#was due to elquackity
the-crimson · 8 months
I am once again thinking of the special guest bbh theory and why the federation absolutely refuses to touch him and I remembered the one time the federation punished him: when ElQuackity kidnapped Dapper.
This is a bit of an unhinged crack theory but follow me for a minute XD
The federation is scared of bbh. They invited him to the island for unknown reasons presumably because of what he is/what he’s done but they know how dangerous he is and are afraid of pushing him too far.
Then comes ElQuackity who kidnaps Bad’s son which is the worst possible thing anyone could do. ElQuackity is a federation agent but the federation can deny culpability to his actions completely. My theory is that the federation helped ElQuackity kidnap Dapper as a risk assessment, to see what Bad’s reaction would be in a somewhat controlled environment. In the moment Bad was mostly just shocked and silently furious and focusing on Dapper’s wellbeing. It was days later when Bad let a smidge of his fury loose by exploding Quackity’s pyramid. It is very rare for players to destroy other’s builds on this server (Roier didn’t know the school/daycare was Bad’s build) but Bad put so many mines on Quackity’s pyramid that they are still going off to this day. The entire situation was comedic at the time but you could tell Bad was keeping himself on such a tight leash through it all.
In all honesty, I think Bad is more afraid of what he is capable of then the federation. He keeps himself on such an incredibly tight leash it’s insane. Through ElQuackity’s kidnapping of Dapper, they learned a lot. Bad doesn’t retaliate blindly. He doesn’t succumb to mindless rage. He waits. He plots. When he destroyed Quackity’s pyramid he was indeed provoked but it was still incredibly tactical. He played ElQuackity’s game, he twisted ElQuackity’s words and put him on the defensive and had ElQ backtracking and scrambling to regain control of the situation. This whole situation was played for laughs but it proved to the federation that if they push Bad, he will retaliate but on his own terms. He will not be goaded into doing what the federation wants. He will wait. He will plan. And when he is ready he’ll make everything come crumbling down.
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mikaikaika · 1 year
Q!Quackity so doomed by the narrative that anytime anyone starts investigating his disappearence , sooner or later , they get consumed by the sillies which ends up sidelining the whole investigation
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pommepom · 2 months
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fun fact! pomme was originally meant to be kidnapped by elquackity but due to problems regarding the timezones they replaced her with egg a1.
''Pomme was supposed to be kidnapped (and lose a life) at one point as well. but because everything was delayed, and it was already 2/3 a.m in france and i was explaining to them that FR streamers were tired and wanted to go to sleep, it was replaced by 'Egg A1'''
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cheese-water · 7 months
Charlie is right.
Bolas Rojos won today. They got their revenge after yesterday’s beating. They’ve proven themselves as real competitors. They have literally won the battle today.
But they themselves have orchestrated the war.
Peace is no longer an option. All bridges have been burned for the red team. Any sympathy or pity from the other groups was gone as soon as they cemented first place. And even worse, there were many witnesses to their carnage. Primarily ElQuackity on green, who faced them head-on (so much for blaming the base raid on Bad), but Pol and Tina on blue saw those same chat messages. Like Charlie said, in situations like these, people will never forget. These are how grudges are formed, how small decisions lead to larger repercussions, and how consequences end up mattering after all is said and done.
The Bolas can’t go back now. They’ve made their bed of destruction and warfare, and now they have to lie in it. While the actions of the others may have led them down this path, do not get me wrong. They were not backed into a corner. There are many opportunities to do something different. For instance, the trader village or going full-on cult mode were genuinely viable options. Due to the lack of players on today and the players that were online’s motivation for the competition visibly waning, the red team could have easily isolated them each and indoctrinated them into the group.
