#we got a new cat and boy howdy
Pros of being awake very early in the morning (5/6AM) the wrong way
- the mutuals in other time zones who rb my posts :)
-The Horrors
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
i have never been so glad i created my private vent blog bc holy shit the stress that relieves is wild lmaooo. I would legit recommend it to anyone who wants to scream abt random shit bugging them but also doesn't trust that they would be allowed to vent or commiserate with others on the topics in question
still wish tumblr would also let me password protect it, but i think that function is Struggling rn bc I've tried to the last few months and it's just like
mhm. no. I dont feel like letting u do that rn
im gonna keep trying tho bc no one else should have to see me complaining abt shit that ultimately doesn't matter but makes my brain go 🙃😥😬😡 lmaooo
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bonefall · 1 year
Better Bones AU Masterpost
Last Update: 8/23/23, Version 1.0
"What is the Better Bones AU?"
I'm so glad you asked, convenient question-speaker!
Better Bones (BB) is a full-series rewrite project that seeks to have a more conclusive stance on anti-authoritarianism, revamp the bonds and beliefs of individual characters to make more interesting drama and politics, and overhaul the progression of morality and history throughout the timeline to make the society of the Clans into a living, changing culture.
To do that, we've got 5 goals;
Fix the tangled family tree and give it clearer rules, expanding on kinship between cats while not neglecting friendships
Make the environment accurate to northwestern England, including education on how different biomes are managed and lists of local flora and fauna, to understand how environment has impacted Clan culture.
Build out technology by giving the Clans tool use and food preparation, additional traditions and customs, their own language, and medicinal treatment guides from sniffles up to HRT.
Change the themes of canon by addressing its problematic elements, giving the cats consistent politics and making the narrative conclusively anti-authoritarian.
Be cool as fuck, with wilder deaths, more clanborn villains, bloodier battles, and even MORE complicated innerClan drama
BB is told in notes and outlines, with the "end point" being a full skeleton for the entire series complete with chapter-by-chapter notes, which anyone would be able to write out fully, just as if they were a ghostwriter being handed a draft.
This project is open-source. I encourage you to take any inspiration from this AU that you'd like, or use the Clan culture expansions for your own projects. They don't HAVE to be warriors-related, we have a few folks who like to apply parts of this project to Rainworld! Go bananas.
I only ask that you don't steal any drawn art (as seen in the fanart, character summaries, and culture expansions) to pass it off as your own. Please respect the contributions of these artists.
"Boy howdy! Where do I start?"
WOWZERS another perfectly timed question I'm proud of you
HISTORY LESSON. This is a "brief" summary of the ENTIRE history of BB, breaking down each block of history into Periods, divided into Eras. It sprawls from the founding to the most recently completed arc. NOTE: BB does not cover arcs until they are complete. ASC has not been completed at the time of this post.
Character Summaries Every character gets a redesign and a summary, covering who they are, their role in the story, and their connections to everyone around them. NOTE: You are encouraged to put your own spin on the designs if you'd like! I do not design with genetic accuracy or MAP-friendliness in mind, so you have my blessing to alter them or request a modification for an animation.
Clan Culture Expansions Crafts, Herb Guides, the flora and fauna they encounter on a regular basis, and the Clanmew conlanguage is all in here.
Family Tree Overhauls This is almost done i swear
Fragment Bin This is where I'm going to eventually be putting everything still "WIP" material. I call these "fragments" because the full story isn't planned yet, but I talk about the little 'pieces' that I want to shuffle around. If you're new around here, basically I just sorta babble about a wishlist and then work through it with ask/reply suggestions.
FAQ I'll need this too at some point im sure
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cherrythepuppet · 1 year
the puppets before Christmas [Part 2]
instead dof zero I used my cat that had recently passed away I hope that's alright with the creator @cloudy-dreams [I'm probably going to appear a lot!]
Wally walked into the tower and put the herbs in a cabinet as Poppy came down with a lantern "Wally, you've come back" She said"I had to..." Wallt mumbled "For this?" Poppy asked as She showed Wally his arm "Yes" Wally muttered "Shall we then?" Poppy asked as She walked back up the stiars with Wally following BehindWally sat on a chair as Poppy began sewing his arm back on
"That's twice this month you've slipped deadly nightshade into my tea and run off-" Poppy was cut off "Three times!" Wally exclaimed "You're mine you know! I made you with my own hands!" Poppy yelled at her "You can make other creations! I'm restless, I can't help it!" Wally groaned
"It's a phase my dear, it'll pass. We need to be patient that's all" poppy said "But, I don't want to be patient" wally mumbled...
Otto made a meow as he floated nearby "No Otto, not now...I'm not in the mood..." (Y/n) mumbled but Otto did another Meow"All right" (Y/n) chuckled with a sigh "Here ya go boy" They said as They threw a small bell for Otto to play with...
"Morning gents" Howdy said to the band while humming This Is Halloween, walks up to (Y/n)'s front door and rings bell but no answer
"(Y/n), you home?" Howdy called out as He began getting worried, He switches face and knocks with desperation then switch back to happy face"(Y/n)? I've got the plans for next Halloween. I need to go over them with you so we can get started!" Howdy exclaimed Howdy's face switched to a worried one
"(Y/n), please, I'm only an elected an official here, I can't make decisions by myself!" He yelled as He pulled a megaphone outta thin air"(Y/n)! answer me!!" He yelled before he leaned back and fell down the stairs "They're not home" One of the band members said
"Where are They?" Howdy asked "They hasn't been home all night" another band member told him making Howdy groan as he laid face first on the ground
(Y/n) yawned as They looked around They're surroundings "Where are we?...it's someplace new" They mumbled as Otto tilted his head and made a meow"What is this?" (Y/n) asked when they noticed Valentine's tree, shamrock tree, Easter egg tree, turkey tree then they saw the Christmas tree
(Y/n) stared at the Christmas tree door and then hesitantly Turned the knob and as a gust a wind came and blew them in Otto Made a meow of panic as He scratched the tree
"Whoa!!!!"......(Y/n) looked around the Snowy place filled with brights houses and bright lights and loud music"What's this? What's this?" "There's color everywhere What's this?" "There's white things in the air What's this? I can't believe my eyes I must be dreaming Wake up, Wally, this isn't fair!"
"What's this? What's this? What's this? There's something very wrong What's this?" "There's people singing songs What's this? The streets are lined with Little creatures laughing Everybody seems so happy Have I possibly gone daffy? What is this?!"
"What's this? There's children throwing snowballs instead of throwing heads They're busy building toys And absolutely no one's dead There's frost on every window Oh, I can't believe my eyes!" "And in my bones I feel the warmth That's coming from inside..."
"Oh, look What's this? They're hanging mistletoe, they kiss Why that looks so unique, inspired! They're gathering around to hear a story Roasting chestnuts on a fire!"
"What's this? What's this? In here they've got a little tree, how queer And who would ever think And why? They're covering it with tiny little things They've got electric lights on strings And there's a smile on everyone So, now, correct me if I'm wrong This looks like fun!"
"This looks like fun Oh, could it be I got my wish? What's this?" "Oh my, what now? The children are asleep But look, there's nothing underneath No ghouls, no witches here to scream and scare them Or ensnare them"
"only little cozy things Secure inside their dreamland What's this?" "The monsters are all missing And the nightmares can't be found And in their place there seems to be Good feeling all around Instead of screams"
"I swear I can hear music in the air The smell of cakes and pies Are absolutely everywhere The sights, the sounds They're everywhere and all around I've never felt so good before This empty place inside of me is filling up!"
