#wano act 1
chenziee · 1 year
@lawluevents - Day 9: Reunion/Trust @onepiece-bingo: Sword
Alternate summary: "I trust you with my life but do NOT touch that knife or so help me..."
Insert obligatory "I don't have a single word for tomorrow so if you don't hear from me by 4am my time tomorrow, you know why"
[ Read on AO3 | series ]
The moment he heard Straw Hat had arrived in the Land of Wano, Law knew he had to act fast. They didn’t spend weeks planning, preparing, carefully protecting their covers, and secretly gathering information and allies for it all to be destroyed by one unsupervised idiot.
He knew that if he didn’t grab Straw Hat by the neck the moment he stepped in, it was only a matter of minutes before he went and shouted he was going to kick Kaido’s ass and become the Pirate King from the roof of some building in Bakura Town. Foolishly, Law had thought that with Roronoa there, they wouldn’t straight up pick a fight with the Beast Pirates at the very least. Foolishly… he forgot that an unsupervised Roronoa was just as bad as an unsupervised Straw Hat.
Never mind the two of them being left unsupervised together.
As Law watched the people of the Okobore Town cry and celebrate at the sight of the crashed, stolen in broad daylight Treasure Ship, he sighed deeply. He really should have ignored Hawkins and just gone to drag these two idiots away.
But, what was done was done and now Law had to deal with the consequences—the Beast Pirates knowing they were there, Holdem about to run crying to Jack, and a bunch of Gifters stomping their feet and yelling about robbery just metres away.
And yet, the worst thing to happen to their plan wasn’t even there yet.
Law barely managed to finish the thought when a giant basin crashed to the ground and right on top of the aforementioned Gifters.
“Here we go! Fresh water!!”
And there it was. The greatest disaster to ever befall the Land of Wano and Law’s entire life.
Law wanted to chew him out but seeing how he grinned and told all the people of Okobore Town to blame him… Law couldn’t do anything but sigh deeply. Leave it to Straw Hat to be so selfless in the most selfish way humanly possible. 
How was Law supposed to yell at him now without making himself be the asshole?
“Oh! Torao!!” Straw Hat called when he finally noticed him, his face lighting up and splitting into a grin so wide that it felt like his mouth was going to tear—an expression that made Law’s heart skip a beat at the knowledge that he was the one to put it there simply by being next to him.
Law hated how the corners of his mouth twitched in return. He was trying to be mad here, goddamn it. Not fall in love all over again just because he didn’t see that smile for a few weeks….
“Straw Hat-ya,” Law said, keeping his voice carefully measured. “You do realise this is a rebellion, right?”
“I’m just repaying a favour!” Straw Hat defended himself. “It’s not like I punched Kaido in the face. Yet.”
Law groaned. “You’re impossible.”
When Straw Hat only laughed, Law couldn’t say he was surprised. But then warm arms wrapped around his waist and a whole human body pressed against him and he blinked.
“What are you doing?” Law asked, his eyes dropping to look at Straw Hat’s face which was tilted back further than should be possible, his rubbery neck twisted back into an unnatural angle where he was resting his chin against Law’s chest.
“I missed you,” Straw Hat said happily, the grin plastered on his face widening even more.
The sight was making Law’s heart do weird things, things Law understood but refused to acknowledge. But even so… it was impossible to fight anymore.
Before he could stop himself, one of his hands cupped Luffy’s face and he leaned down, pressing a kiss to Luffy’s lips. It was a simple kiss, one they’ve shared so many times before they had split up in Zou, and yet, it felt like the first time. It hadn’t even been that long since they had last seen each other. Maybe three, four weeks? How stupid.
If it was like this after so little time apart, what the hell were they going to do when the alliance fulfilled its purpose?
Law felt almost embarrassed being worried about something like that. He wasn’t a horny, pining teenager after all—never was one in the first place—so what the hell was his problem?
He should probably think about all that after they actually beat Kaido. Right now, Straw Hat was in his arms and hopefully not going anywhere unsupervised for a while. He had punched a bit too many holes into their carefully laid out plan already for Law to let him go anywhere without someone with an ounce of sense in their head. Not that that had ever stopped Luffy from ruining everything but there was this thing called damage control which Roronoa had spectacularly failed at just earlier.
Idiots, the both of them.
Law hated how that thought made him smile into the kiss, making Luffy giggle. Law huffed to himself before he finally pulled away.
“I trusted you’d come back,” he muttered quietly, his thumb tracing the scar underneath Luffy’s left eye gently.
Luffy snickered. “Of course! Got Sanji back and all!”
“Good job.” Law chuckled quietly, pressing one last peck to Luffy’s mouth.
When he tried to pull away, however, Luffy stopped him; his hand grabbed onto Law’s yukata, pulling him down and refusing to let go. And somehow… Law didn’t have the willpower to fight him.
His lips curling into a smirk, Law let Luffy lead the kiss this time, his clumsy movements making warmth spread in Law’s chest. God, he missed this idiot so much…
“Get a fucking room.”
Law clicked his tongue in annoyance at the same time as Luffy groaned as the two of them finally let go of each other. But even when Law took a step back, their hands still found each other and Law laced their fingers together, squeezing Luffy’s hand gently.
“Sorry, Zoro,” Luffy said, but it wasn’t very convincing with the happy smile that was still plastered on his face.
“Yeah, sorry Black Leg-ya’s not here,” Law added.
“Fuck off, Torao,” Zoro hissed, shooting Law a glare.
“It’s not my fault your precious soulmate ran off to get married, don’t take it out on me,” Law shrugged, a smirk pulling on his lips.
“Now, look here—” Zoro growled but before he could say any more, Luffy interrupted him.
“Zoro, you should see your face!” He laughed loudly as he pointed at his first mate.
At that, Zoro's expression twisted in annoyance even more before he snapped, "You shut up, Luffy! Also let me see that katana already."
“No,” Luffy replied immediately while sticking his tongue out to stress his point.
Law blinked. Did he hear that right? Straw Hat and… a katana?
Turning his gaze down to Luffy’s waist, Law did a double take at the sight of the purple hilt, gold, cross-shaped handguard, and dark and light purple striped scabbard. There really was a fucking katana tucked away into Straw Hat’s obi. And judging by the aura it was giving off… it wasn’t just any random, rusty katana he found lying around somewhere either.
“Are you seriously carrying around a Meito?” Law asked, the dread he felt at the very notion almost tangible in his voice.
“What kind of samurai would I be without one?” Straw Hat asked, sounding almost offended.
“I told you you’re not even using it, Luffy,” Zoro grumbled.
“Give me that thing before something happens,” Law said as he held out his hand expectantly.
At that, Straw Hat jumped away from Law and out of reach, his hands flying to hold the katana protectively. “No way! Why does everyone keep trying to take it?”
“I just want to look at it,” Zoro snapped.
Ignoring Roronoa’s frustration, Law closed his eyes momentarily, praying for patience before he looked back at Luffy. “Because you’re going to fucking trip and stab your eye out. Give it.” Law stressed his final words by gesturing with his hand once more.
Luffy gasped dramatically while his face morphed into the most upset, unhappy expression Law had ever seen. “I thought you trusted me!” he cried, pointing an accusing finger at Law who only met his glare head on, thoroughly unimpressed.
“Not when there’s a sharp object involved,” Law stated matter-of-factly.
Immediately, Zoro burst out laughing. He clutched at his stomach, doubling over in his fit as he watched the way Luffy’s mouth fell open, an almost comedic shock painted on his face, and despite himself, despite trying to be as stern as possible, Law felt laughter trying to force its way out of his own chest as well at the sight.
With a huff, Straw Hat crossed his arms over his chest, shooting another glare at Law, then the still laughing Zoro, and finally Law again. “You’re a jerk. You’re both jerks. I hate you!” he announced before turning around decisively—
—and gasping again when his eyes fell on the Treasure Ship that was now swarmed by the people of Okobore Town, all the food being carefully unloaded and divided between everyone. Immediately forgetting about either Law, Zoro, or the katana, Straw Hat ran forward, shouting at the townspeople, “Hey, the meat’s mine!! Don’t just take it all!!”
Law shook his head in disbelief. Unable to fight it anymore, a chuckle slipped past his lips as he watched Luffy jump around, stuffing his face and laughing with people he didn’t even know. Bringing smiles to everyone’s faces without even trying, just like he always did.  
“And here I got made fun of because Ero-cook ran off,” Zoro muttered pointedly, amusement clear in his voice.
“Shut the fuck up, Roronoa-ya,” Law groaned.
Zoro snorted, his voice light when he replied, “You’re hopeless, Torao.”
“Says the guy who did nothing but stress-train the entire way here.”
“Touche,” Zoro laughed.
They were silent for a moment, simply watching as Luffy talked to Tama about something with a serious, determined look in his eyes. It felt like he was a completely different person now than he was a mere minute ago… but he was still Luffy even so.
And Law loved both versions of him—the bubbly, stupid one and the deadly serious, charismatic one—equally.
Oh god, how embarrassing.
