#we have fully abandoned this blog actually sorry guys i just really felt the need to respond to this and 🐝 egged me on a bit
carboysandbikemen · 7 months
hi!! i’m in no way pressuring you at all about answering this, pls ignore if you find it rude or offensive!!
about not writing for m*x, i was just wondering if there was a reason (not asking you to write for him, just curious đŸ€)
is he problematic because if so i need to do a deep dive bc i shouldn’t be supporting him so just wondered if he was not a good guy or đŸ» hates RB (valid tbh) thank u ml’s!! 💗💗
so me and 🐝 were just talking about this blog so i thought i’d come check on it
obviously at this point we’re not writing for anyone (oopsies đŸ€­) but max is an absolute cunt and i don’t think it takes much of a deep dive to find that out so if you wanna know, i’m sure you can find it if you haven’t already since this is from january (sowwy)
but plenty of racism with a dash of ableism for good measure, plus now there’s everything with chris horner and max’s response to that too so they’re great people, a great team đŸ„° (heavy sarcasm)
he’s not the only rich man in the paddock with rancid opinions or who’s done rancid shit so like, do what you will. i am just fuelled by autistic rage and filled with hate (first and foremost i am a lover but there is nothing to love here) -đŸ»
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notnctu · 4 years
to jeno, my orientation leader ♡
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To All The J’s I’ve Loved Before Series by notnctu ♡ lee jeno x fem!reader ♡ genre - fluff ♡ wc - 1.5k ♡ warnings - n/a ♡ synopsis - in which you bump into the sugary sweet orientation leader, who you were so love struck for back in your first year  ♡ taglist - @colpen​ ; @cestmoncoeur​ ; @hyucksberry​ ; @whorefortaeyong​ ; @jaeismytamtation ; @lexiluness​ ♡ a/n - sorry, but it didn’t let us tag some of you guys?? pls make sure your blog is visible to searches in order to get tagged !! let us know if you want to be on the taglist for the next ones!
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This just seems ridiculous. I know that I’m a hopeless romantic and I know I fall easily, but of all the people in the world? You, my orientation leader.
Lee Jeno, 2nd year Computer Science major, uses him/his pronouns. I will never forget your hesitant wave, small smile, and way your eyes rose into crescents. I knew I had fallen for that eye smile immediately.
I’m pretty sure I made it obvious too, I was practically floating around you, doe-eyed to everything you did, and flustered whenever you said my name even if it was just for checking if the whole group was there.
Watching you walk around campus, passionately and happily explaining all the quirks of the campus, I wondered how going on a date with you would be like. I could imagine how excited you would be looking at the variety of flavors in an ice cream parlor. I even wondered if we would have the same favorite, though you do seem like you’d like strawberry over chocolate.
And of course, I made it worse by spilling my water all over you during lunch. You got up and just laughed, reassuring me that it wasn’t a big deal and it was just water but I was too embarrassed and flustered trying to find napkins. Yet, even though you were the one that got their pants wet, you still handed me a napkin.
My heart was going to burst out of my chest and it was so hard to stop every atom in my body to just run away in embarrassment.
Though this mindless, thoughtless crush only lasted maybe no more than two days, I still shoved my face into the pillow at night, giggling at how sugary sweet you made me feel, dreaming about how you would be like.
I wished that you were thinking about me into your pillow too.
-from the shy first year in your orientation group, y.n
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It wasn’t everyday that you passed through the center of campus on a Wednesday. Wednesdays were when the clubs, fraternities and sororities boothed, bugging every student they saw to join their organization. But today, you were late for class and the fastest way to your lecture hall was through the courtyard.
With your earbuds on, you tried to blend and rush through the crowds, but so frequently students were chatting with their friends, creating walls. Getting annoyed, you tried your best to weave through. When someone suddenly swerves, you find yourself swinging to the left only to crash into someone else.
You start wobbling backwards, not able to fully regain balance, prepared to fall until someone else’s back bounces you onto your feet.
“Oh my bad, are you okay?” The quiet voice behind you asked.
Turning around, ready to apologize for your own clumsiness you face the dainty sweet eyes you haven’t thought about since first year.
Lee Jeno, second year - well now third year, computer science major, him/his. You could never forget his orientation introduction, it was the first thing he said to you. He made you forget everything, all the words you learned throughout your entire lifespan, the direction of your lecture, even how to breathe.
Now though, his jawline had become sharper and his shoulders definitely got broader. He was still reserved, but he wasn’t as shaky and nervous as before. Though he didn’t change much, the changes were subtle in the way he held himself. Shy, but comfortable with himself and everything around him. He wasn’t exactly the same as he was during orientation, but he was still similar, he had just grown up.
The letter you wrote comes into your mind. The sour sweet feelings repeat in your head, heart, and hands. You remember sighing at how fast your second letter came, disappointed in your hopeless romantic self for needing to write a letter before you even officially started college. At the same time, the sugary sweetness that he left as you wrote it still made your heart whirl.
“You okay?” he sounds concerned as he asks again, interrupting your thoughts. Realizing that you have been spacing out to his face for the past two minutes, you clear your throat.
“I-uh, yea!” Finding your voice again, hoping it doesn’t sound as skippy as it did in your head. “I’m sorry, I was just in a ru-”
“Oh my god, aren’t you, from my orientation group back in second year- oh well, I mean your first year or I guess even before that.” His eye smile starts growing as he rambles, causing the butterflies to flutter against your stomach more than they already had.
How could he possibly remember you? He had at least eight groups of 15 first years, how could he possibly remember you. You try to stop your eyes from widening and your cheeks from flushing, but his perfect laugh signals that he definitely saw your hesitation.
“I could never forget my first orientation group,” He nervously rubs the back of his neck. “I remember dreading the first day, I was so nervous.”
“Haha I think I was more nervous than you were.” You chuckled, completely abandoning the urgent lecture you had trading it for the conversation you two were having that was already far more words you both exchanged a year ago.
“Maybe,” he laughs. “Starting college is always a weird thing, it’s fun to start something fresh and new, but also so scary because it means change.”
Unable to form a response, you can tell that he also doesn’t know what to say next. The silence becomes unbearable, both of you wanting to say more, but unsure if the other wants to hear it.
“Uhm, care to join Uncief?” His shy eyes look away as he hands you the flyer.
You just laugh, remembering his awkward but soft personality. As you take the flyer, you remember taking the napkin from his hand when you spilled the water all over him.
You know that him handing you the flyer was just his job, but you can’t help but feel yourself regaining the warm feeling you had when you brush fingertips. It still felt like he was being kindhearted and considerate like he was with the napkin. The same burst of your heart in your chest replays, as if there were fireworks.
You wonder if he felt the sparks too.
Even now, your small but forceful crush on him still runs mindlessly through your head. He still sent electricity through your veins. His eyes still melted into yours, you still swore you saw the entire galaxy in them.
His shy, but kindhearted soul, even if you were just imagining it, still shined. The thought of him was just as prominent as it was during orientation.
“I’ll think about it,” You smile, but his sunshine laugh can tell that you probably won’t sign up or attend meetings.
“You should come to the meeting, we give out free pizza for the first two,” His voice raised a little, trying to convince you to come. “Or at least come hang out with me.”
You almost choke on your breath, surprised that he had asked you to hang out with him. You can’t tell if this is just something he says to everyone he flyers, or if he genuinely wanted to see you another time but that doesn’t stop the somersaults from swinging in your stomach.
Your mind roams to the idea of dating him again. Sharing a pizza together in the middle of big green fields on the campus - it just seemed so perfect. It didn’t seem so impossible to go on cute dates in between classes, studying together in the library, giggling during each other's lectures. Even though your thoughts were completely mindless and based on the little to no interactions you’ve had together, it seemed like a possible reality, not just a fantasy.
But his entire being was a fantasy. He really could be a dream in real life. His delicate eyes, soft lips, caring personality, kind soul. You never thought it was possible to meet someone who possessed everything you would ever want in someone.
“But actually, Unicef looks great on resumes and we do a lot of volunteer work too,” He points to the flyer for you, leaning in closer to you and snapping you out of your daydream. You try not to hold your breath with the proximity decreasing between the two of you. “And the people are actually pretty genuine and fun, even if it just sounds like a nerd org, I mean hey, I’m still in the club.”
“O-okay, I will genuinely think about it.” You finally make eye contact with him which he returns with his signature crescents.
“Alright, I won’t bother you anymore,” He smiles, placing a hand on your shoulder, looking you directly in the eyes. “It was nice seeing you again y.n, I hope you’re not spilling water on people still.”
You stand there in shock, not expecting him to ever remember your name. He sends you one last chuckle as he walks back to his booth.
You grip the flyer as if it was gonna slip through your fingers, just like Jeno had. You knew it was naive, but you hoped that the small shy smile that lingered on his face as he started chatting with the other members was because of you.
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steve0discusses · 4 years
S5 Ep 3: Apdnarg is Really Hard to Spell
 Yo guys, people are getting vaccinated, the sun is parting through the clouds, and I felt so nice that I even stopped listening to quite so many throwback 00â€Čs BTS mashups (and yet I keep clicking on these dissonant catastrophes thinking “this time it’s got to be better. This time they’ll figure it out.” and like, no. Turns out you can’t match Brittany’s Toxic with BTS’ Black Swan. You can’t do that.)
This must be a sign that things are getting better. If anything, it means my personal tastes are improving. I mean I only clicked on like 3 “Dark Academia” Playlists where I could pretend I’m some sort of spooky witch in an abandoned library with a bad music player and basic taste in classical music (like can we ban Satie from Youtube for a little while?). Hell, I might even do a prompt update to this blog!
Yeah, you heard me, I’m actually going to stay ahead of the update schedule for Yugioh Abridged (maybe. I haven’t actually watched cuz of spoilers, I just noticed the thumbnail pop up on Youtube and was like “Damn it, they came out of hiatus??? I got hurry UP.”)
Anyway, speaking of the sky parting.
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I’ll have you know my bro said this is actually more like a circumcision and it was one of the worst thing I have ever heard.
We get a chance to take in this lineup of confusing and varied character designs, and Joey. who is...still Joey.
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The animators probably had to hold a strike in order for them to put Yugi in the audience, lets be real. There are TOO MANY PEOPLE in this shot and one is wearing a turban where you draw every single wrap. I hope those artists charged by the line.
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Tea has a subplot where she’s just very frustrated with everyone she knows. They have been traveling together for like many weeks and got trapped in a foreign country so I get it. But at the same time, it’s kind of hard to picture Tea with female friends.
Because right now you got this 12 year old child, the other duelist who does not care about anything besides cards, and Kaiba’s 3 dragon cards that we’ve all collectively decided are female.
Hell it’s almost like the writers are asking themselves why Tea is here. Maybe they forgot. There’s no more ghosts to bus, no more people to knock out with her ass with random Olympic feats. Tea’s just sidelining.
(read more under the cut)
Mokuba is a itty bit bit taller this season, and so I guess that means he can legally climb on top of the cherry picker in order to give a riveting speech.
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Really says a lot about Mokuba that he is so unphased about talking to, I dunno...an entire planet of people. Kind of a shame we never see this courage from Mokuba used for anything other than talking really, really big and giving everyone around him a really hard time.
Mokuba takes a moment to dunk on Yugi Muto, as is Kaiba tradition.
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And then introduce the first pair of duelists, which obviously must be between the few people in this tournament that we actually know and care about.
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Thankfully, in between last episode and this episode, Yugi has figured out who his own Grandpa is. This is a relief, because Yugi is such a mess, that I was fully convinced it would take over half a season for him to recognize it. I mean how long did it take him to figure out he shares a body with a ghost? Like half a season?
Instead Yugi recovered gracefully from not recognizing his grandpa, but it’s not like he bothered to tell anyone else, so the rest of our cast is just gonna be like “Is he my hairdresser? The guy who delivers my mail? Who is this guy who made absolutely no significant changes to his outfit or voice?”
Like sometimes this show goes full Spongebob silly kid’s show and you never know when to take it seriously or not. They might be sacrificing the entire cast next episode. I really don’t know. But for now their big concern is who is grandpa??? Like an innocent card version of “Are you my Mother?”
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Faced with public speaking, Yugi decides to have a melt down.
We have seen him face monsters, we’ve seen him on TV dozens of times, he’s been in multiple competitions...but give a speech? Of course he can’t do that. The kid doesn’t attend enough school to know how to do that. Them’s learning skills.
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And that was when a newly assembled wife-jet spliced through the sky like a souped up razer scooter and deposited 1 fully equipped Seto Kaiba in a Buzz Lightyear jetsuit.
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Seto always watching over his Brother, ready to save this awkward party if it kills him (and it really should, that suit is held together by two seat-belts), making sure to get on that platform before Yugi starts going off about how he’s half an Ancient Egyptian. (Ah, life before social media. You could just be hella famous and also half a dead dude and people would just not know. I kinda miss the time before I knew literally everything about everyone.)
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Please admire how close those flames are to setting Mokuba’s heavily hairsprayed mane completely alight. It would be an unforgettable spectacle.
These were absolutely just random ass jet packs that Gozaburo Kaiba made to kill hell tons of people, right? Like Seto found it in the family cabin, clutched to the heart of some crispy fried corpse and was like “neat! Mokuba! I found a cool toy!” and just plucked that thing out of that skeleton’s clutches and has been flying around for months?
Like this is Seto Kaiba’s Butter Glider, right?
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Seriously what type of vehicle license do you need for one of these things? RIP My ‘Seto only has a scooter license’ headcanon.
Which I’m only even thinking about because I’ve had to try and make an appt with the DMV for days to get a freakin REAL ID. I went to sleep in 2019 and I could fly on a plane. I woke up in 2021 and it’s like “Want one last screw you?” and just...can 2020 please stop screwing me over? It’s March.
Anyway, the Jet is removed soon after, so no, this is not part of his new outfit. He goes right back to his Post-S4-Trauma-Normcore.
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After wrestling this competition out of his brother’s hands and confusing everyone in the audience, Roland must have gotten the memo to cut the microphone before Seto got too excited and we were quickly ushered on to the next stage of the tournament.
One sec...the BTS Mashup playlist I just clicked on did a Black Swan X 7 rings mashup and it’s the worst thing my ears have ever heard.
Holy crap. I had to actually turn down my volume. Like...Ariana Grande already has music that has way too many overlapping singing parts on it--and then lets just stick a 52-person boy band on top? That’ll fix it. Yeah. Go ahead.
Wow. Even I had to change the song and you know how much I enjoy pop culture mistakes.
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Spot the Mickey but like a million times easier because it’s a Massive Dick Shaped Dragon.
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Yep. That’s my grocery shopping outfit. Except maybe not a lab coat and a duel disk. Wish I had a duel disk, that would make social distancing just a hell ton earlier. Just a “Yo, only one person in checkout, please” and then bap them on the head with a propelled discuss/hologram.
Anyway, Grocery shopping/Doctor man dueled the Purple Hair Boy, and considering that Purple Hair got screen time and shook Yugi’s hand once--I think that Doctor man doesn’t stand a freakin chance.
Good. I hate him.
Also, every time he breathes he’s gonna fog up his glasses. I have experience in this area. He can’t read his own cards in the same way I can’t read my phone if I’m in the refrigerated aisle.
So the way this tournament works, is everyone has to sit in the stadium to watch the show. Kinda like showing up to a football stadium just to watch a recorded TV monitor...but then again...that is how it feels to watch a football game at a football stadium when it’s live (at least with the tickets I usually get.)
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And as we watch Grandpa waiting for his competitor, we find out that his competitor (Joey) is too busy eating snacks to give him the time of day.
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Why do cartoon hot dogs always have lettuce? Is that seriously supposed to be relish? Or is there a place in the world where you put lettuce on your hot dog?
Sorry, bro has just informed of his favorite hot dog order, which is absolutely terrible so I will share it with you: a Five Guys hot dog with ketchup, mustard, pickle relish, onions, mushrooms, pickled peppers, and you guessed it--topped with freakin lettuce.
My own kin. How am I over 30 and just finding out that my baby brother thinks it’s normal to walk into a restaurant with normal god-fearing law-abiding people and order lettuce and mushrooms on a hot dog?
I have fully failed him.
The rest of this episode is watching both Joey Wheeler and Mokuba have a shared panic attack while Seto does freakin nothing.
Please remember that Seto has both a jetpack and a dragon wife plane and could have easily solved this problem. But nah.
Then again, Seto Kaiba has given this crew so MANY rides, that maybe he’s tired of being the Soccer Mom for the team?
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Like they don’t actually say this episode, but Seto was the one in charge of like...this entire place, do you think he made the 2 for 1 special just to get Joey where it hurts the most? Or does it actually not take any subterfuge to screw Joey Wheeler because he’s just naturally this way?
Like Mokuba wasn’t there when Joey was told “stay right here, and then we will all go together to fight Dartz” and Joey was like “I’mma save Mai from herself although she told me not to!” and then he Hella Died. But, Mokuba did see the result, AKA, Joey’s dead body being carried on the back of Tristan. Maybe Mokuba never realized that Joey died because he went out of his way to be late?
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Lets do a tally of every time I can recall with my dodgy memory that Joey was threatened to be DQ’d/pretty much was DQ’d either by his own fault or no fault of his own
-When he wasn’t allowed to go on the boat to Murder Island because he was a stupid nobody kid who did not have a dueling glove
-When he wasn’t actually supposed to be in Pegasus’ tourney and was, in fact, secretly using half of Yugi’s entrance ticket the entire time
-when Bandit Keith stole the ticket that Joey got from Yugi so then Joey had to borrow Mai’s ticket although she had just used it so it really shouldn't have counted. Because, really anyone could have just piggy backed off of each other’s ticket until the whole boat went through that castle.
-When his account was hacked to get entered into Kaiba’s tourney when Kaiba very clearly told him he could not apply solely because he was Joey Wheeler.
-When he was late to his sister’s eye surgery because he got mugged by Marik’s Rare Hunters, so she almost refused to do the surgery.
-When Joey got possessed by Marik, and as Marik, threatened to murder everyone else in the tournament including both of the Kaiba brother’s who’s tournament it was, and then chained himself to Yugi Muto to throw both of them to the bottom of the ocean.
-I think there was a point when he threatened to attack Kaiba in Kaiba’s own tourney while not possessed? Like several times?
-when he got struck by Lightning and almost did not stand up fast enough after being struck by lightning, which is apparently a type of DQ in Duel Monsters.
-When he tried to save Mai from getting hit by a fireball, but then Yugi did it instead, and then so many people were standing on the dueling platform that Kaiba couldn’t possibly DQ them all.
-When he entered the restricted area of the blimp in order to hassle Kaiba into landing the Blimp, which Kaiba did not do.
-When Marik killed Joey before Joey could press the “go” button on his duel disk to play the card that should have won Joey the match.
-When he was dueling a lawyer in a digital universe but then the dice was like...weighted? So Noah had to walk over and be like “The hell is this weighted dice? This is my perfect digital world? How did you even do that?” and then Joey won because the match was no longer legit.
-When Joey yelled at Noah too much and so Noah turned Joey to stone for being a rude ass spectator
-When Mai was like “Wheeler and Valon, listen closely: do NOT murder each other” and then Joey did a murder on Valon so she was like “I guess I have no choice, I was very clear” and killed Joey straight up.
-When Joey decided to block Seto’s fireballs while Joey Wheeler WAS a playing card, somehow disrespecting both Dartz and Seto Kaiba at the same time.
-When Joey was playing cards but then got absorbed into a giant Leviathan and basically couldn’t play anymore after that.
-There’s probably hell ton of S0 stuff I just haven’t seen yet.
-This episode
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And Joey runs fast for a montage of wacky things that really have no business being in a theme park. Things like this:
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(remember when Bakura almost died from a rock that ended up being a balloon? It comes full circle.)
The stuff that the Kaiba brother’s think is normal and fun.
Anyway Joey fights off a bunch of hologram snakes and bats and everyone is like “Should we tell him it’s just holograms???” And it’s like wow, guys, how many times have these ‘holograms’ straight up murdered Joey Wheeler and everyone else on this cast? Too many? Because I have a google doc with so many deaths on it. 7,805,844,048, to be exact.
Anyway, he gets there with five seconds to spare and Mokuba’s like “well at least you were still entertaining while we filmed you in front of a live audience being a total spaz for 15 minutes straight, so I’ll let you go.”
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Grandpa and Joey start playing, Joey completely oblivious that this is just an older Muto, while Hawkins walks up awkwardly and is like “hey guys. I’m so sorry about this.”
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(welcome to my font choices, for those new here, I have to make weird font color choices to make sure it’s legible for the colorblind and also for the non-colorblind. This one is not much contrast, so I may change it up in the future, but for now, this is Grandpa Muto’s new font. I apologize to every graphic designer reading this. Please don’t tell anyone who has ever hired me for graphic design about this blog.)
What’s funny about this exchange is that after they find out that Yugi’s Grandpa is Apdnarg (HOLY my brain cannot get around the spelling for that, and I will not change it in the caps. I cannot do a ‘pdn’ ever again), they don’t stand on his side of the field or anything. Hawkins is legit Solomon Muto’s only fan during this exchange and like...damn. Way not to back your Grandpa, Yugi.
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Yugi immediately strides up to Mokuba to non-confrontation-ally inform him that he has stepped over a line and Mokuba is like “what are these things you say called ‘lines?’”
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According to Mokuba, Solomon Muto begged him to be in the competition so he could relive his glory days (glory days making no sense here, because the game has only been released for the past 15 years, so glory days is like...the before times that can only be referring to disgraced archeologists and Pegasus ((who is, in his own way...a disgraced archeologist, too))) and Mokuba was like
“You trained Yugi Muto, right? Hey that’s good enough for me. This drama is gold. People will eat it up. Hell yes. Don’t be afraid to abduct him a little bit. Maybe trap a couple people in a digital hellscape for a little while? Now we go by Pegasus house rules here, so fire as many lasers as you want, but just make sure not to hit anyone in the face. Oh man, we are going to be swimming in cash. Love it, Muto Sr, love it.”
But I dunno, I feel like Grandpa won’t make it past next episode. It is Joey. We kinda need him to make it past Ep 4 of the arc. If Grandpa Muto becomes the new Joey Wheeler, that will be a weird transition for this show to make.
But that’s all for today, as always, here is the link to read these in chrono order becuase there’s SO MANY that you don’t need to read backwards--don’t do it--just use the chrono tag (and I don’t know if you can add compound tags, but I did separate the Season from the Episode, so if you write S4, it should only pop up stuff from S4. I didn't’ do that to seasons 1-3 though because I just...didn’t.)
And because I brought it up: here it is, the best BTS Mashup that I found on my deep dive. Like legit--this one isn’t a mess:
Most of other ones are horrible in a fascinating way. Like I’m not even a BTS fan, I think I sort of age out of that metric, I’m just bored and quarantined. And lets be real, we all appreciate a good bop when we hear it.
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axemetaphor · 3 years
im definitely not ripping off my friend by making a list of au ideas i have no siree //gonna slap this under a readmore cause i. well i say a lot. all of the time. i tried so hard to format this Good but tumblr fucked me up i am so sorry
so first-off i know i already have one WIP AU (Auckland) on ao3 so i wont talk about That one cause like. spoilers. i actualyl have it like 80% created so its likely gonna truly get finished for once and i dont wanna ruin shit
the other one ive posted about is something me and ben (catgirlrepublic) have worked on together its not at all close to done or anything but it's. a fun little crossover. Between jdate and my fuckinuhm. Original characters story “Untitled Villains Project”. the sketches of the comic version ive started is actually my pinned post 👉👈 its like the first chunk of the story, i think half of part 1? yea.
Tldr john fucking Somehow is able t oget into contact with a certain curious scientist from another reality who’d just love to study the Soy Sauce, most certainly not for her own nefarious purposes
John and Dave meet up with the scientist, her name is Boss, and her lab assistant, Toxic, and after a bit of a preliminary Vibe Check where john determines her trustworthy (which Dave doesnt agree with,) the two agree to be taken to the world UVP is set in. from there they stay in Boss’s lab (big old fucking abandoned military lab). John and Toxic are fast friends due to mutual love-of-chaos. John n Dave get to fuckin, camp out on an air mattress.
The day after they arrive, the two get split up, not exactly intentionally; big plot points of UVP are liek. Fueled by Boss sending Toxic to go fetch her “research materials,” which are usually important artifacts
Fuckin side note i guess i have to explain my dumb bullshit: Boss’s, uh, field of expertise so to speak is actually fckin, basically the scientific study of magic and superpowers n shit like that. This shit’s all real in that world. Toxic’s got fuckin superpowers, so do 4 other main characters, whatever. It’s got a bit to do with spirituality, iss Boss’s hypothesis. So she has Toxic fetch important artifacts that might have “energies” to them. The thing is actually way more fuckin complictated than that, this is just Boss’s initial hypothesis.
Motherfucking anyways. So Boss gives Toxic a job to do, and John get excited about how Cool that sounds, and ends up going with Toxic, leaving Boss and Dave alone. Neither is thrilled about this. But Dave and Boss get to have a bit of conversation (while Toxic and John are off bonding and having a good time) and come to a
 mutual grudging understanding of some kind. They still dont like each other though lmao
Theres gonna be deeper shit going on but we havent sorted it out yet/tbh havent like Written For It in a while but i still like thinking about it a lot lol
Also pretty sure our endgame is john and dave steal toxic and bring them back with em lmao boss is kind of not nice and toxic would most certainly be better off in Undisclosed. Actually theyd fucking love it. Theyd become a local cryptid im sure. Undisclosed’s mothman is a teleporting spike baby.
