#we love it when we empower not overpower
neptunes-sol-angel · 2 years
What About your Past Life Contributes to your Aesthetic?
I know I mentioned before that I don't like past life readings, but only because they're usually depressing depending on which topic I'm channeling about, but I wanted to do something different and I know for sure that this shouldn't be too heavy. Enjoy ♡
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Pile One
I feel that in one of your past lives, you left this earth regretting how much you kept quiet when it came to expressing yourself emotionally whether that be verbally or physically. You kept yourself confined in order to look the part for a role under someone else's wing. This can apply to either a job or a significant other. It's like you believed that in order to thrive in your career or to have a successful relationship, you had to make yourself seen, but not too much that would overpower others. Major people pleasing tendencies and possibly a jealous partner that didn't want you to see your worth.
In this lifetime, you fulfill the missed opportunities that your past self deeply wanted by transforming into the polar opposite of what they were. Your aesthetic thrives on maximalist self expression and giving meaning into everything that you use to enhance your appearance. People could make snide comments insinuating that you're "doing the most"—but like a wonderful person once said "why would we want to do the least?". I'm getting that in your past life, you were conservative with your clothing, and that your choice in colors were dull. But in this lifetime, I see you utilizing more colors in your wardrobe and making each of your outfits a statement. I'm picking up a very specific scenario. Some people in this group embody the siren archetype. You could literally love to accessorize with seashells or garments that are associated with the sea. Maybe you show a lot of skin because I'm hearing the word "provocative". You decorate your skin often with either body glitter or tattoos/henna (maybe you plan to) but when it comes to illustrating your body, each piece of art is going to symbolically represent the things that made you the happiest in your life and the hurdles that you've beat. If you've self harmed in the past, I can definitely see you improvising your scars with a tattoo. This group could also emphasize their eyes a lot with eyelashes, like for instance, exaggerating the length to create a doe-eyed effect or maybe even minimizing them in a way to create siren-eye effect. The main pattern that I'm picking up though is that skin is highlighted because again, you aim to make statements with your appearance, like making a point that what you wear is because you want to but it isn't an en excuse for other people to do what they want to it without your consent or empowering yourself and others to wear certain pieces of clothing regardless of what people project onto you. You could be viewed as someone peculiar or made to feel ashamed about your natural features or identity—but you emotionally invest so much in fashion as a way to say "I have the right to loudly exist and I won't hide myself".
Pile Two
In a past life, you resembled or shared a similar fate to someone you felt really drawn to as a child or when you were younger in this lifetime. It's giving classical, bombshell, Hollywood star esque, and the Marilyn Monroe type. You may have not been famous, but there's something about your looks that were densely displayed that a lot of people knew you for. Maybe you fit a lot of people's conceptual image of what their dream person looks like because I'm getting that you had this beauty that was extremely magnetizing but sadly objectified.
In this lifetime, your aesthetic is what I would describe as passionate but discreet fury, that's probably derived from how overexposed and idealized you felt in your past life. Red, black, and leather could be prominent in your wardrobe. Mauves, reds, or berry tones could be your go to shades for your lips, or maybe this is symbolic for how tantalizing your seductive qualities are. Black hair and/or bangs could be something that you prefer, or hairstyles that that kind of overshadow your face.
Your aesthetic in this life is a darker contrast of what you were in that past life. Attractive—but not inviting. Mesmerizing—but not an image that they're able to keep. It's like you guys are this faceless muse. Another thing that parallels with your past life is that people knew you were their dream person because of your notierty, but in this lifetime you either actually show up as this hazy figure in people's dreams or you're like this ghost that leaves people wanting more but you're unable to trace—and you'd like to keep it that way. If you guys are artists maybe you like to create modern portraits where faces aren't present, or you're able to create masterpieces that draw away from what someone looks like. You could use little social media or despise picture apps like Instagram and prefer to keep your face off the internet. Your style also personifies originality. You could have a lot of people copy off of your looks or you're someone that people would put on their moodboards if they could.
Pile Three
One of your most significant past lives must have taken place in the 70s because I'm getting that your aesthetic in this lifetime resembles a lot to what you used to wear. It's almost as if your soul loved this life so much that it just had to treasure this specific piece of it. You could be into flared/bellybottom sleeves and jeans or tops (bodysuits) that exaggerate warm colors and retro patterns that accentuate your body. Vests, jean jackets, Penny lane coats, or frilly and unique outerwear are probably the key to your heart. You could love to accessorize with hats or wigs that strongly differ from your natural hair color. Maybe you have a collection of vintage items belonging to things that you have a real interest in. Because I'm picking up that some of you could be casual cosplayers. Not necessary dressing up in a costume everywhere, but you could own a lot of unique t-shirts and accessories relating to things that you're nostalgic about like anime, cartoons, bands, or quirky graphical shirts—or wear similar color schemes and clothing pieces to a beloved character of yours. Your style could draw in a lot of attention and compliments from people because they admire how much you confidently wear things that'll make you stand out from others.
Pile Four
In a past life, your relationships pertaining to love heavily influenced the way that you were dressed. Jewelry and clothing pieces that your person gifted you would be cherished daily in your outfits, you constantly based your looks off of what they personally were attracted to or their suggestions, and even when you weren't in a relationship, you dressed yourself according to what would make you desirable to another person.
I feel like this manifested into your current lifetime, but this time, it's because you actually like it, not because of anyone else. Your aesthetic could resemble a lot to the pastel pink, cream, black, and/or white coquette aesthetic. You could be really drawn to 50s/60s vintage fashion, especially pearl necklaces. Definitely swing style clothing. Neck scarves, sunglasses, and apparent bottom lashes. Although I see you guys loving soft colors, I also see you experimenting with color palletes that are more Rouge. I feel that your style also likens a lot to Fran from 'The Nanny'
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parachutingkitten · 7 days
Oh wow the comments in that post are really not it “that why we can’t have show for boy anymore” sooo you think your boy show need to have a bad writing female character? Because that sure what i get from them being angry about your video
man and the “it’s lego show it’s not that deep-“ IT IS THAT DEEP i am sick of people watering down any criticism for the show with This excuse,
anyway really loved that video ☺️.
It's so frustrating, because they don't even want to engage with the actual arguments in the video. They want to engage with what they imagine the video is about based on the title. And even if they do watch the video, they watch trying to contort my arguments to that initial imagination of theirs, rather than just hearing me out.
No, I don't care about the m/f ratio of the cast. I don't want equal focus on female characters. I just want the time that we do spend on female characters to be... good.
I don't want all the female characters to be hyper empowered. I go on a rant about how the overpowering of the female characters makes them worse. Again, all I am asking for is well written female characters.
