#watch in s5 el asks to be alone with will before she asks to be alone with mike and mike is just fucking panicking like ITS HAPPENING
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
re Lettergate: Lettergate, but it's El's pre-spring break letter laying crumpled somewhere in Mike's room. Reminding him what El said about the painting. Making Mike wonder in a letter of mostly lies was the part about Will also one? Mike's gears spinning-> Why did Will have it at the airport not El? Why did Will bring it with him? Why wait to give it to him if it had been from her all along? What would make Will lie to him like that? Questions for both Mike and to some casual viewers to think about if they hadn't already. We know it doesn't add up and why, but does Mike?
Right?!?!? Like it's such a mind fuck.
I'm still not certain about that scene, and that's probably what I love about it so much.
I could see it being bunch of different scenarios.
Initially when s4 came out, I was very confident Mike didn't see Will crying. I even made this post about it that blew up, bc I could genuinely relate to Will's situation, where you're facing the window in the car, crying as quietly as you can in hopes that no will notice.
But then as time passed, I rewatched the scene more and I started to notice all of Mike's micro-expressions (the first time I watched it, I didn't notice any of them...), with him going from bright and happy upon thinking the painting for Will's crush (according to El), was actually for him, only for Will to say it was commissioned by El and with Mike now looking extremely confused.
I kind of take that first reaction as something the entire fandom overlooks, both ga and bylers. Because it's clear from the start of that moment Mike WANTS the painting to be for him from Will, and he's visibly relieved to find out it is, only to be visibly dejected when he finds out that it's not.
And like you said, then comes the uncertainty for Mike that this could have been just another thing El lied about in her letter, so him assuming Will was painting something for his crush might have not even based in reality in the first place?
Also, why would Will lie to him? Will never lies to him! At least not something as big as this. Which is why fans have acknowledged some of the notes from the score Being Different matching both parts of The First I love You and The First Lie. There is something sort of special about Mike just believing Will, and the importance of that being conveyed through that score basically. I do get that. Then again, Being Different is mostly Will's perspective on the situation at hand (and he's known to be an unreliable narrator). This is him saying I love you to Mike for the first time (veiled) and this is him also lying to him about something big for the first time.
But again, after rewatching that scene god knows how many times now, it's clear based on Mike's emotions throughout that he is having some sort of realization and conundrum.
In fact, he looks most emotional and effected when Will starts describing the situation of their relationship, not him and El's.
When Will starts talking about feeling different and like a mistake and how Mike makes him feel like he's none those things, we know that can't possibly apply to Mike and El's dynamic at all. In fact, we just saw that that was the whole reason for their big fight, with El being convinced Mike just saw her as a monster like everyone else, with him deflecting by saying she was a superhero, not acknowledging the core of the issue at all. This is something him and El never touch on again, face to face. All we have is their fight, them reuniting and saying they missed each other, followed by Mike jumping into saying much of what he said in their fight during his monologue, things that literally upset her last time (denying he never said I love you), mixed with some inspiration from Will, and with a dash of trauma bonding phrasing that would come off as romantic to the majority, but also arguably as platonic and yet just as meaningful. But the pressure of it being romantic is what made it so hard to watch, because we know Mike's heart is conflicted right now.
The issue I have with the interpretation that Mike didn't pick up on Will's feelings at all though, is that there is something so much more impactful than all of that stuff I have just said combined, and it's the whole I didn't say it/You didn't have to line. That was really beautiful exchange that sort of encapsulated their whole relationship, and so having that ring true in the moment when it mattered most? Epic.
It meant everything for Mike to read between the lines in the van scene, as it would have cemented this truth between them that the love they feel for each other doesn't need to be outright said, they just know based on how they make each other feel. Like that's the whole point.
And by the end of that scene, Mike looks like someone who understands.
When Will is emotional looking out the window talking about being a mistake, we get Mike out of focus in the background looking Will up and down very sympathetic. I don't know why he would have such strong indicators of feeling sympathy for an emotional Will, describing things that sound an awful lot like their circumstances, unless he somehow picked up on what Will was saying despite Will not outright saying it?
The way Mike literally looks stunned and amazed when Will starts rambling and saying things that word for word describe him and Will? Why would he react like that if he had absolutely no thoughts in his head?
Gonna be honest and say the most obvious reason he would figure out Will is lying, is that El does not know an iota about DND... Like she doesn't know anything. She would have to have asked Will to dig deep and do something personal for her to give to Mike... And that just feels like it would be a quick obvious indicator for Mike that this has to be how Will feel's if it's coming from his knowledge about all of it? That in and of itself makes me feel like Mike would easily come to that conclusion that this is Will's feelings for him and he goes from being happy to sad to happy again bc he is relieved that the truth is it is for him, even if neither of them can face it rn.
More than anything on the Mike and El front, I think Mike knows that El deserves so much more than being settled for, which is why he's having a hard time playing along for much longer.
I think he would have preferred they stay friends at the end of s3 with them having been that way for the last 3 months before the epilogue, but it's not like Mike could say no thanks? That wasn't an option in any shape/form. After everything El just went through, and everything she's done for him and his friends, how could Mike hear her say I love you, and reject that? The fact that he does care for her very much is what makes it so tragic that he is suffering and not allowing himself to open up about it, bc he feels like if he did, he would be selfish. It would be selfish to break it off when she wants to be together now and is approaching their relationship romantically, only for him to go against that. And so he plays the part, and he does it really unconvincingly...
As he is having these moments in s4, I think it is him sort of accepting something that he has just started to see as inevitable because it's not like he can hide from the truth forever. Unless he wants to be miserable like his parents, and clearly he is feeling the pressure to just go along with it, while also deep down wanting to reject it, and we see how that blows over in the end, with it being way worse than he ever imagined (apocalypse proportions? Like, Jesus Mike).
I will say, that as a boy that is still technically in a relationship with someone, Mike probably felt like he couldn't be like Yes Will, I like you back. The best he could do was give him a look that said that reassuringly and then try to process it. Him facing the truth in that moment was never an option while him and El still hadn't talked things over. Also him facing a crying Will, would have only made him cry himself arguably, meaning his only option was to sit there looking as emotionless as possible (rink-o-mania teas). I think what we have here is honestly a s3 ending parallel right in front of us but without us being able to see Mike's side of it. We've got Will and Mike and even Jonathan. Will cried hoping Jonathan wouldn't notice, but he did. Mike biked home and hugged his mom looking just heartbroken. But imagine those s3 shots with Mike out of focus? You probably wouldn't know for certain if he was sad or not? I honestly feel like if we had seen Mike in the van, he would have looked like he was holding back everything he could, making those parallels overlap perfectly.
