#we used to watch it 6 monthly or once a year
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it.
QL - Currently Watching
🇹🇭23.5 [11/12] - This show is not working for me anymore. Of course I'll finish because there's only one more episode but honestly I don't really care if any of them are together and that's a problem.
🇯🇵25 Ji, Akasaka de [5/10] - I'm so normal about this show. The way this show is using the show within the show is really smart and the editing is very good. I'm actually looking forward to see how the 'rival' will shake things up, which is odd for me.
🇰🇷Boys Be Brave [2/8] - So far so good. Gi Seop is obvisouly not the best boy but there's something about his energy on screen that is compelling to me. I really liked that Jin Woo was honest about his feelings and I like the 'I love you but I don't like you' dynamic a lot. The second couple gave me some ODS vibes so I'm bracing for some angst. [Finished will write it up at the next round up]
🇯🇵Living with him [6/8] - Filler episode with not a lot of new information, but I did enjoy the supermarket scene. I continue to delight in Kasuhito's expressions.
🇰🇷Love Is Like a Cat [2/12] - I'm waiting to binge this one. Didn't like how this started and the rhythm just isn't working for me. [Finished]
🇹🇭My Stand-In [1/12] - Pretty is pretty. But I don't trust Thailand with high concept so I have reservations. I hope I'm wrong. I liked the first episode so we'll see.
🇹🇭Only Boo! [7/12] - Well the Shone thing was what I feared and I don't think it really fit with this show at all but now it's over and I'm ready to forget it ever happened. Moo continues to be an absolute delight to watch and I'm looking forward to seeing a more relaxed Kang. The sides are pure torture. Payos sweetie, you need to confess or let it go cause I can't take it anymore.
🇹🇭We Are [8/16] - I'm enjoying the friendships in this a lot, it all feels very natural when they are together. I'm not super invested in any of the couples, although they're all doing a good job. I'm having a good time with Tan/Fang (Aou is so fun to watch) and hopefully I will have a good time whenever the show decides to give me Chain/Pun. I also think some of the actors have really improved, I was really impressed with Satang specially.
QL - Finished
🇹🇭1000 Years Old - I wrote before that this one wasn't really my thing and obviously the finale didn't really change that. The different lifetimes I think could've been explored earlier and would probably make this a bit more interesting to me. It's not like there was too much going on to use the time for that but it is what it is. Also the whole thing with the vampire girl/wife, it was so unexplored that I didn't really get why all of a sudden I should care about her at all. All in all, it started fun but halfway through it lost me a bit and now it's over. Bring on the next vamps.
🇹🇭Deep Night - This one surprised me a bit. There was a refreshing amount of good communication and they gave the people what they wanted, poly and older lesbians. I wish there were more acrobatics and the editing was weird in places but overall it's an entertaining show.
🇰🇷Gray Shelter - This is weird one. Because I feel like I have to fill in the gaps myself and that just shouldn't be the case. I enjoyed the actors a lot, and Lee Jae Bin presence on screen kept me engaged for most of it. There is definitely potential here if they had the time to explore all the different elements. But this runtime it's just not enough to fully flesh out these characters and the complex issues it wants to tackle.
🇯🇵Love is Better The Second Time Around - Started great but lost itself by the end. I don't think it needed that external conflict by the end with the brother and the mother because they weren't on firm ground to begin with. If I were to make a list like this one by @lurkingshan I don't think Myiata and Iwanaga would make it there. Iwanaga was amazing to watch though. He pretty.
🇯🇵My Strawberry Film - One pining gay boy does not a bl make. With that said, even as a drama there's nothing interesting here.
🇹🇭To Be Continued - Meh. It was fine. I wish I had more of the side couple because Gumbie is adorable. Midway this was getting into The Promise territory, and while it's not that bad, and I guess the reason for the separation is a valid one, I don't think Achi being the 'bad guy' for most of the show actually makes sense.
🇹🇼Unknown - The last two episodes were a bit of a letdown if I'm honest. I have nothing to say about the first 10 episodes. Incredible. The character growth is so well done, and the family scenes feel very grounded. Just all around outstanding work from the whole cast, but specially Kurt and Chris. I think Kurt showed Yuan growth so well and I'm in awe of Chris' acting all the way through. Even with the little stumble at the end this show and these characters will stay with me for a while.
Rose Watches OJBL
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Junjou (2010) - Second chance romance. I liked it. It's a nice watch, nothing particularly outstanding or new about this one, although that's not really fair considering it's more than a decade old, but alas I've seen other versions of this particular type of bl. Nevertheless I liked the characters, specially Tozaki,
Athlete (2019) - The visuals were the best part for me. There are several things I like in this, the main actor does a really good job imo and I truly enjoyed the bar scenes. But it doesn't all come together for me. I don't have a problem with the ending as much as how we got there.
Other - Watched
This was a slow month for me. I started a new job and some other stuff happened so I haven't really been in the mood to watch new stuff. Mostly comfort watches and rewatches. Oh I did watch Heartbreak High S2. It was good.
That's it for right now. My ask box is always open. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday tomorrow💜
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Life update, and unlike some of them, this one is positive, so does feel like horrible oversharing that I feel bad for posting and will delete within a day (I mean, it's still technically oversharing, but it's not complaining about my life this time, just describing it). I performed comedy last night, I had a good time, here's the story of that if anyone wants to know about it.
I performed stand-up last night for the first time in months. I know exactly how long it's been, because the last time I performed was on Valentine's Day. A show that I didn't realize until I got there would be Valentine's Day themed until I got there, and everyone before me did romance-based jokes, and I didn't have any of those, so I did an awkward little speech about how I won't be doing any jokes about my love life because I've not been performing for long so I don't have a big enough joke repertoire to be able to pick some out based on a theme and also because I don't have a love life, which got too big a laugh, to be honest, for such a cheap joke. I was slightly annoyed with myself for getting a laugh at that; jokes based on "Being single is terrible, let me be self-deprecating about how little sex I have" annoy me because I think not having sex is fine, so I didn't love that I accidentally made one of those while simply reporting an accurate fact about my life. But I did know when I said it that it would get a laugh because those "Isn't it terrible being single?" jokes always get a laugh, and it always annoys me.
Anyway. What was I talking about again? Not that weird set I did on Valentine's Day, this post wasn't meant to be about that. The guy who runs a different night saw me on that show and told me I was good and gave me a spot on his night a few weeks later, but I had to pull out because I got severe stomach flu, and then I just didn't sign up for any more. I got stressed at work, I got busy. I had to listen to a lot of white men talk to each other in British radio studios in 2014, okay? There was a lot going on.
Around July I started going out to watch local comedy a bunch of times again, didn't put my name in to perform, just wanted to get re-used to it. I went to the UK for a couple of weeks, and last week, when I was back, I went to watch this local night again. Got asked every time if I want to put my name in - they have this system where 6 or 7 comics will be booked beforehand to perform in a certain order, but there will be 1 or 2 spots left blank for anyone who wants to turn up and put their name in a draw for a chance to perform. Last year I performed a few times on those blank spots (I have a remarkably good track record with getting my name picked nearly every time I put it in the draw, even when there are a bunch of names in there), and a few times when I was actually booked, based on requesting spots and having those spots granted by producers who saw and liked me on those other performances. "Producers" is definitely too strong a word, they're just people who weekly or monthly run open mic nights at local pubs where 8 or 9 comedians do 6-minute spots and no one pays to see it and no one gets paid to do it and they run it all from a Facebook group.
We do have a few actual comedy clubs in the city too, I performed at the amateur night of one of them exactly once, it went very well but was also terrifying and I've not tried again. I've been to them as an audience member lots during the past 15 years or so (my brother's been performing stand-up since we were teenagers and I used to go watch him a lot), but not much in recent years, because why would I pay to see comics do the same material that they work out at open mic nights for free? Except when John Hastings was in town earlier this summer and I went to see him headline a club two weekends in a row, and he was great. The local club that he headlined is one that he called, on the ComCom podcast, "The Jongleurs of Canada" - he didn't mean it as a compliment. Hearing John Hastings call it that immediately made me understand 1) exactly what comedians mean when they refer to "Jongleurs" as a shorthand for a certain type of comedy, and 2) how comedians from outside our local scene would see that particular club, which isn't particularly different from the other two clubs in our city, which tells you something about our local comedy in general.
Anyway. I also did not mean for this post to be about John Hastings' ComCom interviews, even though there are two of those and they're both interesting. I think I went so long without trying to perform again because I got nervous about the fact that I'm supposed to be developing my set. The first time I ever performed, about 13 months ago now, I was absolutely terrified and expected zero laughs, so when I got some laughs, I was delighted. Then I refined a few things, and performed the same material but put together better, and it worked again. I did that a couple more times, and one time it didn't really work, and I figured I'm supposed to be adding stuff. That initial set was basically one story that I told across six minutes, and there was a bunch of padding to get to the six minutes - I didn't add much filler on purpose, but there were definitely lines that didn't need to be there. I know it would be shocking to anyone who reads my blog that sometimes I'm not all that concise.
So I edited it down, pulled the punchlines closer together, took out the bits that didn't get laughs, and got my 6-minute story down to about 3.5. And then I decided to take the massive step of adding: a second bit. And I'm joking when I call that a massive step, but it actually scared the hell out of me at the time, because I knew my one story was funny, but maybe I just happen to only know one funny story, and if I try anything else it'll be terrible. But I tried it, doing a 2.5-minute thing before going into my now-3.5-minute original story, and they both worked! In fact, my 2.5-minute new routine got an even better reaction than the original story. Success! This was all last fall across a few open mic pub nights, I then signed up for the comedy club amateur night in November, performed my two-routine set there, and actually got the best reaction yet. I had a great time.
Then I didn't perform for about 4 months, because I got anxious about where to go with it from there. I went out to watch a few nights, including that weird Valentine's Day where I put my name in for a blank spot, got picked from the draw and called up, did the awkward love life joke before stumbling through my regular set and messing it up a bit as I'd not really prepared, but still apparently did well enough for the producer to book me on another night. Which I was excited about, getting back into it, but then I threw up for about 36 hours straight and cancelled and didn't go back for months.
