#was like ok haha funny shitpost
steakout-05 · 8 months
huegehgshhgeehu big slappy
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queersatanic · 11 months
wait, no nut november is fash? i thought it was likea kinky edging thing
It’s one of those “haha it’s just ironic shitposting… unless” sort of things that the far-right often uses, but this one is specifically centered on why men need to preserve their manly vitality and pornography is evil
Yet it would be naive to ignore that there’s significant overlap between the general ideology behind NoFap — and, to a degree, No Nut November — and that of the far right, which has increasingly coopted the principles of masturbation abstinence. Because the challenge is associated with abstaining from porn, some people associated with the movement have taken the extra step of harassing adult performers on social media, giving it an additional layer of troubling implications. “In the past [No Nut November] has always been like, ‘Oh, look at this ridiculous thing some people are participating in,'” says adult performer and director Casey Calvert. “This year, people [in the industry] are talking about, ‘Oh, actually this is connected to the far right and maybe we shouldn’t just be saying hahaha, No Nut November.'”
A new meme brings these implications into sharp relief. Coomer is a reference to a meme of an unkempt, skeezy-looking bearded man in a white tank top with vaguely Semitic features, accompanied by descriptive text like “doesn’t even know anything about politics,” “extremely aesthetic right arm (huge muscle),” and “has never heard of NoFap.”
It’s been circulating on 4chan for the past year, but Alex Hawkins, the vice president of the porn tube site xHamster, says he started seeing it in the replies on his company’s Twitter feed back in September, when presidential candidate Andrew Yang tweeted about limiting access to pornography. At first, “we didn’t really know what it meant and thought it was funny,” he tells Rolling Stone. Then, in late October, the coomer resurfaced thanks to a Twitter campaign led by a user named TeapotLad, in which users vowed to change their avatars to the coomer should they fail No Nut November. PewDiePie shouted out the campaign in a recent YouTube video, as did far-right YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson, who is perhaps best known for being one of the many extremist figures, including Milo Yiannopolous and Alex Jones, to be banned from Facebook. “No Nut November and the Coomer meme represent a deeper meaning,” he said in a tweet. “Porn is evil. It literally re-wires your brain and causes erectile dysfunction. Take the pledge. Don’t be a Coomer.”
The term has also been used in the context of “OK coomer,” a play on the “OK boomer” meme, in response to tweets critical of No Nut November or masturbation abstinence in general. “It’s positioned as this epic battle between the weak beta masturbators and the strong, alpha NoFappers,” says Hawkins.
Like most memes, “coomer” carries with it more than a tinge of irony, and it’s not always easy to determine whether it’s being used flippantly or to actually deride men who masturbate. But the implication is clear: masturbating is an urge that should be resisted at all costs. David Ley, PhD, a clinical psychologist and sex therapist who studies pornography and mental health, saw the meme after he tweeted his criticism of No Nut November, referring to it as “a creepy little smorgasbord of insecurity-driven hate with anti-Semitism, misogyny, and homophobia all rolled up in one,” he tells Rolling Stone.
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electric-friend · 8 months
Re: astroglide, I obviously don't know what fic it was, but engagement I've seen with the brand directly or via fanworks is like pure shitposting. It's conceivable, I guess, that an author stuck it in a series/non-crackfic, but yeah. It's most stupid and shitposty.
ok please don’t take this as an insult bc i mean it genuinely but i’m not really sure what you’re trying to say here? i’m aware that people think it’s silly and funny that astroglide and the ofmd fandom are currently joking around with each other. but i don’t know wether you calling it shitposting is like… defending it as harmless or saying it’s dumb? that’s quite unclear to me just based on what you’ve said. sorry, i’m just not good at working that sort of stuff out.
don’t take this the wrong way but my opinion is that the whole astroglide thing is kinda stupid? the fandom is just going along with being roped into free advertising. even if it’s a meme or for fun, that doesn’t change the fact that people are… almost being tricked, into advertising a product for no compensation. it IS advertising. it’s bringing attention to a specific brand and a specific product. mostly positive attention, mind you. i’d say that’s advertising. and i’m just really tired of capitalism permeating everything. i know it’s not necessarily escapable but i never used to see product placement in fanfiction.
