#walt disney pictures logo
lostmediarediscovered · 2 months
Oliver & Company (1988): Found Media [Original Walt Disney Pictures Logo]
Original 1985 Walt Disney Pictures logo, from the 1988 animated feature film Oliver and Company, produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Walt Disney Feature Animation, believed to be lost in the United States for 36 years, rediscovered and digitized from a 1997 France SECAM-formatted VHS. Also present in the France laserdisc.
The version that was released on this foreign VHS was likely an open matte, 35mm international theatrical reel or the original interpositive/telecine. I suggest The Walt Disney Studios to perform an expensive new scan and new master entirely in 4K including the 1985 Disney logo from the original 35mm theatrical negative.
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thefirstthinguc · 1 year
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Walt Disney Pictures.
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mgroenke47 · 1 year
Brinky watching Walt Disney pictures logo
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seeksstaronmewni · 2 months
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The 1981 20th Century Fox logo had quite a number of variations, but did you ever notice the different searchlights animations in this logo?
Tweet version here
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princess-unipeg · 8 months
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Walt Disney Pictures movies based on Disney shows. It’s a shame they stopped doing these right before the Kim Possible movie.
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thelowerdecker · 9 months
When you saw this at the beginning of a movie, you know you’re gonna be in for a good one! ♥️
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holyfuckinshitleto · 4 months
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WALT DISNEY PICTURES : 100th Anniversary Logo 2023
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citizenscreen · 24 days
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Evelyn Venable, who is rumored to be the model for the Lady with the Torch in the Columbia Pictures logo, outside her Hollywood home in 1938. Aside from her work in pictures, Venable was the voice for the Blue Fairy in Walt Disney's PINOCCHIO (1940).
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rascalentertainments · 5 months
Wish Granted 🌟👩🏾🎶 (Wish Reimagined)
Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time...
We open up our story with the Disney 100th anniversary logo:
Then it transitions to the Walt Disney Productions title with the overture from Snow White playing, followed by the casts of the story and the people who worked together to create it. The next shot brings us a message from Walt himself, leftover from his very first movie.
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(They had the AUDACITY to leave that out!? Shows how grateful they are...)
It fades to black and shows the camera panning over to a fancy 3D storybook with the title "Wish Granted" on the cover, and it slowly opens up, turning to the first couple of pages.
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The narration begins with a young woman's voice reading in a calm, yet cheerful voice.
Once upon a time, in a land…pretty far away, there was a kingdom off the coast of the Iberian Peninsula. A Kingdom full of magic, dreams and wonder, Rosas.
The book then turns a page to show two pictures, one portraying a man, a woman and a lynx. The other showing a large kingdom near the sea.
In this kingdom ruled by King Magnifico and Queen Amaya, Rosas is a safe place for people all over the world. No matter where a person is from, they will have a safe and happy life. However.....
The book flips to the next page, showing Magnifico taking a wish from a citizen. On the first page, the woman his happily giving it to him, but on the second, she looks incredibly sad, gently clutching her chest with sorrow.
When you arrive, you must give your greatest wish to the king in exchange to live there. The cost of it leaves with you with an empty feeling inside, never being able to fill the hole in your heart until the king grants it himself.
The book flips to another page showing a girl in purple, a yellow glowing person, their pet goat looking upwards and the shadowy figure of the royals holding the wishes in their hands.
This is a story about a girl, a star, a goat, a kingdom and a wish. This is a story about how anyone can make their wishes come true....
The camera then zooms in on the next page, transitions into 2D as it goes directly into the storybook.
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We see few boats crossing the sea, making their way towards Rosas. A little redheaded girl is taking a look at the approaching kingdom. "Look, mommy! Is that it? Is that our new home?" she asked enthusiastically, pointing ahead. Her mother joined her and nodded as a smile crept across her face. "Yes, dear. That's Rosas." she said with hope in her eyes as they approach the new land.
