#we’re pretty damn close to being done!! ahhh I’m excited
bloodbonesandmarrow · 4 months
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Behold, Noodle
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Birthday Girl - Chris Evans
The reader (me ) is dating chris evans, and its the readers birtday, and chris evans is spoiling her, taking to the hair salon and to the nail salon , and the trows a party for her, and he asks her to marry him, and a couple months later the reader is asked to been on say yes to the dress and alot of fluff please
A/N: It took way too long but here we go. Definitely not very well edited. Hope you like.
WARNINGS- pure fluff, tiny tiny illusion to smut, marriage.
Hope you enjoy :)
“Babe, wake up.” You groaned as you rolled over, waving your hand in the direction of the voice. You heard a husky chuckle, before a pair of soft lips pressed to the top of your hand. “Get up, baby. I made breakfast, well brunch.” Your eyes shot open at the mention of food and you turned to see you handsome boyfriend of 4 years towering over the bed with a tray in his hands.
You sat up rubbing the sleep from your eyes as the tray was placed over your lap. You looked at the food before gazing up at Chris.
“Happy Birthday, baby.” You smiled as he leaned down and pressed his soft lips against yours.
“Thank you, honey.”
“No problem, pretty girl.Now eat up and after you finish that, we’re taking a shower and i’m taking you out, ok?” He said as he put his hands on his hips. You nodded before tilting your head up to receive one last kiss which he happily obliged and then you begun your meal.
Less than 15 minutes later you were up and out of your bed standing in your morning glory of a bra and short shorts. Chris’ large hands wrapped around your hips lightly pushing you towards the adjacent bathroom.
“Make sure you just don’t wash your hair, ok.” He smiled as you turned you around. Cocking an eyebrow you smirked.
“What’s up your sleeve?” You eyed him up as he moved closer. He ran his hand up and down your arm lovingly while staring into your eyes.
“Nothing. Just wanna spoil my special girl. Now go, we gotta be outta here in 20 minutes. Go.” He kissed your cheek and spun you around, giving your ass a slap before gently pushing you forward.
-time skip-
20 minutes later you were in the car with Chris, your favourite songs echoed through the car loudly and you both yelled the lyrics.
Eventually you pulled up out the front of a hair dressers, a very expensive some mind you. Chris turned to you and winked before making his way out of the car and to your side to let you out.
“Baby, what are we doing here?” You looked into his ocean blue eyes as they gleamed with happiness,
“I Told you i wanna spoil you. Now come on.” He grabbed you hand and pulled you into the salon. The receptionist smiled and ushered you through a doorway to a chair. Chris smiled at you before waving goodbye.
“I’ll be back when your done, love.” He blew you a kiss and made his way out to the car. You sat in the chair as a platinum blonde lady walked through stopping at your chair.
“Hey there darlin, my names Christy and I’ll be doing your hair today.”
You smiled as she directed you to another room with cushy chairs and sinks.
-and another time skip-
Two relaxing hours later you looked at yourself in the mirror in front of you, the stylist beaming ear to ear as she rested her hands on the back of your chair.
Not only had she magnificently done your hair but also your make up leaving you with a gorgeous natural glam look.
“Do you like it?” She asked as she continued to smooth out your hair.
“I love it, thankyou so much. How much do i owe you?” You asked as she led you to the reception area.
“I’m afraid, that’s already been taken care of.” You turned around just to meet that handsome hunk of a man, you called your boyfriend leaning against the desk.
He moves over to you leaning in for a kiss but You quickly turn your head away so his lips meet your cheek. He looks at you confused before you smile before pointing to your lips.
“Lipstick.” He chuckles, kissing just beside your mouth and moving away and saying goodbye to the hair dresser and the receptionist.
You made you way back to the car hoping in and seeing a dry cleaners bag in the back.
“What’s that?” You turn to grab it before chris grabs your hand pulling it back to him.
“Gotta wait for that baby.” You playfully scowled at him before settling into your seat.
You drove about 5 minutes up the road to another cute, -expensive- salon, only this one being a nail salon.
“Second last stop, babyyyy.” He smiled pulling you out of the car once again.
You walked up to the receptionist, again the girl immediately recognising Chris.
“Ahhh, Christopher! Your here, come on through.” The lady exclaimed as she hurried you both through the doorway into a small, private room, with a nail technician getting her tools ready.
“Ah! Hi guys! I’ll be going your nails today, Mrs Evans, if you’d like to take a seat just here and Mr Evans there’s chair there if you’d like to sit.” You looked back at Chris as you moved to sit down stunned by the names. You felt like telling her you weren’t Mrs Evans but secretly you loved the ring it had and the butterflies it sent up your stomach.
“I would love to sit, but i’ve got a few more things to take care of.” Chris spoke running his hand along your shoulders and leaning down to kiss you.
“I’ll be back baby.” With that he walked out the door. You smiled as the lady started on your nails.
Little did you know Chris was going back and forth between the house during your appointments getting things ready for tonight.
After this past year all Chris wanted to do was spoil you. Covid and quarantine did not treat you well and it took a toll on both of you, but now he could doing something so he’d secretly sent out invites to some of your closest friends and your family including his inviting them to celebrate you and if everything goes right, your engagement. Chris had had the ring from about the 6 month mark and You’re now four years in and he couldn’t be more sure.
He walked through the house and into the back yard to see he mum, Scott, his sisters and a few of his friends all assisting in putting up lights and setting tables. Before he walked outside he made his way to your shared bedroom grabbing the roses and rose petals. Before he laid them down he placed a black silk dress with some black crystal strap heels on the bed before sprinkling some pink and red roses over the bed and the floor leading to the bedroom and your bed.
Smiling at his work he made his way back towards his back yard where he was immediately ambushed by his niece and nephews. He walked over to the group with one of them in his arms, leaning over and placing a kiss on his mums cheek.
“Ma, this looks great. Really great.” He smiled as the child in his arms was taken.
“No problem. Anything for that gorgeous girl of yours. Now where is she. Is it almost time?” Lisa was definitely very very excited. Almost more excited than Chris.
“Yes, Yes, ma i gotta get her in about... 10 minutes.” Checking his watch, he ran back up the stairs muttering a quick ‘i’ll be back’ and changing into some plaid pants, a white shirt and a brown jacket.
“Okayyy, i’m going to get the birthday girl. Remember be real quiet when we get back.” He smiled as everyone waved good bye.
10 minutes later you smiled admiring your freshly done nails. You looked over as the bell of the door rang seeing Chris walk in sunnies on all dressed up.
You got up and met him half way, holding your hand out and wiggling your fingers.
“Damn, babyyy.” He smiled lifting your hand closer to his face before pressing a kiss to it. He smiled up at you looking over his glasses, blue eyes gleaming. “So pretty, honey.” He smiled once more before quickly paying the bill and waving to the ladies.
The whole way home you watched as his leg bounced and his hand wrapped and unwrapped itself from yours.
You pulled up to the house and got out of the car, Chris quickly led you toward your bedroom. He rest his hand on the knob giving you a smirk before swinging the door open.
You let jaw dropped as you saw the flowers and black dress resting on the bed.
“Oh, Chris.” You moved to the dress smiling as you lifted it. Turning you smiled as you watched chris rock back and forth a shy smile.
“Wanted to spoil you baby. Now put it on. Got one last surprise.” He smiled leaving the room and closing the door behind him.
Smiling you slipped from your jeans and shirt into the dress. You smiled as you checked your -frankly- gorgeous figure out in the mirror before a loud knock interrupted your admiring. You called out to come in and in walked Scott all nice in a button up and jeans.
“Scott! What are you doing here!?” You smiled as he enveloped you in a hug.
“I came to see my favourite girl!! and Chris made me come get you and bring you down stairs.” Stepping back he gave you a quick once over before grabbing your hand making your twirl.
“You look gorgeous babyyy. I love it!” You smiled and giggles before you were lead out the room and towards the back yard. Before you got to the door you were instructed to close your eyes.
“Good god, what are you doing to me.” Scott laughed and lead to carefully to the back step.
Silently he stepped away from you to stand in front of you along with the rest of your friends and family.
“Umm, Scott can i take my hands away now??” You chuckled and before long two strong hands were lifting your own off your face.
As your eyes adjusted to the light Chris stepped in front of you with everyone else as everyone yelled “Surprise!” and “Happy Birthday!”’s
You jumped and laughed as you looked at the sea of people.
Chris slowly walked towards you before whispering “happy birthday” and placing a soft kiss on your lips.
“Did you do this?” You asked. He grabbed your hands smiling and turned to everyone else.
“Yes i did. Do you like it?” For the first time since you stepped outside you looked around seeing the fairly lights everywhere small tables, and the couches, blankets and cushions for everyone.
“Baby i love it. Thankyou so much.” You smiled leaving a long, lingering kiss on his plump pink lips.
Soon as your moment was over you moved over to say hi and thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes and for turning up.
About an hour and a half later you were standing around talking to some old friends when a glass clinking echoed around the yard. You turned to see Chris standing on a chair.
“‘Scuse me! Can i have your attention!” Everyone turned as he cleared his throat one last time.
“Just wanted to make a quick speech. Y/N, Baby, if you could come here please.” You quickly made you way over to where he stood now on the ground. He took your hand before turning to everyone.
“This woman is one of the kindest, most loving, most beautiful women i’ve ever met and had the pleasure of being with. She is forever teaching me new things and i’m so deeply in love her for everything she does for me and my family,” he looked you in the eyes smiling, “I want to keep this woman in my life for the rest of my life so i guess what i’m trying to say is..” he let go of your hand, his sliding into his pocket and pulling out a little velvet box. You eyes widened and your hand flew to your face. He smiled nervously as he slowly lowered himself to one knee.
“Y/N, baby, will you stay by my side forever. Will you put up with me and my bullshit for the rest of our lives. But most of all, will you please make me the luckiest and happiest man on this earth, and marry me?” Tears pooled in both your eyes as your voice got caught in your throat. Not trusting your voice you nodded, your head almost detaching from your neck.
You bent down slightly cupping the side of his face and pressing your lips to his in a feverish kiss, his free hand coming up to cup your face in return. You pulled back whispering a yes as he stood and pressed your foreheads together. Looking down he slipped the diamond onto your finger. You smiled down at it before locking eyes with your now-fiancé.
“I love you so much, Chris. I can’t think of anything better, than spending the rest of my life with you.” You smiled kissing him one last time.
Neither of you had noticed Scott with his phone out filming everything. Turning to everyone he grabbed your hand swinging it in the air and shouting “She said yes!!!” You laughed and everyone cheered quickly moving to congratulate you two.
The rest of the night went past in a blur Chris barely leaving your side and you barely leaving his as everyone drank and celebrated both your and your engagement.
Eventually the night ended about 12.30 am, everyone heading to bed, you with your fiancé. Man you’d never get sick of saying that.
-9 Months later-
you walked into the boutique, Randy meeting you, your best friends and mum at the entrance, camera crews lurking behind.
“Hello, hello!!!! Y/N! How are you!?” You smiled giving him a hug.
“I’m good! How are you?” Answer with a “fantastic” and you introduced Randy to your mum and best friend before be less through the lobby to the rooms with all the dresses.
“Okay, so, what were we thinking?” Randy clapped his hands together.
“Umm so i was thinking something princess-y like a ball gown, but a strapless, you know??” You said as you avoided the cameras.
Being Chris’ girlfriend turned fiancé you were used to cameras but it still made you nervous sometimes.
“Okay, we’ve got a perfect range for you, if you come with me we’ll chose two or three and go back to the change rooms and try them on.” he placed a hand on your lower back leading you away from your family.
About 10 minutes later you walked out in a plain white ball gown -https://pin.it/5cuCPCq- with a slit for your leg. Standing on the podium you looked at yourself in the mirror. It was a gorgeous dress but, just didn’t feel right.
You turned to your guests and splayed out your hands beside you. You mother clasped her hands over her mouth murmuring how beautiful you look. While your best friend looked at you with a proud smile.
“So what do you think?” Your mum smiled as you turned back to look at yourself.
“I like it. It’s gorgeous, but it just doesn’t quite feel right.” Your cocked your head to the side as you surveyed yourself.
Chris would love this but this was for you.
Randy smiled. “Well it looks gorgeous but we still have more to try.” Once again he help out his hand helping you down before walking you back to the room.
You tried on one more that wasn’t right before trying on the last one. As soon as you put it on, you felt your body light up. You looks down and smoothed the skirt.
Holy Shit
You walked out, back to the stand immediately turning to your mum. Her hands flew to her mouth covering it as tears sprung to her eyes. Before you teared up yourself you looked to your best friend who was nodding furiously.
“My Goodness! It’s gorgeous!!!” Your best friend gushed as you smiled widely, so wide it felt as if your cheeks would split.
You turned to the mirror getting proper view of yourself.
“Sooooo,” Randy’s voice broke you from your thoughts. Your turned to see his equally bright and smiling figure. “Might this be a yes?” His hands clasped together and pressed to his lips. Turning back for one last once over you nodded.
“Yeah. It’s a big yes!” You smiled as everyone rushed up to you hugging what they could.
Randy and the assistant’s clapped as you twirled in celebration.
-3 months later.-
The dress was perfect, the ceremony was perfect, everything was perfect.
The wedding was everything you could have dreamed of from the forest ceremony and the reception.
Lights lined the trees and the under cover canopies. Tables littered these canopies flowers and napkins with the writing Mr&Mrs Evans embroidered on them.
Everyone spent the night dancing and laughing and celebrating you. The place was filled with close friends and family and a couple of A-listers including good ole Sebastian and Anthony, Scarlett and Robert and more.
Once the night was over Chris carried you bridal style (lol) through the threshold of your already shared home, before walking you to the room and placing you down.
Chris continued to worship you all night from small light kisses to consummating the marriage (wink wink) all night.
To say you were the happiest you’ve ever been was an understatement, and this was going to be the rest of your life.
Nothing could be better that this. Now Mrs Evans. Damn.
Ta-da!! Finished
Thanks for ready, go check out my other stuff :)
(master list is in the works lol)
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floralseokjin · 4 years
;middle of the night (m)
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After a silly argument, Jungkook wants to apologise… at 2 o’clock in the morning…
pairing; jeon jungkook x reader  genre/warnings; established relationship, domesticated goodness, fluff, they have a dog now, or as Jungkook likes to call him ‘the cock block’, smut  words; 2,150
more﹆chapter index
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“You awake?” Jungkook whispered into the darkness, murmuring your name for good measure. 
You kept your eyes shut tight, back to him, pretending you were actually in fact, asleep. Damn love, all these years together had made you so in tune you both could sense when the other was awake. You hadn’t been able to drop off properly ever since you’d hit the hay at 10pm. Tired but unable to switch off. Jungkook hadn’t been beside you the first three times you’d woken, this time however, he was, and just like him, you had known he was awake too. 
You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of being correct though, so you clenched your jaw and stayed silent. You were still mad at him after earlier this evening, and if he thought he could just give you a lousy sleep ridden sorry, he had another thing coming. 
But then you heard him let out a tiny sigh, deflated if anything, the mattress dipping with his weight as he turned around. Back to back. You hated that. Even after so long you both loved to tangle up in one another right before bed. No wonder you couldn’t get to sleep properly. You were having withdrawals. Plus, you hated going to bed on an argument. You hated arguing with Jungkook altogether. 
“What do you want?” You whispered, lifting your head up a little. 
He rolled over slowly, the mattress dipping again as he thought of what to say. By now you’d settled your face back into the pillow, waiting patiently. “Can’t sleep,” he mumbled. Ever so gently he outstretched his arm, hand caressing your side as he slid closer. He was really being cautious here. Unsure of your mood. It was actually pretty comical. 
He leant in, voice a whisper. “I’m sorry.” He sounded sincere you’d give him that, but the wood in his underwear made you kind of dubious. 
“Do you mean that? Or are you just sorry because your dick is hard?” 
“No,” he insisted softly. “No, I’m sorry because I’m sorry. I don’t know why my dick’s hard.” 
He was being honest, years of being together also meant you knew when he was telling the truth. You stayed silent though, waiting for him to continue. One little sorry wasn’t enough. 
“I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.” 
“Hm?” You pressed. 
He tried again. “It wasn’t your fault.” 
“What wasn’t my fault?” 
He sighed quietly, resigning himself to the inevitable. “The steak being fatty. It was childish of me.” 
There it was. You grinned to yourself, thankful he couldn’t see your face. He probably felt like an idiot for getting so mad over something so trivial. Although you knew why. He was stressed over work; opening his own tattoo parlour had been amazing but he still wasn’t used to needing to be switched on practically all day, every day. Being your own boss had its perks of course, but there also came the downsides. Working six days a week, getting home late. He was exhausted. And stressed. 
It was the steak with too much fat that had set him off tonight, and when you had laughed at his overreaction, it was you who’d been on the receiving end of his frustration. You’d ignored one another for the rest of the night and you’d gone up to bed way before he had. Now, with the moonlight slipping through the shades, Jungkook’s body beside you, the touch of his hand against your waist, you softened. You would easily forgive him over something so silly. 
“That’s okay,” you reassured, shuffling onto your back to get a look at him. You reached for his face, cupping his cheek. You could just make him out, eyes still adjusting to the darkness. He was shirtless, hair in his eyes. You pushed some behind his ear, wanting to see his face. “We’re allowed to be a bit childish sometimes,” you smiled. “Sorry for teasing you.” 
You weren’t exactly innocent in all of this. You admit you liked to get a rise out of him sometimes just because he was so easy to goad. You should’ve known better lately. Even if he pretended like everything was alright, it probably meant it wasn’t. He hated being a burden, and he already felt guilty for using your shared savings on the parlour – it didn’t matter how you’d agreed to it as a couple with careful consideration, it still weighed on him heavily. 
Jungkook’s mouth curved up into a small smile, you could make out that much, settling his head on your pillow as he cosied up to you. “I hate going to sleep without cuddling you.” He whined, face in the crook of your neck. 
“Same,” you agreed. Like you said: Withdrawals. You felt him kiss your skin and then began to pay attention to something else. “You really don’t know why your dick is hard?” His erection was still there, pressing into your thigh as he cuddled up to you. 
“No,” he chuckled thickly. “It’s confused.” 
You slipped onto your side, facing your boyfriend as you reached for his mouth. You kissed slowly, lazily, just enjoying the closeness more than anything, before a few pecks turned to something more. Of course it did. If his dick was hard you weren’t going turn it down. You pulled back just as Jungkook was about to slip in some tongue. “What time is it?” 
“Gone two,” he replied immediately, before reminding you of something, his mouth back on yours. “It’s Sunday tomorrow.” 
“Mm,” you hummed, tongue meeting his, arms wrapping around his shoulders to pull him over you. 
Excitement real, he was breathing slightly heavy when he broke apart to ask you the obvious. “Do you...?” You nodded wildly, yanking him to you, hands travelling all over the expanse of his back. It had been a while since you’d last had sex, maybe close to two weeks, which for you both may as well have been a year. Not that you were annoyed. Like you said, Jungkook was exhausted because of work, mind too preoccupied. Sex was a great stress reliever though, so it was about time you tried it out… 
However, not soon after, lamp on, Jungkook’s mouth on your neck, one of his hands up your t-shirt, cupping a boob, you suddenly remembered something, instantly panicking and pushing him away. “Giuseppe’s not in here, right?” You demanded, eyes wide.
“Huh?” He sounded, confused by the sudden change, needing a moment to make sense of the question. “Uh, no. No, he’s not.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“I’m sure,” he chuckled, reaching for a kiss. “He didn’t follow me upstairs.” 
Giuseppe was your pet dog. A long haired golden retriever that was already the height of your house despite not even being a year old. Jungkook loved him, treated him more like a brother than a pet, and of course he had named him. You’d just rolled with it. But there was one rule. The dog did not stay inside your bedroom when s-e-x was happening, and seeing as he had his own bed at the foot of yours, this was obviously a reoccurring thing. 
“Okay?” Jungkook pressed, kissing your nose as he waited to continue. 
“Okay,” you nodded, grinning up at him. 
“Okay!” He sung cutely, jumping up to tear his boxers off. 
Five minutes later there was some very eager fingering going on, Jungkook knelt between your legs as he stroked you to complete and utter pliancy, the sinful squelch filling the room. You were trying to return the favour, your fist wrapped around his cock, but your movements were sparse, too distracted by the pleasure coursing through your veins. “Jungkook,” you moaned against his lips, trying desperately to stay attached. 
He groaned, straightening the fingers inside of you, going a little faster, loving how wet you were. “God, you sound so good.” 
You moaned louder as his thumb circled your clit, hips jutting up. “Ohh—AHHH!” Your pleasure soon turned to surprise as you roared out, something heavy and large leaping onto your bed, attempting to bound all over you. “Oh, my god! Oh, my—Jungkook!” You exclaimed, sitting up immediately, his fingers slipping out of you. “You said he wasn’t in here!” 
“I didn’t think he was!” He insisted, a hand cupping his junk as your dog practically jumped up and down in excitement. “Honest. I thought he was downstairs.”
You grumbled, moment well and truly over, but you weren’t giving up. You were having sex tonight. It may be nearly three in the morning, but you were getting laid. “Seppe, out,” you ordered, pointing to the door. “Out!” He didn’t listen. It was Jungkook that called the shots, he told you it was some type of “bond” they had. You called bullshit. “Jungkook, get him out.” 
He instantly looked put out. “Babe, I’m ass naked.” 
“I don’t care. If you want to have sex he needs to be out of here.” 
