#we made a joke about making him a marketable plushie
randaccidents · 1 month
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@kitkatriel I turned your god (Harmonia from omoriCCCC au) into a marketable plushie, whatcha gonna do now? /j
(Disclaimer: small parts, not meant for children under the age of 5)
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urara04 · 9 months
Gemini DTIYS
Fic for @tangledinink ‘s DTIYS for Gemini!
Wrote a total of. Apparently. 1532 words. This fic got away from me hehe.
Little interview fic under the read more (I’ve hid little details and things, hope you pick up on them! )
Today, the Gemini, current Battle Nexus champions, are with us for an interview and to learn the plans for their career in the future.
The twin champions shall be interviewed by the twin journalists, Castor Leda and Pollux Leda.
Castor: Good evening, gentlemen.
Gemini: Good evening~ we’re happy to be here
Gemini: Good evening.
Pollux: To make things a little less confusing, both for us and for the readers, are there any other names we can refer to you, as individuals?
Castor: We’ve heard you don’t like to be called by your birth names, so let’s find a middle ground.
[[ Leo smirks ]]
Gemini: How about… Neon Leon ☆
[[ Donnie rolls his eyes ]]
Gemini: He’s joking. Don’t do that.
Castor: chuckles Alright, we got a jokester over here.
Gemini: As for the names, you can call us by our colors. Blue for me, Purple for this boy over here.
[[ “Hey” ]]
Pollux: Noted. Well, thank you for being here, Blue and Purple.
Blue: Wouldn’t be anywhere else~
Purple nods
[[ He fiddles with his fingers, unnoticeable to anyone but Leo sitting next to him ]]
Castor: Your recent victories in the Battle Nexus are nothing short of fascinating, how do you come up with surprising the audience each and every time?
Blue: Are you talking about the victory over that lion yokai? Or the whale one? Or that mob of fishes?
Pollux: Let us take the more recent one, the lion.
Castor: That fight was a fierce one to watch. One thing we both noticed, however, was that Purple didn’t use his normal bo.
[[ Donnie stops ]]
Pollux: That was something we were wondering, yes. Purple, you usually use a more… sturdy weapon. And I am not a scientist, so correct me if I’m wrong, but the bo you usually use is made of metal.
Castor: You used a wooden staff this time. Any reason?
[[ It was suddenly very warm for him ]]
[[ “…for the challenge.” ]]
Purple: For the challenge.
Blue: Yeah, since the recent fights had a lot of repetition which is no fun, both for us and for the lovely audience, we thought we could shake things up by using a different weapon.
Castor: And what a change it was! It was a shame the staff broke, but you managed to roll with it and win!
Pollux: The fight was a close one, it had us on the edge of our seats.
[[ Leo smiles, almost breaking into a full-toothed grin ]]
Blue: That’s Gemini~
Castor: Now, if you could allow me to ask a bit more of a personal question.
[[ Pollux folds his hands ]]
Castor: We know you’re the children of Big Mama, but we were wondering: do you have a dad? A Big Papa if you will.
[[ “Castor” “What, we’re both wondering the same thing!” ]]
Blue: I’m afraid that information is off-limits~
Purple: All you need to know is that he is not in our lives.
[[ Leo looks at Donnie, both sharing the same thought ]]
[[ “But do you have any idea-“ “That is enough, Castor” ]]
Pollux: Thank you for answering. Let us move on to other questions. The fights in the Battle Nexus are obviously the core of your careers. Are there any other plans for the both of you to expand your Gemini career? Aside photoshoots and interviews like this one, of course.
Purple: There will be a new merchandise line coming out.
Blue: Oh yes! Little pins, shirts, caps, even water flasks! All available with our logo and colors, in your nearest market!
Purple: The more special merchandise will be sold at the Battle Nexus, right after we win our fight.
Pollux: Can we get a clue about this special merchandise?
[[ Castor rolls his eyes ]]
Purple: Little plushies, more elaborate shirts, bags, and even exclusive photographs of the both of us training, and even playing sports like tennis or basketball.
[[ “-baskeighball” “…what did you say?” “He said basketball” ]]
Pollux: Thank you for answering, Purple, I am very curious to see how this line will turn out. You both work very hard, and it’s admirable to see this work drive from two young men.
[[ Donnie smiles a little ]]
[[ “You’re doing great, Purple, don’t worry” ]]
Castor: So, you both have each other, you have Big Mama, are there any other names in this family, or is it just the three of you?
Blue: Well, we have Gus!
Purple: He’s our dog and has been with us since birth
Castor: And what do we have to imagine? Little puppy, or a big guard dog?
Purple: …well
Blue: Would it make sense…
Purple: If he’s both?
Blue: You’d have to see him to really get it, haha~
Pollux: Sounds like a fun family
Castor: And what about people outside of the four of you?
[[ Pollux sighs ]]
Purple: Like the hotel staff?
Blue: Aside from the people who have been with us since we were but little tadpoles
[[ “That’s not how-“ ]]
Blue: We aren’t really attached to the hotel staff. They’re friendly enough, but nobody close.
Castor: And outside of the hotel, then?
Blue: We’re too focused on our careers to really spend time with the people outside. Inside, however…
Purple: Gemini tends to mingle with the visitors of the Nexus Hotel, that’s where you can find us outside of the Battle Nexus, and you can meet us there as well.
[[ Leo chuckles a bit at the monotone voice of Donnie ]]
Castor: Now, Blue, I have a question for you. If it’s alright, it’ll be the last question for today
Blue: Go for it!
Castor: Who’s the older twin?
[[ Leo laughs, loud ]]
[[ Donnie covers his ears from the sudden volume ]]
Blue: Pfft, what?
Castor: You see, Pollux is the older one, and I was wondering if that serious persona he does all the time is an elder brother trait, or if it’s just himself.
Blue: laughing Although that’s a fun question, we’re actually not sure which of the two of us is older.
Castor: Would anything change between the two of you, if you learned if you’re the youngest, or maybe even eldest.
[[ Pallox huffs, but grins a little bit ]]
Blue: Hmmmm… well, in battle, I’m already the defense and Do- Purple the offense. So being overprotective would kind of make sense, being the eldest?
Purple: Or being a stickler to the rules and authority and stressing over every little thing.
Blue: Oh don’t get me started on that! As for learning if I’m younger… maybe more ignorant?
Pollux: That is an interesting choice of words.
Blue: I mean being more free, being more hyperactive maybe?
Purple: Running on impulse without thinking twice.
Blue: Ugh, both options don’t look fun, if I have to be honest.
Purple: I don’t like them either.
Castor: Haha, sounds like you two don’t have it figured out yet.
[[ “Sounds like two middle children, honestly.” ]]
Pollux: I think that wraps up the interview.
Castor: Yes, thank you for being here!
Pollux: Are there any questions you have for us, or something you want to mention for the readers?
Blue: No questions over here, but! We do have something to say to the fans!
Purple: I have no questions.
Blue: We’re holding a little promotion this weekend, and there’s a chance to join us and watch a performance!
Purple: There will be a random draw for a few lucky Battle Nexus watchers, who want to join the draw anyway. 5 yokai will win the chance to join us in watching this new ballet piece- Swanatello, which we will watch on premier. Details will come later.
[[ “Swanatello, huh? Kinda like Donatello-” “That ballet piece has zero relation to me.” ]]
Blue: I’ve heard it focuses on family relations, especially on twin brothers, perfect for us!
Purple: I will be watching for the unraveling story, it seems like it has a big mystery in the background.
Pollux: It sure sounds interesting. Thank you for your time.
Castor: And thank you, dear readers, for reaching the end! You can find the Gemini in the Battle Nexus, next…
Purple: Saturday
Castor: Next Saturday!
[[ “Gemini, once again, thanks for being here! It was very fun to talk to you both” ]]
[[ “Of course, this was a lovely interview~” ]]
[[ “Especially you, Blue, nice improvisation.” ]]
[[ “And you, Purple, you did well. You do not have to be nervous, we will cut out parts you do not wish to be printed.” ]]
[[ “Thank you for the offer, but we have to get going now.” ]]
[[ “Yes, yes, goodbye guys!” ]]
[[ Leo and Donnie leave the room ]]
[[ “Ugh that was a draggggg” ]]
[[ “You slipped up a few times.” ]]
[[ “WHAT ?? No way! I had to to save your butt!” ]]
[[ Leo elbows Donnie ]]
[[ “I wonder what the printed version will be.” ]]
[[ “Eh, we’ll hear from mama soon enough if it’s not ‘up to her expectations’ “ ]]
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kung-fu-headcanons · 2 years
If someone made tiny stuffed toy versions of the Furious Five, Shifu, Tai Lung, Po and Oogway, then left them in a box as a gift anonymously, how do you think they would react?
To start things off, *insert "please don't turn me into a marketable plushie" meme here*
Now that we have that out of the way, since Po already has action figures of himself, these stuffed toys are like an extra bonus!
I'd imagine Viper would be amazed at the quality of these plushies, like dang bro they are awesome, while Monkey is like super hyped that somebody made something about him! Him!!
Tigress is absolutely disgusted that somebody decided it would be a great idea to make her look cute somehow but hey she can't deny the idea was kinda genius
And then we have the stuffed Mantis toys being bigger than Mantis himself 😂😂😂😭🖐️
Crane thinks they're cool but why is Tai Lung in the mix? Dudes a villain for goodness sakes.
How much do you guys wanna bet that Shifu gets really attacked to the Tai Ling and Oogway plushies? /j
No but like seriously you know how he has action figures? Well now he has stuffed toys to add to the mix. He'd bark if someone tried to take those away from him no joke yo
Speaking of Oogway stuffed toys.. I feel like that's a soft spot for all of them, they miss him a lot and this stuffed toy is honestly a great sort of "memoir" of him, it'll be like they have a little Oogway with them at all times, so I'd say they all get at least somewhat attached to the Oogway plushies
Po is so upset at the fact that the person who gave them these plushies they made is anonymous, he really wants to go up to them and be like "HEY YOU!! YOU'RE AWESOME, THESE STUFFED TOYS ARE THE BEST!!" and maybe either give them his signature or ask for theirs LOL
While the others are just fine with it being anonymous they don't really care tbh djdjd-
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idlepebbles · 2 years
just rewatched raya for the first time in a couple months and I thought I'd give some random thoughts lol
- I will literally never watch the English dub again because I loved the bahasa Indonesia one so so so much. the voices were perfect and it filled a hole in my heart istg
- the plot feels really fragmented and I wonder if it has to do with how the work was literally fragmented with each person off in their home for the second half of production
- I was initially mad about having SEAsia blended together, however now I think that this is a good first step. having a movie come out that was just one of us probably would have caused some bitterness and I'm somewhat glad we can all just share this piece of representation until we all get up there and make our own :)
- the trust message feels a bit too nuanced/confusing for a kid's movie tbh. it felt like it always framed sisu as correct for randomly trusting ppl and raya as having trust issues when... yeah??? ofc she has trust issues? both of them had flaws in their outlook but it felt like raya was constantly criticized for it
- I didn't know that there were deleted scenes and other extras and they were so fun!! I loved seeing what aspects of the movie were from what culture :) seeing it say that pencak silat was the martial art that raya's was based on made me so happy!
- one day I want to dress up as raya bc istg that's what I look like :o I love the character design in this movie. almost cried the first time I watxhed bc omg that's me. wtf. that's my eyes and nose and hair??? I am so attached because of this??? and chief Benja looks just like my papah so it's just T-T yeah...
- raya barely did anything wrong. maybe im saying this bc I also have issues with needing to control things. in fact... probably... but still lmao imo she wasn't at fault for sisu's death bc namaari was about to pull the trigger.
- tuktuk being a pill bear is such a cute concept and I love it. he's just so cute. me and both of my sister's have plushies of him :)
- I'm still sad we didn't get fun music tbh. esp after watching encanto it feels like a lost opportunity even tho ik the tone of this movie was a lot darker. speaking of which, I love the cinematography but I kind of wish there were more bright colors?? idk, again, I don't know if it would match the vibe lol I wonder if we'll get a bright and happy movie one day. that would be fun. our cultures are so bright and beautiful and despite colonization and violence we have so much happiness to share
- not to beat a dead horse, but yea the jokes... aren't great. not a fan of them bc they rlly take me out of the immersion. why couldn't we just get funny jokes that aren't based on being #relatable. not everything needs to work for western ppl. we could have had inside jokes only we got.
- sisu's design also isn't my favorite but honestly I don't like how everyone acted about it. it really wasn't as terrible as ppl made it out to be and it's still clearly a dragon with SEAsian roots. that's not a European dragon that breathes fire
- the food makes me so happy :) I was eating longon and lychee and actually shrieked when I saw it on screen and I had Tom yum for dinner and that's so fun bc I was thinking about how much I wanted to try their soup and apparently that's what it's based on!!!
- I wish they had actually used a mix of different languages instead of making things up. like they could have had a word from each country or smthn instead of making up a random word. would have felt way more connected.
- the lack of SEAsian VAs makes me sad. partially why I love the Indonesian version so much is it alleviates some of that discomfort. I don't think the performances were bad (for the most part. I'm looking at you random really deep voiced girl from the market) but it just makes me so so sad. we had a thing for once and they just went. nah east Asians instead! like... why. it's not like we're not in the industry. ik Kelly Marie tran and awkwafina and Benedict Wong are popular but y'all rlly could've gotten a SEAsian for at least the side roles :(
- oh also the awkward way they say their names and made up words makes me so uncomfortable lmao. I think this every time I see a cartoon about a culture with another language but goddamn could you just give them an accent so the mixed in words from another language feel more cohesive? they managed to do this in encanto so goddamn have them roll some Rs sometimes lmao
- I love Boun and Tong and Toi and Benja and the ongis and it kind of makes me sad that there's only content for raya and namaari. sort of feels like yt queers just took the queer bits and decided that the rest of the cultural stuff wasn't as interesting.
