#we only know Crowley's love for Aziraphale because our outside view
hoarder-of-dragons · 1 year
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No but if, instead of this scene being Azirphale realizing his love for Crowley, it was him realizing Crowley loves him back Aziraphale's seen Crowley swoop in to rescue him tons of times throughout history. And he has known Crowley to "tempt" him several times, just as a pretext to spend time together. But this, saving his books outright with no other ulterior motive other than just to make Aziraphale happy, well obviously he would react like that when he finds out.
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vidavalor · 4 months
I don’t see the alleged handholding on the bus. I don’t. I’m sorry. I’ve watched it so many times. I want to see it. I see Aziraphale’s hand going towards Crowley, but I don’t see any motion from Crowley that suggests he’s holding Aziraphale’s hand.
Are we really, really, REALLY sure they’re holding hands?
Hi there. 💕 Yep. Well, I am, anyway, and I'm happy to share why. I have watermelon salad to share tonight. Ahhh, summer... 🍉
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I don't want to assume anything but I've seen the "Crowley doesn't react so they aren't holding hands" comment places before and what I think keeps people from seeing it is the idea that they think that Crowley should have some kind of big reaction because they think this is new. It's not. We aren't watching the very first time that they ever hold hands; we're watching a long-time couple familiar with doing so.
If this were the very first time Aziraphale had ever taken Crowley's hand then I could see why you're saying there should be some kind of reaction. We'd expect him to glance over or for his arm to be seen moving a bit from what of it we could see. On the other hand, if you look at the scene with a different perspective-- one assuming that they're already in a place where holding hands is not unfamiliar territory-- then the whole moment is really set up to reinforce that through showing how comfortable Crowley is with what's happening.
Crowley doesn't have to turn to Aziraphale right away in surprise and we don't need to see his head or arm move because all that's really likely happening is that Crowley is letting Aziraphale hold his hand right where it is resting on his thigh. Maybe he's turned his hand a little to thread their fingers together. Maybe he's just rubbing a thumb over Aziraphale's. We wouldn't see that from our angle because it would just be movement from his wrist down... and that seems to me to be the point of how the scene was shot. The outside view of the bus at this moment exactly? An angle designed to intimate to us that hands are being held and that it is not a rare or new event.
Think about it this way: if they never had held hands before, is Aziraphale just going to take his hand on this bus out of nowhere? Probably not. Is Crowley just going to sit there if Aziraphale did? Probably not. We get two or so seconds after Aziraphale takes his hand before the bus finishes moving out of the frame wherein we could have been shown Crowley having a more surprised reaction if that was what the scene was trying to say but we didn't see one because it seems like that is not what is being said with the scene.
Aziraphale's movements are familiar; he already knows he's permitted to take Crowley's hand whenever he likes and that they both find it comforting. Not only have they just been through all sorts of exhausting craziness over the last few days but Aziraphale was discorporated. He wasn't sure if he was going to be able to get his body back or how and this is basically the first moment they are alone enough to touch since Adam gave Aziraphale back his body. The hand holding then is a way of showing that Aziraphale needs to both feel grounded in his own body and to touch Crowley (not totally separate things, really...). That speaks to long-time coupledom to me more than it does to something new. If you look at the scene from the perspective that they're already together (just as if you look at most of the series from that perspective), you'll see a lot of subtle things just like this scene that reinforce the idea.
I wrote some stuff awhile back that you can find here about the connections between this scene and the flashback one on the bus earlier in S1 that also might help show how that they're sitting together and holding hands in this scene is set up by the earlier scene, should you be interested in that. Also: the "magic hands" massage joke would also suggest that holding hands in S1's present wouldn't be considered unusual. I think that if they've been making love since ancient Rome, as I wrote about the show suggesting here, liking to hold hands isn't too surprising but I understand from where your doubts are coming. Hope this helps. 💕
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actual-changeling · 11 months
because i am the chem major and scientist i am, i present to you: evidence that the window the demons break was fixed either by aziraphale himself or by crowley when he undid the changes aziraphale made for the ball. i do not make unfounded claims.
the first question we need to answer is which window got broken?
there are only two options, the display windows on either side of the door. they are the only windows big enough to fit the one we see getting smashed and the only ones that are explicitly named on the floorplan. and yes, these are the official floorplans the person who was part of the bookshop to ballroom transformation team posted on instagram.
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now, which of the two was the unlucky one?
if we have a look at the scene itself, the camera angles are, in fact, not entirely clear on which window got broken. but this is where the floorplans for the bookshop post transformation come in. we get this wonderful shot of crowley and aziraphale looking at the concrete slab they threw through it.
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behind crowley, and most importantly, on his right/our left, you can see the spiral staircase that leads up into the flat above the shop. the arrow is pointing towards w for window, they're still looking at the slab because they do not move between the shot of them reading it and this one.
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so if we now have a look at the floorplan, we can draw a line straight through the shop based on crowley's position and voila. there is only one option left for which window it could have been. it is impossible based on their positioning that it was the other window.
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and while it is hard to read, i think the blob on the floor labeled "***** slab" is a pretty good indicator too, i'd say.
additionally, you can also see that the other display window is blocked by a bookcase, so it couldn't have been that one. it has to be the one left of the entrance, viewed from the outside looking in.
now, because i am thorough, some more evidence before we get to the fixing part.
firstly, evidence that the other window is intact and not broken. we get some more shots of crowley and aziraphale from inside the bookshop looking out, which confirm not only their positioning but ALSO show us part of the other display window.
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as you can see, it's intact.
secondly, my final piece of evidence that this particular window got broken: gabriel leaving the bookshop right after.
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the one left of the entrance is broken, the other one intact, like i said.
the question that remains is when did it get fixed? so let's look at some more shots of the window in chronological order. you can go through the episodes yourself if you want, but i sorted them and gave a little indicator of the time frame.
ending of episode five and beginning of episode six?
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nope, still broken
maybe aziraphale fixes it during or after the fight?
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nope, it is still broken when crowley comes back from heaven with the angels in tow.
muriel stands next to the broken window pretty much the entire time.
alright, so maybe aziraphale fixes it after gabriel and beez leave or when the metatron shows up?
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nope, it's still broken when aziraphale leaves with the metatron for their talk.
so now we're a bit out of options, aren't we? the only people left in the bookshop are crowley and muriel.
do you want the know the first time we see the window whole again? because we DO see it intact and very much not broken. which is AFTER crowley undid aziraphale's ball transformation, covered the circle, and fixed the window.
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it is intact when nina and maggie leave. the ONLY person who had both the chance, the powers, and the time to fix that window was crowley. and he fix it he did.
and, lastly, a wonderful shot from the outside to show us the fixed window from a different perspective.
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tl;dr i was right and crowley fixed the window, it is no longer broken by the time they have their final argument.
if anyone has a different explanation with new evidence i'd love to see it, but i am 100% sure that this is how and when it happened, and canon confirms it.
thank you and you're welcome.
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I always say I don't do Meta but here I am stuck in my head over the Family Systems lens of viewing our beloved Ineffable Idiots.
Crowley, as the Black sheep (scapegoat) has done a lifetime+ (6000 odd years) of unpacking his identity and detaching from his toxic family of origin (Heaven and then the "found" family of Hell). He started to differentiate from Heaven first by reveling in the assigned role of the outcast - being Unforgivable. Because if you are told long enough that you are the Bad One, you will start to believe it, internalize it. But that is only a reactionary identity, not a whole one.
So In GO S1, we see Crowley recognizing his own growth away from even his assigned role. He doesn't identify with Hell anymore than he identifies with Heaven because they both want him to stay quietly and obediently in a box. Whereas all that time around humans, with all our complexities and gray areas, has (I think) helped him realize that boxes just don't work. Obviously his ability to be completely head over heels for Aziraphale has also played a part in this.
With Az, Crowley gets to be the Savior - a roleplay they both clearly enjoy. Crowley gets to be covertly "good" as is still part of his nature. But goodness does not define him and it's very important to him that this remain true. Being "good" is for Angels and the resentment toward Heaven is an unhealed wound. He also gets to roleplay "tempting" Az in a safe, controlled way - since we all know Az wants to be tempted anyway. Through their relationship, Crowley gets to be more fully himself than anywhere else.
Aziraphale reaps this benefit, as well, but he is far less aware of it (on the surface). Because Aziraphale was never cast out, he is still living with the comfortable level of denial regarding the toxicity of his Family of Origin (Heaven). Az still harbors hope that things can be changed for the better, that the people in charge (caretakers) are operating from a place of fundamental Good. Az is the adult who seems to function highly on the outside but is always falling apart within because they still feel that they *do* have to fit neatly into the "boxes" Crowley long ago eschewed.
Azriaphale is a ball of walking Anxiety and Perfectionism because he is still so enmeshed with the exalted expectations of his Family of Origin. He can only "rebel" in secret for the most part. Good Omens 1 is a major moment of growth for him - the first open act of rebellion against the Family. He is able to do so because Crowley has his back (like a supportive partner) and, I believe, at least in part because Gabriel has been such a bully that Az reaches a breaking point with it in that moment. I'm sure it helps that they get to save actual children from harm.
But one big moment of rebellion doesn't mean the cycles of a thousand lifetimes will be automatically broken. Az does well enough with being an outcast of Heaven when it means the bullying and expectations on him are finally relaxed but as we see by his responses to the Angelic visits all through S2, he hasn't truly severed his feeling of responsibility toward the Family (Heaven).
When a major Caretaker (Metatron) steps in to offer Az everything he has never hoped to dream, of course he can only see it as essential. He has never had to process a full break from the Family like Crowley so he truly cannot understand where Crowley is in his emotional journey. Az has basically just had his wounded inner child told that Mummy and Daddy not only wanted and loved him all along but that they now want to give him the respect he never got before.
And Az truly wants to believe this illusion because it fulfills every emotional wounds that was still open within him. Hence why he also lets himself believe that he can be the one who *does* make a difference in Heaven. He wants to genuinely believe that he can bring Crowley back into the Family - where they can both be blissfully loved and accepted. To Az, it's the opportunity to stop hiding and rebelling in secret. To be able to offer Crowley what Az sees as the dearest gift anyone could bestow: Redemption.
Crowley, having seen the two of them as being in far more similar places, emotionally, is blindsided by this. Crowley no longer sees Heaven's acceptance as a positive. He knows how cruel and unjust the Family can be - and has been to him for centuries. He cannot, for the life of him, understand why Az does NOT see it. And Az offering him a return to Heaven is salt in the wound of "you're not good enough as you are." Crowley feels that the only person who has ever felt safe in his existence is suddenly telling him that everything he has worked to be, the emotional mountain he has climbed to be *himself* is worth less than reverting back to the being he was *before* he did all the work.
What Az sees as opportunity for unity, for fulfilling the childish dreams of being "accepted" by their Family of Origin, Crowley sees as a fundamental rejection of himself.
Maybe all of this was obvious and I may have been off about a few things - haven't watched S1 one in about a year. But this was my overall impression and I needed to get it out of my system. Not beta'd or proofread.
Thank you to anyone who actually bothers to read all of this XD
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ineffably-human · 1 year
I loved season 2 as a WHOLE but also I had some problems with the structure of it. like as much as I loved the flashbacks and think they enhanced the themes really well (the zombie one didn't really do anything for me, but that was probably the secondhand embarrassment), they started and stopped the action while there was very little plot going on. I wonder how different the pacing of the season will be if I watch a little every day (or even once a week) instead of all at once frantically hoping I can get some sleep at the end. there's got to be stuff I missed, because my first viewing of season 1 was very different from my third or fifth or whatever it was.
as soon as Aziraphale found out Gabriel was with someone at the pub, I had an idea of what was going on because of how new!Beez's actress was implying there were emotional things going on with her character. and how upset Beelzebub was in general, the few times we saw them. also the fly, though I figured that was Beelzebub spying, and I kept wondering why they didn't seem to know where Gabriel was if they were there even before the miracle.
so I felt like I had a lock on at least some element of what was going on, and no real new information presented itself. and that's fine if it's actually more of a character piece than an actual mystery - I figured that's what we were getting anyway. I just wanted more of the characters that weren't Crowley and Aziraphale. because Crowley and Aziraphale are wonderful, but I wanted everyone around the Ineffables to enhance them that much more.
I wanted more of Gabriel suddenly seeming vulnerable and scared while Crowley tried to wrap his head around that. I wanted more of Muriel coming to enjoy Earth and either ask her own questions, or at least start to find her own place. I definitely wanted more Maggie and Nina. The first episode of them was perfect, then suddenly Maggie's infatuated (we never really find out why) and Nina's grumpy and that's sort of how it stays.
I see how they're a mirror to the Ineffables, but I didn't get a sense of what they could bring to each other. I felt like we learned more about Nina's abusive partner than about who either of them were outside of that. and of course the abusive partner is important too, as a metaphor, but we had the gist of it.
I can only hope they're something to be resolved just like our absolutely heartbreaking cliffhanger. Not necessarily to get a 'happily ever after' but to get more of a sense of Maggie, and how they fare knowing about the supernatural now, and what the future holds for them. (Can they adopt Muriel? I'd read that fic.)
And I think giving all those things time to breathe while shortening the 'mini-sodes' a bit would have enhanced the season as a whole that much more. But as long as this is getting, there's so much more that I liked and loved and am unpacking (because like the first one, this story is layered) and I haven't even started a rewatch yet.
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hedonistangle · 3 years
I wrote an essay about this a while ago so yah there you go
Most of the Good Omens fandom jokingly claims that once one joins the fandom, their music tastes automatically shift towards Queen overnight. While that is surely an empirically demonstrated phenomenon, music aficionados can easily discover plenty of artists that relate their song to the husbands.
A particularly noteworthy one must be the Irish singer Hozier. Most famous for the worldwide hit “Take me to church”, Hozier has released to the present day two full-length studio albums that fall under the indie rock-folk genre.
In this essay, I will analyse a great number of his songs, supporting my claim that most Hozier songs can be attributed to Crowley and Aziraphale.
Take me to church
Starting from the aforementioned world-famous hit, we enter into the emblematic themes present in most Hozier songs: unconventional love and a troubled relationship with religion. (sounds familiar?)
This particular song specifically involves homosexuality in relation to the catholic church. While our beloved supernatural characters canonically do not pertain to a binary gender, the way their relationship dynamic unravels could still be assimilated to such.
Someone New
The lyrics of this song refer to being in love with humanity and thus falling in love every day with someone new. Being an angel, a creature of love, Aziraphale loves humanity and Earth, as can be seen by his desire to side with humans when the Armageddon occurs.
To Be Alone
To Be Alone is a song about the strength of physical connection and how when you kill the lights \ And kiss my eyes \ I feel like a person for a moment of my life. Interpreting this as Crowley and Aziraphale feeling almost human when engaging in intercourse or general physical connection, we can read this song from the demon’s point of view, specifically because of lines such as:
There are questions I can't ask
Now at last
The worst is over
That could refer to the reason for his fall (or better, his sauntering vaguely downwards) and the improvement of their freedom after the apocalypse that did not happen.
From Eden
From Eden reports evident symbolism, once again depicting Crowley’s point of view. Here he is speaking directly to his counterpart, pointing out how the angel is familiar like my mirror years ago, probably referencing his past as an angel himself and - at the end of the chorus - how he slithered here from Eden just to sit outside of [Aziraphale’s] door. Said line contains the verb to slither, a word that is snake specific vocabulary, as well as referring to the somewhat suspicious frequency of the two’s encounters on Earth throughout the centuries.