Law took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. “Let’s never talk about this again.”
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chialattea · 4 months
Another day, another Baby 5 sketch while watching stuff.
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17 notes · View notes
conchiferrous · 11 months
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lineup but i had 2 cut it into pieces #verticalwebsite but you get the idea
[IMAGE ID, IMAGE 1: A fan lineup of Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Sanji, in that order, all post time skip. They are drawn in a cartoony art style and deviate quite a bit from their canon designs. Luffy is looking face forward at the viewer, smiling widely, and holding a peace sign towards in front of him. He's a little shorter with cartoonishly large eyes, ears, hands, and feet. Zoro is standing with his chest puffed out to the side, fists clenched, and glancing over at the viewer. There are no major changes to his design, though he has a mullet for some reason. Nami is smiling, mouth open, and holding her clima tact with Zeus emerging out of it and floating over her head. She's drawn to be more chubby, freckled, and has a cowlick in the shape of a stem and leaf. She's wearing a green button up, that isn't buttoned at all, exposing her black sports bra and stomach. She's wearing white jeans with a berri belt buckle and her regular sandals with heel shoes. Usopp looks a little confused, and is holding the kuro kabuto, with a small plant head attached like when he uses the grow up kabuto move. Usopp's eyes are cartoonishly large and the top of his hat covers the top of his eyes slightly, acting as a second brow. Instead of a long thin nose, he's drawn with a shorter fatter nose that connects directly to his top lip, almost as if his head was a sock puppet. His skin is colored much darker than an in the anime. Sanji looks at the viewer, annoyed, holding a cigarette in one hand, and resting his other wrist on the elbow crevice of his opposite arm. He is drawn with a short torso to make his legs look longer and more spindly, with cartoonishly large hands and feet. His hair is drawn more curly to make his eyebrow, and colored a strawberry blonde. IMAGE 2: Continuation of the lineup, this one has Chopper, Robin, and Franky. Chopper is looking at the viewer, facing forward, and holding a rumble ball in his hoof. He's been redesigned to have smaller eyes and a wider nose, thick human like eyebrows, and a tricolor fur coat of brown, darker brown, and cream for the chest. His hat remains the same, and he's wearing a pink tank top that says "Yay" on it and his magenta pre-time skip shorts. Robin is standing and a three quarters angle, glancing over at the viewer. She's been redesigned to have more jagged hair with cartoonishly large hands and feet to contrast her thin limbs. Her clothes are mostly the same as her default outfit, with the jacket redesigned to have longer sleeves and show less cleavage, the pattern on her skirt simplified, and her legs and feet are drawn as if her pants and shoes are one and the same. Franky is standing face forward, smiling widely, sunglasses on, head cocked to the side, and doing a thumbs up with one of his mini hands. Simplistic chest and stomach hair have been added, matching his hair color. The chest hair is in the shape of a star. His shoulders have been completely recolored to be black with a red stripe, white lettering, and have blue flame decals on them. He's wearing his default pre-time skip shirt and black speedos. IMAGE 3: Continuation of the lineup, this one has only Brook and Jinbe. Brook is playing his guitar, has his mouth wide open, and cocking an eye at the viewer. He's wearing his sunglasses, but they're pulled down to show the tops of his eye sockets. He's wearing his default outfit, the only changes are that the back of his suit is ragged and his pants are a bit scuffed. The floral pattern on his pants have been simplified as well. Jinbe is standing with his arms hanging down, looking to side at nothing in particular, mouth slightly agape. He's wearing yellow and white robe and purple cape from the wano arc. White spots are speckled across his cheeks, sides of his neck, backs of his hands, and tops of feet, meant to resemble the spots of a whale shark. His hands have a more paw like appearance with the fingers thicker and tiny claws sticking out. END iD]
729 notes · View notes
minniiaa · 5 months
low res heart pirates - wano act 1
(they are everything to me)
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388 notes · View notes
penkura · 3 months
last forever [10/13]
Summary: Zoro only offered to marry you to keep you out of an arranged marriage with a man much older than you. You agreed with the caveat of ending it via annulment once you received word from your parents regarding the original engagement, despite your growing feelings for your close friend.
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!reader, mentioned Sanami later (like epilogue later so chill)
Warnings: Marriage of Convenience, Fake Marriage, referenced sex (waaaaaay later on), mutual pining, Zoro is bad at feelings but what's new there, eventual romance I promise, mention of past attempted assault (I'll warn in that chapter), creepy older dude later on
Note: I kind of hate how Zoro dresses in Dressrosa. He doesn't look right. Oh well. This isn't how I thought this chapter would go, but, I hope it works. I'm more excited for the last couple chapters! (don't worry, we are not glossing over Dressrosa in where you belong, it's way too important for that)
@misfits1a | @alucardsdaddyissues | @louweasleymalfoy | @fluffybunnyu
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4] ● [Ch. 5] ● [Ch. 6] ● [Ch. 7] ● [Ch. 8] ● [Ch. 9]
Trafalgar Law doesn’t get you and Zoro, he’s not sure he’s seen two crewmates as close as you two are without there being something romantic going on, whether hidden or not. While your crew was separated, you were lucky enough to miss being body swapped with another of your crewmates, choosing to stay with them and watch over the children they’d tried to rescue while Zoro went with Brook and Sanji (in Nami’s body at the time) to bring back the Samurai missing his torso. You’re sure you didn’t miss too much, and that Sanji or Zoro would fill you in later.
Once the alliance between your crew and the Heart Pirates is set in place, you start trying to speak to Law more, even with your personal issues, you’d like to make friends with him l though he seems like he doesn’t care for the most part. Sanji just tells you to ignore it and not take it personally if Law doesn’t really talk to you, he doesn’t appear to be the talkative type to him. You still try once all of you, including Kin’emon and Momonosuke, are back on Sunny, Law beginning to open up a little bit and talk to you, which makes you smile.
He still notices how you’ll hang onto or around Zoro more than anyone, how he doesn’t push you off, he almost looks like he leans into you, especially when you start to say something to him. You are very odd, both of you. If there’s anything going on, nobody shows that they know anything, so Law leaves it alone. It’s not his problem anyway.
When you hear that this alliance is going to lead you towards Wano, Law thinks he’s the only one who notices the slight flinch that comes from you, giving you a side eye that you try to ignore. You’ve had no problem being around Kin’emon and Momonosuke, but hearing Wano be mentioned is enough to make you act differently, just slightly. Zoro noticed this too, giving you a confused look while you just smile at him, you don’t want to explain anything yet. Not right now anyway, another time.
It's not like you’re going to run into your fiancé or anything.
“So, have you been to Dressrosa?”
Law shakes his head at you, you’d walked over and again struck up a conversation with him, leaning against the railing. Everyone else is doing their own thing, whatever Sanji is making for dinner is making you hungry while you wait.
“Have you? Seems like you know about Wano.”
You flinch a tiny bit again, but shake your head in return.
“No, never been to the New World until now. My parents have been out to Wano before…”
“They never brought you?”
“I…never wanted to go…”
Before Law can try and get more information out of you, information you may not be comfortable sharing, Zoro calls for you to follow him to crow’s nest, and you quickly tell Law you’ll talk to him later as you run off. He still can’t tell what it is with you and Zoro, but there’s something he’s missing, he's sure of it.
Well, whatever it is, if it doesn’t mess up the plan, it’s not Law’s problem right now. There’s more pressing matters to worry about, not your weird relationship with Zoro.
You end up on the Caesar drop off team once you all arrive in Dressrosa, being with Robin, Usopp, and Law. Zoro at first doesn’t like the idea, he feels like you’re getting too close to Law, even after you constantly telling your husband that you love him. He partly wonders if his only stating that his stating that he knows and thanking you is making you drift away, but even if it is, he can’t force you to stay with him, despite your relationship. It’s still new no matter how long you’ve technically been married, Zoro doesn’t want to hinder you from going where you want, you’d had enough of that living with your parents.
You deserve to do whatever you want, he’s not going to stop you from going with Law, especially since Robin and Usopp will be with you.
Zoro does surprise you before letting you go back to everyone by kissing your forehead and telling you to be safe. It’s still weird to you sometimes how soft he acts, but you don’t hate it at all. It’s a stark difference from how you two started off, how he acted after your impromptu marriage, and a very welcome change.
What’s not so welcome is all that happens while you’re in Dressrosa. The initial plan to drop off Caesar was going well, even with your encounters with giant sea beasts that threatened your safety crossing the bridge, up until you, Usopp, and Robin are basically kidnapped by the Tontatta people, who come to view Usopp like a savior despite your side-eye towards him that he fights to ignore.
When you eventually make it back into Dressrosa everything moves so fast, you aren’t sure what’s happening half the time. You knew where most of your crew still in Dressrosa were, you knew the Sunny had taken off towards Zou with the rest of them, and knew Luffy and Law were in the middle of fighting Doflamingo, while the birdcage the Warlord had set up was beginning to close in on the country, moving buildings and causing the citizens to run for their lives.
