#wanting to cry lmao and then i went and laid in bed and mum had to bring me dinner bc i couldn't get out of bed
graciegoeskrazy · 7 months
about you
george daniel + stepdaughter!reader + charli xcx
warnings: mentions of absent father, weddings lmao, bit of crying, love
a/n: the one you’ve been waiting for. read part 1 if you haven’t already :)
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You Mum and George have been in a whirl of romance these past few weeks. Constantly giggling, smiling, and kissing each other. They were all in. Especially with their new free time with both their tours being over, they both had all the time in the world to live in the newly-fianced bliss and do whatever the hell they wanted. You always made jokes about them since they started dating. Even in the very early days when your hesitancy towards George was still at its peak, you said how you knew they were gonna get married one day. You felt it. And now you’re here. They wanted to get married ASAP. A part of them wanted to go to some courthouse that day and just do it then and there while another part of them wanted an actual wedding with all the bells and whistles. They opted for a nice medium. It went without saying that they wanted you to have a part in the ceremony. You knew that, but you weren't sure what they had in mind. So when you heard the footsteps, whispers, and giggles coming from the pair as they walked up the stairs and to the door of your room, you knew they were up to something, but weren't entirely sure.
You knew they were right outside, but waited till they knocked. Secretly laughing at the hushed whispers and laughs they were letting out. Finally, they both knocked.
“Yes?” You asked.
“It’s Mum and George.” She said. “Can we come in?”
“I’ll allow it.” You said. You knew George rolled his eyes at the phrase.
Once inside your room they slowly made their way to the foot of your bed together, hand in hand, never taking their eyes off of you. They looked like two little kids getting ready to ask their parents for a sleepover. They were filled with anticipation, trying to hide it with smiles. They sat down together and stayed there for a minute. Just smiling at you like two goofy little kids.
You looked at them with confusion. “Can I…help you both?”
“We have some news…”
You sat up. “Are you dying?”
Oh shit.
“Are you pregnant?!”
“God, no!” They both said in unison.
You smiled and gave in. “What is it?”
Your mom took a deep breath and George pulled out a small box with a necklace inside that you didn't even realize he was hiding behind him. Your initial was sandwiched between a G and C on the chain. “Maid of honor?” She asked, timidly.
You laid back on your pillows.“I would’ve gotten offended if you didn’t ask.”
They both smiled.
You weren't entirely sure how they were gonna plan a wedding by themselves in just 4 months, but to your surprise they did!
All eyes were on you when you walked down the aisle. With you being Maid of Honor and Matty being George’s best man, you both walked down arm in arm together. All eyes were on you both as you walked down. Your mom wanted you to pick out a dress you liked. It was perfect. Very pretty, very mature. You looked like a very prim and proper young woman. So much so that George cried and couldn't take his eyes off you the entire walk down.
You started to walk back up the aisle, turning back towards the group with hesitancy. “Go on,” George whispered. You smiled and went to get your mother.
It was a simple gesture that spoke a million words - giving your mother away at her wedding. Charli brought the idea up and you immediately said yes. Once at the beginning of your trek, you opened the large doors to reveal your mother. She was a vision in white. You gave her your arm she took it. You could tell she full full of emotion, and so was George, but you tried to remain cool and collected the entire day. Even though a very large part of you wanted to jump up and down and tell them to say I do already. You shot her a look and whispered, “You alright?” She took a deep breath and set her sights on the man you were leading her to. “More than alright.” You both smiled at each other.
“Let’s go get your mamma hitched.”
You two walked arm in arm, meeting George at the end of the walk. Once your mom was in position, George went to hug you but you jokingly gave him the ‘I got my eyes on you’ fingers which made him and everyone around you laugh. You gave in though, giving him a huge hug.
You stood right next to your Mom, but George was right in your line of sight. You could only look at him the whole time. This is finally happening. He was going to be your family - your father - and it was about fucking time. The three of you had always been a family. Each one functions differently but they are all special, but you liked to think yours was extra special. The truth was that for a while you couldn't stop thinking about your dad. Your real dad, that is. It had always been a lingering voice in the back of your head, but the more the wedding got closer and closer, the more that voice got louder. He left when you were pretty young. Old enough to remember but young enough to not understand why exactly he left and did the things he did. Even now most of it was still a blur. You don't know much about him except that he is out there, somewhere, relatively close. And it makes your blood boil that he could reach out and contact you but he hasn't, and it's been nearly a decade. Your mom doesn't live an exactly private life, but that’s not what bothers you. It’s the fact that your biological father has a decent seat in your life from the online world and could know what you’re up to, but he doesn't care. Never called, texted, or emailed, not even a letter. But now, at this moment, that same voice that became so loud for such a long time became completely quiet. Not making a peep. And it was because of George.
“Now for the vows.”
Your mom read you at least 20 different drafts of her vows. You practically knew it word for word because she tested it out so many times. George however was a different story. You had no clue what he was going to prepare.
Your mom finished up her vows. “I love our family. It’s different, but it’s ours. I love our home and the fact that it doesn't feel the same unless you're there. I love the way you treat my daughter and the fact that you show her how a father should be. I love how you constantly continue to read my mind and make me feel whole. No one knows me as well as you Mr. Daniel.”
Once she ended her vows it was George’s turn. You had no idea what he had planned. A part of you was expecting something classic, while the other part of you expected a big joke or a Shakespeare sonnet or a dance break or something else fucking ridiculous. Whatever it was though, you knew your mom would love it.
We went to a classic list of “I love you”’s, something that would make your mom swoon 100 times over. “I love you. I love everything about you. Your smile, your laugh, I love your daughter as if she were my own.” Damn. “I love the way you talk, act, speak, sing, cook, dream, live. I love you.”
And she was in tears.
The reception wasn’t your typical rendezvous. If anything it felt like a nightclub or some kind of afterparty. No speeches, no ceremony, no cheesiness, just music, dancing, and an open bar. You sat at a table with some of the friends you had joined you. It seemed as if your mom never stopped dancing since she walked into the room. Meanwhile, George and all of his and your mom’s friends take turns being the DJ. Eventually, during Matty’s turn, he announced a slow song, and you noticed George whisper something into your mum's ear. Your eyebrows twitched in confusion, but before you could register what was happening your mom nodded and George walked over to you. He smiled and reached out his hand.
“May I have this dance?”
All your friends swooned and you wanted to laugh and throw up.
You took his hand and headed to the floor. Everyone continued what they were doing but a small group that consisted of your mom and your parent’s closest friends gathered around a table and watched as the pair of you. Matty and your Mum made faces but you just flipped them off and laughed as you took George’s hand on the floor.
The music played and he guided you through it all. Eventually, he noticed you zoning out, too lost in your thoughts. He’s noticed it a lot lately but never had the chance to talk to you about it. Maybe now wasn’t the best time but he wanted to make sure you were okay.
“You doing alright?”
You shot up, immediately back to your chipper self. (or at least the front you’ve been using for a while.)
“Mhm! Fine.” You smiled at him - one that he could see right through.
He moved one hand from your back to your face, his own becoming evident with concern. “What’s going on?”
You bit your lip and shook your head. “I can’t cry. People are watching.” You said, voice breaking, and buried your face in his chest.
“Oh, darling,” George said. For a second he thought something was seriously wrong, but he knew you (almost as well as your mom) and knew there was something different going on. He kissed your head and whispered to you. “What’s going on?”
You looked up, teary-eyed. “They’re happy tears. I promise.” You both chuckled.
“Tell me what you’re thinking.” He said,
You couldn’t look at him, but you also didn’t want to look at the small group surrounding your mother either so your options were very limited. After a moment you looked at him. Facing him and telling him the words he’d been wanting to hear for what felt like ages. “I just wish you were my dad.” To you, you didn’t want to scare him. You didn’t want to push him away for fear that he may never come back, so you kept all these feelings inside, not realizing he’s been wanting to hear those words for a very very long time.
He didn’t say anything at first, just smiled. Your face fell back into his chest and prayed to whatever the hell was up there that you didn’t ruin everything. “But I am your dad.”
You tilted your head while it was still on your dad's chest and saw your mom. She winked at you. You turned back and sighed. You finally had your family.
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milf-harrington · 3 years
tw implied/referenced suicidal thoughts
im not gonna like, actively do anything, but im sitting right on the edge of wanting to unalive and have been for a few days or weeks or months and on the one hand i think it might be a good idea to log off for a bit bc it is a struggle to respond to things (asks, comments, tag games etc) and that makes me feel guilty bc i want to respond i just don't have the energy sometimes, and also any form of negativity is hitting me harder than it usually does
but on the other hand i'm concerned that it's just going to be isolating myself even more, and i find a lot of comfort in this little community and seeing everyone interact and create and it's a small reprieve i get from my own head and i don't really wanna lose that and just - life is hard, and i don't quite know what to do?
i appreciate all of you though, for sharing my art and being so lovely all the time.
it's just getting very hard to stay positive and try and keep most of my gloominess inside my head instead of all over my blog yknow? i'm running out of jokes to make about it.
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aomine-ryo · 3 years
I can't think of a specific scene, but I just want some angst with Tatsuya please!! Thank youu ❤️
Haha it pained me to write this,, I might’ve cried a bit while typing out some of the dialogue lmao idk why I went so hard with the angst 😭 it’s so long as well ajsjsk
Anyways, I hope you like it!! xx
Scenario: Himuro moving away
gender neutral reader
All good things seem to come to an end. All your life, you were painfully aware of this fact. You tried making some exceptions, but they just proved you wrong in the end. So why did you think Himuro was any different?
You and Himuro clicked almost instantly ever since he moved into town and into the house right next to yours. It was your typical cheesy boy next door love story, but it still filled your life with colour.
The two of you began as friends, spending an awful lot of your time together— walking to and from school, study sessions and just plain hanging out. But by far, your favourite thing to do with Himuro was climb up to the roof of your house and stare at the stars together. You’d think that with the sheer frequency of your visits to the roof that either of you would get tired of it, but you never did. The stars never failed to fascinate you. Moreover, you had memories attached to the place. This was where Himuro confessed to you for the first time. You remember it like it was just yesterday.
“... and then I slipped on one of the steps and landed on Atsushi and everyone looked horrified,” Himuro recounted his awful experience that day as you tried to hold back your laughter.
However, the imagery of it only made you laugh even harder, “How are you that clumsy?” you said between laughs, clearly mocking him.
Himuro clicked his tongue in annoyance and slapped your arm lightly. “Stop laughing. I could’ve really gotten hurt, you know,” he said, not taking his eyes off of you for a moment, even after you had simmered down and looked back up at the sky.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m glad you’re okay. But you’re just really stupid sometimes,” you smiled, meaning every word you said.
