#we all know Elijah would never harm Hayley
andreal831 · 5 months
Let me get this straight, in TVDU:
We blame amnesic Elijah, who erased his memories seven years before Hayley's death, for Hayley's death when he didn't even know who she was and didn't actually kill her.
But we don't blame Kol for Davina's death when he was the one that actually drained her of blood because the ancestors were controlling him.
And we don't blame Freya for torturing and kidnapping Keelin because she did it for family.
And we don't blame Klaus for nearly killing Caroline twice because it was romantic when he saved her from his own venom.
And we don't blame Klaus for nearly strangling Hayley to death because he was just scared of being a father.
Just wanted to make sure I understood where the fandom stands on this. andrea831 metas
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heaven4lostgirls · 2 years
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You’re my happy place
husband!elijah mikaelson x wife!fem!reader
tags: fluff, happy ending, soft!elijah
a/n: if u guys even read this pls pls pls send me requests for fics u want me to write!! ok enjoy<3
You had spent the entire day at the compound waiting for Elijah and Nik to get back. They had gone on some stupid witch hunt again because Nik believed that the witches were plotting against him as usual.
You sat on the floor of the compound playing with baby hope when you hear the hurried footsteps of the two brothers and the stench of blood nearly made you vomit on the spot.
You hurriedly put Hope back in her cot before running to see if anyone was hurt. Nik looked like he had just committed mass murder but by the look in his eyes you knew better than to ask him what had happened. All you did was beckon hun closer and take a look to see if any of his injuries were major, thankfully he just looked like he had a bruised ego.
To the left of his Elijah stood in a ski liar state however he seemed to be clutching his side. You knew whenever Nik would put himself in dangerous situations your idiot of a husband would not be far behind, always looking out for his little brother.
You made your way to him slowly whilst looking over him to see if anywhere else seemed to be causing him pain, once it looked like his side was the only place he seemed to be clutching you sighed in relief.
As you reached him you carefully placed your hands on his face, he seemed to be avoiding your eyes and you somehow knew exactly why.
“Is that blood Eli?” You questioned harshly, you knew that when you both moved to New Orleans that the witch community wasn’t exactly fond of the Mikaelson family however the lacerations on Elijahs side didn’t seem to be healing and this has been an all time low for them, never had the witches hurt them so badly they couldn’t heal it. You were on relatively good terms with all of the witches however seeing your husband in this state all you could hear was your heart pounding and your blood boiling.
Elijah looks almost embarrassed as he utters a small “No?” You sigh and shake your head with a small smile, your husband would always be the one trying to make you laugh even if he did seem like he was bleeding out.
“That isn’t normally a question you answer with another question darling” all he does is smile back innocently.
“Cmon let’s get you cleaned up” you motion for him to sit on the couch as Hayley ends up attending to Nik as he grumbled about the ‘stupid witches’. You just sigh and look at Elijah pointedly
“You can’t keep running head first into ever fight that Nik picks so you can save him, it’s not safe” you tell him as you brush his hair out of his face to clean the small scratches surrounding his eyes.
“I know my love, he’s my brother, I simply can’t let him get himself in trouble, I made a vow to my mother to always protect him and it is what I plan to do as long as I’m alive, alongside you of course” you can’t help but smile at his loyalty to his family, you know it hasn’t been easy for him and Nik to gain back their mutual trust of one another especially after decades of daggers and heartbreak however for the most part they seem to have moved past all of that.
“I love you Eli, I can’t stand to see you hurt” He can feel your worry and although he and you both know he will continue to put himself in harms way to save Nik he hugs you and mumbles affirmations that he will try harder and be safer when he travels with Nik. You can’t ask for much more and you know that so as you both make your way to Freya’s room so that she can heal Eli’s wounds you squeeze his hand as a reminder he’s okay and Freya will most likely know how to heal him.
After the quick visit of Freya healing his wounds and researching about the kind of magic used by the witches that was somehow strong enough to hurt an original you both lay in you shared room.
“Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we were never turned?” You turn to him in confusion, you had been one of the first vampires that Elijah had turned after his mother had used to spell however even after decades of being together you always thought that you were both content with how life was. “Sometimes, but I am quite happy with how we are right now…Are you not?” You admit and question almost insecurely.
As if Elijah has read your thoughts he backtracks “No no no, my love I just meant that I would have wished for us to have a family of our own, little children for us to take care of and I am sorry that I can’t give that to you” you feel tears welling up at the thought of what your life could have been. You grasp Elijah’s face in your hands and assure him that you are perfectly happy with how things have played out.
“Even if you hadn’t turned me with you Elijah I would have been heartbroken to see you outlive me, you have been my rock and compass our entire lives, seeing you daggered by Niklaus only ever brought great heartache to me, so please don’t think for a moment that this life has not been more than enough, I will always choose you over and over again my love” You can feel his smile as you rest your head on his chest.
“Do you remember the 20’s? Where we had gone to that jazz club with Niklaus? We had just changed our names and anytime someone spoke to us we would make up elaborate stories of where we came from, we spent the entire night dancing and once we got home you told me that you loved me and that you wish we could have had that life-“
“You proposed to me that night and promised you would show me the world”
“I plan to keep that promise everyday we have each other”
“I love you Elijah Mikaelson”
“I love you more Y/N Y/L/N”
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cancerian-woman · 6 months
Hi! I would love to hear why you think Klaus and Bonnie would be a compatible or at least fascinating match :) I can tell you're going to turn me into a Klonnie shipper even though the last thing I need in my life is another doomed OTP!!
Hey :D I love a good doomed ship it makes the fandom more interesting especially in terms of creativity tbh.
Bonnie had proven herself to be just as morally corrupt as other characters as needed. Sure, it wasn’t to the extreme of others but it existed especially if her friends were threatened. That type of loyalty and strength would be what Klaus would like because of how possessive and selfish he is.
There’s Bennett-Mikaelson connections through the lore of TVD. Ayana was Esther’s mentor. Abby entombed Mikael. Then in present there’s Esther prasing Bonnie for being the one to fight Klaus. Elijah recruited Bonnie to do it. Both Bonnie and Klaus have parental struggles on both sides. Klaus is more forefront than Bonnie’s but it exists. Tagging my friends content here :).
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Klaus was introduced with an affinity for witches (Gloria, Maddox, Greta..)it was just dropped after well you know ;). But in a sibling light I could see both Rebekah and Kol taking a liking to Bonnie. Rebekah wanted that normal highschool experience and Kol was formerly a witch. We got a little bit of Kennett moments in s4 but that was dropped. Bonnie is the only TVD character to never have her own side friend out the group.
Narratively TVD would’ve just had to work with their few key points to make Klonnie a slow burn ship from s2-4 tbh. Bonnie kept getting the short-stick. Season 3 she got cheated on, her mother abandoned again, she had all the reasons to distant herself from her friends and end up in someone’s darker arms. The Mikaelson Ball ep Esther is leeching off Bonnie and her bloodline yet Bonnie is no where to be found… huh… Bonnie doesn’t get enough in universe credit for her actions because she has not only nearly killed Klaus she has saved his life(and everyone else’s.)
Season 4 Bonnie was dipping into a darker side with Expression and she blindly trusted Shane just to learn magic. It would be another moment for Klaus to try and get in her good graces. Klaus would have to open up emotionally for Bonnie to sympathize with him. I think they would challenge each other. Bonnie is one of the female characters who can fight back to people who are trying to harm her in a way Elena or Caroline can’t tbh.
Bonnie wasn’t just any witch either she was a Bennett which her family is responsible for nearly everything in TVD. I don’t think Klaus would’ve suddenly became a “Disney prince” type of BF by any means but I could see the relationship working. Klaus is still an elitist bastard with years of knowledge Bonnie would want. Bonnie is willing to give that loyalty to anyone who is good to her. Cami is seen as good and she even falls for Klaus lmao.
Last point people only play morality clauses with Bonnie because the series does. By the end of TVD Bonnie considers Damon not Elena or Caroline or Matt her bestfriend. That should say enough about what Bonnie would allow but….The writers and fans will argue that Bonnie doesn’t deserve to be paired up with toxic men or women but TVD never introduced anyone that was “morally good” by our world standards. Even Enzo physically harmed Bonnie pre-relationship. The other leads are white and never held to the same standards. Elena said it was Stefan until it wasn’t. Caroline said no to Klaus until she didn’t. Hayley’s arc includes with her fucking Klaus and dating Elijah… the list could continue.
Hope I made it all clear 😁.
Tagging some of my friends accounts who love Klonnie too: @klonnieshippersclub @melmedardasworld @mythorhuman @24kmagiic @bennettmaximoff
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Title- Mikaelsons and a baby : part 4
Warnings- Fluff, A bit of Angst, Overly protective Mikaelsons, Violence
Summary- You and Rebekah are forced to go home after having to leave for the safety of you and baby Hope.
You followed after Rebekah shivering as you held your daughter close after the cabin you both were staying in was attacked and Rebekah told you there was no choice but to take you and Hope back to New Orleans. It was cold in New Orleans as you had no time to pack nor get dress as you were in dressed in pajamas and slippers.
"Beka, what if the boys be angry?"
"They'll understand, my love."
"Y/N? Rebekah?" Elijah questioned seeing you and Rebekah on the street as he was walking with Hayley. Elijah frowned seeing you shivering and took off his coat wrapping you and Hope in it.
"Mother found us." Rebekah answered Elijah as you squeaked when Elijah picked you up bridal style.
"How? We made sure that you three wouldn't be found."
"I know but she sent something after us." Rebekah said smoothing out your hair as Hayley noticed how the two seemed to try to hide you and Hope. You had arrived at the Abattoir and was placed in front of a fire as Kol cuddled up to you.
"So our mother knows of our child."
"It seems so Niklaus." Elijah says running his fingers over your cheek before moving though your hair. Hayley seemed annoyed that you were back as she was trying to get closer to Elijah.
"Can I sleep with Nik tonight? I'm kinda cold."
"Of course baby." Elijah says kissing your head as Klaus moved to take you upstairs. Hope was placed in a bassinet near the bed as Klaus smiled feeling you snuggled closer.
"I missed you,Nik."
"I missed you too beloved." Klaus said softly kissing your head when you jumped feeling Elijah slipped in behind you.
"Niklaus thought us both should warm you up." Elijah said rubbing your arms feeling both of your furnaces of lovers you smiled snuggling in their arms. Morning came as you woke on top of Elijah and saw Klaus rocking Hope gently talking to her.
"You are my most precious girl so is your mother. I vow to protect you both Always and Forever."
"What if I want to protect you?"
"That is adorable, love. But Elijah and I would die before you are harmed." Klaus says watching you slide off Elijah who woke with a groan rolling onto his side burying his face in your side. Klaus passed Hope to you so you could feed the baby girl.
"So why is your mother after us?"
"Trying to get us to allowing her to put us in witch's bodies. And thanks to Hayley, mother knows of you and Hope."
"What did she do?"
"Mother thought Hayley and I were dating and darling Hayley didn't correct her so I had too." Elijah muttered sitting up as Kol came in flopping next to you smiling at you.
"You are beautiful in the morning." Kol says as you flushed looking at Hope feeling Elijah rubbing your back while Klaus was drawing you a bath.
"I agree. Kol isn't motherhood just gorgeous on her?"
"It is Elijah." Kol said smirking see your flush getting worst and gently Elijah took Hope from you and Kol took you to the bath.
"Guys, I can d...."
"Shhhh love. Let us take care of you." Klaus says moving behind the tub washing your hair while Elijah was cooing at Hope.
"Good morning."
"Goodmorning Rebekah....Hayley." Elijah said as Rebekah looked between the two with narrowed eyes before heading into the bath to kiss you goodmorning. Hayley looked to Elijah seeing Hope smiling at him wrapping her small hand around his finger.
"So are you still angry with me?"
"Yes Hayley. You gave to realize I am faithful to Y/N." Elijah says smiling softly at Hope placing a kiss on her little hand. Hayley huffed crossing her arms annoyed that you had came home as she liked Elijah and was hoping that he could like her back.
"Look Hope, there is your mother." Elijah cooed holding up the baby as you flushed see the pure adoration on Elijah's face as Hope squealed happily seeing you.
"You guys act like I showed you heaven." You say gently taking Hope as Kol kissed your cheek.
"You gave us our greatest gift and been so brave. So you are our heaven." Your face burn brightly as Kol chuckled they could hear you heart beating fast. They got you and Hope some breakfast happy to have you home.
"Your crazy aunt wants our baby?" You asked rocking the rocking chair you were in feeding Hope with a bottle giving your breast have a break. After the fall of Esther, a new theat, your lover's aunt Dahlia was apparently coming for your child.
"A untapped Enchantress had Klaus's baby?"
"Eli?" You asked confused as the blonde with was unfamiliar while your lovers were a bit surprised.
"This is our older sister Freya. Our mother made a deal with Dahlia to have children and Freya had been taken."
"This untapped Enchantress stuff?"
"I sense the magic coming from you which if Dahlia can, she'll try and take Y/N also." Freya tells everyone as Klaus growled lowly as the idea of you and Hope being taken from them was something that he wasn't going to tolerate.
"And you brought this danger to our door."
"It wouldn't have mattered. Dahlia would know about Hope." Freya said as you frowned burping Hope. Rebekah stayed close along with Kol not liking this new development.
"So what do we do?"
"We kill her and I will help you."
You were in hiding with Hayley and she raised an eyebrow seeing you putting some kind of mixture of salt and sage down the doorways and windows.
"What are you doing?"
"My grandmother would make this mixture of salt and sage to keep witches out and I thought she was crazy but learning all now my childhood makes sense." You tell Hayley getting up getting Hope.
"Hello my dear, I am here for what is mine." You froze hearing Dahlia and turned holding Hope as Hayley glared at the witch.
"I take it Freya has told you about me. Seeing how the magic from both child and mother is quite strong." Dahlia said moving forward stopping feeling a burning sensation and stepped back.
"An Enchantress barrier. Tapping in to unused magic."
"You can't have my little Hope."
"Why worry for child when you have a second babe growing within you." Dahlia's words made you freeze as you didn't know as Hayley stared then looked at Dahlia ready to fight the witch.
"Why don't you try to get in and see how well you stand against a hybrid."
"Sweet of you to allow such....beastly woman that holds such affections for Elijah near you or your family."
"I'll return for what is mine."
You were neverous as Klaus plan was to use Esther to stop Dahlia and you had never let Hope out of your sight since your run in with Dahlia. Rebekah sat next to you letting Hope play with her hand.
"Are you sure this will work?"
"Of course Elijah. Besides it is to protect our love and Hope."
"What about the second baby?" Hayley asked making all four Mikaelsons freeze as you swallowed when Hayley realized you hadn't told them yet.
"Y/N hadn't told you what Dahlia told her." Hayley breathed as the vampires tune into you listening for a small second heartbeat.
"Let's worry about that after we kill our aunt." Klaus said kissing your head the Hope's as he passed to met Marcel to protect you. Elijah smiled kissing your hand as Rebekah kissed your cheek.
"We'll come back safe and sound, baby." Elijah says as Kol kissed your forehead as they left. You sat waiting hoping that they were alright and saw them walk in a bit rough looking but in one piece.
"Oh you're alright." You said hugging Kol and Rebekah as they hugged back smiling softly.
