#watching this a million times brb
todayisafridaynight · 6 months
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aceatoerbny · 10 months
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i started drawing to pass the time on the train and i blacked out and when i came to days later there was some kind of dorky klapollo nonsenseon my screen??
is he, you know,
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onlyswan · 6 months
jungkook making me ugly cry in the middle of a saturday morning. that was so beautiful 😭
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smilingformoney · 11 months
barbie (2023) has ended cinema nothing will ever top it
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javierpena-inatacvest · 2 months
Hiiii Madeline, just a random Thursday thinking how my man Javi would react to Osita being pregnant after watching this: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMmbMYwt/ 😭🫠✨
Can’t wait for the next chapter!!!
OH MY GOD SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPP this literally has me on the floor in TEARS 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
He is literally so over the moon excited when he finds out, I am DYING to write this chapter bc I have been thinking about it for so long 🥺😩
Thank you so much for sharing this, brb while I go watch this a million times and sob some more!!!
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crowning-art · 1 year
Me and 10 cuties who have been keeping up with my crazy TGCF journey after i finally finished it 2 years later lmaoo
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*Note that clown in the center is me and everyone knows why after seeing my wonderful, beautiful, RIDICULOUS AND OUTLANDISH theories throughout the read lmaoo
Without further ado...the finale!!
Goushi really swooped in during the LAST TWO SECONDS of this huge novel and really just stole everyone's heart, huh? I love this dude
In the last second, a hand caught Feng Xin’s boot, and Feng Xin caught Mu Qing’s boot. When he looked up, he cried, “WHAT THE FUCK!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!! GUOSHI OLD SIR, PLEASE DON’T EVER LET GO, ALRIGHT!!!”
THE WAY THE TABLES HAVE TURNED AHHHHH its now Xie Lian who has Jun Wu pinned and nailed down to the ground with a sword djdjdjjdjjd low key, Xie Lian really needed to do that....yknow....therapeutically lol
I love this so much cuz ya, at the end of the day, it's tiring, it's exhausting keeping up a facade and forcing yourself to be someone who u know really isn't you and I feel Jun Wu despite all he's done was very heavily a product of his situation.
“I just genuinely really miss Your Highness,” Guoshi said. “I miss the once-Kingdom of Wuyong,
I miss our people, and I miss the days before we ascended. That’s all.”
Guoshi then added, “It’s been so many years, Your Highness. Just watching you makes me tired. Very tired. How about you? Are you not exhausted?”
And yes, I get that there was still a bit of inherit evil within him which got amplified thanks to the wuyong problems but like at the end of the day, he's just a sad little meow meow
“…Have I been defeated?” Jun Wu sounded a little lost.
After a moment of silence, Xie Lian took off the bamboo hat carried on his back, took it in his hand, and covered it over Jun Wu’s face.
Ahh I remember pointing this out a while back but Hua Cheng was always the ONLY one who really helped ground Xie Lian when he was lost and confused. Like the split emotions he kept feeling of not knowing whether to laugh or cry, all gone even when he's told the craziest news yet, aka Wu Ming identity
All of a sudden, thousands of emotions, millions of words swarmed into his head. There was gratefulness, there was shame, there was heartache, there was wild joy, but above all else, there was incurable love.
Lol u guys don't even get it, there were so many parts that were my fave here and I was trying my best to not post the whole chapter here cuz i loved EVERY part, the way Xie Lian leaped into Hua Chengs arm at the end, the cute Xianle trio bickering, just everything T-T
All of this:
Hua Cheng’s long and slender fingers gently combed through Xie Lian’s mussed hair. “Then, Your Highness, do you know why I refuse to leave this world?”
Xie Lian couldn’t understand why Hua Cheng could still be so calm at a time like this, as he was panicking so hard he was trembling. But, while feeling lost, he still simple-mindedly asked,
Hua Cheng replied quietly, “Because I have a beloved who is still in this world.”
Hua Cheng said quietly, “Your Highness, I understand your everything.
“Your courage, your despair; your kindness, your pain; your resentment, your hate; your intelligence, your foolishness.
“If I could, I would have you use me as your stepping stone, the bridge you take apart after crossing, the corpse bones you need to trample to climb up, the sinner who deserved the butchering of a million knives. But, I know you wouldn’t allow it.”
