#we love you woojin
slytherinshua · 4 months
i feel like you downloaded my brain file and decided to love everything i love...
you love the same people as me.... (im talking abt the woojin post)
hand in marriage please?
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ggidolsmuts · 9 months
Our Love Language is Sex - ITZY Ryujin
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"Woojin sunbae, I think I like you..."
No Ryujin, what are you doing? You told her to tell him how she felt, not tell him how she felt in front of everyone else! You can't see her expression from behind, but the sunbae's lip lifts to one side in disgust.
"What? Ew, no. Sorry Ryujin." His tone was anything but sorry.
"Damn, I'm jealous bro." One of his mates said.
"Yeah? You can have her then, how about it Ryujin?" The way the love of her young life offers her away so easily shatters her heart, and she sniffles and runs. His words as she leaves rings in her ear, stinging her as she leaves.
"Guess not, sorry bro." You hurry to catch up to her, finding her crying in a classroom. Quietly you slide the door open and close it behind you.
"Ryujin... You okay?"
"Obviously, fucking, not!" She turns to face you, her sadness stained with anger. "It's all your fault!"
"My fault?"
"You said to tell him how I felt!"
"Yeah, but not in front of everyone! Find a private spot or something, like here!"
"You should have said that then!" Ryujin shouts back at you, landing a punch on your chest. "How was I supposed to know?"
"I thought you would have some sense! Fuck you're thick sometimes."
"Fine I'm thick, just go and fuck off then!" Your back hits the wall as she pushes you away. Damn it, you were here to comfort her, not get angry at her!
"Ryujin that's not what I meant."
"I don't care! I don't want to see you!"
"Come on Ryujin." You grab her wrist, and she flings her arm to get you off, catching you in the face.
"Oh shit, I'm— I'm telling you to go away!" she shouts. Her blood runs cold looking at your stunned expression. She should have apologized, why didn't she apologize! "I mean I'm—"
"I get it, I'm sorry I came." You turn around and exit the classroom, slamming the door shut.
You barely speak to Ryujin in school after, and you graduate and move on with your life just like she has. 
Until today.
You knew your company was engaging ITZY as a spokesperson for their products, and you saw their commercials pop up in your office sometimes, but you never expected to see them in your office.
"All in us, we are ITZY! Thanks for having us!" Your coworkers cheer and clap. The members proceed to introduce themselves.
"Hello, I'm Ryujin, nice to meet everyone!" You blink and confirm what, or rather who you are seeing—not just ITZY's Ryujin, but the Ryujin who you went to school with all those years ago. You had heard that she became a trainee, but you never made the connection, that ITZY's Ryujin and your Ryujin were one and the same. Her appearance on the commercials and posters seemed familiar, but you never gave it much thought.
Ryujin scans the crowd, used to the wall of phones staring right back at her. Oddly enough, someone is watching without their phone up—maybe he doesn't know who they are. He's staring right at her, through her, and the face is suddenly familiar.
No way.
Your gaze catches Ryujin's, and her eyes widen in recogniztion, mouth opening slightly, as if to call out. Hurriedly you nod and bow slightly, and Ryujin gives a small nod in return, a puzzled expression briefly on her face before she quickly goes back to being a professional idol and smiling for the cameras.
After sweeping the room with a smile, Ryujin looks back to where he stood just a moment ago, only to find him gone. That was surely him! She scans the crowd of office workers, but everyone else has a phone up. Where did he go? The rest of the schedule goes as normal—a couple of office workers ask her to sign a few personal items, but not him.
"Manager oppa, let me use the washroom real quick."
"Sure, we'll wait in the lobby."
A few hurried steps—where did he go, he can't have gone far!
"Ryujin-ssi, are you looking for something?"
"Yes I—" She interrupts herself, hearing his name behind her.
"Hey, you just missed out on ITZY, can you believe they were here?! Whoa!" Ryujin surprises both you and and your fanboying co-worker. "Oh my god hello!"
"Ah yes, hello!" She greets him nicely before bringing her gaze to you. "Hey."
"Oh, yeah umm, hey. It's been a while."
"Wait, you know him Ryujin-ssi?"
"Yeah, we were classmates, if you could excuse us."
"Oh, of course! Would you mind signing this—" Ryujin grabs his notebook and signs it quickly, and you get a jovial and envious nudge from your co-worker before you are left alone with her.
"How have you been?" Ryujin asks softly.
"Good," you reply succintly. Never has a single word so poorly summarized your life since that moment years ago. Suddenly you had no one to gossip with, no one to share secrets with, no one to veg out with on slow weekend afternoons.
"If you think about it, clouds are just leaky water balloons." Ryujin mutters as she lays next to you.
"What? That makes no sense." You shoot back.
"Just like you having a crush on that girl, Jisoo? What do you even see in her?"
"Oh, so now we're back on that? She seems nice, and she's cute!"
"Aish, I just don't like her. And since when did you like cute? You hated my aegyo, what if Woojin oppa likes it?"
"Him?" All he wants is to get with you! You couldn't bring yourself to say that. "He likes the sexy style. Guys are all perverts."
"Just like you right? I know you go mad at any girl who shakes her hips hmm? Anyways I'm sure Woojin oppa is different! If I'm sincere he'll feel it!"
"Yeah sure, go try that if you want." Sometimes you're so naive! You didn't add.
"Fine I will, hmph!"
"How about you? Your group's doing well." he asks her. How was it for her, Ryujin thinks to herself... And seeing him for the first time in years, she remembers it sucked.
"Ryujin, are you okay? Should I let the teacher know you can't do the trainee evaluation tomorrow?"
"Yes Yeji-unnie, it's just a cold, I can do the evaluation tomorrow, I have to," she manages to suppress a sniffle from beneath the covers. She pulls out the phone she hid inside her pillowcase, careful to not let any light leak out into the room. Her thumbs work on muscle memory—she needs to talk to someone. It stops at a familiar name, but it belongs to someone she could no longer talk to. Ryujin's lips quiver—it has been weeks since then, and he hasn't even reached out once! Yet she couldn't bring herself to be the one to reach out. She taps the phone against her forehead and hides a sob with a sniffle.
"Do you want some medicine?"
"No, I'm okay, thank you unnie, good night!"
"If you say so, good night."
Ryujin turns the phone off and slides it back under her pillow.
Just one message from you...
"Yeah, it's all thanks to our fans."
"Nice, congratulations."
"Hmm? What for?"
"I dunno, I see ITZY winning a lot of stuff, I guess? I just never realized it was you, you look pre— I mean, your hair is very different now."
What was that? "O-Oh, yes, idol hairstyles, you know how it is." No of course he doesn't! Ryujin berates herself.
"Right..." There is an awkward silence, broken only by the sound of a manager or bodyguard calling out for her. "You should go, good to see you though."
"Yeah, yeah." Ryujin takes a quick peek around the corner and winces. "Hey, give me your phone!" You hand her your device, and she does a few quick taps.
"Ryujin-ssi?" A burly voice calls out.
"Yes I'm coming! Sorry I couldn't find the washroom!" She hurriedly calls out before returning you your phone. "Thanks, bye!" She disappears from sight around the corner, sounding all apologetic to the voice as they grow more distant.
You look down at your phone, it is a text to an unknown number, but clearly addressed to you.
*That's my number, I'll message you*
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The old you would not have recognized the current you, going to your phone immediately when you hear it buzz, like you were a technology-addicted teenager once more. It had been months since you met Ryujin again, and things have been mending silently and slowly. She would text you, you would text back. You would see her group win one award or another, you would text her, and she would text back, albeit heavily delayed. Without seeing her in person, it is easy to forget what had happened between the two of you, and you are just glad to be messaging your old friend again. That is, until you see the current message buzzing on your phone.
*Hey, are you free for a coffee?*
You are in a cafe a few days later, one of the few still open late at night. You sit down across someone trying to be anonymous, donning a mask, cap, and a hoodie over all that. But you know she's Ryujin.
"Hey, at least take the mask off, do you know how much you stand out, someone who's wearing a mask, sitting in a cafe?"
"I was just waiting for you."
"Sure. What do you want, I'll go order."
"Just the usual—" Ryujin freezes. It has been so long, and yet reflexively she tosses out her order, like they are just doing a study session at a cafe near school instead, all those years ago.
"Sure." She stares at him walking away, and a thought strikes her—is he still the same?
The answer arrives along with her coffee as you sit down across from her, one arm across your chest, the other occupied with drinking coffee, one leg perched and crossed—defensive, guarded, cold.
"What did you want to talk about?"
"I-I just wanted to catch up. It's been so long since we talked."
"And whose fault is that?" A chill goes down her spine, and it wasn't from the ice in her drink—it would not be a jovial reunion. Ryujin tries to keep it light.
"Are you still on about that? Come on, that was so long ago."
"Oh, so at least you haven't forgotten about it, I guess that's good." Each word is a heavy blow on her heart. "So why did you ask me here?"
"I was just wondering how you've been—"
"Now that you've remembered I exist? But never thought to reach out before that hmm? I should send my thanks to JYP for signing that deal."
"What? You could have reached out too!" Ryujin already felt guilty, and now she felt stung too by your barbs.
"Yes, but I didn't, because you asked me not to! You told me to go away." you hiss back. "And now that you want to talk to me again, you just reach out to me like nothing has happened?"
"What was I supposed to do? I was busy with being a trainee! I'm sorry okay? I should have said that then."
"Well you can stay busy being an idol then!" You jerk your head in self-annoyance—you were a little too loud, and people turn to look, making Ryujin tilt her head lower. "Come on, let's go." She nods and follows you out the door.
"I'm really sorry, I should have said that right after I hit you. I was just happy to see you again, I didn't think about how you felt."
"I'm... not unhappy to see you again, but I don't know if I can handle meeting you like nothing has happened."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Nothing, just give me time, it's one thing to text someone on the phone, it's another to see them again."
"How much time do you need?"
"Hopefully less than a few years—" you catch your own snide remark as you hear Ryujin sniffle, and it wasn't that cold out. "Sorry, that was low, I don't know."
"At least you said it right away," Ryujin bitterly jokes to herself. You shrug and pat her on her shoulder in goodbye.
"Good luck on your comeback."
After a long while Ryujin takes a sip of her bitter coffee, except now it is salty. How did it all go so wrong, how was she so completely off?
Ryujin drowns herself in her work, proving his words right as she stays busy being an idol. Every so often her members catch a small smile before the sides of her lips flatten out—she still exchanged messages with him, but they were more iced Americano than hot chocolate. Many times she debated just sending a message, asking him if they could meet, but fearful of rejection, she could never bring herself to.
"What's up?" Yeji asks, sitting down next to her. "You keep smiling and then frowning at your phone."
"You know that guy I met at that event? The one I said I knew from school?"
"Yeah, at that company thing? You said you were close friends."
"We were, but I did something back then, and now we're not close anymore." She spills her history with him to Yeji.
"That's it? I mean, if he's still holding a grudge then fuck him."
"Yeah but, he's not wrong. We were close, I hit him, and I never even said sorry until now."
"You did say sorry this time right?"
"Yes, he said he needed time."
"Just give him time then, he has his life, if he wants you back in his life, then he'll let you know. Or if you want him back in yours, just reach out and ask, you don't know if you don't ask. But it's not like he has been a part of yours for years now right?"
"I guess."
"Exactly, at least you're texting with him now, he hasn't ghosted you, that should count for something!"
"No you're right, you're right, thanks unnie." Ryujin steels herself as Yeji leaves her room. She can do this, it's just one text, she's not asking him out on a date, she just wants to catch up! Maybe she can ask him out for drinks, maybe with other people around so that it won't get awkward, she can do that! But... maybe next week! First she has to look up when the next company hweshik is, yes, the message can wait.
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"Hey, say hi, this is my old friend, I've known him since forever!" Ryujin introduces you to her group, pushing you down between two of her members before sitting down opposite you. Introductions go around, and you recognize the two members next to you as Yeji and Chaeryeong. Food and drinks arrive, although it seems like Ryujin is the only one drinking, and the atmosphere remains awkward—when Ryujin asked to catch up over drinks you assumed it would be a quiet thing, and certainly not in a group setting.
"Yah, don't try to be an idol around him and just take little sips, he's seen me do stupid stuff before, just drink!" Yeji and Chaeryeong start off slow, but soon they begin to take swigs, and you begin to do the same, and as the alcohol begins to flow, so does the conversation.
"So what was Ryujin like in school? Did she study at all, I bet she didn't!" Chaeryeong jokes.
"No no, she did study, she studied my homework." You joke, to raucous laughter from the ITZY members and staff.
"No I didn't, I even did better than you on exams!" But of course, no one listens to her. She is mollified after some placating from her members and more food on her plate, and the conversation flows on until the inevitable question.
"So, who's your favorite member in ITZY?" Chaeryeong asks, giggles bubbling out of her. It sparks a titter around you.
"Yah that's so boring!" "You're just saying that because you won't win!" "You're just saying that because he knows you!" "Says the one who spent 15 minutes choosing an outfit!" "Says the one who spent 30 minutes on make up today!" Ryujin blushes at the last comment—did she really spend 30 minutes on makeup today?
You save her the embarrassment by calming them down.
"I'll be honest, it's very nice to meet all of you, but I don't really know enough about any of you? So I guess all of you are my favorites?"
"Boo, cop out, drink! What if you had to choose? Like, I'll pay for your dinner today if you choose."
"Yeji unnie, don't make him pay for his dinner today! I'll cover you." Ryujin hastily butts in.
"Sure sure, I'll buy a second round of drinks if you choose." Ryujin makes to say something, but ultimately she has no retort and waits with the rest of them.
"I guess... since I know her the best, I'll go with Ryujin?" She pumps her fist, and rewards you with a healthy serving of grilled meat.
"Psh, wow, you gave the default answer. What if Ryujin isn't a choice, or who would be number two?"
"I guess number two would be—" your answer is drowned out by a roar as you see JYP the man himself, get on top of a table and start dancing, complete with plastic table sheet around his waist. The rest of the dinner and drinks flyby, and soon it is time to leave.
"It's nice to meet you all—" you start, but Ryujin cuts you off and throws an arm over your shoulder.
"No no, we're going to go for a round two, we need to catch up!"
"You can't Ryujin! We should go back home."
"No! I want a round two!" She yells, more than a little tipsy.
"You can't be seen in public like this!"
"I'll just drink at his house then!" She jerks a thumb in your direction. Their manager protests against it, and Ryujin yells back, but ultimately Yeji steps in.
"It's fine manager oppa, just let them catch up." After gently pushing the manager away Yeji turns to you. "Just go straight home with her okay? Take a taxi, make sure you two don't drink in public, and remind her to take a taxi back."
"Got it, I'll make sure she stays out of trouble." With that you half-walk and half-lurch with Ryujin into the back of a cab and back to your place. You open the door and Ryujin makes herself at home.
"Wow, living by yourself and everything, you've made it!"
"At least take your shoes off Ryujin!" They thud on your floor.
"Surely you have beer right?"
"Yeah, but all you get is one can."
"Fine, two cans." You grab four cans and sit down opposite her, and as you do so the alcohol suddenly hits you—you must have had more than you realized.
"Yah, so really, who would you choose from our members? Who's your favorite?" Ryujin asks him.
"What? How are you still on that?"
"Would you really choose me?" She persists, pestering and provoking you for an answer. She scoots herself closer. "Am I your favorite, am I the prettiest?"
"Well you did spend 30 minutes on makeup, so I guess?"
"Really? Awwww!" Ryujin clings on to him tightly.
"God of course you're a clingy drunk!" You try to break out of the embrace, but unfortunately you pause when you see Ryujin close up—she really is pretty tonight. Silently the two of you stare at one another, dual gazes dueling.
"Hey, you ever think... that we should have gotten together?" Ryujin whispers.
"We had to deal with so many rumors back then, remember? Everyone thought we were dating."
"Idiots, all of them."
"You never considered it? I have..." She's an inch from you, maybe not even that. "I would have—" Ryujin crumples in your arms and passes out.
"Argh, the girls are all saying I'm going out with you!"
"Well we're not!"
"Exactly, so who cares?" You shrug and return to your video game.
"Why? Do you want us to go out so that it's true?" You are blind to Ryujin's blush, just as you get flashbanged in game.
"No that's not the point! It's about my image!"
"Sure sure, I don't have an image so I don't care. Let me know if you want us to go out."
"How can you joke about something like that!" She leaves in a huff, slamming the door behind her.
"Tch, I didn't say no did I?" You mutter under your breath.
Ryujin blinks and rubs the sleep from her eyes. She tries to get up, only to be suddenly aware of a firm arm around her.
"Mmm, just a little longer." The warm heat of his chest flows straight into her back. The hot breath on her neck makes her all warm and... tingly.
"Hey..." She whispers. "I need to go."
"No, stay—" you finally process the voice and your eyes snap open, to the back of someone's head, someone you knew far too well. "Ryujin? Dah!" You hurriedly let her go as she pushes herself away. "What happened last night?"
"I don't remember." She sits up and runs a hand through her hair. "Do you?"
"No, we sat down with beers, and then nothing after that."
"Ugh... Did we—" she checks herself, breathing a sigh of relief as she finds herself fully clothed.
"Of course not!"
"Yeah, like you're the one who has the most to lose here!" Ryujin fires back.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"The members will know I stayed the night, what do you think they'll think?"
"Just tell them the truth, we did nothing and you spooned me!"
"I? Spooned you? No no, the big spoon is the one doing the spooning, you spooned me."
"No, that's called a normal sleeping position, I wouldn't be spooning you if you didn't back yourself into me, little spoon."
"I'm not little— Whatever, I don't have time to argue, I have to go."
"Fine. Why did you even want to meet up?"
"What?" Ryujin asks, distracted and putting on her sneakers.
"You wanted to catch up, I came, except it was your hweshik? Like why?"
"I-I thought it would be a more casual setting, that's all."
"I mean, you're not wrong, but we ended up too drunk to talk after."
"Okay I'm sorry, let's meet up some other time, just us okay?"
"I'll hold you to do that." Ryujin waves goodbye, leaving the two of you annoyed and... frustrated, in more ways than one.
It is weeks later when Ryujin reaches out, and you begrudgingly agree to meet up yet again. You are more than slightly annoyed when you see someone sitting next to her.
"Ye... Ji, right?"
"Yes, you remembered!" Ryujin exclaims delightedly. "That saves me on introductions, I'll be right back!"  With that she's already off to order coffee for everyone. You greet Yeji with an awkward smile.
"How are you?"
"I'm good, you? It's good to meet you again, I was afraid Ryujin killed you after she didn't come back that night," Yeji jokes.
"We didn't do anything." You say automatically. "But that's a huge jump to make."
"Well, she came back with a guilty smile, like she enjoyed whatever she did that night. Her hair and makeup was fine, so clearly you didn't make a move on her—"
"I wouldn't make a move—"
"Which is so crazy to me, that her offing you isn't as large a jump to make."
"Ryujin's not—" Yeji's raised eyebrow stops you in your tracks. "I don't think of her that way."
"Really? She'll make you then, when she finally figures out she wants to."
You were about to ask what she meant, when Ryujin returns with the drinks. She puts your usual coffee order in front of you and sits down next to Yeji.
"So unnie, what do you think? Do you like him?"
"What?" You and Yeji nearly spit your drinks out.
"What are you talking about, isn't he your style?" Ryujin turns red and nearly spits her own drink out.
"No! He's my friend! I-I thought you were looking for someone unnie!"
"Keep your voice down!"
"Ryujin what are you doing? I never asked you about Yeji." You nod your head slightly towards Yeji. "Sorry, didn't mean it like that, I just don't know you well at all." She dismisses you with a kind smile, or so you thought, but the smile was for other reasons.
"None taken." God I am looking at two idiots.
"You have to start somewhere don't you?" Suddenly thirsty, Ryujin's drink is almost gone already. "You're not... in a relationship are you?"
"No I'm not, but you can't spring something like this on people."
"He's right you know. You don't just randomly bring people together without them knowing and expecting something to happen."
"Okay so I missed a step, I thought it would be a good idea."
"I'm heading out," you say with finality, finishing the rest of your drink with a shudder—ugh, brain freeze. "Ryujin, if you want to catch up, I'm more than happy to, but I don't know why you're pussyfooting around me about just talking one-on-one. I'm more than happy to get to know Yeji if you would just tell me, or tell her, for that matter, beforehand."
"Sit." Just as firmly as he left them, Yeji sits Ryujin down once they return to the dorms. "So, why did you make up that stuff about me? You're going to use your unnie without telling her?"
"Sorry! I just felt that it would be too awkward with just the two of us."
"I thought you two are old friends."
"We are, but it's different now, we grew up, things change."
"You like him, he is your style."
"What? No that's not what's happening here."
"Please Ryujin, it's been weeks, months even, since you first saw him again, any other guy that didn't show interest you would have moved on, and yet here you are, you spent a night with him—"
"We didn't—"
"Let me finish," Yeji warns in her I'm-the-leader tone. "You spent a night and didn't do anything with him, and yet you are using your dear unnie as an excuse to see him again. It's one thing if the sex is good and you want an excuse to see him again, it's another if you two haven't slept together yet."
"We did sleep together! He spooned me!" Ryujin says defensively.
"You two really are cute little idiots. I don't know what is going on between the two of you, but here, I will book a nice hotel suite with two nice king-sized beds. You two can go there and have a nice conversation, make things not awkward, and if you're really just friends with him, you can each spend the night on a nice big comfy bed. If not, feel free to not sleep in one bed together, naked!"
"Yeji unnie!"
"You're being foolish, and so is he."
"He cares enough to text you first sometimes, so he's not disinterested. All I'm saying is, you put not a boy and a girl, but a man and a woman, in a hotel room, and things may just turn out fine." Yeji pats Ryujin on the head. "Just let me prepare everything, and I'll tell you when okay?"
"Yes unnie."
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You should have realized that something was up when Ryujin invited you to a hotel. You gave her the benefit of the doubt when you see Yeji meeting you in front of the hotel ("She insisted I show you to the room, that's all, I'm not staying."). You probably shouldn't have when you realize you were going up to a suite.
"What's going on?" you ask Yeji right outside the door. "Ryujin can afford this?"
"She can, but I paid for this. As the leader I feel partially responsible about what she did to you last time, so I set up the two of you to have a night in, just like old times. Movies, snacks, games, you name it!"
"I wasn't planning on staying a night here, I thought it would be at a restaurant or something."
"It's okay, I just thought a room would be quieter than a restaurant, you don't have to stay the night if you don't want to."
"I see, thanks, I guess. Where's Ryujin?" 
"She's in there already, go ahead." Yeji gives you a pat on your back as she leaves, and you wait for the ding of the elevator before knocking.
"Hey, thanks for coming."
"Sure. Whoa, Yeji really did prepare everything." That she did, a huge spread of snacks, food, and a counter of various coffees, soft drinks, and alcohol—looks like you wouldn't need to order room service. "So, what should we do first?"
"I don't know, game? What did we do back then?" Ryujin asks, fumbling with her bag of chips.
"Watch a movie? Or TV?" That sounded good, so you scooped up some snacks and joined Ryujin on the sofa in the "living room" of the suite. You see two Ryujins in the room.
"Whoa, what's that?" You ask, nodding to the TV.
"Oh, it's nothing, was just monitoring a recent performance."
"Like, watching yourself, checking for mistakes, stuff like that."
"That sounds... a little narcisstic no? Watching your own performances?"
"It's just something we do." Ryujin tries to close the video, but you stop her.
"Can we watch? I've never seen you perform before actually." She hesitates for a moment but presses play. Ryujin sits down next to you, slightly tense—how would you react? To her bemused delight, the questions incoming are very naive.
"You are showing a lot of skin." "Uhh yeah, that's kinda in the job description."
"And... isn't it a little too tight?" "Again, also in the job description."
"When was this performance again?" "Like a week ago?" "How come your hair looks so different now?" "I go to the salon, you do know that there's more to hairstyles than cutting right?" She reaches for his hair before he reacts.
"You haven't done anything to your hair have you, even the hairstyle is the same. Touch my hair." Her heart skips a beat when his fingers brush her hair.
"Whoa, why does it feel like that?"
"There's a lot you can do to it, most are not great for the hair, but hey, we need to show different styles, and hair is the easiest way to do it." He runs his digits through her hair, and Ryujin shudders at the sensation—it was weirdly hot.
"Sorry, does it hurt?"
"N-No, but you should stop."
"Right, sorry."
"No problem, any more questions, or can we watch something that's not me?"
"Sure sure, just... wow that's a very different line work."
"Yeah. What do you want to watch?"
"Wait, sorry one last question." You lean in and squint at the video, and then glance at Ryujin. "How long does it take for you to look like that on stage? Just the makeup."
"About umm, 40 minutes, an hour. maybe more?"
"Really? And how much time did you spend today?"
"Like 20 minutes?"
"And last time was 30 minutes?"
"You don't have to remind me about that."
"Yes yes, but you probably don't need to spend that much time on makeup. You should tell your stylists that." It takes a moment for Ryujin to process the compliment, and she blushes a deep red, overpowering what makeup she had on.
"T-Thanks, I'll let them know."
"I um, yeah, no problem, just saying." You stutter a little, realizing how weird that sounded coming from you. "Should we watch a movie, or drama?"
"Umm yeah, how about a movie?" Ryujin starts one, but neither of you really notice what's on screen. Instead, the two of you talk and talk and talk—your interest in her work prompts her own curiosity, and she asks about your job, about your life. You swap stories, and although you feel like Ryujin's getting the short end of the stick—your stories pale in comparison to the entertainment industry's wild rumors, she is equally enthused all the same—more importantly you're finally catching up with her. Inevitably the times you're talking about go backwards in time.
"Remeber when—"
"Yeah, or when he—"
"Who was our maths teacher again, Miss—"
"Did you know that he had a crush on you?" "No way! Really? That explains a lot." "What happened?" "He always wanted to be in my group, even though I don't do anything for projects. He was very nice, but he didn't ask me out in the end."
"Wait, he did all that? When was this? How come I don't remember this? What if he did ask you?" Ryujin taps her chin thoughtfully at his question.
"Would I have said yes? I dunno, we got along but we never clicked."
"Huh, but seriously when was this, I don't remember this at all." She watches him frowning, looking up at the ceiling and trying to remember, and she realizes why he couldn't, and wouldn't, be able to remember.
"Oh, it's because I never told you, because we, you know."
"Oh. Right." And there it is, finally the topic broached.
"I'm really sorry that I hit you, I should have said sorry back then, and it cost us both a lot. I still regret it even now."
"I don't blame you Ryujin, I should have reached out again, but I was childish. I did exactly what you told me to, even though that isn't what either of us actually wanted." He puts a hand on her shoulder, an olive branch. "We should move on from that, okay? No more doing stupid stuff like inviting me to a blind date without either party knowing."
"Okay, sorry, sorry. Now never bring that up again, please."
"Yes, let's just watch the movie. Make sure you turn off your phone so that you won't arrange another one for me." Ryujin throws a cushion at you, but you grab it and hand it back to her, and she hugs it against her chest as the two of you settle into the couch. You two end up closer and closer together, until you're shoulder-to-shoulder with her, her head lightly resting on yours, just like the old days.
But the movie the two of you are watching are definitely not age-appropriate for the old days, as the male and female leads struggle against one another, locked in a fevered and contentious argumentative embrace, until they give into each other. He pins her against the wall, she pulls her top off and wraps her arms around his neck.
"Ahh, mmm!" He presses himself into her, his hands tight around her waist. Her hips wriggle, bucking against him as he slips his hand under her shorts. A short gasp. She pulls off his shirt, revealing his chiseled chest and muscular arms—
Oh yes! The screen reflects off Ryujin's irises, but she's playing her own scene in her head. Of her with someone, with said someone right next to her. She squirms a little, and suddenly notices two things—that she's tense, holding her breath; and that he's tense, and holding his breath; scratch that, make that three things she notices—she's wet, the inside of her thighs sticky with need. She needs to get out before they—
"This movie's boring, we should watch something else," he rasps.
"Y-Yeah, let's watch something else. Hah even when we were young you never liked the R-rated scenes." she jokes, hoping to lighten the palpable tension.
"Then why did you agree with me? The old you would have made sure we kept watching. Let's keep watching then." You jostle her, making sure to keep a cushion over your lap.
"No, let's not, it's weird watching it with a guy."
"Oh, so now I'm a guy? Do you see me as a man? Are you interested in me, hm hm hm?" you play it off as a joke, but you are taken aback at Ryujin's lack of outraged denial.
"Why, are you interested in me?" Ryujin panics, and with the situation getting out of hand, she tries to solve it the only way she knows how—by throwing it back harder. "Now that I'm in a girl group, you're interested in me now aren't you? Did you enjoy my fancams just now?"