Speaking of the new land, one of the citizens is seen at the port. A teen boy with collar length blonde hair, was waiting to greet them. The biggest thing that stood out to him was the red tunic and yellow scarf around his neck. The boy was waving a flag with the symbol of Ross' embroided on it, signaling them to the port.
The teen took a deep breath and started pacing back and forth, talking to himself. "All right, Flazino. You can do this. You've done this dozens of times. Just pretend you're not sending them to their possible suffering....I've got a bad feeling about it."
Flazino heard the people approaching and quickly slapped on a smile. He spun around and greeted the newcomers with open arms.
"Haha! Hola, Shalom, Salam! Welcome to your new home! You're going to love it here, especially our magnificent rulers! Everyone ready?"
The travelers cheer in agreement and follow the boy through the gates of the kingdom.
🎵 Welcome to Rosas 🎵🌹
Group singing
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Oh, Welcome to Rosas, an amazing kingdom. Where the possibilities are more than you can fathom!
(Flazino signals for the crowd to follow him as they pass through the gates)
There's no other place just as full of surprise, Where your dreams and your reality can collide!
(He passes by a man who's juggling 10 balls at once, hinting that his wish was to be the best juggler in the kingdom)
The most magical place on Earth, where most wondrous ideas give birth! You want to make dreams your come true? Well, have I got good news for you!
(He gives a wink and other residents start appear around him for the chorus)
(The background characters- I mean the Rosas citizens who haven't had their life force drained yet start to dance)
'Cause here in the city of Rosas (Oh, ah-ah)
You can turn all your wanting to wishing No what-ifs, ands or buts Oh, here in the city of Rosas (Oh, ah-ah) It's unlikely that you’ll be unhappy No need to make a fuss
(Flazino lifts the little girl onto his shoulders as they continue) A home for me (Me) For you (You) And all of us (Us) Thе city of Rosas
(He leads the group over to a small theater showing little muppets of Magnifico and Amaya. The following moments and dancing scenes are also a reference to the "Topsy Turvy" song number from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Love that movie)
So like, we have this king named Magnifico
(He points to muppet versions of the royals, with the Magnifico one holding his scepter high)
He built Rosas many years ago
(the background has a little cardboard replica of the kingdom rising behind it.)
With lightning for hands and eyes that can glow
(He raises his hands creepily and jokingly to the child, but she gasps in fear)
No, no, no, I'm just kidding! But he is powerful! They're just like us with a twist.
(He ruffles her hair playfully)
So much power, too much to list! (Oh, wow!) The magic exists, And there you have it, poof, there's your wish! Oh and, hey did I mention when you turn eighteen? You get to give your wish in a ceremony And he keeps them safe, every wish he acquires (Wish he acquires) And once a month he grants someone’s greatest desire (Greatest desire)
(The puppets show the King taking a tiny blue orb from a puppet citizen, then it dances around as if it just won a million dollars)
It could be you someday, or you, even you! Oh, I can't wait! (He points to three different people on each "you", with a couple them looking doubtful)
(A man asks) Does it hurt? (the girls asks) Do you cry?
(Before Flazino can reply, Magnifico just pops in in front of him, the boy giving a look that says "Where the he'll did you come from!?") Oh, no, and you won't even miss it when you say "goodbye"
(He holds the note on "bye" to show off his singing, while Flazino rolls his eyes in annoyance)
(Then Amaya jumps in to take over part of the final chorus) 'Cause here in the city of Rosas (Oh, ah-ah) You can turn all your wanting to wishing
No what-ifs ands or buts,
Oh, here in the city of Rosas (Oh, ah-ah) It's unlikely that you’ll be unhappy
No need to make a fuss
(The royals take this chours proudly singing, while Sabor stands with a sly smile as he basks in all the attention they're getting. Flazino is visually annoyed and rolls his eyes. He then tries to look for an opening so he can finish the song)
A home for me (Me)
For you (You)
And all of us (Us)
The city of Rosas
(Flazino quickly steps in front of the royals during "And all of us" to try and finish the song, then Magnifico steps in front of him and blocks him with his cape. During the final line, He then raises his hands to the sky and releases an explosion of fireworks and it decorates the area in magical sparkles)
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As sparkles and rose petals shower the audience, applause echoes throughout the stadium. The newcomers were chatting and cheering amongst each other. Flazino was used to this part, its practically pure dopamine when people first arrive and hear one man can grant people's desires. This whole song their idea in the first place, and he's performed it a hundred times. You'd think they at least let him sing the propaganda song!