then again i’m a fairly cynical person and i don’t expect everyone to think the way i do, it’s not really fair for me to judge everyone. but if you’re not aware i’m also one of those people who didn’t like season two and thinks the effort to get a season three is a bit silly. i’m also the sort of person that considers, for example, amazon lying about the budget of the lotr series they produced to have been a deliberate attempt to create discourse that would serve to get their series more attention than it otherwise would have received. advertising. i’m not really a faith in humanity sort of guy.
i don’t think it’s fair for me to pass any moral judgements upon the people engaging in the astroglide thing bc they’re having fun and i can see that it’s fun and it’s funny and all that. i just personally think it’s a bit frustrating that people seem to think that the nature of this interaction being just a silly funny thing somehow makes it NOT free advertising for a branded product??
and i just don’t really like that. i think that’s fair of me, haha. you don’t usually get branded product placement in fanfiction, you know? and the fandom is kinda treating the situation like it’s memeish status excuses it of literally being advertising? idk. not a big fan.
anyways sorry if any of this seems offensive or fun-spoiling but this whole astroglide thing is just not for me personally.
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hehehehehenrik · 2 months
Okay if I decided to shitpost a little, here’s also something I really love in fh fandom. Btw not gonna use any names here because I know it may be found by search then, and I’d want to leave that shitpost in my blog only yeah.
My mafioso man is really hated and of course there’s barely any fanarts and oh God I LOVE it. Like, you know these all contestants arts yeah? And there’s just everyone but him! That’s already funny as fuck, but when author also making some accent on the fact there’s one guy missing this is just so fucking funny. Like, damn, lol. Everyone already hates him what the point of that accent?? Owning of who it is?? Of the fucking character itself?? This is so pathetic I fucking can’t lmao.
But when there is him on the art it’s just disappointing because people ain’t caring to watch on his sprites is obvious as fuck. I have like, 4 or so pics with all contestants/all unplayable where he looks at least ok. I ain’t asking for that much on model, for Christ’s sake, Miro himself can’t keep it up! Just please at least draw his fucking mole lmao.
Now about priest. His case not even nearly as funny but still. He pretty much only appears as his portrait from orphanage, but hahaha fuck. I saw so many fucking up his design I can’t. Like, his portrait and sprite, surprisingly, really on model! It’s really not that hard to understand how he supposed to look. His face appears to have pretty distinctive traits: oval face, visible cheekbones, straight long nose and creepy in shadow eyes(yes I’m myself ignoring that part about oval face but…uh….ok yeah I’m just a dickhead sorry), that’s all. It really doesn’t that hard to see it. But noooo, it’s too fucking hard. I saw literally only one pic where he looked pretty not bad.
And yeah there was that one comic….oh……Pretty sexualized but, God forgive me, sometimes I accept it. Anyways making him fatass is my hc so why not make him thin haha. Also I really like those sketches with him and his daughter where he has lots of moles. I’d totally headcanon that but his face shown in game and it’s clear so yeah, unfortunately.
Btw the funniest wrong design I saw for him is a fucking mustaches. I can’t even imagine how someone can see it. I don’t even sure priests can have facial hair like that lmao. Fucking gem oh God khjhkhj. Love it.
Not even gonna mention our little fcuked up occultist girl. She is popular and fan content is….uh……I’d rather prefer for her to be as hated as other two tbh lmao.
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procyo9 · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
OK this won't be about cyberpunk this time bc I'm really proud of that raziel rig i did for the shits and giggles like
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i worked so hard on this and im just kldahfkjlsd
like if a person who happens to know how to rig properly would prolly kill me on sight but. it works haha!!!!
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basically what i did was spawn a basic rig w/o facial bones and all that and adjusted everything to be sorta right?? the only bones i added were hand bones - i needed that to pose his claws separately
he's even got some titty bones (used to rig his wings and i kept laughing at this for way longer than i should (he's a nonbinary icon to me)
i also have a lot of green screen shitposts with him doing fortnite dances but. i don't think i wanna talk about this today lmao
his model definitely wasn't prepared for these kinda stretches but. who cares let the depressed boy sit on the funny ass chair for our amusement
i spent about 60h on this (including rendering time)
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 1 year
thoughts on the squip?
