#people do know fat is what vitamins come with right?
ponko-tsu · 5 months
People who do zero sugar/fat diets when they have issues with energy due to having no calories/vitamins.
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fatguarddog · 25 days
Disclaimer: This audio is intended for audiences of 18+ only 🔞 If you like my content, please consider giving me a tip
You've been gaining a lot of weight recently and don't know why, so you're back at the doctor's office to figure something out with him. The doctor is happy to inspect you and comment on your growing body, soon he reveals his true intentions for you as his work-in-progress piggy and gives you more instructions to follow 🐽
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Ahh, good to see you again. What seems to be the problem today? You’ve been putting on weight recently despite the diet I put you on? Hmm, yes I can see that… are you sure you haven’t been missing any days with the vitamins and shake supplements? Ok, how strange then. I think it’s best we examine you, maybe try a couple tests.
Stand here for me. Hmm, your belly really is looking quite porky, isn’t it? Your shirt doesn’t seem to cover it anymore. Just roll it up for me and I’ll take some measurements like I did last time so we can make a new plan. Yes, I see you have a few more inches round your middle now… you’re feeling awfully doughy too. Now let’s see your thiiighs… upper arms… your chest… that’s right… Well it seems the most of the weight has stuck to your belly, but you’ve definitely gained all over.
Let’s have you on the inspection table so I can try a few things. Strip down to your underwear and hop on up. Ah, no. Not lying down, on all fours please. There we go, that’s great, just let me get my gloves on. Mmm you really are looking like quite the plump piglet with your potbelly hanging down like that. Ah ah ah, don’t squirm at my touch, I’m merely inspecting you. Your jiggling belly, your rounded out ass, the growth in your chest… it’s all quite delightful. Better than I could have expected, really.
Oh, don’t pretend like you don’t enjoy this piggy. You’re practically frozen to the spot! And I can see the wet patch spreading in your pants. Just relax and let the doctor take care of you. Mmmm, yes that’s right, grind against my fingers as I admire your progress.
You’re much better as a pathetic little porker, aren’t you my piglet? Though we’ll have you growing into a proper piggy in no time, I’m sure. I could just tell when you came in here seeking weight loss advice that you’d be much happier giving in to your urges and gaining instead. I have a knack for seeing through people like that. And I know you’ve been enjoying my ‘diet plan,’ it seems you’ve been having more shakes per day than what the doctor ordered with just how pudgy you’re looking.
Mmm, keep grinding tubby. Let me rub some muscle relaxant cream into your plush rear. No, don’t worry about the needle, you won’t feel a thing. It’s just a fun little concoction to boost your appetite for me. See! Didn’t hurt a bit, did it? Good pig.
Alright, put your clothes back on. Hmm? Look, if you’re that desperate my eager little piglet, then you can get yourself off thinking about how fat I’m going to make you from here. But you need to listen to the doctor’s orders now.
It seems you’ve already been having two shakes on some days, so from now on I want you to do that every day, plus regular meals. Whatever your piggy heart desires. You must also be sure to keep taking your pills, they keep you nice and lazy after all. You’ll come in for a monthly check up so I can track your progress until I deem you ready for me to make a house call to you where I’m sure we’ll have plenty of fun together. Do you understand me? Good piggy.
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Feitan thought for the day:
It took months for you to earn the privilege of going out for a walk with him. The first step you took into the shoddy streets was nothing short of glorious (if not a bit overwhelming after your extended stays in the basement). It’s the best thing you’d had in a while, dodging the footpath’s cracks whilst Feitan trailed behind you, ensuring you didn’t get too far.
Of course, being Feitan, he had to come armed. Whilst he could easily take down most opponents single-handedly, he kept his umbrella tucked under his arm, sword safely hidden. An extra-safe precaution on the off chance one of his many Nen-wielding enemies decide to ruin what he’d you’d got.
You practically bounced as much as your weakened calves had allowed, an extra pep in your step from the much-needed vitamin D.
But then it started to rain.
As the first drizzle dampened your hair, your mood dampened with it. The quick switch to an assault of fat droplets only served to worsen your mood. Today? Of all days?
Then you remembered what your “companion” had brought with him. You really didn’t want to ask him, of all people, for any favours, but this was so overdue, and up until now had been so perfect…
“Feitan, could I borrow your umbrella?”
He stopped for a moment, staring at you with an unreadable expression. Angry? Amused? Bewildered?
He shook his head. “Tch. Just water. Such a baby.”
Something inspired you to push, despite knowing previous consequences for doing so. Maybe it was the fact that your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for fresh air had turned stale within minutes. Maybe you’d gotten too bold with all the buttering up you’d done. Or maybe it was the fact that precipitation was pummeling your face, forcing you to blink every two seconds.
“Please, Feitan. Please. It’d mean so much to me.” Your voice honeyed to an excruciating degree.
He narrowed his eyes at you.
“You can hold it, if you’re afraid of me breaking it. I’ll stay right by your side.” You didn’t actually think he was worried you’ll break it. But you crossed you fingers that he’d take the second half of the bait.
Wordlessly, he handed it over. So he was letting you take control of it this time? How utterly generous.
He stepped under it with you as you awkwardly opened it up. “Didn’t know you were scared of rain. Weaker than I thought.” He stood patiently as you stared at him, momentarily dumbfounded before continuing on your journey without a destination. The water soaking through your socks was irritating, but made you feel utterly alive.
“And,” he patted the bottom of umbrella’s handle, “don’t touch. Unless you want to blow up.”
Whether he was joking or not, you had no idea.
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darklovecat · 1 year
Beauty tips?
Taking my vitamins and beauty supplements every day!
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I believe that beauty and health go hand in hand so I got a complete blood work-up to figure out what vitamins and minerals my body was lacking, and I make sure I'm taking my them daily. On top of that, I take various supplements such as Collagen, Fish oil etc but I swear by my 10-gram daily collagen regimen. I take its powdered form right before going to bed and have noticed its benefits within a short time - My knees used to sound like a bowl of Rice Krispies when I bent down, but after a few days of collagen, the crepitus is gone. Plus, my hair is growing faster and my skin is looking plumper. It's done wonders for my joints, giving me a healthy glow, and making me look way more refreshed.
Having perfect posture at all times!