- on the flip side some of the fanart is so fucking cool and I'm glad there's so much good stuff! and these characters are gay. so gay. they are just. so lesbians. the eye contact. the tension. the hand holding. the undercut and cat lady jokes (while western oriented) are yeah. theyre friends to enemies to lovers your honor. there's nothing else to be said
- the droon being an allegory for colonialism is something I just saw and that's rlly interesting. next time I watch I'll have to keep that in mind. would really change how I look at the movie I think. would add a layer of depth that could be interesting to think about.
in conclusion, I love this movie sm, it makes me cry every time, and I'm so fucking glad my little sisters have a south east Asian princess to look up to :)
edit: there have been many videos made recently about raya and in my watching of them, I noticed all of them said that the cast was almost fully east Asian including Kelly Marie Tran. a lot of issues that people have had are that she is east Asian and claiming the seasian princess but???? she is seasian?? I just checked and she's literally vietnamese?? I'm so confused why has everyone been acting like she was an east Asian coopting seasian roles?? help??
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nightsoulsworld · 2 years
Hi! May I have match for Bayverse turtles, please?
I am from Finland with Finnish accent. I am 5'3 tall, having brown-greenish eyes, dark brown hair touching shoulders, bit curvy body. I have congenital limb deformity: my right arm is shorter and has one finger. Left arm has four fingers. I have always accepted my arms and they have made me who I am today in good and bad. Would not trade them away <3
I like crocheting the best and, when I get opportunity, crafting, even though my arms are what they are. I appreciate hand made things, liking nature, second hand markets, birds, cats, and tea. I love board games.
I am humorous, sarcastic, quiet, somewhere between introvert and extrovert. I like my alone time as much as spending time with people. Serious, listener, emphatic, wanting to help if I can, bit of crybaby, dreamer, and sometimes spontaneous. Touch starved, I like massages, hugs etc.
Hello, my lovely friend. Thank you so much for your time and asking, it means the world to me and I am really grateful for that. I am deeply sorry for any mistakes, English isn´t my first language, but you know that. Anyways, I hope that I did a good job and you like it.
Here we go
I´d paired you with...
When Mikey met you, he was immediately amazed by you and wanted to know everything about you
Your accent is really attractive to him and he thinks that it´s pretty hot
He absolutely adores your dark brown hair and you´re eyes are the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen
They say that eyes are the window to the soul and it´s true. Mikey can tell when you´re upset or sad or angry and he will listen to your every word
Sometimes he has no clue what´s going o but he has his heart on the right side and he is here for you whenever you need him
He is sad and sorry for your hands but you´re still beautiful to him no matter what you look like and if somebody will make fun of you, he will end them
He is a huge cat lover and he is happy when you two talk about cats or nature
He loves listening to your sweet voice so he will listen to your words before he will fall asleep
Man, he adores your sarcastic and funny side and he loves to joke with you
He really appreciates you that you want to help him at any cost and he is so grateful to have you in his crazy life
He will hug you for life, he adores touch too.
If you are stressed and tired of and everything and everyone, he will give you a massage and lots of cuddles under tons of blankets
If you need some time alone, he will shut everyone out and sometimes himself too, but you will always assume that you want him to stay
He will give you so many handmade things like plushies, toys, cards, and everything just to make you smile
He loves that bright smile of yours
Nicknames: Cupkace, Sweetie, Princess, and Love because he thinks that you´re cute and he just loves you
He will be by your side forever. He loves you from the bottom of his heart
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I hope you like your match. Enjoy your pizza lover in orange color
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milkybonya · 4 years
hello smiling anon here :) can i request nct 127 as boyfriends? ur astro as boyfriends post was so cute :)
Anonnie im sorry i made you wait so long TT this is the busiest week of the year so far and i had to stay focused to prepare for it, but i hope you enjoy~
NCT 127 as boyfriends ♡
link to Astro version
Warnings: food mentions
what i listened to while writing: To My Youth by BOL4
sweet to the MAX
always singing around the house and serenading you
multiple movie nights with you in one week where you eat a whole bunch of junk food together and cuddle the entire time ;3;
becomes flustered very easily when you reach for his hand or hug him because he doesn't like skinship
but strangely with you, his heart skips a beat??
helps you when you're stressed by enveloping you in a hug and not letting go until you feel better
not overly clingy but not distant either - he's the perfect bf !!
knows when to give you space and when he needs to invade your space and give you lots of kisses >:)
not big on fancy dates, just wants to bask in your presence
wherever he is, as long as you're there, he's happy
i don't know why but i imagine his hand getting clammy when you hold it because he's so nervous,, then he gets all shy and embarrassed about it :")
always taking photos of you
literally has a folder in his phone named '[y/n]'
so whipped for you omg he literally giggles any time you lock eyes
so EMBARRASSING cause of all the bad jokes he cracks and how tough he tries to act
"[y/n] do you wanna feel my arm muscles?"
waking up next to him each morning would involve you thinking he’s asleep and staring at him until he pulls you closer into his chest and presses his lips to your forehead ;3;
takes you on really creative dates like going to markets, going for drives, walks through unknown paths
if y’all are not seeing each other in person, he’ll constantly be texting or calling you
always sends you photos of things that remind him of you
the type to pretend he’ll give you your coat, then he doesn’t, but then he does because he loves you :”)
quite clingy in the sense that he always wants to be near you, holding your hand, hugging you, kissing you, whatever it may be
such a sweet and loving bf :”)
the type to buy you flowers and be that classy, romantic boyfriend
he’ll leave handwritten notes around the house and will send you good morning texts if you guys are apart from one another
the two of you are definitely the cool couple
but you’re also the couple who laughs hard about the most random things
like Taeil, knows when to give you space and when he should be there for you
will respect your sense of independence and root for you to succeed in your own things!
but also gets clingy sometimes and just wants a few hugs and kisses :”)
acts cute and pouts in front of you a lot 
but only in front of you, never in public or in front of anyone else
listens carefully whenever you’re sad and lets you rest your head on his shoulder, cry all over him - he lets you do whatever you need to do to be happy again, and he’ll try his best to cheer you up too :D
loves reading with you, it’s one of his favourite things to do :”)
sometimes just ends up staring at you which leads to him pulling you towards him which leads to cuddling while reading and for him to kiss the top of your head an infinite amount of times
omg he will let you braid his hair or play with it or do all kinds of things to it
painting each other’s nails !! and searching for unique accessories in stores!
he’ll just buy an accessory and give it to you like “i just know this will look good on you, please try it on!”
i feel like he’ll be very honest with you about everything
so you both have nights when you talk for hours about your thoughts
and in the morning forget all about it by watching something while in bed hehe
will like exercising with you from time to time so you both stay healthy!
always thinking about you and your health, both mental and physical
you might be able to convince him to get a couple outfit :o
Like Johnny, likes taking photos of you but does it a bit more shyly
puts on a cool front all the time but he’s quite shy ;-;
loves to bake with you and actually takes it quite seriously
he’ll chase you around if you smudge batter on his face >:)
makes home dates fancy by lighting so many scented candles that the smell actually becomes unbearable
when you go on walks together, he’ll hide behind you every time he sees a dog, and you always have to apologize to the dog owners on his behalf because he’s scared :”D
likes to lie on top of you when you cuddle, with his weight on his legs which are on either side of you so he’s not crushing you, just so he can trace the shape of your face with his fingertips
if you cry, he cries and if you laugh, he’ll laugh - i feel like that’s how he’ll comfort you, by empathizing :”)
likes to go on car rides with you where the two of you are just singing songs 
always makes sure you’re eating your meals and staying hydrated - brings you food if you’re busy or forget
gets you really thoughtful gifts for special days but also throws a few meme gifts in there
that bf who invites you to watch him play basketball just so he can take off his shirt in the middle of the game and watch as your face turns red
i feel like he’ll tease you in that ^ way a lot - he’s always trying to fluster you
he likes peaches so imagine going peach picking with him !! you’ll take such cute photos together and if he’s taller than you, he’ll pick all the peaches that you can’t ;3;
always trying to cheer you up whenever you’re sad - why can i picture him doing aegyo TT
this one time it rained when you were on a late night walk with him and he took off his jean jacket, held it above your heads as you ran home, but you ended up wet anyway :”)
super comforting whenever you’re sick or don’t feel good
constantly complimenting you and shows you lots of physical affection
always hugs you when he sleeps because if you’re not there, he’d just be hugging the blanket instead
not incredibly sentimental but always tries his best to show his love for you
tried to make breakfast in bed for you and dropped a whole bunch of cutlery on the floor :D
went through your phone and saved his name as ‘peach’ in it
(this is from WayV as boyfriends, that’s why it looks a little different <3)
did i mention he’s soft?
always worried about you 
genuinely cares about your feelings
a lot of “are you okay?” and “you’re not mad at me, right?”
if you’re ever in a bad mood, he’ll run to the store real quick and grab your favourite food for you
he doesn’t like skinship but loves to hold you :’)
too shy to show affection in public tho
will hold your hand at the most
even if he does that, he’ll hold your hand in your pocket because he’s so shy
pls protecc him at all costs
is willing to do anything for you
sometimes you have to ask him how he genuinely feels about something
because he can’t say no :(
please make sure you tell him you love him regularly, or he’ll be sad :(
a lot of stay-at-home dates like watching movies
watchiNG ANIME (if you like it, of course)
“let’s just do whatever you want”
“i beat you! now give me a kiss >:)”
if you also like to eat, y’all will have the most epic food dates omg
literally travelling to countries just to try the food there - that’s what it will be like
most of your dates involve food, but also a lot of walking dates so you can burn it off :”)
yet also many movie nights on the days where you don’t want to walk
he’ll learn your speaking habits and will imitate you whenever you get annoyed or angry 
likes to play soccer with you, even if you’re bad at it (so he can tease you), but if you’re good then he’ll enjoy trying to beat you
he’s the one who roasts you the most yet also cares for you the most
likes to kiss your neck because he can smell your natural scent, but if you hate it then he’ll do it to tease you or he’ll stop if you seriously tell him to
imitates kdrama male actors and actually makes your heart flutter by doing those things
and when you see the actors kissing in a drama,,,, you already know what he’s about to do
when you’re upset, he’ll hug you tightly and stay with you until you feel better
y’all have a shared playlist that you always add songs to so you can listen to it during car rides or when cuddling 
he keeps everything and anything you give him, whether it be a candy wrapper, flowers, a belt, shoes, anything
prepares really sweet gifts for you - a lot of songs or meaningful things
claims that you’re his muse and sometimes just stares at you for 5 minutes whenever you drop by his studio
“you’re my sun, i’m photosynthesizing so just stay right there”
he’s shy and gets flustered easily when you kiss or hug him, even when you just hold his hand
you have a tradition with him each fall where you go to a park, gather all the leaves to make a pile so you can dive into it
usually ends with you falling on top of him and the two of you just laying there for a long time
voice calls that last for more than 8 hours will become a thing when you date him :”)
always jokes about things related to marriage like ‘wow imagine if we had our wedding here’ and laughs awkwardly but he’d actually love to marry you 
takes you on trips that he claims are for him to get inspiration for music writing but he really just wants to spend time with you
you already know what you’ve signed up for, right? chaos, absolute chaos - but in the best way
super clingy, always holding onto your arm or hand
whines when you don’t give him hugs or attention
bought a big plushie that reminded him of you so he can hug it when you’re not there and he misses you
he’s such a baby omg he’ll love being babied by you
makes hand crafted, diy gifts that clearly have his entire heart and soul in them
likes singing karaoke songs with you because if too you’re shy to sing alone, at least when he sings with you, he can hear a bit of your voice
cannot live if you’re sad or upset - he’ll do anything to help you feel better
cuddling is his favourite thing on this planet and he’ll wrap his legs around you so the two of you become an entangled mess, yet somehow are still comfortable
texts you random things like ‘i just saw a dog’ but also says stuff like that out loud to you
acts strong and cool sometimes like when you’re watching horror movies but fails miserably :(
ah, have you made it to the bottom? thank you for reading <3 were you by any chance looking for a sign? because this is it, this is your sign. i wish you luck with whatever it is that you must or must not do ;3;
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old-party-time · 4 years
Doña, me cuenta sus headcanons sobre los nightmare? 👀 (es que recién leí el reblog que pusiste y también para distraerte un poco jasjsa 👉👈)
Well- yEs
>Nightmare Freddy:
-Programed to haunt kids and scare them
-50% of possible murder of them in the process
-Everything he knows, he learned from William
-Enjoys his job, and have 0 regrets
-"Touch my Freddles i kill you"
-The most patient one of the group; thanks to the Freddles
-Is a little bit egocentric
-Doesn't fears Nightmare Fredbear, but fears Nightmare a little bit
-High tolerance with every other Nightmare; exept Nightmare BB and Plushtrap
-Usually fights with Nightmare Bonnie, and Nightmare Fredbear; for stupid things or other reasons
-Have the sthreng of a monster
-Considerates himself the most smartest and estable of all the Nightmares
-Even if William created him, he doesn't care about him or if anything happens to him; one of his desires is kill him
>Nightmare Bonnie:
-Programed to haunt kids and scare them
-50% of possible murder of them in the process
-Everything he knows, he learned from William
-Sometimes loses all control on himself and makes more chaos; more than he already does
-Likes to annoy N.Freddy and N.Foxy a LOT
-Hates Nightmare, and Nightmare Fredbear
-Usually gets mad really fast
-Have the strength of a monster
-Meeted his Jack-O version before
-Really aggressive
-Sometimes, when he is really annoy, says really bad words
-Gets really paranoic for stupid things
-"I fear no man...But that thing [Nightmarionne]...It scares me..."
-Bad jokes
-Sometimes can't say numbers correctly
-Even if William created him, he doesn't care about him or if anything happens to him; one of his desires is kill him
>Nightmare Chica:
-Programed to haunt kids and scare them
-50% of possible murder of them in the process
-Everything she knows, she learned from William
-"F#ck pizza, i crave murder"
-Her most precious thing is her cupcake
-Likes to make loud noises with things; like in the kitchen with the pans and etc
-The second most patient one
-Have the strength of a monster
-Have fear of Nightmare Fredbear and Nightmare
-Meeted her Jack-O version before
-Hates Plushtrap a lot
-Fights with Nightmare BB
-Likes to experiment with his victims deaths
-The second faster one on attacking
-Even if William created her, she doesn't care about him or if anything happens to him; one of his desires is kill him
>Nightmare Foxy:
-Programed to haunt kids and scare them
-50% of possible murder of them in the process
-Everything he knows, he learned from William
-The most stable of the Nightmares, even if it doesn't seem to be; and likes to pretend hes not, for fun
-"Hey guys! I can turn myself into a marketable plushie!"
