#wait omg......................................................... when leo died he had with him or whatever
beannary · 9 months
Will we see tlp Donnie in his purple bandanna from the show? I know we have that one post Hamato but I could see that as his walking around the layer look and when he goes out the bandanna to match his sibling. ( convoluted rambling I apologize in advance) I could see some BS like Leo had a purple  phase and has a spar bandanna laying around. They have to go into the hidden city for something and BM is frantically searching for Donnie so to not get recognized they dress Donnie up like them and  guilt trip people into thinking there was four of them this hole time (Sorry for the ramble when I find new au I fixate on them)
Also before they met Donnie do they know there is another one of them like did splinter tell them and they’re just such idiots they couldn’t put it together. Or is splinter just going to walk in on them and the person that kidnapped and be like “ we need to talk” did splinter just assume Donnie was dead
Will Donnie not being there in they’re childhood affected the dynamic of the remaining three or will it be the same as the show?
Also last question i promise where is April.
Sorry again this was so long I love your au and can’t wait to see more!
omg dont apologize for this I absolutely adore rambles about my au!!!! other people sharing their thoughts and ideas makes me think about things that i normally wouldnt have thought about and also it makes me super happy that people are enjoying my story enough to be thinking about it
ok we will see tlp Donnie in a purple bandana at some point, but it won't be for a long time. The bandanas that Splinter gave his kids are you know like specifically for being ninjas, and are a sign of their growth and progress in their ninjitsu training. At this point in the story, Donnie isn't a ninja, and doesn't have any sort of training in fighting. Once he starts living with the Hamatos he will start doing some ninjitsu training and eventually Splinter will give him a purple bandana, but its not going to be something that he wears like everyday or all the time. Being a ninja isn't a core part of tlp Donnie's identity, so he will wear the bandana but only when he goes out on ninja missions or whatever with his siblings. I love that idea that they go into the hidden city and dress Donnie up like them since that would lead to so many goofy hijinks, but really I think that Donnie is mostly going to avoid going to the Hidden City for any reason, at least until he is has trained enough in ninjitsu to mostly go about unnoticed. I don't think he'd want to go to the Hidden City because 1. that's where his mom is and theres a chance she might try to steal him back, and 2. he grew up in the Hidden City and it isn't as cool and exciting as New York is. I think Donnie would much rather explore this new city that he's living in.
So Raph, Leo, and Mikey are partly not connecting the dots because they haven't seen Donnie's shell at all (since he's wearing a shirt and his shell is flat enough that even if there is a bump it isn't super noticeable) so they haven't even connected the dots that he is a turtle yet. But also this isn't something that Splinter has really talked about a whole lot. I'm going to actually explain how Splinter left Donnie behind in an upcoming scene (or at least hopefully I will be, unless something changes in my planning). Splinter in the show really hasn't explained to his kids how they were like created, and I think the same would apply to tlp Splinter. Escaping from Draxum AND losing one of his kids in the process would have been a really painful memory, and its not like his kids even remember the sibling that he left behind. I think his reasoning was why should I tell them about this sibling that is probably dead and like cause them to feel pain and loss over someone they don't even remember.
Donnie not being in the picture does change the dynamic a bit! I'm not super great at portraying it since I'm also mostly still figuring out how their dynamic is different. One thing I know for sure is that Raph and Splinter took on the responsibility of doing repairs around the lair. So Raph and Splinter are a lot closer mostly because they have spent a lot of time together just trying to figure out how to create a functioning home with electricity and plumbing and heating and stuff. And a lot of their troubles with that mostly come from the fact that they arent able to actually buy the supplies that they need to set up all of their utilities so they are mostly just trying their best with whatever trash they find. I think Leo would have ended up with most of the responsibility of looking after Mikey since Raph would have been busy helping Splinter with taking care of the lair and stuff, so Leo and Mikey are a lot closer to each other than they are with Raph. And I think now that Mikey is older and is starting to do things on his own Leo isn't quite sure what to do with himself since he's so used to just looking after Mikey, and he is trying to give Mikey space and stuff since he doesn't want to be overbearing and whatever but he does tend to hover. That's actually the same with Raph, once Donnie enters the picture, Donnie will just start taking on a lot of Raph's responsibilities because he finds them fun and so Raph will end up with a lot of free time on her hands to just try to figure out what she likes to do and stuff.
April hasn't been in the episodes that Ive been pulling plot stuff from so she hasn't shown up yet. She will eventually though. How old is April? like 16 I think? she's doing freaking SAT prep and getting ready to start applying for university and stuff she's just so busy all the time and also she's busy getting fired from every possible job she could get in New York that's why she hasn't been in the comic yet also I don't know how many days the comic spans over? Like not that much time has passed in the comic so it isn't that weird that April hasn't showed up. It is weird in the sense that I've been making the comic for a year but in the comic itself not much time has passed. She will show up! eventually!!!! I just don't really know how to like smoothly introduce her to Donnie, also like most of the plots involving Big Mama in the show dont really involve April so idk how to exactly get the two to meet. It'll happen though! definitely sometime this year askldfjh
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danieyells · 4 months
I'm the anon who asked for the Taiga lines, thank you so much for sharing!
I did not have much thoughts on Taiga before, other than him being surprisingly chill despite being a lil freaky but omg seeing his max affinity line along with his line on the ditched future.... the angst is unmatched.
You're stuck with him till death do us part? Whether you like it or not? Especially in a time loop situation, imagine that either of them have a high likelihood of dying within the year. One or both of them have tried to fix it, to no avail. Maybe they were a thing in one of the loops but only Taiga (vaguely) remembers it and that would make the max affinity line extra bittersweet because he's only succeeded at freaking out MC in the current timeline lol.
Maybe Taiga was invested in saving (everyone? himself? mc?) before but no matter what he does nothing changes? iirc he was an exemplary student going on a ton of missions to find anomalies, maybe he thought one of the random anomalies out there had something to do with their situation? But at some point between then and now he stopped giving a shit.
Also I find it interesting how the ghouls are constantly destroying anomalies instead of capturing them. It could be that they just don't give 2 fucks but also can't help but wonder if maybe the older ghouls have some kinda truce like don't bring back any anomalies if you can help it, nothing good can happen by giving the academy/institute more info on these things (bc at the very least Leo in the prologue implies the people up top are responsible for whatever messed up situation they were in, and he's the most likely person to uncover a conspiracy with his skillset + Jin and Tohma want to dethrone his dad as director or whatever his position was, possibly also found out smth behind the scenes)
It's all just speculation but god they are so good a pulling me around by the nose with this mystery when I had 0 expectations of this game (I mean, it still kinda sucks gameplay-wise but the story is so good)
Can't wait for new chapter soon, tho rn I am in gacha hell with wuwa, 18trip and gakuenmas.......
Thank you for being patient about them! I love Taiga so much hahaha
Yeah, the potential is there for this to be something big and for Taiga to be heavily involved in it, or at least the person who's most aware of it so far(Jin's "i know this won't last forever" line also kind of carries the implication that he knows but that has many other explanations.) It would probably be more angst-heavy if his memory weren't garbage lmaooooo THEN AGAIN maybe he'll remember you forever now that he loves you as much as he does haha. He definitely didn't remember you before this, or he didn't show any sign of remembering, so if he knew you in another timeline or you were together in another timeline i suspect he forgot, just like with everything.
As for dying, the PC is going to die within the next year if their curse isn't lifted and the prologue shows that someone else dies in the destruction of the school with the pc still alive(so either before the year is up or after the curse is lifted). So they both definitely have the potential to die in that period of time, if nothing is done to change the future. . ."if death do us part" is something Taiga very well might know will happen eventually. In fact, if his stigma actually does allow him to see the future like I'm beginning to suspect, he might know that that's what going to happen. I mean everybody dies eventually but I mean outside of a natural death.
From what Hyde says(I checked both Japanese and English) Taiga used to play more of an active part in the past, so yeah it seems like he's lost some of his enthusiasm. . .although it's very likely he's referring to that Sinostra's on probation and he can't go on missions at all right now, considering just a few months prior he was on a mission and seemed plenty enthusiastic. But as far as operating as captain goes(he's only been captain for around 6 months as of the start of the Sinostra chapter) it seems like he doesn't put any effort in. . .according to Romeo he only cares about anomalies and gambling, but if that were true he wouldn't care to tell you about the spy because he wouldn't even know. (Romeo also says he doesn't go after humans anymore which is. . .not true, so Romeo may just be blissfully unaware since their relationship is so bad these days.)
It'd make sense if this lack of enthusiasm arose from seeing an unfavorable future and thinking it isn't worth it to try at this point. He does say he's been telling someone(likely Romeo) that things will fall apart if they keep going the way they have been but since that person's been uncooperative with making changes he doesn't see a way things will change. . . .so why should he put in work? I assume he can see the future, not travel through it--hence 'ditch this future' he's simply refusing to play any part in impacting it. Even when he jumps from the ledge in the prologue if you choose to save him, he asks what he could have done to change things. I wonder how long he's been trying.
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he doesn't even talk the same was he normally does, so you know it's kinda serious. He would love to know how to prevent this.
As for ghouls destroying anomalies, I think it's a matter of safety in the situation as well as a general lack of powers that can actually capture the anomalies. Most of them have weapons with destructive powers and stigmas that are destructive. But in almost every case capture wasn't much of an option due to safety concerns.
Frostheim had human children present. Jin's stigma only seems to work for a few minutes at best even with the PC buffing him. They didn't have a means to keep the anomaly contained and keep the children safe, not to mention the last living one was about to kill the PC and one of the kids. Like Kaito said, in a situation dealing with monsters it's hard to think to incapacitate and capture them, especially when someone else's life is at stake. To ensure their survival and minimize damage to civilians, the anomalies needed to be killed.
Vagastrom's anomaly was a tulpa and couldn't be captured in the first place. If people kept believing in it it would just reappear elsewhere. People no longer believing in it took it out of existence. No room at all for containment.
Jabberwock. . .well, they know Towa's unstable. Princess Oto severely injured Haru, and Towa wasn't going to let it get away with that. The Kraken and Calamari were allowed to escape because capturing them would do more harm to the ecosystem than good.
Sinostra had to destroy it theirs to prevent the destruction of the casino and prevent harm coming to the general students, Romeo, and the PC. Also Taiga's just a killing machine so--
Hotarubi. . .I kind of think I know what happens with them thanks to spoilers and one of Subaru's voicelines, but I won't spoil it.
If Obscuary doesn't accidentally kill their anomaly because it touches Rui I will be disappointed /joke
I feel like Mortkranken are going to successfully capture their anomaly simply because Yuri wants to run experiments on it. but it does depend on what their Stigmas are. We know that Jiro's chainsaw doesn't actually cut very well(Yuri told him to get them a Christmas tree and he said that his weapon doesn't cut stuff very well) and we also know that Jiro does all of the fighting in Mortkranken, whereas Yuri is ineffective in combat. They have the highest chance of capturing anomalies I think.
so like. I think that ultimately in those situations it was kind of the safest option for everyone present, killing the anomalies. Cornelius acts like 'just capture the anomalies it's easy!' but these are life or death situations. There were so many in Frostheim's case that they had to collapse a building to reduce the risk of them getting back out to the public. On the other hand, Jin probably could have teleported at least one of them back to Darkwick before they collapsed the building or instead of them killing one, but in the heat of the moment that probably doesn't occur to him as an option--also he probably wanted to make sure the pc was okay since he'd never be able to use his stigma again if she died, so going back in there to pull one of them out wasn't going to happen. Also he may or may not be rebelling against his dad, president of the Japanese branch of the Institution.
So I doubt it's something like an agreement between the third-years. I feel like it's just coincidence.
As for what Leo says in the pre-prologue, by then he would definitely be in on the situation simply because he's paying more attention than others and Alan is about as subtle as a firework no matter how hard Tohma tries to keep things secret. But maybe he gets roped in instead, since his power would be beneficial--they just have to make sure they can trust him first. . . . He does say that someone is responsible, but I think he means that regarding that life sucks, not the catastrophe occurring? Although that very well might be referring to the people at the top of the Institute too. . .on the other hand I would assume it's referring to whoever the spy is working with, and the Institute themselves aren't bad people(although Jin's dad sounds kinda like a piece of shit.) That or the Institute is the problem, or the prophecy somehow. . .if I could see the Japanese text I could see if there's a difference lol. . . .
Jin is going to inherit the position of president I'm pretty sure. I don't think that's a matter of usurping or anything like that where "Jin becomes the new president" is like, they take down Jin's father first. Like I'm pretty sure this is a familial inheritance thing--I feel like it's a "you're the eldest son so you're expected to take on the position of running the company" deal. You see it all the time in manga with office/business settings. Even Haku is supposed to take over the shrine his family owns. I don't think Jin and Tohma are dethroning Jin's father, it's just a matter of 'we need to prepare you to be in power here, you need to learn to be responsible and better than your father so you can do better than he does.'
BUT. YEAH. A LOT OF THEORIZING AND STUFF but I'm definitely surprised by how into it I ended up getting haha. My hyperfocus said "yeah I fuck with this" and now I'm stuck here. I don't really remember the abandoned concept they originally had(afair I was more unique than the current one, which is trying to stay in line with what's popular with the industry right now) but I really still would've loved to see it. . .but I'm still enjoying the current result and looking forward to the new chapters. (One week away for Hotarubi!!! Home stretch, just gotta survive one more week of work!) I feel like it's much less of a mystery as more. . .slowly growing suspense haha like it feels like a mystery because of the investigation we do as fandom, but the story itself is gonna reveal everything eventually. . .probably. So it's just anticipation on our parts hahaha. (And yeah the gameplay elements are uh nonexistent haha. Pretty sure the only reason I'm able to keep up with the chapters is because I spent money. 🙃)
Good luck with your other gacha games tho!! Fortunately the only other gachas I play I've got pretty good units for so I'm not so worried about what pulls I do or don't get. . . . I hope all of your future pulls are what you need them to be!!!
