#watch dogs 2 headcanons
John huffs as his hair falls into his face for the 5th time as he digs for his S/Os soon to be garden: For the last time….
Dog looks at John every time he huffs and mumbles:
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Y/N notices John getting irritated with his hair as he works leaves the kitchen heading towards John
John notices their approach: What’s wrong
мое сердце? (stops moving their head as Y/N moves his hair back and puts something in his hair)
Y/N smiles happily at their work: There you go now you look cute and your hair won’t get in the way.
John looks at Y/Ns phone as they take a picture of him to see what they had done to him:
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ghostbroh · 6 months
Josh got his first piercing (ears) n both sitara and wrench came for moral support
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Bonus thing,T-bone sees Josh's ears,this is a /j type of headcannon,I think it would be pretty funny if T-Bone were the type to cry when he's drunk
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codecan · 5 months
My bf wanted to give watchdogs characters rlly bad head canons based off looks alone
So uh, here’s THAT;
(In his exact words)
Aiden: “he'd have a really stupid fear because one thing happened to him as a kid, he's scared of long words because he lost the spelling bee and really took it to heart”
Jordi: “collects taxidermied animals but like the weird ass obscure ones. instead of a deer head he'd have a goat head on his wall for funsies”. “Sexy”
Ray: “uses Pandora, says other music apps "don't have the right vibes"”
JB: “has tried (and continues to try) to use his mask to poke holes in cans so he can shotgun them”
Clara: “southern, she looks southern to me. Georgia…anyways she looks like she'd like those lil farmer trucks and have it decorated head to toe inside with zebra print idk why she gives me zebra print vibes”
Damien: “"I only shower when it rains, I check the weather before I leave for work every morning so I can see if I gotta put shampoo in or not! Our ancestors didn't shower so why should I!"”
Jackson: “had a phase where he would only eat if he had a side of white rice..didn't matter what he was eating it steak? side of rice salad? rice. drinking a smoothie?? needs his rice”
Marcus: “follows wrench's secret Tumblr account and pretends to not know it's wrench but will casually bring up his interests in conversations”
Wrench: “he's a lisa frank enjoyer and would have a secret Tumblr account where he rambles about his tismtastic interests”
Josh: “eats escargot, claims he hates it”
Sitara: “really, really likes boars, pigs, warthogs, ect..would have a pet g-pig (I forgot how to spell it), or a gerbil, maybe a hamster”
Dalton: “"hohoho!" typa laugh, plays golf”
Bagley: “if it was human it'd eat rocks”
Sabine: “likes cheetah print way too much, it's like an unhealthy obsession, would buy anything with cheetah print on it even if she doesn't need it”
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Again! Wrench Headcanons:
Guess this 28/41 year old is my hyperfixation for a while.[Age depends on which game he's in. WD2 has him at canonically 28 while Legion makes him canonically 41 years old.] This is about the length of my Deacon Rambles post...
Was a high school drop out at some point. Always getting in trouble for skipping classes, taking shit apart, having his hood/mask on, fighting because he didnt get along with people, etc etc. He hated school.
I see him as the type to have been a drummer in a band at one point. Eventually the band just fell apart but he has some of their songs on his phone still.
Loved the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. In his mind, it had a badass sound track. 7 Nation Army by The White Stripes and Black Sheep by Metric and Brie Larson were real bangers in his mind.
Reeks of beer and gasoline most of the time. Change my mind.
Deadpool is this man's icon. Some of his jokes are inspired by jokes from the comics or movies. Has posters, funkos, obviously the comics and movies, and even dressed up as his own punk version of deadpool loosely based on the funko mini. His personal favorite mini was the chicken costume.
Has a unicorn stuffed animal himself.
Also likes Spider-Punk.
Likes Motorcycles a little bit more than cars.
Detective films? Yes. Action Movies? Definitely. Sci-Fi? Hell Yeah! Horror? Maybe not so much.
People seem to be unable to decide whether Wrench is Bi or Pan. I personally think he'd be Pansexual.