"I simply cannot get enough I want it, oh, I want it Oh, I want it for my own I've got to know I've got to know What is this place that I have found? What is this? Christmas Town, hmm..."(Y/n) walked into a candy cane pole that held up a large said that said "Christmas Town!" As a loud Comanding  voice exclaimed "Ho Ho Ho Ho ho ho ho ho!"
"hmm..." (Y/n) mumbled
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glamangel3766 · 1 year
Edgeworth's dog Pess is one of the most breed-confused dogs I have ever seen in works of fiction
Howdy AA fans. I'm back with another round of "I'm New To Ace Attorney And I Have Questions" and this one has been a doozy folks. I'd like to call the fandom to the witness stand to clarify the breed of Pess, the dog owned by Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, because Capcom provides no information on the matter. I first ran across the existence of Pess while browsing fanfiction, as one does when they have a new obsession to hyper-fixate on, and was overjoyed to discover that our burgundy boi was a dog person despite having a cat's personality. It pairs well with my head-cannon of Phoenix being a cat person despite having a dog's personality. (checking another box on the list of my favorite ship tropes/dynamics) At first, the lovely creature was said to be a Borzoi with a very light-blonde coat in the fanfic that I first came across this precious fluff ball. Then a later fanfic claimed Pess was a B&W border collie. As I continued binging fanfic due to my lack of having a life, Pess would occasionally show up in them with the dog breed constantly interchanging. When I googled it, all I got were websites and pictures of Missle. I have a bowl of pudding for a brain and lack the mental capacity to handle confusion. My head hurt too much from thinking thoughts. So that brings me to the main questions that I ask you, AA fandom- Is Pess a Borzoi or a Border Collie? Was it ever stated in canon? Does not even Capcom know the answer to this? If no one knows, then can we as a fanbase just compromise and say Pess is a Border-Collie/Borzoi mix? Dogs are important to me and I need answers! Your Honor, The prosecution never rests.
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HERE'S A PICTURE OF A BORZOI-COLLIE MIX (If Google didn't lie to me again)
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vtforpedro · 4 months
life update - long
It took me a hot minute to find the last update. December, I guess? I'm so tired I never stop being tired and time is not real anymore. Anyway. Disability Stuff: I won my case in federal court in February. They said it'd take a year so I was a little hm. Found out the SSA voluntarily asked the judge for the remand because the written decision was indefensible and they were gonna take another look. Pros: Hey, I won! I get a second hearing! Cons: I didn't get a brief written by the federal law firm because there was no time. This is actually a tactic used by the SSA. I have no doubt they're fine tuning another denial. I also have to wait for the lower level court to figure out what was so bad about it (that they'd already ruled was perfect) to give to the judge I will have another hearing with. The same judge. Who said I was a liar multiple times and omitted eight months of medical evidence and said mental health issues are subjective hahaha. I hate this country. Health: Boy howdy it's been better and worse. I had the tilt table test in late December, went... ok enough, but my neuro didn't like how ambiguous the report was and sent me back to them to speak to an autonomic disorder specialist. Scheduled in Jan, just had my appt with her this month lol she is busy. She ordered: genetics test, labs, and skin biopsy. I've done the first two, third is scheduled in July and I'm gonna be a mess because needles u_u Brain stuff is much of the same. Episodic. Manageable times are a godsend, bad times are really bad. My heart started to do some funky ass shit a few months ago. My mom kept writing it off as anxiety no matter how much I explained that it felt like my heart was pounding after exercise. My BP and pulse shot up high for a while and b/c my pulse never came back down and it was interfering with, you know, living, my PCP sent me to cardiology. :') Cause I wanted my heart involved in this mess One 24hr holter monitor, echo, and heart ultrasound later, and I have a new heart condition. He said 'your heart is beating so fast you would normally see it with exercise' bada boom baby and has nothing to do with fucking ANXIETY >:[ I'm on heart medication. 10 meds. I need to start another med for my psych but that's 11 and I'm honestly getting upset because it's so fucking much medication in one day but every single one of them is necessary so what can really I do? Personal: Relationship with my mom is at an all time low. This is extremely unfortunate because a few weeks ago, my mom told me she is basically being 'laid off' (she's not losing her job for a while, just retiring earlier than expected) and I have to leave my home of 10 years by mid-August. Got no sympathy from her about it *finger guns* I've gone through the devastation of that and am kind of just stuck in how is any of that gonna work. My brother and I can't live together, so he's gonna move into a family friend's rental. Except he has no job and hasn't been able to get one in months. He started one on Monday, is gonna leave by Friday because it's horrific ig. Anyway my mom promises he won't be there. We have to move based on my disabilities and my mom's house is gonna have to reflect what we have here. I'll see it when I believe it. I don't trust her anymore. Extra unfortunate that I'm gonna be living 24/7 with my mother who has been an abusive person in my life the past two years. The short break thru the day that my apartment is just mine, quiet and gentle, is gonna be gone. I'll be introducing my solitary 11 year old cat Lilly into a house with 3 other cats. She only knew Isis her entire life. She was just diagnosed with neuro issues this year after going through an MRI. We don't know if she has seizure activity or if it's movement disorder, but the med she's on treats both and she has gotten better. Same process Isis went through. Cannot believe I have two cats with neuro issues and likely the same one. May 18th was one year since Isis passed. Rough, tiring day.
I don't know how it has been that long. Feels like it just happened. I can still see her and feel her through my apartment and losing it in August will probably shatter me most because of losing the last place she existed in. I miss her more than I can say.
She was my little soulmate and her absence is felt in every corner here. Writing/Fandom:
I went through a whole fucking situation over in the Stranger Things fandom that has left me not wanting to post anymore. Idk if neuro shit has destroyed my ability to write but it's humiliating and painful every time I post a fic.
I posted stucky (1 out of 2 fics this year) on my main acct and lost 8 fuckin user subs? Like goddamn. What'd stucky do 😭 anyway it was even more devastating and kinda like 'here's your big ass sign to keep your writing to yourself.'
Between the god awful shit that happened in the ST fandom and my inability to put together even a good one shot, I'm feeling really down about one of two creative things I can do in my life. I used to love sharing my stuff. I want to write and share but it feels like it's harming my MH. I can't draw or paint right now, either. And I can barely move around my apartment without pain. I can't even leave it except for doctor appointments.
Idk. Very walls are closing in type of feeling and I hate it. In short: I'm tired, struggling, and too many things are happening at once. I love you all 😩💜 thank you for your patience and love and kind words. Your support is felt through one update to the next. I hope you're all well and I'm sending all my love and hugs to you.
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icarusj · 2 months
These last two days were the most wild canon event that I've ever been a part of. We toured Duke University and got to experience their massive library and network with some new faces. However, the real focus of this post is the McKays Road Trip of 2024. Everyone who showed up thought "Oh this will only be a few hundred people, no big deal." Boy howdy were we all so so so dead wrong.
For Context: McKays hosted a road trip yesterday, celebrating its 50th anniversary, in which each stop was offering different incentives to go across all five stores. Supposedly calculating a 9-hour total journey across almost 600 mi. The final incentive was a total of $800 in store trade credit along with different prizes at each stop.
I personally wanted to do this trip not only as a book nerd, but as a librarian. A massive amount of our circulation comes entirely from donations or fundraising and I wanted to help with any updates to our collection I could offer.
