#wanting interactions or likes or subscribers or whatever
skyburger · 3 months
oh okay so turns out i was crazy my whole life and thought hotels (and, like, my grandparents. but the ones that live in america) just had weird fucking "old-fashioned" (TO ME.) bedding but no its apparently THE ENTIRETY OF AMERICA (well, the US and canada, from what i can see. i cant find any results on what its like in mexico i dont think im googling the right things)??? what the fuck is a top sheet. YOU GUYS ACTUALLY HAVE LIKE? MULTIPLE LAYERS OF BLANKETS AND SHEETS AND STUFF?? THAT YOU HAVE TO SLEEP UNDER EVERY NIGHT?? no wonder some people make such a big deal over making their bed this whole time i thought you guys were just like really lazy like i am and didnt wanna lay out your duvet on top of your bed but NO you guys are supposed to TUCK IN AND LAYER ALL THESE SHEETS???? EVERY MORNING???? HELLO???? how the fuck do you even wash this shit how do you remember what layers go where. i stayed in a hotel last weekend and there were like three layers i slept under and none of them were warm and all of them were tucked into the bed and it was SO annoying. How do you guys live like this. idgaf if you hate europeans i gotta say we were RIGHT for this one. top sheets are so uncommon in europe that apparently there isnt even a word for top sheets in german thats how u KNOW its bad. but the standard in europe is like... mattress. fitted sheet Over the mattress. pillow (in pillow case). duvet (in duvet case? sheet? idk what its called. same concept as a pillowcase). Thats it. AND I THOUGHT THATS WHAT EVERYONE WAS DOING ALL THESE YEARS BUT NO U GUYS ARE ALL CRAZY !!!!!!! do you guys have like six fucking pillows like they do in hotels too??? WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO WITH ALL THIS BEDDING !!!!! also whats with the like. banner strip of fabric blanket(?) type thing thats on the end of the bed. is that just a hotel thing or do people at home do that too. what does that even do it serves no purpose. idk. moral of the story is americans are literally crazyHang on post un-finished i was trying to google something I FORGOT SOME PLACES IN EUROPE JUST USE TWO SINGLE DUVETS INSTEAD OF ONE DOUBLES ONE WHEN U SHARE A BED WITH SOMEONE... thats literally so smart. like im SUCH a covers hog if u share a bed with me were doing it german slash scandinavian style and we are just getting our own duvets. peace and love. sorry i asked my mom off-handedly when we in at a hotel for easter like "haha why do hotels always have the weirdest fucking bedding" and she was like no thats just you. most americans sleep like this. and ive been thinking about it ever since like Huh ? Huh? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN !!!! THE MAJORITY OF THE AMERICAN POPULATION ARE IMMIGRANTS AND MOST OF THOSE IMMIGRANTS ARE IN FACT FROM EUROPE. HOW DID YOU FUMBLE THIS BADLY. WHAT HAPPENED. again i ask. What the fuck is a top sheet
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bluegiragi · 2 months
I hate to ask this cause it feels stupid but I dont wanna do a bunch of research on whatever the recent cod mw fandom discourse is,
but I saw the reblog of someone accusing you of supporting people who write sexualized pedophilia and that really is personally my only """"moral"""" with nsfw shit, (I'm a patreon subscriber and ig I just wanna know where my money's going) is THAT true?
this is such a never-ending nightmare.
i used to follow an artist who, 5-6 months ago made racist art featuring gaz in a slave context, which I didn't like, retweet or interact with in any way. they also made under-age art of ghost soap, which I also didn't interact with . people on twitter called me out yesterday, for retweeting art they'd made as evidence I stood by/encouraged/was an avid fan of all these tropes. Also, the art I retweeted wasn't either of these previous examples of art, but one where ghost and soap were sleeping in a bed together, as adults, peacefully. I can't emphasise enough that I have not interacted with this artist at all, for literally six months.
genuinely, my only crime is not unfollowing + blocking this artist earlier on, and then daring to retweet a fic tagged with "non-con" (ghost gets soap off in a context where he can't really properly consent, they're in front of a crowd of strangers and they have to fuck, but both parties are into each other) written by a friend as I wanted to support their writing.
and now i have pedophile claims because I accidentally retweeted a fandom bingo post that defended loli-con, and then immediately un-retweeted it when I properly read it.
And people are calling me a zoophile for supporting someone who wrote zoophilic fic and called people slurs (???) and I genuinely don't know who they're talking about there.
And the same people called me racist for making Horangi's eyes in the monster!AU sensitive because they thought I was making fun of Asian eyes. The real reason is because he's a cat hybrid and cats are sensitive to light (and I'm Chinese).
I tried addressing all this in a simpler way earlier on, and responded to an ask talking about my "support" for the artist who drew the slave Gaz art by saying the fanart in question was tone deaf and in poor taste. It wasn't enough for some people, so I'm happy to say it again - yes, it was racist, and the reason why I didn't want to be more aggressive is because I didn't want to extend all this mess by throwing this artist under the bus - I genuinely believed them when they said that wasn't that their intention, and think they should've deleted the post at the time.
And also I'm now called a rapist bc I like to entertain fics with dom/sub dynamics that dip into cnc, as an asexual woman who's personally repulsed by sex when it comes to myself.
That's everything so far. I really don't know what you people want from me anymore. I followed the wrong artist. I retweeted the wrong post. And I've undid those actions now. And for so many people to have taken literally everything spread by these people at face value, without even checking if their claims are true, is incredibly hurtful and isolating.
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armageddidnt · 10 months
I just want to use this post to talk about how much I appreciate the way Good Omens does gender. Angels/demons canonically don’t have sexes and don’t subscribe to the concept of gender at all. Throughout the show, we see lots of angels and demons varying gender presentation and it’s considered perfectly normal. Even with all the rules angels/demons have to follow to avoid getting into trouble with their respective sides, there’s never been any rules whatsoever regarding gender. Angels and demons exist, they have names, they dress how they want, and whatever humans think is irrelevant. As someone who is non-binary and agender, it warms my heart to think of an existence where gender isn’t limiting at all. I’m really grateful to Neil and Terry for making a story about existing beyond gender that has had such widespread impact.
And regarding how they interact with humans, on the show we’ve seen a variety of pronouns but what I find interesting is the characters use only one at a time. Gabriel is always he, Beelzebub and Muriel are they, Shax is she, Aziraphale and Crowley are mostly he. And Neil said in an ask reply that any pronouns you use for angels/demons aren’t wrong because to do it right, you need to know the tongue of the angels. I guess it’s sort of my headcannon that when they talk about each other, angels/demons instinctively translate into whatever human pronoun they want to use. Like they could never misgender each other because human language is too limited anyway and they’re just using it as best they can. Idk I just really appreciate seeing a race of beings that innately understand each other’s gender/identity and have absolutely no concept of judgement about it.
Finally, please enjoy my favorite Good Omens screencaps of characters not giving a flying fig about human gender norms.
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Our favorite gender-fluid/genderqueer demon
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Angels having gendered and non-gendered names but only one clothing style: bureaucracy
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Aziraphale rocking Madame Tracy’s dress
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The Gender Ambiguity that is Lord Beelzebub
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Whatever the heck Hastur is doing here
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Mutt’s wonderfully delightful non-binary spouse
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Pollution saying “no gender only garbage” (which is relatable honestly)
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
Hey you! Yeah you. Don’t do this shit. It’s rude.
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If you like an authors work and want them to tag you do more than this. All this does is make me roll my eyes and ignore you. Tell me what you like about the fic, reblog it with some tags do something. I’m not a machine who’s sole purpose is to write. I’m also not expected to tag anyone in my fics and demanding it like some of these users have is RUDE. if you like my work and you want to see more of it, help me get exposure, reblog it, instead of just saying tag me, tell me you liked it or what you liked about it. Fuck my ko-fi is in my pinned post. Buy me a coffee and I’ll write whatever the fuck you want. But don’t do this. It’s just rude and disrespectful.
If you do want to see more of a particular piece of work do the following:
- instead of saying “tag me” say something like “I really enjoyed this one shot and I liked this about it. If you continue will you tag me?”
-reblog and say something in the tags
-send me an ask anon or otherwise and I’ll drop everything to write something as soon as I see it lol
- buy me a coffee and it’ll be the exact same way :)
- literally interact with the post in some way aside from telling me to tag you and you’ll actually get tagged in future works.
-subscribe to my ao3 everything is posted there. I only post on work on tumblr if I’m responding to a prompt and I want the prompt writer to see it.
Remember authors aren’t machines. We write this stuff for free and exposure means a lot to us. Just saying tag me does nothing.
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wandussyfantasy · 1 year
Hey :) could you write Kate Bishop x reader where they can barely stand each other but secretly like the other? R gets jealous when someone makes a move on Kate and they end up having sex in the backseat of R's car👀
Oh and gip R pls!
Summary: Kate Bishop annoys you at a frat party.
Pairing: Kate Bishop x g!p Reader
smut, name calling, g!preader, praising, creampie, mentions of alcohol.
It's late on a Saturday night. University students all over campus are celebrating the end of another brutal semester. There are parties happening all over the school. You happened to be at the best party at the biggest house on campus. You weren't big on the whole Greek row scene but your brother, Peter, is which had its advantages. Getting into frat parties without a problem was the best one. 
The disadvantage being that the one person you couldn't stand the most in this world was in the sister sorority to this fraternity. Which means that you were often in the same vicinity as Kate Bishop. Not something that you were fond of. 
“Hey, watch where you're going, cocksucker!” You say as Kate knocks into you in the hallway where you had been chatting up a girl that caught your attention. 