I have. Another crossover AU that i might. Post something about for halloween? Maybe? If i have it finished?
Crosses over into, you guessed it, another one of my original-character projects. God, am i vain or something?
I promise this is just because i think blue and dave should get to team up to beat up some monsters
Quick briefing on my fuckinuh. Original character story, this one doesnt have a name (yet? Idk lol my work never actually goes anywhere sso who gives a shit). It centers around two grim reapers, Red (26, bi woman) and Blue (22, aroace agender asshole). In this reality or whatever, grim reapers function kind of like low-level office workers. They get told who’s going to die + when by some middle-management types, and upper management only involve themselves when punishment needs to be doled out. These Higher-Ups can be seen as analogous to Korrok; they’re decidedly not human, never were, and fucking terrifyingly powerful. Additionally, grim reapers are sort of .. designed to be “background noise” people. In reality theyre supernatural beings and, uh, look Real Fuckin Weird (the whole deal has a neon aesthetic im terrible at drawing uwu) but most humans just perceive them like extras in a movie. A body’s there but the camera’s not focused on it.
To the narrative: the shit starts when Red n Blue get relocated to Undisclosed. Relocation is something that just happens every now and then to reapers; they usually work in teams, but they get split up into different cities to avoid any strong bonds forming (a counter-union strategy from the Higher-Ups).
Red, Blue, John and Dave end up running into each other for the first time in a McDonalds where John n Dave are getting some 4am “hey, we just survived another horrific monster fight” celebration burgers. John and Dave are the only two people who can see how
 strange Red and Blue are. Nobody else notices.
John unintentionally pisses Blue off, leading to Blue whacking him upside the head with a dildo bat. They all four get kicked out of McDonald’s. Dave and Red both are less than thrilled
Blue and John end up resolving their differences, somehow. Red and Dave briefly bond over their dumbass best friends being, well, dumbasses. They all part ways amicably.
somehow-or-other (idk yet) they end up running into each other a few more times, and eventually john invites them over to his place, and the four (plus Amy now!) get to know each other a little better
while there, Blue gets a text about some guy who's gonna die and John offers to drive them to where that's gonna go down. they take him up on the offer and get to have a bit of one-on-one conversation
after that ordeal though Blue has had Enough of people and bails, leaving John to head home alone
theres a sort of mirror-development going on with the five of em. Red, John, and Amy would all like everyone to get along, though theyre a bit tentative about it (John moreso than the other two, actually, jsut cause. well Red n Blue could still be Sauce Monsters). Dave and Blue on the other hand do Not like people enough for this shit, and Dave's not unconvinced theyre Sauce Monsters. he will not trust them until proven he should
the story's kinda nebulous but i got an idea for some Shit going down that involves both Sauce Monsters and also the Higher-Ups to have some fuckin absolute chaos go down.
Oops! All Trans
Everybody is transgender. Everyone
Ive actually workshopped this one both with ben (catgirlrepublic) and ghost (ghost-wannabe) lmao its a fun lil concept ive had from the get-go cause i mean. What’s an internet tran gonna do other than hit all their favourite media with the Everyone’s Trans beam
Dave transitioned post-high school and faked his death for it. People go missing in Undisclosed all the damned time, after all. He moved to the next city over, transitioned fully, then came back as a completely new man. Yes i know this doesnt exactly fit with the “everyone knows David from high school” thing alright, hush.
Anytime anyone brings up John’s old best friend (pre-transition Dave) John throws an entire fit like an overdramatic grieving widow. Full-on sobbing “why would you bring her up?! I miss her so much—” to the point that people just stop bringing up because Jesus Christ That Sure Is Uncomfortable KJHGFDS.
This is a scheme he and Dave came up with prior to Dave leaving, though Dave hadnt exactly anticipated John putting on this much of a performance about it— but it’s stopped Dave from ever having tto hear his deadname again, so hey.
Amy transitioned sometime in middle school/early high school. Her family was super supportive and loved her a ton and most people just know her as Amy. she was super shy her whole life really so. Yeah. people just dont think to bring it up lmao also i Feel Like big jim would absolutely wallop anyone who gave her trouble of any kind
John’s nonbinary (genderfluid specifically) and not exactly Interested in transitioning ? like hes fine with how he is. mostly.
he came out to Dave in high school but hes not out to anyone else exactly. Maybe his bandmates. Probably any other trans person in Undisclosed knows, too, cause theyre safe to tell lmao. Johns mostly a “he/him out of convenience” kinda nb who’s cool with any pronouns but does prefer they/them most. Dave and Amy use they/them when the trio are alone
Also this is a totally self-indulgent caveat that i think would be great, Dave’s actually agender but because he's transmasc and transitioned when he thought there were really only two options, and being Boy at least felt less weird than being Girl, he just kind of assumed he was a dude. It’s only through a lot of (like fucking years and years hes probably in his 30s/40s when he puts 2 and 2 together on this one) talks about gender with John that he realizes he actually feels like No Gender. Masc aesthetic with none gender.
I Just Think It’d Be Neat Is All Okay
Also Amy came out to Dave about being trans early on in them seeing each other and his response was to get very nervous before blurting out “me too” and then just being too embarrassed to talk about it for the rest of the day. Hes got a lot of hangups on talking about it actually it takes years for him to get comfortable in that
by contrast when Amy comes out to John about it his response is to yell “EYYY ME TOO” and give her a big ol hug lmao
I think itd be neatt if Amy ran a like. Transfem help/advice blog on tumblr. Kind of helped-with by John who can give her transfem nb insight for certain asks. I also just think that would be neat.
Cowboy AU - i put this one last cause its got drawings to it actually. Theyll be at the bottom
Basically just. Hey you ever watched a western. I think they look neat
This is another one me n ben have come up with lol
The soy sauce and all that shit still exist, im not sure where korrok fits in yet but ill figure it out
Theres no real like solid narrative yet ? but heres the barebones of everybody’s arcs.
Johns an absolute troublemaker, Of Course. Hes wanted in several towns for absolutely stupid shit. Hes a loner who shows up, causes chaos, gets drunk, does some drugs, runs away if people get too mad at him
He definitely had the same kind of deal with the soy sauce as in canon— he was at some kind of party, somebody offered it, he took it cause why the fuck wouldnt he, now he can see monsters and shit
Hes kind of a mooch also. Like. dont let him stay in your barn man he’ll never fucking leave and drink all your booze.
He runs into Dave when they happen to just, cross paths in the same town. the bullshit John stirs up ends up involving Dave in a way that makes it seem like it's his fault too, and they both get run out of town
after that he just tags along after Dave. hes decided this guy's Cool he wants to stick around. Dave is pissed at first, but not enough to shoot him or anything, and eventually, John grows on him
Dave also is a loner but unlike John hes simply so fucking awkward and bad with people. He doesnt feel like he belongs anywhere so he just travels
He’s the stereotypical Lone Ranger tbh. He wanders from town to town, solving their problems, though hed deny its out of any moral obligation (it kinda is, a little bit, tbh. He does like feeling useful). He shows up, fixes things, leaves. He's kind of a legend but most people think he's hiding something dark. other people jsut know him as that guy who farted real loud in the middle of the saloon and promptly skipped town out of sheer embarrassment. you know how it goes with Dave
He ends up involved with the Soy Sauce when a snake (not Actually a snake,) bites him. The snake’s more like the wig-monsters, really. Anyway, it injects him with the soy sauce, he fucking trips balls in the middle of the desert, he can see monsters now
He runs into John and shit goes tits-up, as said, but they become traveling buddies after that. he'd never say so, but he's glad for the company, actually. it's nice. hes not used to companionship but he feels a strange kind of easiness hanging out with John....
not sure how the Monster Dave concept will like fit in to this reality but like. trust me i want it in here. I'll Figure It Out.
Amy’s been living in a town John and Dave end up passing through and she is very curious about these two new Handsome Strangers who claim to fight monsters and just kinda. Persistently tags along til they let her join for real
Her family’s all dead, unfortunately, just like in canon, and she’s been living alone for a few years before meeting John n Dave. she had nothing left in that town to stay for, she'd been fantasizing about escaping on wild adventures for a long time and this felt a little like a dream come true. (Dave still gives her a spiel about how Difficult it is, but really, her fantasies were pretty grounded-in-reality already. i jsut think thats how she is, yknow?)
Shes the first person to react to the whole “we see monsters” shit with a kind of “oh, okay. neat” kind of response lmao
John and Dave fix whatever the fuck is up with her town (maybe that’s where the Korrok shit can fit, who knows) and Amy ends up being integral to that. After, she insists they take her with them because “they need her now” and Dave just cant really say no. John too is very much "the more the merrier!" and hes actually glad to have another person along he loves people lmao
At the start she has long hair but after she joins them she chops it short with a knife for convenience
also she still is an amputee. justt. idk. it was a wagon/stagecoach accident rather than a car accident lmao. just to clarify since i hadnt mentioned it, i wouldnt rob her of her ghost hand or yknow. all of the significance to her character that Missing A Hand has. although also now im going to have to research what was used as painkillers way-back-when, but im betting shes still got, like, her pain pills, they probably had those, maybe i wouldnt have to try too hard there. old timey medicine could be WACK though,
Yeah hes in tthis shit mostly cause i liked designing his cowboy self lmao
Hes a kid (like 16, 17, technically i think in those days that was more Young Man than Kid but whatever. Hes Young i mean.) who got possessed by the Worms out in the desert and, by his family’s perception, just went missing!
Hes also a wanderer, but he ended up at the same town john and dave met in, at that same time, and starts following them after, already aware of who/what they are.
He keeps his face covered 24/7. actually he covers a Majority of his self for reasons. kinda want him to be a slightly more horrifying Worm Entity rather than human idk,
I kinda dont have much for this boy yet sorry Shitload
images !
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with some editing notes for me cause im doing a very specific aesthetic with this lmao. i might change some lil details/colours though ...... idk
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im also kinda đŸ€” about shitload's colour palette. i want things assoicated w the sauce to be black'n'red predominantly but i think his palette might mirror dave's too closely. also im working on a korrok design i jsut am too busy to draw it now
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avengersassemble-fics · 4 years
You Again
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previous part
word count 3k
an: lmao LISTEN do i know its been two years since this was updated?? yes BUT ya know the people ask and the people shall receive lol feel free to catch up if ya want. also!! if you're invested in this pls bare with me on the links, my blog was changed in 2019, but I fixed the master list links so use that or search on the blog! be careful.. things aren’t always what they appear ;)
We’ve been together long enough for me to figure it out
The sentence flowed out of her red stained lips easily which threw everyone for a loop, surprised glances were tossed around the group. Barry’s mouth formed an O shape and Diana’s brows raised as she glanced between you and Bruce, whose angry eyes were locked on the smirking Selina Kyle. Bruce’s hand locked onto her arm and started pulling her away, leaving his team behind and Diana cleared her throat.
“Right then, let’s. . Get back.”
Her sympathetic eyes locked onto your face, which had a blank expression and led everyone back to the plane. It was strangely quiet, except for Barry who spoke quickly to Clark about something, “And I told him, all I did was push people over and run away, but he didn’t believe me! So..”
With Alfred’s help the plane almost completely piloted itself, Diana didn’t have to do much for it to return to the safe house. As it neared, she flipped a few switches to conceal the aircraft, and landed the plane just outside the familiar abandoned building. The engines slowed to a hummed noise, and everyone got up from their seats - everyone except for you. Barry passed you first but paused, which made Diana press her elbow into his back to make him move along. Clark stopped beside you, and placed a hand on your shoulder carefully, which caused you to look up from your pensive state, a small hmm leaving your lips.
“You wanna come inside?” He asked. You looked from his stare to your hands, and sighed.
“Don’t have much of a choice, do I?”
Clark smiled sadly at you, “Not too much of a choice.”
You laughed at his honesty. It wasn’t actual laughter, but he recognized the sarcasm laced in it. The half smile, the way you shook your head, and you finally stood. He let you walk off first and into the light drizzle of rain. Each step the pair took further from the ship, the ground beneath it began to descend. You didn’t even need to look behind you, Bruce was ever the brilliant man for that detail too.
Tonight you were learning quite a bit from him. Just like before.
When Clark and you joined the rest of the group, the chatter quieted. Barry was attempting to locate food in the kitchen, and Diana stood straighter from leaning against the wall near it. She smiled sheepishly at you, and Clark left from your side. You looked at the computer in the room, and was the one to ask the dreaded question.
“When is he going to be here?”
Diana glanced at Clark for a moment, who only shrugged his shoulders, “We’re. . . Not sure.”
You nodded, and found yourself drawn to the couch, and planted yourself there on one side. Tonight made everything much more clear for you about the breakup, about those last few months of your relationship with Bruce. It wasn’t the Batman revelation that made the split happen, no it was something much worse. Something that happened just a couple months after that.
Work had gotten busier for you. That wasn’t to say you weren’t successful during your relationship with Bruce, he didn’t play into that. You were successful before you met Bruce, but somehow in those last few weeks things had exploded for your business. You found yourself swamped in work but it was good, it was so good for you and your career. But with it, and with Bruce’s new found vigilantism, you began to see less and less of one another.
He stopped sending flowers, he stopped sending those cute emails like he would at random times in the day, you heard from him less and less. But it wasn’t all his fault, it fell on you as well. Some dinners were cancelled, calls were missed, and texts unsent. It wasn’t on purpose, it just happened. But you didn’t want it to. You never wanted it to.
One night, you remembered the rain and how hard it fell that night, you drove out to see him, in that house by the lake you often wanted to call home. You did, kind of, you stayed there for most nights during the week, but not so much anymore. It was hard to see past the sheet of rain as you pulled into the long waved driveway. But you did it. You parked behind his car and switched the engine off, and squinted into the glass windows. All the lights were on of course, but there was no sign of him.
You had to fling the door open and grab your purse and rush inside. You fumbled with your key and slid it into the lock and let yourself in, but it didn’t matter, you were completely drenched. As you shut the door behind you and wiped some of the water from your face, you heard the tap of feet come down the hallway. But it wasn’t Bruce’s, Alfred came around the corner, and looked shocked to see you.
“Hey Al,” you greeted, and smiled at him.
“I keep telling him to pull the car in if he’s expecting you,” he casually said. You set your purse down and removed your wet jacket, and Alfred was quick to grab it from you.
“Oh he wasn’t expecting me I just thought I’d surprise him,” you said, “is he..?”
“I’m afraid he is,” Alfred replied, already knowing the question. You nodded and started towards the bedroom you shared with Bruce. You didn’t know what you were going to find out that night.
You were pulled from your thoughts when the door opened, everyone looked to it and weren’t surprised to see Bruce enter the room. He looked nervous, everyone could see it, and you just kept your arms rested on your legs, and stared at him.
Bruce let the door close behind him as he took a couple steps into the room. He looked between Clark, Diana, and you. Barry was eating something behind the group in the kitchen, and wasn’t paying too much attention. Clark and Diana stood behind the couch, arms crossed in front of them, but Diana was the first to break the silence.
“Do you care to tell us what’s going on, Bruce?” she asked.
Bruce glanced your way again, but you had averted your gaze to the wall, “I’ve been in contact with Selina about what’s going on, after the Arkham break out,” he stated very carefully.
“Only after?” Clark asked. Bruce narrowed his eyes at him, but you sat there and your stomach turned.
“For this matter, yes,” he said honestly. But Clark knew this wasn’t the answer you had hoped for. He looked at your shoulders tense, as did Bruce. You just continued to rub your hands together.
“Well, what does she know?” Diana pressed.
“The mayor’s office has covered up the fact that all of Arkham’s inmates were broken out,” he said, “not escaped. Someone initiated it. She doesn’t know who this guy is, but he’s planning some kind of siege on the city,” he paused, “he’s only starting with Gotham. Metropolis, Central City, Star City, they’re all going to be targeted.”
Silence filled the room. Diana looked down at her feet and Clark up to the ceiling for a moment. Barry was fully paying attention at this point, and shifted his weight from one leg to another, “Shouldn’t we be getting more guys in on this then? Anyone?”
“I know a lead in Star City,” Bruce said, “but getting him in may be difficult.”
“It’s a start,” Clark said. There was a nodded agreement amongst them, and Diana looked to you once more. She motioned for Clark and Barry to follow her out of the room. Clark followed, pushing Barry along in front of him, who exclaimed his confusion.
That left Bruce and you alone in the open. He had his hands twisted in his jacket pockets and looked at his feet. You finally broke your stare from the wall and looked at him. You both didn’t say anything, and you could feel the sting in your eyes. It was funny, you had told yourself just 6 months ago you wouldn’t cry over Bruce Wayne ever again. Yet here you were.
“What did she mean by it,” you asked in almost a whisper. But he heard you. He just didn’t know how to reply. His silence though bothered you.
“What did she mean by it, Bruce,” you said a little stronger now. That made him finally look up and meet your gaze.
“We’ve been. . . Intimate a few times,” he said, “nothing more than that.”
You nodded, a hurt smirk on your face, “For how long.”
Bruce took a step forward, “(Y/N)-”
“Dont fucking gaslight me,” you said, standing from the couch and pointed at him, “tell me the truth. For how long.”
“Fine! You really wanna know?” He yelled, and put his hands on hips.
“Yes! I want to fucking know!”
“Over a year! There! Are you fucking happy?”
You blinked at him as your jaw dropped a little. Over a year. You broke up only 13 months ago. That could only mean. . . You couldn’t even finish the thought, but his face gave you the answer you never wanted to hear.
“Is that why you pushed me away,” you whispered, “because-”
“Yes,” he breathed, “I. . . Couldn’t bear the thought that I had done it. And I couldn’t admit it to you.”
A single tear fell down your cheek. You shook your head as you focused on a spot on the floor, “Did you. .  In the house did you-”
“Yes,” he mumbled, “a couple of times, yes.”
“A couple,” you stopped yourself, “in the bed that. . . that we would-”
“Yes,” he finished for you. Silence fell over you both as you two began to process what he was sharing, every gruesome detail. Tears were on the brim of your eyes, and Bruce looked on sadly. He tried to take a step closer to you, and you moved away to the end of the couch.
“What do you think-”
“I’m sorry,” he pleaded, “I’m so sorry. I loved you, I still love you-”
“No,” you cut him off this time, “you don’t do that to someone you love.”
“Please just let me explain-”
“No,” you cut him off again, and took another step back, “no you don’t get to explain anything to me.”
Bruce stopped in his tracks, and watched you glance over him one time, and then you turned away from him. And in that moment, he felt like he lost you all over again. He watched you walk away, just like he did over a year ago. And it still broke his heart.
You made it to your room and shut the door very softly. You had managed to hold the tears in but couldn’t any longer. They slid down your cheeks and neck and you stared at the bed before you. The thought of last night came into your mind and something in you snapped. You practically tore the clothing off your body and threw it into a corner of the room, it would go forgotten for awhile. You took your time picking out shorts and a basic tee to throw on when you looked over at the bed. Your skin burned just looking at the sheets and covers on it.
Frantically, you tore every piece of bedding off of it and threw it in the same pile as the clothes. Tears clouded your vision as you worked on peeling each dirty memory from the bed, until it was bare. And you were bare. A quiet sob left your body and you covered your mouth with your hand, and eased yourself onto the ground. You pulled your legs to your chest and leaned against the bed. Tears just slid down your cheeks, and you sat there. Alone. Quiet.
There was a soft knock at the door, but you didn’t bother to acknowledge it. However, that didn’t stop the person from pushing your door open. From the corner of your eye, you saw the tall figure, who tried to look for some kind of sign they could come in. The best you could offer was a glance, and your face scrunching up in another cry. A plea.
Clark entered your room and shut the door behind him. He hurried over to you and sat beside you and that’s when you started to cry once more. His right arm wrapped around your shoulder and you leaned into his side. Your body shook from the cries, and he wrapped his left arm around you to soften the gasps. His chin rested above your head as you burrowed yourself more and more into him.
He sat there with you until you started to calm down. Until the gasps stopped, until your sniffles disappeared, and until you released your legs from your grasp. He tilted his head to get a look at you, and all he could see were those (e/c/l) pensive eyes staring at the wall.
“Stay here,” we whispered. You nodded in response and he carefully detached himself from you. As he stood, you watched as he entered your bathroom and entered the closet in there. He was gone for just a few moments before he reappeared with a fresh set of sheets, and new comforter. He didn’t say anything as he worked around you to fit the sheets on, dress the pillows in new covers, and smooth the comforter over the bed. You didn’t make eye contact with him again until he kneeled before you, and rested his arms on his legs.
“Come on,” he whispered, and held a hand out for you. You looked from his face to his hand, and hesitated only for a moment to take it. Clark pulled you up from the floor, and with his strong arms he helped you climb into bed, and under the covers.
He offered a small smile, and you still gripped his hand. He turned as if to leave, but the fact you didn’t let go of his hand pulled his attention back to you.
“Can you stay for a bit longer, Kent?” You whispered it to him, but he heard you.
He would always hear you.
He nodded and crawled over you so he sat beside you. You sat there quietly for a few moments before you spoke again.
“Did you hear?”
You played with the blanket covering you, and Clark sighed, “I did. . . I’m sorry.”
You shrugged, “I know you can’t help it,” you smiled sadly to yourself, “I just,” you laughed a bit, but this time he could hear that hurt, “Bruce he was the first one that I let into my life, after..”
You trailed off, and Clark frowned, but you didn’t look at him. You just kept playing with the fabric of the blanket.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
You glanced over your shoulder a bit, and then focused back on the blanket you played with. You moved a bit, shimmied down the bed and Clark couldn’t help but smile at your movements. You proceeded to lay your head in his lap, and he carefully moved his arm so it rested behind your back. You were positioned so that you stared ahead at the door, and Clark instinctively started to gently run his fingers over your hair.
He remembered vividly the last time he did this with you. Before you went off for college, before he disappeared from your life. He sat in this same position, and you rested your head in his lap and fell asleep. It would be the last time you saw him for years. But not the last time he would see you.
“Clark,” you suddenly called out.
“Yes?” he asked. You twisted a bit so your head laid straight up in his lap and you could meet his gaze.
You bit your lip a bit as you wondered about your question, “After you left. . . Did you ever come back?”
There was something in your still wet eyes, and they looked at him in a way he hadn’t seen himself in years. You were looking for the truth, it was something you needed to know. Clark cleared his throat and shifted a bit back towards the headboard.
“I did,” he admitted, “a couple of times, but. . . You were gone by then. And your mom she wouldn’t-”
“She never told me,” you said quietly.
Clark nodded, “I saw you once,” he paused and you looked at him in shock, “in Metropolis. Sitting outside a restaurant.”
That was enough to get you back sitting up, and facing him completely now, “You saw me?”
He nodded, “You were reading Jane Eyre, your favorite, the same copy your father gave you. You had this blue dress on and I saw you from the other side of the street, couldn’t miss you,” he smiled a bit to himself, and you looked at him with sad eyes, “I was going to go over, but then I saw Bruce join you, and you two kissed and I thought. . . You’d be better off not knowing I was there.”
You smiled sadly at him and then suddenly you had moved to lay down. Clark’s arm wrapped down your back as you cushioned yourself into his side. You didn’t say anything and neither did he. Why you felt the need to hug onto his side was beyond him, but Clark didn’t budge the rest of that night. You needed someone there with you, and if you needed it to be him then he would be there.
this is the old tag list y’all I cannot believe im doing this to you, if you wanna be removed just let me know im cackling im so sorry
@panic-angel3314 @dutifullyfuriousnerd @mrsemmaevanswriting @fourtristattoos @offlikeadirty-shirt@barrel-racing-lover @sexyvixen7 @bless-my-demons @sarcastic-ohohoh @whovianayesha@neohhetric @my-dccomic-dreams @hellomistressj @avengersgirllorianna @spunky-89@dammitkyloben @topthis808 @theboldandthebootyful @andtheytoldustotellyouhello @amandakwoodstock @brooke-supernatural16 @kissingwintergoodbye @missthang2734 @random-fandom-lady @supernaturaldean67 @crimesolversherlock​ @lunaticgurly @sweetiele-ash
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Rising from the Ashes (17/?)
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When her husband died, Emma wasn’t sure that she could ever move on. He left her with a broken heart and a baby who was only three-months old. It’s enough to take most people down, to make them not want to keep going, but Emma Swan isn’t most people. She’s stronger than she has any right to be. And after years of heartache, she’s found ways to move on
one of those being in Neal’s best friend, Killian Jones.
As she’s always known, however, things are more complicated than they ever seem to be. 
