#water soluble vitamin
curaehealth · 2 years
Here is the list of solutions to every common skin problem we face during monsoon times. Learn about the types of skin problems & how to cure them next time.
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basslinegrave · 23 days
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frequently bought together
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thenarrativefoil · 2 months
YAYYYY I stopped taking my vitamin A supplement this morning and I've had NO liver spasms yet so I think that might have been the culprit of the mysterious abdominal pain that started hitting a week ago.
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chronomally · 2 months
fuit gummy multivitamins
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ponko-tsu · 5 months
People who do zero sugar/fat diets when they have issues with energy due to having no calories/vitamins.
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Water-soluble vitamins can enter the cell through passive diffusion.
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priyalpandeyy · 1 year
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swatimmr · 2 years
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As per Business Intelligence Insights (BII) study, the global Plant-Based Meat Market attained revenue growth of 4,519.5 million in 2021 and it is projected to reach around USD 12,712.4 million by 2030, growing at a 13.8% CAGR.
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curaehealth · 2 years
Wondering whether or not avocados actually help you to loose weight faster and more effectively? Here are some benefits that will help you get to the answer.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
I was diagnosed with ADHD by my uni (and am having to wait 50 million years for an NHS diagnosis), so I'm wondering if b12 would help, but I had my bloods done a few months back (have some weird health problems, get regular blood tests), and both my b12 and folic acid are within the normal range apparently. The NHS seems to use different units than American healthcare tho. Idk if you've ever been in a similar situation, but do you think b12 would help even though I apparently don't need it? Apparently anxiety also messes with b12, and I have panic disorder, but still, normal blood test results
I can only speak from my own experience, but even when my numbers are in the "acceptable" range, I suffer the mental symptoms of having a deficiency. It's only when my numbers are at the absolute top range that I feel adequately alert. Obviously, I've got some unique problems going on, and I'm not saying that's true of everyone, I'm just saying a lot of my brain fog and other cognitive problems were ignored for decades because my numbers were "acceptable."
That said, it might be advisable to take a B complex or something of the like just to make sure you're getting enough of them. There's been some ongoing research about ADHD being linked to lower levels of B2, B6, and a few others.
Obligatory check with a doctor before starting any new medications or supplements, but taking a B complex is generally considered safe because B vitamins are water soluble, and whatever your body doesn't need, it flushes out. Basically, it may or may not help, it really depends on your own body. But it likely wouldn't hurt to try?
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salt-baby · 10 months
caught my younger sibling walking around with numb hands for weeks like that was normal so PSA theres some weak evidence that the following are common in POTS:
B12 Deficiency
- characterized by numb (pins and needles) hands and feet, which is persistent for days no matter what position your limbs are in
- take dissolvable B12 tablets once daily by holding them under the tongue for a couple minutes
- ideally those should be the like 2000000% DV ones, since B12 is water-soluble and near impossible to take too much of
- B12 shots can be prescribed for very severe deficiencies
- if this doesn't go away in like a week, See Your Doctor! these are peripheral neuropathy symptoms and that's something 1000% worth checking out ASAP
Magnesium Deficiency
- characterized by a tight kind of muscle soreness (for some reason always in my calves) that doesn't go away with rest
- others report tremors or being unable to keep the legs still
- either take a supplement daily or epsom salt baths
- be warned that oral magnesium works as a laxative, so start low and work your way up
Vitamin D Deficiency
- can cause fatigue and the "seasonal depression" kind of mood
- this is just really common in the general population, not just in people with POTS
- oral supplementation works fine, most daily vitamins have it
- in more severe cases your doctor can prescribe higher dose supplements
Also if you keep getting these symptoms all the time or it doesn't go away within a couple days of supplements, you probably need to see a doctor
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mordenheim · 8 months
Vitamin D For Growth
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Just a fun little growth-filled tale for the wonderful @goattrain Author Icon by the lovely https://www.furaffinity.net/user/redband.jackalope
Alice grumbled, staring at herself in the bathroom mirror. The poor goat was covered in bright green goop from horn to hoof. Wincing, she pulled off her shirt as she felt the gunk soaked into her shirt sucking at her skin and tugging at her fur.
“Never thought I would have to wear a hazmat suit into the company greenhouse.” She grumped out loud as she finished peeling off her clothing. Apparently they had been testing some sort of plant food int the sprinkler system designed to magnify the plants' photosynthesis. However instead of coming out as a fine mist it blasted out right on top of poor Alice as a thick green slime.
Tugging off the last of her clothing and tossing it straight into the trash, she stomped off to the walk in shower. Her little hooves clopped cutely on the tiles. Throwing open the glass door she stepped inside and closed it behind her.