And their biggest point of criticism is that it's a boys show, so it shouldn't matter if the show doesn't try to elevate female characters, as if ninjago isn't very obviously trying to push a pro-feminist message, in most of the show which does feature women. It's just the fact that they failed so hard at it that I feel the need to criticise. If they didn't make the attempt, and ninjago was an all male cast, I probably wouldn't feel the need to comment on it. You can't argue whether or not this rep should be inserted into the show or not, it already is. The creators already decided that's something they want to do. I would prefer if they actually did it well, in a well written script, you know?
And yes actually, the messaging in kids shows does matter. All kids content is educational content, whether you like it or not. Kids are the most impressionable people on the planet. I do not think women existing in a show in a realistic way is brainwashing, and I don't think playing sexual assault as a joke, or having a main character who refuses to respect when a girl says no, is a small little quirk that you shouldn't worry about cuz it's for little boys. It is insane to me that people can't wrap their head the idea that kids content should have a positive influence on kids.
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samoadoll · 2 years
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I’m so tired of these girlboss ass women misleading young girls. There’s no way to manipulate men into giving you whatever you want. They have to be generous out of their OWN WILL. You can’t affirm that you’re the most “beautiful irresistible person” to exist and in the same breath..cast a spell over a specified person to feen for you. Like..love is the magic. You don’t need magic for love. Also you can carry yourself with the upmost respect but let it be because that’s your genuine self concept not just as an attempt to attract someone of high status. Millionaires come in forms of athletes, businessmen and entrepreneurs. Each individual has different personalities so their standards are going to be personalized to their own taste. Don’t go cultivating who you are to a trope that you think they prefer. It varies. You’re gonna lose who you are trying to achieve hypergamy.
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My mom is a NFL wife, professional multimillionaire athlete and still works. The internet post a woman in a faux fur coat that exudes “rich housewife energy”with an empowering quote and gullible girls eat it up. Weird. Also none of the blogs you promote as the way of femininity..”how to be a woman” are married or even rich so what’s tea…? Why exactly are you listening to people without real life results? You can be anybody online remember that. As a girl/woman your efforts should be selfish..all for yourself..not to attain some delusional media genre cultivated through Pinterest moodboards….? Be serious.
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Definitely keep your standards high when it comes to dating but how come the message for girlhood and womanhood isn’t having passions and hobbies and personal evolvement. I’m tired of “Men. Men.Men.” It’s unproductive and misleading. Reducing your life purpose to achieving a life partner deprives you of exploring and embracing your actuality. Don’t let your longing to be loved overpower your own love. We consciously will suppress ourselves to embody a preference that goes against who we are just for inclusion..for desirability. You’re so much more than that. The internet is a touch screen but got us so out of touch. Reality IS. Your prevail in this life is through self security by knowing who you are. You have to have bricked resistance against conformity and YOUR OWN STREAM OF financial income that takes care of you. Stop being sold dreams and go make the ones God has given you through the talents you’ve been blessed with..happen. A Girl aware of her power is more dangerous than a gun.
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wolint · 2 months
Galatians 5:22-23
There are all kinds of fruits, and they all come from specific trees. The orange tree produces oranges, true to its kind. Likewise, the Holy Spirit produces fruits of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit, or the renewed nature, received as new creatures in Christ, are Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control.
When we are led by the Spirit of God, He guides and defends against sin while producing in us the positive godly character needed to live righteously, triumphantly, and abundantly. If we desire to have the qualities listed above, then we know that the Holy Spirit is leading us. How do we know that the Spirit is leading us rather than our own subjective feelings? Because being led by the Holy Spirit creates the desire to hear and the readiness to obey God’s Word. The Holy Spirit gives us the sensitivity to discern between our feelings and His promptings. Then, as we live each day controlled and guided by Him, we will not be overpowered by our own selfish desires. The words of Christ will be in our minds, the love of Christ will be behind our actions, and the power of Christ will help us control our selfish desires.
As we get to know the person, presence, and power of the Holy Spirit, there will be a natural by-product: fruit. What does that mean? Simply that as we develop our relationship with God, through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, there will be a marked change in our character and attitude toward everything.
The Holy Spirit’s power is more than just enabling us to do the supernatural. He empowers us on the journey from doing what pleases the flesh to what pleases God. This is not an easy journey, but it is also not a lonely journey.
We have the Holy Spirit to help develop us into the person God intends. When we receive Christ, the Holy Spirit begins to produce these fruits after Himself. We grow the fruit of the spirit, patterned after our recreated spirit while shedding the fruits of the flesh so we can identify ourselves as citizens of God’s kingdom, the kingdom that consists of power, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
It’s through the squeezing of our spiritual fruit by the storms of life that we recognize what is inside of us. Otherwise, all that we can accomplish in our strength and determination will fall short of God’s standard in comparison.
Significantly, the apostle distinguishes between the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit. Works are produced by human energy. Fruits grow on a branch that abides in the vine according to John 15:5.
The fruit of the Spirit is the fruit of God’s work in our lives when we are obedient to the Holy Spirit and dependent on the word of God, not the works of our strength, knowledge, and efforts, see John 15:1-5.
Only by allowing Christ to prune us with the storms of life and through obedience, trust, and humility, do we begin to earnestly exercise the fruits of the spirit.
The fruit-bearing branch is the believer who grows daily more like Christ, imitating Him in all things. It’s also to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into a life that is pleasing to God, which our human efforts and legality cannot do. Just as a real vine must be cleaned from insects, mildew, and fungus, so a believer must be cleansed from worldly things that cling to them. The Holy Spirit produces one kind of fruit, that is, Christlikeness. All the virtues listed in verse 22 describe the life of a child of God. All believers should embrace this wonderful list of Christian qualities and exhibit them daily.
Your fruit will be squeezed and plucked by life, so ask God for the grace to withstand every plucking, as this is the only way you will find out what kind of fruit you have in you.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I come before You with a humble heart. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I may bear the fruit of the Spirit in my life to transform my heart and mind, so that I may reflect Your love and grace to those around me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
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Most of us have an uneasy relationship with anger, an emotion often demonized by society. We are conditioned to believe that expressing anger causes people to pull away, fear us, or avoid us. This is only true when anger is expressed without processing it, reacting rather than acting from a place of understanding what our anger is trying to tell us.
A month ago, or even a day ago, if asked about feeling anger, I would have said I had no touch with that emotion. Over the years, people often told me things like, "I've never seen you angry," "you're such a peaceful person," and "you're the sweetest person I know." I used to take these as compliments, even though something felt amiss. I knew I wasn't devoid of anger; I just suppressed it as soon as it appeared.