"I told you we'll come home safe and sound." Elijah said kissing your head making you smile.
"Let's get some rest." Klaus said getting everyone upstairs while passing Hope bassinet, you check up on her. Your lovers joined you in bed their hands falling on your abdomen falling asleep happy that you and Hope safe and now a new little one was on the way.
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watercoloredlie · 3 years
Need You(Day 1)
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Summary: A now human Katherine finally gets to tell Elijah what he needs to hear.
Gif Credit: icarusasuke
Pairing: Kalijah(Elijah x Katherine)
Setting: Sort of AU. Completely ignores his romance with Hayley aside from some flirtation. Also ignores the side effects of the cure.
Prompt: “I need you.”
Notes: Happy Fictober everyone! I saw someone else doing fictober and the prompt list looked cool so I thought I would give it a try.
After Elijah left her to join Klaus down in New Orleans, Katherine toyed with the idea of going after Stefan and continuing to make her doppelganger miserable. It was after she was fed the cure that she abandoned Mystic Falls. She eventually found her way down to New Orleans. The now human was surprisingly saved by Klaus from Marcel and his minions. 
“Long way from Mystic Falls, aren’t you love? Finally ditch those meddlesome brothers?” He smirked as he helped her up.
Her brown eyes widened as she got to her feet. “I don’t know whether I should be disappointed or impressed that you think I’m Elena.”
“Katerina? No, you’re right. The Gilbert Girl could never pull you off convincingly. So human now huh?” Klaus eyed the doppelganger in surprise.
Katherine scoffed rolling her eyes at him. “Damn right she can’t. Ugh don’t remind me. How is it that I give Elijah the cure to give to you and it somehow stays in Mystic Falls?”
“Okay look, I may have given it to Caroline.” He admitted as they began to walk down the street.
She didn’t seem surprised by that at all. “Well then Blondie either handed it over to Elena or the bitch stole it from her. Because Elena shoved it down my throat.”
“I never thought she’d be capable of getting one over on you. Huh. Well let’s get you back to the compound where you’ll be safe. Can’t have our enemies using you against us.” Klaus chuckled slightly as he grabbed her arm then vampire sped back to the Mikaelson compound.
Katherine glanced around when they stopped still surprised that he had actually brought her there. “Is this a trap?”
“No of course not, love. This is home.” Klaus grinned as he approached Elijah taking an infant from him.
She blinked shocked at the softness that Klaus was now showing. “You really did have a baby.”
“Yes, Hayley and I did. This is Hope.” He kissed the baby’s head and glanced over at Katherine.
The curly haired brunette tensed up. “Congratulations. I.. I shouldn’t be here.”
“Katerina...” Elijah finally spoke up surprised to see her.
She softened a bit as their eyes met. “Elijah.”
“It seems that Katerina here has been fed the cure against her will. She can stay here for the time being until we find a way to properly safe guard her. Why don’t you show her to a room?” Klaus filled his older brother in.
Another woman sped into the room stopping beside Klaus with her eyes blazing gold. “What’s going on?”
“Relax. She means no harm. Hayley, this is Katerina or Katherine. Katerina, this is Hayley, Hope’s mother.” Klaus introduced them as he adjusted the little girl in his arms.
The doppelganger studied her for a moment. “Nice to meet you. Congratulations on the baby.”
“I’ll show her to a room. I believe Hope is due a feeding.” Elijah spoke as the baby began to get fussy.
Katherine glanced around taking in her surroundings as Elijah showed her the room that she would be staying in. “It’s really nice.”
“Thank you, Katerina. It’s mine.” He smiled at her.
She looked at him surprised then rolled her eyes. “I don’t think so. You ditched me in Mystic Falls.”
“My family needed me.”
Her brown eyes glared at him. “I needed you, Elijah. All you had to do was ask me to go with you.”
“I thought you would have said no.” He admitted with a frown.
She softened a little toward him. “I would have said yes.”
“I’m sorry, Katerina. You’ve been through a lot. You should probably rest.” Elijah pressed a kiss to her head before leaving the room.
“Katerina, what is it that you want exactly?” Klaus asked her curiously a few days later.
She considered this for a few moments before letting out a sigh. “I don’t want to be human. I don’t like feeling weak.”
“I could easily condemn you to staying human, but I’m afraid my siblings might shove me in a coffin and toss me in the ocean if I did.”
Katherine huffed at him. “Is there a point to this?”
“Yes there is, love. Rebekah’s going to drain the cure from you. There’s a risk you might die though.” Klaus admitted to her.
“Niklaus, I’m not sure that is a good idea.” Elijah spoke up approaching them.
She frowned at that. “Well it’s not your decision. It’s mine and it is worth the risk. Besides I’m Katherine Pierce. Surviving is what I do.”
“Now that’s the spirit.” Klaus smirked at her.
It was quiet. Hayley was upstairs with Hope in her nursery.  Candles were lit in the parlor. Elijah looked worried while Rebekah looked hopeful. Katherine was eerily calm while Klaus made sure they were all prepared. His sister then vamped out for the final time and sank her fangs into Katherine’s neck.
The curly haired brunette grew weaker the more that the blonde drank until her eyes widened. “Nadia?”
“Alright, that’s enough, Rebekah.” Klaus watched his sister let go fo Katherine and the brunette fell limply only for Elijah to catch her.
Klaus bit into his own wrist and held it to Katherine’s lips letting his blood flow into her mouth. He held it there for a few moments then pulled away as it healed. Rebekah grew light headed only to collapse onto the couch. The brothers tended to the two women making them as comfortable as could be. As time went on, Elijah grew more upset.
“Katerina, please wake up. I need you.” His eyes teared up as he sat beside her body.
It felt like an eternity later when Katherine gasped sitting straight up. “Elijah?”
“Oh Katerina!” Elijah pulled her into a hug then checked her over.
The smell of fresh blood made her eyes darken and her fangs appear. She moved over to where Klaus was holding a random guy then bit into the guy’s neck draining him. Katherine pulled back when she was done and licked her lips satisfied. Rebekah on the other hand was elated when her face remained, well, human.
She turned toward Elijah and smiled softly. “I’m okay, Elijah.”
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letterstoseven · 4 years
Killer Queen [ch. 4]
✏︎ pairing: klaus mikaelson x reader, elijah mikaelson x reader, kol mikaelson x reader
✏︎ summary: y/n Silvius –– daughter of the Alpha of the most respected and powerful pack of the first were-witches (werewolf + witch). She needs to find the remaining Crescent Wolf Pack members as the Elders are planning to reunite the seven packs, namely: Crescent Wolf Pack, Northern Wolves Pack, Moon Shine Pack, River Pack, Lycan Blood Pack, Midnight Stone Pack and the Malraux Pack. On her journey, she met the family whom the witches and werewolves warned her about, The Mikaelson Family.
✏︎ Chapters: one, two, three, four, five
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Days passed, and you were trying to go through some of the town's history and skirts. You even went out of the hotel during the night but no luck. You thought that, in the next full moon, there should be at least one werewolf who's going to transform. While you were on your way to eat your dinner, Hayley was calling you, "Hey, uhm, would you like to have dinner at the compound? Thought that you might want some company."
You're near the compound when you heard people shouting inside, "No, Klaus! We talked about it! This city is mine to rule! Witches are not allowed to do magic, but what did you do?!" The guy seems angry at the Mikaelsons. You heard Klaus tell him, "You've seen Hayley! She's been hexed by the group of annoying covens of this town! And she's holding MY daughter! My blood!" Klaus and the guy continued fighting each other.
You knew they can sense you. "Uh, am I interrupting something?" The guy and Klaus stopped fighting, "Hello, [y/n]. To what do I owe yet another pleasure?" Klaus smirked at you and the guy asked you, "So you're their witch!" He shoved you on the wall, it did bother you for a moment, but Elijah came out of nowhere, "Marcellus, get your hands off of her." You were annoyed because you saw a blood on your lips. "You vampires are the craziest bunch I've ever met. And you, Marcellus, I believe, that will be the last time you'll do it. Understood?!" You made him kneel in front of you and you showed him your blood red eyes. "Wha-, wait, what? You're a witch? And a werewolf I presume? This is the first time in a hundred years that I've seen that red eyes. What are you?! Who are you?!" Elijah and Klaus saw your eyes and they were astounded. You're different from any other wolves.
Hayley came out of her room, and walked down the stairs and said to them, "She's [y/n] Silvius. Daughter of the Alpha of the most powerful and the leader of all the seven packs. Plus, her bloodline consists of the Silvius witches. It's like the Mikaelsons of the werewolves and witches."
Marcel told you, "Oh, so you're like a princess of the were-witches. What brings you here then? And really, you broke the rule on your first day here and you're immediately friends with the Mikaelsons." You were about to speak to him again when Rebekah came and told him, "What are you still doing here, Marcel? The little witch's with us. You go near her, you'll have to go through us too." Rebekah winked at you and then Marcel left, it's like it's his cue to leave.
Hayley asked you privately, "So, [y/n]. What really brings you here in New Orleans? I mean, you're like a princess of the wolves." You sat down at the seat beside her and said, "I'll tell you this full moon." Hayley had this puzzled look and said, "You're really not aware are you? The wolves here have been cursed. They will only be in their human form on the full moon. The wolves are hiding because of Marcel. He cursed the wolves when he became the ruler of this town." You were astounded. You never knew why other supernatural creatures are mad at wolves when all they do is act for their survival, nothing more, nothing less. They aren't even as barbaric as these vampires.
"Okay, so Hayley. I am here because my task for the competition to be an Alpha was to find a member of the Crescent Wolf Pack and talk to them about the unification. I have to persuade them to reunite with us. If we reunite again, the seven packs will rise again and become the strongest packs of the world." Hayley lets you see her tattoo of the crescent moon. "I am part of the pack, [y/n]. What do I have to do?"
"Oh god! I thought everyone from the pack was dead. All this time, Marcel cursed all the wolves in this town, good lord!" You sighed and continued, "One of your people will come with me to our pack. We'll hold a meeting and after that, all the members of the pack will arrive at the ceremony for the unification. If I become the Alpha, I don't want you all to feel excluded." Hayley sighed, "I would love to help you, [y/n]. But I can't go out of this place because Klaus and Elijah will get mad. Hell, even Rebekah and Freya." You're distressed, "What should I do to help? I can try to break the curse, Hayley. But I need the moonstone. Do you have it?" Hayley's eyes lit up. "I don't have it but I can ask around." Klaus entered the room where you and Hayley are talking, "I'm sorry to interrupt you ladies, but I happen to know where the moonstone is. I'll give it to you but you'll have to promise me one thing." Klaus smirked, and you said to him, "What is it now?" Klaus walked near you, "You'll have to protect my daughter. I know you're powerful. The daughter of an Alpha and from the bloodline of the powerful were-witches will surely do us more favor than harm. My daughter will be part of the seven packs you wanted to unite once she's born. After she's born, I'll give it to you. This is like an ally."
"Deal. Don't break your words, Klaus." With that, Klaus left the room. "I'm sorry, [y/n]. I'll make Klaus do his part and won't break his promise. You have to talk to Elijah too."
You went out the room and looked for Elijah. He was in the music room playing a piano when he noticed your presence. "What is it, [y/n]?" You were hesitant but you told him what you and Klaus talked about and the reason why you're here in New Orleans. "This is my request for saving your niece's life. Do me a favor, don't make Klaus break his promise." Elijah faced you, "I will, [y/n]. After saving Hayley and my niece's life, I can't think of anything else to thank you."
After that day, Elijah talked to Klaus about the moonstone. Klaus said that it's in Marcel's hand. "Don't worry, brother. I will handle, Marcel. Just make sure the witch won't turn her back on us and betray us." Elijah nodded.
It was late at night when you arrived at your hotel. There was a note on your table, "Lunch at Rosseau's. - Marcel Gerard." You sent the photo to Hayley and asked for her advice. While you were waiting, you think of a plan on what to do about these creatures. You wanted to free the wolves, your kind, from the curse and you know that a were-witch like you will be the one who's going to be able to do it. All you have to do is protect your kind and everything else will follow, you thought to yourself.
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zodiyack · 4 years
In Regards Of My Stupidity
Pairing: Niklaus Mikaelson x Female!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff
Words: 1,670
Summary: Left alone in his empty castle with guilt, memories, and Hayley and his siblings’ words of advice to keep him company, Klaus hopes to reconcile with the woman he loved and betrayed.
Note: I suck at words.
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @jenepleurepasbaby​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​, @dpaccione​
Masterlist | The Originals Masterlist
Part One. Part Two. Part Three.
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He attempted many ways of apologizing without having to verbally admit anything. Klaus wrote a letter, then two, then three, then four, then gave up when he’d ripped out every page in the notebook out of frustration with his lack of words. Then he tried thinking up some form of speech, one he could memorize then recite to her. He fantasized of preforming it with the ending of her running into his arms and them riding of into the sunset to live their happily ever after again.
But even that was a bust. He couldn’t think of anything, nor could his mouth agree with his brain. Each word seemed to contradict one another. Every replacement he made for the words that clashed only had the same affect. He tried and tried until all the words jumbled up into a heap of disappointment.
“I’m sorry.” He muttered softly, like Y/n could hear him even though she wasn’t there, as he rubbed his forehead. All Klaus wanted was his wife back but to do so, he needed to apologize, which meant admitting quite a lot of things. It became a challenge. Especially with Klaus being as stubborn as he was.
To atone for everything he’d done wrong under the influence of Aurora would require something much greater than just “I’m sorry”. Allowing Aurora the power of having him under her influence at all deserved thousands of apologies greater than those two meek words.
He needed to think.
Klaus went outside, breathing in the New Orleans’ air. He felt much more at peace, but not because he could breathe the fresh air. As he closed his eyes, listening to the gentleness of the serene night, controlling his breathing and taking in the world with an empty mind, he imagined his happiness, his home.
“Do you like it?” Klaus snuck up behind her, placing his hands over hers on the railing, lacing their fingers, and leaned into her. She rested her head back onto his shoulder.
“I love it.”
1918 was a good year. It was the one before his father drove them out of New Orleans. He’d been proud of the town they’d made, and he promised Y/n that it was there that they would reign. She kept him grounded, and for the first time in forever, he was ready to be the good brother.
He lifted his arms, lifting hers as well, and wrapped them around her frame, holding her closer. Craning his neck, he peppered kisses along her neck before reaching her ear and whispering, “It’s ours, my love.”
She moved her head to face him, causing him to move his own back a bit in order for them to make eye contact. “Are you being serious? I swear, Klaus, if this is some bloody joke-” He chuckled and cut her off by pressing his lips to hers. Her words were almost instantly forgotten as their lips molded together passionately.
The need for air separated them but gifted Niklaus the opportunity to speak. “I promise you, love, I’m being serious. This,” he let go of one of her hands and extended his newly freed arm to the world around them, “this is ours. It is mine, and it is yours. This is the place where we shall be safe from harm forever. It’s a place we can finally call, home.”
He promised her New Orleans was a permanent setting. Only a year later, Mikael showed up and turned his promise to shit. Y/n assured him with a teary eyed grin that it would be alright. Pressing kisses to his face and reminding him that they were alive, she promised it wasn’t his fault. He’d asked what they were going to do and she merely smiled.
She told him they’d wing it.