"N-No, of course not! And don't sit like a lady now, what happened to manspreading all over the couch like you used to? Are you hiding something?" Ryujin spreads her legs slightly, making herself all the more aware of her own arousal, and praying it doesn't show on her tight pants. Hurriedly she tries to escalate even further, to draw attention away from herself—she grabs his cushion and pulls it away, revealing his bulge. Daringly she grabs him, and his slight hiss just makes her wetter—because of his reaction, and because he is far more prominent than his jeans would suggest.
"What's this? I thought you weren't interested in me, hmm?" He slaps her hand away almost childishly.
"Of course not, that was just the movie being hot, not you! What about you!" He hovers a hand on her flat stomach, threatening to move down. "I wonder how wet you are down there, just from the movie right?"
"Of course! And if you're not interested in me, prove it!" Ryujin tries to escalate once more to "win" the argument. "Hit me!"
"What? You're crazy."
"No, I still feel bad about what I did all those years ago. I know you said you're over it, but I'm not, not until you hit me, so go ahead, hit me!" She grabs his arm, pulling it to her face, trying to make the hand connect.
"Ryujin I'm not going to hit you!"
"Why not, do you like me? I thought you weren't interested."
"No, you're just being stupid, I am not going to hit you. Ryujin!"
"Even if I feel bad? Even if I want you to hit me?"
"Especially if you want it, I won't hit you!" He is hypocritical though, and as Ryujin struggles harder he hits her.
In the face.
On her cheek.
It is a warm, soft caress of her cheek, and he's pressed against her lips, kissing her hard. Ryujin's hand relaxes as her heart pounds against her chest. She puts both hands around his neck, pulling him in—god she wants this right now! The kiss spikes in intensity, but she can feel him draw back, slightly unsure. Her lips part, and she licks his slightly, and reassured he tongue-tangoes with her, soft moans coming from both of them. The kiss that started off by catching both of them by surprise quickly burns into something more, into apology, into making up for years of lost time, into pure lust.
Your free hand goes down from her neck to her shoulders, carelessly brushing the bra strap off. You wrap an arm around her back, hugging and holding her close—for the first time you realize that Ryujin's slim, a side-effect of her job. It made you want to protect her, to make sure no one would ever say no to her and hurt her and—
And to devour her. Your hand goes to her hip, and you freeze when she freezes, the fingertips touching her warm skin underneath her top retreating slightly. You feel her hand grab your wrist, did you go too far? No, she wants you to go further, putting your hand on her midriff and pushing you down, beneath her pants, and then one layer more.
"Fuck..." Ryujin can't help but whine as his fingers brush over her lips, instantly coating them with stickiness. Her body moves on its own, she's grabbing on to his arm, keeping him there, and she's bucking her hips, urging him to just curl his fingers and—
"Mmmm!" You could cum in your jeans right now just hearing Ryujin groan as you push two fingers into her. Your breath is heavy and hot on her lips while you try to hold the kiss, even as Ryujin squirms against you—she's tight and sticky and wet. "It feels so good, make me cum!" You hear her plead—you have never seen her quite like this, but you can't even begin to process that thought as her lips find your neck and suck harshly. You pay her back in kind, just as she desires, with firm pushes of your fingers into her, over and over. She cries out into your neck when your tips graze her just right, and soon her walls convulse and contract, making it even easier for you to rub her weak spot.
"Cum for me Ryujin." She nods into his neck, whining in pleasure as she gets even closer to her peak. He's growling in her ear, making her pussy squelch and leak. She squirts a little against his palm as he tugs on her earlobe, and he's hitting her in the sense that his cheek bumps against hers as she jerks erratically in ecstasy.
"Cum for me if you love me." WHAT? I don't— Her mind blanks out as he rubs g-spot roughly, and she muffles her scream against his neck, the pleasure paralyzing her, interrupting her own disgreement. She remembers being tense against him, as if reaching up to cling to him. Yet when she comes to she's lying on the sofa, his weight pressed on her comfortably.
"Asshole," she whispers a weak retort. "I don't love— ah!" He takes her breath away again, kissing her passionately. "Whatever you say dear," is the look he gives her after the kiss, and it infuriates Ryujin, makes her want to get back at him. Get back at him in a way that she really wants to right now.
"Get off me," Ryujin pouts and mutters, and you acquiesce, slowly pulling your fingers out from her—her stickiness and tightness isn't a feel you would soon forget. Ryujin unbuttons your jeans, pulling it and your boxers to your knees. She presses herself into you, and with a muted moan you respond to her grasping your cock. Her hand runs up and down your length, all the way from base to tip.
"Do I feel good?" she whispers into your ear. Her free hand runs up and down your body, further stimulating you. "You want me to go faster?" The sound that leaves you is almost a whine. "You'll cum for me right? Cum for me if you love me too? Hmm?" Ryujin teases and baits you.
"No I won't," you mutter through heavy breaths, trying and failing to calm yourself down.
"You won't, even if I do this?" She runs a finger over your head, rubbing the underside of it. Where the fuck did she learn to do that! "No? Maybe I should stop?" She runs her palm over your head before pulling away, going back to stroking your shaft. Ryujin's a master baiter.
"No, don't stop!"
Ryujin's glad he says no, as she's not sure she can even stop herself. It's one thing to grab him over clothing, it's a completely different matter to see and touch it in the flesh, feeling his thickness, his length—she's suddenly thinking about it way too much. He grabs her thigh suddenly, squeezing it as he closes in on his own orgasm. His cock throbs in her hand—she can't wait to feel it burst, and then to feel it inside her. But first, she has to win. 
You groan as Ryujin slinks down your body, positioning herself between your legs. No, surely she wouldn't— Keeping her eyes trained on you the whole time and making sure you are watching her, Ryujin opens her mouth and pushes her lips past your tip, and then past your head, and then most of your shaft.
Cum for me if you love me! Of course, Ryujin's words aren't quite that clear, what with having your cock in her mouth, but her garbled sounds are abundantly clear in meaning. You don't have it in you to resist, and so you fall for Ryujin hard.
"Fuck Ryujin..." The low moan of her name, the sudden grab on her head, the jump of his cock in her mouth, and finally his thick salty load hitting the back of her throat and sliding down her gullet, it all serves to turn Ryujin on even more. As he shudders through his orgasm, the hand on her head runs through her hair, squeezes her scalp gently—Ryujin thoughts dull, focusing on all the sensations he's giving her. It's only when he softens, and her mouth no longer fully filled does she realize that he's done, and that she's drooling a little over his shaft. She looks up, only to find him leaning back, drained and wasted, but she wants more, and she swallows the last of his seed before getting back to work.
"Ryujin!" You wince in oversensitivity as Ryujin starts to stroke you again, adding licks of her tongue on your spent shaft. You firm up a little in her hands, and you get a little harder when she stops to remove her top and pants, revealing a set of simple black underwear. You get a lot harder, recovering to full strength with what she says next.
"I-I need more, I want us to do more." She walks away, her black panties sticking tightly to the apex of her thighs. The slight jiggles of her butt hypnotizes you, and you almost trip over your own pants as you try to follow her to the bedroom.
Ryujin laughs as she hears him stumble on the way over. There is a lot less laughing as he walks through the door, naked and stiffly pointing in her direction, before kissing her and pressing her into the soft bed. A brief fumble, and her bra falls away. In minor embarrassment she covers herself, but he pulls her hands away to plant kisses all around her chest and neck.
"No marks," she whispers, and he responds with a gruff note, that he heard her, but he's not happy about it. She rewards him with an unreserved moan as he pinches and rubs her stiff nubs, swirling his tongue around one, and then the other. There is a sheen of moisture over her flat tummy as he drifts down her body—why did she feel so warm? Ryujin burns a little hotter as he squeezes her thighs again, this time to spread them. His nose nudges against her mons, and her scent gets even thicker at the contact, and as he pulls her underwear to the side. "Don't— nngh!" his tongue catches her by surprise, and soon his warm breath is all over her core, licking and flicking and pressing, making her melt into a mess. And yet she needed more, her hips bucking involuntarily.
"No more, no need..." She pushes you away with a foot, kicking away her panties and removing the last piece of clothing she had on. You join her on the bed, and her legs quickly hook you close, lightly trapping you, the two of you are so close together now.
"Ryujin!" You gasp a final question to her as your shaft touches her entrance. There were many lines crossed today, all of which the two of you could probably ignore or be in denial about in the future, but the line you're on now is one that both of you know would be the Rubicon of your relationship, that things will undeniably change afterwards. But you look at Ryujin, and she is more than willing to leap over that line, and to challenge you to take the leap yourself. She grabs your cock, lining you up with her, adjusting herself until your tip catches her—just the tip, just a toe over the line. She wants you to do the rest.
It's happening, shit, he's so— The pressure in Ryujin's abdomen grows exponentially as the distance closes between their hips. Every time she's sure she can't take anymore of him, he gets deeper, his brows twitching with each inch he pushes into her.
"So tight..." Ryujin clenches even harder around him when she hears his muttered moan. She feels so full, so utterly stuffed, she has to arch her back, as if to try to stretch herself more, to make more room for him. He starts moving soon after, and the pleasure begins to slowly build up. But not fast enough!
"Faster!" you hear her moan.
"I don't want to hurt you," you mumble. She's just too tight to push through roughly, but she disproves that by bucking her hips up into you, and a jolt of pleasure goes up your spine. Her hands wrap around your neck once more, and her eyes are bright and eager. And also mischievous.
"Fuck me if you love me." She gives you no choice, and you willingly up the pace, and her tightness makes you thrust harder. Soon you are fucking her hard and fast with body-rattling strokes. Ryujin's moans get louder and wilder, her voice cracking when you hit deep in her. Her walls tremble around you, and your cock throbs in response to her quick contractions—both of you are close. Bewilderingly she stops you briefly, just as both of you are about to fully ascend in bliss.
"Do me from behind, I don't want you to see me."
"I don't want you to watch me cum," Ryujin struggles and tries to push herself off the bed, but he grabs her arms, pinning them against the bed.
"But I want to." She weakly tries to fight back, but his forehead presses against hers, and he's all that she can see, all that she can feel as his cock plunges into her even harder and faster. His sweat drips on to her face, his hips fighting her thrashing lower body, all to fuck her even better—Ryujin knows that he's going to watch her lose control, and somehow that spikes her pleasure even more, that she's going to bare everything to him. I'm sure I'll look so ugly but—
"Fuck, oh fuck, oh my god, oh my— GOD!" Ryujin has never looked hotter as she falls apart right in front of you. Her face goes slack, and she throws her head back as she silently combusts around you, her entire body writhing in pleasure. Her pussy seems to grip and tug at you, as if trying to suck you in deeper, to suck your—fuck it's too dangerous! You manage to spread her thighs further and pull out in time, joining Ryujin in climax, splattering her quivering lithe body with thick splotches of cum.
You roll to the side, laying down next to her and breathing heavily. Ryujin's lips are still lightly parted, soft moans joining your pants as the two of you work through the last bits of pleasure going through your heads. It is almost cute how she blinks rapidly after opening her eyes, not seeing you right on top of her. She turns the wrong way first, and blushes like mad as she turns the right way to face you. She mumbles something, but your head is still buzzing and ringing to hear her.
"What was that?"
"Nothing, umm, tissues please." With what felt like a huge effort, you manage to push yourself off the bed to grab some towels instead. The aftermath is surprisingly awkward, as Ryujin asks to use the shower first, and you avert your eyes as she comes out of the bathroom. She quickly puts on a bathrobe, and by the time you get up, she's already out of the bedroom, saying something about getting some water. You take a long shower, trying to figure out what to say when you're face-to-face with Ryujin again—Be with me? This never happened? I like you? I love you? I want you? Let's just be fuckbuddies? You come out just as uncertain as before, except much cleaner, and you make sure you are properly covered before exiting the bathroom.
"Hey," Ryujin calls out, tapping away at her phone.
"There's water on the table."
"Thanks." You gratefully down the glass of water before looking at the state of your bed—ruffled, wrinkled, fluid-stained.
"You should sleep with me." You catch the briefest of smiles before Ryujin turns away from you, still playing on her phone.
"Your bed's dirty, we should just share one."
"Are you okay with that?"
"I asked you didn't I?"
"Right, thanks." Cautiously you slip into bed next to her, and making sure you kept a healthy distance from her, you faced away from Ryujin and tried your best to sleep.
"Good night Ryujin."
"Good night."
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Ryujin wakes up the next morning, only to find him spooning her yet again. She gently tries to lift his arm again, and this time he hugs her even tighter. After last night, rather than be surprised and push herself out of his arms, Ryujin has some morning wetness as she feels something she didn't last time. She knows they'll have to talk about what happened after he wakes up, but she'd rather delay that conversation for as long as possible.
You wake up to a warm sensation between your legs, and it isn't unfamiliar. You look under the covers, only to see Ryujin bobbing her head, bringing your morning wood to full hardness.
"Ryujin? We should—"
"Later." She crawls up your body. "You were spooning me again, I couldn't ignore it."
"No way, you spooned me."
"No, we were facing away from each other."
"Fine, we were, mmm! Spooning each other." Ryujin is shockingly wet, and you quickly groan and compromise with her as she rubs herself over your shaft.
"Deal." She seals it with a vacuum seal over your cock, sinking herself to the hilt in one motion. She flutters around you, and Ryujin buries her head in your neck and let's out a low moan.
"Did you just—?"
"No, just umm, feels good." She throws off the covers, and soon with two hands on your chest Ryujin's riding you, her fit body on full display. Her petite breasts jiggle slightly as she bounces and grinds on you slowly and randomly, indulging herself in a morning fuck. This time she doesn't hide anything, and she's moaning unreservedly, letting you know just how good she feels.
"So deep!" "Fuck right there!" "You're going to make me cum!"
You know she's close when her chin begins to dip into her chest, spending all of her strength on riding you faster, hips bucking back and forth quickly, her slick beginning to leak all over you. You also know that based on how she grips you, there's no way you can hold off your own peak, and you'll go right with her if she does.
"Ryujin, you should get off..."
"No, fuck I'm so close."
She grabs your hands and puts them around her waist—her intent clear.
"Cum in me if you love me." It is reckless, dangerous, stupid even, but Ryujin didn't care. She just put him in checkmate—there was no hiding how either of them felt. Sure he could bluff and lift her easily off him, or he could just jam her on top of him, pump himself up into her and fucking breed her little—
"Fuckkkk!" Ryujin wails at her sinful intrusive thoughts, and she cums immediately. A fresh rush of slick covers your cock, and with Ryujin's velvet grip around you, you give in to your urges and pull her down, making sure you're driving deep into her just before you explode. Lights flash behind your eyes, a mess of hair and lips and teeth in your face as Ryujin tries to kiss you, muffling her outright scream while the two of you finish each other off. Your connection is warmer than ever—from Ryujin's juices all over your crotch, from your cum filling her womb to the brim.
Ryujin's entire body is warm as she comes back down from her high, and he's tightly hugging her. She can hear his heartbeat (or is that her own?) against her chest, and when she flexes her muscles, a heartbeat skips—she could still feel him inside her, and she's almost abnormally warm and wet down there. She winces slightly when his lips find her neck—he's leaving a mark, his mark.
"N-No marks," she protests weakly, but she doesn't really mind, her mind filled with endorphins of happiness, if anyone could see Ryujin they would see her absolutely glowing right now.
"Mm," a mumbled apology, and you're looking at Ryujin as you leave only one hickey on her neck. "You're really pretty, you don't need makeup."
"Thanks, that's random."
"Right, I umm, don't know what to say."
"Then don't." Tiredly Ryujin rests on top of you, and truthfully neither of you minded if you went back to sleep right then. But the real world calls, and Yeji is insistent, calling multiple times even after Ryujin fumbles and rejects the earlier calls.
"Yah, the hotel said you haven't checked out yet? They need to clean it!"
"Just a little longer unnie."
"Yeah, just a little more," you add on.
"Oh, so you two used one bed, hmm, that's nice."
"No, we used both beds, and shut up." Ryujin blushes and fires back immediately to cut off Yeji's cackling.
"Not bad, you didn't disappoint me or Ryujin it looks like. But seriously hurry up and check out."
"Okay okay, we will!" Ryujin ends the call before rolling off you. "God she's going to be so annoying, gonna be all like 'I told you so!', ugh."
"Yeah, we should clean up. Could you pass me the tissues?" This time it is Ryujin that helps you clean up, handing you the box of tissues as she cleans herself too. There is no time to shower, so the two of you quickly get dressed before ambashedly leaving. Before you could get to the concierge, Ryujin quickly pulls you into a side hallway.
"Hey, so what happened last night?" What is she talking about, neither of you were drunk! But the careful way she asks that question is less about your memories of last night, and what it means for the two of you for every night going forward.
"I'll take responsibility, if anything happens—" Ryujin quickly shakes her head, fidgeting slightly.
"No not that, I'll be fine, but just, what about us?"
"That's... That's up to you, did anything happen last night?" she's stumped by his question, until she's suddenly in his embrace, and he's whispering in her ear. "You're the idol, did anything happen? Is anything allowed to happen? I'll go with what you want, I don't want you to get hurt."
"Do you... want it to happen?" Is what she asks, but you look down at Ryujin looking up at you, and you understood the question. Do you want us to happen?
"Then it did." You lean down to kiss her, and Ryujin flashes you the brightest smile before gently pushing you away. "Not here, people might see!"
A few days later you wanted to ask Ryujin out, but you realized you didn't know how to. So you text Yeji.
*You two are idiots just ask her like a normal couple would!* is her scathing reply.
*Can I drop by, I want to ask her directly*
*She won't like that, the other members don't know yet*
*OK, can you set me up with her then, I'll meet her at a cafe or something*
*Just come by, I'll give you our address, I can't be bothered to deal with you two little cavity-inducers*
You arrive in front of their dorms, and thankfully Yeji has the sense to make Ryujin answer the door.
"Hello?" Ryujin's eyes almost pop out of her head as she hurriedly closes the door behind her. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to umm, ask you out, when are you free?"
"You couldn't have texted me?"
"I... guess I could have. But I wanted to see you." A warm fuzzy feeling fills Ryujin's heart, and she makes sure you feel the same way.
"Yeah, I missed you too." You hug her tightly, happy at her admission and confession.
"So you'll go out with me then? Whenever you're free I guess."
"Yeah." Ryujin stays silent for a moment, before her eyes twinkle and her lips curl into a smirk. "I'm free Friday, come pick me up then if you love me."
"Friday it is then."
A/N: Finally back with a story, hope it's alright. I tried playing with switching perspectives a lot more, so hopefully it's not too confusing. Getting back into things, hopefully will be posting more frequently from now on, but might not get back to the one-a-week I used to kinda do. Thanks for reading and happy holidays!
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lady-of-blossoms · 24 days
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「 ✦ whispers of heartbreak ✦ 」
Warning: angst, infertility, mistress
The nightmare Y/N experiences throughout her life is having to accept the fact that her husband is careless, remarried and has two wives.
This is because you were unable to get pregnant and in the end were forced to agree to gojo remarrying.
His second wife's pregnancy made the whole family excited and all of gojo’s attention was focused on his second wife—Rebecca.
at dinner and the three of them gathered,gojo , Y/N and Rebecca.
He stroked Rebecca's stomach, who had been pregnant for 6 months. He turned to you who was eating while daydreaming
"Y/N , today I can't accompany you to sleep because I have to look after Rebecca, is that okay?" asked gojo who didn't make an expression when he saw you.
Youre eyes widened slightly at his request, a pang of hurt and disappointment shooting through your chest. You swallowed hard, trying to keep your emotions in check as you met his gaze.
"Of course, gojo," you replied softly, forcing a smile onto your face. "I understand. Congratulations again on your pregnancy, Rebecca." You offered a genuine smile towards his new wife, youre heart aching at the sight of him so enamored with someone else.
"I'll just go to bed early then," you continued, standing up from the table and gathering your plate. "Have a good night taking care of Rebecca." You gave a small nod before turning to leave, your steps heavy with unshed tears as you retreated to youre bedroom alone once more.
Gojo watched her leave, feeling a twinge of guilt for causing her pain. But he quickly pushed it aside, focusing back on Rebecca. He leaned down to kiss her forehead gently, his hand still resting on her growing belly.
"Thank you, darling," he murmured fondly, before turning his attention back to his meal. "How about we take a nap together after dinner? It might be nice to rest before the baby comes."
He glanced over at Y/N’s empty seat one last time, feeling a pang of regret for how things had turned out between them. But he knew there was nothing he could do to change it now.
In the privacy of their shared bedroom, Y/N allowed herself to crumble. Tears streamed down yourr face as you sank onto the edge of the bed, your body shaking with silent sobs. The sting of rejection cut deep, amplified by the constant reminder of your own infertility.
You curled into herself, hugging your knees tightly to your chest as if to hold yourself together. Your mind raced with painful thoughts - memories of happier times with gojo, dreams of a future that would never come to pass, and the bitter realization that your had lost the man she loved to another woman.
"Why couldn't I give him what he wanted?" You whispered brokenly to yourself, your voice muffled against your knees. "Why wasn't I enough?"
The ache in your heart felt suffocating, like a physical weight pressing against your chest.
Gojo finished his meal and excused himself from the table shortly afterward. As promised, he joined Rebecca in their bedroom for some rest.
He held her close, his arm draped protectively around her waist as they lay down together under the covers. His mind wandered back to Woojin briefly, but he quickly shook off those thoughts, choosing instead to focus on the warmth of Rebecca's body pressed against his own.
"We're going to be parents soon," he thought contentedly, and everything will finally fall into place."
But even amidst this happiness, a nagging sense of guilt lingered at the back of his mind – a guilt he refused to acknowledge fully.
It was a bittersweet morning for Y/N. Today marked both her birthday and the day she had to share the spotlight with Rebecca giving birth. You awoke to the sound of commotion outside your room, nurses rushing past and gojo’s panicked voice echoing down the hallway.
"Y/N! Y/N!"
He burst into her room, his face flushed and eyes wild with excitement. "It's happening! Rebecca's in labor!"
Y/N sat up slowly, your heart sinking at the news. Of all days... you managed a weak smile, pushing down the swell of emotion threatening to overwhelm you.
"That's wonderful, gojo. Go be with her. I'm sure she needs you right now."
Feeling the weight of your loneliness press down on you, you got dressed quietly and slipped out of the house unnoticed. You needed space to process everything that was happening, away from prying eyes and judgemental gazes.
Walking aimlessly through the city streets, you found solace in the familiar rhythm of her footsteps and the comforting buzz of the bustling crowd around you. Each step further from home served as a reminder of your freedom - a freedom you cherished despite its bitter sweetness.
"Today should've been about me," you thought bitterly, "but instead, everyone's only talking about Rebecca."
Lost in your thoughts, You found herself at a local café where you ordered a cup of hot chocolate to warm yourself from within. You took a seat by the window overlooking the street below, watching people go about their lives without a care in the world.
Sipping slowly on your drink, you tried to push away feelings of resentment and sadness that threatened to consume you. Instead, you chose to remember happier times with gojo - birthdays spent together laughing until your sides hurt, simple dinners shared under twinkling lights.
"Maybe this is my punishment for not being able to bear children," you pondered silently. "Or maybe it's just part of life's cruel irony."
Next chapter
@kuro-chi69 @aishies-stuff @kalopsia-flaneur @luns-exlipse @anonnieghost @aqxllo @chatoicboy @sashisuslover
Dont steal
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jinnie-ret · 9 months
Ok so someone in my asks box asked me for some fic recommendations and I tried to add some gradually but my asks have been so weird recently so I've had to make a new post for them!
First of all ty anonnie you words were really sweet, I hope you stay healthy too!
Also just to preface I will list sfw and nsfw recs so pls if you are a minor, do not explore the nsfw recommendations, these blogs will most likely have a mdni statement so pls respect that and don't go against that :)
Now, enjoy!
Enough for you - @mixtape-racha (poly ot8 angst comfort)
We love an angst comfort fic and this is one of my faves. Take caution reading this one and read the content warnings at the top just in case! But this one is simply amazing and I wish I wrote it the end.
The Field Trip - @dreamescapeswriting (Seungmin X reader)
Seungmin and reader are teachers in this and if you follow me you may have seen me reblog this one before bc I love it and want this, also this blog has so many imagines you will be fed for days
Warm blankets - @jiniret-writings (3 parts, hurt comfort poly ot8 x reader)
I felt so emotionally invested in this story when I read it, like I felt readers pain 😭 gorgeous
jack-in-the-box -@junicai (angst, ninth member reader)
Set in kingdom. We hate mnet. Skz are very protective and reader gets the comfort she deserves in the end, love this sm!
@hyunjinsbelovedamericano - lots of headcanons and reaction type fics on their MASTERLIST, give it a look!!
Simptober 2023 - @skz-streamer
Fluff for days!!! pookie rly worked hard on this one so go and show some love because you've got so much to read here
Skz text aus - @channiesbakery
These are so so funny I cannot cope. Also explore the other fluff posts too bc they're really cute!
More text aus - @diddybok
Same goes for this blog too, explore their other stuff!
@hannahhbahng has some rly cute fluffy reads on their masterlist
@hanjiquokkaaa check out their skz reactions! My pookie slays every time
Skz fluff fics - @wooahaes
So much fluff to pick from! I fall in love every time!
Warm milk and honey - @horanghoe (poly skz x reader)
One of my fav skz comfort fics of all time, it's so so good, recommending again bc I should
In his arms, unexpectedly yours - @cheesemonky (Hyunjin x reader series)
This is a new series which I'm excited to see my pookie write !!!
@astraysimp for dad skz!!!
Nicholas Ross - @dean-a-mean-tae (skz ninth member male oc)
Love their ninth member writings so definitely check it out if you're looking for male!oc who is the ninth!
In my past, I find you and in the future, I still have you - @yangbbokari (Chan x reader)
Heartbreaking, like so angsty but it's gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous
Princess treatment with SKZ - @j-oneproduces
Each individual member x reader has a drabble and I love it so so much, very accurate imo
@skzoologist read their imagines on their ninth member oc Bae! They also have a fic called unfamiliarity using the same oc :)
I like the view - @mirisss (hybrid ot8 skz X reader)
I rly need to reread this one because I loved what I read so far on it!!!
Rabbit hybrid reader - @authorofdanger (hybrid skz x hybrid reader)
I've linked a masterlist, I'd recommend the fic dominance and then the first few fics which are to do with reader as a rabbit hybrid! slight warning that woojin is mentioned
Red Moon - @lixiepeach (omegaverse series)
this is one of the first skz omegaverse fics I read and it is done so beautifully, as it says in the description of the series, it deals with more adult content than just smut, and the way it is explored is written so well, couldn't recommend highly enough!
Inked Petals and Message Tones - @leviackermanscleaningbuddy (poly smau with real life)
this is an ao3 skz fic which changed my life. I can't explain how much I love this, it had me on an emotional rollercoaster fr fr like it's amazing!
n.h.i.e mini series - @hyungszn (smut ot8 x reader)
damn this one really has me on my toes like the chapters are chefs kiss and it's such a good read!
Bold - @hyunsvngs (American footballer minsung x reader)
Wow wow wee wow. This one made my brain go brrr and evaporate and melt and wow the storyline in it is so so good too. Juno rly has such a good relationship with anonnies and moots and it's so lovely to see. A jupiter stan right here!!
Sanguis Limerence - @jl-micasea-fics (vampire skz x reader)
This is one of the first series I was fully committed to reading on this all and constantly checking. It's insanely amazing, I can't put it into words and now I wanna read it all back again 😭
waiting for us - @kkami-writes (smau poly ot8 X reader)
I'm in love with this!!! Perhaps my fav skz smau like the character development as well is really nice to see and it's an easy read if you find it easier to read it in text messages form
Anger management - @2chopsticks2eyes (minsung x reader)
This is so hot and the way the storyline progresses as well is beautiful
@1-800-shedevil I'm in awe of her and her blog. Gorgeous writer, gorgeous writing. Her posts about body positivity rly are so helpful and her words are so comforting
Sharing = caring - @cbini (ot8 X reader)
This is unbelievably good and if you haven't seen it yet? Do you even Tumblr? Love how ems has such a good relationship with moots and in answering asks too! cbinian for life
Better than revenge - @lixie-phoria (smau Jeongin x reader)
I'm so obsessed with this series so far, putting it here bc there's smut to be added in the future. But I'm in love with it so far wow!!!
