#wari superfood
e4ejaz · 5 months
TonicGreens Supplements - Health
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TonicGreens sounds like a dietary supplement positioned as a green superfood powder. Here's a breakdown of what to consider when discussing it:
Potential Benefits:
TonicGreens claims to be a source of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients from greens and other plant-based ingredients. These can potentially support overall health and well-being.
Important Considerations:
Limited Regulation: Dietary supplements like TonicGreens are not approved by the FDA to treat or cure medical conditions. The specific health benefits might not be substantiated by strong scientific evidence.
Nutrient Gaps: A healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is usually the best way to get the nutrients your body needs. Supplements may not be a substitute for a balanced diet.
Here's a balanced approach to presenting TonicGreens:
Support Daily Nutrition with TonicGreens (focuses on supplementing a diet)
Nourish Your Body with Plant-Based Greens from TonicGreens (highlights the source of nutrients)
These options position TonicGreens as a potential addition to a healthy diet, avoiding claims of curing any specific condition.
Additionally, you can consider these points:
Ingredient Quality: Does TonicGreens use organic ingredients and avoid fillers or artificial additives? Highlighting quality can build trust.
Third-Party Testing: Does TonicGreens undergo independent testing to verify the ingredients and their potency? This transparency assures potential users.
Specific Health Claims: Be wary of any claims that TonicGreens can cure or treat specific diseases. Stick to general statements about supporting well-being.
By focusing on transparency, quality, and a balanced approach, you can present TonicGreens in a more trustworthy light.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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attianursingcare · 8 months
The Authentic Himalayan Shilajit: An Insider's Guide
In the realm of natural supplements, Authentic Himalayan Shilajit stands out as a timeless treasure, revered for its unparalleled health benefits. Mined from the heart of the Himalayas, this unique substance has been a well-guarded secret, known to only a few. Today, we unravel the mysteries surrounding Authentic Himalayan Shilajit, providing you with an insider's guide to this extraordinary substance.
Understanding Authentic Himalayan Shilajit
Derived from the Sanskrit words "shila" meaning rock and "ajit" meaning conqueror, Shilajit literally translates to "conqueror of rocks." This resinous substance oozes from the rocks in the Himalayan mountain range, enriched with a potent combination of minerals, fulvic acid, and other bioactive compounds. The authenticity of the source is paramount, ensuring that the Shilajit is free from impurities and contaminants.
The Origins of Authentic Himalayan Shilajit
Harvested at altitudes of over 16,000 feet, Authentic Himalayan Shilajit is a product of the geological processes that occurred over centuries. The pressure exerted by the immense mountains compresses plant and microbial matter, resulting in this rare and powerful substance. The pristine environment of the Himalayas plays a crucial role in the purity and potency of the Shilajit, making it a truly exceptional natural supplement.
Unmatched Health Benefits
1. Nutrient Powerhouse
Authentic Himalayan Shilajit is a reservoir of essential minerals such as iron, magnesium, and potassium. These minerals are in their organic form, making them highly absorbable by the human body. The supplement also contains fulvic acid, a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties.
2. Energy Booster
For those seeking a natural energy boost, Authentic Himalayan Shilajit is a game-changer. It enhances mitochondrial function, leading to increased energy production at a cellular level. Say goodbye to fatigue and welcome sustained vitality.
3. Cognitive Enhancement
Studies suggest that the fulvic acid in Shilajit may support cognitive function and memory retention. It crosses the blood-brain barrier, delivering vital nutrients directly to the brain, promoting mental clarity and focus.
Ensuring Authenticity: A Buyer's Guide
With the growing popularity of Himalayan Shilajit, it's crucial to distinguish genuine products from imitations. Here are a few tips to ensure you are getting the real deal:
1. Source Verification
Always check the source of the Shilajit. Authentic Himalayan Shilajit is sourced directly from the high-altitude regions of the Himalayas.
2. Purity Testing
Reputable suppliers conduct rigorous purity tests, ensuring that the Shilajit is free from heavy metals, contaminants, and other impurities.
3. Appearance and Texture
Authentic Shilajit has a distinct appearance – a dark, resinous substance with a unique texture. Be wary of products that deviate from these characteristics.
Incorporating Authentic Himalayan Shilajit into Your Routine
Now that you understand the myriad benefits of Authentic Himalayan Shilajit, you may be wondering how to incorporate it into your daily routine. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Direct Consumption
The most straightforward method is to consume a small amount of Shilajit directly. Let it dissolve under your tongue for optimal absorption.
2. Mixing with Beverages
Add a pea-sized portion of Shilajit to your morning tea or warm water. This not only masks the resinous taste but also enhances the flavor of your beverage.
3. Blend with Superfoods
Combine Authentic Himalayan Shilajit with other superfoods in smoothies or energy bars to create a nutritious powerhouse.
The Verdict: Embracing the Power of Authentic Himalayan Shilajit
In conclusion, Authentic Himalayan Shilajit emerges as a true elixir from the heart of the world's highest peaks. Its authenticity, coupled with a myriad of health benefits, makes it a sought-after supplement for those on a journey toward holistic well-being. Remember to source your Shilajit from reliable suppliers and incorporate it into your routine wisely to unlock its full potential.
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Coconut Products Market Transformation: Analyzing Changing Consumer Preferences
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The coconut products market is estimated for 2023 for the forecast period 2023-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.
Market Overview:
Coconut products are derived from coconuts grown primarily in tropical coastal areas. They include coconut oil, coconut water, dried coconut, and coconut milk powder among others. Coconut products are widely used in various food processing, personal care and cosmetic industries.
Market Dynamics:
The coconut products market is expected to grow at a significant pace owing to rising awareness about health benefits associated with coconut. Coconut contains several nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids that provides health benefits such as improving heart health, boosting immunity, and weight management. Another key driver fueling the market growth is increasing usage of coconut products in food processing industry. Coconut oil and powder finds wide application in bakery, confectionery and savory snacks. Moreover, rising demand for coconut water owing to its hydrating properties is further fueling the market growth during the forecast period.
Rising Consumption of Coconut Products as Healthy Food Option
The global coconut products market is expected to witness significant growth over the forecast period owing to the rising consumption of coconut products as a healthy food option around the globe. Coconut products like coconut water, coconut milk, coconut oil, coconut flour etc are being increasingly consumed due to their numerous health benefits. Coconut water is a natural isotonic drink that helps in rehydration and has electrolytes like potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. It also contains antioxidants and cytokinins that provide several health benefits. Meanwhile, coconut milk and coconut flour are gaining popularity among health conscious consumers as dairy and gluten free substitutes. Especially lactose intolerant population is switching to coconut milk. Coconut flour is prized for its high fiber and protein content. Coconut oil is considered a superfood due to presence of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that provide energy and have antimicrobial properties. The health benefits of coconut products related to heart health, digestive health, weight management etc. are driving more people to include these in their diet.
Growing Popularity of Organic and Non-GMO Coconut Products
With increasing health awareness, demand for organic and non-GMO coconut products is on the rise. Consumers are wary of chemicals, pesticides and genetically modified ingredients in regular food products. This presents a major opportunity for organic coconut farmers and brands to cater to the demand. Production of organic coconut is gradually increasing across major coconut growing regions and various certifications are in place to ensure authenticity. In developed counties like U.S. and Europe, organic coconut water, coconut milk and coconut oil have gained significant market share. Even in developing Asian markets, premium organic coconut products are attracting health conscious urban population. This fast growing organic segment of coconut products market is expected to drive the overall industry growth.