“Fine,” he sighed, standing up, not bothering to cup his dick now – free and easy. Giuseppe instantly followed. “I swear if you didn’t make such a big deal about it he wouldn’t get so excited. He can sense these things.” 
“Exactly!” You cried. “He can sense when we’re just about to do it.” 
Reaching down to stroke him, Jungkook complained. “Giuseppe, you’re such a cock block.” The dog looked unbothered. Amazing. “Come on, boy. Let’s go.” And off he trotted, listening straight away to your “ass naked” boyfriend. He swung the door closed after him, looking your way with a satisfied grin. “There.” 
You pulled a face. “Now I feel guilty.” 
“Don’t change your mind,” he whined. “He can come back in once we’re done. He’s used to it.” Like you said, it had been a regular occurrence these past nine months. Jungkook made his way over to you, caging you under his body immediately. “Now where were we...” 
This time there was no messing about with foreplay, your legs wrapped around his waist as he fucked you. Jungkook had already admitted he wouldn’t last long, unable to curb his excitement, so it was more needy and fast than skilled and indulgent. Not that you were complaining. This was the best type of sex in your opinion. Just sheer want for one another, nothing else. When he came inside you with a groan, you glowed. Felt alive. 
“I really am sorry,” he murmured a few minutes later, still a little out of breath as he laid over you, stealing slow kisses. 
You grinned, teasing him slightly. “It’s okay. I forgive you.” He chuckled and you ran your fingers through his hair, admiring him fondly. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” He sang.
You wrinkled your nose, pushing your head back into the pillow. “Don’t.” You hated when he made it a competition.
Amused, he laughed, rolling onto his back beside you, folding his hands behind his head to look up at the ceiling. You turned onto your side, propping yourself up with your elbow so you could see him properly. He looked really worn out. Not particularly tired from lack of sleep tonight, but just exhausted in general. His eyes weren’t twinkling. You hated seeing him like this. “You sure you’re okay?” You asked, needing to make sure. At least he had some time off tomorrow. 
“Mm,” he nodded, looking your way. He gave you a small smile. “You know what I’m like. I need to learn to talk more about my feelings more.” 
You agreed with that. You knew him too well to prod when he wasn’t ready. This was the most you’d gotten out of him for weeks. “Well, you know where I am when you’ve learnt,” you chuckled. 
He laughed back. “On it. It’s probably better than bottling it all up and exploding over shitty steak.” 
“Definitely better,” you agreed. “But let’s not buy that kind again. My man deserves meat not fat.” That just made him laugh harder. You loved that sound. Kissing him on the cheek, you knelt up. “Okay, I need to pee.” And you both needed to actually sleep tonight.
“Can you have one for me while you’re there?” Jungkook joked. 
“Sure thing,” you nodded, up and already walking towards the door. 
You opened it and before you knew what was happening, Giuseppe had bolted in, jumping up on the bed. You heard Jungkook yell and yanked your head to see him balled up, hands protecting his crotch. 
“FUCK!” He cursed, twisting around in agony. “My balls! Damn dog trampled my balls.” 
You definitely shouldn’t laugh. Not at all. However the visual of Jungkook writhing around ass naked on the bed with the dog bouncing around and barking in excitement, totally oblivious to the pain he’d just caused, was enough to break you. So much for that bond they had… 
“Giuseppe, bad boy,” you scolded playfully. “Daddy needs those.” 
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Written 2020.  Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2020
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nadisabug · 4 years
Morning Love // Intro // Pt 1
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Paring: Tsukishima x reader
Genre: SMAU, Crack, Hurt/comfort, Soulmate AU
Warnings: vb bois being bois, cursing, Yachi the detective
Word Count: 1.4 k (not including sc)
Summary: Nekoma finally gets a female manager and Yachi makes a startling discovery.
A/N:  ahhh so heres the first part! I'm so excited about this series and I hope y'all like it tooooooo :)
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Series Masterlist // Part Two
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Yachi sighs as she slips her phone into her pocket. She would rather talk to her best friend all day, but she had responsibilities now. She straightened up and darted to the locker room to change out of her school uniform and into her gym clothes. 
After she was done, she walked to the gym. Hinata and Kageyama where there setting up, no surprise, so she scanned the room for Kiyoko. She still felt uncomfortable using her first name, since she was her senior and all. Once found, Yachi skipped over to her. 
“Kiyoko, great news!”
Kiyoko turned to face Yachi with a small smile. “What is it?” 
“My friend that I told you about got the manager position!”
“Oh how good, that was at Nekoma right?”
“Yeah, I-��
“What about Nekoma?” Hinata perked up and shouted from the other side of the gym. 
Flustered, Yachi responded. “Uh, my friend, she’s their manager now...”
“Oh,” Hinata deflated. He must have been looking for some info on the team or hoping for a surprise visit. “I mean cool.”
“Nekoma’s finally got a female manager?” A booming voice came from right behind Yachi. She jumped and spun around to see Tanaka grinning behind her. “Tora must be excited, good man,” Tanaka commented, beating his chest once with his fist. “Is she prett- ow!”
Sawamura appeared right behind Tanaka and smacked the back of his head. Sawamura closed his eyes, cocked his head, and forced a tight smile. “You mean congratulations?” He said in a threatening tone. 
“Oh lighten up Daichi,” Sugawara commented as he rolled his shoulders. He looked to be warming up. “He’s just excited.”
Sawamura huffed but walked away from Tanaka. 
Yachi spared him one look, then got on her tiptoes next to Tanaka. 
“She’s absolutely gorgeous!” She whispered earnestly. 
Tanaka grinned and flashed her a thumbs up. As he walked away she thought she heard him mutter something but she couldn’t quite make it out. 
“Alright!” Coach Ukai clapped his hands from atop the referee’s podium. “We’re doing receives first. Line up and let’s go!”
The boys all jogged to their respective places while Yachi joined Kiyoko on the sidelines. The boys did receives for a while, then the spikers split off for practice. ‘That’s where we come in,’ Yachi thought happily. She walked over to one basket while Kiyoko went to the other. Yachi usually tossed balls for Sugawara since he intimidated her less than Kageyama. 
During practice, it usually got hot in the gym, despite the cold weather outside. So it wasn’t a surprise when the boys took their shirts off. It used to fluster Yachi, but she had become jaded to it. However, her attention was drawn when she saw a commotion. On the other side of the net, in line, Tanaka was poking at Tsukishima. 
“Hah, nice tat bro, you do that yourself?”
Tsukishima seemed to look confused for a moment before he looked down at his arm where Tanaka was pointing. Yachi couldn’t see what it was from this far away, but damned if she wasn’t curious. Tsukishima was previously wearing a long-sleeved shirt, so there must have been something that had been revealed when he took it off. But when Tsukishima saw it, he flushed red, scowled, and slapped an arm over it. 
“Can it, Baldy,” Tsukishima seethed. He turned around to look for his shirt, but Coach Ukai interrupted him. 
“Tsukishima, you’re up, come on. Focus!” He yelled. 
Tsukishima shook it off and started jogging to spike the ball Kageyama was currently setting. Yachi was confident he would miss it, but sure enough, he hit it over the net. Yachi was still curious about what was on his arm, but when she tried to get a better look, she too was startled. 
“Hitoka, ball?” Sugawara called softly. 
“Oh yeah sorry!” She squeaked. She quickly and sloppily threw him a ball, but he set it up for his teammate flawlessly. “Sorry!” She said again. 
“No worries,” Sugawara smiled softly. She tossed him another ball and set her mind to figuring out what was on Tsukishima’s arm later. 
After practice, Yachi had almost forgotten about Tsukishima’s arm until Tanaka started in on him again. 
“If you didn’t want people to ask about your arm, why’d you draw it?”
“I didn’t,” Tsukishima snapped. He tilted his water bottle to squirt some into his hand and slapped it onto his arm, scrubbing furiously. What remained was a blurred mess of ink. “Better?”
“Geez,” Tanaka threw his hands up. “No need to be so mean.” He started to walk away, clearly done with the surly boy, when Hinata spoke up. 
“What do you mean you didn’t draw it? Did someone else?”
Tsukishima glared at him to and opened his mouth to say something, probably along the lines of shut up, but Hinata beat him to the punch. 
“Ohh! Was it your soulmate? Do you have an ink-skin connection?”
Tsukishima looked like he was deflating. “That’s not a technical term.”
“Besides the point,” Tanaka waved his hand and jumped back into the conversation. “Do you?”
Realizing he wasn’t going to find a way out of this, Tsukishima sighed and folded his arms. “Yeah, so what?”
“Ahhh! How cool!” Hinata cried and jumped around. Nishinoya clapped Tsukishima on the back and Tanaka cheered too. Yamaguchi, who was standing beside him but had been quiet this whole time, just looked uneasy. Tsukishima’s only response was to roll his eyes. 
“How long have you had your connection?” Hinata asked excitedly. 
At this, Yamaguchi perked up. “Since 12,” he stated proudly. Tsukishima glared at Yamaguchi for spilling the beans, but Yamaguchi didn’t seem to care. 
“Twelve?!” Half the boys in the gym spat incredulously. At that, there came a spattering of complaints and curses across the gym. Yachi couldn’t make most of it out, but it was obvious none of the boys could believe he had gotten it so early. 
Tsukishima sensed the envy and his frown turned into a smirk. “Yeah, what of it?”
“Have you written anything to them?” Hinata asked excitedly. 
Tsukishima cocked an eyebrow. “No of course not.”
At this, the entire gym erupted in protest. 
“Does she even know?” Tanaka wailed above the rest. 
Yamaguchi, seeking to comfort the boys, quickly responded. “Yes, yes, I drew a little doodle on his arm during a sleepover a couple years back so she does.”
“Yes, that’s great and all, but its just one thing! How do you know for sure she knows?”
At this, Yamaguchi shut his mouth. He looked cautiously to Tsukishima who was giving him a glare that could kill. “You’re right,” he said slowly. “She may not know.”
Yachi felt like something was off about that response, but the boys accepted it with ease. She guessed that it wasn’t too hard for them to believe that Tsukishima would ruthlessly leave his soulmate in the dark, but for some reason, Yachi doubted it. 
After reprimanding Tsukishima for throwing away his luck of getting his connection at 12, the boys went back to cleaning up the gym. Yachi helped too, but she couldn’t get the scenario off her mind. Yeah it could be a coincidence that she had a best friend that had a similar connection, but too many of the details were matching up. A soulmate that never responded? Such an early connection? Granted Y/n got hers at 13, but she could have had it earlier and not known. Yachi had one more question that was burning on her mind. 
She found Tanaka after clean up and approached him nervously. He intimidated her, a lot, but she had to do this for her friend. 
“Uh, Tanaka-senpai,” she started softly. She knew he responded well to the suffix senpai so she made sure to use it. 
Sure enough, Tanaka puffed out his chest and grinned. “What do you need Miss Manager?”
“I was just curious, for no reason, what was on Tsukishima’s arm?”
“Huh?” Tanaka lost some of his air. “Oh, the drawing? It was a shitty picture of a lumpy, long-neck dinosaur. The best thing about it was that it had a heart on its body.”
Yachi felt like her soul left her body. She heard herself thank him, but didn’t feel it. She walked home slowly, absorbing the information just dumped on her.
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Fun fact: Tanaka said “Not as pretty as our Kiyoko” as he was walking away hehe
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tellatennie · 4 years
Bakugou x Soulmate!Reader
Hi! This is my first Tumblr post! Not my first time writing but it wont be as awesome as everyone else on Tumblr but I hope you like it! Im still figuring some mechanics of Tumblr out first so let me know if I mess any technical stuff up :)
SOULMATE AU: Reflecting in the mirrors is the appearance of your soulmate 
(Y/N): age thirteen
”mommmm can you come here for a minute?” I call out of the open bathroom door. I’m freaking out. I looked in the mirror one second and it was fine then the next moment it’s reflecting a boy with spiky ash colored hair and not me. 
“Yes sweetheart?” My mom said walking next to me. “Who's....that” I say; pointing at the mirror. She smiles at me.
”Is it not you?” I shake my head. “Then that’s your soulmate” I look up at her. “My... soul..mate?”  She crouches down to meet my very short height. 
“You see, everyone has someone that’s perfect for them. Someone that you can be best friends with and hopefully marry” She stands up and looks in the mirror. “Everyone that has a soulmate sees that person in the mirror instead of themselves. I see your father, and your father sees me.” I make an o shaped mouth and nod. 
“So my soulmate sees me in their mirror?” I ask. She nods. I glance back to the mirror and leave the bathroom. 
Meanwhile, about a 30 minute drive away (No POV) 
”What the HELL” A young boy yells. 
“Language!” His mom screams. “WHY THE HELL IS THERE A PERSON IN MY MIRROR” He heard his mom stomp up the stairs. “What are you blabbering about?” She glared at him from the doorway. 
“There’s a fucking person in the mirror” He deadpans to his mother. She squeals and runs over and hugs him. “Wha- GET OFF ME YOU OLD HAG” She smiles at him and smacks him upside the head. “That’s your soulmate!”
”..my whAT?” She explains to him the details of having a soulmate without yelling more than 3 times. (Sorry, I'm lazy) The boy somewhat glares at the mirror as his mom leaves.
”Stupid fuckin system makin that extra my “soulmate”” he mumbles to himself while walking away.
I groan and hit my alarm clock. Today was the first day of school at U.A and I did not want to get out of bed. I slumped the top of my body and slowly slid off my bed onto the floor (we have all done that) I get dressed into my uniform and walk into my bathroom. I stare at the ‘reflection’ of the once young boy that turned into a handsome young man that you call your soulmate. I figured he was about the same age as me but I could always be wrong. My mom has to do my hair every morning due to me not being able to see myself anymore other than pictures. 
After she did my hair I bid her farewell and walk out the door, excited for what the first day of school will bring.
I stare at the somewhat H shaped building. My jacket hood pulled over my head, I walk into the school and search for my classroom. I made a few friends during the entrance exam, like Kirishima, Mina, and Ochaco. So at least I knew I would have friends.
I walk into my designated classroom and immediately get tackled by Mina. 
“(Y/N)!” I let out a laugh and pat her back to get off me.
”Hey Mina, can’t breathe” She got off of me and backed up whilst I stood up. I eye around the room and spot the people I saw at the exams. My gaze falls on a blonde guy sitting with Kirishima and a yellow haired boy. I remove my gaze and look for my seat but Im FrEaKiN oUt DuDeS. 
Oh right next to him that’s great 
Why am I freaking out? You probably guessed (*cough* since this is a cheesy oneshot*) . It’s the same exact boy I have seen in my mirror for the past 2 and a half years. I sit down at my seat and try not to look too much in that direction. Hoping the crimson eyes I constantly had stared into, didn’t land on me. 
“Oh! Hey (Y/N)! Nice to see you got in this class too!” 
God damn it Kirishima
I turn my head to him and smile “Hey Eijiro! Nice to see you too” He stands from his sitting position off the desk. 
“This is Denki Kaminari” He pointed at the yellow haired boy “And this is Katsuki Bakugou” He leaned in slightly and whispered “Be careful around him, he’s a hot head” The blonde boy shot up. 
“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY SHITTY HAIR?” The boy glanced at me and then back to Kirishima. I see him do a double-take at me and blink slightly. He quickly regains his *terrible* posture and crosses his arms and glares daggers at Kirishima.
"This is (Y/N) (L/N) by the way" He added, acting like he didn't just get screamed at. I smile slightly and wave. I feel someone hug me from behind and put their hands over my eyes. "Guess who" a very high and obviously fake voice came from behind me. I think for a second; the only person I know that would need to make their voice higher other than Kirishima would be....
"zuku!" He huffs and removes his hands and I turn around to stand up and hug him. Me and Izuku have known each other for a while, my dad is his moms brother, making us cousins. So him and I would hang out often. Just as I was about to start a conversation with him our teacher Aizawa appeared from practically nowhere and told us to take our seats.
I got a weird feeling that someone was watching me about halfway through the lesson, figuring it to be Izuku I glance at him only to find his head stuck in his notebook writing down what Aizawa said. I looked around the classroom before giving up and looking down at my desk. I still feel watched and out of the corner of my eye I see Katsuki Bakugou staring directly at me. I make eye contact with him and hold it for about 3 seconds before snapping my eyes to my notes. I see him move his head to his notebook to start writing his notes.
When class lets out for the day I organize and pack all my things together in my bag and stand up to leave when I notice a note on my desk; neatly folded into quarters. I look around the classroom and just now notice I'm the only person left in the room. I pick up the note and open it, reading it out loud. 
"Meet me at the (Random Park Name: R/P/N) at five" I glanced at the clock that reads 3:45. Giving me plenty of time to go home, have a snack, get dressed and go. I don't know why I'm going, I just feel like I need to. 
I walk out of my house holding the note in my hand. I walk to (R/P/N) and stand outside the entrance. I walk in and sit on one of the benches and scroll on my phone. I feel someone sit next to me but I pay them no attention. I could tell it was a guy but I didn't want to seem weird or something. He cleared his throat expectantly. I look up at him to meet the gaze of Bakugou. I feel my cheeks heat up slightly and look down at my hand holding the note. 
"Um. Hi. I'm assuming you gave me the note then? Is there something you need?" I raise my head to look at him. He scoffs, "We both know we're soulmates so don't act fuckin stupid like those other idiots." He snaps. 
"Alright fine. Yes we're soulmates. Why did you want to talk to me" I said, trying to act super chill about it. "Because I wanted to get to know you dumbass"
For someone as hot as you, you seem really dumb 
"I could say the same thing to you gorgeous" I snap my head to him to see his eyebrows raised and him smirking. My face flushed, did I say that out loud?
Me and Bakugou walked together for about 3 hours after that, just telling each other about ourselves. I learned that he is really sweet-hearted but he doesn't want people to know that so he made me swear not to say anything about it. Somehow our hands got linked together and we were sitting in a patch of dandelions on a large hill looking down at the city. 
"You know I've dreamed about meeting someone as pretty as you the day you appeared in my mirror" He commented, glancing over at me. He was really good at complimenting, I've lost count of how many times he's made me blush tonight.
I leaned my head on his shoulder and asked "does this mean we're a thing now?" He let out a soft laugh and put his hand under my chin and lifting me head up. He closed the gap between us. I couldn't help but notice how soft his lips were. I leaned into the kiss, deepening it as he cupped my face. When we broke apart he rested his forehead onto mine and smiled softly at me. 
"Of course we're a thing dumbass"
AHhh I'm bad at writing romantic scenes I'm sorry xD
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enniewritesathing · 4 years
Part 6
Previous ⏮
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(It’s been days since the talks with his uncle and mom, and John continues to plot the proposal. He’s kept himself cool and normal as possible, but he still thinks back to the night on the roof. Missed opportunity, but that’s alright. 
Today is the day.)
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(He’s parked at the kitchen counter after cleaning up a late breakfast-- or would it be brunch?-- and putting away the dishes from the dishwasher. Gave him more time to work out his nerves.)
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(He watches Brian knitting. Yarn this, gauge that. He didn’t quite understand the terminology or how he was able to even make anything. It’s kept his hands busy, his thoughts of work at bay. He’s already made socks... for the cat anyway.)
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Brian: (mumbles) “Ah dammit, don’t tangle up on me.”
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(John sighs. What to do, what to do? He runs fingers across knuckles. He has worn the ring around his neck. Brian’s taken notice of it and even asked about it, but nothing has pointed to him knowing or putting it 2+2 together.)
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(C’mon, he tells himself. It’s 4. And each time, he wants to drop to his knee. But, no, he keeps brushing it off as something he just wanted to do. “Because.” It’s the same excuse he tells when he wears a collar.)
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(”Are you trying to tell me something?” he hears Brian’s voice. Yeah, absolutely, I just love the feeling of being a little choked out--)
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Brian: “John, did you say something?”
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John: “Huh? Oh, nothin’, I was just talking to myself.” 
(Smooth. Real smooth.)
Brian: “What are you doing way over there? C’mere.”
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(Brian continues to fiddle with the yarn. Almost got it... there!)
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John: “What?”
Brian: “What do you mean, ‘what?’ I wanted to see you.”
John: (scoffs) “You can always do that.”
Brian: “Alright, smartass. What are you plottin’ over there? Don’t think I noticed during late breakfast.”
(John laughs.) “I’m not plotting anything.”
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Brian: “You were not into that bacon as much. And you only had... three pancakes.”
John: “Got me there.”
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(John sits down and observes.) “What are you making this time? More socks for the cat? Or maybe a sweater?”
Brian: “I am working on a scarf. Or something. I’m playing it by ear. I just might give it to you.”
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“You never did tell me what you’re plottin’.”
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John: “It’s not plotting!”
(Brian slows down the needles.) “Oh?”
John: “I was thinking... maybe we can go on a date tonight.”
Brian: “I gotta hear this. What’s your plan, big guy?”
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(Ahhh, a date! Yes, yes, that’s good, John thinks to himself.) “That’s the plan. A date.” (Noooo, that’s terrible!)
Brian: “Yeah? Where to?”
John: “I... don’t know? I mean, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? Couple of months? Where would you like to go?”
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Brian: “I dunno. You’re usually the one with the plan.”
John: “Dinner and a movie?”
Brian: “We can do that here.”
John: “What? No!”
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“A date date. An outdoors date. Go out and do things... like, I don’t know, skating?”
Brian: “Honey, you know I can’t skate. It’ll be embarrassing!”
John: “What? Then I’ll teach you! I’ll do you better -- I’ll teach you how to ice skate.”
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Brian: “I didn’t know you can skate?”