“Whatever carpet muncher,” she rolls her eyes as she continues down the hall where her friends are. You finish the drink in your hand and ask the girl you were talking to if she wanted a refill. 
“No, I'm okay,” she says as she drops the plastic cup on the ground. “I’ll have you instead,” she grabs you by the shirt and pulls you into a kiss. You happily reciprocate the action and push her against the wall. You step closer between the girls legs to rub against her when someone bumps into you again. 
“Get a room,” Kate calls over her shoulder and you can no longer focus on the girl in your arms. All you can think about is Kate fucking Bishop. 
“I’m sorry, I have to go,” you say as you step away. You follow Kate into the backyard where barely anyone is, “What the hell was that for?” 
“It’s a party, not an orgy. No one wants to watch you dry humping Malibu barbie in the hallway,” Kate defends her actions. 
You shake your head and scoff, “Unbelievable, this coming from the girl with an OnlyFans account!” 
Kate isn't phased that you have this information. More like intrigued, “How’d you know about that? Do you subscribe?”
“What?” You look at everything but her as you stammer out, “No, of course not. It got around campus.”
Kate laughs, she would have known if something like that happened. She ran her account in a way that made it difficult to tell it was her unless someone noticed certain details about her. “Yeah, okay,” she drinks from her cup. “I’ll see you around, pervert.” She walks back into the party, shoving you with her shoulder. 
You crush the empty cup once she has disappeared. Oh she knew how to push your buttons. Once you've cooled off, you walk back inside and make a beeline for the kitchen. There you find Peter and his best friend Henry doing shots. They invite you to join them and you do so happily. Then you grab a new cup and fill it with water. 
As you make your way through the house, you catch yourself constantly looking for Kate. You find her laughing with friends on a couch. Then spot her over by the pool table. Then you notice her talking to a guy. You get closer when he puts his hand on her waist. And finally when you see him grope her ass, you can't help yourself and you dump your water on him. You grab Kate by the wrist and you pull her out of the house. 
“What the fuck is your problem?! You can't just kick me out for having fun!” Kate tries to break from your grip. 
You stop in the front lawn and spin to face her. This action pulls her close so the two of you are chest to chest. “I’m not kicking you out, I'm…” you fail to form a verbal explanation. You aren't sure what you're doing. Everything so far has been action with no thought. So you continue that way. You plant your mouth on her, surprising the both of you with a kiss. 
Even more shocking, Kate doesn't pull away, she doesn't slap you. No, she pulls you closer. “Gosh you're so fucking unbelievable,” she says. Then she goes in for another aggressive kiss. You stumble backwards with her attached to you. “Where are you taking me?” She asks between harsh breaths. 
“My car,” you answer. 
“Okay,” she nods, “Let’s go.”
And you guide her all the way down to where you had parked your car. It was in a very private and secluded area. You open the door for her and she pushes you in as she lands on top of you. “A little eager, are we?”
“Shut up,” she pulls her shirt off, “before I change my mind.” Staring at her round breasts that are covered by a lacy bra, you are more than happy to comply. Not wanting to risk this experience ending. You pull your shirt off and it makes Kate giggle as you struggle in your position. She helps you remove the item and the two of you continue. She takes off her bra and you lick your lips as you try to put one of her breasts into your mouth. “Uh-uh-uhh, I've shown you mine, now let me see yours.” She says and you fall back onto the seat with a sigh. “Come on, don't be shy,” she traces her finger across your chest, outlining the top of your bra on your skin. 
You laugh lightly, “I’m not shy, I have great boobs. I just need help because I can't exactly reach in this position.”
“Right, sorry,” Kate helps you remove the garment and she has to agree with your statement. “Oh yeah, these are gorgeous,” she grabs your boobs and smiles. “They fit perfectly.”
You grab her boobs and play with her nipples and she does the same for you as she rocks her hips into you. That's when she discovers a part of you she didn't think you had. She stops moving to confirm that she is rubbing against a penis. “Is this going to be a problem for you?” You ask as you sit up on your elbows. 
Kate shakes her head as she moves her hands from massaging your breasts down to your belt. She undoes the buckle and frees the button, carefully dragging the zipper down, and delicately reaches into your pants to feel the thickest cock she has ever experienced. You moan at the contact and she carefully pulls you out of your pants. “Oh my,” she says, not sure where she wants to start with this thing. She strokes your cock so that you're hard, she couldn't be gone from her friends too long before they would start looking for her. She quickly pulls her shorts down, enough to uncover her hole and aims your cock at it. 
With an involuntary thrust you enter her fully with ease. “Ohhhh you're so tight, so wet, oh fuck Kate,” you groan as she starts to ride you. She has her hands on your chest to keep her steady in the awkward position in the car. You don't care about the back pain it's causing because her warm walls squeezing your cock was enough pleasure to distract you. 
“Fuck, we should have done this sooner,” Kate says as she is bouncing on your lap. “You’re so big, ohh fuuuck,” she takes your hand and puts it on her clit as she lazily shows you what she likes in order to bring her closer to her climax. “I’m almost there,” she gasps. 
You sit up and adjust the position so you have more control over thrusting into her. You start to fuck Kate faster so you can bring her to her orgasm. She starts moaning loudly and you don't care if someone passing by hears. In fact, you want someone to hear so they know you're the one pleasuring the most difficult person on campus to please. Plenty of people have slept with her and had their reputations tarnished because of her. Kate is practically screaming your name at this point. 
All too soon, she slams down on your lap as her whole body tremors from her orgasm and her walls clamp on your cock, drawing out your orgasm without warning. “Shit, fuck, ooohhh,” you say against her chest as your cock pulses inside of her, your cum filling her pussy. It takes you a few seconds to realize that you weren't wearing a condom. “Oh fuck,” you say with wide eyes. “I’m so sorry, I didn't put a condom on.”
Kate giggles as she kisses you on the lips, “It’s okay. I'm clean and on the pill. We don't have anything to worry about.” 
“Okay,” you kiss her again in relief. You pull out of her and quickly pull her shorts back up before your cum can leak out of her. “I was going to offer to clean you out. But the idea of watching you flirt with people, knowing you're filled up with my cum. That's too good to pass up.” She hums and your cock twitches at the idea. 
“Mmm, and what if I find someone else to do the job? You want to watch?” Kate challenges you with a quirked eyebrow and adorable smirk.
You kiss her again, this one slow and deep unlike the hurried passionate ones you've exchanged up until now. “I won't say no to that.” The two of you dress and rejoin the party and you keep an eye on her the rest of the night while you act like you didn't just have the best sex of your life. 
The End.
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daisynik7 · 8 months
“Drank In My Cup” by Kirko Bangz for Connie Springer- Comfort + Smut
The lyrics: “Girl I know how much you really want somebody, want somebody that don't really need you” and “That ain't tryin' to love you baby, just fuck you instead” if that’s okay <3
Drank In My Cup
Girl I know how much you really want somebody, want somebody that don't really need you
Pairing: Connie Springer x f!reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
cw: friends-to-lovers trope, implied unrequited love, smut - blowjob, cunnilingus, vaginal sex (missionary), creampie, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, pet names.
Summary: Connie has been in love with you since college when you were living next door to each other in the dorms. He’s consoled you through countless of breakups and heard you in all your casual hookups. It hasn’t been easy for him and after graduation, he decides to move overseas in an attempt to get over you, cutting off all contact without explanation. Three years of radio silence later and the two of you finally reunite. 
Author’s Notes: Inspired by one of AugustInTheWinter’s Patreon exclusive audios. Honestly, so so good, if you have the ability to do so, subscribe to him, it is so worth the money. Anyways, thanks for this request for the y2k karaoke party! I love this song. Enjoy!
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If you told Connie Springer five years ago that you wanted to spend the night, he would have agreed, no question. Today, as he anticipates your arrival, he almost regrets saying yes. 
A week ago, you contacted him, asking if you could stay at his place for the weekend while you’re here visiting. He checks the last text you sent him; it was five months ago, wishing him happy birthday. The one before that was exactly a year earlier, another birthday greeting. Your messages were more frequent then, but they gradually faded, probably because Connie never replied to any of them. 
He's not trying to be a dick. He’s just too much of a coward to admit that he’s doing his best to get over you. And if that means ignoring you completely, so be it. At what cost, though? Losing his best friend?
This time, he actually does respond to you. Maybe it’s because after three years of being apart, he finally feels ready to face you again. Tonight will be the test. Is this really the best idea for him?
You knock on his front door, weekender bag in hand, heart beating faster, excited to see him. The last time was graduation when he told you that he’d be moving away to Marley for his new job. He didn’t even tell you that he was applying to companies overseas, so of course, you were shocked. Your friendship hasn’t been the same since. You used to be inseparable; now, you’ve never felt further apart. 
He greets you politely when he answers the door, that familiar face instantly putting you at ease, despite the distance that’s grown between you. “Hey.”
“Hi, stranger,” you say, hugging him with your free arm. He’s tense when you touch him, not like his usual self. That’s one thing you always loved about Connie; how snugly he would hold you in his arms. It’s already awkward, but you continue to smile at him, hoping that whatever this tension is dissipates soon.
He leads you inside, taking your bag, setting it on the floor by one of the closed rooms. “Do you want a drink?”
“What do you have?” you ask, looking around his apartment, trying to find any remnants of your friendship. Pictures, ticket stubs from all the movies you watched together, all the little trinkets you’d get him as gifts for his birthdays. Nothing, there’s nothing in here. It barely looks decorated at all, except for a few posters he’s crookedly hung up.