The apology was ready, but not in a sense he had confidence in. He left his home feeling a lack of fortitude but continued forward nonetheless. It was time he owned up to the promise he lovingly made long ago and atoned to the mistakes he blindly made recently.
Klaus decided he would wing it.
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“Niklaus.” Elijah greeted emotionlessly. “I’ll retrieve Y/n.” He returned inside but didn’t come back out. Instead, Y/n took his place, but stood further from Rosseau’s than he was to avoid them hearing their conversation.
“It’s nice to see you ag-”
“Please,” she couldn’t bring her eyes to his, at least, not that very second. They were so full with her sadness threatening to seep out in the form as little droplets that would slide down her skin. “Just...get on with it.”
He understood the lack of ill-intentions behind her words and urgency. A calming breath filled, then left, his chest. And then, he obliged. “I...I was uh...I was dumb and... And I should’ve been a better husband and...” His nerves destroyed whatever bravery he had left in “winging” his apology. Sweaty palms, dry mouth, shaky hands and butterfly filled stomach, how was he ever going to get through this?
Moments had gone by and the tension grew thicker. He could see that Y/n began to grow annoyed, understandable with his drawn out stalling. Klaus had to say something. Preferably something that wouldn’t worsen his situation.
But he was Klaus.
“I understand that I hurt you-”
“Understand that you hurt me? You have yet to even ask me how I felt! You can’t empathize with something you only know one side of.”
Her words were true. The only thing he could think to say were her own words, too far late too matter though. “H-how did you feel?”
“You want to know how I felt, Nik?”
“Let me ask you this; have you any idea the pain it caused me to even think about moving on from you? Hayley told me it was more than likely going to happen one day and that I should try when the time comes that I feel as though the ache of not having you in my life is too much for even me to bear, but I cannot picture myself with another man. I cannot fathom a life in which I am wrongfully torn from you, or torn from you at all, generally speaking.”
“Does that-”
“No,” She winced and clenched her eyes shut, “Klaus.” She opened her eyes and made eye contact with him. He saw the sorrow that drowned in her e/c orbs, and his heart broke a little more. “That does not mean I’m willing to just forgive and forget. I want to be with you again, I want to be by your side forever and always, just like I vowed to be but-”
“We can go home-”
“Can you just listen for one fucking second!” She cried out, disbelief strewn across her face. “I have been by your side whenever you needed me to be, even in times where you were too pigheaded to admit that you needed someone. I may never be confident in my ability to brave life without you, but hopefully, I never have to.”
A sigh left her mouth, “So...if you have something to say, do so now...please.” Their eyes reconnected as she waited in anticipation for him to speak his mind.
“I...I don’t...” He couldn’t think of anything. “Just...please, come back with me?”
She scoffed and turned away, eyes red and face scrunched with pain. He fucked it up more. She believed in him. She believed he’d fix it. And so did he.
Then, faster than the speed of light, it hit him. It hit him like a bus, or an anvil over his head like in a cartoon, a lightbulb over his head and exclamation points around his noggin. “Wait!”
Y/n paused but didn’t turn to face him.
“I- I don’t need you to come back with me. I don’t need to go there with you either. I just need...to be with you.” He shrugged with watery eyes and a shaky voice. “I was stupid, blind and mulish. Cowardly, if you will.” He threw his hands up then let them drop to his side.
“I will never forgive myself for hurting you, even if we move on from this, some part of me will always carry the guilt of every time we quarrel. It is unlike us to be so far gone for so long, however, it has opened my eyes to see...” he sucked in a breath, “to see that this time, among all others, I did the unforgivable.”
Klaus sped in front of Y/n, catching her off guard slightly. He took her hands in his. Though she didn’t fight him, she still avoided his eyes. “When I married you, I vowed to be there for you, through thick and thin, I vowed to be loyal and trusting and honest, just as you have been to me, but I failed you. I failed you, love, when I did the worst thing a husband could do.”
“Well...” she laughed lightly, sniffling through a few fallen tears, “it wasn’t the worst, but it was a fucking shit thing to do.”
They chuckled together and her eyes finally met his. “I love you, Y/n, I really do. I look at you and I see the woman of my dreams, my world...I promised you New Orleans was our home, but, when I look at you, I see my true home. Not some silly little place from a time in history, but the woman who I want to spend my immortality with. The woman whom I never deserved yet was chosen by, of all people, to spend her immortality with.”
“And I’d do it again.” She smiled sweetly, drawing a smile of his own. “Even if you are a stubborn bastard,” he held a sheepish grin, “I still love you.”
Even if Mikael ruined Klaus’ promise of a home, he learned that the promise wasn’t about New Orleans. Taking a poetic turn, he came to the realization that she was his home, and he, hers. And now, he was finally coming home.
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honestgrins · 3 years
I have a prompt for you if you can. Not sure if you watch Legacies, there’s an episode where Lizzie makes a wish to a Jinn that Hope is never born. In this alternate universe, Lizzie won the Merge, Klaus flipped his switch 2 years ago in grief and started a war with the humans leading to Triad publicly hunting all supernaturals. Enemy #1 is Klaus and his vampire wife Caroline Mikaelson. I’d like to see a Klaroline fic of this AU please.
Prompt part 2. I have some personal thoughts on this alternative universe but itS totally up to you if you go with them or if you come up with your own. No Hope means no Hayley, means no Elijah dying. So why was Klaus grieving? No Hope means back in TVD S4 the witches had no way of luring him to NO so he stayed in MF eventually wearing Caroline down into a relationship. Josie and Lizzie were like his daughters and when they merged he and Caroline both flipped the switch in grief of Josie.
 Tears Will Never Dry (angsty)
“I failed them.” Her voice was so small and defeated. Curled up as she was in the armchair, Caroline looked blankly out the window. Though she had a perfect view of Bonnie talking through some witchy herbs with a despondent Lizzie out in the courtyard, her eyes didn’t seem to register. It was like she wasn’t even there.
Klaus, who once proudly professed he had no heart, felt something break inside him for he knew nothing could truly comfort her. He had failed her. So he offered what little he could, what he held onto when she was so far away. “You love them so completely, you could never fail them,” he vowed, and he’d never meant something so much. It took all his strength not to pull her into his arms, to close the distance she wrapped around herself so tightly. “You will help Lizzie through this, and—” The lump in his throat made it hard to speak, not that he could bring himself to say the name she cried in her sleep. “—you loved her to the end.”
Tears trickled down her crumpled face. “It’s not supposed to happen that way,” she croaked. “Mom and Dad loved me to the end, too. Their ends. Now, I have to live with her being gone. Forever.”
It used to be a promise between them, sweet and tempting; on her tongue, the word sounded sour. Helpless and desperate, Klaus kneeled  at her feet. He pressed his mouth to her knee, hands wrapped around her legs like a lifeline. “Tell me what I can do. Please, sweetheart. Let me help.”
Blinking down at him, she let her fingers card through his hair. Her smile was sad, apologetic. “It just hurts so much.”
And he knew it was too late.
The club was a dangerous idea. They were meant to be in hiding, and it defied sense to flaunt their return to New Orleans in a favorite haunt. But the girls were having fun, and Klaus was loathe to break up the party with sense.
He was tucked into the quietest corner of the VIP lounge, high above the din. Lizzie and Caroline, meanwhile, danced in the crush of the crowd, the pounding beat far too much for even a vampire’s ears. They laughed as they bumped into each other, and a smile curled his lips. It was good to be home.
Their little family was still grieving Josie’s loss after two years, each in their own way. Caroline preferred enjoying the lighter side of life, aided by a lack of human sensibilities. Lizzie alternated between reveling in her magic and loathing it for the too dear cost, just as she hated her mother for flipping the switch and loved having her as more of a friend. Klaus...
Klaus was just trying to keep the game interesting.
“Careful, friend,” Marcel warned, offering him a fresh drink as he dropped into the next chair. “Your humanity is showing.”
“She’s not paying me any mind, we can speak freely.” He turned to his old friend, a son that was lost and found, then lost and found again. How he wished he could grant such a miracle to Caroline. “Tell me about Triad.”
Clenching his glass, Marcel looked grim. “My nightwalkers keep disappearing, and even the ones with the GIft,” he murmured with laden meaning, since vampires had learned to hoard the secret of lapis lazuli and the safety it provided, “have mentioned being followed. Davina hasn’t risen far in the ranks of the organization yet, but she thinks a big move is in the works.”
He grit his teeth. “And?”
“The ‘vampire wife’ is whispered around the place. Often.”
It was a fight to loosen the tension in his body, but a necessary one. He raised a toast to Caroline, who tried to coax him out to the dance floor. He shook his head, charming enough so as not to rouse her suspicion. “I assume a kidnapping then.”
“At the least,” Marcel agreed. “Whether they want information from her or to use her against you, torture is to be expected. The switch might be a benefit to her if it comes to that—”
"It won't." His tone was final, even as he held his smirk. The ladies were too busy laughing off those bold men trying to dance with them to read him from afar. "She's been through enough."
Noticeably quiet, Marcel just sipped his drink.
“What, Marcellus?” Klaus bit out.
With a measured glance toward him, he shrugged. “The switch... She’s not really going through anything, and she hasn’t for years now. And thinking you’ve flipped yours, too? You’ve created a comfortable little world for her to avoid the pain, maintaining it to keep her safe without her knowing. What happens when the illusion shatters?”
He gave a careless flip of his hand. “She can’t turn it off twice.”
“If you say so.”
It wasn’t a new argument to Klaus, not when Stefan, Bonnie, Elijah — even Rebekah — had implored him to rethink his grand strategy for Caroline to party away the worst of her pain. At the very least, he could be honest about his own, relatively intact humanity. Instead, he let her enjoy the lighter side of life without tempting a worse outcome should she feel the need to punish him for trying to fix her. After all, she’d done much the same when her mother died.
The subterfuge was messy but necessary, especially with credible threats against her in this war the humans insist upon waging. His ear was attuned to the array of heartbeats throughout the club, the loud music not enough to dull his hybrid senses. Vampires had a slow, dull throb when compared to the hearty pound of a werewolf, not that they’d find themselves in the Abattoir without some pressing business that was sure to involve him. Same with the witches, and only Lizzie’s let out the fast-paced thrum of both full blood and magic.
Humans, though, they seemed to be threading in from the edges of the crowd — and aiming for the blondes at the center. Feeling the world slow around him, Klaus launched himself down from the balcony, mindless to the vampires hurrying to get everyone out of his way. None of them caught the true danger, however, until the strobe light caught on the wooden stakes being pulled from jackets.
Klaus managed to snap three necks before they got close, but Caroline was too busy blocking access to Lizzie to notice the woman stretching a strong arm toward her. Feeling like he was underwater, he watched as Lizzie’s fear overwhelmed her, and the hand grasped around her mother’s wrist glowed red. Pain seemed to lance through Caroline, and she lost her focus to fend off the attack she still hadn’t seen coming.
The familiar scent of her blood filled the air, and all Klaus could see was red.
Later, he would confirm that the scratch down Caroline’s back healed perfectly, that she’d survived the bold offensive he hadn’t stopped. Even later than that, he would acknowledge his plan had been far from perfect, without even the veneer of success to defend it when her humanity was eventually restored.
But in the moment, the thought of losing her to his own carelessness was too much. Clearly, holding onto his humanity wasn’t working the way he’d envisioned; in fact, his rage at the sight of a stake piercing her skin felt like a liability. He processed this in the span of a second, and by the time the human’s bloody head hit the dance floor, his decision had been made.
The world already saw him as a ruthless monster. He might as well give it to them, and he’d make them bleed for daring to harm her. He didn’t need his humanity for that.
With his fangs bared and blood dripping from his hand, he certainly looked the part. When Caroline met his eyes, however, something must have alerted her to the change. Having torn the stake from her back and moved Lizzie to the safe space between them, her head tilted to the side as she appraised him with a new appreciation. She gave a sharp grin of joy and arousal, her tongue slipping from beneath her fangs to wet the corner of her lips. “It’s about time.”
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njeancastro316 · 4 years
Mend the bridges... Part 1
I’m back!🤪 Yes this is the continuation of Narcissistic Cannibal. This will be divided in 2 parts. Because it would be tooooo long 🤦🏻‍♀️. The next part will be better . I promise 🙏 also I will make my masterlist so help me God. I know it’s difficult keeping up with me and my snippets. I love comments and feedback. I change things to benefit my story telling peeps so dont get mad if something doesn’t correlate with the series.Anything is possible when magic is involved remember that too.
Bold: Thoughts , spells , memories
Kudos to the gifs creators... my god I love ya guys . Very visual author here 😜
Characters: Elijah😍 , female reader, Klaus, a bit of Hayley and Freya.
Warnings: None
English is not my first language. I cannot stress this enough. I apologize for any grammar mistakes. I always have fun writing even though I’m nowhere near there yet. It never dampens my spirits . I hope you enjoy .😘🤗🙌🏻
@hellotvshowtrash @maldita-world @moon-child-writer @ronniemikaelson @raemikaelson @auroracalisto @eternityunicorn @elejahfanfic @xxwritemeastoryxx @soul-revoir @thequalitylady @nikmikaelsonswife @multifandom-girlie @mikaelson-emma @petrova-banz @alwaysfangirlingish @dumble-daddy @moon-ascendant
Niklaus sat on his study having a drink , pondering on the days events . Rebekah had been returned to them and was save and sound , Elijah was still in his room where he left him and Titan had imprinted on his daughter making him Hope’s new protector ,leaving Y/N somewhat defenseless .
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“Love wait” he called Y/N on her wait out . “Yes brother” her nose was red from crying . “You are always welcome to stay in the compound if you want to be closer to Titan” he smiled. “That sounds wonderful Niklaus and thank you for the offer but I’m afraid I must decline. I know I’m not welcome at least by one of the members of this family and I do not wish to sever our ties further. Titan is where he needs to be”she paused “at your daughter’s side protecting her from harm just as fate intended”. Klaus nodded solemnly . “I just...didn’t think it hurt this much , he’s been with me for centuries I mean Elijah and I saved him and We ...she stopped herself the sound of his name brought her pain. Her features changed taking a serious tone “he will be cloaked for any stranger who enter this home only family will be able to see him , if he perceives a threat towards Hope he will kill on sight ... just take good care of him Niklaus please promise me”. “I give you my word love” he closed the space between them and pressed his forehead against hers. “If you have a need for me , I will be here” he watched as she left .
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Taking a sip of his drink he lifted his eyes to the door where Elijah stood.
“Niklaus I”... the elder sibling started only to be interrupted “What the hell was that Elijah”?! Klaus roared breaking the glass on his hand. “You are lucky that it was Y/N. If it would have been me I would’ve beheaded you and put your head on a pike. How could you treat her so poorly to even have the audacity to suggest that I have laid with her Klaus growled. I’ve never looked at that woman with any eyes other than a sister. “Brother I... “ No” Klaus cut him off . “Tell me the truth ? Are you jealous of the bond I have with her ? Because yes we have a bond but not the one you think , we are bound by our fathers and their mistreatment”. The elder original didn’t seem to understand. “Do you know why she lost it , why her power was unleashed? . Because you reminded her of her father” .
Elijah eyes widen in confusion.