Again, I knew I should try something at least slightly different when I go back, but was scared of adding something completely new. So what I was suddenly inspired to do this week was re-write my original story in a way that it could be a, as I think they might say in showbusiness, "tight six". I added several new bits to that same story, ones that added some new jokes while also, I hoped, clarifying some parts of the story that I thought didn't fully make sense. That story that was originally 6 minutes with filler, then I cut the filler to make it 3.5, I had it back up to 6 with, I hoped, better stuff and not filler. I left out my second bit entirely.
But that new version of the story does sort of open it up a bit, so if I had more time, I could probably fit my "second bit" into the middle of it, rather than awkwardly doing one routine and then transitioning to a completely separate one. I can see a way I could do that, make everything I've said before all part of one cohesive thing. So I think, at this point, I probably have ten minutes of material that are sort of tested and sort of all right. I might be able to fill a ten-minute spot, if I tried for one of those sometime, after getting more experience at the much more common and easier to get 6-minute ones.
Last night I turned up at my favourite of the local open mic pub nights. It's the first one I went to, last spring, when I decided it's silly that I'm such a huge comedy fan and there is comedy in my own city (which I know full well, as my brother performs professionally) and I never go see it. It's conveniently about a 20-minute walk from my house, it's run by two guys whom I like and who seem to like me, and it regularly gets a small crowd, but a crowd of people who aren't just other comedians, so that's nice.
I got there last night, half an hour before start time as usual, and was surprised to see the whole room full of audience members, aside from a few tables that were reserved. Normally the place is nearly empty at that time. I awkwardly looked around and nearly left, but one of the guys who runs it told me to just hang out in the "comedian holding pen" at the back, so I did that, and felt fairly cool. I normally sit in the audience for any show where I'm not booked, even if I've put my name in the draw, and hang out in the holding pen only if my name is actually on the bill. Lots of comedians hang out in the holding pen even when they're not performing that night, but I'm not really a comedian, just someone who's done a few open spots, and I'm not actually friends with the comedians, so I feel weird about doing that. However, I did feel fairly cool and like an actual comic when the guy told me to just hang out with the comedians since the audience area was full.
I put my name in for the blank spot, because I had finally done all this re-writing to add some stuff to my story, and I'd spent time rehearsing it to make sure I could remember the thing I hadn't performed in months, and I felt fairly prepared. There were about eight names in the draw for two spots, but I still spent the whole evening reading my notes and rehearsing in my head and getting anxious as though I would definitely be performing, because, like I said, I have a weirdly good track record of getting in nearly every time I try for that. And, unsurprisingly, my name got drawn for the second blank spot.
And oh my God, guys, it went so well! I mean, I'm not saying, like, "I completely killed it". But it was quite good. The things that got laughs last year, got laughs again. And the new things also got laughs. There wasn't a single point when I said something that I'd thought of as a punchline, or a point that might be funny, and it didn't get at least a little chuckle. A few points got a smaller laugh than I'd thought they might, but those were outnumbered by the parts that got a notably bigger laugh than I was expecting. I did overrun slightly, came in at 6 minutes and 22 seconds, largely because when I timed it to 6 minutes at home, I factored in shorter pauses for laughter than what I ended up getting. But I think it's all right, I'm pretty sure an overrun by under 30 seconds isn't a huge deal. I'd still love to try ten minutes someday, add my "second bit" into that and be able to take my time more. There were a few points where I think I could have made it funnier by pausing a bit, but I didn't because I was worried about overrunning. But there were also some bits where I stumbled or repeated myself necessarily because I hadn't performed in a while, and being better rehearsed could clean that up and cut the time down a little bit.
It was just such a relief to do it again, be reminded that it does work, and try some stuff I'd not said before and have that work too, as further proof that I can keep coming up with new ideas and sometimes they'll be funny. I mean, it was still all part of the same story. I can't help but want to format things that way. The comedians here don't usually do that, stay on one topic for more than a couple of minutes. But I like to. I've been brought to comedy via too many Edinburgh hours, I can't help but envision my set, in my mind, as a mini one of those. I haven't got a themed, structured hour, but I can do a themed, structured six minutes. I think I could do a fairly well-structured ten, if I got the opportunity. My new lines even added what I think is a pretty decent callback, for a six-minute set. Not sure you can call it much of a callback when the whole thing is only six minutes, but I liked it.
After the show, a woman in the comedian's holding pen told me she'd liked my set a lot. She's performed earlier on the bill, and I told her I liked her a lot too, which was mostly true. In that I'd quite liked what I'd heard of her set, which wasn't all that much, because I was busy reading my own notes and rehearsing my own set in my head. But I liked her jokes. I'd never seen her before, and I do remember at some point being surprised at how good her material was, for some I didn't recognize, so she was presumably new.
We got talking, and she told me she was new to comedy but had been doing theatre professionally for years, and recently got into comedy because she was at the Edinburgh Festival last year and saw how comedy there can be a vehicle for cool theatre-like performances, so she wanted to try that out too. Which immediately explained why I'd never seen her before, and yet she seemed quite good at it. Like when someone you've never heard of shows up to a wrestling tournament and is very good, and you don't know why until you find out they were a champion in judo or some other martial art, and they're new to wrestling but all the skills transfer. I realize I used the proverbial "you" a lot in that sentence, for something so entirely unrelatable to almost the entire population. But it's like that.
Anyway, she was so cool and I kind of want to be her new friend. I told her I just go back from the Edinburgh Festival, she said she couldn't go this year but loved that I went, we talked for a bit about how fucking cool it is to just walk around Edinburgh and see all the posters and all the different stuff going on. We talked about the way they do comedy at the Edinburgh Festival, the way comedy there gets reviewed not just on jokes but on structure and coherence and message, and you don't see any of that here, and she told me that stuff is why she liked my set so much, that it reminded her of that other model, which is pretty much the highest compliment I could possibly get.
She also told me that she's close friends with, and used to live with in Edinburgh, a UK-based comedian whose Edinburgh hour I watched just a few days ago, as it streamed on NextUp. I also described that comedy hour in a Tumblr post, in which I opened the description with "I hated this" and then went on for a few sentences elaborating on why I hated it so much, which I now feel slightly guitly about. I mean, it was genuinely one of the very worst stand-up comedy hours I've ever seen, but I was pretty careful not to mention that when talking to her good friend, and that was a reminder that these are real people. I usually don't even do that - normally, if I hear a stand-up hour I don't like, I just don't mention it on Tumblr. I made an exception for that one, and now I feel bad, because her friend was so nice. Also, that's still pretty cool. It doesn't matter how much I disliked the comedy, I was still pretty impressed to realize I was chatting with someone who used to live with a comedian I just watched stream her Edinburgh hour on NextUp.
So that was great, we had a good time and then added each other on Facebook. While we were chatting, a few audience members stopped on their way out to tell me I was funny, and one even asked if she can add me on Instagram to follow more of my comedy. I said I don't have Instagram, and that was the first time in my life that I've ever had the thought, however brief - "Should I get Instagram?" No, obviously I should not get Instagram. Aside from anything else, I do not perform comedy nearly enough to have things to put on Instagram. But I have to admit I quite liked hearing that someone thought I was enough of a comedian to do that.
On the way out, while I was waiting to pay, an older guy came in to talk to the guy who produces the show. We were both standing and awkwardly waiting together, while the last audience member left, and told me on her way by that she'd liked my set. The older guy asked me if I'm a comedian and I said "sort of", and the guy who produces the show said yes I am a comedian. I happen to like that producer guy a lot but had not really talked to him before (besides brief "hellos"), so I was very pleased about that. The producer guy then told me that my set was great tonight and I really have potential, and that was so cool. And then, high on the adrenaline of all that, I stopped before leaving to very awkwardly tell him "I have hugely enjoyed every time I've seen you perform, often more than anyone else on the bill, and thought the set you did tonight was the best I'd seen you do, you are very good at this." A thing I had been thinking for about a year, but not previously said, because I don't know him, and you know, social anxiety. But he seemed pleased, if somewhat surprised at my sudden directness, so that's nice, and I'm glad he likes me because he runs my favourite open mic night that I'm hoping will give me spots if I start requesting them again, rather than just turning up and putting my name in draws. But that's not why I said it; I genuinely think he's good at comedy, better than most people here.
So that is the story, in probably far too much detail, of what I did last night. I then went home and hung out with my roommate, and it was really good. I wrote a now-deleted fairly bleak post the other week about how that was going badly, how it was like we had nothing to say to each other now that we're not running a sports team together and he's not interested in any other stuff I do, but he and I had some talks about that this week (I did, amazingly, manage to actually communicate with the people closest to me about this problem, rather than just complain on Tumblr), and he pointed out that I usually assume he won't be interested in the stuff I do so I don't open up about it, which is fair. So last night I got home and told him all about my evening and he was happy for me, and then I told him a few things about how comedy works, and I somehow ended up showing him a Dan Rath clip on YouTube to explain the story of how I got caught up in crowd work when I saw him in Edinburgh and told that guy, truthfully, that my job is "autism therapist" (a moment that is only funny if you've seen his comedy, which is why I had to show my roommate bits of it, and I recommend that anyone reading this also go watch the clip I showed my roommate, so you too can understand how funny it is that guy asked me what I do for a living and I said "autism therapist").
Anyway, it was just nice. I wrote a post a couple of weeks ago about how everything felt horribly bleak and I didn't feel socially connected to anyone, and last night things seemed pretty good, on that metric. Also I have today off work because my client's gone out of town, and it's the Friday before a long weekend so that means I get a 4-day weekend, and August is ending and the heat is finally breaking, it's still going to be hot off and on for a bit but at least we're getting into more bearable temperatures and it'll only get better from here, and honestly, after months of inescapable summer (unless you go up to Edinburgh, that was a lovely 5-day escape from the heat), I tend to forget just how much worse I feel about everything when I'm miserable due to heat, and how much better everything gets when that stops. The trade-off is that the end of unbearable heat comes at the same time as my allergies that get really bad in late summer/early fall, but even those have been fairly manageable so far. I feel pretty good right now.