Rating: Mature
A/N: Remember that thing I said about a happy ending? They’re (and you guys) are getting one💜
Soon! I’m sorry to those I mislead! I didn’t realize that. Oops. They’re getting one when the story is over, I promise 😘
Found on AO3: Beginning | Current 
Tumblr: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 
Tag list: @ultraluckycatnd @jamif @artistic-writer @cs-forlife @qualitycoffeethings @resident-of-storybrooke @captainsjedi @captswanis4vr @teamhook @ekr032-blog-blog @mayquita @bmbbcs4evr @wellhellotragic @kmomof4 @jennjenn615 @onceuponaprincessworld @shady-swan-jones @snow-into-ash @andiirivera @mariakov81 @shireness-says @kristi555 @facesiousbutton82 @superchocovian @jonirobinson64  @thejollyroger-writer @tiganasummertree @snowbellewells @blowmiakisscolin
“How does that make you feel?”
She cuts her head to look at Dr. Lawrence and the way she’s tapping her pencil against her notebook, the one where she most likely writes down “Emma Swan is crazy” over and over again. It’s what she would write down if she were her own therapist because damn, sometimes she is crazy.
“Isn’t that a little clichĂ© to ask me how that makes me feel?”
She sighs, her shoulders heaving the slightest bit, and she rolls her eyes. She likes Dr. Lawrence. She really does, but sometimes all she wants to do is take that notebook and rip it into pieces. She’s been coming here for two months now, since late February, and April isn’t bringing her any new revelations. Not that she thought therapy would. She just wanted to talk to someone else who wasn’t so emotionally invested in her life, to talk to someone who won’t get hurt by the things she has to say. They’re not all great, and she’s only a little ashamed by that. That’s what she’s supposed to be working on though.
“It is, yes, but I think it’s a legitimate question to ask when you’ve been circling around saying that it bothers you that Killian hasn’t proposed yet.”
Her lips press together in a firm line, a sour feeling settling in her stomach and making it twist into something that has to be unnatural. Feeling this way has to be unnatural. “I did not say that.”
“Not in those words, but you did.”
She sighs again, unable not to, before falling back on the couch and rubbing at her eyes, most likely making her mascara run and create some kind of weird, smoky eye raccoon look. This is a really uncomfortable couch, the cushions almost like rocks. Shouldn’t the thing be more comfortable? Aren’t people supposed to feel comfortable in here? That’s a thing, right?
“I’m not,” she starts, not really sure where the words are going as she uncovers her eyes and looks up at the paneled ceiling. They should do that in the living room. It’d look nice. “I’m not upset that Killian hasn’t proposed. Us getting married has never been a top priority for us, you know? We love each other, and a piece of paper and a diamond ring isn’t going to make us love each other more.”
“But it is more of a commitment.”
“Technically, yeah. With the whole legal aspect and all. I don’t – I don’t know. I want  to marry Killian. I really, really do. And I know he wants to marry me. He’s had a fucking ring for at least five months now, had to have had it for a few months before that, and he’s never asked me.”
“You’ve had a lot going on.”
She chuckles darkly, her stomach untwisting and sending that unpleasant feeling to her throat so that she feels like she could vomit all over the hardwood floor in here. That would probably be an extra fee that insurance doesn’t cover. “What? You mean like my dead ex-husband coming back from the dead, having to explain to him ‘hey honey, I moved on from you and am in love with your friend and can’t make you happy like that anymore. By the way, I realized most of our marriage was shit, but I can’t harbor any resentment toward you because you’re a hero and the father of our kid and have been through more bad things than I thought possible. Plus, you know, I did love you at one point and you’re a nicer guy now.’”
She finishes her words on a long breath, her shoulders releasing some of their tension, before she twists her head to the side and looks at Dr. Lawrence furiously scribbling notes down. Great, she’s probably going to get put into a mental institution now. Can her therapist do that?
Probably not.
God, she has got to get a grip.
And stop on the way home and get something for dinner so her mom isn’t forced to feed her when she picks Henry and Ada up from her house. Killian’s working late on some project with Robin that she cannot wait to be over. She swears that it’s aging him by ten years some days. He’s always so tired and stressed. Sometimes she wonders if he needs a new job, one that’s less stressful and reminds him less of his time in the Navy, but whenever she brings it up, he always says that he’s happy there and that the money is good. She believes him, but it doesn’t keep her from worrying about him and wanting to work on the stress that’s in his shoulders and between his brows.
Dr. Lawrence still doesn’t say anything, and for some reason this bothers her enough to make her keep going, to keep rambling.
“And I guess
things have calmed down now. It was like I was walking a tightrope for a long time, and I wasn’t allowed to trip or fall, you know? Because if I did, things fell apart. I had to be strong for Henry and for Ada. I had to be strong for Neal too. And Killian, even when we were going through that
even when we were going through that rough patch. But I failed, you know? I felt so lost and helpless. Sometimes I felt worthless, which is not an uncommon feeling for me but recently, it wasn’t a usual one. It took me a long time to get over Neal’s death, to get over being abandoned again, and Killian just made me feel so – he made me feel solid. Happy. Good. He was there for me when I felt like I had no one. He listened to me cry over my husband’s death. He listened to me cry over raising a baby alone. He listened to me. And he let me be me, which was something I didn’t have a lot.”
She smiles to herself thinking of it all, of all of the times Killian has been there with her and for her throughout the years, all the way back to them meeting in Oceania and him making her laugh. He’s always making her laugh.
“He’s my best friend on this planet. I can be myself when I’m with him, and he has held my hand through the shitstorm that have been parts of my life, even when I didn’t want to let him. I love him, you know? And I’m badass, by the way. Just thought that needed to be said. I’m badass and totally could have made it on my own, but Killian
with him I get to be strong and independent while also having that hand holding mine for comfort and support. He’s made my life so much better. He’s given me Ada, and really, he’s given me Henry too. So, yeah, I guess I am bothered by the fact that he hasn’t proposed yet. I’m worried that maybe he’s changed his mind again. I shouldn’t really. I know he loves me. He doesn’t let me doubt that. I just
I want to be with him fully. Hell, I want me to not have a different last name than both of my children. I want to marry him, and yeah, a part of me is worried that he doesn’t want to marry me, that everything with Neal has made our entire relationship be altered.”
Once the words are out, she knows that she can’t take them back. She doesn’t want to take them back. This is
this is her life and her emotions and she needs to feel them. It feels really good to say all of that, and honestly, she wants to say more. She wants to talk more about Killian and more about Neal. She wants to go back to what they were talking about last week and how Neal’s moving has affected everyone, especially Henry. She wants to talk about how terrified she is being a parent and putting her kids in such stressful, life changing situations.
She wants to talk.
But the clock on the wall says she only has ten minutes left, and she figures that Dr. Lawrence has to have something to say or else she’s been writing on that notepad for nothing.
She reaches up to wipe her eyes, to wipe away the tears that have been furiously falling without her permission before her hand lands on her pendant. She’s going to have to make herself look less puffy. She doesn’t even remember when she started crying.
“I think Neal coming back has altered your relationship,” Dr. Lawrence begins, and Emma sits up on the couch, straightening out her shirt and her back as she sniffles. “How could it not? Besides the emotional trauma and joy of having him be found alive, it’s completely changed your life. You and Killian are no longer parents to Henry alone. You share that responsibility even if the two of you carry the load. Your ex-husband is no longer a dead man. He’s a real human being with thoughts and feelings that aren’t always going to be perfect, so you have to adjust to that too. For as much change as you’ve been going through, Killian has been going through something too. You have to give him the emotional time to adjust as well because while I don’t know the man, I do know that he cares about you and is probably putting your feelings above his.”
“What do you mean?”
“Maybe Killian thinks that you’re not ready yet, that he thought you were still going through too much emotional upheaval until you two talked about it a bit – ” she looks down at her notebook, eyes seemingly searching for something “ – two weeks ago.”
Ah, so maybe she does actually pay attention.
“Does that really count as talking, though? I literally just hinted around at it.”
She smiles. “But it’s a start.”
“Henry, you have got to put your shin guards on so that we can go.”
“I can’t find them,” he shouts back over the railing.
“Of course you can’t,” she mutters to herself, rolling her eyes a bit as she looks down at Ada who is currently banging her hands against the wall and giggling to herself. Kids are so damn weird sometimes. She doesn’t understand what the purpose of banging her hands against the wall is, but if she’s about to have to go upstairs and help Henry find the rest of his soccer uniform, she can’t leave her down here by herself despite how much baby proofing they’ve done.
Her entire house is metaphorically wrapped in bubble wrap, and Ada still manages to find ways to nearly kill herself just by exploring.
This is terrifying.
How is Killian not back from his run and the grocery store yet? He’s already supposed to be here so they can go to the fields together like they’ve done every Saturday this spring. He already missed their usual breakfast, so he really needs to show up soon. Maybe he’s stuck in traffic or there was some kind of freak watermelon accident and there are watermelon all over the road. Or maybe he ran into someone he knows. She doesn’t know, and even though she really shouldn’t be angry at him right now, she’s had a bad morning and needs him.
And she misses him. He’s here, always right here, but he’s felt so distant lately, so far away. She felt so good after her therapy appointment on Tuesday, like she was ready to talk to him and finally fix things and have all of her emotions centered, but she’s barely gotten a chance to talk to him in the three days since. Both of their jobs have been busy, the kids have been insane, and then she had to deal with Neal cancelling his trip into town this weekend. She understands, really, but Henry understanding is different. He misses his dad, and if the hour long phone call last night is any indication, Neal misses Henry too.
Her life is a constant ebb and flow of being all together and all falling apart.
No, her life is good. She’s just been stressed the past few days. That’s all.
“Come on, bug,” she sighs, stepping toward Ada and picking her up, wondering when in the world this kid got so heavy. Ada lets out what has to be an actual, blood curdling scream and starts thrashing around while Emma carries her up the stairs. “Ada, shhh, it’s okay. We’re just going upstairs. You don’t have to have a meltdown.”
That somehow only makes things worse, the cries going up another decibel, and she resigns herself to this as she walks down the hallway into Henry’s room. There are clothes scattered everywhere, his notebooks spread across the floor. When in the world did his room get to be such a mess? He has to clean that tonight or tomorrow. It cannot stay like this.
“I can’t find them,” he whines again, tossing a pair of shoes out of his closet, the pair of converses landing on one of his books.
“Have you checked in your bag?”
“That’s the first place I looked.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” he shouts, coming out past the doorway and running his hands through his hair, yanking at the brown strands. “Why is Ada so loud? Make her stop.”
“I’m trying, kid.”
“Try harder.”
“Hey, no,” she says sternly, trying not to yell to escalate the situation, “you do not get to tell me what to do, especially not being loud and harsh like that. I understand that you are upset and can’t find your shin guards and that your sister is being really loud. I get that. I don’t like it either, but yelling isn’t going to solve any of our problems.”
“Ada is yelling.”
“Henry,” she sighs while Ada lets out another loud cry. Shit, this is not a good day. It’s not even ten in the morning yet. “Ada is a baby. She can’t really talk. You know this. I’m going to text your dad and ask if he knows where your stuff is.”
“How would my dad know if he doesn’t live here anymore?”
Her stomach drops for a moment before she realizes that she used the wrong term for Killian. It’s usually not confusing, but sometimes it’s so easy to slip up like that.
“Your daddy,” she corrects. “I’m going to text your daddy.”
“Killian is not my daddy. He’s my step dad.”
Her stomach really does drop then, a heavy anchor weighing her down and making it nearly impossible for her legs to stay steady and her arms to stay strong against a still wailing Ada, even if her cries are beginning to calm down. What did
what did Henry just say?
Why did he just say that Killian isn’t his daddy? She knew that sooner or later he’d feel too old to call Killian his daddy, that he wouldn’t always call him by the name he started calling him when he was five, but he’s not supposed to be calling Killian his step dad. Yeah, that’s pretty much what he is, technically, but that’s also not what he is. He’s his dad. He’s the man who raised him, and Henry should never think otherwise when that used to be all he knew.
“Where did you learn that?”
“I don’t know.”
He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest while his lips curl downward. Does she have the most dramatic kid in the world? Probably not. But he seems to be going for that title today. She’s just waiting for him to start crying or throwing things. Or hopefully not throwing things. That would be a disaster.
This day is kind of a disaster.
At least she hasn’t gotten to the point where she has to take away Henry’s games yet.
“My dad told me that’s what Killian is.”
Motherfucking hell.
She’s going to start crying.
And throw something.
Maybe throw Neal. Definitely throw Neal. He’s bigger than her and hundreds of miles away, but she could get it done. She could. Absolutely. All of those stories about mothers raging to protect their children – one of those is going to come true after she figures out what the hell is going on. Neal wouldn’t have told Henry that. He wouldn’t have. But then why would Henry have said that? He obviously knew he wasn’t supposed to tell her before she pushed him into saying it, so he was probably trying to protect his dad.
But why would Neal have told Henry that in the first place when they explicitly told him over and over again that this is how their family situation works?
It must be some kind of misunderstanding. It has to be. Neal wouldn’t do that, and if he did, it has to be a mistake, a slip of the tongue. She’ll call him later and get it all straightened up. It’ll be fine. Right now she really just has to focus on Henry and this situation and getting him to his soccer game.
Swallowing the gulp caught in her throat, she puts Ada on the ground, figuring that’s probably all that she wants to stop this crying, and squats down so that she’s at eye level with Henry, reaching up to brush his hair off of his forehead while he stares at her with those watery chocolate brown eyes.
“Kid,” she whispers quietly, curving her lips into a small, hopefully reassuring smile while she keeps pushing his hair back, “I need you to listen to me, okay?”
Henry nods his head up and down, his little shoulders heaving while Ada has managed to make her way to Henry’s bed and is holding herself up on it. At least she’s not banging on the door.
“Killian is your daddy. You can call him Dad if you want to, if you feel too old to be calling him Daddy. That’s okay. You are a very special kid, and like I’ve told you before, you get to be lucky enough to have two dads who love you and care for you more than anything in the world. Not every kid gets that like you do.”
“But Dad told me when we were on the phone that Kil – that my daddy is my step dad. Like how Ella has a step mom.”
She doesn’t know how to explain this. It was easier when Neal was dead, which is a horrible thing to think. But Henry understood it much more easily then. He embraced it more. Now he’s older, though, and has an entirely different situation for his life.
She wishes Killian were here. He’d help and know what to do and know what to say despite the fact that this would break his heart even more than it’s breaking hers.
it’s grown up things. I,” she sighs, running her free hand through her hair and trying to think while her thighs begin to ache from this position. “You know how when we told you about Ada being born, we told you it was because Mommy and Daddy loved each other and that helped to make her?”
“Well, back when your dad and I were married, we loved each other and made you so that we could love you.”
“I know.”
She smiles at him again, making sure that her eyes don’t leave his except to glance over to Ada as she plops down on the ground and starts messing with some of Henry’s books. Thank God she’s stopped crying. That was miserable. Her entire life was about to implode in the span of five minutes.
“But then your dad disappeared, and I didn’t have him to help me love you or me anymore. But your daddy came along and he fell in love with me and  with you. And he was around to help you learn how to walk and talk, just like he is with Ada. He took you to the pool to go swimming and to the playground. He went to all of your school plays and all of your birthday parties. He tucked you into your bed at night and read you stories, and he’s spent so much time loving you and me and your sister that I don’t think we can even imagine how much he loves us.”
Henry nods his head, and she desperately hopes that he understands. She doesn’t understand how to explain this without scarring Henry for life about sex when he is so not ready for that. She knows that some parents are fully open with their kids about things like that, but it’s not her parenting style.
“So he and my dad are the same?”
“Y-yeah,” she sputters, knowing that she needs to attack this conversation with a better plan later but thankful that things have seemed to calm down. “They’re the same. They’re both your dads, and they both love you so much that I bet your arms don’t even stretch out that far.”
Henry sticks out his arms to test the theory out, and she can’t help but chuckle at that. He has such childlike innocence and faith for someone who keeps having his life changed and uprooted, and even though she still feels like a frayed wire right now, she knows that she has a set of good kids in her life.
Leaning forward, she wraps Henry up in a hug and holds him as tightly as she can without smothering him. He hugs her right back, and she feels a little of the lead that’s in her stomach dissipate.
“Come on,” she says as she pulls back, “we’ve got some shin guards to find and a soccer game to go to.”
They find the shin guards in the kitchen of all places, and even though they have to practically sprint across the fields to get to his match, they make it in time. She knows a lot of the other parents there, a lot of them have kids in Henry’s class, but she prefers to sit under this tree in the shade with Ada. It’s at the corner of the field, so she still has a clear shot of Henry and he does of them.
Emma: Where are you?
Emma: We’re already at the fields. Hope you get here soon!
Emma: We’ve had quite the morning. Can’t wait to tell you about it later.
She puts her phone down on the blanket and pulls Ada back to her so that she can adjust her hat on her head, making sure she’s totally shaded while she slathers more lotion on her.
“Mama,” Ada babbles, grabbing at her necklace with enough force that she could snap it. Emma has to immediately grab Ada’s hand and move it away before twisting the necklace around so that Ada can’t see the diamonds. “Mama. Mama. Mama.”
“What?” she laughs, scrunching her nose up when Ada tries to grab at it too. “Baby, you’re driving me crazy today. Nothing makes you happy, and you’re going to either rip my nose off or break the necklace your daddy gave me.”
Ada giggles at that, like it’s the funniest thing in the world, and Emma can do nothing more than shake her head as she continues to get Ada’s arms with lotion. She’s wearing a United jersey with Jones written across it that Killian got her. He’s so extra sometimes, and this is a prime example of it.
She kind of loves that.
Plopping Ada down on the blanket in front of her, she snaps a picture of her back with the soccer field in front of her, and sends it off to Killian, hoping that he’ll answer this one since he hasn’t answered any of her other texts and calls. She’s trying to ignore that and convince herself that it’s fine, but there’s this weird, sinking feeling that’s stayed with her all day. Maybe it’s the stress, or maybe it’s something else entirely.
Emma: Henry’s number one fan!
The rest of Henry’s game (or is it match? She’s really not sure.) goes by pretty quickly. He’s at the age where the kids are actually pretty competitive, so it’s not so much all of them running around and kicking balls in the wrong goal as it is them legitimately trying to win the game. Not quite as cute as it used to be, but Henry likes it. That’s all that really matters.
“Did you see me kick that goal?” Henry gasps when he runs over to her after the game, his hair covered in sweat and grass stains covering his knees. “It was awesome.”
“It was awesome,” she agrees, holding her hand up for him to high five him before holding Ada’s hand up so that she can do the same, even if it’s not with quite the same impact.
“Where’s Daddy?”
“He got called into work,” she lies, not too sure how to handle this situation. That seems to be happening a lot lately. “He’ll be home later, though.”
The smile that was on Henry’s face instantly fades, the upward curl twisting down. “He didn’t see my game?”
“No, kid. He didn’t. But he wanted to.”
“He promised that he’d come to all of my games.”
“I know,” she laments, bringing him into her side. Poor kid. Both of his dads have bailed on him this weekend, and she knows that if it’s just today, it won’t mess with him too badly. But if it’s
if it keeps happening, well, it can’t keep happening. She won’t let it keep happening. “But sometimes things happen that make us break our promises. I’m sure your daddy is so sad about not getting to see you score that goal.”
“Yeah,” Henry sighs, his shoulders sagging forward as she starts to pick up all of their stuff so they can walk to the car.
It doesn’t take long even navigating through all of the kids and parents, and soon enough she’s driving out of the soccer complex and on her way home with the kids so that Henry can get showered and Ada can take her early afternoon nap. The music cuts off in the car as a phone call comes in, and she hits the button on her steering wheel to accept Neal’s call, leaving it on speaker since he’s probably calling for Henry anyways. Good. If he can’t fly home this weekend because of work then at least Henry will have this.
“Hey, Neal,” she greets, pulling up to a stop light and inching closer to the car in front of her.
“Hey, Ems. How are you?”
“Good, good. We’re on our way home from Henry’s soccer game. Kid, why don’t you tell your dad what you did today?”
“I scored a goal,” Henry shouts from the backseat, his voice far too loud. “It was really cool. Avery kicked the ball to me, and I kicked it right past the Dragons’ goalie. She couldn’t stop me.”
“That’s awesome,” Neal laughs. She can practically imagine the smile on his face, and it makes something in her heart settle thinking of how much Neal is here for Henry even when he’s physically away.
“Come on, Emma, push.”
“I can’t,” she cries, holding onto the handrails over the bed while a contraction roars through her body, making all of her limbs shake as she feels herself shutting down, feels her will to keep going fading. “I can’t do this by myself.”
“I am right here, Hon,” one of her nurses soothes, holding onto her hand even though Emma doesn’t know her name. She should know her name. She’s the woman who is by her side while she delivers her son. If she’s the only one going to be here, Emma should know her name. It’s too painful to ask. “You’re doing just great. So is your baby. His heartbeat is so strong, yeah. He gets that from you.”
“He’s okay? He’s still doing okay? This isn’t – this isn’t hurting him, ah, too much?”
Her nurse squeezes her hand, holding on tightly as she watches people move between her legs. She’s officially had her vagina stared at by more people than she ever thought would stare at it, and even though she doesn’t want to think about that and what’s happening right now, it’s all that she can focus on.
If she doesn’t, she’ll think about Neal.
He should be here.
He should be here holding her hand and helping her through this.
He should be here to hold his son when he’s born.
He should be here.
But he’s not. He can’t help it. He’s training. This is what he has to do. This is his job. He’s helping so many other people, and that’s what she has to remind herself. That’s what she has to keep repeating over and over again as she suffers through labor. Why did no one tell her how much this hurts? They did, but it was in broad terms. It wasn’t like this. It was never described like this. Everyone always glossed over it and told her that it would be all over and she’d have her baby in her arms and that everything would be okay.
How is this okay?
How is any of this fucking okay?
She’s by herself.
She’s alone and has no one here but this nurse who she still doesn’t know the name of to help her. Neal isn’t here. Ruth isn’t here. Neither is David. Or Mary Margaret. Mary Margaret would be good at helping here. She’s been through this. She’s so soothing even when she’s annoying and pushing all of her opinions on Emma.
She doesn’t even have any friends here. All of her friends are mostly Neal’s friends, and she doesn’t know any of them well enough to ask them to be here.
Why didn’t she make more friends? Why didn’t she keep some of hers from freshman year? She had friends, didn’t she? She had people she talked to and got lunch with. She knows that she did. She had to.
She’s been alone for so much of her life, but right here, right now, is the last place she ever thought she would be alone.
She can’t do this. She can’t. It’s too much.
Maybe she’s not meant to be a mother.
She can’t be one.
How could she when she didn’t have one for most of her life?
“I can’t be a mother,” she cries, tears stinging hotly behind her eyes while her contraction begins to wane. She knows it’s only a brief moment of reprieve. Her son is almost here. She knows that he is, that has to be. She’s been suffering in here for too long for him not to be here soon. She needs him to be here. “I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.”
“Yes, you can, Sweetie,” the nurse promises her, rubbing her thumb over her knuckles. Neal always does that, and it’s so damn soothing. She misses him. He should be here. She can’t stop thinking that. He should be here. “You can be a mother. It’s just scary right now, but you’re doing great trying so hard to help this boy come into the world.”
“But I’m alone,” she whispers, the words barely escaping her lips before they get captured by a sob, one that moves her shoulders and makes her vision completely blur.
She’s alone.
She thought she finally wouldn’t be, but she is. She’s alone and terrified.
But she’s been alone for most of her life, and the sad truth is that she knows how to deal with it. She knows how to deal with handling things by herself, how to deal with pain and happiness, with loss and with celebration.
She knows.
So she can do it. She can get through it. She has to.
She can be a mother.
She can be a mother for this kid. Maybe even for herself too.
Her eyes haven’t seen this kid outside of a black and white picture. Her hands haven’t felt him move except for the hard kicks to her ribs that have taken her breath away. Her arms haven’t held him except when she’s cradled her bump at night.
She doesn’t know anything about this kid, but she knows that she loves him. She knows that she wants to be his mom and to be there for him for every day of his life.
She knows.
This is her son, and she can do this.
And she does.
Even with the epidural, it’s possibly one of the most painful things she’s ever experienced, and she knows that doesn’t go away anytime soon. All of the books told her that about the recovery. But there was no way they could tell her the pure joy that she feels holding this red, squirmy baby in her arms. He’s beautiful. He’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen in her life, and she made him with her body.
She and Neal made him.
They’re parents. They’re freaking parents.
She can’t wait to tell him, to let him know that his son is here, but right now all she wants is to spend time with her boy, to get to hold him and never let go.
She’s never letting go.
“Hey, Henry,” she sighs, rubbing her finger across his cheek while he looks up at her. He has Neal’s nose. She always thought people who could tell who a baby looked like when they’re born are crazy, but her kid has Neal’s nose. “I’m your momma. I am. You are so precious, and I love you so damn much. I’m pretty sure you don’t understand what I’m saying, so that curse is just between you and me, okay? Yeah? Just between you and me. Your daddy never has to know.”
“You did a great job,” her nurse sighs as she stands at the door. “That’s a good baby with a healthy mom.”
“Thank you,” she whispers, leaning her head back against the pillow. It feels so comfortable, but she’s not ready to go to sleep quite yet. “It really means so much to me to have had someone to hold my hand throughout all of that.”
“It’s certainly not a problem.”
“Hey, what’s your name? I’m sorry I didn’t ask before. I was kind of busy.”
“Thank you, Ingrid.”