It's. Complicated.
Well the complicated part is what the fandom thinks of/does with the squip. Actual Canon squip in the show? ..also complicated bc Two River and Bway are vastly different ALMOST to the point of not even being the same character bdjdbddj OK ITS ALL COMPLICATED BUT FOR DIFFERENT REASONS, I'LL TRY NOT TO RAMBLE BUT I CANT MAKE PROMISES
Two River Squip
To me it's the best blend of intimidating "I wanna be that" and intimidating "I'm scared of that" where we can actually feel threatened by the "everything about you makes me wanna die" AND STILL get lulled into a false sense of security with "everything about you is going to be wonderful." It shifts between the two so well that you Think it's on your side Most of the time, but has questionable actions that you don't really know whether to trust or not. It goes from the encouraging "of course [she's talking about you], I've been activating your pheromones. Keep it up" to the almost menacing (albeit absurd) exchange of finding out about eminem. For anyone that needs a refresher, it goes as follows:
Jeremy: did you know this was going to happen?
Squip: of course not!
Jeremy: so it's a coincidence you told me to wear this shirt?
Squip: of course not.
Jeremy: what- did... did you kill eminem??
Squip: nooooot exactly. My quantum processor allows me to envision probable futures. While I did not know that today eminem would be impaled by that rogue hockey stick, I was aware of the probability of a... favorable outcome?
Jeremy: ...favorable for who?
Now this conversation doesn't change in the bway script (as far as I'm aware) but the tone of the scene changes significantly between productions for me because bway squip just. Doesn't come off as menacing to me, which leads intooo
Broadway Squip
I hate to say it because it just sounds like the same shallow shit from 2018 off-bway, but I just can't take the surfer dude voice seriously. And you can argue that you're not supposed to! This is kind of a comedic show first and dramatic show second. I mean it IS dramatic bc everything is dialed up to 11 but it's over-the-top dramatic and not oh-shit dramatic. Which is fine! It's a different take on the tone of the show! I just can't buy the intimidation of "everything about you makes me wanna die" or how fucking manipulative it REALLY is when the squip sounds stoned.
Headcanon Squip
I likes me a squip that feels much more cold and calculated. It'll Act Like it has your best interest in mind, but it doesn't care how it gets the results it wants. Doesn't care who gets hurt or Literally Dies to make all the pieces fall into place. Just reeeaaally lean into the emotionless computer tied solely to its programming aspect. Now ofc it'll Act Out emotions, but as a mimicking/manipulation tactic to get Jeremy to trust it more.
"A squip's sole purpose is to improve its user's life," it'll say, while electrocuting and psychologically tormenting you and arguing that, on a TECHNICALITY, your life is better because you have more friends and your dad wears pants now. Yes you hurt your best friend, yes you took advantage of a girl that really liked you, yes your friends got injured in a house fire, but it all worked out in the end didn't it? You win some, you come out of others with a little bit of PTSD.
Fanon Squips
Don't get me wrong, the shitposts are funny. Seeing all the squips riffing off of each other and showing their different personalities is great. Hell squip x squip ships are the ONLY ones ill accept. PEOPLE CAN SHITPOST ALL THEY WANT. I just think that the shitpost personalities put on the squips (particularly bway) make people forget that... this is the main antagonist of the show. And it's easier to forget that with bway I think, because this villain is made So Campy that you Forget To Take It's Actions Seriously.
This thing emotionally and physically abused Jeremy, and it's been boiled down SO MUCH into Haha Silly Sexy Computer that people forget (or flat out ignore) that THE SQUIP EXACERBATED DYWH.