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What are your current fandoms??
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1. Black Butler<3
It would've been incredibly distasteful to not put this beauty on top of my list. I have been a fan of this one since 5th grade, the literal backbone of my insanity.
I may complain monthly over the agnoizingly short chapters, but the narrative and storytelling in this manga is one of my favorites ever.
Although you didn't ask, I have the need to mention: Ciel Phantomhive is my child!!
And yes, I am still awaiting Prince Soma's return.
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DISCLAIMER: I am not a sebaciel wierdo and my space doesn't welcome the romanticization of pedophila. "waah waah but it's fiction!" okay?? my account is dedicated on fictional stories and characters and I don't want your wacky shit here. Thank you in advance.
2. Bungou Stray Dogs!!!
What a crime it would've been if I didn't mention the reason my account grew in the first place!!
BSD has such a special place in my heart. Tbh bsd saved me during the downfall that was 2021.
I think people who aren't new to my blog know I'm a sucker for Soukoku. I've made extensive analysis on their relationships for 3 years now. When will this brainrot end!?!?
And oh, of course I am forever greatful to the lovely @ryuuaka713 for collaborating with me on various post, I couldn't have done it without her!! Hope life treats you well! You got a tumblr friend always rooting for ya<3
ALSO: If any of you ever want to ask me anything regarding bsd that isn't Soukoku, please do! I love bsd as a whole and would be happy to answer<3
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3. Berserk
Let me make one thing clear!!! I am NOT a berserk reddit fanboy who completely ignores and neglects the narrative of this story in order to fill whatever inner void that needs to be filled.
I am suuuper passionate about the Golden Age Arc and the Pre Eclipse era of Berserk, it would be impossible to shut me up about it.
I could go on billion rants about Griffith's character and his actual complexities throughout the narrative. (no, he isn't emotionless, that would destory the whole point of the story lol)
Also I want to give a not-so-subtle shoutout to @bthump for validating every single thought I had while reading Berserk and always providing textual evidence. Thank you for being the light in the darkness of this fandom!
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4. Death Note
sighs yes I am still in the fandom of an anime that has only one season and ended so poetically that it makes perfect sense that it doesn't have a continuation yet my brain screams for content when obviously it will never happen.
Before anyone asks, I am not team Light or team L, both of them are selfish people and used others lives in order to beat one another.
I am a constant defender of the fact that the Death Note consumed Light. Not only is it textually stated; but it's visually stated
(Light's eyes get wider and more innocent looking for a reason when he forgets the death note guys!!!)
Anyways, this story is absolutely awesome and I think most people can agree with that.
I don't rewatch this anime often, but when I do I get shooked by the big brain plans and big brain confrontations lmao.
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5. Moral Orel
"MORAL OREL SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN CANCELLED!! FOOLISH PEOPLE FEARED IT SPOKE TOO MUCH FACTS" I scream into a void, tears fill my eyes as losing my religion by R.E.M plays in the background.
Seriously though, I love this show; a literal masterpiece. I don't think theres any show that made me incredibly concious of how my own family's dynamic worked as this one did.
Has amazing takes of the human condition and contains life long lessons.
I once made a long post about the generational abuse of moral orel if you want to check it out!
Anyways, if you haven't had the glorious chance to watch this masterpiece. PLEASE DO!! I BEG!!! The whole series is out on youtube!
we don't talk about the first 3 episodes!!!
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6. Sonic!!!!
I never post anything sonic related on my blog, but I adore Sonic! Not only my childhood, but it continues to pump off amazing content and games.
Fun fact: I have a cute mini sonic keychain my friend gifted me, I take it with me everywhere!!
Nobody asked, but my favorie character is Knuckles and Shadow for anyone who wants to know! (No one wants to know but I HAVE THE NEED TO SAY IT.)
anyways yes, I love Sonic, I am at arms-lenght with the fandom since i'm... well... not much into the furry stuff that goes on. But theres lots of fanmade content out there that is super cool!
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I have lots and lots of other fandoms im in but i fear i will go on forever if I keep on talking.
Thank you so much for reading all the way through and please, don't ever hesitate to ask me anything related to any of these fandoms above. Hyper analizing stuff is my speciality after all:D
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dudadrawings17 · 1 month
Disney first fanfic
ok, here goes nothing
Disney Villains: Next Generation
— x — x — x — x — x —
Introducing my OCs:
Azmodeus, Hella, and Dantalion: They are the triplets of Chernabog and Maleficent. Being babies, they don't have great personalities yet.
Hilary: The oldest of the group, 14 years old. Daughter of Cruella and Clayton. Ironically, and against everything her parents stand for, she is vegan and an animal protector. She always cries when her father returns with a new dead animal.
Zac: Son of Hades and Jafar, 10 years old. He has magical powers but doesn't know how to control them well yet. A trickster and liar, but when he makes a deal, he is bound to fulfill it.
Pietra: At 6 years old, she is the adopted daughter of Captain Hook and John Silver. She has a very creative and vivid mind, and dreams of becoming a pirate as famous and feared as her parents.
— x — x — x — x — x —
Chapter 1: An Adventure to Call Our Own
On a cold and dark night, the mist spreads and covers the dark sky. In the middle of a cursed forest, a massive stone castle houses the most hateful, wicked, and ruthless villains to ever walk the Earth. While the monthly meeting has not yet begun, the villains spend their time chatting amongst themselves. At a particular large table, eight villains are drinking wine and conversing.
Maleficent: It was a great idea to leave our children together while we are here. Jafar: Of course, it was a great idea—it was mine! Hades: Here we go again… Silver: But was it really a good idea to leave them alone? Cruella: Don't worry, my pirate friend. My Hilary is old enough to take care of herself and the others. Besides, it will be a good lesson in responsibility for her. Clayton: Yes, maybe this will curb her rebellious behavior. Hook: Even so, perhaps we should have left an adult with them. Mr. Smee, maybe. Chernabog: That old fool? It’s the same as leaving them with no one! Maleficent: Shhh. Frollo is about to start the meeting.
As soon as Judge Claude Frollo begins to speak, everyone else falls silent, and the meeting officially starts. Far away, in the eerie castle of Maleficent and Chernabog, young Hilary struggles to meet the needs of the triplets Azmodeus, Hella, and Dantalion.
Hilary: Seriously, how does aunt Maleficent manage to handle three little demons at once??
While she changes Azmodeus's diaper, Zac and Pietra are playing a board game. But the half-god, half-genie boy quickly gets bored.
Zac: This is so boring! Hilary: You could at least help me with the babies! Zac: No way! You’re the oldest one here, so you have to take care of us. Hilary: But you’re the one with magical powers. Stop being a selfish brat for once and help me! Zac: Depends, what do I get out of it? Hilary: (sigh) Forget it, I forgot you’re not even that good with your powers… Zac: Hey! I can do whatever I want, okay? Watch this!
Using his powers, Zac tries to levitate Azmodeus's dirty diaper into the trash can. Instead, it flies and hits Hella in the face, making her cry loudly.
Hilary: You idiot! Zac: Okay, I’m still learning, but you saw that I almost got it! Pietra: Hey, I know what we can do! Zac: Nobody asked you anything, brat. Hilary: Let her speak, you idiot! What is it, Pietra? Pietra: Let's hunt a crocodile! Hilary: Pietra, no! Hunting animals is wrong! Zac: Your dad hunts. Hilary: And he’s very wrong! Just because he does it doesn’t mean we should do it too. Zac: Aaaah, okay, but let’s do something! This boredom is killing me! Pietra: Oh, I know! I know! Zac: Here we go. What now?
With some difficulty, due to the weight of the mechanical legs her father made for her, Pietra gets up from the floor and grabs something from her backpack.
Pietra: papa John stole a treasure map from an alien! We could take his ship and search for the treasure! Zac: An adventure all our own through space? … I’M IN!! Hilary: Are you crazy?! No one is going into space! Not with three babies for me to take care of! Zac: Okay, then you stay here with them, and Pietra and I will go after the treasure. Hilary: What? No!
But before Hilary could protest, Zac grabs Pietra by the hand and flies out of the castle with her.
Hilary: NO!! Come back here, you brats!!
Desperate, Hilary does her best to carry the triplets in her arms and runs after the other two. The meeting in the villains' grand castle would continue for many more hours, and Maleficent, Chernabog, Cruella, Clayton, Jafar, Hades, Hook and Silver had no idea what their children were up to.
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starjxsung · 3 months
dear darling star <3 how are you?
i hope im not bothering you with this message
it’s been a while now and tumblr just doesn’t feel the same without you </3
i hope you’re doing good (both physically and emotionally)
i’ve been out of order lately because my life has been super hectic, so here’s the rundown till now:
i passed the semester with equal parts a’s and b’s (ngl the b’a hurt a bit bc it’s the first time in like 6 years i’ve gotten a b in a class😪 but im just glad that i made it)
my uni friends and i went out drinking to celebrate the semester being over( there were a lot of college students and we felt old af). we got so drunk that it was so weird for me but it was so fun to let loose for the first time in a loooooong time.
we just finished booking everything we needed for lolla and im a bit more excited now.
i’ve also been watching kdramas now (?!?) and im kinda addicted
bittersweet news:
i’ve also been a lot more proactive in donating to help palestine (i still donated monthly b4 but i’ve tried chip in a bit more lately, considering what’s been happening in rafah)
for the not so good news:
two stray cats that we haven’t been able to spay yet gave birth so there’s that. i love kittens, they’re the cutest but i always get so stressed at socializing them and/or finding homes for them because people are irresponsible af with their pets here but i can’t keep taking cats in without my cats and my other financial responsibilities being affected </3 i’ve been kinda guilty for the trip too bc of the money we’ve spent
my dad found a premature newborn kitten and it sadly passed away too </3
and, finally, i’m taking my masters’ comprehensive tests in two weeks and im terrified of failing them (i’ll update when i get the results so 🤞🏻).
i hope you’re doing well, what have you been up to? i hope you’re taking good care of yourself💜
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(adding some life pictures too, look at the babies, look at my mom’s big ass piece of pizza and of course, i hope you still drink your iced coffee consistently <3)
i wish you the absolute best, always <3
sending you love wherever your are, whenever you are✨
My love!!!!!! The love of my actual life. I was just thinking of you because skz posted they would be doing that little kitten interview thing (they did it for us and us only ‼️‼️) I’m so excited we get to see Jisung with kittens 😌
you’re NEVERRRR a bother with your messages. They’re absolutely the best part of all my days and I’ve been thinking of you so often while on my little break from the internet. First I am SO glad to hear you finished with a’s and b’s????? You should be so proud of yourself my love!!!!!! And you went out to celebrate, I hope you had the most fun everrrrrr 🥹🫶
my sister and I just got our lolla wristbands in the mail and it’s all starting to feel so real. I’m excited but also nervous??? As fuck??????? And I still have 2 Ateez shows before then I’ve done absolutely nothing to prepare for 🥲 it’s crunch time when I get back home frfr
also pls send all the kdrama recs as soon as physically possible !!!!!!