Doesn't like cleaning as he states ingame. Will clean if the mess starts to bother him. Or if Sitara makes him.
High metabolism which is why he's so thin.
Throwns in tons of movie/game references when speaking expecting people to get them and then has to explain them when they dont. Definitely geeks out when someone does.
You know that one audio trend with the person singing CPR and someone else yelling "Language"? He'd be the singer and Sitara would be the one yelling at him to mind his language.
Sends the most odd videoes at the most random of times.
Also the kind of guy that might not respond until like and hour or 2 later.
Tries to be pretty quiet in the mornings, besides the music blasting in his earbuds/headphones.
The more I think about the more I start to believe that his "bad driving" is just a thing he makes people believe until you see his dumb ass in a race and this fucker blows you away with his skills. Then you start to really understand why he can do perfect drifts getting away from the police or gangs in a chace.
Due to his always racing thoughts, he sometims forgets some things. Like he gets sent out to take out the trash, goes to the kitchen, forgets why he went in there, does a few circles to try and remember, then gives up and goes back to his room or workspace. It'll hit him like 20 minutes later.
Favorite food is probably Tacos. Pizza close in like 2nd or 3rd place, maybe.
Decent at voice impressions, if you couldnt tell.
Oh, and for those who absolutely need them, have some romance headcanons too:
Didn't show his face to his S/O until like 6 months into the relationship at the least. He was so fucking nervous too.
Wouldn't even fully open up about his past until probably a year in at the least.
Prepare for cheesy love songs, matching key chains, corny pick up lines, bits of playful teasing, and a lot of small physical touches. (Mostly hand holding but would wrap his arms around his s/o's waist) His s/o also wrapping their arms around his waist drives him nuts.
Needs a lot of reassurance that his s/o loves him. I wouldnt say constantly but quite a few times in the relationship, especially at the beginning.
He isnt exactly scared of commitment as he had a husband at one point. Key word: "Had". Dont expect him to fully settle down though. He still plans to fight until he is sure this battle is really over.
Two Words: Super. Clingy.
Might forget an anniversary, dont hold it against him. He sometimes forgets what he had for breatfast 15 minutes ago.
As I've mentioned before, he does not like kids. Don't expect a family with him.
No planned dates unless his s/o is the one who plans them. He kinda just does things whenever if both have the free time.
Makes sure to dial down his weirdness just a little so his s/o is comfortable. He takes things slow if they want them to be.
Was definitely taking forever to actually ask his s/o out. Hoped they would do it first but then got impatient after a while and just blurted out everything.
This is getting too long. Im done for now.
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s1mons1mons1 · 2 months
"wrench has a weird relationship with technology" was funny to me until it happened to me
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paintsplantspaws · 3 months
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This could also apply to:
Jacob Frye from Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
Wrench from Watch Dogs 2
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prismuffin · 2 years
Josh Sauchak Relationship Headcanons !!
A/n: Just posting some Josh Sauchak headcanons @ Midnight cause why tf not? gn!reader!!
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Type of fic?: Headcanons
Warnings?: Light swearing, talk of guns, explosive devices, drugs but not really, and sexual topics (NSFW is separated and marked!)
!-! More Under The Cut !-!
-Physical contact can be a bit weird for him at first and you'll have to wait for him to initiate a lot of the contact, or you'll have to ask so you can know what he's comfortable with
-^After a while though he becomes more comfortable with the thought of it and doesn't mind when you do certain stuff without giving him a heads up first
-Cuddling Josh in the beginning of your relationship was mostly just simple spooning
-^The more your relationship develops the more he enjoys sleeping in the same bed as you
-^^^Won't admit it to your face but it is a bit hard for him to fall asleep without you there
-Kissing is something he grows to enjoy over time
-^He prefers cheek or forehead kisses more than mouth to mouth kisses
-^^If you do kiss him on the mouth he'd rather them be short and sweet
-His PDA levels are usually very dependent on where he is
-^In pure open day public it is very low, he'll let you hold his hand but that's pretty much it.