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wrongcaitlyn · 5 days
Nico and Apollo def have geek out sessions over greek mythology like they are NERDS and Apollo def grew up having snippets of the Iliad and Odyssey read to him so the moment Nico showed even the slightest of interest in Greek mythology as a kid, best believe Apollo used that to warm up to him 😭🙏
ALSO I can just picture little Apollo curled up next to Leto as she read him all these different poems (I'd like to think she read to him in Greek and while Apollo wasn't completely fluent in Greek, he def understood it very well but then he lost it 😞)
Also, Leto definitely called Apollo sunshine, and that's why he calls his own kids that. Every time Apollo would ask why he was named Apollo, Leto would scoop him up and say it was bc he was the light of her life, and Apollo is the god of light, so ofc she named her pride and joy after the god of light
Anyways whatever u do don't think about sixteen year old Apollo drunk (and probably high) out of his mind, curled up in a hotel room that he hardly spent any time in wishing he could've spent more time with his mother before his father whisked him away and into the spotlight :(
clearly I have very strong feelings towards the relationship Apollo has with his mother and the fact that he should've had more time with her but bc he was in the spotlight all the time as a kid he didn't get to :(
Wait, oh my god, did Apollo go to his own mother's funeral?? Bc like Will was in middle school when she died, right?? So would have he trusted Will enough to be alone in the house for a few days, or did he just not go?? And how many times did Apollo look at his sixteen year old son and realize that the neglect Zeus put him through (ignoring Apollo's very clear addiction in favor of making him famous ofc) was definitely abuse. HOW MANY TIMES DID APOLLO HAVE TO REALIZE THAT HE GREW UP TOO FAST EVERY TIME HE LOOKED AT WILL??? 😭😭😭
I think Kayla def tried to teach everyone that Will was friends with archery. Just bc archery is severely underrated 😞
(Only Piper managed to actually hit the target, and Jason somehow sliced his hand open??? He has a very faint scar now, and if someone asks about it while he's with Leo, then Leo will come up with the most ridiculous stories instead of telling them the truth 😭)
Also, I think you've mentioned it before, but did either Darren or Kayla try to teach him archery? Idk but the mental image is very funny and it probably took him a plethora of tries to hit the target and Kayla was probably so proud
the whole part about apollo and leto... YES YES YESLKJDSFASDF AHHH apollo was 100% raised on greek mythology and he does have various copies of the iliad and the odyssey and other myths, an old worn-down version from his mom which had been passed down to him in her will, and a bunch of fancy pretty ones bc if he ever sees a pretty copy of the iliad or the odyssey he WILL buy it.
i think that he did go through a phase where like,,, he was just completely uninterested in that sort of stuff, considered it childhood and whatever. but i think that eventually, esp when taking in will, he went through what i'll call the "dumb and poetic try-hard intellectual" phase where he actually did read through the whole thing, read through various translations, annotated some copies, attempted to learn greek (modern greek, not ancient greek lmao), and just in general getting in touch with his heritage bc he realizes, watching will who's so small and resembles him so much, that those memories of him and his mom were actually some of his happiest moments of childhood, not annoying ones. and so he does try to replicate that, despite having not left his family on the best of terms *cough* really bad onesSLKJDF
and as someone who had a parent speak to them in their language, knew how to understand that language, but refused to learn it themselves bc it was boring, there's gonna be such an intense regret there from apollo, thinking that he should've taken the opportunity to learn when he could. he definitely would still understand bits and pieces, maybe a few quotes that were his or his mom's favorites, but it's just a lot harder to learn a language once you've grown up ://
as for the funeral, he did not go, because he still wasn't on speaking terms with his father, and well,,, yeah. he didn't want to cause a scene, also didn't want to tell will much about it, but i do think leto left some things to apollo in her will that apollo had to fight pretty hard to actually get sent to him
and GOD the emotions of apollo watchign will grow up... AHSDFJ ILL NEVER GET OVER IT like its hard to accept but he eventually does recognize it. and it's painful but it also feels good to know that that'll never happen. to watch his son at 16 spend his afternoon doing homework, and at 17 having a healthy relationship with his best friend, and at 18 applying to colleges... it definitely makes apollo proud, but it also breaks his heart a bit. because he couldn't imagine ever forcing the childhood that he had on his son, and he has to admit that his father hadn't felt the same sense of protection or care, and that even though his mom did, she wasn't in a position to do anything that would truly help :/
KSDJFLKASJDFSD PARALLELS AHHSDHFHDSFJ no bc that actually just makes me so happyyyyy like yes apollo is a good father yes he always has been and yes he always will be!!!! to literally anyone who needs it. i love him so much. can you believe when i was first outlining this fic i was like "hm, yeah, he plays an important role, but like i'll make sure not to make him a major character or anything"
now we're here. apollo is probably like. the third most major character after nico and will. in greatest of luxuries, at least.
kayla absoluTELY tried to train everyone in archery, and apollo's trying to avoid it bc he's trying not to think back to 2002 when darren tried to teach him archery, and kayla has the exact same instruction style bc darren had taught her, and hes actually better than will and will's friends bc he's learned before, but he fails on purpose bc the memories are too painful because THEY WERE HAPPY-
sorry pollen is possessing me! it will never leave
this is SO real bc i am responding to this to avoid doing my lit essaysdlkjf
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shantechni · 5 months
Speaking of 03 and Last Ronin, I went on a little memory resurface journey of an episode that the latter reminded me of. Same As It Never Was
The idea of a dark, hardened, gritty Mikey and the rest of the turtles dead with an Oroku taking over the city, I was like “Oh my god, like that episode! Maybe it’s based/inspired by it. I wanna watch that again.”
So I do, and when key differences popped up I’m like “oh yeah! So maybe not as inspired as I thought 😅”
Oh yeah, this is one of the turtles sent across time and space eps not just a “what if dark future?”, so one turtle is still their usual self, and it’s Donnie! Yup, there’s one armed gruff Mikey, oh yeah the other two aren’t dead. Oh yeah, Leo has a closer look to TLR Mikey because of his black trenchcoat and single sword. Oh wait, all the future turtles die at the end, leaving one survivor, maybe that’s partly why I thought TLR was inspired by it.
It’s probably just the fact that dark future iterations of things tend to have similar beats. Dark environment, dead friends/family, main baddie took over, dark clothes, significant injury, etc…
Side note: I forgot how much I liked that episode. I like me some dark future stuff. Future Leo and Raph start arguing and Donnie puts a stop to it by just whacking them both to the ground with his staff 😂. And Raph hugs him because that’s when he reveals to them he’s there! 😭
I'd like to believe there's some bit of inspiration taken from that episode, or more likely the IDW issues that precede TLR and focus on Mikey's conflicts, or even just slightly from the Mirage issue Sons of the Silent Age (which was also funnily enough adapted in the '03 series). A dark future where either all, some, or just one of the turtles are fighting for whatever they have left and for the name or sake of what, or who, has been lost is something we see used quite a lot in almost all iterations. Even the Rise series briefly but beautifully utilizes that common plot point as one of the building blocks of its film, just without the whole Oroku evil reign bit or the heavy focus on Mikey's emotional and physical wear from the events going on around him.
I absolutely loved that episode too btw, and I remember the slow realization hitting me when I got to that arc and started approaching Donnie's episode😭I wasn't prepared even though I knew exactly what would happen, but man was it good. Mikey went through a somewhat depressing journey himself with Splinter turning evil, but it's nowhere near what Donnie had to experience. The kid got dropped off in a post-apocalyptic version of his home, ran into a battle hardened version of his younger brother, was led to the grave of his father, learns that his other brothers have a strained relationship after his supposed disappearance (he could've died and they just never knew😭😭), then pulls them all into their final fight and watches them fall one by one to the hands of their enemies. And then April, omg, she literally lost them all in a single day-
It's a well remembered episode for a reason but it's so depressing just to think about lol.
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gutsybitsies · 1 year
more omg they were roomates au
Jason is almost bouncing like a kid when he sees Piper and Leo, he bounds forward and scoops the two of them up in a giant hug, accidentally lifting all three of them into the air. 
“Easy there, tiger!” Leo squeaks as he feels his feet dangling a foot above the ground. 
“Haha, sorry!” Jason lets them down gently.  His sweater vest and his light blue cardigan caught itself in Piper's hair. “I’m just so excited to see you guys again, I haven’t seen you two since my graduation a few months ago. You guys are going to love my new place, and I can’t wait to show you guys around D.C. Nico and I went to Costco to get everything we need for Leo’s tacos, and we got a Julia Child cookbook. Guys,” he says seriously as he leads the two of them to his car. “I can’t wait to blow your socks off with the casseroles.”
Piper gags to Leo behind his back as they exchange an “what kind of white bullshit is casserole?” look between the two of them. But they’re good friends, so both of them decide to stomach whatever food that Jason will throw at them. 
There was a dark spot in the sky and Leo doesn’t even blink as he snaps a finger and a bolt of fire strikes the attacking harpy and incinerates it into monster dust. 
“I hope that’s not a cleaning harpy,” Jason says, “They’re gonna charge you if you accidentally killed a cleaning harpy.” 
Piper shrugs, “Nah, that one was definitely trying to kill us.” 
Jason happily takes their suitcases for them and tucks them into his minivan. “Sorry we only have one guest room, I went and bought dividers and an air mattress, no expenses were spared.”
He swerves as a car that ignored traffic lights almost hit them, and continues like nothing just happened. Then Jason resolutely continues to drive at the exact speed limit as the surrounding cars around them become increasingly frustrated at his textbook speed. 
They arrive downtown in a nice neighborhood, and Jason neatly pulls into a parking space. Nico was already waiting for them outside, also looking vaguely excited at the prospect of giving Piper and Leo a house tour. 
Leo gulps, he remembers Nico’s cabin, he really hopes that the two of them didn’t decorate their apartment with skeletons and coffins. Jason’s room was always neat and nice looking wherever he stayed, so their place should be normal, right? 
Piper and Nico exchange their own bro handshake, and then Nico takes her suitcase for her and leads the rest of them inside the apartment building. 
“Bats aren’t going to be flying out of the apartment, are they?” Leo asks, half jokingly. 
“Come on,” Nico rolls his eyes. “I’m an adult, I’m not going to decorate my place like I did when I was 12. You two are going to be completely surprised at how it looks.”
Jason nods like a golden retriever. He taps the fingerprint activated lock their door had and flings it open, “Welcome!” 
Piper and Leo gasp.
“What the fuck,” Leo can’t help but say.
“This looks amazing!” Piper pinches him, “Jason, Nico, you’ve done such a great job.” 
They both beam brightly and guide their guests inside. 
The Grace-Di Angelo household looks....bare. That’s the only way that Piper can describe it. The front door open into a living room with an open concept kitchen beyond it. To the side of the kitchen there’s a door that leads to a balcony. Between the countertop of the kitchen and the living room is a small rectangular table with four chairs around it and a decorative vase of flowers in the middle. There are four plates that have been set there, along with four red solo cups. 
The living room was sparse, there’s a huge flatscreen TV with a neat stack of video games next to it. Next to it was a bright pink beanbag chair. There was a small couch that was obviously a pullout futon, and in between the couch and the TV was a wooden chest that Piper knows contained a variety of weapons, charms, and other mythical paraphernalia. 
There’s no end table, the huge TV was lying on the ground, and there’s another two red solo cups full of suspicious looking liquid on the wooden chest. 
“Here,” Nico picks up the cups and shoves them at Piper and Leo, “Have some ice tea.”  
“Thank you...” Piper almost chokes on the lukewarm “ice” tea when her eyes were drawn to the Wall. It was right behind the couch, and it led to a corridor that she assumes had the bedrooms and bathroom. And it was. A Wall. 
Leo looks at it as well and tries to articulate. “So. That’s. Um. Jason. Tell us about this.”
It’s horrific and creepy, that’s the only way that Piper can describe it. She remembers the picture of Thalia that Jason took around with him throughout his stint in boarding school and during his stay in his Roman frat in college. But here? An entire wall was filled entirely with huge blown up photos of Thalia and Hazel. It looks like a stalking serial killer’s moodboard. 
“This is my idea,” Jason says proudly, “A lot of people have family portraits on their walls, right? So I was talking to Nico about decorating the place, and he saw that I only have one photo of Thalia printed out. Well, Nico didn’t have any pictures of Hazel and Bianca printed out. So I said, I know a guy in New Rome, let’s get more photos of our sisters, and the guy can print and frame everything for us at a good price.”  He points at a black and white photo of a young girl looking straight at the camera. “We even found the passport photo of Bianca.” 
“Jason has so many interior decorating ideas,” Nico says. “He came up with the idea of making the quest chest the living room table.” He waves his hands around, “Who even thinks like that? That’s genius.” 
Leo takes a sip of his tea as he sees that Nico was one hundred percent serious. 
He raises an eyebrow at Piper to say, Don’t you wish we got hotel rooms instead?
She nervously grins back, Be nice. 
“Oh!” Nico jogs to the kitchen and opens the refrigerator. “You guys must be hungry.”
He brings out a neon green jello with hot dog sausages, lettuce, bell pepper, and what looks to be tomatoes suspended inside it.
“The casserole is still being baked in the oven, but Jason made an appetizer and it just finished setting.”
“Oh that’s okay, there’s hot dogs there so I can’t eat it,” Piper says, “Leo would love it though, he’s so hungry.” 
“Piper!” Jason looks hurt, “Of course I used vegan hot dogs. I always look out for you.”
“Oh but, uh, the gelatin in jello is-”
“Pipes,” Jason is a kind, understanding, generous friend who protects his pack against all dangers and is ready to lay down his life for any of them. “Of course I used vegan jello. Don’t you worry.”  
Nico had brought the jello out onto the small dining room table and is already plating four slices of the green abomination. Leo notices with a sickening twist in his stomach that there was a can of whip cream next to him.