Like Real People Do
This song, similarly to To Be Alone, depicts the need to feel human through physical contact, and the will of acting like real people do, that only creatures who are not human could experience so strongly.
Once again the topic of Armageddon arises, as the lyrics preach the strength of love in face of adversity:
when there's nothing left for you and I to do
Oh, when there is nobody upstairs to receive us
Points to their situation of not being listened to or even in contrast with their respective Head Office.
Love, won't you be?
Be as you always been?
What could this be if not a celebration of their love, which has literally existed since Earth’s seventh day?
Last but not least, we have one of the clearest depictions and self-evident references to their relationship.
Once again from Crowley’s point of view, there is an impressive plurality of references. Starting from the beginning we have it’s 12 o’clock in Soho, where they both live, followed by how Crowley has been everywhere in the world but still he has found no one he loves as much as the angel.
The chorus could be read from both their POV, in the demon’s case as if even though Aziraphale is an angel, therefore technically holy - or saint - Crowley know’s him deeply enough to be appalled if [he] ever saw [him] try to be a saint . On the contrary, from Aziraphale’s point of view it would be strange to see Crowley behaving morally, as a consequence of his role as a demon.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Hi! I was just watching good omens and I came up with some questions, but I didn't know whom to ask, so I was digging around for go analysis blogs and found you. *takes a breath* So, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on why Heaven's camera angles are the way they are. I noticed that, in heaven, the camera tends to focus on the characters' heads specifically, so they fill most of the screen. Either it's a meta reason or a reference to something (like Newt with the Office) that I'm not getting. That's the main thing, but I've also wondered why exactly Aziraphale uses the verb "fraternize" in the 19th century. It seemed an odd pivot from caring about Crowley's safety to Heaven's rules. Thanks so much!
Hello! Omg yes, let's talk Good Omens cinematography.
First, the obligatory Analysis Disclaimer: I doubt there's a specific interpretation that you're just not getting, some singular, "correct" reading of the scene(s). Two years past release, I'm positive the fandom as a whole has come up with plenty of ideas (I mostly hang on the periphery. I'm far from up to date with GO meta), but any and all of it will, by nature, be subjective. Thus, all I can offer is my own, personal interpretation.
So for me? It's about intimacy.
Not intimacy in the sense of friendship, but rather the broad idea of closeness. Confidentiality. Emotion. Knowledge. Understanding by means of literally getting into the thick of these conversations. I love the camerawork in Heaven (and elsewhere) because the camera itself acts like a person — an additional party to these interactions. And, since we're the ones watching this show via the camera, it makes it feel as if we're peeking into scenes that are otherwise private. Obviously all cinematography does this to a certain extent, the camera is always watching someone or something without acknowledging that we're doing the watching (outside of documentary-esque filmmaking), but GO uses angles and closeups to mimic another person observing these scenes, someone other than the characters involved.
The easiest example I can give here is when Michael makes their call to Ligur. Here, the camera is positioned up on the next landing of the staircase, as if we're sneaking a look down at this otherwise secret call. There's even a moment when the camera pans to the right to look at them through the gap in the railing, briefly obscuring Michael from our view.
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Here, a standard expectation of any scene — keep your character in focus — is done away with to instead mimic the movements of someone actually hiding in the stairwell, listening in on the conversation. It creates that feeling of intimacy, as if we're really there with Michael, not just watching Michael through a screen. The camerawork acts like a person overhearing an illicit conversation prior to falling back on mid/closeup shots. We're spying on them.
To give a non-Heaven example, the camera helps us connect with Aziraphale during Gabriel's jogging scene. It's hard to show through screenshots, but if you re-watch you'll see that the camera initially keeps them both in the frame with full body shots, allowing us to compare things like Gabriel's unadorned gray workout clothes with Aziraphale's more stylish outfit; one's good jogging form and the other's awkward shuffle. However, this distance also creates the sense that we're jogging with them, we're keeping pace.
That is, until Aziraphale begins to lag. Then the camera lags too, giving them both the chance to catch up, so to speak.
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Until, finally, Aziraphale has to stop completely and the camera, of course, stops with him. We're emotionally attuned to Aziraphale, not Gabriel, and the camerawork reflects that. Even more-so when we cut to a low shot of Gabriel's annoyed huff at having to stop at all, making him appear larger and more imposing. Because to Aziraphale, he is.
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This work carries over into Heaven's other scenes. The closeups are pretty much a given since, whether it's Gabriel realizing Aziraphale has been "fraternizing" with Crowley (more on that below!), or Aziraphale choosing to go back to Earth, the scenes in Heaven are incredibly important to the narrative. Closeups allow the viewer to get a good read on each character's emotional state — focusing on minute facial changes as opposed to overall body language — and that fly-on-the-wall feeling is increased as we literally get an up close and personal look at these pivotal moments.
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Compare a shot like this one of Gabriel to the line of angels ready for battle. We don't get closeups on any of their faces because their emotions aren't important. Yes, that's in part because they're background characters, not main characters, but a lack of emotion — their willingness to enter this war without question — is also the point of their presence in this scene. So they remain a semi-identical, nearly faceless mass that runs off into infinity down that hallway, not any individual whose inner life we get a peek at via a closeup.
I particularly like Aziraphale's conversation with the angel... general? Idk what to call this guy. He's just gonna be Mustache Angel. But, getting back on track, his scene has a lot of over the shoulder shots which, admittedly, are pretty common. From a practical perspective they're used to help the audience situate both characters in the scene — you're here, you're there, this is how you're spaced during this conversation — but it can also help emphasize that closeness between them. Keeping both characters in the shot connects them and though Aziraphale and Mustache Angel definitely aren't on the same page here, those shots help cue us in to the unwanted intimacy of this moment. They're both angels... even though Aziraphale no longer aligns himself with them. They're both soldiers in a war... but Aziraphale will not fight. This angel has a list of Aziraphale's secrets, including that he once had a flaming sword and lost it... but Aziraphale doesn't want to admit those circumstances to him. This angel wouldn't understand, even if he did. Intimacy here, connection and closeness, is something discomforting because Aziraphale can no longer embrace those similarities. They put him (and us) out of sorts, so when we get them both in frame, that connection creates tension, not relief.
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And many of those over the shoulder shots are given sharp angels, or the camera is placed too close to the "off screen" party. Compare a shot like Luke and Rey to Aziraphale and Mustache Angel. Here, Luke is a clean, solid line on the left side of the screen, just enough there to cue us in to where he is in relationship to Ray, In contrast, Mustache Angel's mustache is Too Close and proves rather distracting. Rey and Luke are connecting here over being Jedi with responsibilities to uphold (or at least, Luke will acknowledge that connection later lol); Mustache Angel is forcing a connection with Aziraphale that makes everyone uncomfortable.
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We are too close to him here. He feels too close to Aziraphale too. This whole conversation is upsetting and discomforting, pushing Aziraphale to finally choose which side he's on (his own with Crowley). The shots aren't meant to subtly keep the audience from getting lost and then otherwise be unobtrusive, we're supposed to be Very Aware of this angel's body and how close he's getting to the character we've come to identify with — both literally (he's leaning in) and in terms of forcing Aziraphale to finally make his choice.
When Mustache Angel marches forward and gets all up in Aziraphale's face, the camera positions itself behind Aziraphale in a way that makes it feel like we're hiding behind him, with Aziraphale taking up far more of the screen than Luke does. Like the scene with Michael or running with Gabriel, the camera often likes to mimic a "realistic" response to these events. This angry, shouty angel is getting closer, best take a step back and stay out of sight behind Aziraphale, holding his ground.
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These closeups also serve as a nice contrast to the wide and longshots we get of Heaven. It's an imposing place with skyscrapers in the distance, lots of steel, immaculate floors, and endless white. It's overwhelming and it's cold. But then we cut to those mid-shots of Gabriel and Michael, telling us that they're in control of it all.
Aziraphale? Aziraphale is not in control. Not now, anyway. When he appears in Heaven we get a longshot to show off this endless void and he's just another, tiny speck in it. If he weren't flailing around — an acting move that likewise helps sell how out of his depth he is — it's unlikely you'd even notice him. Aziraphale's clothing and hair blends in perfectly with the background. He's forgettable. Easily overlooked. Someone to underestimate. And when he moves, he has to come to the camera. We don't cut to Aziraphale to establish control like we do with Gabriel. He's left to awkwardly shuffle up to Mustache Angel until he's finally come into view.
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Yet when Aziraphale makes his decision, he aligns himself with the brightest, most colorful, most interesting thing in the room: Earth. Earth, with all its messy individuality, is the antithesis to Heaven's controlled uniformity and a bright blue orb hanging in the midst of all this white helps remind us of that. Aziraphale rejects becoming one of the identical soldiers and instead literally reaches out for the one thing in Heaven that doesn't fit in.
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When he leaves, we get an extreme closeup for the first time. Mustache Angel is pissed and as such we not only get a good look at his face in the aftermath of Aziraphale's choice, but that extreme closeup on his mouth as he's shouting too. It's like he's shouting directly at us, the viewer who is currently cheering on Aziraphale's decision. There's a war, dammit... but we don't care. Not in the way he cares, anyway.
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So there's a lot! And I could probably go on, but apparently I'm only allowed to add 10 images per post now (tumblr what the actual fuck if anyone knows a way around this please share!) and I've already had to merge a bunch of images like an animal. So let's awkwardly finish up with the duck pond scene.
...without a GIF because they apparently count as images too 🙃
Simply put, I don't think Aziraphale bringing up fraternizing is a pivot from one to the other — from caring about Crowley to caring about Heaven's rules. I mean yes, Aziraphale is lagging behind Crowley in terms of rebellion and a part of him is, at this point, absolutely concerned with how he'll come across to the higherups, but that worry doesn't stem solely from a (now very shaky) desire to obey for the sake of obeying. The thing is, Aziraphale's disobedience is, by default, also Crowley's disobedience. If they're friends and they're ever found out, they'll both get in trouble. Which, we know from the end of Season One, basically means being wiped from existence. That's horrifying! And it's a horror that threatens them both. I don't think Aziraphale cares about rules for the sake of rules; after all, he started off by giving away his sword, lying to God, is currently meeting with Crowley anyway... this angel has always ignored/bent the rules — established and implied — that don't suit him. Rather, he cares about the rules if he thinks they have a chance of being enforced. If there will be consequences for breaking and bending them. This is still about caring for Crowley (as well as saving his own, angelic skin). If they're found out, Crowley dies. And, as we the viewer learn, Heaven was indeed observing them that whole time. There was always legitimate risk attached to this relationship. Aziraphale's fear, hesitance, and at times forceful pleas to stop this stem as much from Aziraphale worrying about Crowley's safety as they do a learned instinct to obey the rules without question. He pushes to end the relationship because the relationship threatens the only thing Aziraphale cares about more than that: Crowley himself.
As for the term "fraternizing," that's a loaded one! I won't go into a whole history lesson here, but suffice to say it has military roots: to sympathize as brothers with an opponent. That is literally what Crowley and Aziraphale are doing. They are an angel and a demon, supposedly innate enemies, supposedly poised for an inevitable war... yet they've formed an incredibly strong kinship. They've both learned to love their enemy, the thing every army fears because, well, then your army won't fight (just as Aziraphale won't). However, beyond the enemy implications, "to fraternize" eventually took on a sexual meaning: to not merely love as a brother, but to lay with the enemy too, usually women from enemy countries (because, you know, heteronormativity). Nowadays, "to fraternize" often implies a sexual component. I've been rewatching The Good Wife lately and in one subplot, the State's Attorney cracks down on fraternization in his office. He doesn't mean his employees are forming bonds with assumed enemies, he means his employees are having sex on his office couch. So Aziraphale's phrasing here carries a LOT of weight. He's both reminding Crowley of their stations in the world — you are a demon, I am an angel, us meeting like this can have formal, irrevocable consequences for us both — as well as, given the fact that this is a love story, drawing attention to the depth of this relationship. They love one another, as more than just friends. Though whether Crowley's scathing "Fraternizing?" is a response to Aziraphale falling back on the technicalities of their positions, or acknowledging a love he's yet to overtly admit and commit to — or both! — is definitely up for debate.
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nyctolovian · 4 years
Oh my goodness! My first Good Omens fic!! I finally did it! So yeah uhhhh enjoy this weird thing
Summary: A pair of wedding rings had somehow come into Crowley’s possession (it was purchased) and she decides she might as well do a marriage proposal while she’s at it.
It was an entirely human concept—marriage, that is. If anything, this was an attempt at blending in. They were already so often mistaken as a married couple. They might as well play the part. So yep, the pair of rings Crowley bought was a front. All to fool any onlookers and play the role they have already been assigned to by the humans.
Surely, Aziraphale would understand.
Or at least, that’s what Crowley told herself as she sat in her Bentley, practically bouncing in her seat with nervous energy. It was a lazy Tuesday afternoon, many months after the Not-pocalypse.
No angel nor demon had ever bothered them since and the two have settled back into their previous lives before being so rudely interrupted by plans for war. Perhaps “settled back ” was the wrong term because it had felt more like coming home for the first time, shucking off a stiff coat they’ve been wearing all this while and flinging it onto the coat hanger at the end of a terribly long day.
They were finally able to simply be without worrying about how they should take their next breath. No need to think or overthink.
So it was no surprise that between spotting a lovely pair of rings, and envisioning slipping them on (one on a spindly, nail-bitten finger and the other on a plump, manicured finger), Crowley found herself outside the angel’s bookshop with the pair in her pocket. Completely without proper thought, on autodrive, drunk on serendipity.
After all, it was a well-known fact that while Crowley was brilliant at coming up with ideas, she was godawful at thinking them through.
Gingerly, Crowley fished the pair of rings out of her pocket. Crowley couldn’t be blamed for her impulsiveness. They really were quite gorgeous. Perfect for them even.
Crowley collapsed further into the driver’s seat with an aggravated sigh. Oh, who was she trying to kid? This was most definitely a selfish romantic gesture that bordered on possessiveness. Unbecoming of a demon, really. Or perhaps rather appropriate given that greed was a sin. Not that anyone was keeping track of her demonic work anymore.
But what would Aziraphale say?
Somewhere between the not-pocalypse and present day, they had silently settled into a romantic relationship. The Day After The End, something—some sort of clear dividing line between the two of them—dissolved. And somewhere between then and now, they had settled into a romantic relationship. The tipping point was not clear but where they’ve landed was immensely so. A result of literal thousands of years dancing around each other in overly complex rituals and choreography for fear of being caught red-handed. It was difficult shaking off certain habits, and the two still found safety in playing out their usual game of implications and knowing glances so it simply continued past the need for it.
These rings however… Quite frankly, it would utterly shatter their defensive veil of pretense and dance. The nature of the relationship would be out in the open, and that wasn’t even getting to the fact that the rings were a direct request for something more; greedy demon that Crowley was.
With a noise between a groan and a growl, Crowley grabbed the box of cheesecake in her passenger seat, threw the car door open and sauntered to the bookshop with conviction.
“Hiya, Angel!” she said as the door to the bookshop swung open at the snap of her fingers.
A rather exasperated Aziraphale was attending to a red-faced young lady, who clutched an ancient-looking book in her hands. The corners of his eyes, however, wrinkled with delight at Crowley’s voice and he spun around, hands clutched together in front of his belly. “Oh, Crowley! I didn’t know you were coming!” he said. “I love it when you tie your hair up like that. It’s very lovely.”
“You say that no matter what I do to my hair,” Crowley muttered. She felt a blush grow on her cheeks nonetheless.