“Her father displayed her to his friends . I do not know if it was the first time or one of many . But what I stumbled upon that day was appalling to say the least.He fondled her and called her names while she fought him. He pinned her like you did while he told her she was a savage, a whore just like her mother and when I spoke her eyes pleaded at me to save her that’s when I saw her loose control . I saw with my own eyes how she killed 7 men with no effort. You know first hand how her father treated her. How could you Elijah ? In a thousand years I’ve never seen you treat a woman that way especially Y/N”Elijah looked at his hands then back at his brother silent he had no defense what he had done was unforgivable. “That’s why we are bonded because she reminded me of Mikael. She is a strong witch and one of our best allies . Now I don’t know how you’ll do it but you will make amends with her”.
“Niklaus I cannot” Elijah body shook with rage.
“And Why bloody hell not Elijah ?! Give me one good reason” the hybrid shouted.
“I dont know !!” Elijah screamed his wooden colored eyes turned black . “All I know is every time she’s before me , every time I hear her voice I feel this rage , this ... this... hate that I cannot control . I want her blood , I don’t understand where it comes from brother . I can’t explained it but it’s there as tangible as that glass you just broke .I don’t even recall my time with her, even those fleeting memories I have of her ,I cannot seem to hold on to. Klaus was in deep thought this was not normal if memory served him right Y/N was one of the most important women on Elijah’s life. “Why did you ended it with her” ? The hybrid asked . “I”.... Elijah went to respond but found himself with no answer. “I don’t know, I dont think I ever did ”. “You realized that this is not normal , that someone has been in your head brother” Niklaus said watching his brother tensed .
“But that’s impossible we cannot be compelled” Elijah stated the fact . “True but you can be spelled brother” came from a female voice .
“Ahhh Freya nice of you to join us , it seems I was right our brother suffers from a magical affliction can you help him”.
Freya nodded. “Come with me”. They walked to her room . “Elijah I need your blood”she handed him a dagger which he took and made a nice clean cut on his hand, his blood pouring on a metal basin. “Ummm do you have anything of hers brother” she looked at Elijah. “I do not”. “Lucky for you I do” Niklaus smiled giving Freya a few strands of Y/N hair . “You have to thank your niece for that she was playing with Y/N and seemed enthralled with her hair”. Freya sat down and started chanting “Revela incantare veritas ... Revela incantare veritas ... Revela incantare veritas”! Freya’s body shook strained by the power passing through her body that soon her eyes started to bleed .Klaus and Elijah paced back and forth . “Stop Freya!”Elijah started to worry . “Revela incantare veritas ... Revela incantare veritas ... Revela incantare veritas” Freya screamed and stopped. “Sister”? Klaus called. “Brother”she panted while looking at Elijah “you have been cursed . I’ve never seen this magic before this is old magic older than Dahlia, Esther this is ancient magic, it is ... it has to be”. “Curse ,I don’t understand who did this to me?” “I don’t know but it’s not only you Y/N suffers the same curse . All I know is that whom ever it was Elijah they didn’t want the two of you together. They wanted you to hate each other and for what I gathered they succeeded”.
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“Is there anything that can be done?”Klaus spoke . “They cannot tolerate themselves in the same room with out being at each other’s throats , especially Elijah he is mostly affected and he triggers Y/N”. “Well”... the witch paused deep in thought. “I can use your bracelet with a calming spell to diminish the curse effect so that when you are near her you won’t have the urge to rip her head off , maybe it’ll help with your memories as well”. “That will be most useful”. “I’ll get right on it”. “Thank you sister” Elijah came close to his elder sister and kissed her forehead “Please rest, promise me” . “I will as soon as I’m done”.
“Niklaus... a word. You said that Hope was playing with Y/N so I can asume that she’s been here in the compound”. Elijah met with Klaus his bracelet newly spelled.
“This is temporary brother but it will help you”Freya said while placing the piece of jewelry on his wrist. “I don’t know her well but she’s noble brother like you . I can sense it. If this war is to be won we need people like her”. “I agree” he spoke softly “Thank you sister” Elijah left to meet with Klaus.
“Yes Elijah she was here and she met Hope and before you put my decision to contest let me tell you . You are wrong she’d never hurt Hope. I dare say that fell in love with her as soon as she saw her , it was a sweet sight to behold”.
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Klaus smiled remembering Y/N s face when she saw Hope. “She’s beautiful ...brother oh my god” Y/N put her hands on her mouth in awe. “You want to hold her?” Hayley asked. “Yes please!”she answered her excitement getting the best of her. Hayley carefully placed Hope in Y/Ns arms and Y/N melted. “You’re adorable little niece. I have wished for you for centuries” she whispered. “You will bring all of us together my love. Nik she’s perfect” she kissed Hope’s forehead. While the baby girl played with a lock of Y/N’s hair. “Now little niece , I have someone who wants to meet you. Revela” she spoke while going down on her knees. “Oh my God!!”Hayley shouted. “Calm down luv” . “What do you mean calm down thats a panther , a big ass panther”. “It’s s ok Hayley , Titan is my companion he’s friendly”. Hayley looked at Klaus and he nodded. Titan carefully walked towards Y/N and Hope. “Isn’t she beautiful Titan”? Yellow slit eyes inspected the child before him and purred in agreement. Hope little hands reached for Titans whiskers and pulled blue eyes set on yellow and Titan bowed down to the infant making Y/N gasp. “What is it love?” “Niklaus he ... he... inprinted on Hope” . “What?!” Hayley asked shocked. “He has ... it’s done”. Y/N bowed her head to her companion and walked towards Klaus and Hayley and handed Hope to them. “Are you certain?” she went on her knees to her long time friend and he only purred and licked her face. “So be it ... nothing will reverse it , protect her and this family with your life if need be . I’ll miss you my friend” . Y/n’s heart sank at the sudden overwhelming feeling of sadness that took hold. She had to leave. “My Titan ... always and forever” she bowed and rubbed her body against the big cat.
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“So you see brother .Today she’s been stripped of everything she’s held dear . She will need you , someone she” .... Klaus struggled to find the right word ... “appreciates”not daring to say love.
“Niklaus I don’t think that’s wise, she killed me ”
“Oh it is wise Elijah because you deserved it Any way while we have gained a very ancient and powerful ally , a protector for Hope ,Y/N has lost her companion surrendering him with out question. Titan will never leave my daughter and he ...
“He will never return to Y/N yes I understand ” Elijah finished for Nik feeling a tinge of sorrow.
“She tried not to show it but it broke her , I know what that animal means to her and how much she adores him” .
“We rescued him from certain death , he symbolizes what we promised to each other of course she adores... ” Elijah stopped himself looking at his bracelet Freya’s spell was suppressing the curse and he started to remember things. Niklaus nodded “Go to her brother and mend the bridges” leaving Elijah alone to contemplate how in the hell he was going to make peace with Y/N.
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andreal831 · 5 months
Do you think there is anything Klaus could’ve possibly done to make Elijah never able to forgive him? I’m talking like Elijah never even wants to be in the same room as him for the rest of his life.
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I definitely think there are a few things he could do.
Now this is hard because these really gets into the difference between TVD Elijah and TO Elijah. While, yes, they are supposed to be the same characters and we can talk about the organic changes that could have led to the difference in the characters, I think we all agree there are some massive differences.
The very first time we see Elijah, he is ready to kill Klaus and only stops when Klaus says he lied. Elijah would never have forgiven Klaus for killing their siblings. He not only never wanted to be in the same room with Klaus but he wanted to remove Klaus from the face of the Earth. We needed more of this Elijah in TO.
To Elijah, and all of their siblings, they could forgive for most things. After all, they were the only people they had. Even when other people became immortal, they were not as immortal as the Mikaelsons. They were cursed to live forever while other immortals could die a little easier. They were forced to forgive each other for all of the pain and torment since everyone else would die and they would be all that was remaining.
That being said, when Klaus took away his siblings permanently, Elijah not only planned to kill Klaus but he hunted Klaus down for 60 years to do so. It wasn't just a rash decision he made in the heat of the moment. It was a methodical, detailed plan.
As much as I want to say Elijah would never forgive Klaus for harming Hayley, his track record is not on my side. We do see him at the beginning of Season 3 struggling to even be around Klaus after what he did to Gia and Hayley, only returning to the compound because Hayley asked him to. However, he ends up forgiving Klaus within a few months. I wish he would have stayed angrier longer. If their lives hadn't been in jeopardy, I think he would have, but he had to prioritize saving his family. Also if they had been unable to fix Hayley's curse, I could see the hostility lasting. Elijah would play nice for Klaus but never forgive him and likely move out as soon as Hope was old enough/sent off to school.
I do think a little bit of TVD Elijah was left in TO Elijah, and a lot of it shifts to Hope. In Season 2, when Klaus is pretending to go off the rails, Elijah hardly hesitates to help dagger him. If Klaus had done something to harm Hope or risk her life, Elijah would never forgive him. I could see him wanting to kill him as he had after he thought Klaus killed their siblings.
It's sad it does take Klaus going to the absolute extreme before he gets this way.
I wish we could have seen more of Elijah's reactions after Celeste's death. I headcanon that Elijah was incredibly depressed after her death but he was also very lonely. We know that her death happens about the same time Klaus took in Marcel. So not only did he lose Celeste but Klaus forced him away from Marcel. I would have loved to see what Elijah threw himself into to deal with this loneliness. I think this is what drew him back to his family, and potentially Rebekah. Like I said, he had eternity ahead of him and Celeste was already gone, if he never forgave Klaus, he was looking at being alone forever.
There are very few things that would make Elijah give up on Klaus, but we did see it a couple of times in the show. Really it comes down to permanent damage to their family, more specifically Rebekah and Hope. And maybe Hayley.
Thanks for the ask!
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its-a-secert01 · 4 years
~A father’s Love~ Elijah Mikaelson
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Really excited about this one!! Hope you enjoy! And remember Request are open!!!  ______________________________________________________
* “Elijah please I beg of you.” the woman pleaded with the Original   “Now Sarah you know I would do anything for your family but this..you know not of what you ask.”  “It won’t be for long I swear, I just need enough time to make it safe for her.”   “And who’s to say she shall be safe with me, you know how my brother Niklaus is he’ll use her as a pond in one of his games.” “Yes but I believe that you would do anything to protect her and that is why I trust you, after all these years Elijah have I ever asked anything of you?”  Elijah sighed “Give her to me.” the women put a tiny little infant girl in to the vampires arms, she cooed up at him and smiled there was no possible way he could let her here to be a lamb to the slaughter.  “Alright fine I shall keep her with me until your troubles are over.” he said looking back up at the mother, “Thank you.” she almost cried, she grabbed a bag full of dippers, bottles and clothes.  “Your a good man Elijah.” she commented as she handed him the bag, “Just promise me something?” she asked she continued after Elijah didn’t say anything “Promise me if anything shall happen to me and her father you’ll raise her as your own, you’ll love and protect her always and give her this when she’s ready” Sarah handed him a box inside was a necklace with a small gold heart locket on it “I want her to know who her mother was.”  Elijah nodded “You have my word.” he said taking the box after Sarah had said goodbye to the child, Elijah put her seat in his car an they set off for new Orleans.*  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Daddy, daddy!” Leah cheered breaking Elijah out of his thoughts she ran over and jumped in to his arms “Hello darling.” he said kissing her forehead the 6 year old giggled “How was the park?” he asked  “It was great Uncle Kol went on the monkey bars.” she said smiling from ear to ear, “Oh did he now?”   “Yeah auntie Becks said he looked like a giant monkey.” Elijah laughed he loved to see his little girl smile “Well why don’t you go wash up for dinner it’ll be done soon.”  “Okay!” she chimed Elijah let her down and she ran to the stairs to go to her room.  Rebekah sighed leaning against the counter as her brother stirred sauce in a pot “I can’t believe how much she’s grown.” she said   “Yes.” Elijah said looking at her, “Seems as if I just brought her home.” he added   “Despite how i’d hate to ruin a good day we have a problem.” Rebekah said moving closer to him  “At the park Leah’s eye’s they...”  “They what Rebekah?” Elijah asked  
“They turned black, they where darker then the night sky.” she said just above a whisper “When did this happen?”   “When I said it was time to come home she didn’t want to leave she grabbed my arm and her eye’s turned black.” Elijah filled with fear “That’s what happened to her mother before she went mad.” he said  “But she’s only six! Those bloody witches couldn’t possibly be that curl.” Rebekah ranted “I’m afraid they could, was there anyone else at the park?” Elijah asked  “Not that i seen, you don’t think someone put the spell on her while we were there do you?”   “I think someone just activated her magic earlier then it should have been and cursed her to use it for wicked things.”   “What are we going to do?” she asked “We’ll have to find the person who started this.” Elijah said just then Leah came bouncing in to the kitchen holding the hand of her uncle Klaus smiling from ear to ear.  “Is dinner done daddy?” she asked “Umm yes dear.” he said Elijah placed a booster seat an Leah clammed up on the chair, “It smells so yummy!” She cheered.   “Can I have a drink with dinner?” she asked “After you eat my love.” Elijah said “But I want one now!” Leah wined   
“Now now little girl your father said after dinner.” Klaus spoke up, Leah began to breath heavily  and clinched her little fist, “I SAID NOW!” she screamed she pushed her little hand out in front of her, the table flipped over and Klaus went flying across the kitchen.  