I’m so glad to hear you’re able to donate and be of help 🫶 I’ve been continuing to donate to save the children and participating in active boycotts. Tuning into the news every day is just so fucking heartbreaking. I’m so proud of everyone on here doing what they can and donating ❤️🍉 I love you so much
Also FEEL YOU on the kitten thing…. kittens are so so so much work and they stress me out so bad. One of my neighbors at my parents’ house once left behind their cat who gave birth in our shed and we has to care for the last kitten who survived (super tiny little premature baby) and even though we rushed her to the vet and watched after her for a few days, she passed 💔 that was the moment that I remember being like….. kittens are just so much more fragile than people think and difficult to care for. You did the best that you could :( thank you for being there for them regardless.
Also how did the comprehensive test go? (If you already took it) I hope you did so so amazing my love!!!!!!!!
I love you endlessly and I’m thinking of you always. Momo and I are rooting for you (even though she’s with my dad rn) and we hope you’re taking good care of yourself. All my love to you, always always always 💓💞💫🫶 I’ll be back properly very soon and in the meanwhile I’m sending you all my love from the middle of nowhere ! I hope it reaches you
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Random long post about a game I love:
A gacha game I've been playing every day for the last couple years called SinoALICE announced a few days back that its going to be ending service by the end of October, at least on the global server.
Its weird trying to kinda deal with that cause on one hand I barely play it during the day but also I love its characters and story and writing and music so much that I've stuck with it for about 3 years now.
A memory I have is that at a certain point in the game I was having a lot of trouble beating a level for a story I really wanted to see, and tried asking my guild for help. My guild members were mostly inactive, and so I didn't get any offers. So, wanting to beat this, I left and joined a different guild.
The guild immediately welcomed me openly, and when I started by asking if anybody could help me beat the level, about 4 people offered, one of which being Kenshee, the leader of thr guild. His strength in the game was beyond what I even thought possible and with their help I steamrolled the boss I was fighting and several others after that. I felt welcomed and wanted, and for the first time I can think of I felt part of an online community even if I didn't know all the people.
For the next two years, I participated in the daily colosseum. I did this because I wanted to give back and help these people that were so kind to help me. When the enemy was too hard, we'd just set it to auto battle and use the 20 minutes it takes to talk to each other, catch up, talk about games we're excited for, which often spilled over to normal group chat after it ended. I was never the strongest member of the guild, in fact I was often the weakest. However, once I was too weak to be automatically placed in the vanguard, I moved myself to the back to try to focus on support roles. I felt a little left out. But my guild members asked me what I was doing so far in the back and told me to come forward. I was weak, and not able to help much, but they wanted me near the front cause they liked me and wanted me around.
It was a huge guild full of people I barely knew, but I felt so welcomed and so loved. We all loved the game and the story and were united in that.
At a certain point, a person I got particularly close to named Sarnai said that she was getting tired of keeping up with the game, and that she would leave. But, she offered for anybody that wants to keep in touch with her. I reached out, and now instead of being Sarnai my friend from the guild, she's my friend Jen, a 30 year old lesbian from England who moved to Ireland to be with her wife who likes writing fanfic. This is somebody so different from me and yet I had the privilege to meet her.
Over time, as the game went on, people had trouble keeping up with the game, and over time a lot of people, including the group leader Kenshee ended out leaving. At the same time, I met new people, like Mocchiato and Yjennes and Wraith. Cool, friendly people.
Now, the game announces end of service. The story has a definitive ending, one that the Japanese server is remarkably close to. And yet, they're just going to end the story here. 3 full story arcs left, and yet they're cutting it off, like if Breaking Bad ended at season 4 or something. I can easily just look it up online, but I won't be experiencing beating it, and definitely not with these people that I consider my friends.
On top of that, currently, the game is doing its monthly "Gran Colosseum" events, where guilds compete and win rewards like upgrade materials, new weapons and classes, and in-game currency to use the gacha mechanic. It also has a "Big Thanks" gacha event going on where you get to do daily free pulls. Coincidentally I recently watched a video from Jacob Geller where he talked about a book/movie called "On the Beach" where citizens in Australia continue to go about their daily lives despite knowing an apocalypse is coming for them in 6 months. It asks the question of "when do you give up? When do you stop doing daily routines? When does comfort outweigh acceptance?"
A weird analogy, and barely equivalent, but it makes me feel the same way. The game gives me crystals to spend on a gacha system thats shutting down, and gives me upgrade materials to improve my ability to fight in a story that won't exist soon. A character in On the Beach plants seeds that won't sprout until 6 months after the earth is dead. Context is completely different, but the feeling of not being able to accept but acknowledging the end of something feels like it applies in both ways.
This is a long post, so I'm stopping, but I just wanted to record my thoughts about a game that means a lot to me, that I loved playing, that I found in a very lonely time of my life and has been a constant in a very confusing world. I love the people I met as if they're friends I've had for years, and I dont even know most of their names. Its that community I'll miss the most.
Anyways, this was just a stream of thought. But like I said. I want to put down in words my difficult feelings about this. I love sinoalice and even if I keep in touch with some guild members or switch to the JP server or watch the rest of the story on YouTube, that feeling won't be the same. But I'm at least thankful I got to have it.
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itmightbeneb · 2 years
X you cant compare streamers fandom with a book fandom. Ofcourse books take time. You cant put the same leeway on streamers, should they be free to stream once every 10-20 months? Its like comparing apples and oranges
especially people who are in a streamer fandom are used to getting streams daily/weekly, and then suddenly nothing for 6 months is not acceptable, if the way people pay them is monthly subscriptions (subbing on twitch)
You're right anon it IS different from a boon fandom, where the book has a whole team (author, editor, publicist, marketing team, etc) to make it come out on time, and managers at almost every level reminding their workers of their allowed days off work (that reminds me I need to book more days off, my manager has been reminding me)
oh and also sick leave policy, and people there to make sure you don't work while ill (as dream has been a lot recently)
You're used to getting daily streams? Well so am I, not from Dream, or any of dteam for that matter, but from certain non mcyt streamers I am used to always getting a stream. And guess what happens when they inevitably take a break (because they are a human being and not a content machine, who will need breaks occasionally)?
I'm like yeah that makes sense, they've been giving me a lot recently and they deserve a break.
am I sad about it? obviously! months with no content! but am I gonna throw a fit? also no
When a streamer is ill (cough cough dream) or doesn't have the means to stream (again... dream, and also George and Sapnap) or has some mitigating circumstances (just moved to a new country, is able to go outside for the first time in 3 years, is the best friend and housemate of the two people just meantioned) I'm not even thinking about how sad it is I'm not getting content, I look at the situation. I look at what's happening, look dear anon, they're only just getting their Internet fixed how did you want them to stream?
streaming is work. it's their job. they are entitled to take time off, stream as few hours as they want, quit entirely if they want to, and we are not entitled to any more than they are willing to give us
you are not entitled to someone else's labour just because you like their content
and what about subscriptions? yeah don't sub if you don't think you're getting your moneys worth. nobody is forcing you to sub, and the brilliant thing about streaming/yt is that it's not only possible, but completely ethical to watch their content without paying anything at all
your little badge of how many months in a row you've been subbed is not more important than a streamers right to rest, to leave, to quit entirely if they want to. you are not entitled to any more than what you're paying for (ad free viewing for when they do go live, your sub badge, your emotes)
overall, stop being a Karen, recognise worker rights, and join your union :)
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seabreeze2022 · 2 years
2023 Bahamas Cruise, Part 3, Mar. 9
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This is the Harbor Master Tessie Rolle selling some of her home grown produce to Nancy. The two of them discussed the growing of Key Limes, Jack Fruit, and Wax Jambu. Tessie has received a grant and planted 150 Key Lime trees. They are due to start producing next year. We bought green tomatoes and green bell peppers. Tessie was true of farmers everywhere and Bahamians in particular, she threw in some free plantains.
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Nancy took Tessie a bag of store bought dried Key Lime slices, found at Publix in the States. Key Limes don’t have a very good shelf life. So maybe Tessie can dry and package them prior to shipping.
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We had watched the mailboat come in early in the morning, The inner harbor is very small but they turn the freighter around in there and then back up to a small concrete ramp. Then the fun begins. Things that are on board that have been bought and shipped from Nassau, are off loaded. Everything found on the island has been brought in by ship. Andros is one of the biggest islands and has plenty of fresh water and more soil than most of the Bahamas. So they grow several crops.
We had watched a youtube documentary of Bahamas agriculture recently. There is a group of Mennonites nearby who have a large farm. Several of the cruisers had goon there and bought fresh vegetables the day or two prior.
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Here are two of the Mennonites picking up their orders, as well as shipping out Persian limes.
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There was one freighter docked at the outer harbor wall strictly taking empty pallets off the island.
