#warrior royals meta
lucidicer · 11 months
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rules: write up a blurb or make a visual collage of the people or characters (from books, TV shows, movies, etc.) that inspired your story and/or OC, either visually, personality wise, or just a general vibe
thank u @literalite for the tag this is the most fun ive had working on something in forever gah. i'm gonna tag @wldestluv-rs @yersea @wasabichips @barbieaiden @mattodore <3 feel free to ignore but also i wanna see your oc's soul >:3
was gonna do more but it is very time consuming so 4 is fine
media: (+ other mentions that i couldn't fit into the final product)
SOLITUDE: lilya 4-ever (2002) / battle royale (2000) / the purge: anarchy (2014) / oldboy (2003) / soapghost (art) / military / cyberpunk / hoshima island / chernobyl disaster / love is a riot! / 2030 - lexie liu / txt post
DITH: brokeback mountain (2005) / the ritual (2017) / bone tomahawk (2015) / rotting / heart rot / tree pod burial / the wind will howl your name / the queen of death valley / the book of isaiah / environmental catastrophe / if i was dead - brooke bentham / unreal earth - hozier / txt post
TANG DUYI: a prayer before dawn (2017) / warrior (2011) / burning / eisoptrophobia / catholicism / guilt / wolves / i'm drowning me / angel - river styx / family tree (intro) - ethel cain / meta ego - lexie liu / txt post
SIÓAR HJORT-COLDING: raw (2016) / yellowjackets (2021-) / dog motif / deer / insatiable / wolves / antlerlock / hedgehog's dilemma / sensation is everything / the aggression sessions / moon song - phoebe bridgers / txt post
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torchwood-99 · 2 months
So I've Got Thoughts About Eowyn's Starry Mantle
(Part Meta/Part Pure Headcanon)
One of Faramir's first gestures of love towards Eowyn is his gift of the starry mantle to her. Before then, the colours of the outfits Eowyn is described as wearing are white, and silver (from the corslet). Cold colours, suitable for the Ice Maiden of Rohan.
While blue is traditionally a cold colour, like white and silver, it's described as being the colour of a "summer night", so it's a warm shade of blue. The fact that it's a mantle, wrapped around Eowyn by Faramir in order to keep her warm on the battlements of Gondor, also reinforces its connotations of warmth, a shift away from the frozen white and silver she has been described as wearing so far.
The mantle is not orange or red or yellow, which would be a massive and jarring shift from cold to warm, but a perfect middle point.
Now Eowyn has been preyed on by Grima, and at least part of that is Grima lusting after her, which means it's very probable that Eowyn is someone who finds more vulnerability in her looks than confidence. Her beauty has made her a target, and for that reason, she probably isn't thinking about the beautiful clothes she could wear to make herself look good. She has to dress according to her station, but she has no desire to appear attractive.
In addition to this, Eowyn's deeply unhappy frame of mind probably made it very difficult for her to take joy in "small things", such as fine clothes (which would be a luxury to many, but for a member of the royal house probably feel more like a commonplace pleasure.)
So before meeting Faramir, I would imagine when Eowyn gets dressed, she's thinking entirely of function, not pleasure. I"s this suitable for a woman of Rohan, does this signify my rank, does this disguise my gender?", "not do I like how I look and feel in this? "
But there is a person who is thinking "does this item of clothing suit Eowyn specifically?" And that's Faramir.
The mantle he gives her is a functional item. It's to keep her warm. But it's also a luxury item, being embroidered in silver stars, and actually warn over the cloak. Like the warm shade of blue, it's a mid-dway point between Eowyn's functional clothing, and clothing that is worn for pleasure.
This shows Faramir's sensitivity and his respect for Eowyn, as he isn't trying to dress Eowyn in a way that is completely different to who she and what her priorities are. To be honest there probably isn't much of an agenda from Faramir other than "Eowyn needs a mantle, I want to give her a gesture of my affection, and she'd look really beautiful in this", but the fact the gift aligns with her tastes and purpose, shows that when giving her a gift, he is taking these things into account.
It also hints of how the influence of Faramir's love is not changing Eowyn entirely, it's not "taming" her, it's helping her to grow and expand her tastes and wishes, in a way that is in accordance to the woman she already is.
Post War, Eowyn is healing from her depression, she is ready to take joy in things, she is making plans for her future that don't begin and end at "dying gloriously in battle." She is planning a marriage and a home and a career. She is also no longer hunted for her looks. Grima's influence is waning and she is now surrounded on all sides by friends and allies, all of whom recognise her beauty, but do not target her for it.
Faramir from the start let Eowyn know he thought she was beautiful, and in his declaration of love for Eowyn, he told her he loved because she was beautiful, but also because she was a great and valiant warrior who achieved amazing things, so her beauty is something admired and appreciated about her, but is not used to reduce her either to prey, or to a pretty ornament.
As with all things that make up Eowyn's day to day life, such as what food she will eat, what will she do for leisure, who will she try and talk to that day, she will be considering function, but she will also be thinking about how she might take pleasure in these things as well, in the small day to day matters. This might tentatively start including clothing.
Now Eowyn has been bloody traumatised by Grima, and her image of herself probably isn't going to be healed like that, so her moves towards dressing in a way other than her uniform, in a away that might put her own tastes and self-expression on display, might be tentative, at first.
Meanwhile, Faramir has an uncle, Imrahil, who is a prince of a land on the coast. We easily imagine traders and imports of beautiful fabrics from all across the world coming to Dol Amroth. And Faramir has already shown he can make good judgements when picking out clothes for Eowyn. So after the war, I head canon that Faramir makes many gifts of clothes and cloth to Eowyn, which help Eowyn gradually start dressing for pleasure as well as function. I reckon he picked out items and fabrics that he knew she would like, even if she didn't know she would like them herself, which became one of the ways Faramir helped Eowyn come to accept that it's ok to do things for her own pleasure, and helped Eowyn become comfortable in her own skin and in revealing parts of herself to others.
Anyway, that's might lengthy, total spit-balling essay of a fluffy Farawyn headcanon.
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cv01doodle · 8 months
Personal Kirby Light Novel Masterpost!
