#waterfall sounds white noise for sleep
naturesoundstv · 2 years
Static waterfall noise for falling asleep and sleeping deeper at night. Block out unwanted external sounds by playing this natural white noise in your bedroom when you hit the bed at night. Accompanied by footage of Vernal Falls in Yosemite National Park, located in Canada. 10 hours of waterfall sounds to get you through the night
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toprelaxmusic · 6 months
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The sound of a tropical waterfall in the Jungle of Bali
In this video we will take you to a beautiful waterfall in the Bali jungle and the sound of the waterfall will help you relax while the magnificent scenery will give you the joy of contemplating this heavenly place.
The sound of a waterfall is a relaxation that will give you a feeling of freshness and inspiration, be sure to watch this video!
More details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7peNUSKLuY
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Immerse yourself in the natural melody of gentle rain sounds. Let the rhythmic patter of raindrops wash away your worries, reduce stress, and promote mindfulness. Our relaxing rain video is a perfect companion for relaxation, yoga, meditation, or simply finding inner peace.
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fobosplanet · 2 years
4K Peaceful Waterfall Sounds (10 HOURS). Waterfall White Noise for Relaxation. Nature Sounds
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audio-relax · 2 years
Calming mountain waterfall in the jungle. Water White noise. Nature soun...
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nature-fair2021 · 2 years
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I'm a teen aspiring author. I live in a house with three children and my walls and door are not very soundproof. Do you have any tips to get focused not by reducing distractions but getting focused while still being in the middle of chaos?
Focusing Despite the Chaos
Even if you can't eliminate distractions, it's still worth trying to minimize them, so I want to start there... then I'll get to what to do if you can't. Here are some things you might be able to try...
1 - Minimizing Noise - In a perfect world we could all afford a nice pair of noise cancelling headphones, but there are other ways to minimize the noise that reaches your ears. For example, many convenience stores and stores with pharmacy areas sell packets of disposable ear plugs for just a few dollars. These can reduce noise enough to make it less distracting, so definitely worth a try.
2 - Utilize Continuous Sound/"Noise Colors" - Continuous sound, like the deep rumble of a waterfall or the gentle roar of heavy rain, falls on a spectrum called noise colors. White Noise covers all frequencies equally, so it provides a soothing background hum that can help to minimize other sounds. You can find white noise generators via different apps and places like YouTube or web sites like A Soft Murmur. Or, you can put on a loud fan, air purifier, air conditioner, etc. Pink Noise is a little softer, like the fall of gentle rain, so this might be something like a fan on a lower setting. Brown noise is a step lower than that, like the ambient noise you get from having the window open on a quiet but breezy day. White, pink, or brown noise can be a great way to reduce the impact of chaos coming from the rest of the house.
3 - Put on a YouTube Ambience Room - YouTube is absolutely bursting with "ambience rooms" and channels dedicated to study music, sleep music, relaxation music, etc. These can be a fantastic way to promote focus, not only because they give you something steady to listen to, you can often find things that gel thematically with whatever you're writing, which can help you block out other distractions.
4 - Try a ZenWare Writing Program - OmmWriter, ZenWriter, Focus Writer, and others provide features that help you focus on your writing, such as simple interfaces, special typing sounds, white noise and sound generators, and word counters. These are not typically free but are usually reasonably priced.
5 - Shift Your Writing Time - Even a chaotic house has its quiet times. It could be early in the morning before everyone else is awake, late at night after everyone else is in bed, during mealtime, or when everyone is away. Pay attention to when the chaos is at its lowest each day and try to utilize those times for writing if you can.
When you can't minimize the chaos...
Any combination of the above tactics can still be great ways to help you focus a little more, even if it doesn't really reduce the noise or chaos. Just having things like a special screen or special audio to focus on can help you mentally block out distractions. To some degree, it's something that takes some trial and error--to see which tactics work for you--and practice. I know writers who can write on plans, trains, buses, car rides, in the middle of busy places... it's just something they did out of necessity and got good at with time. You will, too. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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deedala · 10 months
tag game WEDNESDAY ☀️
thanks macy for more Q&A! and thanks for tagging me @celestialmickey @energievie @creepkinginc 💗
name: deanna 🌿
age: Noel👏Aged👏
favorite season: 🍁FALL🍁
movies or tv shows? tv shows 📺
do you carry a bag/purse? what kind? i have a couple different things depending on how much im going to need to hold the stuff. backpack for holding, big mom handbag for when its just gonna sit somewhere, and wallet+carabiner+keys for when i mercifully dont need shit except my keys and a credit card.
what color is your water bottle? green with leaves on it 🌿
what color is your phone case? ...also green with leaves on it 🌿
do you sleep in silence or do you need white noise/sounds/music? cannot sleep without brown noise which is white noise but a lower pitch which i just find more soothing!
top sheets: yes or no? absolutely no fuck off 🚫
you’re in the candy aisle at the corner store, what are you grabbing? andes mints!!🍃🍫
preferred mode of travel (plane/train/car/bus/on foot/etc?): i yearn for the days of being able to walk or take the train absolutely everywhere.
what’s your phone background right now? lock screen is my kids in front of the big blue waterfall at pirate golf and my home screen is, as always, @kariniarts's portrait of my lavellan.
are you more of a minimalist or a maximalist? i used to fancy myself a minimalist until my therapist told me i should put pictures of things and people i loved all over my walls to feel less sad about being at home all the time and heck she was so right. 🖼️🖼️🖼️
it’s time to paint your bedroom! what color are you choosing? mint green!!
and finally, tell me something that brings you joy: morning coffee☕️
hey little nuggets, do you wanna play? @michellemisfit @mmmichyyy @mishervellous @themarchg1rl @metalheadmickey @maizzycakes @milkmaidovich @heymrspatel @harrowhark-a-vagrant @too-schoolforcool @tanktopgallavich @transmickey @grossmickey @scurvgirl @gardenerian @sickness-health-all-that-shit @crossmydna @rereadanon @grumble-fish @juliakayyy @sleepyfacetoughguy @canticle-of-apotheosis @callivich @sirrudo @mickeysgaymom @lingy910y @lizelandre @gallawitchxx @ardent-fox @thepupperino @vintagelacerosette @mikhailoisbaby @sisitrip and anyone else who wants to playyyy 💖
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sincerelylea · 2 years
1:36 am. austin. rising upside down.
“tell me how am i to feel.” it wasn’t spoken with veracity or venom on the tongue; not quite. more of a statement. you hadn’t expected an answer. 
it was cool that night. cool enough to sleep with the thicker blanket sprawled on the bed - furnaces of heat shared between your bodies. the light patter of rain began at 10, the heavier fall at around 12. it was music to hear the fat drops hit your home. inside, creating a cacophony of muted white-noise. 
there, in that moment, shared between the rain and your lover, touch becoming an instrument of your infatuation. though you supposed it always had been. but this, this was intimacy in it’s purest form. 
he always looked good surrounded in white and black. his pillow always smelled of his shampoo and musk; though his hair always just smelled nice. like him. 
he left his signature on nearly everything, your favorite being the hoodies and shirts he’d leave around the bedroom. 
“how do you want to feel.” he responds then, breaking you of your trance of tracing his jawline and staring into his face. 
“hmm.” the pads of your fingers leave a cool touch in their wake. his eyes softly close for a moment as you trace the curve of his nose remaining in quiet thought. “i don’t know. i’m just really happy to be here right now.” 
his eyes open, his smile indolent as it stretches handsomely across his face. you prop yourself on an elbow then, gaining better view of him. idle hands rest on the curve of your thigh, you wished to kiss his hands in that moment. 
“you’re happy? that’s good.” he laughs when you do, your hand settling on the side of his face, pushing back messy dirty blonde tufts of hair. 