“I’ve got water and some White Claws that have been festering in there since I moved here. Pick your poison.”
You laugh, happy to hear this side of him. “I’ll take the water, thanks.” You sit down on the couch, not sure where to start. “How have you been?”
He grabs a clean glass, turning the faucet on until your cup is almost filled to the brim. He carefully hands it to you, sitting as far away from you on the couch as possible. You shift in your seat, facing him, waiting for his answer. “Good. I’m good,” he says, avoiding your gaze, staring at the floor instead. 
You take a sip of water, expecting him to elaborate more, but he doesn’t. “Do you like living here? In Marley?”
He shrugs. “It’s okay. There’s not that much more going on here than there is in Paradis.”
“Do you think you’ll ever move back home?”
He crosses his arms over his chest, guarded. “I don’t have any reason to, so probably not.”
“Well, I can think of one reason,” you say. “I miss you.”
His jaw clenches, defenses still up. You scoot closer, wanting this distance to disappear, physically and figuratively. You’ve been waiting for this reunion since he left, since he stopped contacting you almost completely. Wanting to finally make it right with him, the way it should have been ever since you first became close to him in college. You knew he liked you; he was always so obvious about it. And yes, deep down, you liked him too. But you were scared of ruining your friendship, of losing your best friend. You were so used to all your relationships ending in a breakup, you were afraid to cross that line with Connie in fear of losing him forever. When you finally mustered the courage to confess to him on the night of graduation, he told you he’d be moving to Marley for work. Because of your cowardice, you ended losing him anyways. But you won’t let tonight go to waste. You’ll do everything you can to salvage this. Even after all these years of distance between you, you won’t make the same mistakes again. 
You close the gap, squeezing next to him on the couch. He glares at you. “What are you doing?”
“I miss you, Connie,” you whine, trying to free his arms from his chest. “Don’t you miss me?”
He shakes his head, relaxing only the slightest bit. “No, I don’t. I’ve worked too hard trying not miss you.”
“What do you mean?”
He finally looks at you, his gaze intense. “I moved because of you. I couldn’t take it anymore, watching you fall in love with every other guy except for me.”
He unclenches, leaning towards you, face so close you can feel his breath on you as he speaks. “Do you know how hard it was for me? To hear you on the other side of the wall, moaning someone else’s name? And then months later, you’d come crying to me, wanting only my comfort to help you through your breakup. Then the cycle would just repeat over and over, driving me fucking insane because I could never have you for myself. I could only have you when you needed me, when you were heartbroken. Well, it wasn’t fucking fair okay? That’s why I left. I just couldn’t do it anymore.”
You stare back at him, wide-eyed, heart thumping loudly in your chest. Quietly, you say, “I’m sorry, Connie. I…I didn’t know.”
He scoffs at you, rolling his eyes. “Don’t lie to me. Why else would you come to me? You knew I was the only guy stupid enough to always say yes to you. So don’t fucking lie to me now and say that you didn’t know. You knew.”
You swallow hard before asking, “Why didn’t you say something?”
“Why would I? So I can get rejected and ruin our friendship? No. As much as I hated hearing you get fucked on the other side of the wall, I couldn’t stand not having you at all. Pretty fucked up, right?”
You remain still in your seat, unsure how to proceed from this. Eventually, he says, “You can stay here for the weekend, but I think it’s best if we just stop seeing each other after this, okay? It’s better for the both of us if we stop being friends.”
Before he can stand up to leave, you grab his wrist. “Well, good,” you whisper. “I don’t want to be friends anymore either.” You meet his lips with yours for a kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. He melts into you, his tongue slipping inside your mouth, easing into it. Realizing what’s happening, he pushes you off gently, stuttering, “What do you think you’re doing?”
You trail down his neck, sucking on his skin to leave love marks. “What I should have years ago.”
“You’re toying with me,” he whispers, closing his eyes, tipping your chin up to kiss you again. “Teasing me like you did all those times in college.”
“I’m not. I want it. I want you.” You lie back on the couch, spreading your legs for him. 
He crawls on top of you, sliding your pants and underwear off simultaneously, dropping them to the floor, salivating at the sight of your glistening cunt, wet with arousal. “Well, too bad. I don’t need you anymore. You won’t get what you want so easily this time. Not after all the torment you put me through. You need a taste of your own medicine first.” He shoves his sweats down, releasing his hard cock from his boxers, stroking it in his fist. With a shaky breath, he whispers, “Come on. Show me how badly you want it.”
You peer up at him, getting on all fours, opening your mouth with your tongue sticking out. He smirks, tracing the outline of your lips with the tip of his dick, smearing his precum on you like gloss. “Fuck, never thought I’d see you like this.” He guides himself inside you, exhaling deeply as he slides all the way to the back of your throat, cursing once more. You give him what he wants, never taking your gaze off him, guzzling down his cock with each thrust he gives you, bobbing your head along his shaft. 
“Damn, you feel even better than I imagined,” he moans, bucking his hips. After a couple more deep thrusts, you pull off quickly to catch your breath, wiping away the saliva leaking from your lips. “Hey, are you okay? Are you hurt?” he asks in that concerned tone you love so much. He sounds exactly like he did in college, when he would cradle you gently in his arms as you cried about your latest heartbreak, completely oblivious to how much pain it caused him to see you like this. Connie would never break your heart; it took you too long to finally realize this. And maybe it’s too late to fix the damage that’s been done. But that doesn’t mean you won’t try. 
You nod silently, reaching for the coffee table to take a sip of water. He wipes the tears from your eyes, brushing them away with his thumbs. “Are you sure?”
You smile at him, sniffling. “I’m sure, Connie.”
His expression is uncertain again. He doesn’t know whether to stay mad at you or be sweet. He’s always been sweet, and that obviously never worked out for him. If he shows you his mean side, will you stay? Does he even want you to stay?
You surround him again with your mouth, sucking on his cock head with your fist wrapped around his shaft. He closes his eyes, indulging in the pleasure, enjoying it a little too much. He won’t deny it; this has been one of his biggest fantasies since college, to see you like this. To feel you moan around his cock. And as much as he wants to continue spitting hurtful comments to you, make you feel guilty for toying with him all this time, his need to pleasure you overtakes him. His most precious fantasy is to finally hear you moan his name, and no one else’s.
He pulls out of you, jerking off while he tips your chin up to face him. “What do you want, huh? Want my mouth on you? Want me to eat out this pretty pussy? Is that what you want? Because I’ll give it to you, if you let me.” He’s desperate for it now, and so are you. So all you do is nod with your mouth still open, needy for it. 
He eats you out sloppily, better than any guy you’ve been with. This is what he wanted, to prove to you that it should have been him all those times. And you regret it, all the useless hookups and casual relationships you put yourself through when you could have been with Connie instead. You come twice from his mouth before you start begging him to fuck you. “Please, baby.”
His eyes widen at the pet name, cock throbbing, ready to burst. “Okay, sweetie,” he huffs, composure wavering. “I’ll fuck you. I’ll give you what you want. I’m always giving you what you want.”
You hold him tightly, moaning his name while he fucks you with your legs wrapped around him. “You’re so good for me, baby. So fucking good for me,” he groans, drilling into you hard and fast. “I missed you so fucking much.” He orgasms with you, unloading his cum inside you, filling you up. You kiss passionately as the both of you come down from your highs, relaxing into each other’s arms. 
It’s silent for a moment before you say, “I was going to tell you. On graduation day.”
“Tell me what?” he asks, grazing your lips with his fingers.
“That I liked you, too. And I wanted us to be together.”
He sighs. “But I told you I was moving, so you didn’t go through with it.”
He laughs softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Damn, we are really dumb, aren’t we?”
You giggle, nestling your face into his chest, relishing the familiar warmth. “Yeah, we are.”
He rests his chin on the top of your head, massaging your back. “So, should we stop being dumb and finally do this? The right way?”
You nod, smiling. “Yes. Absolutely yes.”
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silky-silks · 20 days
Oh my God. 120 followers!!
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Had to whip up something (and I would have done more but im in college again and haha...that takes over everything!) But where am I? Oh right THANK YOU EVERYONE!!
I know its a small number but that means 120 people were interested and liked my work and art so guess what? It means everything and you all have helped me a lot!! You kept me encouraged and you all help me find my happiness in my art again. And look where I am now!
So here are all my oc's just celebrating or confused of all the confettie. And just to be random here is some random dialouge from them
Geneieve: "Why are we having a party again?"
Syrup:"To celebrate 120 followers of course!"
Shrimpy: "Followers? You mean people are stalking us???"
Syrup: No Shrimpy it means people who are "subscribed to us on Tumblr!!"
Simon: "But aint it the same as stalking a bit? Like they view us so....."
Syrup"...oh shoot you actually do got a point"
Silky: "I am very concerned for the amount of braincells you all have right now"
Zithur: "Eh I lost 50 of mine so i think we are all good here"
Geneieve: "How are you even alive at this point? Shan't you be dead????"
(poor Zithur)
Anyway now that the gang is all here I was originally going to mention all my followers and then i realized...holy shoot that 120 to type and find so here are a few of mostly stating the mutuals and down the line!!
Thank you..
