#waste to energy industry
research-analyst · 1 year
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As I've said/supported before, Barbara shouldn't be Batgirl. And Gotham Knights shouldn't have had her be Batgirl, as it falls into the ableist trope.
However, I do understand why she is Batgirl in this game. She is the most recognizable Batgirl to the general audience. This is where we lose some people because this game is not actually meant for just batman/batfam fans like some people believe. It's meant for anyone remotely interested in buying video games, like every other video game in existence. I know some people might find that condescending, but I don't mean it that way. It's important to remember who buys video games, even specifically "Batman" ones.
Meaning they made the safe bet because money is the driving force. Barbara is a safe bet. But honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she was a bet they didn't have much of choice in making. Either because it's not really made by an independent studio or evaluating the loss between a number of fans not purchasing a game because of Barbara no longer being a full-time wheelchair user and the number of potential buyers not wanting to buy a "Batman-oriented" game while not knowing who any of the characters are. Additionally, the potential strain of resources in adding more than the current cast of characters we have. They settled on the safest, known characters attached to Batman, probably for monetary reasons.
That being said, Cass and Steph could've been good additions to this game. I don't think Duke would have; he is still too new. The batgirls here have more of a footing and deserve to exist in more than just Scribblenauts and LEGO Batman games. However, I can see how introducing them with Batman might be a better bet for all three of them than Gotham Knights ever would have been. It creates an association for the general audience, which is more important to developers than specifically Batman fans (the general audience is larger and gives more money). Yes, they should be used more in games for more recognition, but for that idea to succeed, there needs to be a plan that actually promises audience growth.
People are allowed to have boundaries towards the reliance on an ableist trope and dislike the game for it.
People are also allowed to acknowledge that Barbara Gordon in Gotham Knights is still a disabled character and the fact that they worked with a charity focused on disabled representation in gaming (AbleGaming) to represent spinal disabilities in a respectful/realistic way that isn't relying upon on "magical/scientific cures."
Wheelchair users are valid for being upset that Barbara Gordon isn't one as well, the same way that people with other disabilities can still feel represented by this version.
None of these things are mutually exclusive and can exist at the same time.
Me being able to rationalize their actions doesn't mean that I agree with everything they do, as I have shown in the past. I just don't believe that a piece of media or a studio is unsalvageable or irredeemably evil for falling into a bad trope. Media is flawed. This constantly happens. If we view media that way, then we'd have to abandon literally every piece of media in existence.
Me acknowledging that the game made an effort to include aspects of disability doesn't mean that I don't believe there are no ableist aspects to this game. That's just a stupid assumption.
People are also flawed. Playing Gotham Knights, someone isn't a terrible evil person who is irredeemable and should die. That isn't a productive view. People can recognize how they interact with media and address how it exists in their lives and the lives of others.
This article has a pretty good explanation of how I feel and how some others feel. I've basically paraphrased it multiple times: https://halfglassgaming.com/2022/08/gotham-knights-lets-talk-about-barbara-gordons-spine/.
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I won't say more because I don't have much more words than there are multiple ways to look at things other than everything is either fully correct/good or wrong/evil. It's fine to acknowledge that things can exist in a combination of multiple factors, and morality is something defined by each individual human.
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townpostin · 3 months
How Tata Steel Is Leading Sustainability in the Steel Sector
Tata Steel’s sustainability initiatives set new benchmarks in the steel industry, aiming for Net Zero emissions by 2045 and promoting environmental responsibility. Tata Steel, a global leader in the steel industry, is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2045, aligning with the Tata Group’s Project Aalingana. The company has implemented various initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint,…
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waterandenergyrelief · 5 months
8th Meeting, 15th Session of the Expert Group on Resource Management.