-The only one that has a "stable friendship" with N.Freddy
-Have the strength of a monster
-Feels really akward when Nightmarionne is around
-Usually likes to be on his closet
-Likes to annoy N.Bonnie, for not be able to say numbers correctly sometimes
-Hates when chica makes loud noises in the kitchen
-One time he fighted Nightmare...and now he can turn himself in a plushie
-The faster one of the group; he always attacks first
-Even if William created him, he doesn't care about him or if anything happens to him; one of his desires is kill him
-Programed to haunt kids and scare them
-49% of possible murder of them in the process
-Everything he knows, he learned from William
-One of the oldest in the group
-Have the strength of a monster
-One of the first Plushtraps made
-Sometimes goes around in the day, on the shadows
-The third faster one
-Really smart
-Has high patience and tolerance
-Hates Nightmare and Nightmare Fredbear
-Teaches the Freddles ways to annoy the other Nightmares
-"Chaotic? Me? Well, yes"
-The most active one
-Has night vision
-Can replicate voices
-Fights mostly with Nightmare BB
-Nightmare tried to kill him once, but he couldn't
-Say something about his height and you're condenate
-Gets easly bored
-Doesn't really care about the others Nightmare hating him
-His theeth are stronger enough how to break metal
-Sneaky and agressive
-Even if William created him, he doesn't care about him or if anything happens to him; one of his desires is kill him
-Programed to haunt kids and scare them
-50% of possible murder of them in the process
-Everything they knows, they learned from N.Freddy and William
-Reals chaotics
-Once, they almost burned N.Cupcake...
-Admirates a lot N.Freddy
-Have the strength of a monster
-Hates all the other Nightmares, excepting Plushtrap
-Sneaky and loud
-Sometimes they are really fast, and sometimes they're not
-Good thiefs
-Likes to chomp they victims a lot
-Likes to annoy everyone
-Even if William created them, they doesn't care about him or if anything happens to him; one of his desires is kill him
>Nightmare Cupcake:
-Programed to haunt kids and scare them
-55% of possible murder of them in the process
-Can't talk
-Sneaky and smart
-He will totally insult every time he talks, if he could
-Will give his life to protect N.Chica; if he could
-Even if William created him, he doesn't care about him or if anything happens to him; one of his desires is kill him
>Nightmare Fredbear:
-Programed to haunt kids and scare them
-90% of possible murder of them in the process
-Narcissist, really smart and sneaky
-Sub leader of the group
-Fights a lot with Nightmare
-Mostly acts like a leader; this makes him get in trouble
-The only one who he doesn't care about is Plushtrap; his existence for him is null
-Eats his victims, alive or dead
-Loves torturing Michael; especially with his brothers death
-Sometimes finds a way to get in the house of the Aftons
-He tried to kill William more than one time
-Can easly kill the other Nightmare animatronics if he wants
-Hates the original Fredbear
-Moves in the day, usually to sneak around Fredbears Family Dinner; just to try and get some victims
-He knows that the original Fredbear once seen him...
-Tell him he's fat and you will never gonna see the light of the day, ever again.
-He knows about the Fredbear plushies; and thinks that William is not ussing all of they potencial
-Really big; his hands are like the same size of a human head
-"Here, i am the ruler, Nightmare is just a f#cking jackass"
-Fun fact: Once he almost get killed by Nightmare...
-Loves to annoy Nightmarionne
-Can replicate perfectly, voice and songs of the original Fredbear
-Even more stronger than all the other Nightmares together.
-Programed to haunt kids and scare them
-100% of possible murder of them in the process
-The leader
-Sneaky, smart, fast and aggressive
-Hates all the other Nightmares
-Almost killed William; that's one of the why, he is the leader
-Narcissist, heartless and malevolent
-"N.Fredbear, just has supperiority complex ; I AM the one who is the ruler here."
-Created the same time as, Plushtrap and N.Fredbear
-Always eats his victims bodys
-Loves torturing Michael and William
-Some of them says he has an un-Nightmare form...
-William tried to destroy him a bunch of times
-He learned EVERYTHING about William; and knows what he REALLY is
-Nightmarionne is his real right hand
-Doesn't trust anybody; not even himself
-The most powerful of all the Nightmares
-Has easy access to the house of the Aftons, and Fredbears Family Dinner
-Knows about the existence of the Funtime animatronics
-He tried to remplace Plushtrap with a new and more effective version of him; didn't worked
-He almost eated N.Cupcake just to scare N.Chica
-He isn't just a Nightmare...He's a real monster
(Also- Grax 😔👍👊💖💖💖💖💖)
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emikochan · 4 years
Express their love ask with the allies?
How the Allies express their love:
Alfred treats everyone pretty much the same. He's casual and tries to be friendly and though he likes having many people around him, there needs to be that one person by his side.
His sidekick
That Robin for his Batman
The sugar to his salt
Those fries to his burger
You are the best person in his opinion.
His best friend, lover, marriage material, sender of memes that make him wheeze in the middle of important meetings and his main impulse control.
A hero can't be without his sidekick and he let's you know that he would still be awesome without you, but he wouldn't even be half as happy if it weren't for you being by his side.
He expresses his love by ordering whacky gifts he found on the internet, that make you chuckle uncontrollably and brings home random stuff he thought you'd like. Those items can range from expensive chocolates to a new umbrella with cat paw-print and cat ears on top, that he found on a random market.
He also makes it obvious that he favors you over everyone else by the way he talks about you and how he treats you. He's always flaunting you even when you're not in the room with him.
He never said "I love you, (y/n)" after his official confession; he switched to the more casual "Love ya" now.
It's clear he loves you very much though.
Oh boy, that's a complicated one.
He's a British gentleman, we all know that, but on the other hand he's a stubborn, greedy and jealous bloke of a punk rocker.
Does he know he loves you? Yes, of course he does. Does he express his love for you? Yes, but unfortunately he doesn't really know how.
No matter what though, this man will always have your back. That's a pretty important privilege he doesn't grant just every random person. He also nags you, but only because he's worried about your wellbeing.
When you trip and fall he will be there to catch you in all aspects of interpretation and you'll always be allowed to snuggle up to him when you're feeling down.
Arthur will read to you if you wish so or just listen to whatever you need to ramble about in order to get it out of your system. He'll provide you with logical and good advise to your problems and help you overcome every problem that may plague your pretty little head. He got you.
Did he already take in a blue eye for you while you two were outside?
Yes, he did; several times actually. He may be an arse sometimes but Arthur would take literal bullets for you and you know it.
Totally contrary to Arthur Francis KNOWS his stuff, alright. This man knows how to let you know how much he loves and appreciates you with a variety of options.
He draws in baths for you after a hard day of work/school, presents you with flowers, dresses, writes letters and always, always has an open ear for you. He whispers sweet things into your ear and showers you with compliments; not only complimenting your beautiful looks but also your wonderful personality, that he cherishes like the rarest gem on this planet.
Due to his dramatic personality he might tend to overdo it with his compliments though, but honestly he means everything he says!
Francis makes you feel appreciated and loved 24/7. It's just a wonderful experience 10/10 would recommend.
Basically same as Arthur.
When he loves you, he asks you if you had breakfast/lunch/dinner already and if not, drags you off to the nearest restaurant or cooks something extremley delicious for you.
His beloved won't ever suffer from malnutrition under his watch.
This man nags you to hell and back if you get yourself into dangerous situations again, but will be there to help if needed. He makes more presents than Arthur though, said presents often consisting of cute plushies or couple outfits to wear for your next trip.
That seat next to him? Yeah, that's yours.
You're cold? Come cuddle into his coat!
Are you that hungry? Oh, Ivan isn't as hungry anymore. Please, have some of his food!
Being Ivan's little darling comes with many advantages. He loves you more than words can describe, so he often spoils you rotten in order to compensate for his lack of words.
If you're modest and decline him spending money on you, he'd still occasionally buy you one or two pieces of clothing he'd love to see on you.
You're the only person besides his sisters, that could stop him when he loses it. He'd never do anything to hurt you but he is unaware of his own cruelness sometimes and constantly fears that you'd leave him because of the many cracks in his mentality. You not leaving him despite being well aware of his problems just makes him want to keep you even more. He treats you gently every second you spend together.
You are everything to him.
Shy boi ain't so shy in private. Despite the common belief that Mattie is shy no matter where he is, he's actually quite daring when it's just the two of you. He teases you lightheartedly and often presses a kiss on your cheek right afterwards, while chuckling quietly to himself. When he loves, he opens up to that person.
You both work so well together, that no jokes are being made without having the other person know how much they are appreciated before. Mutual respect is given at all times and you both work hard on this relationship. Him opening up and showing you all of his emotions is a sign he loves you greatly.
Expect breakfast in bed, nifty little surprises and many, many calls and text when he's not with you.
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indecisive-v · 3 years
NINJAMUFFIN DOING ANOTHER AMA ON TWITTER, HERE'S MORE SHIT FOR YA! keep in mind i'm just sharing the funkin related stuff, though i am including WAAAAY more than what i shared before 👍 go check out ninja's twitter profile for questions about stuff like ritz! questions in blue, answers in orange. if yall don't wanna read everything i MIGHT make a version of this post where i replace the answers with my own summaries of em (and if the questions are long, those too)
and here's a link to the ama tweet itself! dunno if it's still goin
Q: I figure the answer will be yes but do you have more plans to implement more guest appearances from people in the newgrounds community into FNF? Or are you all gunna focus on OG lore and stuff going forward
A: for guest appearances, I think we have always seen it as getting a healthy mix of both. PERSONALLY I'd like to lean towards having more OG stuff than guest stuff, BUT it's all a matter of what other boys think of that as well. I'm not the sole person working on game!
Q: Are you gonna release the full FNF game or are you gonna be releasing week after week? Like, are you gonna release week 8 or are we gonna wait some years until The Full Ass Game comes out?
A: Release plan for FNF right now is a few more updates or whatev to the 'demo' we have out right now, and then a long silence of probably no updates whatsoever until the full game is done (which will likely be a few years). That's partly why we made kickstarter for game.
Q: Hey so like, how much will Fnf cost after it's finished? And when will you ask the supporters what they want the game on?
A: It's all subject to change, but right now it prob gonna be standard 15-25$ lil steam indie game.
We will ask Kickstarter pledgers and whatnot what they want the game on SUPER close to when its released, to keep options open if we get onto anything like a console people want.
Q: 1. how was your day
2. are you releasing a week 8 song early like week 7, or are you goin full lockdown
A: I am doing GOOD today, and I think recently I've been good in general.
up to the mood, but so far we doing good about not having anything leak or whatev, so I think it'd be fun to have update come out with people not knowing what to expect at all. Build dat intrigue
Q: Will fnf ever get official plushies?? Seems like an untapped market
A: FNF plushies will prob happen some point, we have a lot of current merch stuff on our plates already though! (Mostly kickstarter type stuff, shirts, pins, posters, and all the physical OST stuff) Its a lot to sort out, but in time more and more stuff will happen. We r jus 4 boys!
Q: did you ever expect your game to blow up as it did? what was your first reaction to seeing it become super popular
A: FNF never had a humble moment, literally day 1 before the prototype even came out, the vid on twitter had like 5K likes overnight. Then when ludum dare version came out, it got 5K likes again, like it wasnt just a fluke. Was crazy, and def felt like somethin was different wit FNF
Q: Do you plan on getting other people to come in to help with the music? That seems like a lot of work to dump on one person, what with the erect mode and whatnot.
I guess the question could apply to all aspects of development. Will you be bringing on more people to help?
A: We definitely are getting help from other people. We are always keeping an eye on people for various different things. In terms of programming, already I've gotten 2 people (MtH and Geokureli) to help with certain Week 7 stuff (charting/polish, and loading stuff). Shit like dat
Q: Oh, also, will the Steam version be Workshop compatible? That'd really help streamline the process of downloading mods.
A: Steam version of FNF will likely NOT be Steam workshop compatible, because we want all the mods to NOT be spread out through different places. There WILL be modding support that is as streamlined as Steam workshop though. Mainly for non-steam versions of the game!
Q: Are there any chances that the game will have a physical release? Also any updates on a switch port? I remember one of you guys talking/joking about it.
A: Not impossible for FNF to get a physical release. We would want to see how far we could go with it though. I think it'd be super easy to do something wit people like LimitedRun games or whatev, but I think stuff like that can only go so far. I wanna see Funkin in mf Walmart!!!!!!
not that LimitedRun isn't going to be an option! Just we consider and pursue many different things! FNF release is years away, so we have time to think about everything. Whole mindset can be different just a few months from now.
Q: Out of curiosity, how are you dealing with all the popularity? It blew up so fast id barely be able to handle it if I was in your shoes.
A: The only way I've been able to handle it is having the other boys on the crew and being able to talk to them about all the overwhelmingness.
Part of it feels very lonesome, feels like NO ONE can come close to comprehending exactly how I'm feeling, except them. also other PALS!!!
Q: Do you own any of the bootleg FNF merchandise? Like any bootleg plushies or anything?
A: i dont, i genuinely think they r a waste of money, and I know any bootleg shit that gets made, we can prob go about and make it, and make it 100x cooler because we actually put effort into shit. bootleg shit just in it for the coin, so they aint gettin that from me
Q: How did you go about getting in contact with sr pelo for skid and pumps vocals?
A: Pelo i think was familiar and pals wit PhantomArcade a bit thru various Newgrounds things and collabs and whatnot.
pelo retweeted the first OG FNF posts first ever, and brought a LOT of attention to it. to pay him back, we put skid and pump in game! ask dave for more info prob
Q: what's the plan for having the full ass game open source if it's gonna cost money? couldn't people just download the source and compile the game for free?
A: when FNF is fully released, the full source code will be released as well.
the game will be DRM free so it will be way easier for people to redistribute the released/offical .exe instead of compiling it, so that's not the issue anyways. people will pay for things if they like it
Q: What are the chances of it getting on consoles like switch or Playstation, ps5 would definitely be my preferred way to play
A: it'd be a matter of hiring someone to build out backend stuff for those specific consoles. someone who knows their way around all the wacky code stuff, AND knows console hardware stuff. Then its just a matter of hittin up those console manufacturers (Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo)
the CLOSEST one is SWITCH. pretty much all of that backend is already made, so it just a matter of gettin all that access and shit.
i think in any case though, there's a lot of NDA stuff required, i dunno how much we'd be able to talk about it even IF we get that stuf sorted
Q: any ideas of releasing it on epic store or another platform?