@eve-pie @ericvelseb666 @sg-the-mag-by @blueberryflower23
@buenos-diaz @zoeyvelseb666 @sharkyy599 @f3l1c1afox @annelostshoe @dollpuppets @i-ate-your-dog-srry @eldiabo @enjoyerofspooks @ethandorianbatz @fluffyartist132 @thetiredcreature @nia1sworld @night-terrorzz @atomictoasty @thegrimpumkinpatch @theoryvixen @yet-happy @onewallywithmanyfaces
@mentally-quiet-spycrab @mentally-spacey-spy @oddlyvoid
@not-so-creative-brazilian-girl @oli-draw @izzy-the-chaotic-gremlin
@littlesiren79 @usuariaanonimam @that-one-furry-sky @autismtheartist
GASP AND TO MANY MANY MORE!!! Sorry if i didn't get your name but I am grateful nonetheless!
Now i dont have much presents but I will say for my Ask you can ask my characters literally anything. I want to be more interactive and i do apolgize for how slow I am with my diddly darn ask box so forgive me but to open up more room for how my characters act you can ask them whatever you like.
Hey Simon what do you think of the Mario games?
Stuff like that... see you guys later im going to go and eat a whole tub of icecream and drink orange juice BYE!!!!
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t-tomuras · 5 months
1.1k, streamer au, mostly sfw but mention of sexual situations within the relationship, descriptions of a horror game ╰┈➤ 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈-𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓
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It’s rare that the significant other of a popular Internet personality is as well liked as you, let alone your relationship in general. Assured that at least a few of Tenko’s audience will ask where you are at the beginning of the stream if you aren’t sitting next to him or atop his lap regardless of what he’s categorized his stream as. You love that they’re excited to see you both, how you interact with one another, that they’re interested in seeing at least a fraction of how you spend time together. Perhaps it’s a bit parasocial, you know, their desire to glean portions of your private life but you both do well on keeping what’s important private.
But you hate that his audience likes your joined reactions with their favorite streamer most when it involves anything to do with horror. Decaydaddy’s popularity amplified by his pure lack of reaction to horror games in any capacity. A lot of viewers found it easier to watch the gameplay that they couldn’t play themselves because he was so levelheaded and unbothered. The most they ever gleaned of his fright were simple raised eyebrows and a huff of breath at a jump-scare or two.
But you, oh you, poor thing, they get real alleviation to their terror from yours. Jolting, flinching, wincing, whimpering, covering your face, and heaven forbid you scream loudly enough he has to pet your hair.
And no matter how many games you watch him play you’re never desensitized to whatever they entail. You try, you do, you’ve gotten used to analog horror at the very least; only displaying mild discomfort in the form of hilarious grimacing but nothing more.
You can never say that about anything to do with the paranormal, however. And Tenko is kind not to subject you to it at all, he knows how badly it affects you and your wellbeing far outweighs the desires of faceless usernames on a screen or subscriber count.
But this game, Supernormal, you’d suggested it to him. Thoroughly surprising him over the fact as you moused over wishlisted games while curled in his lap before the stream started, raving about its usage of in game voice recognition as well as how there was a mystery about it. Assuring him it was nothing like Phasmophobia and or Demonologist.
Oh how you regret recommending it now as the gameplay only grows more perturbing.
“If she’s supposed to be helping you help her why the fuck does she keep doing creepy shit!!” Your own fingers covering your eyes because you really can’t deal with the fright anymore. The effect only worsened by how the lights are off in your own shared room.
No saving grace of the usual accent lights, purple or red depending on his mood or the genre of game he’d be playing. Nor the reprieving underglow Tenko had fastened to the baseboards of your bed frame for soft lighting.
“It isn’t a horror game if she doesn’t,” his voice still even while yours warbles. You don’t think you’ll cry but fuck maybe it would make you feel a little better? Like hell you will on stream though, Tenko has told you plenty about how weird people can be without going into too many details.
Details Touya has no problem telling you, however. Skin heating while he explained ‘you have no idea how many people will get off to a screenshot of your face with that precious little pout and that glassy look to your eyes’.
Yet still you can’t school your features well enough, not that Tenko really wanted you to either. But he does prefer for those moments to be saved for when you’re underneath him or when his nose is affectionately bumping against your clit just like you both like.
Pulled quickly from his wandering thoughts when you yelp again and Tenko’s hand comes off the mouse to grip at your hip comfortingly. Falling still in the game without pausing it as you turn your head away from another heart palpitation inducing scene.
Covering your own eyes after seeing the girl slamming her head into the light switch on the second floor. Tenko whispering imperceptibly, “you don’t have to watch, I can pause the stream for you.” You appreciate him for it, shaking your head before tucking into his throat in a way that you can still see the screen.
“I think she wants you to turn off all the lights, that’s the second time she’s touched a light switch,” and you’re correct, he moves about the ground floor first. Flicking off all of the lights until enveloped in complete darkness as you glance over at the rolling chat on his second monitor.
Use the mic, use the voice recognition, talk to it! And you relay the comments to him, knowing he’s too focused to glance over at chat like he often does while gaming.
Watching with rapt attention for the red mic icon to appear at the bottom left hand corner of his screen before you speak, “ask her the prompts, it’s picking up your mic right now ten.”
He responds with a hum, taking the time to rub your leg with the hand he takes off the keyboard as he opens the pause menu. Reviewing the prompts to ask because it won’t answer anything besides the specifically posed question.
“Three knocks for yes, two for no,” you say in unison, taking in a deep breath and fishing his hoodie below Tenkos desk as he breathes in evenly himself.
The first question he poses, “Are you friendly?” Calm, a ringing silence to you before hearing the two slow knocks follow. It actually makes you relax a bit. At least it’s friendly.
“Where are you,” a distant knock this time, against a windowpane instead of the sound of wood like the previous question.
“Show yourself,” your eyes flit nervously to the pulsing icon before the question Tenko had asked appears in subtitles at the bottom center of the screen.
“Look behind you,” feminine but also overlaid by the signature whisper of the same voice to appear vulnerable as well as a deep gravely male voice.
‘Please don’t turn around’ you whisper but Tenko doesn’t hear, he had no intention of turning either. The specter rushes him from the front, ghostly pale and covered in blood with sightless milky eyes in an instant before your scream rings out in the room. Jolting against Tenko who barely flinches.
He almost pauses the stream, almost cuts off completely when your breathing is more erratic than he’s comfortable with. Glancing to the side hoping you hadn’t moved your rescue inhaler but you calm yourself quickly. Peeking through your fingers that had flown to your face protectively, Tenko’s hand rubbing soothingly against your bare thigh, preparing to ask if you’re alright before you speak.
“Friendly my fucking ass.”
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certifiedstabber · 8 days
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50 Killermare interactions ♤
hi im so normal abt them :3 soooo normal youd never believe how normal i am eheheh ..
killer writing religious nonsense on the walls and nightmare losing his shit over it
killer bringing a soundboard with him everywhere he goes and hitting 'aww :(' whenever nightmare kills someone. nightmare gets hit by dream and all you hear is 'yaaaaaaay :3'
killer getting sick and nightmare spending half the time trying (and failing) to get him to rest and take meds
killer forcing nightmare to watch the entirety of family guy just so he can make shitty references. both of them hate the show
killer convincing nightmare to become a video essayist. he subscribes to nights channel. nightmare forces killer to delete his pre-existing youtube account filled with video footage of the gang
killer bringing home cats and nightmare naming them after prescription pills. there's also just one called fentanyl
nightmare being very antsy about his birthday. killer presenting him with a wet sopping trout as a "gift" in a crude attempt to cheer him up
nightmare assigning killer perfectly safe yet physically exhausting tasks for the fun of it
killer harassing nightmare in every video game they play. nightmare obstructing his progress however possible so they're both equally annoyed
sadomasochist duo who use each other to vent out their anger
killer making up random slang words and nightmare spending half the day trying to figure out what he's saying
nightmare having delusional episodes and killer going along with whatever he believes for the hell of it
nightmare calling killer a rabid dog and waking up the next day to him chewing on his arm
killer bringing nightmare a bouquet of dead floweys for valentines day
killer jokingly starting a church in order to pray to nightmare. nightmare almost killing him before realising that killer somehow managed to get people to start attending
giving each other the silent treatment after every argument. nightmare is always the first to cave in and start a conversation
killer having a dream cosplay and popping out in front of nightmare at the most random of times
killer filling nightmares office with thousands of balls meant for ballpits
killer conspiring with dust to make a chemical capable of melting nightmare's goop. he succeeds and nightmare loses his mind over how the first person to successfully melt it is killer .. because his reasoning was 'it would be funny'
they'd have a political podcast consisting of nightmare being serious and killer responding with arguments specifically designed to annoy him
nightmare being woken up at 2am because killer wants to go to a random au and look at paint splotches
nightmare going on vacation. error launching killer at him and screaming about how he refuses to listen to anyone else. nightmare being stuck with killer on vacation
nightmare showing killer a show he likes. nightmare occasionally sparing glances to see if he's watching or not — killer being disinterested in it and side eyeing him the entire time watching his reactions instead
the pair having equally as much information on bugs and freaking people out with it
nightmare ballroom dancing with killer during one of their many, many massacres
killer throwing paint over nightmare and learning that he can indeed dye his sludge to be any colour
killer learning that nightmare has vocal stims and repeating nonsensical things to try to get him to repeat involuntarily or vice versa it could go both ways
both of them having vocal stims and the moment one of them stims the other starts too
nightmare stepping away from his paperwork just to supervise killer cooking
nightmare inherently despising furries because they're having fun expressing themselves freely. killer buying a fursuit that looks suspiciously similar to nightmare and wearing it
killer putting said fursuit into nightmares closet and proceeding to show it to the other bad sanses. nightmare finds out what happens later and almost kills every member of his gang
nightmare being lighter than usual thanks to his lack of physical form, killer waiting until he's asleep and proceeding to figure out how many balloons he has to tie to him until he starts floating
nightmare standing in the corner of killer's eye and teleporting away if he looks at him. this repeats for hours
nightmare insultingly saying that a roomba could do a better job than killer, so killer buys one. the roomba, in all its glory, does indeed somehow do a better job than killer
nightmare getting used to being called a squid/octopus. nightmare almost exploding when killer calls him a centipede
horror getting captured by the enemy and nightmare leaving him there for a week before getting him out. killer getting captured and he's out within 2 hours
nightmare being the type to never swear. killer amping up his chaos and managing to get him to swear five times in a day
killer stealing aphrodisiacs from dust, slipping them into nightmare's tea and proceeding to draw all over him. bonus the drawings melt into the goop and nightmare has cool looking drippy symbols on him for the next few days
killer putting nightmare on antidepressants end sentence there's too many outcomes to list
killer hiding nightmare's clothes in an attempt to get him to walk around naked. nightmare somehow having an infinite amount of the same outfit (it's just his sludge—the others were there for show)
nightmare bandaging killer up badly on purpose in hopes his wounds reopen and he starts bleeding
killer having an organ he teleports with him essentially everywhere just to play boss music for nightmare. nightmare being forced to deal with it because the one time he didn't bring it along killer refused to fight alongside him
killer and nightmare being the greatest poker duo of all time. they set up a gambling ring where people can just watch them play against each other
killer making a vocaloid out of nightmare's voice and releasing it to the public, which obviously gets a bunch of attention since it's, well, nightmare. killer starts making songs with it and gaining recognition except it's literally just nightmare himself singing them
killer holding a funeral for nightmare whenever he gets mildly injured
both of them making up the craziest lies about themselves and seeing how long it takes for the other to figure it out
nightmare going by they/them and killer, having special permission to call him by he/him, going around correcting people on 'his' pronouns
killer with a gun. nightmare having to get it away from him before he kills his teammates
"what if we get a new teammate" "no"
killer being a really horrific chef yet somehow when it comes to preparing food for his and nightmares monthly picnic it's all perfect
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
What's everyone's 'blocking habits'? Like your way to mass-block a bunch of people you find annoying as a form of destressing, lol. So there's the usual just-block-'em-when-i-see-'em, mine is subscribing to a bunch of posts with 'controversial' opinions (sex work, pro-fiction, etc) and going thru my notifs to pre-emptively block blogs that don't contribute anything to the conversation except harp about SWERF-adjacent rhetoric.
