#waste to energy market size
reports123 · 1 year
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research-analyst · 1 year
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futuretonext · 1 year
The Global Waste to Energy Market was valued at USD 39.21 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 6% during the forecast period, i.e., 2023-28. The growth of the market would be driven primarily by the massive amount of residential & commercial waste generated every year due to urbanization & industrialization, coupled with increasing population & power consumption levels. As a result, there's a mounting focus of various countries on clean power generation from renewable sources, i.e., augmenting the demand for waste-to-energy plants to treat the substantial waste produced worldwide.
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blogaarti · 1 year
Asia Pacific Waste-to-Energy (WtE) Market Insights, Growth, Analysis and Investment Feasibility By 2029
Fairfield Market Research has released a comprehensive report highlighting the remarkable growth potential of the Waste-to-Energy (WtE) market. With a projected CAGR of over 7% between 2021 and 2025, the Waste-to-Energy (WtE) market is expected to undergo rapid expansion, driven by the increasing emphasis on renewable energy and the pressing need for sustainable waste management practices.
For More Industry Insights Read: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/waste-to-energy-wte-market
According to the report, the global Waste-to-Energy (WtE) market exceeded a valuation of US$25.7 billion in 2020, indicating significant growth opportunities. With estimations of global daily waste generation reaching a staggering 6 million tons by 2025, stands poised to harness the potential of waste-to-energy technologies to address both energy demands and waste management concerns.
 Municipal solid waste (MSW) management has become a critical issue worldwide, significantly impacting environmental sustainability and public health. The tightening of regulations around MSW management, particularly in key economies, has created an urgent need for effective solutions. Waste-to-energy is expected to emerge as the preferred strategy among municipalities, facilitating the installation and operation of waste-to-energy plants and driving market growth. 
Thermal conversion technology, renowned for its exceptional ability to reduce waste weight and volume by nearly 75% and 90% respectively, remains the preferred choice for waste-to-energy conversion. Moreover, the report emphasizes the cost benefits associated with incineration, making it an attractive option compared to other conversion technologies available in the market. However, the sustained presence of economically viable energy alternatives, such as natural gas, poses a significant challenge to the widespread adoption of waste-to-energy in the region, primarily due to the initial capital investment required. 
Asia Pacific, despite being a highly lucrative market, remains largely untapped. The report predicts that the region will benefit from a growing number of regulatory approvals for new waste-to-energy plant installations, opening up vast opportunities for industry players. By leveraging supportive government policies and promoting greater awareness and knowledge about renewable energy sources, Asia Pacific is poised to become a key player in the global WtE market.
Fairfield Market Research's report also provides detailed competitive profiling and analysis of top companies operating in the waste-to-energy sector. These companies include Veolia, Suez Environment, Covanta Holding Corporation, China Everbright International Limited, and Keppel Corporation Limited, among others. 
As Asia Pacific gears up to unlock the immense potential of the waste-to-energy market, Fairfield Market Research remains committed to delivering accurate and actionable insights that enable businesses to make informed decisions and contribute to sustainable growth in the region.
For More Information Visit:  https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/
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niqhtlord01 · 6 months
Humans are weird: Poop Crystals
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)  
The pace in which human technology progressed over the millennia was rather standard for a class 4 species. Even when accounting the periods of scientific degradation which resulted from natural plagues or religious persecution; it was expected that humans would not achieve advanced space travel until another 2-3 thousand years had passed.
Scientifically speaking human scientists were well more advanced than the society they lived in, but due to the technological limitations of the human race they were held back from implementing their designs. A primary limitation was the lack of a sufficiently powerful power source. They did have many different forms of power generators ranging from solar to nuclear, but to power larger machines often required equally large energy sources. To power their ships alone around a third of their vessels were dedicated to the power cores.   
With these restrictions in place travel between stars for humans often relied on decade long journeys in cryo sleep; which ironically required even more power generators to maintain. Their large size made them easy targets for natural disasters such as space debris or prowling space pirates seeking an easy profit margin at the slave markets. These dangers became a standard for human travel until the Terran civilization encountered the planet Nolla 987 and the species that called it home.
During a long duration colonization trip the human ship “Midas” was struck by the trail debris of a rogue comet and knocked off course. The robotic caretakers tried their best to maintain the course, but with the damage done to the ship their primary programming to maintain the lives of the crew kicked in and diverted the ship to the nearest habitable planet for debarkation. Nolla 987 was the closest planet with a stable atmosphere. Originally charted several years earlier but deemed unsuitable for colonization or industrial expansion, it was not ear marked for either and left alone; until the Midas incident that is.
The landing was not a smooth one. Several engines had been damaged and multiple hull breaches resulted in portions of the ship being shredded away during the entry process. It would be safer to say that the Midas crash landed during the final stretch of the maneuver, but with a 73% survival rate of the crew a rather acceptable crash landing.
One by one the crew and colonists were unfrozen to find the ship a burning wreck and only a handful of robotic assistants still functioning. The industrial printing machines were relatively undamaged but without the ships power core they could not be used to print components or tools needed to make the necessary repairs. The crew was then forced to ration its remaining power supply and divided into two teams. The first team would comb through the wreckage and salvage what they could of the wreck while also building shelter. The second group would scout the surrounding area for anything of use and then report back.
It did not take long for the second team to stumble upon a nest of the dominant species of the planet. An insectoid called the “Sectar” which ranged from the size of a house cat to as large as a two story building. These insects digested their food and excreted the waste into a dense crystalian substance that they then used to build massive hive like complexes.
The occupants of the hive had been driven from the hive by the crash landing of the Midas leaving it almost completely empty save for a few eggs and new hatchlings who were not strong enough to flee on their own. Several of the second team members had been scanning the crystal structures while interacting with the newborn Sectar’s. To quote a journal entry of one of them, “They were like insect golden retrievers. Extremely derpy with at least four times as many sets of eyes. They followed us around on their legs like we were their mothers and clung to our legs when we began to return to our ship for the night.”
At least one of the second team was confirmed to have brought a hatchling back to their camp. There was a debate amongst the survivors on if they should try and eat it, but the notion was quickly squashed as they still had food reserves and no one was brave enough to see how the alien’s bio matter would react inside the human digestive system.
The same human who had brought the hatchling back offered it a portion of food which it eagerly ate. Not long after the hatchling excreted a hardened crystal roughly the size of a thimble. When the human made to pick up the seemingly beautiful gem they recoiled as an electrical discharge shocked their hand. This immediately drew the attention of the rest of the crew who began carefully examining the crystal substance. After some rather rough jury-rigging, the crystal was wired into one of the printer machines and to the surprise of everyone powered the machine. The crew quickly learned that the older Sectar’s would produce larger crystal excrements but were extremely hostile and territorial. Smaller Sectar’s were deemed more desirable for the time being as they were easier to train and harvest crystals from.  