“Whip cream anyone?” he asks, about to add another layer of nightmare onto the monstrosity that Piper and Leo were about to force themselves to ingest. 
They shake their heads and try not to throw up as Nico shrugs and gives his and Jason’s plates a generous dose. 
Piper notices that the kitchen is spotless, but that there’s no dishrags- oh- is that- she sees an abandoned shirt that hangs over the oven handle that Nico just used to wipe his freshly washed hands on. It looks clean, but that was a shirt! 
She glances at the sink and sighs with relief when she finds that the guys did have a sponge and dish soap. Piper tries to fill her mind with thoughts as she mechanically chomps down on the disgusting jello dish and swallows. 
“This is really good, Jason,” she lies. “Um, you know, I just want to thank you two for letting us crash here while we have business. So why don’t you guys let me and Leo take over cooking for this week.”
“Yes!” Leo cuts in, “I’ll cook! I’ll cook every single day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner!” 
Both Nico and Jason look extremely touched. 
“That’s nice, Leo,” Nico says, “I know you want to make your signature tacos, but I can’t let a guest cook that much while I’m hosting.”
“The book says that that’s a faux pas,” Jason adds in. “We’re trying to establish a routine, so we have to follow basic etiquette. I’m looking forward to taco night tomorrow, but I can’t put the burden of cooking on you guys when you’re visiting.”
And that’s when Piper decided that she had to cheat. She’d been so good at not letting charmspeak creep into her everyday conversations with friends, but if she had to choose between living with the idea of manipulating the trust of people she loved versus having to sit through more of Jason’s cooking, sorry but she chooses to be the villain. 
“Jason,” she purrs, letting her magic flow into her words like sweet honey, “We’re all best friends here. We’ve saved each other’s lives countless times. Let us take the burden off of you and Nico. If you tell Nico that I’m sure he’ll agree that a little bending of etiquette means nothing between friends like us.” 
Piper had gotten so good at charmspeak that Nico’s not able to notice anything, and Jason listens to her before turning to Nico to shrug and tell him that they can take Piper and Leo out to dinner most nights so that they don’t need to cook as much. 
Nico hesitates, but eventually nods at Jason’s suggestion. 
Piper and Leo gulp down their “snack” before Jason leads them to their guestroom. 
Leo wonders if he’s gotten soft since the days when he was able to sleep just about anywhere after running from foster home to foster home. It’s a sign of progress, that Jason and Nico’s apartment of nightmarish frat bro aesthetic (they have a dartboard! They’re using old tshirts as handtowels in the fucking bathroom as well and they have a dartboard!) horrified him as much as it did. But then he remembers that Jason has only ever lived in school dorms, military barracks, and his miserable Cabin One room, and that Nico practically lived on the streets for a number of years before settling down into his emo inspired Cabin Thirteen. 
Leo gives Jason a tight grin as he sees the guest room. There’s a clinical white divider between the bed and an air mattress. And that was it. There’s nothing else in the room. There’s a walkin closet that Jason told them they can hang their clothes in, and a guest bathroom. 
The bed is made with a fitted sheet cover, one sad blanket, and one pillow, and the air mattress is the same. Piper explores the bathroom and she finds two toothbrushes, a toothpaste, toilet paper, and two bottles of soap in the shower. One was a bodywash, and the other was a two in one shampoo-conditioner. 
The bathroom drawers are filled with a mountain of menstrual pads, tampons, and an entire row of menstrual discs and cups. 
“Oh that!” Jason looks proud, “I don’t know how much you use during your period, so we just got everything. Just in case.” 
“Aw,” Piper feels genuinely touched, even though she’s so glad that she brought her own toiletries. “This is so sweet, Jason. Tell Nico thanks as well.” 
“Anything for you, Pipes! Plus, when we get more defensive charms in this place, we want to make this into a safehouse for the younger demigods as well,” Jason says. “I want this place to be as homey and comfortable as possible. That’s why we’ve been trying our best with decorations and plates, and everything. We bought a matching set of plates, bowls and cups from Ikea.” He then points to the bottles in the shower. “And Nico’s the one who suggested separate soaps for bodywash and hair, rather than the all in one that we use.” 
“Well, when I was in the position of running from place to place, all I wanted was warm food, a bed, and understanding hosts, and you guys fit that to a T,” Leo says diplomatically. 
Jason beams, “Thanks, I love you guys, man. Go get some rest, I have to prepare the rest of dinner.” 
He leaves Piper and Leo to their bare room, and closes the door behind him. 
“I-” Leo sits on the bed. “I honestly don’t know what to say.” 
“It makes sense if you think about it,” Piper responds and plops down next to him. “All of Jason’s rooms came furnished for him, and Nico probably had help when he designed his cabin as well. And the two of them have only had communal living and dining. So now that the two of them are living together, there’s no one to tell them that they need things like hand towels, and cabinets, and just. Everything.” 
“So, are we going to do anything about this?” 
Piper thinks back to how excited both Jason and Nico were about their current living situation, and even back to that horrifying wall of Sister Photos. 
“I think they can figure it out on their own. It’ll be a nice journey for them. But when we leave I’m going to list out of things they need to have for the guestroom, because this-” she gestures around the room, “-is not going to be comforting for your average nervous demigod on the run.” 
There’s a ding from the kitchen. 
“Dinners ready!” Nico’s voice calls out. 
Piper and Leo look at each other as they brace themselves. 
“This is making me more nervous than fighting against monsters,” Leo says, “and that’s before my powers suddenly leveled up.” 
“They’re our friends, and we love them. Remember that,” Piper breathes. “We love them.”  
The two repeat the mantra, slap on a polite smile, and open the door to meet their destiny. 
Hazel looks at the wall, her face frozen in time as Nico and Jason wait for her response. 
“Well?” Nico prompts her. 
“I-” She’s trying to find the right words. Her own eyes stare out at her, multiple of them, multiple of her faces and her portraits stare out into the distance from that horrifying, horrifying wall. “I don’t know what to say.” 
Nico grimaces, “Is it because there’s one more picture of Thalia than you? I’ll put up one more picture of you.” 
“You have two sisters, I only have one, if we put up one more picture of Hazel then Thalia’s outnumbered.” 
“Are we having this conversation again? In front of Hazel? You’re going to embarrass me like this?” 
Hazel tuned out their argument as she tries to digest the sight of the Sister Wall in front of her. Although, by the time she tuned back in, the two of them seemed to have made up already. 
Nico leans into Jason as they discuss more picture placements. 
“We’ll find more pictures of Bianca, alright?” Jason had taken to slowly rubbing circles into Nico’s shoulders. 
“Okay, but if Hazel feels offended that she doesn’t have enough photos on here...”
“I’m fine!” She says loudly. “Completely fine with this! You don’t need to put more photos of me on here!”
She gingerly takes off a photo that was just her sleeping face- she remembers this, this was from a group photo taken during a sing along at Camp Halfblood. Someone had taken a candid and she’d already fallen asleep at the time. Nico must have asked for the group photo, isolated her part, and then blown up the picture to be large enough to fit into a normal frame. 
“I love this one so much, can I keep it?” 
“Of course!” Jason gestures for her to take it. “We have plenty. Oh!” He rushes into his room and runs out with something rectangular in his hands. Hazel prays to her father that it wasn’t one more photo of her. 
Jason flips it over, and they see that it’s a crude, homemade sign made of what looked like driftwood. 
He proudly hangs it on the spot where Hazel’s sleeping picture used to be. 
“Wow,” Nico says, leaning against Hazel. “Look at that.” 
She smiles softly. “It’s perfect.” 
Home Sweet Home
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i am a fish inside a birdcage(my brother always sings me songs)
omg guys i wrote something
this started as a ventfic and eventually became 2k12!mikey and leo bonding DBKSBD
i love them your honor
tws: anxiety, dissociation, transphobia, su1cide, death, a kid gets kicked out
this is hurt/comfort i swear
Leo woke up suddenly, eyes wide and heart pouding erratically. She had no idea what was going on. Groaning, she dragged a hand over her face and tried to wake up, head still foggy despite her spiking heartrate.
"Today's a bad day, I suppose," she muttered as she slowly got out of bed, staring uncomprehendingly at the alarm clock next to her. It's flashing red numbers read 3:00 AM, three hours before she would usually wake up.
After staring at the number for some time and willing it to change, she gave up, realizing 3:01 AM was the best she was gonna get. Extra time to meditate? Extra time to meditate, she immediately decided, and slowly started her regular breathing exercises, automatically adjusting to her normal position.
While her siblings often ended up almost immediately in the mindscape, she loved to wait a few moments in the soft darkness behind her eyes, drinking up the peace while she had it. Her heartrate spiked again, and she groaned, her focus interrupted. Softly growling, so as not to wake up her siblings, she tried once more to get into the mindscape, but she just couldn't focus.
Leo gave up, sighing as her hyperactive body refused to listen to her tired brain. It was exhausting, constantly having her body fight itself, but everyone dealed with it, anyways. Whatever.
At least her soul was disconnected from her body now, just the way she liked it. No more anxiety for her. Quickly utilizing her constant exhaustion so that it'd seem like she just woke up to any outsiders, she walked to the kitchen, careful not to make noise. She was a ninja, after all.
Ohhhh no. The fridge. The enemy of night-time snacks. The normally peaceful turtle glared balefully at the creaky door hinges of the fridge, plotting on how to open it without waking any of her stupidly-light sleeping family up. Sighing, she decided it wasn't worth the trouble, not with her nerves already frayed. She sadly poured herself a glass of water and drank it to ease the nervous rock in the pit of her stomach.
Suddenly, she heard the telltale squeak of shoes against the floor and spun around, her current anxiety making her unable to think straight and ninja properly. She was faced with the sight of Mikey, holding up his hands nonthreateningly.
"Hey, it's just me, dude," he drawled softly, a look of intuitive curiosity on his face. Leo suspected he somehow already knew she was in a mood, which was weird but she supposed that was just Mikey.
"Hey, Mikey," she whispered, her voice slowly failing her. Ohhhh no, I'm going into that 'not talking' feeling, aren't I? She cleared her throat, trying to stop it from happening. She tried to ask Mikey why he was awake, but her brain stopped her, telling her, no no no, do NOT open your mouth, shhhhhh.
"You okay, dude?" he asked concernedly, and her chest constricted even more at the title, if that was possible. She'd never tried telling her siblings that she was…trans, not after that one kid she'd befriended. Oliver. He came out and got kicked out, died a week later from malnutrition, no matter how hard Leo had tried to keep him from dying.
He gave up.
Look, sure, Donnie had come out as nonbinary and everyone had accepted it, but he still went by 'he'. They just had another pronoun, there wasn't a complete opposite change. And besides, Leo was Leo, the perfect kid, the golden child, the leader. She couldn't just be trans.
Whatever. She'd zoned out, which was a weird feeling when she couldn't feel anything. Thankfully, it'd only been a few seconds, and Mikey was still waiting for her to respond expectantly, and oh Jupiter now she had to figure out how to get her mouth to work. Inwardly growling, she used the strings to open her mouth and forced out, "Yes, little brother, I'm completely fine. Are you ok? You're up very early."
Mikey shrugged and looked sad, immediately activating her body's older sister senses. "Had a nightmare," he mumbled, and she used her arm to gesture to the seat next to her, her expression softening, for once in tune with her soul.
He sat, and she guided her arm to be around him, trying not to break down at the sudden overwhelming sense of BAD she felt from the touch. Inwardly, she snapped at her brain, telling it to shut up so she could comfort her brother.
"What was it about?" she asked, trying to bring herself back to the real world without getting too close to the ground. It came out blunter than she intended, and she winced, but Mikey didn't seem offended.
"I…I thought I lost you. You know, that time you were in a coma? I thought you'd never wake up," he mumbled, clearly barely keeping his tears at bay. "A-and…." He burst into sobs, unable to say much more as he wailed into his older sister's chest.
She patted his head gently, her heart breaking in her body even as her soul watched, unresponsive. Softly, her body hummed lullabies to him, occasionally whispering, "I'm here."