Stringent Environmental Regulations Hamper Coconut Cultivation
Although coconut is a very hardy crop that requires minimal fertilizers and pesticides, environmental regulations on land use pattern are posing challenges for coconut cultivation in certain regions. Populations of rats, squirrels and monkeys cause significant damage to coconut yields every year. However, use of chemical rodenticides to control them is banned or restricted in many countries due to environmental pollution risks. Similarly, coconut trees grown in estuarine muddy soils release methane, a greenhouse gas. There are talks of banning cultivation in such wetland areas. While regulations aim to protect environment, they also reduce available cultivable land for coconuts. Countries like India and Philippines face this issue impacting consistent supply of coconuts. However, sustainable farming practices can help address these challenges to some extent.
Emerging Markets in Asia and Africa Present Remunerative Growth Opportunities
Developing economies in Asia Pacific and Africa offer immense opportunities for coconut products market due to rising population, changing food habits and improve disposable incomes. In Asian countries like India, China, Indonesia; and African countries consumption of coconut products is traditionally high. However, with westernization, demand for value added packaged coconut products is emerging. Young generation is willing to pay premium for innovative formats like coconut yogurts, coconut ice-creams, coconut chips/snacks etc. Meanwhile countries recovering from economic downturns like Brazil, Argentina present new avenues. Presence of global brands, online retail boom and health consciousness will propel coconut products demand in emerging markets going forward. Partnerships with local players can help multinational brands tap into these remunerative growth areas.
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bandofchimeras · 11 months
to be clear also I'm not defending quacks, I am calling out ableism.
going to the reiki trained chiropractor lady I sent to for two years drastically reduced my chronic pain & helped with my CPTSD mood swings by doing minor postural adjustments and touching my face and head in specific spots. I went from constant wrenching back pain to being "graduated" from needing a chiropractor at all. did this help my MCAS or eliminate my depression? no. But I was not looking for medical salvation, just preventative healthcare and to learn how to manage my posture, energy & breath better. so I can function at all. I can now most of the time walk myself back from, for example, the EDS dislocations that come from sleeping funny or sitting wrong or falling down, by practicing what she taught me. I don't trap stress and trauma in my body as much when it happens, I can move energy through my body better by breathing and movement, I know better when my body is signalling to ask for help or stretch or shake, etc. Chiropracty (loosely tied back to practices such as bonesetting), yoga, tai chi, etc help w maintaining awareness and flexibility in your animal body.
So YEAH. don't ask the essential oils to treat cancer. Understand they may help quell your nausea or give you a minor immune system boost. Or maybe they don't. Human biochemistry is incredibly individual and complex.
the problem with quackery is acting like shit is magic, or one size fits all.
for example, acai is good, and has a lot of vitamins in it, yes. It's Orientalism exoticism that got it labelled a "magical" superfood.
L-Theanine and lions mane supplements along with remediating my iron, D3 and vitamin B12 deficiencies have made a difference in the amount of brain fog and fatigue I experience. They have not eliminated it.
If any supplement, practice or program claims to be a "cure" be wary of it - this is playing on the emotions of people with chronic health conditions.
Lots of stuff doesn't have a cure. But you can assist your body in managing it's symptoms with "alternative" medicine and see viable results.
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abdoonline · 1 year
Learn More About Clean Eating Tips For Beginners
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Welcome to the world of Clean Eating Tips For Beginners! Whether you're new to this concept or just looking for some helpful tips and tricks, you've come to the right place. Clean eating is all about nourishing your body with whole, unprocessed foods and making healthy food choices. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the basics of clean eating and provide you with practical advice to get started on your clean eating journey. So, let's dive in! You can also Read: The Truth about Superfoods for Healthy Eating?
1. Understanding Clean Eating
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Clean eating is more than just a diet - it's a lifestyle. The essence of clean eating lies in consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods while avoiding processed and refined products. By focusing on natural, unprocessed ingredients, you provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs to function optimally. When following a clean eating approach, prioritize fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Avoid foods containing added sugars, artificial ingredients, excessive sodium, and unhealthy fats. By making these simple changes, you'll experience a range of benefits, from increased energy levels to improved digestion and weight management.
2. Start with Small Changes
Transitioning to a clean eating lifestyle doesn't have to be overwhelming. Begin by making small, manageable changes to your diet. For example, you can start by incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your meals or replacing sugary beverages with water or herbal tea. Taking small steps allows you to adjust gradually and increases your chances of long-term success.
3. Plan and Prep Your Meals
Meal planning and preparation play a vital role in clean eating. By taking the time to plan your meals in advance and prepare them ahead of time, you can avoid relying on unhealthy convenience foods. Dedicate some time each week to plan your meals, create a shopping list, and batch cook. Having healthy meals and snacks readily available will help you stay on track and reduce the temptation to reach for processed foods.
4. Read Labels Carefully
When grocery shopping, develop the habit of reading labels carefully. Paying attention to the ingredients list can help you identify processed and unhealthy foods. Be wary of products that contain artificial additives, high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, or long lists of unrecognizable ingredients. Stick to foods with minimal ingredients, and opt for organic or locally sourced options whenever possible.
5. Embrace Whole Foods
At the core of clean eating are whole foods. These are foods that are minimally processed and as close to their natural state as possible. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and plant-based proteins like beans and legumes are all great examples of whole foods. These foods are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, which support your overall health and well-being.
6. Prioritize Portion Control
While clean eating focuses on the quality of the foods you eat, portion control is still crucial. It's easy to overeat even when consuming healthy foods. Pay attention to serving sizes and listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Eating mindfully can help prevent overeating and promote a healthy relationship with food.
7. Stay Hydrated
Drinking enough water is a fundamental aspect of clean eating. Hydration is essential for your body to function optimally and supports various bodily processes, including digestion and metabolism. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day, or more if you're physically active. If you struggle with plain water, try infusing it with fresh fruits or herbs for a burst of flavor.
8. Emphasize Nutrient-Dense Foods
When following a clean eating lifestyle, focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods. These are foods that provide a high amount of essential nutrients in relation to their calorie content. Leafy greens, colorful fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and lean proteins are all excellent examples of nutrient-dense foods. By incorporating these into your meals, you'll ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs to thrive.
9. Limit Added Sugars
Added sugars can be detrimental to your health, contributing to various chronic diseases when consumed in excess. As you embark on a clean eating journey, be mindful of your sugar intake. Avoid sugary beverages, processed snacks, and desserts. Instead, satisfy your sweet tooth with natural alternatives like fresh fruits or homemade treats using healthier sweeteners like maple syrup or honey in moderation.
10. Be Mindful of Processed Foods
Processed foods often contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, and a myriad of artificial ingredients. While it's unrealistic to completely eliminate all processed foods from your diet, make a conscious effort to minimize their consumption. Choose whole, unprocessed alternatives whenever possible. For example, opt for homemade salad dressings, sauces, and snacks instead of store-bought options.
11. Don't Be Too Strict
Clean eating is not about being perfect or depriving yourself of the foods you enjoy. It's about making conscious choices to nourish your body with whole, unprocessed foods most of the time. Allow yourself flexibility and the occasional indulgence. Remember, it's all about balance and finding what works best for you and your lifestyle.