Within a matter of days the crew had not only collected enough crystals to power all of their machines and send out a distress signal, but also used the new found crystal power to create a full settlement on the planet complete with water filtration, crop fields, and a sizeable wall to keep out the native wildlife.
It would not be for another thirty years before a passing human shipped picked up their distress signal and went to investigate the planet. When they arrived on Nolla 987 they were astonished to find a fully functioning colony complete with limited orbital facilities. Nearly every human settler and their descendants had a Sectar in their household that they would take care of and feed and in exchange use their crystal excrement to power nearly everything they needed to live.
From there it was only a matter of time before the entirety of human space was aware of the events of Nolla 987 and the Sectar species. Within the decade the colony on Nolla 987 became the capital for a fully settled world with dozens of cities and communities. The Sectar species were transported throughout human space and began being implemented in all aspects of society.
There was initial resistance to the new power source by existing power blocks which realized Sectar power would be far more efficient than nuclear powered engines, but unlike other power sources they had squashed in development the Sectar power option had thirty years of trial and error to back it up with research as well as a fully functioning model with the planet of Nolla 987.
Sectar’s became a common sight on every human planet and were treated like common pets. It was even studied that when introduced to different food sources the energy output of crystal excrement could be increased resulting in certain food industries booming overnight. The composition of spices, cooking technique, and flavoring became an entirely new and highly prestigious academic field with the most successful of its practitioners being highly sought after by companies.
The technological capabilities of humanity experienced a massive surge in advancement within fifty years to the point humans no longer needed cryo ships to travel between stars. Those who had been studying humanity found themselves now being introduced to them as humans winded up on their doorstep with a Sectar on their shoulder and a perverse obsession with collecting its bodily waste.    
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villainsimpqueen · 6 months
Eternal Bloodlines
Adriana tepes/ Alucard x Male Dhampire reader
This fanfic is for 18+ Audience's due to it containing gorey themes and later on smut.
Also available on A03
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Chapter 5
It didn't take you long to make it to gresit after you left the caravan of speakers. After speaking to Sye you were curious on how you would find passageways under the church. You sighed as you rubbed your horse's mane.
"I fucking hate churches Haldin." You tell him and your horse let out a huffing sound that almost sounded like a snort and it made you smile just a little. You traveled down the worn roads to greet Gresit's large walls and gates. They were open but the sight of men dragging out dead bodies from various stages of injuries also greeted you.
You rode Haldin past them and into the gates to see many more people trying to clean the dead off of buildings and the ground, some chunking bodies over a bridge that was starting to pile up and stink bringing in insects and rodents. You looked at the piling bodies as Haldins hoofs clanked against the brink bridge moving down the streets.
Such a waste.
You huffed before reaching the center of the town and finding a place to tie your horse up as you moved through the markets. You would start getting the locals gossip before you tried going straight to the church, if anyone knew a way inside without alarming the priest and all the other churchy men the market would be a great place to start.
It was still early morning so it wasn't packed. Market vendors were already trying to set up their stalls, still trying to make a living in these hellish times Dracula brought onto them. You moved to one that seemed to a woman selling dried meat and other things. Walking up to her stall she turned and looked at you taking in your exposed chest despite your cloak covering your shoulders and sash.
"Lost your shirt boy?" She asked you and you chuckled.
"Of sorts." You responded as you looked over the dried meat items and fresh, you bit on your tongue as you thought before looking at her.
"Do you have any pig's blood?" You asked, You hated pigs blood, it always made you have a bad case of burps and on worst occasions it gave you the Shits. Yet you could feel your hunger start to pick up being in a city with so many humans, and it was apparently more common for humans to take it and make blood stew..It was a hilarious find to you several months back, that humans would also eat blood themselves just under different circumstances.
"I have piglets. It will be six silver coins."
The Woman raised a brow at you but you nodded pushing your hand into the parcel that held your money and gave her the coins. You watched her put them away and move to the back of the stall vanishing behind the curtains of blankets. You could hear the small squealing from a piglet and the hefty chop sound of a chop block. You waited for a little while more until she came back around with a mid sized jug with a cork popped into it and slid it to you.
"Don't get young folk like you asking for pig's blood." She comments as you grab the jugs handle.
"Its for my father." You say and she seems to nod allowing you to leave the conversation. You moved stall to stall talking to merchants and some of the local shoppers before you slipped into the alleyways of Gresit. Popping the cork you brought the jug to your lips and tilting it back tasting the still warm and fresh piglet's blood on your tongue slipping back to your throat and down to your stomach. Your body is already greedily absorbing it into your own blood stream and to make energy from it all.
You pulled the jug away feeling the churning of your stomach before a loud belch came from your lips making you grimace and look at the jug.
"Fucking pigs blood." You muttered and continued moving down the alleys heading behind the church taking the gossip from the vendors and local men. Finished with your jug you tossed it as you looked at the supposedly church's garden wall. A local woman said that all the church's workers would be in mass and choir until noon and the halls would be empty. The Back gardens doors are usually left unlocked, you looked up and nodded to yourself as you started scaling up the back wall and leaping over rolling on your shoulders as you landed and moved to bounce back up. You took in the withered and depressing state of the garden, it seems no one here was able to properly tend to it at all. You moved quickly through the garden towards the church's door and grabbed the handle only to jerk back with a hiss. Your hand now bright bloody red as you held it away from the knob.
Silver….fucking churches.
You growled slowly as you shook your hand and grabbed your cloak to wrap it around the handle before twisting and shoving against the door causing it to fly open to empty halls. With a steeled breath you glanced both ways, unsure to where exactly you were to go from here, however it wasn't like you were going to walk as a man. Taking a step the world is blurring around you as you examine through halls and all the church's decor, moving in and out rooms, even some grand library. You moved through monks' bedrooms and scribers' work rooms, studies and other sorts of things. You had found the wine cellar and you paused, grabbing a glass bottle and reading it before shrugging and smashing the top off against the wine bottle shelves and brushing away the broken glass and taking a swig of the warm wine.
"Tastes like shit." You sputtered as you looked at the bottle and left it on the shelf you had plucked it away from, you were about to leave the cellar completely until you heard a soft hissing sound and clunking. You paused, turning your head and started to move to the very bag of the cellar where another hiss echoed. Looking up at the cellars ceiling you noticed it right away, some sort of metal piping that ran down the back wall behind some shelves.
Your father had told you of such things, how Dracula's castle was covered in them and how they could deliver hot water and other things as well.
"So why is that in a church?" You hummed out before leaving the wine cellar zipping through the church's halls once more trying to find a new entrance.
Humans liked to pay to bury their dead in fancy death tombs yea?
