#we have a security camera on the front porch
doeeyeseddie · 1 year
hiiiii, from the soft prompts how do you feel about absent mindedly fixing the others' clothes?? i feel like it's already sooo buddie coded
i feel VERY good about it, thank you for the prompt!! i hope you like this 🩷
send me a soft prompt
[read on ao3]
Maddie and Chimney’s patio is lit by strings of fairy lights and candles on the high tables they’ve placed everywhere they would fit. Everyone they love is still there, talking and laughing and dancing in the tiny space they’ve cleared to serve as a dance floor.
The main couple of the day are there as well, swaying in the middle of it like they’ve forgotten the rest of the world around them. Judging from the fact that they’re slow dancing regardless of what’s playing on the speaker from the carefully curated playlist, they probably have.
Buck looks at his sister's face, the happiness she radiates, and sighs wistfully. This is everything he’s ever wanted for her. The fact that she gets this happiness with Chimney, who was kind of like a brother for Buck before he even met Maddie, is only a bonus.
He smiles down at Jee, asleep in his arms, and whispers, “This is pretty good, huh?”
She doesn’t reply, obviously, but a moment later, a glass of water is placed on the table in front of him.
“Thought you could use this after all that dancing,” Eddie says, and Buck smiles at him.
“Thanks, yeah. Had to tire this one out.” He points his chin down towards Jee, careful not to jostle her.
“Looks like it worked,” Eddie grins. “Do you want me to take her so you can drink something?”
Buck loves his niece, but she’s almost three years old and her sleep-heavy little body is starting to put a strain on his arms, so he nods gratefully. “I’ll take you up on that offer.”
They have to step close to transfer the sleeping toddler from Buck’s arms to Eddie’s, and when they’ve managed it, Buck kind of forgets to step back.
Eddie is always beautiful, but tonight – he’s fucking breathtaking. He’s lost his jacket somewhere along the way and his shirt is rolled up to his elbows, and unbuttoned far enough for Buck to get a good look at his collarbones and the smattering of chest hair below. The crisp white of his open collar stands out against his skin and Buck stares, enraptured.
It’s crooked on one side, folded up in what Buck assumes is a look Eddie wasn’t going for, and he reaches out to fix it without thinking.
His fingers brush Eddie’s throat and he feels the sharp inhale there, freezing when he realizes what he’s doing. His eyes flick up and their gazes catch, and hold.
“Thanks,” Eddie says, and it breaks the spell.
Buck drops his hand, takes a step back, and clears his throat. “Sure.”
He downs the glass of water Eddie brought him in one go, feeling Eddie’s eyes on him the whole time. He’s not sure what just happened – he really didn’t think he drank that much, but he guesses his brain simply turning off around Eddie was bound to happen eventually. He’s kind of surprised it took this long, several weeks since he realized that he’s head over heels in love with his best friend, and probably has been for years.
And well, tonight, Eddie looks beautiful and happy and bright, and he’s holding a baby (a baby Buck loves!), so is his brain really to blame?
“Hey,” Eddie says, and Buck turns to look at him, because he always wants to be looking at him. Eddie smiles, but there’s a little edge to it – nerves? “I heard the Lees are taking Jee tonight. Once we’ve both got our arms free again, do you wanna dance?”
Buck loves him and loves him and loves him.
“Yes,” he manages to get out. “I’d love that.”
Eddie’s smile grows, but some of the nervousness stays, sticking to the corners of it. Buck wants to reach out and smooth it away, but he’s not sure he’s allowed.
“I’ve been wanting to ask all night,” Eddie admits quietly, and Buck bites down on his undoubtedly giddy grin.
“Yeah?” he asks, just as quietly. “I would’ve said yes at any point.”
Buck’s heart is in his throat and he watches Eddie’s smile transform into a new one, slightly different from all the ones Buck already knows. It’s a good one, though, definitely good. He smiles back helplessly.
“Cool,” Eddie says, and it’s so dorky that Buck is tempted to ignore everyone around them, including his sleeping niece in Eddie’s arms, to get his mouth on Eddie. At this point, he’s pretty sure it would be welcomed.
Thankfully for everyone else, Mrs Lee picks that moment to step up to them to get Jee from Eddie. It puts some space between Buck and Eddie and gives Buck a second to catch his breath, even though watching Eddie gently hand Jee over should officially be considered a form of torture too. 
“We didn’t want to interrupt the lovebirds,” Mrs Lee says with an indulgent smile towards where Maddie and Chim are still swaying. “This was the plan all along but if they ask, can you tell them we took Jee-Yun home with us?”
“Yeah, of course,” Buck promises. “Thanks, Mrs Lee.”
“Buck,” she says in that gently stern voice of hers. “We’re family now. It’s Anne.”
Buck laughs. “Okay, thank you, Anne. And good night.”
“To you too,” she says with a smile at them both, and then Buck and Eddie are alone again.
Immediately, Buck is right back where he was, heart racing and fingers itching to touch Eddie.
“So,” he starts, drawn-out, and Eddie steps closer to him.
“So,” he echoes, and smoothes out a nonexistent wrinkle in Buck’s shirt with the flat of his hand, right over his thundering heart. He’s still smiling that smile, like he’s keeping a secret, the good kind. “Wanna dance?”
Buck shakes his head. “Hold that thought. But first – come with me?”
Eddie looks confused, but not worried when he nods. It makes Buck feel giddy, knowing that they both trust this.
He leads them away from the patio and grabs Eddie’s hand as soon as they’re out of sight. Eddie tangles their fingers and squeezes, following Buck to the dark front porch.
There, he stops and turns to look at Eddie. There’s enough light spilling out through the windows and from the street light to see the smile on his face, his beautiful glittering eyes. 
Buck takes a deep breath. “I didn’t wanna steal Maddie and Chim’s thunder, but I really, really want to kiss y—“
Eddie’s grabbed him by the lapels to pull him in, but the second Buck starts kissing back, he loosens his grip and slides his hands up Buck’s neck to cup his jaw tenderly.
Buck shivers with it and pulls Eddie closer by the waist, their entire bodies pressed together.
“I love you,” Eddie says against his lips, barely pulling away. “Buck. I love you.”
“I love you,” Buck says back, and his smile is making it difficult to keep kissing, but at least Eddie’s is the same.
“You still wanna dance with me?” he asks.
“Yes,” Buck says decisively. “Not sure how well I can hold back so we don’t immediately spill the beans, but I really want to.”
“We can do it,” Eddie promises, but they get lost in their kisses again first. He’s laughing when he puts some space between them. “Let’s enjoy the rest of the party, we can continue this at home. And then we’ll tell everyone in a few days.”
Buck nods, reeling him in for one last kiss. “I like the sound of that.”
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morganbritton132 · 5 months
Eddie’s live-streaming from the front porch where he’s sitting on their porch swing, playing guitar. So Eddie did not bring his followers into their neighborhood drama. Steve did.
You can see Steve pass in front of the camera a few times before you hear him loudly ask, “What?”
There’s a pause and then he’s like, “I can’t hear you!”
Eddie looks up and over towards the yard but he doesn’t stop playing. He doesn’t seem to have any interest in the conversation going on at all. His chat on the other hand are thrilled to be able to hear Dan say, “Got myself a ring camera. It records the porch and the driveway and sends the video to my phone if it detects movement. So if any vandalism happens…I’ll know.”
Steve: Okay…? And I have a gun
Eddie: *experiences twelve different flavors of ‘what now?’*
Dan: Is that a threat?
Steve: No. I thought we were both just stating facts about home security no one cares about.
Steve: You can go now. Bye.
Eddie, stopping Steve before he goes back inside: Babe, you don’t actually have a gun, right?
Eddie: Stevie, you once almost took my head off with a baseball bat full of nails in your sleep. You did NOT buy a gun.
Steve: Are you stupid? Why would buy a gun when I could borrow one from Nancy?
Steve: *goes inside*
Eddie: That didn’t answer my question, Steve!
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months
I saw someone did an Ask about Damien and Danny knowing each other and just keeping in touch just not letting the Batfam know (was it Angel and Demon Brat or something?not sure).
What if we break some hearts,
We have big brother Danny who is dead (the big brother who told him it was okay to call others brother and that blood wasn't everything no matter what grandfather said), Tucker (or Sam or Jazz) just barely escaped Amity's destruction (maybe the GIW went nuclear on the city, maybe a ghost or demon finally got the better of Danny, maybe the portal need to be closed and Danny's life was the price, or maybe the city was already gone and Danny barely got Tucker and Dani out dealers choice) and tearful introduces Damien to his niece (Last last piece of the man he's spent countless lives thinking about, dreaming about and loving since his first life (I love Pharaoh/magically powerful Tucker)).
That got way more detail the more I was writing, haha... Oops 😳😬.
What do you think? Or just whatever pops into your mind. You do you, whatever you put out will be amazing!
There is loud, awful banging coming from the front door.
Or, to be more specific, there is someone banging on the door as hard as they can. At first, Alfred is wondering if he is imagining things. It was a rather quiet night for the bats to be out and about.
There was a storm that had blown through Gotham, driving everyone to take shelter. The howling winds and ran had left even the worst of scum chilled to their bones.
The bats were on their way home. Having called it a night after the third time, the wind had nearly caused two of them to fall while grappling across the city.
When he heard the noise, Alfred had just finished prepping the cave for post-patrol and went up to get everyone some warm clothes. He immediately went for one of the hidden guns around the manor.
Master Bruce was unaware of them, but Alfred had been able to hide the weapons since the lad was five years old.
Crouching low to the ground, he slowly approached one of the windows that overlooked the front door. Whoever had come knocking had somehow gotten past the first three levels of security.
Alfred leaned up only so one of his eyes could look over the window shill, keeping his back to the wall for easy push-off and the shotgun at the ready.
None of their motion detectors, video cameras, or heat vision cameras had detected the two standing figures on his porch. He couldn't see them clearly due to the water splashing against the glass, but it seemed like a man and a child.
Narrowing his eyes, Alfred leaned back down. He quickly pressed the side of his watch in three rapid clicks. At once, the signal that the manor may be compromised went out, alerting his returning family.
Alfred did not wait for a response from them. Instead, he threw himself on the ground, using the crawling technique taught to him by his years in Her Majesty's service to get closer to the door.
He trains the barrels at the wood, ignoring the desperate banging. Usually, he would have opened the door to question who they were, but it was nearly four in the morning, and he could have sworn that the man had been wearing a purple jacket and pantsuit.
In Gotham, that could only mean one thing. If the Joker was here, he would not live to see another sunrise. Alfred was done with that fool harming his family. Master Bruce's wishes be damned.
The only reason he didn't take the shot, for surely the bullets would pass through the aged wood, was that he had seen a more petite figure, too—a child.
He isn't sure who the child is—or if it is even a child—but he can't risk ending the Joker until he is sure the small;ler one is safe. Alfred had seen war many times in his military days; he did not want to force a child to live with them, too.
A few minutes pass when the banging sound starts to slow down, and there is nothing but silence. The wind contuines to howl. The rain continues to spray across the roof, and the lightning and thunder continue to roar.
Alfred feels his fingers strain with the urge to shoot but he keeps still ignoring everything until his watch beeps softly three times. Master Bruce and the children had arrived.
They must not have come through the cave, for he does not hear or sense an approach from anywhere inside the manor. A shadow overpasses him, causing Alfred to snap his gun in that direction until he registers it in the shape of a bat and quickly reaims towards the door.
He keeps himself perfectly still on the ground, even as he starts to hear faint curses, thumps, and a chilling little girl's scream. There is a moment of stillness before two figures fly through the wood—the child and the made-in-purple.
Alfred has a moment of surprise. It seemed the child was a meta before he pulled the trigger, aiming for the man's knees. His aim has not dulled with age, and the bullet sails true. Sadly, the little girl had faster reflections, making the faint glow surrounding her travel down her arm and to the man's body.
Their bodies become intangible as the bullet passes the man easily. Alfred frowns, reloading as he rolls over and swings himself to his feet.
The front door slams open as Master Bruce rushes in, followed by Master Damian. The two crime fighters slam into the strangers, somehow able to touch them when, seconds ago, metal couldn't.
Master Bruce flings the man to the wall, slamming him against one of the tables, while Master Damian has the girl in a painful hold. She thrashes and fails, but she can't get out, and Alfred wonders if her powers are limited.
Alfred trains the gun on the scene, keeping an eye on both Master Bruce and Master Damian at all times in case he needs to cover them.
"Who are you?" Master Bruce hisses, holding the purple suit man up by his collar. At this point, Alfred can see it is not Joker, for the stranger is far too young and has the wrong ethnicity.
"How did you find us?" the man gasps instead of answering, his eyes filled with tears. "The government wasn't supposed to find us here! Wayne was supposed to be safe!"
Alfred doesn't allow his brow to raise, but it's a darn thing. It didn't sound like they were here to do any harm, but one could never be too careful.
"Why are you after Wayne?"
"Don't tell him anything!" The little girl screeches, rainwater mixing with the blood dripping down her face. Master Damian had not been gentle when he slammed her against the ground. He was likely worried about Alfred. "We aren't afraid of you, GIW scum!"
"GIW?" Master Damian repeats. "Who or what are they?"
Both strangers freeze. "You're not with them?"
Master Bruce remains silent, and for one tense moment, Alfred wonders if the other man has passed out from the way he slumps in his old ward's hold.
"You're not with them. Thank the Ancients." The man gasps. He suddenly reaches out, grabbing Master Bruce in a craze of desperation. "My daughter. She's in danger. Please get her to Damian Wayne. Danny said he could protect her. Please... please help us."
His strength fades, and the man finally does fall unconscious, his hold on Master Bruce's slipping as he faints. The little girl screams- it doesn't sound human at all, and the noise likely started Master Damian's reflection, for the boy is quickly slamming onto her back, knocking her out, too.
Alfred finally lowers his weapon as the lightning flashes again, followed by loud thunder. He waits a few minutes before creeping towards Master Bruce.
The other is checking the stranger, mouth pulled into a tight, thin line once they spot that underneath the purple outfit, there are multiple wounds. Burns, cuts, and bruises decorate the dark skin of the stranger.
It's easy to see he escaped from somewhere abusive.
A gutted gasp from Master Damian has them swinging around, Alfred with his gun raised and Master Bruce with one of his batarangs at the ready. Instead of seeing the youngest being attacked, they find Damian staring in horror at the amulet he is holding.
The chain is still around the girl's neck as she was flipped onto her back- likely the lad was also checking her for wounds. Alfred can't see much but he can tell she may be just as wounded as the man.
"What is it, Robin" Master Bruce growls.
There is silence from the Katana user until one single tear rolls down from underneath the boy's mask over his cheek. He looks up at them with the most devastated expression Alfred has ever seen as he whispers.
"She bares my older brother's mark. Father, I think she's family."
"What, brother?" Master Bruce asks. "You never mentioned a brother before."
"He died.....years ago, but if Todd returned, then my brother...I left my kind-hearted brother in my Grandfather's grasp. I left him..."
The lighting flashes behind Master Damian's form, highlighting the devastation on his expression, and Alfred is filled with confusion, horror, and worry faster than the thunder can catch up.
Master Bruce's face loses all emotion- the coping mechanism Alfred had seen him use since the day he was found in that alley by the cold bodies- and growls. "To the cave. I want answers."