Session 4: Decision Support – 2
Chair: Karen Hanghøj
Agenda item 7.2: Development and deployment of UNFC - Groundwater Resources Working Group Update (ECE/ENERGY/GE.3/2024/7)
Peter van der Keur, Chair, Groundwater Resources Working Group and Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
UNFC Application to Renewable Energy
Gioia Falcone, Co-Chair, Renewable Energy Working Group
Recycling construction materials
Julia Stegemann, Professor of Environmental Engineering, University College London, UK
Sand and construction materials
Tom Bide, Senior Scientific Officer, British Geological Survey
AMREC-PARC Case study
Bob Felix Occiti, Senior Policy Officer - Research Oil and Gas Program, African Energy Commission
Joint UNFC – PRMS Financial Reporting Template
Victor Babashev, Chair, Petroleum Working Group and Ignatiy Volnov, Regional Director Russia and Caspian, Society of Petroleum Engineers
Discussions Agenda item 6: Responsible resource governance: Development and deployment of UNRMS - Critical Minerals Markets Information System (CriMMIS) Concept
Simon Strickland, Senior Adviser on Strategy, Cabinet Office, UK
Transparency in Critical Raw Material Value Chains
Elisabeth Tuerk, Director, Economic Cooperation and Trade Division, UNECE
Circular Metals
Brian Cantor, Director, UK ICE-SRM for Circular Materials, BCAST, Brunel University, UK
UNRMS: Considerations for Steel Recycling
Cameron Pleydell-Pearce, Director, SUSTAIN Steel Hub, Swansea University, UK
Ukraine: Resource management challenges and opportunities
Roman Opimakh, Director General, Ukrainian Geological Survey
Activities of the UNECE Hydrogen Task Force
Branko Milicevic, UNECE
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edouardstenger · 6 months
Five energy efficiency solutions to hasten the global energy transition
The World Economic Forum released earlier this year some great research that could help us all slash energy consumption by 30 percent and save us 2 trillion USD a year.
The World Economic Forum – in collaboration with PwC – published earlier this year a most interesting research paper on five technologies or measures that could save “up to $2 trillion per year” and slash global energy consumption by more than 30 percent. This could make fossil fuels’ exit a much quicker one, how exciting ! This is the kind of magnititude and effort we need to actually halve…
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Turning Waste Into Gold - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/turning-waste-into-gold-technology-org/
Turning Waste Into Gold - Technology Org
ETH Zurich researchers have recovered the precious metal from electronic waste. Their highly sustainable new method is based on a protein fibril sponge, which the scientists derive from whey, a food industry byproduct.
The gold nugget obtained from computer motherboards in three parts. The largest of these parts is around five millimetres wide. Image credit: ETH Zurich / Alan Kovacevic
Transforming base materials into gold was one of the elusive goals of the alchemists of yore. Now Professor Raffaele Mezzenga from the Department of Health Sciences and Technology at ETH Zurich has accomplished something in that vein. He has not of course transformed another chemical element into gold, as the alchemists sought to do. But he has managed to recover gold from electronic waste using a byproduct of the cheesemaking process.
Electronic waste contains a variety of valuable metals, including copper, cobalt, and even significant amounts of gold. Recovering this gold from disused smartphones and computers is an attractive proposition in view of the rising demand for the precious metal. However, the recovery methods devised to date are energy-​intensive and often require the use of highly toxic chemicals. Now, a group led by ETH Professor Mezzenga has come up with a very efficient, cost-​effective, and above all far more sustainable method: with a sponge made from a protein matrix, the researchers have successfully extracted gold from electronic waste.
Selective gold adsorption
To manufacture the sponge, Mohammad Peydayesh, a senior scientist in Mezzenga’s Group, and his colleagues denatured whey proteins under acidic conditions and high temperatures, so that they aggregated into protein nanofibrils in a gel. The scientists then dried the gel, creating a sponge out of these protein fibrils.
To recover gold in the laboratory experiment, the team salvaged the electronic motherboards from 20 old computer motherboards and extracted the metal parts. They dissolved these parts in an acid bath so as to ionise the metals.
When they placed the protein fibre sponge in the metal ion solution, the gold ions adhered to the protein fibres. Other metal ions can also adhere to the fibres, but gold ions do so much more efficiently. The researchers demonstrated this in their paper, which they have published in the journal external pageAdvanced Materialscall_made.
