#warriors rant
thenamessparkplug · 5 months
god PLEASE can we get more on the dynamic between ashfur and lionblaze
because we KNOW ashfur was physically and probably verbally abusive towards Lionblaze. but he was his mentor. in this culture your mentor is someone to look up to, your guide, your role model, despite how they treat you (bc as we know wc is very bad at avoiding objectively toxic scenarios).
AND ON TOP OF THAT, Lionblaze's power is physical strength. he hurts people. that's his skill.
ashfur's carelessness to teach lionblaze proper morales, on top of physically lashing out on him, would absolutely result in him not understanding going too far violencewise, leading him to becoming even more violent and unreasonable since there was no one there to guide him.
but he would feel awful. ashfur telling him how he's weak and pathetic so he tries to make up for it by fighting harder only to hurt the people he cares about? yowch
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Warriors AU: God-worshipped Sharptooth
I think it would have been super cool if Sharptooth was seen as a God instead of just a predator.
The Clans already view big cats--Tiger, Lion, Leopard--or at least whatever they imagine those big cats to be as these almost sacred, possibly spiritual, beings of the past. How come when an actual big cat showed up in the series, no one thought it might be something spiritual?
The Tribe cats are already treated as a group of..to put it plainly, idiots that always need the Clans to help them. What if their first encounter wasn't of being saved from Sharptooth thanks to the Clans?
What if instead, the Tribe saw Sharptooth as a god, who comes to take their tributes (sacrifices) once every [blank]. Like Someone might be close to dying--elderly, sick, just wanting to pay tribute--and they send them to a place where Sharptooth comes to get them (away from the cave so that he doesn't actually become a huge issue in the way that he did in the books). They see it as his guiding spirit leading them to the afterlife.
It would also allow more cats to eat because their numbers can remain steady, so they don't run into the problem that caused half of them to leave back in DOTC.
Remember how the Tribe was meant to show how groups can be different and unique, but also good? Wasn't it a thing for 9/11 or was that made up? I'm tired it's 3 in the morning
What if they leaned more into that idea? The Tribe of Endless Hunting is too similar to StarClan imo, so what if instead of a entire afterlife of cats that guided you, it was Sharptooth that was the leader? And those that sacrificed their lives for him was believed to be granted a high position in the stars?
What if the Clan cats think that this is wrong and try to stop it, but by the end they realize that they cannot control other cats' lives, and that these cats are happy with their beliefs and lifestyle, and it would be wrong of them to force them to change?
So instead of the Tribe being helpless and always needing the Clans' help, they are instead shown to be a group living differently and believing in different things, but who also have mothers just like the Clans, fathers, kits, friends. I don't know, my brain's too tired to formulate the words I want to say right.
Just...There was so much missed potential. I'm pretty sure the Tribe was made because of different ways of living and different groups irl, so it sucks that one of these groups in their books are, for one, so similar to the other in their beliefs, and for another they're so bad at taking care of themselves without the Clans coming in to save them. It would have been so much better if we instead got a moral of getting along in spite of differences and beliefs.
Maybe they don't accept each other at first and believe that the other's way of living is wrong but then there's another enemy or natural disaster that makes the two groups work together and make them realize how similar they are, and that it's okay that they are also different?
PLUS just imagine God-Sharptooth.
Thank you and goodbye
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zachhh · 8 months
the more i grew up, the more i hate warrior cats for butchering essentially every single one of their character with HORRIBLE writing. not to mention terrible plots and wasted potentials. and cultural appropriation...
if not for the fandom, warriors WOULD and SHOULD HAVE been dead long ago, most fans don't even consume the book as is anymore, they just live off AUs and ocs.
i resented warriors A LOT because growing up it was a great obsession of mine. part of my identity. then the series got so bad i forced myself to distance from it. in fact now that i think about it not one good thing came out of warriors except for people who got inspired to do art (like me! i started drawing because of warriors).