“That’s because it’s always true,” he replied. Primly, he turned back to the agitated lady and said, “I’m afraid we will have to close shop this instant. Seeing that we cannot come to an agreement, I’m afraid I cannot sell you this book.” He slid the book right out of her hands and pushed it into the bookshelf.
“But—” The lady’s face got even redder. Crowley wondered how much blood this woman had in her to turn this shade. “Just tell me what price you’re willing to sell this for!” she yelled.
Pursing his lips in annoyance, Aziraphale said, “As I’ve said, you decide what price you’re willing to pay and I’ll decide if that’s the price I'm—”
Throwing her hands up, the lady let out a screech of frustration. “This is impossible!” she screamed as she marched towards the door, shoving past Crowley with a scowl.
“Do come back another day if you wish to re-negotiate,” Aziraphale called.
“I’m never setting foot into this bloody shop ever again!” she yelled back from the door. “Go to fucking hell!”
“I already have,” Aziraphale, the cheeky bastard, looking much too pleased with himself, replied as the lady slammed the door shut.
As he flipped the door signage to “Close”, Crowley stuck a hand in her pocket nervously. After clearing her throat lightly, she said, “Arrived at a convenient time, didn’t I?”
“Oh,” he said, “you have no idea. That lady has been badgering me for the past hour. I admire the tenacity but I’d appreciate it if she didn’t use it for acquiring my books.” With a small pout, he looked at Crowley. “Can you imagine parting with a First Edition Oscar Wilde?”
Crowley let out a grunting hum that conveyed a simultaneous sort of non-understanding and sympathy. She raised the box of cake and said, “Got several gifts.”
“Ah!” the angel said, clapping his hands together, his frown disappearing altogether. He peered into the bag before heading towards the kitchen. “Do take a seat, my dear. I have just the right tea to go with that lovely cheesecake.”
Crowley nodded stiffly and crumpled into her armchair. She shifted in her seat anxiously, unable to find a comfortable position. Where were legs supposed to go again? Surely her skinny jeans were never actually this tight. And perhaps wearing her hair in a loose bun like this was a terrible idea, too much fringe and curtains.
Before the snake demon could sort herself out, Aziraphale returned with a tray of plates and tea and slid it onto the table. With nimble fingers, he opened the box and cut out two neat slices of the cake. As soon as Crowley took his plate of cake, Aziraphale wasted no time and gently used his fork carve out a bit of the cheesecake. Crowley watched intently as he popped it between his lips and moaned around the mouthful, his eyes fluttering shut with pleasure. He slid the fork out of his mouth and his pink tongue ducked out to lick off some of the cream coating his lips. How on earth the angel could make eating practically pornographic was beyond Crowley’s comprehension, but she absorbed the view like a dehydrated sponge.
Aziraphale noticed her gaze. “This is absolutely scrumptious,” he said after swallowing.
A smile slid onto her face with ease. “Hm. ’s that so?”
Crowley proceeded to devour her slice, and then spent the rest of the hour watching Aziraphale slowly work his way through the rest of the cake.
Despite the lovely distraction, however, Crowley found her mind wandering back towards the tiny ring box in her pocket. She squirmed as the thoughts invaded her mind again, like locusts upon a field. It wasn’t too late to just let the day go by and never mention the rings. This was far too impulsive anyway. Aziraphale might not even appreciate it. Maybe Crowley would be going too fast for him again.
But, her mind also supplied, Aziraphale was the one who gave Crowley the keys to his flat above the bookshop. Not that Crowley needed it—she could always miracle her way into his flat if she needed to—but it was about the symbolism and implication. An invitation. An invitation that she took because ever since, she had only entered her flat at Mayfair to collect her belongings and settle scores with the plants.
Maybe Aziraphale wouldn’t mind. Maybe he’d be delighted. Maybe the keys to his flat were the hints. Maybe he was waiting.
But what if she was reading it all wrong? She never was good at reading, snake eyes and all. He could very well be—
“Crowley,” Aziraphale said, startling her. The plate clinked lightly as he placed it on the table. “Is there something wrong?”
“Hnk! Nothin’. Nothing’s wrong. ’s all fine. Why d'you ask?”
“Your sunglasses…”
Crowley made a punched out noise and writhed a little in her chair. “Angel, I—” Her voice snagged on her throat and her lips flapped open and close silently.
It was now or never. And never was a dreadfully long time for an immortal being.
She raised her ass off the seat so she could reach into her jean pocket and yank out the tiny box. Aziraphale’s bottom lip jutted in confusion. With a deep breath (which Crowley’s corporation frankly didn’t need), she slid off the couch, ripped off her sunglasses and dropped to her knee before opening the box.
There, neatly sat a pair of rings with identical feathered-wing designs at their open ends. Aziraphale’s name was neatly engraved on the inner curve of the silver ring and Crowley’s on the black one.
Aziraphale’s eyes widened. “Crowley,” he breathed. “You don’t mean—” Cheeks tinted pink with surprise, he leaned forward.
Crowley swallowed the uncomfortable lump in her throat. Her arm gradually lowered as she muttered, “If… it’s too much—”
“It’s not,” Aziraphale said quickly. “This–” He cleared his throat. “This is a… um… proposal, yes?”
Crowley nodded.
“Fancy that. Getting married,” Aziraphale mused, fondness dripping from his voice. “Wouldn’t it be lovely?”
Crowley let out a huff of relief and she fought against the soppy smile tugging upon her lips. She fumbled with the box and her trembling fingers were barely capable of holding the black ring. Gently, she cupped the angel’s hand. Those soft hands curled lightly over her fingers and she swore she must have been blessed or something because a shock ran down her spine.
This must be a dream, she thought giddily as she slid the ring onto his fourth finger. She glanced up to see Aziraphale’s radiant glee, a grin that wrinkled his cheeks and the corners of his eyes and spread into his temples.
No dream could match the ethereal blessing of that smile, Crowley knew. This is absolutely real.
“Humans and their little inventions, y'know?” she whispered in reverence.
“Indeed,” Aziraphale replied. “I do quite enjoy it when they do that. It can all be rather, well, exciting.”
Crowley couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “S'pose that’s one way to put it,” she mumbled.
He leaned down to pick up the ring box. The cool ticklish sensation as he slipped the silver ring onto Crowley’s finger drew the most delicious shade of rose out of her.  “Do you suppose we should have a wedding?” the angel asked.
The demon faltered, pulling back with a slight frown. She twisted in her spot, struggling for a coherent thought, before she mumbled, “Anything’s fine, honestly. As long as there are no churches involved.”
Aziraphale burst into the most pleasing belly laugh as he pulled her into a tight embrace. “Of course, my dear.”
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grigori77 · 5 years
2019 In TV - My Top 10 Shows
This past year may have sucked balls in a lot of ways, but we certainly never got short-changed when it came to our TV.  There was an absolute WEALTH of truly cracking TV around, both on regular networks and on the various on-demand platforms, and so here is my pick of the best, my absolute favourites of 2019.
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Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof brings us a blinding sequel to comic book legend Alan Moore’s legendary graphic novel with a delightfully trippy, ruthlessly efficient rug-puller that seems pretty tailor-made for HBO.  Old faces return in interesting ways, while there are some cracking new “masks” on offer, particularly Regina King’s Sister Night and the always-brilliant Tim Blake Nelson as morally complex antihero Looking Glass (in some ways very much the show’s own answer to Rorschach).  It never goes where you expect it to go, and refuses to give easy answers to the questions it raises, effortlessly paving the way for more next year ...
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Amazon offers up its own edgy, thoroughly adult superhero property with this darkly funny antiheroic gem based on the cult Garth Ennis comic, expertly adapted by Supernatural creator Eric Kripke.  Karl Urban dominates as Billy Butcher, the foul-mouthed, morally bankrupt “leader” of a makeshift crew of mercenaries, hitmen and psycho killers devoted to “taking care of” superheroes when they inevitably go bad.  Season 1 ultimately serves as an origin story, showing how the team come together, laying quality groundwork for the incoming sophomore tour that promises to open the already fascinating world out significantly.
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More Garth Ennis, namely this blinder of a closing season for AMC’s consistently impressive adaptation of his best known series for Vertigo comics.  Surprisingly epic, deliciously subversive and constantly, darkly hilarious, this thoroughly non-PC series from showrunners Sam Catlin, Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen (yes! I Know!) certainly went out on a high note, providing its loyal followers with perfectly-pitched bow-outs and sometimes heartbreaking goodbyes for all its players, especially its dynamite leads, Dominic Cooper, Ruth Negga and, in particular, Joe Gilgun as unapologetic bad boy vampire Cassidy.  A worthy end to one of my all-time favourite TV shows.
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While it’s clearly taken its look from the wildly successful video games, Netflix’s second most ambitious long-form offering of the year takes its lead from the fantasy book series by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski that started it all.  With its somewhat episodic set-up and decidedly twisted narrative timelines, it take a few chapters to get the hang of it, but there’s plenty to draw you in, from the exotic world-building to the frenetic action and compelling collection of richly crafted characters.  Henry Cavill is the titular hero, lovably grouchy mutant monster-hunter Geralt of Rivia, but the real scene-stealer is co-star Anya Chalotra as roguishly self-serving mage Yennefer of Vengenberg.
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One of the year’s two big sleeper hit TV surprises for me was this inventively offbeat allegorical Amazon fantasy series from The 4400 creator René Echevarria and screenwriter Travis Beacham. Orlando Bloom and Cara Delevigne are the star-crossed lovers at the heart of this intriguingly dark and dirty murder mystery thriller set in Victorian London-esque city-state the Burgue, in which humans struggle to co-exist alongside a struggling disenfranchised underclass of fae (fairies, fawns, centaurs and the like).  The racial turmoil undertones are writ large throughout, but this is far more well-written and lavishly appointed than you might expect on first glance, and almost ridiculously addictive viewing.
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My other big TV surprise was this wonderfully bizarre sci-fi anthology series of animated shorts from Netflix, mostly adapted from an eclectic selection of short stories from a wide range of top-notch literary talent including Peter F. Hamilton, John Scalzi, Marko Kloos and Alastair Reynolds (a particular favourite of mine).  As you’d expect from the brainchild of Deadpool director Tim Miller and producer David Fincher, this is edgy, leftfield stuff, frequently ultra-violent and decidedly adult, and the wildly varied nature of the material on offer makes for a decidedly uneven tone, but there are some absolute gems on offer here, my favourite being Suits, an enjoyably simple tale of salt-of-the-earth farmers on an alien world utilising clunky mech suits to protect their settlement from rampaging giant xeno-bugs.
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The show with the biggest cinematic wow factor in 2019 had to be this long-awaited prequel series to Jim Henson’s classic fantasy movie masterpiece, created for Netflix by, of all people, Louis Leterrier (yes, the director of The Transporter, Now You See Me and Clash of the Titans, if you can believe it). The technology may have evolved in leaps and bounds, but there’s a wonderfully old school vibe in the delightfully physical puppet effects used to bring the fantastical world of Thra and its denizens to life, so that it truly does feel like it’s based in the same world as the film.  This was EASILY the most visually arresting show of 2019, packed with exquisite character, creature and set design that perfectly complements the awesome work done by Henson and Brian Froud on the original, while the writers have created a darkly rich narrative tapestry that makes Thra seem a more dangerous place than ever.
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I was a HUGE fan of My Chemical Romance frontman Gerard Way’s magnificently oddball alternative superhero comic, so when I learned that Netflix were adapting it I was a little wary because I knew how spectacularly hard it would be for ANY showrunners to get right.  Thankfully Steve Blackman (Fargo season 2) and Jeremy Slater (The Exorcist TV series) were the right choice, because this perfectly captured the outsider nature of the characters and their endearingly dysfunctional family dynamic. Ellen Page, Tom Hopper (Black Sails, Merlin), David Castañeda and Emmy Raver-Lampman are all excellent as the more “functional” Hargreeves siblings, but the show is roundly stolen by Misfits star Robert Sheehan and Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn’s Aidan Gallagher as nihilistic clairvoyant Klaus and the old-man-in-a-child’s-body sociopath known only as Number Five. Consistently surprising and brilliantly bonkers, this was definitely the year’s most wonderfully WEIRD show.
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Writer-director duo the Duffer Brothers’ ultra-nostalgic 80s-set coming-of-age sci-fi horror series remains the undisputed jewel in Netflix’s long-form crown with this consistently top-drawer third season expertly maintaining the blockbuster-level standards we’ve come to expect.  This year the cross-dimensional shenanigans have largely been jettisoned, replaced by a gleefully nasty through-line of icky body horror that would make major influences like David Cronenberg and Stuart Gordon proud, as perennial teenage bad boy Billy Hargrove (the fantastically menacing Dacre Montgomery) becomes the leader of an army of psychic slaves under the control of the Upside Down’s monstrous Mind Flayer.  The kids are all brilliant as always, Winona Ryder and David Harbour really get to build on their strong-yet-spiky chemistry, and the show is almost effortlessly stolen by Joe Keery as one-time golden boy Steve Harrington and series-newcomer Maya Hawke as his nerdy new foil Robin Buckley, who were very nearly the cutest couple on TV in 2019.  Another gold standard season for a true gold standard show.
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Sadly, legendary author Terry Pratchett died before he could see the adaptation of one of his most beloved novels (and one of my all-time literary favourites too) see the light of day, but at least his co-author Neil Gaiman was around to bring it to fruition with the aid of seasoned TV director David Mckinnon (Jekyll, Doctor Who, Sherlock), and the end result sure did him proud, perfectly capturing the deeply satirical voice and winningly anarchic, gleefully offbeat and gently subversive humour of the original novel.  David Tennant and Michael Sheen could both have been born to play Crowley and Aziraphale, the angel and demon nominally charged with watching over the young Antichrist in preparation for his role in the End Times, even though they would both much rather the world just went on quite happily the way it is, thanks very much. This is about as perfect an adaptation as you can get, the six hour-long episodes giving the surprisingly complex story time to breathe and grow organically, and the result is the most fun I spent in front of my TV this year.
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consultingmadhatter · 4 years
Compilation of Doom Days Lyrics that Relate to Good Omens
I started writing this shortly after the series and the album came out, so please forgive that this is really late to the party, any inconsistencies due to working on this over a long period of time, the fact that I haven’t watched the series in over a year so some of this is written when the show isn’t fresh in my mind, and if anything in the fandom or my personal stances have changed since I started writing this.
*Most of this will be about Crowley and Aziraphale. My personal view on the two of them is that they definitely love each other, but whether they are romantically attracted to each other is entirely dependent on whether an angel and a demon (who have been around humans for 6000 years) are capable of feeling them human sensations of romance and if so whether it would be something they would have to consciously choose to feel or whether it would be automatic and involuntary like it is with humans. I can see it either way, so this analysis will probably be a mixture.
*The lyrics for each will be out of order and will instead be in the sequence that I deem easiest for presenting my analyst
*I worked on the songs out of order so there might be places where I only briefly touch upon something and act as if it is just of another example of something I don’t actually end up talking about until a later track. Apologies for any confusion that may cause.
This ended up being way longer than I thought it would so I’m going to start with the Bad Decisions analysis as a sample and put the rest under the cut. The rest are in album order; I didn’t have much for Quarter Past Midnight, so I thought Bad Decisions would be a better example. (Another Place is the most shippy one if that is what you are looking for).
Bad Decisions:
“You said that maybe this is where it ends Take a bow for the bad decisions that we made Bad decisions that we made And if we're going down in flames Take a bow for the bad decisions that we made Bad decisions that we made”
Armageddon has arrived; the world is ending. Aziraphale and Crowley have always made bad decisions both in their acts of stupidity (looking at you Azi, wandering over to France during a revolution just for some crepes dressed as conspicuously as possible) and their decisions to “fraternize” with the enemy and to question and mildly disobey heaven and hell. Arguably, they weren’t the wrong decisions, but as doomsday approaches they will have to reckon with opposing the cosmic forces at work (”take a bow”).
