone anymore - Chapter 4
*(show host voice)* everybody welcome to the stage- Macaque!!!
Word Count: 1.8k
Read on Ao3
"What are you doing here?" Wukong hissed, struggling to push Macaque off of him.
"Well now, Wukong, is that any way to greet an old friend?" Macaque asked, a teasing lilt to his voice, and Wukong outright growled, grabbing hold of Macaque's arms and rolling over, pinning him to the ground. Macaque looked up at Wukong, a hint of fear flickering across his face for the briefest of moments, before it was once again replaced with the same old smug look.
"Ha! Nice scar." He laughed, and Wukong let go of one of Macaque's arms in order to use his hand to cover the notch on his eyebrow. "Oh, not to mention the scarf. Copying me huh? What, do you appreciate my style, or are you still jealous from when MK came to me for training, instead of you."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Wukong hissed, glancing nervously over at the others, who still hadn't moved, mainly out of not being entirely sure what was happening. Macaque used the momentary distraction to flip their positions once again, putting himself on top of Wukong.
"Heh, either way, that's karma for you." He said, grin still evident on his face, and Wukong, seeing no other option, reached up and raked his claws against Macaque's cheek, drawing a small amount of blood. Macaque yelped, leaning back as he instinctively covered the wound, and Wukong sat up, immediately following up be headbutting the other monkey.
The headbutt, of course, ended up being a mistake, as both monkey's reared back, covering their foreheads as pain washed over them. (Wukong could help but feel that there's been something....off, something cold when they'd bumped heads but-)
"Enough." Pigsy said, suddenly standing beside them, holding a wooden spoon in between the two in order to separate them. "Wukong, what is going on?"
"Ask him." Wukong growled, still rubbing his aching forehead, "He's the one who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and tackled me."
"Yeah, I'm not going to apologize for that." Macaque said, crossing his arms. MK mentally noted that the shadow monkey had, thus far, made no attempt at standing up.
"Didn't expect you to, you bitch." Wukong said, accepting Mei's offered hand as she helped him stand back up. "Seriously, why are you here?"
"What, can't I drop in to check on my favorite student every now and again?" Macaque said, not so subtly gesturing at MK, who sighed.
"I keep telling you, I'm not your student." He said, sounding tired with this whole thing already. Macaque just smirked. In response, Mei kicked him in the leg, and Macaque yelped, bending over as he cradled his leg closer to himself, his fur bristling as he clenched his teeth.
"....I didn't even kick you that hard." Mei said, looking Macaque over again. There were no visible injuries, other than the scratch Wukong had left on his cheek, but she had encountered many a demon, she knew that just because she didn't see it didn't mean it wasn't there.
"Is that it?" Wukong asked, crossing his arms as he looked at Macaque in disapproval. "You got injured, so you came crawling to us?"
"No. I'm fine." Macaque hissed out, rather unconvincingly, considering he still hadn't come out of his curled up position. Pigsy sighed, sensing this would be a long day.
"Wukong, go get the first aid kit." He said, and Wukong, despite huffing in irritation, complied, turning around to go find it. "Sandy- just. Restrain him for now."
Sandy pulled out some rope, and started wrapping it around Macaque's waist, restraining him by tying the other end of the rope to the ship. He didn't wrap it around Macaque's arms, worried about potentially brushing against some unseen injury. Macaque, surprisingly, laughed in response to this treatment.
"What am I, some damsel in distress?" He asked, "You going to tie me to some train tracks next?"
"Don't tempt me." Wukong hissed, rolling his eyes as he came back, passing the first aid kit over to MK, who handed it over to Tang, who, despite Macaque's protests, started applying a bandage onto the scratch on the monkey's cheek.
"I can't treat the rest of your injuries if you won't let us see them." Tang said, after he finished treating the scratch.