Then after the van scene, Mike's reuniting with El again and he's saying I'm here I'm here and you can see it on his face, he's worrying too much about El again. He's worried that he's going to break her if things end romantically between them and as a result she won't be in his life anymore. That's not what he wants at all. But then his eyes search for Will and he's so conflicted, bc he literally just days ago confided in Will that he didn't want to do this anymore. And yet still, he doesn't want to hurt El, nor does he want to hurt Will. *enter explosion in the background behind Mike, followed by Argyle going AW SHIT AW SHIT AW SHIT as Will and El hug and Mike watches....*
Then Surfer Boy happens, and El is reaching to hold his hands and now she's saying she missed him. I imagine he was terrified that because of their fight, she wouldn't want him in her life anymore, and so he was relieved on that front. But then the pressure is back again. He's back to square one, at the end of s3 where he feels like the only way El will ever want him is romantically, and he has to fit that role in order to be in her life. Not only is it something he feels obligated to do to stay connected to El, but also it seems like the most safest option in the world he lives in. It's what is expected from everyone around him. It makes sense. So it doesn't really matter if Mike is having doubts or that now he's hopeful Will feels the same, he starts to second guess himself.
And this then leads to part ?/? of Mike stalling (2 scenes before this, Yuri gets called out for being a coward because of his stalling, all while he hides the truth about the stalling in his coat chest pocket...). Mike is yet again stalling because he can't find it in himself to be honest and tell El he doesn't love her and play along and lie for any longer, and yet he also can't tell the truth because that also terrifies him (which is that he knows he doesn't love El because he has those feelings for Will...)
He stalls until it's not an option anymore, regardless of how he feels about the whole situation. And Will is pushing him and telling him to do it and Mike looks heartbroken. I think in this moment he is feeling doubts about Will's feelings, but also I think he is mostly convinced both El and Will want to be with him, so he is having to choose in this moment to be selfless like Will in order to save El's life, putting what he perceives to be her happiness, above his own (a vicious cycle we have going on here).
Now, a large part of why I subscribe to this, is because of a lot of details that fit, but I have also touched on this next detail here. Basically, I think Mike went from thinking the painting was from Will initially, to thinking it was from El by the end of the season.
I think the scene at the hospital is when this major shift happens. When Lucas says that El saving Max was a miracle, I think this is when Mike starts to now believe that El does love him, and that apparently his words did work, and so therefore the painting had to commissioned by her, right? The scene starts with the painting in the background behind Will, but directly after the miracle drop, Mike quickly shares a look with him, only to slowly, nervously look over at El, confused and then almost sad, with the painting now in the background behind her.
And so now the question becomes, does Mike want to keep up this act (unconvincingly) with El? Or does he want to follow his heart?
You could say that the ending of s4 answers that question...
I think that this means that starting in s5, Mike will definitely still have mixed feelings and emotions about the painting, along with his perception of El and Will's feelings for him.
I think that it makes sense that he would be upset if he's being sort of whipped back and forth about the truth. Lying was like a big deal in s4 with him and El (along with the whole series in general), but I think it's going to be a lot more impactful and intense seeing that confrontation happening with Will and Mike. Not because Mike is going to hate him or be mean over it, but just sort of be more upset than anything else.
Is Mike maybe thinking that this could be a testament to the state of their relationship? That apparently Will's gotten to the point where he lies about something like this? It's going to be a lot to process seeing as he ended s4, for the first time, making an active choice to choose for himself instead of basing that choice on other peoples emotions.
Because apparently that is what happened isn't it? He literally ended s4 thinking the painting was commissioned by El and yet he still chose Will, also while now probably assuming he was wrong about Will's feelings and he doesn't actually feel the same.
Let that sink in.
Mike made that choice for the first time based on his own emotions and not others, even all while assuming it was going to be doomed...
I'm sort of proud honestly, because that's not an easy thing to do.
Being true to yourself and risking hurting and losing others is a scary thing. And it's also why they've got themselves in this situation in the first place, because all of them are sacrificing their own truth, under the assumption that this is what everyone wants.
It's tragically epic.
#byler#ask#the duality of mike wheeler in the van scene#i'm on the fence still#like i am even willing to subscribe to the theory that mike thinks will is in love with el#that was like something i refused to consider for a while#BUT it would be funny to think about how Mike wouldn't judge will for falling in love with his sister technically#bc like been there done that lmaoooooooo like he would just be able to relate if anything??#also it would make sense if will had feelings for el#he wouldn't have let el see the painting#so that would mean el assuming it was for a girl he liked bc he was shy about#only for that to be the case bc it was literally for her?#but then maybe it was also a commission bc will is in love with el and is using his friendship with mike to make el happy even without him#like it would be sooooooo hilarious if mike misinterpreted will and el#watch in s5 el asks to be alone with will before she asks to be alone with mike and mike is just fucking panicking like ITS HAPPENING#i could see it ! lolol#But honestly i am more so in the boat that mike is just very misinformed rn after being flip flopped from partial truths to lies#still#he made an active choice by the end of the season based on his feelings#which is saying a lot#i do think dude has a letter somewhere also#letter to willy is real to me#there's too many joking hints at it in the literal show#the mailmain being the best one#followed by the junkyward scene#and then the yuri scene#and then there's probably others it never ends honestly#also the dear will love mike implications??#considering how easy it would be to do that and explain everything so swiftly with one simple word mike kept to himself#AHHHH
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Byler and The Imitation Game
My native language is not english so i hope you understand everything🥰.
So we all know the poster from Will in S4 was about Alan Turing and i found the movie ,,The Imitation Game” and i watched it, and it was very interesting for byler and mileven.
So at first Alan was gay and saved 14 Million lives and shortened the ww2 around 2 years.
Alan was also inlove with his bestfriend, Christopher.
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( on the left side is Christopher and on the right Alan)
So he needed to crack the german enigma in year 1939 and he wanted to see if anyone can crack a puzzle under 6 minutes, and a lady, Joan, was late and she argued with a man. So Alan went to her and said something like ,,you can sit down”. She argued with the man, because he thought that she didn’t cracked the puzzle all by herself, because they needed to also crack a puzzle before they crack the other puzzle, and she was a woman,thats why the man thought she could not do it all by herself, it was during WW2.
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I think it’s like El and Mike, Mike trusted El and let her to his house, but we all know Lucas and Dustin didn’t like her. So we can imagine like Dustin and Lucas are the men who doesnt like women and Mike like Alan liked her and let her to his house and like Alan gave her a chance to crack this puzzle even if she was a woman.
Now we go to Alan’s school time, he was bullied for being ,,different”. But he had help from his best friend, Christopher. One day they were under a tree, Christopher read a book. And Alan was interested, so Christopher thought that he would like it too. And then they shared a cute smile and i think that was the moment Alan realized his feelings for Christopher. And then they had a math class and shared letters and Christopher wrote something like ,,See you in two long weeks, my dearest friend”🥰🥰. And after that two weeks Alan wrote ,,i love you” and he waited for him, but he never came back, because he died of his illness.
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I think in ST are letters romantic, like here, but i mean not every letter is romantic. But i don‘t think mike knows that he loves him, because i think he would like get distance himself from Will. Because i think we all think that mike has internalized homophobia, but i mean he will notice it in S5.
