#wanted to sketch out his designs but i am up too late and when im tired i just kinda ... cant draw anymore
ganondoodle · 4 months
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ganondoodling ..
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straighttohellbuddy · 3 years
📓 !!
Okay im so excited please know I think about How The Light Gets In's world every day still, and so anyways here is a side story I want to write but there's a lot of set up regarding the reader and eef becoming friends again. For context, they were incredibly close around 2014-2017, but people were getting creepy and invasive and demanding about their friendship (think 2012 toxic side of the Phandom, if that makes sense), and a lot of the reader's relationships were strained at that time because while they had been successful before, they were absolutely blowing up after their first album released and they became far more mainstream. They felt like they were bothering the people they had become closest to, both because they're worried that they're a bother, and because gossip rags and paps would harrass their friends looking for a scoop, and so they ended up just completely cutting off contact without warning one day right before they went on their first tour. the start of HTLGI is about 3 years since they'd been in proper contact with any of the creators they were close to at that time.
DON'T LOOK AT ME on their 2017 ep Hyperfocus was a more general song in response to everything that had been happening in their life around that time, with a focus on how they stop associating with anyone for a while, without outright addressing it, but on their latest album n o s t a l g i a, read at 5am ft. Troye was specifically written at the start of quarantine, when the reader was getting back into YouTube, about their feelings regarding how their friendship with ethan ended, as they spent a lot of this time looking back of their YouTube career, and he was the person they were closest to for a very long time, before they iced everyone out.
Werewolf Ethan & Mark. I'm sorry I don't make the rules. They have golden retriever energy you cannot change my mind. But also because this is the HTLGI you know that supernatural characteristics are able to be activated rather than just triggered by the full moon. What I'm trying to say is since this is set in the year of Unus Annus, they film a video together that's like, you know that show where a person has to try and outwit a professional tracker? Except its the reader being tracked by two werewolves at night in a national park. Reader is wearing some sort of night vision camera on themselves so whenever it cuts to them the audience can't actually see how they're using their powers, if that makes sense.
Also the reader agreed to this knowing it would probably be when they ended up telling Mark and Ethan about them being a demon.
Video is titled Hunting Down An Old Friend
A few Moments that the boys edit out:
The reader using their stupidly sharp prehensile tail to swing from tree branches, though they leave in shots where the reader's tail can't be seen.
Knowing that with the werewolves having advanced hearing, the reader would give themselves away by talking to the camera, they take a few minutes having flown up to a high tree branch, to pull out a notebook and do a little sketch of how Mark and Ethan appear in their Demon True Sight, and holding it up to their camera.
Werewolves being one of the animals who can kind of sense demons without being able to identify them, essentially like dogs can sense natural disasters and are often good judges of character, this can be heightened on command for werewolves. There's about 15 minutes of footage cut out of the boys discussing or mentioning how this place has awful vibes and that they should have done this during the day. It gets worse as they get closer to the reader, who didn't realise that the boys hadn't thought to ever use that particular power around them before.
("I say this with so much love and appreciation for you, dude," Ethan yells, looking up at you from the base of the tree they'd finally found you in, "but I- this is making me anxious I feel like something terrible's gonna happen, and we should probably get out of here and film the rest of the video back at Mark's." And behind him, Mark's nodding, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, eyes scanning the trees for whatever was most likely the cause of this terrible impending doom.
Oh. It's you. And they don't know its you.
Now or never, you suppose.
"Can you cut the cameras for a second? You're going to be fine I promise," you called back, and though they obligingly did, they both seemed antsy. You cleared your throat awkwardly, "that... that terrible feeling, that's not the park or anything in it- well I mean, it is, but it's just- it's me."
and later
"Dude your wings smell like rotten eggs."
"To YOU Ethan! And no they don't!"
"If it makes you feel better they smell like burning and rotten eggs."
"It does not."
(for reference, when enhancing their sense of smell werewolves can kind of distinguish various supernatural creatures, or parts of supernatural creatures. Some creatures have an inherent scent, but some, like angels and demons, only have distinct scents when they've activated certain attributesor abilities; demon wings smell like fire and brimstone, which unfortunately means burning and rotten eggs. I like to think angels wings are like the love potion in Harry Potter that smells like the things you love the most. Mark and Ethan usually don't enhance it around each other because they smell like wet dog to the other)
This gets about 2k notes on tumblr. The reader likes it:
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Ethan finally finding Y/N at the end of Hunting Down An Old Friend (2020) Colourised.
Other things to note regarding all this:
It takes a while to rebuild their friendship to the point where they're comfortable enough to be on camera together (eef and reader specifically).
However, the Unus Annus video is the first thing they properly do together, and the reader, in an effort to connect more and make up for the past, will join in multiplayer gaming streams if asked.
Impromptu duet in proximity Among Us of Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy, which has their respective chats and fandoms losing their minds, except it stops abruptly after the first chorus as they both remember the opening lines of the second verse (make it easy, say I never mattered -- those lyrics hit a little too close to home)
But also the reader convinces him to join him for a proper cover in like, February of 2021, and it's something deeply sappy (I'm thinking Bon Iver by mxmtoon because I think its sweet and fits them well)
Also Ethan being reminded that the reader is kind of a much bigger deal than when they'd been friends before.
designed to hurt (touch me) from their ep Working On It is nominated for a Grammy for Track of the Year, and n o s t a l g i a wins Best Pop Album (because it's my fic and I said so)
FIRST OF ALL designed to hurt (touch me) is a beautifully produced song about Corpse (which people do not know) and the title itself is literally making fun of something he said IMAGINE his reaction to it being Grammy Nominated 😂😂😂 God he'd be proud but lowkey fuming, meanwhile the moment the nominations are announced the reader tweets:
me: here is an album where I processed my entire world view including heartfelt explorations of the trauma of existing and oversharing in the public eye from a young age without the traditional barrier between audience and entertainer
the grammys: that's cute BUT you know the song you wrote to bully your boyfriend and also be horny on main for him before you guys were even dating? THAT deserves its own recognition.
meanwhile Ethan's like..... this is the same person who I filmed a video with playing cards against humanity, and you laughed so hard you almost threw up. I am very proud but deeply confused.
The Hot Meme of Late April 2021 is "2 time Grammy Award Winning Artist Y/N" with a gif, still, or quote from the reader where they're just being an absolute chaos gremlin.
Of course we have "If I bleached my asshole for charity I'd do it tastefully."
2 Time Grammy Award Winning Artist Y/N speaking to their actual boyfriend in the year of our lord 2020: You are being executed for Clown Crimes.
ethan posts a short video to twitter simply of his screen where he's renaming a folder from "Never Before Seen Images of Grammy Award Winning Artist Y/N" simply changing it to 2 time Artist. The reader responds specifically to his tweet with a video of themselves asking Google how to hard reset someone else's computer.
So many screenshots from old videos surface that week.
I miss this world. Sorry this is rambly!!
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verymuchimmortalcat · 3 years
Maribat March Day 4: Internet Friends
Marinette looked up from her phone as she heard a notification go off on her laptop. She had just finished posting the pictures from the photo shoot for her first official line. After years of making items for mainly Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale, she had released her first line under the pseudonym of MDC at the age of 17, a year after Hawkmoth’s defeat. One message from Arrow Girl, it was a message from Cissie, which given that she had just released a new line wasn’t that surprising it just meant that Cissie had stayed up past midnight again. It should be around 3 am for her right now. Opening the message, she laughs.
So, yeah Cissie didn’t know she was MDC and sue her, Marinette found it funny how Cissie ranted about her designs to her. It’s not like Cissie didn’t laugh when Marinette obsessed over the costumes on TV and the people wearing them.
Designs&Coffee: Ya, I did
Which one’s your favourite piece?
Arrow Girl: The second one
It’s a master piece
Designs&Coffee: I love that one the most too!!!!!
That was true, the only thing Cissie didn’t know was that she designed that piece.
“Marinette, Adrien’s here,” her mother called suddenly.
“Coming Maman,” she replied.
Designs&Coffee: I’ve got to go, my mom’s calling
Talk later. You should sleep.
Arrow Girl: Says the girl with Coffee in her username
Closing her laptop, Marinette headed downstairs, grabbing the Black Cat miraculous on her way. Adrien visited from London once a month but he had left behind his miraculous saying that he’d rather put it all behind with everything his father did. But both him and Plagg missed each other so Plagg came along on their monthly visits. Marinette still wore her earrings and Tikki went with her everywhere but she was more of a pocket best friend at this point then a pocket goddess who gave her the ability to become a superhero. Both Cat Noir and Ladybug had retired after Hawkmoth, they dealt with a miraculous threat and if another arose, they’d be there to help, but for right now the two of them were focusing on their goals and dreams outside superheroing. That was actually how she had ended up talking to Cissie, some random person had started questioning young heroes retiring online, and Cissie and Marinette had both jumped to the defence and they had just continued talking. That had been about six months ago. Now, they spoke almost every day.
Marinette hugged Adrien as soon as she saw him, calling out a bye to her parents she dragged him out of the bakery and they headed to the park. They had a few hours to catch up before they had to meet Alya and Nino.
A week or so later, Cissie was stuck in the makeup chair when she heard the notification that she had set for M’s messages go off.
Arrow Girl: I could tell.
Designs&Coffee: I feel like you should be more excited.
Sometimes, Cissie wondered how M didn’t figure it out. Her username was Arrow girl, she knew her first name was Cissie and M knew that she was working in the movie industry. But then M treated her like a normal human being and not like those other fans and Cissie really didn’t want that to change that at first, she knew now that she would not treat her differently but Cissie had no idea how to go about telling her that I’m the actress you fangirl about.
However, before she could reply to M she was called so they could start shooting. Telling her that she had to go, she’d talk later and that she should take her own advice about sleep, she rushes out onto set.
A few months later, Cissie’s agent gets her an audition for a period drama set in the 1800s when women walked around with corsets and large skirts and Cissie for some reason agreed to audition. So, she auditioned and got the part. The first week on set was just them going over the beginning measurements for the costumes and other things like that. When she asked the director, who was going to be designing the costumes, he said that it was a rather high-profile designer who would be arriving in L.A. next week. That confused Cissie, this movie wasn’t that much of a big deal that they got a high-profile designer. She decided to ask the assistant director who seemed to be a boy around her age, so maybe seventeen or eighteen, who seemed to be always wearing a cap and headphones.
She went ahead and introduced herself to him, holding out her hand and saying, “Hi! I’m Cissie King-Jones.”
He laughed and shook her hand, “I know dudette, you’re the star in the movie. I’m Nino Lahiffe.”
He had an accent she thought was French but she wasn’t quite sure. “I was wondering about the designer, the director said it was a high-profile designer and that they would be arriving next week-“
“And then he asked you to talk to me?” he asked with a smile.
“No? Should he have?”
He chuckled, “The designer is one of my best friends, we’ve been friends since we were about five. She wanted to work on something different and when I suggested this she agreed immediately. Honestly, I think she only agreed because you’re on this movie but who knows with her.”
“Well then, I look forward to meeting her.”
Marinette had arrived in L.A. the day before and was now headed to set with Nino. She was nearly shaking with excitement; she was going to meet the Cissie King-Jones. Nino was laughing at her excitement, “you’re being mean,” she said.
“And you’re acting like a little child, when all of us know when you actually meet her, you’ll be too busy in your designing mode to actually say anything to her, so I took the liberty to do so for you.”
“You did what?” she screeched, earning weird looks from people around them.
“I told her that her being in the movie was probably the actual reason you agreed to work on it. Which is undeniably the truth. Feel free to thank me later.”
“I’m never going to thank you. She probably thinks I’m some crazy fan now.”
“You need to stop catastrophising, Mari. It’ll all be fine in the end.”
“Why am I friends with you?”
“We’ve been friends for too long and now you no longer know how to survive without me.”
She snorted at that, “keep telling yourself that, Nino. Keep telling yourself that.”
Cissie was talking to one of the other members in the cast, when she saw Nino walk in with a petite girl, with shoulder length black hair and blue eyes, who was carrying a few sketch books and a bag that looked really heavy to be carried by someone that small.
When the makeup artist told her she was done, Cissie headed in the direction of Nino and who was probably the designer. Joining the two of them, she held her hand out to the designer, “you must be the designer, I’m Cissie King-Jones.”
“Hi, it’s wonderful to meet you. I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
Cissie definitely didn’t know that name, her confusion must’ve been clear on her face because Marinette laughed, “I don’t go by that in the fashion industry, I’m MDC.”
Cissie took a bit to process that bit of information, she was meeting one of her favourite designers ever who was apparently a fan of hers. She was in heaven, she had to be.
“I love your work. Your new line was breath taking. I loved the second piece the most, the colours and design were amazing,” she blurted out, before she could think clearly.
Marinette just laughed, a clear sounding laugh, and said, “Thank you, I’m really glad to hear that. The second piece on the line happens to be my favourite too. And I think your work is amazing too.”
Cissie smiled, “Thank you.”
And then they proceeded to talk while Marinette showed her the designs and ideas she had.
Marinette and Nino returned to the hotel late in the evening and were hanging out in his room.
“I told you that you need to stop catastrophising and everything turned out fine.”
“Why yes, thank you Nino,” she drawled sarcastically.
“I thought you were never going to thank me?”
“Sarcasm, my dear friend. Sarcasm.”
“So, you were being sarcastic when you said you would never thank me ‘cause it sure didn’t sound like it.”
Throwing a pillow at his face and calling out a Good night Marinette ran to her room. She opened her laptop to check if she had missed any messages. There were 10 messages from Arrow Girl. Opening their chat Marinette wondered what Cissie had sent. What she saw left her feeling shocked and incredibly stupid. In hindsight it was extremely obvious but then again she didn’t know Adrien was Cat Noir until he detransformed in front of her.
Arrow Girl: M!!!!!!!!!!!
She thought about her reply for about a minute and the sent it off.
Designs&Coffee: I’m sure she didn’t think you were awkward.
She was probably concentrating more on the fact that she was talking to CISSIE KING-JONES
Her response was instantaneous.
Arrow Girl: How can you be so sure?
Also how did you finally figure out that I’m that Cissie
Designs&Coffee: I’m so sure because I’m that M
As in the M in MDC. Also how I figured you were that Cissie
Hi again! I’m Marinette. I’m 17 and sorta run a fashion empire
Arrow Girl: Cissie King-Jones. I’m seventeen too and currently an actress.
Marinette breathed a sigh of relief, she was worried that this might’ve ended badly
Arrow Girl: Wanna actually hang out tomorrow?
Designs&Coffee: sure!
Cissie woke up two mornings later to nearly a hundred notifications on her phone. About twenty of the notifications were from news channels, which was strange she was supposed to get those only when her name was mentioned in an article and 20 articles in a day were strange. There were another fifty from Bart, which happened occasionally. Ten each from Cassie and Marinette. And a few messages each from Tim, Kon, Greta and Anita.
Checking the news articles first because they would probably give some insight on the dozens of messages, she saw that someone had seen her out with Marinette yesterday and taken a photo which the tabloids had eaten up like starved wolves.
Bart had clearly lost patience fast, his messages were getting more and more pleading as she scrolled through all fifty. Laughing she told him that she had just woken up and would answer all his questions, and she and Marinette weren’t together it was just a misunderstanding, like the one Tim deals with all the time. Kon, Anita and Greta used to the several articles that came with Tim had picked out articles that had the most ridiculous theories and had sent it to her. Cassie had done the same along with several other questions. Choosing to answer Cassie first, she calls Cassie and spends nearly an hour talking to her even though it took Cissie only five minutes to explain the whole tabloid mess. Tim had sent a message saying “welcome to the world where if you’re seen outside your house with someone, everyone is going to believe you’re in a relationship.” Cissie just responded with a laughing face emoji.
Marinette had apologised for her friends’ behaviour, strange as that was. Saying that if she gets e-mails from Adrien Agreste, Luka Couffaine, Alya Césaire or Kagami Tsurugi it would be best to ignore them. They were just over protective and annoying. Cissie pointedly ignored how Marinette had casually brought up four very prominent people in the world. Apparently Marinette’s friends not used to the whole invasiveness of paparazzi had decided to deliver Cissie a shovel talk over e-mail before Marinette could clear up the confusion with her friends. She had also added that they were supposed to apologise and to please tell her if they didn’t.
And that was when she remembered her own friends’ highly similar behaviour and sent a text in the Young Justice group chat that she’d use them as moving target practice if they decide to induct her into their group with threats, and then sent another message to Tim to stop whatever extensive background check he was doing. She groaned as she got a smiley face in reply. Then the notification she had set for Marinette went off.
Designs&Coffee: I’ve been meaning to ask you about why you had all the points you had for young heroes retiring???? so, uh, why did you?
Groaning she flopped back onto the bed, this was going to be one hell of a day.
So my thoughts on how it would go ahead:
Marinette and Cissie meet up to talk about her text but Cissie doesn't really tell her about Arrowette. She changes the topic, after all Marinette was also ready with several points on the same topic. Maybe they eventually tell each other maybe they don't, i don't exactly know.
Marinette's friends calm down pretty soon after, Alya takes some more time but eventually calms down too.
When Cissie says, 'Marinette had casually brought up four very prominent people in the world', Its because at this point Adrien's run as a model still hasn't died out with it being only a year after Hawkmoth's defeat. Kagami is a world famous fencer, Luka joins Jagged Stone on tour and becomes pretty famous too and Alya listened to Marinette, (It ends up being Marinette and Adrien after the reveal who get through to her), she ends up making a name for herself in the year after Hawmoth's defeat, though her work still focuses around heroes/vigilantes which is why Cissie knows her, she's not really that prominent outside France.
