#was going through my mentions looking for something and was like “oh shit” lmao 😭
theclearblue · 5 months
Doing a tag game that @galaxynajma and @blue-thief tagged me in a few days ago and I didn't notice in my notifs til now 💀💀💀 Thanks for the tag!
Fave color: Green but blue has certainly made a comeback as a fave too
Last song I listened to: Listening to Ao no Sumika as I type this so we'll go with that lol
Last movie I watched: Uhh I think it's still Paprika which is funny cause I watched it at least a month ago 💀 great movie though!
Currently reading: JJK/One Piece/Blue Lock weekly, otherwise uhhh not much </3
Currently watching: I've been going through a lot of the Dropout content, so a looot of Dimension 20 and Game Changer
Craving: A lemonade would be so good rn
Tea or Coffee: Coffee SWEEP
Tagging: @yukitsukumoo, @bubblingacid, @squidsandthings, @osameowdazai, @epickiya722 and whoever else would wanna do it <3
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fritoley · 29 days
The Dragon Prince Thoughts 6x05 - Moonless Night
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Spoilers under the cut
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“Oh, don’t worry about Viren, everything will be fine.”
Did you notice the way Soren hesitated when addressing Viren by his name? gahhh this poor man deserves happiness why can’t he get a breakkkk—
I wonder if they’re gonna pull some “Father-Lord” shit like Zuko and reference atla
*crying noises*
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“Oh, Soren, my son. Is that you?”
Woah Viren’s been in that cell for a while
There’s gonna be so much to unpack here watch
The way Soren absolutely refuses to look at Viren speaks volumes he’s so done taking Viren’s shit
And it’s the one time Viren isn’t giving Soren shit but he’s burned their bridge so badly Soren’s lost all faith and respect
Not to mention Viren took Claudia away from him too in a way
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Lmao why was stella trying to steal callum’s book—
I wonder if Rayla learned that lullaby she’s singing from her parents
OOH or even runaan or Ethari—
Nah my bet is her parents
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“Maybe I just want to see you suffering.”
Okay the repetition of the scene is totally intentional what are they trying to convey
Why does Soren keep going down there to see Viren when he knows all Viren has done is hurt him? What does he want?
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“But with my eyes open, I also see… you.”
NO CUZ it’s the way Soren IMMEDIATELY starts crying when Viren says “you”
Like all he ever wanted was some form of acknowledgement from Viren his WHOLE LIFE but now that he’s got it it’s too late
Soren desperately wants to believe Viren but he’s been hurt so many times he doesn’t allow himself to
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“Everything you’re telling me is… is some kind of lie!”
Viren has given Soren some serious trauma and self-worth issues, and even after two years of virtual peace, he’s still keeping it in
Everyone he trusted either didn’t care or isn’t even present in his life (lissa), so he always kept it in, using his “class clown himbo” facade as a coping mechanism
But now that his entire childhood trauma is literally sitting there staring at him he can’t take the idea of working through it all and that’s why he blew up
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I wanna say he’s just not ready to face Viren but at the same time I don’t think he’s ever gonna be ready he just has to take the plunge
Wait is that Fen—
I thought he was with amaya in xadia
Did he get demoted lmao—
Wait does the standing battalion outrank the crownguard or the other way around
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“On moonless nights you miss her the most.”
That is so sad omg—
Luna Tenebris disappeared centuries ago too so Esmeray’s been hurting for a really long time
Imagine that i could never 😭
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“It’s the Corona of the Heavens.”
If all 3 are in the crown wtf is the stone in his staff
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Just like that huh
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“But your path is… darkness.”
Does that mean callum is still on the dark path aaravos was talking about in s4? Or is kosmo just reflecting callum’s soul from his past usage of dark magic like how sol regem sensed it
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Oh? Soren’s back
I wonder why he went back
“If you do not accept my words now, Soren, I want you to have them in the future… when you might need them.”
Okay nah this has got to be foreshadowing or something wtf is going to happen to soren—
Omg this was essentially a soren character study sorry lmaooo. I’m not too learned in trauma and all that stuff this is just my take on what’s going on with him I’m just really invested cuz he’s my bbg princess and i need him to be okay 💀
ANYWAYS considering that Rayla really connected with Esmeray in this season i wonder if she’s gonna have some plot relevance later on (i hope so esmeray is fuckin cool) especially cuz even kosmo commented on it and he can see the future. Soren BETTER BE OKAY by the end of this season i can’t take his pain 😭. And also i am SO EXCITED for rayla to see her parents again and for runaan to FINALLY go back to ethari like he DESERVES GAHH— 
But yeah good episode good episode 👍
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
breathe friend you know tommy is bones in s8, he's not bucks endgame the reliable leaker has literally been clear about that. don't believe anything that psychopath on twitter says, she's literally insane.
oh trust me i don’t believe anything she says lmao
and i know the leaker said that about tommy but tbh that dont mean shit about whether or not they are actually going to fix any of the fuckery they pulled in s7
just because they are allegedly giving tommy the boot doesn’t mean they’re going to actually get their shit together and stop ship baiting us; so like i said until they actually start to give us any indication that they’re going to stop mistreating poc characters for cheap drama and that storylines are actually going to be thought out beforehand rather than thrown together because “ehh, this is good enough” i’m not going to be wasting my time. these shows are meant for entertainment. if i am not being entertained by what’s being done, why am i going to waste my energy on it?
i dont say this to sound snippy or rude, anon, and it is NOT directed at you specifically (and i really hope it doesn’t come across that way i am just bad at emoting through screens 😭😭), i promise, but sometimes it feels like people who try to “talk me off the ledge” in these anonymous asks don’t really look at what i’m actually saying and they jump to the conclusion that i’m just making shit up to panic about, but the fact of the matter is that everything i talked about in that post is something that could feasibly happen… all of buck’s love interests up to this point have not been narratively satisfying; developed or not. so even if tommy does end up going like the leaker said (again not getting my hopes up because things change at the drop of a hat in this business) that doesn’t mean they will actually follow through with queer eddie or that any other potential love interest for buck will be in any way narratively satisfying. i’m not saying i’m closing on buddie, because i will love them and ship them together when my body is six feet under, but after the burning dumpster that was s7 post the cruise ship arc, i don’t have the faith in tim that i had before.
at the end of the day, yes abc is a more accepting and inclusive studio, but it is still that: a studio. a corporation. a money maker. they don’t actually give a fuck about the fans. i have seen time and time again that these shows do this cat and mouse shit with a queer ship and then never follow through, even if one of the characters involved does end up being confirmed queer. maybe it was a little harsh to say that tim is only interested in money, but after how little thought and care he put into last season it’s hard not to feel like he actually cares about the fans who have stuck with this show since the beginning.
i’ve mentioned before that i have stuck with this show for seven years. i have shipped buddie since s2. i witnessed the s4 buildup and subsequent letdown in s5 and 6. I know that was not tim’s fault specifically, that KR and Fox both fucked the show over
but that does not mean that tim won’t also change his mind— we saw evidence of that last minute with all the rewrites that were happening post mid season hiatus with s7. he found out he’s getting another season so he changed the plot of 7b, and if they get a season 9, all the more reason to keep dragging the buddie bait hype along with now true intentions to follow through?
i reslly really reallly wanted to trust tim again especially after the potential he had with the shooting arc in s4, but sometimes it feels like he himself has closed on buddie since then unless it’s done as a last-ditch effort to save the show… again, i’m not saying i think bt is going to be endgame, but just because they aren’t endgame doesn’t mean buddie is and that is what pisses me off. that we will have been waiting for nearly a decade for this ship to go canon, we will have gone through so much hate and vitriol from the bt stans, we have been teased and built up time and time again (even in s7), we have been bait and switched with no satisfactory outcome, and we have been laughed at the entire time, and there is a possibility that none of it will actually pay off, all because some white man gets to call the shots and he’s shown that all he cares about is melodrama and trolling people online to stir up shit.
anyway, i didn’t mean to hijack this post, anon, but i wnated to further expound upon what exactly my point was in my original post, which was not that i believed Bree’s delusions or that the helicopter pilot is buck’s endgame, but that i won’t trust tim to actually go through with anything promising until i start to see actual concrete irrefutable evidence of it.
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you've told us basic plot of the fantasy Au but how about the witch Au 👀?