-^^In HQ he's a bit more lenient; he'll let you kiss him and hug him and all just don't be embarrassing
-Do not bother him when he's working oh my godddd
-If you talk to him while he's working he'll respond back but he'd much rather prefer it if you didn't try to talk to him right now
-He'll ask you to bring him energy drinks while he's working
-^You have to monitor how much he has cause he will chug them like water
-Getting him to take breaks by bringing him lunch
-Dates with Josh usually happen in HQ or in your apartments
-He's a picky eater for sureeee also textures can mess him up
-^If his pancakes are too soggy from the syrup cause he took too long to get off his computer, he can't eat them
-If you home cook good meals for him he'll be so goddamn happy
-^Will ask you to make him food ALL THE TIME
-^^Hates eating fast food after eating your meals everyday but he'll do it if you can't cook for whatever reason :(
-If you do physical hacks for Dedsec like Marcus he'll be worried for your safety
-^Gives you awkward hugs before you go off on a mission and then tells you to be careful
-^^Poor baby can't stand seeing you get hurt, if he's watching over cams and you and Marcus are getting shot at he has to look away
-^^^He still hears everything through comms though and if you get hurt he'll frantically look for a way to help from his position at base
-If you come back from a mission hurt he's immediately on you with a medkit, guiding you to the couch so he can help with your wounds
-Even though he's worried he'll still scold you if you complain or whine (If the injury isn't that bad)
-^ "Yeah, well, you wouldn't be in pain if you'd just listened to me and waited"
-If your injuries are serious he'll try and convince the team to bring you to the hospital
-^If they can't cause of some cTOS shit then he'll hover over you
-^^Will move his computer near wherever you're resting so he can work and watch you at the same time
-If you work with explosives and destructive materials like Wrench he's definitely scared of and for you
-^Every little hiss of pain initially has him on alert but after a while he knows it's just you fucking with burning wires
-If he hears an explosion from your room or little space in HQ he'll check on you immediately
-If you ever lose something like a finger while messing with explosives he is totally apprehensive about you working with explosives after that
-^He will be trying to convince you to stop and pick up hacking a bit more or something else that's less dangerous but still helpful
-Jokes fly over his head half the time because of his Aspergers so it can take him a minute to get them
-Once he does get the joke he'll laugh to himself and might even repeat it back to you
-If you say "I love you" to him first he'll probably stare at you for a second while fighting back a smile that eventually slips by anyway and will nod
-^He might not say it back right away but when he does he'll mean it.
-If he says "I love you" to you first he's probably high off his ass at a festival or something 💀
-No but seriously, if he says it first he'll probably say it while looking down, he'll fidget a bit as he waits for your response
-If you don't say I love you back to him after he tells you he can overthink it for a little while
-If you do say it back after he tells you he'll be very happy and very smiley
-If you ask him to take off his beanie he'll just deadpan stare at you for at least a minute before looking around and asking why
-^You say you wanna see his hair and he just...slowly...removes it..?