You thought as you found an entrance with nothing but stairs leading downwards. You moved down them not bothering with making yourself a torch, you didn't exactly need one to see in the dark. The smell of dust and moisture of mold growing strong in your nose the further you go down. You listened to drops of water dripping from the catacombs ceilings but it wasn't what you were fully after as you could hear the soft hiss to tell you where the metal pipes were. You followed them, weaving through piles of dead bones and rows of skeletons in the walls as you followed the pipes down and down.
The odd twists in the halls and how they narrowed more and more tight as you went lower and deeper into the earth.
You soon came to a dead end but a metal pipe continued through the wall. You placed your ear against it and could hear the noise chatter of machinery. You moved away from the wall and glared at it as you backed away before charging at the bricks slamming your shoulder into it causing it to loudly collapse and send you falling to deep depths.
"Oh fuck!" You shouted as you plummeted downwards hitting metal spires and gears.
You had landed quite awkwardly, legs twisted at wrong angles and your right arm dislocated in several places. You were sure your spine was even fucked as well.
You groaned feeling the spikes of pain shoot through your body as you moved to push yourself up.
Still not as bad as what father put me through.
You thought as you grabbed your fucked up arm and started snapping your bones back into place. You felt your spine snap and jerk as it repositioned back into place as you started snapping your legs back into place again hissing out harshly.
"There better be a fucking man down here." You muttered as you moved, forcing yourself up and started to move through the darkness of this uncaving pit under the church.
How the hell you would get Sye down here safely was beyond your thought process.
Not like I can fly.
You thought bitterly as you explored this old world technology that was supposedly only found in Dracula's Castle.
You would have to find another entrance in and out of this place to be able to bring the speaker woman down.
Gresit wasn't warm to them at all, Sypha watched from behind her hood as Gresit's people showed their displeasure towards her family. They still moved forward until they were into the center of the city spreading out to give survivor's food and clean drinking water they could provide them with. They gave them supplies and were trying to teach them ways to organize. The morning turned to the afternoon and her family was greeted more and more by peoples displeasure. It was like the dislike for speakers was steaming from somewhere, and with the sun starting to climb to sit above the giant crosses Over one large building that could rival a castle, Sphya knew where. The church, The house of god. Sypha had learned so many stories of god, of Gods and she never thought she would learn of one god so cruel that he would encourage followers to burn people at stakes, kill people for being different, for learning and trying to heal others with magic. While Some magic wasn't as good or pure as other it didn't mean that all magic was evil, tainted. She didn't understand a god that had conditional love for his people, his followers. Or how he could allow corrupted men to speak for him.
She handed out a parcel of goods to someone and a horse's noises caught her attention, making her look up. Her eyes widened as she noticed your horse tied at a stand and she made her way to it running her hand over his side and to his neck to his muzzle.
"Hello there…Haldin was it?" She spoke to the horse and it made noises of stomping its foot. She chuckled before untying his reins and leading him to her family's caravan.
"Seriously, did he even think about you losing your shade and being stuck in the sun?"
Haldin merely made a snorting noise as she led him to her other horses.
"That would mean he is actually carrying out his word yea?" She muttered to herself before smiling and heading back to help passing out more parcels. She talked to any of the locals who were willing to have conversations with her and she had managed to get a man to stop and talk.
"You know. You're the second person I had today interested in the church's routines." He spoke and she looked up at him through her hood.
"Oh?" She asked, making sure to deepen her voice.
"Yea some strange man with a large ax on his back and no shirt came through the markets today, we chatted over some ale, strange though he was carrying a jug of pigs blood around for his father." The man told her, seeming eager to gossip.
Sypha raised a brow at that.
Pig's blood?
She didn't know on earth why you would be carrying pigs' blood but she could guess that perhaps you had wanted to make a stew later when you were back on the road. She wondered if you knew how to maintain it well enough for it to last until then, but she doubted it since you had left your horse in an area where his shade was being stolen from the sun.
She thought amusingly. It seemed like no matter where they came from, they were all just a little slow.
"Well I believe this may be his horse, if you see him please tell him that we are tending to it." Sypha told the man and he nodded before moving to a stall, joining behind it with a woman.
By the evening Sypha and Her family had cleared out an old abandoned house for them to take shelter in for the night, there was plenty of room for them all to rest and leave the horses outside to graze. She was hoping that you would return back to them all that night and she could learn of what you had found, but you didn't return at all.
The morning didnt bring you but the local priests and his monks. Syoha watched her Grandfather try to peacefully talk to them but the priests had no intentions for peace telling them that they had a half a month to leave the town and never to return. They deemed that even that was far more generous than they would have liked and her grandfather had agreed to it. Thanking them for the time they were allowing them to help the people as best as they could. Her family had sat down for breakfast and Sypha couldn't take the silence as she stood looking at her Grandfather.
"I am going to search for Y/n and join him in finding the sleeping soldier!" She had told him.
"No Grandfather, I can not sit and let one man go looking alone who doesn't know the stories well. If anything he could be hurt. I am going to aid him." She said more firmly and her grandfather sighed before standing walking to her and grabbing her shoulders.
"You have your mothers spark." He then said to her warmly rubbing the top of her head like he would do to a child. Sypha had bristled some but she didn't protest much as he moved his head away.
"Fine. Go, but be back before sunset." He had told her and Sypha grinned before pulling her hood up and took off from the house.
She had checked the Markets in hopes she would see you, but you were nowhere to be seen. Last night was a lucky one, no night creatures came but that didn't mean you were not in danger or possibly dead. She knew that the sleeping soldier had to be asleep somewhere in the catacombs of Gresit, and the stories only had very few clues as to where in Gresit that was but she was determined to head towards the supposed area. But she also was determined to find you as well. She had hoped you had not injured yourself in looking for a passageway under the church. She saw the man from.yesterday and rushed towards him.
"That man you saw and spoke to yesterday. Where did you tell him to enter the church again?" She asked hoping he would tell her as well. The man had turned and looked at her before scratching his neck.
"I told myself to climb the back wall of the church into their garden, everyone inside would be at mass and choir. I told him he only had until noon, so if he got caught that was on him." He told her and Sypha gave him her thanks and moved through the markets lost in thought.
If you didn't get caught which she had seen you fight and doubted as such, then perhaps you were in the catacombs trying to find a way out that's not directly inside of the church. She wasn't sure why she was so hopeful in your abilities but there was something different about you, and it wasn't just because you came from other seas.
Perhaps it was the way you carried yourself, or how you looked at each of her family members without judgment.
There was something Different about you but she wasn't sure what exactly. You did have the slight smell of magic too, but not an overbearing amount and how easily your ax sliced through those night creatures she wondered if the magic she smelt came from your weapon. She made progress around the city, traveling through back roads and other roads that avoided the church; she wanted to keep a distance from the church for now. They were threatening her family after all and she didn't want to send more trouble their way while she was in short, snooping around.