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I think this is a very simple but overlooked beauty tip that truly elevates your appearance. It's like the secret weapon of beauty, it can transform not just the way you look, but also the way you feel. When you stand tall and hold yourself with grace and poise, you radiate confidence and elegance. Good posture also has numerous health benefits. It can help prevent back pain, improve your breathing, and even boost your mood and energy levels. Ever since I've started incorporating Pilates and Ballet into my routine to build strength and flexibility, my posture has improved greatly. The way you carry yourself says a lot about who you are and by standing tall and confident, you'll not only look beautiful but also feel empowered and ready to conquer the world.
Getting 6 hours of quality sleep every night!
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You know what's a major beauty tip that most people sleep on? Sleep!! Forget about slapping on expensive creams and doing a gazillion steps in your skincare routine. You gotta start with the basics, hun. Get your sleep game on point, eat right, and manage your stress. Now, I know we all have different needs when it comes to sleep, so I won't give you a specific number. But trust me, beauty sleep is not a myth, it's legit! I turn on Night Mode on my devices at 6:30, pop my sleeping pills at 9:30, and hit the hay an hour later. Oh, and I'm not afraid to take a nap during the day if I need to. Don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. It's the secret to looking and feeling amazing.
Growing out my eyelashes!
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I take pride in my long and voluminous lashes, they're one of my best features and one of my most complimented features. However, my natural lashes were not always this way, they became longer through regular lash serum usage. I do not really need wear mascara and after a lash lift, my lashes appear as if I'm wearing extensions. While Latisse has worked wonders for me, it's important to note that the product does come with potential side effects such as orbital fat loss and irritation. Thankfully, I did not experience any adverse effects. Another caveat is that the product only works as long as it is used consistently. Despite these considerations, I wholeheartedly recommend Latisse. To see the results for yourself, check out the Real Woman Gallery.
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spitefulreturn2 · 2 months
Personal tips
My experience is just going to be different from others because I actually have been coming down from a highway. I’ve gone from like obese class too to just overweight, I swear to God I’m literally hovering above average. But there are some things that made a huge difference for me, especially with binging behavior. • liquid calories must be extremely restricted, I’ve become very dependent on caffeine so I allowed to have 0 cal caffeine like G fuel, or coffee under very specific conditions where I had counted for the amount of sugar and milk, or I substituted sweet sweetener and cream with a scoop of protein powder. DO NOT MIX HOT DRINKS AND PROTEIN POWDER IT WILL COOK IT. But this meant I could have my caffeine, it could taste good, and I was actually able to excuse the calories. One scoop of protein powder is 180 cal, with a lot of nutrients I actually need. • I had to hold my word, if I said that I was going to have a fasting day, then it was going to be a fasting day, and I couldn’t just change my mind halfway through. what if this was any other substance then food and I couldn’t go a single day without it? It suddenly wouldn’t be OK or as excusable.
• I had to be consistent about weighing myself on the scale, and I wanted to know accurate numbers, so I would weigh myself when I got up in the morning after my first pee, but before I consumed anything. I would do this every morning, and at the end of the week take the average. It helped me get used to the fact that my weight would definitely fluctuate through the week, even if I was doing everything right, it also helped keep me on track to remember that a single night of binging could lead to weight stall or gain.
• 👏🏻safe 👏🏻 foods!!!!!! Seafood honestly look different for everyone, but for me, they had to follow a specific parameters. One of my favorite safe foods is a frozen salmon fillet. I can buy a pack at the beginning of the week, and there’s no reason why I should be all out before the week is over. I know how many calories are in each portion, and if I’m unsure, then I can just wait on a food scale. I know that it has vitamins I need, fats that I need to absorb my vitamins, and protein that I need. I can’t possibly his junk food, and I happen to be a big fan of raw fish so that means I don’t have to count for cooking oils in calories. I also became a huge fan of soup, because the liquid will make my stomach feel full, but usually calories are under 50. Eggs were also great for me, as long as it was just egg and not tons of cheese and cream added in. • DANGER FOOD AWARENESS! There were definitely also foods that were very dangerous for me, because they would directly lead to a binge or leave me feeling hungry than I was before I started eating. For me? That was a lot of baked goods. I’m just one of those people where I can’t have one cookie. I have to have all of them. A PB&J makes me hungrier, peanut butter in general is actual crack for me. Gotta avoid it.
• I avoid diet talk with others IRL because they end up accusing me of concern farming, of RED behaviors, or just lying. I’ve had people actually tell me I must be lying about my weight loss, and at the beginning essentially say “HA yeah sure ok”. Demoralizing for no damn reason, and concern when I’m literally not dying or even sick. I feel better than I ever have. • Use your hair and nails to tell you where your nutrition is! Breaking and crumbling nails means you’re deficient, take a fish oil pill and a multivitamin because some vitamins NEED FAT to be absorbed by your body.
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swugarbunny · 9 months
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5 things you need to start doing to become your best version
Healthy Diet
Being healthy is one of the most important things in someones life. Having good health expands the range of things you can do, even in your day to day life. A few things you should be doing to stay health is having a good diet, exercising, and getting good rest. All of these are equally important and work together to have a happy and healthy body! When I say having a good diet, that absolutely does not mean have a exaggerated calorie deficit and under-eating. A healthy diet is one where you should be consuming 1600 calories at the least and 2000 to just maintain the weight youre at. But there is more to a diet then just calories. You should be eating carbs, protein, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. When people tell you to stay away from fruits because of the sugar dont! Those are natural and healthy sugars that are MEANT to be in your diet. All of those health tips you see about cutting out natural foods are total myths. The only things you should be cutting out are processed and unnatural foods instead of cutting out the healthy natural ones. We are meant to be eating what is naturally native to the earth. A healthy diet will truly consist all of your food groups (link to article on what you should eat). Another thing that needs to be in your diet is WATER. Water is so important for your body. It brings nutrients to your cells, gets rid of waste, brings protection to your joints and organs, and maintains body temperature. Its overall super beneficial and great for you! Please make sure the have THREE meals a day and each of them being balanced meals with your food groups in them. If wanted I can go into more depth and provide you with meal ideas!
2. Exercise
Guys I know it's hard to start a workout journey, but once you get it going YOU WILL BE ADDICTED! Exercising is amazing for your body and seeing results is one of the most satisfying thing, seeing the work youve done pay off. Research has shown that working out can improve your brain health and mental health. It's not just good for you physically, but mentally too! Of course it has its incredible physical effects like changing your physique, but it also reduces risk of disease, strengthens your bones, and increases your life span. Us as humans absolutely need to workout because of the fact that our species has evolved and we dont do physical labor like we used to do many many years ago. We have to get our physical exercise one way or another right? If you would like workout routine suggestions, workout channels, and workout videos just say so!