Sometime after Cissie finishes talking to Cassie and sees Marinette's text Bart shows up demanding answers. They don't actually know it's Marinette, as in they don't know her name. Marinette Dupain-Cheng isn't really well known, MDC is, and no one knows who MDC is. Tim would probably do a facial recognition scan find out who she is and continue on with his extensive background check and probably figures out she's MDC somewhere along the way. Traya asks about Marinette the next time she sees Cissie
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bratzkoo · 4 years
GUCCI pt. 1
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Author: bratzkoo | navi Pairing: Editor-in-Chief! OC x Creative Director! Taehyung Word Count: 2.5k  Genre: fluff, angst Rating: NC-17 Possible Warnings: implied sex, mentions of sex, taehyung is a horny bitch tbh many ocs im very sorry, it’s still valentine’s day and i wanna eat chocolates and cry [established relationship! au, fashion designer! au] Summary: Vante, a fashion designer and creative director of Gucci who keeps his life in private. No one really knows him aside from what he shares in public, no surprise when the media goes gaga over the leaked sketches of Vogue’s editor-in-chief Y/N Black in his journal. aka Taehyung is very secretive and he loves his girlfriend so much. -
Taehyung stares in awe at the sight of you wearing a black Madame Grès evening gown in front of the full mirror wall in your shared bedroom. "So, what do you think?" you ask Taehyung, looking unsure whether wearing a Madame Grès for the annual ball The Isle's host is a good idea. Taehyung watches you with fondness as he relaxes into the pillows. "You look exquisite, my darling, as always," Taehyung says seriously. "But I rather have you come back to bed, preferably naked." Taehyung still doesn't understand why you would ask him for his opinion, when you’ve always been an excellent dresser. You’re the editor-in-chief of Vogue, you know fashion like the back of your hand. You look at him, expressionless. "You want me to attend the ball naked?" You ask, stripping off the gown to hang it in the rack full of possible clothes you might wear for the ball and wear the new floral Gucci robe Taehyung gave you last month."Wouldn't they like to see that... Y/N Black- High Priestess of Fashion, stark naked in the Isle Ball." You pause before saying, "I hope they'll like what they see." in a teasing manner. Taehyung's cheeky grin slowly drops, he glares at you laughing as you walk over to your massive bed crawling next to him. You look up to Taehyung's glare and decide to tease him more. "Wouldn't I look pretty, Vante?" You say, using your boyfriend's fashion pseudonym. "You would also look pretty in ski jackets and pants, how about that? Make sure your ankles don't show or other men would go crazy." Taehyung says as he plays with the hem of your robes, kissing your forehead lightly. You lean towards Taehyung, finding comfort in his warmth. "Y/N Black shows her ankles in the Isle Ball. What a whore." You giggle with your imagination. Taehyung pulls you to the point where you're on top of him facing each other, Taehyung holds your face with gentleness and pulls you into a kiss. "Y/N— Dear heavens, they're going at it!" They hear Adriela's voice and pull away. Taehyung groans, head dropping down to his pillow. He really wants to change their passcode but you think you don't have to, but with their family and friends cockblocking him he really doesn't care what you say. You laugh and turn into a position where you’re lying on your back in Taehyung's chest. Adriela enters their bedroom with full makeup on and styled hair but still wearing her robes on. "The ball starts at 7 pm and you're having sex at 5 pm, may I remind you that you're not supposed to show up together much more, showing up late together?" Adriela says. "We should be having sex at 5 pm, now get out so we could continue," Taehyung says. Adriela scoffs at Taehyung's retort. "Get ready, Kim Taehyung and you," Adriela points at you with her perfectly manicured nails. "Your closet now." Adriela drags the clothing rack near the mirror inside as she disappears from your sight. "Sorry, Darling. I need to follow Adriela." You roll away from your boyfriend despite his protest and join Adriela inside your walk-in-closet. "I apologize for interrupting your lovey-dovey time with your darling, I just want you to know that the car will be arriving soon," Adriela says as she scans the dresses in the rack and stops to pull out a linen dress. "Buttercup-yellow gown... is this what I think it is?" You nod, "I have another Madame Grès too, I tried it on earlier." Adriela pulls out the black dress and lets out a sigh, "This is pure talent, pure art." "Ela, don't wet the clothes with your tears," You say. Adriela rolls her eyes and hands you the black dress. "Wear this and I'll come back in a few, I'll check on Taehyung." Adriela exits your sight and not a minute later hears her annoyed tone addressing Taehyung. "I will murder you, Kim Taehyung." "I'm up!" You giggle hearing Taehyung's panic tone when Adriela threatens him. You sit on your vanity to do your makeup. - Though Taehyung wants to indulge in the idea that he doesn’t have to attend the Isle’s ball, he arrives in the living room wearing a suit from the latest collection of Gucci. He sees you and Adriela eating cheesecake at the counter wearing your gowns. “My love, why are you eating cheesecake when we’re about to leave?” Taehyung asks you, coming up behind you and presses a kiss at the top of your head before he goes to open the fridge to get yogurt milk. "You are about to leave, Taeh. We're staying for 30 more minutes and arriving late." Adriela says, opening her phone wondering why her phone is flooding from notifications. "I hate that you have to ruin--" Adriela cuts what Taehyung was about to say and shoves her phone to his face. "What the hell is this?" Adriela asks with annoyance visible in her tone. "The announcement is scheduled next week, now I have to answer a lot of questions at the ball and I have to be seen with you at least twice in pictures!” Gucci announces working with Ada Rosier as the new global brand ambassador "You want me to save you from working for Yves Saint Laurent and this is how you repay me for doing so?" Taehyung retorts, welcoming you as you stand between his legs and leaning back into him. "That's because I have to tweet about my secret crush on Kim Seokjin because they think we're dating and Y/N’s being a jealous bitch. Technically, you owe me." Adriela says, they’re trying to link me to the wrong kim, she thought. You ignore your best friend's insult but scoffs at the reminder of the news 3 months ago, "Why would they even think that the two of you are dating when you can barely stand each other without bickering?" "I know, my love. Don't they know that she's not my type?" Taehyung says in a teasing manner, he receives a spoon Adriela throws in his way. "Hey, I'm holding Y/N!" "That's why I specifically aimed for your head. Better luck next time then," Adriela smirks and bites a spoonful of the cheesecake she's eating. Taehyung frowns and raises his middle finger towards Adriela. "Nice. Classy." Adriela sarcastically says. "I hate you Ada, and I have to go." Taehyung pecks your lips. "I'll see you later. Love you." "Love you too," you say. You hold Taehyung hands slowly letting go trying to make him stay. Adriela notices that it looks like it physically pains both you and Taehyung to be away from each other, she wonders how the media doesn't see the way you are so disgustingly in love. She's about to comment on how she's such a third wheel but decides to tease Taehyung instead. "Hey, why don’t I get an I love you from you, Taeh?" Adriela tries to say without laughing but fails. "Go to hell, Adriela," Taehyung says. "Make sure to save me a seat!" Adriela retorts. "I'm sure the devil would offer you his, you evil brat!" Taehyung says just before he closes the door. Adriela laughs at how she can easily annoy Taehyung. You sigh, "I miss him already." Adriela scrunches her nose, disgusted with the couple. "By the way," You straighten your back before continuing. "Is Lopez coming?" Adriela laughs. "You need to stop calling Kina with her last name." You roll your eyes, "Just answer my question." "No, Kina's in France preparing for fashion week," Adriela informs. "Besides, this fashion week is her biggest project yet, good for her." "She's not attending the ball and Kerhea's okay with that?" You ask in disbelief. "I guess this project is so big that she's fine with experiencing Kerhea's wrath for skipping the ball this year." You hum in agreement. "I guess so. Taehyung's going back to France next week, too. I’ll be in Italy in three days." You sigh, you might not even see Taehyung until the Gucci show because of your busy schedules during fashion weeks. Adriela stands up to collect the dessert plates and puts them in the dishwasher. "We need to go, we're past that fashionably late time." You nod, "How long is this ball going to last?" "I don't know, I leave when you leave. You're Y/N Black, it doesn't matter if you show up for 10 minutes and leave. They'll only care that you showed up." "I know that. I'll probably stay for 30 minutes tops and go to the office to get some work done." "Oh Y/N, never change!" Adriela says before laughing that you’re still the workaholic bitch that you are. - You step out of the car with your assistant- Sandra, trailing behind you as you walk on the red carpet. There are paparazzi waiting behind the ropes capturing your every move. You pay no effort to smile at them but you do stop for two questions. After all, Taehyung's the one who prefers staying away from the media. You enter the building, a footman handing you lilies of the valley just like what Charles IX did at Fontainebleau every May Day. The building is so delightful to the eyes and you took the time to take all the decorations in your mind. Right before you descend from the stairs, Kerhea Isle pounces on you and greets you with two cheek kisses. "I am so glad you could make it, Y/N," Kerhea says. "I have been informed by my secretary that you would only be staying for half an hour, I suggest getting the champagne they are absolutely delightful and I'll send a few hors d'oeuvres on your way." You nod and smile in appreciation of Kerhea's considerate attitude towards you, "Always grateful for you, Isle." Your friendship is something even the both of you find peculiar but you’re glad to have each other. "Always grateful for you too, Black." Kerhea returns the smile. "I'll go ahead and greet the other guest, Vante looks edible in his Gucci suit." You suppress your frown with Kerhea's comment about your boyfriend but you only graciously nod again, "You go do your thing, Isle." Kerhea leaves you alone to yourself as you both know you hate holding conversations in public more than it's supposed to go. You sigh as a server passes by with a tray of champagne glasses, you get two glasses knowing you need it to survive the thirty minutes you plan to stay in the event. You live with the fact that you can never tell Kerhea about your relationship status despite knowing each other for more than a decade, You would love to but telling her will result in Kerhea telling her sisters at some point during one of their monthly dinners at Le Dante's. Knowing her sister; Keisha Isle, it would result in being the hot topic of gossip blogs and front pages of newspapers overnight. So yes, you would rather listen to Kerhea's thirsty comments over Taehyung than have the whole world probe every detail about your dating and sex life. You shake your thoughts away when fashion designers and models approach you with friendly smiles. - Taehyung does his best to not keep his gaze on you and how you always manage to brighten every place you grace with your presence. Taehyung stops coming to events unless you decide your coming, as he only finds you important. He does go to fashion shows of his friends but prefers to stay at home or in his office than to go to parties. You understand that Taehyung simply didn’t find the need for them anymore now that he has his name established in the industry and he’s content with the friends he made, he doesn’t hook up with any of the guests even back then when he was single so there was really no need for attending anymore. This event, in particular, requires him to attend because he could never say no to Karlene Isle. “Vante, you made it.” Taehyung turns to smile at the matriarch of the Isle who’s standing behind him with a matching smile.It seems that time is very good for the 45-year-old woman with four children. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Mrs. Isle,” Taehyung says as she pulls him into a hug which he returns. That’s a lie, I did try to miss it. If it weren’t for my love; Y/N and that dumb; Adriela. “I told you already, call me Auntie Karlene,” she says. “How’s the preparation for the fashion week? I’m sorry I wasn’t able to come to your show in Paris the last time but I’ll be sure to attend your Rome show, so please do save a sit for me.” Karlene gets a champagne glass after greeting Taehyung. “You know I never talk about what plans I have for fashion week, Mrs. Isle. I’ll have the invitation be sent to your home in Rome by tomorrow,” he replies. “I’m excited to see the collection this season, the last one was so groundbreaking everyone is praising your vision and what you have done to Gucci.” Taehyung bashfully smiles, he always reacts shyly when people praise his work. “I do my best, as long as I do my best I’m happy.” “Let’s see each other next week for the fashion show, and maybe plan a dinner with your cara mia.” Taehyung prevents himself from frowning at Mrs. Karlene trying to push him in meeting his girlfriend that she accidentally found out because she keeps on telling him to marry one of her daughters. “I’d love to have dinner with you and mi querida but she’s equally as busy as me, if not more.” He replied. “You just want to keep her all to yourself.” “I wish I could, but she has lots to do and I love watching her do the things she loves.” “Well, let’s all get together in the near future. I have to get back to overseeing everything I just wanted to say hello.” Karlene smiles warmly at him before she walks towards someone to greet them. Taehyung fumbles to get his phone in his suit pocket and sends a quick text to his driver to pick him up in 5 minutes before he opens your contact. to: mi cielita baby I’ll be at home Gonna order pizza Can we have sex after? Taehyung prevents himself from laughing out loud when he sees the three dots waiting for you to reply. from: mi cielita was about to go to the office today to do more work you’re so annoying text me when you get home He imagines you rolling your eyes typing your reply but he knows you’ll see each other at home. They always do.
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axclfms · 4 years
hllo demons n space cowboys !! i’m sage  comin 2 u live frm the est tz with a v red dash icon tht i can’t be bothered to change atm .   anyways  ,  shimmies shoulders  im v v excited to be here with my child axel  so let me just diiiiive right into her ! pls hit me up or spank tht lil heart if you’d like to plot and i’ll come runnin. 
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「charlotte d’alessio & cisfemale」⇾ medici , axel, the junior radcliffe student’s records show that she is a scorpio and 20 years old. she is studying fine arts & photography, living in noland and can be passionate, magnetic, heedless & addictive. when i see her i am reminded of catfishing passport photos, shoplifting out of pure boredom & empty film canisters used as pill holders . ⇽
alrite first things first HERE is her pinterest ,  feel free to skip all the junk below  & just vibe check her
born & raised in southlake, tx  to oliver & pearl medici
they were high school sweethearts who were voted most likely to get married and have a dozen kids running around
they stopped at 2 bc they just .. their kids were a handful  . . . but axel will tell you they stopped after her bc they hit perfection :~)
the medici’s come from a long line of politicians  &  are all associated with the political world in one form or another  
her father dreamt of becoming president  &  honestly was beginning to climb his way there
started off by getting elected as mayor  &  then from mayor went onto join the state’s senate & was working on his campaign for governor of tx
axel & her older brother adored their father & played their part , knowing that even the smallest mistake cld wreck their dad’s way to the top... even if it didn’t matter now, if he were to run his presidential campaign they would surely be digging for anything to take him down .  aside frm some partying & drinking , they never did anything too too wild
her brother ended up going to yale for college, not wanting to be too far from him but wanting a break from her parents  &  texas  ,  axel applied to radcliffe bc she knew the ivy life wasn’t for her
and something about radcliffe’s history drew her in
last year right before midterms , axel got a phone call tht turned her world upside down .  her dad had gotten into a car accident.  after getting rushed to the ER, he ended up dying from complications in surgery.  he was in the early stages of his campaign for governor & was on his way to meet his team.
it was ruled as an accident &  that seemed to be that on that. & everyone went ahead and moved on with their lives
axel still wants to believe that there was foul play in her father’s death mainly bc she wants to blame someone
frm her eyes her mom n brother have healed without any trouble. her brother had gone back to school, graduated from yale and jetted off to south africa with his new gf where they were working for a non profit . her mom had started dating someone new within six months.
the whole thing has taken an impact on her n she’s just ... a lot more darker or wilder nw. think bradley martin frm bates motel or marissa cooper frm the oc
was probably head of social committee and heavily involved in the school. was also a cheerleader but went to practice high as balls one too many times , and eventually got kicked off the team.
lost a bet & graffiti’d the school building , got ratted out and spent a month of her summer doing community service and picking up trash.
if you knew her during freshman year and half of sophomore year ,  she is probably a completely different person nw.
pops xanax like they’re vitamins , is constantly day drunk , always has a flask hidden in a designer purse. has low key developed a little bit of a coke habit
rly good at putting on a facade of perfection when she needs to but truly feels like she has nothing left to lose so she says whatever pops into her mind, likes to stir up trouble when she’s bored n has rly just turned into a firecracker n is jus kinda.. ruthless nw
wld hit on someone’s dad out of pure boredom 
uses sex as an outlet to feel in control, to feel good , to feel wanted
only thing that she’s still passionate about is art and photography .
photography inspo is probably sarahbahbah , where she likes to shoot things in series with a film vibe to it.
catch her walking around with hints of paint on her hands , not sleeping bc she’s trying to perfect her latest piece
always sketching or doodling , probably has a film camera slung around her neck or dangling frm her wrist
human embodiment of the cherry & wilted rose emoji
big on skin care and doing face masks and only says ‘self love’ ironically. usually after she spins herself into chaos
big aesthetic would b phoebe tonkin lookin sad and depressed at the farmer’s market carrying around flowers 
ok that is all i got .... ty for prowling thru this if u did. also she is a fairly new muse of mine so if ... she ends up changing once she hits the dash MIND UR BUSINESS alskslks jkkk
we love angst & fictional toxicity over here! hit me w any & all of ur toxic wcs
a good influence for her
someone who she used to be bff’s with but shut them out when everything went down and now it’s just ... awkward between them
someone who she didn’t get along with before but now they’re pals
unlikely friends!
a ride or die friendship
a confidant .. hit me with those 12 am late night heart to hearts with no filter NO CAP!
someone who ratted her out for vandalizing
hook ups  wld be fun ! tinder matches, one night stands etc. 
someone who axel just completely fucked over in some way (romantic or platonic) 
truly anything i am dwn for ! thnk u and good night
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
Wacky Drabble #18: The Turkey Drop
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This is part of @emceesynonymroll weekly wacky drabbles.
Prompt: What if I dont see it
Im a day late on this one, wasn't sure if I even wanted to post it, but, here we are.
A/N: I can't take credit for the idea of this as it comes from an old show and I'm just recreating one of the Thanksgiving episodes from it, sort of.
Summary: The gang gathers together in Ramsford to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Beaumonts. Let's just say, all hell is gonna break loose.
Warning: Turkeys may be harmed but I'm choosing to defy reality and believe they are all okay. If you don't feel you can, this is the heads up not to read 🦃
I put a "read more" in every story, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. Crossing my fingers.
Riley has always respected the customs and traditions that have been carried down throughout Cordonian history. Being the American- born, Queen of Cordonia, she opted to celebrate this holiday during her first year of marriage, in private- just she, Liam, and their close friends. She didn't want the Cordonian people to ever feel that she was trying to "Americanize" their great country. Liam, however, loved the idea of having one day out of the year for reflection and giving thanks, as this was something even Cordonian's would appreciate.
It was during their second year of marital bliss, the King presented this idea to the Royal Council, where it was passed almost unanimously. Madeleine was the only dissenting vote, having nothing to be thankful for.
It was decided the third Thursday of every November would be designated, Thanksgiving, in Cordonia.
What you are about to read is the real and true account of how the Duchy of Ramsford chose to kick off thier first official Thanksgiving.
The weather was chillier than normal that day for the typically warmer climate of the Mediterranean country. Ramsford citizens bundled in light coats, braving the elements, in anticipation of the first Thanksgiving festival hosted by their Duke and Duchess. As festival goers wafted through the rows of vendors who were preparing enticing delicacies synonymous of their homeland, purchasing turkey related memorabilia, and partaking in games often seen at these event, they eagerly awaited the appearance of their very popular royals.
Maxwell had insisted he be the one in charge of putting this shindig together, planning every single detail, even down to the location of each port a potty. Bertrand was all too happy to oblige, having no free time with a toddler and a brand new baby. The only request made- absolutely, under no circumstances, were those 'blasted, overly feathered, menaces' of his, to be in attendance. Well, of course not, Maxwell had another kind of bird in mind, ones that were more in the spirit of Thanksgiving, and he would make sure each family in Ramsford had one of their own.
Drake walked morosely behind Liam and Riley, who were busy greeting their adoring citizens with Bertrand and Savannah. He wasn't in a festive mood since being dumped a few days ago. It wasn't that he was in a serious relationship yet with the sexually oppressed American from Illinois, but, who she left him for....Neville.
"Ohhh Walker!"
Drake cringed at the unbearable voice calling out to him and he had no use for entertaining her today. He clutched the whiskey flask, a former fiancee had given him, preparing to drown out the incessant mockery that was sure to follow.
"So...", Olivia eyed him with a devilish grin and her signature raised brow "...enjoying the single life again?", she taunted.
He huffed, "at least I had an "again", what's your excuse?"
She cackled, "Touche". Her eyes roamed the surroundings as they continued to stroll along, her mood shifting with curiousity "where the hell is Maxwell, he's usually at every one of these goddamn things making a fool of himself".
Bertrand turned to the Duchess, having finished with the receiving line of guests, clearing his throat, "My brother is off preparing a surprise that will be the delight of all of Ramsford today".
Savannah looked at Bertrand adoringly, "That's right Bertie, we are giving away a free turkey to enjoy with their families this holiday season".
"That's very generous and kind of you both, I'm sure your people will be very grateful, especially those less fortunate", Liam nodded, clasping Bertrand approvingly on the shoulder.
Drake shook his head, "I still can't believe Maxwell put this whole thing on himself, I don't trust it", sipping the last remnants of his drink.
"Drake, don't be a hater. Besides, Maxwell has proved himself to be more than responsible and mature of late", Savannah defended.
"What if I don't see it?"
The group continued to enjoy the festivities and fanfare as the sun finally broke through the thickened clouds, shining a ray of warmth below. A group text message from Maxwell came through as each of them checked their phones simultaneously, telling them to look up.
Bertrand, Savannah, Liam, Riley, Drake and Olivia, each shielded their eyes from the bright sun as they looked toward the sky eagerly. The faint sound of a helicopter getting louder as it approached closer to their location. A crowd began to gather around them as Bertrand smiled on proudly.
Riley pointed up excitedly, "Look! It has a banner on the back of the helicopter".
"Happy...Thanksgiving...from the Beaumonts", Liam read aloud as the banner became clearer. Savannah and Bertrand acknowledged the ohh's and aww's of the crowd, who were enchanted by the extravagant display taking place 2000 feet above them.
"What the hell just came out it?", Drake squinted to get a better look, as a small object appeared to have fallen from the large chopper.
"I don't know, maybe its a skydiver...", Riley answered as she looked on in anticipation.
Olivia furrowed her brows, "I don't see a parachute yet... wait!...there's another one and a third".
"Those can't be skydivers...I just can't quite make out what they are though", a bewildered Liam replied before his eyes widened with realization,"OH MY GOD...THEY'RE TURKEYS!!"
The crowd began to scatter in panic as live turkeys came crashing down around them, most of them landing on the soft tarps vendors had set up. Brown and white feathers intermingling through the air as stunned turkeys flapped wildly in anger. Patrons pushing and shoving one another in desperate search for safety, running for their lives.
A stunned Bertrand, scrambled to calm the masses to no avail. Savannah cried out loudly, "Oh my god, the humanity!", after ducking under a table, pulling Bertrand down with her.
Bastien made every attempt to shield Liam and Riley, who clung protectively to one another, while dodging and weaving through crowds of fearful people, stray feathers and irate falling turkey's. They stopped only briefly as they passed a padre, recieved their last rites and hauled ass to a picnic shelter. As the helicopter circled the grounds to launch a second wave of birds, Liam hurridly scrambled to reach Maxwell to cease the unintended assault.
Drake took off running with Olivia hot on his heels. He banged relentlessly on the door of the nearest porta-a-potty where an older gentleman allowed a frantic Drake and Olivia to hide. Due to being unable to hold three grown people, Drake stood in the doorway, having just enough room to shield his head. Olivia peeked over his broad shoulders as the last of the fowl fell on a tent across from them. They stood in astonishment momentarily, unsure if it was safe to exit while screams and the jumbling shrill of turkeys reverberate off their metal enclosure.