While avoiding the church she headed to the city's graveyard, which was just outside of the city, she looked around at the graves whispering soft words of respect. She paused when seeing a tomb hidden in the back of the graveyard and she moved towards it. She hoped it would by chance be another opening to the catacombs and that it would lead her to find you, she pushed the doors open and was greeted to stairs which she moved down. She didn't bother with the torches, instead causing a ball of light to form above her fingers as she moved through the catacombs.
"Y/n?" She called hearing her voice echo as she moved further and farther down following the path.
"Y/n? Are you down here?" She called once more, slightly hoping you would respond but she was only greeted with nothing but her echoes. She stopped just at the bottom of the stairs sighing before she continued to pass on until she came to a fork of passages, looking down each once she chose to go to the left on first, if it led to nowhere she would try the right.
She tried to be careful, not wanting to disturb the dead as she moved through their final resting place. But she did look at them, wondering who they were when they were alive. What did they do?
She hardly doubted any poor folk were in this crypt, she had only seen the more wealthier families have ceremonies where their dead were carried to crypts…
Sypha should have been watching her step, if she hadn't been so lost in thought about the dead and other things then maybe she would have seen the crumbling bricks before she stepped on them. She let out a scream as the ground gave away under her feet causing her to fall.
The landing wasn't a pretty one.
She coughed up dust from her throat as she looked around seeing a messy hall held up by columns. Strange statues scattered around the area and she eyed them warily when she passed them. Her eyes snapped to the column as magic torches lit up brightening the room causing her to grow distracted at being in awe. She had never seen such wonders before and she wondered what enchantment spell they worked under. Her focus was pulled when she heard large footsteps that shook the ground and when she saw what caused them she let out a scream that was soon taken from her as a bright light consumed her.
She felt her body stiffening and she felt her heart pound and pound until it was too stiff.
When she had awoken she had thought it was You who had found her, she would have preferred you. And not the smelly rude man who had found her instead, Trevor Belmont. A miserable man that spoke in scarasms and japes, and seemingly tried to convince himself that he didn't care for anyone.
When he had taken her back to her family she learned that she had been missing for nearly an entire month and they had thought her dead. Her grandfather had shown gratitude towards him despite how rude he was. Her eyes fell on your horse and she felt guilt form in her stomach.
"Grandfather..Was y/n…did he?" She asked and she wondered if she had sent you to an early grave.
"The young man never came back..He too has been absent for as long as you." He had told her and she turned to her family.
"Has anyone not seen him? Not even the markets?"
They all had shook their heads and Sypha felt her guilt grow even more, you could have been a victim to some cruel fate like she had.
But she just had this feeling that you weren't dead, that you were alive. She didn't believe you would have left without your horse as well, you seemed far too fond of Haldin.
No…She just knew you were somehow alive and in those catacombs.
She would find you.
Sypha turned to her family to pack their things to listen to what Belmont told them to do and she moved to help them.
She wouldn't leave, she wouldn't run.
She went to Aid the Belmont and she would convince him to go back down the catacombs with her and look for you, then she and you could go find the sleeping soldier together with or without the Belmont.
You were lost.
You weren't sure how long it had been but you knew that you were lost.
You had seemed to be going in circles but you couldn't find anywhere back upwards and out of the catacombs. If you were even in them anymore. You walked underneath giant machinery of gears and other things, distant lights glowing in their dull blue hues. You had tried climbing some but the supports somehow seemed so old or so poorly built that they would crumble if you jumped too much on them to support beam to support beam. The only way was to get up but you couldn't get up so you had to travel elsewhere, choosing to follow the lights. As you moved through the strange sights of things You could hear the rats taking off as soon as you neared them. You knew you were down here for a little while since you had to resort to feeding off rodents' blood. You were just glad you couldn't get sick, and you tried not to think of what monstrosities the rodents ate.
You shuttered as you looked at the vast structures and gears that seemed to never stop grinding against each other perfectly, never jamming.
Something is down here.
You weren't sure if the stories were completely true, about some sleeping man. But you were absolutely sure that something was down here if Dracula's magical things were here as well. It seemed to travel miles underground, miles under the city. You came to rest at a support beam structure taking in the amount of rust overtaking it. Many were rusty as well, so you knew that they must've been here for ages like the stories had spoken off.
You sat down deciding to take a break as you thought over the stories and couldnt help but to sneer a laugh.
Almost sounds like a vamp-
You jumped startled at hearing things crumble and fall. You reached for your ax, snatching it off as you pushed to your feet. You haven't come across any monsters but you wouldn't doubt there being some down here.
You heard yelling and you followed it, the echoes making it hard but you followed the noises of structures falling until you came to a wall of built up rumble.
Whoever the hell was down here with you now, it was clear they were on the other side of the built up rumble. You sighed, twirling your ax as you thought as you studied the wall. It seemed too secure and there was no way you could break through it and digging through the debris would take too long even for you. You looked upwards to see how messed up the structures were and you had to focus on sharpening your eyesight to see faintly in the dark a pillar stabbing through the wall making a gap.
It was high up and you risked fucking up the rest of the structures and possibly not making it but you would just have to move fast and gently….Something you werent very good at.
Running your other hand through your hair, you didn't have much else of a choice did you?
You haven't found any other sort of an exit and now one seems to have just appeared out of nowhere and it seems to be from some other dumbasses like you who fell down here.
You moved heading to another structure and shimmied your way up it carefully as you heard the steel wanting to give out due to how badly rust eaten it was.
"Last time I did what a speaker asked me to do." You bitterly grumbled as you looked across to another structure of metal before flinging yourself to it, nearly falling when one side of a support beam snapped , falling to the ground far below you again.
"Fuck me."
You kept going as the structure crumbled and you had to fling yourself to the one jutting out of the wall just barely missing it if you hadn't looked your ax around it and held the staff as some makeshift hook.
You groaned some as your bodies had aftershocks of the movement and heaved yourself up and walked carefully to the gaping hole to find yourself on a ledge that looked over some grand luxurious hall with lovely columns adorning it and some fancy red carpet.
Lights kept it all nice and bright and in the middle were a few steps to some strange kind of magic tools and some opened coffins.
Your attention brought from them to two men fighting and A speaker woman moving out of the way.
You heard her speak, seeming to try to scold one of the men and you were slightly confused at how familiar she had sounded.
You moved jumping down and landing before walking towards the fight settling besides the speaker woman causing her to jump and look at you.
"Y/n!" The woman had exclaimed grabbing onto your arm. "You are alive, I knew it."
Your eyes never left one man.
Who was tall framed and had the sunrise for his hair and the sun itself for his eyes.
He is not human. .
And as he brought his face closer to the panting human man,
You caught sight of the light reflecting on his fangs.
They awoke a sleeping vampire.
chpt 6
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
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Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has a line about the state of small-scale agriculture in America these days.
It’s drawn from the National Agricultural Statistics Service, which shows that as the average size of farms has risen, the nation had lost 544,000 of them since 1981.