“how do you want to feel.” you follow up. the rain remains steady, the soft sound of water in the flowing gutters - like small homemade waterfalls. 
he too, thinks. you can see it in his face when his eyes get thin and he bites his lips. “i want to feel the way i do right now, forever.” his lips shift, he bites his cheek. 
it’s now that he touches you, he grasps your face - with a stunningly gentle hold between his fingers, eyes trained on your lips for a moment. he wants only you, you can see it in his eyes and it steals the breath from your lungs when you realize it. that he could ever want anything to do with you. 
your face falls, a short chuckle slipping through your smile. he follows, asking a curt what? as if he hadn’t left you a puddle with a single look. 
you return to laying on your side. the warmth of the sheets leave your eyes heavy as you look at him. he shifts with you. 
they were dense blue, centering in at green and a golden hint of hazel near his pupils. the warmth of his gaze left shockwaves rolling down your arms, as though you couldn’t look too long - or the heat would travel to your face and you’d be found out. 
“you’re an angel.” 
it slips out before you can stop it, so quiet he thinks he might’ve missed it. you’re surrounded by white bedsheets, hair framing your face beautifully as it always did. because it was you. it was you existing. and that was more than he could ever want. to be able to look at you was his greatest priveledge. 
“kiss me.” he says. 
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corporatefrog · 1 year
↳˗ˏˋ loose change ˊˎ˗ ↴
level 3 - nightmare fuel
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featuring: yn getting a rude awakening from Liane's son
notes: get ready for lots of cartman slander. he makes it too easy
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In my dream, the world was bright with life.
I rode through the fields of Hyrule with the wind rushing past my ears, making the fabric of my loose tonic ripple like a green flag. A triangle glowed gold on the back of my hand. The mark filled me with courage for the difficult trials ahead.
In the distance, Death Mountain rumbled as a cloud of volcanic dust burst into the air. 
To my right, a group of Zora leapt up a waterfall with a gorgeous grace. 
Everything was peaceful. 
Everything was perfect. 
“Oh HELL naw.” 
The ground began to shake as a voice echoed across the planes. Death Mountain continued to rumble, the once standard noise becoming aggressive. Volcanic rocks flew into the air as the mountain began to abrupt. The Zora were thrust from the waterfall as the quaking grew more intense.
“Mam, I get you’re lonely and sad and depressed but YOU CAN’T RENT OUT MY ROOM!” The voice bellowed, pushing against my skin like the wind of a tornado.
Thunderous thumps vibrated through the ground like invisible steps imprinting giant feet into the earth, seeming to sprint in my direction as the noise grew louder until everything burst into a bright light.
Outside the dream, the bedroom door burst open. The slam of the doorknob against the wall cut through the silence of my sleep. I felt myself get ripped from Hyrule and thrust back into South Park like a newborn, gasping for air as my eyes shot open. I sat up in the bed and looked towards the door where the sound which startled me came from. 
“What happen- where…” I sputtered through the delirium of being between sleep and awake.
A man stood in the open doorway, pudgy face twisted in an expression of furious disgust as his hand gripped the doorknob with white knuckles. Labored breaths looked nearly like steam as he huffed and puffed from the other side of the room. On his head sat a familiar blue hat with a yellow puffball I’d seen in the picture hanging on the wall downstairs. Brown hair peaked out from underneath the hat and stuck to his forehead as though the act of rushing up the stairs had been a tiring task. 
“Oh hells naw. You need to leave now.” He declared, pointing out of the door with his other hand. 
Name: Eric Cartman
Age: 22
Status: New Business Owner, Old Asshole
Fun Fact: This is the third business Eric has tried to start this year. Hopefully it’ll stick so his mom doesn’t have to take out another mortgage on the house to pay his rent.
Still half-asleep, I tried to rub the bleary filter out of my eyes to see the man more clearly. What the fuck is going on? 
We’re getting evicted a few hours after we moved in. Very on brand for us. 
“Eric, no! You are not kicking out our guest.” Liane’s voice joined the fray as she appeared in the doorway. 
“But mam.” Eric whined, “They’re in my bed and this is my room!”
“You told me you never wanted to sleep in this ‘stupid, gay ass’ room ever again when you moved. And that was almost a year ago!” Liane protested, “Now get back downstairs. We can talk about this in another room.” 
Eric didn’t budge from his spot in the doorway. If looks could kill, I’d be burned to a crisp. My senses began to return as the room came into full focus. The digital clock on the nightstand showed 11:49 in bright red LED. I’d gotten about three hours of sleep but it only felt like five minutes. 
I met Eric’s gaze, trying not to flinch from the intensity of his glare. Liane continued to try and coax him out of the room with promises of various rewards but Eric stood firm. I guess I was right about her son being an asshole. 
I wasn’t sure of what to do at this point. I was sitting in a stranger’s bed with said stranger standing in the doorway clearly unhappy about it with my face still puffy from sleep. 
I need to use the bathroom. 
Choosing the instinctual urge over the potential stressor of trying to talk to this man, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. I raised my hands to the ceiling in a stretch with a loud yawn echoing through the room. I started to walk to the doorway, not acknowledging the raging bull standing in my way. 
“Morning, Liane.” I mumbled, voice raspy from sleep.
“Who the fuck do you think you are-” Eric started, changing tone when I turned sideways and slid past him, making my way to the bathroom across the hall. “HEY! Don’t you ignore me!” He shouted, following behind me with spit flying out of his mouth. 
Do you have a deathwish?
No, I just need to take a piss. I’ll deal with him after or something. 
“That’s my bathroom! You can’t just walk around here like you own the place-”
I shut the bathroom door in Eric’s face, muffling his complaints. He continued to shout at me but didn’t try to enter. Looks like he’s just someone that likes to be a little bitch and make a scene. A smirk tugged at the corner of my lips at the realization. Anyone who’s that cruel to Liane has to be an asshole anyway. 
The bathroom was pretty large for a two bedroom house with a fuzzy rug running alongside the sink. My toes sunk into the tassels and the sudden change in texture woke up my senses. A few charms sat on the windowsill next to the toilet. An air freshener with a similar smell to the rest of the house and a little rubber duck with a cowboy hat. 
“You better enjoy that shit because it’s the last one you’ll take in this house!” Eric threatened. I could see the shadow of his feet under the door meaning he stood directly outside the bathroom waiting for me to leave.
It may be too early to begin hating someone so vehemently but something about Eric just boiled my blood. He continued to shout through the bathroom door as I went about my morning business. I waited for him to finish the current string of complaints before opening the door. 
Eric’s face had turned bright red from the shouting. I could see Liane over his shoulder, still trying to calm the raging bull that blocked my way. 
Let’s just get this over with. 
With a flat expression on my face, I met Eric’s gaze, not shying away from his harsh stare. He returned the glare with force as if daring me to act. 
“Get out of my house. You will respect my authority.” He spat, a droplet of spit landing on my cheek. I held back the urge to laugh at how he pronounced ‘authority’. Who the fuck taught this kid how to speak? 
I raised a hand to his forehead, flicking Eric above the bridge of his nose. Instantly, he stumbled back with an aghast expression. His mouth hung open in a silent gasp with his hands clutching his forehead as though he’d been shot. We stood staring at each other for a moment, sizing up our opponent in the hallway of this small house. 
Eric’s expression changed, eye crinkling as an exaggerated frown pulled at his lips. A high pitched cry emanated from his mouth like an emergency siren. He began to cry to Liane, words intelligible through his crocodile tears. Liane rushed to his side, consoling him with soft words and promises of ice cream. She herded him towards the stairs, flashing me an apologetic smile over her shoulder as she led the crying boy out of the hall. 
So my landlord isn’t mad I flicked her son on the forehead? 