Congratulations on taking your first steps toward a clean eating lifestyle! By prioritizing whole, unprocessed foods, you'll nourish your body and enjoy numerous health benefits. Remember to start with small changes, plan and prepare your meals, read labels carefully, and stay hydrated. Embrace whole foods and nutrient-dense options while being mindful of portion sizes and added sugars. Don't be too strict with yourself and find a balance that works for you. Enjoy this journey of discovering delicious, wholesome foods that will support your well-being from the inside out. If you're interested in delving deeper into the topic of clean eating, there are numerous resources available. Books, podcasts, and online communities can provide you with further insights, recipes, and inspiration. Remember, every small step you take toward clean eating is a step toward a healthier, more vibrant you. Cheers to your clean eating journey! Read the full article
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mindclassic · 1 year
Talbeenah - An Energy Boosting Recipe to Loose Weight
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Talbeenah is an ancient Middle Eastern recipe. It has been giving people all over the world a powerful boost of energy for centuries. Rich in iron, protein, and magnesium, this traditional dish is popular for its ability to help unlock the natural power that lies within us all. There are pieces of evidence that this food can improve our focus, mental clarity, and physical stamina. Its energy potential makes it a perfect pre-workout snack or an ideal pick-me-up after a long day. When prepared correctly, a simple Talbeenah recipe can provide an energizing boost that lasts for hours. So if you're looking to energize your body and mind, look no further than Talbeenah. Unlock your inner power with it. The recipe packs a punch of energy-boosting goodness. When it comes to unlocking your inner power, it is surprising to learn that a traditional Middle Eastern food called "talbeenah" could be the key. The contentious energy-boosting food has been part of the culture for centuries. There are proofs that it gives you an almost superhuman-like energy boost. Some people do have reservations that still need a scientific examination and proof. The Recipe So what is this mysterious recipe? Can it really give you an energy boost? We explore the controversy around talbeenah, and whether it's worth the risk. It is a cereal dish made from cracked Barley. It is a special staple food in many areas of the Middle East. The dish makes of boiled cracked Barley and then mixing it with various herbs, spices, and anything you may like. It is full of vitamins and minerals, making it a great source of energy-boosting nutrition. Despite its long history and nutritional benefits, some experts are wary of talbeenah due to its potential for causing long-term health problems. It's believed to contain a high amount of oxalates. These are naturally-occurring compounds that can accumulate in the body and can cause a variety of health problems. However, there's no evidence to support this claim, and talbeenah remains popular in many areas of the Middle East. Whether or not talbeenah is actually beneficial for energy-boosting remains to test. But it's clear that the mysterious food has a long and interesting history. 1. Introduction Introducing Talbeenah, the latest energy-boosting food taking the health and wellness market by storm! This unique and controversial substance has been generating a lot of buzz lately, with some claiming it can unlock your "inner power" and give you an energy boost unlike anything else. But what exactly is Talbeenah and what makes it so special? It's a type of fermented bean paste, made from black beans, coconut oil, honey, and other spices. It's been used as a traditional healing remedy for centuries, becoming more popular in the Western world. Its origins remain a mystery, but many believe it's been used as a health tonic since ancient times. Controversy surrounds Talbeenah, as some claim it can cause health issues and side effects. However, the majority of users report feeling energized and revitalized after consuming it, leading to its growing popularity. If you're seeking an energy boost or trying something new, Talbeenah could be perfect for you. Unlock your inner power today and explore the Talbeenah controversy! 2. History Talbeenah energy-boosting food has been around for centuries and has long been used to boost health and spirituality. Originating in the Arab peninsula, Talbeenah traveled to other parts of the world with early Muslim Merchants. Today, it remains popular with traditional adherents. It has also gained notoriety as an energy-boosting superfood, though its effects are not definitively verified. Islamic religious teachings certify its potential. It is a proven energy food that helps weight loss that unlocks your physical as well as spiritual power. Nevertheless, Talbeenah has made its mark in history. 3. Nutrition Talbeenah is a new superfood, originating in Morocco, that has been praised for its health benefits and energy-boosting properties. It is a nutrient-dense food that contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids. People may experience increased energy levels, improved digestion, better joint health, reduced inflammation, better mood, and a stronger immune system when consuming Talbeenah. However, its taste has been described as slightly sour, sweet, or too bitter and intensely flavored. That is totally controllable as you can add dates and dry fruits to fit the flavor to your taste buds. Despite this, many people find that the potential benefits outweigh any bitterness. Talbeenah is a popular superfood choice for those looking to unlock their inner strength and power. 4. Benefits Talbeenah, a traditional Middle Eastern food, is gaining global popularity for its potential to energize and revitalize. Though its benefits are still being debated, it’s worth looking into the potential benefits and nutrition it provides. Primarily made of sesame, date syrup, and pistachios, Talbeenah contains essential minerals and vitamins like magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc. Studies suggest this mix improves energy levels and mental clarity, reduces inflammation, and combats free radical damage. Plus, its fiber content helps curb cravings and aids weight management. Additionally, its nut and seed-based fats reduce cholesterol and provide healthy energy. Altogether, Talbeenah is an excellent choice for anyone looking to boost energy, gain clarity, reduce inflammation, fight free radicals, and benefit from its nutritious and tasty benefits. 5. Limitations Talbeenah has both earned praise and faced criticism for its purported energizing effects. No matter which side you take, it's essential to be aware of the potential drawbacks. Studies have suggested positive results from eating Talbeenah, but more research is needed to understand its full benefits and risks. Nutritional facts, for example, show that Talbeenah is low in essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and high in calories. While some reports indicate a short-term energy boost, others have found that it quickly decreases. To make sure that Talbeenah is part of a healthy diet, consult a doctor or nutritionist. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is a reliable resource for guidance. 6. Preparation The preparation of Talbeenah has sparked controversy due to its energy-boosting effects. Native to the Middle East, this traditional dish of dried fruit and nuts is a traditional dish for generations to restore energy and boost alertness. Preparing Talbeenah is possible in various ways, with each tradition having its own unique rituals. Some grind the fruits and nuts into a paste, while others crush them with a mortar and pestle. Others may combine it with honey, milk, sugar, or other ingredients to enhance the flavor. Some experts insist the traditional method is the only way to unlock its full potential, while others say modern methods work just as well. No matter how you prepare it, pay close attention to the process - a small mistake can weaken Talbeenah's energy-boosting properties. 7. Controversy The debate around talbeenah has been surprisingly intense since it gained popularity as an energy booster. Supporters praise it as a miracle solution, claiming that it gives superior energy levels and mental clarity. In contrast, some experts are concerned that the purported energy-boosting properties of talbeenah may be unsubstantiated and even risky in the long run. They point to the lack of research and testing of its potential effects, and worry it may have unknown side-effects. To ensure its safety and effectiveness, some suggest extensive clinical trials. This is still up for debate, but it's clear that the talbeenah energy-boosting claims have sparked a passionate dispute between both sides. 8. Conclusion Debates about talbeenah and its effectiveness will continue. People vouch for its energizing powers, and many swear by its ability to heighten their senses and boost their spiritual energies. It's up to the person to experiment and see if it works. Unlocking inner power and exploring talbeenah might be the ticket to euphoria. If feeling stuck in a rut, consider giving it a try - you could surprise yourself.Articly.ai tag End Note Talbeenah is a Middle Eastern dish that is gaining in popularity due to its energy-boosting properties. It's a comforting dish that's easy to make. You can enjoy it as a meal or snack. Talbeenah's ingredients are Barley porridge, boiled chickpeas, and vegetable oil, and seasoned with cumin, salt, and black pepper. The Barley is cooked until it's soft and creamy, and the chickpeas add a boost of protein. The cumin and black pepper add a spicy kick to the dish. The vegetable oil helps to provide a layer of fat for the dish, and the salt helps to bring out the flavor of the ingredients. Eating talbeenah can provide a healthy energy boost that lasts for hours, making it an ideal snack for those who want to stay energized throughout the day. With its comforting texture and delicious flavor, talbeenah is sure to become a staple in homes across the Middle East and beyond. Image by KamranAydinov on Freepik Read the full article
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Tucán de Montaña Andino Piquinegro. 