“That’s every farm today that exists in North Dakota and South Dakota, added to those in Wisconsin and Minnesota, added to those in Nebraska and Colorado, added to those in Oklahoma and Missouri,” Mr. Vilsack told a conference in Washington this spring. “Are we as a country OK with it?”
Even though the United States continues to produce more food on fewer acres, Mr. Vilsack worries that the loss of small farmers has weakened rural economies, and he wants to stop the bleeding. Unlike his last turn in the same job, under former President Barack Obama, this time his department is able to spend billions of dollars in subsidies and incentives passed under three major laws since 2021 — including the biggest investment in conservation programs in U.S. history.
The plan in a nutshell: Multiply and improve revenue streams to bolster farm balance sheets. Rather than just selling crops and livestock, farms of the future could also sell carbon credits, waste products and renewable energy.
“Instead of the farm getting one check, they potentially could get four checks,” Mr. Vilsack said in an interview. He is also helping schools, hospitals and other institutions to buy food grown locally, and investors to build meatpacking plants and other processing facilities to free farmers from powerful middlemen.
But it’s far from clear whether new policies and a cash infusion will be enough to counteract the forces that have pushed farmers off the land for decades — especially since much of the money is aimed at reducing carbon emissions, and so will also go toward large farming operations because they are the biggest polluters.
The number of farms has been declining since the 1930s, in large part because of migration from rural areas to cities and greater mechanization of agriculture, which allowed operators to cultivate larger tracts with fewer people. Over time, the federal government abandoned a policy of managing production to support prices, prompting growers to become more export-oriented while local distribution networks atrophied.
The last half-decade has been more disruptive than most. First came a trade war against China under former President Donald J. Trump, which drew retaliatory tariffs that cut into U.S. exports of farm products like soybeans and pork. Then came the pandemic, which scrambled supply chains and sapped farm labor, leaving crops to rot in the fields.
After Congress cushioned the blow with relief for farmers hurt by pandemic disruptions, things started to turn around. Even as the cost of supplies like fertilizer and seed rose, so did food prices, and farm incomes increased. In 2023, default rates on farm loans neared record lows.
“Farm balance sheets are the healthiest they’ve ever been in the aggregate,” said Brad Nordholm, the chief executive of Farmer Mac, a large secondary market for agricultural credit. “The tools available to American farmers to have a more predictable return, even when commodity prices change and input prices change, is greater than it’s ever been before.”
But wholesale crop prices are expected to decline over the coming year. Rising interest rates have made it more difficult to finance planting and harvesting, borrow for an expansion or just get into agriculture — especially since land values jumped 29 percent from 2020 to 2023.
That’s especially true for the smallest farmers, who are far less likely to be tapped into Department of Agriculture assistance programs and are more vulnerable to adverse weather, labor shortages and consumer whims.
“I think in some ways they’re in a worse position than before the pandemic,” said Benneth Phelps, executive director of the nonprofit Carrot Project, which advises small farmers in New England. “We see a lot of farmers making hard decisions right now about whether to stay in or get out, because they’ve run out of steam.”
That’s where the American Rescue Plan, the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law come in.
The laws have collectively provided about $60 billion to the Agriculture Department, which has parceled it out across a variety of priorities, from relieving farmers’ debt to paying them to reduce their carbon emissions.
The biggest chunk — about $19.5 billion — has breathed new life into subsidies to encourage conservation practices that improve the land, like cutting back on plowing and planting cover crops to sequester carbon in the soil. Some of the programs had shrunk in successive Farm Bills, which are five-year legislative packages that covers most agricultural subsidies, and about two-thirds of farmers who applied each year got nothing.
The new funding has added 16,000 recipients over the past two years. Preliminary data shows the expansion is allowing smaller farms to take part.
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caseymarte · 5 months
Budget-Friendly Builds: How Container Homes Save You Money
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Container homes are changing the housing market by offering an affordable alternative to traditional home construction. These innovative homes, crafted from converted shipping containers, are not only eco-friendly but also significantly less expensive to build and maintain. Let's discuss the reasons why shipping container homes are becoming a popular choice for budget-conscious homebuyers.
Cost Savings Breakdown
Affordable Acquisition: Shipping containers are readily available and less expensive than traditional building materials like wood, concrete, or brick. This initial cost saving is a major advantage for those looking to build their own home without a hefty price tag.
Streamlined Construction: The modular nature of container homes allows for much quicker construction times. Since containers are prefabricated, much of the assembly happens off-site, which reduces on-site labor costs and speeds up the overall process.
Reduced Foundation Requirements: Due to their sturdy design and structure, shipping containers require simpler and less costly foundations compared to traditional homes. This can be a significant cost saver, especially in areas where extensive groundwork is typically necessary.
Sustainability and Efficiency
Container homes are at the forefront of sustainable building practices. Repurposing used shipping containers reduces the demand for new construction materials and minimizes waste. Moreover, these homes are often smaller in scale, promoting a minimalist lifestyle and further decreasing ongoing energy consumption.
Design and Customization
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The flexibility in design that container homes offer is a budget-friendly feature that traditional homes often lack. Containers can be stacked and joined in various configurations, allowing for custom layouts at a fraction of the cost of conventional custom-built homes. Brattleboro Portable Storage provides various customization options that adapt to different budgets and design preferences.
Long-Term Savings
Container homes are not only cheaper to build but also less expensive to maintain. Their metal structure is resistant to pests such as termites and less prone to structural issues like rot or mold. Additionally, their compact size makes them more energy-efficient, lowering heating and cooling costs throughout the year.
Choosing a container home is a smart financial decision for those looking to maximize their budget while minimizing their environmental impact. With their low upfront costs, reduced construction and maintenance expenses, and energy efficiency, container homes offer substantial savings over time. For those interested in exploring container home options, Brattleboro Portable Storage is your resource for affordable, innovative housing solutions.
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beforestfarming · 2 years
Food Forests: Pathways to Sustainable Agriculture
What is a Food Forest?
Food forests are agricultural systems where numerous diverse food crops are grown within any given patch. They’re called food ‘forests’ and not food ‘farms’ because they are designed to look, function and feel like forests.
Why forests? For the simple reason that they are epitomes of natural ecosystems. They are resilient, adapt to changing weather conditions, and need external support. All forest elements - trees, vines, shrubs, animals, insects, even soil and water - speak a common language and rely on each other to survive and grow. This makes the forest ecosystem self-sustaining.
Characteristics of a Food Forest
Food forests are designed to mimic the processes and patterns of nature. Naturally, they will include all the characteristics of an actual forest.
