#walk the same español
thinkwosolife23 · 11 months
Reputation, Alexia Putellas
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Being a Williamson is great. For the most part. You and Leah had gained quite the reputation both on and off the pitch.
On the pitch, Leah had become one of the best centerbacks in the world. Captaining the Lionesses to winning the Euros and then taken them right through to the World Cup Final. And you had become on of the most well-decorated fowards in the world, top scorer for Arsenal and England. And when you were on the pitch together, well that was a duo that was feared by your opposistion. Leah was able to find you wherever you were on the pitch and 9 times out of 10, you would put the ball in the back of the net. The connection you two held on the pitch was unmatched, it became unstoppable.
But off the pitch, the Williamson name wasn't as appreciated. After the two of you had come out of long-term relationships, Leah with Jordan and you with Katie (McCabe). You had started to become known as, 'players.' The routine of going out, meeting someone, sleeping with them and leaving in the morning became all too familiar for the pair of you. The word commitment no longer exsisted in your world outside of football.
Your teamaties had become well aware of the antics you and your sister shared. This happened because you may have, accidently slept with one of your teamates sisters.
But this season, the Williamson sisters were no longer playing for the same club team.
Arsenal Star, Y/N Williamson leaves childhood club for Champions League Winners.
Barcalona break the current Womens record fee to sign Y/N Williamson from Arsenal.
So, here you were. In Barcalona. Today would be your first day in training, also the day where you would be introduced to your new teamates. Obviously, you had played against some of them in the World Cup Final but we won't talk about that.
Kiera had offered to take you to training, with it being your first day. And for the fact that currently, you don't have a car.
But with the journey to training, you also recieved a lecture.
"You can't mess around here, Y/N. You can't be like how you were in England." Kiera told you firmly just as you had stepped into the training centre.
"Best behaviour. I know, Ke" You replied, almost sarcasticly.
"I'm serious!"
You didn't reply, you just smiled at gave her the thumbs up.
Kiera took you straight out onto the field where all the girls were. They were all quick to come over introducing themselves to you.
But then something else took your attention, rather someone did.
She was beautiful, everything about her was just…. uuhh. She was talking to Lucy about something.
You looked back at Keira who was already giving you a firm look as if she knew what you was thinking, then giving you a strong shake of her head, telling you that your thoughts needed to stop.
Meanwhile, Alexia was just as curious. And Lucy seemed to notice it.
"You can't go there, Ale." Lucy told her, Alexia's eyes staying fixed on you.
"What do you mean?" She questioned, almost confused at Lucy's sudden outburst.
"She's got a bit of reputation for messing people around."
"She's english. You play with her, isn't she your friend." Alexia said, as if she was coming to your defense.
"She is a friend and she's an amazing footballer but that doesn't mean she isn't bad news. You need to be careful." Lucy affirmed before walking off, making her way towards Kiera.
This gave you the perfect chance to go an introduce yourself.
You made your way through the team towards her.
"Hola." You said, holding your hand out for her to shake. (Hey.)
"¿Tú hablas español?" She questioned, gently reaching out to shake your hand. (You speak spanish?)
"¿Qué puedo decir? Me propuse impresionar." (What can I say? I set out to impress.)
"Tienes bastante reputación, ¿no?" (You've got quite the reputation, haven't you.)
"Podría decir lo mismo de ti." You told her, your confidence soon starting to show. (I could say the same thing about you.)
"No creas que nuestras reputaciones son similares." Her confidence almost matching yours, almost… (Don't think that our reputations are similar.)
"Bueno, lo siento, no todas podemos ser tan buenas como Miss Balón de Oro. Pero me ofende un poco que mis habilidades futbolísticas no sean lo que más me conoce." (Well I am sorry, we can't all be as good as Miss Ballon D'or. But I am slightly offended that my footballing abillity isn't what i'm best known for.)
"Me han advertido sobre ti, que me mantenga alejado, aparentemente son tus malas noticias." She told you, her hand still held within yours. (I've been warned about you, to stay away, your bad news, apparently.)
"Entonces claramente debes estar inflado por mí, porque no estás escuchando la advertencia, ¿verdad?" You questioned her, whilst lifting your hands up showing her that she hadn't let go. (You must clearly be infactuated by me then, cause your not listening to the warning, are you?)
"Me gusta pensar que puedo opinar sobre las nuevas jugadoras." (I like to think I can make my own opinion of new players.)
"Mujer independiente. Y no pensé que podrías volverte más hermosa." (Independent woman. And I didn't think that you could get anymore beautiul.)
"Y eres demasiado coqueta." (And your too much of a flirt.)
Over the next few weeks, you and Alexia had become really close. Despite what people were telling both of you.
It was different with her though: something drew you towards her, you didn't just want to sleep with her. She made you feel something. Obviously, she was beautiful - no-one could deny that but she was so many other things. She was funny, she was intelligent, she amazed you everytime she stepped onto the pitch. She was perfect.
Nothing had actually happened between the pair of you, nothing more than the casual flirting on a daily basis. You two had formed an incredible connection on the pitch, similar to yours and Leahs. Alexia always managed to find you on the pitch and you knew that she was either next to you or behind you, words didn't need to be spoken for you two to understand each other.
Tonight, the whole of the Barcalona Femeni team were going out to celebrate a 4-0 win in the El Clasico. You managing to score 2 of them goals, also managing to assist Alexia on another one.
Anyways, you had just got to the bar with Mapi and Ingrid. Since your move to Barcalona, you had formed a really good friendship with the couple. Besides your fellow Lionesses, the two had definatly become two of your closest friends.
Some of your teamates had already arrived at the bar, taking seat in one of the booths in the far corner. Despite the night only just starting, the spanish bar was packed with people and sound.
The three of you made your way over to the group, squeezing through the crowds of people. As soon as you got to the group, everyone was up greeting the three of you before going back to there previous conversations.
After about half an hour, you joined Lucy in getting everyone another round of drinks.
"I'm suprised you haven't already found someone to take home." Lucy casually questioned you.
"Are you being serious?" Your voice raising slightly, clearly irritated.
"What? You can't blame me for thinking that. You and Leah practically bedded most of the girls in London."
"You know what Lucy, it's none of your buissness what I get up to in my own life. I'm done with this." You gestured your hands between you and Lucy, towards the conversations before walking off.
You began making your way outside, wanting to give yourself time to calm down. You went and sat on the kerb just in front of the bar but you weren't outside alone for long.
A few minutes passed before you felt someone's prescence beside you, resting their head on your shoulder.
You didn't even have to look to see who it was. So many things told you that it was her: the way she smelt or the fact that your body instantly relaxed as soon as she was near you.
"Y/N?" Alexia's voice was soft, sensing that something had clearly agitated you.
"Lex, estoy tan harto de todo esto que es como si todos estuvieran esperando que lo arruine todo." You told her, the fustration evident in your voice, complety opposing her soft tone. (Lex, i'm so fed up of it all, it's like everyone is waiting for me to mess everything up.)
"Se preocupan por ti. Sólo quieren lo mejor para ti." (They care about you. They just want what'a best for you.)
"Pero si se preocuparan por mí, verían que he cambiado, que estoy tratando de ser mejor." (But if they cared about me, they would see that i've changed, i'm trying to be better.)
There were a couple of minutes of silence between the pair of you, but knowing that Alexia was next to you brought you more re-assurance that any words could ever do.
"¿Puedo hacerte una pregunta?" She was first to break the silence. Her head head coming off your shoulder, for her boy to turn and face you. (Can I ask you a question?)
You eyes never left the view in front of you but you did nodd so that she knew you were listening. You could feel the intensity of her stare without even lookin in her direction, it felt as if she was almost studying your side profile. Her eyes focused solely on you.
"¿Qué te hizo acostarte con todas esas chicas? ¿Por qué estás tan en contra del compromiso?" (What made you sleep with all them girls, why are you so against commitment?)
"Técnicamente son dos preguntas." (That's technically two questions.)
She let out a slight laugh at your almost sarcastic response before looking back at your face to see that there were tears falling from your eyes. Instinctively, her hand reached for yours; interlocking your fingers before giving your hand a light squeeze. Her way of letting you know that she was there for you.
"Cuando estaba con Katie: pensé que me casaría con ella, tendría hijos con ella, pensé que estaríamos para siempre. Ella era mi todo. Pero obviamente no. Cuando ella rompió conmigo: estaba entumecido, no podía sentir. Después de un par de semanas, el equipo me arrastró con ellos a salir por la noche. Terminé emborrachándome mucho y yendo a casa de una chica. Fue la primera vez que realmente sentí algo. El sexo me hizo sentir, se volvió casi adictivo pero en el mal sentido. Salía, me emborrachaba, traía a alguien a casa, dormía con ellos y luego, a la mañana siguiente, se convertían en extraños y yo me iba." (When I was with Katie: I thought I was going to marry her, have kids with her, I thought we were forever. She was my everything. But obviously not. When she broke up with me: I was numb, I couldn't feel. After a couple of weeks, the team dragged me out with them on a night out, I ended up getting really drunk and going to a girl's house, It was the first time that I actually felt something. Sex made me feel, it became almost addictive but in a bad way. I'd go out, get drunk, take someone home, sleep with them and then the next morning they became a stanger and I left.)
"¿Y qué te hizo querer cambiar? ¿Por qué quieres mejorar?" (And what made you want to change, why do you want to get better?)
For the first time, you head turned to look at her. Her hands came up to wipe there tears from under your eyes, before giving you a smile.
"Lo hiciste." (You did.)
Her smile grew slightly and that mad you break out into a small smile. Before you knew it, your were both leaninig in. Her hands still resting on your cheeks as yours reached to each side of her neck. And then, her lips hit yours, giving you a spark you had never felt before, not even with Katie. The both of you pulled away, resting your forehead on hers.
"Es diferente contigo, Lex. Me haces sentir, me haces sentir tantas cosas diferentes. En realidad me asusta, pero quiero intentarlo contigo." (It's different with you, Lex. You make me feel, you make me feel so many different things. It actually scares me, but I want to try with you.)
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miguelhugger2099 · 8 months
Little Miguel, Big Miguel (Pt. 2)
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Summary: Miggy meets a few people and he finally grabs the chance to speak with you again. Previous This chapter was so hard to write oml Art in the middle by LBY2K99 Miguel x GN!Reader, fluff, lowkey crack, not proofread at all, Word Count: 3, 106
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Eventually Miggy and Jess walked through the entrance of the cafeteria, the threshold being much larger than he expected with various spiders on high beams or on a string of web. Others were normal and sitting at the many tables and booths the place had provided. 
Was that a T-Rex?
“You hungry?” She peered down at him after walking in front of a counter. Miggy shrugged despite his stomach growling.
“I could eat,” He huffed when Jess shoved a tray in his hand, a burger that had his variant’s mask plastered on the bun. His eyebrows raised in surprise. “Huh. A little more conceited than I thought.” He mumbled to himself. 
“Hi, guys!” Jess walked past and called out to a group of people sitting at a booth. They all turned and greeted her back before all of their eyes landed on Miggy. He squirmed slightly as Jess walked in front of him and Miggy followed hesitantly behind.
“Bloody hell. Did the boss shrink? That's jokes.” One smirks, chuckling to himself, his voice smooth and deep that melted nicely with his British accent. 
The other three are slack jawed, not believing what they’re eyes.
“Did he shrink?!” One with a blue headband gasps.
“No, Miguel didn’t shrink,” Jess rolled her eyes. “This is our new recruit, Miguel, obv–obviously. He's getting used to the place so,” Her hand stretches out to list their names. “Hobie, Pavitr, Miles and Gwen.” 
“Is no one finding this strange?” A teenager that looked a little older than him spoke out, his suit completely black except for the red stripes running down his arms. Miles, Miggy made sure to remember. “It's Miguel but…pocket sized.” The girl next to him softly smacks his chest with a warning look.
“He's a kid, Miles. We've met other variants of ourselves before so this shouldn't be different.” Her eyebrows furrowed and the metal piercing by her right glinted underneath the fluorescent lights. Gwen.
Miles pouted. “At least my variant was the same age.” He mumbled under his breath.
Gwen smiles. “Nice to meet you, Miguel.” 
“Ah–actually. You guys can call him Miggy or anything other than Miguel. Just to avoid confusion for the time being.” Jess intervenes awkwardly, helping Miggy into a seat by Miles and Gwen. All of them give their own greetings, welcoming Miggy in despite the strangeness of seeing a more timid and kid version of the man in charge.
“Qué tal?” Miles leans back in his chair.
Miggy brightens up. “Hablas español?” He asks Miles. Miles sits up, wide eyed and suddenly nervous.
“Y-yeah, I know un–un poquitito, y'know.” There was still a bit of an accent but Miggy didn't mind, simply chuckling and nodding, subconsciously showing off his sharp fangs when taking a bite of his burger.
“Woah, were those fangs?” Pavitr leans over the table to take a closer look. Miggy leans back. “Are they retractable too?”
“Uh, no. It’s–it’s just like that.” Miggy chuckled awkwardly after swallowing.
“How long you been Spider-Man for?” Miles asks and turns to him.
“Ah…almost a year, pretty sure.” He kept eating, taking another few bites.
“Are you on rapture?” Hobie tilts his head with a raise of his eyebrow, almost with a hint of concern in his eyes.
Bug-eyed and jaw slacked, Miggy snaps his head to Hobie, nearly choking on himself. “No!” He sputtered while Hobie nodded and leaned back as he relaxed. “Shock, what is wrong with you guys?” He wheezed out.
Pavitr laughs. “I like this new little boss.”
“He don’t got a stick up his arse, that’s for sure. Makes him ten times better than the geezer.” Hobie plays with his bottom lip ring.
“Be nice.” Jess warns with her arms crossed.
“I am nice. That was my nicest, actually.”
Jess’s phone pings in her pocket and she checks her alarm. “Shoot. I need to go. Miggy,” He turns his head to her. “We’ll have to finish orientation another time. I gotta head home. Guys, if you could just keep an eye on him till the end of the day?”
The group of young spiders nod up at her, all responding with their own variations of responses. Jess gives a lingering look to the group, eyeing them down to make sure she can trust them. Deeming them good kids, she sighs and waves, walking away to open a portal back to her dimension. Miggy shrinks in his seat, now being with semi-strangers and the only person he kinda knew in this place, left.
After she leaves, all of them begin to ask more questions like how old he was, if their Miguel’s universe was similar to his universe, etc, etc. Miggy tried his best to answer ease their curiosity with a gentle yet nervous smile. It had been a while since so many people have been kind to him.
Gwen mentions your name after thinking for a moment. “Do you think they know about him?” Miggy’s ear perks up at the mention of you. Where were you anyway? Did you leave? He wanted to see you again.
“Not if Miguel allows it. I can see him getting mad about this.” Pavitr rests his chin in his palm.
“Be a bit freaky if I were to see ‘em together anyway. Since they’re always around the big man.” Hobie crosses his arms on the table.
“I don’t think it’d be freaky. Everyone’s making a big deal about this.” Gwen frowns. Miggy droned out their talking, his eyes searching side to side to find and exit. Don’t get him wrong, these are nice people and he can see himself being friends with them, he just…really needed to see you.
Or maybe it was an excuse to escape their gossiping while in front of him.
Miggy slipped from his seat and escaped the flurry of whatever the hell they were saying while they chatted amongst themselves. He used his webs to swing himself to the ceiling with a small fwizz coming from his wrists. His claws poked out, clutching onto the metal as he crawled away, avoiding Spider-Monkey and out of the threshold. He failed to notice a pair of eyes watching his exit.
He hopped off the wall and landed on one of the many beams the building provided. Miggy took a few glances around him to make sure no one could bother him when he lifted his wrist to his face. He hesitantly raises a finger to the screen. Even though it looked like his universe tech, he still had no clue how it operated. Deciding not to break it accidentally, he brought it close to his lips. “Hey, miss…AI lady, ma’am?” He whispers to the watch.
Lyla suddenly popped up on top of the screen, her holographic body standing in front of many tiny floating monitors. Miggy yelped, covering his mouth with his other hand.
“What’s up little boss? Got a question? And no, you’re not allowed on any mission. You’re on babysitter protocol.” Lyla didn’t look up at him, choosing to look at each file and trashing the ones she deemed unimportant.
“Babysitter?” Miggy scrunched up his face in disdain.
She yawned. “Big boss doesn’t want you out and about to other universes yet. Sorry, kid. Now if you’ll excuse me–”
“Wait, wait! No! That’s–that’s not what I was gonna ask.” He panicked, gripping the watch with his hand. Lyla’s heart sunglasses slid down her nose as she turned her head over her shoulder to face him. “I was just gonna ask about…” He saw your form leave Miguel’s corridor before bumping into another spider person he didn’t recognize for a quick chat. He felt his little heart speed up and smiled. “...them.”
Miggy and Lyla both peered down to watch you smile and laugh with the other spider-man. Miggy noticed a redhead baby in his arms. Lyla glanced at him, back to you and then back to him. She stood up straight and crossed her arms after sliding her shades back on her nose bridge. “Oh, they’re way too old for you, kid.” Miggy frowned at the holographic lady. You had finished talking with whoever that was and waved him and the baby goodbye. Miggy’s heart raced as he prepared himself to jump off the beam.
“Whatever, pequeñita. Don’t need your help anymore. Catch a virus or something.” Miggy grinned mischievously down at her while Lyla gasped in shock.
Miggy switched her off and quickly used his webs to stick to the ceiling and swung down behind you, landing on his feet with a quiet thump. Hearing that sound, you turned around to check to see Miggy had stood up on his feet with a toothy smile. The sides of his hair had fallen out of place and he tucked it behind his ear as he walked up to you.
“Hey.” He placed his hands on his hips and puffed up his chest to appear more muscular. You huffed a small laugh, crossing your arms and tilting your head as you looked at him.
“Hi there. I didn’t think we’d meet again so soon.” You decided to amuse him. Miggy shrugged.
“Guess it was fate,” You snorted but Miggy continued anyway. “I was wondering if you had time for a chat? This is your universe I'm assuming? You could show me around the city. Maybe grab a snack together.” He grinned, looking at you with an innocent expression. But you knew better. Miguel would try the same thing in his own version once in a while.
“Uh-huh, yeah, right. Where’s Jess?” You placed your hands on your hips. Miggy stiffened but recollected himself.
“Busy.” He said, technically not lying.
“Sure,” You dragged out. “Well, I thought you came from a similar universe. I don’t think there’d be much new stuff to show you, kid.” You give him a playful pointed look with a tilt of your head. Miggy tsked, poking his cheek with his tongue in annoyance. He didn’t like you thinking he was just some kid. He was more than that, he’d prove it!
“Well, I beg to differ. I’m naturally curious, y’know. It’s one of my charms so I’d like to see if you’re right.”
“So you don’t believe me?” You raised your eyebrow.
Miggy hummed in thought, looking off to the side. “Not at all. Just a test.” He grinned.
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Alright, I’m not doing that,” Miggy’s face dropped. “But I am just heading home really quick and then coming back here. So, if you want, you can join me.” You offered and his face brightened up.
“Yeah! Yeah–sure, sure. That I can totally do.”
“Great. It’s actually not far from here so we could just walk to—”
“Woah, woah, woah. Walk? If you hadn’t noticed, I’m Spider-Man.” Miggy gestured to himself with a smug smirk, but your face didn’t falter.
“I see that.”
Miggy pouted. “I can carry you.”
You waved him off. “That’s really not necessary. I know you’re strong but–” You yelped as you felt Miggy grab your waist and pull your close. The height difference was a little awkward but he didn’t seem to mind one bit. He wanted to prove to you he was capable and strong. His webs shot out and stuck to the walls, swinging the both of you around while he tried finding an exit with a determined look. You wrapped your arms around him, hoping to the universe that you wouldn’t fall, and he felt his heart race a little faster.
“Directions, please!” He exclaimed, a smile in his voice while you screwed your eyes shut. You eventually felt the wind in your hair and the far away sounds of hover cars zipping past. “That’s new!” He dodged the cars with stealth, clutching you tighter to him.
Your legs became shaky and as soon as your feet touched the ground of your patio, you fell to your hands and knees with a giant huff. Miggy landed beside you, letting you take a breather.
“Estas bien?” He asked gently, his voice much softer than the persona he tried to maintain. He knelt by your side, hugging his knees to his chest.
“Fine, fine. Just…don’t do that again.” You helped yourself up and walked inside after opening the glass door. Miggy followed behind you, slightly embarrassed. He glanced around the area, seeing a void of color all around. Simple grays, blacks, and whites as the palette for couches, walls and the like. It was super different compared to back home. His mom usually did the decorations. Miggy thought this room felt very cold.
“This is your home?” He asked, feeling like this was a stark difference from your personality.
“Yeah, well kind of. I live here with someone.” You reply, rummaging through some things in a different room. Miggy perked up, his lips turning downward and feeling jealous.
“Who?” He asked, looking around to see if he could find anything that showed two people lived here.
You didn’t respond. Maybe you didn’t hear him, maybe you did. Miggy was distracted anyway as he walked slowly around the living room. In the corner of his eye, he saw a box that was out of place on one of the selves by the giant holographic TV. He strolled towards it, its dark purple color being the only thing attracting him.
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t go around touching things.” Your voice was heard behind him, making Miggy jump. He took a big step away from the box, becoming more curious but he respected you enough. “I thought you would’ve had enough manners to not go snooping in someone's home.” You tossed him a soda and he caught it, seeing that the name brand was slightly spelled different from his own dimension. He found it a little unsettling; still getting accustomed to everything.
“Sorry.” He mumbled, popping open the can with his talon. “What did you get?”
You shrugged. “Some things to help out the society.” You walked towards the couch and sat on the far right to rest yourself on the armrest. “Just give me a minute and we’ll head back.”
Miggy nodded along, shifting his weight from side to side. “What…are you to the society?” He asked quietly, almost afraid he’d offend you.
“What do you mean?” You looked over at him, patting the side next to you to offer him a seat. Miggy walked over and sat by you, a little farther than what you offered.
“Like…you’re clearly not a spider person, much less some powers, but yet you’re in the society. You know all those people yet you’re…a civilian?” You nodded.
“Yeah, I’m just a regular person. I can’t climb walls or shoot webs but…I think I have a right to be there.”
“You said you were special. What does that mean?” He peeked over at you, his soda faintly fizzing.
You avoided his question. “How about you tell me about yourself instead?”
Miggy tilted his head. “Me?” He asked. “But…I don’t think I’m much different from your ‘other me’.”
You waved him off. “I’m sure there’s some difference. C’mon, don’t be shy. I wanna know about the newbie.” You cross your legs and turn to face him.
Miggy looked apprehensive, not really sure if it’s the right time to spill his life story but you asked so he caved in.
“Well, I was bitten trying to save my, uh, bully.” He looked down at his drink and took a small sip. Your smile dropped.
“You were bullied?”
Miggy nodded. “Well, yeah. It, uh… didn’t end well,” He rubs the side of the can. “There was this huge explosion when checking out the spiders in Alchemax– my dad used to work there,” He doesn’t look up at you. “My dad’s boss and his kid were there. His son bullied me, sure, but when that explosion happened, somewhere in between I got bit and…I dunno,” He sighed, a clear heavy weight on his young shoulders. “Kron was there and I tried–I did– and I don’t even know why I did but he still…y’know.” He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s fine. I mean, it’s not fine but even though he died, he bullied me. But it doesn’t mean he should’ve passed, y’know? Then I woke up and they said my dad died too so it was all confusing back then.” He leaned back on the couch with a heavy sigh.
“I’m…so sorry,” You apologized grimly, guilt eating you up for asking. Miggy looked over at you and gave you a reassuring smile, his fringe falling out of place.
“It’s fine. It happened a while ago. The feeling is still there, just a little less. You didn’t hurt me, promise.” He then chugged the rest of the soda down his throat, feeling the fizz bubble down to his stomach. He crushed the can right after, his talons digging into it and showed you the marks he made. “I got sick powers and I can help my family more now. When they’re in trouble I can just put on the suit and make sure they’re safe.” He beamed with pride and you mirrored the same expression.
“You love your family?” You asked gently, taking the can from his hand and getting up to place it in the recycling bin.
“Mhm!” Miggy nodded. “Since the explosion, we all became a little more tight knit. My mom especially. She became more protective over my little brother since he’s still super little.” He looks up at you as you come back.
“What’s his name?” You hide your smile since you feel you know the answer.
“Gabriel.” Miggy beams. “He’s practically my shadow, which mom doesn’t like. Says I’m too reckless and doesn’t want him to be like me.” He blew raspberries to signify his mild annoyance at the thought.
You laugh and grab a backpack full of things that Miggy assumes were the things you came to collect. “After you swung me around, I think I agree with her.” You joked.
Miggy shot up from his seat and pouted. “Not cool.” But he enjoyed the way you smiled. “Gonna head back out now?”
Nodding, you slip the backpack on and walk with him back to the balcony. “Yup. Whenever you’re ready.” You look at him expectantly. He went a little wide eyed.
“You want me to swing us back?” Lost on why when you screamed earlier.
“Well, I’m prepared this time.” You and Miggy smiled at one another and he looped his arm around your middle. Your hands around his neck and he stuck his web to a building, jumping off the balcony and swinging back to HQ.
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A/N: Please forgive me for this mid chapter i'll try to make the next one better i promise
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bruhnze · 3 months
I hope i didn’t crush you - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Summary: Ona says Lucy is not tall, Lucy didn't like that. Ona finds out there is more to Lucy's insecurity. (Idk actually, but something like that)
Warning: Mature content, sexual content, sub!Lucy
Please note that this is pure fiction!
Word count: 3522
Since the poll showed everyone likes these stories, i wrote another, idk how these other girlies do it cause i actually feel filthy after writing this, but ok, i like reading them too, i'll admit it, and with the lack of new ones i took it uppon myself to contribute, this is for all my Luna shippers!
I hope i didn’t crush you - Lucy y Ona
It was late in the afternoon, they had just gotten home from a busy day with morning training, treatment, then lunch with the team, in the afternoon they had done some media stuff, the team had to record videos for different companys and deals. After that they also had an meeting with the staff and Jonatan.
Now they were finally back home for siesta time.
‘’Pfft, that was tireing’’ Ona sighed as she flopped onto the couch.
‘’I know’’ Lucy said ‘But you also had some fun right’’.
‘’Yeah i had fun, you too it seemed, what are Lucia and you up too anyways?’’