“So we'll make the same mistakes 'Til the morning breaks So we'll make the same mistakes 'Til the morning breaks”
But they are not going to back down. They are going to continue to make the same “mistake” of working together and trying to stop Armageddon until the very end.
“London's burning”-The M25 catches fire; London is literally burning. “If the world is ending, let's stay up all night”- They are spending every moment they can trying to stop Armageddon and when it looks like they will fail they are still being kept “up all night” by their separate crises. (Yes, I know this line is meant to be more along the lines of “let’s make the most of the time we have left by having a good time” but I’m changing it for the Good Omens context)
“Now we find ourselves lying right here Always find ourselves lying right here Can we make the same mistakes (Ooh) 'Til the morning breaks”
“Do you remember what you said to me? 'Cause we lost track of time Yeah, we lost track of time”
These lyrics remind me of how they always find themselves drawn together. Their decision to stop the ending of the world is built on 6000 years of trust and friendship and history together. (I don’t really have a more specific interpretation but I hope it’s clear what I’m saying and I’m sure a more fleshed out explanation could be made). Also, though they went through some rough patches, when it comes right down to it, they would never want to stop making the “same mistakes” of working together and being friends, and they always come back to each other.
“Love me, leave me”- Throughout their relationship there have been a lot of instances of them meeting up and then going their separate ways for years. Over time their love for each other has grown. When Crowley asks for holy water, Aziraphale cares for him to much to give him a suicide pill; they have an argument and end up not speaking to each other for decades. Then Crowley shows up at the church during WWII to get his angel out of a sticky situation, demonstrates his love by saving the books, and then he’s away again. Later, in the Bentley, Aziraphale can’t stand seeing Crowley risking his life, so he delivers the holy water himself. But Aziraphale is not yet in a place where he can give in to his feelings for Crowley and ends up leaving him again. When it looks like they won’t be able to stop Armageddon, Crowley offers for them to run away to runaway together, but still Aziraphale can’t bring himself to say yes and he leaves him again.
“You always let me down so tenderly”- Each time Aziraphale rejects Crowley, it may hurt both of them, but he’s never saying “I don’t love you;” he’s saying “I can’t let myself love you.” Even when he says he doesn’t even like Crowley, they both know it’s a lie. He’s just in a difficult position being torn between his identity as an angel and his feelings for Crowley. Decades earlier he had left it open ended with the “You go to fast for me” and the suggestion of a picnic or dining at the Ritz.
“So live fast and die young and stay forever numb”- For me this one is less about what is in the actual show but rather some of the head cannons going around. These include the ones about Crowley’s presence in the nightlife culture of the 60′s and 70′s and how that coincides with Aziraphale’s “You go to fast for me, Crowley” line. Also theories that Crowley is depressed and self destructive which is why Aziraphale is worried about Crowley using the holy water on himself. In the show you can see he is suffering when he talks about how he hadn’t meant to fall and when he pleads with God about testing humanity to destruction. It could then be argued that in his 6000 years on earth Crowley spent some time trying to distract himself from this pain by acting in the demon/angel equivalent to “living fast, dying young.”
Quarter Past Midnight:
*This is the one that I have the least for. I almost put it at the end because I didn’t think i could connect it enough to Good Omens to leave it among the other songs. Some of the other songs might also have few direct connections, but I feel the essence of the songs in those cases still match better to the series than Quarter Past Midnight does. So please bear with me here.
“Help me piece it all together, darling Before it falls apart oh”
The world itself is about to fall apart. Crowley and Aziraphale are trying to piece together what they know to find the antichrist and in general they work together to try to stop the end of the world.
“And you said we'd leave this place in dust”-Crowley asks Aziraphale to run away with him.
“And fall from heaven straight through hell”
Crowley has already fallen (or sauntered). Aziraphale, throughout, is worried about falling from heaven’s grace.
“We never know what we have We never knew what we had”
I believe Aziraphale struggled to understand what he truly had with his relationship with Crowley. Crowley was the one who recognized their bond in the beginning, and he was the one who actively pursued establishing a friendship. Even later on, in the church during WWII, Aziraphale truly believed their friendship was over; he hadn’t seen Crowley in nearly a hundred years, yet he still showed up to rescue him.
“Why are we always chasing after something Like we trying to throw our lives away”
Some general angsting about the risk of them getting punished for “fraternizing” and Aziraphale being concerned that hell would actually destroy Crowley. “Chasing after something,” perhaps chasing after their relationship.
“We keep on running Running through a red light Like we're trying to burn the night away”
Crowley’s driving. The Bentley being on fire.
The Waves:
“Staring down the barrel of a hundred tons”- They are up against very formidable opponents: all of heaven and hell, the four horsemen, and finally Satan himself.
“It might be getting older, but the night's still young”- As Armageddon approaches they are rapidly running out of time, but dooms day is still young and the whole crew pull off a lot in a very little time.
“We never, never give up on the lost boy life”- Crowley and Aziraphale never grow out of the theoretical naivety of working and being friends with someone from the other side
“So here we are, escaping from the world outside”- Crowley suggests literally escaping and running away together. They have also tended to avoid and escape the political dynamics of heaven and hell and their opposition to each other. In the end they even escape their punishments.
“Oh, what would your mother say if she could see what we're doing now? Oh, what would your mother say if she could hear what we talk about?”
In a way God is their mother wondering what she would say about Crowley and Aziraphale’s plans and actions aligns with the question of whether they were going against God’s will or whether their actions were actually part of her bigger plans.
“The waves are crashing down on you and me again, again, again The waves are crashing down on you and me I'll see you on the other side Get carried, get carried away, oh-oh-oh-oh Caught up in, caught up in the wave”
Both heaven and hell and all the events of Armageddon are crashing down on them. The get caught up in this struggle between the sides and it threatens to sweep them away. There are moments like when Crowley and Aziraphale promise to meet up in Tadfield after Crowley finds out that Aziraphale is still alive and when they are captured for their punishments that they just have to hope that they will see each other on the other side.
“So tie a ribbon 'round my arm and throw me in”
During the entire mess they are each other’s life line. Even when they get separated, they are able to find each other again and make it through the chaos.
“We sink or swim”
They are in it together and either they will succeed, stopping the apocalypse and surviving the wrath of heaven and hell, or they will fail and it is all over for them.
“Is it an apocalypse or nihilism on your lips?”
I’ve been trying to come up with something really profound and clever to say about this but I haven’t been able to come up with something. Obviously the apocalypse is in there. Crowley and eventually Aziraphale do certainly reject the institutions of heaven and hell and point out that many of the morals heaven imposes are arbitrary, but they definitely don’t go as far as saying that all morals are arbitrary/baseless or that life is meaningless or that knowledge is impossible. If I had to place this line to a specific moment in the series, I would probably associate with the scene in the first episode where Crowley is convincing Aziraphale that they should try to stop Armageddon since there is some element of accepting the apocalypse or deciding that the supposed agenda of the higher power is meaningless.
“Suddenly we're fallin' through the twilight zone”- A lot of weird stuff happens when Adam comes into his powers
“Watch the party playing out in slow motion” - they stop time during that final confrontation with Satan to give Adam a pep-talk
“Roll the window down, let the air blow 'round you A sadness in the breeze as the night divides us”
They had several scenes in the Bentley together, but that second line brings it back to that night in 1967, saturated in sad tones, as Aziraphale leaves him again.
“In these darker days, I push the limit to the love you offer There's a riot in my head, demanding we do this forever”
Darker days can be both the the final days as Armageddon approaches and that period when their relationship was strained and Aziraphale was pushing Crowley out of his life. In both cases Aziraphale was pushing the limits of Crowley’s love. During Armageddon he rejected Crowley’s multiple offers to run away together and during that stretch 1862-1967 his responses ranged from what was essentially a “wait for me” to that heated declaration of not needing him. With the next line, Aziraphale is torn between Crowley and heaven, and he wishes that he didn’t have to chose, that they could continue toeing the line with their friendship without getting in trouble. However, he knows that Crowley wants more, and eventually Aziraphale will have to give something up.
“So roll the window down, won't let you go like this Go like this, go like this Roll the window down, won't let you go like this Go like this, go like this”
Crowley won’t give up on Aziraphale. Even after declaring he will run off with out him, he still comes back to find Aziraphale, even running into a burning bookshop for him.
“Why would we divide when we could come together? Just bodies that collide, lost and found each other So don't, don't leave me alone Don't leave me alone, don't leave me alone Why would we divide when we could come together?”
In the beginning, their arrangement was defined as “Why fight each other when we could work together and still reach the same effect.” Over time their relationship evolved. Aziraphale still believes there is an inherent divide between them, saying they are on opposite sides. However, Crowley argues they are really on their own side and that they should not just work together, but runoff together. “Just bodies that collide,” again, they are like celestial bodies that have crossed paths and now they are pulled together. “Lost and found each other,” when Aziraphale gets discorporated in the book shop, Crowley truly believes he has lost his best friend, and even Aziraphale has a moment of panic that he won’t be able to return to earth. They are reunited again at the bar and in-person at the airbase. Crowley never wants to lose Aziraphale. When it looks like they won’t be able to save the world, Crowley begs Aziraphale to head to the stars with him. When he thought he lost Aziraphale, he was devastated and was having a break down. Earlier, he ran into a church to save Aziraphale from some Nazis. Crowley is desperate for Aziraphale not to leave him.
“Looking back around, glamorize the chaos Don't let summer nights destroy everything before us”
Everything is in complete chaos during those days leading up to Armageddon. Each night that passed was leading closer to the end. Everything would have been destroyed on that fateful summer day. Perhaps when it was all over, Crowley and Aziraphale reminisced about what happened because, even though it was a disaster, it led to them becoming free.
Million Pieces:
“No one is loving, it's not a drill Don't look outside, the world is ending (Faster, faster, faster, faster, fast)”
It is not a drill, Armageddon is starting. The time they have to stop it is running out. It goes from 11 years to less than a week to mere hours. And well heaven and hell never liked each other, the period where they would tolerate/look other way as two of their agents “love thy enemy” is over. It is time to cut ties with the other side.
“The king's a clown”- the leadership in Heaven and Hell are definitely clowns
“We're too far gone Nothing I say will mean anything”
That point where both Crowley and Aziraphale believe it is too late to stop it. Aziraphale realizes nothing that he can say to his side will make them change their mind. Throughout the series Aziraphale struggles with going against heaven’s wishes, but Crowley points out that if world does end that they will be stuck in their respective awful eternities as well as that they are on “our side” so in a way it doesn’t matter if they say (or do) things that go against their sides’ orders.
“Just drink, fuck, dance right through disaster” -While they don’t really “drink, fuck, dance” through disaster, Crowley does offer for them to run away together while everything else turns into a “burning puddle of goo,” which has a similar feeling of escapism.
“The echoes of that news ring loud (The echoes, the echoes) No sound can ever drown it out (The echoes)”
For Aziraphale that news was probably when God’s representative told him that they were going to go ahead with war instead of avoiding it. You can see on his face that that is the point that he lost all hope in his side doing the right thing and finally decides to abandon them completely. For Crowley it would be when the book shop burns down and he thinks he lost Aziraphale for good.
“Don't speak, 'cause it's like a bitter pill”
This goes along with the two moments I was talking about above, but it also fits with every time that Aziraphale rejected Crowley in some way. Probably also when Crowley asked for the holy water and Aziraphale thought that Crowley was thinking about killing himself.
“It breaks my heart It breaks my heart into a million pieces, oh It breaks my heart into a million pieces If it's gonna break me, won't you let me go? Leave it 'til the morning, I don't wanna know Breaks my heart Breaks my heart into a million pieces”
Again, the moments I was talking about directly above. In general, when the characters are at their bleakest, no-hope, desperate moments.  
Doom Days:
“When I watch the world burn All I think about is you When I watch the world burn All I think about is you”
As the world is ending, all Crowley and Aziraphale are thinking about is each other. After finding out that Aziraphale is still alive, Crowley is determined enough to hold his Bentley together as he drives through the inferno of the M-25.
“Cruising through the doom days”
This, in general, conjures images of anytime Crowley is driving way too fast as he tries to find a way to stop the end of the world, but the scene on the M-25 is particularly fitting.
“God knows what is real and what is fake”
Adam has been altering reality, doing and creating things that defy the logic of the real world. When it is all over and he puts everything back to the way it was, people still remember what happened and are left in a confusion of whether any of it was real.
“Last couple years have been a mad trip”
During the eleven year lead up to Armageddon, everything is a little crazy. Heaven and hell are now focused on making sure it all goes to plan and Crowley and Aziraphale are trying their hardest to stop it. After years of trying to influence Warlock, they learn that they have the wrong boy and all that effort was for nothing. From that point on everything descends into even greater chaos.
“We fucked this house up like the planet We were running riot Crazy that some people still deny it”
Climate change and humanity’s effects on the earth are touched upon in the series. It is mentioned more in the books as Adam takes action to address issues such as deforestation and the dying whales, but it shows up in the TV show too. The aliens even try to give earth a ticket for it.
“Let's pick the truth that we believe in Like a bad religion Tell me all your original sins So many questionable choices We love the sound that our voice makes Man, this echo chamber's getting loud”
This of course brings in the religious elements. Focusing on that context, these lines can relate to the questionable and morally ambiguous areas of the religious structure depicted in the show. Heaven has chosen to believe in “the truth” that violence and killing people are justified if it is part of the path to righteousness. Crowley questions Aziraphale about such choices during the flood scene, horrified that even the children would die. Many of the head angels and demons are so certain of themselves and the correctness of their actions that they seem smug about it. They appear to derive pleasure from hearing themselves speak, especially when it is to chastise others. Heaven and Hell echo each other on the matter of the war, and, no matter who Aziraphale or Crowley speak to, they say the same thing: the war is too be fought, not avoided.
From a Crowley and Aziraphale perspective, they choose for themselves what is right and what is wrong. They (mostly Crowley) question whether the “sins” others have committed are truly wrong and bad enough to warrant the punishments they received. This includes the original sin with the apple and Crowley himself falling just because he asked some questions and hung out with the wrong people. Each inhabits a grey area in their roles as a demon and an angel due to their questionable choices to bend the rules and will of their prospective sides.
In a more general interpretation, these lyrics describe the chaotic state humanity has reached, especially in the years leading up to the apocalypse. This divisive type of mindset can be used by the four horsemen to help spread the plights they represent.
“We'll be the proud remainers Here 'til the morning breaks us”
Crowley, Aziraphale, Anathema, Newton, and the Them (as well as Madame Tracy and Sergeant Shadwell to some extent) are the “proud remainers,” the ones who fight the apocalypse.
“We're gonna rabbit hole down, third act love now”
It is not until the third act, after the climax and resolution of Armageddon, that Crowley and Aziraphale can finally be together since they are finally on their own side. Their love story resolves itself on the bench as they wait for the bus and at the Ritz.
“We'll stay offline so no one gets hurt Hiding from the real world Just don't read the comments ever, ever”
“Think I'm addicted to my phone My scrolling horror show I'm live-streaming the final days of Rome One tab along, it's pornographic Everybody's at it No surprise we're so easily bored”
Technology isn’t mentioned that much in the show, and even less in the original book since it was released almost 30 years earlier. However, I do like all the fan theories and head canons about heaven and hell’s influence in the development of technology, especially Crowley’s role. Perhaps he had a hand in establishing humanity’s current cyber addiction. Maybe he orchestrated the entire thing, maybe he just helped out with a few aspects (developing certain apps, creating specific smart phone/social media features, etc), maybe he had nothing to do with it and just took credit for it, maybe he doesn’t really care about it at all. Either way, technology and social media are a major component of the current state of humanity.