I resisted the idea of expressing my anger on inanimate objects, despite often encountering this suggestion from childhood trauma experts. I thought, "I don't need that; I'm not that angry, just sad and hopeless." Emotions like sadness, hopelessness, apathy, grief, desolation, and loneliness were more acceptable to me. However, my body showed increasing signs of distress: acne, tense shoulders and neck, shallow rapid breathing, protective posture, clenched jaw, fast heartbeat, hypersensitivity, and immense hair fall. I was constantly locked in fight or flight mode.
Moreover, I realised I often felt an overpowering urge to harm the perpetrators of my childhood abuse. It then clicked that I did feel a lot of anger and needed a channel for it, beyond the inner work I was doing. Running, yoga, and just shaking didn't enable my body to release the immense anger within. I needed something that allowed me to be aggressive, something that I was never allowed in my childhood.
So, I set up a DIY punching bag made from a pillow and a long ribbon, secured with scrunchies and clutches 😂 At first, it felt incredibly awkward. I felt so self-conscious to be punching away a pillow. But I kept going, letting my anger flow unfiltered–until I collapsed into tears. It felt so good to let it all out. It felt immensely freeing. I felt like I'd just let go of an enormous weight I'd been carrying. I felt stronger, more empowered, a step closer to my authentic self, and I loved myself a little more.
Anger is good. It indicates when our boundaries have been or are about to be violated. While the ultimate truth of the universe may be oneness, in the physical dimension, it is important to maintain a sense of self, and that is what anger allows us to do. Anger, like every other emotion, is beautiful. It's meant to aid our expansion. It’s not ugly, too much, or demonic. It’s not meant to be suppressed to keep up the act of being goody two-shoes. Like every other emotion, it too contains a gold nugget of personal truth that's meant to add to your overall expansion.
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demonslayedher · 2 years
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Things that went through my mind while watching this episode:
--Hang on, I'm still having a moment over the Tanjiro & Nezuko bond which carries this whole series.
--Also, "Unwavering Resolve" is such a good name to give the whole first season as a single arc, as Tanjiro truly as building more and more resolve over the course of this season not simply to find a way to restore Nezuko's humanity, but to follow Kibutsuji Muzan to the end of the earth to destroy him for all the suffering and ruin he's caused to demons and humans alike.
--Also as a brief aside to mentally take me back to the start of this episode instead of the end, "Gurenge" has such great drums. The timing of those of rolls on Tanjiro tumbling? Excellent. Also, the changing traditional patterns in the title cards? Very, very excellent. In the previous episode we had temari balls against a traditional arrow pattern, and in this title card we get a lovely blend of Nezuko's asanoha and Tanjiro's ichimatsu.
--Playing with the physics of Yahaba's abilities as a way to showcase Water Breathing continues to be fun! What a great review of common techniques, or at least the ones Tanjiro feels he can rely on most now for having used them in real combat! But, for as exhausted as Tanjiro feels using these techniques one after another in succession, I wonder how he'd look back at himself after learning to sustain Total Concentration Breathing?
--Meanwhile, Kanao is probably doing that much every night, without breaking a sweat.
--Meanwhile, Genya is biting demons for lack of any other way to stay alive when cornered.
--Anyway, Tanjiro pushing past physical exhaustion to grab his sword with his teeth is the kind of grit he's still going to have to rely on when fighting Muzan.
--There is a part of me that is sad that in Kimetsu Academy it's Kanao who is pursued by all the sports clubs, Nezuko should had at least been asked to joined the soccer club. Maybe Susamaru and Ume gossip nastily about Nezuko behind her back.
--It felt heavy handed the first time around having Tamayo state explicitly that she only gave Nezuko something to help in recovery, not something to make her stronger. However, being the meta person I am now, I appreciate how clear it is as a display how quickly Nezuko evolves, albeit in simplistic ways of just "get stronger, get stronger." Maybe she couldn't stand up to the ball before, but if there's her goal, then she can put her cells to it. This sets a good precedent for when Nezuko later needs to very rapidly give herself a lot more physical strength to overpower Daki; we know that she's been practicing this the whole time.
--Tanjiro states in this episode that he doesn't like that Nezuko is under a hex, but feels assured that she has a will of her own. His says this in response to Nezuko recognizing the humanity in Tamayo and Yushiro (which Tamayo so sorely misses), but Nezuko displays her conscious will more clearly in expressing her opinion that she wishes to stay at Tanjiro's side and fight, and her will to empower herself. How conscious she is of that self-empowerment, or how much of it was instinctual to her, is debatable.
--Jumping back a bit, Tamayo-sama is so beautiful when she uses this Blood Technique too.
--I forgot that the curse doesn't totally kill the demons, it just breaks them to pieces (and clearly, even Yushiro is shook but how brutal it is). Susamaru isn't put out of her misery until the sun comes up... poor child. The fact that the ball didn't disappear implies that this was the original one her father gave her, perhaps.
--Yushiro has so many good sound angry sound effects.
--Yushiro, I cannot focus on anything Tamayo is saying with all these great faces you're making behind her.
--This episode concludes with Tanjiro finding his way downstairs right after the sun comes up, the demons meeting him in the hall, Nezuko giving everyone hugs, Yushiro announcing they're leaving, Tamayo asking if they can take Nezuko with them for her safety, Tanjiro painfully considering it, but then declining after the clear display of Nezuko's wishes to the contrary (sorry Mom & Rokuta, Nezuko wants to fight, and she then starts bounding up the stairs). Tamayo wishes them well, Yushiro admits that Nezuko is pretty, and Tanjiro, very pleased to hear this, follows Nezuko.
-----Nezuko, it's daylight, come back!!
-----Tanjiro, your ribs are broken, come back!!
--Perhaps there was a time skip of them spending the whole day in the basement together until Tamayo makes the offer in the evening, and Tanjiro still happens to be wearing his haori the same way over his shoulders. I don't have to nitpick. It's just fun to sometimes.
--Something that always bothered me about Nezuko's hex is that it's unclear how aware she is of her family having been murdered. I was always sort of waiting for the horrific moment she finds out she was duped, though it seems we somewhat got that in the form of Nezuko coming to this realization with full force as she regains her humanity. She also recalls a lot of faces in that time, including Tamayo's and Yushiro's, so my guess is that the hex lost effect over time as it was less necessary, as well as that she always sort of knew her family was dead and these were different people, whose faces she did indeed take in, but in her simple-mindedness she gave in to comforting delusions.
--I also wonder if Urokodaki never intended for her to take the "see all humans as your family" thing so literally, and instead all he really wanted to stress was the "humans must be protected" part.