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warriorverse · 8 months
Before Moonkitti’s video about Bramblestar, I had a bad feeling about Bramblestar just by how he acted when the Three’s parents were revealed, a mate should be there for their mate and love them unconditionally, Bramblestar just yells at Squirrelflight and gives her the cold shoulder, and it only took The Last Hope for them to be mates again.
Imagine being so horrible and trying to not be like your dad, but you’re horrible to your own mate and tried to make her submit in Squirrelflight’s Hope.
Squirrelflight tried to voice her opinion about the SkyClan territory situation in her super edition but was told to be quiet, and follow the leader like how a deputy should.
A deputy shouldn’t submit to the leader, a deputy should voice their opinions and make sure the leader doesn’t fuck up clan relations, but of course Bramblestar chooses his cousin over his mate about a clan dispute.
Bramblestar is like Tigerstar 1 in a different way
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bread-that-draws · 1 year
Flowey’s so funny and has me so fucked up like he’s a talking flower. He tries to kill you upon your first interaction. He is ten years old. He is damaged beyond repair. He’s a flower named Flowey. He’s become friends with every single character. He’s killed all of them countless times. He knows everything about everyone. He doesn’t care anymore. He takes care of his mom when she can’t take care of herself. He’s killed her before. He doesn’t care if you kill her. He thinks she’s trying to replace him. He just wants to be himself again. He wants to destroy everything. He hates you. You’re the only one who understands him. He wants his best friend back. He’s terrified of them. He believes in kill or be killed because he died by giving mercy to the wrong person. He believes himself to be the wrong person. He doesn’t understand when you show him that kindness he showed others, even when you know he could kill you for it. He’s tried every route. He asks you if you have anything better to do when you try to do the same. He’s a direct reflection of the player. He’s a fucking talking flower named flowey and his only voice line is by Ronald McDonald and his officially licensed plush does a little dance for you
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clarissasbakery · 10 months
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THE sisters and their parents
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Linked Universe Links as People at a Roller Rink
I do roller skating, and last night when I got home this overtook me.
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Warriors: does choregraphed roller dance in the middle to whatever music is playing. when he's not going that, he's doing fancy tricks just out on the rink.
Wind: one of the little kiddos just having a good time, may cut you off if not paying attention.
Time: used to work at a roller rink, is the old man just having a good time, casually pulling fancy moves to get around crowds.
Legend: is that fucker wearing rollerblades/hj
Hyrule: he's flailing at the sides, he's never done this before and he's trying his best.
Sky: the sweet guy who tries to help you if you can't skate. don't be creeped out, he's trying to help. will chat you up while you're sitting out getting water.
Twilight: He's also there to help you, but he's the guy who helps you up when you fall and will ask you if "yer okay?" cheers at the end of the night and is really good at skating backwards.
Wild: Used to or currently does roller derby, goes really fast. watch out for him. if he's feeling lazy he just uses the walls or railing to stop. (aka loud boom from wild hitting the wall)
Four: he requests songs like all hell. I hope you like his music tastes because he's in control. if he can't he just puts on headphones and vibes to his own music.
Lmao, no shade to Roller Bladers, we love y'all!
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carnivorous-arboretum · 3 months
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bad end
[i'm a sucker for a lightwarden au hehe]
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soaricarus · 4 months
? lowkey getting tired of seeing people saying negative stuff about really cat-like/warrior cats-y slugcat designs like. rw and wc have a fandom overlap. it's to be expected. you shouldn't be an ass about it? you can literally just block people if they post stuff you don't wanna see, it's super easy and i think we should use the block button more. it seems more or less like a forgotten feature these days. not to mention they're called slugcats you should expect it more or less
why should you care if someone puts fur on their slugcats. like genuinely. it's stupid to get so angry about it to the point you say really weird stuff about it. i've seen it's "too far from canon" okay but what about the beast like slugcats? canonically they're referred to as rodents, wouldn't that be too far from canon too? if we really wanna stick to canon then lets just colorpick the damn slugcats instead and draw them as the blob ingame shapes. sigh
dont get me wrong. i love all slugcat designs. put fur on them. pur feathers on them. put scales on them. make them cats. make them beasts. draw them cat-like, ferret-like, rodent-like or whatever else. literally go wild. we shouldn't be getting this up in arms about how people draw fucking slugcats
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makeyouminemp3 · 2 years
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haunted-xander · 9 months
tbh one of, if not my absolute favorite part about ffxiv, is the small little moments/sections where nothing super big or like. Plot Important happens, but that give both the characters and us, the players, some much appreciated down-time to just. Feel things. And to process what's happened and what's going on or to just. Let us exist, in the moment. In a much more grounded and human way than when there's Big And Important Things happening.