They really did invent love, I can't think of anything else to say to this 😭
Hua Cheng’s gaze was gentle and blazing, that remaining eye filled with love, and it gazed at him silently.
He's gonna be back for sure. The red string and the ashes are still there....but it's still soooo saaad
LMAOOO the heavenly officials became homeless fr I'm dying lmaoooo
Xie Lian rummaged around his sleeve and fumbled out a white silk band that was torn in half, and said joyously, “Yeah, finally, the material to fix Ruoye is found! I’ll go patch it up right now!”
However, Feng Xin stopped him. “Patch it up? You?! Forget it, what can you patch? Ask someone else to help you.” Then he turned his head and shouted, “MU QING! COME GET TO WORK!”
Pei Su and Banyue were really an underrated duo this whole book, especially with the way they guarded Ke Mo and the other ghosts lol
Pei Su and Banyue were sitting at the entrance, both of their expressions blank.
Feng Xin divorce arc lmaooo Finally it came to an end...and in a really nice and mature way. I really appreciated the way MXTX wrote Jian Lan's whole character, like she also grew as a person and is def underappreciated
However, Jian Lan withdrew her smile. “What you’ve said are all things of the past. What was love once doesn’t mean it’ll last. I’m not interested in being a charity case and a nuisance.”
And Xuan Ji! Everyone really grew up huh? (*sobbing incontrollably*)
Still don't like Pei Ming smh overgrown man child fr U go Yushi Huang for showing him whose boss!!
GUZIIII MY HEART NOOOOO I really respect LQQ for doing this
so I could only…gather a bit of the soul particles of the Green Ghost and keep them in a lamp. Now he shows up in front of me every day hugging that lamp, asking when the soul within the lamp will grow bigger! I really…”
And Guzi! Fret not! Qi Rong will be back cuz his ashes aren't destroyed!!
A moment later, Xie Lian nodded slowly. “It’s mine. It’s a pair of pearls my father and mother gave me when I was young.”
Lol Ling Wen's punishment thooo and the subtle hint that Ling Wen may have acc cared for the dude despite everything kinda warms my heart
Ling Wen gave a small laugh. “Your Highness, don’t say it like I would do anything for him. After all, I’m cold-blooded and recognize no loved ones, so why would I do anything like that?”
“Is that right?”
“Let it be.
I love love love the way the passage of time was described here God I don't know how to explain it but I love it
People came like the tide, then left like the tide. Mount Taicang regained its deserted lonesomeness.
Atop Mount Taicang, there used to be an enormous field of maple trees. They were all burnt down by that massive fire, but reborn after a thousand years. They were no longer the same ones Xie Lian leapt through to train once upon a time, but the landscape was the same.
With three thousand Blessings Lanterns rising along with the night behind him, that man turned back and gazed at him. Robes redder than maple, skin as white as snow; between the brows of a face so handsome it couldn’t be stared at, there was still that wildness and a feral aura, a proudness that couldn’t be cut down.
There were no words. Both started walking towards the other.
A step, another step, each step faster than the next, then finally, they started running.
He ran forward whilst tears fell and stayed behind him. Xie Lian voiced this in his heart: he believed.
He believed that this man would die for him again and again, and would be reborn for him over and over. Even if he fell into the depths of hell, he would break through the abyss for his “belief”.
Last time, they spent eight hundred years running towards each other.
This time, it only took an instant to fall into each other’s embrace.
DID I CRY HERE? U BET YOUR FUNKY LIL BEAN I DID And u don't get get AGUHH it took 1000 pages for them to get to where they were AND ONLY ONE PAGE TO MEET AGAIN THE ABSOLUTE POETIC METAPHOR HAS ME LOSING MY MIND u have to read through 244 chaps to see them trying to get to each other and when they finally do..it takes less than a page for them to reunite again I AM CRYING RN
The grand final banquet in Puqi shrine, with windmaster and the fellow beggars, he xuan secretly eating with them, fengqing arguing and bantering (flirting basically -_-), heaven's eye, hualian, the heavenly officials dropping by, just everyone finally living a happy life
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What a story! Like what a story! Unbelievable!