The older gentleman with them, finally spoke out when something strange caught his eye, "what are they doing?", gesturing at the 15 or so gathered birds in front of them.
Drake scratched his head in thought, "I think the little bastards are...organizing"
"I've seen this before", Olivia replied surely, "they're strategizing... its basic battle tactics...they're planning a counter attack".
Drake motioned to the formation of incoming turkeys, questioningly, "You've seen this before?"
Olivia patted her clothing down and began pulling knifes from various hidden holsters underneath, a determined look sketched across her face. "People...birds...whats the difference, they're both full of shit. I'm a Nevrakis, damn it...I will not be turkied to death by these...disgusting chicken wanna be's...you with me or not, Walker?". She holds up a knife that barely misses his face as he stumbles backwards off the edge to avoid it.
Drake swipes the blade from her steady hand, his dark brown eyes filled with savagery, "Let's end these fuckers!".
2 hours later...Ramsford Memorial Hospital
"Drake, can you hear me?", a concerned Liam stood at the bedside of his lifelong friend, when Drake's eyes began to flutter open.
"Liam...wh...where am I?"
"You're in the hospital buddy, you've got a nasty concussion and a broken nose, but, the doctors had a head CT ordered and it didn't show any serious trauma or permanent damage...you will, however, have to stay here overnight for observation".
Drake glanced around the room, grimacing at the shooting pain from his throbbing, bandaged nose and the seering pressure behind his eyes. The overhead lights making his already blurry vision so much worse. He attempted to speak, but, his voice was hoarse and dry. Liam reached for a cup of water that sat on his bed tray and assisted him in drinking.
Drake licked his lips, "what happened? The last thing I remember was grabbing the knife from her", he nodded at Olivia, who was standing in amusement at the end of his bed, "why the hell am I'm so jacked up?".
Liam looked to Olivia, he, himself not entirely sure of the exact circumstamces for Drake's injuries, hoping she could shed light on the situation.
Olivia moved around the bed to stand next to Liam, an uncontained smiled slipping across her pale face, "It was a giant Turkey...smashed right into your face", she clapped her hands together loudly, "Smack!". A light chuckle escaped her as both men glared back with astonished expressions.
Several seconds of silence commenced as that information began to process.
"What?", Drake snapped.
Olivia explained that Maxwell must have had one turkey left because another one came barrelling out of no where, dropping like a stealth bomber, and crashing right into his face. Never one to mince words, she took the opportunity to let him know that his face looks better now that most of it is covered in bandages.
Liam took in a deep breath, "I'm going to take my leave now that I can see you are well. I told Bertrand I would attend the press conference with him...apparently, Maxwell thought turkey's could fly".
Drake rolled his eyes, mumbling to himself, "Responsible and mature, huh?", he looked back to Liam with a grateful smirk, "thanks Liam for being here".
Liam clapped Drake's arm, "No problem", he turned to Olivia as he made his way for the door, "you coming?".
"Yeah", Olivia grabbed her coat and clutch that were laying across one of the hospital chairs and followed Liam to the door. She hesitated before fully exiting, turning sharply on her stiletto heels. "You did...well out there today soldier".
"I got clobbered in the face by a fucking bird, Liv!", he shouted back, grabbing his nose in pain as his head jostled from his over-exaggerated retort.
"Even so...", she trailed, as a long pause followed, the silence nearly becoming awkward. A small hint of compassion crept through her strong features and Drake instantly recognized the change in her demeanor.
"Happy Thanksgiving, Walker".
"Happy Thanksgiving...Liv".
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mspainttaz · 5 years
ok I think I’ve been tricked into genuine cg interest purely by exposure. have you considered doing art with it, but making the circles other things? (eg planets, candy, cups and plates on a table, flowers/flower pots)??? and now that I think about it, the possibilities for secret cg messages are endless...
(warning this is a lot of nerding out)
 i have actually! i love the idea of little coded messages in comics and pictures that you can go back and crack. (i do think balance especially with its focus on planes has potential since, i mean, circles and hidden messages? hello?) and i like the other ideas you brought up! it would be a fun element to introduce to a drawing to add depth of meaning! here’s some other thoughts i have on it:
so we know cg can be a fun way to make a cool looking design with the added benefit of having a secret meaning, so, if you want pretty robes for your fantasy government group, you could come up with a word like. idk. Space High Council, turn it into cg, and boom! done. circles and lines. sexy. what more could you want.
you could also hide it. you could make people work to even find it in the first place like an i spy book. i whipped up a couple rough examples of something i am very interested in which is, sneaking it into your environment!
1. (adding hidden meaning) below we see circular gallifreyan cut into a the crystal of a bottle at a bar and also words made out of the lanterns hanging from the rafters
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( i.d. a close up of a bottle of alcohol on top of a shelf. the center of the crystal is cut with circular gallifreyan that says “evil eye”. it partially obscures our view of a brightly lit bar where several people are shooting at each other. dead bodies can be seen. from wooden rafters hang streamers and ball shaped lanterns. the lanterns from left to right say in c.g., “Not what it seems. end i.d.]
so heres some sorta fake storyboard of say, idk, a movie about secret societies and gang wars that has a gunfight in a bar in the middle of a party. right? i think? idk i made it in ten minutes talk to my manager.
i like having the c.g. as an element because well, evil eye as the lens through which we see this frankly startling scene of violence in the middle of a cheery room. we see not what it seems on the lanterns illuminating this scene, so maybe these two groups lied to each other? maybe in prev scenes we’ve seen this bottle or these lanterns and they acted as a warning thats too late? maybe its foreshadowing for what comes next? maybe i had a film nerd phase and its coming through strong? we may never know.
2. heres another example of environment i just made!
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[i.d. a little thatch roofed log cabin in the middle of a valley. behind it is a barn with a cow, beyond it we see mountains and a sun. to the right of the cabin is a cut path into the woods. we view the valley from the road leading in. half of a wooden sign can be seen in the foreground to the right. from bottom of the scene going counterclockwise, i have shown in red where i could hide the individual letter symbols of the word “valley” in circular gallifreyan. they’re hiddon in the grass, on the sign, in trees, and the sun itself. end i.d.]
so im not describing where, in the images, you can see where i purposely left my translation notes. im putting together a guide on c.g. (a couple people have asked hi i see you please be patient) and its not important for this post to know what any of those mean but i thought y’all might be interested in them.
this one is simple! its fun! it is a very loose way of using circular gallifreyan but thats okay because excuse me i used scribbled apples as placeholders for consonant modifiers cut me some slack lol.
another fun idea that i dont have a sketch for is hm, how to describe this. people? could be words? or letters?? imagine this: viewing a group from above, in a circular clearing. arms and legs and weapons radiating from a central body can act as lines. spots where the firelight hit shoulders and packs suggesting vowels, the curve of a body or the way hair cascades cutting a figure that acts as consonant stems. it would be an ambitious idea. im still workshopping this one but it sounds dope and poetic
i suppose a last idea would be, jewelry on hands! the layout of a map! spell circles! constellations! frogs and lillypads!
okay im done if you read all this give yourself a pat on the back, champ.
this is just me brainstorming out.. loud? over the keyboard lol
jfldkas so anyway i am CERTAIN when you asked this you didnt expect this response but it was a good question i was in the right mindset to go plus ultra on so thank you! hope you have a nice day and im glad everyone is catching circular gallifreyan fever from me pushing it in your faces. i couldnt ask for more than that.
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Hathor & Sekhmet
Hathor: About to slap myself so you'll feel it Hathor: wherever you are ain't where you should be Sekhmet: what im sleep Sekhmet: 😴😴😴 Hathor: wake up 👊🏽 Hathor: you asked me to meet you, remember? Sekhmet: I think that's tomorrow Sekhmet: I said Wednesday, right Hathor: That's today Hathor: you blackout past Tuesday? Sekhmet: You're joking Sekhmet: well then, that means I've got a deadline I gotta meet and not a whole lot of time for brunch dates Hathor: you're joking Hathor: I cancelled on a fine boy for you Sekhmet: it's so early you got time to hit it back Sekhmet: I know I didn't tell you I'd meet you at the crack of dawn Hathor: you didn't and you're late af still Sekhmet: chill sis, I'll make it up to you Hathor: yeah Hathor: anyone else'd be offended you don't ever want to have a sober conversation Hathor: but I'll see you in the club Sekhmet: girl, chill 😂 Sekhmet: how fine was he that you're all kinds of vexed with me Sekhmet: don't even care how I'm gonna make it up to you, oh my days 🥴🍆🧠 for real Hathor: he's got prospects, I'm not saying any more than that if you're not coming out 👅 Hathor: I'll care how you're gonna make it up when you next show up for real Sekhmet: ugh! living up to your name 🐮 Sekhmet: bitch I'm busy 😏 the juggle is real Hathor: you know I don't say that shit lightly except once in a blue moon, however fine a lad be looking Hathor: but if you don't wanna hear it Sekhmet: is he 🧑🏾🧑🏿 Hathor: 🥛 Hathor: nobody is more surprised than me Sekhmet: 👏🙌 yay Sekhmet: I told you, white boys are the best Sekhmet: they treat us like 👸 Hathor: It's his Irish accent tricking me Hathor: I gotta take a trip back and cure myself Sekhmet: awh, you're homesick, precious Sekhmet: now it makes sense why you wanna tie me down Hathor: can barely understand him he's from so far north, more likely that Sekhmet: throwback 📟 📠 📺 📻 Hathor: get the psych dept to pull their shrink shit on me about it Sekhmet: You wanna be just like Vee, sorted Sekhmet: take my PhD now 💁 Hathor: be more disrespectful! first you stand me up and then put that out there Sekhmet: 🤭 you've got a ways to go, even if you're rolling mad extra today Hathor: I didn't ask 👼🏽💘 to 🎯 me up in the 🍑 Hathor: got my own things I'm busy with Sekhmet: love is magic 💖 Sekhmet: don't be complaining in my inbox when I'm tragically single Hathor: I've been serving and swerving him for long enough I thought I'd succeeded, there's the complaint Sekhmet: 🙄 you can't ❌ feelings bitch Hathor: white boys are a different animal, I ❌ the fear of Sekhmet: 😍😍😍 Hathor: I'm not here to be treated like a 👸🏽 if that's one step away from being called 'exotic' Hathor: there's nothing sexy about a power imbalance Sekhmet: most girls would disagree, babe Sekhmet: why do you wanna be run of the mill every day when we been #blessed with this 🔥 Sekhmet: all black guys wanna chat about is my light-skin privilege and their black man struggles, I can't 🥱 Hathor: fetishization like that ain't foreplay I'm interested in Hathor: 👑 me for other reasons than my melanin Sekhmet: insecurities SNAPPED, I'm sure he likes you for more than your skin, you crazy Hathor: he likes me for how I pour measures rn Sekhmet: racial Sekhmet: that's why everyone likes you 💃💃💃 Hathor: on account of being a poor student not Northern Irish, don't be biting the hand that feeds your blackouts Sekhmet: my white boys always pay Hathor: #blessed innit Sekhmet: 👸😇 tings Hathor: which white boy you with ignoring your deadline then? Sekhmet: whoever it is they've gone to work Sekhmet: but they left a 💳 with their cute note so I know I'm in a good postcode still 🙏 Hathor: so come meet me and spare mine, that's the right thing to do Sekhmet: just 'cos it's good doesn't mean I'm not lost still, damn Sekhmet: hold on and let me get dressed and get my bearings Hathor: if your phone ain't drained I can use it to get your bearings while you serve a look Sekhmet: who doesn't have a charger in their hoe 👜 PLEASE Hathor: you didn't know what day it was, can't blame me for 👶🏽ing Sekhmet: where would I be without you 😘 Sekhmet: mum hasn't phoned me in ages actually, it's so rude Sekhmet: I missed the last few but still Hathor: I hit her with your highlights, creatively Hathor: like how I won't mention a white boy making me feel like a baby 🐮 that can't walk Sekhmet: 😶😶 Sekhmet: dad would 😥 Hathor: and she'll 🙌🏽 harder than you've done Sekhmet: facts are facts Sekhmet: look at her dad, Vee's... Hathor: cliches are tired and stereotypes are damaging Sekhmet: @ your white boy with the 👋 then booboo Sekhmet: I think dad's in town working today, you wanna come for dinner with us? 🥂 Hathor: he's not mine to command in or out 👅 Hathor: yeah 🍾 will help Sekhmet: I'll teach you Hathor: those twin stereotypes are damaging too, like Sekhmet: oh hush, I only tried to 💋 you ONE time and we were like babies and that boy was the first great love of my life Sekhmet: anyway, you're like hot but not my types type these days, you know Hathor: that boy was trash Hathor: you levelled up fast though Sekhmet: awh, don't be rude, I have fond memories Hathor: I have loads of him trying to ask me out at the same time Sekhmet: oh yeah Sekhmet: I forgot that happened Sekhmet: his hair was gorgeous though Hathor: it was Sekhmet: good times Sekhmet: my new guy, not this one, the actual one, looks like old school Leo, I SWEAR Hathor: Yeah? Sekhmet: like Leo and a bit of River and Ryan Philippe in Cruel Intentions Sekhmet: 🥰🥰🥰 Hathor: love of your life material Sekhmet: definitely Sekhmet: he's a trader in the city and his apartment is 😱😱😱 Hathor: what's the age range this time? Sekhmet: he's only 26, it's mad how successful he is already Hathor: he sounds like the full 🎟 Hathor: any catch? Sekhmet: only technically Hathor: technically he's a 🤖? Sekhmet: ha, he totally has the stamina of one Sekhmet: he can keep up with me, almost 😉 Hathor: 👌🏽 he's perfect Hathor: fucking hell Sekhmet: no need to be jealous when you're 🥰 yourself Sekhmet: what does he look like? Hathor: Tall enough Hathor: more like a 🥊 than a 👼🏻 Sekhmet: you really do wanna do great grandpa Sekhmet: jk, he sounds so you Hathor: he does work for the main brewery that supplies us, maybe I do Hathor: Jesus Christ Sekhmet: 😂😬 processing that Sekhmet: not really though, every boy I've ever dated has been like dad, it's unavoidable tbh 💁 Hathor: in our postcode nobody's trying very hard to be anything else Hathor: 💰💳💎🍾 Sekhmet: why would they? Hathor: they wouldn't and they aren't, it'd be terrifying for any of those boys to step out Sekhmet: 🙄 you aren't going to throw yourself down a ladder when you're at the top, babe Hathor: wouldn't kill them to give other people a hand up though, they just act like it Sekhmet: 🥱 when's your deadline? Hathor: my work's done Sekhmet: then button it, loser Sekhmet: you wanna eat out on this nice rich boy's 💳 Hathor: ETA of 15 on getting to you Hathor: you best 🚿 Sekhmet: way ahead of you 🛀 Sekhmet: door's unlocked, our breakfast will hopefully be on the table when you get here Sekhmet: love ubereats Hathor: 🙌🏽 Sekhmet: you can bring it through, the view in this bathroom is immense Sekhmet: thought getting the driver to bring it to the tub was unlikely Hathor: he probably would but it's unlikely I'd recover from walking in on it Sekhmet: 😘 Sekhmet: do fuck with an asian boy Hathor: you don't know he will be Hathor: might not even be a lad Hathor: but if it is, guarantee they'll send the most unexpected one Sekhmet: it usually is, your stereotypes be damned Hathor: what are you gonna bet? Sekhmet: the Belgian 🧇s Hathor: you're on Sekhmet: sometimes you shock me with how green you are, Hath Hathor: back to putting disrespect on me, what a nice truce while it lasted, like Sekhmet: I mean, you know I can see the driver on my app, babe Sekhmet: no points for guessing where Hassan is from Sekhmet: you can have the 🧇s anyway Hathor: you know I can read your thoughts, the playing field is level Hathor: and anyway I like green, that's my boy's eye colour Sekhmet: been gazing into them longingly across the bar have we🤭 Hathor: maybe Sekhmet: so cute Sekhmet: hope this one doesn't have a fiancee Sekhmet: or a maid who thinks we've broken in Hathor: if he does he better break that eye contact with me Sekhmet: I meant Mr Black Card, don't worry Sekhmet: he's a student, yeah? he won't be Hathor: he's only got a year on us, I don't predict an engagement Sekhmet: yeah, doubt it Hathor: outside of our family people aren't usually that extra Sekhmet: some of the asian internationals are but they usually cheat if their intended ain't here yet so Hathor: Yeah Sekhmet: what even does an engagement mean anyway Sekhmet: not much, right Hathor: a flash 💍 Hathor: what's my course teaching me if I don't know the statistics on how often a wedding follows? Hathor: shows how outdated it is Sekhmet: he gives me that anyway Hathor: I'd take a phone number and be happy with it for now Hathor: but it's probably the party and that whole flex too, right? Sekhmet: the dress Sekhmet: but it's irrelevant if it doesn't happen, like you said Hathor: 🎁🎁 even if it doesn't if people bring them for the engagement as well, but you're not going short of any Sekhmet: right Sekhmet: 😥 if you need a wedding for attention Hathor: Jay's birth mum QUAKING Sekhmet: omg I bet that's EXACTLY what his fiancee is like Hathor: does he ever speak about her? Sekhmet: obviously not Sekhmet: but she must never come up from wherever they're from because I'm like ALWAYS over so Hathor: maybe she doesn't know about this place Hathor: old school Sekhmet: Who knows Sekhmet: can't be my problem Hathor: Yours is the day you've missed, like Hathor: what's the assignment? Sekhmet: design some sportswear line Sekhmet: got to get the sketches in by 5, but all I ordered for me was a shit ton of coffee, it'll be fine Hathor: more productive if I stay or go? Sekhmet: you've already missed your date, you may as well stay Hathor: okay Hathor: am the sportier one Sekhmet: how are you 😂 Hathor: ⚽⛹🏽🚴🏽🥊 Hathor: why dad loves me more than you Sekhmet: now I know you're talking nonsense 😏 Hathor: True, he loves Vee and she never gets off her chaise Sekhmet: and she doesn't even love him back Hathor: poor dad Sekhmet: yeah Hathor: what time's dinner with him? Sekhmet: I'll ask him when he wants to go Hathor: about to come up, so whatever you were planning for Hassan, this is me Sekhmet: regrettably noted
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voidselfshipp · 5 years
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🌻Sunflower Au🌻
Summary: daemon falls in love with a woman, but he doesnt know how to flirt with her, shenanigans ensue.
John enters the facility, students come and go,coming in all shapes and sizes, his mother enlisted Him into this artschool, he thought that it would take more time off of him to do graffiti, but then he saw her.
She was with him in character design class,Brown hair, shaved back, green eyes with bags under them,and this big green sweater, and her name was jerico.
He couldnt Keep his eyes off of her, and that costed him the first few clases of the semester.
He needed to wow her,but how?.
Also, needed to add, that not only John was an artist but a vigilante too, pver the course of the years he took various martial arts and programming classes and courses, naming himself "Daemon"
So his brilliant brain came up with this idea.
Wow. Her. With. Your. Alter. Ego.
Altough, his relationshipp with her was going well,they worked togheter a couple of times, went to her place to work on the assigments of their shared class, and they had a pretty good friendship.
-You have a really iconic style john- jerico says as she replaces the water on the glass she used to clean her brushes- I cant quite place it,but there is something that when i see it I go" wow, thats John's work"-
She sits on the table and starts to colour another character.
-Well, yours is really iconic too-John leans back on his chair,finishing one of his sketches- they way you do the face , and the way you aply colors are kind of your trademark-
The woman blushes and shakes her head.
-Quite the Charmer, arent you-both share a chuckle and Keep working.
Hours go by and the sun sets, the moon appears on the horizon, and the stars slowly show themselves on the dark blue Sky.
-Im leaving, its late and my roomate is going to freak out- jeri says, tugging the sleeve of her green sweater.
-You sure?, this place can get dangerous at night, dont you want to stay?-john Asks leaning on the doorframe with on of his forearms, hanging over jerico.
-Please I dont want to bother, ill text you when I get home,okay?-
-You better do so, If not I wont be able to sleep tonight-
-Oh shut up- jeri playfully and softly punches him on his arm and says goodbye.
'I gotta make sure she gets there safe' John thinks , as he grabs his Gear, putting on his Oni mask.
His feet are silent as he runs on the rooftops, with his gaze on jerico, who non-chalantly walks back to her apartment ten blocks away from his.
Suddenly his eyes catch a glimpse of two men following her, he hums and observes,they dont seem dangerous,until one of them tries to steal jerico's backpack, she fights and squirms but the guy seemed to be winning the fight,until he lands on the ground and a set of shurikens pin both of the men to the nearest wall.