The biggest(imo) and earliest example of this is right after the Waking Sands get raided in ARR, and WoL turns to the church for guidance. The entire section of us helping them gather and bury our fallen comrades, and especially bringing Noraxia home to Little Solace so she can be laid to rest in her homeland, by her own people and in their own cultural ways, was so so important to me.
Because it wasn't just replacable allies cast aside for shock value anymore, it was real. These deaths were real and meant something. I got to actually process what just happened, and I got to watch Banana go through it right with me. And not only did it make it feel real, it also gave me a sense of closure. These people, these friends, are dead, but they also got to be treated with the respect they deserve and laid to rest properly.
And that, more than anything else, made me want to save the world. It's grounded and grounding. This world, and these people, meant something to me, the player.
And there's tons of stuff like that throughout the game, especially in shadowbringers and endwalker.
In shb we have, for example, Lyna venting her anger and frustration after the sin eater attack in Lakeland. She's on her knees yelling on the verge of tears while punching the ground, so furious at her helplessness and powerlessness, at everyone having come so far yet set back because some megalomaniacal tyrant deemed it so.
In ew we have Urianger being approached by Moenbryda's parents, who confront him about not confiding in them about his grief. When Bloewyda starts to scold him, he of course reacts guiltily, believing they blame him, only for him to be completely caught off guard when she instead goes in to hug him, telling him he should have let them grieve with him. And he just. Breaks down. He's been holding these feelings, this grief inside him all this time, and now that he is not only told it's okay to let it out, but by her very own parents at that, he just can't keep it in anymore. He cries for Moenbryda, right then and there, being held lovingly by her family.
And the thing is, these scenes aren't necessary, strictly speaking. The plot at large could go on without them, the events that happen around them are not changed by these moments in any way.
But still, they are so so important, to the world, to the characters, to the players. Everything feels real and impactful now, every death means something, every tragedy, every person, feels real.
And that, to me, is what makes this story so special.
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thenamessparkplug · 7 months
mini warriors ramble:3
something that i often feel is forgotten is the way hollyleaf murdered ashfur. like yeah she did go just chomp down on him but there was more to it than that.
the wound was small and well concealed, nobody even knew if he was murdered or not until quite a while after his death. she was careful.
she threw him into the river afterwards if i remember correctly (if not it was still right next to a river). drowning is a common death amongst cats which lowers suspicion even more, it would have been very easy to assume he died on his own accord.
ashfur's murder was clearly not something hollyleaf did in a fit of rage or just on a limb one day, it was carefully planned and well executed (pun intended). in fact, it was a decent while until anyone was suspisous of her. i want to see this side of hollyleaf more. not just the betrayed angry fear, but the cold calculating "did what had to be done" side that is brought out by the former emotions.
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flaredcfan · 3 months
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I just saw a clip from the Kung Fu Panda 4 movie- the ending part, I believe. It was every Kung Fu Panda villain master in history, from the series, new ones, and of course, the big three. Guys, I love friendship and all, and I'm glad that afterlife!Tai Lung seemed to have gotten over his beef with Po and that whole, dragon warrior stuff, but PLEASE!