How the gold is recovered: Gold ions adhere to a sponge of protein fibrils. Image credit: Peydayesh M et al. Advanced Materials, 2024, adapted
As the next step, the researchers heated the sponge. This reduced the gold ions into flakes, which the scientists subsequently melted down into a gold nugget. In this way, they obtained a nugget of around 450 milligrams out of the 20 computer motherboards. The nugget was 91 percent gold (the remainder being copper), which corresponds to 22 carats.
Economically viable
The new technology is commercially viable, as Mezzenga’s calculations show: procurement costs for the source materials added to the energy costs for the entire process are 50 times lower than the value of the gold that can be recovered.
Next, the researchers want to develop the technology to ready it for the market. Although electronic waste is the most promising starting product from which they want to extract gold, there are other possible sources. These include industrial waste from microchip manufacturing or from gold-​plating processes. In addition, the scientists plan to investigate whether they can manufacture the protein fibril sponges out of other protein-​rich byproducts or waste products from the food industry.
“The fact I love the most is that we’re using a food industry byproduct to obtain gold from electronic waste,” Mezzenga says. In a very real sense, he observes, the method transforms two waste products into gold. “You can’t get much more sustainable than that!”
Source: ETH Zurich
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poojagblog-blog · 7 months
/PRNewswire/ -- Industrial Filtration Market is expected to reach USD 47.1 billion by 2029 from USD 37.1 billion in 2024 at a CAGR of 4.9% during the forecast period according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™.
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Why Waste Heat Recovery Systems are Good?
The companies in the contemporary scenario are on the lookout for limiting the GHG emissions and reducing their carbon footprint. This has brought about the development of lucrative ways for capturing wasted heat. A waste heat recovery system can come good in achieving this fate. Waste heat recovery systems are installed to capture hot gas released from industrial equipment. This practice…
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research-analyst · 1 year
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Efficiency and Sustainability: The Power of Waste Gas Fired Boilers
Waste gas-fired boilers from Thermodyne Engineering Systems are the epitome of resource optimization. These cutting-edge boilers are designed to capture and utilize waste gases generated during various industrial processes. Instead of letting valuable energy go to waste, these boilers harness it, turning it into a powerful heat source. This not only contributes to reduced greenhouse gas emissions but also brings about substantial cost savings for businesses. The impact of waste gas-fired boilers is multifaceted. They help industries cut down on their environmental footprint, align with sustainability goals, and improve operational efficiency. For more information contact us at https://www.thermodyneboilers.com/wastetherm/
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electronalytics · 1 year
Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) Market Overview and Upcoming Trends 2032
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Overview of the Molten Salt Reactor Market:
Global Molten Salt Reactors market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.9% by 2032.
The Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) Market revolves around the development, deployment, and commercialization of nuclear reactors that use molten salt as both fuel and coolant. MSR technology offers unique advantages, including enhanced safety, reduced nuclear waste, efficient fuel utilization, and the potential to operate on a variety of fuel types. The market is driven by the growing interest in advanced nuclear energy solutions that address safety concerns, waste management, and sustainable energy production.
Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) are a type of advanced nuclear reactor technology that use a liquid mixture of salts as both the fuel and the coolant. MSRs offer several potential advantages, including increased safety, reduced nuclear waste, and the ability to efficiently use thorium as a fuel source. The MSR market has gained attention as a potential solution for addressing energy needs while minimizing environmental impacts.
Advanced Reactor Technology: MSRs represent a novel approach to nuclear power generation, utilizing liquid fuel instead of solid fuel rods. The scope includes research, development, and commercialization of MSR designs.
Fuel Flexibility: MSRs can utilize a range of fuels, including thorium and enriched uranium, which expands the scope to exploring alternative fuel cycles for efficient energy production and reduced nuclear waste.