Himuro just rolled his eyes as a response before a silence fell between you two. It wasn’t awkward nor uncomfortable, the two of you just embraced each other’s presence like it was second nature.
“Hey, Y/N,” Himuro said, breaking a five minute long silence after fighting the nerves by himself.
“Mhmm?” You hummed, looking over at him and realising that he seemed unusually on edge.
“What if I told you that I liked you?”
You felt your heart skip a beat at the sound of those words before your rational thinking came into play. “Well, I wouldn’t be surprised because you’re supposed to like me. You’re my friend, after all.”
Himuro visibly hesitated for a moment before deciding to go for it. “No, I mean more than in a friend type of way.”
You felt yourself freeze up as you tried to process what you had just heard. “Oh,” was the only thing you could muster.
A few seconds of silence passed as Himuro grew more and more nervous. “Should I have not said anything?”
You still didn’t say anything as your mind tried to come to some form of coherent thought. “What if I told you I liked you back?” you finally said, so nervous that you were unsure if he had even heard you.
He certainly did though as his eyes lit up and a gentle smile fell upon his face. He didn’t plan this far ahead. Now that he had gotten his answer, his mind was in a frenzy. “Can I kiss you?” he asked you softly since it was the only thing he could think of to do at that moment.
Without missing a beat, you nodded your head yes. And on that roof, under the stars, was where you and Himuro kissed for the very first time.
Ever since that night, the two of you would be all over each other. Of course, the change in titles was a bit awkward at first, but for the most part, the way you acted around each other wasn’t all that different. You’d still argue over your favourite tv show characters, you’d still laugh at each other’s jokes and you’d still meet up on that roof together. So really, nothing changed except that the two of you would hold hands and kiss every now and again.
It was perfect to you. You both really did love each other to the point where you could barely imagine a world without the other in it. Everything came so naturally with Himuro that it was so incredibly easy. You’d really never felt this way with anyone else before.
No one else around you was surprised when the two of you started dating either. When Himuro told Murasakibara about it a few days after you two got together, he even said, “Oh you two weren’t already a thing? Congrats, I guess.”
A little over a year had passed since you two began dating and things were going smoother than ever. Well, that was until one evening when the two of you were walking home after school.
“Hey Y/N, I kind of have to tell you something,” Himuro said, his voice softer than usual, making you stop swinging his arm playfully out of concern.
“What is it?” You questioned.
“Um, well, it’s kind of hard to say this, but I’m moving,” he said, avoiding eye contact out of nervousness.
Your heart sank as you stopped in your tracks, forcing Himuro to stop too. “Moving? Where?” you asked, bewildered.
“Back to America. My dad got transferred again, so we gotta move,” he explained, hating how pained your expression was.
You felt tears prick your eyes as you processed the fact that this was actually happening. “When are you leaving?” you asked, praying that it was a faraway time like next year.
“Next week.”
You felt everything shatter around you. The wind that blew your way draining the warmth out of you entirely. “But they can’t just move him away so suddenly! Surely there are documents and other processes he needs to sort out,” You argued, trying your best to convince yourself that you could keep Himuro for just a little longer.
“No, it’s all confirmed. Most of the stuff at home is even packed up,” Himuro said, trying to fight back tears of his own as he brushed his hair out of his eyes in frustration.
“Oh,” your voice cracked as tears streamed down your face. “So how long have you known?”
“About a month now. I was just trying to figure out how to tell you—“
“A month?” You exclaimed, raising your voice ever so slightly as you felt a wave of anger flow through you. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“I didn’t know how. Plus I knew you’d get all sad and I didn’t want our last few days to be spent with you crying,” he explained, reaching his hand out to your face so that he could wipe the tears away.
He was quickly shut down by you swatting his arm away though, making him furrow his brows in confusion.
“How do you think this is any better?” You snapped. “I thought we told everything to each other. Now there’s no fucking time to do anything, do you realise that?”
“I do, but—“
“Save it, Tatsuya,” you cut him off as you wiped your tears away with the back of your hand. “I just need some space.”
Just like that you stormed away, deciding to walk back home alone and leaving Himuro behind, confused and hurt. He knew that you weren’t actually mad at him. He knew that you were just lashing out your frustration onto him because there was nothing else you could blame. He knew that. But why did watching you walk away cause an ache in his chest?
Himuro let you have the rest of the day to yourself. He did send you a few texts asking how you were holding up, but they got no response. In any other situation, he would’ve just walked right over to your house and checked for himself, but something told him that he was the last thing you wanted to see, despite the time crunch.
Himuro didn’t see you nor did he get a reply from you the next day either. By the time the evening rolled around and he had heard nothing from you, he decided that it was enough. If he didn’t do anything now, the last memory he’d have of you would be your anger.
The raven haired boy walked over to your house and knocked on the door. Your mum let him in with a smile, not thinking too much of it since she was so used to having him over. When Himuro entered your room, he found you simply just laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression.
“Y/N, are you just going to ignore me until I leave?” Himuro asked without even greeting you first.
You immediately sat up at the sound of his voice and stared at him from across the room. Now that you had run out of tears, you had slowly come to terms with the fact that he was actually leaving and you couldn’t really blame him. Your anger was uncalled for, but you didn’t want to admit it, not that Himuro was expecting you to anyway.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, voice raspy as though you’d just finished crying.
Himuro sighed as he felt his tension simmer down. He came in here expecting to tell you off, but it seemed like he didn’t need to do that after all. “You don’t need to apologise,” he said calmly as he walked over to your bed and took a seat next to you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Would you like to go up to the roof?”
A small smile fell upon your face for the first time in a while at the comforting words as you nodded in response.
Himuro took your hand and held it tight as the two of you headed up to lie down at your usual spot.
There was a full moon that night. Of course, the stars seemed inferior to the sheer brightness of the moon, but the night sky was still as gorgeous as ever. The two of you laid in silence for a moment to fully take in the sight. As you finally felt comfortable again, you noticed that you ended up matching your breathing with Himuro’s without even thinking of it.
“Do you really have to leave?” You said, directing your focus to your boyfriend, who was now more important to you than all the stars in the sky.
“I’m afraid I do,” he answered, squeezing your hand tighter.
“Can’t you just live with me? I’m sure my parents won’t mind. It seems like they love you more than me anyways,” you suggested, tone dead serious.
You watched as Himuro laughed at your idea. You could never get tired of his laugh. It was so soft and lovely that it made you want to capture it in a bottle and keep it all to yourself. “I wish I could, but my parents would kill me if I even tried asking them now. They’re so stressed about the move and I absolutely do not want to interfere,” he said, the moonlight making his dark eyes sparkle.
You took a deep breath as a moment of silence passed you by. Every part of you hurt to be with him, knowing that you weren’t going to see him again. It was a surprise that you could even talk to him normally without bursting into tears.
“Do you think we should call this quits?” You asked him, your fingers fiddling around with his.
“Call what quits?”
“Us. This relationship,” you clarified, looking at him with wide eyes. “There’s no way we can do long distance, especially after being so used to seeing each other every day.”
Himuro went silent for a second as he thought it over. This really fucking hurts. He hated thinking about it but this was the reality. “Yeah, I guess it’s for the best,” he said.
You were fully aware that you were the one that suggested it, but now hearing him say that triggered the tears all over again. “Cool,” you croaked as you did your best to fight back the cries. It was useless though, because you quickly became a sniffling mess next to Himuro.
“Hey, come on, it’ll be okay. We can go back to being friends. I’ll text you,” Himuro paused to wipe away his own tears, “I-I’ll text you every day. And we can call, and play video games, whatever you want.”
Himuro shifted over and rested on his elbow so that his other hand could wipe the tears off of your cheeks. His tender touch sent butterflies to your stomach as you felt your heart ache. His hand moved up to brush through your hair, bringing some form of familiar comfort which slightly calmed you down.
“Promise that you’ll still be my best friend?” you asked him with your shaky voice.
“Of course. Who else is going to tell me that I’m stupid every day?” he joked, making you laugh through the tears.
“Can I ask you for a favour?” You said softly.
“It’s not going to be to stay, is it?”
You giggled once again as you shook your head. “No, it’s not,” you said as you sat up.
“Alright then, shoot.”
“Well, I know we’re back to being friends now, but can you kiss me? Just one last time?”
Both of you hated the finality of those words, but that was simply the reality of the situation. Himuro smiled and nodded, “Of course.”
He leaned in, pressing his familiar soft lips against yours in the softest way possible. He could feel the hot tears trickling down your cheeks. His hand moved to wipe them away as your fingers wandered into his silky dark hair. You didn’t want this moment to ever end. The feel of his lips against yours, the way he held you so carefully, the taste of the chapstick he applies to combat the coldness of your town— you didn’t want to say goodbye to it. You didn’t want to say goodbye to him.
Eventually, he had to pull away, knowing that the longer it went on, the more difficult it would be to end. “Satisfied?” he asked you with a smile, wanting to move away from the seriousness of this situation.
“I suppose I am,” you said with a sigh. “First and last kiss on this roof, huh? How poetic.”
“Hm, I didn’t even think about that,” Himuro said, realising how absolutely bittersweet that kiss was.
Another silence fell between the two of you. You didn’t need to say anything to know that the other was savouring these last moments together.
“Hey Tatsuya,” you said as both of your gazes were fixated on the sky once again.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“I’ll miss this.”
“Me too,” he muttered before the two of you went quiet again.
“Hey Tatsuya,” you spoke again after a few minutes.
“Yes, Y/N?” he replied, your name rolling off his tongue in the same sweet way as it always would.
“I’ll miss you.”
Himuro took a deep breath and ignored the break in his heart. There was nothing else he could do.
“I’ll miss you too, Y/N.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || He Accidentally Hurts You [Request] [TW]
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A/N: I Do not condone the hitting of a partner unless you know it’s play fighting but please know that there are mentions of slapping and hitting BY ACCIDENT within this reaction post. Love you All. Stay Safe.
PS: If there are some spelling errors I’m sorry, I wrote these while I was sitting in A&E with my mum lmao (Everythings chill she just had an xray)
The fight all started over something so microscopic that it didn't even need to be a fight but it was being blown out of proportion. You'd gone out shopping with Jin, and Jimin for an upcoming event when you decided to go for lunch, everything was fine right up until the moment you had to pay. You wanted to treat them both so you took out your own card getting ready to pay when Jin decided to rush before you and do it. Something that would happen quite a lot but it was what he said when you got back to your shared apartment that bothered you and started the fight.
"I know how much you struggle with money." Those eight little words that made you feel like your heart had stopped, you and Jin didn't fight a lot but when you did it was always about money. He saw it as his right to pay for everything when you were out and about and maybe it was because of how he was brought up or he was just stuck in his ways but it annoyed you.