"I can't wait to get my wish granted now!"
"There's so much I want to ask for!"
"They're such a beautiful couple!"
The little redhead girl from earlier was especially excited. "I'm gonna wish for something real big when I grow up! I want to bring everyone I can here so they can be happy like us!" She giggled and continued to clap her hands.
Flazino's smile faded hearing this. This kid was going to grow up and loose her happiness in the blink of an eye.
Magnifico could see the boy's expression change and cleared his throat. "Well now, I suppose that's enough excitement for you today. We've made good work making our new friends feel welcome." He said sternly.
The boy quickly changed his demeanor. "O-oh. T-thank you, your high-"
He was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a lynx inches away from his face. The feline had a rather angry look on his face. Though he's usually like that when he's has to deal with anyone but his beloved owner. He was being carried by his arms by the Queen.
"Now that all that noise is finished. "You can make yourself useful by giving Sabor here his breakfast." She demanded. "Poor dear must be starving. Aren't you?" she cooed.
Sabor purred....and licked his mouth as he looked Flazino as if he was the breakfast himself. That's definitely not a good sign.
"Uh....yeah, I'll get right on that." The boy responded as he gingerly picked up the lynx and did his best to carry him in his arms. He was only a couple years old, but he weighed as much as a full grown goat. That or the boy wasn't all that strong. "How much do you eat anyway?" Sabor grunted in offense.
"That's a good apprentice! Run along, now!" Magnifico slightly mocked the boy as he left. In a low voice he mumbled. "Peasant boy."
Flazino stopped walking for a moment and looked behind him. He saw the two royals eating up the praise and attention they were getting from the people. The newcomers were enamored with them while the longtime citizens gently clapped, but not nearly as enthusiastically. In fact, they seemed a little sleepy, some with half lidded eyelids.
The boy felt a sharp pain on his shoulder, which made him come back to his senses. Sabor had scratched his shoulder to remind him of his obviously more important meal. (Can you say "spoiled"?)
"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I'll get Dhalia to make your breakfast." He mumbled as he walked down from the stage and away from the crowd.
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We crossfade to outside of the Kingdom, as hours pass and day turns to night. Its been a long, stressful day for Flazino, especially when most of tasks were just basic chores, going on errands and maybe learn some magic from Magnifico, if he decided he was ready. Its all become the norm. But there was one thing he was able to do without the watchful eye of the king.
"About that time of month again?" asked a girl as she brought Flazino a horse. The sorcerers' apprentice gathered his bags for his trip and gave the girl a nod. "You got it, Bazeema. Those mushrooms take a whole month to grow, and you know much the king loves those." He gently patted the horse on the snout then proceed to mount it. He pulled up the hood over to seemingly cover his head from the chill air.
"Would you mind finding some herbs while you're there? Just a few things like parsley, rosemary and thyme." she asked softly.
"Sure thing." the boy said with a smile. He signed the horse to start walking towards the gate.
"Are you sure those bag aren't too heavy for you?" Bazeema asked, looking worried about the weight it could put both his back and the horse's.
Flazino waved a hand as he continued forward, not looking back. "No need to worry, I'm not helpless." he called to her, with a laugh.