To be honest, the Reds’ resistance to joining general vc only furthered their “us against the world” and “peace was never an option” mentality. Disregarding everything pre-purgatory, the only person who actually has positive relationships with the others is Foolish, who made an effort to interact outside of the team (1v1 with Étoiles, chatting with Tina and BBH, etc.). Unlike his teammates, Foolish really has set himself up well for the future, be it for trading, secret alliances, or if, for whatever reason, teams switch. And in games like these, that's how you gain credibility; that’s how you end up being pitied; that's how you survive.
And today, guess who won in that regard? The team in last place, SoulFire. Which thank god they did, because steamrolling the competition two days in a row is how you get majorly targeted. Their lack of progress (which was definitely unintentional lmao), the gen vc basically being BadBoyHalo’s “apology” tour for a bit (which again, very unintentionally focused the blame off of the six kills from their equally bloodthirsty leader), but most importantly, keeping Étoiles, the skilled and need I mention literal leader of the enemy team, company when his team was gone has more impact than even they might not realize. I mean, talk about damage control lol. Like going into Day 3, my bets on who’s group will form an alliance first are solely on green and blue.
Anyway, I am happy not only about the Reds getting the win they rightly deserve but also about the fact that they are aware of what they are doing. The moves they have and will make are purposeful, self-aware of their own “let’s all be peaceful” hypocrisy.
On Day 1, Blue and Green got to be the bad guys.
On Day 2, Charlie can’t help but question his own morality while doing the same terrible things that sent him down this spiral to ElQuackity tonight.
But I guess it's the burden that first place has to bear. I’m sure they’ll all get used to it eventually :)
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thesmpisonfire · 11 months
Alright. So. Last time I'll talk about this before the next debate, deal?
The thing about Cellbit and Forever is: Both of them are VERY VERY AWARE of how the fuck the Federation punishes people, in case y'all forgot. The Brazilians in general are the family that suffered the MOST due to the Federation. Felps got kidnapped and frozen, Cellbit got chased with a chainsaw, and then got brainwashed for 3 days, Forever is constantly targeted (in lore) due to his ideas, and even Pac ans Mike toe the line a lot by playing around with the Federation games
They KNOW both outcomes of working against the Federation and playing along with their rules. And there's one thing they found out: they'll suffer and be fucked over either way, but playing along gives them time and information
Like it or not, playing along got Cellbit more info about how the Federation works and got him Felps back. THIS is what Cellbit wanted with the traitor arc: he wanted his best friend back and sacrificed himself for it. He knew he'd be hated and never fully trusted again, but one thing he shown was that he's LOYAL. He went to hell and back for his best friend, and it worked
And they know that being openly against the election plans just puts a target on your back, they know that if you're a candidate that very openly talks about how they hate the Federation and how they'll dissolve the President role into a council, the possibilities that said president gets kidnapped and get elquackity-fied skyrocket. But, if you play along and have actually reachable plans and ideas (mods they want to add, their ministry proposal that's basically the council but in a new coat of paint so its not as obvious) and that even if they still get kidnapped, at least something will he done
BBH, Bagz and Gegg don't have a safety net in case their plans get denied. They could work, I'll admit! But the chance they'll just get either kicked from the role or get into the Silly Sludge Pool Of Fun is way higher than the Brazilians plans
Cellbit and Forever are also VERY AWARE the Federation could just use them as puppets, Cellbit literally suffered that, but they know someone needs to do the sacrificial leap of faith, and they don't want anyone else hurt, so they'd rather put themselves in the shooting range instead
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friendzenn · 11 months
8 on Quesadilla Island and The Federation
ok so by now we all know about The Federation’s obsession with the number 8, right? but let’s see just how many times 8 has been shown
8 original eggs, and thus 8 english speakers and 8 spanish speakers (something of note: Quackity is an outlier here, not counted as one of the 8 among the english speakers or spanish speakers)
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On July 8th, at 2pm PST, Jaiden and Cellbit (secretly) were sent on a mission (where richas, foolish and bbh tagged along) where they discovered a cold room with 8 chambers and a countdown
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Also, July 8th was originally set to be election day, but was postponed due to TwitchCon Paris
In the dungeon found on July 8th, Cellbit and Richas found 8 books with months as titles, from June-January, pictured here
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(also just a quick thing i noticed while doing alt text, on page 2 of october's book, it ends with a quotation mark but there is never a quotation mark to start it. could be a typo or it could mean whoever was writing it didn't believe that no irregularities were detected.)