You do your best to help direct them, alongside the Marines that were around, not one of them bothering to try and take you in due to the situation. There’s so much going on and so many people screaming in fear that you don’t even stop moving towards the center yourself while you call for people to follow you. You aren’t even sure how it happens but a boy and his little sister end up attached to you, the girl having you carry her since she’d twisted her ankle as her brother holds onto your hand while you keep moving, telling him to keep running too.
You don’t stop until you see the strings are fading away, giving you the relief you need to finally breathe, the kids both gripping onto you like you’re their only hope for safety (not even a Marine could get them to let go of you).
The two are still holding onto you when Zoro finds you a bit later, he’s trying not to make the worry he felt for you the whole time visible. Of course he was focused wholly on his own battle against Pica then attempting to stop the birdcage, but every second he didn’t see you had him concerned underneath it all.
“Hey! There you are!”
You barely have a moment to realize it’s even him before Zoro has you pulled to him in a hug, nearly squishing the little girl you’re still holding, though she doesn’t seem to complain. Her brother is the one to say something, making you pull yourself away from Zoro, who looks confused as to why you’re carrying this toddler with her brother gripping your shirt still.
“I was helping them run from the birdcage, the girl twisted her ankle. I…should go help them find their parents, huh?”
While you laugh at the situation, Zoro doesn’t say anything else, instead just nodding while you crouch down to eye level with the boy, giving him a smile and asking him to help you find their parents. Zoro does go with you, not wanting you out of his sight again to ensure you get back to the rest of the group safely, keeping one of his hands on your back to make sure he doesn’t lose you, moving to your shoulders after you finally find the parents of the kids and hand them off, not without copious amounts of thank you’s from them, especially their mother.
“You almost seem disappointed.”
Looking up at Zoro, you raise an eyebrow as he continues to lead you back to Luffy and everyone else.
“Handing them back to their parents. Almost like you wish they were yours.”
“Oh,” Shaking your head, you smile a bit, “No, I’m glad they’re back with them…I’d like to have one or two someday, but not now, you know? We’ve got bigger things to do.”
Zoro nods and agrees with you, but he doesn’t tell you his own thoughts about that at the moment. Another time perhaps, he’ll let you know that he wants the same thing later on, once everything has been settled with your respective goals.
He’ll become the world’s greatest swordsman and you’ll become a world renowned swordswoman, one day.
Then after that, you can revisit that idea of having kids together.
If you stay together, that is.
Leaving Dressrosa, finally, you’re excited to get back to the rest of your crew and the Sunny, and, you suppose, head for Wano next. The thought still makes you feel nervous, but what are the chances you run into your parents chosen suitor for you while you’re there?
Very slim, this is the time of year he takes off to one of his current wives’ hometowns, likely showing off his wealth or their newest child, whatever the case you’re glad for Zoro rescuing you from such a life.
Still, it’s the only hang-up with the alliance and your coming arrival there, making you more nervous the closer you get. Robin knows your reason why, you’d told her and Nami recently about the situation, and both promised to keep the man away from you should they see him, or, well, hear of him, since they don’t know what he looks like. Law notices you acting strange, different from how he’s come to perceive you, though he doesn’t say anything, it’s not his place to do so, he thinks. Usopp, Franky, and even Luffy seem none the wiser, not noticing any changes from you.
Zoro however does, and keeps you close to him where he can just in case you need him. A few times while on Bartolomeo’s ship, you leave his side to talk to Robin or Law, maybe Luffy if he’s nearby, but Zoro keeps an eye on you, he can tell something is up but he isn’t sure what.
That doesn’t change when you all arrive and make it to the top of Zou, as you work your way through the remnants of what looked to be a city and then the forest, before you’re finally guided to the rest of your crew by the Minks. The absence of Sanji is obvious and when you hear the explanation as to why he isn’t there, you feel your heart drop at the words ‘arranged marriage’ from Brook. So you two had the same problem, parents trying to decide what’s best for you and how you should live your life, forcing you into loveless marriages. Somehow it makes more sense as to why you and Sanji are so drawn to each other, why your friendship is so strong. He’s gone through his own struggles too.
Your swordsman’s watchful eye stays on you after that, even as a party is thrown that evening to celebrate the Minks safety, Raizou reuniting with Kin’emon and Kanjuro, and possibly your arrival. Zoro doesn’t let you out of his sight, even while you’re across the way with Nami, Robin, and Ikkaku from the Heart Pirates. He watches you quietly talk with them, laughing every now and then as you down drink after drink and he’s wondering what’s gotten into you. You don’t normally drink or eat this much, but it’s almost like something has triggered you to do so.
He knows you’re going to have one hell of a hangover in the morning and you might get sick from everything you’ve eaten, making Zoro sigh when he does get up from his own spot, leaving his drink there, to cut you off.
There’s got to be something you aren’t telling him.
“How much did you drink?”
Your slurred speech and incessant giggles make Zoro roll his eye while he takes you to a room the Minks set aside for you to stay in. You're over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, which you'd normally complain about, but the amount of alcohol in your system is keeping coherent sentences from leaving your mouth.
“Dumbass, you know you can't handle your liquor.”
“Hehehe, sorry…” you giggle again and try to lift your head, but it makes everything spin so you just let yourself hang while Zoro takes you to your room. “Drinks good.”
“I know.”
“Food good.”
“I know that too.”
“Nausea not good…”
“You throw up on me and I'm dropping your ass on the ground.”
Your giggles and hiccups make Zoro smile slightly. You were more than likely coping with Sanji not being there with everyone, seeing as how he'd become your closest friend and confidant, but that didn't mean you needed to try and match Zoro, of all people, in how much you could drink. Hell, you even tried to match Luffy with the amount of food you ate, it was no wonder you felt nauseous, though, Zoro does realize that the way he's carrying you isn't helping. So once he reaches the set of treehouses you'd been granted by the Minks to stay in, he adjusts you to where you've got your arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist to keep you from falling, telling you to hold on or you'd fall to your death which made you laugh and tighten your hold on him.
“You'd never let me fall…remember?”
He does, he remembers telling you that after you landed on Skypiea, when you were nervous about joining them on the cloud sea. How drunk you could bring that up, and sound so sentimental about it at the same time, he doesn't understand.
Once Zoro gets you to your room, he drops you on your bed and moves to leave, before you grab hold of him and almost start begging him not to go. It's several minutes of you telling him to stay, and Zoro denying, before he notices your demeanor, how you're about to cry.
He'd forgotten how emotional of a drunk you could be.
“Hey, what's wrong with you?”
“I…I just…I missed you.”
Your statement confuses Zoro immensely. You two had stayed in Dressrosa together, you'd been on Bartolomeo's ship on the way to Zou, how could you have possibly missed him?
Granted, yes, he understands you two had been separated for a good portion of your time in Dressrosa, and then again on your trip to Zou as you were helping Robin and Law with various things while Zoro was minding Luffy mostly, but you two still had time to talk and spend time with each other. Even a few nights sharing a bed because you couldn't stand to be away from him, despite your still not being sure where you two stand as friends or a couple or what you are.
“What do you mean you missed me?”
“I…I don't…” You sniffle a bit before covering your face with your hands, biting your lip and trying not to cry more. Zoro thinks you're so wasted you don't even know what you're saying, but he still tries to get an answer out of you.
“Hey, come on, talk to me. I know you're drunk but I wanna know what you mean.”
“I just…I missed you…while we were all apart. Did I…I ever tell you?”
You hadn't, not until now. Everything had moved so fast after you all came back together in Sabaody, that you'd not really gotten to talk to each other about your two years apart. Zoro figured you missed him, especially with how you attached yourself to him lately, but didn't think it was that bad. Something had seemed slightly off at times, but he never knew what it was.
“I had…nightmares about you…”
His brows furrow and Zoro finally relents to you, letting you pull him into your bed and hug him close, like you thought he was going to disappear. Zoro returns your hold and keeps you close as possible, before he quietly responds to you.
“What happened in the nightmares?”
Surely it couldn't be that bad, it wasn't something that made you afraid of him that was for certain. Even sober, you'd never be so close to him if you were afraid of him.
“You…Thriller Bark and Sabaody…I…I thought you were gonna die…”
Finally, Zoro has an answer as to why, after everything that happened at Thriller Bark, you were in his bed in tears nearly every night before your crew was separated. Why you had attached yourself to him even more than usual. It wasn't nightmares about your parents, about the man they wanted you to marry, no. It was nightmares about him not making it through those events that took place.
He wants to tell you that those are stupid nightmares and that he wasn't dying anytime soon, he wanted to tell you that.
But for some reason, he doesn't. He's not even sure why, the words just won't come out. He knows it would soothe you to hear him say that, even if for that night, but if more nightmares come?
He's not sure simple reassurance is enough.
“Do you…still have those nightmares?”
You shake your head, snuggling yourself closer to Zoro, hoping he'll stay with you.
“No…I'm okay now. Cause I know you'll come back to me.”