Lucy laughed ‘’Corrales? .. Oh nothing, i think she is just like me when i was young, i’m trying to teach her some lessons, but today it was just banter really, she is jokes’’
‘’I love how you always involve everyone and make everyone feel at ease’’ Ona smiled ‘’But i haven’t seen you all day’’
Lucy now stopped with the thing she was doing, cleaning up some lost dog toys and putting them in the dog toy bin, and walked to the couch sitting next to Ona who was laying down with her head on a few pillows.
Ona smiled ‘’Hola bebé’’
‘’Puedo besarte?’’ (Can i kiss you?) Lucy said as she came closer.
‘’Mhm, siempre, especialmente si hablas español’’ (Mhm, always, especially when you talk to me in spanish) Ona sighed.
‘’Te gusta cuando te hablo en español?’’ (Do you like it when I speak Spanish to you?) Lucy leaned in to kiss Ona.
Ona grabbed Lucy by her shirt and tried to get Lucy on top of her. Lucy noticed and positioned herself lying between Ona's legs, holding herself up on her hands, still not breaking their kiss.
Lucy licked Ona’s lower lip en pulled it between her teeth, then she gave a few quick kisses on her mouth and went to Ona’s neck, kissing it softly.
Ona closed her eyes from the sensation and groaned while strangeling Lucy with her legs trying to get them closer to eachother.  ‘’Sometimes i feel like i can’t get close enough to you’’ Ona said ‘’I hate that we have to be in public so much, wish we could just stay in the house for a few days, i want to cuddle with you for hours’’
Lucy, who had now stopped with the neck kisses, held her face a bit away so she could look at Ona. ‘’aw baby, i wish that we could, i love cuddling with you also’’.
Lucy lowered herself and now completely laid on top of Ona, nudging her face in Ona’s neck.
They were laying there cuddled up for a while when Lucy started snoring softly, Ona had put her hands under Lucy’s shirt, scratching Lucy’s muscular back.
Ona took her right hand away from Lucys back and scratched Lucys neck now, at the part where her hair starts, below her bun.
Ona loved sleepy Lucy, with her being the supposed tougher more dominant person in the relationship, it was cute when Ona could cuddle Lucy for a change like the occasional moment when she was allowed to be the big spoon. And just like this moment now, where Lucy is completely relaxed and Ona got to play with her hair.
After some time Lucy seemed to wake up, groaning lightly against Ona’s skin.
‘’Good sleep?’’ Ona asked.
‘’Mhm’’ Lucy got a bit more awake, ‘oh, i hope i didn’t crush you’’ pushing herself up.
‘’no, stay’’ Ona hugging her legs tighter around Lucy ‘’you can’t crush me, i’m very sturdy and you’re basically the same size as me anyways’’.
Now Lucy was fully and wide awake. ‘’Pardon’’
‘huh’ Ona said innocently.
‘’Oh i thought i heard a pretty little lady say something completely ridiculous’’ Lucy said, now getting up.
Ona laughed ‘’6 cm is not very much Lucy’’
‘’Oh yeah, for double that i’ve gotten you moaning like there was no tomorrow though’’ Lucy scoffed.
Ona blushed ‘’Luce, im just joking’’ Ona sat up and squeezed Lucy’s bicep. ‘’But i like the sound of that’’.
‘’Yeah i bet you do, don’t know if you deserve it now, do you?’’ Lucy said in a teasing voice.
Ona now got behind Lucy who was sitting on the edge of the sofa and massaged her shoulders, and wispered in Lucy’s ear ‘’My tall strong muscular and beatifull girlfriend doesn’t want to have her way with me?’’
Lucy whimpered. She took Ona’s hands a pulled them infront of her, so Ona’s arms were now around her and Ona put her legs around Lucy instinctively. Lucy stood up easily and walked them too the bedroom.
At the bed she dropped Ona on from her back onto the bed, resulting in a laugh from Ona.
‘’Do you think this is funny?’’ Lucy scoffed
‘’Ah Luce, you’re too easily offended’’ Ona laughed.
‘’Oh yeah, lets see how long you can continue your jokes’’ -Lucy
Lucy pulled her shirt off and got on the ground to do some push-ups, then she did some sit-ups.
Ona stared at the women, what the actual fuck, she thought by herself, what is she doing.
After a few more exercises there were beads of sweat on Lucy’s back.
Ona was enjoying the sight from her place, now sitting up on the bed.
Lucy walked over to the other side of the room, getting up the spin bike, which had actually become more of a decor lately rather than Lucy used it, like she frequently did last year to get some extra cardio in.
Lucy was pedalling fast now, breathing heavy, sweat on her forehead.
Ona had no clue what Lucy was trying to do but she did know that the view of Lucy’s abs was something she didn’t mind at all, she actually got turned on by it. And with the sweat and grunting it was an erotic sight really.
Ona shifted and now sat with her back against the headboard of the bed. Eyes staying on Lucy.
Lucy was sitting in her shorts and sportsbra on the bike, after 15 minutes she thought it was enough and walked to the bathroom, she walked in and left the door completely open, knowing Ona could see into the bathroom from the place she was sitting on the bed.
Lucy discarded of her clothes and leisurely threw them into the laundry basket. She took her time, now naked, to walk back in to the room to grab a towel from the closet, knowing full well there were still some in the cabinet in the bathroom.
She felt Ona’s eyes following her every move but she didn’t budge.
Walking back to the shower she glanced over at the bed, she didn’t know if she was seeing it right, so she stood still and took a good look.
Ona got red, removing her hand from her pants.
‘’No, go on then’’ Lucy said ‘’I don’t want to disturb you’’
‘’Luce’’ Ona said with a husk voice ‘’I need you-‘’
‘’Nah, it seems you have everything under control baby, you don’t need me’’ Lucy said, now getting closer to the bed.
‘’I want you’’ Ona tried again.
Lucy laughed ‘’Yeah, but naughty girls don’t get what they want, do they’’
‘’no’’ Ona admitted ‘’I wanna be a good girl for you Lucy’’
Lucy smiled on the inside, and was satisfied with the state Ona was in now. ‘’undress’’ she said calmly.
Ona quickly did so and sat back again, looking at Lucy with doe eyes, waiting for the next order.
Lucy looked at Ona’s body, she was really beautifull, the freckles, which she had all kissed one by one, the muscles, the veins. Ona was sculpted by the gods, her face was so pretty that even on a bad day Ona looked flawless in every picture that was taken of her.
Lucy’s eyes scanning her body made Ona weak, the lust and also love that she saw in Lucy’s eyes made her wanting Lucy close, she needed Lucy’s touch.
Lucy gathered her thoughts and focussed back on what she was doing. She was still stood next too the bed, naked.
She walked to the empty side of the bed and laid down, prompting her pillow up a bit and putting her hands behind her head, she spoke again ‘’Lets see what that pretty little mouth of you can do then, besides spouting nonsense’’.
Ona got up, this was not a punishment for her, she loved tasting Lucy. She got inbetween Lucy’s legs and kissed the insides of her tighs before slowely working her way to Lucy’s centre.
Lucy looked down at Ona’s head between her legs, seeing Ona’s butt stick up in the air behind it. ‘Damn’ Lucy mumbled.
Ona heard it but didn’t look up, she was orderd to make use of her mouth, so she was gonna do just that.
Licking and sucking Lucy’s sex she felt the woman getting closer, she now entered Lucy with her tongue, resulting her nose to rub against Lucy’s clit.  
Lucy groaned. A bit more stimulance from Ona caused her to climax. She rested her head back on the pillow while Ona lapped a few more times at her folds.
Ona kissed Lucy’s thighs and sat up, now waiting for a next command.
‘’Think i’m going for a shower’’ Lucy spoke up.
Ona looked at her with disbelieve, she put her hands on Lucy’s legs. ‘’No’’.
‘’No what?’’ Lucy smirked ‘’Seemed like you had things covered earlier, i’ll just let you to it’’.
‘’Lucy’’ Ona sounded desperate now ‘’i-
‘’Okay then’’ Lucy said and got up ‘’I’ll help you out, maybe i can fuck some sense into you’’.
Ona nodded, happy she was gonna get something but unsure about what Lucy meant by that. Looking at Lucy going trough their drawer.
Lucy turned back to her now wearing a strapon, Ona got even more wet from the sight, she laid back and parted her legs.
‘’No’’ said Lucy ‘’turn around, get up’’ while lathering up the plastic cock with lube.
Ona did what Lucy said, and got on her hands and knees, with her back turned to Lucy.
Lucy ran her fingers through ona’s folds. ‘’Yeah that’s what i thought’’ she grunted ‘’You’re so wet for me, you love this shit’’.
Ona whimpered and shuffled a bit more towards Lucy, now feeling the strap against her.
Lucy didn’t waste a second and pushed inside, earning a moan from Ona. She put it in completely, her hips now connected with Ona’s butt.
Lucy first thrusted slowely and then graduadly worked to a good rhythm, she slapped Ona’s perfect looking butt, earning another loud moan. She grabbed Ona rough and held her steady whilst fucking her, filthy sounds filling the room.
Ona felt really good but she needed more, she wanted Lucy to reach around and circle her clit for her, but in this mood Lucy would probably not do that for her. She reached down herself.
Lucy noticed and grabbed her wrist, pulling it behind her back, Ona nearly lost her balance, now resting on only one arm.
‘’what do you think you’re doing’’ Lucy said into Ona’s ear, she kissed down Ona’s back and slowly stopped thrusting, then she pulled out. ‘’Do you want to do it yourself again’’ she flopped onto the bed and sat against the headboard.
Ona looked at her trying to get what she should do next.
Lucy patted her lap. ‘’Come on, show me how good you can make yourself get off then’’
Ona smirked and climed up on Lucy, lowering herself on to the strap. She moaned, throwing her head back and closed her eyes.
‘’Look me in my eyes bub’’ Lucy said.
Ona listened and couldn’t help but hear a desperate tone in Lucy’s voice. Was she as riled up as her right now?, Ona asked herself.
Ona was now riding Lucy, holding herself up with her hands on the headboard, Lucy´s had put her hands on Ona´s hips lightly, not helping her, just resting there.
Lucy was loving this view, a moaning Ona grinding on her lap, she saw Ona getting closer ´´touch yourself baby´´
With her right hand Ona reached down to provide just the last bit that pushed her over the edge.
She hid her face in Lucy´s neck and called out ´´Luce´´
Now Lucy held Ona´s hips more firmly, helping her ride her through her high slowly.
´´ Quiero que me folles ahora Ona´´ (I want you to fuck me now Ona) Lucy wispered shyly.
Ona was brought back to reality immediately by those words. This was not usual at all, the strapon was only worn by Lucy until now.
‘’If you would want to do that too ofcourse’’ Lucy added even more quietly then her last words.
Ona crawelled of Lucy and nodded eagerly, ‘’ofcourse Luce, i just didn’t know that was something you were interested in’’
‘’I just hadn’t thought about it really’’ Lucy said ‘’But a few days ago i had a dream about you, where we did that and ever since then i can’t get it out of my head’’.
Ona was now grinning wide ‘’You dream about me huh?’’
Lucy blushed and playfully pushed Ona ‘’Yes sometimes’’ ‘’But it’s your own fault, you’re just too hot’’.
‘’Bueno’’ Ona said, walking to the drawer ‘’maybe we should use this one first then’’ holding up their smallest piece of the collection.
‘’mhm’’ Lucy nodded ‘’have you done this before?’’
‘’Yeah i have, but it was a long time ago so we’ll just go really slow for the both of us’’  ‘��Have you done this before?’’ Ona asked.
Lucy looked away, getting even more embarrassed ‘’No not like this, but.. penetration in general… yes…’’  
Ona laughed, ‘’I know’’ she waved her fingers demonstratively.
Lucy now laughed aswell ‘yeah but i mean with a toy, but that was really long ago and it happend like 3 times’’.
Ona got closer to Lucy, taking of the harness from Lucy, Lucy lifting her butt from the bed. Ona asked Lucy ‘’Why? Didn’t you like it?’’
Lucy anwsered without looking at Ona, ‘’yeah i kinda did, but i felt a bit vulnerable and the person i was with didn’t help with that, so i never tried anymore really’’.
Ona now cupped Lucy’s chin. ‘’I’m sorry baby’’ and kissed Lucy. ‘’We can just have the same rules that we use for me’’.
Because Ona liked it a bith more rough in the bedroom, the couple had spoken about their boundries extensively. For Lucy it had took some getting used to before she fully owned the dominant role with saying the sometimes even degrading comments that really got Ona going.
But in this stage of their relationship they were having a very good dynamic in the bedroom, she had become more confident and all Ona's needs were met, Lucy’s too, but recently these thoughts had started to arise, and only because she felt so comfortable with Ona, Lucy had dared to bring it up.
‘’Yeah’’ Lucy smiled ‘’That is good’’
Ona was putting on the harness and walked to the bathroom were she threw the attached dildo in the sink and now put the smaller one in the harness.
Lucy was watching her every move, feeling nervous but also turned on.
Ona walked back to the bed and asked Lucy ‘’have you thought about how you-
‘’Come here’’ Lucy said streching her hands to Ona. Ona climed up on the bed and kneeled inbetween Lucy’s legs, she reached over Lucy to the nightstand and got the bottle of lube and put some on the rubber dick.
Lucy watched her and parted her legs slightly more.
Ona turned to face Lucy and carefully studied her face, she saw expectation but also a little bit of hesitancy. She kissed Lucy softly and wispered, ‘’Just talk to me baby, if you want to stop, we stop’’
‘’Mhm’’ Lucy nodded ‘’thank you Ona’’ and kissed her back.
Ona guided the strap with her hand between Lucy’s folds, she rubbed a few times up and down. Still looking a Lucy, Lucy gave a small nod. And then Ona slowly put the head in, watching Lucy’s reaction.
Lucy whimpered and closed her eyes.
Ona slowely put it in completely, she lowered herself more to Lucy and started thrusting slowly, her breast now brushing against Lucy with every thrust.
Ona couldn’t say that she hadn’t thought about this happening, but she didn't want to get carried away on this first time, especially not after what Lucy had just told her, so she steadily kept to a nice pace and focussed on making Lucy feel good.
Lucy was moaning now, she’d opened up her legs a bit more so Ona could get closer to her and tried to reach Ona’s hips to pull her closer.
Ona kissed Lucy’s neck, wispering ‘’Do you want try and ride me now?’’
Lucy groaned ‘’mmh’’
Ona smiled softly ‘okay i am gonna pull out now’’
Lucy whimpered at the loss, and got up on her knees. Ona sat in the middele of the bed with her back against the headboard, Lucy already climbing on top of her. She held Lucy’s hips while Lucy guided herself onto the strap again.
Lucy was now in control of the pace herself, going a bit faster she hid her face in Ona’s neck.
Ona reached one of her hand between their bodies and started stimulating Lucy´s clit giving pressure so Lucy was grinding against her thumb.
Lucy was now panting heavily and her rhythm became even faster, Ona could tell she was getting close ´´You´re doing so good Lucia, come for me buba´´
With this praise Lucy got pushed over the edge, with a few more up and downs and she came hard. She cried out a moan in Ona´s neck, after a few seconds she got off the the strap and sat on one of Ona thighs, placing her head in the nook of Ona´s neck again.
Ona positioned them so they were more laying down now, rather than sitting up like before. She started tracing Lucy´s back with her nails lightly and with one hand she went back to the hairs in Lucy´s neck, like she had done earlier this afternoon.
They layed there for a few minutes when Ona felt Lucy kissing her neck.
´’Did- ‘’Tha-
They spoke at the same time and chuckeled.
‘’You talk baby’’ Ona said.
‘’No, you, what did you want to say’’ -Lucy
‘’I wanted to ask, Did you like it, Did it feel good?’’
She felt Lucy smile against her skin ‘’yeah, it felt really good’’
Ona smiled, ‘’ i’m glad Luce, now what did you want to say?’’
‘’Ah nevermind, it was nothing’’ Lucy kissed Ona’s neck and pushed herself up a bit to face Ona ‘’i love you’’.
Ona’s face became soft ‘’Luce, i hope you feel that you can say anything to me’’. Only now she noticed Lucy’s watery eyes. ‘’heyyy baby, what’s up’’ pulling Lucy’s head to her chest ‘’tell me, you don’t have to look at me while telling’’.
Lucy sniffed her nose, ‘’No, it is positive Ona’’ ‘’initialy i wanted to say thank you, but that is maybe a bit weird, but what i mean by it is thanks for making me feel so safe, i felt as though i could let go completely, honestly i have never experienced a orgasm like this one, it was such a different feeling, very nice’’.
Ona caressed Lucy’s head, ‘’i’m glad baby, maybe we can do it more often like this?’’
Lucy looked at Ona, wanting to read her face, ‘’Did you like it aswell?’’
Ona grinned ‘’yes, very much, it was even hotter than i had imagined’’
‘’Did you imagine this?’’ Lucy questioned
Ona spoke softly, ‘’Yeah i did, i mean i love being on the receiving end, but there is something about using the strap on someone else, it’s hot, but i had just assumed you weren’t up for it, we should’ve talked about it, because i had liked to know that you had these bad experiences before Luce, then we could’ve talked about that’’
‘’Not just this’’ Ona said while pointing between her legs ‘’but also other things, trust is very important in the bedroom’’. ‘’I hate that you didn’t always have that’’
Lucy grabbed Ona’s hand and laced their fingers. ‘’I love you’’ she said once more.
‘’Do you want to tell me about it’’ Ona asked
Lucy smiled softly ‘’I actually discussed it with my therapist also, so you don’t have to worry that i was bottling it up, what do want to know, or should i just tell you the whole story’’
‘’Yeah tell me everything’’ Ona pressed a kiss on Lucy’s head that was laying on her chest ‘’tell me it all love’’.
‘’Okay but the subject contains information about exes and i don’t want you to spite them.. , so maybe i’ll leave out the names?’’ -Lucy
‘’Why, i wont do anything, i don’t even know your exes, only one’’ Ona questioned,
‘’Yeah’’ Lucy sighed, ‘’That’s true, okay i’ll start from the beginning….
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
dad!connie making his kids speak spanish (it just popped up in my head idk😭)
“pop can i get five dollars f’lunch?” the back of your eight year old son, carlos’, head was instantly tapped (lightly) with a roll of newspaper as connie stood next to you in the kitchen while you cooked. “en español, hijo, o no obtienes nada.” your son wasted no time , rolling his eyes as he rubbed the all over his head. he definitely got his attitude from you. “owww papá. ¿puedo tener 5 dólares?” you giggled as you watched your husband dig through both of his sweatpants pockets for the cash, looking at the ceiling with his tongue poking his cheek while he searched. when he finally pulled out the bill he held it to his chest, keeping it from your sons reach. “dónde están tus modales?” carlos sighed, rolling his eyes once again before saying what his father wanted to hear. “ay dios mío…por favor”. he mumbled.
“por favor, papá, tengo que irme.”
“aight good enough” connie says before tossing his son a twenty dollar bill. “desayuna en el camino, ya que te despertaste tarde. te quiero. que tengas un buen día, chico.” you weren’t fluent in spanish, but you understood a little of what your husband said, signaling you to join in. “i love you baby stay outta trouble.” the two of you watched your son walk to the door. “love you both. see ya.” you listened to carlos’ friends call for him to hurry up so they can walk to the bus stop together before he closed the door. connie’s arms wrapped around your waist as you flipped the heart shaped pancakes in the pan. “mi amor-” before he could even finish his sentence, you put the spatula up in his face. “go wake your daughter up. she has preschool to be at in an hour and a half.”
now it was time for connie to have an attitude. “mi corazón whyyyy. i hate when she’s all fussy in the morning. let’s give her another thirty minutes, yea?” your daughter, amayah, may only be four but she slept like an old man. you believed she can sleep through a hurricane, but god forbid she’s woken up when she doesn’t want to be. she’ll be crying all around the house for hours, and that is something your husband hated to see. he never wanted his baby crying. “she needs to be up now papi we talked about this. it already take too long to do her hair since she’s so tender headed, and i can’t afford you bringing her there late.” connie knew you were right, so without another word he made his way upstairs to his daughters room.
he cracked the door open and was delighted to see her already up, bonnet on the floor as she scratched at her head while sitting upright in the bed. “g’morning daddy. is mommy making pancakes?” connie adored her. she was the spitting image of you. same nose, same eyes, same everything. she was his little princess. “good morning mi vida. yea mommy’s making your favorites.” amayah slides out of bed, little nightgown swaying at her knees as she put her bunny slippers on. by the time you finished up breakfast the two of them were sat at the table, ready to devour the food you made. if there was one thing your kids got from their father, it was their big appetites. the three of them ate any and everything in site.
connie and amayah, of course, finished their breakfast first. going back up to her room to get her dressed while you watched your show on the couch. “you want the pink or the green one princesa?” connie asked as he held the different color dresses in his hand. “i wanna wear the greeeen daddy. and i want mommy to put a white bow in my hair.” amayah grabbed for the green dress, but was met with nothing but air as she watched connie pull it out of her reach. here he goes again. “español, por favor, princesa.” your daughter didn’t mind though. she actually loved conversing in spanish since it was something her father’s side of the family did often. she smiled as she replied to her father. “p-puedo ponerme el v-vestido verde hoy, papá, por favor? y, puedes ponerme un lazo blanco en el pelo?”
connie smiled as he handed his daughter her desired choice. “buen trabajo. papá está impresionado.” amayah smiled, giving connie a small thank you before letting him help her get dressed. when the two of them finally came downstairs, you seen that not only did connie dress her, but he made sure to comb and style her hair as well. it was in a nice bun with a white bow pinned at the front of it. “myah you look beautiful baby. give momma a kiss before you go.” you watched your daughter let go of connie’s fingers before skipping her way over to you before giving you a tight hug and kissing you on the cheek. “bye mommy. see you laterrr.” she said. connie, being the big baby he is, couldn’t resist feeling a little jealous.
“papa want a kiss too mommy” he says with a fake sad voice as he made his way in front of the couch. you rolled your eyes before giving your husband a small peck on the lips. which he clearly wasn’t satisfied with since he decided it’d be okay to grab your face and start kissing you as he would when y’all would be in the bedroom. as the two of you pulled away from each other you looked towards amayah who had a disgusted look on her face. “ewwww!!”
the both of you laughed as you lightly pushed connie off of you. “see what you did. get outta here ‘for you traumatize our daughter further.” connie sucked his teeth, getting up from where he was leaning to join hands with his daughter again. “let’s go princess. daddy don’t want you to be late.” and with that he and your daughter went to the front door. you watch him mouth a, “this isn’t over”, to you with squinted eyes before leaving the house. you rolled your eyes as you turned back towards the tv to finish watching your show. “i bet it isn’t” you sighed as you made your self comfortable on your spacious couch.
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vivwritesfics · 10 months
No Need To Ask
Chapter Ten - Leaning Spanish
The Norris' were a notorious crime family in the UK. One of many. With Norris, the head of the family, running operations with his son, Lando, they work to keep Y/N Norris, Norris' daughter protected. Life in a crime family wasn't something they wanted for her.
But with tension with one of the Spanish crime families rise, Norris and his now deceased wife come up with only one plan, offer their daughter to the Sainz's or risk an all out war.
A/N: I feel like I haven't made this very clear so far in the series, but when there are parts in Spanish with no translation by them, it is because the reader is not meant to know Spanish yet. If a translation is included (as I have in this part), it is because the reader still can't understand it but it needs to be known for the storyline
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Married life wasn’t what Y/N had expected it to be. She didn’t get a honeymoon, didn’t spend time with a loving husband, didn’t sleep in his bed or really ever seen him. It was almost the same those two weeks before she was married.
There was one rather significant difference.
Oscar hadn’t been seen since the wedding. She searched for him, going from room to room, calling his name. Y/N did most of her exploring when she searched for Oscar.
She wanted to ask Carlos, wanted to walk into his office and simply ask whether he’d seen Oscar or knew where he was. But the men guarding the office terrified her. She could see their guns in the waistband of their trousers, each men having at least two.
So, Y/N sat in the library, playing a game of chess against herself. She sat at one side of the table, moving a single piece. Moving to the opposite side of the table, Y/N moved a piece from the other side of the board, playing an impossible game against herself.
She’d never felt so lonely. Even after her mother died, Y/N hadn’t felt this lonely. For her entire life she’d had Lando to lean on, and for the past week she had Oscar. And now, she had loneliness.
The first time Y/N saw her husband after the night of their wedding was at dinner. The family had congregated at Carlos’ house, sitting at the table which had been placed back on the patio.
It was a family dinner, one that Y/N had to attend now that she was Carlos’ wife.
One of Carlos’ men came to get her. He’d run all over the house looking for her before finding her sat in the library, seemingly playing a game of chess against nobody. When the man burst in, Y/N stared up at him from her seat, midway through moving the black knight on her chess board.
He said something in Spanish and Y/N continued to stare at him. So, he cleared his throat and tried again, this time in English. “You are expected for dinner with la familia,” he said and marched out of the library.
Y/N placed the chess piece down, moving the white queen from the board as the knight took its place. She left it there and rushed out of the library, through the kitchen and out the back door to the table.
She took her seat beside Carlos, keeping her gaze down. The rest of the family was already around the table, the conversation halted as Y/N took her seat. Sainz, sat at the head of the table, said something. It was something directed at her, something said in Spanish.
When she didn’t respond, Sainz turned his attention to his son. “Tu esposa es impertinente,” he said (Your wife is impertinent). Carlos didn’t respond. “Le has iniciado a aprender español?” (Have you started her on learning Spanish?)
Carlos shook his head. Soon his mother joined in, berating her son for the state of his wife, but Y/N couldn’t understand any of it. She sat there quietly and ate the food placed in front of her.
The dinner continued on in this manner. Carlos’ sisters were silent, listening to the argument. Whenever they got a moment, they whispered to each other, giggling to themselves as they looked at Y/N. Y/N didn’t think she’d ever get used to this, ever get used to being in this family. This dinner, her first dinner as Carlos’ wife, solidified this for her.
The next day Y/N had done her search of the house for Oscar. Still, there was no sign of him. She couldn’t find him in any room in the house (with the door to the bedroom he had been given being locked shut), Y/N tried to explore outside.
There was nothing stopping her from heading out into the back garden. The patio tiles were warm under her shoes as she desperately searched for any sign of the man who had become her best friend. But there was no sign of him out the back, so Y/N tried to explore the front of the house.