Ingrid walks out of the room, and she turns all of her attention back to Henry and the roundness of his eyes, the dark lashes. He’s so bald, but he’s got this one little patch of dark hair. He’s beautiful. Just beautiful. And not crying, which she thinks she likes most of all.
“I think you and I are going to be good friends, kid,” she tells him, letting him grasp onto her finger. “Like, you eat food from my boob, so it’s pretty much a given that we’re going to be close. Just saying. My body has gone through a lot for your existence, and I expect some good mother’s day gifts someday. Your daddy knows what I like. Oh, I can’t wait for you to meet your dad. You’re going to love him. He’s so funny. I bet he’ll make you laugh all of the time, yeah? But not as much as me. Don’t tell your dad, but I’m so much funnier than him. He has no idea.”
Throughout the rest of the day, nurses and doctors come in and out to check on both she and Henry. She knows that she takes a lot of naps, but it’s all a bit of a blur for her as some of the pain starts to kick in and she struggles getting Henry to eat. Once he does, though, she feels like infinitely less of a failure. It’s a weird feeling, being so devastated by something that’s really not in her control, but she has to keep reminding herself that she’s not going to be perfect at this and that things are going to go wrong. Hell, so many have already.
But Henry is here and healthy, and that’s all that matters. That’s always been what matters.
“Thanks for making me not be alone anymore, kid.”
Neal and Henry talk for the rest of the ride home, but really, it’s mostly Henry going on and on about his game and saying the same things several times while Neal pretends it’s brand new information to him. When she pulls into the garage, the door shutting behind them, she switches the call to her phone so that she can talk to Neal for a little bit while she sends Henry inside to take his shower, hoping that he’s actually going to wash himself instead of simply standing under the water.
“Thanks for calling him today,” she tells him as she rocks Ada back and forth in her glider, hoping that she’ll fall asleep soon and not have another meltdown. “It was kind of a big day for him, and you have no idea how much that means to him.”
“Of course. He’s my kid. Just because I’m not at home anymore doesn’t mean I’m not going to be there for him.”
Her heart lurches, practically dropping to the pit of her stomach, and she has to hold back the tears that are threatening to push through. That’s literally all she’s ever wanted since the day Henry was born.
“That’s good,” she sniffles, adjusting Ada in her arms. “You’re a good dad. You’ve done such a good job adjusting to being a parent to an eight-year-old who likes to talk back and who you can’t just cuddle with to make them stop crying.”
Neal hums on the other end of the line. “You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You sound a little upset.”
“I – ” she begins, almost ready to spill all of her thoughts to Neal, but she bites her tongue to hold herself back. She’s not about to share how upset she is with Killian with Neal. That’s pretty much asking for disaster. She knows that they have a good relationship, a good friendship, but they’re not the kind of exes who talk about their love lives with each other. Not in graphic detail. They talk about Henry and the movies and old times. She doesn’t tell him her intimate thoughts, not anymore. “It’s been a long day. The kids had me about ready to pull my hair out.”
“Killian didn’t help?”
“He got called into work,” she lies, telling Neal the same one she told Henry earlier. Killian will call soon. He has to.
Neal clicks his tongue.
“What?” she asks, watching Ada’s eyes flutter closed.
“It’s obviously something, Neal. I know you. You click your tongue when you have something to say.”
“It’s just that, well, shouldn’t Killian be around for Henry’s soccer game?”
“Sometimes things come up.”
“That’s still a shitty thing to do.”
She huffs, all of that anger from this morning returning as the memories flood back to her brain. How in the world did she forget that she needed to talk to Neal? It’s like she got lulled into some kind of false sense of security and didn’t even realize it.
“You missed his game today too, Neal. For the exact same reason.” She doesn’t know if Killian is at work right now, but that’s what she’s going with. Something must have happened for him not to be here. “And we are far too old to be playing petty games over who is being a better parent to Henry. By the way, where the hell do you get off telling Henry that Killian is his step dad?”
She can feel her voice begin to raise, so she gets up from the chair and puts Ada in her crib, hoping that she’ll fall asleep quickly. When she exits the nursery, she can still hear the shower going, so she walks down the hall and into her bedroom, moving to the bathroom so Henry will be less likely to hear her talk. She can’t begin to count the number of arguments she and Killian have had in the bathroom. They don’t yell too often, but she doesn’t want Henry to hear any of it when they do argue.
Neal still hasn’t said anything, so she asks again. “Why did you say that?”
“I didn’t,” he finally says, his voice completely even.
“Henry told me that you did.”
“He’s a kid. He says crazy shit.”
“He’s a smart kid who only says things when he’s learned them somewhere else. Just admit to it so we can talk about it. It’s already a tricky situation, so we don’t need it to get worse.”
“What’s tricky about it? He’s my kid, and Killian is pretty much his step dad. I mean, you two aren’t married, so not really. But I figured that made it less complicated.”
Less complicated her ass. Why is he being such an ass about this? This is not him, not anymore.
“First of all, he is Killian’s kid too. I have never let Henry think that you’re not his dad. You are. That’s something I’ve made a priority for him to understand ever since he was old enough. But you cannot take away Killian’s right to him as well. Killian helped me raise him, Neal. For most of Henry’s life, Killian has been Henry’s dad too. That doesn’t just change.”
“Well, it’s not my fault that I wasn’t fucking around to raise him.”
“I didn’t say it was.”
“You might as well have, going on and on about Killian this, Killian that. Fuck, Ems. He’s not the greatest man in existence. You don’t have to put him on a pedestal.”
“I don’t.”
“Please,” he scoffs, and she feels acid swish in her stomach, twisting around as she settles down on the countertop next to the sink, her legs like jello beneath her. “You so do. Ever since I’ve come back it’s been all about Killian and the life you share and the daughter you have, like our marriage was absolutely nothing to you. I bet you didn’t even consider taking me back.”
“What the hell is your problem today? I’m trying to talk to you about our son to make sure that he doesn’t get confused, and you decide to be nasty to me? No, Neal, I didn’t really consider taking you back. Life moved on. It changed. But don’t you dare for a second think that I didn’t go through hell trying to figure out how to deal with things when you came home. I nearly lost my mind trying to handle everything. I care about you. You’re my friend, and I tried my best. But there’s no way you could have expected me to drop everything to be with you when I spent years grieving you.”
“I would have done it for you.”
“Bullshit. I loved you, but you never loved me in the same way. I didn’t realize it at the time, but now I know.”
“I think you’re making a mistake being with Killian.”
“I think you’re making a mistake trying to talk to me about this when it’s really none of your business.”
“If it affects my son, it is my business.”
She scoffs, bewilderment inching its way over all of her skin, gooseflesh rising. How fucking dare he try to turn this on her, try to gaslight her. This is what he’s always done. He’s always tried to steamroll her like this. She thought he’d changed, that he’s tried to be better, so why is he being like this? He shouldn’t be like this anymore.
“You know what affects your son, Neal?” she asks, her voice cold even to her own ears. “His dad fucking with how he thinks of one of his other parents. No part of that is okay, nor will it ever be okay. Don’t do it again.”
She hears him say her name on the other end of the phone, but she hangs up before he can say anything else. He’ll call back. She knows that he will, but she’s done with that conversation. It was ridiculous, in every single way. She knew it wouldn’t be comfortable bringing up the whole step parent thing, but she didn’t think it would ever turn into
What the hell was that?
Neal hasn’t talked to her like that since he found out that she and Killian were together. It was harsh, but she understood in a way. Now though, she doesn’t understand. She doesn’t understand why he would be rude to her life that, why he would try to make her think that she’s doing something wrong by being with Killian, to make her think that she’s a bad mother. It’s how he used to talk to her, but it’s not how the man she’s known as talked to her ever since he came back.
It’s not supposed to happen like that anymore.
All she wants to do is cry, but she’s too tired to cry. If she starts, she may not be able to stop. It’s all too much. Today has been too much for her, and she still doesn’t know where Killian is, what’s going on with him. In the back of her mind she thinks that maybe she should be calling hospitals to make sure that he’s not in one, but something in her gut keeps her from doing that. She does text Mary Margaret and David, however, hoping that maybe one of them will have the answer.
She needs to know, and worry is slowly covering each inch of her skin.
“Mom,” Henry calls, stepping into her bathroom.
“Yeah, kid?”
“Can you make me a hot dog?”
“Sure,” she sighs, giving him a watery smile and wiping away at her eyes. “Let’s go do that.”
The rest of her day is spent with her kids, trying to entertain the both of them with games and movies, even going outside to play on the play set for awhile. She never hears from Killian, and only Mary Margaret texts her back to say that she hasn’t heard from him and that David’s got a busy day at work and probably won’t get back to her until his shift is over. It bothers her, makes her practically sick to her stomach, but she can’t focus on it as she focuses on making sure Ada and Henry have a good day.
It’s what she has to do if she’s doing this alone today.
That night, after she’s got Ada in her crib, she walks to the next room over and into Henry’s. They both cleaned up in here a bit today, so she doesn’t step over any legos or sharp objects as she crawls into his bed behind him, wrapping her arm around his waist and holding onto her son like her life depends on it.
Maybe sometimes it does.
“What are you doing?” he mumbles, still flipping through one of his books.
“Cuddling with you because I love you so much.”
He squirms, but he still settles into her. “I love you too.”
“What are you reading?”
“That’s a good one.”
“I know. I like it. She has magic.”
She nods her head and settles it down onto Henry’s shoulder, reading behind him while he mumbles some of the words out loud. She doesn’t know how she got a kid who loves to read when she remembers hating it at his age, but she’s really thankful for that.
She’s thankful for Henry and how he changed her entire life for the better on the day he was born, how he brought magic into her life in a time that was so dark that even the stars seemed to disappear, blinking out one by one until there was no light left.
Except for Henry. He has always been the light.
“Did you know I love you?” she whispers to him.
“Yeah, you already said that.”
“I know.” She kisses his cheek and holds him a little closer. “It’s just that I love you and Ada so much that sometimes my heart can’t contain it, and I have to keep telling you so that you know how much I love you, how much I’ll always love you forever.”
“I love you and Ada too,” he says simply. She knows that he means the words, but they don’t have the same emotional depth that her words do. Good. He doesn’t need to feel how she’s feeling, like her heart is threatening to break into pieces over how much she loves him.
“And your dad and your daddy love you too. So much more than you even know.”
“I know. Mom, you’re making it hard to read my book.”
Emma chuckles, kissing his cheek again before she shifts out of the bed, figuring that she’s smothered him enough for tonight. Just because she needs to time with him doesn’t mean that he wants it. “In thirty minutes your light needs to be off and you need to be asleep, okay?”
“Good. Night, kid. Thanks for making me feel like I have real magic in my life.”
“Goodnight, Mom.”
She closes his door behind her and makes her way downstairs, quickly checking on Ada on her way. The house is quiet, only the sounds of the air conditioner running and the refrigerator making ice filling the space. Usually she’d crave something like this. She’d crave having peace and quiet and not having to worry about anything for a little while. She can fix herself a cup of hot chocolate and settle down in front of the television to watch whatever she wants. Those are the nights she craves sometimes, but now that she has one of those, she wants none of it.
All she wants is for this day to be over, possibly for this day not to exist. Frankly, it sucked, and she knows that not everything will be fixed when she wakes up in the morning. She’s still pissed at Neal. Like, if he were home she would probably have the urge to punch him pissed. She’s worried about Henry and how everything is impacting him. She’s already emailed Dr. Hopper today, but sometimes she’s worried that him going to therapy and them trying so much to give him a good life is not enough.
Sometimes she worries that she is not enough.
That she’s not enough for her children.
That she’s not enough for Killian.
He has only made her feel that way once in all of their time together, and she doesn’t hold it against him, not anymore. She understands everything that he was going through. But right now, today, she needs him, and he’s not here.
She falls asleep on the couch, and when she wakes, it’s to a twist in her neck and a twist of the front door handle, Killian coming inside as quietly as possible. At first, she’s relieved that he’s okay, that he’s home, but then she remembers the absolute hell that she’s been through all day without him by her side, without him answering any of her calls.
“Where have you been?” she whispers. She thought the words would be louder, harsher, but she finds that she can barely get them past her lips.
Right now she’s just relieved that he’s okay, that his heart is still beating within his chest.
“Why aren’t you asleep, love?” Killian asks her, stepping into the bright light of the living room so that she can see the red rim around his eyes. “You should go to bed.”
“I’d really rather know why you ignored all of my calls all day long.”
“I’ll tell you in the morning.”
“Damn it, no,” she yells, this time the words coming out as she sits up further on the couch, “tell me now. I’m done being pushed around today. You have been gone. I have been worried. Henry has been worried, and you walk in here at two in the morning telling me that we’ll talk later. No, that’s not how this works.”
Killian nods his head while his lips press together in a firm line. He looks exhausted and like he’s been crying, and beneath all of her anger, she feels the worry for him that she’s felt all day. “You’re right,” he sighs, his lashes landing against his cheeks as he looks at the ceiling before his gaze finally finds hers. “I’ve got some things to talk to you about.”
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I promise
Author: @lettersofwrittencollective​ Pairing: Stiles x Reader
Word Count: -
Warnings: None
Prompt:  None
A/N:  This is my first time ever posting something. Was watching the episode this starts with earlier and for some reason this particular story just jumped into my head and while i am unsure how it will be received i hope you like it. Also, she has 0 idea but this is dedicated to @justauthoring whose writing is absolutely amazing and actually inspired me to create my own blog and try writing my own stuff. 
I also apologize as i have no idea how to insert a read more but i think i did it right.
Masterlist || Teen Wolf Masterlist
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credit for gif to @dylanholyhellobrien
You ran up the stairwell, trying to reach Stiles and Theo as quickly as possible. The rest of the hospital was falling apart and the Dread Doctors were wreaking havoc. You may not be pack but you’d be damned if you were going to lose anyone else to some psychopath. Coming to the rooftop, you slowed down so that you weren’t running blindly into an unknown situation.. As you moved around, you heard the rattling of a gate and as your claws came out you heard Theo say  “We stay, we’re either gonna have to tell the truth or we’re gonna need a pretty convincing story.” You were just about to breathe a sigh of relief but when you turned the corner, you saw Stiles on the floor in a pool of his own blood. Before you’d realize it you were growling and had already turned - ready to tear Theo apart. You, however, realized that you were looking at both Stiles and Theo. Blinking, your head bounced back and forth between the two boys standing in front of you and the body on the floor before you finally realized you had no idea who was on the floor.
 we better move fast.” you breathed out once you realized your friends were safe.
As far as you knew, you’re a lot like Theo, not actually part of the pack. The difference though is that Stiles trusts you. Your family had been on the deadpool and were murdered one night - you had only survived because the assassin hadn’t expected you to wake up let alone fight back. He probably hadn’t known about the supernatural world, was probably just some run of the mill, normal world assassin. At the very least, he had seemed shocked when your claws ended up in his lungs while he tried to subdue you. His lack of knowledge of the supernatural meant that you survived - you’re not sure if you’re supposed to be grateful for the fact.
At 17, you are technically considered a ward of the state and have been placed with some foster family that lives in the main part of Beacon Hills instead of the county. You’d met Malia originally and she recognized your last name. Being Malia, she had no real tact when she asked you about them and it was such a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the world that has been treating you as fragile. Since then, you’ve hung out with the pack and while you like everyone and they seem to like you, you’re not sure that you want to necessarily find another pack right now. Sure an omega on their own is likely to die but you’re still trying to get past your own families deaths. Besides, unlike Scott you have a hard time believing that everyone is  redeemable.  
Both boys had frozen when they heard you growl but when you spoke their heads whip over to you so fast, it momentarily startled you. Theo and Stiles exchange some words about lying to Stiles’ dad and you can’t help but feel sorry for Stiles when he says he’s had plenty of practice. You don’t dwell on it though and helped the boys get the body to Stiles’ jeep. While Stiles’ drives the group of you to the animal clinic you call Scott and tell him to meet you there. It takes him maybe a half hour to meet up with you guys and by that time you noticed that both boys you were with seemed to be a little jumpy, though that was likely because  the Dread Doctors had almost killed both of them.
When Scott identified the body as a Junior at your school you briefly wondered who would miss him. After all, death doesn’t happen to the person that dies but to everyone left behind, you understood that better than you had ever wanted to but you pushed that to the side and paid attention to what was going on around you.
Scott asked who had killed the boy, if the one with the cane had done it. You didn’t miss the way that Stiles and Theo looked at each other before Theo answered. Stiles’ pulse seemed to suddenly stop for a moment.  You raised an eyebrow at them but didn’t say anything. When Scott looked at you for confirmation you shook your head “he was already dead when i got there.”
Scott gets a text from Liam and we’re off to save someone else. This time, though, I’ve no idea who it is. Scott had gone ahead of us on his motorcycle and I’m in the jeep with Stiles. Usually, he would talk nonstop but this time, you notice he is quiet, his breathing is faster, his pulse is racing. You turn to look at him and tilt your head slightly, trying to figure out what is going on.
“It’s anxiety.. You should be used to it by now.” he snapped at you after a moment. But you know what his anxiety smells like, You know what his normal stress level is and this was just so much more. You just chuckled and shook your head before purposely taking a deeper breath.
“It’s more than your normal level of anxiety Stiles. You wanna talk about it?”
Before you realize it, he’s pulled over on the side of the road fidgeting. Scott’s bike turns around and you got off to go see him. You made up some excuse about Roscoe breaking down and thankfully Stiles had the same idea as he had already popped the hood. After a few minutes of arguing, you were able to convince him to go help Liam out and and Stiles would be there shortly.
Taking a deep breath, you made your way back to Stiles and the jeep. He was just staring at the duct tape covered engine so you put you put your right hand on his left shoulder and squeezed, silently communicating that you were there for him. He was silent for a moment before he turned his body around to face yours.
“I - I didn’t mean to
 He was trying to kill me and I just.. I just didn’t want to die.” Stiles whispered. His face was downwards and it looked like he was fighting back sobs. You cupped his face in your hands and lifted his eyes to look at yours. You didn’t know who he was talking about but you didn’t really care.
“Stiles.. It’s ok. It was self defense.”
“I’m gonna lose my best friend
 I’m gonna lose Scott.”
“I promise you, you won’t. He may not like it but i promise you that you aren’t going to lose him Stiles.” you whispered as you used your thumb to wipe away the errant tear that fell down his cheek. “It was self-defense.”
“I’m going to lose everyone.”
When he began to shake, tears falling faster down his eyes you pulled him into a hug, your arms around his waist. This startled him at first as you were never really that affectionate with anyone but soon his arms were around your waist as well. It was a bit awkward as you were shorter than he was but as sobs began to wrack his body your arms moved to around his neck. and you moved your lips closer to his ear. You whispered promises to him that everything would be ok, even if they were rocky for a while. 
Stiles slowly began to relax and soon enough it was just the two of you standing on the side of the road with your arms around each other. You felt a bit awkward but forced yourself to stay where you were, your friend needed you. You allowed the hug to stay as it was and thought of what you could possibly say. 
You understood how he felt. You understood his terror and you knew it wasn’t necessarily unfounded. After all, none of your old friends talk to you anymore. But you refused to let that be Stiles. You refused to see your new friends torn apart because someone needed to survive. 
Stiles was the first one to pull back and he coughed awkwardly. You ran your hand along your head and nodded as you stepped back. “You gonna be ok?”
“I don’t know...”
A heavy silence fell between the two of you. It wasn’t uncomfortable, it was just filled with all the possible scenarios that could play out from here. Clearing your throat, you mentioned that it was probably time to get to Scott and Liam. Stiles was reluctant but agreed and got into the car with you. He continued to drive and you turned your face to the moon, taking strength and solace in it. The rest of the ride silent until you reached Scotts street. 
Once the jeep was parked and you followed Stiles towards the door you realized what you wanted to say. What you needed to say Reaching out you grabbed his wrist abruptly. He stopped and turned to look at you with a question in his eyes, “Y/N? What are you doing? We need to get -”
“I fully believe that everything is going to be ok. But I need to say this either way. Even if everyone else walks away, I will not leave you. I will stand by you and I will be there for you and anyone who disagrees can go screw themselves. Even if the whole world turns against you, which i fully doubt will happen, I will not abandon you Stiles Stilinski.
I promise.”
Stiles looked confused for a moment before he slowly nodded his head and gave you a relieved smile. 
Masterlist || Teen Wolf Masterlist
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Dreaming of Disneyland
So yeah I know I’m five days late and I don’t know what to blame for it.  The basis for this is based on the wonderful @agib-2002 blog and followers for their foster care AU that features Harley as Peter’s older brother.  Thank you all for your ideas every single day
Tony gathered his boys to the living room on a bright Saturday afternoon filled with sunshine.  He honestly couldn’t believe he had boys to gather.  He had wanted to adopt a kid for months and he finally got up the nerve to look at a local boys group home to see what he would find.  There had been about six Tony could have happily taken home, but none of them had been like Peter and Harley.  Peter caught his eye first with his floppy, adorable brown curls and his large brown eyes.  He was quiet and polite as can be with what seemed like a heart of gold.  He was short for his age and his smile just tugged at Tony’s heart.  Five minutes into a conversation and Tony knew without a doubt he wasn’t going home alone.
Then Harley joined them from doing some chores and the attachment wasn’t immediate.  He sat close to Peter and protectively had an arm around him.  He could see the similar face structure and the same hair color and assumed the two were siblings.   Harley had something darker in his brown eyes and a very deep mistrust as he looked at him.  Whatever these boys had gone through had only made Peter eager to find love and light again while it made Harley angry that the world had the nerve to treat them like that in the first place.   The caretakers at the home had tried to talk him out of it earnestly when they noticed which boys he wanted to take home.  Harley was trouble is what they told him.  Getting into fights and stealing and lashing out with little provocation.  Peter was just a handful to take care of.  He was painfully shy and cried easily.  He had many triggers and it was hard to take him anywhere.  He never slept through the night and was always making a scene.  
Tony had no doubt he could help them, if they let him.
Before he could fully process what was happening he had two teenagers in the backseat of his car with only a trashbag full of belongings between the two of them.  Tony had known it wasn’t going to be easy even if the two kids he tas taking home were almost like miniature adults.  They had a lot of baggage with them and it was Tony’s job to help them navigate through them.  The last month had been full of movie nights and laughter and tears.  The caretakers hadn’t been exactly wrong about the boys, if a little exaggerated.  Peter was sensitive and got upset pretty easily.  He rarely slept through the night, not that that bothered Tony when he slept every third day most of the time.  Harley hated having Tony around Peter, but grudgingly allowed it when he saw it made Peter happy.  Tony hadn’t yet connected with Harley as well.  The older boy was angry at everything.  He was mouthy and had a comeback for everything.  Tony loved banter as much as the next person, but Harley could get exhausting.  Peter hated it when they would go at it which made everything harder.  Both of them seemed to be waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak.  It was obvious they were expecting him to send them back any day now.  
That’s when Tony had thought of Malibu.
Somewhere out of this city for once.  It was quiet out there with fresh air and an ocean only miles away.  They could have some time to bond further without the city around them or anyone else.  They could simply relax and enjoy each other’s company.  No school for the boys and only minimal work for him at times.  He could disappear for a week without too much hassle now that he was finally caught up on emails.  
He smiled as both boys came in to sit on the couch.  Peter sat on the edge of the couch with a shy smile towards him and his hands clasped together while Harley threw himself down close to his brother and had an indifferent look to his face as he gazed at Tony.  He pulled Peter close and the younger Parker smiled to cuddle into his side happily.  It was common for the boys to be tangled together whenever possible.  Peter loved touch in any way he could get it which his brother was happy to see him smile.  
“So,” Tony began as he looked the two of them over.  “I know you just started school, but spring break is already next week.  You two won’t have school for ten days and I have, somehow, caught up on work.”
“We won’t be any trouble!” Peter piped up with wide eyes.  His shoulders were tense as he sat up straight again.  “We can go somewhere during the day, or just stay in our rooms.  We won’t bother you at all, or anything.”
“You would never be a bother, kiddo,” Tony told him quietly as he reached out to squeeze his hand.  Peter clung to his hand, but was clueless where Tony was going next.  Tony rubbed a gentle thumb over the back of his knuckles and held in a sigh.  These boys had been through way too much in their young lives.  “I had an idea that we could go on vacation together, the three of us.  Get away from the city.”
“Really?” Peter was immediately excited and his eyes lost their fear.  “Are we going somewhere fun?”
“Why would you take us on vacation with you?” Harley asked, full of mistrust as usual.  He folded his arms and wouldn’t quite look Tony in the eye.  “You hardly know us and vacations cost money.  Especially your kind of vacation.  Want to drop us off somewhere new so the media won’t pick up on you abandoning kids?”
“Harley,” Peter started as he turned to gaze at his brother.  “Mr. Stark would never do that to us!  He told us he’s keeping us.  Vacation sounds fun.”
“Peter-” Harley started to say, but cut himself off when he realized snapping at his younger brother wasn’t going to end well.  “Where are we going?”
“I have a house in Malibu California,” Tony told them, still smiling at the two of them.  “We have a beach only a couple miles from the house and the city not even too far.  We could go out to eat and see movies or go bowling.  We could even see DIsneyland or something if you guys want.  We’ll have seven full days to explore California.”
