#we dont have to keep dropping them on the ground! we can donate them to fics!
copingchaos · 1 year
i'm a 100% for amplifying the palestinian voice and sharing what is actually going on on the ground. The focus should be on them.
We should all pray, donate and at least keep ourselves updated on the crimes that are comitted towards them.
Another thing we can do to show the extent of our solidarity, is to stop putting celebrities on a pedestal. I dont care about many of them these days but there still are some that are meaningful to me.
Well guess what?
"More than 700 leaders from the entertainment industry have signed an open letter released by the non-profit entertainment industry organization Creative Community For Peace in support of Israel. The open letter calls on the entertainment community to speak out forcefully against Hamas, to support Israel, to refrain from sharing misinformation about the war, and do whatever is in their power to urge the terrorist organization to return the innocent hostages to their families.". See for yourselves
Now you might think oh that sounds reasonable, to stand against hamas in support of isreal. But the WAR CRIMES isreal is currently comitting doesnt just affect hamas. Over 6000 bombs have been dropped on regular civilians in just 6 days. If that is not collective punishment (another war crime) then i dont know what is. Hospitals have been forced to shut down? Again, what about the regular folk? Over a thousand palestinian children have died this past week alone!
Isreal is comitting a genocide and what do (not all but a lot) people with influential platforms do?
They stand with the oppressor.
And for those who argue, this was only in reponse to the first attack of hamas a week ago. Well where is their voice NOW when palestinians are being etnically cleansed as we speak? They havent changed their tune.
And not surprisingly, they are the ones who post misinformation. Jamie lee curtis literally signed the letter, which explicitly mentions refraining from spreading misinformation about "the war". That woman posted an instagram picture in support of isreal, when the picture actually showed the suffering of palestinian kids. See the hypocrisy?
The names of the people who signed may surprise you. The likes of mark hamill, chris pine, jon bernthal.
I used to be on star wars stan twitter and it would make the community's entire day when mark hamill was active on twitter. I will never see him the same way and i shouldnt.
Anyway, once again this should NOT take away the focus on the injustice that is carried out on the people in palestine. In fact it should make you think about what's really important. Especially people in fandoms. It's time people stop mouth watering over idiots with platforms just because they are well-known.
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sereniv · 2 years
yknow what is upsetting/interesting/annoying/etc wtvr the best word to use is-
is that in my apartment complex, i see people not listening to the rules of what they can have on their porch or how many flower pots you can have
and i see people growing food like tomatoes that hang over the balcony or climb up the railing
i see the broken fountain i see the dead grass i see them dig up the flowers i plant so as to keep the complex look as dull as possible
mixed in with the lack of maintenance, the garbage problem- just everything
and i realize that despite everything, the landlord and what they call for is making it worse
this complex would thrive if we were allowed to grow food
if we helped each other
if we didnt see this as a temporary residence no matter how long we live here
the trash build up? its because theres disabled people its because theres old people its because theres working people
and its because whats the point in caring?
if we moved the dumpsters closer to the living areas where they used to be, so that people only had to walk a few feet
and included information in the languages of people who live here like Korean/Spanish/etc to help keep them in the loop on what to do
and actually installed cameras
to have a refrigerator, a stand up library, and area where people can drop off the food they dont need, so that anyone who does need it has access to it
a donation area where people put the stuff theyd normally throw away like clothes and furniture and appliances
along with an area for dump pick up with stuff that is too broken to go in the donation pile
all of this there is room for because it already technically exists from our apartment community
to create community and emphasize community and uitilize any skills people have
menders, electricians, etc. and otherwise have a donation pool to hire people who can fix leaks and floods and such
people leave dog shit around because no one cares and why would they? theres nothing to care about we are put in a position to watch only for ourselves
its just so stupid and i hate it
bc this is a perfect place and area which is walking distance from a grocery store and library and lightrail and park n ride and thrift store
it sucks. there could be a community garden where the fountain is. ive seen beans grow when someone tossed pinto beans on the ground. tomatoes. ive had bird seeds like millet grow pollinator flowers grow
green onions
lettuce and zuchini
ughh. i dream too much and it makes me upset of what could be
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bungou-stray-dingus · 5 years
hey there, so like this is my first time requesting but your writing is sooo good i can't help myself. if you could, could you make a scenario for dazai and chuuya where his s/o is a non-ability who is very bubbly and innocent but they find out she has a deadly skill that could almost pass as an ability. im sorry if you're busy, you dont have to write this if you dont want to. I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH💕💕
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You were like an angel, too pure for this world. Your heart was filled with nothing but good. You donated to charity, helped out in elementary schools during the week and volunteered at children’s hospitals, homeless shelters, and animal shelters during the weekend.
He looked at you as if you were a saint. Whenever you would come home from volunteering he’d bow down at your feet. “My goddess has returned! I’m not worthy!” You’d laugh at his dramatics, grabbing his hand and helping him off the floor.
“Shush.” You’d say before pecking a kiss on his lips.
When you weren’t out helping in the community, you were at home doing what you could to help out without being there. You took up knitting, and Dazai joked about it often. He even went as far as to buy a rocking chair with extra cushion for you to sit in while you would work. “You’re the cutest grandma, you know that?” He’d say, and you’d throw your ball of yarn at him.
“Shut up, and bring me my yarn back.” He’d re-wind the yarn that came undone when you threw it as he walked the ball back to where you sat.
He poked fun at it, but he would often sit on the floor next to your rocking chair, becoming entrances as he watched your hands carefully wrap the yarn around the needle and thread it through the loops. He didn’t understand how you did it, but everything you made came out perfectly, especially the tiny hats for newborn babies with matching booties, and sweaters for dogs and cats in the shelters for when it got cold. You had even made blankets for the people at the homeless shelters, making sure to use the softest yarn that would also be warm.
Sometimes he would come with you to the hospitals or the homeless shelters when he wasn’t working. He never went to the animal shelter though, he didn’t want to be anywhere where dogs were.
When he would go to the hospitals with you he would spend hours making over the babies and how cute they were in the new hats and booties you had made for them.
“Y/N, is it illegal to take a baby from the hospital?” He would ask you on the way back home and you’d just stare at him.
“You’re a cop, I hope you’re joking.”
“Yeah, obviously I’m joking but... so it’s illegal?”
You were used to people not liking your boyfriend. He had helped bring a lot of people to justice in his line of work. You weren’t expecting people to hate you though. Dazai had worked hard to make sure that anyone from opposing agencies or enemies didn’t know that you and him were dating. In the beginning he was always worried and on edge that something bad may happen to you just for being associated with him, but it’s been a year and a half now and nobody had tried to hurt you or kill you.
That’s why you were less than serious when the door got kicked open and three men stormed in, all of them wielding knives. It had to be some kind of weird prank by Dazai, or maybe even some strange act that would set the stage for a new fantasy kink.
“I’m kind of busy right now, can you come back in an hour?” You said calmly, holding up the knitting needles to show them that you were occupied.
“We don’t give a damn. You’re coming with us.” One of the men said, you didn’t know what he looked like, all of them had black masks on.
“Eh, I don’t think I am.” You shrugged, not even looking up from the new sweater you were making.
They were getting angry, the three men stomped over to where you were sitting in the rocking chair. One of them held his knife to your throat, and you finally realized that they weren’t joking, and Dazai wasn’t in on it. “I think you are. That bumbling boyfriend of yours needs to know. Mess with us and we mess with him. Now let’s go.” He pressed the knife deeper and your fight or flight instinct kicked in. You wouldn’t be able to outrun the three of them, so you had to fight.
You gripped the needles tighter, bringing your arm up to jab it into the mans neck. He staggered back and fell to the floor against the wall, trying to pull the needle out.
“What the fuck!?” One of the other men shouted, as the third one started sprinting towards you. You quickly grabbed the knife that the first man had dropped, preparing yourself to stab the man before he could get to you. As soon as he got close enough you forcefully pushed the knife into the mans stomach. He screamed as you twisted it, making him drop to his knees, blood dripping out of his mouth from the damage you had caused.
The final man stood there, assessing the scene, his hands in the air. He had already dropped his knife.
“Get the fuck out of my house.” Your voice was low, you were out of breath. You watched him run out your door, then took the time to finally realize what you had done. “Oh my god. Oh... oh my god....” You swallowed back the bile that was rising up your throat. You had killed two people, you had single handedly taken out two grown men. You were a murderer.
With sweaty hands and shaking fingers you dialed Dazai’s number, praying that he’d actually answer.
“Hey swee-“
“You need to come home, I need your help. Please hurry and come home.” Your voice was as shaky as your hands were.
“I’m coming.” His voice wasn’t as cheery as when he first picked up. Obviously his first thought was that you were being attacked or someone was trying to break in. He wasn’t expecting the grisly scene he walked into.
He examined both guys, confirming they were dead, and you couldn’t really understand why he was smiling the entire time he was making his mental report. You couldn’t see anything good about having two dead men in your apartment.
“You did this? Yourself?” He finally looked up to you while poking the knitting needle protruding from the mans neck.
“I was scared! I didn’t know what else to do! I didn’t mean it.” He watched you try to explain yourself. He tried to imagine what was going through the men’s brains when his adorable girlfriend, wearing a skirt with knee high socks and buckle shoes started fighting back, especially with knitting needles. He couldn’t help but laugh. “Why are you laughing!?”
“You’re just so... sexy. You got a little blood on your shirt too.” He got up off the floor and surprised you by sweeping you off your feet as you tried to find the blood stain he was talking about. “Don’t worry, I’ll get that shirt off you soon.”
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If he could describe you as a color, it would be yellow. You were bright, fun, happy, you always found a way to put a smile on his face, even when he had the worst day. It was as if a ray of sun took form and for some reason decided that he was the one who deserved it.
Your spontaneous adventures, even if it was just to the park always kept things exciting. He would stand back and watch as you ran over to anyone with a dog, sitting on the ground in front of the furry animal as you looked up and conversed with the owner about the breed and how cute the dog was. He would hear about it for the rest of the day, your hands moving freely through the air as you described the dog, even though he was right there and seen it as well, he would smile and nod. You always found something to be excited about, even on days when it would rain and you both were stuck in the house you would find some way to make him forget about the dreariness of the outside world. Building pillow forts and watching movies as you both attempted to toss popcorn into each others mouths. You had a stash of board games for days like that, and you would let him pick which one he wanted to play. It was the simple things that he enjoyed.
Waking up to the sound of music drifting into the bedroom from the kitchen, your spot on the bed empty. He would groggily walk into the kitchen to find you in front of the stove, the smell of eggs and bacon and pancakes filled the room, but that wasn’t the best part. You would be wearing one of his button up shirts, and only that. Your hips would sway to the rhythm of the song and he’d just stand and watch, unable to fight the smile that would form on his lips and the feeling of pride as he watched you, knowing that you were his.
Other days he’d come home from work while you were straightening up, singing into the broomstick handle as if no one was watching and the living room was your stage. He’d shrug out of his coat, kick his shoes off and slide across the floor while playing the air guitar. You always put a smile on his face, everything you did was his favorite thing. He could never pick one particular thing that you did that made him happy, because honestly you in general made him happy.
Even when you weren’t being goofy, which was rare, but it did happen, he would take the time to sit back and appreciate your beauty. When you would curl up on the couch and drift off to sleep and he’d come home and find you there, he would just marvel at how perfect you were in that innocent state.
That’s why he did everything he could to keep you safe, make sure you were protected everywhere you went. Sure, it was kind of ridiculous to have the black lizards guarding every store you went into, but it was a precaution that needed to be taken. As long as his little drop of sun was safe he could relax.
The two of you were on your way to the restaurant, it was date night. You looked flawless, as usual, and Chuuya couldn’t wait to show you off. His phone started ringing and you picked it up for him so that he could keep one hand on the wheel and the other on your thigh as he drove.
“Hi Mori!” You greeted him excitedly, and although he didn’t understand how Chuuya ended up with you, he couldn’t help but smile at the sound of your voice. You seemed to have that effect on anyone you came into contact with. “Will do! Thanks Mori! Buh-bye.” You shut the phone and put it back into the center console. Chuuya looked over to you, his eyes asking the question. “There’s some problem in an alley around the corner. He said it should be quick and you can handle it and get back to our date.”
He groaned but took the sharp turn that would lead to the alley in question. He saw the cloaked figure, like they were waiting for him. “Alright, this’ll be quick. Stay in the car.” He said, kissing your cheek before hopping out of the car.
You stared out the window, watching him stride into the alley. It sent a shot of electric up your legs, seeing him so dominant in situations like this. That was your man, and you couldn’t be prouder. You smiled as you watched him deliver kicks and punches to the figure in the alley, silently rooting for him.
Then you saw more figures coming from nowhere it seemed. There were at least six of them, and you started worrying. He would get hurt if he tried to fight all of them by himself, and you couldn’t have that. It would take too long to call someone and have them come out and help. Your mind raced as you tried to think of something to do, then you remembered the pistol that he had in the glove box. You pulled it out, checking to see if it had ammo, and then hopped out of the car.
“Hey, assholes!” You called, and everyone stopped to look at you. You cocked the gun and aimed it at them. Your hands didn’t shake, and you eyed up your target and pulled the trigger. Headshot.
The figures split up, some advancing towards you while the rest went after Chuuya. You fired the gun quickly, they all dropped like flies. Each one being hit exactly where you aimed. Headshots, chest shots, you even managed to get one in the throat which even you were shocked about. You moved further into the alley, pressing the barrel of the pistol against the head of the one who was about to attack Chuuya while he was fighting the first figure. “Not today, pal.” You said menacingly, pulling the trigger. Blood and bits of flesh and brain tissue splattered onto your face and you dropped the gun to the ground.
Chuuya finished with the final figure and ran over to where you stood. You were frozen, the warmth of the blood against your face made you want to vomit. “Are you okay?” He asked, grabbing your arms and examining them, then moving to the rest of your body to make sure there was no damage done. The amount of blood on you worried him, but once he realized that you were okay, he sighed with relief.