Okay so now we come back to Alan and Joan, so she cracked the puzzle under 6 minutes and i mean they liked eachother, but Joan had to leave,because her parents wanted her back and because she had no husband. So Alan had the idea to marry her, and they did.
So what do you think? I think Mike forced himself to get into a relationship like Alan for a reason, maybe because he’s gay or what i think he ,,loved” her in the moment were she wore nancys dress or just another reason idk. We don’t know what he thought or felt. He just looked at her and said ,,pretty”. Idk but the duffers will hopefully explain what he thought or felt.
And after Alan was engaged with her, they were at a party and a friend of Alan asked Joan to dance with him and they did, then Alan smiled at them but it faded away and a friend sat next to him and he said ,,what’s the matter?” Alan said ,,what if- what if i don’t fancy being with joan that way”😟 and then the friend said ,,because you’re a homosexual?” And Alan said ,,i care about her, i truly do,i just dont know if i can pretend…”😱
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We all know mike said to Eleven ,,i care about you so much” and i think this scene from Alan was inspired from it.
And now a good one, they ,,broke up” because Alan said he is gay, but she said ,,i had my suspicions, but i care about you and i know you care about me” and idk i never saw a post about it but in S3 eleven said to max ,,how do i know what i like?” LIKE WHAT😭 how do you know what you love when you don’t even know what you like and it was just about clothing?
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And Alan said that he was never alone, because he said to his Computer, Christopher and after he cracked enigma, he took his Computer, Christopher home with him.
,,I think it‘ll be easier if we’re a team. Friends. Best Friends.” So Mike and Will are working together. Like Alan and Christopher just that Christopher is his Computer😓.
And omg im sorry i dont have structure😭 i just saw Joan and Alan danced together but they were not inlove😭
Like El and Mike they danced together🤔
And thats a really good one omg💀 Alan said ,, what if- what if i don’t fancy being with joan that way” and Will also said ,,what if- what if they don’t like the truth?” And mike nods💀and when Alan said ,,what if- what if” he didn’t stuttered it was just a break like Will.So i think maybe what Alan said is that what mike think or is like an answer to Will’s question.
But ik it doesn’t mean that Alan Turing is like Mikes story, it’s just inspiring, from a gay icon🥰. Maybe El and Mike they were in love somehow, because i think it’s difficult to explain it,but i mean i think the duffers have also their own ideas and get inspired from other movies/shows.But that they are not inspired from this movie, i would say it’s impossible 😭 See how many things are like the same. Me personally i think that’s why it’s real because Mike is very big maybe (it’s obvious) inspired from Alan so yeah.
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“If Byler happens, what will happen to El?”
I’ve seen this question be asked a lot so I’m gonna answer it. I think she’ll be independent. She doesn’t need a romantic partner. She has so many loving friends and family to support her and if her entire arc was just breaking up with Mike in s4 and then their relationship being the entire plot in s5 would be kinda useless.
I’ve also seen a lot of people argue that if El doesn’t need a boyfriend and Mike isn’t good enough for her, then Will can be single too. This would be a good point if you watched the show with your eyes closed. Will NEEDS Mike, and I feel like people don’t understand if there is 4 seasons building up Will’s love for Mike just for it to end with a heterosexual relationship and him being alone would be a terrible ending. The difference between Mileven and Byler is that Mike can actually express his feelings to Will, in a way that they both understand. Their dynamic is SO much more intimate and passionate than Mileven. Byler being endgame would be a much better way to end the show because it would make El, Mike, and Will happy.
El NEEDS that independent strong women arc right now. She had her first kiss before she even knew how to form a sentence. They’ve been together for 2 (maybe 3) years without even knowing how to properly communicate and act in a relationship, and El needs to experience life without the pressure of being in a romantic relationship. I mean seriously, you cannot watch s4 and think that Mileven will be endgame. Every single other canon couple that is likely to be endgame all have something in common, they all understand and are on the same level romantically. However, with Mileven, this is not shown. They don’t understand each other romantically. This wouldn’t necessarily be an issue if they addressed and resolved this in season 4.
If Mileven were made to be seen as a healthy endgame ship, they would’ve put so much more effort and genuine and emotional feeling moments between them. They could’ve had Mike and El have a deep conversation about their problems, after their fight, and be in a private, calm space together. Mike could’ve explained directly to El why he’s been distancing himself romantically, his reaction at the roller-rink, and tell her how much he loves her. El could’ve explained to Mike why she didn’t feel comfortable enough to tell him she was being bullied, and they could’ve had some emotional, passionate kiss or something.
But they didn’t. Why? Because it’s not endgame. Why wouldn’t El and Mike be a main team together in s5? Why wouldn’t Mileven share similarities between other canon ships? Why does Byler have so many more intimate and romantic coded scenes in s4? What’s the point if Mileven is truly endgame?
(This is kinda badly worded but it’s like 2 am and idrk where I am)
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shippingfangirl013 · 2 years
Twelvegate Theory: Drowning in the Quarry and Will & El (Part 1)
I found some interesting information while analyzing Stranger Things and taking note of the movies that we are shown in the show. In particular, I was mainly focusing on any scenes including Will, El, Joyce, Jonathan, and Hopper. . . because I think something bigger is going on that the writers want you to catch onto, but we don't get the full account of what truly happened (and probably won't!) until S5. The colors are so I know which character I'm talking about, and so this format can also be used later with my other twelvegate theories.
First off. . . there are only three characters directly associated with the quarry (in terms of scenes happening standing on the edge of the quarry).
Mike, Will, and Hopper.
Mike, because he steps off of the ledge and falls (then El saves him) and Will because we find his (fake) body there. Hopper, because he and Callahan are on the edge of the Quarry looking down while searching for Will.
The other direct association with characters to the quarry would be the night that the body was found.
State Troopers found the body. State Trooper, David O'Banon, found Will's body, and Hopper later interrogates him at Hideaway, the bar. Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and El are there on the shore as they pull the fake body out of the lake. Mike gets mad at El because she couldn't find Will, alive. (This is the only direct association we have of El and Will being at the quarry at the "same time" and "one body was found 'drowned'," in the quarry.)
But there are some characters that are associated with the quarry indirectly as well. . . Like Lonnie blaming Sattler's Quarry for what happened to Will. Joyce and Hopper talk about the police and the working theory on how Will fell into the quarry. El watches Frankenstein, alone, in S2 on Halloween night. The young girl in the film, Maria, is talking to Frankenstein's Monster. It isn't shown on screen for long, but after looking up the movie, I learned that Maria drowned in a lake after asking the Monster to play with her.
So, now that we have the direct and indirect associations out of the way. . . we can get to the more interesting connections and parallels that I found!