(latest update: 8/30/2024)
(I've been planning to make my own list for a long time, this isn't intended to overshadow the one that's already out, it's just my personal list to keep track of the dates, translators, and upcoming/unfinished projects)
(i'm using the names from the wikirby btw tysm)
thanks to all the translators mentioned for their hard work 🙏 and thanks to the creator of the previous list as well! also thanks to takase-sensei for writing the novels lol
Kirby and the Dangerous Gourmet Mansion?! translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby and the Big Panic in Gloomy Woods! translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby Meets the Squeak Squad! translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby: Meta Knight and the Puppet Princess translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby: Big Race in Pupupu Land! translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby's Labyrinth Rescue! translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby and the Great Planet Robobot Adventure! translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby: Meta Knight and the Galaxy's Greatest Warrior translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby Clash Team Unite! translated by makerofmadness (complete)
Kirby's Decisive Battle! Battle Royale!! translated by makerofmadness (complete)
Kirby Star Allies: The Great Friend Adventure! translated by rhythmroute_ (complete)
Kirby Star Allies: The Universe is in Trouble?! translated by theultimateultimateweapon (complete)
Kirby: Big Trouble in Patch Land! translated by rosakikoza (incomplete)
Kirby: Save the Rainbow Islands! translated by makerofmadness (complete)
Kirby: Super Team Kirby's Big Battle! translated by makerofmadness (complete)
Kirby and the Search for the Dreamy Gears! translated by owls-gamblegalaxy (complete)
Kirby: Meta Knight and the Knight of Yomi translated by theultimateultimateweapon (complete)
Kirby: Uproar at the Kirby Café?! translated by hoshi-no-mahoroa (complete)
Kirby Fighters: The Destined Rivals!! translated by owls-gamblegalaxy (complete)
Kirby: King Dedede's Great Escape Mission! translated by owls-gamblegalaxy (complete)
Kirby: The Mysterious Incident on the Pupupu Train?! translated by kachikirby (complete)
Kirby: Welcome to the Starlight Theater! (untranslated)
Kirby: Lor Starcutter and a Magician of Falsehood translated by starcutter-and-lying-wizard (complete, deleted)
Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Start Running to the New World! translated by makerofmadness (incomplete)
Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Break Out of the Dreams of the Isolated Isles! (untranslated)
Kirby: Full Stomach, Perfect Circle, Dream Buffet! translated by kachikirby (incomplete)
Kirby: Sever Evil with a Slash in a Flash! translated by owls-gamblegalaxy (incompete)
Kirby: Come on Over to Merry Magoland! translated by starcutter-and-lying-wizard (incomplete, deleted)
Kirby: Having a Blast at the Music Festival! (untranslated)
Kirby: The Dream Onsen is a Good Hot Spring♪ (untranslated)
Kirby: Meta Knight and the Monster of the Magic Stone (untranslated)
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jazzmckay · 17 days
'Killing's what swords are for': an Oghren analysis
companion piece to my other meta, 'I am your Paragon': a Branka analysis"
upon walking into the orzammar commons, you encounter an argument between two groups of dwarves that turns into a fight, resulting in one being killed. this is your first introduction to the political situation in orzammar, to bhelen and harrowmont, and to dwarven culture itself. the captain of the guard laments that the warden--an outsider--happened to arrive in time to see this, as it makes the dwarves look violent and disorderly. he seems to disapprove of the fight being witnessed by an outsider more than he disapproves of the fight happening at all.
behind him, a grand bridge stretches across the city, a bigger and more eye-catching landmark than anything else around it, even the doors that lead to the diamond quarter, which houses the shaperate and the royal palace. this bridge leads to the provings, where dwarves pit themselves against each other, sometimes to resolve grievances, sometimes just to fight for fighting's sake.
the dwarves are fighters. with the constant threat of darkspawn pushing at the borders of what's left of their empire, they have to be.
orzammar is also thoroughly structured. the caste system defines who a person is--who they must be. everyone has a role, given to them by birth. there are rules, and the dwarves follow them strictly. duty is the most important thing, and the cost of rebelling is steep. if an individual should step out of these rigid boundaries, the only recourse is an honourable death by joining the legion of the dead. otherwise, the casteless are left in the destitute dust town, or they go to the surface; both options involve that dwarf being removed from their people's records, no longer a recognized member of their society.
between this strictly regimented system and the value placed on their warriors and defenders, dwarven society exists on the razor's edge between violence and order. in some ways, it's a blend of the two. in other ways, the impossible dichotomy can ruin a person who only ever sought to be what orzammar needed them to be.
oghren is a member of the warrior caste, and he is also a beserker. his purpose in life is to be a fighter, a defender, a protector. the warrior caste is the sword and shield of orzammar. without them, darkspawn would likely overwhelm the legion of the dead and then lay siege to the city, and so they are trained--and expected--to be as fearsome of a warrior as they can be.
as a warrior, oghren was successful, and gained respect and renown. being an exemplary member of the warrior caste, he was chosen to marry branka, who was an exemplary member of the smith class. oghren was already interested in felsi, but he did his duty to his people and gave her up to marry branka. they were both recognized for their accomplishments and upheld as role models, all the way to branka eventually being named a paragon, a living ancestor, akin to a god.
and then branka disappeared.
and orzammar gave up on her.
anyone you talk to about branka will tell you what a genius she was, about the invention of hers that earned her paragon status. they'll also tell you that she's been gone in the deep roads for so long that there's no way she's still alive. people have accepted that she's gone, and it's a waste to send search parties out after her, as they'll just lose more people in the process.
oghren can't let this go. branka is his wife, and it's easy to see how much she means to him--even though their relationship was rocky--in how he talks about her accomplishments, her cunning, her tenacity. to him, it's a disrespect for orzammar to give up on her and assume her dead. he's convinced she's still alive out there, and the lack of belief from others, the lack of action, is maddening for him.
oghren describes being a berserker as "mad rage". he says:
Oghren: The hard part is getting in touch with your rage. We all learn to hold that back. It's why we don't kill every duster who looks at us sideways. You need to shut that off.
being a beserker on behalf of orzammar means unleashing that mad rage in defense of the city, and when orzammar abandons oghren's wife, their paragon, he is understandably livid. this leads to him demanding action, and killing a lord's son who doubted branka was still alive, in a duel that was meant to only be to first blood. the warden first encounters oghren when he's arguing with loilinar ivo about the lack of support for branka, and he'll explain the situation oghren is now in, two years after branka's disappearance and as a result of him killing that lord's son:
Loilinar: It was a huge scandal. Oghren should've been executed, but he'd won honours in the Deep Roads. Instead, they stripped him of all weapons, and forbid him from engaging in fights within city limits. If he breaks the decree, he'll be exiled.