"I told you already, I'm not injured. Besides, I don't remember asking for your help." Macaque said, looking away from Tang's face. Wukong, a smirk on his face, snuck up beside Macaque, before lightly poking the leg Mei had kicked. Macaque yelped again, pulling his leg away, an expression of pain flickering across his face. Wukong lightly giggled, then hissed as Pigsy hit him in the back of the head with the spoon.
"Wukong, why would you do that??" Pigsy asked, disapproval in his voice. Wukong couldn't help but feel a bit like a child being chided for doing something wrong.
"...He was being kind of stuck up?" He offered as a response, chuckling nervously when Pigsy's disapproving look only increased in intensity.
"Either way, he is injured." Tang said, "So, Macaque, are you going to let me treat your injuries or not?"
Macaque didn't answer for a few moments, before he reluctantly sighed, a look of concentration appearing on his face-
And then, just like that, a series of injuries appeared on his body. A long gash down his arm that looked only partially healed, a newer cut down his leg (and Mei winced, knowing she had made that injury worse), as well as his fur looking, overall, like a mess. Wukong sucked in a breath.
"What happened to you?" He asked. Macaque rolled his eyes.
"Like you'd care." He mumbled, looking down at the floor as Tang carefully tended to his injuries. MK subtly tugged on the edge of Wukong's scarf.
"Monkey King?" He asked, quietly. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Sure, kid." Wukong said, letting MK lead him to the other side of the ship. He knew Macaque would probably still be able to hear them anyways, but the other monkey was distracted with Tang, so they should be okay for now. "What's up?"
"It's just....you- you don't think that she did that to him, do you?" MK asked, glancing over at Macaque, at Macaque's injuries.
"No way to know for sure." Wukong said, "He isn't the best at making friends. Could've been anyone."
Suddenly, the look in MK's eyes changed.
"You'd know all about how Macaque makes friends then?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Y'know, while you were on vacation, I ran into Macaque again."
"You what? Why didn't you tell me?" Wukong asked, concern in his voice. MK brushed it off.
"You were busy, remember? Anyways, Macaque said something....interesting." MK said, "He said you two used to be friends. Like, he straight up compared the both of you to the sun and moon."
"He was always over-dramatic like that-"
"And. He said you abandoned him." MK said, "That you forgot about him."
Wukong sighed.
"Is that still how he sees it?" He said, rubbing his arm. "It's- look it was complicated, okay? I, well to put thing's simply, time in heaven works... differently than time on earth, and then the whole 'Havoc in Heaven' thing happened- and just. I never really got the chance-"
"But you were friends?" MK asked, "He can't have been all that bad back then."
"Well- no. He wasn't." Wukong admitted, "...If this is some attempt of yours to get me to trust him, you're not going to succeed kiddo. Not that I'm sure why you'd do that-"
"That's not what I'm- okay, so it's a little bit like that." MK confessed, laughing a little as he rubbed the back of his neck. "It's just, he's injured, so we can't just let him leave. We should let him stay with us for a bit-"
"It'd be wrong to just let him leave, wouldn't it?" MK insisted, grabbing hold of Wukong's hand, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "C'mon, Monkey King, at least this way we can keep an eye on him!"
"....I can't argue with you on that, I guess." Wukong sighed, "Fine. But don't blame me when he ends up betraying us in the end."
"We'll pay very close attention to him." MK insisted, "He can't betray us if we know it's coming!"
He was going to betray them.
He was going to turn against them.
He would earn their fragile trust, and then shatter it like glass.
He would not let himself get attached.
Macaque kept this mental mantra to himself going as Mei quietly showed him to the room he'd be staying in. They had reluctantly untied him, letting him walk by himself so long as he had someone with him. They would allow him the privacy of his room, but that was it.
Macaque walked into the rather small, empty space, the only thing in there being a bed with plain sheets and a door to what he presumed to be a bathroom. He sighed as he heard Mei close the door behind him, before she turned and walked away, down the hall. He waited until her footsteps faded, and he was sure nobody would open the door unexpectedly.