3. Set Goals
If you dont have any goals then what are we trying to accomplish!? of course becoming a better version of yourself is a goal, but you need to come up with goals for YOURSELF!! of course everyone wants to be a better person, but everybody has something personal to themselves that maybe they want to accomplish. no matter how big or how small or how accepting people in your life like your parents or friends might be of it, if its important to you then go for it. I dont just want you setting goals that you think you can reach, i want you setting goals that you might think are impossible right now, but once you reach them youll see that it wasnt as impossible as it seemed. pushing yourself to do more then what you think you can do instead of just going for what you know you can do will truly test your limits and see your true capabilities. take time to discover your strengths. I believe that goals are essential in life to really know what you want to achieve. with that being said it is definitely an important part of becoming your best version.
4. Surround Yourself with Good People
I know some of us definitely know or are even friends with some people who probably arent the best for all of us and our lives. the best solution to this is cut them off. I dont care if you think its mean or you think they are good people, i need you to really think about it and ask yourself these questions: are they a good influence, are they smart, and if theyre my friend how are they benefitting me? once you have your answer you need to determine if theyre worth keeping in your life. from a first person experience, the group of people your friends with directly influences your choices and your personality. not only have i experienced it, but ive watched people over the years change because of the groups of people they started hanging out with. having a good group of people in your life and good influences is one of the most important things for your mental health as those are the people you see probably almost everyday. the best way to find your group of people, is to be yourself. you probably hear be yourself in cheesy movies, but its true. you need to be your true self to find people that actually like you. one of the only ways to make friends is through common interests, hobbies, and experiences. so in other words being yourself will get you true friends that are good for you and fit you. so becoming a better person doesnt just rely on how you are, but how the people you choose to be in your life influence you.
5. Confidence
being confident is often mistaken for being arrogant or egotistical, but its just having love for yourself and being aware that youre amazing! confidence is more important then some of us think. it makes us more successful, improves our mental health, and just makes us happier. confidence in everything we do gives us greater motivation and helps us believe in ourselves more ( relating back to the goals! these are all connected ) in every thing you do in your daily life. confidence helps each and everyone of else make decisions for ourselves and saying no to engaging in risky behavior and activities ( OMG CIRCLING BACK TO FRIENDS TOO??). being confident is simply one of the most important things to have as it literally affects everything we do every day in our lives. always stay confident in yourself in every single way, from your decisions to your looks.
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i hope you all can benefit for the five things that will improve you as a person in 2024 !!! if anybody has a suggestion for more posts , workout channels , and anything you may want to see in the future feel free to dm me !!!
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jeneelestrange · 9 months
I see a lot of chronic illness people going to like, the scariest possible disgnoses without ruling shit out, which I GET BELIEVE ME because your body is screaming that it’s on fire and like two hundred years ago any of these things might have killed us but like……I’m more and more convinced a surprising amount of the time the answer boils down to a crack in the system from the fact that doctors have the least amount of training in nutrition and sussing out malabsorption/food allergies/intolerances, and even then, doing it is a BITCH and can’t be done in five minutes by throwing a pill at it, which insurance companies hate. Like, these have to be things we’re not testing or really looking into often or aren’t easy to look into.
Your heart’s fucking up? Ok, every doctor’s got a minimum of 100 hours on that. Nutrition issue? 25 hours. A lot of schools don’t even meet that and are suss on how they even count that. And don’t even get me started on nutrition RESEARCH which is the red headed stepchild and long story short there’s a long-winded reason why it feels like one year you’ll hear something like “Blueberries cause cancer!!!!” and “Blueberries cure cancer!!!!” the next and even a lot of the basics are built on pretty hnghhhhh suss shit but ANYWAY.
Think about it—if you are not absorbing a nutrient, you’re going to have symptoms that affect YOUR ENTIRE BODY. BELIEVE ME, I have confirmed four of them, and incredibly likely a fifth. Many of them cause anxiety, depression, fatigue, and believe me, it’s DEBILITATING(fyi if you look it up and have a LOT of anemia symptoms but your CBC is always normal, you may have too much folic acid for reasons I won’t get into for brevity and that hides it on the CBC—insist on a homocysteine blood test, if you have high cholesterol like just about every adult ever the doctor can use the ICD-10 code 78.00–certain countries like America also just have much lower standards for B12 for like, I don’t even know what reason even though the WHO has recommended the international standard be set to that of where Europe and Japan is at—ask me how I know all this hahaha 🙃). And if your doctor is shitty—depression, anxiety, and fatigue no matter how outrageous just gets you an SSRI consistently only.
And if you’re a fat woman and the deficiencies make you anxious and depressed? God help you. God. Help. You. They are looking for weight loss and even if they know micronutrients exist and would NOT cause that hmmmm or you could just have IBS and have depression and need to calm down, right? I could tell my GI doctor had only read the top sheet of my progress notes with the GI symptoms only and was probably like “abdominal pain lol” because unfortunately people in this office had a tendency to do that and then immediately stick their foot in their mouth. I told him I was concerned about malabsorption issues and he said, “But why? People with that are usually skin and bones.” I just paused aghast for a moment and said, “I have four vitamin deficiencies????? Three of them are different forms of anemia????? Might even have a fifth one but I’m not that interested in getting off magnesium for a month and getting full body cramps, migraines, and muscle twitches again for a blood test that isn’t very accurate.” I have never seen someone so quickly read a chart and say, “Well you’ve convinced me!!! Let’s schedule a colonoscopy!!!” and try to get out of the room.
You have to check off all the little weird shit your body is doing for the record so they can’t say they didn’t know, yes, the weird bruises that you don’t know where they come from, yes, the nosebleeds, everything. I used to be really butthurt about the diagnosis of fibromyalgia until I realized there’s very few ICD-10 codes that can be used to test for vitamin-D deficiency, so unfortunately some things are about getting us the best care in a broken system.