Our experience: Got to the Mebane store, parked, and got in the line at a little after 7. The line in question was already wrapped around the building 3 times. The stamping was not supposed to start until 8:00 am However, this swarm of people had already gathered by 5 am. From testimonies that I was getting around the line, passports and stamps were being handed out by 6:30 am purely from the overwhelming turnout. We got sandwiched in between some genuinely terrible people whose kids would not stop pulling my braid. Thankfully we had some very wonderful friends a few places up who pulled my husband and I out of that situation. I definitely owe them dinner. We were all outside in that line, in the sun, in the 80°F+ heat for 3 1/2 hours. By the time we got to the front, they were out of passports, had completely bygone the waivers of safety, were out of tshirts, we're out of mugs, and had started handing out bookmarks with stamps on two of them stating that they were good for both locations of NC and to go straight to Knoxville. (By 4pm, the location had reported for travelers to forgo the property entirely and that their current tally of Trippers was over 10,000 people. Several travelers were towed.)
Well, to make a long story short of just that part of the race across the states; We were keeping up with an online following from two Facebook groups, Instagram, and Tik Tok which informed us that people starting from either end of this stretch of journeys were both converging on Knoxville. By the time we were able to make it not only had the police shut down the road, but the fire marshal had shown up and completely shut the event down. From various reports, It was next to impossible to move emergency vehicles out and around from the nearby station, and at least 20 people had been hospitalized for heat-related injuries. People were told to either go to Chattanooga or Nashville. Thankfully, we decided to go straight to Nashville, because after everything that happened at Knoxville, that entire convergence went down to Chattanooga. Keep in mind, that we only had a set limit of hours to do this, so obviously everyone was rushing to get to each store. I took over the wheel while Ed went through all of the socials to keep us updated as we were driving. We were also staying in touch with groups of friends in this journey, (our comrades in suffering if you will) and checking in with our solo traveling friend as much as possible. In the end we made it to Nashville to end our journey, we got the $800 credit each as well as $40 in credit for the other prizes that we were unable to get.
I was also able to pick up a TV series that the library needed in its collection, and Ed and I found some more language books. We made it back home in the very early hours of the next morning and celebrated our journey with a makeshift charcuterie board and cats. 😸 Total drive time was 15 hours. Total miles were 680.
All in all, it was an unforgettable experience, an adventure with my love, and a story we'll both tell forever.
Additionally, Shout out to the online groups. All of your updates and hashtags got us through the day and the memes were fire 😂👌📚 I can't wait to keep reading about this story. Thank you to every kind participant, and I hope we all collectively decide not to go to any McKays bookstores for at least a week so that the workers can process the absolute trauma this trip brought out.
#mckays #mckaysroadtrip #mckaysroadtrip2024 #mebane #mebanehorde #winstonsalem #winstonsalemnc #knoxville #chattanooga #nashville #books #booknerds #education #mckaysorbust
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throwdownyourheart · 10 months
Howdy y’all! Figured I oughta pin a post to get acquainted.
My name’s Caleb, but you can call me dad. 🤠
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Leatherworker, writer, musician, and notorious homosexual.
If you wanna talk to me, my DMs and ask box are always open! Always love when y’all reach out. Not sure how to break the ice? Ask what projects I’m working on, or what song I’ve got on repeat.
I use tags to organize my posts, and you can take a gander at the archive if you want to see more of something particular. These are a few tags you’ll run into the most:
#we've always been around is all my queer shit. Being queer ain’t new, after all — we’ve always been here.
#all good things are wild and free is for all the wild places that make me feel most at home. I’d rather be out there than anywhere else, and these remind me that the world is much bigger than the daily grind.
#life in color is all about Black history, Black joy, Black struggle, and most importantly, the richness and diversity of Black lives.
#lubbock texas is where you’ll find all my horny-on-main posts; it’s been a small way that I’ve worked through/continue to work through my repressive fundamentalist growing-up years. It comes from an old Butch Hancock quote that says “Life in Lubbock, Texas, taught me two things: One is that God loves you and you're going to burn in Hell. The other is that sex is the most awful, filthy thing on Earth and you should save it for someone you love.” If you wanna know what cranks my engine, just take a look at this tag. (May or may not have an alt that’s a little more down and dirty. My DMs are open, boys.)
#me is all the pictures of my ugly mug. It’s also where you’ll find all my thirst traps.
#answered asks is pretty self-explanatory. You submit an anonymous ask and wanna see if I answered it? You’ll find it here.
#personal as hell is a cutaway cross-section of how my brain works, the things that matter most to me, or the things that felt like they were written specifically for me about my life.
#death is all the things that remind me how very very short and how very very precious our time here is. Everybody we love will die, and none of us get out of this world alive. These are little reminders to live a good life, and hopes to die a good death.
#dog bless america is all about man’s best friends and most trusty partners.
#chairman meow is for the other guys — cats are a harder sell on the utility of man in their lives, sure, but none of ‘em ever showed the cops where your weed’s at.
#misuse of religion is a catch-all for religion in general, but more often about the suffering and joy and home I was made to bear in Christianity. It’s been a way for me to make peace with my past and the fundamentalism I was raised in. It helps me engage with the faith I left, and reinterpret the 23 years I spent with my life centered around a Jesus I don’t believe in anymore.
#cowboys and #all the pretty little horses because y’all know what I’m about.
#pov: i’m telling you what a good boy you are is for when you need a father figure to help work out your daddy issues.
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pokesmashorpokepass · 8 months
Gen III, Complete!
That's right, we've hit another milestone and completed the polls of the lovely Pokemon of the ever beautiful Hoenn region!
As such, I'd like to take a moment to commemorate this generations...
Sultans of Smash!
(Which is just a fancy way of saying they got more "Smash" than "Pass" votes)
So, come with me as we see who's who in the world of Smashing! Our Smashables are (under the Read More because oh man this gonna take a while, especially since I couldn't help but get a bit verbose this time):
1. An oddity! Starting our list is not a Stage 3 Starter Evolution, but a Stage 2 Starter Evolution! It's Grovyle, who has presumably been (understandably) elevated by the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fans to a respectable 58.3% Smash Rating! This gives Grovyle the honor of being the first Starter Pokemon on the list to not be a final evolution!
2. But, let us not underestimate Grovyle's evolution, Sceptile! Weighing in at a cool 60.2% Smash rating for Standard Form and 57.7% for Mega Sceptile, it seems the evolutions have done nothing to trim back this leafy lizard's appeal.
3. Bringing up our next position on the list, we have the venerable Blaziken, the first of the Fire/Fighting starters! And, it seems, a real master of smashing, with a 71.8% rating in Standard Form and a 72.5% rating as Mega Blaziken! Seems the heat of their fans' passion is very much a match for the flames of Blaziken's kicks.
4. And of course, like Kanto and Johto before this, we have the pleasure of also announcing the water starter has made it! That's right, Swampert has made waves in the world of smashing, and achieved a solid 60.6% Smash rating in Standard Form, and an even better 63.1% as Mega Swampert! Guess it's true, Anchor Arms really do make everyone love you...
5. And up next, we have everyone's favorite domesticated hyena (there's a phrase I don't think exists outside of Pokemon), Mightyena! Though seemingly mean and vicious, they're a real sweetheart when you get to know them, and judging by their 55.4% Smash rating, boy howdy have a number of y'all gotten to know Mightyena! Also, fun fact, hyenas are closer to cats than dogs genetically speaking. Another fun fact, hyenas actually have pretty similar social structures and capabilities to what the Pokedex describes of Poochyena and Mightyena! Anyways, animal behavior lesson over, lets move on!