All I want is to see Tai Lung and shifu reunite, I don't care in what way. It could be them fighting (though I will cry my eyes out), saving the other mid battle, sitting down for a cup of tea- no matter! I just want them to see each other, I want some insight of their thoughts about the first movie because Shifu loved Tai Lung- LOVES him, I still believe. Yet after the first movie we didn't see any reminiscing, and regret, missing or anything like that on Shifu's end. That is not the behaviour of someone who still sees their big, buff baby boy as just that- A BABY BOY while they're trying to kill you.
Currently manifesting y'all ✌️
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birb-boyo · 3 months
This is basically me describing backrooms based on the Chain, one on the safer side and one deadly and how to survive them :]
@trippygalaxy @vio-starzz @mushr0oms-and-m0ss @shadowlinktheshadow @raven-does-artstuff-894 @treasure-goblin idk who cares about this but I spent all day on it-
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His first liminal space is fairly safe. You can’t die unless you do something diabolical.
His safe room like would be basically like this
You fall down somewhere, probably on your walk home, but you pick yourself up and see that this is very much not the side of the road. This is a grassy field.
There weren’t many grassy fields where you lived. And even those fields were no where near as expansive as this one.
Upon looking around, you see a giant wall and a drawbridge. You start walking to it, thinking that you somehow fell hard enough to pass out.
You reach Castle Town and get weird glances from many. While you’re scouting the area, you spot a little boy in green picking up random dogs. You look at him weird when he puts one dog down and chases after another one.
The boy catches you staring and with one glance, you’re suddenly in that big grassy field again
So yeah, if bro looks at you, you get set back. After a while, this space will easily drive someone insane. This is because no matter what you do, you will meet him, and you both will meet eyes, and you’ll be sent back to the beginning.
So in a way, Survival Rate: 98% but it’s gradual and you might get out of there before you go insane
For his “You’re most likely gonna die” room
I wanted to incorporate Majora’s Mask into it, saying that the masks are hunting you.
There goal is to capture you and bring you to Fierce Deity. He thinks that you killed Link.
But you didn’t because this little kid who told you that he was who the deity was looking for is literally following behind you-
This kid could be regular young Link or Ben Drowned, though it would change the survival rate massively
Survival Rate for young Link: 67%
Survival Rate for Ben Drowned: 15%
This is because the only way to stop being hunted and/or not die is to present a piece of Link to the deity when you’re eventually caught
If it’s Link, he’ll accept it and call the masks off and you’ll be free to move on to the next hell or, if god loves you, you’ll go home
If it’s Ben, you better be fast on your toes because you’ll be hunted until you die or get out of there.
I want to also want to add that the masks don’t just pop up out of no where when they find you.
You know how you have to follow the music in order to learn Saria’s Song? Don’t do that. You’ll be caught
When they emit the Song of Healing, run, Link/Ben will be right on your trail and even if he wasn’t when you stopped running, he’ll always find you even if he leads a mask to you
I forgot to mention that Link/Ben will give you hints as to how you need to give Fierce a piece of his tunic or hair or something close to it
Also that Link/Ben physically can not get close to FD as they are, as the boy says, ���part of the same soul”
Idea given from @tiercel13 and @link-posting
That whole game has this unsettlingly warm ethereal quality where it's like- you're comfortable but uncomfortable at the same time and it's so weird
But basically I would say somewhere like a large field that's in perpetual twilight. You've never seen it before but it feels safe and familiar, like you've been there a thousand times. Still, there's something just slightly off, and it prevents you from ever being able to truly relax
It’s a village, deserted in the canyons, it’s wooden houses crumbling with time and weathering
Survival Rate: 100%
I think we all expected this one but you’re being hunted. It’s just you, the flora, the fauna, and a big wolf trying to kill you
It’s Wolf Twi but it’s not wolf Twi. Like, that’s the Blue-eyed Beast alright, but that’s definitely not Twilight. That’s a Wolf hardened by the need to survive. A need to eat.