And by the end of it, she realized, she actually was.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
in your alternate next gen headcanons/fics, you've got Penn and the other P's (Piper's daughters), Dency (Phoebe's daughter), and Sheridan and Warren (Prue's son's). have you ever written anything about Paige's kids in any of the alternate universes?
okay so if i'm cataloguing every next gen warren witch that lives in my brain by charmed one, there's:
prue: warren & sheridan, patricia, penelope, & phillipa
piper: wyatt, chris & melinda, penn & (penn's siblings??), (jack the piper/kyle kid???)
phoebe: pj, parker & peyton, dency, (cj??)
paige: tamora, kat & henry jr, (bennie??)
in which um bennie has actually made a couple guest appearances on this blog and is the paige/richard kid and is like. a fat vibe def mentally ill but like. au where richard still binds or strips his powers whatever also he really seems like a tai chi guy and paige and richard are endgame i guess lmaoo so bennie their kid is raise not my you know bonkers batshit insane powers because i stand by my theory that richard was dose with blood of a greater being as a child and that's why magic makes his react the way he does so that does pass on just a little bit to his child. i also once very briefly constructed an au w a paige kyle kid but in a kyle still died world so paige still ends up w henry and has a daughter kyle at some point as a whitelighter finds out he has a daughter bc the elders were really keepin that Top Secret but kyle's quasi-adjacent in his kid's life but idk like. what those kids would be up to. isabel and beatrice maybe? i think they were bel and bea? lemme see if i can find the pöst. nope. well ur just gonna hafta trust me on that ig. yeah i can't say i've thot much about them. i think if i were really to spin a paige progeny solo story i mean well a) henry jr spin off bc like. i think that could be fun. but i think i would want to create a circumstance really separate from the next gen something that warrants a whole ass like Own Story (e.g. warren and sheridan being raises by jack, dency being the source's heir + having the twice blessed, which changes like magical society as a whole) because if it's still like you know there's wcm at the top of the lil next gen pyramid i feel like the worlds all stay too similar and it gets my brain fuzzy. i could do a paige-never-finds-the-power-of-three-au, where she still has her witch powers and figures shit out on her own, but i really don't know what the 411 with her kids would be. i could also have the other parent be some other type of magical being, cupid, warlock, darklighter, etc, bc that fusion would be interesting. i think out of all of paige's love interests, by far my favorite option for a father just from like an interesting character perspective is richard, because like. he has a whole magical bloodline and also a family that is implied practices black magic on occasion. that kid would pack a punch. there's kyle (mortal) and kyle (whitelighter), but like. i feel like if i were to do that again i'd have to spin up some au otherwise it's just the same gen 2 universe but instead of tam and kat it's paigekyle kids. you know what actually You Know What Actually Could Be Fun in a paige-never-finds-the-power-of-three-au-but-is-still-a-witch um fuckin hello?? paige glen. paige glen world travelers witch free spirit those kids would be. those kids would be so weird man just life experience globetrotters especially seeing as they have some magical legacy (the charmed destiny) that the belland family has just someone manage to outrun by like. quite literally like outrunning it. never being in the same place long enough for anything to really happen. i'm feeling two kids here. hmm but with two kids idk if they'd stick together a whole bunch i think they'd be a lot more free not like attached at the hip so either i run two separate plots or i only focus on one. but that could be. interesting to say the least.. esp if something happened where um. where like the charmed ones were wiped out. idk how. maybe prue did bite it in all hell breaks loose. maybe Phoebe dies. in ahbl. they're down to the power of two with piper and prue. piper taps out leo clips his wings and piper binds her powers and they leave the manor. piper then realizes she's pregnant witchlighter baby??? or she just has a normal witch baby. maybe a couple. actually just two i think i need to cap it at two bc no power of three access in this au. omg leo dies in s8 like how he was fated to die..................... prue holds down the homefront at the manor. finds love eventually has kids eventually i could go really out in left field and say fuck it prue x angel of death kids. but that requires
attention on its own part. but i could. i might. hmmm. because piper post leo death hell maybe leo just gets killed by a darklighter in spite of being mortal just because a darklighter recognizes him. piper like. changes her identity and raises her kid separate from the manor and magic. kids. maybe. prue is like. ballz to the wall fuckin intense. i could just make up a guy i could do whitelighter andy i could do. justin?? was his name? there's bane and jack but bane's in jail and jack would die in about five minutes so. i think i'd make up a guy. but i think prue has kids again maybe just two. i mean i could all give them one. but. . do i really want only children here lbr also prue and piper were both raised w siblings i could reasonably seeing prue having only one kid if it was like.. too dangerous to have another kid or something but i think she really wanted to be Mom. so anyways prue's witch kids are trained rigorously from warren lore, piper's kids are raised mortal, and paige's kids are raised with training from paige, who's self taught. anyway.s prue gets murdered and the manor is taken over by dark magic. when prue's kids are. mmm early twenties great age to take on an adventure that you're not like. remotely equipped to handle yet. they know they need to take back the seat of power lest something terrible happens. like it has to be a halliwell right the halliwells have to take back their house. so the halliwells get the bennets (piper's kids) (surprise! you're a witch!) and then somehow Also discover the bellands (surprise! you have a long extensive family tree that fights evil magic!) and then idk we really get the ball rolling we get some plot goin. wallah.
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franksgrl · 5 years
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Chapter 1: Escape
New York: Day 10 of the outbreak
The ringing in her hears had lessened but still was causing her head to feel like it was going to explode.
Shaking off the pain, homeland agent Dinah Madani-Castle got herself off the ground. She checked her hip and sighed. Her service weapon was still there.
Because of the ringing in her ears, Dinah took it slow when trying to walk. She saw the guy who tried to eat her lying a bit ahead. Then she saw what she was looking for.
Him standing there, looking like a badass, which he did very well, made her smile. His vest, covered in blood and what the news had deemed “walkers” guts all over it.
“Hey Madani, get that sweet ass over here and kiss me for saving it” the man said with a grin. Dinah rolled her eyes but headed over. “You get that kiss Castle as soon as we are out of this mess” Dinah said with a grin of her own.
Frank Castle, aka The Punisher, puller her close and kissed her deeply. They stayed like that for only a few seconds because they heard the scrapping sound of walkers headed their way.
Breaking apart, the two darted to the black van parked a block away. It was supposed to be a scouting mission for survivors but things went sideways fast.
Inside the van was David “Micro” Lieberman, his wife Sarah had been killed when the outbreak first began. David was holding it together for his two kids, Leo and Zack who had witnessed their mothers death at the super market, but everyone could tell he was broken inside.
Frank was calm with him because he knew what it was like. Also inside was Curtis Hoyle and senator David Shultz, Brett Mahoney, Billy Russo, and Amy Bendix.
“where to now?” Billy said with his gun primed out of the window. “A town called King County, Georgia” Frank replied and the van jolted forward. They all watched as the town they grew up in and loved passed by them.
No one spoke as the dead bodies on the side of the road grew in numbers. No one spoke as the mowed down as many walkers as possible. Every-time Billy or Curtis’s gun went off Dinah flinched though.
Sensing his wife’s discomfort, Frank placed his free hand over hers and squeezed. There was no reason for words because nothing he could say changed the horror but he knew from the last minutes holding his baby girl on that park bench that sometimes just holding someone can bring them solace.
As he felt Dinah relax he got his affirmation that he might have brought peace to Lisa as she died. He didn’t know if she could hear him but he had repeated her favorite story, One Batch Two Batch Penny and Dime as she passed on.
“Frankie, you ok?” Dinah said as she placed a soft kiss on his cheek. “Ya baby, just going to the past again” Frank said silently. Dinah placed another kiss on his cheek and leaned back in her seat. Closing her eyes, she prayed for the first time in a long time that one day her husband would find a life free of guilt.
King County, Georgia: Day 12 of the outbreak
All eyes inside the van watched vigilantly as they entered the city. It was quiet. They saw a few of the dead but that was it.
The car rolled to a stop as the pulled up to a hospital. “This looks more like a graveyard then a hospital” Micro said quietly. “Can we look around” Zack said excitedly. “That’s a strong no” Micro said quickly and louder than he meant to. He pulled a shaking Zack against him and said “I can’t lose you too little man so bare with me”. Zack nodded, the pout though never left his face.
“Curtis, Billy and myself are going in to find medical supplies because they come in handy. Dinah, listen to me, if we aren’t back in two hours, you get the hell out. Obviously the word that Georgia was safe was wrong. You hear me? Head to the nearest house and get yourselves locked in tight” Frank ordered like a General in the military.
Dinah was going to fight but the resolve on his face made her decide not to and just nodded her head instead. It was an argument for later.
Frank kisses his wife goodbye and as the men headed in and Dinah slid into the driver’s seat. She wanted to cry but didn’t for the sake of her own sanity and those around hers.
As the three men entered the hospital they cringed at the site. All three of them had been to war and none of them could remember a site as the one in front of them.
Without a word, the men split into three directions and started collecting bandages, medications, antibiotics and anything else that looked useful. Curtis even thought of a defibrillator and a breathing machine.
Frank entered a hallway almost free of bodies. Heading down he found a room with a bed in front of it. Pulling the bed away he opened the door and inside was a man laying on the bed.
He still had dead machines connected to him. Frank watched carefully for a few minutes and nearly jumped through the roof when he saw the man breathe.
Frank contemplated leaving him but after seeing a picture of a beautiful woman and a young child on his desk he decided he should try. If he could help a father return to his family he wanted to. Hell, he had even done it for that son of a bitch Pilgrim.
After taking the wires and things off the man, Frank picked him up amazed at how light he was. The man opened his eyes slightly. “Shane?” the man said with a shallow breath and then closed his eyes again.
Frank wondered if Shane was the boy in the picture. He didn’t know how many times he had woken with a start thinking he heard Lisa and Frank Jr. playing. Shaking that off Frank took the man and met with the others.
Thankfully Billy and Curtis was alright, Frank led them out to the van. He was shocked that they hadn’t faced off with any walkers but glad at the same time.
When they got back to the van, Micro helped them load the man into the back. Curtis and Billy climbed In after him and closed the doors.
Frank went around to the drivers seat. Dinah was asleep. He didn’t want to wake her but it was getting dark and he knew that they should find shelter.
“Hey Dani, you got to wake up now” Frank said softly wiping the hair from her forehead. She was burning hot. Frank knew that as a sign of a walker bite or scratches. He quickly pulled her from the van and stated undressing her knowing if he found anything, he would have to put a bullet into her. He didn’t cry but damn did he want to.
After a through check by both him and Curtis who had been a medical doctor on the military, Dinah was cleared and they got her dressed and back in the van. She still hadn’t woken and she was still burning but she wasn’t turning into one of those things which made Frank sigh with relief.
“Don’t worry Dani, you’ll get better baby” Frank said and tried to figure out where to head to next. Suddenly they heard a call come over the CB radio in the van.
“If anyone can hear this, my name is Dale and I’m on the outskirts of Atlanta with a small group of survivors. If you need a safe place we are here. Please whatever you do ignore the calls that Atlanta is safe, once again Atlanta has been taken and isn’t safe. We are here if you need safety”.
Frank picked up the receiver “Dale are you there?” Frank asked with a panic no one in the van had ever heard. “I’m here stranger, how can I help?” Dale said in a calm voice. “I have two sick people in a small town called King County. How far are you from here?” Frank asked, his voice a little more steady than before. He was shocked when a woman’s voice came over the radio.
“My name is Lori Grimes, I’m from King County. You are about two hours from our location. If you left now you could make it before it gets too dark” Lori said, her voice sounding tired and stressed. Before frank could answer though he heard the man in the back whisper “Lori”. He knew he must know her but getting out of town was most important. “We are heading your way. Can you put a marker out for us, we are in a black van and there are ten of us. Eight adults, two wounded, a man and my wife, and two children” Frank said and waited for her reply. He could hear her gasp and then compose herself. “We will have someone waiting on the road for you. Just be safe” Lori said and the receiver clicked dead.
Not waiting for a group discussion, frank kissed Dinah on her burning forehead and put his foot down all the way on the gas pedal. He wouldn’t let another wife die. The kids squealed with excitement while the adults just prayed frank got them to their next destination safely.
Two hours later: outside Atlanta Georgia
Frank barely missed the black motorcycle and the man sitting on it. Thankfully Billy saw it and motioned for them to stop.
Pulling over Frank stopped the van but didn’t get out until he had retrieved one of his guns from his belt and had it in hand.
The man on the bike didn’t move. He looked up at Frank and said “god damn if the universe didn’t send us the god damn punisher of New York himself. I’m Daryl Dixon and I’m the one who drew the short straw to wait on this open road for you”.
“Names Frank Castle but you already seem to know that. My wife, Dinah is in the front seat and really sick. I have a man in back we found at a hospital whose really sick as well. Neither have bites or scratches” Frank said honestly.
Daryl looked him over and deciding he should give the punisher himself a chance said “follow me Frank” and kick started his bike. Nodding, Frank jumped in the van, told Dinah she would be getting help soon and followed Daryl up the path.
When they got to camp, Frank got Dinah out and placed her on a blanket Daryl had laid out. By then a group had formed around them. It was when Curtis brought out the man, that Frank realized that the woman on the CB was the woman in the man’s picture, which he did grab for him.
“Omg it’s Rick” Lori said and passed out right where where she stood leaving everyone in shock.
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thegeminisage · 6 years
What other characters (of DBH) you think people should appreciate more and why? I love read your opinions❤
omg anon pls thats so sweet
(if anybody wasn’t here for the last ask the first character was north & there’s a follow-up here)
alright just a “””quick””” (lol as if) little thing for each one bc it’s getting late & you’ve already been waiting on this for like an hour at the time i started typing. it’s probably gonna be long as fuck but the tl;dr is at the bottom
they did luther so dirty…it was like david cage was playing “racist trope bingo” for his entire debut chapter…and then on top of that all he cares about is kara & alice, these two near-strangers, and it’s real easy to get him killed for them. in fact, in an ending where kara sacrifices herself at the border, she tells alice that luther will get her across the border, and after that, rose will take care of her. UM WHAT? don’t call ur PSN trophy “happy family” and then try to erase luther like that!! what does luther want? what are his hopes and dreams, his fears? nobody ever bothers to ask bc they’re too busy making ralph alice’s dad. and it’s not that i don’t like ralph - i do! but he threatened alice with a knife TWICE. after her previous dad’s bullshit, that’s the last thing she needs!!
here’s my take on luther: he says that what his life was before kara & alice doesn’t matter, and that’s because david cage doesn’t care about him. but imagine instead that luther remembers what he did (was forced to do) before he broke his programming. our luther is sweet and gentle and good, but zlatko forced him to use his strength as a weapon for LITERALLY tearing people apart. don’t you think luther regrets that? don’t you think he wishes he could take it back? perhaps his even temper and loving heart is a RESULT of those early memories: he’s seen the worst sides of anger and callousness, he’s had to be complicit in it. my feeling is that he never ever wants to be complicit in something like that again…it feels weird when he picks up a gun in the game because i think he would be even more of a staunch pacifist than josh?? i feel like even when luther does get annoyed or angry he’s so afraid of the harm he’s capable of doing he doesn’t even really let himself feel it And That’s Sad. he should be able to get annoyed at like a broken coffee maker or some shit without illogically worrying it will result in someone’s maiming or death?? maybe he is So Ready to throw himself on a grenade for kara and alice because yes, he does love them, but also he feels he has to redeem himself somehow, yk? he has to be willing to do absolutely WHATEVER it takes to be Good
they didn’t give luther any depth…he never got to speak to zlatko’s captives and apologize, he never got to express a feeling about kara potentially burning down the whole fucking nightmare house (with living androids inside, i might add) - would he have wished to save those androids? would he be glad their suffering was over? would he have motherfucking hearts in his eyes for kara single-handedly destroying his own personal hell? he deviated for alice, it was alice that made him say “ok, doing this to kids is where i literally can’t take it anymore” - don’t you think he’d be so retroactively terrified of all the terrible things that could have happened to her? 