When ElQuackity loaded up the QSMP, it was top of his list of servers, of which (including the QSMP) there are 8
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Now we get into things I can’t corroborate with screenshots. This includes:
Cellbit saying the dungeon had 8 floors
Luzu’s computer (Arin) had a number 8 on it. Everyone seems to agree this is the case, but I couldn’t find a good screenshot or clip of it
8 can also be interpreted as infinity, by just turning the symbol 90 degrees. The Federation seems obsessed with perfection and according to them, people being able to come back or have 'infinite return' is closer to perfection.
i have no idea what any of this means. irl, 8 is considered to be lucky in chinese culture. it's the 6th or 7th number in the fibonacci sequence (depending if you count 0 in the sequence), which shows up in nature a lot and is often referred to as the 'golden ratio' and it is said that people whose face matches this ratio are objectively beautiful (you can believe this or not). 8 is also the only number in this sequence to be a perfect cube (2 to the 3rd).
could the federation consider 8 to be perfect? could this just be a series of coincidences? theories?
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mailb0xbunii · 6 months
(almost) every qsmp member and character as various creatures from mlp:fim ; a semi-long post !
90% of these are based of vibes alone . i'm here to have fun , not think too critically ^_^ . also some of these are a bit obscure , so feel free to ask me anything about them Smile
exactly the same as they are in canon : The Manager , all the cucuruchos , the capybaras , The Angel , The Devil , The Watcher , and the little eyeball buddies
dragon ? (with added features from their parents) : the eggs
unknown creature ??? : antoine
The Smooze : Charlie Slimecicle
draconequus (powerless due to lore reasons) : mouse , tina
umbrum : bbh
earth pony : all faceless workers , tubbo , germán , pierre
unicorn : vegetta , maxo , kameto
pegasus : mariana , rivers
bat pony ? : luzu and arin
skeleton pony : missa
crystal pony : lenay , dantdm
griffon : niki , fit , carre
hypogriff : jaiden , philza
changeling : roier , mike
kelpie : foolish
abada : etoiles , pac
kirin : felps
diamond dog : spreen
abyssinian (cat people) : bagi , cellbit
avian (bird people) : baghera , quackity , elquackity
minotaur : pol , technoblade (yes he counts)
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mouriros · 7 months
QSMP character specie HCs
Jaiden - parrot-bear hybrid, born human into the federation turned mutant through experiments and testing
Baghera - duck hybrid, born as a human-duck hybrid and then taken into the federation
Quackity - duck hybrid, born as human-duck hybrid and then found and taken into federation
ElQuackity - a copy made of Quackity after he started fighting back and disobeying
Bagi and Cellbit - cat hybrid, born with human features that grew into feline ones due to environment
Philza - crow hybrid, born as human, died as human, sent back to earth as a crow-angel hybrid by the goddess of death, also given power to view his surroundings through the eyes of crows and control crows
Foolish - humanoid totem, a god or angel of life, immortal- thick, smooth, metallic skin
BBH - demon, immortal, shares a role with the grim reaper
Tina - demon, semi-immortal (can be killed but doesn't age), born human but turned through a ritual, shaves down or cuts off demonic features to regain her humanity
IronMouse - demon, immortal, royal blood
Niki - snow leopard hybrid, born as snow leopard-human hybrid, raised by her parents, found by the federation once grown
Etoiles - mutant, born human, chemical accident lead to mutations leading to his body having plant like needs rather than human
Roier - spider hybrid, born spider-human hybrid with only small signs of it, such as the ability to stick to Some surfaces and a second set of eyes
Antoine - an angel kicked out of heaven, someone who went against God and who is now living a mortal life, has strengthened senses and an Ominous Aura
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anonymous-dentist · 7 months
Okokokok I need some help understanding something and you’re a writer so I trust your judgement. I keep trying except I’m just making myself more upset. I just want to start enjoying the new story with everyone like normal
In a story, how do you take revenge against something/someone with plot amor?