Serves him right. He was a little bitch for sure. 
I stood in the now empty hallway. Eric’s cries echoed up the stairs but he seemed to have calmed down a bit from the initial wail. How does a grown man cry like a 6 year old? It would be impressive if he didn’t annoy me so much. 
Clicking my tongue against the roof of my mouth, I looked around the hallway aimlessly. What should I do now? I was far too awake to go back to sleep but the thought of starting my networking search sounded like a slow, fiery, death. I walked back into Eric’s room- my room- with my feet dragging against the carpet.
The comotion had woken up my mind but my body still seemed dragged by tiredness. The alarm clock read 11:57 meaning the war of the bedroom had only lasted twelve minutes. I’m sure Eric wouldn’t like to know that I kicked his ass in less than fifteen minutes. 
But it would feel so good to tell him just to piss him off. 
Being tired makes the hater in me so much stronger.
A yawn stretched my mouth as I scratched an itchy spot on my back. It was too early to do work but too late to go back to sleep. What was a young professional with too much time on their hands to do? 
I could definitely use some coffee. 
The idea popped into my mind accompanied by the rush of serotonin that an iced coffee would definitely bring me. I could sit in a local cafe and read a book! Or just people watch and get accustomed to the new town! The possibilities invigorated me enough to find an outfit in my suitcase and quickly change, putting any necessities into a tote bag before I left my room. 
When I walked downstairs, Eric was gone. Liane had returned to her spot on the couch. A pair of knitting needles sat in her hands and the ends of what looked to be a blanket trailed across her legs. She turned when she heard me coming down the stairs. 
“Oh, yn! I thought you’d go back to bed.” 
I shrugged, adjusting the tote strap on my shoulder, “Once my mind is awake, I’m stuck up until it decides to shut off for the night. I was just going to get some coffee.” 
Liane nodded, “That sounds perfect! I’d recommend Tweek Bros Coffee on Newton St, they’re a local favorite. Oh, also,” she put down her knitting to face me fully, “I’m sorry about Eric. He was so adamant about moving out and he hadn’t visited in the past few months for more than dinner so I thought you’d be alright in that room. It seems I was wrong about that.” 
A breath caught in my throat. Am I seriously getting evicted on my first day?
Noticing my change in expression, she quickly continued with hands held out towards me, “Not to say that you aren’t able to stay! You’ve been such a delight to email with before and it’s been wonderful to meet you so I refuse to let someone so kind be without a place to stay. Eric will just have to wait until your trip has finished if he wishes to come back to his room.” 
I let out a relieved sigh, hand raising over my heart. Getting kicked out of this room probably would’ve killed me. I looked back at Liane to return the assurance. 
“It’s all good, Liane. I’ve met a few people like Eric in my life and I understand the hassle of it at times. He’s no bother to me at all. Thank you again for having me!” I gave a small curtsy at the end. 
Why the fuck did you just curtsey?
It felt like the right thing to do in the moment.
Well you looked like a fucking idiot in the moment.
If Liane noticed the action, she didn’t acknowledge it. She instead nodded at my words, “Yes, that’s right, he’s always been a bit needy but he’ll always be my boy. But you won’t need to worry about him while you’re staying here!” She said with a smile.
I returned the smile, “He’s no worry at all, Liane. I’ve handled much worse than him, believe me. But I appreciate it nonetheless.” We shared a silent look, finishing the conversation with a quick nod to each other before returning to our previous activities. Liane picked up her knitting once again and I turned to exit the house. 
A brisk breeze brushed my face as I exited the house. I took a deep breath, enjoying the feeling of clean air in my lungs. The sun shone down on the street from a clear blue sky, washing out the brightly colored houses along the street with its light. No one walked alongside the street or drove in a car, leaving the block peaceful and still. Another breeze brushed the green grass and shook the dandelions which weaseled their way out of the ground. As rambunctious as the last hour had been, I couldn’t help but be glad for waking up so that I could enjoy this one moment of peace. 
Taking a last glance at the street I’d now call home for the next few months, I headed over to my car and set my GPS for Tweek Bros Coffee. Trying the local iced coffee sounds like the perfect way to begin my exploration of South Park.
I wish I’d known that it would be my last quiet moment for a while. I would’ve stood there for a moment longer. 
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taglist [reply to be added]:@n0tangeliccc , @valstarroz , @kenanonsthoughts , @axteroiid , @hand-writxen , @that-kid-fromtheplayground  , @woahnotmecryingoverafanfiction, @h3artilly, @sula0kin, @ryenwritess
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toprelaxmusic · 6 months
Tropical waterfall - 1 hour Relaxing sound of Water stream
Pleasant Waterfall Sound for Sleep and relaxation. The relaxing sounds of the Water Flow are the perfect background for morning yoga or meditation.
The sound of the waterfall and a fascinating view of tropical nature will help to escape from the daily hustle and bustle. For a complete immersion in the atmosphere of serenity, close your eyes and listen to the enchanting sounds of falling water. Feel yourself on the mysterious island of Bali with crystal water and lush green forests, away from the noise and dust of the big city.
The noise of the water is not only suitable for relaxation. Soft sound and beautiful scenery will help to concentrate on important tasks. Therefore, the video is perfect for learning and perception of new information.
Подробнее на https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWLfTyW94-g
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mondaychildsworld · 10 months
I know the end
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Previous chapter / Next chapter
Part Four / ?
Rating: M
Word Count: 7.2K
Chapter summary: You struggle in your sleep and Joel's behavior isn't helping. Things escalate at shooting practice and you decide on a new path for your journey, but won't start the new chapter before you and Joel decide to act on the tension between the two of you. SMUT!
Warnings: swearing, angst, just being mean to each other, smoking, fingering, unprotected p in v, smut smut smut
A/N: I don't know what to say other than smut!!! Just read it and enjoy my friends. This is angsty as hell from time to time. Let's go!
And here’s my tiny taglist: @boofy1998
She slowly walked in front of you. She turned her head slightly and pressed her index fingers to her lips. Be quiet. You nodded in agreement, a bit irritated. You had seen the trucks in the distance too. You hated when she pointed out the obvious. You knew you had to stay low for a while. The wind kept whirling in your face. Julie’s brown strands of hair sways with the wind, the ones that had escaped outside from her beanie. The ends are frozen white from the cold. You kept walking through the snow, feet numb from the cold. 
When you were kids you used to build snow fortresses in your garden. You remember how your dad shoveled pathways in the snow, so you could play that you were running in a maze. You were so young that you barely could peek over the snow bank. The snow absorbed all sound around you, as you laid on your back looking up at the sky. Watching the snowflakes slowly fall down towards you. Big, fluffy, sparkling flakes. Julie slumped down next to you and you looked over at her. She starts to giggle and she scrunches her nose as the snowflakes land on her face and melts away.
You’re suddenly back in reality. Your feet are still numb and you’re trying to hide in plain sight. This is set up for disaster. You see Julie in front of you. Far away. You must’ve stopped right in your tracks as you relived your childhood memories. 
That’s when the world starts spinning around you. You hear a static noise, similar to as if you were approaching a waterfall. But there’s no waterfalls out here, you know that. You can’t really place the sound or the shadows of your surroundings as the world spins around you.
You try to take a step towards Julie, to warn her. But your feet don’t move. You gasp as you look down. Your feet are stuck in solid ice. You’re frozen to the ground. How is that even possible?
“Julie!” You yell towards your sister as you fight to move your feet. You look down once again, now the ice even covers your knees. That’s not possible. You’re stuck. But you haven’t even walked through water. How is there ice? You were walking in snow just a couple of seconds ago. You shouldn’t be stuck. 
You look up to Julie, she didn’t hear you.