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seeminglyseph · 11 months
I did find apothecary diaries manga, am gonna end up reading for a while, but it is absolutely giving me that itch to create a court system with like. Multiple different class structures and stuff. Because I understand apothecary diaries is about a fictional not-China kinda setup since it’s like. Not based on a real Emperor and real consorts but inspired by historical fiction to make an interesting story about a girl who is a lady in waiting to a consort of the Emperor. But also a skilled Apothecary/pharmacist and medical care provider. And kind of a botanist but when it comes to the more Chinese influenced medicine I think it really overlaps but I’m very ignorant about a lot of Chinese medicines because it’s been really undervalued here. Which really makes it more interesting to learn about it ‘cause like… a majority of modern medicine is adapted from natural medicine so it’s like. Just finding the chemical compounds that causes the reaction and doing advanced chemistry that I don’t understand because I didn’t pass grade 12 chemistry even let alone going into university and doing pharmacy sciences, so it’s all connected and important.
Natural and chemical is the same thing half the time. I’m just too fuckin stupid to understand it. And Chinese herbs aren’t local so i don’t know what they do. There’s a plantain herb here that’s not a very large banana that my mom’s made into a really good pain relief cream, same with turmeric, that’s really good for inflammation too. And they don’t make my eyes burn like menthol so it’s good for the jaw pain I get. I might have th wrong name for the plantain herb. My mom grows it but most people pluck it like a weed and throw it out. Honestly same with camomile up here, it grows wild like a weed. And dandelions have a lot of herbal properties. I think they make a really good anti-itch cream… though that might be the camomile. Most of this stuff my mom’s been making. I haven’t been as involved ‘cause I haven’t been as active. But there’s really cool stuff with really good properties. I’m just. Local to northern Canada. So I know different herbs.
All that to say this series is my jam and the episode where she has to deal with convincing well meaning but ignorant busybodies the correct ways to care for a bedridden sick person is really cathartic. Like honestly just “hey you have to feed a sick person food they can actually digest and not ‘health food’” was like. My struggle with convincing people I needed to eat the right food so that I had enough energy to digest more complex food instead of just having it run through me or having my body reject it. Like having people force me to eat “healthy” high fibre food when my body literally didn’t have enough energy to digest it so I just passed it and therefore gained no energy from the food and became sicker was so frustrating because then they would get mad at me for not eating something nutritional when what I needed was something calorically dense just so that I could have the energy to digest something with nutrition. You need energy to digest food. That’s how people can starve while eating. That’s one of the key signs of malnutrition. If you have green diarrhea or you have a child with green diarrhea, it’s because the food is not getting digested and it might be like. Because the body doesn’t have enough calories to digest the food getting eaten. That’s why recovering from a starvation event it is important to start slow and eat carb and fat dense meals and ease into fibres, supplement the vitamins with medication. It’s difficult. Rice and bread are stables because We Need Carbs To Live. Carbs give us the energy to digest the rest of our food. Fats give us the energy to live. They are vital to our existence.
This is a pro-food blog. Alway everyday all day amen hallelujah peanut butter.
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Why Is Nutrition So Important?
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A healthy diet is crucial to allow your body to function effectively and remain healthy. Six kinds of nutrients make up food. These nutrients include macronutrients, protein, carbohydrates as well as fats and micronutrients which include minerals and vitamins. It can be challenging to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle, lose weight, and live a happy life if your diet isn't the right combination.
If you have read any of my articles, you will see how I place such a big focus on the 3 macronutrients since they are the basis of your fitness or weight loss goals! In this regard I'll give you a brief description of the six classes of nutrients and discuss why they are essential for a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
1. Protein
2. Carbohydrates
3. Fats
4. Vitamins
5. Minerals
6. Water
Good nutrition is essential for building muscle.
Proteins break down in your body into amino acids after you eat protein-rich foods. These amino acids are then used to build and repair any muscles. This is great news for those who train or are physically active. This will allow you to recover faster than if protein is not consumed. Protein is a crucial component of every tissue within the body. It is essential to ensure you are getting sufficient protein from your diet. Your immune and nervous system also depend on protein.
Good Nutrition Provides Energy
When talking about nutrition and our bodies my preferred analogy is the racecar. To maintain your car's optimal performance, it is essential to maintain it with regular fuel, change the oil frequently and get new tires. You'll eventually be devalued in your body when you fail to do these things. But, if the correct actions are taken and followed, you'll be on your way to a healthier lifestyle and reaping the rewards that come with this.
Carbohydrates are a food that gives you energy to get through the day. Glycogen is a key ingredient to maintain the energy levels of your day. After you consume carbs, the pancreas produces the hormone insulin. Insulin assists in allowing the carbohydrates to be stored in the muscles, or in fat. The body stores carbohydrates that are also known as glycogen. Glycogen (stored carbohydrates) is essential to be present in your body prior to training. These will provide energy and assist in losing more fat in a shorter time.
Good Nutrition and Fats?
One of the most popular diet myths is that fats cause you to gain weight. In the first place that, without fats, you'll not be able to survive. They are one of three macronutrients. The stored fats are the main source of energy.
Fats are a source of 9 calories per gram. They keep your body warm during colder seasons. They lubricate joints, which gives you more flexibility and mobility in your exercise routine. Fats are also a dwelling spot for fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K. These vitamins are stored within our body's fat , and may be toxic if a large amount is consumed.
Most people don't know what the distinction is between monounsaturated, saturated and polyunsaturated oils. This is a typical misconception that I see. Take a look at my Truth About Fats Article for additional information.
Vitamins and Minerals
Minerals and vitamins are essential minerals that our bodies require to function properly but also allow chemical reactions to happen in a quicker rate. They are required just like the 3 macronutrients, but only in small quantities. Vitamin B complex is beneficial for health because they reduce carbs, which will provide you with energy. Although vitamins and minerals are available from certain foods, they are often not sufficient to support the healthy lifestyle and weight loss.
Don't Forget About Your Water
The people who are overweight or unhealthy don't drink sufficient fluids. This is among the biggest problems I see. They substitute water for sugary sodas, or other drinks that are high in sugar. Around 65% of our bodies are composed of water. It is essential for our bodies to live. Water is as vital as a nutritious diet. It also acts as a cleanse and detox your body.
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healthy-diet12 · 23 days
Java Burn: The Coffee Companion You Didn’t Know You Needed
If you’re anything like me, your day doesn’t officially start until you’ve had that first cup of coffee. There’s something magical about that warm, aromatic brew that kicks your brain into gear and makes you feel like you can conquer the world. But what if your morning cup could do more than just wake you up? What if it could actually help you lose weight? That’s where Java Burn comes into play.