A: Right now, the only thing that is 100% confirmed and WILL happen is a Steam version, itchio version, and mobile versions on respective app stores. Other storefronts aren't out of the picture though, but we don't want to spread ourselves too thin with it.
Q: Will you continue using HaxeFlixel to make the rest of FNF?
A: yes, because it is what I'm the most technically proficient in, and generally is VERY flexible. just a matter of ME becoming a better coder. It's ALL open source, so if I need something done a certain way, either I can do it, or we can hire someone to do it.
Q: have you seen game theory's videos on your game yet and if so, what do you think about them? (not talking about his predictions because i dont want spoilers. i like mystery)
A: it is always good silly fun to watch the Game Theory vids about Funkin with some pals, and see what matpat thinks of the game. i lov the vids, but wish he used my face less! Or at least used a cuter pic of me like this one!!
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Q: Ok so: What does the future of FNF look like to you?
A: future of FNF is a rhythm game that not only exceeds every expectation that people have of it, but subverts most expectations and conventions as well.
Q: Do you plan on retouching on older weeks once the game is fully out? Like reanimating sprites, redoing some charting, updating the background, etc
A: retouching and probably overhauling certain aspects is almost definitely gonna happen. Everything is fluid and can be changed (and should be changed when necessary). i dont think anything should be too attached to, especially this early on in development
Q: I honestly do not care if the answer to this is vague as hell to keep surprises and shit lol but… Since Week 7 was the closest we’ll get to a playable girlfriend (still bf controlling tho), do you have plans to make girlfriend playable in spin-off things or just freeplay?
A: wouldnt be out of the picture for a playable GF, i don't think we've had some hard thing AGAINST it. just a matter of what we want out of the game, and what sort of story or whatev we could do with that concept
Q: How do BF and GF manage to meet famous newgrounds characters (such as pico, tankman and the others to come) like is this all in one universe/ timeline or are they being brought in?
A: i think they are all just there existing. i think there's a lot of wacky things in other media that try to justify crossovers, like MULTIVERSE bullshit or TIMELINE shit, but i dunno, its like subspace emissary. Captain Falcon and Olimar from Pikmin just hang out. Shit like dat
disclaimer that all lore shit is in phantomarcade head pretty much and maybe there is wacky dimensions or somethin
Q: Will the game have dlc?
A: its not too unlikely that we'd have expansions of some sort, but i mean right now we plan on packing in as much as we can into base game, and trying to make that as pure as possible.
if there is ANY dlc, i would personally want it to be 100% free updates
Q: How did you meet Phantom Arcade, Kawai Sprite, and EvilSker? And what do you think about the community and its controversies?
A: me and phantomarcade been fukin around NG for years so years and years ago we naturally crossed paths and became pals
about 2 years ago i found kawaisprites music on NG, and started talkin wit him, made Ritz wit him and we fell in lov
and evilsk8r i met cuz of FNF!!!
quik elaborate on evilsk8r, wanted artist for gamejam FNF was for (ludum dare), and OG person i asked wasnt available, so he referred me to evilsk8r, who I have never met or talked to before ever.
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prince-toffee · 4 years
Fallin’ For A Fallin’ Angel II
His eyes slowly opened, struggling to keep apart as they adjusted to the bright light. A pained grunt escaped his throat as the clone began to regain his consciousness. HTK 218-666 did not know where he was. His mind was sluggish, trying to process whatever had transpired. The first thing he truly noticed was his comfort - not often did he awaken to softness, never infact. 218′s pod was hard, metallic, cold and jagged. With malfunctioning cables - they didn’t serve much real purpose now as the ex-general had used up all his Life Force rations. The cables that binded to his neck, back and arms were more of an ornament than a necessity - to make the the crashed wreck feel more... homely. It was a familiar feeling - not a pleasant one, but a one he knew.
But then it hit him, he wasn’t in his pod, was he. He opened his eyes to see something above him. Some sort of rectangular canopy of fabric, held up by four pillars which descended all around him. And a light pinkish red veil surrounded all the sides between the pillars. A force field perhaps. Was this a prison?! Was he captured?! The defective clone shot up, looking around his new unfamiliar surroundings. There was a sheet of thin fabric covering him, it was smooth and cool to the touch. 218 flanged the cover off. Only then realised that most of his uniform was gone.
Which wasn’t a novelty to him, back on The Velvet Glove uniforms weren’t gifted until after the cloning process and then taken away again when put into storage. Being bare wasn’t new. What 218 was worried about was perhaps they had searched him, maybe taken samples - his wounds seemed healed.
Who? Who was it? Who captured him? The memories slowly returned back to him, bit by bit as he strained his mind. There were attackers, creatures of the desert. He remembered he was near victorious, but his will power was not enough, he was knocked out. He was weak. Brother was right. ‘Near’ wasn’t enough. He failed, again. 218′s fist tightened and he grew infuriated at his own shortcomings, he had to make this right. He looked over himself, his wounds were tended to, strange. He had to make sure if all the injuries were sealed up right. But first, the forcefield.
He looked at the pink veil, it was see-through, probably taunting him with freedom on the other side, no doubt. He had to be careful, it could incinerate him on contact for all he knew. One of the plush stuffed bags that was placed under his head was thrown at the forcefield, but it did not react - it simply flew through it. Curious. Did someone accidently deactivated it? Was the plushie bag some sort of unlocking key? That could be his chance. He gently and slowly pocked it with his finger and pulled it back as quick as possible. His brain module took a moment to read what the nerve receptors had came back with - nothing. No pain. No resistance. No forcefield.
Now braver with the confidence of a survivor, he pocked his whole hand through, and even waved it around. Success! Next he poked his head through looking from side to side. No guards. A pitiful prison. He noticed the tattered remains of his uniform, no good, it was already worn out - past its time. 218 already had the lower half of the uniform already on him, he didn’t know why it was left on. He placed a foot on the floor then the next. His muscles screamed at him, but he managed to stand. It seemed his defection was getting worse. It seemed like his feet were the next to fail.
He did not like his defective form on display, so he reached for the covering that was laid onto of him and draped it around himself.
He pushed on, literally, and doors to the room weren’t even locked. Perhaps this was no prison. As the clone opened the doors he was hit by waves of incredibly bright light and loud noise. 218 was in some corridor or porch, because he looked apon a busy hustle and bustle of a town square at work. Few steps forward and he was holding onto an ornate wooden railing, he looked down at the society at work. The town was constructed at the foot of the mount on which the castle stood in which 218 was in. Marketeers selling, customers buying, children running through the streets. 218 did not know how long he had been unconscious, but it looked like a busy morning with the rising... moon... and suddenly he remembered why he hated this planet.
218 also noticed a strange statue at the centre of the town. Chiselled out of stone, a tribute, he was familiar with such things - countless worlds under the control of the Horde had erected tributes in the image of their holy lord and master. But what creature held dominion over this world?
The being was in the position of natural wings a part of her physique, it reminded him of the Horde insignia - the wings of the vampire. This was terrible. These people were living under a false idol, praising a pretender. This was unacceptable. He had to save these people - bring them into the light. Perhaps... this was it! The redemption he was waiting for! He could save them, direct them to their true saviour. He could save them!
He began to walk off, he was still in his capturer’s base of operations. He had to get out. The thought of rallying the people below briefly crossed his mind, but he shook it off - he clearly needed to get back to the crash site, return to the repairs. Fixing the warship and leaving that miserable backwater planet was imperative! But all the bots were destroyed, defences weakened, and his assailants knew where he would be - there was no more hiding. He wouldn’t be safe back there. So where now? He couldn’t exactly blend in with the local populace.
Just then his thought process was cut off as another person walking in the opposite direction bumped into him. 218 didn’t have much weight to him so he got pushed out of the way quite easily. The individual in question who was storming off was not of the same race as the invaders at the wreck. Their skin darker, shorter, no scarlet exo-skeleton over their body. The creature had short violet hair and what looked like oil and grease on her clothing. “Hey buddy, watch it!”
“...Watch what?” 218 asked to himself quietly under his breath. The passer by clearly didn’t hear him, nor did they care to. 218 reached large stairs, leading down to the town square. It looked like the guards occupying the top of the stairs were both distracted by some raving salesman. This was his chance. However, he was startled by a voice behind him.
“Ah, so I see you have woken up.”
The clone spun around to see a tall figure cloaked in shadow. The intimidating character set 218 slightly on edge. The figure wore a black cape and black uniform, body biologically the same as all the other native beings around this complex.
218 could have sworn that the mystery man’s eyes lit up with a spark of red. It was probably nothing - a trick of the light. The Horde trooper remained silent, so the figure decided to take the lead on the interaction. He stepped forward, into the light. 218 unbenounced to himself clutched closer the blanket sheet.
“Heh, welcome back to the land of the living, my friend. You slept like a log.” 218 simply listened and stayed quiet, partially because he didn’t know what to say, this wasn’t the way he thought the situation would play out. He did not know he was going to be greeted, not after what happened in the wreck.
He saw the creature look him up and down examining his form, as his chest lay bare. But there wasn’t much to look at, due to the defection he couldn’t keep on weight - all fats and necessary nutrients degraded quicker than normal, as did his body cells. He was a walking corpse. A shameful form in the eyes of his Brother. The individual stopped mere few small centimetres away from 218, their chests almost touching. The caped being was a head taller than him. “I’m glad to see you fit enough to attempt an escape.”
218 swallowed down on his heart attempting to jump out of his throat. His voice was not as deep as 218′s but held just as much authority. “Ah, I see had the splendid pleasure of meeting Princess Minerva, her winning charm never seems to fade with time, hmm.”
Her?... The clone guessed the creature he was referring to was the being that had stormed off, pushing 218′s shoulder. Her?... He did not know what that was.
The towering scorpion looked back at 218 looking as if he was expecting something. 218 didn’t get it. “Not one for jokes are we? Well, not every one is a zinger. I’ll work on it. Don’t let that discourage you. Come on. I can’t exactly let you go right now, but I’d rather we speak as civilised people rather than have those prickly gents over there force you to follow me.” The scorpion pointed with his claw at the two spear wielding guards whom had positioned themselves behind the clone. Ready to strike. That made 218 comply with the peaceful option, of course.
218 followed close behind as the individual led him through the corridors and hallways and down a stair well. The soldier memorised the whole journey backwards just in case he had to run out and escape. “Oh, Ra-dammit, haven’t even introduced myself. I just presumed you knew who I am, but well, you don’t look like you’re from around... anywhere. Do you know who I am?” He asked softly, and curiously. 218 just stared back without words.
“Yeah, course you don’t. Nobody does, nobody cares. I’m the King of this kingdom and what do I have to show for it? What do I truly have, huh?” He looked back at 218 with annoyance in his expression, the clone simply starred back. “Well, my name is Niro, King Niro if you want to be formal, I guess. But like I said, nobody cares.” Niro? Noted - 218 thought to himself. And a ‘king’ was ruler of some sorts, 218 was pretty sure, his troops had encountered all sorts of societies and civilizations on their voyages across galaxies. This was a figure of power standing infront of 218. He didn’t know how Niro compared to other worlds’ authorities - opposition to his Brother never lasted long. You never really got to know them before heads started rolling. 218 was not apart of guest accommodations, he was a general - a soldier. On the frontlines until the end. He didn’t ‘get to know’ people, he ended them.
“And what’s your name?”
“HTK 218-666. Top-General of the 218th Legion. Brother amongst the ranks of the Galactic Horde.”
“...Cool... So you’re not from around here, figured.” They approached a dark rusted door with two guards at it’s sides. They both bow at the sight of their king, and each pulled down a lever on the wall behind them. The ‘klank’ was heavy and loud. 218 then beard many gears and cogs turn and the rusted door began to raise upward. This so called Niro strolled inside, he of course followed. He briefly turned back to see the four guards remained outside as the door shut back down.
The clone quickly turned back, narrowing his eyes at the table that stood infront of them. The room’s walls and floor were all metallic, dark, from what 218 could tell, they were scorch marks. All around the room. “What is this?” Niro slowly made his way around and sat opposite the clone on the far side of the table. He gesture to 218 to do the same.
“So you do talk. Great. We’ll be doing a lot of talking. Please, my friend, sit.” He extended his claw towards the empty seat. But there were no guards in this room, he had no power over 218, 218 was weak, he admitted that to himself, but one on one, surely he could take him. But then what? Four armed guards still waiting outside, possibly hundreds more patrolling the complex. He was trapped.
“And please don’t try to escape, I know you’re thinking about it. You see this glass sheet behind me?” Niro knocked on the glass as he leaned back on his chair. “It’s one way glass, my ever so trusty Force-Captain is on he other side. One word and she pulls a switch and electrocutes this entire room. And don’t worry about me, I won’t feel a thi-”
“Because your hide is electrically resistant.” 218 recalled to himself the confrontation at the power core back at the ship - the scorpion soldiers were unaffected by a direct current of electricity from a dislodged cable. He needed to think of alternate offensive techniques.
“You’ve got quite the keen eye. So you know what’s at steak - you, getting fried.”
“I just need to ask you a few questions.”
“You threaten me first, and then you want me to comply? Negative. I will tell you nothing. An assault on the form of Prime is a crime throughout the known universe. Unhand me and bring me back to my Brother and you will be forgiven.”
“Forgiven? Who- wait, universe? You mean that which is beyond the barrier?”
This conversation was puzzling 218 more and more he did not understand what this creature was talking about. Did- did he really not know what the ‘universe’ was? From the looks of this planet it was incredibly primitive, but THIS primitive? It could be that these naïve natives haven’t yet discovered interstellar travel. This idea led to more bad news, if so, then this world could not yet offer resources needed to fix the warship.
“You’re an alien, from outside. Please, tell us more.” The king leaned over more, clearly eager to listen, encouraging 218 with his captivation with the topic.
218 realised this was unsafe, he had already told those people too much, much more than they ever anticipated to hear. He couldn’t let the secrets of the Horde be taken from him by a backwater people. He could not fail his Brother again. “I will say no more.”
Niro looked displeased. “Opal.”