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marthawrites · 2 years
Pretty Girl
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Modern Aemond Targaryen x fem reader
Word count: 6.8k+
About: There's been some weird stuff happening in the woods and your boss buys top of the line security cameras. You definitely weren't expecting to hit it off so well with the tech guy who is much more than a tech guy.
Includes: Meeting, first date, some drinking, explicit sexual content (fem receiving oral, p in v)
Note: Hello lovely reader! This is my first modern Aemond story. This idea has been rolling around my head for a good month or two. I wasn't expecting to go so deep, but the ideas kept coming and I ran with them! Reader is nondescript and implied to be 21+ due to alcohol consumption. As always, please enjoy! ♥
read pt 2 here
The bright chime of your text tone cut through the mellow voiced narrator of your current podcast obsession: supposed real life horror stories. Perhaps not the smartest thing to listen to while alone ten miles deep into the forest in the ranger's cabin. But, whatever. What's life without a little risk, anyway? Swiping your screen open revealed your boss' message.
Hey kid. Running late. That tech guy is scheduled to be there for the installation at 9:30. We had a minor family emergency here. Everything is fine. I'm working to head out within the hour. Text you when I'm on the road.
It was already 9 and you knew there wasn't a chance in hell Joey would be there by the time the install person showed up. Great. You ran a hand down your face and, since you were alone, didn't fight the groan that adamantly broke free. Customer service – this could be considered customer service, right? – was never your forte. There was a reason you went to school for forestry. Mostly so you wouldn't have to deal with customers on the regular. You texted back:
I'm glad everything is fine! But, if I end up ax murdered by this freak I'm going to haunt you forever. Also, you're to take care of Charles. He's very needy.
A minute later the chime broke the podcaster's voice again:
Oh please. They're a very respectable family. How is a fish needy? Don't they just need tap water?
You laughed out loud, reading the message in Joey's rumbling baritone.
That's right, boss. Tap water and cheerios!
When you didn't hear back from him within the next few minutes you could only assume he started driving.
You had a good twenty minutes to kill while waiting for this person and weren't quite sure how to spend your time. A cool early-spring rain poured all morning, and an angry late-winter wind sent the trees swaying all around. You weren't going out there if you didn't have to. In fact, you threw another log into the wood stove and brewed up a fresh pot of coffee. No reason to stress about trying to look busy when you knew your boss would be doing the same thing if he were here with you waiting.
Once the coffee was finished you fixed yourself a cup and sat by the fire, completely absorbed by the tale in your ear: friends camping with no one else around, being taunted by something. A truly unsettling tale regardless it it were paranormal, a druggie, or a stalker.
A knock on the front door nearly sent the remainder of your hot beverage spilling and your fingers visibly trembled as they touched your earbud to pause the story. Jesus Christ. Did the person arrive in a fucking spaceship? You didn't hear anything coming up the gravel road nor parking in the gravel lot. Taking a few deep breaths to settle your racing nerves, you stood and walked to the door. You cracked it open to the width of your head, just enough to see the person standing on the, thankfully, well covered porch. “Can I help you?”
“Hm. You don't look like a Joey Wagner,” the man on the porch mat said, a single pale brow arching.
Holy shit. He was really handsome. “No. He's my boss. I'm one of the forest rangers beneath him. What can I help you with?” You opened the door wider in an attempt to get a sight of whatever vehicle he showed up in. Despite not having much knowledge in cars, you knew that “T” anywhere. So, you were right: he might as well have shown up in a spaceship.
“I'm Aemond Targaryen. I'm here to install the Vhagar security system and cameras,” he paused and looked around, curious of the exterior of the ranger's lodge and surrounding woods. “I'm.. a... I'm a little surprised you want such a system here.”
“You and me both. Apparently it's your best one, right? I dunno what's been spooking Joey but whatever it is must be pretty weird. That thing's probably my entire yearly salary and then some,” you laughed dryly, gesturing to the briefcase he held. “I'm Y/N,” you added with a smile. “He's running late this morning, but told me you'd be here. I was expecting someone more, uhm...,” you tilted your head and closed one eye as if you were looking at him through a telescope. “Nerdy?” You mused aloud, nose scrunching with the somewhat embarrassing admission.
That sent a grin across his face. His chin tilted up as he regarded you down the long straight line of his nose. “I could say the same about you and forest rangers.”
Beneath your green and tan uniform your skin prickled. Something in you thrummed. This was bad news. Very bad news. When the hell was Joey going to be here? You tried to shake off the sensation his sweeping gaze gave you. He had a long paling scar over his the right side of his angular chiseled face, and there seemed to be something off about his right eye too. You didn't say anything about it and tried not to stare. “Anyway, wanna get started? It's warmer in here, I promise,” you gestured a thumb over your shoulder and swung the door wide so he might step inside.
“Yeah, thanks. It'll take awhile to get all finished. The rest of today and maybe half of tomorrow or so, too,” he admitted as he strode inside.
You whistled lowly at that – at his remark, not his backside – unaware it'd be such an ordeal. “That long?” His hair was long and beautiful in a way you didn't often see men wear their hair; so blonde it was a silvery-white. He had it pulled back in a simple ponytail. It hung a little loose and you couldn't help but wonder if he put it up in haste this morning. Aside from his Adidas shoes (which stuck out adorably, you thought to yourself), he wore all dark colors. Blacks, grays, and only the barest hints of white. Jacket, sweater, the neck of what you assumed was a t-shirt, and straight legged pants. Casually and mindfully layered.
Inside was much warmer, indeed. So much so that Aemond immediately took his jacket off. The simple gesture sent clean laundry and the faintest trace of cologne wafting your way; the fine muscles behind your ears flexed with the reveal. His sweater looked unbearably soft and you hated yourself for being so drawn to a man you literally just met three minutes ago. He was unfairly good-looking, yeah, but what if he was a jerk too because of it? "You weren't lying," he said, giving you a glance from his left side. "It's cozy. Is it just you here?"
You gestured him to follow you through the place. "For now, yeah. Here's the security room. Everything's open and unlocked so you should be able to do whatever you need to. Joey will be here eventually." The room was a little cramped with multiple monitors, desks, cabinets, and general clutter; papers, writing things, wrappers, cups, the like. "Oh shit. Sorry sorry. I should have cleaned it up. I didn't realize the boss left it such a mess," heat rose in your cheeks as you rolled your eyes, annoyed.
"I'm not worried," he replied calmly, seemingly unbothered by the mess. Taking advantage of a clean space you just cleaned, he placed the briefcase atop it and opened it up. With your back to him he found himself giving you another glance or two, grinning privately. How could someone make that uniform look so good?
"Care for coffee or water?" You asked, all the counter space now clear of clutter. Various wrappers crinkled in your pockets and you held four empty cups between both hands.
"Coffee, please. Black," he answered.
You pushed the door further open with the help of your foot and butt, leaving Aemond alone to get started on the lengthy process. Once in the kitchen you gave yourself a few extra minutes to collect yourself. Frankly, you felt half-silly for being so enamored by this tall, lithe, long haired stranger. He probably had a girlfriend back home!
"Here you are," you said upon returning, placing a mug down for him.
"Thank you," he said, turning his gaze up to you appreciatively. "Do you ever see weird things on these in the middle of the night?"
Instead of sitting down you opted to stand with one hand on your hip and the other flat atop the desk. You leaned against the edge and turned your head to look over the various monitors in an attempt to not stare at him. "Sometimes," you answered honestly, weighing how much you wanted to divulge. "Lights with no apparent light source are a more common occurance. Sick animals can look extremely strange," you paused and chuckled nervously. "Of course, there's always random homeless people, vagabonds, and even drunk or drugged out people." From your peripheral you realized he hadn't taken his eyes off you and it sent a shudder of embarrassment down your back. Did you have something on your face? "What?" You asked, turning your attention to him, then, breath catching in your throat.
It was his turn for color to creep in his cheeks. "Ugh. I was staring, huh? Sorry. You're just, uh... really pretty," he said, caught and guilty, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was expecting a Joey to match that deep voice on the phone. Not like a Dawson's Creek Joey."
Before you had a chance to reply the front door swung open and the booming voice of the actual Joey called, "hey, hey, so sorry to be late! Damn dog killed another squirrel and my youngest was the one to find it. Poor thing nearly had a panic attack."
"Oh damn. Sorry to hear that, boss," you hollered back, cringing.
"Hard lessons for kids to learn," he said, appearing in the doorway sipping on his own cup. He was a big man and easily took up the whole width of it, and the chair he sat upon groaned beneath his weight. "Enough of that though! If it isn't Aemond Targaryen of Dragon Security! I was surprised as shit to hear it'd be you installing these. Don't you normally have grunts to do this work?"
Aemond chuffed and shook the older man's massive hand. "Usually, yeah. My dad's fixing to retire soon and my older brother doesn't want to take up the mantle. So here I am doing boots-on-the-ground training to get a feel of things before taking his place."
"Good boy! You'll be the youngest wealthiest mother fucker around!" He belly laughed and clapped his free hand atop Aemond's. "Now! Walk me through this. This ain't no joke. There's been some wild shit going on and I intend to catch whatever it is. If I get famous I'll be sure to mention you too, boy," he drank half his coffee in a single chug and put his game face on.
"I've got rounds to make. I'll check on you guys in a couple hours," you said with a grin. You lingered on Aemond a moment longer. When you caught his gaze you give him a little look, letting him know you heard him and thought similairly. At least, you hoped that's what you silently communicated.
You never believed in love at first sight. But, lust at first sight? Maybe that's what burned low in your belly.
Through the single window he watched you jump into one of the ranger's newer model orange jeeps. A perfect ride for out here, he thought, distracted as you backed the wrangler out and drove away – a stark difference to his Tesla.
Your rounds took much longer than originally anticipated and you didn't return until nearly 5 o'clock. Thankfully, the turn of seasons was happening and it was still light outside. Pulling in to park you were surprised to see Aemond's car still in the same spot. It seemed the day was longer than anticipated all around! With the assistance of your visor mirror you took your hair down and ran your fingers through it, glad to finally let it fall free after a day's work. Joey was still here too, and you wanted to at least say bye to him before leaving for the night. You hopped out and started making your way in that direction.
"I'm right here, don't let me startle you," the unfamiliar voice of Aemond called from the tree line. Thank God he said something because he would have startled you out there.
You let out a half strangled laugh. "Thanks for the heads up. But, what are you doing?" You asked, curious steps walking in his direction. He was on a ladder about halfway up a tree. Each time he reached up the hem of his shirt lifted to flash a peek of the pale skin of his lean abdomen and slender hips. Damnit. He must have ditched his sweater sometime ago for he only wore his plain white t-shirt now.
"Just finishing getting the cameras up. Twenty-four in total across the nearest five miles or so," he replied with a final click. "There." Despite the chilly temperature sweat still glistened on his face and neck. He tipped his head down and rolled his bicep up at the same time, using the arm of his tee to wipe his brow. As he came down the ladder you saw his ponytail was replaced by a sloppy bun instead. Loose strands stuck to the dampness of his skin, and some of the more wispy fly-aways stuck out at varying directions. If you thought him handsome before, he, somehow, was even more so now.
"Joey made you do that all by yourself!?" Five miles of carrying ladders and equipment? You wanted to smack your boss.
He shook his head as he landed on both feet, momentarily breathless. "No. We've been together until just, oh, maybe fifteen minutes ago. Wife called him," he gestured to the lodge.
"Oh. Good! I was gonna kick his ass." Secondhand tiredness crept into your bones. "I'm gonna go say bye before heading out. Need help with anything?"
He shook his head for a second time. "I don't think so. Mostly just want to get back to the hotel and shower. I feel disgusting." Lifting up the neckline of his shirt he used it to wipe his face dry, thankful to finally be on the ground to do so without fear of falling off. "And I am starving. What's the best place to eat around here?"
Was he fishing or were you wishing? "There's a really good sandwich place just as you're getting into town. That's where I'm stopping to get dinner anyway," you smiled, belly rumbling loudly in answer.
He sighed contentedly at the idea. "I'll be hitting it up, thanks. If I didn't have to stay and finish a few things I'd ask to meet you there, but...," he paused, eyeing your reaction. You didn't say anything, yet he must have caught the excited glimmer in your eyes. "Maybe next time."
You smiled and unintentionally fluffed your hair up from the roots, hip propped out with your casual stance. "Sounds fun. Good night, Aemond. Drive safe," you said before turning and walking with a little too much purpose to the lodge, gravel crunching beneath your heavy work boots.
"Hey, Y/N," he called after you after a moment, long strides closing the distance between you. When you stopped and let him catch up, he asked, "can I get your number? So I can warn you when I'm here tomorrow. You looked a little scared this morning. Don't wanna do that again." His features remained neutral. His eyes (eye? that one seemed almost completely unresponsive and you weren't sure if it was even real), however, sparked with a mischief that sent your stomach flipping. Obviously you barely knew the guy, but you swore his voice dropped a little lower with the new closeness.
You exhaled. "I was that obvious? Dang. I was hoping I played it off more cool," you tsked yourself beneath your breath, pulling your phone from its pocket. He did the same and you both swiped them open to exchange numbers. His thumb tapped a few times on the screen and your phone dinged. 'Aemond' appeared at the top and a single dragon emoji was the only thing his text read. Despite yourself, you smirked.
"See you in the morning, ranger girl."
The next morning you found yourself fixing another fire and pot of coffee, peacefully idle and waiting for the others to arrive. Your phone chimed. It was a message and photo from Aemond.
Hope you're hungry. The girls at your fave sandwich place knew your order. On my way now.
Attached was a photo of a paper food bag seat belted into his passenger seat. Something more than excitement rose in your belly and you actually giggled. Handsome and sweet? No way he was single.
Fifteen minutes later he arrived with a soft knock. "You didn't have to get me breakfast. Way too kind of you, honestly."
He squinted and smirked softly. "Good morning to you as well." He stepped inside and closed the door behind, happy to be where it was warm. "It really wasn't a bother. Gives me an excuse to spend a little more time with you," he winked.
"Were your ears tingling last night? I only thought about texting you fifty times, at least," you admitted, flirting back.
"Should have. Hotels by yourself are terribly boring."
You two ate fully loaded breakfast sandwiches and you were more than a little surprised he ate all of his. Those things were huge! Before any time at all passed, it was already noon and you and Aemond had chatted the morning away in the security room. Everything seemed to be working well. He'd done a fantastic job at setting the cameras up yesterday and Joey beamed in excitement.
"I need to do my rounds before I don't. Catch you both later," you said reluctantly.
Just as you were stepping out of the room, Aemond called after you, "hey Y/N! Before you go..." His face spelled mischief. You arched a brow at him, waiting. "About Lord of the Rings and Frodo's journey...," – your conversation a few tangents ago – "why didn't Gandalf just call the eagles for them to fly to Mordor? Seems like that would have been a lot faster and smarter."
You were dumbfounded. "Excuse me?" You asked, fluttering a series of blasphemous blinks at him. "Seriously Aemond? And here I thought we were vibing. We're not friends anymore." You slammed the door but not before flipping him off. With both middle fingers. In the hallway you snorted and laughed in disbelief.
The door did little to block Aemond and Joey's uproar of laughter.
Handsome, sweet, and a jerk in good humor? How dare him!
The next day you didn't hear from Aemond, and you weren't going to lie to yourself: it kind of sucked. Despite knowing him for so brief a time, you missed him!