Unlike the three separate doors leading to the back garden, there was a single doorway that led to the front garden. And they were guarded. Y/N thought nothing of it as she went to walk past Carlos’ men, heading towards the front door. They held out their arms, halting her in her tracks. They spoke to her in Spanish, explaining that she wasn’t allowed to leave without Carlos or an immediate member of the Sainz family. But Y/N couldn’t understand any of it.
So, Y/N turned on her heel and walked away from the men. She stared at the floor as she walked through the hall, heading towards the library.
Once again she found herself playing a game of chess on her own. Oscar wasn’t there to play against her and Y/N didn’t want to be around Carlos. She was pretty sure that sweet man she met back in England didn’t exist. He wasn’t real, just an illusion.
There was a knock on the library door.
Nobody knocked on the library door, especially not when Y/N was in there. So far Carlos’ men just burst into the room, startling her. But this person knocked. Y/N looked at the door, waiting for the person on the other side to enter.
Her husband walked into the room. He strode over, taking the empty seat opposite Y/N. “Who is your opponent?” He asked, looking across the chess pieces.
Y/N moved one of her pawns forward. “Myself,” she answered and sat back, waiting for Carlos to make the next move for her.
When he did, Y/N scrunched up her face. It wasn’t the move she would have made, wasn’t the way she wanted to take the game, but she ignored it. Once Carlos left she’d just reset and start again.
“One day I will be the head of this family,” he said and waited for Y/N to make her move. But she didn’t leaving the pieces where they were. “And when I am the head of this family, you will be by my side.”
Y/N knew this. She knew she was to be by Carlos’ side while he ruled.
“To do this effectively, You will need to learn Spanish,” he said.
It wasn’t like she hadn’t expected this. She really had. Especially with how the rest of the family kept their conversation to Spanish during dinner.
“I have arranged for you to have a tutor,” said Carlos as he stood up. “She will meet you in here every day and two o’clock,” he said and turned on his heel.
Suddenly the library was no longer her sanctuary. It was where Y/N had been going to escape the Sainz family, but now, with the addition of a tutor, the library no longer felt safe. Y/N hadn’t met the tutor yet, she couldn’t pass any judgement on them, but she was still afraid. This would bring her one step close to the Sainz family.
“Carlos!” She called, but he was already gone, striding out of the library and heading back to his office.
If she was going to have a tutor, she was going to do it with Oscar at her side. But Carlos had gone, stopping her small attempt at asking.
She reset her game and began playing with herself once again. At two o’clock on the dot the library door was thrown open and in walked Y/N’s new Spanish tutor. She was a stern looking woman, black hair pulled back into a tight bun and a black pinstripe suit on her body. A pair of glasses sat on her sharp, prominent nose, yet she looked at Y/N over the top of them. “Buenas tardes Señora Sainz,” said the tutor.
Y/N just looked at her.
“Not even that, eh? Dios mío, tengo mucho trabajo por delante,” the tutor mumbled and took a seat opposite Y/N. She pushed the chess pieces off the board and placed her bag down in their place.  
Taglist (open): @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @topguncultleader @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @ashy-kit @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie @yukheizcigarettes
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mysslyssblog · 27 days
Hello, how are you? Could I ask you for a request for Dipper Pines, where on one of his trips back to Gravity Falls he meets a girl who speaks Spanish, something like fluff. I love your writings!! Sorry for my terrible English, it's a translator :)
Older Dipper Pines x Spanish speaking reader (15-16)
Warnings: I AM NOT A SPANISH SPEAKER AT ALL!!! i barely passed spanish with a C last year so i will be using google translate, i am SO SO SO sorry if it’s inaccurate, reader is described as feminine
Thank you so much for the request! Like I said, I’m not a Spanish speaker so I apologize if this is totally a flop and I hope you’re able to translate it 💜💜
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Love Beyond Words ~ D.P.
•Dipper's POV•
Another summer, another 60 days in Gravity Falls. I rest my head on my palm as my sister, Mabel, sleeps agaisnt my shoulder. I sigh as I stare at the same scenery I've seen for the last 4 summers now. Of course I'm excited to go to Gravity Falls. There's always something crazy going on. From Ford's crazy new discoveries to Mabel's new boyfriends.
Despite the many new creatures I've met throughout my time in Gravity Falls, I have yet to discover a new freind. Or girlfriend or whatever.
I'm soon snapped out of my thoughts as the bus haults to a stop, causing Mabel and I to practically fly forward. "Gravity Falls.” The bus driver says in a monotone voice. I swear that guy gets creepier by the days.
"Awe man, I dropped my gummy worms." Mabel says as she holds up the empty bag of gummy worms.
“Let's go Mabel, I don't want to spend another second alone with this guy." I say as I quickly get my things gathered up.
We stumble out of the bus before it speeds off, not even waiting for my foot to fully step out.
"That guy has some serious problems.” I hear Mabel say. I nod my head in agreement.
"¿Disculpe, sabe dónde está Greasy's Diner?" (Excuse me, do you know where Greasy's Diner is?)
I turn around to see a girl, a beautiful girl. Her smile is absulutley breathtaking. Her hair perfectly frames her face.
Her perfect face.
Mabel nudges my shoulder and I realize I've been staring too long.
"S-sorry I don't speak Spanish. No Español?" I say. I feel like a douchebag right now. I see her face turn from hope to disappointment. It feels like I got punched in the gut.
I want nothing more than to put that beautiful smile back on her face. My face lights up as I remember Ford is fluent in Spanish. He's probably fluent in every language.
"I know someone who knows Spanish." I say. She tilts her head to the side, confused. I take a second before I choose my next words.
"I. Know. Someone. Who. Speaks. Spanish." I carefully pronoununate my words as if that would somehow help her understand. Her face still looks confused. I mentally face palm. Way to go Dipper.
I begin to open my mouth until I'm cut off by Mabel.
"Conocemos a alguien que habla español.” (We know someone who speaks Spanish) I hear come from her phone in a robotic voice. Google Translate. Of course.
The girl smiles and nods.
We begin walking to the Mystery Shack and Mabel tries and fails to make conversation with her. The only thing we learned about her is her name, y/n. I love that name. Y/n. I've never really felt the absolute need to learn another language. I mean sure, it would be something cool and convinenet to learn, espically Spanish, but now, now I feel like I need to learn it.
I would do practically anything to learn more about this girl. Woah Dipper, chill out.
•Time Skip•
We introduce her to Ford and they immediately begin having conversation. Listing to her talk absolutely hypnotizes me. I can't help but stare at her. Her e/c eyes, her h/c hair, her s/c skin, her- "DIPPER STOP STARING AT Y/N!” I hear Mabel shout from beside me with a mishevious grin. I slap my hand over her mouth as she laughs. I drag her from the gift shop to the living room
'Mabel are you crazy?" I whisper shout. I quickly peak out the door and see y/n look at Ford with a confused look. Ford plays it off. I need to remember to thank Ford for that later
•Time Skip•
As y/n eats dinner with us, Ford expains what she's doing here. Her family just moved here and sent y/n out to find the person who was going to teach her English but they completely canceled on her. Now, Ford is going to teach her English.
“Dipper, y/n mentioned she would be interested in teaching someone Spanish, would you like to learn?" Ford asks me. Before I could even open my mouth, Mabel answers for me.
"Would he? He would love to considering he's in love with-“ For the second time that day, I slap my hand over her mouth.
I give her a stern look before looking back at Ford and y/n, who is stiffling a laugh.
"I would love that." I say as calmly as I can. Ford translates to y/n.
"I am excited to teach you, Dipper." She says. It's obvious Ford just taught her to say it. Nevertheless, my heart jumps at the sound of my name coming out of her mouth. I stare at her with a goofy smile on my face before I get shoved to the ground by Mabel.
-Dipper would learn Spanish so fast for you
-He never worked on something harder in his life
-Despite his efforts to understand you through words, there’s still things you guys do through actions
-You both learn each others languages
-It’s so cute because you both work so hard to learn how to talk to each other just for Dipper to be talking in Spanish and you talking in English
-Trust, Dipper will do anything for you
-That includes learning a whole new language
Thank you so so much for the request! I hope you’re able to translate this easily! Also I apologize if the Spanish aspect of this was booty. Also to everyone who sent a request: Thank You! Every request had an amazing idea and I’ll get to it as soon as possible! I’m writing them in order as to who requested first. If you have any requests please don’t hesitate to send them. That you all for the support! 💜
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pablitogavii · 1 year
gavi x reader, where he’s all clingy on his birthday and he wants to introduce her to his family like his aunts, uncles and grandparents and she’s so nice to his younger cousins and he’s like falling in love with her all over again bc of how nice she is to everyone, fluff?
Birthday celebration
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"I'm so glad everyone could come here for my birthday" Pablo said while you were setting the table at his house in Barcelona smiling when you saw his excited face.
Pablo might be a professional athlete that is already accomplished so much but deep down he is still just a nineteen year old boy excited for his birthday party.
"Me too amor. You look so handsome" you walk up to him fixing his hair a little and he lets you leaning down to kiss your lips when the doorbell rang.
"Guests are here. Go ahead and open amor" you say and he nods rushing to the door in excitement seeing his old childhood friends Mario and Alejandro.
"Welcome guys!" you say hugging them as well smiling when you saw Pablo already opening up resents and thanking them. He was such a cute boy!
"How are you guys? How's Sevilla?" you started the small talk while taking out some drinks and food while Pablo went to open the door again to his family, Aurora and Javi.
"Hola hermanita!" Aurora hugged you first and you smiled hugging her back before Belen joined it kissing your head. His whole family was so sweet to you and your heart melted.
"Mi hija bonita!" Belen said and you blushed seeing Pablo looking at the two of you with a smile on his face.
"What would you like to drink?" you ask and even though Pablo wanted to help you sat him down telling him that he is birthday boy and should enjoy today. Aurora helped you instead.
"Here's your ice tea amor" you put the glass down resting your hands on his strong shoulders while chatting with his parents and Pablo just watched in awe taking one of your hands in his and kissing it.
Doorbell rang again and you leaned in kissing his cheek and whispering "go open up birthday boy" making him smile and do as you said.
"Feliz cumpleaños Pablito!" his abuela walked in with a cake and you smiled when you saw Pablo blushing while walking in with his grandparents into the dining room.
"Puedes darme el pastelseñora, lo pondré en la nevera" [you can give me the cake, and I will put it in the fridge] you say and the lady smiled nodding her head and touching your face gently.
"Tan linda! Será mejor que seas un buen chico, Pablito!" [so beautiful! you better be a good boy Pablito!] she spoke and you smiled nodding your head while walking into the kitchen with the cake.
"Siempre abuela!" Pablo smiled helping them sit down before you brought some refreshments.
"Tu español es tan bueno!" [Your Spanish is so good!] his grandpa said and even Pablo felt so proud that you were willing to learn his language just so you can speak to his family. He was doing the same by learning English and communicating to yours.
"Gracias! Tengo un buen maestro!" [Thank you! I have a good teacher!] you said kissing Pablo's head and he smiled nodding his head proudly saying that you were his best student.
Soon after, Pablo's aunt with her little kids came as well and the boy was very excited to kick ball with their Pablito as they called him. Your heart was filled when you saw Pablo playing with him and just how carefree he felt with his whole family around him.
The little girl always talked about how pretty you are and how she wanted to look like you. She was so cute and you always did her braids whenever she came by so this time was no difference.
"She just always talks about you, querida" Pablo's aunt said and of course Pablo overheard the conversation smiling when he saw how happy his little cousin was sitting on your lap and having ehr hair braided.
He couldn't imagine he finally found someone who is so kind and fits perfectly with his family. There was no doubt in his mind that you were the one.
"Alright, done! Who is ready for the cake!?" you say and both the little girl and boy jumped happily rushing with you towards the kitchen giving Pablo a little break to sit down with the rest of the guests.
"Ella es muy especial Pablito.." [She's very special Pablito..] his grandma said with a smile and Pablo blushed her words meaning so much to him.
"Es una chica tan humilde y amable. ¡Realmente trata bien a nuestro chico y no podríamos estar más felices!" [She's such a humble and kind girl. Really treats our boy right and we couldn't be happier!] his mom added and now Pablo was bright red not really the one to talk much about how he feels.
"Mamá! Ella te escuchará!" [Mom! She'll hear you!] Pablo whined while everyone laughed at his shyness.
"Él es tímido, pero está claro que ella lo hace feliz." [He's just shy but it's clear that she makes him happy.] Javi added and everyone nodded and by that time you were back with the cake singing him a birthday song.
Everyone joined in and when it was done Pablo grabbed your hand closing his eyes to make a wish before blowing his candles and everyone cheered while you moved down to kiss his head.
He stood up as everyone congratulated him once more until he finally came to you holding your waist and pulling you close.
"I had nothing to wish for..I have everything I need right here" he whispered before you both kissed and everyone applauded making you both blush and smile.
"I love you so much..happy birthday cariño!" you say while hugging him happy to have become apart of his family.
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fleet-of-fiction · 8 months
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Jake Kiszka // Female Reader
Summary: It's your job to translate. But when Jake asks for private Spanish lessons, it complicates things. You try to fight it, but one night the fight gets all too real. And you realise you need him more than you ever thought you could.
Trigger Warnings: Mild S/H. Physical Violence. Full penetrative sex. Foreplay including oral. All the usual smut warnings.
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"En español, Jake!" You admonished, tapping your finger down onto the page with vitriol.
He looked up at you with a frustrated sigh. As if the words were swimming around in his head but simply refused to spill out of his poised mouth.
"I'm so sorry." He apologised, slamming the book closed. "I just can't imagine why you haven't punched me in the face yet."
You had a little sympathy for him. Learning a new language in adulthood was fastidiously hard. You'd watched him for hours trying to curl his tongue around the way things were spoken in conjunction to how they were written down.
"The thought may have crossed my mind." You replied playfully, stashing the book back in your bag.
He watched you gathering your things together. Leaning back in his chair, arm draped casually down the back as you tried to pretend that you weren't aware.
"Why won't you let me take you out for a drink?" He asked, again, leaning forward onto the table. "It's just one drink, where's the harm?"
You slipped your bag over your shoulder and gave him the same balanced look you had given him all the other times he had tried to convince you to go out with him for a harmless drink.
"Jake, I can't keep doing this with you."
His arms were crossed as he leaned on the table. Long, lithe fingers locked together as he tried to downplay the disappointment. There was a sadness there in his eyes as he tried to smile.
"I know. I'm sorry, I just lose my head around you sometimes." He uttered, cracking his knuckles as he got up to walk you to the door.
You stopped in the hall to slip your shoes back on. Conscious of his eyes burning into the back of you. It would have made you uncomfortable were it not for the fact that every single time you had told him no a small part of you had died inside. These stolen moments where you knew he was studying your body were all you could enjoy.
When you turned around he was holding the door open for you. A thousand things on his mind that he ached to say, but couldn't.
"Maybe we shouldn't do this anymore." You suggested, "I mean, it was a crazy idea to begin with. I'm not a Spanish tutor, I'm your fucking translator. I'm already on the payroll. It'd be like dating my boss. You know that's why I have to say no, right?"
It was a downright lie.
He raised a hopeful eyebrow. "And not because you don't think I'm sexy?"
He was insufferable in the way you couldn't stand the fact he made you laugh. That had been the reason you had agreed to give him Spanish lessons in the first place. Because he had made you laugh with his goofy silliness. His self deprecating manner was endearing. And you hated him for that.
"Comportate, por favor." You told him, slipping out of the door before you changed your mind.
You weren't averse to dating rock stars. There had been times, in the past, where you had been hired to go on tour with artists who didn't speak the language of the countries they were moving through. It had been your job to liaise with concert venues, hotels and media outlets. Sometimes allowing yourself to be courted by these melodic creatures. There was something about musicians that drew you in.
Perhaps it was because they were poets. They valued art over everything else. To you, language was the most powerful art of all. To have the knowledge of words that could be understood the world over was truly a gift. And you could speak eight of them.
When Jake had asked you to teach him one of your gifts, initially you had balked at the idea. There was something about Jake that made you nervous. He made you feel like a song with just a fleeting glance. You weren't sure of yourself around him. It felt as if at any given moment something beautiful might happen. He wasn't a temporary fuck on a job you knew would only last a few weeks before moving on to the next. You knew, intrinsically, that if you allowed him to touch you there was no moving on from it.
He was peering at you from his porch steps as you got into your car. Patiently waiting until your seatbelt was on before waving sweetly. Like a Grandma would. Only stopping when you were out of sight.
"Damn you, Jake..." You whispered to yourself as you turned the corner, wishing you could rescind the past seven days.
You slammed the overhead locker shut and slumped into your seat below. Eye mask lingering on your forehead, ready to be pulled down so that the fluorescent lights on the plane didn't give you a migraine. Your skin was moisturised, your hair coiled in loose braids down each shoulder. Ready to sleep for the next eleven hours.
You watched the rest of the crew and management team take their seats. The unspoken rule of long haul flights being that nobody conversed. Nobody disturbed the other. It was a time to rest and reflect before chaos ensued.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked, swinging himself into the seat beside you before you could protest.
Your mouth agape, you watched him get comfortable in the space where you had planned to put your feet.
"Jake?" You sighed. "I thought you were sitting with your brothers up front?"
He shrugged nonchalantly. "I wanted to sit here, with you."
You were still waiting for him to embellish as he pushed his shoes off and stretched his feet out. He was wearing those blue jeans with the cut in the knee he had worn every day the previous week, with a ripped hem shirt that was only buttoned half way. His chains hanging against his flesh between the opening.
You wondered how a person could endure eleven hours in clothes like that, but Jake always seemed to put style over comfort. It was one of the first things you'd taken in about him. Every single facet of his being was a token of his personality. He was his own canvas.
You couldn't help but smile.
"Ok, fine." You allowed, "But we're not having an impromptu lesson or anything, I plan to sleep."
You slipped down your eye mask and tried to hide the fact you were terrified of flying as the plane took off. The rumble and strange loss of gravity churning your stomach as you gripped the arm rest. Only settling once you were in the air and the subtle sounds of people sleeping and turning the pages of books was all you could hear.
He kept silent while you slept. And when you awoke to find your legs splayed across his lap, you flinched involuntarily. His head snapped up from the back of his seat. Eyes wide and for a moment neither of you could remember where you were.
You weren't sure how you'd ended up in the position you found yourself in. If he had placed your legs there himself, in some act of kindness you'd not asked for. Or if you had done it yourself in your sleep, and he had simply allowed it.
"Sorry." You grumbled, taking back your feet and slipping the eye mask around your frazzled braids.
"You don't like flying, huh?" He asked, running a hand through his knotted locks.
You were quick to defend yourself. "What makes you say that?"
The most heart breaking memory seemed to come to him. Smiling as if he may never have that time back. You felt the blood rush to your head as he looked at you. His deep brown eyes catching yours for the briefest of moments.
"You reached out for me in your sleep." He replied, almost in sadness.
You blushed. Turning away from him hastily, busying yourself with the book on the small table in front of you. Feeling foolish. As if you had spoiled something already.
"I didn't mean to." You said quietly, fixating on the page without being able to focus on any of the words.
"You worry too much." He commented, straightening up in his seat to reveal that all of his buttons were now undone.
As he stretched, he revealed a smooth chest and small ripples of flesh around his stomach. The muscles above taut and lean from years of grinding into his guitar.
You excused yourself to the bathroom. Brushing past him as you climbed out of your seat. Feeling dizzy as you walked down the aisle towards the illuminated rest room sign.
Splashing your face with cold water did little to dispel your nerves. Staring at yourself in the mirror, telling yourself to hold your reserve. He didn't deserve to hold your attention like this. How had he crawled beneath your skin so easily?
It wasn't exactly love at first sight. But it was something akin. The first time you had spoken. You felt it. The ache. Like a little electric burn. Because of him.
You sucked in your breath and uncoiled your braids. Ran careful fingers through your hair until the waves were smooth. Reminded yourself that it was just another job. And walked back to your seat with irrational confidence that you could endure the rest of the flight by his side.
Confidence which ebbed as you noted the glasses of rum and coke sitting on the tray tables. The froth still fizzing on the surface of the ice. He was chewing on his bottom lip absently until he noticed you. Immediately stiffening as you breezed back into your seat. Looking slightly different than when you had left.
"You've hijacked me, you do realise that, don't you?"
He picked up his glass and raised it as if to make a toast.
"I don't have a clue what you're talking about." He feigned. "I just thought you might be thirsty."
There was a devious glint in his eye. One which made you bend to his will. You picked up your glass and didn't really feel in the mood for rum so soon after waking up, but up in the air it didn't really feel like morning or evening. You were in limbo. The only place where you would ever agree to have a drink with him.
"This isn't a date." You confirmed. "This is not me agreeing to go for a drink with you. This is two colleagues having a drink on the same flight together."
It was precisely what he had wanted, packaged in another name. He knew it and so did you.
"Cheers." He said brazenly, tapping the rim of his glass against yours. "Here's to colleagues having a drink together."
You rolled your eyes. "We'll only ever be friends, Jake."
There was something oddly beautiful about silence. Music was the beating heart of the world. There was a song for every emotion ever felt by anyone anywhere. But when the music stopped, it was like the echo was felt universally. Bones and blood coming down from the euphoria. There was something about Jake that made it so hard to come down from.
You were standing behind the stage. The tones of the final note still playing out. Your eyes closed and your hands clutching a crisp white envelope tightly. The silence was deafening.
And then he was there. Peeling off his jacket. The sweat glistening in the stage lights. He handed his guitar to one of the stage technicians and noticed you waiting by the door. Not where you usually could be found.
"Buenas noches." You said, tilting your head as he approached.
"Evening." He replied, in English. "What do I owe the pleasure?"
You hadn't seen him all day. You'd been endlessly scrolling through potential activities for a day away from the stage. So rarely did these days come about, it had felt as if you had to find the most perfect venue. The tour manager had given you only three proviso's. Somewhere beautiful to film social media content. Somewhere all four of the band members could enjoy. Somewhere quintessentially Spanish.
"I think I've found the ideal place for your day off." You said, handing him the Vineyard confirmation.
He unfolded the paper and scanned the document. Looking up at you as if you were the most perfect creature to ever walk the earth. It dawned on you that you didn't have to be stood there in that moment, but you'd been so excited to tell him. Aching for a glimpse of him. Afraid that you wouldn't get one.
"A real Spanish Vineyard?"
You nodded. "And a tour of the distillery where they make brandy, too."
"This is perfect." He replied, eager to hug you but consciously aware that he was dripping in stage sweat. "And you'll be there, won't you?"
"Hardly be doing my job if I wasn't."
He lingered there with you. In the silence. The subtle reminder that you worked for him completely disregarded as he took the liberty of waiting until his brothers had walked past before shakily trailing his fingertips down the side of your cheek.
"Bello..." You heard him say, before he dropped his hand and you felt the absence of it so deeply you weren't certain how you could walk away from him and feel whole ever again.
You barely slept. Questioning yourself as you tossed and turned in the darkness. Irritated by the inner monologue that told you to re-think your outfit choice. It had to be light and airy for the warm sunshine. But not too revealing for the classy Vineyard aesthetic. You wanted Jake to look at you and think you pretty. But it couldn't be too obvious that you'd chosen the outfit just for him. Because you didn't want to choose the outfit just for him. You were consumed by the need for his attention. And hating yourself for it wasn't getting any easier.
The sleep deprivation hit you as you stepped out into the heat. Not yet noon and it was scorching down on your shoulders. The yellow sun dress which had been your fourth and final choice had tiny spaghetti straps that did little to protect your skin. Your white wide rimmed hat provided a little shade, but in the end you knew you'd walk away from the day with pink and red stripes.
You were already at the Vineyard when he arrived. Awaiting his arrival with the tour manager and social media assistant. Spilling out of the mini van, it appeared the sleepless night had been a friend to them all. Four sets of shades hid the dark circles. You couldn't help but smile ironically.
But they were like curious children as soon as the first taste hit. Jake, listening to the tour guide speaking a mixture of English and Spanish, turning to you for confirmation on anything he didn't understand. Swilling the wine in his taster glass, as he'd been instructed, endearingly involving himself even though you could sense that he was so tired.
You found some shade as the tour came to an end. Beneath a eucalyptus tree. Fanning your dress out as you sat on the little wooden bench under the arching branches. Watching Jake filming content with his brothers, happy to just be there. Relieved that your skin was not too sun kissed. The joviality of Jake and his brothers was a joy to behold. Their subtle differences in the way they reacted to each wine was comical and you found yourself drifting into a state of bliss you'd never found whilst on a tour job before.
He was wearing his shirt open at the chest again. Chains glistening in the afternoon sun as he came to sit with you. The entire group dispersing into their own little activities. He handed you a glass of red, noticing that it was the one you'd liked the most whilst on the tour.
"I feel as if I haven't seen you all day." He said, shuffling up the bench so that he was closer to you.
"I've been by your side the whole time." You replied bashfully.
He didn't seem to care, though. "I felt it yesterday too, when I actually didn't see you all day."
You took a languid sip, feeling the wine go down past the lump in your throat. His knee conspicuously close to yours. The fabric of your dress billowing in the breeze, threatening to lift and reveal your flesh. He noticed and pressed his leg against yours, the motion driving you irrevocably insane.
"What are you doing, Jake?" You asked, keeping your voice low.
You could smell the wine on his breath as he leaned in.
"How do you say... I want to rip your clothes off and fuck you until you can't stand up straight...in Spanish?"
The glass felt loose in your hand. As if his words had shaken your core and you couldn't ground yourself.
"Do you enjoy this?" You asked, more curtly than you'd anticipated. "Like it's not hard enough already?"
You'd hurt his feelings. All the happiness of the day seemed to drain from him as he moved his leg away. Another absence of his touch you felt so completely, it was as if you'd fade away entirely if he ever touched you again.
"Why do you constantly deny me?!"
He was livid. You could feel the bench move as he trembled.
"I could understand it if the feelings weren't reciprocated. I'd have asked you out, you'd have said no. Told me that you're not interested and yeah, it would have sucked and I'd have taken it on the chin. But I'm not stupid, I know you want me. And no amount of telling me that we're just friends is going to change that."
He downed his wine. You waited for him to get up and leave, but he remained at your side. A trembling mess as he waited for you to say something that might give him hope.
"You have no right to say that to me...no right!" You almost bellowed, feeling the rage prick at your fingertips. "When all I have done has been to preserve myself. And you. From hurt. And confusion."
"I'm not confused." He was quick to say, gripping the neck of his wine glass so tightly his knuckles turned white. "I know what I want."
"You think this is easy for me?"
