solitaireships · 10 months
✨✨✨ w chae-yeong!!!
✨ Chae-Yeong’s been known to let people take whatever she wants out of her house. Most of the stuff is replaceable anyway, and she’d rather that someone who loves it has it than keep it for herself. The only things she won’t let people take are a music box that was gifted to her by her bio dad and a necklace that James made for her
✨ She has some sibilance when she speaks and it sounds a little bit like she’s hissing when she says things with S sounds. She’s very self conscious about this
✨ I had an age swap au for a fic I did, and that included an 18 year old Chae-Yeong. I then kind of turned that into her general younger look, so it’s what I refer to in anything when she was training to be a Huntress/actually a Huntress. I designed her outfit with some inspiration taken from modernized forms of hanbok. At some point I want to redesign her Scarlet Shepherd costume paying mind to some stuff from this too
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Art by thesmollbean3!
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rosieaurora · 11 months
🌸💗💖 with gangrel! <3 [wanderers-wife]
pink themed self ship asks
🌸 What is your f/os favorite flower? i think he would really like hibiscus flowers! red and orange are definitely his favorites
💗 How did you and your f/o spend your last anniversary? we don't really have an anniversary because i loved him before i started self shipping so i don't have a date for him ;-; or any of my f/os really. i'm a bad wife.
💖 What are your f/os top love languages? What are your top love languages? i think gangrel's is canonically quality time and that's perfect because that's mine too! i feel like physical touch would be a big one for him too, which might be a little weird for me at first (i'm autistic and don't like being touched a lot) but i would warm up to it eventually
ty for the ask!!
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portalmonsterrr · 1 year
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Nahida brings home a stray kitten
previous parts: here and here
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abyssruler · 5 months
you and scaramouche have been married for fifty years, but unlike your immortal husband, you’re a human who inevitably ages.
“yes, she’s my wife. yes, she’s seventy-eight. you got a problem with that?”
he stares thunderously down at the recruit who had stupidly asked who the old grandma hanging around their camp was.
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nerdy-talks · 9 months
I love Solomon 💙
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The greatest sorcerer just keeps winning me over with his jealousy.
He's so cute and precious and protective and possessive, I just.... Ahhhh!!!!! *fangirls obsessively*
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umboocowju · 9 months
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Beast peak's disciple Shen Yuan? Yeah 😌
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gingerteaonthetardis · 10 months
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#sure, jan
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archangeldyke-all · 6 months
Outlaw cowboy sevika who fell in love with a good woman or a woman she is partner in crimes with?
i'm done writing the big fic, so i can finally start doing requests again!! starting with this GENIUS idea tysm anon <333
men and minors dni
the parlor doors swing open, and a shadowy figure wanders into the tavern. behind the bar, you bite your lip, watching patrons scatter as the cloaked figure struts over to the bar, a jingle decorating every one of their footsteps as their spurs twirl on their boots.
they knock on the bar top to get your attention, like you haven't had your eyes trained on them since they strolled in. you grin.
"how can i help ya?" you ask, already reaching under the counter to pull out a glass and bottle of whiskey. you pour them a big glass and slide it across the bar, not moving your hand when they reach forward to grab it.
when your fingers meet, you gently brush yours against theirs, then slowly, slowly trail your fingers up their arm, before grabbing the rim of their hat and flicking it up.
there she is, you think as sevika's face is finally revealed to you. she's smiling just as wide as you are.
"got any vacancies?" she asks. you chuckle.
"fully booked, sorry miss." you tease. she snorts. "but maybe if you work for it i can arrange a place for you to sleep." you add on. sevika rolls her eyes as you grab two buckets and gesture for her to follow you. she does. she always does.
you wander out of the tavern and into the small side garden you tend to in your free time. shoving a bucket into her arms, you gesture at the well. she meanders over to it and begins pumping the spout until water comes spurting out. you watch in amusement as she gets sprayed and curses.
you walk through your rows of crops, harvesting a few ears of corn, a couple of potatoes, a handful of carrots.
your tavern/inn is located on the main street of a small shanty town in the middle of nowhere. the only people who travel through these parts are up to no good, so when you came to own the place after the previous owner died and left it in your name, you made a few policy changes.
for one thing, you don't ask questions. patrons can come in riddled with shrapnel and bleeding, their faces identical to the 'wanted' sketches that are plastered around town, and you simply turn a blind eye and serve them a hearty bowl of stew, fill 'em up with liquor, patch their wounds, and give them a bed. in exchange for your discretion, you've made plenty of shady friends, who often pay for their time spent in the tavern with stolen and smuggled goods like pretty jewelry, gold bars, or premium cuts of meats or cheeses.
the locals don't give you much trouble, too scared to piss off any of your friends, too happy with the imported rare goods they bring to town with them to complain about the occasional stand off or shootout.
you wander out of the garden, stopping by the small stables and greeting sevika's trusty mare shimmer. the horse whinnies at your appearance, tail swinging happily as you scratch her ears.