loilinar also aptly refers to oghren as "practically gelded". oghren is a warrior, and a berseker, who served orzammar well enough to gain honours and be part of an arranged match. his rage has been a tool for orzammar's protection. he played his role perfectly, up until orzammar abandoned branka. he gave everything to orzammar, and only lost everything in return. he may not have been exiled immediately, he may still be oghren of house branka, but house branka no longer exists in the eyes of most. the entire house, oghren excluded, disappeared, and is presumed dead. oghren is still allowed in orzammar but he isn't allowed to carry weapons, he no longer has his family, he no longer has his people's respect. the only thing that's left to him now is drinking away his sorrows and trying, again and again, to convince someone, anyone, that it's worth sending a group after branka.
when you first get to speak with oghren, he's drunk, angry, and distrusting. he calls you out for doing dirty work for one of the potential kings. he doesn't believe you genuinely want to help him find branka out of the good of your heart. and what reason does he have to think otherwise? no one else is willing to help him, especially not without ulterior motives. the warden is just a stranger, or worse, a lackey for the kinds of people who have disrespected branka and ignored his pleas. his rage has been simmering without an outlet for two years. his city has given up on him as much as it gave up on branka. the oghren you meet is a shadow of his former self, beaten down, practically a nobody.
oghren was orzammar's sword. killing is what he is for. all he ever tried to do was be what orzammar needed him to be, to fit in that strict caste system, but how could he, when he was taught to give into a wild, mad rage, within a society built on rules and order?
oghren himself says it best later on, when you ask him about the warrior caste:
Oghren: You get a sword or an axe and are told to go out and defend your city. It's the best thing in the world, that is until you try to live in the city you saved. I mean, they train you to kill, teach you to harness your rage at the first noise you hear, then try to set a hundred sodding rules about it. Like those Provings. Ancestors show their favor through the strongest arm, right? So why so many rules saying how to fight and when you win, and not to bloody kill? Killing's what swords are for! You toss a nug to a deep stalker, you don't expect it not to eat the thing, right?
while branka is lost and doomed in her drive to live up to orzammar's standards, oghren still has a chance for escape. after completing paragon of her kind, oghren leaves orzammar without any hesitation. becoming a surfacer is exile, it is to be casteless, and many dwarves are wary of what lies beyond their city, with that vast open sky above. but oghren doesn't hesitate, and he's hardly fazed. later, he expresses that he doesn't miss orzammar:
Oghren: What? Miss Orzammar? Are you mad, in addition to being ugly? They treated me like a puddle-fly back there. I'm never going back.
and that he prefers the broader, less strict world of the surface:
Oghren: No one has any idea who you are. Or what you're doing.
in essence, he's free. he has a blank slate. he isn't a member of the warrior class, he isn't the husband of a paragon, he isn't oghren of house branka. he is a companion to the warden, and will fight against the blight, but these are connections he chose and willingly aligned with. when all this is said and done, he can do anything he wants with his life.
oghren's personal mission isn't just about hooking him up with an old flame. it's about helping him get what he truly wants, if felsi will have him back, and a second chance at a life that will make him genuinely happy. in the awakening dlc, his personal mission then is about balancing the person orzammar made him into with having a family. everything that happened in orzammar has left a mark on him; settling down completely may never be possible for him. he feels like killing is all he's good at, and now he has joined the wardens as well, but with the right encouragement, he can embrace fatherhood.
it may not be the most picture-perfect ending, but it works. oghren has gotten to make choices for himself, and the grey wardens provide him an outlet, give him the chance to still fight orzammar's main enemy on his own terms, and to fight along comrades who are all equal, who see him as a brother-in-arms without any politics, expectations, or additional obligations in play.
in the oghren the family man quest, when encouraged to stay in touch with his family, oghren says:
Oghren: And hey, (chuckles) the little one will grow up thinking Daddy's a great hero.
and maybe that is all oghren needs to be happy, in the end, after giving all of himself to every fight he has faced: to be seen as a hero.
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void-ink-studios · 11 months
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Please... please, Star Child... Help us...
Incarnations AU is back, with more stuff from the poll I put out a few months ago!
This is probably the most fanfiction thing in this AU, the idea of a Redeemed Dark Matter. I always thought Dark Matter was an interesting villain for the franchise, and I've chosen to characterize it as both a villain and a victim. Something that was born from a source of great pain and hatred, that was never shown another way, and left to fester in its own misery for eons.
So, what would they be life if given a second chance? What if they were allowed to live again, with a new perspective?
More on that Under the Cut.
Remember, if you like the art, be sure to reblog!
I have a few ideas on how this could even happen. Most revolving around a Clockwork Star, a wish gone awry, and the concentrated power of a wishing star being too much to handle, even for an Incarnation.
It culminates in a battle between an unstable, barely holding together Dark Matter and Kirby. Kirby hears their enemy call out to them from the chaotic void. But it's not a taunt or a temptation to join them.
It's a call for help. For an end to the despair.
But Kirby doesn't destroy them this time. They spare the Darkness, because they believe the Darkness could do better, if given guidance.
Zero is the first to reemerge from the swirl, in a new form. It is still strange, still terrifying gigantic, but it is a broken and healed angel. It is in a new form, with a new life. Rather than Zero 3, Kirby decides to give it a different name. They give him the name Cipher.
Cipher's subjects form and emerge shortly after him. They emerge with a choice: Stay or Leave. Those who leave will disconnect from the greater hive and be on their own to do as they wish. Those who stay become part of the new Dark Matter. The New Kingdom.
Dark Nebula is suspicious and wary of this truce with the Star Child but is willing to stick around to protect Cipher and the hive with her life. Just as she always has. She becomes the head administrator and advisor to the new king, as well as the primary ambassador to attend events that Cipher's size and reputation prevents him from attending.
The Swordsmen emerge, and those who stay accept their new role as the royal guard, the sworn protectors of Cipher and Nebula. Some chose to leave. Some scatter to the stars to search for a new purpose. Most surprisingly, some stay on Popstar, becoming wandering warriors. One even joins the Meta-Knights. But those who stay take their duties quite seriously.
