#wait no yes I do-xiao why are you In the ceiling
nobully · 1 year
❛ can’t sleep? ❜
𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
Wang Yi replies automatically before he freezes, sighs, and admits, '...yes.'
"What's wrong? Is the floor too hard?"
Above and beside him, Wang Yi hears the sheets rustling as Zhilan moves to the edge of bed to peer down at him. He's not wearing his glasses which means he has to squint (and that looks weirdly good on him for some reason?), but the combination of tousled hair and sleepy frown just makes Wang Yi think, "cute."
As well as get a growing urge to mess up Zhilan's hair even more just for kicks, which he tamps down with a firm grip on his self-control.
After weeks of scheduling snafus, he'd finally gotten what he waited: peace and quiet with Zhilan thanks to a sleepover in his room (no Sun allowed, thank you very much).
'No, just thinking too hard...' Wang Yi trails off awkwardly. 'Sorry, was I making too much noise?'
"No, I was thinking too," Zhilan smiles at him before groping for his glasses and putting them on. When he looks at Wang Yi again, his eyes are clear and bright as ever. "Sometimes I find it helpful to brainstorm at night, just before I fall asleep."
Wang Yi's not sure if that's actually true or Zhilan just saying stuff to make him feel better, but he returns the smile with one of his own. He thinks they'll drop things there, but the scholar actually keeps going.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Wang Yi hesitates, sorely tempted. But...that'd just be dumping everything on Zhilan.
"You can just vent and I'll listen," the other encouraged, seemingly sensing his doubt. "It might be good just to get it all out instead of keeping it cooped in your head."
'Yeah? Right, okay...' Wang Yi agrees before a stretch of silence follows. Zhilan's in no hurry—the best stories can’t be rushed, is it?—but he does rearrange some pillows to have better back support before his friend speaks his piece.
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'Is it the ducks' fault that the swan never got accepted?'
"So you read fairy tales too?" Zhilan remarked after a crash course in Andersen's The Ugly Duckling. "Is this part of your research?"
'No, just babysitting duties,' Wang Yi exhales and stares at the ceiling, arms pillowing his head. 'One of your roommates really enjoys them.'
"Is that why Sun's been telling us stories of monkeys climbing beanstalks and destroying houses in Heaven..."
'Uh, I think he mixed a few of them up there.'
"I see," Zhilan smiled ruefully. "Looks like he's on his way to be an author himself!"
'Man, prayers to his proofreader then.'
They share a moment of sympathy, but Zhilan's quick to get back on task. "So, the baby swan..."
'I don't think he was ugly,' Wang Yi says after a moment. 'He was just too different, so he stuck out the more he tried to fit in. And they picked on him until he stopped trying, then scorned him for being himself.'
"Do you think the ducks were at fault?"
'I've tried, but I can't blame them. They might have started it, but it's hu—herd nature to band together and leave out the weirdos. They were just...acting the way they've always known.'
"Hmm," Zhilan muses. "But if the ducks had defended the swan from the start, he might've been accepted by all the barnyard animals."
'They didn't have to do that. The swan wasn't even one of them.'
"They were still family. The mother duck hatched the baby swan from his egg and cared for him like one of his own."
'Yeah, until he stuck out so much she regretted him too.' Wang Yi narrows his eyes. 'That's when I thought the swan was at fault for not fitting in better. But how could he figure that out by himself? He didn't have anyone...to teach him.'
If the baby swan knew a Xiao Mo or Xiao Lu, then he might have come to far less grief.
"But would he listen even if he was taught?" Zhilan asks after some thought. "From what I heard you tell me, the baby swan always stuck to his beliefs. He didn't try to purr like a cat or lay eggs like a hen despite his survival being on the line. Maybe it was less important to be accepted than to be himself, even if he didn't know who that was."
'Was it worth living through a whole winter of misery just for that? If he knew how easy it'd be after fitting in, he might have tried harder.'
"Maybe! But it worked out for him in the end, didn't it? He survived and grew into his feathers to be a beautiful swan."
Wang Yi snorts. 'You mean he got lucky while being dumb and beautiful. The guy didn't even bother checking his reflection once while his feathers were molting.'
"That might have scarred him more, actually..."
'Oh, good point.'
"In any case, the story misled us from the start!" Zhilan points out. "It wasn't about an 'ugly duckling' at all, but a lost baby swan. The author simply used the title to trick his readers."
'That's true, too...'
"So what would you have done?"
"As an author, I mean." Zhilan's perched on the edge of the bed, hands cushioning his chin as he peers down at Wang Yi. "If you were writing this fairy tale with an actual ugly duckling, how would it go?"
It's always at times like these that Wang Yi's lies come to bite him in the ass. But if he thinks about it, making up stories isn't much different from weaving lies, and both are convincing enough with a bit of truth included.
'Well...' Rolling on his side, Wang Yi faces Zhilan squarely. 'I wouldn't change much, actually, because I don't really know what barnyard animals think.'
Or how normal people work.
'But I'd probably give him a couple of friends to start?'
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'Like a cat who knows too much too well, and a dog who thinks he gets everything but actually knows splat.'
Because that's how it went with imperfect people. You walked around with missing parts until you found others like you, then joined up your jumbled pieces to form a whole. It wasn't pretty or perfect but it filled in the gaps, which was sometimes all you needed. His Bai Mo and Lu Ren are like that. He guesses Nicolette and Zhilan are too, though the latter would be a much smarter puppy.
"That's nice...but wouldn't the cat and dog bully the duckling?" Zhilan wonders out loud. "I've seen that happen with smaller birds in real life."
'Oh yeah, for sure.' Wang Yi still remembers the time Bai Mo slapped him for a thoughtless cannibalism remark. 'That's uh, what you call survival of the fittest or something, right? They'd work it out eventually if they're friends. Or if not, the duckling can just fly away after getting wings. It's fine either way.'
He's always been great at leaving before he gets chased off, after all.
"Hmm..." Zhilan tries to see how condoning bullying could ever lead to a happy ending, but fails. "Maybe you should just stick to writing for adults, Wang Yi."
'Huh? Is it no good?'
"Your message might be a bit too advanced for children to understand..." the scholar replies diplomatically. "Still, what happens in the ending?"
'Oh, let me think.' Wang Yi's never considered his future before. He figures Lu Ren will eventually settle down with someone he loves and Bai Mo calm down, period. 'The dog will probably start a family and the cat...become head of local law enforcement.'
Back in their world, Bai Mo was definitely earning high honors at the police academy before the whole transmigration disaster.
"Huh? Does a farm need law enforcement?"
'They were acting pretty lawlessly in the story, don't you think?'
"I suppose you're right." Maybe this was another case of fairy tale logic. Privately, Zhilan resolves to do more research on the genre before he starts another debate. "What about the ugly duckling? Does he go find more of his brethren?"
'Hahaha, I hope not. He can just stick around the other two.'
"That's rather different from the original!"
'Not really,' Wang Yi counters. 'The swan got to find other swans because they were all beautiful to begin with. The ugly duckling's not pretty at all, so he can find beauty in his friends' lives...or something like that.'
"Maybe he has a beautiful heart..." Zhilan suggests. He's pretty sure children's stories are supposed to have uplifting lessons, but why does this one sound more questionable by the second?
'Nah, he's heartless,' Wang Yi replies with such conviction that it almost sounds like fact. Surprised, Zhilan's quick to follow up.
"That can't be true," he pushes gently. "Otherwise, why would the cat and dog have befriended him?"
'Because they're better than him. Nicer, I mean.'
"Even if that's the case, would they have stuck with the duckling all these years if he wasn't their companion?"
'I mean, once you get used to something, it becomes a habit to keep it around—'
"That's not how friendship works."
It's rare for Zhilan to interrupt anyone, yet when he does Wang Yi listens, looking up with a vague sense of having said something wrong. The muffled mix of street lamps and moonlight shining through the deck curtains casts the scholar's face in a soft, intangible glow. Zhilan seems gentle as always, but there's a sharp crease between his brows that doesn't match any of the expressions Wang Yi knows.
"At least...not the ones I've had. And that's not how my friendship with you works either, Wang Yi."
Oh. Um. Well.
'Yeah...I mean, I know.'
It's not how his friendship works with Xiao Mo and Xiao Lu either, but so many things had happened since they last met while alive. Years and two lifetimes have passed...and now he's three worlds away. The truth bothers him as much as the thought that it should bother him more.
'I got carried away. Sorr—'
"Ah no, wait!"
Wang Yi's interrupted again, by a more fast-paced voice this time. He sees Zhilan waving his hands as he sits upright in bed, anxious to make a point.
"I got carried away first! I forgot, we were just talking about stories..."
At least this part of him Wang Yi can always understand. It was a desire to make amends when really, Zhilan doesn't have to compensate for anything at all.
'...I'm glad you feel that way, actually,' Wang Yi pipes up, and this time it's his turn to try soft. 'It's been a while since I've seen my old pals so I guess I've been feeling bitter.'
At himself, though. He was already taking so long to complete those missions; how much longer would they take now?
He sees more than feels Zhilan relax, notes the slumping of shoulders, the smoothing of brows. "I can understand that. I've left people behind too..." the other trails off, almost wistful. "...but I'm sure they're thinking about us even here."
You mean the ones still alive? Wang Yi wonders and tastes bile in his throat. Though he remembers the dead can curse the living just fine...might be nice to feel that, just to confirm they're still around...
"Is this what's been keeping you up?"
Zhilan's voice calls him back again. Wang Yi half shrugs and tries for noncommittal. 'A little.'
"I see...is there anything I can do to help?"
Wang Yi opens his mouth, ready to say no. It's not like doing anything here will make a difference back home. But what about Zhilan? He was different from the guy who had the emotional capacity of well, an ant. Albeit it was an ant that was frequently triggered but otherwise, a pretty shallow guy.
'...maybe we can hold hands,' he suggests after a second.
Zhilan blinks.
'I mean it's childish, but it's making a connection, you know? Sorta like touching bases away from home?'
And feeling something too, physical sensation replacing where lack of emotions ran empty.
'I know it sounds lame, so you don't have to if you don't wan—' But Zhilan is already there, reaching down from his bed until his fingers entwine lightly, warmly, with the digits on the floor. Wang Yi's so surprised he doesn't move at first, fingers curling back in reflex only a second later.
''Does this help?" Zhilan asks after they are well and truly holding hands.
'...your arm will get cold,' Is the first thought Wang Yi voices after seeing Zhilan's pajama sleeve sticking outside of his covers.
"Don't worry, it'll be fine for a little while."
'Oh. A-all right, then...' And Wang Yi breathes before he squeezes the hand once. Twice. 'Yeah. Thanks.'
He's too embarrassed to say more after that. Honestly, he should really tell Zhilan to stop indulging him. What if he got addicted to the preferential treatment or something...sheesh.
But between his racing thoughts, his eyelids start to flutter—is he actually dozing off now? What the hell?
"Good night," a soft voice whispers above him.
Wang Yi slips serenely into a soundless sleep.
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bdbdhdjdhdh · 1 year
"Yo mama so fat, even Dora can't explore her!"
-Yo mama jokes series
And of course the Heavenly Lord is screaming af. Idk if it's because of the Dark Sleep hurting him or he's just going insane from "winning the war" or something. Schoolwork in a nutshell-
So of course Xiao Ming and gang aren't just going to be those stupid villains/heroes who will just wait for the heroes/villains to finish transforming and unleash their ultimate move while they sit there waiting like-
So anyway, while Heavenly Lord was busy studying (going insane, you see what I mean) Kiefer just grabbed his sword and then stabbed him until he was like also half-dead.
And then because he's an Exuvia, they want to keep him alive so that they can torture him for information, so they "wrap him up" and carry him off to their Exuvia torture chambers.
Only that while they were carrying him off, they realised that on his clothes, was hanging a glowing piece of jewellery. But it definitely isn't his Anodyne or just another random glowing piece of jewellery. It looked more ancient, and glowed with power.
"Oh fuck, is that...the Alicorn of the Shadow Amulet?" said Crow-face rather ambiguously.
Wait what. How is it with him. I tot Xiao Ming was the Amulet or something
"Then the legends are true. Then he-"
"Ok ok ok, why so strong reaction bruh, anyway, the legend is that there was a strong warrior from a far away land who could manipulate shadows and light, and bend people to do his bidding with the snap of a finger. But he attained all this power from a mechanism, and one day, somehow, the mechanism just spoil liao, then he no more power liao. So of course he want to earn more power but he don want to fix the mechanism cos he lazy, so he went to go and find another powerful artifact that can give him power. So he found-the Amulet of the Shadow Alicorn. Then with his newfound power, he travelled to this world, and challenged the Exuvia then to a duel before the throne. That Exuvia lost against him and was killed, and then he took his Anodyne and began to rule over the way he does now."
"Ok firstly lengthy, secondly, wow, thirdly, great backstory actually, fourthly, let's go torture him now," Juqla replied.
"Ah, yes, let's" Crow-face also replied.
*at the Exuvia torture chamber* Written in a screenplay-type:
Heavenly Lord: *wakes up from being stabbed only to realise he's standing on a few stacks of ice cubes, in a cold room, wearing a comfortably warm jacket, and-having a noose hung around his neck extending from the high ceiling*
Heavenly Lord: Oh fuck. I got caught didn't I?
Xiao Ming: Indeed you did. Your people are currently rejoicing over having been released from your chains of dictatorship. As for us...we have...a few questions to ask you.
Heavenly Lord: Aiya the fuck do you want? Is it about Exuvian related questions? Then by now, considering the fact that you're also an Exuvia, you should know that I'm not a real Exuvia, and I won the Anodyne from a duel before the throne.
Xiao Ming: Ok thanks so that WAS real after all.
*ice cubes start to melt a little*
Heavenly Lord: Oh god. You better finish this interrogation before the ice cubes melt, or else-
Xiao Ming: Or else you'll die, which isn't exactly to my disadvantage anyway. Ok I have a question: You know me, Izanagi, and Izanami, right? Why are we like each co-owning a part of the world?
Heavenly Lord: Well as far as I know, you all were disciples of a high Exuvia, then he died and ya'll took over his land and divided it among you! CAN I GO NOW?
*ice cubes are melting halfway already*
Xiao Ming: Mm, ok. Now second question: Why did you have such a...reaction when we sprayed you with the Dark Sleep?
Heavenly Lord: That shit is made from the blood of dead Exuvias. It's natural that I'd display such a reaction!
*ice cubes completely melt*
Heavenly Lord: *being grabbed by noose by neck and being strangled* SHDHSOPSPSPWLWKSKZKKZ!!!!
Heavenly Lord: *dies*
Xiao Ming: *takes a syringe filled with a dark liquid and injects it into him*
Xiao Ming: Well good news. We've just found out that we can also use Dark Sleep to infinitely resurrect you. Now if you'll excuse me, there a lot of citizens who want to have their own fun with you. I mean, with the Dark Sleep, you can't die no matter what tortures they give you right? Right? RIGHT?
Now-resurrected Heavenly Lord: AW HELLLL NAHHHHH
0 notes
sugusshi · 2 years
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Part 18 of “My Insufferable Idiot” Series
MASTERLIST | previous — CURRENT — next
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“So wait…” Ran is sitting on the couch, elbows on his knees with his chin on his linked hands, “You’re telling me this guy is a private investigator?”
“After YN?”
“It has to be.”
“Are you sure? What if it’s me?”
“It can’t be. Otherwise we would have seen him more around you and even me. You only saw him when you were around YN.”
Ran tries to stay calm, watching as Hoshi happily hops around the ‘bunny-safe’ area Rindou and you made in their living room. Big enough for him to exercise and not feel confined. Of course Rindou, bestie, you, and even Ran let him roam free elsewhere but usually under watch. Hoshi sniffed some toys, nose wiggling before he deems the toy not worthy and hopping back to go eat some more hay. Cute, he thinks. No wonder YN-
“Ran?” Rindou snaps his brother out of his train of thought with a raised brow, “You good?”
“Yeah…” Ran clears his throat as he sits up straight, his hand running through his hair, “Were you able to find out more about this guy?”
“I found out his name and occupation, but I have yet to find out who employed him. I’m running that now but it’ll probably be a while.”
“I don’t understand why the fuck YN would have a private investigator on her though…” The thought of someone following you makes Ran sick. He knows you can fight, knows you can defend yourself when needed, but how were you supposed to do that if you didn’t even know you were being watched?
“Well,” Rin pulls up another page on his laptop, “I did a quick background check on YN,” This earns him a glare from Ran, only making the younger sibling roll his eyes, “Just in case Ran. I could care less if your little lover had a record. Ours wouldn't be clean if it wasn’t for you know who.” Ran huffs at this, motioning for his brother to proceed, “Anyway. I didn’t find anything. I had to dig a bit deeper to just find out that yeah she used to get in trouble a lot when she was younger, but nothing enough to get on record.”
“Then, what the fuck?”
“Maybe she has some enemies?”
“How? You’ve met her. She’s a people magnet. Gets along with practically everyone. Who could possibly hate her?”
“Well…” Rindou sighs as he shuts his laptop close, “We could ask Izana. He’s known her longer than us. Maybe he knows something.”
“Please,” Ran throws his head back on the couch, glaring at the ceiling, “He and his siblings are protective as shit towards her. If he knew someone had an eye for her in a negative way, he would’ve taken care of the problem by now. He probably doesn’t know.”
“Can’t hurt to ask though. What are you losing by asking? Nothing. You’re worried for her aren’t you?”
“So just fucking ask. The worst case scenario is that he doesn’t know. If he doesn’t, we move on and try asking bestie. Maybe they know something too.”
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· · ────── · ·
- Uh oh, YN’s mother is up to something again 😬
- Emma and Souya were invited to the tea party btw; aka take out and movies (everyone else was banned until further notice)
- hehe… The Haitani’s coming into the group chat with a bang! They have no filter
- Yes YN was sending all those messages while Izana was explaining everything to Rin, Ran, and Kakucho & when the three got added to the ‘menaces to society’ gc; they were just so focused on what was going on they ignored poor yn
- Bestie was in a good coma tho, so they’re excused
- As always, feel free to tell me what you think in the comments or in my ask box ♡
➥ author's note: I know this update is so behind, but man I've been going through the ringer irl. As I said, updates for this series and any upcoming pieces will be very sporadic until probably late May (when my semester ends). I do still throughly enjoy writing for this series and there's still so much to come!!!
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© all works belong to sugusshi | DO NOT COPY OR REPOST
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takamishinko · 3 years
footprints and doubts
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this is the longest piece we’ve written so far and it drained the living crap out of us :,D but hope u guys enjoy !
pronouns: gender neutral 
warnings: nothing really other than jealousy, angst, and crying, self thought cheating
a/n: r/n is region name btw
honestly you found it hard to believe that little ol’ you from r/n could befriend let alone become someone important to ajax. the great tartaglia, 11th of the fatui harbingers, his name itself could strike fear into anyone. yet here you were, standing next to him with your hands intertwined with his at the lantern rite festival. you would give the world to him if you could, you loved him so much. he was so different from your last significant other who had been unfaithful towards you. 
‘you’re just too boring.’ they had told you apathetically. you frown thinking about it.
you felt ajax gave your hand a small tug, "hey y/n why don't we go over there? looks like chef mao is cooking up something good." he spoke with a cheery grin on his face.
you snap back into reality as you felt his hand pull you out of your thoughts. you gave him a terse nod and the two of you made your way to wanmin restaurant.
after waiting a while in line, the two of you were next. chef mao looked up and practically shat himself at the sight of the male next to you. 
“hello y/n! i hope you’ve been enjoying the festival, " chef mao spoke nervously, his eyes gliding to the male next to you, “y...you too sir childe.” he sputtered out. right, ajax was the one who tried to destroy liyue not too long ago after all. you shook your head, right now you were with ajax, not childe.
"woah woah woah. calm down chef, you know that’s history now. besides, i’m just here to enjoy the festival with y/n." ajax assured, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.
you gave the chef a slight smile and spoke,"don’t worry chef. i’m sure he doesn’t have plans other than being with me tonight." you teased. 
the chef sighed in poorly concealed relief and returned to his usual self as he took your order. ajax ordered the specialty for today, the crystal shrimp. after a small wait, the two of you waved chef mao goodbye after he gave you two your food. the warm dish let out puffs of steam and glistened under all the light of the lanterns due to it's crystal clear skin, there were 4 in total, the wrapping for each was folded into the shape of a flower. they were so pretty, you almost felt bad for eating them. 
sitting down on a nearby bench, the two of you enjoyed the crystal shrimp while making small talk. the crystal shrimps were delicious themselves but it felt better to enjoy them with someone you loved. 
after finishing the food, you and ajax had a great time. you guys played a few rounds of theatre mechanics, ruijin was pleased at how skilled the two of you were and rewarded both of you with hefty prizes. upon bumping into zhongli, the three of you decided to enjoy some tea with him. after bidding farewell to the funeral consultant, the two of you released some xiao lanterns and watched as they floated into the night sky. 
feeling a bit tired, the two of you then decided to relax and take a walk instead of participating in games. as you and your boyfriend were strolling around the harbour, something, or someone caught his gaze. you look over to where his eyes were trailing to.
a beautiful young lady dressed in a white dress with a cecilia tucked into her golden blonde hair and a puffy companion floating by her side waved at ajax. her smile brighter than the sun and her movement as graceful as the moon. her honey glazed eyes shone with familiarity and glee at the sight of him.
of course you recognized this girl. she was none other than the otherworldly traveler, lumine. she fought alongside the liyue qixing and even the adepti to defeat the great osial. the people of liyue spoke about her often, everyone knew how she had also earned the title of honorary knight in mondstadt and defeated one of the four winds despite her young age. 
you were once again brought back into reality when ajax spoke, "hey babe ill be right back okay? i wanna catch up with lumine real quick." 
you felt his hand leave yours, the warmth dissipated with it. you felt an uncomfortable feeling bubble up as you watched your boyfriend run to someone else, leaving you alone by yourself to stand in the sea of lanterns and people. 
it didn't feel right.
you stayed in place with a dejected look for a while waiting for ajax to return but he was taking a while so you decided to go check what was going on with him.