“Bloody hell!” Rebekah said Leah turned towards her aunt with her hand still raised “Leah Sarah Mikaelson if you hurt your aunt, I’ll send you to your room for the rest of the night.” Elijah scolded the little girl lowered her hand and began to cry.   At that time a very Pregnant Haley walked in “What is going on?” she asked “I believe we have a little witch on our hands.”  Klaus said standing to his feet.  “Elijah?” she asked giving him a confused look Elijah sighed  “Her mother was a witch before i brought her to live with us, she suppressed all of Leah’s magic, Now I think someone has undone the spell and put a curse on her like they did her mother. She’ll use all her magic for evil and over time her ancestors will turn against her they’ll drive her mad eventually causing her death.”  Elijah looked down and brought his hand to his eye’s as whipping awake a tear.  “Well brother you didn’t think to tell us this could happen before, Oh I don’t know when you first brought her in to our home!” Klaus shouted scaring Leah she jumped down and ran to her father clinging on to his leg.  “Now look what you’ve gone and done.” Rebekah said to him, Hayley put out her hand to Leah, the little girl ran to the wolf’s side “it’s ok this isn’t your fault.” she said  “Uncle Klaus is just scared.” she added “I am not scare of a child!” Klaus fought back,  “Auntie Hayley can I say hi to the baby?” Leah asked Hayley smiled  “Of course.” Leah placed a hand on Hayley’s stomach and smiled when the child inside kick she got exited and giggled with joy “Ouch!” Hayley let out Klaus took a step towards her.  “I’m fine she just shocked me, when she got exited it was like electricity going through her hand.”  “Elijah she can’t control this!” Klaus said “I know brother I’ll work on it there’s not much we can do now. Leah darling why don’t you go to your room I’ll bring you some food in a minute.” Elijah said the little girl placed her head down “Okay daddy.” she said and made her way to the stairs.  Elijah rubbed the back of his neck and began to past the kitchen “We need a witch to undo a witchy spell.”  Klaus said  “Maybe devina will help.” Hayley added    “It’s possible but she herself is a young witch she might not know how.” Elijah thought more to himself “It’s worth a shot isn’t it?” she asked he sighed  “Yes I suppose you are right, Klaus talk to Marcel see if he can convince Devina.” Klaus nodded and got on the phone  “In the mean time I’ll try to keep her calm, try and stay away from Leah as best you can I don’t want you or the baby getting hurt.”  “She’s only six.” Hayley said  “Yes but a six year old with extreme power all coming on her at once as of right now she can’t control it, even if she doesn’t mean it she could still hurt you.” Hayley nodded holding her baby bump.  Elijah fixed the table and cleaned up the mess, he made Leah a grilled cheese and took it up to her room, when he walked in she was curled up under her blankets he could hear soft sobs coming from her.  “Leah darling i brought you a grilled cheese and some milk.” he said trying to sound cheerful  “I’m not hungry.” she mumbled “Come on you have to eat something.” he said setting the plat down on her nightstand and setting on the bed  “Darling It’s going to be ok I promise.” he added “I hurt aunt Hayley.” she cried  “Honey it’s okay she and the baby are fine.” Elijah said  “And what about Uncle Klaus he is going to hate me.”  “Oh that would be physically impossible love.” Klaus said walking in to the room “I could never hate you.” he added Leah climbed down from her bed and ran over to Klaus hugging his legs “I’m sorry.” she sobbed.  “it’s ok sweetheart.” he said picking her up, “Now I just want you to have something to eat and get some rest uncle Klaus and your father will make everything okay.” he said the little girl sniffed and nodded her head she had her sandwich and milk Elijah picked out her pj’s and got her changed an tucked her in to bed.  “Daddy can you tell me a story?” she asked “What do want to hear?”  “I want to hear a story about a princess.” she said “Let me handle this one brother.” Klaus said placing a hand on Elijah’s shoulder he kissed Leah on the forehead and said goodnight and walked out Klaus shutting the door behind him.  “Now.” he said sitting down next to his niece “Once upon a time there was a brave prince he was strong and noble everyone loved him but he had a secret.” Leah gasped “What was it?” she asked  “He had secret love for a princess, this princess was his daughter not many people new about her in fear his enemies would try to harm her or use her to their advantage so he kept her a secret, to everyone but those he trust...His family. And they swore to protect her from any and all harm.” Klaus took a breath  “But one day the princess grow ill and the prince was scared he would lose her, so they had to tell more and more people about her in order to save her from the illness.”  “Poor princess.” Leah said her eye’s starting to get tired “Yes poor princess indeed for she suffered a great deal but the prince and his family where able to save her with magical friends by their side and the princess lived happily ever after.”  “Did the princess have any brothers or sisters?” Leah asked “No but she had a baby cousin who she loved dearly and who loved her just as much.” Klaus said Leah smiled “good.” she whispered and drifted off to sleep.  ______________________________________________________________ Thought this be a good point to let off, I hope you enjoyed it!! 
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sxnnimoon · 4 years
History No More
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Klaus x reader, Damon x reader( briefly)
Summary- You’re back in Mystic Falls due to Klaus having some business to handle so you being pregnant and not wanting to stay in the house all day you venture off where you bump into a few people you really hoped you wouldn’t but small town means unexpected meetings.
You didn’t want to be in Mystic Falls for two reasons. One being you do not want to relive your high school days as almost every single person is still living in this town. And reason number two being you are a wolf turned hybrid and am carrying the child of The Klaus Mikaelson. But here you were in the Mikaelson mansion awaiting Niklaus’ return from doing lord knows what. You decided he was taking too long to arrive home so you went for a walk downtown and maybe stop at the grill to get something to eat. Although you hated being here it did have it’s perks. It’s not even the town you hated though. It was the history that was made here. You were too busy in your thoughts when someone bumped into you.
“I am so sorry.” the person spoke.
“It’s alright no harm done.” you said.
You looked up to see it was none other than Hayley Marshall, the one your now fiance decided to sleep with while you both were on a “break”. You don’t blame her though, you blame Nik. he may be horrible to most and had his way with women but if there is one thing for certain he did know how to pick them. 
“I didn’t know you guys were back in town.” she said.
“We just got in last night, Nik had some things to take care of so I thought I'd take a breather from all things him.” you spoke out of breath.
You were about to walk away when Hayley grabbed your hand.
“I know you probably hate me for sleeping with Klaus but believe me I was drunk and I don’t necessarily sleep with anyone I just met.” she said worry in her voice.
“Believe me love I wanna hate you but I don’t, what I can do is blame Nik for putting his dick somewhere he knows he shouldn’t have, regardless of being on a break.” you spoke powerfully.
“And I will spend the rest of my days making up for it.” Nik came up behind you. “You can’t possibly still be mad at me my love?”
“You bet your ass you’ll be making it up to me. I am not carrying this baby for nothing.” you elbowed him.
“Well this is my que to go, see you guys around I suppose.” Hayley said walking away.
Klaus turned to face you. 
“Mine as well, I’ve still got a bit of things to do yet so you’ll be on your own til then, Rebekah is on standby in case you need something alright? I don’t need my queen worrying too much.” he gave you a quick peck before vamping away.
You decided to head to the grill as your little one was getting hungry, you made your way to a table when you bumped into someone who was the last person you wanted to see. 
“Y/N/N, I see you’re back in town.” Damon spoke,
Yes, Damon Salvatore. Back in your highschool/college days you guys went out and things ended when you found Damon in bed with your then best friend, Elena Gilbert. You were two years older than her but you’re guys families were part of the founding families so you were always close. 
“Damon,” you said, turning. “Didn’t expect to bump into you.”
“And I didn’t expect you to be pregnant so guess we’re both caught by surprise.” he said admiring your growing belly.
“Shocking I know.” you held your belly. “Say how are things with Elena?”
He rolled his eyes.
“Things are fine, and yes we are together.” he said.
“I’m not surprised.” you smirked.
“Sooo who's the lucky guy?” he asked, a hint of sadness lingering.
“You’d think me crazy.” you smiled.
“You? Crazy? HA! Never.” he smirked looking away.
“Okay you ass,” you pushed him. “But if you really want to kn-”
You were cut off by your phone ringing. It was Elijah. You ignored him deeming it not important. You then put your phone on silent not wanting to ruin the conversation.
“Anyways, you really wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” you giggled.
“Try me.” he said.
Before you could speak, Nik entered the grill dramatic as ever.
“I see this is where you’ve been hiding.” he sassed.
“Relax Niklaus,” you soothed. “I am not harmed, I am perfectly ok. She is perfectly ok.” 
You rubbed your belly.
“Please tell me you didn’t get knocked up by a Mikaelson.” Damon face palmed.
“Damon Salvatore, I’ll be damned. I didn’t expect to see you so soon.
“Me either but I guess it’s your lucky day.” Damon retorted.
“Now care to tell me how you two know each other.” Nik asked.
“You remember how I told you I never wanted to come back here because of the history it holds?” you said. “Well damon was that history.”
“Bloody hell.” Nik said, “You mean to tell me, this whole time Damon was the one who made you want to forget this here town?”
“Yes.” you responded.
“And that is my que to go.” Damon said before vamping away.
“Nik it was years ago. I’ve moved on clearly.” you held your stomach. “He cheated and all feelings were lost.”
Nik began to speak, but you cut him off.
“And before you say anything the Hayley situation is very different from this one. Damon and I were together when he cheated on me with Elena. You and I were on a break when Hayley happened.” you held his face.
“I just don’t want you to hate me for going and sleeping with someone regardless of it being a break.” he said looking away.
“It’s all in the past and this,” you held your belly. “This baby is our future.”
He gave you his signature smirk. He knew your baby would be spoiled no matter what. That baby had him whipped and they weren’t even born yet.
**Fast Forward 3 months***
You all were back in New Orleans, and by all you meant all. You couldn’t be happier your son was to know his family as he was nearing his due date any time now. To say you didn’t want him out was an understatement. You wanted him out. You were miserable. Klaus tried his best to help ease whatever it was you were feeling but it just wasn’t enough. You had been reading peacefully while Klaus was painting, when you felt a very sharp pain. You whimpered but tried your best to ignore it. You didn’t think anything of it. You went back to reading when it happened again this time Klaus taking notice.
“You alright love?” he said.
“I’ll be alright just a bit uncomfortable.” you said another one coming.
You had gotten up to go to the bathroom when you felt liquid coming down out of you. It wasn’t pee. Your water had broken. Your son was coming and he was coming fast. You nearly fainted when Klaus caught you.
“The babies coming.” was all you said.
Klaus yelled for Freya and Rebekah. Seeing as you couldn’t walk or had no interest in moving as your son really wanted out. Klaus sat behind you on the floor as Freya checked you out.
“I see his head, you're going to have to push now Y/N.” she said. “On my count you’ll push ok?”
You tried nodding. Freya counted to three and you gave your first push. You let out a scream. You didn’t doubt Klaus but he was honestly trying his best to help you through the pain you were experiencing. Freya had you push a few more times and your son was born. You let out the biggest sigh, he was here and healthy. Rebekah took him to clean him up a bit while Freya made sure you were alright and fixed you up. Klaus was in tears. The moment Rebekah brought him back, you were in awe. He was gorgeous. He definitely looked like Klaus just with your lips. Klaus and helped you to the bed and he couldn’t keep his eyes on your guys son. He finally had a family. He was going to be the best father anyone could have. A month goes by and you couldn’t be happier with the little family you have. You had been focused on your writing since Klaus has been on daddy duty all day to give you some free time, he really has come a long way. You could only feel your son was the missing piece to the puzzle your guys life was. He was happy and so were you. 
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Can I request poly!Mikaelsons when they find out Reader is pregnant. I loved the headcanons.
Yessssss let's go boys!
Warnings: Fluff, Soft!Mikaelsons, Protective!Mikaelsons
As much as it annoyed them, your lovers let you go on this little adventure of helping Hayley. The wolf had became your close friend after you lost the Scooby gang because they couldn't let go that you were seeing the Originals.
"I'll be careful Elijah. Hals won't let nothing happen to me." You tell your noble boyfriend who frown as Klaus rolled his eyes.
"No offense love but you are unbelievably dumb when it comes to trusting people."
"Niklaus!" Elijah said as you blinked tilting your head as Klaus raised an eyebrow.
"No.....I just like people."
"And there is nothing wrong with that baby." Elijah says softly kissing your head as Klaus smirked.
"Besides if you are harmed I'll tear the little wolf's thoat out." Klaus says as you shivered shaking your head getting peppered with goodbye kisses from Elijah. Both Rebekah and Kol gave you their own goodbye making Hayley blush watching Rebekah give you a heated kiss your face was burning as Kol chuckled kissing your cheek.
"Marking territory sister?"
"Just letting Hayley know who our bunny belongs to."
You and Hayley made it down to New Orleans looking for some leads about Hayley's birth parents and pack. You were in awe with the city as you made sure to call Elijah and Rebekah gushing to them how you were falling in love with the city and how you may not leave.
"So the witches think your pregnant with Klaus's baby?" You ask Hayley as she nodded. You and Hayley had been taken by witches as they believed that Hayley carried Klaus's child even though she was never left alone with Klaus.
"Damn it she isn't the pregnant one."
"What if the other one is." The witch named Sophie said and all the witches turned to look at you. Another witch you learned was named Sabine grabbed you pulling over to Jane Ann. They did the spell again then looked at your abdomen.
Klaus was pissed hearing that witches of New Orleans was plotting something against him so the hybrid travel down to the city which would allow him to be left alone with you. Elijah had followed to find you since you hadn't called in awhile and also to find out just what the witches were planning.
"I'm Elijah. You heard of me?" Elijah asked Sophie after saving her from vampires. After talking to the witch about her sister, Elijah was taken to the cemetery and the witches couldn't stop you from running to your vampire.
"Elijah!" You shouted throwing your arms around Elijah who growled feeling you shiver as your sundress wasn't doing much to keep you warm. Elijah took off his suit jacket placing it over your shoulders and Hayley walked out seeing Elijah and her heart fluttered with how handsome the vampire was.
Hayley met Klaus, Rebekah and Kol so it was his first time seeing Elijah and found Elijah every attractive. Hayley felt a little jealous seeing the vampire cupping your cheek seemly showering you with affection.
"Why do you have my little wife?" Elijah asked his tone having a dangerous tint to it as his eyes darken keeping you close rubbing your back. Both Hayley and the witches were surprised watching you look up at Elijah muttering something and Elijah raised an eyebrow.
"You think she is pregnant?"
"Come inside where we can talk." Sophie says Elijah followed after with you by his side. Elijah stood with his hands in his pockets as you sat with Hayley.
"My sister died proving that Y/N is pregnant with Klaus's child."
"You do realize Niklaus will slaughter you all about this little lie."
"It isn't. Listen to the heartbeat! When he woke his wolf side, it made a loop hole." Sophie told Elijah who narrowed his eyes but did as told. Elijah's breathing hitched hearing the heartbeat.
"I need to find Niklaus. Hayley make sure Y/N stays safe." Elijah said walking out as you sat feeling like crying as Elijah was hard to read and you were scared. It didn't take long for Elijah to come back with Klaus.
"Don't look sad, my Queen. I'll take care of these witches." Klaus said looking over you as Elijah was trying to stay calm as Klaus had placed a hand on your abdomen smiling softly as Hayley got to see the full fury of two of the most dangerous Mikaelsons.
"So you hold my Queen and unborn child as hostage to make me do your dirty work?" Klaus said smirking devilishly eyes darken as Elijah moved to in front of you almost guarding you from the witches.
"We want Marcel gone and you are the one to do it." Sophie said grabbing a knife as the witches were nervous as having two dangerous Originals in the same room.
"And what's stopping me and Elijah from slaughtering you all?" Klaus questioned smirking as Sophie cut her hand and you let out a ylep. Elijah was quick to pull out a handkerchief handing it to Hayley who wrapped it around your hand.
"Not only did the spell proved the pregnancy but also linked me to Y/N. So anything that happens to me happens to her." Sophie said and Elijah was quick to stop Klaus from attacking. Elijah looked at the witches his eyes dark with something they hadn't seen before.
"We'll do this but Y/N and Hayley comes with us or else I'll let my brother slaughter this coven. And Miss Deveraux, I would personally deal with you."
"O.....okay." Sophie said shivering from the fear that flooded her and the other witches. You squealed when Klaus picked you up bridal style carrying you out of the tomb with Elijah beside him telling him to be careful with you.
"So is she like dating all of you?" Hayley asked Elijah as you all headed to a plantation house that Klaus had set up.
"She is. To Niklaus, she is a Queen, to Kol a life partner while Rebekah and I affectionately call her little wife." Elijah says smiling seeing that you fell asleep in Klaus's arms.
"Oh....isn't weird?"
"No. She isn't the first, we've shared a lover before." Elijah tells Hayley opening the door for her seeing Klaus taking you upstairs. As days passed Elijah went missing making Kol and Rebekah drive down worried about Elijah and missing you.
"Kol! Rebekah!" You squealed happily hugging them both as Hayley watched.
"Nik wasn't lying." Kol muttered hearing the heart beat like Rebekah. You tried helping to find Elijah with Rebekah while Kol was helping Klaus and Hayley was reading though Elijah's journal. Rebekah could see you were missing Elijah as you were wearing his botton ups and you only slept in his bed.
"A church?" You asked sitting in Kol's lap as he braiding your hair as Rebekah had came back from learning a general idea on where Elijah was.
"Yes now where is our wolf?"