Remember who the real villain is (Spoiler alert: not Chloe)
I've already gone on a whole tirade about how Chloe gets so much fucking hate for a goddamn teenager going through the hellish hierarchy of high school, AND I WILL REITERATE THAT IM NOT DEFENDING HER ACTIONS, but for fucks sake THE SQUIP PREVENTS JEREMY FROM MOVING. Can you think of how fucking terrifying that must've been? Not only is your girlfriend's drunk best friend trying to jump your bones, but the squip LITERALLY TAKES AWAY HIS ABILITY TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. The squip MAKES HIM drink the alcohol. The squip MAKES HIM kiss Chloe. THE COMPUTER IN HIS HEAD THAT CAN CONTROL HIS BODY HAS RENDERED HIM POWERLESS. As soon as the squip shuts down, HE GETS THE FUCK OUT OF THERE BECAUSE ITS NOT CONTROLLING HIM ANYMORE, showing that he ABSOLUTELY could've escaped sooner IF NOT FOR THE SQUIP.
Let's tally up those sins real quick.
Chloe, getting mixed messages as to whether Jeremy actually wants this or not because he 1. Says he has to go, but doesn't leave 2. Calls her the hottest girl in school (which Chloe misreads and takes as a kissing invitation) 3. Says he isn't a drinker, but drinks from the bottle anyway 4. Kisses her (which SHE doesn't know to be the squip's doings and not Jeremy's) 5. Finally conveys "I don't want this" with enough body language for Chloe to get the idea, at which point her only concern is just making Jake THINK she slept with Jeremy rather than actually DOING IT: let's call this 2 sins, because she 1. should've stopped her advances after Jeremy said he has to go and 2. Shouldn't have kissed him unprompted. Everything beyond that was ambiguous because she didn't know that the squip was controlling Jeremy.
Squip, KNEW Chloe wanted to jump Jeremy's bones and didn't CARE if Jeremy didn't want it, TOOK AWAY his ability to escape, DIDN'T WARN him that Chloe was about to kiss him, MADE him drink the alcohol, MADE him kiss Chloe, and had NO SIGNS of letting Jeremy go UNTIL IT GOT TURNED OFF: that ALONE is 6, NOT COUNTING THE REST OF THE SHOW.
In conclusion, Two River squip comes off as a more menacing villain than Bway, fanon squips are funny but feel like they've been watered down to jokes or thirst traps, and Chloe isn't WORSE than the squip (she fucked up, she's not IRREDEEMABLE)
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what are you using/studying to learn japanese? I've always wanted to learn but duolingo is famously bad for learning.
if you want sort of a firehose of knowledge, this doc from reddit was super helpful to me for sorting through strategies and resources and picking a few ways to start. it’s definitely worth checking out to see what sticks for you. most of what i’m using now actually came from there!
my main goal for right now is to be able to read decently. the “tangible” (sort of a joke, but somewhat genuine) goal is that if i look at a japan travelogue video on youtube, i want to be able to read the restaurant menus/signs haha
i’m currently using a combo of: wani kani (for kanji/vocab), duolingo (mostly for drilling kana), and Genki textbooks (grammar).
honestly duolingo is perfectly fine for kana, if a little slow. i’ve also found that i don’t need to be hardcore fast on the draw with kana just to be able to proceed with stuff like wani kani, and doing those things in tandem with kana practice helps to strengthen my memory of the kana.
wani kani is like a much more approachable, curated version of SRS utilities like Anki. it has a built-in curriculum that focuses on teaching kanji radicals (the building blocks of various kanji), then teaching kanji that build off those radicals, then vocabulary that use the kanji. since it has a built-in schedule, this is the main thing i’m structuring my learning around. typically i’ll do a review, then set an alarm on my device for the next review that’s at a reasonable hour, and then repeat, so i remember to do them. i do kana and grammar learning to pass time in-between.