“I need a shower and and and and.... oh my god this is gross.” You couldn’t keep your hands from shaking as you tried to wipe the blood off your face.
“I mean, it’s pretty gross, but god damn, my bad ass little princess. Who would have thought?” His sense of pride sky rocketed.
After you both returned to the penthouse, the date was completely forgotten about at this point, and you both showered together. He rubbed your shoulders as the water fell over both of your bodies. The water was stained with red as you washed the blood from your face and when the shower was over you wrapped the towel around yourself and laid in the bed.
“You took the gun and you were like ‘bang bang bang’ and I was like ‘oh my god!’ And you shot all of them! How did you learn to do that?!” He was pacing the room in his boxers as he described the whole situation again, his feet padded against the floor leaving water footprints on the hard wood.
“I don’t know, I just didn’t want you to get hurt, so I shot them.” You said it nonchalantly, rolling to your side and propping yourself up on your elbow. “Seems like you enjoyed it.” You joked and he whipped around to look at you. The look in his eyes, you knew the look well.
“Oh I enjoyed. I don’t think you know how much I enjoyed it.” His voice was low and husky.
“You can tell me.”
He got into the bed and situated himself over top of you, holding himself up with one arm while the other pulled open the towel that you had wrapped around yourself. “I think I’d rather show you.”
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 years
Please, Don't Leave
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Summary: Steve tells you and Bucky about going back in the past and staying there. Despite saying you're okay with it, you two take it a lot harder than Steve will ever know.
Warning: smut (I know. You didnt expect that, huh?)
A/N: dont let the smut warning fool you, this is gonna be SAD, my dudes
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You and Bucky sit on the porch of Tony and Pepper’s cabin. Your hand is clutching Bucky’s in efforts to keep you grounded. Steve is-He wants to go back in time and stay there. He wants to be with Peggy and get a taste of that normal life he’s always wanted, always deserved. 
No matter how much your hearts are breaking, you can’t deny Steve that. Neither you or Bucky have the heart to say, “No, stay with us,” because Steve doesn’t deserve that. You both love him, God, do you both love him so much. But if this is what he wants, you can’t deny him that.
The night before he plans on putting back the stones, the three of you are in the Starks’ guest room. Beneath you, lies Steve. His blonde hair is tousled, clinging to his sweaty forehead as he watches you ride him. You watch his face scrunch up every so often in pleasure. 
Behind you, Bucky is pounding his cock into Steve’s ass. Steve requested he wanted to feel both you, just one last time before he leaves. As he’s fucking Steve, Bucky has his metal arm wrapped around your waist, trying to keep you as close to him as possible. He’s needs to feel grounded. You’re his anchor, his only one now. 
“Fuck, Bucky!” Steve gasps and all three of you know he’s close. 
“Please, Steve,” you plead, “Lemme feel you.”
“Fill ‘er up, Stevie. One last time.” three words from Bucky and Steve’s toppling over the edge of his climax. 
He grunts, thrusting his hips into you a little to help him ride through it. His eyes are on you and they’re shining, with love, with heartbreak. 
It doesn’t take long before you and Bucky are toppling over the edge as well. First you, and you fall onto Steve’s chest in a hot, sweaty, panting mess. Then Bucky, who pulls out of Steve’s ass, pumping his seed onto his ass and yours. He’ll never get to see this sight again. 
After all three of you are down from your highs, you lay in bed together, legs and arms tangled within each other. You’re smack dab in the middle with your two super soldiers on both sides. The three of you fall asleep with tears in your eyes, whispers of “I’ll always love you,” falling into the night.
You’re clutching Bucky’s hand, harder this time. Steve is dressed and ready. He pulls Bucky in for a hug, “Don’t do anything stupid until I get back,” he says.
Bucky allows a twitch of his lips, “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” 
Steve moves to you know, you pull him in for a deep kiss and then murmur against his lips, “Be safe. I love you.”
“I will, and I love you too. Always.” he steps back and gives Sam a nod, receiving a nod back. After telling Bruce, he’s ready, he’s gone within seconds. 
Bucky knows you don’t have any super strength, but with how tight you’re gripping his hand and the pain he’s feeling, he might think otherwise. 
You and he watch as Sam and Bruce start arguing as to why Steve hasn’t appeared back yet. You let out a deep and shaky breath. He’s gone. He’s really gone. But at least he’s happy and that’s what truly matters. 
Bucky looks out into the distance and something catches his eye. He tugs you along as he walks forward to get a better look. You follow his line of sight and you’re confused. 
After calling the attention of Sam, the three of you walk the distance to another side of the lake. 
You gasp, “Is that-”
“Yeah,” Bucky says. 
The two of you watch as Sam hesitantly approaches the now much older Steve. You can’t hear what they’re saying, but you’re sure Bucky can. You gasp again when Steve pulls out a shield, Sam’s shield. A sense of pride swells in your heart because Sam deserves to be Captain America. 
They exchange a few words and then Sam helps the elderly Steve to his feet, “Bet you’re feeling your age now, eh, Rogers?” Sam can’t help but quip as Steve approaches you and Bucky. You let out a watery laugh, a tear escaping your eye and you quickly wipe it away.
Steve gives you two a withered smile, reaching over and picking up your hands, that still remain intertwined, “You’ll be okay,” he pats your hand, “I wouldn’t have left unless I knew that you two were going to be okay.”
Bucky nods in understanding, a sad smile on his face.
You and Bucky take up Steve’s apartment. It’s weird living there and knowing he’s not coming back. Everything there reminds you of him, obviously. But this is a new life, a life without Steve and you need to move on.  
You and Bucky work on packing up all of Steve’s things, sorting them into donations, keeps, or give to present Steve. In the donations are mostly his clothes, save for some that you and Bucky wanted to keep and use. In the keeps are mostly pictures, letters, little momentums that you felt deserved to be used and seen. In the ‘give to Steve box’, it’s mostly books and art supplies. With him now living in a retirement home, you figured he’d want something to keep him occupied. 
Steve didn’t have much, so it didn’t take long to remove his stuff, leaving the things you wanted and need, and getting rid of everything else. This was start of a new life. 
And starting a new life meant christening the place.
You writhed under Bucky from the pleasurable pain of every thrust he’s giving you. The bed is squeaking loud and the headboard is banging against the wall. You’re sure you’ll receive a noise complaint later. 
As Bucky is pounding into you, his face is nuzzled into your neck, his teeth and tongue scraping your skin. Licking. Biting. His breathing is broken and heavy. 
You think everything is fine until Bucky lets out a heartbroken sob. You come to the conclusion that he’s not as okay with Steve’s departure as he appears, and, honestly, neither are you. 
“Bucky,” you say his name softly. You try to push him back to look at him, but he clings to you, hiding his face in your neck. 
“Please, don’t leave me.”
“I won’t.”
“You’re all I have left. Please, don’t leave.” you feel the drops of tears falling onto your skin, pooling and cascading.
Your arms wrap around Bucky’s shoulders and you hold him tight against you as he cries. Your own eyes start to water and, soon enough, you’re crying as well and just as hard. 
“I’ll never leave you, Bucky never. We can get through this together. Steve believes we can get through this, that we’ll be okay. Let’s prove to him that we can.”
He whimpers into your neck, “I miss him.”
You let out a deep, shaky breath, “I know. I miss him too. But we’ll get through this. We’re gonna be okay.” and you keep saying those words until both of your crying has died down. 
“We’ll get through this. We’re gonna be okay.”
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biggerb0at · 5 years
(1/4) I just need to get this off my chest: Tumblr and Reddit Fate fandoms are obnoxious about Abby rn. I've been seeing posts like "there's no difference between a drawing of a partly naked child and an actual naked child" which is... no. Do you think someone who likes guro will enjoy seeing actual organs spilled on the ground? There's snuff, there's dismemberment, there's even a "fucked by a dog" fetish do people actually think that those who enjoy them don't seperate fantasy from reality?
(2/4) And that’s not even getting into proportions. You will NEVER see a child that looks just like Jack, or Wu, or Abby because ultimately they’re just lines on a page. Even if they’re meant to be children their fundamental proportions- eyes, hair, demeanor, body shape at times- are far removed from an actual child unless they’re drawn to be realistic which they’re clearly not. Just pull up a photo of a 12-year old girl and put it next to Abby can you really say they look all that similar?
(¾) It’s not even that you have to approve of it! Hate it! Redesign these characters yourself, keep them out of those ascensions! Find it as gross as you want! Nobody’s saying you should enjoy this! This is coming from a person who loved reading about Salem and think Abby’s ascensions are a waste of potential and absolutely HATES Jack and Wu’s. Having those bad experiences myself it just tick me off when people think any of the two are remotely comparable.
(4/4) Also inb4 people reblog with “Just say you jack off to kiddy porn”. I’ve seen it thrown around on reddit and tumblr and it is by far the smuggest most pretentious cop-out for an argument I’ve read. I don’t care what’s been said before, it automatically makes you the asshole for insinuating such a thing and makes you no different from antis or sjws that scream out “nazi”. The worst part is that I’ve seen it used on people who aren’t even INTO Fate or anime and just had a stance on it.
Anyways, sorry for spamming your inbox I’ve been seeing people go back and forth for so long that I felt the need to rant about it and you seem fairly reasonable.
ok where to start here. well I havent been on reddit enough as I used to be (more on twitter and fate discord servers from reddit and the only obnoxious comments Ive seen recently is “why does melt whos from a sex themed game look like that and why does the goddess of sex ishtar wear little clothing, and right now im seeing a lot of OC abby drawings) 
but I can say that I was there when abby came out for JP, it wasnt really an obnoxious shit storm other than “why japan” comments and the usual “ill keep her in first form” so I can say that the obnoxious people you are seeing are the minority type who should have left a long time ago because with that argument then well its hard to justify why you’d want a kid whos only clothing option is a thong and stockings on your phone if you think it’s straight up pedophile content like that should have been the line where you dropped the game.
and yeah im with you there fiction is fiction they dont look at all like real life kids just like how eirris (the gramps comics artists) guro side blog doesnt look at all like the real thing like its not going for realistic at all in any proportions or anything other than smol, and anyone who wants to make a argument for or against the loli = pedo heres some donation links here and here and here im not trying to be smug about it I am saying that donating makes a better impact than online arguments. (personally I think that if you do try to go for realistic in fiction like 3D models and going for anatomically correct in it then yeah you’re probably are thinking about real kids at that point.)
and yeah im with you on there I hate it too and enjoy the redesigns of others better especially wu like god that dude can do so much better if they let him. (yeah I know I say redesigns with the “Fix it” attitude are shit but give a pass with the kid servants cause ofc that would be allowed)
I wouldnt put it on par with sjw screaming nazis but it is on par with them being a anti cause it really is just going “no im right your a pedophile for disagreeing now enjoy the death threats from people who see this” cause god forbid people say that while you can still think lolis are gross and such we should care more about real children.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/february-2019-energy-report/
February 2019 Energy Report
February 2019 Energy Report
a message from Jennifer Hoffman
We’re into another month and this one will be focused on cleaning up after the chaos of January. Remember that chaos is the result of dis-integration of old paradigms and we’re seeing a lot of that now. The energy focus for February is connection and the other 5D energies of collaboration, community, and creativity (which is also the theme of 2019). This can be a great month if we don’t get lost in confusion, self doubt, and forgetting that we are masters of our own universe and energetically sovereign.
February’s new moon is another one in the series that began in November 2018 where all of the new moons are at 0 degrees of their sign, which continues through April. The number zero (0) does not mean nothing, it is pure potential and means no-thing, energy waiting for an intention to bring it to form, energy looking for an energy container to fill. So see each new moon period until May as being pure potential, starting fresh and new. This new moon is in the sign of Aquarius, ruling community, friends, social groups, and connections.
Does that remind you of what’s going on in the world now? Think of how many connections we make via the internet that has created an interconnected global community. Think about the Q movement (whether you follow it or not) and the strong global community of an estimated 500 million or more dedicated, loyal, and committed followers it has. This is not a political statement, it’s an example of 5D energy at work which is all about community, connections, and expanding our awareness of ourselves as the human family on a global and universal level.
We also have a full moon at 15 Virgo on February 19 and this one brings Chiron, the wounded healer, into focus again. Chiron has been a huge factor in all of the work we have been doing for the past two years as its presence in Pisces brings up the old, deep, and very traumatic soul wounding we have suffered from for many lifetimes. These are being brought to our awareness and attention now because we say we want to ascend and these old soul wounds keep us grounded in their energy of pain and trauma. This is especially true this month as we have Chiron at the final degree of Pisces which Mercury will highlight later this month as it approaches this degree to begin its retrograde in March.
Yes we have a Mercury retrograde in March and its shadow begins on February 21 at the degree of the March 6 new moon. Prepare for an extra strong dose of healing potential all month and into March. I’ve described the special relationship between Chiron and Mercury, Virgo and Pisces before so I won’t elaborate here. Just know that with this month’s emphasis on relationships and love, with Valentine’s Day, having all of this Chiron energy bringing up soul wounds may be a bit difficult but it’s a reminder to close out these old karmic relationship and love energy cycles that have been so painful and unfulfilling so we can welcome new ones.
Let’s talk about Valentine’s Day, a day which some of you may look forward to, some may ignore entirely, and others dread it because it reminds them of how long it has been since they have had a relationship, or it is a reminder of every bad, failed, tough, and terrible relationship they have ever had.
Instead of being sad, mad, depressed, or angry this Valentine’s Day, do something nice for yourself. Treat yourself to a spa day, do something you enjoy, buy yourself some flowers, send yourself a beautiful card with a note about how wonderful and valuable you are, or treat yourself to a lovely lunch or dinner at your favorite restaurant.
Do you know that the word ‘restaurant’ is from a French word which means ‘to restore or revive’?
Why wait until someone comes into your life to do these things for you? Show yourself some love this month and then enjoy yourself while you’re doing it. And who knows, by going out and doing something nice you just may meet someone.