Nocturnal Creatures:
“You put your arms around me Partners in crime in the dead of night”
Partners in crime definitely describes Crowley and Aziraphale, and, by the time the series ends, a gesture of intimacy such as putting their arms around each other doesn’t seem out of the question.
“We've only got ourselves to blame Again and again and again Again and again and again”
Crowley and Aziraphale are the ones to get themselves in trouble whether it is accidentally (Aziraphale in 1941, losing the antichrist) or a conscious choice (working together, trying to advert the war). They are both disobedient and incompetent.
“Let every night play out the same 'Cause I wouldn't, I wouldn't change a thing”
Another set of lyrics that describes how content they are when they are with each other and that they are happy just being together. Besides finally reaching a place where they don’t have to hide anymore, they wouldn’t change a thing.
“We're nocturnal creatures, we own the night And we don't need a reason if we want to lose our minds We're nocturnal creatures, drawn to the flame And the morning doesn't reach us Well, not until we want it to, want it to”
In the end, when Aziraphale and Crowley are a united force, they are unstoppable. This part of the song embodies the new confidence they have, especially after dealing with heaven and hell’s attempts at punishing them. They are reveling in their new found freedom which leads to the clip at the end of the song:
“We received the freedom but we were completely unaware what to do with this freedom It felt like the hungry people received the foods and we just ate everything” 
Unlike in this clip, they know what to do with their freedom. They are going to dine at the Ritz and start their new life together. They have been starved of being allowed to show each other their full level of affection for 6000 year, so if they get carried away and  “eat  everything” (*wink, wink*), who can blame them.
“No moon, no stars above us The orange sky says the night's alive This time with you's elastic We stretch these hours as far as we can make them go”
Holding on to their time together, whether it’s desperately clinging to the moments they share in secrecy during the first 6000 years, or enjoying those first days together when they don’t have to hide and that promise a beginning to hopeful future.
“It's our weekend religion A different chord but the same refrain”
Crowley has always had his own definitions of right and wrong. He asked questions and disapproved of punishing people indiscriminately, especially the children. Even in his role as a demon, he spreads evil differently, favoring free will and creating circumstances where the humans to do the bad things of their volition. Because of his relationship with Crowley, Aziraphale started questioning Heaven too. 
“Tuesday'll be doom day, this got out of hand”
Technically doomsday occurs on Saturday in Good Omens, but this lyric has the same level of immediacy for the end of the world approaching. Things did get out of hand for Crowley and Aziraphale. They thought they might be able to advert the apocalypse if they raised the child to be normal, but, when the hell hound failed to show up, they realized they were in trouble, and things continued to spin out of control from there.
“Here, here, my family (Might be a walking disaster) You are my familiar, you are my familiar (Not much, but all I would ask for) Here, here, my friends and me (Might be a walking disaster) You are my familiar (Not much, but all I would ask for)”
Crowley and Aziraphale are friends, family, each other’s familiar, two halves of the same soul, and more. Being with each other is all they would ask for in the world. That’s why “or I’ll never speak to you again” is the greatest threat for them both. They are also both walking disasters (They spent eleven years trying to stop Armageddon and in the end they only played a minor part in what actually went down).
“Oh, there is nowhere I would rather be Never felt more comfortable, could never want for more when I'm here No, there is nowhere I would rather be, oh-oh Never felt more comfortable, could never want for more when you're near”
Again, they are happiest when they are with each other. They got their ideal ending when heaven and hell left them alone and allowed them to spend the rest of their lives together without having to hide it.
“I don't care if we're talking 'bout the same things I don't care if we're stuck in the familiar I don't care if we're going 'round in circles Again, again, again”
I feel like this describes how comfortable they are with each other that they would be content just talking about whatever and doing the same old things as long as they are with each other.
Another Place:
  *I started this one in another post, but I’m going to do the full explanation here. I’m probably just going to steal some bits directly from that post. (Also for this one to fit I’m using the full romantic interpretation of their relationship).
This song is the epitome of all those feelings Aziraphale has in his internal struggle with and conflicting feelings over loving Crowley and knowing his place as an angel. It also captures the longing they both feel.
“I am bound to you with a tie that we cannot break With a night that we can't replace I'm lost but found with you, in a bed that we'll never make It's a feeling we always chase”
Crowley and Aziraphale have had a connection for 6000 years. They are bound to each other and even if they tried to they could never truly escape that. Both Crowley and Aziraphale are lost: Crowley never meant to fall, all he did was ask questions and now Aziraphale is starting to question heaven too. When they are together, they don’t feel so lost. They have found themselves in each other, yet Crowley is the one who encouraged Aziraphale to become lost in the first place. And they can never truly be together because heaven and hell would never approve. Instead they have small moments of intimacy, chasing those feelings.
“Oh, in another place In another time, what could we have been?”
If they weren’t an angel and a demon, if they weren’t risking everything if they got caught, what could they have been.
“You go too fast for me, Crowley.” Maybe one day they could have a picnic or dine at the Ritz. Maybe one day they could be together if Aziraphale can come to terms with defying heaven and having his existence no longer being strictly defined by his role as an angel. But this is not that time.
“So lie to me tonight and pretend 'til the morning light And imagine that you are mine 'Cause when the sun will rise with the truth coming out your eyes We'll be good in another life”
When the apocalypse is averted and they no longer have a side, that’s when they can indulge those feelings. They are not in the clear yet; the wrath of heaven and hell will still be coming down upon them, but they don’t have to worry about that until the morning. Just for that one night they can pretend that everything is alright and spend the night at Crowley’s place and be together. If they survive tomorrow, they will finally be truly free. That “other life” will finally have arrived. They can dine at the Ritz and will no longer have to hide their love for each other.
“I could write a book about the things that you said to me on the pillow And the way you think, and how you make me feel You can fill my mind and move my body with the fiction, fantasies Just call this what it is, we don't pretend it's real”
The singing and the beat in this part of the song... I can’t quite describe it but it feels so intimate. It sounds like someone who is absolutely intoxicated by their feelings for the other person and being driven crazy by their need to be with them. Aziraphale and Crowley have come to know each other so well, and their connection to each other is stronger than that of any humans; they are bound to each other’s very existence. Therefore, I believe there must have been moments where they were completely overwhelmed by their love for the other, where it feels like all their thoughts and actions are being overtaken by their longing and desire to be with them. The orbit each other and gravitationally pulled together.
“Feels like something's special but it never felt like love Wonder what we could be living in another life Catch us in the mirror and it looks a lot like love Then you stop me talking as you kiss me from above”
Because Aziraphale has so much trouble coming to terms with the fact that he loves Crowley, I doubt he let himself consider for even one second that those feelings might go beyond on just loving Crowley in a fraternal way, but in a romantic way. Crowley too might have stopped short of thinking about showing his affection for Aziraphale in the traditional human ways of kissing and so on. But to many of the viewers, and maybe even the characters in the show, it does look like a romance, especially in that last scene at the Ritz when they are no longer holding back. Cue all the fanart and drabbles/fanfics of them kissing, dating, etc.
Those Nights:
“Those nights when your friends are gone When you're holding on for someone to leave with Those nights when you crave someone To be there at dawn, to wake with, 'cause aren't we all just Looking for a little bit of hope these days? Looking for somebody you can wake up with? Looking for a little bit of hope these days? We are, we are”
As the end of the world approaches, Crowley and Aziraphale both feel lost. They each have permanently cut ties to their respective side, so now all they have is each other. After the book shop burns, there is a stretch where they both believe they don’t even have each other. But they have always had each other. They found that person who would be there with them early on. It just took them awhile to realize/admit it.
When things are at their darkest, each is looking for some hope. Aziraphale goes to his higher ups, hoping they would be willing to advert the war, and, when that doesn’t work, he tries to contact God Herself; however, he receives the same answer there. Crowley too makes a plea to God to not test humanity to its destruction, but he knows that it is pointless. Crowley does, however, hope that Aziraphale will leave the planet with him, and he continues to hold out for that even after Azirphale rejects his offer.
“You'll never get to heaven on a night like this”
“You try to get to heaven on a night like this But you, you never get to heaven on a night like this”
“We'll never get to heaven”
Neither one will ever be forgiven by heaven or hell. They can never go back to what they were. However, by the end, both seem to have already happily accepted that.
“I can feel your eyes in the back of my head Burning, burning, burning Floating through the room as the hairs on my arms are Rising, rising, rising I'm chemically drawn closer to you Eyes wide, eyes wide open Will you be my future or just an escape? Love me, love me, love me”
“Pulling at my t-shirt, your hands everywhere Rising, rising, rising As you trip and fall, dragging me up the stairs What's your, what's your name, now?”
I’ll just leave these lyrics here for you all to picture since this crosses more into the world of fan fiction again.
*This is the other one that I don’t have much for. The song describes a kind of specific moment that doesn’t really fit with the series, but the general idea of that one person who can always bring you joy does describe Crowley and Aziraphale. So again, bear with me. (Maybe this one is more of an epilogue of their life after the series ends).
“I'm your walking disaster, keep on dragging me From self-pity, poor me”
They are both walking disasters, but they are each other’s walking disaster. I’m not sure how much self-pity there is but maybe they help the other one pull themself together (or at least pull themselves from individual walking disasters into a collective walking disaster).
“Thought I'd never be waking on the kitchen floor But here I lie, not the first time Now my morning has broken, and it brings the fear My mind's falling, falling” “Take a walk through the wreckage, clearing out my head”
I feel like this would describe the morning after the world was saved. They survived the worst of it but they still are going to have to face the consequences of opposing heaven and hell.
“Then I feel my pulse quickening But regrets can't change anything”
“Then I feel my pulse quickening But I wouldn't change a thing”
Abandoning Heaven was a hard decision for Aziraphale and it probably took a little time to fully come to terms with (for example he was still thinking about what his side would think about him staying at Crowley’s place after everything was over). Of course he’s glad he made that choice, but maybe he regrets not fully joining Crowley sooner or those times in the past that he chose heaven over Crowley. But then again, everything turned out for the best and they still have their whole future together so he wouldn’t change anything even if he could.
“Oh Joy, when you call me I was giving up, oh, I was giving in Joy, set my mind free I was giving up, oh, I was giving in” “How'd you always know when I'm down?”
I feel like this is their reunion when Crowley realizes Aziraphale isn’t gone. But this could just also be their general dynamic for the rest of their lives together where they are each other’s rock and always know when the other is feeling down and how to cheer to cheer them up.
“I hear your eyes roll right down the phone” - You just know this happens often
“As the night dissolves into this final frame You're a sweet relief, you saved me from my brain”
As the series ends on that final moment of them dining at the Ritz, finally together and happy. They saved each other from a lot of inner turmoil and now they will always have each other.
*If you read all this or even just skimmed it, thank you so much! It means a lot. I did not expect this to take over a year to complete, yet here I am. I know neither the show nor the album is topical any more so some of that initial buzz/excitement/interest has died away. So it means even more to me if you still took the time to read this now!
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insincerelycrowley · 4 years
Setting The Alarm Clock
Summary: Crowley has finally woken up from his Lockdown nap, only to find that something very strange has been happening in his flat. 
Word Count: 1980
Warnings: N/A
A/N: My contribution to to #AwakeTheSnake
Crowley hated mornings. So, it was particularly irritating that it happened to be a morning when he woke from his nap. At least, he thought it was morning, judging from the noise of birds nesting outside his window – annoying little buggers.
Crowley was just about to roll over and check what time (month?) it was, when he noticed something…odd. There was a strange smell to his flat. It almost smelled like someone had been - baking? That couldn’t be right though, could it?
Finally opening his eyes and levering himself out of bed, Crowley found that the smell was just the start of some unusual occurrences. Taking a good look around his bedroom he saw…almost nothing. All his furniture and belongings were gone apart from the bed and the bedside table. The table itself held nothing but his phone and a glass of water (which had not been there before he went to sleep).
Confusion mounting, Crowley left his bedroom, and promptly tripped over a pile of boxes left just outside the doorway. This was another thing that had definitely not been there before his nap. Peaking inside the box at the top of the pile, he saw that it was filled with some of the smaller items from his office. His globe, various astronomy books, and his prized sketch of the Mona Lisa were all stashed away inside. Something weird was going on here.
Intending to check his office for himself, Crowley stopped as he passed his plant room. Something was wrong. There was a distinct lack of fear coming from inside. Peeking into the room, he was horrified to find that it had been completely cleared out. There was nothing left but a few (still pristine) leaves on the floor. Something that felt a lot like anger clenched in his gut at the sight.
Pushing away from the door, Crowley entered his office and felt the clench in his stomach grow tighter. His throne was gone. Someone had taken his throne. If he was angry before, he was furious now. Gritting his teeth Crowley stomped back out of the office, and immediately doubled back when he noticed yet another empty space from the corner of his eye. Staring at the bare hallway floor where his statue of good and evil…wrestling…had once been, Crowley found himself thoroughly perplexed at how anyone had managed to get something like that out of the building without him noticing.
He was broken out of his confused musings by the sound of humming originating from his kitchen (absently he noted that it resembled Beethoven’s Symphony no. 6). Snarling and just barely resisting the urge to summon hellfire, Crowley went to confront whoever had invited themselves into his flat.
Striding into the room with as much swagger as a demon in silk pyjamas could muster, Crowley’s eyes widened when he found almost every available surface covered in cake. Looking around what had once been his kitchen, his gaze landed on the figure facing the oven.
Aziraphale jolted at the sound and turned around. Catching sight of Crowley, he broke into a brilliant smile that made the demon’s heart stutter in his chest.
“Crowley! Oh, my dear I’m so glad you’re finally awake!”
Crowley stared for a moment, willing his brain to switch back online. He tried desperately to make sense of the scene in front of him, but after a few moments had to admit defeat and ask “Angel, what’s going on?”
Aziraphale’s smile only seemed to get brighter.
“Well I did tell you I’d taken up baking before you went to sleep dear.” Seeming to notice the state of the kitchen he chuckled and added “although I admit, I may have gotten a little carried away.”
Crowley blinked. “Yes, I can see that, but what are you doing here?”
Aziraphale seemed unfazed by the question.
“Oh, of course – well, it occurred to me that you’ve acquired a lovely collection of plants over the years. I was dreadfully concerned about what would happen to them in your absence, so I just popped in to check on the poor dears. I fully intended to go straight back to the bookshop when I was done, but…”
The angel fidgeted slightly. “I may have become a little distracted, and never actually got around to leaving…”
Crowley fought hard to push aside the warmth blossoming in his chest. “So, you’ve just been living here while I was asleep then?”
“For the most part, yes. I have been out once or twice to attend to some important business, but I’ve always seemed to find my way back here.”
“I thought you said visiting was against the rules?”
“It was! The rules have been somewhat relaxed now. Households can meet under certain circumstances…and…I got worried when you didn’t call. I had to make sure you were safe.”
There was that warmth again, it was harder to push aside this time. Crowley sniffed and tried to appear nonchalant. “I left you a message.”
“I know, but I had to make sure – if only for my own peace of mind. However, once I was here, I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving you. I didn’t want you to be alone.”
Crowley felt a lump come to his throat. As he was trying to swallow past it, a thought suddenly occurred to him. “Wait – did you pack all my things?”