"-but then teucer decided to do it anyway!” you hear ajax’s boyish voice ring out with amusement.
as the blond and the redhead laughed together. you couldn't help but think about the two looked enchanting with each other.
you shook your head and decided to make your presence known. "ajax-" 
ajax perked up, "oh! babe sorry to keep you waiting let me introduce you. lumine this is my partner y/n!" ajax exclaimed with a cute grin.
you gave lumine a small wave and spoke with a polite smile, "it's a pleasure to meet you lumine." 
"it’s nice to meet you too y/n.” lumine replied cheerfully.
now that you’ve got a better look at the blonde, she's so much more beautiful than you could have ever imagined. 
her velvety blonde hair fell gracefully, her porcelain skin was practically glowing without a single visible blemish, her golden eyes shone with beauty that rivaled cor lapis. to wrap it up, her short stature was presented with grace and poise. all in all, everything about the blonde was nothing less than perfection.
everyone loved her and you could understand the reason behind it very well. gorgeous, kind, and righteous, the hero of every region everyone respected. you couldn’t help but wish you were like her instead of your boring self, without a vision, without any standing out achievements either…
you started to space out while the two started up a conversation again, thinking about the feelings you were currently having. why were you feeling like this?
"hey babe we should get going! it's getting late." the voice of your lover broke you out of your thinking.
you were overthinking a lot today huh. "oh. we probably should get going then." 
"bye ajax! bye y/n! it was really nice meeting you." lumine said with a pearly smile gracing her features. she then walked off to find her floating companion who was near a food stall inhaling dish after dish of food.
ajax..? he wasn’t childe or tartaglia to her, but ajax. you didn't know how to feel upon hearing the real name of your boyfriend slip out of the blonde. you knew how secretive ajax could be when it came to his family and personal life so the fact that lumine knew his real name put a feeling of unease within you.
the way home was pretty quiet, you didn't want ajax to notice that you were feeling off. you felt so guilty for having these feelings about him and lumine but you couldn’t help it. your last relationship had practically trampled on your ability to trust others, you could never tell if someone was lying to you or being truthful. you contemplated telling him how you felt but you decided against it, you’ve never been great at expressing your feelings after all. however, after a while of him blabbing about random topics, you couldn’t curb your curiosity any longer and realized you wanted to know more about your lover's relationship between him and lumine.
after a while of peaceful silence, you let out a small breath, "hey ajax?"
“yes y/n?" 
"who is lumine… to you?"
ajax perked up at the sound of the blonde's name, "lumine? she's a good friend and a formidable opponent of course. it's been a while since i’ve fought with someone who could keep up with me on the battlefield!" ajax spoke with enthusiasm.
you felt a twinge of pain shoot into your heart at the tone that your lover used when speaking about the blonde. did he speak like that when he was talking about you? 
"oh… i see. she must be a very powerful person then." you replied with feigned glee.
ajax noticed that you were in low spirits, "why? is something wrong?" he questioned with slight worry.
"no! i'm alright. i was just curious because you two seemed… close." you lied. you weren't ok, but you didn't know how to tell him. probably because you didn't even know why you felt such-
that was what you were feeling. not petty jealousy or sadness, you were envious. envious of lumine. her beauty, her strength, her personality, everything. the feeling consumed every inch of your body and dyed you green. your insecurities swallowed you up and spit you out, rendering you vulnerable against the little demons that poked at your thoughts.
when the two of you got home and freshened up, ajax practically passed out the second he lied in bed with you. on the other hand, you stayed wide awake, stuck thinking about the way lumine and ajax interacted. the smiles, the laughter, the fond looks they gave each other plagued your mind, rendering you unable to sleep. after a while of staring blankly at the ceiling, you groaned and carefully lifted the sheets to not wake your lover and got out of bed to make yourself a cup of tea. you used the tea leaves you bought from pops kai, the calming properties of the tea always helped you when you felt down. 
"they're just friends, don't overthink it, just friends, just friends." you whispered to yourself, trying to give yourself a sense of reassurance. after finishing the tea you got back into bed,  it was hard but you eventually fell asleep next to your lover.
next morning, you were woken by the sound of your boyfriend walking around in the living room doing something. it was only around 7am so you were wondering why up so early as he usually woke up at 8. you groggily walked out of the bedroom.
ajax noticed you and smiled fondly at the cute sight of you rubbing your eyes. "good morning babe, did i wake you up? sorry about that, i was just getting ready to go train."
"oh. by yourself?" somehow, you had a feeling of where this conversation was headed.
"no, with lumine, we made a deal yesterday to go to yaoguang shore today to fight some ruin guards and hunters for materials!" he chuckled.
lumine. lumine
the name echoed in your mind like a mantra. you were aware of his weekly spars with the blonde but today would be the second day he went out with her this week. a part of your heart told you to stop him, another part told you to let him go. in this internal battle, you chose the latter and let him go. after all, who were you to stop him? it's not like you could be the one to satisfy his thirst for battle, only someone like lumine could.
you were having a day off due to the lantern rite festival, but to be honest it's not like you needed the money. with the amount of money ajax had he could probably support you and your next 4 generations. with your spare day, you decided to clean up the house because it was a bit messy due to teucer playing around the day before. 
while cleaning up you found a spare xiao lantern that teucer was supposed to release when he came over. since you had spare time you decided to set another lantern yourself, it would be a waste to not use it after all. as people say, during the lantern rites, put your wish into a lantern and set it into the sky for it to become true. 
"i wish to stay with ajax, till death does us apart." 
you only hoped he felt the same way about you.
you put the note in the xiao lantern and set it off into the sky, you watched with sentiment as it floated away towards the clear blue sky.
you had a hard time focusing on the task you were doing for the rest of your day so you decided to take your mind off things and go take a look around liyue harbour to see if there was anything worth checking out, or buying. 
liyue harbour contained the usual, the fragrance of grilled tiger fish wafting from the stand next to where you would usually buy your groceries, the kids messing around near the boats, and you even met xiangling who tried to offer you her new recipe of jade parcels but you kindly refused. 
after that you went to give the adorable little pharmacist, qiqi, a visit. she was under the  cashier stand like usual, you gave her a little pat on the head and asked for the usual medicine you buy for ajax. 
you then bumped into zhongli, who was also strolling around. the two of you chattered about the festival and other shenanigans before bidding each other farewell. the amount of history about liyue and its traditions the man was familiar with would never fail to surprise you.
there wasn’t really anything left for you to do in the harbour so you started to head back home. not far away from the liuli pavilion you saw a familiar redhead talking to the owner of mingxing jewelry with a shorter figure standing beside him. 
upon closer inspection, you noticed it was ajax with someone else at a jewelry shop looking at the items. it was none other than lumine standing next to him. you watched as lumine picked out a piece of jewelry from the stand that would look so well on her. the gem glowed it’s colour under her smile and looked more fitting than ever. weren’t they supposed to be at yaoguang shore?
without second thought ajax bought the jewelry in lumines hand and put it in a gift bag with a look of tenderness. your heart dropped to the pits of your stomach, you felt as if the world was crashing down on you. your breathing quickened and your heart palpitated at alarming rates. every little insecurity that was planted in you had finally finished blooming. was this really going to happen to you a second time? was once not enough for the entertainment of the gods?
that was when he saw you, standing only a little bit away from him holding the items you purchased for him and the fresh groceries you were going to use to cook dinner for him.
ajax’s eyes widened in surprise upon seeing you, “y/n!? why are you he-” he was tense, you noticed, just like your ex-lover when they were caught.
you tried to regulate your breathing and spoke, “stop.” you managed to say, cutting off ajax before he could finish his sentence. he flinched at your dull tone.
“y/n! i know what you’re thinking but i promise we were just-” ajax hurriedly tries to explain.
“don’t. i think i've seen enough childe.” he frowned at the use of his moniker. 
your lips trembled, water collecting at the bottom of your eyes. ‘don’t cry. don’t cry, don’t cry.’ you repeated in your head, you didn’t want to appear weak in front of the two. your ajax who you loved so much, who you cared for so much, who you were planning to spend the rest of your life with, is now buying jewelry for someone else after lying to you.
“i was foolish this entire time, of course. instead of someone like me, a visionless nobody you would choose her over me. you’re just like-” your voice cracked as you forced the words out of your tightened throat. 
“y/n it’s not like that! please just let me explain!” ajax pleaded urgently. he hated that you were talking bad about yourself.
after gaining a smidge of composure you decided you couldn’t be near the two, “no need childe, i understand. now if you’ll excuse me, i'll be on my way.” you muttered and brushed past the two. 
“wait y/n!-” he reached out to grab your arm before the blonde next to him stopped him.
lumine sighed and spoke up after staying silent, “let them go for now. leave them alone for a bit, they need some time to think. it’s understandable why someone would be upset if they saw their lover with someone else like this.” she comforted before patting him on the back.
“yeah. i guess you’re right...” ajax murmured with a crestfallen look. he regretted not communicating with you, otherwise this wouldn’t have happened. he should’ve cleared up any suspicions you had and reassured you. he knew about how you weren’t confident due to your last relationship. gods, he felt like he was worse than your dirtbag of an ex.
you walked towards your home slowly trying to process what just happened. your tears already ran dry and you didn’t think more were able to escape from your eyes. the fading sunset seemed so blurry yet peaceful. somehow, instead of walking home, you ended up near yaoguang shore which happened to be the spot you and ajax would go to often. his name brought bitter feelings back as you remember the events that just happened but you took a deep breath and sat on the sand across from the shore. you listened to the sound of the ocean, the waves dousing the sand it touched. you took notice of the starconches laying on the sand. 
feelings of melancholy welled up inside you. these are ajax’s favourites. the blue shells reminded you of his eyes. his lovely eyes were the blue of the waves of the sea, they crashed into you and pulled you into them. you could spend all day swimming in the infinite hues until you drowned.
you buried your head onto your knees and let out a pained cry you’ve been holding in. here, where no one can find you, where no one can hear you. only the ocean will hear your troubles and worries, you hoped it could wash them away and you could forget about them forever. you sat there in peace by yourself for what felt like hours.
you sighed and decided that you should get going, but to where? you didn’t want to see ajax if he’s even going to be there at all. maybe you could crash at zhongli’s place…
 just as you were about to leave you heard a familiar voice behind your back. “y/n!” it was the man you loved, ajax, sprinting to you with the same gift bag he was holding in his hands at mingxing jewelry. 
you turned around to look at him. your hair was flowing in the wind with the sunset behind your back. to ajax it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen in his life. 
“i knew you’d be here.” ajax spoke with relief.
you looked away from him not knowing how to feel right now about your “lover” and stayed silent.
“y/n. i swear it wasn’t what it looked like, i would never do that to you. lumine and i really don’t have anything going on in between us, i chose you as my partner and i plan on keeping it that way for the rest of my life. in fact,” ajax murmured while opening up the gift bag he was holding. it was a bracelet with a fine piece of noctilucous jade in the middle with cor lapis fragments decorating the border of the blue gem. the jewelry wafted with fragrances, the morning dew smell from a qingxin, the classical smell of the harbour from a silk flower and lastly the everlasting aroma of violet grass.  
“do you like it? lumine and i picked it out for you at mingxing jewelry for our upcoming anniversary. i just wanted her opinion on what to choose for you. this was one of the most beautiful pieces that they had. i heard it took a super long time to make, oh! the jade in the middle will also make the bracelet glow in the dark! pretty cool huh?” ajax smiled as he lifted your wrist to put it on you.
at a loss of words, you lifted your head up at the male and gave him a soft smile, “thank you ajax… i love it, it’s perfect in every way possible.”
“just like you.” the redhead spoke fondly with a grin on his face while softly stroking your hair.
“oh shut up you flirt.” you tried to hide your smile as you both giggled on the beach with the sunset dripping behind you two. 
after a while of being engulfed in ajax’s arms you spoke, “ajax, i want to apologize for jumping to conclusions about you and lumine. i..you know about how i find it hard to trust people sometimes but it was unfair for me to do that to you, i know you would never cheat on me.” you spoke, hugging him tighter as if he would leave if you get go. 
“y/n. don’t you dare think for a second that i’ll leave you for someone else ok? you’re the only one in this world that i want and it’s staying that way. i don’t care if you’re visionless, or if you don’t have any achievements whatsoever. i still love you so so much.” ajax exclaimed as he buried his head into the crook of your neck.
you felt a certain warmth as your face flushed. how did you end up with someone as perfect as ajax. you lifted his face with your hands and pressed your lips against his. he deepens the kiss and your heart melts.
“thank you ajax. i’ll always be by your side too, no matter what happens. my love for you has no ends.” you speak with pure affection as you nuzzled your face into ajax’s soft yet firm chest. 
ajax feels his face heat up and he quickly speaks, “c’mon now, let’s go home, i can’t wait to taste your cooking after running around all day today.”
the two of you walked together on the beach, hand in hand, leaving footprints and doubts in the sand.
special msg from my dear editor: hey lol - @kamihara​ , my works wouldn’t be nearly as good if it weren’t for them so go give them a follow please :)!
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Texts from the Lost Tomb, part 5.2
Also yes this is a 5 part story arc, why do you ask, no I’m not “avoiding real life work”
Main Chat
Wu Xie: And we are just so grateful you are above all that.
Zhang Qiling: You were fully awake and insisted we pack and go as soon as possible in case there was, and I quote, “more weird shit happening we can cash in on.”
Wu Xie: I mean it’s kind of interesting that the Zhang family sent a car for us. We could have driven. So what is going on there, I wonder?
Zhang Qiling: I agree, in this particular case, with Pangzi. You should not have gotten in their vehicle while we were still inside the house. It forced us to follow you into the van to prevent separation, and they seemed to be expecting that. I don’t know whether Zhang Rishan intended this, but I don’t trust him.
Wu Xie: :( I got excited and didn’t think it through. I’m sorry.
Wu Xie: oh relax, I’m fine. No fever at all today, remember? I feel a lot better, too.
Zhang Qiling: It is odd to say this, but Pangzi is right again. You are barely back on your feet and could easily get worse again. Wu Xie. Jacket. Now.
Wu Xie: Oh fine. Teaming up on me, I see. Happy now?
Wu Xie: If it is an abduction, it wouldn’t be them moving against the whole Wu family—not with Uncle Erbai in charge. Zhang Rishan strikes me as someone who doesn’t make a move unless he is sure of his plan, and this is all a bit last-minute to be a big shift. Besides, they let Xiao Ge keep his sword and we still have all our phones.
Zhang Qiling: In fairness, you were waving them around and yelling that if they tried anything it was going to be “yippeekiyay motherfucker all up in this bitch.”
Wu Xie: me too. That’s Zhang Rishan on the steps. This must be urgent. Everybody stay shiny.
Zhang Qiling: I will be getting out first. Wu Xie in the middle, Pangzi at the rear.
Wang Pangzi: AND WHAT A VIEW;)
An hour later…
Main Chat
Wu Xie: Is everyone okay? I tried knocking but nothing is getting through, these are some solid walls.
Wu Xie: guys???
Zhang Qiling: Apologies, I was trying to break down the door.
Wu Xie: fuck Pangzi, I know, okay??
I’m an idiot, I’m so fucking stupid. It’s not like it’s the first or fiftieth time I’ve put you two in danger, either.
Zhang Qiling: I’m sorry. This is my fault. My line has a ruthlessly pragmatic streak and they’ve clearly wanted to test us separately to see why the necklace reacted to our arrival like that. It does not excuse Zhang Rishan trapping us in these separate rooms.
Zhang Qiling: no. Wu Xie?
Zhang Qiling: Wu Xie, answer me.
Wang Pangzi: WU XIE
Zhang Qiling: I’m going to try breaking down the door again.
Wu Xie: Hello, Wang Pangzi and Zhang Qiling. My apologies for the rather inhospitable circumstances, but this seemed expedient considering the unknown qualities of the necklace. I could not be sure who was causing what, or what could happen next, and thus have temporarily set you in separate rooms for the sake of everyone’s safety.
Zhang Qiling: Your concerns for everyone’s safety are noted. Thank you for whatever you believe you’ve done right here.
Now. If you release us immediately and return Wu Xie to us, we will consider leaving without direct personal retribution.
Wu Xie: I regret that this has happened, I hope to make it up to you in the future. For the purpose of today’s needs, however—I will have my men escort the two of you out if you so desire, but unfortunately Wu Xie will need to stay until we have finished examining him.
Wu Xie: There is no call for rudeness. He will not be harmed. The artifact was responding to him directly. It has not lit up like this in over 200 years, and I need to understand why it is responding, and responding to someone who is not our kin, which it has never done before. This could have implications for everyone in my family if it could protect someone at the right moment.
Wu Xie: The testing would be going better if Wu Xie wasn’t worrying himself unnecessarily over where you both are, it’s making our readings difficult.
Zhang Qiling: Zhang Rishan. I appreciate that you must think of our family first in your decisions. As must I. I hope you can appreciate what that means for decisions I make.
Zhang Qiling: A compromise: we stay with him as you run your tests. That will calm him and assuage Pangzi’s concerns and prevent me from…testing the limits of your lifespan.
Wu Xie: I accept that this may temporarily impact our relations, but am hopeful that you will come to understand that sometimes I need to make certain choices for this family that are…difficult. I will come to let you—One moment. Something seems to be happening.
Babysitters Club Chat
Zhang Qiling: I’m attempting to convince him to let us out. Of course we will not simply sit there. Some lying to gain trust is necessary here.
At the same time…
Bonnie and Clyde Chat
Xie Yuchen: …so, this is not what I expected to find.
Hei Yangjing: yeah kiddo is a bit freaked out:/ this sucks. I mean I get that they are concerned blah blah blah necklace goes brightbright but maybe we should go find the other two
or at least find a way to let Wu Xie know we are here, that room he’s in looks like a dungeon and not in a good way
Xie Yuchen: Does it look like I’m able to do anything right now? Also, I’m fairly certain they won’t be harmed. Zhang Rishan may be callous, but he isn’t stupid.
Hei Yangjing: r u kidding
he split up Romeo and Juliet, then left Romeo with a sword—seems pretty stupid to me
Xie Yuchen: Yeah I’m not going near that. He made his bed with that choice. What can you see? These Neanderthal guards are blocking my view.
Hei Yangjing: uh so there’s like a lab table situation
Wu Xie isn’t tied up, a good sign in this context
I can’t see what those people are holding, they’re talking a lot and some asshole just grabbed Wu Xie’s arm, looks like maybe they are putting in an IV?
The necklace is—oh. Oh shit.
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wesimpforxiao · 3 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There: 7.1
"Don't make me say it again," Scaramouche warned.  He conjured his catalyst once more, this time holding his palm out to you rather than charging at you.
"You want to fight?  I'll make sure it kills you."  Your eyes shone enough to further illuminate the entire room. Dottore made one of the Fatui agents note the brightness of your eyes in a notebook.
You didn't wait for Scaramouche to make the first move, and instead lunged at him.  He evaded easily.  Then he sent another bolt of electricity your way.  You barely managed to duck in time, making sure to lower your weapon as close to the ground as possible to avoid shocking yourself again.  You put your weight onto your hands and flipped yourself over, then stabbed at him the second you were back on your feet.
He's no Childe, you realized with widening eyes.  I can beat him.
Childe leaned forward, his breathe hitching from the excitement.  He itched to join the scuffle while Xiao kept his eyes focused solely on you.  You performed his combo almost as flawlessly as Xiao did in past battles, this time being the one to pin the harbinger against the wall.
"How far do you want me to go, Master?" Your taunting angered the harbinger until a wild look consumed his face.  "Is this far enough? Or do you want me to injure you?  Tell me, what do you want me to do?"  You hit the catalyst out of the air and it clattered to the ground several feet away.
Xiao marveled at your sudden change in personality.  He had thought you were breaking, but maybe it was his own miscalculation?
"Since when did I give you permission to issue your own orders?"  He threw himself at you and conjured his weapon once more.  A fury of lightning strikes hit the air around you, but you were too quick in moving your polearm out of the way.  The air charged with electricity, but it didn't do anything to you.
Well, except ignite a metaphorical lightbulb above your head.  You sent a quick glance in Xiao's direction, but your attention was focused mainly on Childe.  I don't need a vision.  I can outsmart them.  You slowly drew Scaramouche towards you until he was in the middle of the room again, then you charged at Childe.
"Huh?"  It took a second for Childe to realize you were gunning for him and not Xiao.  An excited smile played across his lips, and he let go of Xiao's shoulder.  "I think I'll take this as an invitation."  He summoned his bow and aimed a charged shot at your head.  You ducked just in time, and it hit Scaramouche's catalyst.  It exploded in a fit of electrical bolts and shattered across the ground.  Childe cursed under his breath.
Scaramouche was beyond livid at this turn of events.  "You--!"  He turned his attention to Childe and was about to throw a punch.
"Now, Xiao!" You bolted for the exit as a precautionary measure.
"What?!  NOW?"  Xiao scrunched his brows together and glanced between the group of harbingers.  He immediately began to concentrate a force of anemo around his feet, and the power slowly came to its crest.
"Wonderful!"  Dottore cackled as he watched the two of you work together while Scaramouche and Childe were at each other's throats.  "These were exactly the results I was looking for!"
Almost there!  You nearly reached the set of doors when something pierced the back of your knee and sent you crashing to the ground.  "Ngh!"  Your fingers wrapped around Childe's arrow and yanked it out of your skin.