He quietly passed through the gates. Looking in all directions to make sure no one else was nearby. Once the coast was clear. The boy said in a low voice, "I'm far from helpless." He tightened the reins and made the horse transition from a gallop to a run.
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The horse reacted and took off at a great speed. Flazino traveled further and further forward until Ross was no longer visible. He traveled for about an hour, passing a giant obnoxious sign of the smug king pointing to the kingdom with a sign that read: "To Rosas: Where all your wishes will come true".
The trees became a blur as he ran through the forest like a ghost. He finally reached the deepest part of the woods, were many branches of trees overlapped each other, as if blocking something from entering.
Flazino reached into one of his bags and pulled out a small green vial, that glowed brightly in his hands. He uncorked the vial and whispered to it in latin: "Ineo."
He threw the liquid at the branch's and waited. The branches started to shake, startling the horse. Flazino patted him on the head. "Easy, Achilles. Nothing to be scared off." ,he comforted the animal. Magnifico may not have taught him much magic like he wished for, but the boy watched and learned whenever the King performed his spells. It payed off rather well for him.
The branches slowly opened up, revealing an entrance to a hidden village within the forest itself.
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The trees closed off the entrance behind him as Flazino slowly entered the safe haven for those who fled from the Royal's tyranny. This was the Hamlet.
Would you believe that this took over a week to do this? This wasn't meant to be that long, but the way I write, everything plays out like a movie, so that's why its a bit longer. 😅 I also chose this way to start it because a majority of rewrites usually start with Asha in some way, so I wanted to do a bit of a twist and start it off through Flazino instead and then lead to Asha.
Another fun thing is that while I haven't read all the rewrites out there (I don't have all that time, unfortunately), but I rarely see Flazino used, if at all. So it was like I was given a clean slate to work with. Plus some people figured out he was helping the Hamlet in the deleted scenes and was the original Sorcerers' Apprentice, which gave me inspiration for this. He's like a double agent in this telling, and he'll be important to the story later on. The design I had in mind for him was a reference to Arthur from The Sword in the Stone, with a bit of Jim Lake from Troll hunters mixed in. Sooooo imagine he's voiced by Josh Keaton, he's a good VA for these types of roles (As you can tell, I may have gotten attached to this guy, lol 😅) So he'll be getting his own bio later on.
And how about those royals, huh? THEY ARE TOTAL GLORY HOGS! 😂 They're incredibly narcissistic in this version, but most people see it as charming and don't catch on. Plus I wanted them to have have the classic Disney broadway sequence during the song, cause I think the movie would've benefited from it. (Flazino is more like a jester to them than an apprentice, hence the Clopin reference.) They put on smiles, act nice and give you the Hollywood treatment, but its all just to get those wishes. There is no redeeming them here, they're villains. Straight up.
Also, BIG thank you to @signed-sapphire for helping me with rewriting the Rosas song too! They gave me a great guide to making new lyrics and it really worked out! And for everyone who took the time to read to this point! You earned a big hug! 😊
It'll be a while before chapter 2, cause I want to finish Kingdom of Wishes first,in case I get more ideas. But for now, feel free to ask any questions on my rewrite and leave as many comments as you want!
Thanks for reading!
@wings-of-sapphire. @oh-shtars @chillwildwave @tumblingdownthefoxden
@uva124 @emptyblog7 @emillyverse @mythartist21
@ishadow246 @spectator-zee @kenihewa @your-ne1ghbor
@annymation @gracebeth3604
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mewtwowarrior · 9 months
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BlogMickey.com's Twitter TRON Lightcycle / Run Queue Twitter post 1
BlogMickey.com's Twitter TRON Lightcycle / Run Queue Twitter post 2
BlogMickey.com's First Look at Team Green
chaostructure-crafts's post with the page from Tron: Legacy: Reprogrammed
bitbrain's reply to chaostructure-crafts's post talking about the Lightcycle Font
The current download home of the Lightcycle Font
Around when @trong-legacy and I were looking at the TRON Lightcycle / Run Team Green roster, BlogMickey.com posted pictures of the queue on Twitter, and I realized that the team logos for Blue, Orange, Red, and Yellow mostly matched the first letter of their team name in the Lightcycle font.