John: “I haven’t since I was a kid, but trust me, it’s not that hard.”
Brian: “Do we have a ice rink?”
John: “I’m sure there’s one around here somewhere... maybe all the way out in San Myshuno, I dunno. Holidays are almost here, so there’s bound to be a pop up rink.”
Brian: “Okay, but what about the weather?
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(John changes the channel to the local weather network.) “Ah, just in time!”
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TV: “Beginning this week, some residents in the Tri-County area will see some form of snow activity, with highs starting in the 50s and falling to the 30s by nightfall. Willow Creek can expect trace amounts, followed by Magnolia Promenade, New Crest, and Windenburg. Just in time for Harvestfest!”
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(The TV then goes on to commercial advertising a winter themed pop-up park, with a large ice skating rink, an area to build snowpals, and the good ol’ fashioned snowball fights. John pays close attention to the address. It’s in Newcrest and almost right off the interstate. Apparently, it’s the 15th year of business.)
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John: “Well? Is it a date?”
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Brian: “I dunno, John... maybe you can do a little more convincing?”
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(John leans over and whispers.)
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“First, I’ll...”
(Brian listens to every word.)
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(Brian laughs, and even snorts a little.) “John, no!”
John: “Yeah?”
Brian: “Honey. Don’t do that.”
John: “It’s not a bad idea though!”
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Brian: “It’s not but... no. That’s how you get ants.”
(John huffs.) “Fine. One day, Brian, I am gonna do it. 
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Brian: “Ugh! I feel sticky now. I’m gonna go freshen up first. You wanna join? Get the party started?”
John: “That sounds like an after party. I’ll decline. You go ahead.”
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(Brian leaves, but not before giving John a peck on the cheek.)
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(That didn’t go so bad at all, even with a few fumbles. Good! A date at the skating rink. Outdoors, even! Ah, just thinking about being under the crisp fall air with the love of his life, holding hands... now he’s just gotta concentrate on just finding the right time... damn, this is going to be a good night!)
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John: “Hey, Brian?”
Brian: “Huh~?”
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John: “Think I should shave?”
Brian: “Shave wha-- oh! No, don’t shave.” (John swears he can hear him smile.) “I like it~”
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(John leans over to see Brian’s outfit.) “You’re wearing that? Thought you were gonna wear something cute.”
Brian: “Of course I am wearing this. It’s practical. I haven’t figured out how to balance cute with trying not to freeze my nuts off. Besides, we’re skating.
John: “Aw.”
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Brian: “What about you? You gonna dress handsome with that ring of yours?”
(You mean, ring of yours. John realizes he spoke outloud again as Brian looks at him with a raised eyebrow.) “H-huh?”
Brian: “Dress smart, John. Don’t want your tits to freeze.”
John: “Quit callin’ them that!”
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(He was right though... gotta dress smart. John fished through the closet and found some long sleeved shirts and jeans he hadn’t worn since last winter. Sure, the shirt was slightly too snug for him, it still fits.)
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(John looks at the ring one last time as it sits perfectly on his chest. Tonight’s the night. There’s no going back from this.)
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Brian: “Oh, look at you strutting out like a model.” (He sniffs the air.) “And the Burberry!”
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(John grabs Brian’s hands.) “Well, thank you. You look ravishing yourself.”
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Brian: “Oh, please.”
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John: “I’m serious.”
(He holds his hands, marvelling how long and slender Brian’s fingers are -- and the small calluses on his palm.)
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(John lifts both to kiss them with such softness that he hears Brian take a tiny gasp and an “oh.”)
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Brian: “Oh, you are laying it thick, huh, John? What are you up to?”
John: “The sooner we go out, the sooner you’ll know.”
Brian: “Then let’s go!”
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(But first, another food break was to be had when they reached Newcrest. Newcrest is an hour’s drive from home, depending on how much traffic there is. This particular day everyone and their mother seemed to be in town. John wonders if there was a big event somewhere. In any case, he takes Brian to the local food stall park and set him loose until choosing between the Sulani food stall and the Salvadorian stall.
When the vendor shows how much food they’ll get for absurdly small price, they made the decision to pick up a plate of Mua Kalua Pork; and left the vendor a generous tip.)
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John: “Damn, this is delicious. I know we’re supposed to be on a date, but...”
Brian: “...you can eat this all day? Yeah, same.”
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(Brian wafes his hand to get more of the smoked meat aroma. There’s so many spices!) 
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(The shine in Brian’s eyes are delightful and marvelous. Have they always been this bright before? It’s probably outside, but, maybe it’s been a while--)
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Brian: “John, you okay? You’re kinda staring.”
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John: “Huh? Oh! No, I’m just... taking it all in. This food is delicious. That and you look really cute.”
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Brian: (slyly) “Uh-huh. So, ice skating.”
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John: “Listen, you’re not gonna be embarrassed. There’s other people who don’t know how. Little kids, adults, old people... no one’s gonna be like, an Olympic figure skater. And if they are, they’re showing off. You don’t have to be perfect. Not for me.”
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“I’ll hold your hand and everything. I know you didn’t get to do all that stuff as a kid, but... now’s a pretty good time to learn, right? Together. It’ll be fine.”
Brian: “Okay. But do you know what else we can do together?”
John: “What’s that?”
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Brian: “We need to get a to-go box!”
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(Naturally, after all that eating, the pair walked it off with some sightseeing, lingering long enough for the sun to go down and the city lights and buildings to light up the skyline.)
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(Brian watches John as he laces up his skates. Maybe it’s the air or the lighting, or the cologne he’s wearing that’s making him feel giddy.)
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Brian: “Johnny?”
(John feels his heart skip a beat. The way Brian calls him that -- soft and sweet.) “Yeah, babe?”
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“Can you... tie my skates for me? I wanna make sure it’s right.” 
John: “Yeah. Gimme your leg.”
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(Brian offers his foot and places it gingerly on John’s leg.)
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John: “So, how are you feelin’?” Nervous? Excited? Cold? Still full?”
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Brian: “Everything. Maybe a little overwhelming.”
John: “Really?”
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Brian: (sing-song) “But I got you~”
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(John chuckles. It’s been a while since Brian has acted so... carefree.)
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John: “Alright, I’m done. Ready to stand up?” (He offers his hand, and slips it into a grip.) “You might be a little shakey.”
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Brian: “Shakey?” (He blows a raspberry.) “Watch this.”
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(John pulls him up, and Brian stands up. His legs buckles under the skates and John catches him in time.) “Careful! You alright?”
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Brian: “Yeah, I’m...”
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(He pauses. Woah, when did... John’s shoulders get so broad and firm?)
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(His eyes linger on the necklace more than his chest. He tilts his head. Are those... words in there?)
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(He feels John’s stare and looks up.)
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(Brian swears there’s a smirk on his face.) 
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John: “You okay?”
Brian: “Y-yeah. I’m cool.”
John: “Alright, let’s go.”
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(They walked -- John walked and Brian wobbled -- to the ice rink. John effortlessly entered the rink and did a small twirl before facing Brian again.)
John: “I’m gonna warm up with a couple of laps. I’ll come back to get you. You can hang out here.”
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Brian: “What? And look like a doofus?”
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John: “Yeah!”
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Brian: “John! Johnnn!!! You jerk!”
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riskeith · 4 years
awwww i’m here now darling so you better feel amazing <33333
ok miss i see the subtle flex you just pulled on me, just say your team is op and go... :pp jk!! no but yeah if you’re stronger than the goddamn bosses it usually goes easily. can’t say i’ve seen those days in a while tho rip
YOU ARE MY BABY!!!!!! you could do a doodle for me and i’ll literally cry abt it until i die. ooooh that seems good tho??? especially ningguang and beidou... the ladies are making a comeback 🥴 i agree with you actually!! i’d love for chongyun to come back (so you can get his c6 mostly) and for selfish reasons i want razor to come back to... bc boy scouts. i really want the boy scouts... hope it happens soon tho 🥺
speaking of boy scouts i just got him.... xingqiu.. i felt so bad bc i know how much you want him... :( but i didn’t get any xiangling so. i lost successfully shskdhsk. also I WISH they had cross-server co-op more than ever at this moment bc then we could do our chongyun + xingqiu dates... 🥺
cluna you’re literally so cool! you work through them? help couldn’t be me. i get super annoyed and if it’s not working i’ll just let it go and write something else instead shskdhdksk. for instance, i was working on this fic two months ago and i got really far into it when i hit a writers block. so, its just been collecting dusts for months now. a couple days ago i accidentally stumbled upon it and realize the potential it had so i might pick it up sksjdkd. i was literally prepared to just let it rot like so many other fics i write. so yeah idk sometimes i just give up because it’s easier even if it hurts me bc i spent so much time writing them sjshdkdj. yikes.
right?? and when you write a fic that takes place during the day you can get inspired by the atmosphere outside!! and yes!! i have to study outside i can’t get anything done at home. i used to be able to do that when i was younger but now it feels sooo impossible. especially with online school and stuff. either i go to a library, cafe or school. although most of these are closed now so i have to book a room somewhere to study. do you have a specific area at home where you write or can you just sit down anywhere and study?
for sure!! if i had the space i’d absolutely consider buying more books. right now i just have them scattered around everywhere (even some in my makeup drawer shdjdh). do you have a bookshelf? 🥺 that’s so pretty...! what are some of your other favorites btw? oh grade school is basically class 1 to 9... so from 6 years old to 15? girl no worries i know how difficult it is to understand all of that. when my friends used to explain their countries school systems before i’d just sit like owl eyes.
THE ALBEDO FANART!!!!! during his quest i took sooo many screenshots god he’s just perfect. he’s such a gentle and sweet boy ughhhhh.... he’s been gone for 2 days and i already miss him. and xiao and aether are just... yeah... i love how everyone ships aether with the boys yet i don’t think i’ve ever seen lumine shipping fanart? let’s just say gay rights and leave it at that.
BEFORE I CLICKED ON THE LINK I HAD A FEELING IT WOULD BE THAT POST.... literally us!!!! don’t make one in america no worries!! idk why my acc was set to that lmao. i’ll make one in asia tonight and just hustle for a few weeks until i reach co-op (i think it was ar 15?) plus i really want aether so i’m kind of not so stressed about it tbh? god i’m actually so exciiiiiteeeeed...... 😭 you gotta promise you’ll help me with domains and bosses tho you’re gonna be at a much higher rank than me while i’ll just be a little nooby girl. 😭
thank you so much for the encouragement!!! ♥️
today i didn’t keep you waiting too long, hehe. i missed you too much. but you’re porobably asleep now though :( oh well, can’t wait to hear from you my love <333
hiya!! i’m still up bc i miscalculated the length of a fic chdjcnskjd and thought to check if you’d sent anything before i went to sleep!! made me v excited to see there was not only 1 but 2 asks from you hehe (also it’s 2am rn so apologies for any incoherence!!)
AHAHAH fjskdjskdn genuinely tho,,, i’m really happy with my team rn LOL. and noooo you’ll get there someday!! before your world level increases and you’re stuck being many levels below the bosses again fhdjdjkd it’s a cycle 😩
NFKSKDLAKS i wish i could manage even a doodle… drawing hair is literally my worst nightmare (along with drawing anything else tbh) and all the genshin charas have such complex layered hair ugh it’s like they don’t want me to even try. yass beiguang (idk if that’s their ship name) actual queens 👑. razor!!!! what a good boye. i love his idle animation so much, pls he deserves everything 🥺🥺 and you deserve to get the boy scouts!!! can’t wait for that day to come <33
AHHH!!!! no don’t feel bad i’m so happy for you omg… live out all my xingqiu-having dreams for me please 😩😩😩😩 our xingyun dates!!!! some day it’ll be a reality <333
DHJAJSHS nooooo fuck writer’s block 😤😤😤 but i hope you’re able to finish that fic now!! (vaguely, if you prefer) what’s it about? also i have plenty of fics/ideas just rotting too, but that’s usually bc i get caught up in a new idea which i like more ? i think? lmao so yeah i definitely do give up on my fics too omg wait do you have those fics where you’re like omg this concept is god tier i’m so big brained and then you write out a scene and then it’s like … wtf do i do with this now? HAHAHAH like my attention span is slowly too short to write any long af fics, i can’t stay dedicated or interested enough for that but a lot of the ideas i have have the potential to be those 300k 40 chapter slow burn etc etc so there are so many docs in my drive that are just. works with like 2-3 written scenes and an entirely fleshed out plan but i know i’ll never actually end up writing it bc of aforementioned factors lolllll. that’s another reason why i think about just releasing all my wips some day! so people can see all the ideas im unable to execute jfjsndns. do you [like] writing super long fics like that? i admire your tenacity if you do ahah
agreeeeeed <3 and oh i see!! i always feel like people who don’t study at home are so studious fjskdksk it gives off that kinda vibe for me 🤪 and i have a study! so i usually do most of my work there. sometimes tho when i get bored and if i’m not watching a lecture i’ll sit on my couch or on the floor and change things up a bit lolol
djxkkakdks omg don’t let your makeup ruin the books.. or is the makeup more important djskskks. i do have a bookshelf!! it has like… 6 levels? and it’s all full 😳😳 other faves are defs the hunger games (catching fire >>>>>>>>) and you know the others like percy jackson, divergent, the mortal instruments. oh and the maze runner!!!!!!! the prequel (? sequel???) is probably one of the recent books i’ve actually read, even tho that was like back in 2017 lmao. i liked the john green stuff too.. just a lot of the like. basic ones LMAO. hbu??
6-15??? damn that’s an interesting range djsksk i guess the closest for us would be primary school which covers ages 6-12!
albedo is legit SO prettt and for what. his hair, his eyes, his soft spoken manner. ugh 😩😩😩 and taking a bunch of screenshots is a big mood!! ooo i’ve seen some lumine ones but yeah def not a lot ! (i know there’s discourse surrounding that lmao) but yes gay rights 😤 wait that reminds me i saw the cutest razor pic the other day and saved it i’ll show you when i’m in a more awake state to attach the image fjdjnd
!!!!!! ours minds… actually connected 🧠
okay that sounds good!!! and yeah wtf why does co-op unlock so like late lol let us play together NOW 😤 and good luck with starting again!! and have fun with aether hehe we’ll be able to have both ours meet 🤪🤪 AND YES I PROMISE!!!! i’ll carry you until we’re both the same AR and we can suffer fighting bosses together <3 you can just sit back and watch me do all the work 🤪 i’m super excited too!!! 🤩🤩🤩 and thank you for doing thisss even tho i know you said you don’t mind but still!! 💗💘💝💕💓💗💞
no problem!!! i believe in you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
eagerly (but patiently) anticipating your response~ xo!
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lorencourtier · 4 years
discord thread || Loren & Jace
DISCORD THREAD FEATURING: Loren and Jace ( @jace-matthews )
WHEN: July 14th.
DESCRIPTION: Jace comes over to cook for Loren.
he walked up with bags fully in his hands and he walked up to Loren’s door and knocked lightly. “Loren! I’m here!” He called out, hands falling a little weak with the bags.
Loren immediately got up from his couch when he heard the knock and answered the door. “Hey beautiful! Let me help you with those.” He reached out for the bags and led Jace inside
Jace “thank god.” Jace smiled handing some of the bags to Loren and walking in, using his foot to shut the door. “I hope my cooking impresses you.”
Loren. ”I’m sure it will. I seem to thoroughly enjoy everything else that you do” he smiled. Placing the bags onto his counter he turned to face Jace directly, just taking in his features.
Jace “you really do. I don’t know. I’m so...not talented like that?” He laughed, starting to get out the right equipment to start cooking. “You wanna help me?” He asking smirking.
Loren. ”Don’t lie to me” he laughed. Blushing slightly as he watched Jace. “You are more talented than you give yourself credit for. And yes, I’d love to help.” July 14, 2020
Jace “I think I try to undermine myself because I don’t want to not be humble.” He shrugged. “Keeps me level headed, you know?” She smiled, handing him the shrimp and steak strips. “Sauté these for me?”
Loren. ”Yeah, I’m totally with you there” he nodded. “I try to stay humble myself. But I like to tease the idea” he grinned. Taking the food from him and nodding again. “You got it, babe.”
Jace “you are talented. You sing and you’re not even bad. I’ve also seen you dance and it’s not too terrible either.” He smiled at him. “I also think you’re quite talented in bed.” He smirked, starting to cut the vegetables. “You won’t burn them, right!?”
Loren. Loren blushed at all the compliments and shook his head. “No, I’m not that great. I have my faults. But I’ll take the in her compliment” he chuckled. Shaking his head once more. “No, but even if I do. We could always just make love instead” he grinned.
Jace “we all have our faults. I had to stop doing gymnastics because of my own faults.” He said to him, finishing up the veggies and starting to sauté them in a pan. “Make love, yeah? Is that what we’re doing?” She smirked.
Loren. Loren nodded his head as Jace talked. Chuckling to himself as how stupid he was being. “I bet youd be really good at gymnastics. You can really bend” he smirked.  Not even bothering to answer the next question
Jace ahhh the avoiding approach. It was cool. He didn’t expect Loren to answer. “Let’s just day I’m pretty flexible.” He mused, turning towards Loren, bringing his face towards his and pressing a kiss to his lips. “I’d make love with you any day.” He said lowly, pecking his lips once more before turning his focus to his pan.
Loren. He just shrugged, not really knowing what to say. But his blush definitely stayed in place on his cheeks as Jace continued taking. “Yes, you are, and I’d love to make love to you anytime as well.” He pecked him back and giggled. Going back to sautéing as he bit his lip
Jace “we’ll make sure that’s next on our little plan.” He smirked, getting his vegetables all nice and soft. “How’s the meat?” He asked him. “Once it’s done, we can mix these veggies in and eat up!” He turned around, looking for the tortilla wraps. “Shit please tell me i didnt forget the wraps.”
Loren. ”I would absolutely love that” he smiled. His eyes focusing on what he was doing now as he laughed. “It’s okay I think” he shrugged. “I’ll be honest with you. I never cook so i don’t know.” He watched Jace look for the wraps and then grabbed his arm. “I think I have some if you did. It’s okay.”
Jace he looked over at the stove and saw the shrimp was pink and the meat was brown, evenly on both sides. “I think you did good!” He smiled, tossing his veggies in with him. “Now we’re just going to get these all mixed up.” He smiled coming up behind him and placing his hand over Loren’s, helping him toss the vegetables.
Loren. Loren definitely felt proud of himself when Jace said he did good. A wide smile spreading across his face as he watched the other male mix the veggies in. He turned his head to look at Jace  once his hand was on his continuing to smile as leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Thank you for making me dinner” was all he said before looking back at the pan and humming at the smell.
Jace “you’re welcome, baby.” Okay maybe it was too soon for the pet names but Jace was really starting to feel a connection with Loren. He was cute. Really cute. And the way he spoke to jace made Jace feel wanted. He kissed on his neck as he stood behind him, watching the veggies over the meat. “I think we’re ready if you can get those wraps for me.”
Loren. God, if Jace kept calling him baby like that and complimenting him the way he was. He was definitely gonna be in trouble. His lips pressed to his neck and now he was standing behind him and Loren could feel the heat that was radiating from his body. “Okay” he breathed out a bit seductively. Turning around to be face to face with Jace before smiling idiotically. “I’ll bet them baby.”
Jace the minute Loren turned around, they were inches from each other’s face. He bit his lip looking at Loren and stood up straight before pushing him back against the stove, snickering a bit. “I’ll wait.” He teased, noticing how he still hadn’t moved.
Loren. His breath hitched as Jace pushed him back against the stove. God, the effect Jace had on him was impossible to withstand. “Okay” he breathed out again, this time with a nod. God damn Loren control yourself he thought to himself. Stepping around Jace to get the tortillas before coming up behind him and wrapping his arm around him to kiss the back of his shoulder. Well control didn’t work. “I get em. Here ya go” he said, handing them to the other male without moving an inch
Jace it was funny to see how Loren was so easy to get going but Jace loved it. It’s what made him so adorable. “Okay.” He repeated, knowing that was the second time he had said it and watched as he grabbed the wraps, pressing a kiss to jace’s shoulder. “Hmmmm are you sure you’re hungry?” He asked him, taking the wraps out of his hands and placing them in the microwave to warm them a bit.
Loren. ”Oh yeah, I’m definitely hungry” he nodded. Widening his eyes a bit for emphasis as he watched Jace heat up the tortillas. “I’m really excited to taste your cooking. It smells amazing.”‘Of course his voice was still low and seductive but he was trying so hard to calm the fuck down. What was it about this boy that had him bursting at the seams every time he spoke?
Jace “hungry for food?” Jace teases, the sound of the microwave pinging at least 3 times before he brought it out and placed it down by the meat they had just prepared. “Let’s did in!” He smiled, grabbing 2 plates and starting to plate them up. “The best thing about fajitas? You don’t need salsa.”
Loren. ”Mhm, and other things” he replied with a chuckle. Watching Jace prepare everything like the perfect boyfriend material he was. “Oh yeah, I’m not a big salsa fan. But I love queso.” He stepped closer to Jace after her prepared the plates and smiled widely. “These look so amazing. I can’t wait to try it.”
Jace “other things like what?” He asked him, winking and he cheered almost like he was at a football game. “Queso is the fucking bomb!” He said, excitedly. “I have some of you want to use it. We just have to heat it up!” He smiled, pulling out the small bin he had brought over. “Yes try it and DONT kiss my ass. Give me an honest opinion.”