Thankfully, it was time for your weekend though. It was full dark by now and you were worn out from the week. You quickly changed into pajamas and flopped on your bed to find something to watch. Settling on reruns of one of your favorite shows, you found yourself staring at the black screen of your phone. Should you text him? As if your thoughts had traveled miles away right into Aemond's brain, it chimed with his message.
Hey ranger girl. I wanted to swing by the lodge today but wasn't able to. I'm in town for a few more days and was wondering if I could take you out to dinner before I go?
Holy shit holy shit holy shit. You texted back embarrassingly fast.
Only if you swear to never talk bad about LotR again.
Pinky promise. Tonight?
You looked down at yourself and snorted.
Definitely not, sorry. Tomorrow?
Yes. God I can't wait to see you out of that dorky uniform.
You had nothing appropriate to say and left him on read, lest you say something humiliating you'd regret.
The following evening was a clear cool night and you were glad you wore pants instead of a dress, and a leather jacket instead of a cardigan. Part of you was sad to leave the toasty confines of your 4-Runner, but it quickly dissolved once you saw Aemond standing outside the bar and grill restaurant talking to someone on his phone. He wore an elevated version of the outfit you originally met him in. What caught you off-guard, however, was his hair. Those long silvery-white tresses were pulled back into an intricate braid and you couldn't help but gawk. He looked devastatingly handsome. You saw him notice you, and butterflies turned in your belly at the heat and weight of his gaze.
"A leather jack and red lipstick? How did you know that was my favorite?" he asked as you hopped up next to him, twirling playfully for his attention. "Shit, you're lovely. I'm so glad you said yes to this."
You smiled at him, pretty white teeth beaming as you tired to reel your excitement in. "So are you. I'm going to have to sit on your lap so no other girls think you're free for the taking," you half cooed, black lashes giving your eyes an opened appearance that only elevated your playfulness.
He hummed and gave you a long look, tilting his head in direction of the entrance. "You'll get no argument." He reached out and you took his hand, suddenly bashful as his long fingers laced between yours. His palm was very warm; thoughts and images filled your mind of those hands all across your bare skin. The natural bow of his mouth lifted in a little smirk.
The restaurant was fairly busy tonight: you were lucky to snag a booth by the window. You both ordered a drink and agreed to skip the appetizer to instead indulge on something from their dessert menu. Him, an old fashioned bourbon, and you, a gin with pomegranate liqueur and lemon juice. Conversation flowed easily while you waited, the ambiance of the restaurant absorbing both of you in with ease.
With the help of a little liquid courage, you found yourself asking a question that'd been on your mind since first meeting. "I gotta ask," you started, looking over the scarred half of his face curiously. "What happened?" You gestured over your own face letting him know what you meant.
He briefly bit at his bottom lip. "Childhood accident," he answered with a sigh. "It was pretty brutal, actually," he added with a dry half-laugh. "One of my nephews got me with a knife. We were wild boys. Them moreso than me, but still, wild like boys can get. I ended up loosing my right eye and opted to get a prosthetic one instead of having an empty socket."
You gasped, truly in shock, and reached across the table to squeeze his hand. "Oh my God, Aemond. That's horrible."
He wasn't hot or sweaty, but your skin was delightfully cooler than his and he got more comfort out of it than you realized. "It was. The scar actually looks much better now than in the past. I've learned to live with it well enough. Driving is sometimes a struggle because of it, though. That was a big learning curve."
The waiter came back for your food order. Aemond chose the pork tenderloin with apricot almond chutney, herb roasted potatoes, and broccoli, and you chose the crusted ahi with cucumber, bell pepper, and red onion salad topped with a ginger soy vinaigrette – with no onion. Red onions, raw or cooked, destroyed your palette.
Both of your drinks were nearly gone by then; you couldn't speak for Aemond, but you were definitely feeling looser. Not drunk by any means, but a warm buzz that blushed your cheeks, hooded your eyes, and made your smile all the easier. "So, Aemond Targaryen of Dragon Security, what else do you do in and outside of your work?"
"You looking like that across from me is making focus very difficult," he replied, idly trailing the tip of his finger around the rim of his glass. He leaned back and flashed you a little smirk, the lovely color of his eye seeming to shrink. "It's a family business. We make high quality security cameras. My brother's invention, the Sunfyre system, specializes in daytime monitoring, and my sister's invention, the Dreamfyre system, specializes in nighttime monitoring." He sipped at his drink, wetting his lips with the smooth, fragrant liquor. "And mine, the Vhagar system, takes and elevates both. The beefest and strongest system by far. So, whatever your boss wants to find in those woods, he'll have the absolute best chance with what I set up for him."
You listened, genuinely interested, and did your very best to focus on his words and not the he sat across from you. "Honestly that's an entirely different world than anything I know," you shook your head amusedly. "Gross rich people stuff."
You continued talking about it until your meal came. It looked and smelled divine. "I'll check on you again shortly," the waiter said with a wide handsome smile.
Sticking out like a sore thumb was a pile of red onions atop your salad. All it took was a single glance between you and Aemond for him to know you wouldn't mention anything about it to the waiter – instead choosing to pluck them off your plate and try to enjoy your dinner regardless.
He wasn't about to let that happen. "She asked for no onions," Aemond said flatly up to the other man, one of his pale brows arching up in silent judgment.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! Let me have them remake it for you," the waiter said apologetically, disappearing with the plate quicker than you could say it's okay.
You wanted to sink down into the booth and disappear. Before you could stop giggling, and before Aemond could wipe the smug expression off his face, your new plate arrived. As well as a refill of your drinks.
"Her entree and both beverages are on the house tonight," the waiter said brightly as he placed everything down. You reached for the drink and sipped appreciatively.
"Just a refill for the lady, thank you. I'm driving," Aemond said with a hint of that same expression as before. That worked for the waiter and he was off again, busy with other tables. "Hey," he muttered to you, lower and softer than you've heard him before. He scooted closer to the window and patted the spot next to him. "Come sit by me, pretty girl."
An excited blush crept into your cheeks as you did so, and you leaned your knee against his beneath the table. His free arm draped across the back of the booth, engulfing you with the warmness of himself. You both ate and chatted, and you found out he travels far and wide. "French is my favorite language," you admitted blissfully. "So lovely to listen to. I can't speak it for the life of me, but listening to it?" You made an approving gesture with your hand.
"I don't quite have the accent down, but I'm fairly fluent in it...," he said, low and husky, as he tipped his head closer to yours. He whispered by your ear, and his breath fanning across your skin tickling your spine. "Je veux parler français entre tes cuisses."
A satisfied sigh escaped your lungs. You reveled in the way the natural rasp of his voice sounded with the language. "What did you say?"
"I want to speak french between your thighs."
A breath caught in your throat and you nearly choked on it. "Shut the fuck up. You did not just say that," you sputtered, immediately turning your head to meet his gaze.
He chuckled, palm trailing across your thigh beneath the table. "I did say that. And I do mean it."
"Aemond Targaryen...," you whispered in return, looking him square in the eye. You were pleasantly buzzed and the courage it gave you prompted your next movements. "Let's say we get out of here and you can show me that boring hotel room of yours." With a tilt of your head you slowly pressed your mouth to his, kissing him with the fire that began building in your core.
He hummed into the kiss and deepened the affection, holding the side of your neck with a need of his own. Pulling away, he quickly laid more than enough cash on the table, not bothering to wait for the tab.
The smear of your lipstick matched the faint stain of it on his own lips as he lead you out of the restaurant.
In the room, Aemond closed the door with a deliberate click and wasted little time in pushing you up against the nearest wall; your arms draped over his shoulders all the while, lips barely leaving each other. "You have no idea how bad I've wanted to do this since I first saw you at the lodge," he rasped against your mouth, kissing down your chin and throat with sloppy need. His hands were somehow all over you at once: waist, hips, ass, throat, everywhere.
You gasped, arching between him and the wall, shuddering in anticipation and excitement alike. "You should have," you murmured in reply, hands tugging off his jacket in near desperation. "I almost had a heart attack when I saw your hair in that stupid bun. I should have taken your clothes off to help you cool down right then and there," you teased in response.
A groan came from the back of his throat. "Je suis peut-être tombé amoureux," I might have fallen in love he rumbled with a smirk. You didn't know what he said but you also didn't care, because next thing you knew his teeth sunk into the slope of your neck and shoulder and you moaned. "Like being bitten?" He asked, doing it again in a slightly different spot.
"Yeah," you managed to gasp out, turning your head to entice him along. His laugh vibrated against your neck as he sucked the sensitive skin between his teeth, aiming to leave a mark. "Hey!" You gasped, giggling.
"Not gonna let you forget this, pretty girl." He tore your jacket off and threw it near his, already gripping the hem of your shirt. "Plan to make you feel it tomorrow," he added smugly, lifting your shirt off and tossing it aside. You wore one of your fun bras, lace and straps accenting the curve of your bust. "Oh, fuck, look at these beautiful tits," he groaned again, immediately bending to kiss and lick over your bare cleavage.
"You're a big talker. Are you sure you can follow through with all of that?" You questioned as if your skin wasn't already goosebumped, nipples weren't already pebbled with need, and the apex of your thighs wasn't already hot with the primal desire to be fucked and stuffed full.
He growled with your challenge, single eye looking down at you darkly. "That's the plan." In three motions he wrapped an arm around your waist, turned with you flush to him, and stepped to push you onto the bed. You landed heavily, thighs clenching as you watched him discard his shirt. He was long and lean like a swimmer, with a pale patch of hair at the center of his chest and trailing below his navel to disappear beneath his pants. A new wave of warmth pooled between your thighs and your pants felt much too tight.
"Stronger than you look too, Targaryen," you taunted, squeezing your thighs together. You looked up at him with heavy lidded eyes. Lust burned through your blood and you couldn't help the heave of your breasts.
Both his hands moved to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants to ease some of the pressure on his obvious arousal. He made no move to do anything else. "You're a big talker too." Kneeling at the edge of the bed he pulled you further down the mattress, calculating and amused. You helped him help you out of your pants, hips squirming so he could pull them down your legs. Carefully, he parted your legs and laughed a deep mocking sound. "I haven't even touched you and you're wet through your panties. So needy," he crooned, thumb barely grazing down the line of your covered slit.
You shivered, unaware and unable to bite back a whimper. "Aemond...," you gasped, the shocks his touch gave you sparking yet even more heat to pool inside you.
"And sensitive," he purred, watching your face as he continued to slowly trace along you; heavy eyed and smeared lipstick made you look all the more adorable. "Si amusant à manger. Embrasser. Lécher." So fun to eat. To kiss. To lick. He kissed the inside of your thighs in punctuation, the sounds of them sending embers up your spine. Wide hands trailed up and down your legs, over your belly, across your hips. He kissed your covered mound until the full length of your legs tightened.
"Take 'em off... move 'em to the side. Something," you panted, eyes already threatening to unfocus with the tantalizing teasing.
He had nothing to say, his mind just as clouded with lust as your own. Tugging the damp center of your panties to the side, he licked a long line up through your soaked, silky folds, groaning a hitched sound from the center of his throat.
You rolled up against him while your hands flew down to his head, fingers sinking through the smoothness of his intricate braid. Pleasure left your parted mouth.
A little moan of his own answered yours. Lick, suck, kiss. Over and over again with varying speeds and pressure, pulling more of those lovely sounds from your pretty mouth. The combination was nearly obscene; wet, lewd, eager. He carelessly pulled your panties full off and discarded them.
"Oh my God...," you drawled, gripping into his hair as he continued his delightful assault on every part of your pussy. Sucking your clit, sinking his tongue inside your saturated walls, licking over everything as if his own orgasm depended on it.
Stopping for only a moment, he reached up to the front of your bra and pulled the cups down to send your breasts spilling free. He palmed over them roughly, squeezing the soft flesh until you hissed between your teeth, body arching for his mouth's attention once more. He pinched at your nipples as his head dipped down again, hot tongue and handsome lips going right back to work.
"Yes... please, fuck! I'm so close!" Your core burned and tightened, and you were past caring if anyone in the neighboring rooms heard you.
"That's right... be a good girl and come so I can really fuck you," he hummed, delving right back in until you were trembling beneath him.
The intensity of your climax left your fingers tingling and toes curling as your thighs squeezed around his head. You were sure you'd rip some of his hair out, but the near desperate groan that left his throat told you he fucking loved it. He eased his actions on you but never truly stopped, increasing and lengthening the waves of your pleasure as you rode them out.
Once you were done, basking in the afterglow of your orgasm, he finally stood and joined you on the bed. "Open the front pocket of my bag right there. Yeah, that one. Grab the condom for me," he said as he kissed over your jaw and neck, beginning to shift out of his own pants.
"I have an IUD. We're not using that bullshit," you replied cheekily, helping him out of his pants. He kicked them off and his briefs followed, and you instantly saw why he made sure you came first. Not only did he have a beautiful cock, but it was big.
"Fuck, babe, you're gonna let me come in your pretty pussy?" He asked, gripping your body to roll you onto your belly.
You moved with his prompts and nodded. "Yeah," you said and looked up at him from over your shoulder, shifting your legs to prop your ass up. It accentuated the natural curve of your spine and that sight alone would have gotten him hard.
With one hand he held onto the soft meat of your hip while the other held himself, lining up with your hot little cunt that was on full display for him. He inched in, drawing back once half of him had sunk into you, only to plunge into you all at once. "Shit...," he hissed, grip denting harshly into your flesh.
You fisted the sheets, whimpering at the absolute fullness of his cock buried in you. While nestled in you, he unclasped the back of your bra and helped you out of it, briefly lingering on the faint lines it left on your skin; an odd sort of intimacy making him appreciate the sight. "Take me," you whispered, breathless, belly slowly building up with a new coil of bliss.
Pulling his hips back, he snapped them forward against you. "Taking me so well, pretty girl," he praised. Using both hands, now, he propped you up into a better position, steadily rocking into you as he did so. The sounds that poured from your mouth were a mix of elation and lust, desire taking hold of all your senses as your body yielded to his intrusion. The way he slid in and out of you, the way your tight walls gripped around him, and the way the muffled whines that came from you each time he rammed into your deepest parts made him half insane. "Getting sooo messy, baby," his words were accented by his pelvis slamming against your upturned ass; sticky, squelching, skin on skin.
You were embarrassingly close again, eyes rolled closed. "Feels so good," you cooed from beneath, mind fully drunk on him.
"Yeah? Gonna fuck your pretty face into the mattress. Can't have you so loud that someone comes knocking," he said as he fisted into your hair, turning your head into the blankets and pillows that smelled like him. His pace grew faster, sloppier, and you knew he had to be close too. That deep sensitive spot inside you was being absolutely bullied; cockhead slammed against and past it, meeting your deepest wall, only to drag backwards along it, over and over.
"Aemond!" The mattress muffled your cry of pleasure and your second peak left you numb and weightless, mind totally blank save for the man who drove you there.
With a final push he drove into you with a guttural groan. The full length of him twitched inside your pulsating walls, coating your insides with his release. An obscene mixture of your creamy arousal and his seed oozed out from around him to dribble onto the bed. You both laughed in the aftershocks, static buzzing your brain as the lewd, heady scents of sex filled the air around you.
"Fuck, that felt good," he rasped, slowly pulling out of you and watching his cum leak from your core. "I'll get us a towel in a minute. I just need to catch my breath," he added with a lazy, glorious smile, laying flat on his back with momentary exhaustion.