"I can pay for whatever I want, I work for a living I have a good job." You told him as you went to get changed thinking the subject would be dropped but it only continued and now you were standing in the bedroom yelling about how you didn't need his money,
"I looked after myself before you came along." You told him and he scoffed at you,
"Barely, you got kicked out of four apartments because of late payments." You hadn't even told him about them meaning he'd done a background check on you or had someone find out more about you.
"How did you know about them?" He fell silent and turned away from you not wanting to get into it but you wanted answers,
"Jin?" You questioned getting closer to him but he wasn't paying attention and turned around too fast catching your cheek with his hand and it connected making a loud slapping sound.
"Shit." You yelled stumbling backwards and sitting on the edge of your bed as you held your cheek, Jin was in front of you in a second holding your face and trying to see if you were okay,
"I'm so sorry! I didn't know- I wasn't- I-"
"Jin," You warned as he tripped over his words trying to talk to you, he frowned and turned your face towards the light. You had a giant red mark where his hand had come into contact with your skin, he began swearing in Korean as he studied your face before going to look for a cold flannel.
"Don't you dare say it's fine." He warned as he walked back into the bedroom and laid the wet cloth across your skin, you stared at him and he was tearing up it was the last thing Jin ever wanted to do.
"It was an accident Jin, I understand." He shook his head at you dramatically which made you giggle softly,
"You should be mad, you should make me sleep on the sofa." He told you as he held the cloth to your cheek but you could never do that to him, you placed your hand over the top of his and he relaxed a little more.
"I was too close, you didn't know. It was an accident." He groaned as you were being so understanding it was one of the many things he loved about you, you always tried to look on the brighter side of things rather than dealing with the negative.
"You sure you're okay?" He questioned you and you nodded at him,
"Positive." You whispered snuggling your face against the cloth and his hands trying to make him relax, you knew what he was like he would think about nothing but this for weeks to come.
"I love you." You whispered leaning up and giving him a kiss,
"Love you too." He kissed you back.
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"Fuck sake! You could have done anything but that was too much!" He yelled at you for what felt like the 100th time that day, you'd gone out together that morning for a breakfast date and the waitress was flirting with him. At first, it didn't really bother you because people would flirt with Yoongi all of the time but this time it annoyed you, whenever she would come over to the table she'd flirt with him and ignore you and it got to the point where it felt as though he was flirting back. Though it was something Yoongi would never do to you because he loved you a lot,
"She was flirting with you, what was I supposed to do?!" You yelled back at him, you'd been in the fight all day and it was starting to get late. All you wanted to do was go to sleep but he kept bringing up that ''accidentally'' pouring a glass of water over someone was wrong,
"Yoongi let's just go to bed, I'm tired." You told him but he didn't care, he was mid-rant and continued yelling at you, at that point you weren't even paying attention to the words he was saying. You'd been fighting all day about something that seemed so insignificant now but Yoongi wasn't going to drop it, he never could. He always knew how to hold a grudge but you didn't see why he was busy defending the waitress.
"I'm going to bed." You mumbled getting up from the sofa and walking past him, you'd just gotten to the door when his hand clasped around your wrist to stop you from moving, something he did a lot but this time it was tight.
"Yoongi?" You questioned but he began yelling again,
"We have to talk about this, you can't walk away just because you don't want to." He yelled at you but you were too busy trying to get his grasp off your wrist, it was starting to hurt and it was like he hadn't noticed that every time he yelled his grip would tighten on you.
"You're hurting me." You whimpered and that was all it took, the fight ended and he pulled you close to his body rubbing your wrist in a soothing motion and checking it over as you sat on the floor together.
"I'll get you some ice for it." He rushed off leaving you alone for a couple of seconds before returning with ice in a ziplock back and a tea towel to wrap it around.
"Yoongi it's fine." You told him as you moved your wrist around but it wasn't about that to Yoongi it was about the fact that he'd just hurt you,
"No it's not, I hurt you." He mumbled as he iced your wrist that wasn't even hurting anymore.
"You didn't mean to." You whispered and he let out a sniffle so you knew he was crying about it so you took his face in your hands and made him look at you.
"Yoongi, I'm fine, it's fine. It was an accident." He nodded at you and he pulled you into his arm looking at the small red mark where his hand had been. Your head rested on his shoulder and he kissed your nose,
"Can we go up to bed now? I'm tired." You whispered to him and he nodded letting you get up from his lap and walk up the stair first while he put the ice away.
When he came up the stairs you were laid in the bed in one of his basketball shirts and waiting for him to cuddle you to sleep, he smiled softly at you and went to get ready for bed happy that you weren't going to hold it again him and you weren't, you knew it was a genuine accident.
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"You don't even get it do you?!" He yelled as you walked through the front door of your apartment, you and Hoseok had gone out for a drink and you ended up dancing together but someone else came to dance with you. You were too busy having fun to notice that it wasn't Hoseok until you turned around to see Hoseok wasn't there anymore but was being pulled out of the club for punching the guy in the face.
"Hobi, I didn't know it wasn't you. I didn't even hear you hit him!" You yelled back at him, he'd been scolding you like you were some teenager that had snuck out in the night.
"He was all over you." He grumbled pushing past you angrily as he wanted to calm down but felt like he couldn't,
"His hands touching you and you just let it happen." You watched as he walked into the kitchen to get himself a drink of water to calm down with but you following him wanting him to face you and talk to you.
"You trust me though right? You trust me that I didn't know it wasn't you?" He shrugged your shoulders and you felt your heart shatter,
"You don't trust me?" He turned towards the sink ignoring your question and drinking from the glass in his hand,
"Hobi?" You questioned but he continued to ignore you,
"If you don't trust me then what's the point in us being together?! I trust you to be halfway across the world surrounded by beautiful women and yet-" You didn't get to to finish your sentence because the glass he was drinking from was thrown at the wall behind you smashing and sending glass shards around the floor and into the back of your leg. You didn't even notice that he'd hurt you until he was on the floor in front of you and trying to stop some blood trickling down your leg.
"Oh shit." You giggled because of the alcohol and sat on the kitchen chair but Hobi was rushing over to the sink and getting the first aid kit you kept under there.
"Hobi, it's nothing." You told him as you saw the tiniest cut on the back of your leg,
"It's not nothing, you're fucking bleeding." He was mad at himself for being able to throw something even in your direction, he didn't mean to but every emotion he had was heightened because of the drinks he'd been having all night,
"Hobi, I've done worse when I've been shaving." It was true, the cut was so microscopic it was nothing compared to leg shaving accidents you had one a week.
"I hurt you." He was crying now and you dropped onto the floor in front of him and cupped his face in your hands,
"We're both drunk, or tipsy. It was an accident and it doesn't hurt." You tried to tell him but he was never going to forgive himself as easily as you'd forgiven him.
"It's not an excuse Y/n, I could have seriously hurt you."
"But you didn't." You pleaded but he was moving away from you, you watched as he got the blankets and pillows out from storage and began putting them on the sofa.
"I'll sleep down here tonight," You raised an eyebrow at him,
"We don't fit on the sofa together, we tried remember?" He stared at you and shook his head,
"No, you're going upstairs."
"No I'm not. I won't sleep without you." You folded your arms across your chest and he stared at you, he knew how stubborn you were when it came to these types of things.
"Fine, but I won't cuddle you will." He said as he put the blankets back into storage,
"You will." You called out as you walked up the staircase to your bedroom.
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It felt like Namjoon had only just gotten back and now he was leaving again, you didn't want to spend the last day you had together fighting but that's exactly what was happening. He was standing in the bedroom trying to pack up his suitcase when you questioned him about when you'd see him again, an innocent enough question but he was stressed out enough without you questioning him more about something he didn't have the answers to,
"I don't know." He mumbled as he folded up clothes and put them into the huge suitcase, it was one that you'd had painted for him. It was a black suitcase with his album art on the front and back.
"Okay, well can I call you when you get to the hotel?" He groaned at you and you looked at the floor, you didn't want to annoy him but you wanted to know when you could talk to him again.
"Fuck I don't know Y/n! Will you just back off?!" He yelled and you stepped away from him going over to the desk in the room and going to study instead of getting on his nerves.
"Why do you have to go on so much?" He asked and you stared at him, you hadn't spoke since the last question and yet he kept talking, it was as if he wanted to start a fight.
"I was just asking when I'd seen you again, I feel like I haven't seen you much."
"You know how it was going to be when we first started dating." He mumbled to you and you nodded in agreement, you were over it now and you thought he was too.
"Do you want me to cook tonight or shall I order something?" The next thing you knew Koya was thrown in your direction and he hit you in the eye. He swore in Korean and sprinted to be in front of you, you held your hand over your eye and he slowly moved it away wanting to see if he'd hurt you,
"I can't open my eye." You groaned as he sat you down on the chair behind you and then left, he came back with a wet cloth and held it over your eye.
"I can't believe I just did that-"
"It was an accident, you're just clumsy." You giggled but he shook his head at you, you weren't supposed to just forgive him like this, you were supposed to get mad at him.
"But I hurt you," You took the cloth from your eye and opened it looking at him with a smile,
"It's fine. He probably just scratched it, it's okay." But your eye was already turning red and Namjoon felt terrible,
"He slipped from my hand, I just got annoyed...I've been stressed in the studio-" You kissed him to shut him up,
"Don't worry about it, take out it is though. I don't want to cook and you definitely aren't cooking for me." He stared up at you as you smiled down at him and he wondered how he ended up with someone so understanding,
"Joonie?" You called out and he was snapped from his daydream.
"Can we get pizza? Or do you fancy something else?" You questioned and he stared at you,
"We can have whatever you want, my treat." You nodded and went on the hunt for a menu while he continued packing up his bag.
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Everyone knew how Jimin got when he was drunk, he was like a child who'd had too much sugar and was always jumping around the place which is why you were the sober one of the group that night. Namjoon helped you drag Jimin into your apartment and put him to bed where he promptly passed out,
"Thanks, Joon." You said as you looked up at him he sent you a smile and nodded, you and Namjoon had been friends for years, long before you and Jimin began dating and it was nice to have him as a friend still.
"Anytime," He told you bending down and wrapping his arms around you, as he left you noticed Jimin was awake and staring at you from the bed.
"You hug everyone like that?" He asked in a dramatic tone, he got out of the bed and looked out of the window to make sure Namjoon was gone.
"He's a friend Jimin, your friend." You reminded him but he didn't seem to care in his drunken state,
"Do you hug all of them like that?"
"Like what?" You questioned at what he was implying and he slurred over his words,
"Like you're long lost lovers." You raised an eyebrow at him and he nodded at you,
"That's what I thought!" He yelled and you shook your head at him walking away since he was acting like a child with you.
"Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you." He ordered grabbing your wrist and turning you around but he spun you around a little too quickly and you fell back into the wardrobe door hitting your back and crying out in pain. As soon as he heard your cry he sobered up and dropped to his knees in front of you,
"You okay?!" He panicked and you nodded at him and he reached to touch your back rubbing it gently and earning a hiss from you,
"You're not okay, you’re hurt.” He said in a rush as he realised just how hard he made you hit your back against the wooden door.
“Jimin, it was just a shock.” He helped you to your feet and you began walking towards the bed where he sat you down and lifted up the back of your shirt to see if there was any kind of mark from it,
“I’m such an idiot.” He grumbled but you pushed him to lay down so you could lay down beside him, it didn’t hurt you were just in shock from the impact and the door had brusied you the tiniest amount.
“You’re my idiot.” You whispered to him and he sighed at how easily you forgave him.
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It didn’t take a genius to know that Taehyung was upset and mad about something but he wasn’t talking to you so you couldn’t determine what it was, he’d been like this all day. Whenever you’d ask him a question he would pass it off and ignore you or he would grumble something in reply and not explain anything.
“You have to talk to me sooner or later, we live together.” You reminded him but he kept his eyes locked on his screen as he type away at something, you were slowly starting to get more and more annoyed at him as time went on.
“Taehyung talk to me.” You pouted as you poked his cheek only for him to erupt into a rage,
“Why don’t you go and talk to Jin since he’s your best friend!” He yelled moving away from you on the sofa and going over to the kitchen, you stared at him wondering what he could have meant by that when it hit you.
“Tae, it was just a joke.” Jin had made a passing comment that morning about how close you and he were after spending the day cooking the day before but Taehyung didn’t like it.
“You’ve always found him better than me.” You rolled your eyes at how childish he was acting and that was all it took, he began yelling at you and you started yelling back, neither of you meant what you were yelling but it was just something that happened.
“Fuck off Tae! It was a passing comment, I love you not Jin.” But Taehyung brought up about the fact that Jin was your bias before you started dating and he kept talking about how much he knew you really wanted to be with Jin instead.
“Because you know I’m right, don’t you?” His hand swung backwards as he went to turn away from you and it came into contact with your cheek, the sound silenced the fight and both Tae and you stood there in shock. Your hand slowly went to your cheek and he panicked rushing over to you and checking you were okay,
“I didn’t mean to baby I’m sorry.” He forced you to look at him and you smiled softly at him, it didn’t hurt at all it was just the shock of him hitting you at all,
“It was an accident, I just swung out my arm and caught you.” He looked as though he was about to burst into tears so you shook your head at him reassuring him that you were fine and it was nothing but a little shock,
“I will never hit you again, ever.” He promised as he pulled your head against your chest rubbing the small of your back and kissing the top of your head over and over again.
“I’ll cook tonight, or we can order in. I’ll make this up to you.” You pushed him away when you felt a wet droplet roll down your back.
“Baby, it’s okay. I’m fine I promise.” He kissed you over and over again on the lips and he shook his head at you, he wasn’t going to let himself get away with it he felt terrible but you kissed him back and he relaxed a little more.
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Jungkook had been playing video games all morning and you were getting bored, it was supposed to be your anniversary and he’d clearly forgotten all about it which made you upset but you didn’t mind. You knew how busy he was and that this time was his break away from work and he didn’t need you weighing him down about it more so you forgot about it. Trying to push on with your day when you heard him screaming at the monitor, you looked up from the book you were reading.
“Stupid fucking game.” He grumbled before starting up another match and ignoring your looks from across the room, you were going back into the book when you heard him yelling again.
“Keep it down Kookie.” You giggled but he wasn’t in the mood, he turned to look at you and scoffed.
“Why don’t you make yourself useful and get me something to eat.” You stared at him from across the room book in your hand and your eyebrow cocked up to the side.
“Excuse me?” You questioned and he went back to ignoring you and concentrating on the game proceeding to yell about dying so much before you finally had enough and turned off the console.
“What the fuck?!” He yelled at you rushing to his feet and staring at you,
“What did you say to me?!” You questioned about before and he shook his head at how childish you were bing with him.
“I said to make me something to eat,” Then you began yelling back and forth at one another, you didn’t fight often which is why whenever you did eventually end up in a fight it was nothing but yelling and screaming before you finally both calmed down and talked about your problems instead of yelling about them.
“You’re such a child.” You yelled at him and he went to yell something back while flinging his arms in the air but the controller he was holding slipped from his hands and in your direction, hitting your wrist and making you curse loudly.
“Fuck Kook!” You yelled dropping your book and staring at the now red mark where the controller had hit you,
“Shit, I’m so sorry!” He yelled out, he’d calmed down from the fight and he rushed to your side turning your wrist over to make sure he hadn’t broken it or bruised you but it looked like it was just going to be red for a couple of hours,
“I didn’t mean to it just slipped” He told you as you held your wrist in your hand trying to ignore the throbbing pain that was coming from it.
“It’s fine,” You whispered back to him and he pulled you gently over to the sofa, both of you sitting there and talking about the problem, he was holding your hand the entire time and gently running his hands over your wrist in a soothing way to stop it from hurting so much.
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@yoongisdumplingcheeks @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo @kpopfanfictionhoes @yourguessisasgoodasminemate @btsiguess-kpop @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @callingmyangel
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14 angst Jaehee
Damn y'all ANGSTY today lmao I gasped so loud when I saw three angst requests suddenly appear and then I laughed evilly because I love writing angst ✌️
This time it wasn't exactly a GN reader (sorry BUT it'll make sense later) and I wanted to make the MC's and Jaehee's relationship up to the reader, bc I know some people love Jaehee as a friend and some as something more, so Jaehee's feelings for the reader are up to interpretation!)
Also you didn't specify if you wanted a happy ending or not, so I'll take it into my own hands (now you won't know if the fic, will end up fluffy or angsty muahahahaha)
Health (Jaehee angst)
The work seemed to pile up more and more. Jaehee sighed as she took a sip from her eight cup of coffee and rubbed her temples.
She was the one that had volunteered to do the job, mostly as a present for you and Jumin. Well, who was she kidding, it was all for you.
You had appeared in Jaehee's life and changed it all for the better. She loved you so much, you were one of her closest friends. She loved spending time with you, and talking to you, and being with you in general.
Eventually though, she knew it had to end. You ended up meeting Jumin, the two of you got married and now, you were due to give birth in a few days. So she decided to let Jumin take the time off to spend it by your side. She knew it was important for you to have him beside you the whole time.
Still, she didn't expect so much work. She now had her old tasks, plus Jumin's on the side. He did volunteer to still work, but Jaehee thought of you and decided that it was better if the last day's of pregnancy the two of you spent it together.
She had now been up for 32 hours, working non stop.
At one point Zen called her, mostly because he needed her to take a break. Jaehee tried her best to keep the conversations short, but Zen wouldn't let her, and then he'd offer to go to her house and help her, and that just made her feel worse. She wanted to do this by herself, for you.
Jaehee let out a tired laugh, she was really sleepy but she couldn't help and smile. She was so excited, for the two of you, and Zen's phonecall helped her gain her energy back. She happily got back to work, humming her favorite songs from Zen's musicals. She couldn't wait to meet the baby, to see them grow up! She wanted to show them all of Zen's musicals, or at least the ones they were allowed to watch, and she felt excited that if the baby was going to be a girl (the doctor said it was a boy, but you never knew!) , then the three of you could always hang out and drink coffee, go shopping (especially for baby clothes!) And even more things. She couldn't keep the smile off her face.
It had now been a whole 47 hours with Jaehee working, and you still in the hospital.
The baby hadn't been born yet, and everyone was becoming a bit more anxious.
Finally though, Jaehee finished all her work and she sighed, leaning back on her chair. She saw dark spots in the corner of her eyes, and she felt them close every now and then. As she was finally going to sleep, a loud ringtone was heard, coming from the table. It was a call from Zen.
Apparently the baby was about to born, and Jumin and you had wanted everyone to be there to be the first ones to hold the baby.
Jaehee quickly grabbed her bags and left the apartment, the hospital only being a few blocks away. As she walked she suddenly felt her vision grow dark and her legs wobble, only to wake up to be barely able to dodge a car that was driving by.
She felt her breath hitch but kept going. She had to see the baby no matter what. The sun was shining brightly in her eyes, and she felt dizzy and lightheaded.
She doesn't exactly understand what happened, but at one point, suddenly, everything went dark.
"Congrats you two! I'm so happy to be an uncle now!" Saeyoung cooed while he held your baby in his hands, and you let out a tired laugh.
"Hey Saeyoung!! You've held the baby for too long let me hold 'em now!" Yoosung grunted from beside Zen, who was rolling his eyes, and made his way to Saeyoung, trying to hold the baby. Before he could do anything though, Jimin grabbed his child from both their hands, delicately as if he was holding a porcelain doll, and he glared at his friends. "Enough from the two of you, you're going to drop the baby and I will not hesitate to call in the security guards."
You laughed as you laid on the bed, and Jumin walked over to you and handed you your kid. "It's fine....I don't really think they'd be able to harm the baby anyway."
"Talking about that, haven't you decided on a name yet? You can't just keep calling the baby...well...the baby." Zen said from the corner of the room.
You shrugged. "Well we did have a name planned, since the doctor told us we were going to have a boy....but then all of a sudden when they get the baby they told us that it's actually a girl! We weren't prepared at all, so for now we're just....uhm...calling her the baby."
"But you can't let your child unnamed like that! Imagine how sad she'd be if she knew that her parents never gave her a name, until uhm...later!" Yoosung said.
"Yeah you're right, although I don't want to take suggestions from any of you." You smirked as the boys let out shocked gasps.
"I thought calling her Windows 10 wasn't that bad! It's a beautiful name and you can call her Win, or Dows, or Ten or-"
"Saeyoung, that's why we're not letting you name her, you're all horrible at naming stuff...well exc pt Jaehee, she actually helped me pick out the boy name we were going to use!" You smiled at the memory as you glaced down at your little girl.
"Yeah about that, Zen, didn't you say you had called her before? Where exactly is she?" Yoosung asked, and Zen looked nevously at his phone.
"I don't really know. She should be here by now, I did call her. Maybe she's late because she's too tried from all the work she was left to do." He glared at Jumin, who sighed and took out his cellphone, quickly tapping the keys while speaking in a cold manner towards Zen.
"She was the one who kindly volunteered, and I'm really grateful to her for it. Don't think her efforts won't go rewarded, after this I'm going to let her take three weeks off, my other assistants can handle everything else."
Then he out his phone away. "I've now asked for Driver Kim to go and check if she's still in the house to pick her up. She should be here soon, and we might as well let her get a few check ups while she's here. I'm sure she's been really pressured with the amount of work...." He looked at the ground a bit guiltily but you grabbed his hand and squeezed it, reassuring him that it wasn't his fault and that he was a good boss and he smiled at you.