What Is Java Burn?
Java Burn is a dietary supplement that’s designed to be added to your coffee. It comes in a tasteless, powder form that dissolves instantly, so you won’t even know it’s there. But don’t let its subtlety fool you—Java Burn is packed with ingredients that are said to boost your metabolism, help you burn fat, and even improve your overall energy levels.
The Magic Behind Java Burn: How Does It Work?
At its core, Java Burn is all about synergy. You know how coffee already gives you a bit of a metabolic boost? Java Burn takes that natural effect and amplifies it with a blend of carefully selected ingredients. Here’s a breakdown of some of the key components:
Green Tea Extract: Known for its fat-burning properties, green tea extract is a staple in many weight loss supplements. It contains catechins, which help to accelerate fat loss by boosting your metabolism.
L-Theanine: This amino acid works hand-in-hand with caffeine. While caffeine gives you that jolt of energy, L-Theanine helps to smooth it out, preventing the jitters and crashes often associated with coffee.
Chromium: This trace mineral is essential for regulating blood sugar levels. By keeping your blood sugar in check, chromium helps to reduce cravings, making it easier to stick to a healthy diet.
Chlorogenic Acid: Found naturally in coffee beans, this compound is known for its ability to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the digestive tract, which can help to prevent spikes in blood sugar levels.
Vitamins D3, B6, and B12: These vitamins are crucial for energy production and overall well-being. They help to keep your body running smoothly, so you can feel your best throughout the day.
How to Use Java Burn
One of the best things about Java Burn is how easy it is to use. Simply add a packet of the powder to your morning coffee, stir, and drink as usual. Since the powder is tasteless, it won’t alter the flavour of your coffee, so you can still enjoy your favourite brew just the way you like it.
It’s recommended to take Java Burn with your coffee every morning for the best results. However, consistency is key here. While you might start to feel more energized right away, the weight loss benefits typically become more noticeable after a few weeks of regular use.
Does Java Burn Really Work?
Now, the million-dollar question: does Java Burn actually work? The truth is, results can vary from person to person. Some users have reported noticeable weight loss within a few weeks, while others have found that it takes a bit longer to see significant changes.
However, what’s consistent across most reviews is the increase in energy levels. Many people find that they feel more awake and alert throughout the day, without the typical caffeine crash. This could be due to the combination of caffeine with L-Theanine, which helps to create a more balanced energy boost.
Are There Any Side Effects?
Because Java Burn is made with natural ingredients, it’s generally considered safe for most people. However, as with any supplement, it’s always a good idea to check with your healthcare provider before starting, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
Some users have reported mild side effects like jitteriness or upset stomach, but these are relatively rare and usually subside as your body gets used to the supplement. If you’re particularly sensitive to caffeine, you might want to start with a smaller dose to see how your body reacts.
Who Should Try Java Burn?
Java Burn is ideal for anyone who’s looking to boost their metabolism and lose a few extra pounds, especially if you’re already a coffee lover. It’s a convenient, easy-to-use supplement that fits seamlessly into your morning routine. Plus, it’s a great option for those who are looking for a natural, no-fuss way to enhance their weight loss efforts.
The Verdict
In a world where there’s no shortage of weight loss supplements, Java Burn stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness. By combining the benefits of coffee with powerful, metabolism-boosting ingredients, Java Burn offers a unique approach to weight loss that’s both enjoyable and easy to stick with.
Of course, like any supplement, it’s not a magic bullet. To see the best results, you’ll want to combine Java Burn with a balanced diet and regular exercise. But if you’re looking for a little extra help in reaching your weight loss goals, Java Burn might just be the coffee companion you didn’t know you needed.
So go ahead, pour yourself a cup, add a packet of Java Burn, and start your day off on the right foot. Here’s to a healthier, more energized you!
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thekitchnpro · 3 years
Best Gluten Free Flours to Use for Baking
New Post has been published on https://thekitchnpro.com/best-gluten-free-flours-to-use-for-baking/
Best Gluten Free Flours to Use for Baking
Do you love baked goods, but have a gluten allergy? Or do you know someone that cannot tolerate gluten in any form? If you answered yes to either of those questions, you may be searching for a few of the best gluten free flours. There are many different types of flours that do not contain gluten. However, not all those flours are considered good for baking. We have discovered the best gluten free flours for baking and we are going to share them with you today. 
Almond Flour
Almond flour is one of the unique gluten-free flours you can use for baking. In fact, we recommend using this flour if you want to add a twist to the taste of a favorite baked good. While you can purchase almond flour at the store, you can make your own by grinding blanched almonds into a very fine flour.
Quinoa is one of those nutty-flavored side dishes we have all come to love. However, once quinoa is ground down into a flour, it becomes quite bitter. No worries, as long as you have the right recipe, that bitterness will not be tasted in your baked goods. We recommend using this protein filled flour to make items like zucchini bread.
You can purchase a timer in the kitchen section at any store. However, you can also use the timer on your watch or home hub like Amazon’s Alexa or Google’s Nest. It doesn’t really matter what type of timer you use, as long as you use one that will notify you it is time to take something out of the oven.
Rice Flour
Rice flour contains lots of fiber, protein, vitamin B, iron, and manganese. You can easily use rice flour in many different dishes, but we love using it in our baked goods. It is best to purchase a quality brand of rice flour, because some lesser-known brands have been known to contain harmful chemicals.
Coconut Flour
If you want to follow a low-carb diet, as well as go the gluten free route, we recommend using coconut flour for your baked goods. This gluten free flour contains lots of fiber and healthy saturated fats. Since there is a lower glycemic index, your blood sugar won’t spike, and you will feel full for much longer. We recommend using coconut flour for cookies and cakes, but you can also use it for pancakes and waffles.
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Corn Flour
Corn is naturally gluten free, so you can easily use this flour to prevent gluten from sneaking into your diet. Most people use corn flour to make cornbread. However, you can mix it with other types of gluten free flours to make other baked goods. We just don’t recommend using corn flour on its own for most baked goods, other than the aforementioned cornbread.
Bean Flour
If you are looking for one of the best gluten free flours, you don’t need to look any further than bean flour. You may hear this flour referred to as chickpea flour, gram flour, or Besan flour. Raw chickpeas are ground together to make this flour and those chickpeas help improve the texture of what you are baking. We recommend using bean flour for everything, but especially quick breads, cakes, and muffins.