like i truly don’t get why people make ralph alice’s dad when luther loves her so fucking much he’d bring her the moon if she asked - he’s the only person who loves her just as selflessly and unconditionally as kara does. she accepted him and wanted him to say goodnight their very first night together…as soon as he resisted his programming, she stopped being afraid of him, and it must be so amazing for him to finally have people around who don’t either fear him or try to control him…whether u ship him with kara or not (i do, everyone should - it’s one thing to HC kara as gay but i side-eye people who don’t wanna ship luther with anybody) you know he’s gotta cherish them so much
ok look i know amanda is the antag to connor’s story but honestly she’s metal as FUCK. i was so fucking floored to not only learn the garden isn’t a garden but that amanda isn’t amanda…my first playthrough i was letting connor be just a lil bit deviant but whenever amanda would ask about it i would panic and lie…now i know it doesnt matter what you can say and you can be blatantly deviant right in front of her and she’s like ok Whatever BUT i was deeply shook to realize all my lying to her all along hadn’t meant a thing…she did in fact KNOW i was lying because she wasn’t real, she was living in connor’s brain and she could see all that shit he was doing
and also?? like, imagine you were made out of a dead person’s face and voice. we don’t know if amanda has a body, we don’t know if kamski actually liked what he created or thought it was creepy (like imagine if he and amanda were close and then she died…it’d be weird to see her like that), we don’t know if amanda CAN deviate like the androids…she’s living this half life potentially stuck in some garden and just doing what her program says like everybody else. but even though machines get all the sympathy in this game i very rarely ever see people stop and go “dude, is she ok…is someone controlling her can we help her” - amanda’s a lot like connor, she’s hunting down deviants but she’s not a human and she’s not alive yet so who’s pulling her strings?? can they be cut??? 
i’ll be honest i haven’t figured out what Angle i like best for josh the way i’ve got one for luther and north but he has such strong convictions i feel like they would have to stem from some past experience. everybody’s always arguing about simon vs north that nobody stops to give josh the attention he deserves…he’s part of the fantastic 4 too!! who is josh? what does he want? what is he afraid of? does he refuse to be violent for reasons like luther - did he hurt someone, deliberately or accidentally? (to a lesser extent, a pacifist markus who shoved leo can also follow this pattern - he gave into violence and thought he’d killed carl’s son, so he swore to do no more violence after that.) or: did he see someone else get hurt/get hurt himself? i know the backstory they give him in the gallery but tbh it’s very similar and not stand-out from most of the rest of the stuff we hear…
like, what made josh deviate? we literally never find out. i think it would be interesting tho if instead of just being the victim of violence, he was ordered to DO violence, and refused - maybe that’s why he got hurt. but i think his relationship WITH violence could be a complex thing for anyone who wanted to tackle it. we know why north prefers violence, why does josh detest it? (similarly, why does simon prefer safety over either approach? - but fandom gives him a lot of love and attention and tries to explain this, and nobody tries to explain it for josh.)
like…to a small extent…i know they’re main characters but i could write an essay just on why they didn’t get a fair shake either - constant victims of assault, little depth, kara got to choose what happened to her but not what kind of person she was gonna be like markus & connor, significantly less playtime than markus & connor, had NO influence on the big macro plot like markus & connor, i could go on…but definitely the worst for me is that everything about kara that made us love her (from the short), was ERASED - david took her memories and never made the slightest move towards kara wanting them back, or her being able to get them back. she’s six years old and he took all of her history from her, all of her agency!! i feel like translated into fic they can both become very flat - all kara cares about is protecting alice, and alice is constantly scared or hurt or needing to be taken care of, like a baby doll. granted that’s not actually far from the game’s canon, but it could have been MORE. kara had six entire years of experiences before she met alice - what makes alice special? who is kara without alice? 
i really wish we had been able to take a personality route with kara - her main superpower seems to be empathy and getting people on her side (ralph, jerrys, zlatko’s creatures), but she can also wave around a gun at anybody who gets near her baby. it would have been really interesting to explore two sides of that - to have a kara who is 1000% Done and ready for wholesale murder if it means surviving vs having a kara who can bring out the best in anyone, even if they seem like bad people at first. (imagine the influence you could have over alice - she would learn to be wary of strangers or be warm to them.) but instead the narrative is wishy-washy; you can’t teach alice anything, and in fact she serves as kara’s moral compass instead of the other way around - you wind up doing things like comforting the guy who broke kara multiple times and waving a gun at ralph (who like, shouldn’t have done that, but also isn’t 100% in control of his own facualities all the time). it would have been really interesting to see kara be able to influence her own fate more as well - the camp sections are shitty and should not exist but like maybe a kara who had spent the whole game yelling at everyone with a gun would have the ability unlocked to then rally the people inside, and who cared what connor and markus were doing, you know? 
but david doesn’t know how to write women so that’s not what we got - kara carried that entire franchise into reality and he totally screwed her over!!
luther was forced to do terrible things and that could explain a lot of his behavior if anybody cared, nobody ever wonders if amanda is being forced to obey programming like the rest of the machines or if she’s ok, josh’s relationship with violence could be very complex and we don’t know his motivation for refusing to participate in it the way we know north’s for preferring it, and david can’t write women so he shafted kara so fucking bad and it is an honest to god shame
(dbh meta tag)
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ep: things leo does; by jason grace
chapter 2. aftermath link to chapter 1
summary: 2. hey, mom? okay, there's this guy named leo, and i'm in love with him. wait - wait, you knew that already? well. fuck. wait! aha - i bet anything you didn't know he was in love with me, now did you? yeah, i thought - fuck. word count: 2,051 warnings: mention of cannibalism (not serious), mention of DDLB/NSAP, morse code a/n: valentines chapter because i’m a sucker for the babe :/  read on ao3
5. taps out messages in morse code when he thinks no one is paying attention
Two short taps. One short, one long, two short. One long, one short, two long. Rinse and repeat.
Three letters.
Jason’s sure nobody else has noticed - Leo tapping his fingers in what seems to be a random pattern is nothing new, and his eyes track Chiron’s movements with what seems to be laser focus.
He likes to think he knows Leo better, by now.
Jason thinks back on his old Morse training (“Why do I have to know this?” “Just in case.” “What the hell kind of situation requires us to tap Morse code to each other when we have fucking mouths?”) - laborious months of bullshit memorizing that he never used on quests, but damn if it isn’t coming in handy now.
Two short taps. I
One short, one long, two short. L
One long, one short, two long. Y
Jason jerks up in his seat, avoiding Leo’s eyes when his fingers stop tapping and he glances over, obviously concerned.
Leo’s mouth quirks up into a tiny smirk - how the fuck does he manage to lift only a corner of his mouth, and still convey so much? It’s fucking adorable, and Jason hates it - and he focuses back onto Chiron, who is trotting across the front of the room with a vaguely frustrated expression on his face.
Leo’s fingers continue their tapping, slim fingers pressing coded messages into the tabletop.
Two short taps. I
One short, one long, two short. L
One long, one short, two long. Y
One short, three long. J
One short, one long. A
Three short. S
Three long. O
One long, one short -
“Alright, any questions?” Chiron asks suddenly, raising his voice to attract the attention of any heads whose heads are drooping (Jason tries not to feel guilty - fails - whatever.). “No? Alright, dismissed.”
Jason glances at Leo, who is standing up like nothing’s changed, slapping his hands on the table like nothing’s changed, brushing a hand down his jeans like nothing’s changed, turning to leave like nothing’s -
You get the point.
Okay, so Leo had spelled out ILY JASO- something. That something was either a K, a D, a Y, a C, an X, a B, or…
An N.
Was it too much of a stretch to think he might have been spelling out JASON? Zeus knows it wasn’t JASOD, anyway.
  6. acts like a child when he gets tired*
* leo doesn’t get tired.
“… so the chip attaches to this port -” Leo yawns, and then shakes his head to clear it up, “ - and so it becomes able to track -” another yawn, “ - the movements -”
“Leo?” Jason asks, tilting his head slowly. Leo glances up, blinking blearily (ha, alliteration) up at him.
Jason smiles fondly, unable to hold back his reaction to an evidently tired Leo.
“You look tired. Ready for bed?”
Leo shakes his head again, more rapidly this time, and his curly hair flops around with his movements. He blinks a few more times, then opens his eyes as far as he can. “Nuh-uh,” he says, with an expression like a guilty child.
Yeah, right. Even Jason’s tired, and Leo likes to call him Superman - mostly because he looks like a blond version of him, but also because he’s basically superhuman. Jason doesn’t really get tired.
“Yuh-huh. C’mon, let’s head to my cabin. It’s too late, I don’t want to wake the Hephy kids up.”
Leo shakes his head with a petulant expression, narrowing his eyes and leaning back in his chair. With arms crossed, he mutters, “Nuh. Uh.”
Jason raises an eyebrow and nods to himself for a second, fighting back an amused smile at Leo’s behavior. “Alright, you’ve got a couple of options,” he relents, watching with the fond grin that he hadn’t been able to restrain as Leo slowly relaxes, nodding with lingering suspicion still present on his face. “You can either get up and walk with me, or I pick you up. Your choice.”
Leo sighs heavily, tipping his head back and huffing out another breath through his nose. “Fine.”
Jason stands, hovering for a few seconds. He frowns as suspiciously as he can manage when Leo doesn’t stand up like Jason thought he would, instead slouching further into his seat with hands outstretched, as if…
… he wants Jason to pick him up. Of course he does.
“You’re a fucking baby, y’know that?”
Leo shrugs, a carefree smile on his face. “Yup.”
Jason sighs indulgently. “Yeah, of course you do. Alright, we’re doing piggyback, because we both know - despite how incredibly underweight you are - there’s no way I’ll be able to hold you on my damn hip or whatever for the amount of time it’ll take us to get back to the cabin.”
Leo nods and Jason turns his back to the shorter teenager, crouching on the balls of his feet with his hands outstretched behind him. As carefully as he can manage (which isn’t saying a lot, considering how fucking delirious he seems to be), Leo tucks his legs into the slots of Jason’s hips and he stands up, chuckling softly when Leo yelps behind him.
He regains his balance, though, and wraps lanky arms around Jason to rest in the juncture between his neck and shoulder.
“Good to go?”
Leo says nothing, merely nods against the shoulder he’s already starting to fall asleep on - not that Jason expected anything less.
“¡Dios mio, las luces!” he cries almost immediately, shoving his face into the back of Jason’s shirt. [t - Oh my god, the lights!]
Jason can’t stifle the chuckle that escapes him - okay, so maybe he forgot to tell Leo it was basically morning, but. Who could blame him? He’d been… distracted. By Leo. And his hands. And his hair. And his smile. And his laugh. And his -
You see? It just happened again. Totally not his fault.
"Sorry, love," he says, trying and failing to sound truly apologetic. (Did he just say love in reference to Leo? He’s not going to think about that.) "Afraid I can't turn these lights off."
A groan spills its way out of Leo's mouth, sounding suspiciously like a "Why not?" but with a lot more vowels, probably.
"Well," he starts, the fond amusement (he’s fond way too often when it comes to Leo, damn it) probably ridiculously evident in his voice, "there's this thing in the sky - now, don't get too excited - called the sun. Totally crazy, right? It -"
Leo's left hand knocks harshly against his temple. "Asshole."
"- even makes this wild thing called - wait for it - light! It's pretty fuckin' awesome, if I may say so myself."
Leo sighs. "You may not," he grumbles, and Jason can feel the fluttering of the other boy's eyelashes against his neck. He fights back a shiver at the surprisingly intimate feeling and tries to concentrate on getting them to his cabin.
"Hey, dad?" he murmurs, words slurred through a heavy tongue. Jason opens his mouth to answer, but -
He freezes.
Mentally, of course, because otherwise Leo would know something was up, and he was so close to falling asleep, and Jason really didn't want him realizing what he said, because it'd turn into a whole production, and Leo would never get to sleep, and then... you get the idea.
But - anyway. Back to the matter at hand:
Is that, like, a kink thing?
Jason remembers reading up on kinks (it was a late night and too many Wikipedia articles, sue him), and he's pretty sure daddy kinks are a thing.
(Eugh. He shudders at the thought. Yikes.)
But - that didn't sound like a sexy Dad word. What would a sexy Dad word sound like? It'd probably be Daddy and not Dad, for one.
Oh, gods.
He's getting off track.
Jason decides, as any sane (teenager) semi-mortal would do, to completely ignore the last word of Leo's sentence. "What's up, squirt?"
Okay, what the fuck?
He definitely meant to say Leo, or maybe bro, as regular teenage boys do, but squirt? Gods, Jason's out of his mind.
Maybe it's because Leo's way heavier than he looks. Who knows.
"'m tired."
Jason resists the urge to fist pump the air, instead pulling Leo onto his hip for ease of motion.
"Yeah, yeah, me too. Don't worry, we're almost there."
  7. has horrible grammar when he texts (no, it doesn’t annoy jason)
[17:49] leo_valdez: wht do u want 2 do 4 dins 2nite
[17:55] jason_grace: Salmon with asparagus and rice?
[17:58] leo_valdez: damn chef grace out here [17:58] leo_valdez: yeah boi
[17:59] jason_grace: Okay, cool.
[18:38] jason_grace: Hey, Percy said he’d cook. Cool with you?
[18:43] leo_valdez: yeah np
[18:45] jason_grace: He might take a while, though, so I think we’ll be eating late tonight :/
[18:45] leo_valdez: ye its fine i ate late 2day
[22:24] jason_grace: How’s it smelling over there? I’m hungryy
[22:30] leo_valdez: lol i cant smell anything
[22:31] jason_grace: Omg lol. Do you think it’s your poor sense of smell smell or that nothing is cooking??? Haha
[22:31] leo_valdez: both lmfaooo
[22:32] jason_grace: Lol, okay.