There's an alternate version of the Lightcycle font in the Tron: Legacy: Reprogrammed book, which was posted by chaostructure-crafts.
So, I took all three versions and put them together to compare them.
Team Blue is the only one that matches both versions of the font, the other teams only match the downloadable one.
Team Green is it's own deal, the other teams were made for the Shanghai version that opened in 2016, while Team Green is a sponsorship area made exclusively for Walt Disney World.
Because Team Green came along later, it doesn't match the other team symbols at all. In either version of the Lightcycle font, the G symbol looks strongly like a G, whereas the Team Green symbol does not, and doesn't match any symbol on either version of the font. This could be due to the fact that it's an Enterprise sponsorship, and the G symbol could confuse things.
I think it's really neat that most of the symbols match the established font, it's a cool little detail!
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The "Disney's Classics" pressings...
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There were VHS "releases" of three Disney animated features that are kind of a clustercuss to talk about...
DUMBO, ALICE IN WONDERLAND, and THE SWORD IN THE STONE were titles in the "Classics" line that Walt Disney Home Video used for the company's animated feature library from 1984 to 1994. These three films were unique in that they didn't return to the vault or go on moratorium. They were always, as "Classics" releases, available to purchase at any given time back in the day...
Now, these three titles had already received Classics releases in the mid-1980s. DUMBO in November 1985, followed by SWORD in March 1986, and then ALICE in May 1986. Pictured below were the final issues of those releases, from fall 1987. (They had seen minor packaging updates over the course of a year or so.)
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Now you may be wondering... Hey, isn't that the same ALICE cover as the one at the top? It is!
You see, when DUMBO, ALICE, and SWORD received their Classics cover updates in September 1989, to promote the home video debut of BAMBI... Well, wait a minute... ALICE didn't. For whatever reason, Walt Disney Home Video continued to use the 1986/87 cover. Without even updating the heading from "Walt Disney's" to "Walt Disney's CLASSIC", to keep it in line with the other two updated covers...
These are weird "releases" because the only thing new about them - well, DUMBO and SWORD - were the cover artworks. Inside were the 1987 tapes and labels... (I do not have a 1987 SWORD release with a 1987-era label, myself, so it's not pictured below. My copy has a 1986-era label with the "Walt Disney Productions" copyright.)
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... and they opened the same way as the '87 tapes, too: Red-orange FBI warnings (or just antipiracy screens if you got them in Canada) and the 1984 flipping text Classics animated intro sequence.
Some time around, I want to say towards the end of 1990... They made updates to the labels for DUMBO and SWORD...
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Those new labels reflect the typography seen on the 1989 cover artworks. "Walt Disney's" is in a basic sans-serif font, this typeface also appears on the 1988 video release of CINDERELLA, and the 1989 video release of BAMBI.
They still open the same way, though...
Then, by mid-1991, we finally saw these releases get white-ink labels... Curiously, instead of having the diamond logo that says "THE CLASSICS"/"Walt Disney Home Video", we have a diamond that says "Disney's CLASSICS"... A diamond that appears nowhere else in the history of the Classics lines:
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And these contained fully updated prints, too... The tapes now open with the 1989 Walt Disney Classics animated intro sequence, and the film prints used are different. DUMBO and SWORD IN THE STONE have a Buena Vista title card at their respective starts...
Curiously, DUMBO's ink label says "Walt Disney's CLASSIC"... But ALICE and SWORD use the old mid-80s headings...
Lastly, ALICE got a minor case update. The heading was finally changed from "WALT DISNEY'S" to "Walt Disney's CLASSIC" around early 1994...