-^^Has totally slept with the beanie but if he does take it off he doesn't mind you messing with his hair but it's far too short for you to do anything like braiding or putting it up
-If he randomly walks up to you and shoves his face into your back or chest and hugs you HUG HIM BACK RIGHT AWAYYYYYHDYWGDIWB
-^He only does that when he's overstimulated or very very tired and its usually the latter
-If he's overstimulated for any reason just try and get him away from the area and to a more quiet one and comfort him as he needs
-Definitely on the aro/ace spectrum
-^It's not that he can't feel romantic attraction he's just more Adfomantic/Aliquaromantic (he can only feel romantic attraction in certain circumstances)
-^^It's the same thing for him when it comes to him being ace, it's not that he can't feel it but he needs to have a strong connection to feel any sexual attraction
-Luckily he has a very strong connection to you 😉
-As stated above, he is on the ace spectrum so it was probably a little while into the relationship before you guys had any sexual interaction
-If you had a conversation about having sex with him before he was comfortable he'd probably realize in that moment that he's on the ace spectrum whether it was you who suggested it or not
-The sexual attraction probably grew over time
-When he was officially ready he'd go out of his way to buy condoms before telling you
-^He just like randomly leaves at sundown and then comes back at night while you're in the kitchen or something and tells you then that he's ready
-If you're up for it that night then cool but if not then he'll probably schedule a time when you both are free
-^He'd prefer if it were soon so he doesn't overthink it too much and change his mind
-Whether he's topping or not he'd definitely want things to go a little slow at first but would get/would ask to get faster as time goes on
-Josh has breathy moans for sure, in fact you might not even hear him until he cums
-Finds out he has a praise kink
-Lovessss it when you praise him, he loves to pleasure you and that soon becomes his focus whenever you two have sex
-Doesn't really mind getting or giving head but he kinda likes giving more than receiving
-Isn't really that sexually adventurous but if you beg him enough to try anything he might give it a go- but, if he doesn't like it you'll owe him
-If you want him to degrade you he'll try his best but praises may slip every now and then
-Post nut clarity hits him HARDDDDD
-If he has cum on him after sex it will drive him crazy after a while and he'll have to get up and clean it off
-If you want to cuddle after sex he's down, in fact half the time he crashes anyway especially if you were rougher on him
-His sex drive is also relatively low!
Thanks for reading, Have a nice day/night
Feel free to request!
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wow-an-unfunny-joke · 2 months
Okay: Hi, I’m Robin, my eyes are fucked up! Im almost always seeing double esp when im reading or doing things like that, this causes trouble because obviously. My eyes don’t talk to eachother like they’re supposed to and one eye is better at everything than the other. The solution to this is that I cover one of my eyes while im reading (I always cover my left eye, but technically I’m supposed to cover both eyes interchangeably or smth, I’m actively making the problem worse lol)
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yardsards · 2 years
i mentioned willow park being under-appreciated to my friend and he was like "i need to start a blog in which i post a shitty doodle of willow like, pumping iron or something every 5 minutes" and ik he was joking but Please i need this
#eliot posts#toh#i was thinking of making him watch more toh with me (i think we got like half through s1 a while ago?)#but i was seized by the uncontrollable urge to make him watch s1 and s2 of infinity train with me#so that's what we watched instead#i actually only assumed we'd make it through s1 but he wanted to watch more so we watched s2 as well#which is good cuz it's my fav :D#we watched 1 or 2 eps of s4#depending on what he wants i guess we'll either watch more toh or watch seasons 4 and 3 of infinity train next time we hang out#he's the type of friend where our hangouts are more chill watch a movie/tv together and play video games type things#and i make some pretty good popcorn. and have a comfy bedroom to watch tv in.#alas he lives an hour away and cannot drive so it has to be An All Day Thing when we hang out to make it worth it#anyway iirc when we did watch toh willow was his favourite#which is very good taste. willow is perfect and Babey. daughter girl. i want to protect her even tho she could easily kick my ass#sometimes he asks for art requests. i should make him draw willow. or one of our infinity train blorbos.#(jesse is his fav humanoid character so far which is again good taste gang (atticus is his overall fav because Dog. he cried at s1e8))#(also he IMMEDIATELY started headcanoning jesse as as a trans guy and i love how much of the fandom shares that hc)#(on top of the even more popular nb lake headcanon. he said it was weird to see them referred to w she/her after seeing them on my blog)#normally when he asks for art requests i always jokingly request jeb bush to torment him. i forget where that joke started
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goorehound · 2 years
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This is an 18+ account. I am an adult, I write with the intent for my content to be enjoyed by other adults. I can’t hold you at gunpoint and demand you respect this of course, but it would be super rad if you listened of your own free will!
There will be adult references (non sexual - drugs and alcohol etc) that may still be in pieces marked SFW. This is your warning.
Requests info below the cut
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The characters I depict are fictional. I will not write actual, real life people.
The information in this list will be updated here and there but this is a rough idea of my current stances!