You glanced across the courtyard towards the distillery where Jake's brother, Josh, was chatting with some of the staff. His eyes wandering back to you and Jake. His interest piqued as your voices began to rise above the din.
Jake's shoulders slumped. "It doesn't have to be this hard!"
You tried to smile reassuringly as you caught Josh's eye. He smiled back, returning reluctantly to his conversation. Suddenly everything began to turn into a surreal dream. Everything was perfect save for this one moment. You wanted nothing more than to turn back time, just by five minutes, and say or do something differently.
"I'm not about to complicate things for a quick fuck, Jake. I still have a job to do." You whispered, "I don't want to spend the next two weeks feeling like this..."
"Oh, what?" He replied, all the hurt you had caused him spilling out in his tone. "Like you've never fucked somebody on tour before?!"
There it was. All his hurt laid bare and all the hurt you had feared manifesting itself in the instant regret he felt as you turned to face him. All the times you'd rejected him kept in a little bottle in his heart, smashing there on the ground at your feet.
His head began to shake, his mouth open against apologies that wouldn't come out. His arms up in defence as if you were about to strike him. And all you could do was stare at him in disbelief.
"That's real nice, Jake." You managed, "Yeah. Ok, you want to play it that way? You're not wrong. I fucked a few guys on jobs in the past. Sure. They didn't care and neither did I. Why would it be awkward if you know you're never going to see them again? It meant nothing. What do you want me to say? That I'm terrified that this time it's different? That fucking you will never just be casual? That I know I'll fall in love with you the minute you kiss me? Huh? Is that what you want to hear? Stay the fuck away from me!"
You were still reeling as you stepped into the cool night air. Cardigan wrapped around you as the wind picked up. It was late but the hotel was situated in a sleepy little town ten minutes outside Barcelona. Lights were still twinkling in the distance. The faint sounds of people sitting outside bars and cafes sounding on the breeze. The gentle waves lapping at the shore in the pitch black.
You couldn't sleep again. Not plagued by irrelevant outfit choices this time, but instead you were horrified by yourself. By the way you had left things at the Vineyard. By how you had made your way back to the hotel without him. Not even looking at him when you'd seen him at dinner. You had felt his eyes burning into you, though. Losing your appetite entirely.
It felt as if a walk would clear your head. Bring you to some conclusion that would give you a reason to carry on. You'd been on the cusp of quitting and taking the next flight back to Nash before slipping on your sandals and cardigan and heading for the empty beach.
The sand was cool to the touch as you slinked down into it. The moon illuminating the curl of each small wave as it encroached onto the flat shoreline. The ever twinkling lights of the buildings which stretched across the coast were like stars upon the land. And you were lost in thought about Jake. About how you were going to make everything right.
So lost were you that you hadn't noticed that you were no longer alone. Catching them in the corner of your eye as they approached, as if they'd walked directly out of the black sea. A man, wearing nothing but a tattered white t-shirt and blue board shorts, waved to you inconsequentially.
You made the mistake of waving back. An impulse. Not an invitation to be disturbed. Your heart sank as they changed their direction, instead of carrying on across the shoreline, they diverted up the beach towards you. An errant smile on a bearded face greeted you as you tried to stand up.
"Oh, no. Please...stay where you are." He insisted, and you smiled because you thought he merely meant to pass you by.
When he didn't you felt yourself rooted to the spot. The darkness somehow darker than it had felt a moment ago.
"I was just leaving." You said as politely as you could.
He smelled like tobacco and body odour. The state of his feet alarmed you, as if he hadn't worn shoes for a very long time. He was sitting opposite you, as if you were friends enjoying an evening under the stars. But the hair on the back of your neck was poised. Your blood began to run cold.
"Oh, come on now." He replied, playfully with a hint of malice. "You're American, yes? I love America."
You had no desire to stay in his company. But something told you not to move. A primal instinct maybe?
"Uh, yeah." You replied, trying to keep your responses civil but brief.
He moved closer. His scent drifting in on the sea breeze. You recoiled. Feeling entirely foolish for stepping out of the hotel thinking you'd be safe.
"What's the matter?" He asked then, his voice low and gruff from years of smoking. "I just want to sit with you, alright?"
You uncrossed your legs. "I really...I was honestly just about to leave..."
He placed a dirty hand on your knee to prevent you from standing. You felt the fear grip you and choke you. Tears forming in your eyes as your lip began to tremble.
"Be a friendly girl and sit with me a while." He insisted. "I just want to talk to you."
He could see that you were afraid. Almost aroused by it. He moved to sit by you. Rubbing a calloused hand up your shin towards your knee. A broken scream was stuck in your throat. Warm tears streaming down your face.
"I have a boyfriend." You choked out, frozen into the sand as you willed it to swallow you.
"No boyfriend that I can see right now."
Something inside you snapped. The thought of Jake. Calling him your boyfriend. You didn't care about anything beyond him. Not your job nor the fears which you'd been running from. None of it made sense anymore. You could feel yourself begin to panic. Your chest moving against deep breaths. Your heart beating erratically.
You dared to push his hand away from you.
"I thought I told you to be friendly..." He hissed.
There wasn't a part of you that had any thoughts running through your mind as you heard the switch in his voice from playful malice to direct evil. You gathered the sand in your fist and threw it into his face, hearing him reel back and grunt in anger as you tried to run away.
Your sandals filled with sand though, preventing you from gaining any real speed. The scream which left you came from somewhere deep within, so blood curdling you weren't even sure it was you making the sound. It felt as if you dared not look back in case he was right behind you.
Three things seemed to happen all at once. The first was your body crushed to the ground. Sand in your mouth. The sensation that you were about to be buried alive. The second was the almost immediate release. Air rushing to your lungs as you swallowed the grit. And the third was Jake.
You stumbled onto your feet. Tears streaming down your face, spitting sand out as you felt yourself on the verge of vomiting. You blinked a few times, using your sleeve to wipe away the blurring tears.
All you could see was Jake. A pair of blue board shorts beneath him. His arm reeling back again and again and again as he rained down blow after blow.
"What the fuck did you do to her?!" He cried, cracking his fist against the bloodied face below him. "I will fucking kill you... I swear to god..."
You hadn't known Jake that long. But long enough to know he was loving and kind. That he chose to sit in corners and watch over being the centre of attention. He was funny and unserious in private with those he trusted best and stoic around people he didn't know. You'd never imagined he could be capable of such violence. When pushed, he was an animal.
"Jake!" You screamed. "Please, stop it!!!"
He didn't hear you at first. Picking up the guy by the scruff of his shirt, rattling his head before shoving it back into the sand. Landing a final, brutal kick to the stomach.
When Jake looked over at you, it was like he was seeing you for the first time. His chest heaving against catching his breath. His knuckles red and covered in blood. Not certain if it was Jake's blood, or the guy who was writhing around on the sand's. You reached for him.
But Jake didn't move. "Did he hurt you?"
You shook your head, feeling vulnerable in a way you'd never felt before.
"He started to but I ran. I'm so sorry, I was so stupid. I should have stayed in my room. I just needed to get some air...I can't believe this is happening...oh god, look at you..."
Jake noticed his hand. He shook off the blood and looked down at what he had done. The nose was broken and the eye sockets already swelling. Blood streaming from the guy's mouth. He spat a few teeth out and groaned in pain, clutching at his stomach as his white t-shirt turned red.
"No. You shouldn't have to stay in your room. You should be able to walk outside if you want to walk outside. It's fuckers like this who need to stay the fuck inside." He shoved his foot into the place where he had kicked, making sure to cause more pain. "Call the police."
"I can't." You sobbed. "They'll take you away, too."
He knew it as well as you did. They'd take him in. Question him. Stick an assault charge on him. You'd need a lawyer. You'd have to tell them what that disgusting guy had tried to do to you. You didn't want any of it. You just wanted to translate Vineyard tours, not police interrogations.
Jake leaned down and pressed his foot into the bloodied cheek.
"You better get the fuck out of here. I've got an entire security team in that hotel and they aren't little guys like me. They'll take you to fucking hell."
The adrenaline was still pumping as Jake stood back. Raking his bloody fist through his hair. Letting the guy stumble away, clutching his stomach as he spat blood onto the white sand. It wasn't until he was half way down the beach that Jake finally breathed. Letting out the most painful groan you'd ever heard. Your instincts telling you to protect him at all costs.
"What the fuck were doing out there?" You asked, cracking open the first aid kit in your hotel room. "Were you following me?"
He was sitting on the edge of the bed. Wincing as you knelt at his feet to wipe his hand with antiseptic. You held it within yours gently. Blowing cool air onto his grazed knuckles as you tried not to hurt him. You were still fighting back tears as you looked him in the eye.
"I didn't know you were out there." He said solemnly, tears of his own forming on the rim of his eye lashes. "I guess I had the same idea as you did. And then I heard you scream."
"What if you hadn't been there..."
You fell into his arms. Your entire body shaking as you sobbed. If you'd been afraid of loving him it felt so foolish now. You were consumed by love.
"I knew..." You tried to say, breathing hard against his bare chest.
You felt him cup your chin in his unspoiled hand. Forcing you to look at him.
"I knew from the start." You swallowed. "From the moment I saw you that I'd be fucked up forever. One look and I was gone. Washed away...in a landslide...because of your perfect face."
He fought against a smile.
"I knew you'd ruin me for anyone else." You said, "That's why I said no. All those times...no. How could I say yes to you? When saying yes meant I had to love you without fear."
He returned his fingertips to your cheek and you knew his touch was meant to heal you.
"Are you afraid now?" He asked quietly.
He was the kind of person that you knew you would end up falling in love with. You had perhaps always known it from the moment he was introduced to you. . There was a feeling which sat exactly right in your chest. You didn't want to ever say that you loved him for fear that he would leave. But you knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you didn't want to spend your time with anyone else.
"I was afraid that you'd break my heart." You sighed, the shadow of that fear dissipating. "But not anymore."
"I shouldn't have said what I said earlier at the Vineyard. I was wrong to call you out like that. It's none of my business who you've fucked in the past."
You appreciated his apology, but it had little place in the moment. You would never truly understand what he had sacrificed that night. He'd never lost his cool like that, ever. He was sorry for the things which he had said, but there was no apology needed. Not after what he had done for you.
"It doesn't matter." You shrugged, pressed an ice pack against his hand as you flipped the first aid kit shut. "All that matters now, is us."
He took that as his permission to kiss you. Leaning in to it slowly. Keeping your eyes focused on his. Feeling the heat of his breath before his lips reached you. And when they did, your eyes were closed and his lips were soft against yours. They parted slightly, allowing for his tongue to slip into your mouth.
You knelt up to lock your arms around his neck. Bodies pressed together heatedly against each other. You could taste the shared breath. Feel the thud of your combined hearts. Fumbling to be free of your cardigan.
Heat blossomed in your chest. Sparks igniting as Jake pulled you closer against his open shirt. Tentatively, for the first time, he uttered your name as his mouth momentarily parted from yours before returning to you as if he hadn't whispered it at all.
"Jake..." You responded, breathy and almost too shrouded in whisper to hear.
But he did hear you. Gripping your hips tighter as he deepened the kiss. Pulling you up onto his body as he leaned back onto the bed, your legs parted on either side of his waist. Weeks of tension flowing out of both of you.
But nothing happened that night. The evening had caused an exhaustion which both of you shared as you slipped into the curve of his arm. Kissing him in small increments, stopping only to appreciate his face in the moon light which flooded in from the window. Caressing his bare chest, playing with his chains as he pressed his lips against your forehead. Your leg draped casually over his, tangled in each other for the first time.
There was no need for anything else. Loving him with abandon for all the accompanying things you'd told yourself. All the reasons you'd given yourself not to enter into this with him. Wishing that he had been your first love. So that you could have loved him sooner, instead of looking for malice in his pure intentions. Looking for ways to never have to give yourself to him. With Jake as your first love, you would have only known love to be like velvet.
But he wasn't. He was going to be your last love, you knew you would die to make that happen.
Jake kept his busted hand bandaged up the next day. Telling anyone who cared to ask that he had dropped his guitar case and fucked up his knuckles trying to save it. It was an unlikely story, but nobody dared to question it. Least of all the security team that would have been heavily judged for not being there to break up a fight.
You were relieved to move on. Telling yourself that it wasn't your fault, that you'd done nothing wrong. And yet, a voice echoed in the back of your mind screaming blame for what Jake had been forced to do.
Even as you boarded the plane to leave the country, it was still playing on a loop in the back of your mind. That rough, dirty hand moving up your leg. The blood. The sand in your mouth. The way he had kissed you that night afterwards...
"Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked, looking down at you with a wicked grin.
The flight from Spain to England was only a few short hours. Nothing which required sleep or tentative dream induced embraces. You felt yourself blush as he slipped into the seat beside you. Feeling entirely different. Grateful for the distraction from your thoughts.
"Maybe we should have an impromptu lesson this time." You suggested, "I haven't heard you use your words at all this week."
Jake pulled off his shades, slipping them into his breast pocket as he kicked off his shoes and offered you his hand to hold as the plane took off.
"If I tell you that asking for lessons was a ploy to get closer to you and nothing else, would you be mad?" He asked, deadly serious, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.
Everything he had done before the previous night meant little. You didn't care.
"Crees que eres tan listo." You replied, "But truthfully, I knew you had no intention of ever learning any of it."
He would have pulled you into one of those kisses. The urge was there on his lips as he licked them, eyes focusing in on yours.
"Besides, we're in England for the next three days. You're going to have a lot of free time." He joked, knowing that you'd have to be preparing to liaise with the concert venue and hotel in Germany for the week ahead. "What's the plan to fill it all?"
It felt like the entire time you'd known him had been foreplay. Leading up to this. A game of cat and mouse that you'd secretly wanted to end with all the sex you'd imagined having with him. Because you had imagined having sex with him.
"Maybe you could help me with that." You giggled, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks.
He stared at you for a moment. Trying to comprehend the words he thought he'd heard you say. He wasn't used to it. He expected you to rebuff him again. Even after spending the night wrapped in his arms, listening to his chest rise and fall against your cheek.
"Are you fucking serious?" He asked, gripping your hand more tightly.
You leaned in and placed your lips flush to his ear.
"Quiero arrancarte la ropa y follarte hasta que no puedas pararte derecho..." You whispered.
You felt his body close, his hand travel up your arm. Pulling you in. You let him. His brothers, Josh and Sam were sitting in the seats in front. And behind there was Danny, surrounded by people who would never know the secret you shared. Their eyes busy with anything but what the two of you were doing.
"I beg you, tell me what you just said."
You kissed him. Without shame. Without care if anyone noticed.
"I want to rip your clothes off and fuck you until you can't stand up straight..."
Throwing your luggage down, you tumbled into the bathroom. The anticipation was overwhelming. He'd been whispering in your ear the entire flight. All the things he was going to do to you. All the things he had imagined every single time you'd rejected him. The last thing he had said to you as you pulled up outside the hotel, weary and travel worn was a twenty minute warning that once you'd checked in and got to your room he was coming after you.
You grabbed your toiletries and began pulling your brush through your hair. Running the faucet until the water ran warm, rinsing the airport smell off your face. Shedding your clothes until you were down to your underwear, furiously brushing your teeth as you ran an electric razor up your leg.
Pulling open the elastic waist band of your panties, you peered down into the pubic hair you hadn't bothered to tidy up. Sighing at your own lack of foresight. Pushing your panties down to your ankles as you ran the shaver across your mound, wondering if he would care or even notice.
You slipped on your little white night robe over your underwear. Certain he would want you in a state of undress as he arrived. Perhaps expecting it. You regarded yourself in the mirror as you recalled his words.
"I'm going to taste that sweet pussy...You don't know how many times I've imagined what you taste like..."
You tightened the belt of your robe, feeling the length of silk material between your fingers as you pulled on it.
"You've pissed me off so much lately, I'm going to fuck that right out of you..."
Catching yourself breathing heavily, you placed the flat of your hand to the centre of your cleavage. Pressing down to feel your own heart beat.
"You know I would beat any man who tried to hurt you...you know that, don't you? Nobody's ever going to touch you again. Only me..."
Something stirred in that space between your chest and stomach. Something you had no name for. You weren't afraid when you remembered how he had lost his mind over the thought of you getting hurt. You were turned on.
"I'm getting hard right now thinking about getting to the hotel... You've got twenty minutes until I knock on your door..."
When you'd thought of the kind of lover he might be, you'd been inclined to imagine him soft and thoughtful. But there was something in those words that had been savage and downright filthy. He'd taken delight in watching you squirm in your seat, looking around to make sure nobody was listening.
Kissing you until you giggled. His lips making moist trails down your neck. Not leaving you alone for a moment, not even when people walked past your seats and witnessed exactly what he was doing to you. You'd be the talk of the tour, now.
The soft knock broke your reverie. You flinched, realising you'd been standing in front of the mirror lost in thought. Feeling as if your life was going to change the moment you opened the door. You sprayed some perfume into the air and walked through it as you headed out of the bathroom.
You only opened the door a notch before he slipped through the gap. Hands creeping down your back, gripping your ass cheeks tightly as he pulled them apart and pressed you against the hotel room wall. His mouth was on yours before speaking. Lapping his tongue into your mouth, feeling it brush against yours in a kiss that was the most desperate you'd ever felt him be.
"Fuck!" He groaned, "I can't believe I finally get to do this with you."
He put you down on the bed. Releasing you so that you fell onto the sheets and pillows, the sweetest laughter sounding out from the pit of your stomach.
Ripping open his shirt, he slipped it off his shoulders and began fighting to ease his belt. You watched curiously. Opening your robe to reveal the white bra and panties beneath.
All the laughter gone as you eyed his hard cock. Sitting there beneath his boxers, large and imposing. He gripped it in his hand. moving the erection up a little so that the tip peeked out from his waist band.
"How bad do you want it?" He asked, taking one of your ankles in his free hand and pulling you effortlessly down the bed.
You were under some sort of spell. There was no other explanation for how you found the confidence to respond. You would have fallen into embarrassment otherwise. Afraid to be vocal about what you wanted. Jake liked to talk, and talking was your gift. It made sense to you, more than ever, to use your words.
"I want you so bad, Jake. I can't stand it..."
He nodded, casting his gaze down the length of your body.
"Fuck, you're sweet. You're so god damn sweet, I just want to sink my teeth into every inch of you."
You pointed your toes, lifting your leg up to run the length of his torso. When you ran it back down, you lingered at his waist band. Hooking your toe beneath it, pulling it down just a little further so that his cock sprang free.
"Pain..." You gasped under your breath.
His hand curled around the hard base. "I won't fuck you sore, I'll make sure you're wet enough first."
You could feel the pressure building in your centre. You slipped your hand down beneath your panties and felt the wetness increase. You were already enough for him to slip inside of.
You were about to pull your hand out when he shook his head.
"No. Keep it there." He instructed, making shallow breaths as he began to move his hand up and down his own cock. "Slip your panties to the side, just a little bit. I want to see your lips down there..."
Yours were like little pink ribbons. Your clit was swollen and ready at the peak, the tiny head budding out from beneath the hood as you pulled it back with the flat of your fingers. Keeping your eyes on him the entire time. Allowing the sight of him at the foot of the bed to spur you on.
His head was flushed pink. White beads of pre-cum leaking out onto his fingers as he squeezed at the end. A throbbing vein pulsated down the centre of the shaft, his eyes half closed as he watched you plane your fingers down the slit, opening up your entrance for him to see.
"Take everything off." He ordered, the faded tan lines on his chest from the Vineyard making you smile as he kicked off his boxers.
Jake knelt onto the edge of the bed as you unhooked your bra. Your breasts spilling out of the white lace, round and firm with two hard buds in the centre of rippled goose flesh as you felt a cold shiver down your spine. Everything felt as if it were happening in a dream.
"These eyes stay on me while I'm inside you." He said, a hand suddenly reaching up for your jaw, tilting your face upward as he drank you in. "You understand me?"
You nod pitifully. Knowing his strength. Knowing there was aggression simmering beneath his cool exterior. Knowing you would do anything to placate him. Even though it made your pussy throb to think of how masterful he could be when cornered.
He inched two fingers into his mouth. A trail of saliva hanging down from his lip as he brought them to your needy cunt. You were a trembling mess as he hooked them inside you, watching your face for that blissful relief.
"Tell me how that feels."
You couldn't speak for a moment. Taking in the sensation of him driving into you past his knuckles. His grazed hand came to rest on the bed beside your head, his hair and the chains around his neck reaching down into the space where he hovered above.
"So fucking good." You tried to say, your entire body shaking as he began to pound into you harder.
He grinned that confidence, the one he liked to smirk when he knew that he was doing something right. You'd seen it on his lips before. His pressure was delicious. Using hot force and a curl of his fingers to press down on that sweet spot inside.
You almost felt bereft when he pulled his fingers out completely, returning them to his mouth where he padded them across his tongue. Tasting you. Just the way he had said he would.
"Put your mouth on it." You told him, wondering if you were a part of this dominance play or if you'd stepped out of line.
"You really are a filthy little thing, aren't you?" His head bowed, he slid down your torso and down through the valley of your navel. "Fuck...if this isn't so worth the wait..."
You looked down past the curve of your breasts. To where his wild hair was splayed across your open thighs. His back arched as he opened his mouth. Taking in a full slick lick of your pussy lips that made you moan so loud you couldn't hold back. His lips pursed around your clit, sucking on it and lapping his tongue against the swollen bud.
"Se siente tan jodidamente bien..." You hissed through gritted teeth, trying to keep a grip on the bed sheets.
You felt the vibration of his moan against your clit. Listening to you speak like that, it made him drive his tongue further into your entrance. You felt the softness of it at the opening of your walls. Hearing him swallow your wetness, you tangled your hands into his hair and swept it into your fist.
You took a deep breath and pushed him deeper into your cunt. Hips bucking, pressure mounting in your core. You almost fucked his mouth yourself until he gripped your hips steady and reminded you who was in control.
"Hold still!" He called up, raising his head with your juice dripping from his bottom lip.
You were brought to stillness by his firm grip. His eyes locked on yours as he returned his mouth to you. His nose pressed flush against your clit as he buried his head. You ached to move. Arch your back. Grind your hips. Anything to release the mounting tension.
"I mean it Jake, I'm so fucking close..." You warned him.
You trembled and twitched against his tongue as he slowly brought it to rest at your mound. The sound of his name falling like gentle rain was like music to his ears. Your orgasm belonged to him. He looked up at you and viciously slammed his fingers back inside.
"Well, come on then." He urged. "Give it to me if you want to so badly."
You tossed your head back. He ravaged and ruined you. Pounding his fingers into your cunt violently as he returned to sucking on your clit, harder. The sound was like a wet popping as his fist pressed against your slipper lips. The moans you couldn't hold back shrieking out of you as he deviously refused to stop.
"That's it, baby." You heard him say below the wet pounding and your own vocals, "Show me what that pussy can do."
He watched you. Every breath. Ever shudder. He absorbed it all. Appreciating each and revelling in it all. You were his muse, his morning song. And as you came undone at the tip of his fingers and tongue, he felt your orgasm bloom into his mouth.
"Oh god..." He swallowed hard. "I fucking need it...."
You were still on the fringes of your climax as he pulled you up. Every point in your body a mess of tingles. You met his mouth again and tasted yourself there on his lips.
"Fuck me, Jake."
Positioning you on the pillows, he made you lean back against the head board. Crawling up to meet you, ensuring your eyes never left his.
"Ask me again."
You feel his hard erection pressed against your pussy lips and inner thigh.
"I want you to fuck me so good, Jake."
He lowered his head, coming to rest at your breasts. Scanning them with his tongue, sucking on your nipple as you try to keep yourself from melting into the bed sheets.
"Beg me." He said finally, sinking his teeth into your flesh.
All the words you could think of in any language you had ever known seemed to flee from you. There was only one that remained.
It wasn't enough. "Beg harder."
You sank your fingernails into his back. "Fuck me! Please, I want you to... punish me...for all the times I told you no... make me repent for it... I beg you."
He moved to bring himself into you. Slapping his thick, girthy cock against your still sensitive slit. Before you could scream, he had you pressed against the head board and his cock was buried so deeply inside you it took your breath away.
God, he felt so good. Like your walls had never welcomed such a perfect feeling. He filled you so good, just on the cusp of pain but you were wet enough to handle it. He'd promised you wouldn't be sore afterwards, and you believed him.
"Shit, you feel so..." He faltered, "Fuck, I can't explain it."
His mouth was at your throat. Sticky fingers rested against your wind pipe, not squeezing but simply holding you in place as he rocked into you.
It had all been too much. Too much waiting, too much anticipation.
"Use your words, Jakey, come on..." You closed your legs around his waist and felt him shudder as he thrusted.
He wants as much contact with you as possible. To keep your eyes locked with his. But to also feel your breasts bouncing against his bare chest. He wants to rub your clit as he shoves his cock into you so deep he wants to watch your pussy eat it up until it disappears inside you. He wants all of it whilst listening to you speak.
"Shut up." He managed, sweat dripping off his brow. "Just let me come inside you..."
You might have been offended, but you could tell the hold you had on him had him all speechless. You making him talk was taking him away from all his other senses. Which made you smile because Jake loved nothing more than being vocal.
"Why don't you make me?" You teased. "Fucking me with your big cock like that? You want me to shut up? Fucking come in me..."
As if he could read your mind, he abruptly picked up speed and grunted vividly into the curve of your neck. Slamming into you with his entire body. The sound of his skin slapping against yours is all that echoes in your ears. Muffling out the sound of Jake's tension, his panting as he let's go into your waiting pussy. Convulsing on top of you as you grip him tightly.
His hands come underneath you, kneading your ass cheeks as he slows down. Breathing hard against your chest.
"I had no idea you could fuck like that." You breathed, "You're a dark horse, Jake Kiszka."
He laughed and returned to you for gentle kisses that reminded you he was still the sweet one who had sat with you as you reached out for him in your sleep.
"I protect my woman and I fuck her good." He replied, with a hint of playfulness as he moved apart from you to slump at your side.
You watched his cock soften as he laid there. His seed still sitting at your entrance.
"Oh I'm your woman, am I?" You jested back.
He nodded, but didn't say anything. Before too long he was snoring quietly. Beautifully naked as he was sprawled out on your hotel room bed.
You slowly inched away, heading to the bathroom to clean yourself up while he slept. Feeling a little sore, after all.