i really like wani kani; it has a very friendly interface and will programmatically determine how strong i am on a given “card” (this is one of my hangups with anki, which depends on self-evaluation). the built-in mnemonics can seem silly at first but are genuinely helpful. more than anything i think the focus on radicals REALLY helps with efficiency and retention in the long run rather than rote memorization of JLPT vocab. the drawback is that some of the kanji/vocab might end up being a little esoteric in practice. it’s also slow to start — you have to keep at it to get a fuller review schedule. wani kani is also completely free until level 4, which is legitimately very chill of them because 3 levels is a crazy amount of knowledge to get for free and many people will quit well before that point. they also have an active community and a public API which means extensions and apps galore if you want to customize the experience
genki is good to read through at your own pace for at least the grammar. it can be found at a variety of booksellers or maybe other ways if you don’t have the budget. it has practice activities you can try if you like! i personally like to read through a lesson and then practice typing out my own sentences using the vocab and concepts that it introduces, but i’m not stressing too much about doing each chapter top to bottom. i really like having it as a reference text. the illustrations are cute also
listening/immersion can be anything you find interesting. in particular i like dogen’s channel because the dude writes/speaks very eloquently and is also just very funny (the thumbnails might seem a little bit annoying. the content is good i promise). he’s a foreigner who’s lived in japan for a long time and he has pretty insightful commentary from that perspective, which he delivers as like… comedic rakugō shitposts. he’s also a good introduction to the idea of pitch accent. my personal favorite of his is Uncle Magnet
OH also jisho.org is a very good dictionary resource. ok i think that’s all! がんばって!
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untraceable-ace · 2 years
Almost 2 hours late to the live react shitpost party bc I was dying my hair while watching it when it started but anyways
Under the cut bc it both contains spoilers for the m9 reunion p2 and also because it’s really fucking long lmao
They’re kicking these guys asses holy shit
wtf is going on with Kingsley btw like pardon?????
See my question is if Ukotoa is in the process of being released while they’re fighting or if he’s still locked away rn bc like
If he’s not in the process of being released waIT
Oh god creepy snakes moving in tandem i love snakes but not like this
Run boy run byeeee
fshshshsh the giant just knocked over in the center of the set is so funny to me
fr hes just
Oh wait worm???
Not Ukoatoa??
Caleb my god you are a noodly wizard why would you try to intimidate a betrayer god
LMAO A 17???
“That’s me” jester my beloved
Cmon cmon NO
eight whyyy
Uh ohhhh
Which one which one
Is he just flexing w that ring of telepathy or did that have a purpose
Oh Jester <3
“You just got this body” LMAO
First an accidental pact with an ancient evil sea deity then a pledge to essentially mother nature and now a betrayer god woooooh
Wait this guy hates Melora does that mean Fjord can’t connect with her anymore?
LMAO the face
Oh not another cursed sword
i think its a cursed sword
Them putting up his stat card has me concerned uh oh
LMAO “thanks I hate it”
Ooooh a rapier fancy
its official I love Kingsley
“Martial our forces” HMMM??
Darktow who is in darktow hold up
OHHH RIGHT plank king
Cant go back there
Fantasy DMs jfeoghehgaio;ewhaoge
syphilis gang
DAMN that was one efficient sending
You can just hear the agony in his voice ijodfsihjogiho
If anyone’s a glorified librarian its caleb idk what you mean beau
Charcuterie board
Mamas house has more tiddies followed by “That’s a good point” is fueling me
Winds in the east
mist comin in
something is brewin
about to begin
“I know all languages” jfc how many do you know now????
Im still wondering about that monkey yall what was that about
my original thought was that it was Artagan but it was so antagonistic idk
“We were probably a huge pain in your ass like a year ago” yeah sounds about accurate to what I know
I like her too jester she’s fun
risk esseks life cmon cmon cmon I NEED TO HEAR HIS VOICE AAUUUAUUGH
damn wrong elf
fshshshsh hermit elf
WOW thats a lot of potions
break to wash out hair dye hold up
before i leave
haha charcuterie board
ok now brb
Okay hair’s done back to reacting
“Okay so you don’t blow yourself up” mood
Wtf is that rod??? Bc we all know he probably wouldve made it amber if he could
Fuckin dope move though omg
dainty sip of sherry in the midle of abttle from a flask i love it
holy noises followed by the camera panning to a glowing silouette of a dick on the floor
i mean ik two are illusions but DAMN
Dude I’m not sure Kingsley’s had one bad move this entire two-shot like wtf
soooo AC is 21? I think?
wait do different parts have different ACs?