6. I think we all saw this next one coming, as their grace, elegance, beauty, and devotion to their trainer have captivated many since the earliest days of Ruby and Sapphire's release. Gardevoir takes their rightful place among the Sultans of Smash, with a dazzling 78.6% Smash rating in Standard form and a wonderful 75.1% rating as Mega Gardevoir! It truly is lovely to see that so many of you appreciate Gardevoir as much as Gardevoir appreciates you.
7. Do you, by chance, appreciate a partner with a powerful bite? Because if so, you may have been one of the ones who helped Mawile get elected to the Sultans of Smash! While their Standard Form earned themselves a respectable 58.4% Smash rating, their Mega Evolution takes it even further! How much further? Well, how about taking it to an absolutely stunning 70.7%?! Guess that extra jaw just adds that much more to love.
8. People, it seems, appreciate a number of things. Many appreciate the fine metals that can be found here on Earth. Many appreciate monsters, big and small (especially the big ones as this next Pokemon shows). And many appreciate someone who will help the environment. So it's probably no surprise that many people really appreciate those three things put together in the form of Aggron, the metal giant monster who plants new trees in their claimed territory! At 60.7% Smashable in Standard form and an unusually lacking in decimal places 55% Smashable in Mega Evolution, it seems consensus has agreed that Aggron also has "Smashable" as an appreciable point.
9. How do you feel about roses? Because to many, there's just something about roses that gives them that certain je ne sais quoi, if you will. And it seems Roselia, the Pokemon embodying roses, has inherited that something! At 52.8%, Roselia certainly has a certain romance to them! Though, uh, like with Tentacruel, maybe keep some antidotes on hand, just in case you accidentally touch the roses and find yourself on the business end of Roselia's poison...
10. Dragons! No matter the form they take, it seems they captivate the imagination and romance of many people. And Flygon is no exception. Maybe it's their power and their always appreciated typing of Ground/Dragon. Or maybe it's those lovely greens tastefully accented with red. Whatever it is, it's gotten them a nice 59.1% Smash rating!
11. Well, seems Houndoom's no longer the only member of the "My Mega is More Smashable" club, because we have another entrant. Altaria, that fluffy bird of cotton and unexpected dragon power, has made on the list thanks to their Mega Evolution succeeding where the Standard Form failed, and achieving a 52.9% Smash rating! Guess that added fluffiness really adds something. Still, also like Houndoom, respect must be given to standard Altaria, as they got pretty close to smashable at 46.5%.
12. This next one does as their name indicates (if you know Japanese) and cuts their way through the competition to land on the list! That's right, Zangoose has achieved a 66.5% Smash rating and made a name for themselves within the Sultans. Though, there's probably a comedy to be found somewhere in the fact that a Pokemon so associated with cutting should be voted as being associated with a verb usually reserved for more blunt objects. ...No? Just to me? Darn.
13. But as near anyone can tell you, Zangoose has a rival, and no way in hell is Seviper gonna let their rival take a spot uncontested! So, having worked had to get a 51.6% smash rating, they've arrived to ensure Zangoose has to work to keep that spot of theirs! At least that's what they want you to think, but I'll let you in on a little secret: That wasn't fighting they were doing earlier. Totally and definitely unrelated note, did you know Seviper and Zangoose share egg groups? ...Also unrelated, how do you feel about walking around and hatching eggs?
14. She's beauty, she's grace, her pre-evolution's annoying as hell to find in Gen III thus preventing many from having her as their ace, it's Milotic! Considered one of the most beautiful Pokemon in world thanks to their beautiful, prismatic scales and elegant moves in the water, that impressive 77.4% Smash rating would certainly seem to back this!
15. It's said in the Hoenn region that one must be careful how they get rid of their old dolls, as a doll that feels cruelly abandoned may come back to get their vengeance. And for good reason, as nobody wants a visit from an angry Banette. ...Or at least, so you'd think, but judging by the 51.1% Smash rating in Standard form and that vastly increased 71.5% rating as Mega Banette, I'm starting to think some of y'all would abandon a doll intentionally to get a Banette to come to you. Unless... y'all are hoping to show Banettes the love they never received back before they became a ghost doll? In which case, admirable!
16. Nobody wants to be like Cassandra the Oracle. To be like Cassandra is to have nobody believe you when you foresee disaster, or worse, be blamed for it! And sadly, that's just what has happened for this Pokemon. But for you all reading this, I commend you, for according to these numbers, you've seen past the superstitions and realized that, in truth, Absol was simply trying to warn people! Indeed, between Standard Form's 77% Smash rating and Mega Absol's whopping 80.4% rating, it seems people are finally giving Absol the proper reverence they deserve, though I'm sure that beautiful white fur and excellent form doesn't hurt.
17. Bagon have always dreamed of soaring the skies, and like any good dream, with hard work and determination that comes true upon reaching their final evolution of Salamence! But what they didn't tell them was that getting there would also make them hella smashable (55.3% smashable to be precise!) Though sadly, it seems there is such a thing as "too much of a good thing", as Mega Salamence lacks they smashability of Standard Form...
18. Once again, these next two prove my point about dragons absolutely capturing the passions of many. First off, we have the sister of the two Eon Dragons, Latias! Coming in at 64.1% for Standard Form and 56.2% for Mega Latias, the smashability of this dragon cannot be understated.
19. But, let us not downplay the brother in this. Latios has also made great impacts in the world of Pokesmashing! With an even 58% rating in Standard Form and a 54.4% rating as Mega Latios, it seems this dragon won't be too far behind Latias.
20. "See this fish? I'm gonna wrestle it." These are the words of a... shall we say, well known fan of this next Pokemon. Yes, it is time for Kyogre, the leviathan of Hoenn, to take their place in the Sultans of Smash! Coming in at 51.3% Smashable in Standard Form and 52.7% Smashable after Primal Reversion, seems this fish has more than one way to make someone wet, eh?
21. But of course, much like with the rivalry of Zangoose and Seviper mentioned above, Kyogre's rival just can't let them get away with this so easily! Fortunately for their rivalry (but probably not so much for everyone else), the behemoth of Hoenn Groudon has managed to pull themselves a 54.5% Smash rating in standard form and a 51.4% after Primal Reversion, ensuring they can be there to quarrel with Kyogre again! Jeez, wish we had someone who could tell them to knock it off...
22. Oh wait, we do! More specifically, we have Rayquaza with the steel chair! OK maybe we don't have the steel chair but none the less, Rayquaza's two ratings of 71.2% (Standard Form) and 67.3% (Mega Evolution) means Rayquaza will also be here to make sure those two behave! Because otherwise, Rayquaza's gonna have to show them how Mega Rayquaza made Smogon Ubers into An Actual Tier.
23. And last, but certainly not least, we have a visitor! Where do they come from? Oh, space! Yes, our final entry into the Sultans of Smash is the first Mythical Pokemon to be available through normal gameplay, Deoxys! At four forms, all of which have been voted Smashable at 79.8% for Normal Forme and Attack Forme, 58.1% for Defense Forme, and 73.6% for Speed Forme! But, not surprising. With 5 formes, there's surely something for everyone! Also, props to the person who made the "call Speed Deoxys Amtrak the way they high speed rail" joke, that got one of the best laughs out of me in a while.
And thus, we bring the Gen III Who's Who of Smashing to a close, bringing us up to an even 66 Sultans of Smash! Don't touch that unfollow button, we have more coming soon no doubt!
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ineffable-rohese · 1 month
Sounds like "Rose"
New pinned post! Cause some stuff needs updated. :)
Demographic info: Mid 40s white fat queer poly pagan genderfluid transmasc human living in the wet corner of North America. The genderfluid thing is newly realized and shiny and I’m sure I’ll be talking about it often over the next... while.