In that moment the room went red, the sound of... some thing veering up, a machine of sorts maybe. But 218 did not have time to think too much about it, because the shock came soon after. The air did not change, there was no heat, it was cold rather. The pain was quick to spread, started at the bottom of his feet and shot up to his brain. It felt like having nails hammered through his organs. He was weak. He only lasted a few seconds in silence, after three he let out a scream. The pain disappeared as soon as the first tear formed at the edge of his eye. The room lost its red glow and reverted its colour palette back to the dead still greys and silvers.
He complied.
“I must admit that was a bit too much than I would’ve approved, Opal.”
“You cannot break me, for I am already broken. I will not fail my Brother again. I will have nothing out of me.”
In that moment of defiance 218 and Niro looked into each other’s eyes. The scorpion king saw the devotion and pride in the clone’s eyes, the willingness of self-sacrifice. Niro knew the man opposite him was going to die for whatever cause he believed in. That spark of determination. The same look he saw in the mirror every morning in his own eyes. Both of the men spotted the room once again turning into a dark shade of red. Niro watched the enigmatic man shut his eyes and took in a shaky breath. Niro knew very little about the man infront of him, but he knew in that moment he accepted his fate. A conviction and dedication few have.
The Hillian king exclaimed at the sheet of glass behind him at his Force-Captain. The colour faded away, yet it didn’t completely disappear. The voice of the Force-Captain came through the window. “Sir, he took out an entire detachment, this is an interrogation room - he’s being interrogated.”
“Force-Captain, are you disobeying a direct order from your king?”
The Force-Captain did not respond, but the shade of red did veer and disappeared. The captain remained silent in that Niro hoped was shame. The king turned back to the frightened prisoner. 218 chose to reopen his eyes, he looked at Niro in confusion - weighing out his options. Was trust earned in this moment or was it a ruse?
“Why not just kill me?” 218 asked.
“Like I said: we’re here just to ask you some questions. I would only kill you if you were a threat to Scorpion Hill, you’re not.”
218 knew he shouldn’t have, but he kind of took offensive from that, he was dangerous.
“But trust me, she wanted to. You killed her husband, on that scouting party. Through those eight hours of unconsciousness I had to make sure she wouldn’t kill you. Best sleep you’ve had in a while I’m willing to bet, by the looks of that train wreck to live in. Do, you... live in there?”
“A ship wreck, and yes I have taken residence in it for shelter a- have you said eight cycles?!”
“Hours, but- sure.”
“This is unexpectable! I have already wasted six more cycles than usual! So much possible productivity gone! I must return to the repairs immediately!” 218 rocketed up onto his feet ready to walk out.”
“How- what? Hold on, what repairs?”
“I will tell you no more.”
“If you won’t tell us, we can’t help you, friend. Its simple as that. You appeared from nowhere - your a mystery. And so you are seen as a threat. People hate what they don’t understand. Help me understand.”
“Niro, was it?”
“All you need to understand is - if you return me to my spacecraft, if you aid me, you will be rewarded and welcomed by my Brother. He can show you all the light. He can offer you a perfect world.”
“Who is your brother?”
“Horde Prime.
The Emperor of the Known Universe. The most powerful being in existence, his empire is endless - far superior to whatever your world holds. But give into him and he will take you in and make sure faction a jewel in his empire.”
“I’ll have to decline on that offer. I find that the more power people have, the more they see themselves as saviours. You’re not going anywhere.”
“But the Horde can gift you, reward you, the empire has collected and melded technologies from across numerous galaxies - he can give you interstellar travel, advanced communications, synthetic nutrition, biological enhancements, limitless knowledge of the cosmos, language, salvation, weapons-”
“Weapons?... What kind of weapons?”
Of course, should’ve known. 218 knew this might be his only way out of this predicament, he needed to tell this Niro what he wanted to hear, “The Horde has taken dominance over countless systems, many by force. To do this the engineers and scientists of the Horde had to develop instruments of destruction which could topple armies. I can give them to you. I was a general - I hold the accumulated knowledge of dozens of battalions I have commanded. Horde Prime needs me, I am crucial to the cause. Help me and the knowledge to conquer worlds, can be yours.”
218 saw Niro deliberating, thinking over everything said. He had a lot to consider, but 218 needed the answer now, he needed to rush him, make him slip up - act rash. 218 needed to return to his Brother’s side, his Brother needed him! He was one of his top generals. And bringing a world with him for the Horde to assimilate, an offering to show he wasn’t a waste, a failure. Brother would see that 218 was worth something - a useful tool, a loyal soldier. THIS was his redemption.
“This ‘Horde Prime’ is he really that influential? Would he have the might to liberate Scorpion Hill from the mercy of other kingdoms?”
“There has never been a mightier lord in the universe’s history.”
“And if I decline?” Niro decided to test the waters.
“Then my Brother’s wrath will rain down on you, and a different party would be blessed with the fruits of my Brother’s labour.”
“I wouldn’t bet on it. Other kingdoms of Etheria are not so welcoming to outsiders from beyond their walls, not to mention from beyond this dimension. Scorpion Hill is your best bet. The others will simply label you - mad.”
“Than you accept?” 218 raised the brow at the talking king.
“I suppose I do.”
Niro agreed to aid the alien man, if he was a man, he was no fool of course, he knew that spark of devotion in those eyes meant he was telling the truth, but that spark had the possibilities to burn forests. Niro needed to watch his own back. But he also needed to see more - how good were these weapons - was this prisoner worth keeping around. Niro extended his claw to 218 in acceptance, however 218 did not quite understand the motion, he stared at it discombobulated.
“Am- am I supposed to do... something with that?”
“Oh boy.”
After a far too long explanation of what a hand shake was, the two did. 218 was lead off by the guards back to what was then labelled his quarters and Niro returned to Opal’s side behind the one way glass in the observation room. He could tell she was displeased, no, more like infuriated. Understandable.
“Your highness, may I speak freely?”
Here it comes. “[sigh] Opal if you want to berate me then just get on with it.”
“Are you insane!??!”
“Aren’t we all?” Niro replied calmly juxtapose to the loud bark of his Force-Captain.
“He killed a full detachment of our troops! I cannot even explain how untrustworthy he is! You don’t even know his name!-”
“Yeah, I do. It’s 321-123 or something to that effect.”
“You’re joking around? Why are you joking around?” Opal placed her hands on her hips eyeing the king waiting a twist.
“Cause the talk’s not over yet. First of all, you saw his physique, that man’s made out of match sticks, with all the guards clogging the corridors there’s no chance he’s escaping. Especially now that he doesn’t have the home advantage. He’s trapped and he knows it.”
“What if he wants to be there? The whole alien story, it’s- it’s out there. He could be a spy for BrightMoon, or the Salineas, the princess of Dryl wasn’t happy with the deal. Dozens of other smaller kingdoms too.”
“Second of all, Scorpion Hill is home to a multitude of races, from all around Etheria, I’ve seen them all. I know my people. I don’t know him. And those eyes? Eyes of a believer. He’s not lying, and if he is, you get to say ‘I told you so’. And we know how much you love that.”
“We’re taking a huge risk with this. The Council of High Priests will be hounding at the door the moment they find out. I’ve managed to hold back the paperwork’s circulation, but they will find out. And that man you just let out, interrogated in secret - is a walking omen of bad mojo to them. We could be- no, we are in serious trouble!”
“Third of all, he can be the answer. If what he says is true, and I believe that he is. Then this man, if he is a man, can be the way by which I can free Scorpion Hill from the parasites that drained it of its life. With those weapons hierarchy won’t mean much, and what do those crooked old fools have? A wooden stick, some holy water?”
“You- are you serious!? You’re planning an overthrow. Don’t get me wrong Niro, I hate the council, just as much as you and I’d stand by your side until the moons crash down, but it’s a spider web, the council is tied to dozen other kingdoms and unknown benefactors - you pull that string and heaven’s gonna fall on your head.”
“And last of all, we match out - war - kingdom after kingdom, until we’re truly free.”
Opal looked at Niro, his eyes narrow and his claw bending steel in its grips, the desk gave in under his claws strength. Niro grew more and more irritated with each day in his position of powerlessness. He knew she was worried, maybe even scared, but she knew why he was willing to risk it all. Niro would fight armies single-handedly, if he had to, his blood boiled for a fight - for his people. This individual, whoever he was, was in deed an omen of the council’s worst fear, but if Niro played it right it could be an omen of a brighter future.
Opal placed a hand on the king’s shoulder, she felt the need to persuade her old friend out of whatever crazy act he was about to write, she began, “Niro-” and ended, as a guard entered the room with an announcement and a pant in his voice from the urgent sprint.
“My lord, Force-Captain.” They bowed, “The scout survivor from the last mission has woken up.”
“Like I said the talk’s not over yet. Led to the infirmary soldier.” The three marched off with haste. It did not take long for them to reach the infirmary, all the medical staff bowed as their king entered. He ignored the gesture as he often did, he said countless times to treat him like anyone else, or at least no bowing. Niro hated the feeling of superiority, of being worshipped to. In his eyes he was just someone who wanted to make a difference. He got to the resting bed of the survivor, bruises all over his body, many blood stained changed bandages. The Hillian soldier attempted to salute to the royal, but pulled their arm back the moment they felt something crack.
“Easy soldier, rest. Can you talk?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Fantastic.” Niro pulled up a chair next to the injured scout and sat down, “Mission report.” For the next half an hour Niro questioned about the mission and about the enemy they had met there. New details came to light: robots, traps, some sort of power core, a savage yet resourceful opponent. And their name.
“And then he proclaimed himself as - Hordak, my lord.”
“Hordak.” Niro repeated, the name lingering on his tongue. Curious.
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simeonstans · 4 years
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PAIRING: Satan/You
SONG: V - Sweet Night
On my pillow
Though the Devildom was surrounded by complete darkness at every hour, though the Earth was a scary place at night, though you're in literal hell, you felt the safest near the blonde beside you. Earlier that day he’d invited you to visit a gallery opening, afterwards going to a mini cafe to refresh yourselves, which led to you then checking out some street performance, then again going to a mini street market and eating some small street food. What was planned to just be a small visit to see an artist finally making a name for themselves, led to an entire day of exploring with Satan.
Can’t get me tired
Now you're walking back to the House of Lamentation, arms linked together and leaning your head onto Satan’s shoulders. Small giggles escaped from your lips at a dumb joke he made. Your events made you tired. All you could think about was taking off your shoes and cuddling with your pillow. Just a couple blocks away, you brought your scarf up to your nose. The day was chilly, so you just wore a long tan coat and a nice warm scarf. Satan, also decided to switch into something that’d also keep him warm, both making you accidentally match outfits. “We’ll be there soon, we’re not too far away Y/N.” he reassured you.
Sharing my fragile truth
“It’s late. Do you think they’ve forgotten about us and locked the door, they've been locking us out lately?” “Well, with that, I still hope the door is open.” He replied to your worries. Though it was late, though you both were surrounded by darkness, the Devildom was just waking up. A restaurant had a small band playing out front. You tugged at the blondes scarf, pointing at the band playing a ballad. “Shall we?” he pulled the two of you closer to the band, unlinking your arms. He rested one hand on your waist and the other was locked with your other hand.
Cause the window opened one time with you and me
He led the dance, it wasn't too extravagant, just you two both looking at each other with smiles on your faces. The band walked over closer to the two of you, as if they were playing for just the two of you. You rested your head on his chest, hearing his heart pound in perfect rhythm with the music playing in the background. His chin was on the top of your head.
Now my forever’s falling down, wondering if you’d want me now
You haven't been in the Devildom for long but you didn't mind the atmosphere. You didn't mind not seeing the sun anymore. You didn't mind endless bickering between the brothers. In fact, a wave of content came over you. Like a soft, silk blanket barely brushed against your entire body. With demons that could kill you at any second, that could really just manipulate you and torture you for an eternal, you felt the most ease. Yes, while Lucifer ordered that Mammon would be the one in charge of you and your well-being, while you were scared endlessly your first week, the days continued on. And you began to form bonds and relationships with each of the brothers, beyond more than just a pact. With the entire fiasco of Satan and Lucifer switching bodies and feeling the warm sun hit against your skin. As refreshing as it was feeling warmth from the sky, it wouldn't have been the same if you were there without the brothers accompanying you. Throughout your entire time in hell, you’ve grown a lot closer to the Avatar of Wrath. The boy had a rather short temper, yet he would always try to control himself and involve himself in such calming activities, taking in stray cats and finding them homes, going to museums and art exhibits, going to cafes. You’ve grown feelings for him. “Satan,” you whispered, shutting your eyes just to take in the music being played for you. “Yes?”
“How could I know,
“That one day I’d wake up feeling more?” “I beg your pardon?” He hummed, in reality you’ve already gotten his interest by the time he laid his eyes on you. It just took the demon a while to ask you out. He’d already suspected that you had an interest in him as well, your question actually confirming his suspicions. “I think I like you. A lot.” you confessed, letting out a breath.
But I had already reached the shore, guess we were ships in the night.
You moved your head up to face him, meeting his green eyes. “Do you… do you like me, too?” Your voice slightly shaking. The two of you constantly went out, and he’d always get you a souvenir from wherever you went. So far in your collection, you had a quetzalcoatl plushie from the Devildom’s zoo, a key ring from an aquarium, a penny pressed with an engraving on it from a museum, a small memo pad with Van Gogh’s paintings on the cover. You two would constantly flirt. You knew how he flirted, he’d constantly tease you, he’d brush his hands against yours, he’d link your arms together, he'd find ways to touch you. You noticed he asked Asmo how to braid hair, so the next time you both went on a picnic, he asked to braid yours. It was sloppy and he did two different braids, but you kept it cause he worked hard on it. He recommended books for you and gave you a playlist to listen to while reading the book. His smile became more gentle, his eyes going from an opened and shocked expression, they tamed into soft clouds.
“I’m wondering, are you my best friend?”
He responded, a small pain in your chest. Did he just view you as a friend? The band continued on, more eyes looking at the two of you. Though they couldn't hear the two of you speaking, it felt like you were broadcasting your confession to the three realms all at once.
Feels like a river’s rushing through my mind
“I wanna ask you if this is all in my head,” Satan continued. A deep sigh, he looked up at the sky and you did too as if you were hoping to find your answer in the blank void on top of you. He looked back down at you, his hand leaving yours to lift your chin to face him. He leaned in closer and you felt his breath against yours. His lips brushing against yours.