"Hayley is upstairs."
To say you were overly happy that Elijah was home would be an understatement after Rebekah hugged him. You ran down jumping into Elijah's arms and he caught you with ease.
"Careful, baby. The little one." Elijah says softly pecking your lips as Hayley watched feeling a little jealous.
"Eli, they are still a little jelly bean." You giggle as Elijah raised an eyebrow and Rebekah rolled her eyes.
"Her and Kol has been calling the baby a jelly bean."
"I see. Has Niklaus been good?"
"Over protective. He hasn't let our poor babe leave the house." Rebekah answered as Elijah let you down.
"Please Rebekah, you and Kol hadn't like her out of your sight. Not since the witch attack." Klaus said stealing you away from Elijah only for Elijah to steal you back.
"Witch attack?"
"Angus bought up a doctor out in the bayou to check on the baby. Y/N thought it was a bad idea, Hayley thought it would be safe."
"Since then Rebekah hadn't let Hayley near her too." Kol says as Rebekah crossed her arms huffing as Elijah chuckled touching you abdomen.
"Protecting Y/N and baby is important so Rebekah did what she had to." Elijah says kissing your head as you giggle. You all settled for the night you and Rebekah slept in Elijah's bed that night with on Elijah and Rebekah cuddled into his side.
Hayley came down the next morning finding you in Elijah's lap as he reading with Klaus and Kol sitting on the couch reading also. You layed your head on Elijah's shoulder listening to his soft voice reading to you and Rebekah came in.
"Is this the first thing you do when we are all back together. Vampire book club?" Rebekah questioned as Hayley watched catch a glimpse into an everyday look in the Mikaelson home.
"Reading edifies the mind dear sister. Isn't that right Elijah?"
"Yes that's quite right Niklaus." Elijah answered waking you a bit making Elijah kiss your forehead as an apology. Hayley noticed the dead girl on the coffee table.
"And this nonsense?"
"This our brothers form of an apology." Elijah said helping you stad up from his lap as you gently rubbing your belly headed off to the kitchen.
"Nik and I thought that our big brother was hungry after his time in a coffin."
"And I informed my baby brothers that forgiveness can not be bought." Elijah said looking at Rebekah.
"Well she is staining a 200 year old carpet."
"Oh yes....that she is." Elijah muttered getting up to check on you as Kol and Klaus smirked looking at Hayley. They noticed the look in Hayley's eyes as she wasn't the first woman to fall for Elijah at first sight.
"Goodmorning, little wife." Elijah said watching you take out some yogurt which he took over getting you a bowl.
"Morning, I missed you."
"And I you. Here eat baby." Elijah says giving you the bowl of yogurt and fresh fruit. You blinked see Rebekah drag the dead body through the kitchen.
"Who do we have to kill?"
"Probably no one!" Elijah called out to her as you looked at Elijah with a raised eyebrow.
"Alright, potentially everyone." Elijah muttered as Hayley walked in seeing you sitting on a stool and Elijah behind you hands on your abdomen.
"So.... this miracle baby thing, how are you going to unlink her from Sophie?"
"I have a plan. Niklaus is doing his own plan with Kol." Elijah said kissing your head taking your dirty bowl and Kol decided to cling to you.
"What plan?"
"A plan to take the Quarter from Marcel. Then give our pregnant Queen the castle she deserves." Kol says smirking as you laughed lightly and Elijah smirked. Hayley was sure how to handle the Mikaelsons while you seemed to handle them perfectly well.
"This was another home of ours?" You asked Rebekah walking into the Abattoir with her getting a few stares from some vampires. Rebekah found it adorable how in awe you were.
"Yes before Mikael drove us away." Rebekah said watching you stand in front of the fountain rubbing your bumb.
"You think the baby will like here?"
"Yes, sweet love." Rebekah said kissing your temple when Kol joined you both standing behind your resting his chin on your shoulder.
"Elijah made sure your bedroom was in the middle of ours so you wouldn't have to go far."
"That's sweet of him." You said leaning back against Kol and both vampires moved you three to the den. You sat leaning back against Kol as Rebekah lay in front of you on the couch with you showing your favorite Disney movie.
You three fell asleep like this and how Klaus and Elijah found you three. Elijah gently covered you three with a blanket and gently rubbed your baby bump then sat in a chair and Klaus taking another. It was nice to enjoy the peace while they could while keeping an eye on you and soon to be newest Mikaelson.
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tvdiaries-imagines · 5 years
Old Flame: Pt. 11
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 3210
“Hayley, do you know if Y/N has woken from her slumber?” Klaus asked, waltzing through the courtyard with a plastic bag full of food in his hand. 
“Yeah, um, she’s in her room.” Hayley nearly lost her words as she walked past Klaus, aware that an anxious Y/N is waiting upstairs, but Hayley recovered quickly enough for Klaus not to catch on. She cannot stand the father of her child, but ever since your arrival to New Orleans, Klaus hasn’t been as much as a headache towards her. Hayley hopes that your knowledge of this ring doesn’t screw things up by driving you away.  You were Klaus’s distraction. 
Klaus continued walking towards the dining room, setting the table himself for breakfast with his beloved. As he uncovered the to go boxes, the scent of the delicacies traveled up his nostrils, causing his stomach to growl lowly. 
Once everything was set up as he liked, he made his way to your bedroom, excitement filling him that he gets to spend another morning with you. 
Upon entering, you were nowhere in sight. “Sweetheart?” He called, searching from corner to corner. Your French doors were wide open, so he checked the balcony to check if you were relaxing, getting lost in a book. He even checked inside the en suite bathroom in case you dozed off in the bathtub. But still nothing. He figured you were wandering around many of the other rooms, so he stepped out of your en suite bathroom but was caught off guard by the haunting object placed over your dresser drawer. “No.” He whispered aloud, jaw clenching. 
There’s no doubt that he should have found a much better hiding place for that wretched ring that he’s held onto for over a year now. He knew he should’ve destroyed it the moment you left him, but he couldn’t. He’ll never forget the hours he spent staring at it in agony in an empty mansion. But for some absurd reason, he needed to hold onto it as a reminder of someone who made him feel utterly vulnerable at his discretion.  
For a moment, Klaus paced to and fro on the very same spot you did earlier to calm his nerves before jolting out of your bedroom to continue his search for you in the compound. 
“Y/N?” He called out but was unanswered. He figured you may not be in earshot, so he called out again even louder. “Sweetheart! We need to talk!” He exclaimed with a hint of disquietude. After no response from you, he began to panic. As he freed his phone from his pocket to call you, Elijah appears from the shadows. Klaus tucked his phone back in his pocket. 
“Niklaus what’s wrong?” Elijah asked. 
“Where is Y/N?”
“In your bedroom or hers I assume. Is she not?”
“No Elijah, I cannot find her.” The hybrid swallowed anxiously. “And she found the ring.” 
“What ring?” 
“The bloody engagement ring!” Klaus shouted in frustration. “Perhaps she assumes I’ve just got it and...and she ran off. She must have ran off thinking I plan to propose to her.” 
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“Do you, Niklaus?” Elijah asked, reaching into his jacket pocket to dial your number, bringing the phone to his ear. 
“That’s absurd, Elijah.” Klaus flashed a distasteful expression at his older brother. “I’ve just got her back.” 
“Straight to voicemail.” The noble brother muttered. “Must I even ask why you’ve held onto the engagement ring after all this time, brother?”
“You know, I entrusted you and you Hayley to keep an eye on her.” Klaus exclaimed exasperatedly with fury in his eyes, completely avoiding Elijah’s question. 
“Y/N does not favor me as of recent, so the last thing she would want is for me to babysit her like a child.” 
“It does not matter, Elijah. Y/N is-”
“What’s going on?” Hayley appeared. 
“You!” He answered, rapidly charging at Hayley. Fortunately, Elijah’s reflexes were faster as he used himself as a barrier, preventing Klaus from laying a finger at the mother of his child. Hayley’s eyes widened briefly, caught off guard. 
“Niklaus. Control yourself.” Elijah muttered at his younger brother, jaw clenching. 
“You told me she was in her bedroom!” Klaus pointed an angry finger at the wavy haired brunette. 
Hayley rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. “Correct. That’s where I saw her go to last. Why are you all worked up?”
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“It appears Y/N has escaped the confinement of the compound, thanks to you bloody imbeciles.” The hybrid spat. 
“Oh.” Hayley mouthed. 
Klaus narrowed his eyes. “What do you know?”
“All I know is that she was flipping out about finding the engagement ring that you apparently keep as a souvenir.” She answered. 
“What else has she mentioned?”
“She just wants to know why you kept it. Maybe she left to get fresh air. I don’t know, but that’s going to have to wait, Elijah and I have more important things to do. Like help my people. You’re on your own.” Hayley turned on her heel and marched towards the exit. “Let’s go, Elijah.” She added without a backwards glance. 
“Apologies, brother. They are in desperate need of our help. I’ll return to your aid as soon as I can.” Elijah promised. 
“Fine.” Klaus obliged irritably. He knew he had no choice but to accept it. They really needed the wolves on their side. 
(The Present…)
“It’s always a pleasure to see you, sister.” Kol mentioned, the corner of his lip quirking up. 
“Nice...face.” You examined the face of a stranger, slightly amused that Kol would be the one to take over the body of someone attractive. “So what are you doing here anyways? You’re working for your mother?”
“As thrilled as I am...Yes.” He uttered with evident sarcasm. 
“You’re an idiot, Kol. I hope you know that.” 
“I’m aware, darling. But it seems I have no choice. Mother’s the one who brought me back to the land of the living, so I have to obey. Being dead was no fun.”
You swallowed a lump in your throat, recalling the agony Klaus endured after his little brother’s death. Even you mourned for Kol. 
Fuck the Gilberts. 
“Away with you, Kol. I need some privacy with Y/N.” An unfamiliar female voice made expressed. 
For a moment, you completely forgot Elijah was hanging there across from you. Your brows furrowed at the middle aged woman who shooed Kol away. She has tan skin and full, curly black hair. But it didn’t take long for you to decipher that it’s Momma Mikaelson, since you recall Klaus telling you that’s she’s taken on a new body. 
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“Fuck you, Esther.” You scowled. “I’m not doing any favors for you. Especially if it means hurting your children.”
“It has never been my intention to harm any of my children, but to free them of this vile curse.” 
“Right. A curse that you-”
“I know, child. And I eternally regret it.”
“If you don’t want to hurt them then why the hell are me and Elijah here?” Your eyes flickered at Elijah’s unconscious body. “And where’s Kai?”
“Your friend is where he needs to be. However, since I’ve dealt with Elijah before you awoke, neither of you are going anywhere yet until I’ve said my peace to you.” 
You let out a harsh breath, making her burden to you known. “Go on then. I don’t have all day.” 
“It’s no secret that you are back in my son’s life and have reunited with our family. And I admit, I am pleased that you are in Niklaus’s life again.”
“Oh great. The mom approves. I’m ecstatic.” You said with distaste, rolling your eyes. 
“Haven’t you ever wanted children with your beloved, Niklaus? I can give that to you, my darling.” 
“How? Haven’t you heard, someone’s already taken Qetsiyah’s cure for vampirism.”
“No, Y/N. I can gift you a new body. Freedom from being a vampire.” Your face contorted at Esther’s response. “Accept my offer and I assure you, Niklaus will do the same. The two of you can start a family of your own. Given he’s lost his first child.”
“You’re fucking insane. I’m not going to possess the body of an innocent person. That, and I happen to like the body I’m in.” You admitted, shamefully enjoying your life as a vampire.  
Not only that, but you’ve just recently came back into Klaus’s life. First you find an old engagement ring and now Esther wants you to have children with her son? This is too much. 
“It’s a shame that your mind is so poisoned.” 
“Yeah, boo hoo.” You shrugged. 
Suddenly your necks snapped to the hurried footsteps approaching the tomb. You were so caught up in your discussion with Esther that you didn’t realize anyone else was in the area. 
There’s no way it would be Kol since Esther sent him away. You felt a pit in your stomach at the thought of it being Finn. 
But the unpleasant feeling was quickly washed away at the sight of the original hybrid. Seeing Elijah first, he immediately flees towards him, yanking the voodoo doll hanging over him to free him from his binds. Klaus was able to catch Elijah’s limp body.
“Wake up, brother.” Klaus attempted. “Elijah?”
“Nik.” You muttered softly at his back from across the way. 
Klaus takes a second to himself before turning to face you and your nerves began to rise. You assumed that he found out about your knowledge of the ring due to Kai kidnapping you before you could put it back in its original place. 
His eyes lock onto yours, lips parted with an unreadable expression.
“Elijah won’t wake.” Esther interrupted, appearing from the shadows. “Not yet. Which gives you and I one last chance to discuss my offer.” 
“You promised me Elijah’s safe return. What was that, a lie? Just like that ghoulish atrocity outside, claiming to be my father back from the dead.”
“Your father’s return is real.” Esther responded. “I pulled him back from the Other Side before it collapsed. Left him in the bayou to join the wolves. And I used the execution of one of his own to draw him here. Where I knew he’d find you.”
“To what end? Besides my torment?” He asked seriously. 
“I brought him here to be the father you never had. To teach you to become the man you always longed to be. Once you are remade as a werewolf, you can join him and also start a family of your own with your beloved here.” Esther explained, gesturing her hand to you.
“I already told you, Esther.” You huffed, expression hardened. “I don’t want any part in leaving my body.” 
Klaus snickered at you before returning his attention to his mother, tone clipped. “His return changes nothing.” 
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“It changes everything. It is my gift to you, Niklaus.” Esther said as Klaus sauntered towards you, pulling your personal voodoo doll from above you, assisting you in freeing the bindings.
While Klaus and his mother were going at it, you decided to come to Elijah’s aid to see if you can help wake him. You sat back down on the cold, rough concrete with Elijah’s head over your lap. “Elijah please wake up.” You whispered aloud, lightly tapping his cheeks, but you were defeated. “Dammit.” 
Your eyes flickered at the blood splatters on his expensive white button up and an idea soon came to mind. You bit into your wrist and started to feed him your blood. It’s nowhere near as delectable as human blood, but you wanted to try anything to wake him. 
Yet again, you are defeated and accepted the loss. You know Klaus always finds a way. 
Your moment of defeat was interrupted by Klaus’s roaring voice and his fingers wrapped around his mother’s throat. “Because you came for my child! My daughter. Your own blood.” 
“You don’t understand.” Esther struggled to get the words out. 
“My child!” 
“Niklaus, I had to.” Esther strained, weakly stretching out her arm, pointing with her pointer and middle finger. The notion looked spell related, so you rose to your feet worriedly, in case Klaus needed your assistance. 
“You declared war when you came after my family and Y/N. And for that, I will make you suffer as only I can.” Klaus warned, lips drew back in a snarl. “After all, I am my mother’s son.” 
Without hesitation, he roughly tossed his mother to the ground and she groaned in pain. 
Feeling no remorse for Esther, you turned to Klaus and assisted him in getting Elijah’s immobile body out of the tomb. 
Stepping out of the tomb, you were welcomed with the night sky and the moon to guide you as you had to step over a few dead bodies along the way. 
“Wow. W-what happened here?” You asked with a false confident tone, attempting to break the ice.