Then the grabs the woman and jumps, both run trough the roofs as he grabs her hand.
When the shady men finally stops pursuing them they sit, regaining their breath.
-Thanks for saving me and my bag there- she says, with a kind smile as she scoots closer.
-Uh, youre welcome, im, im--
-Oh I know! You've been in everyones mouth since you stopped those criminals some weeks ago!im so starstruck! I got saved by Daemon, THE daemon-
His cheeks heat up, If she only knew...
Or does she?.....
They sit there and chat a little bit,then daemon feels his body shiver, jerico seems to notice it as she takes off her sweater and hangs It around his back.
-You can give it to me later, ill be good to go, I have a spare one on my backpack,my apartment is just a block away-
-And how do you know I wont steal it?-both stand up.
-Because, you saved me-
They chuckle and say goodbye.
Jerico gets down the small building they were sitting on and walks, thinking of what happened.
When she gets home she finds her roomate sleeping on the couch,covering them jeri goes to her room and falls on her bed, quickly grabbing her cellphone and texting John with "you wont Belive what happened"
He sees the message pop up, as he sits on the windowsill of his house's attic window, were his room was, messaging back with" what happened?".
They Keep talking for hours until they both feel tired.
Tomorrow is saturday luckily, so they wont hate themselves in the morning.
Sunrays filter trough the blinds, daemon groans , covering his face with his hand as his half naked form walks downstairs , he hears two voices talking, but he is too sleepy to recognize them.
-John, put some clothes on, Jerico is here-his mother says
He suddenly jumps and with half-asleep , face looks at the woman, she is blushing as she contains her laughter.
Daemon bolts to his room, picking up an sleeveless shirt and throwing it on , then going on downstairs.
-its so early- he groans.
-Early?- his mother says-its twelve pm dear, its lunchtime, I invited jerico over, now sit, your friend has already set the table-
He awkwardly sits Next to jeri,muttering a hello.
-You looked cute- the woman besides him whispers- half asleep, messy,I dont get seeing you like that too often-
-Like what?-daemon asks.
-Vulnerable- she says- John, If you are trying to flirt with me,Like you've been trying these past month, Just be straightforward,no messing around-
The Mans face heat up,looking away as his mother serves the food.
-Was I that obvious?-He asks.
-Well child-his mother says- youre not EXACTLY that subtle-
-But its cute,trying to be so smooth, its nice-
They start to eat, and after it, jerico hangs out with John a bit, talking, playing some games, until its afternoon and jeri has to leave to help her roomate with some stuff.
A soft knock is heard on jerico's Window, she looks over to see her saviour from last night, daemon.
-c'mon, let me take you to a date-he says.
-Im sorry- the woman said looking at him-my heart is after my best friend, I really cant -
-Even if the person asking it is your own best friend?- John says taking off his mask- hurry up!,come on!-
Jeri chuckles and grabs her coat, opening her Window and slipping trough it, walking down the emergency stairs with her friend.
They laugh and jump trough the city and houses,running on the rooftops and climbing them until they arrive to the tallest building around,an abandoned three flored house,on its rooftop its a blanket and some candles.
-Its so corny,I know- daemon says holding jericos hand-you said to be Straight-forward so here I am-
-John I--
-Jerico, since I saw you, something is there, bugging me,pulling me to you like a magnet,I cant help it, eveytime youre near me, I have this urge to hug you, and be close to you, you are my best Friend, and I, I love you, so much...I want to be your boyfriend,but the desicion is yours to make-
-Yes,just yes, shut the fuck up and kiss me, now-
-Like , l like now, right now , now-
-Jo, did I stutter?-
Daemon pulls her on a kiss, walking backwards to the blanket and laying down on it
-took you long enough-jerico said.
-Oh shut up, If you knew that I was daemon,you would already be at my feet-
-Oh but I knew, the design?the voice?they made me realize from the moment I saw you, not even the voice disruptor on your mask can disguise your speech patterns-
-So wait,thats why you lend me your sweater?-
-Uh duh, of course,youre the only one who has my permission to touch it, even go near it-
Johns face burns red as he hides it behind his hands, Rolling on his side-
-Im such a dumbass-
-my dumbass-jeri says, hugging him from behind.
They stay in silence for a bit.
-Youre a sunflower- John mutters with his eyes half lidded.
-I think your love would be too much-
-Oh you'll be left in the dust-
-unless I stuck by ya'-
Youre a sunflower
John chuckles and kisses Jerico's forehead as they sleeply sing to eachother.
Youre a sunflower
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forevermyalwaysphff · 5 years
Chapter 10
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A/N: Here is the next the chapter! I’m so excited to share this with you, I hope you enjoy it
Alexa was holding her belly, laughing hard at Harry while she talked to him over the phone. Her heels clicked along the London cobble stoned street towards a local cafe she was meeting Hallie and Naomi at for lunch and well needed catch up with her close friends.
“Harry! Please stop!” She giggled uncontrollably, hearing his laughter mix with hers across the phone line. Suddenly, she grew quiet and listened to his purely infectious laughed that she found herself missing more and more with each passing day.
Harry was in the middle of exams, focusing all of his time on studying the materials he required to pass them leaving no time for a trip back to London to see Alexa until the weekend came along. For now, phone calls like this one would have to satisfy them until then.
“How’s my girlfriend doing over there? She seems to have gotten quiet.” His deep husky voice swooned over the phone.
Alexa halted her steps before cutting through a crowd of pedestrians to find a small pathway between to buildings to allow more privacy to talk with the prince. “You know, as I recall...” Alexa cleared her throat and leaned up against a red brick building. “I do not seem to remember that you actually asked me to be your girlfriend, only that you fancy me.” She teased him with a spreading smile forming on her lips.
“Is that so?” The prince chuckled lightly and sighed. “Alexa, you already know that you are.” She could tell that he was shaking his head at her, even over the phone.
“Say it then.” Alexa egged him on, wanting to hear it come from him first that they were indeed an official couple.
“Lex...” Harry’s voice paused for a moment. “I will, when I see you this weekend and get to see that beautiful smile of yours and watch those green eyes light up while you are in my arms.” He let the words sink in for Alexa to imagine. “Then... I will kiss those soft lips of yours until you beg me to stop. How does that sound?”
Alexa’s mouth betrayed her and released a tiny moan giving Harry all he needed for an answer. “I can’t wait til then....”
“Me too, babe.” He cleared his throat. “I will be back before you know it. I have already made you late for lunch with Hallie and Naomi.”
“Ok. Good luck on your exam this afternoon.” Alexa stepped forward back onto the side walk, seeing the cafe with in eyes view. “I know you will pass with flying colours.” She could not help herself, cracking a pun at Harry’s expense.
“Really Alexa?” He groaned deeply. “Flying... colours. You shouldn’t quit your day job gorgeous.” Harry giggled lightly.
“I am hilarious and you know it Wales.” Alexa waved at her friends through the cafe window. “Im at the cafe now. I have to go.”
“Bye, Lex.”
“Bye boyfriend.” Alexa smiled brightly, hearing Harry’s laughter before ending the call.
“Ok spill the beans, Alexa.” Hallie sipped on her tea.
“What do you mean?” Alexa lowered her head feeling the eyes of both of her friends Hallie and Naomi on her. It had been too long since they had gotten together with their busy schedules and lives so Alexa made time for them on a quick lunch break during the work week.
Naomi put her fork down and shared a knowing look with Hallie. “Oh come on. You have been glowing and smiling from ear to ear since the moment you have arrived.”
Alexa breathed in with a smile. It was true, ever since Harry and Alexa had unofficially officially became a couple she was in a state of constant happiness. Not only did she feel it, but it also showed on the outside.
“Alright, alright.” She beamed falling into a brief silence. “I met someone.”
Namoi and Hallie squealed with delight, but already knew that was potentially the case. “Who is he?! Where did you two meet? Have you two done it yet?” Hallie bombarded the blonde with question after question.
“Ya, what she said.” Naomi leaned in from across the table with a curious glint in her eyes.
“Hallie!” Alexa started to giggle at how forward Hallie was being, but she honestly was not surprised.
“Or I could just text Alice. I am sure she knows exactly who it is!” Hallie whipped out her phone pretending to type.
“No! No!” Alexa’s hand stretched out across the table pushing Hallie’s phone down. “I can tell you, god you haven’t given me a second to even answer!” She shook her head at her friends.
“We met at Eugenie’s engagement party.” Alexa smiled fondly at the memory of locking eyes with Harry from across the bar, the moment that started it all. “We took things a bit slow at least we tried too.” She tossed her head back in laughter. “But, now we are officially a couple and I haven’t felt this happy in a long time.” Saying it out loud made it feel more real for Alexa. She was officially Harry’s girlfriend and it made her happier than ever.
“Awe!” They said in unison.
“I can tell you are so happy, Alexa!” Naomi was brushing away tears of happiness.
“Awe Noe, don’t cry!” Alexa reached across the table to comfort her always-emotional friend that was a hopeless romantic. Maybe that was why she had become a wedding planner.
“I am sorry!” Naomi waved her hands in front of her face drying the tears. “You deserve to be so happy.”
Hallie giggled at Naomi. “Get a grip, it’s not like she is going to be ditching wine Wednesdays with us, right?!”
“Oh hell no!” Alexa covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.
“Well when can we meet the lucky guy?” Hallie pipped in and gave Alexa that look she had when she was about to freely speak her mind. “You know he better not be an aristo again, you just need an ordinary guy that is not complicated to wine and dine you.”
Alexa nearly choked on her glass of wine as Hallie stated what was on her mind. Little did she know that Harry was completely opposite of an ‘ordinary guy’ that was far from ‘not complicated.’ Hallie had always been the protective one in the group and was the tough friend to win over. She trusted her gut when it came to judging people and nearly every time, she was right.
“Easy, I don’t want to scare him away!” Alexa diverted Hallie’s comment and lightened the mood, wanting to turn the conversation elsewhere. “When do you leave on your trip Hal?”
The conversation turned away from Alexa’s new relationship as the three of the friends caught up with their lives with one another. Hallie and Alexa bonded the very first day of university. Having met at a freshman tour of the campus together, the two of them ditched the tour and found themselves sharing multiple bottles of wine. Later finding out that they were to share a dorm together and have been close ever since.
Naomi Edwards and Alexa’s relationship went almost as far back as Princess Eugenie’s and Alexa’s. Having been friends since elementary school, Naomi was a close confidant of the blondes. The Edwards family even took care of Alexa and her siblings periodically when their parents needed to stay at the hospital with Rosie. They always made them feel included in their family. Alexa would often make a point to go visit Naomi’s mother after her husband passed last year.
The thought of introducing Harry to her friends was weighing heavily on Alexa’s mind. The couple did not have much time to talk about their new relationship since Harry had to leave to go back to base the day after they became official. A lot of things needed to be discussed, but had been put to the side after a busy week waiting for the next time they would see each other again.
Alexa was at Eugenie’s apartment in Kensington Palace with her mother Sarah, watching Eugenie stand on a little pedestal as the designer explained the dress he envisioned in his mind.
Eugenie had pushed back deciding on a designer until the last minute and chose to go with Peter Piloto, a less known London designer. After having a lengthy discussion with Princess Eugenie about the vision she wanted her dress to portray, Peter walked the three of them through the details of the dress.
“Can we make the back a bit open?” Eugenie twirled back around to face her mother and Alexa. “I want my scar to be shown.”
Peter took a step back with a tilted head as he thought of how to incorporate the Princess’s wish. “I could do that.” He stepped forward and offered his hand to allow the Princess to step down off the pedestal safely. “May I draw what I am thinking for you Eugenie?”
“Yes! Of course!” Eugenie nodded with excitement. Peter sat down inbetween Eugenie and Alexa as he started to sketch the dress right before them.
Alexa looked across to Eugenie and saw her face beaming with happiness and was almost in tears when Peter finished drawing the dress of her dreams. The style would fit Eugenie so well and followed the royal bride’s protocols closely. It was classical, timeless, but was completely what Eugenie would wear with her own personal flare added in.
“I love it!” Eugenie squealed with excitement. Her green eyes immediately darted towards her close friend Alexa and her mother. “What do you think?” The bride to be wanted their valued input.
“Are you sure that you don’t want more bling or lace? Not even a veil?” Sarah was slightly disappointed that it would not be as elaborate as she hoped for. Til the moment Peter arrived, Sarah attempted to persuade Eugenie to go with a well known designer. But, Eugenie was adamant that Peter was the right choice.
“If I wear a veil no one will see my scar.” Eugenie sighed. “I want that to be showcased… for anyone that had to go through the same thing as me. I want them to know that you can still be beautiful even if you have scars.”
Alexa smiled proudly at Eugenie’s decision. “I think that is wonderful, Eugenie.” She added in. “I know you will look gorgeous in this dress and if it is everything you want, than I love it even more.”
Both Eugenie and Alexa glanced over at Sarah hoping that she would agree. “Well, if you love it sweetie I am on board all the way!” The group cheered as everyone was now on the same level.
Peter nodded in agreement with Alexa. “It is a beautiful testament that I am happy to fulfill, your royal highness.”
“This is my dress!” Eugenie fondly looked down at the sketch one more time. “I cannot wait to put it on!” The group dissolved into a quick laugh at Eugenie’s thrilled excitement on the matter.
“All I need is your measurements and I will get started on it right away!” Peter spoke enthusiastically before laying his eyes on Alexa. “I believe it is your turn, maid of honor!”
This was the part that Alexa had not been entirely excited for. Eugenie was adamant that Alexa’s dress was to be designed by Piloto and that it would be fully covered by the royal family. “Come with me my darling.” Peter took Alexa towards the small pedestal in the middle of the room.
“What would you like to see yourself in?” Piloto asked Alexa. She simply shrugged her shoulders unsure of what to say.
“It’s Eugenie’s day and I am happy to wear whatever she wants me to.” Alexa got a subtle glare from Eugenie.
“Alexa, I want your input in this too. I mean you have to wear it!” Eugenie and Alexa shared a quiet glance.
“You tell me your ideas and I will add to it, but I don’t know what you want me to look like!” Alexa encouraged Eugenie to speak her mind. “This is your day, not mine!” She further added.
The princess sat back and looked up at Peter. “What are you thinking Peter?”
“A few questions first, Eugenie.” Peter cleared his throat. “Are we going with a traditional royal maid of honor look with matching white or ivory? Or would you like some color?”
“Traditional.” Eugenie nodded before standing up. “What I have been thinking of is something similar to Pippa’s dress in the fact of how the buttons come up the back, but I want it to be different than hers.”
“Hmm… do you like lace and maybe a tulle cover?” Peter eyed Alexa’s body as he circled around her.
“Yes.” Alexa nodded. “But not covering all the dress.”
“How about this.” Peter had done a complete circle around Alexa and stood beside Eugenie. “A simple ivory color with corded lace and a few organza flowers opening to a short veil laced train at the back. Buttoning up the back like Pippa’s but the front has a sweetheart neck line covered with a sheer lace and with small sleeves keeping with the traditional guidelines.” Peter thoroughly explained his vision. “It will be elegant, traditional, but also subtle in the design to not overshadow Eugenie’s.” Piloto added that in for Alexa, as he knew that was where her head was.
“I love that! I can already see you in it Lexi!” Eugenie smiled happily as she took in the view of Alexa standing on the little pedestal. “May you sketch a quick draft for us, Peter?”
“Of course!” Peter waved the girls over as they fawned over his talented sketch bringing the dress to life.
“Ooh Alexa that will look beautiful on you!” Sarah gasped in awe of the design.
“What do you think?” Eugenie grasped her quiet friends arm, wanting to hear her opinion.
“I like how subtly pretty it is.” Alexa smiled at the sketch before locking eyes with Eugenie. “If that is what you like as well, I will be happy to wear it!’
“Yes! Are you kidding me!” Eugenie started to giggle. “I love it!”
“Honey, there isn’t nothing subtle about that dress when it gets on that body of yours!” Peter chimed in making the group dissolve into a fit of laughter.
Peter got the last minute measurements he needed to start designing both of the dresses and was about to leave Kensington. The plan was to keep Eugenie’s designer under wraps until the morning of the big day to which Piloto had eagerly agreed to. “Once again, thank you for this opportunity for me to design this gorgeous dress for an even more beautiful bride, Eugenie.” He shook the Princess’s hand firmly. “And of course your maid of honor dress, Alexa.” Peter took Alexa’s hand in his, shaking it.
“Thank you Peter. I am so happy that I have chose you.” Eugenie was smiling from ear to ear. “I look forward to hearing from you and seeing the dresses in person!”
With Peter gone, Eugenie flopped herself down onto a chair. “That was exhausting!” She giggled as she repositioned herself. “But, I am so excited to see them. Lexi you are going to be stunning!”
“Not as beautiful as you are going to be.” Alexa assured the princess.
Sarah was walking into the living room with Andrew in tow, carrying two large binders of papers. “Oh no.” Eugenie sat up straighter knowing exactly what they were as her eyes landed on Alexa.
“What?” She leaned in and whispered to Eugenie. Seeing her dreadful expression caused the blonde concern.
“Sorry to crash the party, but I thought it would be best for Alexa to get started on the protocols and policies she needs to be aware of.” Andrew practically slammed the binders down on top of the coffee table making a loud thudding sound.
Alexa’s eyes grew big, staring at the binders of endless papers. She reached forward and grabbed one nearly dropping it onto the ground not realizing how heavy it was. “I have to know all of this?” Alexa’s worried green eyes glanced up at Andrew, watching him carefully as he sat down across from Eugenie and her.
“Yes.” He cleared his throat. “I have also booked a few etiquette classes for you with our advisor. With as many eyes that are going to be on you, we have to make sure you follow the protocols and etiquette acceptable of the royal family.” Andrew continued to build the fear that was growing within Alexa.
Her stomach started doing flips in all sorts of directions. When Alexa first signed up for this, she had no idea that it was going to be this much stress on top of it all. She knew a lot of eyes would be on her, but now they would be judging her every step, her every move.
“Also, I got word that BBC will be televising the wedding for the world to see.” Andrew smiled pleasantly as Alexa flipped through the pages and pages of protocols. “I hate to just drop this and run, but I have a meeting to attend to.” He rose from his seat and placed a light grasp on Alexa’s shoulder. “Send me your schedule and I will book those classes as soon as we can!” Andrew walked out with Sarah leaving Eugenie and Alexa alone.
“You ok?” Eugenie rested her hand on Alexa’s knee.
Putting up a fake smile on her lips Alexa turned her attention towards Eugenie and nodded. “Yes. More reading than I thought, but it will be fine.” Not wanting to worry her best friend.
“I can help you carry those over to Harry’s if you would like?” Eugenie offered. “I cannot believe that you two are now official!” She stood straight up from her seat with an elated smile. “I am so happy for you two! Have you discussed whether you wanted to be seated at the same table at the reception?” Eugenie started to bombard Alexa with questions causing more stress added to the pile. “Maybe you two will be outed as a couple by then and it won’t matter!”
“Uh, no we haven’t had any time to really talk further about anything really. What do you mean?” Alexa stood up and watched Eugenie walk with a bounce in her step.
“Well when the press find out that you two are in a relationship silly.” Eugenie gave Alexa a raised eyebrow. “I mean.” She paused briefly. “You are my best friend and will soon be announced as my maid of honor. Then to find out that you are dating my cousin who happens to be Prince Harry… it will be a big story!
Alexa’s heart sank in her chest. Harry and her had only recently decided to be an official couple and she had entirely forgot about the whole media thing. They had hardly any time to really discuss the matter further as Harry had left the next day back to base and had hardly spoken since their goodbye last weekend, other than short phone conversations here and there.
Harry was on his way back to London and the plan was for Alexa to spend the weekend with him at his cottage after she was finished more planning with Eugenie this evening. But, now the stress of it all was finally hitting Alexa harder than she expected.
“You can’t keep your relationship a secret forever. They are bound to find out about it.” Eugenie kept talking in the background as Alexa was caught up in her own thoughts as an overwhelming sense begin to build within herself. “But, let me know about the seating at the reception soon. I have to get it done in the next few weeks.”
“We will.” Alexa glanced down at the time on her phone. Harry was still a solid hour and a half away from Kensington, but all Alexa wanted was a little time to herself to regain her composure for when Harry arrived. She had been waiting all week to see him and only wanted to enjoy her time with him. “I think I am going to head over to Harry’s now. I wanted to get some dinner made for when he got home tonight.” Alexa turned around and grabbed the heavy binders. “Do you mind getting an RPO to take me over there?”