You laid on your belly beside him, taking in the angles of his face and how they softened in his post-sex bliss. "No. Not yet. I'm not finished with you yet," you said slyly, pushing yourself up to flip a leg over his middle. You bent and kissed him, pushing your fingers through the damp hair from his hairline to his crown, braid no longer neat. Already half hard again, it didn't take long for him to catch his breath beneath you; fiery and refueled from your display of sensuality.
"What about you car?" He asked, biting the top of your shoulder.
"What about it? We can get it in the morning. I wanna ride this big cock."
There very well might have been some noise complaints from his room that night. Neither of you cared. Once you were both finally satisfied to the point of silliness, sleep came easy. When the morning came and he drove you back to the restaurant? You were mesmerized at how his features glowed golden with the cloudless sun.
"A 4-Runner? Lots more room in there than mine...," he teased and gave you a questioning look, testing the waters.
You hummed thoughtfully, returning his look. "Well, yeah. But, might need to put it to the test. Just to, you know, see which one is better."
thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please consider a follow and reblog as I have plans to create and share more writings ♥
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tag list: @melsunshine @iiamthehybrid @rottingviserys  @arcielee @nina2697 @darylandbethfanforever9 @sahvlren @aemondsdaemons @obsidian-hearts @bellaisasleep @watercolorskyy @ruby-dragon @aemondmama @meggiemay82
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Love Me Like You Do~Part 2
Juice Ortiz X Reader
Clay, Jax, Opie, Bobby, Tig, Piney and Juice all arrived back at the Clubhouse, signaling for the others to join them in Chapel.
Happy and Chibs left the shop to follow. Inside, Clay hit the gavel to get started.
“Chibs, Hap, you guys remember Piney’s daughter (Y/N)?”
“Aye.” Chibs replied. Happy nodding.
“She’s back. Settling down back in Charming. She’s opening a little roadside bar on the outskirts of town. I want a protection detail on her so no one messes with her. She’ll be living there, too. Said there’s an apartment type house out back.” Piney said to the group.
“Agreed.” Everyone said.
“What cut will we take for the protection?” Clay asked.
Opie and Jax scoffed. “Really, Clay? She’s family. You expect her to pay us a fee for watching over her?”
He shrugged. “This Club is in the business of protection.”
“Then take my part. I’ll pay to protect my daughter.”
“No disrespect, Pres, but I don’t feel right asking her to do that. Like Jax said, she’s family.” Tig chimes in.
“Put it to a vote. Protection for (Y/N) free of charge?” Clay asked.
All hands went up. He sighed. He slammed the gavel down. “Any new business?”
“Things with the Irish are on track. All looks well for awhile longer.” Chibs said.
“Books are straight. Still in the black for a few more months.” Bobby replied.
Clay nodded. “Good. Meeting adjourned.”
Opie, Jax and Juice walked to the bar where the Prospect, Half-Sack, was.
“Listen, Opie’s little sister is back. I’m going to need you to go with Juice tomorrow and give her a hand with anything she needs. She’s got crews coming in but she needs things moved out.”
“Yeah. Sure.”
“I’ll go, too. Don’t have any repairs due tomorrow.” Happy said.
“Juice, do me a favor. When you help her set up the security cameras, make sure to set some up around the back facing her apartment. I want to make sure she stays safe.” Opie got close.
“Of course. I’ll see what system she wants and set it all up. I’ll make a backup location for all feeds to my laptop here, just in case.”
“One more thing. The two of you are close in age. Besides my wife and kids, she’s everything to me. Don’t try any funny business with her. Understand?”
Juice nodded. “Yeah. Got it.”
Jax stood behind them smirking. Opie slapped the Puerto Rican’s back. “Good. Now, I’ve got to get home and let Donna know to cook extra.”
As I drove to Donna and Opie’s for dinner, I couldn’t help but look around at how much things changed around Charming over the last three years. Taking note to try out the coffee shop, I turned down the little street that led to my brother’s.
As I neared the house, I seen Kenny and Ellie out front playing. When I pulled in, they instantly started yelling.
“Aunt (Y/N)!”
“We missed you!”
I hugged them both to me. “I missed you guys! My goodness y’all have grown!”
Kenny looked behind me. “Whoa. Cool car! What kind is it?”
“This my little man is a 1970 Dodge Challenger in special order Purple. My Grandpa had this restored for me for my birthday last year.”
“Can I drive it?”
“I don’t think so.”
I turned around and smiled. “Hi, Donna!”
She smiled back and held her arms out. “Hi, (Y/N). It’s good to see you again.”
“Come on. Let’s washed up. Dinner is almost ready.”
Dinner was a wonderland event. Catching up with my niece and nephew on school and sports. After dinner and dessert, I helped get Kenny and Ellie ready for bed and then joined Opie and Donna on the porch.
“It’s good to have you back. Opie hasn’t stopped smiling since he came home. Kept trying to get it out of him why but he just told me it was a surprise.”
I sat back in the rocking chair. “It’s good to be back. I can’t wait to get started on the bar tomorrow.”
“Juice will be there with Kip and Happy. Later on me and Jax will come by.”
“You still stay at home?” I asked Donna.
“Yeah. Sometimes I think about going back to work though. I usually sit here bored when Al the housework is done and kids are in school.”
I gave her a smile and leaned over. “Well, I’d like to make an offer. You can take it if you want. Discuss it with brother dearest here. I’d like to offer you a job working with me. I’d pay you $10 an hour, make your own hours around the kids. Weekends if you want and you keep all tips. Plus I have an apartment out back the kids can hang out in if you don’t have a sitter.”
She was speechless. I looked at my watch and stood. “I’ll leave you two to discuss. If you want the job, it’s yours. I’ll be up early tomorrow to get ready for everyone to show up to work. So come on by if you do.” I gave them a hug before I left, and a kiss to the side of my head from Opie.
“Thank you, sis.”
I gave him a wink before I headed off.
“Juice, we’re ready in ten.” Happy stuck his head in my dorm room.
“Yeah. Im coming.” He zipped his backpack up and slug it on his shoulder.
Juice couldn’t think of anything other than (Y/N) since he met her yesterday. His heart pounded in his chest at the thought of seeing her again. He couldn’t help but think she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. What drew him to her the most was her curves. She had curves in all the right places and she knew how to carry herself. A smile crept on his face at the thought of spending time with her setting up her security cameras and being close to her.
It didn’t take long for the three bikers to pull up to the old bar. Juice couldn’t help but eye the car that sat out front.
“Damn. If that’s her’s, little girl has style.” Happy spoke.
“As a matter of fact, Hap, it is. A birthday gift last year from Grandfather.”
(Y/N) stood on the steps, hands on her hips. Juice’s breath caught as he looked at her. She stood there in a purple sequined tank top, blue jean shorts that showed her thick legs and biker boots. Her (y/c/h) was pulled up away from her face.
“Hey, little girl.”
She smiled as she came down the steps. “Hey, Hap. Good to see you again. It’s been ages.”
Happy nodded. She then turned her attention to Juice and Kip. “You must be the Prospect, Kip. I’m (Y/N).”
“Nice to meet you.” Kip said, hands in his pockets.
“Good to see you again, Juice.” She smiled at him.
“You, too.”
“Well, let’s get inside and get started. I got coffee and donuts inside for you guys. Let me show you two what I need done then Juice and I have some business in the office.”
I waved the guys inside and gave Happy and Kip instructions to what I needed. Before they could get started, Donna walked in.
I smiled. “Does this mean you want the job?”
“I want the job. Ope and I talked about it. Making my own hours could help and the extra money would be a plus.”
I gave her a hug. “I’m so happy.” I put my hands on her shoulders. “Now, I’ve got security business to work on. Could you keep these two in line and make sure they don’t take too many coffee breaks? I need all this cleared out so we can get repairs done.”
“You got it.” Donna put her bag on the counter and started helping Kip and Happy.
I turned to Juice. “Looks like we’re together. The office is this way. It’s big enough to store all the monitors and such. I had the best security system delivered. I just have no clue on how to set everything up.” I chuckled.
Juice chuckled and smiled. “That’s what I’m here for. I can get you set up in a jiff.”
The two of us sat for a few hours, discussing every angle inside and out where to put the cameras. One on each corner on the outside, both sides of the bar for multiple angles and facing the bathrooms and in the kitchen. Lastly, he told me my dad and brother wanted one facing my apartment. I agreed.
As I watched him put up all the cameras and angle them, me looking down at the laptop every once in awhile to make sure it was set, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. The way his biceps moved under his shirt and the sweat rolling off his tan skin.
“Alright. I think that does it. Let’s go take a look at all of them.” He climbed down, bringing me from my daydreaming.
We walked back into my office and he showed my how to switch the cameras and how to back them up.
“Now, this here is where all feeds are stored. I also made a backup file that goes directly to my laptop as a precaution in case something should happen. It’s always with me at the clubhouse or my place.”
I turned to him and smiled. “Thanks, Juice. I really appreciate it.”
He gave me a breathtaking smile and looked down. “No problem.”
“(Y/N)? Jax and Opie are here with the others.” Donna said from the office door.
I gave her a nod and Juice and I walked out to the main bar. Opie was unloading bags of takeout for everyone and Jax was passing out drinks.
“Well, there’s my favorite Lass!”
“Chibsy! My favorite Scotsman!”
We hugged each other tight before we all sat down to eat. Opie brought my favorite from the Chinese place and Jax remembered my favorite beer.
“So, sis, any names for this place?”
I nodded. “Pop quiz time, big bro. Let’s see if you can guess. What’s my favorite color?”
“And my favorite gemstone that’s purple?”
“Correct. Now, where is this place sitting?”
“Outer edge of Charming?” He asked questionably.
I raised my brows and waved my hands at him.
“Amethyst Edge?”
I turned to my new favorite Puerto Rican and pointed. “Brownie points to Juicy Boy! Yes. Amethyst Edge. I was approved for the name. My business license will be in soon and all I need is a fancy schmancy sign and I’ll be set.”
“I can draw you up some designs. Find one you like I got a guy who can make it.” Happy spoke up.
“Thanks, Hap.”
The rest of the day went smoothly. The guys finished getting all the old booths and tables out, the crew was halfway finished redoing the kitchen area and me and Donna worked on a menu for food and sending out an ad in the local paper for help.
The day was winding down and everyone was heading home, promises of seeing me again the next day. As I was locking the front door, I heard my name being called.
“Hey, (Y/N). Listen, if you need anything, you know, security system wise, here’s my number. Don’t be afraid to call or anything.”
I took the paper with Juice’s number on it. “Thanks. I’ll send you a text later so you can have my number, too.”
He gave me a smile that sent a shiver down my spine. I watched as he climbed on his bike and drove away. I went to my little apartment, grabbed my pajamas and showered. Once done, I laid in my bed and grabbed my phone and the slip of paper beside it.
*Hey, it’s (Y/N)*
*Hey. Got you saved. :)*
*Awesome. See you tomorrow?*
*Yeah. I’ll be there after work.*
*Okay. See you then. Goodnight.*
*Goodnight, (Y/N)*
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angelsanarchy · 2 months
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Glass Houses: Jack Thurlow x Y/N One-Shot Series PRT 38 {END}
Tagging: @roryculkinluvr@thatsthewrongwallcraig@icarus-star @cc-luvr @madamemaximoff06@shady-the-simp @quicksilversg1rl @s-0lar @kristennero-wallacewellsver@ophelialaufey @mayathepsychic1999 @x-prettyboy-x @rorylover71 @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27 @kappasbbgirl @starry-eyed-wild-child
Jack sits in the bedroom with the light off and the glow of the tv with the volume down low is behind him as the cute, little fluff of white fur sits atop a pillow on Y/n's side of the bed. When the sound of the call comes over the laptop, he answers it quickly with a smile.
"Hi baby, I've missed that stupid face. How are my boys doing?" Y/n said from the other side of the screen.
"I've honestly never cleaned up more shit in my life. I swear he's doing it on purpose just to drive me crazier." Jack explains.
"It's how he shows love. Besides, he's a rescue so we knew he would have some things." Y/n reminded.
"Well if you start shitting all over the place to show me love, I'm sleeping on the porch." Jack teased making Y/n laugh.
"I miss you." Listening to her laugh and seeing her smile reminds Jack that she's been gone for three days. He's been home for three whole days without having her sleeping next to him, eating a meal with her, being inside of her.
"How's my girls doing? Is she a good traveler?" Jack asked as Y/n held up the sweetest ginger cat so that he could see her.
"She's been sleeping the whole way. Something tells me you two will be fast friends." Jack smiled seeing the sleepy kitten that Y/n snuggled in front of her camera.
"I can't wait for my girls to be home. I miss you so damn much." Jack takes a deep breath and Y/n puts the kitten back in her carry case so she can focus on him.
"Aw I'll be home soon enough to help you clean up all the shit." She teases. Jack laughs making the pup stir only slightly.
"Have you heard back from your publisher yet? How the book sale numbers should be in by now right?" Y/n asked but Jack sighed pushing his hair out of his face.
"Nothing yet. He said he would email me and I haven't gotten anything yet so I've been trying to keep busy." She frowns seeing the anxiety hanging off his brow.
"Hey if I'm a shit writer, I can always put my cock on the internet." Jack shrugged making Y/n smirk.
"I'm not in the habit of sharing my cock, thanks." Y/n leaned forward on her hands and Jack started to stroke himself through his pajama pants.
"You know I love when you talk about owning my cock." He grits through his teeth.
"Of course I own that cock baby, I put a ring on it." She bit her lip.
"Come on now, let mommy see." She presses and Jack stands from his chair and pushes his pants down to reveal his semi-hard cock with a cock ring fastened securely around the base.
"That's my good boy." Y/n stood up from the bed and started peeling her clothes off until she could sit the laptop on the side of the bed so she lay back to show him the plug she had wedged tightly into her ass. Jack started jerking his cock and practically crying as he watched her tease him.
"I'm gonna wear this the whole way home so when I take that ring off that pretty cock I love so much, you can fuck me the entire day." Y/n started fingering herself as she watched Jack tug himself roughly, using his free hand to squeeze his neglected balls.
"I want to fuck you so badly. I want to cum in every single one of your holes until it's seeping out of you. Oh fuck I want to cum so bad." Jack whined. He watched Y/n's hand as she started to bring herself to an orgasm and he licked his palm so he could twist the top of his cock teasing himself to no end. He knew he wasn't going to cum. He wanted to save it for her. All he kept thinking about since she left was cumming all over her, inside of her, like a fucking pent up fountain. He wanted to shoot his cum all over her face, her tits, her back and ass cheeks. He wanted to cover her in his cum like a dog smelling the heat of his mate.
The way she made him feel when he was this desperate for her was a filthy, pathetic mess but he fucking loved it. Once she got off, she watched him release his cock and take deep breaths.
"You're such a good boy. Saving all that cum for mommy." Y/n sounded exhausted and Jack whimpered as he felt his cock twitch with the ring still snug. Once Jack calmed down, he pulled his pants back up and sat back in the chair watching Y/n lay across the hotel bed, half naked and smiling at him.
Before he could say anything, his email dinged and they both froze. She scrambled to get to the laptop and Jack rushed to open the email from his publisher.
"No fucking way...this can't be real." Jack felt his heart beating so fast, he feared he might pass out.
"What does it say? Jack?! What does it say!?" She practically yelled.