“Disney?” Peter’s eyes were wide and his excitement almost made the young teen vibrate.  “Seriously?  Mr. Stark, that’s amazing!  I want to go!”
“We could fly out after school on Friday,” Tony told them, feeling a true excitement he thought was lost long ago.  He was excited to see these kids experience some sunshine and fun for a change.  They were both so pale.  
Harley got up without a word and tugged a babbling Peter behind him gently.  Tony watched them go and wondered how on earth he could get through to Harley.  The kid was sixteen and clearly thought he didn’t even need a parent at this point.  He had raised himself and Peter the majority of their lives together.  He had to get him to relax and let himself be a kid while he could.  The adult world was cold and hard enough when you were eighteen.  No need to experience it one moment than he had to.
Thursday night came and Tony was going up to make sure the boys were packed for their trip the next day when he heard the two of them in Peter’s room talking.  The door was cracked open and their voices easily carried to where Tony lingered in the hallway.  
“Har, why aren’t you more excited?” Peter asked his brother as he bounced a little on the bed and swung his legs.  “We get to go on a real vacation.  I don’t remember ever doing that before.  We even get to go to Disney!  This is going to be amazing!”
“Peter, we aren’t going to Disneyland,” Harley corrected his brother and Tony could see him carefully refolding Peter’s clothes for him and arranging them in the suitcase.  
“But Mr. Stark offered to take us,” Peter protested in confusion.  “He said we could go.”
“You can’t ask him for that,” Harley scolded him gently.  “We need to just do whatever he wants to do.  We can’t make him spend that kind of money.”
“This one is rich though,” Peter argued as he folded one leg under himself and turned to face his brother fully.  “He owns a plane Harley.  He can’t care about Disney of all things.  I want to go.”
“We’ve only been here a month.  I’m sorry but there is every chance he could take us back on the way home from the airport.  We’d already be packed and everything.”  Harley said with far too much bitterness in his tone.  Tony sighed quietly and ran a hand down his face.  He hated that this boy felt like this.  So afraid to ask for help or support.  “People don’t like spending money on us.  Even rich people like to keep their money.   This is some kind of test is all.  We can’t act like spoiled kids just because this parent happens to have money.”
“Well then I don’t want to go,” Peter pouted and Tony’s heart twisted with his face like that.  His bottom lip was stuck out and his arms were folded tightly.  “It’s stupid to go on a fake vacation.”
“Stop being a brat,” Harley snapped and Peter flinched.  Tony was about to step in when Harley didn’t waste a moment to hold his brother close in a hug.  “I know you want to go, buddy.  When I get a good job I promise I’ll take you and we can do everything you want.  Just for now let’s not bother Tony so we won’t have to go back.  I can’t handle seeing you back there and with that complete bastard Skip-”
“Don’t,” Peter pleaded in a small voice.  “Don’t talk about him.   I’ll be good Harley, I promise.  I won’t ask for anything.”
“Good boy Pete,” Harley kissed him on the head as he pulled back a little.  “We have more at stake now than ever before.  Going back there would be a nightmare, okay?”
“I want Tony,” Peter said in a small voice and Tony saw the older boy stiffen in surprise and pull away from his brother completely.   His heart melted that Peter actually wanted him when he was upset, but he felt awful for the confusion flashing across Harleys’ face.  
“He’ll be up here soon enough.  Tell us goodnight and all that,” Harley said as he ran a hand through his hair.  “Come get me if you want okay?  I’m sorry Peter.  I’m sorry we can’t go to California like normal kids.”
“It’s better than not going ever,” Peter said softly as he picked up one of the bears Tony bought him to hug.  “NIght Har.  Love you.”
“I love you Petey,” Harley kissed him one more time and Tony darted across the hall to the bathroom to hide while Harley wandered to his own room.  He tried to simultaneously process everything he had just heard from the boys and put it out of his mind so he wouldn’t accidentally reveal that he had been eavesdropping.  
“Hey kid,” Tony greeted Peter as he knocked gently on the partially open door.  “You ready for bed?  Brushed your teeth and all that stuff?”  God, who had he become in only a month?  How was he sounding like some dad from a movie already?
“Yeah,” Peter’s voice was quiet and a tad sad as he sat on his queen bed all alone.  Tony knew he hated sleeping alone and that it was hard for him to do.  The boys had been sharing a twin back at the group home.   “We- We don’t need to go to Disney, Mr. Stark.”
God, this kid tore up his heart without even trying.  
“We don’t need to,” Tony agreed with him as he slowly walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed.  He lowered his voice to a whisper like he was sharing a secret.  “It would be fun though, huh?  I mean, they have everything there a kid could want.”
“It would be fun!” Peter agreed with a tiny giggle.  He sombered again quickly, no doubt thinking of what Harley had said.  “It’s a ton of money for all of us to go.  I like the beach too, and going there is free and stuff.”
“What if all I wanted this week was to spoil you and your brother rotten?” Tony asked him, fondly brushing a curl behind his ear.  Peter looked unsure and so torn.  Ever since the name Skip was mentioned Peter was jumpy and unsure like the day Tony brought him home.  He shifted so that he could put an arm around Peter gently.  The young teen only hesitated for a second before hugging him and burying his face in Tony’s shoulder with a shudder running through his body.  Tony tucked Peter’s head under his chin and rubbed his back softly.  It wasn’t the first time Tony had hugged him, but it was rare.  Harley always hurried to comfort Peter first and keep Tony away from him.  
“Let’s just go have fun and see what happens, okay?” Tony told him as he eased Peter into lying down gently.  “Get some sleep because travelling is exhausting.  I’ll see you in the morning, okay kiddo?”
“NIght,” Peter said softly as Tony pulled the covers over him to his chin and ran a hand through his curls.  
Well, at least he gave Peter something to think about and if he had his way Peter would definitely get to see Disneyland before they were back in this house.  
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krreader · 6 years
Dirty Little Princess.
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pairing: min yoongi x actress!reader
fandom: bts
warnings: sex ; dirty talk ; (slight) degrading talk ; oral sex ; language ; voyeurism ; spanking ; dom!yoongi
genre: smut
summary: when yoongi brings someone home, he usually locks the door. but he had been too eager to have sex with you to think about something like locking the door and, well, a certain someone is gladly taking advantage of it.
a/n:  thank you so much sweetheart! I really hope you like these 6+ pages filled with smut and nothing but hahahaha.
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It wasn't unusual that various famous people got invited for award shows, whether they were in the music industry or not.
You, for example, were only here because you had been in a music video of an Idol that was nominated tonight, but had actually nothing to do with the ceremony itself. You were sitting close to where the nominees of the night were sitting, but not close enough so that people would think you were one of them.
Not that they needed reminding. With your previous role in the newest Disney live-action movie, it has given your career a huge boost, gaining both the attention of various 'ordinary' people that you were now privileged to call your fans, as well as famous people.
But see, there was this one person.
This one person, that you somehow seemed to run into everywhere you were. That seemed to always check you out when he thought you weren't looking. That always flirted with you and made innuendos that made you think he wanted more than just to be acquaintances.
But he never made a real move on you.
And tonight, when you felt his eyes on you once again, you decided that it was finally time to stop this game. You were both consenting adults, you haven't had good sex in a while and he seemed to be the kind of guy to have a good and satisfying one-night-stand with.
Not wanting to be too obvious and just go over there, even though you probably could have, you decided to wait until he turned around to look at you again and smiled seductively when he did. Then you grabbed your bag and headed behind the stage for a 'toilet break', or at least that's what you had told your agent, who had accompanied you today.
It didn't take more than five minutes before he came, strolling towards you like he already knew what you had in mind, especially when looking at that smirk on his face.
“Fancy running into you here, Min Yoongi,” you said, pushing yourself away from the wall and putting your phone into your bag.
“Could say the same thing about you.”
“See, I was wondering,” you turned your head around, making sure that the coast was clear, before you confidently wrapped your arms around his neck, his own hands immediately grabbing your waist and pulling you towards him, “We've been playing this game for a little too long, right? Flirting is nice, don't get me wrong, but..” you leaned forward, so that your lips were right next to his ear, “..we could have so much more fun than that.”
“And here I thought I had to ask you out first to get you into bed,” he chuckled and pressed a small kiss against your neck, but that alone gave you goosebumps.
“You can always ask me out afterwards if the sex is amazing,” you suggested, your fingers gently brushing through the hair on the nape of his neck.
“Deal,” when you leaned back, he was already leaning forward to 'seal it with a kiss', but you could both hear someone approaching, so you quickly took a step back and winked at him.
“See you at your place, then?”
“I better see you at my place.”
‘Finally a real dom’ you thought. 
This night would be glorious.
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Yoongi was usually not one to leave the door open when he had this kind of company over, but things with you escalated rather quickly and then the door was the least of his worries.
He could tell what you were after here. You weren't into making love tonight, and neither was he. So he shoved you against the nearest wall, not even thinking about closing the door or anyone seeing you two doing it, when he was feeling your body pressed against his and your tongue against his inside his mouth.
You were wearing a long-sleeved dress, so at first he was struggling to get it off your upper body, but once it finally was over your breasts, it pretty much fell to the floor and he broke the kiss to step back and take a long, good look at you, licking his lips and taking in a deep breath.
He had been fantasizing about this moment for a while now and had wondered what you looked like in lingerie. But his imaginations were nothing compared to the real deal.
As if you had seen your chance, you took that step forward that he had taken back and fidgeted with his belt, pulling it out and opening his pants, while beginning to kiss his neck. But only for as long as it took you to push down his pants and underwear, then you knelt down in front of him.
Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle and brush his hands through your hair when you began pumping his already hard cock. It had been in this state for more than an hour now, clearly looking forward to this night.
“Did your producers know that they were casting such a slut for their precious little Disney princess?” he moaned, once you had licked your way up the prominent vein on his penis, before letting your lips fully wrap around it.
You just moaned in return for an answer, Yoongi's head falling back and his fingers grabbing a hold of your hair. He let you bop your head forward and backwards at your own pace for a while, but eventually, he just grabbed your hair tighter and began fucking your mouth. You were trying your hardest not to gag, forcing yourself to look up at him with big eyes, something that seemed to turn him on to no end.
He was biting his lip, beginning to praise you: “You're taking my dick so well, baby. So fucking well.”
You tried to grin, even if it was hard at the pace he was fucking mouth right now, but just the tiny contact of your teeth against the sensitive skin of his dick, had him moan out your name. And god, that felt so fucking good, hearing your name fall from his lips like that.
And as much as he wanted to cum into your mouth and have you swallow every last drop of it, he pulled your head from his dick and then upward, signaling you to stand up.
“Kneel down on the bed for me,” he instructed with a low and dangerous voice.
‘With pleasure’, you thought. Literally. You did what he asked, kneeling down on his bed on all fours, your ass high in the air. And it didn't take more than a couple of seconds before you could feel him behind you, pulling down your panties and his mouth was immediately between your legs, his tongue licking over your wet folds.
“Fuck,” you yelped in surprise, not having expected him to go in like that. But he really did bury his entire face between your legs, eating you out like there was no tomorrow. He paid special attention to your clit, obviously, but also fucked you with his tongue in the end.
You were trying to push back against him, trying to get as much friction out of this as possible, but as soon as you did that, he stopped and leaned back, giving you a hard slap on your right ass cheek.
“No, please don't stop, I’m sorry,” you whined, trying to turn around, but Yoongi immediately grabbed your hair again and pulled you back until your back was against his chest. You felt that he had taken off his jacket and his shirt, both of you almost being naked, except for your bra. But Yoongi had already thought of that, taking it off like a pro and abandoning it on his bedroom floor with your other clothes. And once that 'useless' piece of clothing was gone, both of his hands were massaging each of your breasts, kneading them in his hands and rolling your nipples between his fingers, while you could feel his dick against your ass
You arched your back against him, trying to rub your wetness off on him, and when he let out a moan into your ear, you grinned happily.
But after having plastered a couple of open-mouthed kisses against your throat and shoulder, he pushed you forward again, leaving you in the same position as before and you were now really yearning to feel him inside you. You felt him leave the bed and rummage through his drawer, returning his place behind you a moment later, now a condom on his penis and aligning himself with your entrance. He teased you for a couple more minutes, his tip brushing over your folds over and over again, his lips pushing against the inside of his cheek with a smile when he could feel you become desperate and try to wriggle to get him to push into you, but not being able to do so, due to him holding your hips firmly.
“You so desperately want to get fucked by me, huh? I’m guessing you haven’t had a proper dick in a while.”
“Yes,” you breathed out, your fingers gripping the blanket beneath you, “Please, Yoongi.”
He chuckled, not needing any other information than that to finally enter into you. And he didn't do it slowly, he didn't do it gradually. No, he fully pushed into you, burying himself to the hilt and remaining only for a split second to close his eyes and enjoy the feeling of your tight walls around him, before he began pounding into you.
Yoongi bit down hard on his lip, his head falling back when pleasure rushed through him, while you could only moan, over and over again, because apparently, Yoongi was the only one of your lovers that knew what a g-spot was. And he repeatedly hit it, having you scream his name in mere minutes.
He stopped for a second, reaching forward to grab your wrists and pull you back, holding them with one hand, while he continuously slapped your butt cheek with the other, over and over again, until it felt like he would leave a hand print. And truth be told? That’s exactly what he was trying here. He wanted to mark you, somehow, wanted you to remember this night for the next days to come.
He wanted you to remember that he made you feel this good.
But the spanking only turned you on more and it was the last straw for you to finally scream out his name so loud, that you were sure you would be hoarse the next day (and probably have trouble walking.)
Yoongi grinned and let go of your hands, your body immediately falling forward into the blankets and trying to catch your breath, while his thrusts became lazy, watching himself enter you again and again.
He was surprised when you pushed yourself away from him when your legs didn't feel like jelly anymore. You turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck, both of you now on your knees, passionately making out, with Yoongi's hands kneading your ass cheeks, spreading them apart. You could feel his fingers beginning to run along your folds again and could feel yourself getting aroused once more. Or maybe you still were? You couldn’t really tell anymore.
You pushed on his chest, so that he fell backwards and straddled him with a seductive grin. And even though Yoongi was usually the one on top, with all his previous sex partners, he couldn't help but wonder what it would like like if you were riding him.
So he let you.
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It was around 1:30 AM when Hoseok came home that night.
He and the rest of Bangtan, all except for Yoongi, had gone to the after-party, but he had been practicing the dance routine for their performance that day almost every night for the past week and hadn't gotten a lot of sleep, so he had decided to do it like Yoongi and call it a night before everyone else did.
He genuinely only thought that Yoongi would go home to sleep, knowing how much he loved to do that. But then again, he shouldn't have been surprised when he entered the apartment and heard a woman screaming his name.
Hobi began smirking, shaking his head, guessing that he would have to fall asleep with earphones today.
He stopped by in the kitchen to get a drink and wanted to walk past Yoongi's bedroom, when he noticed that he didn't even bother to close the door. Something that Hoseok should have done for his friend. Or he should have simply walked past, maybe just eyeing you for a second longer. But he did neither of these things. 
He stood still.
And then he watched.
He was so entranced by the way you were riding Yoongi, by the way he was holding you and by the way his thumb was rubbing slow circles over your clit.. he just couldn't move. And he was so distracted by everything in front of him, that he didn't even notice that you caught him staring.
“Yoongi,” you whisper-moaned, your hands on either side of his face, leaning down so that your lips were almost touching his, “I think one of your band members is watching us,” you began kissing his neck, his arms wrapping themselves around your body.
“I think it's Hoseok?” you weren't really familiar with the rest of Bangtan. Only Yoongi, since he was always the one that showed obvious interest in you.
Hoseok, huh? Yoongi grinned, one of his hands brushing your hair to the side and pressing a kiss against your shoulder.
“Does it make you uncomfortable?”
“On the contrary,” you pushed yourself up again and wiggled your eyebrows at him.
“Good,” he switched the positions, being on top again, and pounding into you like he had before, your legs wrapping around his hips.
This new-found information that someone was watching you turned you both on so much more. And maybe you both exaggerated your moans a little, but if so, not by much. Because you had been going at it for about an hour now and Yoongi knew that he was about to cum soon.
“Fuck me harder, please,” you moaned and to hide his grin, he bit down on your throat, your back arching from the bed, complying with pleasure.
“I was right.. you really are a fucking slut,” he chuckled darkly, sitting up straight so that he could hold your legs on either side and really make sure that Hoseok had a good view of what he was doing to you.
Despite all, he never let his eyes travel to his younger band member. He kept his entire focus on you, wanting to please you and make you beg for him to fuck you even harder, but the knowledge alone that someone else got pleasure out of this, just from watching Yoongi fuck you.. he never thought he would like it that much.
“Please, Yoongi, harder,” you moaned, one of your hands on your boob, twisting your nipple around.
And with the speed that Yoongi was going at and the contraction of your walls around him, he began rubbing fast circles over your clit, bringing you over the edge at the same time as him, both of you moaning and groaning out each other’s names.
Droplets of sweat were running down Yoongi's forehead, his hair sticking to it, when he collapsed onto you, still buried inside you.
He could feel your hands gently running up and down his spine, as well as through his hair and it was only when his breathing had evened out again, that he finally looked towards the door, finding nothing and nobody there.
You turned your head, looking in the same direction, before giggling and looking back at him.
“Maybe I should help him out as well? I’m sure the poor guy is terribly hard right now.”
“Or maybe you shouldn't?” he pulled out of you and walked over to the bin to get rid of the condom, “Maybe you should go out with me, so that I can be sure you don't fuck anyone beside me?”
“Ooooh, would that make you jealous if I did?” you rolled onto your stomach and smiled sweetly at him.
“No. It would make me angry. Because your pussy is too good to be fucked by anyone other than me.”
“Aw, you're so sweet,” you laughed and grabbed one of his shirts.
“What are you doing?”
“Well, if you want to take me out on a date, I might as well sleep here. And maaaybe,” you got up on your knees and pulled him towards you by his hips, “We could go another round tomorrow morning?”
He usually never let women stay over. For more than one reason. But he genuinely wanted to take you out on a date. And he didn't want this to be a one-time thing.
And the sound of repeating all of this in a few hours again?
“Great. I'll ask Hoseok again if he wants to watch or maybe even join us next time.”
He rolled his eyes, but couldn't help the laugh that escaped his throat. 
Even though he actually wouldn't mind having him watch again.
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supernatural-book · 6 years
Oneiric (Part 1/?)
Title: Oneiric (Part One)
Dean x Reader
Summary: The reader fell into a coma and hallucinated about a life that felt strangely empty. After a reoccurring dream strikes her, she wakes up surrounded by characters from her favorite TV show.
Warning(s): Swearing, coma, death, angst, sad dean
A/N: Hey, Dean lovers like myself! I recently realized that this blog is terribly lacking in Dean, so I wrote up this “cute” little thing. Sorry about angst and sad Dean, I promise it’ll get happier. The beginning of this is based off of a dream I once had, btw.
Oneiric - related to dreams or dreaming
“No, no, no
”  Dean mumbled the word over and over like a mantra, as if it was the only thing keeping him sane. He clutched you closer to his chest as he ran through the eerie, dark forest, searching for a safe place to help tend your wound. It was almost poetic, how everything was happening. That a cold, October night, in the hands of your loved one would be how you die. You groaned and clutched onto his jacket as he stumbled and rearranged you in his arms.
“What were those things? Dean
“No, don’t speak. I’m so sorry, (Y/N). Just hold on.” You leaned your face against his heaving chest, listening closely to his erratic heartbeat, but watching where he was running to. “Here we go
” Recognizing the abandoned road tunnel that they had parked the car in, he skidded down the dirt and onto the road, holding you close. He stopped running, now presumably out of danger, and began the walk to the car. You whimpered a bit as you tried to adjust your position, finding your lower half completely frozen in the pain from the huge gash in your stomach.
“D-Dean!” You frantically whispered his name, lifting your head weakly to look at him. “It hurts
” You let out a dry sob, seeming as if you had cried away all of your tears. He watched you, eyes gleaming with his own tears. He smiled, but it want the cheeky, flirtatious smile that you knew so well. It was one that tried to assure you, comfort you, and erase the fact that your were mortally wounded.
“I know, baby. But we’re going to get to the car, and I’m going to fix you up all good, yeah? Just hold on. We're gonna go back home, have some pie and-” he jerked to a stop, body going rigid, and you struggled to lift your head up to see what was wrong. There, in the center of the tunnel, the horrifying creatures from earlier were waiting for you. Dean turned to the side quickly so that he could keep an eye on them, but you were prevented from seeing your impending doom.
“Dean..? I'm going to die, aren't I?” By this point, you were coming to terms with the fact that your life was over. Dean opened the Imapala and lay you gingerly across the backseat, never letting go of you.
“No, no baby, you'll be fine. You'll be fine.” You felt your eyelids grow heavy, your breath getting weaker and weaker. “(Y/N), baby. Keep your eyes opened. Please!” You gave him a bittersweet smile and opened your mouth. You tried to form words, but instead shook your head weakly.
'I can’t'
Your eyes fluttered shut, and you felt Dean’s body quake with empty sobs.
“Son of a bitch... (Y/N)! Open your eyes! Open your eyes
Your eyes fluttered open as you sat up in bed. You took a few moments to look around and take in your surroundings, before sighing and laying back down with a smile. You had that dream again. Every year since you started watching the TV show Supernatural, you’ve had a reoccurring dream on the same day. Even after you had graduated, moved out, and got a job, it was the same every year.  Supernatural continued to be a rock in your life, even if you were an adult, and people would often tell you to let go of fictional things and grow up.
You sighed and stood up, deciding it wasn’t early enough for you to fall back asleep before work. Perhaps you would get a real breakfast today, rather than the sad coffee you normally have on the way to work. You stumbled over to your dresser, pulling out a decent outfit, and changed. Once dressed, you went to the bathroom.
You stared at your face in the mirror. When had you started looking so
 depressed? Your skin was paler than normal and you looked completely lifeless.  As you stared at yourself in the mirror, your body started trembling- why?- you don't know. Images from your dream started flashing in your mind, images of Supernatural characters. You gripped onto the counter top, head throbbing.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” Voices in your head grew louder by the second, and you crumbled to the floor of the bathroom. “(Y/N)!”
“She's waking up.” You rubbed your head, whimpering softly, and when you opened your eyes, there were three strange men looking down at you. Scratch that, they weren't strange. It was Sam, Dean, and Cas. Or, the slightly more logical explanation, Jared, Jensen, and Misha. Yeah, like that made any more sense. You scrambled to sit up in a panic. Either you were dreaming, or surrounded by your teen crushes.
“Woah, easy there tiger. Don't want to hurt yourself again.” Whoever this was that looked like Jensen Ackles playing Dean Winchester spoke up, putting a hand on your shoulder. He gave you an infectious smile. “You're back.”
 Jensen?” His smiled dropped as he gazed at you, and you felt compelled to apologize to him for something you didn’t even understand. “Am I- am I dreaming?” He looked up at the other two with a knowing look.
“Damn it Cas, she thinks we’re those guys! She was stuck in that world! I thought you said she'd have her memories back!”
“I thought so too. It'll probably take some time for her to fully remember everything.”
“Remember?” You watched the three men warily. I mean, the actors were practically your idols, but what the absolute fuck was happening right now? “Someone please explain where I am, how I got here and who exactly you are.”
“Well, we're definitely not the actors you know.” Sam- you guessed that's who he was, anyway, if he wasn't Jared- said, slightly defensive. “But I'm guessing if you know the who the actors are, you know who we are.”
“Yeah. You're Sam,” you said to him. You pointed at the angel next to him. “Castiel,” he nodded in greeting, and you looked to the man who was closest to you, kneeling beside the bed. “And Dean
” you saw something spark on his face when you said his name, the smallest glimmer of hope sizzling in those apple green eyes, the tiniest trace of a smile forming on his pink lips. Dean was always your favorite character on the show, and now- if this wasn’t a dream- you were learning that he’s real. You had to pull yourself from his gaze, and looked back at the other two. “Well
 if this isn’t a dream
 and we're actually in the bunker
 how did I get here? A few minutes ago I was in my house.” the boys exchanged glances before Castiel sighed.
“(Y/N), the life you know of was fake.” Castiel spoke gently. “It was all part of a hallucination.” your eyes widened.
“What?” It wasn't anything you'd ever expected to hear. To hear that your family, friends, and everything you knew to be true was only a hallucination. It was tough. “But
 my entire life
 none of that
 was real? And you’re telling me I actually live with you?” They all looked at you with pitying looks, looks you couldn't stand. You hated it when people pitied you.
“Let me explain it.” Dean said, glancing at the other two. They took the hint and left the room, closing the door behind them. Dean turned his eyes to you. He looked so sad. It was strange. When you watched the show- back at what had been your home for however long you were in the coma- you’d never seen this look on him. It was different than when he cried over his brother, or when he came back from hell. It was just
 different. But then again, you had watched him on TV, and this was real life. “(Y/N)
” He stood up and sat on the bed next to you. “Is this alright?”
“...sure.” You took a deep breath, trying to figure out the entire situation. “So
 what exactly is happening?”
“You’ll remember soon, I’m sure. But until then
” He looked over at you with those beautiful sad eyes. “All you need to know is that you got hurt on a hunt and fell into a coma, and now you don't remember anything.”