“Oh my god. That is the sweetest thing!” Eugenie cooed. “You are going to make dinner for Harry?” The princess swooned at the thought of how romantic it was. “I remember when Jack and I were first in a relationship… all the sweet little gestures and the good sex!” Eugenie started to reminisce.
“I better go though…” Alexa forced a smile on her face as she grabbed her bag and heavy binders heading for the door.
“Thank you again for doing all of this for me, Lexi.” Eugenie pulled her friend into a warm hug. “It means the world to me that you will be by my side that day.”
“I would do anything for you, you know that.” Alexa squeezed her tighter, but her mind was simply elsewhere.
“Have a good evening with Harry and I will see you Saturday night?” Eugenie gently reminded Alexa that they had plans tomorrow evening with Beatrice and Dave to a Harry Potter Trivia at a bar.
“Yes, that is the plan hopefully. I will talk about it with Harry though and see if he is up for it.” Alexa watched an expression grow on Eugenie’s face.
“Since when did you need Harry’s approval for hanging out with me?” The princess kind of snapped at Alexa, taking her off guard.
“Eugenie....” Alexa drug out her name. “It’s not that I need his permission, its the fact that my boyfriend is in the city for the weekend and I want to make sure he didn’t make other plans for us first before I fully agree to it.”
“Oh, ok.” Eugenie shrugged it off and placed a half fake smile onto her lips, slightly concerning Alexa.
Not wanting to make this more of a big deal, Alexa waved goodbye and followed behind Harry’s RPO Magnus who graciously offered to help her carry the binders for her.
Magnus opened the door into Harry’s home and held it open as she stepped inside. “Do you know when Harry is to arrive?” She turned around and asked Magnus wanting to know how long she had to cook dinner.
“Just over an hour, Miss Grey.” Magnus asked if she required any further assistance and showed himself out.
Alexa made herself at home and settled into Harry’s cottage. She opened the fridge door and searched through a nearly empty fridge wondering what she could cook for dinner.
Harry entered his cottage and the immediate smell of a delicious meal wafted into his nose. He could hear something being chopped up with light music playing in the background as Alexa’s voice sang to it. The prince had no idea that she could sing so he quietly kicked off his shoes and stepped carefully towards the kitchen with his bag slung around his shoulder.
Rounding the corner, he was relieved to see that Alexa was still unaware that he had gotten home. Harry leaned up against the wooden pole and quietly watched her sway her body back and forth while wearing an apron, chopping away at some veggies singing her heart out to an Ellie Goulding song.
Her eyes lifted to find a shadow figure from the corner of her eye. Alexa’s head snapped up towards the figure to see Harry standing there with a big grin plastered on his face. An embarrassed Alexa ducked below the counter and cringed knowing that Harry caught her singing. “How long have you been standing there?” Alexa yelled out before bravely standing up to face Harry.
All she could hear was his infectious laugh ringing out. “Long enough to hear that amazing voice you apparently forgot to tell me about.” Harry locked eyes with Alexa the moment she stood back up from behind the counter. He was now casually leaning on the other side of the island counter smiling down at her.
“Well, welcome home.” Alexa giggled while walking towards her boyfriend. Harry wrapped his arms around her and lifted Alexa’s feet off the ground, hoisting her up in the air. Settling Alexa back down on her feet, Harry hastily wasted no time in locking their lips together.
“It is good to be home indeed, home to see my girlfriend.” Harry exaggerated the word and watched that smile he had been waiting to see grow on her lips. His eyes stole a few silent moments looking deep into those green eyes that he had missed while he was away. The couple had agreed to spend the weekend together, making the effort to spend as much time as possible when Harry was home in London to make this long distance thing work.
“I made you dinner, boyfriend.” A proud Alexa was beaming up at Harry.
“I smell it.” He sniffed the air and looked towards the stove. “Smells delicious, Lexi.” Harry looked towards the unchopped veggies left that Harry had interrupted Alexa working on. “Can I help you finish up?” He kindly offered to help.
“No, no.” Alexa was quick to reply. “Have a seat. I am nearly done.” She picked back up the knife and started to chop the vegetables. “Besides, I am sure you had a long day travelling home.”
Harry slowly sat down on the bar stool across from his girlfriend and watching her expertly cut the vegetables. “It was a quick drive home, not too bad.” His eyes scanned the kitchen and saw two giant binders full of stacked papers. “What are these?”
Alexa lifted her eyes up for a second to see Harry opening the binders and flipping through the pages. She silently looked back down not really wanting to get into how nervous she was becoming about the wedding.
“Protocols?” Harry’s deep voice asked as Alexa’s silence did not go unnoticed by the prince.
“Yep.” She replied shortly. “Do you mind grabbing plates and cutlery. Dinner is ready in about two minutes.” Alexa changed the subject quickly, but Harry could feel the stress exuding from her body.
“Wow, that chicken was amazing.” Harry pushed his plate away and leaned back with a full tummy. “You are an excellent cook.” He complimented Alexa who took her last bite of chicken.
The prince had noticed how strangely quiet she had become. Alexa barely spoke a word to him over dinner and often would catch her staring in a distracted trance as if her mind were elsewhere tonight. “You seem awfully quiet tonight. Everything alright?” Harry felt it was best to bring it up and see if he could help her in any way.
Alexa sighed deeply at Harry’s question. “Honestly, no. Not, really.” She confessed with a lowered head that Alexa then cradled in her hands.
“What can I do?” Harry offered sweetly, not liking to see Alexa this stressed.
“I don’t know, Harry.” Alexa lifted her head to lock eyes with the prince. “Burn those stupid binders for starters!” She started to giggle, but it faded all too quickly for Harry’s liking.
“I am sure I could arrange that.” Harry barked a laugh. “Why don’t we head over to the sofa and you can tell me what’s got you so stressed out?”
“I’d really like that.” Alexa’s heart skipped a beat seeing the kindness in Harry’s eyes in wanting to make things better for her. She followed the prince to his living room and sat down right beside him angled to face Harry with her legs on top of his lap.
“Comfy?” He asked sweetly to which Lexi nodded. “Talk to me, babe.” His blue eyes glazed over with evident concern.
“I was ok until your uncle Andrew brought those binders over to Eugenie’s this afternoon and started talking all about the policies and protocols I needed to know. Then he started on about the etiquette classes that I would have to take and I got overwhelmed and stressed.” Alexa breathed out. “This all comes natural to you and your family and I mean I know a few things, but to have to know those front and back is stressing me out a little. Let alone if I fuck up, it’s televised in front of the whole world… and your grandmother.”
Harry’s hand gently rubbed up and down her leg letting Alexa know he was there for her. “I can completely understand that.” He offered his support. “She would probably just giggle at you to be honest… well in her head at least.” Harry tried to lighten the mood, but a glaring set of green eyes told him not to.
“Then Eugenie asked me if you and I were going to be sitting together at the reception…” Alexa trailed off letting it sink in for him what the real issue was that was causing so much stress within her.
“Ah… I see.” He released a deep breath knowing where Alexa was leading.
“She started talking about maybe we wouldn’t need to decide since our relationship could already be out in the open before then and how big of a story it would be.” Alexa peaked up at Harry.
Harry pursed his lips together, slightly angry with Eugenie. He did not have the chance to have a long conversation with Alexa about their relationship since they officially became a couple. He had hoped that they would at some point, but Eugenie forced his hand now.
“I know we did not get a chance to talk before I had to leave last weekend.” Harry held Alexa’s gaze while taking in a breath, giving the prince a moment to think of where to start. Her green eyes were pleading with Harry to relieve her of some of this added on stress. His features softened as he caressingly held Alexa’s hand hating to see her this overwhelmed.
“My life…” he started out, “is complicated at best.” His head lowered to see their fingers intertwined. “My family is very much in the public eye whether we like it or not it is part of our job as the monarchs to be seen. With that being said, there is a very fine line between our public and private life which is often over stepped by the media. That means any relationship I am, at some point it is exposed and becomes public when it is meant to be kept private.” Harry spoke through pressed lips.
Alexa slowly nodded, reminding herself of certain situations she witnessed with Eugenie. Her hand interlocked their fingers tighter, holding on tight.
Harry lifted his head and locked in Alexa’s deep green gaze. “Our relationship will get out eventually if we continue this, Alexa. It would be naïve of us not to think that. This is why I like to keep things in private as long as possible so we can get to know each other on our own without the press breathing down our necks or harassing you.”
“I know it will.” Alexa’s voice was softly quiet.
“I need to be completely honest with you and you need to understand what is going to happen once it does get out. I hate having these conversations, which is why I left it last weekend without having it. I wanted to enjoy the fact that I get you all to myself for the time being.” Harry leaned down and kissed Alexa’s forehead as she closed her eyes welcoming the tender kiss. “It’s not meant to scare you, but you need to be aware of what being my girlfriend means.”
Harry watched her chest rise and fall uneasily, her breathing becoming harder as he rested his forehead against Alexa’s for a lingering second. Her eyes were still closed tightly as she listened to his voice.
“When people find out about us, they will want to know everything about you and I mean everything. It’s a media frenzy to be the first to figure out who you are and any little detail about our relationship. They will talk to people in your past, your old bosses, teachers, neighbors anyone to get a story out of.” Alexa’s eyes fluttered open before resting her head on the back of the sofa, keeping eye contact with Harry. “They will harass you, follow you, shout names at you to even get any reaction for a photograph. They can be ruthless and lack any regard or respect. The hard part is not reacting to it as badly as you want to. Don’t say a word, just keep your head low and keep going.”
“And there is nothing that you can ever do about it.” Alexa added, finishing off Harry’s warning of the press and their habits. “Don’t be surprised. I know a few things of how it works. I have been friends with Eugenie ever since I could write my own name.” Alexa giggled seeing the surprised expression on his face.
“I will never blame you if it is too much for you too handle. I don’t expect someone to willingly subject their self to all of this madness, it’s not always worth it.” Harry wanted Alexa to understand fully what it meant to be involved with a royal.
“It is though.” Alexa was quick to answer, surprising the prince as he snapped his attention back towards the blonde with a confused expression. “It’s worth it.” She rephrased her reply. “I mean, look at what Jack and Eugenie have… or your brother and Kate. Nothing worth fighting for is ever easy, and I know you can’t always intervene, but I can handle myself Harry.”
“Alexa… you aren’t understanding what I am warning you about. Do not be naive.” He dropped her hand and stood up hastily. How could Alexa be this naïve? It was all worth it?
“I think I understand just fine, thanks.” Alexa clapped back angrily, unknowingly setting off a switch in the prince.
Harry turned around with a menacing look and practically yelled at Alexa. “Do you think my mother understood just fine? Do you really think someone warned her about this fucked up life? Do you think she understood what she signed up for?” Alexa in drew a gasp unsure of how to respond to Harry’s sudden lashing out.
“Well we can’t ask her that now can we?” The prince added while making his point clear to Alexa. He turned his back towards her and walked a few steps away.
Alexa sat there frozen in time while a deafening silence fell between them. Before Harry walked away, she saw the pain circling in his blue eyes at the thought of how people had mistreated his mother. He was only having this conversation with her so Alexa fully understood what was going to happen, but he was giving her a quick out she was not willing to take.
Harry was holding his head in his hands supporting himself up with his elbows that wavered back and forth on the cool countertop. He had horribly lashed out at Alexa out of nowhere. All he wanted was for her to understand, but clearly she could not get what she agreed to when he asked Alexa to be his girlfriend. It was only a matter of time before things got out and with Alexa being Eugenie’s maid of honor, she would already be in the spotlight.
But just as he could not protect his mother from the cruelty of the press combined with royal life… he could not protect Alexa from it either. That part was already chewing him up from the inside. He had been thinking about it all week, how her adoring smile was bound to fade once the awful stories ripped her apart piece by piece as she came crying to him about it all. He would again helplessly hold and comfort her time and time again after she read the lies printed about her, even when he encouraged her not too.
Alexa slowly stood up from the sofa and drew in a breath. Her heart was aching for Harry knowing that his anger came from a place of fear for her. She took a quiet moment trying to see it all from his perspective and why he had lashed out. Seeing the muscles of his back through his shirt rippling through knowing that he was tense as he stood with his back to Alexa.
He felt a gentle hand slowly rub his back as he swallowed a lump in his throat. “Harry?” Alexa whispered cautiously, to which the prince did not reply nor move from his spot. She wrapped her arms around him from the back and leaned in, kissing the back of his shoulder before resting her head on top of him.
“I don’t understand what you must be feeling right now…” Alexa softly spoke. “I do know that there is no doubt in my mind that you would protect me as much as you could.”  She let the words sink in. “I only said I understand what I am getting myself into and it is worth it to me to find out what there is between us because at the end of the day that is enough for me. You are enough for me.” His one hand reached down and placed it over top of her laced fingers across his abdomen.
Harry stood up slowly, lifting his arm up for the small blonde to cuddle in beside him. He was looking down as he caught her gentle green eyes peaking up at him with a small smile hinting at the corner of her lips. “Are you ok?” She quietly whispered as she searched in his deep blue eyes.
“Are you? I am the one that lost it on you…I’m sorry.” He apologized while tenderly caressing her cheeks with both hands. “I should never have yelled at you like that.” Through out this whole time, Alexa’s arms remained wrapped around Harry not letting go of him.
“I don’t like being yelled at, but I know where it was coming from.” She let Harry off the hook. “Your anger is only out of fear for me, but, I would rather you talk to me about her before it gets to that again. I am not saying you need to tell me everything, but know I don’t mind listening if you ever need to Harry. It’s part of my job to listen to people and help them.”
Harry’s finger lifted her chin to raise her mouth closer to his lips. “I am a lucky man to have you, Alexa.”
“Yeah, you are damn lucky.” Alexa’s laughter lightened the mood. He leaned down and captured her lips tenderly, sharing a deep kiss.
Breaking out of the kiss, Harry’s brow furrowed seriously. “And you are right, I will do whatever I can to keep you safe.”
“I know, because if you don’t I have a father and two older brothers.” Alexa casually reminded Harry while playfully squeezing his hips eliciting a smile she had been waiting for from the prince.
“Right…” He shook that thought right out of his head seeing the stacks of binders out of the corner of his eye. Leaving Alexa’s arms, he grabbed the heavy binders off the counter and looked back over his shoulder at his girlfriend. “Come with me, we are going to go through these awful things and I am going to help you.” He hoped that by helping relieve some of Alexa’s stress, he could make it up to her.
“Oh, you really don’t have to do that.” Alexa tried to convince him not to worry about it.”
“Grab a bottle of your favourite wine and get your get your cute ass over here.” Harry patted the spot next to him. “It’s the least I could do after adding even more stress to you tonight. Plus then you don’t have to read through all this shit.”
“Because you are the expert?” Alexa giggled and sat down close beside her boyfriend.
“Uh… yes.” Harry made a goofy face. “Ok, so first things first.” He opened the binder and started to summarize all of the protocols so simply making them less daunting for Alexa. She listened to Harry closely as he spoke while he explained with his hands.
“Ok, but when I walk down when do I have to curtsey and is it only to your grandmother? Or to your whole family?” Alexa nervously clenched her hands together as the prince stared into her eyes, imagining Alexa walking down the aisle behind his cousin Eugenie and how he was going to keep his bloody cool himself.
“What?” Alexa placed a hand on his knee. “Harry?” She looked into his glazed eyes.
“Shit…sorry.” Harry snapped out of his trance with a shake of the head. “Uh, no just to gran at the ceremony.”
Alexa rested her head on Harry’s shoulder and released a deep sigh. “Thank you for helping me with all of this. I know it must seem silly to you as these all come second nature to you. But, I appreciate it.” She leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek.
“It’s not silly. God I would probably tell Eugenie to pick someone else if they made me take classes and read through all of this awful crap.” Harry slammed the binder shut loudly, nearly dropping it on the ground with its heaviness making a thudding sound.
“Believe me after today, with the designer talking about the dresses and everything is making me more nervous about it all.” Alexa paused for a moment. “But, it will all be worth it seeing Eugenie so happy that day.”
Harry angled his head down at Alexa who found his shoulder again to rest her head. “You are a great friend. I am sure she appreciates it, Lexi.”
“I am wondering how I am going to handle seeing you walk down that aisle and keep my cool in front of my family. I pray to god that Zara is not going to be sitting beside me.” He confessed whole-heartedly.
“Umm… sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I think she is.” Alexa fell into a fit of laughter seeing Harry’s concerned expression knowing fully that Zara would only make matters worse.
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spekulative · 4 years
starting anew!
hi! if by the odd chance you knew me from my old blog, i realized that i was restricted from carrying out a lot of functions i might want to in the future if i were to grow my blog (it was a sideblog to an old, 2013 blog i had and when i replied to comments or respond to asks it’d be as my primary). so instead i decided to create a new account so that lycho could be my primary blog! since i did have a few posts that i wanted to keep for history sake, this is just going to be a mega post of my past few posts: 
apr 6, 2020 - the beginning
day 1 of my journey with ux!
frankly, i’ve been on this journey for the past two years (ever since discovering it) but i feel as though i haven’t made any real progress. i’ve always claimed i wanted to grow and learn more about the field, yet those goals never showed in my day-to-day actions.
this blog is a collection of my progress on this journey to keep myself accountable. the goal is facebook in a year, baby!
i know it’s super idealistic and quite tough for a second year like me who’s not even in a design program (business, actually). but i still want to try. i want to do something for myself for once.
that is why i am committing 4 hours everyday to honing my craft. whether that is learning about ux through watching youtube tutorials, skillshare course, or reading medium articles, or actually practicing the craft by making redesigns or wireframes, i will dedicate this time strictly to advancing my expertise within the field. and this blog exists to keep up with my every step of the way :)
apr 8, 2020 - website overhaul
today I worked on cleaning up the modularity of my existing website a bit, making use of consistent classes instead of hard-coding like i used to! oh how i love modularity!
small win: making a navbar that breaks out of the standard bounding box of the site’s content --> next goal is to make it a sticky navbar with js!
other than my website, yesterday I finished a skillshare course on user-centred design, albeit short, it was really valuable and it only motivates me to continue learning. I’m starting to realize how much I actually like doing this stuff and think it is something that really clicks and not just something im doing for the looks.
slowly but surely getting the hang of dedicated 4 hour time chunks to my craft - i failed yesterday and the day before (woke up around 9/10 instead of starting at 8:30) but today i did pretty well! took a short 20 min nap inbetween haha but I’m still proud of myself overall :)
it’s been pretty depressing and lonely lately with the quarantine (when the sun is shining so bright, teasing me grr..) but I want to get back into a routine and be productive although i do have my lazy days. it just overall makes me feel better because who knows how long we’ll have to live like this. might as well get used to it.
apr 9, 2020 - website overhaul
hi! so today i wanted to be very candid and share that i feel like i did fail today in terms of the goals i had set out for myself, though I reached 1/2 goals so that’s good! the first was to finish refining my website and publish it (check!), while the other was to finish the financial statements for my business assignment but alas that did not end up happening haha, but i forgive myself for it and know that tomorrow will be a new day!