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gatekeeper-watchman · 7 months
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March 2, 2024 
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living Proverbs 10:12-14:(KJV): 12 Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins. 13 In the lips of him that hath understanding, wisdom is found: but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding. 14 Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.
Thought for the Day Verse 12 — Hostile people are always stirring up strife. Whoever embraces hatred
soon finds that this emotion cannot be confined to only one's enemies, but will spill over toward friends and break out against those whom one does not wish to hurt. It is the nature of sin to grow if it is not restrained. If we do not resist it, it overpowers us and becomes our master. By harboring hatred, we can become consumed with a spirit of hatred and find ourselves unable to “hate selectively.”
Those who choose to love and forgive others will not be mastered by sin. We can conquer hateful thoughts by asking the Lord to enable us to love those who mistreat us. We cannot do this ourselves: only the Holy Spirit can empower us to overcome hatred. Not only that, but we can receive it as a miracle of love. As we grow in Him, we will not want to expose people's sins, but rather cover them. Digging up and exposing the sins of others has always been a popular pastime of the ungodly. Gossip-mongers usually do this for political reasons. Many good people in the public eye are censured unmercifully for past mistakes. I do not refer to corrupt leaders who openly sin; they reap what they sow, and their sins “find them out.”
Verse 13 — Those who lack understanding will feel the “rod of correction.” In early times, public beatings punished wicked deeds. A rod is a stick or staff. Every sin carries a penalty. The greater the sin, the greater the penalty. Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. All of us deserve to be sentenced to hell, and without Christ's sacrifice, all of us would be. By repenting, asking for His forgiveness, and inviting Him into our hearts, we can escape hell and gain a home in heaven.
Verse 14 — Hosea 4:6 says: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” If we wish to be wise, we will store up knowledge. Many Christians foolishly speak evil and bring destruction into their lives because they do not know God's Word. We should not allow negative things, contrary to God's Word, to come out of our mouths.
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear heavenly Father, I praise You today for my salvation. Thank you for delivering me from hatred and evil and filling me with Your love. Lord, help me to witness to those around me about Your love for them. Give me the grace to always be loving and kind to all, even when others act differently toward me. Help me not to repeat the sins of others that I know about, but rather cover them with prayer, lest I am also tempted. Forgive our nation for its taste for gossip and its unsavory thirst for finding out evil about others. May we cover one another's sins in mercy and prayer, so we may all rise to an honorable national life. Lord, you said you would deal with the wicked. We do not have to do it. You said vengeance was Yours and because You are just, you will see to it that we are eventually treated fairly if we simply pray and trust You. Give us all the grace to do this. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
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stagred · 8 months
 ANONYMOUS CALLED IN! : I've left you something before on borderline shameful exotica that made my tail twitch in a language I learned many years ago, but now I just want to have more of a casual polite little written letter here since I heard you had a question given to you regarding your father. I find fathers irrelevant myself as if you do remember my last little note to you about not having a lap to sit on. That wasn't supposed to come off as it may have! I swear!
 My mother and the coven always said fathers were just something needed to create...I suppose in ways that is certainly true! But you always need mothers to create men anywho, as feminine aspects overpowered the masculine, she would say. Stronger grips and graces to rule them all even under the iron grasp of a man in power.
 It's almost like bears in a sense. But I do so believe we all have soul attachments to the critters of the forest, even if some of them can be torn apart with big teeth and claws.
 Oh....I do digress. My deerest apologies, Monsieur Alastor.
 But they do say there's something special about those who love their mamas. So here you are with a more delicate notion of the question as I do enjoy your thoughts.
 What was your mother like?
 She certainly did an astounding job at raising you. So polite, so charming so much more than the typical one down in the pits. If I could, I'd bake her an apple pie for creating such a lovely stag. Bless her heart.
 - une petite créature des bois
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 " Ah, welcome back, piti mwen an! And what a lovely prompt you've brought me today! My dear manman -- Charlotte, though she preferred Lottie -- was young, talented, with a bright hope for her future! Unfortunately for her, she was born in 1884, hardly a kind year to those of us with a darker hue to our skin. Despite this, when my mother was seventeen, she left the little shack she shared with my grandmother in Shreveport and traveled to New Orleans to become a performer! She could sing, act, dance, tease, joke, why she was the whole package and then some! "
 He pauses.
 " But she met a man named Quentin, a rich and charming young white man with a smile she claimed could melt the harshest snow and freeze the desert. He offered her a job as a housemaid at an inn he owned, to tide her over until her big break. And slowly, Lottie and Quentin fell in love. But Quentin was only nice to her when people were looking. Elsewhere, he was cruel and violent, and he took whatever he wanted when he wanted it.
 " When my mother was nineteen, she came back to Shreveport. Her stomach was heavy, her pockets were light, and her name was Bouchard. She gave birth to me on the floor of that little shack in the woods with no one but my grann to help her, and she thanked God that I was born looking more like my father than her.
 " She kept house for the rest of my life. It was enough to keep food on the table and clothes on my back, but she was insistent that no one be able to treat me the way she was treated. I attended a white school, I was baptized in a white church, and when people asked, I was taught to tell them that Miss Lottie was my nanny, and my parents had passed away.
 " She raised me to be polite, cordial, kind, to smile through every trial and tribulation! A smile makes people feel safe when they're afraid, empowered when they're weak, and comforted when they're lonely! So I wore my smile through every bitter moment of my adolescence. When I became a radio personality, however, I was FINALLY able to give my mother what she deserved! I had the shack turned into a memorial site for my grann, and I bought a gorgeous two - story townhouse for my mother and I to share. But she... declined to move in with me. She was afraid her presence might put my job in jeopardy. So instead, she rented a small apartment in the city, and I sent her a modest sum every month to help keep her head up. "
 Another pause.
 " She died in 1919 of fever. I held her hand until she breathed her last, and I buried her with my grann in the same place I was born. She never learned what I was doing. I'm quite content with that. "
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 9 months
I just wanted to toss my hat into the ring with the whole "sexism in whump" thing. I definitely agree that there is a certain level of sexism. But it's more nuanced than that, and I think saying the writers of whump are sexist and calling it a day is doing a huge disservice to the issue as a whole.
I think the main thing with having majority male characters is mainly the society that we live in, ie a patriarchal society. We already more often have women being victims of assault than men, so in these fantasy situations, it's fun and empowering to turn the tables, and more to the point, it feels safer BECAUSE you're "punching up" at the overpowered opposing team instead of punching across or down.
Then there's the point that men generally also aren't allowed to feel/show emotion, so there's a certain something about making men show emotions and exploring those characters in a safe environment, because the media we consume and the men we interact with on a day to day basis just don't share that kind of emotion.