Stab the eye, stab the eye, stab the eye, stab the e-
Gently give a slice to an eyeball muah
so eyeball AC is 27> (or equal to 27)
There has been an assault, far as i can tell sam is being a shit again
New tatoo?? Chainbreaker
Ohoho oh nvm rip yasha’s dope ass thunderclap
won wound
Ooooh the big bad demigod can be frightened damn
aw damn rip spell
new form who dis
Half of this live react is just me repeating one liners i found particularly funny oops
Oh nvm?? Dunamancy spell lives????
Well ok its alive just half damage
Boy Veth I would love to see you try
“I can dodge gravity” can you????
Rip Beau taken out of the game bc piss
OooUuUhfhdbdjfe I love the lighting change for going under water
Cmon pls pls pls work seal that bitch away
Uh oh my boys gonna get the bends good call w the far step tbh
Actually bad call that’s too fast a pressure difference
Ayo Travis w the accurate bends rep
Ugh I love Caleb’s level 17 art sm
Well damn Melora!!!! Queen shit tbh
I hope “keep that just for me” means he swallowed it again
Dicks and Other Things
The Molly Look™️
Promptly steal I love him
DAMN Kingsley’s on some king shit
That was so fucking good oh my god
stimmed so hard at the end that my limbs started to actually cramp lmao
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
Im never getting that baby karasu butterfly scene out of my head also wait adding this to the sweetheart karasu agenda but maybe he really likes animals too?? Like there’s obv the crown motif all over but we see him like gazing at it so fondly too like bro crows and butterflies this boy is so precious HDJSHSJSJAH and no because atp the authors fr just copied you like fwtkac karasu was actually so on point it’s scary
NAH BC WHAT DID WE SAY?? MIRAEITA CANON FR we got the first epinagi appearance guys epimiraeita next fs look at all these signs
On that note im seeing all your shitposts on Otoya and laughing you fr fell into the Otoya agenda trap (me too honestly) LMAOO I also can’t unsee that eyebrow meme but what’s also really funny is wayyyy back when when I first read the manga I was like “bro id never give two shits about Otoya so idc and it’s fine that he’s a cheater LMAO” (look at me now :(((((((() Also wait I also did not know about the green eyebrows it never processed in my mind…that’s…interesting….bro has blades of grass as eyebrows…..
Also the BEANIE I cannot I’m sure he’s worn it so often that his skull and hair have been like permanently MOLDED into a beanie shape like let’s be real let your scalp breathe
LMAFAOAO “buddy we can tell” HAS ME ROLLING but nah fr he just said it is what it is no thoughts empty head
But ok wait pause again this just makes all the previous tabieita moments even more special HEHJSJS like when karasu prevents Otoya and Bachira from stopping off the bench to their recent game interactions and their third selections interactions too like goodbye im ascending we love tabieita power duo (also from what we’ve seen im also assuming himizu probs came first!!)
FR the length of the epinagi chapters is sm nicer whatever’s going on in the bm pxg match just passes like i feel like I read four panels and the chapters over LMAO
We love karasu relevance….i feel like he’ll definitely have a moment but i wonder if maybe it won’t be as tied to shidou so that it still allows Rin to score while he gets some spotlight…like maybe he finds a way to shut down Kaiser or Isagi (good parallel back to the whole Ordinary Isagi from third selection etc)…I also considered that maybe he’d help Rin!! Honestly that was kinda my ideal situation where maybe he breaks apart the current dual system (which seems kinda inefficient imo) but I wasn’t sure how likely that was to happen LOL either way I trust karasu awakening moment soon…
FRRR I get that Isagi is the mc but I’m DYING to see other matches like please we haven’t seen any of the other matches barcha has been straight up dead for like the past 60 chapters
Another nagireo breakup NEEDS TO HAPPEN like let them grow I’m begging (also I too like to doom scroll through Reddit but then I see some extremists debating some points or talking about characters glazing and whatnot I’m like ok maybe this was a mistake LMAOOO)
Yeah there’s no such thing as a non ooc piece there…also I think just generally (at least in terms of my preferences) the writing style is very…unsophisticated…which makes sense since it’s like middle schoolers writing but I cannot bring myself to continue reading some of that like…(LMAOAO I like that philosophy if it doesn’t exist I’ll make it myself HAHA)
Well either way we were fed well today with that chapter I dropped everything to read it