I am more than open to writing ships or reader inserts of any gender or sexuality. If you are requesting an x reader and don’t specify gender I’ll usually opt for a gender neutral reader! But please specify if you want sfw or nsfw.
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Fandoms I’ll gladly write for:
Repugnant (band)
Ghost (band)
Dead By Daylight (video game)
Modern Warfare (video game)
Watch Dogs 2 (video game)
Marauders (Harry Potter universe)
Ships and characters:
Mary Goore x Reader
Mary Goore x Papa III
Mary Goore x Copia
Ghouls x Reader
Papa II - Papa IV x Reader
Ghouls x Papa
Dewdrop x Aether, Rain, Swiss, Copia or Mountain
Aether x Dew, Rain or Copia
Swiss x Rain, Dew or Mountain
Mountain x Rain, Swiss or Dew
Alpha Ghoul x Omega Ghoul
Alpha Ghoul x Papa III
Special Ghoul (Phil) x Papa III or Papa IV
Dead By Daylight
Danny Johnson (The Ghostface)x Reader
Danny Johnson (The Ghostface) x Frank Morrison (The Legion)
Danny Johnson (The Ghostface) x Michael Myers (The Shape)
Danny Johnson (The Ghostface) x Dwight Fairfield
Michael Myers (The Shape) x Reader
Frank Morrison (The Legion) x Reader
David King x Dwight Fairfield
Modern Warfare
König x Reader
König x Simon “Ghost” Riley
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader
John “Soap” MacTavish x Reader
Simon “Ghost” Riley x John “Soap” MacTavish
Watch Dogs 2
Wrench x Reader
Wrench x Marcus
Wrench x Josh
Sirius x Remus
James x Regulus
James x Lily
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reddragon-cowboy · 2 years
[ooc: tag drop]
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cordeliawhohung · 9 months
Mafia!141 Masterlist
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a place for me to put all my mafia!141 related fics so i don't bog down my regular masterlist!
In Limbo: (Ghost) is it wrong to fall in love while waiting to die?
Price x wife!Reader:
he likes showing you off
when his meetings go wrong...
treating him
proposal and baby talk
john "that's my fuckin' wife" price
how you two fall in love
you're jealous
you're drunk and jealous
taking care of you after you have a kid
your first time
you're insecure
you don't think you're a good mum
Ghost x shy!Reader:
you meet him for the first time
you're at Price's club
everyone's watching
he learns you're a virgin
you're drunk
you wanna suck his dick
he helps you feel confident
he helps you feel confident again
you want a baby
he wants you to ride him
more confidence again
he helps you masturbate
guard dog
late night
Soap x nurse!Reader:
how you two meet
you're grumpy after work
no touching
how you two really meet
Gaz x mafia!Reader:
you're a proper pain in the ass
you need a place to stay
Leftovers [1]: Mr. and Mrs. Price don't know how to take care of you properly. Simon is hellbent on saving you, no matter the means.
Leftovers [2]: you're his, now
Leftovers [3]: you love him
the boys are drunk
you can find any small comments and other anon asks by searching #mafia!141 in my blog!