Loren. ”Other things like you” he grinned. Jace’s wink causing him to chuckle lightly. “You do? God, your the best you know that?” He grabbed one of the tortillas as Jace heated up the queso and he took a pretty good sized bite. “Mmm that’s so good” he hummed. Closing his eyes as he savored the taste. “Babe, id only kiss your ass during foreplay. Don’t worry” he winked himself. “This is really so good. You’re my new chef” he mused.
Jace “Oh my god.” Jace laughed, pulling the queso out of the microwave and handing it to Loren so he could use it, taking a bite of his own food. “You mean to tell me I got the job? What’s my schedule look like? Am I to be here every single night making you dinner?” He smirked, taking another bite. “I mean...I wouldn’t mind.”
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Chapter 95: Love Again
Hello folks, we’re back! I know I said I wouldn’t touch this series again, until I needed some motivation for working on False Idol but I’ve decided to kind of add an addendum to the rule.  Now whenever I miss an update, I must read one chapter of BCB and make a rant in order to make up for the lack of content as well as being punishment for myself.  As some of you know, if you read the author’s notes in the most recent page of False Idol; I had my wisdom teeth removed a week or so ago.  Which kept me out of it and ended up making me miss an update.  And as such we must pick up where we left off, here!  And boy is this chapter going to be interesting!
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See?  This guy gets it!
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We start the chapter off wi-
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Oh my god, what’s wrong with your face?
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Anyway, Daisy’s talking about her upcoming birthday party an-
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OH MY GOD!  What’s wrong with your face?
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But anyway, Paulo’s doing his usual shtick now of giving Daisy that sub-zero cold shoulder.  This time, by diverting his attention away to some random girl next to him and flirting with her.  While at the same time treating us to a classic meme.
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Oh Paulo, you silly fool.  In either case, this part drags on a bit too long with Paulo remarking things a bit brash but par for the course for his new passive aggressive nature towards Daisy. It wouldn’t be too bad actually, if it was just this page but…
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Hello, Madison.
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Your input and presence is always welcome.  
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It sure is interesting seeing her interact with new bitchy Paulo...
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So basically, Madison is upset about Paulo flirting with the random girl.  And she’s acting as a sledgehammer to drive the point home that we’re supposed to be upset about Paulo flirting with this random girl, even though we’ve clearly seen the context of the situation and know he was doing it primarily to be a passive aggressive douche and ignore Daisy.  But oh I guess, this is still a bad thing. It just seems forced, I mean if you wanted to make this more serious why not have this sort of thing as its own chapter? Spend time showing us more of this to help strengthen this motivation, the only other time I can think of where Paulo was leering at someone else was with Sandy, before that was Boy Toy where it was more about Paulo trying to reaffirm his sexuality than anything.  And you can’t really blame the guy for not wanting to tie the knot.  Given his track record for romance, every time things start to get serious, or he tries to put his all into a relationship, it just crumbles apart and he ends up losing that friend and the bridge is never repaired.  Of course he’d be scared the same would happen to Rachel if he was to try and do the same with her and he doesn’t want that.  But why bring this up now?  This whole drama should be its own chapter, why is it forced in here in this chapte-
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Oh…I see…
I’m at the bottom of that bottle.  Numb my senses, drown my sorrows, and I’m like “oh damn I’d done it again, oh damn I’d done it again.”
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But back to the comic, we see Taeshi experimenting with some advanced paneling techniques.  Specifically, out of box paneling with Daisy.  
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And as a fellow “artiste” I see that this is clearly meant to be a visual connection for how Daisy’s mood and the tone of the comic shifts from this scene to the last time she did this in the start of the chapter.  As well as serving as a scene transition smoothly ushering us to this part of the story. It’s very well done, and quite brave.
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Or perhaps, this is just Daisy finally achieving critical mass, and the comic can no longer contain her girth!  She’s breaking out of the comic!  She can not be contained!  EVERYONE RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!  SHE’S GOING TO KILL US ALL!
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Okay, but all jokes aside, I actually like this scene.  We see Daisy talk about her frustrations and guilt with Paulo, and Mike gives some helpful advice as we see them actually trying to work through this problem!  
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Oh shut the fuck up, Abbey!  Mike for once is giving some good advice!  Yes!  Remember kids, talk things out and try to work through it!  And this scene really helps us to empathize with Daisy, I can especially relate to her for this.
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Don’t look at me like that Mike.  You don’t know me.  
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In either case, I do appreciate this talk.  It seems like Taeshi is finally having the characters take a proactive approach to their drama an-
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It her!  The moment we’ve all been waiting for! LOOK!
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And look!  All the friends are gathering round and are just as excited!  That’s right Mike!  Cower in the corner there, this isn’t about you! (wait, how the fuck did he get back off to there when she was apparently inches from his face?) But…something doesn’t seem right.
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And I’m not just talking about fucking creepy ass Abbey over here, looming over everyone with that ominously dead smile.  Wait, what’s that?
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Oh my god, what’s wrong with her face?
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That literally looks like she doesn’t have a mouth, but rather she just took lipstick and smeared it on her face to look like a smile.  Alright time for the big rant, here it comes!  Because it was at this moment, that I realized this chapter was the birth of what is my personal biggest artistic pet peeve for BCB. FUCKING TRIANGLE MOUTHS!  LOOK AT THIS SHIT!  WHY?!  WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?  You know how much I hate this face?  I HATE IT MORE THAN I HATE THE GIGANTIC HEADS!  THAT’S HOW MUCH I HATE THESE MOUTHS!  Because it’s not just lazy as fuck, but even more than that, it’s not just distracting, but it ruins what should be a very heartfelt and emotional scene! How the hell am I supposed to take any of these faces seriously?!  
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These triangle mouths are so fucking bad, that I can’t appreciate this scene and what’s happening. I can’t fully empathize or read how this character is feeling because of these mouths!  It’s not just ugly, but it feels forced!  It takes me out of the scene, because that’s not a normal expression! It’s the same problem I had with the XD face, Paulo made here.
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Well okay, I had a much bigger problem going on with this panel than the expression.  But I can accept this here, or at least overlook it, because this is meant to be a joke.  It’s a stupid and unfunny joke, but it is a joke, and thus not meant to be taken seriously. THIS FUCKING SCENE WITH LUCY SHOULD BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY!   BUT IT CAN’T BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY WHEN ALL I CAN THINK OF IS
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But whatever, y’know? We’re not here for that, we’re here for Lucy.  At least she’s here, at least we can get some answers, and the characters care and are as hungry as we are for information what do we know?
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Okay, she was in a private school?  Uhh, okay. I figured she’d be in asylum or something, for some mental rehabilitation.  But okay, I guess she went to a private school for the rest of her sophomore year.  Cool, I guess?
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Ahhh yes!  Sue!  Asking how she’s been doing, and of course not that well.  Which, is a given.  Not much info there.  But come on! We as readers have been waiting with baited breath to know more about Lucy!  This is a 50 page chapter I’m sure we’ll learn a bit about her recovery, and her experience, how she feels an-
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Oh…Okay…that’s fine too. Uhh alright then, but-
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Oh!  Hello, Paulo!
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And hello Abbey, where the fuck did you come from?  Did your Paulo Senses start tingling, and you had to make sure we all were aware that you do not like him?  That’s cool.  Actually, I like this part of the scene.  It brings things back to a more lighthearted flavor, and it’s very refreshing after everything else.  
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I especially like this joke.  It’s a nice bit of fan service for those of us who remember and appreciate the lighthearted slapstick that Lucy and the comic used to bring.  This scene really shows us more than anything else so far that this is Lucy.  She’s back, and she’s still got that take-no-shit attitude.  I love it.
Oh wait, no I mean
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But Blessed Lucy just smiles and gives Daisy a nice little present and says “Shut up bitch cow.  Go eat some bitch grass.”  And the rest of the scene is centered around Mike cowering away from Lucy, until lunchtime where
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Paulo tries to get her attention and bring her to the table.  Lucy though, doesn’t want to join them.  Seemingly due to not wanting to make things more awkward with Mike.  But Paulo persists, wanting to catch up with Lucy and hopefully get more answers from her especially given how the last time he saw her she asked him to make out with her. But…
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Holy shit, Sue are you…Are you pulling a…Gillete?
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Is this the best a fan can get?
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Sue says this, which I can understand.  Lucy is still recovering from her traumatic experience, and of course doesn’t want to talk about it right now.  Understandable, and Lucy of course is distraught by this.  She doesn’t like her friends fighting like this, and is pretty overwhelmed and probably guilty for the fact her reappearance has only sparked more drama and in-fighting.  
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But then Sue and Paulo are so focused on getting what they want, Sue being too focused on being supportive and protective of Lucy, and Paulo being too focused on trying to get answers that neither of them realize that Lucy has already gone.  Not being able to bear to watch her friends fight over her, and not siding with either side…
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Oh wait, sorry.  No that’s just what I would’ve liked to happen, since that would’ve made sense and line up with her behavior so far.  No, instead Lucy smugly walks away and thanks Susan for fighting her battles for her like an asshole.   And this is the moment where a big red flag went off, and sirens were ringing in my head. That this thing is not Lucy, or rather not the Lucy I know.  Not the Lucy I love.  But what you probably already know.  Not the Lucy I write.  
I know, it’s not fair to bring up my own stuff and compare it to the canon, but I feel compelled to given that Sue’s behavior here is very in line with how she acted in January.
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Sue was VERY defensive of Lucy, (as well as very angry at Paulo) but the part where January actually deviates from the canon (unintentionally) is how Lucy feels about that sort of thing.
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What that chicken scratch writing is supposed to say is, “I don’t want to be that person.  I don’t want to hurt anyone anymore.”  Sue was very protective of Paulo, but Lucy made it clear that she didn’t want that.  She didn’t want her friends fighting and near the end she says this:
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Lucy would not like seeing this sort of thing happen to her friends.  She’d feel guilty as anyone else would to see the people they loved or at least cared for start fighting over them.   Now, I know, this is my own interpretation of the canon and of course I’m fuckin’ wrong because I’m not Taeshi.  But I bring up the comparison, because if you remember my previous rants you’d know that January was meant to be a faithful story to BCB.  These points aren’t just because it’s how I want Lucy to be, or because that’s how I made Lucy be…It’s because this was honestly what I thought Lucy would be. When she’s broken, the reoccurring message from Lucy is:
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Did you get the message? It’s that the last thing Lucy wanted was to make things worse for her friends (in the case of the January examples: Mike).  But I guess this is just what I wanted to see, and I’m sure someone is going to be happy and wanted to see Lucy feed the fire, and see her friends act like this. And I’m sure all that they will get out of this part of the rant is me saying to the canon:
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But anyway what’s happening in the canon?  I kinda forgo-
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OH MY GOD!  Holy shit, things are getting heated!  While everyone scratches their heads, wondering what’s going on with Lucy, Paulo goes straight to the source an-  
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OH MY GAWD WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOUR FAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!?  Seriously, that face is really undercutting the tension and severity of this scene.  And this is a very tense scene, let me appreciate it. 
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Paulo is taking no shit right now!  He is at his breaking point!  He is fed up and wants some god damn answers!  He’s going a bit too far, but it helps to show how fed up and frustrated he is. Finally snapping at Daisy, but of course now Abbey steps in to defend his lady’s honor.  But it’s a bad move!  Paulo is in his no-fucks mode!  He’s finally gonna reveal what happened!  And-
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Oh what the fuck is that face?
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Oh come on, not like this…
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At least Daisy’s taking this seriously, but again!
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But fuck you, I’m not gonna let these shitty expressions clearly meant to paint Paulo as a bad person even when he’s completely justified and is actually the fucking victim here; ruin my catharsis, luckily Daisy is here to take this seriously.
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That’s right, Daisy!  Put his feet to the fire!  Don’t let him get away with this!  And Abbey, what kind of bullshit excuse is that? What do you mean by “the way he’s been acting lately”  You mean being passive aggressive, ignoring Daisy, or as one might say…
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Staying away from her? Wanna know why I hate Abbey?  This is why.  
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Thankfully, Daisy is standing her ground and acting like Daisy and caring about her friend being hurt.
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BUT OF COURSE ABBEY HAS TO MAKE IT ABOUT HIMSELF DOESN’T HE?  OH YOU POOR THING, I’M SORRY I DON’T HAVE SYMPATHY FOR THE ABUSE VICTIM WHO ASSAULTS A MOTHERFUCKER WITH COWARDICE, WHILE STILL HAVING THE GALL TO ACT LIKE HE DID NOTHING WRONG! It’s like we’re supposed to feel sorry for Abbey, that Daisy’s turned on him and taking Paulo’s side.  But how the fuck is she supposed to react to that?  “Oh I don’t care that you got chokeslammed, Paulo!  You’re still an asshole and deserved it, and Abbey was just protecting himself!” 
And to make all this better,
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I take back every bad thing I ever said or thought about you, David!  You are a 100% certified Good Boy!  You took the words right out of my mouth!  You’re getting a treat tonight boy!  You ain’t getting no kibble and bits tonight, you’re getting the fancy feast! I bet you didn’t know Fancy Feast had food for dogs!  That’s how fancy it is!  Good boy!
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But anyway, the chapter then goes on to show Lucy wandering the grounds. Perhaps ruminating on memories there, or perhaps looking for something…or someone~
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Or at least that’s how this chapter should’ve gone, instead we’re treated to watching a bit more Abbey.  And we’re supposed to feel sorry for him.  Oh boo hoo, I ruined my own relationship.  Why does nobody agree with me.  Actually hold on, I have something for this.
“They called it assault, but it really wasn’t my fault!  Everyone else is an asshole.”
But for real, why are we focusing on Abbey?  Lucy’s here, shouldn’t we be focusing on her?  What the hell could be happening to Abbey now that would warrant our attentio-
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Y’know, I thought I was a bit harsh back in the day when I referred to Jasmin as a cockwarmer.  I thought it was just a funny, yet apt title for her character pretty much being created solely to be shipped with Paulo after Tess, and later to be thrown away when his true ship reveals itself.  
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BUT OH MY GOD, JASMINE LITERALLY IS JUST A NARRATIVE COCK WARMER!  Cause this whole fandom and drama is centered around shipping, just can’t let one character go unshipped!  Nuh uh, gotta force Jasmine in there to keep it warm! I hope you’re happy together in background hell!
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But okay, NOW we can talk about Lucy.  She wanders around until…
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A wild edgy boy appears! And oh man…
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I ain’t gonna lie.
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I fucking love this scene. I feel like this is how this chapter and reunion should’ve been.  
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See this is why I get so mad about those scenes, because I know even with my cynical, jaded, hardened, and worn out heart.  Taeshi knows exactly how and what to do to tug at my heartstrings no matter what.  And this scene is an excellent example.  It’s not just seeing these characters we love reunite, but the feeling and dialogue mirrors the feeling that we as readers felt reuniting with Lucy.  And the good stuff doesn’t stop there!
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Not gonna lie, this got a chuckle out of me.  Seeing Lucy acting like herself again, talking like she used to.  It’s the first time we see her open up and act like the Lucy we know and love.
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Oh wait, sorry I mean.
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Shut up bitch cow, go eat some bitch grass.
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But as I was saying, this scene is really the highlight of this chapter.  Even when it turns our attention away from Lucy, it’s done with purpose.  
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It’s a well done scene that reminds us about Alejandro, and that he’s still out there, and that he is still a big threat to these characters.          It’s a well done scene, showing the close relationship between Lucy and Augustus contrasted by her treatment towards her original friends.  Not only that but we also are reminded of Augustus’ predicament and with it we get a good example of the amount of power Alejandro has over him.  But even better, we see a bit of that fire inside Lucy that made us love her, that determined headstrong mentality that made Lucy, Lucy.  
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And I know I already did my obligatory January comparisons for the rant, but I just have to bring this back because I said it first.
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And the scene ends with Lucy hinting at a dark missing piece of the past, before telling Augustus to meet her after class.  
But enough of that good stuff, we need to spend some time with our-
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Favorite character in the world.  Even when she’s not being a mad bitch, she’s still not likable. Especially not with…
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Why must you be like this? I just gave you praise.  
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But aww isn’t this nice too?
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Look at how sweet this is, Sam!
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Aren’t you happy to see all this love for Rachel?
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Isn’t this nice, Sam? You love Rachel!  She’s the best character, right?  Don’t you love Rachel?
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Sam?  Sam, why are you crying?  What’s wrong?  This is a happy scene!  Aren’t you happy that Rachel has such close loving friends, Sam?  How could you be sad about this?
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Okay, but for real this scene can fuck off.  I know what you’re doing Taeshi, and it’s MEAN!  THAT’S JUST MEAN! On top of that, this whole section has nothing to do with anything else in this chapter.  I would’ve glossed over all of this part if not for
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What. The. Fuck. Is. This. Character.
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But luckily we’re back to Lucy!  Look Sam!
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It’s Lucy!  You love Lucy, don’t you?  We’ve waited three long years, seen characters get destroyed, characters rebuilt, we’ve gone through all the pain, but it’s all worth it.  We can finally spend time with Lucy, and Augustus! We’re gonna get those answers!  We’re gonna see how she’s been!  She’s going to turn this train around! She’s gonna-
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Well at least Augustus calls her out on that melodramatic bullshit, but for real.  What is this?
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At least we can spend some time with Lucy’s family, and it’s nice to see how much they care.  I just wish Lucy would reciprocate that a little. To quote my friend from the discord, paraphrasing Lucy, “As you can see I am largely unscathed.  Unlike when I attempted to kill myself recently.”  And people thought that Lucy having Mike feel her scar to show the truth was her being rude and manipulating.
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Still, I can appreciate the chemistry, and it is pretty fun.  If not a bit hollow, but that might just be this giant hole in my chest cavity that Taeshi created.  
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But Lucy drops the bomb, and
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Oh ho, you motherfucker I know what’s comin’.  You all know what’s comin’ and I am gonna be ready to lay on the hurt.  I only saw two pages of this scene, but I already have more than enough to say.   I’m about to get surgical on your ass.  This rant is already hella long, and I don’t want this scene getting shuffled in with all this other crap.  Oh no.
This scene… It deserves my full and undivided attention.
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13 notes · View notes
magioftheseas · 5 years
It’s Such A Waste
KamuKoma Week Day 1: childhood lovers / soulmates
alt: hope / despair
Summary: Kamukura Izuru doesn't feel anything except resentment for everything and everyone else. Such resentment is kindled while his feelings for that wayward childhood friend of his remain. Predictably, this is a dire descent.
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions of violence but nothing graphically described. Also some unhealthy behavior.
Notes: First fic for the new KamuKoma Week this year! And we’re starting off with a...weird one. It’s not like a certain fic from last year, but uh, considering the prompts, it *is* in a similar vein, huh. I wanted to write a “descent into despair” fic for this kind of AU, basically, and my mind was all over the place. I feel like you can tell. Well. Please enjoy anyway. :>
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
Commission? Donate?
“Kamukura-senpai, was it?”
Her smile is bright and cheerful, twisted like a carnivorous plant. Like any other predator, she flashes her teeth.
“I’ve heard about you,” she says, humming. “Quite the lone wolf, eh?”
“Why is this your concern?” His own gaze narrows. “There is no reason for our pathways to intersect, as we are of different classes and grades. And yet, here you are. Your regard is not one driven by mere curiosity, it seems.”
Her lips part.
“Ooh. Is that your talent?”
“You know the answer and yet you ask to be cheeky. How boring.” I can already see through this girl’s saccharine farce. “I implore once again. Why are you so concerned with my existence? Is there a role you wish for me to play? A means in which I can be useful to you? I am not interested either way. You are obvious. Transparent. Blatant. A simpleton. You are boring.”
Her smile twitches, just the slightest bit.
“Wow,” she sighs, inhaling. “You’re one fucking guy.”
She skips forward, placing her well-manicured hands on his chest.
“I think we’ll get along just swimmingly, senpai. After all, I think we’re pretty similar.” Her expression softens. “If there’s anyone who understands me, then surely it’s you, Ultimate Analyst, Kamukura Izuru-senpai.”
He has always known that he was particularly gifted for a child. He was always told as much, always expected of as much. He supposes that someone as himself was destined to never live a normal life from the start. When one is beloved by talent, those who lack it are attracted like ticks to cattle.
He has grown used to and weary of such inevitabilities. Even those extraordinary in one regard are predictable and expectably needy and clingy. People are all the same when it comes to what they want but do not have.
Parasitic. But predictable. And boring. So very, very boring. He has no need for such neediness. It is sickening.
His childhood friend is already such a dire case.
“Ah! Everyone’s so bright! It’s beautiful...!”
His worthless, useless childhood friend who coos over their class pictures like a starving dog over scraps of meat.
“They all look so happy, they’re shining... So, so beautiful... Isn’t it wonderful that everyone’s getting along so wonderfully?” he murmurs, marveling. “Aha... Hahaha... It’s just a shame that your face is dour as always, Izuru-kun.”
“I do not see why our class excites you so,” Kamukura replied drearily. “They are all the same. Wretched and clingy. If it were not for the Class Rep, they would be utterly directionless. And...”
They are not kind to you.
“Doesn’t that just make the Class Rep even better?” his childhood friend asks, eyes wide. “Oh, Izuru-kun, you really should be more open to her. You likely won’t regret it.”
“Boring. So boring.” Kamukura’s gaze flickers to one where the entire class is posing and grinning. All of them save for two. Himself, as he was the one to take the picture. And save for his childhood friend, who had been out sick. This picture is their teacher’s favorite. “I could not be less interested, especially in regards to someone so narrow-minded.”