These are the best gluten free flours you must use for baking. Each one will offer a little twist to your favorite baked goods. However, you will be impressed at how good those baked goods taste without all the gluten!
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dot-24 · 3 months
Effective Ways to Pass a Drug Test: Natural Detox vs. Detox Products
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How to Pass a Drug Test: Comparing Natural Detox Methods and Detox Products
Picture this: You’ve just landed your dream job interview, but then you remember, there’s a drug test coming up! Your heart sinks. Whether it’s for work, sports, or a medical reason, passing a drug test can be nerve-wracking. Don’t worry! We’re here to help you understand how you can detox your body naturally or with the help of detox products. Let’s dive into what you need to know to ace that test.
What is a Drug Test?
A drug test looks for traces of illegal or prescription drugs in your body. It can be done using samples of urine, blood, saliva, or hair. Employers, schools, or sports organizations might require you to take one.
Natural Detox Methods
**1. Drink Plenty of Water
Water is your best friend. It helps flush out toxins from your body. Start drinking more water a few days before the test. But remember, too much water can make your urine clear, which might be suspicious. Aim for a normal color.
**2. Healthy Diet
Eating fruits and vegetables can speed up the detox process. Foods high in fiber like broccoli, kale, and beans can help clean your system. Avoid greasy and junk foods because they slow down the process.
**3. Exercise Regularly
Sweating helps get rid of toxins. Exercise a few days before the test, but don’t overdo it right before the test because your body releases THC stored in fat cells, which might show up in your test.
**4. Sleep Well
Good sleep helps your body detoxify. Make sure you get enough rest each night leading up to the test.
**5. Avoid Further Drug Use
This might sound obvious, but it's crucial to avoid using drugs once you know you'll be tested. The longer the gap between use and the test, the better your chances of passing.
Detox Products
**1. Detox Drinks
These are drinks that claim to cleanse your system quickly. They usually contain vitamins and herbs. You drink them a few hours before the test. Follow the instructions carefully for the best results.
**2. Detox Pills
These pills are taken over several days and are supposed to speed up your body’s natural detox process. They often work by increasing urination to flush out toxins.
**3. Detox Shampoos
For hair tests, detox shampoos can help remove drug residues from your hair. Follow the directions closely, and make sure you apply them several times before the test.
**4. Synthetic Urine
Some people use fake urine, but this can be risky. It must have the right temperature and composition to pass as real urine. It's not recommended unless you’re desperate, as getting caught can have serious consequences.
Which Method Should You Choose?
Choosing between natural detox and detox products depends on several factors:
1. Time Frame
Natural Detox: Best if you have a week or more before the test.
Detox Products: Good for last-minute tests, typically a few hours or days before.
2. Type of Test
Urine Test: Both methods can work. Detox drinks are popular for their quick effects.
Hair Test: Detox shampoos might be your best bet, although natural detox over time can help.
Blood/Saliva Test: Natural detox usually works better since these tests are harder to fool with products.
3. Health and Safety
Natural Detox: Generally safer and healthier, especially for your long-term well-being.
Detox Products: Some may have side effects, so check the ingredients and reviews.
4. Reliability
Natural Detox: Can be more reliable if done properly over time.
Detox Products: Can be hit or miss. Some work well; others don’t. Always read reviews and do your research.
Pros and Cons
Natural Detox
Safe and healthy
Good for your overall well-being
No risk of suspicious test results
Takes time
Requires lifestyle changes
Detox Products
Fast results
Convenient for last-minute tests
Can be expensive
Might not always work
Potential side effects
Helpful Tips
Know Your Test Date: Plan your detox strategy according to how much time you have.
Stay Calm: Stress can affect your body and your test results.
Follow Instructions: Whether it’s a natural detox or a detox product, always follow the guidelines closely.
Test Yourself: Home drug test kits can give you an idea if you're ready to take the real test.
Be Honest: If you’re caught using fake urine or other tricks, it can have serious consequences.
Passing a drug test can be stressful, but with the right preparation, you can improve your chances. Whether you choose natural detox methods or detox products, make sure to plan ahead, stay informed, and take care of your body. Good luck!
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molianno · 5 months
What do you know about eye SPA?
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Eye SPA, you know, the skin of the eye is the most vulnerable part of the skin tissue of the body, so it is more likely to reflect the signs of ill health than other parts of the body. Modern women's life and work pressure is greater, often stay up late coupled with long-term use of computers, eyes are easy to fatigue, resulting in eye puffiness, bags, dark circles, fine lines and other problems.
What is Eye SPA
Eye SPA is a special care that applies the concept of SPA to the eyes for the eyes, and makes the skin thoroughly relax, relieve pressure and deep treatment. Eye SPA care is the use of eye care products with high moisture content, the use of its abundant moisture and nutrients for the eye skin to do bathing water massage treatment, mainly for the elimination of blood toxins in the eye skin, treatment of long-term physical damage and various eye problems caused by fatigue pressure, dry water and improper use of maintenance products.
What kind of person needs an eye SPA
Not without dark circles, dark spots, fine lines of people do not need eye SPA care, eye pressure or long-term use of eyes are suitable for eye SPA, in addition to improve the skin problems more thoroughly relieve eye pressure so that the eye in a healthy balance state.
How to choose eye SPA care products
Choosing the right care products for eye SPA is the first required course, using the wrong texture or composition of care products will only backfire, leaving the skin in a worse state; Gelatinous eye care products have the most water content and are most suitable for eye SPA, while frosty products are not suitable for eye SPA because they have less water content and are too oily. In addition, although over-nourishing maintenance products can improve some skin problems, they also have the possibility of forming "fat granules".
Skin care products with deep seaweed extract and gherkin natural ingredients are very suitable for eye SPA treatment, it contains abundant water and nutrients, and has special effects on eye pressure relief and moisture nourishment, and gherkin ingredients are mild, you do not have to worry about irritation to the eyes and cause redness and allergies. Other supplements that contain vitamin B5 and fat-soluble vitamin C boost metabolism and make the eye skin supple. Usually contain natural plant ingredients maintenance products have a light fragrance, which is a kind of enjoyment in the eye SPA process.
There is also dark circles essential oil, which can promote circulation and fade dark circles; Eye bag essential oil, its role is to tighten and loosen the skin, enhance the face line.