I mostly interact with tumblr through my activity page, so I just block people who cause trouble on my posts. If someone sends me a particularly juicy flamewar about problematique fiction or whatever, I sometimes go through and block all the people who sound like radfems or fundies.
The most guaranteed block is if you interact with my posts, especially in an irritating way, and then I discover you've blocked me. If you want in on the conversation, you cannot opt out of conversing.
(I hope I've never blocked based on a false positive... Tumblr being tumblr, I can't be 100% sure.)
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odyssean-flower · 6 months
The Winding Path of Fate Chapter 9 - The Honeymoon (Part 1)
Pairing: Neuvillette x Female Reader Summary: You and Neuvillette finally go on your honeymoon/first date (clickbait kinda sorta) Warnings: None except for the fact that this story is 50% written based on vibes Note: I update this story on AO3 first so please subscribe to the fic there if you’d like to read it faster Note 2: If you want to be on the taglist for this fic, please make a reply to this post, send a message or send a private ask
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Have a pic of double neuvillette
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As it turned out, you and Neuvillette didn’t go on your honeymoon tomorrow. Apparently, there was some sort of sudden judicial matter that desperately needed his attention. You lost count of how many times he apologized to you.
Which was just as well, since going on a trip—even if it was only for a day—on such short notice was absurd and unrealistic. Perhaps it was a testament to just how unsettled Neuvillette was by whatever he talked about with Furina that he suggested it in the first place.
Your initial excitement had cooled down slightly, replaced with calm rationality.
To be honest, you were unsure why he cared so much. From what you could garner (Neuvillette still refused to tell you exactly what his argument with Furina was about), it wasn’t as though she had explicitly ordered him to go on a honeymoon. Besides, having a honeymoon wasn't a requirement for marriage. You knew plenty of couples back home who didn’t have one. Even your own parents simply went back to your father’s house and started living together after they got married.
You told Neuvillette about those things in an effort to take the pressure off him, but it backfired. He seemed even more determined to make this “honeymoon”-slash-“date” happen than before.
“But you looked so excited when I brought the subject up. You’ve rarely traveled before, have you?” he had said, and you couldn’t really argue with that.
It was times like these that made you wonder. From the time you got married—no, all the way back to when you first met—you had always assumed that he acted the way he did towards you out of a sense of gentlemanly conduct. It was something you admired. How many self-proclaimed gentlemen have you met until now? They should all model themselves after Neuvillette.
But it was all the things he did, like buying you the painting set even though you had never asked him for it or hanging up your painting in his office, that made you wonder something that was perhaps a little impertinent: was Neuvillette secretly very sentimental?
That makes sense, you thought, nodding to yourself as you inspected the sunflower plants. They had now reached the middle of your calf, and there were small, tender leaves growing from the stalks.
Neuvillette seemed like the type of person who enjoyed doting on something. No, you were sure he was. You had seen how he acted with the Melusines—he was like a proud father. But on the other hand, Melusines weren’t like pets you could take care of and leave at home. They were full-fledged citizens of Fontaine with their own lives.
But with humans, he was cordial but distant due to his strict personal morals. You sensed that, however, that it didn’t mean he actively disliked interacting with them. It didn’t help that his position and demeanor intimidated people and made them stay at a respectful distance. So, basically, it was a relationship where both parties mutually stayed away from each other, even though the desire was there to get closer.
“He should get a pet or something…” you muttered to yourself.
“Who should get a pet?” a voice asked from behind you. It was Neuvillette.
“I was just thinking that you should get a pet,” you stood up and turned around. “I think you would make a good pet owner.”
 Neuvillette raised an eyebrow. “What brought this on?”
“Oh, I was just thinking,” you said innocently. “Have you ever had a pet before? Or considered getting one?”
“No to both questions, I’m afraid,” Neuvillette said. “My job keeps me too busy to spend much time with them, and truthfully, I prefer observing animals in their natural habitats rather thuan transplanting them to an environment that might not suit them.”
“I see,” you nodded. It was just the answer you would expect from him. “But, I still think that you would be a great owner. You’re so caring and considerate, after all. I’m sure any pet of yours would be lucky to be yours.”
Neuvillette was silent for a moment, like he was thinking over your words. “Then, what would you suggest I should get as a pet, in the hypothetical scenario that I decide to get one?” he suddenly asked, turning to you.
You considered it for a moment. Your first thought was some kind of aquatic creature, like a fish, but you quickly eliminated that choice. Neuvillette wouldn’t like to have a pet that was trapped in confined spaces, and besides…you glanced at his hands, remembering all the times you saw him pat the Melusines’ heads. He would like something he could pet and cuddle. The mental image of Neuvillette cuddling with a fluffy creature made you smile. Yes, definitely something fluffy. A dog would be too high maintenance for him, perhaps a cat? Or a hamster, or a rabbit…
You told Neuvillette about your thoughts. “Think about how relaxing it would be to run your fingers through your cat’s soft fur after a long day at work,” you ended. “Wouldn’t that be nice?”
“It does sound pleasant,” Neuvillette said as he gazed at the sunflower shoots, then looked at you for a few moments as though considering something. “But I think I’ve already experienced something similar to that.”
“What are you implying, hm?” you glared up at him. Lately, Neuvillette seemed to have taken a liking to teasing you. Normally, you didn’t really tolerate being poked fun at by people outside your immediate friends and family (although, come to think of it, Neuvillette was technically your family now), but from him, you didn’t mind all that much. Maybe it was the novelty of it.
“Nothing, Madame. Nothing at all.”
For a few minutes, you two were silent. But it was the warm kind of silence where the people involved simply indulged in each other’s presence.
“So…” you cleared your throat. “Has the date for our honeymoon been set yet? You can at least tell me that, and where we’re going, can’t you?”
You gave him a meaningful look. His argument with Furina had been on your mind for the past few days. Now that you knew that you were involved, you had to know what it was about. You initially bugged him about it, but eventually stopped when he kept repeating, “It is better for you not to know.”
Of course, you had no intention to drop it completely. You simply had to wait for the right moment to bring it up again.
From where you were standing, Neuvillette’s bangs hid his face, but you could have sworn that you saw a small smile on his lips. “I’ll tell you after dinner.”
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The two of you would be going on your one-day honeymoon this weekend. To be precise, it wasn’t even a whole day. You two would be returning home by evening.
The day’s itinerary consisted of two places. The first was the Erinnyes Forest region in the east, where you would spend the morning and early afternoon sightseeing and strolling. In the afternoon, you would be visiting Merusea Village, as Neuvillette wanted to introduce you to the Melusines living there.
Right now, the two of you were sitting in the parlor.
“What do you think?” Neuvillette looked at you beseechingly. You could hear the self-consciousness in his voice. “I am aware that they may not be the most exciting of locales, and that married couples tend to travel more exotic destinations and stay there for a longer period of time, but, considering our personal circumstances…”
He trailed off. He really is taking this too seriously, you thought. Like everything else.
But that was what you liked about him.
“Hmm,” you said. “I don’t think Lady Furina would be too impressed by this. You might get scolded again when she hears of this.”