Then ofc, you gotta mention the attraction/sexuality aspect of it too. This is purely anecdotal, but a good chunk of my whumper friends I know are sexually/romantically attracted to men (if not exclusively, then mostly). So a lot of the time they like to see men in these roles simply bc its attractive. I myself like mostly men, and I will admit, I do find it very attractive when theyre beaten bloody and bruised, and less so for women. I like having the women be in more powerful positions most of the time. Though I do have female whumpee and whumper characters bc I like to have variety (my worst whumper in my main story is a woman, in fact), so I might not be the best example.
Lastly, I also think the media we consume is contributing to it (here is where the sexism you mentioned comes back in). Most of the books we read, the media we consume, has a male main character, and if the main character is female, generally shes female for a reason, and its something that plays a predominant role in the story. Very rarely can a female character be an everyman character (every"man") because just the point of her being a woman make her unique. Not all the time, of course, and I definitely don't agree with this, but it's just what I've observed in media. We're getting better about it, but it's definitely still present.
Then when there is a female main character, more often than not she has a male love interest, or is written under the "male gaze" which is a whole different beast that needs to be tackled, but safe to say that turns a lot of readers and writers off bc she only exists as a plot device. Or worse, a sex object. People in this community (generally) dont want to turn women into objects a much as they do men bc women are already objects so often mainstream media, and they know the negative effects of that.
So what do you do when you have all the female character you read about or see in media are annoying, plot devices, or just give you the ick bc they're written under the male gaze? You don't include them.
You're taught that a male is what's interesting, the only type of person that can be "just some guy". So if you want some guy, subconsciously, before you even write them, they're going to be male by default.
This is ofc a *huge* overgeneralization of media and people who write/consume whump, and I place no blame on any individual or smaller group. This is a whole whump community thing. I fall victim to all this as well, and I think all that I've written out above is largely, if not wholly subconscious anyway.
So in conclusion, we live in a society (that's dominated by men, so we want to violence men both bc its what we consume more often than not anyway, and also bc we're angry at the men that control the society and make everything worse for women, and we don't want to be Like Them™).
((Was this too long? Idk, I still didn't get in everything I wanted to say but it's already so long lol. I love group psychology so this was definitely more of a special interest ramble more than anything else.))
-- @whumble-beeee
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Very well thought out and interesting takes! I absolutely agree with a lot of these, especially when it comes to unintentionally but subconsciously excluding the creation of female characters because we've been almost conditioned to think of them as these boring, 2D characters that add no value to a story, not like beloved Male Side Character #3 who has 10 pages of fanfics on AO3.
I do just have to throw this out here that it's kind of wild to me out of every batshit comment I've made, it's the lady whump one that made everyone stop and go "erm, actually!!". Which I guess I should have seen coming since the one time I posted about my discovery of the "whump discourse" tag and took a gander, 70% of it was about the schematics lady whump, soooooooooo...🎶just my observation🎶
Anyways -- y'all are 100% entitled to whatever opinion you have on this, whether it agrees or disagrees with mine. I have put my little thoughts about it out into the world as one does, and you are welcome to reblog it absolutely trashing on it or giving full support. I am going to stop responding to the asks and such though regardless because I'm sure everyone else is tired of seeing it on their dash (of course, unfollow and block buttons are free to use also). Some of y'all make really good points and I fully think you should expand on them on your own blogs rather than trying to write essay-length back and forth's with myself or each other through my askbox lmao.
And just remember: We are little freak nobodies in a niche corner or a niche website. You don't have to like my opinions. I don't have to like yours. Sometimes we need to stop and think "is this worth the energy?"
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biff-adventurer · 1 year
aiight thoughts so far
tldr; i am 50% excited and 50% trepidatious
SO i'm excited about the whole "summer vacation" aspect of the trailer and upcoming expac. also, the return to being an adventurer, which is so well deserved after everyone saved the universe and all. and the part about a sort of el dorado being involved is interesting! it has a fraught history, but if done right, can be very cool and exciting!
the visuals are stunning and the snaps to the characters doing fun new things was very charming (i don't always love g'raha but i enjoy his never ending quest for enormous food).
the new job looks cool! i think everyone's pretty sure it's going to be a rogue/pirate job and i'm excited! i was also very excited to see himbolander in a new outfit! he is very cute looking and yeah, i'm debating on whether biff will grow out his hair or if he'll keep his current hair. i usually do change it as soon as expac drops but i don't really need it for him to look more "pirate" since my guy is already born from a pirate and a farmer. and i can always find ic reasons for keeping it the same, but i may not be able to find it for growing it out that feels right. there's a whole year left so we'll see.
i'm personally a little worried about where the story will go. i hope it can avoid some colonial stereotypes and depict these peoples of the new world in empowering, positive ways. that just hasn't always been the case in xiv. the devs are always working hard to create a positive experience, so it's not anything against them. just... there have been problematic elements throughout the entire game, due to unchecked bias. and a lot of impressionable folk just take that in without a second thought. they forget that the creators are human and err, too.
for example, the idea of "unclaimed" land in the americas is a very loaded assumption. there were people warring for land on the americas long before the west colonized them.
also, the idea that unclaimed land is "untamed" is an incredibly anthropocentric and colonializing notion. nature simply is what it is. animals have claimed that territory. plants live there. water and earth live there. land is not something to be taken. the earth is not wild simply because we don't understand it and are overpowered by it. the thing is, this is the precursor to thinking people are uncivilized (and therefore barbaric) just because we can't understand how they live.
shadowbringers and endwalker took a turn into focusing on character relationships which appealed a lot more to people's emotions. that aspect of it was much needed, but i find it excessive. in focusing too much on emotionality, we stray from making important judgments. we glorify villains and put emphasis on intentions over actions.
people love emet-selch and the rest, and the writing doesn't sway you from it. it doesn't warn you. where it once said "conquerors have done monstrous things, despite being human," the message quietly became "it is a great tragedy when noble men are on the wrong side of history." that is ALARMING! we must always remember who the creators are and where they're from!
yes, it is noble that some characters died for causes they fully believed in. but the monstrosity of those actions cannot be forgotten. we mustn't lose perspective on that. this isn't to say that villains can't be enjoyed; they can and should be! the villains were wonderful! but i worry about the lack of emphasis there is on their wrongs. forgive but do not forget. do not forget so it doesn't happen again - so you don't follow the path that lead others astray.
fantasy is a place where we can imagine better lives and empowering tales of humanity. xiv has always presented resonant stories and i have no doubt that they'll continue to do that. i'm just cautious about it until i know how it goes, because these stories reach a lot of people. and the power of stories is such that it can reinscribe false assumptions as well as the truth.
anyway take me seriously or don't, i'm not in the mood to discuss, this is my blog so i'm just getting this off my chest ok bye
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jewinme · 2 months
Power is not about taking the others' power by overpowering them. Here is a secret: The woman is power. She is power because she is balance. The woman identifies with her oneness. The woman is influence. She is here to empower the man because the woman knows the man. When you know the other, it is game over. You know why? Because every move the man makes is predictable. You just started watching the movie, and you already know the end. Don't you hate that? Yes, we do, so that is why we made love fun. We know, but we don't know. We are women, and we are man. We are flirting. We are courting one another. It is a game. Love is kind of like a game. When we are in love, like when you are still holding hands and you are old now, that is true love. That there is the miracle. ✨️
Love is a miracle...