"--But unfortunately, this little performance is over," Dottore finished.  One of his previously sleeping machines awoke from its slumber and shot a dart that landed in your shoulder.  
"No!"  You looked behind you to find Xiao also being effected by the wounds.  "Xiao! Leave me! Go!"  A fierce kick to your jaw shut you up.
Xiao bit through the pain and was near breaking the seal when a few portraits flared through his head of a small, purple-haired girl.  Time seemed to slow down as he remembered her.  I can't... His gaze slowly floated over to you.  ...hurt you too...
You woke up in your cell with your hands tied tight behind your back.  "Dammit!"  Your growl caught Xiao's attention, but he didn't dare look over.  "I was so close--Wait.  Why are you still here?  I told you to get out.  Xiao?"  When he didn't look over to you, you wiggled your way into a sitting position despite the pain in your leg and scooted next to him.  Unlike you, his hands were free.  "Hey, are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"...I'm sorry."
"H-huh?  What are you saying that for?"  
Xiao leapt from the balcony of Angel Tavern and had just about reached to your hand when the portal closed and he was met with the empty night air.  'If only I had been quicker to hear her--'
The image flipped.
'Forgive me.'  The Guardian Yaksha closed the little girl's eyes as he whispered an incantation.  'I will give you a second chance at life.'  The purple-haired child mumbled something about herbs as she gasped for a decent breath of air.
"I..." You trailed off.  I wasn't the only one?  But he did something different that time...what was that?  Some sort of talisman? "Xiao--" You shifted so you were positioned in front of him, and he lowered his gaze to avoid yours.  
His eyes were part of an expression that was the saddest you've ever seen before.  The confident, collected yaksha had finally revealed his vulnerable side.  It never occurred to you that he had one to begin with, so you observed his precious state for a few quiet minutes.
"Was...she collateral damage?"  Xiao didn't answer.  "Hey.  Could you please look at me?"  He reluctantly gave into your request and raised his head, but kept his eyes at chin level.  "What happened to either of us wasn't your fault.  I'm not upset with you for not reaching me in time, either.  What matters now isn't failures of the past; we are here together.  You deserve to be free and happy.  I'm more than happy to sacrifice myself so you can escape and live on without me.  I mean, I'm going to die eventually anyway, right?"  You leaned your head forward so your foreheads touched.
"You are my...companion.  Even if you wanted to sever our connection, it would be impossible now.  It's too strong, even without my blood connecting the two of us."
"Just because I'm willing to sacrifice myself doesn't mean I want to sever our bond.  I've...never wanted to sever it."
"Hm?"  His eyes finally met yours, and his saddened expression held a tint of confusion.  "You never wanted to sever it? ...You...really are a difficult being to comprehend..."
"That's because I..." the words caught in your throat.  "I..."  Archons, why can't I get the stupid words out? "Xiao, listen," you took a deep breath to steady your racing heart as you stared directly into his eyes.  
"Let me untie your hands," he interrupted the moment and gestured for you to turn around.
"U-um, okay."  His fingers made quick work of the rope that had dug into your skin so much that the slightest brush of fingertips made you wince.
"There's something we need to discuss," he continued once you faced him again, eyeing the hallway to confirm that the bird device was completely out of the prison.  "The others will be coming soon."
"Others?"  The sudden change in topic made you want to kick yourself.  There's no way you could gather up the courage to tell him again.  "You mean Zhongli and Aether?"  Why did he have to change the subject like that?
"Childe intentionally set out to hunt us down on the Tsaritsa's orders.  I was woken by the fighting,"  Xiao continued to watch the door out of paranoia.  "I passed out before I could be of use in battle, and didn't wake up until I was brought here.  "Zhongli gave me a vision, a message while I was unconscious.  He said he will return soon with help, but something about this is off.  Something doesn't sit right with Childe."
"You think he might be helping us in some way?"  You scoffed.  "I'm not putting my faith in that monster."
"I'm not saying you have to.  Just trust me when I say they'll be here soon. Don't lose hope, and don't sacrifice yourself for me."  He put some distance between the two of you, and your heart shattered when you recognized he was emotionally distancing himself from you again.
You decided to chase after your own confession once more a few hours later.  "Do you have any desires, Xiao?"  You absently traced the seal lines on the ceiling while you lay on your back.
"Desire?"  The yaksha scoffed.  "Do not judge adepti by your mortal ideals.  I have no desire."  He too lay on his back, with his arms folded behind his head as he stared absentmindedly at the most powerful sigil that was painted above him.  
"That...kind of sounds like you're hiding something," you baited.
"Hiding? I'm hiding nothing.  I just won't speak of desire to others.  Do you mortals not have a rule about spoken wishes never coming true? Hm?"  The cute way he upturned his nose at you brought a blush to your cheeks.
"T-That's not really the same thing...!"
"What do you mean that's not the same?!"  He peered over at you when he heard a giggle escape your lips.  It was light and airy, and he cherished the joy in your eyes when you met his.  A small but unmistakable smile formed upon his lips.  The two of you were grinning at one another, and a comfortable silence ensued as you continued to hold his gaze.
"Okay then, since you put it that way," you grinned to yourself and faced the ceiling once more.  Xiao did the same.  "Do the adepti ever fall in love?"
"Occasionally, yes."  This prompted a side glance from you.  "There is a half-human, half-adeptus in the Liyue Qixing.  Ganyu."
"I think I've heard of her before."  His recollection ignited a portrait of her within your thoughts.
"She is constantly faced with living between two worlds, both never quite having a place for her.  She fought alongside Rex Lapis and I in the Archon Wars.  But returning to your question, yes, there are occasions in which adepti will fall for mortals.  I've never understood it myself."
"I see."  You fell into a small silence as you dug further into anxiety.  "Have you ever loved anyone?"
"No." The answer was way too quick for your liking, but Xiao continued.  "I know nothing but death and destruction.  Love does not interest me."
A weird feeling of vertigo hit you, and your eyes illuminated the cell a bit.  "That's a lie."
"Huh?" Xiao snapped his head in your direction.
"Why are you lying to yourself?  What are you lying to yourself about?" You weren't exactly conscious of the words spewing out of your mouth as if you were in some sort of trance while you gazed at him.  
"I'm not," he defended.
"That's another lie.  Whatever it is, you know you can tell me, right?"  Your eyes dimmed back to regularity.
"Tsk."  Xiao resumed his previous position on the floor and grumbled something under his breath that you couldn't hear.  "Then what about you?  Has a mortal as strange as you ever come to love someone?"  This'll get her to drop it--
"Yes, actually."  You regretted answering the second the words left your mouth, and heat rose to your cheeks.  "Er, I mean..."
Xiao received a pang of what he assumed was the human emotion of jealousy.  How absurd that he had been reduced to human standards of emotions ever since he joined Aether's team.  "You haven't mentioned them before," he commented.  "Does this happen to be the desire you spoke of earlier?"
"U-um...yeah..."  Your fingers fidgeted over your stomach, and you clenched the fabric of your shirt as you contemplated your next words.  You made a conscious effort to refrain from accidentally praying or wishing for him to know who you were referring to.
"Don't worry.  I'll bring you back to them safely."  He rolled onto his side so his back faced you.
"I-I...!" Your eyes wavered at his back.  I can't do it.  I can't bring myself to tell him.  Dammit, why does this have to be so difficult?  He's right here.  We could die any day now.  So why can't I just come out with it?
Coming up: Manipulating ojou-chan.  The yaksha bears his mask.  A breached contract.  A deal with the devil.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 14 first part
(RR The Untamed Masterpost) (Canary’s Pinboard - more Masterposts) 
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Murder Turtle, Continued
Lan Wangji wakes up after a good night's sleep leaning against a rock wall, to find that his leg is no longer splinted, and his perfectly clean and unbloody headband has been put back on his head while he was sleeping.
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Leaving aside the "not waking up" part of things, how, exactly, did Wei Wuxian get his headband on without mussing his hair? Did he bring a crochet hook?
Wei Wuxian gives him a sitrep and then they cozy up and have an extended conversation about the nature and history of the Tortoise of Slaughter. Wei Wuxian is interested in everything Lan Wangji has to say, and Lan Wangji talks a lot more than usual; they are completely on the same wavelength here and are enjoying swapping obscure knowledge.
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Lan Wangji: My lacerated leg and I are actually super aware that it has big teeth, but thanks for the reminder.
In the course of the conversation, Wei Wuxian mentions his plan to 1. sneak into the tortoise's shell and 2. drive it out of its shell so they can attack it. 
OP did a little tortoise research and learned that the only species of turtle that can leave its shell is the Koopa Troopa.
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Good news for Wei Wuxian: If you jump on its shell in the right spot, you can rack up a pile of extra lives.
Does that make the Tortoise of Slaughter a giant Koopa Troopa? Perhaps...the king of the Koopa Troopas?
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I'm gonna say yes.
(More after the cut)
Let’s Go Killing
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Wei Wuxian is exhilarated by the idea of fighting a giant dangerous monster with Lan Wangji. Some day Wei Wuxian will found the Nike clan, because his motto is definitely "Just do it." 
It's sweet how, in his romantic notions about chivalry and Lan Wangji, he's completely elided the original reason they were (sort of) told to venture together. 
Wei Wuxian: I'm still on the "find the Yin Iron" quest; I'm just skipping the "suppress it" part.  
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Wei Wuxian weighs up their chances against Bowser and tells Lan Wangji that even if they die, it will be badass to be killed by a famous monster, so they won't have to feel embarrassed.
This is the exact moment that Lan Wangji's feelings for Wei Wuxian go from "smitten" to "gagging for it."
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Lan Wangji: as soon as we get out of here I'm going to borrow a whole lot of books from Nie Huaisang
The boys come up with a plan that involves a rather long montage of collecting archery equipment and deconstructing it. This potentially-dull montage is fun to watch because they are both very, very good looking.
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Artists who want to draw Wang Yibo as an elven archer, this is your episode.
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Now we suddenly have, with zero explanation, telepathy. Ok, sure. It seems to work kind of like a phone conversation, in which they say specific things to each other, rather than like Cherry Magic telepathy where you can hear everything the other person is thinking. Or at least, neither of them is embarrassed, so I assume they are maintaining some mental privacy.
Club Ruohan
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Same, Wen Chao, same
At some point there is a boring sequence at Club Ruohan.  Wen Ruohan doesn't know where Xue Yang is, but really wants his hunk of Yin Iron. Wen Chao thinks that WRH's 3 pieces of Yin Iron should be able to beat Xue Yang's 1 piece, but apparently he is dumb and that is not how math works. O...kay? OP does not understand this either but whatever, Wen Ruohan is boring, moving on. This scene is really just here to make us think about Yin Iron before Wei Wuxian jumps into Bowser's shell.
Bigger On The Inside
So then Wei Wuxian climbs into Bowser's shell, which is, to quote The 12th Doctor, bigger on the inside.
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Bowser’s shell is the approximate size of my entire house. It is also bathed in a hellish pure red photo filter, which OP has done her best to remove for these gifs, because it gives me eye strain and it obscures Xiao Zhan's hotness.
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Camera Operator: What did I do? 
Wei Wuxian wanders around inside, finding random corpses encased in slime cocoons. Tortoise, spider, xenomorph, whatever. There are also random curtain things hanging all over, and then at one point Wei Wuxian stares into the face of a corpse, and then does a jump scare response at the camera operator even though nothing particular happened. 
I imagine the corpse was supposed to open its eyes and say "killl meeee" but it got censored. He also makes about 8 other faces at the camera operator, so we get that the inside of this TARDIS-like tortoise shell (must...resist...temptation...to...say...TORDIS) is yucky.
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Lan Wangji waits outside listening to Wei Wuxian telepathically complain about the smell.  He is anxiously clenching a bundle of string and an arrow, and wishing he could clench Wei Wuxian Bichen instead.
Serendipitous Yin Iron
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Wei Wuxian backs his way through the TORDIS until his butt bumps into a sword that is steaming with resentful energy. That's right: Wei Wuxian is about to pull a piece of Yin Iron almost literally out of his ass.
He grabs it and is overwhelmed by its screaming resentful energy and has to let it go again.
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So this is what a vibrator with 4 batteries feels like
When Bowser comes looking for him, however, he quickly decides to go for it, grabbing the sword and singing "I've Got the Power (Gonna Make You Sweat)"
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Wei Wuxian plunges the sword into Bowser's lower jaw, and Bowser pulls his entire head out of his shell with Wei Wuxian attached, while leaving the rest of his body and all rational laws of physics inside the shell.
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Gamera Versus the Cultivators
What follows is one of the more ridiculous action sequences in the history of the world, and I say that as someone who likes Mothra movies. 
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Wei Wuxian hovers in a perfect horizontal plank while “hanging from” the sword, which is held well below the level of his torso. While Bowser spins him around. For much of the time, Bowser keeps his head still and just waves his neck around.
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Lan Wangji and the camera operator do everything they possibly can to make "guy pulls on string" look interesting. 
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Everybody tries really, really hard and the actors are great at pretending something is there when it isn't, but this whole sequence is just horribly conceived.
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What works well, though, is the Yin energy and Wei Wuxian's wrangling of it. He starts off being frightened and overwhelmed, and looking like it's too much for him; I dont' know if they made his face puffy on purpose or if that's just what happens when you spend days hanging from the ceiling fighting an imaginary monster. But he looks slack and unwell as he grapples with the iron sword.
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Which makes this moment, when he gets control of it, deliciously creepy. He uses the power of the Yin Iron to stick a bunch of pokey things into Bowser's neck.
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Lan Wangji has seen him struggling and now sees him...not struggling. Which scares the piss out of him, and he moves to finish the fight as quickly as possible, slicing up his hand and breaking the string. Combined with the pokey things, this does the trick and Bowser dies while Wei Wuxian faints and falls into the water.
Do the Whumpty Whump
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Lan Wangji rescues him and wakes him up, and Wei Wuxian clutches the Yin Iron sword and tells Lan Wangji that he was knocked out by the screaming of disembodied voices.
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This certainly sounds like a strange and dangerous phenomenon, so Lan Wangji carefully asks him to explain everything.
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Ha ha ha j/k. Lan Wangji asks him exactly nothing about the strange sword or the black smoke or his weird evil smile or his new power over pointy objects. Lan Wangji appears to have a Star Trek: TNG level of unconcern about strange phenomena happening directly under his nose. But in fact he has noticed what's up, which is why he will be instantly distressed when he sees Wei Wuxian's flute moves at the Wen Corporate Headquarters.
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Wei Wuxian has a fever (stay positive test negative) and comments on Lan Wangji's being so nice to him.
Wei Wuxian: I could never have imagined Lan Er Gongzi acting this concerned about me. Lan Wangji: what else have you never imagined me doing, while we're on the subject? 
Lan Wangji transfers a stream of spiritual energy to him. Lan Wangji has so much spiritual power he can be a battery for Wei Wuxian without breaking a sweat or, like, noticing whether Wei Wuxian has a golden core or not, for that matter.
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Wei Wuxian basks in the nice feeling of gigajoules for a while but then decides he's bored. So then he pouts, whines, and cajoles Lan Wangji in exactly, EXACTLY the way he whines at Jiang Yanli.  I think this, while annoying of him, is a leap forward in his relationship with Lan Wangji.
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He's letting his guard down and not just allowing Lan Wangji to take care of him; he's demanding to be cared for on multiple vectors, when he asks the guy who's already busy healing him to sing to him as well.
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Lan Wangji obliges, singing him the song he composed about their love cultivation journey, while Wei Wuxian (or possibly Lan Wangji) (or possibly both) has a flashback to assorted sexy interactions that they've had so far.
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Wei Wuxian memorizes the song perfectly on one hearing, before passing out.
Writing Prompt: Baldur’s Gate III / Untamed Crossover AU featuring elf archer Lan Wangji
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Soundtrack: 1. Everybody Dance Now by C+C Music Factory 2. Paradise by the Dashboard Light by Meatloaf 
Wei Wuxian fainting tally (cumulative): 3
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Gavin’s S2 R&S - Inevitable
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers from an R&S (不可抗力) which has not been released in English servers!🍒
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This R&S features S2 Gavin!
It is incredibly important to read Ch 9 Part One before embarking on this!
[ Chapter One ]
At midnight, a young man makes a turn at a secluded alley, walking into a small hotel that’s still open for business.
He walks around the main hall, and straight into the innermost booth. The sound of shuffling in the night is continuous, and the dealer holds a cigarette in his mouth, drawing a card.
A hand suddenly approaches, and the muzzle of a gun covers his temple.
"How long will it take for you to finish this round?" Gavin’s voice is calm, fingers exerting more pressure on the trigger.
The others are so frightened that they rush out. With no way out, the man suddenly whips out a knife and swings it at Gavin. Gavin grabs his wrist, the other hand reaching for the handcuffs.
All of a sudden, a voice rings in his head: Don’t get hurt, and don't ignore the consequences. If he were to do this, it seems someone would be very sad. He doesn’t seem to want to make that person sad either.
In that second of distraction, the knife glinting with a cold light in the man’s hand slices the area between Gavin’s thumb and index finger. The thoughts in his mind accumulate amidst the pain. Gavin gathers some strength in his palm, a raging gale rolling up the battered tables and chairs. The man’s gaze turns frightened...
Three minutes later, the man, who was puffed up with pride earlier, is firmly handcuffed and kneeling on the ground, begging for mercy.
Gavin pushes the person out of the booth, and the colleague responsible for providing assistance steps forward, escorting the person into the police car.
In the main hall, the little girl who was clapping her hands and singing the birthday song earlier has burst into tears, shocked by the sight before her. Her mother comforts her. "Don't be afraid, darling. This is the Special Police Uncle who catches bad men and is here to protect us.
After glancing at him, the little girl cries even more fiercely.
Gavin nods to the girl’s mother apologetically, then walks towards the claw machine at the entrance of the hotel. After a short while, he returns, hugging the largest doll in his arms.
"Happy birthday.”
He hands a huge cartoon doll to the little girl, then turns and walks out the door.
An hour of interrogations is enough to leave one exhausted. Tang Chao stretches, holding a tidied statement while heading towards Gavin’s office.
It’s late at night, and the lights are still on. Tang Chao knocks thrice but receives no response. He tries pushing the door open, and is shocked to find that Gavin, who is seated behind the desk, is neither dealing with a case nor official business. Instead, he’s in a daze.
Gavin leans against the chair, his gaze fixed on the computer screen for a long time, brows furrowed deeply. Tang Chao walks over and glances at the screen - it’s a report regarding the arrest of the producer from [MC’s Company Name] not too long ago. He reaches out, waving his hand in front of Gavin. He asks, "How many fingers?”
When Gavin glares back coldly, Tang Chao feels relieved. However, seeing the scab wound on his hand, he’s confused again - what could be so important that he’d forget to tend to his wound?
He places the tidied statement on the table, then drags Gavin to the infirmary. "Even a body forged in iron can’t be compared to you.”
Fortunately, the wound isn’t deep, and can be healed in a few days. But Tang Chao’s intuition tells him that Gavin is a little different from usual. This time, the offender wasn’t considered dangerous, and could be easily subdued by Gavin’s skills. How did he get hurt this easily?
Before Tang Chao can ask a few more questions, Gavin has already vanished without a trace.
[ Chapter Two ]
At four o'clock in the morning, the clerk at the 24-hour convenience store yawns, overcome with boredom as he stares at the TV commercial on the wall to pass the time. A cheerful electronic sound rings. The automatic doors slide open, and a young man walks in. 
The clerk perks himself up, and is about to say "Welcome" when he realises that the customer in front of him looks very familiar.
This man lives in an apartment in the vicinity, and visits this convenience store frequently. Sometimes, he drives past in a smart-looking motorcycle. When someone tries to hit on him occasionally, he always rejects them coldly. It’s a pity that whenever he visits, he either buys instant noodles or instant bento... looks like it’s the same this time.
When the clerk sees him heading towards the convenience food shelf, he sighs in his heart: Young people these days don’t take care of their health at all.
Gavin leans down, his gaze flitting across the neatly arranged food on the shelf, absentmindedly differentiating the expiration dates marked on the packets. 
Shiitake mushroom flavoured instant noodles aren’t tasty. The stray cats at the entrance of STF prefer meat, not anchovies. Don’t get hurt, don’t get mired in danger alone, don’t leave without saying a word.
Such thoughts once again surge forth. From a certain point in time, many unfamiliar experiences have been intruding into his life. It’s as though he’s sharing another memory, these disordered fragments of memories twisting into a long, thin thread, holding onto his wrist, tugging at him secretly from time to time. 
Gavin returns to his senses, subconsciously drawing back the hand that was reaching for the convenience food, and picks the brand at the side which contains more vegetables.
When checking out, Gavin notices that there are rows of potted succulents next to the cash register. 
"This is a public welfare activity jointly launched by our store and the Loveland City Environmental Protection Association. For every plant sold, we will donate the same amount of funds to the environmental protection charity.”
Seeing how unresponsive the young customer in front of him is, the clerk is tactful as he continues scanning the remaining products, "Nine dollars in total.”
The receipt is printed, and the clerk hands it to him along with the bento. The young man suddenly points at the small potted plant that had just emerged from the soil. 
"Add this too.”
Back home, Gavin throws his jacket into the washing machine, sets the time for washing and drying, then heads into the bathroom to take a shower. 
A strong gush of water flows from the shower, and white mist quickly fills the entire space. The stinging pain from the wound sobers him up quite a lot, and he subconsciously thinks: The wound should be tended to quickly, and “she” can’t know about it.
Realising what he’s thinking, Gavin is once again stunned-
Who’s “she”?
And why is he so concerned about how that person feels?
Stepping out of the bathroom, the washing machine makes a "ding" sound. Gavin wipes his head and walks over to take a look, only to realise that he had put bleach instead of laundry detergent. He stares at the washing machine in silence for a while, then reaches out to unplug the power, retrieving the ruined jacket.