“You do not like it?” Neuvillette said, looking crestfallen. “Yes, of course you wouldn’t. A lady like you should be taken on a pleasure cruise or a beachside resort. It is not too late to make the necessary arrangements—”
“I said Lady Furina wouldn’t be too impressed by this,” you interrupted him, leaning forward to look him in the eye. “I didn’t say I didn’t like it.”
Neuvillette opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but then closed it. “I see,” was all he said.
You leaned back against the back of the couch. To be honest, you were not much of a romantic, so when you heard the words “honeymoon trip,” your first thought was if it was possible for the two of you to spend a weekend in Petrichor to explore the ruins there.
Still, you had diligently done your research on just where and what did people do on their honeymoons, if only for reference’s sake. You pored over society papers and magazines. The wealthy tended to travel abroad to countries like Liyue and Mondstadt, or head to the resorts or their mountain villas for weeklong getaways. Obviously, the two of you couldn’t do that. Not that you wanted to, of course.
As for exactly what people did on honeymoons—needless to say, you two carefully skirted around that topic.
Really, when you thought about it, this was more like a date than a honeymoon.
Date… For some reason, your heart beat faster at that word than it had ever done for “honeymoon.” Maybe because it felt closer to the truth of what this was.
“I’m looking forward to it,” you said, genuinely meaning it. “You know I’ve never travelled further than the opera house. And…we’ve never gone anywhere together before, have we? I think it’ll be fun.”
“Fun…?” Neuvillette repeated, like the concept was unfamiliar to him. “Do you truly think so? I am…aware…that it is not a quality often associated with me.”
For some reason (well, you could make a guess as to why), Neuvillette had become fixated on this point of being “boring.” The less kind side of you wondered why this only occurred to him now, but mostly you were just surprised it concerned him so much. Being boring or dull wasn’t a crime, no matter what the Archon would say.
It’s probably because I’m a new, unfamiliar addition to his life, you thought. That’s why he’s always so hesitant and unsure of himself when it comes to me.
You thought you somewhat understood him. Neuvillette was the type of person who placed more pressure on himself than on others. That was why he always apologized or asked for your approval. You didn’t know how he acted with others, so it was just a theory, though.
It made you sad to think that Neuvillette was stressed and doubting himself because of you. It was like watching mud contaminate a pristine pool of water. You felt guilty for being able to feel relaxed nowadays when it wasn’t the same with him.
Perhaps you should bug the license office more frequently. In any case, you weren’t staying here forever. Hopefully, Neuvillette would return to his usual self soon after you were gone.
Until then, you had to do your best to maintain an agreeable, pleasant atmosphere between you and him.
“I can’t speak for others, but I never feel bored with you,” you said firmly, as though, as though to shake off that melancholic feeling. “I assure you, if I ever get bored, I will tell you directly, and then we can figure out something else to do together.” To be honest, I’m more worried about me boring him.
Neuvillette looked unconvinced, so you added. “If you like, I could give you feedback at the end. So you could improve for, er, next time.”
The words made you cringe inwardly. It made this honeymoon sound like some sort of work evaluation. Then again, considering how Lady Furina pushed for it, I suppose that’s not so far off the mark. Also, why did I say next time? It’s not like I’m expecting anything after this…or am I?
As you were buried in your thoughts, you felt an intense gaze upon your face and looked up to find Neuvillette staring at you. He didn’t look away. You found that you couldn’t either.
“You always know what to say, don’t you?” he murmured. “The weekend cannot come soon enough.”
He then bid you goodnight and left the room, leaving you staring at the table.
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The day had arrived.
Neuvillette had told you yesterday that you would have an early start today, so you tried to get in bed early, but ended up being too excited and nervous to sleep. More than the fact that you would be going to places you had never been before, you would be going to them with Neuvillette. It hadn’t set in before, but this was the first time you and him would be alone for such an extended period of time.
You had butterflies in your stomach just thinking about it. Luckily, your room was away from everyone else, or else you would have woken them up with your tossing and turning.
You had to remind yourself to stay calm. This is just an outing between two friends. Even if it’s called a “honeymoon” or “date,” if there’s no romantic feelings from either party, then in essence, it is not a date, right? Wait, why am I thinking about this so hard?
You didn’t know when you fell asleep, but it felt like you had only rested your eyes briefly before a gentle knock on your door woke you up.
You opened your eyes blearily and looked at the bedside clock. It was early in the morning, so much so that it was still dark outside.
You managed to drag yourself out of bed and walked over to the door.
“Who is it…?” you asked, stifling a yawn.
“It’s me.”
“Oh…” you opened the door without thinking. There, in front of your door, stood Neuvillette, fully dressed and perfectly coiffed. “Um, wait…” You pictured how you looked to him: messy hair, wearing an old and rumpled nightgown, squinty-eyed.
The two of you stared at each other for a moment. Your emotions were dulled, probably because you were still half-asleep. What a strangely familiar situation…at least I’m properly dressed this time, sort of.
Neuvillette cleared his throat and turned away. Maybe it was just the bad lighting, but his cheeks seemed to be tinged with red. But surely that couldn’t be the case. “My apologies, Madame. I wasn’t aware that you haven’t gotten ready yet.”
“No, no, I should have gotten dressed beforehand,” you said, slowly closing the door. “Don’t worry, I’ll be quick.”
Now you were fully awake. You hurriedly went to the bathroom to freshen up, washing your face and swiping a comb through your hair. Then, you got dressed. It had been embarrassingly difficult to put together an outfit appropriate for the occasion. All your clothes were of the plain and functional variety. You desperately wished you had brought more clothes from back home.
Clearly, too many things had gone contrary to your expectations.
In the end, you had settled for a blouse, skirt, and a cardigan. Since you were going to be mostly outdoors today anyways, you should dress more practically. However, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of dissatisfaction as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You knew that Neuvillette would never say anything, but personally, you wished that you looked a little cuter. More like a girl going on a date. Even though this wasn’t a date.
Relax. Don’t overthink things. You thought to yourself in the mirror. For makeup, you decided to just put on lipstick.
Then, you took in a deep breath, put on your gloves, grabbed your purse and hat, and opened the door.
Neuvillette was still standing in the same position he was before, like a statue. It was kind of funny. In his long life, he had probably seen a lot more than a mere woman in a nightgown (or towel). He really was the perfect gentleman.
“Sorry for the wait,” you told him. “I really did mean to get ready earlier, but I was…too excited to sleep.”
“How coincidental,” Neuvillette said, smiling slightly. “So was I.”
Was he saying that he had also been tossing and turning like you, imagining what the day would be like and worrying over what to say and do? It was hard to imagine, but the idea of it lightened your heart.
The two of you went downstairs to the kitchen to get the picnic basket. Since your trip to Erinnyes was in the morning, it was decided that you would be having lunch there. You had helped Marie with the preparations. Speaking of Marie, she was even more excited than you when she heard that you and Neuvillette were going out for the day. “A honeymoon!” she exclaimed. “Oh, Madame, how wonderful!”
“It’s not really a honeymoon,” you corrected. It was so much more embarrassing to hear someone else saying that word. “It’s just an outing.”
“A date, then?”
“Um…sure.” Friends went on dates too, didn’t they? Yeah, they do!
“Whatever you call it, I’m so happy to see Monsieur Neuvillette finally taking some time for himself, even if it only a day. In all my years of working for him, I can only count on one hand the number of times he took a full day off.”
“How long have you been working for him?”
“Oh…” Marie looked up at the ceiling. “About ten years now?”
By the time you and Neuvillette left the house, the sun was already peeking over the horizon. The air was cool and crisp. You glanced over at the sunflowers. They looked like they had grown even taller overnight, and the buds had grown bigger as well.
“What will today’s weather be like, I wonder?” you said aloud, not looking at Neuvillette.
“Hm…” Neuvillette made a show of considering your question. “I dare say that it will be perfectly pleasant.”
“Pleasant by my standards, or by yours?”
“If you are asking if it will rain today, then I don’t believe it will. Of course, the weather can be unpredictable, so do not take my word for certain.”
“Don’t worry,” you said, patting your purse. “I brought an umbrella, just in case.”
You walked down the slope towards the city. The streets were still quiet, but you could see some shopkeepers preparing to open, and there were already Mekas patrolling the streets. Or were they never turned off? You had never seen the city in early morning before. It was a fascinating sight.
“Are we truly going to take the aquabus to Erinnyes?” you asked as you walked down the familiar path to the central station. There weren’t much people around right now, so you didn’t need to worry about anyone seeing you two together. “I assumed that we would be taking your personal craft, or…” Teleporting there, you said in your head.
“It has been a while since I’ve rode the aquabus, and I found myself missing the view. …Are you displeased with that idea?”
“No, not at all,” you shook your head. “I like riding it too.” Although now you understood why Neuvillette wanted you to wake up early.
Just as you approached the station, a woman with long dark hair called out to Neuvillette. “Good morning, Monsieur Neuvillette.”
“Ah, Clorinde,” Neuvillette greeted the woman. “I didn’t expect to see you here so early.”
“I’m just about to start my morning jog,” Clorinde said. The name sounded familiar to you, although you couldn’t place where you heard it before. She looked at you. “And who is this?”
“Ah, let me introduce you,” Neuvillette said. “This is Miss [Name], a friend of mine. Miss [Name], this is Clorinde, my subordinate.”
“Always a pleasure to meet a friend of Monsieur Neuvillette,” she said and extended her hand, which you shook. “Where are you two headed so early?”
“We’re going on an outing to Erinnyes Forest,” you said.