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This small skiff is tied up next to the mailboat. I had watched them come to Morgans Bluff in heavy seas earlier. They pulled over just outside the inner Harbor entrance, and prepared to dive in 6 ft. of water. I thought it was a bit strange since there are no conch grazing in the outer harbor.
As you can see they are cleaning some conch to sell to the people waiting on the mailboat. The interesting thing about conch is, it will live several days out of the water tucked in its shell. So the guys gather 5 conch and punch a hole in the lip. Then they take a piece of string and tie all five together. Once they are tied up and can’t escape they are placed back in the water till needed.
We found several groups of conch tied up below our boat. For whatever reason, they were left there and eventually died.
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Thinking back to the guys who sold us conch at the back of the boat. They warned us of large sharks in the harbor. It is all making sense now. This is where they deposit conch for the Thursday Mailboat. And they didn’t want us poking about.
The guys in the skiff I saw that morning picked up their deposit of conch then went into the harbor to sell them. Someone is shipping out a pallet of live conch. If you look closely you can see they used 5 pallets to make the box above.
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This little white truck is loaded down with large bags of frozen crawfish tails.
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Pallets of supplies are dropped here there and everywhere. Women keep track of whats happening. Men are the stevedores.
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With this many people in one spot the entrepreneurs show up. Two different food shacks feed the hungry. The Bahama telephone business Aliv, brings in a truck to top off your monthly phone minutes.
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We walked up the hill looking for the highest spot on the Island, Morgans Bluff. You can just imagine the Pirate Capt. Henry Morgan posting a lookout on the bluff to see if there was a ship to plunder. Or should they run from attackers themselves. We never found the bluff just a small housing settlement. I certainly thought about their slogan when we sailed away the next day.
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Our freezer is working better this year. I spent a month changing out the foam in the freezer and adding a fan to the evaporator. Nancy found that she needs to “shuffle” the frozen food every couple of days. Then she scrapes the frost off of the coils, rearranging the food when she puts it back in. In the past we waited too long and had to spray water on the coils. This only made the bags of meat freeze to the inside of the freezer. Which then took longer to get out of the freezer on the next “shuffle”. A vicious cycle for sure.
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To help cool the compressor I prop open the nearest hatch above it with a pool noodle (see the red item on the right of the photo”. All of these things help us keep the meat in the freezer better.
You can see our solar shower bag hanging at the swim platform. So nice to hose off with warm water after a dip.
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So ends March 9th. Dinghy is secured to the davits, Life Jackets and tethers are ready, alarm is set for 0500. We set sail over the horizon before daybreak tomorrow.
As the sign said, “ You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore”. S/V Sea Breeze, Morgans Bluff, Andros, Bahamas.
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survey--s · 2 years
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1 - When was the last time you spent over $100 in one transaction? What did you buy? About a week ago - I had to place a new order for dog treats for work. I think it came to just over £200 total but I can claim it back on expenses. I’m also pretty sure this is a survey I made during lockdown three years ago lol.
2 - Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? I do - and his name is Bear. Of course I wouldn’t judge another adult for doing exactly the same thing I do, lol.
3 - Would you describe yourself as fashion-conscious, or do you just wear whatever feels comfortable? I like to look good but that doesn’t really mean I follow fashion. I dress more for comfort and practicality on a day-to-day basis but I do like dressing up for like, days out or whatever too.
4 - The last time you got up from where you’re sitting, where did you go and what did you do? I emptied the washing machine and put the load away, put the next load on, put the dishes away and went to the toilet.
5 - Would you rather read an erotic novel or watch an erotic film? Read an erotic novel.
6 - Who taught you how to tell the time on a proper analogue clock? I think it was my dad, but I could have just learnt at school.
7 - What’s your favourite way to make your home smell good? Do you spend a lot of money on making this happen? Wax melts - it probably averages out to £15 a month or so over the year, but I buy in bulk. I got £100 worth in the sale just before Christmas for £50 - I’m currently working my way through them so I can get more at Easter.
8 - How long have you had the computer/tablet you’re currently using? Does it need replacing or upgrading? About a month. It’s slow but it was cheap and all I could afford at the time.
9 - When you’re home alone, do you make sure all your doors are kept locked? The front door locks automatically, but I leave the back door unlocked unless I’m going to bed.
10  - How often do you light candles? Do you just like regular ones or do  you prefer scented ones or ones that make pretty patterns when they melt? I light plain tealights in my wax burner everyday. I get through about 1.5 each day.
11 - Are you any good at taking care of plants? I’ve never really tried.
12 - How many surveys have you taken so far today? Will you take anymore surveys today once you’ve finished this one? This is my first one but I might take a few more - it depends how tired I am as I didn’t get much sleep last night lol.
13 - What are the main two colours in the room you’re currently in? Did you pick these colours out yourself? Dark red and grey, and yes.
14 - What was the last hot drink you consumed? What about cold drink? Coffee, Pepsi Max.
15 - Do you have piercings anywhere except your ears? How many and what are they? Yeah, just two - my nose and my belly button.
16 - Do you prefer taking baths or showers? How come? They both have their place. On a day-to-day basis I prefer showers but sometimes nothing beats a hot soak in the bath.
17 - What time do you need to wake up tomorrow morning? What is it that you have to be up for? Whenever I want - it’s my day off and I have no plans.
18 - If you work, how often do you get paid? Would you prefer to get paid more or less often? Some customers pay me daily, some weekly, some monthly and some termly - which works out fine for me.
19 - What does your favourite pair of pyjamas look like? Do you wear them to sleep or just to be comfy around the house? I have loads of pajamas but I couldn’t tell you the last time I wore any of them lol. I wear leggings and a hoody/jumper around the house and then a t-shirt to bed.
20 - How often do you wake up in the night needing a pee? Every night, at least once a night lol. I’ve always been that way.
21 - What apps do you use the most on your phone? Facebook, Instagram and a few Merge games.
22 - Do you prefer cats or dogs? Do you own any of either? I like them both equally - we have three cats and a dog.
23 - Do you have one of those fridges that has an ice-maker in the front? If not, would you find one useful? No - ours has a cold water dispenser thing though. I have a customer who has an ice maker in her fridge and whenever I do overnights there I use it as much as I possibly can hahah.
24 - Do you like wearing hats? What’s your favourite style? Not really but I wear them anyway as they’re practical - I wear beanies in winter and a baseball cap in summer.  25  - If you live in a household with pets, who is responsible for their care - both in terms of finance and the physical tasks involved? I’m the main “parent” lol - I pay for their insurance, do the vet visits and buy their food. I do the vast majority of care too - I walk the dog five days a week and do all the feedings apart from breakfast during the week. Mike walks the dog at weekends and does breakfast as he’s up before me.
26 - What’s your opinion on leggings as pants? I mean, what else would they be except pants?
27 - Have you ever driven in bare feet or do you think that’s too dangerous? Yeah, I love driving barefoot in summer. I used to drive 30-odd miles home from work in bare feet everyday - it felt a lot safer than in flats where my feet were all sweaty.
28 - Have you ever walked out of a job before? What were the circumstances and did you ever go back? Yeah - I was being bullied and my MH was really suffering for it. I handed in my notice along with a sick note and my keys and never went back lol.
29 - Do you collect anything? Are these things worth money or are they practical/sentimental items? Just wax melts and they’re practical, I guess, though it does help my MH to have a nice clean home that smells good too.
30 - Do you have anything hanging from your ceiling apart from lights? We do not.
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joeyrapace · 2 months
How Much Money Do You Need to Retire in India?
Have you started thinking about retirement? If yes, you might dream of spending your days in a peaceful hill station or catching up on all those books you've been wanting to read. But there's one big question on your mind: How much money do you really need to retire in India? This blog clarifies a few important things about it for you. Let's dive into this together to know what's in store!
The Basics: What Does Retirement Mean to You?
First things first, retirement planning looks different for everyone. Some people want a simple life with minimal expenses, while others dream of traveling the world or living in luxury. So, let's break it down:
Lifestyle: Do you plan to live in a city, a small town, or a quaint village? City life can be pricey, while small towns are usually more affordable.
Health: Are you in good health now, or do you foresee medical expenses?
Activities: Will you be traveling, pursuing hobbies, or starting a new venture?
Once you have a rough idea of your desired lifestyle, we can start crunching some numbers.
Estimating Monthly Expenses
Let's make a list of typical expenses you'll have during retirement:
Housing: Rent or maintenance for your home.
Food: Groceries and dining out.
Utilities: Electricity, water, gas, internet, and phone bills.
Transportation: Car maintenance, fuel, or public transport.
Healthcare: Regular check-ups, medications, and health insurance.
Leisure: Travel, hobbies, and entertainment.
Miscellaneous: Clothing, gifts, and unforeseen expenses.
Here's a simplified example of a modest lifestyle in a small town:
Housing: ₹15,000
Food: ₹10,000
Utilities: ₹5,000
Transportation: ₹5,000
Healthcare: ₹5,000
Leisure: ₹5,000
Miscellaneous: ₹5,000
That totals up to ₹50,000 per month. Of course, your numbers may vary based on your preferences and location.
Calculating the Retirement Corpus
Figuring out how much money you need to retire comfortably in India can be a bit tricky because it depends on a bunch of factors, like your lifestyle, what you plan to do after you retire, your sources of income, and inflation. But don't worry! There's a straightforward way to estimate your retirement corpus using a simple formula.
Here's how you can do it:
Retirement Corpus = (Yearly Expenditure Post Retirement × Number of Years left for Retirement) / (1 + Rate of Inflation) ^ Number of Years left for Retirement
Let's break this down with an example. Suppose you're aiming to retire in 40 years, and you expect your annual expenses after retirement to be around ₹10 lakhs. With an inflation rate of 7%, you'll need to save approximately ₹3 crores to meet your retirement needs.
Sounds like a lot, right? But don't fret! With smart and effective investments, you can definitely work towards this goal. So, start planning early, explore various investment options, and watch your savings grow. Before you know it, you'll be all set for a comfortable and fulfilling retirement.