I actually woke up early today (around 7:30, earlier than usual) and felt awake, yet mentally I just wanted to go back to sleep so I ended up getting up at 9:30. I then regretted it and beat myself up for it briefly for doing that, but I realized that I should let myself off in these strange times we’re all living in right now.
so, i think i really am going to get serious about my design journey! my only concern is that i feel like im stretching myself too thin - i have a full time design internship offer for this summer for a startup, as well as 2 leadership positions on clubs where I lead/work on the branding and design, but also at the same time I”m always at home so not sure what is reasonable and what is not. Because when I’m not doing that, I want to be self-learning, but I recently a discovered a mentorship program where I could be mentored by a startup founder to help scale her business, but again I feel like I’m stretching myself thin. though it’s a really good opportunity.
anywho, updates on my website like this post was supposed to be about is that i finally published it again after not liking how it looked before, and i think this revamp is a lot cleaner! proud of it. i try not to reveal many of my personal details on here bc i’m not sure who would actually be reading it, but this blog is just a way for me to track, myself, how i’m doing and to keep myself accountable :) i just didn’t want to set it to private cause it’s a hassle for me to always enter the password if i want to look at my blog.
lastly, i want to start consistently workout - and in the long term actually start a real blog where I write about my experiences, in actual coherent sentences! amazing. creative-wise i really want to start learning 3d illustration and blender, even though i’m an aspiring product designer but i just love 3d and motion, so idk might be stretching myself too thin again but i feel like I need to stretch my creative muscles this way and push myself as a creator. also starting the daily ui challenge again tomorrow after giving up a few months ago - haha!
let’s see how this one pans out :)
apr 10, 2020 - learning + starting anew
today i started two new things !!
restarted daily ui challenge after quitting a week in last year
started to learn blender ! !
i still feel like i failed today because i mostly sat around doing nothing OTHER than design, which just affirms to me that im truly passionate about this stuff for only having motivation to do it (or just a strong will against my homework for uni still....either way im taking it)
although i’m not that great at blender yet and felt frustrated during the process, when i got the end result i realized i like how it turned out despite it not being perfect, and it’s inspiration for me to keep learning and expanding on my skills :)
same with daily ui - i found that my approach this time compared when i literally knew NOTHING about ux was very different.
for example, something I already notice I'm doing differently from the last time is focusing less on decoration and more on practicality, actually naming/grouping layers and leveraging design systems, and injecting personality to make the experience delightful. I'm also limiting myself to two hours now (though this one took about an hour) so I have more time to do some research, sketch and wireframe before styling.
looking forward to a better day tomorrow! i might do a little less design (maybe just a daily ui shot) so i can focus on actually tackling the report i’m supposed to finish as well as study for an upcoming exam, so we will see! feeling good :))
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franeridart · 6 years
dude your recent demon & angel kiribaku art reminds me a little bit of aziraphale and crowley from good omens!! like aziraphale would be angrier as baku obvs but still i thought of it and it made me happy lol
A lot of people have mentioned that in the tags/under the post and that makes me!!! super happy!!!! Good Omens is one of my fav books and Crowley one of my fav characters, so the comment feels nice! I wasn’t specifically thinking about them when drawing it, but possibly a bit I was influenced anyway!! I wonder if what made everyone think about them was Kiri’s sunglasses? It’s not noticeable but I did give him glowing eyes too after all haha
Anon said:Have you ever thought about how op a TodoBakuDeku fusion would be? (if they could stay together that is lol!)
Never thought of it tbh, but at this point I’m pretty sure with a lot of work on Baku’s part they’d be able to stick together long enough! He wouldn’t find it comfortable but they’d def be one of the strongest three-people-fusions in the class - not the strongest, tho, since they all have the same sort of straightforward offensive power when it comes to their quirks, I think I could find three people who’d make a stronger fusion... Baku Kiri and Momo, for example, would be even more impressive imho! Since all their quirks cover a different field, and their minds/personalities mesh well enough to have the right amount of planning and instinctive reaction/self-preservation and safety of others/pride and self-doubt/lawfulness and chaotic acting and so on. Even just as a team, without counting them as a fusion, I think they’d make one of the most balanced ones! Compared to that putting Todo Deku and Baku in the same place is just a recipe for disaster more often than not haha
Anon said:no, i move slow, I wanna stop time, I'll sit here til I find the,, inspiration to draw,,,,,,
LMAO it’s a song about art block after all, I feel every word in it a whole damn lot hahaha
Anon said:Art block or no art block, I love everything you come up with 💜
AW HECK ANON you’re so sweet!!! Thank you so much!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Mixing thei hero names? So uuuh King Riot?
We still don’t know Baku’s hero name, so anything might be, really! It’s why I didn’t outright have Kiri mention any idea, I got no clue myself where he was going with it haha it’d be cool if his hero name were Ground Zero, because it’d mix well with Red Riot imho (Red Zero or Ground Riot or Red Ground, they all sound nice!) but what if Baku’s hero name ends up just being Katsuki, after all? How do you mix that with Red Riot? (the answer is Red Victory, or Akatsu!! from akai (red) + katsu !! ngl I’ve thought about this a lot lmao) anyway so many possibilities so little known facts!
Anon said:I love the details on Kiri and Baku's skin. Great job!!
Anon said:!!!!!!!!!! fran oh my god your zine piece is so beautiful!!!!!!!
Sob thank youuu!!!! I’m glad you liked it!!!! ;O;
Anon said:i just got my zine and the art and writing was so lovely, i loved your comic at the end. an amazing way to end the zine♡
THANK YOU!!!! I’m jelly, I still haven’t gotten mine ;O; I hope the comic was easy to read even in printed form, I’ve been worried about that for months hahaha rip at least there’s the pdf
Anon said: i’m in love with your kiri bday art!!!! with the colorless art like that, are we allowed to color it? of course no posting it, but just for fun.
If you promise not to post it, I’m cool with it! Thank you for liking it enough to want to do that!!! Seriously tho don’t post it if you do
Anon said:Can you draw more kamisero? g u d q u a l i t y s h i p ma' dude.
Maybe? Currently it really isn’t between my top priorities but who knows
Anon said:FRANNNNN!!!! Your comic for the Take My Hand zine!!!! I'm gonna cry! It's so beautiful and the boys are so perfect! Your art is so amazing, I was so thrilled to see your piece. Not to mention the detail you put in. Their hands killed me! With Bakugou's palms and Kiri's arms! Ugh, I just can't, I love it so much.
I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKED THE HANDS it’s weird bc that one panel is probably my fav in the comic and I was so sure no one was gonna really notice it but!! So many people did!!!!! It makes me so happy oh man ;O;
Anon said:Hey coulda maybe make a traitor Kaminari comic?
Nope! No traitor arts here, sorry! SInce I don’t believe any of the theories to the point of finding them outright laughable, any art I could ever make about it would just come out looking either fake or ridiculous and no one wants to see that lmao
Anon said:your take my hand comic!!! it's so good!! thank you for doing the boys so well ;;;
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOUUUU!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I don't know if you remember, but a couple months ago I asked if it'd be okay for me to write something based on a few of your art pieces. Would that still be alright? Your art is gorgeous and makes my brain think and brings joy to me all the time ^^ would absolutely link to the art and credit you. that's not even a question :)
That still depends on which art you’re specifically talking about! And thank you so much for the compliment!!
Anon said:I don’t know if you read fan fiction, but I have one to suggest to you! It’s called, “It’s Obvious When You Lie”. Only three chapters are out so far, but it’s really good!
I’ll add it to my marked for later list then!! Thank you so much for the rec, I don’t easily try out ongoing fics so this was very nice of u!!!
Anon said:In the body switch AU Todoroki sees how fucked up Midoriya feels around Bakugou('s body?) and realizes wow fuck this guy has traumatized my bf. I wonder what I can do to fuck w/ him so the day before they switch back (So Bakugou can't do much in retaliation) he takes Bakugou's body and does the stupidest bullshit ever as revenge
HECK anon sorry but nothing like this would happen ever as long as I’m the one writing the AU! For three main reasons! One, I don’t think Deku is traumatized at all! His relationship with Baku at the moment is actually pretty damn neat and on equal footing, you go you two, growing so much!! Two, Baku and Todo are friends!!! And Todo would never be a dick to Baku instead of just talking to him, if he had a problem with him!! Three, even if one and two weren’t true, Deku has no need for knights in shining armor fighting his battles for him!! He’s a strong independent boy and if he hasn’t fought Baku over this it’s probs cause he doesn’t want anyone to fight him over it!!! Also in this specific AU Todo and Deku aren’t dating, so the scenario doesn’t work for me! Sorry!
Anon said:Have you ever thought about krbk wedding?
I have! And I’ve talked about it on here a few times too! Lately I’ve been thinking about it again tho, from a designs point of view, because!! There’s that very neat post going around tumblr about that wedding photos in which one of the two grooms has a white tux with a cape, and I’ve been thinking about a variation of it for Kirishima’s wedding suit :0 something red instead of white, but generally similar! It’s a lot of effort to draw it so I still haven’t, but yeh!!
Anon said:Hello! I read this fic about your cat comics and the author said to send you some love in their end notes so here is some well-deserved love: your art is beautiful! It's why I became interested in BakuShima and I would not have loved these characters as much if it weren't for you. You also seem to be a very nice person, your mind is beautiful and I am glad you exist
G O DS this is such a nice ask!!!! thank you so so much!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Non chiedo una risposta a questo messaggio, anzi. Volevo solo dirti che trovo la tua arte FANTASTICA, e non sai quanto i tuoi comic e tutto il tuo lavoro mi ha strappato più di un sorriso in brutti momenti. Sapere che sei italiana mi ha fatto totalmente impazzire. Continua così, hai del talento vero. E grazie!
Anon said:Okay okay okay! I adore your art! Could you maybe... draw some KiriBaku fantasy? If it’s not too much to ask! It can be as simple as can be! Your art is just really cute!
Yes I can and yes I will!!! Definitely and in the near future, did you know one of the app games JUST revealed a fantasy wolf Baku as a special halloween chara?? It’s just fantasy Baku with wolf ears and tail, but he’s adorable and I’ve been wanting to draw him since I saw him this morning ;O; so cute!
Anon said:Pssst. Singer Baku, Guitarist Kami, and Drummer Kiri. A good hc if I do say so myself.
It IS a great thought!! Drummer Kiri and Singer Baku have always been a weakness of mine too, so heck!! What a good image! If we put Jirou on bass and vocals too and sero on keyboard and mina on guitar, you make my fav band right then and there hahaha
Anon said:I'm not in the BNHA fandom at the moment but your art still continues to give me the warm fuzzies
GODS ISN’T THIS A NICE ASK!! I’m happy I can make you enjoy even characters you’re not specifically into! Thank you so much for sticking around!!!! ;O;
Anon said:i just got into bnha and fell in love with your art, started going through your sketch tag, and then realize that youre the person who made a bunch of haikyuu comics i loved a while ago so im! very glad to rediscover your stuff!!
HOLY GODS THAT’S NEAT!!! Welcome back!!!! ;O;
Anon said:I love it when you draw kiri with his hair down 💕💕💕 so good, so pure 💕💕💕💕
Oh boy thank you!! ;O; he’s so much easier to draw with his hair spiked for me, knowing people like the way I draw his hair when down means a whole damn lot!! 
Anon said:Hello! First I love your account and artwork! Second will you ever be drawing Mako and Taiyou again? They are so adorable! Also Bakugou and Kirishima seems like amazing dad's!
Thank you!!! And yes I will! I have another ask around here asking about them, so maybe soon! Just gotta find the right idea to draw, I got a bunch but they’re all way too long for my curret attenton span level sadly hahaha rip
Anon said:lmaaaaooo my boi kaminari be having an emotional awakening
Kaminari is like, he’s always somewhere subconsciously known that Baku’s objectively pretty, but since he knows him so well and he’s always around him and most of the times they’re bickering and making fun of each other he’s never actually realized, so now he’s like oh, NOW I see it hahaha
Anon said:hi u probably get this enough but I wanted to give u all my appreciation for ur art thank u for sharing it with us I love everything u post ♡♡♡
THANK YOU!!!! It might be greedy of me but this sorta asks are never enough for me, so seriously thank you for taking your time to drop by and be so nice!!!
Anon said:Could you please draw more of the body swap au? Or what if a different pair of students were to switch?
I’m not gonna draw any other switch with other students, because before settling on Baku and Todo I went through a lot of possibilities and came to the conclusion that nothing would be as funny as Baku and Todo switched are (or at least nothing Horikoshi hasn’t already done himself lmao) so there’s that. I might draw more of them switched, but to be honest with you the only idea with that concept I have right now is Bakugou forgetting he’s suddenly taller and continuously walking into things around the dorms, so there’s that as well hahaha
225 notes · View notes
itsdjjones · 7 years
I Can’t Fall in Love Without You
TAGGING: @notpeterxparker​ & @itsdjjones​
DATE: 3/15
PLACE: Dom’s dorm, taco truck & tattoo parlor
NOTES: Dominer goes out to eat and Dom gets a tattoo that Parker drew for him.
Parker rubbed her hands together as she made her way to Dom's & Ethan's dorm, she let Patrick Stump's voice drain her thoughts out but it still didn't help the fact that they hadn't been alone together since, well that night. She swallowed when she stood in front of his dorm door and knocked on his door. She glanced around, started to play with her fingers as she bounced on the balls of her feet and gave a few smiles as students passed by before she looked back at the door. She rolled her eyes as she pulled out a piece of paper and wrote, 'Sorry that I missed you. Im in my dorm if you need anything. -Parks' She put the pen in her mouth as she hooked her bag together.
When Dom said he was at home and she could come over, he really meant he was across campus but still wanted to see her. In the library studying for finals. After that last text he backed his bag quickly and rushed quickly back to his dorm, maybe a little to fast because while he was running back to the dorms he ran right into a professor. "Sorry, I'm sorry." he said helping pick up their papers. Once they seemed situated he ran off once again. He pushed the button to the elevator one too many times and then opted for the stairs of the dorm building instead. When he rounded the corner and saw Parker standing at his door he felt his heart skip a beat. "Hey...I'm sorry, I just...was on my way back I thought I would beat you here" he said clearly out of breath as he approached her. "What's up?" he asked as he got out his keys to unlock the door. He was way too happy to see her at the moment.
Parker put the pen back into her bag when she saw him and couldn't help but smile as she pulled out her headphones once her iPod was off. "You couldve told me you weren't here. We couldve met somewhere else." She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the wall next to his door. "Not much, but did you just ran the flight of stairs to get here?"
"Oh...yeah I guess I could have" he said as he paused and thought about it. "Well I'm here now so it's cool. Unless you wanna go somewhere else and we can just hang out?" he suggested. "Whatever you wanna do" After getting the door open he let her go inside first and he shook his hand at her question. "Yeah the elevator wasn't working or something...I don't know" he said tossing the small comment aside. He walked in so quickly he didn't even see the piece of paper in her hand. "Oh is that the tattoo?" he asked. It wasn't. It was the note she was going to slip under the door before he rushed upstairs.
"Well, I would feel bad after you ran up those stairs if we went somewhere else." Parker replied and thanked him as she walked into his dorm. She placed her bag onto his small table and raised an eyebrow. "Or you were in a hurry and kept pushing the button like crazy." She smirked, glanced down at the note and crumbled up the paper. "No, it was the note I was going to leave you." She tossed it into the trash can. "We also need to work on your lungs or something because I dont know how youre running up and down the court like that."
Dom laughed. "I did not" he said with an eyeroll. But she was right that is exactly what happened. He laughed and sat down on the bed comfortably. "Oh, are you challenging me to a one on one on the court?" he asked. One thing they had in common was their love for basketball. They both played in school and every summer they'd be out in the court of their home, playing basketball in the street. They hadn't done that in a really long time.
Parker rolled her eyes when she heard him and sat at the foot of his bed. "Whatever." She gave him a knowing look. "Please, we both know I can kick your ass if we did, but yes I am because it has been a while since I schooled your ass." She playfully pushed him as she scooted further on his bed and propped her knees as she leaned against the wall. "And I cannot wait until I see your reaction once I bet you."
Dom laughed. "Hey maybe I let you win all those times?" he said with a raised eyebrow. They both knew that wasn't the case though. He faltered back a bit as she playfully pushed him. He sat on the opposite side of the bed, facing her. It wasn't awkward to see her like he thought it would be. It felt like their usual selves. "Oh okay okay. Lets go out to the court tonight. Bet" he chuckled. Dom looked over at her after a pause. "So lets see the tattoo." he suggested. "Might go get it today if you wanna come with me?" he suggested.
Parker let out a laugh. "Are we sure about that? I mean, I feel like at first you did but then over time I kicked your ass." She put her hair into a ponytail and slowly nodded as she listened to him. She was glad that everything was back to normal between them, no awkwardness like there was last night. "Fine, what are we betting?" She gotten onto her knees as she reached for her bag, carefully grabbing it and glanced back at him as she gave him a small smile. "Yeah, I dont have any plans tonight and Im done with classes." She carefully pulled the bag towards her and started to lose balance before she placed her foot onto the ground. She placed the bag onto the bed, opened it up and pulled out the sketch of the tattoo. "I know that you said you wanted to be African, so I decided to draw Africa and I also drew an eye in the middle. I also thought that you can put it on." She gotten up, placed the tattoo on his left shoulder. "This shoulder."
Dom shrugged. "Maybe" He watched her closely as she raised her arms to put her hair up. Even just the simple mundane things he thought she was beautiful. "Hmm I'm sure we could figure something out" Dom could think of a lot of things but nothing he wanted to say at the moment. "Awesome so am I" He said as he watched her get the sketch out. He looked at the sketch and smiled. "Yeah..yeah this is awesome. I love it!" He smiled. Dom looked up at her as she was standing close to him with her hand on his back shoulder.
Parker rolled her eyes when she heard him and slowly nodded. "Yeah." She breathed out and grinned. "Sweet and I was hoping that you'd love it. It took me about, five days to draw it only because I wanted it to be perfect for you." She smiled. She pulled her hand away from him, knowing that it was lingering a bit on his shoulder and cleared her throat. "That way, if you want, we can always do a boxing inspired photoshoot to show it off."
Dom watched her pull away and he frowned a bit but went back to smiling. "I mean its great Parks." he said taking the piece of paper from her so he could see again. I really appreciate it. A lot." He looked back at her, handing the paper back. "Yeah we could do that. That would be cool" he nodded. Dom stood up and he grabbed his wallet. "Wanna get something to eat and head down to the tattoo place?" he asked.
Parker smiled once more, knowing that she had to keep the touching to a minimum. "Thank you." She breathed out after she smoothed down her dress and looked at him as he talked. "I know you do." She grinned and hugged him when he stood up. "I promise I'll make the photoshoot amazing. Thank you for agreeing." She nodded, knowing that she hadn't eaten anything since that morning and a protein bar would cut it. "Sure, yeah. Are we taking your car?"
Dom hugs her back for probably longer than he should and he looked back at her. “Well I don’t mind at all. It could be fun.” Dom went to get his wallet and he nodded. “Yeah if that’s cool with you?” He asked as he grabbed his keys.
Parker nodded as she looked at him. "Of course, yeah." She pulled back once he did and grabbed her purse, that was in her backpack. "That's totally fine with me, I like riding in your car."
"Okay great" He let her leave the room first and they went to the elevator. "I guess it started working again?" he shrugged and laughed awkwardly. Dom stepped into the elevator with her to go down to the lobby and out the front doors of the building. There they went to the parking lot and to Dom's designated spot. He stepped inside the car on the drivers side and buckled up. "So what are you feeling to eat?" he asked.March 16, 2018
Parker smiled as she shook her head and playfully slapped him on the chest. "You're such a liar." Once they were outside, she opened up the passenger side before she slid in, thankful for leggings, she closed the door and she buckled up once she gotten into the car and hummed a bit as she crossed her legs as she thought. "What hadnt we had in a while? Tacos? Sandwiches? Pizza? Wings?" She glanced over at him as she rested her arm on the center console. "Burgers?"(edited)
Dom laughed and then smiled at her comment. He started the car up and headed out of the parking lot. "Oh...I'm so feeling tacos" he nodded. "Like not taco bell but like good street tacos from a taco truck" he added. Dom rounded the corner. "What about you?" he asked glancing at her. He noticed her leaning over a bit and it was the first time ever he had felt the urge to reach out and hold her hand while he drove. Of course he didn't do that but the thought was still there.
Parker hummed a bit as she nodded. "Sounds good to me, its been a while since we've had that." She said softly, glanced at his hand and glanced ahead. "So, I was thinking that I can help you guys out with the decorations for Ethan's party?"
"Sweet" He headed towards the taco place that they liked. It wasn't too far so the trip there was short. "Yeah? That would help out a lot. I feel like I'm doing everything on my own. Like a super sweet sixteen or something" he laughed. "Ethan is spoiled and he is lucky he has us as friends. But then again its a late party so we kinda owe it to him right?" He shrugged.
"Yeah. Well, Im glad that you didnt have a sweet sixteen or we wouldn't live it down." Parker teased with a smile as she glanced at him. She shrugged a bit, knowing that he was right that they did owe him a party. "We do, but I mean, you guys did celebrate his birthday beforehand. However, I think its a way of everyone celebrating his birthday instead of the select few."(edited)
Dom laughed. “If I did it would have been on that show and I would have been famous for two seconds.” He laughed. “Also if I ever talked to Ma the way those kids did on that show I would have got my ass whooped.” He nodded. “Yeah true. I agree.” As they got to the taco truck he parked the car and stepped out with her. It was a nice day out and Dom was glad they could sit outside and eat today.
"Yeah, I don't think Lala and I could survive being under the same roof as you." Parker replied with a laugh and nodded. "Definitely and probably would've been grounded for life." She unbuckled her seat belt and stepped out of the car as she put her purse strap onto her shoulder. "So, I figured I can pay for the food and for the tattoo. Since I didn't get you a birthday present."March 19, 2018
"You would have lived" he laughed. "Pretty much, my mom can be brutal. We both know that." Dom looked at her and shook his head. "What no way you don't have to do that." He said. Dom didn't exactly have a job at the moment so his financial situation wasn't the greatest. He knew Parker got paid well though, and she somehow always had a lot of money but he didn't question it. "Are you sure?" he asked.