Macaque went into the bathroom (it was just as small and plain as the bedroom), and let his glamor drop all the way.
They'd trusted him with this room. And that was a problem.
The kid and the others had trusted him, albeit by not much, but they were still going to let him stay.
Wukong, at least, clearly still distrusted him, if the glares he'd noticed were any indication.
Macaque sighed again as he looked in the mirror, trying to mentally prepare himself to play the long con.
He was going to betray them.
He was going to turn against them.
He would earn their fragile trust, and then shatter it like glass.
He would not let himself get attached.
Despite this, Macaque knew himself.
He knew he was going to get attached.
It would be inevitable really, that kid, MK, seemed to drag everyone into his little golden family sooner or later. He was sure that Wukong probably would've outright thrown him off the ship if it wasn't for the kid.
Macaque knew how easy it would be for the kid to drag him in, make him feel like a part of the group. He would resist it, but it would happen.
He tried to brace himself for how much the looks of betrayal on their faces would hurt. Tried to convince himself he would enjoy it. That this is what he wanted. That he chose to do this.
The shine of the blue circlet that wrapped around his head in a vice grip, reminded him that it wasn't his choice to make.
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Sunshower 8
A shower. A simple shower and a brief walk to the pond was all Ilia had left before the most awkward conversation in her life. No amount of White Fang training could prepare her for this. Expressing feelings weren’t something covered when training to be a spy. Maybe Neptune was right on the money about taking time to sort out her head before confronting the problem. A piece of her soul felt like it left Ilia’s body at the realization just how crazy that was to her. Neptune was right and she should’ve listened. He must never know. ‘Oh well. What’s done is done. Might as well appreciate the time I have before self destruction.’ She thought walking back to her house painfully slow.
Slow or not, eventually she found herself in the middle of the forest in front of an arrow sign pointed done with her initials on it. The ground underneath her feet was clear of any obstacles; just a perfect grass circle. Around her were tall, strong trees that shot straight in the sky with branches as thick as logs. One tree in particular had a branch that bent down lower than the rest and had small holes carved into the trunk. Ilia rested her hand on the sign and turned the arrow straight up. ‘Home sweet home at last. Well...mostly.’
Usually Ilia wouldn’t miss the chance to train her acrobatic skills but there was way too much on her mind to trust herself to not slip up. Instead off running up any trees or flipping from branch to branch, Ilia took the easy path and started climb up the tree with carved footholds in it. If Adam was ever good for anything it was his constant nagging about how houses in Menagerie should have at least two easy ways to get to. Multiple types of a faunus species might have to drop by for whatever reason and it would a real pain for a place to only be accessible by having a specific trait. Even a broken clock was right twice a day she supposed m.
Ilia reached a layed of dense foliage that was woven together with straw and covered the entire circle below; essentially blocking most of the sunlight from coming through. ‘Where is that stupid...ah ha!’ relieved to find the soft spot in layer, Ilia pushed her way through with easy and stood on the flooring. Infront of her was a giant hut. The roof was also made of a thick straw that allowed rain to run off it as it extended past the actual frame of the wooden house. Two windows were placed on each side of the door. Decorating the outside was always an idea she entertained but never did. The inside and the utilities was the more important part anyways.
The girl smiled when the gentle breeze from opening the door hit her face. To the left was a futon up against the wall with a silk blanket on the armrest and a rug on the ground in front of it. A small coffee table was a bit further away that held a tiger lily as the center piece. Up against the wall the door was on had a dusty entertainment center with a tv smack dab in the middle. Old movies were placed below it leaning against each other. The right side of the room had the floor made of harden clay since it was the kitchen. The only thing really in it was a wooden circular table in the middle, a fridge in the back that faced the direction of the living room, and from that ran a counter top that curved all the way back towards the door. It caved way into a sink a few feet from the fridge before being a counter again. Then was interrupted again by a basic stove with two burners up top that were about two feet out of reach from Ilia. Drawers held everything she needed underneath the countertop.