“Spoken like a shallow cynic,” the other sighs. “Izuru-kun, for a symbol of hope, despite being so incredible and splendid in your own right, you really are disappointing...”
There is nothing to say to that.
“Is there really nothing at Hope’s Peak that peaks your interest?”
There was still nothing to say.
“Ahhh. You might just be hopeless, then. How sad. That’s so horrible... Izuru-kun...”
Is it really hopelessness? Is it really horrible? Is it really—?
“Nagito.” It does not matter. He does not care. Not about any of that. “How are you feeling?”
He places his hand over Nagito’s flushed forehead, noting how his childhood friend’s wretched, wan cheeks darken from a rising blush.
“You are still feverish. I see.”
Nagito coughs so much that his eyes are watery. He manages to regain himself after Kamukura rubs his back.
“Aha. Hahaha. It’s not like it really matters. I’m still suspended,” he says, smile twisted. “Izuru-kun, seriously. Your school life is going to waste the longer you bother with me. Sensei wouldn’t like that.”
You always say such things. As if such matters concerned me at all. They do not.
All these years and you still don’t understand, Nagito?
“Boring. So boring. I have nothing better to do than tend to you, Nagito.”
“Aw, that’s definitely not true... Flatterer...” Nagito’s giggle is wheezy, painful, and anything but endearing. “You should be leading the world’s future with everyone else, Izuru-kun. You should be generating the Ultimate Hope.”
“Boring. So boring.”
He thinks about how easy it would be to twist his childhood friend’s thin, delicate neck where there had once been scars from rope.
This person who talks of the future is someone who draws closer and closer to death, both willingly and inevitably.
“It’s booooooring, isn’t it?”
“Upupupupu. Senpai, despite that stoicism, you’re actually pretty easy to read, too.”
“You hate it, don’t you? This world. This place. That’s why you can’t even be bothered to perk up a little. You’re so gloomy. It’s so sad. So...despairing!”
“Senpai, we’re the same, aren’t we?”
Her arms lock around his own, and she presses up close.
“Aren’t we?”
“It really is a shame.”
“Such a tragedy.”
“What a waste.”
“What a horrible thing to happen.”
“It’s unfortunate. But...”
“...what’s going to be done about the child? Komaeda-san and his wife don’t have any relatives, do they?”
The chattering was obnoxious, especially when done in pseudo quiet whispers. The only one truly quiet because they truly did not want to be heard was Komaeda Nagito, sobbing softly behind the building.
He doesn’t even notice when he’s being approached. He’s curled into a ball. He’s trembling. He’s crying after hours of blankly nodding and acknowledging every adult who attended the funeral. He does stir when poked in the shoulder, but tears continue to spill over as his breath hitches.
“I...I... Izuru-kun...”
His face is frankly disgusting. Swollen and leaking from every orifice save for those reddened ears. The red-brown strands are stuck to his skin, damp from various fluids. It’s disgusting.
He sits beside him, staring up at him. Nagito’s disgusting face buries itself in his shoulder.
“I-I’m sorry... I-I’m so...sorry...”
Without really thinking, his fingers run through those red-brown strands. The ones that are dry are also soft to the touch. It’s not unpleasant, unlike everything else.
“Izuru-kun... U-Uu... S-Sorry...”
“It is fine.”
His parents had them interact in order to impress Nagito’s parents. Now, to continue interacting was utterly unnecessary.
And yet, he had no desire to be anywhere else besides the side of this person who clearly, truly needed him. Not for any particular reason than for the general, instinctual desire for companionship.
“It’s fine, Nagito.”
“It’s so boooooring,” she sighs. “And exhausting. Watching a bunch of needy self-serving fucks tail each other. It really makes me so sick that I could just throooow up!”
She’s pressing into his side. She reeks of sickeningly sweet strawberries. He inwardly thinks of Nagito, who just smelled of sterile hospital rooms and soap. These two are nothing alike. It goes without saying that Nagito’s presence is preferred.
Nagito would not cling to him like this. Not anymore. Not when he’s been deemed a disappointment.
“Don’t you wanna see it burn to the ground?” she asks. “Wouldn’t it be way fucking better if everything just burned to the fucking ground?”
He thinks of how Nagito’s eyes had sparkled when they gazed upon this school for the first time. How his pale hands tightly gripped his acceptance letter. How his knees quaked and bucked.
Nagito had not always cared so much about talent. This wretched place ruined him. So, perhaps.
“Perhaps that would be better,” he murmured. “If it was just reduced to ash.”
It would not make much of a difference, that said. Hope’s Peak Academy was emblematic of the world’s follies and frivolities, but it was merely the refined product. Burning the campus to the ground would not dissipate the poison already sunken into the earth.
But it would be damn satisfying.
Wouldn’t it.
Especially with how this school had affected his Nagito and warped him for the worst.
Her smile is a knowing one. He does not return it.
She gives him another knowing smile when he sees her latched onto a certain Tsumiki Mikan’s arm in passing. He does not return that, either.
“Has Junko been harassing you?”
He twitches, but his expression remains unchanged.
“It is but a minor trifle, Matsuda Yasuke.”
Matsuda’s look darkens, but he shrugs his shoulders over it.
“If you say so. But don’t let her hear you say that.”
“It does not matter. Nothing she does will ever matter to me, Matsuda Yasuke.”
“Sure, sure.” He waves his hand. “But you have been in a worse fucking mood lately. More agitated. You’re usually somewhat complacent so what the hell’s your problem?”
“...nothing. Nothing at all.”
Matsuda, predictably, looks unimpressed.
“Sure. Nothing. Komaeda’s suspension is going to end pretty soon, huh?”
“Yes. It is.”
“Tell him to come visit me right away, will you? Dumbass still doesn’t have a cell phone, so...”
“I will. Of course. You are his doctor, after all.” He speaks the words lowly. “So of course. I will.”
Matsuda snorted, averting his gaze back to the open manga in his hand.
“No need to be such a bitch about it. I swear.” A pause. “You really, really should stay away from Junko. With how irritable you’ve been? She’ll get under your skin big time.”
“But, you know.” Matsuda flips the page. “She’s actually told me about how you more or less let her chat your fucking ear off. That’s curious.” He shuts the book. “Stay the hell away from her. For your own sake.”
“...” Kamukura tilts his head. “What an odd thing to say about your childhood friend.”
“I mean it,” he hissed. “It’d be a pain in the fucking ass if you got caught up in one of her schemes. If not for yourself, don’t get involved in something dumb for Komaeda’s sake.”
He does not dislike Matsuda Yasuke, not truly. Of all other elite students, himself excluded, he is one of the very few who tolerates and even indulgences Nagito’s rambles. Nagito especially adores Matsuda Yasuke, even compared to his adoration for all elite students. He does not dislike him, for that. He understands the kind of person Matsuda Yasuke is, and on some level, he does appreciate it.
Matsuda Yasuke is not the type to bring up sentimental matters lightly. He knows this. That said.
That said.
“She is not wrong about every little thing she says,” Kamukura finds himself saying. “Not when it comes to Hope’s Peak.”
You are not spared from any of that, kind as you may be. You’re complacent.
You have no right to talk about what’s best for Nagito when you’re complacent.
“Kamukura,” Matsuda responds warningly. “Look, I’m serious...”
“You bore me. I have no interest in furthering this conversation.”
“Urgh.” Matsuda rolled his eyes. “Fine. But don’t say I didn’t fucking warn you.”
From someone like you, I really don’t need to hear it.
Truth be told, he’s never much cared for Hope’s Peak from the start.
Perhaps that’s privileged of him. But it was how he felt. It had always been how he felt.
Especially back then. And especially when ‘back then’ had to change because of it.
“Kamukura Izuru-kun, was it? That’s a pretty interesting name. How do you spell it?”
“Is there something you want?”
“Testy, testy.” The man smiles wryly, tugging down his hat. “I’ve heard things about you. So I decided to size you up for myself. Nothing wrong with that, riiiight?”
Of course, he had already known who this person was. Everyone did. To be approached was an experience most could only dream of. He is aware of the fact that his classmates both admire and resent him, and this will only fester those feelings further.
But it’s not those menial nobodies he’s concerned about.
“Hm. You seem to have a lot on your mind, kid,” the man hummed.
“You seem slightly buzzed,” Kamukura retorted. “Your collar is wrinkled, there are stains on your shirt that you have poorly hidden behind your jacket, your face is not consistently shaven. You keep tugging down your hat because you are nervous, even though your smile is so plastered that you must have been in this situation several times over already. Are you really a representative of Hope’s Peak Academy...? It seems the school is more stressful than paradisiacal if you’re any indication. Kizakura-san, was it?”
“Yep.” Kizakura’s grin widened as he held up a hand. “That’s me. And no doubt about it, you’re the real deal.”
Real deal. As if talent is something you can fake.
“With all due respect, I have no interest in enrolling,” he said. “My childhood friend is sickly and susceptible. I have no intention of leaving him to the world’s mercy.”
Nagito suffers enough as it is. But... Once he hears about this...
“I would like for you to report that I am not what you had assumed, that you were disappointed,” he said, lowly so that no one else would hear. “I am not a desirable addition. Something along those lines.”
Kizakura’s grin twisted.
“You don’t want your friend to feel guilty, eh? Remarkably loyal kid, I see.” With that, he pulls out his card. “I can respect that. But, you really do have a place at Hope’s Peak. There’s no one quite like you, Kamukura-kun.”
Adults say that all the time. What boring, worthless words.
“Besides,” Kizakura adds cheekily. “Who knows? That friend of yours might be the winner of the lottery.”
Kamukura takes the card to be polite, nodding and saying nothing more. Even with those words, he had full intention of throwing it away once out of sight.
Of course, once he had the opportunity, it was as if the other had been summoned.
He hides the card expertly, in such a way that even Nagito wouldn’t notice. Nagito, who was flushed with sparkling eyes. Against his paling hair, such features stood out even more.
“I-I heard you were approached by a scout for Hope’s Peak!” he burst out. “Is that really true?”
“It is. But I may not be accepted, Nagito.”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Nagito takes his hands and squeezes them tightly. “Someone as amazing as you? You belong there, Izuru-kun!”
I would rather be by your side above all else, Nagito.
He only sighs.
“We shall see. But please do not concern yourself for now, Nagito.” Nagito’s frown deepens, but he squeaks when Kamukura pulls a hand free to ruffle his hair. “You have not overexerted yourself, have you?”
“Izuru-kun, I’m not five...”
“If you collapse again, it will be worrying.”
“You worry too much...”
“You need to take care, Nagito.”
Yes, regardless of what would happen, he had decided that he would remain by Komaeda Nagito’s side, always.
(And of course, when Nagito showed up on his doorstep, with both an acceptance letter and medical papers in his trembling grip, Kamukura knew his fate was sealed, and after reading through both as Nagito fidgeted anxiously at his table, he resented Hope’s Peak Academy a little more.)
“Yep! It’s pretty damn sickening! How do you think the reserve students keep themselves from rioting, I wonder?”
The reserve course...are ticks. So I do not care for them. They are not like Nagito.
“That saaaaaid, our fellow student body is so carefree that it’s mind-numbingly boring. Just pass the exams and you’re fiiiine, jeez, how’s that supposed to shape them for the future? It’s just going to make them duller and duller. We need spice! Something like—like a burst!”
A burst...perhaps that would be more interesting. As it is, there is a precarious, wretched system in place. One that Nagito is swayed by and fixated on. Something so dreary and cold...
He’s so bored by it.
“More than anything, I want to see the Ultimate Hope spring forth,” Nagito would say.
Under these circumstances? Where the strife and struggles of people are muffled and suffocated while the talented few skirt by with little to no effort? And Nagito thinks I’m disappointing?
“Even if you don’t say anything, I know you agree with me,” she says, chortling. “That’s why you agreed to meet me here, right? This is the old main building. Some students still meet up here for club activities. Right now, we’re going to meet a very particular group.”
Kamukura perks, and he can already guess.
“The student council. They do not strike me as the type to be terribly interested in what you have to say.”
“They’re not,” she said. “Which is why we’re going to play with them another way. Muku-nee should be finished setting things up. I definitely want you to see this, senpai.”
Kamukura blinked, and then, he can viscerally feel the chill brought about by the atmosphere and underlying meaning to her words.
“What are you talking about?”
Enoshima Junko spins around on her heel, and the smile on her face is something that cannot be described any more than the gaping maw of the void.
He can’t help but recall that time in middle school that Nagito had been missing. When he asked around, his classmates shrugged. There were mutters about how maybe he ran away—or maybe ran off to die. He called the police, but was shrugged off by them, as well. He wasn’t Nagito’s family, after all, and maybe he just ran away? What did it matter?
He sees Nagito on the news, and he does not hesitate to rush to the hospital he’s being held at. He is not allowed to see him at that point, either. Brushed off. Disregarded.
When Nagito was released, he did not wait a second before taking him into his arms.
“Sorry,” Nagito mumbled, as if embarrassed. “I’m really, really sorry for worrying you, Izuru-kun. But... Look!” He shows him the lottery ticket in his bone-white grip. “I... I-I won, Izuru-kun! Isn’t that amazing?”
“...I am just glad to see you safe and sound. We should go home, Nagito.”
Nagito giggled, clinging to him as they took the train back. He kept smiling and laughing, grinning wildly as he rambled about what happened. No one would have thought much about it, but the way Nagito’s breath sometimes hitched and wheezed...
“Oh, oh, but sometimes they’d watch TV,” Nagito would say, referring to his kidnapper. “I got to see such a wonderful speech given by Headmaster Kirigiri of Hope’s Peak Academy!”
Nagito’s eyes are sparkling.
“I’m sorry for taking to long to get back to you, though, Izuru-kun,” he added hurriedly. “Um, I wasn’t exactly fed...so I was in pretty bad state when the police finally found me...”
“I just... I didn’t want you to worry, which was why I headed off on my own...but I really, really, really messed that up, Izuru-kun, I’m sorry...”
“B-But it wasn’t so bad! I, um... It’s good, actually...” Nagito trailed off. “If you had been with me that day and if you had been kidnapped as well... That would’ve been the worst. I never would want to drag you down, Izuru-kun.”
“Have you been getting rest, Nagito?”
“A-Actually, I’ve been too agitated to sleep well for a while, but...” Nagito yawns. “For some reason, I’m super drowsy now. Maybe it’s because I’m with Izuru-kun.”
“I will let you know when we reach our stop, so it is alright, Nagito.”
Nagito slumps into his shoulder. His eyelids start to droop. Tenderly, Kamukura strokes his hair. He is paler than before. Frailer than before.
“It is alright, Nagito.”
It was funny. How easily they turned on each other when it started with just one person lashing out. It had been so remarkably easy. So very, very easy.
Enoshima Junko hums as she watches, and he watches as well.
The Ultimates are meant to lead the future, but they’re so easy to misdirect. How pitiful it is. And, yet.
“Pretty entertaining too, am I right?” she asks, grinning widely before gasping. “Oh! Wow! Look at all that blood! Damn, that one was bruuuuutal.”
“How fragile harmony in this world really is,” he murmured. “Well, it is unsurprising.”
And Nagito called them symbols of hope...
He can see how twisted, warped, and wretched these beings tearing each other apart really were. His own lips twist. How deep and effortlessly this display of despair runs.
“Is that excitement, senpai?”
“It is disappointment.”
“So beautiful! So bright! So splendid, so wonderful! You are all just so...”
“Dude just shuuuuut up. No one wants to hear that!”
Nagito’s mouth shuts obediently. With a harsh ‘tch’, their classmate turns away, but he is not the only one who looks upon Nagito with disdain and contempt.
“Komaeda-kun,” their teacher says gently. “The things you say are just a little...”
“Aha. Haha. It’s because I’m trash compared to them. Right, right?”
“Oh, you definitely shouldn’t say that...”
“But isn’t it true?”
“Of course it’s not.”
Kamukura’s eyes narrowed sharply.
“Seriously why does that freak have to be so weird?”
“It’s sooooo creepy!”
“His words are akin to toxic fumes.”
“Komaeda-kun...really is uncomfortable to be around, sometimes...”
“He’s not a bad person, but...”
“He just needs to stay the hell away from us.”
“Sensei. Nidai Nekomaru and Owari Akane are fighting again.”
“Ahhh, I should probably make sure those two don’t wreck anything the gardening club made... This conversation isn’t over, Komaeda-kun!”
“Good luck, sensei.”
She brushes past them, worked up into a huff. He regards her coldly before turning to Nagito. Nagito who seems much more tired than before.
“Aha... Haha, thanks for saving me, Izuru-kun.” He offers a pitiful smile. “Sensei is really kind, isn’t she? But, she...really doesn’t understand...”
“She is willfully ignorant.”
“I wouldn’t go that far...”
“She only speaks to you in regards to how you’re treated. Not the others.”
“Well, it is more my fault, right? I’m so bad at conveying myself... I really am worthless...”
“I understand you fine.” The others are at fault. They are the truly worthless ones. “Right?”
Nagito’s cheeks darken.
“Izuru-kun’s my oldest, dearest, and only friend. That’s for sure.” His smile widens more, but it also strains more. “But, Izuru-kun... Don’t you think you’re too attached to me?”
“I mean,” he inhales. “Compared to the others, I really am a nobody. You shouldn’t limit yourself to me. Um. I’d just be happy to see you happy, Izuru-kun, even if it’s from afar.”
“We’re friends. I just want what’s best for you.”
Time means nothing. It is about effort.
“I only want you, Nagito.”
Nagito sputtered a bit, flustering.
“You really should mature one of these days, Izuru-kun...! You can’t keep saying that!”
What else should I say?
How compared to you, everyone else is akin to insects and murk? How hope means nothing to me so much as the way you light up at the mention of it? How despair, too, is nothing until I see the way your gaze falls as you’re ostracized by people you love and admire time and time again? Those wretched people who fail to appreciate the incredible gift they’re given with zero effort on their part?
“It remains how I feel, Nagito.”
“Geez...” Nagito frowns. “That’s so troubling. Sensei’s right. You should make other friends.”
Other people are nothing. I feel nothing.
In the end, there’s not much to feel. These are, for all intents and purposes, complete strangers who are suffering. Is he really supposed to care?
“...boring...so boring...”
“Awww!” Enoshima whines. “You’re leaving already? There’s still a few left to go!”
“I have seen enough of these nobodies.”
“Nobodies?” She blinks, batting her eyelashes. “Oh, my, senpai, you aren’t suggesting...”
“Take from that what you will,” Kamukura said. “Are you going to stop me?”
“Noooope.” She shakes her head. “I’m happy with the amount of attention you’ve given me thus far, senpai. I hope to engage you more and more down the line. This is the start of a beautiful friendship.”
I only need one friend.
“How much despair do you plan to cause, Enoshima Junko?”
“Enough to throw the whole world into chaos, preferably!”
“My luck works in a very specific pattern, Izuru-kun! Good luck begets bad luck begets good luck begets bad luck begets good luck! So, you really should be more careful around me.”
“Understood. I will be careful.”
“Admittedly, I’m not sure what good luck could balance out the bad luck of losing Izuru-kun, but... You know, Izuru-kun, the more people struggle, the stronger they get...”
“Is that so.”
“I-It is so! What I mean is... You shouldn’t give up regardless of what my bad luck throws at you... You’re an Ultimate, now, so you should be able to overcome any despair and...bring about a bright and shining hope, right?”
“I suppose.”
“Do you understand, Izuru-kun...?”
“Of course I do, Nagito.”
“Good luck with that, I suppose, Enoshima Junko.”
“Aww, thanks!”
With that, he leaves.
There is only one place he can return to.
Because how late in the hour it is, much is obfuscated by darkness, but he knows the code to the door by heart. Even if he did not, he would be able to tell from the buttons that were the most worn under his fingertips. The door is opens. He steps inside, shutting the door behind him and locking it.
Nagito sleeps peacefully, the picture of serenity. Such a contrast to the violent exhibition of before. Nagito sleeps, unknowing and untouched.
He wishes to keep it that way. His childhood friend is one he wants to keep protected. But, above all else...
He wants to keep him close.
So much so that he finds himself crawling into the other’s bed.
“Mmm... Izuru-kun...?”
Nagito stirs from his slumber. He opens his mouth to apologize, but rather than saying the word, he just ends up pressing closer to Nagito’s meager warmth and nuzzles into Nagito’s soft hair.
“W-What...?” Nagito stiffens, but with time, he does relax. His heart is pounding. Kamukura can tell that it’s pounding. “I-Izuru-kun, um... Is something wrong? It’s so late. Why are you here?”
It’s rather ironic, he can’t help but think. I thought of Nagito on death’s doorstep, but it turns out that he is incomparable to a corpse.
Nagito shivers when lips brush against his nape. It’s surprisingly warm. Nagito is warm. He’s especially warm to the touch.
“Izuru-kun...? Did something happen...?”
“It does not matter. Not in the slightest. But allow me to stay here for the night, Nagito.”
“O-Oh. Um... O-Okay...”
Just like this, he can relax with ease. Nagito tense, but he, too, unwinds from careful strokes of his wrists and shoulders.
“It is alright, Nagito.”
“It’s fine.”
When Komaeda finally managed to return to class, the reserve course was rioting and he had heard some awful, wretched, despairing whispers.
Komaeda pushes open the door, heart leaping in his throat, and the only one to greet him is...who else.
“I-Izuru-kun.” He stiffens and then he swallows. “Where is...everyone else?”
“They are out. I volunteered to stay behind, of course, because I knew you were to return today.”
Something feels...wrong.