Unless theres already a post about that if there is oppp- sorry
Oh the Witch AU has a plot, but I'm gonna be honest I never really figured out to integrate everything together lmao
The basic gist is that Fanny is (again) the protag. She's one of the most powerful witches there is in this universe, though she only was able to obtain this power via making a deal (it's NOT the Devil though that did cross my mind to add him). In exchange for this power she lost vision in one of her eyes, a flower sprouting from the socket, though she keeps that part hidden with bang of hair.
In universe she's known as the Iris Queen, in reference to purple irises sprouting wherever she has left devastation in her wake. Nobody has ever been able to kill her, and nobody is actually certain if she's really a mortal or not. I'm here to say she technically is but isn't. I mean you could kill her, but it'd be a complicated process. Especially when taking her familiar into account.
With the power granted to her, came a gift of sorts though Fanny cannot begin to fathom why the beast she made a deal with would do such a thing. The familiar is a massive snake, looks like a tree viper to be specific. It can camouflage itself and shrink to a normal size if it chooses to. What's odd is, well, everything about it. Can't put her finger on it but there's something wrong about it.
And she's right! Because that snake belongs to someone else! :D
Okay so originally, I never had an actual main antagonist for this AU. Maybe the cult but that was it really. Until like, a couple of months ago when I was struck with inspo via doomed yuri. There was no correlation between those two things btw it just happened that way lmao.
I haven't come up with a name or design for this antagonist yet but they are worshipped by a cult and are some kind of eldritch being of sorts with the ability to shift through memories, space, and time. They particularly love people with trauma though. And Fanny has a lot of it. Which makes her a prime target. Of course, it's not the only reason she's a prime target.
Remember the snake? Yeah that's theirs. As is the power granted to Fanny. You can imagine that would piss it off quite a lot. The cult understands this and a few years ago before the start of the story (in my head) Fanny was successfully captured by this cult. But she was able to escape though with the cuffs of the chains still on her.
She did come face to face with the villain though while escaping and had her ass handed to her quite thoroughly. Good news is she still got away.
Okay so where the story started to go to shit was that I needed Fanny to interact with the cult again, but more importantly, I needed her to interact with the other characters as well.
Because Cuphead, Holly, Boris & Bendy (Bendy is a familiar in this), and Alice were supposed to be the main ones accompanying her on her journey. Specifically I wanted her to meet them because she's trying to get these chains off which she hasn't been able to do for years. Her familiar is the only reason she's still alive alongside everything else I've mentioned. But the problem with the chains still on her is that using any amount of magic energy causes magic erosion (when the soul & body cannot contain magic anymore so it enters the physical body and starts to basically devour/decay it) so she can't use her powers as much as she'd like to.
(Also should say magic erosion looks like cracks forming on the body or single body part. At its worst stage the whole body or body part crystallizes and shatters. And yes the whole process is painful, incredibly so. Magic erosion can also lead to magic poisoning in some cases which is completely different and it's more like a disease or infection slowly spreading over the body. Sometimes you can get both!)
And where I have since left off with this plot is Fanny was recommended by pure happenchance of encountering another witch, a sea witch, who claims that a certain witch farther south could help her with her problem because they'd done something similar with her.
That witch is called by many names: the Blood Witch, Witch of Sin, the Scarlet Witch, etc.
It's Cuphead. It's just Cuphead.
And that's where the plot left off last I checked.
And yes, I have ✨️designs✨️
Though it's only Cuphead and Fanny lol never really got around to doing anyone else's
Also! Apparently I wrote the plot for this AU but I have no fucking idea what any of this was meant to be-
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aztarion · 6 months
HI. 10/11 i actually don't know what route Deva is on💔 fake fan. also 7 and 15 👀
HI JULES!! omg no i dont think i ever mentioned it dont worry im actually not even 100% set on what i have at the moment either BUT lets go on an adventure 🫴
10. If on the Bobby route, did your detective and Bobby kiss? Unwanted or Wanted? How is your detective dealing with this? And how do you think M will react once they find out?
But but but… Dev is my messy chaos child of course she kissed Bobby 🤦‍♀️
its a complicated situation and theres a rat-king tangle of emotions she doesn’t want to even begin to parse through knotting in her chest and stomach after the carnival w Mason and what she overhears from him back at the warehouse. she didn’t particularly DESIRE to kiss Bobby (but the girl lying in bed w her cat and 18 kirbies cackling evilly and choosing whatever’s funniest did shh) but they have a history and hes easy and she has steam to blow off and destructive habits to engage and the devil you know, you know. if there’s one thing about Deva she does not let things go and she will get even after taking the slightest hit to her ego, as shitty as that sounds 😭 zero emotional regulation . so yeah she initiates the kiss 🕴️
she is meh towards bobby in general (thinks hes funny in ‘i hate my job and this nosey ass reporter i used to fw in college adds a little entertainment’ way) but doesn’t regret the kiss in terms of feeling bad with regards to mason. wildly, she went into book 3 with a good relationship with bobby (truly chaotic exes) despite being a huge bitch in book 1 to him so he did NOT bring up the kiss to mason which she had forgot all about until that point. i would say thats when it starts to weigh on her subconscious a little, an uncomfortable niggling that she suppresses with her usual vices and louder simpler thoughts and feelings. im hoping thats not the end of it and that it does get brought up again just to make her squirm hehe
7. What does your detective think of the glimpse of M’s past and their “not guilty” judgment?
dev has an eerie sixth sense for weird shit and a knack for springing into action at pivotal and intense moments, but putting effort into dissecting and finding meaning in these strange situations is not her specialty so she doesnt bother. what she sees hardly makes sense to her at that moment other than the real flesh-and-blood-not-mirror Mason is on his knees in pain so um yeah she fucking shoots the mirror LMAO. crazy ass
later when its mentioned that what was playing out was Masons past, she feels sympathetic for sure — it looked like torture and experimentation to her, plus later when she gets another piece of the puzzle that M purposefully chose to have their memories wiped, she figures thats precisely why. having something like that haunting you, especially for an eternity as a vampire, would for sure fuck you up and she’d do the same.
as for the not guilty verdict, well she barely listened to Falk 😭 but she’d believe it. even if mason went beast mode and killed everyone in that room, it looked like they deserved it to her, and she has off-kilter morals and a twisted sense of justice anyway to put it lightly (capt sung was off the shits on his 8th line of coke with jeremy fragrance and mayor friedman on the day he promoted this woman in law enforcement I can tell u that much . Had to be)
15. What is your detective’s relationship with Rebecca like? If they saw the conversation that she has with M before the end of Book 2, what would they think?
BAD!! oh so so bad. *slaps devas head* this oc can pack so many grudges and let absolutely nothing go, ever . i delve a bit away from canon with her backstory and give an extra L to rebecca to keep secret and feel guilty about — in dev’s early childhood, after rooks death but before her 7th bday, rebecca permitted the agency to wipe a memory from deva which was of an imaginary friend that actually wasn’t imaginary and in fact a supernatural 🏃‍♀️ i go into that a lot more in the fic im writing and what it does to their relationship when dev finds out so ill spare details cuz this is long as hell already.
for the talk with Mason, god im fuzzy on it atm but if i remember right becky stays in her lane 😤 thats another thing that drives dev insane, is Rebecca thinking she can suddenly just involve herself in her personal life because theyre working together now. much too little far too late. rebecca is less than a stranger to her as far as deva is concerned and she is extremely harsh and unforgiving (which if mishka doesnt, i will make come back and bite dev in the ass bc truth be told i do like Rebecca as a character hehe)
thank you jules <33 you have GOT to rb one of these things some day so i can poke and prod about your love triangle menace 😤
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torialefay · 2 months
First of all, wishing you all the best of luck on your assessment🍀🍀🍀🍀
Second, mad agree with you on the hair post like😊
Third, coming from a lower middle/middle class area, i have never met a single person who was financially "normal" to this area or on the poorer side who would dare throw their electronics like chan has before. Even if they got richer later, old habits die hard, and you learn the value of money. I mean, I've seen people toss or flip their phone softly when bored, but never that hard or with a laptop or something, holy shit. You can tell a lot about someone by their interactions with not only people, but everything. The amount of times i watched an idol and went "🫵rich kid attitude" is kinda funny. And i totally agree with all the asks that came in between you and your mutuals and some anons, skz are all mad hardworking, but i dont think you can or should ignore or cover up the fact that they had the financial help and the resources to learn more and give them an advantage above the rest both personally amx through jype. Its kinda like college acceptance imo. And YES creatively free with many many many restrictions. Not even talking about k-idols, normal musicians have talked about the restrictions and requirements they need to have for their appearcance and the songs they released, i can only imagine being an idol is just exponentially demanding and restrictive. Their real voice is there, but it's smaller than a lot of stay think. Hayley Kiyoko talked about her company (label?) Not wanting her to write anymore songs about girls and Colbie Caillet has a whole song about her frustration that her label wanted her to write more love songs.
