thehibernatedmind · 2 months
the burden of a small rock
So the retreat camp was...a lot.
I wasn't wrong. It was the experience I needed. It was so memorable that it deserves 3 separate reflections.
So this is part 2.
Before we entered the camp, we were asked to take one thing with us - either palm leaves, a scroll, a piece of rope, a rock, or a nail (all materials related to Jesus' last week before he died). I was given a rock. The rock was used to represent the heaviness of Jesus' heart when he prayed at Gethsemane. Well, how fitting. I was carrying my own sadness as well. I felt it when I wake up, when I go to work, when I was with other people...
Actually, why pain?
As much as I do know there is pain and suffering in life, deep down, just like everyone else, I don't want to experience it myself. Human reflexes, I guess. But Jesus knew he was going to suffer when He became a man. So why did He do it? Why did He choose this path?
Jesus' prayer at Gethsemane was "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will." (Matthew 26:39)
It was His will to suffer.
During the camp, there were many experiential activities related to "suffering". Hiking up a hill, drinking bitter coffee, walking in darkness, trying to carry a cross on unbalanced grounds. Particularly when I was walking in darkness, I did feel fear, but then I remembered God's promise that He will be with us wherever we go.
If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,     and the light about me be night,” even the darkness is not dark to you;     the night is bright as the day,     for darkness is as light with you. (Psalm 139:11-12)
He's with me in the darkness, because He chose to.
I remember the old Christian story "Footprints in the Sand". When the narrator looked back at the places he walked, he realized at his lowest moments, there was only one set of footprints. He asked God why He left him. That's when God replied, "during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."
The rock I took to camp now feels lighter somehow.
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wander-tale · 9 months
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Chapter 1
Pages 1-3
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screwzara · 8 months
• Scav [Sans] - [Note: I found an AU named Wandertale already so I won't be taking that name]
• Scav & Hunt - [Sans & Papyrus] +updated AU name
Lore Related
• Kaimato...knows? [Mutual's Skelesona involved]
• Button's Version of the above comic ↑
• Nightmare's Knowledge of Scav
• An Eventual Discourse
Related Animations
• "Spying much?"
Related Doodles
• Scav, Slot & (soul)Frisk
• Scav, Hunt & Slot
• Mini Comics(?)
• Scav & Kaimato[Button Soda's Skelesona] +Random New OC
• Scav Found A Neutral Domain [Updates Design Vers.]
• Scav & Kai sharing ✨ juicy gossip ✨
• Scav wanted to test something, he could've just asked for it though
Gacha Related
• Scav :D
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ooo spooky wandersong AU
considering the fact that it’s halloween soon, i’ve decided to share this little au i’ve come up with (it’s not actually halloweeny the connection is extremely limited)
Ghost Kiwi AU! more under the cut
basically it’s an AU where when audrey shoots kiwi with lightning in act 3 it. Kills them. and they follow miriam around as a ghost for the rest of the game! she’s the only one who understands them, apart from maybe saphy, since they can only speak in the spirit language so she has to translate! which leads to a lot more confusion and funny scenarios haha
i’m too attached to kiwi to have them be permanently dead so i made a solution: because of them learning the queen of winds’ piece of the earthsong, and the ethereal nature of the hero’s sword, they’re not completely dead. they are pretty dead but it’s not too late for them. i haven’t fully figured it out yet but i think if they collect enough of the earthsong and harmonize it with eya’s new song, they can return to their body. so basically, the same goal as the game, just with different scenarios and stuff
it’s quite hard, not only is getting the overseer songs tougher but kiwi is kind of a spirit so it’s not easy to get earthsong pieces. and as they progress, their appearance starts to fade. fresh from death they look like a floating grayscale version of their usual appearance, then begins getting similar to ash’s mom, hala outside of kiwi’s body and then the ghosts in langtree. they have to do everything before they fade completely (eyala tells them this)
also audrey doesn’t know she killed them until they meet again in act 4 and she’s Pretty shaken by it! sure she’s fine with killing monsters and overseers but she hadn’t meant to kill another person. a human. so that’s something she has to deal with!