@caprisunsister @thewritingbeforesunrise @takenbythemadness @katuschka @its-interesting-van-kleep @lvnterninthenight @writingcold @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @edgingthedarkness @velveteencatch @lyndz2names @nina-23-45 @itsafullmoon y @char289 @dancingcarbon @gvfpal @violetstarcatcher @wetkleenex-gvf @jazzyfigz @gvfmarge @ignite-my-fire
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xjulixred45x · 3 months
How would be dead royalty au zagreus with his own queen/king of the underworld? He would want heirs? I just want the fluff before the heavy stuff appears(yandere asks)
That would be kind of cute honestly.
Concept of the AU
To refer to Zag's partner in this Au (or reader, as you want) I think they would be called "Consort" (because 1- it is gender neutral and 2- they have the same rank as Zagreus).
and in a way I imagine that Consort was brought as a kind of gift to Zagreus from Zeus (since in a dialogue in the game he offers to give Zagreus a mate when he arrives at Olympus. as Zagreus now replaces his father, He is part of the Olympian pantheon, so Zeus wants to keep his word).
However, when Consort was "chosen" they were SUPER intimidated by the idea of Zagreus (after all, he was the god who killed their FATHER, ANOTHER GOD and ruled the Underworld, they had reason to be afraid) and Zagreus was taken by surprise with all this, because he didn't think that Zeus would continue with that (the poor guy was so involved in the paperwork that he didn't even notice how the other gods were winking at him about it).
Consort would be surprised with a Zagreus who is very shy about the situation and who is not at all as intimidating as they thought. Apart from that well, Zagreus cares about their opinion despite being a mortal (in this case, I love mortal readers, sorry not sorry), giving them a rank equal to his, total freedom of movement through the Underworld, security protection anti-escape, etc.
but above all, Zagreus would be PATIENT with Consort. He knows he has a bad reputation, so he lets them approach him on their own, at their own pace. He honestly finds their nervousness adorable, but doesn't rush anything.
But when they are already in a relationship? The man is CLINGY, Zagreus is touch-starved, you can rip this Headcanon from my cold, dead hands.
We all agree that one of Zagreus' love languages is giving gifts, although in the context of Dead Royalty, now that he is the KING of the Underworld, he can afford to give his partner more extravagant gifts, but they come from the heart, Like, does Consort want to start any new hobbies? Now they have a sewing set in their shared room, do they need clothes? They have a new set in their favorite color, are Consort's gold accessories too heavy? now they are of silver, etc.
He still maintains some of his customs before "that" happened, such as randomly giving Consort bottles of ambrosia/nectar, playing together with Cerberus, walking through some parts of the Underworld that are not dangerous (although no one tries to attack him anymore because well, he's the boss). Consort ends up bringing back a bit of the old Zagreus in a way.
As for the topic of children...it's confusing, on the one hand I think Zagreus WANTS children, but he definitely still has too much of his own trauma with his own father to think he would be a good father, even if Consort reassures him, he would still somewhat insecure. There is also the issue that he does not know if the child could have the same problem of being stillborn, he does not want Consort to go through that traumatic experience for a "whim".
It doesn't help that some gods are concerned about this prospect of Zagreus having children and suffering the same fate as his father (and grandfather), especially Zeus.
although if Consort wanted children/became pregnant, Zagreus would be very, very happy at the idea of having a child, and would definitely be a better father than the one he had.
Although he definitely does not judge Consort if they does not want to have children, it is not obligatory with him.
that's all for now :3
Eso sería bastante lindo sinceramente.
para referirse a la pareja de Zag en este Au(o lector, como quieran) creo que les dirian "Consorte"(porque 1- es neutro con el genero y 2- tienen el mismo rango que Zagreus).
y en cierta forma me imagino que Consorte fue traída como una especie de regalo para Zagreus por parte de Zeus(ya que en un diálogo del juego se ofrece a darle a Zagreus una pareja cuando llegue al olimpo. como ahora Zagreus suple a su padre, el forma parte del panteon Olimpico, asi que Zeus quiere cumplir su palabra).
sin embargo, cuando Consorte fue "elegido" estaban SÚPER intimidados por la idea de Zagreus (después de todo, era el dios que mato a su PADRE, OTRO DIOS y gobernaba el Inframundo, tenian razones para tener miedo) y Zagreus fue tomado por sorpresa con todo esto, porque no penso que Zeus siguiera con eso(el pobre estaba tan metido en el papeleo que nisiquiera se dio cuenta de como los demás dioses le estaban dando guiños al respecto).
Consorte seria sorprendida con un Zagreus muy timido con la situación y que no es para nada tan intimidante como lo pensaban. aparte de que bueno, a Zagreus le importa su opinión pese a ser un mortal(en este caso, amo los lectores mortales, sorry not sorry), dandole un rango igual al suyo, total libertad de movimiento por el Inframundo, proteccion de la seguridad anti-huidas, etc.
pero sobretodo, Zagreus seria PACIENTE con Consorte. sabe que tiene mala fama, por lo que deja que se acerquen por su cuenta, a su ritmo. sinceramente encuentra su nerviosismo adorable, pero no apura nada.
¿pero cuando ya estan tal cual en una relación? eo hombre es PEGAJOSO, Zagreus esta hambriento de tacto, puedes arrancar este Headcanon de mis manos frias y muertas.
todos estamos de acuerdo que uno de los lenguajes de amor de Zagreus es dar regalos, aunque en el contexto de Dead Royalty, ahora que el es el REY del Inframundo, puede permitirse darle a su pareja regalos mas extravagantes, pero que vienen del corazón, como, ¿Consorte quiere iniciar algun hobbie nuevo? ahora tienen un set de costura en su cuarto compartido, ¿les hace falta ropa? tienen un set nuevo de su color favorito, ¿los accesorios de Consorte son muy pesados? ahora son de plata, etc.
igual mantiene algunas de sus costumbres antes de que pasara "eso", como darle a Consorte botellas de ambrosía/nectar de forma aleatoria, jugar juntos con Cerbero, pasear por algunas partes del Inframundo que no son peligrosas (aunque igualmente ya nadie intenta atacarlo porque bueno, es el jefe). Consorte termina trayendo un poco del viejo Zagreus en cierta forma.
en cuanto al tema de los hijos...es confuso, por una parte creo que Zagreus QUERRIA hijos, pero definitivamente aun tiene mucho de su propio trauma con su propio padre para pensar que sera un buen padre, aun si Consorte le tranquiliza, seguiria un tanto inseguro. tambien esta el tema de que no sabe si el niño podria tener su mismo problema de nacer muerto, no quiere que Consorte pase por esa experiencia traumatica por un "capricho".
no ayuda que algunos dioses les preocupe esta perspectiva de Zagreus teniendo hijos y sufriendo el mismo destino que su padre (y abuelo), especialmente Zeus.
aunque si Consorte quisiera hijos/queda embarazada, Zagreus estaria muy, muy feliz de la idea de tener un hijo, y definitivamente seria un mejor padre que el que tuvo.
aunque definitivamente no juzga a Consorte si no quiere tener hijos, no es obligatorio con el.
es todo por ahora:3
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avastrasposts · 8 months
A Baker's Dozen - Ten
A collection of fun and fluffy one shots set in the same bakery. Twelve Pedro boys, twelve stories, twelve recipes.
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I'm getting to the end of my twelve Pedro boys, only two more to visit the bakery after this one! I'll be sad to see them go, it's been a lot of fun writing all these meet cutes in the same setting and exploring their different voices and personalities. But it's not over yet, so please enjoy this sweetheart.
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Your little bakery has two large windows out onto the street, and it gives you a good view of people walking by, especially when the bakery is quiet. This Friday morning you’re on your own in the shop, working on decorating a cake for a naming ceremony. Having an elaborate cake out on the counter, decorating it as people walk past, is good marketing you’ve realized. And it makes for excellent people watching as you straighten up from your hunched up position and stretch your back. 
This morning, from the corner of your eye, as you put your arms over your head and crack your neck, you spot a man you’re sure you’ve already seen hanging around outside the window for some a while. He’s walked past a few times and now he’s nervously hovering around the front door, glancing in through the window. As you spot him, his face breaks into a bright smile, lighting up his eyes and he raises his hand in a wave. Pointing at the door he mouths ‘Can I come in?’, his face even brighter when you nod. It’s impossible to not smile back at him, you feel your mood lifting just as by him coming in through the front door. 
“Hello, you are already open?” he asks as the door closes behind him and he comes up to the counter, still looking a bit uncertain but giving you a wide smile. There’s an accent to his voice, Italian you think, or maybe Spanish, and his caramel colored curls are perfectly swept back from his friendly face, perfectly matching the expensive looking red shirt he’s wearing. 
“Officially not until eight, but since I’m here, you’re more than welcome in,” you smile at him and wipe your hands free from the icing you’re working with. He gives you a worried frown, half turning back to the door as if to leave. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude, if you’re not open yet I won’t disturb you,” he says, “I don’t want to interrupt your beautiful work.” 
“No, no, please come in, you’re not interrupting,” you say, waving him forward again, “I need a break, my hands get tired doing this for too long.”  
You smile at him as he comes up to the counter and looks at the cake you’re working on, “What can I help you with?” 
“I was intrigued by the decorations on the cake, they are real flowers?” he asks, pointing at the delicate daisy you’ve just attached to a section of the cake. 
“No, they’re made with sugar,” you explain, “I make them separately and then attach them to the cake.” 
“They look real to me,” he says with wide eyes as he leans forward and looks closer at the daisy chain trailing across the cake, “you’re a true artist, they are incredible.” 
“Thank you,” you smile. You know your sugar flowers always impress people but you never tire of hearing it. The fiddly nature of the work makes them difficult to get just right and you’re proud of your ability to make them almost lifelike. 
“I’m in town for a few days,” the man says, straightening up again and glancing over his shoulder out at the street, “A very boring conference for work, I wanted to take a walk before it starts up again, and I saw your…” he wrinkles his forehead, waving at the bread in the baskets behind you, “I forgot the word in English,” he says apologetically, “your breaderia? No, that doesn’t sound right…” 
“My bakery,” you smile, “What language do you speak?” 
“Spanish,” he replies, his bright brown eyes lighting up as he turns back to you, “It’s panadería in Spanish.” 
“Oh, a breaderia!” you giggle, “That makes sense!” 
“¿Hablas español?” he asks and you shake your head and hold up your thumb and finger half an inch apart. 
“Un poco,” you reply, “I learnt some in high school but I forgot most of it, I only know panadería because well…” you laugh and wave your hand around the bakery and he laughs with you. 
“I’m Javi, by the way,” he says, holding out his hand to you, but you hold your hand up and show him the sticky and colorful sugar stuck to them.
“Nice to meet you, Javi, but if I shake your hand I’ll make a mess. I need to go and clean up,” you say with a smile and nod towards the kitchen, “I’ll be right back, and then I can take your order, if you want to order something, that is.”
“Yes, please, I would love to try everything but I’ll try to choose only one thing,” he chuckles, scanning the display cases as you go back to the sink in the kitchen. When you come back out after a few minutes, Javi gives you an unhappy look. 
“I can’t decide, everything looks too good, you are too talented for my stomach to make it’s mind up.” 
You laugh and walk around the counter and stand next to him, “What’s your favorite flavor? Maybe I can help you narrow it down?”
“I love everything….” he says, “I was always very bad at deciding, when I was a child my cousin would get angry with me for taking too long and then he’d decide for me.” 
“Did he pick what you liked at least?” 
“No, he always picked what he liked so it was a very bad deal for me,” he looks up at you with a grin, “I’m sorry, I must sound like the most pathetic person, I assure you I can make my mind up,” he laughs. 
“You don’t sound pathetic, Javi,” you smile, “but your cousin sounds impatient.”  
“That he is…you have no idea,” he replies and turns back to the rows of baked goods with a shudder. 
“The lemon meringue pie looks very nice, and the carrot cake too,” he mumbles, leaning forward and scanning the cakes again.” 
“What’s your favorite?” you ask, “Maybe I have it, or something like it.” 
“Hmm…” Javi hums, turning back to you and frowning as he considers your question, “I think…my absolute favorite is a small cake I’ve had in Paris many times, with vanilla and rum,” he says, “they’re called canelés, do you know them?” 
“I’ve heard of them, but I’ve never had them,” you say, shaking your head and Javi’s eyebrows shoot up into his hairline in surprise. 
“You’ve never had them? They are very delicious, caramel and almost crunchy on the outside, creamy vanilla and rum on the inside…” he trails off, the tip of his pink tongue coming out to lick his bottom lip as he salivates and you giggle. 
“You look like you got caught in a daydream, they’re really that good?” 
He nods and grins at you, “They really are, you should make them sometime, I know I would come and buy them all.” 
“Do you know how to make them?” you ask and he shrugs, giving you a small smile. 
“I tried a few times, following a YouTube video at home,” he says, “but I didn’t have the right thing to bake them in…and then I got distracted and…they burnt…” he gives you an embarrassed little grin, “I’m not a very good baker.” 
“Now you've got me curious, Javi,” you laugh, “I need to find a recipe, come on,” you motion him to follow you back into the kitchen where you open your bookshelf, dropping down the desk to show off the rows of baking books neatly lined up. Javi trails in behind you, his smile widening as he sees your book collection. 
“So many books on baking!” he exclaims, coming over to run his fingers along the spines as you look for a specific book. 
“I have more at home,” you say, “these are mainly for more technical recipes that I need to reference. At home I have the ones I use for inspiration when I’m looking for something new to make.” 
You grab a book on French baking and pull it off the shelf, “This one I think has a recipe on canelés.” 
Javi comes to stand next to you as you place it on the desk and open the book’s index. You can smell his cologne as the warmth of his body radiates in the small space between you. He smells…expensive, a rich sandalwood scent laced with citrus and something sweet underneath that tugs at your memory as you inhale. Glancing up at him you’re met by warm brown eyes looking at you with curiosity and a small smile. 
“You…you smell good, Javi,” you stutter out, “I just noticed.” 
His smile curves up and he seems to shrug, shaking off the compliment, “Thank you, you smell good too, I was just thinking, you don’t smell like your bakery at all,” he says, a pink tinge creeping up his neck, “you smell like…” he purses his lips as he thinks for a second, “la toronja?” 
“I don’t know what that is, but I hope it’s a nice smell,” you giggle and he laughs with a nod. 
“I’m sorry, such a bad compliment when I can’t even tell you what it is,” he chuckles. 
“Describe it to me then,” you say, “I’d like to know what it is.”
“Like an orange, but bigger, and not as sweet,” Javi says, holding up his hands to show you the size. 
“Oh, a grapefruit?” you ask and he slaps his forehead. 
“Ah! Yes, a grapefruit, I knew that,” he laughs, “you smell like grapefruit, it’s very nice, you smell very nice.” 
“Thank you, it’s my body wash, it’s grapefruit scented” you smile back at him and then look down at the book again, flipping back to the index, “here, canelés,” you say and turn to the right page and Javi looks down too. 
“Oh, they take three days to make,” you say, skimming the recipe, “the batter has to rest three days in the fridge before it can bake.” You glance back at the clock on the wall, in about half an hour your morning rush will begin, you won’t have time to make the batter now. 
“I’ll have to make the batter this evening and then I can bake them on Monday, but I guess you won’t be in town then?” 
Javi shrugs next to you, “I was thinking of staying and exploring the city a little while, I can stay until Monday.”
“Ok, then I’ll have them for you on Monday afternoon. If you want, we can try them together, fresh from the oven. I'd love to get your opinion on them since I’ve never had them before,” you smile and close the book and turn to go back into the shop. 
Javi clears his throat nervously and stops you. 
“I wonder,” he says, his hands twitching at his sides and he clamps them together in front of himself, “I wonder, if maybe, I can help you in the shop today?” 
“You want to work in the shop?” you ask, your eyebrows shooting up into your hairline as Javi gives you a small smile. 
“Yes, it’s nice here, and…you seem very nice,” he says, the pink tinge creeping higher up his neck, “and I would like to learn more about baking and I thought, maybe I could…” he trails off, shaking his head, “never mind, it’s a stupid idea, why would you want me in your way all day. I’ll leave now,” he huffs, and walks past you, into the shop before you find your voice.
“Wait, Javi,” you call after him, hurrying into the shop, “Working in a bakery isn’t very exciting but if you really want to stay, of course you can. I won’t mind, I mean…I think you’re nice too.” 
The smile Javi gives you is blinding, his face lights up as he comes back over to you. 
“You’re sure? You won’t mind?” 
“No, not at all, grab an apron in the back while I open the shop, the morning crowd is about to turn up,” you smile at him and he nods, giving you another excited smile before he grabs one of the clean aprons. 
You flip the sign, put out your street sign and come back to Javi proudly standing behind the counter, but struggling a bit with the knot on his apron. 
“Here, let me help you,” you say, “do the strap like this…” you reach up around his neck, standing on your tiptoes, “if you turn it like this it won’t slip.” With your hands around his neck, adjusting the strap, his soft curls brushing over your wrists as his eyes are on yours, you suddenly notice how still he’s standing, and how close he is. The warmth of him filters through your own apron and shirt, and you can see the rise and fall of his chest where his deep red shirt sits open just in front of your eyes. 
“Thank you,” he mumbles softly and you look up at his eyes. He draws a small breath, holding it for a few seconds as your fingers smooth out the strap around his neck, before slowly exhaling and you watch his lips part. 
When the bell above the door jingles, you jump apart as if fire suddenly erupted, and you quickly turn to the first customer. You immediately recognise the tight gray curls of Mrs Levinson, closing the door behind her and coming over to the counter. 
“Good morning, Mrs Levinson, you’re early today,” you give her your bright customer service smile and beside you Javi mumbles a low ‘Good morning’. 
“Good morning, dear,” the elderly lady says, “and who is this handsome man?” she winks at Javi who stutters over his reply. 
“I’m J-Javi, I’m helping in the bakery today,” he gives Mrs Levinson a nervous smile, “What may I serve you today?” 
“Oh, what a sweet boy,” Mrs Levinson smiles, “and you make such a beautiful couple.” 
You raise your eyebrows and bite back a snort, next to you Javi seems to be choking on something. 
“What can I get you, Mrs Levinson, the usual?” you ask, giving Javi a gentle pat on the back as he finds his composure again. 
“I’d like a dark rye please dear, and six poppy seed bagels,” she replies, “and something sweet for my afternoon coffee too, I think.” She scans the selection and taps the glass, “Give me four of these Millionaire’s shortbread things. Mrs Morales is coming over and she wants to try something new.” 
“Of course,” you say, grabbing a pair of tongs and handing them to Javi, “Put four of them in one of the small boxes, please, and I’ll get Mrs Levinson’s bread.” 
Javi nods and does as instructed, putting the box of shortbread on the counter in front of Mrs Levinson with a bright smile. 
“There you go, Mrs Levinson, anything else I may help you with?” 
“No, thank you, my dear, that’s all for now, what do I owe you?” 
You tally up the total on the till and help the old lady count out the money. As you hand her the change she takes a dollar bill and pushes it across the counter to Javi. 
“Such a sweetheart,” she smiles at you, before taking her bag, “Make sure to hang on to him, he’s bound to bring you extra customers.” She gives Javi a wink and makes her way out of the shop. You barely hold your laughter inside until the door has closed behind her and you turn to Javi, who’s grinning widely with pink cheeks.  
“Well, now you know Mrs Levinson,” you laugh and he chuckles. 
“Now I know Mrs Levinson,” he nods, fanning himself with his hands, making you giggle at his expression, “Are all your customers so…forward?” 
“Thankfully, no, only Mrs Levinson and her crew,” you grin, ”I hope she didn’t scare you off, do you still want to stay here today?” 
“Yes, please, I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity of being called a ‘sweetheart’ but nice old ladies,” he laughs and you giggle again.
“Alright then, I’ll let you handle all my elderly ladies, they’re going to love you, Javi,” you say, moving behind him to turn on the espresso machine, “Do you want a coffee?” 
The day passes quickly with Javi’s company, even when the shop quietens down in the afternoon he keeps your mind occupied with questions about your favorite movies while you prepare the batter for the canéles. The bakery fills with the rich vanilla scent as you cut the pod and scrape the seeds into the batter. 
“I can’t believe I never thought about that!” you exclaim as Javi laughs, “But you’re totally right, Indiana Jones only helped them find it faster, his actions have no real impact on the entire movie!” 
“I had to rewatch ‘Raiders’ so many times to make sure,” Javi grins, “I couldn’t believe it either, but he really does nothing that stops them from getting the Ark.” 
“So crazy, I can’t believe I never thought about that,” you say as you reach up to grab the rum bottle from your liquor storage. 
“Santa Teresa,” Javi says, nodding his approval, “That’s what my father always drank, you’ve got good taste, and expensive rum.” 
“Only the best for my cakes,” you smile, measuring out three tablespoons and one extra for luck. Behind you Javi is rummaging around, looking for something and he’s grinning when he comes up to you with two glasses. 
“It’s too good to only go into cakes, let’s drink some, to celebrate my new career as a baker,” he says with a bright smile that makes it impossible to not smile back at him. 
“A great idea, but I’ve got better glasses in the shop, follow me, and grab the bottle, Javi,” you say, taking his hand and pulling him with you back out to the shop. 
“Here, these are better,” you say, handing him your nice glasses, “do the honors.” 
You jump up on the counter as Javi pours the drinks, handing you a glass of the dark liquid and you take it, holding it up to him. 
“To the best shop assistant I’ve ever had, with endless film knowledge, fantastic customer service skills and all around great guy.” You clink your glass with Javi’s and a pink blush creeps up his neck again as he takes a sip. 
“Thanks,” he smiles, leaning on the counter on the other side, smacking his lips at the flavor of the dark rum, “I had fun, and now I know a lot about running a bakery.” He gives you another warm smile, lifting his glass in a salute to you again, and you both sip slowly, the rum sliding down smooth and warm into your chest. 
“Weren’t you supposed to be at a conference today?” you ask, suddenly remembering that he’d mentioned something about it this morning when he first came in.
“Yes, but who cares?” he shrugs with a sheepish grin, “I’m sure no one will miss me, and this was much more enjoyable,” Javi gives you one of his warm smiles, his bright eyes softening as you smile back at him. 
“Did you really like working here today?” you ask and he nods. 
“Truly, I had more fun today than I’ve had at work in a long time,” he says, coming to stand next to you. 
He’s so tall, almost level with you up on the counter as your eyes meet. You give him a small smile and he smiles back, a deep dimple in his cheek as he absentmindedly runs a hand through his soft curls, not as orderly now as they were this morning. A loose curl falls over his forehead and without thinking, you give in to the temptation you’ve been fighting all day, and reach forward to push it back again. Javi reaches up and catches your hand in his, pulling it down so that he can rub his thumb over your palm, his eyes locked on yours. The tip of his tongue comes out to wet his lips and the movement makes you look down at his lips, Javi takes a slow step closer, his fingers closing around your hand. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asks, his soft voice the only sound in the shop as you look up at him again. There’s a heated look in his eyes suddenly, and as you nod, he bends his head to yours, his hand moving up and gently cupping your cheek. 
The jingle of the bell pulls you apart, both of you looking at the door as Javi steps away from you. 
“Mr Gutierrez, you’re needed back at the hotel.” 
The man who’s stepped through the front door is dressed in a driver’s uniform and is looking somewhat exasperated with Javi behind the counter, “Your phone is off and your assistant has been trying to reach you all day.” 
Javi looks back at you and flashes a guilty grin before he looks back at the driver. 
“I’ll be right there, Marco, I’ve just been busy today.” 
“Of course, sir,” the driver gives a curt nod and turns around, the door jingling again as he leaves. 
“I’m sorry,” Javi says, turning back to you, his hand had slipped from your cheek as he stepped back, and you feel the loss of it as a warm imprint on your skin, “It seems I was missed at work after all. I would’ve liked to have stayed here longer, but I have to go.” 
“Of course,” you say, feeling the disappointment creep up as Javi grabs his phone, “It was really nice having you here, Javi.” 
He turns back to you with an uncertain small smile, holding his phone tight in his hand. 
“Can I, I mean, if you want, I’d like to come back…on Monday. To finish the canelés,” he says, his eyebrows bunching up, looking at you with worried eyes. 
“Yes, of course,” you say, excitement bubbling inside you as you see his smile creep back up and he takes a relieved gulp of air. 
“Ok, great! Thank you!” he grins and glances out through the window at his driver who is looking at you both, before he turns back to you, “I’ll see you Monday, ok?” 
“Monday, come by at noon, we’ll bake the canelés together,” you say, leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek on impulse. His cologne from this morning still lingers, but it’s mixed with his warm sweat, coffee from a stain on his shirt, and something that must be his own comforting scent. For a split second you fight the urge to lean your head on his shoulder and rest your nose against the soft skin of his neck. Instead you pull back and meet his soft, brown eyes smiling at you. 
“Get going, or your driver will yell at us,” you say, putting your hand on his arm, giving him a little nudge as he chuckles. 
“Yeah, he can be a bit intimidating,” he says and walks around the counter, “Until Monday then.” He waves and disappears out through the door, and you watch as the driver stands to attention and opens the door to the back seat. 
Javi flashes you a smile through the window before he disappears into the car, and you turn back to the kitchen to clean up. 
You’re surprised to see Javi already waiting by the bakery when you turn up a quarter to twelve on Monday and flip on the lights inside. He’s sitting on the steps outside the front door, oblivious to you arriving through the back door, and it gives you an opportunity to study him as you walk across the shop. He runs his hand through his hair as you watch, the curls bouncing back and he lightly scratches at his neck before leaning his cheek in his hand. From behind you can see the saffron yellow shirt he’s wearing stretch tight across his broad shoulders, the bunched muscles a sharp contrast to the softness of his features. 
You lightly tap the window in the door and Javi turns around, his face already bright as you give him a wave. Unlocking the door you let him in as he brushes down the seat of his pants. 
“Hi,” you say, taking a step back to let him get past you before you lock up again, “You’re early, I hope you didn’t wait long.” 
“Hi,” he replies, shaking his head, “No, just a few minutes, I was too eager so I left the hotel early and walked here.” 
He’s standing in front of you, a small smile toying with the corner of his mouth and you’re suddenly reminded of where you’d been interrupted on Friday. Shyness takes over and you quickly take his hand. 
“Come on, we’ve got baking to do,” you say as you pull him with you towards the kitchen, taking the chance to recompose yourself as he follows behind you. 
“I’ve been looking forward to this all weekend,” you hear him muse,  “And not only the canelés,” he adds as you step into the kitchen and let go of his hand, “I had a great time on Friday, I…I’ve been looking forward to seeing you again…if that’s ok to say?” 