It's the Drones that are most intriguing. Most stick around the hive. But some decide to leave. Some become normal citizens of Popstar. Some become explorers with intent to return to the hive one day. Some leave with the Swordsmen, coming squires of sorts. And some... well, some can't let go of the old way. They can't let go of the need to infect and hide. It's with a heavy heart that those are dealt with, often by Cipher himself. But, those who stay are the bulk of the citizens of the New Kingdom. They serve as the staff to Cipher and Nebula, as entourage on diplomatic missions, as builders and cultivators and explorers. It's the first time they've been allowed to explore their own interests. To build and grow, rather than infect or take or destroy. They are Cipher's subjects. And he sees them with the same parental warmth Dedede feels for the Waddle Dees.
It's a feeling very new to everyone involved.
Then there's Miracle Matter. The one thing Cipher tried to create. The first thing he felt true grief for. The first to add to the hive when she was destroyed. She emerges from the cloud, still tiny, still strange, but with a very different role. No longer was she meant to be Kirby's counter, a copy, a corrupted answer. Now, she was Kirby's cousin. A new friend, one who they could teach games and play with, like Gooey and Bandie. Now, she was Cipher's princess. His daughter, in a way.
It's a new thing for him, the idea of family. But Nebula and Miracle are his unit. His sister and his daughter. And he learns to love. Love and dotes on them as would any brother and father.
They make a home of Popstar's moon. They keep in contact with Popstar. They try to make amends with other kingdoms, especially Ripple Star. They rise as a New Hive.
And they are happy.
I have a lot of thoughts on this whole thing, so if you're curious or want to see more of this, feel free to send an ask.
And other poll stuff is being worked on! So, stay tuned.
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rubybloodhound · 22 days
[Pat one]
Lady Adeliza: Alright, what do you guys want? Galaxia: Mcdonalds. Meta Knight: Mcdonalds Morpho Knight: Mcdonalds! Papi: Mcdonalds! Dark Meta Knight: MCDONALDS! Galacta Knight: MCDONALDS! All (Expect Adeliza): MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! Lady Adeliza, sweating: Ok- The knights (And Papi): YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Animeta Knight: Who the hell is giving me pretty roc- IS THAT A FISH!?
Bandee: It's so sad Parasol died today.. Parasol Dee: STOP TELLING EVERYONE I'M DEAD! Bandee: Sometimes, I can still hear their voice...
Some GSA private: Question: why does the garbage disposal smell like rotting flesh? Sir Arthur: Counter question: Why are you looking through the garbage disposal? It handles itself pretty well
Magolor: Kirby! There's a pipebomb in your mailbox! Kirby: But I don't have a mailbox? Magolor: what Kirby, pulling out a banana with a pipebomb, a miniature version of Meta Knight, and Marx strapped to it: All I have is this banana...
Marx: First words? *Tire screeching sfx* Marx: Second words? *Car crashing sfx* Marx: Third words? *Heheheha clash royale sfx*
Marx: By the way, I'm dead Magolor: Your name is Dead?
Kirby: Is the sun edible?
Sword: Hey, Sir? What's with this? ("This" being a dead fish at Sword's door) Meta Knight: Ah. Uhm. Uh. Uhhh.
Doctor Healmore: Finally. The gay potion
Adeleine: Why did I draw that? I'm an artist
Galacta Knight is just standing there Galaxia: Kiss him. Meta Knight: What? Galaxia: Kiss. Him. Meta Knight: Why- Galaxia: I know you would love to. Meta Knight: I would not Galaxia: I will control your body so you know how good kissing him feels Meta Knight: ....I'm not ga- Galaxia: YOUR BI
Sir Arthur: Sending hints to the universe so it sends hints to me on how to escape this time loop
Meta Knight: Finally.. My identity crisis is done... Alright that was fun, but now it's time for part 2, pronouns edition! Meta Knight: wait wut
Just after GK gets unsealed Meta Knight, internally: They didn't say the greatest warrior in the galaxy would be so hot..
Morpho Knight: Wait, what do you mean there's no it/it's in halcandran?
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tirsynni · 1 year
I’m unsure everyone’s thoughts on TotK spoilers at this point, but just to be on the safe side, putting my thoughts Sidon and Link and other under a cut. Just ramblings and some mild cackling.
Okay, so TotK presented a new fun facet for Sidon: they gave him a bride. Obviously, Sidlink fans went completely nuts. Makes sense. This is a big change from the BotW dynamics. So first things first: my thoughts on the betrothal itself.
Some people went batshit and accused Nintendo of queerbaiting. Of all things, they insisted that Nintendo saw people so excited about Sidlink that they inserted Yona to break up the pairing. I have multiple thoughts on that, which will be split up a bit through my flailing meta. Most obvious first, though: Sidon is the Prince of the Zora. He is the only heir left. A betrothal makes sense! Yona was known to him, trusted, and she seems to have a solid head on her shoulders... and is also good for not taking Sidon’s shit. She is a good choice for a Queen, both for the Zora people and for Sidon personally.
I love Sidon to death, but he absolutely needs someone to balance him out. The Zora people are a monarchy. While they lack the divine rule of the Hylian Royal Family, they do have a definite strictness and structure. There is a great deal of respect for the royal family, for the structure that is in place, and the Zora people also rely on the royal family for multiple things. The Zora royal family is clearly not symbolic or there for show: they are the guardians, protectors, and leaders of the Zora people. Whoever would be paired with Sidon would need to fulfill those roles. 
From what we’ve seen of Link, he has two sides: feral little warrior or duty-bound Knight. He doesn’t try to take leadership roles: he hears of a problem, sighs a little at how the problem isn’t being solved, and does it by himself. He works with teams, but there’s no indication of him ever leading. He’s the Tony Hawk of Hyrule. He’s the guy who does things so quietly that people are baffled when they’re successfully done.
So where does all of this leave Sidlink? I think there are a couple takes on it.