The thing about this room is that it’s very survivable, but only to a select few people
For people who know how to manage in the woods, who know how to make fires without lighters, who know how to properly cook wild animals without utensils and iron, for those who are experienced in the wilds, they have a much easier time surviving this
But for those who are always inside and have little to no outside knowledge, you’re cooked almost immediately
This is a genuine hunt. This wolf can hear god knows how far, this wolf can track you with even the faintest scent
The only reason why the survival rate is as high as it is, is because it hesitates.
That’s how many survive their first encounter with the wolf, the wolf hesitates to take that final bite
I feel like the only real way to get out of here if to survive for a certain amount of time
Survival Rate: 52%
Another idea by @tiercel13 because they are so big brained
For safe it's the castle barracks but they have a completely nonsensical layout
there's random doors where they shouldn't be and some of the actual ones are gone, there's things in the rooms like it's just been vacated but a layer of dust covers everything
It must be vacant right? Those shadows that lurk behind the corners are just you going crazy right? Nobody is here. Nobody is here. Nobody is here. Nobody is here-
Survival Rate: 87%
Idea given by @hyrules-feral-hero
You got claustrophobia? That’s too bad, you’re stuck in a fairy bottle now
You don’t get ripped apart or anything like that
Your death will be slow and painful
Conserve oxygen? There’s no reason to, you’re not going to be set free :)
Survival Rate: 0%
I feel like being blunt with this one
Safe space is just a vacant Skyloft
No one is around, just the occasional keese and Remlits and rapid Loftwings flying about so watch your head!
It’s peaceful and welcoming and airy but empty.
I imagine that this would bring about some sort of uncanny valley feeling, but that is probably the wrong word for it. Because who lived here? Why are these birds so big? Why are these raccoon cats so aggressive at night?
Survival Rate: 100%
Get Silent Realmed😌
Basically just that. If you don’t know what the Silent Realm is, it’s basically a thing you do in SS where you have to get 15 tears
You have to get 15 orbs, if you step into waking water or a spirit’s light or take too long to get one of the orbs, the guardians will be after you
The guardians are what make this space dangerous. If they catch you, no matter how insignificant the gash was, you will die
You can get these guardians off of you when you get the next tear, but until you get all of them and retreat back to where you started, you are at the mercy of the guardians
Survival Rate: 73%
Picture this, you just woke up in this weird place so naturally, you ask someone where you are.
“This is Faron woods, are you a traveler?”
“Great! I can’t really leave this stable with my condition, so could you do me a favor and give this to my wife?” The old man asked
“She lives over in Hateno, up passed the Dueling Peaks!” He shoves a note in your hands
“Sir I-“
“Thank you so much! Here’s your pay for your kindness!” Upon inspecting what he had given you, you see that this is a bare diamond
You were bringing this man’s wife this letter.
Survival Rate: 85%
Evermean forest, good old homicidal trees, need I say more?
Survival Rate: 95%
Imagine chilling on a boat with your grandpa but your grandpa is the boat.
Yes, the waters are expansive, you haven’t seen an island in days if at all, but this boat is keeping you company, telling jokes, soothing your nerves
Maybe you should be freaking out that this boat is talking, but his voice is nice so what can you say?
You start to joke around, singing dumb sea shanties, he chuckles with your antics, but keeps moving forward.
The sea is vast, but at least you’re not alone
Survival Rate: 98%
Imagine this: You’ve just been dropped in this random place. Now you’re on a random raft in the middle of the sea
Suddenly, the wind isn’t strong enough to push you forward and you’re on top of a tidal wave
Your raft finally gets back on steady water, but now there’s a shadow looming over you
You turn around and you can even comprehend how big it is
It’s probably the Kraken btw
Survival Rate: 0%
You’re cooked 100%
I’m realizing that a good bit of these rooms are in the woods, well, Rulie’s is no better🤷🏽‍♂️
Except these woods don’t have anything trying to actively murder you and eat you
These woods have things trying to help you
Little floating glowing grandmas if you will😌
As soon as you fell into these woods you smelled sugar and sweets, you were still very discombobulated from your fall and now you were suddenly in woods?