Parker laughed as she shook her head. "Nah." She teased with a smile and nodded, knowing a lot of people will be questioning where her money came from, but she always had a backup plan. "Yeah, Im sure besides. Like I said, I didnt get you a birthday present."
"Fine. But next time. My treat" he nodded. They stood in line at the food truck and Dom glanced over the menu on the side. He put his hands in his pockets and rocked on the balls of his feet. "What are you gonna get?" he asked as he turned towards her. "I was thinking maybe the steak tacos."
"Got it." Parker replied with a smile before she glanced at the menu as well. She hummed a bit, looking down the list and looked over at him once she decided. "That sounds good. Im going to go with the chicken tacos, figured change it up a bit from the norm."
"something new. I like it. I bet they are good." Once they got to the window they ordered and paid quickly. Walking towards the side they waited for their food which only took a few minutes. Taco trucks were pretty fast. They found a spot to sit at the tables outside and he glanced at her. "So how have you been?" he asked. "I don't think I even asked you that earlier." He said as he grabbed a taco to take a bite.
Parker sat down across from him and shrugged a bit. "I've been alright, I guess. Just, dealing with projects and stuff. How have you been?" She shook her head once she took a bite and swallowed what she had once she was done. "Its cool, really. Want a bite of my taco?" They often took bites of each other's food but she wasnt for sure if it would be okay for them to do so now.
"Pretty much the same" he nodded. "Sure" he said as he took her taco and pushed his own plate towards her to have a bite of his own. "Hmm, yeah thats a good taco" he nodded. Dom wiped his mouth with a napkin and swallowed before speaking again. "I've been craving these for a while now" he said. After a long pause he looked over at her. "I'm glad things haven't been that awkward with us lately." he confessed.
Parker nodded and pushed her plate as she took a bite out of his. "I can say the same thing about your taco, I might have to get that next time." She said as she chewed her bite, following suit with a napkin and wiped her mouth. "Same, but I wasn't for sure what exact kind of tacos that I was craving until now." She looked at him, licked her lips and gave him a soft smile. "I am too. I've been hoping that things wouldn't be extremely awkward between us and we both know that I can't handle extreme awkwardness."
Dom smiled at her. He nodded agreeing with her. “Yeah I know. Especially with us you know. I mean it’s us why does it have to be awkward you know?” He reaches over and put his hand on hers. “Us against the world?” He asked. The phrase was something Dom used a lot when it came to the two of them.
Parker listened to him, nodded and gave him a smile. "It doesnt, even though we have some awkward moments." She replied softly and glanced at his hand, feeling it comforting her like always. "Us against the world." She turned her hand so their palms would be touching. "Like always."
“Good.” He smiled. Dom caressed her hand gently sad that they couldn’t be like this all the time. He pulled his hand away slightly and moved back to him food. “I’m excited to get this tattoo. What if I freak out and faint though?” He laughed.
Parker nodded as she felt him caressed her hand and swallowed hard when he pulled his hand away from hers. "Well, luckily enough, you'll be sitting down and if anything, you can squeeze my hands to focus on that."
“Yeah I’m glad that you’re going with me because I need a distraction from the pain.” He laughed. Dom finished off his tacos and he sat back in his chair stretching a bit. “Oh the might make me lay down though because it’s on my back shoulder.”
Parker laughed as she placed her hand on the back of her neck and nodded. "Im really great at times and sometimes, Im not." She said before she took another bite out of her taco and looked at him, knowing that he was right. "Yeah, thats true."
“No you are great.” He smiled. “I guess we’ll find out.” He stood up and tossed their trash. “Oh my god...” He paused. “I just realized my mom might actually be pissed that I’m getting this.” He said looking over at her.
Parker raised an eyebrow when she heard him. "Not always." She said. She glanced over at him, knowing that Mrs. Jones didnt know about her tattoo either. "Then she will be pissed at me as well." She stood up, grabbed her purse and looked at him. "If you want, you could always ask her?"
Dom gave her a look and he shrugged it off. “Yeah true. Maybe I should just get mom on my bicep and she won’t be as mad.” He joked. They went back to his car and he buckled up once inside. “I’m glad you’re the one coming with me though.” He smiled.
Parker returned the look and shook her head with a laugh. "Ooo make sure you have it in a heart and an arrow." She added. She buckled up as she gotten comfortable once more before she glanced over at him with a smile. "Who else would go with you to get a tattoo and get street tacos? But Im glad Im the one too."
Dom laughed. “Perfect!” Dom shrugged. “Maybe Ethan but I kinda like you more than him.” He laughed and smirked at her. Of course he loved his best friend Ethan but Parker was different and they both knew that.
"Totally." Parker said through her laughter and let out a sigh as she relaxed. "It happens that Im more beautiful than him and that you do." She looked at him before she glanced ahead and glanced out the window.March 21, 2018
“True.” He smiled. They drove off towards the tattoo parlor and Dom parked out front once they got there. “Okay now I’m getting nervous.” He said as they walked inside.
Parker rubbed his back as she looked at him and stood in front of him. "And thats nornal, you're going to be fine. Actually, you're going to be great. Remember, Im going to be here for you, every step of the way."
“I know.” He talked to the artist at the front and they showed him the sketch and where he wanted it. Soon he was laying face down on a table, his hand reaching over to take Parker’s.
Parker placed both of  her hands on his hand and caressed the back of it with her thumbs as he got the tattoo, hoping he wouldnt be in too much pain. She glanced at his shoulder, knowing it was going to be amazing.(edited)March 22, 2018
Dom squeezes Parker’s hand as the artist started but it got used to it once he went on. A couple hours later he was standing up and looking in the mirror over his shoulder. “That is awesome dude.” He said slapping the guys hand. “Now I have your art on my body forever.” He said looking over at Parker.
Parker kept caressing the back of his hand when he squeezed it. She grinned at how well the tattoo came out and it looked great on him. She quickly took a picture of him looking at it in the mirror and stood up after she put her camera back on her bag. "Yeah, you do and you have a little piece of me. Just in case something happens." The guy looked between and threw his gloves away. "I'll tell you what, for Parker's boyfriend, I'll make you a deal." Parker glanced over at him and opened up her mouth before he raised his hand. "Nu-uh, Im going to cut the cost of the tattoo down to 150?"
Dom turned around and frowned when Parker said if something ever happens. “What?” He asked but before he could explain his confusion the artist spoke and Dom raised his eyebrows. “Yeah...yeah that sounds great dude. Thanks. I’ve been told I’m not allowed to pay for this.” He laughed as he looked over at Parker.
Parker took a deep breath and let it out. She smiled as her cheeks warmed up when she felt his gaze on her. "Its a late birthday present, from me. So thank you." She said as she grabbed her things and paid at the counter. Once she was done paying, she put her purse strap on her shoulder and walked over towards Dom again. "Ready boyfriend?" She asked with an eyebrow raised when she looked at him.March 23, 2018
Dom let her pay and he raised his eyebrows back at her. “Shut up.” He smirked and took her hand as they walked out of the parlor. “Wanna hang out back at the dorms?” He asked as they got back into his car.
Parker couldnt help but let out a laugh as he took her hand as they walked out of the parlor. "Make me, oh wait. Will you?" She smirked back, knowing that she was playing with fire but she couldnt help it. She buckled up as she looked over at him. "Sounds good, I need to take my shoes off." She wiggled her toes in her heels, didn't understand since she's in heels all night whenever she's working.(edited)March 25, 2018
Dom looked back at her and raised his eyebrows. "I could if you wanted me too" he smirked. It was the only tiny hint of their feelings they had spoken of or indirectly spoke about since that night together. He got into the car with her and laughed. "Dont stink up my car with your feet!" he teased her, obviously joking.
Parker couldnt help but smirked when she heard him and shrugged a bit. "True, but I kinda like this teasing or whatever is going on because we both want to do something about it but we can't." She admitted as she looked at him. She rolled her eyes and glared at him. "Excuse me? My car smelled like your feet from Chicago to here Senior year."
"And see that right there is just mean" he laughed. Dom looked over at her in the car. "We could if we wanted to" he said quietly. Dom looked back at her and he laughed as she spoke. "I know it did! My point exactly!" he teased her. Dom drove off back to the dorms and he parked in his designated spot.
Parker rolled her eyes and playfully slapped his chest. "Oh really? Please tell me you wouldnt do the same to me." She pointed out and swallowed hard when she heard him. "Yeah." She pushed back some of her hair and shook her head. "Its for a short bit and my feet don't smell as bad as yours though! And I have leggings on." She pointed towards her galaxy leggings that she had on.  She slipped on her shoes and unbuckled her seatbelt before she gotten out of his car.
Dom clutched his chest and laughed. "No I wouldn't because you know I would just do it anyways." he shrugged. "No teasing" He glanced at her legs as they had came to a stop. "Yeah I like those." he smiled. Stepping out into the cold they walked back up to the dorms. "Mine or yours?" he asked. Their rooms weren't that far apart so it didn't matter to him.
Parker opened up her mouth and closed it. "You would, but of course you would give me a little heads up though." She replied softly and smiled when he mentioned that he liked them. "Thank you, they're new." She shivered a bit against the cold and hummed a bit. "Which one do you prefer?"March 26, 2018
"Yeah of course" He got into the elevator and pushed their floor. "We can chill at mine." he nodded. "Because I happen to have a huge tub of ice cream in the fridge that I was saving for you" he smiled at her as they stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the room.
Parker smiled when she heard him and looped her arm through his out of habit before she leaned her head on his shoulder, knowing that he would warm her up with his body temperature. "Chocolate chip cookie dough?" She asked as she looked up at him and remembered something. "I have to go and get you the cream for your tattoo so I'll be there in five seconds." She stood up on her tip toes to kiss his cheek and headed to her room, dropping off her purse and grabbed her cream before she headed back to Dom's after locking the door once more. "Got it."
"Only the best. And chocolate fudge for myself of course" He smirked. Dom looked down at her. He always loved how close they were even if other people didn't get it. "Okay that works." he felt her kiss his cheek before he unlocked his door. He left it open knowing Parker was coming back. A lot of rooms kept their doors open. Like a come on in if you want to policy and when doors were shut it meant you wanted privacy. Ethan and Dom's door was shut quite often. He smiled when she got back and he got the ice cream out of the freezer.
Parker slipped off her shoes once she gotten back into Dom's dorm and closed the door behind her, out of habit. "Here." She placed the cream on the table and looked at him. "Okay so, have you read what you need to do when you get a new tattoo?" She washed her hands and grabbed two spoons for them.
Dom thanked her and he nodded. “Yeah the guy told me before we left when you were paying.” He nodded. Dom took the spoon and he opened his small pint of ice cream.
"Awesome." Parker replied, as she opened up her ice cream and looked around the dorm as she ate her bite from her spoon. "So do you want to watch a movie or vibe to some music?"
Dom took a couple bites as he got comfy on the couch. “Yeah I’ll put some music on.” He said as he got out his remote to switch on his Bluetooth speaker. He put his music on shuffle and some instrumental beach music came on.
Parker rose an eyebrow when the instrumental beach music came on. She sat on the table as she swung her legs back and forth, took another bite of her ice cream and chewed on her cookie dough bites. "Want some?" She offered as she showed him the ice cream, knowing if she didnt do that, then, well. It was self-explanatory.
"Yeah" he took her spoon and took a bite and offered her his own ice cream. He leaned back on the bed. "How are your mid terms going?" he asked. It was nice to just chill and not worry about anything at the moment. Neither one of them brought up the fact that they both had feelings and things had gone back to normal sort of. He knew it wouldn't stay this way for long but he wanted to enjoy this moment.
Parker shrugged a bit at his question and stole a bite from his ice cream before she answered him. "They're going good, less stressful and Im glad that Im almost done. What about you?" She asked as she looked at him, jumped down from the table and sat down next to him on the couch before she looked at him.
"Pretty much same" Dom nodded. "Most of my mid terms were final papers. I'm just gonna be glad when summer comes around because I'm already over the crazy workload this semester." he shrugged his shoulders.
Parker nodded as she listened to him, glanced back down at her ice cream and took a bite. "Me too and speaking of which, we need to take a road trip."
Dom raised his eyebrows as he took another bite of ice cream. "That would be really fun. Where to?" he asked as he looked over at her. God she was so beautiful. How was it he was just now figuring that out? Well he always knew she was gorgeous but not like this. It was so different now.
"Myrtle beach?" Parker asked as she looked at him and  licked her lips after she noticed that she had some ice cream on her bottom lip. She noticed that he had some ice cream on the corner of his mouth. "You got some, ice cream on the corner of your mouth." She pointed to the left side of her mouth.
"Oh yeah that would be fun" he said. "Just you and me?" he asked. Dom couldn't stop staring at her and he swallowed a bit. When she spoke he kinda snapped out of it and licked the corner of his mouth. "I was saving it for later" he joked and smiled at her.
Parker nodded as she looked at him. "Yeah, just you and I." She nodded as she shook her head as she smiled. "Of course you were." She laughed a bit before she grabbed her lid and licked her spoon once she put the lid back on before she placed her ice cream & spoon on the table. She raised her leg and smoothed down her leggings.
"Okay cool" He smiled at her. The rest of the night they just talked about random things and laughed, ending up falling asleep cuddled up to each other at late hours of the night. Dom wished he could stay in this bubble with them but he knew that it was going to pop soon. They couldn't ignore this forever.
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smallwondersproject · 4 years
Research into presenting and the final form
After looking at the types of cameras I will use and concluding that I want to use an instant camera I now have the trouble of looking for a way to present my work. This can be done in many forms from a book, to hanging work up to even the simple idea of sticking them onto a wall.
I’ve done some research into artists and ways of presenting and here are my results, I will be updating this section as I go along in the hopes to keep all my presenting ideas here.
  My first artist/ style of presenting I’m going to look at is the simple book, this is such a big topic as there are lots of different styles from neat and artist books to big, messy scrapbooks but I will look at a range of them
  James jay
James jay is a photographer who works mainly with zines when presenting, a zine is self-published bit of work and I think works very well for the idea of small polaroid pictures.
One such zine is called “love the world I see” this is a series of images from James who just goes around his community taking pictures and snapshots into middle American lives. While the content is nice its not what I’m looking at, the way the artist has presented the work with just the image, a title and then the camera he used. I think the simplicity of Is what draws me in. the way that its all about the image and not the design of the book or how much content is in there.
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  While it’s a good way of presenting I don’t know if I will be able to copy such simplicity as I will have to add a small sentence or two for each small wonder, as I need to show the explanation of why it means a lot to me. This will add way more content into the book/zine and I think it would overload the viewer with how crammed it is within my book.
   Jeff Rothstein
Another book that follows this vein of simplicity is the book “todays special, New York city images 1969-2006” by Jeff Rothstein, this book is a documentation book based upon New York and its changing nature from the 70s to the late 2000s. the way it is presented is basically the same kind of style as the book before but this time the images are much bigger and have even less space for any writing or work. the main thing I like from this book is the range of images and how each image is presented slightly different. Some images might be done in a portrait mode and some could be done landscape.
 When put into the book there is a sense of speed, no thought given into the neatness or straight edges which is something I am into, I don’t want to be focused on how neat my images look in a book or how neat the page is I just want to show off my work and the meaning behind and move on.
Nigel Shafran
My last idea based around some of themes in the last book I looked at, being messy and not caring too much about the look of the book as its about the photograph, one artist called Nigel Shafran. This photographer doesn’t care too much about the look of the book, they keep it dirty, messy and used which is what I am like with my books and work so this really speaks to me.
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This example here has part of an image cut out and stuck in different ways and on one side no picture apart from some words. This I think screams Owen when ways of presenting our involved. Just the effort gone into the work is probably a lot however its just so messy and simple that I want to do it, while I would need a bigger book so I could follow my ideas of adding a small description however the messy, simple and cut and stick effort its perfect.
Non book ideas
When I started this project, I wanted to do something more stylized and not in a book and my idea came from a game, “life is strange” in this game you play as a character with a polaroid camera and you can take pictures within the game. By the end of the main game you see all your photos hanging up from the ceiling and this sparked joy for me, and I think following this idea would be really cool, having all my images there and you have to walk though them would be super cool. As its like your walking though my day to day life and you can see what date and time I had my small wonder and on the back of the images there would be a short description so you don’t lose the meaning.
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This however crashed and burned once I spoke to my tutor, we pointed the good things such as it’s a nice way to present, it can be semi-interactive (walking though the “cloud” of images) but then we discussed the bad parts.
Would there be enough small wonders, I had planned there would be about 50-60 small wonders hanging up which seems like a lot but as we discussed it isn’t many, the film is 8 by 5 cm which is tiny when compared to the room it would be hanging up in. not only this but it was pointed out that my work may get “lost” when surrounded by much bigger pieces and may lose its importance, and if there isn’t a clear understanding of the way you should walk within the cloud things will get messy.
These were all valid points which now I have seen I think I will need to work within a book or a different way.
 I have gone back and forth on many ideas when it comes to the presenting of my work, and now we have moved online I will have to work in the style I choose but figure out a way to present online.
after many tutorials I can say that I want to present my work in a form similar to Nigel Shafran but bigger, having a big sketch book that has enough space for my images but also my small description. More of an artist’s book mixed with a scrapbook is what I was going for, and this was fine. I got some coloured paper and scrap items and began sticking them in with my work creating pages and spreads like this.
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 This however was not what I envisioned and by the end of the process I was unhappy with it, and when it came to the crit and me showing my work I grew unhappy so I decide to though it all up and change how I presented it within the book.
When it looking at styles I went back to Nigel Shafran who had a more collage way of doing things so I redid my book into a style more collage with some inspiration from David Carson, whom works with editing images with newspaper and I did a similar thing but instead worked with real paper and my images so it was all done handmade. This is the outcome.
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 Overall im much happier with how this came out compared to before the crit and I think it works well with the busy news surrounding the small innocent wonder that is the main focal point of the work, rather than being overwhelmed by the news I myself take on the small wonder and focused on that. As that’s my identity.
 Something I need to add to presenting is how I have moved online, while a book on its own is okay it doesn’t work online, so I had to video myself turning the pages, leaving enough time on the page for it to be read. This on its own wasn’t enough so I recorded myself speaking and talking about each small wonder so rather than reading yourself the viewer can listen to me and look at the design and image on the page.
0 notes
prittypony1 · 5 years
Mad For You
Scamper once again through himself off of the old, wooden bridge. He felt the water meet him.  "Damn it,” he said as he climbed out onto the bank wet and dripping and walked back to where he started to try to kill himself again.  Eeyore walked up to him. "Why ya tried to kill yourself?" he asked with concern. "Well...You see..." he said as he tried to catch his breath from the long hike up. “Igor made me immortal."  "And?" Eeyore pushed.  "Well I don't see what the point of life is about if I’m going to be around forever." "Ya got your friends," Eeyore said as he motioned to the large group of animals that were sitting in a circle laughing and chatting with one another. 
"Ya, but..."  "But what?" "Well ya see, everybody’s got somebody but me." "Everyone?" "Ya." "What about The Mad Hare." "You know about -" "Yep." "Well. He's part of Rabbit and Rabbit's with Tigger." "But he has his own body and he's not just a voice in Rabbit's head. In fact he's over there." Eeyore pointed to a tree were The Mad Hare was standing and trying to pick bark off tree he was standing next to. "Ya, but." "You’re both suicidal. And since ya can't die he can kill ya as many times as he wants." "I." "Go over an' talk to 'im." "Fine." Scamper dragged himself to where The Mad Hare stood. "Hey, um Mad Hare." "Yes." The Mad Hare turned around. "Do you know who I am?"