I feel like the revenge>failure>anger>revenge cycle would get a bit repetitive right?
I’m just trying to think of this in term of story and character development and I’m failing to grasp how this will work in a way that’s productive
I think that the events over the past few weeks or so are meant to show that the Federation doesn't have as much plot armor as you think it does. Because it's spread so fucking thin right now between the kidnapping of Ron and the murders and the dark matter and the Mini-Mes getting taken and the eggs and the president going missing. They don't know what's going on and the workers are scared and in hiding and literally only Foolish is chill right now, and that's because he's become such a good spy that even the "higher ups" love him. He's currently in the process of doing what Cellbit spent months trying to do, and he's going to succeed.
But this isn't about the Federation, it's about Cucurucho, aka the thing Cellbit really wants to destroy even if he's telling everyone , who was apparently proven to not even be a part of the Federation at all today! Apparently, the Census Bureau isn't a Federation employee like. At All.
So this begs the question: how do you kill a God?
The answer is that... well, you don't. Not when you're Cellbit, and that's exactly the point of what he's doing now. He's not going after Cucurucho specifically for a reason: he knows he can't win. Which is why he's going after the regular workers first. That way, he can start dismantling the Federation from the outside as others dismantle it from the inside (he knows about Fit being a spy, and he technically knows about Foolish even if he doesn't believe him all the way.)
We all think the Federation has plot armor, but it really doesn't! All things considered, the islanders have won against it several times! Between the eggs basically going rogue and breaking whatever programming they were under as Federation creations to get attached to their parents, ElQuackity the Federation Plant losing the election due to islanders' interference, Cellbit keeping the Federation from killing him by killing himself, the Mini-Mes being stolen, Pac and Mike escaping prison, Felps and Cellbit escaping their prison, Baghera escaping the island in the first place, the islanders becoming friends with several workers to the point of said workers defecting from the Federation, Forever and Pac being freed from the influence of the Happy Pills, and literally everything Fit and Foolish have managed to do while undercover, we've seen the Federation lose, and I think we forget about all of this because, well. It is Torture Island.
The plot armor here isn't necessarily the Federation's. It's Cucurucho's, and it's Cellbit's real target. But he knows he can't do anything to it yet, and so he's going for everything around it, and then, when he's strong enough or whatever, he's going to go for Cucurucho itself, and he's made it bleed before, actually, way back during the first Hide and Seek game day. He's just waiting for another opportunity, and he's waiting very patiently. (LOL)
It looks hopeless now, but this is legitimately day one of the arc. It's no use doomposting or anything when we haven't seen who's gonna help Cellbit out, because we know that some of the strongest people on the island possibly would. Like Etoiles, who legit doesn't give a fuck about killing Federation workers because he did quite literally kill like 20 in ten minutes or so, EZ. And Roier, who is genuinely one of the strongest non-Etoiles pvpers on the island. And Maxo, who has a literal nuclear bomb.
My advice as a writer? Just chill and don't think about it too much. I can see how awesome this arc is going to be because Cellbit is an EXCELLENT storyteller. It's not worth worrying about when we don't even know all the factors in play yet.
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glamtheglove · 4 months
So far we've seen 4 departments and groups that correlate to eachother
Department of Convival condition Observation- Chayanne, Leonarda, Ramon, Dapper, Bobby, Tílin, Trump ,and JuanaFlippa aka the original eggs to the "first" residents of the island (I put it in quotation because we don't even know if their actually the first residents due to the buildings that were there when the qsmp first started)
Department of Substance Monitoring- Tallulah, Pomme, and ????(who we think is Egg A1/Hope)
Department of Permanence Surveillance- Sunny, Pepito, Empanada aka the eggs from egg island
Department of system analysis: Richarlyson and another egg (that's most likely gonna be given to the new residents that will be there when the server opens again)
Department of Convival condition Observation is most likely conditioning and observing the eggs, residents or both. Convival means friendly or agreeble so most like to make them like that.