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But for whatever reason, they never gave ALICE a new cover. The LaserDisc release from around this period used a much different rendering of the Mad Tea Party scene. A release I do not have, but am familiar with...
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Eventually, these would all be replaced when Disney ended the Classics line and started the Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection. The day the line debuted, in October 1994 with the first-ever home video release of SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS, these titles were given all new covers, all-new tapes, all-new everything...
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DUMBO and SWORD's Masterpiece covers, as you can see, re-use the 1989 Classics covers. ALICE uses the LaserDisc artwork, and an all-new logo for the movie. These would be in print until a later release of sorts. (In DUMBO's case, the 2001 60th Anniversary release. In ALICE's case, a 2nd Masterpiece release in 1999. And in SWORD's case, the 2001 Gold Classic Collection release.)
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
Fifteen Days of Disney Magic - NUMBER ONE
Welcome, one and all, to the final entry of Fifteen Days of Disney Magic! In honor of the company’s 100th Anniversary, I have been counting down my Top 15 Favorite Movies from Walt Disney Animation Studios…with one exception. And it is that one exception that takes the top spot on my little list. “Boys and girls of every age, wouldn’t you like to see something strange?” NUMBER ONE IS…The Nightmare Before Christmas.
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Now, before I get into the film proper, I should address WHY I made this an exception to the rules. Because – especially considering this film is my number one pick – it probably seems like MASSIVE cheating. And…yeah. I make no apologies there, it is. But I’m still going to count this movie, for two reasons. One, and this is the most simple reason… “The Nightmare Before Christmas,” as I’ve said a few times in the past, is a strong candidate for my all-time favorite movie. That fact, alone, is a pretty strong incentive for me to cheat. It’s owned by Disney, after all, so if nothing else, that’s mild justification. But of course, my rule of thumb was that – with this one exception – all of the movies I chose would be from the 60+ films in the lineup of Walt Disney Animation, specifically. However, technically speaking, this movie DOES still count there…if you squint, I suppose. Especially since a lot of “Nightmare’s” identity does, in fact, revolve around Disney. “The Nightmare Before Christmas” was envisioned as a short film by Tim Burton, who wrote a poem by the same title in his off-time while working at the Disney studios. Yes, indeed, for those who don’t already know, Tim Burton’s career basically began with him working as a concept artist and in-between animator for Disney; he actually worked on a few films, including “Fox and the Hound” and “The Black Cauldron.” He also was behind a couple of cartoons and television specials, including the stop-motion short “Vincent” and the live-action version of “Frankenweenie.” Burton initially wanted “Nightmare” to be a stop-motion TV special, a sort of homage to the Rankin/Bass specials he had grown up with as a kid. At the time, however, Disney was reluctant to spearhead the project, for multiple reasons. One was that they felt the costs of making the special would exceed any profit that could be made from it. The other was that they were worried the subject matter would be a bit too dark, a notion not helped greatly by the content of Burton’s earlier projects for them. It wasn’t until some years later, after Burton had left the company, that Disney decided maybe it was time to give the old concept a new look.
By THAT time, Burton had been discussing the idea of transforming “Nightmare” into a feature-length film, collaborating with his friend and already frequent colleague, Danny Elfman, to come up with an outline for the story and the characters. They went back to Disney, and the company decided to give their idea a chance…of a sort. You see, the problems that had made Disney hesitant in the first place still existed. So, Disney decided to release the movie under the banner of a subsidiary company, Touchstone Pictures. Burton – who was having to split duties between this film and “Batman Returns” at the time – hired Henry Selick to act as the director. Selick, after having some talks with Elfman and Burton alike, began to work on the project with his own team of animators. The rest is history. When “Nightmare” came out, it wasn’t a massive success…at first. But over the years, the film earned a VERY substantial following. It got to the point where Disney realized they had a cash cow on their hands. And, since Touchstone was already affiliated with the company, it did not take much wrangling to officially declare “Nightmare” to be a Disney film. If you watch the film nowadays, instead of a Touchstone logo, you’ll find it preceded first by the Disney logo, then a credit card that gives the kudos to Walt Disney Studios. So, in essence, Nightmare was ADOPTED into the core canon of their films, retroactively. Yes, counting it is still cheating, but if Disney can acknowledge it that way, so can I.