738 notes · View notes
bahablastplz · 2 months
All in | Chapter 9
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pairing: Lee Felix x f!reader (mafia au)
summary: You didn't know what you were getting yourself into when you started dating Yang Jungwon, notorious mafia boss. Your life gets flipped upside down when you're found beaten and bloody by SKZ, the rival mafia group, and you're quickly integrated into their lives. What will happen when you try to leave your old life behind and start anew?
chapter summary: you and Felix go on an excursion and tensions are high while you wait for time to pass
warnings: please see series masterlist for all warnings
series masterlist ~~ series taglist ~~ main masterlist
You wake up in an entanglement of limbs. 
You feel it before you can see it, really. The warmth of Felix’s body on yours. Legs intertwined with legs, you currently lay with your head on his chest and his arms around your waist. Cracking your eyes open, you're met with a sleeping Felix, breathing slow and heavy, his breath warm on the top of your head. He looks so serene, almost like a child with the expressionless look on his face. 
Your heart flutters. You wish it didn't. 
You pry yourself out of the warmth of his embrace, not breathing as you wiggle out between his limbs in an attempt to not wake him. God forbid he wakes up and sees the position you’re in. What would he say? How would he react? Would it be awkward? You don’t want to find out. 
You make it to the bathroom, splashing water onto your face. You comb your fingers through your hair, doing your best to detangle it with what you've got. You take a deep breath, rolling your shoulders back. 
Last night, Yang Jungwon died right before your eyes. 
Where do you go from here? You can't go on pretending like things are normal anymore. They haven't been normal for a very long time, not since before you started dating Jungwon. You also know that running away isn’t exactly an option anymore… evident by the scars on your back inflicted by Chan that you had almost forgotten about. They accompany the many other bruises and scratches on your body now, so they aren’t quite out of place yet they serve as a not-so-gentle reminder of what to expect should you defy Chan. 
What now? You suppose you can lay low until you finally find an ample opportunity to escape, one that does not risk endangering you or your sister. Better would probably be to stay quiet and gather as much information as you can, to try to bargain your way out of the situation with Chan. Perhaps if you can one day find a way to leave on his terms you might be able to get what you want. You remember the night before, how Woojin implied that Chan could be in love with you… you feel the greasy diner food from the night before sit uneasily in your stomach, threatening to come back up. 
Sighing, you find yourself at a loss. When you crack open the bathroom door, you’re surprised to see Felix awake and sitting up in the bed. 
“Oh hey, you're up,” you say. You sit down next to him, hugging your knees to your chest. Felix yawns and rubs sleep from his eyes. “What time are we going back to the house?” You question.
“About that…” you blanch at his words, his voice deep and groggy from sleep. 
“You're kidding,” you say. “We're not going back?” 
“From my understanding, we have to wait for Lee Know to wake up,” he says, looking at his phone. “He’s in stable condition, so they expect it to be sometime today, but we still need the okay from Chris.” You sigh at the revelation. 
“So… what now?” 
“Breakfast?” He suggests. You purse your lips together, as if in thought. You still feel a little nauseous but food isn’t such a bad idea. Plus, you’re tired of feeling cooped up–getting out might not be the worst idea. 
You’re reminded of Felix telling you that Heeseung has plans to come after you next. You grimace. “Is it… okay to leave the motel? If the house isn’t safe, are you sure it’s okay to leave?” 
“You’ll be with me. You’ll be fine.” His words provide comfort, you suppose. And so, at eleven in the morning, you and Felix walk across the street to the diner. It’s where you assume he got your dinner last night and it’s bustling with life from the early morning lunch rush. In your matching pajamas, the two of you slide into the red and cream colored booth. You probably look comical but it feels… normal, almost. 
When the waitress comes up to your table she smells of cigarettes and sugar. She’s an older woman, curly blonde hair permed and framed around her face. Her makeup is a little bright, shades of periwinkle dabbled on her eyelids and lipstick blood red. Her name tag reads ‘Pam,’ and she reminds you of an old grandma, someone that might provide blunt comfort and real advice in a time of need.
“What can I get for the lovely couple?” She questions as she pulls out a notepad, voice deep and raspy with a southern drawl. 
“Oh we’re not–” 
“Can I get chocolate chip pancakes with a side of bacon?” Felix says, smiling sweetly at the waitress. “And a coffee, black.” 
“Of course. And for the lady?” 
You look at the menu. “Um, a waffle and orange juice. Thanks.” Felix takes your menu and hands it to the waitress. She smiles saccharine sweet and goes to the kitchen, leaving you and Felix alone. 
Neither of you speak. 
You fiddle with the silverware instead, staring out the window. 
The waitress arrives with your drinks. You take the opportunity to immediately start drinking it. Is this awkward? Why is it awkward? Is it because she implied you were a couple? Is it you making this awkward, or him? God, you hate your stupid brain and its stupid thoughts. 
You snap out of it when Felix takes a big sip of his drink and then makes a face as if he were disgusted. He takes another sip immediately which makes you laugh. 
“If it’s bad, why are you drinking it?” You ask with a smile. He brushes his hair back with his fingers, looking away. 
“It’s coffee. It’s not going to taste good.” 
“It’s supposed to,” you laugh. “It’s because you got a black coffee. Why won’t you add sugar or cream to it? That’ll help.”
“It still tastes bad. I don’t know. Nothing I’ve tried has ever helped.” He drinks his coffee again, following it up with that same face. You find it endearing. 
Breakfast goes by fairly normally after that. Felix laughs at you for drowning your waffles in maple syrup, ‘effectively ruining it,’ according to him. He shares some of his bacon with you, telling you that you need the protein if you want to bulk up. You laugh when he drops a piece of his pancake on the floor. It feels domestic. 
It distracts you. 
It distracts you from every horrible thing that has happened the past few days, and you delude yourself by thinking that maybe this is what life could be like from now on. What if Felix wasn’t in the mafia? What if things were different? Could this maybe, in some other reality, be a date? One where you didn’t have to worry about being a target, one where Lee Heeseung didn’t have an overwhelming grudge to have you dead or alive? You wish that it was over. Yang Jungwon is dead yet he still has a deadly grasp around your throat. You swallow thickly and decide you want to change the subject. 
“I want to see my sister,” you say. Felix nods at you solemnly, not in agreement but more in pity. He feels bad for you. 
“I’m sorry,” he says finally. You sigh. 
“Can’t you take me to her? Let me talk to her? Let her know that I’m safe?” 
“I can’t do that,” he replies softly. 
“It’s not safe. I’m sure Jungwon knew where your sister lives? What if Heeseung is keeping an eye on her now? Contacting her could be a risk,” he explains. “It’s against Chris’ orders.” 
“Do you just blindly follow his orders? Do you know how to think for yourself?” you ask before you can help yourself. You clench your fists and unclench them, exhaling to keep the irritation at bay. “You don’t have to tell Chan,” you reason with him. “You can just take me. I won’t tell him.” 
He tongues the inside of his cheek. “It’s like you’re not even listening to me. I’m not blindly following his orders, but there’s a reason why we do things. There’s protocol to follow. Heeseung probably has careful eyes on her, and contacting her could put you both in danger.” 
“That’s more of a reason for me to talk to her!” you say. “She could be in danger. What if Heeseung–”
“She's fine,” he interrupts. 
“How do you know? There's no way.” 
“Listen, we’re keeping a careful eye on her–” 
“Then I don't understand why I shouldn't be allowed to talk to her–” 
“Because I'm not going to put you in danger again!” He takes a deep breath, calming himself. 
“The gala was my fault, I should've made sure you were by my side. It was… you were hurt because of me. I’m not going to let you get hurt again. End of discussion.” 
Felix pays the bill. You don’t say anything. You don’t know what you would say, even. On the walk back to the motel, he talks again. 
“I’m sorry about your sister. I really am.” 
“S’fine.” You don’t look at him. “I don’t blame you for the gala, by the way.” 
“You should.” 
“I don’t.” Finally, you smile at him. He gives you a weak smile back. 
It’s past noon once you get back to your room. You slump in your bed, unsure of what else to do. Closing your eyes, you let yourself stretch lazily, basking in the sunlight that shines through your window not unlike that of a cat. After a few minutes, you hear grunting. Cracking open your eyes, you investigate. 
Felix is sitting on the floor near the end of the bed doing sit-ups. You look at him, incredulous. 
“Are you seriously working out right now?” You ask. It does seem a little bit ridiculous, after all. 
“Just because we’re not at a gym doesn’t mean that we can’t train,” he says with uneven breath. “Your enemy isn’t going to wait for you just because you’re in hiding.” He moves fast without breaking a sweat, and it’s a sight to behold. You could watch him do this all day. You realize you’ve been staring and so you clear your throat. 
“Can you help me too? Can we spar?” You ask. You decide that he is right, and there is no time like the present to become stronger. 
And so, for about thirty minutes you muck about the hotel room. Felix shows you how to properly form a fist, cautious of your still-injured hand. He teaches you some self-defense techniques, going into a lecture about the weakest areas of the body to target if in a bad situation. You listen intently and practice with your full-attention, really taking his words to heart. You’re a good student, he says. You feel satisfied by the end of your session now that you’ve finally practiced real techniques and not just focused on strength or cardio, and you’re both sweaty and out of breath before you know it. 
“You can shower first this time,” you say. “I had first dibs last night.” He nods his head and heads to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. You try not to think about how good he looked with sweat dripping down his face and wonder if that’s what he would look like when he–
Shaking your head, you flop onto the bed, lazily flipping through the television channels. Nothing really peaks your interest. Until you see something on the table that gleams in the light and makes your heart beat right out of your chest. 
Felix’s phone. 
He left it right there on the table while he was gone. Easily accessible. 
You jump to your feet before you can think, snatching the device and holding it in your hands. You could do it while he’s in the shower; call your sister. If he finds out after the fact, whatever, you think. It’ll be worth it to get the confirmation that she’s safe. 
You slide the phone up. Of course, it’s password protected. You could have guessed that. You double-click the power button two times, allowing yourself to dial an emergency number. Taking a deep breath, you start to dial her number when the shower stops.
Your heart starts beating rapidly, looking to the door. Can you make it out in time? Felix is definitely faster and he would catch you. That would be bad. You need to hide the phone, and quick. Bolting, you lift up the mattress and stick the phone in between the mattress and bedframe. As the door opens, you jump onto the bed, looking at Felix and smiling. 
“Why do you look like a deer caught in headlights?” He laughs. You laugh with him, standing up. 
“No reason, LOL.” You just said LOL out loud. Calm down, Y/N. “I’m going to take a shower now!” You start to walk past him to the bathroom door when you feel a tug at your wrist, flipping you around to face him. Your eyes go wide when you see the serious look on Felix’s face. 
“Tell me where it is.” 
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you chuckle, deciding that maybe playing dumb is the best option. You both know how stupid you’re being right now, though. 
“I’ll give you one chance to stop acting dumb and tell me where it is, Y/N. Seriously,” he says. “I was gone for five minutes. Don’t act like you don’t know where my phone is.” 
“I… I don’t know. Seriously, let me go,” you say. You sound a little less persuasive this time. He’s slowly chipping away at your façade and it’s apparent. 
Gulping, you yank yourself out of his grasp and start walking to the bathroom again. In an instant, he pushes you up against the wall, arms pinned above your head. You let out a small gasp at the action, now completely at his disposal. You think about the self-defense techniques that he just taught you, but you know that you couldn’t bring yourself to poke him in the eyes or knee him in the groin… and you wouldn’t need to, either way. You’re not in any danger. 
“Please,” he says. His voice is soft, head tilted downward, unable to look you in the eye. You gulp. 
You’re at a stalemate. You both know that you won’t give him the phone, your only point of communication with your sister, and you both know that he won’t do anything to hurt you. 
“Felix,” you say, your voice just a whisper. When he releases your hands from above your head, they make their way to his shoulders and stay there. He finally looks up at you, and you feel like you can’t breathe. 
“Please,” he says again. This time you’re unsure what he’s asking for. Not when your body is finding itself impossibly closer to his, not when his eyes are on your lips and your heart is beating out of your chest. 
“We shouldn’t,” you say, because it’s true. 
“We absolutely shouldn’t,” he agrees. You feel his warm breath on yours. His hand cups the back of your head and your lips part. You barely feel the ghost of his lips on yours… 
Then the phone rings. 
You aren’t sure who moves faster. Your heart is beating faster than maybe ever as you duck under his outstretched arm, completely evading his attempt to grab you. You dive for the mattress, successful in getting the phone. 
An outstretched leg trips you, but you don’t fall. You make it to the door, in fact. You even touch the handle. 
It’s over sooner than it started. 
Your arm twists behind your back, the one holding the phone, though you don’t let it go. It’s almost embarrassing how easily he maneuvers you so that your chest is pressed up against the mattress, one hand on your back pushing you down. Neither of you miss the small whimper that comes out of your mouth. Neither of you miss the hardening bulge against your ass. 
When Felix plucks the phone from your hand, you almost expect him to let you go immediately. He doesn’t. He picks up the phone instead and you crane your neck to try to see his face, though you are unsuccessful. 
“Hyunjin,” he greets. 
You wish you could hear the muffled voice on the other end of the phone. You only hear bits and pieces. You try to wriggle from his strong single-handed grasp but you only feel his fingers tighten around your skin, not in an attempt to harm you but in an attempt to warn. You’re sick of doing what you’re told, though, so you grind your hips back against his cock purposefully. 
“Don’t be a brat,” he whispers to you, shoving the receiver of the phone into his chest so Hyunjin won’t hear him on the other end. You do it once more and he lets you–when you both know he could easily still your movements. You don’t miss the shaky breath he lets out at your actions, but suddenly Felix says something in affirmation to Hyunjin and hangs up the phone. 
He finally releases his grasp on your arms and you sit up, making eye contact with him. He still looks completely composed, but a slight blush has dusted over his features. 
You smile at him. 
“Cute,” he says, poking the inside of his cheek with tongue. “You think you’re very cute.” 
You say nothing. 
“We… gotta go. We gotta go back to the house now. Minho has woken up. It’s uh… it’s safe now.” 
You do let out a sigh of relief at that. 
We almost kissed, you want to say. I feel something towards you that I probably shouldn’t, and I know you feel something towards me. 
The two of you stare for a moment, letting the silence punctuate the room. Your heart pounds heavily against your ribcage. 
“Let’s get going, shall we?” you say. 
Neither of you speak on the ride back to the house but the silence is welcomed. You stare dreamily out the window and for some reason, the future doesn’t seem as bleak as it did earlier. 
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
taglist: @shuporanporang ; @purp13st4r ; @eurydiceofterabithia ; @heartsbyandra ; @thicccurls ;
@rylea08 ; @the-sweetest-rose ; @oddracha ; @kapelover ; @goldenmellow ;
@zerefdragn33l ; @uhh-awkward-rightt ; @astudyoftimeywimeystuff ; @kaleigh-2002 ; @thatonexcgirl ;
@mindfreecreator ; @linoalwaysknows ; @velvetmoonlght ; @minahaeyo ; @crystalchuuu ;
@hash2013 ; @skzswife ; @b0bbl3s ; @thecutiepieme ; @bear8585 ;
@moss-the-man ; @softkisshyunjin ; @sylveonitesworld ; @m00njinnie ; @nicoleparadas ;
@starsofasteria ; @klopez01 ; @luvlinos ; @hyunjinnnnnnnnnnnnnn ; @skz-akira ;
@boi-bi-ahaha ; @l33bang24 ; @hermione640 ; @gal82 ; @b-chansbbygirl ;
@kayleefriedchicken ; @notsojourni ; @hogwartslife64 ; @stilltrynafuckingtumble ; @ellelabelle ;
@melleus ; @hyun-bun ; @luminouskalopsia ; @leftovercigarettes ; @sabrina-gal-kpop
@ghostedgameplays ; @wealwayskeepfighting ; @meloncremesoda ; @Lovelino23 ; @honeyybbuubblleess ;
@blossominghunnie ; @sunlitangel777 ; @kkamismom12 ; @slaykanejvetsi ; @eastleighsblog ;
@skzskzskzskzskzskzskzzzz ; @k-keya ; @moonlight-sunrise-channie ; @estella-novella
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oracle-of-dream · 6 months
Photo Finisher
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Minors DNI
Summary: You've been tasked with capturing photos of AB6IX for their comeback, Salute. Within the four-member group, you find a gem that's hidden away. All you need is to give him some encouragement to shine.
Warnings: Male Reader, Blowjob, Handjob, nickname: Hyung, Creampie, Backscratching, Flexible Reader, Vocal sex, Unprotected Sex
Wordcount: 2.1k
Today's client was AB6IX, a four-member boy group from Brandnew Music. When you'd read that it was a four-member group in the documents, you smiled to yourself. Fewer members meant you could leave sooner, a complete win if you could be done with the shoot before too long.
You walked into the studio that had been prepared for you. It was a black and gold theme with leather furniture everywhere, and golden-orange set lights drenched the room in a sunset glow. The staff on set greeted you as you walked by, avoiding your eyes and speaking softly.
You wore a white satin shirt with flowing wine-red pants flared at the base of your legs.
Inside the dressing room, the four idols were getting their make-up done. You'd seen the photos that were sent to you, but lackluster photos taken by mediocre photographers couldn't tell you anything. The four men were distinct in features, standing out from one another. Good. As you entered, the men stood to introduce themselves to you.
They all stood beside each other and bowed, saying in unison, "Hello, we are AB6IX! Thank you for working with us today."
The staff greeted them back as you nodded in acknowledgment toward them. You looked them over keenly. Their outfits were more risque than you originally expected. Satin black shirts and pants with a golden trim design, reminiscent of Louis Vuitton's styling patterns. It didn't match their small physical forms and round faces, but the contrast would make for excellent shots. You needed to give a word to their designer for this one, it made your job ten times easier.
One in particular stuck out to you. Woong, if you remember his name right, kept stealing glances at you. You knew he had something special about him, he just needed to show it to you.
You stood straight and addressed the room, "Alright everyone, let's work quickly today. I'm sure we're all busy people." You left the room after giving your short words, letting the makeup team finish their touches as you checked in with the stage set-up team.
The stage had lovely black marble flooring that reflected the furniture beautifully. It looked so clean you could eat off it. While admiring your reflection, you see another one come behind you. It was him again.
Woong cleared his throat and said, "Hello, Mister y/n, I wanted to bring you this gift on behalf of our group." He presented a signed album, with a small thank you message from each member.
He was on the shorter side of the idols you normally worked with. And his clothes covered some serious muscle definition, you could use that... "Thank you, how kind," You said with a smile as you took the gift from him, letting your hand graze against his.
Woong's ears took a soft shade of pink at the contact. "I look forward to working with you–bye now." Woong took off quickly toward the dressing room where his members watched from the doorway.
He was someone you needed to keep an eye on.
Not long after the shoot took off in full swing–You always allowed your interns to take group photos, coaching them on operating a camera. When it was time for solo shots, you started from Donghyun to Daewhi, then Woojin, purposely leaving Woong for last.
You were decently surprised by this group. The shadows of the lights and their muscle tones were captured beautifully without you needing to do much work. Woojin and Donghyun opened their shirts more to get that extra allure in the shot.
As Woong approached the set, you watched him closely. His posture and confidence changed from the boy you'd seen before, he seemed more like a man here.
You took a few shots, then told your team to take a break, giving you the room alone with Woong.
He lay on the black reflective surface of the coffee table, his hands behind his head as he looked at you. He noticed everyone leave and spoke softly, "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, not at all. I just think we need something a little more intimate. If you'll let me?" You approached him, and sat on the table, your hand on his chest. "Do you think we can open this a little?"
He nodded shyly. And his pink ears turned red as you unbuttoned his shirt, from top to bottom, leaning closely down and using both hands to open his shirt. You purposely took deeper breaths, letting the air rake across his skin as you slowly exposed his torso to the cold room. Your skin rubbed against Woong's muscular body as you worked on the shirt, as you focused on the shirt you could feel Woong's eyes watching you. You stepped back to look at your work–Woong's face turned pink as he looked around the room. Anywhere other than looking at you.
"Is it too open?" You giggled.
He nodded wordlessly.
"Would you like me to fix it?" You close one button in the middle of the line, covering his chest but leaving his abs open for display. The way they protruded and showed so proudly, he must've worked out right before the shoot. As you finished, you stayed close with your head hovering over his stomach as you looked up at him. "Better?" You asked.
"Y-Yes," His voice shook.
You noticed the bulge in his pants, getting more prominent.
"Mr. Woong, are you okay? You look like you're having a hard time," You cooed.
"N-No, I'm alright, just sore."
You looked at how his stomach flexed. "Oh, is this position uncomfy?" You climbed on top of him, resting your ass right above his waistline, and you leaned on his chest as you slid your hands under his head. "Please try and relax. I can't afford you cramping up."
Woong's eyes were wide as he slowly let his hands down, resting his body as you held him close. "We're so c-close," He muttered.
"What's that?" You leaned down further, letting your head lay in the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you, could you say that again?"
Woong's hands rose, awkwardly, unsure what to do. "I–We're so close. I don't–"
You shifted, pushing your clothes dick against his abs, and moaned in his ear. "Mr. Woong, your body is too sexy. I just can't help myself. Can you help?" You reached down to touch his hard cock, squeezing it, "Maybe we can help each other."
Woong hummed in your ear, "Mhm. I want to help you, however you want me to." His hands find a place at your hips as he guides you, pushing your crotches together and brushing against one another. You plant your lips on his neck, as you moan sinfully in his ear at the sensation. Woong slips your shirt past your shoulder and kisses it before sucking on it. "Call me hyung," He commands.
You moan in his ear, "Hyung~"
"Fuck–Moan more for me, I want to hear every pretty noise from you," He said as his hips started bucking into yours, desperate for more.
"Can I see it? Your cock," You nibble on his ear as you ask. Woong nods quickly as he groans from you playing with his ear. You slid off his lap and kneeled before him as he removed the gold-belted jewelry around his waist. Woong slid his pants and underwear down to unveil his cock, so pretty and shaved. He propped himself on his elbows to watch you as you wrapped your hands around his stiffness, staying at a slow and even pace as you stroked him. "Tell me how you want it, Hyung."
Woong groaned, "faster, like this." He took your hand and moved it at the pace he wanted, which made his whole body shake as you continued without his hand to guide you.
You study his face as you try different parts of his skin, squeezing and kissing on his shaft as you search for any sensitive spots. Every time you found a sensitive spot, Woong's groans would spike, peaking into a more high-pitched moan. You took him into your mouth, making his head roll back as his eyes lost focus.
"A little warning next time," He moaned as you flexed your tongue around him, sucking at the same time. "Holy–You're so good. Keep going," He pants as his hand lands on your head. His hand started pushing, questioningly at first, but with more strength when you allowed him to move you. As you take him deeper into your throat, Woong's hand tightens in your hair. "That's it. You're doing it so well, don't forget to look at me." You look at Woong, your eyes wet and some spit dripping onto his abs. That look must've been a trigger as Woong pulled you off him, breathing heavily as he tried to compose himself.
You stroke him, earning more moans from him. "Did I do something wrong, hyung?"
Woong grabbed your hand, stopping you from stroking him. "N-No, you were perfect. So good, I almost came."
"I want you to cum, Hyung." You tried to move your hand, but Woong's grip was too tight.
"And I want to cum in you," He said with a deep voice. You smiled at him and that seemed to break his concentration on you. "I-If you'd let me," He added shyly.
You slid off your pants. "You want me to ride you, hyung?"
"No, you're already working so hard. Let me reward you now." Woong let you over to the leather couch, laying you on your back as his cock throbbed in anticipation. He lifts a leg onto his shoulder and positions himself at your hole. "Try not to get too loud, but let me hear you, beautiful." Your hands wrapped around Woong's neck as he pushed into you, your eyes rolling back as he stretched you. He gave an experimental thrust, sinking deeper into you. "Did you prepare early?"
"So what if I did?"
"You were going to seduce me the whole time, weren't you?"
You nodded. "Your afterglow will be an amazing capture in my camera."
Woong smirked as he fucked into you, starting with a quick pace. He felt you clench around him as he watched your face change from the sensations. "Fuck–Kiss me," Woong commanded as he leaned down to kiss you, fucking you as he did. He bit at your bottom lip before breaking the kiss and attacking your neck. "You're too much for me, I can't kiss everywhere." Woong moved to your collarbone, forcing your raised leg to your head. You arched your back as the burn from him flexing your leg and the pleasure from him hitting your prostate, made you see white.
Your hands scratched at Woong's back as you moaned. "I'm– Can't–"
Woong felt the way you tightened more around him. "You're close? Please, cum for me. Cum for hyung!" He pushed extra hard, getting deeper than before, instantly finishing you off as you came on your white shirt. Woong's eyes were sealed shut as his thrusts were getting more frantic. You rubbed his cheek, which made him look into your eyes. "You're so beautiful... I'm cumming–I���ll fucking cum, all in you. I'll cum so deep in you. I'll cum all I can!" Woong fulfilled his promise as he came inside you, pushing as far as he could. Your moans synced with his in harmony as Woong collapsed on top of you, his cock still pumping cum out.
You lifted his head, getting a look at his face. It was sweaty, his hair stuck to his forehead, with a lovely pinkish glow. "You're so perfect, we gotta hurry!" You pushed him off you, forcing his cock out of you with a pop. Woong was still exhausted so you dressed him again, leaving the couch behind and returning to the table. You posed him again and started taking photos as cum threatened to leak out of you.
You finished capturing him and got a change of clothes from one of your set bags. Woong came up behind you as you finished sliding on a new pair of pants, hugging you. "So, will hyung see you again?"
"Call your company and tell them to book a solo photo shoot. Then maybe."
"Maybe when you're not working?"
You turned and pat Woong on the head. "I'm always working, Mr. Woong."
Woong stared at you, awestruck. "No, hyung?"
"Sorry, special requests are only during photoshoot time. Like I said, have your company book another appointment. Work out, you can get on the cover of men's health. I know they call me for photos all the time."
Woong nodded quickly. "I'll make it as their front cover, and demand you take my pictures, love."
"That's Mr. Y/n, to you." You winked as you pushed past Woong.
A few weeks later, your work was displayed in the teaser photos for the comeback...
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prettymita · 1 year
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KIM GUN-WOO - 6/10 on the jealousy scale
♡ gun-woo trusts you sooo much
♡ he knows you'd never cheat on him, so whenever you're talking to another guy, he wouldn't think much of it. he would keep an eye on you, though.
♡ it only really affects him if you start flirting with another guy. he thinks you're wayyy too good for him, even if that's not true. (no, bcuz this man only has eyes for you. he thinks you're the most beautiful girl in the universe) so when you start spending more time with another man and prioritizing them over him, he would get so sad :(
♡ poor baby wouldn't even tell you. he would try to act fine and tell himself that he was just being stupid and overthinking, he'd probably blame himself for it 😭
♡ when you start to notice how he seemed down, he would finally open up and admit that he was jealous. he's so cute i can't
♡ even if gunwoo isn't very extroverted or talkative, he's actually good at communicating his feelings with you. when he's jealous of a guy you're talking to, he would shyly pull you aside and have a conversation with you about how he felt about you hanging out with another man. "hey, can we talk?"
♡ and when you reassure him that he has nothing to worry about and shower him in kisses, he's a timid, smiling mess.
♡ he's so babygirl omlll
♡ when it comes to possessiveness, it's leaning towards less possessive. sure, if a guy is making you laugh and all, gun-woo will join the conversation, linger his hand on your back or waist innocently and pretend nothing is wrong. but he isn't too over the top, there is a healthy amount of possessiveness.
♡ he doesn't care what you wear, you are your own person, and he knows and respects that. so if you catch the gazes of men, it doesn't make him jealous. i mean, you were so beautiful, how could they not stare, right? besides, he could fight if he needed to. (he will subtly glare at a guy if their gaze gets too explorative, though. not even glare, to be honest. its more of a disappointed look LMAO)
♡ if a guy is making you uncomfortable, that's a different case.
♡ he would notice and act immediately. gunwoo doesn't like to resort to violence, even if he is mad. he would gently pull you away from the person and step in front of you, politely (but sternly) telling the guy that you weren't interested. he wouldn't pick a fight, unless the opponent swings first. even so, he'd stick to defending only, not throwing any life-threatening punches. cause damn, he is strong asf. you're kind of glad he is so non-violent and gentle bcuz if he wasn't, he might've killed someone already.
HONG WOO-JIN - 8/10 on the jealousy scale
♡ woojin does trust you, but the twisted knot in his stomach can overtake his sense of rationality sometimes
♡ he is very clingy. so if he sees you talking with another guy, he will try to join the conversation because he doesn't want to feel left out.