“My mother’s doing, of course.” Klaus’s grin faltered, quickly looking away from you when he noticed you didn’t bat an eye at him from his remark. Step by step, the walk to the car filled with thick tension, the only sound being the tips of Elijah’s shoes gliding across the concrete. 
When you reached Klaus’s black SUV, you were hoping he’d throw Elijah in the front seat. However, he led Elijah’s unconscious body to the backseat. And before you knew it, you were sitting in the passenger seat, the keys were in the ignition and the three of you were on your way to the compound. 
Neither you nor Klaus muttered a word, so this proves your theory that he knows of your knowledge of the ring. There’s no other explanation for his silent treatment. But after clearing your throat, you couldn’t take the deafening silence any longer, so you slightly leaned forward and outstretched your arm to turn the volume up on the stereo. 
Klaus stole a glance at your outstretched hand. “Did she hurt you?” He asked suddenly, startling you as he caught you off guard. 
“W-what?” You leaned back. “Oh. Um yes.” You noticed Klaus’s knuckles whitening over the steering wheel, which caused you to panic because your blurted response was brief. “I mean no! I was in Kai’s car and she magically caused it to crash, but the pain was quick and I knocked out. But besides that, she didn’t touch me. All she did was bore me with her words.”
“And what did she say to you?”
“Pretty much the same she said to you about putting us in human bodies and,” you paused, recalling Esther’s suggestion about you starting a family with Klaus, “that’s all.”
“And Elijah?”
“I don’t know actually. Esther told me that she spoke to him before I woke up. And also...I saw Kol.”
“What did my little brother do to you?”
“He helped me and let me feed on him.” The endless questions started irritating you because you know that Klaus is trying to avoid the inevitable. “Now what’s with the 21 questions, huh?” You snapped. “Why don't you explain to me why you kept that thing?” 
Klaus waited a beat before responding, as if contemplating his answer. “What thing do you speak of?”
“Oh don’t play dumb with me, Nik. Sooner or later, we need to address the elephant in the room.” You studied his expression. “But I think right now is the perfect time.” 
“Well answer me this first. What gave you the right to search through my things?” Klaus asked with an acidity to his tone, shooting you a glowering expression as he pulled into a parking spot at the compound.
You scoffed in disbelief, his response causing your blood to boil. “Are you serious right now? I was looking for a t-shirt to wear, so I’m sorry that I let you literally rip off my clothes before you fucked me. Did you really want me to basically walk naked to my bedroom to get my own clothes?” You glared at the hybrid, awaiting his answer.
Instead of uttering a word to you, he removed the keys from the ignition and stepped out of the driver’s seat. He began assisting Elijah out of the car and that’s when you realized that Klaus wasn’t going to continue your conversation. “Unbelievable.” You muttered, shaking your head before unbuckling your seat belt and bolting out of the car to enter the compound.
A concerned Hayley began approaching you, but you didn’t have the energy to get into the specifics. “Klaus is getting Elijah out of the car right now.” You pointed behind your head with your thumb, continuing your march to your bedroom.
The first thing you did was slam your door shut, locked it and laid your back flat on your bed, gazing up at the ceiling. You could not believe how Klaus handled your confrontation and it caused your anger to spike as you took many deep breaths. You turned your head towards the moonlight seeping through the glass of the french doors and as your eyes started following the corners of your bedroom, your gaze fell on the vanity and you soon realized that you had left your cell phone inside the drawer of it days ago, so you vamp-sped to it.
It felt like forever since you’ve had your cell phone in your hand, but the battery was unsurprisingly drained, so you plugged it into your charger and headed straight to your en suite bathroom for a much deserving shower.
Once your shower was finished and you were all dressed in clean clothing, you reached for your cell phone, brushing off the missed call from Elijah and the many missed calls from Klaus. Instead, you searched for Kai’s contact and dialed his number. Although he kidnapped you without your consent, you still couldn’t help but be concerned for him because you knew he did it solely for your safety. But all you did was get sent straight to voicemail, so you sent him a quick text, telling him to call you asap. Your mind was too distracted to dwell on Kai’s whereabouts right now. 
You were feeling more upset with Klaus than you’ve ever felt since your return, especially since he handled the confrontation about the ring extremely poorly. And you have to admit, it did sting a little.
“What gave you the right to search through my things?”
Just repeating those words in your head, along with reliving the sexually intimate moment you had with him not too long ago rose the anger inside of you. You made yourself vulnerable to him on his bed and the fact that he didn’t acknowledge it just made you want to strike back at him. 
Without a second thought, you threw on some makeup, your heels and tucked your cell phone inside your cross body bag draped over you. You unlocked your bedroom door and quietly opened it, listening in on where Klaus could be. With vamp hearing, Klaus seemed to be discussing something with Hayley in another room about Elijah’s well being, so you found it as the perfect opportunity to rush out of the compound in the blink of an eye.
A/N: Don’t worry, Y/N is not running away in the next chapter, she’s just going to have a little fun on Bourbon Street ;) Also, the reason for the way Klaus was acting will be answered in due time! And if you’re wondering why Esther didn’t put Y/N to sleep like how she did with Elijah, I was kinda going off of how she approached Hayley to make her mortal. I liked that she didn’t have the need to tortue her/get inside her head. Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed reading and I will catch you in the next chapter! :)
TAGS: @ynm1505 @ravenmoore14@xdontxcare @seasiren96@anyasthoughts @woodworthti666 @agentmarvel13@miss-lumiere@elizabeth-ann1090 @physically-a-cheesecake@azhar1422 @morsmornte @retrocontessa @kollover24 @thewolf-and-thesheep @xoxoaudreymarie @dezzym17@siphonersalvatore @yolobloggers @akshi8278​ @simonsaysyasss​ @eggingamazinglove​ @brooklymw @baseballbitch116​ @hyperion-moonbabe​ @iamjustaslytherinrose​ @lillianeh879  @hannahzlee @bokettolove​ @hyperion-moonbabe​ @gangofhoes​ @sashimi-cat​ @marvel-ousnesss​ @deathkat657​ @rauwz​ @star-adorned​ @bobamilqtea
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wasteland, baby! | kol mikaelson - chapter ten
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Summary: Kol makes a deal with the Hollow to revive the first woman he ever loved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t go as planned.
Trust’s Note: Please like and reblog! I hope you enjoy. I added some Rebekah and Aniya content for y’all <3
Word Count: 2,708
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten
❝ kiss me on the mouth and set me free ❞
TO BE CLEAR, Aniya Grover had never been talented at confrontation. Quite the opposite, really. Growing up, she’d been caught between her mother’s culture and that of the Vikings. Regardless, they’d both valued two traits in a woman: submissive, and quiet. She wasn’t to speak unless spoken to, not to act even when acted against. She was meant to cook and bear children for her husband -- something Rebekah had always rebelled against. Aniya, however, had learned to give into these ideals; and it was now, in the twenty-first century, that she was learning to lose them.
    Aniya looked up at Kol, staring daggers at him from across the dining table. It had been several hours since they’d left the diner and returned to the Abattoir. Aniya had left first, refusing to say her goodbyes after nearly murdering the witch that suggested Henry’s sacrifice. It had been Kol that stopped her, claiming that she ‘was only trying to help.’ It was then that she left without another word. Kol followed shortly after.
    When they returned, Kol called for his siblings to have a family meeting in the dining area. He excused Hayley and Hope, and gave Freya an open invitation despite not having met Aniya when she was alive. The two sat across from each other in the dining area, the air growing thicker with each second. Finally, they heard the sound of heels clicking against the pavement, and internally let out sighs of relief as Rebekah took her place next to Aniya.
    “Now, what might this be about?” Rebekah asked, pushing her chair in. “Have you come to ask for a custody agreement, Kol?”
    Kol smiled tightly at her, eyes crinkling at the edges. “I’ll have to say ‘no’ to that offer, sister. I wouldn’t want to run off with your only friend. After all, no one else seems to like you.”
    “Yes, well, at the very least, I have a friend,” Rebekah pointed out, a sickly sweet smile on your face. “You haven’t had a friend since the 1800s.”
    “1700s, really,” Niklaus cut in, taking his seat at the head of the table. He smiled smugly, and folded his arms in front of him, blue eyes glimmering with delight. “I’m afraid he was daggered for most of that century.”
    “That reminds me, I haven’t had the chance to return the favor,” Kol sneered and stood from his chair. Aniya’s brows furrowed at the harshness of his voice -- the way he seemed to growl the veiled threat at his half-brother. Slowly, she began to feel the weight of a thousand years on her chest. Whatever human version of Kol Mikaelson she’d loved had died centuries ago, and she began to wonder if all her suffering had been the result of pining after a person that no longer existed. If perhaps returning her memories would do more harm than good.
    Subconsciously, she reached hand up to touch the ring around her neck. Kol noticed and glared.
    She watched as Elijah placed a calming hand on his brother’s shoulder, suggesting that he take a seat. Kol clenched his jaw at his elder brother, but obliged, sitting back in his chair. Elijah nodded and took his place between Kol and Niklaus. He took a moment to adjust his appearance before giving a polite smile. Even this Elijah seemed foreign to her. More confrontational and protective, compared to the mere child he’d been before. He was well put-together, calm and a perfect mediator; and, in Aniya’s eyes, a perfect stranger.
    “So, what did we need to discuss?” Elijah asked, looking around the table. Rebekah and Niklaus shrugged in unison, and it occurred to Aniya that Henry’s life would mean nothing to the Mikaelsons so long as they had what they wanted. It would be Rebekah who would be most eager to have her memories returned to her, and Niklaus who would want Vihaan resurrected and return to -- somewhat -- mortal life.
    “It seems that Kol and a New Orleans witch have found a way to return your memories,” Aniya spoke slowly, watching for negative reactions among the siblings. Elijah and Niklaus had reacted the fastest, their eyebrows furrowing in confusion at her statement. Rebekah’s eyes widened as she turned her attention to the young witch. Aniya continued, “As well as a way to resurrect my brother.”
    “Kol, the last thing we need to do is be involved with the witches again,” Rebekah spoke quickly.
    “The witches have lost their link to their ancestors, and are being forced to practice Earth magic. They are at their weakest, meaning they will be willing to deceive and manipulate anyone who is foolish enough to play into their games,” Elijah explained. “In case you don’t remember, they were willing to sacrifice four teenage girls not ten years ago.”
    “As if we’re any better,” Kol shot back. He paused for a moment, his gaze flickering in Aniya’s direction. “If it hadn't been for you and Freya, Davina might still be alive."
    "If it hadn't been for me and Freya, the Mikaelson family line would have been murdered before your very eyes," Elijah corrected. "You may have loved that girl, but she was not your family."
    Rebekah placed a hand on Aniya's hand, which had been resting in her lap. "That's quite enough from both of you. I'm sure there's a way Aniya can return our memories without having to confide in the witches."
    "On the contrary, I have heard of her brand of witches less than a dozen times in my immortal life," Kol argued. "She refuses to practice magic unless provoked, so we aren't even sure she can do simple spells--"
    "You do not speak for me," Aniya cut him off, narrowing her eyes at him. She turned to the Mikaelsons, wringing her hands as she spoke. "I possess an offensive magic. It's a finite source, depending on the state of my health in order to be put to use. As of late, I have combined it with defensive tactics, in which I essentially use nearby resources to protect myself against the attacker."
    "And what the bloody hell does that have to do with memory erasure?" Rebekah questioned.
    "It seems that when I was sacrificed, all traces of my brother and I's existence was wiped off the face of the Earth," Aniya responded. "According to Kol's little witch, I can return your memories by erasing the memories of others."
    Nik spoke up finally, though his face remained blank as he processed the information. "And why would you need the help of New Orleans witches to achieve this? We have a witch, too. One who is not hellbent on returning to power at this very moment."
    "Our dear sister practices earth magic, Nik," Kol said with a sickeningly sweet smile. "She's only practiced sacrificial magic once, she's barely familiar with the concept."
    Aniya raised an eyebrow at his behavior. "Why are you so willing to hand me away to them? I'm not a New Orleans witch. They have no motive to help me."
    "Their motive is that they are indebted to me, and this is their way of paying it off," Kol said with a shrug. "It only cost a few dark objects."
    "You're interested in our marriage," Aniya stated. A light scoff left her lips and she crossed her arms over her chest. It had only taken a few short years of friendship to learn when Kol was lying. She'd recognized it in most of the Mikaelsons, outside of Niklaus. Each time, she'd been kind about it. Smiled politely and calmly asked for the truth. She took no interest in doing so now.
    If he'd simply asked, she might have shown him the memories herself. It might have hurt his head, the way it had done the night before, but at least then she might have been able to prevent the wall of ice building itself around her chest. Not only as a result of Henry, but of his doubt. She wouldn't need a grimoire to teach her the spells she'd spent eighteen years memorizing. She wouldn't want it.
    In her later years, her father began to teach heavier sacrificial magic. Spells to return or take away memories; to ensure the misfortune of an enemy; and spells to take a life. Her father had never taught her to return it, stating it wasn't the job of a witch to interfere with the will of the god's. It had been a pathetic excuse, of course, but she and Vihaan had kept their mouths shut.
    "And you're interested in a human," Kol remarked. "How did he know about Tyaag witches? Perhaps he's a New Orleans witch himself."
    He hadn't been. Henry Pearl had been perfectly human -- a tall, gentle mortal. He wouldn't have survived living in the village a thousand years ago, and she was afraid he wouldn't survive now. Perhaps she should have said goodbye after all.
    Kol watched the pendant that hung from her neck, its velvet ribbon covering the darkened scar she'd refused to heal. She might have gotten hurt if she'd tried to return the memories on her own, and there was no telling whether she would know where to begin. Every time he so much as thought of her within Death's grasp, an aching pain seemed to spread through his body. Some part of him would have rather died than see her get hurt, and he was no longer sure how to fight that side off.
    Turning his attention to his brothers, Kol pointed out, "You two are being ridiculous."
    "And you are being reckless," Rebekah snapped. "I want my memories of Aniya back as much as you do, but I am not willing to risk the life we've built for Hope. Are you?"
    He didn't answer. Instead, he clenched his jaw and turned to walk out of the room. Rebekah let out a sigh and stood behind Aniya's chair, resting a comforting hand on her shoulder.
    "I'm not sure why, of all people, you chose to marry one of my brothers."
    Aniya nodded, a look of defeat crossing her face. "He's the meanest boy I've ever met."
    Elijah and Kol made their way out of the dining room after saying their farewells to the two girls. Rebekah accepted a forehead kiss from Elijah before taking her seat next to Aniya, a gentle smile forming on her pink lips as dark waves fell over Aniya's face. "Let me know when you want me to plait these. I'm sure you're quite famished after a night out with my brother."
    "Quite," Aniya chuckled. "He was never like this."
    Rebekah's smiled dimmed a bit. "No, he wasn't. I suppose it's a difference between who you are and the person you need to be in order to survive; and in the presence of Niklaus, whilst running from Mikael and fighting bloodlust, we all changed a bit. Tell me, have I always been this way?"
    "Yes. I did admire you," She admitted. There had been a time during a bon fire, where she had chosen to stay indoors and help the women prepare food, while Rebekah stood outdoors and sat by the cattle. "Your father should have considered you a Viking."
    "I am sure I have always been a Viking," Rebekah said with a small laugh. "I can't think of other people that traveled around the world on ships; but then, we were running from our father, so I suppose we were more pirates than anything."