Personal (public facing): I'm an Aziraphale-coded hobbit. Like, so cozy and wholesome you might want to puke. I rewatch just the first disc of the LOTR extended edition because I love the Shire so much. I drink Earl Grey with milk and one sugar. (Or a good scotch, cause every Aziraphale needs a little bit of Crowley inside them, right Sheenie?) Outside of fic, I read mainly historical fiction, especially anything set in (actual, not fantasy) medieval Europe and I was at one point a medieval music history nerd. I wear cozy sweaters. I love rain on ferns and April flowers. I make soup with things I've tended and harvested. I work a Wholesome AF job. I unironically hug trees. I'm in love with the world.
Personal (in private): I'm kinky and loving it. I'm primarily a Sensual Sadist with a significant Dominant streak. I often play as a Panther. I love consensual violence, and get great joy from hurting people who want me to hurt them. 
Fandoms: I fell in love with Good Omens in 2000 when a college roommate gave it to me. It was genuinely the funniest, greatest thing I had ever read, and I evangelized about it to anyone who would listen. S1 of the show immediately became a comfort show, and it got me through a time of massive loss and upheaval. I put it on when everything was too hard and I needed something that made me feel like it would be OK. S2 - well we're all here still, aren't we? It dropped when I desperately needed One Good Thing for my brain to latch on to as I got through some intense pressure, and boy howdy did it lodge itself in me. (I’m deeply upset about NG’s actions, but I’m also not about to throw away something so personally meaningful because one asshole involved made some really shitty choices.)
Other fandoms in roughly chronological order: Star Wars (original trilogy made me a child nerd), X-Files (first real social fandom, and intro to fanfic!), Buffy/Angel/Firefly, LOTR, Doctor Who, Torchwood (the only other show I've been driven to write fic for). OFMD and WWDITS are great fun, though not obsessions. Any of these and more might show up.
My Writing: Writing Index Here I’ve written nearly 100K of fic in the past year! My writing signatures are vivid sensory descriptions and kinky smut. Some angst, some fluff, some really dark stuff. My Ineffables tend to be deeply in love but also kinda fucked up in their own special ways. I’m still writing, a bit slowly at the moment due to Life, but there’s some great stuff in my docs I can’t wait to share when it’s ready.
What I post/don’t post: This is my fun space filled with things that I find interesting and/or bring me joy. Expect lots of Good Omens, GO Extended Universe (aka anything Tennant and/or Sheen), queer and kink-related content, other fandom things, my writing including NSFW snippets (below a cut if I remember), fat/body positivity, cats, nature awesomeness, things that make me laugh. Posts I write off the cuff as I wake up in the morning seem to be the ones that get shared, for some reason. I almost never post about current events unless it’s good news. The world is full of fear and despair; I try to keep this space one of hope and joy. There will be NSFW content on the regular (because kink, sex, and other such adult activities are a joy for me), so if you’re uncomfortable with that, I’m not the person to follow.
Tags: Honestly, I’m inconsistent about tags so please don’t rely on my tags for your safety. I do try to spoiler tag things if it’s close to when something comes out, but other than you’re at the whims of my ADHD.
Yay! I bring back my cats as a gift for reading all of this.
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asmrbrainrot · 1 year
The Gator boys & the Moon Witch~ Ch 1
It had been a fairly quiet week for Esther, or Sybil now. How long had she been going by that name? A few years at least, since she had gotten away from that awful Rexite priest… but she’d rather not remember. The whole traveling cabaret act treated her well. As well as it could at least, considering the nature of showbiz. Common sense told her she should probably be finding a place to settle down by now but she enjoyed floating from place to place. (Even when she didn’t need to) It’s not like this was her only source of income though. She was a witch after all, so it wasn’t difficult to make money on the side selling glamor potions or ready-made spell scrolls.
She slowed her broom as she took in the scenery around her. Cypress trees, cat tails, the smell of autumn in the air, it had been a while since she had traveled along the countryside. She halted her broom to read the wooden sign that marked her destination. “Welcome to Lilloway, Home of the Silverben Swamps” “Huh Quaint little place..” she muttered to herself. She decided to finish her journey on foot. Bella had woken from her nap and was getting ancy in her basket, besides after flying all day a walk would do Esther some good. It was surprising that such a small town like this would even have a nightclub, even more so that they invited her to perform. “Must be pretty short on entertainment if they invited a few old washups like us huh Belle?” The small dog gave an enthusiastic yip in response.
Not that she was complaining, a town like Lilloway was a pleasant change of pace from Akahn, with all its hustle and bustle. Something her college self would’ve loved, with all its trade and new-fangled gadgets. Oh goodness it had to be fifteen years now she was out of school. The woman leashed up her little friend and the two set into town. The once peaceful countryside soon melted into the stirrings of a village. As they approached the village square a corkboard with a plethora of fliers caught her eye. Thinking there might be a map among them Esther approached, Bella in tow. Hmmm Fall festival, Gabby’s Glamour spells, (Got enough of those as is) Oh! A freshly posted flier caught her eye. “Madam Sybil Dupree The Songbird of the South Performing at the Silverben Saloon!”. “Hmmm Guess we ain’t so washed up after all ey Belle?” Esther smiled leaning down to pet the black cavalier as it yipped excitedly. When suddenly Esther's attention was drawn to a set of large black boots that were approaching her.
“Howdy Ma’am.” Spoke the owner of the boots, in a deep husky voice. Esther stood up taking Bella with her as she faced the man. He was a tall muscular fellow with copper hair & beard. His arms marred with scars from what had to be his previous tussles. That and his serious demeanor told Esther this man wasn’t to be trifled with, nevertheless she had been brought up to give everyone a fair chance regardless. It’s what Earl would’ve done. “Well Hello there.” Esther responded warmly, Bella snugly in her arms. “Names Warren.” The burly man introduced, offering his hand as a sign of good will. Esther returned the gesture noting the rugged texture of his hand. A working man. “And you must be the famous Madam Dupree, if my eyes don’t deceive me.” Warren remarked, offering a kind smile while giving Bella a gentle pat on the head. “I don’t know if I’d call it that exactly!” Esther laughed, setting Bella down once more. “No need to be so humble! You’re all the town’s been talking about lately, well’sides them swap freaks runnin amuck.” The man remarked, ripping a bounty flier off the board.
Esther’s eyes were drawn to the flier, it depicted a terrible alligator-like beast with a hefty bounty listed at the bottom. Her chestnut eyes flicked from the flier to Warren, who had picked up on her curiosity. “Them beasts nothin ta worry bout Ma’am. Just a couple a wild half bloods runnin down the property value. Me an my men will have ‘em taken care of soon enough.” The man added in a vague attempt to “comfort” the women next to him. In truth Esther felt bad for those poor souls. Sure they looked a little different, acted a little different, but they didn’t ask to be that way. In the end they were just people trying to live their lives. Why should they be treated so horribly? “ So you’re a bounty hunter then?” Esther added dryly. If Warren was the kind of man to hunt down innocent people for sport then she wanted no part of him, but she had to be subtle about it. If word got around that she was some halfblood-sympathizing radical, she’d be run outta town faster than the half bloods themselves. “Looks like Warren caught a live one!” Shouted a woman from across the way.