Miracle energy is high this month, so be prepared to use it.
This month we get a test of our energetic sovereignty and have the opportunity to explore our energetic maturity, which can be a lesson in how we move on from the past.
Do we get stuck in the energy of the past or are we going to move forward into the future?
Does the past define us in the present moment or is it just a blip on the radar of our life that serves as a reminder of where we have been that we do not want to visit again?
Or it’s about the lessons we learned that we’re going to use as a foundation to create stronger energy boundaries, more powerful intentions, and a greater focus on our self esteem, which we must have to become more self-loving.
We can be a drop looking for an ocean or the vast ocean itself.
Remember we cannot have someone in our life who loves us more than we love ourselves. This month’s focus on love and relationship can start with the relationship we have with ourselves, it is our most important one. January may have created a mess but in February we have the tools to clean it up and restore ourselves to our divine congruence that brings peace, joy, love, prosperity and most of all, harmony.
Time to get out the mop, bucket, broom, and dustpan and get to work. Have a wonderful month.
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Old Boat Removal Junk Boat Disposal Boat Haul Away Company and Cost Omaha NE | 724 Towing Services Omaha (402) 401-7564
More information is at: http://www.towingserviceomaha.com/boat-removal-omaha-ne.html
 Youtube link: https://youtu.be/LNWfXpNywZ0
 Facebook link:   https://www.facebook.com/724towingserviceomaha/videos/434409997188440/
 Boat Disposal near me? 724 Towing Services Omaha provides an easy and safe boat removal service so you dont need to worry about the pick up or disposal of those old items, boats, RVs, Jet Ski, Motor Homes, Appliances, Furniture in Omaha Nebraska. Cost? Free estimates. Call 724 Towing Services Omaha for affordable boat disposal solutions. Service area: Omaha, Lincoln, Papillion, Gretna, Plattsmouth, Bellevue, Bennington, Valley, Ashland Nebraska and surrounding areas.
Boat Removal Services near me: Do you have a boat sitting around your yard, garage, or property? Does your boat no longer run and is now an eyesore for the neighbors to see? Is your boat old, have a bad motor, have a cracked hull, or are you just tired of seeing it rot away every year? Whatever the reason is, we can remove all types of boats, with or without trailers. We can remove boats from your home, marina, storage, business. Moving, loading, lifting and getting rid of boats can be a daunting process.
724 Towing Services Omaha provides an easy and safe junk boat removal service near Omaha Nebraska so you don't need to worry about the pick up or disposal of your old boat. We will remove all of your unwanted items from anywhere on your property without you having to lift a finger. All qualifying items are recycled or donated.
It does not matter if your boat is on a trailer or not, inboard or outboard, or even no engine at all. Why not relieve all that stress and concern and have our professional boat removal service remove that junk boat and your worries? All junk boats and unwanted boats will be properly disposed of, not dumped on the side of the road like some other guys.
Omaha Boat Disposal Company: We remove all types of boats including junk boats, unwanted boats, abandoned boats, boats with trailers, boats without trailers, boat trailers, jet skis, boat motors, pontoon boats, personal watercraft and more. We remove fiberglass, wood and aluminum boats.
How does our boat removal service work? Our boat removal serviceOmaha NE is simple. Book online or call us to schedule an appointment. Once an appointment is booked our professional insured boat removal team will show up to your home or office, give you a free estimate and remove your unwanted boat from anywhere on your property. Our junk removal team will call you 30 minutes before arrival.
All qualifying items will be donated or recycled: We first determine the working condition of your unwanted boat. We will recycle all available items from your boat, trailer and motor to an authorized recycling center or we will donate your unwanted boat when possible. Some boat motors contain gas, oils and batteries, which is harmful to the environment. Our professional junk removal team will make sure your old boat is properly disposed of and recycled.
Omaha Boat Disposal Company: We specialize in removing all sorts of junk including appliance removalOmaha NE, boat removal, brush removal, carpet removalOmaha NE, construction debris removalOmaha NE, electronic removal, exercise equipment removalOmaha NE, furniture removalOmaha NE, garbage removal, hot tub removalOmaha NE, junk removalOmaha NE, mattress removal,piano removal, play set removal, pool removal, scrap metal removal, shed removal, swing set removal, tire removal, trash removal, tree removal, tv removal, yard waste removal and more
 How Does Our Boat Removal Pricing Work? Fees are calculated by size of boat, where boat is located and if it is on a trailer or blocks. All prices include labor, tax and disposal fees so no hidden charges. We offer affordable rates and we will always give you an upfront price at the start of every job. You can text us a photo of your items, and we will text you back with an estimate. The best way for us to offer you the lowest, most accurate price is a free, no obligation estimate at your home or business. We offer the best priced boat removal service in the Omaha NE area and surrounding cities.
- We are family owned and operated business
- Our professional junk removal team makes it easier for you
- We clean up and load the items for you saving you time and money
- We remove junk and any unwanted items from anywhere on your property
- No need to bring items to the curb, just show us your mess we'll do the rest
- We take care of every step of the process from pick up to disposal
- We take anything and everything that is not hazardous
- We offer convenient scheduling, same day, after hours and weekend service
- All qualifying items are recycled or donated
- Our trucks and employees are insured, so you and our employees are protected
- We will give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee
- We take great pride on providing the highest standard of service
- Responsible disposal and recycling
- We'll haul little as one item or as much as multiple truckloads
 What Area Is Our Boat Removal Service Available? Our boat removal and boat recycling is available in Omaha NE.
724 Towing Services Omaha is a family owned and operated business and offers a full service junk removal, property clean up, clean outs, trash outs and hauling company for your home or business including homes, apartments, rental homes, estates, offices, retail locations, constructions sites, attics, storage units, evictions, rental properties, basements, commercial properties and more.
 Junk Boat Removal, Unwanted Boat Removal, Abandoned Boat Removal, Junk Boat Removal Services, Boat Disposal
 How To Get Rid Of A Boat in Omaha NEBRASKA
Boat Removal Services near me: We have been there. Your boat is done... for whatever reason - swamped, old, bad motor, cracked hull, or you're just tired of seeing it rot away every year. Whatever the reason is, we can remove all types of boats, with or without trailers. We offer the most affordable boat removal service in Nebraska. If you need it gone, we will make it happen. We responsibly dispose of our boats and can typically get them picked up and hauled away in as quickly as 24 to 48 hours from the time you contact us: Omaha Boat Disposal Company!
 We also haul junk everywhere in Omaha NE! Why Use 724 Towing Services Omaha For Your Boat Removal
·         Fair upfront pricing, you won't find better
·         Proven professionals at removing and disposing of all boats under 30 feet long
·         Fast boat removal response times
·         Licensed and insured boat removal
·         Capable of removing boats without trailers
·         Salvage that works for you - if there are any items of value that go with the boat, we will discount the boat removal
·         We recycle and salvage as much as we can from the boats we dispose of to ensure as little as possible ends up in a landfill
·         We even buy good boats!
Turning Old Boats into New Solutions
Omaha Boat Disposal Company: Old boats are a dime a dozen in Nebraska and every year the problem keeps compounding. After a few years off the market, a used boat’s value drops precipitously and eventually it always seems to find itself under a tarp in someone’s backyard, or laying in waste at the back of a boatyard; it’s fiberglass hull slowly turning black and waterlogged, it’s lines fraying from ultraviolet radiation.
Many of these boats will make their way to the landfill. But the path there is an expensive and time extensive process. It’s estimated that it would cost $20 million to dispose of the estimated 1,500 abandoned or derelict boats in Omaha alone. In Rhode Island, the smallest state with an almost-full landfill, the question of what to do with derelict fiberglass boats is a pressing concern.
“It’s not like you can recycle fiberglass like you can recycle a plastic bottle,” says Evan Ridley, a Research Assistant at the Rhode Island Sea Grant. “With fiberglass, you’re breaking down that fiber resin matrix and then when you try to separate the resin from the fiber, you’re going to lose a lot of the tensile strength that makes fiberglass a really valuable and useful material.”
But while a fiberglass boat can’t be recycled in the traditional sense, it’s “end of life”, says Ridley, doesn’t need to be in the landfill.
“We need to start thinking about more sustainable solutions for material that’s potentially useful, like fiberglass. The global demand for fiberglass is going up and the production is going up and to be throwing it away is counterintuitive.”
The breakthrough for Ridley and Rhode Island Sea Grant came when they began investigating the European wind industry. Since 2004, most European Union member states passed laws forbidding the disposal of carbon fiber composites. For a growing industry such as wind, this presented a challenge as rotor blades frequently break or need to be replaced. One study conducted by the University of Bremen found that at the current rate of growth in the wind industry, nearly 225,000 tons of rotor blade waste would be generated by 2034.
To eliminate this obstacle, an unlikely partnership was formed between different industries in Europe. “What we found,” says Ridley, “is that fiberglass has been adopted as this wonder material by the European cement industry as a basis for what’s considered an ‘alternative kiln fuel’.”
Cement is manufactured when crushed rock and other ingredients are ground, mixed, and fed into a cement kiln. The kiln heats up these ingredients to 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit. Traditionally, this procedure requires an enormous amount of energy, and coincidentally, is responsible for being one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gasses, but many large cement producers are actively considering alternative ways to fuel their kilns in ways that reduce their carbon footprint.
To investigate whether derelict fiberglass boats might make a good candidate as an alternative fuel, Ridley cut up pieces of an old 20-foot Cape Dory that he found access to in Rhode Island.
“Fiberglass, as it turns out, has this thermal property that retains heat when it’s burned inside a kiln,” says Ridley. “The other interesting thing about fiberglass is that when you use it in the right amounts there’s potential for the other ingredients in the glass and the fiber and in the resin itself to supplement some of the raw materials that go into making cement; stuff like the limestone and the silica and the alumina.”
This development has set Ridley off in new directions now, most notably aimed at figuring out the logistics of how to supply the cement industry with enough derelict fiberglass boats in a way that’s feasible and not cost prohibitive: Omaha Boat Disposal Company!
“One of the questions we’re tracking down is how can we ensure a level of quality from recycled boat material when you’ve got one boat that’s from 1960 that’s got a bunch of extra resin and one from the 1980s that’s very thin and has balsa wood in the core,” says Ridley. “Obviously there are concerns about whether or not they will be receiving a material with a consistent level of quality because that’s very important when you’re selling a product such as cement.”
Provided they can make that kind of guarantee, there are other challenges as well. How will the boats get collected? Where will they get collected? Who will ground down fiberglass boats to manageable sizes and transport this material to cement companies? What about health and safety? These are just a handful of questions Ridley is working on currently.
 To fund a pilot project aimed at connecting the cement industry with the marine industry, Ridley recognizes that he will need some sort of legislative support and possibly an increase in the bi-annual registration fees recreational boat owners pay on their vessels.
“There are a lot of steps that are happening at once,” says Ridley, “and part of that is figuring out how the business model works and then part of that is continuing to coordinate on the technical side with the other parties while continuing to look for partners here in Nebraska potentially.”
Ridley, who is also a graduate student in the University of Rhode Island Marine Affairs department, started this project two years ago when he was offered a research assistantship with Rhode Island Sea Grant. In six months, he’s set to graduate, but he says that if the Rhode Island Marine Trade Association and the cement industry haven’t explicitly told him no, that he would be willing to stick around to further the burgeoning relationship.
“The great thing that we’re doing at Sea Grant, since it’s a national program, is that if we can get a strategic plan written for developing a pilot program in Rhode Island, we could then share that with all the other Sea Grant programs in the network; all thirty-three states that, no doubt have these same issues, but have better access to cement markets than the east coast. It’s potentially a national solution if we can get it off the ground in our own little laboratory, so to speak.”
Take Action
Landfills around the country are filling up. Think twice about dropping your grandfather's old boat at the transfer station, but remember, never sink or abandon your old boat!
Call your marina, local college sailing team, maritime museum or simply google “boat donation” to learn about possible boat donation organizations in your area. One person's trash is another person's treasure.
Think creatively about repurposing your old dinghy. Small boats make for a terrific raised bed garden!
You can make a difference. Follow these steps to create a positive future for the ocean.
Boat Removal Services near me: Are you in need of boat removal service provider? If your answer is yes, 724 Towing Services Omaha Service provide boat disposal and junk hauling services. Contact us today for an estimate and let our professional team come take care of that old boat for you.
724 Towing Services OmahaBoat Removal Service
724 Towing Services Omaha constantly strives to maintain the best service. 724 Towing Services Omaha makes sure everyone is on the same page, to ensure the best service for our customers.
 724 Towing Services Omaha doesn’t play games. We know we have a job to do and we will get it done.
If you need a professional junk hauling and clean out service to help you with your junk pickup, call 724 Towing Services Omaha!
We provide junk removal and hauling services to customers along with the best prices! If you need a professional, insured Junk Removal company - call 724 Towing Services Omaha today!
Many times, removing a boat from a marina or your surroundings can pose a very difficult challenge for you who know little or nothing about boat removal. To this regard, in this article, you'll learn the what, the how, the why, and the when of boat removal services provided by professional companies.
Why Is It Important To Hire A Professional Boat Removal Service Company?
Hiring a professional boat removal company is almost very necessary when looking to have a boat removed either from your backyard or from the marina. However, the question that always comes to mind is why can’t I just do it? Why do I have to hire a professional boat removal service company?
Keeping a long used boat means that you are exposing yourself to environmental damage as well as the subsequent fines that comes with it. Employing the services of a professional boat removal service company, helps save you and your immediate environment from the hazards of environmental damage, and the subsequent fines that comes with it.
If at any point a boat or boats begin to constitute an eyesore in your home or at the marina, then the services of a professional boat removal service company is needed to clear your backyard or the marina of the eyesore keeping that boat causes, thus making your environment safe especially when you have kids around.