"Rabbit says that you’re depressed." "Ya-" "And suicidal." "Ya, that too." "So can I kill you?" "Sure." Scamper shrugged as The Mad Hare took a knife out of his pocket and threw it at him. It landed where his heart was. Scamper pulled the knife out and the flesh mended itself back together. They did this for an hour and each time the Mad Hare tried something different every time. "This is kind of getting boring." Scamper said. "All right. What do you want to do next?" The Mad Hare looked at him with anticipation. "Well, what do you want to do?" "Kill someone." "Other than that." Scamper rolled his eyes. "I am a little hungry." "Hopefully not for rabbit stew." He joked. The Mad Hare smiled and laughed. "No. I don't eat rabbit." "Because he's over there." Scamper pointed to where Rabbit and Tigger were sitting chatting away with Alice and The Mad Hatter. He laughed. "Very funny. But seriously. I don't hate him anymore." "Why?" "You've never heard the story of us." "No, but if it's boring, I don't want to hear it."  "Oh, don't worry. I think it will be most interesting to you. As in the words of the Mad Hatter 'Start at the beginning and when you get to the end, stop'" "So your friends with the Mad Hatter." "Actually I see myself as another Mad Hatter." "Oh, really? So are you going to start to look like him, And start wearing that ridiculous green hat and orange jacket and be addicted to tea?" "Well, not dress like him. Unless you want me too?" "Oh, no, please don't. I don't want to see double." Scamper thought. "But, you can't look like Rabbit because I can't tell if it's you." Scamper said  "So you want me to wear something. Because you hate me naked." He smirked. "No! I didn't say that."  The Mad Hare looked at him in a 'Right?' look. "Stop looking at me like that. Stop flirting with me." "Do you like it when I flirt with you?" "Maybe. Yes. No. I don't know! Just tell me the story!" "Ok." So The Mad Hare started with the story and when he got the end he stopped. "But how did you get your body back if you were back in Rabbit's head." "I got enough evil power back to get the body I once had before back." "You’re not going to go back into Rabbit's head, are you?" "No, I like having my own thoughts for once. Although I can hear his thoughts and his emotions, But I’ve learned to ignore them." "Well lucky for you I’m a fashion designer." "Well, I make hats." "Well, maybe I can teach you how to make clothes." "I like that idea." "Do you have an idea of what you'd want?" "Well... I did make some doodles." "You did?" "Yep." The Mad Hare dug in his pocket in his fur.  "Found it!" He yelled as he pulled two pieces of paper and handed them to scamper. Scamper opened the first one. It was a picture of a blue long-sleeved, shirt with a collar and a white vest over it and around the collar it had a black bow. "So you’re copying Alice are you?" "Do you like it?" "Well, it matches your eyes." "Is that a compliment?" "Yes." "So you’re flirting with me now." "Uh." Scamper rolled his eyes. "What's the other one?" The other piece of paper had a white long-sleeved shirt with a blue vest and over that was a black jacket and a black bow around the collar. And white gloves. "So which one do you like?" Scamper asked The Mad Hare. "Well, which one do you like?" "Well... why do you want to ask me? I’m going to make it for you?" "And you’re going to see me wear it all the time." "The second one." "Ok." "Do you want me to start it now?" "Well, maybe in the morning." Scamper now looked to the sky and found that the moon had come up and with that, the Mad Hare seemed calmer and collected than in the daytime. His eyes focused only Scamper and the way he just stared at him with just this overwhelming emotion and Scamper couldn't tell if it was love or lust. Either way, it was making him nervous. "Well," Said Scamper breaking the uncomfortable silence. "I think we should go and get some sleep." "Good idea." "I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, he winked at Scamper and walked to the campsite that they had set up the night before. "G-goodnight." Scamper swallowed. 'What's going on with me' he asked himself. 'Why don’t I not like his flirting and like it at the same time. Maybe I should rest and think about it over breakfast. So Scamper went to the large tent that was behind the campfire that had been put out earlier. He walked into the tent and found his sleeping bag. He got under it and that's when he noticed that it was right next to the Mad Hare's sleeping bag. And to his left The Mad Hatter. 'Great. Just Great. How am I supposed to sleep with the obnoxious snoring Hatter and the flirty Hare next to me?' Eventually, sleep claimed him and he began to dream. About the Hare and him. Kissing. Sex. He woke up from the dream breathing hard and sweaty. He won’t get to sleep now. But luckily the sun had already risen and everyone else was up. He walked out of the tent groggy and tired and angry and he had to shut his eyes until he adjusted to the light.  He found that the Hatter and Alice were drinking tea and everyone else had a cup too. 'How big were the Hatter's pockets' he wondered. But he ignored the question as he reached for the eggs that had been cooked earlier. He tasted them. 'Great. Cold. Well, that's what I get for sleeping late.'  He took what was left in the pan and looked for a spoon. He found one in the dirt. He cleaned it off with his tongue. 'Yuck. Sand.' Scamper stuck his tongue out in discussed. Then he looked to find a place to sit. All the log spaces were talked except the one next to- 'Oh great. Just what I need. A flirty hare.' He walked over to where The Mad Hare was and sat down dramatically. His action had upset the fork on the Hare's plate and the Hare had to catch the entire plate from falling on the ground. "Hey, watch it." "Good morning to you too!" Scamper grumbled. "Dramatic much are we?" "I had a nightmare if you actually want to know." "What about?" "Well...you and me." "What were you and I doing?" he smirked. "Were you the one who caused me to dream that?" "No!" He shook his head "I can't control others dreams. I can only control mine." "You can control your dreams? You can think them out while you’re asleep?" "Well, no but I can start them. All I have to do is close my eyes and think." "About what?" "Anything." "Like tea?" "Well, it's not ALWAYS tea. Anyway, what did we do in your dream?" "Well you kissed me and we had sex." "That is a very strange dream. Wonder what it means." He smiled. "Stop smiling." He frowned. Scamper rolled his eyes. "Well, you told me to stop smiling." "You know what I meant." The Mad Hare made a blank face.  "Better." "Do you want to throw that away for you?" he asked. Scamper had eaten all his eggs and now his plate was empty. Scamper was uncertain. "Why do you want to be nice to me suddenly?" "It's nice to help someone." "Yes, but you just don't do it suddenly." "Fine, go and throw it away yourself. I was just trying to help." The Mad Hare frowned again and gave him a puppy dog look. "Stop that." After a few more seconds Scamper caved. "Fine." In one full swoop, the Mad Hare had thrown away the plate and came back to sit next to Scamper. Except he was sitting so that their hindquarters touched. This made Scamper uncomfortable so he moved over. The Mad Hare moved with him. This continued until Scamper had reached the end of the log and had fallen into the dirt. The Mad Hare laughed. "It's not funny." The Mad Hare gave him his hand to help Scamper up. "Thanks." Scamper grumbled "No problem." After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Scamper changed the subject. "So, do you want me to start on the outfit now?" "Yea, if you want too." The Mad Hare replied as he got his sketch out that they had looked at the day before. Scamper worked three days straight. He didn't stop for rest or food. He didn't stop until it was done.  The Mad Hare looked at himself in the mirror. "I love it," he said admiring himself in the mirror. "You welcome." said a tired and hungry Scamper. The Mad Hare turned around and noticed how tired and unhealthy he looked. "I think you need to lie down, Scamper and maybe eat something too." the Mad Hare said concerned. "No, I’m fine." Scamper yawned. "I don't need any sleep or food. I feel great." At that point, he started to fall backward and the Mad Hare almost didn't catch him.  "You need sleep." The Mad Hare ordered "But really Mad Hare I’m fine." "No buts. You are going to rest and that is final."  The Mad Hare carried him bridle style to Rabbits bedroom. Scamper had no complaints. The Mad Hare looked at Scamper and Scamper looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. 'Wait, what am I thinking.' The Mad Hare laid him down and tucked him in. "You know I can get into bed myself." Scamper argued. "I really like it. I do. You did a wonderful job." "Your welcome." Scamper said tiredly as sleep overtook him. The Mad Hare kissed his forehead and he pulled up a chair and watched as Scamper slept to try to protect him from any bad dreams that might come. .... Scamper was running. He could feel his heart beating and his breaths came in short bursts. He looked behind him. He didn't know what he was running from. He only knew that it would catch him if he didn't keep running. He felt his legs getting tired and soon he had to stop. He fell on his knees trying to catch his breath. The shadow was coming. He could see it getting closer. Yellow eyes in the darkness getting closer. They were attached to a dragon. A black and purple dragon. It reminded him of Maleficent as a dragon. It started getting closer and closer. He could see the hate in her beasty yellow eyes. And just when he thought all hope was lost something jumped onto the dragons back and it started bucking like a bull to get whatever it was off. He stabbed it in the eye. The dragon bucked hard and he lost his grip on its scaly back and was thrown into the wall hard. He got back up. The dragon turned to meet the disturbance of her dinner. Rage and revenge and hatred in her eyes. The dragon gained on 'wait, it that The Mad Hare. Yes. It is the Mad Hare.' The Mad Hare charged at the dragon and stabbed his sword into the giant’s belly. It cried with pain and clawed at him. It clawed his shirt vest and jacket which left three claw marks in the clothing. Blood poured out of his wounds. He climbed onto the monsters back again. He kept his grip tight this time.  "Off with your head," he shouted. He lifted the sword that was stained red by the dragon and in one full motion cut the dragons head clean off. It fell to the ground with a thud and rolled and finally stopped at Scampers feet. The Mad Hare looked at Scamper. "Are you all right? It almost got you," he said concerned.  Scamper nodded. He walked the rest of the way until he was at arm’s length. He looked him over with concern. Are you sure you’re all right?" he asked again. Scamper nodded. "What about you." "Oh, this." he motioned to the claw marks. "This is just a scratch."  "But it'll get infected if you don't bandage it up." "I'll be fine. I'll manage."  "No, I won’t let you do this to yourself." Suddenly a wrap appeared and landed right next to Scamper. "Come here." Scamper ordered. The Mad Hare shook his head. "Fine then I’ll come to you," he said as he walked three steps so that he was face to face with The Mad Hare. "Turn around and sit down." The Mad Hare obeyed. Scamper removed the clothing carefully. Then he wrapped his abdomen with the white linen cloth. He finished and just as he finished wrapping the white linin and securing it with a safety pin that had also fallen magically from the sky he pats the bandage as he said: "Well, that should do it." The Mad Hare winced in pain and Scamper said "I'm sorry." as he looked up into those beautiful sky blue eyes. Deep as the ocean and overflowing with the sweetest emotion Scamper had ever seen. Love. Pure Love and not lust. The Mad Hare looked for something in Scamper's chocolate brown eyes. He seemed to get his answer as he leaned in he checked once more for an understanding. Scamper nodded and their lips meet in an overwhelming complete bliss.  That's when he woke up. The Mad Hare stared down at him and smiled softly. "Goodnight," he said  Scamper was confused but he looked outside the window as it was growing dark outside. "You slept the whole day." The Mad Hare said  "And you stayed with me the whole day?" "I didn't want any nightmares to attack you."  "Did you kiss me?" Scamper asked "No, why?" The Mad Hare said questioningly. "Well I had a dream that you protected me from a black and purple dragon and then you got hurt. So I had to patch you up and then I looked into your eyes and you kissed me. It felt so real." "Do you want it to be real?" The Mad Hare asked "Well. Um. No" Scamper said coming back to his senses. "No.," he said defensively. The Mad Hare's ears sagged and the smile turned into a frown. "I understand." he said sadly. He turned around and walked out the door leaving a guilty and shocked Scamper behind. ..... The next morning neither of them spoke to each other. The entire day they avoided each other.  Eeyore finally had enough. "Ok, Scamper. What's going on?” "Nothing. Why?" "Oh, come on. Like you don't know. What happened between you and The Mad Hare." "Why are you asking?" Scamper said nonchalantly. Suddenly Rabbit cam barging in. His hands like fists at his sides and he wiggled his nose in annoyance as he puffed himself up. "What did you do to The Mad Hare!" he yelled. "Why is everyone so curious about what happened?!" Scamper yelled. "Because, if you haven't noticed, The Mad Hare is my other half of me. I care about him. What did you say to him? He hasn't been himself all morning. He didn't do anything destructive so far. I'm getting worried." "Well..." said guiltily. "What happened?" Rabbit put a hand on Scamper's shoulder. "Well, I don't know Rabbit. It's so confusing. Love is so confusing. He started looking at me with this strange emotion like a mix between love and lust. And then last night he said indirectly that he loved me. I don't know if he loves me or likes the idea of me. I don't know what to do." Scamper started to sob. "Hey, it’s ok. I know love is a hard emotion to understand." Rabbit rubbed his back in a comforting gesture. Scamper still sobbed. "But I’ll tell you what." "What." Scamper said sniffling. "I've known The Mad Hare longer than you have. I've never seen his act like this toward anyone. You’re special to him." "But does he really love me, or is he just using me." "He's told me himself that he loves you." "Really?" Scamper said unbelievingly. "If you don’t' believe me, ask him yourself." "Ok." Scamper wiped his tears. ...... "Mad Hare," he said as he walked up to him. The Mad Hare turned around. His ears drooped. His eyes had lost the evil glint in them. He was a depressed Hare. He also had been crying. Scamper could tell from his puffy red eyes. "Don't talk to me, please." he pleaded. "Look, I’m sorry about last night." Scamper apologized. "You said that you didn't love me. You rejected me!" The Mad Hare glared at Scamper. "I only rejected you because I wasn't sure that you loved me." "I do." said The Mad Hare truthfully "So you won't use me and leave my heart on the floor in a million pieces." "I vow that I will be loyal to you for all time." Scamper smiled. "Then there’s something that I want to do to show you how much I love you." "What's that?" Scamper tugged at his black bow and they there lips met in heavenly bliss.  In the background there was a resounding round of claps and whistles and shouts. "Did we just kiss in front of everyone?" Scamper asked. "Why, is there a problem?" "No problem at all." Scamper said as he kissed his Hare again
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memedokies · 7 years
(almost) every anon ask since fall 2016
if u havent noticed i am BAD at answering asks so here’s a Big Dump of most of the asks i’ve gotten in the past few months
ps; i’ve excluded pokemon suggestions bc i plan on getting to them at some point
Hihihi!!! What brushes do you use in fire alpaca??  i dont do much in firealpaca (esp not lately lol) but when i did use it a lot i just used the fill bucket and the standard/default brush to fill in gaps n such lol! i dont really draw in it, i used flash/adobe animate for the lineart and just fill in color in firealpaca :3
when did you start animating?   uhh when i was around 11 or 12 when i started digital art i guess? i just used photoshop for the longest time then got flash when i was like 15 or so
 How did you get flash?  i got the creative cloud dealie, its technically required for my school :—-0 
 hello!! what are you majoring in in vcu?? im thinking about going there for college  im in communication arts! omg cool lmk if u come here ill tell u where to get the best bubble tea
 how many fps do you use for your wiggly animations? i work at 24 fps in flash on twos but just end up using photoshop’s 0 second frame delay/ “no delay”?
 Hey love your animations! What do you animate with?  adobe animate 2017! (previously flash) 
You mentioned a YouTube channel but I can’t seem to find a link to it? Do you post processes on there? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCovvoZxlQjFaIA7A3w_94Zw theres not much atm but i plan on posting a lot more, including process/speedpaints! 
i really like your art style gosh darn!!! everythings so fluid and stylized and nice aaa (also ur animations are goals) do u have any tips for someone still developing their artstyle????  WAH TYSM!!!!! compile art you already like and incorporate aspects from their styles into yours, BUT dont limit urself to one style! if u like something then try it out! do straight up copies (as PRACTICE, DONT CLAIM IT as your own ofc) of stuff you like to see how they work and what you’re clicking with. spending time on fundamentals is MEGA helpful so keep going back to that too! USE REFERENCES!!! draw …from ur soul…what makes u ..FEEL good
 how do you make that burn effect on your lineart? it makes it your pieces look sharper and even more interesting, it’s super cool!!  when i used to use flash for lineart and firealpaca for coloring a lot, setting the lineart layer on BURN with the coloring layer seeping a lil past the lineart would get this effect automatically 
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(like on the whiskers. u can see it gets a brighter brown(?) and the warmer yellow on the ears)
but since then i’ve been using sai+photoshop more so i just do it manually! i’ll use this funny pic of me and my cat as an example lol
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^i select the lineart/everything i want the funky color around
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^slam that INCREMENT button a couple times
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^make a new layer under the lineart
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^fill that puppo with ur preferred color! something brighter works best, or even straight up white
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that’ll give you something like this
then i open it in photoshop
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and i mess with the pink line layer’s blending mode..color burn usually does the trick but depending on the Look you’re going for, saturation, multiply and overlay have some similar effects that look cool. 
i also usually get rid of the outermost edge of pink line that’s visible around the lineart, just so it looks a little cleaner? to do that you just select around your lineart, increment/expand selection, and delete/erase in the selection of the pink line layer
uhh yeah! lmk if anyone needs clarification on this, i have some other #TIPS on makin ur art look crusty and funky so…lemme know if you’re interested :—3
What do you use to animate? And, a more specific question, how do you make transparent animated gifs? adobe animate 2017! (previously flash) i export my animation from flash as a png sequence then open it in photoshop, where the background will be transparent and save it as a gif from there nyaaa
if anyone needs more clarification lmk and i’ll make a proper walkthrough :-0
 Hello!! Ur art is rlly pretty and so inspirational and nice to look at!! 💗💗 I was wonderin’ if ya had any tips on choosing shapes for characters? Like, when you draw shapes for a certain character, it looks rlly like it fits with the character’s personality n stuff!! ( e.g: Your Love Live! drawings!! The characters look so good in your style.) I’ve always admired how u did that n was hoping for some tips maybe?? Anyways, have a good day!!💛💖💟💜💝💞💖 HOOGA!! TYSM!!! and YEA you basically guessed it, i mainly just think about the character’s personality and translate that into a shape or Pheeling… 
especially for anime characters i look at the Very Subtle differences in the character’s original design..or possibly canon implications…for example kotori has slightly different eyes (it also says on her wiki page she has soft droopy eyes!) so i make sure to incorporate that Detãile
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 anime wiki pages that have details like that is nice, for love live they have cute lil “charm points” which is really cool n helpful! listening to how a character is described in their world can give clues to what differentiates them which you can make more clear in your design
taking into account each characters context is good too, what they do/hobby/personality and how that could affect their appearance/posture/attitude
 YEAH its really fun to figure out certain characteristics and make it evident in their appearance! or. idk thats just what i do lol. hopefully this helps!
Have you ever seen the anime jojos bizarre adventure? alas i have not..i have some friends whom are into it so i’ll prob end up watching it sometime lol
sorry if this is obvious but!! are you the creator of Fork and Knife: Food Fighters?? your gif of fork is super cute btw!! yes i am!! wah tysm!!
Hey my little sister found your animation on an online art gallery and she really loved it! omg cool, thanks so much!!
Your style is so lovely!! OHG thanks!
your blog is so precious i love it a lot! your art is so cute too ^u^ waa thanks!!
Your art and animations art really cool! Keep up the good work! You are amazing!! aahg thank you!! :’333
 your art is fuckening amazing hh broe…tysm
 Oh my gee, I used to follow you on Deviant Art, and now here I am, finding you on accident. You’re still as talented as ever. =w= b hUIOpugh deviantart, my homeland..my origin.. thank you!!!
- O mg I love your art! 💕💕💕 thank you!! heart emojis!!! 💖💖💖
- your art and animations give me so much inspiration, thank you! everything about your style is so fun and it cheers me up omg this validates my top tier goal in life, im so glad!! thank you SO much!
Your style is so charming and adorable ;__; thank you!!
ur art is so gross in the best way possible this is the biggest compliment ive gotten thank u so much. i love making gross squishy awful drawings
 your art style is very cute ! 🌱 oohg thanks!! thanks for the little sprout emoji, i love her
GOOD ART!!!! good art good art good art EVERYWHERE I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! OHHGG THANK YUO
how do ya draw such cutely its driving me nuts Nuts NUTS !!! I LOVE SPARKLES AND BRIGHT COLORS AND FUNNY ANIMALS..its my lifeblood..thank u.. 
You’re a really rad artist! I’m Glad there’s some cool artists that are local! Have a good time at VCU! oh wow thanks!! 
Ur shapes r so good thanks i LOVE a nice wholesome shape!
I rlly like ur art style my dude thanks!! 
hi! just wanted to let u know that you’re wonderful and i wish u well in everything u do this is making me bVERY HAPPY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
 Im love You!! IM L OVE YIOU
that meowth boy is so good. i love him as he is my son THANK YUO i too, love meowth a Lot
 I love how your art is basically lines and curves, it’s very cute oo thanks! 
i love your art style so much!! it’s so zesty? i cant think of a better word to describe but its like. zesty & refreshing & rly rly cool !!! THATS A BEAUTIFUL ADJECTIVE I LOVE IT thank u so much!!!
You seem like you would watch Osomatsu-san. I could see you drawin dem bois in you hella rad art style. osomatsu was the wildest ride of my life. tho i dont think i could physically be able to sit down and draw them seriously ever… 
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 Pls make more angry cat comics theyr so halarious plllls 👀 more are on the way!!!!!!
Have you done a meet the artist i sketched one when the meme was still poppin..is it too late lol? maybe i’ll still do it
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