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See my website for more encouragement. Be inspired and connect to your deeper soul's purpose. Follow my blog if you want to understand more... 👇👇👇
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parachutingkitten · 4 months
I’m gonna be honest it just sounds like you’re calling Sora a Mary Sue and I really don’t care for that because of how much the Mary Sue ‘critique’ is rooted in misogyny. I just don’t care at all for the term ‘sympathy card’ in regards to female characters when fandom and even society is just overwhelmingly critical of women. Like Misako for example.
I'm not gonna discount the idea that I don't like Sora because of some sort of internalized misogyny. It's certainly possible, and at the very least shouldn't be eliminated as a contributing factor. But I do think there's a bit more to my criticism than that.
For those who don't know, Mary Sue is a term that sprung up describing a particular brand of bad female character that's often a little too self insert-y. They're good at everything, naturally beautiful, have close to no actual flaws, and generally just don't feel like a real person. For the record, this is bad writing, and are valid things to criticize about any given character. Unfortunately, it has kind of been co-opted by idiots who just want a fancy way to hate on female characters, especially if they think they're 'too empowered'. This is not at all a valid criticism. The most prominent example of this sort of thing is probably Rey in the new Star Wars movies. A lot of people had criticisms that essentially boiled down to "her jedi powers are too powerful" which is kinda whack. Additionally, you'll notice that this criticism being used to describe solely female characters is a bit whack as well. The fact that even the original version of the criticism is specifically about female characters does taint it a bit. All characters can feel fanfic-y, unflawed, and overly bland no matter the gender. For this reason, even if I do feel a character fits the Mary Sue criticism, I try to avoid the term. It's fine that the name originated from a female character, but the fact that it's seen as a female only criticism inherently makes the criticism slightly suspect.
Anyway, back to ninjago.
As for your misako example, I feel like she's a prime target for a mary sue criticism. She's overly kind and composed at all times. She's so attractive that she's the center of a decades long love triangle. She's pretty much good at everything she picks up, and rarely ever has a moment where the narrative criticizes her. That fits a lot of the mary sue criticisms, and I will say that her having a few more flaws, getting into a messy divorce, or being paranoid about how leaving her kid affected him, would probably make her a better and more interesting character. I don't really think she's too overpowered, I think it all seems pretty believable for her circumstances, but if she were to become a more prominent cast member, I could see the need to nerf her a bit. Now, the important thing to note here is that none of this information should make you hate her like... personally, as a character. You should not demonize her for being poorly written. The misako vitriol is way crazy, and though it all sources from some sort of valid criticism, it ends in people making hate posts about her, vilifying her, and blaming her for a bunch of other stuff she isn't even responsible for, when she is entirely a victim of bad writing and nothing else. The way things are presented in narrative, she has done nothing wrong. She made a hard moral choice about her kid a long time ago, which has since been long forgiven, and she's been a saint since then. There is no actual reason to hate her. Again, it's the writers who should be absorbing that frustration from you.
And this is the problem we run up against when talking about characters who circle anywhere near mary sue territory. Most of the time, there are valid criticisms at the core of whatever we're talking about, but if you express them incorrectly, you run the risk of riding a hate train you don't mean to be on. I would like to make clear that no matter what I'm saying here, I don't hate Sora personally. I'm just not connecting with her- and that's fine. Most importantly, in no way do I blame her for that, I blame the (male) writers who had majority control over her portrayal. If anything, I think Sora deserves better.
Now, I listed a lot of reasons I don't like Sora, but admittedly a lot of them boil down to her feeling very main character-y, which is in fact adjacent to a Mary Sue criticism. However, I made this pretty clear in the post that these tend to be tropes I just don't personally latch on to. I hated Lloyd for years while his shtick was the whole "I'm the most important person in the world and it's so hard" thing, but that mellowed out in the eleven minute era and I like him a lot better now! I tend not to like Kai's main character moments. I absolutely despise Jay in Skybound, and Cole isn't particularly interesting in MotM to me. Main characters just aren't my jam. I like Sora much better in season two, when her struggle isn't centered on how important she is, just like all these other characters. So, I think this line of criticism is pretty typical for me, regardless of gender.
The other factor at play is the entire show of Dragon's Rising. I am not connecting with it. I think a lot of the show tends to be signaling the right story beats to gain sympathy and feel deep. It's not a Sora specific criticism. I have a whole long rant about the nightmare scene specifically and several thoughts on how they handle Lloyd's panic attacks which I feel sort of encapsulate my feelings towards a lot of the writing in general. It's surface level. It doesn't have ideas it really wants to share, it has time to fill and some topics they've seen better media cover, and so feel they should include to be meaningful. It feels very by the book. They've plugged in the equation for good storytelling without adding anything to it. And this is how I feel about Sora as well, go figure. I don’t think they wanted to tell a story about a child genius who gets their work turned against them in order to express any ideas or explore any concepts, they did it cuz it's cool, and sounds like a dramatic storyline. It's a bunch of cliche's, unfortunately one's that I'm not partial to, slapped together with no new twist or spark to them. It's fine. It's competent. It's just not interesting to me.
In that way, I think my criticisms are Mary Sue adjacent. It feels a little fanfic-y. The characters feel like they're made to be "ninjago but like with angst you guys!" But this goes for a lot of the other characters too, not just Sora. Lloyd is pretty bad about this in part 2, I'm already getting these vibes from Jay, Arin slips into it in part 2 and I think Nya has it a bit across the board. But Sora, being the main character for season 1, unfortunately feels the most main character-y.