Professional boat removal company always do the boat removal and disposal work in the fastest and most effective way possible thereby not only saving you as an individual cost, but also saving you time that would have been used to do the task by yourself knowing you lack the requisite knowledge to do so.
Also, if it seems to you that the boat in question still has value, and you feel like you can make some money off it instead of the recurring fees it’s been costing you lying idle at your backyard or at the marina, a professional boat removal service company can always help in linking your with interested buyers, while doing the removal and the re-location as well.
Boat Removal in Omaha
Omaha Boat Disposal Company: We offer a comprehensive junk boat removal service. Omaha Junk Removal service will handle everything for you from start to finish. When you have large boat or that boat project you never finished, we can manage it for you. Omaha has been doing old boat removal for 12 years. Whether it’s still in the water or on your boat dock, we can retrieve and cut it up if we have to.
·         Home Junk RemovalOmaha NE
·         Furniture RemovalOmaha NE
·         Carpet RemovalOmaha NE
·         Garage Cleaning ServiceOmaha NE
·         Hot Tub & Spa RemovalOmaha NE
·         Shed RemovalOmaha NE
·         Fire Damage Cleanup
·         Flood Damage Cleanup and Hauling
·         Business & Office Junk Removal
·         Office Furniture RemovalOmaha NE
·         Business Merchandise Removal
·         Illegal Dumping & Clean Up
·         Property cleanout service Omaha NE
·         Property Clean OutsOmaha NE
·         Property CleanoutsOmaha NE
·         Hoarder Clean UpOmaha NE
·         Property Clean UpOmaha NE
·         Storage Unit Clean Outs
·         Boat RemovalOmaha NE
·         RV Removal & Disposal
·         Commercial & Other Junk Removal
·         Commercial Junk RemovalOmaha NE
·         Foreclosure Clean OutOmaha NE
·         Storm Debris CleanUpOmaha NE
·         Bed Bug Infested Furniture Removal
·         Construction Remodeling Debris RemovalOmaha NE
·         Dismantle & Remove Services
Our services include:
Abandoned boat removal – this includes dilapidated vessels
Pickup anywhere – from your yard or the water
Gas line, boat, and motor removal- we will remove the fuel line and motor before disposal
Proper disposal- Omaha Junk Removal adheres to Omaha’s laws for the removal of any vessel
Dumping fees- any fees associated with the disposal of the vessel are taken care of by our junk removal service
Old boat removal- we can take any boat, no matter what size
Omaha Boat Disposal Company: It is our goal to take care of disposing of any unwanted item you have, with no hassles. Our Boat removal team has the equipment necessary to haul off any size boat.
Omaha offers professional boat removal in Omaha. We will send our team out to haul off your old or unwanted boat. Our team specializes in boat removal services for any make, model, and year vessel.
Some of our services:
·         Furniture removal, appliances and general household junk removal.
·         Property clean outs, Hoarding clean outs, storage unit clean outs.
·         Hot tub removal and spa removal.
·         Office, warehouse, estate and foreclosure clean outs.
·         Trash removal, waste removal, garbage removal and construction debris removal.
724 Towing Services Omaha
Leading Towing and Roadside Assistance Service in Omaha NE Council Bluffs IA!
CALL Towing Service: (402) 401-7564 : http://www.towingserviceomaha.com/
CALL Roadside Assistance: (402) 590-8094: http://www.roadsideassistanceomaha.com/
CALL Mobile Mechanic 1: (402) 401-7561: http://www.mobileautorepairomaha.com/
CALL Mobile Mechanic 2: (402) 401-7563: http://www.mobilemechanicomaha.com/
CALL Mobile Mechanic 3: (402) 513-4411: http://www.mobilemechanicnearomahane.com
Omaha Nebraska Towing, Roadside Assistance and Recovery Services
Open 7/24
Website: http://www.towingserviceomaha.com/
Tow Truck
Tire Change
Wrecker Service
Lock Out Services
Private Parking Towing
Accident Towing
Car Towing
Truck Towing
Flat Tire Repair
Emergency Towing Service
24 Hour Tow Truck
Mobile Auto Repair
Mobile Truck Repair
Roadside Assistance
 Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Omaha and Sarpy County, including the communities of Omaha, Bellevue, Blair, Carter Lake, Elkhorn, Fort Calhoun, Fremont, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Papillion, Ralston, Springfield, Plattsmouth, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, Bennington Ne | Blair Ne | Boys Town Ne | Cedar Bluffs Ne | Cedar Creek Ne | Ceresco Ne | Colon Ne| Elkhorn Ne |Elmwood Ne | Fort Calhoun Ne |Fremont Nebraska |Greenwood Nebraska |Gretna Ne | Herman Nebraska | Ithaca Ne |Kennard Ne |La Vista Nebraska |Louisville Ne |Manley Ne |Mead Ne | Memphis Ne | Missouri Valley Ne | Murdock Ne | Murray Ne | Nehawka Ne |Nickerson Ne | Omaha Ne | Papillion Ne | Plattsmouth Ne | South Bend Ne | Springfield Nebraska | St Columbus Ne | Univ Of Ne Med Center Ne | Valley Ne | Wahoo Nebraska | Washington Ne Waterloo Ne | Waverly Ne | Weeping Water Ne |Yutan Nebraska and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood,  Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178.
 More information is at:
FX Mobile Mechanic Services Omaha, http://www.mobilemechanicomaha.com/
Mobile Auto Truck Repair Omaha, http://www.mobileautorepairomaha.com/
Omaha Mobile Mechanic, http://www.mobilemechanicnearomahane.com/
724 Towing Service Omaha, http://www.towingserviceomaha.com/
Towing and Roadside Assistance Service, http://www.roadsideassistanceomaha.com/
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Old Boat Removal Junk Boat Disposal Boat Haul Away Company and Cost Henderson Nevada | McCarran Handyman Services
More information is at: http://www.handymanlasvegasnv.com/boat-removal-henderson-nevada.html
Youtube:  https://youtu.be/8wxZOqtF6Qs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/292645991337522/videos/395760194423817/
Boat Disposal near me? McCarran Handyman Services provides an easy and safe boat removal service so you dont need to worry about the pick up or disposal of those old items, boats, RVs, Jet Ski, Motor Homes, Appliances, Furniture in Henderson Nevada. Cost? Free estimates. Call McCarran Handyman Services for affordable boat disposal solutions.
Boat Removal Made Easy
Boat Removal Services near me: Do you have a boat sitting around your yard, garage, or property? Does your boat no longer run and is now an eyesore for the neighbors to see? Is your boat old, have a bad motor, have a cracked hull, or are you just tired of seeing it rot away every year? Whatever the reason is, we can remove all types of boats, with or without trailers. We can remove boats from your home, marina, storage, business. Moving, loading, lifting and getting rid of boats can be a daunting process.
McCarran Handyman Services provides an easy and safe junk boat removal service near Henderson Nevada so you don't need to worry about the pick up or disposal of your old boat. We will remove all of your unwanted items from anywhere on your property without you having to lift a finger. All qualifying items are recycled or donated.
It does not matter if your boat is on a trailer or not, inboard or outboard, or even no engine at all. Why not relieve all that stress and concern and have our professional boat removal service remove that junk boat and your worries? All junk boats and unwanted boats will be properly disposed of, not dumped on the side of the road like some other guys.
Henderson Nevada Boat Disposal Company: We remove all types of boats including junk boats, unwanted boats, abandoned boats, boats with trailers, boats without trailers, boat trailers, jet skis, boat motors, pontoon boats, personal watercraft and more. We remove fiberglass, wood and aluminum boats.
How does our boat removal service work? Our boat removal service Henderson Nevada is simple. Book online or call us to schedule an appointment. Once an appointment is booked our professional insured boat removal team will show up to your home or office, give you a free estimate and remove your unwanted boat from anywhere on your property. Our junk removal team will call you 30 minutes before arrival.
All qualifying items will be donated or recycled: We first determine the working condition of your unwanted boat. We will recycle all available items from your boat, trailer and motor to an authorized recycling center or we will donate your unwanted boat when possible. Some boat motors contain gas, oils and batteries, which is harmful to the environment. Our professional junk removal team will make sure your old boat is properly disposed of and recycled.
Henderson Nevada Boat Disposal Company: We specialize in removing all sorts of junk including appliance removal Henderson Nevada, boat removal, brush removal, carpet removal Henderson Nevada, construction debris removal Henderson Nevada, electronic removal, exercise equipment removal Henderson Nevada, furniture removal Henderson Nevada, garbage removal, hot tub removal Henderson Nevada, junk removal Henderson Nevada, mattress removal, piano removal, play set removal, pool removal, scrap metal removal, shed removal, swing set removal, tire removal, trash removal, tree removal, tv removal, yard waste removal and more
How Does Our Boat Removal Pricing Work? Fees are calculated by size of boat, where boat is located and if it is on a trailer or blocks. All prices include labor, tax and disposal fees so no hidden charges. We offer affordable rates and we will always give you an upfront price at the start of every job. You can text us a photo of your items, and we will text you back with an estimate. The best way for us to offer you the lowest, most accurate price is a free, no obligation estimate at your home or business. We offer the best priced boat removal service in the Henderson Nevada area and surrounding cities.
- We are family owned and operated business
- Our professional junk removal team makes it easier for you
- We clean up and load the items for you saving you time and money
- We remove junk and any unwanted items from anywhere on your property
- No need to bring items to the curb, just show us your mess we'll do the rest
- We take care of every step of the process from pick up to disposal
- We take anything and everything that is not hazardous
- We offer convenient scheduling, same day, after hours and weekend service
- All qualifying items are recycled or donated
- Our trucks and employees are insured, so you and our employees are protected
- We will give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee
- We take great pride on providing the highest standard of service
- Responsible disposal and recycling
- We'll haul little as one item or as much as multiple truckloads
What Area Is Our Boat Removal Service Available? Our boat removal and boat recycling is available in Henderson Nevada.
McCarran Handyman Services is a family owned and operated business and offers a full service junk removal, property clean up, clean outs, trash outs and hauling company for your home or business including homes, apartments, rental homes, estates, offices, retail locations, constructions sites, attics, storage units, evictions, rental properties, basements, commercial properties and more.
Junk Boat Removal, Unwanted Boat Removal, Abandoned Boat Removal, Junk Boat Removal Services, Boat Disposal
JUNK BOAT REMOVAL HENDERSON NEVADA: How To Get Rid Of A Boat in Henderson Nevada
Boat Removal Services near me: We have been there. Your boat is done... for whatever reason - swamped, old, bad motor, cracked hull, or you're just tired of seeing it rot away every year. Whatever the reason is, we can remove all types of boats, with or without trailers. We offer the most affordable boat removal service in Nevada. If you need it gone, we will make it happen. We responsibly dispose of our boats and can typically get them picked up and hauled away in as quickly as 24 to 48 hours from the time you contact us: Henderson Nevada Boat Disposal Company!
We also haul junk everywhere in Henderson Nevada! Why Use McCarran Handyman Services For Your Boat Removal
·         Fair upfront pricing, you won't find better
·         Proven professionals at removing and disposing of all boats under 30 feet long
·         Fast boat removal response times
·         Licensed and insured boat removal
·         Capable of removing boats without trailers
·         Salvage that works for you - if there are any items of value that go with the boat, we will discount the boat removal
·         We recycle and salvage as much as we can from the boats we dispose of to ensure as little as possible ends up in a landfill
·         We even buy good boats!
Turning Old Boats into New Solutions
Henderson Nevada Boat Disposal Company: Old boats are a dime a dozen in Nevada and every year the problem keeps compounding. After a few years off the market, a used boat’s value drops precipitously and eventually it always seems to find itself under a tarp in someone’s backyard, or laying in waste at the back of a boatyard; it’s fiberglass hull slowly turning black and waterlogged, it’s lines fraying from ultraviolet radiation.
Many of these boats will make their way to the landfill. But the path there is an expensive and time extensive process. It’s estimated that it would cost $20 million to dispose of the estimated 1,500 abandoned or derelict boats in Henderson Nevada alone. In Rhode Island, the smallest state with an almost-full landfill, the question of what to do with derelict fiberglass boats is a pressing concern.
“It’s not like you can recycle fiberglass like you can recycle a plastic bottle,” says Evan Ridley, a Research Assistant at the Rhode Island Sea Grant. “With fiberglass, you’re breaking down that fiber resin matrix and then when you try to separate the resin from the fiber, you’re going to lose a lot of the tensile strength that makes fiberglass a really valuable and useful material.”
But while a fiberglass boat can’t be recycled in the traditional sense, it’s “end of life”, says Ridley, doesn’t need to be in the landfill.
“We need to start thinking about more sustainable solutions for material that’s potentially useful, like fiberglass. The global demand for fiberglass is going up and the production is going up and to be throwing it away is counterintuitive.”
The breakthrough for Ridley and Rhode Island Sea Grant came when they began investigating the European wind industry. Since 2004, most European Union member states passed laws forbidding the disposal of carbon fiber composites. For a growing industry such as wind, this presented a challenge as rotor blades frequently break or need to be replaced. One study conducted by the University of Bremen found that at the current rate of growth in the wind industry, nearly 225,000 tons of rotor blade waste would be generated by 2034.
To eliminate this obstacle, an unlikely partnership was formed between different industries in Europe. “What we found,” says Ridley, “is that fiberglass has been adopted as this wonder material by the European cement industry as a basis for what’s considered an ‘alternative kiln fuel’.”
Cement is manufactured when crushed rock and other ingredients are ground, mixed, and fed into a cement kiln. The kiln heats up these ingredients to 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit. Traditionally, this procedure requires an enormous amount of energy, and coincidentally, is responsible for being one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gasses, but many large cement producers are actively considering alternative ways to fuel their kilns in ways that reduce their carbon footprint.
To investigate whether derelict fiberglass boats might make a good candidate as an alternative fuel, Ridley cut up pieces of an old 20-foot Cape Dory that he found access to in Rhode Island.