How to use different eye care products
Eye essence: Its carrier is extremely small, good permeability, essence ingredients can be the most effective delivery to the deep skin. But at the same time, the moisturizing ability is also poor, and it needs to be combined with eye cream to achieve the best care effect. It can be used daily.
Eye cream: The most conventional eye care product, with a light texture and no oil, can moderately and effectively protect the eye area. Many eye creams now come with an SPF number to provide more comprehensive protection. It is recommended that different products can be used day and night according to different needs.
Eye gel: Its lighter texture makes it more suitable for oily skin and younger skin to replenish moisture and combat early aging.
Eye mask: Just like a mask, it is a deeper and more effective protection and first aid for the eyes. At present, the eye mask on the market has a variety of textures and carriers, a variety of tailoring methods, and the efficacy is also very detailed. With the daily use of eye products, can achieve the effect of refueling and charging eyes. It is suitable to use it 2-3 times a week.
Specific methods of using eye mask
(1) Eye mask Prelude:
A. Use professional eye makeup remover to do thorough eye cleaning, which can prevent pigmentation caused by makeup residue.
B, use non-alcoholic toner on the skin around the eyes, can promote the absorption of eye cream. However, be sure to note that the ingredients are mild enough and that the instructions for using the product suggest avoiding the eye area. 
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billconrad · 6 months
The French Paradox
    Every day, we humans add to our vast knowledge, experience, and abilities. For example, we can see a single atom with a microscope, use our cell phones to watch the latest music video or plan our day according to a super accurate weather forecast. We even know all about black holes. What are those? They are massive objects in space that scientists cannot see, but we know (somehow???) they have unusual properties.
    I wanted to explore one aspect of modern life that has been thoroughly studied since the first caveman’s girlfriend said, “You’re fat. I’m going to find a tinner caveman to date.”
    Today, we have food pyramids, diet books, calorie counters, phone dieting apps, smart scales, nutrition consultants, diet coaches, diet foods, Paleo diets, dash diets, gluten-free foods, intermittent fasting, vegetarian options, spin classes, w3atches that count how many steps we have taken, and fitness clubs. It is all right there. Follow plan X to have a fit, thin, and healthy life. GUARNTEED or your money back. Yay!
    What is plan X? Eat low-fat foods, avoid carbohydrates, add vegetables, thoroughly chew your food, exercise daily, eat lots of vitamins, see your doctor, hire a fitness coach, avoid meat, and stay far away from gluten. Yes, plan X works 100% of the time! No exceptions.
    Well, there is one tiny exception. By the known standards of modern medicine, having a French lifestyle and eating French food is a sure plan for a dreadful life and an early grave. What do the French eat? Cheese, wine, butter, sausage, fats, heavy sauces, and gluten-packed bread. Their lifestyle? They exercise, but not to excess.
    Yet, the French population has above-average fitness, happiness, and lifespan levels. What is going on? Despite years of study, scientists, nutritionists, fitness experts, and doctors do not know. Well, it must be one of two things. Either our medical knowledge is wrong, or the entire population of France is fooling the medical experts.
    Is the problem really that black and white? This exception is not a rounding error, oversight, or optical illusion. The nation of Frace does not follow the accepted medical guidelines, yet paradoxically, they are mentally and physically healthy. As further proof, I have been to France and witnessed their happy attitudes, fit bodies, and eating habits.
    Well, what does this mean? Should we throw away our diet books, exclusively eat French food and adopt a French lifestyle to improve our health? That is where things get interesting. In 1991, Serge Renaud, a scientist from Bordeaux University, presented a paper that coined the phrase. Since 1991, many studies have defended traditional medicine while attempting to debunk the French Paradox. It seems that the medical establishment is working hard to come out on top of this debate. They feel the French Paradox is an illusion.
    Yet… As I have stated, I have been to France and seen their healthy people. So, what do I think is going on? Of course, my opinion differs from that of professionals, scientists, and diet coaches. I live in California, and we are known for our excellent wine and cheese. I have also purchased French wines and cheeses in California. To me, they taste no different. However, the food in France was vastly different.
    Every evening, we made a ritual of going to a liquor store to purchase a bottle of wine (chosen only by the label decorations), to the cheese store to buy a selection, and to the bakery to purchase a baguette. This was a heavenly experience, and the food disappeared quickly. During the day, we went to the local restaurants, and while the portion sizes were small, the food was tasty. Wine with dinner? It was less expensive than soda. We walked around Paris and went to the museums for the rest of the day.
    France has a reputation for mean people, but I never encountered one. They were all friendly and had a relaxed lifestyle. Yet there was more to them. It was as if they had figured out something that the rest of the world had missed. Their take on life was more evolved, open-minded, and centered.
    Our trip ended with us feeling great and a little thinner. I recommend you go to France and experience their exceptional food and culture. Yet, I have not explained my theory. In engineering, there is what we call an onion problem. The idea is that multiple interacting issues are causing a failure, and the engineer must isolate each one. I think the French Paradox is this exact type of issue.
    Why is the wine, cheese, and bread better in France? California law and shopping preference require preservatives to maintain shelf life and save us from something… Preservatives adversely affect flavor and hinder our health. France does not have high preservative levels, so the food tastes better and is healthier.
    My theory is that people like good-tasting and healthy food. When our bodies get quality food, they do not have to gorge on junk food. I rarely saw them eating fast/junk food as we traveled.
    The second part of my theory is that a positive attitude affects fitness, health, and diet. A nervous person is more likely to eat and have poor health. In France, they let things slide. Plus, a small amount of red wine calms nerves.
    Also, the attitude of a nation is not a trait that comes from diet, exercise, psychology, or medical books. Therefore, the pleasant French outlook is big to study, categorize, or appreciate. French paradox is an extensive interconnecting set of parameters that cannot be categorized or replicated outside their borders.
    Yet, there is a big problem with my explanation. The French population has low cholesterol levels. Cheese, bread, butter, and heavy sauces contribute to high cholesterol. So, what is going on? Is it the wine? Maybe, but probably not. So, please ignore my entire theory.
    And this is my point. Even with all the information available, I do not know what is happening, nor does everybody else. I use the French Paradox to remind myself that I do not know everything. The paradox rattles around in my bonkers mind to keep me grounded, asking questions and acting less arrogant. But… I wish thinking about the French Paradox could help eliminate my gut.
    You’re the best -Bill
    April 04, 2024
    Hey, book lovers, I published four. Please check them out:
    Interviewing Immortality. A dramatic first-person psychological thriller that weaves a tale of intrigue, suspense, and self-confrontation.
