#we’re all freaking out about ‘kacchan and the others’ but that has literally been the case this entire story
seagreenstardust · 4 months
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What matters is controlling your heart.
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
The Bakugou Kids - Bakugou Katsuki
(Dad)Bakugou x (Mom)f!reader
Warnings: Fluff, Crack, Cursing
Summary: Bakugou and Y/N love their son with their entire beings, but sometimes, parents need a break. Especially when those parents are responsible for creating a literal demon spawn. He is kind, well behaved, and cute of course! But he does have Bakugou blood in him. With Y/N already away on a girls trip, Bakugou has to find out how he’s going to deal with his (now) many, many kids.
A/N: You passed down your duplication quirk down to Katsuo.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” You asked your husband as you stood at the doorway. “Katsumi may be a calm baby but she’s still a baby. And Katsuo’s quirk just kicked in and it is mine. I would know how difficult it can be to manage.”
“Stop worrying, Babe. It’s just a duplication quirk. And he’s only 5, how powerful can it really be?”Katsuki said, wrapping his arms around you. “Just go on your little girl’s trip with Ponytail and Racoon Eyes. I can handle the brat.”
You looked at your husband with a raised brow and smile before rolling your eyes and giving him a kiss. “Alright then. I’ll see you in a few days!”
With that, you walked out of the house and into the cab to meet your friends at the resort. Katsuki chuckled before walking back into the house to find his son napping on the couch. His spiky, blonde locks were all messed up with bed head while his E/C eyes he inherited from you remained shut. Katsuki walked over to his newborn daughter and picked her up while he took a seat next to Katsuo’s sleeping form, rubbing at his soft hair until he woke up.
“Can’t be all that bad, right Katsumi?”
The baby girl merely cooed with sparkling ruby eyes that mimicked her father’s.
Wow. Wrong. He was so wrong! It had only been 2 days since your departure but things had already gone so wrong! When you said your quirk was difficult to manage, Katsuki thought it would be difficult for Katsuo to manage. Not him!
Katsuki should’ve known his son would’ve taken the opportunity to act out while his mother was away. He had always been your little angel while Katsuki saw him as his little gremlin. With Y/N gone, Katsuo has been pushing all kinds of limits. Limits that had Katsuki beat.
Katsuo had been fortunate enough to inherit a quirk. And not just any quirk, but your quirk. Duplication. Basically, he can create copies of himself. When you were his age, you could only create 4, max. Katsuo was different though. He had Bakugou blood flowing through him. He was advanced the second he was born. So now, Katsuki was stuck looking after Katsumi, Katsuo, and Katsuo’s 16 other copies.
“Aye! Number 15, you’re gonna break that lamp! 11 and 8! Don’t wrestle in the mud! Go take a bath! NUMBER 3 GET OFF THE KITCHEN ISLAND! KATSUMI!” The adult blond screamed, looking for his infant daughter, eventually finding her sleeping in her little rocker on the living room floor. “Oh right, you don’t talk yet.”
Katsuki sighed as he slumped down next to his daughter, and leaned his back against the couch. He looked around the room and saw the 17 Katsuo’s making a ruckus around the house. All he could do was question how the hell is 3 month old daughter could possibly sleep through all this.
Katsuki almost lost all hope for humanity until a knock was heard on his front door. Knowing exactly who was there, he quickly got up from his place on the floor and ran to the entrance. “You idiots are finally here!”
Katsuki pulled in his 3 friends, the boys of the Bakusquad, and slammed the door shut. The 3 friends all stood in shock at the sight of the house. Not that it was overly messy or anything. It’s just that there were about 16 more figures in the house that aren’t usually there.
“You gotta help me!” Katsuki said, running infront of them, shaking his best friend’s shoulders. “I love my kids! I do! I love Katsuo, I swear! BUT I DIDNT SIGN UP TO BE A FATHER OF 18 FREAKING DEVILS!”
“Okay! Okay, relax man. We’re here.” Kirishima said, patting his friend’s shoulder as he wept. “How the hell are we gonna take care of 17 little Bakugous?”
“Right? We thought 1 Kacchan was a lot. Then you brought another one into the world, who apparently brought some unannounced friends.” Kaminari joked.
“They’re demons!” Katsuki exclaimed. “This has to be some fucking Karma for the shit I did. I knew I should’ve listened to my old hag better. Now shits came back to bite me in the- HEY! PUT YOUR SISTER DOWN! SHE’S NOT A FOOTBALL!”
Katsuos number 7 and 5 placed a sleeping Katsumi back in her rocker with an annoyed pout before running off to play something else.
“Welllll, there’s nothing that 3 cool uncles can’t fix!” Sero enthusiastically said. “Hey kiddos! Who’s ready to have some fun?”
All the mini blondes stopped their movements, some freezing mid-air, and looked to the slim man. They all shouted in joy at the sight of their uncles and ran to pounce on the 3 men, including their father. From the point of view of the boys in the Bakusquad, it looked like a Bakugou stampede.
“Run, run, RUN, RUN, RUUUNN!!!!” Kaminari screamed as the boys all ran for their lives to escape the herd of Katsuos. This was going to be an interesting day.
Safe to say after the day had passed, the boys of the Bakusquad were completely exhausted. Sero had half his clothes torn, Kirishima’s hair fell from it’s great spikes and even lost some red hues, Katsuki’s eye bags had never been heavier, and Kaminari was just straight knocked the fuck out. They were all thrown across the couch as Katsumi rested in Katsuki’s arms.
“What do we do?” Kirishima exclaimed.
“I don’t know.” Katsuki said, looking at his scrambling son(s). “There’s just too many.”
“And we’ve already lost a soldier.” Sero said pointing to Kaminari’s sleeping form. Katsuki and Kirishima followed his gaze and bowed their heads in respect towards the defeated Kaminari.
“Well now what? Is Bakugou just supposed to live like this for the next 3 days?” Kirishima asked.
“Hell no. If I do, there’s not gonna be anymore Katsuki. I’ll just be some body without a soul because my damn gremlins sucked it outta’ me.” Katsuki said with his head dropped down.
“Well how do we get them to calm down?” Sero questioned.
“I don’t know. They’re all mini me’s. Nobody could get me to relax.” Katsuki said in defeat, but that’s when Kirishima had a lightbulb go off for him.
“Except for Y/N!” The red head said, popping up from his seat on the couch.
“Uh, if you haven’t noticed Shitty Hair, this all started because she’s away on her trip.” Katsuki said with sarcasm as he looked at his friend as if he was an idiot.
“I know that! But Y/N wasn’t the only one to tame you, Bakugou!” Kirishima said in excitement.
“So then who else?” Katsuki asked.
“You know,” Kirishima smirked. “Denki’s favorite person. Y/N and.........”
It took Katsuki a second before his eyes popped when he finally got it. “No!”
“Yes!” Kirishima said.
“No way! We’re not going to her!” Katsuki complained.
“Who?” Sero asked.
“Nobody!” Katsuki screamed.
“Oh it’s somebody alright! Somebody who was able to tame the beast in Bakugou the second he was born!” Kirishima said.
“Who?” Sero asked. Katsuki finally sighed before he gave in, realizing this was his only hope for sanity. He grabbed his phone and made a quick call before explaining to his dark-haired friend.
“The demon of all demons...”
The door opened to reveal a tall standing brunette and an elder feminine blonde.
“...My mother.”
The boys of the Bakusquad all sat lined up on the couch as Mitsuki stood at Katsuki’s end and smacked her son’s head.
“You idiots! Y/N leaves for 2 days and all hell breaks lose?!” Mitsuki screamed at the 3 young men.
“You old hag! Quit hitting me! Ima’ grown man for crying out loud!” Katsuki screamed as he rubbed his head. Masaru simply bounced the sleeping Katsumi in his arms as he watched the scene play out.
“Well if you’re such a grown man then why can’t you manage your own kids without your wife’s help?!” Mitsuki argued, leaving Katsuki silent as he grumbled. The eldest blonde sighed before continuing. “Alright listen, I’ll watch these little devils for the next few days until Y/N comes back. I’d love to spend some time with my grandbrats. Why don’t the 3 of you go take a break and-“
“THANKS! Let’s go losers!” Katsuki said dragging his friends to the exit. Mitsuki and Masaru only laughed at their son’s behavior as they began tending to the kids.
The boys of the Bakusquad all quickly walked out of the house and headed for their cars as they all walked together.
“So, where to?” Sero asked.
“We could go head up that new resort in Tokyo!” Kaminari suggested.
“Naahhh. That’s where Y/N’s having her girl’s trip. Wifey would kill me if she saw me there instead of at home with the kids.” Katsuki said with his hands in his pockets. Kirishima raised his brow at this.
“Oh? So then, maybe we should go back and-“
“You know, on second thought,” Katsuki said with wide eyes once Kirishima made the suggestion. He took his hands out of his pockets and placed them behind his friend’s backs to keep them moving. “Maybe she won’t kill me..if I’m lucky..and wish..upon a shooting star....a million times over. Hah.....yeah. TO THE RESORT!”
As they walked, Kaminari attempted to look at the house once more, prompting Katsuki to turn his friend’s head back around. “No, no, no, don’t look back, they can smell fear.”
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 294: A Half-Assed Escape
Previously on BnHA: Mirio was all “SURPRISE I’M BACK THANKS TO OUR RESIDENT SEVEN-YEAR-OLD WHO RECENTLY EARNED HER BACHELOR’S OF BEING A TOTAL BADASS.” Kacchan was all, “you know what, Dabi’s been trending long enough, time to remind the fandom what a real G looks like,” and he blasted his little bleeding body back into the fray and was all “FROM HERE ON OUT CALL ME DYNAMIGHT!!” Mirio was all, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh, you’re serious,” and Kacchan was all “!!”, and so that’s the story of how my son got murdered twice in one day. Meanwhile in the Todoroki Drama Zone, Deku was all “STOP MURDERING MY FRIEND” and Dabi was all “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” and fandom had a whole big debate about Whether Or Not Dabi Trying To Murder Deku’s Friends And Mentors Is Any Of Deku’s Business, which went exactly how you think it went. Anyway, so then Deku yelled at Dabi, and Endeavor was all moved by his manly words and randomly went to go uppercut Machia in the chin. And, seeing as how the Momoserum finally chose that exact moment to kick in, Machia is now down for the count.
Today on BnHA: The Miriosquad handles the Nearly High End Noumus, freeing up Jeanist to jasphyxiate (okay that one doesn’t really work so well) the rest of the League. Compress is all “TIME FOR THIS MILD-MANNERED SIDE CHARACTER VILLAIN TO SHINE”, except that by “shine” what he actually means is “use his quirk to punch a literal hole right through his own ass to free himself.” The rest of the chapter is basically just a back and forth between him and Jeanist, with Jeanist trying to recapture him, and Compress repeatedly thwarting him by chopping more holes out of himself because HE’S FRESH OUT OF FUCKS, AND THE ONES AT THE STORE ARE ALL SOLD OUT, MOTHERFUCKERS. Anyway, so with Compress basically dying and all, Horikoshi is all “you know what that means”, and delivers a freshly-baked villain flashback revealing that Compress is a descendant of Harima Ouji, a.k.a. the Peerless Thief, a.k.a. some famous guy whom Gentle mentioned this one time for like two seconds back in the day. The chapter ends with Compress finally demasking himself and dumping Tomura back onto the ground, a.k.a. The Worst Possible Place For Tomura To Be. ( •﹏•)
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AIZAWAAAA you’re alive and receiving medical help thank GOD. HOW MANY EYES DO YOU HAVE. AND MIRKO!! HOW MANY LIMBS DO YOU HAVE, OMG
so is this Aizawa dreaming about Crust’s final moments, then?? jesus. with All Due Respect to Crust’s memory, does Aizawa not already have enough misplaced guilt on his conscience as it is?? “nope, we’re gonna keep piling it on. that’s all he is now. three limbs, an indeterminate number of eyes, sexy hair, and Guilt” well shit
motherfucker y’all really out here placing an oxygen mask on Gran Torino’s corpse. fucking shounen characters. each one comes with a lifetime warranty
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for a moment I considered going back and checking my previous recaps to count how many times I’ve already made a joke about Dabi’s fire incinerating Hawks’s wings but not touching so much as a hair on his five o’clock shadow, so that I could calculate whether or not I could possibly get away with making that same joke one more time. but then I realized I could just do it in this kind of roundabout way I’m doing right now instead. so there you have it
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so anyway though, Jeanist is giving a speech about how god knows how many people all worked together to bring Machia down. and now RHA is getting in on those fabric puns too, I see. “A SINGLE STRAND MAY BE THIN BUT TOGETHER THEY FORM A STRONG ROPE” oh so you think you guys are funny eh? I’m a frayed knot
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fffffff. so much for him taking over as the Number One once all this is over. so let’s just recap real quick, because Horikoshi has long since made it clear that one of his plot goals for this arc is to wipe out every single member of the Billboard Top Ten. so how we doin?
Endeavor - was just figuratively eviscerated in front of the entire nation by his homicidal zombiepunk son. also burnt half to death and possibly down a lung. will almost certainly be forced to retire after this one way or the other
Hawks - lying prettily in a medical tent. wings status: gone. hair status: still perfect
Edgeshot - MIA, last seen fighting Re-Destro. I really want him to have kicked RD’s ass because fuck that guy, but realistically they probably fought to a draw at best
Mirko - alive but in critical condition and missing something like 1.5 limbs
Crust - dead, currently haunting Aizawa’s traumatized dreams. now he’s gonna be triggered the rest of his life by people giving him the thumbs up, THANKS A LOT
Kamui Woods - was set on fire which is His Weakness. thoughts and prayers
Wash - last seen floating hospital patients to safety as Tomura’s wave of decay descended towards him. probably dead ffff
Old Man Samurai - haven’t seen this fucker in a hot minute, who even knows where he’s wandered off to
Ryuukyuu - currently being treated for her wounds, looked pretty bad off. but it’s hard to tell how hurt she is since most of the injuries were acquired in her transformed state. SHE BETTER GET WELL SOON
anyways, so yeah. so much for the top ten. guess that’s another reason Horikoshi brought Mirio back now, huh
so there’s a big panel of everyone fighting the Noumu while Machia lies there all “blurgh.” good riddance my dude. it took like twenty chapters and a hundred people to stop this guy so I really fucking hope he stays down. you’ve had your fun
anyway so Jeanist is sending another steel thread towards Dabi! and he’s all “just a bit more!!” fklklj this is gonna go real well isn’t it
meanwhile Mirio’s fighting a Nearly High End with all of these weird rock formations jutting out of its skin. go on and kick his ass then, Mirio
“each of these guys is probably just as strong as the Noumu from Kyuushuu” hold on I thought Ujiko or Tomura or someone said that wasn’t the case? not that Mirio would know I suppose. anyways let’s just hope he’s wrong cuz if not these kids are probably screwed
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WOW, SON. IT’S ALMOST AS THOUGH YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR TORSO, OR SOMETHING!! although listen up, real talk, the fact that Kacchan of all people can’t muster the energy to yell at someone questioning his ability to kick ass is HIGHKEY troubling and we may be in need of an intervention here soon :/
now Jeanist is finally turning his attention to the League! was... was it not already on the League. omg
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hey so um. what the actual fucked up hell. my soul left my body. imagine if you saw the reflection of this panel on your bedroom window. you would never sleep again
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(ETA: just a next-day clarification here, apparently my sleep-deprived ADHD word-skipping brain completely skipped right over the “a” in that last panel, so what I read was, “and Shigaraki’s limp noodle.” so yeah, the moral of this story is always read the speech bubble carefully before you start making running jokes throughout the rest of your post, folks.)
oh wow he’s really freaking out lmao
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to be fair though, I’d argue that Dabi has gotten pre-tty close at this point :’) thrilled for him, really I am
but anyway, well then figure something out you big dramatic robot-armed fiend. didn’t you just say you could touch your own ass? can you not just Compress yourself to break free?? does it not work on you? or would you be stuck afterwards lol
(ETA: I was picturing him compressing his entire body at once, not just chunks of it. ghhhlkh.)
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holy shit Jeanist. are you stupidly trying to cut off their air, or are you going for more of a sleeper hold (jleeper hold??) thing instead. the latter would be way smarter and faster and probably safer as well just saying
but unless Spinner is just being super dramatic, it sure looks like he’s fucking strangling them djslkjlk. this will certainly cement his popularity among the villain stans. good thing you’re not running for office any time soon bud
anyway so I have no idea what these guys are trying to do now. what is this
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do you even have till the count of 5 at this rate. I mean
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jeez, talk about... A HALF-ASSED ESCAPE ATTEMPT :D :D :D hahaha. but real talk though, Horikoshi has clearly never tried to leap twelve feet straight up in the air multiple times in succession with only half his glutes though. everyone, I regret to inform you that this panel right here on the left may be slightly unrealistic
also where the hell is he going to go?? did you pack a jetpack away in one of those little marbles sir. and what about Dabi?? and Skeptic too, I guess, but we don’t really care about Skeptic
(ETA: at this point I had to stop reading for about two hours because I had to go out and take care of something; that’s also why this is being posted later than usual lol. anyways so where were we.)
oh my lord
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the existence of a translator’s note here implies that the earlier line about Compress being able to reach Tomura’s junk was not, in fact, ad-libbed. hmm. hmmmmmmmm
anyway so now he’s grabbing Compress again because OF COURSE HE IS, so now we’re right back to square one! except now Tomura and Spinner are secured inside of little marbles, and presumably Compress is the only one who can release them
oh nevermind he’s just maiming himself again instead, SHEESH
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Skeptic a man is dying please have some goddamn respect
so, uh. is he gonna die, though??
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I really can’t tell wtf is going on here, this is the most confusing the art has been in a while. Horikoshi put all of his spoons into that creepyass close-up panel earlier, that bastard
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so apparently Harima was a Robin Hood type guy who stole from... heroes?? wtf. are heroes the 1% in this scenario. y’all didn’t have any Fortune 500 CEOs to steal from?
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THAT’S THE BLOOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOU, OH SHIT. and in a related oh shit, the fact that we are getting a Compress flashback now of all times doesn’t bode super well for him. ffff
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listen here boy if you touch one freaking hair on Shouto’s candy cane head I swear to god --
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(ETA: “masks are removable, makeste” you know what it’s been a long day okay lmao. or I suppose Compress is really the one who is lmao.)
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okay. okay. looooool okay then
as if it wasn’t enough for him to demask himself, he also had to get all shirtless and then do this weird attempt at a sexypose too huh
hard to say exactly how much of his torso is currently missing, but safe to say that’s proooooooobably not good. :///// fuck
on the other hand, Kacchan also has a torso hole and he’s still flying around like he just drank a dozen red bulls, so
this man lost his ass and he’s still out here monologuing like it’s the last two minutes of The Prestige. one might say he is monologuing his ass off
so he let Spinner and Tomura free, but is Dabi still trapped in his marble?? wasn’t he all on fire and stuff?? hopefully he can still turn off his quirk in there because if not that’s a pretty fucked up way to die. somewhere out there Snatch’s ghost is all “YEAH I’LL SAY.” oh how the turntables
last but not least, sooooooo. Tomura. back on the ground. that’s. um. ...shiiiiiiiit
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sleepdeprivedsloth · 3 years
The Beginning of Birthday Traditions
[MHA - Bakusquad]
summary: The Bakusquad has trouble coming up with a way to wake up Bakugou for a midnight birthday celebration that doesn’t result in them being buried six feet under. Mina then reveals a plan that would get the birthday boy to wake up with a smile on his face. (platonic Bakusquad tickle fic)
potential warnings: swearing, tickling
words: 2.1 k
a/n: how could i not write a lee blasty boy fic for his birthday ?? i absolutely  l o v e  the bakusquad they are literally so wholesome :,) anyways i hope you guys enjoy!
“It’s physically impossible to wake Bakugou up in the middle of the night and survive,” Kaminari tried reasoning with his friends. It was only a few minutes past midnight on April 20th, meaning that it was officially Bakugou’s birthday. The Bakusquad was currently gathered inside of Kirishima’s dorm discussing how they should go about celebrating the special occasion. Specifically, trying to figure out a way to wake up the birthday boy in the next dorm over that didn’t end with them getting sent to their graves.
“But we can’t just do nothing! The Dekusquad already threw a little midnight party on Tsu’s birthday,” Kirishima argued.
Sero gave a dejected sigh, “Yeah, you’re right. We can’t let them one-up us like that. I just wish there was a way to avoid him getting pissed at us for waking him. It honestly might ruin the whole birthday mood.”
Mina, who had chosen to stay silent and patiently listen to the hopeless discussion, decided that this moment was the perfect time to pull out and reveal her wild card to the rest of the group. With a small smirk and excited gleam in her eyes, she said, “Ahem, I may have some super exclusive, top-secret info that could allow us to wake up Blasty for his birthday and live to see the light of day.”
All heads immediately turned towards Mina, their gazes both intrigued and dangerously curious. Kirishima eagerly encouraged, “... go on..!”
Mina pulled out her phone and motioned for the boys to come closer. Without hesitation, they all crowded around the small device before Mina started playing a video.
The visual was extremely dark, but they could still make out the vague silhouettes of two boys. They seemed to be struggling against one another, the taller one fighting to get away from the shorter one’s strong hold around his sides. The audio was very faint, so the group had to strain their ears to hear what was happening.
“If we w-weren’t in the dorms right now I would not he-hesitate to blast your ass into nehext week,” a gruff voice threatened quietly.
Another voice gasped, and then spoke teasingly, “Did the Kacchan just giggle?” The shorter boy’s hands then traveled further up the taller one’s torso, going up to his ribs, and not even two seconds later, not-so-quiet laughter could be heard echoing throughout the dark room.
The camera recording suddenly turned towards the ground and started shaking around, showing Mina’s blurry, socked feet quickly pattering away, before the video abruptly ended.
The Bakusquad slowly brought their heads back up to face one another, the boys all sharing the same dumbfounded, gaping expression and Mina looking smug as hell.
Kaminari was the first to speak up, barely able to contain his newfound excitement. “No way. No. Freaking. Way.”
A mischievous smile formed on Sero’s face as he said, “This is just too good to be true.”
“I know right!!” Mina exclaimed, obviously very proud of capturing the personal and adorable Bakugou moment. “Who would’ve guessed that our resident boom boy is ticklish?!”
“Sooo.. we’re all thinking the same thing right?” Kirishima asked, looking over at each of his friends expectantly.
“Oh yeah, definitely,” Sero said, while Mina and Kaminari nodded in agreement.
“”So what are we waiting for?!” Kaminari declared while standing to his feet. “Let’s go give the birthday boy the wake-up call of a lifetime!”
After the rest of the Bakusquad got to their feet, they all excitedly rushed out of Kirishima’s dorm and into the hallway. Once outside of Bakugou’s dorm, Kirishima pulled out the spare key the blonde had given him that was supposed to be used strictly for emergencies, but he honestly thought that their mission could be considered a birthday crisis of some sort.
Kirishima unlocked the door and quietly pushed it open, just enough so that he could briefly peek inside to make sure that Bakugou was asleep. He then pushed the door wide open, allowing him and the others to sneak inside the pitch black room. They made sure to close the door behind them and leave the lights off, but the group could still see each other’s shining, playful grins.
The Bakusquad crept over to Bakugou’s bed and saw him sleeping peacefully and softly snoring. Perfect. Kirishima and Sero crouched down onto the ground near the foot of the bed and gently pushed the blanket out of the way to reveal Bakugou’s bare feet. Meanwhile, Kaminari and Mina quietly climbed onto the bed and settled themselves on either side of the sleeping boy.
From the floor, Kirishima motioned for them to start putting their plan into action. After a quick nod, Mina slipped one of her hands underneath Bakugou’s tank top and started lightly tracing her fingertips along his bare stomach. Not long after, his face scrunched up and his body slightly curled inwardly on itself, trying to escape the soft sensations.