-Karasu anon
HE IS JUST A CUTE SPARKLY BOY PLEASEEE he’s so 🥹🥹💖💖 i can’t…he loves all animals except the marine ones TRUST!! bro finds wonder and joy in all living creatures as long as they stay far away from the water. and HAHA omg karasu is basically mine atp i should be getting royalties for letting bllk use him 🥱
YES MIRAEITA SO REAL SO TRUE HIGHLIGHT OF THE CHAPTER 🤩 first in bllk now in epinagi…it’s obvious what the best ship is!! NO BUT SAME when i first saw him i was like okay weird guy his best friend is hot asf though (i was so overwhelmed by karasu that i did NOT care abt otoya) and then i read he was a cheater and i was like yikes…never liking him…now i shitpost abt him constantly and just posted the first chapter of a fic for him 😓 he used his ninja skills on me or smth tf…
I JUST NOTICED IT THE OTHER DAY so ig his hair is naturally green then?? does that mean he bleaches the rest of it?? he confuses me a bit 😭 don’t get me started on the beanie LMAOAOA he keeps that thing ON ‼️ yeah ykw at least he admits that he’s dumb as hell though like he truly is just floating through life and chilling i have to respect it
TABIEITA IS PEAK OVER THINKER + DOESN’T THINK like they average out to a normal person’s levels of consideration to any given subject HAHA karasu is always analyzing shit and internally freaking out about every little thing meanwhile otoya is like “cool 🥶👍” to literally whatever 😭
pxg vs bm has been like so many chapters and yet i feel like nothing has happened…i think it’s the curse of weekly releases though because i bet on reread it’ll flow well!! it’s just that as it’s coming it’s like please i need MOREEE
i do think karasu is going to have some kind of relevance!! i see a lot of posts on tik tok abt rin and shidou possibly linking up and i think karasu could be an avenue to that. but also YES bro i can’t wait for the epinagi manga to catch up w nel in twenty years i need to see what’s going on nowwww let me see my boys again 😓 BUT NOT TOGETHER. REONAGI ANTI RIGHT HERE (not actually hehehe but yk)
honestly i’m not a reddit lurker…embarrassingly enough i happened upon the thread while looking for manga panels of otoya on google 😐 goofy ass mf taking over my life and whatnot
100% i think it’s almost a self fulfilling prophecy — kids start off writing on wattpad, so the quality isn’t great, which means adults searching for smth better written go to sites like tumblr/ao3, leaving mostly people who can read objectively more beginner work on there, and because they’re so used to that, that’s what wp authors will put out. then because the ecosystem is as such, there’s no motivation to improve as authors can get away w a simplistic writing style and still be popular. ofc this doesn’t apply to everyone — i myself post on wp sometimes, so there’s obviously going to be other people who can write fairly well and upload on there for various reasons — but for the most part that’s kind of the case. actually ime more complex/better written stories will get less popular and more hate/complaining-type comments than the very surface level y/n-harem type of stories. that’s not to bash on the latter kind of story but it’s just an interesting observation i’ve made!! i think it speaks a lot to the wp audience
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demonsfate · 4 months
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anonymous sent . . . Exactly for that reason Miguel coming back makes no sense. Let's say he keeps disliking Jin and still wants revenge. Everyone else has forgiven him already. The story focused on redemption, so eventually, they might as well make Miguel rethink his actions and go "Yeah OK you're happy now forget about it". Which makes his original purpose as a character pointless. Either way it's not as easy as the Jin haters are making it out to be. If they bring Miguel back they will have to do a lot of mental gymnastics
Also nice header and title btw
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Literally. That's likely why Miguel wasn't in the base roster despite being a fairly popular character. It's just really hard to incorporate him into the story they're telling. Especially when uhhhh... The Tek writers didn't even do the best job at handling Jin's "redemption" :') So, they'd probably struggle to add Miguel in even more. And I dunno what other bonus chapters they're planning on having in the future, but the one they're dropping in autumn is gonna be set during TK8, not after... so yeah... it's just gonna be really hard to put Miguel there. Jin's been forgiven, and has many pals now lol.