Zoro still doesn't say anything, just watching you finally fall asleep. He's not even sure if he believes you, but the fact that you hadn't gone to his bed in tears every night since you all reunited, he views as a good thing, you probably are telling the truth. It is annoying, that he feels responsible for your distress when he didn't really do anything to cause it. The life you live is a dangerous one, you know that and Zoro knows that, better than anyone most likely.
So, that's why, while he quietly, gently kisses your forehead, Zoro brings you closer to him and makes a promise you don't hear and even if you did, you wouldn't remember in the morning.
“I promise, as long as I'm married to you, I'm not gonna die. You're my wife…and I'm gonna keep you safe too.”
With everyone getting ready to leave the next morning, Nami stops just long enough to give you a raised eyebrow when she comes to get you. You’ve got a blanket around your shoulders and the grumpiest look she’s ever seen from you, but that’s not what has her attention.
It's the fact that Zoro is still in your room, mainly the fact he’s in your bed, and she starts to get ideas that make her give you a sly look. You’re about to slam the door in her face when she throws an arm around your shoulders and brings you close to whisper.
“Give me all the details and I won’t charge you to keep this a secret~”
“Nothing happened, Nami. I was drunk and fell asleep, now please, get me some medicine and water, my head is killing me.”
Rolling her eyes, Nami doesn’t fully believe you, but she shrugs it off.
“Whatever. So,” pulling you closer, your navigator gets even quieter, just in case Zoro or someone else is listening, “Are you going to be okay…? Going to Wano, I mean…”
“I don’t think Luffy will care if you come with us to get Sanji back, but Zoro might.”
You sigh and nod, your head still aching but you glance over your shoulder to Zoro still asleep in your bed, thinking. She’s right in that Luffy would likely let you go to retrieve Sanji, but Zoro may fight against that if you did so. Not because he thinks you’re weak or anything, but because it’s for Sanji, you and Nami know very well how those men are with each other.
After another moment or two, you finally nod again.
“I’m going to go to Wano. Zoro will be there…I’ll be okay, Nami.”
She’s not sure she believes you, but Nami gives you a hug anyway, that you return without saying anything else.
“I’ll get Chopper to bring you some medicine. See if you can wake your boyfriend or husband, whatever you guys are calling each other. Breakfast is about ready.”
“Sounds good, thanks for everything.”
You wave each other before you’re caught off guard by Zoro wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on the top of your head.
“Feel okay, wife? Not gonna get sick on Traffy’s ship when we leave, right?”
Giggling a little, you shake your head.
“No, I’ll be fine, Zoro, thanks.”
Nodding, Zoro hugs you a little tighter, making you look up at him.
“You can tell me anything, you know that, right?”
“Yeah,” you smile a bit, which causes Zoro to do the same in return, “I know.”
Everything will be okay, nothing bad is going to happen, not with Zoro around.
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flightofthejackdaw · 6 months
I just want to say how much I adore the women of One Piece, not just on a ‘holy moly these women are beautiful’ but also on ‘holy moly these women are so well written’
I love how many layers the lady’s have, even those who are not part of the main cast
Nami acting as the brains of the crew, but always being up to scrap with the boys and put them in their place, her fear of trusting and being betrayed being a core aspect of her character. WCI and Wano are pretty recent examples of this, with her anger at Sanji, and her belief in Luffy. I love how confident she is in her self, and how she is a little evil sometimes she’ll use everything at her disposal to get what she wants. How she knows that she’s needed on the crew and without her they would’ve all drowned along ago, and she’s beautiful and cute and she knows this. I hate people thinking that she’s less of a character post timeskip just because of her appearance, she’s so much more than that
Vivi’s love of her people and her country, her worrying nature and her desire for adventure despite her position. Her care for the crew despite the small amount of time she knew them. Also how she’s basically the main character of Alabasta, and how she’s the one saving her country
Robin going from someone who was always looking over her shoulder, always running and never having a real place to call home. To someone who knows she has a family who loves her and will protect her no matter what, and she can be her strange morbid self without judgement (other than from Usopp)
Viola and Rebecca, two ladies forced into a living hell under Dolfamingo. One humiliated by her own people and forced to fight for her life when at heart she just wanted peace, and the other whose soul was almost broken by Doffy but chose to fight against him even if she knew she wouldn’t win. Viola going to stab Doffy even if she knew she would fail shows her strength as she stood up against him even if it could’ve meant death because she wanted to do what she could
And there are so many others that are just as amazing:
- Big Mom: a major villain with a twisted idea of family and love. One of the most powerful pirates in the sea, all this strength but she’s still just someone that was abandoned by the world and became obsessed with filling that void
- Pudding: a woman twisted by the abuse she suffered hating herself and lashing out at others in turn. And how that persona comes crashing down when showed only a bit of kindness
- Boa: the strong powerful empress, who is deeply scarred and can’t show any weakness to her people. And just wants to be loved by someone who sees more than her beauty
-Reiju: the older sister that had to go along with her little brothers abuse, and helped when she could. But only when she couldn’t be the target, she’s flawed and distant but she loves her brother
- Bonny: a literal child who braved the seas to save her father and became one of the most wanted pirates of her generation in under two years, scrappy and tomboyish with a soft heart for her dad
These ladies are living breathing characters! And there are some many others that are just the same, they are all so well developed and different from each other in character. And none of them are just there to be, ‘the girl in the group’ or the ‘love interest’ (though Boa likes Luffy and Pudding likes Sanji neither are their main character traits and have story reasons for being in love)
I love them so much
I love women
A certified girl kisser wrote this at like 1 am
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a-killer-obsession · 1 month
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Whoops, you got hit by a bus, and now you're in the world of One Piece. But not everything is quite as you remember it...
General Tags: afab reader, she/her reader pronouns, isekai, monsterfucker reader, vampire!kid, werewolf!killer, wyrm!heat, minotaur!wire, everyone has a human form, smut heavy, unhealthy relationships, dubious consent, serious violence, spoilers for Wano arc, starts pre-timeskip. There will be a lot of more intense kinks, please check AO3 for all current tags.
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Chapter 5 - Greedy
Plans to dock at Sabaody are made, and Kid shows his true colours.
WC: 3.6k
Masterlist | AO3 | Chapter 1
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“You sure about this?” Killer asked, sitting at the round table in the navigation room, along with Heat, the two of them supervising you as you sat at a writing desk in the corner, scribing your list of what was to occur at Sabaody to prove your story. “It's not too late to tell the truth. Maybe Kid will go easy on you, chain you in the brig for a little longer for everyone to fuck before we sell you off.”
“This is the truth,” you huffed, struggling with the style of pen you'd been given, a feather tipped fountain pen like you'd often see in the anime. It was certainly a learning curve to use, leaving messy black ink stains over the page where you'd pressed too hard. “You'll see, once this day happens. I don't know if it'll be the first day we're docked though, it wasn't clear how long the Kid Pirates had been at Sabaody before the Straw Hats arrived, but I'm gonna guess it wasn't long.”
“Kid is eager to figure out how to get to the next island and get moving promptly,” Killer noted, “you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?”
“Oh, I actually do!” You replied enthusiastically, happy to have a way to prove yourself useful while you waited for the Straw Hats to arrive.
“You know how to get us to the next island?” Killer raised a brow under his mask.
“Yeah,” you replied confidently, “I do.” Killer and Heat exchanged knowing looks before Heat stood.
“I'll get Kid and Wire,” he explained, leaving Killer to babysit you while you mumbled your curses at the fountain pen, groaning as you realised you'd stained the clothes you were borrowing.
It wasn't long before you heard the telltale stomps of the captain cutting through the infirmary on the other side of the wall, before the door slammed open and the man himself entered, huffing in annoyance as he sat at the table. “Heat said the mouse has info, spit it out, I'm busy,” Kid growled.
“One second captain,” you hurried to write the last few points on your page before giving a relieved sigh, “kay, done! Who am I giving this to?”
“I'll take it,” Kid grumbled, holding out his hand for the page. You gave the ink a careful touch to check it was dry before folding it carefully, standing to cross the room and placing it in Kid's hand. He slid it into his belt for safekeeping, with the intention of putting it in his safe later. Unless you suddenly had the ability to manipulate metal, you wouldn't be able to get the note back to change it. “Sit, mouse. Intel, now.”
“Right, of course,” you mumbled, moving to sit in a empty chair before Kid made a tsk and pointed at his lap. You took the hint, sitting on his thick thigh and wriggling a little to get comfortable before his arms stabilised you. He didn't seem to be interested in fucking you right now, it more seemed like he just wanted you as an accessory, or perhaps to remind you of your place here. “How much do you all know about the next location? I'm guessing your log pose is pointing down, correct?”
Wire, who acted as navigator, gave Kid a questioning look, asking for permission, before Kid gave him an affirmative nod. “Yeah, it's pointing down,” Wire supplied, “towards the Redline, in line with Mariejois. Once we realised it was pointing down we set out for Sabaody instead, since it seems to be the closest island to what the pose wants, but I haven't figured out the next island yet.”