This is how it started and this is how it ended
However, if people worship the divine statues of this one god and one ghost together, then there will be a miracle
Cuz their whole story is a miracle but that's the point! U can't give up! Xie Lian's story IS inspirational despite being fictional! Believing in your principles and doing the right thing, showing kindness no matter the circumstance, and growing from adversities, honestly I had so much to say but I read the post script and lmao MXTX said EVERYTHING I wanted to say!
I'm always the kind to finish books within a day or two but I really didn't want this one to end (hence two years to read it) but God the whole experience was so incredible and tbh, I started documenting my thoughts for myself just so I can reread them later and laugh lmao but then a bunch of you guys kept up with it and it genuinely became such an exciting thing to look forward to after reading as well!!
Special shout out to @silvia-moon and @maause who were there from the beginning!! I loved every comment of yours and had a blast reading them every time 🥰
Ahhhh IM GETTING SO EMOTIONAL LIKE THIS LONG WINDING JOURNEY HAS FINALLY COME TO AN END 😭 (borderline tearing up while writing this post) but alas! Every banquet must come to an end (haha see what I did there? Hahaha....😭😭😭)
And of course there are the extras! But those shall be read some other day! In the meantime, I'm so so excited to get to drawing all my fave scenes!! I can't wait to get to that!
Until then,
Farewell 😊
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antstarion · 2 years
For requests (can be a hc post or a little mini scene or whatever) what do you think the different dynamics between Poe and the MK sys would be? (Him being physically there not apoecamarc timeline NDNNFNF) I’m genuinely curious I think they’d be fun…
ooo this is so interesting thank you for this request!! (brb deleting my paragraphs on apoecamarc). also I've never wrote about poe so this might be wildly incorrect.
I don't think they would get along at first.
I'm imagining steven being like "He's got an ego on him hasn't he? Best pilot in the resistance? Sure mate"
I feel like poe is a bit insensitive and heavy handed when it comes to emotions and steven is a very emotionally charged person so that could create some tension too.
I think steven would see how good poe is for marc though and would eventually warm up to him. and he'd see past the surface and see poe is a loyal and caring dude, he just doesn't always know how to translate that into his actions.
steven would keep poe level headed and help him to think more before acting.
steven would also help poe out even if he didn't ask for it.
they're just chill friends I guess, those sorta friends you meet up every couple of months for a coffee and a chat and that's enough. it's a surface level friendship, they make each other laugh but not much more. kinda sunny day friendship you know.
also steven needs one of those poe hugs with his hand on the back of his head stat. you saw the way he hugged marc.
vibes summary: "we should catch up soon", if they saw each other in public it would be a toss up if they'd make small talk or avoid each other, very light blue, nice but nothing more, simple.
oh they would be best buddies, and fast friends. you said this in the gc but them both having experiences in war, that would be a massive bonding point for them.
poe gets the sacrifces that come with that life and the struggle with coming down from the fast pacing of it.
poe would provide marc with insight into himself which he could hopefully learn and grow from. I feel like they'd help each other to leave the past behind them.
poe and marc are both very impulsive, especially when it comes to the people that they love, so they would make bad decisions together.
these two are drinking buddies, they definetly go out to the pub with frenchie for a pint.
would play pranks on steven when drunk.
very comfortable around each other, would be goofy together and bring out each others the inner child.
they would watch space documentaries together and poe would tell marc cool stories from his time in the resistance. marcs would completely nerd out and ask him a million questions.
vibes summary: late night talks that go on until the sun comes up, silent walks home in the rain, orange, warm, vibrant.
they could hang out in the emotional support strip club together, that's their dynamic.
even though jake is more closed off, I think poe is very trusting so he'd still try and be friends with him.
jake will probably be a bit hostile at first. mcu jake doesn't really seem to front enough to form strong relationships it might be his first friendship in a while (looking at you frenchie, stache4stache for life).
poe wouldnt be put off by jakes hard exterior. he would treat jake as equal to marc and steven which as jakss used to feeling like a background character would surprise him but make him more comfortable.
I think jake would see a lot of his past self in poe and because of that he'd protect them in the same way he does for marc and steven.
it's a quiet friendship, they would watch comedies together and enjoy being in comfortable silence.
jake doesn't open up like marc but appreciates that poe understands their problems. and poe gets that sometimes the past is sometimes best left where it is.
vibes summary: "do you want to go to the movies?", jake looking out for poe, purple, loyalty, close but at arms length.