♡ if he's jealous, he'll often wrap an arm around your waist or sling it over your shoulder, or making it very obvious that the two of you are dating. "Oh, how's my precious girlfriend doing?" and then pecks you on the lips. its a little embarrassing sometimes but its woo-jin so its okay
♡ its funny because sometimes he completely ignores the guy's existence and continues to talk to you until you glare at him for being rude
♡ if you ignore woo-jin and continue to focus on the other guy, he will do anything to get your attention. and i mean anything. he will start telling the most unfunny jokes, physically get on the table and do something goofy to make you laugh. this man cannot be stopped.
♡ also, he will not admit that he is jealous. even if you know he is, he wouldn't say it unless you really pry at him. "Okay, fine! I'm jealous, is that what you wanted to hear?"
♡ and then he'll sulk around like a sullen puppy lmaoo
♡ so when it comes to you wearing revealing clothing, i'm sure he loves it the most, to be honest. but he's a little cautious of you wearing it outside, he just doesn't want you to get hurt. he might've tried to get you to wear something else or bring a jacket a couple times. he isn't really fond of others seeing what's his. (!!!)
♡ he's possessive, but he doesn't like to admit it. he'd rather show it through actions, being superrr clingy
♡ if a guy's staring at you and his gaze begins to wander, woo-jin will wrap a hand around you possessively. he might even snarl at the guy.
♡ if anyone makes you uncomfortable, he makes sure to get you out of there, probably threatening the guy a little. he might shove him lightly and get a little aggressive if he's really mad. then afterward, he would make sure you're okay and shit-talk about how the guy was an absolute ass.
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mtchee · 2 months
Quiet Comfort - [Gunwoo & Woojin] FEM
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A day in the life with your two big sweethearts, and some quiet comfort from the usually otherwise obnoxiously burly duo after a long day.
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, fluff, have fun with two giant puppies, poly relationship, use of the term 'jagiya/jagi', mentions of having hair, teasing, if you think they're ooc please let me know i'm trying to get used to writing them, i love them sm frfr
| masterlist | bloodhounds collection |
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"Woojin-ah! Have you seen my jacket?" You call out, head buried deep into your side of the closet.
Gunwoo pops his head in through the doorway instead, "Hm? Oh, I put it in the wash."
"In the wash?" You lean back out with a frown.
"Did you say my name!?"
"Don't mind! Gunwoo, I'm doing a stock run for the cafe. Your mum needs me to go, and it'll be cold," You draw out a whine after calling back to your other boyfriend's distant voice. He's probably splayed out on the living room couch.
Gunwoo's big eyes flicker, his face suddenly downtrodden and you quickly backtrack.
"It's fine. It should only be quick anyway, I'll be inside for the rest of the day."
"I'm sorry," Gunwoo's thick lips form into a big fat pout, his voice apologetically soft and you want to bite him, "you can use one of mine, or Woojin hyung's. If you want."
He shucks off the dark puffy jacket that he's wearing and quickly offers it to you.
Habitually, you open your mouth to decline before hearing the wind whistling through the miniscule gaps in the window. You glance outside. It even looks cold.
"Mm, you're running deliveries today, aren't you?" Your brows pinch in concern, gently pushing outstretched jacket back to his chest.
Gunwoo shakes his head profusely, using both his hands to reinstate his now no-returns offer.
"We're doing some training first. Then we'll start on the deliveries," he assures you, tone much more firm on the fact that the topic regards your wellbeing, "I'll be warmed up before then. And I can pick up the jacket in between runs." He adds onto the end quickly, subtly coercing you to accept his choice.
You take in a breath, assessing him silently.
Gunwoo's sized up, back straight and broad shoulders no longer sagging, as to appear more self assured and resolute. His big puppy eyes once slightly glossed over from your chiding now hardened with a quiet resolve.
You huff through your nose, accepting the oversized puffy jacket with a hidden smile, "...Alright. Thank you, Woo-ah."
You can barely stifle the giddy butterflies you feel when he smiles at you.
Later that day, Woojin gives you the fright of your life while you're on your way back to the cafe.
You scream when a familiar himbo comes barrelling at you from around the corner of the street, tackling you in a semi-sweaty hug.
"Woojin-ah!" You shriek, bracing your arms over your head as the impact with his torso sends you flying. The only thing stopping you from hitting the ground is his eager embrace that quickly follows, catching you and tethering you to him in a tight hug.
"Are you crazy!?"
"Aish~ I missed you," he nuzzles into you obnoxiously, ignorant to any passersby that send you strange looks.
"Yuck!" You can't help but laugh as his nose tickles you behind your ear. You can feel the perspiration glossing the skin of his neck and you grimace, pushing him away with a grin.
"I saw you this morning," you reason when he looks at you, offended.
His brows furrow, "Barely. And it's not the same."
You roll your eyes at him, though you suppose it is thrilling to bump into each other on pure coincidence.
"Did you finish a delivery?"
Woojin nods, "Mm. I'm on my way to the cafe. Gunwoo's going too. We were arguing which street was quicker, but then I saw you."
"Well, then he's definitely winning."
You laugh when his face drops.
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Steam disperses from the bathroom doorway, condensation dripping down the glass of the shower while the mirror over the sink slowly dipleats itself of the fog lining it.
You sit on the bed clad in one of your boyfriends' shirts and a pair of panties, planning on applying your body lotion after drying your hair. With the tub of cream sat beside you, you eye your faint reflection in the window pane, ruffling your towel through your locks.
Your impatience results in the rough fabric lashing against your cheek, and you wince, blinking off the abrupt contact.
A tinge of frustration nips at you before you take in a deep breath to calm you down. It's been a long day, and your little spa routine was a way of helping you unwind.
The day's toll must've been a lot worse than you thought.
You let the towel fall from your head and onto your lap, staring at it blankly. You can feel a flurry of emotions toiling within you, but you don't have the energy to process them fully.
In no time, small unshed tears begin to glisten your lower lash line and you scrunch your nose. Why are you almost crying?
It's not like you haven't had bad days before--and you've definitely had worse.
You don't even hear Gunwoo approach, still staring at your lap tiredly. Gunwoo's brows furrow, and he leans down slightly to peer at you in concern. A small gasp escapes him at the sight of your glossy eyes and wrinkled nose, and he sits himself down beside you.
He parts his lips to say something before thinking better of it, he watches you for a moment longer, thinking to himself quietly before gently prying the towel from your weak hands.
"Here, jagi. Let me do this for you." His voice is tender, patient and coaxing as he shifts his torso to face your back, and he starts to dry your hair for you.
The only response he garners is a soft sigh while you lean your head back at his careful touch. Your quiet acceptance has him smiling gratefully.
He's a little clumsy with his large hands, but he's mindful of his strength, and gets the job done.
Eventually, Woojin wanders into the room from the kitchen after wondering where his two partners disappeared to.
"Hey, do we want--" he stops short when Gunwoo whips around and shakes his head at him. Woojin narrows his eyes at him, and the younger motions his eyes towards you, and then he understands.
"--A-Ah... okay," he's quiet, taking a few more steps inside the room until he's stood in front of you. He crouches down, hands seeking purchase on your knees and he tilts his head to meet your vacant gaze.
He murmurs your name softly in a song like tune, "How are you feeling, hm?"
Gunwoo's activity ceases as he waits for you to speak.
You match his eyes with a little bit more life in them, feeling more soothed than frustrated now.
"Yeah?" Woojin spies the tub of lotion by your thigh and nods towards it, "can I do that for you?"
Your eyes flutter in a soft blink, and he waits patiently. You look at the body lotion and then slowly draw your gaze back to your lap again. A sudden embarrassed heat crawls up your neck at the state of you: hair damp and body hunched, braless in an oversized shirt that hides your underwear from view with your naked legs on display.
"A-Ah..." you hesitate, lips parted unsurely. Suddenly bashful, you look over your shoulder at Gunwoo who blinks and gives you a light, unassuming smile.
You look back at Woojin, who's gaze never left your deliberating form. He rubs his thumb across your left knee comfortingly, eyes kind.
A soft breath escapes you, and you feel oddly reassured by them. Despite the mild fluster you feel at the intimacy of their attention, you nod and give and affirming hum.
He doesn't take that though. He wants to hear you.
With a gentle squeeze on your soft thigh, Woojin purses his lips and looks at you expectantly, though the upward twitch of his lips indicates his playfulness.
You whine, diverting your gaze shyly as you lean back against Gunwoo who chuckles at you. You look up at him for help, but scoff quietly in receiving none, and so you speak.
Woojin beams, all crescent eyed and white teeth, "Thank you, jagiya~"
He reaches for the tub, unscrewing the lid and scooping up an appropriate amount for application--he's watched you do this a good few times now after all.
After lathering his hands, he starts with your right leg. Shifting so he's bent on one knee, he prompts you to lean your weight against Gunwoo while he rests your foot against his knee, big hands massaging the lotion into your skin.
Although his touch is innocent, you can't help but squirm nervously when his palms stroke up your thigh, and he grins.
He handles you firmly, placing pressure on all the right places that have you sighing in relief. Gunwoo starts playing with strands of your hair, even leaning down to place a lingering kiss on the shell of your ear.
"Feel better..?" He lets out a happy hum when you nod lazily.
Woojin finishes by lightly tickling the sole of your foot, grinning when you squeal and try to jerk away. He relents, letting out tug it out of his grasp before he taps your other leg, giving it the same treatment.
All too soon is it over, and Woojin places a teasing kiss on your shin with a squeeze to your thigh when you pout. You cringe at the tingling sensation it causes, slapping his hand away while he laughs at you.
The rest of your hair would be fine to air dry now, so when you flick the end of the towel away from you Gunwoo takes it, blowing against your neck playfully before he moves to put the towel away.
You can't help but watch after him endearingly. To be loved is to be known, and both Gunwoo and Woojin have done more than you could've ever asked for, and that's not just on accounts of that night.
They always taken care of you, always looking out for you: by walking you to and from places, to treating you out, checking in on you during times when you're separated, spoiling you whenever they can for no reason other than just because--they've done it all.
And you couldn't be anymore grateful.
The slightly open window allows a sharp evening breeze to graze across your bare skin, and you shiver.
Woojin perks up, "Ah, are you cold?"
Having heard from the bathroom, Gunwoo comes back, immediately rifling threw the dresser drawers while you answer the other with a nod.
Spying the goosebumps across your legs, Woojin runs a warm palm over them twice before feeling a breeze on the back of his head, and he clocks on.
"My turn!"
With the older standing up and closing the window, Gunwoo quickly slams the drawers shut and steals his spot in front of you.
You sit up, startled at the sudden movement, giggling when Woojin whirls around at the claim with an offended guffaw.
Gunwoo kneels in front of you this time, a pair of rolled up fuzzy socks in his hand while he tugs you closer to him. You laugh as you're pulled across the bed covers, the comforter bunching up messily.
Gunwoo's eyes crinkle at the sound of your laughter, and he unfurls the socks before slipping them over your feet. It goes about halfway up your shins, keeping your toes nice and warm and you hum contently.
Like Woojin did earlier, he runs his big hands over the rest of your exposed skin, smoothing down your cold caused bumps with his natural warmth. He tugs down your shirt so it covers your lower half a bit more modestly, though you notice he can't help but sneak in a quick squeeze on your hip.
His ears are a bit red, otherwise he smiles at you unaffectedly.
"Yah," Woojin claps him on the shoulder chidingly, though his tone is light hearted, "no fair. I saw that, you sneak."
"Hyung..." Gunwoo whines.
You can't help but grin at them, heart swelling with an incogitable fondness for your two big puppies. Any prior distress thoroughly dispelled thanks to the loving care of your two partners.
And you couldn't ask for more.
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greythemed · 1 year
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𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ bloodhounds . kim gun-woo
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˚ TITLE 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ polymyxin b. ˚ WORD COUNT 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ 9005 (i am so sorry).
“stop pressing it, you dumbass!”. you exclaim in discomfort, but shamefully not because of you.
“it’s just a bruise, some nebacetin will do it”. your boyfriend’s reaction was pissing you off more than his colleague’s grunting behind you.
“it’s not just a bruise, that was metal they were hitting you with”. your angry tone left space for your saddened one and gun-woo did not like it at all. “why did you guys agree on that anyway?!”.
“it was his idea”, they both said it simultaneously, pointing fingers at each other making you roll your eyes.
“ya, y/n”. woo-jin called you. “don’t be so mean to him, he dodged almost every punch wonsuk-subaenim threw at him”.
was that supposed to calm you down? a middle finger was pointed at the older man next to your boyfriend, gun-woo laughing.
"aish-", woojin gets up to grab a towel and you laugh a little seeing woo-jin's response. "i miss when your girlfriend wasn't a professional doctor, gunwoo-ya". gun-woo smiles shyly and you return to your job on your boyfriend's abs.
"shut up, old man". you ignored him.
"see?! she doesn't respect me!". it was your turn to laugh, ignoring him once again.
“i can’t work properly without some soothing paste, gun-woo, look at this mess”, the frustration was evident in your voice, manicured hand tracing his right side carefully which made the boy a little sad and impatient.
“it’s okay jagiya, don’t worry too much”. he turned to you after throwing a nasty looking at his best friend for not helping and held your face in his hands. he hated to admit that he could see tears forming in your eyes. “we can take a look after napping today, what do you think? you must be exhausted”.
the brutal difference between your little hand and his almost pierced skin shamefully stole his attention for a couple of minutes. without even noticing, your other hand grabbed his shorts so tightly it was starting to color your knuckles white.
worriedly, gun-woo laced his fingers with yours and made him eye-level with you, damp hair and sweaty armpits ticking his brain saying you should shower after a training session that long but his mind was nowhere near worrying about himself.
“hey, look at me”. his voice sounded lenient enough that even woo-jin got quiet on the other side of the room. "it's okay, baby, i'm gonna be fine".
“you’re the one that should be exhausted, not me”. you complain about his kindness, starry eyes becoming glossy minute after minute, making the man in front of you almost panic.
“don’t think i don’t know you worked the whole day”. he says brushing your hair behind your ear. “mr. seo said you’ve been taking your colleagues' shifts too”.
your pout only grows like a kid being caught stealing candies at a party. it was so frustrating dating a boxer when you built your whole life around saving people's lives, choosing the most efficient predicament to help someone on the verge of dying, or physically taking matters into your own hands to avoid any nasty side-effects that could change a person's life forever.
leaving patients behind to suffer wasn't an option for you, let alone postpone the pains and unattended injuries of your loved ones.
“the skin, gun-woo”, you return to ramble and point at the purple bruise on his body. “it needs bacitracin and polymyxin b otherwise it’s going to get pretty ugly. imagine the metal pierced your skin? that would be the end, god".
“baby, stop thinking about it”. he lifts your chin so you’d stop looking at the bruise. “i won and that’s what matters, right? just one more week and we’re going to the finals half, it’ll be over soon”.
a pout was formed and your lips quivered. you’ve never cried in front of gun-woo before and his reaction was pure terror. you didn’t know what got you so worked up after the match against his stupid coach and that stupid ugly machine, but you winced every time his grunts on the ring got louder and louder.
a couple of minutes into the last round, you regretted coming to see his training, he kind of forgot to tell you that it wasn't the usual gym sessions anymore, and now they were approaching a more realistic season of monthly fights coordinated by his coach.
you hated his coach from now on and that was final.
gun-woo’s eyes were round and full of stress when you cleaned the first tear that have fallen on your left cheek, averting your gaze to the table behind him and trying to distract yourself.
“people with skin infections have a higher risk of low immune responses and vice-versa”, you continue, “they can vary from mild to serious”. gun-woo grips your arm.
"are your vaccines up to date?". you asked him and he nodded. "god, that could've turned into a fucking lockjaw or something, gun-woo". he looked at you with pity and panicked.
"i'm okay, see?". he points to his sweaty chest. "we came to the doc appointment last week and we were all good, right, hyung?". gun-woo glances at woo-jin silently asking for help.
unfortunately, gun-woo was inexperienced in this dating thing and sometimes needed the help of his dramatic hyung.
"oh, yes, yes, yes. the doctor said we were new as a baby and wonsuk-ssi even congratulated us". the boxer held his thumbs up in an exagerated sign and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. "the diet has been doing good for us! stop worrying too much kid, you're sounding like his mom".
you looked at your boyfriend with glassy eyes and a red nose, turning your back to woo-jin so he couldn't see your crying expression and hopeless state. you trusted the man with your life just as gun-woo did, but something about the ugly-looking bruise on your boyfriend's side was starting to look too scary for you.
"neomycin, compression, elevation, and a bruise-healing diet can also help speed up the healing process, but that looks scary". breathing deeply, you point to the injured local and grimace. "15—20 minutes of ice packs for 3—4 days will do it unless the skin is pierced". you pause, talking to yourself. "we better get going or you'll start bleeding soon".
"arnica gel is useless here". you take a step forward and breathe deeply again. "fuck it, i'm applying vaseline if it gets worse".
"y/n". gun-woo called you but none of that was working.
"tell me if it starts bleeding, please? do not press it or else the blood will fuck everything up".
“woah, she is a stress-talker i can see”. on the other side of the changing room, woo-jin's comment made you think he deserves death.
“aish-, will you stop?”. gun-woo hugged your head in his chest and grimaced at his best friend next to the door. he was starting to get frustrated with your state and didn't know what to do.
woo-jin also came to see the fight but it turns out he was only making things worse in this moment.
“what? i am too!”. woo-jin defends. “i get all talkative when i’m stressed, but just not all of that smarty stuff she sayin’”.
“baby, we’re going home yeah?”. gun-woo patted your shoulder, dismissing his friend and looking at you. “there you can take a closer look and then we order food, hm?”.
your boyfriend was waiting for your response when he got a change of plans.
“sounds good!”. woo-jin exclaimed and you could feel your boyfriend rolling his eyes.
you swear to god woo-jin wasn’t usually this persistent.
gun-woo ignored him, which you found a little cute in your opinion, and even laughed a little.
“okay, but you’ll have to promise me to rest tonight”. you look up at his eyes and your boyfriend smiles. it was different to have someone other than his annoying best hyung or his mother worrying about his well-being, and for sure it was the first time someone this 'brainly' took care of him.
after being alone for so long, gun-woo appreciated your nurturing nature like no other and wanted to stop the negative feelings blooming in your chest right now.
“okay, i promise”. he presses a quick kiss on your lips, which was accompanied by a little wince since he had to bend down to your height to reach your face.
"ooh, i'm sorry". you grimaced apologetically.
he smiled and turned to reach for his shirt beside you, putting it on while waiting for you to pick his things up. gun-woo had to admit that was the most intense fake match his coach had put him into. maybe you were right and he should rest tonight.
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"i met him first". gun-woo can hear woo-jin's voice threatening you at the door. he only went to wave his coach goodbye and came back for a bickering woo-jin and a pouty y/n. "he was just fine when it was only me and him".
"you smell like belly pork and not in a good way". you replied.
"aish-, respect your elders, kid". woo-jin's eyes were round and menacing. "i saved his life more than once, okay? we are brothers at heart, we even share our clothes!".
"his mom loves me, she even cooked me bulgogi when we first met!". that was you on your tip-toes beckoning woo-jin to the door, a man at least seven inches taller than you. his face was frightened and his hands were defensively in front of him. "and i know exactly when to turn the grill on when we're going out!".
gun-woo's shirt was too tight for him to keep listening to your argument, and he definitely was starting to feel his right side itching when the tissue came in contact with the bruise.
"aish-, that was one time!". woo-jin defended. "and you'll never know how a boxer's spirit works because we invented it".
"liar! you said you preferred mayweather when you guys first met, and i know this because he told me himself".
"oh please i am a manny pacquiao enthusiast at heart and forever will be. and! i've also seen his d-".
"ya, would you both stop?". gun-woo interrupted his friend with a glare, warily pulling you back so you wouldn't hit his friend across his face. "i'm tired and it's getting late".
"he started". you pointed at the older man. "and i've seen more than his dick, you old".
"ya!". gun-woo looks at you affronted and woo-jin starts laughing, hiding his mouth when gun-woo pretends to hit him.
"she gots quite the temper, bro". woo-jin had to point it out. "woo, i'm excited! finally someone who matches my energy".
"you both should stop". your boyfriend tsks and you look at him smiling. "and you shouldn't listen to him". he says.
"don't say it like we're finished, boxer". you threaten woo-jin with your eyes and gun-woo has to stand between both of you so you wouldn't jump the man scaringly.
"ya, take good care of my lil bro for me, yeah?". he taps gun-woo's shoulders and they both smile at each other intensively.
"aish-, it looks like you're both exactly in love, stop that".
"yes! she's getting jealous!". woo-jin exclaims.
"hyung, you're wife is waiting for you, just go". gun-woo whines at the man and he smiles, seeming to finally remember he has his own real lover. "woah, that's true, i'm going!". woo-jin starts running down the hall and waving at both of you goodbye, finally letting your boyfriend go smiling like an idiot.
gun-woo takes his bag from your shoulders and you both start walking down the hall hand in hand. for now, you choose to silence your concerns about the big boy and just plan a peaceful ride back to your home.
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"take your clothes off". your voice sounded a little too low for gun-woo's liking and he couldn't suppress a smile. glancing at you, he couldn't help but find his all-black gym set a little out of place in your all-pink bedroom. to no surprise, you perfectly fit in the pastel colors you were wearing.
"buy me a dinner first, sailor". he had to joke looking at you and taking his tight gym shirt off. instantly, he felt his side ache. something damp ran down his ribs and gun-woo cursed when he spotted blood in the rem of his shorts.
well, wasn't that just great?
looking at the bathroom mirror, he grimaced pressing the purple and red spot with his other hand.
"don't". you came from nowhere, taking his bigger hand off of him and analyzing the situation with - what your boyfriend liked to call - doctor face. a first-aid kit was on your arms the instant you glanced at the little blood accumulating on the bruise. gun-woo attentively stared at your facial expressions worried about what you were going to do.
to his surprise, only a sigh escaped your lips, and the boxer was guided to sit on the bathtub behind him, your little hand holding two of his fingers so he could follow you. it was funny how larger his frame was compared to yours in the small white bathroom.
"does it hurt a lot?". you ask worriedly wiping his skin.
"no". he wasn't necessarily lying, you both knew how pain tolerance worked for gun-woo. "just itchy". he made a face and clicked his tongue boringly.
you looked attentively at the injury while avoiding your hands on the more reddened area.
gun-woo thought your size was the perfect complement to your cute personality. when he first met you, your height was the first thing that he noticed after your soft hair. of course, accompanied by your scary father he didn't dare to even look at your way properly, but his first impression of you was something the boy held dearly in his heart.
your smart brain was when everything became blurry to the boxer. for a recently graduated student, gun-woo knew your knowledge was freshly put into place, and added to the great things he had heard about your intellect before meeting your father, he knew you were smart. but imagine the surprise when he first saw you dealing with your father's disease from up-close, admiring your basically perfect approach and ripeness to everything handed to you.
it didn't click him. how could someone so delicate-looking be so splendidly clever and loveable at the same time. he thought it was unfair the fact that you were so effortlessly sexy in his eyes. and that was a first for the boxer.
you were his first everything.
"this has to have knocked the air out of your lungs". you state while kneeling on the floor in front of him, making the boy gulp and avert his gaze suddenly embarrassed.
“hm, yeah”. he gulped even harder. “but just for a moment, though. coach didn’t want to stop”.
between his parted legs, you were insinuating things he had trouble forgetting, and with one more glance at you, he had to part his lips surprised because jesus christ, why were you tying your goddamn hair?
"i'm talking to wonsuk-subaenim about this no matter what". you looked up at him and he quickly averted his gaze. "that stupid machine has to go away".
two weeks ago. in this same bathroom. you were wearing your pink PJs late at night and he swore he had never seen your lips that glossy. the position was the same. he remembers it all too well and has to shake his head to not make things harder for him.
"i'm serious, gun-woo". now was his turn to sigh. why were you pretending this didn't do anything to you? was he the creepy one? oh god, he definitely was the creepy one. 
his eyes were as round as a golf ball as he looked at your innocent expression and silently cursed his inappropriate thoughts.
gun-woo swore he wasn't like this before meeting you. he was a decent young man with respectable beliefs and a proud mother that admired and trusted him blindly.
being an athlete, gun-woo was often proclaimed for his self-control and disciplined routines. now, only a glance at your smooth skin without too much clothing was enough to have the man spiraling and sweating.
four months ago he wasn't like this.
"it's the second time this happens. remember that day in your mom's apartment? you told me you'd take more care of yourself". you continue to speak nonchalantly, rambling your frustrations to the man.
"it was a snap kick i wasn't ready for". he clears his throat hoping to not sound too raspy. "coach didn't tell me on time". you suppress the urge to roll your eyes.
"i am going to need an elastic bandage for this". you say more to yourself, warm hands inspecting the swelled area while your boyfriend examines your face panicked. because why were you so close to his fucking crotch? "and also a heating pad to clear up the trapped blood. will you hold it for me?". you ask him to hold the warm cloth while you searched for more things for help in the first-aid kit.
"baby, could you work on this side first?". he shyly asked, thick thighs trapping you in place to gather your attention. the boxer had to summon all the courage in the world to politely ask you this. the little yelp you let out because of the sudden touch made him blush involuntarily. "s-sorry".
his voice was so low and raspy that made you question what the hell was going on. even involuntarily, his voice always gave him in.
"oh my god, did i hurt you?". you worriedly questioned, getting up quickly so you could examine him from afar.
"no, no". he waves it off, gulping a few times so the embarrassment could pass.
it wasn't working.
"it's just that... that position". he pointed to the floor where you were previously sitting and saw exactly the moment your expression changed.
"what?". your confusion was clearly shown by your knitted brows and opened mouth.
"the position you were in... you know...". he gulped more times than he could count and could feel the fire his cheeks were on at that moment. only when his hands fled to his crotch area as if trying to hide something that your brain finally clicked.
"kim geun-woo, is that a boner? oh my god". he grimaced embarrassingly. "how could you think of things like that when your skin is basically peeling?!".
"c'mon, baby, i was trying to be discreet". he interrupts you, dying to pull your hands so he could properly apologize to you but you kept getting away. "i'm sorry, it's just that it triggered a memory of us a while ago and you tied your hair and everything and my brain stopped braining".
"you need to go to church, you pervert". his pout was something you were accustomed to, and his shy whines were a great reminder that, even if your boyfriend looked like a war trunk and sculpted by the sky itself, he still was stupidly timid when it came to things like this. "i'm joking". you laugh and he rambles.
"i'm not asking for anything! just s-stay here". he points to the floor next to his right leg, a different space from where you were before. "please".
"how long have you been like this?". a shit-earing grin was starting to adorn your face, almost forgetting about the important task you had at hand.
"i-i'm not asking anything, i swear". he repeats in despair. "i don't want you to feel uncomfortable, please".
"uncomfortable?". you approach him laughing. "baby, you're my boyfriend for a reason, you could never make me uncomfortable. that happens sometimes, no need to feel embarrassed about it".
"well, i'm just worried sometimes because of... you know what". instantly, your heart grew all soft.
"oh my god, are you talking about what i told you the other day?". your round eyes were glued to the man in front of you, hands swiftly caressing his sweaty hair while you fought the urge to kiss his forehead.
"you said you didn't have great experiences in the past and, even though i wonder sometimes, i don't feel like it would be nice to ask you which ones. so i try to just avoid situations like this so you won't think of me as just another dirty-minded creep". he explains and you kiss him.
you wanted to cry. and suck the life out of him. at the same time. because that's just how dating kim geun-woo makes you feel.
"i'd never think of you in that way, oppa". you hugged his head on your chest and he nosely laughed, finally relieved for not completely fucking things up. "i would suck you anytime, anywhere you want, you know that". you say and he looks up at you seriously.
"ya, stop teasing".
"i'm serious, i literally am in love with you and your co-".
"oh my god, you need church". he closes his eyes and breathes deeply, trying to take control of his own body.
"you're like the most romantic and sweetest guy a girl could ever want. and then your dick had to be big too!".
"ya!". gun-woo looked serious and you smiled at that. what he didn't notice was that he was gripping your ass unconsciously in his nervous state.
"pervert". you whispered in his ear and he immediately stopped.
"i'm going to go, woojin-hyung is not so mean to me as you are". he pretends to start getting up and you hold his arms laughing. his whiny tone was so cute you could die.
"i'm sorry, sorry! it's just so easy to mess with you". he glared at you and you smirked. "i can't let an injured man run around the streets alone, especially an uncontrolled one".
"just wait for this fucking thing to heal, y/n". you opened your mouth in shock. was that veins popping on his temples?