You kept screaming her name over and over again. The ice was now covering your waist, making your entire bottom half frozen in solid ice. You couldn’t move a muscle and started to hyperventilate.
“Julie!!” Your panicked screams got more and more desperate. 
Suddenly Julie turned around to look at you, but it’s not Julie. It is, but she shouldn’t be here. You blink a couple of times but you still see her. The child. Julie’s brown hair still sways as she happily turns around, giggling. She’s 6 years old again. Playing in the snow just like you did all those years ago.
You don’t know if you’re hallucinating at this point. Just as your arms get stuck, frozen in ice, you see how the world in front of you falls apart in front of you. The static noise increases until you hear a loud crash and water comes flowing down the upper part of the forest. You scream from the top of your lungs.
You can’t move and you can’t help. The only thing you can do is cry as Julie gets drenched in the flood. How she disappears under the waves. Her little hand reaches up for help. You see a glimpse of her terrified face before the water swallows her whole.
You scream. And you’re paralyzed from top to toe. You just lost her.
That’s when you hear a voice somewhere beyond the noise of the streaming water. You barely hear it at first, but it becomes clearer and clearer. Your name. Someone is calling your name. 
Just as you gasp for air in between your desperate sobs you open your eyes. Everything is a bit blurry due to the tears streaming down your face, but you’re met with a pair of dark brown eyes. 
“Sssch.” He mumbles. “It’s okay, look at me, you’re fine.”
His weight holds you down on the floor, his hand gently cradling your face, thumb stroking your cheek. That’s when a different kind of panic sets in. You don’t want him to touch you, or to hold you down. You don’t want anyone to see you like this. 
You take a last couple of panicked breaths before you gain enough consciousness to hiss at him. 
“Get. Off. Me.” You whisper with a hostile attitude.
He slowly lets you go and slump down to the floor next to you. The fire isn’t burning anymore but it’s still dark out. The last glow of the burnt wood in the fireplace is the only source of light. Casting a dull golden tint over the man sitting next to you, who sighs and slowly scratches his beard, clearly distressed.
You sit up in the sleeping bag and wipe the tears away from your face. It was a dream. You shudder, still cold from the sensation of being stuck in ice, unable to move. You lost her once again. 
Joel starts putting more logs into the fireplace, working to spark life into the dying fire. You glance over your shoulder, back at Ellie. Still asleep. Quietly. Peacefully. 
Even if it hasn’t been long since the nightmares started, it feels like you haven’t had a peaceful night of sleep in forever. 
Joel clears his throat and stares into the fire, now full of life and warmth again. You feel like your body starts to thaw. 
“I know what you’re dreaming about.” He says quietly. Almost like he’s afraid to startle you. 
You look up and meet his eyes. 
“You’ve made it perfectly clear that you don’t like me.” You start. “So why do you even bother?”
You glare at him and he swallows. 
“I know what you’re dreaming about.” He repeats himself slowly, as if he wants to make a point. 
Your anger stirs up in your body. But instead of snapping back at him the tears just start streaming down your face again. Paralyzed by grief. 
”Because I’ve been there myself.” He mumbles and his gaze suddenly turns sad and dark. “I’ve lost people too.”
“Losing Tess isn’t the same as losing your sister.” You manage to get out, in between your silent sobs. It’s mean and you know it. You want it to sting. 
He stares at you for a bit before he continues to speak. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He says calmly and leans forward to blow some oxygen into the fire. 
You sit like that for a while in silence, staring into the fire. You’re not freezing anymore. 
“There’s never been any reason for you to know anything about me.” He breaks the silence. This is so out of character for him. He’s not the talkative one. 
“And you haven’t given me any reason to hate you.” He rests his head in his large hand and gives you a look. You stare back. “But you need to get your shit together.”
Your stare turns into a glare. Your eyes feel swollen from all the crying. 
“But I’m losing her.” You whisper. “I lose her every night and it’s always my fucking fault.”
“Don’t...” He whispers back. He hesitates to continue. 
“Stop pitying me.” You say. “I don’t need your pity.”
You sit like that, in silence in front of the fire for the rest of the night. Your bad attempts at communication led you to just sit next to each other leaning back against the armchair. Not knowing how to form your thoughts into words. 
You don’t know exactly what he heard. You know that you talk in your sleep, and that your nightmares make you toss and turn. But you don’t know just exactly how much you unintentionally gave away in your sleep. 
He continued to state that he knows what you’re dreaming about. Which could just be that you’re extremely vocal in your sleep… but you did catch him saying that he’s been there himself. 
But how can he know what it’s like to lose the only person in the world that is just as familiar as yourself? The puzzle is incomplete without her. Part of your soul and being as a human is forever dead and lost. Julie was an irreplaceable part of your life. 
You don’t know enough about him to figure him out. As your thoughts drift away through the night, your head slowly falls down to Joel’s shoulder and you let sleep embrace you for a second time. 
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May 9th 2021 / Throwback
“The usual?” She asks as she digs after a ziplock bag in the pocket of her jacket, a few sizes too big. Her blonde hair is braided and she has a small bruise under her left eye. He looks her up and down for a second before he leans back onto the brick wall behind him.
He realizes that he never answered, since she paused her movements and stared at him instead. He quickly nods and hums in response. 
“Payment.” She says and holds her hand out towards him, ziplock bag in the other, waiting for him to fulfill his part of the agreement before she gives him anything. 
He gives her the cards and snags the ziplock bag from her other hand, turns around and starts walking away. It’s May, almost summer, but the nights are still dark and the winds are still cold. He needs to leave before someone sees him out here, and maybe snitch to a guard. But he doesn’t get far before he hears footsteps running up behind him.
“Wait!” She says. He looks over his shoulder and grunts something in response and keeps walking. 
“You should go home.” He answers, just wanting to go home himself. Whatever home is.
But she keeps walking beside him, apparently with no intention of listening to him. 
“You can do something for me, right?” She asks. 
He sighs and grabs her arm to tug her away from the street, into a small alley. He doesn’t want to be seen with her for even a minute longer.
“First off, you do your thing, and I do mine.” He declares. “Secondly, I don’t do favors.”
“You’ve been out there, right?” She ignores him and keeps asking for what she wants. “You’re a smuggler, I know about what you and Tess are up to.”
“It would be wise for you to shut up now.” He grits his teeths. Not denying, not confessing.
“I need to find someone.” She quickly continues. “Or, well, I need to get to someone. I have this contact at the Denver QZ.”
“Oh, fuck no.” He says and sighs, his patience running out. “I don’t know what you think I do, but I don’t smuggle people, and Colorado? Are you insane?”
”You don’t have to call it smuggling…”  Her blue eyes studied him for a moment. “You’re just helping a friend.”
“We’re not friends.” He says, visibly frustrated by the conversation. “And I would never drag anyone over half the country like that.”
“You won’t have to pay for… whatever you want, drugs or…” She offers him, but he cuts her off before she’s done speaking.
“No drugs in the world are worth fulfilling your fucking deathwish.” He stares angrily into her light blue eyes. She blinks a couple of times before she just nods and walks out onto the street again, taking a turn to the left. Marching away from him and into the night.
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November 21st 2023
“Mooorning sleepyhead!” A happy voice sings in your ear. 
You open your eyes to meet Ellie’s smiling face in front of yours, upside down. You’re still on the floor leaning back against the armchair, curled up in Joel’s sleeping bag. You stretch your legs out and blink a couple of times. Ellie is sitting in the armchair, leaning over you with the rays of the morning sun making her hair glow like a halo around her head.
“Hi there.” You mumble and blink a couple of times as you’re slowly taking in your surroundings. You haven’t seen the cabin in daylight, and you blink a couple of times as you adjust your eyes.
“So you’re… you’re okay?” You hesitantly ask her as you crawl out from the sleeping bag. 