"hey, shimmer." you whisper to the horse. "here, baby." you say, hand feeding her a few carrots. "how much trouble'd she get you in this time?" you ask the horse. shimmer doesn't respond, too busy crunching on her treats.
behind you, sevika's hand wraps around your waist. you smile as she presses a kiss against your head.
"missed you." she mumbles against your temple. you laugh and gesture to the tavern.
"c'mon." you say. "i'll canoodle with you once these chores are done."
you and sevika spend the afternoon tending to the tavern. she distributes the water evenly among bedrooms, filling the wash bowls and pitchers patrons can use to hydrate and clean themselves.
you tend to the stew, chopping and stirring in your vegetables, adding a few pinches of dried garlic and onion powder to the bubbling pot of perpetual stew, stirring and tasting and adjusting until you're happy with how it tastes.
it's the slow season. travelers are rare in these parts, but even more so during the scalding hot summer. a few neighbors wander in for a quick drink, and the few patrons you have retire to their rooms once sevika's done refreshing them.
once the sun sets, the tavern is empty, except for you and sevika.
she's staring at you adoringly from across the bar, her chin propped up in her hand as she watches you sweep. you scoff at her expression.
"what kinda trouble'd you get yourself into this time, huh?" you ask. sevika chuckles.
"you didn't see it in the papers?" she asks.
"that train robbery?" you ask. sevika shrugs with a smile. you laugh. "you're gonna get caught up one of these days." you say as you begin wiping down the bar top. sevika rolls her eyes.
"you got no faith in me, darlin', it breaks my heart." she says. you laugh and turn off the oil lamps, before starting up the stairs. sevika follows behind you.
the second floor is where your patrons sleep, but you get the whole attic/third floor to yourself. it's a nice little studio space, two windows on either side, big enough to hold a double mattress and two sets of drawers, a few chests stuffed full with treasures and valuables sevika's brought back to you.
sevika sighs as she enters the space, hanging her hat and poncho up on two nails you'd slammed into the walls for her years ago, shoving off her boots and stripping down to her undergarments. you sit at your desk and watch her strip with scruitny, making sure she doesn't have any new wounds or scars. she washes herself down with a wet rag, sighing as the grime and dirt of her travels slowly washes away. once your sure she's not injured, you allow your gaze to become appreciative, taking in her muscular back and arms as they scrub her body down.
you rise from your seat and approach her, slinging your hands around her waist and tucking your chin over her shoulder. she sighs and leans back against you.
"three weeks is too long." you mumble against your lover. sevika hums.
"i know, darlin'." she says. you take the washcloth from her and begin to scrub her back for her, occasionally kneading and massaging at the knots and tension that riddles her muscles. she melts. "i missed you." she sighs. you kiss the nape of her neck.
"i missed you too. had me worried, you know." you mumble against her. she turns in your arms to wrap her own around your waist, gently swaying the two of you back and forth as she soaks in your features.
"i've been yours for how long?" she teases. you roll your eyes. "five years now?" she asks. you smile and nod. "and you're still worried about me? you know i always come back to you darlin'." she says. you sigh and roll your eyes. "gonna give yourself an ulcer at this rate." she teases. you chuckle.
"wouldn't have to worry if you stuck around." you say.
you and sevika have had this conversation a thousand times now. she's made more than enough in her time as a bandit for the two of you to live comfortably together until the end of time.
still, she always leaves. you don't blame her, before she met you sevika spent her entire life wandering the west, all alone, never staying in one place for longer than a week.
but then, one fateful night all those years ago, she stumbled into your tavern bloodied and battered, staring at you with a sparkle in her eyes as you patched her up. and since then, she's been circling back to you after each and every one of her jobs.
the longer she's had you, the more time she puts between her heists. you'll get her to stay eventually, you just have to be patient. but patience is hard when the love of your life has such a dangerous occupation.
sevika swoops in to kiss the frown off your lips. you sigh against her and wrap your arms around her shoulders as she slowly uncinches your corset and helps you out of your layers.
when you're both naked, you guide her to the bed, plastering yourself to her side as you continue to kiss her. tears well up in your eyes as you get your hand in her hair, and she notices, pulling away with a frown.