“Izuru-kun, I heard murmurs of something strange. Of Ultimates...killing each other? For despair? And also...murmurs of other...things...that this school is doing.” Komaeda hesitates, but his childhood friend only draws closer. “Where is the rest of our class? What could they possibly be out doing under these circumstances?”
“They are out because I had them leave.”
Something feels wrong, but it’s Izuru-kun...right?
“Ah. I suppose we should have you visit Matsuda Yasuke.” His cheeks are cupped. Kamukura Izuru’s hands are gentle and warm as always. His gaze, however, seems strange. The tone may not be perceptively different to the untrained ear, but to Komaeda, who has known him for most of his life at this point... “How inconvenient. But I do think he would be rather busy at this moment.”
“I... I don’t really want to bother Matsuda-kun.” I’m more worried about other things. “Sensei, too? Where is she?”
“Nagito, what would you say marks a true hope?”
Komaeda snapped up at that.
“An absolute good,” he answered immediately. “Something that overcomes any darkness or despair and engulfs the world in a dazzling, blinding light. Something that only grows stronger and blooms more beautifully in the face of adversity.”
“Adversity. So if one is unchallenged, they are not true hope.”
“Pushing forward in spite of obstacles or hindrances is part of being human,” Komaeda found himself murmuring, now self-conscious of the way Izuru’s thumbs traced his cheeks. “I’ve told you all this before. Why do you ask? Is this because of the reserves rioting?”
...rioting because...of ridiculous audacious things that couldn’t possibly be true...right?
“That’s a good thing, isn’t it? Adversity to overcome.” Izuru tugs him forward, letting him see out the window. “Obstacles and hindrances. Let us see how others will persevere. That might be interesting, for the ground beneath the Ultimates to crumble and for them to still crawl out on top over the withering masses.”
“Symbols of hope...would never lose to deception and despair.” Komaeda shivered. “These impertinent beings are but mere stepping stones... They’re also being misled. How miserable...despairing... They could never ever reach hope like this. Not that they were capable from the start...”
“Despair. Hope.” Izuru exhaled. “So boring. But it might be something you want to see, Nagito. And that is all I care for.”
“Izuru-kun...” Komaeda grimaced, and squeezed his eyes shut. “You haven’t...fallen into despair, have you?”
“Nothing about me has changed, Nagito.”
Izuru takes his hand, and he squeezes.
“Nothing at all.”
Trembling, Komaeda squeezes back.
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caroline18mars · 6 years
A Man On Fire - Chapter 19
“Jared..hey..” she stared at him completely dumbstruck, all the noise, all the energy around them seemed to drop away, like they were stuck in their own void at Times Square “but you..are..” her brain was working overtime, he was..Joe? Where was that hole in the ground that swallowed you whole when you needed it?. “Yes, I'm Joe..guilty as charged! This is so..amazing” he could barely contain his excitement, it was weird and wonderful and exciting, and..most of all it seemed weird for her, she just stood there, staring at him like she had seen a ghost “would you..like to go for a coffee or something?” he stammered, ok, he was in love, simple as that! “you know..to..uhm..get the shock under control”. His voice was so warm and inviting..Harper nodded, her face, especially her cheeks still felt like they were gonna explode, she still didn't know how to feel, “is it too early for something stronger than coffee? I could actually do with a stiff drink”. Jared looked around, he had asked his driver to stick around for half an hour, where was he? Oh right there! “It's not too early, but can we have some lunch with those drinks? I know this really cool and quiet place not far from here, where we can be alone”. Instinctively, his arm lifted like he wanted to put it around her shoulders or on her back, but he quickly stopped himself when he saw Harper frown, they had never touched and yet it felt like they were so connected, or at least he did. Did it matter that there was an uncomfortable silence in the car? She just couldn't believe that she was right here, right now, with Joe..aka floppy hair..who would she have wanted it to be? She did love a good surprise from time to time and this didn't exactly feel like a surprise, sighing she stared out of the window and bit her lip, unfathomable that she had shared so much with floppy hair, simply unfathomable and way awkward..he was a good guy and she liked him and all, but would she have loved for the mystery to continue? Definitely! It felt like she had gained and lost a friend at the same time. “We're here'' he looked at her with his heart thumping in his throat, please look at me, ahhh, yes, score! She gave him a little smile and reached for the doorhandle, this was really happening, he was gonna sit across a table from her and he was gonna look in those dusky brown pools and be as infatuated with her as he had been on that rainy afternoon a couple of days ago. He got out of the car and circled it to join her, don't..touch her, and don't stare at her butt, which was really difficult not to when it looked so perky in those leather pants.
Like a true gentleman, he pulled back her chair and waited until she was seated before he sat across from her, “I thought you weren't going to show up..but I'm glad you did..” come on, man, stop the stammer, you've done this a gazillion times before..yeah, but not with this kind of beauty. “I thought the same about you, Joe..uhm Jared” she extended her smile at the waiter who handed her a menu, “tell me something, did you really oversleep the first time we were supposed to meet? Or were you there and left again because you didn't like what you saw? Were you even in New York? Or maybe you had a beter offer, like a date with your 'it's oh so complicated' ex”. First shot was fired, but he didn't mind at all “that's easy, that would be a yes, and a no, a yes again, and last but not least a no” he sat back a bit, an amused grin on his face “I was in NY, of course I was, and you're reading way too much in the 'ex' thing, we're friends without benefits” while his eyes locked with hers. “I don't know why I asked that, sorry, I'm still in shock I guess..I mean..it's..you! Why didn't I deduct that from your e-mails..and then I wrote all this..stuff..it's so embarrassing” she buried her face in her hands. “Are you kidding me? your e-mails are some of the most poetic, hilarious, thoughtful stuff I've ever read, you're so talented! Is there something that you can't do? You paint, you make light installations, you write..” he reached for her hand but she pulled back on instinct. “What I can't do is be normal in situations like these” she bit her lip, oh thank god for waiters bringing drinks, “that's because you're not normal, Coco..I mean..I guess what I'm trying to say, badly, is that I really..admire you..I've been doing that since you came to Germany, that was such a rollercoaster, like I held back because of Coco, and I held back on Coco because of Harper..does that even make sense? And by the way, what do I call you? Harper? Coco? Countess?..” he didn't care if he was being too open so early on, she needed to know. But the second he mentioned her title, she froze up completely “Oh, so you found about that..call me whatever you want, just as long as you never mention that title ever again, ok?!” it was anything but a question, it was a statement, fine, another intriguing thing to discover about her, oh he had time, he had all the time in the world.
”Umphhh” she leaned back in her chair a bit “sorry about that, I'm a compulsive overeater as far as lovely lunches are concerned, thank you!” when he had insisted to pick up the bill, “don't mention it! Wanna go for a walk or something?” Jared crossed his fingers when he tucked his wallet away, please don't let her make up some lame excuse because she was tired of him already, she was so still keeping her distance. “Sure! If you want we can walk to my appartment so you can check out the paintings?”, the minute the words left her mouth, his heart did the happiest somersault, what did he care if he jumped up a little too eagerly?. Don't stare at her butt, do not stare at her butt, oh whatever, just walk it baby, rock those perfect hips from side to side, damn she stopped to open the door, ok eyes up, eyes up. “I just love walking around in New York, I guess I'm weird that way, people only walk around Central Park, but the city is so much more inspirational..I'm babbling, sorry” she hung her head and looked at her walking feet. “You're not babbling, I get it, I actually envy you..” he shrugged and smiled as he dug his hands deep in his pockets, “for what?” she looked up at him with a question mark in her eyes, “you can walk around this city without a care in the world, I can't do that, I get stopped by fans or paps every single time”. Harper stopped in her tracks and when he looked back at her, she was giggling, “what?” her giggles were so infectious that he started laughing too, she raised her arms while she looked around her “you can't just walk around New York? What are we doing right now then? I don't see any paps or fans, do you think you can risk it to keep walking, you know, being so famous and all?”. Busted! Put his feet back down on the ground, check! “alright, smartass, the longer you keep standing there, the more chance they actually show up, so chop chop”.
Half an hour of blissful talks and strolling later, she abruptly stopped “this is it” she shrugged, her cute nose red from the biting cold, “oh..ok..” wow, that sounded cold, but he just wanted to hide his excitement before he creeped her out. There was that shy smile again that he loved so much, she didn't say anything, she just put the key in the lock and walked into a huge hallway, lead the way again, young lady, I'm a happy bunny when you're walking in front of me, and even happier when you walk up the stairs in front of me and I'm so close to you, roooarrr, oh for fuck's sakes Leto, keep those hormones under control, she's not one of your fuckbuddies..yet..stop, just stop!. “Come on in” she casually said as she stepped inside the loft full of light, throwing her bag on the floor as she tiptoed to turn the heating on, and all he could do was just stand there, breathing in the heady scent of her perfume and paint. “Do you want something to drink?” her voice trembled a bit, he hadn't said anything or moved at all, ok, so it wasn't exactly an LA mansion like he was used to, but..hey it was clean, apart from the...”what is that? Is that another one of your installations?”. Huh? Oh! “no, that..is the result of my poor scaffolding skills..last night, it decided to give up on me” just talking about her fall made her back ache again “that was why I wrote about the wheelchair thing in my mail”. He suddenly lifted his head “so you fell? are you ok?” why did his heart start beating in his throat?, “I am fine, it's just my back, it's..anyway, sit down, I'm having glass of wine, do you want one?” did she read that tremble in his voice wrong? It actually sounded so concerned, it was nice to think that someone actually cared for her. “Wine is fine, thank you” he walked over to the couch while she walked to the kitchen to get him a glass, and just as he settled down he looked right at the painting that just made him speechless, the sheer perfection, the decisiveness in every brushstroke, every line was exactly where it should be. “I only have white wine, hope that's ok” she handed him the glass and crawled over the couch to slide down next to him, “I'm buying that painting too” he breathed, barely able to take his eyes off this masterpiece. “Who says it's for sale? But I'm glad you're enjoying it, because I don't, this painting is more a catharsis than anything else” he caught her sighing and sipping her wine, owww that was a deep frown on that pretty little face, too deep and troubled for someone that young, don't push it, she'll tell when she's ready. “A really painful process apparantly..” he looked from her to the collapsed scaffolding “you sure you're ok? That must have been quite a heavy fall”, the minute he mentioned the fall, she felt the pain in her back return, like meeting him was some kind of natural drug that doped her up to the eyeballs right until the moment she realized again where she was and who she was with “I'm fine, it was nothing really” liar, liar..there was no need to worry him, was there? Looking like a crippled wasn't exactly the sexiest thing, was it?
Two hours later, they were starting to get a little tipsy “all gone, shame” she took the bottle of wine from the floor and noticed it was empty, “maybe we should go out and eat something before you are completely glued to my couch”, she giggled, who was she kidding? It was great to see someone spend time with her completely at ease and relaxed with her, sure she had seen Sean spend hours getting drunk with her on this same couch, but never as chill as this, there was always this weird tension between them, but no tension with this one, oh no!. Really? She really wanted him to get up? When all he wanted to do was sit here and be with her, talk with her about everything and nothing at all? When was the last time he had been this relaxed and so at ease with someone? 500 years ago? Yeah probably! “you're right..” he swiped his phone just to see the time, 6:10 PM, oh yeah, tipsy flirting and the night that was still young and full of promises, yeah, bring it on!. “Let's go” he pushed himself off the couch, oh jelly legs, whoooo! “I can't..I just can't..” she ceased her attempt in a fit of giggles, “come here” he reached out his hand to her and when her skin touched his, a bolt of electricity coursed through his body, surely she must have felt it too?. “Oyoyoy, Mamma mia” she swayed as he pulled her to her feet, “you ok” he grabbed her other hand to steady her and his mouth went completely dry when she stared deep into his eyes with those dusky pools of hers, kiss her..just KISS HER!. Harper pushed her hair out of her face, god she so wanted to kiss him, no don't do something you're so gonna regret in the morning, you're drunk for crying out loud, just enjoy his company and don't be weird, alright? Just this once? Alright! She let go of his hands like they were on fire and brushed them down her leather pants “Pasta! I need pasta right now” she grinned, oyyy, a steaming bowl of pasta pesto, yummmm, see? Food was always the best way to stop her mind from spinning out of control “do you have like a weird relationship with pasta? I mean, you're so skinny and all, looks like you've never eaten carbs in your entire life,” oh shut the fuck up, Harper, that's a mean thing to say, yeahyeah, but it's so funnyyyy. Seeing her burst out into another fit of giggles, he couldn't help but laugh too, “come on, Harpo, let's get some food into you, that'll make you shut up!” his hand landed on the small of her back, bang, another bolt of electricity, just don't touch her, or you'll be completely fried soon. “That's a brilliant idea, floppy hair, a brilliant idea”!
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jojuarez26 · 7 years
Because I do Part4
Modern day Divergent AU Eric/OC Mature content and strong language. May cause triggers for mentioning of abuse and drug use. I do not own any part of Divergent.
@pathybo @tigpooh67 @lunaschild2016 @jaihardy @iammarylastar @kenzieam @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @emmysrandomthoughts @clublulu333 @beautifulramblingbrains @scorpio2009 @elaacreditava @mom2reesie @dauntlessqueen99 @badassbaker @badassdauntlessgirl @lostinthebeans @captstefanbrandt @bookgirlthings @readsalot73 @sporadichologramblizzard-ed17414 @beltzboys2015-blog @unsure-but-trying @cherry-blossom90 @zpandaqueen @ericdauntless @softpapers @sensitivelover @justmehako @ultrafreespirit @dani5102 @frecklefaceb
Sorry it took so long guys. Here is something new 😘❤
After an intense few minutes between Four and I things finally smoothed themselves out. Four invited us to dinner at his and Tris's house. I was actually excited and hoped meeting Tris tonight would make the work picnic tomorrow less nerve wracking.
"You know it's just because he's like an over protective brother right?"
"Hmm what? Sorry sort of lost in thought," Eric had jarred me from my thoughts.
We were going to stop at Eric's first to change before we headed to the Eaton's.
"I meant Four. He's really not an asshole. Actually out of the two of us I'm the bigger asshole. It's just well we're like brother's, he's was just being over protective," Eric sighed.
"It's fine. Really, I get."
Eric seemed a little edgy since Four and I snapped at each other.
"At least he has a great sense of humour," I snickered.
"Eh he's a dick," Eric shrugged and laughed. Think he was a little sensitive I had to buy him if I broke him was all.
Four and Tris lived in the same gated community Eric did, just a few blocks over. The house was slightly large but similar shaped.
Eric opened the door without knocking and a small brown haired boy appeared and ran full speed towards him.
"EWRIC!!! I MISSEDED YOU!!," he cried excitedly.
"Hey buddy!! I missed you too! Want meet my new friend?" Eric asked highfiving the boy.
He snuggled his head into Eric's shoulder and waved his fingers shyly.
"O.k.," the little boy answered shyly.
"Me too. About time you finally bring her around," a woman with darker blonde hair appeared with hands on her hips and a playful smile.
"Hey Tris. Danielle this is James my buddy and Tris his mommy. Obviously this is Danielle," Eric side hugged her and moved aside.
"Nice to finally meet you. Heard you already met my jack ass husband, who is in the den by the way," she nodded for Eric to head further in the house," I'm finishing dinner up like to join me? I have wine!" Tris smiled brightly.
"Love to," I noticed Eric give me that you alright look.
"I'm fine. Tris seems great. She can tell me all your secrets," I assured him.
"Damn I'm in trouble. She has alot to spill," he smirked.
"Ahhh Erwick stead a bad wor," James squeaked covering his mouth.
Tris swatted Eric in the butt with a towel in her hand before saying "yes he did. I spanked his butt."
"No bubbles?" James asked.
"No. No soap for Eric. THIS time," Tris laughed shaking her finger.
I couldn't help but try to hide my giggles. It was so cute. It was also revealed a slightly softer side of Eric. He and James headed towards the sound of a baseball game on a t.v. as I followed Tris to the kitchen.
Inside the house was also a similar lay-out to Eric's. It was less of a sleek look and a softer more comfy color scheme. It was very clean however looked lived in. You would swear Eric's was a demo house or something.
"So it's nice to finally meet the woman who has seemed to melt Eric's heart," Tris smiled handing me a glass of pink colored wine.
"I'm sure it's not THAT serious," I laughed.
"Honey, he only looks or talks about one other person like he does you. That person is currently on his lap," she nodded her head towards where Eric sat with James in his lap.
"Mariah?" I questioned.
"Girl please. IF she would've stayed, it would've been a trophy hole to fill," Tris scoffed as she rolled her eyes.
I almost spit out my wine trying not to laugh. I loved Tris already.
"I grew up with these guys. I mean sure I'm almost two years younger, but Eric lived down the street my whole life and Tobias's dad worked with mine for years and they lived like three blocks away."
"Wow. So like literally not figuratively," I was impressed. I didn't have friends like that. After Pete of course.
"Yeah. They've been threw alot. Neither had an easy home life. Two different reasons, but shitty all the same." "They had a small period of time they bumped heads in high school. But after they served in the Marines they pretty much became brother's and the only family each other had." Tris explained.
"I thought Eric was close with his older sister, Theresa, isn't that her name?" I was a little confused.
Tris's eyebrows rose before she suddenly found preparing the salad awful interesting. She didn't look up and lowered her voice when she finally spoke.
"They where. Very close. But you have to ask Eric about that. It's not my story to tell. I will tell you my older sister Lauren and Theresa where bestfriends and thick as thieves growing up." She sighed heavily.
"Lauren was the wild child, my older brother Caleb was the academic over achiever and I was the baby and daddy's spoiled brat until I was almost twelve," she laughed relaxing a little again.
I wasn't going to pry. I surly wouldn't want Amber spilling some of my history to Eric before I did. However it was clear they all cared about each other alot and went threw alot together.
"I will tell you before you meet anyone tomorrow and so you understand Lauren was Eric's first everything except his girlfriend. Funny enough Mariah was Eric's first girlfriend. He didn't date when we where all younger if you get what I mean."
"Eric and Lauren are close and have history, however my sister has been married seven years and has three kids with her husband. Please don't let that rub you the wrong way. Most people don't get it."
Tris sounded nothing but honest and sincere. I appreciated, but she really didn't owe me any explanations.
"Thank you. But everyone does realize we aren't dating. Plus, your sister came WAY before me and will still probably be around WAY after me," I sipped on my wine suddenly feeling a little nervous.
"You really don't get it do you," Tris shook her head with a light laugh.
"Honestly I'm starting to think I apparently don't," I said quietly.
"Oh it's not a bad thing. It's just He doesn't let people in and honestly Eric doesn't usually like a whole lot of people. Danielle with you Eric is hoping if he's patient that he will have everything he THOUGHT he never wanted with you." Tris said quietly as she checked the lasagna in the oven.
I couldn't help but laugh. I still couldn't understand why someone like Eric could be so interested in me. Especially if he actually knew how not so great of a person I was when I spent those years with Pete.
"What? You think I'm kidding? I promise I'm not," Tris said with a kind smile.
"I just don't get I guess. I'm nothing special with literally nothing to offer. I think Eric is amazing and I love and value our friendship. I don't want to do anything to loose that," I explained.
"I get that. But I will tell you this, if you take a chance on him I can almost promise you, you won't be disappointed," Tris winked as she finished her sentence.
"You're probably right, I just can't say the same for Eric," I mumbled quietly.
I seen first confusion then understanding pass threw her eyes. But then I saw disappointment and anger registered. This confused me.
"Why do you think so little of yourself? Look dinner is ready but this conversation isn't over. After I put James to bed we need to have a serious girl or woman or whatever the hell you care to call it talk. Because from where I'm standing you have serious confidence and self worth issue."
Before I could speak she hollered dinner was done. She gave me a sympathetic smile.
"Come on Danielle time to feed the pigs," she smiled and headed towards the dinner table.
I wasn't quite sure which feeling was stronger in me at this point. Joy or fear.
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When their s/o pulls them in for an unexpected kiss
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It’s honestly hard to say with Mark.  I feel like he’s a little more brazen than some of the other guys simply because he’s American and didn’t grow up in the more polite culture of Korea, but even with that said, he’s still a shy little bub.  If it’s early on in the relationship, I feel like he will be more shy about intimate moments like that.  His face will go red and he’ll probably let out one of those ridiculously cute nervous giggles.  However, if we’re talking later in the relationship, BOI!  He’s a Virgo.  He’s Cheeky.  He’s teasing.  He’s going to make you squirm before he’s done with you.  I think it would depend on where and when this is happening.  If out in public, he’ll kiss you back, but not linger (I feel like he’s more conscious of how others perceive him).  Now, if it’s at home, you can expect things to heat up pretty quickly, whether it be a steamy make-out or something a little more energy exerting.  Either way, I think Mark is a toss up kind of guy.  “Baby, you should know better than to surprise me like that.” (do I really need to even say ‘wink wink’?)
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I don’t know what it is about this man that I just think he’s a fluffy, flustered puppy.  Like he seems the type to be more gruff and tough, but he’s not.  Okay?  Whoever is blessed with the chance to be this one’s significant other will learn quite quickly that he’s a giant push over.  He loves to love and loves to be loved.  Lots of blushing, lots of stuttering, lots of unintended aegyo.  Of course, he does have a more ‘serious’ side for when he’s hot and bothered, but you have to get there first or he has to already have the bedroom on his mind.  I don’t know, I guess when I think of Jaebum I just envision cheese.  Like he’s so cheese-y!  Horrible dad jokes, puns that only make sense to him, and dirty, dirty mind that he shares with LITERALLY NO ONE EVER.  Fluff, flustered, puppy?  Yes.  Daddy material? Also yes.  He ain’t even my bias, ladies and gents!  I know one when I see one, I’m just sayin’!  Anyway, even if he leans more towards the Tsundere side of his personality after you surprise kiss him, don’t be alarmed or discouraged.  This guy LOVES when you kiss him, especially when he doesn’t see it coming.  Also, am I the only one who envisions hot, steamy, make up session?  Like you’re both arguing and suddenly BAM you’ve smashed your lips together and the rest is history?  I can’t be the only one!  