*incoherent noises* i could go on forever, but my god, cortana, play "we dont believe whats on tv" by twenty one pilots
And oh my god, i wish fandoms lighten up some. Its okay to not like everything every artist or show or whatever you like comes out with. It may even be healthy to not. When you love someone, youre not gonna let them keep fucking up and then you go "youre doing amazing sweetie", no, you have to tell them that they fucked up so they are aware of their mistakes and get better. Im pretty sure i read somewhere that skz mentioned thats what they prefer anyways. Sure its gonna hurt, especially since so much heart and hope, and hardwork went into it, but if its not good, its okay to admit that and that goes for every relationship ever. And if they dont wanna listen, then, thats on them.
Im really loving all the reality checks on here recently and i havent even ranted on about "i like it" yet lmao
thank you baby!!!! and tbf, i think they could look good in absolutely any hair color or hair style. except i never want to see christopher in another fully-red moment again. his lil red highlights or whatever he had recebtly for the mv were cute, but i'm not here for the full red like leave that man alone 😭
i was talking to one of my moots about this a little bit, so i'm actually glad you brought it up... but idk it's kind of embarrassing(?) idk for me to talk about so please bear with me im queasy lol. i was never some like super spoiled-brat rich kid or anything, but growing up i would say my family was very well-off or privilged maybe? idk it's kind of awkward to talk about bc i don't want people to feel certain ways about me but yeah. i think when you are in that kind of position, it's so easy to not even realize how advantaged you are. like there's that mentality of "oh i'm such a hard worker and that's how i've gotten here" when really, as uncomfortable as it is to admit, you don't *actually* know how far you would've gotten if you'd done it ALL on your own. not relying on anyone else... and not knowing if "just you" is good enough is a veryyyy hard pill to swallow- aka why most people disregard their privilege even being brought into the equation. it's easier to just pretend it doesnt exist. hence, i guess, why we love to think of SKZ coming up from nothing... it's just so easy to fall into that trap. and i feel like even the skz members fall into that trap themselves
unfortunately, that is the biggest drawback of being a kpop idol. in a way, you can't even be your full self anymore. which is sad. like not only do you not have full control of your own music (which is supposed to be your livelihood), but you don't even have control over how you're perceived. i talk a lot ab how i wish i could hang out with the guys behind the scenes, just to see what they're REALLY like... and when you think about it, that's kind of sad. i consume so much SKZ content, but even with all of that, it's very apparent that we don't know how they are when the cameras cut off. everything we see of them is specifically controlled by their team... except for things like bubble ofc and we see what that has revealed to us about chris lol. it's just so sad, but then again, it's exactly what they signed up for. (bonus points to u for the twenty one pilots reference though my god how i love them)
it's definitely not healthy to tell someone that they're amazing and perfect in every way and agreebwith absolutely everything they say. that's not helping anything. there's obviously a lot of stays who felt uncomfortable with the song, but imagine if no one said anything??? like literally everyone was too scared to say it and everyone just went along with it. theyd have a whole new comeback w songs ab not fucking liking you and just wanting to fuck and shit 😭 which like, power to them, but stays would just be playing themselves at that point lol
haven't ranted on "i like it".... YET?!?! oh lord, i'm strapped in and ready 😭😭😭😂
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
so I guess this isn't really relevant or interesting but I was thinking about the seals Inoichi got from Minato for his secret room and I was wondering how they survived the kyuubi attack? are the seals integrated in the walls themselves or on paper so Inoichi could/can put them up himself? and if they were integrated in the walls was the T&I building in a part of the village that was lucky and stayed untouched (or not attacked enough to be destroyed)?
Also did other friends of Minato and Kushina get seals, scrolls or something from them too like Inoichi?
(btw this is literally a showerthought I had the other day lmao😭😅 it's probably not that exciting to answer, I was just thinking of the people Minato and Kushina were friends with bc in canon Kushinas friendship with Mikoto was only mentioned in that oneflashback and it never mattered... like no one had anything to hold on too from them and so on [it's probably bc of how the story is told but it just bothers me that they were supposed to be so important/great when they lived but then were never mentioned at all]) Also did Hiromi know Kushina?
Hope you have a lovely day💜
Hey Sisdiss!
Don't worry, I'm happy to talk about anything in my fics etc ☺️ however I'll split the answer up because I don't want to just word vomit and not make any sense haha
1) Inoichi's Office: so the vault is actually a vault. Like a real vault, seperate from the bricks and plaster etc. Think:
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But obviously the size of an actual room. It's engraved, which is where Kushina was invaluable... I like to think of Minato as being the erratic paper nin because Jiraiya was such a hair-brained tutor whilst Kushina was taught in a more well rounded way, including fuinjutsu with different mediums, and she helped him engrave his special Kunai so that's how they started dating, IMO... Also I like the idea of Kushina in a forge with her chakra chains whilst Minato is like an obsessive bookworm haha
In my version of Konoha's village planning, T&I is in the same 'Quarter' as the hospital, which was untouched by the Kyuubi attack, so the building has remained intact the whole time. However, if T&I was destroyed, the vault would survive and be reinstalled in the new office. If Nagato levelled Konoha, Inoichi's vault would survive because Kushina is THAT good. Shisui's not wrong in thinking the vault is the safest place in Konoha, it's basically a nuclear bunker.
2) Kushina and Minato's friends: frankly - and I agree that it's mainly the fault of the way the series was written - these two ended up feeling like the kind of people that everyone has lovely things to say about... After they're gone. When they were alive, you could count their real friends on one hand. And there's a very good reason for this, tbh;
Kushina: she was, like, 10 when she came to Konoha and we know she struggled to adjust. She probably left a lot of her childhood friends behind, she was introduced to Mikoto through their parents, and she clashed with missing her own culture AND not adjusting instantly to Konoha's culture. Konoha is.... clique-y and Kushina was very boisterous about being proudly Uzushi AND Uzumaki. It's like going to killer-in-training school with a foreign princess who has made it clear she hates it here- oh wait, that's not a metaphor.
Adding in my HC that the Uzumaki are Matriarchal and the canonical fact that Konoha treats it's Kunoichi like SHIT, you're looking at Kushina not being very... Social butterfly. She's got Mikoto and that's it, at school. Outside of school, she definitely spends all of her time with Mito and family, and she spends a lot of time with the Fuinjutsu Guild... But there's distance there. Kushina has left home, where she's the Kage-equivalent's daughter (Mito's her great-aunt) BUT was surrounded by family + home... to a place where the social distance between average Konohan people and an 'Uzumaki Princess' isn't being respected but IS being respected by Uzushio-migrants etc. So Kushina is pissed because she's clashing with the Konohans BUT kept distanced from her own people except for, like, Mito, Tsunade, and Mikoto. Add in the turmoil of being a Jinchuuriki down the line and Kushina is known by everyone but close to very few.
Minato: he starts off as literally nobody. He's like a faceless kid in the BG of main character shots, the ones the artists do really quickly so he looks kinda trod on. He's an orphan and he has a last name... To a civilian clan that's completely cut off from him. He grows up in the orphanage and goes to the academy with nothing of his own. Minato is hollow-cheeked and dirty-fingernailed and Naruto is so, so, much like his father in more than just colouring, it's tragic. But Minato is a bookworm, he only has his brain to rely on, and he's got average chakra, no heritage to speak of.
So he studies, he claws himself upwards with a warm smile and a silenced voice. He's nobody, no friends in school, until they're old enough to be doing exams and suddenly he's the top of every class. No one knows who he is, craning their necks for the so-called Rookie of the Year- and Jiraiya is given a team, team seven with the usual Rookie who is a no named orphan. Jiraiya isn't built to be a teacher but Minato doesn't have a clan or family to complain about teaching methods and fairness. By the time he's built a life for himself, how is he going to make friends? He's friends with his colleagues. Inoichi, Shikaku, Chouza, he's tentative allies with Fugaku, he's done time in ANBU (he's fast, Jiraiya taught him fuinjutsu because that's what Jiraiya is willing to talk about, and he's useful but not irreplaceable... Of course Minato was ANBU) and he knows Sakumo, promises to tutor the war hero's son, gets an apprentice, starts making more and more waves...! Becomes Hokage, takes his guards under his wing because, well, he sees them more than most people and that's how you make friends, right?