She and another young fellow approached. Friends of Warren couldn’t be good company. Best to keep subtle for now though. “Aw hush up Andy. I was just greeting this lovely young lady to our town. It ain’t too often we get celebrities down here.” At this the younger blonde headed man perched up. “You’re Madam Dupree then! The one that’s ’s singing at the saloon?” The lad piped up. “Of course you would know Vernon! There’s hardly an’evenin you don’t spend at the saloon!” At this the two began to bicker before a calm yet stern hand gesture from Warren signaled the two to stop. “If you children are done I do believe Madam Dupree here needs some direction to the Inn.” Warren implored looking at Esther with a knowing glint in his emerald eyes. “Oh! Yes actually.” She responded “Then I reckon we should show you the way so you can get all settled an’ready for the show tonight!” Warren offered, the warm smile returning. “I’d like that.” And with that they were off to the Inn, little Bella in tow wagging her tail all the way.
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into-september · 11 months
MLB Paris special
I've been saying it before and I'm saying it even louder now: these writers are good at self-contained episodes, it's serialisation they can't handle. This is yet another testament to the fact that when they get the time to flesh out their ideas and dwell on their details, this universe is brilliant.
That said, this is by far the weakest of the specials yet, thanks mostly to the way it falls back on some of the mawkiest lines this show has produced. Where Shanghai and NYC had moments of Our Heroes in genuinely dire situations, this one was essentially your normal akuma battle with a few extra bells and whistles, which they resolve by giving their emo counterparts a pep talk about how they can totally be good people like them, just look on the bright side of life! The lucky charm blatantly frames this as some sort of facing-your-inner-demons tale, which would have worked if
a) these had been doubts Marinette and Adrien had faced this very episode, but last time Adrien had a thought about the fact that he recently lost his mum in canon timeline was "Felix", and Marinette's experience in being bitter and alone was, oh yeah, never.
b) we had a bit more background on emoverse ladynoir than their telling us the reason they're angry
In essence: this brings about zero epiphanies to our ladynoir like the NYC special did, and emoverse ladynoir don't have the on-screen backstories like Fei for their turn-around to be narratively satisfying. Marinette's speech at Emobug reads like an inspirational quote our aunts post on Facebook; harmless, and true in essence, but ooooh boy the that's easy for you to say.
It works simultaneously better and worse with Adrien-Emonoir, where Adrien's side is A+ character moment and Emonoir's is jazz_music_stops.jpg because this boy lived better circumstances than our Adrien, but became a trigger-happy supervillain? and here I thought losing a parent and being neglected by the other one wasn't a sympathetic explanation for why you'd turn to violence against the world around you
Where NYC and Shanghai had my heart, this one was just sparkly, but sparkly at least in a way it's been a while since this show has felt.
(I mean, there's the "Gabriel Agreste is a hero at his core and deserved the statue" propaganda and "why yes, their team-up in the end can be taken as foreshadowing of Marinette's decision to side with Gabriel in the S5 finale being framed as a good and kind thing for Adrien", but I'll refrain from going into that wank. We're all strong independent adults capable of grappling with the unfortunate implications of a work of fiction)
Have some bullet points:
I called them "bells and whistles" but emoverse ladynoir carries this special alone, and boy howdy do they CARRY it
Some really nifty scenes here, with particular kudos to the slo-mo akumatisation of Cat Noir
ouch but the parallel akumatisation of father and son from different universes was an unfortunate one (see: "Gabriel is a hero at core" propaganda)
speaking of: ~Cat Blanc trauma~ died with "Jubilation" and this is the funeral
So much lore being made up just to justify the plot beats of this special, gotta love it
Excuse me, I got brainworms from emoverse ladynoir being physically marked by the damaged caused by their misuse of their miraculous and the way this never is compared to Gabriel's shiny new handprint
Or at least named as the reason why they're so desperate and bitter, rather than the diet coke explanation we got
I can't believe what a bitter old crone I've become to roll my eyes when Ladybug has a moment of shoddily set up "oh no I can't do it" so that Cat Noir can put a hand on his shoulder and look her in the eye and say "I always believe in you, milady". To be fair I think this would've touched me if it hadn't been like a year and half since "Strike Back" aired
On the bright side, this one episode does Alya more justice than all the rest of S5 did
did emoverse!Chloé have Sabine deported?
I can't believe Claw Noir didn't at least get rid of the mullet
I can't believe that trailer showed us all we were getting of emoverse Alya and Nino. ROBBED.
The emotional aftermath of "Destruction" really was ADRIEN: Plagg, I think I killed a man and that makes me uncomfortable PLAGG: Okay, but please consider: cheese
Why, IN THE NAME OF THE LORD, was this scene of Gabriel almost going into Adrien's room after the cataclysm not in the show proper
Adrien was so excited to talk about Nino's favourite film. It is now canon that Adrien is that person who genuinely enjoys avant-garde cinema
Best part: emoverse ladynoir teaming up with Hawkmoth to form a visual kei Team Rocket, complete with sarcastic nicknames
Monarch, sorry (something something you're giving into his power by acknowledging his self-proclaimed change in name), but I dig that they kept up the continuity of the fashion disaster he was for these early S5 episodes
Worst part: Superfluous multiverse jumping fanservice. If you needed to pad for time, it should've been spent on emoverse ladynoir flashbacks
I can't wait for the S6 reveal that Chloé personally caused the climate crisis, founded daesh and killed Mother Teresa
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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this "Velvet Room" is so fucking messed uppppppp
you know if Igor were actually here I am sure that this fire sale alarm shit wouldn't happen
anyway yeah i'm still convinced the "Igor" here is a fucking fake, every thing out of his mouth is wildly out of character also I can't find it rn but he like alluded to, uh, either killing Reverie or letting him die if he failed his "rehabilitation" and I am like what the fuck is even going on here
Notigor, I'm tellin' ya
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sooooo uuuuuh Kaneshiro's shadow self is...... a flyman who starts using-- god, this is probably not the intended pull but he reminds me of Gangnam Style, that specific mockery of superficial nouveau/fake rich people?
Also he has a giant pig-shaped mecha and I'm like............. Is this a reference to the Absolutely Safe Capsule? I have no idea but it sure felt like it.
Fight was a breeze, Ann has sleep magic, everyone got stomped.
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blah blah Sae's boss is like the big bad or something blah blah
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So it SEEMS that when Morgana gets to touch a Treasure, he almost remembers something about himself, but its leading him to believe he's wrong and he's not actually human after all, which is distressing to him.
My current theory on Morgana is that he's similar to Teddie, in that he's a being built of the desires of humans. He just didn't do enough sit-ups and hasn't gotten a human body yet.
The form of a kitty cat is.... an interesting wrinkle in the whole thing. Teddie manifested as a literal mascot out of the desire to be liked and have friends (basically, it's more complicated than that). Morgana is a kitty.
So... possibility one is there is some Obvious Association with cats that I am missing that answers why kitty. Or.... maybe it's not as one-to-one with Teddie and Morgana is the manifestation of someone's desire. And that person is a cat person.
Maybe Morgana is Reverie's imaginary friend given solid form, WHO KNOWS. Reverie needed a talking cat, okay. His life is better for having Morgana.
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In other The Velvet Room Is Fake As Hell news, Caroline and Justine are giving Reverie the usual "make a persona with X ability" tasks BUT they don't know where their list CAME FROM. And the fact they don't seems to disturb them.
/squints at the twins
It.... sure is interesting that they are tiny and they are each missing the opposite eye and their personalities are so diametrically opposed they almost seem like two halves of one person
and in this """"Velvet Room"""" fusion is explicitly the act of killing two personas to funnel their energy into a single new person.