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Okay... So, there's this establishment of the Upside Down/ The Mind Flayer/Henry/Vecna/001's presence as being cold. . . and Will feels scared [frozen] because of it. I find it interesting that the line "I've felt it before," from S3 is actually panned on El and Will, but the focus is on El. Brenner makes the association that El's mother was sick, very sick. Lonnie makes the association that Joyce is sick to Jonathan, as well.
And then, we have the other freezing references.
Lonnie's "Your Mom was half frozen to death when I got here." after Joyce sees Will in the wall, and the Demogoron comes back.
Hopper's "I'm gonna freeze to death out here." after his fight with El, because he wouldn't let her see Mike in person.
The initial connection that I was focusing on, was the parallel of Joyce freezing to Hopper freezing in the scenes above.
Now, this is where it gets interesting:
In 1983, when Will goes missing, there's this shot while Ted and Karen are watching the news on the night of November 7th.
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We don't hear much of what the reporter says, but what he says is crucial information.
"Byers' body was found in the water of this quarry by state police earlier this evening. It was discovered by State Trooper, David O'Bannon, just after dark. The state police are mounting an investigation to determine Byers' cause of death, but an initial inquiry. . . [indistinct]. . . Byers isn't the first person to drown in Sattler's Quarry. You'll recall only seven years ago. . . [news reporter cuts out],"
1983 - 7 years is 1976.
(I'll come back to this! )
In 1984, on Halloween, we see that El is watching Frankenstein.
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This is one of the shots that we see of the movie Frankenstein (1931).
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Look familiar?
In the 1931 version of Frankenstein, Maria drowns in a lake after attempting to play with Frankenstein’s Monster. The monster misinterprets the rules of a game, and Maria dies by drowning in a lake.
We know that "El" is short for "Eleven". . . Mike gave El that nickname. . . and we assume that Terry Ives is El's mother.
We also know that El is known as "Jane" by Terry in season 2. . .but I truly don't think that El is Terry Ives' daughter. . . (I'll come back to this! part 2.0)
Now, I noticed something in Season 1 that made me think of the year 1976 a little differently. . .
1976 is the year that Will and El turned five years old.
1976 is the year that Will would have gone into kindergarten at the age of five. 1976 is also the year that Mike meets Will on the swingset, and there is an emphasis on the fact that Will is alone on the swings, but Mike felt less scared because Will was alone on the swings too.
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Mike is Will's first friend. . . and Mike is also El's first friend. . .
Mike gave Eleven her nickname of "El". . . so is it really that much of a stretch to assume Mike gave Twelve a nickname of "Will" because "Well" wouldn't work as a name? (Obviously this would need some explaining, and the timeline would be off. . . But the timeline that we’re told is already askew…)
In season 2, in 1984, when El goes off on her own to find Mike at the school, she ends up at a house where a woman and her daughter are playing on a swing-set. One swing is left alone, while she flips the other over the top of the swing-set.
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Now, I didn't think anything of this, until I paired it with what Mike said about meeting Will on the swings. And then, I thought of this scene of Will and Joyce:
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So. . . what happened to Will when he was five years old to scare him enough that he had nightmares for a week?
Maybe he saw a "monster"? Maybe he met a monster that tried to take him (and/or someone he was very close with) somewhere against his/or their will?
I think El was the first "drowning" [read: kidnapping] victim in 1976 in Hawkins. . . and I think Will might have gotten away (at least for 2 years).
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In season 4, there's this association of Brenner with the word "Monster". And this only shows up in the titles of two Stranger Things episodes. . .
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In Season 1, we assume the "Monster" is the Demogorgon. . . and by Season 4, we learn that the real "monster" is Dr. Brenner. . .
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Joyce and Hopper visit Terry Ives in S1 Episode 6 (The Monster). . . Terry has two books on how to care for Bonsai trees. . .
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In the opening of S4, Brenner is trimming his Juniper Bonsai tree. . .
Then, we have this shot of El searching for her "mother" in S2:
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El finds a photo of Terry walking with Brenner almost as if they are equals. . . But Terry was accusing this man of kidnapping her daughter by the accounts of almost every newspaper Hopper found?
Hmmm . . . that's very suspicious if you ask me.
I think Terry is "Mama" to Brenner's "Papa".
Because in S4, we get this from El's "memory":
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Brenner (at one point) told El that her mother died giving birth, but we know that wasn't true.
I think that Terry and Brenner might have managed to kidnap a set of twins from their parents. . . within a two year span. I think El was taken first, in 1976. . . and Will was taken second, maybe in 1978. Maybe something didn't go according to plan, and Brenner finds himself with a mess on his hands. Either way, we find that Brenner electrocuted Terry Ives in 1978. And we find that Hopper's daughter Sarah died in the hospital in 1978 at seven years old from cancer.
(Keep in mind, the hospital we are shown from Hopper's memories, looks eerily similar to the "hospital" section of Hawkins lab.)
We also learn in S4, that Brenner and Owens aren't showing El the full memory from The Hawkins Lab Massacre, because we get these scenes as well:
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What secret would Brenner and Owens have the answer to that could compromise the whole of the NINA project? That could - as Brenner puts it - "Risk everything?"
There's an emphasis on fail safes in season 4 as well. . . Max's letters acting as a fail safe, Nancy and her plan to kill Vecna -> the thought that Vecna can't hurt anyone else if they kill him (but her plan fails and there was no back up plan). . .
When Owens tells El that she is the cure, he says "I wouldn't be here if I didn't think this was the only way. If I didn't think that you were the only one who might have a shot to hit this thing so hard that it can't get back up."
His use of the phrase "the only one" implies that there might be another person that could help take Vecna down, but they aren't ready yet. . .
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So. . . Will might be the fail safe, but Brenner and Owens don't want El to know the truth? That she has a [twin] brother? Because they know that she would refuse to have him put in harm's way?
(I am making a part 2, because this it a bit long, and part 2 is detailing more on Will.)
(again, i'm not 100% certain on this, there's a lot to explain in terms of plot holes, but it's a theory, so just roll with it)
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demadogs · 1 year
Predictions on Will still being connected to Vecna will play out next season?