While Sidon is canonically marrying Yona (and absolutely no Yona bashing on my blog: I adore Yona), I think if Sidon married her and Yona acted as his queen and the Queen of the Zora, and yet he still had a full relationship with Link on the side... he would do so with everyone’s blessing. Dorephan’s, the Zora people’s, Yona’s... Fuck, he literally put a ring on it, and he was congratulated. He has a statue of him and Link, and everyone honors it. He has it literally in writing on the wall how much he adores Link and wants everyone to know how awesome Link is. And fuck, did everyone talk to Yona after Link successfully finds the Zora greaves? Sidlink isn’t even my ship and it seems like she is giving her blessing and sounds thrilled that Sidon found such a great side piece.
Seriously, my favorite pairing is Revalink, and every Zora interaction seemed like Sidon was madly in love with Link, and despite marrying Yona, everyone in the kingdom was cheering Sidon on. Wouldn’t be the craziest thing, really, and would require no effort to make Sidon/Yona a political, if happy and respectful, marriage, with the King (and really, the Queen, providing no children come from it) having concubines/lovers/etc. Which makes the second possibility for this subject even funnier.
This is my go-to, although, again, even for a non-shipper, Sidlink is amazingly easy in TotK: Sidon and Link have nothing going on. It’s completely platonic. It never occurred to either of them that people interpret their interactions and Sidon’s comments as romantic. Everyone -- Dorephan, Bazz, Yona, everyone -- is convinced Sidon and Link have been fucking for months, if not years, and they’re okay with it. Hell, they’re thrilled by it. Yona adores Link and is fine sharing Sidon with him. Hell, she encourages it (with neither Link or Sidon understanding it but happy to have some time to hang out together). Dorephan is convinced that he has a pseudo-son-in-law and couldn’t be prouder. He expected to have Link as an actual son-in-law a century ago, anyway. Everyone thinks they’re screwing, and everyone is happy with it, with Sidon and Link never catching on. 
Bonus points if Link is actually in another relationship, and one day, I might write that little bit of crack.
More bonus points if Sidon is actually ace (which is really, really easy to headcanon, honestly) and Yona attributes his struggles with babymaking to his love for Link.
There’s possibly Link struggling to figure out where he fits with Sidon after learning about the engagement, with most of the kingdom (including Yona) taking it for granted that of course Link would stay with Sidon. There’s Sidon struggling with figuring out how to insert Yona in his life and the canon struggling of having someone else to lose. (At least he’s confident that Link can and will survive, even though Link vanishing must have scared the shit out of him.) There’s possibly Link knowing that such things exist due to his travels and his own history with royals but not connecting it to himself, especially when he sees Sidon struggling with his relationship and upcoming marriage to Yona. Multiple opportunities for both fluff and plotty tension.
But yeah... at no point do I see Yona actually being a barrier to Sidlink. It’s amazingly easy to see her as a fucking Sidlink shipper, whether the pair or actually together or not.
(And honestly, I think she did what it wouldn’t have occurred to Link to do: yell at Sidon to put aside his personal feelings and fears and fulfill his damned responsibilities. I think Link would have just accepted Sidon’s actions and tried to solve the problem on his own, as he does. It is Yona who recognizes that it shouldn’t just fall to Link and that Sidon has to take care of his own responsibilities, too, and get out of his head.)
Of course, for the people who want to write Yona and Sidon breaking up the marriage, write Link taking up a leadership role and stepping up as a fellow ruler, whatever... this bit of meta absolutely is not critiquing any of those takes. I’m of the firm mindset that people should write what they want, that fanfiction is amazing for exploring, and if people dislike a certain writer’s takes, they should just leave the fic instead of going “Well, I disagree with what you did here and here’s why.” Hell, even if it’s not with my headcanons or whatever, Sidlink writers are awesome in this fandom and write many solid fics, both with worldbuilding to back up their choice and with fics without the details and background and just happy fluff (and porn). If you like the above takes, awesome! If you prefer for it just to be Sidlink (no Yona bashing, please, though), also awesome. It’s fanfiction. Have fun with it.
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ask-kirfluffau · 1 year
how long has Fluff been officially king of Patchland? Also what are Fluff's opnions on Kirby's family?
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Oh @monika-396; I've taken your humble ask and produced angst out of it.
This is based on the original plot of Epic Yarn where it was going to have Prince Fluff as the main character. Fluff was going to go on a journey to find his lost mother... BUT WE WERE DENIED THIS!
Until we get that Prince Fluff game... THAT WOMAN HAS ABANDONED HER SON!
So to answer your question, Prince Fluff has ruled the Kingdom as king for 3 years. But he's been running the kingdom since he was only (8-11 in Kirby years). So my HC for Fluff's mom is that she was not from Patchland. And that was the reason why the magic socks were created... for her.
But Fluff's father died, and she couldn't handle the pressures of running the kingdom by herself, so she left. Leaving everything to Yin-Yarn (the royal advisor). She swiped everything that was hers and left the other sock to ensure she'd never return. (Or that's what it seemed like... full story later.)
When days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months it was clear... the queen was never going to return. Yin-Yarn took advantage of his position: he started to extort money from the kingdom. Especially from"Quilt Square", Dom Woole had to declare bankruptcy but took this as a chance to get proof of Yin-yarn's corruption...
He was fired soon after
Fluff was hurt when he found out he trusted Yin-yarn and said, "...but mom will come back and fix this right." Sadly everyone had explained to him that his mother was never coming back. Fluff did not have time to mourn had to take all the responsibilities of a king all in the same day.
Cut back to the month of his coronation day... the dreams he had as a little boy suddenly came back. He always pictured that his mom would be with him the day he became king... but she wasn't there.
He drowned himself in work to avoid everything. Locking himself in his office for weeks: hiding away. Kirby knew something was up... so he came to his Fluff's castle. So he broke in (so Fluff couldn't avoid him) and knocked on his window in a desperate attempt to check on his friend...
(They weren't dating yet, but that was the level of love & care he had for Fluff he had already. The feeling was mutual on Fluff's end as well; they just didn't know what they had yet...)
He saw a side of Fluff he had never seen before which scared him... Hearing him try to reason out of his sorrow, and deny his feelings was so painful to watch.
(Kirby's Knighting Ceremony took place 10 months ago)
He put himself in his shoes and imagined what would have happened if Meta Knight wasn't able to be there at his knighting ceremony.
Kirby, he could only feel a fraction of the grief Fluff was feeling, but it made him feel awful. He wouldn't have wanted to do the ceremony or get knighted if Meta Knight couldn't be there.