After all of this, Gavin suddenly remembers the small potted plant he just bought. The clerk said that if it is placed in a location with sufficient sunlight, there would be new shoots in a week, and that it’s very easy to grow. 
Gavin places it on the balcony, then picks up the phone and begins to search "How many times must succulents be watered in a day". Whether it’s a mere illusion, that sense of deja vu once again surfaces.
"What in the world am I doing...?" He mutters to himself, tossing his phone aside a little irritatedly. He returns to the bedroom, lying on the bed and closing his eyes, waiting for sleep. 
In the depths of this autumn night that no one knows about, the rain outside the window patters against the leaves gently, and there is a very, very light stirring in his heart.
Gavin opens his eyes, looking at the ceiling which is illuminated by car lights. Suddenly, an unnamed emotion surges in his heart - he feels that the memories he has never been able to grasp weren’t “forgotten”. Rather, they are “losses” which render him powerless.
[ Chapter Three ]
On a rare, idle weekend, Tang Chao calls a group of friends from the STF together for hotpot. Right after ordering the hotpot base, Lu Yi’s conscience suddenly bugs him, and he asks if he should call Captain Gavin over. 
Thinking about how rarely Gavin gets to rest and how he definitely wouldn’t be willing to see this group of people, Tang Chao knowingly shakes his head. However, his mouth has a different idea. “I’ll call him then.”
On the other side, a few special police officers are comforting Xiao Zheng from the Publicity Department who was hurt emotionally. Xiao Zheng fell out of love last week, and has been feeling extremely fragile and sensitive these few days. Hearing the bitter love songs in the shop, his eyes immediately redden.
Tang Chao taps open his contacts list, silently recalling the odd behaviour of Gavin recently. He isn’t interested in being a busybody, but his instincts tell him that Gavin has something on his mind, and it’s a change obviously brought about by that girl’s appearance. But whenever Tang Chao wants to inquire about it, the words get halted by Gavin’s killer glare. 
Thinking about this, Tang Chao glances at Xiao Zheng sympathetically, and comes to a definite conclusion - if Captain Gavin were to continually suppress his emotions without releasing them, it’d result in an illness.
Tang Chao asks the waiter to serve two dozen beers, then dials Gavin’s phone.
"Good evening Captain Gavin. Have you eaten?" 
"I don’t mean to annoy you, but Captain Eli invited us to have butter hotpot. You coming? 
"Don't be in such a hurry to refuse. I’ve got something to talk to you about. Yes, it’s happening right now... it’s of utmost urgency.” Tang Chao shoots a grin towards an astonished Eli. Then, he continues fabricating a tale. "I don’t want to run laps. There’s a genuine matter.
Half an hour later, Gavin frowns as he walks into the hotpot restaurant. Seeing this, a few young special police officers immediately set down their chopsticks and stand up straight in a row. The only thing they haven’t done is to salute at Gavin. 
Tang Chao grins, asking the waiter to bring an additional pair of tableware over. “Captain Gavin, you’re here.” 
Gavin glances at Tang Chao and says in a cool voice, "What’s the urgent matter?"
“Xiao Zheng fell out love, so he asked you over to console him with us.”
Xiao Zheng frantically waves his hands in surprise, stammering a retort. Tang Chao pushes him back onto his seat and signals for him not to speak. 
"Don't be sad, the chances of people ending up together is always unpredictable." Tang Chao pats Xiao Zheng on the shoulder. "Besides, who doesn’t have someone in their heart? Don’t you agree, Captain Gavin?" 
These words are akin to a sudden clap of thunder on a calm sea. Xiao Zheng immediately forgets to cry. Eli immediately straights up, and the others hurriedly set down their chopsticks, whipping their heads over to look at Gavin like meerkats.
Gavin remains expressionless, though the hissing sound emanating from his body is even cooler than the ice cubes in the beer.
Since they’re in public, Tang Chao knows that it wouldn’t be convenient for Gavin to give him a beating. As such, he’s incredibly composed, and continues with his questions without a fear of death. “Captain Gavin, why aren’t you saying anything?”
“Why do you think this has anything to do with her?”
“I already saw the photograph back in the training days. Is she the lady from before when you roared “Tang Chao, put your hands away”?
[Note] These are references to R&S [Tempering] and Ch 2 Part One!
"...Tang Chao!”
“I'm here, I'm here." Tang Chao fills Gavin’s glass with beer. "Captain Gavin, I actually realised that you haven't been in the best state recently, but you don't like speaking your mind. I’m showing my concern." 
“It’s said that you speak the truth after drinking, and today’s beer should be enough. Whatever you want to say, whatever’s suppressed in your heart, just release them all happily. Right, Captain Eli?”
After three rounds of drinking, Tang Chao fails to get Gavin drunk, but ends up drinking too much himself. Once again, he complains about Gavin's "Death Training" back in the days of special training. In the end, Gavin foots the bill. 
Eli steps forward and pats him on the shoulder, saying, "Did something happen recently?" Gavin shakes his head in resignation. "You really believed him? His mouth is like a runaway train.”
Eli looks at Gavin and sighs. "I know you don’t need anyone to worry about you.”
"But that kid Tang Chao said one thing right. If one keeps suppressing their feelings, they’ll be suppressing problems.”
[ Chapter Four ]
On the way back, Gavin sees withered leaves on the branches along the street, and only then remembers the small succulent he had bought not long ago. 
Back home, the potted plant on the balcony shrinks alone in the corner. Originally thinking that the plant he had left “free range” for so many days would meet a premature end, it turned out to be alive despite having a few withered leaves. Gavin finds this a little unbelievable, and he becomes more meticulous in watering it.
The next morning, Tang Chao opens the door to Gavin’s office and apologises solemnly. "Captain Gavin, I'm sorry. I promise that I’ll never inquire about your personal life in the future, let alone make arbitrary conjectures about your feelings.”
Without looking up at Tang Chao, Gavin only tosses out a sentence. "Before next Monday, re-check all the case data in the Archive Room.”
The Archive Room is on the third basement floor. The dust is very dense and the materials are very thick. Tang Chao wails immediately, leaving dejectedly.
Gavin picks up the document Tang Chao had just placed on his desk. It is a sealed report for the seizure of "small syringe" production plants, which records in detail the batches and output of pharmaceutical companies which participated in the production.
Reaching the final part of the report, Gavin is silent for a moment. At the end of the report, there is a line of small characters - "Ten boxes of drug samples are suspected to have gone missing." 
Without putting much thought into it, a face with a beaming smile locks onto his mind.
“...I won't investigate you this time." He sighs, putting the report back into the drawer. 
After ferreting the mole out of STF, Gray Rhino seems to have erased all traces of the "small syringes". But Gavin knows they wouldn’t withdraw easily from competing for "CORE" - naturally, neither will Black Swan.
Gavin is clear that the current peace will not last for long. Before the girl stands against him on the opposite side, what he has to do is be one step ahead, obtaining more crucial information as soon as possible.
The phone beeps, notifying him of a new e-mail. Gavin is pulled back from his thoughts, and his eyes fall on the unknown email that popped up.
"Congratulations on your successful registration in the Hunter Game" - the sender’s address is encrypted, and there is no doubt that no information can found.
Gavin's thoughts gradually settle. His hands are clasped lightly on the table, his gaze falling on the words "Hunter Game", his gaze turning sharp and determined. 
That place definitely has something they’re looking for.
[ Chapter Five ]
In the STF Intensive Care Unit, a dripping sound accompanies the plastic tube. Gavin sleeps very peacefully, and he feels like he had a lot of dreams in his dazed state. They aren’t nightmares which wake him up with a start, but dreams which make him willing to remain asleep.
However, it seems he can only remember the final dream from the long series of dreams. When he’s roused awake by the sound of footsteps in the corridor, what lingers before his eyes is a blurry yet familiar face. Gavin sits up on the hospital bed, the pain from the no-longer-effective anaesthesia making him more awake. 
Despite not telling Tang Chao and Eli about his participation in the Hunter Game, they aren’t suspicious. They’ve grown accustomed to Gavin’s aloof nature, and as such, assumed that he went on a secret mission.
During his absence over the past few days, there was a new development in the Evolver assassination incident - a new victim has appeared. 
Gavin is very clear that if the cases were to be allowed to ferment, the higher-ups from “that side” would intervene in the matter. They have to take immediate action.  
“There’s one more tricky thing." Tang Chao sits at the edge of his desk. "For the latest assassination case, we encountered a witness with a special situation. We might have to ask an Evolver who can read memories for help."
Tang Chao blinks and asks, "But I don't know any Evolvers with this ability. Do you know any, Captain Gavin?”
According to theory, aside from work purposes, they should be keeping a distance from each other. But according to the girl, the reason why they’ve come out for an idle stroll is, for one, to relax. Two, to search for inspiration to solve the case.
The lead from the only witness to the Evolver assassination was cut short. Gavin isn’t affected much, since he knows that this matter isn’t simple. In contrast, the girl is especially bothered by it, and feels apologetic for not being able to help. 
On the bustling street in the afternoon, Gavin returns to his senses, taking the oden which the girl hands over with a smile. 
When walking by her side, Gavin realises that he’s barely thinking about the things that are bothering him. He naturally picks up her conversation topics, as if they had wandered aimlessly on the street side by side before. 
Does she feel the same way? In his heart, Gavin shakes his head in self-mockery, wanting to forget these thoughts which confuse him.
Walking out of the food street, rain patters down. The pedestrians on the street crowd together suddenly, rushing towards the station. Gavin holds up an umbrella, planning to send her back. 
The yellow wintersweet flowers exude a subtle fragrance in the rain. The smell, colour, and the scent of the person next to him seem to be magnified, forming a memory of the present moment. 
Perhaps, even before he noticed it himself, while he has been deliberately neglecting the complex emotions in his heart, they have been also been growing in a place where he cannot see. When she calls his name, when she accidentally touches his hand, it’s as though some things from a very long time ago are coming back to life in his mind--
Someone had once called his name using such a tone.
Someone had once held his hand in this way.
Someone... was once his strength.
The emotions which he conceals deeply, whether they are good or bad, were once held gently. 
A scorching wave of heat suddenly rushes into his chest.
The traffic lights change, and the crowd waiting at the side of the street slowly surge towards the middle of the road. The surrounding pedestrians squeeze past each other, bumping into his shoulder from time to time. 
Gavin lifts his head abruptly, watching the side profile of the girl as she’s in the rain. It’s as though there’s an intriguing overlap. It’s as though a very long time ago, his heart had leapt this fiercely for her.
The girl suddenly turns around, looking in his direction and waving at him. Putting away her umbrella, she points to a mother-daughter duo hiding from the rain underneath the bus stop. She asks for his opinion through her gaze. Without much thought, Gavin removes his jacket, brisk walking towards her in the rain.
Raindrops patter down, and the water beneath his feet leave splashes in their wake. Akin to rain, they land on his body. It’s as though he gets slightly more drenched with each step. At this moment, Gavin realises that on days when memories are muddied, he has grasped a thin thread since a long time ago.
The jacket supports a narrow world, and wind and rain occasionally blow in. 
If their reunion was meant to verify their directions, no matter what the future holds, what he has to do now is to run forward with her, together.
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[Note] Please don’t ask me about the Hunter Game! I haven’t had the chance to read the earlier chapters in detail so I don’t know the specifics 😅
💙 More S2 content: here
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philliamwrites · 3 years
Stay Where You Are And Then Leave (prologue)
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Zhongli / Reader
Tags: #yaksha! reader, #historical references, #yaksha war, #unreliable narrator, #angst and hurt/comfort, #enemies to friends with xiao, #found family trope, #you know until they start to slaughter each other, #chuckles nervously, #female! reader, #tho i want to write it as genderneutral as possible
Words: 1.1k
Summary: When Rex Lapis picked your soul to serve him as Yaksha, nothing could have prepared you for the suffering and hardships waiting on your neverending journey to bring peace to Liyue.
But you are not alone. A hot-headed Ifrit-Yaksha who loves flowers but cannot collect them for every living thing fears fire; a gruff D'ao-Yaksha who has a hard time letting go his mundane life; a dishonest Raijū-Yaksha with an addiction for gambling; and a lone Garuda-Yaksha they call "Conqueror of Demons" who doesn't care about any collateral damage on his purge of all evil.
And you in the middle of everything, the only Yaksha who cannot remember her past—and if it were up to Rex Lapis, he'd rather it stays that way.
Note: The title is inspired by John Boyne’s book with the same title: ‘Stay Where You Are And Then Leave.’ In the books, this was said to the soldiers waiting in the trenches until it was their time to leave for the battlefield.
Prologue: Where The Dream Ends And The Nightmare Begins
Farewell, ye woods! Headlong from some towering mountain peak
I will throw myself into the waves; take this as my last dying gift!
— Vergil
The earth shook, the air pulsed, and you felt a thousand needles puncture you from all sides. A force took hold of your mind and twisted it, squeezing it and kneading it like dough into an entirely different shape. You screamed into the darkness.
Pain washed the world white. When you blinked away the dazzle, your eyes opened to a cavern ceiling twinkling with gems shaped like stars, mapping constellations you didn’t recognize, and an unfamiliar voice calling your name.
“Menogias of the Aqua Morte. I summon thee to this mortal plane in service of Liyue and its people. Wake up.”
A ban broke. Your muscles, tight and hard like stones, relaxed, finally allowing you to become their master. You were lying in water, nearly horizontal so only your face broke the water’s plane. Like a magnet needle pulled towards the northern skies, your body rose to your feet. Exhaustion tried to coax your weary bones back into the quiet; the safety of the water but the voice was a chord strung tightly around your mind, commanding one step after another towards its source.
A young man was waiting for you, balancing effortlessly on stones protruding out of the water. He wore a white tunic without sleeves that showed muscular, bare arms that shined with golden lines, leaving the blue gleam of the stones set in the cavern’s walls bleak. A hood concealed most of his face, only showing a sharp jawline and thin, pale lips.
You didn’t know who this man was exactly, but you knew what he was. Gracefully, you sank to one knee, still inside the water, and dropped your head in devotion.
“My Lord.”
Rex Lapis considered you for a moment, his golden eyes were stern, yet not unkind. With a slow gesture, he allowed you to get back on your feet.
“I know you have many questions,” he said, and just as the words left his mouth, questions flooded your mind like a tidal wave. Who were you? Why were you here? Before you could ask any of them, the Geo Archon continued, “About your past, about the present. None of them are important, for you shall have one purpose only.” He offered you his hand and helped you out of the water. Even though you felt the Geo energy flow through his body, his skin was soft and the golden blood running through his veins warm. He held on for a second longer than necessary, averting his gaze when you looked up at him in question. Instead he nodded towards a small shrine built from the same stone as the rest of the cavern that presented a beautiful white bow. They called to you like a lone wolf calling to its comrades, and without waiting for Rex Lapis’ approval, you closed the distance and pressed your fingers to the smooth ivory and elegant curves, built by a true master of their craft.
You plugged its string and closed your eyes at the familiar sound. Blurry pictures flashed before your eyes. A little village tucked away inside a mountain pass. Standing with arms spread wide on bridges shaking dangerously between clouds like a wingless bird ready to take flight. Greedy flames climbing towards the wooden ceiling of a house. Your eyes snapped open when the taste of smoke and ashes settled on your tongue. You looked up at Rex Lapis.
“Someone came to destroy my village. I remember anger. I remember fighting to survive. Is that why I am here?”
Rex Lapis turned away, his gaze following the gems lining the walls up to the cavern where an opening showed the moon glimpsing down at you two from up high, a silent watcher sworn to keep conversations like these secret to the sun.
“I have called upon you because your heart is noble and your courage sharper than your bow’s arrows,” he said. “Your past life is of no concern to the journey lying ahead of you.”
“But I—” I still want to know. It was like the desire to know how the end of a story turned out, the want to turn a book to its very last page to make sure the heroes received their well-earned happy ending. You wanted to know if you had your happy ending as well.
“The war goes on,” Rex Lapis continued. “The relentless fighting between the warmongering archons takes its toll on Liyue. Those who die with bitterness and rage become evil monsters who ravage the land and turn it into a wilderness, into a pandemonium. Hence I am calling upon the yakshas to protect this country. Liyue needs every single one of you.” He dropped his gaze from the moon and fixed his eyes on you. Looming above you, it was easy to finally get a good glimpse of his handsome face and the piercing amber eyes with an edge harder to them than freshly cut Cor Lapis. “I need every single one of you.”
A shudder crawled up your spine. You looked to the ground. “I solely exist to follow your command, my Lord.”
Rex Lapis hummed in agreement and took a step closer, his approach quiet as his barefoot feet didn’t make any sound on the cool stone. A warm finger brushed against your forehead, the touch conjuring the picture of a moonlit lake on top of a mountain.
“I await all of you by the end of the next moon at this place.” Rex Lapis’ voice was barely a whisper. “Mount Hulao. Until then, be fierce, my yaksha. Fierce but good.”
Something about the way he said my yaksha made you raise your gaze back up, expecting … to see what exactly in his eyes? Anything else besides the cold calculation of a deity worshiped as the God of Contracts? This was no different from a commerce, your serving the bargaining chip to a second chance on the mortal plane even though you are unsure about the fine print.
Rex Lapis’ face was unreadable like a board wiped clean. His hand hovered over your face a second too long before he quickly pulled it back, withdrawing completely as if touching your burned him. A last inquiry emerged like the tip of an iceberg from your mind. You said, “Wait. This anger … were they angry with me? Did I do something wrong?”
But he had already disappeared—without any flourish, just like a village swallowed up by an earthquake, there and then a second later gone.
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eternallysarcastic · 3 years
winter moon/ch.3
Okay this took a little bit longer than I thought it would cause I had to figure out a few stuff in the story and its pacing. Good news is I have the next 2 chapters almost ready so the wait between this one and the next shouldn’t be too long! Comments are always appreciated! 
I also post this on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28999362/chapters/71169963
Chapter 3
“So, ojou-chan, where are we off to next?” Childe asked you. You were still around the fire, everyone was still too wound up to really sleep - and that meant Childe, seeing as he was the only human in a company of non-mortals that needed little to no sleep.
  “We’re looking for leads as to where she might’ve gone. My stars- I followed her until Liyue and lost track of her. We need to find clues on whether she’s still in Liyue or if she left it.”
  “And she’s a yaksha, she wouldn't dare mingle with the mortals of Liyue Harbour. Most likely she’s as far from them as possible. Not many mortals can withstand a yaksha’s energy.” Xiao continued for you. The teacup Zhongli had handed him remained untouched.
“I’ll take that as a compliment, shortie.” Childe mocked from his place beside you. You could almost immediately see Xiao lose his temper, weapon conjuring in his hand. 
“Hey, hey, there’s no need for that. We should rest and continue on our way once the moon sets.” You tried to reason but Childe had already conjured his own dual water blades. 
  “Come, have some tea with me.” Zhongli patted the seat beside him. You sighed in exasperation as you sat beside him. He handed you a new, hot cup of tea that you gladly accepted as your eyes followed Childe and Xiao out of the cavern.
  “This is going to be a long journey.” You said, listening in on the sounds of blades clashing.
  “Are you sure Yin really is here?” The sudden change of topic startled you and you looked at Zhongli quizzically.
  “What do you mean?” Why would he suddenly bring up your yaksha?
  “My loss of gnosis is very recent. I don't believe I would’ve missed it if someone as powerful as a yaksha stepped onto my territory. Perhaps she is no longer here or she never was in the first place.” He stated as he calmly sipped his tea. “Or perhaps have you come here seeking something else?” He knew something wasn't right with you. He noticed it the moment he saw you, saw it in the way you talked and the moment you had first laid your eyes upon Xiao.
“I-...” He was as perceptive as always, that or because he’d known you since you were a newborn god, had trained you and watched you grow into the feared yet respected Celestial Goddess you once were. “There is something else, that’s true,” you replied. 
 You didn't know how to continue though. How do you explain the sudden desire you’d felt to come back to Liyue, the weird nostalgic feeling you had once you finally stepped in its borders, the constricting of your lungs when you’d first seen Xiao or the mysterious agony that had overwhelmed you when you’d seen the half-frozen tree. 
  Was Zhongli’s trust in you wavering? So soon? On another hand, perhaps he was right. He couldn't have missed the fact that a yaksha had stepped into his domain. He would’ve definitely felt it. Or was it something else? It seemed that since you’d arrived in Liyue there always was something else.
  “Nonetheless, my priority is Yin. I’ve never been this close to finding her. I can’t give up now, Zhongli.” You said, turning to him with pleading eyes. 
“You know I’d never refuse to help you, you don't need to look at me like that. No matter what you say, you are still the current God of the Moon and I would never disobey you.” He stated as a matter of fact, continuing to sip on his tea ever so calmly.
  A silent rage swirled in your chest as you turned your whole body towards him. “I want you to help me because you’re you and I’m me, not because of your duties as an Archon to obey the Celestials. I want you to help me because Yin fought for you in the Archon war when she swore she’d never fight again just because of what you meant to me. Because I know how much she hates herself that she wasn't there when I-” You cut yourself off, you didn't want to finish the sentence. 
 Zhongli’s eyes closed in phantom pain as memories he didn't want to remember resurfaced. Images of your lifeless body, covered in blood flashed before his eyes. He knew that if Yin was with you instead of with him, perhaps what happened to you on the night of your descent from Celestia wouldn't have happened.
 “I’m sorry, Zhongli.” You were just guilt-tripping him at this point with how you were phrasing things. You were never too good at expressing yourself with words.
 “You need not apologise. You are indeed correct. My duties to you as an Archon may be over, but I am still your life long friend and I am willing to help you find Yin no matter what.” If you didn't know him like the back of your hand, you’d say he was emotionless when he said that. But you could hear the underlying determination coming from his words. 
