#wdtyg au
lucatea · 1 year
Ik you still haven't answered my other ask
But i couldn't resist
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That feels pretty accurate lol.
Raph would definitely be holding him back.
As for your other ask I’m working on something for it ;)
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feral-turtles · 1 year
If What once was calm wins I promise to:
Give Venus an actual design
Release a few beta scenes that ended up getting revised
Reveal what actually happened to Venus
I’ll make a ficlet about Venus’s last fight!
I will make a mini comic for Leo’s snap
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lieutenantbiscute · 1 year
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WDTYG AU @iamheretemporarly
A Universal Collision @misteria247
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
I just got around to checking out your au, and honestly, TM(n)T splinter better go hide underneath the chairs of the tmnt competition, cause wdtyg!leo has killed way too many people to actually care about another blood stained katana
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Especially when it’s someone that brings shame upon the hamato and especially the splinter name
*eating popcorn* get his ASS man GET EM. GET EM!!! he's dishonoring the name of your father!
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tmntaucompetition · 1 year
Been thinking about all the 2012 TMNT AU’s so far in this competition and really, there are only two (?) 2012 Leo’s that haven’t died and one doesn’t count since he’s been traumatized beyond belief (WDTYG au).
And then there ShellShock Leo. Sitting with his brothers and sister-in-law, keeping an eye on his four nephews as they sprint around the court. Dude is just chilling and enjoying life in his 30’s ;;
—ShellShock creator
yeah fr haha, i think there's a few more sprinkled in (for 2012)? i'm not 100% sure at this very moment in time
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iamheretemporarly · 1 year
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If my boy wins, ill share the wdtyg cinematic universe
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misteria247 · 1 year
*The sounds of a distant buzzing can be heard before the screen flashes a bright light then fades to black*
*Words begin to appear on the screen for the viewers*
Greetings! This is Bootyyyshaker9000, reporting in. It has come to my attention that there is a voting competition going on. Since I, as well as my red clad companion, have been banned from doing anything lethal, I have decided to do the next best thing.
Hacking the writer's phone.
If she and my brothers, both biological and adopted, won't allow me to shine by being semi-lethal, then I'll just shine in this area of the playing field. Now, I have come to deliver a few messages here. First, a congratulations is in order for the two aus who've won, those being Two Souls by @virgilisspidey and Shellshock by @lieutenantbiscute. I'm clapping for your victories, and I'm looking forward to seeing you both compete in the second round.
I know this sounds sarcastic, but I can reassure that I'm being sincere.
Second, some propaganda for Saturday's constants.
Vote for WDTYG by @iamheretemporarly and WOWC by @lucatea this Saturday. This is not a suggestion unfortunately. But rather a trade off. You vote for them, and I don't hack your bank accounts and use your savings for some of my projects. That totally does not involve Uranium.
None whatsoever. Don't look into it.
Now this concludes this hacked message. A reminder to vote for these two aus @tmntaucompetition when the time comes.
Bootyyyshaker9000 out.
*The screen goes black, before a slight static tone rings out and the screen returns to normal for the viewers*
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virgilisspidey · 1 year
I hope ya know that i saw your ask and art you sent and i absolutely love it so much, i haven't answered it yet because i got something in mind to do with the ask
But that art got me thinking like
What woukd the two souls bros (mikey, donnie and raph) reactions be if they saw wdtyg leo
As for your question...
In absolute shock.
This version of their Leo survived the same mutagen bomb their Leo didn't.
When they see him they won't recognise him at first (they're still pretty young and un their 20s, I assume your Leo is like the other peepaws who's in their 40s) but when they see his eyes and weapons, they will pounce.
Mikey would probably get a smack or two because he tried to hug him and wdtyg Leo is just
They all won't get used to each other immediately, Mikey would try his best to understand that he's not their Leo, he knows their Leo is dead, but he can't help but fantasise what could've been if he wasn't. Mikey would try his best to form bonds with wdtyg Leo. Raph is in denial, he doesn't like wdtyg Leo. He's so different from hid big brother before he died that he's convinced he's not a Leo at all. Donnie is right in the middle with his opinions about him, but he also feels like if he gets too close, he betrays his Leo.