You turn back to him, he’s standing in the doorway into the kitchen, a small worry frown between his eyebrows as his fingers twitch nervously by his side, something he seems to do when he’s unsure of himself. You bite your bottom lip, trying to contain the smile that’s threatening to spill over as you look at Javi, taking a few tentative steps back towards him. 
“I’ve been looking forward to it too, Javi,” you give him a shy smile, coming close enough to smell his fresh cologne, to see the smattering of golden freckles on his neck, as you look up at him. Javi sems to let out a deep rush of air, his shoulders sinking several inches, and smiles down at you. 
“No driver this time, Javi,” you whisper, leaning closer and he mimics your movement. 
“No driver,” he echos, and the warmth of his arm presses against your waist as he closes the last few inches between you. You can feel his thumb skim over your cheek when he cups your face, his soft tongue gently running across your lips until you part them, and let him in with a low sigh. His kisses are soft, gentle presses as you melt into him, his arm around your waist holding you close to his chest while your hand finds the curls at the nape of his neck. A low rumble comes from him, groaned into your mouth, as your fingers wrap around the soft strands and lightly tug him closer. 
You hadn’t thought about what to expect from Javi’s kisses, but as soft and affable as he was, you’d never have expected him to kiss you like this. As his initial shyness retreats, his hand on you becomes firm, holding you up against him as he makes you moan into his mouth, pulling back just a fraction to catch his breath before he presses his lips against yours again. His tongue teases you as he nips on your bottom lip, finding news spots to explore. He groans into you as you wind your fingers around his soft strands of hair, returning his nips by gently biting down on his plush bottom lip and he rewards you with a downright sinful moan, fingers digging into your hips as he pulls you closer. 
You couldn’t say how much time passes, you catch your breath in small gasps between clamant kisses, heat rising between you, the pebbled skin on his neck looking almost too tempting as you pull back a little again. You run your fingertips over his skin, tracing down from his jaw, over his smattering of freckles, Javi shuddering under your touch as he opens his eyes and looks down at you with hooded lids. 
“Even better than I imagined,” he mumbles, his eyes drifting closed again as you kiss a particularly sweet looking cluster of freckles on his throat, your tongue coming out to taste his skin. 
“You too, Javi,” you whisper in reply, looking up at him and he opens his eyes again, smiling now in that soft way that makes you think of a sweet puppy, his dark brown eyes gentle and tender. 
Running the pad of your index finger over his cushy bottom lip, giggling as he playful tries to nip at it, you smile back at him. 
“Should we make those canelés maybe? They have to bake for about an hour,” you say, “We’ll have time for more of this,” and Javi nods, carefully untangling himself from you, his warm arm leaving your waist. 
“I agree, let's make them quickly and then get back to this,” he grins, “Where is the batter? And what do you want me to do?” 
You reach up and give him a quick kiss on the mouth, smiling at his eagerness, “First we need to grease the molds,” you say, pulling him with you towards the shelf full of different baking pans, “We need these, I got them over the weekend,” you take down six copper molds, “and beeswax.” 
“Beeswax?” Javi asks, taking the molds from you as you open the fridge to get the wax. 
“Yeah, traditionally they’re greased with beeswax to really caramelize the outside of the canelés and stop them from sticking,” you explain, unwrapping the small cube of food grade wax, “Wash your hands and I’ll show you how to do it.” 
Melting together the butter and wax is quick work and then you show Javi how to brush the inside of the molds with the mixture as you fill up the ones he’s finished. The batter smells richly of rum and vanilla and Javi inhales deeply and leans down to kiss you. 
“You are so clever, they smell delicious,” he hums, stealing another kiss, “and they’re not even baked yet.” 
“Thank you, Javi,” you smile into his third kiss as he nips at your bottom lip again, “but they’ll be better baked, come on,” laughing you gently push him off you and he gives you a mischievous grin.  
He helps you prep a tray and then you place the molds on it and put the whole thing in the oven, setting a timer. Javi pulls your back into his chest as soon as you close the oven door, his arms wrapping around your waist.
“Now, more time for this,” he mutters, dropping his chin onto your shoulder and pressing a kiss just under your ear. 
“More time for this,” you mumble your agreement, turning your head so that the cool tip of his nose rests against your throat. You can feel his warm breath on your skin, the smell of the vanilla and rum in the kitchen, the low hum of the hot air oven and Javi’s lips as he moves them over your skin. It all blends together into a rosy haze, your eyes slipping closed as you reach up and caress his curls. Javi mumbles something in Spanish that you don’t catch, your brain going sluggish under the feeling of his wet mouth trailing over every inch of skin he can reach. Somewhere in the back of your head you’re wondering how you’ll be able to handle an hour of this and not end up on the floor with him on top, the sizeable hard length that you can feel pressed against the back of your thigh right now, sliding in- 
The gentle melody of Javi’s phone signal cuts through your train of thought, making you snap your eyes open and Javi lets go of you, fumbling in his pants for the offending item. He gives you an apologetic look as he answers the phone in Spanish. As he speaks you start cleaning up the workbench and Javi moves into the shop. Even though you don’t know enough Spanish to understand what’s going on, you can hear his tone become more and more agitated. Eventually you hear him yell a loud “No!” and the sound of the phone hitting the floor, clearly breaking on impact. You put down the cloth you're holding and slowly go into the shop, Javi is standing in the middle, his phone in two pieces on the floor. 
“Javi?” you ask apprehensively, and he sighs deeply, his shoulders rising up almost to his ears before slumping down, his whole body deflating as he turns to look at you. 
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles, running both his hands through his hair, pushing through it and grabbing hold of the back of his head, his eyebrows pulling together in anguish, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled like that.” 
“It’s fine, Javi, I just want to make sure you’re ok, it seems like it was bad news,” you take a few steps closer to him, gently putting your hands on his waist. He sighs again, dropping his arms down to his sides as you slowly run your hands up and down his torso, the yellow shirt bunching under your fingers. Javi groans and drops his forehead onto your shoulder, cursing in Spanish, that much you understand. 
“It’s my stupid cousin, he’s mad I stayed over the weekend, he wants me back in Mallorca as soon as possible, he’s sending someone to ‘fetch me’. Like I’m a child late home from school,” Javi growls and pushes himself up again, looking down at you. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, looking anguished, “You don’t need to hear about my horrible cousin and my family problems.” 
“It’s fine, Javi, everyone has family problems sometimes,” you say, still gently stroking his sides, “I can barely stand my dad, we always fight, I wish I had a better relationship with him, but it is what it is."
“I’m sorry for that too,” Javi says, lifting his arms up again and putting them around your neck, one hand gently cupping your face so that he can caress your cheek, his soft hand warm against your skin, “My father passed away a few years ago and my cousin and I took over the family business. I hate it, my cousin loves it, and he bosses me around every chance he gets,” Javi sighs again. 
“He’ll really send someone to come get you?” you ask, “What happens if you say no?” 
Javi just shakes his head, “It’s not as easy as that, unfortunately, the business is…complicated,” he says, his thumb still smoothing over your cheek, he’s tracing the lines of your face, lost in thought. You lean your head against his warm hand, letting him work through whatever is going through his mind until he seems to shake himself out of the reverie. 
“No,” he says, his voice firm again, and he takes your hand, “I’m not going to let that ruin our afternoon.” 
With a small smile he pulls you around and leads you back into the kitchen, “I’m not wasting any more time on that, come here, hermosa, beautiful girl,” he says, pulling you into his chest as he leans against the workbench, “I’m deciding that this is how we spend the rest of the afternoon,” he wraps one arm around your waist, pulling you tight, the other one finds its way back to your cheek as he leans in closer, his soft looking pink lips brushing against yours. 
“If that’s alright with you?” he mumbles, his voice suddenly dropping lower, winding its way around your brain and making you shiver. 
“That’s more than alright with me, Javi”, you mumble back at him, your voice low to match his, his mouth so close to yours that you can feel every breath he takes, slipping over your lips. He closes the distance between the two of you, and takes your bottom lip between his own lips, gently tugging at it. He smiles against your mouth, his hand coming up to cup the back of your head and pull you closer, his tongue teasing the tip of yours. You feel your brain shut down, your eyes closing and the haze returning, all you can think about is Javi’s warm mouth and soft lips as he slowly turns you around so that he has you pressed up against the workbench. 
You don’t end up on the floor, but when the smell of caramelized sugar and butter, the rich aroma of vanilla, pulls you away from Javi, you’re pleased to see that you’ve managed to unbutton several buttons on his shirt. He’s pulled your top up over your chest, his hand leaving warm trails across your torso and he chuckles as you playfully swat his hands away. Your cheeks are flushed and overheating as he chases your lips, trying to hold you closer still. 
“Javi, I think the canelés are done,” you say, giving in and kissing him again, smiling against his eager mouth. Javi groans as if he’s in pain, reaching out to grab onto your hips but you laugh and quickly step out of his reach. 
“Now, now, Javi, let’s not burn these delicious smelling things that we waited three days for,” you tell him, your face teasing him as he follows you over to the oven. The smell of vanilla, butter and rum hits you even stronger as you open the door and slide the tray out. Quickly unmolding them onto a cooling rack, you give Javi a happy grin. 
“They look just like the photo in the book! Do they smell as you remember them?” 
“They smell even better, and they look even better,” Javi muses, crouching down so that he can get a good look at the small golden cakes on the bench. Carefully tapping one of them with his knuckle, he smiles as it has a satisfying hard shell. 
“I guess they have to cool before we eat them?” he asks, looking back up at you. 
“Yeah, they’re way too hot now,” you reply, “but we can make some coffee.”
“Or we can make out,” he says, his hands finding their way up under your top again, pulling you close. 
“Or we can make the coffee and make out?” you suggest, leaning in to press a wet kiss to the skin just under Javi’s ear, the spot that you’ve quickly learned is a favorite of his. You’re rewarded with a shiver, a gentle hum coming from him as he leans his head back to give you better access. 
“Come on,” you laugh, taking his hand and pulling him with you as he protests, “Coffee, then kisses, then canelés.” You grab the plate with the small cakes and lead him into the shop, hitting the on button on your fancy espresso machine.  
Javi leans next to it as you go through the motions, grinding the beans and measuring out the coffee. 
“What do you want?” you ask him, “espresso, cappuccino, latte?” 
“Espresso, please,” he replies, moving to stand behind you while you make it for him, his chin coming to rest on your shoulder. 
“You’re so talented, running this bakery, making all these cakes and pie, and then you’re a barista too,” he says, his short neat beard tickling against your neck as he gives you a kiss, “I’d hire you, but I don’t think you’d like my family business.” 
“That’s ok, Javi, I like running my own business,” you smile, giving him his espresso and preparing your own, “It’s a lot of work but I get to decide everything, I don’t think I could have a boss over me again.” 
“Hmm…” Javi hums as he sips the espresso, turning so that he’s leaning against the counter again, “I won’t suggest it now, but if you ever want to open a bakery in Mallorca, near where I live, I could help you.” 
“I think my Spanish needs to improve first,” you laugh, taking your coffee and standing in front of him so that you can enjoy the view you’ve created by unbuttoning most of his shirt. 
“You could always hire me,” he smiles, “I’ll handle the customers, you handle the baking, we’d be a great team.” 
“I’d hire you here in a heartbeat, Javi,” you say, “you were great with the customers.” 
He smiles at that, leaning forward so that you can kiss him, the bittersweet taste of coffee sharp on both your lips. 
“Canelés”, you mumble as his free hand starts to roam up under your top again. 
“I’m not that interested anymore,” Javi smiles, pressed against your lips, and it makes you giggle. 
“We’ve waited for three days, and I’ve never had them,” you say, pulling yourself away from him with a tremendous effort, his lips really are very soft and his palms are so warm against your skin. 
“Ok, ok,” he chuckles, giving in to you as he leans over and picks up one of the canelés in his big hand and holds it out to you, “have a taste, tell me if it was worth the wait.” 
You take a bite, your teeth crunching through the exterior and you gasp as you feel the creamy inside. The cake is still warm, sweet vanilla and rum hitting your palate together with the flavor of caramelized sugar. 
“Oh my god…” you hum, slowly chewing as Javi smiles and puts the rest of it in his mouth and grabs a second one, holding it out to you again, “This is so good, Javi,” you say, swallowing your bite and letting him feed you a second one, “Thank you for getting me to make them.” 
“I’m glad you like them,” he smiles, “they are exceptionally good, not even the place in Paris comes even close to these, fresh out of the oven.” 
You reach behind you for a third one, pulling it apart down the middle to reveal the lacy center, your baker brain kicking in as you study how the batter has created strong gluten strands that criss-cross the inside of the cake, making it creamy rather than bready. 
“Really interesting…” you say, turning it over until Javi's mouth suddenly opens over your fingers and he takes the whole piece in one big bite. 
“Thief!” you exclaim, giving him a mock scolding look as he grins, his cheeks stuffed full of cake, his shoulders jumping as he tries to chew and laugh at the same time. When you pout back at him he grabs the fourth canelé and presents it to you with his deep brown puppy eyes wide open and pleading. 
“Please…he mumbles around his mouthful, “please, accept my apology,” he swallows down the last piece as you open your mouth so that he can feed you a bite. You hum around the flavors again, putting both your hands on Javi’s chest and taking hold of his open shirt. 
“I want apologies in kisses,” you demand, pulling him into you as he grins widely. 
“You wish is my command, princesa,” he replies, coming willingly into your arms. 
“That Spanish I understood,” you mumble, his lips brushing against yours again as you wrap your arms around his neck. 
“I’m glad, princesa,” he smiles, and lets you pull his mouth against yours. 
The bitter coffee mingles with the sweet vanilla on his breath, and you know he must taste the same on yours. He groans, angeling his face, moving so that he can reach more of you, his tongue gliding against yours as you run your fingers through his soft curls. 
The sharp rap of knuckles on the window startles you both, and you look over Javi’s shoulder towards the front door. It’s the damn driver.
With a sigh you pull back and look up at Javi again, “It’s your driver, I guess you’re being “fetched.” 
Javi glances behind him and groans, dropping his forehead down on your shoulder as he turns back. The driver is looking at you with a neutral expression, nothing betrays what he’s thinking about finding his employer in a heavy make out session inside a bakery. 
“I’m sorry,” Javi says, “I will have to go, or there’ll be hell to pay for me when I get back home,” he gives you a pained look, “I’m really sorry, I wish I could stay here.” 
“It’s ok, Javi, you know where to find me when you’re in town again,” you smile, “just come back soon, ok?” 
Javi nods and pulls out his phone, “Give me your number, I’ll come back as soon as I can, but I’m going to try to make canelés at home, and I know I’m going to need your help,” he smiles as you laugh. 
“I’ll make sure you set a timer this time, Javi.” 
You add your number to his cracked phone and hand it back. Javi sighs and looks over his shoulder again, “I should go, he doesn’t like waiting.” 
“Ok,” you say, giving him a small smile as he lifts his hand and strokes your cheek, “come back soon, Javi.” 
“I promise, I will,” he nods, his curls, definitely more unruly now than when he came, bouncing on his head. 
“Oh, wait,” you giggle, “let me button you up, I got a bit carried away,” you smile and quickly do up his yellow shirt, hiding the soft looking, freckled skin again. 
Javi giggles above you as your fingers work your way up, and he grabs your hands as you reach his neck. 
“One more kiss,” he says, “for the road, as they say.” 
You nod as he leans closer, bending his head so that he lips can brush over yours, a last, slow kiss, his tongue coming out to taste yours with a few small licks. 
“Good bye,” he mumbles as he pulls away, holding on to your hand until he has to let go. 
“Safe travels, Javi,” you reply, giving him a small smile. He raises his hand in a last wave and steps out through the door. 
Part Eleven
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Please don't be intimidated by this recipe! They are not as tricky as they seem and they can actually be baked in a muffin tin if you have it. I've made these several times and they're really the most delicious little cake!
Taglist: @harriedandharassed @inept-the-magnificent @sheepdogchick3  @readingiskeepingmegoing @noisynightmarepoetry @survivingandenduring @vabeachazn @amyispxnk @oberynslady @vabeachazn @amyispxnk @thewiigers  
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van-yangyin · 7 months
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Bennett's Outfit and Hairstyle (Genshin Impact) [Male frame]
没有传说中那么夸张啦,不过就是走路经常会掉进猎人打猎用的坑里,或者被突然倒下的树干砸到脑袋,都很平常嘛,对吧? ~ It's not as bad as the legends say, but it's normal to fall into a hunter's trap on a walk, or to be suddenly hit in the head by a falling tree, right?
Sul sul, today is his birthday and to celebrate it with all of you, here you can download his outfit and hairstyle to do him in The Sims 4!
【Everything shared below, has been tested by @lea-heartscxiv and me in Ultra quality (non HQ) following our needs, if you find any problem let me or him know. ⚠️Also we don't have the game updated, Lea and me are on version (October 31th, 2023), so I can't assure that it works correctly in higher versions. Use it at your own risk. Thank you⚠️】
I'm back from the darkness! Since Simblreen I got burned too much with so much CC I did for that same event and it made me stay away for a while together with a pain I have in my arm where is my skilled hand. Now I'm more recovered and also I know how to control the pain in my arm (literally when it hurts too much I stop doing everything I was doing), so without further ado I leave you with CC I've been preparing for today.
Download under keep reading ↓ 
If you download my CC it means your agree with my T.O.U (English/Español/日本語).
General Info:
one piece outfit (clothes)
gloves (2 versions, HQ and non-HQ)⁽*¹⁾
boots with socks
arm bandana (upper right bracelet)
body scars drawn on sim by me from scratch (two types, real scar and painted scar on scars or tattos) [Painted scars is for those who want a more drawn style, like original color of Bennett's model]
band-aids on face and left forearm
hairstyle with glasses (24 EA Swatches + Bennet swatch) [Male and Female Frame]
hairstyle without glasses [⚠️ Not avaliable yet. Coming in a week or so due to time constraints. I'll reblog this post with update if you follow me here and/or you download from SFS. In case you're following me on Patreon, my Patreon will notify you that is update⚠️]
Bennett eyes recolor
all LOD's
normal, specular and emission maps included
custom thumbnail
HQ compatible (only gloves have non-HQ version)⁽*¹⁾
~Bennett's outfit~
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Outfit Info:
one piece outfit (clothes)
boots with socks
gloves (Painted and adapted on hands with Blender. Left bracelet is disabled since a part of gloves uses that texture location)⁽*¹⁾
arm bandana (upper right bracelet)
all LOD's
normal, specular and emission maps included
custom thumbnail
HQ compatible
All is opposite frame compatible tho there are deformity on Female Frame
Compatible with higher and lower game sliders
There are small bugs with some parts of clothes
⁽*¹⁾ Only download HQ version of gloves if you have "HQ mod" if this isn't the case, download non-HQ version. Gloves in non-HQ version have less pixelation than when use HQ version without "HQ mod" that I don't know how to avoid (if someone know, feel free to tell me)
LODs Info: Complete Clothing: LOD0: 11229 poly LOD1: 5827 poly LOD2: 3003 poly LOD3: 1457 poly Gloves: LOD0: 930 poly Boots with socks: LOD0: 2136 poly LOD1: 1214 k LOD2: 733 poly LOD3: 470 poly Arm bandana (Upper right bracelet): LOD0: 264 poly LOD1: 210 poly LOD2: 168 poly LOD3: 83 poly
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Lower and higher game sliders:
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~Bennett's body scars and band-aids~
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General Info:
body scars drawn on sim by me from scratch (two types, real scar and painted scar on scars or tattos) [Painted scars is for those who want a more drawn style, like original color of Bennett's model]
nose face band-aid (placed on Left Nose Piercing) and left forearm band-aid (placed on Socks) with mesh made by me from scratch and texture used from Bennet's model [Original + 84 swatches from Crystallum Palette]
custom thumbnail
HQ compatible
Opposite frame compatible ※except for left arm scar which I've disabled as it's misaligned with UVs female frame, if you want me to do it also for female frame don't hesitate to send me an ask on my Tumblr, I mainly don't need this scar specifically for any of my female frame OCs for that reason I've put it aside.※
LODs Info: Left arm band-aid: LOD0: 152 poly Nose band-aid: LOD0-1: 236 poly LOD2-3: 118 poly
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
~Bennett's Hairstyle with Head glasses~
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Hairstyle with Head Glasses Info:
24 EA Swatches + Bennett swatch
Texture located on Head accessory, so hat cuts are disabled for this hairstyle
Base game compatible
Hat not compatible
All genders and agender
Teen to elders (Child, Toddler and Infant version eventually)
Texture hair and hair mesh made by me from scratch
normal and specular maps on glasses included
Split hair compatible (Patreon/SFS) [Extra info: I'm currently making changes in this option and expanding considerably the offer of colors and palettes (besides placing it in other places so that it doesn't cause problems as it happens with version located in piercings, although this time it won't only be for split hair color, but it will have many more options available. I will also make a special palette with all Genshin Impact hair colors of characters that I made and will make (as I'm doing with eyes) so that all my hairstyles can use those colors too.]
Custom Thumbnails
LODs Information: Hairstyle with glasses: LOD0: 10108 poly LOD1: 5053 poly LOD2: 2525 poly LOD3: 1261 poly
※Choose download only one version of each frame or choose download between "M-F_Merged" where two frames files are together.※
!!UPDATE!! ⚠️Fixed a bug in CAS swatch 25 for Female Frame Hairstyle that made it impossible to change color because it had the same swatch value as number 16, if you have this version or the Merged version, please re-download it so you can use the last swatch of Female Frame.⚠️
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Preview in CAS:
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Split hair color:
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~Bennett's Hairstyle without head glasses~
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24 EA Swatches + Bennett swatch
Base game compatible
Hat compatible
All genders and agender
Teen to Elder
Child, Toddler and Infant version eventually, this post will notify you that is update if you're following me
Texture hair and hair mesh made by me from scratch
Split hair color compatible [Extra info: I'm currently making changes in this option and expanding considerably the offer of colors and palettes (besides placing it in other places so that it doesn't cause problems as it happens with version located in piercings, although this time it won't only be for split hair color, but it will have many more options available. I will also make a special palette with all Genshin Impact hair colors of characters that I made and will make (as I'm doing with eyes) so that all my hairstyles can use those colors too.]
Custom Thumbnails
LODs Information: Hairstyle without glasses: LOD0: 10848 poly LOD1: 5372 poly LOD2: 2684 poly LOD3: 1341 poly
※Choose download only one version of each frame or choose download between "M-F_Merged" where two frames files are together.※
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Preview in CAS:
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Split hair color:
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~Genshin Impact Eyes~
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color eyes of characters as non-default
color eyes of characters as make-up face
!!NEW CATEGORY!! color eyes of characters as occult eye lid [YOU NEED THIS MOD TO UNLOCK THIS CATEGORY CAS]
⚠️ Important: At the moment both only have swatch of Razor and Bennett's eyes, but I'll add more as make other characters, which in that case will be notified in corresponding post so that if you wish you can download or re-download it with new swatch (if you downloadi it from SFS), for those on Patreon I'll simply modify the file and make it notify the update of that post
※Choose the one that best suits your needs or choose the three of them with MERGED file.※
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Let me know if you find any problem. 🙏❣️
Next Genshin Impact character will be 珊瑚宫心海 (Sangonomiya Kokomi), soon I will share a WIP. As general information, from now on I will upload content at least once a month, but without a fixed date. So that way at least once a month you will have content, and in this way I will also have a regular schedule, because before I used to publish everything I finished at the same time and left you with months without content due to I get burned.
Happy simming! 🍀
🛹 You can find me also on Patreon | Pinterest | Ko-Fi | Blogger (Shared with Lea) | Instagram | X (Twitter) | My F.A.Q. | My T.O.U. | MORE DOWNLOADS 🛹
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sainzinnorris · 1 year
carlando moments that alter my brain chemistry (in no particular order):
1. british gp 2023: lando spots carlos from afar and goes “ omg it's carlos sainz ! ” . when crofty goes onto ask “ do you have to wave at him everytime ?” lando answers quickly with a “ i want to beat him ” cue to oscar agreeing with crofty and replies “ yes. he has to. (wave every single time he sees carlos) ” + crofty pushing the carlando bromance agenda.
2. british gp 2023: post race interview. carlos asked about lando's podium. “ congrats on the p2. i wish he would have won more than p2, but still congrats. ”
3. the iconic interview clip i go feral over aka lando accidentally calling daniel “ carlos ” .
4. “ sorry i was looking at the podium ” . self explanatory.
5. “ bromance , romance? it's the same thing no?” (australian gp 2023.)
6. that ass tap during the dutch gp 2023, and carlos looking confused as to why was he even walking ahead and lando looking back to check if carlos was following him?? what the actual hell? someone give me a heterosexual explanation for that?
7. “ i'll decide what to do , with lando . " — austrian gp 2023.
8. carlos's wedding post. CarLando; wedding edition. self explanatory.
9. the garage video with the alphatauri drivers making their way through the ferrari garage, and everyone in the ferrari garage unphased and greeting lando. lando chilling in there like it's so habitual. nobody bats an eye. cue to carlos practically chasing away both yuki and daniel.
10. spanish gp 2023. the entire press conference. whatever foreplay was happening and the way lance just moves to give lando space because it's obvious lando would sit with carlos. (+that lando's “vamos!” comment and reposting f1's post as a story captioned “ home grand prix for mr español 🇪🇸. worth carlando post needed ”. because there is no lando without carlos and no carlos without lando.
233 notes · View notes
the-offside-rule · 1 year
Pedri Gonzalez - Until I Found You (FCBarcelona) ft. Ferran Torres
Requested: tumblr
Prompt: Y/n is friends with Sira, the girlfriend of Ferran. The couple have an idea to introduce their two single friends in an attempt to get them to date.
Warnings: fluff
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"I just think you should give this date a try, that's all." Sira said, walking alongside her friend to the car. "I am never going on a double date." Y/n replied, hopping into the passenger side of the car. "Oh come on! Why?" Sira asked, yet again. "Because it's not my thing." Her friend replied. "So what is your thing? Being lonely?"
"Being single, does not mean I am lonely." Y/n snapped. "Just give it a chance. You may actually enjoy yourself, and who we pick." Sira smiled. "We? Who's we?" She asked. "Me and Ferran. He has a few single friends but don't worry, we'll find the one for you." Sira assured her. "Playing cupid, huh?" Sira nodded. "Exactly. Now, we have twenty minutes to get there."