I wouldn't know how I'd incorporate Miguel in because well... y'all know me, I'm not exactly happy with Tek8's story, or Jin's characterization ever since Tek6. So I'd be redoing many things haha. But like, I only see three things the writers themselves would do if they did add Miguel and that's
1: Seemingly like Eddy, a lot of Miguel's hatred and need for revenge will just happen "off screen" or in a quick flashback. Miguel will just... not care for revenge and instead work on himself or whatever.
2: It's like that shitpost I just posted, Miguel will try to confront Jin... only to end up forgiving him for some fucking reason.
3: Miguel will only return after Reina becomes the Main Villain, therefore Miguel will be one of the characters on "Team Reina" opposing the good guys, solely because he wants revenge.
And also thank youuu! ^_^ It's funny 'cos I went thru so many different kind of headers whilst trying to decide on a new one, and then I FINALLY just decided to use the Tag 2 art 'cos it can't be beat! Even though I LUVED the scene in TK8 with Big Devil looking down on Tiny Jin with that wicked grin ... I just wanted something that wasn't a gif as my header. 👍
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cextra-loz · 5 months
I keep seeing the live action Mufasa movie online and everytime I did I thought it was a shitpost! So I would chuckle a little or breath out my nose or whatever. But it was starting to become annoying because I was seeing it here, youtube, instagram, like God it isn't even that funny!!! Then I was browsing Facebook and lo and behold I see that dumb ass cg lions face on my screen but it's as a profile icon and I was like haha??? Ig?? So funny... but wait no. That's the official lion king facebook page. You're telling me this isn't a funny meme shitpost joke. The Mufasa lion king live action is real. Ok...
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swrdcryptd · 1 year
this cryptid is currently in pain and needs distraction so I am answering asks I received back in late February and so forth! haha sorry,,,
do you ship anyone in engage?
not very strongly in the romantic aspect,,, I do appreciate Boucheron/Kagetsu and Merrin/Chloé,, they're so cute together,,
your drawings are so cute! :3 do you plan on drawing Ivy? she's my favorite <3
thank you!!! I'm taking a smol break right now and she is actually next on my list to draw! really funny how you asked this because I've been trying to figure out what to draw for her OAIJETOEJAOtj but I adore her! she makes me miss studying too,, but education system is poopie in hell,,, I am trying to draw every playable character in engage unless my brain decides to not cooperate with me like it is right now CRIES
Hi Nana! You said you are evil, but your drawings show a lot of kindness in them. I think that's funny.
my drawings are just a ruse to lead you to think I am nice and pure-hearted but I am truly the evilest and corrupted,,, *Owain voice*: MY DARKNESS IS DARKER THAN YOURS!
What are these "bad potty humor shitposts" you speak of? I don't think I saw any last year.
oh shit you're right I didn't draw one last year,, depending on my schedule and brainworms I might do two but hahaha uh,, I do not promise anything,, my energy for potty humor usually just goes into words that I curse my friends with,,, but I guess whenever I'm ready I may do a poll because I have an idea on who to draw for this oajtoeajtoe
how much should i pay you to draw one little caspar cat with his head stuck in bread
since this is possibly(?!) a smol request,, $3 with optional tip to my ko-fi,,, I would be happy to draw the little blue meowmeow stuck in a baguette even
ナナさんこんにちは!落書きはとても可愛いですね 😊
main blog?
fukkachans,,, I just reblog stuff I like on there though,,, I don't go off the shits in text posts as much as I used to years ago because I am old and just want a quiet life,,
ok I have like 14 asks left to answer here but I am sleepy,, sorry,, I will reply when I am not feeling like a sloth,, I go back to my cave! thank you for your continuous support *raspberry noises*
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Now that I’m older, I can relate to Garfield a lot.
I too like to:
curl up in bed
cuddle a teddy bear
eat lasagna
neglect my chores
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inkdemon-whore · 3 years
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das jus wat it do tho man i don
i dun
maybe my mom shouldn't have taught me that nudity and sexualization are two different things. my horizons have been broadened too far. it is time to return to
[ B O X ]
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onboroo · 3 years
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What am I doing with my life,,?
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