"sorry, sorry, can you please do your job?".
you laughed at that and kneeled at his side, sensing that he was starting to become frustrated. you weren't sure why, but at this beginning of your sexual life, you found yourself often giving in to his wishes afraid that you are stepping into a hole with no way up.
gun-woo made you feel safe - not uncomfortable in any way. but sometimes you doubted the man was engaged in this type of thing at all because he seemed to skip any opportunity he has to rock your world daily. you trusted him and respected his slow pace.
you made the order in your head, soothing the area with some polymyxin b and nebacetin, soothing oils for the itchy feeling to go away, and vaseline to keep the wound moist. after that, you wrapped the bruise with an elastic bandage and gently pressed the heated cloth there for a few minutes.
too tempted, you sneaked a glance at your boyfriend's shorts.
"oh my god, it's huge".
for one second, you thought you were flying across the bathroom and the other you realized gun-woo had got up so fast you fell backward and hit your head on the marble floor. the pain shoots straight to your neck and ear almost instantly.
"omo!". gun-woo came to the rescue in panic, seeing what he has done. "are you alright?". he asked worried.
"it was a compliment, idiot!". you screamed at him, grimacing at the new feeling in your head. "what is wrong with you?".
"so now it's my fault?". he defended. "you're not supposed to be saying things like that when is not sexy time!".
“don’t say ‘sexy time’!”.
“you can’t keep doing this, i’m trying to be polite here!”.
"i was just teasing you!". you glanced at his stoic face and got up with his help, patting your head where it hurt most, thankful to find no blood in the area.
"it turns me on!". he confessed and for a minute you were glued to the ground. "it makes me want to take you to bed and have sexy time when you're all bratty and mouthy". his raspidly voice said and you had to grip the counter behind you so you wouldn't fall again.
what did he just tell you?
"oh". it was your turn to feel the fire on your cheeks. "i-i didn't know, i'm sorry, i thought...". you guiltily gulped staring at gun-woo's chest before looking him in the eyes.
"i'm trying to take things slow but you don't help, y/n". the sincerity in his raspy voice made you almost want to shy away. forwardness never looked so sexy in someone like it does to him. "i'm not that experienced, you know that, so i don't know what you like and don't like and that makes me scared to fuck it up. and, god, that makes me fucking insane because all i can think about is you all the time".
your sweaty palms gripped the bloodied rem of his shorts and you closed the gap between the two of you, steading your wobbly feet with gun-woo's help. the proximity made him crazy and you could see the mental battle he was going through in his head. you pecked his lips three times before whispering.
"why be scared?". your starry eyes locked him in place and gun-woo swore he couldn't move, your question making him confused. "i also want you all the time, oppa. i think of you all the time, that's why is so hard for me to see you getting hurt and i want to cry my eyes out when it happens. you drive me crazy, oppa".
"i'm sorry". you didn't know he was talking about what have happened in the ring or about what he was going to do to you because suddenly his expanded pupils made his eyes get darker and darker and you were almost crying from the anticipation of feeling him anywhere.
"i'm worried you'll get more hurt". one of your hands traveled to his injured side, never leaving his gaze. "you should... i'm sorry, gun-woo, we shouldn't-".
"you promise to tell me if anything feels wrong?". he cuts you off by arching your back and locking his eyes with you, entirely invading your personal space. "if you don't like something, do you promise to make me stop? because i swear to god i can't take it anymore, y/n". he whispered the last part on your mouth and you swore the cat got your tongue for a minute.
"uhum". you nod your head and gun-woo stayed still, arching his brows as if challenging you not to finish the sentence. "i promise, oppa". you said breathly, eyes focused on his and nowhere else.
you could feel all of gun-woo's desire pulsing deliciously beneath him, hard and voluminous, inciting your intimacy to slowly release lubricant.
you were curious. his face was cute and his body was a sin, but not all of the morals and good mannerisms in the world could hide the true desire of a person. you knew he always wanted more and you were so curious to find out what exactly his innocent brain had conjured in all these months of dating you.
gun-woo panted softly, having complete control of your body now that your toes were barely touching the ground, back arching even more while he took a deep breath next to your ear. and then he started teasing his own body as he rocked back and forth, slowly, in search of relief. and using you.
you kissed his neck, and there was when you worked him up with little kisses and shy licks, making him more and more susceptible to pleasure. gun-woo was such a selfless person that he felt scared of taking instead of giving and you wanted to prove him wrong. you wanted to prove to him that sex is good regardless of your position.
you didn't count on his strength in moments like this, but he was a boxer, after all, so you were silly to think he would take it easy on you. only one minute in and his grip was so strong on your skin that you were certain your ass was battered, squeezed, and still under the fabric of your slacks.
you knew his body all too well, you saw him naked countless times and so did he with you in the last 4 months. but never he did what he wanted with you. too shy, too aware, too scared to ask you. because that's just what gun-woo was.
he pulled your face away from his neck so that he could bring his full lips to yours. you were kissed at the pace he dictated, in the way he wanted, fast and wild. both of your tongues collided in a hot, pleasurable slide.
you swore this wasn't the same man who had blushed at remembering you sucking him off minutes ago.
gun-woo sucked hard on your voluminous lips every time he withdrew his tongue, which you insisted on sucking in the most erotic way possible whenever he invaded your mouth. meanwhile, your hips were manipulated by the boxer's hands, which made them rise and fall slowly on his still-covered cock.
your hips were placed on the counter and you finally realized you didn't have much place to run after that. you were trapped between your sink and a 6ft tall man in front of you with sirened eyes that could kill you.
your pants gradually gained moisture, and the moan you let out when gun-woo gripped your ass with more force maddened the boxer even more, making him stop the kiss and go down with his stimulations on your neck and collarbone, seconds later capturing one of your clothed nipples between his lips and sucking it.
you bit your bottom lip and intertwined your fingers in gun-woo's hair, with his head tilted up, eyes closed and lips parting as he let out gasps of pure delight. the moan you let out when he invaded your pants with his hands and started unbuttoning your jeans and unconsciously scraping your clit was so purely erotic that even he grunted.
"sorry". his gruff voice was rushed as if he felt bad for you but at the same time didn't actually give a shit and was only trying to be polite - trying not to lose his complete sanity.
which was slowly faltering.
you pushed his head against your chest in response, undulating your hips over his hard prominence and the boxer's reaction was to feel a painful twinge in his pelvis and moan.
he raised his head, eyes even darker, then glared at you. he touched your chin with his thumb and slid it across your lips while breathing deeply.
you reached into his pants and touched him, initiating continuous movements along his entire length. gun-woo's lips parted and his brows furrowed, giving you the most obscene view you've ever seen of his face.
hot scar glowing in his sweaty skin and cutting the right side of his entire cheek. 
his body was getting hotter, your body was getting hotter, his cock getting harder and your pussy getting wetter. it was painful to repress his own urges.
"fuck". you brought his dick out of his shorts and jerked it off, hands almost trembling with so much tenseness your crotch area was feeling. getting him off made you want to cry.
gun-woo closed his eyes and gasped when you massaged his glans wet by pre-cum.
"gun-woo". you called him in such a whiny tone that made him go crazy, hiding his face on your neck and biting his lips until it draw blood to his mouth. "i c-can't". you tried to say and his ears perked up. "i'm too wet, i d-don't know what to do". it was embarrassing for you to confess something like that, but hearing gun-woo's grunts and quiet moans was making you wetter and wetter. and you weren't lying, you actually didn't know what to do because you've never been this turned on before.
what the hell?
"fuck, don't call me that, baby". he breathed on your neck and for a second you were afraid he could smell your fucking pre-cum pooling on your panties.
"stop moaning in my ear, for fuck's sake". you didn't know where the strength to say a full sentence came from suddenly but you were afraid a simple touch of the man was going to make you fucking cum.
is this how you feel when you fuck someone you love? mighty skies above, you'll have to do this every day now. 
"what do you want me to do when you won't stop squeezing my fucking dick, princess?". his voice sounded more like a growl than an actual human sound and you whined even louder in return.
you arched your body as he trailed his fingertips along your back, intensifying the contact of his thigh against your intimacy. you parted your lips and let out a high moan in response to his touches.
suddenly, you were so sensitive you could cry.
gun-woo felt your grip on his dick falter as if giving him a break. finally, the man could breathe properly again.
the next second, you felt your lips numb with such force that gun-woo sucked them, your body limp as he ultimately took control of your body.
not platonically, but literally.
"fuck, gun-... please".
like a ragdoll, he manhandled you in a position where your cunt was pressed directly on his flexed thigh, making you cry. frustratingly kicking your pants off of you, gun-woo helped you strip the rest of your clothes off before positioning you in the same place as before and teasing your bare pussy lips with his muscles.
you felt him capturing your left nipple and massaging it with his thumb, hearing your sighs between the kiss. as he stimulated the areola, he felt it getting rigid. gun-woo introduced his tongue into your mouth and played with your whiny moans.
your body was tactful to the boxer's touch, and when you felt the digits tightening around your areola, you couldn't help but dig your toes into his butt and moan muffledly, with gun-woo's tongue entering and leaving your mouth, slowly.
a trickle of saliva ran down the corner of the man's mouth. he closed his eyes to focus on the sensations. your excited pussy continued to be stimulated by his thigh, as well as your chest. he was still sucking your tongue when he felt his member pulsate painfully, brushing on your other thigh and moving a little farther to the left, bringing both of your crotches together and beginning a slow rub, undulating his hips in such a way that you stopped sucking his tongue and gasped in delight, squeezing his biceps tighter.
he kissed your lips and bit the bottom one, slowly pulling it away from your teeth.
his mouth moved down your jaw and onto your neck, where he could hear your gasps more audibly as he tongue-kissed the warm, milky skin of your throat, careful to leave pretty marks in his travel. his fingers were sadly no longer playing with your nipples, now they were on your bent thigh, holding it firmly as he rubbed himself shamelessly against your body.
gun-woo was using you to get off.
sensing what your boyfriend was finally doing, you cocked your head and with heavy, fluttering eyelids, watched your boyfriend's unholy face in pure delight. parted lips, messy hair, and one of your legs wrapped around him.
you watched, full of lust, as the boxer rubbed himself on you. kissing your neck ardently to the point of trembling eyes.
you already felt your opening releasing natural lubrication and wondered why haven't this man done this to you before.
"i can't anymore, gun-woo. p-please".
"please? do you need something, princess?". he spoke softly but with full of warning.
"fuck... you. need you".
"yeah right, you do". his comment was so lowered that you wondered if you had imagined it for a second. "need you too, princess, don't worry".
in a swift moment, your torso was thrown directly in his chest, your arms circling his neck for purchase while gun-woo hugged your body and finally walked towards your bedroom. when you said you were a ragdoll was because you felt like one, being tossed in the bed without an ounce of strength in your limbs and you weren't even fucked yet.
he then grabbed your waist again and kissed you, meanwhile, you took his shorts off completely, admiring the messy state he made with his liquids. gun-woo grabbed your ass once again and squeezed them, sliding his fingers through the partition between them and smearing all over your ass with his own lubrication.
oh my god. this man was sick.
"gun-woo". you called him whiny.
he climbed off the bed and pulled you to the edge simultaneously, manhandling your body as he wished. when both of your feet hit the floor, he tore his lips from yours and looked at you.
"do you mind?". for a second, his old innocent eyes shined in the pink light your bedroom had on. sincerely, your mind was too sex-hazed to even process he was talking to you in the first place, so you just tried to focus on his face and smile. "turning around?". he motioned with his fingers a cute circle and your eyes rounded dangerously.
"back?". you pointed to the bed and then at you, voice hoarse from all the torturous moaning.
"uhum". his smile was so pure you wanted to punch him in the face, nodding his head excitingly as if he wasn't asking you to expose your cunt in the air for him.
"a-all f-fours?". you asked him again, surprised and feeling your brain all fluffy inside.
"if you don't want, that's okay". for a moment, you felt his uncommon confidence falter and you were quick to reassure him.
"no, i want to". your doe eyes held all the stars in the sky, gun-woo was sure of it.
"ok". he smiled like a kid.
"ok?". you were too stunned to form coherent sentences.
"ok?". he asked confused, waiting for you to turn around with expectant eyes and arched brows.
"ok". you nodded your head finally.
again, he grabbed your waist, pressing his pelvis to your ass as you turned around. gun-woo started attacking your nape with chaste kisses that made their way to your neck, where he left hickeys and bites. you cocked your head to the side, leaving your neck completely free for the man to make as many purple and red marks as he wanted.
quickly, gun-woo left you to search for his shorts on the floor. when he came back, he surprisingly handed the condom to you, a silent request for you to put it on him which almost made you choke.
upon receiving it, you opened the package and took your hands back, touching the boxer's length. simultaneously, gun-woo slid his hands along your curves and massaged your breasts, making you fail on the first try of putting the condom on. a low moan escaped your mouth, but you didn't stop concentrating on holding your boyfriend's cock and positioning the condom on the glans, then holding the tip and unrolling it completely to the base.
you positioned the glans between your heat and thrust it into yourself, having to bite your lower lip to contain your murmurs due to the burning sensation. gun-woo hugged your body and let himself slide in slowly, with his forehead pressed against your shoulder. you opened your mouth and a breathless groan left your mouth painfully.
gun-woo's eyes opened slowly, just to enjoy the view from below, where his cock slowly came out of your hole, and seconds later, it went back inside a little faster.
"fuuck". his voice was gruff, head empty, and only the feeling of your walls gripping his member inside of you running through his mind. "fuck, princess”.
you threw your head up and brought your right hand back, tangling your fingers in his hair. your brows shaped like your entire face in a set of pained and pleasurable expressions. you felt the heat every time gun-woo entered and exited, but it also felt wonderfully good to feel his cock opening you.
"fuck you". you couldn't help but curse, vaginal canal struggling to keep his member inside as he slide out of you every time. "gun-woo, please, i c-can't". you felt your cheeks wet, confirming to both of you that you were crying over a man's cock.
"breathe for me, princess, fuck". he stopped inside you, letting you accommodate him calmly. your moan when he pinched your clit was feral.
"big, big, big". was all you could say and the boxer started to want to laugh.
"hey, princess, you're hearing me?". you breathed deeply. “c’mon, don’t be so cock-dumbed already”.
“fuck you”. was all you could say, twitching around him like crazy.
"we can't stop if it's not what you like-".
"i swear to god, i'm going to kill you. don't stop!". you screamed. painfully.
"hey, you're too tight, jagiya. you need to breathe for me first, yeah?". gun-woo himself was struggling to contain his urge to fuck you relentlessly, but he wanted you to enjoy this as well. "fuck, you're squeezing the fuck out of me, prin-".
"i c-cant. too fucking stretched, gun-woo".
"we've done this before baby, remember? i know you can, now relax for me. i'm feeling a bump on your stomach here". he pressed the bulge and you keened, juices leaking everywhere between your legs.
“i’m so wet”. you didn’t know who you were talking to anymore if it was to him or yourself.
again, you were crying and involuntarily relaxed your lower half, turning limp in your boyfriend's arms and arching your back more making him hit a new angle.
"shit-". you moaned and he felt his member twitch because of the contraction. "that's it, that's it, good girl". he breathed deeply when he could move again, relieved to have some breathing space.
without warning, gun-woo penetrated you fast and rough, making your small body propel forward, and the only thing that kept you from falling was his firm hands on your waist.
a moan escaped your lips and the rest of them died on your throat when your eyes rolled back and gun-woo hit a new angle.
the boxer smirked. gun-woo knew perfectly well how to tease you.
he then squeezed your hips and wrapped his digits in your hair. for the next moment, he withdrew from inside you and came back again, fast and hard, eliciting moans from your drooling mouth. as much as your eager moans were constant, gun-woo continued to fuck you mercilessly, without chastity, inserting himself completely without stopping. the erotic noise of your bodies colliding became frequent, echoing throughout the room and almost moving your bed from its place multiple times.
the moans became louder and more constant, and if it weren't for the firm touch of gun-woo's hands in your hair and hips, you would certainly collapse on the mattress. a trickle of lubricant ran down between your legs, and the excess made gun-woo's cock penetrate more easily into you.
you let out a high-pitched moan, the loudest yet.
gun-woo smiled happily, almost proudly, starting to thrust in the same place, which generated a sequence of loud and tearful moans coming from you.
"fuck". he cursed once, twice, and countless times with how good your pussy felt. gun-woo was losing his mind with no restraints and overthinking.
you moaning his name was beautiful, too wonderful not to be heard and appreciated, and gun-woo wished you would call his name louder and louder so everyone would know you were his.
as much as he was yours.
"princess, you there?". he worriedly asked, sensing your lack of words and quiet whines while he fucked you.
"hmm". you couldn't speak, that was on period. it didn't matter how much you tried, your eyes were too rolled back in your head for you to make sense.
and gun-woo being the wonderful boyfriend that he was, started kissing your shoulders and the back of your neck, silently saying to you that it was okay to feel so good you turned completely non-verbal.
you bit your bottom lip and, glancing over your shoulder at the worried boxer, you threw your hips back and forward, repeating the same movement signaling you were okay.
gun-woo, on the other hand, had to tightly close his eyes and suppress a growl at your hips undulating while he was still inside. the veins on his neck, arms, and hand were surely evident while he hold his breath.
somehow, you sped up your movements, and little by little, the noise of both of your bodies colliding became louder, more frequent, hotter. you whimpered when gun-woo's glans hit your sensitive spot again, and it didn't take long for your orgasm to threaten to come.
you stopped bouncing and rolled slowly, contracting, the boxer's entire cock inside you.
"i'm cumming". you exclaimed. "can i cum? fuck, gun-woo".
he then grabbed your hair again and put the side of your face against the mattress, and in that position, you were able to see the reflection of your bodies in the wardrobe mirror. and when you thought that your pleasure could not increase, the opposite was proved when you watched gun-woo's hips investing quickly in yourself, while his face was a mixture of pleasure and lust.
your small doe eyes rolled back and your vision became more blurred, your fingers dug hard into the mattress, pulling it and squeezing it between your hands. your eyes water and you mentally asked him not to stop.
"so good". gun-woo grunted in your ear and that was your last thread, squirting everywhere your pussy reached and making a mess of gun-woo's legs. the heat you felt on your cheeks was so intense you started to feel embarrassed.
panting for air, your body couldn’t stop twitching and your muscles couldn’t stop contracting around gun-woo’s member. for a moment, your brain was only white and you were certain you were crying for fuck’s sake.
"jesus christ, what was that?". the man was marveled and lust-hazed, too surprised to notice you were almost passing out.
"baby, please". you whispered weakly, gun-woo slowing down his movements and reaching for your face.
"princess?". his tone was worried for a minute too long. "are you good?".
"squirt". you try to say, feeling your brain too hazed to work properly. "i just s-squirted".
"oh", gun-woo's face was too innocent for someone who had his cock deep inside you, in your opinion, and you hated it. "you gripped me so tight, i thought i was dying". he laughed meaningly and you glanced back at him through the mirror with horror. how could he react like that?
the next thing you know your eyes were as round as your mouth and your lungs were burning with the lack of air. you moaned uncoordinated, finding it hard to distinguish when your pussy stopped spasming and gave him room to move again.
"what do you think you're doing, gun-woo-!?". your scream was cut short by the man thrusting into you again. with full force.
your legs trembled with pleasure, and then they failed to hold themselves together. seeing that you would collapse on the bed, he laid down on top of you and held both of your closed fists, accelerating the penetration even more, which, due to the position, made you tighter.
your clit pressed against the mattress caused friction that only added to the maximum overstimulation. gun-woo took your hands to your pussy lips and made you pull the bands one on each side.
"keep it open for me please, princess?". he asked menacingly, another orgasm starting to build inside you.
"gun-woo!". this man was sick.
"cum with me this time, yeah, baby?". he whispered in your ear, face turned to your reflection in the mirror and staring right back at your eyes.
"i'm gonna cum-". you affirmed.
"c'mon baby, just a sec, will ya?".
you closed your eyes and tried to hold back, however, gun-woo continued to fuck you deliciously. couldn't hold it anymore. that was final. having your clit constantly hit and neck kissed was too much to delay your orgasm any longer.
the overstimulation was killing you.
"gun-woo, i can't".
"i'm cumming, baby". he grunted out of breath. "cum with me, princess".
and as if it were magic words, you reached your orgasm right when he closed his mouth, followed by a slick and louder moan, making your whole body tremble with the wonderful spasms. breathing was frantic, and his hands were lying at your sides. gun-woo was still fucking in search of his own orgasm.
you contracted around him, squeezing him and, consequently, increasing his pleasure, and that was the climax for the boxer, who finally came deliciously inside the condom.
he was in heaven. searching for something to hold his sanity onto.
his nonexisted sanity.
you kissed him, in an attempt to distract both of you from the thoughtless state of mind. gun-woo turned your body with one hand and collapsed on top of you just after. your yelp was soundless to the boxer, head too pleasured for not stuffing his nose on your hair and trying to compose his fucking mind.
"you there?", gun-woo's voice was muffled by your skin, body too subtle under his.
"everything burns". you admitted in a whisper, throat flaming for moaning so loud.
"i think your neighbor will have complaints tomorrow". the man on top of you smirked and nosely laughed.
"don’t laugh, it’s your fault. you're crashing me, oppa". you whined trying to pull him off of you but not being able to move one muscle.
"omo, 'm sorry". he got off of you and smiled looking at you, almost shy to see your flushed face.
you smiled weakly in return and gun-woo took the condom off of him, making a knot and throwing it on the floor, next to the bed, to throw it away later. he settled on top of your body again and leaned on his forearms, and after facing you and smiling tenderly at your disorientated state, he kissed you tenderly.
you cupped his face and returned the kiss, calm but as delicious as any other one you both had. your hands were shaking while holding his chin and the man seemed to notice. his breathing was still labored, and because of that, he stopped the kiss but continued with both of your foreheads together, noses brushing against each other and lips open.
the two of you were sweaty, you were tired.
"you were amazing, oppa". your raspy voice came in contact with his ears and gun-woo tried to hide his burning cheeks on your neck again, you stop him and stared right back into his eyes.
"really?”. you giggled and he laughed at your hazy gaze. he then started sliding the digits of his right hand by your waist. "you're the one to blame".
"i love you". gun-woo smiled widely and you followed suit, without much exaggeration.
gun-woo tilted his head down and stared at your face; rosy cheeks, closed eyes and chest rising and falling with some frequency. he smiled small and kissed your slightly sweaty forehead, starting to stroke your damp soft hair.
"thank you, princess. i love you too". he whispered drowsily. "can't believe you squirted yet".
"stop". it was your turn to feel shy.
"it was hot".
"you sex beast. i am afraid of not being capable to get up to change your bandage". gun-woo almost choked.
oh god. the bruise.
"a-ah y-yes, totally". he looked down on his side and made a face at the kneaded band-aid.
you could not see that now.
"it's okay, though. i'm okay".
"are you?", your hazy doe eyes glanced at his sirened ones and gun-woo was quick to nod his head dramatically. "'kay". you replied tiredly, eyes almost closing. "can i take a nap, oppa?".
"of course, babygirl". the boxer keened, worried about your dimmed state and praying that he'd have the time to fix your bandage before you woke up.
his high pain tolerance scared him sometimes too, but gun-woo was sure that when the adrenaline left his body, he would feel the consequences of his actions the next day.
"want to shower with me first?". he asked before seeing your eyes completely closed.
"'m tired". you murmured.
"i'll be quick, okay? you don't have to do nothing, we can use the tub", gun-woo suggests.
you surprisingly laughed, and your eyes reduced to two tiny lines. it was so admiring the unique beauty of your joy that, spontaneously, your boyfriend also smiled. it was infectious and refreshing to see your smile so huge and genuine.
"are you suggesting that you shower me like a kid, sailor?". your voice was filled with happiness and the man next to you was quick to reply.
"no, no, no, that's creepy". his brows were arched and his eyes round, you wanted to laugh because of his pure reaction. "i just wanted you to rest... to not be tired and sticky".
"okay, baby. you can take care of me".
gun-woo opened a huge smile and left your body on the bed so he could turn on the bathtub and quickly come back to you.
staring at you sprawled in your element, kim geun-woo realized that he had never been more happy in his entire life than right now.
and he didn't give a fuck if his right side was completely numb when he had you.
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don't normalize arguing with your boyfriend's best friend while he is injured and horny ! that might have consequences... hope you guys enjoyed and i'm so sorry for any misspelling 🥺 (this is how sex with kim geun-woo post ep.6 would be and you cannot prove me otherwise)
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make-me-imagine · 7 months
Jealousy Headcanons {K.GW & H.WJ}
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Jealousy headcanons for Kim Geon-Woo and Hong Woo-Jin
Pairings: Kim Geon-Woo x Gn!Reader & Hong Woo-Jin x Gn!Reader
Requested By: Anonymous
Warnings: Nothing of note
Words: 610
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Kim Geon-Woo
If Geon-Woo ever gets jealous its out of insecurity.
Even though he is an amazing boyfriend, he is always afraid he is not good enough for you.
In his eyes you deserve the world and more and sometimes he fears someone else can give it to you better than he can.
He does't fully realize that you think these things too.
If someone else is flirting with you, you can feel Geon-Woo's eyes on you at all times.
He is watching out of a mix of insecurity, and protectiveness.
Geon-Woo always feels a rush of relief and love when you excuse yourself from the conversation, set your eyes on him and they light up as you smile and make your way over to him.
This simple unconscious action at the sight of him reassures him more than you know.
When you can turn away from someone who is interested in you, and yet be more excited to see him, he knows you still only want him.
He get's pouty if someone has your attention for too long, or if someone asked for your number/we chat/etc.
You find it cute and tease him back about being jealous.
But you find ways in between to make sure he knows no one could ever replace him.
No one could ever mean as much to you as he does.
He does the same for you, though you don't have to worry because he can't even tell when someone is flirting with him in the first place.
And even if he does notice it, he does not acknowledge it and makes sure to bring you up in any situation.
Okay, this has nothing to do with jealousy, but I can't help but picture Geon-Woo being every boyfriend in those golden retriever bf tiktoks where he loses sight of you and looks worried, and then see's you again and his eyes light up as he grins. AHH
Hong Woo-Jin
Woojin is confident you would never flirt, cheat or even consider another man when you are together
His problem is with the ones that are flirting with you.
He finds a way to slide into the conversation, or just places his arm across your shoulder or waist.
The look he gives whoever is flirting with you, is almost always enough to make them back off.
You find this amusing and attractive.
The kind of situation Woojin actually get's jealous in is when you are spending time with other's more than him.
Going out with your friends or family? Why is he not invited??
Why did it take you so long to come back? He missed you?
Like a dog with separation issues lmao.
So, he only really get's jealous when others get to spend more time with you than he does.
Or if you experience something fun or exciting without him, he get's jealous in the sense that he wants to be the one to see you happy or excited in those moments.
If someone approaches you asking you for your contact info he does get annoyed, but he makes it cute.
He will act annoyed and pouty, until you playfully ask for forgiveness.
Or you must pay the price (i.e. hugs and/or kisses) until he feels better about it.
However, if someone flirts with him he teases you about it too.
"Did you see that?" "Are you jealous? Huh??"
He does not want you to be jealous, but he thinks it's cute when you are. And he knows it means you just love him.
But on a more serious side, he will never let you think he would leave you for anyone or anything.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry,
-Taglist Form-
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Their everything.
Pairing: Hong woojin x reader x Kim gunwoo.
Summary: the past will always be part of your boyfriends, you knew that. But when an old friend returned you can't help but feel inferior.
Warnings: Past trauma, Arguments, Jealousy, Bromance, Polyamorous relationship, M/f/m, Smut, Threesome, Fingering, Oral ( Male), Creampies, Cum shot, Rough sex, Attempted non-con (not the boys), Augst?
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In a way, you always believed that you, Gun-woo, and Woojin's relationship was too good to be true. How could the story of a girl living in a new country, starting a new beginning bumping into two handsome men, and spilling her coffee all over them, expecting to be yelled at instead they did the opposite. And as their eyes met yours, it was like everything in the world made sense. It sounded completely insane.
And you knew they truly loved you, the many nights of passion and sweet words made that clear. Yet the twinkles in Gunwoo's eyes and the big grin Woojin sported when he pulled Hyun Ju and Gunwoo into a hug as she showed up at your doorstep out of the blue, with tearful laughter and snuffling they invited her inside. Her hair was longer than it was in the pictures your boys had of her, reaching down her back and much more shinny, her skin flawlessly pale and her smile was heart-stopping. She was nothing short of gorgeous. She looked so perfect for them, why wouldn't she? They shared a history, a painful, gut-wrenching, and traumatic past, she understood the pain and horror while you couldn't even imagine what it felt like. They wouldn't have to deal with the disapproving stares and the brutal honesty of what people thought of their relationship or had to sometimes translate for her.