  You smiled at yourself as you drank your tea, “Thank you, Zhongli. I promise you she is here in Liyue. I can feel it. Her constellation has never shone brighter.” Zhongli hummed as he poured himself another cup.
      Something shook you awake from your slumber. You opened your eyes and was met with the golden ones of Xiao and the restless figure of Zhongli. You hadn’t even noticed you had fallen asleep the night before. 
  “Wake up. Childe is missing.” What? 
  “What? How? I thought someone was keeping watch?” You looked around - the fire had long been extinguished, the tea was cold and the moon still hadn’t set. By the looks of it, it was close to early morning.
  Xiao ran a hand through his hair in annoyance. “I was keeping watch outside and Rex Lapis came over to discuss… something. By the time he went back in, the annoying harbinger was gone.” 
  “I see… Then we have no choice but to look for him.” You pulled yourself up. What was Childe up to? “Since you were both outside when he vanished… then there’s only one direction he could’ve gone.” 
   The deeper you walked into the cave the darker it got. You couldn't hear any sounds, even Zhongli couldn't feel any vibration in the stone floor. It was as if Childe had disappeared into thin air. 
  “How much deeper does this cave go? We’re losing light. We should've brought torches.” Xiao pondered. 
 Well, you could help with that couldn't you? You took off one of your gloves and concentrated on the pyro vision within you and brought it forth to your palm, lighting the cave around you. The small crescent moon sigil at the back of your hand glowed gently in response. 
  “You shouldn't do that.” Xiao said, grabbing onto your wrist, looking at the fire, or more likely into the slowly reddening flesh around the flame. 
 Your body had the ability to wield all seven elements but the downsides to that were the fact that it couldn't adapt to just one. Cryo was too cold, Pyro burned you and Electro electrocuted more often than not. But how did Xiao know that? Sure, it wasn't hidden knowledge that the Celestial Gods possessed all elements but it was a strictly kept secret that your bodies couldn't withstand them for long periods of time, so that no one could use that weakness against Celestia itself.
  You looked at Zhongli in question, perhaps he was the one that told him. Out of all the seven Archons, only Zhongli knew of your predicament. But Zhongli wore the same confused expression you did. So how did Xiao know? You decided not to comment on it right now. You had a harbinger to find.
  “Don't worry, I’m okay. This is nothing.” You smiled softly at Xiao. It felt nice to have the normally stone cold yaksha care for something as small as a slight burn on your hand. If you had a heart perhaps it’d skip a beat.
  The deeper you went into the cave the more lost you got in your own thoughts about the previous peculiar events. Of Xiao’s knowledge and his familiarity with you. It felt so out of place.
  “I feel something.” Zhongli spoke up, his deep voice echoed inside the cave. 
  “What is it?” You tried to listen in but you couldn't hear anything. 
  “I can’t tell which way it's coming from.” In front of you were two long, dark corridors.
  “Do we split up?” The moment the words left your mouth, the ground shook beneath your feet. Xiao immediately held you steady by the arm while his free hand found purchase on the nearby wall. “I guess we don't need to split up after all.” 
  The rumbling of earth was coming from the right corridor. When the earthquake stopped, you walked forward following the loud noises. You could see an exit at the end of the constricting tunnel, dim light that wasn't there before, shining through it.
  Out of nowhere, Xiao gently grabbed your wrist again. “You should extinguish that before we go any further.” Ah, yes, Childe wasn't supposed to know. You quickly extinguished the flame in your palm and was about to put on your glove when you noticed Xiao wasn’t letting go of your wrist.
  “I know some herbs that help with burns. We should look for some later.” He said, looking intently at your reddened palm before finally letting go of your wrist and walking forward. Instead of the wound itself burning, it was the skin that he had touched along with your reddening cheeks. 
  Before you could dwell on the action even more there was another earthquake and this time you could hear the sounds of fighting and… a roar? What exactly was at the end of the tunnel? You hurried til the end of it just in time to watch Childe being thrown high into the air by what seemed to be a moving assortment of… boulders? It looked like big rocks being held together by pure elemental energy. It stood in the middle of a giant cave opening with light shining through a hole in the ceiling.
  “I haven't seen one of these in a long time.” Zhongli seemed all to calm as he mused with a hand on his chin. 
  “Comrades! Took you long enough to join me!” Childe had noticed you from across the field and waved enthusiastically before he was thrown into the air once more. 
“We should help!” You ran without even thinking, the instincts beaten into you kicking in. Xiao told Childe you had an electro vision, so you had to be mindful not to impulsively use any other element. That seemed easy enough. You could do it.
  “Don't run into danger out of the blue!” Xiao growled from behind you as he ran after you and toward the stone creature.
  “I wonder if they can take down a geovishap by themselves and her… being able to use only one of her elements, she’s not used to that.” Zhongli stood silently at the sidelines to observe you fight. He wondered if you still used the techniques he taught you. 
  “I am not going to believe you if you say you only heard of the commotion until now.” Childe landed beside you and wiped the blood at the side of his mouth.
  “Where did you even go?” You asked him, paying half attention to the stone monster’s position. It seemed to have backed up a little, wary of the newcomers. 
  “My hands were itching for a fight after the disappointing one I had with this little adeptus,” Childe replied, panting. 
 He looked a little beaten up which surprised you a little. When you'd watched him fight Xiao last night, he looked like a very talented fighter.
“You were really this disappointed over losing? Don't fret it, not many can beat me.” Xiao said from beside you. 
 He looked just a little bit smug, which put an annoyed expression on Childe’s face.
“I didn't lose! I was just -” 
  “Can you stop fighting for just a moment? We need to find a way to stop this thing.” You interrupted him. 
 You didn't need them fighting each other and the giant boulder that looked as if it made up its mind that you were the enemy and was getting ready to charge at you. 
 “We can't attack it head first without thinking of some strategy. Not many elements work against geo creatu-” You stopped. 
 Childe was already charging at it, a water bow in his hand and trying to shoot the tiny shiny thing on its forehead. Something you guessed was a potential weak point. You sighed in annoyance and looked at Xiao, trying to silently communicate to him. He gave you a small nod. You both charged at the monster, following Childe. All the while you manifested a white sword in your hand, infusing it with as much electro as you could muster.
 Childe’s water attacks didn't even phase the monster, you tried to stupify it with your electro charges but it wasn't’ working. Xiao was trying to immobilise its feet but it proved futile. It’s geo skin seemed harder than any other geo enemy’s. You knew if you and Childe weren't there to get in the way of his attacks he would’ve been done with the monster already.
 You noticed that last night, too. How swift and fast his movements were, with every swing from his spear precise and thought out. The way he moved felt like art to you.
 “Nothing seems to work against it.” You said after you put some distance between it.
 “We just need to take out that silver sigil from its forehead.” Childe jumped next to you, having been flung yet again in the air. “I accidentally awoke it by placing that thing into some engraved stone. Never thought it’d awake a giant angry boulder monster like that,” he chuckled. 
 He was enjoying this, this fight and the fact that he couldn't beat the creature as easily. The masochist.
 “I need to take a closer look. If the right strategy would be to try and take out the sigil then why do you have us trying to beat it into submission.” You looked pointedly at Childe and he only laughed at you in response. 
 “I’ll watch your back while you try to get close to its forehead. Be careful of its arms - they may look like they are not even going for you but when they hit the ground, it’ll send you flying.” Xiao spoke. He didn't have one scratch on him, his fast movements evaded every attack of the monster.
 “As much as I’d like to continue this exciting fight, I guess we do need to head out soon. Be careful, ojou-chan.” Childe winked at you and then he was off.
The harbinger distracted the creature while Xiao leapt around you, watching its every movement, deflecting some of the strikes coming towards you. After jumping around, circling around the creature you managed to land on its back. The moment it felt you it tried to fling you off, shaking uncontrollably. Yelping, you tried to hold onto some of its stone scales and slowly climbed up to its head. 
 Its head was even more unsteady than the rest of its body, swinging it around wildly. You were just about to grab the sigil before you lost your footing and nearly slipped off save for one hand trying to desperately hold on. You struggled to pull yourself up as you were swung around. You barely managed to grab onto the sigil, eyes widening at the symbol on it before you were completely thrown off from the creature. 
  Your thoughts were still fogged with the surprise you felt to even try to land a clean landing. You closed your eyes and braced for impact, but it never came. Instead you felt warm arms catch you and swiftly jump from stone to stone. You opened your eyes to see Xiao, eyes concentrated on not getting hit by one of the many crumbling stones.
 Looking back you watched the creature continuously hit the ground with its crumbling arms, creating one shock wave after another. This couldn't be good and Xiao knew that as well.
 “Hold tight.” He muttered into your ear as he held you closer. 
 You weaved your arms around him and hid your head in his neck as you watched the creature wail pitifully as it crumbled away into nothing. However, the ground still continued to shake as it split in two as the ceiling caved in on itself. It was complete chaos from that moment on.  You watched Childe stumble before he was steadied by a stone pillar made by Zhongli who you guessed was nearby, after that you lost sight of them both.
 The last thing you heard was Xiao’s curse as more heavy stones fell and everything went black.
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goldencorecrunches · 3 years
(More LanLan rural vet AU) -- It had been a great idea.
"Look at it this way, at least you'll know we've gotten most of them," Luo Qingyang, their tiny clinic's only full-time nurse, told him. She was visibly trying to keep a straight face. Song Lan glared at her. He couldn't reply with words, because his hands were full of squirming, six-week old puppies. Also his arms, and his shoulders, and from the German Shepherd tugging at his scrub pants, soon his lap as well. 
Song Lan had known, moving from the city to the rural countryside, that there would be some measure of culture shock. When one of the farmers had casually dropped that he didn't vaccinate his puppies, because there were, according to him, "Too many of 'em too fast to bother driving 'em out all that way, before you showed up," he had nearly broken his strict policy of sobriety during work hours.
"They're all going to die of distemper," he had told Wen Qing after the man had left, vaguely aware he was making his Strict Veterinarian Face (it was Lan Xichen who had given it a name, which made Song Lan warm all over, on top of the flush from anger) from the way his temples had started aching. "They're not even on heartworm medication. I'm surprised so many of them survive to get killed by the combine harvester." "Just 'combine,' you sound like you're city folk," Wen Qing had said, ignoring Song Lan's mouthed protestation that he was, which was why he was used to people who kept Lucky and Xiao mi's shots up to date. "Look, these people-- they don't have time, and they don't have money. They're going to focus on the livestock animals they need to keep themselves afloat. It's not cruelly meant. They're doing the best they can." "I know that," Song Lan said, somewhat abashed. He peeled his gloves into the bin by the sink and set about washing his hands as he thought. As always, he had to hunch over the sink, built for a much shorter DVM. Wen Qing's girlfriend had sent her some kind of fancy floral soap, and Wen Qing had delighted in placing it in both exam rooms and the surgery. It was a bit stronger to the nose that Song Lan would've preferred, but he wasn't going to argue with Wen Qing when it came to her girlfriend. The antiseptic covered it up, anyway. "What about a vaccination fair? Or just a day," he said when he had finished drying off. "We used to do them at my old clinic. Bring in your pets, get them up to date. Pass out flyers about common infections. Gets the kids involved, too." "Hm," Wen Qing had said. She'd begun gathering up the used sterile packaging and dumping it in the trash, neatly detouring the needles to the sharps container. "That's certainly an idea." She'd argued him down from all pets to just dogs, and had him separate out areas based on the weeks since puppy birth, to for the older dogs the year or the five-year mark. Song Lan had thought it overly complicated-- he could just ask the humans involved as they came up-- but had acquiesced so as not to cause trouble. He was still learning how to fit in, here. Country folk were a lot more standoffish than city folk, for all they were initially nicer. 
He was very glad now that he'd listened.
"You look busy," said a cheerful voice from behind him. Song Lan finished administering the Bordetella shot to the Border Collie mix Luo Qingyang was holding, giving the pup a scratch behind the ears and juggling the bag of chicken jerky underneath his armpit to keep the mutt-who-definitely-had-Bulldog-in-there-somewhere who was crawling across his shoulders from snatching an unearned reward. He turned, stumbling as the German Shepherd shoved her nose enthusiastically into his muddy shoe laces, and tried to keep his scowl affixed for Lan Xichen's teasing. It was a pointless endeavor; as soon as he caught sight of Lan Xichen's face, glowing in the midday heat, he could feel his mouth pulling up at the corner. He occupied himself boosting the puppy under his left arm higher, propping his waggling tail on his hipbone, to keep his own dopey smile to a minimum. "Shh," he told the puppy, when he yipped and started trying to eat Song Lan's scrubs. The puppy looked up, top canine caught in the loop the brand name tag had once hung from, before Song Lan had cut it off. He was not helping the dopiness meter. "Mister Lan!" Luo Qingyang said, handing the Collie mix back to a child with worried arms outstretched (the dog, unperturbed, began licking every freckle on the child's face). "I'm glad you were able to make it! You brought us-- oh, you didn't have to, put that down. Here, you take this one." She plucked the heavy, stainless-steel carafe from his hand and replaced it with a black-and-tan puppy she summoned from nowhere. Automatically Lan Xichen brought his other hand up to support the puppy's hind legs. The puppy sniffed the pens in the crisply ironed breast pocket and did not find them suitable. Song Lan realized he'd been staring and shuffled his furry passengers away from the jerky again.
"I didn't think to make it cold. It's a warm day, I hope it won't be too hot for you," Lan Xichen was saying, apologetic. The edge of the shadow from the extremely garishly striped outdoor tent Song Lan and Wen Ning had set up cut him right across his handsome face, one eye in the shade, the other squinting into the sunlight. As a teenager, Song Lan had had a movie poster where the actor was highlighted in similar fashion. He had hung the poster on the ceiling above his bed. This is not the time for this was becoming a common repetition in Song Lan's inner monologue when it came to Lan Xichen. "If it has caffeine in it, we'll love you whatever temperature it is," Luo Qingyang assured him, passing Lan Xichen another puppy; nearly identical to the first, but with one black ear instead of two. "This is his sister, they're getting their ten week vaccinations. A bit late, but don't tell their mother that. Do you know how to hold them?" "I'm not entirely useless," Lan Xichen said dryly. He smiled at Song Lan. Song Lan nearly tripped over the German Shepherd again. "Ten weeks, that's...Influenza, Bordetella, Lyme…." "DHAPP," Luo Qingyang confirmed, ponytail bouncing as she nodded. "I'm going over to help Wen Qing with the older dogs, you stay and hold puppies for Doctor Song, yeah?" She patted the male puppy on the head, blew a kiss to the female, and leapt over the barricade of folding chairs to rush to the other side of the tent. A queue was already forming there as Wen Qing argued with a woman in overalls, gesturing angrily. Luo Qingyang slid neatly between them and took the three-legged hound from the woman's arms the same way she had taken charge of Lan Xichen's tea carafe. "You've got a criminal," Lan Xichen said pleasantly, pointing with his chin. Song Lan blinked, and then mentally swore, kneeling so he could free one hand to extricate the Pitbull mix from the open ziplock seal on OL' GRANDAD'S AUTHENTIC CHICKIN STRIPS (Reduced Fat). He pressed the hinge of the puppy's jaw to tug the pilfered treat free, tapping his nose when he tried to whine sadly. Song Lan hadn't gotten his certification yesterday. "Can you hold them while I give the injections?" he asked, waiting for Lan Xichen's acquiescence before struggling to his feet again. Half-way up he felt a pull at his knee. He looked down and saw the German Shepherd, tired of being ignored, had a mouthful of his pants. "No," Song Lan signed; but the dog hadn't been trained in sign language, so she growled playfully up at him, ears pricked. Song Lan reached to do the same trick he'd done on the Pitbull mutt, but he'd not accounted that the other set-down dogs would be investigating the other side of his newly-sniffable legs. With a grassy skid, and a very undignified shout, Song Lan went down. The dirt seemed a lot more solid when he was testing it with his nose and chin. Three of the puppies leapt on his face and began a series of scientific experiments as to whether he was dead or just playing. One slobbery tongue went into his ear. "Are you all right?" Lan Xichen's voice was above him: Song Lan was never, ever going to live this down. He groaned and rolled onto his back, throwing an arm across his eyes and letting the puppies pounce on his hair and ankles. The German Shepherd, looking delighted with herself, sat her ass down on Song Lan's stomach and examined his face, tongue lolling. Despite himself, Song Lan smiled and reached up to rub at her belly. She flopped onto her side (oof) and threw her front paws up so he could gain better access. Her tail beat wildly at the ground beside Song Lan's leg.
"Just…dangle them over my chest," Song Lan signed up at Lan Xichen's looming figure. He was tall. Was this what he looked like to everyone else at the clinic? "I'll do them like this."
"Of course, Doctor Song," Lan Xichen said, carefully solemn.
They looked at each other.
The girl puppy swatted her brother in the nose. Immediately he started crying.
"Shall I get you a cup of tea too, then?" Lan Xichen asked, and Song Lan couldn't help it; he laughed out loud.
"I suppose 'buried in dogs' isn't a terrible way to go," he signed, as Lan Xichen, finally abandoning his masterful attempt, let his grin take over his face. It was blinding. "Yes, if you've got a funnel to pour it through?"
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xiaomomowrites · 3 years
zhongli, come down
Genshin Impact | TartaLi/ZhongChi
Summary: “When I’m with you, I feel happy,” his eyes are fixated on the ceiling as he speaks. Childe, on the other hand, can’t look anywhere but at him. And although he speaks of his happiness, there are deep waves of sorrow rolling off of him. Zhongli’s makeup had washed off when he took a steaming shower, leaving Tartaglia to see the dark circles under his eyes and the faint wrinkles underneath. The light in his eyes had dulled without the bold presence of his usual red eyeliner, and it seemed as though his face appeared more sunken in when the light hit him at a certain angle. 
Childe’s heart pangs in his chest. Sometimes, his husband really looks his age.
Or, Zhongli and Childe visit Snezhnaya, but there’s a certain adeptus on Zhongli’s mind.
Find it on Ao3!
WARNING: this fic contains mentions of death/minor character death. Read at your own risk!
This part takes place between act V and act VI, which is still in the works~
A/N: I had meant to get this out earlier, but I live in Texas so we’ve been having sporadic power outages for the past three or four days. I had spotty connection and it was freezing in my house so this ended up a little delayed! Plus, act VI really just doesn’t wanna be written :( I want it to be perfect before I post it though, I don’t wanna give y’all mediocre Tartali food lol. But I hope you all enjoy, I’ll be adding a little message at the end if you’re interested, so stay tuned. -u.n.
Zhongli felt another full-body shiver rack through him when the wind whistled by again ruthlessly. Archaic divinity and equity aside, he wanted nothing more but to spit and curse the harsh ice beneath his feet. He had all but lost feeling in his fingers and toes as he stood still in the snow, waiting for Childe to finish grabbing them coffee. The Harbinger had offered the drink out of the kindness of his heart when he had seen how badly Zhongli was shivering, as if they hadn’t come here together before. Zhongli accepted the coffee with enthusiasm, knowing it makes Childe happy when he accepts his gifts.
He found himself at the doorstep of Snezhnaya with Childe, visiting his family for the year as they did each November. Unfortunately, November through February seemed to be the harshest that the winters got. The weather would breach zero degrees and drop past negative ten, the wind would lash furiously past parkas and scarves and mittens and kiss bare skin. And Zhongli, in all his divine beauty, would miss the warm summer nights of Liyue so much that he needed to remind himself of how much he loved his husband just to agree to get on the train with him. 
Childe, his darling ginger, simply hummed alongside him and tucked Zhongli’s arm beneath his own to keep him from slipping on the ice. His time in Liyue had not shaken his immunity to the cold at all. His other hand sipped at the warm coffee encapsulated in green cardboard, humming a happy noise from the back of his throat. Even if it was a one time occurrence years ago that ended with minor bruising along the ex-Archon’s back, Childe never let him live the moment down and swore to hold onto him every second they found themselves in his hometown. Zhongli had insisted that he need not pace himself just to walk alongside an old man like him, but he had just pinched his cheeks, kissed his nose, and reminded him that he wasn’t that old. 
“You’ve got that sexy rich-middle-aged-man thing going on for you. Except, all your money comes from me, and you’re actually six thousand years old,” Tartaglia had told him then, beaming up at him so brightly it made Zhongli blink. 
Soon enough, Zhongli finds himself at his in-law’s residence. He takes a deep breath, preparing for the onslaught of Childe’s siblings enthusiasm, and waits for Childe to knock. The Harbinger grins at his anticipation and raps his knuckles against the comforting wood. Not even a beat later and the oak swings open, revealing Teucer, Tonia, and Anthon. They’ve all gotten so big since he last saw them, watching them grow fills the ex-Archon with pride. Zhongli finds himself smiling, squeezing Childe’s hand partially because he’s overwhelmed with joy, and also so he doesn’t slip and fall on his ass too hard when he’s tackled. 
Seconds later he finds himself with an armful of red headed siblings. He stumbles, but thankfully Childe’s there to steady him upright. Zhongli squeezes his hand again in thanks. 
“Mr. Zhongli!” One of them screeches in his ear, “You’re back! Do you have any presents for us?”
“Mr. Zhongli!” Another one yells, “did you bring me a new book?” 
Luckily, Tartaglia’s mother begins barking at her children to reign them back inside and to  ‘leave the nice man alone’, so that he has time to readjust and step inside the warmth of their cozy abode. Zhongli smiles, cheeks red and ears redder, and bows as deep as he can. 
“Thank you for having me,” the honey-like voice glides against the wooden walls like it belongs there, “it is a pleasure to see you all again.” 
“Oh stop,” his mother-in-law gushes, “we’ve seen you every year for years now, honey, drop the formalities!” she waves him off while pulling her own son into a bone crushing hug. “And it’s good to see you too, hun.”