Nuclear Waste Reduction: The inherent design of MSRs can potentially reduce the long-lived nuclear waste compared to conventional reactors, making MSR technology part of waste management solutions.
Safety Features: MSRs offer passive safety mechanisms, including negative temperature coefficients and natural circulation of the molten fuel, which enhances reactor safety.
Thorium Fuel Cycle: The scope includes exploring the potential of thorium as a fuel source in MSRs, as it is more abundant and potentially safer compared to traditional uranium fuel.
Energy Generation: MSRs have potential applications in electricity generation, process heat production, and even hydrogen production, expanding the scope to various industrial sectors.
Research and Development: The scope encompasses ongoing research and development efforts to optimize MSR designs, improve fuel cycle efficiency, and enhance safety features.
Clean Energy Generation: Growing demand for clean and low-carbon energy sources to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions drives interest in advanced nuclear technologies like MSRs.
Nuclear Power Resurgence: The MSR's potential to overcome some limitations of traditional reactors, such as safety concerns and nuclear waste issues, aligns with the global interest in reviving and advancing nuclear power.
Energy Security: MSRs offer a stable and reliable energy source that can contribute to energy security and grid stability, particularly in regions with limited access to traditional energy resources.
Industrial Applications: The high-temperature output of MSRs can be used for industrial processes, such as hydrogen production and desalination, driving demand for efficient and versatile energy solutions.
Innovation in Nuclear Technology: The development of MSR technology presents opportunities for innovation in reactor design, materials science, and fuel cycle optimization.
Waste Management Solutions: MSRs' potential to reduce nuclear waste and utilize existing waste as fuel offers opportunities for addressing the long-term challenges of nuclear waste disposal.
Energy Transition: MSRs can be a bridge between conventional energy sources and a more sustainable future, presenting opportunities in the global transition to cleaner energy systems.
Collaboration and Investment: Opportunities exist for collaboration between governments, research institutions, and private sector companies to advance MSR technology through funding, expertise, and resources.
Energy Export and Security: Countries with advanced MSR technology can potentially export clean and safe nuclear energy solutions, enhancing energy security and international partnerships.
Nuclear Industry Revival: The development and deployment of MSRs can contribute to a revitalized nuclear industry by addressing public concerns, safety issues, and waste management challenges.
We recommend referring our Stringent datalytics firm, industry publications, and websites that specialize in providing market reports. These sources often offer comprehensive analysis, market trends, growth forecasts, competitive landscape, and other valuable insights into this market.
By visiting our website or contacting us directly, you can explore the availability of specific reports related to this market. These reports often require a purchase or subscription, but we provide comprehensive and in-depth information that can be valuable for businesses, investors, and individuals interested in this market.
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Market Segmentations:
Global Molten Salt Reactor Market: By Company
• MAN Energy Solutions
• Kairos Power
• Enesoon Holding
• Copenhagen Atomics
• Terrestrial Energy
• Moltex Energy
• ThorCon Power
• Elysium Industries
• Transatomic
• Flibe Energy
• Lightbridge
• Shanghai TaiYang Technology Co.,Ltd
Global Molten Salt Reactor Market: By Type
• Thorium
• Plutonium
• Uranium
Global Molten Salt Reactor Market: By Application
• Oil and Gas
• Power and Energy
• Shipping
• Others
Global Molten Salt Reactor Market: Regional Analysis
The regional analysis of the global Molten Salt Reactor market provides insights into the market's performance across different regions of the world. The analysis is based on recent and future trends and includes market forecast for the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Molten Salt Reactor market report are as follows:
North America: The North America region includes the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. The U.S. is the largest market for Molten Salt Reactor in this region, followed by Canada and Mexico. The market growth in this region is primarily driven by the presence of key market players and the increasing demand for the product.
Europe: The Europe region includes Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe. Germany is the largest market for Molten Salt Reactor in this region, followed by the U.K. and France. The market growth in this region is driven by the increasing demand for the product in the automotive and aerospace sectors.
Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region includes Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, and Rest of Asia-Pacific. China is the largest market for Molten Salt Reactor in this region, followed by Japan and India. The market growth in this region is driven by the increasing adoption of the product in various end-use industries, such as automotive, aerospace, and construction.
Middle East and Africa: The Middle East and Africa region includes Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, and Rest of Middle East and Africa. The market growth in this region is driven by the increasing demand for the product in the aerospace and defense sectors.
South America: The South America region includes Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America. Brazil is the largest market for Molten Salt Reactor in this region, followed by Argentina. The market growth in this region is primarily driven by the increasing demand for the product in the automotive sector.
Visit Report Page for More Details: https://stringentdatalytics.com/reports/molten-salt-reactor-market/12100/
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Stringent Datalytics offers both custom and syndicated market research reports. Custom market research reports are tailored to a specific client's needs and requirements. These reports provide unique insights into a particular industry or market segment and can help businesses make informed decisions about their strategies and operations.
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greenthestral · 1 year
The Digital Green Economy: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future
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In recent years, the global community has witnessed a growing sense of urgency in addressing the pressing challenges posed by climate change and environmental degradation. Governments, organizations, and individuals have come to recognize the need for sustainable practices and innovative solutions to mitigate the impact of these issues. As a result, the concept of a green economy has gained significant traction and has become a focal point for discussions on sustainability and economic growth.
A green economy refers to an economic system that prioritizes environmental sustainability, resource efficiency, and social well-being. It aims to decouple economic growth from resource consumption and environmental degradation, instead promoting sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The principles of a green economy include transitioning to renewable energy sources, promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns, and investing in green technologies and infrastructure.
However, as we enter further into the digital age, another powerful force has emerged—the digital green economy. This innovative approach combines the principles of sustainability with the transformative power of technology, paving the way for even more profound changes and opportunities.
The digital green economy harnesses the potential of digital technologies to drive sustainable development. It leverages advancements in areas such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, data analytics, and cloud computing to create intelligent systems that optimize resource use, enhance energy efficiency, and reduce environmental impact.
One of the key advantages of the digital green economy is its ability to collect, analyze, and interpret vast amounts of data in real-time. The Internet of Things (IoT) enables the connection of various devices and sensors, allowing for the monitoring and control of energy consumption, waste management, and water usage. This level of connectivity and data-driven insights enable businesses and individuals to identify inefficiencies and make informed decisions that contribute to sustainability.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms are also pivotal in the digital green economy. These technologies can analyze complex datasets, identify patterns, and predict trends, allowing businesses to optimize their operations, reduce waste, and develop innovative solutions. For example, AI algorithms can optimize transportation routes, reducing fuel consumption and emissions, or predict energy demand, enabling renewable energy systems to adjust accordingly.
The digital green economy offers numerous advantages that contribute to shaping a sustainable future. Firstly, it helps reduce environmental impact. By leveraging digital technologies, businesses can lower their carbon footprint and minimize their use of natural resources. Smart grids, for instance, optimize energy distribution, reducing energy losses and dependence on fossil fuels. Additionally, remote working and teleconferencing technologies decrease the need for business travel, thus reducing transportation-related emissions.
Secondly, the digital green economy promotes resource conservation and efficiency. By using data-driven insights, companies can identify areas of improvement, enhance energy and water efficiency, and minimize material waste. This fosters a circular economy approach, where resources are utilized and reused in a sustainable manner, reducing the strain on the environment.
Moreover, the digital green economy presents significant economic opportunities. As businesses embrace sustainable practices and develop green technologies, new markets and industries emerge. The transition to renewable energy sources, for example, creates jobs in the renewable energy sector, clean technology development, and green infrastructure. This not only drives economic growth but also ensures that sustainability becomes a cornerstone of future prosperity.
Additionally, the digital green economy enhances resilience and adaptability in the face of climate change and other environmental challenges. By diversifying energy sources and embracing decentralized systems, communities can become more self-sufficient and less vulnerable to disruptions. The integration of renewable energy sources and microgrids, for example, can provide reliable power even during natural disasters, ensuring the continuous functioning of critical infrastructure.