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I’m going to be completely honest with you.  You didn’t start this.  We both know it, alright?  There’s no shame in that.  This guy has already initiated the ‘Random Kisses War’!  He thinks your flustered reaction is just the cutest damn thing on the planet! Likewise, about the only time you CAN make him flustered is when you kiss him out of the blue!  It’s a competition between the two of you for sure!  He started it and you are determined to finish it.  The kisses will probably range from light butterfly pecks to hot open mouthed kisses.  I mean, this is Jinyoung we’re talking about.  Those pillows he calls lips are pretty much begging to be kissed.  I AM JUST SAYING!  Anyhoo!  Back to the topic at hand!  His reaction would range depending on the type of kiss and why the kiss has happened.  I mean, yes, they are surprises but let’s be honest, him pouting after a fight?  Very kissable!  I feel like in a situation like that, he would try to stay angry at you, but would ultimately fail.  How do you stay mad at someone who’s being so freakin cute?!  If it’s a ‘I just wanted to kiss you because I love you’ kind of surprise, then he’ll give you that beautiful crescent eyed smile of his.  Honestly, is this a competition to see who can surprise the other person more, or just a ploy to see his facial reactions?  “Yah!  Jagi, why are you making it so hard to stay mad at you?  It’s not fair!”
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OMG!  This poor puppy would just melt into the ground!  He’d giggle, squawk, laugh hysterically, maybe have a mental breakdown, all while he holds his blushing cheeks.  Jackson is a goober.  We all know it.  He’s a precious, sweet, gentle soul and he loves when you surprise him in any way.  You giving him kisses is his second favorite thing!  I say second favorite because this guy is a snuggler.  He loves to encase you in his arms and cuddle.  If you kiss him by surprise DURING a snuggle session, he’d be over the moon!  Honestly, though, Jackson would crave your kisses.  They make everything better.  Had a bad day? Kiss.  Not feeling well? Kiss.  Frustrated with something? Kiss.  Sad about something? Kiss.  Need a pick me up? Kiss.  Like imagine this scenario: you’ve come to their practice session to cheer them on.  They’ve been at it for a few hours now and they all look so exhausted.  They take a quick five-minute break, in which Jackson crawls over to where you are sitting so he can drop his sweaty head in your soft lap.  You gently dab at the sweat on his forehead and face with a towel before asking him if he’s okay.  He says he is, but he just needs to lay there for a few moments.  He might whine about having to get up and practice more and just UGH!  So you drop your head and plop a sweet kiss on his lips, telling him he can do it.  Most likely, this boy is going to leap to his feet with a happy shout!  “AHHH!! LET’S GO!  LET’S DO THIS!” *boys eye him oddly* “Just a few more minutes, Jackson” “NO! WE CAN DO THIS! MY JAGI SAID SO!”
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Sweet, blushing baby.  He’d be so flustered!  So shy!  He’d be so happy and yet so, so, so very embarrassed.  Not in a bad way, though.  Like he wants to be able to kiss you the way you do him.  He wants to be able to just drop unexpected kisses on your lips or cheeks or forehead.  He hasn’t told you yet, but he’s slowly building up the courage to do so.  Youngjae’s a fluffball.  Just the cutest of cutie pies!  Please, for the love of god, do not underestimate this angel faced baby.  He’s fluffy alright, but he’s also got a side that could make antis swoon.  The surprise kiss is such a turn on.  It’s part of the reason he gets so flustered.  He finds your little display of dominance so very hot.  If the both of you are in public he’ll likely pull away red faced and stuttering, but don’t for a second think he’s forgotten!  This guy is going to get you back one way or the other.  I can’t say it won’t be enjoyable, though, but don’t push him too much!  This one is a Virgo through and through and he’ll tease you till you cry.  He looks so innocent, just like Mark, but do not be fooled!  He’s a devious master in disguise.  Even if he doesn’t get you back right away, he’ll keep a running tally in his head.  Payback will be a bitch.
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Screaming child.  Just an absolute screaming child.  Your kisses give him energy, which the other members sometimes don’t appreciate cuz we all know how crazy Bam can get.  But even still, they think it’s cute.  Bam is a lot like Jackson in the sense that he craves to be kisses and that your kisses can shoo away any grey clouds that might be looming over his precious little head.  I feel like there are two modes to Bam: the cutie pie excitable child and the sexy hello there young man.  Most of the time you get the first one, but he IS a young man, which means he’s going to have some dirty thoughts at some point.  Like some of the other guys, these surprise kisses could (and probably do) lead to hot and heavy wink-wonk time.  Don’t underestimate this dude.  If he’s in the mood, you will likely be unable to escape him.  Once he has something in mind, he usually acts on it.  So say you drop that sweet, loving peck on his lips.  You better move quickly, because once those arms anchor around you, there’s no escape.  I mean, he’s not my bias but like I’m blind, that boy has some….eh, we’ll call it charisma, yeah?  There’s definitely a dangerous pull to Bam, like a bee to the flower.  If nothing else, planting surprise kisses on him will be quite entertaining.
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Yugyeom is a lot like Mark in my mind.  I feel like he can be super shy and reserved when out in public or with other people around, but the second that door closes you’re going to pay for those surprise kisses.  Yugyeom gets flustered easily, no doubt.  He’s still quite young and is for the most part still learning about himself and the world at large.  Even still, he is a young man and as such has those lovely rated R thoughts (even though those of us who see him as wee bab try to deny it).  His reaction to being pulled into a kiss could go a few ways.  Either he turns into a tomato and proceeds to whine in happy embarrassment; he kisses you back softly and warns that you’re in for it when you have a moment to yourselves, or he’s just going to dive right on in.  I feel like he’d be a lot like Youngjae here simply because I think something like this would turn him on.  Whether you are older or younger than him, he finds this action to be hella sexy, if not a little adorable.  I don’t know, I can’t put my finger per say on whether or not he’s a dom or sub, but perhaps a little of both, thus the reason why it turns him on.  Yugyeom would enjoy the attention if nothing else.
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mrskandiibaby2269 · 7 years
AnotherRound: Deleted Scene
Another Round:The Right Decision Hmmm ok as I think to myself opening my walk in closet door. I need to wear something sexy. Something that would stop him in his tracks. I just wonder what does he really have in store for me. This I definitely cannot wait to see. Hmmm maybe.. I should.... Hold up...press pause...let's fast forward a little and listen real close. I think what you about to read will you have sip harder on your drink and clinch your invisible pearls. This story gets even more deeper and crazy than the last so here we go... He checks us in and escorts me to the restaurant in side and we order the same thing The Grilled Lobster and a bottle of their best champagne. Hours past along with a few laughs and conversations. "I just can't believe that he would say that about you though. That's just stupid. Please don't tell me you believe him, please don't tell me." "There are days where I do but then again I don't cause I know he still loves me then...I hear her voice and the background... anyways. It's whatever." "You deserve better than that though, babe. I know we weren't perfect but I can say those words never left my mouth. " "I know, you didn't and you're right.. but we can't go back those days anymore ..." "Or can we." "Look I told you I'm married and---" "There is something I need to tell you." He was looking so serious and to be honest, a little hurt. I was curious what could be on his mind, or on his chest. Whatever it was I had to brace myself. And pray to God to help me and fix whatever the case maybe. Cause I know I can't handle another heart ache. "Ok tell me what's going on? What's wrong?" "Remember when you said your husband called you and you would hear a woman's voice in the background ?" "Yes...?" "Well that woman's voice was my girl..." "I'm sorry, wait, what?!" " My girl that you was so concerned about was the one cheating with your husband." "How... how do you know this for sure?" "Because she was recording a Snapchat video of her being drunk with some guy. And she got all of his conversations with you on the phone. And I knew it was you, when he called out your name." "Are you sure?" "Yes, I am." And I knew he was, he had screenshots of her and my husband on Snapchat. ............ I was completely speechless.. I couldn't find... actually I had no words to respond back. It was so much to take in even though it shouldn't be, because this was some typical shit of my husband to do. I was so mad I couldn't even move an inch. All I could see was red. And me in handcuffs and a bloody body on the floor and the news reporter saying "Wife gone crazy. Found out her husband was cheating, so she cut him from his Adam's apple to his scrotum. Graphic details ..." but luckily my ex snapped me out of it. "Baby girl, listen I know you got that killing look in your eye. I know you're pissed I am too, right? But we can't let them see us sweat. We gon show them we're better than this." Inhaling and exhaling real slow, calming my breathing down. As much as I want to kill my husband for everything he's done to me. My ex was right. We are better than this and that's when I just had the most perfect idea to get them back. I've been saving this decision for a long time, and now it's time to use it. Asking the waiter for another glass of champagne and quickly gulping it down and asking for another. I finally regain myself in my right mind. And I close my eyes and I slowly look at my ex and begin to say.... "I need a favor babe." "Wassup, love?" "I need you to quickly take me to my house. I gotta look for something and make a very important phone call." "I got you baby. Let me pay for dinner and I'll meet you at the front door,ok?" "Ok, baby." We French kiss deep and passionate for about 10 minutes and we looked into each other's eyes..But I quickly remember that we're running out of time. So we quickly leave the hotel and race back to my place. I pull out my iPhone6, and scroll through my contacts. And called up the best divorce lawyer in town. "Hello, Brown Sugar Firm This is Shelia Brown attorney at law." "Heeyyy, girl. "Heyyy beautiful, what's going ,on?" "I'm gonna cut right to the chase I need a damn, good divorce lawyer." "Say no more, you know I got you. Ever since the beginning of y'all's marriage. You know I tried to warn you ,right lol?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah lol I know." "Ok, do you still have the divorce papers, I gave you yesterday?" "Yes, I do." "Do you know, where they are?" "Yes ma'am. I'm almost home, I can get there in less than 8 mins and sign them." "Cool, and all I need you to do is send me any evidence that you have of him cheating and I'll take care of the rest." "This is why I love you." "I love you more boo, text me when it's all done and ready." "Ok thanks girl, bye." "Bye." Finally getting home unlocking the door and disarming the alarm. I tell my ex to come in and make himself at home. While I go in my office and sign the divorce papers on my desk. So I emailed all the screenshots to Sheila and I texted her to let her know everything was done and ready. And she responded fast. "Got it, we're in action!" My ex comes up behind me and kiss my neck and continues to comfort me, I kiss him back. He picks me up and puts me on the desk and puts a lot of hickeys on my neck, whispers in my ear "I love you." I stopped him and asked him was he serious, he said as a cardiac arrest. And then he strokes my cheek and looks me in my eyes. Not looking away for anything, he lifts me and holds me while my legs are wrapped around his body and he proceeds to say me. "Baby girl all these years I've been missing you. I needed you back. And I'm not gonna screw up this time. I promise. I fully intend on treating you like my Queen,like my Goddess, nothing less." All I can say was ... "ohhh baby I love you." And kiss him. "Why don't, we go back to hotel?" "Yeah?" "And picked up where we left off." "I like that but I wanna do something a lil' more different." "Wassup baby?" "Do you have any home girls that wanna have a three sum with you and thick, bad, bitch like me?" "For real?!" "You remember since high school I'm bisexual baby. My husband never knew that. He didn't want to try it either. But hell yea I'm serious. Lemme be corny for a minute. I'm serious as cardiac arrest." "Well then, that case I know the perfect one." Rushing back to the hotel and I'm texting his home girl and she confirmed that she's down with everything. Got me excited and my panties soaking like a super soaker. I'm playing with myself in the car. He looking at me got him hard, but he still gotta focus on the road. Making it to the hotel. We being frisky in front of everybody, especially in the elevator he pushes me against the wall and puts my leg over his shoulder and eats me out. Got me moaning out loud. Flicking his tongue real fast on my pussy like a AK. Not realizing the elevator was on our floor. People looking all shocked, one lady gasping, one man had his phone out. We just laughed and got off and went to our room and we still kissing and touching. He's rubbing my pussy and I'm rubbing his dick, he was hard, throbbing, and ready. His kisses on my neck had me lit. Then we hear a knock on the door. We open it and I see his home girl who was bad as fuck. Sexy legs and thighs dressed in all pink. Curvy and thick in the right places. She had a phat pussy, I could tell by her camel toe through her shorts. Medium,long, black hair, brown eyes and brown skin. Looking like a delicious candy bar. We invited her in. She tells us. "Now let's get this party started." Taking off her jacket and showing nothing but her perky, big breasts. I walk over and kiss her and my new man pull down her shorts and eat her out. We blast some music on his phone through his speakers. 🎶 Now that pipe got her running like she Usain, baby You made me drown in it, oh touche, baby I'm carrying that water, Bobby Boucher, baby You know I'mma slaughter like I'm Jason Bust it, why you got it on safety? White girl wasted on brown liquor I probably shouldn't be around you 'Cause you get wild, wild, wild You looking like there's nothing that you won't do 
I probably shouldn't be around you
'Cause you get wild, wild, wild
You looking like there's nothing that you won't do
Ayy, girl that's when I told you
 When I'm with you, all I get is wild thoughts
Wild, wild, wild
Wild, wild, wild thoughts
Wild, wild, wild
When I'm with you, all I get is wild thoughts
Wild, wild, wild
When I'm with you, all I get is wild thoughts🎶 blasting from his phone . *ApexRingtone Ringing* My phone going off. I press ignore, me and Lil' sexy ( is what I call her) decides to give my new bae a lap dance. Twirl our phat asses in his face and teases him real good making sure he can't touch or get it. But we slip up on purpose and let him catch us. He pulls me to him and I look down but he puts his hand under my chin and left my head up. And looks at me deep in my eye. "No longer will you need to look down anymore, that's over now baby. For now on. You keep your pretty head up. Now look at me." He stands up and picks me up off my feet and place me on the bed Put my legs and feet in the air while my heels are still on. Kisses me from my feet, to my calves, to my legs, to my thighs, to my pussy, to both sides of my hips, to my stomach, to my breasts, to my neck, to my lips, mmmm sending chills to my spine his kisses was amazing setting me on fire, got me going crazy again. While his home girl kisses me, caresses my check and my breasts. "You got some nice lips. Beautiful how does my man, feel? Hmm?" "Mmmm shit. He feels so good. Keep going." "Ahhh wet this dick up for me babies ." "Ok daddy." "Ummm mmmm ahh mmm, slurrp." She takes the left side and I take the right. We slurp and suck on his dick keeping up the same rhythm making him lean his head back gasping for air. Moaning low then out loud. "Shhiit, hell yeah. Mmm yea baby girls suck that dick babies. Fuck." "Mmmm ahhh mmmm *chokes on it*" He picks me up and puts me on his dick and lays me down on my back and he makes love to me. And she's playing with herself fingering her pussy deep and slow. The same way how he's stroking me. "Hitting and stroking that pussy nice and slow.. mmm fuck!" "Ahhhh yesss... this.. feel so.. damn amazing." "Yeah daddy make love to her pussy oooh just like that." "Yeah baby. I told you. I got you. Mmm shit." Ahhh fuck. I never had it like this before. And I never had the best of both worlds, I've always wanted to try it and it's fucking litty. I mean damn watching her play with herself was making me wetter and wetter than a tsunami and a hurricane mixed together. He was deep in my pussy had me creaming and leaking my sweet juices all over the bed and his dick. But he was taking his time with it. Every time I tried to look away. He moves my head to him and tells me to look at him. "Every time you look away I will go harder and deeper. ... ok think I'm playing mmm mmm mmm ." "Oooh fuck you not playing damn. Ok, ok, ok, mmm shit yes yes, yes, yes, fuck I'm squirting already but keep going." "You can scratch me up if you want to. It's all good baby. Ahhhh fuck hell yeah." "Ahhh shit, yesss, don't stop. Don't stop." Then she made her way over to us on the bed and she said wanted to know if my head game was really bomb, just like my new bae so she sat her pussy on my face and I was licking and kissing her pussy lips rolling my tongue in circles sucking her clit. "Ahhhh shit yassss girl just like that. Baby are you hitting That pussy ? Ahhhh! Fuck damn girl yasss ahhh!!!" "Mmmm shit ahhhh mmm hmmm." "Damn this some great pussy." " ooohh her taste so fucking good." " ahhhh fuck ahhh shit ahh." *ApexRingtone Ringing* "Baby you're phone blowing up...'mmmm fuck why now?" "It's prolly work .... ohhh shit." "Won't me to answer it? Hmm won't big daddy to answer it? Mmmm" "'Mmmm fuck that phone and focus on this pussy." "Ohhh yes my queen. Ahhhh fuck fuck shit." *8 missed calls* *2 voicemails* *1Text Notification* "Husband: baby I'm sorry call let's talk" "You're FaceTime ringing again, baby lemme answer this shit." "But baby don't stop." I say with a naughty, slutty, pouty face. "Don't worry baby I'ma still hit this pussy. While you devour my home girl's pussy and I'ma talk at the same time... it's your husband. Allow me." "Hey baby look it's not what seems.. let's talk." "Hey ,sorry, bruh she occupied with me right now. " "What.. WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?!" "Her ex nigga who's about to be her new nigga all over again only difference is my home girl will be joining, Don't believe me? Lemme flip this camera, moan and say hey babies!!!" "Ahhhh fuck yesss, yesss, yesss, don't stop , ooh ,ohh, ohh, ohhh, yes, yes, don't stop." " Well as you can clearly hear the lady is done with you and just getting started with us . Deuces nicca!" I had to let him know a couple of things before he hung up. I had to slide her sweet pussy to side to speak and say my peace . "Dear future ex husband I'm done with you and your shit, have a good life with out me. The divorce papers are the bed. The same place you left the lovely note along some mysterious black lace panties that fit a size small. That I know damn well don't belong to me.... but anyway the divorce papers are signed, waiting for your signature." "No, no, baby---" "And don't try to deny shit I got receipts. My lawyer will be in touch. Bye!" I went to the fuck-festivities and told my bae to turn the music back up. 🎶Bring that shit back, let you hear somethin' twice Ask how to keep drama clear from her life Said, "I don't know, girl, but here's some advice Stop bein' friendly to the fuckboys Stop bein' friendly to the fuckboys Stop bein' friendly to the fuckboys Stop bein' friendly to the fuckboys" Hold up, I'm who you've been cravin' for The one that you save it for Hop in the shower and shave it for Come and watch Power the day before🎶 *Slide To Power Off* "Mmmm that shit was sexy,daddy. Made me wetter." "Mmmm lol I can tell. I got you don't worry. I told you. Bend over for daddy .... yeah... arch that back mmm yes just like that take this dick. And continue eating her out let's go. It's game time ladies. " "Ahhhh, yes, yes, daddy, daddy yes damn." " ahhh shit her tongue feels so fucking good." "Throw that ass back .... ohhhhh hell yea!!! There ya go." "Mmmmm shit I'm creaming and cumming again." "It's ok just let it all go on my dick. Making love to this pussy. How it feel baby? " "It feels soooo fucking good daddy damn I needed this .... fuccck!!!!!!!" "I know baby, I know Gotdamn!!!! " Fuck this is exactly what I needed. A good fucking till the sun comes up. I'm lit, eating out a bad bitch, and my ex is pounding the shit out of my pussy. Got damn it's really hard to explain it right now. Especially when the shit is going down right now.... mmm we change positions. This time me and her do a 69 and he fucks her while she eats me, and I lick her clit, while my new bae strokes her, moving his dick in and out. Her pussy is creaming and leaking all over my face, and my pussy is squirting on her tongue. Our pussies are so wet sound like some one is smacking and chewing gum. We moaning loud. Going on for hours. "Mmmmm ahhh fuck that's my spot, daddy" "Ahhhhh shit fuck yea." "Yeah. Take this dick." " ahhh shit I'm gon fuckin squirt again!!!!!" "Ahhhh shit come here baby let me bounce on the dick." "Let's go baby. Turn around lemme see that ass bounce up and down." "Spread your legs open so I can rub your clit, real fast and I'll do the same to mine." "Mmmm ahh shit. Yes, yes, yes, yess, yasssss ahhh fuck I'm squirting already." "Hell yea. Yasss girl yasss take our daddy's dick. Mmmmm ooouuu yassss." "Hell yea, baby there you go. There you go. There ya go. Ahhhh fuck you so fuckin tight keep going." "Ahhh fuck ahhh shit mmmmm" "Let's switch this time you bounce on daddy dick." "Ok. Mmmm." Spitting on her hand rubbing it on her pussy while straddling my new bae. And she begins bouncing like we shooting a porno. "Ahhhh fuck ahhh yass yasss." "Yes baby girls ahhh fuck. Mmmm shit." " GOTDAMN IT!!!" "AHhhhh AHHHH MMMM AHHH." "Fuck FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, YASS FUCK ME DADDY." "Ahhhhhh SHIT IM CUMMIN'." "Cum on this dick, come on. Cum on this dick!!!!" "Ahhhhhh. I'm about to nut come here, baby!!!" "Fuck I'm squirting ahhhh ahhhh aahhh ahhh ahhha mmm ummmm umm shit!!!!! SHIT!!!!!". Her squirting going one way and mine going the other. And he's nut is shooting straight up. All three of us exhales in relief and then we all hop in the shower and go to sleep cuddling with my new bae being in the middle. I'm on the right and his homegirl on the left. Fall sound asleep around 8 a.m. Waking up naked in bed to a sexy man, a baddie with a big smile on my face. I get my phone of the night stand and turn it on and it vibrate notifying me a bunch of text messages and missed calls from my girl/ attorney Shelia. "It's finalized. It's done." "Call me. ASAP!" "Hey girl you need to call me back as soon as you get this." So I call her to see what's the emergency. She picked up quick as hell. As y'all know I gotta brace my self for whatever bullshit could happen next. Even though I'm use to it but, still any crazy shit could happen. "Heyyyy girl finally, where you been?" "I've been , uhh .. a little tied up." "Ok. Lol. Anyway how soon can you come down to my office?" "I'm really not far from it about 15 mins away, why?" "Like I texted you, everything is finalized. All y'all gotta is get in front a judge in private and sign this last agreement. And you're divorced." "I'll be there gimme 15 mins,ok?" "Cool bye, girl." *Call Ended* I roll over to wake my bae up and asked him if he can give me a ride to Sheila's office. I told everything that I had to do and he quickly agreed. We woke up his homegirl and let her know that we'll be back, we had to handle some business. She said cool gave us both a kiss and went back to sleep. Then we got dressed and left. While driving to her office just a few miles away. He looks at me, holds my hand and kisses it and he tells me, that he got me no matter what. And I did the same thing in return. Making our way to her office upstairs two hours later in front of the judge. He asked me and my ex husband if we had any final things to say before leave this room and go our separate ways. My ex husband had the nerve to speak up and try to give me a crappy apology. He should've known, I was not going to accept it. But he keep going and we got in to a big argument. I was trying to be the bigger person, thank the judge for everything and walk away but this fool gonna grab my arm aggressively and told me I'm not gonna go anywhere until he was done talking. I pushed him off, I maybe little but I got some fire in me, fuck with me and you gonna get hurt. No threats, all promises. And this fool tried grabbing me again! The judge tried to warn him to stop, but he kept on going. Then when I yelled "Get the hell off of me!!". My bae barges in, but a female comes in with him. My bae got in my ex-husband's face. The mysterious female got in mine. Everybody was going back and forth. It was like an episode of Love and Hip Hop. "Ay, man get the fuck off my girl!" "She's my damn wife!" "Nah, homie EX-wife, you fucked that up, remember?" "Bitch, back up away from my man ." "Excuse you. Your man? No, no, you fucked that up too.. now I know you yeah. You fucked that up screwing around with my EX- husband on Snapchat. " "Bitch you ain't got no proof of that shit!" " First of all. BITCH! I got the receipts. Why you think this divorce got finalized so quick?! Dumb bitch." "Oh I got yo dumb bitch! Let's go." She pulls my hair, I pull hers but I get loose and push her to ground and punch her in the face a couple of times. She nicks me a little here and there we going back and forth until my bae pull me off of her. And she still talking shit on the ground with officers busting in the room and holding her down. The judge tells us to leave, before he send us both to jail. Luckily Shelia conceives the judge to let us go, and she hugs me to let me know that it's clear and I'm in good hands, so I don't need to fight. She tells me she'll call me later. Then my bae gets me to calm down and kisses me. Because he thought me and his ex fighting was sexy and it turned him on. We kissed and we get back in his 2017 Navy Blue Dodge Charger, and head back to the hotel. "But all jokes aside baby, I'm so glad I got you back.... I missed you." " I missed you more..." Then our song plays on his radio synced from his iPhone7. And he pulls over and looks at the back seat. And looks back at me. 🎶Pussy wet and dripping, I been like sipping I eat the pussy with precision 6 rings, Jordan, Pippen I do gymnastics with a brick and flip it Money to the ceiling, no I ain't tripping No conversation🎶 "You wanna have some in the back seat, baby?" "Mmmm you read my mind. Follow me." Both of us getting in the back and I straddle him and we kiss passionately while the music play and the bass hit. He unclips my bra and I take of his shirt.... 2 years and 12month laters... we got married and we have beautiful 3 months old twin girls, a brand new penthouse, in Beverly Hills. My massage therapist career really took off. Now I give out the best massages to A-List celebrities. And my man a started his own game system, he's been working on since high school. He just signed a 3.4 Million dollar contract deal with Sony. And we have been named one of the main power couples on social media. We are truly blessed. We wouldn't trade it for anything. So I guess everybody deserves second chances every now and then. We just have to use our best judgement, because I learned through out all of this. I deserved better. It was the best decision I ever made. Looking over the beautiful, California view. *Suddenly The Music Volume Goes Up* 🎶Baby you know who I am and girl I know just who you are🎶 And there is my bae with a glass of Hennessy. Totally naked, sexy smirking at me. 🎶We ain't gotta rush into shit cause being in love is too hard I'm tired of all these flashing lights, girl we should just fuck in the dark Once you let me in it, I'mma get to switching, different positions Have that ass wishing that I was your nigga Wishing that I was your nigga, yeah yeah yeah Wishing that I was your nigga, yeah Once you let me in it, I'mma get to switching, different positions Have that ass wishing that I was your nigga🎶 "Come on baby, the twins are asleep. And our song is on and you know what that mean..." "It's Game Time." Both of us saying our sex-que at the same damn time. Dropping my robe on the floor. Taking a sip of my Hennessy, kissing him and pushing him on the bed. I'll holla at y'all next time, deuces *Closes The Door* " Mmmm, ahhh ,Ahhh daddy." "Yeah, mommy." 🎶Wishing that I was your nigga Wishing that I was your nigga Oh, oh, wish I was yours Haha, wishing that I was your nigga Breezy holla at me🎶 MrsKandiiBaby💋🍭👅💦😏😘😜
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diyunho · 7 years
The Joker x Reader- “How To Be a Dad”
The Joker has never been around a pregnant woman before. Actually… just once, during a robbery and the poor thing fainted even if he didn’t do anything to her. You thought J would be bored with the whole process, but all he says is that he wants to see her NOW. Well, it doesn’t really work that way and your boyfriend is not famous for his patience.