She’d be lying if she said wasn’t hungry but considering there’s someone waiting on her, bathing and thinking took priority. Ilia kicked off her shoes and moseyed straight down into the hallway and opened the bathroom door. Easily the smallest room she created for the soul purpose of allowing other rooms to be bigger. She was at the sink the moment she walked in. Passed it was the toilet and another few inches away was the tub that ran sideways. A sliding warped glass door was attached to it. The ceiling had an opening above it to vent out the steam she always made. Ilia found herself leaning against towards the full mirror on top the sink. Her hands curling against it and staring at her reflection in slight concern.
‘Geez I look this rough even after sleeping?’ The woman thought looking at how mess her hair was. Underneath her eyes were a bit dark but that’s the price of partying hard; even if she didn’t enjoy it. Well...most of it. She started looking at her hair tie before settling it down.
‘Last night really happened. It wasn’t a dream. I wonder how much Sun exactly remembers? How much do I remember?’ Soon her clothes fell to the floor as she continued to look in the mirror. The color of her skin slightly turning pink the more she recalled last night.
‘He...might remember seeing me, all of me. Is that good or bad? I remember all of him.’ That memory only helped to make her get pinker. “All of him...”
Her hands retreated from the sink and went to her hips. Bit by bit the entire picture was forming. Last night was getting vivid. She remembered the way he was looking at her; the way he held her. Ilia remember the way his fingers wrapped and pressed into her hips. The feeling was...new? No, that’s not quite the word. Foreign, it was foreign to her. Not to say that is was bad, just expected. Like everything else was last night was. The words they exchanged, the feelings behind them that accompanied tears and the embrace that came afterwards. Ilia wasn’t expecting any of that. It was nice. Sun was ni- “Agh! What does that mean!?!?” She shouted out loud before walking to the tub flustered and turning on the water. “A cool bath. A cool bath will calm me down. Everything will make sense when I calm down.” Water rushed out the faucet and filled the tub that gave another reflection to struggle with. This time she had noticed something she had overlooked the first time. A few spots on her chest weren’t spots at all. They were little bruises lightly peppered everywhere. She had forgotten her hips weren’t the only thing that got a fair amount of attention last night. She’d be flattered right now if she didn’t feel like she was about to die from her own memories. “Sigh, why is this the one time I remember everything!?”
Sun:*texting* “Neptune! Aww you asleep yet!?”
Neptune: “We just saw each other...”
Sun: “I know, just have a question. What would you do in my situation? Follow up, what would happen if-”
Bzzz! Bzzz!
His phone lit up with a Neptune’s name in a face time. Sun immediately answered and saw his best friend with messy hair and laying in the hammock.
Sun:....Am I bugging you?
Neptune:No, just can’t believe this is happening. I’m usually the antsy one. Is this how you feel usually; calm and fine? I didn’t realize you had the best seat ever.
Sun:How do you deal with drama all the time!?
Neptune:Because I have you dude.
Sun:That was sweet and all but.....
Neptune:You are Sun Wukong. If you can handle being friends with Ilia after she stabbed you then you can handle a little awkward post sex conversation. I got your back but I don’t think you’ll need it.
Sun:Wow, thanks Neptune.
Neptune:No problem. Consider it me paying it forward. You were there with my major girl problem.
Sun:*eyes widened* Woah I didn’t think you would ever mention-
Neptune:Her name is still banned!
Sun:Should’ve guessed. Still proud of you.
Neptune:Yeah yeah, save that pride and turn it into confidence. It’s not like you’re on a time limit to think. Just don’t run into her and do something crazy.
Sun:About that....
Neptune:What did you....?
The embarrassed boy was about to answer before he looked across the lake to see the girl in question finally showing up. Her hair was still down and she wasn’t in her usual clothes. Ilia wore a plain white T-shirt and what looked to be gray track pants. Complete with black running shoes. Sun couldn’t tell if it was for comfort or a sign that this will end with her fleeing the scene. He was sitting on a pier that led to some pretty deep water after all.