Deciding to step it up a notch, Mina ran her fingers over his side, not too hard as to immediately wake him up, but just enough to get him sleepily squirming. Bakugou lazily brought an arm down across his torso, his unconscious mind telling him that it was just a bug.
Desperately wanting to get in on the action, Kaminari slithered his own hand underneath Bakugou’s top and slowly dragged his slightly wiggling fingers from the birthday boy’s stomach up to his ribs.
Bakugou twitched awake, sleepily whining a small, “Son of a-” before he opened an eye to see what had woken him up while Kaminari and Mina quickly retracted their hands. He had definitely not been expecting to see people sitting next to him on the bed in his dorm, causing his eyes to widen and his body to jolt out of shock. Once his sleep-filled mind had actually caught up to what he was seeing, Bakugou was able to recognize and identify the two smiling faces as Mina and Kaminari. He let out a small sigh of relief before relaxing his body and closing his eyes again, mumbling, “Pinky? Dunce? Th’ hell you two idiots doin’ in my bed ‘n the middle of th’ goddamn night?”
“Actually, there are four idiots. Kiri and I are here too!” Sero pointed out with a suspicious amount of energy and excitement, but Bakugou was so tired that he honestly couldn’t care less.
In fact, the blonde had already started falling back into the depths of sleep, only letting out a small, “Mhmm.. get out losers,” in response.
Kirishima dragged a singular finger down the length of one of Bakugou’s feet. “C’mon Bakubro, you gotta wake up!”
Bakugou’s breath hitched before he immediately pulled the attacked foot back underneath the protection of the blanket. “Don’t do tha’ shit. I- Jus’ let me sleep, guys.”
Kaminari butted in, bravely placing a hand on Bakugou’s shoulder to gently shake him awake, “But we need you awake! Do you even know what day it is?”
Bakugou shrugged Kaminari off and completely ignored his question, instead tiredly mumbling, “Make sure to lock th’ door on your way out.” A few moments of silence passed, and the birthday boy was on the cusp of falling back into a deep sleep, when he suddenly felt soft fluttering on both of his feet and down his sides. Fingers were lightly grazing over the balls of his feet, dipping into the arches, and circling the heel before going back up and starting all over again. Small squeezes were given spontaneously along the length of both sides of his torso, traveling from his waistline all the way to his lower ribs. 
He tried to pull away from the gentle touches, but found that all four of his limbs were being pinned to the bed. Shit. He was so screwed. Bakugou tightly squeezed his eyes and tried to keep his mouth clamped shut, but he couldn’t prevent the tired smile and sleepy giggles from inevitably escaping. Normally, he would be fighting like hell to keep his laughter under control, but he was freaking exhausted dammit! “Whahat the- shihihit! What do you dahahamn extras think you’re doHOHOING?!” Bakugou’s laughter unconsciously became more desperate and louder when Kaminari suddenly wiggled his fingers higher up on his ribcage.
Noticing the increased reaction, Mina started focusing her tickling on his higher ribs as well. “We’re tickling you! I thought that was pretty obvious.”
Bakugou tried to thrash his way out of his captors’ grasps, but he was heavily outnumbered and disadvantaged. Still, there was no harm in fruitlessly trying. “Leheheheave me alohohohone! I’m nahahahat even tihihihickli-AHAHahaha!”
“Hmm.. I don’t know, dude.” Sero playfully teased. He pulled back Bakugou’s toes with one hand, using the other to gently flutter his fingers on the sensitive space in between, rewarding him with more thrashing and a shriek that dissolved into uncontrollable laughter. “Seems like you’re pretty ticklish to me.”
“NOHOHOHO I’M NAHAHAHAHAT!! WHIHIHIHI-WHY ARE YOU ASSHOHOHOLES EVEN DOHOHOING THIHIHIHIHIS?? HAHAHAVE A DEAHAHATH WIHIHISH OR SOHOMETHIHING?!” Bakugou attempted to threaten his friends, but his bright smile, joy-filled laughs, and adorable blush covering his face counteracted the murderous words.
Kirishima was dragging his index finger along the padding of Bakugou’s toes, occasionally dipping down in between them and giving a little wiggle, causing the blonde to give out a little squeal each time. “Because it’s your birthday!”
“Yeah, we have to wake you up so that we can celebrate together!” Kaminari exclaimed. He moved both of his hands to grab at either side of Bakugou’s hips and repeatedly squeezed. With his head thrown back from the force of his hysterics, Bakugou bucked his waist left and right, trying to dislodge Kaminari’s fingers.
“YOHOHOHOU IDIOHOHOTS ARE GONNAHAHAHAHA REGREHEHEHE- AAAAAAAHHAHAHAHA!!” Bakugou started pulling at his arms desperately, bouts of laughter pouring freely out of his mouth, as Mina trailed her hands upwards until they wiggled against his highest ribs, only an inch or two away from his armpits. “NAHAHAHAHAHA! NO MOHOHOHOHORE, NOHOHOHOHO MOHOHOHOHORE!!”
With a villainous look in her eyes, Mina dug her fingers into the spot with more purpose and vigor, while Bakugou absolutely lost his mind to the sensations. “We’ll stop as soon as you promise that you’re gonna have tons of fun on your special day!”
Sero quickly half-jokingly added, “AND that you won’t kill us for waking you up.”
“Not enough, Bakubro. You gotta say that you promise!” Kirishima teased.
Kaminari leaned down next to Bakugou’s ear, brought his hands up to his bare armpits and started creating feather-like flutters while whispering, “Say that you pinky promise, birthday boy~”
Bakugou’s blush only deepened as he fell into silent hysterics for a few moments, tears of mirth gathering in the corners of his eyes. Seeing that Bakugou was being tickled beyond the point of responding, Kaminari mercifully stopped his fluttering, but kept his hands rested on Bakugou’s armpits and slowly drummed his fingers against the soft skin. Once able to verbally form sentences again, Bakugou pleaded, “Pihihihinky prohohomise! Ihihihi pihihihihinky prohohohohomise!!”
The Bakusquad all immediately ceased their tickle attacks and released their hold on Bakugou’s limbs. The blonde quickly tucked his arms and legs back underneath the blanket and curled in on himself, trying to catch his breath and slow the stream of leftover giggles pouring out of his mouth. “Dohoho nohot e-hehe-ever doho thahat agahain asshoholes.”
“No promises on that one, Blasty,” Mina declared while Sero and Kirishima got up from the floor and joined the others on top of the already-crowded bed.
“Oh yeah, we’re totally doing that again!” Kirishima excitedly commented. “We’ve seriously gotta make wake-up tickles a birthday tradition in the squad.”
Bakugou groaned fondly at their silliness, a soft smile still present on his lips. The others all shared a look with one another before exclaiming, “Happy birthday, Bakugou!!”
When the birthday boy looked up, he saw his friends all wearing the same stupidly huge smile on their faces and doing dramatic, and surprisingly synchronized, jazz hands that they must’ve practiced on together for hours. He let out a few chuckles, “Yeah yeah, whatever losers. So what are we gonna do for the next five hours before class starts?”
“Wanna go raid the kitchen for snacks and play Mario Kart?” Sero suggested.
“Obviously, just don’t throw a tantrum when I completely dominate all of your asses!” Bakugou quickly challenged.
“Tough words for someone who’s deathly ticklish…” Kaminari teased with a knowing smirk.
Bakugou buried his head into one of his pillows to hide the oncoming blush and nervous smile quickly spreading across his face. “... shut up..”
a/n: ahaha not me posting in the middle of class :D but i really hope that you all enjoyed reading this and thank you for taking the time to do so!! I’ll be posting my fandom list tomorrow because i love procrastinating on it lol have a great life guys!!
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fizzychocolatemilk · 3 years
You've Got a Friend in Me (You've Got Troubles. I've Got 'em too.) (A Bakudeku Tropetember Fic)
Another Tropetember thingy (this one is a little late though...oops). I classify this one as a fic because it surpassed 1K. This one is for day eight:  5+1 / 3+1 (Five Times + One Time). AO3 link is here. It’s slightly angsty...so beware of feels.
tw: use of the f slur, homophobia, unsupportive parents, bullying
“You’ll always be nothing but some dumbass, lightning-bolt faggot! You should just pack up and quit the hero course now. You’re too stupid to ever make it further than some lowly sidekick position,” the boy finished his abuse before dissolving into obnoxious laughter. 
 Said boy was one of Denki’s middle school classmates. Denki had accidentally run into him because he was texting Eijirou. The boy had looked over his shoulder and seen Eiji’s name (along with a heart) and started making fun of him for being “a faggot”. Denki knew he shouldn’t take what some asshole said to heart, but the things that he said reminded Denki of other times when he had been put down similarly. Lots of people seemed to think he was an incompetent dumbass who could never do anything right unless he had help, and, while sure, he was a little slow in academics...he definitely had other skill sets that made him a kick-ass hero! That didn’t mean that it was easy to convince himself of that.
 “Denki-kun! Hi!” a voice broke Denki out of his spiral.
 Denki turned toward the voice and, low and behold, it was Izu-kun. Denki gave Izuku a weak smile and a wave as he stood tensely next to the bully.
 “Denki! Who’s this? A friend?” Izuku asked as he walked up to the two. His voice sounded dangerous, and Denki could hear the “or foe?” that came after his words. At 17, Class 3-A knew that Izuku was dangerously protective of his friends, and they all did their best not to provoke his fury in any way. Because a feral Izuku was terrifying. 
 The bully didn’t know this though, and he simply laughed before “greeting” Izuku, “Ah, guess we’ve got another faggot. Or did you not know that Lightning Dolt here was a twink?”
 Izuku’s aura darkened several degrees at the boy's statement but still he shot the boy a bright (but fake) smile, “I’ll give you three seconds to run before I fucking destroy you.”
 The boy’s face dropped and he blinked, “Uhhh...what?”
 Izuku continued to smile, “One.”
 The boy’s eyes widened in panic, “Wait, man!”
 The boy started running, “We can talk about this!”
 “Three,” Izuku immediately gave chase—or he would have if Denki hadn’t given him a small shock and held him back. Izuku struggled for a second before sighing and turning to Denki, “Denki-kun, you are more than just a brainless idiot and more than just a...a...you know. You’re amazing and talented in your own right and I’m proud to call you my friend.”
 Denki blinked in surprise before blushing lightly, “Thanks, Izu. I really appreciate it.” He smiled genuinely at Izuku.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Momo,” the dark-haired woman stared harshly down at her daughter, “You may feel like this now, but one day you’ll find a nice, upstanding gentleman that captures your heart. Not some...punk-rock freak-girl.”
 Momo stared down at her feet and sighed softly before replying, “Yes, mother.”
 However, as she turned to make her way into the dorms, and her mother turned to meet with the chauffeur, she heard a very familiar voice. “Excuse me, ma’am! Yaoyorozu-san! May I have a word with you?” Momo turned to see Izuku-kun coming down the dorm steps and speed walking down the lawn to meet with the two women. He had a slightly dangerous aura (someone outside of Class A wouldn’t even notice), but Momo stood rigid as her friend stood up to her mother, “Yaoyorozu-san. I think you should consider taking your daughter more seriously. 
 “You might not know me well personally, but Yaomomo-chan and I know each other very well and I would consider us good friends. She’s smart, resourceful, and talented, and I think we can both agree that she will make a fantastic hero. But Yaomomo-chan is also responsible and mature, definitely mature enough to make her own decisions about her relationship choices. 
 “My own mother is very protective of me too, but I think that part of being a parent means accepting and supporting children through their choices and the consequences of those choices (good or bad), even if they aren’t choices that you, yourself, would make. I hope that you can come to respect Yaomomo-chan’s decisions about her own future, and find comfort in the fact that I, and everyone else in Class A, will always offer her our full support. Thank you for your time.” Izuku bowed politely before turning to Momo. “Kacchan made dinner. You should come eat it before it gets cold,” he smiled before heading back inside.
 Momo’s mother looked surprised for a second before saying a quick goodbye and hurrying away. Momo smiled after her before whispering under her breath, “You are a marvelous friend, Izuku-kun.”
Hanta was in a rush to get to class. Usually he was pretty punctual, but today he missed his alarm so he wasn’t feeling the best. Anxious and rushed, he accidentally ran into the worst person reasonably possible.
 “Ahah, if it isn’t the plain-faced tape dispenser from Class A!” Monoma laughed, “Late to class, I see! Tsk, tsk, yet another reason Class B is superior! At the very least we’re punctual!”
 Hanta deadpanned at the slate-eyed boy, “You know you’re late too, right?”
 Monoma’s jaw dropped for a second before he regained his composure. He huffed and took another angle, “Well, at least I have a personality! You’re so boring that it’s a wonder anyone pays attention to you at all. You’re almost more invisible than the invisible girl in your class! Not to mention that you’ll probably never get a girlfriend, hah!”
 Hanta rolled his eyes, despite the pang in his heart, before maneuvering himself to speed-walk past Monoma. “I’m literally dating Shou. It’s been the hot gossip for the past few days, and you’re definitely shallow enough to keep up with the gossip mill.”
 Monoma guffawed, “How did a plain-faced peasant like you end up with someone as high class as Todoroki? It’s a wonder, isn’t it? But, of course, I’m sure you’ve been hearing that for the past few days, haven’t you?”
 Hanta knew that he shouldn’t take anything that Monoma says seriously, but he’d been hearing how “unworthy” he was of Shouto for the past few days (since their relationship became public knowledge). The scathing words got to him and it made him doubt himself a little. He sped off towards his classroom, ignoring Monoma’s jeers in the background.
 That day, during a joint training session, Izuku requested to be paired with Monoma...and maybe Izuku went a little harder than he usually did. Maybe Monoma ended up in the infirmary before class ended, but it was training so Izuku couldn’t really be blamed for accidentally injuring his classmate, could he?
 Hanta smiled as he now had an explanation for the flash of green he swore he saw out of the corner of his eye as he was rushing to class after the encounter.
Katsuki slapped Deku on the back after training. “What the fuck was that, nerd?! You fucking beat the hell outta the Copycat Freak! Why can’t you ever go that hard when we train?”
 Deku’s face flushed as he turned a blinding smile at Katsuki. Cute. Katsuki shook himself from his thoughts as Deku started talking to him. “I guess I just got really into the exercise, Kacchan!”
 Katsuki could tell that Izuku’s words weren’t the whole truth but he decided to gloss over it for now in favor of focusing on a topic that had been bugging him. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with Mochi Head lately. Skimping on our training. Any specific reason, Deku?”
 Katsuki watched as Deku’s face flushed again, but this time it made a pit grow in his stomach. The pit grew as Deku stumbled over his words for a few minutes before answering, “We’ve just been helping each other study, Kacchan.” 
 “You’re fucking lying, stupid Deku,” Katsuki scoffed as his heart started cracking, tiny pieces falling into the void. “But it’s fucking fine. If you’d rather waste time with your girlfriend like a dumbass then I’ll take the number one spot all the more easily,” he said, but the words felt ashy in his mouth, empty and non-fulfilling.
 He started walking away when there was a sharp tug on his wrist. “Kacchan!” It was Deku. It was always Deku. Katsuki stopped trying to pull away, but he didn’t turn around yet. “I love you! No one else! Ochako-chan has just been helping me work through my feelings for you! She has feelings for someone else!” Katsuki turned sharply to see Deku staring intensely at him. “You are my symbol of victory. My hero. My Kacchan. It’s only ever been you, so please. Please allow me to stand by your side!”
 Katsuki sniffled before completely breaking down in tears from the emotional taxation of the last few minutes. Being the empathetic crier he is, Deku broke down with him and they held each other and sobbed. After a couple more minutes, Katsuki had pulled himself together enough to respond, “Y-yeah, dumb Deku. Keep your eyes on me.”
 Katsuki stood and extended a hand to Izuku to help him up. Izuku stared at him fondly for a split second before taking his offer. They walked back to the dorms side-by-side and hand-in-hand.
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dynyamight · 3 years
Hello! Could you do this one :
192 - You make me feel alive. For the first time ever, I feel like I can breathe.
Thanks ☺☺
192. You make me feel alive. For the first time ever, I feel like I can breathe.
“My, you’ve grown so tall and handsome, Katsuki! I can barely recognize you!”
Bakugou shrugs stiffly, hands deeply shoved in his pockets. “..Evenin’, Auntie.”
“Hurry, hurry!” Inko quickly beckons him inside the apartment, with frantic hand motions. “The cold air will get you sick the longer you stand out there.”
After a few tentative steps inside, and offering a mumbled pardon of intrusion, Bakugou makes a look around the small home.
God, everything looked eerily the damn same.
The miniature sofa, the kotatsu, the TV airing the local news, the rickety old dining table, in the same faded wood color just like before. The kitchen, probably looks the same, too.
Nothing new.
And, oddly enough, Bakugou was glad. Familiarity was very much needed, right now.
“Let me take your coat, dear.” Inko shushes quietly, right beside him. When Bakugou twists his head down, he looks to see her offering a soft smile.
Something in his chest clenches. “Nah, s’fine.” He coughs, struggling to meet her gaze. “..We’ll be leaving soon, anyway.”
“You know, that’s what you always told me, back when you two were kids.” Inko voices gently, “Waiting at the front door. Ready to head out, as soon as Izuku stepped out.”
“It warms my heart to see you two together.” She says, gazing at him, with that same comforting expression she used to give him long ago.
The inside of his palms are damp, sweating nervously. All he can offer is a quick nod of acknowledgment, without losing his cool in front of her.
Sure, they weren’t close before, but Inko only remembers him as that child. The one that was her son’s best friend. The one that knocked at her front door, jumping in his sneakers excitedly. The little boy who guided her son out of her home, and brought him back, safe and sound.
And, the same guy who was once the source of all of her beloved son’s distress, turmoil, and torment.
He hopes Midoriya has told her redeeming things about him, now that she knows that part. Because, there’s no way in hell he can sell himself any better.
A door to the right of the hallway opens in that instant.
With his back turned away from them, Midoriya steps out in an obnoxious All Might pajama set, barefooted.
He’s holding up two sweaters, dangling from each hand. “Mom!” He calls out towards the dining room, “Which one looks better? Yellow or red?”
“I can’t tell, Izuku.” Inko states easily, “Turn around.”
Doing a double take, Midoriya pivots in his stance, almost tripping over the long pants. “Oh, when did you get behind-?”
Midoriya’s face drops, before the shirts hit the floor.
Bakugou snorts, while Inko intently gazes at the fallen clothing. “I would think the burgundy one would look wonderful, sweetie.” She advises, regardless.
Quickly, Midoriya gathers and shoves his sweaters in his arms, and hurries back into his room, slamming the door shut. The click of a lock echoes, alongside a bunch of stressed, inaudible words.
“..You sure you don’t want me to take your coat?” Inko asks him. This time, there’s a knowing, small teasing expression on her face. “Izuku might take a while longer.”
Bakugou doesn’t wait for long, seated under the warming kotatsu. His drums his fingers on his thighs, here and there. And, the heat does get a little stuffy, while wearing black jeans and a turtleneck.
But, otherwise, it’s not intolerable. Inko had offered him plenty, during his wait; a hot mug of ginger and cinnamon tea, a small plate of cookie biscuits, and her silent, yet welcoming company. She even insisted on covering his shoulders with a large blanket, engulfing him completely.
“Anything for you.” Inko reassures him, despite having not voiced anything. “You have done so much to keep Izuku happy. It’s the least I can do.”
The overbearing politeness runs in the family, like a disease.
He feels he should thank her, or better yet, try to have a conversation with her. But, each time he builds up the internal guts to say something, the words get caught in his throat.
He wants to make sure he says the right thing to Midoriya’s mother. Unfortunately, he desperately wants her approval.
So, when Midoriya finally walks around the corner, in a nice pair of jeans and that same burgundy sweater from before, Bakugou’s relieved to say the least.
He feels saved.
“Now, the night is only getting colder, by the minute.” Inko hurriedly tells them, as the three of them walk to the front door, “This winter season has been terribly freezing! My heart can’t handle either of you catching the flu, let alone both of you! So, try to make it home not only safe, but healthy. Oh, and if you are unable to catch the last train, please let me know! I will gladly-”
“It’s okay.” Midoriya reassures her, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Mom. We’ll be okay.”
“I know, I know. Just please-”
“Call you when we’re on our way home.” Midoriya answers easily. “Yeah, I will.”
“..You promise?”
“I promise, Mom.”
They share a sweet, long embrace, which Bakugou can’t help, but look away.
Something about their close bond, and unashamed love for each other feels intrusive for him to be a part of.
Something that he doesn’t deserve to be a part of. At least, not yet.
Instead, he solely focuses on readjusting his winter coat over his shoulders.
On their languid walk towards the metro station, a few blocks away from the apartment complex, Midoriya slips his hand in his.
“You told me 20:00, Kacchan.” He whines, however.
Bakugou rolls his eyes. “It was.” He corrects in a huff, “Until you fucking said I could drop by an hour early.”
“Wha—? When did I say that?”
“During our damn lunch break, yesterday.” Bakugou incredulously stares at him. “The hell? You were the one who came up to me and literally said it yourself. How your conference for today with the academy got cancelled. ”
For a moment too long, Midoriya stays silent, visibly mulling over the words in his head. Each quiet second makes Bakugou more internally baffled, downright shocked.
If it weren’t for Midoriya’s warm hand loosely holding onto him, he’d crackle a couple explosions, in spite.
“Oh. I did.” Midoriya breathes out laughing, bringing his other hand to his face. “I completely forgot.”
“Shitty Deku.” Bakugou grunts. “Starting the night off wrong, already?”
“Hey! Don’t go making me feel bad, Kacchan!” With pleading eyes, Midoriya looks up at him. “I didn’t mean to forget. School’s been hectic recently, and you know that.”
Those huge, bright green eyes. His kryptonite.
Bakugou clicks his tongue. “..Whatever. S’not like the wait was awful.”
“Oh god, I hope my mom wasn’t too much with you.” Midoriya messes with Bakugou’s fingers in between his, tightening and letting go of them.
“Not at all.” Bakugou lies.
Smiling, Midoriya lets out a big sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. If you two didn’t get along tonight, I might have had an aneurysm.”
“If you had to choose—” Bakugou starts.
Midoriya narrows his eyes. “Stop it.”
Bakugou scoffs, slipping out an air of mirth into it. “Obviously your mom.”
“Obviously, it would be too hard of a decision to make.” Midoriya corrects. “Hopefully that time never, ever, ever comes.”
Despite trying not to smile, Bakugou feels the traces of a smirk on the corners of his lips. “If that day ever happens, always pick Auntie.” He states easily, “Her heartbreak would be so fucking intense. Put all natural disasters to damn shame.”
With a small, slipped out laugh, Midoriya bumps their shoulders together, softened by their winter coats. “You are weirdly making sense, Kacchan.”
“Of course I’m making fucking sense. She cries over the thought of someone taking you away. Villain, or not.”
“Every mother is like that!”
“Hell, I’m damn surprised Auntie didn’t flip her shit from seeing me.” Bakugou honestly confesses finally, more to himself than to Midoriya. “Dating her one and only son, and she didn’t even freak out about it.”
And, just like that, Bakugou knows something is wrong, from the moment Midoriya stays quiet.
They continue to walk, despite the sudden tense mood between them. But, that doesn’t mean Bakugou doesn’t want to demand Midoriya to speak up, the longer he keeps his mouth shut.
But also, he doesn’t want to ruin their night, and so, he waits begrudgingly.
Right as the two are on the outskirts of the metro tunnel, Midoriya twiddles Bakugou’s fingers nervously.
“..I haven’t told her about us yet,” He admits, face morphed in guilt. “But, I mean, she could very easily guess our intentions tonight. So, maybe— I don’t know —she might know.”
Bakugou hums, allowing himself a few seconds to process that. He then breathes a long air through his nose. “..I figured.” He simply says.