"Excuse me?" Jumin said, his face going white. Everyone in the room, except you who were sleeping on the bed, looked up at Jumin in alarm.
"Are you sure?....I.....oh god....alright. Thank you....driver Kim. You can now go home."
"What happened?" Yoosung asked as soon as Jimin got off the phone. Zen was about to aggressively ask again, but stopped when he saw that Jimin looked as if he was going to cry.
He led them out of the room to speak to them. When they came back they were all white, and looked as if they had been crying,but when you woke up they tried to act bright and cheerful, not wanting to worry you. Although eventjally, you were going to find out.
6 years later.....
You grabbed your daughter's hand and walked through the familiar halls, greeting the staff as you passed by.
You made it to the familiar room and placed some flowers on the vase you had bought in the room a few years ago. Then you grabbed a chair and grabbed your friend's hand.
"Hey Jaehee....it's me..."
Silence. You kept going though, your daughter curiously looking at the woman who was on the bed, a bunch of tubes in her arms.
"It's been a while. Saeyoung and Saeran now own a shop, their inauguration was yesterday. You would loved it....Yoosung also got promoted at work! Jimin said if he keeps it up he'll be climbing the corporate ladder in no time. As for Zen, he's now acting on a new musical. The hunchback of notre dame. He's the soldier, and we're all extremely happy for him and he's given us tickets to see him when it first plays. I've got a ticket for you too....just in case....I've also....well....Jumin and I found out that we're pregnant! Again! We found out a few days ago, and everyone in the RFA is so excited." You rubbed your thumb over Jaehee's hand and you let out q shaky sigh. "I promise I'll come visit more often. I'll even let you be the first one to touch my stomach when the baby kicks... although I hope that by that time you might wake up....I have to go now but just know, that no matter what, we're all here for you. Especially me and Jumin. See you, and I....I love you Jaehee. Bye..."
You stood up and walked over to the door, turning to see your daughter looking at Jaehee with her eyes wide.
"Mum, is this who you and dad were talking 'bout earlier?" She asked and you smiled, nodding.
*Yes love. She was a wonderful woman, and I can't wait for her to wake up and meet you."
Your daughter smiled and skipped over to you, grabbing you hand. "She's very pretty mum! And she has the same name as me! When uncle Saeyoung talks about her I get really happy that we both have the same name. I want to be just like her when I grow up!"
You smiled at your daughter and pet her head. "And you will. You'll grow up to be a wonderful woman and I'm sure you'll make her proud. Now why don't we go and visit daddy? He wants to eat lunch with us today."
"Yes mum! Let's go!" Your daughter grabbed your hand and led you out of the hospital, and you glanced back at the hospital room were Jaehee was staying in.
You were sure she was going to wake up soon. She had to. And you couldn't wait to hug her again. But for now all you could do was wait....
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bxoken-heartss · 4 years
@tu-sonrisaaa-te-amooo asked: Could you do the 8 and 17 fluff with Joel? tht would be cute (ik u hate him lol u could do zabdi if u want)
Lmao I don't hate him Bby..he can just be a bit dramatic sometimes...that's all 🙆‍♀️
Prompts: (I did a bit of alterations in it so excuse me)
“I want to dance through an army of fireflies with you.” (Prompt 8)
“My hand was made to fit into yours. That’s all there is to it.” (Prompt 17)
So Y/N is your name
~ ~ ~ means change of scenario.
✓ ✓ ✓ means the end.
So...ahem...this went a bit more than I intended it to go...I swore I would just write drabbles but I guess old habits die hard? So this is it? I hope you like it Dia! 💕😅 (oh new nickname alert)
This song is beautiful and sorta inspired me! 💕
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- - -
Y/N and Joel were friends ever since they were little kids...They had met when Joel had gotten lost wandering around in a series of pet shops staring at pets (especially various dog breeds and puppies). When his senses had hit him..he understood he had gotten lost..he began to feel nervous and uneasy and let out childish sobs as he began to run around looking for his mother.
He barely paid attention to anything around him as he only focused in searching for his mother that which eventually ends up with him bumping onto someone.
"Ouch! Why can't you watch where the hell they are going?!" A voice speaks
Joel falls down as he looks at the person speaking...a little girl who held a husky in her arms on the floor angrily glaring at him
"I'm so sorry...I didn't..." He begins as he stares at the husky...
"It's fine...Just watch where you're going at least the- -" She begins
"Is that the Siberian Husky?" Joel asks interrupting her as he stands up
"I'm kind of offended that you interrupted me...But yes...yes it is.." She replies as she possessively holds her husky
"Can...Can I pet it?" He asks as he looks at the husky eagerly
"Well sure I guess..." She says as Joel begins petting the husky.
A few minutes later, the duo had already begun talking about...dogs things in general..
"Y/N! There you are!!" I was looking all over for you!" A voice speaks, tone concerned
"Oh..Mumma..I was just on my way back but then this boy bumped into me and apparently loves Zachary a bit too much.." She says as she points at Joel
And that's when our oblivious little Joel realizes that he was lost and was supposedly supposed to find his mother..not stand here fanboying over a husky.
His eyes widen as he looks around, searching for his mother a.k.a his official/ main intention...Panic strikes his system as he realizes he was obviously potentially lost..
"Are you okay Joel?" Y/N asks
"I'm LOST!" Joel replies as he looks at her letting out childish sobs
"Oh god...Mumma...Help him!" Y/N says
"Listen lil boy...we'll find your mother...do you like know her number or anything.." Y/N mother asks
"Yes..." He replies as he tells her the number letting out soft sobs
The husky jumps onto Joel's arms as it began licking his face. Joel stopped crying slowly as he began smiling a bit.
"Oh my god...He is just so adorable..." Joel says as he pets the husky
"Yeah...he seemingly likes you..strange..he's not pretty comfortable with strangers.." Y/N comments
Soon Joel's mother comes in, her eyes scanning around, her eyes instantly gleaming with happiness as she finds Joel.
"Joel!!!" She says as she runs over and hugs him, Zachary jumping out of Joel's arms onto the ground.
"Mumma!!" Joel yells as he hugs her, sobbing quietly
Y/N stepped away a bit letting them have their moment.
"Thank you for finding him! He's always roaming around..pet stores...or just everywhere in general...I'm so sorry for his careless actions...and all the inconveniences he has caused you..." Joel's mother apologizes
"Oh not at all...He wasn't a bother at all.." Y/N's mother reassures
"Joel...at least next time don't go around without telling your mum! If you want a pet come over to my place...We can play with Zachary together..." Y/N says as she smiles at him, holding her mother's hand
"Okay..I will." Joel says smiling at her as he pets Zachary one last time...
"Bye Joel! See you...well...soon?" She says as she walks off..
That was how it all began...After that, one day he had turned up at her place surprisingly...They were next door neighbours...And eventually they spent a lot of time together..which lead to their everlasting friendship which began at the age of 6..
~ ~ ~
"Joel...when am I going to see you again?" Y/N asks as she lazily sat on his bed whilst she helped him with her luggage.
"Around 9 months...I'll be back soon.." Joel says as he puts in another shirt
"Oh come on...that's technically the entire year!" Y/N comments as she rolls her eyes
"I swear I would have taken you if it wasn't for your Fashion Designing Course..If that had been completed..then you could have joined.." Joel says as he stuffs in something else
"Yeah yeah..it's important right...I'm going to miss you Jo..." She says as she looks at him
"Me too..I wish there was something I could do.." Joel says as he walks over towards her.
"Just promise that you'll facetime me before all your performances..and just text me once at least every day...send me those lame audios of yours...I don't care.." Y/N says as she holds his hand...
He was still here...not gone..why did he have to leave?
"Hey...I'll text you and call you everyday.. You're my best friend...If I wouldn't call you.. who else would I?" He asks as he holds her hand and hugs her
~ ~ ~
"Wow! That was a spectacular show right boys?" Joel asks obviously excited as he walked behind the stage...
"Yes..exhausted but overwhelming..." Richard replies as they walk into the room backstage
Zabdiel immediately falls onto the couch, Erick cools off, Chris begins to fix his hair
"God..Why hasn't Y/N even seen my message! She didn't even facetime me today or even call me! Isn't that just mean?!?" Joel comments as he slumps onto the couch
"Yes...call her mean and every other negative word you could think of Ho-eL! She brought her arse from miles away, sat on a 13 hour flight just so she could surprise her best friend and yet you call her that?" A voice speaks from behind him
"Wait...a minute..." Joel trails as he instantly turns behind and sees Y/N
"Y/N- - !!!!" His tone surprised and shocked as he leaps off the couch and hugs her, a few years falling through his cheeks in the rush of excitement.
"Curls!!" She yells as she hugs him.
They hug on forever none of them every wanting to let go...Until an intentional cough from the guys pulls them away
"Ah...err...Guys! Meet my bestie Y/N!" Joel says as he grabs her hand heading towards the boys
"We talked Curls...I talked to everyone and they all helped me hide...You guys were amazing...The performance was just fantastic!" She comments as the boys yell out a chorus of thanks
"Okay so everyone except me knew that you were here?" Joel asks
"Duh curls...I couldn't sneak into backstage without their help..." Y/N says referring to the boys.
Joel grabbed her arm and pulled her into an empty room and pulls her into a hug again
"I'm so glad to have you here...Thank you for the support.." Joel says
"Wow wow...I never knew I'd see a sweet side of you Joel..." Y/N remarks
"Shut up and just hug me..." Joel says rolling his eyes
She returns the gesture as they kept hugging, an odd source of comfort filling both their veins.
~ ~ ~
"Joel...this is beautiful..." Y/N comments as she looks around the woods.
It was a small forest sort of place filled with thick green trees and a small river which gleamed with reflections of the littered stars that laid scattered in the skies.
"I know right..." Joel says as he looks at the river and at her..
They spent a lot of time making jokes and just talking about life...he had just returned from tour a few days before and thought he ought to spend some quality time with his best....friend...
He almost sighed at his own thoughts..he had begun to have feelings for her...but he didn't want to let them interplay..he didn't want to lose her...he needed her as a friend at least in his life..his feelings didn't have any part in this...but he couldn't help but wonder everytime she smiled..was she thinking about him? Did she think of him..as something more than a friend?
"Joel..Joel...HOEL!" Y/N yells.
Joel's eyes widen in shock as he falls off the log he sat on because of how loud she yelled and how distracted he was..
"Oh god...you are so clumsy sometimes Curls! Wait..actually all the damn time!" She says as she holds out her hand, Joel gratefully accepting her extended hand as she pulls him up.