I understand that 'sympathy cheat code' might sound a little dismissive, so if you prefer you can reword my criticism to "does not utilize the backstory tropes they've included in a way that feels genuine or deeper than surface level". But you've got to admit, Sora does have, just a bunch of those feel bad tropes in her backstory, and a lot of the screentime is dedicated to laying that backstory out to you in season one. I am not accustomed to ninjago being a feel bad show. That's not what I'm in this game for. It's the reason I hate skybound. I didn't like it when they did it to jay, and I don't like it when they do it to sora. It just feels a little repetitive to me. None of these cliche's really shine as being particularly well done either, aside from maybe the climax where she turns away from her parents? But even then, I don't feel it was really built up to especially well. The main relationship she seems to care about is Dr. LaRow, not her parents. She seemed pretty secure in her identity when separated from Imperium, so asserting it doesn't mean a whole lot. We don't feel betrayed by her parents, because we never got to like them in the first place. That wasn't a support system we ever saw her benefit from, so her leaving it behind doesn't really mean much. These same tropes could have been played a lot better if they just had a bit more depth to their implementation that actually invited you to care beyond a surface level.
If you've seen the mega video, you'll know I don't typically relate to female characters who have a pronounced tough cynical streak in them, but am sure to make clear that it's just a character type preference. The stem girl isn't a bad character type at all, just pretty overplayed at this point in time (again, because i think male writers see it as an easy way to be clear they want to empower their female characters).
Idk. I think Sora's writing is a little hollow. I also think Dragons Rising's writing is a little hollow. I can see how those criticisms might come off a little iffy in isolation but, the ask was about Sora, so that's largely what I focused on. I think the criticism makes sense within the larger context of my opinions as a whole.
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isntthatwrite · 2 months
Week of 8/5-8/11
Card for this week: Ace of Pentacles (reversed) - generally represents missed opportunities or fewer/slower moving opportunities. delays, plans falling through and a general feeling of Being Out of Control (welcome mercury retrograde!). you might want to put some more effort into preparing for delays or needing a follow-up plan, but accept that you will not be able to control everything. things will go wrong, but you will always be able to find your way out! be cautious to not allow your fears of things not working out/scarcity mindset push you too far into being stingy/miserly. you could be dipping into savings a bit, but you will bounce back! you do not have to identify with the periods of financial lows. creating a budget for yourself never requires you to call yourself broke!
Transits/Astro forecast: boy are we in the retrogrades.... as a reminder, we now have 5 simultaneous retrogrades (chiron, saturn, neptune, pluto and now mercury). keeping these time frames from last week's post: the lessons from past retrogrades will be coming back for our re-evaluation: mercury asks us to look back on April 2024 and the rest are asking us broadly to look back on last summer (2023) - what remains to be addressed?
august is cooking along, we've just had the new moon in leo (personal to me, as it was at the same exact degree as my own leo moon) (yes, i made a collage of pictures of myself), we are really ready to launch this creative new chapter! but don't worry..... we still have to answer to our old patterns. in order to get where we're going, we have to remember where we've been. happiness requires a willingness to let some things end! creativity gets pretty stymied when you never take the trash out. it's the intermingling of "Dreaming Of The New" and "Remembering" that encourage us to meaningfully launch.
be cautious this mercury retrograde about the classic things (ie technology screwing up, communication mixups, so on) but also be extra mindful of power dynamics in your relationships! misunderstandings might be more likely to escalate at this time, don't let anyone rob you of your power! if you're feeling overpowered or not appreciated, take a step back before responding. be aware of others' projections - distortions will be pretty common. Wednesday August 7th will have the sun sextiling jupiter and mercury retrograde conjoining with venus - both kind of asking Optimistic Lover from the audience! what holds you back from your carefree lover era? as you remind yourself of your own personal power this week, brainstorm on how the most empowered version of yourself wants to love and be loved.
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wolint · 2 months
Galatians 5:22-23
There are all kinds of fruits, and they all come from specific trees. The orange tree produces oranges, true to its kind. Likewise, the Holy Spirit produces fruits of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit, or the renewed nature, received as new creatures in Christ, are Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control.
When we are led by the Spirit of God, He guides and defends against sin while producing in us the positive godly character needed to live righteously, triumphantly, and abundantly. If we desire to have the qualities listed above, then we know that the Holy Spirit is leading us. How do we know that the Spirit is leading us rather than our own subjective feelings? Because being led by the Holy Spirit creates the desire to hear and the readiness to obey God’s Word. The Holy Spirit gives us the sensitivity to discern between our feelings and His promptings. Then, as we live each day controlled and guided by Him, we will not be overpowered by our own selfish desires. The words of Christ will be in our minds, the love of Christ will be behind our actions, and the power of Christ will help us control our selfish desires.
As we get to know the person, presence, and power of the Holy Spirit, there will be a natural by-product: fruit. What does that mean? Simply that as we develop our relationship with God, through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, there will be a marked change in our character and attitude toward everything.
The Holy Spirit’s power is more than just enabling us to do the supernatural. He empowers us on the journey from doing what pleases the flesh to what pleases God. This is not an easy journey, but it is also not a lonely journey.
We have the Holy Spirit to help develop us into the person God intends. When we receive Christ, the Holy Spirit begins to produce these fruits after Himself. We grow the fruit of the spirit, patterned after our recreated spirit while shedding the fruits of the flesh so we can identify ourselves as citizens of God’s kingdom, the kingdom that consists of power, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
It’s through the squeezing of our spiritual fruit by the storms of life that we recognize what is inside of us. Otherwise, all that we can accomplish in our strength and determination will fall short of God’s standard in comparison.
Significantly, the apostle distinguishes between the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit. Works are produced by human energy. Fruits grow on a branch that abides in the vine according to John 15:5.
The fruit of the Spirit is the fruit of God’s work in our lives when we are obedient to the Holy Spirit and dependent on the word of God, not the works of our strength, knowledge, and efforts, see John 15:1-5.
Only by allowing Christ to prune us with the storms of life and through obedience, trust, and humility, do we begin to earnestly exercise the fruits of the spirit.
The fruit-bearing branch is the believer who grows daily more like Christ, imitating Him in all things. It’s also to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into a life that is pleasing to God, which our human efforts and legality cannot do. Just as a real vine must be cleaned from insects, mildew, and fungus, so a believer must be cleansed from worldly things that cling to them. The Holy Spirit produces one kind of fruit, that is, Christlikeness. All the virtues listed in verse 22 describe the life of a child of God. All believers should embrace this wonderful list of Christian qualities and exhibit them daily.
Your fruit will be squeezed and plucked by life, so ask God for the grace to withstand every plucking, as this is the only way you will find out what kind of fruit you have in you.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I come before You with a humble heart. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I may bear the fruit of the Spirit in my life to transform my heart and mind, so that I may reflect Your love and grace to those around me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
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whatsinyourstory · 2 months
Why Secondhand Books Make the Perfect Gifts
With regards to gift-giving, the quest for the ideal present can frequently be overpowering. We need to track down something insightful, exceptional, and individual that will be valued by the beneficiary. As of late, Second hand books have turned into a famous decision for some, and for good explanation. Here's the reason Second hand books make the ideal gifts.