[23:11] jason_grace: 11:11!
[23:14] leo_valdez: my wish is 2 eat
[23:15] jason_grace: Mood [23:19] jason_grace: I’ve died a million hungry deaths already. I may start to eat paper any minute. [23:19] jason_grace: It’s organic, right???
[23:20] leo_valdez: yeah totes gotta get on that #vegan #organic #freerange #localwoodonly trend [23:20] leo_valdez: ykno this shirt is made out f cotton????? thts a crop i cld totally eat this
[23:22] jason_grace: As long as you take tiny bites like a rabbit.
[23:22] leo_valdez: yeahhhhhhh [23:23] leo_valdez: i s2g im gonna eat percy if he doesnt tell me its fuckin ready soon
[23:23] jason_grace: Wait what’s s2g again? [23:23] jason_grace: Oh, nom.
[23:23] leo_valdez: swear to god
[23:23] jason_grace: Nvm*
[23:23] leo_valdez: NOM NOM I HUNGRY
[23:24] jason_grace: Lolzzzz.
[23:24] leo_valdez: thnks jace u rly gotta remind me ://////
[23:24] jason_grace: He’d probably be pretty tasty. [23:24] jason_grace: Remind you of what?
[23:24] leo_valdez: how hUNGRY I AM
[23:25] jason_grace: Nom nom nom I have no other words.
[23:25] leo_valdez: nom [mood in hungryspeak]
[23:26] jason_grace: Me nom.
[23:26] leo_valdez: i just saw th word omw and rly tht it said nom im losing my mind over here
[23:27] jason_grace: Our bellies could have been full hours ago. Savage.
[23:27] leo_valdez: ikr [23:27] leo_valdez: horrible
[23:29] jason_grace: Are tears edible???
[23:29] leo_valdez: hopefully im producing way 2 many of thm
[23:30] jason_grace: Sip slowly, I don’t want you getting full before we eat.
[23:30] leo_valdez: i gotchu [23:31] leo_valdez: trying 2 remind myself tht festus 2.0 is a living being and im not ready 2 b a murderer
[23:34] jason_grace: Oh honey. He wouldn’t be tasty. Too much fur.
[23:34] leo_valdez: u rite u rigt
[23:34] jason_grace: What were we thinking??? We know Percy well enough by now lmao. Sigh. Burp. Ugh.
[23:36] leo_valdez: im crying salmon
[23:37] jason_grace: Oh noooo why’d you have to say salmon?????
[23:38] leo_valdez: LMAOOOO
  8. loves jason grace
Okay, okay.
You gotta keep this one a secret until Jason finds his journal again, okay? He doesn’t know I took it.
I’ve read through it a couple of times, and - damn is Jace a fucking sap. It’s a pity I love him.
No it’s not, who am I kidding.
Aha! That’s the first time I’ve written it down since I realized (which was… too long ago for me to feel comfortable admitting to).
If you didn’t get that, Jason: I love you, you piece of shit.
Fuck, whatever, maybe this thing is a prank and he doesn’t actually love me. Maybe this is a hallucination? Dad knows I’ve been spending way too much time in the Bunker, anyways. Maybe… who knows, honestly.
God, I’m tired.
Whatever. I hope he finds this soon, I’m tired of waiting, for Christ's sake.
See you soon, hopefully.
- leo valdez, the one & only
I love you too, Leo.
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lvtvr · 7 years
s4 thoughts under the cut
i have criticism and i have praise, but most importantly i have common fucking sense and i dont lose my mind if a kids cartoon doesnt go my way so dont worry about that palios
please read this post in a neutrally speculative tone because that’s my voice in my head as i’m typing it. also of course my opinion is just a star in the sky and your mileage, as always, may vary. warning its the Great Wall of Text
sweet stuff
most importantly its a great time to be a lotor stan. i love my boy my problematic trash fav i love him so much hes officially my favorite character now 1000000000% (it used to be lance, but he’s been dethroned for real now)
not only is he a fucking babe but whenever he appeared the plot was guaranteed to move forward so every time he came onscreen i got my two favorite things in one
listen im just not going to go overboard w this but lets just say i think about him and grin a lot what a fucking GREAT character he’s so MORALLY GREY so FUCKED UP so INTERESTING so sexy
matt holt is in fact a meme! good job fandom, well predicted. the allura heart eyes stuff was lame stock cartoon humor which imo added Nothing of value, but that aside he’s an angel boy and brilliant addition to the recurring cast and i love him
i thought the rain and the big no during the cemetery scene were kinda over the top cheesy but that episode was, overall, really great
okay but real talk that one dog looking captain has to be somebody’s fursona???????????? somewhere a furry is fucking thriving right now
fighting animations and space backgrounds were gorgeous, as always
i adore where they’re taking keith’s development!!! i had some pretty serious concerns post s2, but they’re taking him in exactly the direction i had hoped for
i feel like he’s honestly really happy with the blade, their style really suits him and i mean that both figuratively and literally *wink wonk*
he’s a loner, but he’s not alone. he’s in a position where he’s expected to function as an independent unit within a team, instead of being literally connected to the others in his squad; at this point in time that autonomy is what’s important for his development. he has both the insight to realize that and the empathy to be concerned that it might be selfish or wrong in the eyes of others
but his friends support him!!!!!!!! the group hug oh my god
his self sacrifice... i almost died that was just so. beautiful
im just really emo about keith
why does zarkon hate lotor SO much? i have a feeling it must be connected to the circumstances of his birth. SOMETHING is up and i can’t wait to find out WHAT
and what the fuck is going on with haggar
shes still the most aesthetic character in the show sjlgdjsdgjsg PURPLE WITCH PURPLE WITCH
LANCE AND ALLURA!!!! OMG IM CRYING honestly i am still rooting for no canonical romance but at this point i wouldnt even mind canon allurance, because the way they’re having lance mature and act around her is just... im still crying dont look at me
that said i think its beautiful how canon lance, in stark contrast to the awful character that is fanon lance, is a selfless and insightful boy who -- once he steps out of his theater-kid attention-seeking leo persona -- has a better grasp than perhaps anyone of the true dynamics of the team
he gave allura the speech that shitty lance stans want the rest of the team to give him. i can’t believe he single handedly screwed over all bad characterization. im so proud of him.
salty stuff
lance’s sweet moment at the end of ep6 aside, i’m still pretty bitter about the fact that we know virtually NOTHING about either lance or hunk. to some degree shiro is also still a mystery.
the reason it’s so frustrating is because to varying degrees, keith, pidge, and allura all have some sort of backstory and ongoing arcs
in comparison, hunk and lance have been kind of stuck in support roles for four seasons now. they are occasionally shown maturing, but im just lacking a foundation for what’s driving them?? besides lance’s insecurities, what do we really HAVE?
episode 4 was a waste of time that i hope the under-12 demographic enjoyed more than i did. the meta wasn’t on point like, for instance, the avatar theater episode. also, it treated hunk terribly. like, lampshading how horribly he’s treated as a fat comic-relief character isn’t funny when your writers are the ones giving him that treatment in the first place lol???
it was, how u say, a shitty filler that could have been dropped entirely without affecting a thing
the sailor scout poses were pretty okay tho
why would you create a setup for whatever is going on with shiro and then not so much as allude to it during an entire season? 
like, a forty-second scene implying some weird juju would have been enough, but completely dropping one of the plot threads for six consecutive eps makes for a pretty porous story-tapestry. im assuming they’ll pick it up again but this season is just... a gaping hole, dramaturgically speaking.
if i had written it i would be kicking my own ass for lack of continuity
seriously this makes me feel less bad about my first-draft mess of a fanfic because holy shit lol its a lot tighter than this was
lotor killing narti came literally out of nowhere, and im not saying this to defend him (she was my favorite general and im incredibly sad she’s gone?? im lowkey hoping haggar’s mojo will revive her tbh) -- but, again, we have some really weird writing decisions going on here
lotor was set up in season three as someone who values mercy and explicitly orders his people not to kill. like, im not trying to excuse what he did -- im just saying it seems like a contradiction, based on what we’ve been shown
why wouldnt he just incapacitate her or kill kova instead?? the nature of the psychic bond was never addressed enough to make killing her seem motivated, and his character was never built up as someone who would succumb to a random murderous impulse, so tl;dr I Don’t Get It
also we havent been given enough background on the team to be able to say for sure, but what i assumed was a tight-knit elite group with history seems to have actually been a ragtag group of neutral-aligned mercenaries, temporarily banded together for personal gain.
while i’m okay with a plot-driven show that doesn’t spell things out and leaves most things as implied subtext, i still feel like there is such a thing as being too subtle
like you can’t set up plot threads only to put them completely on pause to have some ships blow up, it will only frustrate the audience and make the action seem like a cover-up for the writers having no idea what the fuck is going on
its not hard!!! to just throw in allusions to things!!!! like we’re talking literally just tossing out HINTS so people remember that “oh yeah that thing existed at all” @ dreamworks please uh... do that?
the pattern seems to be that we get a mindblowing season followed by a mediocre season so time to hype s5!
so anyway those are my two cents ("its more like ten dollars char" yeah yeah i know!!!) and i’m very happy to discuss the events of this season, and for people to disagree with me (as long as its polite and... at least relatively motivated lol)
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dadhakyeon-blog · 7 years
awww i was tagged by @gayhearteyes i love 
drink: water!!! phone call: my sister text message: “how he look down at u when hes getting his dik succ” i hate myself why is this my last text 
song you listened to: boogie by brockhampton time you cried: uhhh a few nights ago i was thinking about jonghyun
dated someone twice: no lol kissed someone and regretted it: no live in the now don’t look back been cheated on: prob not  lost someone special: yes been depressed: lol clinical depression in the house  gotten drunk and thrown up: too many times i don’t know how to stop lmaooo
dirt yellow, green, orange
made new friends: a ton omg!!!  fallen out of love: uh no just in love laughed until you cried: yes!!! found out someone was talking about you: yeah lmao met someone who changed you: yeAH found out who your friends are: in a way kissed someone on your facebook list: hahaha facebook is for oldies
how many facebook friends do you know in real life: ion have a facebook do you have any pets: yes i have so many i love them all  do you want to change your name: nope i’m happy with mine what did you do for your last birthday: ....i think i had a party but i was a little bit inebriated to remember all of it what were you doing at midnight last night: helping my baby sister sleep because she had a nightmare! name something you can’t wait for: my college acceptances!!! when was the last time you saw your mom: a week ago?? what are you listening to right now: christmas music from the kitchen have you ever talked to a person named tom: my grandpa is named tom lol something that is getting on your nerves: my goddamn step siblings using outdated memes and saying ‘mrry chrimmuh’ every five minutes save me most visited website: insta, tumblr, youtube hair color: dark brown long or short hair: shoulder length? so long for a guy do you have a crush on someone: more like i’m in love with someone who will never love me back heajhkdjejiaheuehaheuehaueh what do you like about yourself: i’m funny  blood type: fuk idk i think AB nickname: ax, axhole  relationship status: single (but maybe fwb???) zodiac: leo! pronouns: he/him or whatever really i don’t care i’m comfortable in my masculinity favourite tv show: uh the walking dead  tattoos: got a solar system on my ankle, an x-eyes smiley on my inner hip, and a triangle on my wrist. want a Ton more tho right or left handed: right  surgery: yep 
sport: w a t e r p o l o  pair of shoes: calvin klein pointed toe black leather boots are my most prized possession  food: hot pot or king oyster mushrooms drink: water! or diet coke i’m about to: go to my step uncles house and try and communicate with my thai step cousins 
waiting for: college? graduation? college letters?  want: i’m content with what i have i think  get married: maybe but i’m open to polyamory so that would be tricky  career: nursing all the way 
hugs or kisses: hugs  lips or eyes: lips/smile  shorter or taller: taller older or younger: either as long as it’s not by too much nice arms or nice stomach: armmmmmssssssss hook up or relationship: tbh my last relationship wasn’t that good so i’ve been enjoying hook ups a lot  troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker lmao
kissed a stranger: nah drank hard liquor: too often lost glasses/contact lenses: absolutely  turned someone down: yeah lmao sex on the first date: nope  broken someone’s heart: yeah kinda had your heart broken: YEAH been arrested: no but i attacked a police officer and only got disarmed once #whiteprivilige fallen for a friend: Y E A H  cried when someone died: yeah 
yourself: yes!!! miracles: yes!!! love at first sight: sort of not really  santa claus: hahaha no kiss on the first date: yeah yeah yeah yeah 
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brothalynchhung · 5 years
2019 overview.
this year.. was fucking two years in one. also a little late again but whatever. this is going to be long as FUCK. 
started 2019 in dubai
spent the first couple of days in Dubai on the beach
went to London and just fucked around dt and chinatown lost that damn snake ring fml
I got drunk eating dumplings watching Jeffrey star in that bed LMFAOOOYOO LMFAOOOOOEGJEORIGHSREUG
got back to Ottawa and it was straight GRIND from the get go
back to my last semester of uni 
back to club m (omg.. I miss:( kinda lol)
started that govt job
back to social media marketing for Dubai
3 jobs + school basically
did that dumbass STUPID FUCKING govt job all the way in quebec that I woke up for and travelled for everyday 
would go straight to gym, work again, or school fml
wasn't entirely bad I kinda needed it cuz I applied to a million jobs during that time and did school work LMAO also printed a lot of important shit and got paid so whatever
AND The fortune teller who like prophisized all this shit goddddd 
iconic if I must say
little did I know...