Sun:I’ll call you later Neptune. Maybe.
Neptune:What does that mean!? Su- *disconnected*
Sun:*mumbles* Definitely going to be hearing about that later.
“Hearing about what later?” The voice said, catching him off gaurd. His tail perked up along with his swiveling head. He was surprised to see Ilia was standing a few inches behind him already. Was she faster than he realized or was he spacing out that much? Now wasn’t the time to think of it.
Ilia:Hey *rubbing her arm*
Sun:Wanna have seat? If you know, you want to? Which ever is fine by me. Sitting or standin, hehehe not much of difference and stuff. *clears throat*
Ilia:*raises eye brow* Freaking out?
Sun:Oh you know. A little bit.
Ilia:Good. Means I’m not the only one. Today is....
Sun:Yeah, definitely. A real cluster of a lot of things.
A few more minutes went by before Ilia finally chose between sitting or standing. Her feet inched up to the edge of the pier next to him. She thought about her choice one more time in her head before sitting down next to him; her legs dangling over the edge. The soles of her shoes grazed across the water’s sureface. Distorting the perfect image of the blue sky above. Ilia couldn’t bring herself to look at him directly but his reflection was manageable at least. What she saw was to be expected but surprising all at once. Sun wasn’t looking at her either. His tail was wrapped around his left wrist as he rubbed the tip.
Ilia:(I guess even the most social of people have their moments. Damn, really wanted to be the passive one here but looks like I’m going on offense.) Did, did I keep you waiting?
Sun:*turns around* Huh?
Ilia:Were you waiting here long? I kinda took my time bathing.
Sun:Oh, no it was fine. Too many things to think about to notice the time.
Ilia:Makes sense. There’s definitely a lot of things to think about. So.... wanna try thinking about them together? Two heads are better than one.
Sun:Sounds like a plan. Should we be facing each other then or-
Ilia:*red* back to back would be nice!
Ilia: “Oh?” That not work for you?
Sun:It’s fine.
Ilia:Obviously it isn’t with you.
Sun:Yeah but face to face makes you uncomfortable apparently so I’ll deal.
Ilia:...... Well now I don’t want to do back to back at all.
Sun:*chuckles* Oh my god...
Sun:Does this really matter? I was just trying to make you feel comfortable.
Ilia:Well I’m trying to consider your feelings dummy. Someone has to validate them unlike you.
Sun:What’s that supposed to mean?
Ilia:You just tried pushing the way you feel to the wayside like you did last night!
Sun:What else was I supposed to do!? You were having a horrible time. Are you trying to tell me you would’ve listened if I wobbled up to you drunk and depressed.
Ilia:OF COURSE! We’re friends! I care about your feelings! *stares at him*
The two of them locked eyes quietly. Sun’s face inspects the rigid expression on Ilia’s face. He’s seen the girl be serious. He’s been on the serious end of her weapon after all. This was different though. Familiar.
Sun:I think Neptune is growing on you.
Sun:He’s always getting on me when it comes to things like this. Guess you really do care? *smiles*
Ilia:.....*looks away*
Ilia:Shut up. *turns red* we’ll just look at each other through the lake. Sound fair?
He stares down at the water and notices the girl every so often stealing glances at him before looking away again.
Sun:This works.
Ilia:Why was back to back even a problem for you?
Sun:Why is your hair down still?
Ilia:Where...where the hell did that come from?
Sun:Oh I thought we were asking obvious questions. Discussing important problems gets harder when you can’t see a person’s expressions. If you can’t see them then words feel less honest.
Ilia:Don’t trust my words?
Sun:I don’t trust mine. I...have a knack for saying things that don’t particularly go perfect with what I’m trying to get across. Earned a few slaps because of it.
Ilia:Ouch. Who’s bold enough to do that?