"Wait, twenty minutes to get where?" Y/n asked. "To the date? Ferran text that they're waiting." Y/n's heartbeat quickened. "No! You could have given me warning!"
"So, who is she again?" Pedri asked, playing with the ends of his hoodie strings. "Her name is Y/n. She is Sira's friend. That's all you need to know before you meet her." Ferran replied. "Yes, but I would rather hear a bit more about her." Pedri said. "You can ask her on the date." Ferran chuckled. "No, because we're both going to be in your conversation. A couple date, is such a bad idea for a first date."
"Get out of the car." Sira demanded for the sixth time in the minute. "No! You tricked me!" Y/n exclaimed. "Would you have come if I said you had a date?" Y/n was silent. "My point exactly! Now get out of my car!"
"Hola, bebé." Ferran smiled as he pecked Sira's lips. Y/n looked visibly uncomfortable. "Where is he?" Sira asked. "Oh, Pedri." Pedri? The footballer? "Pedri, Y/n. Y/n, Pedri." Ferran said. Y/n's eyes fell onto the all too familiar stranger. "Mucho gusto. Pedri." The man smiled. Her legs turned to jelly looking at him. "Oh, she doesn't speak much Spanish, P. I-"
"Hablo español, Sira. Simplemente nunca me hablas en español. Te gusta asegurarte de que tu inglés sea siempre bueno." Y/n said, shaking hands with Pedri. "Sira arched a brow in amusement. "Well, if its all the same, I would like to speak a mix of both. Just for everyone to understand everything." Ferran smiled. "Necesitas mejorar tu inglés, verdad Pedrito?" Pedri chuckled. "Es una profesora de inglés." Pedri turned back to look at Y/n. "Really?" He asked. "No, I'm a student. My mother is an English professor in the university though." Pedri nodded. "That makes better sense." Ferran snickered at his miss-matched English. "It's better English than how yours was." Y/n said. "My English was good-"
"It's usually not right." Y/n muttered, loud enough for Pedri to hear. "Are we going to go in or stand out here all evening?" Sira asked before the four agreed to head inside.
"Please, have a seat." Pedri said, pulling the chair out for his 'date'. Y/n smiled at the gesture and took the seat gladly, placing her jacket on the back of her chair whilst Pedri took a seat before her. Ferran stared, not knowing what to say or how to even react to how his friend was acting; like a gentleman. Sira kicked her boyfriend under the table, indicating him to stop staring and have a look at the menu instead.
Throughout the dinner, Pedri and Y/n....well they became a but more distanced from Sira and Ferran. Sure, the conversations would start off with all four involved, but it would quickly change to just Y/n and Pedri speaking and laughing together, leaving Sira and Ferran to talk amongst themselves. They clicked. Both hated to admit it to their respective friends but they clicked. From the moment they sat down, right down to splitting the bill, they barely stopped talking. Pedri stood up and excused himself to go to the bathroom. Y/n sat smiling go herself before a quiet giggle snapped her from her thoughts and she turned to see Sira grinning at her. "What?"
"Nothing, I just think I told you you'd enjoy this." Sira chuckled. "Yeah, whatever. I'm just getting along with a man, that doesn't mean we like eachother." Y/n replied. "I don't know. He was a boy when he came in and he went into that bathroom a man." Ferran joked. "Oh the both of you just be quiet, please. I don't want to go all out on the first date." Y/n mumbled the last part. "I'm sure he'll ask you for a second date. Don't worry." Sira reassured her before they all quietened down for Pedri to return. "So, what are the plans now?" He asked. "Well, Sira and I are going to take her far home. We thought maybe it would be a good idea for you to take Y/n home?" Ferran suggested. "I was going to suggest that we do that actually. It just makes sense." Pedri smiled. Y/n felt her heart thumping inside her chest, simply from looking at his smile. "That's it settled then. I say we can all go our separate ways now."
Y/n smiled as she got into Pedri's car and looked around. The car mlled fresh, as if it had just been cleaned or as if it were brand new. She looked over to the driver door as the spaniard climbed in and put the key in the ignition. "Seatbelt." He said before Y/n reached for it and pulled it across herself. "So, do you need my address?" Y/n asked putting her seatbelt on. "No, not yet. I actually have a last minute plan I came up with in the bathroom." He said, making her confused. "How do you feel about theme parks and arcades?"
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rdr2stories · 5 months
"I will make a gunslinger out of you" a Jovier fanfiction.
A short fanfiction about Javier's early life in the gang.
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“How… Are… You?” John spoke slowly, carefully pronouncing every letter of the words as Javier sat before him with a deepening frown on his face before unsuccessfully trying to mimic the off way that the English words were pushed out of John’s throat.
John snorted at the other man’s poor pronunciation of such a simple sentence. “Damn, you really do suck at this.”
Javier snickered as he grabbed another log from the pile and threw it into the fire he sat on the ground next to that kept the two of them warm in the cool air of the misty morning. “Se nota que te burlas de mi, me gustaría verte intentando aprender español.”
“Yeah, I still don’t understand what you are saying,” John leaned back in his chair, watching as the Mexican pulled a blanket around his shoulders. “Where did Dutch even dig you up from?”
“Don’t be so harsh on him, son,” Dutch spoke as he came over to his adoptive son and the newest addition to his crew, laying a hand on John’s shoulder. “He might not understand us but he has a good eye for crime, we can use that. He knew which chickens were the best to steal, after all, he tried to steal the same as me.” He let out a low chuckle.
John let out an amused huff as he looked up at his father. “Yeah but how will we communicate with him?”
“He will learn, don’t you worry son.” Dutch patted John’s shoulder before walking over and kneeling in front of Javier who cast him a suspicious look, especially as Dutch held out a gun. “For you. If you are going to run with me you got to have a proper weapon.”
Javier looked cautiously at the gun that Dutch was obviously offering to him. “¿Qué quieres por esto? ¿Cuál es el truco?”
“It is yours,” Dutch said fondly and Javier finally took it, curiously looking the new weapon over, a small grin spreading on his face. “It is a good weapon.”
Javier grabbed the gun in his holster. It was old, rusty, its mechanisms were poor and even when it had been new the quality had been worse than terrible. It was simply what he had had on him when he had fled Mexico, it wasn’t anything good but he had survived, now he had something new, something good.
“Can you use that thing?” John asked as he gestured at the new weapon. Javier did not understand. “Alright, come on.” John stood up and reached down a hand for Javier on the ground to take.
Javier looked at John’s hand for a second before accepting it and being pulled to his feet.
“Come on, let’s see what you can do with that thing.” John grabbed a few things within camp before leading Javier away, knowing that if they were too close the gunshots would draw unwanted attention, so he found a secluded area with a fallen tree where he placed a row of five empty bottles. “Shoot those.”
Javier looked between John walking back towards him and the bottles he had just put up.
“Go on,” John encouraged as he took a safe spot next to Javier who held the gun out in front of him, carefully aiming before taking each shot. He only missed two bottles.
“Not bad,” John replied as he walked back to the log, replacing the broken bottles with new ones before making his way back to Javier with a grin. “But slow.” He pulled his gun from his holster and fired off five fast shots, each of the bottles shattering and landing on the ground in pieces.
Javier’s eyebrows raised as he let out a whistle. “Impresionante.”
John grinned happily as he replaced the bullets in his gun. “I know. Here, let me show you.” He gestured for Javier to make his gun ready before going further. “You want to work the gun with both hands, that makes it faster, each hand has it’s own job. One fires, one pulls the hammer.” He held the gun as he explained, watching Javier copy his stance. “And then you just got to be careful to pull the hammer back before firing, it is a lot of timing.” He fired off two quick shots, hitting two nearby trees right in the middle.
Javier thought for a second, his mind working to fill in the pieces of John’s explanation he hadn’t understood before firing off two shots fairly faster than he had at first.
“Yeah! Keep working on that, and then we teach you to aim after!” John grinned and patted Javier’s shoulder.
Javier snickered in annoyance and before John knew it, Javier had pulled two knives from his belt and made them land perfectly in the bullet holes John had just made in the trees.
“Damn!” John exclaimed, taking a step back as he watched Javier grin happily. “That was good!”
“Good,” Javier repeated with broken English. “Yes, good.”
“You catch on quickly,” John swung an arm around Javier’s shoulders. “What do you say you teach me those knife skills and I will make a gunslinger out of you?”
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cablyunkataplum · 1 month
Stanford Filbrick Pines
Words: 4,524
Summary: He was so small next to him, he could fit in the palm of his two-dimensional hand and peel millimeter layer by millimeter layer to do whatever he wanted with the raw materials and waste. Previous enjoyment, at this moment repulsion for what is felt.
Written Curse: What can I say, saw someone suggesting it on Tiktok and I did it, Descriptions of insanity and more insanity, suicidal behavior, manipulation, paranoia, kind of religious trauma, self-harm (thoughts and action) depictions, and maybe more sensitive topics, please be aware, MDNI. it's kind of different from what I'm used to writing in some aspects but I enjoyed iy Seeeeeee yaaaaaa darlings!
Versión original-español
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I walked through the mists of a gloomy limbo… If such a vague description makes sense, I paid attention to every step I took but I didn't feel it, almost as if it were a dream until my attention it was redirected, something was heard in the distance and I wondered what it could be. It carried with it a sinister air, perverse dyes that dripped phlegmatically, the forbidden, the temptation, the sin that, as its passage, seduced me to approach, thus, little by little, it was not only an unusual song but also a particular smell, a sensation that made one's skin crawl but as everything here was far from comprehending.
Time was distorted and my mind fell into a spiral that I didn't even know I had entered until seeing me in a dreary reflection a realization revealed, it was me.
That smell, that sound, everything… It was nothing more than my own body, that empty and rotten container that wanders aimlessly waiting for an end but even if I succumbed to the clutches of mortality, I know that my corpse would be nothing more than poison for this earth that now curses my existence. I beg for mercy even if I am not deserving and as a heretic I receive cruel punishment that lurks in the depths of my being, which from the beginning eats away at me, what led me to this state.
A simple act like the sliding of curtains felt so treacherous, he was turning his back on him and leaving him adrift. He deserves it, after all he did it was absurd that he thought he would receive any defense from him. He placed the reminder of the freshly made wound in the trash and tried to fall asleep but at no time did he blink, the minutes passed ignorantly to his situation and emotions so overwhelming that they seemed to mock without decorum. He had found a motivation that vanished at the same speed with which it arrived, he had to find another goal, a purpose, something that would give him what he had always longed for.
The days passed without anything remarkable, a blind and tired routine between corridors, living rooms and his bedroom with the irregular change of going to the library or chatting with his roommate, with whom he shared certain hobbies. He was about convincing that he enjoyed it, that despite being an unexpected result, he could take advantage of it and prove to himself that others were wrong, that he was better.
When he made the decision to live in Gravity Falls, it was as if that little flame struggled to remain incandescent and wanted to get bigger. It could be taken as an escape from home in a certain way, miles and miles away from his parents which doesn't make much difference from what it was in Backupsmore.
Everything was different, a new life that he would not let anything or anyone spoil. And so it was for quite some time, there was no day or night in which he did not find something fascinating, a distraction and a temporary relief to his thoughts that dejected him the most, but then, like a rose, it began to wither and the petals fell. Leaving a voracious appetite again.
And what happened when the snake approached him? He fell for the deception. So desperate for a shred of recognition, acceptance… And what person could resist a being greater than their own existence? It was an honor to be the favorite of such a sublime presence, a powerful being who did respond to his prayers, to his doubts, where he believed he was walking on the same floor as this one and not below as he was for so many years with his kind, he was finally an equal.
A nosedive into veneration.
The night was paler than the moon itself, its emanations were blunderbussed as they passed through the stained-glass windows with motifs that I distributed with my own free will throughout my cabin. Immersed in my inscriptions, Bill prowled in the same space and chatted about things that I didn't pay enough attention to since I was used to his actions. When I finished my last stroke I placed the pen aside and closed the bottle of ink to let it rest and therefore dry the contents of the page.
"Hey, Sixer" I turned my head and the first thing my eyes met was the triangle reflecting my appearance, I raised my eyebrow until he continued "Look, someone with science of humor" he laughed to return to his color, he snapped his fingers and pointed at me "Did you understand my pun?", "Of course I did, It's a simple enough thing not to" I adjusted my glasses before closing my journal, getting up from my chair and walking over to put it on the shelf next to the other books in my collection.
"You demean yourself a lot, don't you think? Give yourself some credit" he turned around as he moved forward with me, "I do credit myself but I know when things are easy, Bill" I rolled my eyes and left the room, on the stairs he was behind me "That's because you're very intelligent and perceptive, not everyone would have understood it the first time or the second" At these words I smiled but not for much since the day had exhausted me enough to use my muscles. The cabin was as lonely as the day it was finished, on one hand it was reassuring not to have to deal with those noises resulting from annoying habits of other people but on the other hand I couldn't help but feel more lonely… at least I had Bill by my side, even if I got desperate but very rarely. Maybe I should make a statistic about that.
"It's better as you are if you ask me," I heard his voice again but this time I didn't look at him, I went down step by step until I finally reached the floor. "What are you talking about?" I really had no idea, "Nobody deserves you, Ford" that confession intrigued me now in the kitchen where I didn't turn on the light bulb and only opened one of the drawers in the cupboard for a glass. "I mean, just look at you, six fingers; attractive, intelligent, funny, organized. You're out of their league, much better than all of them" he stood in my field of vision and crossed his arms, "And I doubt very much that you would settle for that anyway".
The circumstances that led to such a fatal encounter…
I closed my lips and remained silent, his words like gasoline for thoughts and speculations to nest in my head "We'll never know, they're counterfactual events and hypothetical situations" I drank from the glass I had previously filled with water "Besides, it makes me sound like a narciss-", "Hey, hey, stop your car, friend" Bill pushed and pulled his arms in the space between him and me "I don't say that with those implications, you're very humble Stanford" he moved his body in such a way that it gave the impression of shaking his head, he raised his arms "Everything you're doing will benefit humanity, for me that's not being selfish, quite the opposite" he approached and placed his elbow on my right shoulder.
"What I mean is that you're better off like this" with the open hand of the other arm he pointed at me, moving up and down, to emphasize his point. "You're happier than you could have been" I was still with my eyes on him without speaking "I'll show you" he moved away a little to extend his arm. "You trust me, right?". It was a bit strange to me that Bill used to ask about my trust in him as often as he did, but I always assumed that being someone with his powers was normal, after all it was logical that when he gave me knowledge and his friendship he needed to know that I would not misuse his generosity.
"Of course I do" I took his hand, his eye curled "You can always trust me, Sixer".
The cabin began to crumble and suddenly the environment changed to an impeccable construction that I did not recognize, at least not immediately, laughter and chatter filled my ears while my eyes ventured to get used to the interior, the sound of some open doors made me spin slightly where I saw something that squeezed my heart, in front of seats and more seats there I was, walking on the stage with a toga, I received my title and it was clear. I was graduating from West Coast Institute of Technology.
It was something unreal to see myself in this situation, to see how my face reflected true enthusiasm and happiness at achieving one of my many dreams that I had as a teenager. My parents were there, Stanley was there and his face was a mixture of pride and joy for me; disappointment, loneliness and doubt in those small details. It continued with a family celebration until the scene changed for the second time where I now worked as an inventor in a company of sorts, I knew that time moved forward thanks to the fictitious calendar, which at first filled the Stanford in front of me with motivation, now it filled him wit sadness. It caused him misery as he was limited by his contract, he no longer had time for his own projects or the family with whom he maintained contact.
And everything changed again, I was on Backupsmore and another possibility unfolded, I met someone and we developed feelings for each other and then, we get married? That would be a waste of my research time and even more so as I watched how we both settled in Gravity Falls and then started a small family, with similar results I gradually fell into the same thing: misfortune, sorrow, and suspicion due to the dissatisfaction with the life I was leading. I separated from my spouse to try to have some serenity but nothing, I constantly saw my other self immersed in the memories and torments of his decision, of the intensity of those discussions; about what was said or not said.
When I turned to the other side, my eyes widened when I found myself in front of the same person, they were talking or rather vociferating, it had taken me a moment to process that change so that their words made sense. "Who is going to want to be with someone like you, Stanford!?" Their face was like a slap that burned even before it landed aggrievedly on my face, but I couldn't mutter so shocked by the constant receipt of information "You're a damn selfish man!" they pointed accusation at me while they continued with their argument. Each syllable only served to sharpen the stake and in the end when it stuck in my heart I looked down, it seemed it could never escape me. Something I never asked for.
Then I knew that my insides were questioning and mortifying. Love is such a complicated concept for a mind like me, I have witnessed finite ways to demonstrate it and I can't seem to fully understand it, from my childhood until now, I still think that it is nothing more than frivolities that everyone pretends to know and handle. and then judge those who try to reach it with simplicity.
On many occasions I had witnessed my father's demonstrations towards Stanley and much more aware when they were for me. So many times I heard the expectations, his disappointments or simply his thoughts about us and each time I felt the need to relieve him but without leaving my brother aside, I wanted to be the one who was deserving enough to let me into his vulnerability and let him know that just as he loved me, I loved him. His words...they hurt , they made me feel insufficient and had the same effect on my brother but... I guess it was his way of showing that we were important, that he knew we could be even better.
That's how this person vanished and windows surrounded me to show hundreds of other situations, no matter how different they were, they all ended in disappointment "Do you see what I mean?" Bill finally decided to make his presence again and with an irritated attitude. He stayed in front of my eyes without the windows stopping rotating around us "They wouldn't appreciate you, six fingers. They are the selfish ones, the fatuous ones who couldn't stand someone as genuine as you" with his hands he enlarged one of the windows that remains motionless to show the image "Even before you moved here" my mother appears, then my father, Stanley and other people with whom I once crossed paths "They hurt you but expect you to give everything for them without complaining" he sighs "And that is why this is better for you".
"You have me by your side, I have seen what the others have not" now we moved to the usual space and he made me sit down, a cup of tea in hand "And I feel very lucky that it was you who called me and not a trashy scientist or something like that" he rolled his eyes and I just laughed, I adjusted my glasses with a little push of my index finger and sipped the liquid "I'm the lucky one, Cipher. It is not an everyday occurrence that such an intriguing and wise being decides to respond to my call" I thought the conversation would go to a more pleasant one immediately but Bill just looked at me "You are very important to me, Sixer" I didn't know what to do or say. because of the seriousness with which he said it "I need you... I would love to be in your dimension to spend more time with you, you know?" I stood up to finally be able to say something until his laughter was the next thing "I mean, at this point you are like my family and that is what all those corny things do to someone" I smiled and nodded, amused at his choice of words "Do you also need me as much as I need you, six fingers?"
"I need you, Bill".
Years later, standing on the bow looking out over the vast sea, he meditated while the other Pines was resting. The waves combined with their reflections induced a peaceful state but a hollowness different from the others persisted. The movement reminded him of thoughts and internal debates at his worst, where he let himself be dragged into the darkness and suffer in it.
If he jumped, it was likely that he would find the sense to live, hewas barely visible due to the stars that saw themselves still, the wood under his feet did not creak or seemed to recognize him, a ghost in pain that wanders in the icy night. He took a step closer to the edge but didn't take anything off, the weight would do. But with half his feet suspended and the other half still on the dock he stayed like that. How long did it take until his heart even beat? When he regained consciousness he was in his bed without a shirt or any clothing for his torso, mere soaked socks the only fabric on his body other than the blankets that maintained an acceptable temperature.
The next morning he left the cabin and walked unconsciously into the forest. Some creatures that he had already studied looked out timidly when they saw the afflicted figure of the man, who acted with the nature of a magnet. He arrived at an area where the trees contained peculiar lines that kept following him. Murmurs began to greet him and say nonsense. When he tried to ignore him, he realized where he was standing and froze. Thousands of eyes stared at him without blinking, they did not have an iris so the blackness of the pupil made him more gloomy and as if they were reading his thoughts, they began to manifest throughout him until he was no longer but a cluster of these organs.
He had come to consider removing his eyes, the simple fact of remembering that he had those orbs caused the most unpleasant reactions in his body, the immediate rejection of a similar object in a metaphorical or literal way, in any information format, just like the other geometric figure. What was once a paradise in their home now behaved like hell. His knuckles were still in limited recovery but his mind was an uncertain omen.
Or he would see his wrists that palely denoted something that he had come to hate and he would think that perhaps, with the help of some instruments he could manage to remove those ropes from his entire body, no matter how long or how painful it meant that Bill would not be able to use him never again. And he tried. What did it matter, if he was already alien to any humanity. His mania for sharp things was not discouraged, if there was the possibility of being there, it was, but; of not, did it by force. Like that time, one of the many times.
It was a moment like the other, he was wandering through the forest, now the ardor flamed between the distances from one flora to another, the aberrant calm. His body rocked because his swollen feet tried not to feel his condition, as well as making himself sick until he couldn't take it anymore and sat down against a tree. He removed his glasses to rub his eyelids with the impression of not being lucid. When he opened them, he realized that the tree in front that reached to the heavens was no longer a tree, a block splintered in its place surrounded by other thorns as a replacement. He knelt before standing on his feet and walking until the tips of his shoes touched the messy roots and he got back on his knees, his hands resting on the edge of this circle, how could he see in such detail without his glasses on?
There was no room for that question because he hunched over and brought his face closer…closer…even closer. His skin instinctively repelled his face but the word is there, instinct. Macabre allusion when the fine fabric did not hold for long and spilled on the wood until its anatomy prevented it from breaking, he moved away with complicated motion as some tried to continue in him, and at a slightly considerable distance. Whipping. And the snap didn't take long. Paralyzed it oozed with more current, the thorns appropriated the rest until they swallowed the last piece.
He hurriedly opened his eyes and sheltered his head to check that everything was still together to get out of there without waiting. It was just a dream.
Few interactions with other people made his delusions worse, strangers who were crafty, stupid, lacking in judgment, narcissistic, filthy... he was 100% sure that they reeked of Cipher. But he would not make that 'knowledge' evident, with his hands and elbows on the table he turned his back to the costumers and workers, he knew that they were watching him with that damned smile and those devilish eyes. Disgust to the one who touched his shoulder, his left imprisoned the outer wrist but what he saw was fear in normal pupils and a short circuit occurred within his logic, his face became grim when the woman began to laugh.
Another woman followed a few tables in front, so that like an infection all the faces would lengthen. Without control he imitated, the sweat reflected the terror that the experience gave him, his right hooked half of his face. His nerves had jammed as well as his vocal cords with the same sound quality as a phonograph. At the windows, palms slapped against this surface, their eyes moved quickly and in the opposite direction to the complement of their pair "I still have my eyes on ya, Stanford" they spoke in unison "Too bad you won't have any!" and some of the limbs that were hitting the windows passed through them and lunged at him, with specific emphasis on his eyes. He bent down and pulled the woman so he could leave the establishment.
Was it a good idea to have sent that postcard? It made him an easier target, he didn't know what Bill's supposed henchman could do to find him but if he was under his orders it was common sense that he already knew his location. There was no way to know what tactics he would be able to use. It could even already be at his house and he wouldn't know it.
He was so small next to him, he could fit in the palm of his two-dimensional hand and peel millimeter layer by millimeter layer to do whatever he wanted with the raw materials and waste. Previous enjoyment, at this moment repulsion for what is felt. When he turned the handle and the door gave him permission to enter, everything contained his essence, from the rugs to the money he carried with him. With his chest almost touching one of the tapestries, he wrapped himself up and inhaled the intoxicating fragrance, pressing it to his ribs. and began to rub his face against the fabric. As he raised his head, it was now suspended by his semi-extended arms, he looked at the ceiling and tears flowed. He still needed him.
"Wow" Bill spined his cane while he continued to see me in the mirror "It looks great on you, tiger" I arched my eyebrows without stopping smiling "Really?" I turned my body while taking my eyes off the mirror and adjusted my coat "Do you call me a liar?" he made clicking sounds and helped to adjust the garment "Come on, man…you're pretty much the definition of romantic, Beethoven would be jealous" this made me laugh and I restated my posture now with my fingers adjusting my neck, I had to admit that the costume was quite refined and just as I expected a period costume to feel.
"Ready to go?" he bowed and took off his hat that I reciprocated with another bow, we walked until we reached the place of the event where the most outstanding intellectuals of all time waited with cocktails in hand and chatting with each other. When I entered I had a drink and went to talk to a small group with Bill's company, even with the magnitude of the revelation I did not feel nervous, in fact, I was sure of myself and deep down I did not care what opinions they would give me as soon as the curtain came off.
When the time struck we both took the lead and gave a speech, his jokes were not lacking. When I pulled the curtain and the portal was in sight I heard exclamations, there was a silence until everyone began to applaud and ask its mechanism, my smile was so big that Cipher pushed his elbow against my arm and we only smiled before addressing the others to answer their questions.
When I woke up I didn't wait to stand up and go to work in the portal.
He remembers when his palate caught the improper corroded and pulled his upper lip that showed his red teeth in the mirror, he ran a finger to clean them but did not investigate further, convinced that Bill, by using his body got into a fight and that this was a mixture of his fluids with those of others. There were several times that it was repeated and that he decided to accept his explanation. How much had he done while using his body? For God's sake, the photographs showed him but he was a piece of something bigger, what repulsive things that being must have been capable of.
During the 30 years out of his dimension the thirst for revenge never paled, on the contrary, it grew stronger with each day that he felt his blood boil at every mention of his name. He lived for that, he had to… to see the day when Bill Cipher ceased to be a threat to reality.
But he never expected his defeat to happen in the circumstances in which they occurred. Seeing his brother with his head down and now empty as him, added to his guilt and afflictions, Stanley was always strong, determined and confident in his eyes. The other side of the coin.
The days went as the whole family and even Soos or Wendy helped Stan regain his memory and with that he tried to get his life back, which he now knew Stanley didn't take from him but Bill.
He used to think that he had to give everything to receive the minimum, but when he returned and got forgiveness… love… It was difficult to accept it at first but the night he found old photographs as well as home videos from his childhood that the brothers reminisced about, something changed.
"I can't believe you actually did that," he put his hand on his stomach and laughed, Stanley only crossed his legs and arms before extending his last ones with a failed attempt to look annoyed at the comment "It's pure comedy! A brainiac like you wouldn't understand my developed sense of humor" a blow landed on his twin's shoulder. "It drives ladies crazy" "Oh, I don't doubt it, completely crazy," he nodded mockingly in his way of doing it.