"I made the best sellers list..." Jack said looking at her on the screen. Her hands went to her mouth and she shrieked.
"BABY! YOU FUCKING DID IT!" She jumped off the bed and started jumping up and down holding the laptop and Jack laughed as he wiped away tears.
"I fucking did it." He nodded as she sat the laptop back down.
"I can't wait to be home and kiss you! I'm so proud of you Jack." Y/n had tears running down her face and Jack took in a shaky breath. He couldn't believe this was his life. Two years ago, he was ready to give up. He was ready to let his demons engulf him. Now he was in love, had a family, a home and a best selling book.
"I love you." He says sincerely and she smiles at him.
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creedslove · 9 months
There is an edit of Whiskey with the song "Viva las vegas" in my Tiktok likes. A while ago I read a headcanon that says our favorite cowboy likes to sing. Well, I am a faithful believer that not only singing, Jack could be a perfect clumsy sassy fool imitating Elvis and making his girl laugh with all his antics and bad jokes, even if he's not a really fan of him, he could perfectly sing his sweethearth a cover of "Unchained melody" also by Elvis.
A perfect balance between acting funny and also sweet and fucking, painfully in love with his "sugar". ✨
I also thank you for writing of my pretty hot cowboy, he deserves a lot.
I love your fanfics so much and I love you too ✨✨ take your time babe, I hope you're fine and you had been a beautiful christmas and new year! ❣️
Agent Whiskey (Jack Daniels) x f!reader
A/N: I love this very much! Unfortunately I have never seen this edit but if it crosses your fyp you can send me the link ❤️ I'm sure our cowboy is very handy and talented when it comes to his guitar and he is an Elvis fan, no doubt about it, so I wrote this short headcanon because it's a sweet idea and also because I need to get back to writing, I'm becoming way too lazy on my vacation, lol! Happy New Year's honey, I wish you all the best ❤️
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alright so our beloved Senior Agent Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels grew up on a ranch, during a time where social media wasn't really existent and instead of gathering in front of the TV, the families gathered in the front porch, chatting, watching the stars and mostly playing the guitar and singing old tunes
seeing grandpa Daniels, papa Daniels and uncle Daniels doing so, little Jack felt the desire of playing the guitar spike within and soon enough he was grabbing an old guitar and practicing some notes
it got to the point it became Jack's favorite part of the day, just sitting around the porch, listening and playing the guitar
he also had so many nightmares when he first learned the legend of Robert Johnson and how he had supposedly sold his soul to the devil in order to become a master at guitar playing, but he wasn't going to tell anyone that
the fact was Jack was improving each time more caused his family to gift him a brand new guitar when he became a teen, it's his current guitar and he loves it until this day
and at that same age, he also found out that playing the guitar is something that can attract a lot of girls, being the flirty little gent he was back then and growing into the flirty man he is, he can definitely pick up girls just by playing the guitar
yeah it can sound cliche and corny, but wouldn't you melt if that handsome cowboy looked into your eyes with his beautiful brown ones and played a tune for you?
of course you would, we all would
Jack is a country man, he listens to country, flirts with blues and also rock’n’roll, you can definitely find Elvis, Chuck Berry, Robert Johnson, Aretha Franklin and many others in his playlists and of course he plays some of these himself
something he won't ever reveal is that he's a great Elvis impersonator, and he has even done an Elvis cover show to keep his disguise on a mission and Champ paid a large amount for the security camera footage so he could watch his performance whenever he wanted and have a good laugh
Whiskey likes sitting in the front porch with you, he likes spending time, stealing a few kisses as the lights make his ranch even cozier and he can play love songs for you
he declares all his love through them and even if he doesn't consider himself a good singer, he will sing for you, because he knows how much you love it and that's enough for him to do it, anything to earn a beautiful smile from his sugar
and sure, it can be a little cliche, but you can be sure your cowboy will take you for a dance to ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ by Elvis on your wedding party ❤️
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little-reader · 7 months
"The Son of A Monster." Valentines Special. MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS
Carl Grimes / Male Reader.
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I breathe in the air. It's fresh as the apples, and brisk as the wind blows by. “Daddy.” Huffed a small child, standing next to his twin. Identical. The boy stomped his foot and crossed his arms, cute and angry, while his brother stood quietly with flowers in his hand. 
“What,” I said, with the same whining as I picked flowers in a field, near home. The morning was fresh, and yet to fully rise when we had begun to pick. I planned this all the night before, perfectly to where it did not interfere with schedules. A day off from riding to Alexandria to get kids to school, and farming hadn’t started till noon. 
“Don’t wanna do this! It's boring.” The boy, Isahe, said, stomping his foot once again. I raised an eyebrow, looking at the flowers he had in hand before bending down.
“Now, now. You know the rules, you only use that voice when…?” I waited for the answer, looking at the angry boy.
He rolled his eyes slightly. “When I see someone or something that can put me in danger.” He repeated. Something I had taught regularly, and classes taught. Growing up in a world like this is absolute hell. I smile at Isahe, ruffling his hair and kissing his forehead. 
“You know why we're doin’ this. Pa will be sad he didn’t get any flowers from one of his favorite boys.” I pinch his cheek, his expression changes as he considers this. “I don’t think he’d want flowers from just Daddy and Rome,” I stated, pushing his hair out of his face. He hummed and pushed my arm away as Rome showed me the flowers he had picked.
I wave the carriage off as the two twins smile and they leave off the road. Two gunmen with them, trusted men of course. I sighed as I unlocked the wall and secured it behind me. A house stood tall, with a porch with garden supplies. A garden with a wired fence stood at the side and toys were scattered around. I unlocked the front door, carrying a basket with food and flowers, and walked inside, making sure to lock the door behind me. The home was quiet as I set down the basket. I uncovered the living room windows and opened the curtains, allowing natural light to pass through. 
I left into the kitchen before grabbing a knife, cutting board, bowls, and a pan. Days like these weren’t really celebrated. Not that this day mattered to most starving and scared people. But how I was living now? I wanted it to last, and have the kids with a childhood and imagination that goes on for miles. I collected books, comics, and children's books for the small library in a spare room. The house was two-story, with a thick stone wall surrounding it. The wall had plenty to keep us safe. Cameras, trip wires, traps, anything to keep something bad out. Anything to keep them safe. The garden was big enough to preserve food for winter, and still eat in the summer and spring. The fence kept rabbits, mice, or anything that could fly out. 
We had a shed in the back of the house that looked like an old gardening shed but could be turned into a weapon shed in a matter of seconds. The doors in the house had been made to keep things in or out if locked. I didn’t want anything bad to happen, and if anything went wrong, I had a plan to make sure it wouldn’t
I sighed, closing my eyes after cutting the food and placing it into bowls. I grabbed an extra bowl and grabbed some eggs from the refrigerator. Trade was a good thing in handy. 
I could smell the egg drafting around the house as I started making an omelet, which turned out good. The green pepper, tomato, and onion made the food blow with taste as I placed it on a plate and poured fresh lemonade. The food and drinks were placed on a board and I slowly carried it to the top of the stairs and opened a door with the push of my foot. I sat down on the board on a nightstand and took off my shoes and jeans before pushing back the duvet and, carefully, making myself comfortable. 
I look at the sleeping man beside me. His hair covered his face and his back turned to me. I lean down and kiss his bare shoulder before pushing his hair away. His eyepatch lay on the nightstand, leaving his scar to show as I kiss behind his ear and wrap my arms around him. 
I hear him groan as He pushes his head to the side and deeper into his pillow. “Hey,” I said, rubbing his bare chest as I rested my forehead on his shoulder. I heard him hum as He stretched his legs and arms. ‘Kids are gone, Aaron picked them up.” I whispered, kissing his back. He hummed again and whined as he stretched his back and turned. I took my forehead off of his shoulder, feeling him turning in my arms.
“What time is it?” He asked, now looking at me. I could see the tiredness in his eyes.
“Doesn’t matter. We don’t gotta go until late noon.” I said, pushing my hand through his hair. It needed another trim, but it was fine. “Hairs getting long again. Gonna keep it like old times, or cut it again?” I said, playing with a strand. He shrugs, his eye shutting again as he licked his lips. “Hungry?” I whisper and he nods slightly. I smile and lift myself up. “Good, 'cause’ I brought you some food to eat,” I said as he stretched again and sat up on his elbows.
“What... why?” He asks, rubbing his eyes, and starting to wake up. I smile and look at him. 
“The kid picked you some flowers, though he didn’t want to,” I say, I hear him laugh as I place the board on his lap. “Happy Valentine's Day.”
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sarahsmi13s · 11 months
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whumptober day 25: stalked
pairing: mickey 'fanboy' garcia x youtuber!reader
characters: mickey garcia, fem!reader, reader's ex
warnings: 18+ MDNI, language, stalking, blood, threatening, violence, toxic ex, assumptions of abuse, please let me know if I missed any
word count: ~3.1k
a/n: this is for whumptober! please please please proceed with caution and use discretion, protect your peace
also if you are on the whump taglist but are not familiar with a character, you can skip it will not hurt my feelings!
i'm so so sorry for how late this is
whumptober 2023 masterlist
summary: parasocial -> one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other's existence. most parasocial relationships aren't violent... until they are...
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Mickey smiled at you as you both sat in front of your camera as you read the live chat.
You looked over your shoulder at him, “You ready?” “As ever.” You grinned and turned back to your camera.
“Hi my darlings! Today I’m here with my boyfriend,” you beamed at the camera as he settled in his gaming chair next to you.
“Today we are playing Five Nights at Freddy’s… again. Yes, I know we’ve played it before but the DLC for Security Breach came out a while back, however, Mickey was super busy but now we can finally get to it!”
You and Mickey sat next to each other, taking turns in sections of the game and reading the chat.
At one point you were watching Mickey focus as he went through the daycare section, his tongue poking out of his mouth just a little. That portion of the game was quieter and a little calmer, so you were focusing on your boyfriend.
So focused that when your phone went off with a notification from your ring doorbell app.
“Oh!” You yelped as you jumped in your chair. Mickey looked at you and chuckled, “You okay?”
You nodded and grabbed your phone, “Yeah yeah fine. Phone just spooked me.” He hummed and continued as you checked your phone.
Your ring camera had apparently picked up movement at your door.
Tilting your head, you watched the video of the feed.
Your eyes widened in slight fear as you watched a figure in a cap and sunglasses with his hood pulled up walk up onto your porch. He moved around a little and approached your door, but you couldn’t see if he did anything because the door was in the camera’s blind spot.
He hummed to let you know that he heard you but didn’t look away from the screen. 
You reached over and paused the game, “Mickey… look at this.” 
This time he looked at you concerned before looking down at your phone and taking it from you to look at the footage.
You watched his face carefully, your trembling fingers tapping against your lips. 
Seeing a strange, hooded figure on your porch would freak anyone out. They could be someone scoping out the place to rob, they could simply be someone at the wrong address, you could never be sure. 
And that’s what made it horrifying.
Mickey looked at you and then at your camera, “Hey, I need to go check on something, I’ll be right back.”
He got up, taking your phone with him as you turned back to the stream.
You didn��t even look at the chat, knowing that it was blowing up with questions and concerns, theories as to what was happening.
“Everything’s okay guys. Don’t worry about it, let’s just have fun and finish this stream okay?” You tried to muster up a smile despite how scared you actually were.
You took a deep breath and tried to finish the section for Mickey so you could just continue when he got back.
About ten minutes later he came back in, he was holding something as he came over. 
Mickey was horrible at hiding facial expressions and emotions, so you knew something was up when you saw both fear and anger on his face. You muted your mic before he spoke.
“Babe, stop the stream.” 
His voice was low and serious, so out of character. It was concerning and was setting off alarms in your head. “Y/N, I’m serious. Turn it off.”
You didn’t question him, knowing that unless it was serious, he wouldn’t ask you to stop streaming. 
Turning your mic back on, you spoke, “Guys, um, something came up. I’m gonna stop the stream here. Everything’s fine, don’t worry. We just need to take care of some things. See you next time. Turn and burn darlings…” 
You ended the stream and turned off your camera before turning to your boyfriend, “What’s wrong?”
Mickey showed you the items in his hands. A note and a photo. 
You covered your mouth as you looked at the photo. 
It was of your bedroom window, you and Mickey by the window as your arms were draped over his shoulders and his hands on your hips as you kissed. 
Neither of you had taken that photo.
With shaking hands, you pulled up the note that came with it.
You gasped and tears filled your eyes as dread and fear shredded your core.
“Do you really think you can get away from me? You know you’re mine… don’t you?”
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Mickey sat in the ready room, not actually ready at all to get in his plane with Reuben.
It had been two weeks since the initial incident with the man and his note.
“Hey, Garcia, you okay? You look spaced out over there,” Hangman said from across the way. 
“Hmm? Oh yeah, I’m fine. Just… I’ve got a lot on my mind…” Mickey said as he looked at his hands. 
You and Mickey called the police immediately afterwards. You gave them the note and the video of the man on your porch. They said they would do what they could, but with this being a seemingly one off incident, what they could do at the time wasn’t much.
But, over the course of a few days, things got worse.
You had gotten emails and more notes in the mail. Each more threatening and disturbing than the last. Photos were sent to you of you and Mickey, all of them covering Mickey with red spray paint.
When you were both at the grocery store, you were looking over your shoulder constantly. You wouldn’t stray from Mickey’s side. And normally he wouldn’t have minded, but you were genuinely scared for your safety and his safety.
Mickey was frustrated that he couldn’t make it better. He felt awful that he had to leave for work all the time.You were terrified to be home alone and you were scared to stream or even upload videos – afraid that even the slightest movement on your end would tip this guy off.
Your fans had zero idea what was going on, theorizing everything since you announced that due to “personal issues”. Some even theorized that Mickey was abusive after what happened on the stream, but you were so quick to shut that down.
Mickey hated that you hate to take a break from what was essentially your job. You loved what you did and you knew that you were doing what this guy wanted, but you had to protect both yourself and Mickey. 
You had actually told Mickey to live on base and stay away from you, but he wasn’t about to do that. He wasn’t about to risk you being vulnerable 24/7.
Mickey rubbed his face before he went to explain but Hondo came in, “Hangman, Fanboy and Payback, you’re up.”
Mickey sighed again and got up. 
He just needed to get done here and get home.
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You glanced at the clock on the stove. It was 4:45 and you had about 45 minutes to an hour before Mickey got home. 
You groaned, rubbing your face before shaking about your hands. You were so tense, so anxious. You were on edge from the moment you woke up to the moment Mickey got home. 
And it had been like that for days.
You were getting near daily emails and physical mail as well. You barely left the house and when you did you felt like someone was always watching you. You’d stick to your list, not allowing yourself to check something out that piqued your interest just so you could get back to your home as soon as possible.
But even then you felt anxious cause what if they weren’t following you around the store or around town? What if they took your absence as an opportunity to sneak into your home and then wait for you?
You couldn’t rule it out. Because even though this person had never made physical contact with you beforehand it was clear from the notes and the photos that they knew where you lived and weren’t at all worried about getting close to your home with you in it.
You were scared to leave, but you needed food. You could get them delivered, but what if the delivery person that came to your door was your stalker? 
 There was no winning in this situation for you.
Every sound you heard was someone trying to hurt you. You were constantly on alert and you were sure you were going to have blood pressure issues by the end of this. You were making yourself sick with worry all the time and you most likely had a stress ulcer from it all.