“It’s not like I want to hide us.” Midoriya voices aloud, furrowing his brows. “It’s just with graduation coming up, and the academy still looking for an agency to accept me as anything, and then my father suddenly wanting to come back into our lives, she’s just been a little stressed with everything going on, including myself. And, I don’t want to potentially ruin us and-”
With a tight grip, Bakugou halts them to a sudden stop.
When Midoriya worriedly gazes at him, he offers him back a nod. “Yeah, I get it.” Bakugou firmly states.
“Kacchan, I-”
“You’re fine. Don’t worry about it.”
And, he really means it.
While people bypass them, heading through the automatic doors of the metro station, they both remain standing, staring back at each other.
The first to break is Midoriya, releasing a big, tired sigh. “You’re right.” He frowns, looking away. “I’m totally ruining this date night. I’m sorry.”
Pulling his hand out of the hold, Bakugou instead brings his arms over Midoriya’s shoulders. He hugs them close. “No, you’re not.”
“I am.” Midoriya responds backs, muffled.
“We’ve been on more shit dates, Deku.” Bakugou tells him in his ear. “And, this ain’t one. It barely even began.”
“A whole year, and I—I haven’t even told her.” Midoriya shakingly admits. “I’m such a coward.”
Bakugou huffs. “You’re not. The talk ain’t easy. Hell, telling my hag and old man about us was like pulling teeth out of my damn mouth.”
“..At least you told them.”
“Listen, you went through a lot of shit, two years ago.” Bakugou reminds Midoriya, bluntly. “The running away. The dropping out. The undercover work. The public hate. Getting together after all fucking that, probably wasn’t even the best move.”
“I still remember it all.” Midoriya mumbles.
Bakugou tightens his hug. “And, since then, life’s been a total bitch to you. I fucking wish you didn’t get half the crap you have to deal with, because it runs you into a damn mess.”
“But, I—”
“So, just focus on the important shit, right now.” Bakugou breathes out, pressing his head against Midoriya’s. “Us? We can wait. No, I can wait. I’ll be right beside you, until then, and even after that.”
Lifting his arms up and around Bakugou’s back, Midoriya holds onto him, just as tight as him. “..You promise?”
Bakugou exhales a short sigh. “I promise, Izuku. We’ll be okay.”
Letting go, Midoriya gently pushes away from Bakugou’s grip, causing them to finally part, for who knows how long.
Before the secondhand embarrassment of people witnessing them sinks into his pride, Bakugou’s redirected to the watery eyes of Midoriya, as he quickly blinks them dry.
“God, when did you get so—?” Midoriya wildly moves his hands around, gesturing over at Bakugou.
On the other hand, Bakugou scrunches his nose. “The hell does that mean?”
“So supportive?” Immediately, Midoriya shakes his head. “No, you’ve been supportive, that’s not the right word. So kind? Uh, that doesn’t sound right..”
“You mean romantic.” Bakugou puts it bluntly.
A rush of red floods Midoriya’s face, matching his sweater and shoes. “Don’t say it so loud, Kacchan!”
“I wouldn’t have to, if you weren’t asking dumb ass questions!” Bakugou yells back, crossing his arms definitively. “We’re together, Deku! Of course I’m gonna tell you fucking sappy shit.”
“Shh! You are making us be a public scene!”
“Too late! We were a public scene the fucking moment we stopped in front of the damn metro like stupid lovers at the altar!”
It starts slow, with nothing, but Midoriya blinking up at him.
But then, a slipped sputter starts and a bubbling laughter erupts from Midoriya. He grabs onto Bakugou’s arm, helping him from not bending over in giggles.
“W-We really did!” Midoriya barely says, wheezing, “Lovers at an altar. A-And, you literally gave me vows!”
It takes Bakugou forcibly grabbing his idiotic, cackling boyfriend to finally move aside, and walk through the station’s entrance. He refuses to focus too much on the fire heating his face.
He’s never making outlandish, romantic gestures in public, ever again.
They missed their train, obvious from the lengthy moment they had outside. But, neither of them were upset about the ordeal. Instead, they gradly bought tickets for the next train to Tokyo, with only a thirty minute wait.
As Bakugou starts to shift comfortably in his bench seat, right beside him, Midoriya rests his head on top of his shoulder. “Thankfully, we still won’t miss the movie premiere.”
“Because your weird ass is making us leave hours before midnight.”
“For situations like these!”
Bakugou scoffs a short laugh. “I guess it’s reasonable.”
Grabbing his hand into a loose grip, Midoriya twiddles with Bakugou’s fingers once more. “Thank you. For tonight.” Midoriya whispers.
“You needed time to chill the fuck out. With the shit you’ve been facing, let tonight be the night you forget about it.” Bakugou grumbles, “Besides, I haven’t been able to steal you away, for my damn self.” He tacks on.
Midoriya smiles back at him, head comfortably slumped on his shoulder. ���You make me feel alive, again. And, for the first time ever, since the start of this year,” He sighs, longingly up at Bakugou, “I feel like I can breathe.”
Bakugou brings him closer, chin tucked in his curls. “Good. I need you to breathe, at least once and a fucking while.”
Midoriya snorts. “Just at least once?”
“And, a fucking while.” Bakugou reiterates, “I’m not a monster.”
“No, you’re not.” Midoriya chuckles, bringing his legs over Bakugou’s lap. “You’re my monstrous boyfriend.”
“That’s fucking right.”
For a while, they stay just like that; close, intimate, and stuck together, without a care of the outside world. Maybe it’s from the intense conversation from earlier, but Bakugou doesn’t feel deterred to back away. Instead, he feels comfortable in holding Midoriya, and not letting go.
“You know,” Midoriya starts, “My mom wouldn’t freak out.”
Bakugou raises a brow. “..Hm?”
“About us. She wouldn’t freak or flip out like that.”
“C’mon, Deku.” Bakugou scoffs, shaking his head. “You don’t gotta lie to me, now.”
“I’m serious.” Midoriya reaffirms strongly, emphasizing his words with a tightened grasp around his hand. “She wouldn’t.”
“I’m not the type of guy you bring to your damn family. Seeing me as anyone’s partner is like fucking failing at life.”
Midoriya brings a tentative hand, cupping the side of Bakugou’s face. His fingertips are rough, yet linger there softly. “Just promise her you’ll make me happy and keep me safe.” Midoriya states easily, smiling brightly. “And, she’ll welcome you with open arms, all over again.”
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 4 years
Cell Block Tango
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Dancer!Au and College!Au
When your all-girls dance studio comes together with an all-boys dance studio that your boyfriend just happens to go to. Tension rises when a new performance creates problem between you and your partner and your boyfriend
Words- 4274
Katsuki Bakugo x Reader, Shoto Todoroki x Reader (Platonic), Ochaco Uraraka x Izuku Midoriya
A/N: Here is the dance I used as reference Cell Block Tango
You all hit your poses as the music finished, clapping soon followed from the rest of the girls. You all sagged from your poses standing up, you looked over to your teacher Ms. Midnight, one of the best teachers at U.A dance studio.
“Great job again girls, take a quick 5-minute break before we talk about something.” She clapped her hands together and you went to grab your water from your bag.
“That was the best performance we had for that dance.” Ashido smiled, taking a drink from her water bottle.
“I don’t know how you do that bend Y/n but it is literally jaw-dropping.” Uraraka looked over to you, wiping the sweat off her forehead.
“It’s really nothing, just practice. Kendo you need to teach me how to do that twirl at the end it is so cool.” You gushed sitting down stretching out your legs. You guys kept talking to each other when the door to the studio opened and walked in boys.
“Are they from Mr. Aizawa’s class,” Yaoyorozu asked as the rest of the boys came in standing on the other side of the studio. Your eyes locked on your boyfriend, Bakugo and you sent him a smile.
“Ooo look it’s lover boy.” Uraraka hip-bumped you making you push her away laughing
“Don’t act all innocent I see you eyeing Midoriya.” Your tease and her face went red.
“Alright everyone get together.” Your teacher called you together with the boy’s teacher as well.
“As you can see the boys from Mr. Aizawa’s class had joined us for this year’s festival, and we decided to have some of the girls with the boys.” Ms. Midnight said looking over the group,
“We are choosing some of our best dancers from each group to represent us.” Mr. Aizawa said, making all of you nervous. The yearly dance festival was a big deal with made agents looking for new recruits and it is a great achievement to get accepted into one of their schools.
“The song the selected will be performing is the Cell Block Tango.” Ms. Midnight said making everyone excited, that song was a very risque song to dance to and would be able to show off your skills.
“The list is posted on the board.” Mr. Aizawa said and you all made your way up to it.
“Maybe, we’ll be partnered up,” Bakugo said, giving you a smirk.
“You wish pretty boy.” You gave him a smile reading the list. You saw you were dancing as Liz with other parts, you looked at the section for partners and saw Shoto Todoroki.
“I guess we’re partners.” A voice said, making you turn to see the boy with split hair.
“Yeah, aren’t you the guys who had that really crazy contemporary dance last year right?” You knew you saw his face somewhere, he nodded
“Yep I’ve seen some of your routines you’re really talented.” He said and you blushed, an arm wrapped around your waist
“Yeah she’s really talented right babe.” Bakugo emphasized on babe warning the boy to back off. 
You nodded and Bakugo pulled you away from Todoroki “What was that for.” You turn to look at him and he just kept glaring at Todoroki.
“I don’t want you dancing with him.” He said you frown grabbing his hand
“That’s not really my decision, they just put us together. I’m not freaking out that your partner is Jiro, it's just a dance.” You squeeze his hand, calming him down a bit. He nodded
“I promise if anything happens I will tell you.” You promised, pressing a kiss to his cheek making him blush.
“Everyone let’s get to work.”
It had been a few days of rehearsal the groups were You and Todoroki, Uraraka and Izuku which you definitely teased her about, Ashido and Sero, Yaoyorozu with Kaminari and Tetsutetsu, and the last group was Jiro and Bakugo. There were also smaller roles with Kirishima and Ida, they had you and girls lined up as you went through each of your intros with Ida walking through the middle and the boys each walking through the window the girls had made. You went through the intro a few times until they got up to you and Todoroki’s dance. Your teachers had gone through the steps and you both got ready to try for the first time, your dancing was centered around Todoroki sitting down until you ‘kill’ him, and then it goes into a tango. You went through the steps and your movements were a bit stiff as you weren’t used to your partner. They decided to break it into two parts with the chair and then the tango. You walked around the chair listening to the words and you saw Todoroki hesitated for one part, during the dance he was supposed to hit your ass.
“It’s fine Todoroki it is part of the dance.” You reassure him when he fails to do it causing you guys to stop for a quick break.
“I just don’t like how I have to hit you.” He rubbed the back of his neck when your break ended you got ready to dance, you had walked around him and he hit you making you jump slightly but you continued on, you had to sit in his lap for a bit before walking around him to the back to the chair placing your leg on the back and ‘killed’ him. You went through the first half of your guy’s dance before they showed you the second half. You were definitely surprised seeing that you would have to go into a split on him and then get very up close and personal. You knew Bakugo was watching you could practically feel his gaze burning on you as you both danced. Once you both had gotten the steps down you went through the hold thing and you both were out of breath faces red. They decided to move on as there would be more time for one on one rehearsals. You went over to grab your towel and water when someone grabbed your arm pulling you to your feet. 
“I don’t like this.” Bakugo growl you sighed taking a sip from your water,
“You know if I could change partners I would be with you, but this could be groundbreaking if I get noticed by a school.” You wrapped your arms around his waist he looked down nodding,
“Yeah I know, I just don’t like seeing Half-and-Half all over you.” He sighed pulling you closer to him.
“I promise you after this I’ll see if we could be partners for the summer. Only you for me ok?” You pressed a kiss to his lips and he sagged in your hold. Your short break had ended as you guys went back because you were needed for Uraraka and Izuku’s dance. You and the other girls had to join in playing the six wives which was over pretty quickly. You guys continued going through each group, with Ashido ‘killing’ her partner with a knife. Yaoyorozu danced as Hunyak, a Hungarian woman pleading that she was innocent, but her character didn’t speak English they had to do a few ballet moves showing off her innocence. Kendo had performed with Ojiro and Uraraka and you saw Izuku looking really jealous seeing Uraraka dance with someone else, you would definitely have to tell her later. You and the girls had to do a dance with the chairs using them as you danced around them and sitting in them. For the last group was Jiro and Bakugo, though they didn’t really dance together. You, Ashido, Yaoyorozu, and Kirishima were playing the flings he had. You and the other had to appear around him basically laying yourself over him. You pressed yourself against his side and he pulled you closer, you all had busted out laughing when Kirishima had to play one of Bakugo’s flings pressing himself against your boyfriend. 
“Bakugo wanna tell me something.” You teased,
“I didn’t do shit.” He mumbled and Kirishima gasped, placing his hand on his heart.
“Did my love mean nothing to you.” he cried, making you and the girls laugh. You finished up the rehearsal going with the six of you dancing in a line doing kicks and turns and a lot of other stuff. You all ended with you walking back to your original position in the beginning but the difference was you guys were sitting in chairs.
“That was a great rehearsal today everyone. I want you each to practice your dances with your groups as we will be expecting you all to be comfortable with your partners.” Ms. Midnight called to everyone. They had dismissed you all as you walked over to grab your bag.
“Oh my god did you see Bakugo was death-glaring Todoroki the entire of you guys danced.” Uraraka sat next to you as you took off your dance shoes, putting on your sweater.
“Yeah I know but you should have seen Izuku looking at you the entire time while you were dancing with Ojiro.” You poked at her watching her blush.
“Hey, Y/n.” Todoroki walked over to you as you finished tying your sneakers. 
“Hey what’s up.” You stood up grabbing your dance bag
“I was just wondering when you would be free to practice.” He asked,
“I’m usually free after school if you wanna practice then here I’ll text you the details.” You said exchanging numbers so you guys could keep in touch. You saw Bakugo and Kirishima waiting by the door.
“I gotta go but I’ll see you at practice.” You waved goodbye going over to Bakugo, grabbing his hand as you made your way out of the studio.
“Kirishima I thought you were gonna steal Kacchan for me.” You looked over to the redhead as you guys walked home.
“Ha ha very funny.” Bakugo huffed wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“You should have seen Bakugo while you were dancing with Todoroki, he was ready to kill him.” Kirishima said and Bakugo sent him a glare.
“I was able to tell.” You smirked and Bakugo pulled you closer to him. After you separated with Kirishima, you and Bakugo made your way to your guy’s apartment.
“I don’t see what the big deal is Kacchan, you’ve danced with girls all the time. What is so different from being dancing with a guy.” You said pulling your shoes off and placing them by the door, throwing your bag on the couch heading to the kitchen to get choose what you were going to do for dinner.
“It’s the thought of them being close and touching you, you’re mine, and no one else.” He pouted hopping onto the counter.
You stepped between his legs wrapping your arms around his shoulders, “I know,” You pressed a kiss onto his nose making his face scrunch up, “You’re mine as well no one is taken you, even Kirishima.” You giggled seeing his face drop.
“Are you ever going to let that go?” He sighed, rubbing his hand down his face 
“Nope now pizza or burgers?” You pulled back pulling out the menus
“Are you kidding me, pizza of course!” He hopped off the counter pressing a kiss on your cheek, you smiled grabbing your phone to place the order before spending the rest of your night with Kacchan.
Your alarm made you roll over and shut it off, you began to get up when arms wrapped around you and pulled you back in bed.
“stay.” Bakugo mumbled in your neck pulling you closer to his chest.
“I have class in an hour, Kacchan so do you.” You unwrapped his arms from your body making him whine at the loss of contact. You hopped in the shower and then got changed into your uniform, when you got out Bakugo was drinking some coffee leaning against the counter.
“Morning babe,” You pressed a kiss to his cheek going over to pour yourself cereal. You felt your phone buzz and you looked at it seeing it was from Todoroki.
‘Hey If you're free today do you wanna rehearse?’ -Shoto Todoroki
You sent a reply telling him where and to meet you in one of the studios. After finishing both of your meals you both made your way to school before going off your separate ways. The bell had signaled that school was over and texted Todoroki to meet you in the boy’s studio as there was practice today for the freshmen. You opened the door to the studio to see Todoroki stretching against one of the barres
“Hey.” He sent you a wave which you returned putting on your dance shoes and stretching as well. You had taken off your sweater leaving you in your sports bra and leggings.
“You ready?” You asked getting up to plug your phone in for the music, while he pulled a chair to the center of the room. You turned on the music started a little before your entrance so you had time to prepare yourself. You had gone through the entire dance once before you broke it down to each part. You pointed out to each other ways to make it easier for you guys to move or for certain sections. You had gone through it again you had just ‘killed’ him so you moved the chair though you were supposed to throw it to one of the boys but it was just the two of you. You pushed him onto the floor going into the splits on him but then the music stopped. You both looked up to look at your phone.
“Damn speaker must have died.” You sighed rolling off him to go over to the speaker, you plugged in the speaker so it charged but it would take a while for it to be able to connect again so you guys took a break.
“You’re a really good dancer.” You compliment sitting next to him as you to a sip of your water.
“Thank you, I was a bit nervous as you're the first duo dance I’ve done with a girl.” he rubbed the back of his head and your jaw dropped.
“Your lying you are so natural dancing with a girl.” You pressured him to tell you his secret.
“It seems some people aren’t happy we are partnered.” He pointed out and you knew he was talking about Bakugo.
“I’m sorry about that, he's just protective. He was like that before we started dating he was jealous I would dance with other guys. But I get it your girlfriend must be mad your dancing with a girl.” You said drinking your water.
“Oh no, no girlfriends for me, he’s really understanding and knows I won’t do anything.” He said nonchalantly which made you choke on your water.
“I’m sorry did you say him.” You emphasized on him,
“Yeah him. I’m gay.” When he said you laughed so hard thinking about Bakugo, 
“Oh my god this is perfect, Bakugo is jealous of you because he thought you would hit on me.” You both laughed at the revelation you just had.
“Ok, I have the perfect plan.” You explained your devious plan with him. When you all came back for another group rehearsal, when you guys got in there were fake cell bars for each of you.
“You ready for today’s rehearsal?” Uraraka asked you while pulling on her shoes.
“Definitely those one-on-one practices helped a lot.” You replied fixing your hair out of your face.
“Alright everyone get ready, the festivals only in a couple of weeks and this needs to be perfect.” Ms. Midnight said, setting up the music. You all got in your spots waiting for the music to start, you had gone through the intro and it was for yours and Todoroki’s solo. You had walked around the chair with a smile on your face and when it was the part for him to hit you, he didn’t hesitate like before and you could see Bakugo’s jaw drop. You had draped yourself over him as the dance continued, after you had ‘killed’ you tossed the chair over to Kirishima as instructed then dropped into the splits on Todoroki and some of the girls hollered. You rolled off him, throwing a kick before he was supposed to hold you as you bent backward before you both went into the short tango, hitting your marks, him holding your leg up you and Todoroki’s inches apart smiles on your faces. You both walked off as we continued through the routine, when it was Jiro and Bakugo’s solo when you draped yourself onto Kacchan he pulled you closer to him pinching your thigh making you jump slightly. You all hit your marks on the chairs the music finished, as you all were trying to catch your breaths. Your teachers clapped as you got up walking to them.
“Amazing work guys, this is going to look amazing for the festival. Y/n Todoroki beautiful job the chemistry between you two was great.” Ms. Midnight complimented you both, you looked over to him, and he sent you a wink that had you smiling. They had dismissed you all and you got your stuff when you were turned around to see a very angry Bakugo.
“What the hell was that.” He hissed. You shrugged continuing to pack your stuff up
“It was dancing Kacchan you have eyes.” You stated, pulling your bag onto your shoulder.
“You know what I mean, you were all over him.” He growled giving you a glare. You crossed your arms leaning against the wall.
“Yes that the choreography hun.” You grabbed your school bag as well as your dance bag. “I gotta go, I have studying to do.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek but he grabbed your arm before you could walk too far.
“Why can’t you study at home?” He asked,
“It’s a group study, I’ll see you later babe.” You pulled your arm away and he watched you go over to Todoroki and walked out with him and boy did that infuriate him. So you guys did have to study plus making Bakugo jealous was a bonus, you got to meet Todoroki’s boyfriend, and he was such a sweetheart. He was a law major and they met when he accidentally walked into the auditorium for debate but saw Todoroki dancing and the rest is history.
A few weeks had passed and it was the night of the festival, you and the other girls were in one of the changing rooms changing into the outfits you were giving. Which was barely anything, you had a strappy bikini top, with some high-waisted bottoms and fishnets. Each of you was wearing similar outfits, you were all wearing black your hair and makeup was done as you all just relaxed in the changing room.
“We look hot.” Ashido said, making you all laugh, there was a knock on the door and Ms. Midnight came in closing the door behind her.
“My goodness you all look gorgeous, the group before us just came on so get out there and make me proud.” She gave you all a smile and went out.
“Welp dance closer to success.” You said and all the girls cheered as you made your way backstage where the rest of the boys were. You looked over the group of boys and you saw Bakugo standing in the back with Kirishima. You made your way through the group saying your hellos and good lucks.
“Hey Kacchan.” You smiled and he turned to you and his eyes widened looking you up and down.
“Damn Y/n, you look great.” Kirishima said, making you smile and an arm wrapped around your waist pulled your back to their chest.
“Hey babe.” You turned to Bakugo, pressing a kiss to his neck and his arms tighten around you. “Something wrong baby~” You smiled, looked up at his face and he grumbled.
“I don’t like you wearing this.” He pressed his face in your neck upset.
“I like it.” You replied before he could speak you guys were called out to perform. “Good luck Kacchan.”
You went over to the group of girls and did a quick prep circle, then you were out. You all stood on your marks as the lights dimmed to a faint red, and then you started. It had reached yours and Todoroki’s solo and the adrenaline and fun of making Bakugo jealous fueled you throughout the dance. People were cheering and whooping when you did the splits on him before going into the tango. The final beats rang through your ears as you all hit your final poses and applauses rang through the auditorium. You all got off stage and were surrounded by your other classmates as you all talked about the performance. You and your classmates went back to the dressing rooms to get change out of your costumes.
“Hey Y/n.” A voice made your turn from the door to the dressing room where the girls were.
“Hey Todoroki.” you gave him a smile as he walked up to you.
“I wanted to thank you for being a great partner.” He smiled thanking you.
“It was nothing you are an amazing dancer you would be great with anyone.” You complimented he nodded
“I almost forgot you know Hawks.” You nodded
“Yeah he is like the number 2 best dancer out there why what happened?” You asked
“Well he was there and asked to recruit me for his agency and perform with him for his next dance competition.” He smiled and your jaw dropped.
“Oh my God! That's amazing Todoroki congratulation!” You smiled pulling him into a hug. Unbeknownst to you and Todoroki hugging and talking more was your very angry boyfriend watching the whole exchange. The rest of the festival was spent watching the other schools perform you had sat with the girls throughout the rest of the dances. After it had ended you and your classmates were in the lobby either waiting for rides or just talking. You were talking with Kirishima about the other performances when you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
“Excuse me Ms. Y/n” You turn and your eyes widened. The person was Rumi Usagiyama.
“You’re Rumi Usagiyama.” You gasped as the famous dancer smiled.
“Rumi is fine Y/n. I’ve seen your performance for quite a while and this performance pushed me to ask. Would you be interested in joining my agency? We have a competition next year in Tokyo and I would love for you to perform with us.” She smiled and your jaw was now on the floor, Kirishima elbowed you making you fix yourself.
“Uh.. Yes! I would love to that would be amazing.” You beamed and she smiled at your response.
“That’s great, call us and we will bring you in to meet the group,” She pulled out a company card which you took and then she left. You just stared at the card frozen. This was your dream coming true.