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juriyuna · 7 months
Top 5/Bottom 5 Girls in the supporting cast? i.e. Girls with 30xx in their ID
I'll start with my Top 5 first:
5. Mizuki Rui: 5th place was a toss-up between her and Chika, but I'm gonna go with Rui this time! I love how she keeps pinging between "emo kid who wears chainmail under her school uniform and spouts edgy quotes about demons" to "oh god why did i say that??? brb crawling into a hole", haha. Her magical girl outfit with a million belts is fun, and her awkward nerd friendship with Miyuri is heartwarming.
4. Yukino Kanae: I've been fond of her ever since the NA server days, and I will never not feel robbed that she's been dead since before the story even started. ;; She's like a big raggedy alley tomcat in the form of a delinquent girl-- yeah, she looks like she gets into fights all the time (and she does), but she never goes looking for trouble, and she's a huge sweetheart when you get to know her. How emotional she got when Yachiyo's grandma started doting on her... augh. All she really wants is love, deep down.
The fact that she was so willing and almost eager to throw her life away to save her friends from a witch carries some pretty depressing implications, and it's a shame that she died before the story could explore any of that. :{ I think she could've had an interesting connection with Ren. As far as Kanae's canon relationships go, I love her brief almost-friendship with Kanagi. They have a good dynamic!
3. Natsu Ryouko: Probably my favorite Tokime girl next to Shizuka herself! I love how sincere she is-- the girl can't lie her way out of a wet paper bag, and she knows it. Unfortunately, this means she's honest about things that she probably could've kept to herself (sorry Sakuya), but at least she means well. I've got a soft spot for characters who are short-tempered but protective-- she'll get mad and butt into situations that have nothing to do with her because she can't just sit on her hands while someone is suffering.
I also find it very funny that she's like "yeah I was raised in a Buddhist temple, and I pray and meditate daily, but I'm not a monk or nothin', so I can be horny for hot girls and eat meat. it's all good don't worry about it buddy" and the other characters just... try not to think about how vaguely sacrilegious it feels to grill meat next to some bald old monks
2. Suzuka Sakuya: Taken from us too soon... ;_; Working on her MSS and Another Story ch.3 really made her grow on me. She's such a good girl! I like how she's torn between her duty- helping Promised Blood seize the APS from Kamihama- and her own morals (as well as the PTSD she has from killing her girlfriend "dearest, most beloved best friend" with her own hands in the Blood Tragedy). She tries to act tough and harsh, but she's so gentle at heart that she caves way too easily.
The scene in AS3 where she says that if it ever seems like Yuna is going to lose herself to vengeance, she'll keep Yuna's heart safe until the darkness breaks and the sun rises over Futatsugi again, gets me every time. Especially in hindsight of MS7... ;; I love Sakuya's relationships with Ryouko and the rest of PB, too-- it's all so good!
1. Chizu Ranka: She's one of my top 3 characters in the game in general, main cast included. My baby, my chew toy, my shitty little purse dog... She can be aggressive, underhanded, and cowardly, but she can also be playful, affectionate, and supportive of her friends. She'll call Juri a dumb sack of bricks not to make her feel bad, but because it's true she knows Juri can do better and doesn't wanna just sit by and watch her fuck up. I guess you could say Ranka is kind, but not nice? It's a fun contrast.
And I am still gnawing on the way her guilt, weakness, and fear form an endless cycle of bad decisions. I'm a huge sucker for that "rat in a cage" type of characterization, and how her trauma continues to affect her even long after Juri got her out of Monzenbashi. There is SO much to dig into with her character from all sorts of angles; I'll be here all day if I don't cut this off now. :') BUT I must also say that she's super cute, so extra points for that!!
(Bottom 5 under the cut)
The vast majority of the supporting cast is just kinda... forgettable to me. I don't actively dislike most of them, but I literally never think about them, either. If I had to name names, though:
5. Sakurako: I guess?? idk why but she bugs me a little. I wish I could explain, but alas... Probably doesn't help that I'm not a fan of Touka or Nemu, and she's pretty intrinsically linked to them.
4. Natsuke Kako: Too generic moeblob for me. Also really not a fan of her artist or design, which I will elaborate on in a sec.
3. Kirino Sae: I don't like her design (her mask is neat, though), and something about her personality annoys me. I can't quite put my finger on what...