He got everything he wanted at his knighting ceremony... seeing his friend couldn't have that... broke his heart. He desperately wanted to take his pain away. Fluff didn't even have the luxury to say "cancel it" or get the crown and say he's king.
He did the only thing he could do he wrapped Fluff in his cape to make him feel safe, warm, and loved. And with that, Fluff finally admitted that he couldn't do it without his mom.
So with the help of everyone, they used their powers to create cataclysmic weather conditions. Hail, thunderstorms, tornados, earthquakes, and one black hole. And just before the ceremony starts, Kirby bursts in:
All the visiting galactic diplomats and nobles agreed in fear as the black hole of Marx & Magolor grew bigger. And that is how the ceremony was cut to 15 minutes. The minute they all left the weather cleared up and they all just had fun at the after-party.
On that day, Fluff was able to see that his friends were his actual family... he was loved. So yeah Fluff already loved Kirby's family (the GSA) to bits & pieces. And lets them get away with a lot of teasing, much to Kirby's annoyance; and tries to shoo them away before they have the chance (Knuckle Joe & Tuff/Bun).
And on that day, everyone in the friend group started to ship the hell out of Kirby & Fluff. Everyone already started to see that Fluff & Kirby had a thing since the knighting ceremony... but after this whole ordeal. But at the end of the day, everyone knew what they had...
"KIRBY, YOU'RE TELLING US YOU'RE WILLING TO COOK UP SEVERAL NATURAL ATROCITIES FOR ONE GUY WHO YOU JUST CONSIDER AS A FRIEND-!?" which was what everyone (namely Marx) wanted to say... But MK insisted this was their relationship, and they had to figure it out... on their own terms.
In the end, Kirby was gonna say, "I wish I could've found your mom..." Kirby wanted to give Fluff the ceremony he deserved (like he did). Needless to say, Fluff got everything he wanted, just in a different way that day.
(it'll take 9 months for these two to realize their feelings and 3 months more to confess, so at least a year) Hope guys enjoyed the angst I produced.
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jellyfalinks · 6 months
So I’ve been thinking hard about https://www.tumblr.com/desultory-novice/743951132799500288/also-silliness-aside-while-i-was-gathering
Which gave me the idea of mad scientist DMK
The greatest warrior scientist in the mirror world
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(Sorry for the weird posing)
Some more ideas
>He was the Royal Scientist in charge of making mirrors to connect the Dream World. Of course having plenty of quick access to areas, being a extremely trustworthy and reliable source, and being a reflection of one of the strongest beings made him quite desirable asset to have.
>He wasn’t much as a fighter pre-corruption (I hc he was also corrupted) and had some of the Mirror world Meta Knights as bodyguards
>He was close to Shadow Kirby and made the copy abitilby portal add ons as a way to encourage shadow Kirby to use them and to make them feel safer when traveling.
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mischiefprincess · 1 year
A rant about Loki - Where Mischief Lies
Loki - Where Mischief Lies is probably one of my favorite Loki contents, the book portrays this young Loki and a bit of his life in Odin’s court, it dives deep in his magic and how he feels growing up as a sorcerer in a warrior’s society, it also shows his relationship with Amora, who in the story is Karnilla’s apprentice and heir to the throne of Nornheim, Karnilla is the Norn Queen and Odin’s royal sorceress.
I think I love the book so much because Mackenzie Lee (the author) is not afraid to explain to the readers what’s going on inside Loki’s head. Sometimes I feel like I'm reading some meta analysis of the character (and I mean that as a compliment!), she really understands Loki, what his motivations are and portrays him as this charming young boy who’s so insecure about who he is but is so eager to please his father, to prove himself worthy of the title of prince of Asgard, to impress Amora, to be a good sorcerer, to be a good soldier, a good son, he is just desperate for someone to see his value, even though he doesn’t see any value in himself.
The book is supposed to show us who Loki was before he became the villain of the Avengers, before he embraced his role as a antagonist and in my opinion it does a really good job on that, we see how reluctant he is to accept that in the beginning of the story, but by the end he is sadly ready to take the mantle of The Villain and to become the awful man everyone around him assumes him to be.
Right at the beginning of the story we see a boy who lives under the pressure of being a son of Odin and a prince of Asgard, Loki says at some point:
“He wished he could afford not to care, not to feel like everything he did right or wrong was ticked off in a corresponding column and kept on file for the day Odin would name either him or Thor as the heir to the Asgardian crown.”.
Now, that is a lot of pressure for someone to grow up under, and this bit is specially heartbreaking to me because we as an audience know that Odin has no intents to put Loki in the throne of Asgard, but the boy feels like he has the responsibility to prove himself worthy of the throne, he feels like he is failing his father and his people and he is also so immensely alone, he has no friends in court until Amora arrives and no one in Asgard has a good opinion on her. Loki is very clearly in love with her, I find so sweet the way he describes how he feels when around her, he’s like this teen awkwardly in love for the first time, he sees her as a model of perfection, he wants to be like her, she is everything he ever dreamed to be: confident, skilled with magic, strong, witty and funny.
There's a few moments where he talks about himself and we can see that the self loathing is strong, he despises all the things that make him him and would gladly throw it all away if it meant he could become Asgard’s “ideal prince”, wich by the way is Thor, that’s it, in Loki’s opinion (and apparently in Asgard’s opinion) Thor is the perfect prince, he is blonde, muscular, strong, and an excellent warrior, Loki even says:
“The gods could not have handcrafted a more obvious model of kingship than Thor”.
Loki praises him (not out loud of course) for his appearance and describes himself as
“the scraps of (Thor’s) silhouette, the part that was discarded on the workshop floor to be swept up and tossed into the fire—thin and pale, with a hooked nose and black hair that hung flat to the nape of his neck, where it flipped into an unflattering curl. While Thor’s skin bronzed in the sun so that he seemed made of armor, Loki was pale as milk, and soured just as easily.”
It’s very clear Loki does not think much of himself, he hates pretty much everything that makes him unique and is very sad to see how desperate he is to fit in, to belong. We see his desperation when he talks about Amora arriving at court, he says he had never interacted with another sorcerer besides his mother and states that he thought of Amora as an equal, someone just like him. In his first conversation with her we can see clearly how unsure of himself he is, he wants to be more confident and open but fears she’ll not find him interesting enough to talk to him:
“He wanted to sit beside her, but somehow that felt too presumptuous, a bold assumption that he was interesting enough for her to want around.”