“Y/n.. You good?” Kirishima poked you when you still hadn’t moved,
“This is a dream someone pinch me.” You sighed. You yelped when you felt a pinch on your arm, you glared at Kirishima and he laughed.
“I gotta go tell Kacchan.” You rushed off trying to find him, you looked around the lobby filled with other schools. Where the hell was he? You gazed locked on blonde spiky hair heading to the front doors, you rushed as fast as you could weaving through people trying to get close to him.
“Kacchan!” You yelled making him turn and he had a frown on his face.
“Babe what’s wrong?” You slowed down going up to him grabbing his hand.
“It’s nothing shouldn’t you be with Icy-Hot.” He grumbled, fixing his bag and then you realized with you spending time with Todoroki your little prank had blown up way out of proportion.
“Baby it’s not like that,” You squeezed his hand only for him to pull it out of your grasp.
“I get it Y/n, he's better than me at everything, dancer, looks, and liking you.” He sighed looking away from you.
“Katsuki, Todoroki is gay.” He froze turning to you.
“He’s gay Kacchan, look.” You pointed over to where he was, and there was Todoroki talking with his boyfriend before pressing a kiss on the lips.
“He’s..and you-...but you two-” He stumbled over his words still in shock.
“Are nothing but friends, I’m only yours you got it.” You wrapped your arms around his neck
“You damn right dumbass.” He smirked, pressing a kiss on your lips making you smile.
You pull away still in his arms “I have to tell you something.” You smiled trying to keep your excitement in.
“What is it?” He hummed caressing you the small of your back.
“After the performance Rumi Usagiyama came up to me and asked me to join her agency. She wants me to perform with her next year in Tokyo.” You jumped up and down unable to keep in your joy.
“Are you serious.” He smiled
“Yes I’m so excited!” You beamed. He lifted you in his arms making you laugh spinning you around
“That’s amazing baby.” He pulled you into a giant bear hug.
“I love you baby.” He pulled you into a kiss, you ran your fingers through his hair. 
“I love you too Kacchan.” You both pulled away smiles on your faces as you both made your way out the school back home where both of you would spend the rest of your time together.
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softer-ua · 4 years
heyo, i wanted to suggest two songs for the bnha song ask: wild blue yonder by the amazing devil and Achilles Come Down by gang of youths
Oooh! I really like these songs
Wild Blue Yonder by The Amazing Devil: Dabi, and Deku
They had so much hope and passion for the future
Both are so willing to destroy themselves for the people they admire and for their goals(“for you I’d go blonder” how could I not think of Dabi?)
They let their dreams tear them apart and tear their dreams apart in return, desperate passion fucking them over
Dabis dream of having his dad acknowledge him; once a comfort to drive him through training, then it got warped into desperation, then cruelty. He was destroyed by that dream and destroyed it in return
Deku dreams of being a hero that makes people feel at ease with his smile, but every fight he gets in scares the people who care about him more than the last, and it seems to me he’s growing more closed off from them. Right before OverHaul Iida expressly says that he wants to be there for him too, and we basically didn’t see him again until the war arch. Right after OverHaul Kacchan asks if he’s improving, he lied and said no. Right after fighting Gentle Deku lies to All Might saying he left his phone behind
They keep wandering between encores and getting torn up in the process while being told to stop like it’s their fault they got driven to these desperate measures
And I think they hide behind their goals to not face what hurts/scares them, it’s easier to be bruised and get torn up in the pursuit of their goals than it’d be to face the unknown wounds they’ve refused to acknowledge but it’s ruining them
They’ve both been using the stones thrown at him to get a clearer picture of their future, just very different futures. At the same time they’re both kinda blinded by their goals.
There are so many different paths that could have been if any variables had changed, and so many different ways things could still go that sit waiting for them and they’re still trying their best to control those maybes.
They’ve found some people who care about them but they’ll be using the light they found to burn their opponents down. Dabi just straight up using people to literally burn the world down, and Deku using people caring about him as an excuse to keep pushing past the point of breaking x6
Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youth: Deku vs Katsuki All Might and Inko
Sometimes I wonder how much of Deku really came down off that roof?
Like Katsuki told him to jump of a roof, then maybe an hour later AM tells him to give up on his dreams on a roof.
When we see Deku next he’s in kind of a dazed state and it takes him a second to even realize he’s stopped to watch a villain fight, realizing what villain it is he blames himself, then he’s basically on an adrenaline high and then withdrawal up till AM tells him he’ll give him the ability to be a hero, probably afterwards too tbh(did he practice any self care afte this hectic day? Doubt it.)
Deku spends a good chunk of the series not trying to be a hero himself but another AM, and breaking himself without question in the pursuit of that. It’s terrifying for Inko, AM, and Katsuki to see, even though they’ve all had a hand in making him desperate enough think that this is the only way he can be a hero
People die for having no reason to live and for having such a strong reason to live it’s worth dying for(a shortened translation), and Deku basically went through this 180 in like 2ish hours.
You have no quirk and no chance to be a hero, live in a bleak reality with a dead dream or jump and hope for better luck next time
Oop nvrm I’m gonna give you a sacred secret generational quirk so you can honor and fulfill the role of a true hero
Deku isn’t alone in this world, none of use are, we’re all weighed down to those we’ve held influence on. And he’s had no influence on anyone as deeply as Katsuki, they made plans as kids to be heros together. If Deku is gonna be recklessly self sacrificing than so is Katsuki.
The blind faith the world put in AM is wrong, but the hope he’s inspired is not. AM knows what it’s like to feel the weight of every cry for help on his shoulders. AM has in general been a gd awful mentor but being a guiding hand in breaching the gap between Deku and Kacchan may be the smartest and most life saving thing he’s done for Dekus future yet.
Deku doesn’t have to learn to bare that burden alone instead he can use it as a motive to engage and trust others to help win and save. Which could have a healing ripple effect, maybe if heros weren’t trying to do everything on their own but instead trusted teammates society wouldn’t look at these things a solo events.
Despite how much support he’s receiving now we’ve heard him repeat echos of the things he’s heard before, the double edged sword of having Deku as his hero name I suppose. He keeps striving to get better but the second someone acknowledges it he gives the credit away
Suicide is never anyone’s fault but we should be careful with how we speak to each other. (Short translation)
I don’t believe Deku was ever truly a suicide risk but those around him most certainly should have considered their words and behaviors more carefully.
It’s Deku thinking about Katsuki stupidly suicide baiting him that reminds him of how his mom reacted to him being quirkless, which does lead to him remembering he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks or says.
But that could have very easily been an entirely different train of thought
Deku chose again and again his whole childhood to listen to his own convictions, and perhaps that’s why he’s so much better at listening for OFA he’s already used to listen to the bell that rings inside of him even when it leads to him getting hurt
The things AM, Inko, and Katsuki have all said and done in the past are what they have to contend with now if they want to keep Deku from jumping off that roof and sacrificing himself for the hope of a better next time.
People say they’re okay but maybe they’re not(short rough translation)
Deku keeps saying he’ll do better, that he’ll surpass, that he’s trying to not get hurt, he won’t give cause to worry anyone anymore
Deku keeps flinging those promises out the gd window
Win to save, LIVE to save
Perhaps Dekus most important lesson is to learn to withdraw from a fight, it’d be dangerous but he could then heal and rise again and overcome.
Perhaps if AM had enough love in him to do that he wouldn’t be missing half his freaking insides.
He’d have to be braver than AM, braver than Kacchan. Brave enough to lose so he can win and save another day.
An overture bold and beyond
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
Out of My League (Midoriya Izuku X Reader X Bakugou Katsuki) PART 6
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PART 6 to:  https://ice-cream-kitsunegirl.tumblr.com/post/189998729329/out-of-my-league-midoriya-izuku-x-reader-x
Taglist: @dailyojiromashirao​, @asja-the-hoarder​, @breezy-chan11414​, @captainw0lfy , @sunflowergem​, @lenkiryuu
Summary: You’re ready to dance with Izuku, but Bakugo isn’t going to allow it.  
‘Cause somehow I can’t believe That anything should happen... I know where I belong And nothing’s gonna happen Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
-’She’s So High’ Tal Bachman
“Aww… Izuku… haha well hey! Music’s gonna play, let’s get our groove on~!!” You exclaimed and shook your hips a little bit as Izuku perked up nervously, but excitedly too. All-Might taught him how to dance last-minute just yesterday so he had this!
He exclaimed as you and he were oblivious to the way Bakugo was glaring at you when he saw you both going to the dance floor, and he didn’t hesitate to follow you both with a furious, determined glare.
If anyone was going to dance with you, it was going to be HIM.
Not Deku, HIM!
“Can you believe we’re actually here? I feel like I’m gonna hurl actually. Well… I don’t wanna do that on the dance-floor but we are HERE… like… this is my first dance…!” You giggled and nudged Izuku playfully with a bashful smile as he blushed even harder when you reminded him.
“I-I know…!” He exclaimed a bit louder than he intended but felt himself tremble once he saw that you and he were actually AT the dance and ON the dancefloor. And he was starting to freak out and think that he forgot how to dance…
However, you looked pretty nervous too and that kinda made him feel better? Sort of… at least you were just as nervous and uncertain as him. “I think we like… dance separately first? Literally never been to one of these before, and no one’s actually dancing at these things in the movies…” You questioned outloud since the music was starting, and this wasn’t a movie. In fact, you and Izuku saw some of your friends and other classmates, as well as other students getting on the dance-floor to either mingle or dance.
“I-I think so too…?” That’s the first time you heard Izuku sound so clueless, but you didn’t blame him. You had literally NO idea what you were doing, but you just felt excited.
And you giggled a bit when he was clearly sweating from all of this anxiety, “Okay… look Izuku, you’re not a dancer, and neither am I, but that’s okay. No one can say we can’t dance other than us, tonight I’m gonna say I CAN dance and I WILL dance.” You put your hand on his shoulder to try and make him feel better, and it worked a little bit.
Izuku seemed a bit surprised but also relieved when hearing your words of encouragement, it wouldn’t hurt to dance a bit right? He was a little shy about it but maybe it wouldn’t be bad with you there at his side, like you always were…
“Y-Yeah… okay, you’re right.” He said with a bit more determination despite the shakiness in his voice as you giggled, and perked up when you heard a song you knew very well by Fall Out Boy!
She says she's no good with words, but I'm worse Barely stuttered out a joke of a romantic stuck to my tongue Weighed down with words too overdramatic Tonight it's it can't get much worse Versus no one should ever feel like~
“Fall Out Boy!” You chirped rather happily as you already started moving in your own awkward but endearing way when the music started, and it encouraged Izuku to start dancing in his own awkward and endearing way. He was so not a dancer…
Tonight he would be though! For you! If you could dance so could he!
I'm two quarters and a heart down And I don't want to forget how your voice sounds These words are all I have so I write them I need them just to get by
You saw Jimmy Jr dancing on Bob’s Burgers all the time, so you copied some of his moves even though you were sure they made you look like a dork, Izuku thought you looked like a dancing queen. He almost forgot that other people could see him dancing because he felt so much more at ease dancing with you.
And then he saw some other people snickering at you… No doubt some of the jerks who thought that video of you was funny. He made sure to glare at them so they wouldn’t ruin your night. No. Nothing was going to ruin your night, he wasn’t going to allow it.
So he danced along with you so you didn’t see those jerks daring to laugh at you on your night. Even if it meant waving his arms about awkwardly and moving his feet off the beat of the song.
Dance, dance We're falling apart to halftime Dance, dance And these are the lives you love to lead Dance, this is the way they'd love If they knew how misery loved me
Bakugo swore he wanted to laugh. You were never a good dancer, and it showed, especially when you were basically just making weird movements and mouthing the lyrics to the song. And yet that’s what made you who you were…?
He hated how fucking cute he thought it was, because you looked so fucking cute when you were being such an idiot, even in that dress you were fucking cute. And he fucking HATED how much Deku was smiling just dancing like an idiot with you. He was an even WORSE dancer. What the hell was that nerd doing? He looked so stupid...
Ha! He’ll show Deku a REAL dancer and take you away when this fucking song ends. Deku can’t seriously call that dancing, it was laughable and he couldn’t resist actually letting out a laugh when he outright copied you and had no rhythm whatsoever.
And he smirked when it seemed to catch the green-haired boy’s attention and he saw a look of mortification and fear on his expression. “I-It’s Kacchan…!” He whispered to you fearfully and you glanced his way to see Bakugo’s eyes widen slightly when you saw him. But then he scoffed and looked away like he wanted to ignore you.
“Forget about him Izuku…! Dance bro~!” Not wanting Bakugo to make him feel self-conscious you playfully bumped your hip against his as he jumped with a little yelp and blushed even harder. “Why don’t you show me a little bit of spine you’ve been saving for his mattress~?” You sang as you circled him a bit, giving him a little wink that made his heartbeat speed up.
He couldn’t stop now! He nodded to the rhythm so he could get back in it and tried to ignore how sexual the song sounded as you sang, “I only want sympathy in the form of you crawling into bed with me~.” With a smirk you stuck out your finger, moving it towards you in a hook to lure Izuku in closer which gave him a new rush he had never felt before despite all of the nerves running through his body. 
He closed in and forgot about the fact that he was being watched and smiled wide as you danced side by side with him, no longer paying attention to a mildly horrified Bakugo when he saw you giving Deku those looks and the fucking nerd actually reciprocated by going back to dance with you, moving his arms and hips in such a nerdy way it made him want to punch him in the face.
Dance, dance We're falling apart to halftime Dance, dance And these are the lives you love to lead Dance, this is the way they'd love If they knew how misery loved me
“Work it (L/N)!!” Kirishima happily cheered you on while he was dancing, surprised and amazed to see you actually dancing and being so confident about it. At first it made you nervous, but he was cheering you on! And you saw Yaoyorozu, Ashido, Sero and even Kaminari and Jirou smiling and encouraging you to keep dancing along with everyone else you were with.
You did it, you danced your heart out with more of a confident, proud smile. You dance moves were awkward and weird as hell, but they were yours as you didn’t see the look on Bakugo’s face when he saw you just… moving around like some kind of weirdo. The weirdo he fucking loved…
You saw him looking that time, but instead of feeling self-conscious you smirked and shook your rump right at him and he cringed with an annoyed shout as he blushed heavily, “W-What the hell are you doing idiot?! Don’t shake your ass at me!!”
Who did you think you were?!
“I’m dancing Katsuki!” You cheerfully exclaimed as you swung your hips, twirling and going back to a shocked but amused Izuku as he tried to hold back the giggle that wanted to leave him when he saw Bakugo look so flustered. He’d never seen THAT before…
“Oh you think that’s funny Deku?!” And an infuriated Bakugo immediately yelled when he saw that damn nerd daring to laugh just a little bit. “N-No! Of course not…!” Izuku however, got scared and shook his head, but you didn’t want these two to fight at all so you grabbed Izuku’s hand to pull him towards you.
“Ignore him~.” You sang breezily as you spun around and smiled at him, and he couldn’t help but smile back at you as he had no choice but to ignore the angry Bakugo to keep on dancing with you. Yeah, he would ignore Bakugo, this was your dance, and this was his dance. And it was fun! Izuku couldn’t stop himself from grinning at how you smiled at him and the two of you danced together in your own quirky ways. It was liberating and he’s never felt so... free...
However, this just made Bakugo even madder the more he saw you and Deku just dancing like idiots…
How could you ask such a loser like him out?
Dance, dance Dance, dance Dance, dance Dance, dance
Doing a silly little spin as the song came to a close you were panting. Heavily. Like, you were seriously panting as if your body finally told you that you were moving WAY too much and now you were already a little bit tired. “WHOO!” You threw your fist up though, that’s only the first dance of the night and everyone looked positively exhilarated!
Even Izuku looked genuinely happy, his cheeks were flushed and he was panting like you were, just not as badly. He felt… he felt amazing…
“We did it… we did it!” You practically jumped and grinned widely, which flustered Izuku but he couldn’t help but smile with you, “W-We danced…!” He couldn’t believe it, he actually danced with a girl! He danced with you! He never thought he’d ever dance with you! Let alone dance at all…
“I know!! Ahhhh…! Wow it’s… exhausting…” Your excitement kind of deflated once you remembered you were wearing heels and how tired you were, which made Izuku giggle a little bit. But man those high heels didn’t look like they were entirely comfortable.
“Want to… take a break and just... stand around for a little bit? W-We can dance whenever you want to.” He was such a gentleman, already he was letting you take a break since he saw that you looked a bit winded and you smiled shyly at how sweet he was. “Yeah! I could stand to sit down… and have some punch… I’ll see you shortly okay?”
You chirped a little bit with a blush on your cheeks as he smiled and blushed, “Okay, take your time!” Izuku gave you a little wave as he watched you go and get your punch, and it gave him some time to talk to a surprised and impressed Iida, Aoyama and Todoroki. “Midoriya! Those were some… interesting moves out there, if I may be honest, I never took you for the dancing type.”
Iida was honest, not hurtful, but Izuku took no offense because he was extremely accurate, “O-Oh thanks! I’m… really not but… (Y/N) wanted to and I… thought it would be fun to do it with her and… it was.” He replied rather bashfully, something that his three friends could agree on. You made it look fun…
“So that’s what dancing is?” Todoroki was an even less experienced dancer, but he nonetheless thought the way you did it looked… fun? Embarrassing but fun, “Um… I think so. (Y/N) says that there’s no such thing as a bad dancer…” His friend answered his question, which made Todoroki blush ever so slightly when he imagined himself moving in such a way…
It looked oddly freeing, but he wasn’t sure if he had that kind of courage to do that… but if someone as shy as Midoriya and someone as awkward as you could do it, then he could too?
“She’s right~! And she looks gorgeous no?” Aoyama was the first to praise you on how pretty you looked, and Izuku blushed quite madly at his question that he very much agreed on. “V-Very…” He mumbled rather shyly as he almost couldn’t even look at you when he saw you smiling and waving at your friends.
“Powerful too. She’s such a shy little thing… but her confidence is sparkling brighter than the stars tonight~.” Aoyama almost sounded like he was proud of you. He’d been observing you in class, not in a creepy way or anything, but you were close to Izuku, his closest friend so he noticed you too. You were awkward and had no confidence in yourself, something the blonde could relate to and understand.
It made him want to reach out to you and be your friend, and he did! He liked to think that you and he were good friends since you were friendly to him and he was always polite to you. And he was so happy to see you and Izuku so happy together, you both deserved it.
“You know… you’re right…” Izuku saw what Aoyama was saying, and he was right. You WERE confident, much more than you had been in the past years that he had known you and he was so happy. You deserved to be happy and comfortable in your skin like you were tonight.
And he smiled at you as you were at the punch table and there was Shinsou manning the table to pour the drinks.
“Hey it’s you!” You perked up the second you saw the tired-looking boy who seemed rather surprised to see you… looking like that…
He was silent for a few seconds when he remembered how you looked before you suddenly turned into… this… Shinsou thought you were cute the way you looked earlier but… this was a really, really nice look on you too…
“O-Oh.” Did he really just stutter? Idiot! “Yeah it’s me, and it’s you… dressed like Cinderella?” Shinsou patted himself on the back for regaining his composure so quickly, even smirking a bit as if to tease you a little bit.
You pouted a bit when he noted how different you looked all dressed up and dolled up, “Haha yeah, yeah… my pumpkin carriage is outside.” So you retorted with a snarky tone as he snickered, “I have a pumpkin carriage too, so I’m sure you saw it out there, you can’t miss it.” He remarked just as sarcastically as you laughed a little bit.
“No offense but I didn’t take you as the type who’d come to these things…?” You hoped that wasn’t rude, but Shinsou seemed like the kind of guy who was over all this stuff. Then again, so were you, but you had been secretly wanting it more than you thought so…
He didn’t seem offended though, “Oh I’m not… I’m just handing out the refreshments. Everyone else can dance but… I’m fine just being the drink guy.” Shinsou wasn’t one for dancing at all, he wasn’t shy to admit it because dancing was embarrassing and he wasn’t the type of guy to just get up and dance and embarrass himself like that. So, he was happy just behind this table and pouring you two drinks of punch as you thanked him.
“Let me guess, Kaminari also dragged you here?” However, you seemed to read him like a book since you were aware that he was good friends with Kaminari, “You got me.” Still, Shinsou smiled and raised his hands in defeat when you caught him. Kaminari DID drag him here, but Shinsou quickly took up the responsibility of handing out drinks and helping give away the snacks and plates so he didn’t have to actually dance or mingle much with anyone.
He didn’t really mind talking to you though, you kind of interested him. “Actually… I was kinda hoping I’d look a little more like Daenerys Targaryen.” You shrugged with a smile, and to your relief, Shinsou seemed to actually see it.
“Oh I see it now…” Guess he’s seen the show, given how he was kind of dressed down with smart black pants and a black shirt that said ‘I Drink and I Know Things’. HA! You loved it…
“Hee-hee, well thank you for this ‘wine’, and I will go back and dance once I feel feeling back in my feet.” You then thanked him once again for your punch as you waved at him, and he waved back with a little smile.
“Try not to burn the place down… Khaleesi.” Shinsou said an inside-joke since he’s actually seen the show and you grinned and gave him a thumbs-up and a nod. He called you Khaleesi!!
You nearly spun around happily, but you didn’t want to spill your punch or the punch you got for Izuku so you had to stay cool and not look like an idiot. Although there was a bit more of a spring to your step when you saw Izuku talking casually with Todoroki, Iida and Aoyama. Why and how did your friend make you feel so nervous? Oh right, because you actually really loved him, he was so sweet, but also really cute and actually really hot too. He had muscles now…
“Okay… I got this… I’m a Khaleesi…” You said to yourself confidently and quickly downed your entire cup of punch in three big gulps, still holding the other one for Izuku. Maybe you could surprise him…
“Hey idiot.” But you became the surprised one when you heard no one other than Bakugo’s voice over the music as you nearly jumped and spilled both the other full cup. “Damn you Katsuki! I’m holding punch!” You exclaimed, not angrily but slightly annoyed at least until you saw him actually… wearing a suit…
“Oh my God you’re wearing a suit…” Of course he wore no tie, but it was so weird seeing Bakugo up close in that suit, “Yeah?! Well you’re… wearing a dress!!” However, Bakugo had to yell at you, and apparently, he thought it was just as weird seeing you in a dress.
You weren’t offended though, dresses weren’t something you normally wore unless it was kind of dowdy, this definitely was the nicest thing you’ve probably worn in your entire life. “Well I DID choose the theme so… I think it’s obligatory I wear something that matches it.” You shrugged with a little smile as he scoffed. “Of course you chose this theme…” He knew what you liked, more than you thought he did so you were surprised.
Your grin grew as you shrugged your shoulders again, and you wanted to say something but you didn’t really know what to say. Katsuki wasn’t exactly the easiest guy to talk to, and plus it was still a little awkward for you too. On top of that, you needed to go give this punch to Izuku and you were going to but Bakugo wasn’t going to let you go so fast.
“Where are you going? Don’t you know it’s rude to just leave someone who’s talkin’ to ya?” He said somewhat roughly, and you gave him a look and a small smirk, “You’re one to talk about being rude.” You replied with 100 proof sass which irked him. “What’s that supposed to mean?!”
You snickered and tried not to laugh, sometimes Bakugo had no self-awareness. “Sorry… it’s just that I got punch to give and-.” Before you could finish your sentence, the cup in your hand suddenly disappeared as Bakugo just took it from you without even asking and gave it to the closest person near him, which was Kaminari.
“Thanks?” The confused electric blonde replied but Bakugo ignored him, and you just looked annoyed. “Hey!” Putting your hands on your hips you gave him a disapproving glare and dammit he couldn’t get enough of how you looked in that dress…
But you couldn’t really tell as you just sighed, this was just Bakugo being Bakugo and you were sure Shinsou would be nice enough to give you another cup, you just felt bad that Izuku’s punch was given to someone else. “Well look I’m gonna go-“
“Dance with me.”