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ghostbroh · 5 months
I think he likes tea, I feel like he would keep it around frequently, his favorite would probably be chamomile
He got SUPER into making bracelets during quarantine, definitely made the group matching ones
Follow up to the above headcannon,Josh and Wrench make cool stuff with beads together sometimes
Josh had or still has a creeper hoodie. I don't think I need to explain myself for this
Mans is not cis, I can't explain how I know this but trust man I can feel it
Sitara and Wrench convinced him to get his ears pierced (I totally didn't make a post about this before whattt no way/sar)
They went to a professional since it was his first time, Sitara was in supportive mom friend mode™,she was like "you're doing great sweetie" meanwhile Wrench was like "LETS FUCKING GOOOO"
Afterwards bro could not stop smiling at ALL,he was so happy
They also convinced him to dye his hair,he went for a green highlight
Wrench and Josh most definitely worked on his drone together but kept it a secret
Loves we bear bears,ice bear is his favorite,watches it a lot when he's sad n junk
Seriously if u wanna make his week just get him a ice bear plush bro will be BEAMING
I feel like Josh would be the type of dude to get too focused on what he's doin n chug like 5 energy drinks without realizing until he litterly cannot type cause he shaking too much
Wrench and Sitara got him into SpongeBob,he wasn't allowed to watch it as a kid
Has a goofy laugh
Like if you make him laugh hard enough he will be folded over on the verge of TEARS just gasping for air,while the funniest noises come out of his mouth
His laughs are hella contagious
Josh definitely bakes and my god is he good at it
Like he'll bake stuff all the time n bring it to the outhers, EXPECIALLY if he feels bad about something
Like I think they all played uno and Wrench pulled out a +4 on him n Josh was like "I hate you" n then later he felt bad so the next day he showed up with a cake that said "sorry for what I said during uno"
Had a reddit phase as a teen but ssSSSH WE DON'T TALK ABOUT IT
Wrench n Josh definitely do parallel play with eachouther, sometimes Wrench puts on storytime videos as background noise while they game or something
Just before quarantine Josh and Wrench moved in together
The two of them got SUPER into Friday night funkin,then eventually the two of them started beeping as a stim
I imagine Josh would walk into the kitchen n be like "beepbopbap" and Wrench would beep right back from the front room or something
He can and will kick everyones ass in Mario cart
He plays The Sims 4 religiously
One time Wrench set his kitchen on fire in the game
"I WAS GONE FOR 2 MINUTES WRENCH WHAT DID YOU DO??" -Josh, coming back to the shenanigans Wrench pulled
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codecan · 4 months
Ice cream flavors I think watchdogs characters would enjoy;
(In order of game:3 def missing a few ppl tho😭 my memory’s shit)
Aiden: standard vanilla, MAYBE chocolate
Clara: Rocky road or something so absurd you can only get at a specific shop (like brownie caramel.. salted.. butterflies or sm??)
Ray; cookies n cream or like .. something with peanut butter
Jordi: chocolate. (Would fight you over choc v vanilla)
JB: Blue raspberry shaved ice or anything neon radioactive blue
Nicky: Orange sherbet
Jackson: Superman.
Lena: strawberry w/ strawberries on top
Marcus: chocolate, he likes it simple maybe w/ sprinkles
Wrench: vanillaw/ 99 toppings
Sitara: strawberry.
Josh: will only eat vanilla BEAN and a specific brand (I’m projecting)
Horatio: mint chip type of guy
Sabine: she prefers custard to ice cream or something
Dalton: .. vanilla he is the average white man
Bradley (not Bagley); ice cream cake.
Skye: … sherbet. Any flavor she looks like a sherbet girl
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More Wrench Headcanons:
Another one of the charcters I think would have ADHD. He is someone who looks and acts like their mind is going super speeds 24/7. Always fiddling with shit. Always trying to get his thoughts to slow the fuck down. Always able to find some way to entertain himself.
He can be heard mumbling shit in his sleep. Still surprisingly a heavy sleeper.
This scrawny punkhead wears 3 layers in the middle of summer. A white tank top, his hoodie over it and his spiked vest over that. This means he is definitely super sweaty all the time.
Never had a pet before, but if he did I dont think he would mind having a reptile like a Lizard or Snake. Also likes Hedgehogs. However he is somewhat scared of dogs. Dont ask why, he wont tell ya.
Never been a fan of spring. Pollen, alergies, tons of sneezing, yeah no. He would rather suffer through more freezing winter days. If you ask, he'd say late summer and early fall are his favorites. They're cool enough that he isnt as sweaty but not too cold, ya know?
Okay driver but definitely not someone you want to ride with on a normal basis. Great get away driver and definitely makes sure to make it dramatic.
Yeah I wouldnt eat anything he's made unless it's a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich.
Not a kid person. He doesnt like them. He smiles and laughs whenever he sees them fall over, real life or video. Would not babysit.
This man's room would probably be covered in punk rock posters, bean bag chairs, gaming consoles, some trash, tons of scrap and tools, led lights, you get the point.