It's lonely at the top but it's fucking lonely the whole way up there as well when you come from nothing and few see you until it's too late.
So... No, I don't think Kushina and Minato had a lot of friends 👀
3) Sealings presents: considering that ^^ unintentional rant (😅), the few people close to them both would have presents, I'm sure. Raidou inherited all of Minato's notes, Mikoto probably has almost all of Kushina's personal effects but 90% is sealed up for Naruto (fuck you, Sarutobi). I imagine that Mikoto's blades all have engravings for sharpness and strength and chakra conduction in them... Let's say that Shikaku's shogi board was also a gift from Minato, just a nice normal board 🤷 I haven't thought too much about it, tbf
4) did Hiromi know Kushina? Absolutely, Hiromi was the ANBU tattooist for decades before her husband popped off the mortal coil and she renovated his leather shop. She would've been prominent in the Guild, which is unfortunately on it's very last legs these days. It's literally dying of old age, the art is losing a lot of traction in Konoha (everyone wants a big exploding Jutsu, or they give up after learning a barrier seal... No one wants to devote three decades to an apprenticeship with half that time spent mixing ink or smelting fine silver trinkets or embroidery because that's not battlefield glory 🙄) Hiromi was one of Mito's 'inner circle', the first Uzushi who immigrated alongside her when she married Hashirama, so she would've known Kushina quite closely from her arrival.
Phew! Sorry for the rambling, hope this makes sense~
Have a great day too 💖
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roxy206 · 2 years
Live In Chicago From The Historic Auditorium Theatre — 03/27/2023 | watch here | listen here
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No because this intro is amazing
Ngl I do miss seeing them walk out onto stage
The two seconds it takes for Katya to mention her short dress lmao
Thank youuu, thank youuu You’re welcome
I’m in my tanning phase at the same age that you were, when you were in your tanning phase
The two of them saying the hoops 😂
Love wins Love wins
Of course Trixie went for the small dick joke lol
If you’re born naked & the rest is drag how do you criminalize it? 🤣
Okay so you really don’t know about drag queens because we are self-centered assholes
If drag really didn’t heal the world the conservatives wouldn’t care, but because it’s working they’re like we need to stop this
So if anybody knows a youth pastor — seriously though
Katya winking pleaaase
You wouldn’t understand what I’ve been through No, I couldn’t possibly! You’re so brave 😂
Katya laughing at herself is so !
I would but I won’t
I don’t drive so what’s gonna happen to me, d’you know what I mean?
You’re really doing responsibility
Katya talking about being an introvert
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I’m sorry but Trixie knowing what story Katya is about to tell … I get immense pleasure out of that
It’s like looking up at the rain but reverse
I started getting a huge boner
Now excuse me I need clarification here on whether Katya literally heard Trixie while she was showering or imagined hearing Trixie
I was in the shower — different time — thinking about this person — 👀👀👀
Dungeons & Dragons bitch
Katya wanting to look exclusively for cuddling on Grindr
Am I nuts like if I just want to like kiss, just a man to kiss & hug?
I didn’t tell you [gasp] New information!
I’m so ashamed to admit that I immediately got hard — Trixie’s reaction 😂
When I ordered Noodles & Company upon your suggestion — AHHHH!
No I’m gonna tell my dentist story for the twelfth time
Okay wait is it a Massachusetts or New England thing to call it a johnny because … yes that’s what it’s called (I guess so lol)
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I don’t want no — I do want scrubs
Do you think he was putting the feelers out? How could you not?
Aww Trixie’s guidance counselor 😭
Trixie looking at Katya saying the bog
I was already feeling emosh & I can’t deal with Katya saying there’s something very poignant & touching about it 🥺
Not them doing a BFF quiz
The fucking irony that Trixie did indeed call her assistant when she was out running & shit her pants
Hold on hold on, Trixie shaved Katya’s back?
What do you MEAN oh you’ve seen me in the back of the bus eating pizza
There’s too much to process here I’m going to need to rewatch this one
What did he say? Cheese. Which is exactly what I would have said — Katya’s laugh when she says cheese 😂
I’ve had a colorful life
Is there a difference? You tell me
I didn’t think anyone knew it was a blowup doll
You told me to watch that movie & I haven’t watched it either
It’s 50 First Dates up here at this point
I can’t believe I haven’t told you this
Wait I can finally tell you this story too!
This pod episode was lit
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having-conniptions · 1 year
Love In The Air Special Episode) live reaction under the cut (long post)
Uhhhhh I watched the entire series on iQIYI and there's a special episode but it's just some behind the scenes commentary... I don't think that's it *proceeds to google* *finds actual episode on bilibili* aaaaaahhh bilibili my beloved
The quality is fucked tho, I can count the damn pixels
Ayyyyy besties hanging out <3
Lmao not Plerng trying to snatch Sky away from Pai hahahahaha
"Nong Sky, you should come this way or you'll go crazy like them" HAHAHA SHE'S ICONIC
"I didn't fight with P'Phayu. I'm just annoyed that he's attractive." Good to know our boys still have normal real-life problems
So... Sky's problem is that Pai's entire family is crushing on him and Rain's problem is that everyone is crushing on Phayu? They're so unserious omg but unserious problems are what they deserve after everything they've gone through
"No, it doesn't suit you. Take it off right now." So that's how it is huh Rain?
Hahaha my babies are so baby
"Have you ever called P'Pai 'Daddy'?" RAIN WHERE IS THIS GOING
The way he said "Daddyyy-uh!" Rain stoooppp I'm wheezing
Soooo... Phayu was acting like Rain's dad (telling him to get off his damn phone and read a book), Rain called him out on it and Phayu's brain short circuited - got it xD I love them so much
Hahaha Rain is so shameless istg
"Can I eat something else too?" 👀🍑
"Keep playing your game. I'm gonna play mine." OH MY 👀
Awwww Phayu and Prapai watching Rain and Sky being adorable and goofy 🤭❤️
Sky telling that girl to back off was too good - I absolutely love when he's being sassy 🔥❤️
He's so sassy and confident I LOVE HIM SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Besties going on a trip ayyyyy
And trying their hardest not to miss their respective boyfriends lmao
But can we please treat their friendship as just as valid and important as their relationships? Because it is 😭❤️
They didn't even tell their boyfriends?? Oh - they did. But our dumbasses still decided to look for them I guess lol
Oh poor Sig xD
Lmao Rain gave Sig the exact location and even the room HE WANTS TO BE FOUND 😂
Sig's "evil laugh" I can't- 😂
SKY IN LUFFY COSPLAY?? I mean I knew he was an otaku but I didn't know it was this bad 😂 the cosplay is 🔥🔥🔥 tho
Chilling at the pool, sipping cocktails, living the good life 😌❤️
...gets boring quickly I guess 😂
Good thing the bf's are on their way
"Don't say there's actually a ghost behind me" Rain so Baby
"You know I'll get angry if you drag me away like that, don't you?" - "You know I won't do anything against your will" THIS EXCHANGE ❤️❤️
Directly followed by "I told you not to followed me" well he's got a point lmao
HAVE I MENTIONED I LOVE SASSY SKY especially when he's bossing around his bf
Love how both of them are like "I'll forgive you but you have to do whatever I say" Rain is gonna put Phayu in a costume isn't he- HE CAME PREPARED IT'S IN HIS SUITCASE I CAN'T 😂
Oh my god Sky's rules for Pai are pure evil but like in the best way possible holy shit HAVE I MENTIONED I LOVE WHEN SKY IS LIKE THIS
"Then it must be when I punished you until you were sore. But i remember that you liked it" whyyy did we only see the other options (why Rain is angry) as flashbacks earlier but not this one? Not fair xD
Hahaha "next outfit. Get changed now."