Department of Substance Monitoring to me feels like drug testing on the eggs in their custody maybe even something like a pharmaceutical company.
Department of Permanence Surveillance something like permanent surveillance of the eggs, residents and the outside world. The watcher in most clips we've seen him has been around screens that are most likely cameras and surveillance that are everywhere on egg island.
Department of system analysis from what is stated by the name it analyzes the system of the Federation or something else. All the eggs from that Department icons were glitching and from what we can tell from Richarlyson seem to know how to get around only being online with their main parents/Residents. It also seems like Richas came earlier than the other eggs from their other egg from the same group.
Also Cellbit(issued), Bagi(failed), Mouse(rejected), Jaiden(failed), Arin(Obsoluted), ElQuackity(Obsoluted), Etoiles(Rejected), Baghera(issued) was the poster hanged up on the wall in the beginning, which from what I can tell that their all federation experiments mostly failed ones. Which I expect from most of them but Mouse? I don't think I know her lore well so I'm quite suprised and curious about.
Pls tell me if you know anything or theories. I'm genuinely curious about what's going on.
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qtubbo · 7 months
maybe elquackity will get over his daddy issues due to the found family of team soulfire
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the-crimson · 9 months
Ok so… immediate theory after Bad found Dapper’s laboratory…
Dapper is trying to make the Soul Vulture potion for the Federation… probably against their will…
When Dapper first told Bad that she had a secret and that this blue potion existed, Bad asked if it was dangerous for the Federation to find out and Dapper said it would be dangerous for people to find out without clarifying who.
Dapper’s lab is made entirely of quartz - a federation staple - and Dapper has been lying to Bad’s face so often and so blatantly that I can’t imagine he’d do that without being coerced.
ElQuackity had time off screen with Dapper where they could have talked and ElQuackity could have told Dapper to make this or else they’d punish their siblings or parents. That would explain why Dapper was so timid and acting out of character (other than being played by a different admin) during the capture. And why ElQuackity let her go so easily.
Plus, in the lab u can hear the Soul Vultures. Dapper has a mob only found in the nether. How could he get that other than the fed’s help either through spawn eggs or help getting in and out of the nether.
I’m scared. Bad and Pomme were in Dapper’s lab when he ended stream with a black screen. We’re they captured? Did they trigger a trap? Did Bad pass out due to shock? I’m so worried about both of them and Dapper T-T
Hopefully we’ll get a stream tomorrow before/after the amongus cuz I’m so worried XD
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ratman517 · 10 months
Rotting of brains >w<
Dude Charlie’s lore is SO FUCKING SAD 😭😭😭 Anyways enjoy a charlie slimecicle ramble ^_^!!!!!