"Ah! Hyun Ju! This is our girlfriend!" Woojin grinned as he threw his arm over you and pulled you into his side, shaking you a bit. "Oh..when did you meet?" Hyun Ju asked, her almond eyes seemingly taking you in as she checked you from head to toe from across the couch you sat on between your boyfriends. "We met a year after dealing with Kim Myeong-gil," Gunwoo spoke up a soft smile on his plump lips as his fingers intertwined with yours. She only let out an acknowledgment hum before steering the conversation away from you.
They weren't home. Again. Like most days they were barely home, only coming back to pass out for whatever their doing with her, and for others, they'd be called away. A sense of hopefulness took over you as you heard a knock at the door, smiling you stopped cutting up your strawberries and rushed out of the kitchen and to the door, your heart beating faster at the thought of seeing your boys. "my, princess, you look excited to see me." a smug smirk tugged at your best friend's lips as he welcomed himself in, your smile faded. "Oh..hey, Sang." you greeted, shutting the door behind him and walking back into the kitchen, sighing as he ate one of the sliced fruit. "Why the long face?" he asked, taking hold of your chin, his thumb rubbing under your bottom lip once you got closer. His hazel eyes bored into your orbs, and his soft dyed sliver hair lay parted on his forehead "Are you not happy to see me?" he pouted. "N-no it's not that..." you trailed off, looking away but Sang, his sudden touch felt different from the other times, it was too intimate, "I just..miss them.." you muttered. "Oh, princess. They don't deserve your love. you must be so lonely here." Sang cooed, his hand sneaking behind your neck, "Let me make it better." he whispered, using his hand around your neck and shoving you closer, mashing your lips together.
The boys walked into the apartment you shared as Woojin complained about the weight of the things they had to carry. "Wah, why did she have to make us carry such heavy things?" he whined, rolling his sore shoulder. Gunwoo chuckled at his friend's antics. However, their entry was abruptly interrupted by Woojin's outburst. He grabbed Sang's shoulder, pulled him back, and pushed him away from you. Overcome by rage, Woojin cursed at Sang, his words coming out too fast to understand, but it was clear that it was not good.
Just as Woojin was gonna throw a punch Gunwoo stopped and shook his head before looking at Sang, "Leave..before I hurt you myself." Gunwoo glared at the other man, despite his calm tone, and that made Sang gulp in fear before scurrying away, like a dog with its tail between its legs.
Tension-filled silence hung between the three of you before Woojin broke it. "So this is what you've been doing while we were gone?!" he yelled, stepping closer. "Having fun with that jerk?" He couldn't be serious. "Huh?! Answer me!" He screamed as he trapped you against the wall. While this happened, Gunwoo stood there, staring at you with an unreadable emotion. A rage you had never felt before welled up inside you as you pushed Woojin as hard as you could, moving him a few feet back.
"What about you, huh?!" you screamed right back as you glared at your boyfriends. "How about your fun with that runaway? You both seemed pretty eager to be at her beck and call!" Gunwoo opened his mouth to say something, but you spoke again before he could. "Ever thought how much I would miss you? No, you didn't." Wiping the tears that built up in your eyes as you stormed to your bedroom and slammed the door shut leaving the boys frozen in shock.
A soft knock came an hour later. "Nae sarang," Gunwoo softly spoke. "We're so sorry." He sighed and laid his forehead on the wooden door. "Jagiya, I'm so sorry. I never should've yelled at you. Forgive me," Woojin sorrowfully begged. You wanted to be mad at them, to still be so angry, but the truth is you missed them too much to care about your anger. With a sigh, you opened the door and once they saw you, Woojin pulled you in a kiss, the hand on your cheek traveled down to your hip and shoved you into his chest, the kiss quickly became heat. You whimpered as Woojin's lips were replaced by Gunwoo's, his soft pillowy lips were a contrast to Woojin's thinner but equally soft lips. his hot tongue demanded entry to your mouth, once granted, he swirled his tongue around yours.
Pulling back, Gunwoo helped Woojin in his mission to leave you bare of your clothes, their clothes following soon after. Your moans were muffed as your lips around Woojin's cock, his thick, long cock thrusted into your hot mouth as Gunwoo's dick pumped in and out of your tight cunt, your slick dripping down onto his balls ans onto the bed. You were a mess, saliva running down your chin as Woojin used your mouth as a fleshlight, his neatly trimmed pubes brushed against your nose as he pushed his cock down your throat "I'm gonna c-cum,Jagiya!" Your older boyfriend cried out, his hips sped up, and his dick throbbed against your tongue. Gunwoo's pace sped up to match with his best friends thrusts, pushing you to your own climax.
With a shout, Woojin pulled out and his hot cum shot after shot onto your face, and heaving chest.
Gunwoo's strong arms wrapped around your middle, his hips raised and without warning he slammed you down onto his cock. "Yes!" You moaned as your hips stuttered from your second orgasm all the while your younger boyfriend thrusted upwards into your wet heat below you "Cumming!" He groaned as he threw his head back, his milky, hot semen released to you.
"We love you," Woojin spoke up after a while as you all caught your breaths. "Never forget that." Gunwoo continued as he wiped some sweat from your brow. "I love y'all too." You smiled at them weakly.
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mavrintarou · 2 months
[4:38 PM] Oikawa Toru [10 & epilogue]
It is long, but you all deserve it.
Warning: miscarriage, angst, implied smut (nothing extreme explicit)
Ninth part
Toru pressed his forehead to the back of Y/n’s cold hand. He’s tried to warm up her fingers, blowing warm air at them for the past hour.
It’s been three hours and she still hasn’t stirred at all.
It was three hours ago when everything became a blur. Painful flashbacks came in cuts, but all he could clearly remember was catching Y/n before she lost consciousness.
“Call an ambulance!” Toru shouted at Woojin who quickly reached for his phone.
Toru blocked out Woojin shouting frantically at the emergency responder.
“Y/n… oh God, Y/n… wake up… open your eyes? Hmm? Please? Please open your eyes?” He shook her gently in his arms, cradling her carefully in the crook of his arm. “Don’t do this… please, wake up… open your eyes for me?”
Warm tears slipped down his cheeks as he recalled the painful memories of the doctor finally emerging from the Emergency Room.
The first three words were enough for them to understand Y/n’s condition. “I am sorry…”
She has been heavily sedated and is said to wake in a couple of hours.
“Wake up, Y/n…” Toru murmured, pressing the back of her hand to his cheek. “Please wake up…” He turned his head, remembering he was not alone with Y/n.
Woojin has been standing in the corner of the private room looking out the window to the cloudy sky. He had not said a single word after finding out that Y/n had lost the baby, yet he lingered like a ghost.
“How…” Toru’s hoarse voice spat, “how did you know she was pregnant?”
Slowly turning his head, he stared blankly at Toru before looking back out the window. “Her friend Naomi.” He inhaled softly, “apparently Y/n was supposed to come to Korea for me, her friend reached out to me to check in to see if she made it and if we discussed what to do with the baby…”
Toru shut his eyes, exhaling deeply. It was silent between them for a bit before he spoke, “there was a possibility that the baby she was carrying could have been mine, and we went forth with the test to see if I matched with the baby to avoid unnecessarily involving you.”
“It was my baby!” Woojin roared, spinning around. He slapped a hand against his chest, “I know it was my baby – “ his voice choked as he ended his sentence. A tear streaked down his cheek, “it was my baby... it has to be mine…”
Toru was speechless seeing this grown man in a state of distress. He couldn’t deny that deep down, he knew the baby was not his and was Woojin.
“I’m sorry.”
Meeting his eyes, Toru frowned, confused as to why he was apologizing.
“I love her, so much,” he confessed, “but it’s not reciprocated.” He looks at Toru with sad eyes, “the first time I saw you after Y/n came out from your apartment, I knew you were the one who had occupied her heart all this time.” His breath hitched before it was released quietly, “I never fully had her whole heart. She loved me the best she could but she couldn’t fully love me the way I fully loved her.” Woojin pinched the bridge of his nose, and let out another breath, this time, it sounded like a breath of relief. “I’ll leave you two alone, I’m going to go get some rest.”
Toru nodded in acknowledgment and watched the man leave and as soon as the door closed behind him, he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
Turning his attention back to Y/n, he reached to adjust the blanket for the nth time. Sitting on the edge of the bed he leaned down, pressing his forehead against hers. Quietly he whispered, “wake up, Y/n. Wake up for me.”
He prayed silently, prayed with his heart and soul.
His head snapped up and Y/n groaned, her eyes fluttering until she finally saw him. Through it all, she still smiles at him.
“Why – why am I here?” she asked softly before her face morphed and eyes widened, her hands immediately placed over her flat belly. “My baby! Is something wrong with my baby?”
Toru towered over her, gently pressing her down into the bed to keep her still. “Calm down first, Y/n…” the straining in his voice was painful. “Let me call the doctor now that you’ve woken up.”
She listened and laid down, looking up at him with awaiting eyes. Their hands tightly gasped together as they waited for the doctor to arrive.
After evaluating her and confirming her vitals the doctor inhaled sharply before looking at Toru. “Ms. Y/L/N, I’m afraid you have miscarried.”
Toru took a deep breath before he entered Y/n’s private room again. It has been over 12 hours since she woke up and was made aware of the miscarriage.
As soon as the words left the doctor’s mouth, she closed her eyes, tears rolled down her cheeks and turned her head without a word.
She has not spoken to him or anyone, just staring out the window with her palms resting against her belly.
“I’m back,” Toru announced cheerfully with a gentle smile. Y/n glanced at him and managed a forced smile. “I brought your favorite food,” he said.
She watched silently and lifelessly as he set the food down before her.
“Where is Mateo?”
He almost didn’t catch her soft voice, his eyes widening momentarily before he smiled at her question and responded, “he’s with my mom. Should I bring him over later?” he suggested hopefully.
Y/n nodded and reached for the utensil. “Thank you for the food,” she murmurs before eating.
“You’re welcome,” he answered happily. “Let me know if there’s anything else you would like to eat, I’ll get it for you.”
He sat beside her bed and watched her eat, occasionally reaching over to push food aside or asking if she would like more rice or water.
“Toru, when can I go home?”
A shaky breath escapes before he replies, “I’ll ask the doctor and as soon as they say it’s okay, I’ll take you home.” He reached up to brush her hair behind her ear. “I’ll get you home soon, okay?”
She nodded and turned to look outside the window. Her hollow eyes that had no light in them staring off with a bleak expression made his heart ache.
Toru cleared the half-eaten food in front of her and waited a few minutes, long minutes before reaching for her hand. He runs his thumb over her knuckles before pressing his lips to them. “Talk to me, Y/n. I’m dying in your silence.” He pressed his forehead to her knuckles. “I’m trying to be patient and give you space and time but I want you to know I love you. I love you and I care about you. You are not alone, I’m right here with you and you don’t have to carry the burden alone. Let me in, let me help you.” His voice croaked, “please, Y/n.”
He looked up when he felt something drop on top of his head. With her eyes shut tightly, tears streamed down her cheeks as they dripped onto the top of his head. “Y/n,” he called her name softly, shifting to sit on the bed and pulling her into his embrace. “Cry, let it all out. I’m right here with you. I got you.”
Mateo sat quietly and obediently in Y/n’s lap as Toru pushed them in a wheelchair. They took a stroll outside, basking in the sun and fresh air.
“Look over there Teo – it’s a rabbit,” Y/n pointed ahead of them. Mateo observed the white fluffy animal, eyes staring intensely.
Putting the breaks in place, Toru stepped around and crouched down to their eye level. He gently poked his son’s chubby cheek before wiping the drool away. “Do you see the rabbit, Teo?”
Earlier when he went to pick up his son, he could tell that his son missed him just as much. When he picked him up from his playpen, he curled into his father’s embrace. He did the same the moment he saw Y/n in the hospital, together they hugged each other.
Toru’s smile faded as something moved from the corner of his eyes. His breath hitched slightly before he stood up, acknowledging Woojin.
Woojin has not returned since the day he left distraught. Toru also has not mentioned him to Y/n and she has not questioned him either, he wasn’t sure if she even remembered his presence before she had collapsed.
Looking up at Toru, she followed his line of sight and looked over her shoulders. “Woojin?”
“I wasn’t sure… if you were there that day or if I was hallucinating.” Y/n couldn’t admit that she had been thinking about Woojin the last few days until she collapsed.
Woojin sat on the bench and beside him was Y/n in her wheelchair.
“Why – why didn’t you tell me you were preg…” he inhaled sharply, “that you were pregnant?” Those words were much harder to say than he anticipated.  
Y/n’s fingers fumbled and she remained silent for a second before quietly answering, “I was scared. I truly did not know I was pregnant. I was…” she couldn’t tell him she was sleeping with Toru, it was none of his business. “The timing was too close and you and I weren’t talking. I… Since I am with Toru, I thought I would take a test to determine, if it wasn’t… Toru then it had to be yours…”
From beside him, Woojin handed her a white envelope. “Your result.”
Her fingers trembled but she opened the envelope and pulled out the sheet within. Her eyes scanned the sheet until she saw Toru’s name and the result was marked negative beside his name.
The baby was not Toru’s.
She had a hunch but to have official results gave her closure.
So, it was Woojin’s baby.
Uncontrollable tears slipped down her cheeks.
Her baby was gone.
It didn’t matter who the father was, her baby was gone.
And it was all her fault.
Had she not been so impatient in wanting to know who the father was… had she just waited until they were born… had she just… accepted them regardless of who the father was…
“It’s all – it’s all my fault…”
Woojin effortlessly scooped her out of the wheelchair and pulled her onto his lap, hugging her tightly. “No, it’s no one’s fault. The doctor said things like this happen… timing and… our baby wasn’t strong enough.”
Her fingers clenched his shirt tightly as her breath grew heavier, her tears soaking his shirt. “I… I wasn’t strong enough – for them…”
“Enough,” Woojin commanded softly, “it is okay to grieve but we have to move on.” He pressed his lips to her temple, enclosing her tighter in his embrace. He wished he could hold her forever in his arms. Y/n was truly someone he cared for and loved but he knew her heart was never his from the beginning.
Toru feels like he’s walking on eggshells with Y/n the following week after they’ve been discharged from the hospital. He has talked Y/n into staying with him so he can keep an eye on her. He didn’t know why he was surprised but he was when she agreed.
He thought of having Mateo stay with his parent during this time but Y/n was reluctant and wanted him home.
“It’s not your parent's responsibility,” she reasoned when he told her that Mateo would be staying with his parents as she recovered, he also reasoned that he wanted to give her his undivided attention.
“Don’t,” she croaked, “don’t treat me any differently than before.” She reached for the end of his t-shirt. “I need him as much as I need you too.”
He sighed, understanding, and brought Mateo home.
Everything about her was making him anxious, he felt like he was more on edge than her.
She carried on about her day. They would spend time together with Mateo, cuddle on the couch or if she were not in his unit, she would be at hers playing the piano, which seemed to be her source of solace.
Y/n began seeing a therapist, the only time Toru was reluctant to allow Y/n out of his sight alone.
Y/n called his name quietly as he exited Mateo’s room after putting him down for the night. His eyes connected with hers as she was seated at the dinner table.
A rush of anxiety began clouding him.
In a flash, Y/n is in front of him with a look of concern. Her mouth is moving but he can’t hear her.
His vision blurred as if he was looking at Y/n through an inverted lens. A loud, annoying screech filled his ears, drowning out her words, though he could see Y/n’s mouth moving.
“Toru!” She shouted his name, cupping his face and forcing him to snap out of his trance. “Toru, look at me,” she begged, pulling his forehead down to hers. “Come back to me…”
Toru blinked, alternately closing and reopening his eyes. He felt both hot and cold. Squeezing his eyes shut tightly, he tried to push the dizziness away.
He released a breath and wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her close. “Don’t… don’t leave me… don’t leave us.”
Opening his eyes, he let it adjust to the lowly dimmed room. It was his living room.
He shifts and sees Y/n asleep leaning against the couch. He was lying on her lap. Turning his body, he nuzzles into Y/n’s belly. He will never get tired of her scent.
“Toru?” Y/n’s quiet voice called his name. She sits up and touches his forehead, “how are you feeling?”
“Yeah,” his voice croak, remembering the events earlier. “How – how long have we been sleeping?”
Y/n glanced at her watch, “maybe an hour or two? It’s just a little after midnight.” She exhales softly, “Toru, what happened?’
He swallowed, feeling shamed and embarrassed rush over him.
“Hey,” Y/n said, pulling him out of the darkness. “Don’t be ashamed that you had a panic attack… I’m here for you.”
Toru blinked, was that what it was? A panic attack? He’s never had one before.
“I was scared,” he finally uttered. “I was scared you were going to leave me, Teo, and me.”
“I won’t lie that I did not contemplate that –  no – wait listen to me,” she saw how fast his eyes widened. “During therapy, Dr. Tsuchiya suggested maybe I need to take a vacation and get some fresh air outside my circle.” Her thumb smoothed the crease on his forehead, “I was going to visit a colleague in Vienna since that’s where I first stayed when I began my career after leaving Japan. This might help spark a new love for the piano.” She smiles down at him.
Closing his eyes, Toru inhales and exhales.
“I was going to bring it up with you but I can see how edgy you were and was going to wait…” She brushed his hair like how she often did with Mateo during feeding or trying to put him down for a nap. “I was only going to take a three-week vacation.”
 Rolling onto his stomach, he buried his face against her tummy once again and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Three weeks is awfully a long time…”
“Toru, I think you should also find your love with volleyball again too. You don’t need to go back to playing professionally, but you should keep that passion alive.” She urges him to sit up, then crawls into his lap, straddling him. “We both put our careers on hold if you haven’t noticed and for the longest time, they were all we had – until we found each other. Don’t you agree?”
He nodded, “agreed.”
“And we should find that spark again.”
He nodded, “agreed.”
“Baby steps, it’ll be a little different but we’ll get there.”
He looks into her eyes for a few seconds, “together?”
She nodded, pressing her forehead against his. Closing her eyes, she cherished the intimacy of the moment.  “Yes, together,” she promised, pressing a light kiss to his lips.
[Weeks later]
Y/n counted the long seconds as the elevator rode up to her floor.
As soon as the door dinged and opened, she rushed out. Instead of turning left to her unit as she had for years, she turned to the unit to the right.
Toru and Mateo had no idea she was arriving earlier than expected, that was her surprise to them.
It was nearly four in the morning in Japan, she was sure neither of them were up yet.
She entered the apartment as quietly as she could, setting aside her luggage, she hurried toward Toru’s bedroom.
She longed for this moment, to return to the two people she missed and loved most.
The three and a half weeks away from Toru and Mateo was treacherous but she needed it. She cried her eyes out the first night she arrived in Vienna, missing them two dearly. She needed this moment away for herself and she constantly reminded herself that it was to better herself, for herself, and Toru and Mateo.
She wanted to be the best version of herself for them.
On her second day in Vienna, Y/n dedicated herself to rediscovering her passion and connection with the piano. She collaborated with other pianists who also experienced stagnation, and with their help, she began to find herself again.
Toru’s room was dark but even in the dark, she could navigate through his room. Her eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness, but she could see the lump on the bed. She walked over to the bedside table where she knew there would be a lamp and switched it on, the warm yellow light dimly lit up the room.
With his back facing her, Y/n knelt on the bed and leaned over to press a kiss to his temple. “Toru, I’m home.”
He rolled over quickly, shifting himself on his elbow and rubbing his eyes, blinking as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. “Y/n?”
She was about to hug him but something else caught her eyes, something else besides Toru began shifting and whining.
“Mateo,” she cooed, pulling back the covers. The baby, who had grown so much in her eyes, scrunched up his face ready to cry for being disturbed. “Mateo,” she cooed again, rubbing his head. “I’m home baby.” Her voice only lulled him back to sleep, nestling closer into his father’s arm.  
“You said you weren’t going to be home until tomorrow?” Toru said in a low tired voice.
Focusing her gaze on the man she loves wholeheartedly, “I missed you two too much and couldn’t wait another day to be home.”
He smiled, reaching to cup her face with one palm. “We missed you every second you were away, welcome home. Now, come sleep with us.”
. . .
“Oops,” Mateo’s finger stopped moving over the piano keys. He looked up at Y/n with wide eyes, “momma I hit the wrong note.”
“It’s okay baby, try again.” Y/n smiled, encouraging him to begin where he left off.
At two years old, Y/n began teaching him the piano and now at three almost four years old, he was able to play over a handful of piano pieces on his own.
Y/n watched her boy play with admiration and pride.
After her return from Vienna, she and Toru tied the knot in front of a handful of family members and friends. As an official family of three, they enjoyed traveling together and watching Mateo grow each day.
Toru found his new spark and accepted the role of coaching the boys’ volleyball team at their old high school.
Y/n wanted to focus her attention on Mateo, but any free time she had, she volunteered as an instructor to educate and inspire new pianists at the School of Piano in their hometown.
Y/n rubbed her pregnant belly, and at almost eight months, the unborn baby girl was quite active in her womb and had only calmed down when her brother began his piano practice for the evening.
She wasn’t going to deny the fear and anxiousness she felt when she discovered she was pregnant. They had been trying to conceive, wanting to give Mateo a sibling.  
“I’ll be here with you, every step of the way,” Toru promised.
He rocked his hips, his cock slowly rubbing inside her tight pussy. The thought of trying to have another baby, one with Y/n, made Toru feel many different things. He was damn excited. He couldn’t wait to have a child or three with Y/n.
It was four months later when tears pooled her eyes when she saw the positive pregnancy test.
“I’m home!” Toru’s voice rang through their place. He walked through his unit and through the wide doorway that led into Y/n’s unit. They had reconstructed and turned their units into one.
Walking over to them, he pressed a kiss to Y/n’s lip, then Mateo’s head, and lastly, dropped down to one knee and pressed a kiss to Y/n’s belly. “I missed you guys.”
Mateo giggled and wrapped his arms around his dad’s neck, “hi daddy, I missed you too.”
Y/n rubbed her thumb against the stubble of his jaw while her other hand rubbed her belly, “we missed you too.”
. . .
E/n: Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU. For all your patience with me, and your kind and encouraging words. Thank you for hanging on this ship with me. We have reached our destination. I tried to make this chapter as realistic as possible, there's a handful of things that I'm like... "hmm, that wouldn't slide here in the US..." but needed to remind myself otherwise.
Now, one story done, going to wrap up Lord Gojo part 3. Stay tune - I have some spicy Lords coming soon.
@queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy @rukia-uchia-98 @anejuuuuoy @tooruchiiscribs @mommyourcall420 @haikyuubiggestsimp @lilguycoded @random-734 @ghostlyneckoaftoad @abcde12345 @shotenvinsoot @princess-sunshyn @anonymoussimper @junglewoos @basically-an-anime-stan-acct @mih311 @m1nt-3lla @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whatamidoing89 @ssc7514 @lupita97lm @ushygushybaby @appepel @kozumiie @yakuswifeeeeeee @chxrv
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yuna542 · 1 year
›Bad Idea<
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Pairing: Hong Woojin × Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Enemies with benefits to Lovers
Warnings: 18+, explicit Smut, under 18 DNI!, Fem!Reader, suggestive Themes, Swearing, pet names,, hate sex, ANGST, overstimulation, thigh riding
Word Count: 8.5k
Note: That’s the last Part of a Story that I really enjoyed writing. No worries I‘m already working on another Story about Bloodhounds. The chokehold these guys have on me is unreal… Hope you liked the Story. Comments, Likes and Reblogs are always a blessing. Stay healthy and much love! ~Sky
Summary: As Gunwoo‘s little sister he wanted you to finally meet his best friend. Unfortunately you don't get along. He gets on your nerves, you fight all the time and yet you can't stop messing with each other. One evening you get into a dangerous situation and end up bruised and bloody at his apartment. And you suddenly have to ask yourself: Why do you feel so attracted to that idiot?
Chapter 7:
The Secret
The very next evening you were waiting in front of his apartment and when he saw you there, he frowned.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, and you braced yourself from the wall you had been leaning against.
"I'm bored," you said monotonously, and his gaze was already glued to the hem of your short skirt.
"So what?"
"Wanna fuck?"
Already you stumbled into his apartment, ripped the clothes from each other and between heated kisses and greedy touches, you threw aside your cell phone where Gunwoo tried to call.
A few hours later you came moaning on top of him as you rode his dick. As he painted your walls white with a hand around your neck, pressing you onto his throbbing dick, you climbed off of him and snuggled up to him.
"You know..fucking you almost made me reconsider whether i hate you or not," he said, pulling you into his arms and leaning his chin into the crook of your neck as he stroked his fingers over your bare stomach.
"Oh really? What's the verdict?" you asked, wiggling even closer to his chest. He pressed a kiss to your shoulder and his hair tickled your neck as he did so, making you giggle.
"Hmm..nope not even a little less."
A little offended, you turned around so you could face him. You pouted and stroked your fingers down his chest.
"Not even a little? Let's see if we can change that... Round two?"
Your suggestive smile and the way you raised an eyebrow made him smirk. The warmth in his eyes enveloped you and you never wanted to get out of his bed again if he stayed here with you.
"If you're asking me that naked and all sexy, I don't think I can resist," he replied charmingly, stroking the contours of your face as if it were an expensive sculpture he couldn't get enough of.
You winced with a chuckle as he pinched your side and pulled you closer again. Your lips collided and you kissed him until you couldn't breathe.
That's exactly how it went every time.
You were still a trio. You Gunwoo's annoying little sister and Woojin the chaotic good-for-nothing best friend. You argued, pounced at each other and never missed an opportunity to show that you didn't like each other.
But as soon as you were alone, you leaped upon each other.
The fact that your meetings were a secret between you made it even more exciting.
You slept together all the time. The smallest arguments made you tear off your clothes and throw yourselves on each other, fucking in heat and with no hesitation. It was the best sex you ever had and you were actually happy when you were with him.
However, it didn't go unnoticed for long. It started one night when Gunwoo was looking for a movie in Woojin's room to borrow from him and instead pulled out your black lace bra from between his pillows. That combined with the scratch marks that were increasingly reflected on Woojin's back, and was mockingly acknowledged by his training partners, Gunwoo put one and one together.
"Who is it? Who is this girl? Are you together?"
He had been bugging Woojin until he admitted that there was indeed someone. However, he would die before he told him that it was his sister.
"So like... Do you like her or something?", he asked out of nowhere a few months later as he helped Woojin train. He held the punching bag and looked at his friend, who froze in motion.
"Why would you think that? How could you think that?" asked Woojin, the sweat on his forehead doubling.
"Because you keep daydreaming and you barely have time outside of training... You must spend a lot of time with her," he said and Woojin shook his head as he punched a little stronger than necessary.
"We're just fucking. Nothing special. I don't even like her, actually."
Gunwoo had nodded, wanting to let the subject go. After all, he didn't understand it anyway. Woojin was so secretive that he didn't want to bug him further. Still, Woojin kept talking, between strained gasps as he punched the punching bag:
"I don't know. Really. This has been going on for a while now. The sex is incredible, but she keeps driving me crazy. We can't be in the same room without me getting restless and my heart jumping out of my chest."
The younger one pressed his lips together and tried to stifle a knowing smile. Later, as they sat together on the rooftop, winding down the day with protein shakes and fresh dumplings, Woojin said:
"I think I have come to a conclusion".
Gunwoo looked at him and asked with his mouth full, "Which is?"
"I am allergic to her"
He snorted in disbelief and choked on his shake.
"Wait... what?" escaped him between gasps and coughs.
But Woojin just nodded insistently, "I am allergic to her..."
It was almost like being in a bad romance movie. You couldn't be with or without each other. Endless arguments over the stupidest things every day, that ended with the most amazing sex every night. One minute you were ready to kill each other and the next you were sneaking off to have sex.
No matter when and no matter where.
You were addicted to each other and at this point, you could say you were only arguing and maybe even using each other just to fuck. You tried everything to keep it a secret from your brother. But you also became careless as time passed.
Finally, in addition to your underwear, he found a shirt that he had given you, where you had left it in Woojin's bed. Of course, he had recognized it immediately and before Woojin could explain anything, Gunwoo snapped and had given him a strong punch in the face.
He was furious that you had kept it a secret from him for so long and he was very very stunned that such a thing had happened behind his back all this time.
Now Woojin sat on your couch and you pressed a bag of frozen peas on the bridge of his swollen nose.
"He got you pretty good..." you said affectedly, and you felt guilty. After all, you were partly to blame.
Gunwoo and Woojin had randomly come in, Woojin had bled all over your apartment after your brother had hit him unannounced in the middle of the nose, and after that he had brought him here to have someone take care of his bloody nose and most likely to confront you.