“Hi mom,” Childe responds sheepishly, careful not to squeeze her too hard, lest her back start cracking again. He raises a hand to cradle the back of her head with a fondness reserved only for her. “Where’s dad?” 
The question hangs above their heads heavily. A beat of silence passes before she smiles warily and squeezes her son’s cheeks. “He’s at the fireplace, Ajax.”
Childe nods, and eyes the urn sitting high above the crackling fireplace. It’s a beautiful marble urn that Tartaglia paid for in full, with a single ruby gem nestled right beside his father’s name. Even in this state, his father has the largest presence in the house. It is a presence even Zhongli can acknowledge and respect. The thought pushes Zhongli to squeeze his hand and mutter, “Go?” 
Tartaglia nods, and swallows hard. Zhongli urges him forward carefully with a gloved hand against the small of his back. His mother watches him go along with sullen and somber eyes. And it is only when Childe is stationed in front of the fire, a single gloved hand covering his mouth, when Zhongli breaks the silence. 
“So,” Zhongli begins, turning to his in-law. “The last time we spoke, you promised me a recipe for that delicious meal you served us last year. Were you able to hold up your end of the contract?” 
The red-headed woman beams up at him and grabs at his hands. Her hands are so small, so soft and delicate, Zhongli wishes nothing more but to protect this family with his life. And well, that makes two of them. 
“Of course, dear,” she says excitedly, “come with me.”
The next hour or so consisted of Zhongli patiently waiting in the kitchen while his mother-in-law bustled around, excitedly explaining the process of dough rolling, frying, meat filling, and then frying again. Zhongli watched with fascination, always one to appreciate cultures from all around the world. He hummed and nodded in confirmation every once in a while when she would turn to him, asking him if he understood, and he smiled. 
Tartaglia came padding into the kitchen later, eyes slightly red and puffy, and Zhongli didn’t need to ask if something was wrong to understand what was going on. He knew all too well of his feelings of conflict toward his father in the past. Now that the man himself was gone, Zhongli could only imagine the things Childe was feeling at the moment. 
Zhongli never exactly had a family to grieve, anyway. As far as he knew, all the family he had was in this very house alone. 
And Xiao, the voice in his head whispered, snapping him out of his reverie. Zhongli blinked the voice away. Now was not the time. 
“Talking behind my back, Xiansheng?” Childe teases, coming up behind him to snake his arms around his waist. “That’s not very husband-like of you, you know.”
“Yes, yes,” Zhongli played along, “your mother and I were just discussing how unruly you are in the morning, and how you leave wet towels on the floor after you shower. Truly a horrendous habit, Tartaglia.”
The ginger pouts over his shoulder and leans in to bite his cheek, reveling in the way Zhongli squeezes one eye shut in a faux flinch. He quickly kisses the flesh he sunk his teeth into and settles back against his husband. 
“Smells good, mom.” 
“It always smells good, Ajax,” she tuts, waving her spoon in his face, “what do you think of your mother, huh?”
“Why am I being attacked,” Tartaglia pouts, the end of the sentence lilting upward in a whine. Zhongli clicks his tongue at his behavior and pats his head reassuringly. 
“The food will be ready soon,” he reassures, “besides, she was just telling me all about a soup that I must try my hand at next year.”
Tartaglia groans dramatically and leans all his weight against Zhongli in response. 
Night falls, and Childe finds himself lighting the fireplace in the room they stay in upstairs, letting the flames embrace the room in an auburn glow. His siblings are tucked in and finally quiet after Zhongli’s endless stories of Liyue. His mother had turned in an hour earlier after smothering the two in kisses, and the couple had stayed in the kitchen for a bit sipping wine and conversing in the moonlight. After downing a good amount and feeling a light buzz through their systems, they called it a night and headed upstairs, pinkies linked as always. 
But Zhongli was off during the entire conversation. It may have seemed like he was himself to an outsider, but Tartaglia knew better. He knew when his husband was somewhere else. He had seen it too many times before.
So later, when Zhongli finds himself sitting on their windowsill rather melancholic, watching the snow fall, Childe regards him with a careful stare. The ex-Archon eyes the way the snow falls so tenderly yet so purposefully, as if they all held a secret that even an ancient being like him didn’t understand. He shivers at the cold that seeps in through the windows and kisses his fingertips where they meet the glass, and cradles his hand back to his chest slowly. 
“Zhongli,” Childe calls. The said man turns from the window, eyes bright and oddly wet. Oh, Childe knows that look. “C’mere,” he beckons. Zhongli obeys and pads over to where his husband is situated on their bed. He crawls onto the mattress next to him and slumps against the headboard, still deep in his thoughts. 
The Harbinger looks at him with concern and squirms over to where Zhongli sits. He uses his chest as a pillow, wrapping his arms around a lithe waist and tucking his nose in the crook of his neck. He breathes deeply the mature scent of silk flowers and feels his heart thump happily in his chest. Childe stays quiet for a moment, and allows himself to focus on the rise and fall of his sturdy chest. Zhongli runs the length of his palm up and down Tartaglia’s side as he ponders.
Childe decides to break the silence before he falls asleep. “What’s wrong?” he asks quietly, voice barely above a whisper. Zhongli’s hand comes up to his hair and scratches at his scalp the way he knows Childe likes it. 
“Nothing. I am just… thinking.” His voice trails off pensively.
“Hmm. As usual,” he hums, “what about?” Childe prods gently, knowing there’s a fifty-fifty chance his husband will indulge him.
He’s quiet for a moment. Far too quiet. Childe wonders if he should drop the subject.
“Xiao, actually,” he says suddenly. “I am thinking of Xiao.”
“Xiao,” Childe parrots, confused as to why the legendary adeptus lingers in his beloved’s head at a time like this.
Zhongli sighs, and his shoulders hunch forward, eyebrows furrowing in mild discomfort. “Whenever I am with you, I cannot help but think of him.”
Childe’s eyebrows shoot up to his forehead. “Elaborate?” He’s only mildly offended, but he jests nonetheless in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere.
Zhongli chuckles and pushes a thumb between Childe’s frown. “Not like that. You know there’s no one in my heart except you. Besides, he’s like… family to me. I simply care deeply for his well being.”
Childe offers a wry smile. He knows, he’s just teasing. “So what’s wrong?”
“When I’m with you, I feel happy,” his eyes are fixated on the ceiling as he speaks. Childe, on the other hand, can’t look anywhere but at him. And although he speaks of his happiness, there are deep waves of sorrow rolling off of him. Zhongli’s makeup had washed off when he took a steaming shower, leaving Tartaglia to see the dark circles under his eyes and the faint wrinkles underneath. The light in his eyes had dulled without the bold presence of his usual red eyeliner, and it seemed as though his face appeared more sunken in when the light hit him at a certain angle. 
Childe’s heart pangs in his chest. Sometimes, his husband really looks his age.
“When I’m with you, I forget all my troubles. My burdens are made lighter simply by your presence. I forget what it felt like to be a part of the Archon War, or what it was like having so much blood on my hands. When I’m with you, I forget all of that. And I am happy.” Zhongli’s tone of  voice certainly does not match the topic he speaks of.
Still, Childe gulps. The ex-Archon can be too sappy for his own good, he might have a heart attack.
“Xiao, on the other hand, carries burdens almost heavier than mine,” he speaks as if it were an irrefutable fact. Although Childe wants to protest, he allows him to continue. “Millennia of suffering. Centuries of torture. Generations worth of karma building up on his plate. And he has no one he can turn to to help him forget; no one to help him bear it. Xiao is… alone.” His voice cracks pathetically.
The wind turns colder. There’s a chill that goes through the room, and it seeps into Childe’s bones. The Harbinger’s eyes dart to the fireplace, almost accusing it of not doing its job. He’s mildly aware of the new presence outside of the window that reeks of karma and a heavy heart. The tidal waves of grief and remorse spill into the room, and Tartaglia almost wants to wave a hand in front of his face to waft the energy away. Nevertheless, Childe dismisses it knowing that it is harmless, and turns all of his attention on his partner. 
“What about that traveler,” Childe offers, “Xiao seems to be fixated on him.” 
Zhongli shakes his head. “Young Traveler is far too free spirited for that, and Xiao is the type to only give his heart when he is certain that the source is stable and everlasting.”
Childe nods in understanding. He’s the same way, after all. “He was right to give his heart to you.”
“And yet I betrayed him, did I not?” Zhongli asks.
Childe frowns once again. He wills his voice to not sound too accusing when he asks, “In what way?” 
Zhongli waves his free hand in the air, trying his best to convey the emotions that had been eating at him all evening. 
“I am here, parading away with my husband while he still watches over Liyue per my request. Even though our contract ended, he still persists. He still fights the demons of the gods I slayed myself. He still is trapped by the shackles of Liyue, cleaning up my mess, worshipping my name, while I lay here wondering if I want coffee or tea when the sun rises.” 
His voice wavers. Childe’s heart tugs. The Harbinger shuffles closer and squeezes him tighter. 
“I can’t help but feel as though I am responsible for his suffering. I am the one who summoned him, am I not? The fierce Yakshas… oh how truly amazing they were,” Zhongli rambles, fingers tightening their hold on Childe. “And now they are all…”
“Zhongli.” He cuts him off sternly. The man in question shakes out his reverie, glassy amber eyes meeting cerulean. Childe brings a hand to his cheek to caress the sinfully soft skin there. The ginger leans in, pressing his forehead against his temple and pleads.
“Stop,” he whispers, and then his hand finds purchase on his husband’s neck. “Stop.” 
“I am not worthy of it any longer, Ajax,” Zhongli’s voice warbles, “all I want is for Young Xiao to rest and finally find peace. I no longer want him to have nightmares, asleep or not. I want to be the one to be rid of his burdens. I want him to be happy, Ajax, I want—“
“No,” Childe interrupts again, “there is nothing you can do, my love. And I’m so sorry you feel that way. I truly am. But his suffering has nothing to do with you anymore. Xiao looks up to you—“
“But he shouldn’t.” 
“Xiao looks up to you,” he persists, “for a reason. He adores you, okay? No matter what you do. No matter what you say. No matter how you look. Even if you’re skin and bone and wrinkly with gray hair, Xiao would still admire you. Your strength has withstood the test of time, and so has his loyalty to you.” He brushes a stray hair from Zhongli’s face and continues.
“You were the one that saved him. Have you ever thought of that, old man? You saved him and named him. I mean, if someone were to pull me out of the abyss and give me a hug for god’s sake, I probably would have turned out different,” Zhongli’s eyes soften even more, but Childe refuses to make this about him. He thumps a fist against Zhongli’s chest in mock petulance. “Xiao respects you because you deserve it. It is as simple as that.”
Zhongli is quiet, pondering, so Tartaglia takes that as an invitation to continue. 
“You have served your time bearing your burdens. You have saved souls and you have killed your own share of demons, and you fought to get where you are now. You deserve a break, Zhongli. And you don’t need to feel guilty that someone out there hasn’t been liberated of their own issues. You of all people understand Xiao’s strength. Probably more than Xiao himself, right? So have faith in him, Xiansheng. And know that you don’t have to carry the burden of freedom on your own. Burdens are meant to be shared, and I’m your husband, remember?”
“Oh, how could I forget,” Zhongli chuckles as he jests. His voice still warbles, but Tartaglia will take what he can get. Childe pinches his cheek playfully. 
“Sooo,” Childe trails off, running a finger down the length of Zhongli’s pale neck. “With that being said, I think you should enjoy the time you have now, with me, instead of reminiscing about the past.”
Zhongli nods. 
“After all, I won’t be here forever-”
“Do not.” Zhongli interrupts, looking away. His chest stops fluctuating, and it takes a moment for Childe to realize he was holding his breath. And just like that, his defensive wall is back up again. Tartaglia looks at him with wide eyes. Obviously he had struck a chord he hadn’t meant to. The grip Zhongli had around the back of his neck tightened like he meant to keep him close to his chest forever; greedy, selfish hands continue to grasp at the back of his shirt.
“Oh,” Tartaglia breathes, “I’m sorry, I was just joking.”
“I know,” Zhongli all but whimpers, “but my brain doesn’t exactly register those kinds of things as jokes.”
Tartaglia nods, unsure of what else to say. So, he ditches the thought of saying anything, and lifts a deft finger to tilt Zhongli’s face back to him. He abandons his words and leans in instead. He captures his God’s lips with his own and presses close, desperate to show him that he’s there. Tartaglia’s alive and well and very much in love, and he’s there. He’s not going anywhere; he wouldn’t even dare to think about going anywhere. Their marriage was more than a contract, it was a covenant. The vows that were sworn on that night kept them glued together, and only ‘til death do they part. 
Well, until Ajax’s death, at least.
The thought makes Tartaglia’s head pound, and he shakes the thoughts away with determination.
“I’m here,” he reassures anyway when they part, kiss-bruised lips brush against his cheek as he speaks. “Let me prove it to you.”
Zhongli nods wordlessly, cupping Childe’s face with one hand and dragging the Harbinger onto his lap with the other. They press against each other, nice and close, so that one would not be able to decipher where one began and the other ended. 
“I love you,” Tartaglia confesses into the dark, breathless. Zhongli drags him impossibly closer. 
Xiao takes that as his cue to leave, the wind chill harsh and no longer gentle as he vanishes into thin air.
A/N: Okayy I’m gonna get a little serious in the end notes hehe so if you wanna skip out on that, thank you so much for reading! And I hope you have a wonderful week :) find me on twitter @/xiaoscribbles and AO3 @/unironicallynapping
I wanted to write this because I’ve been on my own journey to recovery lately. My family suffered many losses in 2020 and since then, I had been struggling to get back on path and find a healthy mindset. But there’s a passage that I read in a book I’ve been reading that covers the guilt we sometimes feel when we recover, knowing and know that there’s someone out there who is suffering, too. The guilt can become unbearable, but it doesn’t need to be felt. You can take your feelings of guilt and turn it into something good. You can enjoy the life of recovery you’re living while still being there for those who need it. You can show someone you love them while also reveling in the happiness that you deserve. You don’t need to feel like you don’t deserve it just because you recovered, and someone else hasn’t. Everyone is on their own path, so rejoice in the fact that you’ve made it to your own happiness! 
I hope this fic/message spoke to some of you. It’s a really important message to me, and I just wanted to share :)
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rwbyvein · 3 years
Firen Lhain:  Chapter 805:  King: Part III / III
Cinder laid on a relatively comfortable patch of scruff, with Jaune, less his armour, kneeling beside her. He breathed in deep. "Are you ready?"
"I really have no idea."
"I can feel your Aura." Jaune stated. "I'm going to use it to heal you, so, try to think about that."
"If I knew how to heal myself, I wouldn't need you." Cinder snapped. "I mean?.."
"Ssh." Jaune said to her, "Try to relax, and try to accept me."
"Do we really think this is going to work?" Emerald asked, and Mercury just looked on. He met her gaze,
"It worked in Haven."
"Will you children be quiet?" Cinder snapped. "I'm sorry."
"Did she just apologize?" Mercury asked.
"Please?" Jaune asked, as his Aura started to glow, a white, yellow, golden glow. It started as a faint halo before turning brighter. It flowed down his arms, until Cinder started to flow as well. First the glow of Jaune's Aura, but soon after the glow of her own. She lifted her left arm and thought it over. She had forgotten what her own Aura looked like. For so long she had relied on her Maiden or Grimm powers, that her own Aura seemed liked a distant memory. She then started to feel burning in her Grimm arm and Grimm eye. It wasn't pain, as Humans would normally perceive them, but it felt like burning without the pain. It was getting more and more intense. Cinder felt herself being overwhelmed by it.
"Is that what it felt like?" Blake asked.
"Not that I know what she's feeling?" Weiss asked, "But for me, it was... more welcoming, inviting, like a warm hug enveloping every part of you."
"Jaune's hugs do feel like that." Ruby stated.
"I am thankful that I finally get to enjoy them." Weiss stated. "In my greatest moment of despair, it felt like my greatest moment of hope."
"That's what my eyes felt like." Ruby added.
"I was falling down a precipice, and Jaune's hand and heart reached out to catch me. I was lifted up from my despair, into his warming arms. I am terribly ashamed of how I thanked my saviour."
"Will you guys, please?.." Jaune asked, and Weiss stood up at attention, the group quickly silencing. "I really have no idea how I'm doing this."'
Weiss pressed against him from behind, "You are doing wonderfully, Jaune-dear." she stated, and kissed him on the cheek from behind. This seemed to renew Jaune's vigor as he pressed on. Cinder was lost in the intensity of the emotions. It took everything Emerald had to not jump over and help her. While Mercury seemed more grounded, he too fought everything he had to destroy the man assaulting his boss. The two sat there and watched at what looked liked pain, but not pain, on Cinder's face.
* * *
Cinder awoke with a start. She found herself in her bed, in their floor on the tower. She was in her underwear. Simply sitting up seemed to use up what was left of her stamina, and so quickly laid back down. Mercury uncertainly stared at her from his bed, across the room while Emerald rushed over to her side. She grasped one of Cinder's hands. Cinder's other hand found her face and gently craddled it.
"How do you feel?" Emerald asked.
"I feel?" Cinder asked her, and paused, as she heard herself speak. Not the harsh, gravelly tone from earlier, but the delightful singsong voice she had from before Beacon. No, somehow it seemed even sweeter. She looked over to the hand Emerald held, and it was her left hand, her real left hand. The one she had before. Her gaze glossed over before drifing to the ceiling and then back downa gain. She looked Emerald in the eyes, "Tell me?.." she asked.
"It's beautiful." Emerald lovingly said to her, and she felt something in return, something she thought she had never actually felt. Her left hand cradled Emerald's face and her right hand clutched her heart. She paused for a moment before her gaze refocused.
"And, him?.." she asked.
"Tuckered himself out." Mercury stated, "Nearly passed out. His, uh, wives had to carry him away."
Cinder struggled to sit up, only to have Emerald gently grab her shoulders and push her back down. "You're healed." Emerald said to her, "Just relax, just let yourself relax. Let us take care of you. We'll be free."
With this Mercury scoffed. "We just painted a giant crosshair on our back."
"Like we didn't have one before." Emerald snapped at him.
"WORSE - THAN - BEFORE!" he shouted.
"Please?" Cinder weakly asked them, and the two of them stopped. "Once my body is back, we can decide what to do, but for now, let's just relax, let's enjoy ourselves."
"How long are we going to stay here?" Mercury asked her, and Emerald quickly glared at him.
"I honestly don't know." Cinder stated, "I almost believed this day wouldn't come. I doubted we could even earn his trust." She then looked up at the ceiling, letting her eyes lose focus.
* * *
Jaune's eyes opened up. He sat up just enough to look around their bedroom and saw pretty much everyone else there. He then slumped back down. "If everyone's here?.." he asked, and paused to catch his breath, "Who's watching Neo?"
* * *
Raven as a raven stood on a crate and glared at Neo whom glared back at her.
* * *
Jaune blinked his eyes and looked around again. Weiss and Yang were right next to his bed, eagerly wanting to help him. Ruby and Blake were further, Ruby looking on nervously, Blake solemnly. He turned his head to see Nora and Ren against a wall. He weakly smiled at them before his head slowly turning back to see Aurora there. "Hm?" he asked.
"Jaune-dear?" Weiss eagerly, nervously asked him.
"Is, um, Ilia naked?" he asked. A wall started to change colour, and as he turned his head he saw Ilia walking towards him. He slumped his head back down.
"I will remind you that you did give her permission to..." Weiss tried to say.
"I know..." Jaune sighed, "I honestly count on her stalking me."
"It has, you know, saved you." Ruby stated.
"A few times..." Jaune moaned. "Man, body hurts."
"We can help you with that." Yang salaciously said, causing Weiss to let out a loud huff.
"We will do no such thing until he has properly recovered!"
Blake stepped forward, "We can wait a few days until the castle starts shaking again."
"Friend-Jaune?" Penthesilea asked, causing him to groan again.
"Yes, Pen?" he moaned.
"Estimated full recovery will likely take two days from this point." Penthesilea said, and Jaune let out an affirmative groan. "Do you believe it was worth it?" Jaune let out another affirmative groan. "I have no more questions. I do have a statement. Your control over your Aura has improved considerably. You should be proud of your progress." Jaune let out another affirmative groan.
"He is magnifiscent." Weiss said with glee.
"Indeed." Aurora added, causing Yang to glare at her.
"I have made my intensions clear." Aura said to her with a smile.
"You... have..." Yang voiced.
"Is there anything we can do for you, Jaune-dear?" Weiss asked.
"I could..." he groaned, "use someone to cuddle." He saw Yang move, and by the time he had turned his head she was down to her underwear. Ruby Petal Burst next to the bed as Yang climbed in.
"Easy, Ruby." Jaune groaned, "You all... get cuddle time..."
"We had better." Blake stated. There was a pause before Jaune's stomach growled.
"I'm also really hungry." he groaned.
Aurora took a step forward, "Mr. Xiao Long has invoked his dad priviledges to cook us dinner."
"He'd probably want you to call him dad." Blake said with a smile.
"Well, yes," Aurora said with glee, "but I am a minion, and therefore Mr. seems more appropriate."
Nora then raised her hand, "Does that mean we can't call him dad?"
"Maybe he should adopt you." Blake said with a wide grin.
"Would he?!" Nora asked, and Jaune quickly sat up with a groan.
"You guys are my minions. I wouldn't give you up for the world." Jaune said, as Yang sat up, wrapping her arms around him from behind.
"You charmer, you." Nora said, "But I've got Renny."
Jaune slumped back on the bed, Yang helping him back down before cuddling into him again. "As minions." he stated. "Still not giving you up."
"Even should we choose to flee?" Ren asked, and a couple tears appeared on Jaune's cheeks.