I miss movati fml lol
working at club Monaco omg ugh they gave me life honestly
fun times w trang cc precious Courtney mich JACK Amanda Raman donia even tho she annoying lol and whoever else I worked w jana jil Daria honestly I just miss Courtney LMFAO uhh jenn was cool too 
I'm never going to forget that place I swear to god I have so much loyalty and pride for my memories for that place im never going to take my experience there for
chilling with avid Vinny and like Alex a bit LMAO he would randomly ask to chill it was weird
that Chinese dinner and chat time thing in his car WHAT WAS THATTT
chilling like a scrub a cu with hector and that crew goddLMAO
avin vin rideau gang
visiting avid at nordstorm the Rui girl and Herman lol he was sofunny
last class with strangle omg he was iconic honestly 
trang pargol fidede zainab mannnn honestly shoutout old Ottawa friends 
xinyii!! and jelly!! my last times with them
I miss Xinyi so much :( im so happy I got to see her before leaving she was so nice I wish her so much success 
remember working those last shifts at cm like.. yo I feel like things are going to change and my days are numbered.. I feel it. 
did interview after interview, applying EVERYDAY to escape 
the amount of focusing I did on applying around feb and April like I was just focused on working and getting out of there
did two interviews in like 2 hours always on the go always moving always working 
and then like clockwork.. at the govt job.. went to the bathroom knew? to bring my phone with me.. and then right when I left I got a call from mk went into that empty conference room and got the offer. cried. accepted. life changing
I honestly just left that place... went to cm and just.. resigned... put my two weeks in...
and it happened literally in my last week of the govt job..
like fate 
immediately went home told cc precious fam 
fam weren't happy 
shout out precious for helping me honestly he helped so much 
found my place through hmida who held it down
that whole condo scenario LOL godddd my landlord a HOE
met zgy gvy at precious while I crashed a night
remember the one I took last minute from Yorkdale LMAO that one wasn't bad honestly I slept good
moving my things packaging them up. like yo.. lol
bringing the boxes from shoppers godddd LOL 
finally landed in Toronto with my place
waiting outside for 5 hours for my damn keys crazy with my suitcase lol... 
unpacking my things
like just finally having my own place mannn that was my dream for such a long ass time
getting around dt a bit getting used to tdot... 
crazy exciting 
then... 3 days in..
met that bitch that fucked me up 
met everything I ever wanted in a person? physically and interest wise and yet?
first hookup? lost v? 
new city new job new life new home lost v new everything
in 3 days. 
my life crazy..
spent the whole time like until October till low-key NOW just thinking about it bitterly 
my feelings up and down I was drowning in obsession and confusion
I know I fucked it up but it was fucked up since the beginning
shook everything about what I thought I wanted in gl or a person
standards are definitely raised and all men trash and hoes Idgaf
I feel nothing towards nobody
my whole mind switched to money and power. 
gl I love you but you're not here and we got a lot growing to do so imma see ya ass in a couple of years 
anyways started working at mk!!! craziest 3 month probation thing I had 
met so much people... holy shit.. zgy,gvy,hailey,gab,aisha,priya,rach,lisa,alex,DANIA, goddddd
clubbing.. mon., thurs... weekenddd... wake up... 8:30 work
how did I do it.... fuck lol
met a lot of hoes.. fucked with Sunday once more before he died bye bitch ass hoe.. Leo, sleeve, uhhh that's it I think actually
damn this year was crazy I keep forgetting shit
all the weird ass ppl I met at cabana omg the humber guy YOO THE ASIAN GUY WITH MY KEYS LMFAOOO ZGY FUCKLMFGIESH
omg tsf lmao and like yeah all the clubbing ppl in to fuck 
half and half like didnnt know if I liked it or not but it was crazy
still think about that Frans night the damn milkshake and food omggg
just spent summer exploring to trinity Bellwoods ossington like summer stories clubbing stories
managing my double life lol
good distraction made work fun when I needed it during my last months of probation LMAO
omg going home during lunch and then back to work ICONIC
leaving the girls at my place and coming back for lunch LMAOOO god really iconic honestly showering and going back to work sleeping hoeing all that LMFAO 
omg the time I left Leo at my place YOO LMAO
still have that expensive ass sweater LMFAO WAT A SIMP
those drunk texts he sent Me in august and I punked him off LMFAOO 😩😂
men trash 
darren Chris rob goddd all those damn ppl I met the one guy who saved me during that blacTHE BLACKOUT CABANNA NIGHT GOD THAT WAS A MESS LMAO TITTIES OUT EVERYTHING but yeah he was low key useless I forget his name highboy but whatever
I got catfishes twice 😩 the change bitch and the John bitch airehguerihserh FUCKKK LMFAO
and then I catfish Sunday to punk him off for revenge and call him a thot and thought he was talking about me for catfish when it was just about another bitch he was hoeing with cuz he a hoe.. Jesus my life wild
gained weight fml I don't even wanna mention it iDONT WANNA TALK
even if it is muscle I dDONT WANNT TALK ABOUT IT
the cabana pool jump... godd... walking home drunkregiuhersguhe fucK 
summer was crazy
nada and mama coming wow that was annoying I rlly can't do family even though I love them
getting high swimming the catfish racing munchies arguing with Alex LMAO 
eating out with Dania gab Lisa the normal ppl I met lool
a lot of stress of money and where I want to go I was in a hella rush idk why I think everything happening so fast made me not want to slow down at all but im finally slowing down 
priya end of the year rebel tiff stuff 
basically drowning in depress and regret around the end of summer cuz everything calmed down and I had the time to think and reflect about everything and yeah.. got super depressed
that bitch cc and her bullshit yo just fucking go bye
notice how there's like no memories with her like yeah there was but they were just annoying cuz she was annoying highkey
thanks for bringing my shit from Ottawa tho dumbass LOL eat a dick
omg all my emo ass walks at night to the port and water and trillium park in the morning aiohreughresehre writing with my journal god that was actually nice tho 
super peaceful so happy to live near the water highkey
always in between losing myself who am I what do I do now who am I like did I lost myself did I ever have myself
major existential crisis
how did I survive work god 
actually I had a lot of night walking home from the club sad
omg remember the ovo guy fucking loser liar 
as usualllll 
ugh what else fuck too much shit happened OH YEAH
my birthday with the girls and the bbq!! the cake!! omg so nice :((( so funny lol
that weirdo ass man that I still see in the gym sometimes god help me lol 
passing my probation!!!! and then like finally fitting in and feeling apart of mk and the “family” lol
got a moomin from Scottish mans 🥺 love him
anyways got depressed drowning in obsession.. nothing surprising there 🙄 
got high and drunk like bottom of the barrel... 
right before pargol came LMAO 
oh yeah I went to Ottawa because yo I was going out of my mind about losing myself.. needed to go BACK to the place I hated to find myself
went back and it was like??? everything was the same.. still saw vin and avid and Herman at Rideau still had bbt with them 
still fucking around hector and that whole crew had Ivan his girl moe.. ribal..Kyle YO lol that weird ass club experience AS USUAL Ottawa clubs trash god
apple picking same year in a row wit z <3 and hamza and fams lol
saw the kids and got to be stupid again loool 
anyways came back to my actual life
like it just felt weird knowing that the place I had all my memories and experiences in like.. felt nothing
even the forest felt weird like I didn't need to be there anymore?
as much as tried to drown myself in obsession and my past and bad habits.. I couldn't?
im being forced to move forward and learned Sunday was the last experience it was just eye opening
after the emotional shit I sat down again and had a whole purging 
I never felt that bad and horrible and drowned in obsession since raglan..
like.. deleted the hidden pictures... the feeling.. like I've done this before...
that was the final straw..
you think its over just because I am dead but its not over..the games just begun.
never again. 
anyways I met Aisha!!! love her vibe with her heavy
introduceed me to the sugar shit YOOOO LMFAOOO
weird ass fucking people but get the money and go 
stack up crazy and saving up this past few months 
and just chilling w friends and therapy sessions
scheming and planning for the future
therapy sessions
got close with Lisa
iconic holiday party and New Years with again like random weird ppl and my girls exemplifying how wild and fresh the whole experience of this year was 
at least I be waking up warm and clean in MY PLACEby myself with no bullshit 
just like.. got a new place new job new city basically live the life I always wanted? reading movies? new friends no problems? wtf how my life change so quick
new interesting experiences
getting drunk high dancing at my place out in these streets just meeting bare people all these new people and experiences holy shit... 
and like yeah im not where I want to be but this progress and process is FUN now 
everything a strategy and a move and love staying busy 
wish I had more free time tho I never feel rested my life fucking crazy LOOL
that weirdo bitch who thought he was dating me UGHHH BOTTOM OF THE BARRELL JUST FOR A CAR AND FOOD BITCHARE U CRAZY 
power trip crazy im so sorry jfc 
anyways block and move on
met Chris and we still talking for like 3 months in a row god... lol gunna see him Saturday idk was the HALE going on 
im like surrounded by hoes???? and I don't want it GOD I JUST BEEN FOCUSING ON ME AND MONEYFUCK EVERYONE ELSE 
idek what else maybe im missing shit but this whole year wild best year of MY LIFE though
idk what the fuck gunna happen in 2020 cuz my split lives and the chaos and playing hoes and always thinking about opportunity and abundance and money got my mind and moves all wrapped in strategy but we only ONNLY ONLYYY GOING UP from here no excuses lets fucking go I always say this but 2019 was fucking wild and you know what.. lets fucking go 2020 LETS FUCKING GO as long as I don't gain weight LMFAO lets fucking GO. money and power on my mind exclusively. gl imma see you in 2 years. focusing on bigger things but at least im OUT HERE and ESCAPED and we onLY ATTRACTING AND MANIFESTING ABUNDANCE 
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gayregis · 5 years
OK first episode reactions
OHHH that was THE KIKIMORE............... im glad we get to see the fight because i mean. i would want some money for doing that crazy shit too. also you noticed how he killed the deer because he was probably starving. 
the moment of hesitation before he enters the tavern......... OK... [jaskier or yennefer voice] dont you just wanna stroke his gross dirty white hair
wait the uhhhh... “tavern scene” occurs in the witcher right, so i dont have to be scared bc this is the lesser evil, right, right, maybe not, idk what theyre switching around
the fucking cease of noise as geralt walks in.... the MOOD
cavill is like way too fine to be playing geralt rn i mean this shot where he says point me to the aldermans house is really showing off his profile. i feel sympathetic for this pretty pretty man
oh im regretting not rereading the lesser evil right now. i cant remember WHAT the fuck happens in that story. he goes to stregobor first though right??? right? he meets with the alderman and the dude’s like nah you cant get shit for that kikimore head, but maybe this wizard will give ya smth
my lesbianisms thinking renfri is pretty VS my morality knowing what shes like VS my witcher fan knowing what the hell happens in this story.... fight
WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE RENFRI SO PRETTY!!!!!!! shes SO pretty and cute..... yall are making me like her fuck you fuck you SO hard.
the voice acting is sending me kind of... this is actually a good geralt voice imo if you dont mind me saying that. i still prefer polish tw3 dub but this is actually better than fuckin delvin mallory in the audiobooks. no disrespect, peter kenny, you did dandelion and yennefer and the hansa well, but geralt..... hm....
okay jk actually i need more geralt lines in order to develop my thoughts on his voice. ill wait until edge of the world where he SHOULD be more talkative
are we really going to stregobor’s fucking tower where a naked woman illusion waits on him and he offers to give geralt a go at this basically fuck doll illusion
“where are you from, geralt?” “rivia.” SURE.... YOU LIAR...... liar .... just WAIT until baptism of fire oooohhh just you wait
also this girl marilka is so sweet, also makes me think because milva said she was called that by some. but thats why she changed her name to milva
“because girls cant be witchers right” OK you reminded me 50% of ciri but now youre literally just proto-ciri
oh.... no foolery with the magic door knocker?
wow this exactly what i pictured the inside of stregobor’s tower to be like lmaooo
oh its so weird to see ciri like. like old at cintra you know what im saying . like im like wait wait how is she alive if geralt hasnt been there as ravix yet. not BAD just weird for me
“speak normally” this reminds me of in bounds of reason dandelions like should i give the account in verse or in prose and then he starts speaking with the most flowery prose and geralts like PROSE prose please
“if you had been alive during falkas rebellion” please dont mention falka already we’re moving too fast soon enough leo fucking bonhart will be at our heels!