Charlie’s lore is so fucking interesting and worth looking into but people just downplay it into “Bad parents kill child” and never actually dig into it. I mean the only people never found out about the glitch before is because Charlie is bad at mc (which yeah he isn’t the best but he isn’t dogshit awful). People just don’t take him seriously, which I mean fair, but just because someone is goofy/chaotic at points it doesn’t mean they’re JUST that. Which could mean that Charlie could rhe perfect canidate for the federation, easy to manipulate due to being mentally unstable, charismatic, and easily convinces people, and flies under the radar as a “chaotic comedic relief loser”. Im surprised nobody has gone to Charlie to investigate them, especially Cellbit! I understand that the main target is, yknow the literal REPLACEMENT of one of the qsmp members but it would also be nice to investigate yknow…. the one he seems most interested in???? I mean Cellbit was spying on ElQuackity and Charlie talking and never decided to… investigate Charlie?????? But yeah I’m super excited for things that might be planned!! Federation Charlie will be so fucking interesting (and maybe an actual villain Charlie 👁️👁️) because Ik Charlie can play a SCARY villain. But it would also be nice for him to be an investigator as well. Because this island seems to be spilt into 2 parts, investigators and the federation. And Charlie never really fit into any of those and never really joined in on the lore (because he’s been busy and shit) so I think fed Charlie will be amazing :)
Anyways thank you for reading my silly rant, this probably aint shit but just wanna say ^_^
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infinitecyanroses · 4 months
After seeing the end of the latest QSMP stream, I have yet to see all the eggs listed with their assigned groups all in one place so I'm gonna do that here along with the listed departments and egg statuses since those seem important. Then I'm gonna speculate a little about the list below since I've seen a lot of confusion
Group #0001: Department of Convivial Condition Observation
Status: Alive
Status: Alive
Status: Alive
Status: Alive
Status: Deceased
Status: Deceased
Status: Deceased
Status: Deceased
Group #0002: Department of Subsistence Monitoring
Status: Alive
Status: Alive
Status: Deceased Group #0003: Department of Permanence Surveillance
Status: Alive
Status: Alive
Status: Alive Group #0004: Department of Systems Analysis
Status: Alive
Status: Alive
Speculation Time: So one thing I'm most confident about with this list is that the mystery egg in Group #0002 is the "memory" egg. For those who don't remember or did not see this lore, Cellbit was tasked by the Federation one day to investigate some coordinates that had a string of enigmas for him to crack. This led him to an abandoned adoption center in the middle of nowhere. Inside, he found a journal that belonged to an egg that had been left in that adoption center. The egg was told to stay in the adoption center and that someone would come by to adopt them and give them a home. No one came though so the egg was forced to fend for themselves while writing in their journal. They eventually wrote that the situation felt desperate enough that they were gonna have to leave, even though they knew they would probably die anyways. Their last hope was that someone would find their journal and remember them. This moved Cellbit so he refused to report this to the Feds and he removed a minecraft egg that was put on display on a sign in this adoption center and made it be the badge on his backpack so he would never forget. He never told anyone else about this egg though. So this egg has been commonly referred to in the fandom as the memory egg or who I will just call Memory for now. I think Memory has to be the mystery egg in group two because their backstory matches that of Tallulah and Pomme who are the only other group two eggs under the Department of Subsistence Monitoring. Both Tallulah and Pomme were left in hidden areas where they were forced to survive for a period of time until the other islanders found them. This fits with the department's name they were under being subsistence monitoring, or seeing how long an egg could sustain themself. I just wanted to clarify this since I've seen others say that Egg A1/Hope should be in group two due to the deceased status. Yes, we saw A1 fall into lava while ElQuackity was testing them but this all happened in a Federation testing facility where the Federation probably had the power to heal A1 and roll-back any lives they had lost like they recently did when the eggs were rescued from Purgatory. The Federation never learned of any proof that Memory could still be alive and since they sent Cellbit to investigate the place and he only told them that it was empty, so the Federation probably assumed Memory to be dead. I am leaning towards A1 being the new egg from group four but I'm not as sure about them as I am with Memory since there isn't as much evidence and it could be a completely new egg entirely. I'm not sold on it being Code!Flippa though since a lot of things hint towards Code!Flippa being an independent code creation
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
shoutout to roier for realizing he likely wouldn't be able to log in as qroier and interact with elquackity right now due to having been on quackity's stream, which would've likely led to metagaming on some subconscious level, so instead he just. logs in as abueloier to torment him instead. king shit
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idfk-im-bad-at-names · 11 months
All I gotta say is Ramon is so underappreciated. Due to his natural curiosity, he has saved everyone with limited lives from ElQuackity's attempt at killing them. And he just unveiled an alarming secret in the art museum book.
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