Reaching for the faucet handle, the one thing to go right today was that the new water heater was working perfectly. There was no waiting for warm water as her fur was doused by a warm, steamy blast. She turned slowly in the downpour for a few moments, rubbing her three-fingered hands over herself, relieved when the gloop seemed to be water soluble. She looked down at her hooves to see it gurgle and slurp away down the drain.
Rubbing the water out of her eyes, she reaches out a grabbed her bottle of deep cleaning shampoo that was ironically also a dark green color. She popped open the lid and took a sniff, enjoying the scent of tea tree oil and cucumber. Squeezing a hefty dollop into her hand, she started scrubbing it through her fur, working up a nice, thick lather.
She let out a soft baa as she was enveloped and warmth and scrubbing the thick, wonderful smelling soap through her fur, scrubbing every last inch of herself until she felt the fur squeak through her hoof tipped fingers as it rinsed clean. She could barely see anything through the thick cloud of steam that followed her dripping form as she stepped out of the shower.
Drying her soft fur on a towel that covered up most of her body, she made her way back over to the mirror. Not paying too much attention at first, she reached out to wipe away the condensation, then gave out a bleat of dismay.
“Wha.. wait.. WHAT?! I'M GREEN!!!” She practically shrieked, looking down at herself. Her fur was indeed a pale mint green and her hooves were a much darker shade. Looking back into the mirror she could see that her little horns were the same shade of deep green and even her normally pink eyes had taken on an emerald hue.
“Al! When I get my hands on you I'm gonna… I'm… ah, forget it… I'm tired…”
Not even bothering to wrap the towel around herself, she dragged it dejectedly down the hall to her bedroom. She tossed checked to make sure that there were no green stains on the white terry cloth and tossed it into the hamper. She took a moment to slip on some comfy flannel pajamas, buttoning the shirt up the front before just flopping onto the bed on top of the sheets. She'd overheated a little in the shower and needed to cool down. Before she knew what was happening, she drifted off to sleep.
Morning came, the sun rose, and the birds began to sing in the branches outside of Alice's home. A beam of sunlight fell in through the open curtains of the window beside the cute goat's bed, landing on the back of one of her hands.
The fingers splayed out flat as though trying to soak up as much of the sun as they could. The fur thickened a little, looking shaggy before her hand grew. Her fingers lengthened and thickened and the palm expanded. Her forearm stretched out of the cuff of her shirt before the arm within it inflated a little. The growth spread up her shoulder and through her body. Her breasts blossomed and ballooned out a little causing gaps to form between the buttons of her top as it stretched up, pulled away from her bottoms and exposing her soft belly fur.
It spread to the other arm and up to her head, her horns scraping against the headboard before spreading downwards. Her rump widened a little, straining the durable flannel cloth a bit. Her thighs bulged outwards a bit as her growing hooves stretched away from her cuffs.
The sun continued to rise, pouring more of its light into the room, bathing her in its warm, inviting glow. She gasps, squirming in her sleep, smiling as she feels a warm, comforting energy flowing through her, settling into the pit of her stomach. It was like she had just eaten a bowl of the most wonderful, comforting soup you could imagine.
The growth was more powerful now, more evenly spread throughout her body as she stretched and swelled. Buttons snapped off and were scattered across the bed as her breasts burst forth. Her thighs shredded through the tough cloth, as did her rump. Her fur thickened and took on a lovely shine. The more of her body that was exposed to the sun's rays, the more it seemed to speed up.
It was the crash and the sudden drop to the floor that finally awoke her. She looked around the room, finding that her bed had broken underneath her giant form. Not the first time she had experienced this, she took it in stride and pushed herself up off of the floor. Her horns immediately stuck up into the ceiling. She sighed and prepared to duck out of the room when she felt her horns push upwards, deeper into the plaster of the ceiling. She hadn't just grown, she was growing, and fast!
Gripping the tattered rags of her clothing about her as best she could, she rushed through the house towards the front door. Every window she passed she wanted to slow down for a moment as the wonderful sensation she felt in her sleep returned, but she didn't know how fast she might be growing and didn't want to ruin another house! Each doorway she passed through she felt like she needed to duck down a little more until she finally reached the door to the back yard.
She threw open the door and was bathed in bright sunlight. She gave a soft bleat as the last strands of her pajamas burst and fell away and she was forced onto all fours by the ceiling! Crawling as fast as she could, she squeezed her upper body through the door, barely. She shifted onto her side as her hips wedged in the opening, swelling rapidly as she placed her expanding hands on the outside walls and hauled herself out with an audible CRACK! She shivered and whined a little as she felt her hooves sliding farther back INTO the house as her legs stretched and grew. Crawling rapidly, she pulled herself free of the house and stood up in the morning sun.