"If you wanted to go."
"Oh, shit, he's crying." Yang said. Ren wanted to say something, but tears were flowing down his cheeks.
"We mean that much to you?" Nora asked between sniffles.
"Of course you do." Jaune stated. He groaned as he sat up. This time Yang tried to help him up before hugging him from behind again. "You know what? I REALLY didn't want a noble house and whatnot, but now that I've got a home for us all to stay in, I'm not giving it up."
"Even naked butt?" Yang asked him, causing Jaune to look at her.
"Knowing she's stalking me," he said, "is comforting."
Ilia momentarily lost control of her camouflage, changing between pinks, reds, and whites, before returning to her normal colouration.
"And Little Bit?" Yang asked.
Jaune tried to lay back down, and once again Yang helped him.
"Imagine us bumbling around to do what she does?" Jaune asked.
"Weiss could do it!" Ruby eagerly said.
"All of it?" Blake asked.
"Okay, maybe?.." Ruby asked.
"I am nearly useless in the ktichen." Weiss stated.
"Nearly?" Blake said as she slipped up behind her, wrapping her arm around her waist.
"I have... learned... to be of some use..." Weiss said with quiet giddiness.
"She always makes really good coffee." Yang stated.
"Indeed." Weiss asserted.
"Aurora is a minion worth dying for." Jaune stated.
"What about us?" Nora asked.
"Of course you guys are."
"And myself, Friend-Jaune?" Penthesilea asked. Jaune lifted his head up to look at her, before dropping it back down.
"Penthesi... y..." Ruby voiced, "Is a minion?"
"Isn't it awkward?" Nora asked Yang, "to do that with a guy with antlers?"
"You're just jealous." Yang replied.
"You apparently don't know how limber Ren is." Nora replied.
"I don't know, why not?" Jaune asked, "Does Penthesilea want to be a minion? I mean, at this point, we might as well build an army."
"I had not considered this?" Penthesilea asked, "But I did wish to fight alongside my friends."
"We can talk about this after Jaune-dear has had a chance to recover." Weiss stated.
"You just want him all to yourself." Yang said from the bed, causing Weiss to scoff.
"Perhaps?" Weiss asked.
"Why don't we leave Freezerburn as bed warmers?" Blake asked.
"But?" Ruby exclaimed, and Blake turned towards her.
"We can have our turn later."
"Oh, right." Ruby replied.
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lady-of-the-lotus · 3 years
Fractured Ice - Ch. 3/7
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Xue Yang whisks a solipsistic Lan Xichen off on a murder roadtrip to raise Xiao Xingchen and Meng Yao from the grave. Because that will solve all of their problems, right?
Your hand,” he says. He can’t think straight, but that much he knows to say. “Show me your hand, and I’ll tell you what he said.”
There’s no hesitation in the imposter’s movements. He unwinds the bandages, drops them to the floor, and eyes the naked clan leader evenly.
A black glove. The glove is distinctively fingerless save for the cloth-covered little finger, which sticks up stiffly.
 “...Xue Yang.”
XueXiao & XiYao - Rated M
Read on AO3!  Tumblr: Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 4
Ch. 3: shadows and monsters    
Lan Xichen doesn’t know how long he’s been sitting there, staring at the guqin, before Xiao Xingchen—
No. Not Xiao Xingchen.
—before the liar—the fraud—the imposter speaks.
“Well?” The imposter’s face is white, voice strained, eyes hot, but he’s sitting very, very still. “What did he say?”
That’s the last thing Lan Xichen is certain of for a while. Those words: What did he say? ringing in his ears, the desperation in the imposter’s eyes, and then, abruptly, icy-cold water on his skin, frigid water flowing around him, as he kneels naked in the stream outside.
The crane is nowhere to be seen, but Xiao—the imposter is on the bank. Sitting on a rock, as if he’s been there for a long time.
“Come on out, Zewu-jun,” he says coaxingly, as if he’s trying to lure a cat off a roof. Lan Xichen’s clothes are draped over his arm and there’s a blanket on his lap. “Let’s talk.”
Lan Xichen doesn’t remember crawling out of the stream any more than he remembers entering it, but he must have, because suddenly he’s being wrapped in the blanket and bundled back into the house.
The imposter sets the clothes down on a chair in Lan Xichen’s old bedroom and stands beside the bed.
“What did he say?” he asks. “He’s in there, isn’t he? I knew he was! I knew he wasn’t gone—”
Lan Xichen barely hears him. He’s almost completely numb, either from the icy stream or shock, but he’s almost certain he’s floating above the bed.
He tilts his head towards the imposter.
“Your hand,” he says. He can’t think straight, but that much he knows to say. “Show me your hand, and I’ll tell you what he said.”
There’s no hesitation in the imposter’s movements. He unwinds the bandages, drops them to the floor, and eyes the naked clan leader evenly.
A black glove. The glove is distinctively fingerless save for the cloth-covered little finger, which sticks up stiffly.
“...Xue Yang.”
The words hang in the air between them, blazing with the full heat of the betrayal, but Xue Yang doesn’t so much as blink.
Instead he claps slowly, grinning as if he’s enjoying himself. “Excellent detective work, Zewu-jun. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, tell me, what did he say?”
“Xue Yang,” Lan Xichen repeats. He’s not sure what he expected, but it was not this. He struggles to put names and events together, find some explanation, but his mind is a throbbing blank. “Xue Yang.”
There’s a knife in Xue Yang’s hand. He’s still grinning, but it’s a grin full of fangs. “Tell me what he said,” he says, “and I won’t slice your face off.”
Lan Xichen hears someone laughing, realizes it’s him, but he can’t stop. He’s overwhelmed with it, suffused with it, completely awash with amusement, laughter gushing through him and clawing its way out through his throat.
And then Xue Yang is laughing too, his knife back wherever it came from, his shoulders shaking with mirth.
It’s a long time before either of them get themselves under control. Lan Xichen feels warm despite the wet hair sticking to his bare shoulders. That old swelling, growing feeling is back in his chest, and he could swear that he’s glowing in the dimness.
“Nothing matters,” he informs Xue Yang. The monster has brought the chair over beside the bed and is sitting on Lan Xichen’s robes, feet up on the bed. “Nothing at all.”
“I guess not,” says Xue Yang. He tilts his head at Lan Xichen. “And, as that’s the case, maybe you can tell me what he said?”
“ ‘Xiao Xingchen.’ ”
Xue Yang closes his eyes in a kind of ecstasy. “He said that?”
“His name would be impossible to confuse with any other words.”
A shudder passes through Xue Yang. “I knew he was still in there,” he says. “I knew it—” He opens his eyes. “I did it,” he says. “ I brought him back, I nursed his spirit—”
Lan Xichen wants to ask him about how Xiao Xingchen ended up in the bag. Not for any real reason. Just base curiosity. It doesn’t matter, after all. He had been right, after all, no matter what Lan Qiren had tried to convince him of. The world is all shadows, all shades, all layers upon layers of curtains and veils.
It can wait.
“My brother didn’t recognize you,” he says.
Xue Yang points to his face. His voice is steady, but his hand trembles slightly. “Face-mirroring talisman. Itchy, but it comes in handy. I didn’t stick around long, though.”
Another layer, another curtain. Lan Xichen is glad of it. More proof that nothing is real, that nothing matters, that he can finally let go.
“Let me see your true face.”
He expects an argument, but Xue Yang just sighs and grips the side of his face. Tugs, peels off his skin. Drops the mask into the pitcher of water he’s set beside the bed and turns to Lan Xichen.
“A bit of a downgrade,” he says, rubbing at the skin around his jaw and temples, “but I haven’t gotten many complaints.”
He’s quite good-looking, actually, in a jarringly youthful, innocent way. Far different from the elegant beauty of the mask. Softer, with no sharp angles anywhere on him, and a well-formed nose. A surprise. Lan Xichen had never actually met him despite Xue Yang’s years as a Jin Clan guest disciple, but the idea of him as a grotesque monster has been fixed in his mind since his slaughter ( supposed slaughter, reminds himself) of the Chang Clan. His voice is lighter than before, almost flippant, with nothing of the genteel tones he’d used to impersonate Xiao Xingchen.
“And underneath?” Lan Xichen asks.
Xue Yang raises an eyebrow. “Underneath?”
Lan Xichen leaves it alone. He’ll peel off the next layer when he’s ready, shed his skin, reveal another level of reality.
“Xue Yang was always described to me as a madman,” Lan Xichen says. “But you…”
“By a group of self-righteous fucks who met me for five minutes as an adolescent?” Xue Yang grins. The half-feral grin feels more natural when coupled with this face, deceivingly innocent as it is, as does the intensity of his eyes and foul language. “Perhaps they were right. Perhaps they were wrong. Does that really matter to Zewu-jun?”
Lan Xichen doesn’t respond. It’s true, Wangji and Wei Wuxian had only met Xue Yang for the few days it took to travel to the Unclean Realm, and Nie Mingjue had only interrogated Xue Yang once.
All three had been unanimous in their verdict that Xue Yang was not right in the head. A sadistic monster with no true emotion, an animal who killed for pleasure instead of necessity.
A-Yao, though…
Jin Guangshan had pushed A-Yao to take a special interest in the young man after all the hoopla over the Chang Clan massacre, and A-Yao had dropped a few words to him about Xue Yang over the years, mostly in response to Nie Mingjue’s tantrums over Xue Yang’s death sentence having been commuted to life imprisonment.
He can hear A-Yao’s voice in his head as if it were yesterday.
“Xue Yang is not a madman,” he had told Lan Xichen during one of their late-night talks. A-Yao had been lounging in his most casual robes, the collar open, belt loosely tied. “He has violent tendencies, yes, and I can see why the false rumors were spread about him. He is often quite rude—” being rude, going by A-Yao’s tone, was a worse trait than any potential for sociopathy “—but he is deceptively clever, hard-working, and brimming with raw talent. The Jin Clan needs more disciples like him.”
And a different time: “If only he had been instructed from childhood, he would have been one of the greats by now.” And then, as if rethinking that, “Or perhaps not. He sits outside of everything. Sometimes I think that is his greatest strength.”
There had been a sense of envy in the way A-Yao spoke the words “outside of everything.” A-Yao, who had spent his entire life doing everything in his power to get on the inside, to climb to the top of the pyramid.
Lan Xichen hadn’t understood it then.
He did now.
He looks at Xue Yang. The delinquent cultivator is sitting with one arm dangling indolently over the side of his chair, his feet still up on the bed frame, not even trying to hide his smile. He’s staring at the ceiling as if counting something invisible up there, twirling his hair with his good hand.
Rule 8: Do not sit with a disgraceful pose.
Xue Yang gives a cheery little wave when he notices Lan Xichen’s attention. Despite everything, the young man looks so—so innocent —
A-Yao had been certain that Xue Yang had not been responsible for the Chang Clan massacre.
Perhaps he had been right, despite what Nie Mingjue had very emphatically believed.
Lan Xichen should ask Xue Yang about it.
He knows he should.
Demand a full account of the slaughter—
But, “Were you flirting with me before?” he hears himself asking instead. He doesn’t think he’s ever spoken that ridiculous, adolescent word out loud, but it’s the only one he can think of that fits.
Xue Yang starts. “What?”
Lan Xichen is thinking of A-Yao’s half-open robes. A-Yao had never so much as made a move—chaste as his marriage was, he’d valued his vows and Qin Su too much to betray them like that—but during their time living together in cramped inns before the Sunshot Campaign, there had been little privacy, and he had not been above an occasional open robe, the occasional outfit change in front of Lan Xichen out of necessity, the occasional soft look when he thought Lan Xichen wasn’t looking, and after his marriage he hadn’t bothered breaking himself of those habits during their late-night talks.
Things Lan Xichen had always dismissed. A-Yao, he knew, had an almost obsessive dread of anyone associating him with his mother’s profession in any way. Had never said anything that could be taken the wrong way, be it to a man or a woman. Dressed neatly and simply. Never indulged in off-color jokes or humor, avoided so much as traveling through the low parts of town, had always been uncomfortable when certain topics came up.
But if he’s right about Xue Yang, perhaps his judgment isn’t so far off after all, and if so, that might mean that A-Yao—
“Before,” he explains. “Because I can’t always tell.”
Xue Yang laughs. His knife is back in his hand, but there’s no threat there anymore. He seems to like fidgeting with things—the knife, his hair, that leaf. He tosses the blade idly into the air, catching it deftly.
“Honestly, I didn’t think you’d say no to a pretty young man,” he admits.
“You were trying to…” Lan Xichen forces his tongue to form the words, uncomfortable as they feel in his mouth “… seduce me into helping you?”
Xue Yang shrugs. “I’ve done far worse trying to get him back than fuck another man.”
So Lan Xichen’s paranoia was justified, for once, but instead of this knowledge grounding him, it all strikes him as the funniest thing he’s ever heard. That Xue Yang should think infidelity is the issue here. That Xue Yang should have zero shame about it when all Lan Xichen has ever felt about anything that deviated slightly from the straight and narrow has been shame.
It’s all just so—so funny .
He shakes with silent laughter beneath his damp blanket, laughs until tears drip from his chin, till his ribs ache and throat is sore.
“What now?” he asks when the fit has subsided. Xue Yang is still tossing the knife up and down, patiently waiting for him to come back to himself. “What was your plan, exactly?”
Xue Yang straightens up. “You’re going to help me?”
“Of course not. But I’m curious.” Saying this out loud feels indescribably…luxurious is the wrong word, but it’s the one that comes to mind. Curiosity for curiosity’s sake has always been frowned upon in the Cloud Recesses. There is no single rule against it, but it violates a cross-section of rules ranging from admonishments to mind one’s own business to rules forbidding idle speculation.
Xue Yang is staring at his bandaged hand. “I was going to tell you that I know for a fact that there’s a ritual for bringing someone back to life in that forbidden library of yours, and, in exchange for you helping me bring back Xiao Xingchen, I would do everything in my power to help you bring back Jin Guangyao despite the fact that the little weasel did his best to murder me.”
“Execute you.”
Xue Yang shrugs. “Murder, execute, same thing.”
“What could you do?”
Xue Yang looks up from his hand. “Everything you aren’t willing to.”
“Get out.”
“Get the hell out.”
Xue Yang reaches into his qiankun sleeve, pulls out a second spirit-trapping pouch, and sets it on the table.
“For your friend,” he says, and leaves.
* * * * *
Lan Xichen stares at the small brown pouch for a long time after Xue Yang leaves.
It stares back at him.
He gets out of bed, blanket pulled tightly around his naked body, and begins to pace the room, pouch in hand, rubbing his cheek on the soft material.
He feels—feels—feels surprisingly good , actually.
Nothing is real. Nothing matters.
And if nothing matters, if nothing is real, then A-Yao’s crimes don’t matter, his crimes aren’t real. All that’s real is the fact that A-Yao is trapped forever in a coffin with a vindictive spirit, stranded in limbo, never to ascend to the afterlife.
A-Yao. His A-Yao.
Nothing’s real, nothing matters.
Nothing but the fact that he wants him back.
Nothing’s real, nothing matters.
Nothing but the fact that the thought of A-Yao makes him happy. That emotion is real. Nothing around him is real, but the feelings inside him are, and right now the thought of A-Yao standing before him again makes his chest swell with warmth, makes him feel like he can jump swordless off the roof and soar, swoop through the air, glide over the treetops and fill his lungs with starlight.
Perhaps he has spent the night flying, soaring above it all. It’s almost morning when he returns fully to himself, standing naked in his mother’s courtyard, inhaling the moonlight, A-Yao’s spirit-trapping pouch still in his hand.
He throws his clothes on and hurries to Xue Yang’s room, yanking the door open so hard he rips the lock off.
Shocked awake, Xue Yang shoots upright, snatching the ornate knife resting on the bed frame. Shuanghua’s frosted white hilt peeks up from under the covers.
“Oh, it’s just you,” he says, breathing hard. He’s still gripping the knife, as if trying to ground himself with the feel of the cold metal on his skin and reassuring weight in his hand. “I almost bit my tongue off!”
“The library,” Lan Xichen says. “Now.”
Xue Yang bites his lip so hard he draws blood.
* * * * *
They spend all morning in the library. All day. All night.
All week.
“You said you knew for a fact that there’s a way to bring them back,” Lan Xichen says on the eighth day. “How do you know this?”
They’re sitting in the main library, eating a very late supper. Eating is forbidden in the library, but nobody dared refuse the Clan Leader’s orders.
Daily Tally:
Rule 40: Speaking during mealtimes is forbidden
Rule 43: Eating is prohibited inside the library
Rule 44: Eating is forbidden outside mealtimes
Rule 528: Do not conceal your intentions
Rule 2,007: Abuse not your authority
Rule 1,959: Reject the crooked road
And, of course, Rule 52: Do not befriend the evil , and the fifty-odd rules relating to demonic cultivation.
Xue Yang looks up from the honey-fried dumplings Lan Xichen specially ordered for him. Nobody has ever looked less evil. His mask is off, resting in a bowl of water beside him, and he looks like a sixteen-year-old who had led a particularly blameless life, albeit a particularly blameless life that’s kept him from getting enough sleep. “Did I say that?”
Xue Yang eats a few dumplings before answering. His table manners were better when he was pretending to be Xiao Xingchen. Lan Xichen wonders if he’s intentionally trying to provoke him by keeping his elbows on the table. If so, he’s failed. If anything, Lan Xichen finds the delinquent cultivator—the madman—the monster—fascinating. He’s so utterly different from anyone Lan Xichen has ever known.
He wonders how A-Yao got on with Xue Yang, his mirror opposite. Much as he’s always tried to suppress it, Lan Xichen has always had a taste for the absurd, and he regrets that he never got to witness them interacting.
Well, if all goes well, he’ll have that opportunity soon enough.
“I must have been talking about that thing I saw once,” Xue Yang shrugs finally, licking honey from his lips.
Lan Xichen resists the urge to remind him of Rule 23, Speak clearly . It’s hard to shake decades of being trained to think a certain way, to see rule infractions in every innocuous interaction. “What ‘thing’?”
“A page from a book originating here in this library. It discussed a ritual, but didn’t have all of the details.”
“Do you have the page?”
“It was destroyed in a fire, my luck.”
“What book was it from?”
“I don’t know. It was torn out. I’ve been looking for a book with a torn page.”
“And you didn’t think to tell me sooner?”
Xue Yang shrugs again. “Then you’d only be looking for a torn book instead of looking for potential alternatives. For example, at first I thought we could find the location of Baoshan Sanren’s mountain somewhere in the books, though it’s become clear that that’s impossible. No sense in closing off other potential avenues.”
Lan Xichen rises with a sigh. “Put your face back on. We’re leaving.”
Wrinkling his nose, Xue Yang replaces his face and follows Lan Xichen from the library to his chambers.
“Is this what you’re looking for?” Lan Xichen pulls an elegantly-carved blue chest from under his bed. Inside are bundles of books, scrolls, and wooden slips. Each has a portion missing, a page torn out, a section mysteriously shortened.
“Intellectual mice?”
Lan Xichen doesn’t respond. Xue Yang doesn’t need to know that he spent days going through the forbidden pavilion after Guanyin Temple, removing everything A-Yao had gotten to.
He seats himself at his table while Xue Yang goes through the chest. Touching the same books that A-Yao touched is too much right now.
He’s glad he hadn’t put A-Yao’s hat in the same box.
Xue Yang talks non-stop as he rifles through the chest. “…Not many cookbooks vandalized, I’ll guess. The food at Koi Tower was always good. Too oily though. Hell on your stomach, but no need to steal recipes from the Lan, of all people—Ah. Here it is.” Grinning, he holds up an ancient-looking book with unraveling binding and no title. “Let’s take a look, shall we?” He sets it on the low table and kneels across from Lan Xichen.
But Lan Xichen rises, still unwilling to touch the book. “You read it,” he says, crossing the room standing in the door, looking out over the silent Family Courtyard. The shadows are deep, the moon hidden behind mist, the world utterly still.
He wonders if the crane is back in the stream.
Humming to himself, Xue Yang reviews the book, pulls a few others out from the chest, starts copying sections out using Lan Xichen’s calligraphy set.
Eventually Lan Xichen takes out Liebing and begins to play. The music soothes his nerves, quiets the anxious thoughts starting to buzz though his brain: the fear of being so close to bringing A-Yao back, of not being close of enough, of what if this is all a farce, what if what Xue Yang found is nothing, after all—
“Here.” Xue Yang is beside him, papers in hand. “Want to take a look?”
Lan Xichen puts his flute away. “No. Just tell me what my role in all this is.”
Xue Yang grins, tucking the pages away in his qiankun sleeve. “Traveling expenses, mostly. Unless we fly—”
“No flying unless necessary.” Lan Xichen is relieved Xue Yang agrees on this point. He doesn’t want his dreams bleeding into whatever this all is. Not exactly reality, but not exactly not reality. “I’ll make the preparations. Where are we going?”
“The Unclean Realm. We need to extract his spirit from the sarcophagus before we can do anything else. Yes, we’re starting with that dimpled little freak. I figure he’s smart, he can help us with my half—”
Lan Xichen barely hears him. “I’m not going to Qinghe.”
“Clan Leader Nie has the coffin.”
“I refuse to so much as speak to that—that—” Words fail him. It’s not like he doesn’t know any appropriate curse words, but none come close to expressing the hatred he feels at the mere thought of Nie Huaisang.
Nie Huaisang, lying to his face. Nie Huaisang, picking up A-Yao’s hat without a trace of emotion. Brushing the dust off. Looking at the blood on his hand.
A-Yao’s blood.
“That twat-nosed little fucker,” Xue Yang suggests, though he can’t possibly understand why Lan Xichen feels the way he does.
“That—” Fucker .
“Fucker,” Xue Yang says encouragingly.