2. Irina Kushu: I'll be honest, it's mostly her character design. If she was drawn by someone else, she'd simply be forgettable, but... Have you ever looked at someone's art style and you just know they draw lolicon? Well, it's true in this case. Her design is way too cluttered for me anyway, but knowing that her artist draws hetero loli art makes it (and her "always sleepy" thing) feel very ://// bad vibes, scoob.
1. Miwa Mitsune: I know she's popular, but God her personality grates on me. I'll keep it short and say that she reminds me of the sort of insecure nerd you constantly have to walk on eggshells around or they'll launch into a self-deprecating spiral, "lol". She's very realistically written, which unfortunately means she's a very accurate depiction of the type of person I find the most exhausting and annoying to be around. :'V
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wulfums · 7 months
Vanille and Madeleine for Mr. Peanutbutter! (hiiii mr peanutbutter hiiiii)
Ears perked up, Mr Peanutbutter excitedly read out the question.
Vanille : how was your life before meeting S/I ? Has it improved since then ?
"To be honest, my life has always been pretty great. I had the most fun sitcom, I still get casted to this day in movies! I have some great friends, even my past relationships were great." Mr Peanutbutter paused for a second, losing his smile.
"Well, most of them. I mean, I think they were pretty good. I still talk to Diane and Pickles regularly! Did you see that Pickles recently hit 1 million subs on Youtube? It's amazing! Diane's also been...a lot happier since we divorced. It still kind of hurts, but Guy is a great guy. She's happy, and I'm happy for her. She's also been very supportive of me and Deerdog. Deerdog and Diane are like, besties now! Which is good. I was kinda worried when they first met. But they hit it off! Deerdog does the BRB and emoji art for Pickles' streams too!" Mr Peanutbutter started smiling again. "You know, I think even though my life was pretty great before, it's even better with Deerdog in it."
He looked at the next question.
Madeleine : Do you have many things in common with S/I or are you opposites in every way ?
"Well, we have more shared interests than I did with Diane. He's a lot more social and he loves going places with me and meeting people! He needs some time to recharge after though. Sometimes, he'll just draw and I'll watch. It's relaxing! He also loves the beach- and I love the beach!!! We have some differences though. He gets angry a lot quicker during interviews or on the news. To be fair, they never ask him before doing a news thing on it. I don't blame him. He's not great with speaking, so I've been helping him with public speaking more!"
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iworshipsappho · 11 months
OMFGGG the trailer IM NOT OK OMG OMG OMG im already so excited!!!!!????? for their arcs???!!! fuck omg i am willing to lend weee bit more articulate thoughts like when ive processed that shit and watched the trailer like a million times brb
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hearth4days · 1 year
brb gonna manually watch that gif a million times to see everyone (i have access to your sinply plural) /j
Study up there will be a quiz /j
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avengers-rule103 · 2 years
brb, i'm gonna go watch that trailer scene a million more times and enjoy every sweet second of it. 🥰
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And the futs girl ??? They all look so suave
the velvet curtains and the horse and the cigar between Matty's teeth while he tries to eye fuck the camera....brb time to watch it 7 million times.
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teobug · 1 year
Dude. bound (1996) is a masterpiece of its time. yes they kiss. yes they fuck. yes they devise a plan to screw the mob out of a million dollars. PLEASE WATCH IT OMG. it's on soap2day there's no reason not to
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haha im so normal about this information. and for no reason in particular. brb
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withahappyrefrain · 2 years
How do I feel about you?? I feel lucky to know you! You're incredible, Miss Abby! You're kind, sweet and BEAUTIFUL TIMES A MILLION! You are brilliant -- seriously, I'm so in awe that you are a molder of young minds and that takes such a special kind of person. You're hilarious and a talented writer. One day I'm going to bake cookies with you and your fiance better watch out bc I may steal you. I just want to pick you a sunflower and give you a tender kiss on your nose 💜☀️🌿🌻
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Rae, this is so sweet and kind and lovely, I'm going to frame this message so whenever I'm feeling down, I can look at it.
I'm so proud of you and you are such an incredible person. I'm in awe that I get to know YOU!!
BRB going to lay down in a puddle of feels
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heyzachy · 3 years
The husband made me a Zach Hyman fancam for my birthday and I love it so much 😭😭💙
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