Lush greens wherever the eye can see
Several, intertwined, dense layers of trees, shrubs, vines and ground covers
Diversity of plant and animal species
Coexistence and inclusivity of all life forms
Three-dimensional growth of life, including the underground
Presence of several micro-ecosystems of varying scales within the forest
The biggest visual characteristic of a food forest, however, is that it looks drastically different from modern monoculture farming. Typically, in a food forest, no two patches will look the same. In addition, the plants grown are primarily edibles.
But unlike forests, food forests do not grow on their own. Well, not initially. Permaculture farming methods are applied to design a food forest. Deep land studies and analyses dictate the best course of action for the land that is in tune with the landowner’s aspirations for their ‘food garden’.
How do Food Forests Aid Sustainable Agriculture?
Modern agriculture has been suffering due to climate change. It is also heavily market-dependent. Hence farmers are forced to grow more on less land. This leads to the excess use of fertilisers that ultimately degenerate the soil.
Food forests, on the other hand, make use of permaculture farming principles. It is a regenerative approach to farming where all activities work towards restoring the land’s nutrients and capacity. Albeit a slow process, it guarantees self-sustenance over a few years of nurturing. As they say, good things take time!
This approach to farming provides a promising solution to sustainable agriculture. Here’s why food forests can be the key.
1.Regeneration of Soil Health A curated selection of native species eliminates the need for using fertilisers. Furthermore, plants of various sizes can help strengthen the root network. Groundcover plants/ low-growing shrubs protect the soil from sun and harsh weather. This prevents soil erosion and restores the carbon in it.
2.Inclusion of All Life Forms Just like in the jungle, several species of animals and plants coexist in a food forest. Any design that threatens the life of another specie is modified/eliminated. Animal- friendly designs like bio-fencing and temporary shelters are encouraged.
3.Efficiency of Resources Food forest designs include smart water channeling, relying on renewable energy for power and building permanent structures from local materials. This reduces the carbon footprint too.
4.Reduced Need for External Inputs When there’s a goldmine of agricultural inputs on your own land, why look outside? Planting species that act as natural pest controls, and using the waste from one facet as a valuable resource in the other are just some of the many ways food forests reduce the need for external inputs, slowly inching towards complete self-sufficiency.
Considering all the benefits food forests offer, In India, we are seeing growth of startups which manage such food forests and offer managed farmlands near Mumbai and other metro cities to people looking to live an alternative lifestyle. In the coming years we hope to see this trend growing further, drawing people away from the concrete jungles of the urban centers.
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netsolwatersblog · 9 months
Find the best Compact Sewage Treatment Plant(STP) Manufacturer in India ?
With its headquarters located in Greater Noida, Netsol Water is the largest as well as the leading manufacturer of compact sewage treatment plants in India.
Contemporary Compact STP may be put above ground or below ground & is compact in size. Its small & original designs are visually appealing & need very little room to install. Because Compact STP produces no noise & has no smell, you may place it wherever is most convenient for you.
Manufactured & supplied by Netsol Water Gr. Noida, Delhi NCR, India. Netsol Water Compact Sewage Treatment Plants are prefabricated systems that are given to the client ready for plug & play installation.
Small Sewage & Wastewater treatment facilities from Netsol Water, as well as other comparable products, have received international certification according to the highest criteria. The systems are supplied with UV(UltraViolet) tertiary handling units & phosphorous elimination/removal kits. They are packed in cylindrical Poly-Propylene containers/chambers, which are utilized as thermoplastic molding materials.
Essential Elements of a Compact STP(Sewage Treatment Plant):
Complies with all regulatory standards 
Does not require an operator i.e., not manually but completely automated.
Re-utilizing treated water for gardening 
Up-to-date, packaged STP Underground installation is possible; 
Modern Compact STP(Sewage Treatment Plant) saves up to 75% on energy costs; 
Sand & charcoal filters are not required
Below Organized are the finest Leading Manufacturers in India for the best Compact STP(Sewage Treatment Plant):
Netsol Water provides solutions for a wide range of sectors, with a focus on water-wastewater, compact STPs(Sewage Treatment Plants), ETPs(Effluent Treatment Processes), separation, & water filtering.
Netsol Water is the best compact sewage treatment plant manufacturer in India.
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The greatest waste & Wastewater Treatment solution is offered by NETSOL WATER, a top manufacturer of Compact STPs(Sewage Treatment Plants). One of the most trustworthy waste management partners is Netsol Water.
Engineered design, fabrication, mounting/installation, & maintenance/repairing services are offered by integrated service providers working in Netsol Water.
Their goal is to increase the viability of waste management systems globally in terms of economics, environmental sustainability, & energy efficiency in order to address issues related to population growth, industrialization, & climate change.
Their personalized & project-based approach has helped them carve-out a position in the current waste-management market. This technique enables them to provide comprehensive & efficient solutions to their clients' distinct & dynamic/fluctuating demands .
Netsol Water guarantees/promises complete partner & customer satisfaction by utilizing this comprehensive approach evaluation to provide customized industrial solutions.
The firm/company that manufactures Compact STP plants is recognized as the most reliable & well-established supplier partner in the water & wastewater treatment sector.
When an individual in India thinks of a high-end most sophisticated WTP(Water Treatment Plant) as well as a consultancy service , their brand name quickly comes to mind .
This is because the world has noticed & acknowledged its looming expertize as the most enthusiastic/passionate business-ignited organization delivering an array or spectrum of superior products-machinery & services involving solutions for water treatment , WasteWater handling/management & treatment , & much more since the year 2012.
Established in 2012 under the umbrella of Netsol Water, Urban STP Plant focuses as well as concentrates on the engineering design of recreational/swimming pool filtration systems as well as the manufacturing, vending, trading/exporting, & servicing as well as maintenance & repair of WasteWater & Compact STPs(Sewage Treatment Plants). Their motto has always been perfection , so they've created a product collection lined as CETPs(Common Effluent Treatment Plants)(Food & Beverages Industry) , Effluent Treatment Plants(Automotive, Paper & other Industries) , Compact STPs(Sewage Treatment Plants) (Industrial & Commercial Both) , & so on forth , Reverse Osmosis Systems
You can also read : Find The Best Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer in India
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research-analyst · 1 year
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futuretonext · 1 year
The Saudi Arabia Waste to Energy Market is projected to grow at an exponential CAGR during the forecast period, i.e., 2023-28. The demand for such techniques is aided by the colossal amount of waste produced in the region due to surging population and rapid urbanization, further resulting in a rise in industrial and construction debris. In addition, the high urban population has also raised the requirement for higher power consumption needs, getting fulfilled by installing plants, thus leading to the application and expansion of the industry.
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isomumbai · 10 months
What are the key requirements for obtaining ISO 14001 certification in Mumbai?
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ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai?
ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai is determined to be highly recognized and utilized by the firms to acquire possible market stability. Over 7500 islands make up the Mumbai. The majority of the country’s GDP is contributed by travel and tourism. Cities in Mumbai are just now beginning to industrialize.