Numerous digital green economy initiatives are already underway worldwide, demonstrating the potential of this transformative approach. Smart cities, for instance, leverage digital technologies to enhance urban sustainability. These initiatives integrate IoT devices, data analytics, and AI to optimize resource usage, improve transportation systems, and enhance citizen services. Barcelona's implementation of a smart irrigation system, adjusting watering schedules based on weather data to reduce water consumption in public parks, exemplifies the impact of such initiatives.
Furthermore, the integration of renewable energy sources into the existing energy grid is another significant aspect of the digital green economy. Through the use of smart grids and advanced energy management systems, renewable energy generation can be optimized and balanced with demand. Germany's Energiewende is a prime example, where digital technologies enable the efficient integration of wind and solar power into the national energy mix.
Precision agriculture is yet another domain where digital technologies are revolutionizing the sector and promoting sustainable practices. Precision agriculture utilizes sensors, drones, and AI algorithms to monitor crop health, optimize irrigation, and reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers. This not only minimizes environmental impact but also enhances crop yields and farmer profitability.
However, as we delve into the potential of the digital green economy, it is essential to address certain challenges to ensure its widespread adoption and inclusivity. One of the primary challenges is the digital divide. Access to digital technologies and connectivity remains uneven globally, with underserved populations lacking the necessary infrastructure and skills. Bridging this divide is crucial to ensure that all communities can benefit from the digital green economy. Governments, businesses, and organizations must work together to improve internet access and provide training and support to ensure equal participation.
Another challenge is data privacy and security. The digital green economy relies on vast amounts of data to drive sustainable practices. It is imperative to establish robust cybersecurity measures and transparent data governance frameworks to protect sensitive information and maintain public trust.
Furthermore, the rapid proliferation of digital technologies also leads to an increase in electronic waste (e-waste). Proper e-waste management practices must be implemented to minimize environmental harm. This includes establishing recycling programs, promoting responsible disposal methods, and designing products that are durable and repairable.
The digital green economy represents a promising pathway towards a sustainable future. By leveraging digital technologies and integrating sustainable practices, we can reduce environmental impact, enhance resource efficiency, foster economic growth, and enhance resilience. The digital green economy offers numerous advantages, including reduced environmental impact, resource conservation, economic growth, and enhanced resilience. However, it is crucial to address challenges such as the digital divide, data privacy concerns, and e-waste management to ensure inclusivity and long-term success. By embracing the digital green economy, we can pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient world.
Defining the Digital Green Economy
The digital green economy refers to the integration of digital technologies and sustainable practices to promote environmentally friendly and resource-efficient solutions. It encompasses a wide range of sectors, including renewable energy, smart cities, circular economy, sustainable agriculture, and green transportation. The key objective is to leverage digital advancements to minimize environmental impact, reduce carbon emissions, and enhance resource conservation.
The Role of Digital Technologies
Digital technologies play a crucial role in driving the transition to a green economy. They enable the collection, analysis, and interpretation of vast amounts of data, facilitating informed decision-making and resource optimization. For instance, the Internet of Things (IoT) allows for real-time monitoring and control of energy consumption, waste management, and water usage, enabling businesses and individuals to identify and rectify inefficiencies.
Moreover, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms can analyze complex datasets to identify patterns and predict trends. This enables businesses to optimize their operations, reduce waste, and develop innovative solutions. For example, AI-powered algorithms can optimize transportation routes, reducing fuel consumption and emissions, or predict energy demand, enabling renewable energy systems to adjust accordingly.
Advantages of the Digital Green Economy
The digital green economy offers several advantages that contribute to a sustainable future:
Environmental Impact Reduction: By harnessing digital technologies, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and environmental impact. For instance, smart grids can optimize energy distribution, reducing energy losses and reliance on fossil fuels. Additionally, remote working and teleconferencing technologies can decrease the need for business travel, lowering transportation-related emissions.