“I see,” Clorinde’s piercing violet eyes scanned the two of you and landed on the picnic basket carried by Neuvillette. “A fine way to spend a day off. I’m a bit jealous.”
“Jealous?” Neuvillette looked genuinely alarmed. “Do you not receive enough breaks? Perhaps I should—” Then he glanced at you and cleared his throat. “No, what I mean is—"
“Oh no, that wasn’t what I was referring to,” Clorinde shook her head. You thought you saw her smiling a bit. “Well, I won’t keep you two any longer. Enjoy your outing.”
She then jogged away. You and proceeded to enter the empty station building.
“Clorinde…” you muttered to yourself in the elevator, and then it came to you. “Oh, Clorinde! She’s the strongest Champion Duelist, right?”
You heard about her, but you had never watched her duels.
“Yes, that’s right.”
“Wouldn’t it have been problematic for her to see us together?” Luckily, you had decided to wear gloves today, just in case. As far as you knew, nothing had come out of that impromptu run-in from last month, but one could never be too careful.
“I wouldn’t worry too much. Clorinde is a trustworthy person and not the type to spread gossip. I think the two of you would make good friends, actually.”
“Hmm…if you say so.” What would you even talk about with a Champion Duelist?
As the elevator ascended to the Navia Line platform, you couldn’t help but think back to spring, when you had similarly got into an elevator with Neuvillette. At that time, you two were near strangers. But now, you were friends. And married. And going on an Archon-mandated date/honeymoon.
Fate was truly a strange thing.
The elevator reached the second floor. The aquabus was already there, which you guessed was arranged by Neuvillette. The Melusine in charge of the Navia Line, Elphane, waved when she saw you two.
“Good morning, Monsieur and Madame Neuvillette!” she said. Her voice sounded unusually chipper. You had met Elphane a few times, and you found her to be the prickly type. But you supposed that like her sisters, she softened up considerably in Neuvillette’s presence.
“Good morning, Elphane,” Neuvillette said as he helped you onto the aquabus. “My apologies for asking you to get up so early.”
“Anything for you, Monsieur Neuvillette,” Elphane said, even as she let out a yawn. “Shall we be off, then?”
The two of you nodded, and the aquabus set off. The bird’s eye view of the city soon spread out before your eyes. You could see more people in the streets now. The sky was now a light blue. The wind blowing through your hair felt nice.
Perhaps it was the steady speed of the aquabus travelling along the rail or the quiet chatter between Elphane and Neuvillette, but you suddenly felt a wave of drowsiness sweep over you. Try as you might to keep your eyes open, they seemed determined to close.
I’ll just rest my eyes a little bit, you thought. I hope I don’t fall overboard.
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@just-simping-over-genshin, @xalphafox, @jqnehr, @favficdump, @thetwinkims, @cielclassy, @the-mxs-of-many, @mxyarylla, @lynettezz
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hollersparrow · 3 months
just some 9-1-1 headcanons/plot bunnies
so i've kinda gone on a 9-1-1 deep dive that started out casual and rapidly turned into an obsession. a few things to note, i definitely think that buck and eddie have something (whether it's romantic or queerplatonic is up for grabs but there's something beyond friendship there and no one can convince me otherwise) and i am a strong subscriber to any tropes that strongly encourage found family/families so...make of that what you will
anyway, after binging all of the available episodes, i have several headcanons that i want to put out there (for some reason a lot of them are from season 5???)
ana realizing that there's more to eddie and buck's relationship than it seems in that scene from s5e2 when she brings christopher to the station. buck clocks that eddie has started panicking immediately and ana just like. *looks* at him for a few seconds in a way that just makes me think that this woman clocked that they have a deeper than normal connection to one another. that or she's heard about buck but obviously has never seen eddie and buck interact and is suddenly realizing exactly what people keep trying to tell her about
a buck/eddie-focused exploration of the aftermath of 'brawl in cell block 9-1-1'. buck freaking out once mitchell's been carted off to get his heart taken out and refusing to let eddie go anywhere while checking him for injuries, eddie having some uncomfortable realizations about just how affected buck was by the whole experience. personally, i feel that would lead to them actually talking about the sniper and all the mess that goes with it
lots of potential for temporary angst with eddie having a lot of big feelings about having failed as a husband in his marriage to shannon and not wanting to get married again b/c of it (thinks he doesn't deserve another shot at it? thinks there's something fundamentally wrong with him to where he can't? don't know how this would manifest exactly). personally, i see this eventually leading to him and buck realizing that they're more or less functionally married and they may as well reap some tax benefits from it but you can do whatever you want with that
buck goes to the funerals of many of the people who die on calls that he's a part of. it's mostly people that he directly worked on and he doesn't tend to tell anyone that he's a first responder that was involved (b/c of how devon's sister reacted in s1) but he does go to them.
kinda of tied to the headcanon above this but! buck getting adopted by a bunch of older queer folk following the deaths of mitchell and thomas in s2. he goes to the joint funeral that was planned for the two of them, in part b/c he wants/needs to and in part bc he accidentally took a few photos from the scrapbook from the scene (he shoved them in his pocket on instinct when thomas collapses). anyway, he shows up and the older queer community has rallied to show up at the funeral and they recognize him as someone who needs more found family and just adopt him into their ranks. i could see the 118 finding out about this soon after it happens or not until years later; maybe karen and hen finding out sooner than everyone else but buck asks them to keep it quiet?
s5e14 where jee-yun gets sick? what if it actually WAS leukemia and she somehow ends up needing some sort of donation (plasma? bone marrow? idk really anything about how cancer is treated). jee's put on a list and they start testing family members, none of whom work out until...buck. cue maddie not wanting to ask that of buck b/c of all the baggage that comes with daniel and the buckley parents are absolute assholes about it (along the lines of completely disregarding buck's autonomy as a human being in the face of their precious granddaughter being in trouble), maybe a chimney that isn't trying to be pushy about it but also just...can't help pushing a bit, a buck that so overwhelmed with everything that he's feeling that he goes off the rails a bit. obviously everything works out and buck donates or whatever needs to happen and jee-yun is completely fine b/c i don't actually want it to end badly
the entire 'buck's a sperm donor' family argument and maraget saying "you're a miracle baby yourself" made my fucking blood boil and i want to see a better exploration of the fallout of that statement b/c you just know that there was more to it than it just getting brushed off
buck telling maddie that he has a checklist that he goes through every time he wakes up post-coma in s6e12. chris and eddie being part of that list, where buck is just constantly checking up on them to make sure that they're still in LA (part of the reason why it's so easy for him to fall asleep/relax on the diaz couch or in their house in general). eddie doesn't notice the uptick in check-ins b/c he's too busy figuring out the least intrusive ways for him to check in on buck at all times b/c he NEEDS to know that buck is alive/breathing. once eddie notices though, he confronts buck about it
maddie asking buck to be her maid of honor for her wedding since hen is obviously going to have best man privileges. mostly just exploring the ridiculous that this brings up and everyone joking about buck in a dress (up to you whether he actually wears one to the wedding or not), but i have to include a side note that the buckley parents are dicks about it and have no sense of humour/fun
literally anything featuring athena being worried about buck as a maternal figure, i was so disappointed by her lack of interaction when buck was struck by lightning and, while i'm so fucking happy to have may acknowledging that buck is bobby's son too, we missed out on athena being devastated by the situation as well
there will probably be more of these to come at some point knowing myself.
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cactusringed · 7 months
You know, whilst obviously a cushy ass job, I don't think many people appreciate how difficult and stressful content creation is. Humans were never meant to have millions of eyes on them and especially people in their 20s or lower are never going to be the perfect emotionless content creating machine
Idk, it's just the way I see some people talk about CCs is kind of painful. Maybe I'm being a bit parasocial, but a few are around my age, or even younger, and I can't help but wonder how horrifically choking it must be to have to continuously entertain millions of people. I know it's easy to forget just how much that is. But even one million is a staggering amount of people. Many of them have over 5+ million subscribers.
And worse yet is that they have to balance their genuine friendships and emotions with what will be considered entertaining to an audience. It's easy as scarian girlies to be upset when Grian avoids Scar so much in the life series since third life, but I think that annoyance is a bit misplaced both because 1. They still interact quite a bit and their interaction are always full of joy and radiate with their friendship even when they play enemies, and 2. In the grand scheme of things, we remain a minority within the 8 million people who are subscribed to Grian. Many more would be annoyed to get the same storyline over and over.
There is an unfortunate pragmatism that content creators in such series have to employ. They need to juggle between their friendships, the people they tend to hover around, and the idea of what would make good content. As much as scarian girlies would eat up 5 seasons of scarian alliance, the nature of their natural friend dynamic as well as the series in general would lead to it being repetitive. It would lead to decreased viewer satisfaction. Decreased viewership. Decreased money. They're in the unfortunate position of monetizing their friendships. Who they ally themselves with is not just a matter of who they like most, but it's also a business decision. None of us are in the position to fully appreciate that, unless there are content creators with millions of followers in the midst of mcyt fans ig.
Idk. Idk. Maybe I'm too protective of CCs or whatever. But I've seen too many folks completely dehumanise them and fully forget that they're just dudes playing Minecraft for a living with their friends in front of million of people. A lot of these dudes are in their 20s or 30s. Hell, even those in their 40s have a right to struggle with shit as well. That level of attention on you can be terrifying. They reserve the right to do what they fucking want, and furthermore reserve the right to offer the kind of content they want. And maybe that includes not exploring a storyline or trope or character the fandom is hyped about because they got spooked by the attention, or flat out aren't comfortable with it. Maybe it's trying to be aware of how often they magnetize towards their closer friends, and thus avoiding making all of their videos about them, because they want to ensure the amusement of the million of people who watch them.