“Fiberglass, as it turns out, has this thermal property that retains heat when it’s burned inside a kiln,” says Ridley. “The other interesting thing about fiberglass is that when you use it in the right amounts there’s potential for the other ingredients in the glass and the fiber and in the resin itself to supplement some of the raw materials that go into making cement; stuff like the limestone and the silica and the alumina.”
This development has set Ridley off in new directions now, most notably aimed at figuring out the logistics of how to supply the cement industry with enough derelict fiberglass boats in a way that’s feasible and not cost prohibitive: Henderson Nevada Boat Disposal Company!
“One of the questions we’re tracking down is how can we ensure a level of quality from recycled boat material when you’ve got one boat that’s from 1960 that’s got a bunch of extra resin and one from the 1980s that’s very thin and has balsa wood in the core,” says Ridley. “Obviously there are concerns about whether or not they will be receiving a material with a consistent level of quality because that’s very important when you’re selling a product such as cement.”
Provided they can make that kind of guarantee, there are other challenges as well. How will the boats get collected? Where will they get collected? Who will ground down fiberglass boats to manageable sizes and transport this material to cement companies? What about health and safety? These are just a handful of questions Ridley is working on currently.
To fund a pilot project aimed at connecting the cement industry with the marine industry, Ridley recognizes that he will need some sort of legislative support and possibly an increase in the bi-annual registration fees recreational boat owners pay on their vessels.
“There are a lot of steps that are happening at once,” says Ridley, “and part of that is figuring out how the business model works and then part of that is continuing to coordinate on the technical side with the other parties while continuing to look for partners here in Nevada potentially.”
Ridley, who is also a graduate student in the University of Rhode Island Marine Affairs department, started this project two years ago when he was offered a research assistantship with Rhode Island Sea Grant. In six months, he’s set to graduate, but he says that if the Rhode Island Marine Trade Association and the cement industry haven’t explicitly told him no, that he would be willing to stick around to further the burgeoning relationship.
“The great thing that we’re doing at Sea Grant, since it’s a national program, is that if we can get a strategic plan written for developing a pilot program in Rhode Island, we could then share that with all the other Sea Grant programs in the network; all thirty-three states that, no doubt have these same issues, but have better access to cement markets than the east coast. It’s potentially a national solution if we can get it off the ground in our own little laboratory, so to speak.”
Take Action
Landfills around the country are filling up. Think twice about dropping your grandfather's old boat at the transfer station, but remember, never sink or abandon your old boat!
Call your marina, local college sailing team, maritime museum or simply google “boat donation” to learn about possible boat donation organizations in your area. One person's trash is another person's treasure.
Think creatively about repurposing your old dinghy. Small boats make for a terrific raised bed garden!
You can make a difference. Follow these steps to create a positive future for the ocean.
Boat Removal Services near me: Are you in need of boat removal service provider? If your answer is yes, McCarran Handyman Services Service provide boat disposal and junk hauling services. Contact us today for an estimate and let our professional team come take care of that old boat for you.
McCarran Handyman Services Boat Removal Service
McCarran Handyman Services constantly strives to maintain the best service. McCarran Handyman Services makes sure everyone is on the same page, to ensure the best service for our customers.
McCarran Handyman Services doesn’t play games. We know we have a job to do and we will get it done.
If you need a professional junk hauling and clean out service to help you with your junk pickup, call McCarran Handyman Services!
We provide junk removal and hauling services to customers along with the best prices! If you need a professional, insured Junk Removal company - call McCarran Handyman Services today!
Many times, removing a boat from a marina or your surroundings can pose a very difficult challenge for you who know little or nothing about boat removal. To this regard, in this article, you'll learn the what, the how, the why, and the when of boat removal services provided by professional companies.
Why Is It Important To Hire A Professional Boat Removal Service Company?
Hiring a professional boat removal company is almost very necessary when looking to have a boat removed either from your backyard or from the marina. However, the question that always comes to mind is why can’t I just do it? Why do I have to hire a professional boat removal service company?
Keeping a long used boat means that you are exposing yourself to environmental damage as well as the subsequent fines that comes with it. Employing the services of a professional boat removal service company, helps save you and your immediate environment from the hazards of environmental damage, and the subsequent fines that comes with it.
If at any point a boat or boats begin to constitute an eyesore in your home or at the marina, then the services of a professional boat removal service company is needed to clear your backyard or the marina of the eyesore keeping that boat causes, thus making your environment safe especially when you have kids around.
Professional boat removal company always do the boat removal and disposal work in the fastest and most effective way possible thereby not only saving you as an individual cost, but also saving you time that would have been used to do the task by yourself knowing you lack the requisite knowledge to do so.
Also, if it seems to you that the boat in question still has value, and you feel like you can make some money off it instead of the recurring fees it’s been costing you lying idle at your backyard or at the marina, a professional boat removal service company can always help in linking your with interested buyers, while doing the removal and the re-location as well.
Boat Removal in Henderson Nevada
Henderson Nevada Boat Disposal Company: We offer a comprehensive junk boat removal service. Henderson Nevada Junk Removal service will handle everything for you from start to finish. When you have large boat or that boat project you never finished, we can manage it for you. Henderson Nevada has been doing old boat removal for 12 years. Whether it’s still in the water or on your boat dock, we can retrieve and cut it up if we have to.
·         Home Junk Removal Henderson Nevada
·         Furniture Removal Henderson Nevada
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·         Property Cleanouts Henderson Nevada
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·         Boat Removal Henderson Nevada
·         RV Removal & Disposal
·         Commercial & Other Junk Removal
·         Commercial Junk Removal Henderson Nevada
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·         Storm Debris Clean Up Henderson Nevada
·         Bed Bug Infested Furniture Removal
·         Construction Remodeling Debris Removal Henderson Nevada
·         Dismantle & Remove Services
Our services include:
Abandoned boat removal – this includes dilapidated vessels
Pickup anywhere – from your yard or the water
Gas line, boat, and motor removal- we will remove the fuel line and motor before disposal
Proper disposal- Henderson Nevada Junk Removal adheres to Henderson Nevada’s laws for the removal of any vessel
Dumping fees- any fees associated with the disposal of the vessel are taken care of by our junk removal service
Old boat removal- we can take any boat, no matter what size
Henderson Nevada Boat Disposal Company: It is our goal to take care of disposing of any unwanted item you have, with no hassles. Our Boat removal team has the equipment necessary to haul off any size boat.
Henderson Nevada offers professional boat removal in Henderson Nevada. We will send our team out to haul off your old or unwanted boat. Our team specializes in boat removal services for any make, model, and year vessel.
Some of our services:
·         Furniture removal, appliances and general household junk removal.
·         Property clean outs, Hoarding clean outs, storage unit clean outs.
·         Hot tub removal and spa removal.
·         Office, warehouse, estate and foreclosure clean outs.
·         Trash removal, waste removal, garbage removal and construction debris removal.
McCarran Handyman Services
#1 Handyman Service in Las Vegas Henderson Nevada!
CALL (702) 570-4279 HANDYMAN 1, http://www.handymanlasvegasnv.com/
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CALL (702) 551-2023 CLEANING 2, http://www.cleaningserviceslasvegasnv.com/
CALL (702) 329-9729 JUNK REMOVAL, http://www.mgmjunkremoval.com/
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Monday to Sunday 6:00 am – 11:00 pm
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SERVICE AREA: Las Vegas NV, Boulder City NV, Enterprise, Henderson, North Las Vegas, Paradise, Spring Valley, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor Nevada.
Las Vegas Neighborhoods: Aliante, Anthem/Anthem Country Club, Chinatown, Downtown Las Vegas, Green Valley, Lake Las Vegas, Las Vegas Country Club, MacDonald Highlands, Mountain's Edge, Paradise Palms, Queensridge & One Queensridge Place, Seven Hills, Southern Highlands, Summerlin, Summerlin South, The Lakes, The Ridges, West Las Vegas Nevada.
Service Area Zip Codes: 88901, 88905, 89101, 89102, 89104, 89106, 89107, 89108, 89109, 89110, 89116, 89117, 89124, 89125, 89126, 89127, 89128, 89129, 89130, 89131, 89133, 89134, 89136, 89137, 89138, 89143, 89144, 89145, 89146, 89147, 89149, 89151, 89152, 89153, 89154, 89155, 89157, 89158, 89161, 89162, 89163, 89164, 89166, 89185.
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donkeyvirgo8-blog · 6 years
What's the best way to get rid of pills you don't use?
© Getty Images/iStockphoto
Most of our medicine cabinets are filled with prescription medications—some benign, some fairly toxic, some quite expensive. Bottles typically state how to properly store these drugs. But they don’t specify how to safely dispose of unused or outdated pills.
So what’s a patient to do with those orange bottles filled with leftover meds? One expert, Karen Bastianelli, associate professor of pharmacy at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy in Duluth, Minn., discusses where those pills can wind up and when flushing them down the toilet is actually an option.
The Environmental Protection Agency estimated in 2015 that nursing homes across the country toss out about 740 tons of medications each year. The way they and others had gotten rid of unwanted pills varied, since the original Controlled Substances Act didn’t address disposal until lawmakers amended it in 2014. Still, rules vary by state, and regulations usually don’t provide a particular method of destruction.
“Some states have medical-waste providers where they ship the waste to that corporation or nonprofit, who destroy them by incineration. Others donate to programs where the drugs get used in a medicine repository for redistribution to the needy,” Dr. Bastianelli says.
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As of mid-2018, 38 states and Guam had passed laws for donation and reuse of medications from pharmacies, charitable clinics or hospitals.
Dr. Bastianelli says there are five ways to get rid of unwanted prescription drugs. The best, she says, is medication take-back events. The Drug Enforcement Administration has run these for 15 years, and this May took back nearly 1 million pounds of drugs during its annual National Prescription Drug Take Back Day.
Dr. Bastianelli says her local sanitation department holds these sorts of events quarterly, and that they are quite effective. Before turning in the meds, she says, “keep them protected from heat and light and out of reach of kids.”
The professor also suggests looking into police departments and medication disposal boxes that have been popping up at pharmacies across the country in recent years. While drugstores’ drop boxes tend to be open only during business hours, police departments typically will accept prescription drugs at all hours. “These boxes are good, because once you put them in, they are irretrievable, like with a postal box,” she says.
Before dumping, Dr. Bastianelli says to black out your name with a permanent marker, but leave the medical information visible in case the police or drugstores need to identify them. “This will ensure your privacy but let experts know what is in the bottle,” she says.
A third option is to pick up envelopes at your local pharmacy into which you place the meds and ship them off for incineration. “Incineration is better than landfill for the environment, since it makes certain these toxic drugs are not getting into our wastewater,” says the professor of pharmacy.
However, she is more concerned about unused lethal prescription drugs getting into the wrong hands than local dumps or the water supply. Just tossing unused or unwanted pills into the trash is an easy option, though Dr. Bastianelli has a few tips.
“We want you to remove the label, add kitty litter or coffee grounds to make it unpalatable, and pour liquid into the container to make it icky,” she says. “Then seal it up with a strong tape and hide it in an opaque container so it’s not obvious that there is a vial in there,” the professor says. She likes to use a plastic butter bowl.
The last option is to flush your meds down the toilet, Dr. Bastianelli says. While this does enter the water systems, a study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment in 2017 showed that the eco-toxicological risk was negligible.
“The only things we want people to flush are those very potent meds that could kill a person who has never used a narcotic before with one dose,” she says. The 15 medications on the Food and Drug Administration Flush List are mostly opioids and other controlled substances that have caused an unprecedented epidemic in this country. “We don’t want these getting into the hands of kids, especially, so just flush them immediately,” she says.
Dr. Bastianelli encourages patients to keep their meds away from humid medicine cabinets in the bathroom. Instead, consider a spice rack in a cool, dry place in the kitchen “where houseguests won’t go shopping for your drugs,” she says.
Source: http://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/whats-the-best-way-to-get-rid-of-pills-you-dont-use/ar-AAAFnUi?srcref=rss
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lodelss · 6 years
Laura Barcella | Longreads | February 2019 | 13 minutes (3,517 words)
The 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade just occurred on January 22 — but the days of relatively uncomplicated American abortion access are, most likely, numbered. In fact, author Robin Marty believes it’s not a matter of if Roe will be overturned, it’s a matter of when.
For more than ten years, the Minneapolis-based freelance reporter and author of the new book Handbook for a Post-Roe America has been diligently chronicling the twists and turns of both the pro-choice and anti-abortion movements. Ever since Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his resignation, Marty — like many other pro-choice Americans — has been waiting for the proverbial pro-life shoe to drop. Losing Kennedy, the swing voter on a number of major abortion rulings, and gaining Brett Kavanaugh — a long-time pro-life ally — seems to all but ensure the end of Roe, as well as the downfall of abortion being considered a constitutional right.
Indeed, several weeks after Marty and I spoke in late January, Kavanaugh voted with a minority of Justices to overturn recent Court precedent in favor of a law that sought to impose a new form of undue burden on abortion-seekers in Louisiana. The Cut called Kavanaugh’s dissenting opinion something verging on gaslighting. In it, he postulates that perhaps the undue burden — abortion providers being required to gain admitting privileges at local hospitals — could simply be met, when of course providers have already been trying to gain admitting privileges for years. The Court ultimately blocked the implementation of the law, but only because the conservative Chief Justice, John Roberts, voted with the liberals. The margin of safety has grown vanishingly thin.
Let’s consider what that means. If Roe were overturned, it wouldn’t necessarily make it impossible for a pregnant person to obtain an abortion, but it would potentially make an already challenging process even more daunting. As it stands, obtaining an abortion is already far from affordable or convenient for many women, even in blue states with a plethora of clinics. Despite Roe’s current status, and despite the fact that statistically, most Americans believe in a woman’s right to choose, abortion care is still often portrayed as a privilege instead of a right — or as a miserable “worst-case” scenario rather than a straightforward medical procedure.