Conocido También como Andigena nigrirostrisTucán Andino Piquinegro / Black-billed Mountain-Toucan
Orden: Piciformes Familia: Ramphastidae Aves del Chocó
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From age 9-15 i was sexually abused by my brother. I was bullied from a very Young age about my weight, I remember lying about my weight because I was so embarrassed, id compare myslef to my friends, i hated going out to eat. I remeber looking at my thighs and stomach at age 11 as a guy says "youre definitely heavier than me" (i definitely was not. This kid was obsese for a child, i certainly wasnt) but i thought "wow you really look like that?"
At age 12, I started to walk everywhere without a jacket because "being in the cold burns fat" I wasn't restricting, but I was very self continous and wary of myself, on busses I'd get upset that my legs spead, I'd skip breakfast, and started to not take lunches into school and just keep my lunch money when I got it.
I used to be a hard worker in school until about half way through year 9, i joined cadets and was groomed by a nco, who was 19, i was taken advantage of, and i blame myself for it to this day because i was "mature for my age" at 14. This went on till i was 15, I kinda stopped. Idk if it was cause by that event or just that I learned the art of cheating lol but I was also just too distressed to learn anything and I felt guilty and useless for not being able to retain the information, so that's why I started cheating to keep up my "good student" title because I was a very smart person before that event, when I moved to England I was ahead of all my classes but then I just..wasn't:( at 14 that's when my eating disorder took off. I was restricting my food intake to 1200 cals, following all the influencer and weight loss advice. Apple cinder vinegar and superfoods, no chocolate, no sugar no carbs, military diets, binging and then throwing up my food, I was hinding it in bags in my room, I'd be in pain, I'd have nose bleeds from how long I was purging, the blood vessels around my eyes and neck would pop. Then I got into kpop at 15.i started doing hour long dance workouts on top of my regular workout. I started to do the idol diets which got so much worse as I got tickets to a BTS concert and was determined to be "skinny". Brain fog was a serious issue, I'd get dizzy constantly. In 2020 I went to chams but was turned away to "focus on the court case" and was refferd back to my doctor, I saw this as "I don't believe you, you're faking it" even though I was eating 500 cals a day, and if I wanted to eat a pack of noodles I'd kill myslef working out. My family wants a Chinese? Oh well I'm gonna go on a 2hr run after it, and while I'm waiting for it to come I'll do some workouts in my room to make up for it. I felt so betrayed. Court was not my biggest issue. My eating disorder and self esteem was. It controls everything.
Half way through year 9, into year 10 I started smoking occasionally with my friend (weed and tobacco) which definitely didn't help My memory, this is when my ed was getting bad aswell. I started drinking pretty heavily, going into school drunk, I'd take a shot of whiskey before I left for "good luck" and I binge drink with my friends which is sort of normal, but then I started doing it by myself. I liked it, until it caused another event which effected the next 3 years of my life going to court. When I drank it would make me cut deeper because I couldn't feel it, which lead to me drinking more, just so I could do that. In year 11 i got my work ethic back, towards my gcses i started to work so hard, i stopped cheating, i was gaining my knowlege, and the grades i had were my honest grades, then covid happend and i didnt sit my gcses which started the previous attitude again. Even after the even I continued to drink when things went wrong, in that time I had 2 suicide attempts, 1 of which I was in hospital for. that was 2020 Nov. Around this time, before the attempt I had started to try other substances such as mdma. This made me miss out on a lot of college, mixed with covid I lost all work ethics, I honestly didn't care so I dropped out.
In april 2021 I got vocal lessons, music was my passion, from a young age I sung in church I was super outgoing, singing in my mums bar etc, but I was struggling alot with my self confidence so I done this to help. After an episode and a fight with my mom, she told me to stop wasting my teachers time (I hadn't attended a few times and was going deeper into my hole) I didn't need to hear that, because I didn't want to do that deep down, but I wasn't thinking. I was in my " you're a failure, you'd never succeed anyway" so I stopped seeing her, even though she tried to get me to stay (she was so lovely) I ghosted all of her messages (I did say why I was leaving but she still tried to get me to stay) even though she could have changed my life and my confidence. Self sabotage at its finest.
That summer I was drinking and partying, smoking and doing pills.
I decided it was enough, stopped drinking although i continued to smoke, and gave college abother go, this time in something I was so exited for, instead of a levels, I chose a music course. The start of the year was so good I went in everyday and paid attention. Then here came the lack of self confidence when we had a concert. But I powered though. I had tried Crystal MDMA before but on bonfire night 2022 I took it too far which kickstarted my 2 month crystal addiction though Nov to the start of Jan. In these times I was mixing at least 5-7 drugs together, I was on crystal for 5days at a time, even doing lines in college. I can't blame my addiction on anyone, my ex boyfriend fueld I though, his dealer was now my dealer and when I wanted it, I just needed to ask my partner. Surprise surprise this relationship was toxic as fuck and he was a narcissist. This made me miss college a lot, and when it was time to do a concert I messed up and had a panic attack, which brought in everything I had ever felt about myself, all the self doubt crept in again taking over my thoughts so I no longer wanted to go in. What sort of music artist can make a career with themselves if they always have panic attacks, anxiety attacks, voice cracks on stage, cries on stage. A lot actually. Most musicians go through that. But to me it was the end of everything. I stopped crystal In Jan 2022, but then started doing shittonnes of pills, punishers, trains, fires you name it, 7-9 pills in 1 night, 3 day benders with pills and acid so the addiction never really stopped. I hesitate to call it an addiction because i didnt do it everyday, i took breaks of 5 days inbtween (only sometimes) what addic does that? Once again, a lot do actually. That doesnt invaliate you. At the end of march it started to calm down, i done them less and less often usually only smoking. April 2022 I broke up with my ex, followed by another suicide attempt on my birthday. I felt forgotten and unimportant. I've always felt like an imposter, but from March to present it's gotten so much worse. I then I completely stopped all drugs besides weed for a good 2 months, the first month being fully clean the second I had lapes of 1 day, and would be taking mushrooms mostly, or 4 pills. Still a lot less than before so I took it as a win. although the thoughts to fuck my life up again are strong, im going to liverpool on friday. I am strongly resisting the urge to do DMT again, im already going no where in life why not fuck it up more? But im resisting. I was occasionally getting bursts of energy to fix my life. Did that go well? No.
My attendance in college is 50. And I'm passing my course. I have 1 assignment to give in and then I'm done!! Yay? No. I can't leave my house because my outfit isn't right or I bunged the night before and now I'm throwing a tantrum like a 7 year old. I'm hitting myself, screaming and crying because I don't want to go because I'm so scared of people looking at me. I dropped out of a convert that's is meant to be tomorrow because " ill just embarrassed myself" even though I wanted to do it so bad, and was so exited talking to my classmates about it. Now I haven't been in for a week because I'm so upset at myslef and if I hear them talking about it, I'll break down because I want that to be me. I don't think I can even go support them because I'm a jealous and selfish bitch. I want to be the one performing why are they?? Why do j have to suffer, why aren't they???? They are. There is a girl just as anxitious as I am. She's still doing it, so why aren't you, why did you stop yourself?