Factoring in Inflation
Hold on, there's more! We must account for inflation, which reduces the purchasing power of your money over time. Historically, India's inflation rate has hovered around 6-7%. To adjust for inflation, consider using the inflation-adjusted withdrawal rate, which is a bit lower than 4%.
Additional Considerations
Emergency Fund: Always keep a separate emergency fund for unexpected expenses.
Healthcare Costs: As you age, medical expenses can increase, so consider a robust health insurance plan.
Lifestyle Changes: Be prepared for potential lifestyle changes that might increase your expenses.
Start Saving Early
The earlier you start saving and investing, the easier it is to build your retirement corpus. Thanks to the power of compound interest, your money grows exponentially over time. For instance, investing ₹10,000 per month at an annual return of 12% can grow to over ₹3.5 crores in 25 years!
Investing Smartly
Diversify your investments across various assets like stocks, mutual funds, fixed deposits, real estate, and PPFs. It's wise to consult a financial advisor to tailor an investment strategy that suits your risk appetite and retirement goals.
Wrapping Up
Planning for retirement might seem daunting, but with a clear vision and a structured approach, you can achieve financial independence and enjoy your golden years. Remember, it's never too early or too late to start planning. So, grab a notebook and pen, write down your financial goals, and take that first step towards a blissful retirement.
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chuluoyi · 10 months
Pity 60?! ALMOST THERE! You can do it! 🥳 2 ?! Goodness how even 😭😭 The lowest I got was 6... Not any better but 2 is so close to being flat broke...
Yeahhh her dad is such an ass Maxi is the sweetest! And she's got a super hot husband now so I guess she DID benefit from being married off 😚 Oh I've read that too! Edna is such a girlboss I love her! It's different from the normal damsel in distress kind of Female lead, and it's really refreshing. What else have you read?
I hope so! But I'm still 18 and I wanna enjoy being single hahaha! I've seen my friends cry and weep over guys and I feel like I want to stay unburdened by the weight of a relationship till I'm like 19-20-ish? Thanks Chu! haha it's getting super rainy where I'm from... It's so cold istg...
Ahaha! I'm not THAT young. But I do agree that my watchlist is soul-sucking dhdhdh. Though, there's something about sad animes, don't you think?
HAHAHA you're young too! And you finished Naruto during your summer break?! Omg just how much did you watch per day you're amazing.
Right?! We deserve to know, Gege! Have mercy please was killing off our 3 JJK daddies not enough-
Hmm I honestly preferred the old art, even if the animation wasn't on par with Mappa's. I did pick it up after awhile, but Instagram spoiled me so I lost motivation after 2-3 episodes of season 4... I should really delete all social media accounts before watching a new anime...
Oh no is he okay HAHAHA was the ending that sad I'm slightly tempted to binge the rest of AOT after my exams are over hmm... How could he?!?! Gojo dying is one of the few anime deaths that shook the world 😭😭Or is he just jealous 🤭
Omg a fellow monkey! Sugu's monkey cult is expanding- Ngl I would gladly be a monkey if it means I can get slightly closer to Suguru-
Also I've received your TOT req!! The bakerlon card is legit so cute ahhh 😫😫
i… gave up🥲 seems like there’s no hope for me 😩 i’ll wait until next year then and save the s chips i get from the monthly pass for the upcoming events🤧
HAHAHAH the benefit is right there!!🤭 i love maxi’s progress though and YES I LOVE EDNA SO MUCH omg she’s so badass, takes care of her own shits and the plot twist is soooo omg i finished that manhwa on one night and was left sooo full😩 it was one of the best manhwas for me
hmm i think i’ve read quite many arranged marriage stories but suddenly i can’t think of any of them🥲 but another great manhwa i read is unholy blood! i love hayan sm she’s also badass and her romance with euntae drives me almost insane bcs of the slow burn🤧 but it’s so so great by the ending i was sad to let it go. have you read it?? and do you have any other recs?
so true! i honestly don’t think there’s any benefit for us to force ourselves to have a boyfriend/girlfriend that early (especially if they say it’s for the status—a classmate of mine once told me that she was dating this guy just to know how being in a relationship was like💀 she’s messed up) because in the end, we are looking for the real thing. the real thing doesn’t come easily, it takes time. fyi my current boyfriend is my first bf, we started dating just last year, which means i have my first bf at 23🥹 and i’m so glad i heed my mom then, that it’s no use to have boyfriends when you were still in high school or college as chances are they are still immature themselves.
but if you do find someone who is good in school, then it’s okay to try! just don’t be discouraged if you don’t because nah we need the true ones😉
(aw sorry to come off as lecturing i can’t stop myself but my mom’s advice is what saves me🥹 and i really do think it’s so good)
me too!! it’s rainy and cold nowadays *sigh* but at least it’s not as hot?🥹
THERES 🗣️ SOMETHING 🗣️ ABOUT 🗣️ ANGST 🗣️ that made me feel like i want to jump out of the window yet satisfied my inner soul at the same time🤧🤧🤧
HAHAHA i felt old bcs now i’m paying for my own bills and impulse buying😭 JSJSJS nono i watched naruto from eps 300 onwards actually🥹 still, that’s quite a lot 😭 but yeah, i could watch at least 5-10 eps per day back then 🥲
PFFT DADDIES so true 😔😔 *sigh* my life has never been the same ever since that gojo sukuna fight. i started looking for spoilers (i didn’t follow the manga before), installed twitter and reading theories. my heart used to be thumping so hard each time i went over the spoilers you know? like i know gojo was going to lose somehow but i hope so much he didn’t and then when chapter 235 dropped and gege took a break i was like “!!!!” only to 236 to reverse it in the most brutal way💀
ahh i see… i’m starting to think that aot is for boys😭 like most of my guy friends are like “this is the best anime of my life” while my girl friends are just bamboozled with everything🥹
he’s mourning and coping the way we do for our jjk daddies🤭🤭 save to say that karma gets him bcs he doesn’t follow the manga HAHAHA maybe both i don’t know but he gets 🙄🙄 when i swoon over gojo ahahhaha
oh? good luck on your exam disco anon!! i know you’ll do well!!🫶🏻
HAHAHAHAH OMG that’s the term he used too!!🤣 like he’s okay being suguru’s monkey just because🥹
waah! that’s good then!! the card is so CHIC but i haven’t gotten the chance to read it yet along with the side story card🥲🥲🥲 i will after this weekend i think bcs work has been so tiring *sigh*
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ezdetection03 · 11 months
The Ultimate Guide to Preventing Common Plumbing Issues in Carlsbad
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For any homeowner in Carlsbad, to have the required peace of mind regarding their home would be to have a well-functioning plumbing system.
We all know how costly and disturbing plumbing problems can be. Unexpected repairs and water damage are common but disruptive to the property. Prevention is key here. Taking proactive steps is the ultimate solution for preventing common plumbing issues in Carlsbad. 
As our home ages, there could be dripping faucets, slow drain, or burst pipe due to low temperatures. These problems are common, and so are the solutions. However, if the system is maintained properly, there would not be any need for repairs and inviting plumbers regularly. So, this guide covers all the steps for preventing common plumbing issues in Carlsbad.
EZ Leak Detection: 24/7 Emergency Services With Excellent Results
How to Prevent Common Plumbing Issues in Carlsbad?
Regular Inspections and Maintenance
Conduct Routine Plumbing Inspections:
Preventive maintenance will save a lot of money for the long run. Regular plumbing inspections should be a monthly task.
Be watchful for leaks, drips, and corrosion around pipes, fixtures, and appliances. Early detection can save you from major repairs down the road.
Check for Slow Drains:
Potential clogs are present in slow drains. Prompt action by using drain screens for catching hair, food particles, and debris is helpful to prevent clogs. Clean and flush your bathroom drains regularly with hot water to avoid buildup.
Mindful Flushing and Draining:
Be Selective About What You Flush. Flush only toilet paper and human waste. Wet wipes, sanitary products, paper towels, diapers clog the pipes and strain the sewer system.
4. Water Heater Care:
Annual Water Heater Maintenance:
Once a year, flush your water heater to remove sediment buildup. It increases efficiency and lifespan of the appliance. It also helps to check for any leaks or issues.
Set the Right Temperature
Adjust your water heater to a suitable temperature, typically around 120°F. It not only prevents scalding, but also reduces energy consumption, lowering your utility bills.
3. Prevent Frozen Pipes:
Insulate Exposed Pipes:
Even during the occasional cold weather of Carlsbad, proper insulation of pipes is required. Water pipes in basements and crawl spaces are more prone to bursting and require insulation. Insulation helps prevent
pipes from freezing and bursting.
Keep Cabinet Doors Open:
Circulation of warm air from your home should reach the pipes under sinks. It helps in keeping those pipes warm during cold weather.
4. Timely Leak Repairs:
Prompt Leak Repairs:
Water damage and mold growth can result from aggravated minor leaks. Repairing a small leak is better to prevent further damage.
5. Upgrade Plumbing Fixtures:
Install Water-Efficient Fixtures:
Consider upgrading older fixtures and faucets with water-efficient models. These not only reduce water consumption but also lower your utility bills.
6. Control Water Pressure:
Install Pressure Regulators:
High water pressure can damage pipes and fixtures over time. Installing pressure regulators ensures a safe and consistent water pressure level throughout your home.
7. Water Softener Installation:
Deal with Hard Water:
An area with hard water supply can cause buildup of salt scales in pipes and appliances. A water softener installation can help mitigate this issue, prolonging the life of your plumbing system.
8. Know Your Shut-Off Valves:
Locate and Learn to Use Shut-Off Valves:
Knowing the location of your main shut-off valve for water supply, electricity, and their fixtures is essential. In the case of a sudden leak or emergency, you can quickly turn off the water to prevent further damage. Call the expert help for remediation.
9. Say No to Chemical Drain Cleaners:
Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners:
Chemical drain cleaners can be harsh on your pipes and cause more harm than good. Instead, opt for natural alternatives like a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to clear minor clogs.