Idk. Idk. There's a level of entitlement we can sometimes feel towards the CCs that we as a fanbase - that we as individual people - need to be aware of and question. These are people. They're professional but not in the same sense that film actors are professionals. The majority of them completely stumbled into their popularity and their spontaneity ends up weighed down by that awareness of an audience. Idk. Grian won't read your posts about him but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be kind
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anincompletelist · 7 months
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happy rwrb thanksgiving! :D
in honor of how ridiculously grateful I am for the space and community this fandom has brought to my life, I wanted to create something to give back in the lead up to thanksgiving!
below the cut you'll find an (incomplete) list of ways that you can support the writers and artists that continue to give us such wonderful content. <3
firstly, of course, you can support casey + the crew by streaming the film or buying the book!
ways to support writers/fics:
(on ao3) ☆ subscribe to the author ☆ leave kudos ☆ leave a comment ☆ bookmark + add a nice comment in the bookmarkers tags (they're public!) ☆ check the recent works for the fandom to find some lesser known works + subscribe to the pairing for notifications ☆ if you don't like/agree with something or don't have something nice to say, kindly press the back button ☆ this is a good source for other ao3 related support! ☆ this is a good source for learning how to compose comments on ao3!
(on tumblr) ☆ reblog the author's fic posts ☆ leave nice comments in the tags ☆ send a nice ask/anon about their work ☆ create a fic rec list ☆ comment underneath the post ☆ follow their blog for updates/etc. ☆ follow the tags you're interested in to stay updated on the latest works ☆ once again, if you don't have anything nice to say, you can always choose not to interact with the content! be kind!
ways to support artists/artwork:
☆ purchase from their shops (if they have one!) ☆ commission them (if they accept custom orders!) ☆ 'buy them a coffee' / donate to their ko-fi (if applicable) ☆ reblog/retweet/share their art on whatever platform they post on (but do NOT repost/remove watermark/etc.) ☆ reach out to the artist to find out how you can best support them ☆ follow their accounts to stay updated when they post new pieces! ☆ talk about what you liked in the tags or in a comment/message ☆ if you don't like the art/etc., kindly scroll past!
☆ reblog/re-share your own art/writing to make sure it reaches different time zones and demographics ☆ make sure you're tagging your fics and art accordingly to reach your target audience ☆ interact with your readers/viewers for more engagement ☆ get involved in tag games etc. here on tumblr ☆ join (or create!) fests and challenges that you and other writers/artists can take part in ☆ support others in return & be kind!
feel free to reblog and add your own ideas if I missed any! there are a million ways to show appreciation, but this is a good start!
no matter why you're here -- whether you're an author, an artist, any other kind of creator, or someone who enjoys the art created by them, publicly or privately, you play such an important role and are actively making this space an uplifting, inspiring community to be a part of. thank you, and continue to create, support, and be kind to one another! :D
I hope you're all having a lovely week, and happy early thanksgiving!
-- anincompletelist / sarah
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haileyy-yeliah · 2 months
Okay so I had no idea people were actually mad at or had some things to say about people like Scythe and Escaped so here’s my opinion that no one asked for🥰
First, the whole AI chats. It was completely fair for scythe not to continue the series until the issue was fixed. At the end of the day it’s his character and he can do whatever he wants. But moreover he set a boundary and people didn’t listen, and he doesn’t want the character to turn into someone he hates voicing. Because then the series will end for good. Atrocity interacts with a child, and it’s weird to sexualize him with bots. People said that it was like he was holding it over peoples heads, but he was just enforcing a boundary. If people rlly care about seeing this character again they’ll listen to Scythe about what he’s comfortable with.
Secondly, I’ve heard people say that Scythe is an ass. Which I just like- that’s his humor?? It’s very evident in his videos and the way he talks that it’s a joke. He teases the fan base and the fan base teases back. I just feel like people should look into it before they just start saying stuff-
Lastly, while I didn’t rlly see much controversy on escaped I saw someone say that he will just disappear and that he would have more subscribers if he posted more. Which I just think people should look at it like this, content more frequently means less thought out/worse quality in most cases. Escapes and Scythes audios are VERY high quality and with that comes waiting time. Honestly I think it’s worth it for what u get in the end🤷‍♀️subscribers aren’t everything, people wanna make stuff that they are proud of.
Anyway that’s my 2 cents, just thought I would say smth because some of the things I see people fighting about are kinda stupid
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everlasting-rainfall · 6 months
-Headcanons about the Figarland Family-
Hey so this is me having come up with some bullshit that I use to further think up scenarios about an OC of mine known as Esther and her relationship with Figarland Garling
I figured that I would post them just for fun also just to clarify something, I DO NOT AND WILL NEVER CONDONE THE ACTIONS OF ANY CELESTIAL DRAGON
I might love Garling and I understand that the man is an absolute horrid human being like honestly if I wasn’t so sure that I would die then I would try to take his ass out if I saw him in real life but I can’t fight him so I’ll just run
In fiction world though, I wouldn’t mind if he forced me to stand at the altar and say I Do while wearing a white dress…
If you have any problems with that then please just scroll on by…
Death, Execution, Celestial Dragons, SPOILER WARNING, Kidnapping, Yandere, Forced Pregnancy,
-The Figarland Family is not only known for their status and power alongside Garling being a champion but because they make incredibly powerful warriors
-But not only that, they make a lot of incredibly talented weapons smiths as well like I have an OC named Berkley who is Garling’s brother and he’s an incredibly skilled weapon smith
-The stuff that has come out of the more weapon smithing members of the family is quite impressive like they’re incredibly high end and don’t allow just anyone to have them
-Typically the really good weapons are handed to the fighters of the family while the not so great weapons are what’s given to people outside the family
-The Figarland Family has quite a few hunting/guard dogs like they’re all Tibetan Mastiff’s and they are some of the scariest and most terrifying dogs you will ever see
-People have legit horror stories about those things calling them hellhounds and things like it’s rare to meet a person in the holy land who don’t know about those things
-They are well trained, well groomed, well cared for, and know exactly how to mess you up
-No one knows that if you’re a member of the Figarland Family then these guys are total sweethearts, they enter serious mode whenever there’s a visitor or they’re outside or they have specific orders to be in serious mode
-They have a leader too and it’s a little Pomeranian that all of the Tibetan Mastiff’s listen to like these dogs stand at attention the second that the Pom barks in a specific way
-The Pom is an old dog but it’s not to be messed with and it’s been seen legit herding the mastiff’s like they’re a bunch of sheep
-Garling didn’t see the point of the Pom when he was younger and disrespected it once… Don’t ask what happened but know that he now knows that the Pom is very important and whatever you do, never mention his leg scar…
-The Dogs typically get very protective around the younger members of the family like there’s an old picture of Shanks (I subscribe to the idea that Garling is Shanks Dad) as a baby cuddled up with one of the dogs
-They also are the best friends of any Yandere members of the family as they’ll go serious mode and watch over the Darling when the Yandere isn’t around
-Garling spends at least an hour in front of the mirror every morning doing his hair, it’s even longer when he’s older and has the beard
-It’s a hairstyle that the men of the family share like if Shanks grew up around them then it’s very likely that he would have eventually been made to grow his hair out and adopt the hairstyle that his father and all the other men do
-The women of the family don’t have to do it and are pretty much allowed to wear their hair however they want just so long as it’s not like even something that the person with the weirdest hairstyle would find weird like I’m talking styling your hair into branches and hanging ornaments off of it
-Garling despite having a lot of celestial dragon bitches in love with him has absolutely no interest in any of them like he gets at least five love letters a day but he typically gets rid of them
-He has no interest in them and he doesn’t intend to have interest anytime soon as when he eventually falls in love, he wants that to be the one
-The one he dates, the one he marries, the one he makes birth his children, the one he stays loyal to
-That’s the one that he’ll personally pursue and he doesn’t give a shit what status they are as he’ll take them and just keep them in his home, they’ll never leave him and he’ll make sure of that
-This man is a natural born Yandere and I can’t be convinced otherwise…
-So as a result, Shanks mother/Garling’s spouse is still locked up in the house and not allowed to leave unless she’s accompanied by Garling himself or another family member but only if it’s an emergency
-Besides his S/O, Garling currently lives alone at the Figarland House like it’s just him and his S/O alongside the guard dogs
-He enjoys it as it’s good for quiet relaxation time whenever he doesn’t have to train or handle the other Holy Knights and that way as well, he’s able to listen for the footsteps of his S/O better
-As for where his brother, Berkley who I mentioned earlier lives? He lives on the property just not in the main house like he has a smaller house somewhere else on the property where he lives and handles everything
-It’s really the same for any other members of the family as well, they don’t live at the main house as that house is reserved for the head of the family to live in and when Garling’s father died. That became him
-If you feel lucky enough or if you’re desperate enough then if you find yourself being sentenced to death by Garling then you can actually propose a duel where if you win then you go free and if Garling wins then the execution continues
-Garling has accepted quite a few of these duels and has always come out as the winner with his fastest victory being seven seconds, he knows that he will never be defeated so he isn’t afraid in the slightest to take on these duels as they can be good fun in his own personal opinion
-However if Garling really doesn’t feel up to it or is in a hurry then he’ll either deny your request, allow one of the Holy Knights to fight you instead, or kill you right where you stand if you continue to insist or provoke him enough
-Doesn’t matter to him none
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