“I’m a hunter?” he nodded, looking down at his hands.
“I’m sorry. We should have let you stay in your world. You had finally gotten out of this lifestyle, and we just pulled you back in.”
“No. That life was so freaking dull. Boring. I'm sure when I was here we had lots of fun. Between all the hunts, I mean.” a bittersweet half smile lit up his face and he looked into your eyes.
“So much fun.”
 How long was I in a coma?”
“Six months.”
“Six months?” your eyes widened. “but my life, the hallucination... It was an entire lifetime.”  
“Really? God, (Y/N), I’m so sorry. I was so worried about you. Whenever I had the chance, I sat by the bed, just waiting.” He watched you gently, as if still processing the fact that you're back. Something about him made you want to hug him, even if you didn't technically know him. You wondered if it was your subconscious, and maybe something had happened in your past with him.
“I'm guessing we... did we
 Dean, were we close?” His eyebrows raised, as if he was wondering what made you think that. “You look really shaken up by this. I'm just guessing we were
 close friends.”
“Of course we were." He took a deep, shaky breath. “(Y/N), you were on a hunt with me when you got hurt, when you fell into a coma. It's all my fault.” He fidgeted in his seat, as if he wanted to hug you. Of course. If you nearly died on his watch, he would have been completely broken down. And because you didn't remember him, he probably didn't want to make you uncomfortable.
“Dean, you can hug me.” He hesitated, then leaned in and slowly wrapped his arms around you, his nose buried in your temple. He smiled and breathed in your scent, happy to finally hold you again. It was strange, but something about being nestled into his strong arms was reassuring and familiar to you. You felt as if you'd hugged him before. Everything just felt
 right. You hugged him back, making his smile broaden into a grin.
“I'm so sorry, (Y/N). Well figure out how to get your memories back. I promise.”
~To Be Continued~
Tag List!
If you want to be added to any of my tag lists, just ask! There's an everyone list, a Dean list, a Sam list, and a Cas list (possibly more soon when I write for other characters).
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petite-neko · 6 years
Chapter Characters: Law, Bepo, Shachi, Penguin (Sugar, Corazon) Pairing: (eventual) LawLu Rating: M Warnings: Vampire AU, (Mostly) canon compliant, Angst, Survivor Guilt, Blood, (Kinda) drug use/addiction, dependency, child grooming, child abuse, abusive relationship, major character death, bullying (Other warnings may be added) A/N:  Well. I am taking some liberties here, seeing as Law's novel was recently translated. I did tweak the chapter a bit here and there. (Law meets the trio a bit later on than he does in canon, as he doesn't quite go through the same life xD) Also, I included one part of my own head canon into here, and I didn't wanna change it in accordance to the new canon. I kinda had it already integrated into my fic so :x I'd have to do a few too many minor tweaks.Again: Much thanks to Oturai for bearing through my loopy typing/writing. (I'm doped up on painkillers, and will prolly be for another week. Fucked up my shoulder)
.xxx. > Time/scene skip
.+++. > PoV change
(Wanna buy me a ko-fi? Link in blog description!)
Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6
She was no longer hungry.
She was no longer in a frenzy.
She was no longer driven by instinct.
And yet, Law still found himself avoiding Sugar. Sure, he knew. He knew all of that. He knew it would be fine now. That Sugar wouldn’t attack him. That he had no further reason to maintain a distance.
But, whenever he looked at her, all he could see was a vampire.
The vampires whispered amongst the humans in terror: Ravenous, hungry, heartless, inhumane.
Eyes solely focused on him in hunger, desperation and need. His own confusion, at first, but then that cold, creeping comprehension as her face contorted. As she hissed and growled at him. The way she had lost all control; been driven to her most basic functions. As her teeth began to extend, and the shock. The disbelief. The way that time seemed to slow down. The way Corazon’s voice echoed in his head: “We don’t turn children.” And then that realisation fully sinking in. Just as her teeth might into his flesh. And his own desperation. The adrenaline coursing through him, strengthening him. He couldn’t let her win. Couldn’t let her press forward. His hands - they were the only things keeping her from feeding on him. He could feel her breath on his face - mere inches away. Close. She was too close.
Food. That was all he was to her. A meal to sustain her into the next day. He was not another person. Not a living, breathing being. No. He was food, and she was hungry.
And even then, even as Corazon had separated her from him, she was hanging there, by her ankle, flailing and hissing and trying to escape his grasp to get to her meal.
In those moments, she had lost all humanity. Blinded by her need to feed.
And Law just could not forget that.
It was a harsh wakeup call. It only reminded him of the environment he was in. That Doflamingo, that Corazon, that - probably - many of his crewmates were vampires. That he was human.
He had dismissed that. Dismissed the danger he was actually in. Forgotten just what they were and just what they ate.
They went about it so... civilly. The blood they consumed was integrated into food, into wines and juices. It was never obvious. Disguised to hide their identities. Never did they openly consume directly from a human. Teeth hidden and withdrawn. They acted as, and appeared to be, humans.
Of course, Law knew differently, but that knowledge never truly sank in. Not until... Sugar.
Perhaps some of it, too, did stem from the similarities. Of just why he knew.
For he, too, consumed blood on a regular basis. His very survival was dependant on it. He craved and needed it, just as they did. Except, for different reasons, and for a different kind of blood.
Normally I never let my vassals become... hungry.
Sure, it wasn’t hunger that drove him, but the similarities were almost startling. That he was, all but in name, just like a vampire. That he, too, was being provided for by Doflamingo. Just from a different... source.
And certainly, yes, Law knew that eventually he could escape the confines if he so desired. (Of course, dismissing the fact that his body quite literally would not survive without the support.) But there was that thirst within him. One that could only be satisfied by the blood of a pure-blooded vampire. One that he had tasted once upon a time. Tasted and acted upon.
Law knew exactly what it was, but at the same time, there was nothing he could do about it. He was addicted. Addicted to the strength it gave him. That rush of adrenaline and euphoria. The life it gave him - both literally and metaphorically. And those physical dependencies were only exemplified by just how literally he needed it; by the mental addiction of life. That he knew, all too well, just what would happen to him if he stopped.
Thus, it had driven him, just as it had driven Sugar. It'd driven him to wield a knife and find any means necessary to draw the blood that he needed to survive.
Perhaps, if he had known how benevolent Corazon really was, he would have been a bit more... civil about the situation. But, he hadn’t, and so he wasn’t.
...he wondered just how Corazon could stand him after that. After seeing him in that state. Needy and desperate. Violent. Acting in the only way that he knew how.
But, Corazon had.
Maybe one day he, too, could face Sugar again.
It seemed that they would be docked here for a few more days. A lengthy supply run, because their future would soon be unpredictable. So, Law decided that he would explore some more of the island. He hadn’t really had an opportunity the last time he was out, after all; he’d been too angry at Doflamingo to enjoy it.
And yes - yes - it definitely was a way to avoid Sugar.
“You should be ashamed of yourself!”
As Law wandered about, he could hear some voices off in the distance. Part of him said that he should ignore it. This wasn’t his business and he came out here to relax, not to get involved with the civilians.
Now, there was the sound of flesh hitting flesh.
Oh, great, Law thought, somebody’s getting a beating.
He should just ignore it.
“You can’t even follow simple orders, can you?”
“You’re supposed to do as we tell you!”
Law tried to ignore it, but their voices were so loud. They hit too close to home. They were turning his stomach. They were only making him think of his possible fate. All that it would take for Doflamingo to...
He can make me do anything. Anything!
This wasn’t what he came out here for, dammit! He wanted to forget about that. Forget about vampires and blackmail, and the fact that he had no fucking choice in the matter anymore, and that...
But some fucking idiots thought that here and now was a perfect fucking time and place to bully somebody else!
...maybe he should get himself involved. Beat those fuckers up for ruining his day. And then he could get some peace and quiet and-
“You white monster!”
Oh. Oh. Those bastards were definitely getting it now. Not only did they fucking remind him of his current predicaments, but his past ones as well? The past he didn’t want to remember: The hatred. The shunning. The pain. The war.
Law rolled up his sleeves, marching over towards where the sounds were coming from.
The scene he had walked into was not one he would have expected: There were two boys about his age, beating up a... polar bear?
What the fuck?
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please stop...”
...wait a minute, was the bear talking?
“You’re so useless!”
They obviously hadn’t noticed him yet, continuing to kick the bear.
“Yeah,” the other boy pathetically agreed. “A freak, too!”
Pathetic the sight may be, Law still felt his brow twitching in irritation. Talking bear or not, nobody deserved to be treated like that. To be kicked when you were down, to be insulted all the while.
Law stepped forward. “Oh, really?” He said, drawing their attention. “I do think that I would reserve those names for the two of you.” He wore a smug expression on his face. “I mean, who the fuck beats up a polar bear?”
“Excuse me?”
“You know, wait. I’ve changed my mind. Useless and freak certainly are fitting words, but I do believe pathetic is more apt.” And Law continued to grin at them. “Ganging up on a poor little polar cub, using uneven numbers to gain an advantage. What? Too afraid to take him on one-on-one? Are you guys that weak?”
Law knew that he was just goading them on, but that was his intent. And it was working. Their anger shifted over to him. Such a shame, though. These poor boys had no idea of the mistake they were making. He did doubt these boys were vampires after all, and injectors were such a rarity.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?”
Again, so pathetic, so predictable... Law could only roll his eyes at that. They were too easy. If he so desired, Law knew just how to play them.
But, simply because it would take no effort, and more importantly because of just how he knew to play them, he refrained. He would rather do things his own way, after all...
“Your worst nightmare.”
Those words were all it took for the boys to abandon their current victim and charge at him.
And of course, just like their psyches, they, too, were too easy. But Law anticipated it. Perhaps if he had been a regular human, the boys mighthave posed a challenge at best, but empowered by pureblood as he was? Hardly.
And, as the boys were licking their newfound wounds, Law flopped himself down onto a snow pile.
“What is your fucking problem, anyway?”
He looked over at the polar bear, who had stupidly stuck around. Why didn’t he run away when he had a chance? Oh well, not his problem.
“He’s just a fucking bear. Who the fuck cares if he can talk or not? I mean, there’s weirder shit out there. More dangerous shit.”
“Oh yeah?” A head snapped up. “What do you even know, kid?”
“Yeah, I mean, he obviously isn’t from around here!”
“And,” it seemed they were taking turns talking, “ya know what they say about foreigners...”
Law focused back on the two humans. “Actually, no,” he said, watching them cautiously, “no I don’t. And then, he let his lips curl once more. “Doindulge this foreigner just what your people say about us. I am mightily curious about your predispositions.”
Shock was the expression that greeted him.
“I’m a pirate,” Law explained briefly. It was obvious that they did not expect to find another child who was from elsewhere. “My crew stopped here for supplies.”
More shock, but there was another look there. They were starting to feel uneasy around him. A child foreigner was unusual, but they understood immediately what a pirate meant.
Law only let that smug expression grow. “Or,” he continued and cracked his knuckles, “I could beat it out of you.”
And unease rapidly turned into nervousness and fear.
“A-Ah!” It was enough to get them talking. “Th-They say to never trust ‘em!” He was fidgeting, but did not stop. “You never know who they are, or what they want, or what they carry...”
At the last note, Law felt himself tensing. He was feeling echoes of his past once more. And it was starting to make a lot of sense now...
“Ye-yeah!” the other boy continued, maybe even more nervous at Law’s obvious anger, “I mean - didn’t you hear about the country that got struck with a contagious disease? How the people there were trying to flee from it, carrying the disease with them? Trying to infect othercountries?”
Oh. Yeah. Yeah, it was definitely making a lot of sense now. Of course the rulers of the neighbouring countries would spread that rumour. Spread the fear of outsiders to justify their actions. It was making Law sick.
“So they-”
He hardened his gaze on the boys - and perhaps it wasn’t fair to them to face his anger. They, too, were victims of it in a sense, blinded by lies and rumours that were repeated so often they seemingly became the truth. That countries of people were exposed to this.
“They exterminated them.”
His voice, too, was hard. Angry. Full of rage that still had yet to be tamed.
“Slaughtered them. Lining children up against churches, and shooting them down one by one. But not before making them complacent with promises of hope and freedom. Burning hospitals down with patients still alive within them, laying on cots in pain. Hauling their corpses out, beyond the borders to run tests on them and study them... Oh, yes. I know all about Flevance. I was there, after all.”
And, if only to drive that nail in deeper, Law pulled up his sleeves to show the marks littering his arms.
Fear - that was all that was in those boys’ eyes now.
But then, Law scoffed, scoffed and laughed.
“Oh, do relax. If Amber Lead was as contagious as they said it was, wouldn’t you be hearing about outbreaks all over the place? It was just a lieplanted in your heads so they could justify slaughtering an entire country. The same could be said about the strangers you are so afraid of. We are people, too, just like anybody else. And I’m pretty sure this bear is the same. Right, bear?”
A squawk left the otherwise quiet animal.
“Yeah, you,” Law turned towards him and smiled, “you got a name?”
“I - uhh - Bepo.” And Bepo looked nervous. A little scared, too.
But Law only continued to smile. He even sniggered slightly before he flopped against the snow pile once more. “See?” He said as he looked up at the sky and the snow falling from it. “He’s got a name.”
He could feel gazes upon him, but Law didn’t care and he ignored it.
“And you? You boys got a name? Mine’s Law.”
” There was a moment of awkward pausing. “I’m uh, Shachi. And he’s Penguin, Peng for short.”
Law felt himself burst out in laughter now.
“You’re named after animals, and you beat up a talking one? You guys are the strange ones, not us ‘foreigners.’”
Nervous laughter was the response.
Perhaps it wasn't the most desired response, but it was a start.
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chimpukampu · 6 years
Adrinette April Day 8 - Pool Party
AO3 | Fanfiction | Wattpad
Week 1: Just Friends - Day 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Week 2: Falling in Love - Day 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Week 3: Reveal - Day 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21
Week 4: Dating - Day 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 and 30
It was dusk when the girls decided to end their pool party.
Marinette felt like it was short-lived and somewhat blamed herself that her friends did not fully enjoy the pool and the slides since they were adamant to wait for her arrival.
Alya nudged her. "Cheer up, Marinette! We had so much fun monitoring your celebrity status than splashing ourselves into the water."
"Yeah!" Rose interjected. "We've been cheering on the sidelines when Adrinette was trending online!"
"Short for Adrien and Marinette, duh," Alix supplied while scrolling something on her phone.
The pig-tailed girl sputtered when her classmate showed her several tweets and other social media posts about the chase that happened before Gorizilla's appearance. She blushed when she read a blog about someone offering to sponsor their wedding and a TVi petition that Nadja Chamack should conduct an interview about their relationship, then turned fifty shades redder when people submitted some cute fanarts about them - from traditional portrait to chibi-like one - as well as fanfictions.
"There's this fanfic called 'The Towel Girl and the Helmet Boy' by Fu-sensei," Juleka said as she showed them the kudos and the comment counts. "I kind of like it."
"I'm going to bookmark that! Give me the link."
"Ooh, looks like someone posted a retro version of your pajamas, Marinette!"
"Guess what, there's a fan club on Tumblr now dedicated to Adrinette!"
"Really? Let me see!"
"Sorry to burst the bubble," Marinette huffed indignantly with crossed arms. "But Adrien and I are clearly not together."
"Yet you still got the support of his fans," Mylene elbowed her lightly. "That's a pretty rare feat considering that they’re shipping you to a handsome and high-profile bachelor celebrity."
"He only sees me as just a friend!"
"But not for long," her best friend smirked then adjusted her glasses. "Speaking of just a friend, look who's here."
Marinette almost fainted on the spot when a familiar limousine stopped in front of them, especially when the tinted window on the back seat rolled down and revealed the face she expected to see the least.
What in the foutre world is he doing here?
"Salut, Marinette," Adrien greeted sheepishly. "Care to have some company?"
"Erm, I'm actually with - "
She looked around and met an empty sidewalk.
They were gone. All of her friends were gone.
Those ungrateful, selfish bastards!
" - myself. All by myself."
His face beamed with delight, "If that's the case, then why don't you join the ride with me? We can drop you off at your home."
"Ah, no. It's alright. I'll just ride a bus. Besides," she waved her hands as she looked around. "Aren't you supposed to be somewhere safe? We should not be seen together again."
"I know but I'm...uh," he trailed off, rubbing his neck incessantly as the blush formed on his cheeks. "I don't want those rumors to dampen our friendship."
She gaped at him with disbelief.
You're so stupid, Marinette! she screamed mentally, This pure ball of sunshine wants nothing in this world but friends!
He averted his eyes glumly. "I - It's okay if you don't want to talk to me anymore. I mean, I did nothing but troubles, and I - I ruined your chances to be with other guys -
His ramblings stopped when he heard her giggles, making his heart palpitate faster.
"I'm fine with you, Adrien," she told him, then immediately corrected, "I mean, I'm fine to go with you, not that to be with you, although I'm also fine with that, I'm  - "
His chuckles broke her reverie. "You don't need to explain further. Here, let me help you with your bag - "
"No!" she stopped the door when he made an attempt to get out, then surveyed the surroundings again. "I - I can ma - manage it. I - we don't want your identity to be exposed again."
"If you say so," he sighed dejectedly then held the door open for her.
"Merci beaucoup," she said as she scooted beside him.
He grinned. "De rien."
The driver cleared his throat then stirred the wheel and drove towards T&S Bakery.
"You changed your clothes." the blond made a gesture on her white halter top dress. "Did you make this?"
She nodded.
"As well as your clothes a while ago?"
She nodded again.
He looked at her with eyes filled with adoration. "Wow, you're such a talented designer, Marinette."
"Tha - thanks," she flustered.
"I was searching for you in the theater," Adrien confessed. "I looked everywhere to check if you're fine and unharmed when Gorizilla showed up. When I visited your bakery, your parents told me that you were here."
"Ah, there's actually a pool party organized by the girls. We've planned this for ages," she told him. "Just a simple weekend getaway to escape the heat."
"I didn't know you have an appointment with your friends," he muttered sullenly. "I'm sorry if I dragged you along with me, and now everybody thinks that you're my girlfriend."
She waved her hands casually. "I understand, Adrien. You can tell the public the truth, that we don't have that kind of relationship and the fact that I'm really not your girlfriend."
He did not say anything. Instead, he asked: "Did you enjoy your pool party?"
"I did," she answered, twirling her fingers on her lap. "Alya and the girls waited for me so I won't be out of place if I arrived there late."
"You might have enjoyed more if I left you alone."
"Adrien," the pig-tailed girl moved closer and looked at him straight to the eye. "I'm not a type of person that will abandon a friend in dire need."
"But - "
"Regardless of the situation," she went on. "I will still go with you."
His emerald eyes lightened up, full of mirth. "What shall I do as a payment for the trouble I've caused you?"
"There's no need for you - "
"I insist," he reached out for her hands then clasped it with his. "I want to do something for my best friend."
"Well then," she gave a thought. "Why don't you join our pool party next time?"
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theoneandonlysaucymo · 8 years
He Needs You More Part 1
Paring: Alpha!Dean x Omega! Reader
Words: 7,155 (OOPS)
Warnings: No smut yet thats next time, Slight mention of other character death,
A/N: For @dr-dean ABO Birthday/Song challenge. I’ve been itching to write it and ive been pondering this idea for a while and well I saw the song list and bamn it fit so perfectly! THIS GOT LONG AF I CANT WRITE PWP I LOVE MY PLOTS TOO MUCH. That being said I am sorry this is late school has been kicking me hard but I’m working on part two now! Song comes later this is just setting things up. 
Tags: (If you would like to be tagged let me know. tagging a few abo blogs to): @hymnofthevalkyries @mylittlefandomfanfictions @feelmyroarrrr @kittenofdoomage @angryschnauzer
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“WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING!” You shouted opening the door in the old abandoned house. The five teenagers bolted their fear evident coursing through their pores as they bolted out the back entrance and through broken windows. You sighed out frustrated, so they had been the ones summoning these demons, not that they knew what they were doing. You looked down at the books and notes, these kids clearly had no idea what they were messing with. You moved picking up the items and right as you reached to snuff out the lines a man appeared in the center with a white light. You reached for your gun but this guy was slightly quicker knocking it from your hand but you were ready a silver knife in the other. You had it at his throat and pinned him quickly to the wall looking straight into his eyes. Your expression turned to a bit shocked as green eyes stared back at you, that wasn’t the shocking part as his scent filled your nose. Alpha. “Who the hell are you?! Demon?” You snarled as the silver knife cut into his skin but he didn’t flinch.
           “Look lady I ain’t no demon but I came here looking for one,” The man said before he looked at you funny. You let up on him but still were suspicious and only when you saw the trickle of blood on his neck did you pull away. You shoved him back and fully erased a line on the drawn symbol on the ground. He wasn’t a demon the blade that was at his neck was made by the hands of priests and from blessed steel so if a demon that should’ve burned him. You looked at the symbol then it struck you.
“You aren’t from here are you?” You asked his scent overwhelming you but you were trying to keep it together.
“What gave that away?” He smirked his hand reaching up to whip the blood from his neck.
“Your scent
.it reeks of alpha
” You said looking at him picking up the last of the books. You saw a blank and confused stare from the man and you looked down at the symbol on the floor and flipped through the book.
“I'm a what?” He almost spat out not sure he heard you correctly.
“You have no idea what I’m talking about do you?” You said shocked as it was a portal spell, he was never supposed to be here at all. A cellphone started ringing and the man fumbled for it.
“Hello?” He asked cautiously. “Wait I actually get signal here? Yea
.yea Sam I’m fine
let me call you back later, got some chick here talking about me being an alpha or something.” He hung up the phone and looked at you. “Where exactly am I?” He asked.
“Not sure what to say other than earth, specifically North Carolina
but I guess an alternate reality from yours since you had no idea what an alpha is,” You said shifting a bit uncomfortably before changing the subject. “If you’re looking for the black demon they originally released its dead,” You said shuffling through the book, you found the page you wanted quickly reading the passage.
“You sure? He had an accomplice,” The man said as you fumbled for your phone showing him a few images of the demons before you killed them.
“Both dead, those idiot teenagers had no idea what they were doing, thinking they were summoning some hot chick when all they got were demons, caught them before they could try it again but I guess this is where you can travel back and forth. We can try to recreate this but it can’t be so close together, time rifts could happen, so looks like you’re crashing here for a few days,” You said looking at him as you took your phone out and snapped a few pictures of the drawings on the floor. The man hadn’t said a word to you but you could see the wheel moving in his head.
“So you a hunter?” He said finally. You nodded retrieving your gun putting the safety back on and putting it in its holster.
“If you mean I go around killing these things then yea, here we usually use the term exorcist,” You said pondering your options with him. It was going to be a very long few days at this rate; you might be able to get away with using it in three or four days. “I guess you can stay with me till that time
don’t need you wandering around you’ll raise too much attention,” You added pulling out your car keys.
“Attention? Listen sweetheart I can fade into the shadows no problem and ill just wait around till my brother does the spell again,” He said.
“Names Y/N, Not sweetheart, and I highly doubt that you’re gonna attract omegas from all over the state if we don’t get you hidden,” You said walking out of the house. You waited for him to follow and he soon appeared from the house, hands in his pocket as you watched him.
“Safe to say I know nothing about this world
this alpha omega thing or not guess I better not turn down help,” He said. “Names Dean Winchester,” he said extending out his hand. You smiled and shook it but could not shake how odd you were feeling.
“Get in thankfully these idiots did this not too far from where I live,” You said opening the doors to your mustang. Dean looked over your car, black with silver embellishing’s, and tan interior, this was looking a bit to eerily like his life as he sat on the passenger’s side. The hum of the older motor unsettled him slightly but he said nothing as you pulled away. No music was played as you focused on the road and trying to ignore him, but his scent was tainting your car, worse yet you weren’t minding it.
“So what is this whole alpha omega thing
like everyone is a werewolf or something?” Dean asked.
“No not quite, they took the names maybe from packs I guess,” You started as you turned onto a main highway. “Look everyone here is born either an alpha, an omega, or a beta. Alphas for some reason have died out, either killed or just not being born anymore, I'm not really sure which for sure” You started.
“And yet demons appear as alphas?” Dean asked
“That or angels, male female doesn’t matter anything supernatural it seems appears as an alpha
.so makes my job easy
but you
.you shouldn’t be here,” You stated again you voice sounding a bit bitter. “You’re going to throw off the balance and have demons coming from all over the place,” You added as you were gunning it now to get back. You couldn’t stand to watch another person die let alone another alpha.
“Look I’m sorry for being a bother but that demon was bad news we couldn’t let it just get away it was possessing a child where I was from,” Dean said as he looked out the window then he felt like this was a weird game of dĂ©jĂ  vu. You pulled into a garage that looked strangely like the bunkers garage and parked where he usually parked Baby. He looked around and you watched him curious as he got out of the car, he looked like he was seeing ghosts as he followed you inside. You set your things down on the kitchen table and looked at him as his green eyes looked you angry. “Is this some kind of game?!” He shouted.
“Game? This is where I-?” You asked a bit shocked.