We finish college next week. If I just handed in the 1 assignment I'd be fine, and go onto the second year. But I hate everything I create, I hate the sound of my own voice. When I go to write, my mind goes blanc. People will actually have to listen to me? No thank you, their ears will bleed. They'll laugh at me. I'm such a cringe person. I can't write lyrics, I can't create a beat. I can't play any instruments. I'm useless.
What happend to the little girl who wanted to be a star. Who learned 3 languages by herself. Who wanted to learn every language in the world. Who self taught herself piano, who self taught herself dance, who was so passionate about the things she loves nobody could stop her. She always hated herself but she always got through it. What happend to the little girl who went through so much but still managed to get a lance corporal rank in cadets, who cried one year when she didn't get it because she worked so hard.
What happend to the little girl who wanted to fall In love, designed her wedding cake, but now is too afraid to leave her house, who is scared of olive oil.
I'm recovering slowly I guess. I can put sugar in my tea, and use oil while cooking. I still measure everything. Everything is number's. And as long as I stay under my cal goal i can eat what I want. I'm still terrified of restaurants, if I can't see the calories I have a panic attack. But I can put sugar in my tea. And I don't restrict to 500 cals.
I don't do drugs as often. Although I feel a relapse coming :(
I don't cut everyday, I've moved to other self harm that's less noticeable. But at least I don't cut right?
I'm behind everyone, I'm behind in life I should be going to uni this year. ..I can't even finish 2 years at college.
I wish everyone would understand I'm not lazy. There is a lot going on behind the scene. I don't sleep well because I'm paranoid and supersituous. I get night terrors and sleep paralysis. So I miss college to sleep. I'll get up.in the morning, my makeup doesn't look right. All my clothes make me look fat. Or I've had a panic attack and am now a vegetable for the day because I'm so emotionally drained. Or my voice is bad, I can't sing there's no point going in. Or " I'm gonna kill myself anyway, why should I go in"
I've been saying that for the past 6 years. I don't know what to do with myself.
On top of this, I feel like I'm faking everything. It's an extreme feeling. I search a lot of things online. What if I'm just copying those articles. Even though I've only recently started to research mental illness to try and figure out what I am. Why I'm like the way I am. I still felt all these emotions at 15. But what if? What if this is an extreme case. But I can't fake my trauma. It happend, so I must not be faking it right? AH but maybe I'm making it our worse to people than it is, oh well then you're probably faking it. But you're not AHHHHHHHHH SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP
My brain is noise constantly, nothing shuts up, it's like a record player but a broken one, it cuts up songs and glitches them, whe 7 other conversations and thoughts happen.
I'm just exhausted.
I sit in my room and rot. I do exercise to feed my eating disorder that's it. I have paint and crochet but I don't want to do them, because what of I do it badly and then I fall down the hole of " you can't do anything right" and make myself even worse. But I'm making myself worse by not doing the things I love.
I'm so horrendously self aware it hurts. It's litterally painful.
I know my actions, how they effect me and others, but I can never stop them. I have blackout moments of rage. Over stupid things, I know this, but why everytime, can I not stop them? Why can't I calm myslef down, why does it happen again and again if I know I get hurt. Again and again when I know my parents are fed up of calming me down.
I'm on a waiting list but I don't know when I'll get help. I can't help myself I always fail at it, I need someone to MAKE me help myself.
Sigh, I just want that good little girl back. I want her to heal her own wounds first.
There is so much in this post, yet there is still so much to say so.much I haven't talked about. I'm just confused, scared no terrified of this world that I'm just paralysed in my own misery
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unsettledink · 4 years
Just a Bite - Kinktober Day 4
Just a Bite
Prompt: Hand Feeding
Word Count: 2341
Summary: It’s not a kink that Peter actually likes it when Tony eats things from his hand! That’s not actually a thing, is it?
(hand feeding, care and feeding of tony, slight dom!Peter?, teasing, hand kink maybe)
It started so simply.
It started because Tony was being an ass.
"Look," Peter says. "I know you're busy, I know you have to finish this, I know it isn't something I can help with much. I get it, Tony."
"Then why are you still here?"
"Because I also know you haven't eaten anything in at least eight hours," Peter snaps. "And— don't even, I know you have not been getting smoothies from Dum-e! Whenever you finally decide you're done here, you're going to be cranky and complain about your headache and your stomach and it's all going to be because you wouldn't fucking eat something."
He slams the plate down in front of Tony and glares. This is so stupid. He doesn't want to be pestering Tony about this, but he doesn't want to keep putting up with these hypoglycemic fits either.
"Can't," Tony says, giving him a sidelong glance, and— is he smirking? Does he think this is funny? "My hands are full."
They are, and they're both covered in something grayish black that looks slick, but— 
Peter picks up the sandwich—the stupid sandwich he'd made because it was Tony's favorite kind, that he'd even cut in fourths in hopes he could Tony to eat part of it, like an idiot—and sticks it in front of Tony’s face. "Then aren't you lucky I'm here," he tells Tony.
Tony looks at him again, and hesitates, like he's getting the sense that Peter is not giving up this time. He doesn't even know why Tony does this.
"Eat. The. Damn. Sandwich." Peter hisses, shoving it closer to Tony's mouth.
"I'm doing this under duress," Tony says, but he takes a bite. Even if he rolls his eyes doing so and keeps working, Peter will take it.
They get though the whole sandwich.
Tony's never quite such an ass about it again, but he still doesn't seem to remember that bodies need fuel when he's deep in the middle of something. Peter tries not to make a nuisance of himself, but he keeps at it, keeps bringing Tony food when he can. Tries not to make it too pointed when he takes a break and gets takeout and brings it back with him, because that's more likely to catch Tony's attention.
But sometimes Tony really is elbow deep in something and will be for a while, and when that happens... Peter doesn't mind feeding Tony that much. It's the most reliable method of getting him to eat before he's crankier, and after— after, Peter feels better. Feels like he's accomplished something, however small.
Feels like he's done something good for Tony, even taken care of him, sort of.
It becomes a habit.
Tony makes a bit of a joke of it sometimes, demanding that Peter feed him whatever is there even if he really could do it himself, when he isn't that messy or that involved. "It just tastes better that way," Tony tells him smugly, batting his eyelashes outrageously.
"You just like being spoiled," Peter says, and doesn't really think about the way Tony almost startles at that until much later.
When Tony doesn't need Peter to feed him, when he has that extra time and that extra attention span, he sort of... makes a thing out of it. Peter doesn't know quite how to explain it, how to point out just what is different, but it is. It's something about the way Tony looks at him when he's taking a bite from Peter's fingers. Something about the way he ducks his head a little more as he does so, the way his lips brush against Peter's fingers more often, maybe even the way he'll sometimes lick Peter, quick and teasing, grinning when Peter makes a face at him.
It's something, and Peter isn't quite sure when this slid into a thing that creeps into his fantasies. Doesn't know quite what to do the first time he finishes feeding Tony a couple handfuls of some gross looking organic superfood trail mix stuff and realizes he's at least half hard.
Ignoring it seems like an option.
The problem is, it’s a habit.
Habit means Peter doesn't always think about it, about the fact that if he has food and he wants to be sure Tony will eat some, he'll at least attempt to feed Tony a bit. Habit means it isn’t restricted to the workshop anymore, not once he'd discovered it's just as effective when Tony's about to head off without anything more than several cups of coffee in him.