Aziraphale smiled and nodded. “Yes, of course.”
Crowley blinked again. The angel admitted it so easily, as though turning up to someone else’s flat and packing up all their belonging while they slept was a perfectly reasonable thing to do. “I-I’m gonna regret asking but –”
“Well I didn’t exactly know how long you would be asleep for dearest. I thought it best to just make a start and hope everything would be ready for when you woke up.”
Crowley had the impression he was missing a vital piece of information. “What – Angel, what on earth are you talking about?”
Aziraphale seemed to consider his answer for a moment. “While you were asleep, I started thinking about how there’s still so much that can keep us separated. This lockdown is just the latest in a long list. I know we’ve been apart before, and this shouldn’t be any different – but it is different now Crowley. I want it to be different now.”
“Different how?” The words felt heavy on Crowley’s tongue.
Aziraphale smiled. “The solution is obvious when you think about it my dear. After all, no one could ever object to us seeing each other if we lived together, now could they?”
The angel looked immensely proud of himself as he finished speaking. Meanwhile Crowley was having an extraordinarily hard time processing what had been said. He let out a string of cut-off noises before finally forcing out “So, what? You’re planning on moving me into the bookshop then?”
Aziraphale scoffed. “Of course I’m not moving you into the bookshop my dear – the living space is much too cramped for both of us. No dearest, the bookshop wouldn’t work at all I’m afraid. Although I’m not sure that I can bare to part with it completely…no, I think I’ll keep hold of it as extra storage for my collection. Oh, and it would be awfully convenient for us to have somewhere to stay for night or two on the occasions we come back to London. You should certainly have the option of not driving back straight away if it’s late. Of course I suppose we could just as well stay here on those occasions – if you want to keep hold of the flat that is.”
Crowley felt like he and Aziraphale were having two vastly different conversations, but he was making a valiant effort to piece them together. “Whoa, Whoa, Angel slow down – what do mean when we visit London? And If I keep hold of this place? I’m trying to keep up here, really I am, but you’re gonna have to help me out a little.”
“Well I just thought that we’d need a little more space, and it might be nice to get out of the city – go somewhere quieter. Here.”
Aziraphale produced a travel agents’ brochure from underneath a plate of scones. Flicking the brochure open, he turned it towards Crowley, showing him an advertisement for a beautiful cottage. Voice brimming with enthusiasm, Aziraphale continued. “It has a garden, and plenty of space for my most treasured books - the view is simply breath-taking! It’s just down the road from the most delightful little bakery! Oh, and it’s close to a valley called Devil’s Dyke – I thought you would appreciate that.” He gave Crowley a wry smile.
Opening and closing his mouth a few times Crowley tried again to grasp where the angel was going with this. “Angel – I still have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. Why are you showing me pictures of a cottage?”
“Well because it’s ours of course!”
“What do you mean it’s ours?”
“I bought it.”
“You – you bought a cottage?”
“Well – yes.”
“For us?”
“To live in – together?”
“Yes, obviously to live in together Crowley, I wouldn’t buy a cottage just for myself, now would I?”
Crowley was silent for a long time, just staring at Aziraphale. Long enough that Aziraphale’s smile faded and he began to fidget under the scrutiny.
“You’re not happy.” The angel stated bluntly. “I knew I should have waited – and I definitely should have asked before just packing up your belongings! I had no right to do that. I shouldn’t have just assumed you would want the same thing. I’m so sorry…I-I just got excited, and I fear I’ve gotten rather carried away…”
“Angel, Angel, stop – I didn’t say I wasn’t happy, did I?”
Aziraphale wrung his hands together. “You’re not upset with me?”
“Of course I’m not – I’m just…. surprised. It was a surprise, that’s all.”
The angel hesitated for a moment before venturing “a good one?”
Crowley smiled softly. “The very best.”
Aziraphale visibly sagged in relief. He smiled at the demon before jolting upright with a sudden realisation. “Oh! I completely forgot – you’ve only just woken up. You must be hungry. Sit down and I’ll get you some cake.”
“I’m fine Angel.” Crowley tried to protest, but Aziraphale was already ushering him to sit at the breakfast bar.
“Nonsense – you’ve been asleep for months; you may be a demon, but you still need to eat something.” Aziraphale said placing a slice of sponge cake and a cup of coffee next to him. Crowley instantly lifted the cup to his lips to hide the ridiculous smile forming there at the Angel’s fussing.
“So, when did you want to move in?” The demon asked.
Aziraphale froze for a moment. “You’re sure Crowley? You’re not just indulging me? Because if you need more time…”
“I’m sure Angel, there’s nothing to think about. Just say when and we’ll go.”
Aziraphale lit up at immediately. “We can go whenever we want. I’ve been popping out to the cottage whenever I can to get it ready and move things over – there’s barely anything left to do. We could go now if we wanted!”
Crowley chuckled – “Well maybe we can wait until after breakfast, but if you want to go today then we will.” He paused. “So, go on then – I know you’re just dying to tell me all about it down to which curtains you’ve picked out.” He teased.
Aziraphale was all too happy to comply, and launched into excited chatter about their cottage as the demon felt the smile he’d been holding back break free.
Crowley didn’t need to see the cottage to know that it would be perfect. Anywhere the angel picked out for them would have been. The building and the location didn’t matter, Crowley’s home had always been Aziraphale.  
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
Of Heaven and Hell
Fandom: Good Omens Pairing: Crowley & Son!Reader & Aziraphale Summary: You are a balanced creature as you were made of the powers of Heaven and Hell Word Count: 1,908 Request: “Can you do good omens where the reader is their son and he likes someone but he too stubborn to accept it until they are in danger (Crowley teases him about it all the time)” Warning: Angels are dicks, Demons are bigger dicks. Blood, injury, stabbing, I mean it, it’s a bit gruesome A/n: Okay, I couldn’t do this request but I wanted to do a son reader so we’re going for some hurt and comfort. God shipping Ineffable Husbands
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You’re not supposed to be alive.
Your existence is taboo in both Heaven and Hell. But damn anyone, angels and demons, to ever touched you. Your parents were very protective of you but they weren’t one to shy away from what you were and how you weren’t like other children. 
Growing up was fairly quiet, your parents sent you to school so you blended with humans. Maybe if one of their sides visit them you could just pass off as a human, it worked almost all of your childhood. You were bright as your parents always fed you extra knowledge, in the courtesy of Aziraphale. 
You didn’t need to sleep often so there were many spent nights on you reading books well in advance of your age. You were their little Nephilim, the perfect balance of heaven and hell, their greatest secret. 
“I’m going out to hang out with some friends!” You called out as your fathers turned their head, “It’s with the usual, don’t worry.”
“I won’t but he will,” Crowley jokes with a smile, ruffling your hair and pressing small kisses around faces.
“Dad!” You moaned, wiping away the kisses he had planted.
Aziraphale chuckled, “Your dad will be the one worrying more than me, son, be safe!” 
He presses a kiss upon your temple as you smile, nodding as you waved them off, pulling your backpack tighter as you unlocked your bike from a nearby light post. Crowley and Aziraphale love you so much, it’s unknown at what age you stop ageing but for now, they want to keep your teenage years pure and bright.
“Love you!”
When they were expecting you, the two had moved outside of London, in a little cottage. Aziraphale tending to his books at the book shop and Crowley annoying the city of London. As you disappear from view Aziraphale looks at Crowley, who was busy on his phone.
“I have a bad feeling, dear,” Aziraphale says with a worrisome voice.
Crowley looks up with his eyebrows raised, “And you said that I would worry more, I’m sure he’ll be fine, Angel.”
But, when Aziraphale agrees that he’s just being a little paranoid Crowley couldn’t help but feel that unsettling feeling bubble through his stomach. He hopes to somebody’s sake that their son will be safe.
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You were coming back from hanging out with your friends. When you’re young and having a little freedom it does you good. Just as you were about to go back to the bike rack to fetch your bike, a hand had grabbed you from the back of your jacket, pulling you into an alleyway. Spinning out of your jacket, to see who had a hold of it.
Your eyes widen when you see Uriel and Sandalphon, but they weren’t alone, they were accompanied by Dagon and Ligur. It was Uriel who had pushed you against the wall, the four looking at you with great interest.
“So, this is why Crowley’s been ignoring Hell for seventeen years, an offspring,” Ligur sneers, poking your cheek, “I expected more if he mated with the Angel. He’s got heaven’s eyes.”
Sandalphon scoffs, “And hell’s smile.”
Dagon sneered at you, you were terrified, you knew what both sides were capable of. Whilst you know Aziraphale was made to be a soldier, you had training from him. He taught you how to hold up a sword and how to fight. You’d think that a soft angel like him wouldn’t but there was a reason he was guarding the eastern gate of the garden.
“There is a reason why I am called Master of Torments,” Dagon hisses, but not in the way your dad does it, you gulped, “I can feel the fear radiating off him.”
“You must know your fate then, Nephilim,” Uriel growled, her grip tightening as you wince, “So unfortunate that you cannot see your dearest fathers again.”
Death, you wished was quick and painless. But, the four had a better idea, make you suffer for your existence. Make you suffer because of your parents. Sandalphon had a good hit, a punch to the gut. He was great with his hands, but he was best at smiting. 
Uriel and Ligur used special’s own daggers, of Heaven and Hell. You’ve cut yourself before with a regular knife, but the blades of the daggers upon your skin burnt like it tore your skin apart. You staggered to your knees. Your hands catching the fall, you could taste the blood in your mouth as you looked down at your oozing body.
The red liquid gushing out as they resorted to combat, their feet colliding towards your ribs. Stomping upon your hands, a boot to the face. Blood spilling from your lips and you found yourself begging for them to stop. But they wanted more, this is the most that they could do together as a team was to torment you. 
Dagon was the Master of Torment, she was amazingly skilled with a whip. Tears formed as the leather hits upon your back, she wanted blood, the angels wanted your wings. Dagon whips you until your back was a bloody mass of open flesh in front of everyone else.
And your wings show. Bloodied and mixed with dirt and grime. Your wings were extravagant. It wasn’t a half-half wings. From your back, it was white and faded into grey then black. With Uriel’s pleasure, she made sure to clip your wings. 
An anguished scream tore your throat, you were done for, you’ve convinced yourself. 
“My child, (Y/n),” A holy woman’s voice rang out into your mind, “You’re powerful, you are loved, you are created and protected for a reason.”
“I can’t, God,” You choked out in the pain, “It hurts too much, God, I’m going to die.”
“You are of the balance sides. You are made out of Heaven and Hell, there is a reason why you have survived this.”
You grit your teeth and let out another scream, so loud that it blasted them back. Inconveniently discorporating them, however, the energy of your miracle took to much as you fell back to your knees.
“My dear boy,” God’s voice echoes, “Go, return home to your fathers. And in pain and virtue, you stand strong.”
“Wait,” You murmured, grabbing your wet dirty jacket, the pain in your back searing, “I am that bad for existing?”
“You’re not bad at all, my sweet summer child, the forces of heaven and hell do not want to see a world where the two can work together and fall in love. Your fathers have been one of the greatest love stories I’ve witnessed. You are good, boy, you are of trouble. But not enough to be hated.”
There was a weigh disappearing when she leaves. You put your jacket on, ignoring the burning pain that rips into you. There was blood everywhere, your blood, you stumbled yourself up. 
You fished out your phone and see it had broken upon your torment, forgetting your bike you stumble home. The blood loss making your head fuzzy, you were sure you were still bleeding. Broken bones and clipped wings, you were glad that Londoners hated interacting with strangers.
Relief had found home inside your chest when you see the bookshop. It was dimly lit, indicating that it was only your fathers occupying the building. As you came closer to the door, you had miracled it opened. You were tired and upset that the doors opened with a bang and shut with the same force.
Both your parents come to the front to see who had interrupted them, but the sight to see had their emotions running wild. 
“They found me,” You choked, tears starting to form, your hands are shaking and the two surged forward to their son, “It ‘urts so bad, please make it stop.”
Aziraphale’s jaw lock as he holds his baby boy, Crowley was ready to make an uproar in Heaven again.
“I was going to die,” You choked as you gripped Aziraphale tightly, the pain and fear lacing your words made them feel sick to the stomach, “They clipped my wings.”
Feeling emotions that were hard to describe as Crowley holds you from behind but you flinched. Crowley’s eyes widen at your reaction and gently tugs your jacket off. He cringes, he seethes, he closes his eyes to see the mess made by the whip.
“(Y/n), let's get you home,” Crowley whispers to you, soothing as Aziraphale examines your back.
The three of you get into the Bently, there was no comfortable position that wasn’t painful. It was tormenting that they had to listen to their son, softly crying. Upon the arrival of home, they sat you down on the bed, Aziraphale slowly waving his hand over your back to clear the open flesh, yet red nasty marks linger on. Crowley worked on the stabbing, leaving scars. 
The two healed your broken bones, Aziraphale rubbing his thumb over your knuckles whilst Crowley rubs his thumbs over the cuts and bruises on your face. By the end of the session, it was almost hard to tell that you were even attacked.
You looked at them with tired eyes, “Thank you.”
Aziraphale puts a firm hand on your shoulder, “We can’t heal your clipped wings, but if we tend to them properly they may regrow again.”
“Okay,” You hummed, your voice hoarse, “I love you guys.”
“We love you too!” Crowley says with the utmost happiness, hoping it makes you smile - it does.
He wraps his lanky arms around you and pulls you close as Aziraphale looks at his husband with great disapproval. Sometimes, Aziraphale still thinks you’re as fragile as a baby. After all, you were still their son and the powers of upstairs and downstairs will continue to hunt the three of you.
“I think it’s safe to say we should visit each other’s respectful side,” Aziraphale mentions, sitting on the other side of you, “Maybe we’ll give them a taste of their own medicine for hurting our son.”
“Ah!” The demon exclaims, parting the hug with a smile that screamed trouble, “I’m dragon breathing hellfire at them again, no one hurts my baby without getting something in return.”
“Might take a while, I discorperated Uriel, Sandalphon, Ligur and Dagon,” Listing who was there, making sure they knew exactly who to target. Your fathers nodded, getting who to go for, “Oh, God also said something.”
“Big powerful lady?” Crowley asked, with a slighter higher tone, “Oh, well go on! What’d she say?”
“She’s the Lord Almighty, Crowley,” Aziraphale scolded at him, “Not some gossiper.”
“She said that she loves your love story and it’s the best she’s seen,” You interrupted before your parents get into another whimsical bicker.
“So, she approves?” Aziraphale says with a slightly nervous tone, as you nodded, “Oh good.”
“I bet she was fed up with you two though,” You joked, “6000 years?”
“Now, don’t you start with me young boy,” Your father scowled as your dad chuckled next to you, “Why don’t you get some rest, we can spend time at home tomorrow how does that sound?”
You looked at Aziraphale with a smile, nodding, “That’ll be nice,” You slowly get up and move to the doorway to head to your room. You paused and looked back at them with Heaven’s eyes and Hell’s smile, “I love you guys.”
Your parents smile, beaming almost, “We love you too.”
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cyanidechan · 4 years
This quarantine is boring me to death, I'm trying to make a list of books, can I ask you for your favorites and why did you like them?
Oh, that’s a nice idea! I have too many books I like so I will try to make a little list of my favourites of all time. 
La Morte Amoureuse (The Death Woman In Love), Théophile Gautier it's a French short story, but I'm sure you can find it in your language too, and it's about a young novice about to take his vows. But just that day he meets the beautiful Clarimonde and falls in love with her at first sight. Unfortunately she dies shortly afterwards but this doesn’t stop their love because she comes back to life. (Like, what’s a bit of death at this point?) The ending, I feel the need to warn you, isn’t happy but the descriptions are so poetic! They are rich in details and metaphors, and they have sincerely melted my heart.