The kisses in this series are seriously so beautiful - idk why but they're just so satisfying 😌❤️
Omg Sky with the candles & the bathrobe and the bubble bath and Pai isn't allowed to do anything or react - really testing his self control I could neverrrrrr
The power that Sky holds over Pai 👀👀👀 I am WEAK for him omg
"You've really got no idea how greedy I am" why is that so hot I mean what-
"We've made up, but I never said your punishment was over" Sky can be so scary you almost forget he is in fact baby
Awwwwww why is everyone so cute 😭❤️
"Shall we have a beach wedding?" PROPOSING ALREADY HUH
"You must've forgotten that same sex marriage isn't legalized in this country" I love how this line perfectly fits Sky's character while simultaneously bringing attention to one of the problems same-sex couples in Thailand face in real life, reminding viewers of the injustice that still exists
"But I believe there'll be changes in the future" aaaaaa i really see this exchange as something that's kinda breaking the first wall and this line feels like it's meant to give hope to same-sex couples in Thailand (and in other countries where it's not legal yet) ❤️❤️
Also can I just say Sky looks so freaking beautiful in this scene I want to print out every frame and use them as wallpaper 😍
Also the location and outfits are the same as in the photo on Pai's desk 😭❤️😭❤️
Awwww everyone running into the water, flip flops floating away into the ocean lmao
Shiiiiiiit they're all so cute omg that shot with both couples just standing there SO IN LOVE and Phayu and Pai with their wet (now see-through) shirts I don't even know where to look but this is art
And I'm sure a good part of that goofy ending was just BossNoeul and FortPeat 🤭🤭
This... this is it. It's over. Omg it's over. But it's not bc I'm not done yet. Time to obsess for a couple more weeks.
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gideongrovel · 1 year
I love when others acknowledge my F/Os being my guys, or just hearing others talk about them just makes me 🥰🥰🥰 no tw,,, im just adding a readmore cuz i don't know how long imma ramble lmao,,
so my brother's been visiting for a couple weeks, and normally we (me, my brother, and sister) watch or rewatch a bunch of shit while he's here,,,, so last night we were doing that but my sister wanted to go to bed after a couple movies, but me and my brother wanted to stay up and still watch something still,,,, so we wanted to pick something our sister wouldn't care if we watched without her,,,, so we decided on C.astlevania,,,,, my brother didn't wanna watch any eps from the third season, i said "we have to watch episodes from the fourth season because V.arney is in it" im pretty sure he just thinks I like V.arney as a character he doesn't know how i ship with him tho I'm not good at hiding my affections, so he probably knows it's more then platonic love of a character *rip*,,,, but my sister who does know that I ship with V.arney or at least know vaguely that i do, from down the hall overheard my suggestion, and was like "I heard he stinks, you can't watch that" (she wasn't being mean she was doing a bit, since we will roast characters eachother like for sillies,,, tho he canonically does smell bad lol)
when i was pulling up the episodes my brother started laughing cause he realized the timestamps are all at random points of each of the episodes,,, and he was like "You have them all stopped in the middle of the episodes, on the V.arneys scenes don't you?" and I just laughed and agreed cause he was spot on 😂 I told him "earlier I mentioned how I had "''episodes recorded"'' I really just meant the V.arney scenes" idk what he was thinking when I said that cause he just laughed and was like "Oh my gosh" 💀 Anyways,,, when V.arney first shows up I'm like "There he is! my boy!" and the next scene when they show him my brother immediately was like "There's your boy" 🥰 and then later on when G.ermain (one of my brothers faves in the show) is going through it, I made a joke saying "Your boys looking rough" he just responds saying "It's your boys fault" 😂 calling V.arney just "my boy" feels very much so like an understatement,,,, since he is in fact my husband, not just "my boy" that sounds more casual,,,,Idc if my brother knows I ship with V.arney,,,, but at the same time idk if I would feel comfortable if he knew I see V.arney as a husband,,,, 😅
But being able to gush throughout the episodes at his scenes, and pointing out details about him has me feeling all 🥰💞💞💖💞💞💞 I don't get to gush about V.arney enough to other people,,, since not all of you know his source, so id feel bad just info dumping, and fandomwise there's hardly any post for him to reblog,,, so I can't do it much as I want to,,,, so it's nice to be able to do for a change with to someone who actually know him,,,, and it's always fun to see others acknowledge my affections for a f/o UwU 💕 Still doing our rewatch so I will mention if anything else noteworthy is said (or if i just wanna post about for myself so I don't forget, like mostly how this post is meant to be)
Been so focused on my wife lately,,, so haven't been watching the husbands stuff as much or not as focused when i do,,,,, and coming back after a while,,, gots me in a shippy mood,,,,, I need to draw more ship art of us 👁️👁️ other then the 2year anniversary art the majority of my stuff is from before most of y'all followed me,,,, 😭 i need to finish up an trade I'm working on,,,, after that I can work on something for myself hehe >:3c
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weebsinstash · 1 year
More Val pls 😭 there’s never enough of him
I like this nasty man an unhealthy amount so I could just spit ball some random concepts I've been having for him
-I've been playing around with the different products and things I do to my hair and it made me think of like, since Val is so materialistic and likes having "pretty company" that he starts obsessing over Reader and their hair. Like, I mentioned before a concept "oh what if Reader's hair or eyes or something on them glowed" cause, you know, hes a moth, and you're just sitting chilling during or after your shift and like, he's on the phone or doing something where you aren't 100% paying attention to him and he just. Reaches over and starts playing with your hair. You're trying not to side eye him and give him weird looks in confusion as he's just casually twisting a strand of your hair around a finger, maybe running his fingers through it, just kind of, all but palming the top of your head. And you can't ask him what the fucking deal is because he's on the phone and you're just a server and you don't want him to potentially give you the pimp hand for interrupting what sounds like a potential business deal (and of course that's his intention). he's just getting his hands and fingers all up in that shit while you can't say anything while he's seeing your hair texture, where your parts are, the state of your hair and your scalp, maybe you catch a scowl or two if you have an issue like accidentally using too much conditioner or he sees any dandruff, making a mental note to "fix you later"
-couple that with another idea of "Valentino making you hate your own hair and maybe since it glows its white or something and one day he EXTREMELY pisses you off and the very next shift you have you slam his drink down on the table 'here you go Mr Valentino ^^' and he looks up and you've dyed your hair jet black and it doesn't glow now and he INSTANTLY drags you to HIS salon and his hair stylist to get all that out of your hair without damaging it (and maybe you even dyed it wrong or with the wrong materials to try and damage it or make the dye permanant on purpose just to piss him off and hope he leaves you alone, which he doesnt)
-Be high maintenance to be low maintenance. He wants to see you all fixed up without garnering animosity from, well, the hoes. Everyone is in the limo and he says some shit like how recently everyone's been earning him a lot of money so he's gonna treat everyone and he's just kind of like "and you can come too I guess 🙄" as if he's just throwing you in there as an extra but in actuality this is him avoiding anyone going "but Daddy why do THEY get XYZ and not me 🥺" because if he could, like, he'd just be a two faced asshole and blatantly pamper you while neglecting his hardest workers like, say, Angel. I've even considered, like, what if Valentino notices huge changes in Angel's positivity and obedience and just overall demeanor after he hangs out with you (because remember, Angel has a little sis who presumably went to Heaven and he misses her a lot) and Valentino kind of makes you two a package deal: if he keeps you happy, you help keep Angel happy and easier to manipulate
-like just imagine Angel is trying to stick up for himself amd tell Val, hey maybe I don't wanna sleep with that john, he's a real fuckin creep, and Valentino just cocks a brow, "oh, you want me to have your little friend do it instead?" And Angel is just alright sir right away sir thank you for this opportunity Mista Valentino 😊 like. Depressing
-another idea I've had is like, what if Valentino actually didn't even really care for you but VOX does and once he starts paying attention to you, it sucks Val in. And this kind of ranges from everything of "you're kind of a gamer/dweeb like Vox and you two click" to "you produce music and Vox is aware of/fan of your stuff, or Velvet is if Reader is like, an idol, because why not for fun lmao" to "you're a chick but you're a little more 'butch and tough' than Val's other girls and he's like a bottom or a switch and he likes that
Like can you imagine like, everyone is in the limo when it pops a tire or some shit and everyone has to get out on the sidewalk, and maybe someone on limo maintenance fucks up and there's no jack, or maybe one of the drivers is too dumb to know how to properly remove a tire, and Vox and Val are just getting progressively pissed off and, there you are, rolling up your sleeves and just, reaching down and, getting the breaker bar to finally spin and loosen the bolts around the tire, or even reaching down and picking up the limo (because really, where is the fun in putting Reader in a world with magic and powers and not getting anything ourselves"
Or someone comes to try and kill Val because he's a gangster and maybe he fucked someone over on a deal and that secret second job I.M.P training of yours kicks in and you practically become John Wick. You do some sly shit like idk catch Vox from falling and tripping or pulling him just out of reach of getting fucked up and all but pull him into a tango dip and maybe to lighten the mood you try to joke around "hey handsome you come here often?" While you're holding him up with your strength like he weighs nothing and he's just PINK and later on he's laying with Val in bed "hey I think I might be bi actually???" while Val pokes and prods to find out who tf he's talking about
-I've thought of really just goofy concepts for fun like, what if there's a dance competition with a cash prize and Reader who is maybe male in this idea is on the downlow but is like a dance major or even a hip hop superstar and he enters the competition and he's nearly in the semifinal round and suddenly the shows like "and for an extra special guest judge today we have the Porn King of Pentagram City, Valentino!!!" and your blood runs cold because like you're not exactly stripping but there have been quite a few dances where you've been dropping your ass a lil bit and being just more than a little zesty and Valentino turns his eyes to you and he's got just the most smug "I caught your ass" smirk on his face. The version of you Valentino knows is blunt and quiet and doesn't talk much, all but over compensating masculinity, and yet here you are, shaking that waist and ass of yours until he wants to squeeze you with all of his hands.