Marty’s new book (available now from Seven Stories Press) lays out various scenarios for exactly what a Roe-less future might look like. More importantly, it explains exactly how we should prepare for this reality. As Marty writes in Handbook, “While Roe and the cases that preceded it made birth control and abortion legal, they did nothing to curtail the coercive power our government wields over the bodies of those who can give birth.”
For the liberal naysayers who can’t fathom America sinking quite so far into Handmaid-land, Marty reminds readers that not only have anti-choice laws and restrictions been ramping up in recent years, but the pro-life contingent has been emboldened under Trump’s presidency in frightening new ways. In the following interview, Marty further explains the possible dangers of what lies ahead, and how we can start protecting ourselves now.
Can you tell me a little bit about how the book came about? It traces back to a Twitter thread, is that right?
Right. Anthony Kennedy announced that he would be retiring. As soon as that happened, my first thought was, ‘Okay, this is basically the end of Roe.’ And even if this isn’t exactly the end of Roe, it’s enough of a push and enough of a change that all the people who had been quiet before and hadn’t seen this as a real threat, finally understand that it’s a turning point.
Part of the reason I started the Twitter thread was because the first two things that I saw people saying as soon as Kennedy announced his retirement were, A) ‘I’m going to donate to Planned Parenthood,’ and B) ‘I’m going to stockpile emergency contraception.’ And my first thought was okay, donating to Planned Parenthood is always good, but there are so many clinics in states that only have one clinic that are not run by Planned Parenthood, and that doesn’t help them. And getting emergency contraception for yourself is always good, but the idea of stockpiling can be done in such a way that it actually harms access.
I talked to a number of people who are very high in the pro-life movement. Many of them assured me that Kavanaugh will be the vote, and that Roe will be overturned as soon as they can get a case up there.
My thought was ‘Here are all these things that you can do that would be better actions than what people are describing.’ And so it turned into…a 30-tweet thread of [suggestions for] places you can donate to and actions you can take instead; groups that you should be working with on the ground.
As I was doing this, I was getting a lot of really good responses. One of them was from … a woman book agent, who said, ‘I think there’s actually a book there; can you write a proposal and I will see what I can do?’
Within about a month, I had a book deal with the understanding that I had to write a book in three months, because they wanted it out before the anniversary of Roe.
I was going to ask you about the timeline because I knew it must have been tight. Was that stressful?
Yeah, it was definitely a challenge. Especially because it was summer, so I had children at home. My first book, Crow After Roe, was sort of … I accepted a proposal with my co-author and we didn’t really expect the first publisher that we sent it to, to say ‘Yeah, let’s do this.’ But they did, and then they said, ‘We’re going to move a book aside so we can run this right away. Can you have it done for us in three months?’
There seems to be something about three months! It’s always three months for me.
But I wrote this book in about eight weeks.
That sounds stressful.
I would like to say I wrote a lot, but most of what I did [for the handbook] was compiling all of the different information that was already out there. And I did that for two reasons — one was so that it was in one accessible place so it’s easy to get to, and the other … was because people don’t always know where to look for this information. We’ve already seen with the Trump administration how information disappears. Health and Human Services re-wrote some of their rules, they disappeared trans language from a lot of things. Nothing on the internet is completely safe, [whether] because of censorship or anti-abortion activists who decide that they want to do some attacks online to try and bring down websites; there’s always the [chance] that you might not be able to get to information when you need it.
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How did you get involved in covering abortion care and abortion access as one of your primary beats?
That evolved out of being a progressive blogger. I started anonymously blogging in 2004 while I was working for an investment banking firm. I ended up working for a progressive news site that was setting up state-based news sites. I got more aware of the abortion issue, especially what was going on in [various] states.
In 2009, I ended up writing specifically for a reproductive health website. They picked me up after I was laid off, right after the Affordable Care Act debate and … trying to get all abortion coverage removed from the insurance plans. I had just had a miscarriage, and I had to go into a hospital for a DNC in order to have everything removed. I had this very in-your-face ‘what if’ moment of [wondering], ‘Would that be something my insurance will cover under the new plan?’ Because it was coded in the hospital bills as abortion.
After that I was working for RH Reality Check, as it was called back then (now it’s Rewire News), and I spent a few years tracking all of these bills as they were popping up through the states, and it grew from there.
Can you walk me through the scenarios that you see as the most likely and least likely when it comes to legal abortion access?
If you had asked me a week ago [we had this conversation in late January -LB], I would have said the most likely thing that was going to happen would be that the Supreme Court would keep Roe intact; that it would not overturn the verdict. The court would allow states to pass whatever bills they wanted to pass, as long as they did not explicitly completely ban the procedure.
Can you explain that a bit more?
What I [believed would] happen was that you would have a state like Mississippi, which only has one abortion clinic, and it would finally be allowed to enact rules that would close that one clinic. But because it didn’t actually ban abortion outright in the state, and the state would still [technically] allow abortion, that it would still be considered constitutional.
But now I actually believe that Roe will be overturned completely — and that states will be allowed to make it completely illegal.
Why do you believe that now?
I was at the March for Life [recently], and I talked to a number of people who are very high in the pro-life movement. Many of them assured me that Kavanaugh will be the vote, and that Roe will be overturned as soon as they can get a case up there.
I believe that Roe will be overturned, that we’ll have at least 10 to 15 states that will not have any abortion [access] at all. There will be a number of states that might go completely without abortion or otherwise will pass laws that will make it extraordinarily difficult to get an abortion at all, and then there will be about 10 to 15 states that will have abortion access and will probably expand it.
The problem with this scenario is that all the states that are going to either ban, or are going to make abortion nearly impossible to get, are all in the same place. They’re in the Midwest, and the entirety of the Southeast, except for maybe Florida, will be without any sort of legal abortion. That’s scary and alarming, and something that we have to plan for.
It sounds horrible to say ‘Plan for an abortion now,’ but the reality is, if you are capable of getting pregnant, [planning] is something that you should do.
How do we plan for that? What do you suggest people start doing now?
The first thing that I tell everybody is that the best thing to do is plan for what will happen if Roe is overturned and abortion is illegal. What a person can do is figure out what is going on in their state first — will their state be one that will make abortion illegal or will they have some sort of access? Which is going to be the closest state to you that will have abortion access?
It sounds horrible to say ‘Plan for an abortion now,’ but the reality is, if you are capable of getting pregnant, [planning] is something that you should do. We’re looking at huge travel that will have to happen, and trying to get through waiting periods in some of the states that remain. The clinics that are going to be left are going to be overbooked, and abortion is not going to be covered by insurance. It will be extremely expensive, so if you plan for that and don’t need it, that’s fantastic. But if you suddenly find yourself with an unexpected pregnancy that you don’t want to carry to term, trying to figure all of that out at the last minute is going to be extraordinarily daunting.
People plan for retirement; people plan for all sorts of things in their life. You should also plan for an abortion.
I know there’s no way to explicitly predict this, but what sort of timeline do you think this might happen in?
I would say that Roe will probably be overturned … after the 2020 election. It would be that soon. We have a number of cases already in the federal court system that have circuit splits [in which two federal courts don’t agree about whether similar laws are constitutional]. Any one of those can be taken up to the Supreme Court for them to make a final ruling, and through that can overturn Roe.
Also, something that people don’t understand is that the courts can technically take any case that’s about abortion and use that to overturn Roe. So for instance, the Indiana Down Syndrome ban. Basically every time the court meets again to see if they’re going to take up a case, it could be the one that would overturn Roe, if they chose to use it that way.
But … I don’t see the courts doing it before 2020 just because of election impact. I hate to say it, but our Supreme Court has become so partisan at this point that I see them taking that as a consideration.
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Which state restrictions are you monitoring the most closely right now?
Depending on scenario, heartbeat bans are really alarming because they make it almost impossible to get an abortion before it’s too late to get an abortion. But for the most part, courts have been saying that [those are] unconstitutional.
One of the [other] things really alarming me right now is the idea of abortion restrictions on top of abortion restrictions, especially when it comes to states that are expanding their waiting periods. There’s two different ways that waiting periods work. In some states, waiting periods start from the point at which you call a clinic, and so they’ll give you information on the phone and you don’t have to make two trips into the clinic. But a lot of states are now having them in a way that you have to come in to the clinic, get the information, then walk away, come back and have your next appointment anywhere from 24 to 72 hours afterwards.
When you take a state that has a waiting period of 72 hours or more, has only one clinic, and then the clinic only performs [abortions] up to 12 weeks, then you have basically [created] a situation where a person is going to spend at least a week just going back and forth, trying to get an abortion knowing that there’s a cutoff, plus knowing that there’s an immense wait to get into that clinic to start with.
[This is how] they’re really strangling the system altogether. None of these things on their own necessarily look unreasonable, but stacked on top of each other, they’ve made abortion almost impossible to get.
You recently attended the March for Life. Did you notice a bigger turnout, or more fervency among the pro-life faction there?
Yes, yes, yes. I’ve been to the March for Life four times now. At the march I went to before the 2016 election, abortion opponents thought they had lost. They believed that Hillary Clinton was going to be elected. They believed they were losing the entirety of the Supreme Court, so it was a very dejected feeling there, but [there was] also a sense of ‘what can we do in order to make tiny gains around the edges?’
Being at the march over the last two years, it has changed so dramatically. Their people are in the administration, they’re in the HHS, their elected leaders are everywhere. They have so much right now, and they know that. They feel that Roe is on the rocks, that they are about to have that win.
Also, the March for Life has become increasingly political ever since President Trump was elected. There’s signs saying “Make Babies Great Again” and, like the Covington students, everyone’s wearing MAGA hats. It’s become so intertwined with politics, and especially with the Republican party, that it has in many ways turned into a rally for social conservatives and for the religious right.
If abortion is made illegal again … people are, frankly, unlikely to die  … Our problem now is that abortion … done outside the legal system is going to get you thrown in jail.
You touched on third-trimester abortion a little bit in the book, which is already not readily accessible throughout the country. What will happen to that if Roe is overturned?
We just had New York pass the Reproductive Health Act, which basically removed all abortion from the criminal code, which means that New York providers can now offer third-trimester abortions in cases where there is a significant medical need for it. So if a person is having mental health issues, if a person has a fetus with an anomaly that they can’t or don’t want to carry to term, third-trimester abortion has been opened up as long as there is a valid medical reason for it. And that’s not something that was happening in New York before. Before, we had a clinic in Colorado that would do it, and a clinic in Maryland, and a clinic in New Mexico.
There’s a section of your handbook about privacy concerns. Why was that important for you to include?
One of the things that we’re already seeing when people induce their own abortions or have bad pregnancy outcomes that make the hospitals or the authorities suspect that they induced their own abortions, is that when they’re investigated their computers get seized. Their phones get looked at. One of the things that happened to Purvi Patel, who was arrested for feticide and homicide in Indiana, was that they looked at her text messages and saw that she said she had taken something. That was what they used to prosecute her.
If a person’s going to work outside of the legal clinic system in order to end a pregnancy…we just have to be aware of what sort of information could get out there, especially when a person might be going outside of the legal clinic system, and anybody else who has talked to them could be seen as an accessory in either having helped them obtain medication or [other] ways.
Can you talk a little bit more about self-managed abortion? Were there legal challenges to publishing that particular chapter of your book?
Not specifically, although I did have it vetted by a lawyer. One of the things that’s very interesting about the publisher that I ended up with, and probably one of the reasons that the book exists at all, is that Seven Stories Press actually published a book called A Woman’s Book of Choices by Carol Downer. One of the things she did was explain how to do menstrual extraction. That was considered mind-blowing at the time, that there was a publisher that would actually give instructions on how to make this and do this.
So the publisher was really good about wanting to include all of this information, that this is information that needs to be public. And honestly, all of this information is online; it’s available everywhere, it’s just not compiled in one space. I’m not encouraging anybody to do this, and I think that the best way is always going to be going through the legal system. It’s just, if people are going to do it, they need to have information on how to do it safely.
Do you think we’ll see an uptick in DIY abortions? Is there already an uptick?
My understanding is that there probably is. The fact that we can’t verify that or actually prove that in any way, shape, or form is good because that means that people are doing it the right way, protecting their privacy and making sure that their caches are not being found. When they do speak to people at hospitals, making sure that it’s understood that this is a miscarriage and that’s all the information that a person needs to give.
What are some of the biggest misconceptions that you keep hearing or seeing regarding abortion access lately?
I see a lot of people saying that they still don’t believe that Roe is going to be overturned. I also see people — on our side as well — [repeat] the idea that people [will die] if abortion is made illegal again.
When we go into a post-Roe landscape, people are, frankly, unlikely to die if they get illegal abortions. Because we can get medications online, and these medications have been proven to be very safe. If there is a rare complication, it can be taken care of at a hospital, if necessary.
Our problem now is that abortion … done outside the legal system is going to get you thrown in jail.
We need to, as a movement, make sure that people understand that doing your own self-induced abortion is not medically any more dangerous than a [medically supervised] abortion would be. The only difference is that because this is not legal, people are afraid to report when something goes wrong. And in some cases it’s not even anything going wrong, it’s just too many people don’t know exactly what the process is like, so they think something is going wrong.
We have to make sure that everybody understands what a self-managed abortion looks like; what’s normal, what’s not normal, what will get them in trouble, what will not get them in trouble, what to say to a hospital, what not to say to a hospital.
People need to be aware of all of that because when we go into a post-Roe future … we aren’t generally going to see [people] bleeding out and dying in their homes, but we could see [people] going in for help because they think something’s wrong, and ending up in jail instead.
* * *
Laura Barcella is an NYC-based journalist and author.
Editor: Dana Snitzky
0 notes
salty-dracon · 7 years
ace hang invites more people to fuck around on youtube
THE REAL VAMPIRES OF RC | Interview with Adrian from PerpetualThirst!
Adrian: So being a vampire... it’s like, you know, being gay. Not that you’d understand since you’re not gay. Well, I’m not either, but I’m a vampire.
Lily: O...kay?