The Perfume, Patrick Süskind  Absolutely one of my favourite, maybe the best book I ever read. The film about it it’s good but it don’t quite grasp the psychology of the protagonist.  You’ll follow the life of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, a boy that can smell everything (yes, even things that doesn’t have a smell) and he become a magnificent perfumer even if he never become famous. What I love more of this book is the psychology behind the protagonist. He’s a sociopath/psychopath, doesn't have any emotions and doesn’t feel anything. His only desire is to reach the most incredible perfume, and he doesn’t care if he had to kill 25 girls to make it.  This is disturbing on so many levels, but I assure you it’s interesting and I found myself to read it again and again.
Invisible Monsters, Chuck Palahniuk Ok, I’m a fan of Mr Palahniuk, I’ve read every book he wrote but this to me is the best. If you’ll read Invisible Monsters the only thing you should know is that Palahniuk’s novels are usually sociological treatises, where society is always seen through the eyes of an outsider. In this case, Shannon is a beautiful model who has an accident and remains disfigured. she will start a road trip with Manus (her ex-boyfriend) and Brandy Alexander (transsexual, wonderful, crazy, I love her) who during the trip will give her some life lessons. An interesting point of view on American society, bigotry, lgbt+ themes and fashion industry.
Good Omens, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman (You knew this one was coming) I won’t take your time explaining the plot because probably if you follow this blog you already know about it, but I’m in love with this book. I think it’s the only comic book (wow, I’m dark) that I truly enjoyed.  What I find most interesting, (my unconditioned love for Aziraphale and Crowley aside), is that Hell and Heaven, Angels and Demons are neither good nor bad. But they have an image to keep. This is understood with the two protagonists who, living for six thousand years among humans, demonstrate their true nature (that is, neither good nor bad, but surprisingly human) In addition, the book is a bit of a study on the human condition: Our possibility to make choices, right or wrong, and our being "good and bad" and the Free Will we posses, will be the key to warding off the apocalypse.
I hope it’s enough, but unfortunately, all the books I like doesn’t have a happy ending or are sad or dark. But I find them fantastically written anyway. Have a nice day and stay safe <3 
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go-events · 5 years
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GO Rom Com Spotlight: @epi-vet​
The most excellent @epi-vet​ (also Epivet on AO3 and epivet on Spotify) has claimed Persuasion to adapt for Good Omens in the Good Omens Rom Com Event.
For reference, here’s a little background about the source material!
About Persuasion: Eight years ago, Anne Elliot rejected Frederick Wentworth, the man she loved, out of a sense of duty and obedience. Now an ignored and faded spinster, she follows her financially stricken family from their home, only to be reintroduced to the now successful and wealthy Captain Frederick Wentworth. With their roles reversed and Captain Wentworth the eligible and wealthy bachelor, Anne navigates the scheming society that still tries to keep them apart.
We spent some time chatting about how the adaptation is coming so far, as well as future plans for it! Now, get to know @epi-vet​ a little better!
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goromcom: You know how if you open a Tumblr chat with someone you haven't chatted to before, Tumblr tells you two things they post about? I wanted to tell you that yours reports that you post "about #geeky data and #good omens". I can appreciate someone with an affinity for geeky data. Can you share any sort of interesting geeky data with us?
epi-vet: #Geeky data is fun, but my favorite homegrown tag is #QuantifiedFandom. In the real world, I work with a lot of data for modeling and prediction. I liked the idea of using those skills to understand the fandom better by looking at the data crumbs around it. Right after I saw the show, I was intrigued by how quickly Good Omens playlists multiplied on Spotify. Then I did what any totally health sane person would do. I downloaded 300 Good Omens themed playlists and started crunching numbers. Throughout the summer and fall, more and more playlists were popping up. I did a second pretty exhaustive pull of 1400 playlists in December. I analyzed the most common songs, length of playlists, artists, differences between playlist themes (Ineffable Husbands versus Demon Crowley), and more. Two of the top four songs weren’t even in the show (#1 Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy and #4 From Eden). Bob Dylan’s You Angel You is the most underappreciated Ineffable Husbands song. “You angel, you; You got me under your wing...” Really. Google the lyrics, we’ll wait.
I’m epivet on Spotify where you can find the top 100 songs from Good Omens-themed playlists, the top 50 Ineffable Husbands songs, and my own scene by scene playlist with links to a Google doc explaining each selection and identifying key lyrics because, again, totally healthy sane person here. I’m also running the GORomCom discord-created playlists as well.
goromcom: And I listen to those playlists a lot! Thank you! But on to your rom com! You chose to adapt Persuasion. Has this story been a favorite of yours, or is there some other reason you chose it?
epi-vet: I’m a longtime Jane Austen fan. I love how she pokes at the constraints and absurdities of her time. Persuasion is my favorite because the characters are more mature, more human. Anne breaks off her engagement with Wentworth, and while she regrets how things have turned out 7 years later, she also can still see the reasonableness of her choice. The story has one villain and some unsavory characters, but many of the characters are complicated people who make the best decisions they can (except for Anne’s father who is ridiculous).
The 1995 movie is infinitely better than the 2007 one; I will brook no argument.
goromcom: I wouldn’t dare! :) What's your favorite moment of the story, and are you looking forward to presenting it in your adaptation? Any loose plans for that scene that you can share?
epi-vet: Wentworth’s letter to Anne in the dramatic climax:  You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago. *swoon*
I’m still working that scene out, so I’ll instead share some fun I’m having making poor Gabriel my comic relief. The book opens with the Anne’s father reading his own entry in the Baronetage. His rank defines him, so reading a Who’s Who provides him the reassurance he needs. Gabriel begins my RomCom loudly reading his visitation of Mary, especially loving the “Fear not, Mary” line. He soon after complains to Michael “[the humans] don’t even cower before us. Really, when was the last time we had to say, ‘Be not afraid?’” He also serves as my Lady Dalrymple in the Italian concert scene from the 1995 movie. Aziraphale is trying to keep Crowley from leaving (due to genre typical misunderstandings), and Sandalphon is pulling him back saying Gabriel needs him to explain the buffet – he’s worried he’ll Fall if he eats shellfish.
goromcom: Oh goodness, so many angel/demon shenanigans. I can’t wait. Other than those details, do you plan to stick very closely to the beats of the original story, or make bigger changes?
epi-vet: I think one of the best Jane Austen adaptations ever is Clueless. When we watch a period drama, we view everything through a buffer of temporal distance. Everything is slightly foreign, and it can soften the impact that a contemporary reader would have felt. I suspect viewers of Clueless, in some ways, have an experience much closer to Jane Austen’s readers’ experience of Emma.
I’m taking the plot of Persuasion and applying it as closely as I can to our characters from the moment the tv show ends. I did lots of character mapping and tried to stay true to the heart of the work, like Amy Heckerling did to Emma in Clueless. I did end up with one original character because I just couldn’t figure out how to work the plot with only Good Omen canon characters.
goromcom: I’m actually a big fan of Clueless as an Austen adaptation too, so I like where you’re going with this. 
Let me see if I can get one more tidbit out of you before I stop! What's an interesting decision you've made in your planning so far--a notable casting decision, a changing of venue, or some other plan you have to paint Good Omens all over your rom com?
epi-vet: Since I’m writing it as post canon in the Good Omens universe rather than putting Aziraphale and Crowley into Regency Britain, I get off easy there. I am trying to take a lot of the dialog between Aziraphale and Crowley from the show and flip it. So Aziraphale is the one who needs to do something or Crowley will never speak to him again. Aziraphale is unforgiveable. Also, I’m including some nods to the Good Omens book. Crowley takes the properly demonic activity of gluing coins to the sidewalk into the tech age with an app. It, of course, backfires spectacularly. I also have a hopefully charming and funny Golden Girls reference.
goromcom: Always down for a Golden Girls reference. Rose is my homegirl. But let’s leave some things undiscovered until your story debuts, and move on to the final question. I am blatantly stealing this last question from The Good Place: The Podcast, but here goes: Tell me something "good". It can be something big or small. It can be a charity you think is doing good work, or you can talk about how great your pet is.
epi-vet: RIPMedicalDebt. For pennies on the dollar, you can wipe out someone’s medical debt. For everyone outside the US, this is a completely bizarre concept, but it’s a big deal in the US. Medical debt happens when you lack health insurance or have limited health insurance. You didn’t charge too much on your credit card. You didn’t buy a house you can’t afford. Something happened to your health, you sought the care you needed, and you are now destitute. These debts don’t get paid back often so they get bundled and sold to various institutions. RIPMedicalDebt buys those debts cheaply and then forgives the balances owed. Individuals, community organizations, churches, and other groups have used them to do immense good.
goromcom: So important, and I had no idea this existed. Thank you for sharing it with us. 
And also, thank you for sharing details of your upcoming GO adaptation of Persuasion, coming very soon now!
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ourownsideimagines · 5 years
Stressed, Depressed, but Well Dressed (Crowley x Gothic Lolita!Fiancée!Reader)
Characters: Crowley, Gothic Lolita!Fiancée!Reader, Aziraphale
Requested: Yes
Requested by: @mhghoul7
Point of View: Second Person Reader
Summary: You go to see your therapist and tell her about 
Warnings: Me knowing absolutely nothing about therapy even though I go to it, cursing, depression, therapy, controlling mother
Words: 1405
A/N: I’ve been going to therapy for months and yet I can’t write therapy scenes to save my life but HEY that’s what this is/
You had been seeing Doctor Sydney Croft for a number of months now. She had been the first therapist you’d found yourself comfortable with. She was kind, funny, and easy to talk to. If you felt uncomfortable with any topics she never forced you to talk about them, she would give you your space and time to get comfortable, and you appreciated that. Your previous therapist had pushed you far too often, and you’d began finding there were things you couldn’t, or wouldn’t, talk to her about. And you knew that wasn’t how you should feel with a therapist. If you couldn’t talk to them, what was the point?
You’d gone from one appointment every Thursday to one appointment a month - you were feeling good about your progress, and both your fiancé Crowley, your best friend Aziraphale, and Dr. Croft were proud of you.
Today was that day, and Crowley had dropped you off ten minutes ago before going to work on some wedding stuff. It got you excited, the idea of planning a wedding. You’d dreamed of the day for so long - even designed your own outfit. You didn’t want the typical wedding dress. You would wear a dark grey blouse with long sleeves, paired with a knee length, layered black skirt and matching petticoat. You’d accessorize with black sheer tights, lace gloves, and a set of sapphire earrings your mother had convinced you to wear.
You’d settled into Dr. Croft’s plush couch, letting out a content sigh as she settled in across from you in her armchair.
“So, (name), how have you been?” She asked, leaning back, her clipboard on er lap and her pen in hand.
“Wonderful, actually.” You smiled. “I haven’t felt this happy in… years.” You admitted. “Crowley and I are still planning our wedding.”
“Oh, yes, you mentioned last session.” She nodded. “And those drawings you showed me for your dress? Gorgeous.” She told you, leaning forward. “Gone cake tasting yet?”
“No, but we agreed to do a cupcake tower rather than the traditional layered cake - it upset my mother,” Dr. Croft nodded along, scribbling a few things down. “And at first I was going to give into her,” Croft lifted her head from the papers, eyebrow raised. “But then I talked about it with Crowley and Aziraphale, and they reminded me that this wasn’t her decision. Mum’s always been a bit controlling of what I do.“
“You said before that your mum and Crowley don’t get along,” Croft said. “And you’re getting married to him now - it’s possible she believes this is her last opportunity to control something in your life before Crowley ‘takes you away from her’.”
“I wouldn’t put it past her.” You sighed. Your mum had ruined many past relationships with the belief that your partner would ‘take you away from her’. It was one of the many reasons you had hidden your relationship with Crowley for so long, and also why as soon as you got the opportunity you moved to live with him in his flat, away from her. It had upset her greatly, as did finding out you were in another intimate relationship. 
She disliked Crowley before she even met him. And when she did meet him, it was absolute hell. Your mother hadn’t even tried to be kind to him, and questioned him and everything he did while he was there. 
“What did he do for a living? How much was he making? Is that his car in the driveway? Why is it so old? Why are you wearing those sunglasses inside? Did you just hiss?”
You could have killed her.
“You also said she tried to talk you into wearing a more traditional wedding dress?”
“Yeah, but she’s been doing that since the first time I told her about the design I had made.”
“Not a fan of your fashion choices?” 
“No. I’ve always liked the Lolita style, but didn’t exactly get a chance to start wearing it til I got my own job and could afford the clothes.” You admitted, playing with the frill of your skirt. You’d worn your favorite black skirt, which Crowley had gotten for you, and a white blouse with puffy shoulders. “She didn’t like the goth style either. She wanted me in pinks and purples and blues, but it just… it wasn’t me. I didn’t feel happy in so much bright color.”
“How do you feel?” Croft looked up from her clipboard.
“I’m not sure how to explain it, exactly… just uncomfortable.” You shrugged. Croft nodded. There was a long moment of silence before you remembered one of the main things you’d wanted to talk about. You didn’t exactly want to ruin your good mood, but it was something you knew you needed to get off your chest. “I’m…” You struggled to find the words, not wanting to sound over dramatic. “I don’t, uh. I’m, honestly, kind of scared. About the wedding.” You told her.
“How so?”
“I’m just so nervous about something going wrong. The cake, or the flowers, my dress… I’m so excited for everything and I’m just worried about it all falling apart.” You told her. “And I think a part of me is worried that Crowley doesn’t actually want to get married, even though I know for a fact he wouldn’t have asked me to marry him if he didn’t want to. My brain is just… fucking with me.”
“It’s all understandable, (name). I think, and please stop me if something I say makes you uncomfortable, but I think that there’s a part of you that might be so used to your mother controlling everything, planning everything, and making everything so perfect that now that you’ve finally gotten the chance to make your own plans and choices, you’re afraid it’s going to work out as well as things your mother planned.” You were silent for a moment, letting this sink in. “As for your Crowley situation, remember what you and I talked about - when that little voice in the back of your head tells you things that are irrational-” You cut her off, smiling faintly.
“Pretend it’s coming from an eight year old who doesn’t know any better.”
“And if that doesn’t work?”
“I should try to talk to someone about it.” After another bout of silence, Dr. Croft took this as a sign to change the subject, which you were more than glad to do. She changed to some much lighter topics, like your job, other aspects of your wedding, or if you’d finished the book you spoke about last time. As the end of your session, you found yourself feeling a bit better, after having the opportunity to mull over Dr. Croft’s words.
Crowley was waiting outside when you were finished, leaning against the Bentley with a grin stretched across his face.
“Hello there, love.” He said, pulling you to him gently so he could press a kiss to your lips. “How did it go?” He held you around the waist, and you were close enough to see his eyes through the dark lenses of his sunglasses.
“Very well,” You said. “How’s the guest list looking?”
“Short on my end.” He murmured. “So far I’ve only got the best man and some house plants.”
“Any succulents?” You joked, and Crowley sneered playfully.
“Absolutely not, they’ll cause too much of a ruckus.” He said, squeezing you. 
“Mum’s gonna be suspicious at your lack of guests.” You reminded him, and he rolled his eyes.
“Let her be.”
“You could invite-” Crowley was already shaking his head.
“I am not inviting book girl.” He told you.
“Crowley-” You insisted.
“Sweetheart,” He said, voice calm. “If you’re so worried about all of this why don’t we just elope and get it over with?”