Habit means that when he curls up next to Tony on the sofa with his book, Peter doesn't even notice that he's offered Tony one of his cookies, despite the fact that Tony's eaten recently. Doesn't even notice that he doesn't let go when Tony goes to take it. Doesn't even notice when Tony lets him keep hold and takes delicate little bites instead, not until Tony's down to his fingers, lips soft against them, and Peter's getting hard again.
"Were you planning on telling me at some point?" Tony says, and he sounds amused.
 "Um," Peter says, looking up. "Tell you what?"
"That this whole 'you have to eat more' thing is a cover for your little hand feeding kink."
Peter stares at him. "What?" he says, and it comes out in almost a squeak.
"Did you think I wouldn't notice?" Tony says, and slips his hand down to Peter's lap, pressing it against Peter's dick. Making it really obvious that yeah, he is hard, out of nowhere over nothing.
"I don't— what?" Peter says. "I'm not— there's nothing to notice? I mean..." He hesitates when Tony keeps staring at him, eyebrow raised. "Is that actually a thing?"
Tony tilts his head. "What, a hand feeding kink? Sure. I don't think it's that popular of one, but plenty of people like it." He reaches out and catches Peter's chin, turning Peter's face towards him. "Wait, you really didn't know?"
"I just thought— I don't know," Peter mumbles. "Like, I'm a teenager so I get hard at anything? Or maybe I just really like your lips, like, uh, oral fixation, right? How was I supposed to know feeding you is a kinky thing?"
"It doesn’t have to be," Tony says, watching him. “But you do like it?” and Peter can feel how he's starting blush.
"I— I guess so," Peter says and it's a little embarrassing to admit. It's pretty weird, right?
Tony rubs his thumb against Peter's bottom lip, soft. "Hmm," he says. "Something to think about."
Peter's not entirely sure he wants Tony to think about it. Or that he wants to think about it himself either.
Ignoring it turns out not to be an option, because Tony is really bad at ignoring things unless he wants to.
Peter knows this. He knows that if he really didn't want Tony to think about this whole food thing, he should have said so; Tony probably wouldn't have stopped thinking about it, but maybe he wouldn't have done anything. Like show up with a plate full of stuff and shove it at Peter.
"I'm hungry," he says. "And also I want to try something."
"Um, okay?" Peter says, taking it from him. It's all little stuff, or things cut up small, and he has a bad feeling about this.
Tony pauses. Leans down and tilts Peter's face up and kisses him, soft and sweet. "Something I think you'll enjoy," Tony says, "and hey, if you don't? It's no big deal."
"Alright," Peter says, a tiny bit less nervous. Tony's 'I want to try something's can be strange, but he has a pretty good track record of being right about finding things Peter will like.
He's still a little wary when Tony grabs a pillow and drops it in front of Peter and kneels on it, looking up at him. Tucks his hands behind his back and does— something, with his body that makes him look— not smaller, not scared; fuck, Peter doesn't know what it is, but it's soft. When Tony looks at him, it's that really focused intent gaze, the one where something is holding his full—his actual full—attention. And right now, Peter’s that something.
“You can spoil me a little,” Tony says, quieter, and he looks— almost nervous?
Peter picks up a cube of cheese and offers it Tony.
He doesn't know how he's ever going to be able to feed Tony anything after this without instantly getting hard, because the way Tony takes things from him this time makes it dirty. It's not, not really; it's soft and sweet and a little soothing, but it still feels completely indecent.
Every bite has Tony's lips touching his fingers, brushing against them, kissing them. He presses forward when he takes something and lets Peter's fingers slip just inside his mouth, caught between his lips. Caught gently between his teeth sometimes, Tony leaning in and catching him before he can reach for the next bite, looking up at Peter through his eyelashes and Peter can't do anything but stare at him, trapped.
Tony licks at his fingers, even when there's no reason too, nothing left behind to clean up. Just presses his tongue against them, hot and soft, this teasing touch that makes Peter shiver, makes him want to slide his fingers into Tony's mouth and have Tony's tongue all over them. He doesn't, but he does run his fingers over Tony's lips, pressing gently at them, his thumb following the line of Tony's chin; Tony lets him, his eyes dark, and then presses his face into Peter's palm, nuzzling at him, his breath hot against Peter's hand.
They fall into that pattern, Tony mouthing at Peter's hand every few bites, soft and gentle and slowly getting more obscene, starting to lick between Peter's fingers, to nip at his skin and suck the tips of Peter's fingers into his mouth. There's some part of Peter's head that's almost angry at how much this is turning him on, how it's possible for these little touches of Tony's, to nothing more than his hand, have him so painfully hard. How watching Tony take another bite from his fingers, delicately, watching Peter the whole time, has him wanting to shove Tony down and kiss him until he can't breathe, for starters; he doesn't, because however weird it is, this is really working for him. He can't look away, can't stop how he's slowly been leaning forward, how it's drawing him up, tense, like he's just waiting for Tony to do something, for something to snap, breathing heavily like Tony is actually doing something to him besides kiss his palm and set his teeth against Peter's thumb and ask, with a little tilt of his head and a tongue darting out to wet his lips, for more, without a single word.
Tony is evil, because the last thing on the plate, the thing Peter's been avoiding a little, is a bowl of apple slices, half covered in caramel sauce. Peter stares at it, thinking of the way it might drip, the way the caramel might slide down his fingers and the way Tony might lick it up, and the next breath he takes is harsh, shaking. Tony doesn't say anything, but when Peter looks back to him, his mouth is already open, wanting.
It does drip down into the palm of his hand, the caramel slowly oozing down his fingers as Tony takes tiny, tiny bites, prolonging it, and Tony does lick it, his tongue flat against Peter's skin, rasping softly as it laps every drop up. Soft, as Tony sticks it between Peter's fingers, curls it around them as he goes after every last bit.
There are half a dozen of the things.
Each one is torture, and each one Peter wants to toss the rest aside and haul Tony up, and each one he manages not to, but his heart is pounding away in his chest. Tony's risen up on his knees, out of his settled position from earlier, edging closer and closer to Peter, his torso pressed up against Peter's knees, and Peter can feel that Tony's at least as hard as he is. Is breathing faster too, his arms tensing every now and then like he wants to pulls his hands out from behind his back and touch Peter, make him do something.
Tony takes the last bite, licks up the last drip from Peter's skin and there's a moment, a moment where Peter almost gives in, almost grabs at Tony. But— but there's still just a little sauce, stuck inside the bowl.
Tony groans softly when he sees what Peter is doing, running his finger along the side of the bowl. "Peter," he whispers, the first thing he's said since he knelt.
"Shh," Peter says, and this time he doesn't wait for Tony to lick him, pressing his fingers into Tony's mouth instead and leaving caramel sauce on his lips, Tony's tongue working around Peter's fingers. Peter wiggles them, strokes over the softness of Tony's mouth and can't help himself from pressing them in further, from slipping another in and watching Tony's eyes flutter closed, watching him suck on Peter's fingers, bobbing his head like he's sucking Peter's cock instead.
His fingers slide out of Tony's mouth with a pop, Tony's lips wet, shiny, and Peter half falls forward, grabbing Tony's hair and finally putting his mouth on Tony's, kissing him hard and open, messy, tasting caramel. Tony moans into his mouth, sliding in easily between Peter's legs when he parts them, and somehow— somehow, as good as Tony's mouth is on his cock, as fast as Peter comes down his throat before he yanks Tony up and sticks his hand down Tony's pants and listens to Tony muffle his noises against Peter's neck— somehow, it all still doesn't quite compare.