    Pushed to the Edge of Survival. A drama, romance, and science fiction story about two unlikely people surviving a shipwreck and living with the consequences.
    Cable Ties. A slow-burn political thriller that reflects the realities of modern intelligence, law enforcement, department cooperation, and international politics.
    Saving Immortality. Continuing in the first-person psychological thriller genre, James Kimble searches for his former captor to answer his life’s questions.
    These books are available in softcover on Amazon and in eBook format everywhere.
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xtruss · 7 months
Five Things You Should Know Before Trusting That Supplement
Collagen. Probiotics. Every Letter of Vitamin Under the Sun. Your Local Drugstore is Full of Them—But How Much Do They Actually Do For You?
— By Amy McKeever | February 28, 2024
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Rows of Gel Capsules on a Blue Surface. Although Dietary Shupplements have Become a Multibillion-Dollar Industry, they're not all effective—and some could even be harmful. Photograph By Helner Müller-Elsner, Laif/Redux
What if you could take one pill and suddenly have more energy, better skin, and a healthier heart? That’s the promise that beckons every time I walk by the supplements aisle at my local drugstore—filled with fish oil capules, jugs of collagen powder, magnesium chews, and every letter of vitamin under the sun.
It’s tempting. So it’s no wonder that supplements are projected to balloon to a $200-Billion Global Industry By 2025.
But I've always had a healthy dose of skepticism about how much any of these supplements can really do and whether they’re worth the cost. These are some of the insights from our previous reporting on supplements—with the very important caveat that you should always consult your doctor first about health decisions.
1) Supplements Aren’t Strictly Regulated.
Nearly every story we’ve published about supplements hits on one key point: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration doesn’t regulate dietary supplements in the same way as it does food and drugs—meaning companies don’t need to submit products to the FDA for approval before putting them on the market.
This can lead to some misleading labels. Jen Messer, a registered dietitian and president elect of the New Hampshire Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, pointed our reporter Daryl Austin to an analysis of 57 dietary supplements. It found that 84 percent didn’t contain the amount of ingredients claimed, 40 percent didn’t have any of the ingredients claimed—and 12 percent “contained undeclared ingredients, which is prohibited by the FDA," she said in our November 2023 article.
It also means that companies don’t need to provide the FDA with evidence that their products actually do what their labels purport to do. “It's the Wild West right now,” David Hibbett, a professor of biology at Clark University, told us in our January 2024 story about the booming market of mushroom supplements like chaga and lion’s mane. “The evidence is still very, very limited and, certainly in my mind, does not warrant the very strong marketing of these products as nutritional supplements.”
2) Not Everyone Should Take Them—Even Multivitamins.
I grew up thinking that taking a multivitamin a day was the epitome of health, but this isn’t true for everyone, we reported in June 2023—and you should consult a doctor before you start a daily multivitamin regimen.
There are a few reasons why. For one, multivitamins can interfere with certain drugs like antibiotics or blood thinners. Additionally, people with liver or kidney disease might not be able to efficiently clear the high levels of nutrients contained in a multivitamin. Finally, it’s possible for anyone to get too much of a good thing. (More on this in a bit.)
Ultimately, as with everything, it comes down to your individual needs.
3) The Body Doesn’t Break All Vitamins Down the Same Way.
But it’s not just your own personal health factors to keep in mind. Some vitamins are also absorbed differently in the body—which can make a big difference in deciding whether to take them.
Experts warned in a story we published in November 2023 to be particularly careful with vitamins A and E because they are fat-soluble. This means that the body stores these nutrients in your liver and fatty tissues for future use rather than quickly breaking them down and metabolizing them as it does for other types of vitamins. Large doses of either one could actually harm you.
4) It’s Possible to Overdo It.
As I’ve been alluding to here, there is such a thing as vitamin toxicity—or consuming so much of these nutrients that they actually begin to harm rather than help you.
Take, vitamin A, for example: Exceeding the daily upper intake limit of 3,000 micrograms can ultimately cause issues like joint pain, liver damage, and birth defects. High doses of vitamin E can interfere with blood clotting, causing hemorrhages, among other issues. And an excess of vitamin D can cause nausea, muscle weakness, confusion, vomiting, and dehydration.
5) Food is the Best Way to Get Nutrients.
Many nutrients like collagen and vitamin C are already abundant in the foods that make up a typical diet—and eating whole, unprocessed foods, such as fiber-rich vegetables and fruit, is often a more efficient way to get the vitamins, minerals, and probiotics your body needs, Cleveland Clinic nutritionist Gail Cresci told us in March 2023. “Taking a probiotic or a probiotic supplement," she said, "isn’t going to fix a bad diet."
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deputyparrish · 7 months
You'll Appreciate These Interesting Tips About Vitamins And Minerals
Vitamins and minerals are an essential part of life. You get the foods and vitamins you need from practicing the right dietary habits and supplementing your diet where needed. The following pertinent information about important vitamins and minerals can help you get started making sure you're following the proper diet.
If you are lacking in the vitamin department, you should consider changing your diet. While many people take this as a sign that they need to run to the store and buy a supplement, most of the nutrients you need can be found in food. Do a little research in order to figure out what changes need to be made.
When looking for supplements, make sure that you look for those that are in their purest form. For example, Vitamin D3 is the purest form of this supplement and D2 is the synthetic version. This means that the latter may not be as effective and may possibly give you different results than you had hoped for.
Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, is found in popcorn, asparagus, bananas, green beans, and dairy products. Symptoms of a B2 deficiency can come about in the way of scaly skin and a demonstrable decrease in red blood cells. In addition, vitamin B2 can help ward off cancer, anemia, cataracts and even carpal tunnel syndrome.
Though we may try to eat well, sometimes our budget doesn't allow us to. You can maintain a healthy body by taking supplements, which will allow your body to operate at peak performance to burn fat, digest food, and expunge toxins.
If you give your young children vitamin supplements make sure to keep them stored out of reach of the children. Most children's vitamins are flavored and very similar to candy. This is to encourage children to take them. However, it can also lead to children confusing them with candy. Since it is possible to overdose on vitamins, keep them out of reach.
Now that you have read this article, you should know a lot more about which vitamins and minerals you need. Eating a healthy diet is the most important thing you can do to promote your physical well-being. Use the tips that you have just read to keep yourself fit and strong.
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