OOOOO!! i have a big prediction related to this that ive talked about before but i dont think enough people have appreciated how good it is. its not entirely how will is affected but how what happens to will will affect other characters.
so i dont think will is gonna be vecna’d the way max was. wills connected to him in a way no one else is so its gotta be bigger than last season. i think they might go back to the s2 super spy concept and have will be able to see or feel in some way what vecnas plan is. then vecna might realize what hes doing and something more similar to what happened to max will happen to him where he will be able to actually feel like hes in the same room as vecna and have a conversation with him.
i think vecna will threaten will here and say that he has to watch out and he will torture him when he least expects it and in ways that he wont see coming (obviously said no more spooky wording than that).
and THAT i think is what will lead to MIKE getting vecna’d. i think vecna’s method of torturing will is to torture mike.
mike has to be vecna’d. it just makes too much sense for it not to happen. max said it happens to people who have something thats haunting them. mike has insane internalized homophobia, way more than will i would argue, and i think he has so much guilt from the fact that hes still dating el even though he knows he does not and cannot actually love her romantically (theyd still be dating when hes vecna’d i am NOT a mlvn breaks up in the first episode truther).
i think the whole party and especially jonathan and joyce will be so concerned about will that no one will pay attention to the signs mike is showing. everyone will think wills at the most risk of danger so he’ll never be left alone, he’ll always be monitored and made sure by everyone that he’s safe but mike will be the one they need to look out for.
mike will be vecna’d the same way max was. nobody saw it coming they just suddenly realized mike wasnt responding and his eyes were all wrong. they all start to freak out but especially will. nancy is in denial. she says to will “no no why would it be mike youre the one we needed to look out for he said he was gonna torture you” and wills heart sinks and he realizes “i think this is how hes doing it”.
i wont go into detail on mikes vecna’d shebang here bc thats the answer to a different question but if anyone asks id be so down to talk more about that. i do have a post about mike but its his entire s5 arc and its embarrassingly long so if you just want me to talk about the vecna part i got you.
but yeah i think wills connection to vecna will directly cause MIKES encounter with vecna.
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tending-the-hearth · 10 months
(ST "S5" story idea part 4) Eddie reveals that the Upside Down being the way it is (a hellish version of Hawkins) is due to Vecna. The Upside Down isn't naturally a wholy physical reality but it grew because Henry/Vecna was trapped there. It is in large part the way it is because Vecna's mind is so twisted and cruel. The Upside Down mirrors that. (It is implied to be a parasitic sort of thing, the Upside Down is feeding off of him as much as he is creating it)
Dustin comes up with a plan to kill Vecna, putting an end to the Upside Down for good. He rather excitedly concludes that doing so will mean Eddie can come home. Eddie is rather subdued at this.
They are able to finally defeat Vecna and the Upside Down starts to crumble and fall apart. The Party members down there flee through a gate but Eddie stops. He can't leave. The only reason he's alive is because of the Upside Down. If he leaves, he'll die for real. Dustin is very upset by this, he just got Eddie back and he doesn't want to lose him again. Eddie mentions that Vecna created the Upside Down. He can feel it in his head as well, he could do the same thing. Dustin protests that there is no guarantee of that working and that Eddie can't stay there all alone. Steve declares that Eddie won't be alone and joins him. The gate closes before anything can be done to stop him or any protest can be made. Dustin's last sight of the both of them is Steve and Eddie standing together while the Upside Down falls apart around them.
Some time later Hopper has been reinstated as chief of police (Due to his predecessor's poor handling of things during the 'season'). Eddie has a proper grave that has not been vandalized (Somehow during the course of these events the town realizes he was innocent of the murders) The DnD club has been reinstated at school. Max is fully healed. El still has her powers. Everyone is happy. Except Dustin can't stop thinking about Eddie and Steve. While visiting, he asks El to look for them again, just one last time. El agrees. She delves into the void and wonders aimlessly as she calls out their names. she hears a sound and spins around, scared. Back in the real world, Dustin watches her anxiously. Then El grins wide. A gate opens much to the shock and horror of anyone. But sunlight streams through the gate. Steve and Eddie stepped into view on the other side and everyone cries and hugs them as they are reunited.
can you hear me sobbing bestie
can you hear me crying my eyes out this is how s5 ends i refuse to take anything else as an answer this is so so canon to me
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jackiietaylor · 2 years
unpopular stranger things opinions/hot takes 👀
omg thanks for sending this and giving me a reason to share my opinions 👀 this got really long because i have a lot to say apparently
first of all, i genuinely love and enjoy this show and that seems to be an unpopular opinion recently? like i was shocked when i logged on after watching volume 2 and everyone on my dash hated it because i loved it. and i love all the other seasons, too. yeah obviously there’s some parts i don’t like and things i would change but overall i still think it’s really good. but yeah mandatory “i do actually really like the show” before i start complaining about some things
s1 > s4 > s3 > s2
i don’t understand the obsession with character death. not as in i don’t understand why people don’t want characters to die but i don’t understand the constant need to talk about how characters are “definitely” going to die. no main character has been killed off throughout the whole show and yet pre-s4 no one would shut up about characters dying. also after the reaction to eddies death i think the duffers are gonna be too scared to kill anyone off lol
on the other hand, killing el off/not giving her a happy ending would be the single greatest mistake the show could make
el’s side plot in s2 is one of the highlights of the show for me. the lost sister will probably forever be my favorite episode of the show. ive never understood the hate it gets. im really hoping that kali comes back in s5 and helps fight vecna
el is the only Main character. there are obviously many other characters that are leads but she is ultimately the main character. the entire show revolves around her and her plot(s).
nancy has some of the best development in the entire show. ive seen so many people say she has no development outside of the love triangle and i find that so surprising because she’s changed soo much. her entire journey to wanting to be a reporter directly stems from her not being listened to and her desire to do something about barbs death. everything about her current character stems from that specific moment and we’ve seen throughout the seasons how that’s progressed and shaped her into and i think because of that development, she’s pretty much the only character with a defined ending (career as a journalist)
mike has done like one thing wrong in the entire show and im so unbelievably tired of people acting like he’s the villain. he’s a 14 year old who doesn’t know how to perfectly express himself sometimes. people need to leave him alone
steve & robin and el & max have the two best friendships on the entire show and anyone who says otherwise is wrong
hopper should’ve stayed dead. his death was perfectly written in s3 and reviving him brought nothing to the plot. it wasn’t even explained how he survived, he was just there. it wasn’t well thought out or well written, and overall it just wasnt necessary. they ruined what was ultimately a beautiful send off (the speech to end s3) for a cheap plot twist that had no payoff.