-honestly just concepts in general where Reader turns out to have some sort of artistic gift are fun. Reader is an author and Valentino finds out your porn is actually pretty good, or maybe he's entertained the quiet shy mousey little you had a nasty side, or maybe the numbers you reach on your stuff screams money to him. Or he brings you to a club and the track on the speakers change and your face lights up "oh my god I wrote this!" And its a song from when you were alive and you rush to the dance floor to whip out some choreography way too planned and precise to just be some bullshit you're whipping out of nowhere and maybe even singing as people in the club instantly recognize you as formerly-alive fans
Honestly its a little wacky but imagine the like tonal difference, the dichotomy, the black and white difference of, Valentino being this absolute fucking pervert and you're like this shy not very talkative person and he finds out like you're some poppy preppy bouncy feminine lil idol like some SAYU or Kyary Pamyu Pamyu shit and he's laughing in your face and maybe his pal Velvet comes into the room and her eyes just light up and suddenly she's shoving her phone in Valentino's face to show him your newest hit "Let Me Skip Into Your Heart (And Also Suck You Off) feat. Verosika Mayday" with like 2.5 million views in three months and he's like "ok I GUESS you have SOME talent 🙄" while he's also having an internal battle "wait do I have I new fetish for wanting to rip girly dresses and thigh highs off this bitch 🤔"
Honestly just "Valentino finding out you're a celebrity/influencer" ideas have been kind of fun. Imagine he's just minding his own business and one of his workers is sitting next to him watching something on their phone and he looks over and its a makeup tutorial, by you, or you're reviewing a certain product while making people laugh, or you're doing some like Stanzi Potenza sorta comedy or something, and he glances down to the metrics and likes amd view counts and its huge and he just glances across the limo to you and you're. In your work uniform, hair barely combed, you have some new acne breakouts, you have bags under your eyes, posture is shit because you're exhausted, but, that's definitely you and now he gets to find out the sheer scope of what you've been up to, and maybe becoming a manager of yours in the process
Ive even thought of like, what if Reader offhandedly gave Valentino some business advice and it turned out working really well and he consults you from time to time. Like imagine Valentino is talking business and you're around and he's talking about profits and shit and like, maybe the amount of people who want to sleep with his top earners is down, even not as many people want Angel to satisfy Val's green, and maybe you just kind of offhandedly butt into the conversation without even looking up from your phone "well maybe its because he's a porn star. If you just like created a celebrity or an idol or a micro celebrity or something who was attractive and then you pimped them out in secret it would probably make you a ton of money, like of Beyonce started her career as a stripper that would put a ton of people off but if you told people they could secretly fuck Beyonce the musician they would sell their entire families for it" and maybe that segues into "Reader becomes some sort of idol or entertainer or singer or product for Valentino that he eventually pimps out (or even decides he won't because he's too jealous, you can sing and dance but HE'S the only one you can sleep with)
God I can't wait until Hazbin comes out this year. I HAVE to know what this man sounds like because the voice and finally seeing and hearing his speaking will be everything 😩❤️ or it could backfire and I might not like the finished product as much as the one I've built up in my head but, thems the breaks right?
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wikiangela · 2 years
911 s6e2 - some thoughts and comments as I'm watching:
spoilers ahead haha
oh shit I almost forgot about Athena's dad 😳
I love the way we kinda see it all from Athena's perspective, and everything is so echoey and feels kinda distant I guess hah
those scenes before something bad happens are always so stressful because I don't know what exactly to expect or when to expect it 😂 like, I love it, but I hate it 🤣🤣
oh my god I did not expect the guy to blow up his yard 😂 I was so anxiously waiting for him to get seriously hurt somehow and here he goes doing this 😂
awww Captain Hen 😍😍 love that so much ❤️
I figured the wife was cheating with the neighbor but they had an underground tunnel for that??? lmao how did they even manage that 😂
they always manage to do something completely unexpected 😂 God I love this show
"are you at ease" why was this so funny 😂
I'm loving Maddie, like, mentoring Noah or whatever, but... I miss dispatcher May sns 😂😂 (and May in general)
Hen is gonna totally wear herself out, I'm tired just watching her go through it all - btw those shots of her driving super tired and while eating are giving so much anxiety that she'll get into an accident or something - even though I drive, I'm still so terrified of the possibility of a car crash after I was in a car crash when I was like 6 or 7 lol -
okay, what the fuck was that popcorn scene 😂 did that have a purpose? was it supposed to be funny? cause it was kinda cringe and annoying and wtf why did they do that 😂
oh my god she's falling asleep behind the wheel - I fucking called it (I'm currently talking at my screen out loud begging her to pull over, I'm totally fine 🙂😂😂)
oh thank God she's fine but oh my god I'm fucking stressed out 😂
Bobby is the best husband, seriously, I so respect him standing up to Athena's mom, that was great - her mom is being a bit unreasonable but like, I understand it because I know, even just based on my family, how old people are - so stubborn and set in their ways, and can get offended over nothing and take everything way too personally...
random thought (because I heard Hen talk to Julie and I was like: who's that new person lol) but like: where's Ravi? I don't remember how he ended up at the end of s5 but like, did he leave the show or something??
Buck always having meaningful conversations with people on calls when he needs it 👀👀
this is such a stressful rescue but somehow it's less stressful than Hen driving 😂😂 (that car accident affected me too much lol its a miracle I drive regularly now haha)
fuck, I teared up when Hen was telling Lev about Frankie 😭 and now I'm fucking crying omg what 😭😭💔 he was on the screen for like 2 minutes, why am I crying over him 😂 they always know how to hit me in the feels
and the saddest version of don't worry be happy is just making it worse 😭😂😂
I haven't mentioned it yet, so here's my weekly pause and break for thirsting over Eddie because I can't handle the feels now lol: damn Eddie looks so fucking good, like always 🥵🔥 I really love his haircut tbh I wish he had more screen time this episode because oh my god he looks so hot and just so gorgeous 😍😍🔥 (when does he not 🙄😂) okay, I'm done for now lol
I'm loving the plotline of Buck trying to find happiness and I feel for him rn 🥺 he looks so sad and clearly this death hit him pretty hard 🥺 also, the "you always have the answers" 🥺😭
don't tell me Hen didn't pass 😳💔
oh fuck I'm crying once again, poor Hen 😭😭💔 she took on way too much, I feel so bad, both for her and for her family 😭
and now Beatrice is making me cry - damn, it's episode 2 and they're already hitting me in the feels way too much 😂 I can't handle it 😭😂
A BODY? WHAT NOW? WTF??? okay, I wasn't that invested in Athena's story so far but now I am 😳😳😳😳 I MEAN, WHAT?! what does this mean??? I'm so confused and so curious and just.... what. I need the next episode right the fuck now 😂😂
tbh I wanted to say I liked the previous episode a little bit better - but like, that last scene really made it crazy and now I'm 🤯 I loved it
ngl, as much as I felt bad for Athena, I didn't care all that much for her parents' story but the end scene made it the most interesting thing this episode 😂
I loved Hen's story and I was so worried and stressed for her (if you ever feel tired when driving, my god, just pull over pls 😂) school work and being a present mom and a wife is a lot and she was just so overworked and overwhelmed and I'm curious where her story goes now, because they built up her wanting to become a doctor so much, it'd be weird if they just dropped it now 🤔
I'm loving Buck trying to find happiness - Buck's stories are always great and I hope we'll get some more of that in next episodes
I'm also hoping Eddie will get some important storyline soon because he's just there being an amazing firefighter and looking hot and I'm not complaining but like, let's put some more focus on him pls 😂
overall, really loved it, and I seriously cannot fucking wait for the next one (like, the ending??? I won't stop thinking about it until the next episode 😂)
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fighting-these-demons · 4 months
Bucch*g*ri Livebloging Ep 5
Ivy soulcaliber runs an illegal factory on the side???