This is by FAR the Edgelord-iest Persona yet, so I am seriously contemplating if it'll Go There and have the twins fusion executed into a single 'complete' Attendant
but like. I wouldn't put it past this game honestly. We already had a lot of other heavy shit in this game, why not use a guillotine on two children.
/rubs eyes with hand
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Maruki is Fucking Weird ain't he. Like, he's objectively a terrible therapist for one, the amount of personal details he lets slip and inserts un-prompted into his work is wildly unprofessional.
Also the thesis of his work seems to be purposeful clouding of perception to 'heal' patients of inner pain and boy fucking howdy what the fuck.
I am squinting at him too. He makes me nervous.
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hi, hello, what the absolute fuck
Mishima, our biggest fan that we never asked for, literally knows nothing about the actual Thieves and is more focused on making them (and as a byproduct himself) more famous. He tries to get Reverie to go after this... random up and coming celeb? Because it'd be big news?
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and it gets WORSE
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He's also finding anyone on the Phansite he doesn't like and is sending them threatening messages as if he's the fucking Thieves.
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which, putting aside the fact I hate Mishima so much, this feel so much like a cry for help right here, like he's become fucking Twitter Poisoned and is aware of it but can't get his ass off the site and needs an intervention. He completely and totally sounds like those people who joke about how socmed is ruining their lives and how they know it's a cesspool and they should quit but they are also addicted to it.
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ryuji he is that bad
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So we actually go find his Shadow in Mementos and, lmao, this fucking "you just had to" BRO YOU SEEM TO MISREMEMBER HOW THIS WENT, you know, when you followed me around at school and back me into a corner so I had to admit I was one of the Thieves and you shoved this Phansite thing into play when no one asked
Mishima needs help but also dude has been holding a shovel and does not know when to stop diggin' and then keeps blaming other people for the dirt of his shirt
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we don't even fight him, just leave him alone with himself, which: good. Goddamn. I would tell you go talk to Maruki but he's sus as fuck.
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cherrythepuppet · 9 months
Guys Night Never Ends Well
Me and @trashcanplant made this at like 10 at night, Antoni and Grover belong to them too!
Penny was being watched by Dandy due to Poppy wanting some time to herself but Dandy and the girls were planning to have a girls night
Bad news. Penny would be alone which she hates
Good news. The boys are having a boys night in Antoni's pizzeria which is next door! So if Penny needs anything she'll call for them
Dandy set Penny in the baby play pen and put a blanket over her as she slept peacefully with her face stuck to a peice of paper
Julie got Dandy then all the other girls before they left leaving Dandy's shop peaceful and quiet
The two hours of Penny sleeping is up and she's begging to be released from the baby prison in the other shop
But nobody came cause the whole neighborhood is having their respective night, The guys start playing music over Penny's screaming
She's still screaming the guys turn the music up louder until they hear nothing, Wally begins staring at the wall “I hear something in the walls” he told them
“Is it the rats?” Antoni asked “…Antoni your pizzeria shouldn���t have rats.” Frank sighed "The rats are probably from Dandy's side" Howdy said "Dandy is terrified of rats though-" Antoni replied
“Well, we should probably hire a cat Fer this mouse problem, ay, Toni?” Barnaby chuckled “My name is Antoni, Not Toni, dog!” Antoni shouted
Suddenly the screaming stops. Two things happened, Penny either fall asleep or escaped the baby play pen “ITS ANTONI’S HOUSE HE SHOULD CHECK!” Eddie exclaimed
After some debate Wally ends up going to check. Penny stuffed a pillow under the blankets to make it look like someone's there
Once the door opened she escaped over to Antoni's side, the lights flicked until they shut off and when they turned back on
Barnaby’s on the floor covered in ketchup and refusing to get up. They try calling the girls or anyone but the phones are dead. The doors are locked. There's no escape
Meanwhile Poppy is knitting a sweater for Penny, She is unaware of the screams of Horror while the girls just assume it's guy activities and they're all laughing or something
Franks the next to go, crying on the floor because his guys night bow tie is ripped and covered in ketchup
Eddie is the third to be 'Killed'. His hat has bite marks on it along with ketchup all over it
Howdy goes next, tripped over Eddie’s hat and is now covered in ketchup while Antoni hopes Penny doesn’t find his marinara cause if he gets the restaurant covered in it again Dandy will take away his Parmesan privileges
Wally is next. Laying on the ground contorted and covered in marinara sauce and pepperoins in his hair, Grover and Antoni are left
Antoni wields himself with a spatula while Grover checks the dark corners. “Red Robin-“ he starts the jingle
A giggle comes from the ceiling "Yum!" Penny exclaimed before jumping off the ceiling and landing on Antoni's back
Antoni's scream was cut off, Grover slowly turned around and saw Antoni laying on the ground "Jesus Penn-" Griver paused
"Although the winter...May bring the world..." Penny quietly sang with a few giggles for that creepy horror effect
Grover looks at his friends on the ground, everyone is trying not to laugh cause they’re dead, covered in sauces, Frank is still crying
Suddenly the door opened and now Poppy’s at the pizzeria “Hello? BAWK BAWK BAWK!!” And she faints Upon seeing everyone acting dead
"Poppy!" Penny runs towards Poppy completely forgetting about going after Grover and now focused on Poppy "SHE'S DEAD?!"
Grover takes this opportunity to yoink Penny and start running to Poppy’s barn. “YOU DO THAT AGAIN I WILL BE SO ANGRY WITCHA, PENN!” he yelled at her
Penny starts acting feral and tries to bite Grover "LET ME GO! I NEED TO MAKE SURE SHE'S ALRIGHT!" Penny yelled back
Grover tossed her into the barn and runs back to get Poppy, Penny tries escaping but can't so she just locks herself in her room destroying it as well
After a while she curls up into a little ball in the corner with her knees up to her chest sobbing into her knees "I'm sorry...I didn't want to be alone...I didn't want to be alone" She whispered.....