So, I havent exactly found cannon heights for the DedSec gang so I made my own line-up making Horatio the tallest at 6'1 followed by Josh at 5'11, Marcus at 5'9, Wrench at 5'8 and then Sitara at 5'4.
Probably will make more headcanons on this man.
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deadsnakey · 1 month
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๋࣭ ⭑⚝ fluff ೀ Headcanons. . .ᐟ 10k words 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ┈─★
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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જ⁀➴ He has a lot of issues and anger, but he tries his best to control it around you.
જ⁀➴ has never raised his voice at you because of this.
જ⁀➴ I think he's all scary and intimidating, but once you get to know him, like know him, he's genuinely sweet and a decent person.
જ⁀➴ loves being around you, he feels comfortable enough to be himself around you and that's a privilege.
જ⁀➴ loves physical touch, knowing you're still with him is reassuring and grounding for him.
જ⁀➴ spoils the actual shit out of you dude, your complaints will be shushed with a soft kiss and soft eyes, "I love you, let me spoil you, okay?"
જ⁀➴ a bad boy on the streets a gentleman in the sheets.
જ⁀➴ his friends definitely remind him how gone and whipped he is for you on a weekly and he doesn't deny it, he knows and is fine with it.
જ⁀➴ if yes ever making you uncomfortable or doing sum you don't like, he stops immediately and never does/says it again. He'd hate for you to be uncomfortable let alone from him.
જ⁀➴ loves showing you off and will shamelessly do it, because you're a goddess why wouldn't he??
જ⁀➴ I think he's still learning the rights and wrongs while dating you so just put his ass in line and he'll immediately straighten up and act right.
જ⁀➴ he's your bitch, you're his girl.
જ⁀➴ he'll let you boss him around as long as youre happy but God forbid someone else tries to boss him around and they gone (to the hospital wing..lol)
જ⁀➴ will happily watch you get ready even if it's just to go on a walk or to grab a few snacks n stuff from the store or wtvr, will gladly help with wtvr if you ask him too.
જ⁀➴ teased you a lot especially if you get flustered easily butttt knows when to stop and to not take it too far.
જ⁀➴ also he tries only doing it in private or if it's just you two somewhere bc he doesn't want someone else thinking they can also tease you, friends or not.
જ⁀➴ hatesss the thought of losing you, definitely has nightmares and needs to either be held by you or hold you, it just depends how bad it is.
જ⁀➴ feeds you so much, he ain't letting his girl go hungry ever, not on his watch. He'll happily give you his food if you're still hungry or felt like you didn't eat enough.
જ⁀➴ ass man.
જ⁀➴ his and your friends are so nauseous whenever they see you two together because y'all are so sickening In love it's gross. (Don't get fooled they think it's cute.)
જ⁀➴ so soft and clingy in the mornings omfg, dude is pouty, a little whiny and his raspy voice telling you not to leave while holding you closer👁️🫦👁️
જ⁀➴ will be so quick with it if he feels like someone is disrespecting you or being rude to you even a little bit and don't get me started on flirting with you, you need to control your guard dog please!!! He will bite his dick off and leave him bloody and bruised for weeks.
જ⁀➴ true story, you scolded him and made sure he wasn't getting into as many fights after or at least not to the point of last time, but he listens to you because he would hate for you to be disappointed or not happy and especially with him.
જ⁀➴ I don't think Mattheo can live with himself knowing he's the reason you're angry, upset, sad, disappointed or literally anything that is happy or a good emotion.
જ⁀➴ opens doors, gives you his clothes, let's you borrow wtvr you need from him, buys you anything you want, gives you your favorite flowers every date night, give you massages, run you nice and relaxing baths, helps with studies, always with you especially in public.
જ⁀➴ no cause actually ever since y'all started dating you haven't been seen with mattheo with you, either behind you, either side of your or like 2-4 inches behind you watching over you carefully. Like he's a great protector!!
જ⁀➴ my boy working overtime to make sure you're safe and he wouldn't have it any other way tbh.
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