"'s wrong darlin'?" she asks. you hide your face against her shoulder.
"what if you die out there, sev? a hundred miles away all alone in the desert... nobody'd find you until you were just bones and dust. and i'd be here waitin' for you to come home for the rest of my life." you say, your voice wobbly. sevika wraps you up in her arms and sighs against you. you reach up to gently trace the scars littering her left cheek.
"fuckin' ruining the surprise." she grumbles against you. you blink.
"what surprise?" you ask. sevika rolls her eyes and darts forward to kiss your forehead.
"the train... it was a cargo train. one of the cars was headed to a bank, padded wall to wall with cash 'n gold. enough for a hundred people." she says. you gulp and blink at her, hesitant to assume lest you get your heart broken.
"so?" you ask. sevika chuckles.
"so, i'm retiring." she says simply. "fuck do i need to keep robbin' and lootin' for if i'm already filthy rich?" she asks. you blink at her, your heart swelling, tears falling down your cheeks as you soak in her words. "plus... i met a girl i'm hopin' to settle down with." she says, smiling shyly at you.
you let out a shaky breath then launch forward, pinning sevika to the bed as she laughs and gathers you in her arms.
"are you serious?" you ask against her. she chuckles and kisses your head.
"deadly." she responds. you melt against her, clinging to her like your life depends on it. "you think you might need a new employee here?" she asks. you snort against her.
"i can figure somethin' out." you say. "gotta work on your people skills, though." you tease her through your tears. sevika laughs and smacks your ass.
"y'know..." she starts. you pick your head up from her shoulder to look at her, and she looks away, nervous. you kiss her lips and she sighs, her anxiety melting away under your touch. "i met a pastor while i was out wanderin'." she says. "said he wouldn't be opposed to marryin' two women if someone were to give his chapel some donation money." she whispers.
you study sevika for a moment as she anxiously nibbles on her lip. "you askin' me to marry you?" you ask. sevika shrugs.
"i mean... i've already given you hundreds of rings." she says. you smile.
"you have." you say. she smiles up at you.
"so?" she asks. "his chapel's a day's ride from here. figured we could go now during the slow season, make it a little vacation?" she asks. you grin and launch down to kiss her, and sevika sighs against your mouth.
"there's nothin' in this world that would make me happier, baby." you whisper against her lips. sevika grins.
"sure you won't mind bein' an outlaw's wife?" she asks. you laugh and smack her shoulder.
"a former outlaw." you correct her. she chuckles. "and no, i won't mind. 'specially when that outlaw's as handsome as you." you say. below you, sevika blushes.
"fuck off." she grunts. you laugh.
"that's no way to talk to your wife." you tease her. sevika grins.
"you're right. 'm sorry, darlin'."
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666
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solitaireships · 9 months
48 for the kisses prompts! <3
Kiss prompts: 48 - playfully
This one took a little bit, but here we are! I ended up pumping out the entire fic today bcs I wanted to do a little birthday thing with Selina. This hasn't been edited tho and I'm not looking over anything I wrote so if you see a typo or something that doesn't make sense, don't worry about it. I have a headache right now and wrote this in less than and hour, it's a miracle it's as good as it is
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 995 words
Divider by racingairplanes
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“Catch me if you can, baby.”
What Selina said echoes in Alex’s head as she chases her wife across the rooftops of Gotham. Wind whips through Alex’s hair as she leaps over an alleyway below, landing with a grunt. Selina doesn’t seem to struggle nearly as much as she uses her whip to pull her forward, bounding ahead with a gymnast’s grace.
They’ve been at this for what has to have been half an hour now. Alex isn’t tired, not yet. She’s used to running through Gotham like this at a full sprint, but now she at least gets to run at a lighter pace. It’s almost relaxing— some light exercise compared to the usual challenges she faces as she fights crime. 
There aren’t any real stakes here. It’s been a long time since Alex has had to worry about chasing Selina down after a particularly big score, not that she ever cared much about when the cat burglar stole things. The only reason they were ever on opposing sides was because Selina had a more flexible view of the law than Alex did. 
They still don’t agree on everything, but they’re far past the point where they’d fight with each other. Now the only chases they have are ones like these, challenges to each other to play on both of their competitive spirits.