These two AUs are almost like the sides of the same coin in a sense.
An apocalypse without Raph, Donnie, and Mikey.
A relatively peaceful world without Leo.
It's like one can't have the other.
Which fucken horts man
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I am absolutely losing my shit at this btw
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If sunset linings wins (an au mine) then that means it’ll progress and go against wdtyg (also an au of mine)
Who am I supposed to make propaganda for XD
i can rearrange this bracket if need be- i just used a list randomizer so i wasn't specifically picking pair ups sdhsgdsdghsd
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melonpalooza · 1 year
I jjust had a thought, yknkw how the tmnt au competition brcame this whole basketball tournament where all the aus involved meet
It just hit me how @iamheretemporarly 's (imma snatch your boy rq dont mind me) wdtyg au leo is sort of similar to ronin (from my limited knowledge since i haven't read thething) where they share the aspect of living in grief because of your dead brothers (allegwd in wdtyg leo's case since his brothers weren't really dead) having to live most of your life alone without them, going through the shittiest time ever (apocalypse in leo's case and war in ronin's) and having a human girl as one of the laat family you have left (casey in ronin's case and chloe in leo's)
Imagine that leo and ronin meeting, they be doing tge spiderman pointing meme
Also ronin seeing wdtyg leo and internally thinking "damn, this is what could've happened if the cope kids didn't stop their mutagen bomb-"
honestly tbf everyone's spiderman pointing meme at each other at this point. it's inevitable lol.
but yeah, ronin is probably silently taking everything in as much as he could (considering the niblings are w him and theyre a handful lol) and seeing how all of these different iterations of the kids he's been talking to over a screen with are here. no, not the exact ones he's been talking to, but a version of them. all with their own trials and tribulations. how a lot of them are broken, probably finding a few kindred spirits among them. probably exchanging a knowing glance with some of them, a nod or two. he doesn't know their full story, but he has an inkling. but he probably won't be approaching first. he doesn't really have time to mingle unless ppl are gushing to him about the kids lol.
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lucatea · 1 year
Wanted to send this in the feral leo blog, but the asks were turned off :')
Wha if our blorbos met
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What then?
Sorry i took so long to answer
But oh lord if they met it’d be chaos.
We’ve got one boy trained to fight anything that moves, and another ready to kill on sight.
I see something like this happening
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lucatea · 1 year
This old man invaded my brain today.
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@iamheretemporarly come save me from brainrot about your boy
Also bonus feral baby
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iamheretemporarly · 1 year
Quick wdtyg AU doodle and fic
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Mikey didn't know when he woke up, but he did, and his soul almost shot out of his body when he noticed the figure towering over him an his brothers
Quickly he stood up, startling said figure that it backed away a bit
After squinting at whatever being was watching him, he fekt relived to recognise the person
"Leo!" he said "you can't do this to me dude"
His brother stared at him for a bit before muttering a small barely heard 'sorry'
They both sat in silence before mikey came to a realization
"Wait— were you watching us while we were sleeping?" he asked gesturing to his two other brothers sitting next to him
Leo did noting but nod
"Dude... That's creepy" mikey said with a shudder
Leo looked at him before slowly lowering his gaze
" Leo, did you sleep?"
Leo shook his head
"dude you need to sleep"
Leo shook his head again
"need to keep you safe" his brother finally spoke with a very scratchy and raspy voice, mikey almost winced at it, "can't keep you out of my sight..."
"can't do it again" his brother interrupted him, "can't close my eyes and- and let you dissappear again, not again"
They both sat in silence after that, before mikey came to an idea
Without any warnings, Mikey sprung upwards standing up before grabbing Leo by the hand and dragging him near where their other brothers slept
"here, sit!" Mikey said
Leo looked at him confused eyes meeting Mukey's, but he sat down nonetheless
Mikey then started manhandling his other brother carefully so they won't wake up and dragged them towards leo, placing donnie between leo's legs, and he put raph on leo's lap.