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1. Interesting and Uncommon Finds
One of the most astonishing parts of looking for Second hand books is the possibility to uncover extraordinary and intriguing finds. Dissimilar to new books, which are efficiently manufactured and broadly accessible, handed down book shops and online commercial centers frequently do of-print versions, marked duplicates, and interesting first releases. These fortunes make for a stand-out gift that won't be quickly found somewhere else, adding a layer of selectiveness and appeal to your present.
2. Eco-Accommodating Decision
In this day and age, manageability is a higher priority than at any other time. By deciding to gift a handed down book, you're pursuing an ecologically cognizant choice. Second hand books don't need new assets for creation, decreasing the interest for paper, ink, and different materials. This eco-accommodating decision assists with lessening waste and supports reusing and reusing, making your gift smart as well as capable.
3. Moderateness Without Forfeiting Quality
Giving doesn't need to burn through every last dollar. Second hand books are frequently altogether more reasonable than their shiny new partners. This implies you can track down great, very much safeguarded books for a portion of the expense. Whether you're on a tight spending plan or basically seeking get more incentive for your cash, Second hand books offer a practical method for giving a significant and great gift.
4. A Hint of Wistfulness
Books have a novel approach to interfacing us to the past. A handed down book, with its very much worn pages and delicate wrinkles, conveys a set of experiences and story of its own. For some, getting a handed down book can summon a feeling of sentimentality and an association with the past perusers. A gift recounts to a story past the words on the page, making it profoundly private and suggestive.
5. Supporting Neighborhood Organizations and Good cause
At the point when you buy Second hand books from neighborhood book shops or noble cause shops, you're supporting independent ventures and altruistic associations. These foundations frequently depend on local area backing to flourish, and your buy assists with supporting them. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement where you get to give an incredible gift while likewise adding to the nearby economy and worthy missions.
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Giving a book is a magnificent method for empowering an adoration for perusing. Whether it's acquainting somebody with another sort or giving them a duplicate of a dearest exemplary, a book can open up new universes and viewpoints. Second hand books, with their changed and diverse determinations, can offer novel open doors for revelation and motivation.
7. Individual Touch and Customization
Second hand books frequently accompany an individual touch that new books need. Past proprietors might have left notes in the edges, engravings within cover, or other little denotes that add character and history. You can likewise add your very own touch by composing a genuine note or including a customized bookmark. This customization makes the gift significantly more exceptional and essential.
8. Ageless and Never-ending
Books are ageless gifts that can be appreciated again and again. They don't become unfashionable and can be gone down through ages. A very much picked handed down book can turn into a loved thing in somebody's assortment, a gift that continues to give long after the event has passed.
Second hand books are something beyond an insightful and novel gift; they are an economical, reasonable, and individual decision that can give pleasure and motivation to the beneficiary. Whether you're searching for an interesting version, a reasonable yet significant present, or a method for supporting neighborhood organizations, Second hand books are an ideal choice. So whenever you're looking for the best gift, think about the appeal and advantages of a handed down book - it's a decision you will love.
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hindustankipehchan · 4 months
The Tongue of Angels: Interacting with Celestial Beings
Spiritual beings and angels have been a part of many historical religions and societies. They are considered divine messengers to provide assistance, direction, and protection to people in need.
Around the world, numerous religions and cultures hold the concept of angels. Angels play a significant role in many religious and spiritual beliefs. They always deliver messages of consolation and hope to those who seek them out.
According to many religious beliefs, God’s message is sent through angels. They serve as defenders for human beings by God’s grace to bear in certain circumstances to thwart evil and encourage good deeds. 
Many religions believe that Angels serve as a connection between God and humans and that’s why many different religious systems place a high value on angels. They are considered as giving protection, direction, offering consolation, and support to humans. As a result, they usually show in the life of those who most need assistance and guidance.
Although, many religions believe there are several ways in which angels can speak to people, dreams are the most popular one. According to belief, Angels communicate with people in dreams by offering advice, guidance, and motivation. In dreams, Angels can show themselves as a familiar person, they also appear as symbols or imagery sometimes.
As per the beliefs, we can also reach angels through prayer. When we pray, they can respond to us in our subconscious mind or they might signal to us toward the people or things which we can need to make our life goals easier.
Use of symbols 
Angels use symbols as a form of communication. These can include everything from a fallen feather on the ground to connecting with a song or having an unexpected encounter, repeated numbers. These symbols frequently have a deeper meaning, which can be consoling and empowering through tough times.
Numbers are another form of communication used by angels. Many individuals believe that some numbers are messages from the angels that should be interpreted as indications or cautionary tales. For instance, some people believe that seeing the number 11 often could be an angelic sign telling you to pay attention to your intuition.
Angels can connect with others through feelings and sensations. For instance, when we need consolation suddenly, we may experience a rush of warm feelings and when we’re near something significant, we may experience sensations or intuition. Such emotions, sensations, and maybe intuition represent communications from angels and they guide us to illuminate the way we should live or what we want.
How can you identify, if an angel or spiritual entity is near you?
A Feeling of Calm and Comfort
A sense of calm and comfort is the most typical indicator that an angel is close to you. An angel might be there if you unexpectedly get an overpowering sense of calm or warmth in a certain location. Physical sensations like a tingling on your skin or a light breeze are further examples of this feeling’s physical manifestation.
As per Beliefs, Angels leave the signs of their presence, such as feathers or cash, etc. Finding an unusual feather could be a sign that an angel was there because feathers are considered to be symbols of protection and love. If you find an unexpected coin in a location, it can be a sign that an angel is watching over you, coins are considered to be symbols of luck and prosperity.
Flashes of light
As per beliefs Seeing flashes, halos, and glares of light, whether your eyes are open or closed, is a typical indication of an angel or spiritual entity. It is considered that angels interact with humans through light.
Voices or Music
Some people claim that when an angel is near you, you can hear spiritual music or sound. You can also hear their voices.
Some individuals believe that an unexpected scent is an indication that angels are near you. These smells might differ from person to person. Rose, lavender, jasmine, and mostly floral scents are the more popular.
Despite the fact and beliefs, it can be difficult to know when an angel is nearby, being aware of these signs can help us identify angels and their symbols in our lives.
Next Time, When you feel or saw unexpected spiritual signs like sensation, scent, spiritual music, light, angelic sign or symbols, etc. Take a moment and gratitude to your guardian angels.
Angels are a constant assistance for the human world but what becomes important is to identify and look for them. Their mere presence makes human lives more beautiful and meaningful.
For more information visit our website :- Click here
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