at the end when singing the earthsong, all the ghosts are the first ones to join in! their loved ones notice they’re trying something, and one by one everyone starts singing or at least that’s what i’ve thought of so far
some doodles i’ve done for it:
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quantumfeat72 · 4 years
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i think they would be friends
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lunahras-draws · 4 years
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this was supposed to be wandertale??? but I decided to put in extra effort and use it for my portfolio, so its humanized. just imagine that lady as toriel. I might post an actual undertale version eventually (holy fuck all those patterns tho, my wrist is dying)
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talewander-blog · 5 years
Monster BMW 530i #wandertale Clip from upcoming youtube video ✈️❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/BxbXspbAux3/?igshid=qau0ehigjidg
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sleepream · 6 years
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sooo trying to make some wandertale animation
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
New AU concept
theme: forest/steampunk blend
possible names: wandertale? druidtale? botanytale? planttale lol?
instead of being locked underground, monsters are trapped in an expanding forest forced to wander forever. Only a determined soul can break the curse and lead them out.
monsters have weaker magic than average. in order to supplement, they make tools powered by life force of plants. Tools resemble steam punk attire but primarily wooden. stone tools are rare, metal is rarer
no established cities, instead wandering tribe lead by the last royals. very small population, maybe an eighth of the other aus
instead of magical attacks, magical crafts and weapons are passed down by families. they cannot access their magic other than ecto without the help of crafted tools.
more focus on gathering and animal handling than farming. each monster picks a personal pant species to work with
toriel: queen of forest monsters. happily bonded to asgore. fierce and protective personality. strict, little sense of humor. balanced out by husband. Is the primary healer of the underground, crafted items are vials that slowly refill with healing potion over time. alternate items: possible boiling water attack, shields? pant of choice: tea tree
magic color: pale yellow, sightly green
possible names: dryad, fey, fay,
asgore: king of forest monsters. happily bonded to toriel. cautious and nurturing personality. strict but fair, not easily offended. balanced out by wife. leader of the monsters and creator of their communication system. crafted items are braided pouches that can exchange letters and goods between pouches of choice. alternate items: dandelion seeds that point towards safe routes/ lost monsters? fast growing roots attack? plant of choice: dandelion
magic color: deep olive
possible names: lion, founder, chief
frisk: lost they/boy, mexican, lost from boy scouts group, crossed the curse. curious, determined, empathetic personality. attacks: has bear mace and bug spray. very handy, clever usage of magical tools. will eventually lead king and queen out breaking the curse. no plant of choice, uses all
possible names: gizmo
undyne: leader of the hunting squad (wolf pack). courting alphys, not official. patient, determined temperamental. prefers stones over plants. crafted item: pond weed whip stuns target. alternate items: river stone spear? pond weed net? plant of choice: seaweed/pond weed
magic color: peacock green leaning on blue end
possible names: river, whirlpool, lotus, dragonfly, koi, pike
alphys: queens assistant, royal bookkeeper. is being courted by undyne. scared to commit. soft sweet and eager to please personality. crafted items: leather bound book with leaf pages. pages eternally refilling but book staying the same size. alternate items: feather pen with refiling ink? berry bombs? plant of choice: bamboo
magic color: slightly tan mustard yellow.
possible names: sunny, trinket, script, lisp,
sans: scout team with papyrus. looking for paths out. inventor on the side. curious, bashful, lazy, coward personality. crafted items: small pebbles that he can change locations with when tossed. mimics shortcuts. alternate items: paralyzing spores, mimics grabbing soul. plant of choice: mushrooms
magic color: umber
possible names: gears, funguy, munk, gopher, gadget, fox
papyrus: scout team with sans. creates maps locating useful plants and food sources on the side. curious, playful, fierce, brave personality. crafted items: wooden shield, pushes back enemies with a blast, mimics gaster blasters. alternate items: small wooden flute, plays animal sounds, sounds loud and scary. plant of choice: redwood tree
magic color: burgundy red/brown
possible names: piper, satyr, compass, stag, shield
gaster: alive. royal craftsman. good father. very elderly and brittle. calm, hopeful curious and elegant personality. crafted item: clay and vine oven that infuses plants and magic together. alternate items: vines that cover body and form golem like armor. plant of choice: ivy
magic color: chocolate brown
possible names: elder, aspen, trill, copper, potter, motar
side details:
royal dog guard becomes the wolf pack. hunters led by undyne
grillby in charge of food distribution. muffet is treaserer
blooky and mettaton stay ghosts
travel with packs, packs unfold to make tents
forest has larger and denser trees than normal
monsters hunted by forest animals when they leave the group
magical power traded for magical sensitivity. monsters very observant, hard to sneak up on
they will enter society same time as all the other aus in the crash. majority of forest monsters dwell with the farmtale monsters. become farmers or construction workers/carpenters
asgore and toriel separate from royal family. care over national park and in charge of ebott water supply instead of politics. keeps ebott safe from pollution
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thehibernatedmind · 2 months
cats and short-lived happiness
(How should I even start this?)