Sun:Not many but it happened enough times to know I should tread more lightly with sensitive topics.
Ilia:Fair enough. Well if it means anything, you’ve been doing pretty well so far. Not just today but with last night at the party too. Thanks.
Sun:I wouldn’t exactly thank me for last night. Are we finally gonna talk about how it ended?
Ilia:I’m still on why you think you my hair is still down.
Ilia:Fine, fine, where do we even start?
Sun:Do you regret it?
Ilia:Right into the deep end I see. Good as any place I suppose. It’s the only real question I had time to mull over. When I woke up I was extremely shocked about the entire thing. I didn’t remember much at first and I’m going to be honest with you. Everything felt really shitty.
Those words cut deeper than Sun expected. His hands joined together tightly. A slow exhale left his body as he nods and stares into the water. ‘Can’t blame her.’ Sun thought to himself before the touch of Ilia’s hand landed on his shoulder. The boy glanced at her reflection to see it was as calm as the water it was on,
Ilia:However, I’ve had the opportunity to take a nap and a bath since then. Last night was definitely confusing, weird, and probably the most vulnerable I’ve felt since fighting Blake. It was also the first time since then that I felt genuinely comforted; you did that Sun.
Sun:So, we’re okay then?
Ilia:Yeah. No regrets on this side of the pier. Just a really, really unexpected story to tell one day.
Sun:Phew! Thank the Gods! *falls back*
Ilia:I’ll take that as you have no regrets either?
Sun:Most of my worries came from thinking I hurt you in someway. I can deal with feeling a bit of weird or uncomfortable as long as you don’t hate me. No way I could live with this otherwise.
Ilia:You really put others before yourself don’t you?
Sun:I wouldn’t say that. If I can make someone’s life better then I try. Accidentally making more problems messes with me.
Ilia:(I can relate.)
Sun:Next question. Are we...gonna talk about this after this conversation?
Ilia:Not sure I follow.
Sun:We ever gonna bring this up in casual conversation or Is this our secret?
Ilia:Do you wanna tell people?
Sun:Not really, no. I don’t want to pretend like this never happened either.
Ilia:Pfft you make it sound like I was your-.......
Sun:Hmm? You ok? *sits up*
Ilia:*covers face*......
Sun:You remembered I told you that last night was my first time?
Ilia:*nods* I can understand if you wanna push me into the lake right now.
Sun:Eh. It’s no-
Ilia:Don’t say it’s no big deal. That’s a huge deal! You only get one of those.
Sun:Wasn’t it your first time too last night?
Ilia:With a guy! I’ve been with women bef- how have I been with more women than you!? That’s insane!
Sun:*shrugs* We ran in different circles I guess. I probably shouldn’t be telling you this but you’re way more of chick magnet than Neptune.
Ilia:The girls here seem to be swarming around him like flies.
Sun:True. Doesn’t mean he’s slept with any of them. Neptune just gets a lot of dates.
Ilia:You’re lying....
Sun:Ask himself yourself at the party tonight.
Ilia:Wait, you’re partying again tonight?
Sun:Might as well. I was gonna skip it but didn’t really hangout with Blake last night for obvious reasons. I was hoping you’d back me up.
Sun:Yeah you. Think of it as sort of a do over. I don’t mind the way yesterday ended but everything leading up to it was....a social disaster. *rubs head* Yang and I are on shaky ground. Eventually it’ll get back to Blake unless I can find a way to bury the hatchet. Who knows? Maybe things will blow over like this?
Ilia:Doesn’t Yang have a reputation for being aggressive?
Sun:All the more reason for you to have my back! Besides, don’t you wanna try putting your best foot forward in all this?
Ilia:Not really.
Ilia:Did you forget I’m the one who had the mentality to brush off Belladonna problems and feelings for awhile? I think I’ll just stay home this time.
Sun:I can’t change your mind? You really want to stay home?