That almost seems like another character entirely, right? Imagine Loki from the MCU, that arrogant man who treated everyone else as being beneath him as a shy, insecure teenager who was scared the girl he had a crush on would not want to talk to him. That’s why I love that book so much, it shows who Loki really was before adopting the persona of the God of Mischief. The way he describes some of their interactions is literally so sweet and relatable, he really was just a boy in love with the new girl in town, there’s a bit where they’re in the gardens and this happens:
“Loki sank down beside her, close enough that their knees pressed together. Even through the hazy gloom lingering from his conversation with Thor, an electric shiver went through him when she didn’t pull away from his touch. No matter how small that touch was.”
This is so sweet, he is so in love with her, is so shy and insecure, he is always nervous when around her, always trying to hide things she would consider weaknesses, it’s clear he considers himself to be weak, as i said before he despises himself and all of his particularities.
He is also always seeing other people as being superior to him, is always looking down on himself and trying to be someone else, someone he thinks is who he should be. He wants to be accepted so bad, he wants to be loved, wants to know that he belongs in his family, wants to be just a good prince as Thor is, wants to feel seen by his father, this may sound silly but he just wants attention, he is tired of feeling inadequate, he is desperate for Odin to acknowledge his value and to consider him worthy of his attention.
Loki is almost obsessed with his father, everything he does he does to impress him, sadly he never succeeds, each time he creates a scheme to praise Odin he fails and his opinion on Loki only gets worse, Odin starts to see Loki as this corrupted man with darkness in his soul, with an evil and calculating nature and a danger to Asgard.
What he fails to realize is that Loki at his core is just (as Mobius himself put in the series) a scared little boy, he needs guidance and validation from the person he considers the most, he depends so much on Odin’s opinion of him, he lets it define who he is, he is not strong enough to stand up against this perception of himself, probably because he hasn’t got a single friend, no one he can be vulnerable with without fear of judgment, he bears his burden alone and is nearly falling apart under the weight of everything he has on his shoulders, he really needs someone he can be real with, but he probably will never feel comfortable enough with anyone to let his guard down.
He doesn’t even allow himself to be in love, when he realizes he’s starting to become too fond with people he immediately pushes them back, he puts on the act of the cold, bad guy, but at the same time he is desperate for connection, contradictory fellow innit?
Loki struggles with his need for love and acceptance and the fear of showing his true colors to people around him, he views himself as weak and he’s not willing to show weakness to anyone, he needs a friend he can be real with (and I feel the Loki series has hit the nail in the head with Mobius, he is exactly the kind of friend Loki needs), a friend who sees the man behind the mask of villainy and is willing to accept Loki for who he is.
I couldn’t help but feel impotent reading the book because at some parts you really wants to jump on the pages and hold him close to you, whilst telling him everything will be okay and that he is enough, that his worth is not tied to Odin perspective of him and that he is capable of doing everything he ever dreamed and more.
Well, that was quite a long post, sorry if I talked too much, this book is so important to me as a Loki fan, I could rant about it for hours!
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pandoraimperatrix · 1 year
Wandering Word's Meta (Part II)
So... Tamaran.
Tamaran is described a Paradise of Green Tropical Forests populated by unique sentient telepathic wildlife. It's the 8th Planet from the Vegan System and it has 2 moons.
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What people don't remember as often is that, the species we call Tamaraneans, the humanoid feline beings such as our Princess Koriand'r are NOT native from the Planet Tamaran, they are a form of life native of Okaara.
The comics never tell us if there were people already living in Tamaran when the species that came from Okaara settled there.
Tamaran is written like this Promised Land and Okaara the fallen Homeland to which its children return in peregrination to finish their education and reconnect to their roots.
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Tamaran is at the same time described as a place built for peace...
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...but their people are warriors.
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Kory is 100% a Tamaranean Woman, weaned in arts of warfare and compassion
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Till now, all I said was NTT!Canon, now, to MY INTERPRETATION and therefore what will concern ONLY Wandering Worlds, please for the love of Tupã, do not come at me with tumblr bullshit.
So, as a woman who never stepped out of south America and speaks two European Languages zero American Languages, and was baptised by the Catholic Church. When someone tells me a story about a Great Race coming from a Fallen Land, settling in Paradise I go like...
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They are ColonisersTM
"No, they are refugees"
No, dear Straw Man, refugees do not become the Monarchy of the land they settled in. Refugees are not aristocrats, they are not the ruling class.
Kory, is a literal Princess. Her Royal Family is a family of Colonisers.
Next on Part III, how, in the universe o Wandering Worlds, the Evanescent Tamaranean Empire is currently organised and it's many political disputes, also more about their culture and language.
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dei2dei · 1 year
Li Mei's Kit: A Meta Analysis
I haven't been able to play the beta, but I find Li Mei's very VERY Chinese traits interesting. They leaned hard into them, and I wanted to take a moment to go all meta-geek about her fu lions and her fireworks.
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Sometimes called "foo dogs", they're stylized lions and are used as guardian symbols all over China. MK has used them with great abandon throughout; they're pretty stereotypical. Traditionally, guardian lions are paired: one has a paw holding a ball, the other has a paw holding a lion cub. The one with the ball is male, the ball representing the world and the material; the one with the cub is female, representing nurturing/care and the spiritual. The female lion protects those inside, while the male protects the structure itself, and you can keep going down into layers here. Turtles on turtles, or lions on lions, as it were.
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What's interesting to me is the guardian-protector angle of them and the choice of that for Li Mei. As an Umgadi, she would have been dedicated to protecting the royal family; the idea of being able to summon a spiritual guardian lion to protect her charges is a great note. When she fails in her service and leaves and becomes Constable of Sun Do, she absolutely does not leave behind her protectiveness, but in fact extends it to the capital at large. She's not just protecting Sindel and Kitana and Mileena now, it's everybody.