Hmmmm they're mentioning the gang war. Are they all taking pipes to beat them with? They had like 2 days and the whole time they were planning all this could they not have done this earlier???
MATAKARAAAAAA!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖 He's so awesome! Save the day darling!
Huh. When he's standing normal he sort of looks like Abel Nightroad.
its a sshame he's garbage. I wonder if the way that he uses English is charming or annoying to Japanese audiences?
Oh damn. Matakara is about to Loose His Mind! 😨 He's like "I've done everything right. What the fuck is happening here??? This guy ain't shit. Why is Arajin so happy to be here???? Is this guy his type????"
Matakara I'm always rooting for you but if you could turn your head slightly to the left I promise you'll find 2 guys that are CRAZY about you! They're cute too!!!
"Playing king's orders."???????? WHAT DI YOU MEAN?????
GENIE ain't hearing any if this shit. He's side eyeing him so hard like "dude you're enjoying this shit too much"
Arajin brings nothing but shame on Team Sigma.
How is he not the least bit embarrassed????? Thats a whole room full of guys. Damn Ivy Soulcalibur looks so pleased. Just eyeing him.
Another one bites the dust
WAIT. nah there's no way. They wouldn't do a Helen of Troy with this storyline because that would make no sense.
" Are you friends? " "No its not like that at all! "
MATAKARAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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you kknow I respect that Ivy Soulcalibur has a strict dress code for his gang. They look great in the background and he instantly stands out among them.
Diva behavior. Love that for him.
Oh he has a thing for or maybe beef with Matakara's older brother possibly.
Man wouldn't it be funny and infuriating if someone else calling Matakara "Good Boy" is what finally triggers Arajin finally standing up for Matakara?
Begging them to give me even a crumb of Butler/Teacher. Just a crumb please! 😭
Hmmmm. Matakara is strong and flexible.
Can't he at least get his arms in front of him?
*sigh* Arajin you've got a long climb to decency and less than 10 episodes. You better get to it. 🙄😒
At least he's helping him
Lmao so he IS the only character responding to Arajins insane virginity yells. I called it!
Oh no. 😨
Oh Thank God. Wait he has his own club and idol group? He must be yakuza. No way he has the money for this as a high schooler.
Well. We've got more to the flashback
A crumbling bomb shelter. What a great place for a fight!
Arajin run. Run now. Quickly.
Wait wait wait. We STILL don't have an explanation about why Arajin was naked????
There must be a cultural context clue to that king command game or something that I just didn't pick up on.
MATAKARA!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖
She needs help, but I respect the very much fictional hustle. I'm sick to my stomach but if it were literally any other guy in the crowd then I'd be cheering her on so.
At least him doing this makes sense because genies long lost rival lover is wholesale possessing him.
I'm not a fan of this type but damn does he play it well! Suave as hell! 🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏👍👍👍
This is beautifully cathartic. 10/10
Oh NOW we get the explanation lol. Amazing. He seems to know that he can't trust this clearly duplicitous man though si that's good.
Poor Genie.
Thanks Incest Ingenue! You've put him back on a path. Is it a good path? I dunno. But it's certainly a path.
I know too many anime tropes honestly. There's another one for Veef with one of the other gangs heads. It was Kenichiro after all! And I bet it's related to Matakara's brother.
Hmmmm interesting. If he does thay often you'd assume there'd be preexisting scarring.
That sounds rapey as all hell. Comparing stopping at noting -even murder- to get revenge and get kenichiro and comparing it to Arajin losing his virginity. Sounds like he wants to rape Arajin or arrange a kidnapping or drugging to help Arajin rape someone else.
KENICHIRO!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Uhg. Of course he don't like you bitch you play dirty with weapons when it goes against the creed of the group like????? Your crush and devotion don't mean shit if you fold to suit yourself whenever. 🤷‍♀️
No wonder they dumped ur ass.
Oooooooh 2nd story no guard rail high stakes fight!!!!!!!
I don't think I'll ever see his beautiful eyes but I headcanon them as a lovely shade of lilac. 💜
I would too if I was a guy I get it.
Ah yep. Here comes the rape suggestion.
Hmmmm I wonder if it's the rape suggestion with the hand gripping his shoulder from behind with enough force to hold him in place while his own hands are between his asscheeks assumedly against his asshole and it all suddenly overwhelms him?
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Or if it's his heart pulling a Grinch and growing 3 sizes this day?
GENIE is noticing too.
Ivy Soulcalibur you're gay as the day is long you're so full of shit
Yep blue genie is possessing him for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a 24/7 shared consciousness thing. Clearly whatever they've got going is working for them.
Here he comes! Arajin!!!!
Why do they still want to fight???
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poor rubix's brain.... I'm starting to think this is a cry for help
but then you won't get a star either, or else your ego will go through the roof! OKAY, WAIT A MINUTE. we are definitely not talking about them and this is a really long article, an article that by the way I didn't start reading and didn't get my jaw dropped by the quotes from some poems, and obviously didn't give me any ideas or inspiration to write something. Okay, since you wouldn't like to point that out, I wouldn't like to say that this makes a lot of sense and that now I liked some of the poems mentioned even more-
your Insta page is actually your worst enemy and makes a point of throwing information and things in your face, forcing you to see just like the birdbox guy opening the woman's eyes so she can see the “invisible” things making everyone want to die. OH- your insta page IS your birdbox guy-
not all men... coff coff but always a man coff coff. and my god yes???? there are so many disgusting comments, there's no way anyone can look at this and think it's OK for people to say things like that or think that hailee isn't uncomfortable with this shit.
It's just funny that we both agreed to leave it out but kept adding a few things, consequently coming back to the topic lmao. the closet is glass but it's the kind of glass that only mimes can see fr. I already said I'm not good with words and it came out a mess, do you still want me to talk about my thoughts on Kate? 😭
– 🌟
we are going to pretend like my mind totally didn't go blank when i read that first part 😶 ANYWAY, you could argue my entire blog IS a cry for help and you probably wouldn't be wrong.
unfortunately, my ego will go through the roof no matter what but i admire your efforts. i’m so glad you didn’t read it because it definitely doesn't do a great job of explaining things that took me like three months to research. and i definitely don't think about the “armed cavalier” poem every day and become awe-struck all over again. and i’m extra glad we're not bringing emily dickinson into it because they definitely don't have a bunch of poems about death, immortality, and the idea of heaven that hurt a lot because they were both most definitely queer.
that's a perfect way to describe it, ngl. i hate using Instagram now because every time, there's that sense of dread about what it's going to show me. like i’m just trying to find pretty pictures of olivia rodrigo, i do not care about football!!
yeah, it's absolutely awful and it maybe wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if i didn't have a feeling JA actively encourages those kinds of comments. maybe not from his fans but i bet he's not policing his teammates if they want to say shit like that about hailee.
i know, we have to stop encouraging each other to keep ranting about it but there's just SO much to say. i need someone to just get it over with and smash that damn glass closet before i lose my mind. you say this as if i didn't admit to rereading everything you send like four messages ago. if your thoughts on kate are anything like those essays you sent, i am 119% on board. like, my blog is practically dedicated to all my thoughts on kate, so it's not like anyone’s dying to hear what i think ‘cause i’m pretty consistent in my depictions of her. in conclusion, YES, i want to hear your thoughts!
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Third: omg us in july is truly a miracle because turns out that you posted your fic in july 2016
Fifth- that friend from whose fic you found me is one of my besties and I've known her for 8 years minus ONE DAY 🥺🥺🥺 tomorrow (based on timezones) is our anniversary and AHHHHHH GOD THATS MY LONGEST FRIENDSHIP THAT I STILL KEEP UP WITH. to think that I've known YOU for seven... omg?