Before leo could voice any of his confusion, mikey took the lead
"Here! like this we'll be safe around your arms even when asleep! So if anything attempts to take us, you'll be alert and you'd wake up!" Mikey chirped with a wide smile on his face before tucking himself under leo's arm
"We'll be safe Leo, and we'll be right here when we wake up, we promise"
Leo did nothing but stare, before tightening a grip on his brothers, a look on his face almost as if he's weighing his options
"Try to get some shut eye Leo, okay?" Mikey interrupted his train of thoughts
Leo looked back at him, his eyelids feeling heavier by the second and his body screaming at him to get some rest
He smiled a little before lowering his head, then whispered.
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iamheretemporarly · 1 year
A list of things ill do if my boy wins
ill share the wdtyg cinematic universe (oooooo you wanna see villain wdtyg leo and robonardo so baaad)
ill finally design WDTYG big mama
ill share leo and big mama’s history
ill give you the reasons on why he gets triggered by electricity
ill spoil you with art
and for the wdyg unrelated stuff
ill make a “rottmnt try to adopt 2012 mikey” fic but mikey will be in character
ill write a ghost katanas fan fic (@misteria247 ik u want this)
ill make arabic tmnt comps to your hearts desire
Ill show you turtle tots tmnt:low
ill show you sneak peaks of the tmnt: low lore
each one of these will be chosen randomly after each win, if i win more youll get more
vote for “where did the years go?” Au
@tmntaucompetition spread my word
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iamheretemporarly · 1 year
how long has actually passed in the 2012 universe? leo looks quite worse for wear...
Ok so
You already know the events of the au from discord, but, imma share it incase anyone's curious
SO, WDTYG (Where Did The Years Go) AU!
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Im copy pasting the story from discord
It's a mutant apocalypse au
Instead of the og storyline
So you git 2012 mikey, donnie and raph all accidentally wounding up in another universe while leo ia left behind not knowing what to do
For the 12 turtles it takes months with the help of they can get but they eventually manage to build a functioning dimension hopping portal
And when the 12 turtles get to their destination they're like:"HOKY SHIT YES, OMG WE NEED TO GO SEE LEO"
They end up with the portal open in the lair, but something is very wrong
The place feels eery and uncomfortable and abandoned
They visit the rooms looking for leo, no one is there (and their rooms remain surprisingly untouched)
They check in leo's room, and thaat sit is empty abandoned like wow bitch ya live like this?
They start growing concerned and go check in the dojo
No one is there
They notice some thing, the shrine in the dojo looks different
There's a new picture on there
A picture of the three of them
As if on cue they hear heavy footsteps and whirl around to meet the eyes of said person
They come face to face with a tall turtle holding a cup of tea in tgeir hand
When the turtle sees them they stiffen and the cup of tea drops on the floor shattering
They look at said turtle with confusion until they notice a very familiar blue mask wrapped around theur arm
That old big turtle
Wasn't any mutant turtle
It was tgeir big brother
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They should've learned from the dimension x experience that time is different between dimensions
And in the dimension they got stuck in , time moved way slower than their universe
So months to them were years to leo
They had spent 6 months in there
That was 13 years to our fellow leader
And sure being 31 years (he was 18 when they all disappeared) old he shouldn't look all that old
But having to spend your adolescence in a constant war and apocalypse barely surviving by the hours made him look way older beyond his years
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iamheretemporarly · 1 year
When I say sending you a tomorrow i actually mean now
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I will forever cherish your AU Chloe, i am in love
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She simply tackled him and refused to let go of him for the next 1 hour
It would be hard for wdtyg!Chloe to imagine a life without Leonardo, because Leonardo has been such a prominent person in her life forso long
She simply can't wrap her mind around the idea, and just the thought of losing him would get her emotional
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