You just need a distraction. 
So with the hour you had until Mickey got home you decided to just start cleaning.
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You started in the living room, vacuuming the rug and sweeping the hardwood.
You would have to thank Mickey for suggesting you get a quieter vacuum because at least it helped you to hear everything around you a little better.
Once the floor was done, you moved to the tv stand dusting it off and organizing the movies on it. 
You had gotten in the zone, so when the front door opened and made you jump. You quickly checked your phone, seeing that Mickey texted you at 5 pm on the dot that he was off and would be home soon. It was currently 5:30. 
Smiling and feeling the tension leave your shoulders a little, you walked over to greet him at the door.
“Hey Honey how was-”
Your phone slipped from your hands and clattered to the floor as you took in the man in front of you.
“Oh hey sweetheart, you miss me?”
This wasn’t your boyfriend.
Your heart starts to race and you can hear your blood rushing in your ears.
You started backing away, reaching behind you to feel your way out but you still bumped into things in your haste to escape.
He slowly followed you, taking bigger steps in order to get you to move faster. “Oh c’mon, Y/N. Why are you crying? Aren’t you happy to see me?” 
You hadn’t even noticed your dampened cheeks until he had pointed it out, but it didn’t matter. You were the furthest thing from happy right now.
“No, Ryker, I’m not happy to see you. We broke up 10 years ago. What the hell are you doing here?”
Ryker was your ex-boyfriend from high school. You broke up because you had moved and the long distance attempt was awful. And after you broke up, you realized that some of his behaviors were toxic and controlling.
What you thought was him being protective was actually him snapping at any remotely attractive guy in your class for looking at you. He also would make comments about your outfits all the time. And then when you tried long distance, he insisted on knowing your address and that you send photos of your outfits for him to approve.
You only complied with the second request, but it only lasted for about three weeks before you had to break it off. It was too stressful on you and your friends at this school pointed out how his behaviors were huge red flags.
Back then you wouldn’t have thought so, but with him now standing in front of you after breaking into your home – everything clicked into place.
Ryker kept walking toward you, forcing you to take bigger steps backwards and keep your eyes on him and not turn around to run.
“Fucking leave, Ryker. I will call the police. And Mickey will be home soon so you need to leave and stop whatever shit you’re doing,” your voice was trembling as you blindly grabbed the first throwable item you could get your hand on.
“You know, Y/N-”
In the middle of his statement, you threw the item at him to distract him before running upstairs to get to your room to use the fire escape. 
As you scrambled your way up the stairs, you could hear his heavy footsteps behind you. 
You just needed to get to your room, and then you could get out and get help. 
When you got to your bedroom you shut and locked the door before running over to your fire escape as Ryker banged on the door. “Y/N open the door! Do you really think you can get away from me?!”
You whimpered and tried to get the latch open but it’s stubborn. “C’mon you mother fucker,” you hissed as the rusted latch barely moving. “C’mon c’mon! Come on!” You used your weight and finally the latch popped open.
Unfortunately Ryker was able to kick the door open.
You screamed and tried to push the window up but he was faster and managed to grab you.
Thrashing and kicking, you tried to get free. “Let me go! HELP SOMEONE H–”
As you struggled, Ryker grabbed your hair and slammed your head into the window, shattering the glass. “Stop squirming! I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to!”
With your adrenaline pumping, you grabbed a piece of glass and cut the arm pulling your hair to get him to let go before stabbing the arm holding you by the waist.
“Fucking bitch!” He cursed as he dropped you. 
You gasped and immediately ran out of the room and tried to get out through the front door.
But in your haste, you tripped on the last step. 
This is straight out of a fucking horror movie, get your shit together, you cursed yourself as you pushed yourself up.
You sprinted to the door, but as you opened it, an arm wrapped around your waist and a hand covered your mouth as you were drug back to the living room and thrown on the ground. 
Groaning, you crawled for a little and rolled onto your back before looking up at him as you propped yourself up onto your elbows. “Why are you doing this? We haven’t seen or spoken to each other in 10 years…”
He squatted down, “Oh Y/N… you’re still mine, I have the right to do whatever I want.”
Mickey rushed out of his car when he got home. He was ready to finally be home with you and help you to feel safe.
But he froze when he made it to the porch. 
The front door was open just a crack and he could hear shouting from inside.
“I’m not yours Ryker!” 
Mickey’s stomach dropped at the fear in your voice, but the voice that followed sent both panic and anger through him.
“I will carve my name into your back if that’s what it takes for you and everyone to know that you are mine! You’ve been mine since we were 16!”
Mickey fumbled with his phone as he dialed 9-1-1 and reported everything as he moved to go inside.
“Lieutenant, you need to stay on the phone with me, okay? There’s a unit not too far from you.” “I’m not leaving her alone with him, I’m going inside.”
Mickey hung up the phone and ran inside, trying to follow the sound of your voice.
He made it to the living room only to find you sobbing on the floor with Ryker kneeling on your back with your shirt cut open at the top.
“Ryker please stop!” 
“They need to know that-”
“Hey!” Mickey shouted, getting Ryker’s attention before tackling him to the ground and knocking the knife away.
With the weight gone off your back you did the first thing you could think of, run.
You pushed yourself up off the floor and sprinted to the front door and out into the yard, falling to the ground as your adrenaline faded. Now all that was running through your mind was that Mickey was alone with your crazy ex...
But you saw a glimmer of hope.
Red and blue lights and sirens came flying down the street, the cop car coming to a screeching stop in front of your house.
All you could do was point towards the door and an officer knelt down next to you, requesting you an ambulance as her partner went inside.
“My-my ex is-is the one with-with longer hair… The one-one with the buzz is my boyfriend…” 
She nodded, “My partner will make sure he’s safe okay?”
You nodded and clung to her, sobbing into her shoulder.
It was a few minutes before you saw the other officer come out with Ryker and put him in the squad car. 
The officer with you looked at you, “I need to go talk with my partner, I’ll be right over there okay?” You nodded and she got up, leaving you to pick at the grass with shaking hands as you waited for Mickey.
“Y/N? Y/N!” 
You inhale sharply and look up to see Mickey running towards you. “Mickey!”
He slid on his knees, pulling you into his arms, “Oh my goodness, I’m so so sorry I wasn’t home. I’m so sorry, mi amor.” He held you close, mumbling things in Spanish and English in your ear.
You pulled him back gently and looked him over as he rambled, seeing some bruises but nothing serious. “Hey hey hey, you were there, Mick. You were there just in time, baby. I’m safe, and we got him. He’s going away,” you cooed gently as you cupped his cheek.
He rested his forehead on yours, “You’re moving in with me.” “Mickey, I can’t do that, you live on base and I can’t be there,” you said quietly. “I’m moving off base.” You furrowed your brow, “W-what?”
Mickey nodded, “I’m moving so we can live together. It’ll be a place off base, but close enough that it’s threatening to anyone wanting to try anything.” 
You smiled softly at him, “Oh Mickey…” He kissed your forehead, “And we don’t know if that jackass doxed you or not, so moving is your best bet at being safe.”
“You’re right. But I’ll need somewhere to stay tonight, my house is a crime scene.”
“We’ll figure it out, maybe we could stay with Penny?” You raised a brow, “We?” He nodded, “Yes we, I’m not leaving your side until this is settled. I’ll set up a meeting with Cyclone and Warlock to talk about it. But I’m staying with you.” 
You smiled softly at him, “Thank you, Mick.” “Don’t gotta thank me, just let me hold you until we stop shaking,” he said and he squeezed your hips gently. You nodded and let him pull you into his lap.
You buried your face into his neck before tears of relief began falling onto his neck. He shushed you gently and rocked you as you clung to him, keeping you close.
You know that with your job, you were never 100% safe. But right now, you were safe, and that’s what matters.
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observeowl · 1 year
Back up plan part 1 S.J
Scarlett Johansson x reader
Summary: You bring Scarlett on a date
Part 2 Part 3
You: Are you free on Thursday 7pm?
Scarlett: I should be. Why?
You: Because I am going to kidnap you! Of course to bring you out on a date, dumbass.
Scarlett: Keep calling me that and you won't get your date.
You: Sorry... So 7pm? I'll pick you up.
Scarlett: See you. x
I got ready to pick up Scarlett from her house. I parked right in front of her house and since I was early, I waited at her front porch. I was about 5 minutes early and I didn't dare to knock on her door. What if Scarlett is not ready? I don't want to rush her. I spent the 5 minutes scrolling through my phone, glancing at the time every minute.
Finally the 5 minutes passed and I took a deep breath before raising my hand to knock on her door. Why am I so nervous? This is not my first time asking her out on a date. Just as my hand was about to land on her door, the door swung open causing me to stumble.
"Woah. You don't have to fall for me each time." Scarlett chuckled.
"What?" I steadied myself.
"I saw you through the security camera that you were waiting outside my porch." Scarlett continued.
"And you let me wait there?"
"That's for calling me a dumbass."
"I said I was sorry." I pouted. I proceeded to look at what she's wearing, she looks good in everything but she looks gorgeous today. But there was one problem.
"I was planning to bring you on a walk. Are you sure you want to wear this?" I pointed to her heels.
"I felt like wearing it."
"Okay." I wasn't going to argue with her about it since I know she isn't going to change. "Let's go, I made a reservation." I opened the passenger side car door for her.
We arrived at the restaurant and ordered our food. I listened as Scarlett talked about her recent shoot. All the funny behind the scenes actions and how sometimes she would mess up her lines and could never get them right. What she did during her free time. How Chris Evans would always come to her trailer to bother her but she secretly enjoys it.
"He kind of keeps me up to date with social media." Suddenly she quiets down.
"How come you never tell me anything about you?"
I froze. "I don't think my company's imports and exports would be exciting for you."
"It does. I want to know everything about you." She held my hand.
"But I don't know how much I can tell you because of client's confidentiality." I paused. "But I can tell you how it frustrates me." I joked.
"Tell me."
I told her how some clients would take very long to reply with the documents I needed, but would complain when their order didn't reach on time. It's not my fault I can't process your order because you didn't give me the info I need. And when a client complains, my boss comes and finds me and I have to work overtime.
"Sounds like you have a tough job."
"Definitely not as fun as yours."
"You can follow me to set when you are free."
"If I have time." I got up and paid for the food before leaving together.
"So where are we going for a walk?" Scarlett asked.
"You'll know when we get there."
I brought Scarlett to an observatory tower. It was not a popular place so there was nobody around to bother us. I am glad today has a clear sky otherwise it would be a fluke to bring her here. We got to the top floor and enjoy the silence as I showed her the constellations.
"I thought you said we were going for a walk." Scarlett questioned at the scene that doesn't seem fit for a walk.
"Yeah, but you're wearing heels."
"Knowing you, you have other backup plans. What was it?"
I sighed. "I have a pair of spare shoes in my boot but it wouldn't match with what you are wearing."
"And this place?"
"I wanted to bring you to see the stars at a nearby hill but I detoured here instead."
I pointed to her the constellations, Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini and Orion. I didn't manage to identify all of them so I only showed her those that I know. The announcement sounded that they were closing the observatory and we had to leave. I packed up and drove Scarlett back to her house.
"Do you want to stay over?" Scarlett asked as I dropped her off at her house.
"Scarlett..." I looked at her.
"You're leaving again. You never ask me on a date unless you are leaving."
"I'm sorry."
"How long?" She questioned.
"Three months." I answered.
"I thought being an actress has to travel around a lot. I didn't think importing and exporting meant travelling overseas too."
"I love you, you know that right?" I paused. "And because of that, I'm going to stay. I'm going to ask my friend to send me my luggage at the airport tomorrow."
"Really?" Scarlett brightens up her face. I nodded my head.
"I always have a backup plan."
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robo-milky · 1 year
*bangs on the doorstep and peers through your door's peephole* hey cloche *breathes heavily* happy birthday I've brought you a gift *dumps suspiciously big looking wrapped giftbox on the doorstep* happy birthening *cackles menacingly as I jumped on the broomstick and flew away leaving it on your doorstep...*
*turns out what's inside it is a happy birthday card and a creepy looking dool that looks like cloche*
[Cloche’ Birthday Bash]
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“So uh, Cloche… Do you think it’s a prank?” Grim piped up, his forked tail stood up straight, stiff as a board. He was the first to speak after everyone else had been stunned by the …unique greeting.
“Hm, I can’t say… I believe most of our pranksters of have been rounded up in the party, within our sight,” Cloche murmured, eyes flicking over to Lilia, then Ortho. “Plus, I don’t think I’ve made any enemies to receive something as nefarious as a trick disguised as a present.”
“In that case, shall we find out? Oh, how exciting this is!” Rook spoke, “Such a grand present from an anonymous sender— perhaps it’s not the gift of a rascal, but the gift of a… secret admirer?” his eyes narrowed at the last bit, enough to send shivers down everyone’s spines. As ridiculous as Rook’s last claim seemed to be, he was one of the first attendee to notice someone approaching the porch.
“What is this, a dating sim?” Idia rolled his eyes as he spoke through his tablet.
Cloche sighed, “Intentions aside, I believe it’s safe to say it has to be from someone in the school. If they’re inside the school barrier, then they must be a student. I don’t know many people outside of Night Raven College, and there’s no any of the teachers would pull a stunt like this.”
“According to my camera, and the footage from the school security, only their broom is clearly visible, but their form is obscured,” Ortho added, “When I searched up the key words related to ‘form’ ‘shrouded’ ‘obscured’, the top match I got was about a spell that can hide one’s presence visually.”
“Huh?! That’s so weird! What are they hiding for?!” Grim gasped.
“Oh lálá, maybe they’re just shy?”
“Okay, that’s enough…” Cloche walked past Grim and the others to open the door. “We’re going to go nowhere if we keep discussing this.”
After untying the ribbon around the box, the face in front of Cloche fell down.
“Oh, a birthday card,” Cloche knelt down picked it up.
“What is that?!” Grim, and the group behind Cloche almost cried out in unison.
“Not even the figures of my favourite anime are that big!”
“I’d be impressed by the craftsmanship and attention to detail if it weren’t for the fact this present was so crudely dropped off, sent by a complete stranger,” Vil deadpanned.
“Is having an a doll capturing one’s likeness a frightening concept for humans?” Malleus mused.
After hearing everyone else’s reactions, Cloche looked up from the card and finally met the doll’s soulless eyes. It’s porcelain skin and synthetic hairs matched hers exactly, which made Cloche’ tail raise up. The longer she looked at it, the more she felt a knot in her gut. Biting back her own concerns, she nonchalantly commented, “Ah, how attentive the maker of this doll must be.”
Grim hid behind the nearest person’s leg that didn’t belong to Idia, “Attentive?! More like creepy!”
“Master Grim, it’s not that bad…”
This birthday bash would be a memorable one for all its attendees, thanks to this mysterious sender. After Cloche’ birthday, attendees would soon whisper about the rumoured ‘Maniac Doll-maker’ and anticipated their visit for Silver’s birthday bash.
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onlygenxhere · 1 year
Chopping Wood
ok, so this popped in my head after seeing the video of the guy chopping wood go past my dash a couple times this evening. I probably should save it for Juke Jeudi, but while it IS juke it just doesn't feel juke enough... Anyway. I think it's funny. Enjoy...
She was startled when Carrie sat down beside her and quickly tried to hide her phone.
“Nope,” Carrie laughed. “I’ve been calling your name for a solid minute what has got you so engrossed in your phone?”