“and she possesses the power to destroy us all” “i dont believe anyone has that power.” WAIT UNTIL YOU MEET YOUR DAUGHTER DUDE LOL
wow he’s really full body dressed in black leather. huh . and people say hes heterosexual fml
okay i thought them calling the girls “girl” was kinda tender in the series but now its even more tender when heard aloud.
eist is like really present here and i like him enough its just that calanthe was like way more important than him in the series though right
“it needs to rhyme” and “pretty ballads hide bastard truths” so are we really just stealing every clever word that jaskier can say before he even comes into it
me: is a regis fan / also me: GERALT IS A SHITTY OLD BITCH LMAOO
uh oh spaghettios! its nilfgaard and one of their fun funky officers, son of ceallach! i havent seen him yet but im terrified anyways!
okay see this is how you do a  PROPER adaptation. calanthe in the books committed suicide so she wouldnt be r*ped right as she sat in a stupid castle but this calanthe is on the fucking battlefield. this is why we stan middle aged women
eist: [dies] me: AAAAAA cahir: [is there Waiting] (i think its him maybe) me: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
ah fuck ah fuck fuck
ciri: why [is nilfgaard attacking] ? calanthe knowing DAMN WELL stupid fucking duny is her dad: uhHHhhHhH idk lol
“you will rule this land someday” nope again! [thinks about lady of the lake] nope and nope!
ciri’s “are you dying?” to calanthe on her deathbed is the new “was he human” yennefer asking if regis (as a giant fucking bat) was human
i love how looongggg these episodes areee omgg
but also i always thought of the fall of cintra as something you know like. it happened in two shakes, cahir kinda just took ciri up by her underarms (like longcat) and left
renfri: who were you talking to? geralt: .. my horse.......... all of the fans: [dialing 1-800-TROUBADOUR immediately]
ugh i really thought they were gonna adapt the sex between renfri and geralt out. ugh ugh . too much heterosexuality
ciri you are gonna regret stalling so hard when mr. ceallach marches in. just saying. RUN.
uh.... ok...................... hm not what happened in the books.... where ciri is shot off in the midst of battle and crawls up next to a dead man and acts dead ........ lol cahir is even more evil now how is this possible i didnt think he could get MORE evil
[cahir voice] he deflected the arrow with his sword! ive never seen anything like it!
also have i said already that the cinematography is amazing. like the room where calanthe was on her deathbed.... that renfri dream was pretty cool too... just a lot of things are very pleasing to the eye
due to a injury in the carotid artery blood would be gushing everywhere. also is she prophecizing ciri? stop this there are already so many women in the witcher universe that give prophecy. theres like the girl in baptism of fire, ciri, everyone in ciri’s bloodline, and now renfri?
cahir: nice, GG guys, im gonna go get that cool promotion now, this will be epic, my mom will be SO proud of me-- ciri: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA cahir: OH FUUUUCKKK
well that’s MUCH MORE of a report to file with your superior officers! “yeah so the girl fucking opened up a hole in the earth” instead of “ahh idk i fell asleep and when i woke up she wasnt there :/” .... cahir really is not getting that promotion now, huh
okay yall can say whatever you want about cavill as geralt but when he said “do not touch her” and moved his mouth like that? oh geraltisms.
this is a really nice episode i like how it just went into the action i wasnt convinced at first but ah this is quite nice. i like how it has JUST geralt and ciri in it and later yennefer will come in as her mom. renfri prophecizing was actually pretty ok, at first i thought i wouldnt like the change, but it makes it easier to digest for television. i like how they really emphasize that geralt is hated to all hell, and that ciri is powerful yet still babie. this is a good portrayal of both of them in these stages of their lives you know what im saying. also is cahir gonna chase ciri now for those Good Boy Black Rider points? bc there were shots of him in a forest. ah well whatever lets move to the next episode
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linzerj · 7 years
more tags to fill
ok now for the long ones
Tagged by @thearmada4231 and @fire-fira
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end choose 25 people to be tagged. (that’s too many people also i hate tagging people sorry) Also you both tagged me with this and they start with the same questions but then get different toward the end so??? some repeat and some change so I might end up with more than 92 cuz im gonna read each and combine them all
Last Drink: water
Last phone call: to CVS trying to refill a prescription
Last text message: “ok” to my mom
Last song you listened to: idk whatever song was on the car radio, I think it was “Brick in the Wall”??
Last time you cried: yesterday when i got upset about something
Dated someone twice: I HAVE DATED 0 PEOPLE EVER SO
Been cheated on: that requires dating, i have not done it
Kissed someone and regretted it: no because this requires i like someone and have the courage to act upon it
Lost someone special: sadly yes
Been depressed: um. maybe? i honestly am not sure if what i feel sometimes is depression or my anxiety
Been drunk and thrown up: nope
Sunset red
Made a new friend: yes
Fallen out of love: n...no(?)
Laughed until you cried: YUP
Met someone who changed you: I mean not really that dramatic. I’ve met some cool people but none that completely changed me.
Found out who your true friends are: this is a weird question to me...i mean, maybe? i think i’ve always known who my friends are
Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: probably i don’t remember the whole year tbh and that shit usually doesnt bother me
Kissed Anyone That Are Your Followers/You Follow: i have kissed 0 people 
How Many People On Your Tumblr Do You Know IRL: shit um...at least 2 or 3
Do You Have Any Pets: Yes, a lovely 11 year old Lab named Holly
Do You Want To Change Your Name: Nope mine is good but I wish it was on more magnets and shot glasses spelled correctly (I’m Lindsay but all I ever see is Lindsey)
What Time Did You Wake Up This Morning: like 11am whoops
What Were You Doing Last Night: reading City of Glass from the Mortal Instruments series and watching Slime Rancher YouTube videos
Name Something You CANNOT Wait For: Young Justice Season 3, and also to graduate college with my master’s degree
Have You Ever Talked To A Person Named Tom: Yes....
What’s Getting On Your Nerves RN: my dog is snoring and i can hear her even tough my door is closed and she’s downstairs
Blood type: AB+
Nicknames: Linz
Relationship Status: single and NOT ready to mingle
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Pronouns: She/her
Favourite TV Show: SHIT DUDE ATLA, Korra, Gravity Falls, Young Justice, Voltron, Miraculous Ladybug, DUCKTALES, man all sorts of shit
Most visited website: Tumblr and AO3 and YouTube
Elementary: MY DEAR WATSON (I stole this from fira, no regrets)
High School: i went to one
College: listen i’d tell you where but i dont feel comfortable sharing that
Hair color: brown
Long Or Short Hair?: fairly short it’s only to my shoulders
Do You Have A Crush On Someone?: not at the moment no
What Do You Like About Yourself: I’m tall enough to reach most high things (this is the first thing that came to mind idk guys)
Tattoos: None.
Righty Or Lefty: Righty
First Surgery: does getting wisdom teeth removed count?
First Piercing: ears
First best friend: shit omg I had a trio of friends, Nicole, Alec, and Jack. I think Alec and I were friends first and then Jack joined the group and Nicole was a good friend but not like friends with those two boys, and we would run around the playground in pre-K together like maniacs it was great
First Sport You Joined: is dance a sport? if not then soccer
First Vacation: probably disney world
First Pair Of Trainers (Sneakers): ????????????????
Eating: nothing
Drinking: nothing
I’m About To: finish packing maybe and then go to bed
Listening To: crickets outside and my dog’s snoring
Waiting For: school to start i guess
Want Kids: NOPE not really
Get Married: probably not, i don’t plan on it
Career: master’s student
Lips Or Eyes: Eyes
Hugs Or Kisses: Hugs
Shorter Or Tall: TALL
Older Or Younger: i don’t know?
Nose, Stomach Or Nice Arms: ......idk arms???
Sensitive Or Loud: i mean I’m both so ????
Hook Up Or Relationship: Relationship
Troublemaker Or Hesitant: a balance??? 
Kissed A Stranger: No
Drank Hard Liquor: No
Lost Glasses/Contacts: PROBABLY when i was little probably i havent lost my glasses in a while thats for sure
Sex On First Date: No (what’s a date?)
Broken Someone’s Heart: that requires dating (i think)
Had your own heart broken: Nope
Been Arrested: no i am good and pure
Turn Someone Down: no i dont think so
Cried When Someone Died: like a baby
Fallen For A Friend: yes actually, the friend Alec i mentioned, he was my first crush and i think it was because we were friends that i had a crush on him in the first place
In Yourself: ummmmmmmmmmmmm
Miracles: sure why not
Love At First Sight: noooot really no, except like maybe familial love when you look at your baby for the first time and automatically love them kind of thing??
Heaven: mmmmaybe??
Santa Claus: dude i did once but then my mom was like “you’re 12 he’s not real Lindsay” and I wrote in a diary that my mom was mean and then threw it at her (tl;dr no i don’t sorry santa)
Angels: again, maybe??
Kiss on the first date: N...nooooo??
current best friend’s name: I have a few, Ashley and Shannon and Chris and Casey and Sarah and Gigi...
eye color: Blue-ish
favorite movie: shit dude. Harry Potter 3 was good and so was the first Avengers...Doctor Strange and Spider-Man Homecoming, and Ant-Man, and Jurassic Park that’s it that’s the one
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xingsdae · 7 years
Tagged by @xiu-dangerous and @grinding-on-baek!
THE LAST 1. Drink: Water. 2. Phone Call: Facetime with Diana @longlivethesemoments, actual phone call was with my dad. 3. Text Message: Diana again lol. 4. Song you listened to: "what U need?” by Lay (Yixing lol). I was taking screenshots of the music video for my selfie/bias tag post. 5. Time you cried: I’ve teared up multiples times today, but actual crying was probably like a few weeks ago? I forget. 6. Dated someone twice: Nah, but I have been on at least two dates with my boyfriend. At least two in the 4 years we’ve been together. 7. Been Cheated on: Nope. Unless you count the boy I liked in kindergarten. He kissed another girl and I had to pretend I wasn’t mad haha. 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: I kissed my boyfriend when he had nasty morning breath and I regretted it. And I kissed him when he had a cold sore, which caused me to have multiple cold sores and left scars on my chin and neck. But I still like kissing him. For whatever reason. I guess I love him or whatever. 9. Lost someone special: I lost my snapback. Well, I forgot it at the concert and it was too late to go back and get it because we were already downstairs and near the doors. It was cute and I only had it for a few months. RIP You will be missed. 10. Been depressed: Never been diagnosed. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Once. I blame “Chunks” for throwing up twice before me and I had to clean up the mess while I was still drunk. I like to think his vomit made me vomit.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: Blue, purple, and green.
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. Made new friends: A few. I think. Unless they all hate me like my old friends do. Oh God, they probably hate me. 16. Fallen out of love: I used to kind of like Times Square. Now I hate it. Mostly because I like going to NY for the food and there’s only boring food there. 17. Laughed until you cried: Nah. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: HA. Yes. Not everyone has something nice to say, apparently. Something about me being desperate for friends? Something about being scared of me because of my race? Something about me being annoying? But who knows? They’ll never say it to my face. 19. Met someone who changed you: I breathed the same air as EXO and they looked at me/in my direction and now I will never be that happy again until I see them again. 20. Found out who your true friends are: Yep. Again. It keeps happening. At this rate, I’ll be all alone by the time I’m 25. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yep. My boyfriend. I know, it’s a shock, but I have to tell the truth. 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: The real question is, do they even know the real me??? #FakeDeep 23. Do you have any pets: I’m not into pet play, sorry. 24. Do you want to change your name: I’ll eventually change my middle and last name once my boyfriend puts a ring on it because it’s tradition and I don’t mind changing it. 25. What did you do for your last birthday: I had some friends over at my house and we played some games. 26. What time did you wake up: 4 A.M. I had to pee lol. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Skyping with my boyfriend, probably already falling asleep. 28. Name something you cannot wait for: EXO’s comeback. 29. When was the last time you saw your mother: A few hours ago. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Probably to be motivated. I would probably get more shit done. 31. What are you listening to right now: The voice in my head that tells me to be sad. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I have an Uncle Tom and I knew a Tom in middle school and we only talked because we sat next to each other in assigned seating...omg I am old. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My family. 34. Most visited website: This hell hole. 35. Elementary: I’ve been in 2, 3 if we’re including middle school in this category. Catholic school from kindergarten till the 4th grade, then public school because I moved and Catholic school is too much money anyway. 36. High School: 1 public school. 37. College: 1 state university. Husky pride. It’s like a 6 on the party school scale to everyone except those who hate big campuses. Then it’s a 10 apparently. 38. Hair color: Black (or Blackened brown or whatever). 39. Long or short hair: Long 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Don’t tell my boyfriend I have a crush on him. He thinks I’m crushing on Yixing. He’s right, but I believe in multiple crushes. 41. What do you like about yourself: I’m funny sometimes. 42. Piercings: The regular ear piercings. 43. Blood type: Like the name of that short series Kyungsoo was in, B+. 44. Nickname: “What do you want to do with your life? Be a loser? Am I that bad of a parent?” It’s a bit long, but it just sort of caught on. 45. Relationship status: In a relationship. 46. Zodiac sign: Leo. My moon sign is Cancer and my Venus sign is Virgo. 47. Pronouns: She/her 48. Favorite tv show: I’m currently watching Running Man, Elementary, Total Divas, and Shingeki no Kyojin season 2. 49. Tattoos: Not yet. I can’t commit to a tattoo idea. Also, if my parents saw it they will kill me. 50. Right or left hand: Right.
FIRST… 51. Surgery: I got my molars removed. 52. Piercing: The typical ear piercings. 54. Sport: Crying. 55. Vacation: The Philippines when I was 7. 56. Pair of trainers: I remember having sneakers with Disney princesses on them and Velcro.
MORE GENERAL… 57. Eating: My feelings. 58. Drinking: Away my problems. 59. I’m about to: Go to the next question. 61. Waiting for: All 9 members of EXO to be together again. 62. Want: Money. 63. Get married: Eventually. 64. Career: Accountant. 65. Hugs or kisses: Both. 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes. 67. Shorter or taller: Taller. 68. Older or younger: Older. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Arms. 71. Sensitive or loud: Both? But I guess sensitive. 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker, but for like small things. Like deciding to only eat ice cream for dinner. You know, the rebel life.
HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: Nope. 75. Drank hard liquor?: Yes. Mostly mixed with yummy fruity stuff to make it taste not like liquor. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses?: I constantly lose contacts. 77. Turned someone down?: Like at a bar to dance. 78. Sex on first date?: Never done it. 79. Broken someone’s heart?: I mean, have you seen me? I’m kind of cute. I’m sure someone was disappointing in knowing I have a boyfriend/not interested. 80. Had your heart broken?: Nope. 81. Been arrested?: Nope. 82. Cried when someone died?: Not anyone I know. Only fictional characters. I guess that’s messed up. 83. Fallen for a friend?: Nope.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself?: Meh. Sometimes. 85. Miracles?: Like actual religious ones? Not really. 86. Love at first sight?: Nope. 87. Santa Claus?: I used to, but then the kids in the 4th grade made fun of me. And it all made sense why one time I looked under the tree and nothing was there and I was sad I was a bad kid, but then my mom said Santa left the gift in my parents room for safe keeping. 88. Kiss on the first date?: Sure. Never done it though. 89. Angels?: Yixing exists.
OTHER…. 90. Current best friend’s name: Diana. Another name drop ayyyy. 91. Eye color: Brown. 92. Favorite movie: I’ll say Aladdin because I just saw it on Broadway and Get Out because that was the last movie I saw in theaters. I’ll tag @ninetytwoline @jongjn @for-the-love-of-lay @tousdae @chengineering and @okaybaekhyun! This is long and really personal so only do it if you want to! :)
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