Soon enough, you’re swarmed by lights of different colors, they ask you if you’re alright, if you’re ok, what is someone like you doing here
Then they guide you out of the Fairy woods, whether that means that you end up in another room or go home is up to god
Survival Rate: 100%
Idea given to me by @tiercel13
A neverending cave slowly circling further and further down. The deeper you go the more it seems to close in, the air seems thicker, and the voices of people you almost recognize begin to echo off the walls, crying for help
This room, similar to Time’s “safe space” is mostly a “you’re going to go insane” rather than “that thing is gonna fucking kill you” :)
Survival Rate: depends how sane you were when you entered
Imagine going on a wild goose chase for coins kinstones in a field with all the pieces hidden in tall grass
Survival Rate: 100% but it’s hell
This is gonna make some people mad but let me cook rq
You guys know Poppy Playtime? The Smiling Critters that chase you? That one clip from the Hour of Joy when they were eating that one guy alive?
That, but Minish :)
Survival Rate: 0%
As you traverse these woods, you realize that there are no animals in the wake. No rabbits, no mice, not even a wolf.
But this forest is littered with the bones of those lost animals.
So basically for backstory, minish got overpopulated and that meant they ate meat religiously. It was enough to feed, but soon enough, they ran out of food and now they’re hungry again
There is no survival here
There are too many Minish and you are locked in their woods
You can here their chittering and chatting, but if they spot you, you’ll only know by the dead silence of the forest
You can try breaking the bones you find on your path, opening the middle so they can smell the marrow rather than your flesh
But you only have little time and some bones are thick
And- wait…who’s bones are these? These are Hylain bones-
There are so many choices with Legend…
For his safe room, you’re just chilling on the walls. Not in the walls, on them. Your image is planted on the wall. You can move freely, you’re just glued to the wall, 2D
You’ll probably use this to scare the weird people who live around the house who’s walls you currently inhabit.
Survival Rate: 99.9% (Someone played too much and the family who lived there destroyed the house)
You guys no the movie Us? It’s basically that
There are different versions of you running around and they kinda really want you dead-
Survival Rate: 65%
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gold-dust-angel · 1 year
Hmm so it turns out many people consider Ava a bad protagonist and find her annoying??? And that the show is slow??? And that it endorses disability erasure???
I hardly ever fall in love with main leads especially 'the chosen one' types and yet Ava was so easy to get behind and even relatable and I love her so much. And god I wish the show was even slower and it had more episodes like I wanted to see the dynamics between the sisters in depth, Ava and Bea's relationship progressing, little lost moments, their quiet times, their training sessions, them joking around and being normal idk. It still went by too fast?
And I might be wrong here but to me it wasn't disability erasure. Ava's disability is very much a part of her throughout. It's why she spends half the season running away because she hasn't lived yet. It's why she can't give up the halo either. It's why she can't drain the halo too much or can't fight as good as other warrior nuns (minus not being trained yet of course). It's her deepest fear. And it is so fundamental to her and Bea's relationship too like Bea touching her after that fight with Crimson, Bea reassuring her, Bea understanding her fears and hesitance....her disability is a very much constant presence throughout the narrative even though under the surface and ahhhhh I want to scream so bad rn.
I'm straight up not having a good day today and then finding out about these shitty opinions about this beloved sunshine of a character—
Are people allowed to have opinions I don't agree with? Yes.
Do I want to hit them on the head with a stick despite? Also Yes.
Now I'm wondering am I biased because I've read way too many fics and post analysis' and therefore see more depth than there was? Does it even matter?
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emp-roar · 1 year
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hahaha jokes on you all i drew all four of them for warmups funky little crossovers for my own entertainment but thank you all for participating in the poll, i can tell you thrawn folks live here now
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