"Look at that Y/N..My hand was made to fit into yours..” Joel comments as he sits up
Y/N face floods with a tint of pink as she nervously laughs it off..but never lets go off his hand..
"Of course you dummy...We are besties so god made sure it would work that way.." She replies uneasily
"Y/N I want to tell you something.." He says interrupting her from speaking further
An awkward moment of painful silence fills the air...
"What is it Joel?" She asks nervously
"It's.. it's..." Joel begins but his anxiety kicks in.
"If you don't tell her now...you'll never tell her or know if she felt the same.. you'll probably live in regret but you have to! " His inner voice encourages as he takes a deep breath
"I...I like you..." He breathes out
"I like you too Joel! You are my best fr- -" Y/N begins
"No Y/N...I like you more than a best friend.. you make me feel warm and mushy on the inside..I don't feel anything else around anyone else...You make me feel safe, happy. You understand me...We fight..but that's only because you care..but I like you in a different manner...You make me want to the cringy -est stuffs like taking couple pictures, share smoothies together, go on dates...and make me wanna dance with you in between an army of fireflies under the moonlight and what nots.. and to think that you make these cliché activities look normal...that's weird and definitely not something I feel one fine day.. I knew I always had these feelings..But I realized them...only recently...I understand if you don't feel the same..but just so you know I'll keep loving you..on and on..." He finishes off
"Who said I never had feelings for you Joel?" She asks "Every night... I'm just waiting and wondering if you have found someone that'll make you feel like that..Because why not? There are millions out there..prettier, hotter and just beautiful girls out there waiting for you so why would you choose me over them? Yeah... nothing.."
"Y/N I don't care...for you were..are the only girl I've had my eyes on...from the start.. today and forever..." Joel says as he holds both her palms. (I'm low-key swooning 🤧)
Before she could answer, Joel extends his free hand and pulls her up.
They walk over towards a place where the moonlight reflected brightly and the clear water flowing gently, causing small ripples as if it was singing a song.
"Well...can I have a dance with you?" Joel asks as he extends his hand out in a sorta gentleman style
Y/N nods softly as she takes his hand, his hand instantly softly interlocking with hers as she rests her free hand on his shoulder, his free hand holding a space above her waist securely..
As they began to softly dance in sync, an army of fireflies had encapsulated around them causing her to smile wide.
"Look Joel...True to your 'cliché' wishes..the fireflies are here..." Y/N jokes about it as Joel's face floods with a bright pink colour.
They enjoyed the overall aura, the silence suddenly turning comfortable...as they merely enjoyed each others' presence without any words being exchanged.
"So..Y/N..." Joel begins
"Hmm?" She asks as they continue dancing
"Will..will you be my girlfriend?" He asks nervously
Y/N stops dancing as she tries to catch Joel's gaze..but the boy would look at anyone or anything but her..
Y/N stood on her toes as she holds his face with both hands as she stares at his beautiful dark brown orbs, her eyes filled with nothing but love..that too only for him.
Joel looks at her nervously and before he could speak anything, she softly presses her lips against his. He instinctively bends down a bit to reach upto her height as his hands wrap around an area a bit above her waist.
She pulls away, Joel's arms still firmly fixated above her waist as he looks at her
"Did that answer your question Pimentel?" She asks, her tone filled with sassiness
"For real Y/N?" He asks in disbelief
"Yes Joel..For real...I promise you...I'll be there for you..." Y/N says as Joel smiles
"I love you Y/N.." He says
"I love you only..Joel Pimentel.." Y/N says as Joel pulls her in for another kiss.
✓ ✓ ✓
The Ending kinda sucked tbh...but anyways hehehe... I'll try to improve! 😅🙃
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sgnsejun-blog · 5 years
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alright alright hey hii, okay it’s been likes 500 years since I’ve rped on tumblr so pls be gentle I’m not entirely with it lMAO but anywayy I have a ABOUT + (soon) PLOT page up for sejun and also some info that’s also the same as his quick facts on the about page so if u’ve happened to have read that then oops under the cut so if ur interested keep reading <3 
okay okay so was born and raised in seoul in a wealthy family (p standard yee)
didn’t have many friends in his earlier years at school + got bullied a bit
used to be a bigger nerd than he is today, like he’s still p smart tbh but he used to be the type of person that passed every exam without having to revise that everyone hated, now he has to work way harder to do just as well and he regrets taking it for granted tbh
used to be v concious about what ppl thought about him but in his last few years of school he stopped caring as much he made like a few popular jock friends in those years + became more confident/comfortable bc of it
his parents forced him (not rly forced but he’ll say he was) into doing a sciency subject lowkey not that he wanted to do anything artsy but he didnt rly want to go to uni or w/e just wanted to get a job but he doesnt rly care so he just went with it
he lowkey wished he would hate it so he could prove them wrong but here he is having the time of his life tbh
honestly loves a good “I told you so moment”, loves proving people wrong (and just being petty tbh even tho he “hates drama”)
he has this huge confliction w/ not really caring enough to get properly involved + thinking that his way is the best way to do things,, like a control freak but he can’t be bothered,, it’s a hard life
like p passive but he also hates people who are lazy
acc big hypocrite tbh, is like whatever when he turns up late to something but when someone does it to him he’s a bit salty
ya boi is like *eye rolls a lot* stop being dumb finds himself judging freshman who do stupid things quite a lot
he’s quite friendly tbh, really likes the company of other people and just having friends tbh
ANNOYING speak to him once he’ll add you on facebook and spam u requests to join the track team fb group
speaking of fb groups/messages he’s lowkey the pyramid scheme police, send him a message about ur mlm you will get a 1500 word essay response
also he’s hella nosy but a lot of time ppl just tell him the gossip anyway bc they trust him (they shouldn’t)
can be a lil manipulative,, has this kind appearance/vibe but thats probs what is the most dangerous,,
But generally, if you’re someone who’s legitimately close to him he won’t play these games and fuck with you, like if you know you know. So yeah, lowkey two-faced (sort of?)  and manipulative but never to his friends, he cant stand it when ppl are fake w/ their friends tbh
also a v good friend he’s p thoughtful when it comes to his friends (which is saying something bc most of the time he is v oblivious and bad at reading other ppls situations)
the king of smash ultimate himself,, he tries to organize tournaments all the time (and for other games too)
when he wants to do work its big time mega stress boys hours long of intensive work but then when he wants to relax its the other extreme of laid in bed for three days was stoned for most of it pretended to be okay at track then got completely hammered at some party probably had a threesome wakes up passed out in a completely different dorm, pretends it never happened and then he’s back on the grind
speaking of parties he like pretends that he’s not crazy about them (not like hates them but like,, “...... oh…… i guess i could go…. i’ll check my plans) but secretly loves them most of the time he goes and is chill there but sometimes he,, is a complete mess tbh
which is fun bc a lot of the time he likes being a “responsible mum friend” to messy ppl so when he’s a mess himself it’s,, the best
also romance wise he got cheated on in freshman year + is now v hesitant when ppl want more than sex, but still wants to be in love v badly and catches feelings quite easily :(
to those who dont know him he comes off as very put together, really cares about his appearance so if u see him crying in the dorms at 3am wearing the tracksuit hes been sleeping in for the past 4 days you’re probs one of the few ppl who could blackmail him
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channiekyun · 6 years
chick or chic?//cube ent./pd101//seonho
pairing: yoo seonho/reader genres: fluff, bullet list word count: 1870 summary: “he always stayed by you because of your smile, but what happens when the reason you lose your smile is him?” a/n: i think this is the longest thing i’ve ever posted but, dear by lord i love this boy. pls support him and his debut!!
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baby chick debuting with a mini album?
an hour to write before I fall asleep?
bring it on.
you and yoo seonho have been friends since you were like 6 bc your moms both dropped you off at the same daycare center
how convenient right
but you haven’t met seonho ‘till a while so bear with me here
I like me some backstory to the story
you’ve been coming to the daycare center for 4 months
you were so-so at making friends, kinda shy, but most of the times energetic
like literal spikes of energy could be seen coming out of your back lmao
sometimes you’d be called out on it by some of the kids or supervisors but like
u didn’t care 
anyway, you’ve pretty much gotten your name thrown everywhere in the daycare center 
and you were just playing with blocks and crashing toy cars into them (that’s what kids do right?)
then suddenly some of or supervisors start coming to you with a cake with lit up candles
“happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear (Y/N), happy birthday to you!”
and your 6 yr old brain was all like-huh?
but then they told you to make a wish and you blew out the candles
and you know how things done can’t come undone?
well, there’s your explanation for that being done
and then everyone just started cheering
plus the supervisors were all like: “I can’t believe your already 6, (Y/N)! you’ve grown so much!!~”
but again you’re just like: “im already 6??!??”
but your 6 yr old self just thinks that this atonement for not celebrating your birthday before you even went to the center
keep in mind you’ve only been there for 4 months so
ppl kept crowding you and the adults just starting distributing the cake
and this boy that you’ve never ever seen before sits next to you 
and he just whispers into your ear “it’s my birthday too.”
“oh really? it’s not even my birthday today anyway!” you giggle
and this boy’s like huh
but seonho doesn’t do anything
nuh uh
he likes it when you laugh and smile
so you share your big slice of cake with him and play with him the entire day
you guys got picked up at the same time so your moms were just waiting by the door and you were saying bye and your moms were like “isn’t that just cute aww”
then suddenly one of the supervisors came and started bowing
“I’m sorry Mrs. Yoo and Mrs. (L/N), we switched up (Y/N)’s and Seonho’s birthdays so we ended up celebrating (Y/N)’s birthday today!”
and your moms were just like “that’s fine” but Seonho just looked a tad bit disappointed
and an unhappy Seonho makes an unhappy you so
you started crying, legit out of nowhere bc you felt so bad for him
plus you started screaming stuff like “it’s all my fault” and yea
and the adults try calming you down, but no, that didn’t work
but then seonho comes up and hugs you
and you surely calmed down while you held to his shirt
you felt reassured
and the grown-ups found this amusing
like you only met today but who knew?
next morning you brought a huge cake+a gift for seonho to make it up to him (ofc with your mum’s consent though)
you tell him to open his present and he did
what laid inside was a chick stuffie
it wasn’t big or anything, just average
and seonho’s grateful and all but he asks why you gave him that
“because you remind me of one?” you laugh
he likes to think that that laugh was also a present for him
and you play with him for the rest of the day
fast forward, your moms became acquainted then soon began to hang out with each other
which made you happy bc you got to see seonho more
when you guys were still at the daycare center you would bring him food
like juice boxes
but then like juice boxes turned to chocolate bars and then that turned into muffins
fast forward a little bit more to where you were now, both of you 14 and in high school, and you were still close af
oh and muffins turned to legit rice lunches bc he never had enough to eat lol
and you called him out on it a lot and he would either act offended or not care at all 
that’s where he got his love for food from~
there were a couple loose strings here and there but that happens
you shared secrets, shared friends, shared test answers
you even got close to his brother and he got close to your sibling(s)
but everyone knows there’s gotta be a secret here and there somewhere
but you made several plots at 2AM to get to the bottom of whatever he seemed to hide even though it may not be your business
you were each other’s businesses anyway, right?