The most manufactured and exported goods include copper products, clothing, semiconductors, and other limited electrical items. In the upcoming days, it is anticipated to become a financial titan. At a rapid growth phase, industries began to revolutionize. Mumbai saw a fast rise in the demand for ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai among rival businesses to stand out in the market and better serve their clients by adhering to all calibration and laboratory criteria.
Importance of ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai
It encourages and guides organizations in India to meet their environmental obligations. The ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai is ideal for organizations that wish to demonstrate their commitment to reducing their environmental impact and achieving financial and stakeholder benefits.
As the only international standard devoted to environmental performance, ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai provides a framework for improving environmental performance in organizations of all sizes. You will gain a competitive advantage when your organization complies with ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai. Factocert provides ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai by utilizing ISO standards and guidelines for implementing ISO 14001:2015 environmental management systems.
The Benefits of ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai Businesses
By embracing ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai, businesses in Mumbai can expect a multitude of benefits:
Reduced Environmental Impact: ISO 14001 certification in Mumbai helps organizations significantly reduce their environmental impact, including waste production and energy consumption.
Cost Savings: Adopting sustainable practices often leads to cost savings through reduced resource consumption and improved efficiency.
Enhanced Reputation: ISO 14001 certification in Mumbai enhances a company’s reputation, attracting environmentally conscious clients and partners.
Legal Compliance: Businesses that achieve ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai fully comply with environmental regulations, avoiding legal issues and associated costs.
Why Factocert for ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai
We provide the best ISO 14001 Consultants in Mumbai, Who are knowledgeable and provide the best solutions. And how to get ISO certification in the Philippines. Kindly reach us at [email protected]. ISO Certification consultants work according to ISO standards and help organizations implement ISO certification with proper documentation.
For more information, visit ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai.
Related links:
· ISO Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 9001 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 45001 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 13485 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 17025 Certification in Mumbai
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energexae · 10 months
Energexae - Your Trusted Partner for Meanwell SMPS Power Supply in the UAE
In the ever-evolving landscape of electronics and power solutions, finding a reliable and efficient Meanwell SMPS Power Supply provider is crucial. Energexae emerges as the go-to choice for businesses and individuals seeking top-notch power supply solutions in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). With a commitment to quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction, Energexae stands out as the best Meanwell SMPS Power Supply provider in the region.
Unparalleled Quality: Energexae sets itself apart by delivering Meanwell SMPS Power Supply units of unparalleled quality. Each product undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets the highest standards. This commitment to quality ensures that customers receive reliable and durable power solutions, making Energexae a trusted name in the industry.
Extensive Range of Products: One size does not fit all, especially when it comes to power supply solutions. Energexae understands the diverse needs of its customers and offers an extensive range of Meanwell SMPS units to cater to various applications. Whether it's for industrial machinery, LED lighting systems, or electronic projects, Energexae provides a tailored solution to meet specific requirements.
Efficiency and Sustainability: In a world where energy efficiency and sustainability are paramount, Energexae's Meanwell SMPS Power Supply units shine. These power supplies are designed with a focus on energy efficiency, reducing waste and minimizing environmental impact. Businesses can not only enjoy cost savings but also contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.
Reliability in Every Watt: When it comes to power supply, reliability is non-negotiable. Energexae ensures a stable and consistent power flow, preventing disruptions and downtime. This reliability is crucial for businesses that rely on uninterrupted power for their operations.
Customer-Centric Approach: Energexae places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction. The company's customer-centric approach is evident in its dedication to understanding the unique needs of each client. Whether you're a small business or a large industrial enterprise, Energexae takes the time to provide personalized solutions and support.
Industry Expertise: Backed by years of experience in the power supply industry, Energexae's team brings unparalleled expertise to the table. Their in-depth knowledge allows them to stay ahead of industry trends and offer cutting-edge solutions that align with the evolving needs of their customers.
Conclusion: In a market flooded with options, Energexae emerges as the leader in Meanwell SMPS Power Supply solutions in the UAE. With a focus on quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction, Energexae is the trusted partner for businesses and individuals looking to power their electronic devices reliably and sustainably. Choose Energexae for the best-in-class Meanwell SMPS Power Supply units and experience the difference that quality and expertise can make in your power solutions.
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
Last Friday Finland's electricity market was turned upside down when a Norwegian energy firm erroneously offered huge amounts of non-existent electricity on the Nordpool market.
That forced the spot price down as low as -50 cents, meaning that any consumer on a spot price contract was able to make money just by turning on their household appliances.
Happy days for the end user, but energy market participants were less than pleased.
Financial daily Kauppalehti takes a very serious look at the problem in an editorial, suggesting that the Nordic countries might need to introduce an emergency brake mechanism to flatten out peaks and troughs in energy prices in the future.
The energy price is calculated each day by Nordpool, after it takes in bids from energy producers based on what they expect to produce and matches that against the expected demand.
In other parts of Europe the market holds a 'Second auction' if the prices are too low or too high. That allows producers to offer more or less energy once they see what the price is likely to be, thereby raising or lowering it.
In the Nordics that doesn't happen, even though it was proposed in 2015. KL suggests that might be because energy producers primarily thought about the possible reductions in price it might bring when prices would otherwise be high.
They preferred to rely on market mechanisms forcing reductions in consumption, and never really considered what might happen if there was a mistake and they had to source electricity to sell at a loss — as happened on Friday.
School dinner waste reductions
Aamulehti has a look at moves by Tampere region municipalities to reduce food waste in daycare centres and schools.
This food is produced by Pirkanmaan Voimia, a company owned by several councils in the area. They had noticed that a lot of food was getting thrown away, and asked schools and daycare centres to try and reduce their orders to reflect the amounts that are actually consumed.
Institutions can assume a certain level of absences based on sickness and other issues, and getting better at predicting those means there is less food thrown away after lunch.
Since the food waste drive started in 2022 orders have reduced by some 4-8 percent, depending on the institution.
That has caused some issues as most schools allow children to serve their food themselves from the lunch counter.
When popular foods are on offer, like fish fingers or similar, food can run out, according to Tampere's head of basic education Kristiina Järvelä.
"There is a recommended portion size, but there's always someone who takes 25 meatballs even though the order is based on 5 meatballs each," says Järvelä. "There is however always backup food [in the school's kitchen], so nobody is left hungry."
It's crazy, it's rental
Helsingin Sanomat reports on a new addition to Helsinki's holiday rental scene: the studio apartment that was home to Eurovision star Käärijä before he was famous.
Located in the rough and ready northern suburb of Malmi, the flat is decked out in Käärijä's trademark green and decorated with a painting of the man himself in his iconic bolero.
The advert text even uses the artist's trademark, endearing Finglish.
"Have you ever think how I live once in Malmi? Now you can come and feel yourself how it feels. Yes Yes I know you will like," reads the description.