“Live Yea this is exactly where I live too,” Dean said same time as you. You followed him and he pointed out every single place in this including the dungeon. He moved to the bedrooms and opened the door to your sister’s room before you could stop him. “This
.is...was mine
” He paused looking around as the room looked similar to his but the colors were different and furnishings were less masculine and simple. Biggest difference this room looked unlived in a fine layer of dust coated the furniture and the room smelled a bit musty.
“If you would please leave this room alone,” You said pulling him away and shutting the door. You looked away then realized you would have to explain. “That was my sister’s room, can pick any other room except this one and the one down the hall since you know your way around,” You said turning and heading for your room.
“And that’s Sam’s room,” Dean sighed out softly his eyes looking down the hall shocked. Your door shut and he was left in the hallway alone. He opened the door to your sisters room and stepped inside, why was all this so much like his life. He looked at the bookcase, you two kept better photos than he and Sam ever did as he looked through the frames. If Dean and Sam had taken pictures, they probably would’ve looked similar to this. He saw you in graduation gowns then acceptance letters to college before a picture with you and another girl in front of a dorm. The photos quickly changed and he saw a much more tired you, happy as you smiled with the same girl from earlier, but tired.
“You don’t listen either,” You sighed out from the doorway as you watched Dean sitting on your sister’s bed looking at photos.
“What happened?” Dean asked as you moved and sat next to him. He handed you a photo and you smiled, you remembered that night at the bar after a tough hunt. You wanted nothing more than to just curl up into bed but not her, no she wanted to celebrate and you could never so no.
“Demon possessed her,” You said softly your fingers tracing over her face as you whipped a layer of dust off. “I couldn’t find a cure, not one in time anyways she had done too much killed to many,” You said leaving it at that. It was you that pulled the trigger and you would regret that for the rest of your life.
“This can’t be happening,” Dean said you turned looking at him. “Why is it you and her are living the exact same life I am?!” He said annoyed. You shrugged.
“Probably not all the same but bits and pieces Sam still has you so it’s not exact,” You said standing and putting the picture back on the bookshelf. You let out a sigh and looked at him, “She too was an alpha she hid her scent with drugs but demons can just tell, my theory is they are eliminating the alphas making humans more susceptible to them, particularly omegas who are also dying out or disappearing either one,” You said.
“So you’ve explained this alpha beta omega thing sort of what is it really?” Dean asked.
“It’s just some genetic thing god thought would be funny to put on people, betas I guess are just like your world just normal people omegas are as well so long as an alpha isn’t around,” You added trying to think of how to word this. “Alphas are plain what their name sake says they were top dogs, could make a whole room look there way, picture the high school all-star jocks if you will, just what the name implies they could turn heads. Omegas can either act like alphas and command attention, but also they can be shy and meek it’s kinda hard to say we don’t really fit any certain standard,” You thought about it. You were more on the beta alpha side of the spectrum but you had meet much more shy omegas.
“Is that it? Just a personality thing?” Dean pressed as you could feel he was getting a bit agitated about something.
your anatomy changes too, Alphas can smell what everyone is and typically they attract more to Omegas and vice versa, not to say they can’t be attracted to betas. I guess the biggest thing is the obvious anatomy does change. Omegas are like super fertile but only at certain times we call it not surprisingly heats,” You stated. "But the heats only happen in Omegas, alphas it’s called rutt sometimes they line up with each other sometimes they don’t,” You stated as you excused yourself to grab an anatomy book from the library. “Pretty much the two were designed to have lots of kids
.guess when he first made us we weren’t reproducing fast enough. The rest of the anatomy changes you can look up,” You said handing him the book. You certainly did not want to be thinking about the alpha male anatomy changes he was already here and his scent overpowering. Dean had been quiet this whole time, his face a bit mixed of shock and curiosity but took the book a little hesitant to look through it. “Right I’ll leave you to that, you know the way around just don’t mess anything up in here ok?” You asked softly. Dean looked at the book but didn’t open it
“Is that why you smell so good?” He asked almost hesitantly.
“Heat? No its cause I’m an omega and you’re an alpha it’s just pure biology on that,” You smiled at him before leaving the room. You headed to your room and clenched at your stomach, this was such a bad idea and you needed to get him home as fast as possible before you went into heat or he went into a rutt
.and you had a feeling the latter would happen first.
You awoke the next morning to the smell of bacon and shrugged the sleep from your eyes. You moved to grab for your gun before remembering you had a visitor and groaned as you moved to put on clothes. It was too early to be up for you but would be rude to sleep all day. You washed your face and tried to look a bit more presentable and wake up before you headed to the kitchen.
“Hey morning
.you had some stuff so
I’d thought I’d make breakfast? Or I guess brunch,” Dean said as you headed straight for the coffee. The warm beverage in hand you looked around
“This looks good,” You smiled as he started to plate things. Eggs, bacon, pancakes you were actually looking forward to this.
“Didn’t know what you liked but this seemed safe,” Dean said setting a plate in front of you before sitting at the other end of the table. You two ate in relative silence, it wasn’t weird you thought you were still trying to wake up as you finished and offered to wash dishes. Dishes washed you sat back down with another cup of coffee. “So
.like guys are just ok here smelling people and having weird muscles?” Dean finally asked as you spit your coffee. That was so not, what you were expecting this early.
 like I said alphas are pretty much extinct now but no
it’s just something we all just kinda know as kids on top of bird and the bees in general, not
really weird for us. Your type has almost gone into like a fairy tale myth for people,” You said getting a napkin and cleaning up the spilt coffee. You looked over at him, “Seriously I wasn’t kidding when I said there are no alphas, the biology text books may talk about them but honestly they are gone and omegas are starting to head the same way, and girls can be alphas too,” You added as it wasn’t just guys that got special anatomy. He went to ask but then got a bit of a shocked and horrified face, “I’ll just let you ponder that for a while Winchester, if you look in that book it did explain,” You laughed as you headed into the library. His scent was becoming a bit too intoxicating as you shuffled around what looked like an herb cabinet. You quickly found some suppressants, checking the date you took them, no need for you to even think about going into heat with him around. Pills taken you moved around searching for portal spells, there had to be some way to send him back faster.
..is there a plan?” Dean asked.
“Not really, you can’t leave this bunker period,” You said finding a few books.
“What that’s not even fair-“
“You don’t get it when I say there is literally zero, read my lips ZERO alphas you will literally be like walking meat on a stick and god forbid you run into an omega in heat
..” You grumbled as you looked over and he was kinda smirking. “No like cat in heat all over you annoying
and don’t even think about fucking someone, if you slip up and go and bond with them
..heaven help you heartless bastard,” You said frustrated.
“Whoa wait what bond?” Dean asked.
“Did you even read that anatomy book?” you sighed out.
“Well open a book and I just get put to sleep soo
.” He said scratching at his neck. You sighed out
“So during the whole sex thing, yes there’s the sex but you can also claim that person forming a bond with them. Corny I didn’t make the rules, but you bite an area on the neck that is typically more appealing and you can claim them,” You said looking at him as he just had a shocked face. “Exactly so just keep it in your pants, you claim someone you have to be with them fairly frequently or risk them practically dying from heats that you awaken in them, since you’re an alpha and all, I doubt you would find a beta to be with,” You said going back to your book. The room fell silent as you sensed him processing everything.
“What kinda world is this?” he said almost horrified as you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Exactly now you see why all this is dying out, won’t be much left of it soon,” You added. “It’s always weird to talk about so thankfully we have a few more generations and it will be gone and I guess well be like your world,” You shrugged.
“Ok that’s enough history and anatomy for today,” Dean shifted uncomfortably and headed towards the bedrooms. You snickered and immersed yourself in research. You hardly noticed the time passes as you tried to find anything to speed up his stay here but came up short. You rested your head on the table stretching out your back and closing your eyes. It didn’t take long, the grandfather clock in here ticking back and forth lulled you to sleep.
It was late and a midnight snack drove Dean from his room he glanced into the library then stopped. That was the strangest position he had ever seen someone sleep in.
“Y/N,” He said gently nudging your shoulder but you didn’t move a muscle breathing softly on your arms. Well he couldn’t leave you like this you would wake up sore. He moved and gently picked you up, your scent hit him hard as he paused what he was doing and took a moment. So that smell was you, and gods you smelled amazing. He couldn’t name a certain smell over another a mix of many things but it was just you and it somehow smelled like home, it was warm and comforting. He shook his head and moved to your room gently setting you in your bed and covering you up. He sat on the edge for a while his hand on your shoulder, for some reason he just couldn’t pull away. He moved a strand of your hair out of your face corner of your mouth turned up in a small smile. When you did smile, your eyes had lit up but he could see you didn’t smile much anymore and that pained him, this could’ve been Sam’s life. He went to stand when your arm darted out and grabbed hold of his arm in an almost death grip. He looked back to your once peaceful looking face and now it was tense frowning. This was a bad idea, a very bad idea, he even knew that but you weren’t letting go of him. “Alright, alright princess you win,” Dean sighed out giving in or lose his arm and possibly wake you. You had let his hand go, but Dean doubt he would’ve made it out the door without you waking up. Dean walked around the bed behind you and moved under the covers as he stared up at the ceiling. Your breathing was soft and peaceful as being near you was apparently enough. Dean let out a small sigh and closed his eyes, your bed was actually pretty comfortable best part was it smelled like you calming his mind as he started to fade into sleep. Your body shifted almost the same time his did as you two just natural curled into each other. Your head moved in the crook of his neck, his head rested softly on yours, arms and legs intertwining as you each breathed in each other scents.
When you awoke that morning, you felt surprisingly well. You hated waking up always tired no matter how long you slept but another exorcism always called. Today you didn’t want to get out of bed for another reason, you were extremely comfortable and that was a bit odd feeling. Your eyes slowly fluttered open before closing again, you were just too warm and comfortable to wake up yet. You tried again with a bit more success your body senses functioning now as you felt someone was next to you, someone had their arms and legs around you protectively. You wanted to react you wanted to panic but your body was still asleep, still allowing you to relax, whoever it was your instincts trusted who ever this was. This time your mind won out as you took in a breath and jerked away suddenly as it was Dean.
“What what’s wrong!” He bolted away as well somehow knowing where you kept a gun as he looked around. Even half asleep, his body reacted to protecting you before his mind caught up not seeing any danger.
“GET OUT!” You shouted at him, you did not need to be around him, it was only a matter of time before something happened and he did not need to even think about being tied down here.
“Alright, alright I’m going!” Dean said as he quickly got up and headed for the door he went to leave and you both hesitated. “Look I wasn’t trying anything funny,” He said softly as he turned and looked back at you. “You just fell asleep in a weird position in the library I couldn’t leave you like that, so brought you back here and you kinda grabbed my arm and wouldn’t let go until I stayed,” Dean sighed out looking back at you. You sat in your bed and didn’t say anything, god his scent was everywhere now, you just wanted him to come back into this bed and sleep with you properly as you shook that thought. Dean turned to leave
“Dean?!” You called out wanting to shout it but instead spoke softly.
“Yea princess?” He said. You wanted to smack him for that nickname but at the same time, you liked it.
“Do you want French toast for breakfast or brunch whatever time it is?” You said and his smile about melted all your control.
“Sure,” he smiled heading back to his room. You laid back into the sheets and instinctively moved and hugged his pillow your nose inhaling before you quickly jumped out of bed. Cold shower that’s what you needed
.as well as suppressants again.
Breakfast wasn’t as awkward as you thought it would be, you two held a decent conversation about how you got started in all this madness and were pulled back in. It was simple enough you loved school so decided to try a normal life, but even in school the demons and monsters were never too far from your mind. Then you got a call your sister was missing while looking for the demon that killed your parents and that terrified you, you quit school and quickly found her and never looked back.
“It wasn’t all sunshine obviously,” You said taking the dishes and washing them. “We also learned in order to have my sister and I our parents made a deal both their souls for 18 years and two kids, my sister came 9 months later I came four years later,” You said setting the dishes back where they were. “But throughout our life they kept training us, dad would go off on weird trips, mom would stay behind show us how to shoot, what kills werewolves, demons, ghosts, you name it, it was certainly a weird education on top of all the other things we had to learn,” You paused. “Then 18 years later we both came home from school with that bastard standing over their bodies and we never looked back. I had to at least finish high school our Aunt wouldn’t let us out any other way she always knew what we were up to,” You smiled. “So yea
that’s how we started, you probably much the same somehow?” You asked. Dean nodded more or less you couldn’t really tell as he sat quietly. You nodded and headed into the library to try and do more researching.
It was maybe an hour or so you heard the TV in the small living area turn on and that was about all your self-control could take. You physically needed to be near him and besides none of these books were helpful you were just going to have to wait out the next two days. You put back two more suppressant pills before heading into the living space and plopped down on the couch next to him your knees touching.
“Anything?” He asked
“Nope so few days here then we can get you back home, not really into breaking any time rifts” You smiled. It somehow felt like a fake smile and saying the words back and home together was painful. Dean seemed to shift nervously and you both went silent just watching TV. The hours ticked by both of you just sitting watching whatever came on, and both of you knew you weren’t paying much attention to what was on as you talked. About everything, bad hunts, some sibling things, if things were different, it felt odd to talk to someone again like this. Sure, you had other hunter friends but that was all business, you couldn’t get some of them to have a decent conversation about music or cars to save their life. Even with strangers, which he still was but you opened up like it was nothing, like he had been in your life for ages now not a few days. You got up after a while to make food again. You would have to make a trip to town tomorrow, not just cause he was here but you just needed food in general, that was going to be tough.
“Decide yet?” You jumped hearing him right next to you forgetting you had someone here yet again.
wait yes sorry just need to go into town tomorrow,” You said as you pulled out some meat and set about making burgers.
“Soooo does that mean I get to see your town?” he grinned grabbing a beer.
“Nope means you get to stay right here,” You grinned back. “Seriously you will be walking around like a beacon to everyone unmated it’s not the people I worry about, you can fight them off it’s who knows what creatures,” You said shaping the meat then putting it on the pan washing your hands. “Werewolf, vampire, shifters, and worst of all demons,” You added turning as you crossed your arms to look at him. “And yes I know you probably could take them but they probably work differently here-“
“Different?” Dean asked sitting at the table watching you.
“So myths tell how demons work alone why you only see one name right? I'm assuming that’s how your world works.”
“Yea that’s how it is for us there are certain groups of demons but for the most part they work alone,” Dean said
“Right well here they don’t they work in groups, moving in groups and planning in larger groups, this is why we think Alphas are going extinct these demons are purposely targeting them and eliminating them or using them for meat suits,” You said turning as you flipped the burgers over. You started grabbing a few other things from the fridge; it wouldn’t be a fancy meal but a meal. “They use it to their advantage easily preying on what omegas that are out there and that’s typically who ends up in the paper with some tragic strange accident or just vanishes,” your back was to him as you went about warming the buns.
.how do you fight them then?” Dean asked
“Quickly, you have to become the literal hunter take them out one at a time from the group from the shadows, barging in does no good you easily get overwhelmed. No you have to have a plan to take one out at a time and before that one falls your onto the next,” You added serving up the food. You were a bit shocked at yourself for just opening up like this but he had to stay safe. If your lives truly were paralleled then he had to get back to his brother. You had no life here, your life was simple cases close to you then hiding in this safe house, doing what you could to get by. Dating was about impossible no one else could be messed up in your life or die because of you, and you didn’t care for any of the other exorcists you worked for, better to just be alone. Dean sat quietly before he finally looked up,
“Is that how your sister died?” He asked and you about dropped your beer on the table quickly grabbing it.
.” You said getting quiet, “She
she went on a hunt alone not super abnormal we did it time to time supposed to be an easy one
next thing I knew I get a call from a mutual saying she was hunting down her own friends. Drove as fast as I could only to see black eyes, and her laughing in my face leaving with a pack of demons. Tracking her down wasn’t fun
that took forever but she slipped up and I managed to get her but by then
she had killed too many exorcists, humans, demons you name it that thing used her abilities for its own purpose. We can’t exorcise demons nothing we have found works without killing the person,” You said suddenly not hungry in the slightest as you stood up and started to clean. “I was going to just keep her locked up forever but somehow that went to hell in a handbasket, she got out
..and well
 at least it was me and not someone else at the end,” you said leaving it at that.
“Y/N I’m sorry
..” Dean sighed out
“I got her back in the end once that asshole left her but it was too late, exactly how the Demons wanted it, break us up for good, and they won here I am giant safe house just for one,” You sighed out before getting back to cleaning. You heard Dean stand you felt him moving closer to you, “Don’t
..Dean none of this has anything to do with you, yes our lives are similar but I’m sure in some other time it’s the exact same story,” You said turning as you held your arms out. “None of it is anyone’s fault, Never had the best of luck but I had her while I could we knew something was going to happen sooner or later she may have been the last alpha left so target on her back,” You added moving away from him. Dean seemed to move tracking her with his eyes, “I'm fine, right now I think it be best if we turned in,” You added heading for your room. Dean didn’t seem to get the message, “Alone
.right now you are responding to more than just feeling sorry for me and that won’t end well for either of us,” You added shutting your door and locking it tight. You wanted to let him in, god knows he smelled so good right now but he had his brother to get back to, he didn’t need to slip up and be stuck here. Least of all you, you were happy alone it was just easier that way.            
Dean wanted to go into your room, he stood by the door leaning onto it staring at the all too familiar pattern, but he seemed to snap out of it as he backed away. What had just happened? One minute he was standing in the kitchen, he was angry at her story he could piece together what happened but at the same time he felt like he needed to comfort you then his body just moved for you. He couldn’t stop himself not till you closed the door, then it was like a swift slap to the face as he headed for his room, well he was heading that way but stopped at her sister’s room. All made sense now, why so much dust was in this room, you never opened it, never looked at these happy memories. You were still not over any of this having to kill your own sister. Sam could’ve very well ended up like this, had they not found those tapes. Dean stood heading into the extra storeroom digging, looking for that file and tape. He had to have pulled that whole room apart but nothing
it wasn’t here why was that erased from your story line, it didn’t make sense. Dean eventually relented heading off to his own room for sleep, didn’t mean he wasn’t thinking about it when he laid down in the bed.
You awoke early the next morning, no smell of coffee or bacon to wake you this time. Last night had been tough, one night sleeping next to someone you shouldn’t have been so attached but you were. You tossed and turned before letting exhaustion just take you in the end. You stretched your body under the warm covers before your feet touched the cold floor. Throwing on clothes, you fixed your hair and headed out into the kitchen. Quiet as could be when you entered, few papers out in the library Dean must’ve been looking for something last night. You fixed some coffee and it was you this time that started what was left of the bacon and the rest of the eggs. It didn’t take too long after the bacon was starting to cook before you heard a door open and footsteps down the hall. “Morning,” You said as you busied away with fixing breakfast. You got a small grunt from him in response as he got himself a cup of coffee and you could only smile at him. Food was done a few minutes later as you slid a plate in front of him that waking him up a bit more as he ate. You sat next to him eating your breakfast as well. It was early in the afternoon just turning noon when you started cooking and had planned it that way so hopefully not as may people would be out when you shopped. “So I only need a few things from the store just promise you won’t wander away, I know you’re not five and can take care of yourself but just trust me on this.” You sighed out looking at him, last thing you needed was to wander around town trying to find him. It wouldn’t be hard to find him but she didn’t want to have to deal with who else she would find with him.
“Scouts honor no wandering off,” Dean smiled as he stood to grab the plates but you beat him to it.
“I'm ready whenever you are so let me do this while you get what you need,” You added starting to clean everything back up again. As you finished the plates, setting them to dry Dean was ready pulling on his jacket and following after you into the garage. He almost opened the wrong door on your black car but he quickly realized it wasn’t his beloved impala and moved into the passenger’s side. You drove down a few backroads the leaves changing to their beautiful reds, yellows, and oranges on this fall day. The town was small maximum of maybe five stoplights handful of stores all owned locally but a few big named stores as well. “Not much but no one thinks to look for exorcists here,” you added pulling up to a grocery store. This one was smaller but had everything you needed, very few parking places along the road which thankfully were fairly empty. You moved to speak with Dean when he beat you to it,
“Don’t wander off stay close
got it,” Dean smirked.
“Actually I was going to ask if you wanted anything but ok,” You teased getting out of the car, as you had drilled it into him to not wander away but hadn’t asked if he needed anything.
.uhh no just beer
and pie I assume they have pie here at least?” Dean asked as his face looked like it would be crushed if they didn’t.
“We have pie Dean don’t worry about that,” You laughed at him shutting the door and walking in with him. You walked into the store and immediately what people were in here were looking at Dean a little surprised. You just grinned, he didn’t believe you,  you knew he hadn’t but now it was all coming together as you grabbed a small shopping basket and headed up and down the aisles for what you needed. Dean followed behind you saw he was at least happy to see this was normal but you did catch him looking around as a few people were starting trying to not be obvious but they were.
“Uhhhh Y/N,” Dean said slowly walking back to you as you grabbed a few cans of soup.
“Yes Dean, all omegas all following you around,” You laughed knowing exactly what he was going to ask. “I warned you, 0 alphas,” you added as you moved your hand to grab his arm and drag him with you. It was enough for the others to get he was with you in a nice way.
“So this is just weird can I just say that now?” Dean added staying close to you. “Why did god do this for this world,” he added all you could do was laugh.
“No idea only reason I got is we weren’t populating fast enough then we mutated to betas later on and now everyone else is just dying off since we are sufficiently populated,” She added as she was just about finished with what she needed and headed grabbing a six pack of beer for Dean. “Now pie
.what?” You said as he was just staring at you.
“How are you not acting like them? If alphas have that big of an impact on omegas even without the weird hormone thing,” He asked as you just shook your head at him.
“Have you also forgotten I used to live with an alpha? Most have never seen one let alone one that wasn’t mated off
I donno I mean you do affect me but guess I can just have better self-control?” You said shrugging slightly.
“Oh so I do affect you?” he smirked moving in closer. You weren’t going to back away this time as you looked up at those green eyes.
“Yes I am still an omega I’m going to react to you happy? Now let’s get your pie before we get some unwanted company,” You teased shaking your head. You let him pick which one he wanted, not that you ate them often your sister was more obsessed with other baked goods than pie. Pie picked out you headed up the counter to pay Dean just grinning as he stayed closer to you than before getting in the way some as you kept backing into him. You couldn’t help but look at him humoring him as it was keeping everyone fully away now. Here anyways, you knew if he stepped foot in a bar there were far more aggressive omega types there. Groceries purchased you put them in the trunk of your car and Dean once again seemed to be attached to your hip now as he leaned against you slightly when you bent over to put them in.
“So what exactly do I do to you?” He asked finally you shutting your trunk and he was leaning with his arms crossed. God his smile was gorgeous, his green eyes looking at you mischievously. Well that reminded you of something else you forgot,
“How about you wait right here while I run back in and pick up what I forgot then I may tell you on the way back,” you added trying your best to flirt with him some too. Flirting was harmless, he was going back in a day or two so might as well enjoy what it was like to try the dating scene again.
yea I’ll be right here,” He grinned pulling out a pocketknife as he pulled a apple from his pocket. You couldn’t help but shake your head heading back into the store. You were gone maybe a grand total of three minutes as you came back and he was nowhere to be seen. 
“Dean? Dean if this is a joke it’s not funny,” You smiled shaking your head moving around to the back of your car. He wasn’t there, “Dean?!” You shouted out looking around, ok now you were worried but the town looked as it always had people walking up and down the streets, cars slowly moving by, nothing seemed out of place accept you panicking. You headed back to the sidewalk, maybe he went to another store? You started to walk when an apple on the ground caught your eye around the corner. You walked over, yea that was the apple Dean had in his hand, you picked it up but then dropped it. Further, down the much quieter street you saw his pocketknife. You rushed over but as you picked it up you could smell the blood before you saw it right next to his pocketknife. It was Deans.