seonho had a dream of becoming famous
you admired him for that
and the school was going to be hosting an event where he would be starring in
and you were proud and almost started shedding a few tears
you: *sniff* so proud~~
him: not again (Y/N)
when the day of the show came on, he acted like a stuck up celeb 
and you weren’t sure whether this was all just an act, or if it was just him but you weren’t gonna have this
you pulled him out of the corridor and slapped him just for him to get his sense back+you also gave him his rice box so
during the talent show when seonho was performing with the piano and singing you were videotaping him while standing up 
you: “yeS, WORK IT SEONHO. gUYS THATS MY BEST FRiEND” (a total regina goerge’s mom moment here guys)
you were that extra lmao that seonho was mixed abt what you did but he felt so happy so you just cuddled (non-romantically) at his house after the show
next morning, you were waiting for seonho out of his house so you could walk to school together
but oh
((i tried to look up seonho in a leather jacket and there were no images, pls someone get him into one i will die omfg lord))
and you just walked like you usually do, but this time in silence and no hitting or kicking
was he acting cold again?
he wasn’t talking at all
and even ppl started to stare
you just kind of avoided him for the whole day
it’s the type of thing that would get on celeb headlines: ‘(Y/N) Splits From a Cold Seonho?!?’
you were walking down the hall just mindlessly, wondering what to do with that extra rice lunch you had in your bag
but then you hear a couple girls whispering in a corner:
“oh my god, did you see seonho at the show last night? he has so much talent”
“but like did you see him today? he’s wearing a leather jacket and acting all cold today haha”
“he even drove (Y/N) away today, and they’ve been friends since they got here”
“that’s pretty chic though to be honest lol”
and there were murmurs of agreement to the last girls statement
and once you got outside you started laugh
cuz they just started calling seonho “chic”
you never thought that you would’ve ever lived to the day where someone would call that tall, clumsy, cutesy boy something along the lines of “chic”
but you felt a pang of jealousy when the girl’s started talking about him
yes, you were aware of your own feeling, you weren’t stupid like that
you went to his house, said hello to his mom, and went to his room
you didn’t want to mess around with anything but there was one thing couldn’t keep your eyes off
that chick plush you gave him when you were 6
it was sitting on his bed
you picked it up and admired it but quickly set it down
on the high bookcase shelf there was another chick plush
so you reached for it and looked at it in your hands
it was the exact same one but with a bow? which makes you confused
“what are you doing?” you hear behind you
oh shit
“um-really nothing” you turned around to seonho still in his leather jacket
“uh, then (Y/N), why are you holding that?”
you dropped the plush on the ground
“holding what?”
seonho just looked at the floor, not responding
and naturally..
you took the opportunity to slap him
“why were you acting like that the entire day? why with the jacket, dude??”
and he looked up at you with honest eyes and quietly said “for you”
that’s when your entire world started crashing down
“i thought that if i acted cool you’d like me better, I guess that didn’t work though..” his eyes still tracing an outline of the floor
“you acted cool, just so i would notice you more?”
“i guess.”
and naturally...
you took that opportunity to kiss him
and his eyes grew wide and he just hugs you like you usually would and it was all just so damn perfect
you pulled away and was all like “seonho, honey, I love you but can we get you into that cardigan instead of this stupid jacket”
and he just jeered at you with “I love you too (Y/N) dearie”
that’s how you went from making out with seonho in a leather jacket to cuddling on his bed with seonho in his oversized white cardigan (which was fckn adorable btw)
man, you would love having a relationship with seonho, anyone would tbh
you even spoon fed him the rice lunch you had packed in your bag
his mom would call your mom to tell you what the hell was happening at her house
you and seonho’s mom fangirling over your relationship with each other
at the next show, you and seonho had a duet with him playing the piano and you singing
he got you a matching leather jacket and you were like “ew no,” but after he saw your reaction he made puppy eyes and said “but couple’s outfits” and you just said “i’m sold, just for gags though, seonho”
a happy seonho
a beagle seonho
you match each other so perfectly bc if soulmates were real, and they are, you found your match
one time you were helping seonho catch up on homework in an empty classroom after school and you got curious
“hey, seonho, what was that chick plush doing on top of your bookcase. it looks similar to the one i gave you”
he blushed and shyly said, “i was going to give it to you for your birthday..”
and you just kiss him
and when you pull away you say: “I can’t believe they would call a baby chick chic..”
ps i realized how bad i was at summaries mianhae
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alipiee · 6 years
get to know me tag
tagged by the v lovely and talented @lanaberryrawr ty buddy! <3
Age: 17
Birthplace: England
Current Time: 19:03
Drink You Last Had: lemon green tea
Easiest Person to Talk to: my best friend, my sisters, my mum and @matt-boyd04
Favourite Song: itll probably change in five minutes bc im just listening to george ezras new album on repeat, but so far its one called shotgun,,, its so catchy you guys 
Grossest Memory: ok so when i was little, i jokingly stole my brothers bike and he got mad n pushed me off it, and i fell onto the wall that went around our lawn n the bricks cut all my leg and the bike was trapping me, n i was just chilling there crying til my mum rushed out with my brother (i remember she was holding a massive bottle of milk against it after she’d cleaned it bc we didnt have a freezer for a bag of peas or whatever and it was the biggest item we had in our fridge lmao iconic)
Hogwarts House: ive only read the first one and it was in year four so im not sure
In Love: with my friends <3
Jealous of People: i used to be, but im feeling a lot more positive lately and im learning to not compare myself to other people and appreciate what i have! <3 :))
Killed Someone: not even in a story, my heart is too weak for that
Love at First Sight or Should I Walk by you Again: maybe attraction but not love
Middle Name: my legal one is marie, and my catholic is sofia
Number of Siblings: 6 but im the youngest so they all bully look after me 
One Wish: to be happy n have time to do everything i want to do in life
Person you Called Last: i dont have any recents in my call log for like over a month?? i have phone anxiety so i just text everyone 
Question you are Always Asked: “what (lesson) do we have next?” bc me and my best friend are useless and have to keep checking with each other 16287 times a day lol
Reasons to Smile: yuri on ice, dogs, my family, my friends, to experience love,  because theres still so much about the world and life that i can experience, vine compilations 
Song you Sang Last: sugarcoat by george ezra bc his new album has watered my crops n im never gonna stop listening to it 
Time you Woke Up: like 6am, bc i was babysitting three little kids n they came into the room giggling and started poking my head till i woke up n then crawled into bed and laid on me
Underwear Color: white with blue stripes 
Worst Habit: p r o c r a s t i n a t i o n  *side eyes my english essay, psychology paper, biology paper, revision, and fic updates*
X-Rays: I broke my leg when i was like four(?) so i had one for that and then my arm a few years later but luckily nothing had broken
Your Favourite Food: either tacos or fajitas!!
Zodiac Sign: virgo
i love oversharing! 
tagging: @matt-boyd04 @rollertoasteroflife @postingpebbles @wing--it @iwritebetterthanispeak @shemakesmeforget @undadasea @pork-cutlet-yuuri @beckette-the-turtle @katsuki-skates @loveprez
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lunakinesis · 7 years
Have you ever witnessed/experienced something supernatural??
I’m sure people might question it, and they’re welcome to have their scepticism but I’ve had experiences that I can’t explain in any other way and believe me, I’ve tried. I may be inclined towards the supernatural/paranormal, but I’m a firm believer in trying to rationalise things first with science and facts. But as I said, there’s just some things I have never been able to explain so here’s some choice things: 
Shadow people in my home. They’ve been seen by me, my aunt and one of my childhood friends. My aunt saw them when she and my uncle were dogsitting whilst my grandparents and I were on holiday. They were sleeping in the living room (hell asleep watching tv) and she woke up for the bathroom, she went out into the all to go through to our bathroom and said something made her look up the stairs. At the top, she saw someone standing there. They were undefined, but clearly there against the dark. She screamed, thinking it was a burglar as the figure moved into my grandparent’s room. It woke my giant of an uncle up who charged up the stairs. No one was there, there were no signs of a break in. They didn’t go back to sleep. Me and my childhood friend both saw it in the hall, again when coming between the living room and dining room. My friend bumped into one, she thought it was just one of my granddad’s big coats slumped on the floor at first until she hit a solid black mass that then vanished. Suffice to say she was freaking out. I’ve seen it poke its head around the staircase and heard it go up a few steps before just... vanishing. If it had just been me, I might’ve thought I was imagining things, but given multiple people have seen whatever the shadow figure is.... yeah. 
Orbs caught on camera are usually dubious things and generally dust particles, smudges on the lens or camera flares/reflections. Orbs seen out in the countryside at night by you and a group of fellow summer campers are less easy to explain away. We were out for a night walk with a couple of our counsellors and we all saw them gliding through the trees when we were in the woods surrounding the manor hall we were staying in (performing arts camp.). We thought it was someone goofing around with their torches at first until the counsellors made sure we all had them off for a couple of minutes and they were still there.Think they were more scared than us with how they hurried us back inside after that lmao. 
Something pulled my duvet up around me one night when it was down around my waist (I move around a lot when i’m asleep and awake in bed, I’m fidgety. At that point I was awake because someone had just pulled up after a night out and was loud about getting our of their taxi and getting into their house. I anything, the duvet should’ve been slipping down further but no, I felt it move up to like, boob-height. I was too shitting-myself level scared to look. I guess it was kinda cute in hindsight, but a mysterious ghost/whatever pulling your blanket up in the middle of the night is still freaking terrifying. 
My radio has blared on before when it wasn’t even plugged in and has no battery power option. Still have no damn idea how that happened. 
Phantom footsteps when I and other people have been downstairs and no one upstairs. (My poor cousin James was here alone one time - again when I was on holiday - to use our wifi and he thought it was Kye - our dog at the time - at first, playing around in my room. Until Kye came into the front room and was staring up at the ceiling, both of them listening to what sounded like someone running around in the room. He was talking to me on Facebook as this was happening. It was around 7-8pm at home and summer so it wasn’t even dark out. Suffice to say he lost his shit and wouldn’t come back up without his mum or my uncle. 