“Do I look like I’m not okay?” She asks and rolls up her sleeve only to show an almost healed bite mark and then sinks back into the armchair.
Joel has taken place on the sofa, leaning back with an arm slung over the backrest. His eyes were closed, and he would look relaxed if it weren’t for the closed fist resting in his lap. He flexes his hand a couple of times. The very same hand with that cut you cleaned just a couple of hours ago. The very same hand you held, and the very same hand he cradled your face with.  He clears his throat and looks over at the two of you at the armchair. 
“You’ guys ready to go?” He asks and gets up. 
“Where?” You wonder and run your fingers through your hair. You actually slept well, after Joel woke you up from your nightmare. It wasn’t a comfortable spot, but you hadn’t slept in a bed for such a long time, sleeping with a roof over your head and leaning against a warm shoulder… You froze a bit at the realization. Had you really? No, that can’t be true. Did you really sleep nuzzled up next to Joel, dozing off to the sound of his steady breathing? You don’t get to finish your train of thoughts as Joel speaks up again. 
“Practice shooting.” He said as he put his coat on. You and Ellie followed his example and put on your boots. 
”I know how to shoot.” You counter with. Which wasn’t a lie. You had been outside of the QZ for a long time now, and together with your sister you had used your gun to protect yourselves.
“Then you’ll have to get better.” He answers without looking at you. He starts to head out of the cabin when he continues. “Last time you were about to use a gun I had to finish what you couldn’t, and even drag the damn body out of the car.”
He sounds irritated with you. The statement struck you hard. Was he harsh or were you just sensitive? It wasn’t as if you hadn’t acted in the car, you did reach for your gun, tried to aim and stay away from being bitten at the same time. Maybe he was just cross with you because Ellie got bitten at the same time that he had to help you. Maybe you were only a big distraction to him. Ellie’s safety was in danger because of you. Because you failed to protect yourself. You weren't even supposed to be with them here, but if it weren’t for them, you would most definitely be dead by now. So, you’re absolutely a big distractment. 
You brushed the thought away, as it made you feel even more lonely than you already did. You had to focus on the task for today. Practice. 
You pulled Ellie close to you and put your arm around her shoulders as you walked away to the spot you would practice. 
It was Ellie’s turn to practice first. You sat down on a stone a bit behind them. You watched as Joel instructed her how to aim correctly and how to switch off the safety lock before she’s ready to shoot.  
“Alright, then just…” Ellie mumbles as she corrects her aim. “Poof!”
“Yeah, sure, poof.” Joel answers and rolls his eyes as he stands behind her. He makes a few corrections to her stance and continues.
“Focus now, breathe in…”  He says as he takes a deep breath. He exhales and puts his hands over his ears. “And out.”
You also cover your ears and you see Ellie’s chest slowly rise as she makes herself ready. She slowly breathes out and pulls the trigger. She doesn’t hit the target and lets out a frustrated sigh as she realizes her failure. 
It continues for quite some time like that. Joel instructs and corrects her from time to time. But Ellie always misses, she’s close, but never makes it to the target. 
“Yeah this isn’t going to work.” Ellie sighs and slumps down next to you and glares at Joel for a second before she starts fidgeting with her sleeve.
“Hey, it’s okay.” You lean closer to her and pat her back. She mutters something and scooches away from you. You look over to Joel who just stands there, the firearm slung over his shoulder and arms crossed over his chest. He looks away when your eyes meet his. His jaw twitches and he stubbornly looks out over the open field. Fucking great, now everyone is annoyed with you. 
“You just need more practice.” You tell her and try to give her a smile, but the knot in your stomach doesn’t disappear. There’s obvious tension in the air around all of you. 
“You know what?" You say and point west towards some buildings in the distance. “Why not let’s go and find us something to eat, those other cabins might have something.” 
“No.” Joel finally breaks his silence. “You have to practice.”
“Your gun is broken.” Ellie answered. “The aim is just crap.”
“I think it’s just you.” He gives Ellie a look.
“Ah, thanks, again.” She mutters and gets up from the stone. “But I don’t want to practice anymore.”
“Not you.”
Instead he walks towards you, looking down onto the ground as he hands over the weapon to you. You hesitantly take it and look back over at Ellie who lightly kicks on a frozen spot on the ground. 
You then follow his instructions. He slowly explains the mechanics of the weapon in his lazy Texan drawl. He stands right beside you and when you should focus on his words, all you can focus on is his mouth. You see it move as he speaks. The beard, or we’ll, scruff, suits him well. 
“Let’s see what you can do.” He finishes his instructions and takes a step back. Fuck. You should’ve listened. 
You nervously undo the safety of the gun. You don’t remember what he said at all. But you have used a rifle before, just recently, with your sister. 
So you do what your muscle memory tells you to do. You focus on the task and continue just by routine, and finally, you fire. 
The rifle shoots back with a lot of power, and you have to take a few steps back as you didn’t brace yourself. You miss the target. 
“You call that shooting?” He says, almost accusing, once you’ve lowered the gun. 
He mumbles something that sounds like swearing and walks up behind you. He redirects your position and adjusts your grip as he explains, once more, how to prepare for the shot. This time you do listen. This time you hit the target. 
You couldn’t say it was your accomplishment anyway, since Joel basically holds the gun for you from behind. He’s so close that you can smell him. The scent of leather and pine somehow goes straight into your core. It makes you shiver. 
Do not let him distract you. You shake him off of you and he takes the hint, but he keeps a hand at the small of your back as you make yourself ready to fire again. 
One. Two. Three. Breathe in. Breathe out. Aim. Focus. Fire. Miss. 
You feel his hand leave your back and he grumbles something again, but this time you hear it. ‘Fuckin’ unbelievable’. Fuck. Your heart drops to your stomach and you feel your cheeks blush. You’re embarrassed and if you didn’t feel like a failure before, you definitely do now. 
You quickly load the rifle again. Your movements are quick and determined. A couple of seconds later you’ve made your fourth and final shot. You hit the target perfectly. 
You stubbornly hand the rifle over to Joel with a glare and walk off. You feel the anger rise at the same time as a tear escapes from your eye. You quickly dry your cheek and march away. Useless is the last thing you want to be, but it’s the only thing you feel.
That’s why you decided, a couple of hours later, that this would be your last day together. You figure you were meant to be alone and that it was just a big mistake to tag along on Joel and Ellie’s journey. 
Which is why you start to gather your things together. You put your flashlight back in your backpack and search the car for any left behind belongings. On the floor of the driver's seat you find your fire steel. It must have fallen out of your pocket when you fought for your life in the car. 
You still a sad sniff as you can almost feel the tears create a lump in your throat and clench around the fire steel. You press your hand to your chest and squeeze your eyes shut. 
“What are you doing?” You flinch at the sound and turn around. Ellie is standing behind you, watching you. 
“Just found this.” You show her the piece of steel in your hand as you lean your back against the car. You don’t feel like talking so you just drop the fire steel into your pocket before you press your lips together. 
“Oh.” She hums and nods. “I’m sorry for being so… grumpy before. I just hate failing at the shooting, you know I…”
You cut her off. 
“It’s fine.” You give her a small smile. “You weren’t the one storming off.”
“Yeah about that.” She looks at you cautiously. “I’m sorry, he’s a pain in the ass sometimes, I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You say quickly. This is a conversation you didn’t want to have. Especially not with Ellie. She shouldn’t be the one to apologize. She doesn’t have to speak on behalf of Joel. 
“Joel’s making some food.” She changes the subject. “I don’t know if you can call it cooking though.” 
She laughs, which makes you laugh too. 
“Let’s see what our master chef has come up with, yeah?” You close the door of the car and walk up to Ellie. You wrap your arm around her shoulders and you walk side to side back to the cabin. 