(also i don’t like hopper because he gave brenner el’s location in s1, fully intending that he would kidnap her again. it’s unforgivable regardless of what his reasoning was and i hate that it was never brought up ever again)
going off of that, the entire russia plot is the worst written part of the whole show. it could be scrapped entirely from s4 and the season would lose nothing
stranger things is blatantly obvious about what ships are gonna end up together at the end of the show
jancy is just a truly terrible ship all around. jonathan hiding in a bush to take pictures of nancy through a window while she was taking her clothes off is soo unbelievably creepy and unforgivable, and it’s terrible that it was just dropped with no consequences whatsoever for him. he doesn’t even actually apologize! he says he shouldnt have taken the picture, but when she asks him why he took it in the next episode he says it was just a nice picture and then starts lecturing her about how she’s gonna end up miserable like her mom?? they should’ve never got together after all that. and then there’s all the bullshit in s3 when he undermined the misogyny she was facing at work and didn’t believe her at all which just further proves that they shouldn’t be together! and then she forgot he existed for most of s4 anyway
i want nancy to end the show single so bad
robin/vickie sucks lol. stranger things is probably the only show that has me rooting against the lesbian character ending up in a relationship. vickie is sooo boring and has absolutely no personality! even suzie’s random family members got personalities in s4! im tired of being told to accept the bare minimum just because a show is adding a random throwaway gay character. vickie serves no purpose in the plot and id rather not waste the extremely limited time left in the show developing robins relationship with a complete nobody when her friendships with pre-existing characters should be the focus. also every single one of their scenes featured steve in some capacity which was very annoying
steve and nancy actually have such an interesting dynamic as characters but specifically as exes. personally, i do not think they should get back together, but i think what makes them interesting is why they shouldn’t be together. obviously their first breakup is because of their different reactions to barbs death. their relationship was never going to make it past that. barb died because nancy brought her to steves house, she died AT steves house, and died while nancy was alone with steve. there was never any coming from back that, not while nancy hadn’t processed her grief and especially not when steve was trying to convince her to forget about it and go to a party. but they’ve both grown as people since then, and they’re still not going to work. steve wants a big family, nancy is career-oriented to the point that she will do anything to succeed as a journalist. nancy doesn’t want the suburban, nuclear family life. they are fundamentally mismatched when it comes to what they want in life and i think exploring THAT aspect of their dynamic is so much more interesting than just shoving them back together
overall the show is so much more enjoyable when you don’t care about ships <3 please disregard everything i just said about the ships <3 but seriously the main focus of the show is not even remotely centered on the romantic relationships and watching the show without really caring about that aspect of things is way better
this isn’t a hot take about the show but more the fandom: a lot of the dynamics do not exist at all in the show the way some people think they do. most obvious example is el and will, who both are wayyyy closer to at least 3 other characters than they are to each other. this isn’t just limited to stranger things, it happens in most shows, especially ones with a found family element (ex. agents of shield) but people tend to forget what the dynamics actually are and then project their opinions onto the characters
semi-related and not really a hot take but if i had to choose underrated/non-existent dynamics to explore in s5, i would choose: lucas and el (connection to max), nancy and el (both on the show since s1 but have barely spoken, both the only people to know vecna’s full backstory firsthand), and nancy and mike (siblings who both probably think they’re only children at this point because they never interact with each other)
also related to fandom but it’s so clear that so many people either have not watched the show or just don’t anything remember what happens in the show when they post shit. and that’s way there’s sooo much mischaracterization everywhere
this show has way too many characters and it’s resulted in a lot of them having nothing to do for entire seasons. look at the california group from this season. they spent the entirety of episodes 5-8 driving around in a van with nothing to do. even joyce, who was one of the main main characters in earlier seasons, felt like she was just kinda there this season. part of it is the way they divide the plots, especially geographically this season, but the other part is just not having anywhere near enough time or plot spaces for all the characters. it’s unfortunately probably only gonna get worse in s5 because they have to somehow wrap up every characters individual plot in addition to the greater shows plot
and my hottest take is that will is severely overhyped sorry. he’s just not that interesting of a character and i really don’t understand that obsession with him? i mean he’s a fine character and he hasn’t really done anything wrong but there are so many other characters that are actually involved in the plot that i find way more interesting, relevant, and better written. like he was barely in s1, s2 was more about things happening to him than him actually doing anything, and s3 and s4 he didn’t do anything. hopefully s5 will give him something interesting to do but for now i just don’t see it
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something like family
prompt: drugging (from day 26)
whumpee: neal caffrey
fandom: white collar
hi! i’m gonna be honest the last few fics i’ve written have felt super hard to write and i haven’t loved them but this fic was so enjoyable and easy to write and i am very happy with it! these characters are just my absolute faves and i love writing them so much :) i hope you like this! (also this fic is set well into the show, probably some point in s5).
Before Neal even has time to process what’s happening, let alone fight back, he’s being dragged off of the sidewalk and into an alley and someone is pinning him against a brick wall and then stabbing a needle into his arm, right through his suit coat and shirt, and a few seconds pass and then they drop him and he sinks to the ground, less because he can’t hold himself up and more because he hadn’t expected this to be over so quickly. 
The person is already gone. His arm hurts, and he briefly entertains the idea that someone had grabbed him off of the street to give him some sort of forcible vaccination, because to be honest, that’s what this feels like. A quick poke in the upper arm, exactly the same as a flu shot or something similar. He doubts that this is the case, but he has no idea what in the hell he has been injected with. 
He thinks for a moment. If he’s been drugged (which seems like the most likely option), he has a very limited amount of time to do something before the drug starts to take effect. Now, the most logical thing to do is call 911 and tell them what’s happened. But then they’ll take him outside of his radius and he’ll have to explain to Peter and everybody that no, he hadn’t tried to run away, but rather had been on his way to the hospital because he’d been drugged. That seems like a lot of work, not to mention a lot of stress to put everyone through. 
So 911 is out. But there’s always Peter. It’s late evening, which means he’s at home, probably relaxing and enjoying a peaceful night with El. Neal hates the thought of interrupting them, but he’s also starting to feel...something, so he decides to just get going. 
Luckily, he knows how to get to the Burkes’ from just about anywhere in the city. A few seconds of orienting himself in his surroundings and he’s got the route completely down in his rapidly-fogging brain. 
The walk to their house takes much longer than it usually would. Neal has definitely been drugged. He’s tired and can barely remember what it is he’s supposed to be doing. He can’t focus on anything and he feels kind of detached from the world. Not to mention every other step he’s tripping over something, stumbling all over the sidewalk. 
“Hey, mister, you okay?” someone asks, and Neal makes out the blurry shape of a person in front of him. 
“‘M good,” he mutters, pushing past them. He just has to get to the Burkes’ house. That’s his goal, and he intends on fulfilling it. He can’t stop and talk to some random stranger on the street about whether or not he’s okay!
The person says something else to him, which Neal can’t understand, and then he’s past them, and the lights from cars and street lamps and houses are blurring and swirling together around him, and it’s kind of nice. Very pretty, he thinks. He feels oddly calm about all this, despite the fact that he is tired and confused and disconnected from just about everything, kind of like he’s floating. Maybe he is, he figures. But he looks down at his feet and sees that they are still on the ground. 
And then he’s walking into a newspaper box, too distracted by staring at his feet to notice himself drifting across the pavement. The metal clangs when he hits it, and the sharp edge of the box digs into his skin. He kicks the offending box, mutters that it better watch where it’s going, then continues along his route.
After an eternity of walking, Neal’s blurry eyes land on the familiar shape of the Burkes’ house. It’s almost completely dark outside now, but the house is illuminated by street lamps, and there are lights on inside. It looks warm and inviting, and for the first time that night, Neal hurries up. 
Going up the first few stairs feels like it takes no time at all, and then he reaches the top step and catches his foot on the bricks and then he’s falling onto the front stoop, awkwardly sticking out his arms to catch his fall. 