“The next island is Fishman Island,” you explained, “located ten thousand metres under sea level. If you can't get legal permission to pass over the Redline through Mariejois, which would require ditching the ship anyway, then you have to go under. There's a gap in the Redline near Fishman Island, that'll allow you to pass through to the New World.”
“News alert, mouse, this ain't no submarine,” Kid growled, pinching your waist and making you yelp.
“I know!” You defended with a pout, “you didn't let me finish!”
“I can assure you I always let pretty girls finish,” Kid purred, making you squeak as he suddenly licked a long stripe up your neck, tugging on your earlobe with his teeth. You smacked the arm wrapped around you, scolding him with a growl that made him laugh.
“You tryna fuck or do you want to hear what I have to say, captain?” You huffed.
“Alright, alright,” Kid conceded, “intel first, then maybe I'll fuck ya, get one last go with that tight cunt before your story falls apart on Sabaody.”
“It won't fall apart,” you mumbled, “anyway, the Victoria can make it down there, but you need to have her coated in resin. You'll see when we get close enough that Sabaody has giant bubbles coming from the ground. It isn't actually an island, it's an archipelago of giant mangroves that produce a special resin. The whole place is covered in it, but it can be used for all sorts of things. One of which is coating ships to protect the ship and crew so you can travel underwater. It's not an easy journey even with the resin, only thirty percent of ships make it through to the New World, but your crew will make it. It is expensive though, the resin coating process.”
“So how do we go about getting this resin?” Killer asked.
“You gotta find someone who specialises in coating ships, if they do it wrong the ship could be crushed under the water pressure,” you explained, “I know where you can find a good coater, but I believe you'll need to wait till after the events of my letter take place or it may come as an inconvenience. I won't spoil things too much, but you're gonna want to retain the ability to get off shore quickly until the events of my letter have passed. If you're not ready to leave when the events happen, or the ship is only half coated, then it'd be a waste of your money.”
“And how fuckin’ long is that gonna be,” Kid grumbled.
“Until the Straw Hats arrive,” you sighed, knowing he was going to hate that answer. As expected he made an annoyed tsk behind you, grumbling quiet grievances. “In the meantime, how much do you know about Sabaody?” The question was mostly directed at Wire, since you wanted to ensure the crew docked in the right place.
“Not much,” Wire admitted, “tourist destination, lawless areas, some sort of amusement park, a marine base.”
You went on to explain the way that the archipelago was split up by numbered groves, explaining what you could remember of what groves held what things. It was a good thing you had an exceptional visual memory, thinking hard about the numbered map that was shown in the anime, and the few times places had been shown with grove numbers. Most importantly you told them where the lawless areas were, so they could make plans on where to make port.
“You should avoid docking at grove twenty-seven, if possible,” you finished, “a marine admiral will be causing issues there, so perhaps it'd be best to see if there's any other docks in that area. The Straw Hats will be docking at grove fourty-one, if you want to send a lookout so you know when they're here. Be aware though, there is a group running around impersonating the Straw Hats. Actually, fun fact, one day the same group will impersonate your crew.”
“Ha!” Kid barked, “Like anyone could look as impressive as me!”
“You're not wrong,” you laughed, “they do a fucking awful job. They don't even give Killer a real mask, just a shitty hat and stripes painted on their face. It's awful. Don't even get me started on the monstrosity that was their impression of Wire.”
“I'm guessing then that this fake Straw Hat will be easy to recognize?” Wire asked.
“Just tell your lookout not to mistake him for a fat man having a midlife crisis and they'll be good,” you offered, “the real luffy is practically a child.”
“A child that took down two Warlords…” Heat mumbled.
“Hey, I didn't say he was a weak child,” you replied, “he's not at his full strength yet though, doesn't even know what haki is. Speaking of which, is there anyone here who can teach me to control mine?”
“Aye, Kil can teach you,” Kid replied, to which Killer groaned and rolled his eyes under his mask.
“Why do I have to be the one to teach her?” Killer complained. “Does she even need to know how to use it?”
“If her story proves to be true, she's more useful if she can fight,” Wire replied, “and I for one am not going to be babysitting her every battle so she doesn't get her ass served to her.”
“We'll see whether she's full of shit first though,” Kid added, “she's probably lying so she can get some dick, so you don't have to worry about it.”
“Can you all stop talking about me like I'm not here!” You shouted, “and I'm not full of shit! I may be a fangirl but that doesn't mean I'm here for just dick, I genuinely want to help this crew. You're all gonna have to be way nicer to me after all this if you want me to give you information on your future cos right now you're all acting like dickheads, maybe Trafalgar would prefer me on his crew.”
“Like Trafalgar could make you cum like we do,” Kid growled, grabbing you by the cunt and making you squeak. “Why don't ya take your clothes off and I'll remind you why you're a Kid Pirates girlie?”
“I politely decline getting fucked against a table again,” you huffed, “my tailbone still fucking hurts.”
“I'll fuck ya wherever I like, mouse,” Kid hissed.
“Then you'll be fucking your hand, you brute,” you spat, wiggling your way out of his lap, “take me to your bed or don't take me at all, I'm fragile, you ass.”
“So the mouse has a voice,” Kid laughed, “alright then, just this once little mouse, I'll give ya what ya want.”
You squeaked in surprise as Kid charged at you, grabbing you and flinging you over his shoulder. Your face was buried in his feathery coat as he smacked your ass, all of the commanders in the room openly laughing at you. “The mouse sure does like to squeak,” Wire laughed.
“I'll have her screaming in no time,” Kid smiled, “Wire, go ahead and navigate the ship to Sabaody, dock wherever the fuck it was she said to. When do you think we'll arrive?”
“Weather permitting, should make land tomorrow around noon,” Wire replied, “the others have their restock lists all ready to go.”
“Good, I have a mouse to play with then,” Kid barked, opening the door that went straight to the deck, “any trouble, tell Killer first, I'm fuckin’ busy.”
With that Kid left the room, yanking down your pants and borrowed underwear and exposing your ass to anyone who might be on the deck. You expected snickers from the crew but instead received only amused, hungry glances, or eyerolls directed at the captain. It seemed Kid debauching women in plain sight was a common occurrence here, and you wondered how long it'd be until one of the commanders fucked you on deck in full sight of everyone. The thought made your pussy clench more than you thought it would. Kid shamelessly pushed his thumb between your folds as he walked, sliding it inside you for a moment to collect your slick before using it as lubrication to rub your clit.
“Kid!” You protested, trying to squirm, but he was far stronger than you.
“Don't act like you don't like it, mouse,” he laughed, pushing two fingers inside you and making obscene squelching sounds for all to hear, “you're fucking soaked, you like seeing everyone watch you get finger fucked huh? Bet you'd love it if I tied you to the mast and let everyone have a go.” Your pussy betrayed your thoughts as you tightened around him, biting your lip to hold back a moan as you made eye contact with one of the crew, Reck you remembered his name was, and he gave you a shit eating grin that told you he wouldn't be against that idea. “Fuck, you really tightened when I said that. Be a good girl on Sabaody and maybe we'll make it happen, aye?”
“Yes please captain,” you moaned as he slid in a third finger and continued finger fucking you as he walked. The idea of being strapped to the mast and used was making you drip an embarrassing amount. You didn't think you were into exhibitionism but the last few days had certainly awoken something in you. You were sure it was Wire's shit eating grin while Kid fucked you that had done it, that one look had somehow irreversibly altered your braincells and now all you wanted was to be used and humiliated by the Kid Pirates.
“You like pussy too, mouse?” Kid asked as he made his way up the stairs, “we got a few girls here who like pussy, maybe you could show them a good time too.”
“I do, captain,” you admitted, whining as he removed his fingers to open the door to the stern castle. Your mind was spinning, which ladies aboard would take a turn with you? Oh you so hoped Quincy and Hop were interested.
“Aye, calm down mouse,” Kid laughed, giving your ass a spank, “so fuckin’ needy, I'll have ya filled up in a minute.”
Kid hurried up the last set of stairs to his room, stomping across the expanse of the dining section and throwing you on his bed. Your body bounced a few times against the mattress as he started to remove his clothes, and you quickly followed suit, your pants already gone somewhere on the deck, your used underwear now stolen by another crewmate to be used for their own pleasure later. Kid was careful to put your letter somewhere safe until you were out of the room for him to put it in his safe properly. He loomed over you as he shuffled onto the bed, pushing you onto your back. An accidental giggle escaped you in anticipation as Kid's thick cock brushed against your stomach.
“Something funny, mouse?” Kid barked, closing his hand around your neck, pushing you flush against the bed.
“N-no captain,” you moaned, Kid's other hand finding your entrance again and sliding three fingers in with ease, “fuck, sorry captain, just, excited for you to fill me.”
“Always so eager,” Kid chuffed, “I hope your story turns out to be true, such an obedient little thing, we could have so much fun with you.”
“You will, captain,” you whined as he pulled out his fingers and pushed the fat head of his cock against your entrance, “I'll be so good for you captain. You'll see.”