The dinner was… pretty bland. You’re not even sure this would be considered cooking. After Joel insisted on practice shooting and you stormed off, he and Ellie went scavenging and found some cans in another nearby cabin. So, tomato soup and old green beans were on the menu for today. The soup was very watery. The green beans… Well, they used to be green. At least it was warm food. 
You and Ellie sat beside each other on the sofa while Joel took his place on the armchair. You all ate in silence. 
Joel’s face looks tired. Once he’s done eating he resorts to fiddle with the gauze around his hand. You can’t help but stare at him. At his hands you held yesterday. How quick things can change. The man in front of you who had seemed to thaw, just a bit, by your touch yesterday. But had acted so rude and distanced himself to you as soon as the sun started rising. Your feelings towards him were so conflicted. Mostly he was just rude and cold towards you. But sometimes, just for a split second, he makes your skin prickle as his gaze makes you shiver. And in a weak moment, your pulse may be rising just a little bit by his touch. 
But all that doesn’t matter now, because you’re gone by morning. And then you won’t be a problem anymore. 
You keep talking for a bit with Ellie until it gets dark out. The soft, warm light from the fire dances on the wooden walls and on her face. The flickering of the flames reflects in her eyes and you see her eyelids grow heavier by each minute. Soon she’s fallen asleep on the couch and you’re tucking her in. You bite your lip hard to stop yourself from sniffling. You’ll surely miss her once you’re gone. 
You stand up and straighten out an imaginary wrinkle on your pants. Now it’s time to wait for Joel to fall asleep. After that you’re able to leave without anyone noticing. But the air is thick. Your mouth goes dry and you can’t stand the tension in the air.
“I just need some air.” You mumble and quickly head out.
You walk up to the car and lean back. You take a deep breath and rest your head against the window behind you. The air leaving your lungs turns to a big white cloud as you exhale. You look up at the stars and let the cold calm you down for a minute before you hear the cabin door open. You shudder a bit and pull your jacket closer. The heavy footsteps approaching can only belong to one person.
“I’m okay, you don’t need to…” You trail off. You don’t even know how to end that sentence. 
“You don’t look fine.” He said quietly. He’s just standing there in front of you, you don’t remove your eyes from the stars but you can feel him. He’s not even close but you can feel his gaze just as vivid as if it was his hands on your body. 
“I could just really use a smoke right now.” You sigh and close your eyes.
You can hear him slowly walk away. Leaving you alone again in the cold. But not even a minute later he comes back. The door is carefully shut behind him and his boots scrape the ground. He clears his throat and positions himself next to you against the side of the car. You feel something nudging your shoulder. Once you remove your eyes from the stars to look at what caught your attention you see the small package. He holds a box of cigarettes and gently taps the box against your arm. 
“Didn’t take you for a smoker.” He hums and gives you half a smile, but the smile doesn’t quite seem to reach his eyes; dull and cheerless.
“And I didn’t know you had these hidden somewhere.” You answer surly. 
“I didn’t.” He sighs as you take the package and look inside. Only four left. “Found them in a drawer.”
You take one out of the box and smell it. It certainly doesn’t smell like fresh cigarettes. But it was a long time since you had a fresh cigarette anyway. And you never were a huge smoker. So you settle for the stale cigarettes Joel offered to you. He pulls up a box of matches from his pocket and you put the cigarette in your mouth. He helps you light it and you take a deep breath and sigh.
“I’m not a smoker really.” You say.
“No?” He asks.
You just shrug and hand him over the cigarette. He raises an eyebrow but you just nod in response. He accepts the cigarette, puts it between his lips and inhales the smoke.
“Not me either.” He says and coughs once. 
You stand like that for a while and share the cigarette between the two of you. There were enough cigarettes for him to smoke his own but none of you is bothered by sharing. You stare at him and study his profile as he takes another smoke. You admire the crook of his nose, his chin with that gorgeous stubble. Of fuck. You shouldn’t be thinking like this. You’re supposed to be angry with him. It’s easier to leave if you’re angry. Your gaze lands on his eyes and you find him already staring at you. 
“You really meant it then.” He says and nods as he hands you over the last bit of the cigarette.
“What?” You’re confused.
“You wanted me to smuggle you to Denver once, guess you did it on your own then.”
“Oh.” You remember now. He told you he would never drag anyone over half of the country like that. “Kinda funny now, isn’t it?”
He makes a confused hum and shifts his weight so that his torso is now facing you, leaning his shoulder against the car. His brows furrowed. 
“You told me I had a deathwish.” You exhaled the smoke from your lungs. The cigarettes really weren’t that good. “But now you’re here with her. Dragging her over the country for whatever reason.”
He’s just silently observing you, not answering. So you continue.
“Guess her reasons were better than mine.” You give him a stiff smile. “Or you’re just getting something I never could’ve given you, I hope she’s worth it.”
You know it sounds like you’re jealous, but you really don’t mean for it to come off like that. You’ve never been prioritized in your whole life, so you’re used to it. You really hope that she’s worth it, you really do. It’s just that it does sting a little bit. You throw the cigarette butt to the ground.
He leans in a little bit before he speaks to you again. His voice is low and calm - despite what he says next:
“You can be very mean sometimes.”
“Just like you.” 
You’re so close to him now. You just shared the same cigarette but having him this close is way more intimate in a whole other way. As he breathes out you breathe in, inhaling him. 
That’s when your body acts before your mind has time to process the mess in your head right now. You grab his collar and drag him even closer and put your lips to his. It’s like time just froze, none of you are moving. But it’s probably more like a second or two rather than an eternity, which it feels like in your head. Then, he kisses you back.
It’s not delicate and soft. It’s sloppy and rough. It’s like you’ll vaporize if he lets you go. If he only knew. His hand grabs your upper arm and squeezes it. He punches out a sigh and you melt into his touch. You put your hand on his chest. He pulls back just a bit and catches his breath and looks you straight in the eyes. The cold annoyed stare is gone, replaced with something else, something… you can’t really place it. You’ve never had someone look at you that way before. His eyes are dark but filled with lust. 
“Please, Joel-” You don’t need to beg.
He presses his body close to yours, and you can feel the heat radiate through his winter coat. Your lips meet once more and you slip your tongue into his mouth. He hums something inaudible as you explore his mouth. You let his scruff tickle your chin and lean your head back. How the fuck did you end up like this, with Joel Miller?! This equation will never work, but nothing about this was accidental, you know that.
You let a moan slip away from your lips as he slides his leg in between yours. When the pressure of his leg on your core makes your legs tremble you know it’s too late. You crave more movement. 
You break the kiss and place your hand on his face. Your thumb grazes his lip and he blinks a couple of times. 
“Get in the car.” You tell him and he lets his grip on you go. You find the handle of the car door behind you and open it. He climbs into the backseat and you follow.
Once you close it behind you he immediately starts pulling on the zipper of your jacket. The car is cold too, but it’s better than outside… and way better than next to a sleeping Ellie. Once your jacket is removed he's getting started on his own. You’re both wearing flannels and jeans. As soon as his layer of winter coat is removed you crawl up into his lap, placing your hips against his. 
You can feel the bulge in his jeans growing bigger and harder by each second that passes. He places his hands on your thighs and squeezes hard. You let out a whine and throw your head back.
“This is a bad idea.” He mumbles, but his hands travel up your body, under your flannel. His hands reach your breasts and he softly cups them.
“Out of all the bad ideas we could’ve had I think this is the best.”
He hums in response and squeezes your breasts. You grind down on his lap. The hum turns into a grunt. You start unbuttoning your shirt and lock your eyes to his. 
“You sure you wanna do this?” He asks. 