This unique experience does not come cheap, however: HS reports that the price for an upcoming weekend would be 764 euros per night.
Käärijä himself (real name Jere Pöyhönen) was granted a rental apartment in Vantaa free of charge for one year as a recognition of his Eurovision achievements, allowing his former home to become a city break destination.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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Matt Wuerker
* * * *
November 2, 2023
NOV 3, 2023
In a speech yesterday in Northfield, Minnesota, President Joe Biden explained his economic vision to rural Americans. “Over the past 40 years or so, we’ve had a practice in America—an economic practice called trickle-down economics, and it hit rural America especially hard,” he said. “It hollowed out Main Street, telling farmers the only path to success was to get big or get out.” At the same time, he said, “[t]ax cuts for big corporations encouraged companies to grow bigger and bigger, move jobs and production overseas for cheaper labor, and undercut local small businesses. Meat-producing companies and the retail grocery chains consolidated, leaving farmers [and] ranchers with few choices about where to sell their products, reducing their bargaining power. Corporations that sell seed, fertilizer, and even farm equipment used their outsized market power to change farmers and charge them and ranchers unfair prices.”
Biden noted that the U.S. has lost more than 400,000 family farms in the past 40 years, an area of more than 140 million acres of farmland, equivalent to an area the size of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota combined. Family farms have failed, and as they did so, small businesses, hospitals, schools, and communities also suffered. 
Young people feel they have no choice but to leave home “in search of good-paying jobs and a chance at the American Dream.” 
Biden explained that his plan to invest in America would create new and better markets and new income streams to help rural areas thrive. He noted that $20 billion of the Inflation Reduction Act will go to helping farmers and ranchers adjust to climate change by changing cover crops and managing nutrients and grazing, while urging farmers to diversify from single crops and sell in local markets. 
Biden emphasized that the administration is promoting competition in agricultural markets, noting that currently just four big corporations control more than half the market in beef, pork, and poultry. If just one of their processing plants goes offline, it can cause massive supply chain disruptions (as the closing of a baby formula plant did in 2022). “[T]here’s something wrong,” he said, “when just 7% of the American farms get nearly 90% of the farm income.” 
In addition to the existing national investments in power grids and broadband that will help rural communities, Biden announced $1 billion to fix aging rural infrastructure systems like electricity, water, and waste water systems that haven’t been updated in decades; $2 billion to help farmers fight climate change; $145 million for clean energy technologies like solar panels that will help lower electric bills; and $274 million for rural high-speed internet expansion.
The administration’s vision for rural America appears to be part of a larger vision for restoring competition to the U.S. economy and thus is closely tied to the administration’s push to break up monopolies. In July 2021, Biden promised to interpret antitrust laws in the way they had been understood traditionally, not as the U.S. government began to interpret them in the 1980s. Then, following the argument advanced by the solicitor general of the United States at the time, Robert Bork, the government concluded that economic consolidation was fine so long as it promoted economic efficiencies that, at least in the short term, cut costs for consumers. 
Biden vowed to return to the traditional understanding of antitrust principles championed by presidents all the way back to Theodore Roosevelt at the turn of the last century, arguing that protecting economic competition protects workers, promotes innovation, and keeps consumer prices down. To that, the coronavirus pandemic added an awareness of the need to protect supply chains. 
“Bidenomics is just another way of saying ‘the American Dream,’” Biden said. “Forty years ago, trickle-down economics limited the dream to those at the top. But I believe every American willing to work hard should be able to get a job, no matter where they live—in the heartland, in small towns—to raise their kids on a good paycheck and keep their roots where they grew up.” 
In contrast to Biden’s outreach to farmers, House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is facing a dilemma over the nation’s next farm bill, which must be passed by the end of the year. According to Clark Merrefield of The Journalist’s Resource, Congress usually debates and renews the farm bill every five years, and the last one passed in 2018. 
Farm bills include price support for farm products, especially corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, rice, peanuts, dairy, and sugar. It also includes crop insurance, conservation programs, and a wide variety of other agricultural programs, making the farm bill hugely popular in rural areas that focus on farming. 
Also included in the measure are nutritional programs for low-income Americans, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps. SNAP serves 41 million low-income Americans, but as a member of the far-right Republican Study Committee, Johnson called for cutting SNAP benefits. Now his far-right colleagues are echoing his position, saying that the need to renew the farm bill is a great opportunity to make significant cuts to SNAP, especially since the farm bill is expected to bear a price tag of more than $1 trillion for the first time in our history. 
“I can’t imagine the Mike Johnson that we know would pass up the opportunity to secure as many conservative wins as possible in this farm bill,” a Republican aide told Meredith Lee Hill of Politico, “[a]nd that means serious SNAP reforms.” 
But even some Republicans—primarily those who hail from agricultural states—object to loading the farm bill up with the poison pill of SNAP cuts, knowing such a tactic would repel Democrats, whose votes will be necessary to pass the measure as far-right Republicans balk. 
It will take a deft hand to get the measure through Congress, and its failure at Johnson’s hands will infuriate hard-hit rural areas. It is one more thing to add to the new speaker’s to-do list, as the deadline for funding the government is looming. The continuing resolution funding the government at 2023 levels, the measure that cost Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) his speakership, expires in just over two weeks, on November 17.
Johnson’s willingness to load bills with poison pills that his conference likes showed today in the House’s passage of Republicans’ aid bill for Israel—Ukraine aid had been cut away—along with dramatic cuts to funding the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), a provision that the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office warned would add to the deficit rather than reducing it. Knowing that the measure will not pass the Senate, a number of Democrats voted for it, likely to avoid attacks from conservative opponents. 
Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) says the Senate won’t even take up the House bill. Instead, the Senate continues to work on its own strongly bipartisan bill that ties together aid to Israel and Ukraine. 
As Kate Riga of Talking Points Memo put it, if the Senate continues to work in this bipartisan way, we will continue to see the same pattern we’ve seen throughout this Congress: “Senate Democrats, Senate Republicans and House Democrats all supporting more or less the same thing, with a chunk of House Republicans out on a branch alone.”
After an angry fight last night over Senator Tommy Tuberville’s (R-AL) holds on military promotions, in which Republican senators joined Democrats in confronting him, the Senate today confirmed General David Allvin to be Air Force chief of staff and Admiral Lisa Franchetti as chief of naval operations, by votes of 95 to 1. Franchetti is the first woman to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Wednesday’s fight appears to have been prompted by the hospitalization of acting Marines Commandant General Eric Smith after an apparent heart attack. Smith was holding down two high-level positions at once owing to Tuberville’s holds, and he had warned his schedule was “not sustainable.” Although the Pentagon says Tuberville is endangering national security, Tuberville insists that his hold on almost 400 military promotions is not hurting the military. 
The new additions mean there are no vacancies on the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the first time since July. 
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