Selina’s always in sight, just a little bit ahead of Alex. It’s obvious from the way that she moves that she’s been doing this for years. She’s nimble and acrobatic, navigating everything ahead of her with ease. It’s almost like watching a dancer who’s spent years honing her craft, every move is poised and calculated.
But Alex has been doing this for years too. She’s not nearly as flashy as Selina is— she doesn’t bother with any flourishes or cheeky looks over her shoulder at the other woman as she does. She sprints forward, keeping an eye out on everything around her. Because if Selina’s greatest strength is her agility, Alex’s is that she’s observant and knows how to play off of her environment. 
Selina leaps over the gap between two buildings, using her whip to grapple onto the side of the one across the way. She pulls herself up, smiling over her shoulder to Alex.
“Keep up, lover,” she teases.
Alex rolls her eyes but can’t help but grin. She’ll never be as playful as Selina is. She’s always been far more on the serious side. But she’ll always appreciate her wife’s sense of humor. 
As Selina pulls herself up onto the opposite building, Alex gives the area a once over. On that building, there’s a flag pole. An American flag whips in the wind, just barely visible in the dark of the night. But Alex can still see an opportunity.
She jumps across the gap of the alleyway below, stumbling a little bit as she grabs at the fire escape lining it. She’s going to lag a little more behind Selina now, but at least she has an idea as she pulls a knife from the sheath on her thigh.
Selina wouldn’t go too far ahead. She likes the chase as much as Alex has. If she’s too far away, it’ll be less fun for her. 
And that’s exactly what Alex is counting on as she makes it onto the top of the building. 
Selina’s there, having moved ahead but not so much that she would have been running the whole time since Alex leapt. She was waiting, not wanting to get too far ahead and lose the fun of this. 
Alex knows an opportunity when she sees one. 
As Selina sees that the chase can begin again, Alex throws her knife upward. 
It’s obvious that Selina saw it, even if it is hard to see her eyes behind the lenses on her mask. There’s an unspoken question there, but Alex knows exactly what she’s doing.
The knife goes upward, shearing through the ties holding the flag on the pole. It flutters downward, towards the roof. Right into Selina’s path.
Selina’s good at dodging. She’s fast on her feet and able to navigate just about any obstacle that she’ll face. But the flag falling forces her to swerve, trying to get out of the way and reroute.
And that’s just the opportunity that Alex needs to catch up to her.
She sprints to close the distance between the two of them, all but tackling Selina to the ground. 
Selina lets out a grunt at the impact, writhing in Alex’s arms to roll over so they’re face to face. Alex hopes that she didn’t tackle her too hard. She’d hate to have bruised Selina, even if she knows that Selina would consider it all in good fun. 
But she doesn’t look hurt as she rolls over to look at Alex. Selina makes a show of trying to wriggle out from under her, but it’s obvious that she’s just doing that. She doesn’t want to get away, and she’s more than happy to put a hand on Alex’s hip as she gives up the fight. 
“Looks like I could catch you,” Alex says with a grin. 
“Oh, yes, you’re very talented,” Selina drawls. A smirk is on her face, and Alex wouldn’t be surprised if she had something else up her sleeve. But, then again, she always does. 
That’s part of what Alex loves about Selina. Alex has never liked surprises, but there’s something about the way Selina always manages to keep her on her toes that’s exciting. Because at the end of the day, she knows that she can always trust Selina. 
“Thank you,” Alex whispers, reaching up to cup Selina’s cheek in her hand. She hates being vulnerable like this, but that’s another thing that’s easier around Selina. 
“Mhm. Happy birthday, baby,” Selina says. She plants a quick kiss on Alex’s lips, a playful smile coming to her face. “So. Are you ready to go have some more fun?”
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daikunart · 2 months
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ᴡᴇɴ ᴋᴇxɪɴɢ | ᴇᴘ28
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damsxlette · 22 days
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me and my wifeys 🩷
Kairos and Ace: @rainba
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kitty-thinks-stuff · 5 months
so.... whatd you all name ur wanderer?
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ratiomei · 6 months
scarakomi as wangxian bc the wife wanted it
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bro. anyways the pics used
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bumblingbabooshka · 18 days
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Archery Science Professor at the Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts [Patreon | Commissions]
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mango-mya · 7 months
Beautiful butch woman in my area
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ninthriven · 2 years
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they are divorced c: 
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