Sixth! You detective! You are so cool
Seven !! Dw about finding my old tumblr LOOOOLLL I did mean to delete it but am just lazy and avoidant,,, but it's okay really! Not an invasion of privacy considering /my/ behaviour with your blogs JDAJDJSJDJSKSKDKA your "invasion" of my privacy is warranted LMAO let's catch each other up on our misadventures 🥳 jkjk
Eight- although yes I dont use that account anymore and have had four more since then 💀💀💀💀 I planned to contact you through the fourth, you see 🤡 (god this clown emoji looks terrifying on my phone I hate it suddenly, it's NIGHTTIME i dont want clown nightmares even if I'm not scared of them 😭 hard to be scared of something you've never seen before except in a mirror shdhfjdndnjsksa)
Ten- "HAHA DW YOU DONT HAVE TO TALK TO ME IF YOU DONT WANT TO HAHA" these haha's killed my soul a little OF COURSE I want to talk to you I'm just SHIT at having energy for conversations lately (for like 3 years now LMFAOOOO) BUT THATS NO EXCUSE !!!!!!!!!!!
omg i didn't know you hurt your foot 😭 is that why you're bedridden?? SENDING YOU GOOD HEALING VIBES SJDJDJSJS I hurt my feet too because i got overenthusiastic with exercise 💀💀 and then just skipped a day like no MY STREAK! But they're fine rn I guess, maybe the rest was good ehrjejdjsjsa
omg I'm a proper carat 🥺🥺🥺 am I a proper carat if I barely know their songs because I'm fond of them but I probably don't know more than ten songs DHEJEHSHDNSKS??? Help. I must be an improper carat (can you tell I have dumb jokes)
THIRTEEN! I realised after seven entire years that your name basically translates to cheese on toast. That was a revelation. I hope you've brien well. Yes. I actually just did that.
Fourteen- caratumblr abo verse.... I havent written smut for two years and I havent even been writing but this was such a tempting offer JRJERJSJDJ LMAOOOO I'll support you in your endeavours 😌🥳🤩🥰
Ok this was a long ask hehe whoops <3 enjoy your day! I hope you have a good one!!! I think our timezones are far apart so I must zzz now ❤ I think I covered everything I wanted to say rn!!
--- spn anon (oh look! This can double as point number seventeen 🤩)
YOU KNOW IM KINDA ANNOYED I DIDNT FIGURE THIS PUT A YEAR AGO LIKE…. What the fuck was a doing all those other times i tried it wasn’t THAT difficult to find… this is ridiculous i’m so dumb sigh
A FULL YEAR OH MY GOD…. THATS INSANE…. But SEVEN YEARS FOR US?! THAT WOULD BE MY LONGEST ONLINE RELATIONSHIP. I would never EVER imagine that any online relationship I would find would transcend fandoms ESPECIALLY NOT SO DRASTICALLY as going from supernatural to kpop and ao3 to tumblr… what a migration… seven YEARS… damn that means we only just missed our anniversary haha
I think that if seventeen brings you any type of comfort you’re a carat, no matter if you listen to one song or all of them. You know their names, that’s MUCH more than i knew when i knew that amount of songs. So i think you qualify as one, even if you don’t go further into liking them or listening to their music
YES CAPTAINBRIEONTOAST IS LIKE THE MOST CLEVER THING I’VE EVER COME UP WITH LIKE IT’S DEVASTATING TO ME THAT I AM NOW SOMETHING ELSE… people on this blog don’t even know my roots… WHO I WAS BEFORE (that’s probably a good thing) I actually only started going by brie even offline when i gave myself the captainbrieontoast name for writing. I HAVE BRIEN WELL 🤣
Come on sam… dad’s on a hunting trip and hasn’t been home in a few days…. DUST OFF YOUR SMUT WRITING SKILLS I can’t do this without you 😫 (just kidding don’t feel pressured) what if i actually did do a caratumblr abo verse collab that would be crazy i don’t think i have the confidence or influence to start that alone
I HOPE YOU SLEEP WELL!!! I’LL TALK TO YOU LATER!! I just woke up (but it’s almost 4pm where i am and i should’ve woken up sooner)
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism Chapter 433 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
I’m sorry for posting this SUPER LATE!! With school and all of that now occupying my schedule, these might be uploaded every week around this time. 😓 I apologize in advance. 🙏🏽 BUT AYO. LETS GET IT, LETS GET IT, LETS GET ITTTTT!!! So last chapter, when Daniel’s mom heard that Daniel was looking for Jinyeong Park, she reacted like this:
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And everybody was like, “Whaaaaaaat? Why she do dat?” 🤔 Well, everybody grab your popcorn because we gon LEARN TODAY-
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WOOF, WOOF, WOOF!!! BARK, BARK, BARK!!! AWWWOOOOOOOOGAH!!!!!! *ahem* Sorry everybody, just lost control for a second there. Brain malfunctioning, and whatnot. I guess PTJ wanted to add James Lee into the Bathrobe Club or something.
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AWWOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Got me howling and shit. 🗣🗣🗣
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Pleeeeease tell us Mama Park. WE NEED TO KNOW!!! 😩👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
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Awww this broke my heart. 💔 Whatever happened with Jinyeong must’ve been painful for her to bear the past like that.
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Oh wow. So now we get a dad reveal of Daniel's father? Nah, sorry. They don't look related to me. There also could have been some sort of issue here. Like, Jinyeong used to be Daniel's dad's best friend. And Daniel's dad might have had some sort of issue with fertility or something, so he decided to ask Jinyeong to donate sperm because he sees him as his brother...? Idk man. That's just my theory...
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Ah, so THAT'S what happened to Daniel's dad. Ok, ok, that makes sense that his mom would raise him on his own all this time. But, I really want to know how his mom got to such a state that she has to collect cardboard boxes just to provide for her son...
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AYOOOOOOO. CALLED IT. (not the sperm donor part) BUT THEY MUST'VE BEEN BESTIES!!! 😳
AHHHHHHHHH JAKE IS BACK!!!! But ik he isn't ok emotionally. This guy going through a lot. 😔
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NOOOOOOOO. BABY BOY, DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP OVER IT. IT ISN'T YOUR FAULT!!! It was unfortunate that they got caught, but you really didn't intentionally lead them to that situation. It just so happens that they got captured. 😭
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Oooooo who will it be? 👀
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Ohhhh dang. It's another person from the 0 Gen. 😳 I wonder what his role was in Gapryong's Dragon Fist gang. But I stg. If this man backstabs Jake after telling him that he's indebted to his dad...
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Sorry, but this is what I imagined in my head. 😬
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Athlete's Foot is back. 😭 Also, I can't wait to see his family's reaction to his new self. 😎
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Ohhhh boy, and they're back at it again... 💀💀💀
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OMGGGGGGG HERE IT IS!!!! (forget all of them snickering about Daniel, I just wanna see their reactions 😈)
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It really do be like that.
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I love how proud Mama Park is of Daniel because he has matured so much. Just like I mentioned in the previous chapter, his character growth really is something else. So proud of him! 💖
Whew, it's Grandma's turn...
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I'm sorry guys, I had to squeeze all of these panels all in somehow. 😅 But DAMN. HOW DID THIS TURN FROM 0 TO 100 REAL QUICK??? It went from happy family bonding to THE CONJURING AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. WTHHHH. 💀💀💀💀💀💀 (Tbh this gave me flashbacks to the Cult Arc ngl)
And Grandma got some beef with Jinyeong Park. SHE SAID, "CATCH MY HANDS, YOU BASTARD!!!" BUT HEY, SHE MAY BE OLD BUT SHE CAN STILL THROW 'EM. 😤👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽 TBH I FOUND THIS SCENE HILARIOUS FOR SOME REASON BECAUSE OF HOW UNEXPECTED SHE REACTED ALL OF A SUDDEN. She always seemed like the calmest old lady ever, but I guess this scene switched it up a bit. A COMPLETE 180° LMAO. EXCITED FOR GRANDMA PARK TO TUSSLE AHAHAHAHAHA (That was a joke. 💀 If she does end up doing it, then I'm afraid that she might hurt her back.) But I hope they DO explain what Jinyeong's deal is.
Overall, I'm VERY sorry that this is really late, and for the lack of memes again. 😭😭😭 I hope y'all will still look forward to these, and I'll try to upload the next review for the upcoming chapter sooner. ❤️
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