She felt herself filled with that wonderful energy again as her fur fluffed out even fuller. She wanted to stop growing, but it felt so good at the same time. She was so conflicted as she slowly backed away from the shrinking house. There was a loud crunch as her deep green hoof came down on the wooden fence at the back of the yard.
“Why is this happening?!”
She suddenly froze. The warmth of the sun replaced by a cold chill as she watched the world around her shrink. The goop that she had been doused with, that turned her green was supposed to increase the photosynthesis of plants. Meanwhile she was stuck outside on a gloriously sunny day. Taking a deep breath, she opened her giant maw to bleat:
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pigeon-behavior · 10 days
Did you know that pigeons require specialized grit?
Many birds eat stones of some kind to aid in digestion and the grinding of seeds. This actually isn't what I'm talking about, surprisingly. Pigeons do not need this kind of mechanical help, for whatever reason.
If I had to guess, the reason lies in their crop, which is insanely specialized. Columbids (the grouping containing pigeons and doves) are the only birds that can drink without lifting their heads. They can suck water! This is incredible! The reason they are thought to be able to do this is an extremely muscular crop. It's my guess that the crop is taking care of this mechanical grinding all by itself.
So what am I talking about then?
Well, there is a long established practice in pigeon keeping of providing a "red grit" to domestic pigeons. This also can be seen as "pink powder" in some parts of the world. It is comprised of soluble stones. This means they can be dissolved and broken down once swallowed.
This is an important detail. There are other versions of grit sold that are insoluble, and can't be broken down the same way. Most of these grits contain or are only granite. Granite is useless for our purposes, but some of the old guys swear by it, so sometimes it can be hard to avoid.
What's so important in this red grit? If you get the right ones, a variety! Red grits have a variety of needed minerals on offer that our captive pigeons might not be finding in their loft and their feed. Iron is among the most important.
I have a photo from the back of one of the most favored red grits on the market, which is considered an 'enhanced grit' due to added vitamins.
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If you Google some of these more complex sounding names, they will become more familiar to you.
This is generally considered the gold standard grit. Few others match its quality and sheer helpfulness. (For reference, it is the Versele-laga All in One). Jovati makes one that is about on par. Otherwise to get the same effects you're looking at pink powders, which are much more concentrated.
Well, why is all this a big deal? I'll tell you!
A common grit pigeons end up on is oyster shell-only. And at the very least, they do need this, and it is soluble! But calcium alone is not going to support their health.
An indoor bird (especially a hen) that is being given only oyster shell and no other supplements may experience problems. Here's why: there's only so much calcium that can be absorbed without sufficient Vitamin D3 in the body. Vitamin D3 is normally produced after being out in UVB light, in the sun! But the grand majority of indoor pigeons aren't receiving any of that. So you can put them up to their eyeballs in calcium and they can't absorb it.
Other problems that can arise over time include things like Vitamin B deficiencies (very unpleasant to watch, it causes neurological symptoms like head twisting), and uh. [Checks notes]. Cannibalism. Didn't see that one coming did you?
TRL insisted on using an oyster shell only grit and a salt lick a few years back when everything imploded. And she had at least one case of straight up cannibalism. Her excuse at the time was that this bird was a feral. But that's an extremely bad excuse.
Pigeons that don't live in our care can go find whatever their cravings tell them to eat. Eating some dirt from the edge of a parking lot would have provided more minerals than the barely survivable conditions in that loft. You can actually see mourning doves do this, by the way, if you're in the right place at the right time. But there is no reason for a pigeon to resort to cannibalism unless under extreme nutritional deprivation.
(I know people who kept suggesting a complete grit to her, but she never listened. It isn't that she didn't know about it.)
But this post isn't about that. It's about providing what your pigeon needs and knowing how best to fill those man-made gaps. The typical solution I see nowadays is to provide a complete grit like the All in One or Jovati and then supplement with some extra Vitamin D3, as these grits aren't really designed with indoor-only birds in mind.
Further information that is important for you: vitamins break down over time and especially if exposed to light. Store in a cool dark place to preserve them.
(Also, UVB light cannot penetrate glass or other clear solids. Your bird cannot utilize UVB unless there is nothing solid between it and the sun. Windowscreens are fine.)
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So to really oversimplify it, Calcium is what your body releases to signal your muscles and tissues to tense up, and Magnesium is what your body uses to tell your muscles and tissues to relax again.
An imbalance of these is BAD.
Too much or too little of either can stop your heart in extreme cases, and suddenly changing your serum/blood levels is particularly dangerous.
Part of why vitamin D is important but also why it's so fucked up supplements often contain magnitudes more than they claim they do, is because vitamin d so strongly impacts how much calcium -also iron- you will suddenly be absorbing from your food, which can trigger cardiac spasms [heart attacks with no clot].