He cut you off again as he outright asked you to dance with him, and you perked up a bit in shock. No way, you didn’t hear that right… you were certain you didn’t. “What?” So you asked again, but this irritated the already annoyed Bakugo as you swore you saw his cheeks flushing with vexation.
“I said dance with me Shitty Girl!” He raised his voice as he grew a little more flustered and you just grew even more shocked and confused. He was asking YOU to dance with him? Who was this?
The confused look on your face both infuriated him and kinda hurt him, mostly because he knew that the only reason you were so shocked is because he was always putting you down in the past. “Why… would you want to dance with me?” Your question hurt even more as your eyebrows furrowed, clearly you were skeptical and that stung even harder.
He growled as he made sure to mask his guilt with more anger and annoyance, “Who the hell cares why?! I just want to!” Bakugo didn’t want to shout at you, but he didn’t want to see you look at him all sad and confused anymore. He didn’t want to make you feel like that anymore.
Yet, you were still kind of confused because you could still remember what he said to you those years ago.
“I wouldn’t dance with you if you were the last girl on earth.”
The beat of your heart suddenly got louder in your ears, and you could feel it speeding up the more you looked at Bakugo with anxiety in your (E/C) eyes. “Um… uhhh…” You started to stutter again, dammit why did you have to start stuttering again of all times?! But to your surprise Bakugo remained almost patient even as you stuttered.
And yet still when you looked at him you could see that arrogant smirk he gave you when he called you gross and a dork. Oh no you were starting to sweat, even with your deodorant on you could feel it. You blinked your eyes and instead of that smug smile, Bakugo was still just looking right at you, almost concerned but mostly annoyed. He couldn’t believe it… he had you speechless, and not in a good way…
You forced yourself though to say ‘yes’ to his demand, no. Bakugo was an asshole, he’s still an asshole but something about him changed a little bit. He wasn’t asking you just to embarrass you, he was honest to a fault so you believed that he did want to dance with you. You didn’t know why but he did, but it was flattering in an odd way. Besides, you couldn’t just avoid and ignore him forever, he was kind of your friend still. And part of you was still attracted to him, and you still cared about him despite everything.
“I’ll dance with you.” Still you tried to sound all cool, and you saw his arrogant smirk come back to him, but this time it wasn’t mocking you. “Good.” His smirk grew as he took your hand in his somewhat roughly, which sent blood rushing to your cheeks as he lead you to the dancefloor and you couldn’t help but smile.
“I’ll show you how to actually dance.” Bakugo never lost that arrogance, but this was him being weirdly nice to you as you found yourself on the dancefloor. With Bakugo. Katsuki Bakugo. Something you never really imagined. Well, you did imagine it once back in middle school before he crushed that, and yet you were here with him now.
You were going to dance with him.
Hey, hey, You, you! I don't like your girlfriend No way, no way! I think you need a new one Hey, hey, You, you! I could be your girlfriend
Hey, hey, You, you! I know that you like me No way, no way! No, it’s not a secret Hey, hey, You, you! I want to be your girlfriend 
“Oh my God it’s Avril!” You suddenly jumped a little bit when you heard another blast from the past as you tried not to squeal, and you blushed when you heard Bakugo snicker. “God you’re such a fucking dork…” He said that with affection? No true meanness when he called you a dork…
Instead of feeling sad, you actually smiled brightly at him. It was a late dream come true, he liked you for you and finally accept your flaws.
“Don’t flail your arms around like some kind of car commercial thing. Just get into the rhythm.” He advised you as he started to move to the rhythm of the song, and gestured you to follow his moves which made your eyes widen at how fast he was going and what kind of moves he was showing you.
The things he did with his legs, and how fast he could move his body, definitely took quite sometime to follow as your moves were extremely awkward at first but he was surprisingly patient with you even he was smirking and outright laughing at some of your more awkward attempts.
You're so fine, I want you mine You're so delicious I think about you all the time You're so addictive Don't you know what I can do To make you feel all right. 
It wouldn’t happen overnight, but you were able to follow him even though you pouted everytime he laughed at you. Still, happiness and glee filled your beating heart when he did because he was being… actually kind of sweet as he actually smiled when you got it? He was smiling at you.
You were dancing with him, side to side and following the rhythm and beat of the song, bouncing and moving more fluidly and with more energy with a big smile on your face. You were dancing! And you were dancing good!
Good with him! You were dancing with Bakugo and you were starting to realize wow you were actually pretty good at this!
Don't pretend I think you know I'm damn precious And, hell yeah I'm the motherfuckin' princess I can tell you like me too And you know I'm right
Bakugo couldn’t hide his pride, he didn’t really enjoy dancing but he was good at it and knew how to do it really good. He’d be good at anything he tried even if he didn’t want to try it. And his pride swelled when he could see and hear his awed classmates when they saw him dancing with you, and you dancing good because of him.
“She's like so, whatever, You could do so much better~.” Although you wouldn’t ever stop singing or mouthing the lyrics to songs you loved even as you danced. Bakugo rolled his eyes when he saw you mouthing the words, but his smile-smirk didn’t leave his lips. “I think we should get together now. And that's what everyone's talkin' about~!”
His thoughts exactly. They might have belonged to a song, but this should show Deku that he was better than him, and that he would win you over.
Hey, hey, You, you! I don't like your girlfriend No way, no way! I think you need a new one Hey, hey, You, you! I could be your girlfriend
Izuku was almost distracted as he was talking to Iida, Todoroki and Aoyama, at least until Todoroki noticed that you were dancing with Bakugo. A lot better too for that matter, you seemed more in tune with the song. He felt like maybe he shouldn’t tell Izuku because… it felt kind of wrong and he was almost worried that it would make him sad to see his date dancing with his rival.
However, Uraraka was ready to approach Izuku so she can say ‘hi’ and see what her friends were talking about, but then like Todoroki, she saw you dancing with Bakugo and she gasped in horror… what was he doing?! Didn’t he know that you were here with Izuku?!
Oh she couldn’t let that happen, sure you asked Izuku but you were both her friends, and she wasn’t going to let you guys have your nights ruined because of Bakugo. “Deku!” She didn’t want to look angry though so she looked as cheerful as always as he perked up upon seeing his good friend.
“Uraraka! Hi there.” He greeted her with a sweet smile that made her cheeks warm and her smile turned shy. She wished she asked him out before, but it was too late and she was at least happy he was here with you. And that’s why she needed to make sure he had a good dance!
“Hi…” Damn, she wanted to tell him straight-up that Bakugo was dancing with you, but his smile looked so happy she couldn’t just bluntly tell him that now. “Midoriya… it looks like Bakugo is dancing with (Y/N).” Thankfully Aoyama had no problem being blunt as he pointed at you dancing with his rival…
Hey, hey, You, you! I know that you like me No way, no way! No, it’s not a secret Hey, hey, You, you! I want to be your girlfriend
Izuku didn’t mean to gasp so loud as his green eyes widened once he saw you dancing with Bakugo and smiling so brightly that he nearly teared up. That’s right… he always thought you had a crush on Bakugo. Any joy he had slowly started to drain when he saw his rival dancing beside you, smiling too…
He’s never seen him smile like that, and he’s never seen you smile like that…
His friends saw how shocked and hurt he looked, and they couldn’t help but frown when they could practically feel his sadness.
“You gotta go get her Deku! She was having fun with you too on the dancefloor! If not more!” Uraraka had to perk him up, so she spoke first, followed by a determined Aoyama, “She’s right! You came here with (Y/N), you will dance here with her.” His voice was soft, but his tone was encouraging.
“Exactly! Bakugo is playing a dirty game. I normally don’t condone such silly games, but a man trying to take away another man’s dancing partner is just despicable. I believe in you Midoriya.” Even Iida was trying to encourage Izuku to go and win you back because while the romantic aspects went over his head, he knew how much Izuku valued you as a dear friend and he knew that Bakugo liked to do things just to spite him sometimes.
“Go get her Midoriya. Don’t let Bakugo win, she asked you out didn’t she? Show her why.” Todoroki was surprisingly more aware of his feelings for you, and Izuku told them that you had asked him out. And frankly Todoroki could see why, Izuku was a nice guy and he was glad that you did. So… he needed to encourage his friend to go get you back.
In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger Cause I can, 'cause I can do it better There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in? He's so stupid What the hell were you thinkin'?
Izuku tried not to tear up at how supportive his friends were being, and how much their words touched his heart. That’s right, you DID ask him out, and he knew Bakugo was just trying to take you away because NOW he decided to be nice to you? When he himself has been nice to you from the beginning? That was messed up…
Sure Izuku was glad that Bakugo was treating you better now because you deserved to be treated with respect, but Izuku knew from the beginning that his rival wasn’t even all that interested in you. Why the sudden change of heart he had no idea. 
He didn’t blame you for having a crush on Bakugo, after all he was amazing, but Izuku wasn’t going to let him win. After all, he could do better than him now.
He could treat you better AND dance with you better.
In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger Cause I can, 'cause I can do it better There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in? He's so stupid What the hell were you thinkin'?!
However, Bakugo nearly forgot that Deku existed as he danced with you and watched you throw your fist in the air and jumped in rhythm with the song and having the time of your life as he smirked at you the entire time and danced right beside you. Energetic yet powerful with his fluid, aggressive moves.
Although he did make sure to glare at others who dared to snicker at you because of the video, but you didn’t care at all about them anymore and he fucking loved it. Those assholes clearly didn’t know what a real woman was.
He was partially ashamed to say that he didn’t either but he was grown up and knew better now. And Bakugo’s also secretly always known that you liked you, he wasn’t oblivious. He was cruel to you so… that needed to change. Because… he’s come to realize that he’s always liked you too. It was one of the many reasons he was always extra mean to Deku.
After all, Bakugo was better than him, so he couldn’t help but wonder what were you thinking asking Deku out? That didn’t matter now at the moment though, you were dancing with HIM now and you were awesome. He was awesome. 
Hey, hey! You, you! I don't like your girlfriend! No way, no way! I think you need a new one 
“Hey!” Izuku had to raise his voice over the music which caught your attention as you perked up from where you were dancing and your (E/C) eyes widened with excitement while Bakugo’s pride and excitement was suddenly shot the second he was met with the nerd’s face…
You excitedly called his name but Bakugo was much less pleased to see him, “Mind if I dance with you both?” As much as Izuku wanted to kind of get Bakugo to back off, he didn’t want to get into some kind of fight because he wouldn’t do that in front of you.
“Sure!” And you happily nodded at the thought, although this just pissed off Bakugo, “No! Go dance with your friends or something and get lost you nerd!” He didn’t change that much, to Bakugo, Izuku was still a nerd. And on top of that, he saw what he was doing, well he wasn’t going to let him take you away.
Izuku was well aware that Bakugo wasn’t going to give you up so easily, but he wasn’t afraid of him right now. You were HIS date, he wasn’t possessive about it but Bakugo couldn’t do that. He couldn’t take you away when you asked HIM out first!
“But I was dancing with (Y/N). She asked me out after all.” He replied to him assertively and showed no traces of backing down which just further irritated Bakugo. This little nerd definitely had more spunk than he did back then.
“I did ask him out…” Then you couldn’t deny that, nor would you as you smiled at Izuku, although you were starting to get nervous that your guy-friends were going to get in some kind of kerfuffle. They always did…
Hey, hey You, you I could be your girlfriend
“Yeah? Well in case you missed it Deku, I’m the better dancer. Didn’t you see us? That’s how you dance you loser! Instead of this…” Bakugo had to drive the nail in by imitating Izuku’s… admittedly corny dancing by mocking the way he would move his arms and shake them in the air like he was trying to fight with someone and then moving his feet off the song’s rhythm.
“I mean what the hell is that?”
He asked him snidely as Izuku couldn’t help but blush over as he looked quite embarrassed to have his awkward moves mocked by his rival. “Hey… I dance like that too!” You couldn’t let Bakugo mock Izuku like that though. Teasing someone about being a bad dancer was one thing, being a jerk about it was another.
“The difference is (Y/N)… you’re better at dancing than I am.” Izuku had the grace to admit that with a bashful smile. Poor sweet boy was too modest for his own good. “There’s no such thing as good or bad dancing dude.” So you reassured him but Bakugo rolled his eyes. Why were you so nice to Deku?
“Ha! You’re too nice to this nerd (Y/N)… I’ll show you who’s the better dancer, you hear me?” Bakugo’s smirk KINDA unnerved you and you were wondering why was he making such a big deal out of this? “Why?”
“Why?! Well why did you ask Deku out?! Seriously?! Deku?!” There it was, he finally asked you outloud but it didn’t really please you as you put your hands on your hips.
No way, no way~
“How about? Because I’ve got my own damn agency and I can ask whoever the hell I want out to a dance?” You said it plain and simple and that little bit of sass and assertiveness just KINDA surprised him since he’s mostly seen your meek side but he saw your confidence at the mall so it still surprised him to see it directed at him.  
However he growled when the fucking nerd had the gall to cross his arms and nod in agreement with you, even though Bakugo REALLY couldn’t say anything against that. You DID have your own agency and COULD ask whoever you wanted out.
“C’mon (Y/N)… Deku can’t dance for shit! If you’re going to dance with someone, it should at least be with someone who CAN dance!” Still he wasn’t going to lose you so willingly, and then finally you picked up on it. He was JEALOUS…
Your eyes went SLIGHTLY wide at the thought and you ALMOST snickered. No way, this wasn’t happening, you looked over at Izuku who wasn’t yielding to Bakugo’s insults, “Actually I CAN Kacchan. Yes, I’m not the best, but it doesn’t mean I can’t, and I’m not going to be on the sidelines. I’m dancing with (Y/N).” He stood his ground and you found yourself in the middle, and smiling more than you should have.
“Okay, okay… you guys are getting outta hand here, you men… always competing over whose is bigger.” You snickered and laughed when the two boys blushed quite madly at your remark, “The only way I’m going to stay interested in this is if I get involved… let’s just dance together all right? Can we do that?” As flattered as you were, and happy, you didn’t want your friends to fight as you had to place peacekeeper until one of them gets stupid.
Hey, hey! You, you! I know that you like me
The two boys looked at you, Izuku looked concerned and mildly conflicted (because of Bakugo) but Bakugo just looked irritated. If there’s one thing they could agree on, it’s that neither of them wanted to just ruin this dance for you. So they reluctantly nodded.
“Of course (Y/N).”
Izuku and Bakugo respectively mumbled as you smiled and twirled around happily, “All riiiight now it’s a dance~. C’mon boys~.” You beamed with the brightest smile they’ve ever seen on you as Izuku warmly blushed with a coy grin and Bakugo scoffed as heat dusted his cheeks. They could just dance with you, sure they could be civil…
No way, no way! No, it's not a secret Hey, hey! You, you! I want to be your girlfriend They couldn’t be civil. Pretty soon while you were having fun dancing with Izuku, you also switched over to Bakugo to dance with him too as everyone else started dancing in tune with the ridiculously catchy song and when it was Izuku’s turn to dance with you. He couldn’t take it anymore, he hated how the nerd was over the moon dancing like an idiot with you, shaking his arms as you performed the same moves with an equally big smile.
Once your backs were turned for just a moment, the ash-blonde smirked as once it was his turn, he roughly shoved the green-haired boy onto someone who was carrying punch.
You couldn’t hear Izuku gasp in shock as he stared down at his soiled suit that had sticky, red liquid spreading all over the white and seeping into his skin and getting him dirty. His suit, it was ruined...  
Ohhh Bakugo was going to pay…
Izuku wasn’t the type to get back at someone but his mom brought him this suit, and he wore this for you and YOUR night…
No way, no way~!
As you danced with Bakugo side by side and following his lead, you noticed the rest of the Bakusquad joining to follow in a group dance and it was so fucking fun. “You got this (Y/N)!” Ashido exclaimed happily as she bumped her hip with yours as you couldn’t help but scream with excitement.
“Thanks girl~!” You shouted a bit louder than normal because you were so happy that it rubbed off on the other energetic boys. “Way to dance (L/N)!”
“Kick Ass!!”
“Mother of Dragons in the house~!”
Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero were so sweet, you were glad that Bakugo was kind enough to let them dance with you, although he made sure to stay beside you while you both danced. And he moved a little closer, still moving his body as your smile didn’t fade but your cheeks started to darken at how close he got.
He definitely changed from the little asshole he used to be. Well, still WAS an asshole but he clearly had more respect for you now and seemed to really care about you as it showed when his eyes turned a bit gentler as his smirk turned into a softer smile.
Hey, Hey! You, You! I don't like your girlfriend! No way, no way! I think you need a new one!
Trembling as he stared at the damage done on his punch-stained shirt, Izuku took in a shaking breath, eyes widening with a new kind of fury when he saw the way Bakugo moved in so close to you. So much for agreeing to be civil. That was it, he’s let Bakugo get away with plenty of shit before but not this time!
“Deku!” He turned his head sharply when he heard no one other than Uraraka call out to him, and she was with Iida, Todoroki and Aoyama, each of them looking both sympathetic and kind of upset when they saw his shirt. No doubt because of Bakugo.
“We’ll help you.” Was all Todoroki had to say to his poor friend as he looked at the stain on his shirt, “Ruining a shirt on top of taking your dancing partner?! Of course we’ll help!” Iida was of course pissed when he saw that Izuku’s shirt was ruined at how Bakugo stole you from him.
“Oui! This cannot be ignored, come mon ami.” Aoyama sounded more determined than before as Izuku nodded with a somewhat angered look because they were right. “Right!” He exclaimed as he sped-walked over to you and Bakugo. This was it.
Hey, hey! You, you! I could be your girlfriend No way, no way!
As Bakugo stood by you so close, you began to feel a bit of a discomfort stirring within you. This didn’t feel right, and then you remembered you had to dance with Izuku too, you weren’t going to just ditch him. That’d be a really shitty thing to do.
However, you perked up when Bakugo suddenly let out a surprised shout as Todoroki ‘accidentally’ bumped into Bakugo, “Sorry.” The dual-haired boy said to the extra-irritated blonde, “What the hell Icyhot?! Watch where you’re going!!” He screamed angrily at his classmate as you snickered a bit, only to gasp when you saw Izuku move in closer to you.
“Hey (Y/N)!” He was smiling brightly at you even though all you saw was the stain on his shirt, “Izuku your shirt!” You cringed a bit at how bad it looked and how uncomfortable that must have been for your poor friend but he pretended like it was all okay.
“It’s okay! Don’t worry about it, I want to dance with you.” He rushed his words as he offered his hand to you as you looked VERY surprised by this as you felt yourself blushing but it was fair, you smiled widely and nodded and you squeaked a bit when you took his hand and let him lead you away rather quickly and rather far away from Bakugo...
Hey, hey! You, you! I know that you like me No way, no way! No, it's not a secret
“Just shut up already!” Bakugo continued to shout at Todoroki, who was trying to stall for Izuku until he successfully whisked you away a little bit further as the ash-blonde perked up when he saw you weren’t there. And his red eyes widened and he started to vibrate with rage when he realized that Izuku took you away.
On purpose! That little fucker did this on purpose!
He so did, Izuku almost felt bad for resorting to this kind of deception but after Bakugo ruined his shirt and tried to take you away because YOU asked HIM first, he couldn’t just let him push him around anymore. He wanted to have a good time with you and he was! 
The music and your smile was giving him motivation to dance how he wanted with you, and he showed off some better moves that he learned from All-Might as you burst into laughter. Not mocking you were just happy to see your shy friend cut loose and dance!
Hey, hey! You, you! I want to be your girlfriend No way, no way!
“Work it Zuku~!!” You loudly cheered him on as he waved his arms and his legs in a fairly impressive and fluid manner as he no longer felt so timid to do it. And his newfound confidence rubbed off on you as you bow-and-arrowed and did the Paul Rudd dance much to Izuku’s great amusement as he couldn’t stop himself from laughing in glee.
You truly were the cutest and most amazing girl he’s ever seen in his life and he was so happy as he twirled you around right as the song ended, “Hey hey~!” You cheered as you jumped and threw your fist in the air, and Izuku couldn’t help but do the same, pumping his fist triumphantly (just like Avril) and throwing it up in the air as you hugged his arm.
He had you now.
Bakugo growled viciously when he saw AND heard Izuku laughing and dancing with you when that was supposed to be HIM dancing with you! Damn nerd! And on top of that he saw the way stupid Iida, Uraraka and Aoyama were more or less keeping their eye on him.
“Bakugo as Class Rep I can’t-“ Iida attempted to stop him when Bakugo marched his way towards you and Izuku but the blonde rudely bumped shoulders with him. “Back off Four Eyes!” He shouted at his appalled classmate and it was just Aoyama and Uraraka.
“Don’t even think about it!” Uraraka stood her ground and Aoyama was backing her up as they both crossed their arms. “Leave them alone please.”
Annoyed and unwilling to deal with them, Bakugo let out a snarl as he raised his fist threateningly at the two which made them both flinch and reluctantly back off and their angry classmate passed right through them both.
This didn’t go unnoticed by other classmates as Tsuyu, Tokoyami, Ojiro and Jirou saw and looked on in disappointment as Shinsou shook his head at what was going on between you and those two idiots. Pretty soon both Bakugo AND Midoriya were going the ruin the whole night for you…
“That’s it…”
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mango-da-dango · 4 years
Revenge Pt 1
Warning: Implied Murder, Attempted suicide, cursing. If you are not comfortable with any of these subjects, either proceed with caution or click away.
Characters: Y/n L/n (Reader) Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shigaraki Tomura, Kurogiri, 
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“If you close your eyes, they will come. With their stomachs growling they will come~” a small teen hummed, singing the lyrics in her head. She was walking down the sidewalk with a new game in hand to play. She happily skipped down and turned a corner when she bumped into a blonde. 
“Hey! Watch where you’re going!” He yelled. His eyes widened looking at her. She seemed familiar. From the side of his eye, he could tell Midoriya was thinking the same, but the girl just continued walking as if nothing.
“Kacchan. Do you think that?“ Izuku asked. Bakugou snapped at the green-haired boy.
“Don’t be ridiculous, she’s dead. She couldn’t have come back.” He grumbled. If it were a stranger looking at the scene they would have confused his tone with disrespect but if you looked and listen closely enough, you could hear the bit of hurt in his voice.
“You’re right.” Izuku nodded. They continued their path and went home.
At a bar
“Oh my god! I can’t believe it! Izu-Chan looked so cool! He was big and muscly! Even though if I found the scrawny him cute, muscly him was amazing!” A girl thought, squealing.
“Oi, shut up,” Tomura called from the other side of the bar.
“Sorry...” she sighed, thinking about her green-haired friend.
“Kurogiri and I’ll be going out somewhere, you’ll be in charge of watching the bar.” The blue-haired male told the still red fangirl. Y/n pouted.
“Aw, but master! why can’t I go? It’s boring without anyone here! How do you guys even get paid? This is called a bar and we’re literally the only ones here!” She pouted.
“Shut up.”
“Where our resource’s origin are is not valid for now. You can play on your handheld if you want. Just don’t make a mess.” Kurogiri interrupted.
“Okay, mom! I’ll do my best!” She joked. Emphasizing the nickname. Kurogiri sighed and went back to what he was doing.
“Aw, yeah! Level 9!” The girl shouted in the empty bar. Kurogiri and Shigaraki were on their important mission and she has just been playing games the entire time. It was until she had a feeling, she got up and took out a first aid kit. 
It seems that her little hunch was correct before a not a minute later Kurogiri appeared and in cams Shigaraki, wounded in both his arms and legs.
“Master!” She cries immediately rushing to his side with the first aid kit. 
“It’s not fair, I was lied to! You told me he was weak!” Shigaraki fumed. His master started to say something and started to Y/n tune him out, focusing on Shigaraki’s wounds. Once done, she along with Kurogiri helped him up and brought him to his room. Shortly after the girl decided to go to sleep too.