You don’t answer. You just keep staring into his eyes as you start unbuttoning his flannel. Once you’ve exposed his chest you move your hands over him. You touch every part of skin that you can reach. 
You lean down and start kissing his neck. His skin prickles under your touch. You drive him crazy with your touch. So, for obvious reasons, you start to nibble on his soft skin. That draws out a deep groan from him. His hands travel back to the clasp of your bra. Once he succeeds with the clasp you pull back from his neck.
You let the bra fall down and expose your bare chest in front of him. Your nipples are hard - sure, it’s cold out - but you know your body’s reaction is mostly from Joel’s hungry eyes exploring your body. 
“Fuck me.” You blurt out.
You don’t know if you’ve ever been this honest with a man before. It’s probably because you know you’ll be gone by morning. And because of the way he indulges you with just his eyes.
“Easy, baby.” He says and places a kiss on your left boob, right beside your nipple. It’s wicked, it drives you mad. He never breaks eye contact as he slowly starts to nibble on the most sensitive spot of your chest. You moan again.
“Please, just fuck me.” You beg. 
He pulls away and you immediately start fumbling with his belt. 
“If that’s what you want, darlin’.” He hums and leans back and watches you pull his belt out of the loops of his jeans. You drop it to the floor and pull his zipper down. Just as you’re about to reach into his underwear he puts an arm around your back and turns you both around in one swift move. Your back hits the seat and you gasp.
“If you want me to fuck you, let me fuck you.” He mumbles into your ear as he works on your zipper. He straightens a bit and pulls your underwear down with your jeans. He helps you kick your boots off and now you’re completely naked in the car. The windows are already foggy. 
This truly is a really bad idea. But here you are, butt naked in front of the man that you from time to time either can’t stand or rip your eyes off. He’s made you cry multiple times. You’ve said some terrible things, too. But here you are, both of you.
His gaze immediately wanders straight down to your most private parts. He just stands there on his knees, towering over you.
“Let’s see how bad you want it then.” His good hand goes straight to your core. He drags his fingers through your folds and his expression turns into amazement. You know you’re wet. You can’t remember the last time you were this turned on.
His finger rests right outside your entrance for a bit and his eyes find yours. He watches your reaction as he slowly pushes one digit inside of you. You gasp and he raises an eyebrow. 
“Can’t handle more than a finger, huh?” He asks mockingly.
“I told you to fuck me, is this all you can do?” You tease him back. Like it’s a competition of delivering the best insult.
He replaces his single finger with two, and pushes in even harder. You moan once more and pant as he sets a slow but steady pace. You can see that he enjoys watching you writhe and gasp underneath him. 
Once he’s had enough - you figure it’s more about when he’s had enough, not you - he removes his fingers from between your legs and slowly licks them clean.
His jeans look unbearingly tight. He seems to have noticed the same thing, because when you reach for the hem of his pants his hands are already on his hips, showing them down. 
He leans down over your naked body, and gives himself a few strokes before he notches his tip at your entrance. 
He slides his other arm around your neck. You’re just inches from his face when you both gasp loudly. He just pushed himself inside of you. None of you were ready for this new sensation. 
He holds you close as he thrusts into you. You wrap your arms around his back and align your hips with his.
He lets out a long sigh in your neck and puts almost all of his weight down onto you. His warm breath tickles on your skin. 
The first few thrusts are something else. It’s been a while since you’ve been with someone. Despite how wet you are, it’s clear that you both feel that it is tight. It doesn’t hurt, but you feel him so, so close. He feels it too, because with every thrust he lets out a satisfied pant in the crevice of your neck.
He pushes even harder. You whine at the sensation of having him - the whole of him - inside you. 
Soon you adjust to the size of him. You relax and close your eyes. Your mind becomes a big foggy mess as he sets a faster pace. 
He brings himself up from your chest, and he raises to his knees. It’s cramped in the car, so he braces himself with one hand on the headrest while the other one grabs your hip. He jerks your hip up towards his. 
He then starts to fuck you in an even faster pace. This new angle sends a hot white flash of satisfaction down to your core. 
If you wanted to speak a coherent sentence right now you wouldn’t be able to. The top of your head repeatedly bumps into the door of the car but you don’t mind. The sensation building up inside of you makes you forget about everything else around you, except for Joel. 
There’s sweat dripping down his curls, onto his forehead. The drop of sweat rolls down his face as he keeps pumping inside of you. 
“Joel, I- Ah!” You manage to say, or well, mostly moan as he squeezes your hip hard. That will leave a mark. 
He just hums in response and grits his teeth, a muscle twitches in his jaw. 
“I’m going to-“ You try to speak. “Joel I-“
“You wanna cum, huh?” He asks what you can’t say. You’re too blissed away by lust and madness. 
You nod eagerly. 
He lifts his hand from your hip and slowly caresses your stomach, down, down. 
He slowly starts to rub your clit as he slows down the pace of his hips. This new pace allows both you and him to focus on the new sensation making you squirm under him. 
The nerves of your bud feel like they’re on fire. A blissful, fantastic kind of fire. You squeeze your eyes shut and focus on the building sensation in your lower belly. You feel that you’re close.  
“Keep going.” You manage to mumble in between your breaths.
A few seconds later you come undone by his touch. You didn’t realize it, but you were holding your breath, as you let out a deep satisfied sigh the moment you came. Your legs twitch a bit as you’re relaxing your legs and he continues to rub your clit. The overstimulation is too much and you start to squirm under him. 
He quickly drops down to your chest again and fucks you through the aftershocks. You just lay there, your body feeling like a soft piece of clay. Adapting to his touch. Taking what he gives, melting into him. 
He holds you close and thrusts into you hard a few more times. You feel him come inside of you and you suddenly feel warm and soft inside. Filled up. He relaxes his whole body and lets all of his weight down onto you. It’s nice for a second or two, but when you slowly come back to reality you try to shove him off.
“Sorry baby.” He grunts and gets off of you.
You both dress in silence. You pick up your bra from the car’s floor. He hands you your left boot when you can’t find it. The fog on the windows of the car has slowly started to form small droplets, rolling down the glass. The silence is nice. Getting dressed in the quiet next to him is nice. It’s not an awkward silence. You simply don’t need to speak. Both of you did what you had to do, and now you’re done. 
You hear the rustle of his belt while he fastens it again. Everything goes silent for a moment. You figure Joel’s waiting for you. 
“Let’s head back.” His voice is low. Emotionless. 
You just stare at him, for a bit longer than expected you guess, since he raises his eyebrows at you. 
“Oh.” You manage. Your voice is a bit raspy, so you clear your throat. 
“I’m just gonna…” 
You fish up the box of cigarettes from the pocket of your coat. You shake the box a bit, it rustles the three remaining cigarettes.
“They’re never as good as after sex.” You give him an apologetic smile. 
“Whatever floats your boat, I guess.” He sighs and gets out of the car. You do too. He walks up to you, lights a match and helps you lighten the cigarette. You nod thankfully at him. He lingers for a couple of seconds before he returns inside.
You watch him, every step back into the cabin. When you’re done smoking you quietly sneak up to the cabin. You’re careful with every step you take and try your hardest to be quiet. You have to stand on your toes to get a glimpse through the window. Ellie’s still sleeping on the couch, and Joel is sitting next to her in the armchair. You see his chest slowly rise and fall. He’s asleep. Perfect.
You sneak into the cabin and grab your backpack, filled with all your belongings and everything you need. When you pick up your weapon you glance back at your sleeping companions. Fuck. It hurts to leave. But it’s for the best. You turn around and exit the cabin. Quietly shut the door and… you’re alone. You take a deep breath and start your journey away from the only safety you had. Towards the unknown.
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tacozrg00d · 11 months
You know what? Have my W.I.P Papyrus angst ish for my story The Aftermath
“Hey %!0~3^?”