If this counts as spoiling Tony a little, Peter wants to spoil him rotten.
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Sharper Focus and Clearer Thinking: My Experience with NeuroActiv6
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I Use NeuroActiv6 for a Cognitive Boost
For years, I'd struggled with brain fog and a general lack of focus. Juggling work, family, and personal commitments left me feeling mentally drained, and it impacted my productivity and overall well-being. I tried various strategies to improve my cognitive function, from getting more sleep to implementing focus techniques. While these helped to some extent, I still felt like I was operating at less than my full potential.
Natural Ingredients Backed by Science
That's when I came across NeuroActiv6. What initially drew me to this supplement was its focus on natural ingredients, all supported by scientific research. I'm wary of synthetic solutions, and NeuroActiv6 boasts a blend of vitamins, superfoods, and nootropics – all designed to support cognitive function. Some of the key ingredients include Ashwagandha, known for its adaptogenic properties, Citicoline, which plays a role in brain cell health, and Lion's Mane mushroom, which has been linked to improved memory and focus. The fact that NeuroActiv6 is FDA-approved further instilled confidence in its safety and efficacy.
Enhanced Focus and Improved Memory
Since incorporating NeuroActiv6 into my daily routine, I've noticed a significant improvement in my cognitive function. My focus has become noticeably sharper. I'm able to concentrate on tasks for longer periods without getting easily distracted. This has been a game-changer, especially when it comes to tackling complex projects at work. Additionally, I've experienced a positive impact on my memory. Recalling information feels easier, and I'm less prone to forgetting important details.
Reduced Brain Fog and Increased Mental Clarity
One of the most welcome changes I've experienced is a reduction in brain fog. That sluggish, foggy feeling that used to cloud my thinking is mostly gone. In its place, there's a newfound sense of mental clarity. I feel more alert and engaged throughout the day, which has improved my overall mood and energy levels.
Finding the Right Supplement for You
It's important to note that everyone's experience with supplements is different. What works for me may not necessarily have the same effect on you. However, if you're looking for a natural way to support your cognitive function, I highly recommend giving NeuroActiv6 a try. Just remember to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.
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dietsauthority · 4 years
7 Foods That Flush Mucus From Your Body
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First and primary, you need to understand that everyone has mucus in their bodies all the time, and also that is not specifically a poor point as mucus plays a crucial function for all bodily functions.
It hydrates as well as nourishes the skin as well as organs, yet when the body has some type of an infection, excess mucous is most likely to be created. When the time comes, you'll rejoice to understand there are some foods that can aid your body eliminate excess of mucus.
While unwanted of mucous is much more commonly created by infections, congestion, as well as typical cold, it might be a sign of a much sterner disease.
There are still some foods which can trigger an overflow of mucous, so always be wary of what you consume.
But the good news is, for every single food that creates mucous, there are at least two other which cleanse your body from it and also help eject it. Look at a few of the foods that can aid you eliminate superfluous mucus.
Below are 7 foods that will aid you discard mucous from your body
1. Pineapple
Probably many individuals would certainly ignore this juicy fruit when searching for a detoxification, but pineapple is actually extremely wholesome and has a lot of recovery attributes.
Bromelain - a protein found in pineapple - is reliable in expelling additional mucous from the body, so reliable, in truth, that pineapple is often suggested to individuals that have gone through sinus procedure to expel mucous. Include some pineapple in your smoothie mixes or eat it raw as well as it will aid your body eliminate extra mucus in no time
2. Berries
All berries - blueberries, blackberries, elderberries, raspberries, cranberries, and so forth, are loaded with vitamin C as well as potassium, which work as antioxidants.
Add berries in your shake or merely eat them raw, as well as their cleaning and also purifying effect will certainly limit the overflow of mucous in your body, and also the fiber it has will aid in a fast recovery from any type of infections.
3. Apples
As is the case with berries, apples, as well, have high levels of vitamin C as well as potassium, the latter of which is a powerful nutrient in reducing buildup of mucus.
You can add apples in cakes or various other baked sugary foods, yet likewise add them in your smoothie, dice them in your muesli, or just consume them raw. They are rather sweet and also are an exceptional alternative for sugar in cakes.
4. Onion and Garlic
These 2 foods with pungent odors and preferences are exceptional in combating inflammation as well as toxic substances, no wonder garlic is so valuable when you have a blocked nose, just a whiff is enough to clear it.
If you consist of onion and garlic in your daily diet plan they will certainly do wonders in getting rid of excess mucous from the body. Just keep in mind to squash the garlic prior to consuming it as that helps launch all of its healthy and beneficial compounds.
5. Ginger
Ginger is just one of minority supposed "superfoods," which in fact deserves this label. Because of its potent antioxidant homes, ginger is healthy and balanced eaten in any kind of form. It has strong anti-inflammatory homes as well as signals your body when it needs to stop creating even more mucus in order to fight the infection.
If don't like the taste of ginger in any type of form, try to compel yourself to consume it, or blend it with turmeric extract to include a little flavor as well as we assure you'll thank us later.
6. Pumpkin seed
They might not appear like they can do a lot, however pumpkin seeds are actually fairly popular in Chinese medication due to their antioxidant properties.
Their healing residential properties have just recently been offered the spotlight as well as are excellent in lowering mucous and also assisting you breathe less complicated when you are ill as they are packed with healthy proteins as well as fibers.
7. Broccoli
Broccoli and also vegetables similar to lit like Brussels grow and cauliflower are terrific antioxidants and also have enzymes which get rid of mucus from the body easily.
The broccoli is abundant in fibers which regulate blood blow and aid purify the blood, which decreases the risk of infections. You can add some broccoli into your soup or, also healthier, vapor them, as well as that will assist release their nourishing compounds.
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birdkoskincare · 5 years
what do you think about suplements and vitamins for skin? do you have any recommendations if you do look at them positively?
very good question! evidence for the effectiveness of ‘beauty supplements’ is very limited at present. many of these typically include biotin (actual biotin deficiency is extremely rare and its efficiency is only significant in very specific cases) or collagen (based on preliminary studies with significant limitations) — and of course, every day a new brand starts paying instagram stars to promote some new nutraceutical ‘superfood’ supplement - spirulina, fish oils, turmeric, superberry powders from exotic locations, you name it, tomorrow they’ll likely come up with another next big thing. the problem is that nutraceutical supplements are not regulated the same way as pharmaceuticals are. since the beauty industry is booming, it’s very easy to buy some dehydrated plant extract, put it inside capsules, distribute it to a pr list and make unsubstantiated claims with a fun and hip marketing campaign, and you can easily get away with that and make decent money. 
in short, the scientific information does not indicate that any of the typical beauty-oriented supplements are worthwhile adding to your routine; i’d say your money is best spent elsewhere. 
that being said — your general health status does reflect on your skin, and if you’re having a hard time getting all your essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc) then a multivitamin/targeted supplement can be good for your skin, insofar as it can be good for you in general. there are a few other natural supplements that have anecdotal/limited evidence towards helping certain specific issues (i.e. spearmint and PCOS/hormonal-induced cystic acne), so they can potentially be of interest if you’ve tried other options and they failed you. it’s those general hair/skin/nail ‘beauty’ capsules and gummies i’d be wary of.