You both groaned as his cock slid inside you, stretching your hole wide. He filled you so well, you were ashamed to admit how much you'd missed his cock since he'd fucked you in front of the others. It felt just as good as you'd anticipated, perhaps even more so now that your tailbone wasn't being ground into a hard tabletop.
“Greedy little mouse,” Kid grunted as he thrust into you, “you prove you're not full of shit and we'll make you our permanent whore, Heat's certainly been in a better mood since you appeared. We'll keep your cunt good and full, and I'm sure my girls would enjoy riding that pretty face of yours. You like that huh? Fuck your pussy got so tight, you want my girls riding that pretty face? Squirtin’ on it? Greedy, greedy little mouse.”
“W-which girls,” you whined, you were getting hot on the idea of being squirted on but needed to know who if that thought was going to get you there.
“That keen are ya? I'm here pounding your cunt and you're thinkin’ bout pussy,” Kid laughed, giving you a particularly hard thrust that knocked the air out of you, “Quincy, Hip and Hop, sometimes Emma but she's a lil shy. You like that huh? Want my girl Quincy cumming on your face? She's a real screamer too.”
As though on cue the thought of having the tall ginger grinding on your face had you seeing stars, gushing on Kid's cock with a breathy moan. “Yer showing your true colours now, mouse,” Kid laughed, pulling his cock out and admiring the mess you'd made on his blankets, “flip over and I'll show you mine, ey?”
You eagerly rolled onto your front and shuffled to be in front of him, and he quickly resheathed himself, before grabbing at your tits and using them as grapple points to pull your torso towards him. You were essentially in his lap as he held your hips and used yours like a cocksleeve, forcing you up and down on his cock. His fangs brushed against your neck, his cock throbbing inside you as he imagined how sweet your blood would be. Pure humans, the rarity that they were, were always so very sweet. Only a faerie was better, in his opinion, though faerie blood also came along with intoxication.
Kid nipped at you neck, testing the waters, but the way you moaned and squeezed around him with each pinch of pain spurred him on further. Finally his fangs broke through your soft flesh, zeroing in on the thick vein in your neck where he could feel your pulse pounding. Your breath stopped as you felt the sharp bite and your body began to register it as an attack, before something began to warm your veins and make you feel giddy. Your body shuddered as his venom ran through you and made you pliable, his cock still pistoning in and out of you as he drank from you. He'd been holding back from feeding from you, not knowing what you were made your blood dangerous. If you had been a witch or a siren your blood would have been poison to him, but he couldn't hold himself back any longer, he was feeling too greedy, and as the sweet taste that was uniquely human flooded his tongue he knew he was right to take the risk.
He wouldn't last long like this, but then again neither would you. Your blood being human only further confirmed your claims, and if you truly weren't lying to him then he couldn't afford to accidentally drain you, you would be far more useful alive. Not to mention how wonderful it would be to have a willing feeder human aboard his ship, every vampire aimed to acquire such a familiar in their home, and with your willingness to serve his cock too you would be quite the treasure. His venom had done its job and you were now more than out of it, off in your own little world as he used your body for his own pleasure. You came, more than once, but you didn't even register it, too busy seeing stars and giggling between moans. You didn't understand why you felt high, but you were too dazed to think about it. You were too dazed to even realise he was drinking from you, another purposeful effect of the venom. You vaguely registered Kid's praises, the slide of his tongue over your neck as he closed the bite wound, the dribble of warm blood down your front before Kid swiped it with his finger and licked the digit clean.
At some point Kid finished, roaring as he unloaded inside you before leaving your twitching form laying on his bed. He wiped his bloodied mouth with the back of his hand as he watched you claw at the blankets, still shivering from aftershocks from your orgasms and his venom. “Look at you, mouse,” Kid laughed, “you're a fucking mess.”
Your head was dizzy, you thought from whatever you'd been drugged with but in reality it was from the lack of blood in your body. You should have been mad that you'd been drugged, but you felt so euphoric that you knew already you'd ask for whatever it was again in future. Your whole body felt sensitive, every little brush of the blankets against your skin made you feel like you were about to cum again, and Kid running a finger up your bare backside wasn't making it any better. He took advantage of your sensitivity, pushing your ass up so he could bury his face between your thighs. He'd barely even touched his tongue to your clit before you were gushing on it, making Kid moan as he drank from you there too. He was already imagining how sweet you'd be on your cycle, he hoped you'd be around long enough to find out. None of the other women on board menstruated, they weren't any of the species that had that sort of cycle, which was a real damn shame.
“Yer sweet down here too, Mouse,” he ran his tongue through your folds one more time before you went limp against the bedding, “sweet little mouse, such a good girl for me.”
All you could give him was a tired “mmm,” before you were lulled to sleep, still laying sideways across Kid's bed, naked, Kid's seed leaking from your cunt and your head spinning from his venom.
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A/N: If you're reading this on release day I'd super appreciate if you voted on this poll so I can have your input on future chapters! Thanks 😊
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beaulesbian · 8 months
i'm caught up with end of wano, so here's some parallels from one piece that could be or don't have to be connected, but are still pretty cool.
long post ahead & wano spoilers
protecting new era:
rayleigh protecting zoro at sabaody from an attack by kizaru, ch 511
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luffy protecting law from an attack by doflamingo, with same move as rayleigh above, dressrosa ch 782
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at the end of wano, ch 1055, shanks telling ryokugyu a similar thing as rayleigh above ("don't pick the buds before they sprout. their era is only just the beginning"),
shanks "when the new shoots that just changed pirating history are exhausted, (..) are you that afraid of the new era?!"
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zoro king of hell
same page as luffy protecting law - with haki clashing against doflamingo, the panels after that talking about supreme king haki - qualities of a king,. in this context for doflamingo, ch 782
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at amazon lily ppl reacting to luffy using supreme king haki, while he doesn't know he just did, ch. 519. "that's the haki of the chosen ones' only one in millions has that spirit!"
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vs, zoro unknowingly unleashing haki of supreme king for (possibly) the first time, ch 997
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and later during his rooftop fight against kaido, (and still denies/ doesn't know what they're talking about, which is very interesting). ch 1010
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then during his fight with King, unleashing haki, which makes others around fall unconscious (as mentioned above to doflamingo is a sign of supreme king haki), ch 1033
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and some more chapters later, claiming the title of King of Hell (funny in this context it was told to doflamingo he was chosen by the heavens, and for zoro he became the king of hell. smth smth about the character work there).,
and as always - connected to luffy and his dreams!. ch 1036
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then there's the asura figure surrounding zoro's powers,
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and i find it so interesting that on wikipedia about asura (which zoro's sword and fighting styles are also based on with hindu and buddhist religions) is mentioned they're "considered enemy of the gods"
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i like how it's the same phrase as we also heard in the manga before form law's flashbacks about corazon, ch 764
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this is in the context of the people with the D. name, and then mostly used for law himself, and luffy and how far he's come to truly wreck the world government, as well as them being a threat to the celestial dragons.
luffy and nika:
from point above, i like how the "enemy of gods" being applied to people with the name D. is also interesting in the context of luffy awakening his devil fruit powers, which are named sun god nika. (i know that in the phrase "enemy of gods" mean gods as the celestial dragons, but it's still interesting)
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which doesn't take away from luffy's character as i was a bit worried at first.
he's testing the new skills and powers, and he sees how he can reach the new limits he couldn't before. it might have been the devil fruit that chose who would eat it, but it's luffy and his dream that make the decisons., ch 1045
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and ch 1049
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luffy in ch 507 & 1053, his core ideals are still the same
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not fighting someone
shanks not fighting the mountain bandits, and luffy not understanding it, ch 1
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jaya arc, luffy and zoro not fighting against bellamy, and nami not understanding at first, ch 225
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and ch 1054, momonosuke telling yamato not to fight the navy guy because he wants to be able to protect wano, and let yamato go to the seas as he wants to - it's just that similar energy that luffy has when he tells someone not to fight (or when to fight), without almost any explanations.
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also loved this usopp moment!, - could be paralelled to his whole character arc. ch 1036.
he's so real for saying this to kin and kiku (and samurai in general). he's always scared and sometimes can be acting like a coward, but he always, always, stands up for his crew and fights to live through whatever hell luffy puts in front of them.
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-- wano was so good and there are so many thoughts about one piece in my head now, about each of the characters and their development/meanings/themes! OTL
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swordsmans · 1 year
step 1: die
After two years with Ivankov, Sanji knows something about Luffy that Zoro does not.
pairing: monkey d. luffy/roronoa zoro (implied); roronoa zoro & sanji
word count: 11,334
ao3 tags: incorrect descriptions of poisoning and other medical inaccuracies; spoilers through wano act II; roronoa "self-sacrifice" zoro; big sanji emotions; angst and hurt/comfort
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onepiece-polls · 8 months
Ugly Outfits Tournament - Round 1 Side A
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Propaganda under the cut.
Pica: Maybe the reason he spends so much time as a stoneman is because when he isn't one, we see he's dressed in nothing but a speedo and a golden harness. Also not the outfit but DUDE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR SHOULDERS.