He was asking a lot of good questions. Anymore and Ilia might have to tell Judy that her detective promotion might get stolen. Staying home wasn’t the most exciting thing ever but faking fun was no better. Home had a bed though and no drama.
Ilia:Sorry, maybe tomorrow. I doubt this will be the only party. Let me know how it goes though okay? If they ask about me then just tell them I party too hard yesterday. Too much excitement.
Sun:Ummm out of curiosity, is that last part a lie or the truth? *blushing*
Ilia:Ummmm that’s uh. That’s definitely a question isn’t it?
Sun:*winces* F..forget I asked.
Sun:I get it. Definitely weird to ask. I was curious but we can leave that one alone.
Ilia:There’s just a bunch of layers to that. That entire moment is pretty jumbled. Peak performance was something neither of us were at. Not to say that you were underperforming! No you were...I thought.....sex was.... I don’t want to ask for an out, but could you kindly give me one? I’m digging myself a hole.
Sun:Hmmm. Don’t you have to go back home and rest up? I’m pretty sure you told me you needed strength for partying tonight. *smirking*
Ilia:That’s cheating! I don’t want that shovel!
Sun:I’m not saying you have to go to Blake’s house. Enjoy other things. Hangout with Neptune. He thinks you’re cool. After I’m done with my business then the three of us can hang. No drama, no weird conversations,just the three of enjoying the festivities.
Ilia:Persuasive, aren’t you?
Sun:So are you when you’re drunk and I can’t believe that just came out my mouth; was that too soon?
Ilia:Considering it’s been like ten minutes? Yeah it is, but I walked into that one. *crosses arms* I will party for three hours at most and this time there’s no drinks. Deal?
Sun:I can work with that. See you tonight then?
Ilia:I’ll be on the beach the moment three hours are up I’m gone, so you better make nice with Yang fast.
Sun:Please, making friends is practically my secret semblance.
Sun hit his chest before smiling proudly. Ilia couldn’t help but cringe a little at the remark but at the same time wondered if that was possible. The charisma around him did seem to be a bit infectious. Blake and Neptune adoring the boy was proof enough that he can find interests with people on opposite ends of the social spectrum. Ghira was the only one who seemed impervious to it but what dad isn’t wary of charming boys talking to their daughter? Especially in Blake’s case.
As much as she stressed over the talk, it was over in a fraction of the time she expected. Yeah there was a lot of things that could’ve been discussed further but not as important as what they went over. There’s time for that later. Right now she running on fumes and Sun had already got up and started to walk away. Yet there was one thing that gnawed at her thoughts a little as she sat alone. A thing that flustered her because of his idiotic question. Ilia was his first and he was fine with that happening, but was she herself actually good!? He hadn’t once commented on her performance. Ilia wasn’t sure if she actually wanted the answer. All she knew was she was tired of turning pink.
Part 7
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skellebonez · 4 years
Oooh! New prompts! How about 21, with it being a 'Pigsy is Bajie' reveal
Hell yeah, my turn at this fantastic idea! Naturally I had to make it FreeNoodleShipping. Because that's who I am now.
Listen, I haven’t exactly been truthful with you.
"Listen," Pigsy started, rubbing the back of his neck with awkward stilted movements from trying not to bump into the walls of his shop. "I haven't exactly been truthful with you."
He sat at a table in his noodle shop... or rather, he sat on the floor at a table in his noodle shop. His noodle shop with a chunk of the front of the entrance missing due to demon attack. He was far too tall to sit in one of his chairs and not hit the ceiling. Tang, his ever constant friend not yet but wanted boyfriend companion, sat in a proper chair across from him.
"Oh really?" Tang asked with a high laugh. Pigsy would be worried that he was angry if he didn't have this amazed and shocked smile on his face. "I never would have guessed, what with the turning twice- no, thrice your size and punching another demon so hard they flew into the horizon line." His words were increduous but his tone was just like his face. Shock and awe. "MK still can't find him!"