Resource Conservation: The digital green economy promotes resource efficiency by optimizing processes and reducing waste generation. Through data-driven insights, companies can identify areas of improvement, enhance energy and water efficiency, and minimize material waste. This fosters a circular economy approach, where resources are utilized and reused in a sustainable manner.
Economic Growth and Job Creation: The digital green economy presents significant opportunities for economic growth and job creation. As businesses embrace sustainable practices and develop innovative green technologies, new markets and industries emerge. This leads to the creation of jobs in sectors such as renewable energy, clean technology, and green infrastructure development.
Resilience and Adaptability: The digital green economy enhances resilience and adaptability in the face of climate change and other environmental challenges. By diversifying energy sources and embracing decentralized systems, communities can become more self-sufficient and less vulnerable to disruptions. For example, the integration of renewable energy sources and microgrids can provide reliable power even during natural disasters.
Examples of Digital Green Economy Initiatives
Numerous digital green economy initiatives are already underway worldwide, showcasing the potential of this transformative approach:
Smart Cities: Cities around the globe are leveraging digital technologies to enhance urban sustainability. Smart city initiatives integrate IoT devices, data analytics, and AI to optimize resource usage, improve transportation systems, and enhance citizen services. For example, Barcelona has implemented a smart irrigation system that adjusts watering schedules based on weather data, reducing water consumption in public parks.
Renewable Energy Integration: The digital green economy facilitates the integration of renewable energy sources into the existing energy grid. Through smart grids and advanced energy management systems, renewable energy generation can be optimized and balanced with demand. Germany's Energiewende is a prime example, where digital technologies enable the efficient integration of wind and solar power into the national energy mix.
Precision Agriculture: Digital technologies are revolutionizing the agricultural sector by promoting sustainable and resource-efficient practices. Precision agriculture utilizes sensors, drones, and AI algorithms to monitor crop health, optimize irrigation, and reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers. This not only minimizes environmental impact but also enhances crop yields and farmer profitability.
Overcoming Challenges and Ensuring Inclusivity
While the digital green economy holds immense potential, it is essential to address certain challenges to ensure its widespread adoption and inclusivity. These challenges include:
Digital Divide: Access to digital technologies and connectivity remains uneven globally. Bridging the digital divide is crucial to ensure that all communities can benefit from the digital green economy. Governments, businesses, and organizations must work together to improve internet access and provide training and support for underserved populations.
Data Privacy and Security: As the digital green economy relies on vast amounts of data, ensuring data privacy and security is paramount. Robust cybersecurity measures and transparent data governance frameworks must be in place to protect sensitive information and maintain public trust.
E-Waste Management: The rapid proliferation of digital technologies also leads to an increase in electronic waste. Proper e-waste management practices must be implemented to minimize environmental harm. This includes recycling programs, responsible disposal methods, and product design that promotes durability and repairability.
The digital green economy represents a promising pathway towards a sustainable future. By leveraging digital technologies and sustainable practices, we can reduce environmental impact, enhance resource efficiency, and foster economic growth. From smart cities to renewable energy integration and precision agriculture, numerous initiatives exemplify the transformative power of the digital green economy. However, it is crucial to overcome challenges such as the digital divide, data privacy concerns, and e-waste management to ensure inclusivity and long-term success. By embracing the digital green economy, we can pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient world.