My heart is pounding tonight, I wonder
“I like you, too. A lot.” He closed the small gap, shutting his eyes and moving the hand on your chin to the back on your neck. You, in shock, stared at him wide eyed.
If you are too good to be true
He pulled away to look at you. Still in shock about his sudden move, he left out a chuckle.
And would it be alright if I
“I’m sorry. Be mine?” he asked, his eyes still remained soft as he looked down at you. Snapping out of your trance, you nodded. And this time you initiated the kiss. “I’m yours.” you responded, the two of you caring less about the hour of the night and instead you both share a kiss in the middle of the street in front of some small restaurant and their band. The two of you separated and continued with your dancing. No words were spoken between the two. Everything was already said and done, every piece was in its place. You were both where you needed to be. With each other, holding each other on a chilly night.
Pulled you closer
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snowmanmelting · 4 years
"You're such an embarrassment" (not you it's the prompt i think you're pretty cool)
AY you think I'm cool THANK U :')
'K so I guess you're a pal from the Frozen fandom bc no one asked me from a prompt till now. So this will be from there. also if we take out Vocaloid I haven't really written any original content since like 2010
I wanted half the fandom to hate me and make this EA from the snippet I wrote where Anna had the Pew Pew pointed at Elsa and she was like :)! But I couldn't make it fit anywhere, so, behold! HansAnna Hanna or however it's called lol.
I hope I was able to meet your expectations :)! Feel free to send me more if you want, this is good writing exercise for me (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
“You aren’t thinking of buying that, are you?”
To a stranger’s ears the tone would have made them think it was a joke. Those light, typical playful comments that both couples and good friends used to make. Nothing to get offended or defensive about (Anna tended to do that sometimes, she could admit it) and, truth to be told, it did sound as such.
However, Anna knew Hans enough to recognize the slight shift in tone between a real joke and disguised judgement. That almost condescending “are you?”, the half smile and that blink-and-you-miss-it up and down of green eyes were a dead giveaway, in this case. 
You’re such an embarrassment, Anna, was the true meaning behind those words.
“Pfff! Of course not,” she played along, making her best for her voice to sound as inofensive as the unicorn plush she held in her hands. “I just think it's cute, that's all.”
Half a meter of lilac and pink cuteness to cuddle with when you remembered how much you would like to have a pet but your apartment had a strict no-pet policy. Or when she had a horrible day and needed to indulge in the comfort of her childhood, or just because she wanted to hug something warm and Hans had his back turned on her.
“It’s an oval with legs.”
With a small eye roll, Anna put it back in the pile of stuffed animals along with more unicorns, bears, frogs, and ducks. Children’s Day was around the corner, so several islands with pyramids of toys were arranged all over the main hall of the supermarket, discount posters hanging like pennants everywhere.
“That adds to its charm, I guess. Kids like things like this.”
Was it her fault this place had good marketing strategies and she ended up considering buying a stuffed animal rather than keep walking to the shampoo aisle? Anna wasn’t going to, but it was the thought that counted, right? Hans wouldn’t like that idea, though. He never liked the idea of Anna decorating the bed with childish plushies. Real adults had boring black comforters to match their seriousness and maturity as human beings that paid the bills every month and worked from 9 to 6.
(Even if that comforter was super warm for this cold weather and Anna loved snuggling under it).
Maybe she could ask Elsa to buy it for her and keep it at her house for when Anna visited?
“Whatever, let’s get going,” he placed a hand on her lower back and pushed on their mini shopping cart. “This place is crowded and we don't have time to be fooling around.”
Anna bit back an answer. When she asked him to help with the house chores, that didn’t necessarily mean coming along to buying groceries when they clearly had different ways of shopping. Hans liked to go X section, grab specific Y item from Z shelf and move on to the next one on the list as quickly as possible. Anna took time to consider the available choices, check prices and get the best option. Yes, they had a car now, and yes, taking a taxi was kind of expensive lately, but still. 
Have you realised that you’re always the one who has to adapt to the situation? Her sister’s words echoed in her head. They had that conversation (a real one, without Elsa nervously trying to explain her point like a mother too afraid to tell her child Santa didn't exist) a month ago, yet that question never left her. Popping up more and more often in moments like this. 
It was expected, right? To adapt to situations or do things the way you didn't like once or twice for the other person. To do sacrifices for the relationship as a whole thing that's built between two people.
Perhaps Elsa's phrases and lists and charts were starting to get to her head.
"Anna, are you even listening?"
She blinked, suddenly coming back to reality, "Uh, yes, sorry."
Perhaps her sister was right. 
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k-writer1998 · 4 years
Rebel Hours (2/18)
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Kwon Jieun always fit her parents’ image of the “perfect” daughter... at least to their knowledge. Away from prying eyes she was like any other girl living life to the fullest doing what she wants. When a little someone named Bang Chan comes into her life priorities are changed, mistakes are made, and her life finally becomes her own.
w.c: 2.1k
      Three weeks… three weeks passed and I cannot stop thinking about that night. When Seungmin moved in, when school started, when I started my part-time job, CB97 has been haunting my mind. Even now sitting with my closest friends for dinner, he won’t go away.
“I’m crazy. Someone please tell me how to stop it.”
“Just accept your fate of being an underground rap group fangirl for the rest of your life.”
“Hwang Hyunjin I- this is why your best friend status has been given to Seunghee. Not helpful!”
“Excuse me she isn’t here so I get my title back until further notice.”
“That’s not how it works Hwang and even if it did you are doing a terrible job as best friend.”
“Hey, I think I know him.”
      My head snapped up at Seungmin’s announcement. No way, the world cannot be that small. Everyone stared at Seungmin who looked at his phone before he spoke again.
“Yeah, he was an upperclassman at my high school. If I remember correctly everyone loved him and I think he was captain of the soccer team too.”
“You are supposed to help me stop thinking about him, not make it worse!”
“If you’re going to make a big deal why not just go back there and see him again. Maybe you’ll realize something is wrong with him and you’ll stop. If not what’s the worst that can happen?”
“You’re right and you’re so sweet, saying you guys will come with me and all.”
“Wait a minute I-”
“Too late best friend and any complaints can be taken up with Hyunjin for running his mouth.”
      Before they could protest more, we paid and I dragged them to the apartment. I quickly shed my “congressman Kwon’s daughter” look and exchanged it for my favorite distressed black jeans, maroon bodysuit and leather jacket. After a quick touch up on my makeup, we headed to the club. It wasn’t super busy so we were talking by the dance floor when I felt eyes on me. I flipped my silver hair over my shoulder, to subtly look around, and there he was staring at me from the DJ booth. I immediately snapped my head back.
"He keeps looking over here so that's a good sign," Jeongin encouraged.
"Exactly. He noticed you out of everyone and what do you do? Hide. I did not raise a coward."
"You didn’t raise me at all, Hyunjin, and I am not hiding… I'm just uh playing hard to get…"
"Really that's what you're going with? Your cover stories still suck like when we were kids."
"Seungmin I didn’t ask for this disrespect. You’re all traitors except Jeongin."
"Uh well, sorry to be a traitor too but that was really bad."
"I leave for college and this is what happens? You turn my own son against me?"
"Tone it down drama queen. Lover-boy stepped down from the DJ booth. Seems like he's switching out so here's your chance," Hyunjin pushed.
"Go sit at the bar, away from us, so you look more approachable," Seungmin ordered.
      I gave them a nervous smile as I thanked them before taking a seat at the bar. Facing outward in my seat, my eyes scanned the crowd for a particular blonde. I catch sight of him, his eyes mimicking mine, before our eyes connect and a smirk tugs at his lips. In my confused panic I smile back, giving a small wave before turning back to the bar to cringe at myself. 
“I’ve finally caught you. You left before I could thank you for grabbing my hat.”
“Sorry the clock struck midnight, had to go before my carriage turned into a pumpkin,” I teased.
“You never left a glass slipper for me though.”
“I didn’t, yet here we are.”
“Here we are,” he echoes.
      He eyed me up and down with a smirk playing at his lips. Thank god he played along with whatever came out of my mouth cause I was sure as hell that wasn't flirting, guess I’ll just go with it.
“So Prince Charming, is there a reward for returning your prized hat?”
“It’s Bang Chan,” he laughed before adding, “there is… if you can trust me.”
      His laugh was an intoxicating sound that left a joyful buzz in my chest. I shouldn't, I know I really shouldn't but looking at his face with that dimpled smile and the shine in his eyes… it drew me in. We just met each other a few moments ago and only shared a few flirty encounters yet what about his face makes me want to trust him? I looked at his outstretched hand… 
“Okay, I’m game. Let’s see if your bark matches your bite,” I challenged, placing my hand in his.
“Well first things first, what’s your name? Or should I just call you Princess?”
“That’s fine. If this night goes well I’ll think about giving my name.”
“Then, after you princess.”
      He gestured toward a guarded door. I got up and followed his lead as we approached the door and the guard just gave me a quick look before he gave Chan a curt nod, moving aside. I shot the boys a quick text as we maneuvered through the back area to a back door. I saw their encouraging and warning messages before sliding my phone in my pocket. We walked past a lot of the popular shops before we reached an empty street aside from one section that had light pouring from it. Upon further inspection I couldn’t help the genuine smile that pulled across my lips, a night market! I heard Chan chuckle behind me as I was pulled into the organized chaos. Voices exploded from all sides, the smell of various foods swirled around, and a sea of bodies breezed about. I was practically vibrating with excitement, somehow drifting with the crowd as my eyes scanned the various stalls and stores. If it wasn’t for the hand that grabbed my wrist, I would have been pulled with the tide.
“Slow down princess, don’t want you to get lost now,” he chuckled.
      He slipped his hand in mine as I sheepishly smiled at him before we moved together this time. He allowed me to drag him around where he bought me various snacks and sweets. I tried to pay but he used his body to block my way causing me to playfully nudge him after every time. Chan showed me a few of his favorite stalls as well, one which sold boba and was the only one I was successful in paying at because I may or may not have hid his wallet in my pocket when he asked me to hold it. I gave him a cheeky smile when he realized and he scrunched his nose with a laugh in return. There was even an arcade like area with a claw machine which I excitedly ran to. Of course I failed miserably but Chan confidently proclaimed he could easily grab the eevee plushie for me. I tried to contain my giggles as his face slowly started to fall as the number of tries continued to go up. After a while I put my hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“I promised you that plushie and I’m gonna get it,” he paused for a moment before a devious smirk appeared on his face. “Watch my back?”
      I narrowed my eyes at him and tilted my head in question, an unsure smile pulling at my lips. The shine in his eyes told me he was up to no good but my curiosity got the better of me. I reluctantly looked around at the people passing by and no one was paying us any attention. I started to hear the sound of metal on metal and the sound of plastic shaking. Before I could turn to see what Chan was up to I heard a man yelling. The next thing I know we are sprinting through the market, the man’s voice drowning in the din of the crowd. We finally slowed down in a park and I don’t know if it was the adrenaline, but a laugh bubbled out of me.
“What just happened?”
“I said I would get you the plushie didn’t I?”
“Did you open the machine?!”
      My mouth dropped as he gave me a triumphant grin while holding up the plushie. He really is something else… this Bang Chan. I took the plushie from his hand with a smile, my eyes travelling over him in this new rebellious light, as he nonchalantly replied.
“I never said how I would get it for you.”
“You are ridiculous. You know that?”
      He just shrugged his shoulders with a goofy smile before he put out his hand. I took it as we walked towards a set of steps, he had one more place to show me. Chan and I have been talking nonstop and everything about it was so natural. We joked, played around, definitely flirted, and something about it felt… right. We were currently talking about movies but my words trailed off as we reached the top of the hill and the view of the distant city lights dotting the landscape entered my line of sight. Chan's low chuckle brought me back from my admiration.
"Sorry… this view is just so stunning!"
"I thought you might've liked something like this," he smiled softly.
      We took a moment to just bask in the beauty of the view. I felt Chan's presence behind me but his warmth only ghosted my skin and the chill of the night air breezed through the space between us. Instinctively I moved closer to him, stealing some of the warmth radiating from him as I continued the conversation.
“Okay but back to my question. As a hopeless romantic I must ask. Which romance plot is the worst in your opinion?”
“Hmmm… probably the whole fake dating thing.”
“What? You don’t find it romantic to pretend to fake your true feelings so you can help your crush get back their ex or some other plot point?” I joke. 
“Yeah no," he laughs, "I just don’t get why it's easy for them to be a couple in front of other people but behind closed doors they can barely face each other.”
“Well if you and I were in a fake relationship,” I started, a playful urge fluttering in my stomach as a coy smile made its way to my face, “yeah we can kiss and cuddle up to each other perfectly fine but when it’s just us two...”
      I took a step towards him, entering his personal space, and the sound of his breath catching in his throat drifted to my ears as I leaned in. Leaving mere inches between us, I pause and look into his eyes before continuing.
“Isn’t it difficult? To be a breath away yet you can’t do anything about it because you don't have to pretend anymore?”
      I give him an innocent smile before stepping away and turning to look back at the city, letting the moment sink into his mind, but in an instant my view of the city blurred. He had spun me back to face him once again, my hands resting on his broad black-tee clad chest to keep myself steady at the sudden movement. His arms snaked around my waist and my eyes trailed up to look at his face which had a cocky smirk playing on his heart shaped lips.
“I wouldn’t know. I chase after the things I want.”
      The deep baritone of his voice sends a delightful shiver down my spine and the warmth emanating from his body almost burns but my mind can’t get enough of it. I was on the verge of losing my mind because of this boy.
“You play a dangerous game Mr. Bang Chan,” I chuckled softly.
“If being with you means danger it’s definitely worth the risk.”
      I can’t help but laugh as I boop his nose. A laugh bubbles out of his throat and the notorious dimple makes an appearance once again. This moment brings a familiar feeling pricking at my chest as our eyes found their way to each other once again. His eyes dropped to my lips for a moment, something that didn’t go unnoticed, as I tilted my head innocently. The distance between us started shrinking. My eyes fluttered closed and my lips felt the warmth of his breath, his lips a beat away… until my phone decided to ring with the annoying voice of Hwang Hyunjin yelling “YAYAYA PICK UP THE PHONE!” The sudden screaming in the silence made us both jump away as a low growl escaped my lips. The haze in my mind cleared and I pulled my phone from my pocket, giving it a well deserved glare.