Crocodile: I knew he was crazy when I saw him wearing a fur coat in the middle of a dessert plus the color scheme is just too over the place for me.
Sanji: Sanji's worst outfit to me tbh. The colors are so bad, hes just too yellow!! Any other color would have made him look better Oda!! And his hair at the ends look round and weird.
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sanjisluvbot · 1 year
Isekai Yandere Strawhats X Black Fem Reader 14
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Time flew by quick after that day. It was like you had some type of time skip, you were lounging around with Law for the last week steadily thinking about the last thing Luffy said to you.
“ Y/N…. Are you going to keep listening from the other side of the door? ”
Before you could fully open the door it was completely smacked off the hinges. You fell to the ground along side it with a gigantic gash on your cheek.
Luffy grabbed your arm hoisting you up. “ Aw you poor thing chopper will fix you right up.” Robin added. Law was quick to interviene pulling you out of Luffy’s grasp.
“ Y/N are you alright?”
You nodded and touched your cheek seeing your blood running down your finger tips. Zoro scoffed and Like an owl Law’s head snapped right in his direction.
You were stuck in a trance as the all began to argue once more, and before you knew it you were in Law’s operation room getting bandaged up by Bepo.
He wore a somber expression as he asked you if you were okay. All you could do was nod and give the polar bear the crack of a smile before searing pain set in.
When you walked back into the hall both crews were standing tall radiating animosity, Nami was first to speak up telling you that you would thankfully be traveling with Law to Wano.
Your eyes lit up but you kept your expression neutral to keep the little peace there was on this ship. But that didn’t keep them from noticing how excited you were to get away from them.
Robin’s eyes darted from you to Law to Luffy and Zoro. Her brain was working overtime since the day you arrived, she wanted to crack you open like an unsolved mystery.
Robin knows her best feature is her keen eye and intelligence which is why your arrival intrigued her so much. You were so much more delicate than the rest of the crew, she watched you stumble and fall only to get back up.
She watched every movement and expression you made and she was able to put together each instance of when her crew mates fell in love with you. When Law came into the picture she saw the silent war that raged behind her oh so happy captains eye, she would do anything to keep such a lively thing within her grasp.
The moment your eyes lit up is the moment she knew the alliance between the Strawhats and the Heart Pirates wouldn’t last as long as it should have.
Nami was also one to pick things up after Robin. Which is why she silently prayed Robin would miss that little moment of hope you had, but her prayers fell silent when she made eye contact with the woman.
Nami could never say it, but she felt for you immensely. She knew what it was like to be held against her will but she would never go against her captain and her crew mates. They loved you, in their slightly twisted way.
You were the glue that was keeping everyone together, and if that meant that sometimes they had to be a bit rough with you then so be it. She knew Luffy like the back of her hand and with the way even Zoro himself was acting towards you—
You were never leaving this crew. It would all just be better if you accepted it by now.
The two crews had departed that same day, after an uncomfortable Lunch being once again smashed together in between the captain and second in command the pain on your cheek was dull compared to the ball of anxiety growing in your stomach.
The sun was high in the sky as you laid in the shade next to Law who was either sleeping or enacting his next plan in his thoughts. You watched the kids run by and all the people of Wano live their lives.
You bit your lip in excitement, the simplicity of this country reminded you that you successfully gotten away from the crew and you were going to be home in no time.
“ The Straw hats should be arriving today, but we won’t see them for atleast another day or so.”
Law hummed and took the basket off of his head to look at you. Your cheeks warmed and you smiled at him leaning over to grab the basket and put it to your side.
Ever since you’ve been away from that crew you really connected with law and the Heart Pirates. Although some of the straw hats were roaming around his ship it felt like you were in a dream.
When you were alone together either in his study, his bedroom, or even his operation room they all felt like mini dates. You teased and played games and eventually you ended up in his bed.
The rest of his crew and the others noticed the little spark became burning embers that even water couldn’t put out.
Law’s heart felt like it was being squeezed so delightfully, he’d let you crush it if you wanted. He adored watching you look out the windows pointing and cooing at the different fish you saw, and he liked seeing the way the sea reflected on your skin.
“ Y/N-Ya what should we do to enjoy our last moments of ‘ peace ’. ” he smiled.
You looked away and giggled like a school girl, he learned air quotes from you and you could tell he enjoyed physically showing his sarcasm.
You decided you wanted to explore the island with him, you were going to take him to see all the places you’ve dreamed of going when they popped up on screen.
“ You’re supposed to do this with Robin but, I wanna take you underneath Wano myself. ” you blushed.
You grabbed his hand and pulled him through the country with a smile that never once left your face. You skin glowed brightly under the sun that cracked through the leaves and all Law could do was stumble along, staring at you wide eyed.
As the two of you wandered throughout the country it was almost inevitable that the straw hats would notice you. Their eyes followed the two of you like vultures, watching you both act like there was no one else in the world made them sick.
When Luffy finally met up with the rest of his crew he could tell the air shifted. When his eyes landed on you and law cuddled up he knew exactly why their expressions displayed pure anger.
As captain it was his duty to make sure every last one of his crew mates were happy and safe. Letting you get close to Law was an obvious error to not only him but evidently to the rest of his crew. You belonged with them and Law completely got in the way of that.
Without second thought, Luffy stretched out his arm and wrapped himself around you three times. You shrieked when you collided into his chest and he let out a hearty laugh.
“ Y/N aren’t you going to welcome your crew?”
“ Luffy you can’t just grab me like that, I was having a conversation.” You barked.
“ Well You’re not a heart pirate you’re a Strawhat.” Sanji interrupted.
Law watched from afar, your clear discomfort and the rising tension within the old kozuki temple. To people like momonosuke, the Samurai, and Carrot everything seemed fine. They just looked like a crew that finally got back together.
Law knew better. This was a clear sign of possession, they wanted everyone— especially him to understand that you were theirs.
The anticipation of a quarrel between the two crews filled him with excitement, he wasn’t one to go down easily and he wasn’t going down when it came to you.
“ Hey, Mugiwara-ya she doesn’t like be grabbed and dragged across the room. You should release her. ”
Everyone’s head snapped to Law, you hoped and prayed Law could somehow read your mind. This wasn’t the best idea to play out right now. Luffy huffed a laugh and then you saw it from the corner of your eye.
That cracked smile.
The same one you saw in your room, the same one you saw before Zoro pinned to the ground making sure you had not an ounce of air.
Luffy unwrapped himself only to push you into Zoro’s arm and stalked over to Law. “ Traffy… you shouldn’t tell a Captain what to do.”
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🏷️: @herwritingartcowboy @axulaphie @toshirolovebot @futmblr @rhicambo @marim0cha @sasukeswife3 @mitskikinnie100 [ anyone else that wants to be tagged please Pm me ]
A/N: Hello!! How is everyone doing, hope you enjoyed !
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minniiaa · 5 months
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pippin-pippout · 14 days
I was really satisfied with the ultimate fight pair-ups in wano. I kind of knew most of them going in, and it was definitely a long wait until everyone faced the opponent they were meant to, but it was worth it.
Luffy vs. Kaido was obvious
Law and Kid vs. Big Mom - I feel like it needed to be both of them vs 1 emperor to ensure Luffy still stands out as the ultimate victor without making Big Mom seem inferior to Kaido.
Zoro vs. King
Sanji vs. Queen
Killer vs. Hawkins
Hiyori and Denjiro vs Orochi (and Kaido vs Orochi, and Kin vs Orochi)
Dogstorm vs Jack
Cat Viper vs Lick Lick Man
Robin vs. Black Maria
Franky vs. Sasaki
Jinbei vs Who's Who
Nami & Usopp vs Ulti (and Page 1 RIP he got one shot by Big Mom)
Raizo vs that annoying ninja
And the remainder played strong roles throughout – Yamato was everywhere he needed to be; Brook backed up Robin throughout, Kin, Kiku, Kawamatsu, and Izou saved others at the most critical times; Chopper saved people from Queen's horrible bio-weapon and got Zoro back up; Momo obviously stopped the house from being brought down; Marco holding back literally every 500M+ Berry user till the rest got their act together; and lets not forget Otama turning half of Kaido's force against him (through questionable means but she's 9 we're not gonna go into it anymore).
Really good use of everyone's characters and strengths.
Y'all I am ready for a feast and celebration.
First though we've got to get Chopper to heal everyone. Usopp running with Kiku and Kin and Franky carrying Zoro who's not waking up. Then Brook running up declaring he's been burned down to a skeleton because that's what some samurai told him, and Robin (why GIRL why) encouraging him (I love it). Thank god Tristan is there to help (and Miyagi tho he is kinda an idiot).