His palms sting and his chin hurts and feels damp and he just lies there for a moment, trying to work out what exactly had happened. He can’t remember, but he knows he’s not supposed to be lying face down outside the Burkes’ door, so he staggers to his feet, nearly stumbles backwards down the stairs, catches himself on the railing, and finally reaches out to knock on the door. 
Peter and El are settling down on the couch, about to watch a movie, when there’s a knock at the door. They share a glance. It’s 8:30, which isn’t an unreasonable time for someone to stop by, but they’re not expecting any visitors or deliveries. 
Peter gets up to answer the knock. The door swings open, revealing none other than Neal Caffrey, eyes unfocused, chin bleeding, clothes rumpled, and generally a mess. 
“Hi,” Neal says, with a soft smile. “C’n I come in?” The way he’s speaking is awkward, like he’s having to concentrate very hard to work out what to say and how to say it, and his words are slurring together. Taking this into account, along with his appearance, Peter’d say that his CI has probably been drugged. A thousand questions run through his mind, but Neal is looking at him expectantly, so Peter gestures for him to come inside. 
“Who is it, honey?” El asks from the living room. Neal’s face lights up at the sound of her voice, and before Peter can stop him, he’s stumbling (rather quickly, considering his current state) in her direction. 
“El! Hi,” Neal greets her, and Peter comes into the room behind him. El stands up from the couch and turns to face the two of them. The smile on her face quickly fades when she takes in Neal’s appearance, and then she’s walking up to him, placing a hand on his cheek, and asking him if he’s okay.
“Now that ‘m here,” is Neal’s reply. 
El gives Peter a look. “What happened?” she whispers, and he shrugs. 
“I think he’s been drugged,” he whispers back. 
Neal looks between the two of them, confusion evident on his face. “What’re you talkin’ about?” he asks, stumbling towards the couch and sinking heavily down onto it. 
Peter and El follow him, standing in front of him. “Do you remember what happened before you came here?” Peter asks. Neal’s face scrunches up in concentration, but eventually he shakes his head. “Dunno,” he says. “Walked.”
“Do you remember if someone gave you something? If someone might have drugged you?”
Neal shrugs. “Feel funny,” he replies, and then he doesn’t say anything more. His eyes roam around the living room like he’s taking it in for the very first time, and Peter gets the sense that he’s not going to be getting anything more out of him. 
He and El share another look. “We should take him to the hospital, right?” El whispers. “We don’t know what he’s been given, or why.”
Peter nods in agreement. “We’ll take him. Let me call a couple people and let them know where we’re going first.”
Peter steps to the side, phone to his ear, and El crouches down in front of Neal. His hazy-looking eyes find her face, and he smiles at her. At least he’s not scared or upset, El thinks. Whatever drug he’s been given seems to be relaxing him, which she’s grateful for. He’s already clearly confused and disoriented, and he doesn’t need to add fear to the mix. 
She gives him a good once-over as Peter explains their current situation to whoever’s on the other end of the phone. The palms of his hands are red and scraped, the toes of his shoes are scuffed, his jacket and shirt are rumpled, and blood is dripping from his chin down his neck and under his collar, staining the fabric red. His expression is unfocused and spacey, but it’s lighter than normal, like a weight has been lifted off of him. That’ll be the drugs, too, El figures, though she wishes that lightness would remain on Neal’s face forever (minus, of course, the confusion and the spaciness). 
Peter finishes his call and walks back over to the two of them, placing a hand on El’s shoulder. She looks up at him, getting to her feet. 
“We’re good to go,” Peter says quietly. To Neal, he says, “hey, buddy, we’re going to take you to the hospital, okay? We need to make sure you’re not in any kind of danger.”
El expects Neal to resist, to insist that he is staying right here, and she’s more than a little surprised when all he says is, “okay.”
Peter’s surprised, too, because he repeats himself: “we’re going to the hospital, Neal.”
“Okay,” Neal agrees again, and the briefest look of irritation crosses his face, like he can’t believe Peter thinks he hadn’t understood. He staggers to his feet, and would fall forwards onto the coffee table, but El catches him under the elbows and holds him up until he gets reasonably balanced. 
Once Neal is no longer in immediate danger of collapsing in the middle of their living room, the three of them slowly and carefully make their way out the front door and to the car. After a brief discussion, Peter takes the driver’s seat, and El and Neal sit in the back, so she can keep an eye on him and Peter can keep both eyes on the road. 
Neal sits with his head pressed against the window, watching the lights of the city flash by. His breath is fogging up the glass and one of his hands taps an uneven and uncoordinated rhythm against it. That soft smile is back on his face and the lights bounce off of his skin and he looks completely peaceful, the most relaxed El’s ever seen him while awake. It makes her heart hurt that he has to be drugged to be like this, but she can’t help smiling at him. 
They come to a stop at a red light and Peter half-turns in his seat to look into the backseat. His eyes are concerned but gentle, and they meet El’s gaze, and his expression softens - not quite a smile, but almost. “How’s he doing?” he whispers, and El looks to her right and realizes that Neal has fallen asleep, still leaning against the window. 
“He’s okay,” she whispers back, and this time Peter does smile, quickly and softly. 
The light turns green, then, and they both share another quick look at the sleeping young conman, who, at some point, has stopped being Peter’s CI and become something like family. A second smile passes between them, and doesn’t fade away this time. Someone behind them honks, and they start moving again, making their way steadily towards the hospital.
aaaa thanks so much for reading this! in case you’re curious, neal has been drugged with rohypnol, which apparently can be injected, according to the department of justice. you learn something new every day apparently. anyways i hope you liked this!!!
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wr8tur · 6 years
I know I said I wouldn’t be making SG rants anymore… Maybe I shouldn’t even comment since I haven’t been watching SG. But I’ve been seeing story progression because I keep looking for Katie McGrath’s awesomeness on social media….
Correct me if I’m wrong but Lena basically hides Sam/Reign away in order to figure out how to cure her and then Kara finds out that she has Kryptonite and basically freaks the fuck out. I maybe missing some details…. Feel free to add/correct/change my way of thinking but I don’t blame Lena for not telling SG that she had Kryptonite.
People are saying that she should have told SG that she had kryptonite but then why should she? If it’s because she’s been saved by SG, then I’d have to argue that she’s saved SG/the world too.
Lena saved everyone from the Medusa virus, helped them make the lead bomb against the Daxamites, agreed to marry Mon to save the Children’s hospital,  she even tried to save SG when her mom threw that sonic box thing on her, hell killed her boyfriend to save SG… point is, Lena has done a lot of good. Yet SG still doubts her just because she didn’t tell her about the Kryptonite?
Lena’s right about the God complex.
Unless season 1 is no longer canon, did SG forget what red Kryptonite did to her? If the argument is that she was afraid that Lena might accidentally have created unstable/red kryptonite, then yes I understand her anger but I think SG was just pissed that Lena has Kryptonite.
I mean SG didn’t exactly go around dispelling lead from the Earth when she found out that Mon El was allergic so the issue I feel like has to do with her mortality and a little bit of trust but I can’t really blame Lena for trying to make more Kryptonite after she saw how unstoppable Reign is and how powerless the DEO and SG have been against Reign.