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– At night, J likes to rest his head on your legs, face turned towards your huge bump.
“When is she coming out? I wanna see her!”
“Soon J, be patient.”
Joker and patience don’t go in the same sentence.
“But I wanna see her now, I’ve been waiting forever!”
“It’s happening soon enough.”
“Hey, Doll, do you think she already looks like me?”
“No, not yet.”
He pouts.
“Do you think she knows I’m her dad?”
“No, not yet J.”
He frowns.
“Do you think she has green hair?” he snickers, walking his fingers on your tummy.
“No, baby, no toxic green locks.”
“Do you think she has bright red hair?”
“No, I dye mine; if anything, Emma will have dark blonde hair, my natural color. Or maybe she’ll have your natural color. Is it brown or…?” “No, it’s a dark blonde too,” the Joker blurs out and after a few seconds he gasps. “Did you just…did you just make me tell you another one of my secrets, woman?!”
“Nooo, I didn’t make you do anything,” you smirk, trying not to laugh, all innocent and sweet.
“You’re sneaky, Y/N, stop it!” he pinches your thigh, aggravated you took advantage of him being smitten with the unborn baby. “Oh my God!” J shouts when he notices the small hand moving right under your skin. “There she is!” he excitedly touches her, sensing the shift. “This is so cool- cooler than being chased by Batsy,” he admits, huffing. “Jerk!” The Joker mutters, then pays attention to you again. “Does it hurt when she does that?” (he asks this very often and the reply never changes).
“No, handsome, she’s just wiggling around. Anxious to get out, I’m sure. Have you ever been around a pregnant person before?”
“Once, during a bank robbery. I decided to do it in plain daylight and this lady was there. She fainted.”
“What did you do to her?” You try to reach him but can’t bend at all.
 “Nothing, she just passed out when me and my men took over the place. There she is again!” he grins and one of Emma’s tiny feet stretches out pretty high this time. “Do you know what this reminds me of?”
“No, but please do share,” you sigh, curious to hear about another crazy idea for sure.
“Aliens movie! You think she might just burst out of there?” J pokes your bump, then caresses the skin to feel his daughter once more.
You start giggling, amused:
“I think we’re good on that one. She’ll come out the right way, no worries.”
“Oh, I forgot I got her something,” The Joker suddenly realizes and jumps out of bed.
“More stuff?!” you tease since the unborn has a room full of baby things.
“This is better than any of them,” J fumbles inside the closet and finally brings over the shiny diamond tiara he places on top of your tummy. “Here, a Princess should have one,” he excitedly brags and goes back to his favorite spot on your legs.
“Where did you get it from?!” “Gotham’s Bank vault,” he winks, proud of his achievement and scoots closer so you can touch him since you look so pathetic when you keep on trying and fail.
“And I was thinking you bought it, baby,” you wrap a strand of his hair around your chubbier than usual finger.
“I did, just forgot to pay,” he mocks, making sure the sparkly crown stays in place.
And you both have a good laugh about it - your boyfriend can be so funny sometimes, even if he thinks he’s funny all the time.
The Joker closes his blue eyes and you brush your index finger against his long eyelashes.
“What is it, Pumpkin?” he yawns, opening one eye.
“Could you please bring me a sliced cucumber and chocolate syrup?”
“Yuck, I don’t know how you can eat that disgusting combo,” he shivers, grossed out by your choices in food lately.
“I’m craving a bunch of weird snacks, I can’t help it. Remember last month when all I wanted was apple sauce with radishes and cinnamon powder?”
“Ewww, yes. I guess this is an upgrade, Doll. Can’t you go in the kitchen and make your own plate? I’m tired.”
You point out towards your diamond decorated bump:
“I can’t move or this will fall.”
“Uggghhh, fine, I’ll be back,” J agrees, dragging his feet on the carpet because he’s not in the mood for too much except staring at your belly to see Emma move.
– He feels nauseated watching you munch on your repulsive late dinner. J would love to fall asleep but the damn cucumbers are so crunchy when you bite out of them.
“Are you done, Y/N? I wanna sleep.”
“Done, the last one!” you shove the slice in your mouth and lean over him to place the bowl on the nightstand.
“Jesus, Princess, how much do you weight??!!” J puffs under your heaviness, over exaggerating, of course.
You’re a delicate little flower that doesn’t need negative comments.
“Whatever!!!! This is your fault!” you give him a sassy gaze, pinning him under you for a few more seconds this way he learns his lesson.
He just can’t talk like that to delicate little flowers.
“ I didn’t do anything,” The Joker pulls you in for a kiss, purring. “Just had some fun with my girl, the rest… you’re responsible for!” he taunts, delighted you can’t do too much but squirm on top of him.
“You’re so…so…so,” you stutter, outraged, not being able to find the word.
“What is this?!” he puckers his lips, intrigued when he feels it.
You try to look down in between the two of you without success.
“I think my water broke!”
– “Pumpkin, are you gonna die?” he growls, checking you out worried sick; he’s been asking this every 5 minutes in the last six hours.
“For God’s sake, I’m not dying !! I’m giving birth!”, you shriek through your clenched teeth, breathing in and out in a frenzy.
“Are you sure?” J triple checks furthermore.
“Yes, I’m sure,” and you squeeze his hand so hard you hear a few bones crack.
“Auuuchhh, don’t break my hand!” he whines, taking a step back.
“Take your rings off!” you urge him, panting. “It makes it worse.”
He hurries and does it, dumping them in a cup on the table.
“Give me your hand!” you shout, feeling the strong contractions hit your body with paralyzing strength.
“Ummm, don’t break it, OK?” he hesitantly gives it back, hoping for the best.
Who knew such a delicate little flower as yourself can have so much vigor?!
“Where’s my daughter?” The Joker stretches his free arm to lift the sheet covering you from the waist down and regrets it in the next moment. He’s seen a lot of messed up shit in his life but this takes the cake.
“Pretty soon, Mister J,” the doctor replies, wishing the Clown Prince of Crime would just behave and wait.
“ Kitten,” J gulps, even more tense. “Are you sure you’re not dying?”
“I’m sure, stop asking!” you groan, resting your head on the pillow. “This is your fault!” you blame J again, annoyed and in so much pain you are seeing red spots.
Your boyfriend completely ignores your outburst, tilting over to peck your forehead.
“Hurry up, Princess, I need to see her!”
“So sorry about the inconvenience!!!” you scream, muttering something else under your labored breathing. It wasn’t a nice statement.
“Yuck, Doll, you’re all sweaty!” he complains, wiping his lips.
Huh??! ! Delicate little flowers don’t get sweaty!!!!
“J, you’re not helping!” you state the obvious and push again, exhausted and anxious in the same time. You crush his fingers so hard J thinks his arm fell off. He wants to object but the doctor finally articulates the words he’s been craving to hear for so long:
“Alright, here she is!” and the crying starts after a few seconds.
– First time The Joker held Emma, he forgot to breathe.
“She looks like a little doll,” he whispers, mesmerized on how cute she is. “How long do you think it will take before she resembles us?”
“A while,” you take a deep breath and blink slowly, so jaded you can hardly speak.
The little one fusses and he almost panics, not knowing what to do but she calms down when he gently rocks her.
“I think…I think she smiled at me!” J exclaims. You doubt it, but can’t spoil his joy:
Delicate little flowers don’t do such things to a man they love.
“That’s because she knows you’re her dad,” you utter, making it even better for the new father.
“Really?” he kisses her cheek with an almost childish curiosity. ”You think so Y/N?”
“Yeah, now that you have her in your arms, she knows,” you rub your face, fighting to stay awake.
The Joker feels so many emotions at once and has no clue how to handle any of them. He’s not the one to analyze himself but damn, it’s just so overwhelming his chest hurts. Can’t be a heart attack, he’s too young.  
He paces alongside your bed, careful not to wake the newborn.
“Hey, Pumpkin, when can we have sex again?” he bites his lip, eager to go back to fun stuff.
“It’s gonna be a while, baby. Not too much, ok?” you quickly add when notice how disappointed he is. “ I just basically squeezed a watermelon through a prune so give me some credit. Be patient, please.”
Joker and patience don’t go in the same sentence.
“Just hurry up and get better, I have needs!” he sulks but winks when he realizes you don’t look too excited at his yapping.
Ahhh, such a charmer.
But you can’t rush this process on delicate little flowers.
Even the King of Gotham needs to understand it.
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juliansmaproject · 8 years
A career in film has always felt like the right thing to do. I have been very fortunate to have parents that have offered their all out full support in order for me to accomplish this dream as well. I wish I had few bucks for every look of doubt I’ve received after telling someone I’m studying film. I’ve been hit with a “What do you do with a degree that?” So many times, my answers feel rehearsed, blunt, and savage. Those people tend to not ask me the same question again. But, I need to back up my confidence with proof, and reason to be confident about my future and stability as a filmmaker. Not only do I owe it to myself, but to my parents and family who have set a high bar, and their legacy is one I want to add to greatly in my own life successes. So my film Leo had high personal stakes for me, beyond just a good grade or accomplishing something for the school, but this is our careers man! One thing I was not going to do was waste my time in school by leaving Leeds with nothing I can be proud to showcase. My opportunity to do Leo, was everything I to came Leeds for, and we did it, and I will do everything in my power along with my collaborators to get this movie seen in as many places as we can, because our careers and future count on it!
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This begs the question. What’s next? The obvious as stated above is to push the film. We’re pretty much complete with the post production project. We have an assessment screening shortly, and we’ve been working our tails off to get the film completed in time. Color and Sound were a bit rushed, so I’m predicting we might have to get back into the lab and the mixing booth, after seeing and hearing the film on the big screen and tighten up all the loose pieces, but I couldn’t be happier with our results. We’re producing an EPK and figuring out all the other materials necessary to increase the outreach and professionalism of our production. The work with the school may be complete, but we’ll be working on this film for the next two years on the festival circuit. I am excited! UPDATE: Just saw the film on the big screen! Man, that was fun. It played really well, and people seemed to enjoy it. I’m happy! Can’t wait to get back to work with Luis and our other colleagues this week to knock it out for good. So we can shift our focus to marketing and film festivals!
Still, what’s next though?
I don’t know. I want to a handful of things, and I have my hands in multiple pots. From film to music to stage production. Film, of course is my priority, but I call stage my back up, not the most solid back up, but I love it just as well. Acting comes a close third, and then rapping, but that’s a stretch!
For the past year I have been working on a stage musical called Hamlet, Damn It, with a good friend of mine Josh Horton from New Mexico. It is a rap musical based on, Hamlet respectively. We’re still working on all the music for the hour long show, but it’s all written and we’ve been asked by a theatre to produce it for a week long run this summer. Hopefully if the cards fall right, we can do so. The opportunity to have something you wrote produced by a legit production house is a rare chance, especially for a first time writer. I made a promo flick just to see how one of our songs sounded on record. Here it is below. 
What else is next though?
One of my new years resolutions was to finish two feature scripts by the years end. I have three features and a web series cooking in the pot currently, with one feature due to have a first draft complete next week. That’s exciting. I try to use my free time wisely and productively and do my best to produce constantly. Here’s a quick pitch of the features.
Belizean Fury: “Rex Fury is a washed up child star attempting to restart his career with a darker sequel to the action films that made him famous. After being framed for a crime whilst filming, and befriending rainforest conservationist Rex uncovers a life threatening plot that pits him and his new friends against the film production he’s starring in.”
Yeah, that sounds ridiculous I know. It’s an action comedy and it is very fun to write. I came up with the idea whilst traveling through Belize and it’s been a running a joke with my mates and I sense. But, I plan on making this joke into something real, produceable, and quality. It’s on my list to write soon, and hopefully I’ll be inspired to do it soon, but my current priorities lie elsewhere.
La Llorona. This is a film a based on a famous Latin American urban legend about a woman who haunts rivers searching for her lost children. Living in New Mexico we would hear about this story often and even when I spent time in Guatemala the same story was there. There are tons of people who claim to have contacted La Llorona and very famous author in New Mexico who will tell you about his experiences as a child coming across the spirit. So this is a very real story to some people. Many stories have been told about La Llorona and there have been a few films made, including one very low budget feature being produced now in my city back home. However, I think I have a strong script and idea, plus horror is such a niche genre and always in demand. I came of with the story with a friend of mine back in New Mexico in 2015, and we wrote five pages worth. They’re still the best five pages I’ve ever written. Now it’s on me to write the other 85 pages. This is one of the screenplays I hope to finish before the years end.
Barna. This is the writing project that has my current focus. I’ll have the first draft complete in a week. It’s my favorite so far. It is inspired by two friends and I when we visited my schoolmate Pilar in Barcelona, after spending a week in Cannes. The trip was crazy, and incredibly memorable. Much more memorable then Cannes to be honest. Spending time and connecting with some of your best friends in a beautiful places like Barcelona was something else. I did my best to take in all the beautiful moments we shared as a group, the conversations, the connection, and emulate that in script format. It’s been a fun process. I think the reason I have written so many pages is because it’s a dialogue heavy screenplay, and dialogue can fill up a lot of space. I’ve sent pages out to folks, and people seem to dig it, but we’ll see how it all comes together. Sooner than later, at the pace I’m writing at.
Julian’s Blue. This is a web series I’ve been writing. I’ve produced a few episodes as well that have been well received on my Facebook site. It was first inspired when I tried to ask a girl out here in England and I realized there is a whole dating culture here in the UK/Europe that is not the same as the dating culture I’m used to. The courting rituals, per se, for lack of better term. So this led to me creating this idea which was basically me trying and failing to ask girls out here in the UK. It evolved into a more introspective project about a rapper, who is struggling to find happiness with his own career as he returns home and deals with the pros and cons being a small town celebrity and facing his own past. The evolution led to totally separate versions, but hopefully I can fuse the best of both worlds. I have like four episodes written. Here are some links to two iterations I’ve created on the concept. 
The Leeds version is above.
The New Mexico version is below. 
Next to the films and ideas I have. I am really interested in performance poetry. My poetry is more like my hobby, but people seem to enjoy the videos. I’ve been hired to perform in Kent next month, that is something I didn’t expect to happen. My first real professional poetry gig. A lot of my colleagues have collaborated with me on my poems as well. I would like to find a way to combine poetic language and my films. I did a creative practice film my first year called What Else. and that was all done in rhyme. So hopefully in the future I can merge poetry and filmmaking together within my narrative productions. UPDATE: Just yesterday I won a poetry slam and I’ll representing Leeds in a multi city slam! Ahhh! I’m excited, I didn’t think I was good enough to win slams. Whoa! 
Luis shot the one below. He’s the man!
Here’s the one the that kicked off my love for the videos. Produced by my bro Antony Metaxakis, the best sound dude in Leeds. 
I am now apart of the MFA program here at the Northern Film School, but have yet to know what I need to do in order to complete this degree, but I plan to do something as productive as possible that will help enhance my portfolio and the possibility of becoming the best that I can be at the end of my experience here in Leeds.
I did just apply for a real job though. In New York. And I’ll continue searching for employment opportunities. I’m not particularly keen on returning to the states, so between now and July I’ll be searching for jobs. My goal for September is to be financially independent. I am confident that I can accomplish this goal in due time.
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Ideally I would like to direct music videos and commercials right now. I’ll be exploring these possibilities as much as I can.
So what’s next exactly? I don’t know. But, I am determined to accomplish the goals I’ve set out to do. I am not one that likes to talk the talk without walking the walk, and I talk a lot. I gotta back myself up. So I can talk more. I look forward to the future and my future collaborations with my friends and colleagues.
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