Julie bit her lip as the slightly muffled sound of chopping still sounded too loud in the quiet room. “Um, so I was just checking the cameras at home to see if Luke had had a chance to clear the snow from the front porch and the back deck.”
Carrie raised her eyebrows in interest. “And…”
She nodded quickly. “He did.” Julie tried to make her face look innocent as the sound of something being cleaved continued to come from her phone.
Carrie frowned just as an auditable grunt issued from her phone and she couldn’t stop herself from glancing down at it.
“Julie… come on share.” Carrie bumped her shoulder against hers. “If you’re worried I’m gonna make fun or something I promise I won’t.” she held up three fingers. “Scouts honor.”
“I know for a fact that you’ve never been a scout.” Julie pursed her lips before giving in, “fine.” She reluctantly pulled her phone out and looked down at the image in the distance of the back yard camera.
Carrie was quiet for a long minute before he shoulders started to shake and she let out a howl of laughter. “Julie Patterson! Are you seriously ogling your husband chopping wood?”
Julie glanced up at Carrie with a frown, “Thought you said you weren’t going to make fun?”
“Apparently I lied.” Carrie laughed harder.
Julie ignored her friend and zoomed in on Luke a little when she noticed him stop and take a drink of something. Water she assumed. He sat it on the ground then took the flannel he’d had on as a jacket off and tied it around his waist leaving him in just a black tank top.
Carrie stopped laughing by the time he started chopping again.
“Ok, fine.” She leaned in a little closer. “Your husband is hot.”
She giggled, “Yes he is.”
They were quiet for several minutes as they watch Luke work.
“You know,” Carrie broke the silence. “I think we can be done for the day.”
“Yeah?” Julie looked over at her.
“Yeah…” Carrie breathed out. “I’ma go home to Reggie and see if we have any wood that needs chopping.”
Julie snickered, “Sounds good.” She reluctantly closed down the security app and pocketed her phone. “We can get back to work tomorrow.”
Carrie nodded quickly packing her bag. “Not too early though.” She looked up smirking at Julie. “I don’t plan on getting a good night’s sleep.”
Julie winked at her as she pulled on her coat and picked up her own bag. “Me neither sister, me neither.”
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Pairing: Sam Wilson x Nicole Blake
Word Count: 4.3k
Summary: After the events of the Blip were reversed, Sam learns a lot has changed in five years
Warning: brief mentions of pregnancy and child birth; angst with a happy ending; hurt/comfort
A/N: This was way longer than I expected but I love it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY HUSBAND SAM!!!
Tagging: @canongf
“Sarah went down to the cafeteria to get some coffee. I’m now eight centimeters dilated. Doctor Lebeau says that means we’ll be having a baby very soon–”
The video changed. Nic now sat in the hospital bed wearing one of Sam’s faded army shirts and a sweater overtop. A white blanketed bundle was situated securely in her arms as she looked to the camera. Her hair was messy and her eyes were glassy with tears as she smiled at the camera.
“Hi, Sam. This is your son, Cyrus,” she said tearfully, repositioning the bundle slightly to allow the camera to see the tiny baby with short curly black hair that was sleeping in his mother’s arms. “We have a son.”
Sam closed the laptop shut, taking a deep breath as he processed the information. It was hard enough for him to swallow the knowledge that five years had passed, that he was essentially dead to everyone for five years. And as he began to insist he needed to leave to his wife, Steve had to stop him. He had a message to deliver— he promised.
Knocking on the door, Steve kept his hands in his pockets as he waited for Nic to answer. He knew she was home; the car was in the driveway. It only took a few minutes of waiting before the door opened and she appeared in front of him, staring up at the super soldier through the screen door. Flour and egg yolk stained her shirt.
‘She must be baking with Cyrus,’ Steve figured.
“Steve?” She crossed her arms, blowing a strand of hair from her face. “What are you doing here? I thought we weren’t going to see you until Cyrus’s birthday.”
“I wanted to give you a heads up,” he said quietly, gesturing for her to join him on the porch.
Nic hesitated for a moment, glancing at her son who sat in the living room occupied by his toys. Taking a breath, she opened the screen door and stepped out onto the porch next to Steve. The door shut behind her and she looked at him.
“Heads up about what?”
“We think we’ve found a way to bring everyone back. To bring Sam back,” Steve told her gently.
Her breath hitched at his words. She shook her head at him. “Don’t do this to me, Steve. Don’t give me false hope.”
“Nic…” he guided her over to the porch swing and they sat down. “We have a real shot at this. Everyone we lost, they can come back.”
“Do I even want to know how you’re going to accomplish this?” She asked him quietly, looking at him from the corner of her eye. She still faced the yard that was covered in leaves. They needed to be raked soon.
“It’s better if you don’t.”
Nic nodded, eyes drifting to her lap. “You owe me this, Rogers.”
It was no secret that she blamed him for what happened in Wakanda. She blamed him for Sam being taken from her, for Cyrus never being able to meet his father. Despite that, Steve was still there for every one of Cyrus’s birthdays and to visit for Sam’s birthday every year.
“I do,” he agreed. “I promise I’ll bring him back.”
“Be– Before you go, I need you to have something.” Nic jumped from her seat and rushed into the house. He watched curiously as she disappeared into the house for a minute before she rushed out. Something small was clutched in her hand, and as she held it out to him Steve saw it was a thumb drive. “When you get Sam back, and you will bring him back, give him this. He needs to look at it before he comes to see me.”
Steve took it from her. “Of course. Is there anything you need before I leave?”
She shook her head as she heard a beeping from the kitchen. “Do you want some cookies before you go?”
“I– I need to see her. Now,” Sam insisted for the millionth time that hour. He stood from his seat quickly, a little too quickly, causing him to lose his balance for a moment. That, and the exhaustion from two back-to-back fights.
Steve set a firm hand on his friend’s shoulder to steady him. “You can. We’ll get you to her.”
Louisiana, Steve had told him. She moved there shortly after finding out she was pregnant. Sam was given the address, and when he saw the house he recognized it. He walked past it everyday coming home from school. Never did he think that his family would be living in it.
He wasted no time, knocking on the door and waiting for Nic to appear. Sam could feel his chest tightening. Had she moved on? Was Cyrus home? Did his son even know who he was?
His son. His son. His son.
It kept repeating in his mind on an endless loop. It was anxiety inducing and terrifying and Sam couldn’t wait any longer. He lifted his hand to knock again as the door opened.
Sam stood face to face with his wife; Nic staring up at him as tears began to fill her eyes. She pushed open the screen door so hard it rattled against the side of the house. Neither moved a muscle once there was no barrier between them. They drank in the sight of each other. Her hair was longer, just past her shoulders, and her glasses were new. She was the same but different. But Sam, he looked exactly the same as he did when she lost him.
“S– Sam?” She whimpered, feeling the tears threatening to fall. “Is it–”
“It’s me,” he whispered, replying before she could finish.
Letting out a shaky breath she leaped forward and pulled him into a tight hug. He hugged back just as tightly, though he was no match for her at the moment. Her fingers clung to the fabric of his jacket, her face buried in his chest as Sam’s hand gently cradled her head, his other hand on her waist he pulled her against him. Nic was terrified to let him go, fearing if she did then he would disappear again.
“You’re back!” She cried. Sam let tears of his own fall as he held her tighter somehow. “I missed you.” She pulled away only enough to see his face. Taking his face in her hands she sniffled, and Sam lifted a hand to wipe away the tears flowing down her cheeks. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too,” he replied. It wasn’t a lie. From his perspective, he hadn’t seen her in a month. He missed her terribly, but there was no void of missing her for five years like she had.
Her lips were on his as she kissed him desperately. Nic pulled him closer, their teeth clattering against each other at the force of the kiss. She was starving for him, craving him for five years, and she was going to take this opportunity to drink him up. Sam made no protest as he kissed back, attempting to memorize the feeling of her lips on his.
They past through the threshold of the house as he backed her inside, shutting the door with his foot. They never parted as they continued to move, not sure what they’d reach first; a wall or a piece of furniture. The arm of the couch touched the back of her legs and Nic fell back onto the cushions, Sam falling on top of her. His legs straddled either side of her waist as he continued to kiss her. Her hands had gone from his face to his jacket. They didn’t separate until their lungs screamed for oxygen, but even when they broke the kiss their foreheads remained pressed together. Nic stared up at her husband.
He hummed in response.
She shuttered. “We have a lot to talk about.”
Nodding, Sam pushed himself up and allowed Nic to crawl from underneath him. They sat on the couch next to each other briefly before he pulled her over to him, clutching her to his side. He kissed her head, and Nic closed her eyes for a minute to take in the moment. Her ear was pressed against his chest and she could hear his heartbeat.
“Is Cyrus here?” Sam asked hesitantly.
Taking a deep breath, Nic pulled away and looked at him. Her hand gripped his as she spoke. “So Steve showed you the thumb drive.” It was more of a statement than a question, but Sam nodded anyway. “Cyrus isn’t here, he’s– he’s at preschool.”
“When can I meet him?” He asked, and she was about to reply but before she could, Sam spoke again. “A son. We have– We have a son.”
“We do.” She nodded.
“We had a baby and I–” He squeezed her hand tightly as he looked at his lap. “And I wasn’t here.”
“Samuel,” she said sternly, lifting her free hand to tilt his head to look at her. “It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t walk out on us. We lost you. I lost you.”
“Nic– I want to meet him. I need to meet him.”
“And you will,” she assured him. “I’m picking him up in an hour.” A lump formed in her throat at the thought of Cyrus finally having the chance of meeting his father. She lost count of how many times she’s had that dream. “You– You should go take a shower and– and relax. Your clothes are still– still in the closet, and I– I still buy your shampoo, and your body wash–”
“Hey.” He shushed her, kissing her head and pulling her against his chest as tears started to fall again. “It’s okay.”
Nic sniffled, gripping onto his shirt. “You’re home.”
Once she was finally calmed down, she took Sam upstairs to the bedroom and showed him how the shower worked. He took in the room. The pictures of him on the nightstand, the pictures of Cyrus on the walls. Her life was in this room. It was strange to see how much it had grown.
The children rushed out of the school towards their parents. Mothers and fathers alike greeted their kids, and Nic smiled wide as she saw Cyrus running towards her. He attached himself to her leg, hugging it tightly as she leaned down to run her fingers through his hair.
“Mama!” Cyrus smiled and took her hand as she led him out of the school.
“Hi, little bird. How was school today?” Nic asked as they walked towards where her car was in the parking lot.
“Fun!” Cyrus replied. He bounced on his feet as they walked. “We made ice cream today!”
“Oh you did? What kind?”
“I made vanilla! With chocolate sprinkles!”
“Sounds yummy,” Nic said as they reached the car. She took her car keys from her pocket and knelt down in front of Cyrus. “Baby, there’s something I need to tell you.” Holding his hands in hers, she gave him a nervous smile. “Remember when I told you that daddy was taken from us? That a lot of mommies and daddies were taken?” Cyrus nodded. “Well, Uncle Steve and some friends helped bring everyone back. And your daddy is back. He’s come back to us.”
Cyrus’s eyes light up, a grin growing on his face. “Daddy’s home?” He asked, bouncing on his feet.
Nic nodded. “Yes, Cy. Daddy’s home, and he really, really wants to meet you.”
“Let’s go home!” Cyrus jumped up and down. He reached over for the handle of the car door, and he was too busy tugging on it to notice his mother wipe away a tear.
Standing, Nic reached over to Cyrus. “Hey, hey, slow down. Let’s get your backpack off and get you strapped into your car seat.”
He was a bundle of energy the entire ride home. Nic couldn’t remember the last time he was this excited, not since Christmas at least. When they got home and pulled up in the driveway, he couldn’t wait to jump out of his seat. As soon as he was out of the car, Cyrus was already making his way up the stairs to the house.
“Come on, Mama!” He called out, reaching up for the doorknob.
Sam paced behind the couch as he waited nervously for Nic to come home with Cyrus. This would be the first time he’s seen his son in person. The first time he’ll get to hold him. There was a knot in his stomach as he wondered if Cyrus would like him at all, or if he’d be disappointed (as disappointed as a four year old can be). Nic had done her best to assure him before she left but that did little to ease Sam’s anxiety.
The front door opened with the jingle of Nic’s keys, and Cyrus pushed past her legs and into the living room. Sam halted in place and stared at Cyrus who was doing the same at his father. Nic closed the door behind her, clutching the strap of Cyrus’s Avengers backpack. The four year old continued to stare at his father with large eyes before he gave a toothy grin.
“Daddy!” Cyrus called out, running towards Sam.
The Falcon knelt down and scooped up his son in his arms, allowing some tears to fall. Cyrus hugged Sam’s neck with his little arms, and Sam kissed his son’s forehead.
“Hey, Cyrus. It’s so nice to meet you,” Sam managed to say, voice breaking.
“You’re home!” Cyrus pulled away to grin at Sam.
“Yeah, I am.” Sam gave him a sad smile. “I’m home now.” He kissed Cyrus’s head again.
“Do you want to see my room?” Cyrus asked his father excitedly.
Nodding, Sam stood and let Cyrus take his hand. “I’d love to see your room.”
Without hesitation Cyrus tugged his father in the direction of the stairs. He pulled Sam up the stairs and down the hall to his room. Nic stayed behind for a moment, sniffling and wiping her tears before quietly following.
Cyrus’s room was a baby blue color with painted trees. Little birds were perched on the painted branches of the trees. His bed had Avengers bed sheets and at the foot of it was a large box filled to the brim with toys despite all the ones still scattered on the floor. In the corner adjacent to the bed was a little art desk, accompanied with a shelf full of pencils and crayons and markers. He had a small bookshelf that wasn’t filled entirely but it was getting there.
Cyrus let go of Sam’s hand and rushed into his room, excitedly pointing out the things in his room. He was most excited about the action figures. Cyrus ran to his bed and picked one of the many stuffed toys off his bed and ran back over to his father that stood in the doorway. He held it up to Sam and revealed that it was a Falcon plushie, one from when the Avengers were still together. During the good times.
“Look, Daddy! It’s you!”
“It is, buddy.” Sam carefully looked at the toy.
“I sleep with him every night!” Cyrus told him, acting serious for a moment before brightening up once more and running to place it back on his bed.
He plopped down next to the box and rummaged through it. Sam stepped inside the room and carefully avoided the toys littering the floor. He sat on the floor next to his son as Cyrus pulled out a few toys.
“Do you wanna play with me?” Cyrus asked.
Sam couldn’t say no even if he wanted to. The way his son’s eyes lit up every time he looked at him, it tugged at his heart.
“Of course,” Sam smiled. “I would love to play with you.”
Cyrus pulled out some of his action figures, his favorites. He handed a few to Sam, explaining who they were and rambling away. The longer Sam looked at him, the more she realized Cyrus was practically the spitting image of him. He sat there and started to play with Cyrus, neither noticing Nic in the doorway watching through teary eyes. She’s had dreams about this moment. It was overwhelming seeing it actually happen. Setting down the backpack, Nic stepped away and gave them time alone.
Eventually Cyrus grew bored of playing and instead pulled out some of his books. He sat in Sam’s lap as he read to his father, and Sam smiled as he listened to his son. Babar had been one of Nic’s favorites to read as a child; it was nice to see she read them to their son. Cyrus was so well at reading, Sam was practically beaming with pride.