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(and the best screencap I could find was a fu lion against Kitana, which amuses me on some level). The firecrackers are another spirit protection aspect, and I hadn't known about this moving to China. The folklore is that there was a monster who lived in the mountains that would come down to a village, terrorize it, and then leave. One year an old man shows up and spends a few days protecting the village; eventually he says "I can't do this anymore, I have places to go and things to do, but I'll help you protect yourselves". He teaches the community what to do: namely, Nian hates the color red, as well as loud noises like drums and music and… you guessed it, fireworks. Not only do they make for some pretty sweet particle effects, but they lean into that idea of protection again, a little subtle reinforcement that this is part of who Li Mei is. She's a guardian, and with her bright lights and loud noises, she's going to keep the bad things away. The last "big" element in Li Mei's kit that's new is her Sky Lantern. From a gaming POV it's a great anti-air move, and it actually leans into the historical side of things: they were used in China initially for military purposes, and then took on a non-military angle. Li Mei's kit leans into the military side of things, so these aren't unexpected.
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But the sky lanterns do have a significance today that is less about the military, and more about family and reunions. Much like the fu dogs also have nuture/care and family tied into them, so do the lanterns - which means Li Mei has a whole boatload of "I will protect and care for everyone as my family". Especially since she was taken from hers and became a warrior-priestess. Despite - or in spite of - everything that's happened, Li Mei is going to continue to protect her family... which at this point is all of Sun Do. And just maybe all of Outworld, but only time will tell.
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parallelmk · 1 year
Parallel meta knight, is it true that you are the greatest (meta) knight to ever exist, as you've won the meta knight battle royale, and also bested the ultimate lifeform❓❓❓
All true things that I have done, It is simple fact that I am the greatest Meta Knight, the Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy, and Ultimate Lifeform.
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Bonus Poll!
Continuing the topic! Now we're focusing on Masked Dedede! ^-^
*Focusing purely on the Masked Dedede theme, not the normal Dedede theme! Medleys from the games that include Masked Dedede's theme will count here!
Links to each version can be found below the cut!
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Kirby: Triple Deluxe
Kirby Fighters Deluxe
Team Kirby Clash Deluxe
Kirby Battle Royale
Kirby Star Allies
Ordeal of the Masked King
King D-Mind's Revenge
Kirby Fighters 2
Kirby and the Forgotten Land
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year
thor meta directory
hello and welcome, i'm lucian and i've been analysing mcu thor in excruciating detail since march 2022. this directory is intended to help me and anyone else interested to navigate my backlog of thor posts, which were all initially grouped under one umbrella tag.
a few notes:
my main focus is on the asgardian royal family, and my favourite portrayals of them come from 2011-2013. i have a bit of a loki-centric bias, but i do my best to be self-aware. i think all members of the family are terrible people and i love them for it <3
older posts should be taken with a pinch of salt. my opinions have developed a lot since i first started posting, but i've left pretty much everything up for archival purposes.
sometimes my opinions are strong, but they're never personal, even when i express them in hyperbolic ways. i promise i don't really hate you because of a marvel movie :3
to prevent clutter, source, character, relationship and theme tags are only applied to posts that also qualify for a meta or concrit tag.
some of the theme tags overlap a lot, but i'm doing my best.
most of the theme tags don't have an immediately obvious "thesis" post, but hopefully you'll get a sense of them by scrolling through. i'm also happy to answer any questions on this!
at the point when i organised this archive, it contained 1600 posts, so please excuse any tagging mistakes or typos, and let me know so i can fix them :D
finally: my inbox is open and i love talking about thor! comments, questions, suggestions, discussion, and lighthearted/friendly debate are all very welcome :D also, if you send me music associations or fanart, i'll love you forever - i probably haven't seen it, since i hardly follow anyone in this fandom. (just please no th-rki - i'm firmly in the familial relationship camp.)
okay that's all. have fun! 💚💙💜
main tag (completely unfiltered: 1600+ posts, including liveblogging, thinking aloud, silly jokes, complaints, and just about every other thought i've ever had)
by post type:
meta (600+ posts) - meta highlights (100+ posts) - concrit/negativity - text reblogs - fanart - gifs - stills - edits (mine)
by source:
thor 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - avengers 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - loki tv - other mcu - comics - thor: tales of asgard (cartoon) - other marvel - myth + history - fandom - other
by character:
thor - loki - odin - frigga - laufey - hela - malekith - thanos - the other - sif - warriors three - heimdall - valkyrie - jane - erik - sylvie - mobius - kang - avengers - fury
note: tumblr has a link limit! i've had to remove the links to supporting characters' tags to stay within it, but the format is: /tagged/ch:%20laufey, /tagged/ch:%20hela, etc.
by relationship:
thor: frigga - loki - odin - sif - w3 - jane - erik - avengers - fury
loki: frigga - odin - laufey - sif - w3 - thanos - the other - sylvie -mobius - kang - erik - jane - avengers
odin: frigga - laufey - hela - kang - fury - bor
house of odin (for when it's really the entire family at once - not an umbrella tag)
by theme/topic:
abuse + empire - fate + hierarchy - suicide + sacrifice - imprisonment + exile - devotion + treachery - honour + villainy - cycles + scapegoats - manipulation + mind control - order + chaos - war + apocalypse - undeath + afterlife - the threefold death - trickster loki - jester loki - servant prince
childhood + immortality - gender + sexuality - ergi - sorcery - prophecy - disability - ethnicity - godhood - monsterhood - playing the monster - mirrors + masks - eye motif
expressions of love - love as horror - neck/throat motif - grief - codependence - odinsons as twins - redemption - mjolnir - saint thor - thor's sinister side
worldbuilding - modern psychiatry - etymology - mimesis
and finally, my ao3 is here. i'm not as active as i'd like to be, but i'm working on it!
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starlytenight · 1 year
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Some grown teenagers/older kids. They're like in their young adulthood here.
-Fumu masters both guns and swords thanks to Silica and obviously Meta Knight; she comes into her own as a warrior and knight, despite her parents not being terribly thrilled
-Bun eventually grows out of his attitudes and just accepts the whole nobility shtick but still prefers casual wear; deals with a bit of jealousy that so many girls are stronger than he is, but he gets over himself
-Knuckle Joe and Silica join Meta Knight's crew and are the strongest out of everyone and are excellent teachers
-Kyra is suited as a leader and takes her position well, making Meta Knight and Daroach very proud of her
-While not technically part of the Meta Knights, Vukasyn takes his place with Taranza in Floralia and he and Kyra are very happy together, even if they can't see each other every day---that's what phones are for
-Fumu finds she has a thing for a certain royal when Vee returns
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