Since then, your brother had been pacing back and forth in front of you, trying to calm himself down. He could have guessed it. At the latest when Woojin was so interested that one afternoon. Gunwoo and he had made ramen on the roof of his apartment. A little ritual where they just chatted and let the training day end.
"I can't stand it at home anymore," he sighed, dropping into the chair next to Woojin.
"What's wrong?" asked Woojin, stirring the pot.
"Y/N's girlfriend is visiting and they talk all day! Without a break and I have to listen to everything even in my room... They're so loud!", he sighed exhaustedly and Woojin patted him sympathetically on the shoulder.
"Even in the kitchen, you're not safe from the chatter... I hear things really I don't want to know."
Interested, Woojin raised his eyebrows and paused.
"What do you mean? What are they talking about?"
"Don't make me remember," Geonwoo sighed, and that's when his best friend elbowed him in the side.
"You can't start and then not tell the details."
Gunwoo stretched, groaning, as if the coming words would cause him physical pain.
"I suspected she was seeing someone. She's rarely home. Sneaks at her room abnormally early in the morning and lately she's even humming when she's working at the store. It's really creepy by now," he began, and Woojin had to bite his tongue to keep from grinning widely.
"Anyway, I overheard her talking about it with her friend in the kitchen. She said it was the best sex of her life, but wouldn't say with whom..."
Gunwoo shook himself in disgust and took over stirring the ramen. The corners of Woojin's mouth slowly lifted and he tried not to ask too suspiciously.
"Best sex of her life? That's what she said?"
"Yeah... It was disgusting enough, can you please not repeat it?" he asked and Woojin nodded quickly, though he would have loved to hear more. Inwardly, he was as happy as a little kid who got an ice cream cone as a reward for a good grade.
Even as he had beamed the rest of the evening, Gunwoo had suspected nothing. You could both see how sorry he was. He really hadn't meant to hurt Woojin. But it had also been wrong of you to lie to him for so long.
The two most important people in his life had lied to him for months and abused his trust.
"Gunwoo..." you began carefully, meekly, but he interrupted you:
"No! Don't! I'm not angry... But I can't be around you right now. I need to focus on the fight."
That came on top of it, too. Gunwoo had an important fight in the next few days that he had been training for for months.
"That's okay. Talk to me when you're ready, bro. I'm gonna go now...", Woojin said and stood up.
He looked at the peas in confusion and held the bag out to you a bit dorkily.
"You can keep those," you said in an occupied voice, and he nodded. When he disappeared through the door, you stood up too and gave your brother a worried look.
He ruffled his hair and ran both hands wearily through his face.
Chapter 8:
The Date
Over the next few days, things calmed down a bit. Gunwoo seemed to come to terms with it. At least he didn't mention it anymore. At his boxing match, you were both there cheering him on. The friendship between the two boxers was too strong after all and the they needed each other. They were inseparable and even you couldn't destroy that.
Later that day you celebrated his victory and while you ate pork belly, laughed and carelessly spent time together as before, your guilty conscience gradually faded away. Before you could say goodbye to Woojin in front of the restaurant and run home with Gunwoo, he held you back by the hand.
Questioningly, you looked up at him and that's when Gunwoo said:
"I'll go ahead and wait for you."
Gratefully, you gave him a curt look, which he returned with a smile before walking out of earshot.
"He's not mad at us anymore. That's good," Woojin said, kicking a pebble into the road.
"What's wrong?" you asked curiously, watching him squirm around for a while before he managed to look you in the eye.
"Do you want to do something tomorrow?"
You furrowed your eyebrows in wonder.
"Sure. I can come over if..."
"No... Not just to fuck. I'd like to spend time with you. Outside, get something to eat, and then go to the park?"
Completely perplexed, your mouth was open and you looked at him as if he'd suggested you jump off a cliff.
"The weather is supposed to be nice..."
Since you didn't answer, he became more and more uncertain. You looked for sarcasm or some malice, but nothing came. He just looked nervous. He cursed himself and swallowed hard as he stared at the floor. Why the hell was he so restless?
"Nevermind. That was a stupid idea. Just forget about it," he dismissed it, wanting to turn around and just disappear.
Unconsciously, you grabbed his sleeve and he turned back to you. Confused, yet with hope in his eyes that sprouted like the first snowdrops in spring.
"No. That's a nice idea. Will you pick me up?"
His face lit up and he scratched the back of his head sheepishly.
"Uh, yeah. At two?"
"I'll help out at the store until three, then we can get going."
"Sounds good."
Silently, you just looked at each other. Nothing around you seemed to matter. The traffic, the people pushing past you on the sidewalk, and even the cloud pushing in front of the sun.
"See you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow," you repeated, and as soon as you caught up with Gunwoo, your cheeks glowed and your stomach did flips. He said nothing. He just smiled and put an arm around your shoulders as you turned into the street to your apartment.
While you waited for Woojin to pick you up, the same question played incessantly in your mind:
Was that a date?
Something inside you hoped so. As you took off your apron and checked your hair in the mirror, you heard the store door and Woojin's voice.
You almost cried out, you were so tense.
You had put on some makeup, were wearing a red summery dress because you knew that was his favorite color, and when you heard how happy your mom was about his visit, you felt warm. When you stepped out into the store, his eyes were immediately on you. His face lit up and his eyes wandered endlessly along your curves.
"Hey..." you said a little meekly.
"Hey. You look beautiful," he said, not knowing what to do with his hands. It was weird not meeting just to sleep with each other.
"Thanks... You too," you replied, and he really did. He was wearing ripped jeans and a tank top, so you could probably stare at his muscular arms all day. Your mom was obviously surprised by the sudden niceness between you and looked back and forth, puzzled.
"Shall we?" he asked, and you nodded. Before you could say goodbye to your mom, she came rushing out from behind the counter and thrust a bag into your hand.
"There's a little snack in there. Have a nice day," she said, placing a hand affectionately on Woojin's cheek before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Thank you very much Mrs Kim." he said enthusiastically and it was heartwarming how happy he was. You knew by now that he didn't have a very good relationship with his parents. That's why he looked up to your mother and enjoyed the affection she gave him.
As soon as you walked side by side through the streets, directly towards the park, a strange silence spread. It was completely absurd to spend time with Woojin without arguing. Birds were chirping and the park was decorated like a painting in various shades of green.
On the way, you picked up an iced coffee and eventually chatted as if it were a normal thing to be together. Only without Gunwoo. It was new how much you laughed even just the two of you and before you knew it half the day was over.
In the park, you spread out your jackets and lay down under a tree, through whose branches scattered rays of sunlight hit the earth and warmed your faces.
Although you thought it was supposed to be weird, it seemed perfectly normal as he put an arm around you and you snuggled up to him. You ate the donuts your mom had packed for you and teased each other until you fought over the last piece.
He may have been a good boxer, yet you were winning. At least that's what you thought as you proudly shoved the last piece into your mouth and he watched you, fondly smiling.
After a while, watching the sky, you asked:
"What do we do now?"
He propped himself up on his elbow and looked at you.
"What do you mean?“
"I mean, what is it between us?" you asked, as that question circled you over and over.
"I think we're friends?"
Friends? Was that really the right word? Did you want you guys to just be friends? You tried to tell yourself it was so perfect. With no obligations, no extra thoughts, if everything just stayed the way it was. But it felt wrong and something in you resisted it. By now you were sure: you wanted more than that.
You just didn't know what. You wanted more days like this, where you laughed together, got talked about nonsense, looked together in the sky. You even wanted more fights and arguments, if that meant falling into bed with him at the end of the day.
"Friends who sleep together regularly?"
He played with a strand of your hair and wrapped it around his finger, lost in thought. You looked up at him and his absent look made you suspicious. It was as if he wanted to say something, but didn't dare. You intertwined your fingers with his and leaned your cheek against his chest.
A couple with a dog walked by, talking animatedly.
The sudden silence became more serious than either of you wanted. You indulged your thoughts and it was almost intimate as you enjoyed the last rays of the day's sunshine snuggled together.
"I'm sure you have other people you can sleep with. You have the pretty face for it," you said to lighten the serious mood. You didn't want to deal with what could be.
What if he really just saw you as a friend? Someone to blow off steam with, but nothing more. But then why had he brought you here today, and why had the day been so nice? Was he already bored having sex with you?
"Additionally, you're a possessive little freak, but it's very endearing," you added, and he grinned in amusement.
"But I only want you."
Stunned, you looked at him and when your eyes locked, it took your breath away.
"I've gotten too attached to you already," he added quickly.
Woojin flashed another, kindly mocking grin. Teasing, as ever. He tried to keep it light. Better that than wanting too much, knowing he would never get it.
You averted your eyes again and followed the couple, arm in arm, as they watched their dog run across the park.
Was that disappointment squeezing the air out of your lungs?
"What about you?"
You played with the hem of his tank top, and he slid his hand down your sides until it was firmly against your hip.
"Why do you put up with me? You obviously can't stand me. So why?"
You didn't dare look at him, afraid he might read your true thoughts and feelings from your face.
"The sex is good," you murmured, and that's when he looked up at the sky and laughed, chuckling and your body shivered excited.
"Is that all it is? Then why did you come today?"
So many questions you didn't know the answer to. You didn't know why you agreed, you just knew you wanted to. You wanted to spend time with him outside of your bed or his room.
Why wasn't clear to you.
"I don't want anyone else either. I may have started to like you," you finally blurted out and he thought his heart would burst.
He looked at you incredulously and straightened up a bit. Immediately you blushed with shame. All this could not be, but you could not lie. Your body betrayed you anyway.
"Stop staring at me like that, creep!" you drove at him and pushed him so that he fell on his back and looked into the leaves with a smile.
"I don't believe it... Did Y/N Kim really just admit that she likes me?" he gasped, running both hands through his hair as if you had just revealed to him that you could fly.
Immediately, you regretted being so honest with him and rolled your eyes in annoyance.
"Shut up. I said maybe. You just ruined it again," you grumbled and crossed your arms. Why did he have to be so annoying anyway?
You felt vulnerable and that was a scary feeling.
Woojin sat up again and when he saw your tense expression and the sadness you were trying to hide behind a carefree mask, the grin died.
Instead, he wrapped his arms around you and turned you so that you were looking at him. Then he pulled you to the floor with him until you were on top of him, his leg between your thighs, pulling you into a deep kiss.
He was gentle, loving, running his hands down your sides and letting his tongue slide over your lower lip as light as a feather. By now he didn't care at all that you were in the middle of public.
Especially when your lips were too kissable and he just wanted to litter you with kisses all day.
You buried your fingers in his hair and melted in his arms as you opened your lips and he slid his tongue into your mouth. This time, it wasn't a contest. Not a race either of you wanted to win. You were moving in unison.
Your body was made for him as he curved perfectly into his. The kiss was more intimate than anything before and full of tenderness.
You could feel his heartbeat and it was reassuring that it was racing just like yours.
Between kisses, you felt him smile and pull you closer by the hips in a demanding way. He ran his hands under your shirt, over your back, so that his fingers left a trail of heat on your soft skin.
When he lifted his leg between your thighs and brushed against your middle, you gasped involuntarily into his mouth. You almost couldn't help rocking your hips just a little. You were desperate for some sort of friction and relief. Just hearing his voice, his body so close to yours, made you tense. You began to slowly rock and sway your hips, letting out small groans and pants.
As your fingers pulled at his hair, he moved his thigh teasingly and gave more pressure directly on your covered cunt. Immediately you got wet and the desire made you roll your hips against his leg.
Embarrassed, you bit your lower lip as he bobbed his leg and grinned as he felt you heatedly rubbing your cunt against him.
"Look at you... All desperate and needy. And in public," he whispered in your ear and you whimpered softly as he rubbed his thigh harder against your cunt.
To outsiders it just looked like a couple cuddling and whispering loving words to each other.
"Woojin I can't...," you murmured tensely and he watched as your lustful face tried to keep its composure.
"Take what you need, sweetheart," he murmured to you, guiding your hips against his leg with one hand. With the other he pushed your head to the side to kiss your neck.
Time began to stop and you rolled your hips harder against his thigh. The thought that someone could catch you only sent more arousal between your legs and made your skin tingle.
He was peppering kisses down your throat, stopping to suck a pretty red mark over your pulse point.
Every shift of his hips bumped up against your throbbing core and he held you tightly by the hips as you lost yourself in pleasure. Even clothed the drag on your clit was brilliant, you knew you were going to ruin your panties but the orgasm that was coming your way was worth it.
He bounced his leg just right and watched as your hips stuttered slightly and ran one hand under your shirt to knead your breast. Too inconspicuous for anyone else to notice what he was doing, but you felt every little movement so intensely that you buried your face in his neck. With a sharp curse, your hips continued to roll against those muscular thighs and your eyebrows pinched together from the unbelievable pleasure.
Your lips traveling to his collarbone as you squeezed your cunt against him, the friction on your clit sending electricity through you and as he grinded your hips intensely against his thigh a few more times, you came with a gasp and your body trembled on his.
Satisfied, he stroked a few strands of hair out of your forehead as you calmed down and kissed your temple.
"My good girl," the boxer praised, "Do you feel better now, dollface?" he asked and you nodded slowly and sunk against him. You were too sensitive now but your hips continued to roll lazily, trying to chase the powerful release.
"Thank you..." you said and snuggled closer to his chest. He bit your neck gently, then murmured suggestively:
"You can thank me at home with your sweet pussy. After all, it's mine."
You shuddered and your eyes met. Lasciviously you grinned and you played with his waistband.
"Shall we go?"
He nodded and the lust grabbed you like a tornado, pulled you with it and left no hesitation. You walked together to his apartment, your hand firmly on your ass and as soon as you were through the door, you took off your clothes.
You didn't even made it to his bed this time.
Instead, he ended up on top of you on the couch and the romantic kisses got hot and fiery. As soon as you had your underwear off, he said impatiently:
"Turn over! On all fours!"
With glowing cheeks you did as he said and before you could prepare yourself you felt a hand firmly on your hip and him slipping out of his boxers. The sight was intoxicating as you waited on all fours, ready and willing for him. Your elbows and knees were propped up to support your weight.
"Let's see how much my doll can handle."
He licked his lips before pressing his throbbing tip against your entrance, rubbing and tapping. Fear and excitement filled your body, his tip at your entrance stretched you out already and made you gasp.
"Less talking, more fucking", you snapped.
"You little bitch," he laughed and when his tip entered you, your arms weakened immediately.
Your hands gripped tense, into the padding as he thrusted ruthlessly into you, a rasping gasp escaping him.
"Asshole," you hissed, your voice trembling with pain.
"Fuck... You're so hot when you're angry," he moaned with his hands firmly on your hips, he tucked himself deep inside you, giving you no mercy with his vicious movements. Your nosy moan echoed throughout the apartment, but you didn't have enough self-awareness to stop it. His thick cock stretched out your walls so deliciously, your pussy constricted snuggly around him. He groaned at your tightness, wet and warm all around him.
His thrusts were brutally quick, as if he was trying to win a race. Or prove a point. Your eyes rolled back in pure ecstasy as you lost reality. You felt your mind leave your body. You feared your brain would melt and run out of your ears as he slammed into you from behind. You swear you were dangling above yourself. His pelvis slamming against your ass, the sound of skin slapping and the squelching sound of your aching cunt filling the room.
He noticed that you've been almost cumming all over his cock, your tight walls spasming around him. With your lack of oxygen, the world slowly slipped away from you in a lustful haze. Your pussy tightened around his length as your orgasm suddenly waved over you. Your body and mind submerges into a blissful fog as your climax surrounded him. His thrusts became chaotic and messy as he felt your cum soak his cock and you moaned his name incessantly between unholy whimpers. Heavy breathing, hearts racing, muscles trembling, and sweat glistening. You were trapped in your world of lust and passion.
He let you catch your breath for a moment as he turned you around by your hips and pressed a long kiss to your lips.
"Your perfect. So perfect for me. I want that forever. I wish I could have that forever," he said, his voice wavering dangerously.
Your hands were tight against his chest and you wanted to ask what he meant, but you didn't get to as he thrusted into you again incessantly, your nails dug into his muscular shoulders, and the way he fucked you forced uncontrollable sobs from your swollen lips.
You wanted to hide your face against his chest as the next orgasm threatened to tear you apart, but he pushed you back by the shoulder and his eyes bored into yours caught in a swirl of bliss.
"I want to look at your pretty face when I cum," he gasped, and somehow the moment felt final. There was something strange in his eyes and briefly you thought you saw sadness flashing in them.
But then the next orgasm sent you into a bright light until you saw stars.
As soon as your walls clenched around him, he gasped sharply and his lips crashed against yours. He bit your bottom lip and his thrusts became incoherent as he was about to cum.
Simply kissing him in your dizzy state felt euphoric, your insides contracting,
„Fuck." he sucked in a sharp breath "Still so fuckin' tight for me."
You stared overwhelmed into his eyes, they were filled with so much passion instead of lust. But there was something else. Something that weighed heavier. It felt warm, loving and engaging. The word was on the tip of your tongue, but it weighed far too heavy to speak it or even to grasp it in your thoughts. It was a feeling you had only read about in books or seen in movies. Your heart fluttered, his stare was gentle yet his thrusts were rough as he came inside you and his eyes nearly rolling back. By now it felt like he knew your body more than you did. His tip kept on kissing your g spot, causing you to let out stuttering whimpers as he spilled into you.
"Shit..." he huffed, panting heavily. Your chest raised up and down, catching your breath.
Still buried deep inside you, he collapsed on top of you and buried his face in the crook of your neck.
You stroked your fingers along his back, along his tattoo, and he wrapped his arms around your body so tightly that you gasped.
"Woojin... Babe you're crushing me," you chocked and he immediately eased up a bit.
Without further ado, he turned so that you were on top of him, but continued to hold you as if he was afraid you might disappear if he wasn't careful.
He did not pull out of you. With your pussy still squeezing him and sucking him in so good, he just couldn’t.
"I don't want to lose you," he sighed, stroking through your hair. Looking at him a little puzzled, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more behind his words.
"I'm here," you assured him, taking his face in both hands before kissing him lovingly.
"Let's stay like this for a while. You feel so warm," he murmured and you nodded, resting your cheek against his chest. He seemed more affectionate than usual. You also noticed how desperately he'd cling to you: how he'd tightly hold your thighs at his sides, how his fingernails were digging into your skin, how deeply he was trying to bury himself into you. Looking at your flushed face, all tired out, you couldn't look any more beautiful to him even like this. He looked at how you closed your eyes to give your body a break.
He absorbed everything: your expression, your touch, your warmth, your moans, your pussy, and most of all, your affection was his at the moment. The entirety of you was his and his alone and he would not change it for anything.
The next time you looked into his eyes, there was this vulnerability that surprised you. He wanted to say so much and yet he couldn't bring himself to say a word.
He wanted to say how much he wanted you to be his, how much he had fallen in love with you. How he loved everything about you. Your laugh, the angry glint in your eye, every one of your strange mannerisms.
But that wouldn't be fair.
Not when he was soon gone.
Chapter 9:
The Dream:
Just a few days later, you walked through the door at home yawning, wanting nothing but sleep after a tiring late shift at the café.
But when you saw Gunwoo packing his bag through the door gap in his room, you became curious. You went to his room, jumped on his bed and watched him.
"What are you doing? Are you going somewhere today?" you asked, and he was already swinging his bag on his back.
"I'm just going to bring Woojin some things he left here and then help him pack."
Completely confused, you straightened up, slid to the edge of the bed, and asked:
"Packing? For what?"
Now Gunwoo looked at you just as uncomprehendingly.
"Didn't he tell you?"
"Told me what?" you drove at him a little more briskly than you intended.
"Woojin has qualified for the Amateur Boxing Championship in America."
The info threw everything inside you upside down.
"That's great! He's always dreamed of this!" you said excitedly. Gunwoo nodded vehemently.
"If he wins there, both of us might be able to compete in the World Championships soon. Wouldn't that be crazy?" he exclaimed excitedly and you followed him into the hallway where he put on his shoes.
"But what does that mean? When is he going to America? The competitions are taking place in a few months, aren't they?"
Gunwoo looked up at you and replied:
"He got an offer from a famous coach who wants to prepare him for it. He's already leaving this weekend."
"What?" you gasped in disbelief, your throat instantly tightening.
"How long will he be gone?"
"That's still unclear. Half a year until the competition in any case. What happens after that, no one knows yet. If he does well, he can go straight to the next competitions."
As exciting as it sounded, to your ears it was just a disaster. Stunned, you dropped onto the sofa as soon as Gunwoo disappeared. Woojin would be out of your life in just two days, and maybe forever. And he had told you nothing.
All night long you tossed and turned in your bed. Your chest ached at the mere thought of Woojin going to America. At the same time, your guilty conscience paralyzed you.
It was his dream to box in the professional league and it didn't seem so far-fetched now.
When the first rays of sunlight broke through your window, you still hadn't slept a wink. Sighing, you sat up in bed and made a decision. You had to see him. You had to confront him and ask him about it.
So you slipped into your jacket and shoes and left the house early in the morning. Outside his apartment, you took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.
It took a while, but finally he opened the door and looked at you in amazement. Actually, you expected him to look completely sleepy, his hair a mess and sleep still in his eyes like every morning.
He was not an early riser, and yet he stood before you, alert and wide awake.
"What are you doing here at this hour?" he asked, letting you enter. In his living room you understood why he was already awake. There was an open suitcase on the floor and around it were clothes, his passport and other things. So it was true.
You turned to him with a tense heart.
"When do you wanted to tell me?"
He was obviously uncomfortable. Sighing, he ran his hand over his face and that's when you realized how tired he actually was.
"I was going to tell you... But I didn't think you'd care."
Stunned, you walked up to him.
"What, are you serious? You were just going to disappear without saying anything?", your voice automatically became louder and he stubbornly returned your gaze.
Actually, he had been incredibly afraid. Afraid that you really wouldn't care or that you were even happy when he disappeared. That would have broke him.
Since he had received the letter, he had thought of nothing but you. Instead of saying that, he shrugged.
"We're not together."
A lump formed in your throat. Did he really care that little? Your lower lip quivered dangerously, but you forced yourself to remain calm.
"Was it really that meaningless to you? Am I just a fuck toy for you that you could use at will?" you asked, and he would have loved to scream out loud. Would have pulled you into his arms and kissed the hurt expression from your face. But he was scared and frustrated.
He was afraid of what he would do if you rejected him and even more afraid of what he was willing to do if you didn't.
"Do you care, then? Didn't you just use me for your own pleasure? Or else you wouldn't come crawling back to me, begging me to fuck you so good you forget everything else," he drove at you and you took a few steps back as his jaw twitched furiously and he stepped at you.
"What do you want me to say?" you breathed, struggling to keep your voice steady.
You didn't dare give in. The anger, desperation, and frustration mingled into a sickening taste on your tongue. You didn't know why you were so angry. It only hurt to look at him. He was going to leave and there was nothing you could do about that.
"What you feel," he replied, anger reflected in his eyes as well. He hated that he felt that way. That you had done this to him.
He felt trapped in a spider web and every movement only made him sink deeper into it.
"I can't stand you," you replied, and every word hurt like someone was pressing red-hot iron against your skin. Maybe if you denied it, the feeling would go away on its own.
He came even closer, sparkling at you with mesmerising eyes.
"You don't mean that."
"You don't know what i mean," you shot back frantically.
You could see how hurt he was. But you didn't want to ruin his dream by being selfish. If you just told him, that he meant nothing to you, he could leave without wasting another thought about you and live his dream.
That's what you wanted for him and telling him the truth would only make things complicated for him.
"It's okay. Just leave! If I never see your face again, I'll be happy," you shot back at him, something inside you breaking more with each word.
"I wish i never-" but he interrupted you by grabbing your hand.
"Don't say something you don't mean. Don't you dare," he growled, desperately looking for something to prove otherwise.
"Don't you realize? This isn't working. We're going back and forth. When we're not fighting, we're fucking. It doesn't work like that. We're like poison for each other!", you retorted, the shards of what was left in your chest digging deeper and deeper into your flesh.
"You never change, do you? You never fucking change. Always so stubborn; always thinking you're right," Woojin murmured and you wanted to wrap your arms around him, tell him you didn't want to let him go.
But that would be selfish. He should chase his dream without another worry. You wanted him to be happy.
"I wish you all the best Woojin," you said, your voice finally breaking treacherously at his name. You turned quickly so he wouldn't see the first treacherous tears roll down your cheeks.
He sighed in anger before following you.
"Don't fucking walk away from me!"
He grabbed your hand and you pulled back as if he burned you with his touch.
"Stop telling me what to do!" you yelled back at him and he took a few steps back.
"Maybe you're right. Maybe all of this was a mistake. We would never work and all this is a big fucking mess. But please, before you go, tell me to my face that there's nothing between us. That I imagined all of it so I could have closure!"
All you wanted to do was cry and lash out. It felt like you were bleeding to death inside when you said:
"There's nothing there, and there never will be."
Every word was heavy as lead on your tongue and you feared your legs would give out if you looked into his desperate face for one more second. You wanted to tell him that there was so much you felt for him. That you believed you were seriously falling in love, but it would be selfish and dumb.
"All right..." he murmured, and the sadness in his eyes robbed you of the last of your hopes.
"I'm leaving now," you pressed out, and he watched as the door slammed shut behind you.
He didn't know how long he stared at the door, hoping you would come back and end the argument with a kiss, but that didn't happen.
Not this time.
Chapter 10:
The Love
With a curtain of tears obscuring your view, you stumbled home and as soon as you bursted through the door, past the confused Gunwoo, into your room, you collapsed on your bed sobbing.
Every muscle ached and you feared dying from the pain in your chest.
Putting his ear to the door, Gunwoo winced at the heart-wrenching sobs and cautiously walked in.
"Y/N?" he whispered, sitting anxiously at the edge of the bed.
You couldn't form a word, so tense was your body consumed by anger, rage, and grief. You didn't have to.
Gunwoo soothingly placed a hand on your back and pulled you closer until your head rested on his lap. Silently, he stroked your hair soothingly and was just there. Your big secure rock in the painfully raging waters. The anchor that kept you from sinking into the deep black tides of your mind.
For the next few days, you didn't leave your room. You couldn't bring yourself to touch the food your mom put on your nightstand and buried yourself under your covers, hoping you'd never have to leave your bed again.
By Saturday night, Gunwoo had had enough.
You felt the mattress beside you lower as he sat down.
"Woojin's flight leaves in an hour..." he said into the silence, as if you hadn't been counting the minutes.
"Why are you telling me this?" you grumbled into your pillow, trying to ignore the way your heart contracted painfully.
"You should tell him how you feel before it's too late."
Gunwoo's words made you look up, and as you looked at him, you realized he was dead serious.
"What, how.?“
"It's obvious. To everyone but you two idiots. You like each other and I want you to be happy. To do that, you have to tell him how you feel before he's gone."
"It's too late," you howled into your pillow as Gunwoo suddenly yanked the covers off you. The cool air against your bare legs gave you goosebumps.
"What are you doing!" you snapped at him, but he also ripped the pillow from under your head, causing your face to slam into the mattress.
"Get up! I'm taking you to the airport. Now!"
You stared at him, stunned, and slid to the edge of the bed.
"Are you serious?" you asked uneasily, and he was already tossing you a pair of jeans from your closet.
"I've never been more serious! Come on hurry up!"
So you picked yourself up, took new courage and got dressed. Excitedly, you kneaded your hands the entire car ride. At the airport, you already felt so sick that you wanted to throw up.
With Gunwoo, you ran past the many people. Like in an anthill, tons of people were scurrying around. Businessmen with suits, families with a convoys of suitcases, and groups of young people visiting relatives or were on vacation.
Hurriedly, heart pounding, you kept a lookout for Woojin, but he was nowhere to be seen.
"Maybe we're too late," you gasped as Gunwoo stretched his head and kept a lookout. He was taller and thus had a better view.
But there he suddenly pointed to a counter where Woojin was about to walk through the gate.
"There he is!" he shouted. His curly head and broad shoulders clearly set him apart from the other people.
You didn't have to think for a second to sprint. Like a maniac, you pushed past the people, earning indignant stares, but nothing would stop you from reaching him.
"Woojin! Wait!" you shouted, almost running over an old man. You apologized hurriedly and kept running. He turned around in amazement and when he saw you, he took a step out of the crowd.
Your feet seemed not to touch the ground and as soon as you reached him you threw yourself into his arms so violently that he staggered back a few steps, but he held you so tightly that that you lifted off the ground.
His smell and touch glued the pieces that had once been your heart back together.
You held him so tightly and swore never to let him go. By now you had attracted the attention of most of the people around you, but that didn't stop you from sobbing in relief.