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shichidikai · 7 months
till all the seas run dry »
"Oi! Are you Shimotsuki?" Turning to his left, he squinted a bit against the sun and leaned over the railing to see a young man around his own age, dark hair mussed and a huge duffel bag slung over his shoulder. His face was open and friendly and his bright eyes stared up at Zoro expectantly. "No, uh… she's in the shop," he offered, gesturing vaguely downwards towards the door. Then, his brain catching up, he continued, "are you… Garp's… new tenant?" Apparently the boy found the question amusing, because his face split into a huge grin and he broke into a peal of laughter. "Haha, yeah, I guess that's me!" he stated, still smiling up at Zoro. For some reason, it made Zoro want to smile back.
Roronoa Zoro, university student and florist, meets someone for the first time that he already knows.
-- relationship: monkey d. luffy/roronoa zoro rating: explicit word count: 30,853 chapters: 8/8 tags: modern au, flower shop au, zoro is good at math, too many hidden references, mentioned nami/vivi, mvp sanji, developing relationship, angst and fluff and smut, explicit sexual content, most of the strawhats are just cameos so don't read specifically for them lmao, spoilers through wano act 1 (minor)
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
Do I love Reiju a whole lot? Yes. Do I also love to gave Sanji even more trauma? YES!
So here am I, with a new universe: Evil!Reiju au!
Reiju is still born with emotions, but there two things: 1) she has so little emotions that they're almost nonexistent 2) the little feelings and personality she has are from Judge.
So yeah, instaed of a caring and kind old sister Reiju who feels so much, we have a Reiju who is cruel and manipulative and pretends to care about Sanji. She treats Sanji like he is nothing more than a toy who she can simply play with it's feelings, and not like it's her damn little brother.
But she puts on an act. Reiju uses (fake) sweet words and (fake) gentle touches to make the blonde trust her. Subtly hurting him when she's bored.
Then the dunsheon, where her mask finally falls. Of course, completely breaking what was left of Sanji's heart. During the next two years, even if she doesn't beat him, her cruel words hurt just as much.
After Sanji runs away, he doesn't trust no one. It's just on the rock, 2 years after, that he starts to trust this man who was unrealistic kind. They're rescued from the rock and Zeff starts to treat him like an actual father would treat a son. This always makes Sanji's heart warm and give him the need to cry a little because for the first time since his mother died someone truly loves him.
Sanji is still gentle with women, but not much like canon. He would fight one if needed and, actually, he's kinda afraid of them deep down and a little uncomfortable, too. Zeff don't know the whole thing but he knows his eggplant have been through a traumatic thing and he can't and wouldn't never blame him, he would be a shame of a father and an idiot if he did.
Then Sanji joins the StrawHats because, curiously, something inside his stitched heart tells him he should. And Sanji follows his heart.
Things go pretty much like canon. With some differences, like: East Blue Polycule happens, Sanji is always suspicious of everyone (all the crew notices this, so at least one of them always is with him when the ship stops at some island and less gentle over women.
Then the TimeSkip, where WCI happens. Reiju still puts the fake cuffs but this time with the intentions of messing with her brother's mind. She makes little threats about exploding his hands and/or poisoning, and it's until they're almost leaving Whole Cake and she tells the cuffs are fake.
Also I need 0 & 3ji to have a argument who is like "You're too emotional, Sanji" "Maybe I am, but you never about me at all, Reiju" "Why would I care about a worthless failure?" "... I thought you cared about me, you always acted like you did before the thing" at the end of the arc. With the Sanji rescue team watching and looking at Reiju with anger.
They go at Wano and everything happens. Then after the fight Luffy, Brook, Chopper and Nami ask about the argument and Sanji tells to the whole crew, because the other also want to know. He tells them about his childhood, how Reiju pretended to care for him. The dunsheon and how cruel she actually was.
All the StrawHats think that Reiju is nothing more than a cruel people.
Okay, I love this, but I think it would forever fuck with Sanji and women moreso than you think? And like his whole relationship with Nami is probably so fucking skewed? Jesus. She's needlessly cruel and just manipulates the shit out of Sanji constantly. He would be bending over backwards to get any smidge of affection from her until his escape but is so terrified of just disappointing her that it is just negatively impacts his expression towards women so much that Sanji inevitably just is so scared of them and so his immediate reaction is to fawn.
Reiju notices it's more fun to her to toy with Sanji like a doll when she's young and Judge encourages it since it's just to the failure. It's not like anything wrong will happen. She's subtle about the way she hurts, sharp words and back handed compliments to that ache and sting the blond's heart when he's just a child, turning to outright malicious intent when she finds Sanji in the dungeon because he's supposed to be dead and the words. Sanji tries to be good so she can get him out but she just tells him this is where failures belong if not in the ground. She doesn't understand how their mother loved such a failure because it's impossible. Still, when she visits, he tries. He tries until he manages to escape and run away, helmet weighing heavily on him. But he's freed from Germa and the helmet and he starts working and keeps to himself. He doesn't trust anyone and doesn't believe himself worthy of Zeff's sacrifice. He doesn't understand why someone would sacrifice so much for a failure like him.
When it comes to fighting women Sanji would really prefer not to. They talk sweet and it sends him spiraling more of than not. Zeff is actually concerned about how Sanji's reaction to women slapping him. Sanji will fight back after a few hits but his preference for not fighting women is huge and he's more trying to calm them down and please them than argue or fight back. He looks afraid more often than not and when women do compliment him he doesn't believe them, not that he believes a lot of people at first but with the men he believes eventually, but he never believes the women who compliment his food. It's like he's afraid of women. He fawns for over them but flinches away from them, no matter what the crew does to make him more confident with women there's just something lying underneath the surface and they don't know what.
When Sanji joins the Strawhat crew and after Arlong Park, Nami notices he's wary around her and starts taking it personally until she notices it's just every woman he's like that with. Vivi, the vendors, every woman. Her and the other boys are already dating at this point and they're debating on the best way to approach the subject. Sanji doesn't seem like he'll be that receptive to a conversation about it, he noticeably tenses when Vivi calls out to them before relaxing and then flinches when Robin makes her presence known. But she acts differently towards Sanji, she offers small smiles and plain words, not praise though nor does she demand anything from him. Robin eases Sanji's tension with women, it looks so easy for them to be around each other but she moves slow and announces her presence in a quiet tone. When they ask Robin about it she only smiles in answer and walks away. Sanji starts dating the rest of the East Blue crew after Ennies Lobby, he's calmer and the crew protective, at least one person is always with him it seems. He tries not to flinch when Nami moves to fast towards him and apologizes when he does. But he does that for everyone, but his partners especially. There's just something they can't quite place what happened.
Until after the timeskip and WCI happens. When the rescue team meets Reiju and Yonji they wish them luck in saving the failure, Reiju has a sickly sweet smile that's all saccharine and she and Yonji laugh about how it's unlikely Sanji will be alive as they leave and the crew is confused and scared. Like it's some sort of joke, Sanji's life is a joke. Of course Reiju is also watching her brothers beat the failure up and not helping, she jokes about poisoning him and threatens to take him away so the cuffs will explode his hands, says she'll say she found him running. Sanji can just feel everything like he's a child all over again, the pain, the words, the hurt of his family not loving him over and over again almost as bad as it was. Then he hears Pudding and Reiju talk about killing him and they're laughing at him and Sanji gives up, goes to find his captain who he beat the shit out of and is just....crying and sobbing. Nami and Luffy are concerned about what's going on but they'll deal with everything after they save Sanji, when they reunite with the other two. Sanji still insists on saving them and Luffy and Nami don't like it but do as he wishes. During the escape Sanji is worried about his hands when Reiju points out he was a fun toy but the cuffs are fake, they won't take his hands. It was just more fun to make him think they would.
"Maybe if you weren't so emotional it wouldn't be so fun." Reiju smiles at him.
"So what if I am? You all never cared about me at all!" Sanji yells back with a broken voice.
"I don't know why anyone would, you're just a failure. Loving you seems exceptionally difficult, but what would I know?" Reiju laughs.
"You did when we were kids. Until-"
"No, I didn't." Reiju cuts him off. "You're a toy, Sanji. Nothing more, but all the less." Reiju waves off as she leaves and everyone is appalled at what was said. Nami and Luffy are holding Sanji is trying to be brave for them. When they make it to Wano Luffy runs and finds their partners and starts telling them about Reiju and Judge and how awful they were to Sanji and Usopp points out that it explains a lot about Sanji. Zoro is seething and says he should have been there, because he and Usopp are hearing only what Luffy and Nami heard not anything from Sanji. Sanji seems to be trying to avoid the topic of conversation for the most part and they can't exactly stick together in Wano so that makes it ten times worse for Zoro who can't exactly get information from the cook until after he wakes up from the raid. The cook is buried in a cuddle puddle and Usopp is telling his wild stories to try to ease the tension as he combs through Sanji's hair and Zoro is growling about going to kill his birth family.
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fallensnowfan · 3 months
Remembered something interesting about this arc, or in general really. Zoro still hasn't seen gear 5 in person.
The other half of the Wano Act 1 Straw Hat duo with Luffy, they teamed many times throughout Onigashima too, and he and Luffy teamed up for a few big moments this arc too, even did the iconic HUH face from Wano, though have been separate for a while now.
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