Lan Xichen shakes his head.
Xue Yang pats his arm, far too familiarly. “I’ll do all the talking to that half-witted little fucktoad, my friend. You just try not to trip and accidentally-on-purpose impale anyone on your hairpiece.”
Lan Xichen’s jaw tightens. “The mere idea of being in the same room as him makes me want to peel my own skin off.”
“Like this?” Heedless of the fact that he’s in full view of anyone strolling through the courtyard, Xue Yang tugs off his mask, laughing.
Lan Xichen slides the door shut. “Put your face back on, please, and please leave.”
Instead Xue Yang clicks his tongue and follows him back to the table. He sits on the corner, tapping his knee with his knife as Lan Xichen sets the table right, straightening the papers and brush set and wiping up the ink splatters. The table is lacquered to prevent permanent stains, and he ought to just wait until a servant comes to clean in the morning, but he can’t abide messes.
“What were you planning for the journey?” Xue Yang asks Lan Xichen as he tidies. “Full procession, servants, half-dozen outfit changes, increasingly ridiculous hairpieces, inns fit for an emperor—”
He doesn’t typically travel with a full procession, but the rest of it is fair. “What other way is there?”
Xue Yang smiles. “Leave it to me.”
Up Next: Lan Xichen + Xue Yang road trip.
Or: An innkeeper may or may not meet an untimely end, depending on your interpretation of, “Of course I didn’t kill him. Not even a little.”
Chapter 4
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bowsie22 · 3 years
Pingxie Collection 4
Summary: There was something wrong with Wu Xie.
It started small, barely noticeable. A forgotten date, pricing an antique wrong. Then Wu Xie started making bigger mistakes. Confusing tombs, forgetting Xiaoge’s favourite meal. Pangzi was worried. Was Wu Xie sick? Had he touched something in the last tomb? Was he just messing with them? Pangzi swore that if this was some stupid joke or prank, he was going to destroy Wu Xie’s extensive cardigan collection.
Thankfully he wasn’t the only one to notice. Xiaoge was suspicious too. And he was a bit more proactive about investigating it, following Wu Xie whenever he left Wushanju and looking through his phone and computer. When Pangzi mentioned the invasion of privacy, Xiaoge responded that he’d apologise when they finally figured out what was going on. And more importantly, why Wu Xie hadn’t confided in them.
After two weeks of this, Pangzi and Xiaoge made the decision to search Wu Xie’s office. It was the only room in Wushanju that Wu Xie had completely to himself, sharing the living spaces with the other two and a bedroom with Xiaoge.
The door closed behind Wu Xie, but the two waited for a few minutes. It wasn’t unusual for Wu Xie to forget something and have to rush back in to grab it. Five minutes later they walked into his office which looked like a bomb had hit it. Avoiding a stack of papers waist high, Pangzi winced. “Does he not have a filing system? A way to organise these things? I can see why Wang Meng avoids this place.” Looking through all this junk wouldn’t be easy.
Half an hour later and they still hadn’t found anything of use. Financial records, maps, historical records, books, Pangzi had found them all and then some. But nothing suspicious. Collapsing into the chair behind the desk, Pangzi sighed. He had hoped that they would find some answer in here. Watching Xiaoge flick through a stack of papers, he knew he wasn’t the only one. He leaned back, concentrating on the ceiling, not expecting to find anything. But directly above his head, there it was. A barely noticeable gap between one ceiling tile and the next. Scrambling onto the desk, Pangzi reached up, shoving the tile aside and reaching into gap. Fingers gripping something, Pangzi tugged it towards himself. A box, bit cliché but it was something. Pangzi would accept anything at this point.
Handing the box to Xiaoge, Pangzi watched as the older man opened it, his face becoming somehow paler. “What is it? Oh god, is it his nudes?” Turning the box around, Xiaoge held it up for his friend to see. “Well, that complicates things, doesn’t it?”
“A dinner party?” Pangzi nodded, concentrating more on the food cooking in front of him than Wu Xie standing behind him. “You couldn’t have told me this before?” Dropping the spoon, Pangzi turned to face his friend, aware of Xiaoge dropping his knife and doing the same. “Wu Xie, we planned this last month, remember? Huaye and Heiye have been visiting Huaye’s shipping facilities around China. We thought they might like a nice dinner to welcome them home.”
Wu Xie stared at the floor for a second too long. He looked up, smiling brightly at his friends. “Of course, I’m such an idiot! How could I forget something like this? Well, I doubt you want my help in the kitchen. I’ll go get the table ready.” Listening to footsteps fade, Pangzi turned back to his cooking, Xiaoge returning to his vegetables at the same time. “Xiaoge, is everything ready for tonight?” Xiaoge nodded, eyes on the chopping board. Tonight was going to be interesting.
Surprising no one, the meal was delicious. Collecting the plates, Pangzi winked at Heiye, who stood up, pouring wine in everyone’s glass. “A toast! To say thank you to our generous hosts.” He tipped his glass to Xiaoge who sat with arm on the back of Wu Xie’s chair, a soft hand stroking down the younger’s back. Tipping his glass back, Wu Xie took a deep drink, realising too late that he was the only one who had. As his friends watched, Wu Xie slumped unconscious, face first onto the table.
Struggling to open his eyes, Wu Xie winced as he felt rope rub against his wrists and ankles. Looking down at his body, he realised that he was tied to a chair in the middle of Wushanju’s back courtyard. “Guys, this isn’t funny! Untie me, let me go!” He was quickly surrounded by the group, Heiye standing behind him, Pangzi and Xie Yuchen on either side and Xiaoge in front of him. Turning his doe eyes towards his boyfriend, Wu Xie pouted. “Xiaoge, what are you doing? What is going on?” Pangzi threw something at the younger man’s feet. “You know what, we were just about to ask you the same question.”
Zhang Haike swore as he saw his two face masks at his feet. Looking up, he froze at the coldness in Xiaoge’s eyes. Heiye leaned in to whisper in his ear, “The only reason Yaba Zhang isn’t killing you right now is because you know where Wu Xie is. Be smart about this Zhang Haike and tell us where he is.” Never let it be said that Zhang Haike wasn’t a smart man. He knew that he couldn’t fight his way out of this, not with Heiye and Xiaoge there. Not one of the men surrounding him would hesitate to kill him if it meant Wu Xie’s safety. “Cox has him. He thinks that Wu Xie’s blood is the key to his experiments. We sent a message pretending to be Xie Yuchen who needed help and the little idiot came running. I’d been studying his behaviours for a while now, so it made sense for me to replace him. I can bring you to where he is provided I get to live.”
After a quick discussion, Pangzi went to get the car while Heiye and Xiao Hua went to Wushanju to gather up some weapons. Xiaoge stayed behind, keeping watch over his old friend. The two stared at each other, Zhang Haike trying to see any fondness or softness that might be left. Xiaoge looked back at him, emotionless. “Why? Why did you do this? Why take him from me?” Zhang Haike couldn’t help but laugh, a horrible, bitter sound. “Why? Why? Are you serious? You are the Zhang family patriarch and you spend your time following that little idiot into tombs. You are at his beck and call constantly! You are wasting your blood on keeping him alive-“ Xiaoge’s sword flew through the air, resting against his throat. Swallowing, Zhang Haike felt blood trickle down his neck. Finally, some emotion from his old friend. Rage was better than indifference. “I follow him because I love him, I’m in love with him. Because he is the most important person in the world to me. If I don’t have him, I have nothing, there is nothing to keep me here. And I know that he feels the same way.”
Sheathing his sword, Xiaoge bent to untie Zhang Haike. “If I see you again, if you ever dare to wear his face again, I will kill you. There will be no hesitation, no mercy, you will die.” Zhang Haike stood, stumbling as blood flowed to his feet. Following his patriarch to the car where three heavily armed men waited for them, Zhang Haike realised that he may have made a mistake with this.
Saving Wu Xie had been surprisingly easy. There weren’t many guards in the building and Zhang Haike’s key got them to the main lab with no problems. Once the scientists saw the armed men, they ran, valuing their lives more than their work apparently. Wu Xie lay in a bed in the main lab. One arm had a needle that removed blood every half hour, his other arm an IV that was giving him nutrients. According to Zhang Haike, Wu Xie was kept sedated. He was easier to handle like that. Xiao Hua went through the computers, copying anything useful onto a hard drive, deleting everything when he was done. Heiye and Pangzi laid charges around the room, leaving enough time for the group to get out. Xiaoge removed the needles from Wu Xie’s arms, lifting the young man into his arms.
Pangzi and Xiao Hua settled Wu Xie into the car as Heiye kept watch. Xiaoge stood with Zhang Haike, watching his friends work. “Remember what I said Zhang Haike, I don’t want to see you again.” With a final look at his childhood friend, Xiaoge climbed into the car beside Wu Xie, pulling the other’s head to rest on his shoulder. His friend had made his choices and so had Xiaoge. There was never a moment of doubt, Xiaoge knew his choice had been the right one.
Once he woke up, Wu Xie showered, ate and collapsed onto the living room couch, pulling Xiaoge down with him. After some manoeuvring, Xiaoge lay on his back, Wu Xie lying on top of him, head resting on his chest. It was his favourite way to lie on the couch. He claimed that hearing Xiaoge’s heartbeat always relaxed him. Xiao Hua and Heiye settled themselves onto the love seat while Pangzi took the armchair. They sat in silence, knowing that Wu Xie would speak when he was ready to.
“I was unconscious for most of it. They woke me up for a few minutes every day. Not sure what they did with my blood. I think they made some serums or something? Ah Ning stopped them from injecting me with them. They injected some mice though. And then the mice melted, so thank God for Ah Ning. And yes Pangzi, I know we need to have another conversation about me rushing off by myself and being stupid.” Pangzi nodded, satisfied smile on his face. He was proud of Wu Xie knowing that he had made a mistake. Look at his little Tianzhen growing up. The group sat in the living room for another few hours, wanting to spend some time with their friend and knowing that Wu Xie always needed to be surrounded by the people he loved at times like these.
Pangzi was the first to move, dragging himself to his feet. Before leaving the room, he ruffled Wu Xie’s hair, laughing at the annoyed shout. Heiye and Xiao Hua followed him, Heiye also going for the hair, Xiao Hua leaning down to press a soft kiss to the now messy hair. “We love you Wu Xie.” Wu Xie sat up to pull his oldest friend into a tight hug. “Love you too Xiao Hua.”
Finally. Xiaoge got to tuck Wu Xie into their bed. Climbing in behind him, he pulled Wu Xie close, smiling as the younger man pressed a kiss to the other’s clavicle as he did every night. “I know I say this every time, but thank you for coming for me, especially considering what you lost to get me back.” Xiaoge took a minute to respond, hand running through Wu Xie’s hair, slowly lulling the man to sleep. “Wu Xie, I love you. I’ll always come for you, no matter what. And Zhang Haike isn’t as important as you. I can lose anything and anyone in this world except you.” Looking down he realised that Wu Xie had fallen asleep. Well, it wasn’t like Wu Xie didn’t know that Xiaoge loved him. Xiaoge would just have to happily spend the rest of their lives reminding him of that fact.
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jj-lives · 4 years
Overgrown Inktober - Bmblb
The pale orange glow peeking through the closed curtains told Blake it was too early for her to be awake. Yang still slept peacefully beside her, as she had the morning before when Blake stared at the ceiling for hours. She tried to fall back to sleep, even gently curling into Yang’s side, which normally had her passing out in minutes, could not turn off the thoughts swimming in her mind. It shouldn’t matter who Yang was back in highschool. It shouldn’t matter that the picture Blake had in her head wasn’t correct. Yang told her once she didn’t have many friends growing up. She’d told her Pyrrha was her first friend. But that wasn’t true. The group they’d run into two days before proved that.
Blake was upset but she couldn’t decide if it was because Yang had been dishonest with her or that the picture of the two of them being kindred spirits was washed away at the knowledge. She’d seen Yang as her equal. Her partner. Her… soulmate. But those things were in part based on the knowledge they’d both been lonely and slightly lost before they’d found each other.
She knew it was stupid. Taking a moment to watch Yang sleep frustrated her more. She didn’t love Yang any less. How could she? She was still the same loving, beautiful, always-put-others-before-herself self. It wasn’t possible for Blake to love Yang any less when each day she woke up next to her, and each night she fell asleep wrapped in the other’s arms, she fell more and more hopelessly in love.
Giving up on sleep and feeling restless Blake slipped out of bed before she woke Yang with her tossing. She didn’t want to answer the questions Yang would ask at her being up so early. She didn’t want Yang seeing this petty side of her that was upset she’d had a happier, more friend-filled, childhood than her own.
Making her way quietly to the kitchen downstairs she thought a cup of tea might calm her. She knew she needed to figure out a way to put these thoughts behind her. It shouldn’t matter. And maybe that’s why she was so worked up about it all. She knew she was acting irrationally, and she wasn’t used to that.
This wasn’t her.
The kettle just came to a boil when Tai walked into the kitchen.
“Oh, you’re up early today.”
“Couldn’t sleep.” Blake simply replied. “Would you like some tea?”
“That would be great, thanks.”
She poured the boiling water in a teapot before carrying it and two cups to the table where Tai had settled. They sat in silence waiting for the tea to steep, but as she poured them both a cup Tai finally broke the silence.
“Any reason you couldn’t sleep?”
“Not really.”
She knew he meant well but she really didn’t think talking to Yang’s dad about their relationship was a good idea. Especially since she’d only met the man not even a week ago. This was something he probably wouldn't understand. The fact she didn't quite understand proved that. If she couldn't figure out her own mind how was a stranger supposed to help her?
“Yang wasn’t snoring was she?” Tai took a sip from the cup Blake slid over to him. “She used to wake Ruby and I all the time.”
“Really?” Blake asked, amused. If only it was that simple. “She’s not that bad now.”
“That’s good to hear. I take you as kind to be dangerous with little sleep.”
Blake laughed.
“Hardly. Though, I wonder why you approached me this morning if you thought I’d be dangerous.”
“I like to live a little on the wild side.” He sent a teasing wink Blake’s direction.
“So that’s where Yang gets it from.”
“She sure does come off as a thrill seeker, that’s for sure.” Finishing the last of his tea he seemed to be observing Blake. She wasn’t sure why and it was starting to unnerve her. “I was about to head out to do some gardening. Would you like to join me?”
“Don’t tell me my daughter brought home a princess scared to get a little dirt under her fingernails?”
“Hey!” Indignant was an understatement. The last thing anyone would call her was a princess. “I think you’re getting your daughter’s girlfriends confused.” The quirk of his lip told Blake she’d played right into his hand. He’d meant to force a reaction from her. But two could play at that game. “I’ll join you, however. I wouldn’t want you injuring yourself in your confusion, Old man.”
Tai threw his head back and roared.
“Oh I knew you couldn’t be only the meek and quiet girl that turned up on my doorstep a few days ago. There had to have been some attitude hidden away to have Yang falling so hard.”
Blake knew she was blushing.
“Come on then. Let’s get to work.” Tai stood. “Do you want to change first?”
Shaking her head Blake carried their cups to the sink. “I wouldn’t want to wake Yang. I’ll change once she gets up. Besides it’s warm out.”
Following him to the shed outside he threw her a spare pair of gloves before leading her to the flowerbed on the side of the house.
“You know what are weeds, right?”
Kneeling on one side Blake nodded again.
Tai shook his head. “You are a woman of few words, Blake.”
“Hmmm,” she hummed in reply. “I think it sometimes infuriates your daughter.”
They worked in silence side by side for about an hour before Tai’s voice interrupted her thoughts. She was glad for the distraction as the monotony of her task was allowing her mind to wander to unpleasant thoughts again.
“You aren’t picking these annoying beasts.” He pointed out pulling a spindly light green plant from its spot next to a half bloomed tulip. “They are impossible to get rid of.”
“Get rid of?” Blake looked back at the patch she’d cleared. “I’d agree. But they are pretty easy to manage and you want to keep some around. They naturally deter pests and their scent drives away mosquitoes as well.”
“Hmm,” Tai looked at the plant with less distaste. “You really know your plants, huh?”
“My mother has a large garden and I grew up helping her manage it.” Shrugging her shoulder she threw another weed into her growing pile. “I also read a lot.”
“Oh, a scholar.” Tai laughed. “Can’t believe my little social butterfly grew up and fell in love with a bookworm.” Shaking his head he went back to work.
“Yeah.” Blake roughly picked another weed, accidentally half uprooting a daisy behind it. “Ugh.”
She could feel Tai’s eyes on her as his hands stilled.
“I heard you ran into some of the old gang a few days ago.” He said quietly.
“Sure did.” Blake responded, packing the daisy’s roots back securely in the dirt. Hopefully it would continue to thrive and not wilt. “The Xiao Long Legend.” Blake paused, picking up a ladybug from a weed she was currently wanting to get rid of. She placed it on the petal of one of the tulips in an area she’d already cleared. “That’s what they called her.”
Tai chuckled at the old nickname.
“She sure was always surrounded by a lot of schoolmates.”
"Sure seems like she had an abundance of friends."
"You would not believe some of the stories I could tell you of how Yang always found herself at the center of some ordeal or another." Blake responded by doubling her efforts, moving over a foot and working at clearing the new section. "But that doesn't equate to the same thing as friendships."
Her hands stopped halfway through pulling a difficult, long-rooted weed from the middle of the patch.
"Some people protect themselves through silence and mystery. Some choose a different path."
"I don't understand." Blake was sure the silent mystery he mentioned was aimed at her but she wasn't sure where he was trying to lead their conversation.
"You, I would wager, cover up who you are with weeds and thorns."
"So others have to pick each prickly problem before they earn your trust and get to see the flower beneath that rough exterior.”
He motioned to the flower garden. Most had been picked clean from their continued ministrations. The colourful flowers once hidden by the quick growing wall of weeds now on display ready to flourish. But there was a small section still covered by a thick overgrowth that continued to block the light from reaching the life within.
“Tai. How-“
“But my eldest daughter. Ever the first to step forward with a hug or a smile. The one that lives to brighten everyone else’s day…” He paused, caressing a bright yellow marigold. “Well, like I said. Some hide in the shadows covered in thorns for protection. Others hide in plain sight, letting forced smiles and mock laughter distract others from finding out what truly lies beneath.”
“Blake.” Yang’s muffled call drifted to their ears followed by quickened heavy steps descending the stairs inside.
“You and her are more alike than you think. Both hiding behind a wall of overgrowth.” Tai smiled warmly. “Yang’s can be harder to see because it’s hidden well. But I would bet she shows you a side of herself she hasn’t shown many. I’d wager you know aspects of my daughter I don’t even get to see.”
Blake remembered the scared, frail girl that knocked on her door before spring break, terrified of losing her. The sad and lonely side that she showed her behind closed doors during finals. The frantic fear Yang failed to hold back the night of her apartment fire.
“I can finish out here.” Tai spoke, breaking her thoughts. “You should go find yang before she destroys all of Patch looking for you.”
Blake stood, dusting the dirt and grass from her knees.
“And Blake.”
To Blake, it looked like Tai was fighting back tears, but she couldn't fathom why.
“I would trade all the ridiculous stories of Yang’s youth and classmates to have had you come into her life sooner. And I’m positive Yang feels the same way.”
Blake smiled, understanding exactly what he meant. She felt the same about Yang and would give anything to have had more time with her. Brushing her hand along his shoulders in a silent action of comfort she made her way to the front of the small home. Yang stepped onto the porch with a worried expression.
All the doubt and negative emotions that were building the past two days washed away at the sight of her. Blake couldn’t understand why she’d been wasting time she could have been peacefully enjoying in her girlfriend's presence.
“Never again,” she promised.
“What was that?” Yang questioned.
Blake took the front steps two at a time and rushed to Yang’s side, wrapping her arms securely around Yang’s framed and burying her face in the crook of Yang’s neck. Blake breathed deep and hummed her approval.
Yang laughed, squeezing Blake just as tightly in return.
“What’s gotten you so clingy?”
“I’m just really happy.” Blake whispered, pulling back to place a soft kiss to Yang’s lips. As Yang pressed to deepen the kiss Blake spun out of her arms.
“Hey!” Yang’s disappointment was evident. “You’re such a tease.”
Blake laughed, grabbing Yang’s hand and pulled her into the house. Giddy was the closest word she knew to describe how she was feeling. She squeezed Yang’s hand her cursory three times as she dragged her through the lower level of the house.
“I need to shower and change clothes. While you were sleeping your father was putting me to work.”
Yang held tight to Blake’s hand as they made their way upstairs.
“Do I get to join you in this shower?”
A sharp pull spun Blake around. Yang stepped forward, trapping Blake against the closed bathroom door; their still entwined hands pinned to the wood just above Blake’s head. She sucked in a sharp breath before Yang stole the kiss she’d denied her on the porch. Blake melted and a moan escaped her as she returned the kiss.
“Is that a yes?” Yang queried as they pulled a part.
Blake groaned. Yang was the only one able to tempt her in these ways. Entwining the fingers of her free hand in the curls at the base of Yang’s neck she pulled her in for another sultry kiss. She was about to open the door and drag Yang in, accepting her earlier proposal when the open window at the end of the hall brought a whistled tune to her ears.
She pushed Yang roughly back, breathing hard she ran her hands through her hair lest they grab Yang in their desperate need to have her closer.
“Your dad is right outside.”
“We could be-“
“Quiet?” Blake shook her head. “I can’t Yang.”
Her disappointed groan amused Blake. The slumped figure against the opposite wall was something she pitied.
“But if you’re good for the next two days…” Blake spoke, opening the door behind her and half disappearing from Yang’s view. “I can arrange for Ruby to be gone for a few days when we get back home.”
“Deal.” Yang was quick to agree as Blake chuckled and closed the door, locking it for good measure.
God did she love that girl
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