You broke away from him slightly, but only to look him in the eye. He set you down carefully and his amber eyes scrutinized you in complete wonder. You wrapped your arms around his neck and began to chatter away like a waterfall:
"I'm so sorry. I was so stupid. It's totally fine if you don't feel that way, but I'm pretty sure I fell in love with you. You mean so much to me and I can't sleep, eat or breathe without you... I just didn't want to mess up and get in the way of your dream.“
"Y/N..." he tried to interrupt you for the first time, but everything that had been building up burst out of you.
"You’re an amazing boxer and I didn’t want to make things complicated for you. Also I've never felt anything like this before and I was afraid you wouldn't want me."
"Sweetheart. Y/N?"
Sobbing, you didn't realize you were crying until he wiped the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs and cupped your cheeks lovingly. Breathing hard, you looked up at him and he smiled warmly.
"May I say something now?" he asked quietly, and there was so much affection in his eyes that you just nodded, sniffling.
"I'm in love with you. For quite a while now. I didn't know this feeling. When I was near you I felt things I had never felt before. But now I know: I'm deeply madly and head over heels in love with you."
He laughed at the look on your face. You were too cute with those puffy lips, reddened eyes, and beautiful affection in your eyes.
"Yes. Can I finally kiss you now?"
You nodded and that's when he pulled you by the chin into a kiss that blew away all the pain of the last few days like a violent whirlwind. Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest as you snuggled up to him and deepened the kiss.
Now you knew what this strange feeling was that floated between you like a lukewarm summer wind. It was love.
The word suddenly didn't feel so far away anymore.
With closed eyes you slowly separated from each other, smiling and savouring the moment. You blushed when you saw how many pairs of eyes were directed at you. Nevertheless, you could not stop smiling at each other.
Then an announcement rang out, announcing Woojin's flight in a few minutes.
"I have to go..." he muttered in anguish, and you stroked his chest with your hands.
"Yeah I know."
He didn't want to let you go and it was obvious how much he was fighting with himself.
"Just to make sure: You're my girlfriend now?" he asked with that typical cheeky grin.
Your heart fluttered and you wanted to squeal with delight. You laughed blissfully and overwhelmed with happiness. He wanted to bottle up that sound so bad and keep it with him forever.
"Yes. All yours..." you replied and he looked at your features dreamily.
"All mine," he murmured and pulled you by the hips into a kiss again. It was getting harder and harder to separate from each other, but you managed somehow.
"You have to go! Otherwise you'll miss the flight," you gasped breathlessly, pressing your forehead to his.
"Will you call me?"
"Of course. After all, we're officially together now. We'll cheer you on from home until you get back," you said, and along with the joy, a little wistfulness now crept in.
After all, this was still goodbye. A temporary farewell, but still devastating now that you finally stopped being stupid and found each other.
"Take care of Gunwoo for me!" he said and that's when you noticed your brother standing behind you, smiling broadly but with teary eyes.
"Come here Bro!", Woojin said then and spread an arm invitingly.
Gunwoo literally jumped into the embrace and so you three squeezed each other tightly.
"Show them and win!" said Gunwoo and you thought you heard a muffled sob.
When you broke away from each other, you all had tears in your eyes and yet you were grinning broadly.
"We see each other soon...Maybe you can visit me?" said Woojin, and neither of you would move, nodding while sniffling and pouting.
When your brother pulled him sobbing into his arms once more, you laughed softly and wiped the tears from your eyes.
Then the idiot that you somehow fell in love with turned to you again, pulled you closer by your face, and gave you one last, loving kiss.
"I love you, dollface"
"I love you, idiot"
With that, you let go and watched Woojin disappear through the gate. Gunwoo put an arm around you and you leaned your head against his shoulder. That wasn't exactly what your brother had in mind, when he wanted you two to know each other but having your best friend as possible brother-in-law wasn't that bad either.
Before Woojin disappeared completely, he saluted Gunwoo, which your brother returned with a laugh. Then he was gone and there were only the two of you again.
With a muffled sob you hid your face in your hands, while Gunwoo led you outside the airport.
„I‘ll miss his stupid face“, you cried and Gunwoo chuckled slightly.
He shook is head and looked at you with a healing smile.
„Who would have guessed…“
The End
© Sky-yuna — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
@marked-unknown @littlebaby-bunbun @officialshania @choisoorin @fanaticnae @hoe4wonwoo @lola2004sworld @penny44224 @artisticbirb @amnmich @spaggedy @tasteskz-sworld
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xomakara · 2 months
The Baby Bug
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(re-posting from my old account seulrinnie-rinrin/xomakara-secondary)
SUMMARY | Wooyoung comes home from work after taking care of a baby and he really wants another child. PAIRING | Wooyoung x Reader GENRE | dad!Wooyoung, baby fever yo, suggestive implications, a cute little ball of sunshine, more fluff than anything lol, strong language RATING | SFW, suggestive LENGTH | 3,587 words TAGLIST | -- NETWORKS | AUTHOR’S NOTE | Watching any content with babies and kids just pull at my heartstrings and that’s what exactly happened when I watched this. They’d definitely be great dads in the future.
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“I’m home!” Wooyoung calls out as he takes his shoes off at the entrance and slips his feet into his house slippers. Just as he was placing his bag on the floor, he heard the little pitter-patter of feet and a small body launching itself towards him. He caught the small boy in mid air with one hand, making him squeal happily before throwing him over his shoulder.
“Daddy’s home!” The little boy wiggles around excitedly.
“Aww, squirt, you missed me so much?” he says fondly, rocking him back and forth. “Where’s mommy?”
"Mommy is in the kitchen."
“Wooyoung? Is that you?” He heard his wife call out from the kitchen.
Wooyoung gently set the squirming kid down on the floor and padded into the kitchen, wiping his hands on his shirt. A broad smile stretched across his face as he saw his beautiful wife leaning against the countertop, cleaning up dishes. The sight reminded him of how far they had come, just from two lonely kids who could barely take care of themselves.
“I’m home, my love.” He leaned down to give you a kiss on the cheek.
You looked up and smiled. “Hey there, handsome. Did your day go well?”
He wrapped an arm around your waist. “It went great. Yeosang and I played with a baby all day today. He was the cutest thing ever.”
You lightly slapped his shoulder, looking all around the kitchen. “Don’t let Woojin hear you say that, haha. He’ll abandon us and go live with Seonghwa.”
Wooyoung snorted. “Are you kidding? That little terror is all we need. I can’t imagine life without him now.”
“Hahaha…” You agreed. “Okay, okay. Are you hungry or thirsty? Do you want anything to eat?”
“I’m not hungry for food but something else…” He pulled you closer to him. His lips descended on yours. “Want to have some fun?”
You laughed as he tugged you closer to him, covering your mouth with his own. You pulled away, breathless. “Not right now. Later. When Hongjoong and Seonghwa comes pick up Woojin for their play date.”
Wooyoung nodded his head. “Good idea.”
“Until then, let's find our little terror.” You took his hand and led him to the living room.
“Woojin? Baby, where are you at?” You called out, scanning the entire living room until you found him, playing with toys on the sofa. You and Wooyoung sat next to him. “What are you playing with, munchkin?”
The boy gave you a big grin. “Uncle Yunho got me a new toy. It makes sounds when you push the buttons and it makes bubbles. I like it.”
Wooyoung let out a laugh. “Your uncles sure like to spoil you, huh?“
Woojin beamed. “Because all the uncles love me!”
You grinned back. “That’s right, buddy. All the uncles love you very much. Now, are you ready to go? Because Uncle Hongjoong and Uncle Seonghwa should be here any minute to pick you up.”
“Why?” The little boy asked, still playing with the toy.
“Remember that the uncles are taking you to the zoo? And then you’re spending the night there.”
“Yeah, zoo!” Woojin clapped his hands excitedly. “I love the zoo!”
“Well, if you keep that happy attitude, I bet Uncle Seonghwa will get you some extra special treats.” You said, stroking Woojin’s hair.
“Like what?” The little boy tilted his head curiously.
“Hmm…I don’t know. Maybe some ice cream. Or maybe he’ll get you a candy or two. What do you think, baby?”
“Candy!” The boy exclaimed happily. “Can I please have candy?”
Wooyoung laughed and patted his son’s hair. “If you behave for the uncles, you might just get candy.”
“Are Uncle Yeosang and Uncle Mingi and Uncle Yunho and Uncle San and Uncle Jongho going to the zoo too?”
“Let’s ask them.” Wooyoung nodded, taking his phone out and calling everyone. You turned to look at Wooyoung as he talked to everyone. He was holding the receiver close to his ear and he had a bright smile plastered on his face. When he ended the call, he looked down at his son. “Yep, all the uncles are going too.”
“Yay!” Woojin cheered happily, bouncing up and down on his seat. He hugged you and Wooyoung. The three of you played with his toys and watched a little bit of TV before the guys showed up.
 As soon as Woojin saw Mingi, he launched himself at him and wrapped his arms around his legs, refusing to let go. Mingi lifted his leg up and swung him around in a circle.
Seonghwa looked at Wooyoung. “Everything all packed for our play date?”
You handed him Woojin’s bag. “Yep, all packed and ready.”
“Woojin, are you ready?” Mingi said to the little boy that still clung to his leg.
The little boy nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! Let’s go, Uncle.”
“Alright, squirt.” Seonghwa ruffled his hair affectionately. “Give your dad and mom a kiss and hug before you go.”
Woojin ran up to you, his little arms wide open. You bent down and kissed him on the forehead. “I love you, baby. Be good for the uncles, okay? We’ll miss you.”
"I love you mommy." He put both hands on your cheeks and gave you a quick peck. Then, he ran over to Wooyoung, jumped into his lap and hugged him tightly. “I love you, daddy. See you later!”
“Be good for your uncles, squirt.” Wooyoung gave you a wink before putting him down on the ground. He ran up to the guys and waved at you and Wooyoung, before running out the door with his uncles.
You watched him run down the driveway, laughing with Mingi and running to latch into Yunho’s arms. Your heart ached watching him leave but you knew that this would be beneficial for both Wooyoung and yourself. You leaned into Wooyoung’s chest and wrapped your arms around him.
“Finally alone.” Wooyoung whispered. “Finally.”
“Yeah, finally.” You smiled as you gazed up at him.
“Mmm…” He closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of being in your arms. “What should we do now, wife?”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Just what kind of suggestion did you have in mind, husband?”
“Oh, you know…” He winked suggestively. “We could go into the bedroom. We could make love. Maybe even try something new…”
You couldn’t help but chuckle. “You’re incorrigible.”
He chuckled. “But you like it, don’t you?”
“As long as you give me all the attention and love that I crave, then yes. Yes, I do like it.”
He groaned softly, running his hands through your hair. “Ahhh, I love hearing you say that.”
“What do you want to do first?” You asked, breathlessly.
“Y/N, you should know by now what I want.” He said as he nibbled on your neck. “What do you want, wife?”
“I want…” Your voice broke off as he moved lower, kissing a trail along your collarbone. “…what you want.”
His teeth nipped at your collarbone and you gasped, arching your back slightly as he kept moving downwards. His tongue traced a path along your cleavage and as his hand caressed your breasts, you shivered involuntarily.
“My love, do you want another baby?” He whispered, continuing to touch your sensitive skin. "Maybe we can try for a baby girl? I'd love one that looks like you, my angel.”
“Maybe.” You murmured, closing your eyes as he massaged your nipples. “If it happens naturally.”
“With that cute little mouth of yours constantly asking for more, how can I deny you anything?” He said in between kisses. “Let's see if we can get pregnant tonight. Let's make love like never before, Y/N. Let's prove to ourselves once and for all that we are meant to be together.”
You chuckled. “As if we haven't proved that already.”
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A few days had passed since Woojin’s playdate with Seonghwa and Mingi. Woojin loved the time spent with his uncles. They were so cool and made him laugh all the time. They also took him to all sorts of places – they went to the playground and the beach, they ate tons of snacks, played hide-and-seek and had ticklish fights. Wooyoung had gotten reports every day about how well behaved Woojin was during the playdates and he felt proud of his son.
You were on the couch with Wooyoung, Woojin sitting in the middle as you watched a family movie. Woojin had fallen asleep and was cuddled on his dad’s lap, snoring gently. Wooyoung smiled fondly at his sleeping son, idly tracing circles on his soft dark curls.
“He’s so well behaved when he’s not being a little terror.” Wooyoung muttered.
You laughed quietly. “He’s a little terror because he got that from you.”
“True.” He sighed, smiling fondly. “He definitely gets it from me.”
You looked at your son’s peaceful face as he snoozed away on your husband’s chest. The sight of him always filled you with such warmth. The little guy was so innocent and pure. And no matter how many times you thought you couldn’t handle his tantrums, he always managed to charm you with his innocence and eagerness to please. Even though it wasn’t easy raising a kid, seeing his joy at the simplest things brought you immense happiness.
And looking at him now, peacefully snoring away on Wooyoung’s chest, you suddenly realized that you wanted another baby. Because Woojin was growing up so fast, and although it was fun watching him grow and develop into a young man, part of you wanted another little person to take care of and dote on.
It was as if Wooyoung could hear your thoughts so he softly whispered. "Babe?"
"Hmm?" You turned to look at him, seeing the tender expression on his face.
"Let's try for a baby again." He murmured. "Please?"
Your heart skipped a beat at those words. “Really?”
“Woojin is growing up so fast. Soon, he won’t need us anymore. It’d be nice to have another little one running around the house. And maybe it'll be a girl this time, and she’ll be just as beautiful as you. She’ll be perfect. Just like her older brother.”
Your heart swelled with pride and love as you stared at him. There was nothing else you needed than having him by your side. This man who adored you and cared for you unconditionally. Who worked hard to provide for your family and keep them happy. A family that he created with you. Together, you were amazing. And you couldn’t wait to share this wonderful life with someone who makes you feel whole.
Wooyoung placed a gentle kiss on your lips. “So, shall we make another baby, wife?”
“Absolutely.” You replied without hesitation.
"Mommy? Daddy?" Woojin softly spoke up, his voice laced with sleepiness. "What are you doing?"
You and Wooyoung let out a small laugh. You stroked your son's hair. "Woojin, baby. Do you want to be a big brother?"
“Uh huh.” He nodded his head tiredly. "I want a brother or sister. Is there a baby in your tummy yet?"
You laughed softly. "Not quite yet, buddy. But we're trying."
Wooyoung let out a laugh as he ruffled Woojin's hair. "Well, we'll see. Come on, buddy. Let's get you tucked into bed so mommy and daddy can talk."
“Okay.” Woojin nodded his head obediently and stretched his arms towards Wooyoung. "Can you carry me to my room?"
"Sure thing, buddy." Wooyoung picked up his son and walked him to his bedroom. As he laid him down on his bed, Wooyoung lightly touched his nose with his finger and smiled. “Good night, my little pirate. Sleep tight and dream sweet dreams.”
After giving Woojin a kiss goodnight, Wooyoung returned to your room where you were lying in bed, reading.
"Hey." He entered the room, shutting the door behind him. "Are you done reading?"
You set the book down and looked at him, letting out a smile. "Almost."
He crawled onto the bed next to you, wrapping his arm around your waist. "Our little menace is asleep. What should we do now?"
You put your book down and turned on your side to look at him. "How about we spend some quality time together?"
"That sounds great." He kissed you softly. "Anything in particular you'd like to do?"
"I'm open to suggestions." You smiled, caressing his cheek.
"Well, if I may make a suggestion…" He leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours. "I think I'd like to fuck my wife senseless."
You groaned as his hot lips met yours, causing you to gasp. “You’re incorrigible.”
"I know." He grinned. "But you still love me, right?"
"More than anything." You pulled him closer to you, grinding your hips against his.
"Glad to hear that." He nuzzled your neck, making you shudder with desire. "I think I'd like to find out how much I can drive you crazy."
“How am I supposed to stay sane when you’re touching me like that?” You whispered seductively.
“Don’t worry, my darling. I’ll do my best to make sure you stay sane.” He breathed into your ear.
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It's been almost a month since Wooyoung and you started trying for another baby. While you were both excited to start trying for another child, you weren't too surprised when your pregnancy test came out negative. And you were even less surprised when you took another test only a week later and it was also negative.
“It’s okay, my darling.” Wooyoung reassured you as he held your hand. “It will happen when it’s supposed to. We’ll keep trying until it works.”
“Yes.” You smiled. “We will. I know we will.”
After a few weeks, you started feeling more hopeful. Maybe it wouldn't take too long to conceive again. And perhaps you would get pregnant before the end of the year. You could barely contain your excitement as you waited for the results of the last two tests you had taken.
It was Friday afternoon and Wooyoung was preparing to leave for the studio to record for a new album. The rest of the members would meet up there later and record their parts.
You watched him getting ready, admiring his physique. His black hair was messily combed back and falling across his forehead, making him look utterly sexy. Every single move he made caused goosebumps to rise on your skin. As soon as he spritzed on some of his cologne, you couldn't help but feel nauseous.
His fingers reached out for yours. "Honey, what's wrong?"
"Nothing." You shook your head. "I'm fine."
"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you and Woojin home if you're getting sick."
You shook your head. "Just a little nauseo-"
"Come here." He pulled you close to him, cradling you in his arms. "Is something wrong?"
You tried to bury your face in his chest but his cologne still hit you straight in the face, causing you to push him away and run towards the toilet. Your stomach churned as you felt bile rising up your throat. You sat down on the floor and puked, dry heaving for a while until your stomach finally settled down.
"Baby? Are you okay?" Wooyoung rushed over to you.
"Sorry." You sniffed. "I'm okay now."
"Shit." He groaned, sighing deeply. "Should I just stay home? I'm sure the guys won't mind. I hate leaving you alone when you're ill."
"No, it's okay. I'm fine." You brushed off his concerns. "Really. I promise."
He frowned but decided to trust you. "Alright then. Just call me or text me if you start feeling worse. Okay?"
"Okay." You hugged him tightly, trying to reassure him.
"I'll drop Woojin at my parents before I head to the studio." He promised, kissing your forehead. "He can play with my parents and Kyungmin for the day while you get some rest."
“Thank you, my love.” You gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Anytime.” He gave you another quick peck before heading out of the house with your son in tow.
You spent the morning cleaning the house, picking up Woojin’s toys, and doing the laundry. Feeling nauseous again, you headed to the bathroom. You closed the door and looked at the stack of pregnancy tests sitting on the top of the toilet. Taking them one by one, you compared each test strip to see if any showed two pink lines that signified you could be pregnant. They all showed one line except for one test.
Looking at it, you couldn't believe your eyes. Two lines, one faint compared to the other. Your heart began beating faster and your breathing became shallow as you stared at the positive test. You rummaged through your bedroom drawers to find another test. Once you found it, you carefully took it out and took it to the bathroom. After putting the first one aside, you used the second test and waited impatiently for the result.
"Oh my God! Oh my God!" You shrieked as the second test also showed the same two pink lines. "I'm fucking pregnant!"
Tears of joy began streaming down your cheeks. You didn't know whether to cry tears of happiness or frustration because this wasn't how you thought it would happen. It happened sooner than expected and despite all the prior negative tests from earlier, you welcomed the news with open arms.
Grabbing a tissue, you wiped your tears. You picked up the phone and face-timed a familiar person.
"Baby, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Wooyoung asked and you could see the worry in his face. You could hear the chatter of the guys in the background as they talked amongst themselves. "Should I come home?"
"No." You chuckled nervously. "Everything's fine. Actually… Everything's perfect."
"You're not sick?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed in concern. "You were vomiting this morning."
"Morning sickness, baby. Nothing serious." You smiled. "I'm pregnant."
"For real?! Are you sure?" Wooyoung sounded extremely relieved.
You held up the two positive tests for him, zooming in on the faint lines that signaled you were pregnant. You saw the happiness in his face. "See? Positive."
"I'm coming home." He said immediately, before calling out to the guys that he's leaving. "I'm going home! My wife is pregnant! Woo!"
You laughed as the guys teased him, Wooyoung saying that he would be at the studio bright and early tomorrow to finish recording for their album. The guys agreed and encouraged him to go home and spend time with his family.
"I'll go pick up Woojin first and then I'll be home. I love you." Wooyoung said before ending the video call.
You placed your phone on the countertop, breathing a huge sigh of relief. This was definitely the happiest moment of your life. You looked at yourself in the mirror, smiling widely.
"Wow. Me, the mother of two." You mused to yourself. "I can't believe it."
An hour had passed and you heard the front door opening, your son throwing his shoes off and running to envelope you in a hug.
"Mommy! Mommy! Daddy says you're having a baby!" He exclaimed, hugging you tightly.
"Did he?" You asked, holding him tighter. "Are you ready to be a big brother?"
"Yeah! Yeah!" Woojin shouted happily, bouncing up and down. "I'll teach him how to kick a ball! And to read! And… And..."
Wooyoung let out a laugh as he gave you a hug, placing his chin on your shoulder. "What if it's a girl?"
"Then I'll be the best big brother in the world." Woojin exclaimed as he looked up at his dad.
"My boy is already thinking like a big brother." Wooyoung murmured affectionately.
"Can I help take care of the baby?" Woojin asked shyly.
"Of course you can, kiddo." You replied. "The more the merrier."
"Yay! Because I have lots of ideas!" Woojin beamed. "I wanna help with cooking and bath time and feeding and changing diapers."
You laughed. "Sure, honey. That sounds like fun."
Wooyoung gently stroked his son's head. "That sounds good to me, too. What else did you have in mind?"
Woojin thought for a moment before his smile grew wider. "I want to sing lullabies to the baby!"
You laughed. "I can already imagine how noisy our house will become once the baby gets here."
"And… And... And…" Woojin continued excitedly, but you were too busy laughing at his enthusiasm to hear what he said next. "And..! I wanna share the room with the baby so that I can protect it."
"Aww." You cooed, burying your face in his hair. "You are such an adorable little boy. You're going to be the best big brother ever."
"Thanks, mommy." He kissed your nose. "Daddy said the same thing to me in the car."
Wooyoung grinned. "And I think it's safe to say that I'll be the best father ever."
"When are you not the best father in the world?" You turned your head to capture his lips in a sweet kiss. "I can't wait to meet our little princess or prince."
"Soon, my love." He whispered softly. "Very soon."
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seongwave · 3 months
⎙  » only
pairing : kim ri-an x oc!dior
synopsis : the only girl ri-an actually loves came back. and no, it wasn't jae-i at all.
warning : lowercase intended. not proofread.
a/n : are you team kang ha or team ri-an ?? i'm neither lol.
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a princess from a prominent tycoon family in korea, widely recognized around the world, was none other other than dior.
she is part of the friend group including jae-i, hera, woojin, and of course her beloved ri-an.
moving away for a couple of years and keeping in touch mainly with ri-an was pleasant. despite missing her friends, ri-an makes sure to keep her informed about their whereabouts during his visits.
which occurs on nearly monthly basis.
it was a dream come true for both pair. they have a deep love for each other that enabled them to make their long-distance relationship work.
they first encountered each other when they were kids. dior was practicing piano at that time when ri-an's family visited their house.
i guess we could say that they were already connected. both in their hearts and their parent's agreement.
dior, now a skilled pianist, was on the verge of going back to her homeland, korea.
she intends to astonish her friends and her significant other, who went to great lengths to journey for just to visit her.
dior waited calmly in her porsche outside the school. it was time for dismissal and she anticipated her friends coming out soon.
shortly, students gathered at the entrance and observed the unfamiliar car. dior decided to go outside so she can spot her friends and boyfriend easier.
and there they are. hera squealed as she run towards her. embracing her in a hug, with jae-i joining as well. the two kept asking how she was doing and expressed disappointment that she hadn't come to see them.
woojin moved the two girls aside and embrace dior, softly telling her how much they had missed her.
dior responded with a smile to their warm welcome.
noticing the man she had longed for and missed standing just a few steps away, dior looked over the surprised man and grin/
"my beloved !" dior called out as she left her friends behind to run towards ri-an and jumped to his open arms, "my love, why didn't you informed me about your return?" ri-an asked only to receive a peck on his forehead and both sides of his cheeks.
oh how the students were overjoyed that the damage control has returned at last.
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masterlist !
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geonwooz · 7 months
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bf!woojin + bf!gunwoo x reader | wc : 0.9k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, major angst, established relationship, mentions of arguments, mentions of food, swearing, crying | request : hello. i was wondering if you could write something about an argument with hong woojin. maybe a headcanon or a scenario, whichever you prefer. thanks ^^ + your writing is so good 😭😭😭 please do how they would react to getting in a argument for the first time!!! have a nice dayyyy
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“baby, i’m home! i’m sorry i was late. gunwoo was hungry, so we went–”
woojin’s words fizzled out, a string of curses leaving his lips ever-so-softly as his gaze landed on the dining table.
his favorite foods were prettily plated, practically covering the table with how much food there was.
the cinnamon-scented candles he loved were lit across the room, making his heart melt because he knew how much you didn’t like them but still used them for him.
the curses only continued when his eyes fell on you, seeing the way you had fallen asleep while waiting for him.
you wore one of his hoodies over the red dress he bought for you, having opted for comfort to huddle on the sofa while you waited for his arrival.
his heart fell as he saw the tear stains on your face, realising you had cried. i’m fucking stupid. what have i done? he wondered as he looked at you, not knowing what to do.
broken between waking you up and carrying you to bed, woojin chose the former, not wanting you to go to bed without eating anything.
“y/n, my love...” he softly called, pulling you out of your drowsy state. “hey–”
your gaze set into a glare as you saw your boyfriend, shaking his hand off you.
your attempt to hide away in your room failed when woojin held onto your arm, pulling you closer to him.
“let me go.” your voice was barely audible, afraid it’d crack if you were to yell. “i want to be alone right now, woojin.”
“i-i know i messed up, babe.” he sighed, dragging his hands over his face. “i’m really sorry, and i promise i’ll make it up to you. let’s have dinner and talk, okay? please–”
you pulled your hand away from his grasp, twisting it free. “i’m tired of your apologies, woojin. every single time, it’s the same story. you forget, you apologise, and you expect me to forgive you,” you cried, the tears running down your face.
woojin stayed quiet, not knowing how to make things right. it was true. he was always forgetful of things, and it affected your relationship at times. he took a deep breath, seeing the way you cried harder at his silence.
“i went to my graduation alone. i went to your aunt’s restaurant's opening alone. you stood me up on our dates several times. it was just me doing things couples do for half of our relationship, and i never said anything!”
“y/n, truly, i am–”
“don't say you are sorry if you don't mean it, woojin.” you shook your head. “because if you really cared, you would've remembered that today was our three-year anniversary.”
you wiped away your tears, taking a deep breath before turning on your heel. you walked to your room, shutting the door behind you so you could break down in peace.
woojin sat outside, leaning against the door. he felt his heart break as he heard your pained sobs, realizing he fucked up majorly this time around.
even though he knew he didn't deserve someone as caring and patient as you, hong woojin wasn't going to stop until he did everything in his power to gain your trust back again.
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“jagiya, seriously. it’s nothing. don’t worry about it, okay? i’m fine.”
gunwoo assured, knowing he was going to have a hard time convincing you with his words as he saw your frown.
you crossed your arms over your chest, taking a deep breath. “it’s not boxing season, woo. bruises i can brush off, but those cuts i cannot. what’s going on?” you asked, trying your best not to raise your voice.
“don’t worry about it, really, jagiya. please.”
“fine. if you won’t answer my questions, then i won’t ask any.”
gunwoo’s brows furrowed, skeptical of your sudden change in response. he waited for you to continue, but you simply walked away, leaving him even more confused.
he didn’t want to leave you in the dark like this. he really didn’t.
but when president choi made him promise not to tell you anything, especially considering you were his granddaughter, gunwoo really had no choice but to keep quiet about his work.
as he stood in the middle of the room, occupied by his thoughts, gunwoo was pulled out of his trance when you walked out of your room, pulling along with you a suitcase.
“jagiya, what’s this?” his voice was an octave lower, brows raised as he looked between you and your luggage. “you aren’t really leaving, are you?”
you kept quiet, not even having the courage to look at his face. you knew you’d crumble down into tears the second you saw his face, and it’d definitely result in both of you crying.
“y/n … please. talk to me.”
“if you aren’t answering my questions, kim gunwoo-ssi,” you stated, making him wince at how you used his full name. “i don’t think i’d have to answer yours either.”
gunwoo watched you walk out of your shared apartment, tears filling his eyes as he fisted his hands by his side.
he wanted to run after you; he wanted to tell you the truth; he wanted you to stay.
but the reason he was hiding everything from you was for your own safety. he promised your grandfather he’d keep you safe no matter what.
and if keeping you safe meant letting you go, kim gunwoo would do so — even if it resulted in the two of you getting heartbroken in the process.
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