There was something malevolent in the house I lived in with my parents (and mum for a time after) before they divorced. It did not want us there. Our dogs would sit at the foot of the stairs and growl up or they would stare at doorways and growl. The cat we had wouldn’t go anywhere near my mum’s built in cupboard (which should’ve been cat heaven), in fact he pretty much avoided her room (she has said she woke up one night and for some reason was too afraid to open her eyes because she could feel something was right there at the side of bed staring at her.). It really didn’t want us there and it wasn’t shy about it: It would set my toys off, even if they’d had the batteries removed, it would turn the tv or hi-fi on and liked to open my mum’s cupboard doors. I got really bad nightmares whilst in that house. Of something darker than the dark chasing me. Every. Single. Night. I wouldn’t have them when I stayed at my grandparents or at my dad’s place after they split. Something pulled my cousin Skye’s hair one night when she was staying over and she thought it was me so she kicked me. When she realised I had been asleep she started to cry. Something shoved me out of my bed. Now, it might not seem like much but after I went to live with my dad, my sisters got the big bedroom I’d been in and I got the little room. My mum bought a new bed for me. One of those tall ones with a bed on top, and a sofa bed/desk underneath. You can imagine somehow going over the high railings meant to stop you falling out (that you certainly COULD NOT have rolled over) and smashing into the floor fucking hurts. I was too scared to move or even cry for my mum so I just laid facedown on the floor all night, very aware something was in the room and angry. Pretty sure it was a poltergeist, because as poltergeist activity tends to do, it faded over the years. Still fucked me up and yes, this is the real reason I’m too fucking scared to sleep in the dark on me own. 
That’ll do for now because this is getting long. 
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masterpiecejongin · 8 years
“Don’t trust the boy and his demon, Darling”(Prologue)
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They always considered you as a monster, but what if you really were one? A monster who created a monster. Or maybe you were just totally insane.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
Pairing: Human!Jongin and Demon!Kai x reader Genre: thirller, fantasy, smut Warnings: Idk if there should be warings for this. There’s a bit of mental illeness, violence kinda, sassy Jongin and Kai lmao
Jongin was born in a wealthy family, his ancestors’ blue blood ran through his veins. His father, an important business man was always too busy to take care of his little child, and his mother, a cold and materialistic woman, only cared about her status and her public relations with other powerful families. They didn’t love each other, and they only had a son to keep their estate and fortune safe. They didn’t expect Jongin though. The child, since his younger age, showed weird behavior, and was diagnosticated with mental disorders. He was so bizarre and odd, even scary sometimes so he couldn’t be seen like this by other powerful families. His parents kept him locked inside his house, they said he was timid but smart, that they were teaching him everything he needed to know, and they were raising him with love and care. Bullshits. Jongin was always by himself, he played in his big mansion by himself, or with his imaginary friends, like his maids and nannies used to say. He would go out to play, in the garden. He would curiously walk, and stare at insects and beautiful flowers that filled the wide garden. Colors and perfumes transformed it into a magical place, Jongin really loved it. But as his innocent mind was stained with insanity and darkness, also that beautiful garden was being stained with death. “I have a new friend!” would say Jongin smiling and opening his little hands to show a dead spider, or fly. He liked to kill them, he would kill insects, little mouses and the beautiful flowers. He called them his friends, but even if it looked like he needed someone to play with he would turn his head as soon as a new nanny would come. He didn’t like new people, especially those who he didn’t know. His parents were disgusted, terrified and they wondered how was it possible they had a monster like that as their son. Jongin grew up unaware of his parents’ true feelings. “Mummy, why dad doesn’t play with me?” he would ask while his mother tucked him in bed. “Oh, he’s really busy Jongin. But don’t worry, your mum is here with you.” she would reply forcing a smile. Jongin then would nod and smile at her. He trusted and loved her. Around 8 years old, Jongin’s mental conditions got worse. He would still talk to himself or to the little animals he killed. But it always seemed like he didn’t feel any regrets or mercy for those creatures.   Once he catched a little white mouse. He tortured it all the afternoon, and his amazed smile sent chills down his mother’s spine. She was sitting at the table in the living room, drinking some tea when Jongin arrived and he slowly laid down the little mouse’s corpse. It was cut to ribbons, covered in blood with its eyes black and dead. His mother screamed terrified, her chair fell back with a loud thud before a long silence. Jongin didn’t understand why his mum was acting like that. “Mum, why are you scared? He’s my friend.” he said with his acute voice. “Your friend? It’s just a dirty mouse that was so unlucky to end up in your hands!” she screamed at him, her chest rising and lowering rapidly. Jongin watched as his mother collapsed on the floor, massaging her chest while tears begin to fall from her eyes. “What did I do wrong?! Why do I have to raise a child like you?! Why?!” she screamed again, desperately. “Oh my goodness, Mrs Kim, please get up.” hurried a maid, trying to help her. Jongin confused, tried to get close to his mother, his shaky hand moved to her to dry her tears. “DON’T TOUCH ME!” the woman slapped his little hand, making the boy gasp and pull it back immediately. The maid helped Mrs Kim to get up and the crying woman stumbled on her feet trying to go upstairs. “YOU ARE A MONSTER KIM JONGIN. THE THOUGHT OF BEING YOUR MOTHER AND HAVE GIVEN BIRTH TO YOU DISGUST ME.” She started to scream. “CAN’T YOU SEE WHAT YOU’RE DOING TO ME?! YOU’RE KILLING ME. YOU’RE A MONSTER WHO’S KILLING HIS OWN MOTHER, JONGIN. I HATE YOU!” the woman cried while going upstairs. Jongin watched her form disappearing while her hysterical cries became more distant. His surrounding became confused and he’s stared blankly at the mouse’s corpse on the table. “Am I a monster? So my mum doesn’t love me…she hates me.” his thin voice whispered. His rosy lips formed an odd grin. “Then..I hate her too.” he then grabbed the fork used by his mother and literally skewered the corpse with it. Blood splashed to his hand and face while he started to laugh. “I hope my mummy ends up like this too.” He lazily and slowly went in his bedroom, a weird smile appeared on his face when he passed by his mother’s bedroom where she was still crying. That night Jongin had horrible nightmares, what his mother told him, those disgusted and terrified stares always on him. He has never realized what those things meant but now everything was clear. “You all have to die..” he murmured in his sleep. He then started to scream, those memories and images were too painful and hard to handle.He tossed and turned in his bed, cold sweat covering his forehead. Suddenly he felt calm and peaceful. He opened his eyes, moonlight entering the room through the big window. Jongin saw a shadow behind his back. The child turned slightly scared and tried to focus better on the form standing near the window.  He was a boy, in his 20s, he neared the bed so that Jongin could see him better. He had bronze skin and his red eyes sparkled in the dim light of his bedside lamp. His hair, clear blond like the color of the moon, covered his forehead. He was completely dressed in black, he was tall and slightly muscular. Jongin observed him carefully, he was a stranger but for the first time he wasn’t scared, he kinda felt comforted. It felt like he wasn’t alone in the room but at the same time it felt like that boy was..Jongin himself. “Who are you?” the child asked, his voice kinda shaked. The blond looked at him and then smirked. “You called me, you should know it.” replied simply, his deep voice filled the room. Jongin kept staring at him, observing every little detail about him. “Kai.” he then whispered. Kai nodded and sat on his bed, moving closer to him. “Now, Jongin. What do you want me to do?” he asked. The child closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he then opened them slowly while a terrifying smirk appeared on his face. “Kill them. Kill them all except for my mum. Let her live, I want her to watch me grow and hate her just like she hated me for all these 8 years. And one day I’ll kill her with my hands.” Kai listened to the young boy’s almost inhuman voice and then started to laugh. Jongin unknowingly laughed with him, and everyone asleep in the house felt chills down their spines. Jongin’s little hand caressed Kai’s collarbone and then climbed up till his neck. The demon’s bronze skin released black smoke as if it was burning, but he didn’t seem too worried about it. When Jongin pull his hand back, on the older’s neck there were some black and crooked roots and under his ear appeared vertically the letters “KAI”. They both smiled at each other and then Kai’s red eyes sparkled in the darkness of the room.
-The Next Day- “Kim family’s mansion burned down this night, the only survivors of this devastating fire are Mrs Kim and her child Jongin. Fortunately Mr Kim was abroad to work. 10 members of the staff lost their lives and the house was completely destroyed by the flames causing a huge loss to the family’s estate. The cause is still unknown.”
A/N: Hey everyone! So this is my first fanfic but english is not my first language. Anyway if you like it pls leave some feedback, I really need motivation. Sorry if there are some mistakes. Thank you. :)
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thenightjars-blog · 7 years
I woke up one morning to his voice having a conversation with an elderly woman, I immediately went into panic mode.
Turns out it was his mum. She had flown all the way from Canberra and now they were having a good time catching up in the kitchenette. Imagine how panicked I was! Lol literally just laid there in bed pretending I was dead bc I wasn't sure what she would think of me if she found out I was there. But what if she knew all along and was waiting to be introduced to me and she secretly thought "darn this bird sleeps like her life depends on it what a fkg snoozer"? Bc there was no way her son didn't tell her he had a company, right. And in my defence, I've never been in this situation before so I legit wanted to cry. I ended up getting myself ready and slowly opened the door, I told myself to act as if I was his roommate or something. Like, we didn't bone or anything but I think that would be the first thing that parents thought when they found out his son was with a woman right? Idk. So it was already quiet when I tried to scan the room. Didn't see her anywhere from where I was. Just him, dutifully doing dishes like a good man that he is lol. I called out his name hoping he would hear me, but he didn't. So I rang his phone, he glanced to the counter to see the caller ID and instinctively turned around to my direction lmao. He grinned and I hated him for that. He then stopped what he was doing, dried both of his hands and walked up to me. Planted a kiss on my forehead and I pushed him whilst trying to look around to make sure no one was there. He looked amused. "Relax, babe. It's just my mum," he said. I stared at him in disbelief, "THAT is exactly the problem don't you think?" He laughed. "Alright, alright. Let's just pretend you are a bum colleague of mine whom I have taken under my wings." I was gonna say something about it but then chuckled and was like "technically that's true." He grabbed my ass and kissed me on the lips. "It's alright, babe. I know my mum. Okay? She knows you're here." Uh oh. Fuck me right? He then held my hand and called out for his mum, "I want to introduce you to a dear friend of mind." What a cheek. Tried to release my hand from his bc what friend held hands like that, c'mon. He didn't let go. Soon his mum entered the dining room from the patio and she was extremely friendly. Too friendly, tbh. She gave me a hug and told me it was great meeting me and that she had heard quite a lot about me before she turned to him and teasingly said "nice catch." I tried so hard not to laugh at the time. We had a nice conversation over breakie that he had whipped up a bit ago, and, I am so glad it went well and I didn't say something embarrassing. Anyway, guess who's invited to a family wedding in Melbourne and asked to be her son's plus1 next month? This gal!
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