Y/n laid on her bed, snuggling her hand-made Izuku plush. She fiddled with its hair as she thought, “I wonder if Izuku still thinks about me.”
Slowly, sleep started to take over and she then drifted into sleep.
At the Midoriya’s house
Izuku laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling. His thoughts wondered to the girl that he saw on the sidewalk. She looked so much like his late best friend. But it couldn’t be, right?
He sighed and sat up. He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a piece of paper.
                                                    Y/n  L/n 
Do you know where this young girl is? Her status is unknown yet, she may be dead or alive. Last seen on the rooftop of the Musutafu skyscraper  If found call **********
The paper was already almost a year old. He looked at the picture of the girl. She had h/c shoulder length hair and big e/c eyes that had dulled over time. He gripped the paper tightly as guilt washed over him. 
“Y/n... I’m sorry... it’s all my fault. I should have seen the signs. I should of stopped you...” He sniffed, tears pricking his eyes. He got his phone from the edge of his bed and opened up his message
11 months ago
Hey Izu,                                                                                                          Izuku
                                                                    Oh, hi Y/n! Is there something wrong?
No, there isn’t, I just wanted to talk w/ you one last time.   
                                                               One last time? Y/n please don’t tell me...
Y/n-Chan is calling...
His thoughts go back to their last phone call. He had recorded their conversation for future use.
“Y/n! Please! Don’t do this! I’ll come to you and we can talk this out! We can make everything better!”  He cried out. 
“I’m sorry Izuku, even if you do manage to get to the skyscraper in time, there wouldn’t be a chance for me to live a happy life, I’m a useless failure that shouldn’t even be alive, I just want you to know that you’re the bestest friend that I could have ever asked for. You were always there for me, but I can’t take it anymore...” she said, her voice cracking at the end.
“I can’t take anymore of this pain, the pressure put on my shoulders, the constant torment I’m put through every day. My parents don’t care about me, they beat me every day, I don’t have anywhere else to go. I’m sorry, Izuku. Please know this isn’t your fault and that I’ll always cherish our happy memories together.”she promised, she went quite for a moment, Izuku sprinted harder then he had ever in his life, the building finally in sight, his heart stopped when he heard footsteps on the other line, “Goodbye, Izuku Midoriya. I love you.”
Beep. The call ended and he made a full on dash to the bottom of the skyscraper. 
Nothing. He saw nothing there, except for the usual business man crossing. She wasn’t there, bleeding or with broken bones, 
“Am I at the wrong place?” He thought. Hurriedly he went to the rooftop of the building. 
Once again, nothing, he was beyond freaked out now, where was she? He kept looking for her until sundown when his mother came looking for him.
Izuku started crying at the memory. He lost his best friend, the one that was always there for him in his darkest times and yet. He wasn’t there for hers. She kept telling him she was fine, but he knew he should’ve investigated more into it. A search party was made not long after the incident and with Izuku’s evidence. Her parents were put on trial, but before the day of judgment arrived. They were burned alive in their home. His friend, Y/n L/n and her family were never seen again.
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iya5rt · 5 years
Kalopsia Project [Bakugo Katsuki x Reader – Tokyo Ghoul AU]
Chapter 8 – Fate Always Finds a Way to Make Things Worse
Chapter Summary: Midoriya has a theory on what might be happening to you. But… that should be impossible, right…?
Kalopsia Project Masterpost
Past closing time, Yuuei was usually silent. Its few employees who, sheltered by Aizawa, lived in the building of the cafe, would retire to their rooms and either spend their evening silently entertaining themselves with social media, studying, or perhaps even sleeping. That’s how it had been for years and, up until recently, everyone thought that’s how it was going to be for years to come.
Something had shaken up this silence mere days ago. It had been a welcome change. Yuuei was just a tad bit more lively these days. And no one complained.
Tonight, Yuuei was quiet for the first time since your arrival.
It wasn’t quiet because there was nobody to fill the silence. As a mater of fact, less than an hour ago the small cafe had been filled with frantic cries. Panic. Fear.
It was much like the first time you’d been brought here. Yet somehow, there was more at stake today. At least, that’s what it felt like.
Bakugo Katsuki didn’t even have it in him to pace back and forth, like all the worried relatives you’d see in movies everywhere. No, why would he be worried? He was just annoyed that there was all this buzz. That everyone was making it seem like a big deal. Surely it was nothing. Just some human girl with a cold. Why should he care?
That’s what he kept telling himself. And when that too failed, he let the faint buzzing of the freezer downstairs and the muffled but indistinguishable voices from the neighboring room drown out the rest of his thoughts.
He was frustrated. With everyone who just stood by and watched. With those who panicked and only made everything worse. With damn Deku for not being fast enough. With those four freaks you had been talking to for taking so long to just get the hell out of the cafe. With Aizawa for even letting you work here in the first place.
With you for pushing yourself, for being so reckless.
And most of all, with himself. He had never felt so conflicted before. And he hated feeling conflicted.
All of that, over some random human getting sick, being dumb and not resting enough, only to just lose consciousness out of nowhere.
Had there been signs? Should he have known? Was it worse than it looked?
He suddenly recalled that sinking sensation from earlier. But what proof was that? Strong or not, intuition proved nothing.
Though Midoriya had offered him to come in, saying there wasn’t a problem, Bakugo had voluntarily declined. He needed time to sort out his thoughts, and staring at your unconscious form and Deku’s annoying face wouldn’t have made things any easier on his raging thoughts.
Following the sound of quiet footsteps, the door he sat beside slowly opened. It suddenly dawned on him that he had sorted out nothing, after all. Guess his thoughts were going to bother him longer than he’d hoped they would.
Out the room came out Midoriya and though Bakugo only spared him a brief glance, he could already tell he looked troubled.
Great. As if he’d needed any more reason to worry. Not that he was worried in the first place-
He scoffed, grumbling through his teeth.
“How bad can a goddamn cold get!? Humans are so fragile.” He finally gave up and turned to face Midoriya. A decision which he immediately regretted, upon noticing that the greenhead had stiffen at his words, his eyebrows scrunching even further. Compared to how he had looked after treating your quite literally life-threatening injuries, one would think you had died or something.
Midoriya opened his mouth a few times, as if he was hesitant. Unsure. Finally, he sighed and quietly asked.
“Say, Kacchan, have you or anyone else seen [F/N]-san eat anything lately?” Bakugo cocked an eyebrow – that was not what he’d expected to hear. He shrugged and leaned against the wall, training his eyes on a single spot. He hoped that would ease those conflicting feelings.
“I haven’t – she said something about the cold killing her appetite. I don’t know – her and her human problems. Dunno about the rest though.” Midoriya’s breath seemingly stopped for a second, as he proceeded to start pacing back and forth between the two ends of the small hall, running a hand through his messy hair, only making it look more disheveled.
“This should be impossible…? It can’t- it… It makes no sense!” He stopped, rubbing his face a few more times, before his shoulders slumped. He turned to face Bakugo and pulled up his sleeve, pointing towards his forearm. “When [F/N]-san fell, she dropped the tray and the mug with the hot cocoa shattered. I noticed one of the pieces had cut her arm quite badly.”
Bakugo didn’t even nod, glaring at Midoriya instead – it was his “friendly” sign to stop blabbering on and on and just get to the point already. Midoriya rolled down his sleeve and motioned for Bakugo to come into the room with him.
After quietly opening the door, so as to not startle you in the odd case that you were already awake, the two remained still, at first looking at your sleeping form, one in all his uncertainty and worry, the other in a knowing pity. Then Midoriya finally locked eyes with Bakugo, holding his glare until it turned into a look of anticipation instead.
“It’s gone,” he said.
They remained silent for a few seconds.
Midoriya seemed to know something. Yet Bakugo was simply confused. That made no sense. No, that really was impossible.
Unlike him though, Midoriya had connected the dots already.
“Think about it. Her cut healing mysteriously. The lack of appetite. Even her odd scent you mentioned when she first came here?” Midoriya’s brows were scrunched in worry. “I… I can’t say for certain. I’ve never seen anything like that. They don’t really teach you that stuff in med school,” he chuckled nervously. “But if I had to guess, she must be...”
He didn’t finish. He had already noticed how Bakugo’s eyes had also widened.
“We have to take this to Toshinori, Kacchan. This might be serious. No, this might be something no one has seen before-”
“No!” Bakugo snapped back. “It’s always ‘Toshinori, this’ and ‘Toshinori, that’ - don’t any of you realize he comes from the CCG! I don’t care how much you trust him – this could easily be beyond all of us, and he’s no exception!” Midoriya panicked at his raised voice, though before he could motion for Bakugo to keep quiet (they were, after all, still in your room), two more people walked in. Two pairs of eyes turned to them, only for one to widen in surprise, while the other narrowed in a glare.
“This time Midoriya is right,” Aizawa said. Bakugo’s glare only hardened. Why couldn’t any of them see the problem here!? Aizawa glanced at Todoroki, who nodded back and began.
“You see, my dad was the one who lead that massive raid of one of the CCG Research Facilities a few years ago,” he explained, earning back a few more nods. Everyone had heard about it – a big group of ghouls had attacked the facility, taking down many CCG researchers and investigators. At the front of it all had been Endeavor – nicknamed that for defeating All Might – one of the CCG’s best investigators, who had been in the leading positions of the defense.
And though they all knew that, they also knew that Todoroki wasn’t one to bring up his father just like that. No one at Yuuei liked to pry, but they were well-aware of his disdain for Endeavor. If he was talking about his father, there must have been a damn good reason for it.
Todoroki took the growing silence as his cue to continue.
“It seems like inside the building they discovered an odd room. It looked like they were experimenting on something. Humans and, according to him the size of the equipment made it seem like they might have even been experimenting on children. They didn’t recover any of the files but he said he caught a glimpse of the name “Kalopsia Project” somewhere.”
“Think about it – this is the CCG we’re talking about. If anyone has access to any information about ghouls, it… it has to be them. What if, and I hope it stays an ‘if’, [F/N]-san had something to do with this? The raid was a while ago. She would have still been a child. We all would have.” Midoriya explained, looking somewhere off to the side. None of this was right. None of it.
The conversation he had had with you just the previous day resurfaced in Bakugo’s mind. Your parents’ involvement with the CCG, the mysterious circumstances surrounding their death.
He didn’t say it out loud though.
It all fit together too well. And if he said it, it would have become all the more true.
He didn’t want it to be true though.
Why didn’t he?
What was wrong with him!?
Why did he care? What did he want? What, what, what.
That was the only word on his mind for the past two hours.
Damn it.
Damn it all.
What mess had he gotten himself into now…?
Not long after, Midoriya, Todoroki and Aizawa returned downstairs to brief everyone else on the situation, as well as make the call Bakugo still wasn’t all too pleased with. If only he hadn’t approved of Yuuei taking you in, none of this would have been happening.
Or would it have still happened regardless?
What if instead of having everyone else there to help you through it, you had had to suffer through it all alone?
Then again, whose fault was all this in the first place?
Wasn’t he just trying to pin the blame on someone else…?
Hasn’t he been doing that all along?
Because in reality…
It was him that had decided to save you. It was him that had decided to bring you here. It was him that had decided to insist on keeping you alive.
It was him.
It was him all along.
So why did he keep fooling himself like this? What good was that going to do?
Was it his fault this was happening to you too?
There was no way to know for certain yet. He would just have to wait to find out.
He sat beside the bed you were resting on and gazed at your peaceful face. How much longer was this peace going to last though?
Did you have any idea what kind of screwed up shit you had been subjected to, whether willingly or not? Did you have any idea what was going to happen now? Did you have any idea how hard your life was suddenly going to become?
No… You most likely did not. And neither did he.
This was the second time in just a week you were waking up without any recollection of what might have happened for you to even be asleep in the first place. This really wasn’t a habit you should have been developing.
Not only that, this time you felt groggy, nauseous even. This must have been the worst sleep you’ve ever had. It was like you hadn’t slept at all. You briefly recalled something about a cold and everything started making sense – you never slept well when you were sick anyway. As if your life hadn’t been messed up enough already.
You decided there was no point wasting time in bed right now, especially with how thirsty you were, not to mention the hunger that was slowly creeping up – and here you thought the cold had killed your appetite. Though with a few grunts from how stiff your entire body felt, you somehow managed to push yourself up and sit in the bed, reaching a hand to move all the stray hair away from your face.
Only now did you notice Bakugo beside the bed, as he seemed to suddenly perk up. Instead of doing or saying anything though, he froze, eyes locked on you. The heavy silence lasted a few more seconds, until it dawned on you.
“Oh god, I fainted, didn’t I!?” you exclaimed, hands flying to your face yet again. “I am so, so sorry! Everyone must have been so worried, oh no… Someone had to bring me up here too, right? Damn it, Midoriya-kun probably had to deal with me again, I am so sorry, I can’t believe I keep causing so much trouble… for you.. guys...” You trailed off. Bakugo’s brows had furrowed and he had let out a long sigh, hunching forward to rest his head on his hands, as he contemplated. With a shake of his head, he muttered something.
“If anyone should be worried right now, it should be you.”
Your brows furrowed too, though it was more so due to confusion. While you remained silent, he seemed to be reasoning with himself. In the end however, he decided to be blunt.
“You...” His crimson eyes looked up, meeting yours. “[Y/N], you’re turning into a ghoul.”
A heavy silence fell upon the room yet again. And then…
You chuckled.
“I know I’m a little drowsy still but this probably isn’t something you should joke about, Bakugo-kun. At least make it something more believable next time, jeez,” you pouted, turning to look at Bakugo’s reaction to one of his rare jokes getting totally busted. What you saw however, made your smile fall a bit.
“No, you don’t get it...” he managed through gritted teeth.
“It’s okay, Bakugo-kun. Bad jokes happen to the best of us, don’t worry-”
“No, don’t tell me not to worry!!” He had raised his voice. “This is not a joke, [Y/N]! Don’t laugh about it – don’t you understand!? Your life’s been fucked over, can’t you grasp that!?”
Seems like being yelled at first thing after you woke up did not lead to you thinking things through and reasoning with Bakugo though.
“What’s your problem!?” you snapped back. Who was he to say things like that!? “This is ridiculous, can’t you hear yourself? You’re right, this isn’t funny, so stop!”
“And you don’t wanna believe me!? See for yourself – you haven’t eaten anything lately, you’ve been attacked by all sorts of weird creeps, your scent’s not normal – something is wrong!!”
You looked down, gritting your teeth too. Didn’t he realize that none of what had happened lately was all too pleasant to you?
“You say this… But do you really think, Bakugo-kun…” You looked up to meet his eyes again. “Do you really think any of this would have happened then!? If what you’re saying is true, how would any of this have happened, huh? Do you have any idea how scared I was that night? I thought I was going to die!!” You had both unknowingly leaned closer, each trying to convince the other they were right. “Do you know how much it hurt!? How much pain I felt while I was trying to run for my life!? If I really was a ghoul, do you think I would still have this damn scar on my shoulder!? That scar that hurts every time I even move!! Do you-”
Your words caught in your throat.
Bakugo, who had even looked remorseful for a second there, now blinked as you suddenly went quiet and your eyes widened.
“No. No, no, no. You have to be kidding me, t-that’s ridiculous, it can’t be, i-its’ impossible, I...” you continued mumbling in disbelief, rushing to pull up the sleeve of your t-shirt. And no matter how desperately you looked, it… “It’s… not here… Oh god, it’s really gone… The… The scar is… it’s gone…?” Your voice cracked.
But how!? You saw it there just this morning when you woke up. It didn’t look like it was going to heal any time soon, if it ever was even going to heal in the first place. So then what had happened? No human could heal just like that.
No human could…
Suddenly the reality of what Bakugo had said all came rushing at you.
You didn’t have it in you to cry. Not now anyway. No, you couldn’t even begin to grasp the thought. It was too much. Too confusing. Too sudden.
As you stood there almost motionless, Bakugo put a hand on your back. It was warm.
It was so, so warm. And any other time, maybe that would have meant something. Maybe it would have made you tease him, laugh, smile, feel all warm and fuzzy yourself. Set off those butterflies in your stomach perhaps?
Today, Yuuei was silent.
Today, you couldn’t even bring yourself to really feel that warmth.
Today, everything was going wrong.
“Though we’re not sure what to do yet, Aizawa said we’re going to have to pay a visit to that mysterious guy you keep hearing about. It seems like he knows something.”
You laughed. It wasn’t funny, you just… weren’t sure how else to react.
And here you thought you’d seen it all. Here you thought you were prepared for anything.
“Knowing isn’t the same as helping… What’s…What’s going to happen now…?”
Bakugo shook his head. He had no idea either.
It was a bit of a funny scene. To be asking a ghoul of all things about that.
You thought back.
To that first night when it had all started. To how it had all started.
Suddenly you wondered, where had things gone so wrong…?
Protocol K78152112
Subject #36
Real Name: Toga Himiko
Background: Subject was found trying to attack a pair of helpless ghouls, despite not being a ghoul herself; said she was abandoned by her parents; seems to be mentally unstable.
Results: Blood structure changed; Subject suffered major blood loss;
Full sync with the kakuhou was achieved in a few hours. Subject lived and showed no further signs of deterioration.
(scribbled in pen) And here I was, thinking three was the lucky number. They keep getting better and better but they’re all screwed in the head and can’t do anything without orders. Might have to tweak that a bit…
Author’s Note: Haha. Fun chapter, wasn’t it?
I wasn’t kidding when I said the plot was picking up. Whenever something major happens, know that I’ve tried my best to hide small clues about it throughout the story. Reader-chan’s peculiar scent, as noted by Bakugo in chapter 2? Well, now you have an explanation. The title of the story even? There’s a bit more about it later on but today was the first ever mention of it in an actual chapter!
Anyway, I had the sudden realization that the reader getting sick happened to coincide with what’s happening all over the world right now too. So for today, I would love to know what you thought about this new development! Did you see it coming? Does it explain some things? Or does it just raise more questions?
But I’d also be curious to hear – what measures are being taken where you live because of the virus? Here, schools are completely off-limits and our classes have moved online – it’s an interesting experience because most of our teachers can’t even grasp how to use the different platforms we need. Alas, that’s how it is, I guess.
So thank you all so much for reading!! I appreciate it a lot and I’m so excited for all the foreshadowing to finally pay off! I’d also love it if you dropped a comment and shared your answers on those questions – I’m super curious to know about them! I’ll see you all next Wednesday! Bye~
(Psst, @afuckingunicornn  @creativedogs  @chims-kookies  - you know the drill by now - thank you for the support and here is the next part!)
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Summer Training Camp Arc/ Rescue Bakugo/ The End of All Might
Episode 39: Game Start
•the fact that Denki and Mineta physically went to Mido’s house to invite him to the pool is actually kinda cute. Too bad they have creepy intentions
•Momo:”Aw I was supposed to spend several weeks traveling Venice with my parents”
Uraraka: “WHAT is YoUr LiFE??” I feel you girl
•Mineta/Denki:”TheRe’S BoObS At tHe End Of ThiS TuNnEL”
Iida-Absolute Unit-Tenya:”HELLO FELLOW CLASSMATES”
•Iida is built like a fucking TANK what the heck but why the fuck are you walking like that Iida lmao
•Iida talking about how far he and Izuku have come as friends, I’m soft
•Kiri refusing to come without Bakubabe convincing Bakugo to join then looking so defeated when he immediately starts picking a fight I can’t with these two
•”friendly competition between classmates” cuts to Bakugou looking possessed before saying “I’m going to annihilate you Deku/ Icy Hot Bastard” bruh do you have an off switch or at least take it down like 20 notches you’re exhausting
•Lmao the whole class is cheating
•I love how it just cut to a dramatic montage of TodoDeku moments while Sho can’t take his eyes off Mido WHY THEY ALL SO INTENSE FOR YOURE 15 HANGING OUT AT A POOL DURING THE SUMMER WHY ARE YOU GUYS ALWAYS ON
•Mido/Todo/Iida all just staring at each other intensely having their own inner montages. Literally anybody watching them “...are they okay?”
•Aizawa you party pooper
•I’m sorry but Kirishima is so in love and no one can tell me other wise no I do not take constructive criticism
•Okay that end montage is so fucking pure I’m. So. Soft
Episode 40: Wild, Wild Pussycats
•Kirishima “can’t keep my hands to myself/off Bakugo Katsuki” Eijirou
•Class 1B to anybody they meet: “we’re sorry about Monoma”
•Aizawa loves his class can’t you tell
•”Long time no see” Aizawa’s a cutie
•Lmao KOTA the first of Mido’s adopted kids
•These poor fucking kids can’t catch a fucking BREAK
•Koda tried and I love him
•Kiri’s heart eyes are so LOUD
•I love when they all work together
“Then pick another route” Todoroki doesn’t have time for your tantrums Kacchan
•These poor kids
•Kota went for the KO
•”Brats got spunk”
“He’s like a mini version of you “
He’s right and should say it
•Mineta needs a muzzle
•The boys are all like we’re just as curious to see the girls but Mineta needs to calm down 300%
•Kota to the rescue!
•Mina almost killed a child with her boobs I’m dead and so is Kota
•I’m sorry but it’s both funny and weird that Midoriya is just naked while being told this child’s tragic backstory
•Aizawa you are actively trying to kill your students aren’t you just admit it
Episode 41: Kota
•Testutestu is such a good boy
•Good training idea according to UA Teachers: Break yourselves or else you’re weak. Just fucking die then you can be heroes
•Tiger is amazing “I’m here to beat you guys to a pulp”
“I have some questions about him...” ME TOO RANDOM CLASS 1B STUDENT BUT I LOVE HIM
•Iida tries so hard
•Momo explains how her quirk works: smart and precise description
Sero Fucking Hanta: “like how poop works” BRUH
•This kid is literally just a mini Kacchan
•I’m sorry but Mido why would you ask a small child who you’re trying to befriend about their murdered parents like what part in your mind made you think that was a good idea
•Mina And Bakugo sleep the same way, starfish style, I love them. But who the FUCK is sleeping under a bunch of pillows off their mattress on the straight floor with their butt in the air (I bet money it’s Kaminari)
•everyone complaining about training in the dark:
Tokoyami: ”Revelry in the Dark”
•Kirishima’s too tired to deal with his angry boyfriend
•Todoroki trying to help Midoriya with Kota “be careful what you say, you can be really annoying” he’s trying
•Tokoyami constantly whispering “Revelry in the Dark” to himself is the FUNNIEST thing to me I love you, you emo punk
•It Dabi Time
Episode 42: My Hero
•these poor fucking kids I swear
•”we want our treat Mr. Aizawa”
“Do you want me to tighten your bindings?”
Oooh Kinky Bad Aizawa akshdhbekal
•Spinner is a long lost Ninja Turtle Brother change my mind
•I respect Testutestu so much
•This muscley villain is Bakugo’s real dad and nobody can tell me other wise
•Okay that fucking Bondage villain is genuinely terrifying
•it’s been X amount of days since breaking my bones- erases whatever number was there and puts a fat zero MIDORIYA YOU WERE DOING SO WELL but for this we will make an exception I guess
•Mido really thought he was gonna die holy FUCK
Episode 43: Drive It Home, Iron Fist
•Shiggy thinking in Video Games format is honestly so on brand
•Mido is FUCKED UP right now poor boy
•”We’re in big trouble” YEAH NO SHIT ERASURE
•BAMF Aizawa is my reason for living
•Okay I forgot how much I love Twice
•Aizawa seeing Izuku’s broken bones: ”AGAIN???”