Adrian: Like, no one chooses to be a vampire. It’s just a thing that happens. Like when you’re gay. And you can tell because you have these huge pointy canine teeth and you really want to drink blood. Kinda like when you’re gay, and you want to fuck people that are the same gender as you. 
Val: Heh. So do people like, want to kill you for it or something?
Adrian: Yeah, I’ve gotten arrested once or twice for like, just trying to get my fill. It’s really hard. People just aren’t willing to donate their blood anymore. So, like, you have to take it. Sometimes by force. Using a knife.
Lily: So you’ve actually attacked someone for their blood?
Adrian: Yeah. It’s normal.
Val: ...
Lily: ...
Adrian: You know how the cops used to attack gay people for being gay? It’s like that.
BUSINESS LADY | Interview with some business lady!
Amelia: So tell me about this... YouTube.
Lily: Well, it’s the only major and general platform for sharing video with the general public. Well, not “only”, more like “biggest and easiest to use”.
Amelia: I see, I see. So, what other platforms exist?
Lily: Uhhh, Twitch?
Val: But that’s more livestreaming stuff, and it’s gamer-oriented. Oh, and DailyMotion. And Vimeo.
Lily: But DailyMotion is laggy and annoying, and Vimeo’s geared towards professional animators and stuff like that. And we’re just regular ol’ kids who edit videos of us gaming. 
Val: But YouTube has its share of problems. Like demonetizing videos that contain otherwise nonoffensive words like “lesbian” or “gay” or stuff like that. Like, now they’re demonetizing everything. And for people who basically make a job through this service, it’s absolutely devastating.
Lily: Yeah, and YouTube also does nothing for content creators that actually ruin the system for everyone else. I’m sure you’ve heard of the PewDiePie scandals. 
Amelia: Thaumas?
Thaumas: *offscreen* A very popular YouTube star has made a number of antisemetic and racist remarks in the past. 
Lily: Oh yeah, and then there was the viewcount drop for whatever reason. 
Val: Is that even over?
Lily: I have no clue.
Amelia: Ah, interesting. I know there are parts of my company which use this platform to... train others. So, what is the relation of this platform, to say, consumers like you? If you do view videos.
Angel: *offscreen* Ms. Fisher, the tea is ready.
Amelia: Does he know you run this channel?
Lily: Of course he does. We even had him show up in some of our videos. 
Amelia: Can I see?
(Lily and Val exchange worried glances)
UP TO Y’ALL | Talking Asexuality w/ Straight Ass Narin!
Narin: So, like, what if you four were stuck on an island together? Would you, like... fuck?
Arthur: No.
Narin: But you’re asexuals, which means you don’t necessarily dislike sex. You just... don’t want to fuck people on sight. Right?
Lily: No one fucking touches me.
Val: I don’t really care about fucking.
Brid: It’s not like I want to screw strangers.
Arthur: I’m uncomfortable with the idea.
Lily: Besides, I feel like babies would be a bad idea on a desert island. And maybe they have STDs, I don’t know.
Narin: But couldn’t you fuck Brid?
Brid: N-No! I mean, Lily’s just... she’s not someone I really like... 
Lily: Brid could have a yeast infection or something!
Narin: Just use condoms or something.
Lily: On a desert island?
Narin: Make your own!
Everyone: ............
THIS GAME IS SATAN | Doki Doki Literature Club w/ Clubs and Hearts!
(Some jumpscare happens. Val jumps back, Lily almost screams but starts choking on her own spit and collapses on the ground, Brid looks like she’s about to have a panic attack, and Arthur looks like he’s about to cry)
Lily: GAHKKK... KFFF... water... *loud coughing*
Val: Iswearmyheartjustfuckingstoppedohgodmybodyscramping.... fuck *falls out of chair*
(Angel walks in. He sees the kids in varying degrees of pain. After trying to contemplate what to do for a few seconds, he leaves.)
Val: I don’t think we can move on. So thanks for watching, that’s the end of this episode of Doki Doki Literature Club. Like and subscribe, comment down below, please tell us how to get the good ending.
Arthur: *actually starts crying*
FILMING IN LILY’S HOUSE | Danganronpa Chapter 3 w/ Not Narin!
Brooke: So where’s your sister? I’m kinda getting paid by the hour to tutor her.
Lily: Who knows. Just let us know if we’re being too loud. Silently. We’re filming Danganronpa today. 
Brooke: ...what?
Val: The video game. Danganronpa.
Brooke: ... My brother’s going to pick me up, just saying. So, if you see this red Tesla out front, it’s his.
Val: Tesla? Holy shit.
Lily: His name’s Grey, right? My mom won’t stop asking me to ask him about college and shit. And then she does it herself. Oh god, he must feel awkward.
Brooke: Yeah. He’s probably not interested in you or your mom, to be honest. No wonder your sister can’t stop complaining about her... Can I take my smoke break now?
Val: You smoke?
Brooke: Oh god, not again... Listen, I don’t care if I die from lung cancer-
Val: No, we’re fine with it, just not in the house. And my dad’s downstairs talking with her mom. About tea. Just not around them.
Lily: Yeah, my mom will never let a smoker in the house. 
Brooke: ...Thank you.
BE A MAN | Life Lessons w/ Angel!
Angel: *addressing lily and brid* While you may receive enjoyment out of nonconformity to gender ideals, it’s your conformity to various aspects that will help you rise in the educated world. For example, a woman should always be well-dressed. Never immodest, but well-dressed. 
(Lily blatantly doesn’t care, Brid’s listening but looking bored)
Angel: A woman should also be confident in her own sexuality, no matter what society tries to tell her. When you’ve ascended high enough in the social ladder, and trust me, you’ll know when, you can afford to be confident in that way. Until then, you must rely on your wits. The same applies to men. They must always follow the same rules a woman does, to uphold a standard that is to be respected. Furthermore, as women are historically more fragile and important creatures to mankind’s survival, a man must take every step to protect the women in his life, as well as to never hurt a woman themselves. Women should never be afraid to defend themselves, and speak the truth. 
Brid: Okay, I think that’s enough-
Angel: However, you may meet a man one day that you have... feelings for. Know that the hot feeling you get down there is absolutely normal for a woman your age, and is nothing to be ashamed of. You may start to crave the feeling of... something... down there. Long and phallic. While men aren’t necessary for the long and phallic nature of the object you want in there, it’s perfectly normal to want something.
Lily: Okay, okay-
Angel: If you do decide to stick objects up your vagina, men would rather you keep it a private matter. I don’t mind, of course- but men in general would rather that the only thing that enter your sacred flower be their penis-
Lily: And that’s all the time we have for this episode. Tune in tomorrow for more shenanigans involving video games and sh-stuff. Bye. Like and subscribe.
Angel: And comment in the comments section! Only nice things of course!
*Brid facepalms*
HOW TO BOOB RESPONSIBLY | Shantae: Half-Genie Hero!
(Giga Mermaid Level)
Michy: *pops head in* Lesbians?
Lily: Big booby mermaids!
Michy: Dude, what the fuck? I wanna see!... that is one thicc mermaid
0 notes
gulescamisade · 7 years
Alaska:  Day 26
[[ Beep! Micexa and Hesony both get notifications on their devices. It is an update on the top wanted list. For treason, aiding and abetting criminals of the Empire, and defection, they are both wanted for interrogation and an eventual trial. Their bounty is impressive, which makes even the more ill-equipped troll be stupid enough to face them in combat. ]]
[[ In addition, there seems to be a news article circulating around Alternian media. ]]
HESONY: =The first was to be expected, but upon noticing the latter and staring at it for a good long while, his face morphed into an expression of pure rage and he hurled his work device so hard that when it struck the trunk of a tree, it shattered into a billion pieces.=
MINDFANG: -Watches this take place.- .................
MINDFANG: Are you an actual child.
DAVE: there goes another method of communication
DAVE: keep this shit up and we gotta scream to try and connect to the others
HESONY: One, it's my own possession and it's likely for the best it's gone. We're getting pings on junk anyway.
HESONY: Two, for your information, that was my work device. It’s best if it’s destroyed anyway.
MINDFANG: Then why the fuck did you keep it this long. Seems idiotic.
MICEXA: -She, on the other hand, just stares at her device for much longer than needed before taking in a breath and turning hers off entirely.-
MICEXA: Hesony... go pick up the pieces.
MINDFANG: -At least Micexa is sensible.-
DAVE: yeah go pick them up
MICEXA: Once is enough.
HESONY: =To Dave as he does start picking up after himself. Wont want to leave a trail.= Why don't you just shove a walnut down your throat?
MICEXA: \|/e're not out yet.
MICEXA: -sternly, to Hesony. she is tired.-
MICEXA: \|/e have to do this.
MICEXA: Please... let's just do this.
DAVE: well you can give me another concussion
DAVE: that might shut me up
MINDFANG: (A walnut...) -Shes amazed by the stupid specifics of that.-
DAVE: (damn)
HESONY: Miss, I—
HESONY: =SQUINTS at Dave before just...swallowing back whatever he was going to say to him=
HESONY: (Did you see what they fucking did to Her? It's a fucking lure, I can't believe this.)
MICEXA: Don't.
MICEXA: \|/e're going to keep going.
MICEXA: That's all.
HESONY: =He shakes his head, his jaw set as his eyes dropped to the ground at his feet. The anger drained from him in one go..= Not too Hard. That's all we ever do.
MINDFANG: -Rolls her eyes...eye.-
MINDFANG: Gr8, wonderful you've come to conclusion that you can 8e calm and silent, so do it. Dont expose the rest of us to your duo show of self pity.
MINDFANG: -Walking past them to get away from their grossness.-
HESONY: =He let out a short laugh as Mindfang passed=
HESONY: All we did was buy you time. Now the Expunger is after us and she'll finish what she started.
HESONY: Maybe we'll be lucky like Rez and get a quick death.
MINDFANG: Negative and a whiner? Wow, your personal8ty is stunning.
MICEXA: -She says nothing to this. Seems like all that woman does is bait and threaten, and there's no point giving her any more power in pulling out their emotions.-
MICEXA: Sunny!
MICEXA: Stop. Talking about her like that. -she's looking at him now, and her expression is hurt. She's lost her, too. They all have, and it's been hard to choke down every bicker, every reminder.- No more. I can't...
HESONY: =Sorry Mindfang, you're getting ignored=
HESONY: (But it's true. We're the only ones left. She's killing us off, one by one. And I Hate being out in the open like this. The League Has eyes and ears everywhere and we're burning off on the fuel of sheer dumb luck.)
HESONY: (She made sure we were watching. She killed Her, and she made sure that it was as Horrible as before.)
MICEXA: If we die then so be it.
MICEXA: ...\|/e don't stop.
MICEXA: -turns again and keeps walking, quiet with the tightness of her jaw as she bites down on her tongue.-
HESONY: =he watched at she walked away and closed his eyes, sighing. His expression drained into one of resignation. Without further response, he followed quietly after.=
[[As soon as they arrive at the aforementioned lusus pens, the crew +2 were introduced to a magnificent dragonfly lusus that would take them straight to their destination.]] 
 [[After a long, arduous journey, the Alaska group finally arrives in the Land of a Thousand Lakes (that is, Minnesota), and reunites with the rest of the Unbreakable Union at the location of their meetup.]]
0 notes
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McCarran Handyman Services provides an easy and safe junk boat removal service near Las Vegas Nevada so you don't need to worry about the pick up or disposal of your old boat. We will remove all of your unwanted items from anywhere on your property without you having to lift a finger. All qualifying items are recycled or donated.
It does not matter if your boat is on a trailer or not, inboard or outboard, or even no engine at all. Why not relieve all that stress and concern and have our professional boat removal service remove that junk boat and your worries? All junk boats and unwanted boats will be properly disposed of, not dumped on the side of the road like some other guys.
Las Vegas Boat Disposal Company: We remove all types of boats including junk boats, unwanted boats, abandoned boats, boats with trailers, boats without trailers, boat trailers, jet skis, boat motors, pontoon boats, personal watercraft and more. We remove fiberglass, wood and aluminum boats.
How does our boat removal service work? Our boat removal service Las Vegas NV is simple. Book online or call us to schedule an appointment. Once an appointment is booked our professional insured boat removal team will show up to your home or office, give you a free estimate and remove your unwanted boat from anywhere on your property. Our junk removal team will call you 30 minutes before arrival.
All qualifying items will be donated or recycled: We first determine the working condition of your unwanted boat. We will recycle all available items from your boat, trailer and motor to an authorized recycling center or we will donate your unwanted boat when possible. Some boat motors contain gas, oils and batteries, which is harmful to the environment. Our professional junk removal team will make sure your old boat is properly disposed of and recycled.
Las Vegas Boat Disposal Company: We specialize in removing all sorts of junk including appliance removal Las Vegas NV, boat removal, brush removal, carpet removal Las Vegas NV, construction debris removal Las Vegas NV, electronic removal, exercise equipment removal Las Vegas NV, furniture removal Las Vegas NV, garbage removal, hot tub removal Las Vegas NV, junk removal Las Vegas NV, mattress removal, piano removal, play set removal, pool removal, scrap metal removal, shed removal, swing set removal, tire removal, trash removal, tree removal, tv removal, yard waste removal and more
 How Does Our Boat Removal Pricing Work? Fees are calculated by size of boat, where boat is located and if it is on a trailer or blocks. All prices include labor, tax and disposal fees so no hidden charges. We offer affordable rates and we will always give you an upfront price at the start of every job. You can text us a photo of your items, and we will text you back with an estimate. The best way for us to offer you the lowest, most accurate price is a free, no obligation estimate at your home or business. We offer the best priced boat removal service in the Las Vegas NV area and surrounding cities.
- We are family owned and operated business
- Our professional junk removal team makes it easier for you
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- We take care of every step of the process from pick up to disposal
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- All qualifying items are recycled or donated
- Our trucks and employees are insured, so you and our employees are protected
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- Responsible disposal and recycling
- We'll haul little as one item or as much as multiple truckloads
 What Area Is Our Boat Removal Service Available? Our boat removal and boat recycling is available in Las Vegas NV.