I feel like Lena probably would have no problem telling Kara about the Kryptonite. Maybe if it weren’t for the Sam/Reign thing she would have said something to Kara about her breakthrough. She already knows she can trust Kara but SG is different.
Yes, SG saved her life. But SG tries to save everyone. The Supers after all, are against killing. So to Lena, SG saving everyone is just something she does.
Lena doesn’t have that same special connection to SG as she does with Kara so the trust isn’t as strong. I mean, it clearly isn’t since SG basically hinted to Lena that the only reason she’s even put in extra effort with her is because of Kara. The words “Kara Danvers believes in you” kind of implies that SG is just looking out for Lena because she trusts Kara and that doesn’t necessarily mean that she trusts Lena.
Besides, SG never told her that she’s working with the DEO (even after Lena killed Jack) or that the DEO even existed so I don’t see why Lena, who was arrested by the police for circumstantial evidence, would tell a secret faction of the Government that A) she knows they exist and B) that she has the ability to create Kryptonite.
Like I said before, I don’t believe Kyrptonite is an illegal substance to have so legally, Lena has no obligation to tell the DEO she knows how to make it.
Harboring a fugitive is illegal, but it’s not like she was helping her destroy the world. She locked Reign up, which is what the DEO would have done in the first place, but Sam is innocent in all this and Sam gave Lena permission to fix her.
Maybe Lena was worried about SG’s God complex, worried that SG wouldn’t listen about splitting Sam and Reign up because SG would take it personally since Reign can kick her ass.
Maybe Lena was just genuinely concerned that the Government would just try to kill or imprison Reign and not waste their efforts because to Lena’s knowledge (due to Kara not telling Lena about her being SG), Agents of DEO and SG don’t have a personal connection to Sam so they wouldn’t even try to save her friend.
Anyway, if SG trusted Lena then she should have just talked to her about it instead of basically blowing up at her, making her feel likes she’s just as bad as the other Luthors, and asking Guardian, who SG knows is her boyfriend, to go and spy on her.
It feels like she was just being petty. I mean, she could have asked J’onn or Alex to go instead or even herself. But no, it seems like she wanted to really hurt Lena.
I always said that the writers can’t separate SG from Kara and apparently I’m right.
It’s not fair for SG to expect that Lena would trust her so much when she hasn’t even bestowed that courtesy toward Lena, especially as Kara. She’s let her into her circle yet Lena had been the only one who didn’t know she’s SG. And yes, Sam doesn’t know either but Sam doesn’t really count because she just met her and was just shoehorned in the group this season in order to create this drama that doesn’t even really fit in with S2 characterization of Kara, who even after seeing the video of Lena having Kryptonite still believed her friend was innocent.
And damn Kara, Lena saved Alex’s life. If that isn’t enough to earn your trust for you to tell her you’re SG, then you should have never tried to be her friend. She shared some personal stuff with you and you know the girl has a hard time trusting people because everyone hates her for something her family did.
Kara’s just lucky no one found out that her parents created Medusa. I’m pretty sure aliens that have family who died from that virus would be hating on her too. I’m also sure that humans wouldn’t be too keen on calling SG their hero if they knew the Daxamites attacked because she wouldn’t give up her boyfriend the Daxamite Prince of three months!
Even after freaking Lena killed the so called love of her life for you Kara, you couldn’t make the same sacrifice?
Does Lena know all these secrets SG/Kara? I think not…
I think Lena only knows that Kara is Mon El’s boyfriend but I don’t remember Rhea telling her that this could have all been avoided if Supergirl just let her take her son home... I could be wrong so someone refresh my memory.
So I don’t think Kara or Supergirl has the right to be so harsh with Lena because she herself, both as SG and Kara has secrets she isn’t comfortable sharing. Unless Lena knows that Kara is SG then she wouldn’t know all the shitnannigans happened because of Kara… But as far as we know, Lena does not know.
As far as we know, Lena is a person who has done a lot of good. The way they’ve set up her character is that she’s a bleeding heart who tries so hard to undo the damage her family has done. The only difference between her and SG is that she relies on her smarts to get things done while SG relies on her Kryptonian genes.
This version of Kara is a hypocrite. She’s selfish and rash but the thing is, she’s weak and cannot back up her actions. She always has to ask for help and another thing I hate about these versions of the Supers is that they’re basically asking for blind trust. And that may have worked before, but now things like Red K can be made so I think it’s safe to say that Kryptonite should be a substance that’s accessible just in case the Supers go on a rampage.
Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t Superman know that Batman has access to Kryptonite yet still works with him?
Even if S1 is no longer canon and Red K is no longer a thing, then what if more Kryptonians come to Earth? Because first of all, unlike other versions of Kryptonians, the Arrowverse Kryptonians aren’t reclusive.
According to Kara, she’s been on like twelve planets or something. You can’t tell me that when Krypton blew up, there weren’t scouts/scientists/military personnel or something that were not in their homeworld... I mean, we know there isn’t until the writers bring them over but for Kara/Clark, they should be prepared for moments like these. It already happened once so it could happen again.
What if there’s not enough Kryptonite? Are people just supposed to depend on the government to save them? National City is in America so the people, even people like Lena, have the right to arm themselves…. and there is a thing called Checks and Balances here in the country SG is seeking refuge in.
It’s honestly unfair for the Supers to expect that the world should just trust that they’ll check and balance themselves.
People don’t know them personally after all...
Point is, the writers clearly haven’t evolved. They’re still tearing down one relationship to build another. They’re hitting as many birds as they can with one stone.
They want SuperCorp shippers to stop, they want to legitimize Lames, but most importantly they want Karamel to re-establish their bond…. So they’re throwing the rock to break the Lena/Kara friendship.
Anyway, with the way this is going I feel like Lena’s completely going to turn dark. Since Supergirl has been given the Sunday slot the show might suffer from some budget cuts and want to up the ante next season so they can ensure a S5 so maybe James will die, leaving Lena brokenhearted and she’ll blame SG then she’ll find out Kara and SG are the same and that’ll completely drive her over to the dark side.
Or, she’ll find out that Kara and SG are the same and then she’ll get mad at James and all of them.
Or, more likely, that Sam is going to sacrifice herself to end Reign (So that Alex can adopt Ruby because apparently, her biological clock just went boom in S3) and Lena’s going to get mad, blame SG, find out that Kara is SG, and then get mad at James for helping SG or something like that…
To sum it up, Lena will be all alone again and she’ll blame SG and that’s why she’ll turn dark.
Of course, all my points will probably rendered irrelevant because in the end, Lena will probably be evil from the get go and the writers will make it seem like Lena's a mastermind and she's been playing Kara from the beginning so that the audience can't get mad at Kara for treating her 'friend' like crap because she was right and Lena is a villain like all the Luthors.
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