•Kota’s precious and I LOVE DADZAWA
•”Teachers changing their minds about fighting, why do I feel like this is Deku’s fault” BAKUGO SHUT UP YOU HAVE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT RIGHT NOW YOU DICKHEAD
•Midoriyas doing a Naruto run because his arms are fucking broken I’m crying
•Tokoyami, Dark Shadow And Shouji IM READY
Episode 44: Roaring Upheaval
•Tokoyami tries so hard to be good I love him
•Yami is so emo And is just such a Good Boi AH
•Scared Bakugo is Baby
•Honestly they’re all Baby
•Toga:”I love messed up bleeding people”
Mido: shows up completely broken
Toga:”Mr. Stainy who? I want that one”
•Aoyama would be the kid who gets caught in hide and seek because they think they have a great spot and can’t be seen and try to peek them convince themselves still nobody saw them in plain sight
•Awase was fully prepared to die protecting Momo I’m CRYING he’s my new favorite
•Battle Plan Mastermind Mido is amazing
•Also poor unconscious kid just being dragged behind Uraraka haha
Episode 45: Shat A Twist!
•Kiri: “I cant let them take my boyfriend” poor boy just wants to help so bad
•Whelp nobody is safe
•LMAO Aizawa just stomping on Fake Dabi has me dying
•Shouto how long has it been since you last saw your brother...?
•Shouji SMACK A BITCH Mezo
•Compress you freak get those kids out of your mouth ya nasty
•Dabi stop being a dick to your little brother I’m gonna tell Rei
•Kirishima is so upset AND IM UPSET MY BABIES
•These kids just wanted a fun week at camp LEAVE THEM ALONE THEYRE 15
•...Mic...is the traitor...
•I love how everybody hates All Might’s ringtone lmao
•All Might’s like only Us teachers are allowed to beat our kids to a pulp in order to better them as heroes y’all are just mean
•I know Mitsuki has just a bad a temper as her son but how do you think she reacted finding out her child was the kidnap victim of a villain attack? No matter what you think of her as a parent, that’s still her kid and she must have been devastated. But just like Katsuki she would never admit it to his face
•Precious Boy Denki And Class 1A coming to visit their hurt friends I love this class so much
•”I brought a present! I mean it’s from everyone. It’s a melon!” Okay that was pretty cute
•Kirishima being like “why is everyone crying we’re going to go get him let’s go gays time to get our Gremlin back”
•Kiri:”he’s still within your reach Midoriya!”
Mido:”...my arms are BUSTED my dude nothing is in my reach right now I’m still gonna come tho”
Episode 46: From Iida to Midoriya
•Kirishima is THE Best Boi I love him so fucking much I would die for him
•Iida’s trying his best not to blow a gasket
•”Hysterical Strength” yeah sounds like Deku
•”Go home and take it easy” lmao have you met this kid?
•Kota is so freaking sweet
•Izuku. Go see your mother
•Iida’s got some good points. I’m including that punch to Midoriya
•Bakugo must be so tired of being tied up and restrained you know he doesn’t have bondage kink later on in life just hits too close to trauma
•Kiri’s constant state of mind: WWBD (WHAT Would Bakugo Do)
•Mido: Stealth Mode=Wakanda Forever
•Iida has the best costume this is not up for debate. I also always forget he has an undercut, we Stan an icon
•”So the rich girl just wants to go shopping” I’m crying
•Clean Shaven/Neat Hair Aizawa? Hell to the fucking Yes Please
•I’m genuinely proud of Bakugo and the fact that he knows that he’s intense and scares a lot of people/ how he comes across is aggressive and almost villain like, he adamantly doesn’t want to be a villain even if everyone just assumes he would be. He wants to be a hero. Whatever it takes
Episode 47: All For One
•Rightful shoutout to Kendo and Testu
•”We are offering mental health counseling to every single student but right now we do not see signs of any serious psychological trauma” Nezu I’m sorry but those kids are officially fucked up for life you can’t be serious
•”what if they’re brainwashing young Bakugo right now towards the path of villainy” leave Bakugo ALONE
•Aizawa is like you come for my angry son I come for your throat try me again bitch
•FERAL GREMLIN BOY FIGHT OR FIGHT MODE ACTIVATED Bakugo has no flight mode only fight
•Mido: Incoherent mumbling
Momo:“this is peak Midoriya” I love how they’re just used to him now
•the boys are just like you’re not touching our friend you drunk creeps
•Kirishima came PREPARED to get his boy back I love him
•Bakugo just take the help you prideful little shit
•Okay Edgeshot is great where has he been all this time
•Annndddd it all went to shit so fast
•oh my god Best Jeanist is fuckin dead
Episode 48: Symbol of Peace
•”You won’t escape Shigaraki” umm so how’d that work out for ya All Might?
•Kamui Woods “IM SO SORRY” poor boy
•Talking to Best Jeanist:”consider me...pressed” All For One got jokes huh
•...yeah no BJ REALLY Fuckin Ded
•These kids are so fucking traumatized
•Twice has big Deadpool energy tbh
•Lmao Iida has had enough
•Mom and Dad of group award goes to Iida and Momo
•All For One: asks Kurogiri to help warp the League
Also All For One: Stabs him while doing it
•”I don’t think so. Because... I Am Here!” All For One really said Fuck All Might
•All these kids think in Video Game Lmao
•I know there’s a lot of commotion happening but I definitely feel like the villains would be able to hear them talking
•Midoriya went to Kirishima like time to get your asshole boyfriend back you lovesick fool
•”YOU IDIOTS” you’re smiling because your friends are here you jerk
•Everyone’s so intense then Kiri-fucking-shima is there smiling like an idiot because BAKUGO’S BACK
•...I always forget Shiggy’s familial lineage and it’ makes me sad every time
•I love this episode so MUCH
Episode 49: One For All
•Nana Shimura looks just like Momo...Todoroki Secret Lovechild Theories Intensifies
“You’re welcome!”
Oh Bakugo just say thank you
•...soooo many people died in Camino Ward, man...
•Aizawa looks so young
•All For One really just pulled an “I am your father” move but with Shiggy and Nana that’s messed up
•Everyone loves All Might I’m so soft
•I’m genuinely crying guys
•...can everyone hear All For One talking about Midoriya oorrrrr???
•All Might you’re pulling a Deku pleaSE STOP
•United States of Smash I cant
•Kirishima really tried holding Bakugo’s hand YALL
•...Bakugo knows
•I love this episode too I’m so upset
Episode 50: End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End
•Gran Torino explaining why they didn’t know about Shimura’s family/Shigaraki is. Sad
•Bakugo is traumatized someone please help him
•Endeavor and Bakugo are the same person and I hate it
•Midoriya and All Might running to each other on the beach is big Marty and Alex from Madagascar energy I’m cackling
•Jirou’s parents are so cool, Kyoka’s so cool THE JIROUS ARE SO COOL
•Oh my god the Bakugos are so CHAOTIC
•It all makes so much sense why he is the way he is and it’s all. Too much. Poor Katsuki
•He’s so. Tired. You can tell. I just want to give him a hug
•”Be CoOl MoM” Izu you’re just as tense and you’ve been with All Might for literally HOW LONG???
•Mama Midoriya is. Right. But that sucks for Izuku
•This is. So. Emotional
Last part of Season 3 is next. DORM LIFE BABY just a little less angst thank god these kids need a break
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 300: Days of Our Todorokis
Previously on BnHA: Hawks was all “hey Jeanist, wanna go on a road trip with me to my mom’s house?” Jeanist was all “you know it,” and so they hopped into Jeanist’s jercedes and took off. Hawks took a nap and had a flashback to his Dickensian childhood living in a abject poverty with his jerk mom and jerk dad, thinking heroes were make-believe until one day Endeavor arrested his dad and Baby Hawks was all “OH SHIT.” And then he saved a bunch of people, and the HPSC was all “what do we have here,” and blah blah blah, you know the rest. Back in the present, Hawks was all “well my life is currently in shambles, but on the plus side there’s no one bossing me around anymore so that’s pretty cool,” and then decided he was going to talk to Endeavor. Fandom was all “I can’t believe Hawks would side with his childhood hero over the man who burned his wings off and posted a video calling him a violent murderer who took after his abusive dad,” so that was fun and stuff. I can’t wait to see what piping fresh takes this new chapter will bring.
Today on BnHA: Our old friend Carbonation Carl tries to loot a Starbucks and gets his ass kicked by a senior citizen. Society is all “YEAH, WE’RE REALLY STARTING TO GET SICK OF THIS SHIT.” Old Man Samurai is all “this room won’t stop me because I can’t read it” and abruptly decides to retire, which, fun fact, is literally THE LEAST HELPFUL THING ANYONE HAS EVER DONE. Anyway so then a bunch of other punkasses follow suit, and while I won’t say that I’m actually starting to root for Stain to kill some peeps, just for the record I’m not not saying that either. Back in the hospital, Endeavor cries some tears because his life sucks, and then is confronted by his entire family, LED BY QUEEN REI, FIRST OF HER NAME, BACK IN BUSINESS AND LARGE AND IN CHARGE. Rei is all “fuck feeling sorry for yourself, we have a rogue Murder Son on the loose” and I swear to god I have never felt so alive.
so here we go! and just for the record, even though the last two chapters have been phenomenal, I don’t necessarily have any sky-high expectations for chapter 300, mostly because chapters 100 and 200 consisted of Mei Boobs, and Toadette and her horrific quirk lmao. so go ahead Horikoshi, what are you gonna pull out of your hat for this one
oh, back to this stuff again. sob
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I guess there was only so much time we could spend having hospital antics and exploring Hawks’s past before we got back to dealing with the whole “the world has gone to absolute shit” issue huh, lol
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what’s with these bizarrely cute Noumus. why do I want to pet them
so the narrative text is going on about how people have been super paranoid about the Noumu ever since the USJ incident a year ago. so yeah, I guess the fact that there are now a bunch of them confirmed to be running around is really freaking people out even on top of everything else
wtf is happening here
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what did this poor lil glass ever do to anyone. r.i.p.
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tsk tsk tsk. my man has graduated from snatching purses to raiding cafes. going after that big money. this man has no business sense whatsoever lmao
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lmao so that was fun. and now we’re cutting to Wash!! omg. look at him
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he’s so dedicated. too bad you don’t have a car like Best Jeanist. probably takes a while when you’re just running everywhere
you see?? you were too slow!!
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NOOOO, GRANDPA. he defeated Pepsi Pete, but lost his life in the process. this is too tragic
anyway so the good news is that the cafe has been saved! but the bad news is, there really isn’t much of a cafe left. huh. I guess that’s one of the reasons why people are supposed to get a license to use their quirks like this
oh snap and now everyone is coming outside, and they’re none too happy to see poor old Wash over here
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seriously Wash, get a bicycle or something. also the way this guy is gesturing so dramatically with his hand in this sort of “YOU SEE!! YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!” manner is sending me
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“the heroes had dwindled away” okay real talk you guys, it is literally only a matter of time before they press-gang the children into picking up their slack. I still don’t know how to feel about that, but it is happening one way or the other regardless. Child Soldiers 2 Electric Boogaloo. wonder if we’ll see a rise in vigilante action as well
-- no fucking way
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wow. so he didn’t do a fucking thing while the rest of the top ten were being turned into red mist in the previous arc, and now that it’s all over and they need his help more than ever, he decides... THAT IT’S TIME TO RETIRE. holy shit. “fuck you” doesn’t even begin to cover it my guy. you stand there and soak up those boos you coward
ohhhhhhh shiiiiit you guys. oh shit
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the “I am not here” breaks my fucking heart for real though y’all. oh man. everything he worked for is gone just like that
(ETA: okay so a couple of the takes I’ve seen on this make it seem like All Might is somehow the bad guy here?? “this is what happens when society puts a bunch of glorified cops on a pedestal”, “finally the cracks in hero society are showing”, etc. etc. so, just a friendly reminder that this isn’t happening because of too much trust and a lack of critical thinking; this is happening because the villains killed all the heroes and broke a bunch of murderers out of jail. it’s happening because an organized league of terrorists succeeded in terrorizing, and so society is now understandably awash in fear and panic. like, it’s just wild to me that AFO is RIGHT FUCKING THERE, and yet week after week fandom still has their “IT’S ALL THE HEROES’ FAULT” signs still up on their lawns. BUT WHATEVER, MOVING ON.)
also though, so exactly how much time is passing here now? I wanted to go straight back to the hospital and see what happens with Deku and the Todorokis. please don’t tell me we’re jumping ahead sob. my aaaaangst
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sob. yeah I was talking about Old Man Samurai actually but YEAH. HEY THERE ENJI
also is this entire hospital actually run by characters from Super Mario Bros though. first Yoshi and now this guy, come the fuck on that is not a coincidence
lmao they stuck him in another one of these cavernous creepy hospital rooms
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wtf is it with Horikoshi and these giant fucking rooms lately. Kacchan’s in chapter 298, then Tomie’s colossal house furnished with like one table and a TV, and now this. and the weirdest thing about it though is that “huge space with nothing to fill it up” is like the exact opposite of what you’ll usually find in Japanese homes lol
so now Enji is just sitting there thinking things like “my head is fuzzy” and “I’m alive” lmao okay. not quite all there yet, huh. I’ll give you a minute
I’m so fucking curious as to who his first visitor is going to be omg. either way it’s going to be interesting af, and either way fandom is probably going to feel some way about it but OH WELL
okay now his thoughts are getting more coherent! and he’s remembering Touya, and feeling regret for freezing up and forcing Shouto to deal with everything instead
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ohhhhhhh man
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okay, I mean I didn’t expect you to, but so instead then you’re just going to do... what? lie there and wallow in regret and self-pity for the rest of your life? son you know that’s not how we deal with our problems here in Shounen
though also, I totally do get it though. honestly, thinking on it, I probably would have been disappointed with any other response. but so this is where the rest of his family (including his adopted son) come into play now though, because like it or not they’re all in this thing together. and so friends, I am once again asking you WHO IS GOING TO BE THE ONE TO VISIT ENJI FIRST
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holy shit I’m so excited lkjlklhlglkasdsjldfk
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the way she has him by his collar lmaoooo. “lol nah you’re not going anywhere pal.” damn straight, siblings have to be ride or die in situations like this. banding together for survival. strength in numbers
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love how Fuyu has absolutely no idea how to segue into THE SINGLE MOST AWKWARD CONVERSATION SHE’S EVER HAD, so she just GOES FOR IT in pure small talk mode like they’re meeting up for brunch somewhere
lastly while I can’t wait for more of this delicious Natsu angst, I also just have to say that Enji has as much reason to cry right now as anyone on the planet. you can’t deny that being confronted by your not-dead-but-you-thought-he-was-dead son who’s all “SURPRISE DAD I GREW UP TO BE A MASS MURDERER AND I HATE YOU AND EVERYTHING IS ALL YOUR FAULT AND NOW I’M GONNA MAIM YOUR OTHER KID” with a side order of “EVERYONE HATES YOU AND SOCIETY IS CRUMBLING AND NOTHING WILL EVER BE GOOD EVER AGAIN” is enough to bum pretty much anyone out. there’s a Pagliacci the Clown joke here somewhere. BUT DOCTOR, I AM THE NUMBER ONE HERO
oh man lol he is seriously falling apart
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damn. like you guys, I’m sorry, go ahead and cancel me, but I do feel compassion for the man. it’s therapeutic for me to see an abuser actually feel remorse and be truly sorry and want to change and want to make it up to his family. and it’s also compelling as fuck to read a narrative about a family that’s trying to grapple with that, because let me tell you straight up, as someone who’s done a version of that song and dance -- it is exhausting. it is a piping hot mess. it’s a gigantic mishmosh of extremely volatile emotions that all somehow all contradict one another. love, hurt, hope, anger, betrayal, resentment, attachment, longing. it’s something you can both be desperate for and also want nothing at all to do with. and attempting to portray all of that and write about it is a monumental task, and one which Horikoshi has done so, so delicately thus far, and damn but I appreciate it. anyway, so I’m here and I’m ready for my latest helping of Todoroki Fam Feels you guys
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oh my god look at this lady folks
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(ETA: btw guys, seeing Rei handle this crisis like an absolute champ despite everything she’s been through is everything, though. I’m reminded of Hawks’s line last week about people sometimes unexpectedly finding liberation when they’re backed into a corner. like things may be shit but goddammit her kiddos need her.)
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oh my god. oh my god oh my god. AND FUCK YOU HORIKOSHI FOR CUTTING IT OFF THERE sob. it’s like each week the wait for the next chapter becomes more painful. the Todofam is about to get real, and on top of that Hawks is gonna crash the party at some point down the line, and on top of that we’re still waiting for Kacchan to have his own heartfelt discussion about What The Fuck Are We Supposed To Do Next with his best friend who’s currently in a coma. all I want to do with my life is read about these three things, and all I can do is simply wait as they are portioned out in agonizing, addicting little installments every week
anyway! tune in next time as we answer the question of whether or not fandom will finally run its train of logic all the way through to its natural conclusion and somehow manage to cancel Noted Abuse Apologist Todoroki Fucking Rei. don’t act like it can’t happen. you all know nothing is sacred lol. anyways but I’m ready for anything lol, bring it
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talk-quirky-to-me · 5 years
Who Cared? (AO3)
@kiridekuweek2k19 Day-let’s-pretend-I’m-not-late-3: AU | Red Poppy | Ain’t No Sunshine (Bill Withers)
“One of these days I’ll arrest you, man, you know that?”
“No you won’t,” Midoriya chuckled sheepishly, pacing around the small room of what seemed to be a garage, stuffy with old air and the smell of paint. “Someone else might. That hothead partner of yours. What’s his name, Ka-something? Kacchan?”
Eijirou snorted despite himself.
“Please call him that to his face. I will literally pay you money.”
“Who knew getting money was that easy!” Midoriya laughed. “Maybe I wouldn’t have had the need to kidnap police officers if that were the case.”
“For the second time this month,” Eijirou reminded him. The man sighed dramatically, leaning against a dirty wall.
“Detail, detail. You focus too much on the little stuff, Kirishima-kun.”
“I don’t know about you, but at the precinct we don’t really consider repeated kidnapping offenses the little stuff. Or that whole robbery thing you have going on.”
“You rob a bank twice, and people make such a big deal about it,” Midoriya pouted. “Let it be known that the second time I didn’t even do it for my own sake!”
“You can tell that to the judge,” Kirishima deadpanned, twisting his hand where it was tied to the other behind the chair. The man didn’t even use handcuffs – there was something to be said about underestimating your adversaries. “As well as that acrobat partner of yours when we catch her.”
“She’s not an acrobat!” Midoriya giggled. “She’s just ridiculously lucky when it comes to not falling from great heights.”
“And running from police,” Eijirou added. “Unlike you. You, on the other hands, practically run into our arms.”
“And yet I’m still walking free,” the man grinned, pushing himself away from the wall and making his way towards a table to retrieve a notebook. “I think the police likes me, Kirishima-san.”
“We most certainly do not.”
For a moment the garage was quiet as Midoriya picked up a pen from the table and began scribbling something down. Kirishima wrapped his fingers around the ropes, tugging on them gently to test for the easiest way to get them off.
“Has Shigaraki been trouble lately?” the man asked suddenly, looking up at him. Eijirou almost twitched, then frowned a little.
“What’s your business with Shigaraki?” he demanded. “I didn’t quite take you for the type to hang out with murderers.”
“Oh, I don’t,” Midoriya shrugged lightly. “Murderers are the one who like to hang out with me though. He’s concocting one of those grand schemes of his, y’know? Tried to approach me about it around three times now.”
Kirishima frowned deeper. Truth be told, Shigaraki Tomura and his self-proclaimed League of Villains (just how dramatic can you get with the naming?) haven’t actually been trouble in recent months, but if anything, that should have aroused more suspicion than when they were, seemingly, on every corner. Not that he was about to tell Midoriya any of it.
“And?” he said instead, pulling at one end of the rope as sharply as he could without making it obvious. Midoriya shrugged.
“And what? I didn’t agree, if that’s what you’re asking. I don’t work with creeps.”
“I would certainly hope so,” Kirishima rolled his eyes. The knot loosened, ever so slightly, and he clenched his fists, trying to get them free. “My respect for Shigaraki is non-existent, so I suggest you don’t stoop to his level.”
“Aw, was that a roundabout way to say you respect me?” Midoriya smiled delightedly, making another note in his book. Kirishima really needed to lay his hands on that book at one point – the man was known for keeping meticulous notes on everything, including, perhaps, many criminals that have so far evaded the law. “I respect you too, Kirishima-san.”
“I’m the officer of the law,” Eijirou told him, wriggling his left hand free and twitching only slightly at the friction burns all over his hand. “You’re supposed to respect me.”
“So are your colleagues, yet I can’t say I have all that much respect for that tiny purple-haired freak.”
“Well,” Eijirou sputtered, because alright, he wasn’t really wrong there, “Mineta’s an exception. We’re not really sure how he got the job.”
Midoriya snickered and flipped back a few pages, adding a couple of words to what already looked like an entire essay of analysis. Kirishima moved his feet experimentally – that rope would be harder to get rid of.
“Anyways, the hell do you want from me, dude?” he asked. Keep his attention on your face, he’ll be less inclined to notice the rest of it. “Just to ask if Shigaraki’s been on our radar?”
“Partly,” Midoriya shrugged. “I’m not surprised he’s laying low though – he’s planning for something grandiose. But apart from that, is it too hard to imagine I just missed your company, officer?”
Eijirou sputtered again.
“You know, when normal people miss someone, they don’t really kidnap them!” he exclaimed. At least the leg ropes weren’t as tight as they could have been – a minute or two of wriggling, and he could probably get rid of them. “People tend to, like, hang out after work or something – and not in freaky garages while tied to a chair!”
“You officers don’t ever really get off work though, do you?” Midoriya shrugged. “One of your colleagues sees me around on the streets and bye-bye freedom, hello prison bars.”
“Are you gonna try to tell me you don’t deserve that?” Eijirou raised one eyebrow. “Two bank robberies. At least five cases of kidnapping.”
“I’ve never hurt a fly!” the man exclaimed dramatically, dropping his notebook back on the table. “Hey, remember Overhaul? Don’t pretend I didn’t help you there!”
“The law is not only for people who cause physical injuries,” Kirishima reminded him. “Also, just because you happened to be in the right place at the right time with the right knowledge–“
“–and decided to share that knowledge with you!”
“–Doesn’t make you any less of a criminal,” Eijirou finished, rolling his eyes. “You’d need way more points for cooperating with authorities to get you out of the shit you got yourself into, dude.”
“Hey, I told you to look out for Shigaraki just now!” Midoriya complained, turning away to return the pen to the pen holder. “Doesn’t that count?”
Kirishima counted to three, then bolted to his feet.
The ropes around his legs fell to the floor, as did the one he was clutching in his hands, and Midoriya spun around, but too late to stop him: Eijirou lunged for his own gun in one of the corners of the garage and pointed it at the man.
Midoriya sighed tiredly, leaning back against the desk and raising his arms in the air.
“And here I was, thinking we’re having a normal conversation,” he huffed. “Don’t pat yourself on the back too hard for getting out, by the way – the ropes were hardly secure.”
“I noticed,” Eijirou said, retreating back towards the door in small steps, careful not to trip over anything. “It’s like you don’t care about being arrested, man.”
“I told you already – you’re not going to arrest me. Are you?”
Eijirou sighed, deeply, and found the door handle with one of his palms, the gun still pointed at Midoriya. (The garage door wasn’t even locked, for god’s sake!)
No, he wasn’t. But it was a nice thought.
“Just because you are occasionally a useful source of information,” he told him.
“And because you like me.”
“And because I– What the hell?! No I don’t!”
“Do too,” Midoriya laughed delightedly, letting his hands drop back down to his sides. “Tell Kacchan I said hi.”
Kirishima slammed the door closed behind him and put his gun back in its holster.
“Hey, officer, you off work yet?”
Kirishima froze in his tracks. He just got down the front stairs of the precincts, still in uniform, still with a pair of handcuffs clipped to his waist and a gun a reach of a hand away. They were in the middle of a city, in broad afternoon daylight, and did he mention in front of a literal police station?