Plus, like I said before…this is my favorite movie, or at least a strong contender for that title. It’s hard to say exactly what makes “The Nightmare Before Christmas” hit me so hard, but I think it’s simply best to say it sort of fires on all my cylinders. I love its sense of aesthetic style; a perfect blend of qualities that make the works of Tim Burton (and Henry Selick, for that matter) so unique. The animation itself is quite wonderful. The music is fantastic. The story is simplistic, but you can gleam a lot from it by sort of reading between the lines; it’s not a deep, complex piece of socially-focused art, but there’s something else beneath its surface, like a lot of great, dark fairy-tales. It’s contemporary and yet ageless, with an exquisite voice cast and characters that are not exactly deep and intensely complicated, but are still likeable, charming, and at times even subversive. Jack Skellington, in particular, is NOT your typical Disney protagonist, by ANY stretch of the word, and that’s part of what makes him and his story so compelling. When looked at in the scope of all the things Disney has done, “Nightmare” stands in an interesting place. There aren’t too many movies like it in the Disney canon, no matter where you look at it WITHIN that canon. And certainly none of the few that could compare hold a candle to the impact and legacy this film has. It’s no wonder Disney decided to officially declare it a film of their own. For me, it will always be a special piece of work. It’s my favorite Halloween movie, my favorite Christmas movie, my favorite movie for many of the creative people involved with it…and there is no doubt in my mind that this is – however unfairly – My Favorite Disney Movie. Period. And so concludes Two Weeks of Disney Magic! Like I said, I will have AT LEAST one other list ready for founding day (that's tomorrow), so be ready for that. In any case, though, I’m glad you all could join me, and I hope my opinions haven’t been TOO ridiculously peculiar. XD Thank you all for reading!
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magicaltrash · 1 year
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Resorts on both U.S. coasts are selling this shirt featuring a recycling can. Tan in color with orange accents, the copy reads "Love Our Disney Theme Parks" - with a iconic trash/recycling can featured in the middle, overlaid on top of recycling arrows. The Walt Disney World Version, pictured here, featured the "World D" icon on the recycling can, with the classic Walt Disney World logo lockup at the bottom. A companion Disneyland version features the Disneyland "D" instead on the can, with the classic script-style Disneyland logo on the bottom. // Adult Shirt, Walt Disney World, Recycling Can, 2023 [Source: Jeremiah Good. Used by Permission.]
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warrenwoodhouse · 3 months
What Font is used for The Chronicles of Narnia film franchise Logo? (Entertainment) (Narnia Blog) (Fonts Blog) (What Fonts)
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Logo ©Walt Disney Motion Pictures, Walden Media, C.S. Lewis Publishing Rights & Warren Woodhouse
Article and Font by @warrenwoodhouse #warrenwoodhouse
The font that is used for the Disney film franchise of The Chronicles of Narnia is called Narnia Font (Also Known As: NarniaBLL) by @warrenwoodhouse as Ænigmate Productions (Bajo la Luna Producciones) for @disneystudios as Walt Disney Motion Pictures and for Walden Media.
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paper--machete · 2 years
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ethancrossmedia · 2 years
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As I went to the movies that afternoon, I went to watch the newest animated film from Disney, Strange World. I'm giving this at 10/10. The movie has inspiration from a bunch of novels like Journey to the Center of the Earth (yes, I remember as a kid watching this in theatres). It is also the first Disney film to use the new Walt Disney Pictures logo, celebrating the company's 100 Years of Wonder celebration.
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