Looking up at his dad, Cyrus smiled. “I knew you’d come back.”
That tore him up inside. Sam blinked away some tears as he kissed Cyrus’s head. “Of course I came back. I wanted to be here, with you, with your mom. No matter what I’ll always come back.”
“Mama missed you a lot,” Cyrus told him. He flipped through the book, settling on the next page.
Sam swallowed thickly, doing his best to remain composed for Cyrus. He didn’t want his son to know how much it hurt knowing he missed five years of their lives. “I missed her a lot too.”
Come dinner, Nic made a fuss about having something to celebrate Sam’s homecoming. He insisted she didn’t need to, but he also knew better than to argue with his wife. Sam kept their son occupied while she cooked, but eventually he took the opportunity to have a moment alone with her while Cyrus was practically hypnotized by Sesame Street. Sam wrapped her up in his arms and swayed to the tune she was humming. She laughed and playfully whined that he was distracting her. Dinner was served, and Sam was thoroughly entertained by the mashed potato volcano surrounded by dinosaur chicken nuggets that Nic had made for Cyrus. The four year old clapped excitedly at the gravy ‘lava’ that was poured into the volcano and ‘erupted’. Sam did the dishes while Nic helped give Cyrus his bath.
He fell asleep close to eight pm, laying across his father’s shins in an uncomfortable position that he was managing to sleep in. Sam shook his head when he saw the way Cyrus was still sleeping.
“I still have no idea how he can sleep like that,” Sam whispered as he flipped the page of the photo album. Nic was sitting on the old, worn porch of the house, Cyrus in her lap. It’s amazing how different it looks now.
Laughing quietly, Nic leaned her head on her husband’s shoulder. “He can sleep anywhere. I once found him asleep on the washing machine while it was running.”
Shaking his head, Sam flipped to the next page. “The house looks almost brand new now.”
“Yeah, it was a bit of a fixer-upper when I first bought it. But Sarah and Steve helped a lot with renovations. The porch was a pain so we fixed it last. Cyrus about two.” She sighed softly. “The fence in the back still needs to be fixed though.”
“I can do that. I’m here now. Might as well put me to work.” Sam flipped the page and saw a photo of Cyrus at the pier outside the house Sarah lived in— the one they grew up in. “You took him fishing.” Sam chuckled at the picture. Cyrus had the biggest smile a two year old could muster. “The damn thing is almost as big as him!”
“He’s a natural,” Nic said quietly.
“Just like his mother.” She hummed at his words, reaching up to flip the page for him. “I’m going to assume from the way the day has gone you haven’t…”
“Moved on?” She asked, and he nodded slightly. “No, I didn’t. Some people suggested it— women from my ‘Mommy and me’ group. They said Cyrus was young, it was important for him to have a dad. But I just… I couldn’t. I didn’t want to. There’s no one for me but you.” She pressed a kiss to his shoulder and took his hand, threading her fingers through his. “I wouldn’t even care if a man who looked almost exactly like you, had the same personality, everything; even if his name was Wam Silson, I still wouldn’t move on. Cause it’s not you.”
“Wam Silson? Seriously?”
“Is that all you got from what I said?” Nic asked exasperatedly despite knowing it was his attempt to get her to smile.
Sam was quiet as he soaked in her words. He tried to imagine what it would be like if she had been for those five years, but he couldn’t. He would never be able to understand what she went through.
Lifting her hand up, he pressed a kiss to it. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled against her skin.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” she assured him. “Neither of us knew this would happen. Neither of us could have done anything to stop it. But you’re here now, baby.”
“I am,” he leaned over and kissed her deeply, “and I promise I’m not going anywhere. Not ever again.”
“Good.” She poked his chest, giving her best serious face. “I’ll hold you to that.”
He smiled at her and looked back to the photo album in front of him while her eyes drifted to the news that quietly played on the tv. The news anchors were talking about the spontaneous event of everyone who had disappeared now reappearing, how it was thanks to the Avengers and the sacrifice of Tony Stark.
“Y’know, I bet Wam Silson keeps his promises too.”
“Sam.” She sternly looked at her husband who had a grin on his face. “I was coming up with a name on the fly.”
“Sure you were.”
“I was!”
Sam set aside the photo album and pulled Nic close. “I was thinking we could visit Sarah and the boys tomorrow.”
“She’ll be so happy to see you. Cass and AJ have gotten so big too. They love playing with Cyrus and I know they’ll love seeing you too.”
“It’s settled then. We’ll go see them in the morning.”
She nodded, snuggling into his side. “Sounds like a plan. Can we go to sleep?”
“Yeah, it’s been a hell of a day for both of us.”
“Come here, little bird.” Nic reached forward and picked up Cyrus gently, holding him to her chest as she laid down. He whined at being moved but quickly snuggled into his mother’s chest. Sam shut off the light and tv before laying down, holding Nic and their son. Sam buried his face in her neck and kissed her shoulder.
“Good night, Nic.”
“Night, Sam,” she mumbled tiredly.
Nic woke up with a soft groan, a bit dazed before she recalled the events of the day before. A smile graced her features as she rolled over, only to discover the bed empty. Quickly she frowned, tears forming. Had it all been a dream? A cruel trick of the mind?
She pulled herself out of bed and put on her glasses before dragging herself through the door. But as she reached the stairs, she heard the sound of Cyrus laughing. Upon reaching the bottom, her view into the kitchen proved it wasn’t a dream. Cyrus sat on the kitchen counter, grinning and laughing with his father as Sam rummaged through the fridge. Standing there for a moment watching them, Nic folded her arms and smiled. She wanted to wake up to this every morning.
“Do you want orange juice?” Sam asked his son quietly. Cyrus nodded and held out his sippy cup. Taking it, Sam filled it with orange juice before putting the cap back on and handing it to Cyrus. Sam lifted the bottle of orange juice to his mouth to drink, and Nic made her presence known.
“Samuel,” she said sternly, stepping towards the kitchen doorway. He jumped and quickly set the juice on the counter. “How many times have I told you to stop that?”
“Breakfast was supposed to be finished before you woke up,” Sam said in his defense, though it was playful as he smiled at her. Once she was in reach, he grabbed her waist and pulled his wife against him. “Why can’t I drink from the carton? In my own home?”
“Because other people drink from it too,” she said, hugging his waist and leaning up to kiss his jaw.
“Other people like who?”
“Your son,” Nic said, lifting a hand to cup Cyrus’s face as she kissed his head. “Your sister, our nephews, Steve when he’s visiting. And none of them want your morning breath back-wash, sweetheart.”
“A man really can’t drink his juice in peace?”
“You gave up peace when you married me,” Nic grinned cheekily.
Sam smiled. “And I’ve never regretted it.” He leaned down to kiss her.
“Also, babe, you didn’t need to make breakfast. If anything, I should be making it for you.”
“After everything you’ve been through, you deserve it.” He picked up Cyrus and set him on the floor. “Now let’s have breakfast. We’re going to your Aunt Sarah’s today.”
“Yay!” Cyrus cheered and rushed into the living room. “Aunt Sarah! Aunt Sarah!”
As soon as their son was out of sight, Nic tugged on the collar of Sam’s shirt and pulled him into a kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He handed her one of the plates of breakfast.
“I’m so glad you’re back,” she whispered, giving him one last quick kiss before following Cyrus into the living room.
“It’s good to be back.” He smiled and walked after her, joining his family for breakfast.
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cedarcoastcanada · 11 days
Wolf Lake Story
“Choosing CedarCoast was an excellent choice…complete turn-key operation, quality work and always there for us years after completion for upkeep and service”. – Gus G.
The idea of being off-grid and environmentally self-sustaining appealed to Gus & Sam when we explored ideas for a cottage on their recently acquired acreage abutting a small lake near Parry Sound. The solar array installed on a metal rack away from their cottage is barely noticeable yet provides all the power required to run their log cottage complete with all modern systems and conveniences.
The cottage is enjoyed year-round. Winter months allow for a hockey rink on the lake so that Gus can host his buddies for a game of pick-up, along with snowshoeing and sliding down the hill. Canoeing and paddle-boating in summer allows for taking in nature around the lake as well as hiking the trails on the property.
Sam is very in tune with nature and as special gift to her, we had a wolf head carved that is prominently displayed on the deck facing the moon rise.
Gus & Sam did not want a large cottage but they wanted it spacious enough to accommodate family and friends. The CedarCoast team came up with a design that had the master bedroom and a bedroom for their daughter on the main floor, with guest accommodation in the lower level walk-out basement. This kept the footprint fairly small but allowed room for everyone.
Some of the challenges on this site included constructing and finishing the entire cottage without electricity during this winter build.
The other one was keeping the almost 1 kilometer driveway looking like a quaint trail during the movement of heavy equipment and materials.
The hand-scribed log walls have character and are each unique and very artistic
An off-grid system consisting of an 18 panel solar array averaging 14 Kw per day
A rooftop solar water collector for domestic hot water heating
In-floor radiant heat on both floors powered by a propane gas boiler
Separate solar panels power each security gate
Custom kitchen cabinets with different colours made to look like individual antique cupboards
Impressive audio / visual system as well as security and live cameras throughout the house and property
Front door with carved wolves sheltered by an artistically crafted log entry porch
Yoga studio located in the space above the garage
If you are planning a new custom cottage, even in the very first stages of your thinking, we would love to speak with you.
Find out why our customers tell us, "You're not like other builders!"
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aditisaudagar · 5 months
Good camera, keeps a good eye on things!
I have been having issues with my neighbors overstepping their boundaries at our apartment complex, the last one where they were on my front steps. After that incident I immediately began looking at cameras both as a deterrent and for evidence if they were to do something like that again. I know many people with the ring doorbell, so I thought that would be a good option
The doorbell was easy to install and setup, it has a bracket with 4 screws that the doorbell itself clips to and has 2 security screws to prevent theft. Before putting it in place it has to be charged, as long as you’re using battery. It took about 2 1/2 hours to charge from a quarter battery out of the box. It includes a charging cable and all mounting hardware out of the box. After running it for a week on default power settings I am down to 89% battery, so it’ll last a while, but it’ll have to be taken down for a few hours occasionally to be charged. My one wish was that the battery was removable so I could have 2 packs I could swap out, but it isn’t the end of the world.
Video quality is pretty good on it, day time viewing is great. Night vision is a little dark to see, but it is on me due to where I had to mount it. I mounted it directly on the door, the only problem with that is it picks up the white trimming around the door more than anything in the dark. My solution was to put a small motion activated light under it, it allows me to see the footage alright if someone happens in the dark. Under better mounting circumstances it works well at night
The ring app has a very nice interface, it is very user friendly and you can easily save clips if needed. The app will notify you of motion or people at the door, so you can see quickly what’s going on. It will also allow you to change settings on the camera to save power and such. In terms of connection issues, I haven’t had any that other users have reported. However the WiFi access point it’s connected to is only a few feet away through the wall so I really can’t speak about installations further away. It is worth noting that it only supports 2.4Ghz WiFi, I would check what your network supports first.
There is a subscription, Ring Protect, for this and other ring cameras. It’s 3.99 for 1 camera, $10 a month for all cameras, or $20 for a “pro plan” with 24/7 monitoring. For 1 doorbell camera I am using the $3.99 one, however if I ever need more cameras I would definitely use the $10 one.
It is also compatible with Alexa, I am able to use my echo speaker as a ringer for when someone pushes the bell
Overall I am very happy with this doorbell camera I would definitely recommend it. I know a lot of people wouldn’t like the subscription part, but it makes sense since they’re storing your cameras footage. It’s less of a worry than a thief taking an sd card out of similar. Even just have the camera there has already acted as a deterrent, those neighbors have walked by but haven’t done anything near my porch since. The only people that have been up there are people that should be like the mail and such. With this I feel way more secure!
Ring Video Doorbell, Satin Nickel with All-new Ring Indoor Cam, White - Amazon Link:👉 Check Out Now
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Amazon Link:👉 Check Out Now
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brainyhomey · 1 year
How Smart Home Security Ensures Peace of Mind for Seniors
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Our homes are our sanctuaries, the places where we find comfort and peace. As we age, it becomes even more crucial to ensure that our homes are not just comfortable but also secure. Fortunately, smart home automation has made it easier than ever to create a safe haven for seniors. In this article, we'll explore smart home security options, including smart locks, cameras, and alarm systems, designed to provide peace of mind and enhance the safety of our beloved senior family members.
Why Smart Home Security Matters
As we grow older, concerns about safety become more pronounced. Seniors may be more vulnerable to accidents, break-ins, or emergencies. Smart home security offers tailored solutions that address these concerns, allowing seniors to age in place with confidence.
1. Smart Locks: Secure, Convenient Access Control
Smart locks are the first line of defense for any home. They provide secure, keyless entry, eliminating the need for physical keys, which can be easily misplaced. With a smart lock, seniors can:
Lock or unlock doors remotely via a smartphone app.
Share digital keys with trusted family members or caregivers.
Receive notifications when someone enters or leaves the home.
Imagine the convenience of letting a caregiver in without having to get up or worry about keeping track of keys. Smart locks not only enhance security but also simplify daily life.
2. Security Cameras: Eyes on Every Corner
Security cameras offer a comprehensive view of your home, both inside and out. Modern smart cameras come equipped with features like motion detection, night vision, and two-way audio. Here's how they benefit seniors:
Monitor the exterior of the home for any suspicious activity.
Check in on loved ones, pets, or caregivers through the camera's app.
Receive instant alerts when motion is detected or when the camera senses unusual activity.
Whether it's ensuring that the front porch is well-lit or keeping an eye on the interior of the home, security cameras provide seniors with added peace of mind.
3. Alarm Systems: Immediate Response in Emergencies
Alarm systems are a vital component of smart home security. They provide a direct line of defense against intruders and can also offer life-saving features for seniors:
Intrusion detection: Alarm systems can sound an alert and notify authorities in case of a break-in.
Medical alerts: Some systems come with panic buttons or wearable devices that allow seniors to request assistance in emergencies.
Fire and carbon monoxide detection: Alarm systems can detect smoke or dangerous levels of carbon monoxide, providing early warnings.
These alarm systems are designed to offer immediate response, ensuring that help is on the way when needed most.
Choosing the Right Smart Home Security
When considering smart home security options for seniors, it's crucial to keep their unique needs in mind:
User-Friendly: Opt for devices that are easy to operate and navigate. Seniors should feel comfortable using the technology.
Remote Access: Ensure that family members or caregivers can access and manage the security system remotely, providing an additional layer of support.
Integration: Look for devices that can be integrated into a larger smart home ecosystem. This allows for seamless control and automation.
Privacy: Emphasize the importance of privacy and data security. Seniors should feel confident that their personal information is protected.
The Peace of Mind Factor
Above all, the goal of smart home security for seniors is to offer peace of mind. It's about knowing that your home is secure, that help is readily available in case of emergencies, and that you can enjoy the comforts of aging in place without constant worry.
Smart home security has become an indispensable tool for seniors looking to create a safe haven in their homes. Smart locks, cameras, and alarm systems provide not only enhanced security but also convenience and peace of mind. With these technologies, seniors can age in place comfortably, knowing that their homes are well-protected.
As you explore smart home security options, consider the unique needs and preferences of your senior loved ones. It's an investment in their safety and quality of life, allowing them to continue enjoying the place they've called home for years. Creating a safe haven has never been more accessible, thanks to the power of smart home technology.
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