10. Garbage Disposal Care:
Properly Maintain Your Garbage Disposal:
Proper Garbage disposal is essential. Avoid putting fibrous or hard materials, such as bones or eggshells, down the disposal. Run cold water to help flush away food scraps.
11. Professional Plumbing Inspections:
Schedule Annual Plumbing Inspections:
An annual inspection by a professional plumber should be scheduled to check all the fixtures, drains and pipes. These professionals can identify potential issues early and recommend necessary repairs or maintenance.
12. Insulate Pipes in Extreme Weather:
Protect Pipes in Extreme Cold:
If your area is experiencing freezing temperatures, insulate pipes thoroughly. Address the ones at risk of freezing, particularly those in unheated areas of your home.
13. Monitor Water Usage:
Water bills should be kept in check. Unexpected increase in the bill could indicate an issue, such as a hidden leak that needs attention.
14. Prepare for Vacations:
Plan for Extended Absences:
If you're leaving your home for an extended period, consider shutting off the main water supply or having a trusted neighbor check your home periodically for leaks.
15. Septic System Maintenance (if applicable):
If your home has a septic system, follow recommended maintenance guidelines to avoid backups and costly repairs.
16. Educate Household Members:
Promote Responsible Water Use:
Ensure that everyone in your household knows how to use plumbing fixtures responsibly and understand the importance of water conservation.
Educate about proper disposal of plastic waste. Sanitary napkins and diapers should not go down the drain. 
Prepare for Emergencies:
Keep essential plumbing tools on hand, such as a plunger and pipe wrench, to address minor issues until a professional plumber can arrive in case of emergencies.
Familiarize everyone with the main water supply valve in case of your absence. 
17. Hire a Reputable Plumber:
For plumbing repairs, or maintenance in Carlsbad, a licensed and reputable plumber should be considered. A background check with positive reviews and a good track record. A skilled plumber can provide expert guidance on preventive measures and address any plumbing issues efficiently.
Following a proactive approach can prevent common plumbing Prevention is the best strategy for saving time, money and stress. Preventive measures and responsible plumbing habits help maintain a reliable and efficient plumbing system in your home. Being mindful about using water appliances prolongs the life of appliances and reduces maintenance cost.
If required, contacting a professional in time, would give you correct insight into the problem and its solution while saving you time and money.
Click here to Contact For Professional Plumbing Services in Carlsbad 
Author Bio:-
Name - Karl Brown
Karl, a marketing manager at EZ Leak Detection, loves to write about plumbing and HVAC services to make the life of the reader easier. Leakages in your property can be dangerous but not all the leaks are easily accessible. He has given extensive information about water leak and slab leak and tips to detect them quickly along with quick solutions to prevent you from inconveniences and health hazards. 
Leakage problems and malfunction of appliances demand comprehensive solutions. Also, regular maintenance is not the thing to be missed for leading life with zero hassles. Read our recent post related to leakage detection and repair, alerts for HVAC shutdown and how to repair it, and installation of AC and water heater in San Diego.
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Day 15
August 18, 2022
Woke up at 6:00 for an early breakfast. I learned yesterday that the kitchens are closed once training starts in the main building, so I packed up my lunch to bring back to my dorm. We met our team leader outside the dorms for physical training, a short walk, around campus at 7:00. My ears were already hurting from the new mask; I try to switch them out weekly so they don’t get too gross, but the new ones always seem to be tight. So the backs of my ears usually end up hurting for the first couple days of each week. Oh well.
We attended the Service Learning presentation at 8:30. We went over how service learning is a method of learning by doing, the difference between it and volunteering or community service, and the cycle of service learning (preparation, action, reflection, celebration). We first had a team activity for writing what service learning meant to us and presented our ideas. Then we did another team activity where we each ranked a list of service values from most to least personally valuable, then compared answers to come up with team values.
We then listened to a brief presentation on college credit (bachelor’s level) courses offered through FEMA Corps. I can go in detail if requested (asks are open!), but long story short, there are three available courses: Intro to Service Learning (9 credits), Diversity in Service (3 credits), and a leadership course exclusively for team leaders (3 credits). Completing a year of service was enough to meet most course requirements, though a few individual reflection, a project portfolio, and a exam are required in addition. All classes are graded on a pass/fail basis and you get the transcript for free if you complete them.
We got an hour break at 10:30 and I returned to my room to finish breakfast. Then we met back at the training room to discuss core expectations before leaving for lunch. Our unit played a team version of The Newlyweds game at 13:30, then had a fitness and nutrition lecture at about 14:00. Not much of anything interesting was covered, but the presenter noted that physical training could never be used as punishment according to AmeriCorps policy. So at least we don’t have to worry about being forced to run laps if we do something wrong.
We then had a lecture on independent service projects (ISPs) at 15:30. These are service projects a corps member does in uniform on their own time, and corps members must do 10 hours of ISPs to complete the program. The ISPs must have a project sponsor (so no independent beach cleanups, helping a neighbor create a garden, etc), but can be just about anything except for political or religious service. In the past, FEMA Corps required the ISPs to be related to emergency management, but this is no longer the case. The corps member must get AmeriCorps’ approval at least 3 days in advance, and then get the ISP sponsor to sign off on the hours the corps member served and send off a form (forgot what it was called). Anyone who does more than 80 hours on ISPs may be eligible for some kind of presidential service recognition.
We had a few hours off, and then I went to Forum, a voluntary semi-private AmeriCorps meeting to discuss social issues, at 19:00. We did not have to be in uniform. This was mainly an introduction where we talked about why we joined FEMA Corps and what topics we wanted to discuss in future meetings. There will probably be one more in-person Forum meeting, and then meetings will switch to virtual, likely on a monthly basis. I finished dinner afterward, talked to some teammates, watched TV with some corps members, and headed to bed a bit after midnight.
Internet was terrible last night, hence the late post.
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madhukumarc · 1 year
How to use YouTube to build your personal brand?
YouTube is a powerful platform that can help you build your personal brand in a big way. With over 2.5 billion monthly active users, it's one of the most popular websites on the planet.
Furthermore, people spend about 23.1 hours per month on the platform [Source: Digital 2023 Global Overview Report by Meltwater and We Are Social].
In this answer, I'll share proven tips on how to use YouTube to build your personal brand.
Do you know? - “YouTube is popular across every age group. Seventy-seven percent of 18- to 35-year-olds can be reached through YouTube. The age group with the lowest reach is 65+, yet it still boasts 67% reach. Basically, everyone is watching YouTube and 62% of users are on YouTube every day” - Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 by Social Media Examiner
Here are the top 6 tips for using YouTube to build your personal brand:
1. Create a YouTube channel: The first step is to create a YouTube channel. Make sure that you choose a name that reflects your personal brand. Add a profile picture and a cover photo that are consistent with your brand or business.
To get ideas and inspiration for your own profile, which should reflect your personality, you can look at other profiles.
"Experimentation allows you to understand your audience better so that you can create video after video that they will love and engage with. If YouTube is finding videos for viewers, create videos your viewers will love" - Search Engine Land
2. Develop a content strategy: The next step is to develop a content strategy. What type of content do you want to create? Who is your target audience? 
What value do you want to provide? These are all important questions that you need to answer before you start creating content.
Prior to doing this, you must have determined your niche [or area of expertise], because you cannot talk about every subject.
“Remember that as you create content and get to know your audience more, you’ll uncover more pain points and opportunities to serve them with what they need at the right time” – FoundationInc
3. Produce high-quality videos: Once you've developed a content strategy, it's time to start creating videos. 
Make sure that your videos are high-quality and well-produced. Use good lighting and sound equipment, and edit your videos carefully. This increases engagement, and reach.
4. Optimize your videos for SEO: YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, so it's important to optimize your videos for SEO.
Use relevant keywords in your video titles and descriptions, and add tags that are relevant to your content. This increases reach and engagement.
“70% more traffic went to articles with at least one video versus articles without videos” - The State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report by Semrush
5. Promote your videos: Once you've uploaded your videos, it's time to promote them. Share them on social media, embed them on your website, and include them in email newsletters. This increases reach and engagement.
“If you’re looking to get the most video traffic from Google, it’s imperative that you make sure you embed your videos from YouTube and not some other source” – Sterling Sky
6. Engage with your audience: Finally, it's important to engage with your audience. Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and encourage your viewers to subscribe to your channel. This increases reach and engagement.
“Start and join conversations with the community you’ve already cultivated. This is a key engagement driver, and engagement is a major driver for increasing post reach” – Sprout Social
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Image Source - Digital 2023 Global Overview Report by Meltwater and We Are Social
Pro-Tip: Consistent efforts are necessary to build a personal brand. Publishing YouTube videos at least twice a week is a good move.
In conclusion, YouTube can be a powerful channel for building your personal brand. By creating high-quality content, optimizing your videos for SEO, and engaging with your audience from time to time, you can build a loyal following and establish yourself as an expert in your field.
Here's related information that you may find helpful – How To Select Niche For YouTube? [spend more time for long-term benefits].
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hangonimevolving · 1 year
Best of 2021
Hello!!!!! The year is 2023. Do people even blog anymore? I don't even know! So, I am aware I royally ghosted on my own beloved blog sometime around February 2021. This was never intentional. As per my last post, we had just moved out of our family home of about 6 years into a cozy apartment, and were on our way to a great adventure in gut-renovating a new-to-us home in a new area of South Florida. Life was full, and about to get even fuller. I am going to attempt to catch up on about 2.5 years of our family's lives in this post, and the following two. Here goes. *rolling up sleeves*
So we left off in February 2021, shortly after moving into our short-term apartment (ha! Short term. We thought we would be there for about 6 months.... little did we know, it would actually wind up being exactly one year and one week. Renovations are full of unexpected surprises - read: delays. Especially during a pandemic. But I digress.