That didn't stop Pigsy, now in his full powered form that he hadn't used since he last went by Zhu Bajie, from bowing his head in embarrassment. "I probably should have come clean a lot sooner, huh? Like when ya told me ya studied Sun Wukong and our Journey to the West..."
"Yes, you should have," Tang agreed, reaching across the table to pat his hand (his hand was so small now, so so small compared to his and in the back of his mind he could only think 'how have I been protecting him when he's normally bigger than me?') and chuckle. "But this does explain some of your... odder interjections in my stories."
"Hey, I was a right asshat back then and even I can admit that!" Pigsy pouted and apparently something about seeing a pout on his more intimidating face made Tang's smile soften. "What?"
"It's just..." Tang looked away and Pigsy could see the barest hint of a flushed tint on the tip of his ears. "You transformed to catch me. Carry me to safety. And then punch a demon in the face. And now you're sitting here trying to apologize to me and pouting about me making you look better in my stories." He chuckled again, raising his shoulders a bit to hide the blush forming on his cheeks. He failed miserably. "It's... kinda cute?"
Pigsy was pretty sure he heard his own brain stop working for a second as his own face flushed a deep crimson. "W-what?"
"If we're being honest now," Tang continued, the hand holding Pigsy's lacing their fingers together as best he could without looking. "I've always been a huge fan of Sun Wukong... but Zhu Bajie was always secretly my favorite in the stories. I guess you could say I had a bit of a crush on him." Oh yep, yup, Pigsy's brain was clearly not working. There was no way he was hearing this. "And I always thought you reminded me a little of him and I kinda developed a crush on you, so... I... can I do something?"
"What?" Pigsy repeated, and he froze as Tang stood from his seat. "I-I... yeah? Yes." He had a slight idea of what he could be hinting at but he couldn't bring himself to imagine it, there was no way...
Their hands were still clasped together as Tang climbed onto his chair and leaned forward, legs braced against the table as he placed his other hand on Pigsy's chest. He leaned forward more and more and more and suddenly all Pigsy could see was Tang and he was right there. He stopped as his nose touched his snout, blush more pronounced and eyes half lidded behind his glasses.
Pigstly swallowed nervously as he felt Tang's breath against his lips and that's when he realized he was waiting on him. So Pigsy closed both his eyes and the distance between them.
He felt Tang gasp under his lips and lean into the kiss, putting his body weight entirely on the pig demon as a thunk was heard against the table. Maybe his legs had given out from the strained position, but Pigsy didn't care in that moment. He held Tang's hand firmer as he brought his free one around to lay it on Tang's back. It was awkward, their size difference was much more exagerated in his form and the kiss was awkward and miss fitted making it completely chaste and it would have been so much better in his smaller "civilian" form.
But it just felt right anyway.
Too soon Tang pulled back and Pigsy opened his eyes to see his glasses fogged and him kneeling on the table. He felt he should be angry about that but he couldn't bring himself to be.
"Wow," Tang breathed, taking his glasses off to see a bit better. "I... wow."
"Yeah," Pigsy agreed, pulling the hand on Tang's back to his face to try to hide his blush. "Wow."
"So I guess we're-"
"Together. Wow."
Pigsy couldn't hold back his laughter at the third "wow" and shook his head. "I should have transformed way sooner... or just asked."
Tang laughed softly, awkwardly clambering off the table to stand next to the sitting demon. "Or I could have back when you gave me a place to stay in your house?"
"Damn we are oblivious."
"Yep," Tang smiled, leaning his head against Pigsy's shoulder and damn that felt right too. "But uh... I don't think you're going to fit back into said house right now."
"I won't fit for a while, I kinda... I'm too hyped up on adrenaline to change back still."
"Oh really?" And this time Tang's voice had a pleased undertone to it, one that made Pigsy laugh.
"Not because of you nerd," he said with a shake of his head.
Yeah. This felt right.
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