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skyholding · 3 years
Happiness (An A’on/Naih’tan FFXIV Valentine’s Short)
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(Art by @minomotu​)
Since Mino drew this lovely piece of our cattes, I had to write a little short story inspired by our Valentine’s Day photoshoot to go with it <3 Please enjoy!
A'onisya recalled the first time she had worn her suikan--she and Naih'tan's first Valentione’s Day after their marriage, when he surprised her with their home in the Lavender Beds. She remembered apologizing profusely that entire day when she would suddenly find tears dotting her freckled cheeks. "It doesn't make any sense, does it? Why'm I crying so much?" she finally blurted to Naih'tan's cousin, Aiko.
The green-haired miqo'te grinned. "You're just happy, yeah?" she pointed out. "Sometimes a person's so happy all they can do is cry, I think."
A'on couldn't remember ever having been so happy she wanted to cry, so she wasn't sure if Aiko was just telling one of her jokes, as Aiko was wont to do at times. But her attention was quickly averted elsewhere--specifically, to her own surprise for Naih'tan. One surprise deserved another in return, after all. Delivery moogles were in and out of their property all day, tossing and placing furniture into their house with varying degrees of care, so Naih'tan didn't notice the small bundle that A'on had rushed to the market board to order late that morning. Nor did he suspect her machinations when he left to retrieve dinner, their kitchen hardly being in working order yet, and she quickly set to work.
So it was when he returned to find the house dark, except for a line of glowing chocobo plushies that led him from the front door--navigating his steps carefully around the haphazard furniture--downstairs, where in the corner, piled with even more chocobo plushes, A'onisya sat, primly in her rosy pink suikan, in the corner where Naih'tans study was perfectly--from the carbuncle chair to the deep mahogany desk, down to every last pen, paper, and homely knick-knack--set up just for him.
"Welcome home, love," she said, and watched, in wonderment, as tears fell from her husband's cheeks.
Sometimes a person's so happy all they can do is cry.
That was years ago. Their house looked much different now, but it never stopped feeling like home. A'onisya greeted their morning delivery moogle with especial enthusiasm, trying so very hard to not simply snatch the bundle from his paws. Her fingers shook as she undid the wrapping, but calmed when they settled on treasure of fine fabric hidden underneath. A deep blue, the color of the farthest-out sea on a cloudless day, decorated with ruby reds as bright as spring flowers.
Her new suikan.
"The weather does look rather fine this afternoon, doesn't it?" Naih'tan asked, stepping down from their bedroom loft to where she stood in the foyer.
"Not half so fine as you," she fluttered, smiling wickedly as he blushed at the unexpected compliment. Azeyma's fire, but Naih'tan did strike a handsome figure in his own suikan, which was still in as fine condition as the day he'd purchased it. The sunset hues of its fabric shone just as brightly as A'on's new garment, but then, Naih'tan kept his clothes as meticulously as he kept his research notes.
"W-well, then," he stammered, adjusting his collar and not bothering to hide his grin. "I hope the day isn't so un-fine compared to myself that you would refuse the walk we had planned."
A'on laughed. "Not at all! Just give me a moment to change." The folds and ties were done in a moment, and her hair--curling at the ends from her quick shower earlier--was pulled back into a ponytail. She caught her reflection in the mirror before rejoining Naih'tan, and for just a moment thought she saw a visage of a younger miqo'te, scarless and fresh-faced and dressed in rosy hues, smiling back at her. But she blinked, and the vision was gone.
She shook her head, gently, and soon was stepping down from the lawn of their home onto the cobbled grassy lanes of the Lavender Beds, her arm hooked into the crook of Naih'tan's offered arm.
"Shall we make our way to Yainu-Par, then? I believe the Valentione's have spared no expense in this year's decorations," he suggested.
"Do they ever?" A'on asked, which made him laugh. The day was fine indeed, warm in the sun with a slight crisp along the edges of the trees' shade. The Lavender Beds' carefully curated gardens, stirred by the gentlest breeze, glowed like jewels in the dappled light, so bright that even the floating and glowing and sparkling red hearts of the Valentione's Day decorations could not overshadow them.
"Surprisingly tasteful," Naih'tan said.
"For the Valentiones," A'on agreed, chuckling as they strolled about the perimeter of the gardens. Their conversation meandered as much as their steps, winding and light-footed, letting noontime fade into afternoon, until they were startled out of their own little world by a cry from the far dockside end of the Amethyst Shallows.
"E-excuse me! Sir, madam--might I have a moment?" They turned to watch a roegadyn stumble from the ferry and hurry across the docks in their direction. He stopped short several feet of them and bowed clumsily before rushing on, "I apologize for the intrusion, but--my name is Thubyrhaerz, and I'm a photographer for The Raven. I was supposed to be capturing photos of couples for our Valentione's Day issue, but--"
"Isn't tomorrow Valentione's Day, sir?" Naih'tan inquired.
"--well, yes," the roegadyn flushed. "I might have been rather, ah, selective with my pick of couples, so I find myself... in a bit of a bind, you might say." His grey eyes sparked with fervor, and he continued breathlessly, "I had all but given up hope of meeting my deadline, but something told me to check the Lavender Beds one last time, and lo and behold--I find the handsomest couple I've set eye on yet today." He gestured to A'onisya and Naih'tan, who exchanged looks, but before they could speak, he said, "The complementary outfits, the ease of your gait together, the light in your eyes--I could see it from afar! Please, if you'd allow me, I would be honored to photograph you for our issue. You'd receive copies of the pictures yourselves, of course." His smile eager, with only a hint of desperation, his gaze flickered between them. "What do you say?"
A'on's face split into a grin. "We can hardly refuse after a declaration like that!" she exclaimed, and Naih'tan nodded with a warm smile in agreement. Soon Thubyrhaerz had them sitting on a garden bench while he clambered around them at all angles to catch just the perfect beams of sun through the trees, or directed them to stand in front of one of the many oversized hanging red ribbons as a romantic backdrop. Their posing was awkward at first, but under his expert guidance and quips they were soon laughing and teasing each other, and the time passed such that he insisted on sunset photos by the water's edge, where the golden rouge of evening danced along the crystalline water.
Thubyrhaerz instructed them to sit along the pier, their legs dangling over the edge, and never mind his presence. Watching the sunset, A'on soon found her head resting on Naih'tan's shoulder, a wave of contentment weighing like a warm blanket. Their hands clasped together, the clicking of the camera faded away, and the moment blurred into a happy haze. Only when the sun passed below the horizon did she remember herself and sit upright, looking about for their photographer. Thubyrhaerz stood some feet behind them, looking through his tomestone-like picture machine. "Ah--I did not want to disturb you," he said, glancing up and seeing her watching him. "You both looked so genuinely sweet-like there, seemed a shame to interrupt." He smiled. "But I think I've got everything I need--at least, I hope so, or else my lead will have my head for runnin' so close to my deadline... again."
He grunted as he sat beside them and held out the tome. "Last ones are my favorites," he said, "if you'd like to see the roughs."
Naih'tan handled the machine with care, passing through each photo under Thubyrhaerz's instruction. At the last picture, A'on had him pause for a moment longer, and looked more closely. "Oh, no--am I--why, it looks like I'm crying," she observed, and her gaze caught Thubyrhaerz's with apology. "It's such a nice photo otherwise."
Thubyrhaerz tilted his head. "But--that's what makes the photo, in my professional opinion, ma'am," he replied. "At least--why, they look like tears of happiness to me." His smile was gentle. "I wasn't lying when I said you were the loveliest couple I've seen all day, so really it isn't such a surprise--sometimes a person's so happy, 'specially when they're with the person they love, all they can do is cry. You know?"
A'on leaned more closely into Naih'tan, and he squeezed her hand softly. "Yeah, I do know," she said. She caught Naih'tan's gaze, and they smiled, together. Always. "I do."
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leidensygdom · 4 years
1, 2, 12, 13, 26!
OKAY SO I’m gonna try to focus on the campaign  I’m running myself (Gharmyra) because I’ve had so much RP over all these years and so on I wouldn’t ever stop talking otherwise. It’s gonna be a good way to talk a bit more on what has had Syg been invested into for the past half year!
1. A favorite character you have played.
I think that out of all the NPCs in the campaign I’m running, I’m enjoying Vest the most. He’s an old character of mine (Vor’kalth/Veth’shal, as he’s gone through many names in-character) who I really enjoyed back in the day but couldn’t RP since forever. While working on the campaign’s prep, one of the players mentioned he’d be multiclassing to warlock, and it was both a great way to introduce watchers early on (since Vest, as an undead, is a watcher) and getting to use him again. And I’m really glad I did that, because he’s been hella enjoyable and was probably a much better choice than a possibly edgy-brooding-patron instead.
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
oh god this one is just too hard to answer I hate playing favorites with other people’s characters. But p much if I’ve RPed with you I love ur character xoxo
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
OH god so we have a few--
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There’s a running joke over Yu’Yden, that cutie up above, being the BBEG. To the point we have an exclusive channel in which I keep track of the times he’s been called evil. So far, he’s been called evil 44 times
Another one of them is bacteria. It came up on accident, I think it was @eine-krone​‘s character (Hákarl) who mentioned it, and then we realized “shit, this is an industrial setting, bacterias aren’t a thing”. So canonically his... character, who’s an artificer, has invented a soap that kills bacteria. Except nobody knows what are they. Just a marketing thing.
Hákarl’s character also scores very bad in medicine, to the point he often gets crit-fails. As he put it, “he’s a machine-doctor, not a human-doctor”. Most times he checks for someone’s health, it leads to an “inconclusive analysis” on knowing if the person is either dead or alive. He’s currently writing a report on another party member’s defunction, despite how she’s alive. And well. And talking and so on
The monk eats about anything. Including magic items. Specially magic items. Anytime we come in contact with something edible-looking or just... shiny, he rolls a wisdom save to determine if he’ll eat it or not. This is getting problematic, since he once ate a puzzle piece, and he went through a room filled with poisonous pies and ate a couple of them (and he didn’t eat the rest because the party was examining those). One of the things he ate sometimes whispers him stuff. (and for the record, the character’s a human. A regular human)
The roguelock just never sleeps okay. Being a kalashtar, she should be able to have nice sleep, since she literally cannot have nightmares per se, but- She just doesn’t. This is also dice-rolled, and she rarely, rarely scores anything over 10. And if she does, seeing her feeling okay usually scares the rest of the party
Actually, she just has awful luck. Like, she defies all statics overall. A grand majority of her rolls are below 10, or even below 5. She has a +9 bonus to perception, but rest assured, she’ll never score more than 15 on it.
In the same manner, Vest (the roguelock’s patron) can use his own cantrips to do stuff, as long as it’s for comical purpose and not actually interfering with battles or the plot. He will use these for nefarious reasons. Or to steal shinies. Specially to steal shinies. 
There’s a cutie pink tiefling NPC, Isolde, who can be summoned at any point by holding chocolate. No matter what. She’s also effectively inmortal as far as we know.
One of the players has this sheet where he keeps track of all the incognitos, questions and theories about the plot. It’s two-sided, and he filled one side already. And I think the only item they have solved for now was because I officially confirmed “no, there are no aliens either”
I wanna mention Eine did a whole mind map to keep track of the plot too. It’s complicated
13. Introduce your current party.
Ok so lemme introduce my player’s characters!!
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This cheerful guy here is Glar, the human monk. He was sold by his family to a thieves’ gang to settle down a debt, and was raised rough. The thieves’ gang kinda disbanded after the two guys in charge got in a big fight, and he’s been trying to figure out his life ever since. Chaotic to hell and beyond, often the comic relief of the group.
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This guy here is Hákarl (Cousin Hákarl, legally), a dwarf-goliath artificer and @eine-krone​ ‘s character. Dwarf goliath means he has the proportions of a dwarf but the height of a goliath, and everything about him is pure cryptid fuel. He owns a business which invents all sort of weird gadgets: Everyday items made into weapons, soap, plushies, etc. In his backstory, he... Split his soul in half and put the other half in a warforged as his bachelor’s thesis. Except all the nice things about himself were in that side of the soul. So, the warforged (Ténn) is a sweet cinnamon roll, while Hákarl is certainly cursed. He also wants to destroy Gharda (one of the nations) and commit deicide.
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And this one is Laestis Luvali, the rogue-warlock kalashtar. She’s baby, really. Born in the first caste (akin to nobles in this setting), she’s has been realizing her peers are actually pretty awful. Her and her family have now cut ties with the first caste and have moved with The Chain, the rebel ludite group that’s actively fighting against them. She’s a kalashtar because of the sword, a family relic passed down generations that their ancestor fetched from a war from a millenia ago, which... turned out to be sort of cursed. It has a watcher within, one of these crystal-undead beings. Vest, her patron, has been trying to reach the Luvali forever to maybe get himself out of there, and Laestis has been the first one to answer the call. And their friendship gives me life tbh
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your characters.
oh gods i have so many i want to show them but HUH stuff I’ve done-
I really enjoyed when I introduced them to the first (enemy) watcher they had to deal with, Nilodus, and what happened after. 
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It was just ominous as heck, and it was the point in which the players realized what kinda stuff were they facing. At the same time, I enjoyed a lot when one of the villains they had been facing (Uth’gaeel) transformed into some big crystal eldritch horror, with an animated battlemap and everything. The boss fights have been overall very fun, and I’m doing my best to homebrew them and make them interesting!! I have one planned I want to s c r e a m about. Overall I just have a lot of plans--
Anyways, thanks a lot for asking! And damn that was a long post
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lisinfleur · 5 years
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Author’s Notes | I really hope you like this one, babe girl! Love ya!! Universe | Vikings Pairing | Ubbe x Wife! Reader, Ubbe's child Info | Modern AU, requested by @moonlightsspirit for 5CW4 Words | 3538 ⁑ Warnings: ANGST, romance.
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Five years since the last time he put his feet on Kattegat. Five years since the day Ubbe saw you leaving through his door, swearing you didn't want him anymore after giving back the ring he gave you a few months before when he asked you to be his wife and you gladly accepted being his forever.