Here, pictures. As seen in top left, we spent many days visiting our new house, and brainstorming ideas for our renovation - often using blue painters' tape to mark off, say, where we wanted our new countertop and sink to be. We managed to take a few memorable vacations between April-May 2021, including Sanibel Island (top middle) and the Atlantis resort in Paradise Island, Bahamas (top right). The renovation continued all along with exciting moments such as when a giant cement truck piped hundreds of gallons into the house as we watched (middle left). In May, we visited New Orleans to attend a once-in-a-lifetime event: the consecration of a new Hindu temple (middle middle). This was the culmination of a lifetime of work by my parents and their community of Indian Americans in New Orleans - we were very proud! June brought another milepost in our lives - our little Day graduated (homeschool) Kindergarten, and we marked the occasion with a graduation ceremony at home (middle right). Yes, by the way - we were homeschooling throughout ALL of the above experiences.
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July brought a chance to visit Ba and Dadu in North Carolina, and short road trip to Asheville to visit the Biltmore Estate (bottom left). Once back in Florida, I worked on a quilt for a friend's daughter - a QUEEN sized quilt, the largest project I've ever taken on! (bottom middle). We closed out summer with a fabulous August getaway to the Florida Keys with several of our local friends and their children (bottom right).
Once back from the Keys, we had a few days' break before.... we started the new school year! (top left) Our intention had been to enroll the kids in the local public school for which we are zoned, and for which we had gone through a LOT of hell and high-water to move our family to this new neighborhood.... but, alas, late summer 2021 brought along the Delta Variant of Covid. The kids hadn't yet been vaccinated at this point (the FDA hadn't yet approved the vaccine for children under 12 years of age). So literally 72 hours before the first day of school, we pulled the Eject Handle and reverted to a homeschooling plan. Happily, most family members were a-okay with this, as we'd loved the experience the previous year! This school year brought some new ideas to our homeschooling experience, including designing meals around some of our favorite books (top middle), visits to the public library (top right), and a MARVELOUS homeschooling virtual co-op that met monthly on Zoom with 10 new friends from around the country, focused on the topic of World Religions (middle middle).
We continued visiting our mid-construction house each evening to check on progress (middle left). We also spent time at our house on many other occasions, including celebrating our first Halloween there! (middle right). As per tradition in our family, I hand-made all our costumes! We had done an engaging History unit on ancient Egyptian culture, and this year, we chose to continue that inquiry into the design and fabrication of our costumes! I dressed as Cleopatra, Vev was Tutankhamun, Dey chose to portray Sebek (a half-man, half-crocodile god), and Dr. Spouse played Anubis (half-man, half-wolf lord of the underworld).
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WOOT! Sometime in October or November 2021, the kids at long last got their first dose Covid vaccine. I got my booster as well on the same day. We felt like superheroes! (bottom left).
December brought several memorable occasions, such as Dey’s 7th birthday, which we celebrated with a visit to a local antique car museum (bottom middle). We also enjoyed a planned cousin reunion for Christmas in New Orleans - our LAST Christmas ever at Ajima and Thatha’s old house, as it would turn out — because big changes were underway…….
That concludes the year 2021 in our family’s history! It was a good year. In the next post, I’ll give a Greatest Hits of 2022 - a momentous year of change for one and all.
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statisticalsite · 1 year
Lifetime Stock Video Review
Lifetime Stock Video Review Read in depth=> https://explorreviews.com/lifetime-stock-video-review/
Who Needs Lifetime Stock Video?
Will JV Partners Make Money?
Video is clearly the highest generating niche on JVZoo
The number of Sales Letters / Explainer Softwares / Video Tools and the volume of sales they generate are epic.
These top video softwares have sold over 370,000 products for $15,000,000 in sales.
And that's just the start of the target market for Lifetime Stock Video.
Our Stock Footage works with any software or service that allows you to import/upload videos.
Vidgeos, VideoScribe, Keynote, Adobe (Multiple Tools), ScreenFlow, Camtasia Studio,
Apple iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, PowerPoint, Google and more.
All of our videos are available in full 4K and HD resolution as well as multiple smaller
formats to guarantee compatibility.
Why Lifetime Stock Video?
Why Do Your Clients Need It?
Video is no longer a "nice to have" in marketing - it is a 100% requirement. 4x as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it. Video on a landing page can increase conversions over 80%
Far too many videos use rubbish low quality free backgrounds & scenes. 62% of consumers are more likely to have a negative perception of a brand that published a poor quality video.
Quality Matters. Backlinko.com analyzed 1.3 million YouTube videos to better understand how YouTube's search engine works. One of the key indicators identified is that high quality videos dominate YouTube's search results. 68.2% of videos on the first page of YouTube are in HD or better.
It's time to improve the quality of asset sales on JVZoo. Lifetime Stock Video provides one of the best formats for any asset sale on JVZoo - instead of giving buyers 30 zip files of unsearchable videos, we provide a full membership club. Buyers can see full previews, browse videos and keyword/tag search their assets. And they don't need to download and store 280 GB of files on their hard drive.
We've put together a rock solid product, with monthly updates at a crazy low price. Buyer remorse and customer returns should be minimal.
Key Selling Points for Lifetime Stock Video
Full Membership Site
Unlike other low-cost graphics / videos / audio specials, this isn't a "firesale" or "collection". We're not giving the buyers a 100 GB dump of unsearchable assets with crazy names that sit on their hard drives and gather dust.
Multiple Sizes for Each Video
All 4K videos are in 6 sizes from 3840x2160 down to 426x240. All HD videos are in 4 sizes from 1920x1080 down to 426x240. This guarantees compatibility with any software, website or tool that can import video (buyers don't need to downsize videos on their own.)
New 4K Assets Monthly
For the next 24 months we will add 200 new 4K videos to the Professional Membership Accounts (4,800 over 2 years.) And 75 new 4K videos monthly to the Standard Membership Accounts (1,800 over 2 years.)
One Payment
Pay once, use forever. Just like our Lifetime.Hosting product, customers will only make a single payment to join our membership club for life. Other stock video memberships charge $100/month recurring. Our recurring cost is $0/month.
The Funnel Generating up to $120 in your pocket for each customer.
Funnel Details Front End - Standard Lifetime Stock Video Standard for $24.95 - 1,000 4K & HD videos for own projects/videos and clients projects/videos. Plus 75 4K videos per month. OTO1 - Professional Lifetime Stock Video Professional for $37.00 - Upgrade to 3,300 4K & HD videos for own projects/videos and clients projects/videos. Plus 250 4K videos per month. OTO1 Downsell - Professional Lifetime Stock Video Professional for $27.00 - Upgrade to 3,000 4K & HD videos for own projects/videos and clients projects/videos. (300 less videos and no bonuses.) Plus 250 4K videos per month. OTO2 - Professional Lifetime Stock Images Membership Club Enterprise for $47.00 - Addon 15,000 HD Images for own projects/videos and clients projects/videos. OTO2 Downsell - Standard Lifetime Stock Images Membership Club Premium for $27.00 - Addon 12,000 HD Images for own projects/videos and clients projects/videos. (3,000 less images and no bonuses.) OTO3 - Lifetime Stock Video Reseller Reseller 20 for $67.00 - resell 20 Standard packages ($940 value) Reseller 50 for $97.00 - resell 50 Standard packages ($2,350 value) Reseller 500 for $127.00 - resell 500 Standard & Professional packages ($47,000 value) OTO3 Downsell - Lifetime Stock Video Reseller 3-Pay Reseller 20 for 3 monthly payments of $27.00 (total $81) - resell 20 Standard packages ($940 value) Reseller 50 for 3 monthly payments of $37.00 (total $111) - resell 50 Standard packages ($2,350 value) Reseller 500 for 3 monthly payments of $47.00 (total $141) - resell 500 Standard & Professional packages ($47,000 value) Richard who? Ask these guys...
Richard and his team put together a great product and a funnel that converted really well. When I promoted the first Lifetime.Hosting I generated 844 sales in under a week. And my list and I were really impressed with the live support provided. His launch was in the top 10% of all my 2016 launches. Pretty impressive stuff. If you're think about working with Richard, do it. - Sam Bakker
Richard is not only a great affiliate that can hit your top 10 but also a great person to connect with. If you're looking for a great offer to promote, make sure you sign up for Richard and put his on the top of your list. He is one of a few people that will actually reciprocate hard for you. - Han Fan
Of all the products I have promoted, Richard's Lifetime.Hosting launch resulted in the best affiliate earnings. He is easy to reach out to and always helps with all my JV related questions. Also his product support team is top notch. I highly recommend promoting Richard's products. - Igor Burban
I've worked with Richard twice on his Lifetime Hosting promotion. Both converted amazingly well. His support and dedication that he provides for his customers and affiliates are some of the best in the industry. I'll definitely look for his future launches as I know they'll convert really well. The fact that he's a really cool guy is an added bonus. - Gee Sanghera
I'm happy to talk about Richard Madison and the heat that he can bring to your launch. This guy jumped on my recent launch 48 hours after it started and within 24 hours he rocketed to the top of the leaderboard sending the most sales and revenue. It's the first time I've dealt with Richard and I'll tell you I'm happy to deal with him more and more. 24 hours, 100+ sales. - Jason Fulton  
I was thrilled to see this gentleman crush the #1 best seller spot on my leaderboard back in September 2016. Richard is "The Man, The Myth, The Legend" most people haven't heard about. But in the elite circles of the online marketing world, he's known as the founder of Lifetime Hosting and an overall A+ affiliate marketer. I give Richard two thumbs up and I recommend you work with him - you will see a major difference to your bottom line. His copy converts & his team consists of experienced top-shelf tech support & customer service reps. You don't know what making money online is until you've work with Richard - period. - Vas Blagodarskiy
More Reasons to Partner with Us Instant Commission for trusted partners on the JVZoo platform Proven Results from our entire team (copywriter, design, product, delivery) Professional Product exceeding all other video assets ever sold on JVZoo Fantastic video and long salesletter pitch by proven copywriter Limited time launch for urgency; converting to monthly price after launch Plenty of upsells and OTOs for you to earn more when the buyer has their wallet out
Source: https://statisticalsite.blogspot.com/2023/05/lifetime-stock-video-review.html
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