#What is the digital green economy?#Benefits of the digital green economy#How digital technologies are driving the green economy#Examples of the digital green economy in action#The role of AI in the digital green economy#Building sustainable cities with the digital green economy#Transitioning to renewable energy in the digital green economy#Enhancing agriculture through the digital green economy#How the digital green economy promotes resource conservation#Achieving economic growth with the digital green economy#Resilience and adaptability in the digital green economy#Overcoming challenges in the digital green economy#Bridging the digital divide in the digital green economy#Data privacy and security in the digital green economy#Managing e-waste in the digital green economy#The future of the digital green economy#Transforming industries through the digital green economy#Innovations in the digital green economy#Sustainable business practices in the digital green economy#Smart cities and the digital green economy#How the digital green economy contributes to a circular economy#Digital green economy and job creation#Sustainable transportation in the digital green economy#Achieving energy efficiency with the digital green economy#The impact of the digital green economy on climate change#Digital green economy initiatives around the world#Challenges and opportunities in the digital green economy#Sustainable development through the digital green economy#How the digital green economy fosters environmental stewardship#Empowering communities with the digital green economy
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nnctales · 1 year
Polyurea Concrete Blocks: Revolutionizing Construction with Durability and Versatility
Introduction In the world of construction, innovation is a constant driving force, enabling builders to create structures that are more durable, sustainable, and efficient. One such innovation that has gained significant attention is the use of polyurea concrete blocks. These blocks, with their unique properties and versatility, are transforming the construction industry. This article delves into…
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I don’t talk about it much but one of my biggest interests is nuclear energy and disasters and I see that Netflix has recently added a new dramatized series on Fukushima daiichi so 👀
I’ve actually been really hoping for a docu series on the event and aftermath for a while, and even though I’m not big on the dramatized series I’m still super excited that this is happening because it might open the door for a proper documentary series in the near future
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waterandenergyrelief · 5 months
6th Meeting, 15th Session of the Expert Group on Resource Management.
Session 2: Decision Support - 1
Chair: David MacDonald
Agenda item 7.1: Social and environmental considerations 
Carrie McClelland, Chair, Social and Environmental Considerations Working Group and Colorado School of Mines
Classifying the production of lithium, caesium and tantalum from the Tanco Mine, Manitoba, Canada, according to UNFC – A Case Study (ECE/ENERGY/GE.3/2024/12)
Tania Martins, Chief Geologist, Manitoba Geological Survey
Wintershall Dea - UNFC-UNRMS Case study
Matthias Hartung, Chair, UNFC Adoption Group and Wintershall Dea
Fraguva Energy (SME) - UNRMS Case Study
Gaspar Franco-Hernandez, Deputy Director of Planning and Strategic Regulation, Fraguva Energy
Why investment is needed NOW on both "ends" of the Critical Raw Materials circularity ring - and how UNRMS can help
Christophe Xerri, President and Senior Consultant, The Sailing Brain Consulting
Resource Management Young Member Group (EGRM-15/2024/INF.2) - 
1. Critical Minerals for the Sustainable Energy Transition: A Guidebook to Support Intergenerational Action – Official Launch
Bianca Derya Neumann (Moderator), Chair, Resource Management Young Member Group (RMYMG)
Jodi-Ann Wang, Project Lead, RMYMG and Policy Analyst, LSE Grantham Research Institute
Vadim Kuznetsov, Project Lead, RMYMG and Director, Sustainability and Climate Initiatives, BRICS Youth Energy Agency
Gabriele Romeo, Master's student of International Energy Transitions, Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po
Radia Sedaoui, Chief of Energy Section, Climate Change and Natural Resource Sustainability Cluster, UNESCWA
2. Panel: Driving Intergenerational Justice in Critical Raw Materials Management: Potential of Demand-side Solutions
Bianca Derya Neumann (Moderator), Chair, Resource Management Young Member Group
Diego Marin, Policy Officer for Raw Materials and Resource Justice, Policy Division, European Environmental Bureau
Gyubin Hwang, Global Coordinator of the Children and Youth Major Group to UNEP
Natalia Mrówczyńska, Board Member, ReGeneration 2030
Watch the 6th Meeting, 15th Session of the Expert Group on Resource Management!
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futuretonext · 1 year
The UAE Waste to Energy Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of more than 10% during the forecast period, i.e., 2023-28. The expansion of the market is attributed to the massive amount of residential and commercial waste generated in the region due to urbanization, industrialization, and tourism combined with a surge in power consumption in the area. Additionally, the UAE’s focus on reducing its carbon emission and producing more renewable energy to downsize its reliance on oil and natural gas has further expanded the industry.
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