It's been almost 3 years since I've posted anything on this blog. All I can say is, life happens, struggles happen. I had one horrible school year, then spent the next two years trying to pick myself up while handling work and everything else. There were some good times, I mean it wasn't all bad, but I couldn't really find myself. I could go about my days, completing one task and one responsibility after another, but I felt this deep unhappiness within me.
It's really hard to explain. All I can say is that my heart felt like an huge knot that was difficult to untie. Some things triggered me and it might suddenly strap the knot tighter, then I would break down. Then the knot would loosen a bit. I'd feel a bit better, but then another trigger would come.
"Maybe it's time for a change." A close friend and mentor told me.
I think he may be right.
Every year, my church holds a retreat camp during Easter. Because of the pandemic, this practice stopped for a few years and just resumed this year. I awaited eagerly for it. One, I haven't been to a trip / camp where I can relax and enjoy myself since the pandemic started. Two, I really need to be in an environment where I can find space to quiet myself.
So Good Friday came. Onwards to the camp.
We were encouraged to spend some time with ourselves once we arrived at the campsite. It's a free time where you can just walk around, or sit at a particular spot, and talk to God.
The campsite was much smaller than I pictured. Some parts were also under renovation, so there were a lot of barriers when I walked around it and the places where I could choose to meditate were very limited.
Then, I saw a cat bathing in the sun within one of the sites that was under renovation.
Yes, I love cats, and this particular cat looks similar to the one I adopted.
I tried to find a way to get closer to it, but all the barriers blocked every possible entry point, so I resigned to simply stand at the spot and look at its relaxed pose. The cat rolled and stretched on the ground for a few minutes. Then, as all strays do, it decided it's time to leave and I watched it strolled leisurely away from the campsite.
I asked, God, please let me see the cat again! That would be a miracle.
Then immediately, my head started conjuring amazing, unbelievable stories where I meet up with this miracle cat again during this retreat camp.
But right after, I knew my hopes would not come true. Who am I kidding? Why would a stray return? Why would God listen to me?
Amidst my two contrary thoughts, I started asking - why then let me see the cat, if it won't stay forever?
Eventually, God prompted me to think at a different angle -
Do I need the cat to be happy?
There are many things in life that make me happy - cats, books, food. None of them lasts forever. No matter how great these things may be, one day I will finish eating that dish, or read the last page of a great novel, or the cat has to wander to a different place. And sometimes, there may be barriers to prevent me from enjoying these things.
It's no one's fault that I cannot enjoy these things forever. It's just how life works.
The question, I guess, is whether I can be happy despite not attaining the kind of happiness I want.
Before the cat left, I did take a video of it rolling on the ground. I replayed the video again and again during the camp. Every time I watched it, I find myself smiling.
It didn't stay. It didn't appear again. But it did appear. That's already a blessing from God.
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wander-tale · 7 months
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Chapter 1
Pages 4-7
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troublesomeknight · 3 years
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Another Wander Frisk pic. This time showcasing his main combat capability: Determination bullets. Since Wander is still fairly pacifistic or at least doesn’t kill, Determination Bullets are usually non-lethal and can drain an opponent’s determination rather than their HP. He prefers to use less violent methods in most circumstances, but there are some people out there in the multiverse you kind of have to use force against. I’m sure you can guess at least some of those.
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kerosuke362-blog · 6 years
What's wandertale?
This is the AU that I designed
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lunahras-draws · 5 years
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Wandertale (possibly)
Instead of being trapped under a mountain, monsters are forced to split up and wander forever, never to settle in one place for too long. Some nations persecute them but, magic being a rarity among humans, others rather reluctantly allow trade and interaction with them.
Frisk is a young mage fleeing from the greedy claws of their country. What better place to hide than among an ever shifting magical society?
But tensions between species are steadily growing, and when chaos inevitably breaks out, Frisk might just be suck in the middle of it.
just an AU idea I had recently ^^ I'm not home this weekend so have a few pencil sketches
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dustydetermination · 7 years
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wandertale sans
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talewander-blog · 5 years
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