    Aniya's lips turned downward, her gaze falling to her hands. "The years not have been kind to you."
    "They were not, but what of you? A thousand years of sleep?"
    "Of nothing."
    She recalled having woken up to nothingness. She was met with a cold, dark silence, as if someone had locked her in an endless room and shut the lights out. She remembered waiting for Vihaan, who'd been killed two minutes earlier, and screaming when she realized he wouldn't come for her. She could recall the pang in her chest, and the sobs that had wracked her body as she bargained with the gods to bring her back.
    She'd been given someone who would observe her silently, capture all of her habits and flaws and loved her despite. Someone that had gotten lost in all of her features, and it had been ripped away from her. She'd been given a taste of freedom with each Mikaelson. Even little Henrik had been a chance for her to escape into a life she would never have: one where she might have raised a child.
    And she'd been left with nothing.
    After a moment, Aniya reached for Rebekah's hand shut her eyes, opening her mind to the Original. Rebekah fell into the void, and a few moments passed before her sight was able to adjust to her environment. She blinked, and notice a frail Aniya sitting a few feet away, her arms holding tightly onto her knees as she stared at the ground. She appeared to be the same way they found her: covered with dirt and dried blood. The blonde pursed her lips at the sight, and pulled her arm away from Aniya.
    "There's no need to worry now," Rebekah assured her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "You're immortal. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."
"WHY AM I HERE?" Aniya huffed as she stood at the gates of Lafayette Cemetary. Kol had promised her a milkshake. "Nik and Elijah agreed that we weren't to seek help from New Orleans witches."
    "Nik and Elijah are not my fathers," Kol remarked, pushing the doors open. He stood and held it for her, causing her to stare blankly at him. "All of your problems would be solved if you did two simple spells. Both of which you would have aid in, if you only asked."
    "They threatened Henry."
    "And they shred the soul of my former lover. Everybody makes mistakes."
    "Then why trust them?"
    "Because we haven't a choice in the matter, and at worst, we double cross each other," Kol said, as if it were obvious. "I am well-versed in the art of massacres."
    "Lovely. All the more reason to trust you," Aniya muttered and begrudgingly took a step into the cemetary. She hadn't returned since the night she was resurrected, though the Mikaelsons had dealt with the Hollow shortly after. They's done something with a parallel dimension or Geminis -- truthfully, Aniya never paid much attention to Nik's coffee chats.
    "I feel caught," Kol snickered as he walked alongside her. He looked down at the shorter girl, his eyes barely glancing at the path in front of him despite the graveyard's sharp turns.
    Aniya scoffed at his response, taking a moment to think before asking, "Do you want to know what I honestly think of you?"
    "I despise you."
    It was his turn to scoff. "You despise me. Why do you despise me?"
    "With every chance you have to do the right thing, to be kind and selfless and caring; you are nothing but conceited, selfish, and miserable," She listed, despite the mocking look painted across Kol's face. Aniya rolled her eyes at his response. "I feel sorry for you, I really do. I just wish you'd bear it better."
    "Well, you wouldn't understand, now would you? You've never had to watch who you thought was the love of your life, truly die."
    Aniya stopped and turned to face him. She analyzed his every feature, his brows twitching in anger and eyes filled with spite as he looked back at her. His lips were somewhat pulled behind his teeth, as if baring them at her in defense. Even his posture looked as though he were ready to pounce, despite the fact that they'd only had a verbal argument.
    She smiled tightly at his statement, fingers reaching for the old wedding ring before she remembered the previous night. "No. I'd move on if I couldn't be loved. I suggest you do the same."
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
Untold Future 4
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings:  Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: Here is a gore free chapter. These will be very few and far between. 
Author’s Note: Yay! It’s Friday and here is another update! This chapter had been partially written well before I even finished Forgotten Alliance. Hell there are several chapters that are partially written. ANYWAYS! I do hope you guys enjoy this one!
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
"We should talk about Hope's dreams." Klaus said as he walked into Elijah's room. He had barely taken note that his brother had been preoccupied with what he was currently reading. When he stopped in front of Elijah's bed, he realized what his brother had been doing. "You've found her contract."
Elijah looked up from the paragraph he had been reading. He was trying to read each line carefully, looking for anything and everything that would give him something to work with. But so far there was nothing standing out to him. 
"Only moments ago." Elijah said with a nod. "What did you see in Hope's dreams?" 
Klaus sighed. There was no easy way to tell his brother what he needed to. "Going into her dreams confirmed everything. I watched as my daughter ran into a building looking for her Aunt. When we found her," Klaus shook his head wanting to spare his brother from the details that he had seen. "While I would do anything to help you find away to get Elizabeth back, I'd rather not have my daughter having dreams of her."
Elijah looked off to the side. Part of him hoped that whatever dreams Hope had weren't of reality. That if anything they'd be glimpses of Elizabeth and nothing of the truth that Klaus had seen. After a moment, Elijah nodded. 
"It is what is best for your daughter." He looked over at Klaus. 
Klaus could easily see the hurt in Elijah. May it have been in his words or even the way he looked away to look at nothing in particular. His brother was in pain as well, even if he wasn't physically in pain. And here Klaus was making the decision to cut off the only way that Elijah may get a glimpse of Elizabeth. 
"If there was another way," Klaus shook his head. "I wouldn't be doing this. I fear for what Hope might see."
Elijah's jaw clenched at the words. The words had ignited something with in the bond. While Elizabeth may have closed off her side of things as much as she could, it was still there. Anger pulled through Elijah at the thought of what Klaus must have seen. 
Elijah ran his hand along his chin as he tried to calm the fire that was beginning to rage of control within him. His mate was being tortured and there was nothing he could do to save her. "I'll find another way. It may be time to follow clues elsewhere."
Klaus nodded his head in understanding. He knew that eventually his brother would decide to leave in search for Elizabeth. He just selfishly hoped it wouldn't be just days after they had been reunited. He placed his hand on his brother's shoulder. 
"You do what you need to to ensure Elizabeth's return home." Without another word, Klaus left the room. 
Elijah watched as his brother had walked out of the room before his eyes landed back on the contract in front of him. He lifted the page he had been reading before Klaus had come into the room. "Give me something, Elizabeth." He said to himself as he dived back into the contract. 
Hours had passed since Klaus had left the room and Elijah hadn't stopped going over the contract. Scattered beside him were the several pages that made up the contract. His eyes must have scanned the words repeatedly, looking for something, anything that would help him find Elizabeth. But Elizabeth had thought of everything. Every single detail Elijah believed would help in some way was mentioned in the contract. 
"That doesn't look like light reading." Rebekah said as she leaned against Elijah's door frame. "And by the looks of it you haven't slept a wink."
"How can one sleep while going through Elizabeth's contract?" Elijah asked as he never took his eyes off of the paper her was currently holding in his hand. 
Rebekah sighed as she entered his room. "By how intensely you are looking at it, am I right to assume there are no loopholes?" She asked as she sat the edge of the bed and picked up one of the pages. 
Elijah shook his head. "She thought of everything." He placed the page down and picked up another. "Every possible reason to ensure this deal would be made."
"That would explain why the witch can't tell us anything." She said shaking her head. "Can't Freya remove the compulsion from her?"
Reaching over, Elijah picked up another sheet before handing it to Rebekah. "We try anything and Jess will take her own life. Ask the wrong question and Jess will warn us."
Rebekah stared at Elijah in disbelief before she quickly read over the page. "Elizabeth all but insured her death at even the slightest mention of the spell tied to Elizabeth's humanity. What the bloody hell was she thinking when she wrote this?"
"My cure." Elijah said softly as he placed the last page down. "She included each of us in some form to ensure that she wouldn't back out from this. Malakai and Kol would become Jax's if she so much as hesitated to uphold this contract. We were to be left alone completely once she handed herself over."
Rebekah shook her head once more. "Hayley is going to be upset to know that we were all in there, including Hope."
"Hope isn't-" Elijah stopped himself for a moment as realization him. Elizabeth would never put Hope in harms way. Even if it was a way to ensure she'd go through with her plan. 
"Isn't what?" She asked looking at her brother confused. 
Without saying a word, Elijah stood from his spot and quickly made his way out of the room. An eyebrow raised on Rebekah's face as he did. Standing she followed her brother out of the room, hoping to get an answer. She followed all the way to Freya's room. 
Freya had been pouring over the spell book once more when her siblings had come rushing into her room. "Is everything okay?" 
She noticed how frantic Elijah looked in that moment. She could also tell he hadn't gotten any sleep since he had woken from his nightmare. Her eyes looked over at Rebekah who shrugged her shoulders. 
"Please tell me you haven't found or done the spell to keep Hope from Visitng Elizabeth." That had probably been the fast words had ever left his mouth.
"I haven't yet." Freya said as she looked between the two. "It needs to be done right before she goes to bed tonight. What's going on?"
Elijah took a seat across from her. "Elizabeth said she never intended for Hope to see her that way." Elijah began. "That to me means she had some intention for Hope to in fact see her."
"But doesn't that go against the rules Elizabeth spoke about?" Freya asked with a raised brow. 
"I was able to find the location of the contract. I've read every word of that document at least a dozen times. Not once was there a mention of the necklaces or even Hope. There was no mention of her interfering in any way. We were all mentioned expect for our niece." There was a slight excitement in his voice that his sisters could easily pick up on. 
"Hope is the loophole to the contract." Rebekah said looking at Elijah, finally realizing what he had.
"But how does this work when Elizabeth doesn't have the charm with her?" Freya asked holding Elizabeth's up.
"Maybe one-sided is all we need." Elijah said hopeful. "If Hope can open doors and at least look out windows, she may just be able to give us the insight we need. Even if I entered her dreams, this would give us the advantage Jax won't see coming."
Rebekah sighed. "Before we get too excited about this, need I remind you that there is still her parents we need to talk to about this?" She bit down on her bottom lip for a moment. "There is also something Veronica said that we might have to take into consideration."
"I'm sure we'd be able to convince Klaus and Hayley of this plan. She'd always have me or her parents to keep her from seeing things she shouldn't. And if this is what Elizabeth wanted to, they have to take that into consideration." Elijah said as he looked at Rebekah. "As for what you've overheard Veronica say is something that you should enlighten us on."
Rebekah braced herself for this one. She was hoping that she wouldn't have to tell Elijah and it would come from Veronica herself. "I overheard her tell Malakai that Elizabeth is going to be gone for three years.”
Elijah’s face fell at Rebekah’s words. “And how did she learn of this?”
“The letter Elizabeth wrote her,” Rebekah began. “Elizabeth told her that for three years she’d have to keep Malakai in check.”
Elijah shook his head. After the hope and excitement of possibly finding a way to save Elizabeth, it was shot down by the simple fact of time. “Where is Veronica now?”
“Out with Vincent.” Freya said with a nod. “She needed time away from the compound.”
Elijah stood from his seat. “When she returns, please ask her if I can borrow the letter for a few moments.”
“What are you going to do?” Freya asked as he began walking out of the room. 
“Freshen up a bit.” He said looking over his shoulder. “Then I’m going to see this warehouse Elizabeth used. Perhaps by the time I return, I’ll have some more information.”
Elizabeth sat in the corner of her cell. Her back leaning right into the edge of it. Her eyes wandered around the cell and even past the cell door. Every detail of it her eyes had taken it in.
While she looked like a mess in that moment, she was healed. Maybe not back to her usual strength thanks to the lack of blood consumption, but she looked better than she had hours ago. Dirt caked her skin along with blood and sweat. How she would just enjoy a shower in that moment.
As her thoughts lingered on the thought of being cleaned, she picked up on the soft footsteps that approached her. Her eyebrow rose as she took the sound in. They were familiar to her ears and it almost caused a smirk to pull at her lips.
She hadn't moved from her spot even as they had come closer to her cell. Over the last several days, this is what she had been looking forward to. It wasn't the moments where she was being tortured or the fact that she had seen familiar faces while being tormented. It was this very vision that Jess had given her on her last day in New Orleans that she had been clinging on to that told her she was on the right track.
"Aunt Liz?" Hope's voice called out the moment her footsteps stopped a few feet away from her cell.
"One more down, kid." Elizabeth said without moving from her spot.
The moment Hope stepped in front of the cell, her eyes widened. She could see how differently her Aunt looked. May it have been the lack of blood or the fact she'd been tormented the last several days, this was the first time Hope actually saw her face.
Hope walked over to the bars and instantly walked through them. At first it startled her until she realized it wasn't a bad thing. She ran over to Elizabeth's side. But the moment she reached Elizabeth and tried to hug her, Hope couldn't feel her.
"It's not going to work that way." Elizabeth said as she watched her. "Don't have the necklace with me."
"How can I help?" Hope asked as she stepped back and sat down on the ground next to Elizabeth.
"You already are Hope." She said with a nod. "It's still early. I'm assuming you haven't woken up yet."
Hope shook her head. "I couldn't sleep last night."
"You were smart to bring your dad last night." Elizabeth offered as she adjusted herself in her spot.
"Dad didn't want Uncle Elijah to see you." She said with a nod of her head.
Elizabeth's eyes met Hopes. She could see the worry in the girls eyes. "Yeah, I don't know how well your Uncle would have taken seeing me like that. He's angry right now."
"How come you can feel his emotions, but Uncle Elijah doesnt?" Hope asked.
Elizabeth huffed a laugh. "Their clouded. I've got vervain, wolvesbane, and even good ol' human sedatives running through my veins half the time. The other half, it's Jess' spell. He doesn't need to feel what I'm feeling."
Hope looked around the cell. "Why did you leave us?"
"Even vampires keep their word." Elizabeth shrugged. "I made a deal with someone to get your Uncles cures for my bite. Now I have to keep my end of the deal."
"Can't you escape?" Hope wanted to find out as much as possible. She wasn't sure when she'd wake up or when they'd come and drag Elizabeth out of the room.
"That's against the rules, Hope. Plus, I'm too weak to make an escape right now. I need a lot more blood than what they are giving me." Elizabeth's mouth watered at the thought of blood. The veins under her eyes even made themselves known. The craving of blood was harder now. At Elizabeth's eyes, Hope got up and took a few steps back, causing Elizabeth to laugh. "I can't hurt you when you visit. This is just a dream."
Hope eyed her Aunt for a moment. "Like the spell Freya did."
"Something like that." Elizabeth shrugged. "Anything interesting going on at Home?"
Elizabeth figured if they were going to have these little visits, she'd make the best of them. She wanted to know what was going on just as much as Hope wanted to know where Elizabeth was to help her. There was only so much either of them could do.
"Mom and dad want to have Aunt Freya place a spell on me." She frowned.
"What spell?" Elizabeth asked.
"To stop me from seeing you." At that, Elizabeth sat up.
"Has your Uncle Elijah found the contract?" She shouldn't have asked but she needed to know.
"I don't know." She admitted.
Elizabeth looked up at the ceiling before looking back at Hope. "I'm gonna need you to wake up kid." Hope had already started shaking her head, but Elizabeth continued. "This is how you are going to help me. You're going to wake up and when you do, you are going to find your Aunt and tell her I said not to sever the link."
"What happens if they sever it?" Hope's eyes widened.
"I lose my loophole."
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Untold Future:
@alka16555​​ @chiefdirector​​​ @winchestert101​​ @ministark​​ @mschellehitt​​ @xanderling​ @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived​
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