He could still remember how hard it was for him the way you simply refused to talk to him or answer his calls, blocking him on every single social media... Leaving him without choices but leave the town to conduct his life through a way totally different from what he thought he would be following.
Ubbe had plans to get married to you after high school. To keep living in the town and find some small job there to live a simple life by your side. However, he ended up becoming a graduated administrator to his father's trading company. It wasn't the life he planned, but it was the only way he saw after you left him: to become what Björn decided not to be. Now, he was back to take his position as the new CEO of his father's company, but also, to see how the place where he was born had become since he left.
A lie into his heart, he knew that. Ubbe was back pretty more because he wanted to know what was made of your life. Still, he had no courage to test if your old cellphone number was still blocked to him...
Instead, he came home, being received by his mother with a large lunch and the great majority of his brothers around his table: Björn, as always, was out for some kind of different trip. Sigurd was out with his band, on a tour - but he sent a postcard congratulating his older brother for the recent graduation. Around the table, Hvitserk wasn't really waiting for lunch to start before starting to peck everything he could reach with his fingers. And Ivar wasn't that happy to have Ubbe's ass back in the game: everybody knew the position of the heir of that company was something he wanted to himself and Ubbe kinda stole it from him by being born before, of course.
He hugged Hvitserk, messed up Ivar's hair, had a good lunch with his family and a long talk with his father about the company. Tired from the trip back home, Ubbe asked for some time and Ragnar gave him a month or two before he could take his position at the company.
"There are a lot of things you shall see before you can start your new life, son. And after all, you just came back... Go take a ride at the city and see how Kattegat has grown when you weren't here... Lots of things changed... Lots of new things are around to be discovered..."
Something strange to be told, especially coming from his father, but a small ride wouldn't be bad: Ubbe thought he could buy a bottle of wine and some bullshit to share with Hvitserk later at night and talk about the whole stuff about college they didn't have the proper time to talk about at the phone while he was away.
He thought about taking the car, but it wasn't a long walk to the grocery store anyway, so Ubbe decided to go on his feet, taking a look at the styles of the houses around. Things weren't that different from what he remembered, but also, weren't that equal. Colors had changed, materials, some houses were entirely rebuilt, some businesses were closed, smaller or even bigger, like the grocery store he remembered from his childhood.
It was smaller. For sure. But now the place had swollen the convenience and the whole gas station at the corner of the street, turning itself into a big market with a small snack bar for the travelers that stop to fuel their cars.
Ubbe's hand went to the door, ready to push it when it slid aside, surprising him with the automatic system and the cold air inside the place, indicating an air conditioner was installed to keep the local in a pleasing temperature for the clients. It was inevitable the twitch of his lips in an impressed pout: the place was really better, after all.
He walked around, searching for the alcoholic drinks section when something small stumbled in his legs, falling not far from him, catching his eyes almost immediately: a little girl was running around and she fell with her butt heavily hitting the ground after turning a corner and hitting her inattentive face right in his legs.
Ubbe noticed she was crying and so, he lowered himself, seeing the big blue eyes of that small child full of heavy tears.
"Hey..." he said, as she was rubbing her eyes, trying to wipe her own tears, seeming to be scared. "Calm down, little one. What is your name?"
The little child remembered him of you by the color of her hair, exactly like yours. She was a delicate little doll, dressed in a beautiful handmade dress, but looking sad with all those tears, and sobs, and swollen red face of how much she was crying.
"I'm Asta, and I lost my mother..." the little girl tried, sobbing in between the words, starting the whole cry once again.
Her state and her words causing Ubbe's heart to clench into his chest: Asta...
"I would like to name them Asta, for a girl, and Uln, for a boy"...
The names you wanted for the children you never had with him.
Ubbe sighed, pushing away the memories and offering his hand to the little girl sitting on the ground, helping her to get up.
"Look, don't cry ok? I think I saw a police officer at the entrance of this place, so I'll take you to that girl you're seeing right there," he pointed the brand-new reception of that place where a security guard was standing beside the balcony, talking to the receptionist. "And that officer will help us to find your mother ok? We'll call her and she'll come to find you there. Will you feel better this way?"
The little child nodded, still rubbing her beautiful blue eyes...
Eyes like his, hair like yours. "She could be our daughter," he thought, conducting the little girl by her hand to the security guard.
However, before he could reach the guard, the little girl let go of his hand and ran away from him, screaming out loud, calling the whole place's attention to her when she jumped into your arms.
Her little hands embracing your neck tight, leaving no doubt you were her mother. You picked your little Asta up into your arms, ready to thank the man that was bringing her by the hand towards the security guard you were ready to call for some help when your eyes found that pair of blues looking at you.,
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...and broken.
Ubbe didn't have changed that much after all: his eyes were still windows to his soul and you could still see his heart shattered into his chest by seeing you holding that little girl up in your arms.
You had a daughter...
You named her Asta...
You had the dreams you planned with him... With someone else?
You saw the way he swallowed dry, trying to take his eyes away from you, to fake a smile towards your little girl, speaking to her tenderly while your heart was racing into your chest with that trickery of the destiny.
"See, little Asta... We found your mother," he said, sounding sweet, despite you could feel the bitterness with which the word 'mother' sounded in his voice. "You don't need to cry anymore."
His eyes went to yours once again and he tried poorly to fake a smile at you as well.
"It's good to see you're ok, Y/N."
It wasn't.
It was hurting him and he was thinking all the wrong things, you knew that. Five years have gone since you had to take the worst decision of your life. But if he was back, then, it was over, right?
"I didn't know you were back in town..." you tried to extend the conversation and Ubbe didn't deny you a proper answer.
"I arrived today. You gonna see me around, now that I'm taking my father's position at the company. The old man wants to retire... My turn to work now, I guess," he tried a weak joke.
But you didn't laugh.
"So... Your college is over. Is that it?" you asked, sounding a little anxious.
Something he didn't let pass.
The little girl in your arms had her head laid in your shoulder; her little nose against your neck as she was starting to feel sleepy after all the nervousness of being lost even for a moment.
"Do you wanna share a drink at the snack bar?" he asked, "We could give little Asta some time to chill and... Have a proper talk."
Your anxiety proved his senses right when you readily accepted his invitation. There was something you wanted to talk to him and he was starting to be really curious. Fuck, the wine with his brother could wait.
He watched as you managed to place Asta in her stroller all by yourself, closing the security belt around her little waist and giving her a small plushie bear she grabbed, hugging it tightly. You seemed to be experienced in doing things all by yourself and everything around you seemed to be organized to a single mom...
Things were more and more curious for Ubbe now. Did her father leave you all alone?
What kind of bastard would do it?
A part of him kinda felt avenged, but he readily reprehended himself for the thought. He would never have left you with his child, but also, it was your right to want your dreams with somebody else.
Ubbe sighed, pushing away the flood of thoughts once again, walking by your side to the snack bar, observing as the movement of the stroller caused Asta to fall asleep still holding the little plushie bear.
You placed her near your chair on one of the tables and he sat in front of you.
"Coffee. Expresso. No sugar, please," you asked something he almost never saw you asking before, except when you were about to make a test at school you were sure you would fail.
Now it was official: you were nervous.
Ubbe didn't ask anything for the moment, just looking at you with those deep blue eyes you didn't see in years. His eyes were still as beautiful as you could remember.
But he was older... More beautiful, as if it was possible.
Yet, he was serious.
"What is it that you want to tell me, Y/N?" he asked, directly, showing he still knew you better than anyone else.
You sighed, looking down at your daughter sleeping peacefully into her stroller.
"You didn't answer my question. Is your college over?" you asked again and he sighed, kinda frustrated.
He never really wanted to make that college. He went there just because you left him.
"Yes. I don't see how it's so important to mention it now, but yes, Y/N. I'm graduated and my college is over." Ubbe answered, almost annoyed.
"So... I think now, I can tell you the truth," you mumbled, causing everything to stop around Ubbe.
The truth? What truth?
You took a sip from the coffee Ubbe didn't even see the waitress serving to you, placing the cup at the little plate over the table while he was still looking at you as if his eyes had frozen on time when you said the word "truth".
You sighed.
You kept that secret for five years. Five long years you hid from him as much as you could, trying not to destroy his life, his future. Ubbe deserved better than being a small man at that town forever. And you did everything you need to give him that chance.
"What truth, Y/N? What is happening?" he asked.
His blues allowing you to see how fast his heart was beating now. He knew. In the bottom of his heart, Ubbe knew exactly what you would tell him.
But he had the right to hear those words and you sighed, looking at him.
"I lied to you," you said, looking straight into his eyes even when yours started to form a thin line of tears under them. "It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, the hardest decision I ever had to make, but I knew if you were with me, you would never go to college and become someone. You would be stuck in Kattegat being no one just to keep me closer to you and I couldn't let that happen. I knew you received three different invitations for college and you were planning to refuse all of them because of the distance from home, so I went to your house that day and broke up with you. And I blocked you in all the ways you could try to find me because I knew if you didn't have me around, you would take one of those chances and go."
Right what he did! For a second, Ubbe felt like the dumbest idiot in the whole world. How could he be so blind? It was so obvious!
A part of him was angry, of course. But he knew you were right... He wouldn't go if he didn't have lost you.
"I was ready for a simple life by your side, Y/N..." he started, and you cut him out.
"No! You could be more! You could be someone and I was the anchor locking you here. I couldn't let you sink your whole life just because you wanted to be with me. I always had the plan to talk to you at the end of your college's first semester if you were still alone but..."
That pause sent shivers down his spine.
His mind was making the math but he didn't want to believe. You looked down, ashamed. You knew you did what you did with the best of the purposes, but yet, you took something from him and he had the right to hate you if he wanted.
The tears poured down your face and Ubbe became rigid in his chair.
"Y/N... Why didn't you call me when my first semester ended?" he asked and you covered your face, trying to hold back the sobs, swallowing dry before mumbling your crime to his ears.
"I didn't want you to give up on everything... If it was only me, I could convince you to keep your college going, to keep our relation something distant or even I could tell you I would wait for you to come back... But if you knew..." you paused again, sinking his heart into his chest.
"If I knew what? For the gods' sake, say it!" he asked, almost in despair.
And finally, you broke up that enormous wall you tried to build in between the two of you, revealing your most shameful secret.
"If you knew I was pregnant you would have left everything behind to come back. And I didn't want to ruin everything in your life..." you cried.
And your words caused Ubbe to rub his face, looking at the little girl sleeping peacefully at the stroller.
How much of her life did he lose?
What did she knows about him?
What would have happened in his life if you didn't have hidden that child from him?
You continued sobbing and the waitress gently brought a cup of water for you, leaving it in front of you on the table, to help with your sobs.
Ubbe sighed again, not knowing exactly what to say.
"You shouldn't have done this," he tried to start from somewhere, but it only made you shrink a little more in your chair and it wasn't what he wanted, so he tried again with another route. "I would have..."
No. He knew pretty well he would have given up on everything and came back to Kattegat on the same day if you had told him you were with his child.
"I could have..."
Solid no. He also knew he wouldn't be able to focus on his college and continue the course knowing you were dealing all by yourself with a pregnancy, a newborn and all the stuff he would have known you were passing through.
His voice failed.
Ubbe knew you chose the only way in which he would finish his college and become someone or have something to call his. You gave up on his presence and you did everything to give him a chance to become someone and protect him from his own stupid choices.
He rubbed his face one more time. And again.
"I'm sorry," you mumbled, still crying, remembering him how much you were crying when the two of you broke up that awful day.
Ubbe got up, walking around the table and sitting by your side, looking once again to that little girl sleeping like a beautiful doll into the stroller.
She was pretty well cared; despite the fact you were clearly tired and older than he could remember. You sacrificed your youth, your future to hold his.
Like you didn't feel for five years, you felt his arms around you, embracing your body and pulling you against his chest. Without resistance, you leaned completely into his touch, crying helplessly against his chest, repeating all the time how sorry you were, how you didn't want to hurt him...
His hands ran through your hair and you felt him kissing your forehead, softly holding you against his chest until you were able to control your tears, reducing it to small sobs. Your head still resting against his chest, hearing the sound of his heart you used to love so bad to sleep hearing.
Life was cruel to both of you, but now it was time to start over and Ubbe knew he could make a choice.
He could be angry with you for lying or he could see your noble reasons and try to rebuild what you had to destroy in order to give him a chance.
"No more lies," he mumbled "I'm a grown man. I can make my own decisions and I won't screw up if you trust me. We'll talk and study any decisions we'll have to make together. No more secrets, or lies, or sacrifices for each other... We'll do things together from now on... Fine?" he asked and you nodded against his neck, keeping the embrace, trying to feel numb by his scent one more time.
You missed him so bad... It was so hard to live without his embrace!
"How much does she knows about me?" he asked, looking at your daughter with tender but scared eyes.
"She's the only one who knows the whole truth," you said, surprising him with your answer, "I told her daddy was studying out of the town and he would take a while to come back. And I told her she was his surprise and that was why he didn't know about her: because we would wait for him to come back and then we would tell him she was his gift."
Ubbe's heart swelled with tenderness and love into his chest. So, she knew about him... She knew he didn't reject or left her anyway. Things would be easier for him to get closer.
He cupped your face softly caressing your cheeks with his thumbs.
All the love you always saw in his eyes was right there, looking at you once again.
"I still have that ring," he said, looking at you "And I still want you more than anything in this world. One step at the time, I'll recover everything we lost. And I still want you to be my wife."
You leaned into his touch and kissed his lips softly, allowing him to deepen the kiss with all the urgency of his need.
To taste his spicy flavor once again was like stepping on paradise and he finished the kiss that adorable way you liked so much: touching his forehead on yours, caressing your face with his.
"My answer is still yes, Ubbe. It never changed. I'm sorry for..."
"Shhh..." he silenced your mouth touching his fingers on your lips "I don't wanna think about the last five years. We'll pretend they never exist. I want to know every single detail about our daughter and then we'll forget we were separated and build our lives from today on."
You nodded, agreeing.
"I made videos from everything. And there are thousands of photos for you to see," you said, with a smile.
Ubbe smiled back at you, pecking your lips.
"I can barely wait to start."
This was the first day of the rest of his life, and surely wine with his brother would wait for another night.
Maybe not for bullshits and college stories. But to celebrate the fact he had a beautiful daughter and a lovely wife.
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