A bright mass of red and a speck of gold sit in a secluded area surrounded by white.
“Yes, 9^974V$?”
The gold looks to the red, tilting itself in a seemingly curious manner.
“Do you ever feel like- like you-”
The red slumps, unable to find the words to properly explain what they are searching for.
“C’mon 9^9$, you know I can’t feel~”
Gold titters at this remark amused that even after all their time together, Red still can’t grasp that they are an empty shell.
“...that's what scares me…”
Red turns away from Gold, almost ashamed that they are comparing themself to Gold's situation.
For the first time in a while, Gold sounds genuine.
“I- I feel like I’m not feeling this- this world- this life- anymore.”
Papyrus went on walks regularly, it was essential to keep his bones as healthy as they can be after all. Except, his walks weren’t entirely because he enjoyed them. If he didn’t go on his morning walk then his best friend wouldn’t have anyone to hang out with!
Papyrus would do anything to keep his best friend happy, even if he couldn’t feel happy anyway, it was the intent that counts. Whenever he couldn’t sleep he would go out and chatter to his SOUL’s content with his flowery friend always intently listening to him.
This night, however, Papyrus was hoping to avoid him. The day had been a bit of a catastrophe and he knew his friend was already watching. There was no point in seeking a metaphorical ear to rant to if he had seen everything. So, the skeleton kept to the more open, public, busy side of Snowdin.
Unfortunately, he didn’t account for the lack of things to distract him. He had planned a calm walk to clear his thoughts, not drown in them, yet that was what this walk was doing. He had looped past the Gyftmas tree for the second time when he spotted a familiar monster with a lit treat stomping out of Grillby’s bar.
Inwardly Papyrus wanted to turn and walk off. Still, when he pushed his boots slightly too hard into the snow, it caught Doggo’s attention instantly. The canine's head turned quickly to the noise, reaching to his side where Papyrus knew he had pocket knives.
“Who's there?!?”
Papyrus started to wave his hands slightly to make himself known. “IT’S JUST ME, DOGGO-!”
Doggo relaxed and tucked his hands into the pockets of his shorts, no longer reaching for the knife on his belt. “Papyrus? Didn’t expect to see you out so late! How’re you holdin’ up…?”
The skeleton stopped waving his hands and instead started shifting from foot to foot, half out of nervous energy and half for Doggo to be able to still see him.
“I AM ‘HOLDING UP’ QUITE WELL, DOGGO! HOW ARE YOU?” Even if Papyrus wanted out of this situation as fast as possible, it didn’t excuse being rude.
Doggo’s eyes seemed to scan Papyrus before he huffed out a chuckle and pulled out another dog biscuit from his pockets. “I’m holdin’ an’ that’s about all a monster can do these days.”
He watched as Doggo lit the treat, thankful for his inability to smell the smoke from this distance. After a bit of silence, Papyrus realised his quietness would make the canine weary.
He regretted asking as soon as the words left his teeth. Noticing Doggo's halt in movement, he glanced at the other sentry and saw concern rather than suspicion.
“Well- The only sentry station in Waterfall is your brothers since Undyne was- is usually able to handle patrols there on ‘er own, so we don’t have many leads. We are waitin’ on word from New Home though, t’ see if she jus’ went to visit Asgore.” Doggo stopped talking to send a quick glance at the bar. “D’ya wanna talk somewhere else?”
Papyrus stopped fidgeting before remembering why he was doing so in the first place. “SURE…”
Doggo leads the way and Papyrus silently follows. They walk with a comfortable silence until they come across Doggo’s sentry post.
“Papyrus- yer a good kid- but I’m gonna have to be honest with you about somethin’.” Papyrus tensed, unsure of where this would go.
“You and yer brother are on da top of ther list. Everyone knows ya hang with her fer trainin’ at the end of da day, and your brother has the only station in Waterfall.”
The canine paused as Papyrus struggled to not spill out confessions. “But I don’t think yer guilty.”
Before he could even sigh of relief, he picked up the unsaid remark. It was accusatory, he was accusing Sans of doing something.
He was just making this situation even more problematic to dig out of wasn’t he, he was causing the people around him trouble.
“Look, Papyrus, I didn’t mean ‘nything drastic. It’s just- suspicious, y’know? No one even knows anything abou-”
Papyrus squeezed his sockets closed, refusing to listen anymore. Sure he knew Doggo had disliked his brother, at the very least, but-
Doggo sighed and Papyrus could hear him throw and light another biscuit.
“Okay- I believe ya.” A chuckle. “If anyone knows anything about ‘im, it's you.”
The skeleton opened his sockets and crossed his arms. They had made it to one of his puzzles sometime during the conversation.
The sentries stood in silence, save for Papyrus’ shuffling. “Yer sumthin’ else, Papyrus-” A paw is placed on his shoulder before Doggo turns around. “Don’t stress too much, the underground and guard need someone like you durin’ moments like this.”
Despite the guilt swelling up under his ribcage, in the middle of his SOUL, Papyrus couldn’t help but be thankful for the canine's words.
“Thank you” The skeleton heard Doggo pause, likely because of the shift to lowercase, before chuckling once again and going on his own way.
“Your puzzles might need some cleanin’, best thing we got in case we’re all too busy to notice a human-!”
Papyrus turned toward his puzzles that were, unsurprisingly, covered in snow. He decided that keeping his puzzles in check was the least he could do. The work was tedious, the snow melting into all the little crevices when he wasn’t focused. Luckily the thought of being careful kept his mind off the dark thoughts that had previously plagued him. Unfortunately, for him or for his friend, it wasn’t long before-
The skeleton halted in his movements, frozen to the spot. ‘What now? why now?’ Snapping back into reality, Papyrus sat on his knees and looked down at his flowery fiend. “HELLO FLOWEY! DID YOU WANT TO JOIN ME IN CLEARING MY PUZZLES? THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS ALWAYS GLAD TO SEE-”
“YAWN- no offense papyrus, but don’t ya think you can take a break from puzzles?”
“Oooh-! Y’know what'd be real fun? SPARRING!”
Papyrus, who was waving gestures in an attempt to distract Flowey with a rant, froze. His eyes slowly glanced toward his friend to see a mockingly innocent smile.
A vine started fidgeting with a few of the snow poffs that surrounded the puzzle, threatening to topple them over. “Are you really going to just listen to the mutt that accused your brother of your crime? No one thinks you're capable of it, they all underestimate your potential. Maybe you can take this as an opportunity to build a name for yourself! Golly, I-” The flower stops his pushing as he’s nearly trampled by Papyrus standing. “HEY-! It’s rude to walk away when your best friends talking y’kno- EW”
The skeleton had run over to the edge of the trees and started emptying his magic reserves. Also known as vomiting. Flowey just stayed by the puzzle waiting for his friend to finish his disgusting and totally unnecessary activity.
— end w.i.p
I lost my outline for Sans’ part and my usual chapter set up is Papyrus, sans next sans, papyrus
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audio-relax · 2 years
Calming waterfall sounds in green forest (Nature white noise for sleepin...
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nature-fair2021 · 2 years
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otaviogilbert · 4 months
Peaceful Waterfall Sound | Waterfall White Noise for Sleeping | Nature Sound | Sky Relaxation
Feeling stressed or having trouble sleeping? This calming waterfall white noise video can help! The soothing sound of cascading water is scientifically proven to promote relaxation, focus, and restful sleep. Listen as you drift off to dreamland, meditate, or study in a peaceful environment. Imagine yourself standing at the base of a majestic waterfall, feeling the cool mist on your face and the gentle roar of the water in your ears. Close your eyes and let this video transport you to a world of peace and tranquility. Perfect for drifting off to sleep, reducing stress, or focusing on your studies.
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