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deltaruminations · 1 year
🏠 Hometown Teen"z" > # dragon-blazers-discussion
25+ unread messages since 5:07 PM
--- 5:07 PM ---
xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: yeah the original translation sucked. so much was lost in his boss monologue especially so glad they fixed it in the hd remaster
--- 5:12 PM ---
semiseraph: I feel bad for him. Sometimes. xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: wait who semiseraph: He wanted someone to understand. xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: …are we still talking about the lich? semiseraph is typing…
xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: dude semiseraph is typing…
xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: he manipulated the MC's sister then betrayed her and cursed her with the rot like he's an interesting villain but not exactly sympathetic the new translation didnt change that. semiseraph: Of course. I know that. Obviously it is wrong. The way he goes about it. xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: isnt he also an ancient old man. the sister is way younger than him semiseraph is typing…
xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: it's just messed up and creepy dude. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: HEY NERDS!!!!!!! what r we talkin abuot semiseraph: Firstly. The "old man" assertion is fanon. Nothing in the text explicitly says that. They could have been peers. In many ways I find that potentiality more interesting. More subversive. Secondly. It is irrelevant to what I am saying. xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: oh boy. here we go semiseraph: He was desperate to have someone else who could Get It. What it was like to be cursed that way. He could not find anyone like him. So he thought he had to make one. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6 is typing…
semiseraph: I am not saying it is Good. Only that it is kind of tragic ? She did not have to be cursed. She already Saw him. But he did not recognize it. Hello Dess. :] 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: LOL omg. is wd talking about the freaky ship he likes again xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: howdy and yeah. unfortunately semiseraph: Wow. Okay. Again. I do not know anything about "relationshipping." I do not do That. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: LOL xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: oh geez. dess don't encourage him. semiseraph: My only interest is in lore and meta analysis. And the relationship between the two characters happens to be interesting. Narratively. Perhaps thematically. That is all. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: you ship it HARD dingywingy youere like the hardest lichster shipper in the game semiseraph is typing…
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: whisch isnt difficult because aslo ur the only one in the game xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: can we talk about something else. please semiseraph is typing…
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: ur sure typing a lot there bud about to drop some hot lichster fic on us????? semiseraph: Please do not call me that. xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx is typing…
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: "bud"?????????? semiseraph: The other thing. Um. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: DINGYWINGY???????? :3c semiseraph: Yes. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: but its cuuuuuute :3333c semiseraph: :[ xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx is typing…
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: dr. dingywingy pee aytch dee top researcher at the intsitute of dagon blazers brainrot head of the bad taste depratment *dragon semiseraph: Sigh. Am I at least tenured ? xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx is typing…
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: of course youre tenored u r like the leading authority on bad opinoins theyd be stupid to let u be head hunted by hte deep state cat petterz think tanks semiseraph: The Cat Petterz cabal has no need for me. Your sister has that market cornered. xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx is typing…
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: LOL u r so right dr. dingdong shes easily the formost expert on gay baby games xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: hey. gotta go. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: & im so proud of her for it semiseraph: Oh. Okay. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: AWWW what!!!!!! but i just got online xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: sorry. kris needs help with their project. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: the website thing?????? but nolele said they finished all the leet ccodez & haxorz or whatevs at the librarby today xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx is typing…
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: azzy? xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: something came up. ok? see yall at school. semiseraph: Bye Asriel. See you tomorrow. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: :( bye luv u…. txt me later?
--- 5:25 PM ---
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: oh. hes fully like offline
--- 5:30 PM ---
semiseraph: He said he is busy. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: yeah i guess.
6BL00DY6STRINGS6 is typing…
--- 5:43 PM ---
semiseraph: @6BL00DY6STRINGS6 Did you receive my DM ?
6BL00DY6STRINGS6 reacted: 👍
--- 6:06 PM ---
petes_of_pants: Just finished my latest DB waifu tier list video! This one is for DB3 If anyone wanted to see
--- 6:20 PM ---
petes_of_pants: Anyone?
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trashcanplant · 9 months
So Many Neighborhood Interactions!
GOD I need to stop having kids so I can stop doing this. HOW MUCH INFORMATION DOES ONE NEED?!
Marnie: Girl loves her cat so much. She’s an introvert and that’s fine! Sometimes that’s all we need. For all the work she does on her house, Marnie has never fallen off of her roof. She leaves those jobs to Grover. She’s really thoughtful with her students! Most of them actually go to Deirdre’s school and at this point it’s a wonder that she’s not the official music teacher there with her bestie. Her biggest love language is words of affirmation. She purchases fruit wines from Jonesy’s family. Her favorite flavor thus far has been blueberry. Marnie’s house is covered in books and plants. She is probably one of the more qualified people to house sit for someone. As long as they don’t mind having a new record or two added to their collection based on what she saw while she was there.
Grover: He gets really lonely. Being alone on the road so much has worn him down. He doesn’t have one mailing address, he has four. Barnaby knows all of them, because one of them is his own. As much as he hates to admit it, he’s bonded to his flock of crows. Not in a friendly way though. It’s not quite a parasitic relationship, but let’s be real, what benefits does Grover get? He has a favorite swear word but he won’t tell anyone what it is. His favorite type of joke is a play-on-words. I think after meeting Penny he made a little corn husk doll in her image that he keeps around. Grover is the fourth best person to house sit for you. He probably got the job because he broke in, and he will leave the house worse than when he entered and it will be his fault. Also he just hates being inside. But you already knew that.
Deirdre: Bestie boo curls her hair to no avail. She’s written maybe a dozen plays with her and Sally in lead romantic roles together. She values her students so much and loves them even if they annoy her sometimes ahem ahem Jonesy. She thinks Paulette could teach earth sciences at her school if they really wanted to. Deirdre has an interest in computers. She’ll never be able to see one up close though. Just pictures in her magazines. Speaking of which: If Deirdre ever bought a house all of the furniture would come right out of a catalogue. Right now most of her furniture comes from Marnie. Deirdre would be the next best person to house sit for you! She’d make sure your plants are watered and pets fed, but she noticed that you had a book she’s been wanting to read, she’d just borrow it. She’s a bit directionally challenged, but she always knows the way Home! Deirdre orders whipped cream on her coffee. And her sweet potato pie. And everything really. If it’s not got whipped cream on it, it isn’t worth it. She calls attention to her class by saying, “Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears!”
Jonesy: Now when someone who’s not Deirdre refers to him and a group as “friends” he chimes in with “don’t forget romans and countrymen!” (YES inspired by that post). Jonesy doesn’t get along well with Frank cause he once tried to eat a butterfly by him. He has a very late bedtime (bat). If you give a bat a cookie, he will squeak happily! He gets a winter coat and gets even poofier. Jonesy would see Marnie and Howdy talking every day with Marnie making the same argument that Howdy should play the guitar then Jonesy would feel like his secondary parents were fighting cause he loves Marnie and takes piano lessons from her. He cries very easily. Jonesy is a papa’s boy let’s be honest. He loves his mom so much but he’s just closer to Finnley than Mercy. He’s too young to house sit for you. He’d hear Grover swearing and scamper up with Penny and Vince with his big doll eyes and now Grover has to decide if he wants to teach an 11 year old a swear word or face Howdy and Ritta’s wrath. Jonesy probably gets free gelato from Antoni and now Howdy has to fight harder with strawberry shakes and then there’s a war.
Paulette: Blue eyed stare. They are so nice but are constantly fighting the voices to eat the glitter in her pocket. He wishes that they were able to fully express her love for Marnie but at the same time they see how this woman acts; never fully engaged how she needs her to be. He wishes on stars all the time despite knowing better. She goes to every one of Sally’s shows just to take notes on her. They are the third best person to house sit for you! He’d keep it tidy, maybe have Marnie fix the window she broke when he came in. They would 100% move your furniture around and when you ask him about it they’d just crouch down and say “my star, the Feng Shui of your house was really bad.” She believes in astrology, just a little bit. Paulette is a big advocate for pineapple on pizza. Also they love starfruit! She’s just a sweetheart. Love languages are touch, time, and words.
Antoni: WOAGH LITTLE GUY! Self proclaimed, by the way. He’s only little in the sense that he is short. He is a goofy guy, but man does he have a big personality. He’s vibrant while Dandy is quiet. He roller skates around Home a lot to deliver his pizzas. He’s definitely clumsy. It’s a wonder he hasn’t broken more bones! Antoni is very squishy. He’s got a good tummy, but also, he’s just squishy! His favorite pizza is Margherita. Pineapple on pizza is a sin, and he’s staring at Paulette and Grover who think it’s okay to put pineapple on pizza. He’s always covered in something on his chef coat. It’s most likely marinara, and if it’s not that, it’s blood. Dandy is his number one caretaker of the two of them. Antoni is the worst person to watch your house! He broke in, he used your oven, the whole place is covered in sauce and scratches and for some reason he blames you for it. Never let this man babysit. That’s his baby now. He loves kids and is really good with them! That’s why Jonesy is his best friend and he’s trying to get Deirdre to let him teach home ec or at least be the lunch lady. She will never let him in her schoolhouse after the birthday cake incident.
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