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thecorteztwins · 8 years
@askprofessorx  SO I'M REALLY SORRY THIS IS A BIG FUCKING INFO DUMP but these are my muses and my ideas for what we could do with them and Charles
The Acolytes on this blog refers to Fabian Cortez, his sister Anne Marie, and their teammates Chrome and Delgado.At the beginning of the 90s, Magneto had basically retired and fucked off to live in space alone on the humbly named Asteroid M. Then all of a sudden, four mutants show up on his doorstep being chased by SHIELD agents and proclaiming loyalty to him. He lets them in. Three of them are sincere in their claims, but their leader, Fabian Cortez, has a plot. He starts manipulating Magneto, pushing him back into villainy, into doing things that scare the hell out of humans (like collecting fucking MISSILES) because "self-defense". This leads him into conflict with the X-men, who until now he'd actually more or less made peace with, and he sustains grievous injury from Wolverine. Psychologically, this makes him feel that much more isolated and rejected, making him that much more prone to Fabian's manipulation...and physically, he now needs to rely on Fabian's healing powers. Things get worse as Fabian also uses his ability to boost other mutants powers, because it's established that Magneto's powers are to blame for his mental imbalance, so more power equals more crazy for Mags. Fabian's plans all come together when Magneto gathers Xavier and the X-Men aboard Asteroid M, intent on brainwashing them to his side, and the governments of the US and Russia, motivated by Magneto's actions, decide that Asteroid M, and all those upon it, must be destroyed. Fabian, knowing this because THAT WAS HIS PLOT, gets in the only escape pod, leaving the others to die. The X-Men are able to escape, and offer a way out to Magneto and the remaining Acolytes, but Magneto chooses to stay, to use the last of his abilities to hold the asteroid together so the X-Men can make it to their ship...and the other Acolytes choose to stay with him and die at his side. So, why did Fabian do this? Why did he want to get rid not only of the X-Men but also his supposed "leader" Magneto, and his own team, his own sister? Power. Fabian had made Magneto a martyr now, instead of someone who abandoned his cause, and he used his name to rally a cult of new Acolytes, far more bloodthirsty and genocidal than the original squad had been...with himself leading them, of course. These new nasty Acolytes did a LOT of awful things, but Fabian got his when Magneto returned from the dead (typical!) bringing a super duper powerful mutant named Exodus with him who gave Fabs the boot.  Fabian flees to Genosha, kidnaps Luna (Pietro's daughter) to use as a human shield/hostage, demanding that Pietro, Wanda, Crystal (Luna's mom), and the Avengers all protect him from Exodus and Magneto or else he’ll kill Luna. He also gets the Genoshan mutants on his side (damn, this guy is charismatic!) and rallies them into causing a civil war so he can use the chaos to hide. Yeah, seeing the country “awash in a raging river of bloodshed!” is just to save his own slimy hide. What a charmer. Anyway, the good news for Fabian is that Magneto is braindead at this time due to Xavier finally whipping out the telepathic big guns on him after he ripped Wolverine’s skeleton out. The bad news is that Exodus is alive and well and shows up, kills Fabian. But Fabian doesn't stay dead. He comes back to caught more trouble, first with manipulating Joseph (Magneto's clone) and then when Magneto gets his mind back and becomes ruler of Genosha, Magneto comes back to recruit Fabian onto the Genosha cabinet (because as shitty as Fabs is, he's a good politician) and to be his personal battery since his powers are now depleted. Fabian starts secretly working to backstab Magneto AGAIN but then when Magneto's powers fully return, Magneto kills him. It mostly sticks this time. Mostly. He does show up during Necrosha though (an event where another villain mass-resurrected a bunch of mutants, of which Fabian was one, but that was a temporary thing) I play Fabian and the other original Acolytes as having been resurrected by unknown means (that's...not uncommon in Marvel tbh) Chrome, Anne Marie, and Delgado don't remember that it was Fabian who was responsible for their deaths, and have resumed their lives as terrorists with him as their teammate and leader. Naturally, Fabian doesn’t want them finding out the truth, and thus does everything he can to keep them from finding out Magneto is alive and at large, lest they seek him out and he tell them what really happened. Fabian himself also wants nothing more than to leave supervillainy at this point and have a normal life, not because he’s seen the light and turned good, but because he’s tired of getting beaten up and dying. Unfortunately, he doesn’t dare run for it, as he (rightly) believes his sister would kill him as a traitor if he did, and he doesn’t think he can escape her by murdering her again either, since he’s learned nobody stays dead (but he still doesn’t want to go through death again himself because IT’S HORRIBLE) With that setup, we've got the enemies deal down pat. Anne Marie will try to kill Xavier on sight. She can't be talked to or talked down. Chrome, it's possible to engage, and Delgado is actually unlikely to try to hurt Xavier UNLESS Xavier is getting in the way of something they're doing. As for Fabian...he might well try to get Xavier to help him out of this mess. Convince him to wipe the Acolytes minds, or rewrite their memories so they think Fabian is dead, enabling him to escape them before they can find out it was him that betrayed them and Magneto. In an XMCU verse, none of this would have happened. I'd picture it instead as Fabian and the others being fresh Brotherhood recruits, with Fabian having all these schemes in mind to betray and usurp Magneto, but not having done it yet. We could have a plot where they capture Xavier, or the X-Men have captured them, or things like that. Finally, in Evo, they're not terrorists yet, they're just teenagers. Fabian and Anne Marie are a couple of mutant kids, and they're not bad either! So, possibly students. They've actually got their powers perfectly under control more or less, and are quite comfortable with them, but they're interested in meeting others like them...and, frankly, Anne Marie needs to be taught responsible use. Because she's growing up with the ability to control the minds and emotions of other people and no one can tell her "no" on anything and it's not that she's evil but she doesn't have a concept of things like telepathic ethics and telepathic consent so she's kinda super dangerous despite being a sweetheart with no malicious intent. I do the 616 verse a lot so I'd actually be more interested in the XMCU and Evo options? I haven't seen any of the films after First Class, but your About section says that's where your default verse is, after FC but before DOFP or XMA. Over on @mypralaya I've got Haven, aka Radha Dastoor, she's a villain who showed up in seven issues of X-Factor during the 1990s. She's a woman who from an early age felt a calling to help ease the suffering and pain in the world, and worked in the streets of her native India helping the poor, caring for the sick, etc. Great person, total saint. Unfortunately, she fell in love with some cad, he knocked her up and then left her. Then things got worse, because a top-class demon known as The Adversary (demons = pretty regular things for the X-Men to deal with in the comics, actually) possessed her unborn child and started feeding her some major lies. Fast forward twenty years. She's still secretly pregnant, eternally in her first trimester. Her child is a mutant, and she can access its immense powers. She also believes it speaks to her with a divine voice, but that's the Adversary, who has made her amass a cult dedicated to spreading chaos and destruction in hopes of bringing about the Mahapralaya, a sort of Hindu apocalypse after which a beautiful age of painlessness and peace and joy for humanity will come, ending suffering forever. But Haven herself was still a really nice woman who advocated for mutant/human peace as a public figure (international best-selling author + lecturer) and in fact greatly admired Professor Xavier. But the whole "secret terrorist cult causing mass suffering" brought her into conflict with X-Factor, despite her desire to have them as her friends and allies. There's no shortage of bad guys with good intentions in the X-Men, but Haven was especially unusual in that she was a pacifist villain. She actually never attacks the good guys, even when they attack her. In fact, she tries to help them---she rescues Polaris from government agents, she heals Wolfsbane of the Genoshan brainwashing she underwent as a slave, and tries to heal Multiple Man of the Legacy Virus (X-Factor blames her for his death when she fails) We're told her cult is doing all these horrible things offscreen, but it's kinda hard to root against her when she barely even threatens anyone onscreen. Her story ends when the Adversary decides it's time to be reborn into this world and Haven...does not survive that in canon. I decided that she does, because I felt she deserved a better ending. In XMCU, demons don't really fit with the canon, so she could be a human or a mutant. Either way, not a villain, because not being influenced (and I don't really play her villain incarnation anyway, I'm more interested in what comes after) so not an antagonist, but more likely a friend or staff member? I feel like the "inspired by Xavier" thing would also be different, because she's in her early 40s, so she'd be older than your Charles, and that could be neat to explore. I mean, hell, maybe she could be a mentor figure to him, or at least a colleague in the same field (mutant/human relations) I'm guessing that it's rare for him to even meet a mutant who is older than he is, since he and Erik and the original X-Men/Brotherhood are kinda the OGs in the XMCU aside from Apocalypse. Then there's Shaw @sebastianshaw He's not a Kevin Bacon Nazi, he's not concerned with mutant supremacy, he's just concerned with money and power, to the point he'll happily throw other mutants under the bus to human bigotry if it makes him a profit. Seriously, this guy built SENTINELS for the government because it made him money, he gives no fucks about species solidarity. As for the Hellfire Club, rather than being a proto-Brotherhood, they're a worldwide social club for the wealthy elite. Most of its members (which includes the Starks, the Worthingtons, and the Braddocks) are just that, regular super-rich people who wanna hob-knob with other super-rich people at fancy parties, but behind closed doors, the Inner Circle that runs in (Shaw, Emma, etc.) are mutant bad guys bent on political and economic domination of the world. This has brought them in to conflict with the X-men several times, the most notable of which was the Dark Phoenix saga, in which the Hellfire Club recruited the telepath Mastermind to brainwash Jean into their service, resulting in her becoming the Dark Phoenix and the resultant horrors that followed, which ended in her death. Shaw's not liable to just attack Xavier, he's more like Delgado in terms of "I'm not after you, just don't get in my way" but there's still room for conflict there, as well as standard "good guy and villain have a chat" things like Xavier does with Magneto, with none of the affectionate history there. Shaw's shown to put himself on the same level of mutant influence as the likes of Xavier and Magneto  even if he's way overestimating himself (I mean, he's got a lot of economic/political influence on the world but he doesn't influence mutant culture like Magneto and Charles have, he's too private/on-the-down-low as a mutant) and to have opinions on that, as well as the typical 'thinks the heroes are fools wasting their powers' gig. He's also shown to be immune to Charles' telepathy, probably due to the same Hellfire Club technology that keeps Cerebro and other psychic stuff out of the building's walls, and even without it he's trained enough in telepathic resistance he was able to give Emma a very hard fight in trying to telepathically 'get' him.  So Charles can't just tell what he's thinking which makes for a more...normal/even conversation. Not that Charles goes around reading everyone's mind but like, Shaw is a bad guy, so it would be understandable if he tried just to be sure Shaw wasn't up to something, but he can't, so like...he's in the more normal person position of not being able to be sure. Also, he and Charles met in 616 before Charles formed the X-Men and before Shaw joined the Hellfire Club, but the details have never been revealed beyond that Charles embraced him as a friend and that the same young mutant (Tessa/Sage) saved both their lives, but Shaw rejected Xavier’s path and went his own way. In Evo, it's pretty easy to just introduce Shaw and the Hellfire Club as new foes on the scene, probably initially posing as a benign group with similar goals to Xavier, complete with a school of their own for young mutants (Emma Frost ran one in her Hellfire days in the comics) In XMCU...it's more complicated/difficult given the existence of Shaw there, but since that Shaw's real name is Klaus Schmidt, it's not impossible to say he stole this Shaw's identity or something, possibly along with taking/copying his powers via some kind of scientific experiment (since he doesn't display these abilities when he met young Erik) I also play Shaw's son @shinobixshaw and Fabian's son @malcortez. Shinobi is a 616 canon too, he "killed" his dad (Shaw got better) and took over his position in the Hellfire Club...and then proceeded to do nothing except drink and party and be lazy. Shinobi is not a serious threat in any way, even if he thinks he is, and thus really cannot make a decent antagonist, but he can certainly be annoying in his stupidity and arrogance and drunken shenanigans. Malcolm, on the other hand, is not from 616. He's from the Marvel Zombies universe, but has canonically access to a machine that can take him to other dimensions, including, oh, say, the XMCU! So it's perfectly plausible for him to be able to pop up in the mansion or wherever as a fish-out-of-water who needs help getting acquainted with this world. He's technically a villain in his own world, but his goals of "rule my village" won't really apply in any other world, he's just interested in his own home, not anyone else's. So he'd be more like a...very confused guest than anything else. 
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suhotrashanon · 8 years
Bite Back Chapter 5:The Wolf Inside
Wow, another updated chapter and it hasn’t been 2 months ?!?! Can you believe it guys?
Anyway, I just want to thank all the people who’ve been reading my little story, hopefully, y’all will comment soon and let me know what you guys think.
A HUGE Shout out to @boymeetsfiction, @btsbiaslove and @writeiolite these girls helped me majorly. Not only did they help me edit this chapter but let me know how terribly spaced out some of my other ones were. These girls are amazing so do yourself a favor and check out their blog, read their stories and comment on how good they are. #Bless
It’s taken the better part of three days. Three days of Chen repeating, “Concentrate Y/N. It is in there. Feel your wolf. Let her take over.”
Three days of Kai complaining. “Why are you so bad at this. Why can’t you find it? Let’s just scare it out of her. Or better yet, make her angry.”
“Kai,” Chen sighs as he shakes his head, “We both know that doesn’t work. And before you tell me about how your Hyungs used to scare you or make you mad, and you’d morph when you were 12, don’t forget you’d stay like that till the full moon. That’s not what we are trying to achieve. We want her to be able to move from wolf form and back again. Besides, we are making some progress. She does have a tail and an ear.”
You look triumphantly over at Kai. “Don’t look at me while you only have one ear Y/N. You look ridiculous.” Kai laughs out before crumpling to the ground in tears. At this point, you’ve had enough of him laughing at you and decide to get revenge. Doing the only thing that has come easily to you thus far, you retract your tail and one ear and creep over to the source of your more recent frustration.
“You know for someone who’s so amazing at everything you sure get beat up by a girl a lot.” And for the millionth time in the last 72 hours, you pounce into the oblivious Kai. Both of you wrestle until you have him pinned with an arm behind his back and his face in the dirt. This time it’s Chen and Xiumin who are bursting with laughter now.
“You know if you were half as good at wrestling with me as you were morphing we’d have been done days ago,” Kai mumbles into the dirt. This silences you all because he has a point. As he gets up and dusts himself off he continues, “I’m not trying to be mean now Y/N but we are running out of time. If you can’t figure it out soon we’ll miss our chance to be able to go down to Seattle and get you clothes. The weather is going to change soon, and then we won’t be able to cross the mountain as easily as before. I know I was joking before and everything, but it’s crunch time now.” He reaches up and squeezes your shoulder, “If we could wait until the full moon then everything would be easier but we don’t have that luxury, Suho had faith you could do it. So concentrate now.” Then Kai was dropping his head and walking back to the rock he’d been sitting on for most of the day.
In the short time you’ve known Kai you’d never seen him be so serious. He’d always been making fun of you, saying a sassy comment and letting you win when you wrestled. He was trying to bring out your playful side, rough housing in hopes it might stir up your inner wolf to come out and play. It wasn’t working both you and Kai were realizing that and his change in attitude confirmed something that you had been afraid to admit to. You were failing drastically.  
Kai broke the eerie silence that seemed to fall upon you all, “Chen, how did you figure out how to morph after you were abandoned?” “Kai you can’t just-” “Xiumin, it’s okay.” Chen interrupted, “it’s not like it’s some sort of secret. We all know I was turned and abandoned by a wild pack. I’m not ashamed. Now to answer your question. Kai, I was lucky. It wasn’t long before the first full moon happened that they left me. Tala told me what was going to happen and prepared me before she and the rest of the pack left. In fact, I owe a lot of me being able to survive those months alone to her. She was also the one who told me how to transform.” “Basically if was after the full moon. So then her advice is worthless,” Kai breathes out.
“It’s not worthless,” Chen snaps back.
“Only it is in this situation Chen,” Xiumin surprisingly chimed in. “Or at least at this stage it is. We’ve been going about this all wrong.” He soon falls quite, seeing you all turn to face him. You could feel Chen being a little hurt by the statement and Kai just seemed to exude this sense of being right yet again. “Then what do you suggest we do Xiumin?” Chen questioned.
“Well if you are born a werewolf you can’t transform until you start hitting puberty. That doesn’t mean that you are any less of a wolf it just our gene isn't fully activated until then. Something my mom wanted to teach me about when I was a kid. So you have to find a way to meet your inner wolf. For me, it was through meditation. Of course, it’s easier to meet your wolf if you’ve already had a full moon experience before.” Xiumin starts to trail off as if deep in thought.
“He has a point, I never listened to my dad’s advice when I was younger and had a hard time when I was a teen finding my wolf. Which is probably why my Hyungs tormented me so much the way they did. It wasn’t until Suho Hyung made me look deep inside of myself to find my wolf that I could actually make any progress...That’s it!” Jumping down from off his rock, Kai runs towards the house.
“Where is he going now?” Chen questions, cocking his head to the side
“Probably off to get some of Suho’s clothes,” Xiumin replies while leaning against Chen.
“Why in the hell would he go get Suho’s clothes?” you mumble to yourself.
“He’s going to try and overload your senses with our alphas sent. That might just spur your wolf up enough so that you might start to sense it. Then we might just be able to lock in on that and bring it out enough for you to transform. See Chen was doomed from the start when he was bitten. They had no intention of keeping a human turned wolf. What they were probably doing was creating a feral animal. They give you the minimum contact with them. Get you prepared close enough to the full moon and then let you go. If you can make it a year on your own they would accept you into the pack. If you died oh well, you were never really a part of the pack to begin with. That one, Tala you said her name was?”
“Yeah, Tala.” Chen answers with heavy eyes.
“She probably wanted to mate with you, that’s why she was trying to help you morph sooner. My mom told me how they used to gain pack members in the past when famine or disease would lower our numbers. It makes them feel indebted to you and by that time they probably lived that year mostly as a wolf, there for making them more wild than they were before. In a way it was all by chance they found you Chen, or I guess you found them.”
Chen doesn’t reply, only looking off into the darkness of the woods behind them. You wanted to reach out and hold his hand as if to say it was all gonna be okay. So you did. You slid your hand into his and instantly his finger interlocked with yours squeezing you as if to say he was here. He was going to be okay.
“I’m not saying this to taint your memory of her. I just,” Xiumin started before looking down ashamed. He kicks at the ground as if he regretted even saying anything.
“I know Xiumin Hyung. I think I needed to hear that. I’m just sad.” Slowly he reaches out to grab Xiumin’s hand, just like how he’s holding yours. “I’m sad thinking about what I would have become. I’m happy I found them and thankful to have been able to meet you all.” He was smiling again. It was a sad smile in some ways, but happiness still seemed to shine through the pain.
You could feel their heartbeats like this, calm and warming. Slowly you felt them all beating in sync as if they were becoming one strong heart. In the distance, you could feel something deeper happening between the other two, as if they were connecting on a somewhat deeper level. There was a spike of disappointment that hit you and they felt it too. Turning towards you, Chen began to open his mouth only to be interrupted by Kai screaming at them.
“Oi, you three stop bonding with each other! You’re gonna make Y/N feel bad with your inner wolves connecting and hers not being able to reciprocate.”
“Sorry,” Chen whispers to you as he let both your’s and Xiumin’s hands fall from his grip.
“Now come on, I have a plan.” Kai finishes as he heads off towards the woods carrying blankets and other clothing items he’s managing to carry.
Finally, after fifteen minutes of walking, you watch as Kai enters into a hollow tree. “Don’t come in here yet Y/N,” he yells out. You could hear him as he begins to lay out the blankets he had gathered. Exiting the tree’s cavern, he throws a shirt and a pair of pants towards you. “Put them on, and take off whatever else you are wearing. And I mean everything. Bra, underwear, anything that doesn’t have Suho’s scent on it. Anything without his scent does not come in here.”
“Then how come you are allowed in here?” you jab back at him, not moving a muscle to change in front of him.
“She has a point there Kai,” Chen retorts.
Glaring back at him Kai responds, “If you can’t smell me or even see I am wearing Suho’s clothes. Not to mention I spent 15 minutes rubbing myself all over him just to be scented like him. All so that I could spend these few minutes setting up a Suho cave in the tree. The tree that Suho likes to come and wait out his heats in.” It took everything in your body not to burst out laughing at the smug look on Kai’s face. “I knew you were close as brothers but isn’t that taking it a bit far?” you cover your mouth to keep in the laughter.
“That’s it,” is all you hear before Kai forces you out of your clothes and into Suho’s. You don’t even have time to protest before you are shoved into the tree hole and then it really hits you.
Outside you can smell Suho but in here it’s overwhelming. It is suffocating and you can’t even smell yourself. You see Kai follow you in. Just as he said his scent is totally washed out and for a moment you think Suho is there. “Deep breaths Y/N. That’s it, really breath in Suho’s scent. Now sit down” You follow what he is saying, not because you want to, but because the atmosphere is playing tricks on you. He dances between being Kai and Suho. “Now Y/N close your eyes and concentrate. The smell is overwhelming but it should help stir up your inner wolf. Look inside yourself. Is there something there that wasn’t before?”
You try not to drown in the scent as much. Instead, you use it to block out every other distracting thing in the world. It becomes comforting and familiar, like the black abyss of your dreams. For a moment your nightmares the last couple of nights flash before you. They are soon gone and forgotten again, as you breathe deep,  filled with the scent of Suho. There it was, the black abyss. This time it fully envelops you and you feel yourself floating again. You aren't alone. You hear the thumping of paws echoing, growing louder and louder as they get closer. It becomes deafening and you try and run to get away from the source until Kai’s voice cuts through the blackness.
“Don’t run Y/N. Meet your wolf head on. It’s not Kris. He can’t reach you here. Stop Running.”
You slide to a stop and the footsteps echo louder again. Something in you tells you to run. Not because you are scared, but because you don’t feel ready. You realize something in that moment. The voice telling you to run is your old self. Your human self, someone you can no longer be and can’t listen to. Instead, you have to face your new self, head on and embrace your new life. You take a deep breath and run, this time towards the sound of the wolf.
As soon as you made the decision to meet it head on it was there staring back at you. You sized it up. It’s fur a burning red colour, its eyes a pale white. It would scare you if you weren’t sure this was the same as looking in a mirror. “So you are my wolf.” “I am you,” it responds while bearing its teeth. “Are you going to keep running or are you going to actually come and meet me?”
It was challenging you and you weren’t one to disappoint. As if it knew, it began running as you started off. Soon you were colliding. Exploding into each other, ripping apart and becoming one again. Soon all was quiet, you looked down expecting to see your hands. Instead, all you saw were your paws. You had done it, you met your wolf and now you were both one and it felt great. You’d never felt so at one with yourself.
Slowly you began to open your eyes, looking up you meet the gaze of Kai. “Did you?” he starts. Upon seeing the look in your eyes he knows the answer. A smile cracks across his lips. “You did, didn’t you?” Grabbing your hands, he pulls you outside of the tree. Looking around you see the sky had gone completely dark.
“How long was I in there for?” You question as you pulled Kai’s hand that was leading you to the others.
“Close to 10 hours. It’s about 3 am, but that doesn’t matter. Oi, you two wake up!” Kai yells at the sleeping forms grumbling from their disturbed sleep. Xiumin was the first to stand up grabbing your hand, “How did it go? Did you meet it? Did you change? Or did you just connect on the inside?”
“She hasn’t done anything on the outside yet but you can feel it. She feels much more complete now. You know that feeling you got after your first full moon, she feels like that.” At this point, Kai was grabbing the other's’ hand and shoving them into yours, “See feel it, completely different than before. More like how it felt to hold your packs’ hands right?”
“Shit, this is amazing,” Chen chuckles.
“It feels so much warmer that before,” Xiumin adds.
“She’s one of us finally,” Kai says, smiling brightly.
“Should I try again?” You question while looking at their faces. All three yell a ‘yes’ with such excitement you yourself feel the excitement brewing up inside of you.
Letting go of their hands you take a deep breath. Closing your eyes, you again try to breathe deeply. All of Chen’s advice over the last 3 days finally began to click and you see those eyes again. You run towards them and collide. This time you can feel your body tearing apart. The pain becomes so overwhelming you don’t think you can bare it. Then it stops all at once, leaving you panting. Slowly, your vision comes back into focus and you are staring up at the three that had been helping you the last couple of days. At first, you think you had just passed out on the ground and failed again until it hit you. You weren’t lying on the ground you are still on your feet, or rather paws. Their smiles overtake their faces and soon come rushing over to hug you. Crying into your fur, “You did it!”
“You look amazing.”
“I’ve never seen this colour before, it’s stunning.”
You aren’t sure who was saying what but that didn’t matter. “Okay now, change back,” Kai says, suddenly standing back up. The others follow his actions. You aren’t going to lie, you are scared that it was going to hurt like before.
“I know it hurts, but soon you’ll barely feel it. It’s a small price to pay, trust me.” Xiumin comments while stroking your head. It helped, and soon you were looking back at your own eyes again running forward towards them, the same pain overcomes you. Tearing, ripping and then fading away into nothingness. This time you feel yourself fall to the ground breathless. In seconds Chen and Kai are picking you up off of the ground as Xiumin runs to grab a sweater from the pile of clothes.
“Sorry about the clothes guys. I didn’t think they’d get wrecked,” you chuckled out weakly
“No need to apologize. We knew they would be torn to shreds anyway,” Chen cooes while slowly rubbing your back. As soon as Xiumin stuffs you into a sweater and sweatpants, Kai has you on his back. “I’ll take her back if you’ll grab the rest of the stuff guys,” Kai suggests.
“It’s gonna take all of two minutes to pick it all up just wait. Besides, it’s a long walk. We can’t take a chance that Kris won’t show up.” Xiumin calls back from the tree.
“Or maybe even Luhan right Xiu,” a voice calls out from behind you both. You watched as the colour drained from Xiumin’s face. “Aw, are you happy to see me Baozi? I missed you too.”
“Why are you here Luhan?” Chen questions, walking closer to Kai and yourself.
“Don’t worry, I’m not dumb enough to think I could take her while it’s all three of you against me. I just wanted to come say hello. Come and see the wolf that's causing all this trouble. Besides, I also missed you my little Baozi. Maybe when Kris comes again to take out Y/N with him you’ll come along with them Xiumin.” “Leave Luhan. Before I rip you to shreds,” Kai calmly warns him, even though you can tell he's anything but calm at this moment.
“Alright alright, I’ll go. I’ll be back though, and when I see you again Xiumin I hope you’ll have changed your mind.” And with that, Luhan disappears into the night.
“Hurry and pick up those blankets. Xiumin we’ve gotta go.” Chen calls to him running to help pick up whatever he can. You are all now bounding towards the safety of your home. Back towards the protection of the pack, full of both good and bad news to tell.
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4
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