He turned around, very slowly, and sighed.
Midoriya Izuku approached him, a bounce in his step and a cap over his mop of green hair which did very little to hide his identity for anyone who has ever spent longer than a few minutes studying him. He was grinning, even wider than he usually did, and there was a bag slung over his shoulder, half unzipped to expose a few notebooks and a knife.
“I thought we don’t ever really get off work?” Kirishima raised his eyebrows.
Midoriya giggled.
“Well, after official working hours is the best I can do, isn’t it?” he shrugged. “Look at me, doing what normal people do. You wanna go hang out?”
Now, Kirishima has had his fair share of bad ideas in his life. He followed through on far too many of them to be reassuring, too. But this? This was definitely up there in the top five.
“Why not,” he sighed in resignation. “Just let me pop in home for a minute to change.”
“Great,” Midoriya beamed, and Eijirou suddenly thought that maybe taking him to his apartment building is an even worse idea. “So, anyways, about Shigaraki...”
But then again – who cared?
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inactiveblogxoxo · 6 years
another fic
shinkami and kiribaku
jealous shinsou
y’all i tried
i wanna be friends
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17786339
sum:  Shinsou's got a thing for Kaminari and he thought maybe Kaminari had a thing for him too, until he joins the class and notices Kaminari is like that around everyone.
full fic under read more
Sero and Kaminari were…close. Shinsou knew that, but how close? He really wasn’t sure.
He had thought Kaminari had been coming on to him, and pretty heavily too, back at his practical test. But after officially transferring to class 1-A and seeing the way the blonde acted around his friends it became clear that Kaminari was just… like that. With pretty much everyone.
Namely, especially, with Sero.
“Hanta,” Kaminari whined, “I’m sleepy.” He squirmed his head in Sero’s lap as he laid on the communal couch, trying to get comfortable.
“Aw, poor baby,” Sero cooed, he chuckled as Kaminari pouted.
“Hanta,” Kami whined again as Sero laughed.
“Look, dude, I’m sorry. I can’t hang out for much longer, Todoroki said he’d help with my Japanese homework.”
“ugh,” Kaminari groaned but relented and sat up on the couch. “Fine, ditch your poor little baby Denki and go off with some katy perry piece of ass,” he grumbled.
Sero rolled his eyes, “jesus, Denki, just go nap in your room. Or find someone else to sleep on,” he brushed off his jeans as he stood. “I’ll see you later, k, babe?”
Still pouting he waved Sero off, “fine, fine. Later, babe.” Sero rolled his eyes again and headed towards the elevator. Kaminari sighed and bit his lip, going over his options.
“Hey, Kami!” Kirishima greeted with a smile, plopping down beside him on the couch.
“Kiri!” All previous signs of pouting washed away as Kaminari hugged Kirishima around the waist. “Thank god you’re here! Hanta just totally ditched me!”
“Yeah, with good reason too, you clingy bitch,” Bakugou’s annoyed voice rang through the communal space. “Get the fuck off of Kirishima,” he muttered prying Kaminari’s hands away and pushing him to the other side of the couch. He sat between the two of them before Kaminari had a chance to slide his way back to Kirishima’s side.
“You’re so mean, Kacchan,” Kami pouted. “Can I cuddle with you, then?”
“Ugh! You’re so unreasonable! I can’t cuddle with Kirishima, even though he certainly doesn’t object to it! And I can’t cuddle with you because you’re a prickly bitch!” Kaminari groaned, “Kirishima!” He leaned away from the couch to meet the red head’s gaze past Bakugou, “say something, man! It’s not fair!”
“Uh,” Kirishima left Kaminari’s eyes to meet Bakugou’s. “Sorry, bro. It’s just that…uh…Well…”
“Kirishima can’t cuddle with you because he has to be open in case Bakugou wants to cuddle later when he thinks we’re too tired to notice.” Ashido said casually, slipping onto the couch beside the three.
“You raccoon eyed freak!” Bakugou growled. Kirishima tried to laugh it off, grabbing Bakugou’s shoulder and patting his chest in an attempt to calm him down….and in position to hold him back in case that didn’t work.
She winked at him and laughed, which only agitated him more. Shinsou was sure she was dead.
However, Shinsou watched in quiet amazement as he breathed deeply and leaned into Kirishima more. Bakugou was calming himself down and openly using Kirishima to do it. Like open, openly. Like they were in the common room and Shinsou was not the only one seeing this. Like holy fuck, he had only known Bakugou a month or two, tops, and he never would have expected this.
“Fucking whatever,” he muttered, eyes closed. “You guys wanna watch a movie or something?”
Kirishima smiled and moved to subtly and yet still entirely noticeably wrap his arm around Bakugou’s back, “yeah, Kats, sure. What do you want to watch?”
Wow, okay, they were way closer than Shinsou thought. He glanced around the common room but no one else really seemed bothered. He wondered if this was actually a much more usual occurrence than he thought. He caught Midoriya smiling at the scene from the kitchen and thought about asking him. But the green haired boy left up the stairs before he got the chance to.
He decided it really didn’t matter. He turned his attention back to the four of them. People watching was something he did often. Ever since his quirk presented people avoided having to talk to him so he took to watching them from the sidelines and listening. It was good practice for hero work, honestly. He excelled at recon work because of it.
“I swear to god, dunce face, get the fuck off of me. Cuddle with Ashido if you’re so set on it!” He watched as Bakugou shoved Kaminari off the couch and onto the ground. They had turned off the lamps and previews were playing out on the tv. Guess they had picked a movie then.
“Mina,” Kaminari turned to the pink skinned girl with puppy dog eyes and an overexaggerated pout on his lips, “can I please cuddle with you?”
“Aw, Kami, babe, my sweet prince,” she opened her arms and smiled, “of course.” Smiling, he scrambled off the floor and into her open arms.
“I love you,” he murmured, tucking himself into her side.
“I love you too,” she giggled.
“Shut up, the movie is starting,” Bakugou throw a pillow at them.
“You’re just jealous,” Kaminari stuck out his tongue as Bakugou rolled his eyes.
Maybe Sero and Kami were just friends, he really did act like that with everyone…Well, all of his friends at least. Shinsou wondered if Kaminari considered them friends…If he did…Would he cuddle with him like that? His body felt hot just imagining it. Probably not, he reminded himself. He ate lunch with the group of friends and found himself hanging out with them a bit more than the rest of the class, but he doubted he was considered part of their group. Or that Kaminari would cling to him the way he did to Ashido or Sero. He literally just said he loved Ashido and, even if they were friends, Kaminari didn’t love him. He clenched his fist and tried to bring his focus away from the blonde.
Even if Kaminari did consider him a friend. Even if he did love him. It wouldn’t matter.
If the way he acted around Sero and Mina was just something platonic, Shinsou wouldn’t be able to handle it. His heart would beak every time he tried to enjoy it.
If the way he acted around Sero or Mina wasn’t platonic… then…well… Then his heart was already broken.
He ended up enamored with Kaminari’s every reaction. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure what movie they had watched. Kaminari didn’t really like it though, that he knew for sure. He had winced more than once and spent most of the movie turned away from the screen. Face in the couch, head leaned against Ashido’s shoulder. She didn’t really pay Kaminari any mind and Shinsou felt that a crime.
If that were him Kaminari was leaned into, he’d have wrapped his arms around the boy at the first sign of wincing. He’d have combed his fingers through his obviously soft blonde hair to calm his down. He would have… He’d have wanted to… To kiss… to distract him. Or, if Kaminari would want to, he’d have just scooped the blonde in his arms and carried him back to his dorm and cuddled with him there… Watched a different movie or fallen asleep… Whatever Kaminari wanted.
He was suddenly glad Ashido didn’t pay Kaminari any mind, if she had done all that for the boy he would have torn out his air…or thrown up… or fought her or something equally as stupid. Kaminari deserved all that, obviously, but Shinsou wanted it to come from him.
He dropped his head into his arms on the table in front of him. This was so fucking stupid. He was training to be a hero now! He shouldn’t even have time for relationships! He should focus.
He peaked through his arms back to the group. The movie was officially over. Most of the common room had cleared out and gone to bed. In fact, besides him and the four, he didn’t think anyone else was still around. Ashido stood, ignoring as Kaminari fell onto the couch behind her.
“Ow, Mina, a little warning next time,” Kaminari grumbled as he straightened up.
“Sorry,” she yawned and stretched out her back, “Well, that’s it for me. I’m heading to bed, boys. See y’all tomorrow.”
“Night, Mina,” Kirishima whispered. Kaminari murmured out something similar.
“Later, pinky,” Bakugou muttered, muffled by Kirishima’s shirt as he leaned against him. She smiled at them and headed off to the girl’s dorms.
“Alright, we should head to bed too,” Kirishima stood up, gently holding Bakugou to keep him from falling in the process. (Unlike Ashido had done). Bakugou straightened out so Kirishima could remove his hold from him. He let Kirishima stretch before he reached out his arms to him.
“Ei,” he said it softer in both tone and volume than anything Shinsou had ever heard him say. Kirishima smiled in delight and a deep fondness Shinsou felt uncomfortable noticing. He leaned down and let Bakugou wrap his arms around his neck while he gripped under his thighs.
Kirishima hefted him up into his arms. “You good, Kats?” He whispered. Bakugou nodded and nuzzled his face into his neck.
“I’m tired.”
Kirishima chuckled softly, “I know, I know. We’re going to bed.”
Shinsou’s face burned in guilt and embarrassment. This was definitely not something he was meant to see. He wanted to shrink away. He tried to remain perfectly still and hoped they wouldn’t notice him.
“Good night, you guys… I love you,” Kaminari whispered
“We love you too, Kami,” Kirishima responded. Bakugou hummed what sounded like agreement. Kaminari smiled as they walked off towards the elevators.
Then he was alone.
Well. Actually, they were alone.
But, blessedly, Shinsou had gone unnoticed. He couldn’t believe what he had just seen… That scene they made earlier showed something teetering the edge of a relationship, sure, but the whole group seemed like that… so…
Bakugou? Bakugou had a boyfriend? Out of everyone in their class, Bakugou was the last person he would expect to be in a relationship. The boy was so…one track minded. He was so determined to be a hero, no… To be the number one hero. But still, he made time to watch a movie with…his boyfriend and his friends.
And if Bakugou could have a boyfriend, then he could too… right?
That still didn’t answer if Kaminari was single though… In fact, that aspect was gloomier than before.
Bakugou and Kirishima teetered the edge of a relationship in public and they really were in a relationship.
So, it wouldn’t be surprising if Kaminari and Sero… too.
God, he couldn’t even finish the thought. Shinsou was pretty sure Ashido and Kaminari were not an item, she had seemed rather caviler as to his wellbeing during and after the movie.
But Sero… They inexplicitly referred to each other as ‘babe,’ they called each other by first name, they were super touchy… Or well, Kaminari was… God, he was getting nowhere. All of that could be said about Ashido and Kaminari’s relationship as well. Well, they called each other ‘babe’ less often then him and Sero but still-
“Shinsou?” Kaminari’s surprised whisper cut through his thoughts and iced his spine. Panicked, he sat up straight and immediately stretched. Maybe he could pass off like he had been sleeping.
“Oh, hey, K-kaminari,” he forced out, trying to appear relaxed. “What’s up? What time is it?”
“Uh, like ten…thirty?…” Kaminari eyed him suspiciously, “dude, were you sleeping?”
“Yeah, I just woke up,” Shinsou answered in what he hoped was a casual tone. His voice was very monotone which did not help in situations like this, the slightest inclination could give him away as not calm. He wondered if Kaminari was worried he had seen Bakugou and Kirishima earlier.
“Ah, okay, good,” Kaminari bought it and exhaled in relief. Shinsou smiled, he was so lucky it was Kaminari that noticed him and not any one of the other three. He had a huge crush on the boy but, damn, he was gullible.
It was adorable though, if probably not a great trait for a hero to have.
“You heading up to bed?” he asked. Kaminari nodded and yawned.
“I napped a little too,” he admitted, “during the movie we were watching but I’m still exhausted… and I’m sure Hanta will want to train in the morning again.”
“Oh,” Shinsou felt his smile drop but he was too tired to try to fake it, “you and Sero train in the mornings, huh?”
“Ugh, yeah,” Kaminari groaned and plopped himself into the seat beside Shinsou. “We used to train in the evenings, after dinner, but now he’s always hanging with Todoroki.” His face scrunched up, annoyed….and adorable. “I don’t care because I know he’s really good friends with Todoroki too, but waking up early is still annoying.” He sighed now and leaned his head against the back of his chair, “I mean, it’s probably all for the best because we usually didn’t actually train in the evening. We’d just make excuses like we ate too much or we’re too tired and play video games of hang out instead. But in the mornings, we don’t have an excuse to make so we end up actually working out. Plus, Bakugou and Mina train in the mornings so we have a people to scold us if we don’t.”
“Bakugou and Mina train together?” Shinsou asked surprised.
“I know right? You totally wouldn’t expect it,” Kaminari smiled proudly, “Mina might seem like a slacker but she’s really strong physically. She’s in the top of the class. She started training with Bakugou because she felt she relied too much on her quirk for endurance and mobility, since she can use it too slide around and stuff. Bakugou’s training is actually mostly stuff like yoga and long distance running, exactly what she wanted to do.”
“What about Kirishima?” he found himself asking, they seemed inseparable.
“Kirishima…Why?” Kaminari leant his head off the chair and squinted at him. Shinsou felt himself sweating under his gaze, maybe the blonde hadn’t bought his lie as easily as he thought.
“I just thought, if you and Sero train together, and Bakugou and Ashido train together… You know that’s like… The whole… Friend group? So what does Kirishima do?”
“Oh,” Kaminari relaxed, “I get it. He trains with Tetsutestu from class 1-B. They have really similar quirks so their training is almost the exact same. Bakugou, and even Mina, join them sometimes for strength training but they don’t want to bulk up like they do.”
“That makes sense… What kind of training do you and Sero do?”
“We do really basic stuff… We haven’t found our, like, rhythm yet or whatever… I don’t know what kind of training I need most with my quirk, you know?”
“Right,” Shinsou nodded, resting his chin in his hand, “that makes sense.”
“Yeah,” Kaminari watched him for a moment. “You could train with us if you want? I know Hanta’s tape and your capture weapon could be used in similar ways so…it might be good for you guys to train together.”
Shinsou grunted in response. He wasn’t too fond of the idea of training with the guy who may be dating the object of his affection. On the other hand, however, Kaminari had a point and he did like Sero just fine… Plus training with Sero would only get him closer to the friend group in general…
“Yeah, maybe I will. If that’s cool… What time do you guys train?”
Kaminari smiled, “we train at five am, just in the yard behind the dorms. We don’t really do quirk training… The teachers don’t like us to do that outside of the gyms and training grounds, but we could do that after school sometime! Or the weekends. But yeah! Will you come?”
“Sure,” Shinsou licked his lips and smiled, “I’ll be there.”
“Sweet,” Kaminari held out his fist. Shinsou eyed it for a moment before catching his drift.
“Ah,” he murmured tapping the held out fist with his own. Kaminari giggled and hopped off his chair.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, bro!” he called and skipped off to his dorm. Shinsou sighed in the silence and glanced back at his hand.
Yeah, bro.
if you liked this considering supporting me on kofi!
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greyliliy · 7 years
You know what? It’s after midnight and this is when I should be asleep but instead make random posts, so here’s another one:
MY FAVORITE MY HERO ACADEMIA Characters (in order from Top Favs to wherever I stop listing):
1. Iida - Look, this boy had me in the first episode he showed up where he asked Present Mic about the robots and then later when he accused Izuku of trying to interfere with other contestants. It only solidified when he immediately apologized on the first day of class and it’s just been downhill from there. Iida’s adorable & I literally had to stop watching the show during the Stain arc because I was not ready to see Iida go through all that.
My Ships for Iida: Midoriya’s first up because CUTE & Todoroki’s second because bonding over having family members who are Pro Heroes. Uraraka is third because also adorable.
2. Bakugou - I have a weakness for unrepentantly angry & violent characters. They’re like walking catharsis for all the angry emotions I can’t do anything with because I generally try to be a nice person. Bakugou can be a horrible person all he wants with zero consequences and I kinda love it. Don’t get me wrong, I also like his character development and how he’s learning to care about others like Izuku & Kirishima, but I also kinda hope his overall character doesn’t change much. His fixation with Izuku is also super fascinating, won’t lie. But I mostly like him because he’s a violent little brat with feelings.
My Ships for Bakugou: Izuku because they’re like fixated on each other and it’s fun, and because I’ve always been weak for a Bully x Favorite Victim when it comes to unhealthy relationship pairings (when it’s Bakugou pursuing; when it’s Izuku playing the “I’m gonna’ make Bakugou Mine” game, I downplay that aspect more). Kirishima is kinda a given second fav as long as they’re more Bros than sappy because their canon friendship is amazing. Todoroki is also growing on me as an option. Same for Kaminari.
3. Shigaraki - If we ignore the part where I hate his costume (the hand on the face is okay, the rest of it can go), I love Shigaraki because he’s a spoiled brat. He’s got his own personal babysitter/butler, and his Master actually cares about him, and Shigaraki himself is just a great blend of being completely insane and also intelligent/knows what he’s doing. Also on the more shallow spectrum: I love his Quirk. You do not understand how much I love his stupid, angst-for-days, terrifying Quirk.
My Ships For Shigaraki: Dabi. Aesthetically they look good together & personality wise they’ve got great bicker-buddy potential. Toga because I kinda OT3 Shigaraki, Dabi & Toga and like all versions of the three of them interacting. Kurogiri also makes the list because I’ve read a lot of “Butlers/Servants of some sort x their Younger Spoiled Masters” BL plots and well, *waves hand at them* that’s what they are. XD
4. All Might - One hundred percent confession, the first time I saw the My Hero opening, I had convinced myself that All Might was gonna’ be some sort of scam or fraud and Izuku would have his dreams kinda crushed somehow and then go on to be the real hero. But I was wrong. I was so wrong. All Might is 100% legit and amazing and I love him. He loves everyone (even Endeavor!), and he’s strong, and even has the decency to be human with doubts and mistakes and just. All Might.
My Ships For All Might: Endeavor. They’ve got the Izuku/Bakugou thing going on and I like it. Though I kinda ship it as more of a “what could have been” Melancholy thing. I really don’t have a lot of ships for him but I can say for absolute that my NoTP is All Might & Inko. Just no. Inko is a married woman and until we’re told otherwise she loves her husband who’s working abroad. I’m really sick of everyone assuming Izuku’s dad is a bad guy because he works abroad and doesn’t get to see his family often. WAIT. Tsukauchi. The cop dude. Him & All Might are adorable. There’s a ship. xD
5. Todoroki - This brat grew on me so hard. He was always a character that was just sort of “there” for me ‘cause I wasn’t too invested in him, but then he let Iida be on his team in the Sports Festival & when he apologized to Sero and started to melt him from the ice I was like “Okay. You’re adorable.” And then again, it just went downhill from there. Todoroki’s adorable and awkward and he’s trying so hard. *pinches his cheeks* Also he’s super over powered and I kinda love it.
My Ships for Todoroki: Momo is first on the list. I like their interactions and I think they’re sweet in general. They’re both quiet and smart and I think they’re good for each other. I mentioned it above, but I also rather like Todoroki with Iida & Bakugou. Last on this though - I don’t like Todoroki & Izuku. At all. They’re great friends, I’m really glad they had their awesome canon moments, but I don’t ship it at all and I’d rather not see it either. XD;
6. Aizawa & Present Mic - They’re sharing a slot because I’ve just started thinking of them as a unit. Their best bro friendship & contrasting personalities is just that amusing to me. But yeah, Aizawa’s awesome and I love that he seems like the only person on the planet who kinda doesn’t like All Might (I mean, he does, but he acts like he doesn’t and I love it) and he’s got “I’m super strict but I actually care” vibes all over the place. Kinda like Piccolo in DBZ. Present Mic is just fun.
My Ships for Aizawa & Present Mic:  Each other. Friendship or more are both acceptable. I got nothing else for them, really.
7. Kirishima - Boy needs to start wearing his hair down & stop dying it, but aside from that, I love this boy. He’s bright, he’s happy, and under it all he’s got as much self-esteem issues as everyone else in this school. I like that he reached out to Bakugou & was cool enough to impress him, and I enjoy that he’s just a generally uplifting and spirited person who connects a lot of people together in the class.
My Ships for Kirishima: Bakugou, first off. Kinda easy to see why - they play off each other well, and if I want some happy/healthy relationship goals for a change, they fit the bill nicely. Mina is also a very good option, especially after hearing about their shared schooling days in Middle School.
8. Sero - I just like Sero. He’s walking common sense with a touch of ego that makes him a well rounded character in the side lines. And I love his smile/teeth. They just look nice.
My Ships for Sero: I don’t...really have any. Maybe Mina? Mineta? I don’t know. Psh. Maybe Todoroki because their Sports Festival match is what made me start to adore Todoroki.
(Okay, I had to open up the wiki at this point to browse characters to see if I missed anyone, so I think we’re down to the wire. Plus, I’m starting to fall asleep so you can see these posts get more rambling as I fade out. :D)
9. Endeavor - Don’t look at me like that. The dude’s freaking awful but he’s also the number two hero for a reason. He’s a horrible person who’s also like...awful in that way I love--like that “He’s almost unaware that he’s horrible” kinda way. Obliviously awful. And as messed up as it is, you can’t argue that Endeavor doesn’t adore his kid (or at least one of them...). He’s good at what he does (the dude’s kinda bad ass when he’s working), and I’ve seen previews of recent manga pages and it looks like he’s getting an attempt at a little redemption arc. I’m weak for horrible people who realize their mistakes and try to make up for it. It’s not realistic by any stretch of the imagination, but it is still really nice to see. Some of my all time favorite characters in fiction are horrible, “irredeemable” monsters turned good guys (*cough* VEGETA and like half the cast of DBZ *cough*) and I kinda want to see it here.
10. Dabi & Toga - I don’t actually know anything about them yet other than the fact they’re both aesthetically pleasing & I like their general character tropes (the cool jack ass and the yandere). Plus they OT3 with Shigaraki like WOW and I love it.
11. Tsukauchi - How do you not love Normal Guy in a case of super heroes and quirks? Nice guy. Super cute with All Might. Awesome side character for the win.
12. Bakugou’s Parents - Look. His parents are adorable together and I love them. Also Bakugou’s mom is basically a grown up Bakugou and I’ve already established I love Bakugou so why not her to?
And I think that’s it. That’s what I’ve got. Generally speaking I love everyone in the show (even Mineta) and I just realized Izuku didn’t make the list and that’s kinda hilarious. He’ll get an honorable mention. But for real. I love everybody including Uraraka and Momo and Aoyama and all of them. Good show. Good cast.
HONORABLE MENTION: Izuku - I like Izuku a lot, but not as much as everyone else. I think my favorite thing about him is his obsession with Bakugou (”Kacchan” - I love it.) and frankly his fixation is like my favorite thing to play with fandom wise in this show. I love that he’s a reckless, anxious, unstoppable force and generally Izuku’s a great character. I think the only reason he’s not higher on the list is I always felt there was a bit of missed potential by having him be a Quirkless, BadAss Normal Hero (kinda like his prototype) that kinda lingers whenever I’m watching the show.
My Top Ships for Izuku: Uraraka is, funny enough, up first because I think their canon, mutual crush on each other is freaking ADORABLE and I think they have great chemistry. Bakugou is up second for obvious reasons *cough Izuku is obsessed with him cough* and I kinda picture that no matter who Izuku ends up with, they’re going to have to tiredly condition themselves to getting used to the fact Bakugou’s a huge part of Izuku’s life and he’s not going anywhere. Iida is also a fav for this ship because of awkward cuteness.
Now I’m done. *passes out*
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