McCarran Handyman Services is a family owned and operated business and offers a full service junk removal, property clean up, clean outs, trash outs and hauling company for your home or business including homes, apartments, rental homes, estates, offices, retail locations, constructions sites, attics, storage units, evictions, rental properties, basements, commercial properties and more.
 Junk Boat Removal, Unwanted Boat Removal, Abandoned Boat Removal, Junk Boat Removal Services, Boat Disposal
Boat Removal Services near me: We have been there. Your boat is done... for whatever reason - swamped, old, bad motor, cracked hull, or you're just tired of seeing it rot away every year. Whatever the reason is, we can remove all types of boats, with or without trailers. We offer the most affordable boat removal service in Nevada. If you need it gone, we will make it happen. We responsibly dispose of our boats and can typically get them picked up and hauled away in as quickly as 24 to 48 hours from the time you contact us: Las Vegas Boat Disposal Company!
 We also haul junk everywhere in Las Vegas NV! Why Use McCarran Handyman Services For Your Boat Removal
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·         We recycle and salvage as much as we can from the boats we dispose of to ensure as little as possible ends up in a landfill
·         We even buy good boats!
Turning Old Boats into New Solutions
Las Vegas Boat Disposal Company: Old boats are a dime a dozen in Nevada and every year the problem keeps compounding. After a few years off the market, a used boat’s value drops precipitously and eventually it always seems to find itself under a tarp in someone’s backyard, or laying in waste at the back of a boatyard; it’s fiberglass hull slowly turning black and waterlogged, it’s lines fraying from ultraviolet radiation.
Many of these boats will make their way to the landfill. But the path there is an expensive and time extensive process. It’s estimated that it would cost $20 million to dispose of the estimated 1,500 abandoned or derelict boats in Las Vegas alone. In Rhode Island, the smallest state with an almost-full landfill, the question of what to do with derelict fiberglass boats is a pressing concern.
“It’s not like you can recycle fiberglass like you can recycle a plastic bottle,” says Evan Ridley, a Research Assistant at the Rhode Island Sea Grant. “With fiberglass, you’re breaking down that fiber resin matrix and then when you try to separate the resin from the fiber, you’re going to lose a lot of the tensile strength that makes fiberglass a really valuable and useful material.”
But while a fiberglass boat can’t be recycled in the traditional sense, it’s “end of life”, says Ridley, doesn’t need to be in the landfill.
“We need to start thinking about more sustainable solutions for material that’s potentially useful, like fiberglass. The global demand for fiberglass is going up and the production is going up and to be throwing it away is counterintuitive.”
The breakthrough for Ridley and Rhode Island Sea Grant came when they began investigating the European wind industry. Since 2004, most European Union member states passed laws forbidding the disposal of carbon fiber composites. For a growing industry such as wind, this presented a challenge as rotor blades frequently break or need to be replaced. One study conducted by the University of Bremen found that at the current rate of growth in the wind industry, nearly 225,000 tons of rotor blade waste would be generated by 2034.
To eliminate this obstacle, an unlikely partnership was formed between different industries in Europe. “What we found,” says Ridley, “is that fiberglass has been adopted as this wonder material by the European cement industry as a basis for what’s considered an ‘alternative kiln fuel’.”
Cement is manufactured when crushed rock and other ingredients are ground, mixed, and fed into a cement kiln. The kiln heats up these ingredients to 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit. Traditionally, this procedure requires an enormous amount of energy, and coincidentally, is responsible for being one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gasses, but many large cement producers are actively considering alternative ways to fuel their kilns in ways that reduce their carbon footprint.
To investigate whether derelict fiberglass boats might make a good candidate as an alternative fuel, Ridley cut up pieces of an old 20-foot Cape Dory that he found access to in Rhode Island.
“Fiberglass, as it turns out, has this thermal property that retains heat when it’s burned inside a kiln,” says Ridley. “The other interesting thing about fiberglass is that when you use it in the right amounts there’s potential for the other ingredients in the glass and the fiber and in the resin itself to supplement some of the raw materials that go into making cement; stuff like the limestone and the silica and the alumina.”
This development has set Ridley off in new directions now, most notably aimed at figuring out the logistics of how to supply the cement industry with enough derelict fiberglass boats in a way that’s feasible and not cost prohibitive: Las Vegas Boat Disposal Company!
“One of the questions we’re tracking down is how can we ensure a level of quality from recycled boat material when you’ve got one boat that’s from 1960 that’s got a bunch of extra resin and one from the 1980s that’s very thin and has balsa wood in the core,” says Ridley. “Obviously there are concerns about whether or not they will be receiving a material with a consistent level of quality because that’s very important when you’re selling a product such as cement.”
Provided they can make that kind of guarantee, there are other challenges as well. How will the boats get collected? Where will they get collected? Who will ground down fiberglass boats to manageable sizes and transport this material to cement companies? What about health and safety? These are just a handful of questions Ridley is working on currently.
 To fund a pilot project aimed at connecting the cement industry with the marine industry, Ridley recognizes that he will need some sort of legislative support and possibly an increase in the bi-annual registration fees recreational boat owners pay on their vessels.
“There are a lot of steps that are happening at once,” says Ridley, “and part of that is figuring out how the business model works and then part of that is continuing to coordinate on the technical side with the other parties while continuing to look for partners here in Nevada potentially.”
Ridley, who is also a graduate student in the University of Rhode Island Marine Affairs department, started this project two years ago when he was offered a research assistantship with Rhode Island Sea Grant. In six months, he’s set to graduate, but he says that if the Rhode Island Marine Trade Association and the cement industry haven’t explicitly told him no, that he would be willing to stick around to further the burgeoning relationship.
“The great thing that we’re doing at Sea Grant, since it’s a national program, is that if we can get a strategic plan written for developing a pilot program in Rhode Island, we could then share that with all the other Sea Grant programs in the network; all thirty-three states that, no doubt have these same issues, but have better access to cement markets than the east coast. It’s potentially a national solution if we can get it off the ground in our own little laboratory, so to speak.”
Take Action
Landfills around the country are filling up. Think twice about dropping your grandfather's old boat at the transfer station, but remember, never sink or abandon your old boat!
Call your marina, local college sailing team, maritime museum or simply google “boat donation” to learn about possible boat donation organizations in your area. One person's trash is another person's treasure.
Think creatively about repurposing your old dinghy. Small boats make for a terrific raised bed garden!
You can make a difference. Follow these steps to create a positive future for the ocean.
Boat Removal Services near me: Are you in need of boat removal service provider? If your answer is yes, McCarran Handyman Services Service provide boat disposal and junk hauling services. Contact us today for an estimate and let our professional team come take care of that old boat for you.
McCarran Handyman Services Boat Removal Service
McCarran Handyman Services constantly strives to maintain the best service. McCarran Handyman Services makes sure everyone is on the same page, to ensure the best service for our customers.
McCarran Handyman Services doesn’t play games. We know we have a job to do and we will get it done.
If you need a professional junk hauling and clean out service to help you with your junk pickup, call McCarran Handyman Services!
We provide junk removal and hauling services to customers along with the best prices! If you need a professional, insured Junk Removal company - call McCarran Handyman Services today!
Many times, removing a boat from a marina or your surroundings can pose a very difficult challenge for you who know little or nothing about boat removal. To this regard, in this article, you'll learn the what, the how, the why, and the when of boat removal services provided by professional companies.
Why Is It Important To Hire A Professional Boat Removal Service Company?
Hiring a professional boat removal company is almost very necessary when looking to have a boat removed either from your backyard or from the marina. However, the question that always comes to mind is why can’t I just do it? Why do I have to hire a professional boat removal service company?
Keeping a long used boat means that you are exposing yourself to environmental damage as well as the subsequent fines that comes with it. Employing the services of a professional boat removal service company, helps save you and your immediate environment from the hazards of environmental damage, and the subsequent fines that comes with it.
If at any point a boat or boats begin to constitute an eyesore in your home or at the marina, then the services of a professional boat removal service company is needed to clear your backyard or the marina of the eyesore keeping that boat causes, thus making your environment safe especially when you have kids around.
Professional boat removal company always do the boat removal and disposal work in the fastest and most effective way possible thereby not only saving you as an individual cost, but also saving you time that would have been used to do the task by yourself knowing you lack the requisite knowledge to do so.
Also, if it seems to you that the boat in question still has value, and you feel like you can make some money off it instead of the recurring fees it’s been costing you lying idle at your backyard or at the marina, a professional boat removal service company can always help in linking your with interested buyers, while doing the removal and the re-location as well.
Boat Removal in Las Vegas
Las Vegas Boat Disposal Company: We offer a comprehensive junk boat removal service. Las Vegas Junk Removal service will handle everything for you from start to finish. When you have large boat or that boat project you never finished, we can manage it for you. Las Vegas has been doing old boat removal for 12 years. Whether it’s still in the water or on your boat dock, we can retrieve and cut it up if we have to.
·         Home Junk Removal Las Vegas NV
·         Furniture Removal Las Vegas NV
·         Carpet Removal Las Vegas NV
·         Garage Cleaning Service Las Vegas NV
·         Hot Tub & Spa Removal Las Vegas NV
·         Shed Removal Las Vegas NV
·         Fire Damage Cleanup
·         Flood Damage Cleanup and Hauling
·         Business & Office Junk Removal
·         Office Furniture Removal Las Vegas NV
·         Business Merchandise Removal
·         Illegal Dumping & Clean Up
·         Property cleanout service Las Vegas NV
·         Property Clean Outs Las Vegas NV
·         Property Cleanouts Las Vegas NV
·         Hoarder Clean Up Las Vegas NV
·         Property Clean Up Las Vegas NV
·         Storage Unit Clean Outs
·         Boat Removal Las Vegas NV
·         RV Removal & Disposal
·         Commercial & Other Junk Removal
·         Commercial Junk Removal Las Vegas NV
·         Foreclosure Clean Out Las Vegas NV
·         Storm Debris Clean Up Las Vegas NV
·         Bed Bug Infested Furniture Removal
·         Construction Remodeling Debris Removal Las Vegas NV
·         Dismantle & Remove Services
Our services include:
Abandoned boat removal – this includes dilapidated vessels
Pickup anywhere – from your yard or the water
Gas line, boat, and motor removal- we will remove the fuel line and motor before disposal
Proper disposal- Las Vegas Junk Removal adheres to Las Vegas’s laws for the removal of any vessel
Dumping fees- any fees associated with the disposal of the vessel are taken care of by our junk removal service
Old boat removal- we can take any boat, no matter what size
Las Vegas Boat Disposal Company: It is our goal to take care of disposing of any unwanted item you have, with no hassles. Our Boat removal team has the equipment necessary to haul off any size boat.
Las Vegas offers professional boat removal in Las Vegas. We will send our team out to haul off your old or unwanted boat. Our team specializes in boat removal services for any make, model, and year vessel.
Some of our services:
·         Furniture removal, appliances and general household junk removal.
·         Property clean outs, Hoarding clean outs, storage unit clean outs.
·         Hot tub removal and spa removal.
·         Office, warehouse, estate and foreclosure clean outs.
·         Trash removal, waste removal, garbage removal and construction debris removal.
McCarran Handyman Services
#1 Handyman Service in Las Vegas Henderson Nevada!
CALL (702) 570-4279 HANDYMAN 1, http://www.handymanlasvegasnv.com/
CALL (702) 514-3052 HANDYMAN 2, http://www.service-vegas.com/
CALL (702) 530-7597 CLEANING 1, http://www.mgmhouseholdservices.com/
CALL (702) 551-2023 CLEANING 2, http://www.cleaningserviceslasvegasnv.com/
CALL (702) 329-9729 JUNK REMOVAL, http://www.mgmjunkremoval.com/
Located in Las Vegas Nevada
Monday to Sunday 6:00 am – 11:00 pm
WEB: www.handymanlasvegasnv.com
·         Bathroom Kitchen Basement Remodeling, Interior and Exterior Painting
·         Cabinetry and Carpentry, Commercial Residential Painting
·         Concrete & Masonry, Damage Restoration
·         Decks & Railing, Demolition Services, Deck Staining
·         Door Repair Installation Services, Drywall Repair and Installer
·         Fences & Gates, Flooring and Foundation Services
·         Gutter Cleaning Services
·         Heating & Air Conditioning/HVAC
·         Landscaping Services, Lawn Care, Hardscaping Services
·         Painting, Plaster & Drywall Services
·         Plumbing Services, Roofing and Room Additions and Siding
·         Swimming Pool Maintenance and Cleaning
·         Waterproofing, Windows Repair Installation Services
·         Home Building and Home Remodeling
·         General Contracting, Hauling and Property Management
·         Solar Panel Services, Assembly and Installation Services
·         House Office Building Cleaning, Maintenance and Junk Removal
  SERVICE AREA: Las Vegas NV, Boulder City NV, Enterprise, Henderson, North Las Vegas, Paradise, Spring Valley, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor Nevada.
Las Vegas Neighborhoods: Aliante, Anthem/Anthem Country Club, Chinatown, Downtown Las Vegas, Green Valley, Lake Las Vegas, Las Vegas Country Club, MacDonald Highlands, Mountain's Edge, Paradise Palms, Queensridge & One Queensridge Place, Seven Hills, Southern Highlands, Summerlin, Summerlin South, The Lakes, The Ridges, West Las Vegas Nevada.
Service Area Zip Codes: 88901, 88905, 89101, 89102, 89104, 89106, 89107, 89108, 89109, 89110, 89116, 89117, 89124, 89125, 89126, 89127, 89128, 89129, 89130, 89131, 89133, 89134, 89136, 89137, 89138, 89143, 89144, 89145, 89146, 89147, 89149, 89151, 89152, 89153, 89154, 89155, 89157, 89158, 89161, 89162, 89163, 89164, 89166, 89185.
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