This is why hard water causes muscle cramps and headaches, because it causes you to overdose on calcium, or alternately magnesium, depending on the hard water, location etc...
This is why "calcium channel blockers" relax heart muscle tension, lower your blood pressure and relax your muscles.
This is also why trying to relax your muscles more without lowering your blood pressure is fucking impossible. A problem for anyone with muscle tension but also low blood pressure. You literally cannot treat one without making the other a lot worse.
This is why magnesium supplements -IF YOU ARE DEFICIENT- can help with sleep, high blood pressure, pain and muscle tension.
This is also why -due to the physical feedback created by being physically unable to relax to your nervous system- magnesium can help with anxiety.
You need both for healthy bones too, btw, not just calcium supplements as you age.
Low calcium or too much magnesium can also cause slowed heart rate, missing heartbeats, dizziness, weakness and fatigue. HOWEVER, too much calcium can also cause skipped heartbeats and dizziness from a lack of proper circulation because your heart isn't relaxing enough between beats. Both are dangerous.
BOTH of these minerals can build up in your body and aren't like 'water soluble' nutrients in the body in the same way that vitamin C is for example where too much will just be flushed away, your body stores these bitches in your bones pretty obsessively, so it's a good idea to get your levels checked if you think supplementing either might help you. [Technically they are water soluble, but it's helpful to think of them as being like 'fat soluble' nutrients that your body will hold onto, just like, for bones and not fat... This is also why meat broth and meat in general is high in calcium, once life isn't holding the minerals in the bones it dissolves out into the meat.]
If you have problems with blood pressure, heart symptoms, tension or fatigue at all, it is a good idea to rule out low or high calcium or magnesium as a cause because it's a really simple thing to treat with supplements or dietary changes that doctors can't deny you once you have the information about your blood levels in your hands. You only need them to agree to check your levels here and there to make sure nothing is getting out of hand.
I'm not just saying "ask your doctor before supplementing" I am saying "Doctors are necessary idiots ask them to actually CHECK your blood levels before advising you on whether or not to supplement".
This is why I find it interesting that people with high blood pressure or chest pain or cardiac spasms are asked about their salt intake or told to avoid salt but aren't ever asked about their calcium intake. I'm kind of low-level pissed at all times that doctors don't check both of these mineral levels on a regular basis for everyone.
Having the right mineral levels, including these but also phosphorus and potassium and iron etc... has such a HUGE body-wide impact on things you would never guess they would impact so so badly, but they are like, the main components of the molecules your body uses to do everything, including like, signal nerves and move muscles. You use these things every time your heart beats and every time you breathe or have a thought, etc... They impact everything. Everything.
Hell a lot of lists of the minerals you need will straight up not even mention phosphorus, but your body uses phosphate groups to make ATP... You know, the molecule that is literally "energy" in your body at a cellular level. It is recommended that healthy adults get between 800 mg and 1,200 mg of phosphorus each day. And it's hard to source because most plant sources aren't bio-available unless you soak your grains [remember that trend of "activating" nuts and grains?... I like cokey-cola because is uses phosphoric acid in place of citric acid which gives it a dryer taste and helps my energy levels in ways not accounted for by the caffeine]. But also too much Phosphorus can pull calcium out of your bones and leave it free floating around your body to build up random places and cause problems!
Potassium is an important electrolyte in your BRAIN and without it you can't think critically and can be prone to all sorts of mental problems like confusion, depression, mental fatigue, running instinctively on autopilot and not engaging critically with ideas because you brain literally can't! Low Potassium makes you more susceptible to mental manipulation and lowers your defenses to negative thought patterns.
I know it can sound stupid and fake, but getting the nutrients you need really does impact your day to day health and specifically your energy levels and mood. Mineral deficiencies can cause depression, fatigue and anxiety and can make existing mental health problems so so much worse.
Kowing your micromineral levels is important! [I am sure trace minerals are important too but your body needs so little it's usually a lot harder to be deficient unless you have a very restricted diet or absorption issues].
Check your levels periodically with your doctor's help and make sure you keep them -not just- "in normal ranges" but have your doctor specify whether they are on the high or low end so you know where your wiggle room is to adjust accordingly depending on your symptoms and how those potentially reflect your personal body's needs. [ie: just because your iron isn't dangerously low doesn't mean supplementing it wouldn't help your energy levels, so long as you aren't getting too much, etc]
Btw this is also why starving yourself fucks you up. And it's why having a lot of food aversions gets tricky to manage. You need to eat. You need specific nutrients and not just calories [you need those too]. And by *need* I don't just mean you might feel slightly crappier in some vague abstract way, I mean you need it for your heart and brain to function correctly and for your muscles to move. [Your brain is you]
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