Stan hit him again "Idiot" Ford rubbed himself before returning the blow with greater force, to be fair "Nerd". After a while sleep began to come to them, Ford put his head on the shoulder of his hand while his held the bowl on his lap, and on the verge of succumbing to it he heard "I love you, Ford" a long second passed until the words came out of his mouth "I love you too, Stanley."
People could love him for who he was, not for how deserving he could get that affection.
He continued with his eyes on the wide sea remembering the details of his whole life and with that voice that told him that he was still broken. "Ford, the children are calling us!-- Stan shouted on the other side of the Stan O' War II, "Coming!" so he made his way, but not before stopping and turning to see the sea again, with an inhalation of the salty air he whispered, "I don't need you."
"Hurry up, Poindexter or else I'll throw you overboard" the sound of the seagulls, he pushed his glasses higher and resumed his steps. "Greetings children, how are my favorite kids of all dimensions?", "Uncle Ford!".
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writing-fanics · 1 year
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⁂ starry eyed ⁂
✦ Hunter X Collector!Reader ✦
[Chapter One: It Takes Time] part ii
previous chapter > next chapter
word count: 4,970 or 11 pages.
“Hoot hoot! Practice every day, or I'll appear in your nightmares.” the bird said in the tablet, “Oh, okay. Well, I'm going to pick Luz up from school. Pop quiz. ¿Como se dice eso en español?” She asked, looking at the kids. (How do you say that in Spanish?)
Hunter stands up, “Oh, oh! Uh..” He inhales, and tries to speak spanish but fails. “.Voy a recoger a Luz de la escuela. (I am going to pick up Luz from school.)” Vee says, looking at Camila. 
“Muy bueno! Keep it up.” Camila says, and then turns to leave the shack, and sighs, “I never expected to be a mother of six.” She says, walking off to pick up Luz. 
Hunter sits down to to Gus as everyone resumes learning spanish, from the tablet. Flapjack is still pecking on the floor.  
“El gato gordo.” 
“El gato gordo!” 
Amity sighs, “Maybe we should take a break.” She says, and Willow smiles, “A siesta.” Willow says, and Gus repeats what she says, “Siesta!” He says, and Amity looks at him, “We've been here for months, and we've made no progress on the portal door. We can't expect Camila to take care of us forever.” Amity says, and the others look at him. 
“In the meantime, we could pull more weight around the kitchen. My mustard ravioli did bring tears to her eyes.” Gus says, smiling, and Vee looks at him. “Those weren't the kind of tears you're thinking of.” Vee says, looking at him. Hunter then appears holding a jacket he made, with multiple patches with exposed stitching, “I can help fixed damaged clothes!” Hunter says, smiling. Willow holding up a plant mosnter, “I can spruce up the garden!” Willow says, and the plant mosnter growls at Vee. 
“Maybe we need to look elsewhere. There's an entire Human Realm to search.” Amity says, she flinches when Willow takes a picture of her. “But Luz has school most of the week.” Willow says, looking at him, and Amity looks at him, “So? Let's explore the town ourselves. After all, Luz went into the Boiling Isles on her own.” Amity says, looking at the others. 
“If Eda came here before, maybe there were others. Maybe they left something behind we can use.” Gus said, and Amity looked towards him, “Yes! That's the spirit! Together, there is no challenge that can hold us back.” She says, looking at him and Amity then trips in a hole Flapjack pecks and faceplants. 
“Ow.” Amity groans, and Gus shouts, “It's a sign! We're doomed!” He says. Amity sits up and looks at Flapjack, “Come on Flapjack, this isn't funny anymore.” She says, looking at him and once she gets her foot free, she sees something in the hole. She gasps, “There's something in here.” She says, and holds up a hexagonal box, opens it and takes out a scroll, and unrolls it and all gasp. 
“Hmm. Looks like a map?” [Y/n] says, tilting her head as she looks at it, “Or a secret code?” Willow says, and Flapjack twitters and lands on Hunter’s shoulder, “Flapjack, is this what you've been looking for? What does it lead to?” He asked, looking at his palisman. 
“That eye, it kinda looks like the old portal door.” Amity says, and Gus and Willow gasps and look at each other, “The portal door! Portal door! Portal door! Portal door!” Willow and Gus, chant.��
“Let's tell Luz.” Vee says, and Amity looks at her, “What if it's just another dead end? She already feels responsible for our other failed attempts.” She says, and Willow looks at her, “Then, let's not tell her until we can figure it out. Using our buff brains!” Willow says, and everyone says the same thing. 
Next Day
“All right. Luz is at her mom's vet clinic putting tiny little bandages on "hedgehogs." So today, we're going into town to solve this code.” Amity says, looking at the others, “Ears.” Gus said, covering up his ears, “Routes.” Vee says. 
[Y/n] then uses her magic to get a side of the purple side of her face, “Snacks, check.” Willow says, holding her bag of snacks. “Human disguise, check. Eh?” Hunter says, wearing what was basically a costume, [Y/n] chuckled softly. 
“Oh, that is a look.” She says, using the polaroid and taking a picture of Hunter, Hunter walks between Gus and Vees, the former looking amazed, “According to Cosmic Frontier, this is what the modern human male wears.” He says, and Vee looks at the book, “This was written in the '90s about the year 2008.” Vee said, looking at him. “Yeah. Can't wait for that New Year's party.” He said, Gus looked at him, “And did you get to the last chapter?” Gus asked, looking at him, “O'Bailey is still hiding the fact that he's a Duplicant in
hyper disguise. But Captain Avery is figuring it out.” Hunter says, “I think he already knows but-” Gus says but is interrupted by Hunter. 
“Ah, bup-bup-bup! No, no, no, no, no spoilers!” Hunter says, looking at him, “Hunter, I don't think the world is ready for the brave fashion choices of the year 2008. Please change.” Amity says, and Willow gags Amity, “Don't listen to her!” Willow says, looking at Hunter. 
Vee taking her human form, “Aw, geez, we're gonna miss the bus.” Vee says, and Hunter looks at them, “Oh, it's okay! I'll catch up. There's a transport worm every half hour.” He says, and the girls nods, and leave, Ghost meowing as she joins Amity, [Y/n] turns back and closes the door.
"I'm gonna borrow that book when you're done with it." [Y/n] says, looking at him making a finger gun and winks. As she closes the door, Hunter sports a happy blush as he removes his headphones. Flapjack twitters.
"You know, maybe you're right, Flap." Hunter says, as he looks at himself in the mirror, "Even if I'm not who I'm supposed to be... I like who I am right now." He says, and then he notices something on the table and touches it, then he sees Belos in the mirror reflection. He gasps.
Amity, Gus, Y/n, Vee, and Willow aere exploring Gravesfield. “First stop, The Magic Circle.” Amity says, as they enter the shop: Gus and Willow look around while Amity and Vee question the cashier. [Y/n] looks around curiously, but nothing is catching her eye. Until she notices, a star shaped necklace with a crescent moon her eyes look at it in wonder and she takes it.  
“Hey!” the cashier shouted, Gus knocks over a barrel as Willow in devil costume, pokes a customer with a pitchfork. The kids are chasing out, but Willow returns to pay for the costume and the necklace she noticed [Y/n] had picked up, with two snails then leaves again. 
They cut through a park, and Willow, Gus, and [Y/n} stood at two familiar-looking statues. The kids all go to the library next, where Amity sees a card catalog. She expected it to be living and greets it and bows, and gives it candy which falls to the ground. A child then opens one drawer, and Amity shouts. Embarrassed, she tries to run away and trips on the candy and falls. Then they head to the giraffe exhibit at the zoo. Gus bows to it, with no response. They all leave cautiously, but Willow takes a photo that scares the giraffe which opens its mouth to reveal a monstrous inside. 
They all scream and run off, “I don't blame our ancestors for banishing those guys. Yeesh.” Gus says, and sadly looks towards a child. “Dad, can we go to the bird hall?” A child asks, looking up at their father. “In a minute. How about we eat first?” The dad says. 
Vee sighs, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but... I think I know where to go next.” She says, and then they arrive at the Gravesfield Historical Society, “
.the others head inside the building but Vee stands outside, Willow turns to look at her, “You can wait here if it's too scary. Luz told me about that creepy witch-hunter wannabe.” She said, looking at her. 
“It's okay. We just faced down a giraffe. I can do this!” Vee says, and then Vee walks up and kicks down the door fists raised and screaming. “Huh?” She says, looking around and realizing Jacob is no longer here. But instead her Masha from camp, “You're not Jacob.” She says, walking up towards the counter, “We can all thank Goddess for that. He got fired after he started making edits to the exhibits.” Masha says, looking at her. 
They point to a cardboard cutout of Jacob in his armor with a sign that says ‘Local Hero- Humanitys Last and Most Handsome Hope’ the cutout collapses forward. “I work part-time now. Say, have we met?” They asked, and looks closer at Veem “Something about you seems familiar.” They say, looking at her and Vee, nervously chuckles.
“Uh, no. I'm new in town. I just have one of those faces. J-but just the one. The normal amount of face.” Vee says, nervously lookig at them. Masha laughs in response, “What a coincidence, me too. If you ever need a tour guide, hit me up.” They say, looking at her, and they hand a pamphlet to Vee and she takes it, awestruck a blush showing on her cheeks. 
Amity steps out from behind Vee and presents the puzzle, “We're actually here to ask about this old puzzle. Do you know how to decode it?” She asks, “Ooh, a rebus. They dug up a bunch of these in Old Gravesfield.” Masha says, looking at it. 
“This is a rebus?” Gus asks, looking closer at it, “Yeah. It's like a riddle where pictures and symbols make up a word. Like- Come here. What do you think they were trying to say?” They asks, looking at him. 
“Chop off an ear!” He says, holding down his beanie. 
“No. See the H that comes first? Then combine that with the ear and maybe it means "hear" like, to listen. Or, "here" as in a place. Maybe something is waiting somewhere.” They says, and then their phone rings.  “I'll be right back.” They says going into the back. 
Amity looks down at it, “If this is a portal door then what about these? A-a ribbon, and tanning a hide?” She asks, and the others look down at it trying to decode the riddle. “That ribbon is tied together.” Willow says, looking down at it. “Next to that hand with a cut.” [Y/n] says, looking at it. 
“You don't think…” Willow says, looking over at Amity, “This is leading us to…” Gus says, “Tie tan's... blood?” Amity says. 
[Y/n} was in the living room with the others, searching through a box of halloween costumes, “Hey, we're back!” Hunter says, and chuckles, “And we bought some, uh, cars.” He says, and Luz elbows him.
“Luz! We're designing our costumes for the Haunted Hayride.” Amity says, looking at Her, “Guess what I've got planned? I'm gonna be Captain Avery and you're…” Gus says, Hunter then gasps, “Chief Engineer O'Bailey?” He  says, and Camila gulps, “How do you know about Cosmic Frontier?” She asks, nervously. 
“All the books in your basement.” Hunter says, looking at her, “Oh!  Funny how things just show up in basements, right? Without you hiding or putting them there. Life sure is full of surprises.
“Cool! Humans freak out just like us.” Gus says laughing. “It'll be fun. We want to experience your weird human traditions.” Willow says, and she puts on vampire teeth and laughs. 
[Y/n] smiles, finding a pair of wolf ear hair clips and putting them on with a curious smile. "I'm going as a wolf." She said, looking into the and seeing the wolf tail."And I thought you and I could take inspiration from...Good Witch Azura The Movie 2: The Betrayanning!" Amity says, pointing the remote at the television.  And pressing the button, playing the movie.
"Hecate! I'll protect you!" Azura says, holding an unconscious Hecate in her arms, "Give her over, Azura. It's for your own good." Villounious Lucy, said looking down at the witch.
"Never!" Azura shouted, looking at the villain.
I could be the Hecate to your Azura. What do you think?" Amity asks, holding up a drawing and walking towards Luz. "Oh, wow. Yeah, let's do it!" Luz says, happy as she pulls Amity into a hug. 
"How could you do it, Villainous Lucy? How could you betray your friends? Now everyone is gone!" Azura shouted, looking at Lucy. 
"It was for the greater good." Lucy says, looking at her.
"We'll never forgive you. Never!" Azura shouted.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
Later that night, [Y/n] lay fast asleep on the mattress on the ground in Luz and Vee's room, stars floating around her head as she slept peacefully. Snoring softly, she nuzzled her head into the blanket. Amity shooed away some of the stars as they floated around her face, groaning and turning over to her side.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
Next DAy
Camila dropping everybody off. Amity, Y/n, Gus, and Hunter, true to their word are dressed as Hecate, Wolf, Captian Avery, and Chief Engineer O'Bailey. While Willow's wearing the devil costume she bought. After walking forward and pocketing their palismen, Luz gets out, her Azura costume. "Make sure to help Vee with the trick-or-treaters. You know, they can be... demanding." Luz says, looking at her mom.
"Luz, are you okay? You don't look so well." Camila asks, looking at her daughter.
“I was just so excited for this, I couldn't sleep.” Luz says, nervously. 
“All right. We'll keep the puzzle a secret 'till the time is right. And then we'll tell her about the Titan Blood!” Amity says, to the others. Belos laughing in the distance, and Hunter turns to look towards the woods, “Did you hear that?” He asks, looking at Flapjack, who chirps in response. 
“Hey, it's okay. It's probably just in my head again. Nestle down, Flapjack.” He says, and he chirps.”We're gonna have the best night, and we might even have a surprise for you.” Amity says, to Luz, and the others start walking towards a stage. 
“Yeah, me too.” Luz says, sadly. 
“I hath seen the Mrs. Smith consorting with spirits unpure.” Actor 1 says, acting out the scene of a witch trial, “ Is this true, Mrs. Smith?” actor 2 asked. 
“Nay, 'tis a fool lie! Inquisitor Jones is tarring me a demon's varlet so as to take mine fields!” Mrs. Smith says, and the actor 1 points at her, “Demon lies!” Shouts. 
“Your honor, I do object! It is Inquisitor Jones who's in league with the dark forces!Gus says, going on stage, and the actor 1 looks at the kid, “Kid, come on, this is my spotlight.” the actor says, and then Gus uses his illusion magic. And the crow cheers.
“Why are you clapping? These children are demon spawns. And they want your teeth! Look! Look at his ears! He's from Mars!” Jacob shouts, as he runs on stage and grabs Gus. 
“Hey, lay off the costume, man.” He says,and the two guards tackle Jacob to the ground. They walk towards the haunted hayride, and sit down, “I hope you're all prepared for a truly scary ride.” Masha says, to them. “Make us cry! Make us cry!” Willow and Gus chant, and Masha looks at them,
“Because there's nothing scarier than knowledge.” Masha says, and Gus looks at them, “Boo, just lie to me!” Gus says.
"Let me tell you the eeriest unsolved mystery of Gravesfield. The Tale of the Brothers Wittebane." Masha says, and the group becomes intrigued. Amity looks at Luz and Hunter, "Wittebane? Isn't that Belos?" She asks, looking at them.
"The year is 1613. Two orphaned brothers arrive in Gravesfield. Their names. Phillip and Caleb." Masha says, and Hunter looks at them nervously, "Oh, no." He said nervously.
As Masha narrates the story, cardboard cutouts depicting events that happened to Phillip and Caleb play out in the background as the gang watches.
"Caleb did his best to take care of his younger brother. They tried to fit in with this town, and its unsavory practices." Masha said, narrating each part of the story.
" They became witch-hunters! Local lore suggests that the Brothers Wittebane met a real witch from another world! Her name was Evelyn."
"And the older brother was spirited away. She dazzled him with magic and visions of a strange yet beautiful place. They used a secret code to travel between worlds."
"Philip set off to save his brother and bring the witch to justice. But neither were ever seen again! Maybe Philip saved Caleb, and they went on to lead peaceful lives. Or maybe" They said, turning on the flashlight on their face. "he's still chasing his brother, caught in a cycle of horror and strife!" They said, and the group gasps
Masha turns off the flashlight, "Sounds like big bro got a hot witch girlfriend and little bro got upset. But that's just me." They say, and the hayride ends and the gang gets out of the tractor. Nearby Hunter hears Belos laughing, which terrifies him.
Hunter gasps, "Luz." He grabs Luz and takes her behind a tractor. Luz yelps, "What's going on?" She asks, looking at him, "It's him. He's here! I saw him this time. And it wasn't in my head after all. You believe me, right?" He asks, looking at her.
"Well, how can you be sure? What would he be doing here?" She asks, looking at him and he hesitates for a moment, "Titan Blood. I'm not supposed to tell. But the secret code that guide mentioned? It's a puzzle, a rebus we found in the shack. Amity thinks it leads to Titan Blood!" He says, to her.
"Titan Blood? Puzzles? Amity? Why didn't anyone say anything?" She asks, in shock looking at him, "You and your mom do so much for us. We wanted to do something for you, and she's gonna surprise you with it tonight." He says, looking at her, and she looks at him uncertainly, "That is so sweet." She says.
"Hey, where's Luz and Hunter?" Amity says, looking around. Hunter and Luz look at each other, "We need to find the Titan Blood first. Just to make sure. I don't wanna freak anyone out yet." Luz says, looking at him.
Hunter frowns annoyed and angry, "You don't believe me yet, do you? Fine. I'll prove he's here." He says, and looks down at Flapjack, "Flapjack!" He whispers shouts and Flapjack chirps, "Can you get the rebus?" He asks, and Flapjack chirps.
"I'll say that again."  His voice, distorted with Belo's voice, "Get the rebus!" He shouts, and Flapjack chirps flying off and getting the rebus out of Amity's pocket.
“Hey! What the heck?” Luz says, looking at Hunter in shock. He looks at her shakingly, “Sorry. I don't know what came over me.” He says, looking at her and Flapjack places the rebus on his lap. 
“Good work.” He says, and Hunter and Luz run toward the woods. Hunter is getting further and further away from Luz, and he looks down at the bandage from his finger, noticing the green goo.”What the…” He says and sees an image of Belos in the woods. Luz not far behind him, “There!” He shouts and runs off panting. 
“Hunter!” Luz shouted, panting as she ran after him, but stopped for a moment to catch her breath. “Hunter! Think. Think. Hunter is following the rebus to Titan's Blood. But how can I find the blood without him? Come on. You can do this.” She says, and gasps. 
“Glyphs are powered by the magic of the isles, by the Titan itself! The closer I am to the Titan Blood, the stronger the glyphs become.” She says, as she draws light glyphs and uses them as a guide to get closer to the Titans’ blood. 
“Luz? Hunter?” [Y/n] calls out, looking around for her friends. “Did you find them?” Amity asks, and [Y/n] and the others shake their heads. “Calm down. They probably just went to buy some more cars.” Gus says, trying to calm Amity down, “Yeah. Yeah. You're right. I just- I wanted to show Luz the rebus. Wait. Where did it go?” She said, in shock realizing that it was missing. 
Everyone gasps, and Camila pulls up in her car along with Vee, and both get out. “Kids! Have you seen Luz? And has she, um, said anything weird?” Camila asks, looking at the kids, and Vee pulls out her phone. 
“Boom! Find a phone.” Vee says, and the phone starts beeping. 
Luz arrives at an old graveyard and sees Hunter standing on top a hill in the middle. She uses, her magic making an ice bridge to get across, “Hunter, are you okay? Did you see Belos?” She asked, looking at him, and Hunter kept his back towards her, not making eye contact. 
“Oh, no. Just my imagination playing tricks again. Why don't you find the Titan Blood while I find my palisman? Little guy got spooked off.” He says, and Luz looks around for the Titans Blood. 
“Good idea. All this Belos talk has me on edge. But I hate to ruin Amity's surprise. I really appreciate that everyone wanted to do this. You guys are great friends.” She says, walking around, “Have you found the blood yet?” He asks, and she looks toward him. 
“I'm on it. I just have to-” She says, kneeling down and her eyes widened seeing, Flapjack hiding behind a gravestone, trembling. “Flapjack? Why do you look so scared?” She asks, looking at him, “Didn't you use an ice glyph to get here? Your magic is working.” ‘Hunter’ said, his voice distorted sounding like Belos. 
“Luz? I think she's this way.” Amity said, across the river and walking down the path and getting closer, to where she was. “Mija?” Camila shouted, “Hunter?” [Y/n} shouted, in the distance, everyone searching for their friends. Luz looked towards, ‘Hunter’, “Guys, where are you?” Gus shouted, in the distance their voices getting louder and louder. 
‘Hunter’ looked down at Luz, “I saw you. Glyphs do work here.” He said, his voice distorted, “You. You survived.” She said, in shock looking up at him, “I did. Thanks again for all the help, Luz. But I don't need you anymore.” He said and outstretched his arm to attack Luz, but she dodge. Falling to the ground. Her hat falling off. 
Flapjack landed beside her, “Flapjack!” She said, holding him, and placing him on her shoulder. They watched as ‘Hunter’, shoved his hand into the ground pulling out the Titan’s blood, lifting it up above him, and smiling, “Ah. There you are.” ‘Hunter’ said, smiling, and the vial is then knocked out of his hand by an ice spike. Luz launches more glyphs at him but all of her attacks miss. 
“You're not even trying right now. What? Afraid you'll hurt him?” He asked, looking at her, and finally, everyone arrives and sees what had been happening before them, “Is that Hunter?” She asks, in shock seeing him. 
“Something's wrong.” [Y/n] said, seeing what had happened to Hunter, 'Hunter' smiled “See, this is why you're so useful, Luz. You're so desperate to help people, you even helped me meet the Collector.” He said, looking at her and Amity looked up in shock, “What?” Amity said, and Luz looked at him. “I didn't mean to. I thought I was doing something good!” Luz said, looking at him.
'Hunter' smiled at her evily, "You did do something good. I thought this one was another lost cause." He said, as he looked down at his hands. Then back up at Luz, "Because of you, we can finish our work as witch-hunters, starting with them!" He shouted, as he reaches for the witches, but Amity summons her palisman to swat away his hand. Gus and Willow also summon their palismen to fly and attack, 'Hunter'. But he manages to swat away one of Gus' illusions.
'Hunter' laughs, "Hey, Belos. Remember me?" Gus said, and Helos tried once again to grab Gus, only to grab another illusion, as Willow grabs one of his stretched arms and slams it down. Vee leaps over the stretched-out arm, landing on her feet, "Hang tight, Hunter!" Vee said, as she starts draining his magic with her powers.
"Vee, watch out!" Amity shouted, flying towards her and tackling her out of the way, Gus grunts, as they all land on the opposite side of the lake. St
[Y/n] looks down at everyone then back over at 'Hunter' across the lake. First, he lied and now he had the gull to posse Hunter? He had another thing coming. She balled her hands up into fists, and she started levitating, her teeth were clenched and she had an angry look on her face. She flew towards him swiftly, she was about to attack.
'Hunter' grabbed her by the neck, "Y/n!" Everyone shouted, and she struggled, gasping for air as he tightened his grip, "Surprised to see you here." He said, and she groaned as she placed both her hands on his wrist, and they glowed.
"I know you can hear me, Hunter. Fight him off!" [Y/n] said, looking at him, struggling. "You know, your really starting to get on my nerves." He said, lifting her high up from the ground. She then aims the palm of her hand at his face, and a tiny explosion emits from her palm. Stunning and dazing, him causing him to let go.
She falls to the ground coughing, and her entire body shakes for a moment. 'Hunter' groans, and his gaze immediately shifted back towards her, "Why you littl-" He shouted, she didn't have any time to react, everything seemed to move in slow motion. Her eyes widened, as one of his
outstretched arms came towards her this time. Grabbing her forcefully by the face, his claws digging into her flesh.
She screamed in pain, and all 'Hunter' could do was let out a small chuckle, and she was flung her towards the almost portal-like arch way. "Y/n?!" Everyone shouted, as her body landed on the ground like a rag doll. A groan escaped her lips, as she struggled to stand back up but collapsed.
Flapjack starts chirping and pecking at 'Hunter's' antlers, but the latter immediately catches him. "That's right. You wouldn't want me harming your precious palisman, would you?" He said, holding the palisman in his hand. the others look at him in shock.
"Oh, but then again, I don't care what you want. Goodbye, Evelyn." He says, squeezing Flapjack, causing him to crack and starts to absorb his essence, but lets him go as Hunter comes back. and starts fighting over the control of his body.
Flapjack then weakly flies into Luz' palm while leaking palisman essence from the cracks in his body, he let out tinly gaps and groans, as he looked up at Luz weakly. Luz had tears in her eyes as she looked down at him, "Flapjack! Flapjack, you'll be okay." She said, crying.
Hunter groaned, as he punched himself in the face as he fought for the control over his body back. Falling to the groaned, as sweat ran down the side of his forehead as he started panting. "You know what I'd like, Belos?" He said, standing to his feet and letting out another groan, as Belos fought for control over Hunter's body. Hunter placed his right arm over his left, holding it down.
"I'd like to leave the Emperor's Coven and never step foot in that throne room again. I'd like to study wild magic, and learn how to carve palismen." He said, as he walked down towards the lake, the other's watching.
"I'd like to attend Hexside as a regular student and play flyer derby with my friends. I'd like to stargaze with Y/n. But most of all, I'd like to make sure you never hurt anyone again!" He shouted, grunting as he throws the vial of Titan's blood into the river.
"No!" Belos shouted, still inside Hunter's body, and jumps into the water, managing to catch the vial but falling unconscious. [Y/n] who laid across the stream unconscious, a single tear rolled down her cheek as she laid on the ground.
"Oh, no! No!" Luz shouted, worriedly, "Move." Camila said, she jumps into the water to save him and manages to rescue him and host Hunter into the surface. "Be careful with him!" Willow says, and Belso finally leaves Hunter's body as he takes the monstrous form he previously had.
"Caleb! You would stab me in the back?!" He shouted, and Luz stares at him angrily, "You did it to him first." She says, looking at him.
Belos, outraged, smashes the vial of Titans' blood into the archway, opening a portal to the Demon Realm. a soft groan escaped [Y/n]'s lips, and he turned to look at her and lunged toward her, taking control of her body.
'[Y/n]' stood to her feet and turned to look towards the others, for a split second her eyes faded from blue back there her normal eye color. "Hunter?" She whispered, in her normal voice her heartbreaking seeing him lying lifeless in Willow's arms. "You promised." She whimpered tears in her eyes.
She groaned in pain before Belos took control over her body again, an evil smile formed on her face as she tilted her head to look at the others. "This is for the good of your souls. You'll thank me later." Belos said, as he slowly backed up into the portal taking [Y/n] with him. Everyone was left speechless.
[a/n: this took me so long to get done cause I realized I pasted parts into the wrong place so i had to fix it in docs. omg next chapter will be shorter]
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