“Because, Crowley, this has been my dream. A nice wedding, to a nice person, surrounded by people I care about almost as much as I care about them.”
“I’m not nice,” He hissed gently. “C’mon, get in the car. Aziraphale has something he wants to show us.” He said, letting go of you. You continued to talk as you circled the car.
“Is it more napkin origami? I swear, Crowley, ever since you showed him that YouTube video he’s been obsessed.” You said.
“You’re the one who suggested it.” He reminded you.
“Jokingly, Crowley.” You sighed.
“Just get in the car.” He chuckled. “Don’t want to keep him waiting.”
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profoundlyxbonded · 4 years
12 signs a storyteller is building romantic and sexual chemistry
Dean/Cas FOR SURE hits 9/12 of these and arguably 11. DESTIEL IS REAL.
When it comes to possible romances in popular work, fans and storytellers do a lot of finger-pointing. People have varied tastes and can view the same interaction differently, causing fights over whether the romantic or sexual chemistry in a story was intentional. These feuds are particularly likely in cases where storytellers may be taunting queer audiences.
However, the question of whether chemistry was inserted by the storyteller isn’t as subjective as you might think. Storytellers use the same tactics over and over again when developing a romance. Let’s go over twelve of the most common. You can use them to analyze your favorite stories or to build chemistry yourself. To make things simpler, I use the term “peer” to indicate people who are similar in age and aren’t closely related. In other words, they qualify for a non-platonic relationship.
Let’s start with signals that could be platonic if used in isolation and count down to ones that are almost never platonic.
12. Banter & Teasing
Multiple episodes during seasons 4 and 5. Bickering and acting as if married after that.
When the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy came out, fans felt the chemistry between a pair of people that Peter Jackson probably didn’t expect: Legolas and Gimli. However, Jackson should have seen it coming. These contrasting characters start as natural adversaries, and once they’re on the same team, that transforms into competitive banter. This makes for fun and endearing scenes between them.
Even though banter can be platonic, there’s a very blurry line between banter and flirtation. That means interactions between peers that are familiar and yet have that teasing edge are particularly effective at building sexual and romantic chemistry.
If banter is all there is between the characters, the storyteller may not be creating that chemistry on purpose. However, in popular stories where everyone knows that fans want those characters to hook up, storytellers who include teasing are at least willing to encourage it. For instance, Merlin and Arthur on BBC’s Merlin are also known for their banter, and since it’s obvious that the show’s writers were cultivating chemistry, it’s very likely that banter was part of their strategy.
11. Staring & Close Eye Contact
Multiple episodes ARE YOU F- ING KIDDING ME??
In the Star Trek: Next Generation episode The Big Goodbye, Dr. Crusher dresses up in a 1940s outfit to join Picard’s Dixon Hill game on the holodeck. When Picard sees her there, he first stops, stares, and then has a close face-to-face conversation. The scene even has cheesy romantic music.
While that example is over the top, storytellers can do this with a lot more subtlety if they want to. Visual storytellers typically have a character conversation in almost every scene, and it’s easy to nudge characters closer together or have them stare a little longer. However, some shows like Star Trek are also in the habit of making their actors talk really close together all the time. That makes the line between what is romantic and what is platonic really blurry.
Building chemistry via staring isn’t limited to visual works. In narrated works, description is used to focus the camera and show what the viewpoint character is paying attention to. The choice to describe the eyes of a peer, assuming they aren’t supernatural looking, creates romantic chemistry. Using a disproportionate amount of description on a peer, especially if that description makes them sound attractive, will also be interpreted as non-platonic. While narration can also describe how close characters are together, it won’t have the same subtlety as it would in a visual story.
10. Domestic Activities
(”Co-parenting”Jack/ being two of his three four dads.)
In season seven of The 100, viewers discover that Octavia spent ten years stranded with her former enemy, Diyoza. They took shelter in an abandoned home, and since Diyoza was already pregnant, they ended up raising her child together. For many years, Octavia tries to leave and go back to her brother, but Diyoza tells her that she shouldn’t abandon her family. Diyoza finally sabotages Octavia’s efforts to leave, but Octavia quickly forgives her. That sure sounds like a love story.
While characters don’t have to be romantic to be roommates, making peers into roommates is likely to get fans invested in a hookup. This is partly because living together is associated with romantic partnerships, but it also means that the characters are around each other a lot. The more they are together, the more opportunities they have to build chemistry.
Aside from that, simply seeing characters handle (or refuse to handle) domestic tasks like cooking, doing dishes, or house cleaning builds romantic chemistry between them. This goes double if the characters raise a kid together.
9. Bonds of Magic or Destiny
Multiple episodes ARE YOU F- ING KIDDING ME??
In BBC’s Merlin, a wise dragon tells the titular Merlin that it’s his destiny to protect Arthur so that Arthur can bring about a new golden age. The dragon refers to them as two sides of a coin, and it emphasizes more than once that their fates are intertwined. Because he wants to stay close to Arthur, Merlin spends the entire show hiding his magic and working as a lowly manservant.
Our culture has countless stories about characters thrust into roles that make them essential to both the world and each other. These characters might be magically linked together, perhaps even hearing each other’s thoughts. The bond might be one of prophecy, with the characters needing each other to save the world. Or their society might make a big deal out of the two interdependent roles the characters play. For instance, in Gideon the Ninth, lots of time is spent describing how important a necromancer and their cavalier are to each other. Often, characters with these special bonds will gain abilities that can only be used when they’re together.
Storytellers have used this trope so many times in their romances that it carries a strong romantic connotation. While the trope can also be used for platonic relationships, a storyteller doing that may need to explicitly state that the relationship is platonic.
8. Voicing How Much They Care
Multiple episodes ARE YOU F- ING KIDDING ME??
In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the students Albus and Scorpius form a close relationship that is forbidden by Harry himself. This relationship is of central importance to the play, and it includes a conversation where Albus tells Scorpius “you make me stronger” and Scorpius responds “I didn’t much like my life without you in it either.” This sounds like a conversation from a romance novel with the direct “I love you” lines conveniently clipped out.
Friends and siblings in popular stories don’t spend much time talking about how they are friends and siblings. Most platonic relationships in stories are also not as emotionally intense, and they come across as less needy and codependent than romantic ones.
As we get more deep and meaningful platonic relationships in popular stories, these conversations may be less associated with romance in the future. Even so, having peers spend time discussing their relationship or what they mean to each other definitely builds romantic chemistry. And since we can’t credit most popular storytellers with caring about meaningful platonic relationships, conversations like this one between Albus and Scorpius are a strong sign that the storyteller is creating romantic chemistry on purpose.
Storytellers who are covertly building romantic chemistry are particularly fond of using the word “love” in ambiguous ways. They know interested audiences will interpret this as “in love,” while others will interpret it as platonic love.
7. Activities Associated With Dating
Multiple episodes - meals together
The Good Omens miniseries added original scenes for the fan-favorite demon and angel pair, Crowley and Aziraphale. The series shows them meet for the first time, go through ups and downs together, and as a secondary concern, deal with the events of the actual plot. They’re shown drinking wine at a fancy restaurant together more than once. When things look bad, Crowley practically begs Aziraphale to run away with him. After Aziraphale’s shop burns down, Crowley invites Aziraphale to come home with him. Aziraphale often appears scandalized by Crowley’s advances, which only makes those scenes more suggestive.
While two friends could have a candlelit dinner together, storytellers don’t depict characters having candlelit dinners for the purpose of developing a platonic relationship. That’s why in a story, just having two peers eat at a restaurant by themselves implies a romance in progress. Other dating-associated activities might include watching the sunset together or dressing up to attend a fancy event together.
This category also includes any outing referred to with the word “date” – even if it is a “friend date.” Your friend date in real life might not be romantic, but storytellers choose that word for a reason.
6. Absent Clothing ?
(09x06)  There’s Cas’ discarded vest and unbuttoned shirt during the scene in the car outside Nora’s.
In The Last Jedi, director Rian Johnson decided to develop a romance between Rey and Kylo by giving them a magical bond in the form of long-distance telepathy. But Johnson must have decided the obviously romantic implication of this connection was too subtle, so Kylo also happens to be shirtless in one of these scenes.
Fictional clothing doesn’t just evaporate in storyland. If a character is bathing, is in their underwear, is missing their shirt, or even just has buttons undone, the storyteller has chosen to create sexual tension. This isn’t always to develop sexual chemistry specifically between two characters. In visual media, it might be to give the audience some eye candy. But if one peer’s shirt goes missing when the other appears, that’s a big sign.
Perhaps the most common method of doing this is putting characters in the same room when one of them is changing. Injuries are another common excuse for clothing removal and close contact. A remarkable number of characters have trouble applying their own bandages; somehow, they always need first aid from an attractive peer.
5. Flirtation & Flattery
Multiple episodes - (5x22) Dean outright flirting with Cas before saying yes to Archangelic possession and just Dean’s body language in other episodes.
X-Files was notorious for taunting viewers with a possible romance between its two leads, something that started right with the pilot. One of the many tactics used to build up a possible romance was for Mulder to inappropriately hit on Scully while they were working. In one scene where they are undercover as a married couple who just moved into the neighborhood, he tells a neighbor that he and Scully spooned like kittens all night. Generally, Mulder’s advances are disguised as jokes, and when he’s too serious to be joking, Scully treats his comments as if they were jokes.
It’s obvious that when one character hits on another, they have sexual or romantic interest. The only question is whether that interest is being used to develop romantic or sexual chemistry. Many stories have a scene where a minor male character hits on a female protagonist only for her to turn him down, and it’s supposed to be funny. Since most women do not find this funny, these scenes aren’t as common as they once were. Occasionally, a male antagonist will make threatening advances. That’s even worse.
However, it’s different when a relatable protagonist is initiating the flirtation. Even if the subject of their affections isn’t interested, being turned down will create sympathy. The scene may still be written as though it’s funny, but then it’s humble or self-deprecating humor. Failed flirtation establishes that the protagonist is looking for romance, creating the expectation that they will hook up with someone. If they’ve tried to flirt with a recurring character, it’s almost certainly a romantic setup.
4. Emphasis on Hugs and Physical Contact
Multiple episodes  ARE YOU F- ING KIDDING ME??
Many fans of the show Teen Wolf wanted Stiles and Derek to hook up. Stiles is the fan-favorite character, Derek is really hot, and the two have some great banter scenes. Unfortunately, the writers of the show wouldn’t create a romance between them, but at the end of the show’s long run, they decided to give these fans something to remember. How did they do that? With the bridal carry. Even though the scene was written to be humorous, this specific hold has incredibly romantic connotations.
While the bridal carry is pretty blatant, storytellers will use all kinds of physical contact between peers to create romantic and sexual chemistry. One of the most common is hugging. Yes, friends hug, but visual stories don’t include extended shots of friends hugging. Narrated works don’t spend a whole paragraph describing the way friends hug. If a hug between peers is rendered in artistic loving detail instead of as a casual and brief aside, that was intentional chemistry-building.
Other blatant signs of non-platonic physical contact include showing whether their hands are close enough to touch, making one character fall on top of another (classic), hair tucking, and, for storytellers with no shame whatsoever, mouth-to-mouth such as CPR or “water transfer.”
3. Blushing
In Netflix’s She-Ra, the characters Bow and Glimmer start off as best friends and hook up in the final season. In depicting this transition, She-Ra gives us a beautiful reversal, in which this straight romance is much more subtle than the central queer hookup. Because they were already friends, some viewers might miss that Bow and Glimmer end the show as a couple. However, close observation of one scene in particular leaves no room for doubt. In it, Glimmer praises Bow’s music, and they both blush.
Blushing is a little odd because it doesn’t appear in live action for practical reasons. But in animated, illustrated, or narrated works, storytellers use blushing to communicate that a character is experiencing non-platonic feelings. While it occasionally indicates general embarrassment, context almost always makes it clear which is which. If the character blushes after dropping all their books in the middle of class, it’s embarrassment. If they blush after speaking to or staring at a peer, it’s romance.
Since blushing is involuntary, it’s particularly useful when characters aren’t willing to show their feelings. This means it often gets used as early buildup to a romance or to create chemistry between characters who will never admit their feelings at all.
2. Jealousy ?
OPEN TO INTERPRETATION BUT - (4X10) Cas’ reaction to Dean and Anna.
In Gideon the Ninth, Harrow is a necromancer and Gideon is her cavalier. However, at the beginning they’re almost enemies. When they’re summoned to an abandoned castle to train for a great honor, Harrow goes off on her own. This leaves Gideon to socialize with the other nobles present – in particular, the lovely and kind Dulcinea. As Gideon and Harrow begin to make up, Harrow increasingly voices her displeasure with this association, finally forbidding Gideon to see Dulcinea. While Harrow insists it’s because Dulcinea is dangerous, Gideon accuses Harrow of being jealous.
In stories, jealousy is an obvious sign of romantic feelings. That’s simply because while the vast majority of romances in popular stories are monogamous, friendships are never exclusive. Someone who wants to be a friend doesn’t have much reason to get jealous. Factor in conscious choices by storytellers, and platonic jealousy is rare indeed.
Characters rarely admit to being jealous, so storytellers who want to clarify usually have another character say it. Even if it looks like that character could be wrong, the storyteller wouldn’t have used the word “jealous” unless they wanted their audience to think about it. The romantic chemistry that comes with this is intentional.
Unlike other items on this list, I don’t recommend using this one yourself for romantic buildup. Like other negative emotions, occasional jealousy is natural. However, it’s not a sign of a healthy relationship, and it’s associated with domestic abuse. When storytellers use it in romances, they are encouraging everyone to think of jealousy as romantic. That can have deadly consequences.
1. Onlookers Assume They’re Dating
Multiple episodes - Meg, Balthazar, and others making joking (or very serious) comments about their relationship.
In the BBC Sherlock episode A Study in Pink, Watson and Sherlock have dinner together at an Italian restaurant. For those who’ve been paying attention so far, that’s a dating-associated activity. The waiter is an old associate of Sherlock, and he casually refers to Watson as Sherlock’s “date.”
I cannot count the number of times I have seen this used as early buildup in straight romances. The likely couple goes out together – often to a restaurant but not always – and some stranger assumes they’re a couple. Embarrassed, they hurriedly correct the stranger. Several episodes later, they’re admitting their feelings for one another. In BBC Sherlock, this trick from the old romantic playbook was clearly not enough for the show writers. Following this is a conversation where Sherlock concludes that Watson is interested in dating him. He says he’s flattered, but he’s “married to his work.”
The denial of the characters doesn’t cancel out the intentional romantic chemistry. If the storyteller didn’t want the audience to think about the pair hooking up, they wouldn’t do this song-and-dance in the first place. In fact, if the denial is enthusiastic, it just indicates these comments about being a couple are hitting close to home.
For all the other signs I’ve listed here, I can at least conceive of a situation in which a plot would call for something similar between people intended as platonic. These little snippets of dialogue have no such cover. They are irrelevant to the plot at hand, inserted entirely for the character moment they create. They are the furthest thing from organic, especially with a same-gender pairing. The storytellers can claim they’re jokes (homophobic ones), but they have many jokes at their disposal that do not build romantic chemistry. They chose a joke that would.
When these romantic or sexual signals are used on same-gender pairings, it may fly under the radar for audiences with a heteronormative gaze. However, these signals don’t end up in the story by accident. That goes double if this is a big-budget story in a visual medium, where the story has been written, animated, or filmed, and finally edited under supervision. Remember: it’s a storyteller’s job to shape the response that audiences have to their story. They may not be perfect, but they still know what they’re doing.
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