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queerautism · 5 years
Commercial Zero Waste trends and greenwashed consumerism promotion
Zero Waste is a philosophy that seeks to reduce the amount of trash we produce by using resources more efficiently and avoiding unnecessary or single use stuff. Things like plastic or excessive packaging are common targets Zero Waste is against.
As a philosophy, it is generally quite positive. It does focus way too much on individual changes and individual responsibility, however, when most of the waste produced in our society is commercial waste produced by businesses and corporations. But hey, little changes, right? Helping people be more aware of the waste they produce is definitely a good thing.
Then we have Zero Waste stores. Here I'm going to be talking about them, and especially my experience with the one in my city, as a way to illustrate a pretty awful trend of capitalism co-opting eco friendly ideas for its own means.
Zero Waste stores typically sell dry goods (like rice, pasta, flour, beans, baking soda, spices, etc.) by weight, with people bringing their own reusable containers, plus a variety of household items.
In theory, this is something I'd be super into. In practice, though, going into the store you'll only find 'organic' versions of everyday staples, which are about x10 more expensive than what you'd find in a regular supermarket. The latest 'superfood' fads, and products imported from countries all over the world.
The focus on all the nice sounding but completely unnecessary 'organic', 'all natural' foods hikes the price up in such a way that the whole thing becomes extremely inaccessible to anyone without a lot of disposable income, like myself. For about the same price I can get 500gm of their organic wholegrain flour in my own little glass jar, or 5kg of chapatti flour at my local Tesco supermarket which already comes in a recyclable strong paper bag, for example. Just ain't worth it.
Reducing some amount of packaging just isn't that great either when you factor in the carbon emissions produced by the transportation of all this stuff from all over the world into England. Convenience and preserving the amount of choices you're offering to the consumer are a way bigger consideration than focusing on offering what can be grown locally or in our own country. The Morrisons supermarket near me already does better just by having eggs from local farms you can buy for a reasonable price.
Then we have the reusable bags, metal straws, compostable sponges, beeswax food wraps, etc... Which are all well and good except, again, expensive as hell. You don't actually need a £10 metal tupperware for your food leftovers to be zero waste, especially when you already have some random plastic ones at home you can keep reusing. You don't need a cutesy £5 a piece set of bamboo cutlery, when you can get a second hand set for 50p in any charity shop around. It's all designed to make you think you can buy your way into a more eco friendly lifestyle, without any of the actual work.
Using your own old clothes to make rags, sew a reusable bag, or a washable face cloth is way more 'zero waste'. Or using newspapers to wrap your sandwich. Keeping the plastic things you already have for as long as they're useful. Repairing things. Sharing things. Pretty much anything but buying more shit.
But this is more work, for something that doesn't look as pretty and glamorous, and businesses can't really make money off that. So they 'greenwash' their message of increased consumption, paint it as the better option for the environment, the woke choice, with any words majority white, upper middle class people will have a positive association with, and pat themselves in the back for all the good work they're doing for the planet.
It pisses me off so much because a community oriented cooperative buying the staples wholesale for people to access at better prices would be such a better idea ugh and it'd still reduce a lot of waste.
Oh, and for this store in particular - I got angry too because they have some succulents around for decoration, since it's so trendy, but they were in the shittiest no drainage pots in a very low light environment. It's a real bad look to keep flaunting how much you supposedly care about nature when you're using living plants for the aesthetic while they slowly die because you aren't actually caring for them.
Anyway I said my piece, fuck capitalism real hard and be wary of any business that wants to use progressive ideas to sell you overpriced things you don't actually need!
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foodscienceyo · 5 years
What the hell is a superfood?
To put it cynically: a marketing scheme.
There's no scientifically based or regulated definition for superfood.
To put it more positively:
Generally, a food is promoted (by the general public) to 'superfood' status when it offers high levels of desirable nutrients, is linked to the prevention of a disease, or is believed to offer several simultaneous health benefits beyond its nutritional value.
I think it's important to acknowledge that 'Superfood' is a culturally driven categorizer: foods are dubbed 'superfood' on par with trending food categories, and will often accompany flavor trends from global cuisines.
The applied term comes and goes. Once, a banana was considered a superfood. Now t's not really thought of as a superfood.
Does that mean it no longer contains it's treasure chest of nutrients? NO!! Of course not, bananas have ALWAYS been packed full of nutrients.
It's just that, one day, someone in the banana-selling industry decided to market bananas with the term, "superfood" to sell more bananas.
Should you be a wary of foods marketed as superfoods? No! In fact, grabbing foods marketed as 'super' may help you gather a diverse and nutritious diet, and help you try new or trendy ingredients!
Currently, the top 10 trending superfoods of 2019 rank as follows:
1. Fermented foods
2. Avocados
3. Seeds
4. Ancient grains
5. Exotic fruit
6. Blueberries
7. Beets
8. Nuts
9. Coconut products
10. Nondairy milks
For the most part, I agree with these as being exceptionally nutritious, except for #9: which contains a LOT of short chain saturated fats (can't possibly be good...) and #10, which aren't regulated to be fortified.
Superfoods or superhype? From Harvard.edu
Pollock. 7th annual 'What's Trending in Nutrition' Survey. Pollock communications, New York, pollockpr.con
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Colección Aves del Chocó. 
Vive la experiencia del Chocolate en el interior del Chocó Andino, Acompañado del canto del ave.
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productionline712 · 2 years
Myths of the Seed Product Line: Four Misconceptions About Corn
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When planning crops and considering a seed product line, most farmers know that corn gets a bad rap these days. Despite the fact that it is the United States' most grown and harvested crop, many people continue to look down on this vegetable. This produce is surrounded by many misconceptions, perhaps because it is hard to believe that something as sweet and flavorful as freshly grilled corn on the cob can also be healthy. Here are four myths that should change your mind about this vegetable.
Myth #1: Corn is unhealthy.
Some people assume that corn is unhealthy because it is high in starch, which is a carbohydrate - but corn has a number of health benefits. An ear of sweet corn has the same amount of calories as an apple or banana (around 110), with less than a quarter of the sugar (around 6-8 grams). It is high in nutrients and counts towards your recommended daily servings of vegetables. However, don't go crazy with the toppings on your summer treat, because that's where the danger lies! Loading your corn on the cob with butter and salt will take away the healthy benefits of this vegetable. Know more here طراحی دستگاه
Myth #2: Corn contains no beneficial nutrients.
Though corn cannot compete with superfoods like kale and spinach, it does contain its own useful nutrients. This vegetable has vitamins B and C, magnesium, potassium, and the antioxidants zeaxanthin and lutein. These antioxidants, which have been proven to protect you from cancer and heart disease and to be beneficial to eye health, are more active when corn is cooked.
Myth #3: Your body cannot digest corn.
This crop has high amounts of insoluble fiber, which goes through the body intact and helps begin a bowel movement. Most people probably believe that this crop is indigestible because the kernels show up in your stool. This may be disconcerting, but studies have shown that insoluble fiber feeds the "good" bacteria in our stomachs. If you are looking to add fiber to your diet, this refreshing vegetable is the way to go.
Myth #4: All corn is genetically modified.
The seed product line for this crop is varied, and people often think that the corn we eat is genetically modified. This is, for the most part, untrue. 90% of field corn, which is almost inedible by humans, is modified. These products are used to feed cattle, turned into ethanol, or converted to high-fructose corn syrup products. Sweet corn, which is what we eat, is mostly non-GMO (though some are modified on rare occasions). If you are wary of GMOs, avoid high-fructose corn syrup and buy organic, as the USDA has prohibited GMOs from organic products.
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